State location: | State of Inc.: OH | Fiscal Year End: 1231
Filings | Format | Description | Filed/Effective | File/Film Number |
15-12B | Documents | Securities registration termination [Section 12(b)] Acc-no: 0001193125-19-047165 (34 Act) Size: 22 KB |
2019-02-21 | 001-33828 19623037 |
25 | Documents | Notification of the removal from listing and registration of matured, redeemed or retired securities Acc-no: 0001193125-19-034081 (34 Act) Size: 20 KB |
2019-02-11 | 001-33828 19586128 |
EFFECT | Documents | Notice of Effectiveness Acc-no: 9999999995-14-000249 (33 Act) Size: 4 KB |
2014-01-30 | 333-169708-01 14562620 |
POS AM | Documents | Post-Effective amendments for registration statement Acc-no: 0000908834-14-000031 (33 Act) Size: 183 KB |
2014-01-28 | 333-169708-01 14550118 |
EFFECT | Documents | Notice of Effectiveness Acc-no: 9999999995-10-003159 (33 Act) Size: 4 KB |
2010-11-05 10:00:00 | 333-169708-01 101170533 |
S-3/A | Documents | [Amend] Registration statement under Securities Act of 1933 Acc-no: 0000908834-10-000333 (33 Act) Size: 519 KB |
2010-11-03 | 333-169708-01 101160153 |
S-3 | Documents | Registration statement under Securities Act of 1933 Acc-no: 0000908834-10-000281 (33 Act) Size: 930 KB |
2010-10-01 | 333-169708-01 101101421 |
424B2 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(2)] Acc-no: 0001193125-08-048619 (33 Act) Size: 318 KB |
2008-03-06 | 333-146225-01 08670176 |
FWP | Documents | Filing under Securities Act Rules 163/433 of free writing prospectuses Acc-no: 0000908834-08-000090 (34 Act) Size: 12 KB |
2008-03-05 | 333-146225-01 08667138 |
424B5 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(5)] Acc-no: 0001193125-08-047429 (33 Act) Size: 320 KB |
2008-03-05 | 333-146225-01 08666674 |
8-A12B | Documents | Registration of securities [Section 12(b)] Acc-no: 0000908834-07-000434 (34 Act) Size: 47 KB |
2007-11-13 | 001-33828 071235804 |
EFFECT | Documents | Notice of Effectiveness Acc-no: 9999999995-07-003972 (33 Act) Size: 4 KB |
2007-10-05 10:00:00 | 333-146225-01 071160639 |
S-3 | Documents | Registration statement under Securities Act of 1933 Acc-no: 0000908834-07-000387 (33 Act) Size: 997 KB |
2007-09-21 | 333-146225-01 071128403 |
424B2 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(2)] Acc-no: 0001193125-06-214781 (33 Act) Size: 417 KB |
2006-10-25 | 333-128286-01 061163291 |
FWP | Documents | Filing under Securities Act Rules 163/433 of free writing prospectuses Acc-no: 0001193125-06-214776 (34 Act) Size: 6 KB |
2006-10-25 | 333-128286-01 061163260 |
424B5 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(5)] Acc-no: 0001193125-06-214719 (33 Act) Size: 419 KB |
2006-10-25 | 333-128286-01 061163212 |
424B2 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(2)] Acc-no: 0001193125-05-228580 (33 Act) Size: 317 KB |
2005-11-17 | 333-128286-01 051212593 |
424B5 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(5)] Acc-no: 0001193125-05-228043 (33 Act) Size: 319 KB |
2005-11-17 | 333-128286-01 051210945 |
S-3/A | Documents | [Amend] Registration statement under Securities Act of 1933 Acc-no: 0000908834-05-000644 (33 Act) Size: 318 KB |
2005-10-03 | 333-128286-01 051116019 |
S-3 | Documents | Registration statement under Securities Act of 1933 Acc-no: 0000908834-05-000624 (33 Act) Size: 826 KB |
2005-09-13 | 333-128286-01 051082583 |
424B5 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(5)] Acc-no: 0001193125-03-028256 Size: 700 KB |
2003-08-04 | 333-104186-02 03819572 |
424B2 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(2)] Acc-no: 0001193125-03-024698 Size: 347 KB |
2003-07-28 | 333-104186-02 03806100 |
424B5 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(5)] Acc-no: 0001193125-03-023283 Size: 349 KB |
2003-07-24 | 333-104186-02 03800464 |
S-3/A | Documents | [Amend] Registration statement under Securities Act of 1933 Acc-no: 0000908834-03-000244 Size: 161 KB |
2003-06-26 | 333-104186-02 03759268 |
S-3/A | Documents | [Amend] Registration statement under Securities Act of 1933 Acc-no: 0000908834-03-000242 Size: 158 KB |
2003-06-25 | 333-104186-02 03756768 |
S-3/A | Documents | [Amend] Registration statement under Securities Act of 1933 Acc-no: 0000908834-03-000196 Size: 159 KB |
2003-05-13 | 333-104186-02 03696184 |