IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2023 and for the six and three-month periods ended as of that date, presented comparatively
Legal information
Denomination: IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima.
Fiscal year N°: 81, beginning on July 1st, 2023.
Legal address: 261 Carlos Della Paolera St., 9th floor, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Company activity: Real estate investment and development.
Date of registration of the by-laws in the Public Registry of Commerce: June 23, 1943.
Date of registration of last amendment of the by-laws in the Public Registry of Commerce: General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 27, 2023 and registered in the Superintendence on September 12, 2023 with the number 15555, Book 114 Volume – of Joint Stock Companies.
Expiration of the Company’s by-laws: April 5, 2043.
Registration number with the Superintendence: 213,036.
Capital: 736,822,824 shares. (*)
Common Stock subscribed, issued and paid-up nominal value (in millions of ARS): 7,368.
Parent Company: Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria
(Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.).
Legal Address: 261 Carlos Della Paolera St., 9th floor, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Main activity of parent Company: Real estate, agricultural, commercial and financial activities.
Direct and indirect interest of the Parent Company on the capital stock: 415,859,290 common shares.
Percentage of votes of the Parent Company (direct and indirect interest) on the shareholders’ equity: 57.16% (1).
Type of stock
Shares authorized for Public Offering (2)
Subscribed, issued and paid-up nominal value
(in millions of Argentine Pesos)
Common stock with a face value of ARS 10 per share and entitled to 1 vote each
(1) For computation purposes, treasury shares have been subtracted.
(2) Company not included in the Optional Statutory System of Public Offer of Compulsory Acquisition.
(*) The capital increase and the issuance of shares resolved by the board of directors on January 4, 2024, are in process of being registered in the “Inspección General de Justicia” (General Inspection of Justice).
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements:
 Note 1 – The Group’s business and general information
 Note 2 – Summary of significant accounting policies
 Note 3 – Seasonal effects on operations
 Note 4 – Acquisitions and disposals
 Note 5 – Financial risk management and fair value estimates
 Note 6 – Segment information
 Note 7 – Investments in associates and joint ventures
 Note 8 – Investment properties
 Note 9 – Property, plant and equipment
 Note 10 – Trading properties
 Note 11 – Intangible assets
 Note 12 – Right-of-use assets
 Note 13 – Financial instruments by category
 Note 14 – Trade and other receivables
 Note 15 – Cash flow and cash equivalent information
 Note 16 – Trade and other payables
 Note 17 – Borrowings
 Note 18 – Provisions
 Note 19 – Taxes
 Note 20 – Revenues
 Note 21 – Expenses by nature
 Note 22 – Costs
 Note 23 – Other operating results, net
 Note 24 – Financial results, net
 Note 25 – Related party transactions
 Note 26 – CNV General Resolution N° 622
 Note 27 – Foreign currency assets and liabilities
 Note 28 – Other relevant events of the period
 Note 29 – Subsequent events
The following are not technical definitions, but help the reader to understand certain terms used in the wording of the notes to the Group´s Financial Statements.
Annual Financial Statements
Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023
Banco de Crédito y Securitización S.A.
Banco Hipotecario S.A.
Cash settlement
Centro de Entretenimientos La Plata S.A.
Securities Exchange Commission (Argentina)
Condor Hospitality Trust Inc.
Collective Promotion Funds
Consumer Price Index
Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.
Financial Statements
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
International Accounting Standards
International Accounting Standards Board
International Financial Reporting Standards
Argentine Institute of Statistics and Census
IRSA, The Company”, “Us”, “We”
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
IRSA Propiedades Comerciales S.A.
Electronic Payment Market
Minimum presumed income tax
New Lipstick
New Lipstick LLC
Puerto Retiro
Puerto Retiro S.A.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Non-current assets
Investment properties
Property, plant and equipment
Trading properties
10, 22
Intangible assets
Right-of-use assets
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Deferred income tax assets
Income tax credit
Trade and other receivables
13, 14
Investments in financial assets
Total non-current assets
Current assets
Trading properties
10, 22
Income tax credit
Trade and other receivables
13, 14
Investments in financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Total current assets
Shareholders' equity attributable to equity holders of the parent (according to corresponding statement)
Non-controlling interest
Non-current liabilities
13, 17
Lease liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities
Trade and other payables
13, 16
Salaries and social security liabilities
Total non-current liabilities
Current liabilities
13, 17
Lease liabilities
Trade and other payables
13, 16
Income tax liabilities
Derivative financial instruments
Salaries and social security liabilities
Total current liabilities
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income
for the six and three-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Six months
Three months
21, 22
Gross profit
Net gain / (loss) from fair value adjustment of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
Profit / (loss) from operations
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Profit / (loss) before financial results and income tax
Finance income
Finance costs
Other financial results
Inflation adjustment
Financial results, net
Profit / (loss) before income tax
Income tax expense
Profit for the period
Other comprehensive loss:
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Currency translation adjustment and other comprehensive loss from subsidiaries (i)
Revaluation deficit
Total other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive income for the period
Profit / (loss) for the period attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent
Non-controlling interest
Total comprehensive income / (loss) attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent
Non-controlling interest
Profit per share attributable to equity holders of the parent: (ii)
Components of other comprehensive income have no impact on income tax.
See note 28 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share capital
Outstanding shares
Shares to issue (iv)
Treasury shares
Inflation adjustment of share capital and treasury shares (i)
 Warrants (ii)
Share premium
Additional paid-in capital from treasury shares
Legal reserve
Special reserve Resolution CNV 609/12
Other reserves (v)
Retained earnings
Non-controlling interest
Total Shareholders’ equity
Balance as of June 30, 2023
Net profit for the period
Other comprehensive (loss) / income for the period
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the period
Assignment of results according to Shareholders´ Meeting
Repurchase of treasury shares (iii)
Warrants exercise (ii)
Issuance of shares
Capitalization of irrevocable contributions
Dividend distribution (iv)
Reserve for share-based payments
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of December 31, 2023
(i) Includes ARS 13 of Inflation adjustment of treasury shares. See Note 17 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30,2023.
(ii) As of December 31, 2023, the remaining warrants to exercise amount to 79,319,038. See Note 28 to these Financial Statements.
(iii) Related to the Shares Buyback Program approved by the Board on June 15, 2023. As of December 31, 2023 the Company has bought 7,839,874 shares. See Note 28 to these Financial Statements.
(iv) See Note 28 to these Financial Statements.
(v) Group´s other reserves for the period ended December 31, 2023 are comprised as follows:
Cost of treasury stock
Reserve for future dividends
Currency translation adjustment reserve
Special reserve
Other reserves (1)
Total Other reserves
Balance as of June 30, 2023
Other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive loss for the period
Assignment of results according to Shareholders´ Meeting
Repurchase of treasury shares
Issuance of shares
Reserve for share-based payments
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of December 31, 2023
(1) Includes revaluation surplus.
 There are no cumulative unpaid dividends on preferred shares.
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
for the six-month period ended December 31, 2022
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share capital
Outstanding shares
Treasury shares
Inflation adjustment of share capital and treasury shares (i)
Share premium
Additional paid-in capital from treasury shares
Legal reserve
Special reserve Resolution CNV 609/12
Other reserves (ii)
Retained earnings
Non-controlling interest
Total Shareholders’ equity
Balance as of June 30, 2022
Net profit for the period
Other comprehensive (loss) / income for the period
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the period
Assignment of results according to Shareholders´ Meeting
Repurchase of treasury shares
Warrants exercise
Dividend distribution
Reserve for share-based payments
Other changes in equity
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of December 31, 2022
(i) Includes ARS 8 of Inflation adjustment of treasury shares. See Note 17 to the Annual Financial Statements.
(ii) Group’s other reserves for the period ended December 31, 2022 are comprised as follows:
Cost of treasury stock
Reserve for future dividends
Currency translation adjustment reserve
Special reserve
Other reserves (1)
Total Other reserves
Balance as of June 30, 2022
Other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive loss for the period
Assignment of results according to Shareholders' Meeting
Repurchase of treasury shares
Reserve for share-based payments
Other changes in equity
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of December 31, 2022
(1) Includes revaluation surplus.
There are no cumulative unpaid dividends on preferred shares.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Operating activities:
Net cash generated from operating activities before income tax paid
Income tax paid
Net cash generated from operating activities
Investing activities:
Acquisition and improvements of investment properties
Proceeds from sales of investment properties
Acquisitions and improvements of property, plant and equipment
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment
Acquisitions of intangible assets
Dividends collected from associates and joint ventures
Proceeds from sales of interest held in associates and joint ventures
Payments of derivative financial instruments
Acquisitions of investments in financial assets
Proceeds from disposal of investments in financial assets
Interest received from financial assets
Proceeds from loans granted to related parties
Increase of loans granted to related parties
Net cash generated from investing activities
Financing activities:
Borrowings, issuance and new placement of non-convertible notes
Payment of borrowings and non-convertible notes
Obtaining / (payments) of short term loans, net
Interests paid
Capital contributions from non-controlling interest in subsidiaries
Payment of borrowings to related parties
Borrowings obtained from related parties
Dividends paid
Warrants exercise
Payment of financial leases
Repurchase of treasury shares
Net cash used in financing activities
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
Inflation adjustment
Foreign exchange gain on cash and unrealized fair value result for cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
The Group’s business and general information
These Financial Statements have been approved for issuance by the Board of Directors, on February 5, 2024.
IRSA was founded in 1943, and it has engaged in diverse real estate activities in Argentina since 1991. IRSA and its subsidiaries are collectively referred to hereinafter as “the Group”.
Cresud is our direct parent company, whose main shareholders are Inversiones Financieras del Sur S.A., Agroinvestment S.A. and Consultores Venture Capital Uruguay S.A., and whose final beneficiary is Eduardo Sergio Elsztain.
As of the end of these Consolidated Financial Statements, the Group owns 15 shopping malls, 5 office buildings, three hotels and an extensive land reserve for future mixed-use developments. Additionally, the Group holds a 29.91% interest in Banco Hipotecario S.A. (BHSA), which is a leading commercial bank in the provision of mortgaged loans in Argentina. BHSA's shares are listed on the BYMA.
The Group operates and holds a majority interest (with the exception of La Ribera Shopping Center, of which it has a 50% ownership interest) in a portfolio of 14 shopping malls in Argentina, six of which are located in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (Abasto Shopping, Alcorta Shopping, Alto Palermo, Patio Bullrich, Dot Baires Shopping and Distrito Arcos), two in Buenos Aires province (Alto Avellaneda and Soleil Premium Outlet) and the rest are situated in different provinces (Alto Noa in the City of Salta, Alto Rosario in the City of Rosario, Mendoza Plaza in the City of Mendoza, Córdoba Shopping Villa Cabrera in the City of Córdoba, Alto Comahue in the City of Neuquén and La Ribera Shopping in the City of Santa Fe). The Group also owns the historic building where the Patio Olmos Shopping Mall is located, operated by a third party.
Likewise, the Group manages a 5 office buildings portfolio and has majority stakes in three luxury hotels including the Libertador and Intercontinental hotels in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the exclusive Llao Llao resort, in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, in southern Argentina. Additionally, the Group participates in the development of residential properties for sale, as well as in other investments.
Economic context in which the Group operated
The Group operated in an economic context whose main variables have shown strong volatility. The main ones are detailed below:
The country ended the year 2023 with a 1.4% decrease in activity, according to preliminary data from INDEC.
Accumulated inflation between January 1st and December 31, 2023 reached 211% (CPI).
Between these dates, the Argentine peso depreciated nominally against the US dollar, from ARS 180 to ARS 805 per dollar at the end of the period.
The monetary authority maintained exchange restrictions established in previous years throughout 2023 to contain the demand for dollars. These restrictions did not prevent meeting all the company's financial and contractual maturities.
On December 10, 2023 a new government took office in Argentina with plans to carry out extensive reforms of laws and regulations.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Among its first measures, the new government issued a Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU, by its Spanish acronym) modifying several laws, introducing reforms in the labor market, customs code, and the status of public companies, among others. Although the DNU must be discussed and ratified by at least one chamber of the National Congress, its provisions have been partially in force since December 29, 2023, considering a series of judicial actions that have granted the suspension of certain modifications.
Additionally, the National Congress was called to extraordinary sessions to consider a series of legislative initiatives, including an “Omnibus Law”.
The regulatory and legislative situation as of December 31, 2023, does not substantially differ from that established by the previous government. The company's financial statements should be read considering these circumstances.
Summary of significant accounting policies
Basis of preparation
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 “Interim financial reporting” and should therefore be read in conjunction with the Group's annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023 prepared in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards. Also, these financial statements include additional information required by Law No. 19,550 and / or regulations of the CNV. Such information is included in the notes to these financial statements, as accepted by IFRS Accounting Standards.
These financial statements for the interim periods of six months ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 have not been audited. Management considers that they include all the necessary adjustments to fairly present the results of each period. Intermediate period results do not necessarily reflect the proportion of the Group's results for the entire fiscal years.
IAS 29 "Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies" requires that the financial statements of an entity whose functional currency is one of a hyperinflationary economy be expressed in terms of the current unit of measurement at the closing date of the reporting period, regardless of whether they are based on the historical cost method or the current cost method. To do so, in general terms, the inflation produced from the date of acquisition or from the revaluation date, as applicable, must be calculated by non-monetary items. This requirement also includes the comparative information of the financial statements.
In order to conclude on whether an economy is categorized as highly inflationary in the terms of IAS 29, the standard details a series of factors to be considered, including the existence of an accumulated inflation rate in three years that approximates or exceeds 100%. Accumulated inflation in Argentina in three years is over 100%. For that reason, in accordance with IAS 29, Argentina must be considered a country with a highly inflationary economy starting July 1, 2018.
In relation to the inflation index to be used and in accordance with Argentine Federation of Professional Councils in Economic Sciences (FACPCE) Resolution No. 539/18, it is determined based on the Wholesale Price Index (IPIM) until 2016, considering the average variation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for the months of November and December 2015, because during those two months there were no national IPIM measurements. Then, from January 2017, the National Consumer Price Index (National CPI) is considered.
The table below presents the index for the period between the last fiscal year and as of December 31, 2023, and for the 12-month period ending on the same date, according to official statistics (INDEC) and following the guidelines described in Resolution 539/18.
As of December 31, 2023 (six months)
As of December 31, 2023 (twelve months)
Price variation
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
As a consequence of the aforementioned, these financial statements as of December 31, 2023 were restated in accordance with IAS 29.
Significant accounting policies
The accounting policies applied in the presentation of these Financial Statements are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the Annual Financial Statements, as described in Note 2 to those Financial Statements.
Comparability of information
Balance items as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022 presented in these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for comparative purposes arise from the financial statements as of and for such periods restated according to IAS 29 (See note 2.1). Certain items from prior periods have been reclassified for consistency purposes.
Use of estimates
The preparation of Financial Statements at a certain date requires Management to make estimations and evaluations affecting the amount of assets and liabilities recorded and contingent assets and liabilities disclosed at such date, as well as income and expenses recorded during the period. Actual results might differ from the estimates and evaluations made at the date of preparation of these financial statements. In the preparation of these financial statements, the significant judgments made by Management in applying the Group’s accounting policies and the main sources of uncertainty were the same as the ones applied by the Group in the preparation of the Annual Financial Statements described in Note 3 to those Financial Statements.
Seasonal effects on operations
The operations of the Group’s shopping malls are subject to seasonal effects, which affect the level of sales recorded by lessees. During summertime in Argentina (January and February), the lessees of shopping malls experience the lowest sales levels in comparison with the winter holidays (July) and Christmas and year-end holidays celebrated in December, when they tend to record peaks of sales. Apparel stores generally change their collections during the spring and the fall, which impacts positively on shopping malls sales. Sale discounts at the end of each season also affect the business. As a consequence, for shopping mall operations, a higher level of business activity is expected in the period from July through December, compared to the period from January through June.
Acquisitions and disposals
Significant acquisitions and disposals for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 are detailed below. Significant acquisitions and disposals for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023, are detailed in Note 4 to the Annual Financial Statements.
