Subject: File No. 10-222
From: Robert P Rowley

January 5, 2016

During my 40 year business career I was an employee of one of the major accounting firms and later, the CFO of two very large US corporations. During that time I gained an enormous respect for the increasingly complex and important role of the SEC.
Later, during my retirement, I became a regular trader and investor in the US stock market, entirely for my own account.
I have no business or personal relationships with any of the principals or employees of IEX.
Since the publication of "Flash Boys" I, like thousands of other investors have become increasingly aware of the efforts of the IEX organization to help level the playing field for all investors. Our country needs more people with such remarkable ethics and business competence.
SEC approval of their application to become a full exchange would send a strong message to the investing public that the SEC is on their side.