Exhibit 99.1




225 Franklin Street

Boston, MA 02110-2804

United States of America


News Release


Contact:    Edward J. Resch


Investors:    Kelley MacDonald


Media:    Hannah Grove

+1 617/664-1110


+1 617/664-3477


+1 617/664-3377






Boston, MA ... January 13, 2004


State Street Corporation announced today fourth-quarter earnings per share of $1.33, equivalent to net income of $447 million on revenue of $1.5 billion. For the full-year 2003, earnings per share were $2.15 and net income was $722 million on revenue of $4.7 billion.


Results for the fourth quarter of 2003 include a gain on the sale of State Street’s Private Asset Management business of $285 million or $0.56 in diluted earnings per share, the gain on the settlement of the residual escrow from the 2002 sale of Corporate Trust business of $60 million or $0.12 diluted earnings per share and merger, integration and divestiture costs of $29 million or $0.06 in diluted earnings per share.


Results for the full year 2003 include the $345 million of gains from the sale of the Private Asset Management business and the Corporate Trust escrow settlement, or $0.68 in diluted earnings per share, restructuring costs related to an expense-reduction program of $296 million or $0.58 in diluted earnings per share, full year merger, integration and divestiture costs of $110 million, or $0.22 in diluted earnings per share, and the impact of a real estate loss and settlement of a state tax issue that combined for a $0.06 reduction in full year diluted earnings per share.


For the fourth quarter of 2002, earnings per share were $1.46 equivalent to net income of $477 million on revenue of $1.5 billion. For the full-year 2002, earnings per share were $3.10 and net income was $1.0 billion on revenue of $4.4 billion. Results for the fourth quarter of 2002 and the full year 2002 include a gain of $495 million or $0.90 in diluted earnings per share from the December 31, 2002 sale of the Corporate Trust business.



State Street Corporation

Fourth Quarter Earnings Release

January 13, 2004

Resch + 1 617/664-1110

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For 2003, return on stockholders equity was 13.9% compared to 24.1% for 2002.


In reporting its financial results, State Street has prepared information in four categories:


  “Reported” results are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).


  “Operating” results are “reported” results excluding restructuring and merger-related charges and any gains from divested businesses. They are presented on a taxable-equivalent basis.


  “GSS contribution” results are the revenue and expenses, including financing costs and amortization of intangibles and software, attributable to the GSS business acquired on January 31, 2003, as well as revenue and expenses from “out-of-scope” GSS business that are closely related to Deutsche Asset Management, but that were not part of the acquisition. Per-share amounts reflect the effect on outstanding shares due to the acquisition.


  “Baseline” results are “operating” results excluding “GSS contribution” and are presented on a taxable-equivalent basis.


State Street believes that providing non-GAAP financial information assists investors and others by providing them with financial information in a format that provides comparable financial trends of ongoing business activities.


Baseline earnings per share were $0.69, up 28% compared to baseline earnings per share of $0.54 for the fourth quarter of 2002, and up 6% from $0.65 in the third quarter of 2003. Fourth quarter of 2002 baseline results exclude $10 million of pre-tax income, or $0.02 per share, attributable to the Corporate Trust business divested at the end of 2002. Baseline revenue of $1.0 billion for Q4 2003 was up 6% from the fourth quarter of 2002, primarily due to increases in servicing and management fees, processing and other fees, and foreign exchange, partially offset by a loss on the sale of securities and lower net interest revenue.


In the fourth quarter of 2003, the GSS business contributed $168 million in total revenue: $157 million of fee revenue, $9 million in “out-of-scope” fee revenue, and $7 million of interest revenue, offset by interest expense of $5 million attributable to the acquisition financing. Included in GSS revenue was $19 million in FX revenue due to a contract settlement negotiated with Deutsche Bank. The GSS business earned $0.02 in the fourth quarter on a per-share basis, including the “out-of-scope” results, the cost of financing and the impact of increased shares outstanding, but excluding merger and integration charges.


