Subject: 10-239: WebForm Comments from Spencer Neukam
From: Spencer Neukam

Feb. 27, 2023

February 27, 2023


This is an incredible conflict of interest to allow a hedge fund to also operate an exchange. As an American citizen, this is absolutely something I do not want in our financial markets.

This would provide incredibly ability of a hedge fund to perform 24 hour a day trading, while regular American citizens (i.e. retail or preferably 'household' investors) are not granted the same access. We are limited to a standard trading day.

Presumably, financial markets are for the betterment of American citizens and their ability to participate in exchanging stock. 10-239 significantly reduces the ability of common citizens to exchange in a fair marketplace and introduces highly questionable conflicts of interest for 24 Exchange.

I firmly believe that by granting a hedge fund the ability to operate an Exchange will open the doors for potential illegal trades in our financial markets.

I firmly do not support this.

Thank you,
Spencer Neukam