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12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2012


A. Basis of Presentation and Principles of Consolidation

The consolidated financial statements of The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. (“THG” or the “Company”), include the accounts of The Hanover Insurance Company (“Hanover Insurance”) and Citizens Insurance Company of America (“Citizens”), THG’s principal U.S. domiciled property and casualty companies; Chaucer Holdings plc (“Chaucer”), a specialist insurance underwriting group which operates through the Society and Corporation of Lloyd’s (“Lloyd’s”) and certain other insurance and non-insurance subsidiaries. These legal entities conduct their operations through several business segments discussed in Note 13 – “Segment Information”. The acquisition of Chaucer on July 1, 2011, which has added meaningful business volumes to THG results, has affected the comparability of the consolidated financial statements and related footnotes for the years ended December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010. Results of operations for the year ended December 31, 2012 include results from all of the Company’s business segments, while results of operations for the year ended December 31, 2011 include Chaucer’s results for only the period from July 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. Results of operations for 2010 do not include any results from Chaucer. Additionally, the consolidated financial statements include the Company’s discontinued operations, consisting primarily of the Company’s former life insurance businesses, its accident and health business and its third party administrator. All intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”) requires the Company to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. In the opinion of the Company’s management these financial statements reflect all adjustments, consisting of normal recurring items necessary for a fair presentation of the financial position and results of operations.

B. Valuation of Investments

In accordance with the provisions of ASC 320, Investments – Debt and Equity Securities (“ASC 320”), the Company is required to classify its investments into one of three categories: held-to-maturity, available-for-sale or trading. The Company determines the appropriate classification of fixed maturity and equity securities at the time of purchase and re-evaluates such designation as of each balance sheet date.

Fixed maturities and equity securities are classified as available-for-sale. Available-for-sale securities are carried at fair value, with the unrealized gains and losses, net of taxes, reported in accumulated other comprehensive income, a separate component of shareholders’ equity. The amortized cost of fixed maturities is adjusted for amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts to maturity. Such amortization is included in net investment income.

Fixed maturities that are delinquent are placed on non-accrual status, and thereafter interest income is recognized only when cash payments are received.

Realized investment gains and losses are reported as a component of revenues based upon specific identification of the investment assets sold. When an other-than-temporary decline in value of a specific investment is deemed to have occurred, and a charge to earnings is required, the Company recognizes a realized investment loss.

The Company reviews investments in an unrealized loss position to identify other-than-temporary declines in value. When it is determined that a decline in value of an equity security is other-than-temporary, the Company reduces the cost basis of the security to fair value with a corresponding charge to earnings. When an other-than-temporary decline in value of a debt security is deemed to have occurred, the Company must assess whether it intends to sell the security or more likely than not will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost basis. If the debt security meets either of these two criteria, an other-than-temporary impairment (“OTTI”) is recognized in earnings equal to the entire difference between the security’s amortized cost basis and its fair value at the impairment measurement date. If the Company does not intend to sell the debt security and it is not more likely than not the Company will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost basis, the credit loss portion of an other-than-temporary impairment is recorded through earnings while the portion attributable to all other factors is recorded separately as a component of other comprehensive income. The amount of the other-than-temporary impairment that relates to credit is estimated by comparing the amortized cost of the fixed maturity security with the net present value of the fixed maturity security’s projected future cash flows, discounted at the effective interest rate implicit in the investment prior to impairment. The non-credit portion of the impairment is equal to the difference between the fair value and the net present value of the fixed maturity security’s cash flows at the impairment measurement date. Once an OTTI has been recognized, the new amortized cost basis of the security is equal to the previous amortized cost less the amount of OTTI recognized in earnings. For equity method investments, an impairment is recognized when evidence demonstrates that an other-than-temporary loss in value has occurred, including the absence of the ability to recover the carrying amount of the investment or the inability of the investee to sustain a level of earnings that would justify the carrying amount of the investment.




C. Financial Instruments

In the normal course of business, the Company may enter into transactions involving various types of financial instruments, including debt, investments such as fixed maturities, mortgage loans and equity securities, investment and loan commitments, swap contracts, option contracts, forward contracts and futures contracts. These instruments involve credit risk and could also be subject to risk of loss due to interest rate and foreign currency fluctuation. The Company evaluates and monitors each financial instrument individually and, when appropriate, obtains collateral or other security to minimize losses.

