Subject: File No. 3-20003
From: Kody Swaim

March 26, 2024

Hello, I am writing as a harmed investor of the UKG token not covered by the current proposed plan of distribution.

The Proposed Plan in the matter of Unikrn, Inc. does not appropriately address the full population of Harmed Investors as a result of the SEC ruling to suspend and delist the UKG token.

This plan will only distribute the fair fund to a small group of harmed investors who were a part of the original UKG ICO and purchased directly from Unikrn.

This plan fails to address and account for the harmed investors who were in possession of tokens at the time of the forced delisting of the asset.

The selling of these tokens into the secondary trading markets by investors who participated in the ICO created a secondary population of harmed investors. This secondary population of retail traders consumed the same Unikrn media as the ICO participators, and made investment decisions based on these same published materials that were used to facilitate the ICO. These public documents, available to secondary retail buyers of the UKG token, therin Unikrn represented that they would be able to access a variety of products and services with their UKG tokens, including placing bets on professional eSports and video game matches, and that over time Unikrn would make more features available. Unikrn further represented that it would facilitate a secondary trading market for the tokens and that its efforts. The increased usages for the UKG token would increase the demand for and in turn, the value of the tokens. This did not take place, and was not able to take place, because of the SEC ruling. This caused real financial harm to retail traders who were in possession of the token/security asset.

The proposed plan absolutely must be amended to include a pathway for retail traders who were left "holding the bag" at the time of the SEC ruling. Harmed investors belonging to this unrecognized group can easily prove eligibility of current ownership of tokens, with an underlying transaction history. They should also be able to prove fully they are still currently owners of the UKG tokenand have been at the time, of and since, the trading freeze.

As an example, I have been directly harmed by the SEC ruling and was a retail investor of UKG for an accumulation period of 3 years. I believed and was harmed by the promises made by Unikrn, and by the SEC decision to delist the token. Like other Unikrn harmed investors not included in the ICO, I am able to prove my purchase history, withdrawal history, and current ownership of UKG. Examples of this are attached.

Kody Swaim