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Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2022
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Basis of Presentation
Basis of Presentation
The consolidated financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”). The significant accounting policies described below, together with the other notes that follow, are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
Basis of Consolidation
Basis of Consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company, its wholly owned subsidiaries, other entities in which the Company has a controlling financial interest, and those variable interest entities (“VIE”) where the Company’s wholly owned subsidiaries are the primary beneficiaries. Assets and liabilities of VIEs and their respective results of operations are consolidated from the date that the Company became the primary beneficiary through the date the Company ceases to be the primary beneficiary. The Company applies the equity method of accounting to investments where it is able to exercise significant influence, but not control, over the policies and procedures of the entity and owns less than 50% of the voting interests. Investments in certain companies over which the Company does not exert significant influence are recorded at fair value, or at cost upon election of measurement alternative, at the end of each reporting period. Intercompany balances and transactions on consolidated entities have been eliminated.
Use of Estimates
Use of Estimates
The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from these estimates, and such differences could be material, due to factors such as adverse changes in the economy, changes in interest rates, secondary market pricing for loans held for sale and derivatives, strength of underwriting and servicing practices, changes in prepayment assumptions, declines in home prices or discrete events adversely affecting specific borrowers.
Reclassification, Comparability Adjustment
Certain reclassifications have been made in the 2021 and 2020 consolidated financial statements to conform to 2022 presentation. Such reclassifications were not material and did not affect total revenues or net income.
Recent Accounting Guidance Adopted Recent Accounting Guidance AdoptedThe Company did not adopt any accounting guidance during the year ended December 31, 2022 that had a material impact on its consolidated financial statements or disclosures.
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents include unrestricted cash on hand and other interest-bearing investments with original maturity dates of 90 days or less.

Restricted Cash
Restricted cash includes collected funds pledged to certain advance and warehouse facilities, collected fees payable to third parties, and certain contractual escrow funds.
Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSRs)
Mortgage Servicing Rights (“MSR”)
The Company recognizes the rights to service mortgage loans for others, or MSRs, whether acquired or as a result of the sale of loans the Company originates with servicing retained, as assets. The Company initially records all MSRs at fair value. The Company has elected to subsequently measure MSRs at fair value.

The fair value of the MSRs is based upon the present value of the expected future net cash flows related to servicing the underlying loans. The Company determines the fair value of the MSRs using a discounted cash flow model which incorporates prepayment speeds, discount rate, costs to service, delinquencies, ancillary revenues, recapture rates and other assumptions that management believes are consistent with the assumptions that other similar market participants use in valuing the MSRs. The key assumptions to determine fair value include prepayment speeds, discount rate and cost to service. The credit quality and stated interest rates of the loans underlying the MSRs affect the assumptions used in the cash flow models. The Company obtains third-party valuations quarterly to assess the reasonableness of the fair value calculated by the cash flow model. Fair value adjustments are recorded within “revenues - service related, net” in the consolidated statements of operations.
Advances and Other Receivables, Net
Advances and Other Receivables, Net
The Company advances funds to or on behalf of the investors when the borrower fails to meet contractual payments (e.g., principal, interest, property taxes, insurance) in accordance with terms of its servicing agreements. Other receivables consist of advances funded to maintain and market underlying loan collateral through foreclosure and ultimate liquidation on behalf of the investors. Advances are recovered from borrowers for performing loans and from the investors and loan proceeds for non-performing loans.
The Company may also acquire servicer advances in connection with the acquisition of MSRs through asset acquisitions or business combinations. These advances are recorded at their relative fair value amounts upon acquisition. The Company records receivables upon determining that collection of amounts due from loan proceeds, investors, mortgage insurers, or prior servicers is probable. Reserves related to recoverability of advances and other receivables are discussed below in Reserves for Servicing Activity.
Mortgage Loans Held for Sale
Mortgage Loans Held for Sale
The Company originates prime residential mortgage loans with the intention of selling such loans on a servicing-retained basis in the secondary market. As these loans are originated with intent to sell, the loans are classified as held for sale and the Company has elected to measure these loans held for sale at fair value. The Company estimates fair value of mortgage loans held for sale using a market approach by utilizing either: (i) the fair value of securities backed by similar mortgage loans, adjusted for certain factors to approximate the fair value of a whole mortgage loan, including the value attributable to mortgage servicing and credit risk, (ii) current commitments to purchase loans or (iii) recent observable market trades for similar loans, adjusted for credit risk and other individual loan characteristics. In connection with the Company’s election to measure originated mortgage loans held for sale at fair value, the Company records the loan origination fees when earned, net of direct loan originations costs associated with these loans. Loan origination fees and underwriting fees are recorded in “revenues - service related, net” in the consolidated statements of operations. Gains or losses recognized upon sale of loans and fair value adjustments are recorded in “revenues - net gain on mortgage loans held for sale” in the consolidated statements of operations.

