Subject: 10-239: WebForm Comments from Household Investor
From: Household Investor

Feb. 28, 2023

February 28, 2023

     It is absolutely unthinkable Steve Cohen, who has been charged with insider trading and fraud, would be allowed to operate anything resembling an exchange via HIS OWN HEDGE FUND.

    If this exchange allowed to exist the stock market in the US will have signaled itself as having absolutely no respect for truth and transparency, and will make it clear to individual investors that it is too fraudulent for market position of any kind.

    The current state of the market is completely off balance due to market distortions created by NAKED SHORT SELLING, PAYMENT FOR ORDER FLOW, FRONT RUNNING, FAILING TO DELIVER, and other forms of MARKET MANIPULATION. This change would tilt the scales even further. We are all expecting the people's voice to be heard, and as a household investor, I DENY THIS APPLICATION AND YOU SHOULD TOO.