“Maple Building" sale
On July 24, 2023, IRSA signed the deed for the sale of all the functional and complementary units of the “Maple Building” located at 664 Suipacha Street in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The price of the operation was USD 6.75 million, of which USD 3 million has been collected in cash, USD 750,000 through the delivery of 3 functional units in a building owned by the buyer at Avenida Córdoba 637 in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, with a bailment agreement for 30 months and the remaining balance of USD 3 million will be paid as follows:
- USD 2.5 million in 10 semiannual, equal and consecutive installments of USD 250,000, the first due 24 months from the signing of the deed, with an annual interest of 5%;
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
- USD 0.5 million through the provision of services by the buyer, which were valued at the CCL exchange rate according to the conditions agreed in the contract.
“261 Della Paolera” floor sale
On August 9, 2023, IRSA signed the deed for the sale of the 9th floor of the "261 Della Paolera" tower located in the Catalinas neighborhood of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires with a total of 1,184 square meters, 10 parking spaces, and 2 complementary units of the same building. The transaction price was approximate USD (MEP) 6.3 million, which had already been paid in ARS.
On October 5, 2023, the transfer deed was signed for the sale of the 25th and 26th floors of the “261 Della Paolera” tower located in the Catalinas neighborhood of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for a total of 2,395 square meters, 18 units of garages and 6 complementary units of the same building. The transaction price was approximately USD (MEP) 14.9 million, all of which were paid in full in ARS.
After this transaction, IRSA keeps the property of 4 floors of the building with an approximate leasable area of 4,937 sqm, in addition to parking spaces and other complementary spaces.
Sale of Quality Investment S.A.
On August 31, 2023, IRSA sold and transferred 100% of its participation in Quality Invest S.A. representing 50% of the share capital. The amount of the transaction amounted to USD 22.9 million, of which USD 21.5 million has been collected together with the transfer of the shares and the balance of USD 1.4 million will be collected after 3 years, accruing an interest of 7% per year.
Vista al Muelle – Boating Trust transaction
On October 31, 2023, Vista al Muelle S.A. (VAM), a subsidiary of Liveck S.A., sold two of its plots in the department of Canelones (Uruguay) to the Boating Trust for USD 6 million. In the same transaction, the trust sold units in Tower II to VAM for USD 5 million, which VAM used to fully settle its debt with the Chamyan family. The operation resulted in a profit of USD 1 million.
Ezpeleta land plot Barter Agreement
On December 7, 2023, the Company signed a barter agreement transferring the “Ezpeleta land plot” of 46 hectares, located in the district of Quilmes, Buenos Aires province.
The real estate project to be developed on the property consists of a gated community with 330 single-family lots and 6 macro lots for medium-density developments.
The transaction price was set at USD 16.4 million and will be paid to IRSA through the delivery of 125 single-family lots of the project and also 40% of the buildable square meters of the multifamily lots of said project.
Additionally, the Company received the sum of ARS 62.3 million in cash as part of the consideration.
Sale of GCDI common-shares
During the months of November and December 2023, IRSA sold 1,583,560 common-shares of GCDI, equivalent to 0.17% of the capital share, for a total of ARS 25.5 million.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Del Plata Building Trust
On November 10, 2023, the Company executed a Trust Administration Contract at cost for a project development and construction of a residential building, stores (gastronomic use), and complementary parking spaces, which is subject to fulfillment of certain suspensive conditions detailed below, and in which the Company will have the character of money trustor. Likewise, and as beneficiary of the trust, IRSA will receive approximately 5,128 salable square meters and 32 parking spaces. TMF Trust Company (Argentina) S.A., a company with a fiduciary purpose that is not a related party, will act as trustee.
The aforementioned trust contract involves the contribution of a building owned by Banco Hipotecario S.A. (“BHSA”), an entity in which the Company holds a significant interest. The building is located in the block embraced by the streets Carlos Pellegrini, Presidente Perón, Sarmiento and Pasaje Carabelas, in the City of Buenos Aires. The contribution was made on December 28, 2023.
Finally, it is informed that the trust underlying project has pre-approval for the Microcentro district reconversion regime issued by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires (Law 6508).
Financial risk management and fair value estimates
These Financial Statements do not include all the information and disclosures on financial risk management; therefore, they should be read along with Note 5 to the Annual Financial Statements. There have been no changes in risk management or risk management policies applied by the Group since year-end.
From June 30, 2023 and up to the date of issuance of these Financial Statements, there have been no significant changes in business or economic circumstances affecting the fair value of the Group's assets or liabilities (either measured at fair value or amortized cost).
Segment information
Segment information was prepared and classified according to the business in which the Group operates, they were described in Note 6 to the Annual Financial Statements.
Below is a summary of the Group’s operating segments and a reconciliation between the operating income according to segment information and the operating income of the Statements of Income and Other Comprehensive Income of the Group for the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
Joint ventures (1)
Expenses and collective promotion funds
Elimination of inter-segment transactions and non-reportable assets / liabilities (2)
Total as per statement of income / statement of financial position
Gross profit / (loss)
Net gain from fair value adjustment of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
Profit / (loss) from operations
Share of profit / (loss) of associates and joint ventures
Segment profit / (loss)
Reportable assets
Reportable liabilities (i)
Net reportable assets
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Joint ventures (1)
Expenses and collective promotion funds
Elimination of inter-segment transactions and non-reportable assets / liabilities (2)
Total as per statement of income / statement of financial position
Gross profit / (loss)
Net loss from fair value adjustment of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
Loss from operations
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Segment (loss) / profit
Reportable assets
Reportable liabilities (i)
Net reportable assets
(1) Represents the equity value of joint ventures that were proportionately consolidated for segment information.
(2) Includes amounts pertaining to building administration expenses and collective promotion funds (“FPC”, as per its Spanish acronym) as well as total recovered costs, whether by way of expenses or other concepts included under financial results (for example default interest and other concepts). Includes deferred income tax assets, income tax credits, trade and other receivables, investment in financial assets, cash and cash equivalents and intangible assets except for rights to receive future units under barter agreements, net of investments in associates with negative equity which are included in provisions in the amount of ARS 6 as of December 31, 2023.
(i) The CODM focuses its review on reportable assets.
Below is a summarized analysis of the segments from the Group for the periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
Shopping Malls
Sales and developments
Others (i)
Gross profit
Net gain / (loss) from fair value adjustment of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
Profit / (loss) from operations
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Segment profit / (loss)
Investment properties and trading properties
Investment in associates and joint ventures
Other operating assets
Reportable assets
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Shopping Malls
Sales and developments
Others (i)
Gross profit
Net loss from fair value adjustment of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
Profit / (loss) from operations
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Segment profit / (loss)
Investment properties and trading properties
Investment in associates and joint ventures
Other operating assets
Reportable assets
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Changes in the Group’s investments in associates and joint ventures for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Beginning of the period / year
Sale of interest in associates and joint ventures (i)
Capital contributions
Share of profit
Currency translation adjustment
Dividends (Note 25)
End of the period / year (ii)
(i) As of December 31, 2023, corresponds to the sale of interest in Quality Invest S.A. and GCDI S.A. (former TGLT S.A.).
(ii) As of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023 includes ARS (6) and ARS (2) respectively, reflecting interests in companies with negative equity, which were disclosed in “Provisions” (Note 18).

% ownership interest
Value of Group's interest in equity
Group's interest in comprehensive income / (loss)
Name of the entity
Associates and joint ventures
New Lipstick
Quality (1)
La Rural SA
GCDI (2)
Other joint ventures
Total associates and joint ventures
Below is additional information about the Group’s investments in associates and joint ventures:

Latest financial statements issued
Name of the entity
Place of business / Country of incorporation
Main activity
Common shares 1 vote
Share capital (nominal value)
(Loss) / profit for the period
Shareholders’ equity
Associates and joint ventures
New Lipstick
Real estate
La Rural SA
Organization of events
GCDI (2)
Real estate
(1) Interest in Quality Invest S.A. was sold on August 31, 2023. See note 4 to these Financial Statements.
(2) See note 8 to the Annual Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023. See note 4 to these Financial Statements.
Amounts in millions of US Dollars under US GAAP.
Information as of December 31, 2023 according to IFRS.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Puerto Retiro and La Rural (joint venture):
There have been no changes to what was informed in Note 8 to the Annual Financial Statements. See note 28 regarding the extension of the concession contract of La Rural S.A.
Arcos del Gourmet S.A. (“Arcos” or “AGSA”)
Regarding the information provided in Note 7 to the Annual Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023, the following should be noted:
(i): This process was initiated on June 18, 2015, by AGSA to raise the nullity of the revocation of the contract for the readjustment of the use and exploitation concession, established by Resolution No. 170/2014 by the Agencia de Administración de Bienes del Estado (State Assets Administration Office, or AABE in Spanish). Evidence was produced, and arguments were presented.
On August 24, 2022, the Court rejected the lawsuit filed by Arcos del Gourmet SA, with costs. On August 26, 2022, Arcos del Gourmet S.A. appealed the final judgment issued in the case. On September 19, 2023, Chamber V of the Federal Administrative Litigation Court issued a judgment rejecting the appeal filed by Arcos del Gourmet SA.
The judgment of the Court was appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation through an extraordinary federal appeal filed on October 17, 2023. The legal advisors of the Company believe that this appeal has reasonable prospects of success, as there is federal subject matter to enable the intervention of the Supreme Court.
On March 1, 2019, a request was made for the issuance of a precautionary measure aimed at "ordering AABE to suspend any judicial or administrative eviction procedure, by which it intends to forcibly execute Resolution AABE No. 170/2014, until a final judgment is issued in the nullity lawsuit brought on its basis", particularly the case titled "Playas Ferroviarias de Buenos Aires SA v. Arcos del Gourmet SA regarding Eviction Law 17,901" (File No. CAF 47454/2018). On May 6, 2021, an extension of the precautionary measure was granted. Against this resolution, Playas Ferroviarias and AABE filed an appeal. On September 7, 2021, the Chamber ruled in favor of the appeals filed by AABE and Playas Ferroviarias. Against this resolution, AGSA filed an extraordinary federal appeal on September 21, 2021. On November 17, 2021, the Chamber issued a judgment denying the extraordinary appeal filed by AGSA with costs, arguing that the attempted appeal was not directed at a final judgment or equivalent resolution.
On April 8, 2015, AGSA initiated this lawsuit since AGSA was not allowed to pay the March 2015 canon corresponding to the Readjustment Contract of Use and Exploitation that Arcos agreed with ADIF. To date, all the canons that have been accrued to date have been judicially deposited - and those amounts invested in fixed-term deposits. On November 17, 2017, ADIF answered the lawsuit. The trial opened for evidence on March 21, 2019, which was produced, and arguments were presented in December 2022.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
On June 14, 2018, Playas Ferroviarias de Buenos Aires S.A. initiated an eviction process against AGSA. On February 13, 2019, it was decided to accumulate the eviction process with the nullity action promoted by AGSA (referred to in the preceding 1.A). On May 11, 2022, the Court ruled to decree the immediate eviction of AGSA and/or occupants and/or intruders of the properties. At the same time, it ordered Playas Ferroviarias de Buenos Aires S.A. to make arrangements to ensure the continuity of the commercial activities of the sub-lessees and the employment sources they employ and, for at least 6 months, the values agreed upon with the current concessionaire must be maintained. The next day, AGSA appealed. Finally, on July 13, 2022, the Prosecutor published the opinion. As a result of the opinion, Chamber V ordered the transfer of the case to judgment. Chamber V issued its judgment on September 19, 2023, rejecting the appeal filed by AGSA and confirming the judgment of the lower court. Against this judgment, AGSA filed an extraordinary federal appeal, which has not yet been resolved.
FEDERACION DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA DE LA CIUDAD DE BUENOS AIRES (FECOBA) and others V. GCBA and others on protective petition (CAYT 68795/2013-0)
Federación de Comercio e Industria de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Federation of Commerce and Industry of the City of Buenos Aires, or FECOBA in Spanish) argued that the project executed in DISTRICT ARCOS did not have the necessary environmental approvals and did not comply with zoning guidelines. It also requested a precautionary measure, which was admitted and caused the opening to the public to be delayed until December 18, 2014, which now operates normally. In the main process, after the filing of several procedural appeals, Chamber III of the Appeals Court issued a judgment on February 14, 2019, as follows: AGSA and GCBA were convicted, with AGSA being required to allocate at least 23,319.41 square meters for public use and utility with unrestricted access and special and preferential allocation to the generation of new park-like green spaces - located wholly or partially on the property subject to the lawsuit (Distrito Arcos) or adjacent lands. In case the company cannot allocate the entire land fraction to the City of Buenos Aires, then it must pay, after a valuation, the necessary amount of money so that the Administration proceeds to search for a property to fulfill the purpose established during the term of the concession contract. If none of the mentioned alternatives are carried out by AGSA, the demolition of the necessary works on the property to comply with the stipulated in the Urban Planning Code (art. 3.1.2) would be ordered. Subsequently, within the framework of the appeal for constitutional review denied filed by AGSA against the aforementioned judgment, the Superior Court of Justice ruled that the demolition of the works carried out on the property where the "Distrito Arcos" Shopping Center is currently located, as ordered by the Chamber, is not appropriate, confirming the rest of the sentence. Our legal advisors are analyzing the procedural steps to follow.
Investment properties
Changes in the Group’s investment properties for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Level 3
Fair value at the beginning of the period / year
Capitalized leasing costs
Amortization of capitalized leasing costs (i)
(Disposals) / Transfers
Currency translation adjustment
Net (loss) / gain from fair value adjustment (ii)
Fair value at the end of the period / year
Amortization charges of capitalized leasing costs were recognized in "Costs" in the Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income (Note 21).
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
For the six-month period ended December 31, 2023, the net gain from fair value adjustment of investment properties was ARS 137,822. The net impact of the values in pesos of our properties was mainly a consequence of the change in macroeconomic conditions:
loss of ARS 8,128 as a consequence of the variation in the projected income growth rate increase and the conversion to dollars of the projected cash flow in pesos according to the exchange rate estimates used in the cash flow from shopping malls.
positive impact of ARS 355,318 resulting from the conversion into pesos of the value of the shopping malls in dollars based on the exchange rate at the end of the period.
an increase of 30 basis points in the discount rate used for cash flows and an increase of 15 basis points in the discount rate used for perpetuity, mainly due to an increase in the country-risk rate component and risk-free rate of the WACC discount rate used to discount the cash flow, which led to a decrease in the value of the shopping malls of ARS 6,565.
Additionally, due to the impact of the inflation adjustment, ARS 197,934 were reclassified for shopping malls from “Net gain from fair value adjustment” to “Inflation Adjustment” in the Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income.
The value of our office buildings and other rental properties measured in real terms decreased by 9.18% during the six-month period ended as of December 31, 2023, due to the variation of the implicit exchange rate. Likewise, there is an impact for the sales of the period.
The following is the balance by type of investment property of the Group for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023:
Shopping Malls (i)
Offices and other rental properties
Undeveloped parcels of land
Properties under development
(i) Includes parking spaces.
The following amounts have been recognized in the Statements of Income and Other Comprehensive Income:
Revenues (Note 20)
Direct operating costs
Development costs
Net realized gain from fair value adjustment of investment properties (i)
Net unrealized gain / (loss) from fair value adjustment of investment properties (ii)
As of December 31, 2023 corresponds (ARS 10,150) to the realized result from fair value adjustment for the period ((ARS 10,163) for the Ezpeleta land plot barter agreement, ARS 3,224 for the sale of floors in the “261 Della Paolera” building, (ARS 3,206) for the sale of Maple Building and (ARS 5) for the sale of parking spaces in Libertador 498) and ARS 27,480 for realized result from fair value adjustment made in previous years (ARS 11,064 for the Ezpeleta land plot barter agreement, ARS 12,326 for the sale of floors in the “261 Della Paolera” building, ARS 3,977 for the sale of Maple Building and ARS 113 for the sale of parking spaces in Libertador 498). As of December 31, 2022, ARS 193 corresponds to the result for changes in the fair value realized for the period ((ARS 34) for the sale of parking spaces in Libertador 498 and ARS 227 for the sale of floors in the “261 Della Paolera” building) and ARS 3,236 for the result of changes in fair value made in previous years (ARS 149 for the sale of parking spaces in Libertador 498 and ARS 3,087 for the sale of floors in the “261 Della Paolera” building).