From time to time, the Company exercises this right to repurchase individual delinquent loans in GNMA securitization pools to minimize interest spread losses, re-pool into new GNMA securitizations or otherwise sell to third-party investors. The majority of GNMA repurchased loans are repurchased in connection with loan modifications and loan resolution activity with the intent to re-pool into new GNMA securitizations upon re-performance of the loan or otherwise sell to third-party investors. Therefore, the Company classifies such loans as loans held for sale and has elected to measure these repurchased loans at fair value.
Loans Subject to Repurchase Rights from Ginnie Mae
Loans Subject to Repurchase from Ginnie Mae
For certain loans originated and sold into GNMA mortgage-backed securities, the Company, as servicer/transferor, has the unilateral right to repurchase, without GNMA’s prior authorization, any individual loan in a GNMA securitization pool if that loan meets certain criteria, including payment not being received from the borrower for greater than 90 days (“delinquent status”). For loans in delinquent status, the Company must recognize in its consolidated balance sheets the right to repurchase the loan and a corresponding repurchase liability, regardless of whether the Company intends to repurchase the loan. The Company records these rights to repurchase in “other assets” at the unpaid principal balance and a corresponding liability in “payables and other liabilities” in its consolidated balance sheets.
MSR Related Liabilities - Nonrecourse
MSR Related Liabilities - Nonrecourse
Excess Spread Financing
In conjunction with the acquisition of certain MSRs on various pools of residential mortgage loans (the “Portfolios”), the Company entered into sale and assignment agreements related to its right to servicing fees, under which the Company sells to third parties the right to receive a portion of the excess cash flow generated from the Portfolios after receipt of a fixed base servicing fee per loan. The excess cash flow payments to third parties are considered counterparty payments, which are recorded as an adjustment to “revenues - service related, net” in the consolidated statements of operations. The agreements consist of two components - current excess spread, or remittance of a percentage of excess spread on currently serviced loans, and future excess spread, or the obligation to transfer currently serviced loans that have been refinanced into current excess spread or a replacement loan of similar economic characteristics into the Portfolios. The new or replacement loan will be governed by the same terms set forth in the sale and assignment agreement described above. The sale of these rights is accounted for as a secured borrowing under Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 860, with the total proceeds received being recorded as a component of “MSR related liabilities - nonrecourse at fair value” in the consolidated balance sheets. The Company determines the effective interest rate on these liabilities and allocates total repayments between interest expense and the outstanding liability.

The Company has elected to measure the outstanding financings related to the excess spread financing agreements at fair value with all changes in fair value recorded to “revenues - service related, net” in the consolidated statements of operations. The fair value on excess spread financing is based on the present value of future expected discounted cash flows. The cash flow assumptions used in the model are based on various factors, with the key assumptions being mortgage prepayment speeds and discount rate.

Changes to excess spread financing other than payments and fair value measurements include accretion, which results from changes in the portfolio. Changes related to accretion are recorded to “revenues - service related, net” with an offset to excess spread financing liability on the balance sheet.