D. Other Investments

Other investments consist primarily of overseas deposits, which are investments maintained in overseas funds and managed exclusively by Lloyd’s. These funds are required in order to protect policyholders in overseas markets and enable the Company to operate in those markets. Overseas deposits are carried at fair value. Realized and unrealized gains and losses on overseas deposits, including the impact of foreign currency movements, are reflected in the income statement in the period the gain or loss was generated. Also included in other investments are investments in limited partnerships, which are accounted for by the equity method of accounting or at cost.

E. Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand, amounts due from banks and highly liquid debt instruments purchased with an original maturity of three months or less.

F. Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs

Acquisition costs consist of commissions, underwriting costs and other costs, which vary with, and are primarily related to, the successful production of premiums. Acquisition costs are deferred and amortized over the terms of the insurance policies.

Deferred acquisition costs (“DAC”) for each line of business are reviewed to determine if it is recoverable from future income, including investment income. If such costs are determined to be unrecoverable, they are expensed at the time of determination. Although recoverability of DAC is not assured, the Company believes it is more likely than not that all of these costs will be recovered. The amount of DAC considered recoverable, however, could be reduced in the near term if the estimates of total revenues discussed above are reduced or permanently impaired as a result of a disposition of a line of business. The amount of amortization of DAC could be revised in the near term if any of the estimates discussed above are revised.

G. Reinsurance Recoverables

The Company shares certain insurance risks it has underwritten, through the use of reinsurance contracts, with various insurance entities. Reinsurance accounting is followed for ceded transactions when the risk transfer provisions of ASC 944, Financial Services – Insurance (“ASC 944”), have been met. As a result, when the Company experiences loss or claims events that are subject to a reinsurance contract, reinsurance recoverables are recorded. The amount of the reinsurance recoverable can vary based on the terms of the reinsurance contract, the size of the individual loss or claim, or the aggregate amount of all losses or claims in a particular line or book of business or an aggregate amount associated with a particular accident year. The valuation of losses or claims recoverable depends on whether the underlying loss or claim is a reported loss or claim, or an incurred but not reported loss. For reported losses and claims, the Company values reinsurance recoverables at the time the underlying loss or claim is recognized, in accordance with contract terms. For incurred but not reported losses, the Company estimates the amount of reinsurance recoverables based on the terms of the reinsurance contracts and historical reinsurance recovery information and applies that information to the gross loss reserve. Amounts recoverable from reinsurers are estimated in a manner consistent with the claim liability associated with the reinsured business and the balance is disclosed separately in the financial statements. However, the ultimate amount of the reinsurance recoverable is not known until all losses and claims are settled. Allowances are established for amounts deemed uncollectible and reinsurance recoverables are recorded net of these allowances. The Company evaluates the financial condition of its reinsurers and monitors concentration risk to minimize its exposure to significant credit losses from individual reinsurers.

H. Property, Equipment and Capitalized Software

Property, equipment, leasehold improvements and capitalized software are recorded at cost, less accumulated depreciation and amortization. Depreciation is provided using the straight-line or accelerated method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets, which generally range from 3 to 30 years. The estimated useful life for capitalized software is generally 5 to 7 years. Amortization of leasehold improvements is provided using the straight-line method over the lesser of the term of the leases or the estimated useful life of the improvements.

The Company tests for the recoverability of long-lived assets whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amounts may not be recoverable. The Company recognizes impairment losses only to the extent that the carrying amounts of long-lived assets exceed the sum of the undiscounted cash flows expected to result from the use and eventual disposition of the assets. When an impairment loss occurs, the Company reduces the carrying value of the asset to fair value. Fair values are estimated using discounted cash flow analysis.

I. Goodwill and Intangible Assets

In accordance with the provisions of ASC 350, Intangibles – Goodwill and Other, the Company carries its goodwill at cost, net of amortization prior to January 1, 2002 and net of impairments. Increases to goodwill are generated through acquisition and represent the excess of the cost of an acquisition over the fair value of net assets acquired, including any intangibles acquired. Since January 1, 2002 goodwill is no longer amortized but rather, is reviewed for impairment. Additionally, acquisitions can also produce intangible assets, which have either a definite or indefinite life. Intangible assets with definite lives are amortized over that life, whereas those intangible assets determined to have an indefinite life are reviewed at least annually for impairment.