Includes the result from changes in the fair value of those investment properties that are in the portfolio and have not yet been sold. This was generated in accordance with what is described in the section named "valuation techniques" in Note 9 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
Valuation techniques are described in Note 9 to the Annual Financial Statements. There were no changes to such techniques.
Costa Urbana –former Solares de Santa María– Costanera Sur, Buenos Aires City (IRSA)
On December 21, 2021, it was published the law from Buenos Aires City congress approving the Regulations for the development of the property of approximately 70 hectares, owned by the Company since 1997, previously known as "Solares de Santa María", located in front of the Río de la Plata in the South Coast of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, southeast of Puerto Madero. The published law grants a New Standard, designated: "U73 - Public Park and Costa Urbana Urbanization", which enables the combination of diverse uses such as homes, offices, retail, services, public spaces, education, and entertainment.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
The Company will have a construction capacity of approximately 866,806 sqm, which will drive growth for the coming years through the development of mixed-use projects.
IRSA agreed to give in 50.8 hectares for public use, which represents approximately 71% of the total area of the property to the development of public green spaces and will contribute with three additional lots of the property, two for the Sustainable Urban Development Fund (FODUS) and one for the Innovation Trust, Science and Technology of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and the sum of USD 2 million in cash and the amount of 3,000,000 sovereign bonds (AL35) which have already been paid.
In March 2023, Mensura was approved with a proposal for subdivision, fractioning, transfer of streets and public space and we are in the process of deeding the 3 plots and the public park sector that is transferred for consideration.
Likewise, the Company will be in charge of the infrastructure and road works on the property and will carry out the public space works contributing up to USD 40 million together with the maintenance of the public spaces assigned for 10 years or until the sum of USD 10 million is completed.
“Costa Urbana” will change the landscape of Buenos Aires City, giving life to an undeveloped area and will be in an exceptional property due to its size, location and connectivity, providing the City the possibility of expanding and recovering access to the Río de la Plata coast with areas for walks, recreation, green spaces, public parks and mixed uses.
On the judicial front, it should be noted that there are two (2) related judicial processes:
On October 29, 2021, the Company was notified of the amparo lawsuit initiated by the Civil Association Observatory of Law in the City in relation to the property, in which it was stated that there were nullities that affected the approval process of the Agreement. Urban Planning (CU). The lawsuit was subsequently expanded, also challenging issues proposed in the CU. The Company proceeded to answer the claim on November 12, 2021, requesting its rejection, and on March 10, 2022, the court issued a ruling partially granting protection, which was appealed by the Company and the GCBA. On March 6, 2023, the Chamber of Administrative, Tax and Consumer Relations Litigation - Chamber IV decided to revoke the first instance ruling, and consequently reject the claim. Since this ruling was not appealed, the case has concluded favorably for the Company.
On October 18, 2023, the Company was notified of the amparo lawsuit initiated by Messrs. Jonatan Baldiviezo and María Eva Koutsovitis in relation to the property, in which they intend to suspend the holding of the public hearing (which took place in August 2021), extend the registration period for the aforementioned hearing and declare the nullity of the public hearing, in the event that it had already been carried out, based on alleged violations of the right to informed participation in the same and access to environmental information. In this regard, the Company answered the complaint on November 1, 2023, requesting its rejection. This is based on the fact that the issue was already partially resolved by the trial referred to in point (i), and that all the relevant information for carrying out the approval process of the Urban Planning Agreement was fully provided. The environmental issues of the project must be addressed at the corresponding stage, as established by Law 123. On November 8, 2023, the Public Prosecutor's Office issued an opinion recommending that the action be rejected. As of the current date, the case is pending judgment. Considering the issues discussed in this process, a resolution favorable to the interests of the Company is expected.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Property, plant and equipment
Changes in the Group’s property, plant and equipment for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Buildings and facilities
Machinery and equipment
Others (i)
Accumulated depreciation
Net book amount at the beginning of the period / year
Currency translation adjustment
Depreciation charges (ii)
Balances at the end of the period / year
Accumulated depreciation
Net book amount at the end of the period / year
includes furniture and fixtures and vehicles.
As of December 31, 2023, depreciation charges of property, plant and equipment were recognized as follows: ARS 910 in "Costs", ARS 306 in "General and administrative expenses" and ARS 4 in "Selling expenses", respectively in the Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income (Note 21)
Trading properties
Changes in the Group’s trading properties for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Completed properties
Properties under development
Undeveloped properties
Beginning of the period / year
Currency translation adjustment
End of the period / year
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Intangible assets
Changes in the Group’s intangible assets for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Information systems and software
Future units to be received from barters and others
Accumulated amortization
Net book amount at the beginning of the period / year
Currency translation adjustment
Amortization charges (i)
Balances at the end of the period / year
Accumulated amortization
Net book amount at the end of the period / year
As of December 31, 2023, amortization charges were recognized in the amount of ARS 153 in "Costs", ARS 50 in "General and administrative expenses" and ARS 1 in "Selling expenses", in the Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income (Note 21).
Right-of-use assets
The Group’s right-of-use assets as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023 are the following:
Offices, shopping malls and other rental properties
Convention center
Total Right-of-use assets
The depreciation charge of the right-of use-assets is detailed below:
Offices, shopping malls and other rental properties
Convention center
Total depreciation of right-of-use assets (i)
As of December 31, 2023, amortization charges were recognized as follows: ARS 166 in "Costs", ARS 38 in "General and administrative expenses" and ARS 73 in "Selling expenses", respectively in the Consolidated Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income (Note 21).
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Financial instruments by category
This note presents the financial assets and financial liabilities by category of financial instrument and a reconciliation to the corresponding line in the Consolidated Statements of Financial Position, as appropriate. Financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value are assigned based on their different levels in the fair value hierarchy. For further information related to fair value hierarchy refer to Note 14 to the Annual Financial Statements. Financial assets and financial liabilities as of December 31, 2023 are the following:
Financial assets at amortized cost
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Subtotal financial assets
Non-financial assets
Level 1
December 31, 2023
Assets as per Statements of Financial Position
Trade and other receivables (excluding the allowance for doubtful accounts and other receivables) (Note 14)
Investments in financial assets:
  - Public companies’ securities
  - Mutual funds
  - Bonds
  - Others
Cash and cash equivalents:
  - Cash at bank and on hand
  - Short-term investments
Total assets
Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
Subtotal financial liabilities
Non-financial liabilities
Level 1
December 31, 2023
Liabilities as per Statements of Financial Position
Trade and other payables (Note 16)
Borrowings (Note 17)
Derivative financial instruments:
  - Bond futures
Total liabilities
Financial assets and financial liabilities as of June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Financial assets at amortized cost
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Subtotal financial assets
Non-financial assets
Level 1
June 30, 2023
Assets as per Statements of Financial Position
Trade and other receivables (excluding the allowance for doubtful accounts and other receivables) (Note 14)
Investments in financial assets:
  - Public companies’ securities
  - Mutual funds
  - Bonds
  - Others
Cash and cash equivalents:
  - Cash at bank and on hand
  - Short term investments
Total assets
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
Subtotal financial liabilities
Non-financial liabilities
Level 1
June 30, 2023
Liabilities as per Statements of Financial Position
Trade and other payables (Note 16)
Borrowings (Note 17)
Derivative financial instruments:
  - Bond futures
Total liabilities
As of December 31, 2023, there have been no changes to the economic or business circumstances affecting the fair value of the financial assets and liabilities of the Group.
Trade and other receivables
Group’s trade and other receivables as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023 are as follows:
Sale, leases and services receivables
Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts
Total trade receivables
Borrowings, deposits and others
Advances to suppliers
Tax receivables
Prepaid expenses
Long-term incentive plan
Total other receivables
Total trade and other receivables
Movements on the Group’s allowance for doubtful accounts were as follows:
Beginning of the period / year
Additions (i)
Recovery (i)
Exchange rate differences
Inflation adjustment
End of the period / year
(i) Additions and recovery of the allowance for doubtful accounts have been included in “Selling expenses” in the Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income (Note 21).
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Cash flow and cash equivalent information
Following is a detailed description of cash flows generated by the Group’s operations for the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
Profit for the period
Adjustments for:
Income tax
Amortization and depreciation
Loss from disposal of property, plant and equipment
Net (gain) / loss from fair value adjustment of investment properties
Loss from disposal of intangible assets
Loss from disposal of joint ventures
Realization of currency translation adjustment
Gain from disposal of trading properties
Financial results, net
Provisions and allowances
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Decrease / (increase) in inventories
(Increase) / decrease in trading properties
Increase in trade and other receivables
Decrease in trade and other payables
Decrease in salaries and social security liabilities
Decrease in provisions
Net cash generated by operating activities before income tax paid
The following table presents a detail of significant non-cash transactions occurred in the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
Issuance of non-convertible notes
Increase in investment properties through an increase in trade and other payables
Currency translation adjustment
Decrease in investment properties through an increase in property, plant and equipment
Decrease in property, plant and equipment through an increase in investment properties
Decrease in property, plant and equipment through an increase in revaluation surplus
Decrease in investments in financial assets through a decrease in trade and other payables
Decrease in dividends receivables through an increase in investments in financial assets
Decrease in Shareholders’ Equity through a decrease in trade and other receivables
Decrease in investment properties through a decrease in investments in financial assets
Decrease in Shareholders’ Equity through a decrease in investments in financial assets
Increase in right-of-use assets through a decrease in lease liabilities
Decrease in Shareholders’ Equity through an increase in trade and other payables
Decrease in trading properties through a decrease in borrowings
Increase in intangible assets through a decrease in trading properties
Barter transactions of investment properties
Decrease in investment properties through an increase in trade and other receivables
Decrease in investments in associates and joint ventures through an increase in trade and other receivables
Increase in intangible assets through a decrease in investment properties
Increase in intangible assets through trade and other payables
Increase of investments in financial assets through an increase in borrowings
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Trade and other payables
Group’s trade and other payables as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Customers´ advances (*)
Trade payables
Accrued invoices
Admission fees (*)
Other income to be accrued
Tenant deposits
Total trade payables
Taxes payable
Other payables
Total other payables
Total trade and other payables
(*) Mainly, corresponds to admission rights and rents collected in advance, which will accrue in an average term of 3 to 5 years.
The breakdown of the Group’s borrowings as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023 was as follows:
Book value
Fair value
Non-convertible notes
Bank loans and others
Bank overdrafts
Other borrowings
Loans with non-controlling interests
Total borrowings
The table below shows the movements in the Group's provisions categorized by type:
Legal claims (iii)
Investments in associates and joint ventures (ii)
Beginning of the period / year
Additions (i)
Share of loss of associates
Recovery (i)
Used during the period / year
Inflation adjustment
End of the period / year
(i) Additions and recovery of legal claims are included in "Other operating results, net".
(ii) Corresponds to investments in Puerto Retiro, a joint venture with negative equity.
(iii) Includes the provision for the IDBD demand.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
As indicated in Note 1 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023, the Group lost control of IDBD on September 25, 2020.
On September 21, 2020, IDBD filed a lawsuit against Dolphin Netherlands B.V. (“Dolphin BV”) and IRSA before the Tel-Aviv Jaffa District Court (civil case no. 29694-09-20). The amount claimed by IDBD is NIS 140 million, alleging that Dolphin BV and IRSA breached an alleged legally binding commitment to transfer to IDBD 2 installments of NIS 70 million. On December 24, 2020, and following approval by the insolvency court, the IDBD trustee filed a motion to dismiss the claim, maintaining the right as IDBD trustee, to file a new inter alia claim in the same matter, after conduct an investigation into the reasons for IDBD's insolvency. On December 24, 2020, the court entered a judgment to dismiss the claim as requested. On October 31, 2021, the Insolvency Commissioner notified that he did not oppose the motion, and on that same date, the court affirmed the motion initiated by the trustee of IDBD.
On December 26, 2021 IDBD filed the lawsuit against Dolphin BV and IRSA for the sum of NIS 140 million, plus interest and costs.
On January 30, 2023, a copy of the lawsuit was sent to us and we evaluated the legal defense alternatives for the company's interests. Throughout the year 2023 and up to the present date, the legal process has continued as usual, and the Company has responded to all requests made to it.
The company is currently discussing the validity of the claim regarding its liability and, subsidiarily, rebutting the substantive arguments raised by IDBD. However, based on the analysis conducted by the Company's lawyers to date, a provision related to this claim has been recorded in accordance with applicable accounting standards. As of the issuance date of these condensed interim financial statements, the legal process is still ongoing.
The details of the Group’s income tax, is as follows:
Current income tax
Deferred income tax
Income tax
Below is a reconciliation between income tax recognized and the amount which would result from applying the prevailing tax rate on profit before income tax for the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
Profit for the period at tax rate applicable in the respective countries
Permanent differences:
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Provision of tax loss carry forwards
Inflation adjustment permanent difference
Difference between provision and tax return
Non-taxable profit, non-deductible expenses and others
Tax inflation adjustment
Income tax
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
The gross movement in the deferred income tax account is as follows:
Beginning of period / year
Deferred income tax charge
End of period / year
Deferred income tax assets
Deferred income tax liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities, net
Base rent
Contingent rent
Admission rights
Parking fees
Property management fees
Averaging of scheduled rent escalation
Rentals and services income
Revenue from hotels operation and tourism services
Sale of trading properties
Total revenues from sales, rentals and services
Expenses and collective promotion fund
Total revenues from expenses and collective promotion funds
Total Group’s revenues
Expenses by nature
The Group discloses expenses in the statements of income by function as part of the line items “Costs”, “General and administrative expenses” and “Selling expenses”. The following table provides additional disclosures regarding expenses by nature and their relationship to the function within the Group.
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Cost of sale of goods and services
Salaries, social security costs and other personnel expenses
Depreciation and amortization
Fees and payments for services
Maintenance, security, cleaning, repairs and others
Advertising and other selling expenses
Taxes, rates and contributions
Director´s fees (Note 25) (i)
Leases and service charges
Allowance for doubtful accounts, net
Other expenses
Total as of December 31, 2023
Total as of December 31, 2022
(i) On 5 October 2023, fees to the Board of Directors were approved at the General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting for ARS 9,050. The Board of Directors of the Company had proposed Director´s fees for ARS 13,500 and accordingly made provision for such amount in the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023, issued on September 5, 2023, and submitted to the CNV. During the current period, with the final approval of said fee, the Company proceeded to recover the excess in the provision, with a balancing entry in the line that gave rise to it. The amounts are expressed in currency defined as approved by the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Inventories at the beginning of the period
Purchases and expenses
Currency translation adjustment
Inventories at the end of the period
Total costs
The following table presents the composition of the Group’s inventories as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023:
Real estate
Total inventories at the end of the period (*)
(*) Inventories include trading properties and inventories.
Other operating results, net
Realization of currency translation adjustment (*)
Loss from disposal of joint ventures
Lawsuits and other contingencies
Administration fees
Interest and allowances generated by operating assets
Loss from disposal of property, plant and equipment
Total other operating results, net
(*) Corresponds to the liquidation of Condor, Real Estate Investment Group VII LP and Jiwin S.A.
Financial results, net
Finance income:
 - Interest income
Total finance income
Finance costs:
 - Interest expenses
 - Other finance costs
Total finance costs
Other financial results:
 - Fair value gain of financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, net
 - Exchange rate differences, net
 - (Loss) / gain from repurchase of non-convertible notes
 - (Loss) / gain from derivative financial instruments, net
 - Other financial results
Total other financial results
 - Inflation adjustment
Total financial results, net
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Related party transactions
The following is a summary of the balances with related parties as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023:
Trade and other receivables
Investments in financial assets
Trade and other payables
 Related party
 Description of transaction
New Lipstick LLC
 Reimbursement of expenses receivable
 Trade and other receivable
Comparaencasa Ltd.
 Other investments
 Investments in financial assets
 Loans granted
 Trade and other receivable
Galerias Pacifico
 Trade and other receivable
La Rural S.A.