Mortgage Servicing Rights Financing
The Company has historically entered into transactions with third parties to sell a contractually specified base fee component of certain MSRs and servicer advances under specified terms. The Company evaluates these transactions to determine if they were sales or secured borrowings. When a transaction qualifies for sale treatment, the Company derecognizes the transferred assets in its consolidated balance sheets. If the Company determines that the related MSRs sales are contingent on the receipt of consents from various third parties, for accounting purposes, legal ownership of the MSRs continues to reside with the Company. The Company continues to account for the MSRs in its consolidated balance sheets. In addition, the Company records an MSR financing liability associated with this financing transaction. The Company continues to account for the sold specified base fee cash flows within MSRs in its consolidated balance sheets. Counterparty payments related to this financing arrangement are recorded as an adjustment to the Company’s “revenues - service related, net” in the consolidated statements of operations.

The Company has elected to measure the mortgage servicing rights financing liabilities at fair value with all changes in fair value recorded to “revenues - service related, net” in the consolidated statements of operations. The fair value on mortgage servicing right financings is based on the present value of future expected discounted cash flows. The cash flow assumptions and prepayment assumptions used in the model are based on various factors, with the key assumptions being advance financing rates and advance recovery rates.
Property and Equipment, Net
Property and Equipment, Net
Property and equipment is comprised of furniture, fixtures, leasehold improvements, computer software, and computer hardware. These assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred which is included in “expenses - general and administrative” in the consolidated statements of operations. Depreciation, which includes depreciation and amortization on finance leases, is recorded using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets. Cost and accumulated depreciation applicable to assets retired or sold are eliminated from the accounts, and any resulting gains or losses are recognized at such time through a charge or credit to “expenses - general and administrative”. Costs to internally developed computer software are capitalized during the development stage and include internal and external costs incurred to develop software.
Long-lived assets shall be tested for recoverability whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount might not be recoverable. The Company performs a quarterly evaluation to determine whether such events have occurred. If events and circumstances indicate the carrying values exceed the fair value of the fixed assets, the Company will proceed with impairment testing. Impairment loss shall be recognized only if the carrying amount of a long-lived asset is not recoverable and exceeds its fair value. The carrying amount of a long-lived asset is not recoverable if it exceeds the sum of undiscounted cash flows expected to result from the use and eventual disposition of the asset. The impairment loss is measured as the amount by which the carrying amount of a long-lived asset exceeds its fair value.
If the Company determines an arrangement contains a lease or lease components, then the lease will be accounted for under ASC 842 and classified as either a finance or operating lease. At the lease commencement date, the Company recognizes a leased right-of-use (“ROU”) asset and corresponding lease liability based on the present value of the lease payments over the lease term. Leased ROU assets are tested for impairment in accordance with ASC 360, Property, Plant, and Equipment. The Company did not have material finance leases for the periods presented.

ASC 842 provides for two policy elections. The first refers to leases with a term of 12 months or less and the second relates to separating lease components from non-lease components. The Company elected not to recognize lease assets and lease liabilities for leases with a term of 12 months or less and not to separate lease components from non-lease components.
Leases primarily consist of various corporate and other office facilities. Operating leases in which the Company is the lessee are recorded as operating lease ROU assets and operating lease liabilities, which are included in “other assets” and “payables and other liabilities”, respectively, on the consolidated balance sheets. Operating lease ROU assets represent the Company’s right to use an underlying asset during the lease term and operating lease liabilities represent the Company’s obligation to make lease payments arising from the lease. ROU assets and operating lease liabilities are recognized at lease commencement based on the present value of the remaining lease payments using a discount rate that represents the Company’s incremental borrowing rate at the lease commencement date, as most of the Company’s leases do not provide an implicit rate. ROU assets are further adjusted for lease incentives. Operating lease expense, which is comprised of amortization of the ROU asset and the implicit interest accreted on the operating lease liability, is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term and is recorded in “expenses - general and administrative” in the consolidated statements of operations. Operating lease activity is included in operating activities within the consolidated statements of cash flows.
Derivative Financial Instruments
Derivative Financial Instruments
Derivative instruments are used as part of the overall strategy to manage exposure to interest rate risks related to the pipeline (including mortgage loans held for sale and interest rate lock commitments (“IRLCs”)) and the MSR portfolio. The Company recognizes all derivatives at fair value on a recurring basis in “other assets” and “payables and other liabilities” on its consolidated balance sheets. The Company treats all of its derivative instruments as economic hedges, therefore none of its derivative instruments are designated as accounting hedges.