Operating earnings per share in the fourth quarter 2003, which exclude the merger and integration charges and the gains related to the sale of the divested businesses, was $0.71, up 31% from $0.54 a year ago, and up 8% from $0.66 in the third quarter of



State Street Corporation

Fourth Quarter Earnings Release

January 13, 2004

Resch + 1 617/664-1110

Page 3


2003. Operating revenue increased 23%, or $221 million, to $1.2 billion from the fourth quarter of 2002 and was up $34 million, or 3% from the third quarter of 2003. Return on stockholders’ equity on an operating basis was 17.2% for the quarter and 15.0% for the year. Operating earnings for the year 2003 were $2.33, compared to $2.16 in 2002.


The following table summarizes State Street’s baseline, GSS, operating, and reported results for the fourth quarters of 2002 and 2003. Detailed information is available in the Addendum Selected Financial Information tables included with this press release.


Dollars in millions except per share data; shares in millions


     Three months ended

     December 31, 2003

   December 31, 2002

     Non-GAAP measures defined by State Street







Fee revenue

   $ 791    $ 166    $ 957    $ 957    $ 686    $ 706

All other revenue

     214      2      216      549      266      750






Total revenue

     1,005      168      1,173      1,506      952      1,456

Total expenses

     655      143      798      828      691      704


     127      9      136      231      87      275






Net income

   $ 223    $ 16    $ 239    $ 447    $ 174    $ 477






Diluted eps

   $ 0.69    $ 0.02    $ 0.71    $ 1.33    $ 0.54    $ 1.46

Diluted shares

     325             339      339      326      326


(a) excludes GSS results; merger, integration and divesture costs; restructuring costs; and gains from the sales of divested businesses; presented on a taxable-equivalent basis


(b) revenue and expenses, including financing costs and amortization of intangibles and software, attributable to the GSS business acquired January 31, 2003, as well as revenue and expenses from “out-of-scope” business which was not part of the transaction, but excluding merger and integration costs. Per-share amounts reflect the effect on outstanding shares due to the acquisition


(c) excludes merger, integration and divestiture charges, restructuring charges and gains from the sales of divested businesses in 2003, and in 2002, the results of the divested Corporate Trust business; in 2002, baseline and operating results are identical; presented on a taxable-equivalent basis


David A. Spina, State Street’s chairman and chief executive officer, said, “2003 was a challenging yet very productive year for us. We won significant new business; we managed expenses aggressively; and we met or exceeded all the commitments we made for integration of the GSS business. We also continued to deliver superior service to our clients — which is always our number one goal.



State Street Corporation

Fourth Quarter Earnings Release

January 13, 2004

Resch + 1 617/664-1110

Page 4


“We expect 2004 to be another challenging year for our industry. Although economic conditions seem to be improving, the business environment is still extremely fragile and interest rates are at 50-year lows. Competition continues to be intense, especially in the pension markets, and sales cycles are longer than we’ve seen in the past. Costs related to compensation, technology, and occupancy will go up in 2004. Our goal is to balance our near-term profit objectives with strategic investments in State Street’s future.”




On a reported basis, fourth quarter net income per share of $1.33 compares to a net income per share of $0.60 in the third quarter. Total revenue in the fourth quarter of $1.5 billion, which included $345 million in gains from the sales of divested businesses, is up 34% versus $1.1 billion in the third quarter.


On a baseline basis, fourth-quarter net income of $0.69 per diluted share is up 6% from $0.65 per share. Revenue rose 3%, from $976 million to $1.0 billion, while expenses increased 1%, to $655 million, in line with the previously stated expense reduction target.




On a reported basis, the fourth-quarter diluted earnings per share was $1.33, reflecting net income of $447 million, and total revenue of $1.5 billion, including the gains from the divested businesses. In the fourth quarter of 2002, State Street earned $477 million, or $1.46 per share, on $1.5 billion in revenue, including the gain from the divested business.


On an operating basis, diluted earnings per share were $0.71. Net income was $239 million, and revenue was $1.2 billion. In the fourth quarter of 2002, net income was $174 million, or $0.54 per share, on revenue of $952 million.


