Washington, D.C. 20549



Certified Shareholder Report of

Registered Management Investment Companies


Investment Company Act File Number: 811-08576


American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund

(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)


333 South Hope Street, 55th Floor

Los Angeles, California 90071

(Address of Principal Executive Offices)


Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (949) 975-5000


Date of fiscal year end: July 31


Date of reporting period: July 31, 2023


Brian C. Janssen

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund

6455 Irvine Center Drive

Irvine, California 92618

(Name and Address of Agent for Service)


ITEM 1 – Reports to Stockholders



American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund®
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America®
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America®
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund®
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California®
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York®


Annual reports for the year ended July 31, 2023



Invest in
municipal bonds
for tax-advantaged


These six municipal bond funds are offered by Capital Group, home of American Funds, one of the nation’s largest mutual fund families. For over 90 years, Capital Group has invested with a long-term focus based on thorough research and attention to risk.


Fund results shown in this report, unless otherwise indicated, are for Class F-2 shares. Class A share results are shown at net asset value unless otherwise indicated. If a sales charge had been deducted from Class A shares (maximum 2.50% for American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund and Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America; 3.75% for The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund, The Tax-Exempt Fund of California and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York), the results would have been lower. Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely. For current information and month-end results, refer to capitalgroup.com.


Here are the total returns on a $1,000 investment with all distributions reinvested for periods ended June 30, 2023 (the most recent calendar quarter-end), and the total annual fund operating expense ratios as of the prospectus dated October 1, 2023 (unaudited):


total returns
  Average annual
total returns
   1 year  5 years  10 years  ratios*  ratios*
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund               
Class F-2 shares   1.14%        0.92%      0.85%      0.33%      0.32%   
Class A shares   –1.46    0.29    0.53    0.44    0.43 
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America            
Class F-2 shares   1.80    1.36    1.60    0.35    0.35 
Class A shares   –0.99    0.62    1.14    0.58    0.58 
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America            
Class F-2 shares   3.01    1.71    2.72    0.35    0.35 
Class A shares   –0.99    0.76    2.17    0.53    0.53 
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund            
Class F-2 shares   2.99    2.27    3.95    0.42    0.41 
Class A shares   –1.12    1.26    3.34    0.65    0.64 
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California            
Class F-2 shares   3.55    1.56    2.78    0.38    0.38 
Class A shares   –0.50    0.62    2.24    0.57    0.57 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York            
Class F-2 shares   3.28    1.49    2.40    0.48    0.42 
Class A shares   –0.79    0.55    1.87    0.66    0.60 


* Expense ratios are restated to reflect current fees.


Past results are not predictive of results in future periods.


For other share class results, refer to capitalgroup.com. A summary of each fund’s 30-day yield can be found on page 5.


Investment results assume all distributions are reinvested and reflect applicable fees and expenses. When applicable, investment results reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, without which they would have been lower. The investment adviser is currently reimbursing a portion of other expenses for American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York. In addition, the investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee for American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund. Investment results and the net expense ratios reflect the waiver and reimbursements, without which the results would have been lower and the expense ratios would have been higher. The waiver and reimbursements will be in effect through at least October 1, 2024, unless modified or terminated by the fund’s board. The adviser may elect at its discretion to extend, modify or terminate the waiver and/or reimbursements at that time. Refer to capitalgroup.com for more information.


Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value.




1 Letter to investors
3 Results at a glance
6 Fund Reviews
  Investment portfolios
12 American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund
44 Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America
97 The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America
221 American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund
308 The Tax-Exempt Fund of California
345 American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York
352 Financial statements
404 Boards of trustees and other officers


Fellow investors:


We are pleased to present this annual report for American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund, The Tax-Exempt Fund of California and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York. It covers the 12-month period ended July 31, 2023, the conclusion of the funds’ fiscal year.


Gross domestic product (GDP) grew over the last 12 months, but at lower levels each quarter. Higher-than-desirable inflation was a persistent tailwind. To combat inflationary forces and to help put the economy on more stable footing, the Federal Reserve raised the federal funds rate for six straight meetings before pausing momentarily in June. By the end of the fiscal year, rates rose to 5% from 3%.


The municipal market remained resilient despite the headwinds created by higher interest rates. Yields on AAA-rated bonds reached levels not seen since 2011. As a result, investor demand for municipal bonds increased, helping to create a constructive environment for municipal portfolios. Total annual returns for Capital Group’s municipal funds ranged from –0.26% for American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund to 0.69% for The Tax-Exempt Fund of New York.


Economic and market overview

At the start of the fiscal year, consumer spending remained resilient despite relatively high inflation and a volatile stock market that tipped into bear market territory. But high prices began to eat into consumer budgets in the latter half of the period, causing many consumers to pull back on spending.


Personal spending dynamics could impact the fiscal health of state and local governments, which are already navigating a transition from federal pandemic aid and facing slowing tax revenue gains attributable to moderating growth as well as inflationary spending pressures. Though the Fed paused its rate hikes at the end of this fiscal year, the central bank indicated it would raise rates further if needed to combat ongoing inflation.


Year-to-date gross tax-exempt issuance was $208 billion through July 31, according to Refinitiv, about $39 billion less than the same period in 2022. For the fiscal year, the Bloomberg High Yield Municipal Bond Index (a market value-weighted index composed of municipal bonds rated below BBB/Baa) fell by –0.2%, lagging the 0.93% gain of the Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index, a measure of the long-term investment-grade (bonds rated BBB/Baa and above) tax-exempt market.


Inside the funds

Due to an environment of higher interest rates and the possibility of recession, fund managers decided to maintain a higher cash position compared to recent years, enabling the funds to take advantage of opportunities that might present themselves despite volatile markets. Fund holdings have been underweight at the front end of the yield curve as valuations have remained less attractive. With an inverted municipal yield curve, curve positioning continues to be an area of focus.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 1


Looking ahead

Credit fundamentals in the municipal market still look strong, but optimism is tempered by ongoing concerns over stubborn inflation, Federal Reserve movements and a potential recession. Longer term, fund managers will continue to monitor inflation’s impact across existing and prospective holdings while also balancing fundamental views when considering municipal bond valuations. The focus remains on identifying credits with attractive risk-adjusted potential returns.


Thank you for your support. We endeavor to be responsible custodians of your capital.





Mark Marinella

President, American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund and Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America



Chad M. Rach

President, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund



Jerome Solomon

President, American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York



Karl J. Zeile

President, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America and The Tax-Exempt Fund of California


September 12, 2023


For current information about the funds, refer to capitalgroup.com.


Past results are not predictive of results in future periods.


Bond ratings, which typically range from AAA/Aaa (highest) to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch, as an indication of an issuer’s creditworthiness.


2 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Results at a glance


For periods ended July 31, 2023, with all distributions reinvested.


   Cumulative total returns  Average annual total returns
   1 year  5 years  10 years  Lifetime
(from Class A
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund   
Class F-2 shares                 0.51%                     0.93%            0.87%            1.13%     
Class A shares (since 8/7/09)   0.40    0.82    0.80    1.06 
Bloomberg Municipal Short 1–5 Years Index   0.22    1.09    1.16    1.46 
Lipper Short Municipal Debt Funds Average   1.17    0.84    0.77    0.98 
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America       
Class F-2 shares   0.55    1.36    1.62    3.56 
Class A shares (since 10/6/93)   0.31    1.13    1.41    3.36 
Bloomberg Municipal Short-Intermediate 1–10 years Index   0.42    1.51    1.79    3.62 
Lipper Short-Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Average   0.43    1.01    1.22    2.91 
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America       
Class F-2 shares   0.66    1.72    2.85    5.95 
Class A shares (since 10/3/79)   0.48    1.55    2.69    5.80 
Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index   0.93    1.87    2.81    * 
Lipper General & Insured Municipal Debt Funds Average   –0.01    1.29    2.56    5.65 
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund       
Class F-2 shares   –0.26    2.29    4.15    5.11 
Class A shares (since 9/26/94)   –0.49    2.05    3.94    4.91 
Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index   0.93    1.87    2.81    4.65 
Bloomberg High Yield Municipal Bond Index   –0.20    2.85    4.46    * 
Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds Average   –1.50    1.31    3.48    4.44 
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California       
Class F-2 shares   0.67    1.59    2.91    5.02 
Class A shares (since 10/28/86)   0.49    1.41    2.76    4.88 
Bloomberg California Municipal Index   1.05    1.80    2.96    * 
Lipper California Municipal Debt Funds Average   –0.22    1.12    2.84    4.88 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York       
Class F-2 shares   0.69    1.49    2.55    2.82 
Class A shares (since 11/1/10)   0.51    1.31    2.41    2.69 
Bloomberg New York Municipal Index   1.41    1.76    2.73    2.78 
Lipper New York Municipal Debt Funds Average   0.46    1.24    2.51    2.45 


* This index did not exist at the fund’s inception.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 3

Past results are not predictive of results in future periods.


Class F-2 shares were first offered on August 1, 2008. Class F-2 share results prior to the date of first sale are hypothetical based on the results of the original share class of the fund without a sales charge, adjusted for typical estimated expenses. Refer to capitalgroup.com for more information on specific expense adjustments and the actual dates of first sale.


Bloomberg Municipal Short 1–5 Years Index is a market value-weighted index that includes investment-grade tax-exempt bonds with maturities of one to five years. Bloomberg Short-Intermediate 1–10 Years Index is a market value-weighted index that includes investment-grade tax-exempt bonds with maturities of one to 10 years. Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index is a market value-weighted index designed to represent the long-term investment-grade tax-exempt bond market. Bloomberg High Yield Municipal Bond Index is a market value-weighted index composed of municipal bonds rated below BBB/Baa. Bloomberg California Municipal Index is a market value-weighted index that includes only investment-grade (rated BBB/Baa and above) tax-exempt bonds of issuers within the state of California. Bloomberg New York Municipal Index is a market value-weighted index that includes only investment-grade (rated BBB/Baa and above) tax-exempt bonds of issuers within the state of New York.


The market indexes are unmanaged and, therefore, have no expenses. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. There have been periods when the fund has lagged the index. Bloomberg source: Bloomberg Index Services Ltd. Lipper averages reflect the current composition of all eligible mutual funds (all share classes) within a given category. Lipper source: Refinitiv Lipper. Lipper categories are dynamic and averages may have few funds, especially over longer periods. Refer to the Quarterly Statistical Update, available at capgroup.com, for the number of funds included in the Lipper category for each fund’s lifetime.


4 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Fund results shown in this report, unless otherwise indicated, are for Class F-2 shares. Class A share results are shown at net asset value unless otherwise indicated. If a sales charge had been deducted from Class A shares (maximum 2.50% for American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund and Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America; 3.75% for The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund, The Tax-Exempt Fund of California and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York), the results would have been lower. Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely. For current information and month-end results, refer to capitalgroup.com.


Funds’ 30-day yields


Below is a summary of each fund’s 30-day yield and 12-month distribution rate for Class F-2 and Class A shares as of July 31, 2023. For Class A shares both results reflect the maximum sales charge (2.50% for American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund and Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America; 3.75% for The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund, The Tax-Exempt Fund of California and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York). Each fund’s 30-day yield is calculated in accordance with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) formula. The SEC yield reflects the rate at which each fund is earning income on its current portfolio of securities while the distribution rate reflects the funds’ past dividends paid to shareholders. Accordingly, the funds’ SEC yields and distribution rates may differ.


30-day yield
   Net  Gross  distribution rate
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund               
Class F-2 shares   2.78%   2.77%   1.93%
Class A shares   2.59    2.58    1.77 
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America               
Class F-2 shares   2.80    2.78    1.93 
Class A shares   2.50    2.48    1.65 
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America               
Class F-2 shares   3.43    3.43    2.74 
Class A shares   3.12    3.12    2.47 
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund               
Class F-2 shares   4.34    4.32    3.84 
Class A shares   3.96    3.95    3.48 
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California               
Class F-2 shares   3.34    3.34    2.76 
Class A shares   3.03    3.03    2.48 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York               
Class F-2 shares   3.57    3.47    2.84 
Class A shares   3.27    3.17    2.56 


The return of principal for bond funds and for funds with significant underlying bond holdings is not guaranteed. Fund shares are subject to the same interest rate, inflation and credit risks associated with the underlying bond holdings. Income may be subject to state or local income taxes and/or federal alternative minimum taxes. Also, certain other income (such as distributions from gains on the sale of certain bonds purchased at less than par value, for The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America), as well as capital gain distributions, may be taxable. High-yield/lower rated bonds are subject to greater fluctuations in value and risk of loss of income and principal than investment-grade/higher rated bonds. The Tax-Exempt Fund of California and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York are more susceptible to factors adversely affecting issuers of each state’s tax-exempt securities than a more widely diversified municipal bond fund. Refer to the funds’ prospectus and the Risk Factors section of this report for more information on these and other risks associated with investing in the funds.


When applicable, results reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, without which they would have been lower and net expenses higher. Refer to capitalgroup.com for more information.


This report must be preceded or accompanied by a prospectus or summary prospectus for American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund, The Tax-Exempt Fund of California and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 5

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund seeks to provide current income exempt from regular federal income tax, consistent with the maturity and quality standards described in the prospectus, and to preserve capital.


The fund registered a total return of 0.51% for the fiscal year, beating the 0.22% return posted by the Bloomberg Municipal Short 1–5 Years Index, a market value-weighted index that includes investment-grade (rated BBB/Baa and above) tax-exempt bonds with maturities of one to five years. The fund lagged the 1.17% return of the Lipper Short Municipal Debt Funds Average, a peer group measure. For the fiscal year, the fund paid a monthly dividend totaling about 19 cents a share.


The Federal Reserve Bank’s continued interest rate increases prompted managers to decrease the interest rate sensitivity of the portfolio with a strategy featuring a mix of shorter maturity bonds, cash and Treasury futures to help preserve shareholder principal. The portfolio benefited from having a relatively smaller allocation of bonds with two-year maturities compared to the benchmark’s holdings. A heavier weighting than its benchmark in the housing sector contributed to the fund’s relative returns, while holdings in the health care sector slightly detracted from results.


The fund uses derivatives to manage its exposure to interest rates and the yield curve. Instruments such as U.S. Treasury futures might be used when cash bonds are unavailable or not attractively priced.


The market index is unmanaged and, therefore, has no expenses. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. There have been periods when the fund has lagged the index. Bloomberg source: Bloomberg Index Services Ltd. Lipper averages reflect the current composition of all eligible mutual funds (all share classes) within a given category. Lipper source: Refinitiv Lipper. Lipper categories are dynamic and averages may have few funds, especially over longer periods. Refer to the Quarterly Statistical Update, available at capitalgroup.com, for the number of funds included in the Lipper category for each fund’s lifetime.


How a hypothetical $10,000 investment has grown

(with all distributions reinvested)



The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Average annual total returns based on a hypothetical $1,000 investment


For periods ended July 31, 2023


   1 year  5 years  10 years
Class F-2 shares   0.51%   0.93%   0.87%
Class A shares*   –2.16    0.30    0.55 


* Assumes reinvestment of all distributions and payment of the maximum 2.50% sales charge.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely. For current information and month-end results, refer to capitalgroup.com.


6 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America


Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America seeks to provide current income exempt from regular federal income tax, consistent with the maturity and quality standards described in the prospectus, and to preserve capital.


The fund generated a total return of 0.55% for the fiscal year. This beat the 0.42% return posted by the Bloomberg Municipal Short-Intermediate 1–10 Years Index, a market value-weighted index that includes investment-grade (rated BBB/Baa and above) tax-exempt bonds with maturities of one to 10 years. The fund also outpaced the 0.43% return of the Lipper Short-Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Average, a peer group measure. For the fiscal year, the fund paid a monthly dividend of about 29 cents a share.


The Federal Reserve Bank’s continued interest rate increases prompted managers to decrease the interest rate sensitivity of the portfolio with a strategy featuring a mix of shorter maturity bonds, cash and Treasury futures to help protect shareholder principal. As interest rates rose, municipal valuations became more attractive. As a result, managers started to take advantage of individual investment opportunities with a particular focus on the housing sector.


The fund uses derivatives to manage its exposure to interest rates and the yield curve. Instruments such as U.S. Treasury futures might be used when cash bonds are unavailable or not attractively priced.


The market index is unmanaged and, therefore, has no expenses. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. There have been periods when the fund has lagged the index. Bloomberg source: Bloomberg Index Services Ltd. Lipper averages reflect the current composition of all eligible mutual funds (all share classes) within a given category. Lipper source: Refinitiv Lipper. Lipper categories are dynamic and averages may have few funds, especially over longer periods. Refer to the Quarterly Statistical Update, available at capitalgroup.com, for the number of funds included in the Lipper category for each fund’s lifetime.


How a hypothetical $10,000 investment has grown

(with all distributions reinvested)



The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Average annual total returns based on a hypothetical $1,000 investment


For periods ended July 31, 2023


   1 year  5 years  10 years
Class F-2 shares   0.55%   1.36%   1.62%
Class A shares*   –2.18    0.62    1.15 


* Assumes reinvestment of all distributions and payment of the maximum 2.50% sales charge.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely. For current information and month-end results, refer to capitalgroup.com.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 7


The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America


The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America seeks to provide a high level of current income exempt from federal income tax, consistent with the preservation of capital.


The fund generated a 0.66% total return for the fiscal year, which lagged the 0.93% return of the Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index, a market value-weighted index designed to represent the long-term investment grade (bonds rated BBB/Baa and above) tax-exempt bond market. The fund’s return surpassed the –0.01% total return of the Lipper General & Insured Municipal Debt Funds Average, a peer group measure. For the fiscal year, the fund paid a monthly dividend totaling about 33 cents a share.


Managers started the fiscal year with a portfolio that was relatively less sensitive to interest rates. As rates moved up through the first half of the fiscal year, managers added bonds that were more sensitive to interest rates by reducing the portfolio’s cash position and buying longer maturity bonds and Treasury futures. Given the prolonged inverted yield curve (when short-term bonds yield more than long-term bonds), the portfolio benefited from having a relatively smaller allocation of bonds with maturities of two to 10 years. Allocation to the housing sector was a detractor from returns.


The market index is unmanaged and, therefore, has no expenses. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. There have been periods when the fund has lagged the index. Bloomberg source: Bloomberg Index Services Ltd. Lipper averages reflect the current composition of all eligible mutual funds (all share classes) within a given category. Lipper source: Refinitiv Lipper. Lipper categories are dynamic and averages may have few funds, especially over longer periods. Refer to the Quarterly Statistical Update, available at capitalgroup.com, for the number of funds included in the Lipper category for each fund’s lifetime.


How a hypothetical $10,000 investment has grown

(with all distributions reinvested)



The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Average annual total returns based on a hypothetical $1,000 investment


For periods ended July 31, 2023


   1 year  5 years  10 years
Class F-2 shares   0.66%   1.72%   2.85%
Class A shares*   –3.33    0.78    2.30 


* Assumes reinvestment of all distributions and payment of the maximum 3.75% sales charge.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely. For current information and month-end results, refer to capitalgroup.com.


8 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund


American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund seeks to provide a high level of current income exempt from regular federal income tax.


The fund fell 0.26% for the fiscal year, lagging the 0.20% decline posted by the Bloomberg High Yield Municipal Bond Index (a market value-weighted index composed of municipal bonds rated below BBB/Baa). By comparison, the Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index, a measure of the investment-grade municipal market, beat both with a return of 0.93%. The fund did fare better than the Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds Average (a peer group measure), which declined 1.50% for the period. For the fiscal year, the fund paid a monthly dividend totaling about 56 cents a share.


At the start of the fiscal year, the portfolio was less sensitive to interest rates compared to the benchmark. As rates moved up through the first half of the fiscal year, managers employed a strategy that reduced cash position and bought longer maturity bonds and Treasury futures to capture opportunities created by those market conditions. The fund was helped by an underweight position (compared to the benchmark) in bonds with maturities of two to 10 years, but allocations to the transportation sector detracted from returns.


The fund uses derivatives to manage its exposure to interest rates and the yield curve. Instruments such as U.S. Treasury futures might be used when cash bonds are unavailable or not attractively priced.


The market indexes are unmanaged and, therefore, have no expenses. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. There have been periods when the fund has lagged the index. Bloomberg source: Bloomberg Index Services Ltd. Lipper averages reflect the current composition of all eligible mutual funds (all share classes) within a given category. Lipper source: Refinitiv Lipper. Lipper categories are dynamic and averages may have few funds, especially over longer periods. Refer to the Quarterly Statistical Update, available at capitalgroup.com, for the number of funds included in the Lipper category for each fund’s lifetime.


How a hypothetical $10,000 investment has grown

(with all distributions reinvested)



The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Average annual total returns based on a hypothetical $1,000 investment


For periods ended July 31, 2023


   1 year  5 years  10 years
Class F-2 shares   –0.26%   2.29%   4.15%
Class A shares*   –4.24    1.28    3.55 


* Assumes reinvestment of all distributions and payment of the maximum 3.75% sales charge.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely. For current information and month-end results, refer to capitalgroup.com.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 9


The Tax-Exempt Fund of California


The Tax-Exempt Fund of California seeks to provide a high level of current income exempt from regular federal and California state income taxes. Its secondary objective is preservation of capital.


The fund generated a total return of 0.67% for the 12 months ended July 31, trailing the 1.05% return of the Bloomberg California Municipal Index, a market value-weighted index that includes only investment-grade (rated BBB/Baa and above) tax-exempt bonds of issuers within the state of California. The fund bested the Lipper California Municipal Debt Funds Average, a peer group measure, which fell 0.22%. For the fiscal year, the fund paid a monthly dividend totaling about 45 cents a share.


As the Federal Reserve continued its series of hikes during the second half of the fiscal year, managers began to reduce the fund’s cash position and add longer maturity bonds and Treasury futures to the portfolio in an effort to add securities that would give the portfolio more interest rate exposure. Managers employed this strategy in part to preserve shareholder capital as well as to mitigate risks from any potential future reduction of rates by the Fed.


Overall, the portfolio benefited from having a relatively smaller allocation of bonds with maturities of five- to 10-years. Security selection in education, however, detracted from those returns.


The fund uses derivatives to manage its exposure to interest rates and the yield curve. Instruments such as U.S. Treasury futures might be used when cash bonds are unavailable or not attractively priced.


The market index is unmanaged and, therefore, has no expenses. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. There have been periods when the fund has lagged the index. Bloomberg source: Bloomberg Index Services Ltd. Lipper averages reflect the current composition of all eligible mutual funds (all share classes) within a given category. Lipper source: Refinitiv Lipper. Lipper categories are dynamic and averages may have few funds, especially over longer periods. Refer to the Quarterly Statistical Update, available at capitalgroup.com, for the number of funds included in the Lipper category for each fund’s lifetime.


How a hypothetical $10,000 investment has grown

(with all distributions reinvested)



The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Average annual total returns based on a hypothetical $1,000 investment


For periods ended July 31, 2023


   1 year  5 years  10 years
Class F-2 shares   0.67%   1.59%   2.91%
Class A shares*   –3.27    0.64    2.37 


* Assumes reinvestment of all distributions and payment of the maximum 3.75% sales charge.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely. For current information and month-end results, refer to capitalgroup.com.


10 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York


American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York seeks to provide a high level of current income exempt from regular federal, New York state and New York City income taxes. Its secondary objective is preservation of capital.


The fund recorded a total return of 0.69% for the fiscal year, lagging the 1.41% posted by Bloomberg New York Municipal Index, a market value-weighted index that includes only investment-grade (rated BBB/Baa and above) tax-exempt bonds of issuers within the state of New York. The fund’s result topped the 0.46% return of the Lipper New York Municipal Debt Funds average, a peer group measure. For the fiscal year, the fund paid a monthly dividend totaling about 28 cents a share.


During a fiscal year dominated by interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve, the portfolio’s mix of securities that were more sensitive to interest rates meant that relative results lagged those compared to the benchmark. Select holdings in the health care sector detracted from fund returns while education bonds proved supportive.


The market index is unmanaged and, therefore, has no expenses. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. There have been periods when the fund has lagged the index. Bloomberg source: Bloomberg Index Services Ltd. Lipper averages reflect the current composition of all eligible mutual funds (all share classes) within a given category. Lipper source: Refinitiv Lipper. Lipper categories are dynamic and averages may have few funds, especially over longer periods. Refer to the Quarterly Statistical Update, available at capitalgroup.com, for the number of funds included in the Lipper category for each fund’s lifetime.


How a hypothetical $10,000 investment has grown

(with all distributions reinvested)



The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Average annual total returns based on a hypothetical $1,000 investment


For periods ended July 31, 2023


   1 year  5 years  10 years
Class F-2 shares   0.69%   1.49%   2.55%
Class A shares*   –3.29    0.55    2.01 



* Assumes reinvestment of all distributions and payment of the maximum 3.75% sales charge.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely. For current information and month-end results, refer to capitalgroup.com.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 11

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund  
Investment portfolio July 31, 2023  
Portfolio quality summary* Percent of net assets



* Bond ratings, which typically range from AAA/Aaa (highest) to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch as an indication of an issuer’s creditworthiness. In assigning a credit rating to a security, the fund looks specifically to the ratings assigned to the issuer of the security by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch. If agency ratings differ, the security will be considered to have received the highest of those ratings, consistent with the fund’s investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments 90.94%  Principal amount
Alabama 3.55%          
City of Alabaster, Board of Education, Special Tax School Warrants, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2028 (preref. 9/1/2024)  USD500   $509 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 5.25% 2/1/2053 (put 6/1/2029)   9,995    10,498 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 4.00% 4/1/2053 (put 10/1/2027)   6,000    5,925 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 6), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 10/1/2052 (put 12/1/2026)   4,500    4,456 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 7), Series 2021-C-1, 4.00% 10/1/2052 (put 12/1/2026)   1,840    1,817 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-D-1, 5.50% 6/1/2049 (put 2/1/2029)   3,350    3,529 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Prepay Rev. Bonds (Project No. 4), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2049 (put 12/1/2025)   13,965    13,904 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Prepay Rev. Bonds (Project No. 5), Series 2020-A-1, 4.00% 10/1/2049 (put 10/1/2026)   2,875    2,858 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-D-1, 4.00% 7/1/2052 (put 6/1/2027)   10,080    10,045 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-F, 5.50% 11/1/2053 (put 12/1/2028)   440    464 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.25% 12/1/2053 (put 12/1/2026)   2,080    2,227 
Energy Southeast, Energy Supply Rev. Bonds (A Cooperative Dist.), Series 2023-A-1, 5.50% 11/1/2053 (put 1/1/2031)   2,500    2,692 
Federal Aid Highway Fin. Auth., Special Obligation Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 9/1/2029 (preref. 9/1/2027)   1,000    1,084 
Federal Aid Highway Fin. Auth., Special Obligation Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2033 (preref. 9/1/2026)   1,500    1,594 
Federal Aid Highway Fin. Auth., Special Obligation Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 9/1/2035 (preref. 9/1/2027)   2,410    2,614 
Federal Aid Highway Fin. Auth., Special Obligation Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2036 (preref. 9/1/2026)   4,500    4,781 
City of Hoover, G.O. Warrants, Series 2016, 4.00% 7/1/2033 (preref. 7/1/2026)   1,000    1,031 
Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (ECG Monrovia Project), Series 2022-A, 2.00% 10/1/2025 (put 10/1/2024)   2,050    2,009 
Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Peppertree Place Project), Series 2022-C, 3.25% 11/1/2025 (put 11/1/2024)   1,575    1,564 
County of Jefferson, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/15/2023   1,500    1,502 
South East Gas Supply Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 2), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 6/1/2049 (put 6/1/2024)   490    489 
Southeast Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 2), Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 12/1/2051 (put 12/1/2031)   450    438 
Southeast Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 4), Series 2022-B-1, 5.00% 5/1/2053 (put 8/1/2028)   2,390    2,467 
Alaska 0.87%          
City of Anchorage, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 12/1/2041 (preref. 12/1/2024)   1,000    1,023 
Housing Fin. Corp., General Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.25% 12/1/2044   3,210    3,107 
Housing Fin. Corp., General Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 3.50% 6/1/2046   245    242 
Housing Fin. Corp., General Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.75% 12/1/2052   1,275    1,357 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 6/1/2026   550    575 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 12/1/2026   725    766 


12 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Alaska (continued)          
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 6/1/2027  USD590   $629 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 12/1/2027   600    646 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 12/1/2032 (preref. 12/1/2023)   1,120    1,126 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033 (preref. 12/1/2023)   540    543 
International Airport System, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-C, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2026   1,500    1,563 
International Airport System, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-C, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2027   4,060    4,287 
International Airport System, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-C, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2029   3,185    3,446 
Arizona 1.02%          
Bullhead City, Excise Taxes Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-2, 0.75% 7/1/2025   650    606 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (GreatHearts Arizona Projects), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025   145    150 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2026   1,200    1,248 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2023   1,875    1,875 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2024   1,445    1,470 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 11/1/2024   825    843 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2025   1,675    1,734 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 11/1/2025   1,500    1,561 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2053 (put 5/15/2028)   6,695    7,204 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2001, AMT, 3.375% 12/1/2031 (put 6/3/2024)   900    895 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2025   2,025    2,070 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 7/1/2024   155    157 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 7/1/2026   830    842 
County of Pima, Sewer System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Obligations, Series 2022, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,115    1,202 
Board of Regents of the Arizona State University System, Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   300    318 
County of Yavapai, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2002, AMT, 1.30% 6/1/2027   450    404 
California 9.31%          
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 2.625% 4/1/2045 (put 4/1/2026)   2,000    1,945 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-G, 2.00% 4/1/2053 (put 4/1/2024)   5,200    5,131 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.30%) 4.28% 4/1/2056 (put 4/1/2027)1   1,200    1,166 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.45%) 4.43% 4/1/2056 (put 4/1/2026)1   730    719 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-S-6, 5.00% 10/1/2054 (preref. 10/1/2024)   1,540    1,574 
Trustees of the California State University, Systemwide Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/2026   3,815    4,080 
Trustees of the California State University, Systemwide Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2027   3,620    3,837 
Trustees of the California State University, Systemwide Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B-2, 0.55% 11/1/2049 (put 11/1/2026)   945    840 
Trustees of the California State University, Systemwide Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B-3, 4.00% 11/1/2051 (put 11/1/2023)   1,550    1,550 
Carlsbad Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2021-B, 2.00% 8/1/2023   205    205 
Carlsbad Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2021-B, 2.00% 8/1/2024   195    192 
Coachella Valley Water Dist., Drinking Water System Rev. Notes, Series 2022-A, 1.375% 6/1/2025   3,000    2,857 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 2/1/2052 (put 8/1/2031)   1,160    1,154 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-B-1, 5.00% 7/1/2053 (put 8/1/2029)   9,390    9,855 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 5.00% 12/1/2053 (put 8/1/2029)   3,795    3,962 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-D, 5.50% 5/1/2054 (put 8/1/2028)   1,500    1,583 
East Side Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2023-D, 5.00% 8/1/2026   3,600    3,829 
East Side Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2023-D, 5.00% 8/1/2027   2,555    2,782 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 13

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Southern California), Series 2009-C, 5.25% 10/1/2024 (escrowed to maturity)  USD165   $169 
County of El Dorado, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1992-1 (El Dorado Hills Dev.), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 9/1/2025   1,560    1,562 
City of Fontana, Public Facs. Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2023   160    160 
Fresno Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2010 Election, Series 2013-C, 5.50% 8/1/2046   5,000    5,000 
Fresno Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2021-D, 2.00% 8/1/2024   135    133 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2024   5,000    5,105 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 9/1/2027   4,505    4,901 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,285    1,406 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 4/1/2029   120    135 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 5.00% 8/1/2030   2,005    2,232 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2031   1,305    1,347 
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 6/1/2028 (preref. 6/1/2027)   1,570    1,702 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 10/1/2039 (put 10/1/2027)   1,000    1,056 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stanford Health Care), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 8/15/2054 (put 8/15/2025)   5,285    5,271 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 5/15/2024   405    410 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 5/15/2025   690    711 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Bonds (Brightline West Passenger Rail Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 3.65% 1/1/2050 (put 1/31/2024)2   4,600    4,581 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Los Angeles County Museum of Art Project), Series 2021-B, 4.68% 12/1/2050 (put 6/1/2026)1   945    920 
City of Inglewood, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Redev. Project), Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/1/2028   1,490    1,593 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 12-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2029   1,600    1,648 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2026   3,500    3,645 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2027   1,230    1,304 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   1,250    1,343 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   1,350    1,451 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2026   3,605    3,755 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-D, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2027   1,005    1,030 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-D, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2027   2,000    2,121 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2027   2,475    2,625 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-F, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   3,615    3,885 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-G, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   2,100    2,257 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2027   1,000    1,061 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2023-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   750    806 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   5,480    5,969 
City of Los Angeles, Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 6/1/2026   500    530 
County of Los Angeles, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Long Beach Senior Housing), Series 2022, 2.00% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   1,240    1,194 
County of Los Angeles, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Cantamar Villas), Series 2021-D-1, 0.30% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   2,070    2,024 
County of Los Angeles, Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Measure R Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/1/2024   120    122 


14 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
County of Los Angeles, Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Measure R Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/1/2027  USD1,000   $1,087 
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 7/1/2025   2,100    2,183 
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,295    1,378 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Walnut Apartments), Series 2021-A, 0.45% 12/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   940    926 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 2.40% 10/1/2044 (put 10/1/2029)   5,280    4,766 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, AMT, 0.70% 12/1/2044 (put 12/1/2023)   1,150    1,134 
New Haven Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2008-C, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2029   7,650    6,238 
Northern California Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 4.00% 7/1/2049 (put 7/1/2024)   6,000    6,014 
Port of Oakland, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-H, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2028   2,770    2,940 
Port of Oakland, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-H, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2029   615    662 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/15/2023   155    155 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Dept. of Corrections, Various State Prisons), Series 2017-D, 5.00% 9/1/2027   2,000    2,174 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2016-C, 4.00% 11/1/2031   1,560    1,604 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2030   340    269 
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (North Natomas), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-E, 5.25% 9/1/2025   1,565    1,567 
City of Sacramento, Municipal Utility Dist., Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-D, 5.00% 8/15/2049 (put 7/13/2023)   5,245    5,944 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2024   1,300    1,321 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2027   685    743 
City of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2 (Santaluz), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2023   850    850 
City of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2 (Santaluz), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2024   115    114 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2024   1,000    1,010 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2025   5,990    6,112 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-G, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2027   780    819 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2029   2,115    2,286 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Special Facs. Lease Rev. Bonds (SFO Fuel Co., LLC), Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2026   1,500    1,547 
City and County of San Francisco, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-R-2, 5.00% 6/15/2024   2,785    2,832 
City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, Wastewater Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-C, 4.00% 10/1/2048 (put 10/1/2029)   5,150    5,441 
Santa Margarita Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 99-1 (Talega), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,150    1,171 
Southern California Public Power Auth., Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Milford Wind Corridor Phase II Project), Series 2021-1, 5.00% 7/1/2025   115    120 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Edison Co.), Series 2006-D, 2.625% 11/1/2033 (put 12/1/2023)   330    328 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Enloe Medical Center), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2028 (preref. 2/15/2026)   250    263 
City of Tustin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 06-1 (Tustin Legacy / Columbus Villages), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2030   2,750    2,817 
City of Tustin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1 (Tustin Legacy / Standard Pacific), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2027   200    205 
Regents of the University of California, Limited Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-S, 5.00% 5/15/2026   470    498 
Val Verde Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2013-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2042 (preref. 8/1/2023)   1,500    1,500 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Home Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 3.50% 12/1/2045   365    362 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Home Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.50% 12/1/2052   1,665    1,785 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-CS, 4.00% 12/1/2049   1,730    1,720 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-CT, 3.00% 12/1/2050   4,060    3,944 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 15

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-CU, 5.50% 12/1/2052  USD375   $419 
Walnut Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2007 Election, Series 2011-B, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2031   1,030    759 
Dept. of Water Resources, Water System Rev. Bonds (Central Valley Project), Series 2016-AW, 5.00% 12/1/2033 (preref. 12/1/2026)   230    246 
Dept. of Water Resources, Water System Rev. Bonds (Central Valley Project), Series 2017-AX, 5.00% 12/1/2033 (preref. 12/1/2027)   245    269 
William S. Hart Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2001 Election, Series 2005-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 9/1/2025   5,000    4,650 
Colorado 2.03%          
Certs. of Part., Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/15/2025   1,000    1,043 
Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System, System Enterprise Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 3/1/2041 (preref. 3/1/2027)   1,530    1,644 
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2027   6,305    6,700 
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2028   4,500    4,842 
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 11/15/2028   125    138 
City and County of Denver, Dept. of Aviation, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,500    1,588 
City and County of Denver, Dept. of Aviation, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2029   2,000    2,176 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.901% 9/1/2039 (put 9/1/2024)1   645    643 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Sanford), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/1/2028   1,000    1,089 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2017-C, Class I, 4.00% 5/1/2048   665    660 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, Class I, 4.00% 11/1/2048   590    585 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2018-C, Class I, 4.25% 11/1/2048   455    454 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-C, Class I, 4.25% 5/1/2049   3,350    3,341 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-E, Class I, 4.25% 5/1/2049   965    963 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-E, Class I, 3.00% 11/1/2051   1,950    1,877 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-L, Class I, 3.25% 11/1/2051   1,955    1,892 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-B, Class I, 3.25% 5/1/2052   5,680    5,494 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-E, Class I, 5.25% 11/1/2052   5,425    5,612 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2023-I, Class III, 6.00% 5/1/2053   2,880    3,153 
Regents of the University of Colorado, University Enterprise Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 2.00% 6/1/2054 (put 10/15/2024)   1,000    976 
Connecticut 1.33%          
Town of East Hartford, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Summerfield Townhouses Project), Series 2022-A, 4.25% 2/1/2027 (put 2/1/2025)   3,000    3,003 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hartford Healthcare Issue), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028   925    992 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stamford Hospital Issue), Series 2022-M, 5.00% 7/1/2025   160    163 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yale University Issue), Series 2003-X-2, 0.25% 7/1/2037 (put 2/9/2024)   265    260 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yale University Issue), Series 2014-A, 2.80% 7/1/2048 (put 2/10/2026)   5,000    4,897 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yale University Issue), Series 2010-A-3, 0.25% 7/1/2049 (put 2/9/2024)   2,280    2,236 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2027   750    786 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2028   545    578 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2029   560    600 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2030   440    475 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-A-2, AMT, 4.00% 11/15/2041   1,405    1,385 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-E-1, 4.25% 5/15/2042   895    892 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-F-1, 3.50% 11/15/2043   655    641 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2014-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2044   75    75 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2045   200    199 


16 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Connecticut (continued)          
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-E-1, 3.50% 11/15/2046  USD255   $252 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2047   1,985    1,971 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2047   1,015    1,008 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-D-1, 4.00% 11/15/2047   1,210    1,201 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 3.00% 11/15/2049   1,510    1,451 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2022-C-4, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.625%) 4.61% 5/15/2051 (put 11/15/2024)1   3,860    3,859 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 3.50% 11/15/2051   765    746 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 3.50% 11/15/2044   255    254 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C-1, 3.50% 11/15/2045   335    332 
Special Tax Obligation Bonds (Transportation Infrastructure Purposes), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,000    1,102 
Delaware 0.22%          
G.O. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 4.00% 7/1/2024   1,000    1,007 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 2/1/2031   130    152 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2028   3,400    3,783 
District of Columbia 1.51%          
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2027   2,525    2,699 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 6/1/2032   2,930    3,019 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Kenilworth 166 Apartments Project), Series 2021, 1.25% 6/1/2025 (put 12/1/2024)   7,395    7,111 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Paxton Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2040 (put 9/1/2025)   1,000    1,003 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2025   4,000    4,110 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2026   1,000    1,044 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2026   1,500    1,566 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2028   3,410    3,663 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2023   1,915    1,919 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2024   1,000    1,015 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,000    1,027 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2025   900    925 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2026   2,000    2,089 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,000    1,061 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2027   490    520 
Rev. Ref. Bonds (National Public Radio, Inc. Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2028 (preref. 4/1/2026)   230    242 
Rev. Ref. Bonds (National Public Radio, Inc. Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2029 (preref. 4/1/2026)   225    237 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-C, 5.00% 10/1/2025   150    153 
Florida 4.19%          
County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B-1, 4.00% 12/1/2023   450    450 
County of Broward, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2023   1,100    1,103 
County of Broward, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Solaris Apartments), Series 2021-B, 0.70% 1/1/2025 (put 7/1/2024)   1,555    1,499 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2024   885    898 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 17

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)          
City of Daytona Beach, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The WM at the River Project), Series 2021-B, 1.25% 12/1/2025 (put 12/1/2024)  USD1,415   $1,357 
Board of Education, Lottery Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2027   3,175    3,342 
Board of Education, Public Education Capital Outlay Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 6/1/2027   1,940    2,097 
Fin. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2010-A, AMT, 4.05% 5/1/2034 (put 12/1/2022)   8,835    8,833 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2023   1,500    1,502 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2029 (preref. 10/1/2026)   1,000    1,049 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2030 (preref. 10/1/2027)   1,025    1,097 
County of Hillsborough, Aviation Auth., Tampa International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2027   6,750    7,159 
County of Hillsborough, Aviation Auth., Tampa International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2040 (preref. 10/1/2024)   3,310    3,361 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-1, 4.00% 7/1/2048   745    741 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-1, 4.00% 7/1/2049   785    779 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-2, 4.25% 1/1/2050   2,280    2,273 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-2, 3.00% 7/1/2051   350    338 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-1, 3.50% 7/1/2051   715    700 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-2, 3.00% 7/1/2052   4,575    4,390 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1, 3.50% 7/1/2052   875    854 
Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (The Canopy at West River Towers 1 & 2), Series 2022-A-2, 3.25% 5/1/2026 (put 5/1/2025)   4,155    4,105 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2023   630    632 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2024   600    612 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,540    1,600 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   280    291 
County of Lee, Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2029   350    378 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,000    1,012 
County of Miami-Dade, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Platform 3750), Series 2021, 0.25% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   1,580    1,580 
County of Miami-Dade, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Quail Roost Transit Village I), Series 2023, 5.00% 9/1/2026 (put 9/1/2025)   1,000    1,019 
County of Miami-Dade, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Council Towers Seniors Apartment Homes Project), Series 2023, 5.00% 2/1/2024   1,865    1,873 
County of Miami-Dade, Seaport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2030   2,670    2,919 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2047   3,495    3,600 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Orlando Health Obligated Group), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,600    1,820 
County of Orange, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Dunwoodie Place Apartments), Series 2021-A, 0.20% 9/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   2,160    2,152 
County of Orange, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Stratford Point Apartments), Series 2021-B, 0.55% 1/1/2025 (put 7/1/2024)   2,335    2,247 
Orlando Utilities Commission, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,000    1,087 
County of Palm Beach, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Christian Manor), Series 2022, 1.25% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   2,480    2,433 
County of Pinellas, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Mortgage Backed Bonds (Jordan Park Apartments), Series 2021-B, 0.65% 1/1/2025 (put 7/1/2024)   1,225    1,180 
County of Polk, Utility System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013, BAM insured, 5.00% 10/1/2043 (preref. 10/1/2023)   1,670    1,675 
City of Tampa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2024   100    101 
City of Tampa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2025   75    77 
City of Tampa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2026   100    104 
Dept. of Transportation, Right-of-Way Acquisition and Bridge Construction Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,641    1,739 
Dept. of Transportation, Right-of-Way Acquisition and Bridge Construction Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   315    334 
Dept. of Transportation, Right-of-Way Acquisition and Bridge Construction Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 7/1/2027   445    482 
Dept. of Transportation, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025   10,065    10,413 


18 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)          
Dept. of Transportation, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026  USD1,515   $1,602 
Dept. of Transportation Fncg. Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2024   590    599 
Dept. of Transportation Fncg. Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,000    1,059 
Georgia 3.43%          
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 1/1/2026   1,200    1,206 
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 7/1/2027   430    462 
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   665    712 
City of Atlanta, Urban Residential Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sylvan Hills Senior Apartments Project), Series 2020, 0.41% 12/1/2025 (put 12/1/2023)   785    774 
County of Bartow, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Georgia Power Co. Plant Bowen Project), Series 1997-1, 1.80% 9/1/2029   560    469 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Vogtle Project), Series 2013-A, 1.50% 1/1/2040 (put 2/3/2025)   1,175    1,114 
City of Columbus, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Highland Terrance Phase II Project), Series 2021-B, 0.34% 4/1/2025 (put 4/1/2024)   2,000    1,942 
County of Dawson, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Peaks of Dawsonville Project), Series 2021, 0.28% 10/1/2023   3,500    3,481 
County of Dekalb, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Columbia Village Project), Series 2021-A, 0.34% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   2,420    2,420 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/1/2023   790    790 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 2/1/2027   1,000    1,027 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-E, 5.00% 12/1/2027   500    535 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2014-A-1, 4.00% 6/1/2044   70    70 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2015-A-1, 3.50% 6/1/2045   15    15 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 3.50% 12/1/2046   110    109 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 12/1/2047   1,030    1,024 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 5/15/2026   3,000    3,040 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 4/1/2048 (put 9/1/2023)   770    770 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.75%) 4.237% 4/1/2048 (put 9/1/2023)1,3   5,000    5,001 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-D, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.83%) 4.317% 8/1/2048 (put 12/1/2023)1,3   9,055    9,061 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2052 (put 9/1/2027)   3,000    2,989 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 7/1/2053 (put 3/1/2030)   1,000    1,049 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 9/1/2053 (put 12/1/2029)   7,560    7,952 
Municipal Electric Auth., Combined Cycle Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/1/2025   1,400    1,414 
Municipal Electric Auth., General Resolution Projects Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 1/1/2027   270    274 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2024   190    191 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2025   200    204 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2026   280    291 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2027   220    233 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2029   500    552 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2030   500    559 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2031   500    565 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2024   170    171 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2025   195    198 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2026   200    205 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2027   200    208 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,285    1,370 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030   740    812 
Northwest Georgia Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Dallas Manor Apartments Project), Series 2021, 0.25% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   325    323 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 19

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Georgia (continued)          
Northwest Georgia Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Spring Grove Apartments Project), Series 2021, 0.25% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)  USD2,250   $2,233 
Private Colleges and Universities Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Savannah College of Art and Design Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 4/1/2028   400    432 
County of Rockdale, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Arbours at Conyers Project), Series 2022, 3.625% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   8,105    8,035 
City of Valdosta, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (TISHCO Rural Rental Housing Portfolio Project), Series 2022, 1.25% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   560    552 
City of Villa Rica, Downtown Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Arbours at Villa Rica Project), Series 2022, 1.25% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2024)   9,955    9,662 
County of Walker, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Gateway at Rossville Project), Series 2021-B, 0.46% 12/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   1,225    1,207 
Hawaii 0.18%          
Airports System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,000    1,065 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2028   2,080    2,204 
Dept. of Transportation, Airports Division, Lease Rev. Certs. of Part., Series 2013, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2023   690    690 
Idaho 0.21%          
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2027   200    211 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2028   260    280 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2029   165    181 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation Fund), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,100    1,189 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation Fund), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/15/2030   1,750    2,007 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2050   705    699 
Illinois 2.88%          
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,950    2,043 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2029   2,500    2,638 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 1/1/2024   625    628 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2027   1,000    1,062 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2029   700    766 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,885    2,093 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 11/1/2023   1,200    1,201 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2029   750    832 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2031   1,455    1,658 
County of Cook, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 11/15/2029   3,005    3,328 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Art Institute of Chicago), Series 2016, 5.00% 3/1/2024   130    131 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Centegra Health System), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2026 (preref. 9/1/2024)   1,000    1,017 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Centegra Health System), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2027 (preref. 9/1/2024)   200    204 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northshore University HealthSystem), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2025   1,265    1,308 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2020-B-1, 5.00% 5/15/2050 (put 11/15/2024)   2,585    2,606 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2020-B-2, 5.00% 5/15/2050 (put 11/15/2026)   285    296 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.70%) 4.68% 5/1/2042 (put 5/1/2026)1   250    244 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago Medicine), Series 2022-B-2, 5.00% 8/15/2052 (put 8/15/2027)   6,875    7,311 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 10/1/2023   200    201 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,235    1,280 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/1/2024   475    479 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.50% 5/1/2026   1,500    1,581 


20 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 3/1/2026  USD3,950   $4,100 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 0.80% 7/1/2026   410    376 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Bellwood Senior), Series 2022, 4.00% 3/1/2043 (put 12/1/2024)   1,455    1,451 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Berry Manor), Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2025 (put 9/1/2024)   190    190 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Marshall Field Garden Apartment Homes), Series 2015, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 1.00%) 4.98% 5/15/2050 (put 5/15/2025)1   6,625    6,636 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.25% 10/1/2049   275    274 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 10/1/2051   4,475    4,296 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-H, 5.75% 10/1/2053   1,125    1,209 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2002-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 12/15/2023   690    695 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 6/15/2024   765    757 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 12/15/2027   100    105 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 12/15/2027   675    691 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2027   1,000    1,055 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 1/1/2029   1,930    2,084 
Southwestern Illinois Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Memorial Group, Inc.), Series 2013, 7.25% 11/1/2036 (preref. 11/1/2023)   2,500    2,522 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-D, 5.00% 1/1/2024   1,295    1,304 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 5.00% 1/1/2025   2,765    2,834 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2025   250    256 
Indiana 2.57%          
Fin. Auth., Environmental Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Power & Light Co. Project), Series 2020-B, AMT, 0.95% 12/1/2038 (put 4/1/2026)   520    468 
Fin. Auth., Environmental Improvement Rev. Bonds (Fulcrum Centerpoint, LLC Project), Series 2022-A, AMT, 4.50% 12/15/2046 (put 12/1/2023)   5,000    4,990 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana University Health), Series 2023-B-1, 5.00% 10/1/2062 (put 7/1/2028)   6,320    6,848 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Parkview Health System), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/2023   1,335    1,340 
Fin. Auth., State Revolving Fund Green Bonds, Series 2019-E, 5.00% 2/1/2026   1,465    1,534 
Fin. Auth., State Revolving Fund Program Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2027   330    353 
Fin. Auth., State Revolving Fund Program Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2028   425    465 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2021-1, 5.00% 10/1/2023   1,195    1,198 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2021-2, 5.00% 10/1/2023   220    221 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2021-2, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,250    1,298 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2024-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,250    1,310 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2021-2, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,250    1,377 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,100    1,213 
Health Fac. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Subordinate Credit Group), Series 2005-A-1, 4.00% 11/1/2023   110    110 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Emerald Pointe Apartments Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 11/1/2025 (put 11/1/2024)   375    379 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 7/1/2048   3,020    2,996 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.25% 7/1/2048   2,120    2,114 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.75% 1/1/2049   275    271 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 3.25% 7/1/2049   220    214 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2050   705    678 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C-1, 3.00% 1/1/2052   2,260    2,163 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C-1, 5.00% 7/1/2053   430    444 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-1, 5.75% 7/1/2053   2,100    2,238 
Indiana Secondary Market for Education Loans, Inc., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2027   1,500    1,553 
Indiana Secondary Market for Education Loans, Inc., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2028   1,350    1,411 
Indiana Secondary Market for Education Loans, Inc., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2029   1,225    1,293 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 21

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Indiana (continued)          
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2024  USD240   $242 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2025   255    261 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cityway 1 Project), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2024   635    639 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2015-I, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2026   2,965    3,016 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2016-A-1, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2028   300    311 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2015-I, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2033   2,000    2,031 
City of Indianapolis, Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 10/1/2028   4,000    4,231 
City of Kokomo, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (KHA RAD I Apartments), Series 2021-A, 0.56% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   2,710    2,654 
Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   700    757 
City of Whiting, Environmental Facs. Rev. Bonds (BP Products North America, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 4.40% 3/1/2046 (put 6/10/2031)   1,000    1,019 
City of Whiting, Environmental Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (BP Products North America, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2044 (put 6/15/2026)   3,000    3,085 
Iowa 0.78%          
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 1/1/2052   3,215    3,074 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2019-D, 3.50% 1/1/2049   300    293 
Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Fac. Rev. Green Bonds (Gevo NW Iowa RNG, LLC Renewable Natural Gas Project), Series 2021, AMT, 1.50% 1/1/2042 (put 4/1/2024)   905    884 
PEFA, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049 (put 9/1/2026)   12,780    13,018 
Kansas 0.52%          
Dev. Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Advent Health Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 11/15/2054 (put 11/15/2028)   5,040    5,459 
Johnson County Unified School Dist. No. 512, G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Shawnee Mission), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/1/2033 (preref. 10/1/2025)   2,000    2,081 
Dept. of Transportation, Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2004-C-4, (1-month USD-LIBOR x 0.70 + 0.50%) 4.144% 9/1/20241,3   4,000    3,990 
Kentucky 0.59%          
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Cambridge Square Project), Series 2021, 0.30% 8/1/2024 (put 2/1/2024)   800    783 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (New Hope Properties Portfolio Project), Series 2021, 0.41% 4/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   4,435    4,397 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Winterwood II Rural Housing Portfolio), Series 2021, 0.37% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   1,790    1,776 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 1/1/2049 (put 1/1/2025)   2,035    2,035 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 4.00% 12/1/2049 (put 6/1/2025)   1,905    1,900 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A-2, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 1.20%) 4.757% 8/1/2052 (put 8/1/2030)1   570    548 
County of Trimble, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Louisville Gas and Electric Co. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 1.30% 9/1/2044 (put 9/1/2027)   1,975    1,668 


22 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Louisiana 1.57%          
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Road and Street Improvement Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2024  USD1,000   $1,016 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sewerage Commission, Multi Modal Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 1.30% 2/1/2041 (put 2/1/2028)   3,000    2,548 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sewerage Commission, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/1/2026   1,125    1,175 
Gasoline and Fuels Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, (USD-SOFR x 0.50 + 0.50%) 4.042% 5/1/2043 (put 5/1/2026)1   1,125    1,104 
Grant Anticipation Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 9/1/2023   835    836 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Hollywood Acres and Hollywood Heights Projects), Series 2019, 0.55% 12/1/2023   1,900    1,873 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Mabry Place Townhomes Project), Series 2021, 0.31% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   2,320    2,320 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership Program), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2052   10,550    10,865 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership Program), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 6/1/2054   600    648 
Parish of Jefferson, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2023   250    251 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Louisiana Community and Technical College System Act 391 Projects), Series 2017, BAM insured, 5.00% 10/1/2024   1,000    1,016 
Louisiana Stadium and Exposition Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   475    531 
Louisiana Stadium and Exposition Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   550    624 
City of New Orleans, Sewerage Service Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2040 (preref. 12/1/2025)   1,000    1,041 
City of New Orleans, Sewerage Service Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 6/1/2045 (preref. 6/1/2025)   3,000    3,102 
Offshore Terminal Auth., Deepwater Port Rev. Bonds (Loop, LLC Project), Series 2013-A, 1.65% 9/1/2033 (put 12/1/2023)   1,835    1,816 
Public Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Louisiana Children’s Medical Center Project), Series 2015-A-3, 5.00% 6/1/2045 (put 6/1/2028)   680    724 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 5/15/2050 (put 5/15/2025)   610    622 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nineteenth Judicial Dist. Court Building Project), Series 2015, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2036 (preref. 6/1/2025)   1,020    1,052 
Parish of Tangipahoa, Hospital Service Dist. No. 1, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (North Oaks Health System Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 2/1/2027   1,500    1,550 
Maine 0.24%          
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2024   65    66 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2025   75    77 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 11/15/2047   145    144 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 11/15/2051   4,345    4,173 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-E-1, AMT, 3.50% 11/15/2035   760    752 
Maryland 2.45%          
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B, AMT, 3.25% 9/1/2044   375    373 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.50% 9/1/2048   2,530    2,537 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 4.50% 9/1/2048   1,065    1,061 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 3.50% 3/1/2050   660    647 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.75% 3/1/2050   720    709 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-D, 3.25% 9/1/2050   4,530    4,404 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 9/1/2051   4,080    3,935 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 23

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Maryland (continued)          
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 9/1/2051  USD1,220   $1,173 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 9/1/2051   2,532    2,432 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2017, Series 2017-A-2, 5.00% 8/1/2028   1,535    1,663 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2020, Series 2020-A-2, 5.00% 8/1/2028   1,000    1,107 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2023, Series 2023-A-2, 5.00% 3/15/2029   5,240    5,875 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2023, Series 2023-A-2, 5.00% 3/15/2030   3,090    3,533 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2017, Series 2017-B-2, 5.00% 8/1/2026   4,000    4,240 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2021, Series 2022-C-2, 4.00% 3/1/2028   2,000    2,107 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Peninsula Regional Medical Center Issue), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2045 (preref. 7/1/2024)   3,000    3,042 
County of Montgomery, Consolidated Public Improvement G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 10/1/2028   2,010    2,185 
County of Montgomery, Housing Opportunities Commission, Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 7/1/2048   785    779 
County of Montgomery, Housing Opportunities Commission, Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 7/1/2049   1,140    1,131 
County of Prince George, Certs. of Part. (Behavioral Health Fac. and Capital Equipment), Series 2021, 5.00% 10/1/2023   700    702 
County of Prince George, G.O. Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   2,500    2,704 
Dept. of Transportation, Consolidated Transportation Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2026   2,775    2,954 
Dept. of Transportation, Consolidated Transportation Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2026   3,050    3,121 
Transportation Auth., Transportation Facs. Projects Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,585    1,678 
Massachusetts 0.72%          
Clean Water Trust, Revolving Fund Green Bonds, Series 2024-A, 5.00% 2/1/2027   500    537 
Clean Water Trust, Revolving Fund Green Bonds, Series 2024-B, 5.00% 2/1/2027   500    537 
Clean Water Trust, Revolving Fund Green Bonds, Series 2024-A, 5.00% 2/1/2028   625    687 
Clean Water Trust, Revolving Fund Green Bonds, Series 2024-B, 5.00% 2/1/2028   750    824 
Clean Water Trust, Revolving Fund Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2027   750    805 
Clean Water Trust, Revolving Fund Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2028   1,000    1,099 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Mass General Brigham, Inc.), Series 2019-T-1, 4.58% 7/1/2049 (put 1/29/2026)1,2   470    465 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Berkshire Health Systems Issue), Series 2021-I, 5.00% 10/1/2024   915    930 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 2.00% 7/1/2037   205    173 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 3.625% 7/1/2038   2,400    2,204 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, AMT, 4.25% 7/1/2044   2,065    2,044 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Green Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 0.30% 12/1/2023   125    124 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Green Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 0.40% 6/1/2024   160    155 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-2, 0.75% 6/1/2025   195    182 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Green Bonds, Series 2022-D-3, 3.35% 6/1/2027   1,950    1,940 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 181, 4.00% 12/1/2044   125    124 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 172, 4.00% 6/1/2045   90    90 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 183, 3.50% 12/1/2046   150    148 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 223, 3.00% 6/1/2047   770    741 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 224, 5.00% 6/1/2050   375    386 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 177, AMT, 4.00% 6/1/2039   540    536 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 188, AMT, 4.00% 6/1/2043   290    287 
Transportation Fund Rev. Bonds (Rail Enhancement Program), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 6/1/2026   350    370 
Water Resources Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 8/1/2029   475    538 
Michigan 2.36%          
Brandon School Dist., Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 5/1/2030 (preref. 5/1/2025)   1,250    1,290 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beaumont - Spectrum Consolidation), Series 2022, 5.00% 4/15/2025   2,000    2,054 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beaumont - Spectrum Consolidation), Series 2022, 5.00% 4/15/2027   1,170    1,244 
Fin. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 6/1/2025   1,000    1,024 
Grant Anticipation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 3/15/2027   3,000    3,218 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 7/1/2028   215    237 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 7/1/2029   2,900    3,251 


24 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Michigan (continued)          
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (800 E. Court Street Village Apartments Project), Series 2023, 5.00% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)  USD6,235   $6,302 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 0.55% 4/1/2025   675    633 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 4.00% 6/1/2046   1,105    1,101 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 3.50% 6/1/2047   625    616 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 3.50% 6/1/2048   2,070    2,037 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 12/1/2048   3,440    3,413 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 4.25% 6/1/2049   3,845    3,834 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.50% 12/1/2050   3,420    3,344 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 6/1/2052   2,400    2,305 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2053   2,970    3,065 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-D, 5.50% 6/1/2053   5,920    6,232 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.50% 12/1/2053   5,225    5,588 
City of Lansing, Board of Water and Light, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2024   375    381 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Bonds (Consumers Energy Co. Project), Series 2019, AMT, 1.80% 10/1/2049 (put 10/1/2024)   710    690 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2018-C, 5.00% 12/1/2023   290    292 
Minnesota 2.29%          
G.O. Bonds, Various Purpose Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 9/1/2028   1,000    1,111 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,475    1,537 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 8/1/2026   1,000    1,061 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2013-A, AMT, 3.00% 7/1/2031   30    30 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 4.00% 7/1/2038   115    115 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2041   80    80 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2014-C, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2045   295    292 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2015-E, AMT, 3.50% 1/1/2046   630    620 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2016-E, 4.00% 1/1/2047   30    30 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2017-E, 4.00% 1/1/2048   360    357 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 7/1/2048   2,780    2,765 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2018-E, 4.25% 1/1/2049   2,830    2,822 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 3.50% 7/1/2050   1,095    1,071 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2020-E, 3.50% 7/1/2050   895    875 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2020-I, 3.00% 1/1/2051   1,195    1,151 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2051   605    582 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 1/1/2052   4,230    4,063 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 3.00% 7/1/2052   3,825    3,671 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-H, 3.00% 7/1/2052   2,735    2,624 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 7/1/2052   4,485    4,297 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2023-F, 5.75% 7/1/2053   950    1,021 
City of Minneapolis, Health Care System Rev. Bonds (Allina Health System), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 11/15/2052 (put 11/15/2028)   5,420    5,833 
City of Mounds View, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sherman Forbes Project), Series 2023-A, 4.05% 11/1/2026 (put 11/1/2024)   1,000    998 
Municipal Gas Agcy., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2052 (put 12/1/2027)   11,265    11,243 
City of St. Paul, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2025   1,000    1,005 
City of St. Paul, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2025   475    483 
City of St. Paul, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2026   880    902 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 25

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Mississippi 0.26%          
Home Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Southwest Village Apartments Project), Series 2022-2, 2.00% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)  USD1,760   $1,744 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Social Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 6/1/2050   945    907 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Social Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 12/1/2052   1,020    1,052 
West Rankin Utility Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2033 (preref. 1/1/2025)   1,025    1,050 
West Rankin Utility Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2034 (preref. 1/1/2025)   1,025    1,049 
Missouri 1.05%          
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (BJC Health System), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 5/1/2051 (put 5/1/2026)   6,005    6,097 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/1/2025   100    100 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2016-B, 3.50% 5/1/2041   1,050    1,040 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2020-A, 3.50% 11/1/2050   2,430    2,377 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2020-C, 3.50% 11/1/2050   760    743 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2020-D, 3.25% 5/1/2051   3,225    3,128 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 5/1/2052   985    947 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2021-B, 3.00% 5/1/2052   3,850    3,699 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2021-C, 3.25% 11/1/2052   975    944 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2014-B, 4.00% 11/1/2040   160    159 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2014-A, 4.00% 11/1/2041   95    95 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2015-B-1, AMT, 4.00% 11/1/2045   665    658 
County of St. Charles, Industrial Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Hidden Valley Estates), Series 2021, 0.27% 8/1/2025 (put 10/1/2023)   1,540    1,528 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2005, National insured, 5.50% 7/1/2030   1,500    1,740 
Montana 0.21%          
Board of Housing, Single Family Homeownership Bonds, Series 2012-A-2, AMT, 4.00% 12/1/2038   60    60 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2015-B-2, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2042   120    118 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016-A-2, 3.50% 6/1/2044   80    79 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.25% 12/1/2045   975    972 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-C, 3.00% 12/1/2050   1,000    965 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-B, 4.00% 12/1/2050   835    828 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 12/1/2051   360    346 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 6/1/2052   1,355    1,300 
Nebraska 0.41%          
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, AMT, 3.50% 3/1/2040   75    73 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 4.00% 9/1/2044   305    304 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 3.50% 9/1/2045   435    433 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 3.50% 9/1/2046   155    152 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 9/1/2048   480    476 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 4.00% 9/1/2048   2,675    2,654 


26 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Nebraska (continued)          
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 4.00% 9/1/2049  USD1,505   $1,482 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 3.00% 9/1/2050   510    492 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 9/1/2050   3,030    2,912 
Nevada 0.69%          
Dept. of Business and Industry, Rev. Bonds (Brightline West Passenger Rail Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 3.70% 1/1/2050 (put 1/31/2024)2   1,885    1,877 
County of Clark, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,815    1,951 
Housing Division, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Southwest Village Apartments), Series 2021, 0.47% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   515    511 
Housing Division, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Woodcreek Apartments), Series 2022, 5.00% 12/1/2025 (put 12/1/2024)   2,775    2,807 
Housing Division, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.50% 4/1/2051   960    937 
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Auth., Convention Center Expansion and Renovation Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,210    1,344 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/1/2026   1,685    1,778 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 6/1/2031   1,750    1,836 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 6/1/2034   2,195    2,297 
New Hampshire 0.30%          
Housing Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 6.00% 7/1/2053   435    469 
Housing Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 6.00% 1/1/2055   2,820    3,063 
National Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.75%) 4.355% 10/1/2033 (put 7/1/2024)1   3,085    3,029 
New Jersey 2.18%          
City of Bayonne, General Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2031 (preref. 7/1/2026)   1,000    1,059 
City of Bayonne, General Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2032 (preref. 7/1/2026)   1,000    1,059 
City of Bayonne, General Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2035 (preref. 7/1/2026)   1,000    1,059 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2017-DDD, 5.00% 6/15/2031 (preref. 6/15/2027)   1,670    1,806 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-RRR, 5.00% 3/1/2028   3,150    3,380 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Water Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Water Co., Inc. Project), Series 2020-E, AMT, 0.85% 12/1/2025   1,755    1,587 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Water Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Water Co., Inc. Project), Series 2020, AMT, 1.10% 11/1/2029 (put 12/1/2027)   2,325    1,996 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Princeton University), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/1/2027   2,500    2,695 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Princeton University), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2024   2,505    2,547 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (RWJ Barnabas Health Obligated Group Issue), Series 2019-B-3, 5.00% 7/1/2045 (put 7/1/2026)   1,000    1,039 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 3.75% 12/1/2031   500    490 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 3.00% 12/1/2032   2,500    2,345 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2039   1,325    1,264 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2023   300    301 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2024   330    334 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, AMT, 4.00% 12/1/2044   6,440    6,273 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Conduit Rev. Bonds (Browns Woods Apartments Project), Series 2021-A, 1.25% 12/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   1,910    1,894 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.50% 10/1/2048   3,235    3,244 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.75% 10/1/2050   555    560 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-E, 3.50% 4/1/2051   1,470    1,436 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-J, 5.50% 4/1/2053   2,000    2,139 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-I, 5.00% 10/1/2053   2,225    2,297 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/15/2024   1,355    1,383 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 27

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New Jersey (continued)          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/15/2032  USD2,070   $2,250 
Turnpike Auth., Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   230    233 
Turnpike Auth., Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-D, 5.00% 1/1/2028   3,350    3,526 
New Mexico 0.78%          
Educational Assistance Foundation, Education Loan Bonds, Series 2021-1-A, AMT, 2.05% 9/1/2051   2,295    2,014 
City of Farmington, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Public Service Co. of San Juan Project), Series 2010-E, 1.15% 6/1/2040 (put 6/1/2024)   3,985    3,872 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2016-A-2, Class I, AMT, 3.50% 3/1/2046   320    313 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2017-B-2, Class I, AMT, 3.75% 3/1/2048   380    372 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2018-C, Class I, 4.00% 1/1/2049   820    813 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2019-C-1, Class I, 4.00% 7/1/2050   415    411 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2021-C, Class I, 3.00% 1/1/2052   700    672 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2022-C, Class I, 4.25% 3/1/2053   975    981 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2022-D, Class I, 5.25% 3/1/2053   3,550    3,725 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2023-C, Class I, 5.75% 3/1/2054   940    1,014 
Municipal Energy Acquisition Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Ref. and Acquisition Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 11/1/2039 (put 5/1/2025)   3,045    3,116 
New York 7.67%          
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Academic Leadership Charter School Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 6/15/2024   70    70 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ethical Culture Fieldston School Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 6/1/2024   360    365 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/15/2027   1,565    1,677 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/15/2027 (escrowed to maturity)   1,485    1,597 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-D, 5.00% 2/15/2028   1,900    2,073 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2021-E, 5.00% 3/15/2030   1,375    1,562 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 5.00% 3/15/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   2,395    2,422 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-E, 5.00% 3/15/2027 (escrowed to maturity)   1,065    1,148 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Clean Water and Drinking Water Revolving Funds Rev. Bonds (New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth. Projects - Second Resolution Bonds), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/15/2026   1,000    1,061 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2012, AMT, 3.875% 5/1/2030 (put 8/1/2023)   5,000    5,000 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-P, 1.55% 11/1/2023   1,125    1,119 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 0.85% 11/1/2024   370    355 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-L-2, 0.75% 11/1/2025   8,615    7,937 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-E-2, 0.65% 11/1/2056 (put 11/1/2025)   1,775    1,631 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-I-2, 0.70% 11/1/2056 (put 11/1/2025)   1,705    1,579 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-J-2, 1.10% 11/1/2061 (put 5/1/2027)   6,460    5,731 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, 3.60% 11/1/2062 (put 5/1/2027)   7,500    7,473 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 0.95% 11/15/2027   3,645    3,138 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-C, 4.394% 5/1/2033 (put 10/1/2023)1   890    890 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-C, (1-month USD-LIBOR x 0.70 + 0.75%) 4.394% 5/1/2033 (put 10/1/2023)1,3   1,560    1,560 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2005-B, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 11/15/2023   715    718 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002-D-2-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.55%) 4.107% 11/1/2032 (put 4/1/2024)1   2,160    2,161 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002-D-2-A-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.80%) 4.65% 11/1/2032 (put 4/1/2026)1   580    578 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 11/15/2023   1,590    1,594 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2023   675    677 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2028   3,490    3,718 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 235, AMT, 0.55% 10/1/2023   195    194 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 52, AMT, 3.50% 10/1/2030   370    366 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 191, AMT, 3.50% 10/1/2034   130    130 


28 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 206, AMT, 4.00% 10/1/2037  USD895   $884 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 178, 3.50% 10/1/2043   70    70 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 197, 3.50% 10/1/2044   375    370 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 233, 3.00% 10/1/2045   6,110    5,878 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 200, 3.50% 10/1/2045   140    139 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 195, 4.00% 10/1/2046   595    592 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 203, 3.50% 10/1/2047   1,445    1,424 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 213, 4.25% 10/1/2047   3,440    3,429 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 239, 3.25% 10/1/2051   275    265 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 242, 3.50% 10/1/2052   140    137 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2013-J, 5.00% 8/1/2025   700    701 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 8/1/2025   1,000    1,038 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2025   2,000    2,076 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2014-I-1, 5.00% 3/1/2026   825    832 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/1/2026   1,185    1,255 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 5.00% 8/1/2027   1,000    1,079 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2027   1,250    1,349 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2028   1,400    1,542 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2029   1,000    1,122 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-1, 5.00% 8/1/2031   1,560    1,686 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2033   15    17 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-F-4, 5.00% 6/1/2044 (put 12/1/2025)   1,530    1,574 
New York City Health and Hospitals Corp., Health System Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/15/2024   105    106 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-C-2, 0.70% 11/1/2060 (put 7/1/2025)   2,035    1,903 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Neighborhood Bonds), Series 2020-I-2, 0.70% 11/1/2060 (put 5/1/2025)   1,980    1,846 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-F-2, 0.60% 5/1/2061 (put 7/1/2025)   1,860    1,724 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-DD, 5.00% 6/15/2026   1,000    1,059 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-F-1, 5.00% 11/1/2024   1,810    1,851 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2018-1, 5.00% 11/1/2025   325    338 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2022-D-1, 5.00% 11/1/2026   2,510    2,664 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 5.00% 11/1/2027   3,400    3,685 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 1999-A-1, 5.00% 11/1/2028   3,490    3,859 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2023-B-1, 5.00% 11/1/2028   1,145    1,266 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 194, 5.00% 10/15/2024   1,050    1,073 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 226, AMT, 5.00% 10/15/2027   3,650    3,878 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 207, AMT, 5.00% 9/15/2028   4,455    4,723 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Green Transmission Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2027   1,000    1,094 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 5.00% 3/15/2027   1,000    1,074 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2023   1,100    1,105 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2024   4,000    4,057 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2025   1,000    1,024 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2025   880    910 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2026   1,320    1,385 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2026   1,000    1,037 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2028   5,510    5,837 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2008-B-2, 5.00% 11/15/2027   3,520    3,844 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 11/15/2027   4,285    4,679 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., Payroll Mobility Tax Green Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2022-E-1, 5.00% 11/15/2027   5,950    6,457 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 29

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., Payroll Mobility Tax Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 11/15/2029  USD2,130   $2,420 
TSASC, Inc., Tobacco Settlement Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2027   1,500    1,568 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 3/15/2024   2,340    2,365 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 3/15/2025   1,000    1,029 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2026   1,420    1,489 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2027 (preref. 3/15/2026)   3,705    3,892 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2028   1,000    1,047 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/15/2027   6,345    6,825 
Utility Debt Securitization Auth., Restructuring Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 12/15/2025   370    372 
North Carolina 1.69%          
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1993-B, 6.00% 1/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   1,000    1,061 
G.O. Public Improvement Bonds (Connect NC), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2031   1,000    1,108 
Hospital Auth., Health Care Rev. Bonds (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital), Series 2018-E, 0.80% 1/15/2048 (put 10/31/2025)   3,230    2,968 
Hospital Auth., Health Care Rev. Bonds (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 1/15/2050 (put 12/2/2024)   7,500    7,654 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 40, 4.25% 7/1/2047   1,910    1,905 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 47, 3.00% 7/1/2051   7,950    7,635 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 50, 5.50% 1/1/2054   2,170    2,323 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds (1998 Trust Agreement), Series 49, 6.00% 7/1/2053   450    484 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 37-A, AMT, 3.50% 7/1/2039   255    251 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 38-B, 4.00% 7/1/2047   2,630    2,610 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 42, 4.00% 1/1/2050   1,295    1,284 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 44, 4.00% 7/1/2050   3,545    3,514 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 46-A, 3.00% 7/1/2051   1,865    1,792 
Raleigh-Durham Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2026   1,615    1,650 
Raleigh-Durham Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2028   1,000    1,023 
North Dakota 1.46%          
County of Cass, Joint Water Resource Dist., Temporary Rev. Ref. Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A, 0.48% 5/1/2024   3,310    3,193 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Rev. Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2016-D, 3.50% 7/1/2046   1,850    1,820 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2015-B, 4.00% 1/1/2036   45    45 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2015-A, 4.00% 1/1/2038   175    175 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2016-B, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2047   2,130    2,105 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2017-D, 4.00% 1/1/2048   460    457 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2017-F, 4.00% 7/1/2048   2,420    2,401 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 1/1/2049   5,775    5,730 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2018-D, 4.25% 1/1/2049   2,925    2,916 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2019-A, 4.25% 7/1/2049   520    519 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2019-F, 3.75% 7/1/2050   630    621 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2020-B, 3.00% 7/1/2051   1,610    1,552 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2052   685    659 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2052   1,435    1,372 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 1/1/2053   5,660    5,622 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 7/1/2053   1,980    2,112 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2023-D, 5.75% 1/1/2054   1,000    1,075 


30 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Ohio 1.97%          
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Duke Energy Corp. Project), Series 2022-B, AMT, 4.25% 11/1/2039 (put 6/1/2027)  USD4,790   $4,751 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2009-B, 1.375% 2/1/2026 (put 11/1/2024)   175    167 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Electric Co. Project), Series 2005-A, AMT, 2.10% 1/1/2029 (put 10/1/2024)   1,000    968 
Capital Facs. Lease Appropriation Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2025   1,085    1,114 
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2025   1,000    1,015 
County of Cuyahoga, Metropolitan Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Wade Park Apartments), Series 2022, 4.75% 12/1/2027 (put 12/1/2025)   1,175    1,192 
City of Dayton, Metropolitan Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Southern Montgomery Apartments Project), Series 2021-A, 0.32% 9/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   6,165    6,142 
G.O. Common Schools Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/15/2024   545    554 
G.O. Highway Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-X, 5.00% 5/1/2025   475    490 
G.O. Highway Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-X, 5.00% 5/1/2027   135    145 
G.O. Infrastructure Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2030   170    194 
Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 1/1/2024   1,875    1,887 
Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 1/1/2025   555    568 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Franklin Manor North Project), Series 2021, 0.25% 9/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   1,875    1,868 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Glen Meadows Apartments Project), Series 2021-A, 0.40% 11/1/2024 (put 11/1/2023)   800    791 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Marianna Terrace Apartments), Series 2022-A, 1.30% 3/1/2025 (put 3/1/2024)   366    360 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Post Oak Station Project), Series 2022, 3.35% 7/1/2025 (put 7/1/2024)   295    291 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2016-K, 3.50% 9/1/2046   425    418 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2016-D, 4.00% 3/1/2047   290    288 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2017-B, AMT, 4.50% 3/1/2047   220    219 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2017-D, 4.00% 3/1/2048   1,365    1,355 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2019-A, 4.50% 9/1/2049   1,795    1,800 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2020-A, 3.75% 9/1/2050   1,960    1,930 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2021-C, 3.25% 3/1/2051   2,960    2,867 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2052   1,745    1,680 
Major New State Infrastructure Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1, 5.00% 12/15/2027   1,000    1,090 
Major New State Infrastructure Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1, 5.00% 12/15/2029   815    923 
Miami University, General Receipts and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 9/1/2027   575    619 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2029   175    193 
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds (Infrastructure Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 2/15/2028   500    547 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2026   300    317 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2026   450    481 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2029   245    275 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   500    568 
Water Dev. Auth., Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,055    1,152 
Water Dev. Auth., Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/1/2030   2,475    2,836 
Water Dev. Auth., Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 12/1/2030   1,235    1,428 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 31

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Oklahoma 0.32%          
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/1/2052  USD3,260   $3,356 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2023-B, 5.75% 9/1/2053   1,085    1,179 
Board of Regents of Oklahoma State University, General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2024   275    280 
Board of Regents of Oklahoma State University, General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2025   420    436 
Tulsa County Independent School Dist. No. 1, Combined Purpose G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 2.00% 9/1/2026   2,000    1,899 
Oregon 1.61%          
Dept. of Administrative Services, State Lottery Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 4/1/2026   1,420    1,462 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 5/1/2028   1,770    1,948 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-M, XI-N, and XI-P State Grant Programs), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/1/2026   1,200    1,269 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-M, XI-N, and XI-P State Grant Programs), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/1/2027   2,650    2,861 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-Q State Projects), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 5/1/2025   500    516 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-Q State Projects), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 5/1/2026   1,000    1,055 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-Q State Projects), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 5/1/2027   776    836 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 96), Series 2015-Q, 4.00% 12/1/2045   905    900 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 99B), Series 2017-Q, 3.50% 12/1/2047   845    832 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 108), Series 2021-O, 3.00% 12/1/2051   2,650    2,531 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 109), Series 2022-D, 5.00% 12/1/2052   1,760    1,814 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 111), Series 2023-E, 5.50% 12/1/2053   680    727 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Housing Dev. Rev. Bonds (The Susan Emmons Apartments Project), Series 2021-S-2, 0.38% 6/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   1,095    1,079 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 1/1/2047   215    214 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 7/1/2047   1,235    1,226 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2020-A, 3.50% 1/1/2051   735    719 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Multi Family Housing Dev. Rev. Bonds (Plaza Los Amigos Apartments Project), Series 2022-T-2, 3.00% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   1,080    1,064 
City of Portland, Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 3/1/2030   1,300    1,479 
City of Portland, Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 12/1/2031   6,555    7,675 
City of Portland, Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 5/1/2031   1,000    1,160 
City of Portland, Water System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 5/1/2030   1,480    1,677 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 25-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2024   1,750    1,767 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 26-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2025   800    815 
Pennsylvania 2.69%          
County of Berks, G.O. Bonds, Series 2015, 4.00% 11/15/2027 (preref. 11/15/2023)   170    170 
Bethlehem Area School Dist. Auth., School Rev. Bonds (Bethlehem Area School Dist. Ref. Project), Series 2021-C, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.74% 1/1/2030 (put 11/1/2025)1   510    499 
Bethlehem Area School Dist. Auth., School Rev. Bonds (Bethlehem Area School Dist. Ref. Project), Series 2021-B, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.74% 7/1/2031 (put 11/1/2025)1   650    636 
Bethlehem Area School Dist. Auth., School Rev. Bonds (Bethlehem Area School Dist. Ref. Project), Series 2021-C, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.74% 1/1/2032 (put 11/1/2025)1   535    524 
Central Dauphin School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/1/2027 (preref. 8/1/2026)   995    1,052 
County of Cumberland, Municipal Auth., Rev. Bonds (Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 1/1/2038 (preref. 1/1/2025)   2,465    2,523 
Cumberland Valley School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2032 (preref. 11/15/2023)   205    206 
Cumberland Valley School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2034 (preref. 11/15/2023)   175    176 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (PPL Electric Utilities Corp. Project), Series 2008, 0.40% 10/1/2023   1,800    1,786 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2025   2,225    2,267 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2009, 0.95% 12/1/2033 (put 12/1/2026)   5,000    4,500 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2023   1,000    1,004 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, 5.00% 5/15/2031   2,780    3,107 


32 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania (continued)          
County of Erie, Erie City Water Auth., Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2043 (preref. 12/1/2026)  USD1,200   $1,280 
General Auth. of Southcentral Pennsylvania, Rev. Bonds (Wellspan Health Obligated Group), Series 2019-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.60%) 4.58% 6/1/2049 (put 6/1/2024)1   2,720    2,715 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2026   95    98 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2027   525    545 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2030   400    429 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-128-A, AMT, 4.75% 4/1/2033   710    709 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-123-A, AMT, 4.00% 4/1/2039   325    322 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-117-A, AMT, 3.50% 4/1/2040   305    303 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-118-A, AMT, 3.50% 4/1/2040   350    349 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-119, 3.50% 10/1/2041   110    109 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-120, 3.50% 10/1/2046   175    173 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-122, 4.00% 10/1/2046   2,120    2,108 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-133, 3.00% 10/1/2050   2,950    2,848 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-132-A, 3.50% 4/1/2051   700    689 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-135-A, 3.00% 10/1/2051   880    854 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-137, 3.00% 10/1/2051   820    782 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-138-A, 3.00% 10/1/2052   1,500    1,430 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-141-A, 5.75% 10/1/2053   6,905    7,367 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Special Limited Obligation Multi Family Housing Dev. Bonds (School of Nursing), Series 2021, 0.27% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   3,375    3,375 
County of Lehigh, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Lehigh Valley Health Network), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025   1,200    1,230 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 6/1/2030   800    907 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 6/1/2031   780    899 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 9/1/2028   1,265    1,366 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 9/1/2026   1,000    1,046 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 9/1/2027   600    638 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 9/1/2028   365    394 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,080    1,184 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2025   500    521 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2026   400    425 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,000    1,077 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 12/1/2029   1,000    1,116 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-2, 5.00% 12/1/2024   485    496 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 6/1/2026   3,000    3,107 
Puerto Rico 0.02%          
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hospital Auxilio Mutuo Obligated Group Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2028   380    403 
Rhode Island 0.37%          
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 68-C, AMT, 3.50% 4/1/2039   300    296 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 69-B, 4.00% 10/1/2048   525    521 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 75-A, 3.00% 10/1/2051   4,780    4,594 
Student Loan Auth., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2023   650    652 
Student Loan Auth., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2024   2,100    2,125 
South Carolina 1.46%          
City of Columbia, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Colonel Bluffs Apartments Project), Series 2022-B, 1.25% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2024)   5,395    5,237 
City of Columbia, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 2/1/2024   500    502 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 1/1/2047   740    736 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 4.00% 7/1/2047   110    109 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.50% 7/1/2048   865    866 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2050   1,395    1,384 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2052   685    658 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 3.25% 1/1/2052   1,610    1,564 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 33

