Subject: File No. 265-27
From: Scott Schwartz

September 15, 2011

I noticed that the members of the Advisory Committee on Small and Emerging Companies comprise of all business owners and no investors. I disagree with this. The SEC proposes regulations to protect investors. However, the investor might feel that some regulations are not in their best interest and hinders their ability to make good investment decisions in these companies. Thus, I propose that there should be some individual investors as committee members.

Scott Schwartz

SEC Website:

"Up to 20 voting members will be appointed to the Committee who can effectively represent those directly affected by, interested in, and/or qualified to provide advice to the Commission on its rules, regulations, and policies as set forth above. The Committee's membership will be balanced fairly in terms of points of view represented and functions to be performed."

""That is why a key component in our agency's mission is to facilitate capital formation while at the same time protecting investors"