On a baseline basis, fourth-quarter diluted earnings per share were $0.69, net income was $223 million, and revenue was $1.0 billion. In the fourth quarter of 2002, net income was $174 million, or $0.54 per share, on revenue of $952 million.


The following review of specific revenue and expense lines uses baseline results to provide consistent comparable data to the year-earlier period.


Servicing fees are derived from accounting, administration, custody, daily pricing, performance and analytics, compliance monitoring, and operations outsourcing for investment managers. Baseline servicing fees were up 16%, to $426 million from $369 million. The increase was attributable to higher equity market valuations and new business from existing and new clients. Daily average values for the S&P 500



State Street Corporation

Fourth Quarter Earnings Release

January 13, 2004

Resch + 1 617/664-1110

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Index were up 19% from the fourth quarter of 2002; daily average values for the MSCI® EAFE IndexSM were up 27%. Total assets under custody were $9.4 trillion, including $2.1 trillion attributable to the GSS business.


Baseline investment management fees, generated by State Street Global Advisors, were $133 million, up 14% compared to $116 million a year ago. Management fees reflected continued new business success and an increase in average month-end equity valuations. Total assets under management were $1.1 trillion, compared to $763 billion the previous year.


Baseline foreign exchange trading revenue was $81 million for the quarter, compared to $62 million a year ago. The increase was attributable to improved volume and volatility, reflecting higher cross-border investment activities.


Baseline processing fees and other increased $18 million to $70 million due to the mark-to-market gain on SPACESSM pursuant to FAS 150, improved performance of joint ventures and structured products’ business, offset by recognition of other-than-temporary impairment charges on asset-backed investment securities.


Baseline net interest revenue was $220 million, a decline of $16 million, or 6%, from a year ago. Lower yields on reinvested assets drove the decrease in net interest revenue. A loss of $6 million on sales of securities compared with a gain of $31 million from the year ago quarter.


Baseline operating expenses were $655 million, down $36 million, or 5%, from $691 million a year ago. Lower salaries and benefits expenses and direct controllable expenses were due to the previously announced cost-reduction plans, partly offset by an increase in information systems and communications and transaction processing services.




After eleven months of operation, the GSS business, including “out-of-scope” results and excluding one-time costs, reported a profit of $0.01 per share, exceeding our expectation of $0.01 to $0.03 dilution per share.


With most GSS clients having selected STT as their service provider, we now expect to retain approximately 88% of the available client revenue acquired, which excludes “out-of-scope” revenue. To date, State Street has completed about 550 client conversions.


The pretax merger and restructuring costs associated with the acquisition in 2003 totaled $103 million, within STT’s estimated range $90-$110 million. Client conversion will continue and will be substantially complete by the end of 2004. The Company



State Street Corporation

Fourth Quarter Earnings Release

January 13, 2004

Resch + 1 617/664-1110

Page 6


expects pretax merger and integration costs related to these conversions to be about an additional $50 to $60 million in 2004.




State Street will webcast an investor conference call today, Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. EDT, available at www.statestreet.com/stockholder. The conference call will also be available via telephone, at +1 719/457-2617 (confirmation code 498324). Recorded replays of the conference call will be available on the web site, and by telephone at +1 402/220-4230, beginning at 2:00 PM today. This press release and additional financial information is available on State Street’s website, at www.statestreet.com/stockholder, under “Financial Reports.”


State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT) is the world’s leading specialist in providing sophisticated global investors with investment servicing and investment management. With $9.4 trillion in assets under custody and $1.1 trillion in assets under management, State Street is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts and operates in 24 countries and over 100 markets worldwide and employees 19,800 people worldwide. For more information, visit State Street’s web site at www.statestreet.com or call 877/639-7788 [NEWS STT] toll-free in the United States and Canada, or +1 202/266-3340 outside those countries.


