Subject: File No. 10-222
From: Carlos J Estate
Affiliation: Private Investor

February 28, 2016

Mr. Brent J. Fields
Secretary U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549-1090

February 28, 2016

Re: Investors Exchange LLC Form 1 Application (Release No. 34-75925 File No. 10-222)

Dear Mr. Fields:

I fully support the approval of the IEX application by the SEC.

The investing public looks to the SEC to monitor and then promote a fair and equitable playing field for all investors, most especially long-term investors, who provide the capital to the nations economy.

I believe it is imperative that at least one exchange be championed by the SEC that eliminates the inequities currently enjoyed by HFT firms at the cost of the majority of the investing public, myself included.

To a great degree I feel that proper oversight in the markets to insure fair practices has been abrogated to those who would take advantage of it and profit unfairly. In my estimation no greater threat exists for markets than to lose the trust of the investors it serves.

We, the public, look to you to protect our interests as so stated within the Regulation National Market System, and approved by the SEC, specifically that the NMS must meet the needs of longer-term investors, and that any other outcome would be contrary to the Exchange Act and its objectives of promoting fair and efficient markets that serve the public interest.

In light of this I strongly urge you to approve the IEX application as it stands in the most expeditious manner possible.

Most sincerely,

Carlos J. Estape
Private Investor