RIG NAME WD DESIGN LOCATION STATUS* OPERATOR -------- -- ------ -------- ------- -------- DOMESTIC DEEPWATER SEMISUBMERSIBLES (6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Quest 3,500' Victory Class GOM Contracted Pogo Ocean Star 5,500' Victory Class GOM Contracted Kerr-McGee Ocean America 5,500' Ocean Odyssey GOM Contracted Mariner Ocean Valiant 5,500' Ocean Odyssey GOM Contracted ENI Ocean Victory 5,500' Victory Class GOM Contracted W&T Offsshore Ocean Confidence 7,500' DP Aker H-3.2 Modified GOM Contracted BP DOMESTIC 2ND/3RD GENERATION SEMISUBMERSIBLES (4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Voyager 2,000' Victory Class GOM DODI -- Ocean Concord 2,200' F&G SS-2000 GOM Contracted Kerr-McGee Ocean Lexington 2,200' F&G SS-2000 GOM Contracted Walter Oil & Gas Ocean Saratoga 2,200' F&G SS-2000 GOM Contracted LLOG RIG NAME CURRENT TERM DAYRATE (000S) START DATE EST. END DATE -------- ------------ -------------- ---------- ------------- DOMESTIC DEEPWATER SEMISUBMERSIBLES (6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Quest one well mid 70's early Dec. 2004 mid Jan. 2005 Ocean Star 220 day extension mid 70's early Dec. 2004 mid July 2005 Ocean America one well extension mid 80's late Oct. 2004 mid Jan. 2005 Ocean Valiant third of three wells plus option high 50's late Dec. 2003 early Jan. 2005 Ocean Victory two wells mid 70's mid Aug. 2004 late Dec. 2004 Ocean Confidence five-year term 170's early Jan. 2001 early Jan. 2006 DOMESTIC 2ND/3RD GENERATION SEMISUBMERSIBLES (4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Voyager -- -- -- -- Ocean Concord one well plus option mid 50's early Oct. 2004 late Dec. 2004 Ocean Lexington one well high 40's early Sept. 2004 late April 2005 Ocean Saratoga one well low 50's late Oct. 2004 mid Dec. 2004 RIG NAME FUTURE CONTRACT AND OTHER INFORMATION -------- ------------------------------------- DOMESTIC DEEPWATER SEMISUBMERSIBLES (6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Quest LOI for one well in low 100's beginning mid Jan. 2005 and ending mid Mar. 2005; followed by LOI for one well in high 110's beginning mid Mar. and ending late June 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Star 90 day term extension plus option with Kerr-McGee in low 140's beginning mid July 2005 and ending early Oct. 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean America One well extension plus option with Mariner in mid 110's beginning mid Jan. 2005 and ending mid Feb. 2005; followed by two wells plus option with Mariner in low 130's beginning mid Feb. and ending late May 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Valiant One well plus options with Kerr-McGee in mid 80's beginning early Jan. and ending mid Feb. 2005; followed by one well with Kerr-McGee in high 90's beginning mid Feb. 2005 and ending late April 2005, followed by one well plus options with Kerr-McGee in low 130's beginning late April and ending late June 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Victory One well plus option with Newfield in mid 90's beginning late Dec. 2004 and ending mid Feb. 2005. LOI for two wells in low 130's beginning mid Feb. and ending late May 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Confidence Available; actively marketing. DOMESTIC 2ND/3RD GENERATION SEMISUBMERSIBLES (4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Voyager Reactivating. One well with Murphy in low 70's beginning mid Dec. 2004 and ending early Feb. 2005; followed by one well with Walter in mid 70's beginning early Feb. 2005 and ending early Mar. 2005; followed by one well with Walter in low 80's beginning early Mar. 2005 and ending early April 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Concord One well with ENI in mid 50's beginning late Dec. 2004 and ending early Mar. 2005; followed by one well for Kerr-McGee in upper 50's beginning early Mar. and ending early April 2005; followed by one well plus option with Kerr-McGee in mid 70's beginning early April and ending early June 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Lexington Three well extension with Walter beginning in early Sept. and ending in late Dec. 2004. Rate for first well in mid 40's, second and third wells in upper 40's. Three additional extension wells with Walter beginning in late Dec. 2004 and ending late Mar. 2005. Rate for first and second wells in mid 50s with third well in low 60s. One additional well plus option with Walter in low 60's beginning late Mar. and ending late April 2005; followed by approximately 120-day Survey and maintenance. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Saratoga Three well extension with LLOG in mid 60's beginning mid Dec. 2004 and ending late April 2005. Available; actively marketing.