This news announcement contains forward-looking statements as defined by United States securities laws, including statements about the financial outlook and business environment. Those statements are based on current expectations and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including those related to the pace at which State Street adds new clients or at which existing clients use additional services, the value of global and regional financial markets, the pace of cross-border investment activity, changes in interest rates, the pace of worldwide economic growth and rates of inflation, the extent of volatility in currency markets, consolidations among clients and competitors, State Street’s business mix, the dynamics of markets State Street serves, and State Street’s success at integrating and converting acquisitions into its business. Other important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by any forward-looking statements are set forth in State Street’s 2002 annual report and subsequent SEC filings. State Street encourages investors to read the Corporation’s annual report, particularly the section on factors that may affect financial results, and its subsequent SEC filings for additional information with respect to any forward-looking statements and prior to making any investment decision. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof, January 13, 2004, and the company will not undertake efforts to revise those forward-looking statements to reflect events after this date.




Addendum Earnings Digest(a)


(Dollars in millions, except per share data)


     Quarter ended December 31,



   % Change



   $1,506    $1,456    3  


   447    477    (6 )

Diluted earnings per share

   1.33    1.46    (9 )


     Year ended December 31,



   % Change



   $ 4,734    $ 4,396    8  


     722      1,015    (29 )

Diluted earnings per share

     2.15      3.10    (31 )

(a) Information presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States


Addendum page 1


Addendum Selected Financial Information





Reported Results

Quarter Ended December 31,


Reported Results

Year Ended December 31,


(Dollars in millions, except per share data)






Fee Revenue:


Servicing fees

   $ 525     $ 388     $ 1,950     $ 1,531  

Management fees

     137       116       533       485  

Global securities lending

     53       49       245       226  

Foreign exchange trading

     115       62       391       300  

Brokerage fees

     37       38       122       124  

Processing fees and other

     90       53       315       184  




Total Fee Revenue

     957       706       3,556       2,850  

Net Interest Revenue:


Interest revenue

     377       465       1,539       1,974  

Interest expense

     167       240       729       995  




Net interest revenue

     210       225       810       979  

Provision for loan losses

     —         1       —         4  




Net interest revenue after provision for loan losses

     210       224       810       975  

Gains/(losses) on sales of available-for-sale investment securities, net

     (6 )     31       23       76  

Gain on sale of Corporate Trust business, net of associated costs

     60       495       60       495  

Gain on sale of Private Asset Management business, net of exit and other associated costs

     285       —         285       —    




Total Revenue

     1,506       1,456       4,734       4,396  

Operating Expenses:


Salaries and employee benefits

     437       411       1,731       1,654  

Information systems and communications

     141       94       551       373  

Transaction processing services

     83       65       314       246  


     69       64       300       246  

Merger, integration and divestiture costs

   29     —       110     —    

Restructuring costs

     1       —         296       20  


     68       70       320       302  




Total operating expenses

     828       704       3,622       2,841  




Income before income taxes

     678       752       1,112       1,555  

Income taxes

     231       275       390       540  




Net Income

   $ 447     $ 477     $ 722     $ 1,015  




Earnings Per Share:



   $ 1.34     $ 1.47     $ 2.18     $ 3.14  


     1.33       1.46       2.15       3.10  

Average Shares Outstanding (in thousands):



     333,579       323,520       331,692       323,520  


     338,895       326,469       335,326       327,477  

Return on equity

     15.6 %     42.4 %     13.9 %     24.1 %

Cash dividends declared per share

   $ .15     $ .13     $ .56     $ .48  




     Quarter ended December 31,

(Dollars in millions, except per share data or where otherwise indicated)



Assets under custody (in billions)

   $ 9,370    $ 6,171

Assets under management (in billions)

     1,106      763

Total assets

   $ 87,534    $ 85,794

Long-term debt

     2,222      1,270

Stockholders’ equity

     5,747      4,787
Closing price per share of common stock    $ 52.08    $ 39.00


Addendum Page 2


Addendum Selected Financial Information




     Reconciliation of Financial Results

     (Dollars in millions)

     Quarter Ended December 31, 2003


Non-GAAP measures

defined by State Street (1)








Fee Revenue:


