Subject: 10-239: WebForm Comments from Jared Citizen
From: Anonymous

Feb. 26, 2023

February 26, 2023

 Considering that three of the largest hedge funds, Citadel, Citi, and Susquehanna have a combined $210 Billion in Securities Sold Not Yet Purchased, it seems unwise for there to be an exchange operating 24/7/365 where they can manipulate the NBBO through internalization, front running, and other MM privileges at an even faster rate than they currently already do.

Retail already don't have access to much of the market's most profitable hours (pre- and post- market hours is where most of the price improvement occurs in the last 50 years).

This exchange would increase the amount of time HFs and MMs are able to exploit their loopholes and their technological advantages.

This exchange should not be approved.