Derivative instruments utilized by the Company primarily include IRLCs, loan purchase commitments (“LPCs”), forward Mortgage Backed Securities (“MBS”), Treasury futures, interest rate swap agreements and interest rate caps.

IRLCs represent an agreement to extend credit to a mortgage loan applicant, or an agreement to purchase a loan from a third-party originator, whereby the interest rate on the loan is set prior to funding. The fair values of mortgage loans held for sale, which are held in inventory awaiting sale into the secondary market, and interest rate lock commitments, are subject to changes in mortgage interest rates from the date of the commitment through the sale of the loan into the secondary market. As a result, the Company is exposed to interest rate risk during the period from the date of the lock commitment through (i) the lock commitment cancellation or expiration date; or (ii) the date of sale into the secondary mortgage market. IRLCs are considered freestanding derivatives and are recorded at fair value at inception inclusive of the inherent value of servicing. Loan commitments generally range between 30 days and 90 days, and the Company typically sells mortgage loans within 30 days of origination. Changes in fair value subsequent to inception are based on changes in the fair value of the underlying loan, and adjustments for the estimated pull-through rate. Any changes in fair value are recorded in earnings as a component of “revenues - net gain on mortgage loans held for sale” on the consolidated statements of operations and consolidated statements of cash flows.
The Company uses other derivative financial instruments to manage exposure to interest rate risk. These derivative financial instruments are measured at fair value based upon dealer market and exchange prices. The changes in value on derivatives designated as pipeline hedges are recorded as a charge or credit to “revenues - net gain on mortgage loans held for sale” on the consolidated statements of operations and consolidated statements of cash flows. The changes in fair value of derivatives designated as MSR hedges are recorded in “revenues - service related, net” on the consolidated statements of operations and “loss (gain) on MSR hedging activities” on the consolidated statements of cash flows. For segment reporting purposes, the Company established an intersegment hedge to transfer the risks and allocate the associated fair value changes in forward MBS between Servicing and Originations. The intersegment hedge fair value changes are eliminated in the consolidated financial statements and not material.

The Company also purchases interest rate swaps and Treasury futures to mitigate exposure to interest rate risk related to cash flows on securitized mortgage borrowings.
Intangible Assets and Goodwill
Intangible Assets
Intangible assets primarily consist of customer relationships and technology acquired through business combinations. Those intangible assets are deemed to have finite useful lives and are amortized either on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives (trade name, technology and internally developed software), or on a basis more representative of the time pattern over which the benefit is derived (customer relationships). Intangible assets are recorded at their estimated fair value at the date of acquisition.

Intangible assets with finite useful lives are tested for impairment whenever events or circumstances indicate that their carrying amount may not be recoverable by comparing the carrying value of the assets to the estimated future undiscounted cash flows to be generated by the asset. If an impairment is determined to exist for intangible assets, the carrying value of the asset is reduced to the estimated fair value.

Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of net assets acquired in business combinations and is assigned to the reporting unit in which the acquired business will operate. Goodwill is not amortized but is instead subject to impairment testing. The Company evaluates its goodwill for impairment annually as of October 1 of each year or more frequently if impairment indicators arise in accordance with ASC 350, Intangibles - Goodwill and Other. When testing goodwill for impairment, the Company may elect to perform either a qualitative test or a quantitative test to determine if it is more likely than not that the carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its estimated fair value.

During a qualitative analysis, the Company considers the impact of any changes to the following factors: macroeconomic, industry and market factors, cost factors, and changes in overall financial performance, as well as any other relevant events and uncertainties impacting a reporting unit. If the qualitative assessment does not conclude that it is more likely than not that the estimated fair value of the reporting unit is greater than the carrying value, the Company performs a quantitative analysis. In a quantitative test, the carrying value of the reporting unit is compared to its estimated fair value.