The Company tests for the recoverability of goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite lives annually or whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amounts may not be recoverable. The Company recognizes impairment losses only to the extent that the carrying amounts of reporting units with goodwill exceed the fair value. The amount of the impairment loss that is recognized is determined based upon the excess of the carrying value of goodwill compared to the implied fair value of the goodwill, as determined with respect to all assets and liabilities of the reporting unit. The Company has performed its annual review of goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite lives for impairment in the fourth quarters of 2012 and 2011 with no impairments recognized.

J. Liabilities for Losses, LAE, and Unearned Premiums

Liabilities for outstanding claims, losses and loss adjustment expenses (“LAE”) are estimates of payments to be made on property and casualty contracts for reported losses and LAE and estimates of losses and LAE incurred but not reported. These liabilities are determined using case basis evaluations and statistical analyses of historical loss patterns and represent estimates of the ultimate cost of all losses incurred but not paid. These estimates are continually reviewed and adjusted as necessary; adjustments for our property and casualty business are reflected in current operations. Estimated amounts of salvage and subrogation on unpaid property and casualty losses are deducted from the liability for unpaid claims.

Premiums for direct and assumed business are reported as earned on a pro-rata basis over the contract period. The unexpired portion of these premiums is recorded as unearned premiums.

All losses, LAE and unearned premium liabilities are based on the various estimates discussed above. Although the adequacy of these amounts cannot be assured, the Company believes that it is more likely than not that these liabilities and accruals will be sufficient to meet future obligations of policies in force. The amount of liabilities and accruals, however, could be revised in the near-term if the estimates discussed above are revised.

K. Debt

The Company’s debt at December 31, 2012 includes senior debentures, junior debentures, and collateralized borrowings with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston (“FHLBB”). The senior debentures are carried at principal amount borrowed, net of unamortized discounts. The junior subordinated debentures and borrowings under the FHLBB program are carried at principal amount borrowed (See Note 6 – “Debt and Credit Arrangements”).

L. Premium, Premium Receivable, Fee Revenue and Related Expenses

Insurance premiums written are generally recorded at the policy inception and are primarily earned on a pro rata basis over the terms of the policies for all products. Premiums written include estimates, primarily in the Chaucer segment, that are derived from multiple sources which include the historical experience of the underlying business, similar businesses and available industry information. These estimates are regularly reviewed and updated and any resulting adjustments are included in the current year’s results. Unearned premium reserves represent the portion of premiums written that relates to the unexpired terms of the underlying in-force insurance policies and reinsurance contracts. Premium receivables reflect the unpaid balance of premium written as of the balance sheet date. Premium receivables are generally short-term in nature and are reported net of allowance for estimated uncollectible premium accounts. The Company reviews its receivables for collectability at the balance sheet date. The allowance for uncollectible accounts was not material as of December 31, 2012 and 2011. Ceded premiums are charged to income over the applicable term of the various reinsurance contracts with third party reinsurers. Reinsurance reinstatement premiums, when required, are recognized in the same period as the loss event that gave rise to the reinstatement premiums. Losses and related expenses are matched with premiums, resulting in their recognition over the lives of the contracts. This matching is accomplished through estimated and unpaid losses and amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs.

M. Income Taxes

The Company is subject to the tax laws and regulations of the U.S. and foreign countries in which it operates. The Company files a consolidated U.S. federal income tax return that includes the holding company and its U.S. subsidiaries. Generally, taxes are accrued at the U.S. rate of 35% for income from the U.S. operations. The Company’s primary non-U.S. jurisdiction is the United Kingdom (“U.K.”). On July 17, 2012 the U.K. statutory rate decreased from 26% to 24% effective April 1, 2012 and from 24% to 23% effective April 1, 2013. However, THG accrues taxes on certain non-U.S. income that is subject to U.S. tax as a result of being owned by a U.S. shareholder at the U.S. tax rate. Foreign tax credits, where available, are utilized to offset U.S. tax as permitted. Certain non-U.S. income is not subject to U.S. tax until repatriated. Foreign taxes on this non-U.S. income are accrued at the local foreign rate and do not have an accrual for U.S. deferred taxes since these earnings are intended to be permanently reinvested overseas.




