Subject: File No. 3-20537
From: Anonymous

February 7, 2022


The deadline for GTV Common Stock should not be June 2 (Attachment), it should have been the 30th of June at least.

I invested a total of two sums of money, one small sum before June 2, and the other large sum was mailed by check on the late of June with The consent of Mr. Guo, who is the originator and founder of GTV and Saraca, and the payment was successfully deducted, which also took effect. Together with the first investment, I got the receipt and the so-called equity code.

As far as I know, although on the surface, Mr. Guo announced to close the investment channel on June 2, it had not been closed actually. There were still people investing in the same bank until at least the end of June. So the deadline for GTV investment should not be June 2, it should have been the 30th of June at least.

Looking forward to correcting.
Thank you.
