Subject: File No. 10-222
From: Sree M Iyer
Affiliation: Blogger on High Frequency Trading

December 14, 2015

With Bank interest rates near zero for the past several years, everyone wanting a decent return on their savings have been reliant on Stocks.
High Frequency Trading has hurt many Mutual Funds badly using tactics such as Order Stuffing, Front Running etc. Will the average investor be ever compensated for this?
When NYSE, NASDAQ became profit making entities, they should have been stripped of their legal immunity. This was an oversight on part of the US Govt.
IEX is sincere, means well and provides a level playing field for all. DO NOT STOP them from trading.
And one more thing - HFT companies (and Wall Street in general) have twisted the laws of this great country to suit a few. Pl. roll this back and make this country great again.
The WHOLE world is watching.