Subject: 10-239: WebForm Comments from Luka Trammel
From: Luka Trammel

Feb. 28, 2023

February 28, 2023

 I, as a household investor, am against this rule proposal. This would be a rule change that would only hurt and be a disadvantage for the normal, everyday investor.

Household investors already have their backs against the wall when investing through the stock market.

A supposed free market should have rules at hand that would allow that to continue and this is a proposed rule that would be going against that.

It's no surprise this has been proposed, seeing as who it originated from, but it needs to stop.

A lot more eyes are paying attention nowadays and rules that level the playing field should be accepted and applied, not ones that continue to stack the deck against certain investors.

Please, for the sake of the everyday people, deny this proposal.

Thank you for taking the time.
Enjoy your Tuesday Thank you.