 Loans granted
 Trade and other receivable
 Trade and other payables
 Trade and other receivable
Other associates and joint ventures
 Reimbursement of expenses receivable
 Trade and other receivable
 Loans obtained
 Leases and/or rights of use receivable
 Trade and other receivable
 Irrevocable contributions pending subscription
 Trade and other receivable
 Management Fee
 Trade and other receivable
 Non-convertible notes
 Trade and other payables
 Trade and other receivable
 Share based payments
 Trade and other payables
 Loans granted
 Trade and other receivable
Total associates and joint ventures
 Reimbursement of expenses receivable
 Trade and other receivable
 Corporate services receivable
 Trade and other payables
 Non-convertible notes
 Investments in financial assets
 Trade and other payables
 Share based payments
 Trade and other payables
Total parent company
Futuros y Opciones S.A.
 Trade and other receivable
Helmir S.A.
 Non-convertible notes
Total subsidiaries of parent company
 Fees for services received
 Trade and other payables
Rundel Global LTD
 Other investments
 Investments in financial assets
Yad Levim LTD
 Loans granted
 Trade and other receivable
Others (1)
 Leases and/or rights of use receivable
 Trade and other payables
 Trade and other receivable
 Trade and other payables
 Reimbursement of expenses receivable
 Trade and other receivable
Total directors and others
Total at the end of the period / year
(1) Includes CAMSA, Estudio Zang, Bergel & Viñes, Fundación Puerta 18, Sociedad Rural Argentina, CAM Communication LP, Sutton and Fundación Museo de los Niños.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
The following is a summary of the results with related parties for the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
Related party
Description of transaction
 Financial operations
 BHN Vida S.A
 Leases and/or rights of use
 BHN Seguros Generales S.A.
 Leases and/or rights of use
 Comparaencasa Ltd.
 Financial operations
 Otras asociadas y negocios conjuntos
 Financial operations
 Leases and/or rights of use
 Corporate services
Total associates and joint ventures
 Leases and/or rights of use
 Corporate services
 Financial operations
Total parent company
 Financial operations
Total subsidiaries of parent company
 Directors (1)
 Fees and remunerations
 Senior Management
 Fees and remunerations
 Rundel Global LTD
 Financial operations
  Yad Leviim LTD
 Financial operations
 Others (2)
 Corporate services
 Leases and/or rights of use
 Financial operations
 Fees and remuneration
 Legal services
Total others
Total at the end of the period
(1) See Note 21 these Financial Statements.
(2) Includes CAMSA, Fundación Puerta 18, Galerías Pacífico, Estudio Zang, Austral Gold, Bergel y Viñes, Fundación Museo de los Niños, Sociedad Rural Argentina, Sutton, Espacio Digital S.A. and Casposo Argentina Ltd.
The following is a summary of the transactions with related parties for the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
Related party
Description of the operation
Sale of shares
Quality Invest S.A.
Sale of shares
Total sale of shares
Dividends received
Nuevo Puerto Santa Fe
Dividends received
Total dividends received
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
CNV General Resolution N° 622
As required by Section 1°, Chapter III, Title IV of CNV General Resolution N° 622, below there is a detail of the notes to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements that disclose the information required by the Resolution in Exhibits.
Exhibit A - Property, plant and equipment
Note 8 Investment properties and Note 9 Property, plant and equipment
Exhibit B - Intangible assets
Note 11 Intangible assets
Exhibit C - Investment in associates
Note 7 Investments in associates and joint ventures
Exhibit D - Other investments
Note 13 Financial instruments by category
Exhibit E - Provisions and allowances
Note 14 Trade and other receivables and Note 18 Provisions
Exhibit F - Cost of sales and services provided
Note 22 Costs
Exhibit G - Foreign currency assets and liabilities
Note 27 Foreign currency assets and liabilities
Foreign currency assets and liabilities
Book amounts of foreign currency assets and liabilities are as follows:
Item / Currency (1)
Amount (2)
Peso exchange rate (3)
Trade and other receivables
US Dollar
Receivables with related parties:
US Dollar
Total trade and other receivables
Investments in financial assets
US Dollar
New Israel Shekel
Investments with related parties:
US Dollar
Total investments in financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents
US Dollar
Uruguayan pesos
New Israel Shekel
Total cash and cash equivalents
Total Assets
Trade and other payables
US Dollar
Uruguayan pesos
Payables to related parties:
US Dollar
Total Trade and other payables
US Dollar
Borrowings with related parties
US Dollar
Total Borrowings
Derivative financial instruments
US Dollar
Total derivative financial instruments
Lease liabilities
US Dollar
Total lease liabilities
New Israel Shekel
Total Provisions
Total Liabilities
(1) Considering foreign currencies as those that differ from each Group’s subsidiaries functional currency at each period/year-end.
(2) Stated in millions of each foreign currency.
(3) Exchange rates as of December 31, 2023 according to Banco de la Nación Argentina.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Other relevant events of the period
Shares Buyback Program – New program
On June 15, 2023, the Board of Directors of IRSA approved a new program for the buyback program of shares issued by the Company and established the terms and conditions for the acquisition of treasury shares issued by the Company, under the terms of Article 64. of Law No. 26,831 and the CNV regulations, for up to a maximum amount of ARS 5,000 million and up to 10% of the share capital, up to a daily limit of up to 25% of the average volume of daily transactions that the shares have experienced of the Company, jointly in the markets it is listed, during the previous 90 business days, and up to a maximum price of USD 8 per GDS and ARS 425 per share. Likewise, the repurchase period was set at up to 180 days, beginning the day following the date of publication of the information in the Daily Bulletin of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.
The Company reported that on September 5, 2023, the Company's Board of Directors resolved to modify the acquisition price of its own shares, establishing a maximum value of USD 9 per GDS and up to a maximum value in pesos of ARS 720 per share, maintaining the remaining terms and conditions duly communicated.
On November 6, 2023, the Board of Directors resolved to extend the term of the shares repurchase program for an additional period of 180 days from the expiration of the term of the current share buyback program for the acquisition of own shares approved on June 15, 2023, which expired on December 13, 2023, with the remaining terms and conditions duly communicated.
On November 29, 2023, the Board of Directors resolved to modify the acquisition price of its own shares, establishing a maximum value of USD 11.00 per GDS and up to a maximum value in pesos of ARS 1,320 per share, maintaining the remaining terms and conditions duly communicated.
Since the beginning of the program approved on June 15, 2023 and until the closing date of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements, the Company acquired 7,839,874 common shares (nominal value ARS 10 per share) for a total of ARS 4,997 million, 99.95% of the program approved on June 15, 2023. The amounts are expressed in the currency at the time of acquisition.
Change in the total amount of shares and its nominal value
On September 13, 2023, the Company announced that having obtained the authorizations from the CNV and the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange as resolved at the Shareholders' Meeting held on April 27, 2023, in relation to:
an increase in the capital stock in the amount of ARS 6,552.4 million, through the partial capitalization of the Issue Premium account, resulting in the issuance of 6,552,405,000 common shares, with a par value of ARS 1 (one peso) and with the right to one vote per share; and
changing the nominal value of the ordinary shares from ARS 1 to ARS 10 each and entitled to one (1) vote per share.
Having obtained the authorizations from the Comisión Nacional de Valores (the Argentine National Securities Commission) and from the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, the Company informs all shareholders who have such quality as of September 19, 2023, according to the registry maintained by Caja de Valores S.A., that from September 20, 2023, the shares distribution and the change in nominal value was made simultaneously and the entry of the change of 811,137,457 book-entry common shares, with a nominal value of ARS 1 each and one vote per share, for the amount of 736,354,245 book-entry common shares with a nominal value of ARS 10 each and one vote per share, consequently, a reverse split of the Company’s shares shall be carried out, where every 1 (one) old share with nominal value of ARS 1 shall be exchanged for 0.907804514 new shares with nominal value ARS 10. The new shares distributed due to the described capitalization have economic rights under equal conditions with those that are currently in circulation.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Regarding the shareholders who, because of the entry in the Scriptural Registry, have fractions of common shares with a nominal value of ARS 10 and one vote per share, they were settled in cash in accordance with the listing regulations of Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos. Regarding the shareholders who, due to the exchange of shares did not reach at least one share with a nominal value of ARS 10, the necessary amount was assigned to them until the nominal value of ARS 10 is completed.
The Company share capital after the indicated operations will amount to ARS 7,364 million represented by 736,354,245 book-entry common shares with a nominal value of ARS 10 each and one vote per share.
    Likewise, the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange has been requested to change the modality of the negotiation of the shares representing the share capital. Specifically, the negotiation price will be registered per share instead of being negotiated by Argentine peso (ARS) of nominal value, given that the change in nominal value, and the issuance of shares resulting from the capitalization, would produce a substantial downward effect on the share price.
This capitalization and change in the nominal value of the shares do not modify the economic values of the holdings or the percentage of participation in the share capital.
Warrants – Modification on Ratio and Price -
On September 14, 2023, we reported that as a result of (i) an increase in the capital stock through the partial capitalization of the Issue Premium account; and (ii) an amendment to section seven of its bylaws, changing the nominal value of the ordinary shares from one peso (ARS 1) to ten pesos (ARS 10) each and entitled to one (1) vote per share, which was informed in September 13, 2023, where the outstanding shares will change from 811,137,457 common shares, with a nominal value of ARS 1 each and one vote per share, to the amount of 736,354,245 common shares with a nominal value of ARS 10 each and one vote per share, as it was approved by the shareholders meeting held on April 27, 2023. The terms and conditions of the outstanding warrants for common shares of the Company have been modified as follows:
Amount of shares to be issued per warrant: 
● Ratio previous to the adjustment: 1.1719 (Nominal Value ARS 1);
 ● Ratio after the adjustment (current): 1.0639 (Nominal Value ARS 10).
 Warrant exercise price per new share to be issued:
 ● Price previous to the adjustment: USD 0.3689 (Nominal Value ARS 1);
 ● Price after the adjustment (current): USD 0.4063 (Nominal Value ARS 10).
 The other terms and conditions of the warrants remain the same.
General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
On October 5, 2023, the General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting was held where it was resolved to allocate the results of the year as follows: (I) ARS 2,867.5 million to the integration of the Legal Reserve, (ARS 3,428.9 million in homogeneous currency of the date of the Shareholders' meeting) and, (II) the remainder for the sum of ARS 54,483.3 million (ARS 65,148.9 million in homogeneous currency of the date of the Shareholders' meeting), to the distribution of a dividend to Shareholders in proportion to their shareholdings, payable in cash for the sum of ARS 64,000 million. Taking into consideration that the restated results were sufficient to cover the payment of the proposed dividends, it was approved to allocate the balance of the restated results for the year (ARS 1,148.9 million) to the integration of the Reserve for the distribution of future dividends. The amounts are expressed in currency defined as approved by the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Likewise, it was approved to distribute 13,928,410 own shares in the portfolio of nominal value ARS 1 to the Shareholders in proportion to their shareholdings. Due to the aforementioned change in nominal value, each share of nominal value ARS1 corresponds to 0.90780451408 shares of nominal value ARS10, therefore, said amount updated by the aforementioned liquidation corresponds to the amount of 12,644,273 shares of nominal value ARS 10.
On October 20, 2023, IRSA reported that it had made the payment of the dividend approved at the meeting held on October 5, 2023 in Argentina.
The cash dividend and treasury shares distribution among GDS holders have been delayed due to the exchange and securities restrictions in force in Argentina. On October 20, 2023, the Company deposited the amount corresponding to the cash dividend in the mutual fund called “Super Ahorro $” managed by Santander Asset Management Gerente de Fondos Comunes de Inversión S.A., to preserve the value of the dividend in Argentine pesos. On December 12, 2023, the Company transferred the funds to the Depositary Bank of New York, fulfilling its obligation to pay dividends and leaving in the hands of the Depositary the completion of the process with the distribution to the holders.
After the end of the period, on January 19, 2024, once the corresponding administrative processes had been completed, the Depositary paid the cash dividend, for a net amount per GDS of USD 0.955110, including the yield of the “Super Ahorro $” fund. Likewise, on January 29, 2024, the distribution of treasury shares was carried out among GDS holders.
The aforementioned corresponds to the payment of dividends to foreign holders, the dividends to local shareholders were canceled on October 12, 2023.
Change in Warrants terms and conditions
Because of the payment of cash dividends and the pro-rata distribution of treasury shares among its shareholders, made by the Company on October 12, 2023, certain terms and conditions of the outstanding warrants to subscribe common shares have changed:
Number of shares to be issued per warrant: Pre-dividend ratio: 1.0639. Post-dividend ratio: 1.2272 (nominal value ARS 10).
Exercise price per new share to be issued: Pre-dividend price: USD 0.4063. Post-dividend price: USD 0.3522 (nominal value ARS 10).
The other terms and conditions of the warrants remain the same.
Warrants exercise
During the six-month period ended December 31, 2023, certain warrant holders exercised their right to purchase additional shares. For this reason, USD 168,662 were received, from the conversion of 390,263 common share warrants.
Extension of the concession contract of La Rural S.A.
On December 11, 2023 in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Ogden S.A., a company controlled by the Group, together with Sociedad Rural Argentina (“SRA”) and La Rural de Palermo S.A. entered into a Joint Venture and Shareholders Agreement through which the extension of the exploitation term of the Property located at 4431 Juncal Street, CABA (of which La Rural S.A. is the usufructuary) was extended until December 31, 2037 with the option of extension until December 31, 2041.
The aforementioned agreement is the extension of the Usufruct Contract for the “Predio Ferial de Palermo” (“CUP99/04”), signed in 1999 and modified in 2004, and the Joint Venture Agreement AJV/13 signed between the parties on September 25, 2013.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
For the extension of the usufruct term under La Rural S.A., Ogden S.A. will pay the SRA the sum of twelve million US dollars (USD 12,000,000) for all purposes.
The validity of the aforementioned agreement was subject to the approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting of the SRA, approval which took place on February 1, 2024.
Subsequent events
Series XII Notes Redemption
On December 28, 2023, IRSA notified the holders of Series XII Notes of the early redemption of all of them for a principal amount of UVA 53,784,674, which were outstanding and in circulation with maturity on March 31, 2024, in accordance with the terms and conditions detailed in the Offering Memorandum dated March 26, 2021. The redemption and payment were carried out on January 5, 2024. The redemption price was 100% of the face value of the Series XII Notes, plus accrued and unpaid interest, as of the date set for redemption.
Shares Buyback Program
On January 4, 2024, the Company reported that the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors on June 15, 2023, for up to the sum of ARS 5.000 million, with a validity period set at 180 days, extended for an additional period of 180 days from the initial expiration date on December 13, 2023, ended on December 20, 2023, as the amount duly approved for the acquisition of own shares had been fully utilized, with 99.95% of the program completed.
On January 5, 2024, the Board of Directors of IRSA approved a new program for the buyback program of shares issued by the Company and established the terms and conditions for the acquisition of treasury shares issued by the Company, under the terms of Article 64. of Law No. 26,831 and the CNV regulations, for up to a maximum amount of ARS 6,500 million and up to 10% of the share capital, up to a daily limit of up to 25% of the average volume of daily transactions that the shares have experienced of the Company, jointly in the markets it is listed, during the previous 90 business days, and up to a maximum price of USD 10 per GDS and ARS 1,200 per share. Likewise, the repurchase period was set at up to 180 days, beginning the day following the date of publication of the information in the Daily Bulletin of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
To the Shareholders, President and Directors of
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Legal address: Carlos Della Paolera 261 - 9th floor
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Tax Registration Number: 30-52532274-9
We have reviewed the accompanying unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements of IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima and its subsidiaries (hereinafter “the Company”), which comprise the unaudited condensed interim consolidated statement of financial position as of December 31, 2023, the unaudited condensed interim consolidated statements of income and other comprehensive income for the six month period and three month period ended December 31, 2023, of changes in shareholders’ equity and of cash flows for the six month period then ended, and selected explanatory notes.
Management’s responsibility
The Board of Directors of the Company is responsible for the preparation and presentation of these unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, adopted by the Argentine Federation of Professional Councils in Economic Sciences (FACPCE) as professional accounting standards and included by the National Securities Commission (CNV) in its regulations, as approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and is therefore responsible for the preparation and presentation of the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements mentioned in the first paragraph, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Information (IAS 34).