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
South Carolina (continued)          
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 1/1/2052  USD860   $855 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 7/1/2036   160    159 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (James Lewis, Jr. Eastside Apartments), Series 2021-B, 0.30% 9/1/2024 (put 3/1/2024)   2,175    2,119 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Villages at Congaree Pointe Project), Series 2021-B, 1.25% 6/1/2025 (put 6/1/2024)   970    946 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Environmental Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (International Paper Co. Project), Series 2023-A, AMT, 4.00% 4/1/2033 (put 4/1/2026)   4,625    4,634 
Ports Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, AMT, 5.25% 7/1/2055 (preref. 7/1/2025)   2,000    2,059 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2024   700    713 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2014-C, 5.00% 12/1/2025   120    122 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2028   280    286 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   85    92 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2031   2,015    2,082 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033   1,050    1,084 
City of Spartanburg, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Connecticut Village Apartments), Series 2022, 1.05% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2023)   1,025    1,025 
City of Spartanburg, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Hickory Heights and Oakland Apartments Project), Series 2021, 0.29% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   3,030    3,007 
Spartanburg Regional Health Services Dist., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 4/15/2027   395    415 
Spartanburg Regional Health Services Dist., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 4/15/2028   1,500    1,602 
South Dakota 0.34%          
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2014-E, 4.00% 5/1/2044   130    130 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2013-E, AMT, 4.00% 11/1/2044   10    10 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2015-D, 4.00% 11/1/2045   220    219 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016-D, 3.50% 11/1/2046   1,240    1,225 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.50% 11/1/2048   1,560    1,564 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 11/1/2051   2,180    2,095 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 5/1/2053   2,115    2,176 
Tennessee 0.99%          
City of Chattanooga, Health, Educational and Housing Fac. Board, Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Battery Heights Apartments Project), Series 2021, 0.20% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   1,200    1,200 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2014-1-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2039   105    104 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-2-B, 4.00% 1/1/2042   1,065    1,057 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-1, 4.00% 7/1/2042   845    839 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2013-2-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2043   10    10 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2014-2-C, 4.00% 1/1/2045   195    194 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2014-2-A, 4.00% 7/1/2045   245    244 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2014-2-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2045   150    149 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2015-2-A, 4.00% 1/1/2046   315    313 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-1-B, 3.50% 1/1/2047   210    207 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-4, 3.50% 1/1/2050   4,095    3,999 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2015-2-A, 3.75% 1/1/2050   415    409 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2022-2, 5.00% 1/1/2053   665    684 
County of Knox, Health, Educational and Housing Fac. Board, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Westview Towers Project), Series 2022, 3.95% 12/1/2027   3,090    3,077 
Knoxville Community Dev. Corp., Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Austin 1B Apartments Project), Series 2021, 0.22% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   1,245    1,235 
City of Memphis, Health, Educational and Housing Facs. Board, Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Tillman Cove Apartments), Series 2020, 0.55% 12/1/2024 (put 6/1/2024)   3,725    3,597 
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Health and Educational Facs. Board, Rev. Bonds (Vanderbilt University Medical Center), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   415    462 
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2026   560    581 


34 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Tennessee (continued)          
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028  USD375   $399 
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,915    2,070 
City of Memphis and County of Shelby, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2025   1,000    1,021 
Texas 13.40%          
Affordable Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Juniper Creek Apartments Project), Series 2023, 3.75% 7/1/2044 (put 7/1/2026)   920    916 
Aldine Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,270    1,360 
Alvin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2024   1,000    1,009 
Alvin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2014-B, 0.45% 2/15/2036 (put 8/15/2023)   1,730    1,728 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2024   215    216 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2025   175    177 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2026   110    112 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Harmony Public Schools), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/15/2024   310    312 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Riverwalk Education Foundation, Inc.), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2025   800    826 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2023   390    390 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2024   405    407 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2025   425    430 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2026   440    448 
Arlington Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2026   1,625    1,702 
Aubrey Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/15/2029   1,000    1,104 
Austin Affordable PFC, Inc., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Bridge at Turtle Creek Apartments), Series 2020, 0.42% 12/1/2040 (put 12/1/2023)   3,855    3,800 
Austin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2029   1,465    1,563 
Austin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 8/1/2027   1,000    1,081 
City of Austin, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2026   2,820    2,948 
City of Austin, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2027   2,000    2,116 
City of Austin, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2025   1,370    1,410 
Azle Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 2/15/2024   1,035    1,044 
Barbers Hill Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2026   1,735    1,818 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/15/2024   1,000    1,008 
County of Bexar, Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 6/15/2043 (preref. 6/15/2026)   8,000    8,447 
Boerne Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/1/2027   1,200    1,281 
Boerne Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 3.125% 2/1/2053 (put 2/1/2027)   8,800    8,706 
Burleson Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/1/2029   2,000    2,186 
Cameron County Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sunland Country Apartments), Series 2021, 0.28% 2/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   2,025    2,025 
Cameron County Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sunland Country Apartments), Series 2021, 3.95% 2/1/2024   1,840    1,839 
Capital Area Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Redwood Apartments), Series 2020, 0.41% 1/1/2041 (put 1/1/2024)   3,220    3,162 
Carroll Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 2/15/2024   645    651 
Carroll Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 2/15/2025   1,485    1,525 
Clear Creek Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2013-B, 0.28% 2/15/2038 (put 8/15/2024)   835    799 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2023   60    60 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2024   65    66 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2025   75    77 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2026   410    429 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2027   200    213 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2028   40    43 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 35

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (International Leadership of Texas, Inc.), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/2023  USD90   $90 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (International Leadership of Texas, Inc.), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/2024   115    116 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (International Leadership of Texas, Inc.), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/2025   160    162 
Collin County Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2025   1,000    1,035 
Coppell Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2014, 4.00% 8/15/2044 (preref. 8/15/2023)   1,470    1,470 
City of Corpus Christi, Utility System Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 7/15/2028   3,425    3,744 
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-C, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,625    1,639 
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2015-B-2, 0.28% 2/15/2040 (put 8/15/2024)   1,725    1,660 
City of Dallas, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/1/2023   1,630    1,634 
County of Dallas, Certs. of Obligation, Series 2022, 5.00% 8/15/2026   1,000    1,059 
Dallas Area Rapid Transit Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 12/1/2031   1,100    1,124 
Dallas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 2/15/2030 (preref. 2/15/2025)   1,000    1,024 
Dallas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,000    1,027 
Dallas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2026   1,260    1,320 
Dallas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2027   2,000    2,138 
Dallas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2028   545    594 
City of Dallas Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Highpoint at Wynnewood), Series 2022, 3.50% 2/1/2044 (put 2/1/2026)   580    572 
City of Dallas Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Rosemont at Ash Creek Apartments), Series 2023, 5.00% 7/1/2026   915    938 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2024   300    305 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 8/15/2024   400    407 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2025   210    217 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 8/15/2025   315    326 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2026   335    353 
Del Valle Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 6/15/2026   1,000    1,054 
County of Denton, Permanent Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 7/15/2028   1,410    1,552 
County of Denton, Permanent Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 7/15/2029   4,650    5,217 
Denton County Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Pathway on Woodrow Apartments), Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   1,155    1,175 
Denton Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,650    1,781 
El Paso Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/15/2023   1,000    1,001 
El Paso Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2026   400    408 
Fort Bend Grand Parkway Toll Road Auth., Limited Contract Tax and Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2027   330    353 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/15/2024   1,000    1,018 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0.72% 8/1/2051 (put 8/1/2026)   3,310    2,940 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 0.875% 8/1/2050 (put 8/1/2025)   7,175    6,747 
Fort Worth Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2026   500    523 
Fort Worth Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,000    1,068 
G.O. Water Financial Assistance Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/1/2030   560    569 
Galveston Public Fac. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The Orleanders at Broadway), Series 2021, 0.47% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2024)   1,425    1,371 
City of Garland, Tax and Rev. Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021, 5.00% 2/15/2024   315    318 
Garland Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/15/2030   1,000    1,026 
City of Georgetown, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/15/2026   1,000    1,052 
Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,125    1,202 
Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2014-B, 0.60% 2/15/2035 (put 8/17/2026)   810    747 
Harlandale Independent School Dist., Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2021, BAM insured, 2.00% 8/15/2040 (put 8/15/2024)   455    450 
Harlandale Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 0.75% 8/15/2045 (put 8/15/2025)   2,365    2,248 
Harlingen Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/15/2024   1,000    1,018 


36 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
County of Harris, Metropolitan Transit Auth., Sales and Use Tax Contractual Obligations, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 11/1/2025  USD345   $358 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/15/2024   150    153 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2029   1,160    1,299 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Texas Children’s Hospital), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2028   3,000    3,273 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Medical Facs. Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baylor College of Medicine), Series 2019-A, (USD-SOFR x 0.70 + 0.73%) 4.293% 11/15/2046 (put 7/1/2024)1   1,385    1,385 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Texas Medical Center), Series 2020-A, 0.90% 5/15/2050 (put 5/15/2025)   1,205    1,135 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Thermal Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (TECO Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2024   1,325    1,354 
Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHRISTUS Health), Series 2005-A-4, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.19% 7/1/20311   75    75 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Corona Del Valle), Series 2021, 0.37% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2023)   3,235    3,235 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Palladium Simpson Stuart Apartments), Series 2021, 0.35% 1/1/2025 (put 1/1/2024)   1,660    1,625 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2052   2,270    2,177 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.50% 7/1/2053   3,315    3,538 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.75% 3/1/2049   810    815 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 3/1/2050   2,440    2,421 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.50% 3/1/2051   685    669 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2052   6,315    6,048 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 6.00% 3/1/2053   2,040    2,239 
Housing Options, Inc., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Brooks Manor - The Oaks Project), Series 2021, 0.50% 8/1/2041 (put 3/1/2025)   2,445    2,290 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,000    1,052 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   2,625    2,797 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 2.00% 11/15/2024   615    601 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2023   65    65 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2024   45    45 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2025   40    40 
City of Houston, Memorial City Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2023   550    551 
City of Houston, Memorial City Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2024   575    584 
City of Houston, Memorial City Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2025   445    457 
City of Houston, Memorial City Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2026   320    334 
Houston Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Temenos Place Apartments), Series 2021, 0.29% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   775    775 
Houston Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Notes (Summerdale Apartments), Series 2023, 5.00% 8/1/2041 (put 8/1/2026)   840    865 
Humble Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/15/2028   1,000    1,092 
Hutto Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2024   1,000    1,017 
Hutto Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2015, 2.00% 2/1/2055 (put 8/1/2025)   2,000    1,940 
Irving Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,345    1,438 
Irving Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2029   760    845 
Jacksonville Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2025   2,240    2,304 
Keller Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 2/15/2027 (preref. 2/15/2025)   1,470    1,509 
Kilgore Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/15/2026   435    455 
Lamar Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 2/15/2029   345    383 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/15/2027   1,000    1,072 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 5/15/2027   780    833 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 37

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2015, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 5/15/2033  USD1,000   $1,004 
County of Matagorda, Navigation Dist. No. 1, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Central Power and Light Co. Project), Series 1996, AMT, 0.90% 5/1/2030 (put 9/1/2023)   1,110    1,106 
Medina Valley Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 0.82% 2/15/2051 (put 2/15/2026)   835    766 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. I, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-D, 6.25% 12/15/2026   935    972 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2025   1,480    1,497 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2026   1,000    1,017 
Nacogdoches Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/15/2027   985    1,053 
New Caney Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,000    1,068 
New Caney Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2028   525    572 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Collegiate Housing Galveston I, LLC - Texas A&M University at Galveston Project), Series 2014-A, 4.75% 4/1/2046 (preref. 4/1/2024)   1,295    1,306 
North Central Texas Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Bluebonnet Ridge Apartments), Series 2021, 0.375% 8/1/2040 (put 8/1/2024)   620    594 
North East Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022-C, 2.05% 8/1/2046 (put 8/1/2023)   5,335    5,335 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 1/1/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   515    518 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2026   2,450    2,464 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Second Tier Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 1/1/2025   1,500    1,535 
Northside Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 0.70% 6/1/2050 (put 6/1/2025)   5,000    4,727 
Northwest Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2042 (preref. 2/15/2026)   6,500    6,814 
Odessa Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Cove in Odessa Apartments), Series 2021, 0.37% 2/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   2,125    2,116 
Plano Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2026   3,000    3,145 
Plano Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2027   2,375    2,544 
Prosper Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019-B, 2.00% 2/15/2050 (put 8/15/2023)   6,355    6,350 
Public Fin. Auth., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2026   3,575    3,798 
County of Rockwall, Permanent Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2024   200    202 
County of Rockwall, Permanent Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2025   250    256 
County of Rockwall, Permanent Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2026   260    271 
Round Rock Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2027   1,535    1,586 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-D, 1.125% 12/1/2045 (put 12/1/2026)   1,990    1,761 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2025   1,730    1,774 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 2/1/2026   1,400    1,464 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2027   90    96 
City of San Antonio, Passenger Fac. Charge and Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2024   1,000    1,007 
City of San Antonio, Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-F, 1.00% 5/1/2043 (put 11/1/2026)   1,000    886 
San Antonio Housing Trust Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The Arbors at West Avenue Apartments), Series 2022, 1.45% 3/1/2026 (put 3/1/2025)   690     661 
San Antonio Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 8/15/2026   1,925     2,032 
San Jacinto Community College Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Building Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 2/15/2026   1,000    1,047 
Southwest Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/1/2027   860    918 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baylor Scott & White Health Project), Series 2022-E, 5.00% 11/15/2052 (put 5/15/2026)   4,235    4,392 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baylor Scott & White Health Project), Series 2022-F, 5.00% 11/15/2052 (put 11/15/2030)   1,620    1,789 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Christus Health), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2053 (put 7/1/2032)   3,510    3,910 
Texas City Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2024   1,400    1,425 
Tomball Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2024   220    222 
Tomball Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2014-B-1, 0.45% 2/15/2036 (put 8/15/2023)   2,675    2,671 
Tomball Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2014-B-2, 0.26% 2/15/2039 (put 8/15/2024)   1,645    1,577 
Transportation Commission, G.O. Mobility Fund Bonds, Series 2014-B, 0.65% 10/1/2041 (put 4/1/2026)   5,500    4,994 
Transportation Commission, G.O. Mobility Fund Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 10/1/2026   1,000    1,011 


38 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
Transportation Commission, Highway Improvement G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 4/1/2031  USD2,990   $3,152 
Travis County Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Airport Gateway Apartments), Series 2022, 4.125% 6/1/2045 (put 6/1/2027)   960    961 
Travis County Strategic Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Yager Flats), Series 2021, 0.46% 9/1/2041 (put 2/1/2025)   11,000    10,359 
Trinity River Public Fac. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Cowan Place Apartments), Series 2021, 0.28% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   2,500    2,481 
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Permanent University Fund Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   2,550    2,862 
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2030   4,900    5,585 
Waco Public Facs. Corp. II, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Trendwood Apartments), Series 2022, 3.50% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2024)   4,928    4,895 
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2024   750    762 
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2027   2,380    2,569 
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2027   1,970    2,127 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2021, 5.00% 10/15/2028   1,460    1,609 
Utah 1.35%          
Board of Higher Education, General Rev. Bonds (University of Utah), Series 2023-B, 5.00% 8/1/2029   500    562 
Board of Higher Education, General Rev. Bonds (University of Utah), Series 2023-B, 5.00% 8/1/2030   500    573 
Board of Higher Education, General Rev. Bonds (University of Utah), Series 2023-B, 5.00% 8/1/2031   500    583 
Canyons School Dist., Board of Education, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Utah School Bond Guaranty Program), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 6/15/2027   1,000    1,081 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,000    1,059 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Fellowship Manor Apartments), Series 2022, 2.00% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   5,000    4,985 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (New City Plaza Apartments Project), Series 2021, 3.50% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2024)   9,836    9,764 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Class III, Series 2015-D-2, 4.00% 1/1/2045   135    134 
Jordan Valley Water Conservancy Dist., Water Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 10/1/2023   1,100    1,103 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 7/1/2024   275    279 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2026   2,250    2,338 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2023-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2027   830    873 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   800    841 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,500    1,617 
County of Salt Lake, Board of Education, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Utah School Bond Guaranty Act), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/1/2024   2,390    2,426 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 6/1/2025   235    242 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 6/1/2026   400    418 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 6/1/2027   320    340 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 6/1/2029   130    143 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 6/1/2030   305    340 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2024   155    157 
Vermont 0.02%          
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multiple Purpose Bonds, Series 2014-A, AMT, 4.00% 11/1/2044   100    98 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multiple Purpose Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.75% 11/1/2050   290    286 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 39

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Virginia 1.73%          
County of Arlington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Virginia Hospital Center), Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2025  USD1,000   $1,025 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (21st Century College and Equipment Programs), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 2/1/2028   2,500    2,726 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (21st Century College and Equipment Programs), Series 2017-E, 5.00% 2/1/2028   1,600    1,745 
County of Fairfax, Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2023-A, 4.00% 10/1/2026   1,500    1,552 
County of Fairfax, Redev. and Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Arrowbrook Apartments Project), Series 2020, 0.41% 1/1/2041 (put 1/1/2024)   8,000    7,831 
County of Fairfax, Redev. and Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Oakwood North Four Project), Series 2021, 0.41% 5/1/2025 (put 5/1/2024)   5,000    4,840 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 6/1/2027   2,790    2,952 
County of Henrico, Water & Sewer Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 5/1/2046 (preref. 5/1/2026)   2,000    2,109 
City of Hopewell, Redev. and Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Hopewell Heights Apartments), Series 2021-A, 0.49% 12/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   815    803 
County of Loudoun, Econ. Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The View at Broadlands Project), Series 2022, 2.00% 4/1/2025 (put 4/1/2024)   2,495    2,465 
County of Loudoun, Econ. Dev. Auth., Public Fac. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Loudoun County Public Facs. Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2023   480    483 
City of Lynchburg, Econ. Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Centra Health Obligated Group), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2027   850    854 
City of Norfolk, G.O. Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/1/2044 (preref. 8/1/2028)   1,000    1,109 
City of Norfolk, Redev. and Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Braywood Manor Apartments), Series 2023, 5.00% 5/1/2043 (put 5/1/2026)   2,280    2,342 
Port Auth., Commonwealth Port Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,615    1,747 
Port Auth., Commonwealth Port Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2030 (preref. 7/1/2025)   2,000    2,046 
Port Auth., Port Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2039 (preref. 7/1/2025)   1,000    1,023 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 3.00% 12/1/2023   30    30 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 3.00% 12/1/2025   230    221 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 3.00% 12/1/2026   235    222 
Washington 1.33%          
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax and Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Improvement and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2021-S-1, 5.00% 11/1/2028   65    72 
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax Improvement Green Bonds, Series 2015-S-2B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.45%) 4.43% 11/1/2045 (put 11/1/2023)1   2,150    2,150 
Energy Northwest, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds (Project No. 3), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,075    1,136 
Energy Northwest, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds (Project No. 3), Series 2018-C, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,965    2,077 
City of Everett, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Baker Heights Legacy), Series 2021, 0.30% 9/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   770    767 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-C-3, 5.00% 2/1/2028   995    1,086 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (CommonSpirit Health), Series 2019-B-1, 5.00% 8/1/2049 (put 8/1/2024)   1,045    1,050 
Housing Fin. Commission, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (HopeSource III Portfolio Projects), Series 2022, 1.25% 1/1/2025 (put 1/1/2024)   2,210    2,180 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2014-2A-R, AMT, 3.50% 6/1/2044   25    25 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2017-1-N, 4.00% 12/1/2047   600    596 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2018-1-N, 4.00% 12/1/2048   1,695    1,682 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2019-1-N, 4.00% 6/1/2049   425    422 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2020-2-N, 3.00% 12/1/2050   250    241 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2020-1-N, 4.00% 12/1/2050   1,645    1,631 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2021-2-N, 3.00% 6/1/2051   740    708 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-1-N, 5.00% 12/1/2052   750    779 
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series R-2022-D, 4.00% 7/1/2027   4,000    4,172 
Northshore School Dist., Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 12/1/2029   400    454 
City of Seattle, Housing Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northgate Plaza Project), Series 2021, 1.00% 6/1/2026   680    623 
City of Seattle, Housing Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lam Bow Apartments Project), Series 2021, 1.25% 6/1/2024   150    147 
City of Seattle, Municipal Light and Power Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C-2, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.49%) 4.47% 11/1/2046 (put 11/1/2023)1   1,260    1,260 


40 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Washington (continued)          
City of Seattle, Water System Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2027  USD595   $644 
Port of Seattle, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2029   4,750    5,127 
University of Washington, General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 4/1/2025   250    258 
West Virginia 0.15%          
Econ. Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Bonds (Appalachian Power Co. - Amos Project), Series 2011-A, AMT, 1.00% 1/1/2041 (put 9/1/2025)   1,310    1,218 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kentucky Power Co. - Mitchell Project), Series 2014-A, AMT, 4.70% 4/1/2036 (put 6/17/2026)   1,485    1,488 
G.O. State Road Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2025   665    694 
Wisconsin 1.35%          
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-3, 5.00% 11/1/2027   1,050    1,132 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-2, 5.00% 5/1/2029   3,000    3,372 
Germantown School Dist., G.O. School Building and Improvement Bonds, Series 2017-A, 3.00% 4/1/2030 (preref. 4/1/2027)   1,395    1,391 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Advocate Aurora Health Care Credit Group), Series 2018-B-2, 5.00% 8/15/2054 (put 6/24/2026)   1,510    1,576 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Advocate Aurora Health Care Credit Group), Series 2018-C-3, 5.00% 8/15/2054 (put 6/24/2026)   4,845    5,058 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Gundersen Lutheran), Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/20262   4,000    4,073 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Saint John’s Communities, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/15/2050 (preref. 9/15/2023)   1,000    1,002 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, 4.00% 9/1/2045   40    40 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, AMT, 3.50% 3/1/2046   435    429 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 4.00% 3/1/2048   415    412 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 3/1/2048   1,020    1,013 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.00% 3/1/2050   1,040    1,031 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.50% 9/1/2050   2,175    2,126 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2052   2,170    2,085 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 9/1/2052   790    758 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0.40% 5/1/2045 (put 11/1/2023)   330    326 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0.50% 11/1/2050 (put 11/1/2024)   290    275 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 0.81% 11/1/2052 (put 5/1/2025)   1,110    1,053 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (The United Methodist Retirement Homes), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2025   60    59 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 10/1/2041 (put 10/1/2030)   355    356 
Public Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A-3, AMT, 1.10% 7/1/2029 (put 6/1/2026)   2,380    2,176 
Wyoming 0.32%          
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-3, 3.00% 12/1/2044   35    35 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-6, 4.00% 6/1/2045   180    180 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-1, 3.00% 6/1/2050   4,590    4,405 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-3, 3.00% 6/1/2050   745    721 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-1, 4.00% 12/1/2050   915    907 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-1, 5.75% 6/1/2053   865    922 
Total bonds, notes & other debt instruments (cost: $2,060,887,000)        2,009,312 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 41

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Short-term securities 9.83%  Principal amount
Municipals 9.15%          
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Certs., Series 2019-M-055, 4.19% 12/15/20281,2  USD2,000   $2,000 
State of Arizona, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2019-B, 4.50% 2/1/20481   11,500    11,500 
State of Arizona, City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mayo Clinic), Series 2014-A, 4.46% 11/15/20521   4,500    4,500 
State of Arizona, City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2013, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2035 (put 8/1/2023)4   4,000    4,000 
State of California, Kern Community College Dist., Facs. Improvement Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bond Anticipation Notes, Capital Appreciation Notes, Series 2020, 0% 8/1/2023   370    370 
State of California, City of Los Angeles, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/27/2024   10,000    10,163 
State of California, County of Los Angeles, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/28/2024   6,400    6,504 
State of California, Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 4.12% 7/1/2047 (put 5/21/2024)1,4   2,440    2,438 
State of California, Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A-2, AMT, 4.10% 11/1/2042 (put 10/16/2023)2,4   3,470    3,469 
State of California, County of Riverside, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/28/2024   5,000    5,080 
State of Colorado, Education Loan Program, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/28/2024   5,250    5,323 
State of Florida, Mission Econ. Dev. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2012, AMT, 3.875% 1/1/2026 (put 8/1/2023)4   10,000    10,000 
State of Idaho, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (CHE Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2013-ID, 3.50% 12/1/2048 (put 11/1/2023)4   3,500    3,500 
State of Maryland, County of Montgomery, G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-E, 4.50% 11/1/20371   9,200    9,200 
State of Michigan, Fin. Auth., State Aid Rev. Notes, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/21/2023   3,000    3,003 
State of Michigan, Fin. Auth., State Aid Rev. Notes, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/20/2024   5,000    5,073 
State of Michigan, Strategic Fund, Demand Limited Obligation Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Project), Series 2007, 4.45% 12/1/20421   3,460    3,460 
State of Michigan, Regents of the University of Michigan, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 4.43% 4/1/20381   7,000    7,000 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2009-B, 4.45% 12/1/20301   3,000    3,000 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2007-D, 4.50% 12/1/20301   11,000    11,000 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Port Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2023, 4.50% 6/1/20431   3,200    3,200 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-2, 4.18% 4/1/20421   195    195 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-A-5, 4.65% 8/1/20441   9,600    9,600 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-AA-2, 4.65% 6/15/20501   10,000    10,000 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-CC, 4.48% 6/15/20531   8,675    8,675 
State of New York, New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2016-A-4, 4.50% 8/1/20411   6,000    6,000 
State of New York, Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-B-3, 4.50% 1/1/20351   16,000    16,000 
State of Ohio, County of Franklin, Rev. Bonds (CHE Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2013, 3.25% 12/1/2046 (put 11/1/2023)4   4,685    4,685 
State of Pennsylvania, Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2019-B-1, AMT, 4.10% 4/1/2049 (put 10/16/2023)4   3,205    3,204 
State of Pennsylvania, Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2013, AMT, 3.875% 8/1/2045 (put 8/1/2023)4   10,000    10,000 
State of Texas, Gulf Coast Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2012, 4.55% 11/1/20411   2,200    2,200 
State of Texas, Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Auth., Environmental Facs. Rev. Bonds (Exxon Project), Series 2002, AMT, 4.52% 12/1/20251   2,760    2,760 
State of Texas, Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Health System), Series 2019-C-2, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.57%) 4.55% 12/1/2049 (put 12/4/2024)1,4   5,000    5,008 
State of Texas, City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 4.01% 5/15/20341   10,000    10,000 


42 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


Short-term securities (continued)  Weighted
average yield
at acquisition
   Principal amount
U.S. Treasury bills 0.68%               
U.S. Treasury 8/8/2023   4.507%  USD15,000   $14,985 
Total short-term securities (cost: $217,086,000)             217,095 
Total investment securities 100.77% (cost: $2,277,973,000)             2,226,407 
Other assets less liabilities (0.77%)             (16,946)
Net assets 100.00%            $2,209,461 


Futures contracts


Contracts  Type  Number of
 Value and
at 7/31/2023
2 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long  1,136  9/29/2023   USD230,643        $(2,892)
5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long  1,518  9/29/2023   162,153    (1,469)
10 Year Ultra U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Short  879  9/20/2023   (102,829)   2,466 


1 Coupon rate may change periodically. Reference rate and spread are as of the most recent information available. Some coupon rates are determined by the issuer or agent based on current market conditions; therefore, the reference rate and spread are not available. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.
2 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A or, for commercial paper, Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. The total value of all such securities was $16,465,000, which represented .75% of the net assets of the fund.
3 Securities referencing LIBOR are expected to transition to an alternative reference rate by the security’s next scheduled coupon reset date.
4 For short-term securities, the mandatory put date is considered to be the maturity date.


Key to abbreviations

Agcy. = Agency

AMT = Alternative Minimum Tax

Assn. = Association

Auth. = Authority

Certs. = Certificates

Dept. = Department

Dev. = Development

Dist. = District

Econ. = Economic

Fac. = Facility

Facs. = Facilities

Fin. = Finance

Fncg. = Financing

G.O. = General Obligation

LIBOR = London Interbank Offered Rate
Part. = Participation

Preref. = Prerefunded

Redev. = Redevelopment

Ref. = Refunding

Rev. = Revenue

SIFMA = Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association

SOFR = Secured Overnight Financing Rate

USD = U.S. dollars


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 43

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America

Investment portfolio July 31, 2023


Portfolio quality summary* Percent of net assets



* Bond ratings, which typically range from AAA/Aaa (highest) to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch as an indication of an issuer’s creditworthiness. In assigning a credit rating to a security, the fund looks specifically to the ratings assigned to the issuer of the security by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch. If agency ratings differ, the security will be considered to have received the highest of those ratings, consistent with the fund’s investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments 92.99%  Principal amount
Alabama 3.98%        
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 5.25% 2/1/2053 (put 6/1/2029)  USD 26,160   $27,477 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 4.00% 4/1/2053 (put 10/1/2027)   40,000    39,499 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 6), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 10/1/2052 (put 12/1/2026)   20,500    20,299 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 7), Series 2021-C-1, 4.00% 10/1/2052 (put 12/1/2026)   4,950    4,889 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-D-1, 5.50% 6/1/2049 (put 2/1/2029)   16,890    17,792 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Prepay Rev. Bonds (Project No. 4), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2049 (put 12/1/2025)   8,600    8,562 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Prepay Rev. Bonds (Project No. 5), Series 2020-A-1, 4.00% 10/1/2049 (put 10/1/2026)   6,400    6,363 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/2051 (put 12/1/2031)   13,570    13,360 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-D-1, 4.00% 7/1/2052 (put 6/1/2027)   21,490    21,416 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.25% 12/1/2053 (put 12/1/2026)   25,505    27,308 
Energy Southeast, Energy Supply Rev. Bonds (A Cooperative Dist.), Series 2023-A-1, 5.50% 11/1/2053 (put 1/1/2031)   6,000    6,461 
Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (ECG Monrovia Project), Series 2022-A, 2.00% 10/1/2025 (put 10/1/2024)   20,441    20,032 
Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Peppertree Place Project), Series 2022-C, 3.25% 11/1/2025 (put 11/1/2024)   1,575    1,564 
County of Jefferson, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/15/2025   3,000    3,088 
County of Jefferson, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/15/2026   1,000    1,048 
County of Jefferson, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/15/2027   2,000    2,114 
Lower Alabama Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2031   3,010    3,121 
Southeast Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 1), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/1/2051 (put 10/1/2028)   25,495    25,118 
Southeast Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 2), Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 12/1/2051 (put 12/1/2031)   10,720    10,444 
Southeast Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 4), Series 2022-B-1, 5.00% 5/1/2053 (put 8/1/2028)   5,305    5,475 
Alaska 0.63%          
Housing Fin. Corp., Collateralized Bonds (Veterans Mortgage Program), Series 2019, 4.00% 12/1/2048   6,730    6,678 
Housing Fin. Corp., General Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 1.95% 12/1/2033   1,000    822 
Housing Fin. Corp., General Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.25% 12/1/2044   18,965    18,354 
Housing Fin. Corp., General Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 3.50% 6/1/2046   870    860 
Housing Fin. Corp., General Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.75% 12/1/2052   4,260    4,534 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 6/1/2028   600    651 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 12/1/2028   575    630 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 6/1/2029   750    828 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 12/1/2029   750    835 
44 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Alaska (continued)          
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 6/1/2030  USD665   $747 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 12/1/2030   665    752 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 12/1/2032 (preref. 12/1/2023)   2,700    2,715 
Housing Fin. Corp., State Capital Project Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033 (preref. 12/1/2023)   3,400    3,419 
Arizona 1.34%          
Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Bonds (Salt River Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   4,030    4,407 
Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Bonds (Salt River Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2029   3,560    3,969 
Board of Regents of the Arizona State University System, Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   400    432 
Board of Regents of the Arizona State University System, Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028   550    607 
Board of Regents of the Arizona State University System, Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   700    794 
Bullhead City, Excise Taxes Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-2, 1.15% 7/1/2027   375    337 
Bullhead City, Excise Taxes Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-2, 1.30% 7/1/2028   485    432 
Bullhead City, Excise Taxes Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-2, 1.65% 7/1/2030   825    716 
Bullhead City, Excise Taxes Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-2, 1.70% 7/1/2031   450    384 
Coconino County Pollution Control Corp., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nevada Power Co. Projects), Series 2017-A, AMT, 4.125% 9/1/2032 (put 3/31/2026)   5,000    5,019 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Graduate and Professional Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Midwestern University Foundation), Series 2021-A, AMT, 2.125% 7/1/2033   2,275    1,867 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2029   1,000    1,106 
City of Glendale, Water and Sewer Rev. Ref. Obligations, Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,030    1,179 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-A, National insured, 5.00% 11/1/2027   1,125    1,188 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-A, National insured, 5.00% 11/1/2028   1,175    1,258 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-A, National insured, 5.00% 11/1/2031   1,050    1,124 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (GreatHearts Arizona Projects), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028   120    128 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (GreatHearts Arizona Projects), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   115    124 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (GreatHearts Arizona Projects), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   130    142 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (GreatHearts Arizona Projects), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   125    137 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2029   1,355    1,490 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Las Terrazas Apartments Project), Series 2022-A, 1.25% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   4,075    4,013 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2019-2, Class A, 3.625% 5/20/2033   6,997    6,411 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/1/2024   1,515    1,534 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/1/2026   1,500    1,575 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2026   1,560    1,647 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 11/1/2026   1,350    1,433 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - NCCU Properties, LLC - North Carolina Central University Project), Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 6/1/2025   400    410 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - NCCU Properties, LLC - North Carolina Central University Project), Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 6/1/2026   500    521 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - NCCU Properties, LLC - North Carolina Central University Project), Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 6/1/2027   400    424 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (GreatHearts Arizona Projects), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   745    781 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 1/1/2048 (put 10/18/2024)   2,000    2,036 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2053 (put 5/15/2028)   17,495    18,826 
County of Maricopa, Special Health Care Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 5.00% 7/1/2027   2,000    2,151 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2024   1,000    1,011 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2031   4,505    4,853 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2027   3,330    3,514 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   3,000    3,217 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2028   2,035    2,147 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 7/1/2024   1,180    1,199 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 45

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Arizona (continued)        
County of Pima, Sewer System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Obligations, Series 2022, 5.00% 7/1/2027  USD1,135   $1,223 
County of Pima, Sewer System Rev. Obligations, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,000    1,143 
County of Yavapai, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2002, AMT, 1.30% 6/1/2027   2,625    2,354 
California 7.12%          
Antelope Valley Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 2016 Election, 0% 8/1/2035   650    407 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 2.625% 4/1/2045 (put 4/1/2026)   5,000    4,863 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 2.00% 4/1/2056 (put 4/1/2028)   2,000    1,842 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.30%) 4.28% 4/1/2056 (put 4/1/2027)1   4,915    4,777 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.45%) 4.43% 4/1/2056 (put 4/1/2026)1   4,595    4,525 
Trustees of the California State University, Systemwide Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B-2, 0.55% 11/1/2049 (put 11/1/2026)   2,135    1,897 
Carlsbad Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2021-B, 2.00% 8/1/2023   795    795 
Carlsbad Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2021-B, 2.00% 8/1/2024   805    794 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 2/1/2052 (put 8/1/2031)   31,510    31,345 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 5/1/2053 (put 8/1/2028)   2,000    1,996 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-B-1, 5.00% 7/1/2053 (put 8/1/2029)   36,040    37,826 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 5.00% 12/1/2053 (put 8/1/2029)   13,415    14,005 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-D, 5.50% 5/1/2054 (put 8/1/2028)   3,500    3,694 
Compton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2015 Election, Series 2019-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 6/1/2026   750    793 
Compton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2015 Election, Series 2019-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 6/1/2027   600    649 
County of Contra Costa, West Contra Costa Healthcare Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2029   750    845 
County of Contra Costa, West Contra Costa Healthcare Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2031   800    931 
East Side Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2023-D, 5.00% 8/1/2028   1,250    1,393 
East Side Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2023-D, 5.00% 8/1/2029   2,500    2,841 
East Side Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2023-D, 5.00% 8/1/2030   745    862 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Southern California), Series 2009-C, 5.25% 10/1/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   675    692 
City of El Centro, Fncg. Auth., Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,000    1,018 
City of Fontana, Public Facs. Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2027   375    377 
City of Fontana, Public Facs. Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2029   290    292 
Fresno Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2010 Election, Series 2013-C, 5.50% 8/1/2046   10,200    10,200 
Fresno Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2021-D, 2.00% 8/1/2024   515    507 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2031   270    287 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2032   225    239 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2034   225    238 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 5.00% 8/1/2030   4,720    5,256 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2030   595    691 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2031   3,000    3,096 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/West), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 3/1/2026   1,500    1,518 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-A-1, 3.50% 11/20/2035   9,147    8,571 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-A-3, 3.25% 8/20/2036   9,481    8,586 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2023-1, Class A, 4.375% 9/20/2036   3,801    3,782 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Bonds (Brightline West Passenger Rail Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 3.65% 1/1/2050 (put 1/31/2024)2   12,595    12,542 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Los Angeles County Museum of Art Project), Series 2021-B, 4.68% 12/1/2050 (put 6/1/2026)1   3,435    3,343 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2025   1,865    1,912 
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2024   790    804 
46 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)        
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2026  USD545   $559 
City of Lake Elsinore, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2026   3,590    3,692 
Las Lomitas Elementary School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2032   1,290    1,403 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2027   5,000    5,303 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   1,255    1,349 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   1,350    1,451 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2029   1,400    1,526 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2029   730    796 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2030   1,100    1,209 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2032   1,580    1,757 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2026   1,195    1,245 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2027   1,250    1,296 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-D, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2027   2,120    2,248 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2027   4,000    4,242 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   3,405    3,659 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-G, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   4,000    4,299 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-D, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2031   2,000    2,168 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-G, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2032   5,780    6,472 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-D, 5.00% 5/15/2029   200    227 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2033   12,000    12,806 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2034   3,000    3,201 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2023-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   1,250    1,343 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2023-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2030   10,420    11,454 
City of Los Angeles, Harbor Dept., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2024   1,500    1,522 
County of Los Angeles, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Long Beach Senior Housing), Series 2022, 2.00% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   8,695    8,369 
County of Los Angeles, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Cantamar Villas), Series 2021-D-1, 0.30% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   775    758 
County of Los Angeles, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (West Los Angeles VA Campus Building 402 Apartments), Series 2022-F, 3.375% 1/1/2046 (put 7/1/2026)   3,600    3,530 
County of Los Angeles, Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Measure R Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/1/2036   1,590    1,672 
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,035    1,102 
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 3.00% 1/1/2034   4,000    3,824 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2029   400    418 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2030   625    652 
Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-E, 4.12% 7/1/2037 (put 5/21/2024)1   17,160    17,167 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Certs. of Part. (Palomar Health), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2033   1,150    1,270 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 47

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Municipal Fin. Auth., Certs. of Part. (Palomar Health), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 11/1/2034  USD1,000   $1,126 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Certs. of Part. (Palomar Health), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 11/1/2035   1,175    1,312 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2022-B-2, 2.125% 11/15/2026   370    350 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2022-B-1, 2.75% 11/15/2027   525    498 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2009-A, 1.30% 2/1/2039 (put 2/3/2025)2   1,450    1,396 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2022-A, AMT, 4.125% 10/1/2041 (put 10/1/2025)   14,510    14,580 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 2.40% 10/1/2044 (put 10/1/2029)   12,765    11,522 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, AMT, 0.70% 12/1/2044 (put 12/1/2023)   13,695    13,499 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/15/2026   400    416 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/15/2028   400    429 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/15/2029   700    762 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Riverside II, LLC - UCR Student Housing Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 5/15/2029   855    916 
New Haven Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2008-C, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2029   2,500    2,039 
New Haven Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2008-C, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2031   6,890    5,208 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2025   2,040    2,110 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2028   1,810    1,919 
Port of Oakland, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-H, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2029   2,230    2,400 
Port of Oakland, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-H, AMT, 5.00% 11/1/2029   4,560    4,939 
Ontario International Airport Auth., Ontario International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/15/2028   300    320 
Ontario International Airport Auth., Ontario International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/15/2029   835    904 
Ontario International Airport Auth., Ontario International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/15/2030   1,315    1,443 
Ontario International Airport Auth., Ontario International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/15/2031   1,000    1,111 
Palomar Pomerado Health, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2007-A, National insured, 0% 8/1/2026   3,485    3,131 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/15/2024   380    380 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/15/2025   390    390 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/15/2026   415    416 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/15/2027   400    402 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/15/2028   360    363 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Dept. of Corrections, Various State Prisons), Series 2017-D, 5.00% 9/1/2027   3,310    3,598 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2016-C, 4.00% 11/1/2031   5,440    5,594 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2028   3,000    3,323 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2016-C, 4.00% 11/1/2030   7,000    7,224 
City of Rancho Mirage, Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2003-A-1, National insured, 0% 4/1/2034   1,050    697 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2031   365    278 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2032   500    366 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2033   435    306 
Rio Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2027   835    869 
Rio Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2028   405    422 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2029   2,250    2,331 
48 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2031  USD1,035   $1,072 
City of Sacramento, Community Drainage Facs. Dist. No. 97-1 (North Natomas), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2027   1,500    1,556 
County of Sacramento, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,455    1,557 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2029   2,165    2,455 
City of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2 (Santaluz), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2029   250    261 
City of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2 (Santaluz), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2030   155    162 
San Diego Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, 2008 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2012-E, 0% 7/1/2034   2,000    1,402 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2029   6,245    6,750 
City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, Wastewater Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-C, 4.00% 10/1/2048 (put 10/1/2029)   15,275    16,137 
City of San Jose, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, BAM insured, 5.00% 3/1/2029   570    615 
City of San Jose, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, BAM insured, 5.00% 3/1/2030   1,550    1,691 
City of Santa Fe Springs, Community Dev. Commission, Consolidated Redev. Project, Tax Allocation Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-A, National insured, 0% 9/1/2023   4,455    4,442 
Southern California Public Power Auth., Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Milford Wind Corridor Phase II Project), Series 2021-1, 5.00% 7/1/2024   200    204 
Southern California Public Power Auth., Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Milford Wind Corridor Phase II Project), Series 2021-1, 5.00% 7/1/2028   230    256 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Edison Co.), Series 2006-D, 2.625% 11/1/2033 (put 12/1/2023)   2,645    2,629 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (American Baptist Homes of the West), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 10/1/2023   330    331 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (American Baptist Homes of the West), Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2025   2,585    2,634 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (University of California, Irvine East Campus Apartments, Phase I Ref. and Phase IV-B CHF-Irvine, LLC), Series 2021, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/15/2030   4,145    4,596 
Stockton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2011-D, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2033   2,000    1,409 
Tobacco Securitization Auth. of Southern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Bonds (San Diego County Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp.), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2030   2,000    2,210 
Tulare Joint Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2004 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2004-A, National insured, 0% 8/1/2028   4,150    3,477 
Regents of the University of California, Limited Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-S, 5.00% 5/15/2026   2,030    2,151 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   650    682 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 4/1/2028   230    243 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-CQ, 4.00% 12/1/2047   550    546 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-CS, 4.00% 12/1/2049   4,595    4,568 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-CT, 3.00% 12/1/2050   3,020    2,934 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-CU, 5.50% 12/1/2052   1,240    1,387 
Dept. of Water Resources, Water System Rev. Bonds (Central Valley Project), Series 2016-AW, 5.00% 12/1/2033 (preref. 12/1/2026)   255    273 
Dept. of Water Resources, Water System Rev. Bonds (Central Valley Project), Series 2017-AX, 5.00% 12/1/2033 (preref. 12/1/2027)   230    252 
West Contra Costa Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2002 Election, Series 2005-D, National insured, 0% 8/1/2026   8,000    7,219 
West Contra Costa Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2002 Election, Series 2005-D, National insured, 0% 8/1/2031   5,000    3,783 
Colorado 3.28%          
County of Adams, Clear Creek Station Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.375% 12/1/2032   2,435    2,336 
City of Arvada, Mountain Shadows Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 12/1/2026   303    295 
City and County of Broomfield, Arista Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2018-A, 4.375% 12/1/2028   3,655    3,531 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 49

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)          
Certs. of Part., Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/15/2028  USD495   $549 
City of Colorado Springs, Utilities System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/15/2029   1,000    1,137 
Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System, System Enterprise Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 3/1/2041 (preref. 3/1/2027)   140    150 
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2027   2,750    2,923 
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2032   6,000    6,708 
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 11/15/2032   250    295 
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2033   35,000    39,020 
City and County of Denver, Denver Convention Center Hotel Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2029   6,500    6,696 
City and County of Denver, Dept. of Aviation, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2026   10,000    10,450 
City and County of Denver, Dept. of Aviation, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2028   3,610    3,817 
City and County of Denver, Dept. of Aviation, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2029   18,800    20,451 
City and County of Denver, Dept. of Aviation, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2030   1,000    1,096 
City and County of Denver, Dept. of Aviation, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2032   10,000    10,668 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2023   1,400    1,406 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2024   1,080    1,100 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2025   3,835    3,975 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2026   750    791 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2027   2,030    2,184 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.901% 9/1/2039 (put 9/1/2024)1   3,035    3,026 
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2025 (escrowed to maturity)   1,000    1,031 
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   615    647 
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 6/1/2029 (preref. 6/1/2025)   3,455    3,570 
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2029 (preref. 6/1/2027)   1,750    1,881 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 11/15/2048 (put 11/20/2025)   5,505    5,708 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Sanford), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/1/2028   3,065    3,338 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Intermountain Healthcare), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 5/15/2031   3,500    4,035 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Intermountain Healthcare), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 5/15/2032   2,190    2,557 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Wildhorse Ridge Apartments Project), Series 2022, 2.00% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   13,499    13,143 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2017-C, Class I, 4.00% 5/1/2048   1,180    1,171 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2018-C, Class I, 4.25% 11/1/2048   3,435    3,431 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-E, Class I, 4.25% 5/1/2049   6,285    6,270 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-B, Class I, 3.75% 5/1/2050   3,050    3,005 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-E, Class I, 3.00% 11/1/2051   940    905 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-H, Class I, 3.00% 11/1/2051   5,470    5,249 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-L, Class I, 3.25% 11/1/2051   13,020    12,599 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-B, Class I, 3.25% 5/1/2052   6,635    6,418 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2023-I, Class III, 6.00% 5/1/2053   9,550    10,457 
Public Auth. for Colorado Energy, Natural Gas Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2008, 6.125% 11/15/2023   715    719 
Regional Transportation Dist., Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/15/2029   700    754 
Regional Transportation Dist., Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/15/2029   1,500    1,627 
Regional Transportation Dist., Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/15/2030   1,100    1,200 
Regional Transportation Dist., Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/15/2030   350    384 
Regional Transportation Dist., Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/15/2033   1,935    2,012 
50 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)          
Regional Transportation Dist., Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2020-B, 4.00% 7/15/2034  USD1,020   $1,051 
Regents of the University of Colorado, University Enterprise Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B-1, 4.00% 6/1/2034 (preref. 6/1/2026)   1,850    1,905 
Weld County School Dist. RE-5J, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2023   475    478 
Connecticut 1.07%          
G.O. Rev. Ref. Social Bonds, Series 2021-D, 5.00% 7/15/2026   2,000    2,113 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hartford Healthcare Issue), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   750    813 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hartford Healthcare Issue), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,000    1,095 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hartford Healthcare Issue), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,000    1,100 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hartford Healthcare Issue), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2032   1,000    1,095 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hartford Healthcare Issue), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   435    476 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Quinnipiac University Issue), Series 2016-M, 5.00% 7/1/2024   1,645    1,668 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Quinnipiac University Issue), Series 2016-M, 5.00% 7/1/2025   1,450    1,489 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yale University Issue), Series 2003-X-2, 0.25% 7/1/2037 (put 2/9/2024)   3,355    3,290 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yale University Issue), Series 2010-A-3, 0.25% 7/1/2049 (put 2/9/2024)   5,970    5,854 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2020-D, 5.00% 11/15/2023 (escrowed to maturity)   440    442 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2020-D, 5.00% 11/15/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   400    409 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2020-D, 5.00% 11/15/2025 (escrowed to maturity)   250    261 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2025   695    710 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2026   470    486 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2027   250    262 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2028   345    366 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-B-2, AMT, 3.50% 5/15/2039   525    517 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-F-2, AMT, 3.50% 5/15/2039   845    830 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-A-2, AMT, 4.00% 11/15/2041   1,140    1,124 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-E-1, 4.25% 5/15/2042   1,795    1,790 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-F-1, 3.50% 11/15/2043   670    656 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2014-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2044   70    70 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 3.50% 11/15/2045   725    708 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2045   560    558 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2045   3,675    3,646 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2045   2,770    2,748 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-E-1, 3.50% 11/15/2046   2,260    2,236 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2047   1,585    1,574 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-D-1, 4.00% 11/15/2049   4,405    4,372 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2022-C-4, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.625%) 4.61% 5/15/2051 (put 11/15/2024)1   15,445    15,442 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 3.50% 11/15/2051   7,435    7,247 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 3.50% 11/15/2044   665    662 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C-1, 3.50% 11/15/2045   290    288 
Special Tax Obligation Bonds (Transportation Infrastructure Purposes), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   2,250    2,530 
Special Tax Obligation Bonds (Transportation Infrastructure Purposes), Series 2021-D, 5.00% 11/1/2033   2,000    2,318 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 51

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Delaware 0.10%          
Econ. Dev. Auth., Exempt Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (NRG Energy Project), Series 2020-A, 1.25% 10/1/2040 (put 10/1/2025)  USD4,437   $4,058 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Exempt Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (NRG Energy Project), Series 2020-A, 1.25% 10/1/2045 (put 10/1/2025)   2,560    2,342 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Beebe Medical Center Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2024   300    302 
District of Columbia 1.53%          
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 5.00% 2/1/2030   2,200    2,496 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-E, 5.00% 2/1/2029   2,350    2,615 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-E, 5.00% 2/1/2030   2,600    2,949 
Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Children’s Hospital Obligated Group Issue), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/15/2027   1,500    1,557 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Kenilworth 166 Apartments Project), Series 2021, 1.25% 6/1/2025 (put 12/1/2024)   21,275    20,458 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Parcel 42 Project), Series 2022, 1.70% 9/1/2041 (put 3/1/2025)   3,000    2,886 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Paxton Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2040 (put 9/1/2025)   2,750    2,758 
Income Tax Secured Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2032   525    620 
Income Tax Secured Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 5.00% 10/1/2028   2,515    2,793 
Metropolitan Area Transit Auth., Gross Rev. Ref. Transit Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A-2, 5.00% 7/1/2033   1,000    1,078 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2027   2,000    2,121 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2028   7,520    8,078 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,410    1,515 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2030   2,500    2,750 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2023   1,750    1,753 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2023   2,000    2,004 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2024   2,000    2,031 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,000    1,029 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2027   3,910    4,147 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,510    1,602 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,945    2,089 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2029   2,530    2,748 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2030   5,500    6,049 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2030   6,000    6,599 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2031   4,270    4,677 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2031   2,500    2,775 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2033   4,000    4,369 
Rev. Ref. Bonds (National Public Radio, Inc. Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2028 (preref. 4/1/2026)   500    526 
Rev. Ref. Bonds (National Public Radio, Inc. Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2029 (preref. 4/1/2026)   500    526 
Washington Convention and Sports Auth., Dedicated Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   600    649 
Washington Convention and Sports Auth., Dedicated Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,250    1,351 
52 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
District of Columbia (continued)          
Washington Convention and Sports Auth., Dedicated Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 10/1/2028  USD310   $341 
Washington Convention and Sports Auth., Dedicated Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029   400    446 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Bonds, Series 1998, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 10/1/2028   1,175    1,270 
Florida 3.67%          
County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Oak Hammock at the University of Florida, Inc. Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2023   85    85 
County of Brevard, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Health First, Inc. Project), Series 2014, 5.00% 4/1/2033   1,000    1,007 
County of Broward, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2026   2,500    2,609 
County of Broward, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2029   1,000    1,082 
County of Broward, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2029   4,750    5,140 
County of Broward, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-P-1, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2024   5,045    5,068 
County of Broward, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Solaris Apartments), Series 2021-B, 0.70% 1/1/2025 (put 7/1/2024)   1,350    1,301 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 5.00% 7/1/2029   835    934 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,425    1,590 
County of Collier, Health Facs. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Moorings, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 5/1/2026   350    354 
County of Collier, Health Facs. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Moorings, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 5/1/2027   240    243 
County of Collier, Health Facs. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Moorings, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 5/1/2028   445    452 
City of Daytona Beach, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The WM at the River Project), Series 2021-B, 1.25% 12/1/2025 (put 12/1/2024)   6,165    5,914 
Fin. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2010-A, AMT, 4.05% 5/1/2034 (put 12/1/2022)   14,000    13,998 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2025 (escrowed to maturity)   715    735 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2025   340    347 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   720    753 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2026   280    290 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2027 (escrowed to maturity)   385    410 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2027   115    121 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 10/1/2028   750    797 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2028   15,000    16,112 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 4.00% 10/1/2039   1,775    1,742 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,125    1,188 
Higher Educational Facs. Fncg. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nova Southeastern University Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2026   655    676 
County of Hillsborough, Aviation Auth., Tampa International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2030   2,000    2,025 
County of Hillsborough, Aviation Auth., Tampa International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2032   1,990    2,015 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-1, 4.00% 1/1/2047   135    135 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-2, 4.00% 7/1/2047   170    169 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-1, 4.00% 7/1/2048   5,005    4,976 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-1, 4.00% 7/1/2049   635    630 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-2, 4.25% 1/1/2050   5,350    5,334 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-2, 3.00% 7/1/2051   1,285    1,240 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-1, 3.50% 7/1/2051   2,885    2,823 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-1, 3.00% 1/1/2052   6,245    6,016 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-2, 3.00% 7/1/2052   12,785    12,269 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1, 3.50% 7/1/2052   980    956 
Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (The Canopy at West River Towers 1 & 2), Series 2022-A-2, 3.25% 5/1/2026 (put 5/1/2025)   7,272    7,184 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 10/1/2026   500    529 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 53

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)        
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-3, 5.00% 10/1/2026  USD340   $360 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-3, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,500    1,620 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A-3, 5.00% 10/1/2030   3,660    4,124 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-3, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,900    2,179 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2034   2,700    3,043 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2034   1,500    1,691 
County of Lee, Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2029   3,640    3,926 
County of Lee, Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2030   4,985    5,437 
County of Lee, Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,875    2,066 
County of Lee, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Shell Point Obligated Group), Series 2021, 4.00% 11/15/2023   170    170 
County of Lee, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Shell Point Obligated Group), Series 2021, 4.00% 11/15/2024   195    193 
County of Manatee, University Park Recreation Dist., Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 2.50% 5/1/2024   280    276 
County of Manatee, University Park Recreation Dist., Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 2.50% 5/1/2025   285    278 
County of Manatee, University Park Recreation Dist., Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 2.50% 5/1/2026   295    286 
County of Manatee, University Park Recreation Dist., Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 2.50% 5/1/2027   300    289 
County of Manatee, University Park Recreation Dist., Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 2.50% 5/1/2028   305    291 
County of Manatee, University Park Recreation Dist., Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 2.625% 5/1/2029   315    302 
County of Miami-Dade, Capital Asset Acquisition Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2029   2,465    2,759 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2026   780    789 
County of Miami-Dade, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/1/2032   800    819 
County of Miami-Dade, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Platform 3750), Series 2021, 0.25% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   6,130    6,130 
County of Miami-Dade, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Quail Roost Transit Village I), Series 2023, 5.00% 9/1/2026 (put 9/1/2025)   2,000    2,038 
County of Miami-Dade, Seaport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2031   6,745    7,441 
County of Miami-Dade, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 10/1/2030   2,405    2,755 
County of Miami-Dade, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 10/1/2031   2,770    3,206 
County of Miami-Dade, Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 10/1/2029   1,000    1,085 
City of Miami Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mount Sinai Medical Center of Florida), Series 2014, 5.00% 11/15/2027   145    147 
County of Okeechobee, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. / Okeechobee Landfill Project), Series 2004-A, 0.55% 7/1/2039 (put 7/1/2024)   2,250    2,180 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2031   3,050    3,142 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Orlando Health Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,965    2,033 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Orlando Health Obligated Group), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 10/1/2032   1,750    2,018 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Orlando Health Obligated Group), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 10/1/2034   1,000    1,143 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/1/2029   1,420    1,464 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/1/2030   2,985    3,083 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/1/2031   3,135    3,241 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/1/2032   2,790    2,883 
County of Orange, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Dunwoodie Place Apartments), Series 2021-A, 0.20% 9/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   920    917 
County of Orange, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Stratford Point Apartments), Series 2021-B, 0.55% 1/1/2025 (put 7/1/2024)   7,890    7,593 
Orlando Utilities Commission, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 1.25% 10/1/2046 (put 10/1/2028)   7,560    6,502 
54 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)          
County of Palm Beach, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Christian Manor), Series 2022, 1.25% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)  USD13,200   $12,949 
County of Pasco, Connerton West Community Dev. Dist., Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2026   345    342 
County of Pasco, Connerton West Community Dev. Dist., Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.20% 5/1/2027   355    357 
County of Pasco, Connerton West Community Dev. Dist., Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.25% 5/1/2028   370    373 
County of Pinellas, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Mortgage Backed Bonds (Jordan Park Apartments), Series 2021-B, 0.65% 1/1/2025 (put 7/1/2024)   5,440    5,240 
County of Polk, Utility System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013, BAM insured, 5.00% 10/1/2043 (preref. 10/1/2023)   1,405    1,409 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2023   630    630 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.00% 5/1/2024   995    976 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.625% 5/1/2024   1,055    1,043 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.00% 5/1/2025   1,010    968 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.50% 5/1/2032   1,790    1,805 
City of South Miami, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist Health South Florida Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2025   1,545    1,589 
City of South Miami, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist Health South Florida Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2026   1,000    1,047 
City of South Miami, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist Health South Florida Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,250    1,333 
County of Sumter, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Central Florida Health Alliance Projects), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   500    503 
County of Sumter, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Central Florida Health Alliance Projects), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   330    332 
City of Tampa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2028   215    230 
City of Tampa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2029   250    270 
City of Tampa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2030   260    283 
City of Tampa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2031   325    353 
City of Tampa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2032   250    270 
City of Tampa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2033   250    269 
City of Tampa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2034   275    295 
City of Tampa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2035   300    320 
Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Reimbursement Rev. Bonds (Indirect GARVEEs), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   5,000    5,684 
Dept. of Transportation, Right-of-Way Acquisition and Bridge Construction Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025   1,240    1,285 
Dept. of Transportation Fncg. Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2024   4,375    4,445 
City of Winter Garden, Winter Garden Village at Fowler Groves Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.00% 5/1/2024   600    594 
Georgia 3.46%          
County of Appling, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Scherer Project), Series 2013-A, 1.50% 1/1/2038 (put 2/3/2025)   6,200    5,877 
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,000    1,077 
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   5,000    5,412 
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2030   3,000    3,290 
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2033   1,400    1,542 
City of Atlanta, Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beltline Project), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2024   2,460    2,475 
City of Atlanta, Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beltline Project), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2025   2,620    2,674 
City of Atlanta, Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beltline Project), Series 2016-D, 5.00% 1/1/2025   2,895    2,955 
City of Atlanta, Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beltline Project), Series 2016-D, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,525    1,598 
City of Atlanta, Urban Redev. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Atlanta Beltline Trail Completion Project), Series 2021, 2.375% 7/1/20262   305    292 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 55

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Georgia (continued)        
City of Atlanta, Urban Redev. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Atlanta Beltline Trail Completion Project), Series 2021, 2.875% 7/1/20312  USD330   $295 
City of Atlanta, Urban Residential Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Intrada Westside), Series 2021-B, 0.41% 3/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   3,500    3,487 
City of Atlanta, Urban Residential Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sylvan Hills Senior Apartments Project), Series 2020, 0.41% 12/1/2025 (put 12/1/2023)   2,870    2,828 
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 11/1/2033   1,000    1,084 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/15/2027   260    276 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/15/2028   310    337 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/15/2029   270    299 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Georgia Power Co. Plant Vogtle Project), Series 1995-5, 2.20% 10/1/2032   3,860    3,091 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Georgia Power Co. Plant Vogtle Project), Series 2013, 2.925% 11/1/2053 (put 3/12/2024)   5,000    4,945 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Vogtle Project), Series 2013-A, 1.50% 1/1/2040 (put 2/3/2025)   2,950    2,796 
City of Columbus, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Highland Terrance Phase II Project), Series 2021-B, 0.34% 4/1/2025 (put 4/1/2024)   6,850    6,651 
County of Dawson, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Peaks of Dawsonville Project), Series 2021, 0.28% 10/1/2023   5,000    4,973 
County of Dekalb, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Columbia Village Project), Series 2021-A, 0.34% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   2,595    2,595 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/1/2023   3,040    3,040 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,000    1,108 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2036   3,160    3,717 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-A, 2.75% 12/1/2035   2,500    2,181 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2015-A-1, 3.50% 6/1/2045   125    124 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 3.50% 12/1/2046   250    247 
City of Lawrenceville, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Hearthside Lawrenceville Project), Series 2022, 2.25% 10/1/2025 (put 10/1/2024)   9,607    9,431 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.75%) 4.237% 4/1/2048 (put 9/1/2023)1,3   1,000    1,000 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-D, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.83%) 4.317% 8/1/2048 (put 12/1/2023)1,3   13,895    13,904 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 7/1/2053 (put 3/1/2030)   25,850    27,118 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 9/1/2053 (put 12/1/2029)   39,565    41,615 
County of Monroe, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Scherer Project), Series 2013-A, 1.50% 1/1/2039 (put 2/3/2025)   2,625    2,488 
Municipal Electric Auth., Combined Cycle Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/1/2027   750    797 
Municipal Electric Auth., Combined Cycle Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/1/2029   750    821 
Municipal Electric Auth., General Resolution Projects Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2029   660    713 
Municipal Electric Auth., General Resolution Projects Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030   680    746 
Municipal Electric Auth., General Resolution Projects Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,250    1,390 
Municipal Electric Auth., General Resolution Projects Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   3,300    3,670 
Municipal Electric Auth., General Resolution Projects Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2032   2,645    2,976 
Municipal Electric Auth., General Resolution Projects Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   1,255    1,411 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project J Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2027   205    217 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project J Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2029   495    542 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project J Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2030   430    477 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2025   1,000    1,020 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2027   1,000    1,048 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2028   205    221 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2029   1,390    1,483 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2029   240    263 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,000    1,069 
56 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Georgia (continued)          
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2030  USD290   $322 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   160    169 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2029   165    175 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030   175    187 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   165    176 
Municipal Electric Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-HH, 5.00% 1/1/2029   2,000    2,135 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2026   1,710    1,767 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2027   1,020    1,069 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,500    1,558 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,270    1,354 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2029   1,655    1,789 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,025    1,109 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,390    1,500 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   2,000    2,224 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,720    1,913 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2032   2,315    2,604 
Northwest Georgia Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Dallas Manor Apartments Project), Series 2021, 0.25% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   1,265    1,255 
Private Colleges and Universities Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Savannah College of Art and Design Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 4/1/2029   230    253 
Private Colleges and Universities Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Savannah College of Art and Design Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 4/1/2030   530    592 
County of Rockdale, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Arbours at Conyers Project), Series 2022, 3.625% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   14,590    14,464 
City of Valdosta, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (TISHCO Rural Rental Housing Portfolio Project), Series 2022, 1.25% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   3,190    3,142 
County of Walker, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Gateway at Rossville Project), Series 2021-B, 0.46% 12/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   4,775    4,706 
Guam 0.01%          
Waterworks Auth., Water and Wastewater System Rev. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.25% 7/1/2024   450    450 
Hawaii 0.03%          
Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 1/1/2027   1,000    1,066 
Dept. of Transportation, Airports Division, Lease Rev. Certs. of Part., Series 2013, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2023   1,000    1,000 
Idaho 0.17%          
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2029   235    257 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2030   600    666 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2031   600    675 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2032   185    210 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Grant and Rev. Anticipation Bonds (Federal Highway Trust Fund), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/15/2029   1,345    1,500 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation Fund), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2029   600    676 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation Fund), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2030   450    516 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation Fund), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2031   750    873 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation Fund), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/15/2031   2,250    2,620 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation Fund), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/15/2032   2,785    3,282 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 57

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois 4.82%          
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 6/15/2024  USD4,230   $4,234 
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 4.00% 6/15/2025   4,515    4,557 
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 6/15/2025   475    488 
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 4.00% 6/15/2026   6,400    6,495 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2023   2,000    2,006 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2029   3,500    3,693 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 1/1/2028   500    503 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Capital Grant Receipts Rev. Ref. Bonds (Federal Transit Administration Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Funds), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/1/2024   650    656 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Project Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 1/1/2028   385    387 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 1/1/2024   1,500    1,508 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 1/1/2025   2,000    2,035 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 1/1/2026   1,165    1,204 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2029   1,275    1,395 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2031   10,000    11,268 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2032   8,325    9,504 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2033   6,000    6,882 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, 5.00% 11/1/2023   200    201 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, 5.00% 11/1/2026   5,225    5,480 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, 5.00% 11/1/2027   1,750    1,827 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 1999, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2029   1,000    1,054 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2000, 5.00% 11/1/2030   1,400    1,465 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2001, AMBAC insured, 5.75% 11/1/2030   2,415    2,652 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/1/2023   2,080    2,086 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 11/1/2028   355    379 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2030   1,500    1,686 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2032   4,000    4,622 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2034   1,500    1,700 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2035   570    641 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2004-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 6/1/2025   1,935    2,004 
County of Cook, Community College Dist. No. 508 (City Colleges of Chicago), Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 12/1/2023   200    201 
County of Cook, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 11/15/2033   1,175    1,333 
Fin. Auth., Academic Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - UIUC Properties, LLC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   110    113 
Fin. Auth., Academic Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - UIUC Properties, LLC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   500    532 
Fin. Auth., Academic Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - UIUC Properties, LLC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2028   400    433 
Fin. Auth., Graduate and Professional Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Midwestern University Foundation), Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2025   225    230 
Fin. Auth., Graduate and Professional Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Midwestern University Foundation), Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2026   240    249 
Fin. Auth., Graduate and Professional Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Midwestern University Foundation), Series 2021-A, AMT, 2.25% 7/1/2033   975    811 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Advocate Health Care Network), Series 2008-A-1, 4.00% 11/1/2030   6,000    6,053 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Art Institute of Chicago), Series 2016, 5.00% 3/1/2025   125    128 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Art Institute of Chicago), Series 2016, 5.00% 3/1/2026   120    125 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2033   3,000    3,213 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Memorial Health System), Series 2019, 5.00% 4/1/2028   1,280    1,364 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health Corp.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2027   5,000    5,198 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northshore University HealthSystem), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2027   2,000    2,154 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northshore University HealthSystem), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2031   1,485    1,684 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northwestern Memorial Healthcare), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/15/2026   1,680    1,765 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2027   250    259 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2020-B-2, 5.00% 5/15/2050 (put 11/15/2026)   3,320    3,443 
58 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/1/2024  USD2,230   $2,239 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2030   2,000    2,047 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.70%) 4.68% 5/1/2042 (put 5/1/2026)1   1,420    1,386 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 2/15/2024   1,425    1,436 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 2/15/2025   3,405    3,489 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2028   5,000    5,123 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2029   5,000    5,123 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 4.00% 11/15/2039   500    490 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Carle Foundation), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2030   2,565    2,882 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Carle Foundation), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2039   2,500    2,412 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   2,765    2,867 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northwestern Memorial Healthcare), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/15/2033   365    407 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2023   750    753 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2026   1,935    2,001 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2029   1,500    1,549 
Fin. Auth., Water Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Water Capital Corp. Project), Series 2020, 0.70% 5/1/2040 (put 9/1/2023)   2,030    2,024 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/1/2024   1,945    1,960 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/1/2026   1,710    1,775 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.50% 5/1/2026   1,000    1,054 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2026   7,000    7,335 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-D, BAM insured, 5.00% 11/1/2026   2,500    2,623 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2029   19,720    21,581 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 5/1/2033   10,000    11,166 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 3/1/2025   5,500    5,622 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 3/1/2026   8,050    8,356 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/1/2028   2,500    2,634 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 3/1/2028   4,000    4,280 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, AMT, 3.50% 8/1/2046   1,185    1,162 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 3.50% 8/1/2046   880    867 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 4.00% 8/1/2048   4,215    4,182 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 0.80% 7/1/2026   420    385 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Bellwood Senior), Series 2022, 4.00% 3/1/2043 (put 12/1/2024)   5,545    5,531 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Berry Manor), Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2025 (put 9/1/2024)   810    810 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Marshall Field Garden Apartment Homes), Series 2015, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 1.00%) 4.98% 5/15/2050 (put 5/15/2025)1   5,825    5,834 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Terrance Senior), Series 2022, 2.375% 4/1/2025 (put 4/1/2024)   5,530    5,477 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-D, 2.70% 10/1/2034   1,420    1,258 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 2.80% 10/1/2034   1,750    1,566 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 4/1/2046   690    686 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 4.00% 10/1/2048   1,415    1,404 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.25% 10/1/2049   4,685    4,673 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 10/1/2051   13,145    12,619 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-H, 5.75% 10/1/2053   3,920    4,213 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 12/15/2029   1,000    788 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 6/15/2030   3,320    2,571 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 12/15/2032   2,575    1,798 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2002-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 12/15/2023   950    957 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 6/15/2024   1,335    1,321 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 6/15/2025   205    201 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 12/15/2025   1,185    1,214 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 12/15/2026   1,000    1,034 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 59

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 12/15/2027  USD1,650   $1,689 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1994, National insured, 0% 6/15/2029   825    661 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 12/15/2035   440    266 
Municipal Electric Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 2/1/2027   4,000    4,120 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 5.00% 10/1/2029   325    350 
Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 6/15/2031   2,250    2,296 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 1/1/2032   7,200    8,095 
Southwestern Illinois Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Memorial Group, Inc.), Series 2013, 7.25% 11/1/2036 (preref. 11/1/2023)   3,080    3,107 
Southwestern Illinois Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Memorial Group, Inc.), Series 2013, 7.125% 11/1/2043 (preref. 11/1/2023)   2,500    2,521 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2027   950    997 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 1/1/2028   515    559 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2033   1,000    1,047 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2025   740    758 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2026   4,000    4,171 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   2,760    2,995 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/1/2025   135    139 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 4/1/2028   2,100    2,291 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 4/1/2030   2,310    2,603 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 4/1/2026   1,120    1,147 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Rev. Ref. Certs. of Part., Series 2008-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 10/1/2024   30    30 
County of Will, G.O. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2045 (preref. 11/15/2025)   4,225    4,396 
Indiana 2.21%          
Fin. Auth., Environmental Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Power & Light Co. Project), Series 2020-B, AMT, 0.95% 12/1/2038 (put 4/1/2026)   1,885    1,696 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana University Health), Series 2023-B-2, 5.00% 10/1/2060 (put 7/1/2030)   10,000    11,150 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana University Health), Series 2023-B-1, 5.00% 10/1/2062 (put 7/1/2028)   23,595    25,566 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Parkview Health System), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/2026   1,365    1,443 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Parkview Health System), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/2027   1,530    1,649 
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Relief Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2012-B, 3.00% 11/1/2030   2,000    1,837 
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Relief Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2012-A, 4.25% 11/1/2030   10,970    11,055 
Fin. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2010-A, 3.00% 11/1/2030   3,300    3,030 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Foundation of Northwest Indiana Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 3/1/2026   500    512 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Foundation of Northwest Indiana Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 3/1/2027   500    513 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Foundation of Northwest Indiana Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 3/1/2028   500    514 
Fin. Auth., State Revolving Fund Program Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2028   575    629 
Fin. Auth., State Revolving Fund Program Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2029   1,000    1,116 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2021-1, 5.00% 10/1/2023   2,760    2,767 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2021-2, 5.00% 10/1/2023   1,080    1,083 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2021-1, 5.00% 10/1/2028   2,800    3,087 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2021-2, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,400    1,542 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2024-A, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,175    1,250 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2024-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029   1,475    1,590 
Gary/Chicago International Airport Auth., Airport Dev. Zone Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, AMT, 5.50% 2/1/2025   1,570    1,571 
Health Fac. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Subordinate Credit Group), Series 2005-A-1, 4.00% 11/1/2023   805    806 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Collateralized Rev. Bonds (RD Moving Forward Biggs Project), Series 2022, 2.00% 4/1/2025 (put 4/1/2024)   1,875    1,851 
60 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Indiana (continued)          
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Emerald Pointe Apartments Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 11/1/2025 (put 11/1/2024)  USD1,125   $1,136 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 1.95% 7/1/2035   3,000    2,303 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-2, AMT, 3.50% 7/1/2038   320    316 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A-2, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2039   175    174 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.75% 1/1/2049   1,000    985 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 3.25% 7/1/2049   1,710    1,665 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2050   2,700    2,598 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C-1, 3.00% 1/1/2052   4,210    4,029 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C-1, 5.00% 7/1/2053   1,715    1,770 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-1, 5.75% 7/1/2053   415    442 
Indiana Secondary Market for Education Loans, Inc., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2030   625    663 
Indiana Secondary Market for Education Loans, Inc., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2031   625    667 
Indiana Secondary Market for Education Loans, Inc., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1A, AMT, 4.50% 6/1/2039   1,440    1,437 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/1/2024   1,185    1,199 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2026   340    355 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2027   330    351 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2028   435    472 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2029   265    293 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2030   435    490 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2032   1,000    1,125 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cityway 1 Project), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2028   1,680    1,690 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cityway 1 Project), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2029   1,055    1,061 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cityway 1 Project), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2030   1,200    1,206 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cityway 1 Project), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2031   800    804 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2015-I, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2026   2,000    2,034 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2016-A-1, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,095    1,135 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-D, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2029   5,250    5,623 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2015-I, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2031   4,455    4,531 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2015-I, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2033   1,500    1,523 
City of Indianapolis, Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 10/1/2028   3,000    3,174 
City of Kokomo, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (KHA RAD I Apartments), Series 2021-A, 0.56% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   10,590    10,369 
Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 1/1/2032   300    343 
Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   350    403 
Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   500    575 
City of Rockport, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana Michigan Power Co. Project), Series 2002-A, 2.75% 6/1/2025   1,515    1,483 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 61

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Indiana (continued)          
City of Rockport, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana Michigan Power Co. Project), Series 2009-A, 3.05% 6/1/2025  USD2,005   $1,973 
City of Whiting, Environmental Facs. Rev. Bonds (BP Products North America, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 4.40% 3/1/2046 (put 6/10/2031)   3,750    3,822 
City of Whiting, Environmental Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (BP Products North America, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2044 (put 6/15/2026)   6,500    6,685 
Iowa 0.49%          
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Area Rev. Ref. Bonds (Iowa Fertilizer Co. Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 12/1/2050 (put 12/1/2032)   2,000    1,965 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2022-A, 1.80% 7/1/2030   2,020    1,765 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2047   1,965    1,889 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2047   3,330    3,306 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2019-D, 3.50% 1/1/2049   200    195 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2020, 3.25% 7/1/2050   2,995    2,907 
Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Fac. Rev. Green Bonds (Gevo NW Iowa RNG, LLC Renewable Natural Gas Project), Series 2021, AMT, 1.50% 1/1/2042 (put 4/1/2024)   5,095    4,978 
PEFA, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049 (put 9/1/2026)   11,560    11,775 
Tobacco Settlement Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 5.00% 6/1/2028   1,400    1,507 
Tobacco Settlement Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 5.00% 6/1/2031   1,500    1,660 
Tobacco Settlement Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 5.00% 6/1/2033   700    768 
Kansas 0.08%          
Ellis County Unified School Dist. No. 489, G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   850    976 
Ellis County Unified School Dist. No. 489, G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   355    407 
Ellis County Unified School Dist. No. 489, G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   500    568 
Turnpike Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.00% 9/1/2025   950    946 
Turnpike Auth., Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.00% 9/1/2027   1,215    1,212 
University of Kansas Hospital Auth., Health Facs. and Improvement Rev. Bonds (University of Kansas Health System), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 3/1/2027   1,315    1,399 
Kentucky 1.03%          
County of Carroll, Environmental Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 2.00% 2/1/2032   9,655    7,794 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2000-B, National insured, 0% 10/1/2027   5,975    5,099 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Cambridge Square Project), Series 2021, 0.30% 8/1/2024 (put 2/1/2024)   2,520    2,466 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (New Hope Properties Portfolio Project), Series 2021, 0.41% 4/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   12,525    12,418 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Winterwood II Rural Housing Portfolio), Series 2021, 0.37% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   6,500    6,450 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Pollution Control Rev. Bonds, Series 2001-A, 0.90% 9/1/2026   1,000    909 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Louisville Gas and Electric Co. Project), Series 2003-A, 2.00% 10/1/2033   2,750    2,219 
County of Owen, Water Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kentucky - American Water Co. Project), Series 2019, 2.45% 9/1/2039 (put 10/1/2029)   6,000    5,531 
County of Owen, Water Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kentucky - American Water Co. Project), Series 2019, 0.70% 6/1/2040 (put 9/1/2023)   2,050    2,044 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 1/1/2049 (put 1/1/2025)   1,620    1,620 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 4.00% 12/1/2049 (put 6/1/2025)   6,445    6,430 
62 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Kentucky (continued)          
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 8/1/2052 (put 8/1/2030)  USD7,900   $7,750 
County of Trimble, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Louisville Gas and Electric Co. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 1.30% 9/1/2044 (put 9/1/2027)   5,500    4,644 
Turnpike Auth., Econ. Dev. Road Rev. Ref. Bonds (Revitalization Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   3,000    3,447 
Louisiana 1.54%          
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-D-2, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2029   1,000    1,041 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Road and Street Improvement Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2028   2,000    2,181 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sewerage Commission, Multi Modal Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 1.30% 2/1/2041 (put 2/1/2028)   19,695    16,729 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sewerage Commission, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/1/2027   1,000    1,067 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sewerage Commission, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/1/2028   1,000    1,090 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sewerage Commission, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/1/2029   1,000    1,112 
Gasoline and Fuels Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, (USD-SOFR x 0.50 + 0.50%) 4.042% 5/1/2043 (put 5/1/2026)1   7,335    7,199 
Grant Anticipation Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 9/1/2023   3,665    3,670 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Hollywood Acres and Hollywood Heights Projects), Series 2019, 0.55% 12/1/2023   4,200    4,141 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Mabry Place Townhomes Project), Series 2021, 0.31% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   2,225    2,225 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership Program), Series 2020-B, 3.50% 6/1/2050   790    772 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership Program), Series 2021-B, 3.00% 12/1/2051   1,055    1,014 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership Program), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2052   7,360    7,580 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership Program), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 6/1/2054   7,950    8,590 
Parish of Jefferson, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2027   2,600    2,798 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Entergy Louisiana, LLC Projects), Series 2021-A, 2.00% 6/1/2030   955    835 
Louisiana Stadium and Exposition Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   830    928 
Louisiana Stadium and Exposition Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   2,300    2,608 
Louisiana Stadium and Exposition Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2032   2,875    3,299 
Louisiana Stadium and Exposition Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   3,000    3,482 
City of New Orleans, Sewerage Service Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2040 (preref. 12/1/2025)   3,000    3,125 
City of New Orleans, Sewerage Service Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 6/1/2045 (preref. 6/1/2025)   3,660    3,785 
City of New Orleans, Sewerage Service Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 6/1/2029   1,000    1,097 
City of New Orleans, Water Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,000    1,031 
City of New Orleans, Water Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 12/1/2028   900    928 
Offshore Terminal Auth., Deepwater Port Rev. Bonds (Loop, LLC Project), Series 2007-A, 1.65% 9/1/2027 (put 12/1/2023)   7,070    6,995 
Offshore Terminal Auth., Deepwater Port Rev. Bonds (Loop, LLC Project), Series 2013-A, 1.65% 9/1/2033 (put 12/1/2023)   665    658 
Public Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Louisiana Children’s Medical Center Project), Series 2015-A-3, 5.00% 6/1/2045 (put 6/1/2028)   7,325    7,794 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 5/15/2050 (put 5/15/2025)   3,055    3,113 
Parish of St. John the Baptist, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Marathon Oil Corp. Project), Series 2017-B-1, 2.125% 6/1/2037 (put 7/1/2024)   1,225    1,203 
City of Shreveport, Water and Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 12/1/2023   280    280 
City of Shreveport, Water and Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2024   215    219 
Maine 0.04%          
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2026   190    198 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2027   210    221 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2028   255    273 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 63

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Maine (continued)          
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2029  USD245   $266 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2030   150    164 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 11/15/2047   205    204 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2019-E, 3.75% 11/15/2049   1,360    1,342 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-E-1, AMT, 3.50% 11/15/2035   255    252 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 3.50% 11/15/2040   60    60 
Maryland 2.03%          
County of Anne Arundel, G.O. Rev. Ref. Water and Sewer Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 4/1/2026   885    931 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-D, 2.75% 7/1/2034   1,005    896 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 1.90% 3/1/2031   1,275    1,106 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 1.95% 9/1/2031   1,465    1,265 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 2.10% 3/1/2033   1,000    853 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-D, 1.95% 9/1/2035   1,000    774 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B, AMT, 3.25% 9/1/2044   65    65 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-C, 4.00% 9/1/2044   130    130 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.50% 9/1/2048   1,375    1,379 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 4.50% 9/1/2048   3,260    3,246 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 3.50% 3/1/2050   2,560    2,508 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.75% 3/1/2050   1,800    1,773 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-D, 3.25% 9/1/2050   8,695    8,454 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 9/1/2051   11,625    11,211 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 9/1/2051   13,652    13,110 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-D, 5.75% 9/1/2054   4,490    4,829 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2018, Series 2018-A-1, 5.00% 3/15/2030   3,100    3,407 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2018, Series 2018-2, 5.00% 8/1/2031   1,295    1,434 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2020, Series 2020-A-2, 5.00% 8/1/2028   1,000    1,107 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2022, Series 2022-A-1, 5.00% 6/1/2029   1,500    1,689 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2023, Series 2023-A-2, 5.00% 3/15/2029   6,090    6,828 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2023, Series 2023-A-2, 5.00% 3/15/2030   17,070    19,517 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2021, Series 2022-D-2, 4.00% 8/1/2028   2,500    2,650 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2021, Series 2022-D-2, 4.00% 8/1/2029   4,200    4,512 
County of Montgomery, Consolidated Public Improvement G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 10/1/2028   4,110    4,468 
County of Montgomery, Housing Opportunities Commission, Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2049   2,580    2,558 
County of Montgomery, Housing Opportunities Commission, Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 7/1/2048   1,420    1,409 
County of Prince George, Certs. of Part. (Behavioral Health Fac. and Capital Equipment), Series 2021, 5.00% 10/1/2024   165    168 
County of Prince George, G.O. Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   7,500    8,113 
County of Prince George, G.O. Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028   10,000    11,058 
Dept. of Transportation, Consolidated Transportation Bonds, Series 2017-2, 5.00% 9/1/2026   1,080    1,147 
Dept. of Transportation, Consolidated Transportation Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2026   950    972 
Dept. of Transportation, Consolidated Transportation Bonds, Series 2019, 3.00% 10/1/2030   3,800    3,770 
Dept. of Transportation, Consolidated Transportation Bonds, Series 2021-A, 2.00% 10/1/2034   5,000    4,248 
64 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Maryland (continued)          
Transportation Auth., Transportation Facs. Projects Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2033  USD1,000   $1,143 
Washington Suburban Sanitary Dist., Consolidated Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 6/15/2028   1,200    1,297 
Washington Suburban Sanitary Dist., Consolidated Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 6/1/2030   1,155    1,304 
Massachusetts 0.95%          
Clean Water Trust, Revolving Fund Green Bonds, Series 2024-A, 5.00% 2/1/2032   500    594 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Loomis Communities Issue), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/20312   1,000    944 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Mass General Brigham, Inc.), Series 2019-T-1, 4.58% 7/1/2049 (put 1/29/2026)1,2   1,875    1,856 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Partners HealthCare System Issue), Series 2017-S-2, 5.00% 7/1/2038 (put 1/30/2025)   5,000    5,111 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Partners HealthCare System Issue), Series 2017-S-4, 5.00% 7/1/2038 (put 1/25/2024)   2,500    2,516 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (UMass Memorial Health Care Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016-I, 5.00% 7/1/2024   2,000    2,021 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (UMass Memorial Health Care Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016-I, 5.00% 7/1/2025   1,275    1,300 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (UMass Memorial Health Care Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016-I, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,150    1,186 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (UMass Memorial Health Care Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016-I, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,150    1,190 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Williams College Issue), Series 2011-N, 0.45% 7/1/2041 (put 7/1/2025)   1,300    1,201 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   2,650    2,820 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2032   10,000    10,801 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 3.00% 7/1/2035   245    244 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, AMT, 2.625% 7/1/2036   65    63 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 2.00% 7/1/2037   2,200    1,858 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 3.625% 7/1/2038   4,120    3,784 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, AMT, 4.25% 7/1/2044   4,705    4,656 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Green Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 0.30% 12/1/2023   545    539 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Green Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 0.40% 6/1/2024   700    679 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-2, 0.75% 6/1/2025   490    459 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 181, 4.00% 12/1/2044   260    259 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 172, 4.00% 6/1/2045   90    90 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 183, 3.50% 12/1/2046   330    326 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 223, 3.00% 6/1/2047   6,110    5,877 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 190, 4.00% 12/1/2048   3,740    3,713 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 224, 5.00% 6/1/2050   1,105    1,137 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 215, 4.00% 12/1/2050   2,260    2,242 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 177, AMT, 4.00% 6/1/2039   385    382 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 188, AMT, 4.00% 6/1/2043   1,725    1,705 
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-A, 0% 7/1/2028   1,500    1,259 
Port Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2026   2,510    2,609 
Michigan 2.83%          
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2025   1,000    1,037 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2026   1,000    1,057 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beaumont - Spectrum Consolidation), Series 2022, 5.00% 4/15/2025   6,250    6,419 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (McLaren Health Care), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 2/15/2035   1,020    1,101 
Fin. Auth., Local Government Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Local Project Bonds), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2027   2,000    2,048 
Fin. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 6/1/2026   1,000    1,038 
Fin. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 6/1/2029   2,000    2,155 
County of Genesee, Water Supply System Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, BAM insured, 5.00% 11/1/2023   500    502 
County of Genesee, Water Supply System Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, BAM insured, 5.00% 11/1/2024   850    859 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 7/1/2028   770    847 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 5.00% 7/1/2028   2,000    2,114 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,000    1,083 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 5.00% 7/1/2029   2,000    2,117 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (800 E. Court Street Village Apartments Project), Series 2023, 5.00% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   6,475    6,544 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Mid Apartments Project), Series 2021, 0.40% 12/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   4,335    4,272 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 65

