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Segments (Details) - Schedule of financial and operating information - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended 9 Months Ended
Sep. 30, 2022
Sep. 30, 2021
Sep. 30, 2022
Sep. 30, 2021
Segment profit or loss:        
Net revenue from external customers $ 106,437 $ 94,406 $ 235,022 $ 225,776
Income (loss) from operations (6,051) (700) (6,146) (5,437)
Interest income 22 176 299 928
Interest expense 524 1,218 1,458 1,909
Depreciation and amortization 1,400 1,172 5,256 4,384
Income (loss) before income tax expense (6,958) (1,272) (7,610) (2,398)
Income tax expense (835) 1,945 1,202 3,760
Additions to property, plant and equipment     3,645 5,109
Inventory 49,038 67,275 49,038 67,275
Total assets 298,556 337,734 298,556 337,734
Wholesale segment [Member]        
Segment profit or loss:        
Net revenue from external customers 82,732 62,203 155,038 111,849
Income (loss) from operations 2,443 3,570 6,412 199
Interest income 18 150 278 849
Interest expense 524 1,189 1,458 1,828
Depreciation and amortization 296 347 1,090 657
Income (loss) before income tax expense 1,269 2,575 4,334 2,135
Income tax expense 274 1,932 1,192 2,736
Additions to property, plant and equipment     2,305 1,406
Inventory 15,013 24,972 15,013 24,972
Total assets 180,755 186,276 180,755 186,276
Retail segment [Member]        
Segment profit or loss:        
Net revenue from external customers 23,705 32,203 79,984 113,927
Income (loss) from operations (8,494) (4,270) (12,558) (5,635)
Interest income 4 26 21 79
Interest expense 29 82
Depreciation and amortization 1,104 825 4,166 3,727
Income (loss) before income tax expense (8,227) (3,847) (11,944) (4,533)
Income tax expense (1,109) 13 10 1,024
Additions to property, plant and equipment     1,340 3,703
Inventory 34,025 42,303 34,025 42,303
Total assets $ 117,801 $ 151,458 $ 117,801 $ 151,458