Subject: File No. 3-15211

May 13, 2015

To whom it may concern -  I am referred to as Eligible Customer #1 in this matter and I have a comment and two questions.

First the comment - I find it hard to believe that of all the hundreds of investors that lost money in this scam, that there are only six that are now Eligible Customers.  Note that this is just a comment and I am glad that I am one of them!

Question #1 - I see that the firm was fined $4,350,000 but has not made any payments; the only payments made have been by Gregg Lorenzo.  Is the firm going to pay anything?  I would think that if they do not, that in the very least there should be money available from the underwriter and/or from a liability insurance policy held by the firm or by W2E.

I assume that the team assigned to this case is going to be compensated based on the total settlement amount and while I do not expect to get the full amount of my lost investment, I believe it is in everyone's interest to pursue any additional compensation in this matter, namely compensation from a liability insurance policy and from the underwriter.

Question #2 - Are there any criminal charges being brought against Gregg Lorenzo with regard to this matter? 

Please advise.