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Michigan (continued)          
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 0.55% 4/1/2025  USD1,700   $1,595 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 1.80% 10/1/2031   1,000    855 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 6/1/2046   185    184 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 3.50% 6/1/2047   5,445    5,369 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 3.50% 6/1/2048   1,185    1,166 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 4.25% 6/1/2049   9,845    9,818 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.25% 12/1/2049   4,995    4,979 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 3.75% 6/1/2050   2,315    2,280 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.50% 12/1/2050   5,755    5,628 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 6/1/2052   14,860    14,273 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2053   19,250    19,863 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-D, 5.50% 6/1/2053   26,350    27,740 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.50% 12/1/2053   22,660    24,233 
County of Kent, Gerald R. Ford International Airport Auth., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2030   500    548 
County of Kent, Gerald R. Ford International Airport Auth., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2031   750    833 
County of Kent, Gerald R. Ford International Airport Auth., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2032   745    836 
County of Kent, Gerald R. Ford International Airport Auth., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2033   1,040    1,166 
Board of Trustees of Michigan State University, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 2/15/2030   700    776 
Board of Trustees of Michigan State University, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 2/15/2031   2,460    2,715 
Board of Trustees of Michigan State University, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2030   950    1,082 
Strategic Fund, Exempt Facs. Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2001, AMT, 0.58% 8/1/2027 (put 8/1/2024)   3,500    3,382 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Bonds (Consumers Energy Co. Project), Series 2019, AMT, 1.80% 10/1/2049 (put 10/1/2024)   4,290    4,171 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Edison Co. Exempt Facs. Project), Series 2008-ET-2, 1.35% 8/1/2029   3,000    2,612 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Edison Co. Pollution Control Bonds Project), Series 1995-CC, 1.45% 9/1/2030   16,780    14,354 
Trunk Line Fund Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/2031   230    269 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2030   1,075    1,178 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2031   1,135    1,255 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2015-F, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2025   1,000    1,030 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2015-F, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2026   1,000    1,031 
Minnesota 1.77%          
Becker Independent School Dist. No. 726, G.O. School Building Bonds, Series 2022-A,          
Capital Appreciation Bonds, 0% 2/1/2034   3,420    2,260 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 8/1/2026   2,500    2,654 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, AMT, 2.65% 11/1/2038   3,930    3,553 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2013-A, AMT, 3.00% 7/1/2031   40    40 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 4.00% 1/1/2038   170    169 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 2.625% 1/1/2040   1,925    1,555 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2041   530    527 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2014-C, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2045   520    515 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2015-E, AMT, 3.50% 1/1/2046   455    448 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 3.50% 7/1/2046   1,375    1,355 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2016-E, 4.00% 1/1/2047   230    229 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 4.00% 7/1/2047   1,610    1,598 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2017-E, 4.00% 1/1/2048   2,195    2,178 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 7/1/2048   1,795    1,785 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2018-E, 4.25% 1/1/2049   8,050    8,026 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 4.25% 7/1/2049   3,465    3,457 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 3.50% 7/1/2050   1,060    1,037 
66 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Minnesota (continued)          
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2020-E, 3.50% 7/1/2050  USD6,305   $6,165 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2020-I, 3.00% 1/1/2051   3,325    3,202 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2051   3,680    3,539 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 1/1/2052   6,455    6,200 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 3.00% 7/1/2052   10,625    10,197 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-H, 3.00% 7/1/2052   13,295    12,755 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 7/1/2052   6,705    6,424 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2023-F, 5.75% 7/1/2053   2,875    3,088 
City of Minneapolis, Health Care System Rev. Bonds (Allina Health System), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 11/15/2052 (put 11/15/2028)   18,910    20,349 
Municipal Gas Agcy., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2052 (put 12/1/2027)   9,620    9,602 
City of St. Paul, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2025   550    560 
City of St. Paul, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2026   1,620    1,661 
City of St. Paul, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2033   1,165    1,286 
City of St. Paul, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,350    1,482 
Mississippi 0.48%          
Business Fin. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2004, 0.70% 3/1/2029 (put 9/1/2026)   1,460    1,314 
Dev. Bank, Special Obligation Bonds (Municipal Energy Agcy. of Mississippi Power Supply Project), Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2025   1,245    1,271 
Dev. Bank, Special Obligation Bonds (Municipal Energy Agcy. of Mississippi Power Supply Project), Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2026   1,045    1,084 
Gaming Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/2023   850    852 
Gaming Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/2024   1,000    1,018 
Gaming Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-E, 5.00% 10/15/2026   3,425    3,531 
Home Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Forest Park Apartments II, LP Project), Series 2022-4, 3.50% 7/1/2025 (put 7/1/2024)   10,921    10,833 
Home Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Southwest Village Apartments Project), Series 2022-2, 2.00% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   2,775    2,750 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-C, AMT, 4.00% 12/1/2046   705    696 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2048   1,805    1,791 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.75% 6/1/2049   2,045    2,015 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 12/1/2050   2,565    2,471 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Social Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 6/1/2050   675    648 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Social Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 12/1/2052   1,840    1,898 
Missouri 0.87%          
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (BJC Health System), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 5/1/2052 (put 5/1/2028)   22,645    24,455 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Saint Luke’s Health System, Inc.), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2025   1,500    1,554 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2016-B, 3.50% 5/1/2041   1,030    1,020 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2019-A, 4.25% 5/1/2047   1,145    1,141 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2017-B, 3.25% 9/1/2047   1,582    1,510 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2018-A, 4.25% 5/1/2049   885    883 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2020-A, 3.50% 11/1/2050   3,800    3,718 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 5/1/2052   2,550    2,451 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2021-B, 3.00% 5/1/2052   5,565    5,347 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2021-C, 3.25% 11/1/2052   4,245    4,108 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 67

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Missouri (continued)          
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 5/1/2053  USD4,000   $4,267 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2015-A, 3.75% 5/1/2038   70    69 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2015-B-2, 4.00% 11/1/2045   560    557 
The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer Dist., Wastewater System Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 5/1/2030   3,555    4,041 
County of St. Charles, Industrial Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Hidden Valley Estates), Series 2021, 0.27% 8/1/2025 (put 10/1/2023)   670    665 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2019-C, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,750    1,934 
Montana 0.39%          
City of Forsyth, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northwestern Corp. Colstrip Project), Series 2023, 3.875%7/1/2028   8,075    8,094 
Board of Housing, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Spruce Grove Apartments Project), Series 2022, 2.75% 5/1/2025 (put 5/1/2024)   5,959    5,912 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2015-B-2, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2042   120    118 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016-A-2, 3.50% 6/1/2044   505    499 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.25% 12/1/2045   2,210    2,204 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-C, 3.00% 12/1/2050   4,050    3,908 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-B, 4.00% 12/1/2050   2,705    2,682 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 3.00% 6/1/2051   1,760    1,694 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 12/1/2051   930    894 
Nebraska 0.51%          
County of Douglas, Hospital Auth. No. 2 (Methodist Health System), Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00%11/1/2026   1,155    1,189 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, AMT, 3.50% 3/1/2040   2,750    2,684 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 4.00% 9/1/2044   215    214 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 3.50% 9/1/2045   725    717 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 3.50% 9/1/2045   1,095    1,089 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 3.50% 9/1/2046   1,040    1,024 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 9/1/2048   1,420    1,409 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 4.00% 9/1/2048   3,175    3,150 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 4.00% 9/1/2049   3,020    2,973 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 3.00% 9/1/2050   1,860    1,794 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 9/1/2050   10,820    10,398 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.50% 9/1/2050   2,955    2,890 
Public Power Dist., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028   4,380    4,753 
Nevada 0.85%          
Dept. of Business and Industry, Rev. Bonds (Brightline West Passenger Rail Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 3.70% 1/1/2050 (put 1/31/2024)2   5,500    5,478 
Clark County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 6/15/2026   2,470    2,593 
Clark County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Building Bonds, Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00%6/15/2026   1,550    1,632 
County of Clark, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds (McCarran International Airport), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   760    877 
County of Clark, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-E, 5.00%7/1/2029   770    861 
City of Henderson, Local Improvement Dist. No. T-17 (Madeira Canyon), Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 2.00% 9/1/2023   400    399 
City of Henderson, Local Improvement Dist. No. T-17 (Madeira Canyon), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 2.25%9/1/2024   455    444 
City of Henderson, Local Improvement Dist. No. T-17 (Madeira Canyon), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 2.50%9/1/2025   480    463 
Housing Division, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Southwest Village Apartments), Series 2021, 0.47% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   2,060    2,044 
68 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Nevada (continued)          
Housing Division, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 4/1/2049  USD1,225   $1,215 
City of Las Vegas, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 6/15/2025   2,185    2,224 
City of Las Vegas, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 6/15/2027   1,200    1,237 
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Auth., Convention Center Expansion and Renovation Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 7/1/2031   6,415    7,351 
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Auth., Convention Center Expansion and Renovation Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 7/1/2032   3,000    3,480 
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Auth., Convention Center Expansion and Renovation Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 7/1/2035   7,835    8,942 
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Auth., Convention Center Expansion and Renovation Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,195    1,359 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/1/2024   595    603 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-D, 5.00% 6/1/2027   3,645    3,929 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 6/1/2031   1,750    1,836 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 2.00% 6/1/2034   5,000    4,142 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 6/1/2034   3,900    4,081 
County of Washoe, Reno-Sparks Convention and Visitors Auth., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,500    1,649 
New Hampshire 0.47%          
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Elliot Hospital Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2024   1,250    1,267 
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Elliot Hospital Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,250    1,287 
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Elliot Hospital Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2026   1,250    1,299 
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Elliot Hospital Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,250    1,294 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2022-1, Class A, 4.375% 9/20/2036   7,733    7,645 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2022-2, Class A, 4.00% 10/20/2036   6,756    6,458 
National Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.75%) 4.355% 10/1/2033 (put 7/1/2024)1   11,975    11,757 
New Jersey 2.30%          
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provident Group - Montclair Properties, LLC - Montclair State University Student Housing Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2024   1,000    1,013 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provident Group - Montclair Properties, LLC - Montclair State University Student Housing Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2026   1,000    1,042 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2017-DDD, 5.00% 6/15/2026   1,000    1,045 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2021-QQQ, 5.00% 6/15/2029   500    549 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2016-BBB, 5.50% 6/15/2029 (preref. 12/15/2026)   1,030    1,114 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2016-AAA, 5.00% 6/15/2036   1,000    1,038 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-RRR, 5.00% 3/1/2028   7,875    8,451 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Water Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Water Co., Inc. Project), Series 2020-E, AMT, 0.85% 12/1/2025   905    819 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Water Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Water Co., Inc. Project), Series 2020, AMT, 1.10% 11/1/2029 (put 12/1/2027)   1,345    1,154 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Water Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Water Co., Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 2.20% 10/1/2039 (put 12/3/2029)   15,730    13,695 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Atlanticare Health System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2032   680    766 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Princeton HealthCare System Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025   1,340    1,383 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Princeton HealthCare System Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,250    1,316 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hackensack Meridian Health Obligated Group Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025   1,000    1,032 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hackensack Meridian Health Obligated Group Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,150    1,236 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, AMT, 4.00% 12/1/2041   10,130    10,018 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 3.25% 12/1/2039   3,500    3,320 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2039   6,150    5,869 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2026   335    346 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,000    1,071 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 69

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New Jersey (continued)          
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2027  USD335   $350 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2039   2,005    1,902 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 2.50% 12/1/2040   6,485    5,436 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, AMT, 4.00% 12/1/2044   15,480    15,079 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Conduit Rev. Bonds (Browns Woods Apartments Project), Series 2021-A, 1.25% 12/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   7,035    6,974 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-H, 1.85% 10/1/2033   1,020    807 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.50% 10/1/2048   4,880    4,894 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.75% 10/1/2050   4,180    4,218 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-E, 3.50% 4/1/2051   8,140    7,954 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-J, 5.50% 4/1/2053   5,665    6,060 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-I, 5.00% 10/1/2053   17,755    18,331 
South Jersey Transportation Auth., Transportation System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 11/1/2036   500    562 
South Jersey Transportation Auth., Transportation System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 11/1/2037   500    557 
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2029   225    243 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Federal Highway Reimbursement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/15/2028   3,000    3,145 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-AA, 5.00% 6/15/2029   7,000    7,709 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2019-BB, 5.00% 6/15/2032   2,000    2,175 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-CC, 5.00% 6/15/2033   1,625    1,855 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-CC, 5.00% 6/15/2034   1,450    1,644 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/15/2028   2,750    3,004 
Turnpike Auth., Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,400    1,421 
Turnpike Auth., Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-D, 5.00% 1/1/2028   2,380    2,505 
New Mexico 1.27%          
Albuquerque Municipal School Dist. No. 12, G.O. School Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/1/2025   400    415 
Albuquerque Municipal School Dist. No. 12, G.O. School Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/1/2026   275    291 
Albuquerque Municipal School Dist. No. 12, G.O. School Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/1/2027   400    431 
Albuquerque Municipal School Dist. No. 12, G.O. School Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/1/2028   375    412 
Educational Assistance Foundation, Education Loan Bonds, Series 2021-1-A, AMT, 2.05% 9/1/2051   19,530    17,137 
City of Farmington, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Public Service Co. of San Juan and Four Corners Projects), Series 2016-A, 2.15% 4/1/2033   2,100    1,662 
City of Farmington, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Public Service Co. of San Juan Project), Series 2010-E, 1.15% 6/1/2040 (put 6/1/2024)   19,130    18,590 
Hospital Equipment Loan Council, Hospital System Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Healthcare Services), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/1/2029   1,195    1,329 
Hospital Equipment Loan Council, Hospital System Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Healthcare Services), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/1/2030   1,110    1,218 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2016-A-2, Class I, AMT, 3.50% 3/1/2046   1,320    1,289 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2017-B-2, Class I, AMT, 3.75% 3/1/2048   685    671 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, Class I, 4.00% 1/1/2049   555    550 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2018-C, Class I, 4.00% 1/1/2049   900    893 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Class I, 4.25% 1/1/2050   5,995    5,976 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2019-C-1, Class I, 4.00% 7/1/2050   2,270    2,250 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2020-B, Class I, 3.00% 1/1/2051   3,085    2,966 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2021-A, Class I, 3.00% 1/1/2052   6,440    6,185 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2021-C, Class I, 3.00% 1/1/2052   3,985    3,823 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2021-D, Class I, 3.00% 7/1/2052   3,045    2,918 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2023-C, Class I, 5.75% 3/1/2054   4,255    4,590 
Municipal Energy Acquisition Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Ref. and Acquisition Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 11/1/2039 (put 5/1/2025)   8,430    8,625 
Severance Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   2,000    2,160 
70 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York 7.58%          
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ethical Culture Fieldston School Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 6/1/2024  USD395   $400 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (State University of New York Dormitory Facs.), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 7/1/2030   590    674 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/15/2028   1,500    1,639 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 2/15/2030   9,040    9,763 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-D, 5.00% 2/15/2030   3,640    4,130 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/15/2030   7,300    8,055 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 3/15/2030   4,500    5,113 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/15/2030   2,475    2,812 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A-2, 5.00% 3/15/2031   3,170    3,632 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 3/15/2032   5,000    5,712 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/15/2032   4,400    5,144 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-D, 5.00% 2/15/2033   1,000    1,128 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 5.00% 3/15/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   3,625    3,666 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2028   1,740    1,843 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/15/2033   1,405    1,533 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 3/15/2038   1,000    1,009 
Energy Research and Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (New York State Electric & Gas Corp. Project), Series 2004-C, 4.00% 4/1/2034   1,340    1,359 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Revolving Funds Rev. Green Bonds (2010 Master Fncg. Program), Series 2022-B, 5.00% 9/15/2032   350    418 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Revolving Funds Rev. Green Bonds (2010 Master Fncg. Program), Series 2022-B, 5.00% 9/15/2033   425    506 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Revolving Funds Rev. Green Bonds (2010 Master Fncg. Program), Series 2022-B, 5.00% 9/15/2034   250    296 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2012, AMT, 3.875% 5/1/2030 (put 8/1/2023)   1,325    1,325 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-P, 1.55% 11/1/2023   2,765    2,749 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-I, 1.75% 5/1/2024   530    521 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-K, 0.70% 11/1/2024   6,415    6,167 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 0.85% 11/1/2024   970    930 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 0.95% 5/1/2025   2,000    1,884 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-L-2, 0.75% 11/1/2025   20,465    18,854 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-M-2, 0.75% 11/1/2025   5,500    5,084 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 1.10% 5/1/2026   2,250    2,063 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-L-1, 1.45% 5/1/2029   1,560    1,357 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-D-2, 0.65% 11/1/2056 (put 11/1/2025)   5,360    4,937 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-E-2, 0.65% 11/1/2056 (put 11/1/2025)   3,225    2,964 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-I-2, 0.70% 11/1/2056 (put 11/1/2025)   3,795    3,514 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-K-2, 1.00% 11/1/2061 (put 11/1/2026)   2,245    2,044 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-J-2, 1.10% 11/1/2061 (put 5/1/2027)   20,915    18,553 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, 3.60% 11/1/2062 (put 5/1/2027)   13,640    13,592 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, 3.75% 11/1/2062 (put 11/1/2029)   15,000    15,082 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-H, 1.75% 5/1/2030   1,685    1,443 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 1.45% 11/15/2029   1,650    1,416 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 1.70% 11/15/2030   4,000    3,424 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 1.90% 11/15/2031   2,000    1,708 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-C, 4.394% 5/1/2033 (put 10/1/2023)1   2,670    2,670 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-C, (1-month USD-LIBOR x 0.70 + 0.75%) 4.394% 5/1/2033 (put 10/1/2023)1,3   3,340    3,340 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-E, 5.00% 11/15/2023   350    351 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-C, 5.00% 11/15/2024   5,050    5,127 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A-1, 5.00% 11/15/2027   3,150    3,222 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A-2, 5.00% 11/15/2045 (put 5/15/2030)   20,100    21,654 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 11/15/2024   1,165    1,183 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-F, 5.00% 11/15/2027   2,815    2,901 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002-D-2-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.55%) 4.107% 11/1/2032 (put 4/1/2024)1   5,000    5,003 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 71

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002-D-2-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.55%) 4.107% 11/1/2032 (put 4/1/2024)1  USD4,025   $4,027 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002-D-2-A-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.80%) 4.65% 11/1/2032 (put 4/1/2026)1   3,990    3,976 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 11/15/2023   1,035    1,038 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2023   305    306 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2025   2,250    2,317 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 11/15/2025   1,700    1,751 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2027   535    567 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 11/15/2028   1,185    1,272 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2029   1,945    2,073 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 5.00% 11/15/2032   1,050    1,158 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 235, AMT, 0.55% 10/1/2023   380    378 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 235, AMT, 0.65% 4/1/2024   715    700 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 235, AMT, 0.75% 10/1/2024   825    796 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 223, 2.25% 4/1/2030   1,320    1,181 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 52, AMT, 3.50% 10/1/2030   365    361 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 191, AMT, 3.50% 10/1/2034   20    20 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 225, 2.00% 10/1/2035   1,675    1,299 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 206, AMT, 4.00% 10/1/2037   945    934 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 48, 2.625% 4/1/2041   15    15 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 197, 3.50% 10/1/2044   3,130    3,091 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 233, 3.00% 10/1/2045   12,960    12,467 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 200, 3.50% 10/1/2045   1,100    1,090 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 195, 4.00% 10/1/2046   790    786 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 203, 3.50% 10/1/2047   2,450    2,415 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 213, 4.25% 10/1/2047   1,150    1,146 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 217, 4.00% 10/1/2049   7,035    6,980 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 239, 3.25% 10/1/2051   4,055    3,914 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 242, 3.50% 10/1/2052   3,625    3,538 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2014-G, 5.00% 8/1/2023   1,550    1,550 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 5.00% 8/1/2027   1,200    1,295 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/1/2028   1,000    1,025 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 8/1/2028   4,300    4,595 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,400    1,547 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 5.00% 8/1/2029   1,000    1,045 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2029   5,000    5,609 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2008-L-6, 5.00% 4/1/2030   2,000    2,227 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-E, 5.00% 8/1/2030   2,150    2,389 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 5.00% 8/1/2030   12,815    14,642 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-1, 5.00% 8/1/2030   4,310    4,925 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2030   2,500    2,856 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 8/1/2031   1,200    1,393 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 8/1/2031   9,000    10,445 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2008-L-5, 5.00% 4/1/2032   1,030    1,188 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2032   4,435    5,141 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-E, 5.00% 8/1/2033   1,000    1,107 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,000    1,177 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2034   2,000    2,372 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,645    1,925 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2035   1,000    1,173 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2014-D-3, 5.00% 8/1/2038 (put 2/1/2024)   1,015    1,016 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-F-4, 5.00% 6/1/2044 (put 12/1/2025)   3,210    3,303 
New York City Health and Hospitals Corp., Health System Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/15/2024   375    378 
New York City Health and Hospitals Corp., Health System Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/15/2026   2,055    2,155 
New York City Health and Hospitals Corp., Health System Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/15/2027   2,675    2,867 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (8 Spruce Street), Series 2014-E, 3.50% 2/15/2048   320    314 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2022-A, 2.75% 11/1/2033   2,250    2,034 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2020-D-2, 0.70% 5/1/2060 (put 11/1/2024)   1,450    1,380 
72 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2020-A-3, 1.125% 5/1/2060 (put 11/1/2024)  USD2,900   $2,791 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-C-2, 0.70% 11/1/2060 (put 7/1/2025)   4,560    4,264 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Neighborhood Bonds), Series 2019-G-1-A, 2.25% 11/1/2031   1,150    1,003 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Neighborhood Bonds), Series 2020-I-2, 0.70% 11/1/2060 (put 5/1/2025)   14,905    13,894 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2020-A-1-B, 2.10% 5/1/2032   1,055    902 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2022-A, 2.80% 11/1/2034   2,520    2,257 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-C-1, 2.10% 11/1/2036   1,340    1,027 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-F-2, 0.60% 5/1/2061 (put 7/1/2025)   9,230    8,557 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2025   1,000    1,022 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-DD, 5.00% 6/15/2029   465    527 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-DD, 5.00% 6/15/2034   3,080    3,701 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-CC-2, 5.00% 6/15/2035   4,520    5,260 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2018-1, 5.00% 11/1/2025   420    437 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 5.00% 8/1/2027   3,195    3,445 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 11/1/2027   5,000    5,158 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 11/1/2028   1,000    1,073 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 11/1/2030   3,625    4,159 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 5.00% 5/1/2031   760    869 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 11/1/2031   2,000    2,331 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 5.00% 5/1/2032   1,000    1,143 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/1/2032   4,500    5,145 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2035   1,200    1,394 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 195, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,540    1,586 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 221, AMT, 5.00% 7/15/2028   1,000    1,074 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 207, AMT, 5.00% 9/15/2028   10,000    10,602 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 227, AMT, 2.00% 10/1/2031   1,505    1,263 
Port Auth., Consolidated Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 186, AMT, 5.00% 10/15/2023   5,000    5,012 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Green Transmission Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2032   1,000    1,186 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Green Transmission Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2034   865    1,020 
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2010, 3.125% 12/1/2025   225    218 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-L, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,000    1,089 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2023   1,500    1,505 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2024   2,690    2,729 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2026   1,000    1,049 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2026   1,000    1,037 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,340    1,426 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2029   810    884 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2030   1,150    1,241 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2032   8,900    9,747 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 73

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2035  USD550   $585 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Bonds (LaGuardia Airport Terminal B Redev. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2033   4,000    3,947 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 11/15/2027   6,430    7,021 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., Payroll Mobility Tax Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2022-E-2B, 5.00% 11/15/2032   2,755    3,276 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., Payroll Mobility Tax Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 11/15/2034   450    538 
City of Troy Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,375    1,522 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2028   4,520    4,733 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 3/15/2028   2,750    3,005 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 3/15/2029   1,500    1,514 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 3/15/2029   1,750    1,951 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2030   2,250    2,355 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 3/15/2030   2,000    2,271 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 3/15/2031   1,000    1,146 
Utility Debt Securitization Auth., Restructuring Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 12/15/2025   1,320    1,328 
North Carolina 1.01%          
City of Charlotte, Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   2,000    2,028 
G.O. Public Improvement Bonds (Connect NC), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2031   5,730    6,347 
G.O. Public Improvement Bonds (Connect NC), Series 2019-B, 2.00% 6/1/2033   2,500    2,179 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (1998 Trust Agreement), Series 45, 3.00% 7/1/2051   3,405    3,278 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 40, 4.25% 7/1/2047   485    484 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 41, 4.00% 1/1/2050   1,705    1,692 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 47, 3.00% 7/1/2051   13,015    12,500 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 50, 5.50% 1/1/2054   10,870    11,634 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds (1998 Trust Agreement), Series 49, 6.00% 7/1/2053   6,375    6,858 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 37-A, AMT, 3.50% 7/1/2039   1,520    1,497 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 38-B, 4.00% 7/1/2047   980    973 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 39-B, 4.00% 7/1/2048   1,275    1,265 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 42, 4.00% 1/1/2050   1,185    1,174 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 44, 4.00% 7/1/2050   7,430    7,365 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 46-A, 3.00% 7/1/2051   2,795    2,686 
Raleigh-Durham Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2029   1,500    1,620 
Raleigh-Durham Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2030   1,000    1,052 
Raleigh-Durham Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2031   1,000    1,051 
Raleigh-Durham Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2031   1,370    1,494 
North Dakota 0.79%          
County of Cass, Joint Water Resource Dist., Temporary Rev. Ref. Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A, 0.48% 5/1/2024   9,005    8,687 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Rev. Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2016-D, 3.50% 7/1/2046   8,220    8,088 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2015-B, 4.00% 1/1/2036   145    144 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2015-A, 4.00% 1/1/2038   85    85 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2019-F, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.20%) 4.18% 1/1/2043 (put 7/1/2024)1   2,225    2,224 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2015-D, 4.00% 7/1/2046   1,390    1,384 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2016-B, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2047   915    904 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2017-D, 4.00% 1/1/2048   4,455    4,422 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2017-F, 4.00% 7/1/2048   375    372 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2018-D, 4.25% 1/1/2049   1,580    1,575 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2019-A, 4.25% 7/1/2049   1,315    1,311 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2019-F, 3.75% 7/1/2050   1,150    1,133 
74 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
North Dakota (continued)          
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2020-B, 3.00% 7/1/2051  USD2,450   $2,361 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2052   4,875    4,689 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2052   8,740    8,357 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 7/1/2053   3,275    3,494 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2023-D, 5.75% 1/1/2054   3,340    3,590 
Ohio 2.29%          
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Duke Energy Corp. Project), Series 2022-B, AMT, 4.25% 11/1/2039 (put 6/1/2027)   9,205    9,131 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2009-B, 1.375% 2/1/2026 (put 11/1/2024)   2,650    2,521 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2009-C, 1.50% 2/1/2026 (put 11/4/2025)   655    600 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2009-A, 2.875% 2/1/2026   1,000    947 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Electric Co. Project), Series 2005-C, AMT, 2.10% 4/1/2028 (put 10/1/2024)   7,935    7,685 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Electric Co. Project), Series 2005-A, AMT, 2.10% 1/1/2029 (put 10/1/2024)   15,000    14,527 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2019-A, 3.25% 9/1/2029   1,000    944 
Akron, Bath and Copley Joint Township Hospital Dist., Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Summa Health Obligated Group), Series 2020, 5.00% 11/15/2028   680    712 
Akron, Bath and Copley Joint Township Hospital Dist., Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Summa Health Obligated Group), Series 2020, 5.00% 11/15/2030   350    374 
County of Allen, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/1/2027   570    610 
Capital Facs. Lease Appropriation Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2029   1,945    2,162 
Capital Facs. Lease Appropriation Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2029   510    569 
Capital Facs. Lease Appropriation Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2030   840    954 
City of Cleveland, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-FF, 5.00% 1/1/2027   1,100    1,175 
County of Cuyahoga, Hospital Rev. Bonds (MetroHealth System), Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2025   950    964 
County of Cuyahoga, Hospital Rev. Bonds (MetroHealth System), Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2026   1,000    1,019 
County of Cuyahoga, Hospital Rev. Bonds (MetroHealth System), Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,500    1,544 
County of Cuyahoga, Metropolitan Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Wade Park Apartments), Series 2022, 4.75% 12/1/2027 (put 12/1/2025)   2,715    2,753 
City of Dayton, Metropolitan Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Southern Montgomery Apartments Project), Series 2021-A, 0.32% 9/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   1,205    1,200 
G.O. Highway Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-X, 5.00% 5/1/2027   270    290 
G.O. Highway Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-X, 5.00% 5/1/2028   625    687 
County of Hamilton, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (UC Health), Series 2014, 5.00% 2/1/2025   400    401 
County of Hamilton, Metropolitan Sewer Dist. of Greater Cincinatti, Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   1,000    1,131 
Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2024   160    159 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Ashtabula County Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2022, 5.00% 1/1/2026   300    305 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Ashtabula County Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2022, 5.00% 1/1/2027   545    561 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Higher Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (John Carroll University Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 10/1/2032   1,000    1,063 
Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 1/1/2025   1,180    1,208 
Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 1/1/2030   2,500    2,802 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Franklin Manor North Project), Series 2021, 0.25% 9/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   440    438 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Glen Meadows Apartments Project), Series 2021-A, 0.40% 11/1/2024 (put 11/1/2023)   3,080    3,046 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Marianna Terrace Apartments), Series 2022-A, 1.30% 3/1/2025 (put 3/1/2024)   4,270    4,196 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Post Oak Station Project), Series 2022, 3.35% 7/1/2025 (put 7/1/2024)   4,150    4,101 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2016-K, 3.50% 9/1/2046   1,350    1,329 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 75

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Ohio (continued)          
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2016-D, 4.00% 3/1/2047  USD1,365   $1,356 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2017-B, AMT, 4.50% 3/1/2047   895    891 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2017-D, 4.00% 3/1/2048   5,025    4,990 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2019-A, 4.50% 9/1/2049   1,900    1,905 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2019-B, 4.50% 3/1/2050   1,165    1,168 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2020-A, 3.75% 9/1/2050   9,105    8,965 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2021-C, 3.25% 3/1/2051   7,550    7,312 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2052   1,745    1,680 
Major New State Infrastructure Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-1, 5.00% 12/15/2028   4,570    5,078 
Major New State Infrastructure Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-1, 5.00% 12/15/2029   3,125    3,541 
Major New State Infrastructure Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1, 5.00% 12/15/2032   1,000    1,148 
Major New State Infrastructure Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1, 5.00% 12/15/2033   1,000    1,147 
Major New State Infrastructure Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1, 5.00% 12/15/2034   1,000    1,138 
Miami University, General Receipts and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 9/1/2031   700    813 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2029   505    556 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2030   900    1,003 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2031   800    904 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2032   750    847 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2033   570    642 
North East Ohio Regional Sewer Dist., Wastewater Improvement Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/15/2044 (preref. 11/15/2024)   6,500    6,644 
Private Activity Bonds (Portsmouth Bypass Project), Series 2015, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/31/2023   2,590    2,603 
Private Activity Bonds (Portsmouth Bypass Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 6/30/2024   655    662 
Private Activity Bonds (Portsmouth Bypass Project), Series 2015, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/31/2024   1,360    1,384 
Private Activity Bonds (Portsmouth Bypass Project), Series 2015, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/31/2026   865    879 
Private Activity Bonds (Portsmouth Bypass Project), Series 2015, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/31/2027   500    508 
Rev. Bonds (Premier Health Partners Obligated Group), Series 2020, 5.00% 11/15/2032   1,000    1,057 
Rev. Bonds (Premier Health Partners Obligated Group), Series 2020, 5.00% 11/15/2033   500    527 
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1998-A, National insured, 5.50% 2/15/2026   2,450    2,570 
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds (Infrastructure Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 2/15/2030   3,575    4,063 
County of Van Wert, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Van Wert Health Obligated Group), Series 2020, 6.125% 12/1/2049 (preref. 12/1/2029)   6,000    6,974 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2027   350    378 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2027   385    420 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2028   500    552 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2028   650    725 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2029   405    455 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2031   50    58 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2031   600    704 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2032   300    354 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2032   400    476 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2033   350    417 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033   400    476 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2034   300    356 
Water Dev. Auth., Drinking Water Assistance Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2034   400    474 
Water Dev. Auth., Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2028   1,685    1,860 
76 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Oklahoma 0.09%        
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/1/2052  USD570   $587 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2023-B, 5.75% 9/1/2053   4,165    4,525 
Board of Regents of Oklahoma State University, General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,000    1,136 
Oregon 1.90%          
Dept. of Administrative Services, State Lottery Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 4/1/2026   330    340 
County of Deschutes, Deschutes Public Library Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 6/1/2030   1,300    1,401 
Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Portland Projects), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 4/1/2031   600    618 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 6/1/2028   1,630    1,798 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-Q State Projects), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 5/1/2027   1,143    1,232 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-Q State Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 5/1/2028   2,585    2,845 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-Q State Projects), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 5/1/2030   3,245    3,717 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 99B), Series 2020, 3.50% 12/1/2050   3,190    3,120 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 108), Series 2021-O, 3.00% 12/1/2051   7,760    7,410 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 109), Series 2022-D, 5.00% 12/1/2052   580    598 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 111), Series 2023-E, 5.50% 12/1/2053   7,755    8,293 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Higher Education), Series 2020-N, 5.00% 8/1/2028   500    553 
County of Gilliam, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2003-A, AMT, 3.95% 7/1/2038 (put 5/1/2024)   5,000    4,997 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Housing Dev. Rev. Bonds (Anna Mann Apartments Project), Series 2021-AA, 0.75% 6/1/2041 (put 12/1/2024)   21,000    19,929 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Housing Dev. Rev. Bonds (The Susan Emmons Apartments Project), Series 2021-S-2, 0.38% 6/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   11,660    11,489 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2019-A, 2.45% 7/1/2034   1,220    1,049 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2015-A, 3.50% 7/1/2036   755    748 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2017-G, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2040   950    935 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 1/1/2047   195    194 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 7/1/2047   2,420    2,403 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2018-A, 4.50% 1/1/2049   925    925 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2020-A, 3.50% 1/1/2051   2,555    2,498 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2020-C, 3.00% 1/1/2052   4,525    4,361 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Multi Family Housing Dev. Rev. Bonds (Plaza Los Amigos Apartments Project), Series 2022-T-2, 3.00% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   1,420    1,399 
City of Portland, Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 3/1/2030   3,000    3,412 
City of Portland, Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 12/1/2031   6,555    7,675 
City of Portland, Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 5/1/2033   2,285    2,433 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 27-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,500    1,549 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 27-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,780    1,866 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 27-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2031   4,000    4,360 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 27-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2032   3,300    3,594 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 26-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2024   1,400    1,413 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 26-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   950    985 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 26-B, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,700    1,762 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 25-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2032   1,500    1,615 
Salem-Keizer School Dist. No. 24-J, G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 6/15/2035   3,455    3,901 
Dept. of Transportation, Highway User Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 11/15/2027 (preref. 11/15/2024)   5,225    5,348 
Dept. of Transportation, Highway User Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2030 (preref. 11/15/2024)   2,735    2,798 
Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation Dist., Grant Receipt Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,100    1,185 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 77

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania 4.26%        
County of Allegheny, Hospital Dev. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 10/15/2025  USD740   $764 
County of Allegheny, Hospital Dev. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/15/2039   2,500    2,478 
County of Allegheny, Sanitary Auth., Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/1/2026   500    528 
County of Berks, G.O. Bonds, Series 2015, 4.00% 11/15/2027 (preref. 11/15/2023)   700    701 
Bethlehem Area School Dist. Auth., School Rev. Bonds (Bethlehem Area School Dist. Ref. Project), Series 2021-C, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.74% 1/1/2030 (put 11/1/2025)1   2,420    2,369 
Bethlehem Area School Dist. Auth., School Rev. Bonds (Bethlehem Area School Dist. Ref. Project), Series 2021-B, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.74% 7/1/2031 (put 11/1/2025)1   3,100    3,034 
Bethlehem Area School Dist. Auth., School Rev. Bonds (Bethlehem Area School Dist. Ref. Project), Series 2021-C, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.74% 1/1/2032 (put 11/1/2025)1   2,545    2,491 
Cumberland Valley School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2032 (preref. 11/15/2023)   1,520    1,527 
Cumberland Valley School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2034 (preref. 11/15/2023)   1,315    1,321 
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission, Bridge System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,000    1,112 
Delaware River Port Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 1/1/2030 (preref. 1/1/2024)   1,140    1,148 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (PPL Electric Utilities Corp. Project), Series 2008, 0.40% 10/1/2023   8,895    8,826 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Penndot Major Bridges Package One Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 6/30/2030   3,000    3,287 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Penndot Major Bridges Package One Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2030   8,350    9,201 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 6/30/2024   5,230    5,260 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2024   4,900    4,947 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 6/30/2025   6,685    6,758 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 6/30/2026   1,775    1,815 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2034   8,355    8,541 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2009, 0.95% 12/1/2033 (put 12/1/2026)   18,000    16,199 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, AMT, 0.58% 8/1/2037 (put 8/1/2024)   3,300    3,151 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A, AMT, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.40%) 4.38% 6/1/2041 (put 6/3/2024)1   4,840    4,763 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, 5.00% 5/15/2031   11,725    13,102 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 2/1/2032   5,965    6,063 
Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tobacco Master Settlement Payment), Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2026   4,500    4,686 
General Auth. of Southcentral Pennsylvania, Rev. Bonds (Wellspan Health Obligated Group), Series 2019-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.60%) 4.58% 6/1/2049 (put 6/1/2024)1   4,520    4,511 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2026   310    320 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2029   535    567 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2030   400    429 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 2.45% 6/1/2041   1,900    1,605 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 2.625% 6/1/2042   2,335    1,979 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 4.50% 6/1/2043   6,550    6,574 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, AMT, 4.00% 6/1/2044   8,055    7,884 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (University of Pennsylvania Health System), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,200    1,288 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (University of Pennsylvania Health System), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2028   1,300    1,419 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-AQ, 5.00% 6/15/2024   3,955    4,010 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-134A, 1.35% 4/1/2030   1,105    940 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-137, 2.15% 10/1/2032   2,760    2,356 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-135-A, 2.00% 4/1/2033   1,390    1,163 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-128-A, AMT, 4.75% 4/1/2033   4,065    4,059 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-129, 2.95% 10/1/2034   1,500    1,380 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-123-A, AMT, 4.00% 4/1/2039   930    923 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-117-A, AMT, 3.50% 4/1/2040   100    99 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-118-A, AMT, 3.50% 4/1/2040   360    359 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-119, 3.50% 10/1/2041   110    109 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-120, 3.50% 10/1/2046   1,495    1,481 
78 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania (continued)        
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-121, 3.50% 10/1/2046  USD2,490   $2,467 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-122, 4.00% 10/1/2046   2,930    2,914 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-133, 3.00% 10/1/2050   7,190    6,943 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-132-A, 3.50% 4/1/2051   2,430    2,393 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-135-A, 3.00% 10/1/2051   3,555    3,451 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-137, 3.00% 10/1/2051   9,760    9,311 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-138-A, 3.00% 10/1/2052   23,095    22,015 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Special Limited Obligation Multi Family Housing Dev. Bonds (School of Nursing), Series 2021, 0.27% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   3,425    3,425 
County of Lehigh, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Lehigh Valley Health Network), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025   1,000    1,025 
County of Lehigh, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Lehigh Valley Health Network), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,920    2,000 
County of Lehigh, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Hospital), Series 2017-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 1.10%) 5.08% 8/15/20381   2,190    2,164 
County of Lehigh, General Purpose Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Good Shepherd Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/1/2023   510    510 
County of Luzerne, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pennsylvania - American Water Co. Project), Series 2019, AMT, 2.45% 12/1/2039 (put 12/3/2029)   4,500    4,137 
County of Montgomery, Higher Education and Health Auth., Rev. Bonds (Thomas Jefferson University), Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2027   1,000    1,056 
County of Montgomery, Higher Education and Health Auth., Rev. Bonds (Thomas Jefferson University), Series 2022-B, 4.00% 5/1/2035   670    673 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Project), Series 2023-C, 4.10% 6/1/2029   3,960    4,048 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Foulkeways at Gwynedd Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2026   400    408 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Waverly Heights, Ltd.), Series 2019, 4.00% 12/1/2023   125    125 
County of Northampton, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2018-B, (1-month USD-LIBOR x 0.70 + 1.04%) 4.684% 8/15/2048 (put 8/15/2024)1,3   2,250    2,250 
City of Philadelphia, Airport Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,220    1,295 
City of Philadelphia, Airport Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2030   2,255    2,453 
City of Philadelphia, Hospitals and Higher Education Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Temple University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2024   2,000    2,012 
City of Philadelphia, Hospitals and Higher Education Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Temple University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2025   2,000    2,029 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Temple University), Series 2016-1, 5.00% 4/1/2028   1,000    1,027 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 6/1/2032   860    1,005 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 6/1/2033   650    753 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 6/1/2034   770    889 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 6/1/2035   1,110    1,271 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2023   1,220    1,221 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2024   5,080    5,153 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2025   3,590    3,699 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, National insured, 5.00% 9/1/2025   1,200    1,236 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, National insured, 5.00% 9/1/2026   2,000    2,092 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,340    1,469 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,000    1,109 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 9/1/2031   855    957 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032   2,230    2,526 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 9/1/2033   2,900    3,283 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Green Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 9/1/2028   3,740    4,040 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 9/1/2029   335    367 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,245    1,380 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 9/1/2031   1,500    1,678 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 9/1/2023   1,500    1,501 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,060    1,120 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2028   1,500    1,632 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 5.00% 12/1/2028   725    802 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 5.00% 12/1/2029   875    986 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 12/1/2030   1,700    1,947 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 79

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania (continued)        
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 5.00% 12/1/2030  USD1,675   $1,918 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2030   1,250    1,388 
County of Westmoreland, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Excela Health Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2026   750    742 
Puerto Rico 0.02%          
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hospital Auxilio Mutuo Obligated Group Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2029   450    484 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hospital Auxilio Mutuo Obligated Group Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2030   725    790 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hospital Auxilio Mutuo Obligated Group Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2031   330    364 
Rhode Island 0.33%          
Health and Educational Building Corp., Educational Institution Rev. Bonds (St. George’s School Issue), Series 2021, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,000    1,098 
Health and Educational Building Corp., Providence Public Schools Rev. Bond Fncg. Program, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Providence Public Buildings Auth. Issue), Series 2015, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/15/2026   2,000    2,058 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 68-C, AMT, 3.50% 4/1/2039   1,530    1,512 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 75-A, 3.00% 10/1/2051   12,465    11,979 
Student Loan Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2025   525    539 
Student Loan Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2026   825    858 
Student Loan Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, AMT, 4.125% 12/1/2042   4,065    3,952 
South Carolina 1.48%          
City of Columbia, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Haven at Congaree Pointe), Series 2022, 2.25% 10/1/2043 (put 10/1/2025)   16,012    15,522 
City of Columbia, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 2/1/2028   100    109 
City of Columbia, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 2/1/2029   500    558 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B-2, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2043   505    500 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 1/1/2047   1,040    1,034 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 4.00% 7/1/2047   700    695 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.50% 7/1/2048   1,410    1,412 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2050   11,960    11,861 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2052   11,910    11,440 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 3.25% 1/1/2052   5,930    5,760 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 1/1/2052   5,470    5,436 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 7/1/2036   920    913 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The Sullivan), Series 2021-B, 0.34% 4/1/2025 (put 4/1/2024)   5,935    5,763 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Villages at Congaree Pointe Project), Series 2021-B, 1.25% 6/1/2025 (put 6/1/2024)   4,300    4,194 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Environmental Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (International Paper Co. Project), Series 2023-A, AMT, 4.00% 4/1/2033 (put 4/1/2026)   14,875    14,904 
Public Service Auth., Improvement Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 12/1/2029   1,360    1,478 
Public Service Auth., Improvement Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 12/1/2031   1,600    1,779 
Public Service Auth., Improvement Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 12/1/2032   1,625    1,787 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2014-C, 5.00% 12/1/2023 (escrowed to maturity)   125    126 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2028   2,455    2,543 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2028   1,000    1,023 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   865    940 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2031   5,230    5,814 
80 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
South Carolina (continued)          
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2032  USD620   $685 
City of Spartanburg, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Connecticut Village Apartments), Series 2022, 1.05% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2023)   350    350 
Spartanburg Regional Health Services Dist., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 4/15/2029   1,705    1,846 
South Dakota 0.69%          
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2014-E, 4.00% 5/1/2044   215    214 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2013-E, AMT, 4.00% 11/1/2044   20    20 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2015-D, 4.00% 11/1/2045   220    219 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016-B, 3.50% 11/1/2046   310    307 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016-D, 3.50% 11/1/2046   3,045    3,009 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2017-B, 4.00% 11/1/2047   2,395    2,378 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.50% 11/1/2048   4,205    4,215 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 5/1/2049   1,460    1,448 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-C, 3.50% 5/1/2051   9,920    9,701 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 11/1/2051   20,270    19,477 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 5/1/2053   4,985    5,130 
Tennessee 1.10%          
Housing Dev. Agcy., Homeownership Program Bonds, Series 2015-A, 3.50% 7/1/2045   185    182 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-2A, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2042   1,375    1,355 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-2-B, 4.00% 1/1/2042   795    789 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-1, 4.00% 7/1/2042   1,075    1,067 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2013-2-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2043   20    20 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2014-2-C, 4.00% 1/1/2045   90    90 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2014-2-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2045   40    40 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2015-2-A, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2046   160    158 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-1-B, 3.50% 1/1/2047   40    39 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-2, 4.00% 1/1/2048   1,450    1,438 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2015-2-A, 3.75% 1/1/2050   2,660    2,619 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-1, 4.25% 1/1/2050   2,180    2,175 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2020-3-A, 3.50% 7/1/2050   740    724 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2022-2, 5.00% 1/1/2053   3,860    3,972 
City of Johnson City, Health and Educational Facs. Board, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ballad Health), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2032   14,000    15,761 
County of Knox, Health, Educational and Housing Fac. Board, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Farragut Pointe Apartments Project), Series 2021, 0.65% 12/1/2026 (put 12/1/2024)   7,600    7,106 
Knoxville Community Dev. Corp., Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Austin 1B Apartments Project), Series 2021, 0.22% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   3,035    3,010 
City of Memphis, Health, Educational and Housing Facs. Board, Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Tillman Cove Apartments), Series 2020, 0.55% 12/1/2024 (put 6/1/2024)   2,000    1,931 
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Health and Educational Facs. Board, Rev. Bonds (Vanderbilt University Medical Center), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   4,555    5,070 
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2027   530    557 
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   625    665 
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.25% 7/1/2033   855    975 
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.25% 7/1/2034   2,415    2,745 
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.25% 7/1/2035   725    817 
School Bond Auth., Higher Education Facs., Second Program Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 11/1/2045 (preref. 11/1/2025)   3,030    3,161 
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Commodity Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 5/1/2052 (put 11/1/2031)   16,000    16,592 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 81

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas 12.29%        
Affordable Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Juniper Creek Apartments Project), Series 2023, 3.75% 7/1/2044 (put 7/1/2026)  USD1,190   $1,185 
Alamo Community College Dist., Limited Tax and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2028   8,625    9,335 
Alvin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2025   600    616 
Alvin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2027   225    240 
Alvin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2028   500    545 
Alvin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2029   700    776 
Alvin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2030   350    395 
Alvin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2014-B, 0.45% 2/15/2036 (put 8/15/2023)   3,520    3,516 
Angleton Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2025   620    636 
Angleton Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2026   1,545    1,616 
Angleton Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,070    1,142 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2023   885    889 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2024   400    407 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/15/2026   400    421 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2027   375    384 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2028   400    413 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/15/2028   595    651 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2029   360    374 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/15/2029   235    261 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (KIPP Texas, Inc.), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2027   2,310    2,480 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Responsive Education Solutions), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,280    1,374 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Responsive Education Solutions), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2028   750    820 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Responsive Education Solutions), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2029   1,310    1,456 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Responsive Education Solutions), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2030   830    935 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Responsive Education Solutions), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2031   445    508 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Riverwalk Education Foundation, Inc.), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,025    1,101 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Riverwalk Education Foundation, Inc.), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2028   650    711 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Riverwalk Education Foundation, Inc.), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2030   850    944 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Riverwalk Education Foundation, Inc.), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2031   880    977 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2016-A, 2.75% 12/1/2026   470    450 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 12/1/2026   450    476 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2027   460    472 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 12/1/2027   250    267 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2028   475    487 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2029   395    405 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2033   585    595 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2034   605    613 
Arlington Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2026   325    340 
Arlington Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2027   2,250    2,405 
Arlington Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2028   1,125    1,181 
City of Arlington, Permanent Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2030   1,450    1,651 
Aubrey Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/15/2033   1,205    1,389 
82 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
Austin Affordable PFC, Inc., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Bridge at Turtle Creek Apartments), Series 2020, 0.42% 12/1/2040 (put 12/1/2023)  USD13,115   $12,927 
City of Austin, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/15/2029   2,000    2,256 
City of Austin, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 11/15/2029   1,000    1,128 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 5/15/2030   3,700    3,853 
Barbers Hill Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/15/2035   4,085    4,722 
City of Baytown, Municipal Dev. Dist., Hotel Rev. Bonds (Baytown Convention Center Hotel), Series 2021-A, 2.50% 10/1/2031   750    639 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/15/2025   1,260    1,293 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/15/2031   2,480    2,704 
Boerne Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 3.125% 2/1/2053 (put 2/1/2027)   18,775    18,574 
City of Bryan, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2025   235    242 
City of Bryan, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2028   265    288 
Cameron County Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sunland Country Apartments), Series 2021, 0.28% 2/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   3,560    3,560 
Canyon Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,000    1,068 
Capital Area Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Redwood Apartments), Series 2020, 0.41% 1/1/2041 (put 1/1/2024)   30,585    30,031 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2024   1,000    1,006 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2025   1,000    1,022 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2026   1,500    1,548 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,095    1,164 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 5.00% 1/1/2030   2,125    2,328 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 5.00% 1/1/2031   3,000    3,330 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 5.00% 1/1/2032   520    580 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 5.00% 1/1/2033   2,770    3,083 
Clear Creek Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2013-B, 0.28% 2/15/2038 (put 8/15/2024)   4,165    3,986 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,360    1,449 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2023   270    270 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2024   295    299 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2018, 5.00% 8/15/2025   1,990    2,050 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2025   315    324 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2026   4,800    5,028 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2026   245    257 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2018, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,150    1,225 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2027   315    335 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2027   500    523 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2028   2,535    2,742 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2028   410    444 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2028   300    317 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2029   470    516 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2029   315    337 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2030   250    278 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2030   385    415 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 5.00% 8/15/2031   575    648 
Collin County Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2030   1,500    1,677 
Collin County Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2031   1,250    1,397 
Conroe Local Government Corp., Hotel Rev. Bonds (Conroe Convention Center Hotel), Series 2021-A, 2.50% 10/1/2031   615    520 
Corpus Christi Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/15/2027   675    730 
Corpus Christi Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/15/2028   2,125    2,343 
City of Corpus Christi, Utility System Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 7/15/2030   2,220    2,509 
Port of Corpus Christi Auth. of Nueces County, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2027   490    528 
Crandall Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022-A. 5.00% 8/15/2035   1,085    1,253 
Crowley Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 4.00% 8/1/2039 (preref. 8/1/2025)   1,665    1,691 
Crowley Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/1/2028   310    342 
Crowley Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/1/2029   400    446 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 83

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
Crowley Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/1/2031  USD1,045   $1,166 
Crowley Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/1/2032   855    954 
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2026   1,000    1,049 
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,000    1,071 
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2015-B-1, 0.28% 2/15/2040 (put 8/15/2024)   1,805    1,737 
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2015-B-2, 0.28% 2/15/2040 (put 8/15/2024)   4,270    4,110 
Cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Joint Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, AMT, 5.25% 11/1/2026   2,000    2,004 
Dallas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 8/15/2034 (preref. 8/15/2024)   1,000    1,016 
Dallas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2028   930    1,014 
Dallas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2029   1,750    1,944 
Dallas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2030   2,250    2,546 
City of Dallas Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Highpoint at Wynnewood), Series 2022, 3.50% 2/1/2044 (put 2/1/2026)   2,320    2,288 
City of Dallas Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Rosemont at Ash Creek Apartments), Series 2023, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,835    1,881 
Deer Park Independent School Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/15/2030   1,635    1,850 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2028   370    404 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 8/15/2028   455    497 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2029   775    863 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 8/15/2029   460    512 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2030   450    502 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 8/15/2030   505    564 
Del Valle Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 6/15/2027   1,000    1,076 
City of Denton, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2028   7,320    7,688 
County of Denton, Permanent Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 7/15/2030   3,160    3,603 
Denton County Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Pathway on Woodrow Apartments), Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   3,845    3,911 
Denton Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 8/15/2034   3,050    3,611 
Denton Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 8/15/2035   3,295    3,863 
Dumas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2026   1,435    1,502 
Dumas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2027   1,505    1,608 
Dumas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2028   1,335    1,456 
Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2027   600    648 
Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2028   1,000    1,102 
Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2030   1,010    1,111 
City of El Paso, Combination Tax and Rev. Bonds Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2027   275    296 
City of El Paso, Combination Tax and Rev. Bonds Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2028   350    384 
City of El Paso, Combination Tax and Rev. Bonds Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2029   425    475 
El Paso Independent School Dist., Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2020, 2.00% 2/1/2040 (put 8/1/2023)   2,560    2,560 
El Paso Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,000    1,083 
Forney Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2029   1,255    1,410 
Fort Bend Grand Parkway Toll Road Auth., Limited Contract Tax and Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2031   1,000    1,147 
Fort Bend Grand Parkway Toll Road Auth., Limited Contract Tax and Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/1/2032   500    535 
Fort Bend Grand Parkway Toll Road Auth., Limited Contract Tax and Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/1/2033   1,000    1,063 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0.72% 8/1/2051 (put 8/1/2026)   14,525    12,902 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 0.875% 8/1/2050 (put 8/1/2025)   5,740    5,398 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/15/2028   1,635    1,799 
Fort Worth Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,075    1,148 
G.O. Water Financial Assistance Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/1/2028   1,500    1,523 
84 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
G.O. Water Financial Assistance Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/1/2029  USD1,500   $1,524 
G.O. Water Financial Assistance Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/1/2030   630    640 
Galveston Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2032   1,360    1,538 
Galveston Public Fac. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The Orleanders at Broadway), Series 2021, 0.47% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2024)   6,140    5,905 
City of Garland, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2028   275    296 
City of Garland, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2029   385    422 
City of Garland, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2030   375    417 
City of Garland, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2031   625    705 
City of Garland, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2032   720    812 
City of Garland, Tax and Rev. Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021, 5.00% 2/15/2024   1,365    1,377 
Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 2/15/2028   1,060    1,155 
Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2014-B, 0.60% 2/15/2035 (put 8/17/2026)   3,190    2,942 
Grand Parkway Transportation Corp., Grand Parkway System Toll Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-B, 5.00% 4/1/2053 (preref. 10/1/2023)   2,140    2,146 
Harlandale Independent School Dist., Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2021, BAM insured, 2.00% 8/15/2040 (put 8/15/2024)   1,745    1,725 
Harlandale Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 0.75% 8/15/2045 (put 8/15/2025)   4,570    4,344 
Harlingen Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/15/2032   1,000    1,124 
County of Harris, Flood Control Dist., Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   910    985 
County of Harris, Metropolitan Transit Auth., Sales and Use Tax Contractual Obligations, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 11/1/2025   810    841 
County of Harris, Metropolitan Transit Auth., Sales and Use Tax Contractual Obligations, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/1/2027 (preref. 11/1/2024)   1,140    1,163 
County of Harris, Sports Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2024   3,000    3,056 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Texas Children’s Hospital), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 10/1/2041 (put 10/1/2024)   5,440    5,525 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Medical Facs. Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baylor College of Medicine), Series 2019-A, (USD-SOFR x 0.70 + 0.73%) 4.293% 11/15/2046 (put 7/1/2024)1   5,485    5,485 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Texas Medical Center), Series 2020-A, 0.90% 5/15/2050 (put 5/15/2025)   4,590    4,322 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Thermal Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (TECO Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2031   2,045    2,202 
Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHRISTUS Health), Series 2005-A-4, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.19% 7/1/20311   125    125 
Hays Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,790    1,917 
Hays Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 2/15/2031   1,230    1,290 
Hays Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/15/2035   1,000    1,143 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Corona Del Valle), Series 2021, 0.37% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2023)   1,885    1,885 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Palladium Simpson Stuart Apartments), Series 2021, 0.35% 1/1/2025 (put 1/1/2024)   6,425    6,291 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The Park at Kirkstall), Series 2021, 0.65% 12/1/2025 (put 12/1/2024)   11,650    11,041 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.75% 1/1/2049   1,905    1,919 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2052   17,315    16,606 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.50% 7/1/2053   22,140    23,630 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.75% 3/1/2049   4,615    4,642 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 3/1/2050   8,080    8,018 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.50% 3/1/2051   7,185    7,012 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2052   18,605    17,820 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.50% 9/1/2052   1,690    1,793 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 6.00% 3/1/2053   10,005    10,979 
Housing Options, Inc., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Brooks Manor - The Oaks Project), Series 2021, 0.50% 8/1/2041 (put 3/1/2025)   2,540    2,379 
Housing Options, Inc., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Estelle Village Apartments), Series 2022, 3.90% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   11,200    11,143 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 85

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028  USD1,000   $1,064 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2025   1,250    1,277 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,380    1,432 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   3,825    4,075 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,500    1,598 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,700    1,834 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   8,420    9,082 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,035    1,104 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2030   3,440    3,752 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2031   15,000    16,521 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 7/1/2036   2,000    2,148 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2037   2,945    2,923 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 11/15/2027   500    530 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 11/15/2027   550    595 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 11/15/2028   500    552 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 11/15/2029   490    551 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 11/15/2030   650    729 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 12/1/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   2,500    2,389 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2025   85    86 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2026   140    143 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2028   355    368 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2030   280    294 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2031   160    169 
City of Houston, Downtown Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2027   2,460    2,563 
City of Houston, Memorial City Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2027   1,050    1,112 
City of Houston, Memorial City Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2028   1,250    1,343 
City of Houston, Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 12/1/2028 (escrowed to maturity)   1,300    1,100 
Houston Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Temenos Place Apartments), Series 2021, 0.29% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   8,190    8,190 
Houston Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Notes (Summerdale Apartments), Series 2023, 5.00% 8/1/2041 (put 8/1/2026)   2,095    2,157 
Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2026   1,250    1,322 
Hutto Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2015, 2.00% 2/1/2055 (put 8/1/2025)   3,750    3,637 
Irving Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,350    1,411 
County of Kaufman, Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2031   1,000    1,099 
Kaufman Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/15/2028   1,445    1,511 
Kilgore Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/15/2026   205    215 
Lake Travis Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/15/2026   1,110    1,162 
Lamar Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 2/15/2029   740    821 
Love Field Airport Modernization Corp., General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, AMT, 5.00% 11/1/2026   1,000    1,044 
Love Field Airport Modernization Corp., General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2032   3,535    3,893 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/15/2031   1,800    2,072 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/15/2029   1,000    1,108 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/15/2030   1,000    1,126 
86 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2033  USD2,010   $2,222 
Lumberton Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2029   1,310    1,467 
Manor Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 8/1/2032   575    677 
Mansfield Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 2/15/2028 (preref. 2/15/2025)   2,415    2,478 
Mansfield Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 2/15/2034 (preref. 2/15/2024)   1,290    1,301 
County of Matagorda, Navigation Dist. No. 1, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Central Power and Light Co. Project), Series 1996, AMT, 0.90% 5/1/2030 (put 9/1/2023)   4,545    4,529 
McAllen Independent School Dist., Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2026   895    935 
City of McKinney, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 3/15/2029   400    443 
Mckinney Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 2/15/2028   1,640    1,791 
Medina Valley Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2035   4,220    4,898 
Medina Valley Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 0.82% 2/15/2051 (put 2/15/2026)   4,515    4,142 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. I, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-D, 6.25% 12/15/2026   3,375    3,508 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. II, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.55%) 4.53% 9/15/20271   1,885    1,863 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2025   1,215    1,229 
Municipal Power Agcy., Transmission System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.00% 9/1/2033   1,790    1,445 
Municipal Power Agcy., Transmission System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 9/1/2034   1,040    967 
Municipal Power Agcy., Transmission System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 9/1/2036   1,345    1,196 
Nederland Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 8/15/2029   1,150    1,295 
Nederland Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 8/15/2030   1,000    1,126 
Nederland Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 8/15/2031   1,075    1,209 
Nederland Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/2032   1,000    1,049 
New Caney Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2035   750    880 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Children’s Health System of Texas Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/15/2028   1,500    1,609 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Westminster Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2023   500    501 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Westminster Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2024   625    630 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Westminster Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2027   1,230    1,250 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Westminster Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2028   1,675    1,699 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Collegiate Housing Stephenville III, LLC - Tarleton State University Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 4/1/2030 (preref. 4/1/2025)   800    823 
North Central Texas Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Healthcare System Project), Series 1996, National insured, 5.75% 6/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   3,130    3,260 
North Central Texas Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Bluebonnet Ridge Apartments), Series 2021, 0.375% 8/1/2040 (put 8/1/2024)   2,880    2,758 
North East Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 8/1/2032   215    224 
North Fort Bend Water Auth., Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 5.00% 12/15/2028   1,000    1,104 
North Fort Bend Water Auth., Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 5.00% 12/15/2031   850    978 
North Harris County Regional Water Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/15/2034   950    1,001 
North Texas Municipal Water Dist., Contract Rev. Bonds (Sabine Creek Regional Wastewater System), Series 2022, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2030   1,000    1,128 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2027   1,000    1,066 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2029   2,000    2,208 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2027   1,000    1,006 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   2,000    2,094 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030   300    306 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2008-D, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 1/1/2030   4,500    3,613 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 87

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Second Tier Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 1/1/2025  USD3,500   $3,582 
Northside Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2027   850    918 
Northside Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017, 4.00% 6/1/2035   1,705    1,763 
Northside Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 0.70% 6/1/2050 (put 6/1/2025)   7,415    7,010 
Northwest Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 2/15/2031 (preref. 2/15/2025)   1,000    1,027 
Northwest Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 2/15/2030   1,070    1,215 
Northwest Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 2/15/2031   1,000    1,134 
Northwest Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2042 (preref. 2/15/2026)   5,075    5,320 
County of Nueces, Combination Tax and Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/15/2029   460    509 
Odessa Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Cove in Odessa Apartments), Series 2021, 0.37% 2/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   7,725    7,694 
Pasadena Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/15/2029   2,085    2,333 
Pearsall Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/15/2030   1,275    1,432 
Plano Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/15/2029   1,065    1,117 
Plano Public Fac. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (K Avenue Lofts), Series 2021, 0.65% 12/1/2041 (put 12/1/2024)   9,500    9,500 
Prosper Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/15/2035   3,680    4,257 
Prosper Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019-B, 2.00% 2/15/2050 (put 8/15/2023)   3,145    3,143 
County of Rockwall, Permanent Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2028   1,400    1,517 
County of Rockwall, Permanent Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2029   1,495    1,650 
County of Rockwall, Permanent Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2030   950    1,051 
County of Rockwall, Permanent Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2031   1,450    1,605 
City of San Antonio, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,250    1,331 
City of San Antonio, Combination Tax and Rev. Certs. of Obligation, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2028   1,030    1,126 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2025   1,705    1,749 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2027   180    192 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2028   1,000    1,086 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2029   1,135    1,254 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2032   380    439 
City of San Antonio, Passenger Fac. Charge and Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,000    1,079 
City of San Antonio, Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 5.00% 5/15/2025   875    901 
City of San Antonio, Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/15/2026   1,200    1,263 
City of San Antonio, Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 5.00% 5/15/2026   1,000    1,052 
City of San Antonio, Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 5.00% 5/15/2027   1,000    1,075 
San Antonio Housing Trust Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The Arbors at West Avenue Apartments), Series 2022, 1.45% 3/1/2026 (put 3/1/2025)   2,400    2,299 
San Antonio Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 8/15/2029   2,500    2,803 
Spring Branch Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/1/2027   1,725    1,842 
Spring Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2031   1,850    2,048 
Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LBJ Infrastructure Group, LLC I-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/31/2030   280    280 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baylor Scott & White Health Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/15/2029   5,020    5,272 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baylor Scott & White Health Project), Series 2022-E, 5.00% 11/15/2052 (put 5/15/2026)   9,315    9,660 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baylor Scott & White Health Project), Series 2022-F, 5.00% 11/15/2052 (put 11/15/2030)   6,965    7,691 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Cook Children’s Medical Center), Series 2020, 4.00% 12/1/2034   2,000    2,056 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Christus Health), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2053 (put 7/1/2032)   15,990    17,810 
Temple Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2032   1,560    1,795 
Temple Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2033   1,500    1,725 
Temple Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2034   1,865    2,148 
Texas City Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2025   1,500    1,555 
88 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
Board of Regents of the Texas State University System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 3/15/2026  USD1,425   $1,493 
Tomball Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2024   780    787 
Transportation Commission, Central Texas Turnpike System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/15/2025   1,000    1,009 
Transportation Commission, Highway Improvement G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 4/1/2028   1,000    1,052 
Travis County Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Airport Gateway Apartments), Series 2022, 4.125% 6/1/2045 (put 6/1/2027)   3,850    3,853 
Travis County Strategic Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Yager Flats), Series 2021, 0.46% 9/1/2041 (put 2/1/2025)   28,045    26,412 
Trinity River Auth., Regional Wastewater System Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/1/2027   1,250    1,351 
Trinity River Auth., Regional Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2031   2,195    2,535 
Trinity River Public Fac. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Cowan Place Apartments), Series 2021, 0.28% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   5,000    4,961 
United Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2025   1,030    1,070 
United Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2026   1,420    1,506 
United Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,490    1,614 
Board of Regents of the University of Houston System, Consolidated Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 2/15/2028   2,665    2,779 
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 4/15/2025   1,255    1,292 
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/15/2025   240    247 
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/15/2026   760    797 
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Bonds, Series 2016-E, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,320    1,428 
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 8/15/2036   1,810    1,880 
Upper Trinity Regional Water Dist., Treated Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2028   815    895 
Upper Trinity Regional Water Dist., Treated Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2029   465    521 
Waco Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,615    1,707 
Waco Public Facs. Corp. II, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Trendwood Apartments), Series 2022, 3.50% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2024)   9,860    9,794 
Waller Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/15/2030   1,820    2,045 
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 8/1/2030   2,760    2,977 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/15/2029   5,030    5,485 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2021, 5.00% 4/15/2031   1,445    1,653 
Willis Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/15/2034   500    575 
United States 0.14%          
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Certs., Series 2023, 2.75% 11/25/20352   7,815    6,637 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-ML-05, Class ACA, 3.35% 11/25/2033   2,827    2,578 
Utah 1.02%          
Board of Higher Education, General Rev. Bonds (University of Utah), Series 2023-B, 5.00% 8/1/2032   750    887 
Board of Higher Education, General Rev. Bonds (University of Utah), Series 2023-B, 5.00% 8/1/2033   525    628 
Board of Higher Education, General Rev. Bonds (University of Utah), Series 2023-B, 5.00% 8/1/2034   750    890 
Board of Higher Education, General Rev. Bonds (University of Utah), Series 2023-B, 5.00% 8/1/2035   525    617 
Central Valley Water Reclamation Fac., Sewer Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-C, 5.00% 3/1/2026   500    525 
Central Valley Water Reclamation Fac., Sewer Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-C, 5.00% 3/1/2027   555    595 
Canyons School Dist., Board of Education, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Utah School Bond Guaranty Program), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 6/15/2027   1,350    1,459 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Fellowship Manor Apartments), Series 2022, 2.00% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   7,031    7,010 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (New City Plaza Apartments Project), Series 2021, 3.50% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2024)   24,100    23,923 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 89

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Utah (continued)        
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Three Link Towers Apartments), Series 2022, 2.00% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)  USD14,177   $14,135 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Class III, Series 2015-D-2, 4.00% 1/1/2045   105    104 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 7/1/2025   450    464 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 7/1/2026   620    653 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2023-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,270    1,335 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   2,800    2,983 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2023-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,500    1,598 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   2,130    2,240 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,000    1,078 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,990    2,172 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 6/1/2028   500    541 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 6/1/2029   470    516 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 6/1/2031   390    440 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 6/1/2032   500    571 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.25% 6/1/2033   600    696 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.25% 6/1/2034   500    579 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2026   750    785 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2030   250    281 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2031   140    159 
Vermont 0.12%          
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multiple Purpose Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 4.00% 11/1/2047   1,575    1,553 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multiple Purpose Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 11/1/2048   820    814 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multiple Purpose Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 11/1/2049   1,725    1,711 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multiple Purpose Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.75% 11/1/2050   1,085    1,069 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/15/2027   400    419 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/15/2028   490    514 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/15/2029   500    529 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/15/2031   960    1,022 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 2.375% 6/15/2039   415    381 
Virginia 2.23%          
County of Amelia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2002, AMT, 1.45% 4/1/2027   1,810    1,640 
County of Arlington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Virginia Hospital Center), Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,000    1,060 
County of Arlington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Virginia Hospital Center), Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2031   600    667 
County of Arlington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Virginia Hospital Center), Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2032   1,900    2,111 
County of Arlington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Multifamily Housing Rev. Bonds (Park Shirlington Apartments), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2026   3,210    3,305 
County of Charles City, Econ. Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2004-A, 2.875% 2/1/2029   5,400    5,002 
County of Charles City, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2002, AMT, 1.45% 4/1/2027   1,250    1,132 
Chesapeake Redev. and Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Hunters Point Apartments), Series 2023, 5.00% 5/1/2043 (put 5/1/2026)   4,310    4,427 
90 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Virginia (continued)        
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (21st Century College and Equipment Programs), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 2/1/2028  USD7,500   $8,178 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Regent University Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/1/2027   290    300 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Regent University Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/1/2029   375    395 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Regent University Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/1/2030   375    398 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (21st Century College and Equipment Programs), Series 2017-E, 5.00% 2/1/2027   1,025    1,095 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (21st Century College and Equipment Programs), Series 2017-E, 5.00% 2/1/2032   3,000    3,260 
County of Fairfax, Redev. and Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Arrowbrook Apartments Project), Series 2020, 0.41% 1/1/2041 (put 1/1/2024)   10,850    10,621 
County of Fairfax, Redev. and Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Oakwood North Four Project), Series 2021, 0.41% 5/1/2025 (put 5/1/2024)   7,570    7,327 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,950    1,996 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2029   2,165    2,231 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030   2,275    2,347 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,195    1,232 
Hampton Roads Sanitation Dist., Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028 (preref. 7/1/2024)   2,915    2,963 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of Richmond), Series 2018, 5.00% 10/1/2023   575    575 
City of Hopewell, Redev. and Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Hopewell Heights Apartments), Series 2021-A, 0.49% 12/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   8,935    8,807 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Bonds, Series 2020-B, 1.65% 3/1/2031   1,185    997 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Bonds, Series 2021-K, 1.90% 12/1/2031   1,445    1,246 
County of Loudoun, Econ. Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The View at Broadlands Project), Series 2022, 2.00% 4/1/2025 (put 4/1/2024)   14,360    14,188 
County of Loudoun, G.O. Public Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 2.00% 12/1/2034   1,000    845 
City of Lynchburg, Econ. Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Centra Health Obligated Group), Series 2021, 5.00% 1/1/2030   975    1,050 
City of Lynchburg, Econ. Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Centra Health Obligated Group), Series 2021, 5.00% 1/1/2034   1,425    1,573 
City of Newport News, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2031   5,000    5,048 
City of Norfolk, G.O. Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/1/2044 (preref. 8/1/2028)   1,780    1,974 
City of Norfolk, Redev. and Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Braywood Manor Apartments), Series 2023, 5.00% 5/1/2043 (put 5/1/2026)   1,375    1,412 
Port Auth., Commonwealth Port Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2030 (preref. 7/1/2025)   1,530    1,565 
Public Building Auth., Public Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-C, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2027   1,125    1,178 
City of Richmond, Public Utility Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/15/2028   5,500    5,736 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 3.00% 12/1/2023   235    234 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 3.00% 12/1/2024   220    215 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2031   2,760    2,654 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2029   1,400    1,479 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,650    1,761 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (95 Express Lanes, LLC Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2032   6,670    7,268 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (95 Express Lanes, LLC Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2032   5,420    5,903 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (95 Express Lanes, LLC Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2033   8,000    8,715 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco, LLC Project), Series 2022, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2030   2,250    2,260 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 91

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Virginia (continued)        
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco, LLC Project), Series 2022, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2031  USD2,925   $2,941 
County of Sussex, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Atlantic Waste Disposal, Inc. Project), Series 2003-A, AMT, 3.95% 6/1/2028 (put 5/1/2024)   4,000    3,997 
Upper Occoquan Sewage Auth., Regional Sewerage System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 4.00% 7/1/2040 (preref. 7/1/2025)   3,015    3,068 
Washington 1.83%          
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax and Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Improvement and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2021-S-1, 5.00% 11/1/2029   510    579 
City of Everett, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Baker Heights Legacy), Series 2021, 0.30% 9/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   2,905    2,894 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 5.00% 2/1/2031   5,000    5,599 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/1/2033   4,000    4,405 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/1/2027   1,075    1,135 
County of Grant, Public Utility Dist. No. 2, Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-O, 5.00% 1/1/2024   275    277 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (PeaceHealth), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 11/15/2026 (preref. 5/15/2024)   1,000    1,012 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 10/1/2042 (put 10/1/2030)   3,200    3,211 
Housing Fin. Commission, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (HopeSource III Portfolio Projects), Series 2022, 1.25% 1/1/2025 (put 1/1/2024)   4,240    4,183 
Housing Fin. Commission, Municipal Certs., Series 2021-1, 3.50% 12/20/2035   21,454    19,835 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20242   835    834 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20262   1,590    1,571 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2014-2A-R, AMT, 3.50% 6/1/2044   5    5 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2018-1-N, 4.00% 12/1/2048   2,565    2,545 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2019-1-N, 4.00% 6/1/2049   4,645    4,608 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2020-1-N, 4.00% 12/1/2050   550    545 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2021-2-N, 3.00% 6/1/2051   7,700    7,369 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A-R, AMT, 3.50% 6/1/2038   95    94 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-1-N, 5.00% 12/1/2052   4,315    4,482 
City of Seattle, Housing Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northgate Plaza Project), Series 2021, 1.00% 6/1/2026   5,410    4,956 
City of Seattle, Housing Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lam Bow Apartments Project), Series 2021, 1.25% 6/1/2024   1,180    1,156 
City of Seattle, Municipal Light and Power Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.25%) 4.23% 5/1/2045 (put 11/1/2026)1   2,450    2,411 
City of Seattle, Solid Waste System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2030   1,775    2,034 
Port of Seattle, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2030   6,345    6,933 
Port of Seattle, Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2025   3,165    3,233 
Port of Seattle, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2025   5,250    5,363 
Port of Seattle, Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2026   2,500    2,585 
Port of Seattle, Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2027   2,500    2,621 
Port of Seattle, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2028   3,050    3,195 
Port of Seattle, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, AMT, 5.00% 4/1/2030   2,000    2,152 
Port of Seattle, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, AMT, 5.00% 4/1/2029   1,000    1,010 
Port of Seattle, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2032   6,345    7,071 
Port of Seattle, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2033   5,500    6,125 
Port of Seattle, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2034   5,000    5,551 
92 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
West Virginia 0.20%        
Econ. Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Bonds (Appalachian Power Co. - Amos Project), Series 2011-A, AMT, 1.00% 1/1/2041 (put 9/1/2025)  USD4,425   $4,114 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Appalachian Power Co. - Amos Project), Series 2015-A, 2.55% 3/1/2040 (put 4/1/2024)   1,750    1,727 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kentucky Power Co. - Mitchell Project), Series 2014-A, AMT, 4.70% 4/1/2036 (put 6/17/2026)   5,340    5,351 
G.O. State Road Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2025   670    699 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Improvement Bonds (West Virginia University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2032   1,385    1,464 
Wisconsin 1.93%          
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-2, 5.00% 11/1/2027   100    108 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-3, 5.00% 11/1/2027   1,000    1,078 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-2, 5.00% 5/1/2029   14,600    16,413 
General Fund Annual Appropriation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 5/1/2033 (preref. 5/1/2026)   3,165    3,329 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Advocate Aurora Health Care Credit Group), Series 2018-C-4, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.65%) 4.63% 8/15/2054 (put 7/31/2024)1   4,000    4,000 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/15/2039   5,000    5,117 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Gundersen Lutheran), Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/20262   15,000    15,272 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Utility and Infrastructure Obligated Group), Series 2018, 5.00% 4/4/2032   2,000    2,181 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2031   1,650    1,679 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 2.69% 7/1/2047   2,799    2,613 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, 4.00% 9/1/2045   965    959 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, AMT, 3.50% 3/1/2046   1,025    1,011 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 4.00% 3/1/2048   3,035    3,015 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 3/1/2048   1,400    1,390 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.25% 3/1/2049   10,220    10,191 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.50% 9/1/2050   7,870    7,693 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2052   5,675    5,452 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 9/1/2052   2,955    2,836 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0.40% 5/1/2045 (put 11/1/2023)   835    826 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0.50% 11/1/2050 (put 11/1/2024)   1,255    1,189 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 0.81% 11/1/2052 (put 5/1/2025)   7,140    6,776 
City of Milwaukee, Metropolitan Sewerage Dist., G.O. Promissory Notes, Series 2015-A, 3.00% 10/1/2030   3,530    3,497 
County of Milwaukee, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2023   1,475    1,479 
County of Milwaukee, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2024   1,550    1,570 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,000    1,129 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2032   1,080    1,234 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.25% 7/1/2034   370    428 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.25% 7/1/2035   1,000    1,148 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.25% 7/1/2036   1,000    1,136 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.25% 7/1/2037   1,000    1,126 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (The United Methodist Retirement Homes), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2025   810    797 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (The United Methodist Retirement Homes), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2026   245    239 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 10/1/2041 (put 10/1/2030)   2,955    2,967 
Public Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A-2, AMT, 3.875% 10/1/2025 (put 2022)   3,000    3,000 
Public Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A-3, AMT, 1.10% 7/1/2029 (put 6/1/2026)   10,620    9,710 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 93

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Wisconsin (continued)          
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Beyond Boone, LLC - Appalachian State University Project), Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2030  USD945   $1,013 
University of Wisconsin, Hospitals and Clinics Auth., Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 4/1/2029   2,000    2,216 
University of Wisconsin, Hospitals and Clinics Auth., Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 4/1/2030   2,155    2,429 
WPPI Energy, Power Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   500    527 
Wyoming 0.37%          
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-2, 2.80% 12/1/2031   2,745    2,542 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-1, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2038   940    925 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-3, 3.00% 12/1/2044   60    59 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-6, 4.00% 6/1/2045   385    384 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-1, 4.00% 12/1/2048   3,085    3,061 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-1, 3.00% 6/1/2050   6,285    6,032 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-1, 4.00% 12/1/2050   7,565    7,501 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-1, 5.75% 6/1/2053   3,605    3,845 
Total bonds, notes & other debt instruments (cost: $6,434,035,000)        6,193,819 
Short-term securities 7.20%          
Municipals 6.82%          
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Certs., Series 2019-M-055, 4.19% 12/15/20281,2   2,000    2,000 
State of Arizona, City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mayo Clinic), Series 2014-A, 4.46% 11/15/20521   1,000    1,000 
State of Arizona, City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2013, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2035 (put 8/1/2023)4   21,455    21,455 
State of California, Kern Community College Dist., Facs. Improvement Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bond Anticipation Notes, Capital Appreciation Notes, Series 2020, 0% 8/1/2023   1,325    1,325 
State of California, City of Los Angeles, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/27/2024   30,000    30,489 
State of California, County of Los Angeles, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/28/2024   7,500    7,622 
State of California, Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 4.12% 7/1/2047 (put 5/21/2024)1,4   5,765    5,761 
State of California, Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A-1, AMT, 4.10% 11/1/2042 (put 10/16/2023)2,4   11,000    10,997 
State of California, Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A-2, AMT, 4.10% 11/1/2042 (put 10/16/2023)2,4   1,380    1,380 
State of California, County of Riverside, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/28/2024   5,450    5,537 
State of Colorado, Education Loan Program, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/28/2024   6,000    6,084 
State of Florida, Mission Econ. Dev. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2012, AMT, 3.875% 1/1/2026 (put 8/1/2023)4   20,000    20,000 
State of Georgia, Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 8/1/2049 (put 12/2/2024)4   2,100    2,104 
State of Idaho, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (CHE Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2013-ID, 3.50% 12/1/2048 (put 11/1/2023)4   10,000    10,000 
State of Illinois, Fin. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago Medical Center), Series 2011-A, 4.53% 8/1/20441   12,000    12,000 
State of Indiana, Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2008-E-8, 4.06% 11/15/20331   5,000    5,000 
State of Louisiana, Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals Project), Series 2008-B, 3.45% 12/1/20431   5,000    5,000 
State of Louisiana, Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals Project), Series 2009-A, 4.10% 8/1/20491   17,900    17,900 
State of Louisiana, Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals Project), Series 2010, 3.45% 8/1/20501   23,500    23,500 
State of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Auth., General Transportation System Bonds, Series 2000-A, 4.02% 3/1/20301   4,600    4,600 
State of Michigan, Fin. Auth., State Aid Rev. Notes, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/21/2023   5,000    5,004 
State of Michigan, Fin. Auth., State Aid Rev. Notes, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/20/2024   5,000    5,073 
94 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Short-term securities (continued)  Principal amount
Municipals (continued)        
State of Michigan, Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2016-E-2, 4.06% 11/15/20471  USD6,675   $6,675 
State of Michigan, Strategic Fund, Demand Limited Obligation Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Project), Series 2007, 4.45% 12/1/20421   8,600    8,600 
State of Michigan, Regents of the University of Michigan, General Rev. IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-B, 3.15% 8/3/2023   10,000    9,999 
State of Minnesota, City of Rochester, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mayo Clinic), Series 2016, 4.02% 11/15/20471   1,915    1,915 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2010-E, 3.89% 12/1/20301   5,000    5,000 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2007-D, 4.50% 12/1/20301   13,500    13,500 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2010-J, 4.50% 11/1/20351   31,000    31,000 
State of New Jersey, County of Union, Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Exxon Project), Series 1994, 4.48% 7/1/20331   1,205    1,205 
State of New York, Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Fordham University), Series 2008-A-2, 3.80% 7/1/20321   1,305    1,305 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2006-E-4, 3.83% 8/1/20341   2,625    2,625 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2008-L-3, 4.50% 4/1/20361   29,900    29,900 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-AA-1, 4.65% 6/15/20501   4,520    4,520 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-AA-2, 4.65% 6/15/20501   16,200    16,200 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-CC, 4.48% 6/15/20531   2,400    2,400 
State of New York, Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-B-3, 4.50% 1/1/20351   31,500    31,500 
State of Oregon, County of Gilliam, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2000-A, AMT, 3.95% 8/1/2025 (put 5/1/2024)4   2,150    2,149 
State of Pennsylvania, Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2019-B-1, AMT, 4.10% 4/1/2049 (put 10/16/2023)4   1,810    1,809 
State of Pennsylvania, Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2013, AMT, 3.875% 8/1/2045 (put 8/1/2023)4   25,750    25,750 
State of Pennsylvania, Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 4.10% 4/1/2034 (put 10/16/2023)4   9,000    8,997 
State of Rhode Island, Health and Educational Building Corp., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (NRI Community Services, Inc.), Series 2007, 3.91% 6/1/20371   800    800 
State of Tennessee, City of Lewisburg, Industrial Dev. Board, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. of Tennessee Project), Series 2012, AMT, 4.125% 7/2/2035 (put 11/1/2023)4   2,000    2,000 
State of Tennessee, County of Montgomery, Public Building Auth., Pooled Fncg. Rev. Bonds (Tennessee County Loan Pool), Series 2004, Bank of America LOC, 4.58% 7/1/20341   885    885 
State of Texas, Gulf Coast Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2012, 4.55% 11/1/20411   7,000    7,000 
State of Texas, City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 4.01% 5/15/20341   17,500    17,500 
State of Texas, Veterans Bonds, Series 2019, 3.50% 6/1/20501   11,380    11,380 
State of Virginia, County of Charles City, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management of Virginia, Inc. Project), Series 2003-A, AMT, 3.95% 8/1/2027 (put 5/1/2024)4   2,000    1,999 
State of Virginia, County of Gloucester, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management Disposal Services of Virginia, Inc. Project), Series 2003-A, AMT, 3.95% 9/1/2038 (put 5/1/2024)4   3,905    3,902 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 95

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Short-term securities (continued)  Weighted
average yield
at acquisition
   Principal amount
U.S. Treasury bills 0.38%               
U.S. Treasury 8/8/2023   4.507%  USD25,000   $24,975 
Total short-term securities (cost: $479,362,000)             479,321 
Total investment securities 100.19% (cost: $6,913,397,000)            6,673,140 
Other assets less liabilities (0.19%)             (12,665)
Net assets 100.00%            $6,660,475 


Futures contracts


Contracts  Type  Number of
   Value and
at 7/31/2023
2 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long  4,118  9/29/2023   USD836,083            $ (10,380)
5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long  5,641  9/29/2023   602,573      (4,938)
10 Year Ultra U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Short  3,130  9/20/2023   (366,161)     8,780 
                  $ (6,538)
1 Coupon rate may change periodically. Reference rate and spread are as of the most recent information available. Some coupon rates are determined by the issuer or agent based on current market conditions; therefore, the reference rate and spread are not available. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.
2 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A or, for commercial paper, Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. The total value of all such securities was $61,494,000, which represented .92% of the net assets of the fund.
3 Securities referencing LIBOR are expected to transition to an alternative reference rate by the security’s next scheduled coupon reset date.
4 For short-term securities, the mandatory put date is considered to be the maturity date.


