Subject: File Number 265–33
From: Shea Rose

Oct. 28, 2021

To all who sit on the Sec,  

 I am writing you today, with many questions, but among the TOP of those questions is "why"? Why, has the  SEC not intervened in the many ways of manipulation CURRENTLY HAPPENING in our stock market,a market, known as "free and fair" , but to millions of investors has continued to be skewed in favor of big businesses, market makers and government officials. Why has orders for  ticker symbol #AMC been allowed to be rerouted to the dark pool for 6 more than months at this time with a rate of over 60%. One would consider this manipulation.why has rule 304(a) 4 SPECIFICALLY passed for situations just like this. If you are not familiar this rule states that the EEC has the power to BAN dark pools for a time period up to 30 This process will allow the SEC to address specific disclosures or activities that are the cause of the non-compliance with Regulation ATS or that violate federal securities laws. We average American investors have dutifully collected and on several occasions PROVEN wrong doing, by several entity's, including RObinhood, who according to one former CEO of a Hedgefund has never seen, took the buy button. Not for any other issue that it's own benefit. Americans vote, we pay taxes and we abide by the law. We expect our government to protect and serve us to the best of its ability. At this moment i CANNOT with Confidence say that the SEX is doing that for the investors of AMC. Would you please EXPLAIN why you have failed to protect investors and why you continue to ignore the blatant wrong doing and THEFT of millions of hardworking investors money.