The Company’s accounting for income taxes represents its best estimate of various events and transactions.

Deferred income taxes are generally recognized when assets and liabilities have different values for financial statement and tax reporting purposes, and for other temporary taxable and deductible differences as defined by ASC 740, Income Taxes (“ASC 740”). These temporary differences are measured at the balance sheet date using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years the temporary differences are expected to reverse. These differences result primarily from insurance reserves, tax credit carryforwards, deferred policy acquisition costs, loss carryforwards, and employee benefit plans.

The realization of deferred tax assets depends upon the existence of sufficient taxable income within the carryback or carryforward periods under the tax law in the applicable tax jurisdiction. Consideration is given to all available positive and negative evidence, including reversals of deferred tax liabilities, projected future taxable income, tax planning strategies and recent financial operations. Valuation allowances are established if, based on available information, it is determined that it is more likely than not that all or some portion of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. Changes in valuation allowances are generally reflected in income tax expense or as an adjustment to other comprehensive income (loss) depending on the nature of the item for which the valuation allowance is being recorded.

N. Stock-Based Compensation

The Company recognizes the fair value of compensation costs for all share-based payments, including employee stock options, in the financial statements. Unvested awards are generally expensed on a straight line basis, by tranche, over the vesting period of the award. The Company’s stock-based compensation plans are discussed further in Note 10 – “Stock-Based Compensation Plans”.

O. Earnings Per Share

Earnings per share (“EPS”) for the years ended December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010 is based on a weighted average of the number of shares outstanding during each year. Basic and diluted EPS is computed by dividing income available to common stockholders by the weighted average number of shares outstanding for the period. The weighted average shares outstanding used to calculate basic EPS differ from the weighted average shares outstanding used in the calculation of diluted EPS due to the effect of dilutive employee stock options, nonvested stock grants and other contingently issuable shares. If the effect of such items is antidilutive, the weighted average shares outstanding used to calculate diluted EPS are equal to those used to calculate basic EPS.

Options to purchase shares of common stock whose exercise prices are greater than the average market price of the common shares are not included in the computation of diluted earnings per share because the effect would be antidilutive.

P. Foreign Currency

The Company’s reporting currency is the U.S. dollar. The functional currencies of the Company’s foreign operations are the U.K. Pounds Sterling (“GBP”), U.S. dollar, and Canadian dollar. Assets and liabilities of foreign operations are translated into the U.S. dollar using the exchange rates in effect at the balance sheet date. Revenues and expenses of foreign operations are translated using the average exchange rate for the period. Gains or losses from translating the financial statements of foreign operations are recorded in the cumulative translation adjustment, as a separate component of accumulated other comprehensive income. Gains and losses arising from transactions denominated in a foreign currency, other than the Company’s functional currencies, are included in net income (loss), except for the Company’s foreign currency denominated available-for-sale investments. The Company’s foreign currency denominated available-for-sale investments’ change in exchange rates between the local currency and the functional currency at each balance sheet date represents an unrealized appreciation or depreciation in value of these securities, and is included as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income.

The Company manages its exposure to foreign currency risk primarily by matching assets and liabilities denominated in the same currency. To the extent that assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are not matched, the Company is exposed to foreign currency risk. For functional currencies, the related exchange rate fluctuations are reflected in other comprehensive income (loss). The Company translated Chaucer’s balance sheet at December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2011 from GBP to U.S. dollars using a conversion rate of 1.63 and 1.55, respectively. The Company recognized approximately $6.3 million in foreign currency transaction gains in the Statement of Income during the year ended December 31, 2012. During the six months ended December 31, 2011, the Company recognized $5.1 million of foreign exchange transaction gains including the $6.4 million gain recognized on the foreign currency forward contract associated with the purchase price of Chaucer. See Note 2 – “Acquisitions and Discontinued Operations” for further information.