In a quantitative test, the fair value of a reporting unit is determined based on a discounted cash flow analysis and further analyzed using other methods of valuation. A discounted cash flow analysis requires the Company to make various assumptions, including assumptions about future cash flows, growth rates and discount rates. The assumptions about future cash flows and growth rates are based on the Company’s long-term projections by reporting unit. In addition, an assumed terminal value is used to project future cash flows beyond base years. Assumptions used in the Company’s impairment testing are consistent with its internal forecasts and operating plans. The discount rate is based on the Company’s debt and equity balances, adjusted for current market conditions and investor expectations of return on the Company’s equity. If the fair value of a reporting unit exceeds its carrying amount, there is no impairment. If not, the Company compares the fair value of the reporting unit with its carrying amount. To the extent the carrying amount of the reporting unit exceeds its fair value, a write-down of the reporting unit’s goodwill would be necessary.
Equity Method Investments
Investment in Unconsolidated Entities
The Company accounts for investments in unconsolidated entities using the equity method when the Company holds a significant, but less than controlling, ownership interest and has the ability to exercise significant influence over operating and financial decisions of the investee. These investments include our investment in Sagent M&C, LLC (“Sagent”). Under the equity method of accounting, investments are initially recorded at cost and thereafter adjusted for additional investments, distributions and the proportionate share of earnings or losses of the investee. The Company evaluates the equity method investments for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that an other-than-temporary decline in value may have occurred. See Note 3, Dispositions, for more information on our investment in Sagent.
Revenue Recognition
Revenue Recognition
ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, establishes principles for reporting information about the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from the entity's contracts to provide goods or services to customers. The core principle requires an entity to recognize revenue to depict the transfer of goods or services to customers as performance obligations are satisfied in an amount that reflects the consideration that the entity expects to be entitled to receive in exchange for those goods or services. The majority of the Company’s revenue-generating transactions in the Servicing and Originations segments, including revenue generated from financial instruments, such as the Company’s loans and derivatives, as well as revenue related to the Company’s mortgage servicing activities, are not within the scope of ASC 606 as these activities are subject to other GAAP discussed elsewhere within the Company’s disclosures. All revenues from Xome fall within the scope of ASC 606.

The core principle requires an entity to recognize revenue to depict the transfer of goods or services to customers as performance obligations are satisfied in an amount that reflects the consideration that the entity expects to be entitled to receive in exchange for those goods or services.

Revenues from Servicing Activities
Revenues, service related, net”, primarily include contractually specified servicing fees, late charges, prepayment penalties, fair value adjustments, and other ancillary revenues. The servicing fees are based on a contractual percentage of the outstanding principal balance and recognized as revenue as earned during the life of the loan. Corresponding loan servicing costs are charged to expense as incurred. The Company recognizes ancillary revenues and earnings on float as they are earned.

In addition, the Company receives various fees in the course of providing servicing on its various portfolios. These fees include modification fees for modifications performed outside of government programs, modification fees for modifications pursuant to various government programs, and incentive fees for servicing performance on specific government-sponsored entities (“GSE”) portfolios. Fees recorded on modifications of mortgage loans serviced by the Company for others are recognized on collection and are recorded as a component of “revenues - service related, net”. Fees recorded on modifications pursuant to various government programs are recognized based upon completion of all necessary steps by the Company and the minimum loan performance time frame to establish eligibility for the fee. Revenue earned on modifications pursuant to various government programs is included as a component of “revenues - service related, net”. Incentive fees for servicing performance on specific GSE portfolios are recognized as various incentive standards are achieved and are recorded as a component of “revenues - service related, net”.

Fair value adjustments related to MSRs, excess spread financing and MSRs financing are recorded as component of “revenues - service related, net”.

The Company also acts as a subservicer for certain parties that own the underlying servicing rights and receives subservicing fees, which are typically a stated monthly fee per loan that varies based on types of loans. Fees related to the subserviced portfolio are accrued in the period the services are performed.

“Revenues - net gain on mortgage loans held for sale”, within the Servicing segment is comprised of the realized and unrealized gains and losses on sales of mortgage loans held for sale, including loans that are repurchased out of GNMA securities and subsequently modified and re-securitized, and any other repurchased loans.

Revenues from Origination Activities
“Revenues - servicing related, net”, within the Originations segment is comprised of loan origination and other loan fees which generally represent flat, per-loan fee amounts and are recognized as revenue at the time the loans are funded.