RIG NAME WD DESIGN LOCATION STATUS* OPERATOR -------- -- ------ -------- ------- -------- DOMESTIC JACKUPS (12) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Crusader 200' Mat Cantilever GOM Contracted Walter Oil & Gas Ocean Drake 200' Mat Cantilever GOM Contracted Chevron/Texaco Ocean Champion 250' Mat Slot GOM Contracted Millennium Independent Leg Ocean Columbia 250' Cantilever GOM Contracted ADTI/Kerr-McGee Independent Leg Ocean Spartan 300' Cantilever GOM Contracted LLOG Independent Leg Ocean Spur 300' Cantilever GOM Contracted Spinnaker Independent Leg Ocean King 300' Cantilever GOM Contracted Houston Exploration Independent Leg Ocean Nugget 300' Cantilever GOM Contracted ADTI/Mission Independent Leg Ocean Summit 300' Cantilever GOM Contracted LLOG Independent Leg Ocean Warwick 300' Cantilever GOM Shipyard DODI Independent Leg Ocean Titan 350' Cantilever GOM Contracted Stone Energy Independent Leg Ocean Tower 350' Cantilever GOM Contracted W&T Offshore RIG NAME CURRENT TERM DAYRATE (000S) START DATE EST. END DATE -------- ------------ -------------- ---------- ------------- DOMESTIC JACKUPS (12) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Crusader second of two wells plus option mid 30's early Nov. 2004 late Dec. 2004 Ocean Drake 60 day term extension plus option low 40's early Nov. 2004 early Jan. 2005 Ocean Champion one well mid 30's early Sept. 2004 late Dec. 2004 Ocean Columbia one well extension mid 30's mid Nov. 2004 mid Dec. 2004 Ocean Spartan one well extension mid 40's early Dec. 2004 mid Feb. 2005 Ocean Spur one well mid 40's mid Dec. 2004 late Jan. 2005 Ocean King two wells mid 40s late Aug. 2004 early Jan. 2005 Ocean Nugget one well low 40's mid Nov. 2004 early Jan. 2005 Ocean Summit three wells plus option high 30's early Sept. 2004 early Jan. 2005 Ocean Warwick -- -- -- -- Ocean Titan one well plus option low 50's early Nov. 2004 early Jan. 2005 Ocean Tower two wells mid 40's late Oct. 2004 late Dec. 2004 RIG NAME FUTURE CONTRACT AND OTHER INFORMATION -------- ------------------------------------- DOMESTIC JACKUPS (12) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Crusader Two well extension plus option with Walter in high 30's beginning late Dec. 2004 and ending mid Feb. 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Drake Available; actively marketing. Ocean Champion Available; actively marketing. Ocean Columbia Three wells with Kerr-McGee in mid 40's beginning mid Dec. 2004 and ending mid Mar. 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Spartan Available; actively marketing. Ocean Spur Available; actively marketing. Ocean King Available; actively marketing. Ocean Nugget One well with ADTI/Mission in high 40's beginning early Jan. and ending mid Jan. 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Summit Two wells with LLOG in mid 40's beginning early Jan. and ending mid Mar. 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Warwick In shipyard for repair of damage due to Hurricane Ivan. Ocean Titan One well plus options with BHP in mid 50's beginning early Jan. and ending early May 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Tower One well plus option with ChevronTexaco in mid 50's beginning late Dec. 2004 and ending late June 2005. Available; actively marketing.
RIG NAME WD DESIGN LOCATION STATUS* OPERATOR -------- -- ------ -------- ------- -------- INTERNATIONAL SEMISUBMERSIBLES (17) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEXICO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean Ambassador 1,100' Bethlehem SS-2000 GOM Contracted PEMEX Ocean Whittington 1,500' Aker H-3 GOM Contracted PEMEX F&G 9500 Enhanced Ocean Worker 3,500' Pacesetter GOM Contracted PEMEX Ocean Yorktown 2,850' F&G SS-2000 GOM Contracted PEMEX NORTH SEA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean Nomad 1,200' Aker H-3 North Sea -- DODI Earl & Wright Sedco Ocean Guardian 1,500' 711 Series North Sea Contracted Shell Ocean Princess 1,500' Aker H-3 North Sea Contracted Talisman Ocean Vanguard 1,500' Bingo 3000 North Sea Contracted ENI AUSTRALASIA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean Bounty 1,500' Victory Class Australia Contracted OMV Ocean Patriot 1,500' Bingo 3000 Australia Contracted Apache Ocean Epoch 1,640' Korkut Australia Contracted Santos Ocean General 1,640' Korkut Mobe to survey DODI -- Ocean Baroness 7,000' Victory Class Indonesia Contracted Unocal Ocean Rover 7,000' Victory Class Malaysia Contracted Amerada Hess RIG NAME CURRENT TERM DAYRATE (000S) START DATE EST. END DATE -------- ------------ -------------- ---------- ------------- INTERNATIONAL SEMISUBMERSIBLES (17) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEXICO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Ambassador four year term work mid 50's late July 2003 mid Dec. 2007 Ocean Whittington four year term work low 60's late July 2003 early Oct. 2006 Ocean Worker four year term work high 60's mid Aug. 2003 late July 2007 Ocean Yorktown four year term work mid 40's late Oct. 2003 mid July 2007 NORTH SEA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Nomad -- -- -- -- Ocean Guardian one year high 40's late March 2004 late March 2005 Ocean Princess three wells plus option low 60's early Oct. 2004 early Dec. 2004 Ocean Vanguard one well low 140's early Oct. 2004 late Dec. 2005 AUSTRALASIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Bounty three wells mid 70's early Sept. 2004 mid Feb. 2005 Ocean Patriot two wells high 70's early Nov. 2004 late Dec. 2004 Exeter/Mutineer Ocean Epoch development plus option mid 60's mid Jan. 2004 late Jan. 2005 Ocean General -- -- -- -- Ocean Baroness 180 day option 110's early Nov. 2004 late Dec. 2004 Ocean Rover second of two assignment wells low 110's early Nov. 2004 mid Dec. 2004 RIG NAME FUTURE CONTRACT AND OTHER INFORMATION -------- ------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL SEMISUBMERSIBLES (17) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEXICO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Ambassador Available. Ocean Whittington Available. Ocean Worker Available. Ocean Yorktown Available. NORTH SEA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Nomad One year program with Talisman in U.K. North Sea in low 80's beginning early Jan. 2005 and ending early Jan. 2006. