Subject: File No. 10-222
From: Thomas Doyle
Affiliation: Individual Investor

January 21, 2016

Mr. Brent Fields
Secretary: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549
Re: File 10-222 Investors Exchange LLC Notice of Filing of Application

Dear Mr. Fields,
The question I ask for the application from Investors Exchange LLC to become a Registered Exchange is, why not? While Im hearing and reading why this application should be approved and the various reasons in support of it, why would the Commission reject this application?

You have heard from Chief investment Officers who have billions in the market, Pension Fund Managers, Global Trading Companies, Accountants, General Counsel of Major Corporations, CEOs, CFOs, Managing Partner of Investment funds to Individual Investors, all the way to a young 8th Grader from Oregon. All with the same message and one that I echo. I believe it is in the best interest of the Commission to grant Investors Exchange LLC application as a National Securities Exchange.
Not only is it in the Commissions best interest but most important, it is my and future Investors best interests to grant this application. I am an Individual Investor in the market who works through a Money Manager and Financial Planner. In my research I understand this will:
Promote Competition
Level the playing Field
Provide Transparency
Elimination of Speed in the market for transactions
This is just to name a few advantages as I see with the Application approval.
I believe the Investors Exchange LLC approach will provide me and future investors a competitive opportunity, one which will provide the level playing field and let the best man win. Let their product match up to other Exchanges and prove how competition will allow everyone to win. Most important, the 8th grader from Oregon who is placing his trust in you as the Commission to make it a Fair Market.
Thomas Doyle
Wallingford, Connecticut