Key to abbreviations

Agcy. = Agency

AMT = Alternative Minimum Tax

Assn. = Association

Auth. = Authority

Certs. = Certificates

Dept. = Department

Dev. = Development

Dist. = District

Econ. = Economic

Fac. = Facility

Facs. = Facilities

Fin. = Finance

Fncg. = Financing

G.O. = General Obligation

IAM = Interest at Maturity

LIBOR = London Interbank Offered Rate

LOC = Letter of credit

Part. = Participation

Preref. = Prerefunded

Redev. = Redevelopment

Ref. = Refunding

Rev. = Revenue

SIFMA = Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association

SOFR = Secured Overnight Financing Rate

USD = U.S. dollars


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


96 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America

Investment portfolio July 31, 2023


Portfolio quality summary* Percent of net assets



*Bond ratings, which typically range from AAA/Aaa (highest) to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch as an indication of an issuer’s creditworthiness. In assigning a credit rating to a security, the fund looks specifically to the ratings assigned to the issuer of the security by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch. If agency ratings differ, the security will be considered to have received the highest of those ratings, consistent with the fund’s investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments 88.37%  Principal amount
Alabama 1.84%          
Auburn University, General Fee Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2036  USD4,440   $4,792 
City of Birmingham, G.O. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2015-A-1, 5.00% 3/1/2040 (preref. 9/1/2025)   2,500    2,596 
City of Birmingham, Special Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 11/15/2046   1,000    1,016 
City of Birmingham, Water Works Board, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2043 (preref. 1/1/2027)   16,050    17,179 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 4.00% 4/1/2053 (put 10/1/2027)   6,590    6,508 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 6), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 10/1/2052 (put 12/1/2026)   6,200    6,139 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 7), Series 2021-C-1, 4.00% 10/1/2052 (put 12/1/2026)   16,670    16,466 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-D-1, 5.50% 6/1/2049 (put 2/1/2029)   10,730    11,303 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Prepay Rev. Bonds (Project No. 3), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 12/1/2048 (put 12/1/2023)   2,500    2,499 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Prepay Rev. Bonds (Project No. 5), Series 2020-A-1, 4.00% 10/1/2049 (put 10/1/2026)   4,040    4,016 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/2051 (put 12/1/2031)   37,610    37,027 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-D-1, 4.00% 7/1/2052 (put 6/1/2027)   2,240    2,232 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.25% 12/1/2053 (put 12/1/2026)   14,240    15,247 
Energy Southeast, Energy Supply Rev. Bonds (A Cooperative Dist.), Series 2023-A-1, 5.50% 11/1/2053 (put 1/1/2031)   43,050    46,358 
Federal Aid Highway Fin. Auth., Special Obligation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 4.00% 9/1/2032 (preref. 9/1/2024)   20,000    20,160 
Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (ECG Monrovia Project), Series 2022-A, 2.00% 10/1/2025 (put 10/1/2024)   5,086    4,984 
County of Houston, Health Care Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2030   3,000    3,056 
County of Jefferson, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/15/2027   3,000    3,172 
County of Jefferson, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/15/2028   2,500    2,642 
County of Jefferson, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/15/2030   5,000    5,262 
County of Jefferson, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/15/2031   7,500    7,881 
County of Jefferson, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/15/2032   2,250    2,358 
County of Jefferson, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/15/2033   5,040    5,281 
County of Jefferson, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/15/2034   8,200    8,588 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Series 2013-D, 6.00% 10/1/2042   11,300    11,895 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Series 2013-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2044   22,340    22,636 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Series 2013-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 10/1/2048   17,665    17,950 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Series 2013-D, 7.00% 10/1/2051   1,500    1,581 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Series 2013-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 10/1/2053   11,000    11,215 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Series 2013-D, 6.50% 10/1/2053   10,970    11,552 
Lower Alabama Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2031   2,500    2,592 
City of Montgomery, Medical Clinic Board, Health Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Jackson Hospital & Clinic), Series 2015, 5.00% 3/1/2033   1,150    1,115 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 97

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Alabama (continued)          
City of Prattville, Industrial Dev. Board, Environmental Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (International Paper Co. Project), Series 2019-B, 2.00% 11/1/2033 (put 10/1/2024)  USD450   $440 
City of Prattville, Industrial Dev. Board, Recovery Zone Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (International Paper Co. Project), Series 2019-C, 2.00% 11/1/2033 (put 10/1/2024)   425    416 
Public Educational Building Auth. of Jacksonville, Higher Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (JSU Foundation Project), Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2054   1,200    1,265 
Public Educational Building Auth. of Jacksonville, Higher Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (JSU Foundation Project), Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 8/1/2058   2,000    2,195 
City of Selma, Industrial Dev. Board, Gulf Opportunity Zone Rev. Ref. Bonds (International Paper Co. Project), Series 2019-A, 2.00% 11/1/2033 (put 10/1/2024)   3,775    3,693 
South East Gas Supply Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 2), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 6/1/2049 (put 6/1/2024)   1,000    998 
Southeast Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 1), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/1/2051 (put 10/1/2028)   1,995    1,965 
Southeast Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 2), Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 12/1/2051 (put 12/1/2031)   51,150    49,831 
Southeast Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 3), Series 2022-A-1, 5.50% 1/1/2053 (put 12/1/2029)   2,050    2,185 
Southeast Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 4), Series 2022-B-1, 5.00% 5/1/2053 (put 8/1/2028)   15,935    16,446 
Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 4.00% 7/1/2028 (preref. 7/1/2024)   5,685    5,725 
Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 4.00% 7/1/2031 (preref. 7/1/2024)   11,365    11,445 
Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 4.00% 7/1/2034 (preref. 7/1/2024)   8,480    8,539 
Alaska 0.12%          
Housing Fin. Corp., General Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 3.75% 12/1/2042   8,285    8,156 
Housing Fin. Corp., General Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 3.50% 6/1/2046   720    712 
Housing Fin. Corp., General Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 12/1/2048   7,420    7,354 
International Airport System, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2031   3,000    3,111 
International Airport System, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 10/1/2034   3,500    3,614 
Northern Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B-2, 0% 6/1/2066   35,320    4,498 
Arizona 2.23%          
Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Bonds (Salt River Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2027   1,305    1,396 
Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Bonds (Salt River Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,375    1,504 
Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Bonds (Salt River Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2029   1,700    1,895 
Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Bonds (Salt River Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   6,395    6,958 
Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Bonds (Salt River Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   16,455    17,889 
Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Bonds (Salt River Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2045   50,205    51,559 
Board of Regents of the Arizona State University System, Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,000    1,114 
Town of Buckeye, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Verrado), G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 6.00% 7/15/20271   2,000    2,001 
Bullhead City, Excise Taxes Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-2, 1.50% 7/1/2029   600    537 
Chandler Unified School Dist. No. 80, School Improvement Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   500    529 
Chandler Unified School Dist. No. 80, School Improvement Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   250    270 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2020, 4.00% 5/15/2024   825    829 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2020, 4.00% 5/15/2026   1,200    1,224 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2028   625    678 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2032   525    587 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Royal Oaks Life Care Community), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2039   1,550    1,455 
98 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Arizona (continued)          
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Sun Health Services), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/15/2048  USD4,000   $3,939 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Sun Health Services), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/15/2054   4,900    4,749 
Glendale Union High School Dist. No. 205, School Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/1/2038   1,000    1,005 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2007-B, (3-month USD-LIBOR + 0.81%) 4.517% 1/1/20372,3   52,180    48,178 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 1/1/2044 (preref. 1/1/2024)   5,000    5,034 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-A, National insured, 5.00% 11/1/2033   1,000    1,065 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-A, National insured, 5.00% 11/1/2035   1,100    1,166 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-A, National insured, 5.00% 11/1/2036   1,000    1,049 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-A, National insured, 5.00% 11/1/2037   1,045    1,090 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-A, National insured, 5.00% 11/1/2039   2,045    2,122 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-A, National insured, 5.00% 11/1/2044   1,630    1,674 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-A, National insured, 4.00% 11/1/2049   4,075    3,621 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Social Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 4.00% 11/1/2038   250    241 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Social Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 4.00% 11/1/2045   2,200    2,002 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public Charter Schools - Jerome Fac. Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2041   1,770    1,603 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public Charter Schools - Jerome Fac. Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2051   1,330    1,118 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public Charter Schools - Jerome Fac. Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2061   7,920    6,386 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public Charter Schools - Macombs Fac. Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2051   3,300    2,775 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public Charter Schools - Macombs Fac. Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2061   4,230    3,411 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028   2,050    2,117 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2042   1,000    1,012 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2047   1,310    1,320 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2051   1,025    1,030 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-G, 5.00% 7/1/20371   1,005    986 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.125% 7/1/20371   2,150    2,136 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.25% 7/1/20471   5,305    5,008 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.375% 7/1/20501   4,000    3,801 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-D, 5.00% 7/1/20511   700    627 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Doral Academy of Nevada - Fire Mesa and Red Rock Campus Projects), Series 2019-A, 3.55% 7/15/2029   650    611 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Doral Academy of Nevada - Fire Mesa and Red Rock Campus Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/15/2039   1,325    1,298 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (KIPP Nashville Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2057   3,000    2,891 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Pinecrest Academy of Nevada - Sloan Canyon Campus Project), Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 7/15/20401   1,135    1,073 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Pinecrest Academy of Northern Nevada Project), Series 2022-A, 4.50% 7/15/20291   1,250    1,212 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2025   1,300    1,330 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2026   915    952 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/1/2037   1,000    1,095 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 2/1/2038   1,600    1,596 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 2/1/2039   1,800    1,782 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 99

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Arizona (continued)          
Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 2/1/2040  USD1,000   $983 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 2/1/2045   5,760    4,480 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 2/1/2050   7,000    6,560 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Las Terrazas Apartments Project), Series 2022-A, 1.25% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   2,445    2,408 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2019-2, Class A, 3.625% 5/20/2033   72,237    66,186 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 11/1/2028   2,000    2,197 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2029   1,000    1,104 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lincoln South Beltway Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 11/1/2031   2,500    2,875 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Benjamin Franklin Charter School Projects), Series 2018-A, 6.00% 7/1/20381   3,480    3,630 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (GreatHearts Arizona Projects), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2037   725    751 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (GreatHearts Arizona Projects), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2052   750    762 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2034   500    501 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2039   750    776 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/20411   255    211 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2020, 5.25% 7/1/2045   3,000    3,104 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2049   1,500    1,525 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2050   3,000    2,646 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/20511   1,000    750 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2054   1,650    1,672 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 7/1/20541   475    422 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Paradise Schools Project), Series 2019, 4.00% 7/1/2049   2,845    2,609 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Honor Health), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2037   585    585 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2019-C, 4.55% 1/1/2035 (put 10/18/2024)3   4,405    4,393 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2019-D, 5.00% 1/1/2046 (put 5/15/2026)   5,400    5,627 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2017-D, 4.00% 1/1/2048   7,145    6,867 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2019-E, 3.00% 1/1/2049   7,000    5,295 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2019-F, 3.00% 1/1/2049   9,730    7,360 
County of Maricopa, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (El Paso Electric Co. Palo Verde Project), Series 2009-A, 3.60% 2/1/2040   11,605    10,134 
County of Maricopa, Special Health Care Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 5.00% 7/1/2031   2,500    2,861 
County of Maricopa, Special Health Care Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 5.00% 7/1/2032   5,205    5,947 
Maricopa County Pollution Control Corp., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Edison Co.), Series 2000-A, 2.40% 6/1/2035   8,175    6,568 
Maricopa County Pollution Control Corp., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Edison Co.), Series 2000-B, 2.40% 6/1/2035   7,150    5,745 
McAllister Academic Village, LLC, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Arizona State University Hassayampa Academic Village Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2033   5,080    5,323 
City of Mesa, Eastmark Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 7/15/2024   280    281 
City of Mesa, Eastmark Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 7/15/2026   260    264 
City of Mesa, Eastmark Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 7/15/2027   250    256 
City of Mesa, Eastmark Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 7/15/2030   290    301 
City of Mesa, Eastmark Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 7/15/2041   650    658 
City of Mesa, Eastmark Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 7/15/2045   1,050    1,048 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Basis Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/20351   2,675    2,678 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Basis Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/20351   1,000    1,001 
100 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Arizona (continued)          
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Basis Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/20451  USD2,500   $2,306 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Basis Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/20461   3,900    3,576 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 7/1/20261   1,540    1,496 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/20351   910    908 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/20361   8,535    8,407 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2014-A, 6.75% 7/1/20441   1,500    1,520 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/20451   1,050    973 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mayo Clinic), Series 2022, 3.75% 11/15/2057   5,060    4,313 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2044   3,000    2,979 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 3.00% 7/1/2049   1,500    1,129 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2049   16,000    15,653 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2049   13,890    14,677 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 5.00% 7/1/2032   7,320    7,872 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 5.00% 7/1/2033   18,655    20,020 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Rental Car Fac. Charge Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   2,515    2,742 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2032   2,000    2,108 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2033   1,000    1,054 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,000    1,052 
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2035   2,000    2,098 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tucson Medical Center), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 4/1/2036   840    830 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tucson Medical Center), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 4/1/2037   900    882 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (La Posada at Pusch Ridge Project), Series 2022-A, 5.75% 11/15/20261   1,405    1,406 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (La Posada at Pusch Ridge Project), Series 2022-A, 5.75% 11/15/20271   1,485    1,485 
City of Scottsdale Municipal Property Corp., Excise Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 7/1/2030   8,000    8,932 
City of Tucson, Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Obligations, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,500    1,615 
City of Tucson, Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Obligations, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,250    1,342 
Board of Regents of the University of Arizona, Speed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 8/1/2024   400    407 
Board of Regents of the University of Arizona, Speed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 8/1/2025   500    518 
Board of Regents of the University of Arizona, Speed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 8/1/2026   400    423 
Board of Regents of the University of Arizona, Speed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 8/1/2027   300    324 
Board of Regents of the University of Arizona, Speed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 8/1/2028   400    441 
Board of Regents of the University of Arizona, Speed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 8/1/2029   400    450 
Board of Regents of the University of Arizona, System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/1/2042   1,800    1,980 
Board of Regents of the University of Arizona, System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/1/2043   3,000    3,294 
Arkansas 0.01%          
Springdale School Dist. No. 50, Rev. Ref. and Construction Bonds, Series 2022-B, 3.00% 6/1/2037   2,705    2,375 
California 5.90%          
Alameda Corridor Transportation Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 10/1/2049 (5.375% on 10/01/2037)4   1,770    896 
Alameda Corridor Transportation Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C-2, 0% 10/1/2050 (5.40% on 10/01/2037)4   6,040    3,063 
Alameda Corridor Transportation Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 10/1/2052 (5.45% on 10/1/2037)4   3,015    1,543 
City of Alameda, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-1 (Alameda Landing Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2046   500    506 
City of Alameda, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-1 (Alameda Landing Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   12,200    10,615 
City of Aliso Viejo, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-01 (Glenwood at Aliso Viejo), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,230    1,231 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 101

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Aliso Viejo, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-01 (Glenwood at Aliso Viejo), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2033  USD1,325   $1,327 
City of Aliso Viejo, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-01 (Glenwood at Aliso Viejo), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2038   2,895    2,898 
Antelope Valley Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 2016 Election, 0% 8/1/2031   1,175    904 
Antelope Valley Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 2016 Election, 0% 8/1/2033   1,400    984 
City of Azusa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (Rosedale), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2049   2,100    2,233 
Baldwin Park Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2021, 3.00% 8/1/2043   1,250    1,032 
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Windemere Ranch Infrastructure Fncg. Program), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/2/2027   1,085    1,104 
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Windemere Ranch Infrastructure Fncg. Program), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/2/2029   985    1,002 
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Windemere Ranch Infrastructure Fncg. Program), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/2/2030   295    300 
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Odd Fellows Home of California), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 4/1/2032   3,000    3,001 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-S-7, 4.00% 4/1/2034   5,000    5,162 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-B-1, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 1.10%) 5.08% 4/1/2045 (put 4/1/2024)3   13,525    13,534 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 2.85% 4/1/2047 (put 4/1/2025)   4,235    4,180 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.30%) 4.28% 4/1/2056 (put 4/1/2027)3   1,990    1,934 
City of Beaumont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 93-1, Improvement Area No. 8C, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2048   5,715    5,777 
City of Beaumont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 93-1, Improvement Area No. 8D, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2043   750    763 
City of Beaumont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 93-1, Improvement Area No. 8E, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2048   2,500    2,528 
City of Brea, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy. (Redev. Project AB), Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 8/1/2026   1,200    1,202 
Trustees of the California State University, Systemwide Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B-3, 3.125% 11/1/2051 (put 11/1/2026)   6,000    5,978 
Capistrano Unified School Dist., School Facs. Improvement Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 1999 Election, Series 2001-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2025   4,645    4,248 
City of Carson, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Redev. Project Area No. 1), Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.25% 10/1/2033   750    760 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2033   750    772 
Center Joint Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2021-B, BAM insured, 3.00% 8/1/2040   580    495 
Center Joint Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2021-B, BAM insured, 3.00% 8/1/2041   480    403 
Center Joint Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2021-B, BAM insured, 3.00% 8/1/2046   3,150    2,470 
Central Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 8/1/2044   2,500    2,037 
Chaffey Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 6/1/2043   5,000    5,014 
Chaffey Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2019-A, 3.00% 6/1/2046   2,000    1,606 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 8/1/2031   600    455 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 8/1/2032   315    230 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 8/1/2033   320    225 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 8/1/2034   625    421 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 8/1/2038   1,300    706 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 8/1/2039   1,000    514 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Bickmore 185), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2045   2,250    1,981 
102 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Chino, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2025  USD1,065   $1,106 
City of Chino, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2026   225    234 
City of Chino, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,090    1,129 
City of Chino, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,725    1,787 
City of Chula Vista, Municipal Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 9/1/2034   2,360    2,364 
City of Chula Vista, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2028   570    606 
Coast Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2019-F, 0% 8/1/2043   4,000    1,664 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 2/1/2052 (put 8/1/2031)   3,650    3,631 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-B-1, 5.00% 7/1/2053 (put 8/1/2029)   13,425    14,090 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 5.00% 12/1/2053 (put 8/1/2029)   2,315    2,417 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-D, 5.50% 5/1/2054 (put 8/1/2028)   5,000    5,277 
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Glendale Properties), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 8/1/20471   7,075    5,421 
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Glendale Properties), Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 2/1/20561   22,790    18,800 
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Verdant at Green Valley), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/1/20491   1,000    937 
Compton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2015 Election, Series 2019-B, BAM insured, 0% 6/1/2035   1,500    925 
Compton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2015 Election, Series 2019-B, BAM insured, 0% 6/1/2040   500    229 
Independent Cities Fin. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (City of Compton), Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 6/1/20361   340    346 
Independent Cities Fin. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (City of Compton), Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 6/1/20411   510    515 
Independent Cities Fin. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (City of Compton), Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 6/1/20461   135    135 
Independent Cities Fin. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (City of Compton), Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 6/1/20511   175    172 
City of Corona, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-2 (Sierra Bella), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 9/1/2051   1,750    1,753 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (1818 Platinum Triangle - Anaheim), Series 2021-A-2, 3.25% 4/1/20571   9,505    6,562 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (1818 Platinum Triangle - Anaheim), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 4/1/20571   1,000    685 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (City of Orange Portfolio), Series 2021-A-2, 3.00% 3/1/20571   6,155    4,080 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (City of Orange Portfolio), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 3/1/20571   540    381 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Escondido Portfolio), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 6/1/20581   39,100    30,344 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Millennium South Bay - Hawthorne), Series 2021-A-1, 3.375% 7/1/20431   1,000    799 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Millennium South Bay - Hawthorne), Series 2021-A-2, 3.25% 7/1/20561   5,970    4,144 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Park Crossing Apartments), Series 2021-A, 3.25% 12/1/20581   5,105    3,393 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Pasadena Portfolio), Series 2021-A-2, 3.00% 12/1/20561   3,460    2,297 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Theo - Pasadena), Series 2021-A-2, 3.25% 5/1/20571   2,215    1,456 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Union South Bay), Series 2021-A-1, 3.10% 7/1/20451   1,000    752 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 103

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Union South Bay), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 7/1/20561  USD21,140   $15,553 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Westgate Phase 1 - Pasadena), Series 2021-A-2, 3.125% 6/1/20571   33,900    21,933 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-74 (Menifee Town Center), Improvement Area B, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2038   1,085    1,023 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-74 (Menifee Town Center), Improvement Area B, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2043   1,095    988 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-74 (Menifee Town Center), Improvement Area B, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2051   2,180    1,858 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-74 (Menifee Town Center), Improvement Area D, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2038   1,230    1,159 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-74 (Menifee Town Center), Improvement Area D, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2043   1,150    1,037 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-74 (Menifee Town Center), Improvement Area D, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2051   2,540    2,168 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-79 (Eagle Crest), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   2,275    2,214 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-79 (Eagle Crest), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   2,085    1,908 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stanford University), Series 2010-U-1, 5.25% 4/1/2040   505    614 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stanford University), Series 2016-U-7, 5.00% 6/1/2046   1,000    1,186 
County of El Dorado, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1992-1 (El Dorado Hills Dev.), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 4.00% 9/1/2029   2,120    2,122 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2026   1,300    1,353 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   500    524 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   500    521 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,500    1,557 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2041   12,830    12,949 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2043   2,890    2,911 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2046   13,500    13,553 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2048   2,500    2,507 
City of Emeryville, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   890    908 
City of Emeryville, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   775    791 
City of Escondido, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2020-2 (The Villages), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2038   780    807 
City of Escondido, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2020-2 (The Villages), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2052   3,000    3,011 
Etiwanda School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/1/2049   2,500    2,454 
Etiwanda School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-A, 0% 8/1/2034   1,000    664 
Etiwanda School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-A, 0% 8/1/2035   1,785    1,126 
City of Eureka, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, National insured, 5.00% 11/1/2023   1,040    1,044 
Folsom Cordova Unified School Dist., School Facs. Improvement Dist. No. 3, G.O. Bonds, 2007 Election, Series 2019-D, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 10/1/2040   5,000    5,021 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 22 (Sierra Hills South), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2031   880    890 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 22 (Sierra Hills South), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2034   2,600    2,631 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 95 (Summit at Rosena Phase 2), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.625% 9/1/2052   3,500    3,306 
City of Fontana, Public Facs. Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2023   145    145 
Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agcy., Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1995-A, 0% 1/1/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   5,000    4,935 
Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agcy., Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 1/15/2034   2,000    1,375 
Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agcy., Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 1/15/2035   2,000    1,320 
Fresno Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 8/1/2033   1,000    962 
Fresno Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2016-B, 3.00% 8/1/2043   2,000    1,652 
Fresno Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/1/2030   1,005    1,075 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2031   395    420 
104 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
G.O. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.25% 8/1/2032  USD5,000   $5,225 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2032   335    356 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2034   335    355 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 10/1/2035   3,405    4,051 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2037   1,000    1,038 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2039   3,000    3,088 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 11/1/2041   500    502 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2046   260    285 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 3.00% 11/1/2040   3,000    2,596 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 9/1/2041   2,625    2,947 
Glendale Community College Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-B, 0% 8/1/2029   990    816 
Glendale Community College Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-B, 0% 8/1/2031   1,250    959 
Glendale Community College Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-B, 0% 8/1/2032   1,500    1,107 
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2005-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 6/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   7,000    6,448 
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 0% 6/1/2027 (escrowed to maturity)   3,960    3,556 
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B-2, 0% 6/1/2066   16,155    1,741 
Grossmont Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2008, 0% 8/1/2032   4,000    2,920 
Hastings Campus Housing Fin. Auth., Campus Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20451   4,700    4,059 
Hastings Campus Housing Fin. Auth., Campus Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20611   3,085    2,498 
Hayward Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2019 Election, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2044   7,000    7,478 
Hayward Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 2019 Election, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2040   3,000    3,228 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Marshall Medical Center), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/1/2040   1,000    1,008 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Marshall Medical Center), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/1/2024   255    260 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Marshall Medical Center), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/1/2026   350    359 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Stanford Health Care), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2035   8,500    9,196 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (On Lok Senior Health Services), Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2040   1,000    1,036 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (On Lok Senior Health Services), Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2050   1,250    1,270 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (On Lok Senior Health Services), Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2055   1,000    1,012 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2019-A-2, 4.00% 3/20/2033   1,832    1,796 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2019-A-1, 4.25% 1/15/2035   1,223    1,224 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-A-1, 3.50% 11/20/2035   19,149    17,943 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-A-3, 3.25% 8/20/2036   21,259    19,254 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2023-1, Class X, 0.366% 9/20/20363   28,514    715 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2023-1, Class A, 4.375% 9/20/2036   22,925    22,812 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Bonds (The Colburn School), Series 2019, 1.75% 8/1/2055 (put 8/1/2026)   4,750    4,404 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Los Angeles County Museum of Art Project), Series 2021-B, 4.68% 12/1/2050 (put 6/1/2026)3   1,000    973 
City of Inglewood, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Redev. Project), Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/1/2028   1,000    1,069 
City of Inglewood, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Redev. Project), Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/1/2030   950    1,017 
Inglewood Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2046   5,150    5,153 
Inglewood Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2051   1,000    993 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2039   1,000    1,009 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2044   2,705    2,723 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 8, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2043   2,670    2,742 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 8, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2048   5,250    5,364 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 12-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 9/2/2023   1,235    1,236 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 12-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2012, 4.00% 9/2/2028   675    676 
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The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 13-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 9/2/2023  USD1,100   $1,101 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 13-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 9/2/2027   325    326 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 13-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 9/2/2030   700    701 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 15-2, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2032   350    360 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 15-2, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2033   585    601 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 15-2, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2034   615    632 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 15-2, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2035   375    384 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 15-2, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2042   995    1,007 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2025   995    1,020 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-D, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2026   150    150 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2026   1,295    1,348 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2027   1,085    1,145 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   245    257 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   115    121 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   995    1,042 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   470    492 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   525    547 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,245    1,316 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2036   505    524 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2037   700    722 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2038   640    657 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-C, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2042   995    1,017 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2044   6,115    5,539 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2047   1,990    2,023 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2049   2,985    2,948 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-D, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2049   995    1,010 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2050   11,135    10,906 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2051   2,985    3,016 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2054   12,105    11,892 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2054   6,960    6,754 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-D, BAM insured, 5.00% 3/1/2057   995    1,005 
City of Jurupa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 33 (Eastvale Area), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2043   3,140    3,158 
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.25% 9/1/2024   1,145    1,147 
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2026   700    713 
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,260    1,282 
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2042   1,250    1,263 
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2031   1,890    1,987 
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2035   1,125    1,165 
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2039   1,095    1,110 
106 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Facs. Dists. Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 15), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2032  USD415   $439 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Facs. Dists. Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 15), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2033   880    927 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Facs. Dists. Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 15), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2034   945    992 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Facs. Dists. Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 15), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2035   1,020    1,065 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Facs. Dists. Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 15), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2036   840    866 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Facs. Dists. Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 15), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2037   1,170    1,191 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Facs. Dists. Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 15), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2038   1,255    1,272 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Facs. Dists. Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 15), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2039   1,340    1,360 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Facs. Dists. Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 15), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2040   1,435    1,453 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Facs. Dists. Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 15), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2041   1,535    1,551 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community Facs. Dists. Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 15), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2047   7,000    6,950 
County of Kern, RNR School Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 92-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2041   3,000    3,073 
La Mesa-Spring Valley School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2046   935    927 
La Mesa-Spring Valley School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2051   1,000    977 
City of La Quinta, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Redev. Project Area Nos. 1 and 2), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 9/1/2030 (preref. 9/1/2023)   1,500    1,502 
City of Lake Elsinore, Facs. Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 9/1/2039   1,000    1,015 
City of Lake Elsinore, Facs. Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 9/1/2041   675    682 
City of Lake Elsinore, Facs. Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 9/1/2047   2,915    2,894 
City of Lake Elsinore, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2035   5,915    6,082 
City of Lake Elsinore, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2040   4,375    4,443 
Lammersville Joint Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (Mountain House School Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2052   4,000    3,408 
City of Lee Lake, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.25% 9/1/2024   1,000    1,001 
City of Lee Lake, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032   3,750    3,756 
City of Lee Lake, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.125% 9/1/2035   1,250    1,252 
Lodi Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2021, 3.00% 8/1/2046   10,160    7,967 
City of Long Beach, Marina Rev. Bonds (Alamitos Bay Marina Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 5/15/2040   2,235    2,265 
Long Beach Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 8/1/2037   1,000    891 
Long Beach Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 8/1/2038   1,405    1,234 
Long Beach Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 8/1/2039   1,000    871 
City of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Playa Vista - Phase 1), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,135    1,166 
City of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Playa Vista - Phase 1), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2030   985    1,013 
City of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Playa Vista - Phase 1), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2031   685    704 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 5/15/2042   3,900    4,133 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 5/15/2049   1,805    1,939 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-I, 5.00% 5/15/2042   1,000    1,124 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 5/15/2027   1,500    1,561 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-D, 4.00% 5/15/2035   1,000    1,080 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 7/1/2038   2,075    2,377 
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The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 7/1/2039  USD1,000   $1,148 
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2034   335    360 
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2035   500    533 
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2036   570    599 
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2037   615    638 
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2042   830    845 
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2047   1,190    1,199 
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2052   590    590 
County of Los Angeles, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Long Beach Senior Housing), Series 2022, 2.00% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   5,924    5,702 
County of Los Angeles, Redev. Ref. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Redev. Project Areas), Series 2013-D, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2027 (preref. 9/1/2023)   835    836 
County of Los Angeles, Redev. Ref. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Redev. Project Areas), Series 2013-D, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2027   595    596 
County of Los Angeles, Redev. Ref. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Redev. Project Areas), Series 2013-D, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2027 (preref. 9/1/2023)   520    521 
Los Angeles County Facs., Inc., Lease Rev. Bonds (Vermont Corridor County Administration Building), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2043   1,250    1,338 
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, 2005 Election, Series 2018-M-1, 5.25% 7/1/2042   8,000    8,663 
M-S-R Energy Auth., Gas Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-B, 6.125% 11/1/2029   2,390    2,568 
M-S-R Energy Auth., Gas Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-B, 6.50% 11/1/2039   3,500    4,270 
City of Menifee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2020-1 (McCall Mesa), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 9/1/2053   1,315    1,340 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, National insured, 5.00% 9/1/2026   1,440    1,489 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, National insured, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,260    1,333 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 3.00% 9/1/2031   570    569 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, National insured, 5.00% 9/1/2031   250    265 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   725    756 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   760    791 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, National insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   345    365 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   600    624 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2036   850    878 
Montebello Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2022-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2050   900    959 
Moreno Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.75% 9/1/2052   3,370    3,248 
Moreno Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.75% 9/1/2052   3,110    2,997 
City of Morgan Hill, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 9/1/2026   2,000    2,003 
Morongo Band of Mission Indians, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 10/1/20421   5,025    4,958 
Mt. Diablo Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 4.00% 8/1/2036   770    817 
Mt. Diablo Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 4.00% 6/1/2037   315    332 
Mt. San Jacinto Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 8/1/2035   1,040    1,004 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Certs. of Part. (Palomar Health), Series 2021, 5.00% 11/1/20271   3,920    4,024 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Aldersly Project), Series 2023-B-2, 3.75% 11/15/2028   550    551 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Aldersly Project), Series 2023-B-1, 4.00% 11/15/2028   345    346 
108 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/20361  USD1,500   $1,512 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/20461   1,500    1,458 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Community Health System), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 2/1/2046   2,225    1,576 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (HumanGood - California Obligated Group), Series 2021, 3.00% 10/1/2046   2,500    1,841 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (HumanGood - California Obligated Group), Series 2021, 3.00% 10/1/2049   10,560    7,512 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harbor Regional Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/1/2039   850    884 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/2029   500    503 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/2033   1,100    1,103 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/2038   3,750    3,640 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2044   3,750    3,822 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 11/15/2042   565    454 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 11/15/2056   830    595 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Fin. Agcy. XII, Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Allure Apartments), Series 2022-A-1, 3.25% 2/1/20571   20,515    14,004 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Fin. Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Latitude 33), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 12/1/20451   400    313 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Fin. Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Latitude 33), Series 2021-A-1, 3.00% 12/1/20561   1,235    817 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 5/15/2041   220    213 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 5/15/2046   615    576 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 3.00% 5/15/2051   6,695    5,031 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 3.00% 5/15/2054   1,490    1,095 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (UCR Dundee-Glasgow Student Housing Project), Series 2018, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/15/2037   1,755    1,860 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (UCR Dundee-Glasgow Student Housing Project), Series 2018, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/15/2039   1,535    1,614 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2024   760    769 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2026   2,620    2,727 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2027   1,875    1,957 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2028   3,320    3,474 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2031   1,915    1,988 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,175    1,219 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,000    1,060 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   2,935    3,136 
Northern California Gas Auth. No. 1, Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-B, (3-month USD CME Term SOFR x 0.67 + 0.72%) 4.427% 7/1/20273   10,020    9,953 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 41 (Canvas Park Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2042   2,180    1,977 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 41 (Canvas Park Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2052   3,425    2,909 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 43 (Park Place Facs. Phase IV), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2050   3,250    2,790 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 53 (Tevelde Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   4,025    3,447 
Ontario-Montclair School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 8/1/2043   2,355    2,483 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Esencia Village), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/15/2034   730    749 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Esencia Village), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.25% 8/15/2045   1,950    1,978 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Esencia Village), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/15/2041   1,250    1,272 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Esencia Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/15/2036   2,880    3,031 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Esencia Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/15/2042   5,000    5,153 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Esencia Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/15/2047   6,000    6,130 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 109

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Rienda), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2037  USD290   $304 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Rienda), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2042   780    800 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Rienda), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2047   1,460    1,484 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Rienda), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2052   1,530    1,547 
City of Palmdale, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, National insured, 5.00% 9/1/2030   250    267 
Palmdale Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 90-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2041   2,250    2,373 
Palomar Pomerado Health, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2009-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2028   7,000    5,900 
Palomar Pomerado Health, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2009-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2030   15,520    12,152 
Palomar Pomerado Health, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2009-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2031   3,000    2,261 
City of Perris, Joint Powers Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds (CFD No. 2006-2 - Monument Park Estates), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 9/1/2045   5,295    5,339 
Perris Union High School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2031   650    663 
Perris Union High School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2033   2,885    2,940 
Perris Union High School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,260    1,284 
Perris Union High School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2035   3,175    3,231 
Perris Union High School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2041   3,725    3,755 
Poway Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 6 (4S Ranch), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,910    2,051 
Poway Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 6 (4S Ranch), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2031   2,040    2,188 
Poway Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 6 (4S Ranch), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   2,185    2,342 
Poway Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 6 (4S Ranch), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   960    1,027 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2026   1,265    1,299 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2027   590    608 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2031   1,200    1,231 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2036   710    712 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/15/2033   500    517 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (O’Conner Woods), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2043   1,910    1,920 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-B-3, 2.125% 11/15/20271   2,085    2,030 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-B-2, 2.375% 11/15/20281   1,250    1,211 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-B-1, 3.125% 5/15/20291   1,000    951 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/20461   230    208 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/20511   200    176 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 4.00% 11/1/2046   630    625 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 5.00% 11/1/2046   1,000    1,103 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2020-D, 5.00% 11/1/2029   1,000    1,138 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2013-I, 5.25% 11/1/2032   2,500    2,510 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2030   1,500    1,716 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2032   1,300    1,528 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2035   795    925 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2022-C, 5.00% 8/1/2036   3,260    3,771 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2023-B, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,120    1,317 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2023-B, 5.00% 12/1/2037   335    389 
City of Rancho Cordova, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Sunridge Anatolia), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2025   1,000    998 
110 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Rancho Cordova, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Sunridge Anatolia), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2027  USD425   $426 
City of Rancho Cordova, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Sunridge Anatolia), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2028   1,185    1,189 
City of Rancho Cordova, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Sunridge Anatolia), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2030   1,390    1,393 
City of Rancho Santa Fe, Community Services Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,500    1,578 
City of Rialto, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-2 (Foothill/Spruce), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.375% 9/1/2051   2,775    2,522 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2035   425    270 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2036   500    299 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2052   1,030    1,120 
Rio Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2026   335    347 
Rio Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   310    328 
Rio Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,000    1,058 
Rio Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2028 (preref. 9/1/2024)   490    500 
Rio Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2029 (preref. 9/1/2024)   540    551 
Rio Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2035 (preref. 9/1/2024)   1,150    1,173 
County of Riverside, Public Fncg. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Bonds (Project Area No. 1, Desert Communities and Interstate 215 Corridor Projects), Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2026   1,235    1,283 
County of Riverside, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2030   600    614 
County of Riverside, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Jurupa Valley Redev. Project Area), Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 4.00% 10/1/2032   1,000    1,017 
County of Riverside, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Jurupa Valley Redev. Project Area), Series 2015-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 10/1/2037   2,500    2,504 
County of Riverside, Transportation Commission, Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, BAM insured, 3.00% 6/1/2049   23,615    18,185 
County of Riverside, Transportation Commission, Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds (RCTC 91 Express Lanes), Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 6/1/2046   2,480    2,379 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2027   1,480    1,531 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2028   2,135    2,210 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2030   2,175    2,252 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2031   1,040    1,077 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,115    1,154 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,000    1,032 
Riverside Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2019-B, 3.00% 8/1/2036   1,070    983 
Romoland School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Heritage Lake), Improvement Area No. 4, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2050   4,725    4,082 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2026   500    514 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2037   1,750    1,781 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 5 (Fiddyment Ranch), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2050   4,000    3,521 
City of Sacramento, Community Drainage Facs. Dist. No. 97-1 (North Natomas), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2025   100    103 
City of Sacramento, Community Drainage Facs. Dist. No. 97-1 (North Natomas), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2028   1,735    1,803 
City of Sacramento, Community Drainage Facs. Dist. No. 97-1 (North Natomas), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2035   2,910    3,019 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 111

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (North Natomas), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-E, 5.25% 9/1/2024  USD1,160   $1,161 
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (North Natomas), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-E, 5.25% 9/1/2033   1,365    1,367 
City of Sacramento, Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Master Lease Program Facs.), Series 2006-E, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 12/1/2025   7,500    7,870 
City of Sacramento, Municipal Utility Dist., Electric Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 8/15/2037   1,500    1,501 
County of Sacramento, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,000    1,047 
County of Sacramento, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2041   4,200    4,347 
County of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (McClellan Park), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2040   1,960    1,997 
County of Sacramento, Water Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Water Agcy. Zones 40 and 41), Series 2007-B, FGIC-National insured, (3-month USD-LIBOR + 0.55%) 4.232% 6/1/20342,3   6,200    5,893 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2022-A, BAM insured, 5.50% 8/1/2047   1,060    1,176 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2021 Election, Series 2021-G, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2044   935    931 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2029   585    663 
County of San Bernardino and Cities of Colton, Loma Linda and San Bernardino, Successor Agcy. to the Inland Valley Dev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2044   10,500    10,537 
San Bernardino Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2026   1,000    1,000 
San Bernardino Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2027   1,000    1,000 
City of San Clemente, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Marblehead Coastal), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2028   940    969 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2046   2,925    2,844 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2051   2,000    1,912 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2056   35,040    33,018 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2056   2,140    2,284 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2033   2,000    2,301 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,940    2,226 
San Diego Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2013, 0% 8/1/2041 (6.23% on 8/1/2032)4   12,990    7,478 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-E-2, 5.00% 5/1/2048   2,000    2,103 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-F-2, 5.00% 5/1/2050   12,500    13,185 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B-2, 4.00% 5/1/2052   3,235    3,118 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1 (Transbay Transit Center), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 9/1/2047   675    716 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1 (Transbay Transit Center), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 9/1/2052   510    536 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Treasure Island), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   3,075    2,654 
City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, San Francisco Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 4.00% 11/1/2050   2,000    1,973 
City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, Wastewater Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-C, 4.00% 10/1/2048 (put 10/1/2029)   7,575    8,003 
City and County of San Francisco, Special Tax Dist. No. 2020-1 (Mission Rock Facs. and Services), Dev. Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/20361   805    759 
City and County of San Francisco, Special Tax Dist. No. 2020-1 (Mission Rock Facs. and Services), Dev. Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/20461   3,500    2,948 
City and County of San Francisco, Special Tax Dist. No. 2020-1 (Mission Rock Facs. and Services), Dev. Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/20511   1,015    828 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Community Facs. Dist. No. 7 (Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 1 Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 8/1/2039   3,925    3,952 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Community Facs. Dist. No. 7 (Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 1 Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 8/1/2044   3,480    3,496 
City of San Francisco, Municipal Transportation Agcy., Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-C, 4.00% 3/1/2051   5,000    4,926 
San Francisco Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/15/2045   1,500    1,462 
San Francisco Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-B, 4.00% 6/15/2035   800    836 
San Jacinto Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2044   3,600    3,666 
112 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
San Jacinto Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049  USD5,300   $5,381 
San Leandro Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2023   500    500 
San Leandro Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2043   1,300    1,302 
San Mateo Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2005 Election, Series 2006-B, National insured, 0% 9/1/2031   29,425    22,957 
City of San Ramon, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 2/1/2028   400    411 
Sanger Unified School Dist., Certs. of Part. (Capital Projects and Refinancing), Series 2022, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2049   5,000    5,142 
Sanger Unified School Dist., Certs. of Part. (Capital Projects and Refinancing), Series 2022, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2052   3,500    3,500 
Santa Ana Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2009-B, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2034   10,000    6,676 
Santa Clara Valley Water Dist., Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/1/2050   1,750    1,909 
City of Santa Clarita, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Vista Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/20401   3,035    2,769 
City of Santa Clarita, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Vista Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/20451   4,110    3,644 
Saugus Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2045   2,220    1,952 
Saugus Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2049   2,410    2,066 
Saugus Union School Dist., Saugus/Hart School Facs. Fin. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,725    1,769 
Saugus Union School Dist., Saugus/Hart School Facs. Fin. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2036   1,780    1,818 
Saugus Union School Dist., Saugus/Hart School Facs. Fin. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2041   3,720    3,759 
Saugus Union School Dist., Saugus/Hart School Facs. Fin. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2046   4,740    4,780 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Classical Academies Oceanside Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/20611   305    292 
School Fin. Auth., Educational Fac. Rev. Bonds (River Springs Charter School Project), Series 2015-A, 6.375% 7/1/2046 (preref. 7/1/2025)1   1,960    2,083 
City of South San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Oyster Point), Special Tax Bonds (Public Facs. and Services), Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2052   2,500    2,542 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-02 (Citro), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2052   6,850    6,842 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West), Series 2007-F, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.08% 7/1/20403   4,775    4,775 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Edison Co.), Series 2006-C, 2.625% 11/1/2033 (put 12/1/2023)   5,200    5,168 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Edison Co.), Series 2006-D, 2.625% 11/1/2033 (put 12/1/2023)   2,820    2,802 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 4/1/2037   1,000    854 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 4/1/2046   5,585    4,149 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2021-A, 2.50% 4/1/2051   1,100    695 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 4/1/2051   5,745    4,045 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 4/1/2051   750    682 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Huntington Memorial Hospital), Series 2014, 5.00% 7/1/2044 (preref. 7/1/2024)   6,600    6,714 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kaiser Permanente), Series 2004-L, 5.00% 4/1/2038 (put 11/1/2029)   4,000    4,495 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lancer Plaza Project), Series 2013, 5.125% 11/1/2023   150    150 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loma Linda University Medical Center), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/20251   2,500    2,532 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loma Linda University Medical Center), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/20411   3,425    3,408 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loma Linda University Medical Center), Series 2016-A, 5.25% 12/1/20561   1,000    1,000 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 113

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/20361  USD750   $738 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Odd Fellows Home of California Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 4/1/2038   150    162 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHF-Irvine, LLC - University of California, Irvine East Campus Apartments, Phase I Ref. and Phase IV-B), Series 2021, BAM insured, 3.00% 5/15/2051   1,000    737 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHF-Irvine, LLC - University of California, Irvine East Campus Apartments, Phase I Ref. and Phase IV-B), Series 2021, BAM insured, 3.00% 5/15/2054   1,000    718 
City of Stockton, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-2 (Westlake Villages II), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,235    1,069 
City of Stockton, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-2 (Westlake Villages II), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   2,045    1,713 
Stockton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2040   2,210    2,249 
Stockton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2045   3,755    3,754 
City of Suisun, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 10/1/2032   1,245    1,281 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,005    1,040 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2030   630    652 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2031   1,295    1,341 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   2,965    3,066 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   2,135    2,206 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   500    515 
Temescal Valley Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Terramor), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   1,575    1,443 
Temescal Valley Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Terramor), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   500    437 
Temescal Valley Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Terramor), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,305    1,109 
City of Thousand Oaks, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1994-1 (Marketplace Public Pedestrian, Traffic Circulation and Parking Facs.), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.375% 9/1/2031   1,010    1,010 
Tobacco Securitization Auth. of Northern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Senior Bonds (Sacramento County Tobacco Securitization Corp), Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 6/1/2034   665    684 
City of Tracy, Successor Agcy. to the Community Dev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 8/1/2032   2,655    2,596 
City of Tracy, Successor Agcy. to the Community Dev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 8/1/2033   1,380    1,338 
Transbay Joint Powers Auth., Senior Tax Allocation Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2045   1,000    1,028 
City of Turlock, Irrigation Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2041   8,640    9,093 
City of Turlock, Irrigation Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2046   6,755    7,069 
City of Tustin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 06-1 (Tustin Legacy / Columbus Villages), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,215    1,258 
City of Tustin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 06-1 (Tustin Legacy / Columbus Villages), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2037   1,000    1,029 
City of Tustin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 06-1 (Tustin Legacy / Columbus Villages), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2045   300    302 
Tustin Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 88-1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2023   545    546 
Tustin Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 97-1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1997-A-1, 5.00% 9/1/2026   1,285    1,324 
Tustin Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 97-1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1997-A-1, 5.00% 9/1/2028   1,265    1,309 
Tustin Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 97-1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1997-A-1, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2038   2,155    2,214 
114 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Twin Rivers Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2006 Election, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2041  USD5,750   $2,576 
Regents of the University of California, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-BN, 5.00% 5/15/2043   1,500    1,724 
Regents of the University of California, Limited Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-M, 5.00% 5/15/2047   8,500    9,008 
Regents of the University of California, Medical Center Pooled Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-L, 4.00% 5/15/2037   2,300    2,309 
Vacaville Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2020-D, 4.00% 8/1/2045   1,850    1,820 
Vacaville Unified School Dist., Local Facs. Fin. Corp. Certs. of Part., Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 12/1/2040   1,905    1,930 
Vacaville Unified School Dist., Local Facs. Fin. Corp. Certs. of Part., Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 12/1/2042   1,575    1,587 
Val Verde Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2023-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2041   1,700    1,895 
Val Verde Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2023-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2042   1,000    1,110 
Val Verde Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2046   1,650    1,640 
Val Verde Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2046   490    491 
Val Verde Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2051   650    641 
Val Verde Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2023-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2051   4,000    4,368 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2023   580    580 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2024   700    708 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2025   500    510 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 4/1/2026   1,000    1,028 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2026   600    620 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2026   1,650    1,709 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2027   950    995 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   320    336 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 4/1/2028   140    148 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2038   825    874 
Walnut Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2007 Election, Series 2011-B, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2036   5,655    3,422 
Washington Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2006-B, National insured, 0% 8/1/2031   1,000    751 
West Contra Costa Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 8/1/2046   3,500    2,759 
City of West Sacramento, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2027   350    370 
City of West Sacramento, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2028   550    582 
City of West Sacramento, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2031   675    715 
City of West Sacramento, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2032   1,400    1,426 
City of West Sacramento, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2033   1,455    1,480 
Western Riverside Water and Wastewater Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,035    1,105 
Western Riverside Water and Wastewater Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,165    1,245 
Western Riverside Water and Wastewater Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2044   1,105    1,152 
City of Woodland, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Spring Lake), Special Tax Capital Projects Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   1,635    1,652 
City of Woodland, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Spring Lake), Special Tax Capital Projects Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   3,645    3,557 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 115

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Woodland, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Spring Lake), Special Tax Capital Projects Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046  USD2,000   $1,907 
City of Woodland, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Spring Lake), Special Tax Capital Projects Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2050   4,815    4,545 
City of Woodland, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Spring Lake), Special Tax Rev. Ref. and Capital Projects Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2041   2,380    2,181 
Colorado 2.01%          
County of Adams, DIATC Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.25% 12/1/20291   590    546 
County of Adams, DIATC Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/20491   2,000    1,854 
County of Arapahoe, Copperleaf Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2039   3,235    3,099 
City of Arvada, Mountain Shadows Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2046   1,000    927 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2023   195    196 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/15/2023   120    121 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2024   200    204 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/15/2024   135    138 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2025   180    187 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/15/2025   125    130 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2026   195    206 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/15/2026   270    284 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2027   200    215 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/15/2027   125    132 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2028   210    229 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/15/2028   260    274 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2029   210    232 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/15/2029   125    131 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2030   215    237 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/15/2030   250    263 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2031   230    254 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/15/2031   135    142 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2033   255    281 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2034   285    312 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2035   100    109 
City of Arvada, Vauxmont Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.25% 12/15/2050   1,845    1,566 


116 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)          
City of Aurora, Aurora Crossroads Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2040  USD1,480   $1,390 
City of Aurora, Aurora Crossroads Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2050   2,610    2,319 
City of Aurora, Colorado International Center Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2046   6,285    5,909 
City of Aurora, Colorado Science and Technology Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018, 4.375% 12/1/2026   2,678    2,635 
City of Aurora, Colorado Science and Technology Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/2033   2,140    2,125 
City of Aurora, Painted Prairie Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.25% 12/1/2048   1,500    1,378 
City of Aurora, Southlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 3.50% 12/1/2027   500    470 
City of Aurora, Southlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2037   1,275    1,261 
City of Aurora, Southlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-2, 5.00% 12/1/2037   200    198 
City of Aurora, Southlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2047   5,255    4,952 
City and County of Broomfield, Arista Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2018-A, 4.375% 12/1/2028   1,000    966 
City and County of Broomfield, Arista Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2038   2,240    2,177 
City and County of Broomfield, Arista Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2018-A, 5.125% 12/1/2048   8,905    8,279 
City and County of Broomfield, Baseline Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2051   500    446 
City and County of Broomfield, Lambertson Farms Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.50% 12/15/2035   1,000    723 
City and County of Broomfield, Lambertson Farms Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.75% 12/15/2046   1,800    1,175 
City and County of Broomfield, Lambertson Farms Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 6.00% 12/15/2050   1,650    1,081 
City of Centennial, Southglenn Metropolitan Dist., Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.50% 12/1/2026   8,203    7,932 
Certs. of Part., Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/15/2036   1,500    1,544 
Certs. of Part., Series 2021-A, 3.00% 12/15/2037   9,065    7,942 
Certs. of Part., Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/15/2038   1,000    1,014 
Certs. of Part., Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/15/2039   1,500    1,510 
Certs. of Part., Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/15/2040   1,500    1,496 
City and County of Denver, Central Platte Valley Metropolitan Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.375% 12/1/2033 (preref. 12/1/2023)   1,750    1,761 
City and County of Denver, Dedicated Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-2, 0% 8/1/2033   2,000    1,335 
City and County of Denver, Dedicated Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-2, 0% 8/1/2034   2,000    1,272 
City and County of Denver, Dept. of Aviation, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 11/15/2033   6,500    7,014 
City and County of Denver, Dept. of Aviation, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 4.00% 11/15/2043   1,575    1,572 
City and County of Denver, Dept. of Aviation, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2048   13,515    14,113 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, National insured, 5.00% 12/1/2029   1,510    1,587 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2041   4,750    4,785 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2026   1,000    1,034 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,000    1,033 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2028   4,485    4,623 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   2,660    2,739 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2030   1,500    1,541 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2031   1,140    1,170 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2032   1,685    1,727 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2045   1,250    1,255 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 117

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)          
City and County of Denver, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/15/2044  USD5,000   $5,590 
City and County of Denver, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 2.00% 12/15/2045   1,000    629 
City of Denver, Urban Renewal Auth., Stapleton Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2024   1,045    1,046 
City of Denver, Urban Renewal Auth., Stapleton Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2025   3,500    3,503 
City of Denver, Urban Renewal Auth., Stapleton Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.25% 12/1/20391   530    535 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.901% 9/1/2039 (put 9/1/2024)3   2,315    2,308 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2004-A, National insured, 0% 9/1/2027   3,250    2,812 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2000-B, National insured, 0% 9/1/2030   14,065    10,943 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2000-B, National insured, 0% 9/1/2031   1,375    1,029 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 9/1/2035   14,760    9,333 
Educational and Cultural Facs. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Aspen View Academy Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 5/1/2041   65    57 
Educational and Cultural Facs. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Aspen View Academy Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 5/1/2051   200    162 
Educational and Cultural Facs. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Aspen View Academy Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 5/1/2061   255    197 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2023   125    126 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2025   150    156 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2026   105    111 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2027   110    119 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2029   150    168 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2030   150    168 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2031   155    173 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2032   175    195 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2033   185    205 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2034   200    222 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2035   215    237 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 12/1/2039   1,750    1,745 
Counties of Garfield and Mesa, Grand River Hospital Dist., Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2023   2,050    2,057 
City of Greenwood Village, Fiddler’s Business Improvement Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 12/1/20321   395    401 
City of Greenwood Village, Fiddler’s Business Improvement Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.55% 12/1/20471   1,495    1,510 
Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (American Baptist Homes of the Midwest Obligated Group), Series 2013, 8.00% 8/1/2043   6,300    6,304 
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2032 (preref. 6/1/2027)   3,460    3,719 
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2033 (preref. 6/1/2027)   6,910    7,427 
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2037 (preref. 6/1/2027)   2,020    2,171 
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 6/1/2045 (preref. 6/1/2025)   2,500    2,583 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (AdventHealth Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/15/2046   1,500    1,451 
118 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)          
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (AdventHealth Obligated Group), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 11/15/2049 (put 11/19/2026)  USD2,270   $2,379 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (AdventHealth Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 11/15/2051   6,500    4,909 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 11/15/2036 (put 11/15/2026)   5,700    5,972 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/15/2041   2,130    2,208 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2048   7,855    8,153 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Children’s Hospital Colorado Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033   12,000    12,042 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Parkview Medical Center, Inc. Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2045   1,000    905 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Parkview Medical Center, Inc. Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2050   2,310    2,033 
Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Housing Rev. Bonds (Liberty Heights Project), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1991-B, 0% 7/15/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   1,765    1,707 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Christian Living Neighborhoods Project), Series 2019-A-1, 4.00% 8/1/2044   1,000    929 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (CommonSpirit Health), Series 2019-A-2, 3.25% 8/1/2049   1,995    1,451 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (CommonSpirit Health), Series 2019-A-2, 4.00% 8/1/2049   2,000    1,823 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Living Communities and Services), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2040   1,500    1,325 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Living Communities and Services), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2050   5,250    4,235 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/2048   11,485    11,198 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Intermountain Healthcare), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 5/15/2052   10,735    10,227 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Senior Residences Project), Series 2012, 7.00% 6/1/20425   2,500    1,250 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Senior Residences Project), Series 2012, 7.125% 6/1/20475   2,665    1,333 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Christian Living Neighborhoods Project), Series 2019, 4.00% 1/1/2024   270    268 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Christian Living Neighborhoods Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2025   565    562 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Christian Living Neighborhoods Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2026   750    742 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2028   1,065    1,073 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   805    811 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2035   1,790    1,803 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2013-A, 5.75% 12/1/2036   3,000    3,024 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2043   1,000    990 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2032   4,000    4,494 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2036   5,750    5,878 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2037   4,000    4,058 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2038   5,800    5,834 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System), Series 2019-B, 4.00% 1/1/2040   7,785    7,772 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Wildhorse Ridge Apartments Project), Series 2022, 2.00% 2/1/2026 (put 2/1/2025)   7,150    6,962 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Wintergreen Ridge Apartments Project), Series 2023, 4.00% 5/1/2041 (put 5/1/2025)   1,745    1,748 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2017-C, Class I, 4.00% 5/1/2048   1,785    1,772 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, Class I, 4.00% 11/1/2048   6,425    6,375 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2018-C, Class I, 4.25% 11/1/2048   1,240    1,239 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-C, Class I, 4.25% 5/1/2049   7,460    7,439 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-E, Class I, 4.25% 5/1/2049   6,535    6,520 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-F, Class I, 4.25% 11/1/2049   1,130    1,127 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-H, Class III, 4.25% 11/1/2049   4,750    4,738 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-H, Class I, 3.00% 5/1/2050   6,655    6,444 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-B, Class I, 3.75% 5/1/2050   11,855    11,681 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-K, Class I, 3.875% 5/1/2050   8,115    8,018 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-E, Class I, 3.00% 11/1/2051   1,260    1,213 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-H, Class I, 3.00% 11/1/2051   3,180    3,052 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-L, Class I, 3.25% 11/1/2051   11,370    11,003 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-B, Class I, 3.25% 5/1/2052   1,910    1,848 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-E, Class I, 5.25% 11/1/2052   6,375    6,594 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2023-D, Class III, 5.75% 5/1/2053   12,000    12,752 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2023-I, Class III, 6.00% 5/1/2053   11,975    13,112 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 119

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)          
Town of Johnstown, Thompson Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, 3.50% 12/1/2029  USD1,035   $928 
Town of Johnstown, Thompson Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2049   2,500    2,228 
Public Auth. for Colorado Energy, Natural Gas Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2008, 6.25% 11/15/2028   4,000    4,284 
Public Auth. for Colorado Energy, Natural Gas Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2008, 6.50% 11/15/2038   10,500    12,665 
Regional Transportation Dist., Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 1/15/2033   500    516 
Regional Transportation Dist., Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/15/2033   1,570    1,632 
Regional Transportation Dist., Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/15/2036   700    709 
Town of Snowmass Village, Base Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.75% 12/1/2046   1,575    1,579 
Town of Superior, STC Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019-A, 3.00% 12/1/2025   560    534 
Town of Superior, STC Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2029   6,565    6,127 
Town of Superior, STC Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2038   2,000    1,871 
Town of Superior, STC Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   6,500    5,875 
Weld County School Dist. No. 6, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2045   2,705    2,706 
Weld County School Dist. No. RE-4, G.O. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 12/1/2042   2,145    2,390 
Town of Windsor, Great Western Metropolitan Dist. No. 5, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.75% 12/1/2050   4,625    4,020 
Connecticut 0.91%          
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/15/2033   585    564 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 6/15/2037   210    238 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 4.00% 1/15/2038   2,990    3,048 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Issue), Series 2023-E, 5.00% 7/15/2039   1,060    1,135 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Issue), Series 2023-E, 5.00% 7/15/2040   1,300    1,386 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Issue), Series 2023-E, 4.00% 7/15/2042   800    773 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Issue), Series 2023-E, 4.00% 7/15/2043   500    481 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Issue), Series 2023-E, 4.25% 7/15/2053   4,250    4,110 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Home, Inc.), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 12/1/2027   125    127 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Home, Inc.), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 12/1/2029   530    542 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Home, Inc.), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 12/1/2031   785    802 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Home, Inc.), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 12/1/2037   3,210    3,230 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Fairfield University Issue), Series 2022-U, 4.00% 7/1/2052   3,000    2,696 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Fairfield University Issue), Series 2020-T, 4.00% 7/1/2055   3,430    3,028 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Griffin Hospital Issue), Series 2020-G-1, 5.00% 7/1/20501   735    674 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Nuvance Health Issue), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2034   3,000    2,980 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Quinnipiac University Issue), Series 2016-M, 5.00% 7/1/2025   1,460    1,499 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Quinnipiac University Issue), Series 2016-M, 5.00% 7/1/2030   2,265    2,368 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Quinnipiac University Issue), Series 2016-M, 5.00% 7/1/2031   3,000    3,137 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Quinnipiac University Issue), Series 2016-M, 5.00% 7/1/2035   2,895    3,014 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Quinnipiac University Issue), Series 2016-M, 5.00% 7/1/2036   2,990    3,099 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Sacred Heart University Issue), Series 2022-L, 5.00% 7/1/2052   25,475    26,904 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stamford Hospital Issue), Series 2022-M, 4.00% 7/1/2035   2,545    2,522 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stamford Hospital Issue), Series 2022-M, 4.00% 7/1/2036   5,880    5,782 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stamford Hospital Issue), Series 2022-M, 4.00% 7/1/2039   3,045    2,955 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stamford Hospital Issue), Series 2022-M, 4.00% 7/1/2040   3,085    2,977 


120 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Connecticut (continued)          
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stamford Hospital Issue), Series 2022-M, 4.00% 7/1/2042  USD1,995   $1,879 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yale University Issue), Series 2010-A-3, 0.25% 7/1/2049 (put 2/9/2024)   1,915    1,878 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-D-1, 3.20% 11/15/2032   1,565    1,521 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 3.40% 11/15/2032   470    460 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 3.50% 5/15/2033   405    398 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 2.30% 11/15/2035   1,000    865 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-E-1, 3.00% 11/15/2036   4,850    4,350 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 3.65% 11/15/2037   4,175    4,018 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-E-1, 4.25% 5/15/2042   2,695    2,687 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-F-1, 3.50% 11/15/2043   4,690    4,593 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 3.25% 5/15/2044   14,820    14,375 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2045   1,160    1,156 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2045   6,630    6,578 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2045   1,650    1,637 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-E-1, 3.50% 11/15/2046   2,855    2,824 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-F-1, 4.00% 5/15/2047   2,965    2,942 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2047   880    874 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2047   1,300    1,291 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-D-1, 4.00% 11/15/2047   1,760    1,747 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-B-1, 4.00% 5/15/2049   2,845    2,824 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 3.00% 11/15/2049   2,450    2,354 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-D-1, 4.00% 11/15/2049   8,680    8,616 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2022-C-4, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.625%) 4.61% 5/15/2051 (put 11/15/2024)3   3,860    3,859 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2021-B-5, 0.45% 11/15/2051 (put 5/15/2024)   4,405    4,264 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-C-2, 3.375% 11/15/2051   1,340    1,174 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 3.50% 11/15/2051   665    648 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.25% 11/15/2053   13,000    13,723 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-E-1, 3.25% 11/15/2054   2,120    1,590 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 3.50% 11/15/2044   250    249 
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth., Priority Distribution Payment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 6.25% 2/1/20301   5,500    5,632 
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth., Priority Distribution Payment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 6.75% 2/1/20451   2,680    2,682 
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth., Priority Distribution Payment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 7.00% 2/1/20451   1,705    1,705 
Special Tax Obligation Bonds (Transportation Infrastructure Purposes), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 5/1/2035   500    571 
Special Tax Obligation Bonds (Transportation Infrastructure Purposes), Series 2021-D, 5.00% 11/1/2036   1,230    1,394 
Special Tax Obligation Bonds (Transportation Infrastructure Purposes), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/1/2040   2,000    2,186 
City of Stamford, Harbor Point Infrastructure Improvement Dist., Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harbor Point Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 4/1/20301   8,355    8,497 
City of Stamford, Harbor Point Infrastructure Improvement Dist., Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harbor Point Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 4/1/20391   10,250    10,280 
Delaware 0.12%          
Econ. Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (First State Montessori Academy, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 8/1/2029   460    449 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (First State Montessori Academy, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/1/2039   720    709 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (First State Montessori Academy, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/1/2049   1,800    1,703 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (First State Montessori Academy, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/1/2054   835    778 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Exempt Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (NRG Energy Project), Series 2020-A, 1.25% 10/1/2045 (put 10/1/2025)   760    695 
River and Bay Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 1/1/2039   4,205    4,217 
River and Bay Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 1/1/2044   5,000    4,935 
Transportation Auth., Rev. Bonds (U.S. 301 Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 6/1/2055   12,755    12,920 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 121

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
District of Columbia 1.29%          
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 5.00% 6/1/2035  USD5,000   $5,365 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 5.00% 6/1/2036   7,250    7,728 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2014-C, 5.00% 6/1/2038   1,800    1,820 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 6/1/2041   3,000    3,138 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2042   1,000    1,127 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 5.00% 6/1/2042   2,645    2,773 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2043   13,355    15,015 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/2044   2,500    2,687 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-E, 5.00% 6/1/2025   2,000    2,067 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2032   7,775    8,552 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2033   5,110    5,621 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   2,435    2,904 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2035   3,655    3,994 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2036   5,510    5,874 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2037   2,500    2,655 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (218 Vine Street Apartments Project), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2040 (put 12/1/2023)   3,200    3,183 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Kenilworth 166 Apartments Project), Series 2021, 1.25% 6/1/2025 (put 12/1/2024)   9,505    9,140 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Dev. Program Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 2.55% 3/1/2042   970    714 
Income Tax Secured Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 5/1/2045   2,000    2,175 
Metropolitan Area Transit Auth., Dedicated Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/15/2036   4,705    4,384 
Metropolitan Area Transit Auth., Dedicated Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/15/2040   12,340    10,683 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,415    1,620 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2033   2,100    2,395 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2034   2,005    2,277 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 4.00% 10/1/2035   1,720    1,789 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 4.00% 10/1/2036   2,380    2,454 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 4.00% 10/1/2039   2,020    2,052 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dulles Metrorail and Capital Improvement Projects), Series 2019-B, 4.00% 10/1/2049   3,155    2,985 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Bonds (Dulles Metrorail and Capital Improvement Projects), Series 2010-B, 6.50% 10/1/20444   2,000    2,260 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Bonds (Dulles Metrorail and Capital Improvement Projects), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 10/1/2037   41,230    21,735 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Bonds (Dulles Metrorail and Capital Improvement Projects), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-A, 0% 10/1/2037   2,000    1,034 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2009-B, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 10/1/2031   5,100    3,835 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2009-B, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 10/1/2033   6,565    4,540 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2009-B, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 10/1/2036   5,880    3,472 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2009-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 10/1/2038   27,130    14,327 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2009-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 10/1/2040   23,255    10,955 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dulles Metrorail and Capital Improvement Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2032   1,800    1,936 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dulles Metrorail and Capital Improvement Projects), Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 10/1/2053   34,470    32,450 
Rev. Bonds (Friendship Public Charter School, Inc. Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2036   2,775    2,818 
Rev. Bonds (Friendship Public Charter School, Inc. Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2041   400    402 
Rev. Bonds (Friendship Public Charter School, Inc. Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2046   1,455    1,456 
Rev. Bonds (KIPP DC Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2024   100    101 
Rev. Ref. Bonds (KIPP DC Issue), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 7/1/2048   4,385    4,392 
Washington Convention and Sports Auth., Dedicated Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2026   5,000    5,308 
Washington Convention and Sports Auth., Dedicated Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,650    1,783 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Bonds, Series 1998, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 10/1/2023   335    336 
122 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
District of Columbia (continued)          
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Bonds, Series 1998, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 10/1/2028  USD3,925   $4,244 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 10/1/2030   3,750    4,047 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 10/1/2031   3,750    4,039 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,040    1,143 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2037   9,320    9,669 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2039   7,630    7,892 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-C-1, 4.00% 10/1/2047   5,000    4,898 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 10/1/2047   1,000    1,093 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2049   12,400    13,118 
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2052   16,000    16,668 
Florida 4.29%          
County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Oak Hammock at the University of Florida, Inc. Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 10/1/2040   1,475    1,174 
County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B-1, 5.00% 12/1/2037 (put 12/1/2026)   2,000    2,071 
County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Shands HealthCare Project), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,285    1,295 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2024   160    160 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2028   1,480    1,482 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2029   420    420 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2030   435    433 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2031   460    458 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2032   480    475 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2043   850    753 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2048   5,190    4,417 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2053   6,550    5,466 
County of Brevard, Educational Facs. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (Florida Institute of Technology Project), Series 2014, 5.00% 4/1/2032   5,000    5,034 
County of Brevard, Educational Facs. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (Florida Institute of Technology Project), Series 2014, 5.00% 4/1/2039   4,835    4,868 
County of Brevard, Heritage Isle at Viera Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.20% 5/1/2032   1,095    1,090 
County of Broward, North Springs Improvement Dist., Water Management Bonds (Heron Bay Water Management Project), Series 2021-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2052   5,600    4,147 
City of Cape Coral, Utility Improvement Rev. Ref. Assessment Bonds (Various Areas), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.25% 9/1/2023   1,430    1,428 
City of Cape Coral, Utility Improvement Rev. Ref. Assessment Bonds (Various Areas), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.50% 9/1/2024   1,230    1,213 
City of Cape Coral, Utility Improvement Rev. Ref. Assessment Bonds (Various Areas), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.75% 9/1/2025   1,070    1,055 
City of Cape Coral, Utility Improvement Rev. Ref. Assessment Bonds (Various Areas), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.75% 9/1/2026   860    850 
City of Cape Coral, Utility Improvement Rev. Ref. Assessment Bonds (Various Areas), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 9/1/2027   515    511 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Imagine School at Land O’ Lakes Project), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 12/15/20291   425    387 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Imagine School at Land O’ Lakes Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/15/20491   1,255    1,134 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Odyssey Charter School), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20491   755    672 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Odyssey Charter School), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20541   390    341 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Viera Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 10/15/20291   1,105    1,050 
Capital Trust Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Educational Growth Fund, LLC Charter School Portfolio Projects), Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 7/1/20561   2,825    2,546 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,315    1,519 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2043   3,500    3,696 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 7/1/2044   32,000    34,051 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2048   1,565    1,642 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 123

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)          
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030  USD4,000   $4,196 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 4.00% 7/1/2039   5,000    4,920 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 4.00% 7/1/2040   3,000    2,929 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 4.00% 7/1/2041   2,500    2,439 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2042   1,550    1,622 
County of Collier, Ave Maria Stewardship Community Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.00% 5/1/2026   975    942 
County of Collier, Ave Maria Stewardship Community Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.125% 5/1/2027   995    957 
County of Collier, Ave Maria Stewardship Community Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.25% 5/1/2028   1,015    971 
County of Collier, Ave Maria Stewardship Community Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.375% 5/1/2029   1,040    996 
County of Collier, Ave Maria Stewardship Community Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.75% 5/1/2033   2,225    2,125 
County of Collier, Ave Maria Stewardship Community Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2038   2,925    2,628 
County of Collier, Educational Facs. Auth., Education Facs. Rev. Bonds (Hodges University, Inc. Project), Series 2013, 6.125% 11/1/2043 (preref. 11/1/2023)   1,000    1,007 
County of Collier, Health Facs. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Moorings, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 5/1/2043   10,000    10,133 
County of Collier, Health Facs. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Moorings, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 5/1/2048   1,500    1,511 
County of Collier, Health Facs. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Moorings, Inc.), Series 2022, 4.00% 5/1/2052   16,785    14,358 
County of Collier, Heritage Bay Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.75% 5/1/2025   1,145    1,126 
County of Collier, Heritage Bay Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2027   600    596 
County of Collier, Heritage Bay Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2028   755    750 
County of Collier, Heritage Bay Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.125% 5/1/2030   240    240 
Town of Davie, Educational Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nova Southeastern University Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2038   2,500    2,609 
City of Daytona Beach, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The WM at the River Project), Series 2021-B, 1.25% 12/1/2025 (put 12/1/2024)   6,385    6,125 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mater Academy Projects), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/15/2035   1,000    1,021 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mater Academy Projects), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/15/2040   1,650    1,655 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mater Academy Projects), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/15/2050   2,380    2,307 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mater Academy Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/15/2056   1,250    1,192 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (River City Science Academy Projects), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2045   700    585 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (UF Health - Jacksonville Project), Series 2013-A, 6.00% 2/1/2033 (preref. 8/1/2023)   3,150    3,150 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (UF Health - Jacksonville Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 2/1/2046   3,750    3,437 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (UF Health - Jacksonville Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 2/1/2052   7,710    5,801 
County of Escambia, Environmental Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (International Paper Co. Project), Series 2019-B, 2.00% 11/1/2033 (put 10/1/2024)   775    758 
City of Fort Lauderdale, Water and Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 4.00% 9/1/2041   7,920    7,946 
City of Gainesville, Utilities System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2032   2,000    2,170 
City of Gainesville, Utilities System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2033   2,500    2,708 
City of Gainesville, Utilities System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2036   500    535 
City of Gainesville, Utilities System Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 10/1/2046   25,865    27,969 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 10/1/2024   585    586 
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 10/1/2046   21,020    21,651 
City of Hialeah, Bonterra Community Dev. Dist., Senior Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 4.00% 5/1/2037   545    528 
City of Hialeah, Bonterra Community Dev. Dist., Senior Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 4.125% 5/1/2047   910    855 
Higher Educational Facs. Fncg. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nova Southeastern University Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2026   655    676 
124 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)          
Higher Educational Facs. Fncg. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nova Southeastern University Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2030  USD1,150   $1,191 
Higher Educational Facs. Fncg. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nova Southeastern University Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2031   1,500    1,553 
Higher Educational Facs. Fncg. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nova Southeastern University Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2033   1,300    1,345 
Higher Educational Facs. Fncg. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nova Southeastern University Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2035   4,580    4,734 
Higher Educational Facs. Fncg. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nova Southeastern University Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2036   1,380    1,422 
County of Hillsborough, Aviation Auth., Tampa International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-F, 5.00% 10/1/2043   12,500    13,243 
County of Hillsborough, Aviation Auth., Tampa International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-F, 5.00% 10/1/2048   5,170    5,432 
County of Hillsborough, Aviation Auth., Tampa International Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 10/1/2028   375    413 
County of Hillsborough, Aviation Auth., Tampa International Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 10/1/2029   500    562 
County of Hillsborough, Aviation Auth., Tampa International Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 10/1/2044 (preref. 10/1/2024)   5,000    5,103 
County of Hillsborough, Aviation Auth., Tampa International Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 4.00% 10/1/2052   23,315    22,659 
County of Hillsborough, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Tampa General Hospital Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/1/2055   8,350    7,362 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-1, 4.00% 1/1/2047   650    648 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-2, 4.00% 7/1/2047   2,365    2,354 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-1, 4.00% 7/1/2048   7,130    7,089 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-1, 4.00% 7/1/2049   1,750    1,737 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-2, 4.25% 1/1/2050   5,155    5,140 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-1, 4.00% 7/1/2050   12,545    12,433 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-2, 3.00% 7/1/2051   3,820    3,685 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-1, 3.50% 7/1/2051   795    778 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-1, 3.00% 1/1/2052   5,975    5,756 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-2, 3.00% 7/1/2052   4,700    4,510 
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-1, 5.25% 7/1/2054   27,000    28,283 
City of Jacksonville, Bartram Park Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A-1, 4.50% 5/1/2035   925    931 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 10/1/2026   500    529 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-3, 5.00% 10/1/2027   3,555    3,847 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-3, 5.00% 10/1/2028   3,040    3,282 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-3, 5.00% 10/1/2029   4,000    4,302 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-3, 5.00% 10/1/2030   4,650    5,005 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2030   5,050    5,680 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2031   3,985    4,483 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 10/1/2031   4,900    5,631 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2032   4,380    4,923 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 10/1/2032   11,830    13,570 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 10/1/2033   3,530    3,807 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 10/1/2033   6,395    7,339 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 3.375% 10/1/2034   650    637 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-3, 4.00% 10/1/2035   4,250    4,330 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2035   2,925    2,996 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-3, 4.00% 10/1/2036   7,035    7,079 
JEA, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-3, 4.00% 10/1/2037   2,000    2,000 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029   4,350    4,735 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2033   5,565    6,052 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2035   1,890    2,118 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2036   1,000    1,023 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2037   1,000    1,015 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2037   1,220    1,244 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2038   1,665    1,677 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2038   1,000    1,011 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2039   1,000    1,005 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2040   850    842 
JEA, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2040   500    501 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 125

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)          
Julington Creek Plantation, Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2023, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 5/1/2043  USD2,210   $2,448 
Julington Creek Plantation, Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2023, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.375% 5/1/2045   1,000    991 
Julington Creek Plantation, Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2023, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.625% 5/1/2054   5,000    5,001 
City of Lakeland, Energy System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2034   2,085    2,170 
City of Lakeland, Energy System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2036   1,355    1,405 
County of Lee, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2033   3,340    3,451 
County of Lee, Transportation Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2025   2,000    2,027 
County of Lee, Transportation Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2026   1,250    1,267 
County of Lee, Transportation Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,250    1,267 
County of Lee, Transportation Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,000    1,011 
County of Lee, Transportation Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2034   1,000    1,011 
County of Lee, Transportation Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2035   1,000    1,011 
Lee Memorial Health System, Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 4.00% 4/1/2037   1,500    1,494 
Counties of Manatee and Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch Stewardship Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Lakewood Centre North), Series 2015, 4.875% 5/1/2035   1,295    1,297 
County of Manatee, Heritage Harbour North Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2024   645    651 
County of Manatee, Heritage Harbour North Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2025   380    390 
County of Manatee, Heritage Harbour North Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2026   815    850 
County of Manatee, University Park Recreation Dist., Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 3.00% 5/1/2031   655    648 
County of Manatee, University Park Recreation Dist., Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 3.00% 5/1/2034   1,060    1,001 
County of Martin, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Martin Memorial Medical Center), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2045 (preref. 11/15/2024)   5,000    5,095 
City of Miami, Midtown Miami Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Parking Garage Project), Series 2014-A, 4.25% 5/1/2024   770    770 
City of Miami, Midtown Miami Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Parking Garage Project), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 5/1/2029   985    985 
County of Miami-Dade, Aviation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2032   1,000    1,129 
County of Miami-Dade, Aviation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2035   1,850    1,934 
County of Miami-Dade, Aviation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2040   5,055    4,978 
County of Miami-Dade, Aviation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2041   1,500    1,467 
County of Miami-Dade, Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Miami Issue), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 4/1/2045   10,000    10,139 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,415    1,429 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2039   6,485    6,491 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 7/1/2040   3,050    3,066 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 7/1/2024   1,500    1,508 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025   4,140    4,197 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   4,335    4,371 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 7/1/2027   3,000    3,030 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028   3,180    3,300 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   7,200    7,472 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 7/1/2030   2,000    2,018 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   2,385    2,474 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 7/1/2031   2,560    2,583 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   3,300    3,422 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,000    1,032 
County of Miami-Dade, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/1/2046   1,500    1,367 
126 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)          
County of Miami-Dade, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/1/2051  USD4,085   $3,613 
County of Miami-Dade, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Council Towers Seniors Apartment Homes Project), Series 2023, 5.00% 2/1/2024   1,685    1,692 
County of Miami-Dade, Vizcaya in Kendall Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2016, 3.75% 11/1/2031   300    285 
County of Miami-Dade, Vizcaya in Kendall Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 11/1/2036   560    528 
County of Miami-Dade, Vizcaya in Kendall Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2016, 4.125% 11/1/2046   1,240    1,103 
County of Miami-Dade, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2042   1,650    1,642 
County of Miami-Dade, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2044   1,000    979 
County of Miami-Dade, Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,500    1,544 
County of Miami-Dade, Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 10/1/2032   1,000    1,029 
City of Miami Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Mount Sinai Medical Center of Florida), Series 2021-B, 3.00% 11/15/2051   6,000    4,192 
City of Miami Beach, Parking Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2040   1,190    1,207 
City of Miami Beach, Parking Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2045   2,500    2,515 
City of Miami Beach, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (City Center / Historic Convention Village), Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2/1/2032   1,645    1,656 
City of Miami Beach, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (City Center / Historic Convention Village), Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2/1/2034   1,800    1,812 
City of Miami Beach, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (City Center / Historic Convention Village), Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2/1/2040   12,850    12,899 
City of Miami Beach, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (City Center / Historic Convention Village), Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2/1/2044   2,000    2,006 
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 10/1/2027   675    698 
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,715    1,765 
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029   6,000    6,293 
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2030   5,000    5,243 
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2031   3,685    3,857 
County of Okaloosa, Mid-Bay Bridge Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/1/2024   1,750    1,776 
County of Okaloosa, Mid-Bay Bridge Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/1/2035   1,000    1,012 
County of Okaloosa, Mid-Bay Bridge Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/1/2040   1,750    1,758 
County of Okaloosa, Mid-Bay Bridge Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 10/1/2040   1,900    1,902 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2014, 5.00% 8/1/2026   3,980    4,004 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/1/2028   2,250    2,278 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/1/2035   2,200    2,211 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2036   2,250    2,318 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/1/2040   3,000    3,001 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2041   6,820    7,025 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/1/2045   7,950    7,864 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2047   6,870    7,076 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Orlando Health Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2024   4,000    4,062 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Orlando Health Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   4,000    4,139 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Orlando Health Obligated Group), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 10/1/2037   1,000    1,100 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Orlando Health Obligated Group), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 10/1/2038   1,000    1,092 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 127

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)          
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Orlando Health Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2034  USD5,000   $5,250 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Orlando Health Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2036   3,000    3,126 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/1/2032   500    517 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2023-A, 4.00% 8/1/2036   5,345    4,940 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2023-A, 4.00% 8/1/2042   26,770    23,395 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2023-A, 4.00% 8/1/2047   33,335    28,151 
County of Orange, Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Stratford Point Apartments), Series 2021-B, 0.55% 1/1/2025 (put 7/1/2024)   2,890    2,781 
Orlando Utilities Commission, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 10/1/2024   1,000    1,020 
Orlando Utilities Commission, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 1.25% 10/1/2046 (put 10/1/2028)   4,000    3,440 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baptist Health South Florida Obligated Group), Series 2019, 4.00% 8/15/2049   1,000    948 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Bonds (ACTS Retirement - Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2032   4,430    4,485 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Bonds (ACTS Retirement - Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2045   1,125    1,077 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Harbour’s Edge Project), Series 2004-B, 4.00% 11/15/2034   1,200    960 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 5/15/2038   2,380    1,972 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2020-B, 4.00% 11/15/2041   250    210 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 11/15/2042   2,960    2,843 
County of Pasco, Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 9/1/2037   250    287 
County of Pasco, Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 9/1/2038   225    257 
County of Pasco, Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 9/1/2039   500    569 
County of Pasco, Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.75% 9/1/2054   3,350    3,778 
County of Pasco, Meadow Pointe II Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.875% 5/1/2024   325    322 
County of Pasco, Meadow Pointe II Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2025   350    345 
County of Pasco, Meadow Pointe II Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.125% 5/1/2026   360    357 
County of Pasco, Meadow Pointe II Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.25% 5/1/2027   370    367 
County of Pasco, Meadow Pointe II Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.40% 5/1/2028   385    384 
County of Pasco, Meadow Pointe II Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.50% 5/1/2029   385    386 
County of Pasco, Meadow Pointe II Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.875% 5/1/2033   1,710    1,705 
County of Pasco, Meadow Pointe II Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.125% 5/1/2039   1,605    1,606 
County of Pasco, Meadow Pointe IV Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 7.25% 5/1/20355   330    335 
County of Polk, Utility System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 10/1/2040   1,200    1,196 
County of Polk, Utility System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 10/1/2043   3,000    2,938 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2040   2,000    1,686 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 9/1/2050   5,000    4,630 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2039   1,590    1,562 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2044   2,980    2,838 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2051   2,720    2,061 
City of Port St. Lucie, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2030   1,750    1,784 
128 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)          
City of Port St. Lucie, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2031  USD2,000   $2,040 
City of Port St. Lucie, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2032   1,000    1,019 
City of Port St. Lucie, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2033   2,900    2,955 
City of St. Cloud, Gramercy Farms Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007-B, 5.10% 5/1/20145   10,125    2 
City of St. Cloud, Gramercy Farms Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2011, 0% 5/1/20396   18,920    2,123 
City of St. Cloud, Stevens Plantation Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2003-B, 6.375% 5/1/20135   1,726    1,191 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.625% 5/1/2024   410    405 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.75% 5/1/2025   1,085    1,061 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.75% 5/1/2025   420    411 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.10% 5/1/2026   1,030    973 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.125% 5/1/2026   2,390    2,260 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2026   840    834 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2026   430    427 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.25% 5/1/2027   2,445    2,296 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.25% 5/1/2027   1,055    990 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.625% 5/1/2027   1,445    1,371 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.125% 5/1/2027   1,150    1,146 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.125% 5/1/2027   445    444 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.30% 5/1/2028   1,080    1,007 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.40% 5/1/2028   2,505    2,349 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.25% 5/1/2028   1,190    1,192 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.25% 5/1/2028   460    461 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.40% 5/1/2029   1,105    1,033 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.50% 5/1/2029   2,565    2,413 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2033   5,515    5,263 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2033   2,380    2,265 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2037   6,230    5,505 
Counties of St. Johns and Duval, Tolomato Community Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2040   4,030    3,397 
County of St. Johns, Heritage Landing Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 4.35% 5/1/2036   990    980 
County of St. Johns, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/1/2055   5,185    4,247 
County of St. Johns, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Vicars Landing Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/15/2023   115    115 
County of St. Johns, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Vicars Landing Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/15/2050   475    344 
County of St. Johns, Marshall Creek Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2002, 5.00% 5/1/2032   1,520    1,514 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 129