Scope of our review
Our review was limited to the application of the procedures established under International Standards on Review Engagements ISRE 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, adopted as a review standard in Argentina by Technical Pronouncement No. 33 of the FACPCE and approved by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). A review of interim financial information consists of inquiries of Company staff responsible for preparing the information included in the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements and of analytical and other review procedures. This review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
On the basis of our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements mentioned in the first paragraph of this report have not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting.
Report on compliance with current regulations
In accordance with current regulations, we report, in connection with IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima, that:
the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements of IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima have not been transcribed into the Inventory and Balance Sheet book and, except for the above mentioned situation, as regards those matters that are within our competence, they are in compliance with the provisions of the General Companies Law and pertinent resolutions of the National Securities Commission;
the unaudited condensed interim separate financial statements of IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima arise from accounting records carried in all formal aspects in accordance with legal requirements except for i) the lack of transcription to the Inventories and Balance Sheet Book, and ii) the lack of transcription to the General Journal Book of the accounting entries corresponding to the month of December 2023;
we have read the Business Summary (“Reseña Informativa”), on which we have no observations to make regarding matters that are within our competence;
as of December 31, 2023 the debt of IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima accrued in favor of the Argentine Integrated Social Security System, as shown by the Company’s accounting records, amounted to ARS 698,417,548, which was not due at that date.
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, February 5, 2024.
Carlos Brondo
Public Accountant
Noemí I. Cohn
Public Accountant
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Financial Statements as of December 31, 2023 and for the six and three-month periods ended as of that date, presented comparatively.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Statement of Financial Position
as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Non-current assets
Investment properties
Property, plant and equipment
Trading properties
Intangible assets
Right of use assets
Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Trade and other receivables
Total non-current assets
Current assets
Trading properties
Income tax credit
Trade and other receivables
Investments in financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Total current assets
Shareholders' equity (according to corresponding statements)
Non-current liabilities
Trade and other payables
Deferred income tax liabilities
Lease liabilities
Total non-current liabilities
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables
Salaries and social security liabilities
Lease liabilities
Total current liabilities
            The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income
for the six and three-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022
 (All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Six months
Three months
Gross profit
Net gain / (loss) from fair value adjustment of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
Profit / (loss) from operations
Share of profit / (loss) of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Profit / (loss) before financial results and income tax
Finance income
Finance costs
Other financial results
Inflation adjustment
Financial results, net
Profit / (loss) before income tax
Income tax
Profit for the period
Other comprehensive loss:
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Currency translation adjustment and other comprehensive results of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Total other comprehensive loss for the period (i)
Total comprehensive income for the period
Profit per share for the period (ii)
(i) Components of other comprehensive loss have no impact on income tax.
(ii) See Note 28 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain

IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Share capital
Outstanding shares
Shares to issue (iii)
Treasury shares
Inflation adjustment of share capital and treasury shares (i)
Warrants (ii)
Share premium
Additional paid-in capital from treasury shares
Legal reserve
Special Reserve Resolution CNV 609/12
 Other reserves (iv)
Retained earnings
Total Shareholders’ equity
Balance as of June 30, 2023
Profit for the period
Other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the period
Assignment of results according to Shareholders´ Meeting
Repurchase of treasury shares (ii)
Exercise of warrants (ii)
Dividends distribution (ii)
Issuance of shares (iii)
Reserve for share-based payments
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of December 31, 2023
(i) Includes ARS 13 of inflation adjustment of treasury shares. See Note 17 of Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
(ii) See Note 28 to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
(iii) See Note 28 to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
(iv) Group’s other reserves for the period ended December 31, 2023 are comprised as follows:
Cost of treasury shares
Reserve for future dividends
Reserve for currency translation adjustment
Special reserve
Other reserves (i)
Total other reserves
Balance as of June 30, 2023
Other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive loss for the period
Assignment of results according to Shareholders´ Meeting
Repurchase of treasury shares
Issuance of shares
Reserve for share-based payments
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of December 31, 2023
(i) Includes revaluation surplus
There are no cumulative unpaid dividends on preferred shares.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
for the six-month period ended December 31, 2022
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Share capital
Outstanding shares
Treasury shares
Inflation adjustment of share capital and treasury shares (i)
Share premium
Additional paid-in capital from treasury shares
Legal reserve
Special Reserve Resolution CNV 609/12
Other reserves (ii)
Retained earnings
Total Shareholders’ equity
Balance as of June 30, 2022
Profit for the period
Other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the period
Assignment of results according to Shareholders´ Meeting
Repurchase of treasury shares
Exercise of warrants
Dividends distribution
Reserve for share-based payments
Other changes in equity
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of December 31, 2022
(i) Includes ARS 8 of inflation adjustment of treasury shares. See Note 17 of Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
(ii) Group’s other reserves for the period ended December 31, 2022 are comprised as follows:
Cost of treasury shares
Reserve for future dividends
Reserve for currency translation adjustment
Special reserve
Other reserves (i)
Total other reserves
Balance as of June 30, 2022
Other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive loss for the period
Assignment of results according to Shareholders´ Meeting
Repurchase of treasury shares
Reserve for share-based payments
Other changes in equity
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of December 31, 2022
(i) Includes revaluation surplus.
There are no cumulative unpaid dividends on preferred shares.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Statement of Cash Flows
for the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Operating activities:
Net cash generated from operations before income tax paid
Income tax paid
Net cash flow generated from operating activities
Investing activities:
Capital contributions to subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Acquisition of investment properties
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment
Acquisition of intangible assets
Increase of investments in financial assets
Proceeds from sale of investment properties
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment
Proceeds from sales of interest held in associates and joint ventures
Derivative financial instruments, net
Increase of loans granted to related parties
Proceeds from sale of investments in financial assets
Capital contributions to subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures pending subscription
Proceeds from loans granted to related parties
Interest collected
Dividends received
Net cash flow generated from investing activities
Financing activities:
Obtaining / (Payment) of short-term loans, net
Interests paid
Borrowings obtained from subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Payment of borrowings from subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Payment of lease liabilities
Repurchase of treasury shares
Exercise of warrants
Payment of borrowings and non-convertible notes
Borrowings, issuance and new placement of non-convertible notes
Dividends paid
Net cash flow used in financing activities
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents, net
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
Foreign exchange gain in cash and changes in fair value of cash equivalents
Result from exposure to inflation on cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period
          The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain

IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
 Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Financial Statements
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
General information and company’s business
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima (“IRSA” or “The Company”) was founded in 1943, it is primarily engaged in managing real estate holdings in Argentina since 1991.
IRSA is a corporation incorporated and domiciled in Argentina. The registered office is Carlos Della Paolera 261, 9th. Floor, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The Company owns, manages and develops a portfolio of office and other rental properties in Buenos Aires. Directly and indirectly, it also participates in the operation of shopping malls. In addition, IRSA through its subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures manages and develops branded hotels across Argentina.
These Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Financial Statements have been approved for issue by the Board of Directors on February 5, 2024.
Economic context in which the Company operated
See Note 1 to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Summary of significant accounting policies
Basis of preparation
See Note 2.1. to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
2.2. Significant accounting policies
The accounting policies applied in the presentation of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Financial Statements are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the Annual Separate Financial Statements, as described in Note 2 to those Annual Financial Statements.
Comparability of information
The amounts as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, which are disclosed for comparative purposes, arise from the financial statements at said dates restated in accordance with IAS 29 (note 2.1). Certain items from prior periods have been reclassified for consistency purposes.
Use of estimates
The preparation of Financial Statements at a certain date requires Management to make estimates and evaluations affecting the amount of assets and liabilities recorded and contingent assets and liabilities disclosed at such date, as well as income and expenses recorded during the period. Future results might differ from the estimates and evaluations made at the date of preparation of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Financial Statements. In the preparation of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Financial Statements, the significant judgments made by Management in applying the Company’s accounting policies and the main sources of uncertainty were the same that the Company used in the preparation of the Annual Separate Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023, described in Note 3 to those financial statements.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Seasonal effects on operations
See Note 3 to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Acquisitions and disposals
See description of acquisitions and disposals made by the Company and/or its subsidiaries for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 in Note 4 to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
Financial risk management and fair value estimates
These Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements do not include all the information and disclosures of the risk management, so they should be read together with the Annual Separate Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023. There has been no changes in the risk management or risk management policies applied by the Company since the end of the annual fiscal year. See notes to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements. Furthermore, there have been no transfers between the different hierarchies used to assess the fair value of the Company’s financial instruments.
Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
The Company conducts its business through several operating and holding subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures. Its main subsidiaries include Tyrus S.A., Panamerican Mall S.A., Arcos del Gourmet S.A. and Torodur S.A.. The main associates include Banco Hipotecario S.A. The main joint ventures include Cyrsa S.A. and Nuevo Puerto Santa Fe S.A.
Detailed below is the evolution of investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures of the Company, for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023:
Beginning of period / year
Share of profit / (loss)
Other comprehensive loss
Capital contributions (Note 23)
Sale / acquisition of interest (i)
Dividends (Note 23)
Decrease in participation (ii)
Other changes in subsidiaries’ equity
Changes in non-controlling interest
End of the period / year (iii)
Corresponds to the sale of interest in Quality Invest S.A and GCDI (Ex TGLT S.A.) as of December 31, 2023.
Corresponds to the Efanur´s liquidation.
Includes ARS (2,280) as of December 31, 2023 and ARS (410) as of June 30, 2023 reflecting interests in companies with negative equity, which were disclosed in “provisions”.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Name of the entity
  % ownership interest      
  Company's interest in equity      
Company’s interest in comprehensive income / (loss)      
Tyrus S.A.
Efanur S.A. (*)
Ritelco S.A.
Inversora Bolívar S.A.
Palermo Invest S.A.
Nuevas Fronteras S.A.
Llao Llao Resorts S.A.
Hoteles Argentinos S.A.U.
Liveck S.A.
Panamerican Mall S.A.
Torodur S.A.
Arcos del Gourmet S.A.
Shopping Neuquén S.A.
Centro de Entretenimientos La Plata S.A. (5) (6)
We Are Appa S.A. (4)
Entertainment Holdings S.A.
Emprendimiento Recoleta S.A. (3)
Entretenimiento Universal S.A. (4)
Fibesa S.A.U. (4)
IRSA - Galerías Pacífico S.A. - U.T. (9)
Banco Hipotecario S.A. (1) (2)
Banco de Crédito y Securitización S.A. (2)
GCDI S.A. (Ex TGLT S.A.) (7)
Joint ventures
Cyrsa S.A. (3)
Quality Invest S.A. (8)
Nuevo Puerto Santa Fe S.A. (6)
Total subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima


Latest financial information issued
Name of the entity
Location of business / Country of incorporation
Main activity
Common shares 1 vote
Share capital (nominal value)
Profit / (Loss) for the period
Shareholders’ equity
Tyrus S.A.
Ritelco S.A.
Inversora Bolívar S.A.
Palermo Invest S.A.
Nuevas Fronteras S.A.
Llao Llao Resorts S.A.
Hoteles Argentinos S.A.U.
Liveck S.A.
Islas Vírgenes Británicas
Panamerican Mall S.A.
Real estate
Torodur S.A.
Arcos del Gourmet S.A.
Real estate
Shopping Neuquén S.A.
Real estate
Centro de Entretenimientos La Plata S.A. (5) (6)
Real estate
We Are Appa S.A. (4)
Entertainment Holdings S.A.
Emprendimiento Recoleta S.A. (3)
Real estate
Entretenimiento Universal S.A. (4)
Event organization and others
Fibesa S.A.U. (4)
Real estate
IRSA - Galerías Pacífico S.A. - U.T. (9)
Banco Hipotecario S.A. (1) (2)
Banco de Crédito y Securitización S.A. (2)
GCDI S.A. (Ex TGLT S.A.) (7)
Real estate
Joint ventures
Cyrsa S.A. (3)
Real estate
Nuevo Puerto Santa Fe S.A. (6)
Real estate
Considered significant. See Notes 7 and 8 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
Information as of December 31, 2023 according to BCRA's standards. For the purpose of the valuation of the investments in the Company, figures as of December 31, 2023 have been considered, with the necessary IFRS adjustments, pending issuance at the date of these financial statements. Share market price of Banco Hipotecario S.A as of December 31, 2023 amounts to ARS 115. See Note 8 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
As of December 31, 2023, is in liquidation.
Included in other liabilities
Include the necessary adjustments to get to the balances in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards.
Nominal value per share ARS 100.
See note 8 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
Interest in Quality Invest S.A. was sold on August 31, 2023. See note 4 to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Company liquidated as of December 31, 2023.
Corresponds to 2,394,974 shares. Nominal value per share ARS 1 with 1 vote right.
(*) Company liquidated as of October 31, 2022.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Investment properties
Changes in the Company’s investment properties for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Level 3
Fair value at the beginning of the period / year
Disposals / Transfers
Net (loss) / gain from fair value adjustment
Additions of capitalized leasing costs
Amortization of capitalized lease costs (i)
Fair value at the end of the period / year
(i) Amortization charges of capitalized leasing costs were included in “Costs” in the Statements of Income and Other Comprehensive Income (Note 20).
The balance by type of investment property of the Company as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023 is presented below:
Offices and other rental properties
Land reserve
Shopping malls (i)
(i) Includes parking spaces.
The following amounts have been recognized in the Statements of Comprehensive Income and Other Comprehensive Income:
Revenues (Note 19)
Direct operating costs (Note 20)
Development costs (Note 20)
Net unrealized gain / (loss) from fair value adjustment on investment properties (ii)
Net realized gain from fair value adjustment on investment properties (i)
(i) As of December 31, 2023 corresponds (ARS 10,150) to the realized result from fair value adjustment for the period ((ARS 10,163) for the Ezpeleta land plot barter agreement, ARS 3,224 for the sale of floors of Tower “261 Della Paolera”, (ARS 3,206) for the sale of Maple Building and (ARS 5) for the sale of parking spaces in Libertador Building 498) and ARS 27,480 for realized result from fair value adjustment made in previous years (ARS 11,064 for the Ezpeleta land plot barter agreement, ARS 12,326 the sale of floors of Tower “261 Della Paolera”, ARS 3,977 for the sale of Maple Building and 113 for the sale of parking spaces in Libertador Building 498). As of December 31, 2022, ARS 193 corresponds to the result for changes in the fair value realized for the period ((ARS 34 for the sale of parking spaces in Libertador Building 498, ARS 227 for the sale of floors of Tower “261 Della Paolera”) and ARS 3,236 for the result of changes in fair value made in previous years (ARS 149 for the sale of parking spaces in Libertador Building 498, and ARS 3,087 for the sale of floors of Tower “261 Della Paolera”).
