Subject: File No. 265-28
From: Russell E Boyce
Affiliation: Consumer, Retired

May 5, 2016

Sirs, "Actual Fee's disclosure" is a topic that should have been discussed, acted on, and implemented when Investment decisions were being phased-out of Company Pension Funds and being put in Our hands as Retirement Savers ( 401's, etc.). The Investment Industry including the SEC owes us the ability to make proper decisions based on Real investment Dollar costs that are not buried in obscure percentage data that even higher education customers find difficult to calculate. Why should the Investment Industry be treated any differently than all others when it comes to Free Market Competition based on competitive product costs. I read that they baulk at these proposals because of the added costs of providing this information to us but from their side what would that matter as they do not provide actual cost now. All our investment data is performed through Computer programs as it stands now So what would be the actual long term cost to them to add a Cost Program to their existing Account data Programs. A simplification on my part maybe but not by much when it could be shared by them all. As it is now, I am left with the feeling of What are they trying to Hide from me. Just my opinion from an individual who has No realistic idea of how much in FEE's I have had to pay to Mutual Funds over the last 29 years preparing for retirement. Thank You for your efforts on getting the SEC TO LOOK INTO THIS MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE for the average consumer.