Subject: File No. 265-33
From: Title IV-D Slave
Affiliation: Modern Day Indentured Servant

December 2, 2020

Before we think about diversity and inclusion, lets consider the many ways we homogenize and exclude many Americans today. Under title IV-D of the Social Security Act, the subject of child support is provided. Child support is the worst thing to ever happen as it pertains to upward mobility.
It's it projected the at least 7 out of 10 black children are born in single parent household. In my community its more like 8/10. Black men see the opportunities provided to black women through these laws but it has resulted in many ills that greatly impact monetary opportunities.
I'm going to be honest, these antiquated laws and most importantly practices are completely destroying any opportunity of a black family social structure. This phenomenon has greatly limited community resources and devastated any opportunities for upward mobility indefinitely. I'm one of the lucky ones, I actually get to see my child. I'm actually considered the \"legal custodian\", whatever that means. Regardless of this fact, I pay taxes on my gross income, a percentage towards retirement, and insurance for me and my child. This is on top of a $1400 a month child support bill for absolutely nothing beside lining the pockets of state officials. I never received 1 income tax, my drivers license are frequently suspended, business license, and professional license. I tried to purchase my first home and cannot do so because I owe child support on a child that lives with me the majority of the time. The idea is absurd By the time everything is said and done, I qualify for food stamps. I make $54,000 per year, but after all the mandatory deductions I make $24000. Mind you I am still tasked with taking care of my son. After discovering that state's receive federal incentives for IV-D support programs and experiencing the level of fraud I have experienced at the local tribunal, this conversation about inclusion and diversity means absolutely nothing. Under title IV-D, most states look solely out for their own bottom line at the expense of the working class. This is especially true for the black man...remember most of our kids are born in single parent households. But what about the black who is there for their kids.
Who wants to work to achieve the American dream, I'm lumped in with all the other \"deadbeat\" black fathers. That statement is not meant to be offensive, but that is the way I am treated whenever dealing with any state tribunal. Many black and brown fathers choose to disenfranchise or get paid under the table just to make ends meat. Mind you, in my personal circumstance I am the legal custodial parent. Please explain how a perfectly capable father of African descent is to establish first generation wealth to pass down to his kids when all his extra income is given back to the state? I consider this a new form of slavery or at the very least, share cropping or indentured servitude. The states are benefitting, at everyones expense. Even if the state did take the money and use it for state programs, that in itself would be at least
constitutional question. So if you want to consider \"inclusion\" think about the things that \"exclude\" marginalized groups. This thing completely within the scope and duties of this administration, but I'm 100% sure, nothing of that will ever happen. I wonder how high up this goes? I'm starting to believe this money forcibly collected is sold as future debt in the form of treasury bonds. But its just a theory. Just want to know how and why our government allows this to happen.