Q. New Accounting Pronouncements

Recently Implemented Standards

In July 2012, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Update No. 2012-02 (Topic 350) Testing Indefinite – Lived Intangible Assets for Impairment. This ASC update allows an entity to first assess qualitative factors to determine whether the existence of events and circumstances indicates that it is more likely than not that the indefinite – lived intangible asset is impaired. This assessment should be used as a basis for determining whether it is necessary to perform the quantitative impairment test. An entity would not be required to calculate the fair value of the intangible asset and perform the quantitative test unless the entity determines, based upon its qualitative assessment, that it is more likely than not that its fair value is less than its carrying value. The update further improves previous guidance by expanding upon the examples of events and circumstances that an entity should consider in determining whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of an indefinite – lived intangible asset is less than its carrying amount. The update also allows an entity the option to bypass the qualitative assessment for any indefinite-lived intangible asset in any period and proceed directly to performing the quantitative impairment test. An entity will be able to resume performing the qualitative assessment in any subsequent period. This ASC update is effective for annual and interim periods beginning after September 15, 2012, with early adoption permitted. The Company implemented this guidance effective October 1, 2012. The effect of implementing this guidance was not material to the Company’s financial position or results of operations.

In September 2011, the FASB issued ASC Update No. 2011-08 (Topic 350) Testing Goodwill for Impairment. This ASC update allows an entity to first assess qualitative factors to determine whether it is necessary to perform the two-step quantitative goodwill impairment test. The update provides that an entity would not be required to calculate the fair value of a reporting unit unless the entity determines, based on its qualitative assessment, that it is more likely than not that its fair value is less than its carrying amount. The update further improves previous guidance by expanding upon the examples of events and circumstances that an entity should consider in determining whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount. Also, the update improves the examples of events and circumstances that should be considered by an entity that has a reporting unit with a zero or negative carrying amount in determining whether to measure an impairment loss, if any, under the second step of the goodwill impairment test. This ASC update is effective for annual and interim periods beginning after December 15, 2011, with early adoption permitted. The Company implemented this guidance effective January 1, 2012. The effect of implementing this guidance was not material to the Company’s financial position or results of operations.

In June 2011, the FASB issued ASC Update No. 2011-05 (Topic 220) Presentation of Comprehensive Income (“ASC Update No. 2011-05”). This ASC update requires companies to present net income and other comprehensive income in either a single continuous statement or in two separate, but consecutive, statements of income and other comprehensive income. The option to present items of other comprehensive income in the statement of changes in equity is eliminated. In addition, an entity is required to present on the face of the financial statements reclassification adjustments from other comprehensive income to net income. This ASC update should be applied retrospectively and except for the provisions related to reclassification adjustment, is effective for interim and annual periods beginning after December 15, 2011. In December 2011, the FASB issued ASC Update 2011-12 (Topic 220) Comprehensive Income which deferred the implementation date of the reclassification adjustment guidance in ASC Update No. 2011-05. The Company implemented the guidance related to financial statements presentation effective January 1, 2012. The effect of implementing the guidance related to financial statements presentation did not have a significant impact to the Company’s financial statement presentation.

In May 2011, the FASB issued ASC Update No. 2011-04 (Topic 820) Amendments to Achieve Common Fair Value Measurement and Disclosure Requirements in U.S. GAAP and IFRSs. This ASC update results in a consistent definition of fair value and common requirements for measurement of and disclosure about fair value for both U.S. GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). The new guidance includes changes to how and when the valuation premise of highest and best use applies, clarification on the application of blockage factors and other premiums and discounts, as well as new and revised disclosure requirements. This ASC update is effective for interim and annual periods beginning after December 15, 2011. The Company implemented this guidance as of January 1, 2012. The effect of implementing this guidance was not material to the Company’s financial position or results of operations.