(ii) Includes the result from changes in the fair value of those investment properties that are in the portfolio and have not yet been sold. This was generated in accordance with what is described in the section named "valuation techniques" in Note 9 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
Valuation techniques are described in Note 9 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023. There were no changes to the valuation techniques.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Property, plant and equipment
Changes in the Company’s property, plant and equipment for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Buildings and facilities
Furniture and fixtures
Machinery and equipment
Accumulated depreciation
Net book amount at the beginning of the period / year
Depreciation (Note 20)
Balances at the end of the period / year
Accumulated depreciation
Net book amount at the end of the period / year
Trading properties
Changes in the Company’s trading properties for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Completed properties
Undeveloped properties
Beginning of the period / year
End of the period / year
Intangible assets
Changes in Company’s intangible assets for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Computer software
Future units to be received from barters
Accumulated amortization
Net book amount at the beginning of the period / year
Amortization (Note 20)
Balances at the end of the period / year
Accumulated amortization
Net book amount at the end of the period / year
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Rights of use assets
Changes in Company’s right of use assets for the six-month period ended December 31, 2023 and for the year ended June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Offices and shopping malls
Total right of use assets
The depreciation charge of the right of use assets is detailed below:
Offices and shopping malls
Machinery and equipment
Total depreciation of right of use assets (Note 20)
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Financial instruments by category
This note presents financial assets and financial liabilities by category of financial instrument and a reconciliation to the corresponding line item in the Statements of Financial Position, as appropriate. Financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value are assigned based on their different levels in the fair value hierarchy. For further information, related to fair value hierarchy see Note 14 to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
Financial assets and financial liabilities as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023 are as follows:
Financial assets at amortized cost
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Subtotal financial assets
Non-financial assets
Level 1
December 31, 2023
Assets as per Statement of Financial Position
Trade and other receivables (excluding the allowance for doubtful accounts and other receivables) (Note 13)
Investments in financial assets:
 - Public companies’ securities
 - Mutual funds
 - Bonds
Cash and cash equivalents:
 - Cash at bank and on hand
 - Short- term investments
Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Non-financial liabilities
December 31, 2023
Liabilities as per Statement of Financial Position
Trade and other payables (Note 15)
Borrowings (Note 16)
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Financial assets at amortized cost
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Subtotal financial assets
Non-financial assets
Level 1
June 30, 2023
Assets as per Statement of Financial Position
Trade and other receivables (excluding the allowance for doubtful accounts and other receivables) (Note 13)
Investments in financial assets:
 - Public companies’ securities
 - Mutual funds
 - Bonds
Cash and cash equivalents:
 - Cash at bank and on hand
 - Short-term investments
Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Non-financial liabilities
June 30, 2023
Liabilities as per Statement of Financial Position
Trade and other payables (Note 15)
Borrowings (Note 16)
As of December 31, 2023, there have been no changes to the economic or business circumstances affecting the fair value of the financial assets and liabilities of the Company.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Trade and other receivables
Company’s trade and other receivables, as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023 are comprised as follows:
Sales, leases and services receivables
Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts
Total trade receivables
Borrowings granted, deposits and others
Advanced payments
Tax credits
Prepaid expenses
Long-term incentive plan
Total other receivables
Total trade and other receivables
The carrying amounts of the Company’s trade and other receivables denominated in foreign currencies are detailed in Note 24.
Trade receivables are generally presented in the statement of financial position net of allowances for doubtful receivables. Impairment policies and procedures by type of receivables are discussed in detail in Note 2.14 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Movements on the Company’s allowance for doubtful accounts are as follows:
Beginning of period / year
Exchange rate differences
Inflation adjustment
End of the period / year
The additions, disposals, and recoveries of the allowance for doubtful accounts have been included in “Selling expenses” in the Statements of Income (Note 20). Amounts charged to the allowance for doubtful accounts are generally written off when there is no expectation of recovery.
Cash flow and cash equivalent information
Following is a detailed description of cash flows generated by the Company’s operations for the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
Operating activities
Profit for the period
Income tax
Amortization and depreciation
Gain from disposal of trading properties
Financial results, net
Decrease / (Increase) in trading properties
Net (gain) / loss from fair value adjustment of investment properties
Share of (profit) / loss of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Loss from disposal of properties, plant and equipment
Loss from disposal of joint ventures
Loss from disposal of Intangible assets
Provisions and allowances
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Decrease / (Increase) in inventories
Decrease in salaries and social security liabilities
Decrease in trade and other receivables
Use of provisions
Decrease in trade and other payables
Net cash flow generated from operating activities before income tax paid
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
 The following table presents a detail of significant non-cash transactions occurred in the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
Operations not affecting cash flows
Currency translation adjustment and other comprehensive results of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Other changes in subsidiaries` equity
Increase in non-convertible notes through a decrease in non-convertible notes
Increase in intangible assets through a decrease in trading properties
Increase in rights of use assets through an increase in lease liabilities
Decrease in investments in associates and joint ventures through an increase in trade and other receivables
Decrease in trade and other receivables through an increase in investment in financial assets
Decrease in investments in associates and joint ventures through a decrease in provisions
Decrease in investments in financial assets through a decrease in trade and other payables
Increase in investments in associates and joint ventures through a decrease in trade and other receivables
Decrease in investment properties through an increase in property, plant and equipment
Barter transactions of investment properties
Decrease in investment properties through an increase in trade and other receivables
Decrease in borrowings through a decrease in trade and other receivables
Decrease in equity through an increase in trade and other payables
Increase in investments in financial assets through a decrease in investments in associates and joint ventures
Increase in rights of use assets through an increase in trade and other receivables
Decrease in investments in associates and joint ventures through a decrease in borrowings
Increase in investments in financial assets through an increase in borrowings
Increase in intangible assets through a decrease in investment properties
Increase in investments in associates and joint ventures through an increase in borrowings
Decrease in equity through a decrease in investments in financial assets
Decrease in investments in associates and joint ventures through an increase in investments in financial assets
Decrease in investment properties through a decrease in investments in financial assets
Trade and other payables
Company’s trade and other payables as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023 were as follows:
Customers´ advances (*)
Trade payables
Accrued invoices
Admission rights
Other income to be accrued
Tenant deposits
Total trade payables
Dividends (i)
Director´s fees
Long-term incentive plan
Tax amnesty plans
Other tax payables
Other payables
Total other payables
Total trade and other payables
(*) As of December 31, 2023 corresponds mainly to rents collected in advance, which accrue in an average term of 3 to 5 years.
(i) See Note 28 to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Book value of trade and other payables denominated in foreign currencies are detailed in Note 24.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Company’s borrowings as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023 are comprised as follows:
Book value as of 12.31.2023
Book value as of 06.30.2023
Fair value as of 12.31.2023
Fair value as of 06.30.2023
Non-convertible notes
Bank loans
Related parties (Note 23)
Bank overdrafts
Total borrowings
See Note 17 to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Currents and deferred income tax
The charge for the Company’s income tax is comprised as follows:
Deferred income tax
Current income tax
Income tax
Below is a reconciliation between income tax recognized and the amount which would arise from applying the prevailing tax rate on profit before income tax for the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
(Profit) / loss at tax rate (i)
Permanent differences:
Share of profit / (loss) of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Difference between provision and tax return
Recovery of tax loss carry forwards
Tax inflation adjustment
Inflation adjustment permanent difference
Non-deductible expenses and others
Income tax
(i) The income tax rate applicable as of December 31, 2023 and 2022 is 35%.
Changes in the deferred tax account are as follows:
Beginning of the period / year
Income tax charge
End of the period / year
See Note 19 to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
The table below shows the movements in the Group's provisions categorized by type of provision:
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Labor, legal and other claims
Beginning of period / year
Additions (i)
Decreases (i)
Used during the period / year
Inflation adjustment
Share of loss
End of period / year
Additions and decreases in labor, legal and other claims are included in "Other operating results, net”.
Base rent
Contingent rent
Admission rights
Parking fees
Property management fees
Averaging of scheduled rent escalation
Rentals and services income
Sale of trading properties
Total revenues from sales, rentals and services
Expenses and collective promotion funds
Total revenues from expenses and collective promotion funds
Total revenues
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Expenses by nature
The Company discloses expenses in the Statements of Income and Other Comprehensive Income by function as part of the line items “Costs”, “General and administrative expenses” and “Selling expenses”. The following table provides additional disclosure regarding expenses by nature and their relationship to the function within the Company.
Costs (i)
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Salaries, social security costs and other personnel expenses
Maintenance, security, cleaning, repairs and others
Taxes, rates and contributions
Advertising and other selling expenses
Director´s fees (Note 23) (ii)
Amortization and depreciation
Fees and payments for services
Leases and services’ charges
Traveling, transportation and stationery expenses
Cost of sales of trading properties
Allowance for doubtful accounts (charge and recovery, net) (Note 13)
Bank expenses
Freight expenses
Total expenses by nature as of 12.31.2023
Total expenses by nature as of 12.31.2022
(i) For the six-month period ended December 31, 2023, includes ARS 17,283 of rental and services costs and ARS 624 of costs of sales and developments, of which ARS 378 corresponds to investment properties and ARS 246 to trading properties. For the six-month period ended December 31, 2022, includes ARS 19,930 of rental and services costs and ARS 375 to costs of sales and developments, of which ARS 216 corresponds to investment properties and ARS 159 to trading properties.
(ii) On 5 October 2023, fees to the Board of Directors were approved at the General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting for ARS 9,050. The Board of Directors of the Company had proposed Director´s fees for ARS 13,500 and accordingly made provision for such amount in the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023. During the current period, with the final approval of said fee, the Company proceeded to recover the excess in the provision, with a balancing entry in the line that gave rise to it. The amounts are expressed in currency defined as approved by the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting.
Other operating results, net
Lawsuits and other contingencies (i)
Loss from disposal of joint ventures
Administration fees
Loss from disposal of property, plant and equipment
Interest and allowances generated by operating assets
Total other operating results, net
Includes legal costs and expenses.
Financial results, net
Interest income
Total finance income
Interest expense
Other finance costs
Subtotal finance costs
Exchange rate differences, net
Fair value net gain from financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, net
Loss from derivative financial instruments, net
Gain from repurchase of non-convertible notes
Other financial results
Total other financial results
Inflation adjustment
Total financial results, net
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Related party transactions
See description of the main transactions conducted with related parties in Note 30 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023.
The following is a summary of the balances with related parties as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023:
Right of use assets
Trade and other receivables
Investments in financial assets
Trade and other payables

IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Related parties
Operation description
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Investments in financial assets
Corporate services payable
Trade and other payables
Long-term incentive plan payable
Trade and other payables
Other liabilities
Trade and other payables
Total parent company
Tyrus S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Borrowings granted
Trade and other receivables
Leases and services received
Trade and other payables
Non-Convertible Notes
Dividends to receive
Trade and other receivables
Panamerican Mall S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Long-term incentive plan
Trade and other receivables
Other payables
Trade and other payables
Arcos del Gourmet S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Leases and services received
Trade and other payables
Other payables
Trade and other payables
Fibesa S.A.U.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Borrowings granted
Trade and other receivables
Long-term incentive plan
Trade and other receivables
Other payables
Trade and other payables
Shopping Neuquén S.A.
Rights of use assets
Right of use assets
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Borrowings granted
Trade and other receivables
Torodur S.A.
Leases and services received
Trade and other payables
Other payables
Trade and other payables
Non-Convertible Notes
Ritelco S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Entretenimiento Universal S.A.
Borrowings granted
Trade and other receivables
We Are Appa S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Invoices to receive
Trade and other payables
Borrowings granted
Trade and other receivables
Emprendimiento Recoleta S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Long-term incentive plan
Trade and other receivables
Centro de Entretenimiento La Plata S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Capital contributions pending integration
Trade and other receivables
Leases and services received
Trade and other payables
Banco Hipotecario S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Leases and services received
Trade and other payables
Advance to suppliers
Trade and other receivables
Hoteles Argentinos S.A.U.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Advance to suppliers
Trade and other receivables
Other payables
Trade and other payables
Nuevas Fronteras S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Llao Llao Resorts S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Invoices to receive
Trade and other payables
Leases and services received
Trade and other payables
Nuevo Puerto Santa Fe S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Long-term incentive plan
Trade and other receivables
Other payables
Trade and other payables
IRSA - Galerías Pacífico S.A. U.T.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Invoices to receive
Trade and other payables
Other payables
Trade and other payables
Quality Invest S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Capital contributions pending integration
Trade and other receivables
Leases and services received
Trade and other payables
Total subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Related parties
Operation description
Directors' fees provision
Trade and other payables
Total directors
Futuros y Opciones S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
BHN Vida S.A.
Tenant deposits
Trade and other payables
Non-Convertible Notes
BHN Seguros Generales S.A.
Non-Convertible Notes
Consultores Asset Management S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Estudio Zang, Bergel & Viñes
Invoices to receive
Trade and other payables
Austral Gold
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Fundación Museo de los Niños
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Leases and services received
Trade and other payables
Advances received
Trade and other payables
Real Estate Strategies LLC
Borrowings granted
Trade and other receivables
IRSA International LLC
Other payables
Trade and other payables
La Rural S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Leases and services received
Trade and other payables
Ogden Argentina S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Borrowings granted
Trade and other receivables
La Arena S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Boulevard Norte S.A.
Other payables
Trade and other payables
New Lipstick
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Agrofy S.A.
Debtors for sales, rentals and services
Trade and other receivables
Helmir S.A.
Non-Convertible Notes
Total others
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
The following is a summary of the results with related parties for the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
Related parties
Operation description
Leases and/or right of use assets
Financial operations
Corporate services
Total parent company
Arcos del Gourmet S.A.
Leases and/or right of use assets
Fibesa S.A.U.
Leases and/or right of use assets
Financial operations
Ritelco S.A.
Financial operations
Torodur S.A.
Financial operations
Efanur S.A.
Financial operations
Tyrus S.A.
Financial operations
Shopping Neuquén S.A.
Financial operations
Leases and/or right of use assets
Entretenimiento Universal S.A.
Financial operations
Financial operations
Panamerican Mall S.A.
Leases and/or right of use assets
Emprendimiento Recoleta S.A.
Financial operations
Centro de Entretenimientos La Plata S.A.
Leases and/or right of use assets
Financial operations
IRSA - Galerías Pacífico S.A. U.T.
Financial operations
Llao Llao Resorts S.A.
Financial operations
Hoteles Argentinos S.A.U.
Nuevas Fronteras S.A.
Financial operations
We Are Appa S.A.
Financial operations
Leases and/or right of use assets
Nuevo Puerto Santa Fe S.A.
Leases and/or right of use assets
Financial operations
Quality Invest S.A.
Financial operations
Leases and/or right of use assets
Total subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Related parties
Operation description
Directors (1)
Senior Management
Total Directors and Senior Management
BHN Seguros Generales S.A.
Financial operations
BHN Vida S.A.
Financial operations
Austral Gold S.A.
Consultores Asset Management S.A.
Hamonet S.A.
Leases and/or right of use assets
Helmir S.A.
Financial operations
Isaac Elsztain e Hijos S.C.A.
Leases and/or right of use assets
Estudio Zang, Bergel & Viñes
Fundación IRSA
Fundación Museo de los Niños
Leases and/or right of use assets
Fundación Puerta 18
Ogden Argentina S.A.
Financial operations
UT La Rural S.A. - OFC S.R.L - Ogden y Enusa
Real Estate Strategies LLC
Financial operations
La Rural S.A.
Leases and/or right of use assets
IRSA International LLC
Financial operations
Espacio Digital S.A.
Other subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Total at the end of the period
(1) See Note 20 to these Financial Statements.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
The following is a summary of the transactions with related parties without impact in results for the six-month periods ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:
Related parties
Operation description
Quality Invest S.A.
Sale of shares
Sale of shares
Total sale of shares
Fibesa S.A.U.
Dividends received
Arcos del Gourmet S.A.
Dividends received
Panamerican Mall S.A.
Dividends received
E-Commerce Latina S.A.
Dividends received
Nuevo Puerto Santa Fe S.A.
Dividends received
IRSA - Galerías Pacífico S.A. - U.T.
Dividends received
Total dividends received
Palermo Invest S.A.
Irrevocable contributions
Liveck S.A.
Irrevocable contributions
Inversora Bolívar S.A.
Irrevocable contributions
Centro de Entretenimientos La Plata S.A.
Irrevocable contributions
Total irrevocable contributions to subsidiaries
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Foreign currency assets and liabilities
Book amounts of foreign currency assets and liabilities are as follows:
Item (1)
Foreign exchange rate (2)
Total as of 12.31.2023
Total as of 06.30.2023
Trade and other receivables
US Dollar
Receivables with related parties
US Dollar
Total Trade and other receivables
Investments in financial assets
US Dollar
Investment in financial assets with related parties
US Dollar
Total Investments in financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents
US Dollar
Total Cash and cash equivalents
Total Assets
Trade and other payables
US Dollar
Payables with related parties
US Dollar
Uruguayan pesos
Total Trade and other payables
Lease liabilities
US Dollar
Total Lease liabilities
US Dollar
Borrowings with related parties
US Dollar
Total Borrowings
Total Liabilities
Considering foreign as those that differ from the Group’s functional currency at each period / year.
Exchange rate as of December 31, 2023 according to Banco de la Nación Argentina records.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
CNV General Resolution N° 622/13
As required by Section 1°, Chapter III, Title IV of CNV General Resolution N° 622/13, below is a detail of the notes to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Separate Financial Statements that disclose the information required by the Resolution in Exhibits.