Servicing fees

   $ 426     $ 99     $ 525             $ 525  

Management fees

     133       4       137               137  

Global securities lending

     44       9       53               53  

Foreign exchange trading

     81       34       115               115  

Brokerage fees

     37       —         37               37  

Processing fees and other

     70       20       90               90  




Total Fee Revenue

     791       166       957               957  

Net Interest Revenue

     220       2 (b)     222     $ (12 ) (e)     210  

Provision for loan losses

     —         —         —         —         —    





Net interest revenue after provision for loan losses

     220       2       222       (12 )     210  

Gains/(losses) on sales of available-for-sale investment securities, net

     (6 )     —         (6 )     —         (6 )

Gain on sale of Corporate Trust business, net of associated costs

     —         —         —         60       60  

Gain on sale of Private Asset Management business, net of exit and other associated costs

     —         —         —         285       285  





Total Revenue

     1,005       168       1,173       333       1,506  

Operating Expenses:


Salaries and employee benefits

     373       64       437       —         437  

Information systems and communications

     100       41       141       —         141  

Transaction processing services

     65       18       83       —         83  


     59       10       69       —         69  

Merger, integration and divestiture costs

     —         —         —         29       29  

Restructuring costs

     —         —         —         1       1  


     58       10       68       —         68  





Total operating expenses

     655       143 (c)     798       30       828  





Income before income taxes

     350       25       375       303       678  

Income taxes

     115       9       124       107       231  

Taxable-equivalent adjustment

     12       —         12       (12 (e)     —    





Net Income

   $ 223     $ 16     $ 239     $ 208     $ 447  





Earnings Per Share

   $ .69     $ .02 (d)   $ .71     $ .62     $ 1.33  

Average Diluted Shares (in thousands)

     324,828       14,067       338,895       —         338,895  

Return on equity

     16.0 %             17.2 %             15.6 %




(1) In order to provide information on a comparable basis from period to period and to assist stockholders, analysts, other external parties and management in analyzing the financial results and trends of ongoing businesses and operations, State Street also presents supplemental financial information on an operating results basis. State Street believes that such non-GAAP financial information assists investors and others by providing them with financial information in a format that provides comparable financial trends of ongoing business activities.
(2) Reported results agree with the Corporation’s Consolidated Statement of Income prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
(a) Includes $9 million of revenue and $12 million of expenses related to out-of-scope client relationships
(b) Includes $5 million of interests costs attributable to the GSS acquisition financing
(c) Includes amortization of intangibles and software of $9 million
(d) Includes ($.03) impact due to changes in shares outstanding attributable to the acquisition
(e) Taxable-equivalent adjustment is not included in reported results


Addendum Page 3


Addendum Selected Financial Information




     Reconciliation of Financial Results

     (Dollars in millions)

     Year Ended December 31, 2003


Non-GAAP measures

defined by State Street (1)







Fee Revenue:


Servicing fees

   $ 1,596     $ 354     $ 1,950             $ 1,950  

Management fees

     517       16       533               533  

Global securities lending

     194       51       245               245  

Foreign exchange trading

     330       61       391               391  

Brokerage fees

     122       —         122               122  

Processing fees and other

     230       98       328     $ (13 (e)     315  





Total Fee Revenue

     2,989       580       3,569       (13 )     3,556  

Net Interest Revenue

     868       (7 ) (b)     861       (51 (f)     810  

Provision for loan losses

     —         —         —         —         —    





Net interest revenue after provision for loan losses

     868       (7 )     861       (51 )     810  

Gains/(losses) on sales of available-for-sale investment securities, net

     23       —         23       —         23  

Gain on sale of Corporate Trust business, net of associated costs

     —         —         —         60       60  

Gain on sale of Private Asset Management business, net of exit and other associated costs

     —         —         —         285       285  





Total Revenue

     3,880       573       4,453       281       4,734  

Operating Expenses:


Salaries and employee benefits

     1,526       205       1,731       —         1,731  

Information systems and communications

     394       157       551       —         551  

Transaction processing services

     259       55       314       —         314  


     262       38       300       —         300  

Merger, integration and divestiture costs

     —         —         —         110       110  

Restructuring costs

     —         —         —         296       296  


     258       62       320       —         320  





Total operating expenses

     2,699       517 (c)     3,216       406       3,622  





Income before income taxes

     1,181       56       1,237       (125 )     1,112  

Income taxes

     384       19       403       (13 (g)     390  

Taxable-equivalent adjustment

     51       —         51       (51 (f)     —    





Net Income

   $ 746     $ 37     $ 783     $ (61 )   $ 722  





Earnings Per Share

   $ 2.32     $ .01 (d)   $ 2.33     $ (.18 )   $ 2.15  

Average Diluted Shares (in thousands)