"Revenues - net gain on mortgage loans held for sale”, includes the realized and unrealized gains and losses on sales of newly originated mortgage loans, as well as the changes in fair value of all pipeline-related derivatives, including IRLCs.

Revenue from Xome Activities
•Xome consists of REO auction exchange, which is a proprietary digital exchange for selling foreclosed property. Revenue is recognized when the performance obligation is completed, which is at the closing of real estate transactions and there is transfer of ownership to the buyer. Xome’s business is included in Corporate/Other.
Reserves for Origination Activity, Forward Servicing Activity and Reverse Mortgage Interests
Repurchase Reserves for Origination Activity
The Company accrues reserves for the repurchase of loans from GSEs, GNMA, and third-party investors primarily due to origination defect and are initially recorded upon sale of the loan to a third party with subsequent reserves recorded based on repurchase demands. The repurchase reserves are included within “payables and accrued liabilities” in the consolidated balance sheets and the provision for repurchase reserves is a component of “revenues - net gain on mortgage loans held for sale” in the consolidated statements of operations.

During each reporting period, the Company utilizes an internal model to estimate repurchase reserves for loan origination activities based upon its expectation of future defects and historical loss rates. The estimate for the repurchase reserve is based on judgments and assumptions which can be influenced by many factors and may change over the life of the underlying loans, including: (i) historical loss rate, (ii) secondary market pricing of loans; (iii) home prices and the levels of home equity; (iv) the quality of Company’s underwriting procedures; (v) borrower delinquency and default patterns; and (vi) other Company-specific and macro-economic factors. On a quarterly basis, management corroborates these assumptions using third-party data, where applicable.

Reserves for Servicing Activity
In connection with loan servicing activities, the Company records reserves primarily for the recoverability of advances, interest claims, and mortgage insurance claims. Reserves for advances and other receivables associated with loans in the MSR portfolio are considered within the MSR valuation, and the provision expense for such advances is recorded in the mark-to-market adjustment in “revenues - service related, net” in the consolidated statements of operations. Such valuation considers the expected cash outflows and inflows for advances and other receivables in accordance with the fair value framework. Reserves for advances and other receivables on loans transferred out of the MSR portfolio are established within “advances and other receivables, net”. As loans serviced transfer out of the MSR portfolio, any negative MSR value or any GNMA loan fallout value associated with the loans transferred is reclassified from the MSR to the reserve within “advances and other receivables, net”, to the extent such reserves continue to be required for balances remaining on the consolidated balance sheets. Management evaluates reserves for sufficiency each reporting period and any additional reserve requirements are recorded as a provision in “expenses - general and administrative”, as needed.

The Company records reserves for advances and other receivables and evaluates the sufficiency of such reserves through internal models considering expected recovery rates on claims filed with government agencies, government sponsored enterprises, vendors, prior servicer and other counterparties. Key assumptions used in the models include but are not limited to expected recovery rates by loan types, which are derived from historical recovery rates, and aging of the receivable. Recovery of advances and other receivables is subject to judgment and estimates based on the Company’s assessment of its compliance with servicing guidelines, its ability to produce the necessary documentation to support claims, its ability to support amounts from prior servicers and to effectively negotiate settlements, as needed. Management reviews recorded advances and other receivables, and upon determination that no further recourse for recovery is available from all means known to management, the recorded balances associated with these receivables are written off against the reserve.
Credit Loss Reserves
Credit Loss Reserves
ASC 326, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses requires expected credit losses for financial instruments held at the reporting date to be measured based on historical experience, current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts, which is referred to as the current expected credit loss, or CECL, methodology. The new standard reflects management’s best estimate of all expected credit losses for the Company’s financial assets that are recognized at amortized cost. The CECL methodology considers expected lifetime loss rates calculated from historical data using a weighted average life to determine the current expected credit loss required.

The Company determined that “advances and other receivables, net”, and certain financial instruments included in “other assets” are within the scope of ASC 326.