In December 2010, the FASB issued ASC Update No. 2010-29 (Topic 805) Disclosure of Supplementary Pro Forma Information for Business Combinations (a consensus of the FASB Emerging Issues Task Force). This update provides clarity on the presentation of comparable pro forma financial statements for business combinations. Revenues and earnings of the combined entity should be disclosed as though the business combination that occurred during the current year had occurred as of the beginning of the comparable prior annual reporting period only. Additionally, this update requires the disclosure to include a description of the nature and amount of material, nonrecurring pro forma adjustments directly attributable to the business combination included in the reported pro forma revenue and earnings. The disclosure guidance provided in this ASC update is effective prospectively for business combinations for which the acquisition date is on or after the beginning of the first annual reporting period beginning on or after December 15, 2010. The Company implemented this guidance as of January 1, 2011. Implementing this guidance did not have an effect on the Company’s financial position or results of operations upon adoption; however, the disclosure requirements were applied to the Company’s acquisition of Chaucer. See Note 2 – “Acquisitions and Discontinued Operations” for pro forma results of operations of THG and Chaucer.

In December 2010, the FASB issued ASC Update No. 2010-28 (Topic 350) When to Perform Step 2 of the Goodwill Impairment Test for Reporting Units with Zero or Negative Carrying Amounts (a consensus of the FASB Emerging Issues Task Force). This update modifies Step 1 of the goodwill impairment test for companies with zero or negative carrying amounts to require Step 2 of the goodwill impairment test to be performed if it is more likely than not that a goodwill impairment exists. In determining whether it is more likely than not that a goodwill impairment exists, an entity should consider whether there are any adverse qualitative factors indicating that an impairment may exist. This ASC update was effective for annual and interim periods beginning after December 15, 2010. The Company implemented this guidance as of January 1, 2011. The effect of implementing this guidance was not material to the Company’s financial position or results of operations.

In October 2010, the FASB issued ASC Update No. 2010-26 (Topic 944), Accounting for Costs Associated with Acquiring or Renewing Insurance Contracts (a consensus of the FASB Emerging Issues Task Force). This ASC update provides clarity in defining which costs relating to the acquisition of new or renewal insurance contracts qualify for deferral, commonly known as deferred acquisition costs. Additionally, this update specifies that only costs associated with the successful acquisition of a policy or contract may be deferred, whereas industry practice historically included costs relating to unsuccessful contract acquisition. This ASC is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2011. Retrospective application to all prior periods upon the date of adoption is permitted. The Company implemented this guidance effective January 1, 2012 and has elected to apply this guidance retrospectively. Retrospective application requires the new accounting principle to be reflected in the earliest period presented as if the accounting principle had always been used. The Company has reflected the impact of the retrospective application as a cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle through equity at the beginning of the earliest reporting period presented within this Form 10-K. The implementation of this ASC resulted in an after-tax reduction to our stockholders’ equity as of January 1, 2012 of $25.8 million, or 1%. The effect of implementing this guidance was not material to our results of operations or cash flows on either a historical or prospective basis.

In July 2010, the FASB issued ASC Update No. 2010-20 (Topic 310) Disclosures about the Credit Quality of Financing Receivables and the Allowance for Credit Losses. This ASC update is applicable for financing receivables recognized on a company’s balance sheet that have a contractual right to receive payment either on demand or on fixed or determinable dates. This update enhances the disclosure requirements about the credit quality of financing receivables and the allowance for credit losses, at disaggregated levels. The disclosure guidance provided in the update relating to those required as of the end of the reporting period was effective for interim and annual reporting periods ending on or after December 15, 2010. The effect of implementing the guidance was not significant to the Company’s financial statement disclosures. The disclosure guidance related to activity that occurs during the reporting period is effective for interim and annual reporting periods beginning on or after December 15, 2010. The implementation of the disclosure guidance related to activity was not significant to the Company’s financial statement disclosures.

Recently Issued Standards

In February 2013, the FASB issued ASC Update No. 2013-02 (Topic 220) Comprehensive Income Reporting of Amounts Reclassified Out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income. This guidance requires an entity to provide information about the amounts reclassified out of accumulated other comprehensive income (“AOCI”) either on the face of the Statement of Income or in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. Significant amounts reclassified out of AOCI should be provided by the respective line items of net income but only if the amount reclassified is required under U.S. GAAP to be reclassified in its entirety to net income in the same reporting period. For amounts not required to be reclassified in their entirety to net income, a cross-reference to other disclosures provided for in accordance with U.S. GAAP is required. This guidance is applicable for reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2012. The Company expects that the implementation of this guidance will not have an impact on its results of operations or financial position and will impact its disclosures only.

R. Reclassifications

Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current year presentation.