     321,259       14,067       335,326       —         335,326  

Return on equity

     14.3 %             15.0 %             13.9 %




(1) In order to provide information on a comparable basis from period to period and to assist stockholders, analysts, other external parties and management in analyzing the financial results and trends of ongoing businesses and operations, State Street also presents supplemental financial information on an operating results basis. State Street believes that such non-GAAP financial information assists investors and others by providing them with financial information in a format that provides comparable financial trends of ongoing business activities.
(2) Reported results agree with the Corporation's Consolidated Statement of Income prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
(a) Includes $24 million of revenue and $31 million of expenses related to out-of-scope client relationships
(b) Includes $21 million of interests costs attributable to the GSS acquisition financing
(c) Includes amortization of intangibles and software of $28 million
(d) Includes ($.11) impact due to changes in shares outstanding attributable to the acquisition
(e) Represents a valuation reserve on certain assets classified as available-for-sale
(f) Taxable-equivalent adjustment is not included in reported results
(g) Reflects the impact of a certain Massachusetts tax issue ($12 million tax expense) as well as the tax benefit applicable to the net of all other non-recurring gains and charges


Addendum Page 4


Addendum Selected Financial Information




Baseline results are a non-GAAP measure defined by State Street as reported results excluding GSS contribution, restructuring, merger, integration and divestiture costs, valuation reserves, state tax issue impact and results of a divested business and are presented on a taxable-equivalent basis.



Baseline Results

Quarter Ended December 31,


Baseline Results

Year Ended December 31,

(Dollars in millions, except per share data)    2003

    2002 (a)

   % Change


   2002 (b)

   % Change


Baseline Fee Revenue:


Servicing fees

   $ 426     $ 369    16 %   $ 1,596    $ 1,454    10 %

Management fees

     133       116    14       517      485    6  

Global securities lending

     44       49    (10 )     194      226    (14 )

Foreign exchange trading

     81       62    29       330      300    10  

Brokerage fees

     37       38    (2 )     122      124    (1 )

Processing fees and other

     70       52    34       230      180    28  





Total Baseline Fee Revenue

     791       686    15       2,989      2,769    8  

Baseline Net Interest Revenue

     220       236            868      1,027       

Provision for loan losses

     —         1            —        4       





Baseline net interest revenue after provision for loan losses (taxable-equivalent basis)

     220       235    (6 )     868      1,023    (15 )

Gains/(losses) on the sales of available-for-sale investment securities, net

     (6 )     31            23      76    (69 )





Total Baseline Revenue

     1,005       952    6       3,880      3,868       

Baseline Operating Expenses:


Salaries and employee benefits

     373       404    (8 )     1,526      1,622    (6 )

Information systems and communications

     100       93    7       394      367    7  

Transaction processing services

     65       64    4       259      242    7  


     59       62    (4 )     262      240    10  


     58       68    (15 )     258      293    (12 )





Total Baseline Operating Expenses

     655       691    (5 )     2,699      2,764    (2 )





Baseline Income Before Income Taxes

     350       261    34       1,181      1,104    7  

Income taxes

     115       72            384      335       

Taxable-equivalent adjustment

     12       15            51      61       





Baseline Net Income

   $ 223     $ 174    28     $ 746    $ 708    5  





Diluted Baseline Earnings Per Share

   $ .69     $ .54    28     $ 2.32    $ 2.16    7  


(a) Reflects restatement of originally issued financial results to exclude the results of operations of the divested Corporate Trust activities
(b) Reflects restatement of originally issued financial results to exclude the results of operations of the divested Corporate Trust activities and the reclassification of certain restructuring costs now shown as a component of reported results rather than baseline results


Addendum Page 5



Addendum Selected Financial Information




Operating results are a non-GAAP measure defined by State Street as reported results excluding restructuring, merger, divestiture and integration costs, valuation reserves, state tax issue impact and results of a divested business and are presented on a taxable-equivalent basis.