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Guardian LOI for one year program in U.K. North Sea in low 80's beginning late Mar. 2005 and ending late Mar. 2006. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Princess One year extension in U.K. North Sea in low 80's beginning early Dec. 2004 and ending late Dec. 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Vanguard One year program in Norway with Statoil in low 140's beginning in late Dec. 2004 and ending in late Dec. 2005. Available; actively marketing. AUSTRALASIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Bounty LOI for one well plus option in mid 70's beginning in mid Feb. and ending in early Mar. 2005; followed by one well plus option with Hardman in low 80's beginning in early Mar. 2005 and ending late Mar. 2005; followed by LOI for one well plus option in mid 80's beginning late Mar. and ending mid May 2005; followed by LOI for one well plus option in mid 80's beginning mid May and ending late June 2005; followed by LOI for one well in mid 80's beginning late June and ending mid July 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Patriot Second of two wells with Bass Straits beginning late Dec. 2004 and ending late Jan. 2005. Two wells with Woodside beginning late Jan. and ending late Feb. Two wells plus option with Santos beginning late Feb. and ending early May. LOI for one well plus three options beginning early May and ending late June 2005. All wells in high 70's. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Epoch Available; actively marketing. Ocean General UWILD survey; followed by two wells with KNOC in Korea plus mobe/demobe in high 60's beginning mid Dec. and ending mid April 2005; followed by one well plus one option plus demobe with KNOC in Viet Nam in mid 50's beginning mid April and ending early June 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Baroness 180 day extension in mid 130's beginning late Dec. 2004 and ending mid May 2005. Available; actively marketing. Ocean Rover Second option well with Murphy declared in low 120's beginning mid Dec. 2004 and ending mid Jan. 2005. Option wells three to six exercised in mid 120's beginning mid Jan. and ending early July 2005. Available; actively marketing.
RIG NAME WD DESIGN LOCATION STATUS* OPERATOR -------- -- ------ -------- ------- -------- BRAZIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean Yatzy 3,300' DP DYVI Super Yatzy Brazil Contracted Petrobras Ocean Winner 3,500' Aker H-3 Brazil Contracted Petrobras Ocean Alliance 5,000' Alliance Class Brazil Contracted Petrobras INTERNATIONAL DRILLSHIPS(1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean Clipper 7,500' DP Fluor/Mitsubishi Brazil Contracted Petrobras INTERNATIONAL JACKUPS(2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent Leg Ocean Sovereign 250' Cantilever Bangladesh Contracted Cairn Energy Independent Leg Ocean Heritage 300' Cantilever India Contracted Cairn Energy COLD STACKED (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean Liberator 600' Aker H-3 S. Africa Cold Stacked DODI Ocean Endeavor 2,000' Victory Class GOM Cold Stacked DODI Ocean New Era 1,500' Korkut GOM Cold Stacked DODI RIG NAME CURRENT TERM DAYRATE (000S) START DATE EST. END DATE -------- ------------ -------------- ---------- ------------- BRAZIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Yatzy 700 day extension mid 70's early Nov. 2003 mid Oct. 2005 Ocean Winner 700 day extension mid 50's early April 2004 mid March 2006 Ocean Alliance one year extension high 90's early Sept. 2004 early Sept. 2005 INTERNATIONAL DRILLSHIPS(1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Clipper 700 day extension low 100's early Jan. 2003 early March 2006 INTERNATIONAL JACKUPS(2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Sovereign three wells plus option low 60's mid Nov. 2004 mid April 2005 Ocean Heritage six wells plus options low 60's early Nov. 2004 late April 2005 COLD STACKED (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Liberator -- -- -- -- Ocean Endeavor -- -- -- -- Ocean New Era -- -- -- -- RIG NAME FUTURE CONTRACT AND OTHER INFORMATION -------- ------------------------------------- BRAZIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean Yatzy Available. Ocean Winner Available. Ocean Alliance Available. INTERNATIONAL DRILLSHIPS(1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean Clipper Available; actively marketing. INTERNATIONAL JACKUPS(2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean Sovereign Available; actively marketing. Ocean Heritage Available; actively marketing. COLD STACKED (3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean Liberator Cold stacked Nov. '02. Ocean Endeavor Cold stacked March '02. Ocean New Era Cold stacked Dec. '02.