For “advances and other receivables, net”, the Company determined that the majority of estimated losses are due to servicing operational errors, and credit-related losses are not significant because of the contractual relationships with the government and government sponsored agencies. The Company determined that the credit-related risk associated with certain applicable financial instruments can increase with the passage of time. The CECL reserve methodology considers these financial instruments collectible to a point in time of 39 months. Any projected remaining balance at the end of the collection period is considered a loss and factors into the overall CECL loss rate required.
For “other assets”, primarily trade receivables and service fees earned but not received, the Company determined that these are short-term in nature (less than one year), and the estimated credit-related losses over the life of these receivables are similar to those resulting from the Company’s existing loss reserve process. The Company monitors the financial status of customers to determine if any specific loss considerations are required.
Variable Interest Entities
Variable Interest Entities
In the normal course of business, the Company enters into various types of on- and off-balance sheet transactions with special purpose entities (“SPEs”), which primarily consist of securitization trusts established for a limited purpose. Generally, these SPEs are formed for the purpose of securitization transactions in which the Company transfers assets to an SPE, which then issues to investors various forms of debt obligations supported by those assets. In these securitization transactions, the Company typically receives cash and/or other interests in the SPE as proceeds for the transferred assets. The Company will typically retain the right to service the transferred receivables and to repurchase the transferred receivables from the SPE if the outstanding balance of the receivables falls to a level where the cost exceeds the benefits of servicing the transferred receivables.

The Company evaluates its interests in each SPE for classification as a Variable Interest Entity (“VIE”). When an SPE meets the definition of a VIE and the Company determines that the Company is the primary beneficiary, the Company includes the SPE in its consolidated financial statements.
The Company consolidates certain SPEs connected with mortgage activities. See Note 13, Securitizations and Financings, for more information on Company SPEs, and Note 12, Indebtedness, for certain debt activity connected with SPEs.

Securitizations and Asset-Backed Financing Arrangements
The Company and its subsidiaries have been a transferor in connection with a number of securitizations and asset-backed financing arrangements. The Company has continuing involvement with the financial assets of the securitizations and the asset-backed financing arrangements. The Company has aggregated these transactions into two groups: (1) securitizations of residential mortgage loans accounted for as sales and (2) financings of advances on loans serviced for others accounted for as secured borrowings.
Securitizations Treated as Sales
The Company’s continuing involvement typically includes acting as servicer for the mortgage loans held by the trust and holding beneficial interests in the trust. The Company’s responsibilities as servicer include, among other things, collecting monthly payments, maintaining escrow accounts, providing periodic reports and managing insurance in exchange for a contractually specified servicing fee. The beneficial interests held consist of both subordinate and residual securities that were retained at the time of securitization. These securitizations generally do not result in consolidation of the VIE as the beneficial interests that are held in the unconsolidated securitization trusts have no value and no potential for significant cash flows in the future. In addition, at December 31, 2022, the Company had no other significant assets in its consolidated financial statements related to these trusts. The Company has no obligation to provide financial support to unconsolidated securitization trusts and has provided no such support. The creditors of the trusts can look only to the assets of the trusts themselves for satisfaction of the debt issued by the trusts and have no recourse against the assets of the Company. The general creditors of the Company have no claim on the assets of the trusts. The Company’s exposure to loss as a result of its continuing involvement with the trusts is limited to the carrying values, if any, of its investments in the residual and subordinate securities of the trusts, the MSRs that are related to the trusts and the advances to the trusts. The Company considers the probability of loss arising from its advances to be remote because of their position ahead of most of the other liabilities of the trusts. See Note 4, Mortgage Servicing Rights and Related Liabilities, and Note 5, Advances and Other Receivables, for additional information regarding MSRs and advances.
Financings Accounted as Secured Borrowing
The Company transfers advances on loans serviced for others to SPEs in exchange for cash. The Company consolidates these SPEs because the Company is the primary beneficiary of the VIE.