Operating Results

Quarter Ended December 31,


Operating Results

Year Ended December 31,

(Dollars in millions, except per share data)    2003

    2002 (a)

   % Change


   2002 (b)

   % Change


Operating Fee Revenue:


Servicing fees

   $ 525     $ 369    42 %   $ 1,950    $ 1,454    34 %

Management fees

     137       116    18       533      485    10  

Global securities lending

     53       49    8       245      226    8  

Foreign exchange trading

     115       62    84       391      300    30  

Brokerage fees

     37       38    (2 )     122      124    (1 )

Processing fees and other

     90       52    71       328      180    82  





Total Operating Fee Revenue

     957       686    39       3,569      2,769    29  

Operating Net Interest Revenue

     222       236            861      1,027       

Provision for loan losses

     —         1            —        4       





Operating net interest revenue after provision for loan losses (taxable-equivalent basis)

     222       235    (5 )     861      1,023    (16 )

Gains/(losses) on the sales of available-for-sale investment securities, net

     (6 )     31            23      76    (69 )





Total Operating Revenue

     1,173       952    23       4,453      3,868    15  

Expenses – Operating Results:


Salaries and employee benefits

     437       404    8       1,731      1,622    7  

Information systems and communications

     141       93    51       551      367    50  

Transaction processing services

     83       64    32       314      242    30  


     69       62    10       300      240    25  


     68       68            320      293    9  





Total Expenses – Operating Results

     798       691    16       3,216      2,764    16  





Operating Income before income taxes

     375       261    43       1,237      1,104    12  

Income taxes

     124       72            403      335       

Taxable-equivalent adjustment

     12       15            51      61       





Net Operating Income

   $ 239     $ 174    37     $ 783    $ 708    10  





Diluted Operating Earnings Per Share

   $ .71     $ .54    31     $ 2.33    $ 2.16    8  


(a) Reflects restatement of originally issued financial results to exclude the results of operations of the divested Corporate Trust activities
(b) Reflects restatement of originally issued financial results to exclude the results of operations of the divested Corporate Trust activities and the reclassification of certain restructuring costs now shown as a component of reported results rather than operating results


Addendum Page 6


Addendum Consolidated Statement of Condition


(Dollars in millions)


December 31,



December 31,





Cash and due from banks

   $ 3,376     $ 1,361  

Interest-bearing deposits with banks

     21,738       28,143  

Securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowed

     9,447       17,215  

Federal funds sold

     104       —    

Trading account assets

     405       984  

Investment securities

     38,215       28,071  

Loans (less allowance of $61 and $61)

     4,960       4,113  

Premises and equipment

     1,212       887  

Accrued income receivable

     1,015       823  


     1,326       462  

Other intangible assets

     525       127  

Other assets

     5,211       3,608  


Total Assets

   $ 87,534     $ 85,794  







   $ 7,893     $ 7,279  


     5,062       9,005  


     34,561       29,184  


Total Deposits

     47,516       45,468  

Securities sold under repurchase agreements

     22,806       21,963  

Federal funds purchased

     1,019       3,895  

Other short-term borrowings

     1,437       3,440  

Accrued taxes and other expenses

     2,424       1,967  

Other liabilities

     4,363       3,004  

Long-term debt

     2,222       1,270  


Total Liabilities

     81,787       81,007  

Stockholders’ Equity


Preferred stock, no par: authorized 3,500,000; issued none


Common stock, $1 par: authorized 500,000,000; issued 337,132,000 and 329,992,000

     337       330  


     329       104  

Retained earnings

     5,007       4,472  

Accumulated other comprehensive income

     192       106  

Treasury stock at cost (2,658,000 and 5,065,000 shares)

     (118 )     (225 )


Total Stockholders’ Equity

     5,747       4,787  


Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity

   $ 87,534     $ 85,794  



Addendum Page 7