Exhibit A - Property, plant and equipment
Note 7 Investment properties and Note 8 Property, plant and equipment
Exhibit B - Intangible assets
Note 10 Intangible assets
Exhibit C - Equity investments
Note 6 Information about the main subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Exhibit D - Other investments
Note 12 Financial instruments by category
Exhibit E - Provisions and allowances
Note 13 Trade and other receivables and Note 18 Provisions
Exhibit F - Cost of sales and services provided
Note 9 Trading properties and Note 20 Expenses by nature
Exhibit G - Foreign currency assets and liabilities
Note 24 Foreign currency assets and liabilities
     CNV General Resolution N° 629/14 – Storage of documentation
On August 14, 2014, the CNV issued General Resolution N° 629 whereby it introduced amendments to rules related to storage and conservation of corporate books, accounting books and commercial documentation. In this sense, it should be noted that the Company has entrusted the storage of certain non-sensitive and old information to the following provider:
Storage of documentation responsible
Iron Mountain Argentina S.A.
Av. Amancio Alcorta 2482, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
San Miguel de Tucumán 601, Carlos Spegazzini.
Torcuato Di Tella 1800, Carlos Spegazzini.
Puente del Inca 2540, Carlos Spegazzini
It is further noted that a detailed list of all documentation held in custody by providers, as well as documentation required in section 5 a.3) of Section I, Chapter V, Title II of the CNV RULES (2013 as amended) are available at the registered office.
On February 5, 2014 there was a widely known accident in Iron Mountain’s warehouse. Such company is a supplier of the Company and Company’s documentation was being kept in the mentioned warehouse. Based on the internal review carried out by the Company, duly reported to the CNV on February 12, 2014, the information kept at the Iron Mountain premises that were on fire do not appear to be sensitive or capable of affecting normal operations.
Negative working capital
As of December 31, 2023, the Company presents a negative working capital of ARS 101,099, which is permanently monitored by the Board of directors and the Management.
Other relevant events of the period
See Note 28 to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Subsequent events
See Note 29 to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
To the Shareholders, President and Directors of
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Legal address: Carlos Della Paolera 261 - 9th floor
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Tax Registration Number: 30-52532274-9
We have reviewed the accompanying unaudited condensed interim separate financial statements of IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima (hereinafter “the Company”), which comprise the unaudited condensed interim separate statement of financial position as of December 31, 2023, the unaudited condensed interim separate statements of income and other comprehensive income for the six month period and three month period ended December 31, 2023, of changes in shareholders’ equity and of cash flows for the six month period then ended, and selected explanatory notes.
Management’s responsibility
The Board of Directors of the Company is responsible for the preparation and presentation of these unaudited condensed interim separate financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, adopted by the Argentine Federation of Professional Councils in Economic Sciences (FACPCE) as professional accounting standards and included by the National Securities Commission (CNV) in its regulations, as approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and is therefore responsible for the preparation and presentation of the unaudited condensed interim separate financial statements mentioned in the first paragraph, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Information (IAS 34).
Scope of our review
Our review was limited to the application of the procedures established under International Standards on Review Engagements ISRE 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, adopted as a review standard in Argentina by Technical Pronouncement No. 33 of the FACPCE and approved by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). A review of interim financial information consists of inquiries of Company staff responsible for preparing the information included in the unaudited condensed interim separate financial statements and of analytical and other review procedures. This review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and, consequently, does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
On the basis of our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the unaudited condensed interim separate financial statements mentioned in the first paragraph of this report have not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting.
Report on compliance with current regulations
In accordance with current regulations, we report, in connection with IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima, that:
the unaudited condensed interim separate financial statements of IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima have not been transcribed into the Inventory and Balance Sheet book and, except for the above mentioned situation, as regards those matters that are within our competence, they are in compliance with the provisions of the General Companies Law and pertinent resolutions of the National Securities Commission;
the unaudited condensed interim separate financial statements of IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima arise from accounting records carried in all formal aspects in accordance with legal requirements except for i) the lack of transcription to the Inventories and Balance Sheet Book, and ii) the lack of transcription to the General Journal Book of the accounting entries corresponding to the month of December 2023;
as of December 31, 2023 the debt of IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima accrued in favor of the Argentine Integrated Social Security System, as shown by the Company’s accounting records, amounted to ARS 698,417,548 which was not due at that date.
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, February 5, 2024.
Carlos Brondo
Public Accountant
Noemí I. Cohn
Public Accountant
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
I. Brief comment on the Company’s activities during the period, including references to significant events occurred after the end of the period.
Consolidated Results
(in millions of ARS)
IIQ 24
IIQ 23
YoY Var
6M 24
6M 23
YoY Var
Result from fair value adjustment of investment properties
Result from operations
Depreciation and amortization
Adjusted EBITDA (1)
Result for the period
Attributable to equity holders of the parent
Attributable to non-controlling interest
See Point XVI: EBITDA Reconciliation
Group revenues increased by 5.5% during the six-months period of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, mainly due to the favorable evolution of Shopping Centers and Hotels segments partially offset by a decrease in Sales and Developments and lower income from Office segment due to floors sales.
Adjusted EBITDA from the rental segments reached ARS 54,102 million, 12.3% higher than the six-month period of the previous year, ARS 44,318 million coming from the Shopping Centers segment, ARS 2,603 million from the office segment and ARS 7,181 million from Hotels’ segment. Total adjusted EBITDA reached ARS 66,940 million, increasing 54.6% compared to the same period of the previous year, mainly explained by higher sales of investment properties.
The net result for the six-month period of fiscal year 2024 registered a gain of ARS 146,593, 204.9% higher than the same period of the previous year. This is mainly explained by the gain recorded from changes in the fair value of investment properties due to the impact of a devaluation greater than inflation on those properties valued in USD.
II. Shopping Malls
Our portfolio’s leasable area totaled 334,845 sqm of GLA. Real tenants’ sales of our shopping centers reached ARS 744,600 million in the six-months period of fiscal year 2024, 8.9% higher than in the same period of the previous fiscal year.
Portfolio occupancy reached 98.0% during the second quarter of fiscal year 2024, keeping the trend observed during recent quarters.
Shopping Malls’ Operating Indicators
IIQ 24
IQ 24
IVQ 23
IIQ 23
Gross leasable area (sqm)
Tenants’ sales (3 months cumulative in current currency)
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
Shopping Malls’ Financial Indicators
(in millions of ARS)
IIQ 24
IIQ 23
YoY Var
6M 24
6M 23
YoY Var
Revenues from sales, leases, and services
Net result from fair value adjustment on investment properties
Result from operations
Depreciation and amortization
Adjusted EBITDA (1)
See Point XVI: EBITDA Reconciliation
Income from this segment during the first semester of fiscal year 2024 reached ARS 56,210 million, 14.3% higher compared with the same period of previous fiscal year. Adjusted EBITDA reached ARS 44,318 million, 14.6% higher than in the same period of fiscal year 2023.
Operating data of our shopping malls
Date of acquisition
Gross Leasable Area (sqm)(1)
Occupancy (2)
IRSA Interest (3)
Alto Palermo
City of Buenos Aires
Abasto Shopping(4)
City of Buenos Aires
Alto Avellaneda
Province of Buenos Aires
Alcorta Shopping
City of Buenos Aires
Patio Bullrich
City of Buenos Aires
Dot Baires Shopping
City of Buenos Aires
Province of Buenos Aires
Distrito Arcos
City of Buenos Aires
Alto Noa Shopping
Alto Rosario Shopping
Santa Fe
Mendoza Plaza Shopping
Córdoba Shopping
La Ribera Shopping
Santa Fe
Alto Comahue
Patio Olmos(5)
(1) Corresponds to gross leasable area in each property. Excludes common areas and parking spaces.
(2) Calculated dividing occupied square meters by leasable area as of the last day of the fiscal period.
(3) Company’s effective interest in each of its business units.
(4) Excludes Museo de los Niños (3,732 square meters in Abasto).
(5) IRSA owns the historic building of the Patio Olmos shopping mall in the Province of Córdoba, operated by a third party.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
Quarterly and cumulative tenants’ sales as of December 31, 2023, compared to the same period of fiscal years 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020
(ARS million) 
IIQ 24
IIQ 23
YoY Var
Alto Palermo
Abasto Shopping
Alto Avellaneda
Alcorta Shopping
Patio Bullrich
Dot Baires Shopping
Distrito Arcos
Alto Noa Shopping
Alto Rosario Shopping
Mendoza Plaza Shopping
Córdoba Shopping
La Ribera Shopping(1)
Alto Comahue
Total sales
(1) Through our joint venture Nuevo Puerto Santa Fe S.A.
(ARS million) 
6M 24
6M 23
YoY Var
6M 22
6M 21
6M 20'
Alto Palermo
Abasto Shopping
Alto Avellaneda
Alcorta Shopping
Patio Bullrich
Dot Baires Shopping
Distrito Arcos
Alto Noa Shopping
Alto Rosario Shopping
Mendoza Plaza Shopping
Córdoba Shopping
La Ribera Shopping(1)
Alto Comahue
Total sales
(1) Through our joint venture Nuevo Puerto Santa Fe S.A.
Quarterly and cumulative tenants’ sales per type of business as of December 21, 2023, compared to the same period of fiscal years 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020(1)
(ARS million) 
IIQ 24
IIQ 23
YoY Var
Department Store
Clothes and footwear
Home and decoration
Home Appliances
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
(in millions of ARS)
6M 24
6M 23
YoY Var
6M 22
6M 21
6M 20
Department Store
Clothes and footwear
Home and decoration
Home Appliances
Includes sales from stands and excludes spaces used for special exhibitions.
Revenues from quarterly and cumulative leases as of December 31, 2023, compared to the same period of fiscal year 2023, 2022, 2021 & 2020
(ARS million) 
IIQ 24
IIQ 23
YoY Var
Base rent
Percentage rent
Total rent
Non-traditional advertising
Revenues from admission rights
Expenses and Collective Promotion Fund
(ARS million) 
6M 24
6M 23
YoY Var
6M 22
6M 21
6M 20
Base rent(1)
Percentage rent
Total rent
Non-traditional advertising
Revenues from admission rights
Expenses and Collective Promotion Fund
Includes Revenues from stands for ARS 3,748.2 million cumulative as of December 2023.
Includes ARS 41.6 million from Patio Olmos and ARS 298.8 million from sponsorship income from “Buenos Aire Fashion Week” Production.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
III. Offices
According to Colliers, the quarter closes with a slight increase in vacancy standing at 17.0%, in the Buenos Aires City premium market (A+ & A), while prices remain stable at average levels of USD 22.6 per sqm.
Offices’ Operating Indicators
IIQ 24
IQ 24
IVQ 23
IIQ 23
Gross Leasable area
Total Occupancy
Class A+ & A Occupancy
Class B Occupancy
Rent USD/sqm
The gross leasable area of the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 was 59,348 sqm, decreasing when compared to the previous quarter due to the sale of two floors in the “261 Della Paolera” building. The average occupancy of the A+ & A portfolio grew to 92.8% mainly due to the improvement in Dot Building occupancy, which went from 57.6% in the first quarter to 79.4% in the second quarter of 2024. The average rent of the portfolio reached USD 24.9/m2.
Offices’ Financial Indicators
(in ARS million) 
IIQ 24
IIQ 23
YoY Var
6M 24
6M 23
YoY Var
Revenues from sales, leases and services
Net result from fair value adjustment on investment properties, PP&E e inventories
Profit from operations
Depreciation and amortization
Adjusted EBITDA (1)
See Point XVI: EBITDA Reconciliation
During the first semester of fiscal year 2024, revenues from the offices segment decreased by 31.0% and Adjusted EBITDA decreased 37.1% compared to the previous fiscal year, mainly explained by the impact of asset sales. Adjusted EBITDA margin was 74.1%.
Below is information on our office segment:
Offices & Others
Date of Acquisition
Gross Leasable Area (sqm)(1)
Occupancy (2)
Actual Interest
6M 24 - Rental revenues (ARS million) (4)
AAA & A Offices
Boston Tower(6)
Intercontinental Plaza (3)
Dot Building
261 Della Paolera – Catalinas(5)
Total AAA & A Offices
B Offices
Total B Buildings
Subtotal Offices
(1) Corresponds to the total gross leasable area of each property as of December 31, 2023. Excludes common areas and parking lots.
(2) Calculated by dividing occupied square meters by gross leasable area as of December 31, 2023.
(3) We own 13.2% of the building that has 22,535 square meters of gross leasable area.
(4) Corresponds to the accumulated income of the period.
(5) We own 13.8% of the building that has 35,872 square meters of gross leasable area.
(6) The company keeps the ownership of a rental retail space in the building.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
IV. Hotels
The company's hotels continue to register good levels of income and occupancy thanks to the increase in international tourism, exchange rate competitiveness in Argentina and the recovery of the conventions and corporate events segment.
 (in ARS million)
IIQ 24
IIQ 23
YoY Var
6M 24
6M 23
YoY Var
Profit from operations
Depreciation and amortization
During the first semester of fiscal year 2024, Hotels segment recorded an increase in revenues of 21.9% compared with the same period of fiscal year 2023 while the segment’s EBITDA reached ARS 7,181 million, a 33.7% increase when compared to the same period of fiscal year 2023.
The following chart shows certain information regarding our luxury hotels:
Date of Acquisition
IRSA’s Interest
Number of rooms
Intercontinental (1)
Sheraton Libertador (2)
Llao Llao (3)
(1) Through Nuevas Fronteras S.A. (Subsidiary of IRSA).
(2) Through Hoteles Argentinos S.A.U.
(3) Through Llao Llao Resorts S.A.
(4) Three months cumulated average.
Hotels’ operating and financial indicators.
IIQ 24
IQ 24
IVQ 23
IIQ 23
Average Occupancy
Average Rate per Room (USD/night)
V. Sales and Developments
(in ARS million)
IIQ 24
IIQ 23
YoY Var
6M 24
6M 23
YoY Var
Net result from fair value adjustment on investment properties
Result from operations
Depreciation and amortization
Realized Net result from fair value adjustment on investment properties
Adjusted EBITDA (1)
See Point XVI: EBITDA Reconciliation
Adjusted EBITDA of “Sales and Developments” segment reached ARS 14,181 million during the first semester of fiscal year 2024, 132.3% lower than the registered during the same period of the previous fiscal year, mainly due to the impact of higher sales of investment properties during the period, including 3 floors of the “Della Paolera 261” building, the “Suipacha 652/64” building and “Ezpeleta” land plot barter agreement.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
VI. Others
(in millions of ARS)
IIQ 24
IIQ 23
YoY Var
6M 24
6M 23
YoY Var
Net result from fair value adjustment on investment properties
Result from operations
Depreciation and amortization
Recovery of provision
Adjusted EBITDA
VII. Financial Operations and Others
Interest in Banco Hipotecario S.A. (“BHSA”)
BHSA is a leading bank in the mortgage lending industry, in which IRSA held an equity interest of 29.91% as of December 31, 2023. During the first semester of fiscal year 2024, the investment in Banco Hipotecario generated an ARS 12,826 million gain compared to an ARS 3,893 million loss during the same period of 2023. For further information, visit http://www.cnv.gob.ar or http://www.hipotecario.com.ar.
VIII. EBITDA by Segment (ARS million)
6M 24
Shopping Malls
Sales and Developments
Result from operations
Depreciation and amortization
6M 23
Shopping Malls
Sales and Developments
Result from operations
Depreciation and amortization
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
IX. Reconciliation with Consolidated Statements of Income (ARS million)
Below is an explanation of the reconciliation of the company’s profit by segment with its Consolidated Statements of Income. The difference lies in the presence of joint ventures included in the segment but not in the Statements of Income.
Total as per segment
Joint ventures*
Expenses and CPF
 Elimination of inter-segment transactions
Total as per Statements of Income
Gross result
Result from sales of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
Result from operations
Share of loss of associates and joint ventures
Result before financial results and income tax
*Includes Puerto Retiro, CYRSA and Nuevo Puerto Santa Fe
X. Financial Debt and Other Indebtedness
The following table describes our total indebtedness as of December 31, 2023:
Amount (USD MM) (1)
Interest Rate
Bank overdrafts
< 360 days
Series XI
Series XII (3)
Series XIII
Series XV
Series XVI
Series XVII
Series XIV
IRSA’s Total Debt
Cash & Cash Equivalents + Investments (2)
IRSA’s Net Debt
(1)  Principal amount in USD (million) at an exchange rate of ARS 808.45/USD, without considering accrued interest or eliminations of balances with subsidiaries.