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)          
County of St. Johns, Marshall Creek Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2016, 6.32% 5/1/2045  USD125   $124 
County of St. Johns, Sweetwater Creek Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.00% 5/1/2024   355    350 
County of St. Johns, Sweetwater Creek Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.125% 5/1/2026   370    348 
County of St. Johns, Sweetwater Creek Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.375% 5/1/2028   385    357 
County of St. Johns, Sweetwater Creek Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.875% 5/1/2033   975    884 
County of St. Johns, Sweetwater Creek Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 5/1/2038   980    823 
County of Sarasota, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Improvement Bonds (Sunnyside Village Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2048   1,000    895 
South Broward Hospital Dist., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (South Broward Hospital Dist. Obligated Group), Series 2016, 3.00% 5/1/2035   675    595 
City of South Miami, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist Health South Florida Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2042   3,000    3,088 
City of South Miami, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist Health South Florida Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2047   11,920    12,228 
Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A-1, 5.00% 3/1/20301   1,250    1,258 
County of Sumter, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Central Florida Health Alliance Projects), Series 2014-B, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,000    1,011 
County of Sumter, Village Community Dev. Dist. No. 6, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 4.00% 5/1/2024   340    340 
County of Sumter, Village Community Dev. Dist. No. 6, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 4.00% 5/1/2025   275    277 
County of Sumter, Village Community Dev. Dist. No. 6, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 4.00% 5/1/2026   305    310 
County of Sumter, Village Community Dev. Dist. No. 6, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 4.00% 5/1/2027   295    302 
County of Sumter, Village Community Dev. Dist. No. 6, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 4.00% 5/1/2028   300    311 
County of Sumter, Village Community Dev. Dist. No. 6, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 4.00% 5/1/2029   305    316 
City of Tallahassee, Energy System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2034   2,000    2,059 
City of Tallahassee, Energy System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2035   2,000    2,063 
City of Tallahassee, Energy System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2037   4,525    4,655 
City of Tallahassee, Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, Inc. Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2040   1,050    1,050 
City of Tampa, Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2020-A, 0% 9/1/2036   830    462 
City of Tampa, Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2020-A, 0% 9/1/2038   1,000    494 
City of Tampa, Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2020-A, 0% 9/1/2041   1,000    417 
City of Tampa, Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2020-A, 0% 9/1/2045   1,850    616 
City of Tampa, Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2020-A, 0% 9/1/2053   5,050    1,062 
City of Tampa, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Tampa Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 4/1/2033   1,000    1,022 
City of Tampa, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Tampa Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 4/1/2035   2,000    2,041 
City of Tampa, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Tampa Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 4/1/2040   4,555    4,616 
City of Tampa, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Tampa Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 4/1/2045   1,500    1,515 
City of Tampa, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Tampa Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 4/1/2050   16,090    14,688 
Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2047   5,150    5,307 
Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 4.00% 7/1/2042   41,550    40,825 
County of Volusia, Educational Facs. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Stetson University, Inc. Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 6/1/2045   2,500    2,533 
County of Volusia, Educational Facs. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Inc. Project), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 10/15/2045   4,000    4,116 
City of Wildwood, Village Community Dev. Dist. No. 12, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.875% 5/1/2047   5,115    4,233 
City of Wildwood, Village Community Dev. Dist. No. 13, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 3.70% 5/1/2050   9,285    7,362 
130 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)          
City of Winter Garden, Winter Garden Village at Fowler Groves Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.00% 5/1/2024  USD380   $377 
City of Winter Garden, Winter Garden Village at Fowler Groves Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.75% 5/1/2031   3,400    3,165 
City of Winter Garden, Winter Garden Village at Fowler Groves Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.125% 5/1/2037   930    860 
Georgia 2.20%          
County of Appling, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Scherer Project), Series 2013-A, 1.50% 1/1/2038 (put 2/3/2025)   1,500    1,422 
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2044   1,160    1,239 
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2047   3,000    3,274 
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   4,225    4,458 
City of Atlanta, Airport Passenger Fac. Charge and General Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 5.00% 7/1/2038   10,000    10,864 
City of Atlanta, Airport Passenger Fac. Charge and General Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 5.00% 7/1/2039   29,030    31,359 
City of Atlanta, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia State University Research Foundation - Science Park, LLC Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   500    529 
City of Atlanta, Dev. Auth., Student Housing Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Piedmont/Ellis, LLC University Commons Project), Series 2013, 5.00% 9/1/2027 (preref. 9/1/2023)   3,500    3,504 
City of Atlanta, Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Atlantic Station Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2024   1,650    1,683 
City of Atlanta, Urban Redev. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Atlanta Beltline Trail Completion Project), Series 2021, 2.375% 7/1/20261   650    622 
City of Atlanta, Urban Redev. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Atlanta Beltline Trail Completion Project), Series 2021, 2.875% 7/1/20311   600    537 
City of Atlanta, Urban Redev. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Atlanta Beltline Trail Completion Project), Series 2021, 3.625% 7/1/20421   1,210    1,029 
City of Atlanta, Urban Redev. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Atlanta Beltline Trail Completion Project), Series 2021, 3.875% 7/1/20511   2,470    2,035 
City of Atlanta, Urban Residential Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Intrada Westside), Series 2021-B, 0.41% 3/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   2,000    1,993 
City of Atlanta, Urban Residential Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sylvan Hills Senior Apartments Project), Series 2020, 0.41% 12/1/2025 (put 12/1/2023)   6,500    6,405 
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 11/1/2034   1,960    2,019 
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 11/1/2035   1,910    1,958 
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 11/1/2036   1,000    1,019 
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 11/1/2038   5,250    5,298 
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2001-A, National insured, 5.50% 11/1/2027   5,450    5,672 
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 11/1/2032   3,925    4,053 
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 11/1/2033   1,000    1,049 
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 11/1/2034   2,000    2,091 
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 11/1/2035   1,750    1,817 
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 11/1/2040   17,280    17,687 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/15/2024   280    284 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/15/2025   215    221 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/15/2026   450    471 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/15/2027   155    165 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/15/2028   190    207 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/15/2029   165    183 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/15/2034   1,000    1,123 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/15/2035   1,000    1,116 
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 4.00% 6/15/2036   1,000    1,007 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 131

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Georgia (continued)          
County of Baldwin and City of Milledgeville, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University Projects), Series 2021, 4.00% 6/15/2037  USD1,500   $1,493 
Counties of Bleckley and Dodge, Joint Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (USG Real Estate Foundation VII, LLC Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,410    1,513 
Counties of Bleckley and Dodge, Joint Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (USG Real Estate Foundation VII, LLC Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2035   1,580    1,688 
Counties of Bleckley and Dodge, Joint Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (USG Real Estate Foundation VII, LLC Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,230    1,301 
Counties of Bleckley and Dodge, Joint Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (USG Real Estate Foundation VII, LLC Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2037   1,075    1,128 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Georgia Power Co. Plant Vogtle Project), Series 1995-5, 2.20% 10/1/2032   1,065    853 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Georgia Power Co. Plant Vogtle Project), Series 2013, 2.925% 11/1/2053 (put 3/12/2024)   12,420    12,282 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Georgia Transmission Corp. Vogtle Project), Series 2012, 2.75% 1/1/2052   32,525    21,463 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Vogtle Project), Series 2013-A, 1.50% 1/1/2040 (put 2/3/2025)   9,515    9,019 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Vogtle Project), Series 2017-C, 4.125% 11/1/2045   5,000    4,508 
County of Cobb, Dev. Auth., Parking and Dining Hall Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kennesaw State University Real Estate Foundations Projects), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/15/2030   500    540 
County of Cobb, Dev. Auth., Parking and Dining Hall Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kennesaw State University Real Estate Foundations Projects), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/15/2033   1,370    1,474 
County of Cobb, Kennestone Hospital Auth., Rev. Anticipation Certs. (Wellstar Health System, Inc. Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 4/1/2052   9,280    8,554 
City of Dahlonega, Downtown Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (North Georgia Mac, LLC Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,500    1,580 
City of Dalton, Combined Utilities Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 3/1/2030   1,000    1,099 
City of Dalton, Combined Utilities Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 3/1/2031   1,000    1,100 
City of Dalton, Combined Utilities Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 3/1/2032   1,000    1,100 
City of Dalton, Combined Utilities Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2036   1,000    999 
City of Dalton, Combined Utilities Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2038   1,000    990 
City of Dalton, Combined Utilities Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2039   1,000    983 
City of Dalton, Combined Utilities Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2040   1,000    979 
City of Dalton, Combined Utilities Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2041   1,000    975 
County of Fayette, Hospital Auth., Rev. Anticipation Certs. (Piedmont Healthcare, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2054 (put 7/1/2024)   4,140    4,161 
County of Fulton, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Jonesboro Road Senior Village), Series 2022-B, 3.00% 10/1/2025 (put 10/1/2024)   3,025    2,995 
Hospital Auth. of Hall County and City of Gainesville, Rev. Anticipation Certs. (Northeast Georgia Health System, Inc. Project), Series 2014-A, 5.25% 8/15/2049 (preref. 2/15/2025)   7,150    7,367 
County of Gwinnett, Dev. Auth., Certs. of Part. (Gwinnett County Public Schools Project), Series 2006, National insured, 5.25% 1/1/2024   2,500    2,521 
County of Gwinnett, Dev. Auth., Certs. of Part. (Gwinnett County Public Schools Project), Series 2006, National insured, 5.25% 1/1/2025   2,500    2,574 
County of Gwinnett, Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Georgia Gwinnett College Student Housing Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,000    1,068 
County of Gwinnett, Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Georgia Gwinnett College Student Housing Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,500    1,590 
County of Gwinnett, Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Georgia Gwinnett College Student Housing Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2036   5,405    5,667 
Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (USG Real Estate Foundation I, LLC Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 6/15/2030   2,250    2,304 
Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (USG Real Estate Foundation III, LLC Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 6/15/2028   1,800    1,958 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2015-A-1, 3.50% 6/1/2045   195    194 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 3.50% 12/1/2046   450    445 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/1/2050   2,135    2,117 
County of Houston, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Houston Hospital, Inc.), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 10/1/2031 (preref. 4/1/2024)4   1,120    1,128 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 5/15/2043   1,140    1,141 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 4/1/2048 (put 9/1/2023)   16,000    16,007 
132 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Georgia (continued)          
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.75%) 4.237% 4/1/2048 (put 9/1/2023)2,3  USD4,500   $4,501 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 4.00% 8/1/2048 (put 12/1/2023)   8,000    8,009 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-D, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.83%) 4.317% 8/1/2048 (put 12/1/2023)2,3   2,000    2,001 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 5/15/2049   3,250    3,283 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 4.00% 5/1/2052 (put 12/1/2028)   4,305    4,252 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 9/1/2052 (put 12/1/2029)   10,000    9,831 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/1/2053 (put 6/1/2030)   11,560    11,964 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 7/1/2053 (put 3/1/2030)   39,600    41,542 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 9/1/2053 (put 12/1/2029)   32,550    34,236 
County of Monroe, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Georgia Power Co. Plant Scherer Project), Series 2009-1, 1.00% 7/1/2049 (put 8/1/2026)   2,000    1,776 
County of Monroe, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Scherer Project), Series 2013-A, 1.50% 1/1/2039 (put 2/3/2025)   5,215    4,943 
Municipal Electric Auth., General Resolution Projects Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   1,500    1,683 
Municipal Electric Auth., General Resolution Projects Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,250    1,395 
Municipal Electric Auth., General Resolution Projects Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2036   875    968 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project J Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   8,250    8,738 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project J Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 1/1/2040   720    712 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project J Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 1/1/2051   2,345    2,136 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project J Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2056   8,750    8,913 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project J Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.50% 7/1/2060   11,250    11,382 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project J Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2062   4,500    4,662 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2026   400    413 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 1/1/2040   800    791 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2056   5,000    5,054 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project M Bonds, Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2062   2,000    2,072 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 1/1/2046   1,320    1,167 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2063   800    802 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2032   1,450    1,564 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   1,200    1,290 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   13,635    15,301 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,855    1,986 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2037   2,240    2,362 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2038   2,000    2,138 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2039   1,215    1,262 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2044   8,460    8,649 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2046   6,710    6,957 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2049   4,000    3,682 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 1/1/2051   7,000    6,386 
County of Paulding, Hospital Auth., Rev. Anticipation Certs. (Wellstar Health System, Inc.), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 4/1/2041   1,000    974 
Private Colleges and Universities Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Savannah College of Art and Design Projects), Series 2014, 5.00% 4/1/2026 (preref. 4/1/2024)   4,500    4,553 
Private Colleges and Universities Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Savannah College of Art and Design Projects), Series 2014, 5.00% 4/1/2029 (preref. 4/1/2024)   1,250    1,265 
Private Colleges and Universities Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Savannah College of Art and Design Projects), Series 2014, 5.00% 4/1/2033 (preref. 4/1/2024)   1,000    1,012 
Private Colleges and Universities Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Savannah College of Art and Design Projects), Series 2021, 4.00% 4/1/2044   3,500    3,380 
Private Colleges and Universities Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Savannah College of Art and Design Projects), Series 2014, 5.00% 4/1/2044 (preref. 4/1/2024)   2,655    2,686 
County of Richmond, Hospital Auth., Rev. Anticipation Certs. (University Health Services, Inc. Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,135    1,182 
South Regional Joint Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Valdosta State University Parking and Student Service Center Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/1/2038   2,500    2,572 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 133

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Georgia (continued)          
County of Spalding, Griffin-Spalding County Hospital Auth., Rev. Anticipation Certs. (Wellstar Health System, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, 3.75% 4/1/2047  USD1,335   $1,125 
City of Valdosta, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (TISHCO Rural Rental Housing Portfolio Project), Series 2022, 1.25% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   1,155    1,138 
City of Villa Rica, Downtown Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Arbours at Villa Rica Project), Series 2022, 1.25% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2024)   8,900    8,638 
Guam 0.15%          
Business Privilege Tax Bonds, Series 2015-D, 5.00% 11/15/2039   5,110    5,089 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 5.00% 1/1/2028   665    688 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-D, 5.00% 11/15/2028   3,000    3,051 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 5.00% 1/1/2029   1,000    1,042 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-D, 5.00% 11/15/2031   1,000    1,016 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 4.00% 1/1/2036   5,000    4,797 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 4.00% 1/1/2042   5,820    5,164 
Limited Obligation Bonds (Section 30), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2031   1,000    1,029 
Limited Obligation Bonds (Section 30), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033   1,400    1,437 
Limited Obligation Bonds (Section 30), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2046   1,000    971 
Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Section 30), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2027   2,615    2,700 
Port Auth., Port Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2048   3,245    3,309 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2024   745    753 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2028   400    406 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2039   500    510 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2044   750    764 
Power Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2035   1,885    1,957 
Hawaii 0.51%          
Airports System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 7/1/2030   4,960    5,639 
Airports System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 5.00% 7/1/2050   10,295    10,953 
Airports System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-D, 4.00% 7/1/2036   3,770    3,878 
Dept. of Budget and Fin., Special Purpose Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hawaiian Electric Co., Inc.), Series 2019, 3.20% 7/1/2039   10,000    8,682 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-FT, 5.00% 1/1/2031   7,510    8,193 
Harbor System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 4.00% 7/1/2037   600    610 
Harbor System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 4.00% 7/1/2038   875    886 
Harbor System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 4.00% 7/1/2040   425    426 
City and County of Honolulu, G.O. Bonds (Honolulu Rail Transit Project), Series 2019-E, 5.00% 9/1/2025 (put 9/1/2023)   3,500    3,504 
City and County of Honolulu, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 11/1/2029   2,750    3,109 
City and County of Honolulu, Multifamily Housing Rev. Bonds (Maunakea Tower Apartments), Series 2023, 5.00% 6/1/2027 (put 6/1/2026)   11,500    11,912 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,000    1,035 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,000    1,055 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   2,725    2,871 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2032   1,000    1,051 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   1,650    1,729 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,140    1,193 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2035   3,750    3,910 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2035   4,935    5,357 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2036   2,100    2,161 
134 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Hawaii (continued)          
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2036  USD2,500   $2,597 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2036   2,500    2,699 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2037   2,745    2,846 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2037   4,270    4,586 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2047   8,750    9,211 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2019-B, 4.00% 7/1/2035   3,500    3,637 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2019-B, 4.00% 7/1/2037   6,190    6,324 
City and County of Honolulu, Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds (First Bond Resolution), Series 2019-B, 4.00% 7/1/2038   7,000    7,100 
Idaho 0.24%          
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2042   1,115    1,157 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2047   5,750    5,918 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kootenai Health Project), Series 2014-A, 4.375% 7/1/2034   1,750    1,762 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kootenai Health Project), Series 2014-A, 4.75% 7/1/2044   5,750    5,623 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kootenai Health Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2047   13,680    13,940 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2032   315    358 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/1/2034   400    406 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/1/2041   850    807 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/1/2046   6,300    5,699 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/1/2051   4,500    3,977 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Grant and Rev. Anticipation Bonds (Federal Highway Trust Fund), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/15/2038   2,065    2,044 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Grant and Rev. Anticipation Bonds (Federal Highway Trust Fund), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/15/2039   2,000    1,967 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation Fund), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/15/2036   1,000    1,165 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation Fund), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2037   835    948 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation Fund), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2047   5,000    5,437 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2050   2,710    2,686 
Illinois 10.89%          
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 6/15/2026   5,000    5,006 
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 6/15/2033   3,500    3,673 
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 6/15/2025   2,135    2,192 
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 6/15/2026   1,010    1,050 
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 4.00% 6/15/2027   5,500    5,564 
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 5.00% 6/15/2027   1,000    1,055 
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 6/15/2029   3,500    3,620 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2032   4,775    5,026 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2035   2,060    2,143 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,510    1,558 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2038   945    962 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2039   5,500    5,578 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 135

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2015-C, 5.25% 12/1/2039  USD3,000   $3,006 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2040   1,000    1,008 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2041   925    930 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-D, 5.00% 12/1/2046   10,000    9,823 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2016-B, 6.50% 12/1/2046   1,350    1,412 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-A, 7.00% 12/1/20461   28,810    31,068 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 12/1/2023   5,750    5,767 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2023   6,000    6,018 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 5.50% 12/1/2023   905    909 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2024   4,075    4,130 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 12/1/2025   1,000    1,023 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2025   3,445    3,525 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2025   1,625    1,660 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 5.50% 12/1/2025   2,495    2,555 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 12/1/2026   2,570    2,653 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2026   2,905    2,998 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 12/1/2027   3,500    3,639 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,500    1,560 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2028   9,000    9,520 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2029   7,000    7,387 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 12/1/2030   4,000    4,100 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 5.50% 12/1/2030   3,255    3,491 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 12/1/2034   11,840    12,066 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-G, 5.00% 12/1/2034   10,000    10,191 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2012-B, 4.00% 12/1/2035   7,500    7,112 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2022-B, 4.00% 12/1/2035   2,240    2,124 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2035   4,660    4,773 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2022-B, 4.00% 12/1/2041   31,955    28,755 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2042   3,375    3,003 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-B, 7.00% 12/1/20421   13,115    14,196 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-G, 5.00% 12/1/2044   1,000    989 
136 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-H, 5.00% 12/1/2046  USD27,590   $27,102 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2047   16,215    13,890 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-A, 0% 12/1/2025   8,240    7,468 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-B-1, National insured, 0% 12/1/2028   6,720    5,407 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2036   3,500    3,617 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2037   4,215    4,343 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2041   12,000    12,242 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2046   5,445    5,533 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 1/1/2026   1,010    1,015 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 1/1/2034   5,000    5,025 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-B, 5.25% 1/1/2034   3,000    3,004 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 1/1/2035   7,230    7,266 
City of Chicago, G.O Bonds (City Colleges of Chicago Capital Improvement Project), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999, National insured, 0% 1/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   15,500    14,304 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   15,000    16,240 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20381   17,112    16,310 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds (Chicago Works), Series 2023-A, 5.50% 1/1/2041   1,000    1,070 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds (Chicago Works), Series 2023-A, 5.50% 1/1/2043   2,700    2,874 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds (Neighborhoods Alive 21 Program), Series 2002-B, 5.00% 1/1/2024   1,285    1,291 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2008-C, 0% 1/1/2027   3,000    2,688 
City of Chicago, G.O. Project and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.625% 1/1/2031   5,430    5,783 
City of Chicago, G.O. Project and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2008-C, 0% 1/1/2031   210    154 
City of Chicago, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 1/1/2025   4,250    4,323 
City of Chicago, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2025   3,000    3,052 
City of Chicago, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2026   5,000    5,161 
City of Chicago, Housing Auth. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2032   2,000    2,149 
City of Chicago, Housing Auth. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2036   1,250    1,334 
City of Chicago, Housing Auth. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2038   6,150    6,471 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, Customer Fac. Charge Rev. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.25% 1/1/2024   1,000    1,001 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, Customer Fac. Charge Rev. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.50% 1/1/2027   2,000    2,003 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, Customer Fac. Charge Rev. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.75% 1/1/2038   4,000    4,025 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 5.25% 1/1/2032   1,000    1,070 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 5.00% 1/1/2052   5,000    5,109 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 1/1/2053   20,825    21,726 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 4.50% 1/1/2056   6,000    6,030 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 1/1/2024   6,725    6,769 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 1/1/2031   5,260    5,328 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 1/1/2032   3,000    3,039 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 5.00% 1/1/2032   500    520 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 5.00% 1/1/2033   1,250    1,300 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 5.00% 1/1/2034   1,000    1,039 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,750    1,818 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-D, 4.00% 1/1/2044   3,975    3,883 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-D, 5.00% 1/1/2046   1,500    1,507 
City of Chicago, Public Building Commission, Building Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chicago Transit Auth.), Series 2006, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 3/1/2025   1,000    1,024 
City of Chicago, Public Building Commission, Building Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chicago Transit Auth.), Series 2006, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 3/1/2026   4,175    4,350 
City of Chicago, Public Building Commission, Building Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chicago Transit Auth.), Series 2006, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 3/1/2027   1,000    1,062 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 12/1/2042   7,890    7,774 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Series 2016-A, 7.00% 12/1/2044   24,995    26,202 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 12/1/2023   2,710    2,673 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 12/1/2025   1,030    936 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 137

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-A, 0% 12/1/2026  USD3,700   $3,220 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 12/1/2029   5,305    4,085 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-B-1, National insured, 0% 12/1/2031   5,745    4,042 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 12/1/2031   4,000    2,814 
City of Chicago, Special Assessment Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeshore East Project), Series 2022, 1.99% 12/1/20231   452    448 
City of Chicago, Special Assessment Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeshore East Project), Series 2022, 2.27% 12/1/20241   513    500 
City of Chicago, Special Assessment Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeshore East Project), Series 2022, 2.53% 12/1/20251   556    537 
City of Chicago, Special Assessment Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeshore East Project), Series 2022, 2.69% 12/1/20261   542    517 
City of Chicago, Special Assessment Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeshore East Project), Series 2022, 2.87% 12/1/20271   683    644 
City of Chicago, Special Assessment Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeshore East Project), Series 2022, 3.04% 12/1/20281   732    684 
City of Chicago, Special Assessment Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeshore East Project), Series 2022, 3.20% 12/1/20291   896    830 
City of Chicago, Special Assessment Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeshore East Project), Series 2022, 3.29% 12/1/20301   938    866 
City of Chicago, Special Assessment Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeshore East Project), Series 2022, 3.38% 12/1/20311   1,007    924 
City of Chicago, Special Assessment Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeshore East Project), Series 2022, 3.45% 12/1/20321   839    767 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Capital Grant Receipts Rev. Ref. Bonds (Federal Transit Administration Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Funds), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/1/2028   2,900    3,111 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Capital Grant Receipts Rev. Ref. Bonds (Federal Transit Administration Section 5337 State of Good Repair Formula Funds), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2025   1,085    1,110 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2046   13,000    13,299 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2049   7,645    7,066 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 12/1/2049   20,925    21,192 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2051   30,750    31,389 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2051   11,500    11,894 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2055   2,000    1,805 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2057   31,855    33,106 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 1/1/2048   2,135    2,320 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Project Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 1/1/2025   1,090    1,096 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 1/1/2025   3,705    3,769 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 1/1/2025   795    814 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 1/1/2026   2,460    2,511 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 1/1/2027 (preref. 1/1/2025)   1,765    1,807 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 1/1/2027   155    158 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,000    1,017 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2001, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 1/1/2030   785    864 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 1/1/2031   2,500    2,540 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 1/1/2031   5,000    5,199 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 1/1/2032   3,000    3,048 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 1/1/2032   7,600    7,895 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 1/1/2033   2,000    2,036 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 1/1/2034   9,000    9,342 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2034   4,975    5,680 
138 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 1/1/2035  USD1,250   $1,269 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2035   3,350    3,804 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2036   1,500    1,687 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2037   1,250    1,392 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 1/1/2038   3,915    4,005 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2038   1,570    1,731 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 1/1/2039   1,000    1,009 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2039   2,500    2,742 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2047   21,165    21,466 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 1/1/2053   5,000    5,422 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-A, National insured, 0% 1/1/2025   210    199 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-A, National insured, 0% 1/1/2026   20    18 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-A, National insured, 0% 1/1/2027   1,760    1,549 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-A, National insured, 0% 1/1/2028   4,245    3,600 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, 5.00% 11/1/2023   2,150    2,156 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, 5.00% 11/1/2025   10,875    11,224 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/1/2025   1,925    1,952 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 11/1/2025   1,000    1,032 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2025   620    644 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, 5.00% 11/1/2026   2,125    2,229 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2000, 5.00% 11/1/2028   2,775    2,899 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2000, 5.00% 11/1/2029   5,000    5,215 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2000, 5.00% 11/1/2030   3,785    3,962 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/1/2030   4,750    4,833 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 11/1/2030   3,100    3,237 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/1/2031   5,135    5,225 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2012, 4.00% 11/1/2037   1,625    1,622 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-2, 5.00% 11/1/2023   650    652 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 11/1/2028   4,000    4,275 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/1/2029   1,110    1,129 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2031   2,000    2,127 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2035   2,295    2,422 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2035   680    764 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 11/1/2036   1,200    1,262 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2036   3,500    3,680 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2036   1,000    1,114 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2037   2,895    3,031 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2037   1,000    1,107 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2038   2,750    3,020 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/1/2039   7,500    7,577 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2039   5,750    6,297 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/1/2044   3,000    3,023 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2004-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 6/1/2025   4,300    4,453 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025   13,500    13,896 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2004-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 6/1/2026   4,300    4,580 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2000-A, National insured, 6.50% 7/1/2026   15,705    16,691 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2004-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 6/1/2027   11,700    12,862 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 139

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2004-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.75% 6/1/2029  USD15,000   $17,053 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2001-A, National insured, 6.00% 7/1/2031   8,785    10,338 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2003-B, FGIC-National insured, 5.75% 6/1/2033   9,630    11,434 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2003-A, FGIC-National insured, 6.00% 7/1/2033   17,820    21,789 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2004-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.75% 6/1/2034   19,960    24,146 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1999, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 6.00% 6/1/2025   5,650    5,785 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   10,000    10,485 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027   5,000    5,346 
County of Cook, Community College Dist. No. 508 (City Colleges of Chicago), Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.25% 12/1/2043   5,150    5,153 
County of Cook, Community College Dist. No. 508 (City Colleges of Chicago), Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2017, BAM insured, 5.00% 12/1/2047   9,635    9,970 
County of Cook, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2027   6,830    7,173 
County of Cook, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2030   1,350    1,417 
County of Cook, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2031   4,750    4,984 
County of Cook, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/2031   1,500    1,666 
County of Cook, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/2032   1,600    1,775 
County of Cook, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/2033   2,000    2,217 
County of Cook, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 11/15/2034   1,000    1,024 
County of Cook, Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 11/15/2032   7,645    8,195 
County of Cook, Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 11/15/2033   5,000    5,342 
County of Cook, Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.25% 11/15/2045   5,000    5,371 
Fin. Auth., Academic Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - UIUC Properties, LLC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2032   580    630 
Fin. Auth., Academic Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - UIUC Properties, LLC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2037   780    819 
Fin. Auth., Academic Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - UIUC Properties, LLC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2038   760    794 
Fin. Auth., Academic Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - UIUC Properties, LLC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2044   3,250    3,349 
Fin. Auth., Academic Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - UIUC Properties, LLC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2049   6,455    6,617 
Fin. Auth., Academic Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - UIUC Properties, LLC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2051   1,000    1,023 
Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Ref. and Improvement Rev. Bonds (Chicago International Charter School Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2037   1,000    1,011 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Advocate Health Care Network), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 5/1/2027 (preref. 5/1/2025)   765    786 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Advocate Health Care Network), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 5/1/2027   225    232 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Advocate Health Care Network), Series 2008-A-3, 5.00% 11/1/2030   3,325    3,479 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Art Institute of Chicago), Series 2016, 5.00% 3/1/2030   2,500    2,600 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Art Institute of Chicago), Series 2016, 4.00% 3/1/2038   3,850    3,782 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/2026   4,875    5,101 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2016, 4.00% 7/1/2026   5,300    5,420 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2027   5,000    5,225 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2028   6,410    6,700 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2029   7,065    7,389 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/2029   4,000    4,278 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2029   2,700    2,822 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2029   2,000    2,141 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2030   6,200    6,473 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/2030   7,420    7,948 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2030   3,500    3,750 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2031   3,580    3,729 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2031   6,080    6,516 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2032   5,005    5,362 
140 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2033  USD5,000   $5,355 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2034   5,000    5,345 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2035   8,180    8,713 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2036   700    743 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2030   1,000    1,053 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2032   1,000    1,050 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,150    1,206 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2034   1,310    1,372 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2036   1,000    1,039 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2041   1,000    1,029 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2029 (preref. 1/1/2027)   3,000    3,196 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030 (preref. 1/1/2027)   5,100    5,433 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033 (preref. 1/1/2027)   9,000    9,588 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034 (preref. 1/1/2027)   3,000    3,196 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035 (preref. 1/1/2027)   5,000    5,326 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2036 (preref. 1/1/2027)   3,750    3,995 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Friendship Village Schaumburg), Series 2017, 5.125% 2/15/20455   2,225    890 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 5/15/2035   1,350    1,175 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health Corp.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2026   3,000    3,120 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health Corp.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2027   2,990    3,108 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health Corp.), Series 2016, 4.00% 12/1/2035   2,000    2,004 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health Corp.), Series 2016, 4.00% 12/1/2036   2,420    2,407 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health Corp.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2040   5,000    5,066 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health Corp.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2046   9,410    9,456 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northshore - Edward-Elmhurst Health Credit Group), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2047   11,000    11,643 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northshore - Edward-Elmhurst Health Credit Group), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2051   9,865    10,376 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northshore University HealthSystem), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/15/2036   3,000    2,971 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northshore University HealthSystem), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/15/2037   3,000    2,983 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northshore University HealthSystem), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/15/2039   6,000    5,898 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northshore University HealthSystem), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/15/2040   3,000    2,940 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northshore University Healthsystem), Series 2020-A, 3.25% 8/15/2049   13,040    10,082 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northwest Community Hospital), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   3,080    3,251 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northwest Community Hospital), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2032 (preref. 7/1/2026)   3,290    3,473 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northwest Community Hospital), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033 (preref. 7/1/2026)   1,425    1,504 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northwest Community Hospital), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034 (preref. 7/1/2026)   3,240    3,420 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northwest Community Hospital), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 7/1/2037 (preref. 7/1/2026)   8,020    8,244 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northwestern Memorial Healthcare), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/15/2042   7,000    7,263 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northwestern Memorial Healthcare), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 7/15/2047   8,485    8,101 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2028   2,450    2,548 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2016, 3.25% 5/15/2039   5,330    4,411 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 5/15/2050   5,000    3,523 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/1/2025   2,345    2,368 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2027   4,015    4,096 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2028   3,250    3,319 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 5/1/2030   905    893 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2030   1,400    1,433 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2031   1,750    1,789 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 5/1/2040   325    290 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.70%) 4.68% 5/1/2042 (put 5/1/2026)3   400    390 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021, 4.00% 5/1/2045   4,200    3,571 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 5/1/2050   4,645    3,784 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 2/15/2030   7,615    8,078 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 2/15/2031   3,000    3,181 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 2/15/2033   2,500    2,644 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 2/15/2034   1,895    1,999 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 4.00% 2/15/2041   8,000    7,781 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 4.00% 2/15/2041 (preref. 2/15/2027)   730    753 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 4.00% 2/15/2041 (preref. 2/15/2027)   5    5 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2030   5,000    5,125 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2034   2,500    2,551 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 11/15/2034   2,595    2,648 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2038   5,325    5,386 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 141

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Carle Foundation), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2038  USD4,320   $4,189 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Carle Foundation), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/15/2045   18,725    19,045 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Carle Foundation), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 8/15/2048   20,450    15,195 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Carle Foundation), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2048   5,840    5,316 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Carle Foundation), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 8/15/2053 (put 8/15/2031)   3,395    3,739 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago Medical Center), Series 2016-B, 4.00% 8/15/2041   2,000    1,949 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Green Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2036   7,000    7,706 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Green Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2036   2,000    2,250 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Green Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2037   12,000    12,270 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Green Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2038   2,500    2,530 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Green Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2039   2,500    2,518 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Green Bonds (Clean Water Initiative Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2040   6,500    6,502 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Advocate Health Care Network), Series 2014, 5.00% 8/1/2033 (preref. 8/1/2024)   8,500    8,636 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Anne & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2034   1,000    1,058 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Anne & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2035   5,400    5,683 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Benedictine University), Series 2021, 5.00% 10/1/2024   700    700 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Benedictine University), Series 2021, 5.00% 10/1/2026   585    586 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Benedictine University), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,095    1,101 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Benedictine University), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2038   1,000    974 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2013, 5.00% 10/1/2024   600    601 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2030   1,000    1,053 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2035   1,000    1,043 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 10/1/2040   7,500    7,216 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northwestern Memorial Healthcare), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/15/2034   3,000    3,342 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northwestern Memorial Healthcare), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/15/2038   3,605    3,621 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northwestern Memorial Healthcare), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/15/2039   4,505    4,512 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northwestern Memorial Healthcare), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/15/2040   8,915    7,594 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2031   2,500    2,577 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2032   3,500    3,607 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2034   2,600    2,667 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2045   5,440    5,477 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/15/2035   6,745    6,878 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers), Series 2015-C, 4.125% 8/15/2037   1,000    950 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/15/2044   3,635    3,638 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern Illinois Healthcare Enterprises, Inc.), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 3/1/2032   1,600    1,666 
Fin. Auth., Student Housing and Academic Fac. Rev. Bonds (CHF-Chicago, LLC - University of Illinois at Chicago Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2047   1,200    1,127 
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Cook, LLC - Northeastern Illinois University Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2035   2,235    2,055 
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Cook, LLC - Northeastern Illinois University Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2047   1,265    1,042 
Fin. Auth., Water Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Water Capital Corp. Project), Series 2019, 2.45% 10/1/2039 (put 10/1/2029)   11,000    9,906 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 5.00% 11/1/2023   3,470    3,481 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/1/2023   1,000    1,003 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2023   5,875    5,900 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-D, BAM insured, 5.00% 11/1/2024   9,070    9,227 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/1/2024   4,500    4,578 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/1/2026   3,290    3,415 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-D, BAM insured, 5.00% 11/1/2026   20,400    21,405 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20291   5,062    5,100 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 11/1/2029   3,750    3,990 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20301   8,367    8,408 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2030   7,700    7,961 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/1/2030   5,000    5,498 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20331   2,913    2,910 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2033   2,000    2,067 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 4/1/2036   3,000    3,001 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2036   7,500    7,830 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2037   7,500    7,635 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2038   6,500    6,599 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 2/1/2039   6,750    6,769 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 5/1/2039   6,000    6,025 
142 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2040  USD1,000   $1,031 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.25% 5/1/2040   2,700    2,927 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 12/1/2041   3,000    2,388 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.00% 11/1/2044   1,000    947 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 8/1/2023   1,200    1,200 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 4.00% 8/1/2025   1,360    1,360 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-D, 5.00% 7/1/2026   3,065    3,202 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/1/2027   4,000    4,207 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/1/2028   3,000    3,161 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 3.50% 8/1/2046   3,545    3,494 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 4.00% 8/1/2048   13,465    13,358 
Housing Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 2.45% 6/1/2043   588    479 
Housing Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 4/1/2051   12,000    11,528 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Marshall Field Garden Apartment Homes), Series 2015, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 1.00%) 4.98% 5/15/2050 (put 5/15/2025)3   27,800    27,844 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Ogden Commons), Series 2023, 4.00% 7/1/2043 (put 7/1/2025)   3,000    3,000 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 4/1/2046   1,705    1,696 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 4.00% 10/1/2048   4,210    4,178 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.25% 10/1/2049   4,320    4,309 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-D, 3.75% 4/1/2050   12,515    12,325 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.75% 4/1/2050   18,540    18,258 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.00% 10/1/2050   10,975    10,577 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 4/1/2051   2,255    2,171 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 10/1/2051   18,940    18,182 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-G, 6.25% 10/1/2052   11,630    12,593 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2026   2,000    2,090 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2028   735    793 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2029   1,840    1,985 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2030   930    1,005 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2030   1,390    1,502 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2032   1,000    1,082 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2034   1,000    1,081 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2036   250    268 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2038   425    451 
Village of Manhattan, Special Service Area No. 2007-5 (Lakeside Towns at Liberty Center Project), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2007, 6.125% 3/1/20405   2,300    782 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., Dedicated State Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2030   21,475    16,515 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., Dedicated State Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2030 (escrowed to maturity)   1,210    978 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., Dedicated State Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2037   5,150    2,872 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1996-A, National insured, 0% 12/15/2024   3,100    2,933 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 12/15/2025   6,650    6,061 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1994, National insured, 0% 6/15/2028   830    690 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 12/15/2029   10,000    7,882 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2031   3,010    2,230 
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The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2033  USD3,625   $2,482 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2034   15,000    9,844 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 12/15/2034   3,000    1,920 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 12/15/2035   8,435    5,111 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 6/15/2042   4,125    4,258 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 12/15/2045   1,000    1,012 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 6/15/2025   560    550 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 12/15/2027   550    563 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 12/15/2035   7,015    7,194 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 12/15/2040   5,870    5,965 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/15/2042   7,300    7,061 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/15/2045   1,400    1,430 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/15/2047   2,000    1,866 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/15/2050   9,630    8,863 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 6/15/2050   4,000    3,759 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/15/2050   5,000    5,075 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/15/2052   3,050    2,783 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/15/2057   6,605    6,669 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1996-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2025   2,825    2,624 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-B-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 6/15/2026   6,035    5,419 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 12/15/2035   760    459 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 6/15/2036   1,350    792 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 12/15/2036   2,375    1,354 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 12/15/2037   585    313 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 6/15/2038   2,540    1,323 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 12/15/2038   2,500    1,274 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-B-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 6/15/2044   20,000    7,837 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017-B, 0% 12/15/2054   29,865    6,581 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017-B, BAM insured, 0% 12/15/2054   22,000    5,075 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017-A, 0% 12/15/2056   7,160    1,423 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 12/15/2056   30,000    6,303 
Municipal Electric Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 2/1/2027   3,000    3,090 
144 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
Municipal Electric Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 2/1/2029  USD7,500   $7,719 
Municipal Electric Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 2/1/2031   10,450    10,707 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/1/2024   500    504 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/1/2025   400    408 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/1/2026   650    671 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/1/2028   625    662 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/1/2029   410    438 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/1/2030   450    484 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/1/2031   500    535 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/1/2032   1,225    1,303 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/1/2033   1,270    1,346 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/1/2034   1,560    1,654 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 10/1/2035   1,000    1,000 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 10/1/2037   1,140    1,120 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 10/1/2039   495    479 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 10/1/2041   460    433 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   14,880    15,860 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   8,370    8,917 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035   2,675    2,844 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2036   10,105    10,687 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 1/1/2036   1,295    1,387 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 1/1/2037   1,280    1,384 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 1/1/2039   4,630    4,605 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2040   17,750    18,531 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 1/1/2029   3,220    3,477 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,750    1,873 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   4,000    4,477 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   1,041    1,136 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 1/1/2034   3,675    4,106 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 1/1/2035   4,630    5,144 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 1/1/2039   3,000    3,179 
Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, Housing and Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 4/1/2025   150    139 
Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, Housing and Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/1/2025   2,525    2,575 
Southwestern Illinois Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Hospital Sisters Services, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2027   4,655    4,857 
Southwestern Illinois Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Hospital Sisters Services, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2028   4,820    5,098 
Southwestern Illinois Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Memorial Group, Inc.), Series 2013, 7.25% 11/1/2036 (preref. 11/1/2023)   385    388 
Southwestern Illinois Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Memorial Group, Inc.), Series 2013, 7.625% 11/1/2048 (preref. 11/1/2023)   6,300    6,360 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/15/2027   1,025    1,033 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Series 2019, BAM insured, 5.00% 6/15/2029   5,880    6,191 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Series 2019, 5.00% 6/15/2030   1,000    1,025 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 145

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 6/15/2030  USD4,755   $4,808 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 6/15/2032   3,500    3,538 
City of Springfield, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2031   2,220    2,263 
City of Springfield, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2032   3,000    3,056 
City of Springfield, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2040   4,000    4,069 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 1/1/2027   2,570    2,573 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,000    1,001 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 1/1/2029   5,860    5,868 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030   7,100    7,110 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   2,200    2,203 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2033   5,000    5,237 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 1/1/2034   1,000    1,039 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2035   3,055    3,197 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 1/1/2036   2,000    2,072 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2036   2,000    2,086 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 1/1/2037   1,500    1,550 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2037   1,900    1,976 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 1/1/2038   35,430    35,461 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 1/1/2038   2,500    2,510 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2038   4,000    4,234 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2039   5,745    5,706 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 1/1/2039   3,000    3,012 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2040   7,500    7,646 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 1/1/2040   6,500    6,688 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2040   1,000    1,084 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 1/1/2041   23,730    24,533 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2041   15,000    16,351 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2042   7,750    8,125 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2042   2,650    2,908 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.25% 1/1/2043   10,500    11,681 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2044   2,000    1,976 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2044   5,500    5,805 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2044   16,640    18,090 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2045   16,215    17,254 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.25% 1/1/2045   7,000    7,715 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2001-A, AMBAC insured, 5.50% 4/1/2024   310    314 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 4/1/2026   1,960    2,055 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 4/1/2027   1,185    1,212 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 4/1/2030   3,120    3,175 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 4/1/2032   2,930    2,949 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 4/1/2033   4,535    4,555 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 4/1/2034   5,000    4,907 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 4/1/2036   5,500    5,475 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Rev. Ref. Certs. of Part., Series 2014-C, 5.00% 3/15/2024   1,925    1,943 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Rev. Ref. Certs. of Part., Series 2008-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2025   2,315    2,318 
Village of Volo, Special Service Areas Nos. 3 and 6 (Symphony Meadows / Lancaster Falls Projects), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.75% 3/1/2024   948    940 
Village of Volo, Special Service Areas Nos. 3 and 6 (Symphony Meadows / Lancaster Falls Projects), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.875% 3/1/2025   503    494 
Village of Volo, Special Service Areas Nos. 3 and 6 (Symphony Meadows / Lancaster Falls Projects), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 3/1/2026   863    853 
146 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)          
County of Will, Community Unit School Dist. No. 365-U (Valley View), G.O. School Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2005, National insured, 0% 11/1/2024  USD31,295   $29,831 
County of Will, Community Unit School Dist. No. 365-U (Valley View), G.O. School Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2005, National insured, 0% 11/1/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   13,100    12,562 
County of Will, Community Unit School Dist. No. 365-U (Valley View), G.O. School Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2005, National insured, 0% 11/1/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   540    518 
County of Will, Community Unit School Dist. No. 365-U (Valley View), G.O. School Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2005, National insured, 0% 11/1/2025   8,820    8,097 
County of Will, Community Unit School Dist. No. 365-U (Valley View), G.O. School Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2005, National insured, 0% 11/1/2025 (escrowed to maturity)   295    274 
United City of Yorkville, Special Service Area Nos. 2005-108 and 2005-109, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 2.75% 3/1/2024   1,161    1,151 
United City of Yorkville, Special Service Area Nos. 2005-108 and 2005-109, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 3/1/2025   726    718 
United City of Yorkville, Special Service Area Nos. 2005-108 and 2005-109, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.125% 3/1/2026   1,291    1,281 
United City of Yorkville, Special Service Area Nos. 2005-108 and 2005-109, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.25% 3/1/2027   1,360    1,359 
United City of Yorkville, Special Service Area Nos. 2005-108 and 2005-109, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 3/1/2036   997    1,004 
Indiana 0.98%          
Fin. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Franciscan Alliance, Inc.), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 11/1/2041   12,300    12,537 
Fin. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Franciscan Alliance, Inc.), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2051   16,400    16,617 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Goshen Health), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/1/2034   725    774 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Goshen Health), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/1/2035   1,335    1,412 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Goshen Health), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 11/1/2038   2,045    1,954 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Goshen Health), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 11/1/2039   1,820    1,705 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Goshen Health), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 11/1/2043   8,005    7,198 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Marion General Hospital), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2045   10,000    9,574 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Marion General Hospital), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2050   15,000    13,960 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana University Health Obligated Group), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   1,000    1,025 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana University Health Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 4.00% 12/1/2040   3,500    3,425 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana University Health), Series 2023-B-2, 5.00% 10/1/2060 (put 7/1/2030)   5,000    5,575 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana University Health), Series 2023-B-1, 5.00% 10/1/2062 (put 7/1/2028)   7,435    8,056 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Hospitals, Inc.), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/15/2025   1,525    1,542 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Hospitals, Inc.), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/15/2029   1,000    1,010 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Hospitals, Inc.), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/15/2031   1,700    1,710 
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Relief Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2012-B, 3.00% 11/1/2030   2,750    2,525 
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Relief Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2012-A, 4.25% 11/1/2030   10,695    10,778 
Fin. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2010-B, 2.50% 11/1/2030   1,790    1,589 
Fin. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2010-A, 3.00% 11/1/2030   850    781 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2023   250    250 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2027   1,050    1,058 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2028   1,100    1,104 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2043   420    390 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.25% 11/15/2046   3,240    3,057 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Greencroft Obligated Group), Series 2013-A, 7.00% 11/15/2043   1,000    1,008 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/15/2041   1,350    1,086 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2021-2, 3.00% 10/1/2039   2,000    1,752 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 10/1/2039   1,075    1,206 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2024-A, 5.00% 10/1/2041   1,500    1,599 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2024-A, 5.00% 10/1/2042   1,500    1,595 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2024-A, 5.00% 10/1/2043   1,000    1,062 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2024-A, 5.00% 10/1/2044   1,200    1,267 
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2046   1,000    967 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Collateralized Rev. Bonds (RD Moving Forward Biggs Project), Series 2022, 2.00% 4/1/2025 (put 4/1/2024)   1,125    1,111 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 1.95% 7/1/2035   2,665    2,046 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 147

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Indiana (continued)          
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 3.50% 1/1/2049  USD2,510   $2,457 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.75% 1/1/2049   1,345    1,325 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2050   1,795    1,727 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/1/2051   3,900    3,757 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C-1, 3.00% 1/1/2052   2,430    2,325 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 7/1/2052   11,660    11,148 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C-1, 5.00% 7/1/2053   1,310    1,352 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2034   1,170    1,313 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,230    1,375 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2036   1,295    1,426 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-2, 5.00% 1/1/2037   1,355    1,479 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-1, 5.00% 1/1/2044   5,100    5,436 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds (Indianapolis Airport Auth. Project), Series 2019-I-1, 4.00% 1/1/2050   31,485    30,029 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-E, AMBAC insured, 0% 2/1/2025   2,540    2,409 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cityway 1 Project), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2034   1,415    1,422 
City of Indianapolis, Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cityway 1 Project), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 2/1/2036   1,080    1,085 
Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 5.00% 1/1/2036   4,550    4,693 
Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 5.00% 1/1/2037   5,970    6,139 
Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 1/1/2042   2,750    2,752 
Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.50% 1/1/2053   1,000    1,109 
City of Rockport, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana Michigan Power Co. Project), Series 2002-A, 2.75% 6/1/2025   3,200    3,131 
City of Rockport, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana Michigan Power Co. Project), Series 2009-B, 3.05% 6/1/2025   12,635    12,430 
Iowa 0.29%          
Fin. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (UnityPoint Health), Series 2014-C, 4.00% 2/15/2033   8,650    8,654 
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Area Rev. Ref. Bonds (Iowa Fertilizer Co. Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 12/1/2050 (put 12/1/2042)   1,500    1,531 
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Area Rev. Ref. Bonds (Iowa Fertilizer Co. Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 12/1/2050   1,500    1,518 
Fin. Auth., Senior Housing Rev. Bonds (Northcrest, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/1/2028   260    259 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 7/1/2046   685    682 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2047   2,765    2,658 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2017-C, 3.50% 1/1/2047   3,230    3,181 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 7/1/2047   1,550    1,537 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2047   1,090    1,082 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2019-D, 3.50% 1/1/2049   1,575    1,537 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2020-A, 3.75% 1/1/2050   3,395    3,344 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2051   7,430    7,147 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2022-J, 6.00% 7/1/2052   3,995    4,289 
Fin. Auth., State Revolving Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/1/2034   2,000    2,324 
PEFA, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049 (put 9/1/2026)   16,500    16,807 
Tobacco Settlement Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 6/1/2035   2,000    2,022 
Tobacco Settlement Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 6/1/2037   1,900    1,878 
Tobacco Settlement Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 6/1/2039   2,145    2,084 
Board of Regents of the University of Iowa, Hospital Rev. Bonds (University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics), Series 2022-B, 3.00% 9/1/2056   5,000    3,618 
148 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Kansas 0.16%          
Ellis County Unified School Dist. No. 489, G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2042  USD2,000   $2,169 
Ellis County Unified School Dist. No. 489, G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2047   2,750    2,941 
City of Manhattan, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Meadowlark Hills), Series 2022-B-2, 2.375% 6/1/2027   430    404 
City of Overland Park, Special Obligation Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Bluhawk Star Bond Project), Series 2022-A, 5.50% 11/15/20281   750    767 
Dept. of Transportation, Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2004-C-3, (1-month USD-LIBOR x 0.70 + 0.40%) 4.043% 9/1/20232,3   2,500    2,500 
Dept. of Transportation, Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2004-C-4, (1-month USD-LIBOR x 0.70 + 0.50%) 4.144% 9/1/20242,3   15,900    15,860 
University of Kansas Hospital Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (University of Kansas Health System), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 3/1/2047 (preref. 3/1/2027)   3,245    3,469 
Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Special Obligation Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wyandotte Plaza Redev. Project), Series 2016, 4.00% 12/1/2028   210    197 
Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Special Obligation Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wyandotte Plaza Redev. Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2034   625    593 
Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Special Obligation Rev. Bonds (Village East Project Area Nos. 2B, 3 and 5), Series 2022, 5.25% 9/1/20351   7,895    7,676 
Kentucky 1.24%          
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/1/2040   4,120    4,153 
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2019, 4.00% 2/1/2035   465    461 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2000-B, National insured, 0% 10/1/2027   1,000    853 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 8/15/2036   3,320    3,465 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 8/15/2041   3,450    3,550 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 8/15/2046   2,750    2,811 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Louisville Arena Project Rev. Ref. Bonds (Louisville Arena Auth., Inc.), Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 12/1/2041   1,000    986 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Louisville Arena Project Rev. Ref. Bonds (Louisville Arena Auth., Inc.), Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2045   11,700    11,977 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Louisville Arena Project Rev. Ref. Bonds (Louisville Arena Auth., Inc.), Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2047   2,965    2,950 
Housing Corp., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-D, 3.50% 1/1/2033   150    149 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Bowling Green Towers Project), Series 2022, 3.50% 9/1/2025 (put 9/1/2024)   22,209    22,009 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Cambridge Square Project), Series 2021, 0.30% 8/1/2024 (put 2/1/2024)   1,105    1,081 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (New Hope Properties Portfolio Project), Series 2021, 0.41% 4/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   15,870    15,735 
Housing Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Winterwood II Rural Housing Portfolio), Series 2021, 0.37% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   7,250    7,194 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029   4,085    4,246 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,000    1,039 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 10/1/2035   4,280    4,279 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 10/1/2036   11,800    11,596 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2037   2,500    2,619 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2038   2,300    2,402 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 149

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Kentucky (continued)          
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2040  USD930   $896 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 10/1/2043   2,500    1,918 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2020-D, 5.00% 10/1/2047 (put 10/1/2029)   5,505    5,888 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Hospital Rev. Bonds (UofL Health Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 5/15/2047   10,000    10,239 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Hospital Rev. Bonds (UofL Health Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/15/2047   4,000    4,228 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Hospital Rev. Bonds (UofL Health Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 5/15/2052   24,430    24,815 
City of Paducah, Electric Plant Board, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2027   2,000    2,101 
City of Paducah, Electric Plant Board, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,500    1,575 
City of Paducah, Electric Plant Board, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2032   2,610    2,722 
City of Paducah, Electric Plant Board, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2033   2,185    2,277 
Property and Buildings Commission, Commonwealth Rev. Bonds (Project No. 112), Series 2016-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2023   1,000    1,004 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 4/1/2048 (put 4/1/2024)   2,500    2,498 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 1/1/2049 (put 1/1/2025)   17,000    16,998 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 4.00% 12/1/2049 (put 6/1/2025)   26,480    26,420 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, (1-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 1.12%) 4.607% 12/1/2049 (put 6/1/2025)2,3   3,340    3,340 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C-1, 4.00% 2/1/2050 (put 2/1/2028)   1,200    1,189 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2050 (put 6/1/2026)   16,500    16,467 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 8/1/2052 (put 8/1/2030)   39,975    39,216 
Public Transportation Infrastructure Auth., Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/1/20491   3,335    3,068 
Public Transportation Infrastructure Auth., Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/1/20531   15,910    14,216 
Louisiana 1.40%          
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Bonds (North Terminal Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   845    864 
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Bonds (North Terminal Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,340    1,410 
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Bonds (North Terminal Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2040   1,300    1,317 
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Bonds (North Terminal Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2045   2,500    2,524 
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Bonds (North Terminal Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2048   12,855    13,183 
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Gulf Opportunity Zone Projects), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2034   1,150    1,247 
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Gulf Opportunity Zone Projects), Series 2019, 4.00% 1/1/2037   1,000    1,007 
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Gulf Opportunity Zone Projects), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2040   1,625    1,714 
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Gulf Opportunity Zone Projects), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2041   1,710    1,802 
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2025   6,005    6,189 
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2026   22,000    23,090 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Capital Improvements Dist., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/1/2023   725    725 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Capital Improvements Dist., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/1/2024   700    712 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Road and Street Improvement Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2029   1,000    1,108 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sewerage Commission, Multi Modal Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 1.30% 2/1/2041 (put 2/1/2028)   18,305    15,548 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sewerage Commission, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/1/2032   2,070    2,311 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sewerage Commission, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/1/2033   1,790    1,996 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sewerage Commission, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/1/2034   1,500    1,677 
Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sewerage Commission, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 2/1/2045   16,500    16,194 
Gasoline and Fuels Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, (USD-SOFR x 0.50 + 0.50%) 4.042% 5/1/2043 (put 5/1/2026)3   2,230    2,189 
Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission, Toll Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2042   4,000    4,100 
150 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Louisiana (continued)          
Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission, Toll Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2047  USD3,320   $3,393 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership Program), Series 2021-D, 3.25% 12/1/2052   8,300    8,030 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership Program), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 6/1/2054   1,000    1,080 
Parish of Jefferson, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2026   1,000    1,057 
Parish of Jefferson, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 12/1/2037   3,000    3,016 
Parish of Livingston, Juban Crossing Econ. Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Drainage Projects), Series 2015-C, 7.00% 9/15/20441   1,465    1,471 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Southeastern Louisiana University Student Housing Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2030   2,000    2,140 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Entergy Louisiana, LLC Projects), Series 2021-A, 2.00% 6/1/2030   1,100    962 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Entergy Louisiana, LLC Projects), Series 2021-B, 2.50% 4/1/2036   43,630    35,673 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Louisiana Community and Technical College System Act 391 Projects), Series 2017, BAM insured, 5.00% 10/1/2028   2,500    2,717 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ragin’ Cajun Facs., Inc. Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2030   3,940    4,196 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ragin’ Cajun Facs., Inc. Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2032   4,580    4,873 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ragin’ Cajun Facs., Inc. Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2033   4,620    4,908 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ragin’ Cajun Facs., Inc. Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2034   4,895    5,201 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ragin’ Cajun Facs., Inc. Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2036   4,680    4,909 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ragin’ Cajun Facs., Inc. Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2043   1,250    1,282 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westlake Chemical Corp. Projects), Series 2017, 3.50% 11/1/2032   6,700    6,478 
Louisiana Stadium and Exposition Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2035   2,250    2,580 
Louisiana Stadium and Exposition Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,400    1,587 
Louisiana Stadium and Exposition Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2037   1,250    1,400 
City of New Orleans, Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2034   2,000    2,252 
City of New Orleans, Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,500    1,690 
City of New Orleans, Sewerage Service Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 6/1/2030 (preref. 6/1/2025)   900    931 
City of New Orleans, Sewerage Service Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2033 (preref. 12/1/2025)   1,000    1,042 
City of New Orleans, Sewerage Service Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2034 (preref. 12/1/2025)   1,000    1,042 
City of New Orleans, Sewerage Service Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 6/1/2045 (preref. 6/1/2025)   1,350    1,396 
City of New Orleans, Sewerage Service Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 6/1/2045   1,500    1,575 
City of New Orleans, Sewerage Service Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 4.00% 6/1/2050   2,400    2,188 
City of New Orleans, Water Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 12/1/2029 (preref. 12/1/2025)   900    937 
City of New Orleans, Water Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 12/1/2032 (preref. 12/1/2025)   1,000    1,042 
City of New Orleans, Water Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 12/1/2044 (preref. 12/1/2024)   7,570    7,745 
Offshore Terminal Auth., Deepwater Port Rev. Bonds (Loop, LLC Project), Series 2013-A, 1.65% 9/1/2033 (put 12/1/2023)   3,500    3,463 
Public Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Louisiana Children’s Medical Center Project), Series 2015-A-3, 5.00% 6/1/2045 (put 6/1/2028)   680    724 
Public Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   4,970    5,085 
Public Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033 (preref. 7/1/2025)   30    31 
Public Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Flagship Properties, LLC - Louisiana State University Greenhouse Dist. Phase II Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2052   1,000    1,011 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 151

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Louisiana (continued)          
Public Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Flagship Properties, LLC - Louisiana State University Greenhouse Dist. Phase II Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2057  USD8,395   $8,466 
Public Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Flagship Properties, LLC - Louisiana State University Greenhouse Dist. Phase III Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2059   2,500    2,529 
Public Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Flagship Properties, LLC - Louisiana State University Nicholson Gateway Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2046   1,100    1,114 
Public Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Flagship Properties, LLC - Louisiana State University Nicholson Gateway Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2051   17,590    17,745 
Public Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Flagship Properties, LLC - Louisiana State University Nicholson Gateway Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2056   10,670    10,738 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 5/15/2042   1,400    1,431 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2032 (preref. 5/15/2026)   5    5 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 5/15/2033   3,455    3,550 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2034 (preref. 5/15/2026)   10    10 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nineteenth Judicial Dist. Court Building Project), Series 2015, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 6/1/2051 (preref. 6/1/2025)   12,405    12,850 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 5/15/2032   2,000    2,056 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2032   495    513 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2034   1,490    1,542 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 5/15/2047   4,000    4,041 
Parish of St. John the Baptist, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Marathon Oil Corp. Project), Series 2017, 2.10% 6/1/2037 (put 7/1/2024)   2,035    1,998 
Parish of St. John the Baptist, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Marathon Oil Corp. Project), Series 2017-B-1, 2.125% 6/1/2037 (put 7/1/2024)   4,700    4,615 
Parish of St. John the Baptist, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Marathon Oil Corp. Project), Series 2017, 2.20% 6/1/2037 (put 7/1/2026)   7,070    6,675 
Parish of St. John the Baptist, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Marathon Oil Corp. Project), Series 2017-B-2, 2.375% 6/1/2037 (put 7/1/2026)   4,200    3,985 
City of Shreveport, Water and Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, BAM insured, 5.00% 12/1/2029   3,300    3,532 
City of Shreveport, Water and Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2031   500    548 
City of Shreveport, Water and Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 12/1/2033   325    327 
City of Shreveport, Water and Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 12/1/2036   365    362 
City of Shreveport, Water and Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,250    1,346 
City of Shreveport, Water and Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2037   1,340    1,436 
City of Shreveport, Water and Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2041   1,000    1,061 
Maine 0.14%          
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2046   1,595    1,463 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2020-F, 2.00% 11/15/2035   1,750    1,388 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2020-F, 2.15% 11/15/2040   1,000    694 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2021-A, 2.05% 11/15/2041   1,185    794 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2021-A, 2.15% 11/15/2046   5,000    3,149 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2021-C, 2.30% 11/15/2046   4,850    3,177 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 11/15/2047   665    661 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2017-B, 4.00% 11/15/2047   665    661 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 11/15/2049   1,375    1,364 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.00% 11/15/2050   3,125    3,100 
Housing Auth., Mortgage Purchase Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 3.50% 11/15/2040   85    85 
Turnpike Auth., Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2047   9,000    9,453 
Turnpike Auth., Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2050   6,000    6,373 
152 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Maryland 1.24%          
County of Anne Arundel, Consolidated Special Taxing Dist. Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Villages of Dorchester and Farmington Village Projects), Series 2013, 5.00% 7/1/2032  USD985   $986 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Oak Crest Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2029   1,070    1,099 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Oak Crest Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,000    1,028 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 5.00% 1/1/2026   465    475 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 5.00% 1/1/2027   3,065    3,168 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 5.00% 1/1/2028   3,215    3,365 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2029   1,000    996 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2030   1,655    1,647 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2031   1,225    1,219 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2032   700    694 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2033   200    198 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2035   200    196 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2036   2,675    2,589 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2050   5,630    4,873 
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riverwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2045   3,500    3,140 
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Wastewater Projects), Series 2014-C, 5.00% 7/1/2032   2,000    2,043 
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Wastewater Projects), Series 2014-C, 5.00% 7/1/2044   5,000    5,053 
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Water Projects), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2044   1,500    1,516 
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wastewater Projects), Series 2014, 5.00% 7/1/2039   2,215    2,245 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 4.05% 7/1/2040   2,500    2,369 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-D, 1.95% 9/1/2035   2,600    2,012 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 2.10% 9/1/2041   1,650    1,125 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.50% 9/1/2048   4,565    4,578 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 3.50% 3/1/2050   14,330    14,037 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.75% 3/1/2050   15,030    14,804 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-D, 3.25% 9/1/2050   9,280    9,023 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 9/1/2051   7,975    7,691 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 9/1/2051   33,405    32,080 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.50% 9/1/2053   18,740    20,042 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-D, 5.75% 9/1/2054   2,310    2,484 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 3.50% 9/1/2045   690    684 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 2.60% 1/1/2042   1,700    1,272 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Transportation Facs. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2027   1,350    1,402 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Transportation Facs. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2028   2,000    2,104 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Transportation Facs. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2030   1,250    1,319 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Transportation Facs. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2031   1,000    1,056 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Transportation Facs. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2035   2,000    2,097 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Senior Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Maryland, Baltimore Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2035   1,000    1,003 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Senior Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Maryland, Baltimore Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2039   2,605    2,605 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Special Obligation Bonds (Metro Centre at Owings Mills Project), Series 2017, 4.50% 7/1/2044   3,960    3,705 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Towson University Project), Series 2012, 5.00% 7/1/2029   250    250 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Frostburg State University Project), Series 2013, 5.00% 10/1/2023   355    355 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Frostburg State University Project), Series 2013, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,000    1,000 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Towson University Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2027   135    138 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Towson University Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2028   175    178 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 153

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Maryland (continued)          
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Towson University Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2029  USD190   $194 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Towson University Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2030   325    331 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Towson University Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2031   375    381 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Towson University Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2032   325    329 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Towson University Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2036   600    602 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2022, Series 2022-A-3, 5.00% 6/1/2036   1,500    1,742 
G.O. Bonds, State and Local Facs. Loan of 2023, Series 2023-A-2, 5.00% 3/15/2036   7,000    8,235 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Adventist HealthCare Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.50% 1/1/2046   5,000    5,088 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Broadmead Issue), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   690    713 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Broadmead Issue), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2038   240    244 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Broadmead Issue), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2043   700    703 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Broadmead Issue), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2048   940    940 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Charlestown Community Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2026   210    215 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Charlestown Community Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2036   2,835    2,929 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Charlestown Community Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2045   13,000    13,203 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loyola University Maryland Issue), Series 2014, 5.00% 10/1/2027   125    128 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loyola University Maryland Issue), Series 2014, 5.00% 10/1/2028   215    220 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loyola University Maryland Issue), Series 2014, 5.00% 10/1/2032   165    169 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (MedStar Health Issue), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2026   4,290    4,383 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Medical Center Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2032   800    825 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Medical Center Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   1,000    1,031 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Medical Center Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,800    1,857 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Medical Center Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,500    1,538 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (MedStar Health Issue), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2038   9,000    9,151 
County of Howard, Special Obligation Bonds (Annapolis Junction Town Center Project), Series 2014, 6.10% 2/15/2044   1,420    1,376 
County of Montgomery, Housing Opportunities Commission, Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2049   1,725    1,710 
County of Montgomery, Housing Opportunities Commission, Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 4.00% 1/1/2031   515    513 
County of Montgomery, Housing Opportunities Commission, Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 7/1/2048   375    372 
County of Montgomery, Housing Opportunities Commission, Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 7/1/2049   2,545    2,525 
County of Montgomery, Housing Opportunities Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2050   4,180    4,010 
County of Prince George, Special Obligation Bonds (Suitland-Naylor Road Project), Series 2016, 4.75% 7/1/20361   1,750    1,757 
County of Prince George, Special Obligation Bonds (Suitland-Naylor Road Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/20461   500    501 
County of Prince George, Special Obligation Bonds (Woodview Village Infrastructure Improvements), Series 1997-A, 4.70% 7/1/2026   1,595    1,597 
County of Prince George, Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Woodview Village Phase II Infrastructure Improvements), Series 2006, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 7/1/2026   630    631 
County of Prince George, Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Woodview Village Phase II Infrastructure Improvements), Series 2006, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 7/1/2032   1,150    1,151 
County of Prince George, Special Tax Dist. Bonds (Victoria Falls Project), Series 2005, 5.25% 7/1/2035   3,666    3,679 
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Academic Fees and Auxiliary Facs. Fees Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2023   1,235    1,235 
Dept. of Transportation, Consolidated Transportation Bonds, Series 2021-A, 2.00% 10/1/2034   1,800    1,529 
Transportation Auth., Transportation Facs. Projects Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/1/2037   1,000    905 
Transportation Auth., Transportation Facs. Projects Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2037   2,000    2,062 
Transportation Auth., Transportation Facs. Projects Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/1/2038   1,750    1,558 
154 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Maryland (continued)          
Transportation Auth., Transportation Facs. Projects Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2038  USD1,225   $1,250 
Transportation Auth., Transportation Facs. Projects Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2040   1,500    1,514 
Transportation Auth., Transportation Facs. Projects Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2041   1,500    1,502 
Transportation Auth., Transportation Facs. Projects Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2045   9,500    9,293 
University System of Maryland, Auxiliary Fac. and Tuition Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 4/1/2040   8,010    8,076 
Washington Suburban Sanitary Dist., Consolidated Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,560    1,703 
Washington Suburban Sanitary Dist., Consolidated Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 3.00% 6/1/2028 (preref. 6/1/2024)   3,305    3,298 
Washington Suburban Sanitary Dist., Consolidated Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2014-2, 4.00% 6/1/2029 (preref. 6/1/2024)   1,875    1,886 
Washington Suburban Sanitary Dist., Consolidated Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2018, 4.00% 6/1/2038   3,900    3,964 
Washington Suburban Sanitary Dist., Consolidated Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2014-2, 4.00% 6/1/2043 (preref. 6/1/2024)   1,500    1,509 
Washington Suburban Sanitary Dist., Consolidated Public Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 3.00% 6/1/2031   3,170    3,120 
Massachusetts 0.76%          
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Healthcare Obligated Group Issue), Series 2013, 5.25% 11/15/2041 (preref. 11/15/2023)   3,000    3,016 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Boston Medical Center Issue), Series 2023-G, 5.25% 7/1/2052   5,000    5,241 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Carleton-Willard Village Issue), Series 2019, 4.00% 12/1/2042   970    845 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Carleton-Willard Village Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2042   730    738 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Issue), Series 2018, 4.00% 11/15/20231   225    224 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Issue), Series 2018, 5.00% 11/15/20381   1,500    1,524 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Loomis Communities Issue), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/20361   400    356 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Loomis Communities Issue), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2041   445    377 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Loomis Communities Issue), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2051   200    156 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Loomis Communities Issue), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/20511   520    407 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Mass General Brigham, Inc.), Series 2019-T-1, 4.58% 7/1/2049 (put 1/29/2026)1,3   1,885    1,866 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Partners HealthCare System Issue), Series 2017-S-2, 5.00% 7/1/2038 (put 1/30/2025)   6,000    6,133 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (UMass Memorial Health Care Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016-I, 5.00% 7/1/2030   2,000    2,075 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (UMass Memorial Health Care Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016-I, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,925    1,998 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Wellforce Obligated Issue), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   500    515 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Wellforce Obligated Issue), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   600    619 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Wellforce Obligated Issue), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   500    516 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Wellforce Obligated Issue), Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2033   805    829 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Wellforce Obligated Issue), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034   675    694 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Berkshire Health Systems Issue), Series 2021-I, 5.00% 10/1/2028   800    858 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Orchard Cove, Inc. Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2039   500    494 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Orchard Cove, Inc. Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2049   4,800    4,507 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Salem Community Corp. Issue), Series 2022, 5.00% 1/1/2024   350    350 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Salem Community Corp. Issue), Series 2022, 5.00% 1/1/2025   365    363 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2029   500    533 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,000    1,050 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,300    1,385 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2033   1,590    1,685 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,000    1,040 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2035   1,000    1,049 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2036   445    464 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2037   605    626 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2038   340    350 
G.O. Bonds, Consolidated Loan, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   4,000    4,370 
G.O. Bonds, Consolidated Loan, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   9,000    9,823 
G.O. Bonds, Consolidated Loan, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2039   7,500    8,005 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Bonds, Series 2019-B-1, 2.75% 12/1/2034   1,610    1,441 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.35% 12/1/2049   2,465    2,467 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Green Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 0.45% 12/1/2024   3,325    3,182 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Green Bonds, Series 2019-C-1, 2.65% 12/1/2034   1,950    1,720 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 178, 3.50% 6/1/2042   945    935 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 181, 4.00% 12/1/2044   260    259 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 155

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Massachusetts (continued)          
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 172, 4.00% 6/1/2045  USD225   $224 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 183, 3.50% 12/1/2046   295    291 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 190, 4.00% 12/1/2048   4,620    4,586 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 195, 4.00% 12/1/2048   2,660    2,639 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 203, 4.50% 12/1/2048   520    521 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 211, 3.50% 12/1/2049   5,845    5,725 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 214, 3.75% 12/1/2049   4,115    4,055 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 224, 5.00% 6/1/2050   270    278 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 221, 3.00% 12/1/2050   3,850    3,710 
Special Obligation Dedicated Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, FGIC National insured, 5.50% 1/1/2034   59,950    70,576 
State College Building Auth., Project Rev. Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 5/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   1,000    913 
Water Resources Auth., General Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 8/1/2036   500    587 
Water Resources Auth., General Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 8/1/2038   1,150    1,320 
Water Resources Auth., General Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 8/1/2040   500    569 
Water Resources Auth., General Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.25% 8/1/2048   3,000    3,408 
Michigan 2.90%          
Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Facs. Program), Series 2015-I, 5.00% 4/15/2026   1,700    1,767 
Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Facs. Program), Series 2015-I, 5.00% 4/15/2031   8,770    9,101 
Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Facs. Program), Series 2023-II, 5.00% 10/15/2042   1,350    1,508 
Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Facs. Program), Series 2023-II, 4.00% 10/15/2047   3,500    3,402 
Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Facs. Program), Series 2022-I, 5.00% 10/15/2047   5,000    5,444 
Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Facs. Program), Series 2022-I, 4.00% 10/15/2052   2,500    2,428 
Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Facs. Program), Series 2022-I, 5.25% 10/15/2057   5,000    5,457 
City of Detroit, Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-D, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, (3-month USD CME Term SOFR x 0.67 + 0.60%) 4.307% 7/1/20323   81,660    77,199 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2027   1,000    1,031 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2030   1,300    1,342 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2039   115    118 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 4/1/2040   205    188 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 4/1/2041   635    576 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 4/1/2042   250    224 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.50% 4/1/2045   1,500    1,563 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2046   595    599 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2050   3,500    3,505 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.50% 4/1/2050   2,215    2,293 
City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Dept., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2001-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal Insured, 5.50% 7/1/2029   10,150    10,902 
Detroit School Dist., Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/1/2031   1,435    1,615 
Detroit School Dist., Unlimited Tax G.O. School Building and Site Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1998-C, FGIC insured, 5.25% 5/1/2025   570    584 
Detroit School Dist., Unlimited Tax G.O. School Building and Site Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 5/1/2032   20,000    23,296 
Fin. Auth., Distributable State Aid Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Charter County of Wayne), Series 2020, 5.00% 11/1/2031   1,845    2,114 
Fin. Auth., Distributable State Aid Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Charter County of Wayne), Series 2020, 4.00% 11/1/2055   7,320    6,770 
Fin. Auth., Distributable State Aid Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Charter County of Wayne), Series 2020, BAM insured, 4.00% 11/1/2055   2,000    1,869 
Fin. Auth., Distributable State Aid Rev. Bonds (Charter County of Wayne Criminal Justice Center Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 11/1/2036   2,500    2,689 
Fin. Auth., Distributable State Aid Rev. Bonds (Charter County of Wayne Criminal Justice Center Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 11/1/2037   1,000    1,068 
Fin. Auth., Distributable State Aid Rev. Bonds (Charter County of Wayne Criminal Justice Center Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 11/1/2038   1,000    1,061 
Fin. Auth., Distributable State Aid Rev. Bonds (Charter County of Wayne Criminal Justice Center Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 11/1/2043   3,500    3,694 
Fin. Auth., Distributable State Aid Rev. Ref. Bonds (Charter County of Wayne), Series 2020, BAM insured, 4.00% 11/1/2055   2,000    1,869 
156 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Michigan (continued)          
Fin. Auth., Higher Education Facs. Limited Obligation Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Albion College), Series 2022, 4.00% 12/1/2051  USD2,165   $1,751 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2034   1,300    1,387 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 12/1/2040   15,795    15,708 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2046 (preref. 6/1/2027)   200    215 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (CHE Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2013-MI-2, 4.00% 12/1/2036   1,200    1,212 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2013-5, 4.00% 12/1/2040 (preref. 12/1/2029)   145    156 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beaumont - Spectrum Consolidation), Series 2022, 5.00% 4/15/2025   2,000    2,054 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beaumont Health Credit Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2044   1,000    1,015 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Henry Ford Health System), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2031   4,300    4,492 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (McLaren Health Care), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 2/15/2044   10,965    10,578 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (McLaren Health Care), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 2/15/2047   33,235    31,463 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (McLaren Health Care), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 2/15/2050   14,725    13,755 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (MidMichigan Health Credit Group), Series 2014, 5.00% 6/1/2039 (preref. 6/1/2024)   5,625    5,699 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sparrow Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2029   2,325    2,368 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sparrow Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2029 (preref. 5/15/2025)   675    697 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sparrow Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2031   925    941 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sparrow Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2031 (preref. 5/15/2025)   575    594 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sparrow Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2033 (preref. 5/15/2025)   1,500    1,550 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sparrow Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2034 (preref. 5/15/2025)   1,500    1,550 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sparrow Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2045 (preref. 5/15/2025)   550    568 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sparrow Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2045   450    451 
Fin. Auth., Local Government Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept., Sewage Disposal System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Local Project Bonds), Series 2014-C-3, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2032   1,500    1,519 
Fin. Auth., Local Government Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Local Project Bonds), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,415    1,449 
Fin. Auth., Local Government Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Local Project Bonds), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2032   1,355    1,387 
Fin. Auth., Local Government Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Local Project Bonds), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2033   2,565    2,624 
Fin. Auth., Local Government Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Local Project Bonds), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2034   4,900    5,012 
Fin. Auth., Local Government Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Local Project Bonds), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2035   3,000    3,061 
Fin. Auth., Local Government Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept., Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Local Project Bonds), Series 2014-D-4, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,425    1,440 
Fin. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 4.00% 6/1/2036   1,000    1,004 
City of Flint, Hospital Building Auth., Rev. Rental Bonds (Hurley Medical Center), Series 2013-A, 5.25% 7/1/2028   3,000    3,000 
City of Flint, Hospital Building Auth., Rev. Rental Bonds (Hurley Medical Center), Series 2013-A, 5.25% 7/1/2039   500    500 
Counties of Genesee, Lapeer and Sanilac, Karegnondi Water Auth., Water Supply System Bonds (Karegnondi Water Pipeline), Series 2018, 5.00% 11/1/2030   1,000    1,072 
Counties of Genesee, Lapeer and Sanilac, Karegnondi Water Auth., Water Supply System Bonds (Karegnondi Water Pipeline), Series 2018, 5.00% 11/1/2032   1,200    1,280 
Counties of Genesee, Lapeer and Sanilac, Karegnondi Water Auth., Water Supply System Bonds (Karegnondi Water Pipeline), Series 2018, 5.00% 11/1/2035   1,580    1,678 
County of Grand Traverse, Hospital Fin. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Munson Healthcare Obligated Group), Series 2021, 3.00% 7/1/2051   8,385    5,820 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 7/1/2028   3,990    4,389 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2045   1,500    1,587 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2045   4,090    4,314 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2049   4,750    4,983 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2049   4,300    4,497 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   3,000    3,306 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2034   5,760    6,029 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 157

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Michigan (continued)          
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 7/1/2036  USD6,800   $7,096 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2046   10,800    11,052 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,000    1,048 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 1999-B-3, 4.00% 11/15/2027   5,000    5,156 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 1999-B-3, 4.00% 11/15/2031   4,000    4,120 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 1999-B-3, 4.00% 11/15/2032   14,000    14,399 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. and Project Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2010-F-3, 4.00% 11/15/2047 (put 7/1/2024)   6,750    6,765 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. and Project Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2010-F-4, 5.00% 11/15/2047   1,500    1,568 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Carpenter Place Apartments Project), Series 2021, 1.25% 12/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   14,290    14,167 
Housing Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Mid Apartments Project), Series 2021, 0.40% 12/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   5,465    5,385 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 3.25% 10/1/2044   1,000    812 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 2.70% 10/1/2045   1,650    1,209 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 2.45% 10/1/2046   7,565    5,112 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 2.70% 10/1/2056   15,725    9,896 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 3.10% 12/1/2031   1,025    978 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 3.35% 12/1/2034   3,000    2,885 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 6/1/2046   570    567 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 3.50% 6/1/2047   9,155    9,027 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 3.50% 6/1/2048   5,385    5,299 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 12/1/2048   15,680    15,558 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 4.25% 6/1/2049   12,820    12,785 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.25% 12/1/2049   12,855    12,814 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 3.75% 6/1/2050   3,550    3,497 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.50% 12/1/2050   3,795    3,711 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 3.00% 6/1/2051   4,235    4,075 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 6/1/2052   2,640    2,536 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/2053   9,050    9,338 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-D, 5.50% 6/1/2053   8,915    9,385 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.50% 12/1/2053   8,360    8,940 
City of Lansing, Board of Water and Light, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2038   2,500    2,704 
City of Lansing, Board of Water and Light, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2044   2,000    2,126 
City of Lansing, Board of Water and Light, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2048   5,800    6,128 
City of Lansing, Board of Water and Light, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 2.00% 7/1/2051 (put 7/1/2026)   5,500    5,178 
Board of Trustees of Michigan State University, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.00% 2/15/2039   1,140    1,144 
Board of Trustees of Michigan State University, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.00% 2/15/2044   2,840    2,804 
City of Royal Oak, Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (William Beaumont Hospital Obligated Group), Series 2014-D, 5.00% 9/1/2030 (preref. 3/1/2024)   1,160    1,170 
City of Royal Oak, Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (William Beaumont Hospital Obligated Group), Series 2014-D, 5.00% 9/1/2039 (preref. 3/1/2024)   3,245    3,273 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Edison Co. Exempt Facs. Project), Series 2008-ET-2, 1.35% 8/1/2029   22,000    19,156 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Edison Co. Pollution Control Bonds Project), Series 1995-CC, 1.45% 9/1/2030   32,410    27,724 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Holland Home Obligated Group), Series 2019, 4.00% 11/15/2023   935    933 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 12/1/2032   2,500    2,502 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2032   1,500    1,634 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033   1,000    1,089 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2034   2,000    2,170 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2035   4,000    4,314 
158 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Michigan (continued)          
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2036  USD3,500   $3,742 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 12/1/2037   7,400    7,405 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2037   5,585    5,929 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2038   3,000    3,183 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2015-D, 5.00% 12/1/2040   12,800    13,097 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2042   1,850    1,921 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2043   4,210    4,408 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2014-B, 5.00% 12/1/2044   1,900    1,914 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2015-D, 5.00% 12/1/2045   13,010    13,240 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2046   1,750    1,886 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2047   2,750    2,840 
Minnesota 0.51%          
Becker Independent School Dist. No. 726, G.O. School Building Bonds, Series 2022-A, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 0% 2/1/2035   2,770    1,751 
Becker Independent School Dist. No. 726, G.O. School Building Bonds, Series 2022-A, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 0% 2/1/2036   2,000    1,196 
City of Duluth, Econ. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Essentia Health Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 2/15/2058   9,080    9,105 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2037   695    725 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Fin. Bonds (GNMA and FNMA Pass-Through Program), Series 2012-B, 2.25% 12/1/2042   2,021    1,715 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Fin. Bonds (GNMA and FNMA Pass-Through Program), Series 2015-A, 2.80% 2/1/2045   444    397 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Fin. Bonds (GNMA and FNMA Pass-Through Program), Series 2017-G, 2.65% 10/1/2047   9,755    8,544 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Fin. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Pass-Through Program), Series 2017-I, 2.80% 12/1/2047   3,574    3,191 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Fin. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Pass-Through Program), Series 2018-A, 3.30% 3/1/2048   826    774 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 4.00% 1/1/2038   100    99 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 2.625% 1/1/2040   1,000    808 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 3.50% 7/1/2046   2,345    2,311 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2016-E, 4.00% 1/1/2047   565    562 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 4.00% 7/1/2047   1,165    1,156 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2017-E, 4.00% 1/1/2048   1,675    1,662 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 7/1/2048   7,205    7,166 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 4.25% 7/1/2049   3,185    3,177 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 3.50% 7/1/2050   3,680    3,599 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2020-I, 3.00% 1/1/2051   3,870    3,727 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2051   6,090    5,857 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 1/1/2052   6,365    6,113 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 3.00% 7/1/2052   5,370    5,154 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2021-H, 3.00% 7/1/2052   2,890    2,773 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 7/1/2052   2,270    2,175 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 3.50% 7/1/2052   500    488 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.75% 7/1/2053   14,740    15,741 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2023-F, 5.75% 7/1/2053   270    290 
City of Minneapolis, Health Care System Rev. Bonds (Allina Health System), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 11/15/2052 (put 11/15/2028)   5,060    5,445 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 159