These VIEs issue debt supported by collections on the transferred advances. The Company made these transfers under the terms of its advance facility agreements. The Company classifies the transferred advances on its consolidated balance sheets as advances and classifies the related liabilities as advance facilities and other nonrecourse debt. The SPEs use collections of the pledged advances to repay principal and interest and to pay the expenses of the entity. Holders of the debt issued by these entities can look only to the assets of the entities themselves for satisfaction of the debt and have no recourse against the Company.
Interest Income
Interest Income
Interest income is recognized on mortgage loans held for sale for the period from loan funding to sale, which is typically within 30 days. Loans are placed on non-accrual status when any portion of the principal or interest is greater than 90 days past due. Loans return to accrual status when the principal and interest become current and it is probable that the amounts are fully collectible. For individual loans that have been modified, a period of six timely payments is required before the loan is returned to an accrual basis. Interest income also includes interest earned on custodial cash deposits associated with the servicing portfolio.
Interest Expense, Policy
Interest Expense
Interest expense primarily includes interest incurred on advance and warehouse facilities, unsecured senior notes, excess spread financing and compensating bank balances, as well as bank fees. The Company incurred interest expense related to advance and warehouse facilities, unsecured senior notes and excess spread financing of $361, $370 and $409 for the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
Share-Based Compensation Expense Share-Based Compensation Equity based awards include restricted stock units (“RSUs”) granted to employees of the Company and non-employee directors and performance-based stock awards (“PSUs”) granted to certain executive officers. The RSUs are valued at the fair market value of the Company’s common stock on the grant date and recognized as an expense over the requisite employee service period on a straight-line basis using an accelerated attribution model. The PSUs are valued using a model that incorporates the market condition of the grants and expensed on a straight-line basis over the requisite employee service period. The Company applies a dynamic forfeiture rate and records share-based compensation in “expenses - salaries, wages and benefits” within the consolidated statements of operations.
Advertising Costs
Advertising Costs
Advertising costs are expensed as incurred and are included as part of “expenses - general and administrative” within the consolidated statements of operations. The Company incurred advertising costs of $37, $40 and $38 for the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
Income Taxes
Income Taxes
The Company is subject to the income tax laws of the U.S. and its states and municipalities. These tax laws are complex and subject to different interpretations by the taxpayer and the relevant governmental taxing authorities.

Deferred income taxes are determined using the balance sheet method. Deferred taxes are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the consolidated financial statements carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates that will apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect of a change in tax rates on deferred tax assets and liabilities is recognized as income or expense in the period that includes the enactment date.

The Company regularly reviews the carrying amount of its deferred tax assets to determine if the establishment of a valuation allowance is necessary. If based on the available evidence, it is more likely than not that all or a portion of the Company’s deferred tax assets will not be realized in future periods, a deferred tax valuation allowance is established. Consideration is given to various positive and negative evidence that could affect the realization of the deferred tax assets. In evaluating this available evidence, management considers, among other things, historical financial performance, expectation of future earnings, length of statutory carryforward periods, experience with operating tax loss and tax credit carryforwards which may expire unused, the use of tax planning strategies and the timing of reversals of temporary differences. The Company’s evaluation is based on current tax laws as well as management’s expectations of future performance.

The Company initially recognizes tax positions in the consolidated financial statements when it is more likely than not that the position will be sustained upon examination by the tax authorities. Such tax positions are initially and subsequently measured as the largest amount of tax benefit that is greater than 50% likely of being realized upon ultimate settlement with the tax authority, assuming the tax authority has full knowledge of the position and all relevant facts. In establishing a provision for income tax expense, the Company makes judgments and interpretations about the application of these inherently complex tax laws. The Company recognizes interest and penalties related to uncertain tax positions as a component of provisions for income taxes in accordance with ASC 740.
Earnings Per Share
Earnings Per Share
The Company computes earnings per share using the two-class method, which is an earnings allocation formula that determines earnings per share for common stock and any participating securities according to dividends declared (whether paid or unpaid) and participation rights in undistributed earnings. The Series A Preferred Stock is considered participating securities because it has dividend rights determined on an as-converted basis in the event of Company’s declaration of a dividend or distribution for common shares. In the third quarter of 2021, the Company retired its preferred shares. As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the Company had 10 million preferred shares authorized at $0.00001, with zero shares issued and outstanding and aggregate liquidation preference of zero dollars.

Basic net income per common share is computed by dividing net income available to common stockholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted net income per common share is computed by dividing net income available to common stockholders by the sum of the weighted average number of common shares outstanding and any dilutive securities for the period.