(2)  Includes Cash and cash equivalents, Investments in Current Financial Assets and related companies notes holding.
(3) On January 5, 2024, Series XII was fully redeemed.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
XI. Material and Subsequent Events
October 2023: General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
On October 5, 2023, our General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting was held. The following matters, inter alia, were resolved by majority of votes:
Distribution of ARS 64,000 million as cash dividends as of the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting.
Distribution of 12.644.273. of own shares with NV ARS 10.
Designation of board members.
Compensations to the Board of Directors for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023.
On October 12, 2023, the Company distributed among its shareholders the cash dividend in an amount of ARS 4,340,000,000 equivalent to 884.687833212% of the stock capital, an amount per share of ARS 88.4687833212 (ARS 10 par value) and an amount per GDS of ARS 884.687833212.
On the same day, the Company distributed own shares, the distribution of the shares constitutes 0.01747849138 shares per ordinary share and 0.1747849138 per GDS, a percentage of 1.747849138% of the stock capital of 723,419,014 shares and NV ARS 10, net of treasury shares. 
The cash dividend and treasury shares distribution among GDS holders have been delayed due to the exchange and securities restrictions in force in Argentina. On October 20, 2023, the Company deposited the amount corresponding to the cash dividend in the common investment fund called “Super Ahorro $” managed by Santander Asset Management Gerente de Fondos Comunes de Inversión S.A., to preserve the value of the dividend in Argentinean pesos. On December 12, 2023, the Company transferred the funds to the Depositary Bank of New York, fulfilling its obligation to pay dividends and leaving in the hands of the Depositary the completion of the process with the distribution to the holders.
After the end of the period, on January 19, 2024, once the corresponding administrative processes had been completed, the Depositary paid the cash dividend, for a net amount per GDS of USD 0.955110, including the yield of the “Super Ahorro $” fund. Likewise, on January 29, 2024, the distribution of treasury shares was carried out among GDS holders.
The aforementioned corresponds to the payment of dividends to foreign holders, the dividends to local holders were canceled on October 12, 2023.
October 2023: “261 Della Paolera” floors sale
On October 5, 2023, IRSA sold and transferred two floors for a total area of 2,395 m2 and 18 garage units. The transaction price was USD (MEP) 14.9 million (USD 6,300/m2), which was paid in full in ARS.
After this transaction, IRSA keeps the property of 4 floors of the building with an approximate leasable area of 4,937 sqm, in addition to parking spaces and other complementary spaces.
October 2023: Warrants – Post dividends distribution
On October 27, 2023, the Company reported that due to the cash dividend and own shares distributed to the shareholders, The terms and conditions of the outstanding warrants for common shares of the Company have been modified as follows, while the other terms and conditions remain the same:
Amount of shares to be issued per warrant:
Ratio previous to the adjustment: 1.0639 (Nominal Value ARS 10);
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
Ratio after the adjustment (current): 1.2272 (Nominal Value ARS 10).
 Warrant exercise price per new share to be issued:
Price previous to the adjustment: USD 0.4063 (Nominal Value ARS 10);
Price after the adjustment (current): USD 0.3522 (Nominal Value ARS 10).
November & December 2023: Shares Buyback Program – Extension & completion
On November 6, 2023, the Board of Directors has resolved to extend the term of the shares repurchase program for up to ARS 5,000 million approved on June 15, 2023, for an additional period of 180 days starting from the expiration date on December 13, 2023, and on November 29, 2023, the Board of Directors has resolved to modify the acquisition price of its own shares, establishing a maximum value of USD 11.00 per GDS and up to a maximum value in pesos of ARS 1,320 per share, maintaining the remaining terms and conditions duly communicated.
On December 21, 2023, the Company completed the shares buyback program, having acquired the equivalent of 7,839,874 ordinary shares, which represent approximately 99.95% of the approved program and 1.06% of the outstanding shares.
November 2023: Trust Administration Contract at Cost signing
On November 10, 2023, the Company executed a Trust Administration Contract at cost for a project development and construction of a residential building, stores (gastronomic use), and complementary parking spaces, which is subject to fulfillment of certain suspensive conditions detailed below, and in which the Company will have the character of money trustor. Likewise, and as beneficiary of the trust, IRSA will receive approximately 5,128 salable square meters and 32 parking spaces, also fulfilling functions as a developer. TMF Trust Company (Argentina) S.A., a company with a fiduciary purpose that is not a related party, will act as trustee. 
The aforementioned trust contract involves the contribution of a building owned by Banco Hipotecario S.A. (“BHSA”), an entity in which the Company holds a significant interest. The building is located in the block embraced by the streets Carlos Pellegrini, Presidente Perón, Sarmiento and Pasaje Carabelas, in the City of Buenos Aires.
Finally, it is informed that the trust underlying project has pre-approval for the Microcentro district reconversion regime issued by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires (Law 6508).
November 2023: Warrants Exercise
Between November 17 and 25, 2023, certain warrants holders have exercised their right to acquire additional shares and 401,518 ordinary shares of the Company will be registered, with a face value of ARS 10. As a result of the exercise, USD 141,414.64 were collected by the Company.
After the exercise of these warrants, the number of shares of the Company increased from 736,421,306 to 736,822,824 with a face value of ARS 10, the capital stock increases from 7,364,213,060 to 7,368,228,240, and the new number of outstanding warrants decreased from 79,646,262 to 79,319,038.
December 2023: Ezpeleta land plot Barter Agreement
On December 11, 2023, the Company has signed a barter agreement transferring the “Ezpeleta land plot” of 46 hectares, located on the Bs. As. - La Plata Highway, in the district of Quilmes, Buenos Aires province.
The real estate project to be developed on the property consists of a gated community with 330 single-family lots and 6 macro lots for medium-density developments.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
The transaction price was set at USD 16.4 million and will be paid to IRSA through the delivery of 125 single-family lots of the project and also 40% of the buildable sqm of the multifamily lots of said project. This consideration is guaranteed by a mortgage on the property and an additional guarantee on another property of the buyer.
Additionally, the Company received the sum of ARS 62.3 million in cash as part of the consideration.
December 2023: Extension of the concession contract of La Rural S.A.
On December 11, 2023 in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Ogden S.A. together with Sociedad Rural Argentina (“SRA”) and La Rural de Palermo S.A. entered into a Joint Venture and Shareholders Agreement through which the extension of the exploitation term of the Property located at 4431 Juncal Street, CABA (of which La Rural S.A. is the usufructuary) was extended until December 31, 2037 with the option of extension until December 31, 2041.
The aforementioned agreement is the extension of the Usufruct Contract for the “Predio Ferial de Palermo” (“CUP99/04”), signed in 1999 and modified in 2004, and the Joint Venture Agreement AJV/13 signed between the parties on September 25, 2013.
For the extension of the usufruct term under La Rural S.A., Ogden S.A. will pay the SRA the sum of twelve million US dollars (USD 12,000,000) for all purposes.
The validity of the aforementioned agreement was subject to the approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting of the SRA, approval which took place on February 1, 2024.
January 2024: Shares Buyback Program
On January 5, 2024, the Board of Directors has approved the terms and conditions for the acquisition of the common shares issued by the Company under the provisions of Section 64 of Law Nº 26,831 and the Rules of the Argentine National Securities Commission
Maximum amount of the investment: Up to ARS 6,500 million
Maximum number of shares to be acquired: Up to 10% of the capital stock of the Company, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.
Daily limitation on market transactions: In accordance with the applicable regulation, the limitation will be up to 25% of the average volume of the daily transactions for the Shares and ADS in the markets during the previous 90 days.
Payable Price: Up to ARS 1,200 per Share and up to USD 10.00 per ADS.
Period in which the acquisitions will take place: up to 180 days after the publication of the minutes, subject to any renewal or extension of the term, which will be informed to the investing public.
Origin of the Funds: The acquisitions will be made with realized and liquid earnings pending of distribution of the Company.
To make such decision, the Board of Directors has considered the economic and market situation, as well as the discount of the current share price in relation to the fair value of the assets, determined by independent appraisers, and its objective is to strengthen the shares and reduce the fluctuations in the market value, that does not reflect the real economic value of the assets.
As of the date of presentation of the Financial Statements, the Company acquired in different transactions 2,814,888 common shares (NV ARS 10 per share) for a total of ARS 2,932 million, corresponding to 45.1% of the approved program and representing 0.38% of the Company's capital stock, complying with the terms and conditions of the plan.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
XII. Summarized Comparative Consolidated Balance Sheet
(in ARS million) 
Non-current assets
Current assets
Total assets
Capital and reserves attributable to the equity holders of the parent
Non-controlling interest
Total shareholders’ equity
Non-current liabilities
Current liabilities
Total liabilities
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity
XIII. Summarized Comparative Consolidated Income Statement
(in ARS million) 
Profit from operations
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Result from operations before financing and taxation
Financial income
Financial cost
Other financial results
Inflation adjustment
Financial results, net
Results before income tax
Income tax
Result for the period from continued operations
Result for the period from discontinued operations after taxes
Result of the period
Other comprehensive results for the period
Total comprehensive result for the period
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent
Non-controlling interest
XIV. Summary Comparative Consolidated Cash Flow
(in ARS million) 
Net cash generated from operating activities
Net cash generated from investing activities
Net cash used in financing activities
Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year
Cash and cash equivalents reclassified to held for sale
Inflation adjustment
Deconsolidation of subsidiaries
Foreign exchange (loss) / gain on cash and changes in fair value for cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at period-end
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
XV. Comparative Ratios
(in ARS million) 
Capital Assets
XVI. EBITDA Reconciliation
In this summary report we present EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA. We define EBITDA as profit for the period excluding: (i) interest income, (ii) interest expense, (iii) income tax expense, and (iv) depreciation and amortization. We define Adjusted EBITDA as EBITDA minus (i) total financial results, net excluding interest expense, net (mainly foreign exchange differences, net gains/losses from derivative financial instruments; gains/losses of financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss; and other financial results, net) and minus (ii) share of profit of associates and joint ventures and minus (iii) net profit from fair value adjustment of investment properties, not realized.
EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are non-IFRS financial measures that do not have standardized meanings prescribed by IFRS. We present EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA because we believe they provide investors supplemental measures of our financial performance that may facilitate period-to-period comparisons on a consistent basis. Our management also uses EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA from time to time, among other measures, for internal planning and performance measurement purposes. EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA should not be construed as an alternative to profit from operations, as an indicator of operating performance or as an alternative to cash flow provided by operating activities, in each case, as determined in accordance with IFRS. EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA, as calculated by us, may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. The table below presents a reconciliation of profit from operations to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA for the periods indicated:
For the six-month period ended December 31 (in ARS million)
Profit for the period
Interest income 
Interest expense 
Income tax
Depreciation and amortization 
EBITDA (unaudited) 
Net gain / (loss) from fair value adjustment of investment properties
Realized net gain from fair value adjustment of investment properties
Recovery of provision
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures 
Foreign exchange differences net 
Result from derivative financial instruments 
Fair value gains of financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
Inflation adjustment
Other financial costs/income
Adjusted EBITDA (unaudited) 
Adjusted EBITDA Margin (unaudited) (1)
(1) Adjusted EBITDA margin is calculated as Adjusted EBITDA, divided by revenue from sales, rents and services.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
NOI Reconciliation
In addition, we present in this summary report Net Operating Income or “NOI”. We define NOI as gross profit from operations, less Selling expenses, plus realized result from fair value adjustments of investment properties, plus Depreciation and amortization.
NOI is a non-IFRS financial measure that does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS. We present NOI because we believe it provides investors a supplemental measure of our financial performance that may facilitate period-to-period comparisons on a consistent basis. Our management also uses NOI from time to time, among other measures, for internal planning and performance measurement purposes. NOI should not be construed as an alternative to profit from operations, as an indicator of operating performance or as an alternative to cash flow provided by operating activities, in each case, as determined in accordance with IFRS. NOI, as calculated by us, may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. The table below presents a reconciliation of profit from operations to NOI for the periods indicated:
For the six-month period ended December 31 (in ARS million)
Gross profit
Selling expenses 
Depreciation and amortization 
Realized result from fair value of investment properties
NOI (unaudited)
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
FFO Reconciliation
We also present in this summary report Adjusted Funds From Operations attributable to the controlling interest (or “Adjusted FFO”), which we define as Total profit for the year or period plus depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and amortization of initial costs of leases minus total net financial results excluding net financial interests, minus unrealized result from fair value adjustments of investment properties minus inflation adjustment plus deferred tax, and less non-controlling interest net of the result for fair value, less the result of participation in associates and joint ventures.
Adjusted FFO is a non-IFRS financial measure that does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS. Adjusted FFO is not equivalent to our profit for the period as determined under IFRS. Our definition of Adjusted FFO is not consistent and does not comply with the standards established by the White Paper on funds from operations (FFO) approved by the Board of Governors of the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (“NAREIT”), as revised in February 2004, or the “White Paper.”
We present Adjusted FFO because we believe it provides investors a supplemental measure of our financial performance that may facilitate period-to-period comparisons on a consistent basis. Our management also uses Adjusted FFO from time to time, among other measures, for internal planning and performance measurement purposes. Adjusted FFO should not be construed as an alternative to profit from operations, as an indicator of operating performance or as an alternative to cash flow provided by operating activities, in each case, as determined in accordance with IFRS. Adjusted FFO, as calculated by us, may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. The table below presents a reconciliation of profit from operations to Adjusted FFO for the periods indicated:
For the six-month period ended December 31 (in ARS million)
Result for the period 
Result from fair value adjustments of investment properties
Result from fair value adjustments of investment properties, realized
Recovery of provision
Depreciation and amortization 
Foreign exchange, net 
Other financial results
Results from derivative financial instruments 
Results of financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
Other financial costs 
Income tax current / deferred
Non-controlling interest
Non-controlling interest related to PAMSA’s fair value
Results of associates and joint ventures
Inflation adjustment
Repurchase of non-convertible notes
Adjusted FFO
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Summary as of December 31, 2023
XIX. Brief comment on prospects for the Next Quarter
The second quarter of fiscal 2024 maintained the good operational performance in the rental businesses, with increasing occupancy levels and EBITDA.
The second half of the year is presented as a great challenge for the Company given the acceleration of inflation due to the first measures of the new government and its consequent impact on real wages and consumption. We expect a slowdown in sales and a lower flow of visitors in our shopping centers in the third quarter of the year. Regarding the office segment, we trust in the resilience of our premium portfolio, which has been recovering its occupancy levels and maintaining its rental values. Finally, we are optimistic about the future evolution of hotels given the growth in tourism and the expectation of full recovery of the events and conventions sector.
Regarding the sales and developments segment, we will continue to analyze real estate acquisition and sale opportunities while evaluating the best moment to launch the mixed-use projects that the company has in its huge landbank portfolio. Regarding our largest development, Costa Urbana, we are prepared to launch the most ambitious project in the company's history, with the potential to develop 866,806 sqm of mixed uses in one of the best locations of Buenos Aires city.
During fiscal year 2024, we´ll continue working on the reduction and efficiency of the cost structure, while we´ll continue evaluating financial, economic and/or corporate tools that allow the Company to improve its position in the market in which it operates and have the necessary liquidity to meet its obligations, such as public and/or private disposal of assets that may include real estate as well as negotiable securities owned by the Company, issuance of negotiable bonds, repurchase of own shares, among other useful instruments for the proposed objectives.
Looking to the future, we will continue to innovate in the development of unique real estate projects, betting on the integration of commercial and residential spaces, offering our clients a mix of attractive products and services, meeting places and a memorable experience, with the aim to achieve an increasingly modern and sustainable portfolio. Although the current economic context uncertainty, we are confident in the quality of our portfolio and the ability of our management to carry out the business successfully.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
Chairman & CEO