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Minnesota (continued)          
City of Minneapolis, Health Care System Rev. Bonds (Allina Health System), Series 2023-B, 5.00% 11/15/2053 (put 11/15/2030)  USD2,000   $2,206 
City of Minneapolis, Health Care System Rev. Bonds (Fairview Health Services), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2033   2,575    2,645 
Municipal Gas Agcy., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2052 (put 12/1/2027)   2,745    2,740 
City of St. Paul, Housing and Redev. Auth., Hospital Fac. Rev. Bonds (HealthEast Care System Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2029 (preref. 11/15/2025)   745    774 
City of St. Paul, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.25% 1/1/2052   4,130    4,065 
City of St. Paul, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 1/1/2052   8,500    9,047 
Mississippi 0.29%          
Business Fin. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (System Energy Resources, Inc. Project), Series 2021, 2.375% 6/1/2044   4,405    2,821 
Dev. Bank, Special Obligation Bonds (Municipal Energy Agcy. of Mississippi Power Supply Project), Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2031   1,590    1,658 
Dev. Bank, Special Obligation Bonds (Municipal Energy Agcy. of Mississippi Power Supply Project), Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2032   1,690    1,763 
Dev. Bank, Special Obligation Bonds (Municipal Energy Agcy. of Mississippi Power Supply Project), Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2033   1,275    1,328 
Dev. Bank, Special Obligation Bonds (Municipal Energy Agcy. of Mississippi Power Supply Project), Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2035   1,150    1,196 
Dev. Bank, Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harrison County Highway Ref. Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 1/1/2025   3,000    3,068 
Dev. Bank, Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Madison County Highway Ref. Project), Series 2013-C, 5.00% 1/1/2026   4,000    4,152 
Gaming Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/2032   3,000    3,226 
Gaming Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/2033   3,600    3,859 
Gaming Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/2035   2,000    2,131 
Gaming Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/2037   4,000    4,211 
Gaming Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-E, 5.00% 10/15/2029   2,500    2,583 
Gaming Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-E, 5.00% 10/15/2032   7,500    7,735 
Gaming Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-E, 5.00% 10/15/2034   12,960    13,353 
Home Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Southwest Village Apartments Project), Series 2022-2, 2.00% 2/1/2025 (put 2/1/2024)   2,360    2,338 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 4.00% 12/1/2043   270    268 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2048   1,430    1,419 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 12/1/2050   445    429 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 6/1/2051   1,850    1,779 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.25% 12/1/2053   5,425    5,735 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Social Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 12/1/2052   725    748 
County of Warren, Gulf Opportunity Zone Rev. Ref. Bonds (International Paper Co. Project), Series 2018, 2.90% 9/1/2032 (put 9/1/2023)   750    749 
Missouri 0.91%          
Cities of Brentwood and Maplewood, Hanley Road Corridor Transportation Dev. Dist., Transportation Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 2.00% 10/1/2039   795    777 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (BJC Health System), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2037   3,000    3,030 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (BJC Health System), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2039   3,700    3,684 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (BJC Health System), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2040   2,300    2,268 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (BJC Health System), Series 2023-C, 4.00% 1/1/2050 (put 1/1/2046)   1,000    931 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Children’s Mercy Hospital), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 5/15/2042   7,575    7,332 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Cox Health Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 11/15/2038   2,000    2,000 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (SSM Health Care), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 6/1/2028 (preref. 6/1/2024)   800    810 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (St. Anthony’s Medical Center), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 2/1/2045   3,750    3,799 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/1/2024   460    461 
160 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Missouri (continued)          
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 2/1/2024  USD460   $461 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 2/1/2025   915    917 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 2/1/2030   220    221 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 2/1/2031   200    201 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2021, 4.00% 2/1/2032   1,100    1,023 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2019-C, 5.00% 2/1/2042   1,125    1,086 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2019-C, 4.00% 2/1/2048   18,200    14,303 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2019-C, 5.00% 2/1/2048   2,000    1,861 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/1/2028   415    418 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/1/2029   1,000    1,005 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2016-A-2, 4.00% 5/1/2040   4,725    4,702 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2016-B, 3.50% 5/1/2041   890    882 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2017-D, 4.00% 5/1/2047   1,995    1,980 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2019-A, 4.25% 5/1/2047   3,085    3,075 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2017-B, 3.25% 9/1/2047   3,835    3,659 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2017-C, 3.30% 12/1/2047   3,157    2,888 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2018-A, 4.25% 5/1/2049   1,595    1,591 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2018-B, 4.25% 5/1/2049   3,640    3,631 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2019-C, 3.875% 5/1/2050   9,745    9,629 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2019-B, 4.00% 5/1/2050   2,720    2,696 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2020-A, 3.50% 11/1/2050   1,710    1,673 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2020-C, 3.50% 11/1/2050   3,020    2,953 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 5/1/2052   1,485    1,427 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2021-B, 3.00% 5/1/2052   7,140    6,860 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2021-C, 3.25% 11/1/2052   2,900    2,806 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2023-B, 5.50% 5/1/2053   27,000    28,890 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 5/1/2053   3,000    3,200 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2015-A, 3.75% 5/1/2038   205    203 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2014-B, 4.00% 11/1/2040   170    169 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2014-A, 4.00% 11/1/2041   45    45 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2015-B-2, 4.00% 11/1/2045   1,520    1,511 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 161

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Missouri (continued)          
City of Lee’s Summit, Special Obligation Tax Increment and Special Dist. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Summit Fair Project), Series 2017, 4.00% 11/1/20271  USD1,430   $1,365 
Municipal Fin. Corp., Leasehold Rev. Bonds (Convention Center Expansion and Improvement Projects), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2040   1,815    1,924 
Municipal Fin. Corp., Leasehold Rev. Bonds (Convention Center Expansion and Improvement Projects), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2049   1,000    1,037 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 7/1/2025   5,000    5,181 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2005, National insured, 5.50% 7/1/2026   5,465    5,699 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2005, National insured, 5.50% 7/1/2028   5,080    5,652 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,000    1,072 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2005, National insured, 5.50% 7/1/2029   4,000    4,548 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2005, National insured, 5.50% 7/1/2030   12,770    14,812 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2019-C, 5.00% 7/1/2031   2,155    2,382 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2005, National insured, 5.50% 7/1/2031   7,000    8,268 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2019-C, 5.00% 7/1/2032   3,000    3,305 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2019-C, 5.00% 7/1/2033   2,400    2,643 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2019-C, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,750    1,921 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2048   5,935    6,433 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2052   6,425    6,899 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Nazareth Living Center), Series 2012, 6.125% 8/15/2042   1,120    1,106 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Friendship Village St. Louis Obligated Group), Series 2018, 5.25% 9/1/2053   3,250    2,780 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2035   1,000    949 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.125% 12/1/2045   1,050    952 
Montana 0.09%          
City of Forsyth, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northwestern Corp. Colstrip Project), Series 2023, 3.875% 7/1/2028   6,275    6,290 
City of Forsyth, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Portland General Electric Co. Projects), Series 1998-A, 2.125% 5/1/2033   1,000    863 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-B, 2.75% 12/1/2040   655    576 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 12/1/2043   1,520    1,509 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016-A-2, 3.50% 6/1/2044   1,115    1,102 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.25% 12/1/2045   1,335    1,331 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 3.50% 6/1/2050   3,045    2,979 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 3.00% 6/1/2051   5,425    5,220 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 12/1/2051   1,390    1,336 
Board of Housing, Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 6/1/2052   520    499 
Nebraska 0.52%          
Central Plains Energy Project, Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 5), Series 2022-1, 5.00% 5/1/2053 (put 10/1/2029)   21,735    22,549 
Central Plains Energy Project, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 12/1/2049 (put 8/1/2025)   3,650    3,647 
County of Douglas, Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Creighton University), Series 2021-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.53%) 4.51% 7/1/2035 (put 9/1/2026)3   7,850    7,734 
County of Douglas, Hospital Auth. No. 2 (Children’s Hospital Obligated Group), Health Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/15/2050   1,000    945 
County of Douglas, Hospital Auth. No. 2 (Methodist Health System), Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 11/1/2045   4,340    4,384 
162 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Nebraska (continued)          
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 4.00% 9/1/2044  USD100   $100 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 3.50% 9/1/2045   1,385    1,370 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 3.50% 9/1/2045   810    806 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 3.50% 9/1/2046   2,940    2,904 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 3.50% 9/1/2046   4,190    4,126 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 9/1/2048   9,250    9,178 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 4.00% 9/1/2048   8,290    8,225 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 3.00% 9/1/2050   7,185    6,928 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 9/1/2050   8,580    8,245 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.50% 9/1/2050   2,920    2,856 
Omaha Public Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/1/2030   1,000    1,092 
Omaha Public Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2046   1,470    1,590 
University of Nebraska Facs. Corp., University Facs. Program Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/15/2062   35,000    32,399 
Nevada 1.06%          
Clark County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/15/2034   3,615    3,876 
Clark County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Building Bonds, Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 6/15/2024   575    572 
Clark County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Building Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 6/15/2035   11,525    10,692 
Clark County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Building Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 6/15/2036   11,870    10,675 
Clark County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Building Bonds, Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 6/15/2039   1,950    1,959 
Clark County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Building Bonds, Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 6/15/2040   725    726 
County of Clark, Airport System Rev. Bonds (McCarran International Airport), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 7/1/2033   9,655    10,792 
County of Clark, Airport System Rev. Bonds (McCarran International Airport), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 7/1/2041   9,700    10,422 
County of Clark, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-2, 5.00% 7/1/2040   5,320    5,583 
County of Clark, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds (McCarran International Airport), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034   8,725    10,036 
County of Clark, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds (McCarran International Airport), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2035   7,000    7,991 
County of Clark, Highway Rev. Bonds (Indexed Fuel Tax and Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax), Series 2022, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,815    1,916 
County of Clark, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,000    1,055 
County of Clark, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,000    1,075 
County of Clark, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-E, 5.00% 7/1/2032   1,000    1,118 
County of Clark, Limited Tax G.O. Crossover Rev. Ref. Bonds (Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Auth.), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 7/1/2029   7,230    7,774 
County of Clark, Limited Tax G.O. Stadium Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2032   3,500    3,837 
County of Clark, Limited Tax G.O. Stadium Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2033   4,250    4,647 
County of Clark, Limited Tax G.O. Stadium Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2034   6,500    7,095 
County of Clark, Limited Tax G.O. Stadium Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2035   5,250    5,704 
County of Clark, Limited Tax G.O. Stadium Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2036   7,350    7,939 
County of Clark, Limited Tax G.O. Stadium Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/1/2048   22,000    23,136 
County of Clark, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Edison Co.), Series 2010, 2.10% 6/1/2031   5,000    4,257 
Housing Division, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 10/1/2049   3,800    3,766 
Housing Division, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 4/1/2051   3,065    2,945 
Housing Division, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.50% 4/1/2051   12,455    12,155 
City of Las Vegas, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 6/15/2040   1,000    1,019 
City of Las Vegas, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 6/15/2045   1,225    1,242 
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Auth., Convention Center Expansion and Renovation Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2037   800    900 
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Auth., Convention Center Expansion and Renovation Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2049   4,000    4,295 
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Auth., Convention Center Expansion and Renovation Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.25% 7/1/2049   17,770    19,301 
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Auth., Convention Center Expansion Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 7/1/2043   11,250    11,761 
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 7/1/2024   425    430 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2031   1,600    1,678 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 163

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Nevada (continued)          
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2032  USD1,115   $1,169 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2033   2,500    2,620 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2041   14,000    14,452 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2046   1,635    1,682 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 2.00% 6/1/2034   6,430    5,326 
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 4.00% 6/1/2037   1,250    1,289 
City of Reno, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (ReTRAC - Reno Transportation Rail Access Corridor Project), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2028   1,000    1,062 
City of Reno, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (ReTRAC - Reno Transportation Rail Access Corridor Project), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2031   1,000    1,073 
City of Reno, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (ReTRAC - Reno Transportation Rail Access Corridor Project), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2035   1,000    1,067 
County of Washoe and Cities of Reno and Sparks, Truckee Meadows Water Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2024   2,000    2,032 
County of Washoe and Cities of Reno and Sparks, Truckee Meadows Water Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2028   4,000    4,290 
County of Washoe and Cities of Reno and Sparks, Truckee Meadows Water Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,000    1,073 
County of Washoe and Cities of Reno and Sparks, Truckee Meadows Water Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,000    1,073 
County of Washoe, Reno-Sparks Convention and Visitors Auth., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2028   3,500    3,848 
New Hampshire 1.07%          
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Elliot Hospital Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,250    1,285 
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kendal at Hanover Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2046   1,000    960 
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Southern New Hampshire University), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/2042 (preref. 1/1/2024)   1,750    1,762 
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Southern New Hampshire University), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/2047 (preref. 1/1/2024)   5,500    5,537 
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University System of New Hampshire), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2032   2,565    2,637 
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University System of New Hampshire), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2033   3,740    3,843 
Housing Fin. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-3, 2.60% 7/1/2051   1,500    991 
Housing Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 6.00% 7/1/2053   1,160    1,249 
Housing Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 6.00% 1/1/2055   1,980    2,151 
National Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/15/2037   935    905 
National Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/15/2038   1,000    950 
National Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/15/2039   1,100    1,045 
National Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/15/2040   1,050    989 
National Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/15/2041   1,000    934 
National Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 8/15/2046   10,145    7,598 
National Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 8/15/2051   3,390    2,415 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2020-1, Class A, 4.125% 1/20/2034   56,753    55,613 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2022-1, Class A, 4.375% 9/20/2036   60,940    60,249 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2022-2, Class A, 4.00% 10/20/2036   52,711    50,387 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2023-2, Class A, 3.875% 1/20/2038   28,220    26,312 
National Fin. Auth., Resource Recovery Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covanta Project), Series 2018-B, 4.625% 11/1/20421   8,000    6,935 
164 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New Hampshire (continued)          
National Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Lawrenceville School Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2051  USD6,855   $6,609 
National Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Springpoint Senior Living, Inc.), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2041   2,725    2,262 
National Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Springpoint Senior Living, Inc.), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2051   3,000    2,280 
New Jersey 2.08%          
Atlantic City, Tax Appeal Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 3/1/2037   750    786 
County of Camden, Improvement Auth., Health Care Redev. Project, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cooper Health System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2014, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,500    1,507 
County of Camden, Improvement Auth., Health Care Redev. Project, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cooper Health System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2014, 5.00% 2/15/2032   3,000    3,015 
County of Camden, Improvement Auth., Health Care Redev. Project, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cooper Health System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2014, 5.00% 2/15/2034   1,000    1,004 
Casino Reinvestment Dev. Auth., Luxury Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2028   2,690    2,750 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Motor Vehicle Surcharges Rev. Bonds (Special Needs Housing Program), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2007-B, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 7/1/2026   2,085    1,868 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Kean Properties, LLC - Kean University Student Housing Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2050   590    540 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provident Group - Montclair Properties, LLC - Montclair State University Student Housing Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2030   1,500    1,577 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provident Group - Montclair Properties, LLC - Montclair State University Student Housing Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2031   1,000    1,052 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provident Group - Montclair Properties, LLC - Montclair State University Student Housing Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2037   3,250    3,367 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provident Group - Montclair Properties, LLC - Montclair State University Student Housing Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2042   6,000    6,147 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provident Group - Rowan Properties, LLC - Rowan University Student Housing Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2048   4,000    3,575 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2017-DDD, 5.00% 6/15/2027   1,000    1,062 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2017-DDD, 5.00% 6/15/2029   2,000    2,134 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2017-DDD, 5.00% 6/15/2033 (preref. 6/15/2027)   1,500    1,622 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2018-EEE, 5.00% 6/15/2038 (preref. 12/15/2028)   2,000    2,235 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2016-AAA, 5.00% 6/15/2041 (preref. 12/15/2026)   600    639 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-XX, 5.00% 6/15/2025   7,500    7,721 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-PP, 5.00% 6/15/2027 (preref. 6/15/2024)   1,525    1,549 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-RRR, 5.00% 3/1/2028   3,090    3,316 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2024-SSS, 5.25% 6/15/2037   2,000    2,183 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2024-SSS, 5.25% 6/15/2038   1,135    1,230 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2024-SSS, 5.25% 6/15/2039   2,000    2,157 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Transportation Project Sublease Rev. Bonds (New Jersey Transit Corp. Projects), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/2027   1,185    1,267 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ramapo College of New Jersey Issue), Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2033   1,500    1,610 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ramapo College of New Jersey Issue), Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2034   3,540    3,788 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ramapo College of New Jersey Issue), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2035   200    228 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ramapo College of New Jersey Issue), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2036   600    676 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ramapo College of New Jersey Issue), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2037   600    667 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ramapo College of New Jersey Issue), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2038   750    829 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ramapo College of New Jersey Issue), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/1/2039   640    634 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Stockton University Issue), Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,125    1,175 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stevens Institute of Technology Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   2,555    2,684 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stevens Institute of Technology Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   2,740    2,874 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Green Bonds (Stevens Institute of Technology Issue), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2045   3,500    3,584 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 165

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New Jersey (continued)          
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kean University Issue), Series 2015-H, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2027  USD1,865   $1,926 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (RWJ Barnabas Health Obligated Group Issue), Series 2019-B-2, 5.00% 7/1/2042 (put 7/1/2025)   4,875    5,010 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinitas Regional Medical Center Obligated Group Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025 (escrowed to maturity)   1,000    1,033 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinitas Regional Medical Center Obligated Group Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   1,000    1,054 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinitas Regional Medical Center Obligated Group Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027 (preref. 7/1/2026)   2,185    2,303 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (AtlantiCare Health System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,375    1,547 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (AtlantiCare Health System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/1/2035   750    774 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (AtlantiCare Health System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2021, 3.00% 7/1/2038   2,500    2,094 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (AtlantiCare Health System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2021, 3.00% 7/1/2039   2,000    1,658 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Joseph’s Healthcare System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2031   500    512 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Joseph’s Healthcare System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2035   500    508 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Valley Health System Obligated Group), Series 2019, 4.00% 7/1/2035   1,000    1,005 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Valley Health System Obligated Group), Series 2019, 4.00% 7/1/2036   1,000    1,003 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Valley Health System Obligated Group), Series 2019, 4.00% 7/1/2037   1,000    1,000 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Valley Health System Obligated Group), Series 2019, 4.00% 7/1/2038   1,250    1,242 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Valley Health System Obligated Group), Series 2019, 4.00% 7/1/2044   3,000    2,897 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hackensack Meridian Health Obligated Group Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2035   1,250    1,331 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hackensack Meridian Health Obligated Group Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2037   1,000    1,054 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hackensack Meridian Health Obligated Group Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2039   2,500    2,616 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (RWJ Barnabas Health Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   2,905    3,073 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (RWJ Barnabas Health Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   7,000    7,393 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Conduit Rev. Bonds (Browns Woods Apartments Project), Series 2021-A, 1.25% 12/1/2024 (put 12/1/2023)   3,030    3,004 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.50% 10/1/2048   19,690    19,747 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.75% 10/1/2050   12,580    12,694 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-E, 3.50% 4/1/2051   12,580    12,292 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-H, 3.00% 10/1/2052   27,160    25,956 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-J, 5.50% 4/1/2053   53,710    57,454 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-I, 5.00% 10/1/2053   12,475    12,879 
South Jersey Transportation Auth., Transportation System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.625% 11/1/2047   3,390    3,443 
South Jersey Transportation Auth., Transportation System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, BAM insured, 5.25% 11/1/2052   4,000    4,390 
South Jersey Transportation Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 11/1/2030   1,010    1,024 
South Jersey Transportation Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 11/1/2039   4,750    4,768 
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2024   4,220    4,269 
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2025   3,330    3,418 
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2029   1,575    1,698 
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2030   5,000    5,393 
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2033   5,000    5,376 
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.25% 6/1/2046   3,600    3,736 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Federal Highway Reimbursement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/15/2030   3,500    3,674 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2023-AA, 5.00% 6/15/2026   1,000    1,046 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-BB, 5.00% 6/15/2035   500    556 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2019-AA, 5.00% 6/15/2037   1,000    1,060 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-AA, 5.00% 6/15/2037   5,000    5,482 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-BB, 4.00% 6/15/2040   1,000    986 
166 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New Jersey (continued)          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-BB, 4.00% 6/15/2041  USD1,500   $1,477 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2019-BB, 5.00% 6/15/2044   1,000    1,045 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2020-AA, 4.00% 6/15/2045   5,000    4,863 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2020-AA, 5.00% 6/15/2045   2,310    2,451 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-BB, 4.00% 6/15/2046   8,295    8,029 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2019-AA, 5.00% 6/15/2046   2,500    2,612 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2020-AA, 3.00% 6/15/2050   13,010    9,826 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-BB, 3.00% 6/15/2050   11,500    8,638 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-BB, 4.00% 6/15/2050   5,000    4,736 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2006-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 12/15/2023   5,000    5,037 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2006-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 12/15/2023   2,985    3,006 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2004-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.75% 6/15/2025   5,580    5,820 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/15/2037   3,000    3,316 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/15/2038   3,500    3,838 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/15/2039   3,100    3,076 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/15/2039   1,000    1,062 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/15/2040   5,000    4,931 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds (Capital Appreciation Bonds), Series 2010-A, 0% 12/15/2030   8,620    6,606 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, AMBAC insured, 0% 12/15/2025   26,585    24,378 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, AMBAC insured, 0% 12/15/2026   3,500    3,105 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, National insured, 0% 12/15/2027   10,650    9,150 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, National insured, 0% 12/15/2031   9,000    6,640 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2009-A, 0% 12/15/2032   2,500    1,764 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 12/15/2033   17,500    11,952 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 12/15/2034   16,880    11,024 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2008-A, 0% 12/15/2037   3,000    1,640 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2009-A, BAM Insured, 0% 12/15/2038   4,000    2,094 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-A, BAM insured, 0% 12/15/2040   30,765    14,265 
Turnpike Auth., Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-D, 5.00% 1/1/2028   2,175    2,289 
New Mexico 0.44%          
City of Farmington, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Public Service Co. of San Juan and Four Corners Projects), Series 2016-B, 2.15% 4/1/2033   1,250    989 
City of Farmington, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Public Service Co. of San Juan Project), Series 2010-C, 1.15% 6/1/2040 (put 6/1/2024)   12,000    11,661 
City of Farmington, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Public Service Co. of San Juan Project), Series 2010-E, 1.15% 6/1/2040 (put 6/1/2024)   1,750    1,701 
Hospital Equipment Loan Council, Hospital System Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Healthcare Services), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/1/2044 (preref. 8/1/2025)   1,350    1,393 
Hospital Equipment Loan Council, Hospital System Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Healthcare Services), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/1/2044   1,860    1,947 
Hospital Equipment Loan Council, Hospital System Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Healthcare Services), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 8/1/2049 (put 8/1/2025)   5,335    5,480 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2017-B-1, Class I, 3.75% 9/1/2048   1,845    1,821 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, Class I, 4.00% 1/1/2049   4,805    4,767 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, Class I, 4.00% 1/1/2049   2,400    2,381 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2018-C, Class I, 4.00% 1/1/2049   1,265    1,255 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 167

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New Mexico (continued)          
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2018-D, Class I, 4.25% 7/1/2049  USD3,510   $3,499 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2019-D, Class I, 3.75% 1/1/2050   3,880    3,821 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, Class I, 4.25% 1/1/2050   785    783 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2019-F-1, Class I, 3.50% 7/1/2050   10,370    10,143 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2019-C-1, Class I, 4.00% 7/1/2050   820    813 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2020-A, Class I, 3.50% 1/1/2051   3,205    3,135 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2021-A, Class I, 3.00% 1/1/2052   4,170    4,005 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2021-C, Class I, 3.00% 1/1/2052   1,675    1,607 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2021-D, Class I, 3.00% 7/1/2052   21,900    20,989 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2022-A, Class I, 3.00% 3/1/2053   4,850    4,646 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2022-C, Class I, 4.25% 3/1/2053   1,000    1,006 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2022-D, Class I, 5.25% 3/1/2053   2,130    2,235 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2023-B, Class I, 5.50% 3/1/2054   7,000    7,446 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2023-A, Class I, 5.75% 3/1/2054   4,000    4,309 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2023-C, Class I, 5.75% 3/1/2054   190    205 
New York 11.15%          
Town of Amherst Dev. Corp., Student Housing Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (UBF Faculty-Student Housing Corp. - Greiner and Hadley Rev. Ref. Projects at SUNY Buffalo), Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,055    1,147 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/15/2026   2,670    2,746 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/15/2027   5,975    6,162 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/15/2028   8,085    8,325 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/15/2030   5,840    5,994 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/15/2032   1,035    1,046 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/15/2033   1,085    1,095 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/15/2034   1,000    1,008 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/15/2042   70,655    70,720 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 7/15/2043   4,260    3,296 
Broome County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (United Health Services Hospitals, Inc. Project), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 4/1/2050   750    712 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Grand Concourse Academy Charter School Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2042   600    608 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Grand Concourse Academy Charter School Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2052   725    724 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Grand Concourse Academy Charter School Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2056   550    540 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2037   925    501 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2038   1,390    713 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2039   2,300    1,115 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2045   1,000    349 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-A, 0% 11/15/2054   24,390    5,250 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2054   1,965    464 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-A, 0% 11/15/2055   6,000    1,218 
168 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2056  USD3,500   $690 
Dormitory Auth., Mortgage Hospital Rev. Bonds (Maimonides Medical Center), Series 2020, FHA insured, 4.00% 8/1/2043   750    745 
Dormitory Auth., Mortgage Hospital Rev. Bonds (Maimonides Medical Center), Series 2020, FHA insured, 3.00% 2/1/2050   1,000    750 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   7,500    7,704 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New School), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,255    1,316 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New School), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2032   2,250    2,358 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New School), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2041   1,000    1,052 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New York University), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,000    1,100 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New York University), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,500    1,631 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New York University), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2038   2,000    2,149 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (State University of New York Dormitory Facs.), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2038   1,070    1,063 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (State University of New York Dormitory Facs.), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2043   1,200    1,160 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (State University of New York Dormitory Facs.), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2049   2,625    2,480 
Dormitory Auth., School Dist. Rev. Bond Fncg. Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2036   1,740    1,966 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2014-C, 5.00% 3/15/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   5,510    5,573 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/15/2028   2,675    2,923 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 2/15/2030   2,500    2,522 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2032   1,500    1,601 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 3/15/2034   4,390    4,510 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 2/15/2035   17,005    18,233 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2037   1,685    1,841 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-D, 4.00% 2/15/2039   1,775    1,783 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/15/2039   5,000    5,027 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/15/2040   1,000    1,072 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2040   6,135    6,615 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 3/15/2041   43,585    36,710 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2041   2,000    2,150 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/15/2041   5,000    5,533 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 3/15/2042   16,375    13,633 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2021-E, 4.00% 3/15/2042   1,170    1,158 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 3/15/2042   2,350    2,326 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2042   6,860    7,356 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 3/15/2043   20,000    19,751 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2043   4,800    5,143 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2044   10,000    10,696 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 3/15/2045   5,000    4,920 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-D, 4.00% 2/15/2047   30,640    29,978 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 3/15/2047   11,000    10,761 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2047   14,500    15,444 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 3/15/2048   5,000    4,856 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2021-E, 4.00% 3/15/2048   20,000    19,426 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-D, 4.00% 2/15/2049   20,075    19,428 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 3/15/2049   12,280    11,883 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 3/15/2033   4,000    4,268 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/15/2034   10,000    10,901 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 3/15/2038   3,690    3,724 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/15/2040   1,035    1,101 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/15/2045   1,480    1,565 
County of Erie, Industrial Dev. Agcy., School Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (City School Dist. of the City of Buffalo Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 5/1/2026   5,000    5,006 
County of Erie, Industrial Dev. Agcy., School Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (City School Dist. of the City of Buffalo Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 5/1/2027   3,000    3,003 
Genesee County Funding Corp., Rev. Bonds (Rochester Regional Health Project), Series 2022-A, 5.25% 12/1/2052   690    717 
Housing Fin. Agcy., 15 Hudson Yards Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 1.65% 5/15/2039   6,582    4,692 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-M, 3.65% 11/1/2042   1,250    1,122 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-I, 1.75% 5/1/2024   530    521 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-J, 0.75% 5/1/2025   5,000    4,705 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 169

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-L-2, 0.75% 11/1/2025  USD5,600   $5,159 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-M-2, 0.75% 11/1/2025   1,500    1,386 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 1.10% 5/1/2026   1,000    917 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-L-1, 1.65% 5/1/2030   1,135    977 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-P, 2.60% 11/1/2034   2,260    1,987 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 2.00% 11/1/2035   1,060    842 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-L-1, 2.10% 11/1/2035   4,100    3,312 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-M-1, 2.10% 11/1/2035   5,900    4,791 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2017-D, 3.95% 11/1/2037   1,000    982 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-D-1, 2.55% 11/1/2046   4,085    2,797 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-E-1, 2.65% 11/1/2051   4,965    3,340 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-H, 3.25% 11/1/2052   1,105    839 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-D-2, 0.65% 11/1/2056 (put 11/1/2025)   3,140    2,892 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-J-1, 2.875% 11/1/2056   4,000    2,732 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-J-2, 1.00% 11/1/2061 (put 11/1/2026)   5,500    4,997 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-K-2, 1.00% 11/1/2061 (put 11/1/2026)   2,755    2,508 
Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 2.75% 2/15/2047   3,360    2,456 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-WTC-1, 3.00% 2/15/2042   5,000    4,020 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 2.10% 11/15/2032   5,680    4,891 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 2.20% 11/15/2033   10,390    8,912 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 2.875% 11/15/2046   10,000    7,301 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 11/15/2051   10,865    7,956 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 11/15/2051   5,000    3,691 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 1.00% 9/1/2025   22,320    20,789 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2003-C, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.25% 9/1/2029   4,000    4,556 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 9/1/2032   6,000    6,340 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-C, 4.394% 5/1/2033 (put 10/1/2023)3   5,765    5,765 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-C, (1-month USD-LIBOR x 0.70 + 0.75%) 4.394% 5/1/2033 (put 10/1/2023)2,3   14,335    14,335 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,500    1,522 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2034   5,000    5,520 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,200    1,363 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2036   1,500    1,685 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2037   2,000    2,170 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2037   1,000    1,113 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,000    1,082 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,450    1,602 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2039   3,995    4,051 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Dedicated Tax Fund Green Bonds, Series 2016-B-1, 5.00% 11/15/2036   5,000    5,272 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Hudson Rail Yards Trust Obligations, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/15/2051   7,500    7,500 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-C, 5.00% 11/15/2024   410    416 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A-1, 5.00% 11/15/2035   1,625    1,650 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2035   6,000    6,125 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A-1, 5.00% 11/15/2036   2,830    2,869 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A-1, 5.00% 11/15/2040   1,000    1,009 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 11/15/2041   2,000    1,942 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 4.00% 11/15/2042   13,360    12,881 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 11/15/2042   17,500    16,872 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 11/15/2043   7,330    7,044 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 11/15/2044   11,000    11,022 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A-1, 5.00% 11/15/2045   22,845    22,931 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A-2, 5.00% 11/15/2045 (put 5/15/2030)   8,450    9,103 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 11/15/2027   1,065    1,102 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 11/15/2032   1,500    1,578 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2040   6,000    5,860 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 5.00% 11/15/2043   3,000    3,150 
170 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 11/15/2045  USD2,000   $1,965 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2045   1,185    1,124 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2045   3,955    3,751 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-D, 5.00% 11/15/2045   1,500    1,568 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2046   20,975    19,783 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-D-2, 4.00% 11/15/2047   10,500    9,850 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-D-2, 4.00% 11/15/2048   2,225    2,076 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-D-3, 4.00% 11/15/2049   20,555    19,093 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 11/15/2050   7,525    6,970 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2050   10,500    10,884 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 11/15/2052   3,930    4,045 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, BAM insured, 4.00% 11/15/2053   12,320    11,965 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.25% 11/15/2056   2,500    2,528 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2026   4,535    4,674 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2027   2,930    3,019 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-F, 5.00% 11/15/2027   2,230    2,298 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 11/15/2030   2,720    2,824 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-E, 5.00% 11/15/2030   5,000    5,491 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002-D-2-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.55%) 4.107% 11/1/2032 (put 4/1/2024)3   5,000    5,003 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002-D-2-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.55%) 4.107% 11/1/2032 (put 4/1/2024)3   4,215    4,217 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 5.00% 11/15/2033   2,225    2,369 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 5.00% 11/15/2035   4,885    5,160 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 4.00% 11/15/2036   1,010    1,002 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 4.00% 11/15/2046   5,100    4,810 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2025   4,500    4,635 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-A-2, 5.00% 11/15/2026   1,000    1,044 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2026   10,000    10,441 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2028   5,695    6,067 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2029   2,805    2,990 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 5.00% 11/15/2029   4,750    5,162 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-A-2, 5.00% 11/15/2030   1,000    1,054 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2030   1,000    1,065 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2031   1,000    1,066 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 5.00% 11/15/2032   2,920    3,219 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2033   1,000    1,065 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2034   2,500    2,497 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2034   2,335    2,479 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2035   5,000    4,971 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2036   3,000    2,974 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2038   1,000    988 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 4.00% 11/15/2045   5,100    4,837 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2019-A-2, 5.00% 11/15/2045   3,000    3,095 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017-C-2, 0% 11/15/2027   1,500    1,283 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017-C-2, 0% 11/15/2029   3,490    2,771 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 205, 4.00% 4/1/2040   755    750 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 48, 2.625% 4/1/2041   20    20 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 197, 3.50% 10/1/2044   1,730    1,708 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 233, 3.00% 10/1/2045   11,380    10,947 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 200, 3.50% 10/1/2045   2,355    2,333 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 195, 4.00% 10/1/2046   2,100    2,090 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 54, 4.00% 4/1/2047   5,085    5,056 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 213, 4.25% 10/1/2047   3,085    3,075 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 208, 4.00% 10/1/2048   11,430    11,348 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 223, 3.50% 4/1/2049   1,650    1,623 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 227, 3.25% 10/1/2050   7,325    7,122 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 239, 3.25% 10/1/2051   5,015    4,840 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 242, 3.50% 10/1/2052   10,530    10,277 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 171

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
County of Nassau, G.O. General Improvement Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 10/1/2023  USD510   $511 
County of Nassau, G.O. General Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2035   2,250    2,472 
County of Nassau, G.O. General Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2042   2,000    2,125 
County of Nassau, G.O. General Improvement Bonds, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 4/1/2045   5,000    4,927 
County of Nassau, G.O. General Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 4/1/2042   1,200    1,349 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2013-H, 5.00% 8/1/2023   2,625    2,625 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2013-J, 5.00% 8/1/2023   550    550 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/1/2024   2,750    2,799 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/1/2026   4,500    4,660 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 8/1/2026   2,500    2,647 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/1/2026   5,000    5,294 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2026   6,000    6,352 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/1/2028   1,000    1,025 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2028   2,680    2,952 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 5.00% 8/1/2029   4,800    5,228 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/1/2030   9,000    9,221 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-D, 5.00% 8/1/2030   1,000    1,025 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2030   815    859 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 5.00% 8/1/2030   8,075    8,786 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-1, 5.00% 8/1/2030   4,330    4,947 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2030   2,500    2,856 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2006-I-A, 5.00% 4/1/2031   2,000    2,292 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 5.00% 8/1/2031   3,620    3,938 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 5.00% 8/1/2031   225    257 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 11/1/2031   5,000    5,737 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-E-1, 5.00% 3/1/2032   2,575    2,807 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2006-I-A, 5.00% 4/1/2032   2,000    2,288 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/1/2032   3,500    3,584 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-B-1, 5.00% 12/1/2032   1,500    1,587 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2006-I-A, 5.00% 4/1/2033   2,000    2,283 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/1/2033   1,000    1,024 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-E, 5.00% 8/1/2033   1,000    1,107 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 8/1/2033   485    570 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,130    1,264 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2008-L-5, 5.00% 4/1/2034   3,710    4,260 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2034   1,000    1,153 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-B-1, 5.00% 12/1/2034   1,000    1,055 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2035   4,510    5,151 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 5.00% 8/1/2035   2,660    3,079 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, 5.00% 10/1/2035   2,950    3,175 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2006-J-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.59% 6/1/20363   2,625    2,625 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 5.00% 8/1/2036   4,000    4,459 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 5.00% 8/1/2036   1,750    2,000 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2036   965    1,116 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 5.00% 10/1/2036   8,750    9,618 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-E-1, 5.00% 3/1/2037   6,345    6,812 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-F-1, 5.00% 4/1/2037   2,000    2,149 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2037   2,000    2,080 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-B-1, 5.00% 12/1/2037   2,500    2,613 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-D-1, 5.00% 12/1/2037   5,000    5,403 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 5.00% 3/1/2038   7,500    8,246 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2014-D-3, 5.00% 8/1/2038 (put 2/1/2024)   4,775    4,781 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 5.00% 10/1/2038   7,500    8,168 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-B-1, 5.00% 12/1/2038   1,500    1,566 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 5.00% 3/1/2039   8,840    9,675 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-D-1, 5.25% 5/1/2039   1,800    2,058 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 5.00% 10/1/2039   6,810    7,393 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 5.00% 3/1/2040   7,000    7,628 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 4.00% 10/1/2040   2,500    2,514 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 5.25% 10/1/2040   3,000    3,428 
172 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 4.00% 3/1/2041  USD8,000   $8,016 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2041   12,400    13,362 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-B-1, 5.00% 12/1/2041   1,500    1,558 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 4.00% 3/1/2042   2,500    2,488 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 8/1/2042   2,000    1,990 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 5.00% 10/1/2042   6,000    6,457 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 5.00% 3/1/2043   2,000    2,160 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-F-1, 5.00% 3/1/2043   4,430    4,831 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-D-1, 5.25% 5/1/2043   1,195    1,343 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2043   10,000    10,731 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 5.25% 10/1/2043   1,500    1,694 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-B-1, 4.00% 12/1/2043   1,835    1,811 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 4.00% 3/1/2044   5,000    4,914 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-F-4, 5.00% 6/1/2044 (put 12/1/2025)   4,035    4,152 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-F-1, 4.00% 3/1/2047   1,755    1,715 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2047   19,970    21,660 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 5.25% 10/1/2047   10,830    12,102 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 4.00% 3/1/2050   21,870    21,217 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-F-1, 5.00% 3/1/2050   1,880    2,026 
New York City Health and Hospitals Corp., Health System Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/15/2030   1,330    1,511 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Housing Impact Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 2.70% 8/1/2045   5,000    3,615 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Housing Impact Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 2.80% 2/1/2050   11,500    7,933 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Housing Impact Green Bonds, Series 2020-C, 2.75% 2/1/2051   2,000    1,349 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Housing Impact Green Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.25% 8/1/2051   5,050    3,928 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (8 Spruce Street), Series 2014-E, 3.50% 2/15/2048   5,260    5,167 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-C-1, 2.50% 11/1/2051   5,000    3,135 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-C-2, 0.70% 11/1/2060 (put 7/1/2025)   4,980    4,656 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Neighborhood Bonds), Series 2020-I-1, 2.10% 11/1/2035   5,000    3,955 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Neighborhood Bonds), Series 2017-C-1, 3.55% 11/1/2042   8,000    7,124 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Neighborhood Bonds), Series 2017-A-1-A, 3.85% 11/1/2042   2,000    1,846 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Neighborhood Bonds), Series 2020-I-2, 0.70% 11/1/2060 (put 5/1/2025)   5,615    5,234 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-F-1, 2.10% 11/1/2036   6,000    4,599 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-F-1, 2.25% 11/1/2041   7,100    5,011 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2020-D-1-A, 2.30% 11/1/2045   2,665    1,735 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2020-H, 2.55% 11/1/2045   2,320    1,610 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-C-1, 2.40% 11/1/2046   4,050    2,684 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-F-1, 2.40% 11/1/2046   2,405    1,584 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-F-1, 2.50% 11/1/2051   5,000    3,135 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2020-A-1-C, 3.00% 11/1/2055   3,000    2,138 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-F-2, 0.60% 5/1/2061 (put 7/1/2025)   6,595    6,114 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Neighborhood Bonds), Series 2020-I-1, 2.55% 11/1/2045   5,000    3,471 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Neighborhood Bonds), Series 2019-G-1-B, 3.05% 5/1/2050   5,920    4,453 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2009-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 3/1/2032   3,365    2,402 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 173

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2028  USD1,000   $1,072 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,000    1,108 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2031   4,250    4,771 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 1/1/2032   500    523 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 1/1/2033   500    468 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 1/1/2034   3,150    2,915 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 1/1/2037   4,940    4,257 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 1/1/2040   6,360    5,262 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 1/1/2046   9,380    7,159 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 3/1/2039   5,500    4,683 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 3/1/2040   2,000    1,682 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 3/1/2045   9,800    9,423 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 3/1/2045   2,000    1,851 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 3/1/2049   9,315    6,967 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-EE, 5.00% 6/15/2033   4,560    4,923 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-DD, 5.00% 6/15/2034   5,000    6,008 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-AA-2, 4.00% 6/15/2042   19,910    19,910 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-BB-2, 4.00% 6/15/2042   3,335    3,335 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-BB-1, 5.00% 6/15/2044   4,240    4,682 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-EE, 5.00% 6/15/2045   16,500    18,237 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-DD, 4.125% 6/15/2046   1,000    999 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-DD, 5.00% 6/15/2046   17,000    18,888 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-DD, 5.25% 6/15/2046   3,965    4,508 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-DD, 4.125% 6/15/2047   11,235    11,185 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-DD, 5.00% 6/15/2047   2,000    2,081 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-DD, 5.00% 6/15/2047   5,000    5,544 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-DD, 5.25% 6/15/2047   8,270    9,384 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-CC-1, 5.00% 6/15/2048   8,000    8,378 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-DD-1, 5.00% 6/15/2048   1,500    1,579 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-DD-1, 5.00% 6/15/2049   6,000    6,351 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-CC-1, 5.00% 6/15/2049   4,000    4,265 
174 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-DD-1, 4.00% 6/15/2050  USD9,050   $8,839 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-GG-1, 4.00% 6/15/2050   9,735    9,508 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-AA-1, 4.00% 6/15/2050   3,930    3,839 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-BB-1, 4.00% 6/15/2050   9,250    9,035 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-GG-1, 5.00% 6/15/2050   16,310    17,428 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-AA-1, 4.00% 6/15/2051   3,000    2,925 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-CC-3, 4.00% 6/15/2051   3,500    3,413 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-CC-1, 5.00% 6/15/2052   4,400    4,750 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-S-1, 5.00% 7/15/2029   5,000    5,224 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-S-3, 5.00% 7/15/2033   4,320    4,758 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-S-4-A, 5.00% 7/15/2034   4,000    4,395 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-S-1, 5.00% 7/15/2035   3,295    3,546 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-S-4-A, 5.00% 7/15/2035   3,000    3,229 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-S-3, 5.00% 7/15/2035   5,000    5,444 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-S-1, 4.00% 7/15/2037   5,135    5,224 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-S-3, 5.00% 7/15/2037   10,000    10,835 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-S-4-A, 5.00% 7/15/2037   19,250    20,856 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-S-3, 5.00% 7/15/2038   4,000    4,317 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-S-1-A, 4.00% 7/15/2040   2,000    2,005 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-S-1, 5.00% 7/15/2043   10,000    10,675 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 11/1/2027   5,000    5,158 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2015-E-1, 5.00% 2/1/2031   5,000    5,126 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 11/1/2031   3,750    4,028 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, 5.00% 8/1/2033   10,000    10,793 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2017-F-1, 5.00% 5/1/2034   5,000    5,358 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2034   8,000    8,267 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-D-1, 5.00% 11/1/2034   2,500    2,845 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 5/1/2035   1,000    1,048 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2017-F-1, 5.00% 5/1/2035   5,000    5,336 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2018-A-2, 5.00% 8/1/2035   10,000    10,725 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2035   6,000    6,542 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-D-1, 4.00% 11/1/2035   5,170    5,431 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 4.00% 5/1/2036   1,200    1,247 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2036   4,000    4,114 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-D-1, 5.00% 11/1/2036   2,000    2,251 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-E-1, 5.00% 2/1/2037   2,000    2,247 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 4.00% 5/1/2037   1,000    1,024 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2017-B-1, 4.00% 8/1/2037   2,800    2,827 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2037   2,000    2,052 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 11/1/2037   11,000    9,917 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-D-1, 5.00% 11/1/2037   5,000    5,571 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2016-B-1, 5.00% 8/1/2038   2,000    2,083 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2038   4,750    5,102 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 11/1/2039   3,500    3,071 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 4.00% 11/1/2039   2,455    2,463 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-D-1, 4.00% 11/1/2039   3,500    3,514 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-E-1, 4.00% 2/1/2040   4,000    3,998 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 4.00% 5/1/2040   1,000    999 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-A-2, 5.00% 5/1/2040   36,900    39,689 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-D-1, 4.00% 11/1/2040   1,000    999 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-E-1, 4.00% 2/1/2041   8,815    8,769 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 4.00% 5/1/2041   1,000    995 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 5.00% 5/1/2041   4,000    4,375 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-E-1, 4.00% 2/1/2042   3,000    2,969 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2022-C-1, 4.00% 2/1/2042   5,000    4,949 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 175

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-A-3, 4.00% 5/1/2042  USD1,510   $1,494 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, 4.00% 8/1/2042   1,350    1,336 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 8/1/2042   5,000    4,948 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2042   1,500    1,601 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-A-3, 4.00% 5/1/2043   2,900    2,868 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 4.00% 11/1/2043   10,000    9,886 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-D-1, 4.00% 11/1/2043   7,000    6,920 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2024-A-1, 5.00% 5/1/2044   5,500    6,047 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 4.00% 5/1/2045   10,135    9,987 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-C-1, 4.00% 5/1/2045   3,250    3,202 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2024-A-1, 4.00% 5/1/2045   2,250    2,217 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, 5.00% 8/1/2045   3,035    3,186 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2024-A-1, 5.00% 5/1/2046   5,520    6,036 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-D-1, 4.00% 11/1/2046   10,500    10,328 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2022-F-1, 5.00% 2/1/2047   3,660    3,959 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-D-1, 4.00% 11/1/2047   1,000    981 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-C-1, 3.00% 5/1/2048   6,000    4,691 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 8/1/2048   1,515    1,485 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2022-C-1, 4.00% 2/1/2051   9,615    9,361 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2022-F-1, 4.00% 2/1/2051   2,800    2,726 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 4.00% 2/1/2051   47,070    45,829 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2024-A-1, 4.00% 5/1/2053   10,000    9,694 
New York City Trust for Cultural Resources, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2034   1,000    1,057 
County of Onondaga, Trust for Cultural Resources, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 12/1/2049   5,000    4,785 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 212, 4.00% 9/1/2037   2,000    2,053 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 212, 4.00% 9/1/2038   4,000    4,081 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 212, 4.00% 9/1/2039   3,360    3,393 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 233, 5.25% 8/1/2052   4,000    4,462 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/15/2055   5,670    5,529 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/15/2060   5,450    5,255 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Green Transmission Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2035   1,750    2,046 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Green Transmission Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 11/15/2036   1,105    1,150 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Green Transmission Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 11/15/2037   1,000    1,029 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Green Transmission Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 11/15/2038   2,000    2,045 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Green Transmission Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 11/15/2039   4,000    4,068 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Green Transmission Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 11/15/2052   3,000    2,904 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Green Transmission Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 11/15/2061   31,865    30,653 
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2019-B, 4.00% 12/1/2023   250    250 
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2019-B, 4.00% 12/1/2024   250    249 
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2019-B, 4.00% 12/1/2025   275    272 
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   180    183 
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 12/1/2029   1,000    1,013 
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2034   165    166 
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 12/1/2034   1,000    1,003 
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2040   175    169 
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 12/1/2040   1,050    1,013 
176 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-N, 5.00% 1/1/2034  USD5,000   $5,650 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-N, 4.00% 1/1/2047   7,500    7,299 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2032   5,000    5,202 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 1/1/2037   7,000    7,108 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 1/1/2038   11,260    11,307 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 1/1/2039   4,000    4,000 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2041   3,500    3,595 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 1/1/2045   4,000    3,883 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2019-B, 3.00% 1/1/2046   900    694 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2046   8,500    8,689 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2051   1,600    1,632 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2016-A, 5.25% 1/1/2056   3,250    3,353 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-L, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,500    1,637 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-L, 5.00% 1/1/2029   2,000    2,177 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-L, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,700    1,851 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 3/15/2041   9,225    9,142 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 3.00% 3/15/2048   4,200    3,328 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 3/15/2050   2,125    2,062 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 3/15/2051   15,000    14,531 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 3/15/2054   10,000    9,524 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 3/15/2056   20,000    19,018 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 3/15/2058   5,000    4,739 
County of Tompkins, Dev. Corp., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Kendal at Ithaca, Inc. Project), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   530    532 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2031   1,200    1,324 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2032   2,500    2,749 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2033   500    549 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2034   2,985    3,264 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2036   5,700    6,132 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2038   2,125    2,264 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 4.00% 12/1/2039   1,800    1,771 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 4.00% 12/1/2041   5,830    5,651 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2033   2,395    2,568 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2034   960    1,028 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2035   1,000    1,066 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/15/2049   18,000    19,201 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/2051   14,000    14,945 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 11/15/2052   15,000    14,381 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/15/2054   6,205    6,589 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/2056   7,240    7,715 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 11/15/2023   2,500    2,503 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2005-B-4A, 3.77% 1/1/2032 (put 2/1/2024)3   5,290    5,262 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 11/15/2033   3,000    3,217 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 177

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)          
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., Payroll Mobility Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2021-A-2, 2.00% 5/15/2045 (put 5/15/2024)  USD500   $491 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., Payroll Mobility Tax Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2022-E-2B, 5.00% 11/15/2032   3,960    4,709 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2013-A, 0% 11/15/2032   3,095    2,190 
City of Troy Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/1/2027   800    826 
City of Troy Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,750    1,923 
City of Troy Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2033   1,250    1,372 
City of Troy Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,750    1,919 
City of Troy Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,250    1,363 
City of Troy Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2039   1,500    1,597 
City of Troy Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2040   1,750    1,616 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2028   750    785 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2029   1,000    1,047 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2030   3,500    3,663 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2031   2,250    2,354 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2017-C-2, 5.00% 3/15/2031   5,000    5,406 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 3/15/2034   5,000    5,044 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2017-C-2, 5.00% 3/15/2034   7,500    8,089 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2035   1,990    2,071 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 3/15/2036   4,500    4,822 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2037   1,000    1,083 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 3/15/2038   1,130    1,249 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2039   1,000    1,074 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-C, 3.00% 3/15/2040   3,545    3,026 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-C, 4.00% 3/15/2041   24,165    24,007 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 3/15/2042   3,100    3,377 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2044   12,000    12,761 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 3/15/2044   5,000    5,416 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 3/15/2045   2,500    2,446 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-E, 3.00% 3/15/2047   11,135    8,711 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 3/15/2049   1,120    1,086 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-C, 4.00% 3/15/2049   10,000    9,692 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 3/15/2050   3,000    2,301 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 3/15/2050   3,000    3,224 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2039   6,500    7,038 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/15/2040   12,500    10,669 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 3/15/2046   1,750    1,740 
Utility Debt Securitization Auth., Restructuring Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/15/2034   1,000    1,058 
Utility Debt Securitization Auth., Restructuring Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/15/2035   750    792 
Utility Debt Securitization Auth., Restructuring Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 12/15/2038   5,000    5,408 
Utility Debt Securitization Auth., Restructuring Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 12/15/2041   16,000    17,204 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Senior Learning Community, Inc.), Series 2021-D, 2.875% 7/1/20261   3,590    3,427 
North Carolina 0.98%          
City of Charlotte, Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/1/2046   2,635    2,093 
City of Charlotte, Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 7/1/2047   10,050    9,906 
City of Charlotte, Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 3.00% 7/1/2039   3,250    2,861 
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1993-B, FGIC-National insured, 6.00% 1/1/2025 (escrowed to maturity)   4,725    4,887 
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1993-B, National insured, 6.00% 1/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   2,500    2,651 
178 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
North Carolina (continued)          
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1993-B, 6.00% 1/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)  USD1,990   $2,111 
G.O. Public Improvement Bonds (Connect NC), Series 2019-B, 2.00% 6/1/2033   2,500    2,179 
Grant Anticipation Rev. Vehicle Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 3/1/2030   3,000    3,083 
Grant Anticipation Rev. Vehicle Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 3/1/2033   1,250    1,435 
Grant Anticipation Rev. Vehicle Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 3/1/2034   7,000    7,427 
Grant Anticipation Rev. Vehicle Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 3/1/2035   13,910    14,626 
Hospital Auth., Health Care Rev. Ref. Bonds (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 1/15/2038   1,635    1,629 
Hospital Auth., Health Care Rev. Ref. Bonds (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 1/15/2039   1,390    1,373 
Hospital Auth., Health Care Rev. Ref. Bonds (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 1/15/2043   1,565    1,558 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 44, 2.85% 7/1/2040   2,045    1,660 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 40, 4.25% 7/1/2047   6,550    6,533 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 41, 4.00% 1/1/2050   2,755    2,733 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 47, 3.00% 7/1/2051   17,150    16,471 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 50, 5.50% 1/1/2054   6,260    6,700 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 51, 5.75% 1/1/2054   13,000    13,974 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds (1998 Trust Agreement), Series 49, 6.00% 7/1/2053   1,145    1,232 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 38-B, 4.00% 7/1/2047   3,510    3,484 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 39-B, 4.00% 7/1/2048   11,150    11,062 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 42, 4.00% 1/1/2050   2,850    2,825 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 44, 4.00% 7/1/2050   1,820    1,804 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Home Ownership Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 46-A, 3.00% 7/1/2051   15,795    15,178 
City of Lexington, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The Club Apartments Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/1/2025   6,835    6,891 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (The Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2035   650    614 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (The Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2040   600    516 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (The Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2040   1,425    1,429 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (The Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2045   2,500    2,039 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (The Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 10/1/2050   2,450    1,920 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (The Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2050   6,605    6,367 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Pines at Davidson Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2038   1,000    992 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Pines at Davidson Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2049   7,665    7,173 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,400    1,424 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-C, 3.00% 10/1/2036   550    448 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Novant Health Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 11/1/2049   5,000    4,852 
Medical Care Commission, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Caromont Health), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2031   450    511 
Medical Care Commission, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Caromont Health), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2032   475    535 
Medical Care Commission, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Caromont Health), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 2/1/2036   1,475    1,507 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. Entrance Fee Rev. Bonds (Friends Homes), Series 2020-B-2, 2.30% 9/1/2025   1,250    1,187 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Plantation Village, Inc.), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 1/1/2041   1,120    899 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Carolina Village Project), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 4/1/2047   4,000    3,347 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Retirement Ministries Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2038   1,000    995 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Retirement Ministries Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2044   5,000    4,808 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Retirement Ministries Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2049   5,300    4,967 
City of Raleigh, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Toulon Place), Series 2023, 5.00% 12/1/2026 (put 12/1/2025)   8,300    8,474 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 179

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
North Carolina (continued)          
Turnpike Auth., Triangle Expressway System, Appropriation Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019, 0% 1/1/2040  USD8,815   $4,319 
Turnpike Auth., Triangle Expressway System, Appropriation Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019, 0% 1/1/2041   10,850    5,049 
Turnpike Auth., Triangle Expressway System, Appropriation Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019, 0% 1/1/2042   4,650    2,049 
Turnpike Auth., Triangle Expressway System, Appropriation Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019, 0% 1/1/2043   3,650    1,532 
Turnpike Auth., Triangle Expressway System, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 1/1/2055   9,820    9,154 
North Dakota 0.26%          
County of Cass, Joint Water Resource Dist., Temporary Rev. Ref. Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A, 0.48% 5/1/2024   2,315    2,233 
City of Grand Forks, Health Care System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 12/1/2051   2,675    1,929 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Rev. Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2016-C, 3.15% 1/1/2036   290    270 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Rev. Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2016-D, 3.50% 7/1/2046   1,740    1,712 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2015-B, 4.00% 1/1/2036   420    418 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2015-A, 4.00% 1/1/2038   130    130 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2019-F, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.20%) 4.18% 1/1/2043 (put 7/1/2024)3   2,000    1,999 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2015-D, 4.00% 7/1/2046   1,430    1,424 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 7/1/2047   1,705    1,693 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2017-D, 4.00% 1/1/2048   1,315    1,305 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2017-F, 4.00% 7/1/2048   2,970    2,947 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 1/1/2049   7,410    7,352 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2019-A, 4.25% 7/1/2049   1,555    1,551 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2019-C, 4.00% 1/1/2050   9,105    9,037 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2019-F, 3.75% 7/1/2050   4,160    4,098 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2020-B, 3.00% 7/1/2051   8,840    8,520 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2052   2,595    2,496 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2052   610    583 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2022-F, 5.00% 1/1/2053   3,985    4,108 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 7/1/2053   3,230    3,446 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2023-D, 5.75% 1/1/2054   2,690    2,892 
Ohio 1.86%          
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2009-B, 1.375% 2/1/2026 (put 11/1/2024)   1,000    951 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2009-C, 1.50% 2/1/2026 (put 11/4/2025)   1,115    1,021 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2009-A, 2.875% 2/1/2026   5,190    4,915 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2009-D, 2.875% 2/1/2026   5,950    5,635 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Electric Co. Project), Series 2014-D, 1.90% 5/1/2026 (put 10/1/2024)   9,000    8,696 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2019-A, 3.25% 9/1/2029   11,945    11,274 
Akron, Bath and Copley Joint Township Hospital Dist., Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Rev. Bonds (Summa Health Obligated Group), Series 2016, 5.25% 11/15/2041   2,980    3,029 
Akron, Bath and Copley Joint Township Hospital Dist., Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Summa Health Obligated Group), Series 2020, 4.00% 11/15/2036   1,000    932 
County of Allen, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Bon Secours Mercy Health, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2040   4,800    4,715 
Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A-2, 5.00% 6/1/2036   3,420    3,648 
Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A-2, 4.00% 6/1/2048   8,205    7,563 
County of Butler, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (UC Health), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2045   2,000    1,942 
180 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Ohio (continued)          
County of Butler, Port Auth. Econ. Dev. Facs., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community First Solutions), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 5/15/2046   USD500   $466 
County of Butler, Port Auth. Econ. Dev. Facs., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Community First Solutions), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 5/15/2051   1,000    910 
Capital Facs. Lease Appropriation Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2036   1,545    1,747 
Capital Facs. Lease Appropriation Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2040   1,110    1,218 
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2027   1,175    1,206 
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2028   1,525    1,565 
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2030   2,000    2,053 
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,000    1,026 
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 1/1/2048   5,000    5,183 
County of Cuyahoga, Hospital Rev. Bonds (MetroHealth System), Series 2017, 5.25% 2/15/2047   5,000    5,033 
County of Cuyahoga, Hospital Rev. Bonds (MetroHealth System), Series 2017, 5.50% 2/15/2052   7,970    8,109 
County of Franklin, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ohio Living Communities), Series 2022, 4.00% 7/1/2040   1,120    930 
County of Franklin, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nationwide Children’s Hospital), Series 2016-C, 4.00% 11/1/2040   4,310    4,244 
County of Franklin, Rev. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2039   435    435 
G.O. Highway Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-X, 5.00% 5/1/2035   300    350 
G.O. Infrastructure Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 3/1/2034   1,600    1,875 
County of Hamilton, Healthcare Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Life Enriching Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,345    1,345 
County of Hamilton, Healthcare Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Life Enriching Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2051   14,325    12,636 
County of Hamilton, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (UC Health), Series 2020, 5.00% 9/15/2050   23,670    22,904 
County of Hamilton, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2000-B, AMBAC insured, 0% 12/1/2027   6,180    5,318 
Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2025   170    169 
Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2034   490    493 
Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2035   505    505 
Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2036   400    394 
Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2023-B, 4.00% 7/1/2039   900    857 
Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2046   1,260    1,129 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Ashtabula County Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2022, 5.25% 1/1/2037   840    902 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Ashtabula County Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2022, 5.25% 1/1/2040   2,460    2,585 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Ashtabula County Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2022, 5.25% 1/1/2047   2,000    2,067 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Ashtabula County Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2022, 5.25% 1/1/2052   1,345    1,375 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Higher Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (John Carroll University Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 10/1/2052   17,000    14,026 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Higher Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (University of Dayton Project), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 12/1/2030   1,090    1,169 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Higher Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (University of Dayton Project), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 12/1/2032   1,000    1,072 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Higher Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (University of Dayton Project), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 12/1/2034   1,040    1,113 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Higher Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (University of Dayton Project), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,000    1,059 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Hospital Parking Rev. Bonds (University Circle, Inc. 2020 Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 1/15/2032   1,095    1,125 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Hospital Parking Rev. Bonds (University Circle, Inc. 2020 Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 1/15/2038   2,265    2,299 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Hospital Parking Rev. Bonds (University Circle, Inc. 2020 Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 1/15/2045   4,490    4,505 
Hospital Rev. Bonds (Aultman Health Foundation), Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/20281   3,330    3,327 
Hospital Rev. Bonds (Aultman Health Foundation), Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/20331   2,000    1,992 
Hospital Rev. Bonds (Aultman Health Foundation), Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/20481   13,825    12,365 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 181

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Ohio (continued)          
Hospital Rev. Bonds (University Hospitals Health System, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/15/2032  USD4,000   $4,150 
Hospital Rev. Bonds (University Hospitals Health System, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/15/2035   1,990    2,058 
Hospital Rev. Bonds (University Hospitals Health System, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/15/2046   8,300    8,411 
Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 1/1/2030   2,500    2,802 
Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,700    1,850 
Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 1/1/2032   1,575    1,819 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Franklin Manor North Project), Series 2021, 0.25% 9/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   2,510    2,500 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Glen Meadows Apartments Project), Series 2021-A, 0.40% 11/1/2024 (put 11/1/2023)   2,700    2,670 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2016-K, 3.50% 9/1/2046   500    492 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2016-D, 4.00% 3/1/2047   5,355    5,319 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2017-A, 4.50% 3/1/2047   3,580    3,582 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2017-D, 4.00% 3/1/2048   6,265    6,221 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2019-A, 4.50% 9/1/2049   8,970    8,993 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2020-B, 3.25% 3/1/2050   2,330    2,265 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2019-B, 4.50% 3/1/2050   5,720    5,736 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2020-A, 3.75% 9/1/2050   6,015    5,923 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2052   18,625    17,934 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2022-A, 3.25% 9/1/2052   9,890    9,571 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2023-A, 5.50% 3/1/2053   16,565    17,559 
County of Lucas, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Promedica Healthcare Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.25% 11/15/2048   7,525    6,568 
Major New State Infrastructure Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-1-A, 5.00% 12/15/2030   1,780    2,053 
Major New State Infrastructure Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-1-A, 5.00% 12/15/2031   1,635    1,915 
Major New State Infrastructure Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-1-A, 5.00% 12/15/2032   1,700    2,012 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/2036   1,450    1,461 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/2037   2,100    2,095 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/2038   2,100    2,078 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/2039   1,000    982 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/2041   3,000    2,906 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/2046   10,000    9,495 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/2051   1,250    1,173 
Northwest Local School Dist., School Improvement Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2040 (preref. 12/1/2023)   2,015    2,026 
Ohio State University, General Receipts Green Bonds (Multiyear Debt Issuance Program II), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2048   10,000    9,663 
Ohio University, General Receipts Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033   1,000    1,065 
Port Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/1/2049 (put 2/1/2025)   3,000    3,045 
Public Facs. Commission, Higher Education G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 8/1/2027   2,500    2,705 
County of Ross, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Adena Health System Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2039   4,000    4,159 
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds (Infrastructure Projects), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 2/15/2031   8,080    8,799 
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds (Infrastructure Projects), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 2/15/2032   6,690    7,283 
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds (Infrastructure Projects), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 2/15/2033   19,230    20,925 
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds (Infrastructure Projects), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 2/15/2038   410    414 
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A, 0% 2/15/2041   2,665    1,215 


182 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Ohio (continued)          
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A, 0% 2/15/2042  USD3,500   $1,509 
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A, 0% 2/15/2043   2,340    960 
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds (Infrastructure Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 2/15/2033   3,635    4,296 
Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds (Infrastructure Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 2/15/2039   8,040    9,146 
County of Van Wert, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Van Wert Health Obligated Group), Series 2020, 6.125% 12/1/2049 (preref. 12/1/2029)   8,000    9,299 
County of Warren, Healthcare Facs., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2014, 5.00% 7/1/2033   375    379 
County of Warren, Healthcare Facs., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   875    903 
County of Warren, Healthcare Facs., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2014, 5.00% 7/1/2034   505    510 
County of Warren, Healthcare Facs., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,000    1,030 
County of Warren, Healthcare Facs., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2035   1,000    1,027 
County of Warren, Healthcare Facs., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2036   580    593 
County of Warren, Healthcare Facs., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2040   1,930    1,957 
Water Dev. Auth., Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2040   1,250    1,379 
Water Dev. Auth., Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2050   2,500    2,686 
Water Dev. Auth., Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2034   875    1,021 
Oklahoma 0.12%          
Grand River Dam Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2036   2,000    2,116 
Grand River Dam Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2039   3,530    3,691 
Grand River Dam Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2031   5,500    5,831 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 9/1/2049   3,235    3,206 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2020-B, 3.25% 9/1/2050   2,035    1,975 
Municipal Power Auth., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,300    1,338 
Municipal Power Auth., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   1,000    1,026 
Municipal Power Auth., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2047   3,070    3,128 
Board of Regents of Oklahoma State University, General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2026   1,200    1,269 
Turnpike Auth., Turnpike System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 1/1/2047   3,745    3,888 
Oregon 0.52%          
Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Portland Projects), Series 2015-A, 4.00% 4/1/2040   2,480    2,402 
Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Portland Projects), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 4/1/2045   3,305    3,353 
Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Samaritan Health Services Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029   300    320 
Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Samaritan Health Services Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2030   300    323 
Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Samaritan Health Services Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2035   275    291 
Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Samaritan Health Services Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2040   1,750    1,799 
Fern Ridge School Dist. 28J, G.O. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 6/15/2030 (preref. 6/15/2026)   2,480    2,618 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2029   5,000    5,389 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2033   2,500    2,689 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-Q State Projects), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 5/1/2036   500    586 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-Q State Projects), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 5/1/2037   460    534 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-Q State Projects), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 5/1/2039   1,500    1,717 
G.O. Bonds (Article XI-Q State Projects), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 5/1/2040   4,250    4,842 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 96), Series 2015-Q, 4.00% 12/1/2045   2,410    2,397 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 99B), Series 2017-Q, 3.50% 12/1/2047   3,000    2,953 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 104), Series 2019-R, 3.50% 12/1/2049   2,690    2,633 



American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 183

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Oregon (continued)          
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 108), Series 2021-O, 3.00% 12/1/2051  USD2,700   $2,578 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 109), Series 2022-D, 5.00% 12/1/2052   595    613 
G.O. Bonds (Veteran’s Welfare Bonds Series 111), Series 2023-E, 5.50% 12/1/2053   1,495    1,599 
Health and Science University, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 3.00% 7/1/2049   2,565    1,920 
Health and Science University, Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/1/2051   22,205    16,288 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 1/1/2047   2,455    2,442 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 7/1/2047   1,840    1,827 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2017-D, 3.50% 7/1/2048   4,805    4,731 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2018-A, 4.50% 1/1/2049   2,235    2,236 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2018-C, 4.50% 7/1/2049   1,155    1,156 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2018-D, 4.75% 1/1/2050   2,635    2,651 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/1/2052   16,425    15,786 
Housing and Community Services Dept., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mortgage Program), Series 2023-A, 5.50% 7/1/2053   9,000    9,625 
Klamath Falls City Schools, G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 4.00% 6/15/2027 (preref. 6/15/2025)   1,155    1,174 
County of Polk, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Dallas Retirement Village Project), Series 2015-A, 5.375% 7/1/2045   2,000    1,747 
City of Portland, Water System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 5/1/2039   1,445    1,459 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 23, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,675    1,736 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 26-B, 5.00% 7/1/2037   1,000    1,099 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 26-B, 5.00% 7/1/2040   1,000    1,082 
City of Salem, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Capital Manor Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 5/15/2047   3,500    2,700 
City of Salem, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Capital Manor Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 5/15/2057   4,000    2,899 
City of Salem, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Capital Manor Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2024   210    210 
City of Salem, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Capital Manor Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2025   230    231 
City of Salem, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Capital Manor Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2026   225    226 
City of Salem, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Capital Manor Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2027   125    126 
City of Salem, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Capital Manor Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2053   1,500    1,353 
Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation Dist., Capital Grant Receipt Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029   2,435    2,644 
Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation Dist., Capital Grant Receipt Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2030   2,075    2,250 
Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation Dist., Payroll Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 9/1/2036   1,000    929 
Pennsylvania 3.94%          
County of Allegheny, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 1/1/2046   9,580    9,317 
County of Allegheny, Higher Education Building Auth., Rev. Bonds (Carnegie Mellon University), Series 2022-A, (USD-SOFR x 0.70 + 0.29%) 3.832% 2/1/2033 (put 8/1/2027)3   6,250    6,075 
County of Allegheny, Hospital Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Allegheny Health Network Obligated Group Issue), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/1/2032   4,350    4,599 
County of Allegheny, Hospital Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Allegheny Health Network Obligated Group Issue), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/1/2033   3,500    3,699 
County of Allegheny, Hospital Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Allegheny Health Network Obligated Group Issue), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/1/2047   2,500    2,522 
County of Allegheny, Hospital Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Issue), Series 2007-A-1, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.82%) 4.37% 2/1/20372,3   6,475    6,356 
County of Allegheny, Hospital Dev. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/15/2035   2,000    2,024 
County of Allegheny, Hospital Dev. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/15/2037   3,750    3,748 
County of Allegheny, Hospital Dev. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/15/2039   2,105    2,086 
County of Allegheny, Sanitary Auth., Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/1/2033   250    262 
Allentown City School Dist., Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, BAM insured, 5.00% 2/1/2028   2,565    2,749 
Allentown City School Dist., Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, BAM insured, 5.00% 2/1/2029   2,995    3,219 
City of Allentown, Neighborhood Improvement Zone Dev. Auth., Tax Rev. Bonds (City Center Ref. Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 5/1/20421   1,610    1,612 


184 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania (continued)          
City of Allentown, Neighborhood Improvement Zone Dev. Auth., Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 5/1/2042  USD1,250   $1,263 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/1/2035   2,000    1,300 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 4.00% 11/1/2047   1,000    599 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/1/2047   9,385    6,090 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 4.00% 11/1/2050   1,000    599 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (The Highlands at Wyomissing), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 5/15/2037   750    732 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (The Highlands at Wyomissing), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 5/15/2047   600    543 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (The Highlands at Wyomissing), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 5/15/2047   100    90 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (The Highlands at Wyomissing), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2048 (preref. 5/15/2025)   1,000    1,049 
Bethlehem Area School Dist. Auth., School Rev. Bonds (Bethlehem Area School Dist. Ref. Project), Series 2021-C, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.74% 1/1/2030 (put 11/1/2025)3   820    803 
Bethlehem Area School Dist. Auth., School Rev. Bonds (Bethlehem Area School Dist. Ref. Project), Series 2021-B, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.74% 7/1/2031 (put 11/1/2025)3   1,055    1,033 
Bethlehem Area School Dist. Auth., School Rev. Bonds (Bethlehem Area School Dist. Ref. Project), Series 2021-C, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.74% 1/1/2032 (put 11/1/2025)3   870    852 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Grand View Hospital), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/1/2046   515    380 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Grand View Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2054   8,400    7,172 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pennswood Village Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2023   135    135 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pennswood Village Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   250    254 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pennswood Village Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2026   120    123 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pennswood Village Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   760    778 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pennswood Village Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029   1,130    1,149 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pennswood Village Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2030   515    522 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pennswood Village Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2031   660    666 
County of Cumberland, Municipal Auth., Rev. Bonds (Penn State Health), Series 2019, 4.00% 11/1/2044   9,155    8,653 
County of Cumberland, Municipal Auth., Rev. Bonds (Penn State Health), Series 2019, 4.00% 11/1/2049   5,000    4,663 
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission, Bridge System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2031   2,050    2,200 
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission, Bridge System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2032   55    59 
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission, Bridge System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,000    1,067 
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission, Bridge System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2031   350    362 
Delaware River Port Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,000    1,110 
Delaware River Port Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2032   1,250    1,387 
Delaware Valley Regional Fin. Auth., Local Government Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-C, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.75%) 4.432% 6/1/20372,3   19,490    17,259 
City of Doylestown, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Doylestown Hospital), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2041   4,265    3,835 
City of Doylestown, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Doylestown Hospital), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2046   1,310    1,144 
City of Doylestown, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Doylestown Hospital), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2049   500    429 
City of Dubois, Hospital Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Penn Highlands Healthcare), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/15/2050   5,000    4,396 
City of Dubois, Hospital Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Penn Highlands Healthcare), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/15/2051   2,500    2,211 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 2/15/2038   2,000    2,180 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 2/15/2039   2,725    2,958 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, 4.00% 5/15/2040   2,850    2,780 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 2/15/2041   7,550    7,344 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, 4.00% 5/15/2041   5,750    5,591 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, 4.00% 5/15/2042   1,100    1,066 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, 4.00% 5/15/2043   1,000    965 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 10/15/2046   1,000    723 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 4/15/2050   2,000    1,859 
Erie County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2029   1,000    1,094 
Erie County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2030   425    466 
Erie County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2030   500    548 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 185

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania (continued)          
Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tobacco Master Settlement Payment), Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2025  USD2,500   $2,562 
Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tobacco Master Settlement Payment), Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2026   4,000    4,165 
Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tobacco Master Settlement Payment), Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2027   3,000    3,174 
Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tobacco Master Settlement Payment), Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2030   4,000    4,312 
Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tobacco Master Settlement Payment), Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2031   3,500    3,762 
Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tobacco Master Settlement Payment), Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2032   3,000    3,223 
Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tobacco Master Settlement Payment), Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2033   3,000    3,220 
Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tobacco Master Settlement Payment), Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2034   3,000    3,217 
General Auth. of Southcentral Pennsylvania, Rev. Bonds (Wellspan Health Obligated Group), Series 2019-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.60%) 4.58% 6/1/2049 (put 6/1/2024)3   6,000    5,988 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (University of Pennsylvania Health System), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 8/15/2035   7,000    7,100 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (University of Pennsylvania Health System), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/15/2042   3,500    3,619 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (University of Pennsylvania Health System), Series 2019, 4.00% 8/15/2049   14,000    13,226 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Health System Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Pennsylvania Health System), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/15/2037   1,525    1,536 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Health System Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Pennsylvania Health System), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/15/2039   1,450    1,447 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Health System Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Pennsylvania Health System), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 8/15/2042   2,015    1,981 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-AQ, 5.00% 6/15/2024   3,900    3,954 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-120, 2.80% 10/1/2031   5,000    4,637 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-121, 2.80% 10/1/2031   3,320    3,068 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-124-B, 3.20% 10/1/2032   6,000    5,765 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-128-B, 3.50% 10/1/2034   6,500    6,296 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-119, 3.50% 10/1/2041   2,405    2,389 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-125-B, 3.65% 10/1/2042   7,500    6,732 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-120, 3.50% 10/1/2046   2,390    2,368 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-121, 3.50% 10/1/2046   4,365    4,325 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-122, 4.00% 10/1/2046   580    577 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-125-B, 3.70% 10/1/2047   425    406 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-126-A, 4.00% 10/1/2048   10,025    9,951 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-135-A, 3.00% 10/1/2051   3,135    3,043 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-136, 3.00% 10/1/2051   13,795    13,355 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-137, 3.00% 10/1/2051   4,505    4,298 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-138-A, 3.00% 10/1/2052   15,655    14,923 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-141-A, 5.75% 10/1/2053   9,220    9,836 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Special Limited Obligation Multi Family Housing Dev. Bonds (Country Commons Apartments), Series 2018, 3.60% 8/1/2035   6,105    6,035 
City of Lancaster, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Center Rev. Ref. Bonds (Landis Homes Retirement Community Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/1/2051   1,195    881 
City of Lancaster, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Center Rev. Ref. Bonds (Landis Homes Retirement Community Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/1/2056   1,585    1,134 
County of Lancaster, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Brethren Village Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2025   650    646 
County of Lancaster, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Penn State Health), Series 2021, 5.00% 11/1/2041   1,000    1,052 
County of Lancaster, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Penn State Health), Series 2021, 5.00% 11/1/2046   5,890    6,140 
County of Lancaster, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Penn State Health), Series 2021, 5.00% 11/1/2051   4,730    4,909 
County of Lehigh, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Lehigh Valley Health Network), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2044   5,000    5,066 
County of Lehigh, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Hospital), Series 2017-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 1.10%) 5.08% 8/15/20383   12,155    12,011 
County of Lehigh, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lehigh Valley Health Network), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 7/1/2035   4,000    4,014 
County of Montgomery, Higher Education and Health Auth., Rev. Bonds (Thomas Jefferson University), Series 2019, 4.00% 9/1/2038   1,000    974 
County of Montgomery, Higher Education and Health Auth., Rev. Bonds (Thomas Jefferson University), Series 2019, 4.00% 9/1/2039   1,000    970 
County of Montgomery, Higher Education and Health Auth., Rev. Bonds (Thomas Jefferson University), Series 2019, 4.00% 9/1/2044   2,500    2,380 
County of Montgomery, Higher Education and Health Auth., Rev. Bonds (Thomas Jefferson University), Series 2022-B, 4.00% 5/1/2056   16,000    14,634 


186 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania (continued)          
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Project), Series 2023-C, 4.10% 6/1/2029  USD15,940   $16,296 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Project), Series 2023-A, 4.10% 4/1/2053 (put 4/3/2028)   10,000    10,183 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Bonds (Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Issue), Series 2015-A, 5.25% 1/15/2030 (preref. 1/15/2025)   1,000    1,029 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Bonds (Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Issue), Series 2015-A, 5.25% 1/15/2031 (preref. 1/15/2025)   5,000    5,143 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Bonds (Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Issue), Series 2015-A, 5.25% 1/15/2036 (preref. 1/15/2025)   2,500    2,571 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Bonds (Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Issue), Series 2015-A, 5.25% 1/15/2045 (preref. 1/15/2025)   5,580    5,740 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Bonds (ACTS Retirement - Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2033   9,155    9,257 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Bonds (ACTS Retirement - Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2036   19,000    19,010 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Foulkeways at Gwynedd Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2046   1,325    1,257 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 11/15/2045   1,990    1,890 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Waverly Heights, Ltd.), Series 2019, 4.00% 12/1/2024   100    100 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Waverly Heights, Ltd.), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2044   850    865 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Waverly Heights, Ltd.), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2049   3,595    3,641 
County of Montour, Geisinger Auth. Health System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 4/1/2039   20,090    19,889 
County of Northampton, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/15/2043   1,000    1,023 
County of Northampton, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2018-B, (1-month USD-LIBOR x 0.70 + 1.04%) 4.684% 8/15/2048 (put 8/15/2024)2,3   400    400 
County of Northampton, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/15/2048   1,000    1,022 
City of Philadelphia, Gas Works Rev. Bonds, Thirteenth Series, 5.00% 8/1/2028   2,000    2,055 
City of Philadelphia, Gas Works Rev. Bonds, Thirteenth Series, 5.00% 8/1/2031   1,000    1,027 
City of Philadelphia, Gas Works Rev. Bonds, Thirteenth Series, 5.00% 8/1/2032   2,000    2,050 
City of Philadelphia, Gas Works Rev. Bonds, Thirteenth Series, 5.00% 8/1/2034   1,000    1,020 
City of Philadelphia, Gas Works Rev. Ref. Bonds, Fourteenth Series, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,500    1,562 
City of Philadelphia, Gas Works Rev. Ref. Bonds, Fourteenth Series, 5.00% 10/1/2033   2,750    2,848 
City of Philadelphia, Hospitals and Higher Education Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Temple University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,000    1,034 
City of Philadelphia, Hospitals and Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Temple University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2022, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2035   1,955    2,153 
City of Philadelphia, Hospitals and Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Temple University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2022, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/1/2040   3,660    3,456 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Temple University), Series 2016-1, 5.00% 4/1/2027   5,625    5,786 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Temple University), Series 2016-1, 5.00% 4/1/2028   1,000    1,027 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Temple University), Series 2016-1, 5.00% 4/1/2029   2,620    2,686 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/1/2045   3,000    3,183 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2034   3,915    4,216 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2037   2,000    2,120 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 6/1/2042   1,000    1,075 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2052   4,000    4,134 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.25% 10/1/2052   3,000    3,129 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 11/1/2029   3,475    3,751 
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 11/1/2031   3,560    3,843 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2024   1,185    1,202 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, BAM Insured, 5.00% 9/1/2027   3,905    4,100 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2027   500    523 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, BAM Insured, 5.00% 9/1/2027 (preref. 9/1/2026)   5    5 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2028   11,000    11,515 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2029   10,000    10,456 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,250    1,352 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,990    2,074 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 187

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania (continued)          
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2031  USD1,600   $1,729 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,000    1,087 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,400    1,431 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,000    1,078 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 9/1/2035   6,320    7,043 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 9/1/2036   3,500    3,509 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2036   5,270    5,298 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 9/1/2037   3,700    3,649 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2037   3,765    3,733 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2037   1,850    1,971 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 9/1/2038   4,270    4,164 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,000    1,058 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 9/1/2039   1,800    1,719 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2046   12,500    11,934 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 9/1/2023   2,500    2,502 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 6/1/2034   17,000    19,579 
City of Pittsburgh, Water and Sewer Auth., Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,000    1,168 
City of Pittsburgh, Water and Sewer Auth., Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   1,250    1,472 
Public School Building Auth., School Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Philadelphia School Dist. Project), Series 2006-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2027   9,820    10,481 
Public School Building Auth., School Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Philadelphia School Dist. Project), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2030   4,000    4,204 
Public School Building Auth., School Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Philadelphia School Dist. Project), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2033   6,000    6,274 
Reading School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2037   1,750    1,845 
Borough of Sayre, Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Guthrie Health Issue), Series 2007, (3-month USD-LIBOR + 0.78%) 4.462% 12/1/20242,3   5,885    5,884 
Borough of Sayre, Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Guthrie Health Issue), Series 2007, (3-month USD-LIBOR + 0.83%) 4.512% 12/1/20312,3   2,005    1,927 
Scranton School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-E, BAM insured, 5.00% 12/1/2032   1,000    1,086 
Scranton School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-E, BAM insured, 5.00% 12/1/2033   800    868 
Township of West Cornwall, Municipal Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lebanon Valley Brethren Home Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/15/2046   525    401 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2032   1,000    1,079 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2033   11,200    11,986 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2033   1,500    1,616 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033   4,780    5,562 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2034   6,995    7,495 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2034   2,000    2,099 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2035   3,500    3,662 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2036   3,250    3,387 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/2039   3,410    3,451 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 4.00% 12/1/2039   1,200    1,214 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-C, 5.00% 12/1/2039   6,000    6,114 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/2040   4,000    4,018 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 12/1/2040   1,000    1,078 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/2041   2,175    2,178 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2041   9,530    9,846 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/2042   3,125    3,108 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 4.00% 12/1/2042   1,550    1,549 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2042   6,500    6,809 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2043   1,660    1,628 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/2043   8,140    8,100 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 4.00% 12/1/2043   2,735    2,697 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2044   2,075    2,047 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2044   22,450    23,861 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2044   4,000    4,172 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2046   2,000    1,947 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2046   20,960    21,554 


188 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania (continued)          
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 12/1/2046  USD11,000   $11,718 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 5.00% 12/1/2046   4,250    4,542 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2047   12,220    12,723 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   28,265    29,835 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2050   9,000    8,619 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 12/1/2051   7,490    5,503 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 12/1/2051   3,320    2,486 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/2051   5,000    4,700 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 4.00% 12/1/2051   6,350    6,059 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-2, 5.00% 6/1/2025   5,690    5,852 
County of Westmoreland, Municipal Auth., Municipal Service Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/15/2042   5,000    5,070 
County of York, Industrial Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Philadelphia Electric Co. Project), Series 1993-A, 4.10% 6/1/2036 (put 4/3/2028)   6,640    6,640 
Puerto Rico 0.71%          
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/20331   415    425 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/20331   2,580    2,643 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20351   7,145    7,245 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 7/1/20371   1,855    1,869 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/20371   3,155    3,182 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/20421   10,460    9,225 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 7/1/20421   9,020    7,955 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-UU, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.52%) 4.227% 7/1/20292,3   25,530    23,821 
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 7/1/2046   2,500    2,089 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2012, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,390    1,392 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Sacred Heart Project), Series 2012, 4.00% 10/1/2025   990    990 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Sacred Heart Project), Series 2012, 4.375% 10/1/2031   1,870    1,872 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2004, National insured, 4.50% 10/1/2029   1,280    1,282 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2029   2,100    2,323 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2039   2,400    2,569 
Public Fin. Corp., Commonwealth Appropriation Bonds, Series 2001-E, 6.00% 8/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   3,840    4,143 
Public Fin. Corp., Commonwealth Appropriation Bonds, Series 2001-E, 6.00% 8/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   45    49 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2007-A, Class 2, AMBAC insured, 0% 8/1/20473   5,690    1,630 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2007-A, Class 2, AMBAC insured, 0% 8/1/20543   9,298    1,986 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2019-A-2, 4.329% 7/1/2040   13,358    12,608 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, 0% 7/1/2046   15,000    4,184 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2019-A-2, 4.784% 7/1/2058   2,000    1,888 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 5.00% 7/1/2058   10,861    10,598 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2024   57    55 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2029   243    190 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2031   314    224 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2046   189,583    54,315 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 189

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Puerto Rico (continued)          
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2051  USD5,000   $1,068 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-P, 5.00% 6/1/2026   1,250    1,229 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-P, 5.00% 6/1/2030   5    5 
Rhode Island 0.30%          
Commerce Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 7/1/2032   640    669 
Commerce Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,505    1,574 
Commerce Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 7/1/2036   500    519 
Commerce Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 7/1/2037   250    259 
Commerce Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 7/1/2041   2,130    2,181 
Commerce Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 7/1/2046   10,010    10,202 
Commerce Corp., Grant Anticipation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dept. of Transportation), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/15/2024   2,250    2,280 
Health and Educational Building Corp., Educational Institution Rev. Bonds (St. George’s School Issue), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2046   1,365    1,334 
Health and Educational Building Corp., Educational Institution Rev. Bonds (St. George’s School Issue), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2051   3,865    3,674 
Health and Educational Building Corp., Hospital Fncg. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lifespan Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2025   5,500    5,571 
Health and Educational Building Corp., Providence Public Schools Rev. Bond Fncg. Program, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Providence Public Buildings Auth. Issue), Series 2015, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/15/2026   4,000    4,116 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 69-B, 4.00% 10/1/2048   4,725    4,688 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 74, 3.00% 4/1/2049   7,800    7,534 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 71, 3.75% 10/1/2049   6,920    6,818 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 70, 4.00% 10/1/2049   3,540    3,512 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 75-A, 3.00% 10/1/2051   11,040    10,610 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 76-A, 3.00% 10/1/2051   2,475    2,373 
South Carolina 1.63%          
City of Columbia, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Colonel Bluffs Apartments Project), Series 2022-B, 1.25% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2024)   1,760    1,708 
Connector 2000 Assn., Inc., Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2011-A-1, 0% 1/1/2042   2,471    626 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 2.65% 7/1/2035   1,110    941 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 4.00% 7/1/2047   645    640 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.50% 7/1/2048   850    851 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 3.75% 1/1/2050   9,870    9,716 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2050   945    937 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2052   4,960    4,764 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 1/1/2052   5,450    5,417 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 7/1/2036   1,570    1,558 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A-1, 4.00% 7/1/2041   180    179 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (James Lewis, Jr. Eastside Apartments), Series 2021-B, 0.30% 9/1/2024 (put 3/1/2024)   2,585    2,519 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The Sullivan), Series 2021-B, 0.34% 4/1/2025 (put 4/1/2024)   2,260    2,194 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Villages at Congaree Pointe Project), Series 2021-B, 1.25% 6/1/2025 (put 6/1/2024)   3,700    3,608 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 4/1/2034   605    547 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 4/1/2044   1,280    1,155 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 4/1/2049   620    444 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 4/1/2049   4,030    3,515 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 4/1/2054   1,165    793 


190 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
South Carolina (continued)          
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 4/1/2054  USD3,500   $2,977 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Custodial Receipts), Series 2018, 5.00% 8/15/2036 (preref. 8/15/2026)1,4   12,100    12,841 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wesley Commons), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/20261   1,145    1,137 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wesley Commons), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/20361   2,500    2,322 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (SPE Fayssoux Properties, LLC Project), Series 2016-A, 5.25% 8/15/2033   1,450    1,507 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (ACTS Retirement - Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2018-C, 5.00% 11/15/2047   1,090    1,034 
City of Myrtle Beach, Tax Increment Rev. Ref. Bonds (Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Redev. Project Area), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,210    1,267 
Patriots Energy Group Fncg. Agcy., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 10/1/2048 (put 2/1/2024)   11,000    11,010 
Public Service Auth., Improvement Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 12/1/2040   10,595    11,159 
Public Service Auth., Improvement Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/2041   5,640    5,446 
Public Service Auth., Improvement Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/2042   6,840    6,538 
Public Service Auth., Improvement Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 12/1/2043   7,750    8,091 
Public Service Auth., Improvement Rev. Obligations, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 12/1/2051   6,890    7,097 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/1/2034   900    932 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2035   6,965    7,154 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/1/2035   1,090    1,124 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2036   13,800    14,123 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,885    1,936 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/1/2037   500    512 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/1/2041   15,000    15,256 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/2047   3,570    3,320 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/1/2056   2,930    2,946 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2026   820    842 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2028   4,495    4,596 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 12/1/2028   2,730    2,844 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   100    102 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   2,395    2,480 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 12/1/2030   3,010    3,132 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2031   2,620    2,707 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2034   5,960    6,142 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 12/1/2034   3,625    3,754 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 12/1/2035   4,270    4,405 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2038   5,195    5,151 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2042   5,000    4,792 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2014-C, 4.00% 12/1/2045   470    445 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2047   75,000    69,752 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2052   37,000    33,642 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2055   32,260    29,165 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2022-B, 4.00% 12/1/2055   14,997    13,558 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2022-B, 4.00% 12/1/2055   11,906    10,764 
City of Spartanburg, Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Hickory Heights and Oakland Apartments Project), Series 2021, 0.29% 10/1/2024 (put 10/1/2023)   2,780    2,759 
University of South Carolina, Athletic Facs. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 5/1/2047   1,540    1,522 
University of South Carolina, Athletic Facs. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 5/1/2052   2,030    2,173 
University of South Carolina, Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Campus Village Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 5/1/2040   6,740    7,385 
South Dakota 0.33%          
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Sanford), Series 2014-B, 5.00% 11/1/2025   600    609 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Sanford), Series 2014-B, 5.00% 11/1/2026   700    711 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Sanford), Series 2014-A, 4.00% 11/1/2034   7,350    7,356 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Sanford), Series 2014-B, 5.00% 11/1/2034   6,635    6,687 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Sanford), Series 2015, 4.00% 11/1/2040   1,750    1,715 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2014-E, 4.00% 5/1/2044   330    329 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2015-D, 4.00% 11/1/2045   1,580    1,572 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016-B, 3.50% 11/1/2046   2,355    2,329 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016-D, 3.50% 11/1/2046   3,395    3,355 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 191

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
South Dakota (continued)          
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2017-D, 4.00% 11/1/2047  USD5,135   $5,098 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 11/1/2048   9,375    9,304 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.50% 11/1/2048   4,515    4,526 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 5/1/2049   4,155    4,122 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.75% 11/1/2050   7,125    7,018 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2020-C, 3.50% 5/1/2051   7,220    7,060 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 11/1/2051   7,265    6,981 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 5/1/2053   595    612 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2023-A, 6.00% 5/1/2054   5,745    6,187 
Tennessee 0.91%          
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Hospital Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Erlanger Health System), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 10/1/2034   150    152 
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Hospital Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Erlanger Health System), Series 2014, 5.00% 10/1/2039   4,420    4,439 
Town of Greeneville, Health and Educational Facs. Board, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Ballad Health), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2035   3,425    3,608 
Town of Greeneville, Health and Educational Facs. Board, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Ballad Health), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 7/1/2040   6,000    5,796 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Homeownership Program Bonds, Series 2015-A, 3.50% 7/1/2045   2,135    2,105 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-1, 4.00% 7/1/2042   335    332 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-1, 4.00% 1/1/2043   3,260    3,234 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2014-2-C, 4.00% 1/1/2045   345    344 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2014-2-A, 4.00% 7/1/2045   365    363 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2015-2-A, 4.00% 1/1/2046   555    552 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2016-1-B, 3.50% 1/1/2047   365    360 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2017-3, 3.50% 1/1/2048   2,855    2,810 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-2, 4.00% 1/1/2048   12,445    12,343 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-2, 4.00% 1/1/2049   5,920    5,873 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-3, 4.25% 7/1/2049   4,705    4,685 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-4, 3.50% 1/1/2050   17,860    17,440 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2019-1, 4.25% 1/1/2050   4,315    4,304 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2020-1-A, 3.50% 7/1/2050   2,375    2,320 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2021-1, 3.00% 7/1/2051   3,330    3,208 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2021-2, 3.00% 1/1/2052   16,570    15,921 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2022-1, 3.75% 7/1/2052   2,895    2,850 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2022-2, 5.00% 1/1/2053   475    489 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2023-2-A, 5.75% 1/1/2054   12,350    13,270 
City of Memphis, Sanitary Sewage System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2045   1,000    1,085 
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Health and Educational Facs. Board, Rev. Bonds (Vanderbilt University Medical Center), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   3,350    3,729 
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Water & Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 7/1/2042   5,000    5,250 
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Water & Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 7/1/2046   5,000    5,227 
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Water & Sewer Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2046   4,000    4,182 
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2044   8,000    8,549 
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2054   5,000    4,712 
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Commodity Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 5/1/2052 (put 11/1/2031)   29,445    30,535 
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-C, 5.00% 2/1/2027   1,890    1,902 
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 4.00% 11/1/20493   8,000    7,958 
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-1, 5.00% 5/1/2053 (put 5/1/2028)   27,865    28,716 


192 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas 9.33%          
Affordable Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.50% 9/1/2053  USD6,000   $6,342 
Affordable Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Texas Heroes Home Loan Program), Series 2019-A, 4.25% 3/1/2049   1,115    1,112 
Alamo Community College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/2036   3,000    3,092 
Aledo Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/15/2036   1,000    1,040 
Aledo Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 2/15/2036 (preref. 2/15/2025)   1,845    1,896 
Aledo Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 2/15/2038 (preref. 2/15/2025)   2,055    2,111 
Alvarado Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 2/15/2043 (preref. 8/15/2023)   3,235    3,237 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harmony Public Schools), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2027   1,210    1,286 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harmony Public Schools), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2042   2,000    2,067 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2034   650    690 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2036   915    961 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2037   1,445    1,510 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2047   2,625    2,706 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/15/2023   150    150 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/15/2024   185    188 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/15/2025   195    201 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 8/15/2034   330    337 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 8/15/2035   1,000    1,014 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 8/15/2036   385    387 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 8/15/2038   900    889 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Great Hearts America - Texas), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 8/15/2039   470    461 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Lifeschool of Dallas), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 8/15/2026 (preref. 8/15/2024)   1,005    1,021 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Responsive Education Solutions), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 8/15/2032   1,000    956 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Responsive Education Solutions), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2034   1,000    1,029 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Responsive Education Solutions), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2035   1,000    1,018 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Responsive Education Solutions), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2037   1,000    996 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Responsive Education Solutions), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 8/15/2051   9,545    6,851 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Riverwalk Education Foundation, Inc.), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2023   325    325 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Riverwalk Education Foundation, Inc.), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2024   325    330 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Riverwalk Education Foundation, Inc.), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2032   600    664 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Riverwalk Education Foundation, Inc.), Series 2022, 5.00% 8/15/2047   4,050    4,315 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Riverwalk Education Foundation, Inc.), Series 2022, 5.00% 8/15/2057   25,370    26,823 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2016-A, 2.75% 12/1/2026   665    636 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,880    1,908 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 193

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2037  USD725   $742 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 12/1/2042   4,165    4,314 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2046   1,100    1,099 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2048   3,345    3,395 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2049   1,725    1,594 
City of Arlington, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, BAM insured, 5.00% 2/15/2029   1,500    1,620 
City of Arlington, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, BAM insured, 5.00% 2/15/2030   1,000    1,082 
City of Arlington, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, BAM insured, 5.00% 2/15/2031   1,100    1,191 
City of Arlington, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, BAM insured, 5.00% 2/15/2032   1,000    1,080 
City of Arlington, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2/15/2035   2,245    2,417 
City of Arlington, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2/15/2038   1,000    1,058 
City of Arlington, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2/15/2043   11,495    11,995 
Austin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 8/1/2030 (preref. 8/1/2025)   3,000    3,101 
Austin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 8/1/2031 (preref. 8/1/2025)   6,820    7,050 
Austin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 8/1/2025   1,500    1,554 
Austin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 8/1/2030   3,000    3,156 
Austin Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 8/1/2037   2,660    2,754 
City of Austin, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2032   1,100    1,159 
City of Austin, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2033   2,220    2,338 
City of Austin, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2034   2,000    2,102 
City of Austin, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2035   1,125    1,178 
City of Austin, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2036   3,605    3,759 
City of Austin, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2037   2,000    2,078 
City of Austin, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2041   2,500    2,577 
City of Austin, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/15/2049   5,000    5,270 
City of Austin, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 11/15/2038   4,000    4,535 
City of Austin, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 11/15/2048   1,750    1,912 
City of Austin, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2028   1,000    1,042 
City of Austin, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2031   1,130    1,197 
City of Austin, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2032   1,000    1,058 
City of Austin, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2033   1,000    1,057 
City of Austin, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2038   1,000    1,025 
City of Austin, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2045   1,500    1,531 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 3.00% 5/15/2027   1,705    1,657 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2028   1,000    1,067 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2029   3,000    3,201 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2032   4,405    4,693 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2035   8,185    8,667 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2035   4,000    4,299 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 11/15/2036   1,565    1,608 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2036   1,000    1,031 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2036   6,985    7,365 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2037   5,000    5,320 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/15/2039   600    603 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 11/15/2041   1,750    1,751 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2041   5,000    5,213 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2045   11,795    12,238 
City of Austin, Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 11/15/2052   2,000    2,167 
County of Bell, Combination Tax and Rev. Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021, 3.00% 2/15/2036   500    459 
County of Bell, Combination Tax and Rev. Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021, 3.00% 2/15/2037   1,000    892 
County of Bexar, Combination Tax and Rev. Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021, 4.00% 6/15/2044   3,500    3,478 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Certs. of Obligation, Series 2018, 5.00% 2/15/2028   1,100    1,172 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Certs. of Obligation, Series 2018, 5.00% 2/15/2033   2,000    2,130 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Certs. of Obligation, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/15/2034   3,105    3,557 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Certs. of Obligation, Series 2018, 5.00% 2/15/2035   6,155    6,520 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Certs. of Obligation, Series 2018, 5.00% 2/15/2036   10,150    10,695 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Certs. of Obligation, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/15/2036   2,745    3,097 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Certs. of Obligation, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2039   2,220    2,213 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Certs. of Obligation, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2040   1,500    1,485 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Certs. of Obligation, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/15/2045   2,500    2,625 



194 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/15/2034  USD1,750   $1,896 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2037   1,500    1,515 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2038   3,000    3,005 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/15/2038   4,200    4,439 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2039   1,500    1,495 
County of Bexar, Hospital Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2040   2,150    2,128 
County of Bexar, Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 6/15/2043 (preref. 6/15/2026)   5,000    5,279 
Boerne Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 3.125% 2/1/2053 (put 2/1/2027)   7,400    7,321 
City of Brownsville, Utilities System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2027   1,965    2,073 
City of Bryan, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 4.00% 7/1/2043   4,285    4,054 
City of Bryan, Electric System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2027   700    735 
City of Bryan, Electric System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,405    1,475 
City of Bryan, Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2029   645    691 
City of Bryan, Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,000    1,071 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/2051   1,315    1,200 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031 (preref. 7/1/2025)   1,000    1,035 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033 (preref. 7/1/2025)   1,000    1,035 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034 (preref. 7/1/2025)   1,500    1,552 
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2040 (preref. 7/1/2025)   5,845    6,049 
Chapel Hill Independent School Dist., School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2036   525    608 
Chapel Hill Independent School Dist., School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2037   400    459 
Chapel Hill Independent School Dist., School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2048   2,000    2,185 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/15/2046   2,000    2,028 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 8/15/2024   260    263 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 8/15/2028   405    421 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2012, 5.00% 8/15/2032   4,830    4,836 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2019, 4.00% 8/15/2033   2,125    2,171 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2013, 6.00% 8/15/2033   250    251 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2019, 4.00% 8/15/2034   2,300    2,344 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 4.00% 8/15/2041   1,400    1,383 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2021-T, 4.00% 8/15/2042   1,400    1,376 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2019, 4.00% 8/15/2044   5,000    4,887 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 8/15/2047   4,280    3,770 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2018, 5.00% 8/15/2048   6,470    6,727 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 8/15/2051   3,100    2,689 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (International Leadership of Texas, Inc.), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/15/2028   500    541 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2035   100    101 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2014-A, 4.50% 12/1/2044   1,465    1,351 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2014-A, 4.60% 12/1/2049   3,455    3,147 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Yes Prep Public Schools, Inc.), Series 2020, 5.00% 4/1/2027   560    592 
Conroe Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/15/2038   560    576 
City of Corpus Christi, Utility System Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 7/15/2040   1,000    1,111 
City of Corpus Christi, Utility System Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.25% 7/15/2041   1,905    2,152 
Port of Corpus Christi Auth. of Nueces County, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,000    1,087 
Port of Corpus Christi Auth. of Nueces County, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2037   1,945    2,100 
Port of Corpus Christi Auth. of Nueces County, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2038   1,775    1,908 
Port of Corpus Christi Auth. of Nueces County, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2043   9,240    9,824 
Port of Corpus Christi Auth. of Nueces County, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2048   10,000    10,560 
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 2/15/2029   1,000    1,113 
Cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Joint Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/1/2037   9,225    9,329 
Cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Joint Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 11/1/2037   2,000    2,237 
Cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Joint Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 11/1/2040   5,125    5,645 
City of Dallas, G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 2/15/2026   4,000    4,187 


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The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
City of Dallas, G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 2/15/2027  USD5,765   $6,158 
City of Dallas, Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/2034   2,000    2,011 
City of Dallas, Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/2036   1,000    977 
City of Dallas, Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/2037   1,250    1,191 
City of Dallas, Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/2038   1,000    943 
City of Dallas, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   8,065    8,360 
City of Dallas, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029   2,000    2,110 
City of Dallas, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2036   5,400    5,629 
City of Dallas, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2042   8,700    9,177 
City of Dallas, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2046   7,250    7,633 
Dallas Area Rapid Transit Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 12/1/2023   2,000    2,010 
Dallas Area Rapid Transit Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 12/1/2031   1,130    1,155 
Dallas Area Rapid Transit Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2034   2,500    2,777 
Dallas Area Rapid Transit Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2046 (preref. 12/1/2025)   3,000    3,128 
Dallas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 8/15/2034 (preref. 8/15/2024)   1,000    1,016 
Dallas Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 2/15/2030   750    758 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/15/2037   700    712 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-B, 4.00% 8/15/2038   1,000    1,013 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/15/2039   750    758 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/15/2040   1,000    1,008 
Del Mar College Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/15/2045   2,500    2,481 
City of Denton, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2029   3,500    3,676 
City of Denton, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2033   14,180    14,861 
City of Denton, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2035   6,775    7,058 
City of Denton, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2036   7,500    7,780 
Denton Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/15/2045   1,000    1,035 
Denton Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 8/15/2048   8,000    8,767 
Denton Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 8/15/2053   8,255    9,002 
Dripping Springs Independent School Dist., School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 4.00% 2/15/2032 (preref. 2/15/2024)   9,695    9,732 
Duncanville Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 2/15/2045 (preref. 2/15/2025)   5,390    5,534 
City of El Paso, Combination Tax and Rev. Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2040   1,000    1,003 
City of El Paso, Combination Tax and Rev. Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2041   1,000    1,003 
City of El Paso, Combination Tax and Rev. Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2044   1,570    1,545 
City of El Paso, Combination Tax and Rev. Certs. of Obligation, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2047   1,750    1,706 
El Paso Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/15/2025   1,000    1,038 
El Paso Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/15/2033 (preref. 8/15/2025)   4,000    4,137 
Forney Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 8/15/2048   3,500    3,788 
Fort Bend County Industrial Dev. Corp., Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (NRG Energy, Inc. Project), Series 2012-A, 4.75% 5/1/2038   1,750    1,720 
Fort Bend County Industrial Dev. Corp., Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (NRG Energy, Inc. Project), Series 2012-B, 4.75% 11/1/2042   8,340    8,125 
Fort Bend Grand Parkway Toll Road Auth., Limited Contract Tax and Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2034   1,500    1,468 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 8/15/2027   1,080    1,166 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0.72% 8/1/2051 (put 8/1/2026)   3,205    2,847 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 0.875% 8/1/2050 (put 8/1/2025)   2,360    2,219 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2032   750    797 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2033   705    749 
Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2034   1,000    1,060 
G.O. Water Financial Assistance Bonds (Water Infrastructure Fund), Series 2013-B, 5.00% 8/1/2026   1,600    1,603 
G.O. Water Financial Assistance Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 8/1/2025   5,000    5,182 
Galveston Public Fac. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The Orleanders at Broadway), Series 2021, 0.47% 8/1/2025 (put 8/1/2024)   1,875    1,803 
City of Garland, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/1/2046   1,900    1,800 
City of Garland, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 3/1/2049   1,200    1,112 
City of Garland, Electric Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/1/2051   2,250    2,075 
Grand Parkway Transportation Corp., Grand Parkway System Toll Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-B, 5.00% 4/1/2053 (preref. 10/1/2023)   11,050    11,079 


196 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
Grand Parkway Transportation Corp., Grand Parkway System Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 4.00% 10/1/2045  USD10,000   $9,732 
Grand Parkway Transportation Corp., Grand Parkway System Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 4.00% 10/1/2049   8,480    8,147 
Harlandale Independent School Dist., Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2021, BAM insured, 2.00% 8/15/2040 (put 8/15/2024)   1,520    1,503 
Harlandale Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 0.75% 8/15/2045 (put 8/15/2025)   1,000    950 
County of Harris, Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Health System), Series 2020, 5.00% 6/1/2024   1,250    1,266 
County of Harris, Metropolitan Transit Auth., Sales and Use Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/1/2037   3,170    3,440 
County of Harris, Permanent Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2036   1,380    1,434 
County of Harris, Sports Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2028   1,500    1,526 
County of Harris, Sports Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2053   1,350    1,357 
County of Harris, Sports Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.125% 11/15/2056   1,000    739 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/15/2024   2,000    2,037 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/15/2031   5,000    5,445 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/15/2032   4,640    5,040 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/15/2033   2,000    2,167 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/15/2043   3,000    3,148 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 8/15/2048   7,500    7,237 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/15/2033   1,220    1,286 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/15/2041   2,000    2,055 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/2045   5,000    4,890 
County of Harris, Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/15/2047   7,300    7,454 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Brazos Presbyterian Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   1,560    1,433 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Brazos Presbyterian Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2048   16,455    13,333 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Health System), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 12/1/2025   2,800    2,862 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Health System), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2025   1,000    1,038 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Health System), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2026   2,500    2,646 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Health System), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 12/1/2027   2,800    2,872 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Health System), Series 2022-A, 4.125% 7/1/2052   5,000    4,794 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Texas Children’s Hospital), Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,000    1,041 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Texas Children’s Hospital), Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2032   1,000    1,040 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Texas Children’s Hospital), Series 2019-A, 3.00% 10/1/2039   5,000    4,375 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Texas Children’s Hospital), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 10/1/2041 (put 10/1/2024)   9,610    9,760 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Texas Children’s Hospital), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2042   1,520    1,484 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Texas Children’s Hospital), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 10/1/2051   26,660    19,699 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Health System), Series 2020-A, 4.30% 7/1/2040   7,575    7,645 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Texas Medical Center), Series 2020-A, 0.90% 5/15/2050 (put 5/15/2025)   2,140    2,015 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Thermal Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (TECO Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2025   1,000    1,037 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Thermal Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (TECO Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2027   3,100    3,342 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Thermal Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (TECO Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2028   2,600    2,808 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 197

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Thermal Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (TECO Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2030  USD1,820   $1,963 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Thermal Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (TECO Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/15/2031   2,250    2,423 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Thermal Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds (TECO Project), Series 2017, 4.00% 11/15/2035   12,045    12,127 
Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Houston Methodist Hospital), Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2045   3,525    3,579 
Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHRISTUS Health), Series 2005-A-4, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.19% 7/1/20313   6,550    6,550 
County of Hidalgo, Drainage Dist. No. 1, Unlimited Tax Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,900    2,056 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Palladium Simpson Stuart Apartments), Series 2021, 0.35% 1/1/2025 (put 1/1/2024)   5,625    5,508 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.75% 1/1/2049   4,490    4,524 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2052   8,090    7,759 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.50% 7/1/2052   11,220    10,941 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.50% 7/1/2053   11,795    12,589 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 2.835% 9/1/2047   7,400    6,429 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.75% 3/1/2049   2,490    2,505 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 3/1/2050   10,945    10,861 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2052   10,305    9,870 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.50% 9/1/2052   5,760    6,111 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 6.00% 3/1/2053   1,295    1,421 
Housing Options, Inc., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Brooks Manor - The Oaks Project), Series 2021, 0.50% 8/1/2041 (put 3/1/2025)   1,905    1,784 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,700    1,863 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 7/1/2029   2,400    2,623 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 7/1/2030   3,825    4,181 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 7/1/2033   1,000    1,085 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 7/1/2034   2,270    2,463 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 7/1/2035   2,000    2,161 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 7/1/2036   8,000    8,590 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 7/1/2037   2,500    2,669 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 7/1/2038   2,500    2,653 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.25% 7/1/2053   4,000    3,933 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 4.00% 11/15/2031   8,750    8,937 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 11/15/2034   34,565    36,321 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 11/15/2035   12,500    13,104 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 11/15/2036   5,700    5,952 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 11/15/2030   1,850    2,041 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 11/15/2032   2,000    2,204 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/15/2033   6,245    7,080 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 11/15/2035   3,900    4,249 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2036   12,000    12,347 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 11/15/2036   5,420    5,864 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 11/15/2038   10,000    10,725 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-D, 5.00% 11/15/2039   3,000    3,037 
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 5.00% 11/15/2039   3,475    3,718 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2023   65    65 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2024   55    55 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2025   45    45 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2026   80    82 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2027   235    243 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2028   115    119 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2029   160    167 


198 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2030  USD165   $173 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2031   265    279 
City of Houston, Downtown Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2028   3,060    3,190 
City of Houston, Downtown Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,000    1,043 
City of Houston, Downtown Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,000    1,042 
City of Houston, Downtown Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2031   1,555    1,621 
City of Houston, Downtown Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,000    1,042 
City of Houston, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 12/1/2028   16,525    13,799 
Houston Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Temenos Place Apartments), Series 2021, 0.29% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)   2,780    2,780 
Houston Independent School Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 223-C, 4.00% 6/1/2039 (put 6/1/2025)   4,650    4,696 
Houston Independent School Dist., Limited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2034   2,000    2,140 
Houston Independent School Dist., Limited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2014-A-2, 3.50% 6/1/2039 (put 6/1/2025)   3,000    3,003 
Houston Independent School Dist., Limited Tax Schoolhouse Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2042   2,110    2,207 
Humble Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 2/15/2027   3,500    3,648 
City of Irving, Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2023   150    150 
City of Irving, Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2031   125    132 
City of Irving, Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2032   300    316 
City of Irving, Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2034   300    317 
City of Irving, Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 8/15/2043   1,750    1,769 
Irving Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2036   840    966 
Irving Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2037   3,275    3,730 
Irving Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2042   3,000    3,331 
Irving Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2043   3,000    3,325 
Jarrell Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2053   4,000    4,304 
County of Kaufman, Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 2/15/2033   345    359 
County of Kaufman, Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 2/15/2034   360    375 
County of Kaufman, Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 2/15/2035   375    387 
County of Kaufman, Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 2/15/2036   780    799 
County of Kaufman, Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 2/15/2037   810    819 
County of Kaufman, Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 2/15/2038   845    841 
County of Kaufman, Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 2/15/2039   880    879 
County of Kaufman, Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 2/15/2040   615    616 
County of Kaufman, Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2033   310    323 
County of Kaufman, Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2034   500    521 
County of Kaufman, Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2035   300    309 
County of Kaufman, Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2036   440    451 
County of Kaufman, Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2037   655    662 
County of Kaufman, Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2038   610    607 
County of Kaufman, Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2039   895    894 
County of Kaufman, Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2040   750    751 
County of Kaufman, Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/15/2045   1,500    1,480 
City of Kerrville Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Peterson Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2023   1,000    1,000 
City of Kerrville Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Peterson Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2030   1,000    1,026 
City of Kerrville Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Peterson Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2035   3,080    3,152 
Lamar Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2039   3,000    3,350 
Lamar Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2040   3,000    3,335 
Lamar Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 2/15/2053   5,000    5,383 
Laredo Unified School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 8/1/2036   1,205    1,285 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 199

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
Leander Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2014-C, 0% 8/15/2037 (preref. 8/15/2024)  USD1,175   $579 
Leander Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2014-C, 0% 8/15/2042 (preref. 8/15/2024)   1,000    372 
Leander Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2014-C, 0% 8/15/2043 (preref. 8/15/2024)   14,860    5,227 
Lewisville Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 8/15/2036   3,000    3,080 
Lone Star College System, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/15/2032   1,000    1,073 
Los Fresnos Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Buildings Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/2051   1,000    995 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-D, 5.00% 5/15/2029   2,150    2,215 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-D, 5.00% 5/15/2031   3,000    3,087 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2036   2,000    2,205 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2037   2,000    2,187 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2038   2,000    2,170 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 5/15/2039 (put 5/15/2028)   10,000    10,695 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2040   4,415    4,742 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 5/15/2024   880    892 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2025   750    761 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2027   1,000    1,046 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2029   1,525    1,597 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 5/15/2030   2,500    2,776 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2031   1,000    1,111 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2032   3,700    4,036 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2033   1,250    1,360 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2016, 4.00% 5/15/2034   1,300    1,316 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2034   1,240    1,348 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2034   1,500    1,655 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2016, 4.00% 5/15/2035   850    857 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/15/2036   1,000    1,103 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/15/2037   1,000    1,092 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 5/15/2038   1,000    1,047 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/15/2038   1,585    1,716 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 5/15/2039   1,000    1,045 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/15/2039   1,565    1,685 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 5/15/2040   1,500    1,526 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2040   810    862 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/15/2040   2,000    2,147 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 5/15/2045   5,000    5,070 


200 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/15/2045  USD1,140   $1,209 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2046   4,000    4,086 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 5/15/2049   5,000    4,587 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/15/2050   2,500    2,633 
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 5/15/2053   3,500    3,839 
Mansfield Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 2/15/2028 (preref. 2/15/2025)   1,275    1,308 
Mansfield Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2012, 3.00% 8/1/2036   3,850    3,579 
Mansfield Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2012, 3.00% 8/1/2037   2,920    2,639 
Mansfield Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 2/15/2039   3,955    4,159 
County of Matagorda, Navigation Dist. No. 1, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (AEP Texas Central Co. Project), Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 4.40% 5/1/2030   3,450    3,522 
County of Matagorda, Navigation Dist. No. 1, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Central Power and Light Co. Project), Series 2001-A, 2.60% 11/1/2029   1,675    1,515 
Medina Valley Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2044   3,680    4,042 
Medina Valley Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 0.82% 2/15/2051 (put 2/15/2026)   3,470    3,183 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. I, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-D, 6.25% 12/15/2026   2,540    2,640 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. II, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.66 + 0.69%) 4.354% 9/15/20272,3   53,910    53,603 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. II, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.55%) 4.53% 9/15/20273   7,565    7,478 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. II, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A, (3-month USD-LIBOR + 0.87%) 4.589% 9/15/20272,3   24,505    24,495 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2027   7,270    7,402 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2029   6,000    6,170 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2030   9,500    9,810 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2031   12,010    12,444 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2032   10,535    10,942 
Municipal Power Agcy., Transmission System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 9/1/2030   1,000    964 
Municipal Power Agcy., Transmission System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 9/1/2032   1,565    1,487 
Municipal Power Agcy., Transmission System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 9/1/2034   1,250    1,162 
Municipal Power Agcy., Transmission System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 9/1/2038   1,000    860 
Municipal Power Agcy., Transmission System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 9/1/2046   1,000    774 
Nacogdoches Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 2/15/2049   2,610    2,779 
New Caney Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2036   750    875 
New Caney Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2048   5,000    5,454 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Junilee Academic Center), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/20361   1,000    868 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Junilee Academic Center), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/20411   1,245    1,008 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Junilee Academic Center), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/20461   1,430    1,096 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Junilee Academic Center), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/20511   1,025    753 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Junilee Academic Center), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/20561   2,490    1,772 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Children’s Health System of Texas Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/15/2023   1,250    1,251 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Children’s Health System of Texas Project), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 8/15/2033   6,000    6,101 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Children’s Health System of Texas Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/15/2047   4,000    4,101 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 201

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (MRC Crestview Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2036 (preref. 11/15/2024)  USD350   $363 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (MRC Crestview Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2046 (preref. 11/15/2024)   200    208 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Wesleyan Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2014, 5.50% 1/1/2043   1,000    819 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Wesleyan Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2014, 5.50% 1/1/2049   1,550    1,212 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Westminster Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2026   1,000    1,018 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Westminster Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2031   1,615    1,631 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Westminster Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2040   4,300    4,150 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Westminster Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 11/1/2049   3,400    2,664 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Westminster Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 11/1/2055   8,225    6,211 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Collegiate Housing Island Campus, LLC - Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Island Campus Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 4/1/2037 (preref. 4/1/2027)   1,500    1,601 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Collegiate Housing Island Campus, LLC - Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Island Campus Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 4/1/2042 (preref. 4/1/2027)   875    934 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Collegiate Housing Stephenville II, LLC - Tarleton State University Project), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 4/1/2046   1,500    1,516 
Newark Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Austin Achieve Public School, Inc.), Series 2022, 4.00% 6/15/2052   2,000    1,894 
Newark Higher Education Fin. Corp., Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Abilene Christian University Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 4/1/2057   31,770    27,989 
North Central Texas Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Bluebonnet Ridge Apartments), Series 2021, 0.375% 8/1/2040 (put 8/1/2024)   995    953 
North East Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 8/1/2025   2,680    2,771 
North East Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007, 5.25% 2/1/2032   7,800    9,237 
North Fort Bend Water Auth., Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 12/15/2033   1,125    1,190 
North Fort Bend Water Auth., Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 12/15/2034   910    956 
North Fort Bend Water Auth., Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/15/2044   2,500    2,428 
North Fort Bend Water Auth., Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 12/15/2051   10,570    10,123 
North Fort Bend Water Auth., Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/15/2058   2,775    2,567 
North Fort Bend Water Auth., Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 12/15/2060   25,000    23,698 
North Harris County Regional Water Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/15/2031   2,100    2,224 
North Harris County Regional Water Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/15/2033   2,700    2,849 
North Harris County Regional Water Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/15/2034   1,250    1,317 
North Harris County Regional Water Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 12/15/2041   15,790    15,837 
North Texas Municipal Water Dist., Water System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2035   500    472 
North Texas Municipal Water Dist., Water System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2036   470    434 
North Texas Municipal Water Dist., Water System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2039   1,245    1,084 
North Texas Municipal Water Dist., Water System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2040   1,265    1,085 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   1,440    1,525 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   2,000    2,115 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/2035   1,200    1,248 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035   2,245    2,367 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2036   2,500    2,626 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2037   3,000    3,137 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2038   10,000    10,518 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.125% 1/1/2040   3,215    3,206 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2043   34,970    36,382 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 1/1/2048   2,700    2,774 


202 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Second Tier Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/2038  USD2,500   $2,522 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Second Tier Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/2039   2,500    2,489 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Second Tier Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/2040   2,000    1,966 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Second Tier Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/2041   2,000    1,953 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   4,500    4,580 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035   4,000    4,067 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2036   1,000    1,037 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2038   1,500    1,516 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 1/1/2039   8,905    9,160 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. First Tier Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.00% 1/1/2037   18,005    15,931 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Second Tier Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 1/1/2025   5,000    5,117 
Northside Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 8/15/2043   7,000    7,004 
Northside Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020, 0.70% 6/1/2050 (put 6/1/2025)   5,250    4,964 
County of Nueces, Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 2/15/2034   1,250    1,295 
County of Nueces, Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 2/15/2035   650    669 
County of Nueces, Limited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 2/15/2039   1,800    1,798 
Odessa Housing Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Cove in Odessa Apartments), Series 2021, 0.37% 2/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)   8,610    8,575 
Pecos-Barstow-Toyah Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 2/15/2041   1,600    1,616 
Plainview Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2020-B, 1.50% 2/15/2050 (put 8/15/2023)   6,000    5,995 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Fncg. System Bonds (Texas Southern University), Series 2016, BAM insured, 4.00% 5/1/2033   665    675 
Red River Education Fin. Corp., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (St. Edward’s University Project), Series 2016, 4.00% 6/1/2041   1,640    1,421 
Richardson Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2028   1,065    1,118 
Richardson Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2042   2,500    2,571 
County of Rockwall, Permanent Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 2/1/2034   325    335 
Royce City Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2053   3,000    3,235 
SA Energy Acquisition Public Fac. Corp., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2007, 5.50% 8/1/2023   1,980    1,980 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 3.00% 2/1/2027   3,500    3,493 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 3.00% 2/1/2028   5,000    5,003 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-D, 1.125% 12/1/2045 (put 12/1/2026)   8,350    7,391 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2025   470    482 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/1/2026   2,500    2,615 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/1/2029   4,000    4,236 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2038   1,750    1,926 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2039   2,000    2,193 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2040   2,465    2,693 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2040   2,000    2,206 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.25% 2/1/2040   2,500    2,859 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.25% 2/1/2040   3,730    4,265 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 2/1/2041   1,250    1,250 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2041   2,000    2,175 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2042   4,400    4,801 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 2/1/2043   1,250    1,239 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 2/1/2044   4,000    4,250 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 2/1/2044   2,000    2,171 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2045   1,600    1,713 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2046   5,985    6,438 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 2/1/2048   6,180    6,539 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 2/1/2049   1,000    1,067 
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2049   23,590    25,331 
City of San Antonio, Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 4.00% 5/15/2040   7,000    6,909 
City of San Antonio, Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-F, 1.00% 5/1/2043 (put 11/1/2026)   2,000    1,772 
City of San Antonio, Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2048   2,555    2,690 
City of San Antonio, Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/15/2050   2,750    2,945 
San Antonio Housing Trust Fin. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The Arbors at West Avenue Apartments), Series 2022, 1.45% 3/1/2026 (put 3/1/2025)   1,205    1,155 
San Jacinto Community College Dist., G.O. Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 2/15/2046   3,500    3,435 
Sharyland Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 2/15/2036 (preref. 2/15/2025)   2,225    2,284 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 203

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
SMHA Fin. Public Fac. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (The Lantana Apartments), Series 2021, 0.28% 3/1/2025 (put 3/1/2024)  USD23,000   $22,406 
South San Antonio Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2005, 5.50% 8/15/2030   7,510    8,577 
Southwest Houston Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 9/1/2035   465    476 
Southwest Houston Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 9/1/2037   775    786 
Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LBJ Infrastructure Group, LLC I-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/31/2037   2,500    2,376 
Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LBJ Infrastructure Group, LLC I-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/30/2038   2,500    2,366 
Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LBJ Infrastructure Group, LLC I-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/30/2039   1,545    1,452 
Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LBJ Infrastructure Group, LLC I-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/31/2039   1,250    1,172 
Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LBJ Infrastructure Group, LLC I-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/30/2040   3,775    3,513 
County of Tarrant, Hospital Dist., Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2023, 4.00% 8/15/2043   2,500    2,441 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Health Resources System Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 4.25% 11/15/2052   1,000    961 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baylor Scott & White Health Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/15/2031   1,000    1,050 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baylor Scott & White Health Project), Series 2022-D, 5.00% 11/15/2051   11,000    11,573 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Cook Children’s Medical Center), Series 2020, 5.00% 12/1/2032   2,000    2,239 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Cook Children’s Medical Center), Series 2020, 5.00% 12/1/2033   1,800    2,010 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Cook Children’s Medical Center), Series 2020, 4.00% 12/1/2045   5,000    4,826 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Methodist Hospitals of Dallas), Series 2022, 4.00% 10/1/2041   2,000    1,974 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Methodist Hospitals of Dallas), Series 2022, 4.00% 10/1/2042   2,725    2,657 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Methodist Hospitals of Dallas), Series 2022, 4.00% 10/1/2047   1,350    1,292 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baylor Scott & White Health Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 8/15/2033 (preref. 8/15/2023)   1,000    1,001 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Air Force Villages Obligated Group), Series 2016, 4.00% 5/15/2031   6,315    5,636 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Barton Creek Senior Living Center, Inc. - Querencia Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2023   1,530    1,528 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Barton Creek Senior Living Center, Inc. - Querencia Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2035   1,500    1,444 
Texas City Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 4.00% 8/15/2040   1,000    1,017 
Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System, Rev. Fncg. System Bonds, Series 2017-C, 5.00% 5/15/2033   1,000    1,072 
Board of Regents of the Texas State University System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 3/15/2029   5,250    5,612 
Board of Regents of the Texas State University System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2032   6,030    6,672 
Board of Regents of the Texas State University System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 3/15/2035   1,145    1,213 
Board of Regents of the Texas State University System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 3/15/2036   1,180    1,245 
Board of Regents of the Texas Tech University System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 2/15/2033   2,000    2,037 
THF Public Fac. Corp., Multi Family Housing Bonds (Lakeside Manor Apartments), Series 2022, 3.25% 3/1/2040 (put 9/1/2025)   6,000    5,882 
Transportation Commission, Central Texas Turnpike System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/15/2030   1,055    1,068 
Transportation Commission, Central Texas Turnpike System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 8/15/2032   2,000    2,029 
Transportation Commission, Central Texas Turnpike System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/15/2033   5,000    5,062 
Transportation Commission, Central Texas Turnpike System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 8/15/2037   4,000    4,040 


204 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
Transportation Commission, Central Texas Turnpike System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/15/2037  USD8,250   $8,327 
Transportation Commission, Central Texas Turnpike System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2015-B, 0% 8/15/2036   1,000    548 
Transportation Commission, G.O. Mobility Fund Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 10/1/2044 (preref. 10/1/2024)   4,000    4,075 
Transportation Commission, Highway Improvement G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 4/1/2031   3,000    3,162 
Transportation Commission, State Highway 249 System First Tier Toll Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-A, 0% 8/1/2038   850    424 
Transportation Commission, State Highway 249 System First Tier Toll Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-A, 0% 8/1/2039   950    448 
Transportation Commission, State Highway 249 System First Tier Toll Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-A, 0% 8/1/2040   800    356 
Transportation Commission, State Highway 249 System First Tier Toll Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-A, 0% 8/1/2041   1,425    599 
Transportation Commission, State Highway 249 System First Tier Toll Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-A, 0% 8/1/2043   2,185    826 
Transportation Commission, State Highway 249 System First Tier Toll Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-A, 0% 8/1/2044   2,850    1,019 
Transportation Commission, State Highway Fund, First Tier Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 4/1/2033 (preref. 4/1/2024)   5,000    5,054 
Trinity River Auth., Regional Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2030   1,000    1,138 
Turnpike Auth., Central Texas Turnpike System, Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, AMBAC insured, 0% 8/15/2028   26,715    22,445 
Turnpike Auth., Central Texas Turnpike System, Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, AMBAC insured, 0% 8/15/2029   27,520    22,307 
United Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2031   1,000    1,077 
United Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2032   1,000    1,075 
Board of Regents of the University of Houston System, Consolidated Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2026   3,000    3,144 
Board of Regents of the University of Houston System, Consolidated Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.00% 2/15/2030   4,440    4,414 
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/15/2031   3,040    3,311 
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/15/2032   2,185    2,379 
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/15/2033   2,000    2,177 
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/15/2036   2,000    2,156 
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/15/2037   1,800    1,925 
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/15/2038   2,100    2,234 
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/15/2039   2,125    2,254 
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/15/2044   6,000    6,312 
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Permanent University Fund Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 7/1/2033   1,085    1,118 
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Bonds, Series 2016-E, 5.00% 8/15/2023   1,555    1,556 
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 8/15/2052   5,000    4,811 
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 8/1/2037   1,000    1,138 
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 8/1/2038   2,000    2,031 
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 8/1/2038   1,200    1,358 
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 8/1/2044   1,000    1,106 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2020, 5.00% 10/15/2025   1,000    1,041 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 4/15/2028   2,000    2,164 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/15/2030   9,540    9,923 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 10/15/2032   8,445    8,777 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 205

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)          
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 10/15/2033  USD2,000   $2,074 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 10/15/2034   6,440    6,654 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 10/15/2035   8,810    9,054 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 10/15/2036   10,000    10,181 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 10/15/2037   8,900    9,047 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 10/15/2038   4,000    4,056 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/15/2040   10,350    10,588 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/15/2044   10,000    9,875 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/15/2046   10,000    10,300 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2022, 4.80% 10/15/2052   1,500    1,599 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/15/2056   7,180    6,849 
Water Dev. Board, State Water Implementation Rev. Fund, Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2022, 5.00% 10/15/2057   2,500    2,709 
Waxachie Independent School Dist., School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2036   360    418 
Waxachie Independent School Dist., School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2037   300    345 
Waxachie Independent School Dist., School Building Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 2/15/2048   6,000    6,576 
West Harris County Regional Water Auth., Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 12/15/2045   1,000    960 
West Harris County Regional Water Auth., Water System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 12/15/2060   12,750    11,973 
West Travis County Public Utility Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/15/2033   1,100    1,122 
United States 0.85%          
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Certs., Series 2023, 0.897% 6/25/20351,3   34,142    2,077 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Certs., Series 2023, 2.75% 11/25/20351   48,860    41,495 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Certs., Series 2023, 4.14% 1/25/20403   35,465    32,835 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-ML-05, Class AUS, 3.40% 1/25/2036   23,417    21,313 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Certs., Series 2015-M-033, 2.65% 9/15/2030   7,395    6,503 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Certs., Series 2018-M-042, Class A, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.30%) 2.60% 9/15/20331   22,700    22,700 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Certs., Series 2019-M-049, 3.05% 4/15/2034   3,630    3,206 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Certs., Series 2018-M-046, 2.625% 6/15/20351   12,630    12,630 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Certs., Series 2020-M-067, Class A, 2.25% 12/15/2037   57,700    44,487 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Green Bonds, Series 2021-ML-10, Class AUS, 2.032% 1/25/20381   11,824    8,683 
Utah 0.71%          
Charter School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Ref. Bonds (Early Light Academy), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/15/20371   5,185    4,877 
Cache County School Dist., Board of Education, G.O. Bonds (Utah Bond Guaranty Program), Series 2014, 5.00% 6/15/2027 (preref. 6/15/2024)   1,300    1,320 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020, 3.00% 7/1/2034   2,025    1,978 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Class III, Series 2010-B-1, 4.00% 7/1/2024   5    5 
Housing Corp., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Class III, Series 2015-D-2, 4.00% 1/1/2045   3,590    3,560 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2037   4,260    4,291 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2038   4,430    4,449 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2039   4,510    4,501 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2040   4,795    4,769 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2041   4,820    4,794 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 7/1/2046   2,150    2,310 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 7/1/2047   5,995    6,174 


206 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Utah (continued)          
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 7/1/2051  USD4,000   $4,249 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Utah Charter Academies Project), Series 2018-A-1, 5.00% 10/15/2038   730    751 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Utah Charter Academies Project), Series 2018-A-1, 5.00% 10/15/2043   1,150    1,173 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Utah Charter Academies Project), Series 2018-A-1, 5.00% 10/15/2048   1,185    1,203 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 6/1/2032   100    114 
Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agcy., Sales Tax and Telecommunications Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.25% 6/1/2037   1,000    1,130 
Transit Auth., Sales Tax Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-A, National insured, 5.00% 6/15/2035   38,270    45,094 
Transit Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 4.00% 6/15/2032 (preref. 6/15/2025)   26,225    26,643 
Transit Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 4.00% 6/15/2033 (preref. 6/15/2025)   12,200    12,395 
UIPA Crossroads Public Infrastructure Dist., Tax Differential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.125% 6/1/20411   4,790    4,232 
UIPA Crossroads Public Infrastructure Dist., Tax Differential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.375% 6/1/20521   8,500    7,345 
County of Utah, Hospital Rev. Bonds (IHC Health Services, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2032   1,000    1,087 
County of Utah, Hospital Rev. Bonds (IHC Health Services, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2034   1,000    1,083 
County of Utah, Hospital Rev. Bonds (IHC Health Services, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2035   1,000    1,077 
County of Utah, Hospital Rev. Bonds (IHC Health Services, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2036   2,000    2,137 
County of Utah, Hospital Rev. Bonds (IHC Health Services, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2037   1,400    1,487 
County of Utah, Hospital Rev. Bonds (IHC Health Services, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2038   1,250    1,322 
County of Utah, Hospital Rev. Bonds (IHC Health Services, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2039   2,190    2,305 
County of Utah, Hospital Rev. Bonds (IHC Health Services, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 5/15/2050   2,155    1,648 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2027   315    336 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2028   450    489 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2030   175    197 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2031   95    108 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 5/1/2032   135    143 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 5/1/2033   150    158 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 5/1/2034   115    121 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 5/1/2035   215    225 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 5/1/2037   300    308 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 5/1/2039   175    177 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 5/1/2040   160    162 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 5/1/2041   175    176 
City of Vineyard, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 5/1/2046   275    266 
Vermont 0.07%          
Educational and Health Buildings Fncg. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (The University of Vermont Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2031   3,300    3,441 
Educational and Health Buildings Fncg. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (The University of Vermont Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033   2,200    2,290 
Educational and Health Buildings Fncg. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (The University of Vermont Medical Center Project), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/1/2039   1,750    1,795 
Educational and Health Buildings Fncg. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (The University of Vermont Medical Center Project), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/1/2046   4,300    4,354 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-A, 2.60% 8/15/2051   1,000    664 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 207

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Vermont (continued)          
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-A, 2.85% 2/15/2052  USD1,830   $1,288 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multiple Purpose Bonds, Series 2017-D, 4.00% 5/1/2048   370    368 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multiple Purpose Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 11/1/2048   1,695    1,683 
Virgin Islands 0.05%          
Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp., Matching Fund Securitization Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,675    1,699 
Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp., Matching Fund Securitization Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2026   3,710    3,758 
Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp., Matching Fund Securitization Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   2,500    2,529 
Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp., Matching Fund Securitization Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2028   3,355    3,391 
Virginia 1.77%          
County of Albemarle, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of the Blue Ridge), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/1/2042   1,330    1,173 
County of Albemarle, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of the Blue Ridge), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/1/2049   2,800    2,339 
County of Albemarle, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of the Blue Ridge), Series 2022-B, 4.00% 6/1/2054   5,220    4,208 
City of Alexandria, Industrial Dev. Auth., Demand Rev. Ref. Bonds (Goodwin House), Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2045 (preref. 10/1/2025)   3,000    3,117 
County of Arlington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Virginia Hospital Center), Series 2020, 5.00% 7/1/2037   1,700    1,834 
County of Arlington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Virginia Hospital Center), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2045   3,335    3,225 
County of Arlington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Multifamily Housing Rev. Bonds (Park Shirlington Apartments), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2026   4,140    4,263 
County of Botetourt, Industrial Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Glebe, Inc.), Series 2014-A, 6.00% 7/1/2044   5,750    5,702 
City of Chesapeake, Chesapeake Transportation System Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 7/15/2047   2,525    2,526 
City of Chesapeake, Chesapeake Transportation System Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2012-B, 4.875% 7/15/2040   2,000    2,058 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (21st Century College and Equipment Programs), Series 2019-A, 3.00% 2/1/2037   5,000    4,515 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (21st Century College and Equipment Programs), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 2/1/2039   1,900    2,154 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Washington and Lee University Project), Series 2001, 5.75% 1/1/2034   1,000    1,241 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (21st Century College and Equipment Programs), Series 2017-E, 5.00% 2/1/2029   11,000    12,030 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (21st Century College and Equipment Programs), Series 2017-E, 5.00% 2/1/2031   11,000    12,010 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Public Higher Education Fncg. Program), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2025 (preref. 9/1/2024)   2,355    2,400 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Public Higher Education Fncg. Program), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 9/1/2026   900    937 
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Public Higher Education Fncg. Program), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 9/1/2028   2,600    2,697 
Commonwealth Transportation Board, Federal Transportation Grant Anticipation Rev. and Rev. Ref. Notes, Series 2017, 3.00% 9/15/2028   5,755    5,708 
Commonwealth Transportation Board, Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 5.00% 5/15/2025   2,000    2,065 
County of Fairfax, Econ. Dev. Auth., County Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (County Facs. Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 10/1/2037   2,525    2,611 
County of Fairfax, Econ. Dev. Auth., County Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (County Facs. Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 10/1/2041   1,520    1,530 
County of Fairfax, Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 10/1/2026   5,460    5,651 


208 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Virginia (continued)          
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Convocation Center Project), Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.375% 7/1/2053 (put 7/1/2043)  USD8,500   $8,904 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2038   5,280    5,285 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2040   6,340    6,263 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2043   5,400    5,243 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2048   6,390    6,054 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2050   10,500    9,884 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2055   11,000    10,228 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2059   19,410    17,846 
Greater Richmond Convention Center Auth., Hotel Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 6/15/2025   1,800    1,857 
Greater Richmond Convention Center Auth., Hotel Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 6/15/2026   3,520    3,618 
Greater Richmond Convention Center Auth., Hotel Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 6/15/2032 (preref. 6/15/2025)   1,000    1,031 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of Richmond), Series 2020, 4.00% 10/1/2045   1,420    1,264 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2034   6,150    5,853 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 12/1/2047   750    721 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of Richmond), Series 2020, 4.00% 10/1/2033   500    495 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of Richmond), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2042   1,025    1,054 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of Richmond), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2047   4,190    4,262 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of Richmond), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2052   3,655    3,690 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Bonds, Series 2020-G, 2.40% 9/1/2045   2,165    1,497 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Bonds, Series 2020-G, 2.625% 11/1/2053   1,190    779 
County of James City, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Williamsburg Landing), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2023   300    300 
City of Lexington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kendal at Lexington), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2042   1,120    921 
City of Lexington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kendal at Lexington), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2048   2,310    1,783 
County of Loudoun, Community Dev. Auth., Special Assessment Bonds (Dulles Town Center Project), Series 2012, 4.25% 3/1/2026   1,000    974 
Town of Louisa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Virginia Electric and Power Co. Project), Series 2008-B, 0.75% 11/1/2035 (put 9/2/2025)   10,875    9,992 
Town of Louisa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Virginia Electric and Power Co. Project), Series 2008-A, 5.00% 11/1/2035 (put 9/2/2025)   5,000    4,974 
City of Lynchburg, Econ. Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Centra Health Obligated Group), Series 2021, 3.00% 1/1/2051   8,800    6,211 
City of Lynchburg, Econ. Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Centra Health Obligated Group), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2055   3,960    3,477 
New River Valley Regional Jail Auth., Regional Jail Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2031   2,000    2,111 
City of Newport News, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2024   160    161 
City of Newport News, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2038   2,500    2,497 
City of Newport News, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/20461   15,250    15,352 
City of Newport News, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds (Custodial Receipts), Series 2015, 5.33% 7/1/20451   41,100    41,505 
City of Norfolk, Redev. and Housing Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Braywood Manor Apartments), Series 2023, 5.00% 5/1/2043 (put 5/1/2026)   2,145    2,204 
City of Norfolk, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.25% 11/1/2044   2,000    2,035 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 209

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Virginia (continued)          
County of Prince William, Gateway Community Dev. Auth., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 3/1/2030  USD2,505   $2,468 
County of Prince William, Heritage Hunt Commercial Community Dev. Auth., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 1999-B, 7.00% 3/1/2029   319    319 
Public Building Auth., Public Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 8/1/2026   1,140    1,182 
Public Building Auth., Public Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 8/1/2027 (preref. 8/1/2024)   2,000    2,036 
Public Building Auth., Public Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/1/2040 (preref. 8/1/2030)   15    16 
Public School Auth., School Fncg. Bonds (1997 Resolution), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 8/1/2046   7,295    7,187 
Public School Auth., School Fncg. Rev. Ref. Bonds (1997 Resolution), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/1/2026   2,000    2,076 
Public School Auth., School Fncg. Rev. Ref. Bonds (1997 Resolution), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/1/2028   2,000    2,075 
Rappahannock Regional Jail Auth., Fac. Capital Improvement Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2030 (preref. 10/1/2025)   1,750    1,820 
Rappahannock Regional Jail Auth., Fac. Capital Improvement Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2031 (preref. 10/1/2025)   2,000    2,080 
Rappahannock Regional Jail Auth., Fac. Capital Improvement Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2032 (preref. 10/1/2025)   2,250    2,340 
Resources Auth., Infrastructure Rev. Bonds (Pooled Fncg. Program), Series 2011-A, 5.00% 11/1/2024   35    35 
Resources Auth., Infrastructure Rev. Bonds (Pooled Fncg. Program), Series 2011-B, 5.00% 11/1/2027   15    15 
Resources Auth., Infrastructure Rev. Bonds (Pooled Fncg. Program), Series 2014-B, 5.00% 11/1/2027   870    887 
Resources Auth., Infrastructure Rev. Bonds (Pooled Fncg. Program), Series 2014-B, 5.00% 11/1/2027 (preref. 11/1/2024)   130    133 
City of Roanoke, Econ. Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Carilion Health System Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2051   2,415    2,290 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2032   2,500    2,486 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2037   2,105    2,056 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2042   2,960    2,818 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2047   4,000    3,711 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2052   5,000    4,573 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 3.00% 12/1/2026   235    222 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2036   1,210    1,109 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2041   1,500    1,292 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2051   9,455    7,533 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   1,665    1,778 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   1,325    1,413 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,610    1,713 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 1/1/2037   2,250    2,158 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 1/1/2038   5,000    4,744 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 1/1/2045   22,410    20,021 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 1/1/2051   23,855    20,532 
City of Spotsylvania, Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 6/1/2026   3,000    3,091 
Upper Occoquan Sewage Auth., Regional Sewerage System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 7/1/2028   5,000    5,180 
City of Virginia Beach, Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay), Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2023   335    335 
Western Virginia Regional Jail Auth., Regional Jail Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2025   1,115    1,157 
City of Winchester, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Valley Health System Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,000    1,032 
City of Winchester, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Valley Health System Obligated Group), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 1/1/2044 (preref. 1/1/2024)   3,000    3,018 
County of Wise, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste and Sewage Disposal Rev. Bonds (Virginia Electric and Power Co. Project), Series 2009-A, 0.75% 10/1/2040 (put 9/2/2025)   12,875    11,829 


210 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Washington 2.13%          
Bethel School Dist. No. 403, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 12/1/2025  USD420   $429 
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax and Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Improvement and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2021-S-1, 3.00% 11/1/2036   13,500    12,496 
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax and Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Improvement and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2021-S-1, 4.00% 11/1/2046   4,000    3,899 
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax Improvement and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2015-S-1, 5.00% 11/1/2045 (preref. 11/1/2025)   5,000    5,215 
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax Improvement and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2015-S-1, 5.00% 11/1/2050 (preref. 11/1/2025)   15,000    15,646 
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax Improvement Green Bonds, Series 2015-S-2B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.45%) 4.43% 11/1/2045 (put 11/1/2023)3   4,650    4,650 
Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 7/1/2043   6,200    6,345 
Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 7/1/2048   4,000    4,066 
Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2058   11,000    11,157 
Energy Northwest, Electric Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Columbia Generating Station), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2038   12,365    14,101 
Energy Northwest, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds (Project No. 1), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2028   5,000    5,386 
Energy Northwest, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds (Project No. 3), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,500    1,549 
Town of Erie, Westerly Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 12/1/20451   1,200    1,125 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/1/2036   5,000    5,240 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/1/2037   5,000    5,226 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2039   22,830    25,476 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2040   4,750    4,867 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 5.00% 2/1/2041   2,000    2,125 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/1/2041   780    819 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 8/1/2042   4,000    4,199 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/1/2044   4,000    4,440 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-R-A, 5.00% 8/1/2033   4,000    4,213 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-R-D, 5.00% 8/1/2035   3,000    3,204 
County of Grant Public Utility Dist. No. 2, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Priest Rapids Hydroelectric Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 1/1/2039   1,000    1,125 
County of Grant, Public Utility Dist. No. 2, Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-O, 5.00% 1/1/2042   1,200    1,258 
County of Grant, Public Utility Dist. No. 2, Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-R, 2.00% 1/1/2044 (put 12/1/2025)   1,500    1,436 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (CommonSpirit Health), Series 2019-B-2, 5.00% 8/1/2049 (put 8/1/2025)   5,000    5,087 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center), Series 2015, 5.00% 1/1/2026 (preref. 7/1/2025)   1,500    1,552 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center), Series 2015, 5.00% 1/1/2027 (preref. 7/1/2025)   1,000    1,035 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Multicare Health System), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/15/2033   2,480    2,521 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Multicare Health System), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 8/15/2037   2,000    2,044 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Multicare Health System), Series 2017-B, 4.00% 8/15/2041   5,000    4,686 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Providence Health & Services), Series 2015-A, 4.00% 10/1/2045   505    470 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2014-D, 5.00% 10/1/2041   9,480    9,455 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2014-C, 5.00% 10/1/2044   19,155    18,957 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2014-C, 5.00% 10/1/2044 (preref. 10/1/2024)   6,765    6,873 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Seattle Cancer Care Alliance), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/20401   920    891 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Seattle Children’s Hospital), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/2047   5,315    5,479 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Virginia Mason Medical Center), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2032   3,000    3,117 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Virginia Mason Medical Center), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2033   1,000    1,035 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Virginia Mason Medical Center), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2036   2,965    3,013 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Assn.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2031   4,625    4,896 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Assn.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,870    1,979 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Assn.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2041   1,645    1,741 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Assn.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2046   2,180    2,308 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Central Washington Health Services Assn.), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,500    1,534 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Central Washington Health Services Assn.), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,750    1,792 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Central Washington Health Services Assn.), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,500    1,537 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (PeaceHealth), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 11/15/2027 (preref. 5/15/2024)   795    805 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 10/1/2029   1,700    1,802 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 10/1/2033   3,000    3,164 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 211

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Washington (continued)          
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Seattle Children’s Hospital), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 10/1/2038  USD7,000   $7,492 
Housing Fin. Commission, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Grata at Totem Lake Apartments Project), Series 2022-B, 2.25% 9/1/2025 (put 3/1/2025)   3,925    3,832 
Housing Fin. Commission, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (HopeSource III Portfolio Projects), Series 2022, 1.25% 1/1/2025 (put 1/1/2024)   5,355    5,283 
Housing Fin. Commission, Municipal Certs., Series 2021-1, Class X, interest only, 0.725% 12/20/20357   12,665    594 
Housing Fin. Commission, Municipal Certs., Series 2021-1, 3.50% 12/20/2035   43,358    40,087 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20251   240    238 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20271   110    108 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20281   250    244 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20291   160    155 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Emerald Heights Project), Series 2013, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,100    1,101 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20381   2,300    2,008 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20431   3,400    2,809 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20481   2,820    2,239 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rockwood Retirement Project), Series 2014-A, 7.375% 1/1/2044 (preref. 1/1/2024)1   15,880    16,114 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rockwood Retirement Project), Series 2014-A, 7.50% 1/1/2049 (preref. 1/1/2024)1   6,000    6,092 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2015-1-N, 3.45% 12/1/2030   975    954 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2020-1-N, 2.45% 12/1/2035   1,400    1,210 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2020-1-N, 2.65% 12/1/2040   1,750    1,388 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2020-1-N, 2.80% 12/1/2043   975    769 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2017-2-N, 3.50% 6/1/2047   840    829 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2017-1-N, 4.00% 12/1/2047   230    229 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2018-1-N, 4.00% 12/1/2048   2,625    2,604 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2019-1-N, 4.00% 6/1/2049   4,410    4,375 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2021-1-N, 3.00% 12/1/2049   5,660    5,447 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2021-2-N, 3.00% 6/1/2051   5,520    5,283 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-1-N, 5.00% 12/1/2052   3,635    3,776 
Kalispel Tribe of Indians, Priority Distribution Payment Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/20321   3,600    3,701 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/20431   40,335    31,919 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/20481   18,345    13,624 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/20581   22,180    15,363 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/20581   10,375    7,107 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/20581   4,740    4,122 
County of King, Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2033   2,500    2,691 
County of King, Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2034   2,625    2,822 
County of King, Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2040 (preref. 1/1/2025)   2,550    2,616 
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 8/1/2031   2,330    2,330 
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 8/1/2036   5,000    5,235 
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 8/1/2040   5,000    5,203 
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series R-2022-B, 4.00% 2/1/2035   660    701 
City of Seattle, Housing Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northgate Plaza Project), Series 2021, 1.00% 6/1/2026   2,040    1,869 
City of Seattle, Housing Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lam Bow Apartments Project), Series 2021, 1.25% 6/1/2024   300    294 
City of Seattle, Municipal Light and Power Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 1/1/2040   10,890    10,956 
City of Seattle, Municipal Light and Power Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C-2, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.49%) 4.47% 11/1/2046 (put 11/1/2023)3   8,000    8,001 


212 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Washington (continued)          
City of Seattle, Water System Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2025  USD3,770   $3,910 
Tacoma School Dist. No. 10, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 4.00% 12/1/2041   3,205    3,206 
Various Purpose G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-R-C, 4.00% 7/1/2026   10,000    10,288 
West Virginia 0.18%          
Econ. Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Appalachian Power Co. - Amos Project), Series 2015-A, 2.55% 3/1/2040 (put 4/1/2024)   9,250    9,125 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Improvement Bonds (West Virginia University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/1/2038   950    1,030 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Improvement Bonds (West Virginia University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2023-A, 4.125% 6/1/2042   7,250    7,125 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Improvement Bonds (West Virginia University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2023-A, 4.375% 6/1/2053   7,000    6,823 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (West Virginia University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/2052   1,000    1,027 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. and Improvement Rev. Bonds (Cabell Huntington Hospital Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 1/1/2038   1,375    1,262 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. and Improvement Rev. Bonds (Cabell Huntington Hospital Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2043   5,270    5,065 
Parkways Auth., Turnpike Toll Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 6/1/2038   2,175    2,424 
Parkways Auth., Turnpike Toll Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2043   975    1,030 
Parkways Auth., Turnpike Toll Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 6/1/2047   6,000    6,444 
Wisconsin 1.72%          
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 5/1/2025   4,000    4,128 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/1/2032 (preref. 5/1/2025)   8,000    8,260 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 5/1/2039   1,000    1,008 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-4, 5.00% 5/1/2026   2,500    2,558 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Advocate Aurora Health Care Credit Group), Series 2018-C-4, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.65%) 4.63% 8/15/2054 (put 7/31/2024)3   1,250    1,250 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Advocate Aurora Health Care Credit Group), Series 2018-B, 5.00% 8/15/2054 (put 1/31/2024)   10,000    10,071 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Agnesian HealthCare, Inc.), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2042   3,380    3,457 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Agnesian HealthCare, Inc.), Series 2017, 4.00% 7/1/2047   2,500    2,323 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/15/2036   2,270    2,348 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 11/15/2046 (preref. 5/15/2026)   1,670    1,704 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Aspirus, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/15/2038   2,900    3,076 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Aspirus, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/15/2039   2,500    2,615 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Bellin Memorial Hospital, Inc.), Series 2022-A, 5.50% 12/1/2052   3,685    3,990 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Beloit Health System, Inc.), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2041   1,590    1,611 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Marshfield Clinic Health System, Inc.), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 2/15/2034   1,360    1,381 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Marshfield Clinic Health System, Inc.), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 2/15/2035   1,000    1,010 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Marshfield Clinic Health System, Inc.), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 2/15/2046   2,500    2,441 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Marshfield Clinic Health System, Inc.), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 2/15/2051 (put 2/15/2027)   4,035    4,143 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Marshfield Clinic Health System, Inc.), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 2/15/2052 (put 2/15/2025)   3,445    3,476 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Thermal Service, Inc.), Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2036   3,870    4,153 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Thermal Service, Inc.), Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2037   3,500    3,728 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Thermal Service, Inc.), Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2044   27,200    28,444 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 213

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Wisconsin (continued)          
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Utility and Infrastructure Obligated Group), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 4/1/2029  USD500   $551 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Utility and Infrastructure Obligated Group), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 4/1/2031   500    567 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Utility and Infrastructure Obligated Group), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 4/1/2042   5,000    5,363 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Utility and Infrastructure Obligated Group), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 4/1/2052   10,250    10,849 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2031   460    468 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2033   500    508 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Monroe Clinic, Inc.), Series 2016, 4.00% 2/15/2031 (preref. 8/15/2025)   450    457 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (ThedaCare, Inc.), Series 2015, 5.00% 12/15/2039   920    928 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 2.69% 7/1/2047   4,665    4,356 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 4.00% 3/1/2047   6,995    6,940 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 4.00% 3/1/2048   4,435    4,406 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 4.00% 3/1/2048   7,925    7,871 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.25% 3/1/2049   15,130    15,087 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 3.75% 3/1/2050   20,705    20,402 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.50% 9/1/2050   7,670    7,497 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2052   3,125    3,002 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 9/1/2052   2,670    2,562 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0.40% 5/1/2045 (put 11/1/2023)   680    672 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0.50% 11/1/2050 (put 11/1/2024)   560    531 
Public Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Appalachian Regional Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2040   1,000    1,028 
Public Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Appalachian Regional Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2046   1,380    1,134 
Public Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Appalachian Regional Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2051   2,925    2,312 
Public Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Appalachian Regional Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2056   3,710    2,867 
Public Fin. Auth., Health Care System Rev. Bonds (Cone Health), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 10/1/2052   15,000    14,043 
Public Fin. Auth., Health Care System Rev. Bonds (Cone Health), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2052   7,500    7,809 
Public Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Renown Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 6/1/2045   32,000    24,205 
Public Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (WakeMed), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2044   3,000    3,095 
Public Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Renown Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2031   3,115    3,211 
Public Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Renown Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2032   3,250    3,349 
Public Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Renown Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2040   11,585    11,738 
Public Fin. Auth., Lease Dev. Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2041   4,850    4,956 
Public Fin. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Duke Energy Progress Project), Series 2022-A-2, 3.70% 10/1/2046 (put 10/1/2030)   24,000    24,187 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.25% 7/1/2034   370    428 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.25% 7/1/2042   7,000    7,706 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.375% 7/1/2047   5,635    6,191 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.50% 7/1/2052   3,125    3,452 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.625% 7/1/2055   4,130    4,596 


214 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Wisconsin (continued)          
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Evergreens Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/15/2044  USD1,240   $1,164 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Evergreens Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/15/2049   1,400    1,287 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/15/2041   3,875    3,744 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (The United Methodist Retirement Homes), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2051   1,000    727 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. Rev. Bonds (Friends Homes), Series 2019, 4.00% 9/1/20241   630    624 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. Rev. Bonds (Friends Homes), Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/20541   1,500    1,275 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. Rev. Bonds (Givens Estates), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2041   3,275    2,939 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. Rev. Bonds (Givens Estates), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2051   13,175    11,116 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Bayhealth Medical Center Project), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/1/2050   13,515    9,678 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Bayhealth Medical Center Project), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 3.00% 7/1/2050   5,550    4,041 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Obligated Group of National Senior Communities, Inc.), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2035   1,190    1,153 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Obligated Group of National Senior Communities, Inc.), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2036   1,240    1,185 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Obligated Group of National Senior Communities, Inc.), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2037   1,290    1,201 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Obligated Group of National Senior Communities, Inc.), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2042   2,000    1,779 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Obligated Group of National Senior Communities, Inc.), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2047   1,700    1,460 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Obligated Group of National Senior Communities, Inc.), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2052   1,650    1,358 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Fellowship Senior Living Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,000    985 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Fellowship Senior Living Project), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2046   1,000    792 
Public Fin. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (The Carmelite System, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020, 5.00% 1/1/2040   3,975    3,875 
Public Fin. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (The Carmelite System, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020, 5.00% 1/1/2045   1,530    1,456 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Beyond Boone, LLC - Appalachian State University Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/1/2050   1,000    921 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Beyond Boone, LLC - Appalachian State University Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/1/2055   1,250    1,124 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Beyond Boone, LLC - Appalachian State University Project), Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2058   2,000    2,039 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Cullowhee, LLC - Western Carolina University Project), Series 2015, 5.25% 7/1/2047   1,000    954 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Wilmington, LLC - University of North Carolina Project), Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2058   11,250    11,565 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (NC A&T Real Estate Foundation, LLC Project), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 6/1/2034   1,125    1,154 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Green Bonds (University of Hawaii Foundation Project), Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 7/1/20611   1,080    791 
University of Wisconsin, Hospitals and Clinics Auth., Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 4/1/2051   8,500    8,034 
Wyoming 0.06%          
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-3, 3.00% 12/1/2044   30    30 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-6, 4.00% 6/1/2045   270    270 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-5, 4.00% 12/1/2046   1,690    1,678 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-2, 3.00% 6/1/2049   6,585    6,347 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-3, 3.00% 6/1/2050   1,435    1,388 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-1, 4.00% 12/1/2050   1,055    1,046 
Community Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-1, 5.75% 6/1/2053   1,730    1,845 
Total bonds, notes & other debt instruments (cost: $21,449,473,000)        20,294,968 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 215

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Short-term securities 11.41%  Principal amount
Municipals 9.89%          
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Certs., Series 2019-M-055, 4.19% 12/15/20281,3  USD17,100   $17,100 
State of Alaska, City of Valdez, Marine Terminal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Exxon Pipeline Co. Project), Series 1993-A, 4.45% 12/1/20333   4,160    4,160 
State of Alaska, City of Valdez, Marine Terminal Rev. Ref. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2001, 4.50% 12/1/20293   19,000    19,000 
State of Arizona, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2015-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.25%) 4.23% 1/1/2046 (put 11/4/2026)3,8   6,000    6,000 
State of Arizona, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2019-B, 4.50% 2/1/20483   36,200    36,200 
State of Arizona, City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mayo Clinic), Series 2014-B, 4.45% 11/15/20523   2,500    2,500 
State of Arizona, City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mayo Clinic), Series 2014-A, 4.46% 11/15/20523   36,840    36,840 
State of Arizona, County of Yavapai, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2010, 3.80% 4/1/2029 (put 12/1/2022)8   4,000    4,000 
State of California, Kern Community College Dist., Facs. Improvement Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bond Anticipation Notes, Capital Appreciation Notes, Series 2020, 0% 8/1/2023   265    265 
State of California, City of Los Angeles, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/27/2024   60,000    60,978 
State of California, County of Los Angeles, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/28/2024   15,000    15,245 
State of California, Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2010-B, 3.25% 8/1/2024 (put 8/1/2023)1,8   10,000    10,000 
State of California, County of Riverside, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/28/2024   10,000    10,160 
State of California, Regents of the University of California, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-AL-4, 3.50% 5/15/20483   5,420    5,420 
State of California, Regents of the University of California, Medical Center Pooled Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-O-1, 3.35% 5/15/20453   245    245 
State of Colorado, Education Loan Program, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/28/2024   25,000    25,349 
State of Connecticut, Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yale University Issue), Series 2017-A, 3.05% 7/1/20423   10,100    10,100 
State of Connecticut, Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yale University Issue), Series 2017-A-1, 3.15% 7/1/20423   7,650    7,650 
State of Connecticut, Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yale University Issue), Series 2016-A-1, 4.28% 7/1/20423   8,700    8,700 
State of Connecticut, Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yale University Issue), Series 2013-A, 4.35% 7/1/20423   20,900    20,900 
State of District of Columbia, Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Multimodal Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B-1, 3.95% 10/1/20503   38,530    38,530 
State of Florida, County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-A, 3.35% 9/12/2023   10,000    9,996 
State of Florida, Capital Facs. Fin. Agcy., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc.), Series 2010-A, 3.80% 7/1/2034 (put 9/1/2023)8   5,000    5,000 
State of Florida, City of Gainesville, Utilities System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.53% 10/1/20473   21,495    21,495 
State of Georgia, Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 8/1/2049 (put 12/2/2024)8   22,000    22,042 
State of Idaho, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (CHE Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2013-ID, 3.50% 12/1/2048 (put 11/1/2023)8   18,030    18,029 
State of Illinois, Fin. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago Medical Center), Series 2011-A, 4.53% 8/1/20443   23,235    23,235 
State of Illinois, Fin. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago Medical Center), Series 2010-A, 4.57% 8/1/20443   22,595    22,595 
State of Illinois, Joliet Regional Port Dist., Marine Terminal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Exxon Project), Series 1989, 4.50% 10/1/20243   13,010    13,010 
State of Illinois, Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 1/1/2024   5,405    5,423 
State of Indiana, Fin. Auth., Environmental Rev. Ref. Bonds (Duke Energy Indiana, Inc. Project), Series 2009-A-3, 4.08% 12/1/20393   17,320    17,320 
State of Indiana, Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2008-E-8, 4.06% 11/15/20333   17,500    17,500 
State of Louisiana, Parish of East Baton Rouge, Industrial Dev. Board, Gulf Opportunity Zone Rev. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2010-B, 4.50% 12/1/20403   18,500    18,500 
State of Louisiana, Parish of East Baton Rouge, Industrial Dev. Board, Gulf Opportunity Zone Rev. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2011, 4.50% 12/1/20513   10,070    10,070 


216 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Short-term securities (continued)  Principal amount
Municipals (continued)          
State of Louisiana, Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals Project), Series 2008-A, 4.45% 8/1/20433  USD55,600   $55,600 
State of Louisiana, Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals Project), Series 2008-B, 3.45% 12/1/20433   7,300    7,300 
State of Louisiana, Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals Project), Series 2008-C, 4.60% 12/1/20433   10,000    10,000 
State of Louisiana, Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals Project), Series 2010, 3.45% 8/1/20503   42,000    42,000 
State of Maryland, County of Montgomery, G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-E, 4.50% 11/1/20373   13,310    13,310 
State of Maryland, County of Montgomery, Rev. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2013, 3.50% 12/1/2041 (put 9/1/2023)8   30,000    30,000 
State of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Auth., General Transportation System Bonds, Series 2000-A, 4.02% 3/1/20303   15,775    15,775 
State of Michigan, Fin. Auth., State Aid Rev. Notes, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/21/2023   15,620    15,633 
State of Michigan, Fin. Auth., State Aid Rev. Notes, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/22/2024   24,000    24,317 
State of Michigan, Fin. Auth., State Aid Rev. Notes, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/20/2024   2,500    2,536 
State of Michigan, Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2016-E-2, 4.06% 11/15/20473   23,060    23,060 
State of Michigan, Strategic Fund, Demand Limited Obligation Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Project), Series 2007, 4.45% 12/1/20423   35,800    35,800 
State of Michigan, Regents of the University of Michigan, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 4.46% 4/1/20423   9,000    9,000 
State of Michigan, Regents of the University of Michigan, General Rev. IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-B, 3.60% 8/16/2023   26,460    26,460 
State of Minnesota, City of Rochester, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mayo Clinic), Series 2011-B, 4.00% 11/15/20383   20,000    20,000 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2010-D, 3.89% 12/1/20303   14,980    14,980 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2010-E, 3.89% 12/1/20303   12,650    12,650 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2009-E, 4.45% 12/1/20303   21,060    21,060 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2007-D, 4.50% 12/1/20303   34,500    34,500 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2009-D, 4.50% 12/1/20303   37,500    37,500 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2011-G, 4.42% 11/1/20353   10,635    10,635 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2010-J, 4.50% 11/1/20353   19,500    19,500 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2011-E, 4.50% 11/1/20353   6,800    6,800 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2011-F, 4.50% 11/1/20353   13,490    13,490 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Port Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2023, 4.50% 6/1/20433   33,800    33,800 
State of Missouri, Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Demand Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Washington University), Series 2000-B, 4.55% 3/1/20403   3,300    3,300 
State of New Hampshire, Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dartmouth College Issue), Series 2007-B, 4.45% 6/1/20413   1,500    1,500 
State of New York, Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Cornell University), Series 2019-B, 4.40% 7/1/20393   2,500    2,500 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2008-C-4, Assured Guaranty insured, 4.40% 10/1/20273   9,000    9,000 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2005-E-3, 3.83% 8/1/20343   13,590    13,590 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2006-E-4, 3.83% 8/1/20343   14,380    14,380 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2006-E-2, 4.50% 8/1/20343   39,170    39,170 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2008-L-3, 4.50% 4/1/20363   8,300    8,300 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2010-G-4, 4.00% 3/1/20393   35,615    35,615 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2013-F-3, 4.50% 3/1/20423   32,820    32,820 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-2, 4.18% 4/1/20423   3,155    3,155 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-3, 4.18% 4/1/20423   42,515    42,515 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2012-G-6, 4.52% 4/1/20423   4,260    4,260 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-A-5, 4.65% 8/1/20443   8,480    8,480 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2000-C, 4.03% 6/15/20333   28,400    28,400 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 217

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Short-term securities (continued)  Principal amount
Municipals (continued)          
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-BB-2, 4.50% 6/15/20353  USD39,415   $39,415 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-CC-1, 3.76% 6/15/20383   61,830    61,830 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-FF-1, 4.50% 6/15/20443   4,100    4,100 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-AA-2, 4.00% 6/15/20463   4,500    4,500 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-AA-1, 4.50% 6/15/20483   53,385    53,385 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-BB-1, 4.50% 6/15/20493   34,950    34,950 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-AA-1, 4.65% 6/15/20503   19,990    19,990 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-AA-2, 4.65% 6/15/20503   4,505    4,505 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-CC, 4.48% 6/15/20533   20,000    20,000 
State of New York, New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2016-A-4, 4.50% 8/1/20413   35,465    35,465 
State of New York, New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2019-B-4, 4.65% 8/1/20423   3,500    3,500 
State of New York, New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2014-B-3, 4.48% 11/1/20423   13,270    13,270 
State of New York, New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2015-E-4, 4.50% 2/1/20453   14,200    14,200 
State of New York, Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2001-C, 4.48% 1/1/20323   21,560    21,560 
State of New York, Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-B-3, 4.50% 1/1/20353   2,000    2,000 
State of North Carolina, Medical Care Commission, Medical Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Catholic Health East Issue), Series 2008, 4.02% 11/15/20283   4,185    4,185 
State of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Rev. Bonds, Series 2001, 3.96% 12/1/20253   3,255    3,255 
State of Ohio, County of Franklin, Rev. Bonds (CHE Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2013, 3.25% 12/1/2046 (put 11/1/2023)8   59,150    59,148 
State of Ohio, Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Rev. IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-B-5, 3.40% 9/19/2023   29,145    29,134 
State of Ohio, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2013-B-3, 4.45% 1/1/20393   16,975    16,975 
State of Ohio, Hospital Rev. Bonds (University Hospitals Health System, Inc. Project), Series 2013, 4.38% 1/15/20333   10,000    10,000 
State of Ohio, Hospital Rev. Bonds (University Hospitals Health System, Inc. Project), Series 2015-B, 4.38% 1/15/20453   2,400    2,400 
State of Ohio, Solid Waste Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2010, 3.80% 11/1/2035 (put 9/1/2023)8   3,000    3,000 
State of South Carolina, Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Prisma Health Obligated Group), Series 2018-B, 4.53% 5/1/20483   39,500    39,500 
State of Tennessee, City of Chattanooga, Health, Educational and Housing Fac. Board, Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s Health System), Series 2004-C, 4.30% 5/1/20393   5,000    5,000 
State of Tennessee, City of Clarksville, Public Building Auth., Pooled Fncg. Rev. Bonds, Series 2003, Bank of America LOC, 4.58% 1/1/20333   1,315    1,315 
State of Tennessee, County of Montgomery, Public Building Auth., Pooled Fncg. Rev. Bonds (Tennessee County Loan Pool), Series 2002, Bank of America LOC, 4.59% 4/1/20323   5,205    5,205 
State of Tennessee, County of Montgomery, Public Building Auth., Pooled Fncg. Rev. Bonds (Tennessee County Loan Pool), Series 2008, Bank of America LOC, 4.58% 7/1/20383   970    970 
State of Texas, Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Exxon Project), Series 1989, 4.50% 10/1/20243   17,530    17,530 
State of Texas, Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-C-1, 4.40% 8/1/2023   16,000    16,000 
State of Texas, Harris County Industrial Dev. Corp., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Exxon Project), Series 1984-A, 4.50% 3/1/20243   23,200    23,200 
State of Texas, Harris County Industrial Dev. Corp., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Exxon Project), Series 1984-A, 4.50% 3/1/20243   14,300    14,300 
State of Texas, City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 4.01% 5/15/20343   5,000    5,000 


218 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


Short-term securities (continued)          Principal amount
Municipals (continued)                  
State of Texas, City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 4.01% 5/15/20343    USD25,000   $25,000 
State of Texas, County of Jefferson, Port Arthur Navigation Dist., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Texaco, Inc. Project), Series 1994, 4.50% 10/1/20243     35,000    35,000 
State of Texas, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Auth., Sales Tax IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-C, 3.15% 10/5/2023     20,000    19,984 
State of Texas, County of Montgomery, IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-B, 3.30% 8/15/2023     5,450    5,448 
State of Texas, Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Permanent University Fund Bonds, Series 2008-A, 3.95% 7/1/20373     19,600    19,600 
State of Texas, Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Permanent University Fund Bonds, Series 2008-A, 3.90% 7/1/20383     42,485    42,485 
State of Texas, Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-B, 3.80% 8/1/20333     70,300    70,300 
State of Utah, County of Utah, Hospital Rev. Bonds (IHC Health Services, Inc.), Series 2016-C, 4.05% 5/15/20513     16,600    16,600 
State of Virginia, College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (University of Richmond Project), Series 2006, 4.45% 11/1/20363     15,000    15,000 
State of Virginia, Industrial Dev. Auth. of Loudoun County, Virginia, Multi-Modal Rev. Bonds (Howard Hughes Medical Institute Issue), Series 2003-E, 4.02% 2/15/20383     23,100    23,100 
State of Virginia, County of Loudoun, Industrial Dev. Auth., Multi-Modal Rev. Bonds (Howard Hughes Medical Institute Issue), Series 2003-C, 4.01% 2/15/20383     16,025    16,025 
State of Virginia, Small Business Fncg. Auth., Demand Rev. Ref. Bonds (Virginia State University Real Estate Foundation), Series 2008, Bank of America LOC, 4.60% 7/1/20303     7,475    7,475 
State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2014, 4.50% 10/1/20443     34,860    34,860 
State of Wyoming, County of Sublette, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2014, 4.50% 10/1/20443     25,275    25,275 
average yield
at acquisition
U.S. Treasury bills 1.52%               
U.S. Treasury 8/8/2023   4.368%   350,000    349,644 
Total short-term securities (cost: $2,621,305,000)             2,620,831 
Total investment securities 99.78% (cost: $24,070,778,000)        22,915,799 
Other assets less liabilities 0.22%             49,522 
Net assets 100.00%            $22,965,321 


Futures contracts


Contracts  Type  Number of
   Value and
at 7/31/2023
2 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long  12,907  9/29/2023  USD2,620,524             $(27,794)
5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long  6,486  9/29/2023   692,837      (662)
10 Year Ultra U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Short  3,410  9/20/2023   (398,917)     7,613 
30 Year Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond Futures  Short  32  9/20/2023   (4,231)     79 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 219

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


1 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A or, for commercial paper, Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. The total value of all such securities was $773,916,000, which represented 3.37% of the net assets of the fund.
2 Securities referencing LIBOR are expected to transition to an alternative reference rate by the security’s next scheduled coupon reset date.
3 Coupon rate may change periodically. Reference rate and spread are as of the most recent information available. Some coupon rates are determined by the issuer or agent based on current market conditions; therefore, the reference rate and spread are not available. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.
4 Step bond; coupon rate may change at a later date.
5 Scheduled interest and/or principal payment was not received.
6 Value determined using significant unobservable inputs.
7 Principal payments may be made periodically. Therefore, the effective maturity date may be earlier than the stated maturity date.
8 For short-term securities, the mandatory put date is considered to be the maturity date.


Key to abbreviations

Agcy. = Agency

Assn. = Association

Auth. = Authority

Certs. = Certificates

CME = CME Group

Dept. = Department

Dev. = Development

Dist. = District

Dists. = Districts

Econ. = Economic

Fac. = Facility

Facs. = Facilities

Fin. = Finance

Fncg. = Financing

G.O. = General Obligation

IAM = Interest at Maturity

LIBOR = London Interbank Offered Rate

LOC = Letter of credit

Part. = Participation

Preref. = Prerefunded

Redev. = Redevelopment

Ref. = Refunding

Rev. = Revenue

SIFMA = Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association

SOFR = Secured Overnight Financing Rate

USD = U.S. dollars


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


220 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund

Investment portfolio July 31, 2023


Portfolio quality summary* Percent of net assets



* Bond ratings, which typically range from AAA/Aaa (highest) to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch as an indication of an issuer’s creditworthiness. In assigning a credit rating to a security, the fund looks specifically to the ratings assigned to the issuer of the security by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch. If agency ratings differ, the security will be considered to have received the lowest of those ratings, consistent with the fund’s investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments 88.63%  Principal amount
Alabama 1.29%        
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 4.00% 4/1/2053 (put 10/1/2027)  USD2,550   $2,518 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 7), Series 2021-C-1, 4.00% 10/1/2052 (put 12/1/2026)   6,665    6,584 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-D-1, 5.50% 6/1/2049 (put 2/1/2029)   6,335    6,673 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Prepay Rev. Bonds (Project No. 5), Series 2020-A-1, 4.00% 10/1/2049 (put 10/1/2026)   315    313 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/2051 (put 12/1/2031)   5,500    5,415 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-D-1, 4.00% 7/1/2052 (put 6/1/2027)   1,640    1,634 
Black Belt Energy Gas Dist., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.25% 12/1/2053 (put 12/1/2026)   7,830    8,384 
Energy Southeast, Energy Supply Rev. Bonds (A Cooperative Dist.), Series 2023-A-1, 5.50% 11/1/2053 (put 1/1/2031)   19,500    20,999 
City of Hoover, Industrial Dev. Board, Environmental Improvement Rev. Bonds (U.S. Steel Corp. Project), Series 2019, AMT, 5.75% 10/1/2049   4,000    4,024 
City of Hoover, Industrial Dev. Board, Environmental Improvement Rev. Bonds (U.S. Steel Corp. Project), Series 2020, AMT, 6.375% 11/1/2050 (put 11/1/2030)   1,965    2,170 
County of Houston, Health Care Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2030   5,050    5,145 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Series 2013-D, 6.00% 10/1/2042   7,175    7,553 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Series 2013-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2044   1,600    1,621 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Series 2013-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 10/1/2048   700    711 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Series 2013-D, 7.00% 10/1/2051   520    548 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Series 2013-D, 6.50% 10/1/2053   5,530    5,823 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Capital Appreciation Warrants, Series 2013-E, 0% 10/1/2028   250    181 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Capital Appreciation Warrants, Series 2013-E, 0% 10/1/2034   2,500    1,111 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Capital Appreciation Warrants, Series 2013-E, 0% 10/1/2035   17,475    7,161 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Capital Appreciation Warrants, Series 2013-E, 0% 10/1/2036   7,500    2,824 
County of Jefferson, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Convertible Capital Appreciation Warrants, Series 2013-F, 0% 10/1/2046 (7.75% on 10/1/2023)1   2,500    2,609 
Lower Alabama Gas Dist., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2031   1,000    1,037 
City of Montgomery, Medical Clinic Board, Health Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Jackson Hospital & Clinic), Series 2015, 5.00% 3/1/2033   2,500    2,424 
City of Phenix, Industrial Dev. Board, Environmental Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (MeadWestvaco-Mead Coated Board Project), Series 2012-A, AMT, 4.125% 5/15/2035   10,600    10,458 
Southeast Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 2), Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 12/1/2051 (put 12/1/2031)   11,875    11,569 
Southeast Energy Auth., Commodity Supply Rev. Bonds (Project No. 3), Series 2022-A-1, 5.50% 1/1/2053 (put 12/1/2029)   2,005    2,137 
County of Sumter, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022, 6.00% 7/15/2052 (put 7/15/2032)   20,935    14,189 
Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 4.00% 7/1/2031 (preref. 7/1/2024)   2,745    2,764 
Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 4.00% 7/1/2034 (preref. 7/1/2024)   3,000    3,021 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 221

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Alaska 0.29%        
Industrial Dev. and Export Auth., Power Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2033  USD2,000   $2,033 
Industrial Dev. and Export Auth., Power Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2034   2,000    2,032 
Industrial Dev. and Export Auth., Power Rev. Ref. Bonds (Snettisham Hydroelectric Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2029   2,000    2,034 
Industrial Dev. and Export Auth., Power Rev. Ref. Bonds (Snettisham Hydroelectric Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,500    1,526 
Northern Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B-2, 0% 6/1/2066   188,845    24,048 
American Samoa 0.12%          
Econ. Dev. Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 9/1/20382   1,500    1,481 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 7.125% 9/1/20382   11,000    12,070 
Arizona 3.44%          
Town of Buckeye, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Verrado), G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-B, 5.70% 7/15/20292   770    770 
Town of Buckeye, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Verrado), G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-B, 6.00% 7/15/20332   700    700 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Graduate and Professional Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Midwestern University Foundation), Series 2021-A, AMT, 2.125% 7/1/2033   475    390 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Glencroft Retirement Community Project), Series 2016, 4.25% 11/15/2026   360    332 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Glencroft Retirement Community Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2036   600    473 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Glencroft Retirement Community Project), Series 2016, 5.25% 11/15/2046   1,545    1,111 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Terraces of Phoenix Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   745    685 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Terraces of Phoenix Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2048   850    681 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Royal Oaks - Insirata Pointe), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 5/15/2056   4,000    3,414 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Royal Oaks Life Care Community), Series 2016, 4.00% 5/15/2025   160    157 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Royal Oaks Life Care Community), Series 2016, 4.00% 5/15/2026   250    243 
City of Glendale, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Royal Oaks Life Care Community), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2039   2,250    2,112 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2007-B, (3-month USD-LIBOR + 0.81%) 4.517% 1/1/20373,4   9,250    8,541 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Social Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 4.00% 11/1/2037   1,100    1,067 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Social Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 4.00% 11/1/2038   600    578 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Social Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 4.00% 11/1/2039   750    716 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Social Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 4.00% 11/1/2040   800    757 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Social Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2020, 4.00% 11/1/2050   2,500    2,207 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public Charter Schools - Jerome Fac. Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2041   270    244 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public Charter Schools - Jerome Fac. Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2051   670    563 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public Charter Schools - Jerome Fac. Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2061   5,080    4,096 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public Charter Schools - Macombs Fac. Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2041   1,750    1,585 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public Charter Schools - Macombs Fac. Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2051   6,625    5,571 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public Charter Schools - Macombs Fac. Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2061   6,170    4,975 
222 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Arizona (continued)        
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Facs. Rev. Bonds (Leman Academy of Excellence - East Tucson and Central Tucson Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/20392  USD3,500   $3,266 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Facs. Rev. Bonds (Leman Academy of Excellence - East Tucson and Central Tucson Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/20492   7,750    6,829 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Facs. Rev. Bonds (Leman Academy of Excellence - East Tucson and Central Tucson Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/20542   6,000    5,183 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Facs. Rev. Bonds (Leman Academy of Excellence Projects), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 7/1/2042   15,575    13,914 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Facs. Rev. Bonds (Leman Academy of Excellence Projects), Series 2022-B, 4.25% 7/1/2042   3,540    3,271 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Facs. Rev. Bonds (Leman Academy of Excellence Projects), Series 2022-B, 4.50% 7/1/2052   5,420    4,925 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Facs. Rev. Bonds (Leman Academy of Excellence Projects), Series 2022-B, 4.50% 7/1/2057   2,745    2,452 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2018-B, 5.50% 7/1/20382   1,200    1,212 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20392   780    757 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2017-B, 5.125% 7/1/20472   2,230    2,091 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2018-B, 5.625% 7/1/20482   2,500    2,500 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20492   2,900    2,649 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2017-B, 5.25% 7/1/20512   570    537 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2018-B, 5.75% 7/1/20532   3,750    3,756 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Academies of Math & Science Projects), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20542   2,000    1,795 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-G, 4.00% 7/1/20272   1,805    1,748 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-D, 5.00% 7/1/20372   675    662 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.125% 7/1/20372   1,500    1,490 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-D, 5.00% 7/1/20472   1,035    943 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-G, 5.00% 7/1/20472   2,125    1,937 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.25% 7/1/20472   3,200    3,021 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.375% 7/1/20502   9,750    9,265 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-D, 5.00% 7/1/20512   3,450    3,088 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Basis School Project), Series 2017-G, 5.00% 7/1/20512   1,550    1,387 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Doral Academy of Nevada - Fire Mesa and Red Rock Campus Projects), Series 2019-A, 3.55% 7/15/2029   730    687 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Doral Academy of Nevada - Fire Mesa and Red Rock Campus Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/15/2039   1,575    1,543 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Doral Academy of Nevada - Fire Mesa and Red Rock Campus Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/15/2049   2,250    2,085 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Pinecrest Academy of Nevada - Cadence Campus Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/15/20402   1,850    1,546 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Pinecrest Academy of Nevada - Cadence Campus Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/15/20502   2,480    1,870 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Pinecrest Academy of Nevada - Horizon, Inspirada and St. Rose Campus Projects), Series 2018-A, 5.75% 7/15/20382   1,960    1,985 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Pinecrest Academy of Nevada - Horizon, Inspirada and St. Rose Campus Projects), Series 2018-A, 5.75% 7/15/20482   3,230    3,217 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Pinecrest Academy of Nevada - Sloan Canyon Campus Project), Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 7/15/20402   1,130    1,068 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Pinecrest Academy of Northern Nevada Project), Series 2022-A, 4.50% 7/15/20292   1,250    1,212 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Somerset Academy of Las Vegas - Aliante and Skye Canyon Campus Projects), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/15/20512   600    439 
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American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Arizona (continued)        
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Somerset Academy of Las Vegas - Lone Mountain Campus Projects), Series 2019-A, 3.75% 12/15/20292  USD480   $447 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Somerset Academy of Las Vegas - Lone Mountain Campus Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/15/20392   440    417 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Somerset Academy of Las Vegas - Lone Mountain Campus Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/15/20492   800    710 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2019-2, Class X, interest only, 1.014% 5/20/20334,5   153,758    7,360 
Industrial Dev. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2019-2, Class A, 3.625% 5/20/2033   35,477    32,505 
County of La Paz, Industrial Dev. Auth, Education Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds (Charter School Solutions Albuquerque School of Excellence Project), Series 2016-A, 4.375% 2/15/20282   975    917 
County of La Paz, Industrial Dev. Auth, Education Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds (Charter School Solutions Albuquerque School of Excellence Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/15/20462   5,400    4,521 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Benjamin Franklin Charter School Projects), Series 2018-A, 6.00% 7/1/20382   2,000    2,086 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Benjamin Franklin Charter School Projects), Series 2018-A, 6.00% 7/1/20522   3,625    3,688 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2021-B, 2.10% 7/1/20262   965    902 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2021-B, 2.625% 7/1/20312   3,380    2,857 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 7/1/20392   3,500    3,337 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/20412   1,020    844 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2021-B, 3.50% 7/1/20442   7,000    5,145 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2020, 5.25% 7/1/2045   3,075    3,182 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 7/1/20492   3,500    3,180 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2050   3,620    3,193 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/20512   2,490    1,868 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 7/1/20542   3,475    3,086 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/20562   1,350    979 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Paradise Schools Projects), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/20362   2,750    2,742 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Paradise Schools Projects), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/20472   10,580    9,894 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Facs. Rev. Bonds (Commercial Metals Co. Project), Series 2022, AMT, 4.00% 10/15/20472   12,645    10,901 
County of Maricopa, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2019-E, 3.00% 1/1/2049   3,000    2,269 
County of Maricopa, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (El Paso Electric Co. Palo Verde Project), Series 2009-A, 3.60% 2/1/2040   2,000    1,746 
Maricopa County Pollution Control Corp., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Edison Co.), Series 2000-A, 2.40% 6/1/2035   1,825    1,466 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Basis Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/20352   6,080    6,087 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Basis Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/20352   1,500    1,502 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Basis Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/20452   5,500    5,073 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Basis Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/20462   7,100    6,511 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2014-A, 5.75% 7/1/20242   275    276 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 7/1/20262   1,710    1,661 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2014-A, 6.50% 7/1/20342   1,560    1,587 
224 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Arizona (continued)        
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/20352  USD3,540   $3,534 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/20412   15,075    14,338 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2014-A, 6.75% 7/1/20442   6,900    6,994 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/20452   2,250    2,086 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools Projects), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/20462   2,500    2,305 
City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mayo Clinic), Series 2022, 3.75% 11/15/2057   1,000    852 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Leadership Academy Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 6/15/20412   8,500    6,993 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Leadership Academy Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 6/15/20412   630    518 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Leadership Academy Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 6/15/20512   2,280    1,701 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Leadership Academy Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 6/15/20572   695    501 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Leadership Academy), Series 2019, 5.00% 6/15/20342   600    602 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Leadership Academy), Series 2019, 5.00% 6/15/20392   655    629 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Leadership Academy), Series 2019, 5.00% 6/15/20492   1,100    992 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Leadership Academy), Series 2019, 5.00% 6/15/20522   2,150    1,907 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Imagine East Mesa Charter Schools Project), Series 2019, 3.25% 7/1/20242   90    89 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Imagine East Mesa Charter Schools Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20292   300    301 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Imagine East Mesa Charter Schools Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20342   400    397 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Imagine East Mesa Charter Schools Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20392   500    478 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Bonds (Imagine East Mesa Charter Schools Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20492   1,500    1,349 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Leadership Academy Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 6/15/20512   4,500    3,357 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Education Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Leadership Academy Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 6/15/20572   5,000    3,603 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (La Posada at Pusch Ridge Project), Series 2022-A, 6.75% 11/15/20422   3,000    3,039 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (La Posada at Pusch Ridge Project), Series 2022-A, 6.875% 11/15/20522   8,500    8,565 
County of Pima, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (La Posada at Pusch Ridge Project), Series 2022-A, 7.00% 11/15/20572   5,500    5,540 
County of Pinal, Industrial Dev. Auth., Environmental Facs. Rev. Green Bonds (WOF SW GGP 1, LLC Project), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.50% 10/1/20331   5,854    5,569 
County of Pinal, Industrial Dev. Auth., Environmental Facs. Rev. Green Bonds (WOF SW GGP 1, LLC Project), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.50% 10/1/20331,2   14,522    13,815 
City of Tempe, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Friendship Village of Tempe Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2038   7,185    5,794 
City of Tempe, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Friendship Village of Tempe Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2046   5,500    3,943 
City of Tempe, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Friendship Village of Tempe Project), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/2056   2,130    1,408 
City of Tempe, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Friendship Village of Tempe Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2050   1,600    1,327 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 225

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Arizona (continued)        
City of Tempe, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Friendship Village of Tempe Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2054  USD1,850   $1,506 
City of Tempe, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mirabella at ASU Project), Series 2017-A, 6.125% 10/1/20472   1,000    628 
County of Yavapai, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2002, AMT, 1.30% 6/1/2027   4,515    4,049 
Arkansas 0.36%          
Dev. Fin. Auth., Environmental Improvement Rev. Bonds (United States Steel Corp. Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.45% 9/1/2052   6,500    6,500 
Dev. Fin. Auth., Environmental Improvement Rev. Green Bonds (United States Steel Corp. Project), Series 2023, AMT, 5.70% 5/1/2053   11,905    12,082 
Dev. Fin. Auth., Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Big River Steel Project), Series 2019, AMT, 4.50% 9/1/20492   18,620    16,968 
Dev. Fin. Auth., Industrial Dev. Rev. Green Bonds (Big River Steel Project), Series 2020, AMT, 4.75% 9/1/20492   4,250    4,025 
California 5.81%          
Alameda Corridor Transportation Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 10/1/2049 (5.375% on 10/01/2037)1   595    301 
Alameda Corridor Transportation Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C-2, 0% 10/1/2050 (5.40% on 10/01/2037)1   1,975    1,002 
Alameda Corridor Transportation Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 10/1/2052 (5.45% on 10/1/2037)1   2,265    1,159 
City of Alameda, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-1 (Alameda Landing Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2027   100    104 
City of Alameda, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-1 (Alameda Landing Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2031   150    155 
City of Alameda, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-1 (Alameda Landing Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2032   160    165 
City of Alameda, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-1 (Alameda Landing Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2033   320    331 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 2.85% 4/1/2047 (put 4/1/2025)   9,640    9,514 
California County Tobacco Securitization Agcy., Tobacco Settlement Rev. Bonds, (Los Angeles County Securitization Corp.), Series 2020-B-1, 5.00% 6/1/2049   1,075    1,093 
City of Cerritos, Public Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Los Coyotes Redev. Project Loan), Series 1993-A, AMBAC insured, 6.50% 11/1/2023   900    906 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 8/1/2035   690    442 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 8/1/2036   750    455 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 8/1/2037   1,000    575 
Coast Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2019-F, 0% 8/1/2040   5,000    2,420 
Coast Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2019-F, 0% 8/1/2042   5,000    2,188 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 2/1/2052 (put 8/1/2031)   8,000    7,958 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-B-1, 5.00% 7/1/2053 (put 8/1/2029)   12,640    13,267 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 5.00% 12/1/2053 (put 8/1/2029)   1,065    1,112 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.25% 1/1/2054 (put 10/1/2031)   2,000    2,090 
Community College Fncg. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (NCCD - Napa Valley Properties, LLC - Napa Valley College Project), Series 2022-A, 5.75% 7/1/20602   1,000    997 
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Fountains at Emerald Park), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 8/1/20462   3,000    2,447 
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Glendale Properties), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 8/1/20472   39,155    30,001 
226 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)        
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Glendale Properties), Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 2/1/20562  USD23,510   $19,394 
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (The Exchange at Bayfront Apartments), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 8/1/20512   1,000    644 
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Verdant at Green Valley), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/1/20492   3,525    3,302 
Compton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2015 Election, Series 2019-B, BAM insured, 0% 6/1/2034   1,000    648 
Compton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2015 Election, Series 2019-B, BAM insured, 0% 6/1/2036   1,100    639 
Corona-Norco Unified School Dist., Public Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-05-1, 4.00% 9/1/2029   615    616 
Corona-Norco Unified School Dist., Public Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-05-1, 4.00% 9/1/2030   640    639 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (1818 Platinum Triangle - Anaheim), Series 2021-A-2, 3.25% 4/1/20572   9,020    6,227 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (1818 Platinum Triangle - Anaheim), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 4/1/20572   9,205    6,308 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (777 Place - Pomona), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 5/1/20572   2,000    1,383 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Acacia on Santa Rosa Creek), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/20562   5,970    4,916 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (City of Orange Portfolio), Series 2021-A-2, 3.00% 3/1/20572   8,865    5,877 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (City of Orange Portfolio), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 3/1/20572   2,390    1,687 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (CTR City Anaheim), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/20542   5,750    4,600 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Dublin), Series 2021-A-2, 3.00% 2/1/20572   3,000    1,983 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Escondido Portfolio), Series 2021-A-1, 3.00% 6/1/20482   6,400    4,293 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Escondido Portfolio), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 6/1/20582   12,265    9,518 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Escondido Portfolio), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/20592   3,000    1,835 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Millennium South Bay - Hawthorne), Series 2021-A-1, 3.375% 7/1/20432   10,250    8,187 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Millennium South Bay - Hawthorne), Series 2021-A-2, 3.25% 7/1/20562   7,850    5,449 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Millennium South Bay - Hawthorne), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/20582   7,250    5,037 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Park Crossing Apartments), Series 2021-A, 3.25% 12/1/20582   14,795    9,834 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Pasadena Portfolio), Series 2021-A-2, 3.00% 12/1/20562   6,000    3,983 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Pasadena Portfolio), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 12/1/20562   10,475    7,366 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (The Link - Glendale), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 7/1/20562   17,000    11,938 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Theo - Pasadena), Series 2021-A-2, 3.25% 5/1/20572   6,020    3,958 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Towne - Glendale), Series 2022-B, 5.00% 9/1/20372   1,000    993 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Union South Bay), Series 2021-A-1, 3.10% 7/1/20452   12,400    9,325 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Union South Bay), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 7/1/20562   43,575    32,059 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Waterscape Apartments), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 9/1/20462   2,250    1,860 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Westgate Phase 1 - Pasadena), Series 2021-A-2, 3.125% 6/1/20572   14,760    9,550 
City of Dublin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Dublin Crossing), Improvement Area No. 3, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2045   780    695 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 227

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)        
City of Dublin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Dublin Crossing), Improvement Area No. 3, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051  USD780   $673 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chapman University), Series 2017-B, 4.00% 4/1/2047   3,150    3,017 
Enterprise Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rocketship Public Schools - Obligated Group No. 2), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/1/20422   500    399 
Etiwanda School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-A, 0% 8/1/2038   1,210    644 
Etiwanda School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-A, 0% 8/1/2039   1,000    503 
Etiwanda School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-A, 0% 8/1/2040   1,000    476 
Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agcy., Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1995-A, 0% 1/1/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   5,000    4,935 
Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agcy., Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 1/15/2034   1,000    687 
Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agcy., Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 1/15/2035   1,000    660 
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B-2, 0% 6/1/2066   70,000    7,543 
Hastings Campus Housing Fin. Auth., Campus Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20452   10,700    9,241 
Hastings Campus Housing Fin. Auth., Campus Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20612   14,235    11,525 
Hastings Campus Housing Fin. Auth., Campus Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2020-B, 0% 7/1/2061 (6.75% on 7/1/2035)1,2   10,000    3,528 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (CommonSpirit Health), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 4/1/2044   1,500    1,425 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (CommonSpirit Health), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 4/1/2045   5,570    5,259 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 5/15/2051   1,750    1,704 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2019-1, Class X, interest only, 0.29% 1/15/20354,5   29,896    433 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2019-A-1, 4.25% 1/15/2035   6,744    6,751 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-1, Class X, interest only, 0.825% 3/25/20354,5   15,342    780 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-1, Class X, interest only, 0.797% 11/20/20354,5   60,826    3,105 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-A-1, 3.50% 11/20/2035   14,346    13,443 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-3, Class X, interest only, 0.764% 8/20/20365   31,600    1,698 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-A-3, 3.25% 8/20/2036   4,742    4,295 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2023-1, Class X, 0.366% 9/20/20364   102,649    2,574 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2023-1, Class A, 4.375% 9/20/2036   14,982    14,908 
Independent Cities Lease Fin. Auth., Mobile Home Park Rev. Ref. Bonds (Palomar Estates West), Series 2015, 5.00% 9/15/2036   1,000    994 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Bonds (WFCS Portfolio Projects), Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 1/1/20562   5,110    4,056 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Bonds (WFCS Portfolio Projects), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0% 1/1/20612   39,015    2,111 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 15-2, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2032   350    360 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 15-2, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2033   590    606 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 15-2, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2034   615    632 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 15-2, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2035   375    384 
City of Lake Elsinore, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Summerly), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2036   350    340 
City of Lake Elsinore, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Summerly), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2050   1,100    952 
City of Lake Elsinore, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2027   70    72 
City of Lake Elsinore, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2031   2,685    2,766 
City of Lake Elsinore, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2035   3,330    3,424 
Lammersville Joint Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2040   120    111 
Lammersville Joint Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2045   275    242 
Lammersville Joint Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2049   675    580 
City of Lee Lake, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-B, 5.375% 9/1/2035   715    716 
City of Long Beach, Marina Rev. Bonds (Alamitos Bay Marina Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 5/15/2045   500    505 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, AMT, 3.00% 5/15/2040   2,865    2,373 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, AMT, 3.00% 5/15/2040 (preref. 11/15/2031)   135    132 
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2042   1,020    1,039 
228 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)        
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2047  USD905   $912 
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2052   800    800 
M-S-R Energy Auth., Gas Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-B, 6.50% 11/1/2039   1,800    2,196 
Madera Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2002 Election, Series 2005, National insured, 0% 5/1/2030   4,000    3,171 
Morongo Band of Mission Indians, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 10/1/20422   11,415    11,263 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Educational Rev. Bonds (American Heritage Education Foundation Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2036   750    761 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Educational Rev. Bonds (American Heritage Education Foundation Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2046   1,745    1,736 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2015-A, 5.25% 11/1/20352   2,035    2,068 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2015-A, 5.50% 11/1/20452   5,600    5,649 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/20462   750    729 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Caritas Mobile Home Park), Series 2014-A, 5.25% 8/15/2039   1,200    1,213 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Caritas Mobile Home Park), Series 2014-B, 5.875% 8/15/2049   1,000    1,004 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc.), Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2040   2,535    2,047 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc.), Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2050   2,330    1,741 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (HumanGood - California Obligated Group), Series 2021, 3.00% 10/1/2046   2,000    1,473 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (HumanGood - California Obligated Group), Series 2021, 3.00% 10/1/2049   5,125    3,646 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (John Adams Academies, Inc.), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/20292   420    397 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (John Adams Academies, Inc.), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/20492   1,525    1,381 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (John Adams Academies, Inc.), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/20572   1,100    971 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (LINXS APM Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, 4.00% 12/31/2047   11,455    10,306 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (LINXS APM Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2047   3,005    3,053 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Azusa Pacific University Project), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 4/1/2026   1,065    1,069 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Azusa Pacific University Project), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 4/1/2030   2,505    2,514 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2022-B-2, 2.125% 11/15/2026   275    260 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 11/15/2039   425    405 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 11/15/2042   465    374 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 11/15/2052   500    367 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (HealthRIGHT 360), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/1/20392   525    522 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (HealthRIGHT 360), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/1/20492   2,000    1,865 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, AMT, 0.70% 12/1/2044 (put 12/1/2023)   460    453 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (United Airlines, Inc. Los Angeles International Airport Project), Series 2019, AMT, 4.00% 7/15/2029   8,925    8,860 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Fin. Agcy. XII, Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Allure Apartments), Series 2022-A-1, 3.25% 2/1/20572   11,025    7,526 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Fin. Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Latitude 33), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 12/1/20452   3,280    2,570 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Fin. Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Latitude 33), Series 2021-A-1, 3.00% 12/1/20562   6,990    4,624 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 5/15/2046   290    272 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 3.00% 5/15/2051   3,470    2,608 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 3.00% 5/15/2054   805    592 
Newport-Mesa Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017, 0% 8/1/2044   1,780    745 
Northern California Gas Auth. No. 1, Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-B, (3-month USD CME Term SOFR x 0.67 + 0.72%) 4.427% 7/1/20274   5,475    5,438 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Esencia Village), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.25% 8/15/2045   560    568 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Rienda), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2037   1,010    1,058 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Rienda), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2042   600    615 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 229

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)        
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Rienda), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2047  USD970   $986 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Rienda), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2052   2,350    2,376 
City of Palm Desert, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (University Park), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   220    201 
City of Palm Desert, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (University Park), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,175    1,008 
Palomar Pomerado Health, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2009-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2029   2,750    2,237 
Palomar Pomerado Health, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2009-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2031   2,500    1,884 
Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Water Furnishing Rev. Bonds (Poseidon Resources (Channelside), LP Desalination Project), Series 2012, AMT, 5.00% 11/21/20452   3,250    3,234 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 10/15/2051 (put 10/15/2031)   685    671 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-B-3, 2.125% 11/15/20272   1,015    988 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-B-2, 2.375% 11/15/20282   1,000    969 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-B-1, 3.125% 5/15/20292   1,575    1,498 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/20362   625    608 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/20462   240    217 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/20512   710    626 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/20562   645    560 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Trustees of the California State University), Series 2013-H, 5.00% 9/1/2024 (preref. 9/1/2023)   20    20 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Trustees of the California State University), Series 2013-H, 5.00% 9/1/2029 (preref. 9/1/2023)   5    5 
City of Rancho Cordova, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Sunridge Anatolia), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2037   500    479 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 9/1/2038   3,750    3,784 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 9/1/2048   4,545    4,413 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.75% 9/1/2052   4,250    4,198 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (Phase 2 Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,000    821 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-1, 4.00% 9/1/2041   1,015    906 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-1, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,535    1,308 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-1, 4.00% 9/1/2051   2,700    2,217 
County of Riverside, Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (Jurupa Valley Redev. Project Area), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2011-B, 0% 10/1/2039   4,210    2,087 
County of Riverside, Transportation Commission, Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, BAM insured, 3.00% 6/1/2049   1,000    770 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,000    1,029 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2030   455    467 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2031   595    611 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2033   500    513 
230 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)        
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-01 (Delta Shores), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.50% 9/1/2052  USD4,695   $4,702 
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-01 (Delta Shores), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.75% 9/1/2052   4,285    4,355 
County of Sacramento, Water Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Water Agcy. Zones 40 and 41), Series 2007-B, FGIC-National insured, (3-month USD-LIBOR + 0.55%) 4.232% 6/1/20343,4   4,930    4,686 
City of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Black Mountain Ranch Villages), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2027   355    369 
City of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Black Mountain Ranch Villages), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2028   785    818 
City of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Black Mountain Ranch Villages), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2029   245    255 
City of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Black Mountain Ranch Villages), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2030   245    254 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Treasure Island), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   2,155    1,913 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Treasure Island), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,140    984 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Treasure Island), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 9/1/20422   2,005    1,816 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Treasure Island), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 9/1/20522   1,500    1,272 
City and County of San Francisco, Special Tax Dist. No. 2020-1 (Mission Rock Facs. and Services), Dev. Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/20362   440    415 
City and County of San Francisco, Special Tax Dist. No. 2020-1 (Mission Rock Facs. and Services), Dev. Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/20512   6,285    5,128 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Community Facs. Dist. No. 6 (Mission Bay South Public Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 8/1/2031   500    504 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Community Facs. Dist. No. 7 (Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 1 Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 8/1/2044   870    874 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mission Bay South Redev. Project), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 8/1/2031   665    705 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Classical Academies Oceanside Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/20522   1,250    1,220 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Classical Academies Oceanside Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/20612   1,170    1,120 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Classical Academies Project), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 10/1/20272   1,000    993 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Classical Academies Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/20442   2,000    2,001 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitas Academy Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/20292   750    751 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitas Academy Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/20482   1,000    929 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Larchmont Charter School Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/20282   585    597 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Larchmont Charter School Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/20432   760    752 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Rocketship Education Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/20462   1,850    1,703 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Rocketship Education Obligated Group), Series 2017-A, 5.125% 6/1/20472   750    700 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Rocketship Education Obligated Group), Series 2017-A, 5.25% 6/1/20522   250    233 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Rocketship Public Schools Obligated Group), Series 2017-G, 5.00% 6/1/20372   360    350 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Rocketship Public Schools Obligated Group), Series 2017-G, 5.00% 6/1/20472   1,470    1,347 
School Fin. Auth., Educational Fac. Rev. Bonds (River Springs Charter School Project), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 7/1/20422   415    419 
School Fin. Auth., Educational Fac. Rev. Bonds (River Springs Charter School Project), Series 2015-A, 6.375% 7/1/2046 (preref. 7/1/2025)2   7,965    8,464 
School Fin. Auth., Educational Fac. Rev. Bonds (River Springs Charter School Project), Series 2015-A, 6.375% 7/1/2046 (preref. 7/1/2025)2   440    463 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 231

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)        
School Fin. Auth., Educational Fac. Rev. Bonds (River Springs Charter School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/20522  USD2,350   $2,076 
School Fin. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (River Springs Charter School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/20472   1,460    1,320 
School Fin. Auth., School Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (High Tech High Learning Project), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 7/1/20242   420    418 
School Fin. Auth., School Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (High Tech High Learning Project), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 7/1/20252   235    232 
School Fin. Auth., School Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (High Tech High Learning Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/20492   1,000    916 
City of Seal Beach, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (Pacific Gateway Business Center), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.00% 9/1/2027   100    95 
City of Seal Beach, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (Pacific Gateway Business Center), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.00% 9/1/2028   120    114 
City of Seal Beach, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (Pacific Gateway Business Center), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.125% 9/1/2030   175    163 
City of Seal Beach, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (Pacific Gateway Business Center), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.125% 9/1/2031   460    428 
Southern California Logistics Airport Auth., Tax Allocation Parity Bonds (Southern California Logistics Airport Project), Series 2005-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 4.50% 12/1/2030   120    121 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (American Baptist Homes of the West), Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2045   850    855 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2014-A, 6.375% 11/1/20432   2,700    2,711 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 4/1/2051   6,230    4,387 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/20342   275    272 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/20392   370    359 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lancer Plaza Project), Series 2013, 5.125% 11/1/2023   150    150 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loma Linda University Medical Center), Series 2014-A, 5.25% 12/1/2044   5,000    4,993 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loma Linda University Medical Center), Series 2014-A, 5.50% 12/1/2054   1,605    1,622 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loma Linda University Medical Center), Series 2016-A, 5.25% 12/1/20562   20,600    20,609 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/20322   720    738 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 6/1/20262   1,980    1,935 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/20362   2,610    2,569 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/20462   3,750    3,522 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Irvine, LLC - University of California, Irvine East Campus Apartments), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2040   1,150    1,168 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Custodial Receipts), Series 2017, 4.305% 7/1/2032   3,910    3,561 
City of Thousand Oaks, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1994-1 (Marketplace Public Pedestrian, Traffic Circulation and Parking Facs.), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.375% 9/1/2031   1,030    1,030 
Tobacco Securitization Auth. of Southern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Bonds (San Diego County Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-B2-2, 0% 6/1/2054   10,735    2,001 
Regents of the University of California, Medical Center Pooled Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-L, 4.00% 5/15/2037   1,300    1,305 
Colorado 10.01%          
County of Adams, Amber Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 7.75% 12/15/20476   513    479 
County of Adams, Amber Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2037   1,232    1,178 
County of Adams, Amber Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.125% 12/1/2047   1,000    906 
County of Adams, Bradburn Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 7.25% 12/15/20476   2,488    2,412 
232 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)        
County of Adams, Bradburn Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2038  USD840   $821 
County of Adams, Bradburn Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2047   1,200    1,127 
County of Adams, Brighton Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 7.00% 12/15/20476   670    622 
County of Adams, Brighton Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 12/1/2027   606    588 
County of Adams, Brighton Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2037   1,055    1,041 
County of Adams, Brighton Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2047   3,170    2,984 
County of Adams, Clear Creek Station Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-B, 7.375% 12/15/20476   500    473 
County of Adams, Clear Creek Station Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.375% 12/1/2032   1,263    1,211 
County of Adams, Clear Creek Station Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2047   7,250    6,816 
County of Adams, Clear Creek Transit Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Rev. Supported Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2031   525    474 
County of Adams, Clear Creek Transit Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Rev. Supported Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2041   2,925    2,687 
County of Adams, Clear Creek Transit Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Rev. Supported Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2050   5,000    4,349 
County of Adams, Clear Creek Transit Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Rev. Supported Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 7.90% 12/15/20506   1,125    1,022 
County of Adams, DIATC Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/20392   1,985    1,914 
County of Adams, DIATC Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/20492   3,000    2,781 
County of Adams, Pomponio Terrace Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   2,925    2,711 
County of Adams, Pomponio Terrace Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 7.75% 12/15/20496   816    760 
County of Adams, Rocky Mountain Rail Park Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Enterprise Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/20512   12,200    7,132 
County of Adams, The Village at Dry Creek Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.375% 12/1/2044   1,359    1,146 
County of Arapahoe, Copperleaf Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 7.875% 12/15/20496   3,945    3,690 
County of Arapahoe, Copperleaf Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   7,530    6,787 
County of Arapahoe, Copperleaf Metropolitan Dist. No. 9, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.875% 12/1/20516   5,000    3,937 
County of Arapahoe, Fitzsimons Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   3,659    3,225 
County of Arapahoe, Fitzsimons Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 12/1/2026   840    794 
County of Arapahoe, Fitzsimons Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 12/1/2031   555    487 
County of Arapahoe, Fitzsimons Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 12/1/2041   2,100    1,580 
County of Arapahoe, Fitzsimons Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.25% 12/1/2055   11,670    8,188 
County of Arapahoe, Gardens of Havana Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.625% 12/1/2027   1,740    1,724 
County of Arapahoe, Powhaton Road Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax Supported Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/20516   5,960    5,050 
Arkansas River Power Auth., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,685    1,744 
Arkansas River Power Auth., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2043   4,000    4,001 
City of Arvada, Canyon Pines Metropolitan Dist., Special Improvement Dist. No. 1, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 3.75% 12/1/2040   5,000    3,914 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 233

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)        
City of Arvada, Haskins Station Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2039  USD3,830   $3,502 
City of Arvada, Haskins Station Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   5,525    4,802 
City of Arvada, Leyden Ranch Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Tax Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.125% 12/1/2047   1,601    1,523 
City of Arvada, Leyden Ranch Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Tax Bonds, Series 2017-B, 7.00% 12/15/20476   500    469 
City of Arvada, Mountain Shadows Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2035   2,000    1,960 
City of Arvada, Mountain Shadows Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2046   1,000    927 
City of Arvada, Sabell Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B-3, 8.25% 12/15/20502,6   606    566 
City of Arvada, Sabell Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/20502   3,170    2,808 
Town of Ault, Conestoga Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A-3, 5.25% 12/1/20516   1,625    1,440 
City of Aurora, Aurora Crossroads Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2040   1,000    939 
City of Aurora, Aurora Crossroads Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2050   4,065    3,611 
City of Aurora, Buckley Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 6.00% 12/1/20516   29,160    25,833 
City of Aurora, Colorado International Center Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2016, 4.625% 12/1/2031   588    558 
City of Aurora, Colorado International Center Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2046   3,140    2,952 
City of Aurora, Colorado International Center Metropolitan Dist. No. 7, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021, 0% 12/1/2051 (5.25% on 12/1/2027)1   14,150    7,879 
City of Aurora, Colorado Science and Technology Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018, 4.375% 12/1/2026   2,642    2,600 
City of Aurora, Colorado Science and Technology Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/2033   3,040    3,019 
City of Aurora, Colorado Science and Technology Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018, 5.25% 12/1/2048   6,255    6,018 
City of Aurora, Cornerstar Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2017-A, 4.50% 12/1/2027   1,000    989 
City of Aurora, Forest Trace Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 7.875% 12/15/20496   933    920 
City of Aurora, HM Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021, 0% 12/1/2051 (6.00% on 12/1/2027)1   58,557    31,653 
City of Aurora, Horizon Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-3, 4.50% 12/1/20512,6   6,380    4,478 
City of Aurora, Inspiration Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 12/15/2036   788    703 
City of Aurora, Painted Prairie Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.25% 12/1/2048   2,000    1,837 
City of Aurora, Parkside at City Centre Business Improvement Dist., Special Rev. and Tax Supported Senior Bonds, Series 2019-A, 6.25% 12/1/2048   13,490    13,007 
City of Aurora, Pronghorn Valley Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 7.25% 12/15/20516   524    468 
City of Aurora, Pronghorn Valley Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2021-A, 3.75% 12/1/2041   3,100    2,426 
City of Aurora, Pronghorn Valley Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2051   3,275    2,460 
City of Aurora, Senac South Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-3, 5.25% 12/1/20516   10,415    8,999 
City of Aurora, Serenity Ridge Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2018-A, 4.50% 12/1/2028 (preref. 12/1/2023)   392    405 
City of Aurora, Serenity Ridge Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2018-A, 5.125% 12/1/2037 (preref. 12/1/2023)   550    569 
City of Aurora, Serenity Ridge Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2018-A, 5.125% 12/1/2043 (preref. 12/1/2023)   500    517 
City of Aurora, Southlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2037   2,265    2,240 
City of Aurora, Southlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-2, 5.00% 12/1/2037   600    593 
City of Aurora, Southlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2047   3,085    2,907 
City of Aurora, Tallyn’s Reach Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 12/1/20332   369    371 
234 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)        
City of Aurora, Transport Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.125% 12/1/2031  USD800   $726 
City of Aurora, Transport Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 0% 12/1/2051 (5.50% on 12/1/2025)1   3,000    2,276 
City of Aurora, Velocity Metropolitan Dist. No. 5, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 8.00% 12/15/20396   14,190    13,103 
City of Aurora, Windler Public Improvement Auth., Limited Tax Supported Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 12/1/2041   2,135    1,476 
City of Aurora, Windler Public Improvement Auth., Limited Tax Supported Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.125% 12/1/2051   19,000    11,647 
City of Aurora, Windler Public Improvement Auth., Limited Tax Supported Rev. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 0% 12/1/2036 (4.375% on 12/1/2027)   7,370    4,433 
Town of Bennett, Section 27 Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.50% 12/1/20516   4,160    3,150 
City of Brighton, Brighton Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 6, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2040   515    467 
City of Brighton, Brighton Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 6, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2050   4,000    3,461 
City of Brighton, Bromley Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 6.375% 12/15/2047   1,000    982 
City of Brighton, Bromley Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 7.85% 12/15/20476   2,411    2,039 
City of Brighton, Bromley Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 7.85% 12/15/20476   1,000    848 
City of Brighton, Bromley Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 7.85% 12/15/20476   1,000    848 
City of Brighton, Bromley Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 7.85% 12/15/20476   800    689 
City of Brighton, Bromley Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 7.85% 12/15/20476   700    600 
City of Brighton, Bromley Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 7.85% 12/15/20476   692    587 
City of Brighton, Bromley Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 7.85% 12/15/20476   658    564 
City of Brighton, Bromley Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 7.85% 12/15/20476   650    551 
City of Brighton, Bromley Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 7.85% 12/15/20476   51    43 
City of Brighton, Bromley Park Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-D, 7.85% 12/15/20476   38    32 
City of Brighton, Prairie Corner Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.875% 12/1/2051   3,000    2,359 
City and County of Broomfield, Arista Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2038   6,950    6,754 
City and County of Broomfield, Arista Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2018-A, 5.125% 12/1/2048   19,575    18,199 
City and County of Broomfield, Aspen Street Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-3, 5.125% 12/1/20506   5,389    4,330 
City and County of Broomfield, Baseline Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2051   4,000    3,567 
City and County of Broomfield, Baseline Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 7.50% 12/15/20516   2,190    2,002 
City and County of Broomfield, BBC Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.75% 12/1/20516   15,745    12,184 
City and County of Broomfield, Broomfield Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 5.00% 12/1/20492   735    677 
City and County of Broomfield, Broomfield Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/20492   2,909    2,681 
City and County of Broomfield, Highlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2031   1,990    1,701 
City and County of Broomfield, Highlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2051   575    475 
City and County of Broomfield, Highlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2022, 6.75% 12/1/20516   5,975    5,715 
City and County of Broomfield, Lambertson Farms Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 12/15/2025   1,525    1,391 
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American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)        
City and County of Broomfield, Lambertson Farms Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.75% 12/15/2046  USD4,950   $3,232 
City and County of Broomfield, Lambertson Farms Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 6.00% 12/15/2050   4,200    2,750 
City and County of Broomfield, Palisade Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 7.25% 12/15/20496   8,424    7,762 
City and County of Broomfield, Palisade Park North Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.50% 12/1/20516   38,562    30,477 
Town of Castle Rock, Castleview Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-3, 5.00% 12/1/20506   4,720    3,804 
Town of Castle Rock, Lanterns Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-3, 4.50% 12/1/20506   2,830    2,063 
City of Centennial, Southglenn Metropolitan Dist., Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.50% 12/1/2026   500    483 
City of Centennial, Southglenn Metropolitan Dist., Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2030   5,140    5,141 
City of Centennial, Southglenn Metropolitan Dist., Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,620    1,581 
City of Centennial, Southglenn Metropolitan Dist., Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2046   5,200    4,834 
City of Colorado Springs, Banning Lewis Ranch Metropolitan Dist. No. 8, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.875% 12/1/20512,6   3,500    2,585 
City of Colorado Springs, Colorado Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A-2 4.00% 12/1/2030   1,630    1,398 
City of Colorado Springs, Colorado Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A-2 5.00% 12/1/2050   2,500    1,882 
City of Colorado Springs, Copper Ridge Metropolitan Dist., Tax Increment and Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 12/1/2029   11,079    10,256 
City of Colorado Springs, Copper Ridge Metropolitan Dist., Tax Increment and Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2039   1,500    1,400 
City of Colorado Springs, Copper Ridge Metropolitan Dist., Tax Increment and Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2043   4,500    4,058 
City of Colorado Springs, Gold Hill Mesa Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 7.00% 12/15/2039   3,847    3,751 
City of Colorado Springs, Greenways Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-3, 4.625% 12/1/20516   2,116    1,501 
City of Colorado Springs, Mountain Vista Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.875% 12/1/20502,6   12,000    9,438 
City of Colorado Springs, Peak Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 7.625% 12/15/20512,6   1,651    1,497 
City of Colorado Springs, Vistas at West Mesa Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Ref. and Improvement G.O. Bonds, Series 2023, 7.50% 12/1/2053   2,635    2,342 
Commerce City, Buffalo Ridge Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 7.375% 12/15/20476   1,638    1,581 
Commerce City, Nexus North at DIA Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2041   520    478 
Commerce City, Nexus North at DIA Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2051   570    496 
Commerce City, Reunion Metropolitan Dist., Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.625% 12/1/2044   11,750    8,698 
City and County of Denver, 9th Avenue Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/2048   2,474    2,233 
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 4.125% 11/15/2053   2,750    2,615 
City and County of Denver, Broadway Park North Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 12/1/20402   1,325    1,273 
City and County of Denver, Broadway Park North Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 12/1/20492   1,550    1,438 
City and County of Denver, Broadway Station Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-B, 0% 12/1/2049 (7.50% on 12/1/2027)1   20,665    12,832 
City and County of Denver, Colorado International Center Metropolitan Dist. No. 14, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2022, 7.50% 12/15/20516   16,508    15,225 
City and County of Denver, Colorado International Center Metropolitan Dist. No. 14, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018, 5.875% 12/1/2046   15,475    15,204 
City and County of Denver, Dedicated Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-2, 0% 8/1/2034   605    385 
City and County of Denver, Denver Gateway Meadows Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 6.00% 12/1/20516   9,580    8,487 
City and County of Denver, Dept. of Aviation, Special Facs. Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Air Lines Project), Series 2017, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2032   19,695    19,679 
City and County of Denver, Loretto Heights Community Auth., Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.875% 12/1/20516   6,000    4,680 
236 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)        
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2026  USD1,700   $1,759 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2027   2,500    2,583 
City and County of Denver, Park Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Property Tax Supported Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033   1,000    1,024 
City of Denver, Urban Renewal Auth., Stapleton Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2024   2,000    2,002 
City of Denver, Urban Renewal Auth., Stapleton Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.25% 12/1/20392   6,595    6,655 
City of Denver, Urban Renewal Auth., Stapleton Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.25% 12/1/20392   3,320    3,350 
County of Douglas, Canyons Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.50% 12/1/20516   16,000    13,709 
County of Douglas, Chambers Highpoint Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2041   1,030    924 
County of Douglas, Chambers Highpoint Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2051   835    709 
County of Douglas, Cielo Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-3, 5.25% 12/1/20506   2,500    2,044 
County of Douglas, Hilltop Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 6.25% 12/1/2050   1,655    1,505 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, (USD-SOFR x 0.67 + 0.35%) 3.901% 9/1/2039 (put 9/1/2024)4   1,020    1,017 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-B, National insured, 0% 9/1/2037   5,065    2,568 
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010, 0% 9/1/2040   3,610    1,690 
Educational and Cultural Facs. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Aspen View Academy Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 5/1/2041   85    74 
Educational and Cultural Facs. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Aspen View Academy Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 5/1/2051   300    243 
Educational and Cultural Facs. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Aspen View Academy Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 5/1/2061   495    382 
Educational and Cultural Facs. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Vega Collegiate Academy Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/20342   300    300 
Educational and Cultural Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Denver), Series 2007, National insured, 5.25% 3/1/2025   880    896 
County of El Paso, Flying Horse Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 6.00% 12/1/20492,6   4,965    4,745 
County of El Paso, Glen Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.25% 12/1/2051   2,870    2,116 
County of El Paso, Wagons West Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   1,185    1,015 
County of El Paso, Waterview II Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.50% 12/1/2031   530    487 
County of El Paso, Waterview II Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2041   1,250    1,148 
County of El Paso, Waterview II Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/20516   3,280    2,855 
County of El Paso, Waterview II Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-B-3, 8.00% 12/15/20516   2,916    2,715 
County of Elbert, Elbert and Highway 86 Commercial Metropolitan Dist., Special Rev. and Tax Supported Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/20412   1,700    1,542 
County of Elbert, Elbert and Highway 86 Commercial Metropolitan Dist., Special Rev. and Tax Supported Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/20512   3,000    2,522 
County of Elbert, Independence Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 6.25% 12/1/2049   6,200    5,733 
Town of Elizabeth, Highway 86 Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Cash Flow Bonds, Series 2021-A-3, 5.125% 12/1/20516   1,015    839 
Town of Erie, Erie Commons Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 6.95% 12/15/20546   3,100    2,866 
Town of Erie, Four Corners Business Improvement Dist., Limited Tax Rev. Bond, Series 2022, 6.00% 12/1/2052   4,000    3,688 
Town of Erie, Jay Grove Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.25% 12/1/20516   2,450    1,835 
Town of Erie, Westerly Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2040   1,000    921 
Town of Erie, Westerly Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 12/1/2050   1,500    1,298 
Town of Erie, Westerly Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 0% 12/1/2050 (5.20% on 12/1/2026)1   1,000    687 
Town of Firestone, Cottonwood Hollow Residential Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/20516   13,573    11,051 
City of Fort Collins, Waters’ Edge Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/20516   4,445    3,714 
City of Fort Lupton, Lupton Village Residential Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.625% 12/1/20516   10,130    7,586 
City of Fort Lupton, Murata Farms Residential Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2022, 6.125% 12/1/20516   4,205    3,805 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 237

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)        
Town of Frederick, Hidden Creek Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A-3, 4.625% 12/1/20452,6  USD2,290   $1,817 
County of Grand, Roam Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 6.00% 12/1/20516   21,875    19,180 
City of Greeley, Lake Bluff Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 5.25% 12/1/20516   25,500    21,439 
City of Greeley, Westgate Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.375% 12/1/20516   12,538    10,643 
City of Greenwood Village, Fiddler’s Business Improvement Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 12/1/20322   605    614 
City of Greenwood Village, Fiddler’s Business Improvement Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.55% 12/1/20472   5,505    5,559 
Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (American Baptist Homes of the Midwest Obligated Group), Series 2013, 8.00% 8/1/2043   11,100    11,107 
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2047 (preref. 6/1/2027)   3,520    3,783 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (AdventHealth Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 11/15/2051   7,375    5,569 
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Parkview Medical Center, Inc. Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2050   5,740    5,053 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (CommonSpirit Health), Series 2019-A-2, 4.00% 8/1/2049   6,000    5,468 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (CommonSpirit Health), Series 2019-B-2, 5.00% 8/1/2049 (put 8/1/2026)   1,000    1,030 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Living Communities and Services), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2050   750    605 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/2048   2,480    2,418 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Senior Residences Project), Series 2012, 7.00% 6/1/20427   2,500    1,250 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Senior Residences Project), Series 2012, 7.125% 6/1/20477   5,500    2,750 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Christian Living Neighborhoods Project), Series 2019, 4.00% 1/1/2038   1,700    1,350 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Christian Living Neighborhoods Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2038   6,555    5,881 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Christian Living Neighborhoods Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2042   2,065    1,552 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Frasier Meadows Retirement Community Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 5/15/2027   480    481 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Frasier Meadows Retirement Community Project), Series 2017-A, 5.25% 5/15/2028   500    505 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Frasier Meadows Retirement Community Project), Series 2017-A, 5.25% 5/15/2031   2,395    2,422 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Frasier Meadows Retirement Community Project), Series 2017-A, 5.25% 5/15/2032   1,050    1,061 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Frasier Meadows Retirement Community Project), Series 2017-A, 5.25% 5/15/2037   2,300    2,304 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Frasier Meadows Retirement Community Project), Series 2017-A, 5.25% 5/15/2047   1,500    1,431 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Christian Living Neighborhoods Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2037   8,900    8,087 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   750    756 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2035   210    212 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Frasier Project), Series 2023-A, 4.00% 5/15/2041   1,420    1,175 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Frasier Project), Series 2023-A, 4.00% 5/15/2048   4,710    3,618 
Housing and Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-F, Class I, 4.25% 11/1/2049   2,175    2,169 
City and County of Jefferson, Dinosaur Ridge Metropolitan Dist., Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 6/1/2049   6,535    5,969 
County of Jefferson, Hogback Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2021-A-3, 5.00% 12/1/2041   725    666 
County of Jefferson, Hogback Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2021-A-3, 5.00% 12/1/2051   2,550    2,220 
County of Jefferson, RRC Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.25% 12/1/20516   20,000    16,905 
County of Jefferson, Three Hills Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.625% 12/1/20516   12,205    10,572 
County of Jefferson and City and County of Broomfield, Verve Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2041   2,250    2,146 
County of Jefferson and City and County of Broomfield, Verve Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2051   1,770    1,547 
Town of Johnstown, Granary Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2022, 6.75% 12/1/20516   18,768    17,648 
Town of Johnstown, Johnstown Farms East Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/20512,6   1,500    1,264 
238 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)        
Town of Johnstown, Thompson Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2039  USD1,400   $1,341 
Town of Johnstown, Thompson Crossing Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2049   8,185    7,296 
County of La Plata, Three Sprints Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 7.125% 12/15/20506   2,685    2,426 
County of Larimer, East Fossil Creek Ranch Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 6.00% 12/1/20486   4,750    4,294 
City of Littleton, Littleton Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, 7.625% 12/15/20286   2,420    2,394 
City of Lone Tree, Rampart Range Metropolitan Dist. No. 5, Limited Tax Supported and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2036   1,600    1,348 
City of Lone Tree, Rampart Range Metropolitan Dist. No. 5, Limited Tax Supported and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2041   7,500    5,859 
City of Lone Tree, Rampart Range Metropolitan Dist. No. 5, Limited Tax Supported and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2051   29,725    21,355 
City of Loveland, Cascade Ridge Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/20516   3,000    2,514 
City of Loveland, Eagle Brook Meadows Metropolitan Dist. No. 3, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/20516   1,600    1,382 
Town of Mead, Liberty Ranch Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.25% 12/1/20516   6,590    5,570 
Town of Parker, Cherry Creek South Metropolitan Dist. No. 5, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 6.00% 12/1/20516   36,049    29,412 
Town of Parker, Cottonwood Highlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   2,200    2,002 
Town of Parker, Overlook Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.50% 12/15/20516   1,033    885 
Town of Parker, Reata Ridge Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   1,803    1,661 
Town of Parker, Reata Ridge Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 8.00% 12/15/20496   614    579 
Town of Parker, Westcreek Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.375% 12/1/2048   800    762 
Public Auth. for Colorado Energy, Natural Gas Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2008, 6.125% 11/15/2023   715    719 
Public Auth. for Colorado Energy, Natural Gas Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2008, 6.25% 11/15/2028   2,000    2,142 
Regional Transportation Dist., Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2020-B, 4.00% 7/15/2034   1,000    1,030 
Regional Transportation Dist., Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/15/2035   7,260    7,428 
Town of Severance, Hunters Overlook Metropolitan Dist. No. 5, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2039   3,512    3,374 
Town of Severance, Hunters Overlook Metropolitan Dist. No. 5, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   2,985    2,725 
Town of Severance, Hunters Overlook Metropolitan Dist. No. 5, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 8.50% 12/15/20496   1,825    1,713 
Town of Snowmass Village, Base Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.50% 12/1/2036   4,543    4,564 
Town of Snowmass Village, Base Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.75% 12/1/2046   2,585    2,592 
Town of Snowmass Village, Base Village Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 6.50% 12/15/20486   3,500    2,335 
Town of Superior, STC Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 8.00% 12/15/20496   6,954    6,485 
Town of Superior, STC Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2029   1,870    1,745 
Town of Superior, STC Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2038   14,205    13,290 
Town of Superior, STC Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. and Special Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   15,210    13,748 
County of Weld, Tri-Pointe Residential Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.50% 12/1/2051   24,140    17,923 
County of Weld, Waterfront at Foster Lake Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A-3-1, 5.00% 12/1/2042   3,600    3,192 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 239

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Colorado (continued)        
County of Weld, Waterfront at Foster Lake Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A-3-1, 5.00% 12/1/2051  USD11,000   $8,951 
County of Weld, Waterfront at Foster Lake Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A-3-2, 0% 12/1/2051 (4.625% on 12/1/2027)1   5,130    3,100 
County of Weld, Waterfront at Foster Lake Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Special Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, 4.625% 12/1/20286   19,500    18,073 
City of Wheat Ridge, Longs Peak Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.25% 12/1/20512,6   27,410    23,378 
Town of Windsor, Great Western Metropolitan Dist. No. 5, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.75% 12/1/2050   8,820    7,666 
Town of Windsor, Iron Mountain Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 8.00% 12/15/20496   1,000    927 
Town of Windsor, Iron Mountain Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2039   1,635    1,553 
Town of Windsor, Iron Mountain Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   2,510    2,236 
Town of Windsor, Jacoby Farm Metropolitan Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/20462,6   4,750    4,202 
Town of Windsor, Prarie Song Metropolitan Dist. No. 4, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 6.00% 12/1/20516   9,237    8,183 
Town of Windsor, Ptarmigan West Metropolitan Dist. No. 2, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.125% 12/1/2051   4,000    2,816 
Connecticut 0.83%          
Airport Auth., Customer Fac. Charge Rev. Bonds (Ground Transportation Center Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2049   2,090    1,752 
City of Bridgeport, Steel Point Infrastructure Improvement Dist., Special Obligation Rev. Bonds (Steelpointe Harbor Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 4/1/20362   610    554 
City of Bridgeport, Steel Point Infrastructure Improvement Dist., Special Obligation Rev. Bonds (Steelpointe Harbor Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 4/1/20412   685    599 
City of Bridgeport, Steel Point Infrastructure Improvement Dist., Special Obligation Rev. Bonds (Steelpointe Harbor Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 4/1/20512   3,615    2,969 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Griffin Hospital Issue), Series 2020-G-1, 5.00% 7/1/20392   1,000    970 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Griffin Hospital Issue), Series 2020-G-1, 5.00% 7/1/20442   1,000    944 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Healthcare Fac. Expansion Issue - Church Home of Hartford, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/20532   1,640    1,293 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (McLean Affiliates, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/20452   1,455    1,257 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (McLean Affiliates, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/20552   1,625    1,335 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Sacred Heart University Issue), Series 2022-L, 5.00% 7/1/2052   3,000    3,168 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stamford Hospital Issue), Series 2022-M, 4.00% 7/1/2039   1,525    1,480 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stamford Hospital Issue), Series 2022-M, 4.00% 7/1/2040   515    497 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stamford Hospital Issue), Series 2022-M, 4.00% 7/1/2042   330    311 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Jerome Home Issue), Series 2021-E, 4.00% 7/1/2041   610    505 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Jerome Home Issue), Series 2021-E, 4.00% 7/1/2051   1,250    947 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2026   280    290 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2027   150    157 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2028   205    217 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2029   550    589 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2017-A, AMT, 4.00% 11/15/2031 (preref. 11/15/2025)   585    591 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2017-A, AMT, 4.125% 11/15/2032 (preref. 11/15/2025)   580    588 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2017-A, AMT, 4.125% 11/15/2033 (preref. 11/15/2025)   290    294 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2023-B, AMT, 4.00% 11/15/2035   855    837 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2020-B, AMT, 3.25% 11/15/2036   1,640    1,454 
240 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Connecticut (continued)        
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2023-B, AMT, 4.00% 11/15/2036  USD270   $258 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2021-B, AMT, 2.25% 11/15/2037   2,500    1,973 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chesla Loan Program), Series 2023-B, AMT, 4.125% 11/15/2037   1,000    955 
Housing Fin. Auth., Housing Mortgage Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2018-A-2, AMT, 4.00% 11/15/2041   755    745 
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth., Priority Distribution Payment Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.50% 8/1/20262   3,455    3,466 
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth., Priority Distribution Payment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.75% 2/1/20242   2,820    2,823 
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth., Priority Distribution Payment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.75% 2/1/20252   3,255    3,268 
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth., Priority Distribution Payment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 6.25% 2/1/20302   5,500    5,632 
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth., Priority Distribution Payment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 6.50% 8/1/20352   14,090    14,631 
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth., Priority Distribution Payment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 6.75% 2/1/20452   13,920    13,932 
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth., Priority Distribution Payment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 7.00% 2/1/20452   2,385    2,385 
City of Stamford, Harbor Point Infrastructure Improvement Dist., Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harbor Point Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 4/1/20302   2,830    2,878 
City of Stamford, Harbor Point Infrastructure Improvement Dist., Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harbor Point Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 4/1/20392   14,305    14,347 
Delaware 0.12%          
Enviva Partners, LP 6.50% 1/15/20262   6,000    5,068 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Aspira of Delaware Charter Operations, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2046   300    268 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Aspira of Delaware Charter Operations, Inc. Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2051   1,350    1,177 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Exempt Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (NRG Energy Project), Series 2020-A, 1.25% 10/1/2040 (put 10/1/2025)   4,495    4,111 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Beebe Medical Center Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 6/1/2050   2,235    2,263 
District of Columbia 0.68%          
Housing Fin. Agcy., Collateralized Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (218 Vine Street Apartments Project), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2040 (put 12/1/2023)   500    497 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2032   21,000    21,738 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Bonds (Dulles Metrorail and Capital Improvement Projects), Series 2010-B, 6.50% 10/1/20441   5,000    5,650 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Bonds (Dulles Metrorail and Capital Improvement Projects), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 10/1/2037   10,255    5,406 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Bonds (Dulles Metrorail and Capital Improvement Projects), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-A, 0% 10/1/2037   10,000    5,172 
Metropolitan Washington DC Airports Auth., Dulles Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dulles Metrorail and Capital Improvement Projects), Series 2019-B, 4.00% 10/1/2053   8,000    7,468 
Rev. Bonds (DC International School Issue), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2039   1,000    1,011 
Rev. Bonds (Friendship Public Charter School, Inc. Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2036   1,295    1,315 
Rev. Bonds (Friendship Public Charter School, Inc. Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2041   1,545    1,552 
Rev. Bonds (Friendship Public Charter School, Inc. Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2046   1,850    1,852 
Rev. Bonds (Rocketship DC Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/1/20412   1,250    1,155 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 241

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
District of Columbia (continued)        
Rev. Bonds (Rocketship DC Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/1/20612  USD3,600   $3,036 
Rev. Ref. Bonds (KIPP DC Issue), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 7/1/2048   4,220    4,227 
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-A, 0% 6/15/2046   60,820    14,209 
Florida 4.20%          
County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Oak Hammock at the University of Florida, Inc. Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2040   2,020    1,607 
County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Oak Hammock at the University of Florida, Inc. Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 10/1/2040   1,025    816 
County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Oak Hammock at the University of Florida, Inc. Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2046   1,605    1,185 
County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Oak Hammock at the University of Florida, Inc. Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 10/1/2046   1,750    1,292 
County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Shands HealthCare Project), Series 2007-A, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.87%) 4.552% 12/1/20373,4   2,095    1,965 
County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2049   2,500    2,313 
County of Alachua, Parker Road Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. and Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 3.10% 5/1/2025   100    98 
County of Alachua, Parker Road Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. and Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 3.375% 5/1/2030   335    308 
County of Alachua, Parker Road Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. and Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 3.875% 5/1/2040   900    760 
County of Alachua, Parker Road Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. and Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.10% 5/1/2050   1,000    809 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2043   1,100    974 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2048   7,000    5,957 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2053   3,200    2,670 
City of Atlantic Beach, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Fleet Landing Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 11/15/2037   3,230    3,029 
County of Brevard, Educational Facs. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (Florida Institute of Technology Project), Series 2014, 5.00% 4/1/2032   2,470    2,487 
County of Brevard, Educational Facs. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (Florida Institute of Technology Project), Series 2014, 5.00% 4/1/2039   750    755 
County of Broward, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 4.00% 10/1/2044   2,375    2,258 
County of Broward, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, AMT, 5.25% 10/1/2043 (preref. 10/1/2023)   2,000    2,005 
Capital Projects Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Capital Projects Loan Program - Florida Universities), Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 10/1/2029   1,000    1,043 
Capital Projects Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Capital Projects Loan Program - Florida Universities), Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 10/1/2030   1,000    1,047 
Capital Projects Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Capital Projects Loan Program - Florida Universities), Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,500    1,555 
Capital Projects Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Capital Projects Loan Program - Florida Universities), Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 10/1/2035   500    511 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (AcadeMir Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 7/1/20412   710    573 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (AcadeMir Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 7/1/20512   1,710    1,251 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (AcadeMir Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 7/1/20562   1,445    1,026 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Advantage Academy of Hillborough), Series 2019, 4.00% 12/15/2024   110    109 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Advantage Academy of Hillborough), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/15/2029   405    413 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Charter Educational Foundation, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.375% 6/15/20382   1,105    1,065 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Charter Educational Foundation, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.375% 6/15/20482   2,595    2,365 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Imagine School at Land O’ Lakes Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/15/20392   1,285    1,219 
242 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)        
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Imagine School at Land O’ Lakes Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/15/20542  USD2,150   $1,913 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Imagine School at North Manatee Project), Series 2021-C, 5.00% 6/1/20412   235    212 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Imagine School at North Manatee Project), Series 2021-C, 5.00% 6/1/20562   520    434 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Odyssey Charter School), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20492   1,740    1,548 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Odyssey Charter School), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20542   4,385    3,832 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Renaissance Charter School), Series 2017-A, 4.375% 6/15/20272   1,520    1,486 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Renaissance Charter School), Series 2017-A, 5.125% 6/15/20372   5,225    5,136 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Renaissance Charter School), Series 2017-A, 5.25% 6/15/20472   9,900    9,334 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Viera Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/15/20292   445    423 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Viera Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/15/20372   1,370    1,316 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Viera Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/20392   1,125    1,067 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Viera Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/15/20472   3,070    2,775 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Viera Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/20492   2,735    2,452 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Viera Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/15/20522   1,790    1,585 
Capital Trust Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Viera Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/20542   1,340    1,179 
Capital Trust Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Educational Growth Fund, LLC Charter School Portfolio Projects), Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 7/1/20562   20,695    18,654 
Capital Trust Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Educational Growth Fund, LLC Charter School Portfolio Projects), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0% 7/1/20612   145,480    9,564 
Capital Trust Agcy., Rev. Bonds (WFCS Portfolio Projects), Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 1/1/20562   5,550    4,336 
Capital Trust Agcy., Rev. Bonds (WFCS Portfolio Projects), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0% 1/1/20612   6,200    321 
Capital Trust Agcy., Senior Rev. Bonds (Educational Growth Fund, LLC Charter School Portfolio Projects), Series 2021-A-1, 3.375% 7/1/20312   5,500    5,148 
Central Florida Expressway Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2039   1,000    1,052 
County of Collier, Ave Maria Stewardship Community Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds (Phase 3 Master Improvements Project), Series 2019, 2.25% 5/1/2026   765    723 
County of Collier, Health Facs. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Moorings, Inc.), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 5/1/2048   5,000    5,036 
County of Collier, Health Facs. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Moorings, Inc.), Series 2022, 4.00% 5/1/2052   2,270    1,942 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (IPS Florida, LLC - Idea Florida, Inc. Jacksonville IV Project), Series 2022, 5.25% 6/15/20292   2,200    2,175 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Cornerstone Charter Academy Project), Series 2022, 5.125% 10/1/20522   4,120    3,851 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Cornerstone Charter Academy Project), Series 2022, 5.25% 10/1/20562   1,900    1,789 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Creative Inspiration Journey School of St. Cloud), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/15/20412   1,245    1,076 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Creative Inspiration Journey School of St. Cloud), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/15/20512   2,035    1,655 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Creative Inspiration Journey School of St. Cloud), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/15/20562   1,800    1,433 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mater Academy Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/15/2042   2,000    2,000 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mater Academy Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/15/2047   2,000    1,958 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mater Academy Projects), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/15/2050   1,120    1,085 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mater Academy Projects), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/15/2052   625    502 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mater Academy Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/15/2052   1,000    963 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (River City Science Academy Projects), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2055   1,000    785 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 243

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)        
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Renaissance Charter School, Inc.), Series 2020-C, 4.00% 9/15/20302  USD1,410   $1,291 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Renaissance Charter School, Inc.), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 9/15/20402   2,650    2,353 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Renaissance Charter School, Inc.), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 9/15/20502   2,805    2,312 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (UF Health - Jacksonville Project), Series 2013-A, 6.00% 2/1/2033 (preref. 8/1/2023)   5,770    5,770 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (UF Health - Jacksonville Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 2/1/2035   2,365    2,406 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (UF Health - Jacksonville Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 2/1/2038   5,115    5,029 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (UF Health - Jacksonville Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 2/1/2039   2,535    2,474 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (UF Health - Jacksonville Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 2/1/2040   2,700    2,616 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (UF Health - Jacksonville Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 2/1/2052   8,395    6,317 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Rev. Green Bonds (Brightline Florida Passenger Rail Expansion Project), Series 2022-A, AMT, 7.25% 7/1/2057 (put 10/3/2023)2   14,000    14,287 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Glenridge on Palmer Ranch Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 6/1/20512   1,000    822 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mayflower Retirement Community Center, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 5.25% 6/1/20502   2,000    1,652 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mayflower Retirement Community Center, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 5.25% 6/1/20552   2,000    1,620 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mayflower Retirement Community Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/20552   600    373 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Pro USA, Inc. Project), Series 2017, AMT, 5.25% 8/1/2029   6,125    5,914 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Pro USA, Inc. Project), Series 2021, AMT, 3.00% 6/1/2032   55,085    43,816 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Pro USA, Inc. Project), Series 2023, AMT, 6.125% 7/1/2032 (put 7/1/2026)2   3,385    3,410 
Dev. Fin. Corp., Surface Transportation Fac. Rev. Bonds (Virgin Trains USA Passenger Rail Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 6.50% 1/1/2049 (put 1/1/2029)2   3,000    2,895 
Fin. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2010-A, AMT, 4.05% 5/1/2034 (put 12/1/2022)   2,945    2,944 
Halifax Hospital Medical Center, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 6/1/2028   1,170    1,221 
Halifax Hospital Medical Center, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 6/1/2030   2,750    2,874 
Higher Educational Facs. Fncg. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Florida Institute of Technology), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2035   750    777 
County of Hillsborough, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Tampa General Hospital Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/1/2045   1,000    924 
County of Hillsborough, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Tampa General Hospital Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/1/2055   3,600    3,174 
County of Lee, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Cypress Cove at Healthpark Florida, Inc. Project), Series 2022-A, 5.25% 10/1/2052   1,850    1,570 
County of Lee, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Cypress Cove at Healthpark Florida, Inc. Project), Series 2022-A, 5.25% 10/1/2057   6,365    5,278 
County of Lee, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Shell Point/Alliance Obligated Group, Shell Point Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 11/15/2044   205    196 
County of Lee, River Hall Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 3.00% 5/1/2025   175    171 
County of Lee, River Hall Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 3.00% 5/1/2025   190    186 
County of Lee, River Hall Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 3.00% 5/1/2031   400    355 
County of Lee, River Hall Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 3.00% 5/1/2031   185    164 
County of Lee, River Hall Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 3.00% 5/1/2036   480    385 
County of Lee, River Hall Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 3.00% 5/1/2036   600    481 
Counties of Manatee and Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch Stewardship Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Lakewood Centre North), Series 2015, 4.875% 5/1/2035   465    466 
Counties of Manatee and Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch Stewardship Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Lakewood Centre North), Series 2015, 4.875% 5/1/2045   1,895    1,791 
Counties of Manatee and Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch Stewardship Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Lakewood National and Polo Run Project), Series 2017, 5.25% 5/1/2037   1,000    1,012 
Counties of Manatee and Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch Stewardship Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Lakewood National and Polo Run Project), Series 2017, 5.375% 5/1/2047   1,100    1,113 
244 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)        
City of Miami, Midtown Miami Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Infrastructure Project), Series 2014-B, 5.00% 5/1/2037  USD1,735   $1,712 
City of Miami, Midtown Miami Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Parking Garage Project), Series 2014-A, 4.25% 5/1/2024   440    440 
County of Miami-Dade, Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,225    1,271 
County of Miami-Dade, Industrial Dev. Auth., Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (CFC-MB I, LLC Collins Park Housing Project), Series 2023, AMT, 6.25% 1/1/20592   7,500    7,379 
County of Miami-Dade, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. of Florida Project), Series 2008, AMT, 0.40% 8/1/2023   3,000    3,000 
County of Miami-Dade, Sawyers Landing Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.25% 5/1/2026   1,280    1,217 
County of Miami-Dade, Sawyers Landing Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.75% 5/1/2031   5,315    4,844 
County of Miami-Dade, Sawyers Landing Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.125% 5/1/2041   6,400    5,484 
County of Miami-Dade, Sawyers Landing Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.25% 5/1/2053   11,165    8,925 
City of Miami Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Mount Sinai Medical Center of Florida), Series 2021-B, 3.00% 11/15/2051   13,085    9,142 
City of North Port, West Villages Improvement Dist. No. 2, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 5.75% 5/1/2036   2,270    2,272 
City of North Port, West Villages Improvement Dist. No. 2, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2019-A-2, 5.75% 5/1/2036   2,295    1,331 
County of Okaloosa, Mid-Bay Bridge Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/1/2035   1,000    1,012 
County of Okaloosa, Mid-Bay Bridge Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/1/2040   1,000    1,005 
County of Okaloosa, Mid-Bay Bridge Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 10/1/2040   1,935    1,937 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2036   2,500    2,575 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2041   4,880    5,026 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/1/2045   4,300    4,254 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2047   6,280    6,468 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Orlando Health Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,240    1,306 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2023-A, 4.00% 8/1/2042   4,525    3,954 
County of Orange, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2023-A, 4.00% 8/1/2047   6,670    5,633 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Bonds (ACTS Retirement - Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2032   4,935    4,996 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 5/15/2036   1,015    867 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2020-B, 4.00% 11/15/2041   250    210 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2020-B, 5.00% 11/15/2042   650    624 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 5/15/2047   875    658 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 5/15/2053   3,375    2,437 
County of Palm Beach, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Toby & Leon Cooperman Sinai Residences of Boca Raton Expansion), Series 2020, 5.00% 6/1/2055   3,650    3,107 
City of Palm Coast, Palm Coast Park Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2006, 5.70% 5/1/2037   2,330    2,331 
City of Palm Coast, Town Center at Palm Coast Community Dev. Dist., Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2005, 6.00% 5/1/2036   1,935    1,936 
County of Pasco, Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.75% 9/1/2054   650    733 
County of Pinellas, Educational Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Discovery Academy of Science Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/1/20462   1,690    1,293 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 245

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)        
County of Pinellas, Educational Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Discovery Academy of Science Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/1/20562  USD2,600   $2,239 
County of Pinellas, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Drs. Kiran & Pallavi Patel 2017 Foundation for Global Understanding, Inc. Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2029   2,245    2,297 
County of Pinellas, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Drs. Kiran & Pallavi Patel 2017 Foundation for Global Understanding, Inc. Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2039   3,070    3,085 
County of Polk, Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Carpenters Home Estates, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2039   400    374 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2040   140    118 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2021-B-1, 2.00% 1/1/2029   1,090    940 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2036   870    776 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2039   2,250    2,211 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2041   1,215    1,011 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2044   2,505    2,386 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2051   680    515 
City of Pompano Beach, Rev. Bonds (John Knox Village Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2056   4,785    3,518 
City of Port St. Lucie, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2036   2,000    2,019 
City of St. Cloud, Gramercy Farms Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007-B, 5.10% 5/1/20147   10,260    2 
City of St. Cloud, Gramercy Farms Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2011, 0% 5/1/20398   19,180    2,152 
City of St. Cloud, Stevens Plantation Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2003-B, 6.375% 5/1/20137   3,490    2,408 
City of St. Cloud, Stevens Plantation Improvement Project Dependent Special Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2003, 6.375% 5/1/20137   3,584    1,039 
County of St. Johns, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Obligated Group Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/1/2055   3,315    2,716 
County of St. Johns, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Vicars Landing Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/15/2036   1,000    858 
County of St. Johns, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Vicars Landing Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/15/2041   750    596 
County of St. Johns, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Vicars Landing Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/15/2046   4,665    3,496 
County of St. Johns, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Vicars Landing Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/15/2050   2,010    1,456 
County of St. Johns, Marshall Creek Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2002, 5.00% 5/1/2032   2,080    2,072 
County of St. Johns, Marshall Creek Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2016, 6.32% 5/1/2045   210    209 
County of Sarasota, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Village on the Isle Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2037   2,150    1,987 
County of Sarasota, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Village on the Isle Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2042   4,150    3,682 
County of Sarasota, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Village on the Isle Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2047   3,645    3,120 
County of Sarasota, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Village on the Isle Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2052   6,695    5,581 
County of Sarasota, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Improvement Bonds (Sunnyside Village Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2048   1,075    963 
County of Sarasota, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Village on the Isle Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2026   150    149 
County of Sarasota, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Village on the Isle Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2027   180    178 
County of Sarasota, Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Village on the Isle Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2030   120    117 
City of South Miami, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist Health South Florida Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2047   3,350    3,437 
Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A-1, 5.00% 3/1/20242   1,000    1,008 
Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A-1, 5.00% 3/1/20302   6,000    6,038 
City of Tallahassee, Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, Inc. Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2040   1,350    1,350 
246 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Florida (continued)        
City of Tampa, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Tampa Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 4/1/2045  USD3,945   $3,985 
City of Tampa, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Tampa Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 4/1/2050   1,810    1,652 
City of Venice, Retirement Community Rev. Improvement Bonds (Village on the Isle Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2037   1,000    923 
City of Venice, Retirement Community Rev. Improvement Bonds (Village on the Isle Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2047   4,205    3,623 
City of Venice, Retirement Community Rev. Improvement Bonds (Village on the Isle Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2052   3,010    2,541 
City of Wildwood, Village Community Dev. Dist. No. 13, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 5/1/2041   1,250    955 
City of Wildwood, Village Community Dev. Dist. No. 13, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.25% 5/1/2052   3,750    2,656 
City of Winter Garden, Winter Garden Village at Fowler Groves Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.75% 5/1/2031   3,925    3,654 
City of Winter Garden, Winter Garden Village at Fowler Groves Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.125% 5/1/2037   1,980    1,832 
Georgia 1.27%          
City of Atlanta, Airport Passenger Fac. Charge and General Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-D, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2040   1,750    1,709 
City of Atlanta, Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017-B-2, 0% 1/1/2044   1,631    29 
City of Atlanta, Dev. Auth., Senior Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Georgia Proton Treatment Center Project), Series 2017-A-1, 7.00% 1/1/20407   6,000    2,215 
City of Atlanta, Urban Redev. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Atlanta Beltline Trail Completion Project), Series 2021, 2.875% 7/1/20312   1,000    895 
City of Atlanta, Urban Redev. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Atlanta Beltline Trail Completion Project), Series 2021, 3.625% 7/1/20422   4,245    3,609 
City of Atlanta, Urban Redev. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Atlanta Beltline Trail Completion Project), Series 2021, 3.875% 7/1/20512   4,185    3,448 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Georgia Transmission Corp. Vogtle Project), Series 2012, 2.75% 1/1/2052   7,975    5,263 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Vogtle Project), Series 2013-A, 1.50% 1/1/2040 (put 2/3/2025)   2,510    2,379 
County of Burke, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Vogtle Project), Series 2017-C, 4.125% 11/1/2045   5,000    4,508 
County of Cobb, Dev. Auth., Parking and Dining Hall Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kennesaw State University Real Estate Foundations Projects), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/15/2033   1,000    1,076 
County of Coweta, Residential Care Facs. for the Elderly Auth., Rev. Bonds (Wesley Woods of Newnan - Peachtree City Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 3/1/2026   1,290    1,258 
County of Coweta, Residential Care Facs. for the Elderly Auth., Rev. Bonds (Wesley Woods of Newnan - Peachtree City Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 3/1/2031   1,265    1,164 
County of Coweta, Residential Care Facs. for the Elderly Auth., Rev. Bonds (Wesley Woods of Newnan - Peachtree City Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 3/1/2036   970    836 
County of Coweta, Residential Care Facs. for the Elderly Auth., Rev. Bonds (Wesley Woods of Newnan - Peachtree City Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 3/1/2041   935    746 
County of Coweta, Residential Care Facs. for the Elderly Auth., Rev. Bonds (Wesley Woods of Newnan - Peachtree City Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 3/1/2046   1,060    796 
Geo. L. Smith II World Congress Center Auth., Convention Center Hotel Second Tier Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.625% 1/1/20312   1,970    1,735 
Geo. L. Smith II World Congress Center Auth., Convention Center Hotel Second Tier Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 1/1/20362   2,315    2,190 
Geo. L. Smith II World Congress Center Auth., Convention Center Hotel Second Tier Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 1/1/20542   15,390    12,967 
County of Houston, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Houston Hospital, Inc.), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 10/1/2031 (preref. 4/1/2024)1   3,900    3,928 
Counties of Macon and Bibb, Urban Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Academy for Classical Education, Inc.), Series 2017, 5.75% 6/15/20372   1,200    1,214 
Counties of Macon and Bibb, Urban Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Academy for Classical Education, Inc.), Series 2017, 5.875% 6/15/20472   2,180    2,184 
Counties of Macon and Bibb, Urban Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Academy for Classical Education, Inc.), Series 2017, 6.00% 6/15/20522   3,060    3,072 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 247

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Georgia (continued)        
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A, 5.50% 9/15/2023  USD1,020   $1,021 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A, 5.50% 9/15/2026   1,000    1,034 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 5/15/2043   860    861 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 4.00% 8/1/2048 (put 12/1/2023)   4,000    4,004 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/1/2053 (put 6/1/2030)   600    621 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 7/1/2053 (put 3/1/2030)   19,645    20,608 
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 9/1/2053 (put 12/1/2029)   15,220    16,008 
City of Marietta, Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Life University, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/20372   4,000    3,804 
County of Monroe, Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Scherer Project), Series 2013-A, 1.50% 1/1/2039 (put 2/3/2025)   1,000    948 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project J Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.50% 7/1/2060   8,600    8,701 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 1/1/2046   330    292 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 1/1/2048   3,000    3,025 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2056   505    506 
Municipal Electric Auth., Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2063   1,200    1,203 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   2,300    2,474 
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2049   2,700    2,485 
Private Colleges and Universities Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Savannah College of Art and Design Projects), Series 2014, 5.00% 4/1/2029 (preref. 4/1/2024)   1,000    1,012 
Private Colleges and Universities Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Savannah College of Art and Design Projects), Series 2014, 5.00% 4/1/2044 (preref. 4/1/2024)   2,000    2,023 
Road and Tollway Auth., Toll Rev. Capital Appreciation Bonds (I-75 S Expressway Lanes Project), Series 2014-A, 0% 6/1/2024 (escrowed to maturity)2   505    491 
Road and Tollway Auth., Toll Rev. Capital Appreciation Bonds (I-75 S Expressway Lanes Project), Series 2014-A, 0% 6/1/2034 (preref. 6/1/2024)2   3,495    1,838 
Road and Tollway Auth., Toll Rev. Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds (I-75 S Expressway Lanes Project), Series 2014-B, 0% 6/1/2049 (7.00% on 6/1/2024) (preref. 6/1/2024)1,2   6,755    6,898 
County of Rockdale, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pratt Paper (GA), LLC Project), Series 2018, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/20382   2,500    2,384 
Guam 0.50%          
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-C, AMT, 6.25% 10/1/2034   905    909 
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-C, AMT, 6.25% 10/1/2034 (preref. 10/1/2023)   595    597 
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, AMT, 5.25% 10/1/2035   265    268 
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, AMT, 5.375% 10/1/2040   525    519 
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, AMT, 5.375% 10/1/2043   1,250    1,235 
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-C, AMT, 6.375% 10/1/2043   3,825    3,841 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-D, 5.00% 11/15/2031   3,250    3,303 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-D, 5.00% 11/15/2032   3,000    3,044 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 4.00% 1/1/2036   8,430    8,088 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 4.00% 1/1/2042   17,135    15,203 
Dept. of Education, Certs. of Part. (John F. Kennedy High School Ref. and Energy Efficiency Project), Series 2020-A, 4.25% 2/1/2030   1,000    990 
Dept. of Education, Certs. of Part. (John F. Kennedy High School Ref. and Energy Efficiency Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/1/2040   4,340    4,333 
Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/1/2028   455    477 
Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/1/2029   750    793 
Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/1/2035   3,000    3,132 
Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/1/2040   3,500    3,532 
Limited Obligation Bonds (Section 30), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2046   1,500    1,456 
Port Auth., Port Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2024   725    730 
Port Auth., Port Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2031   585    620 
Port Auth., Port Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2033   465    492 
Port Auth., Port Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2035   400    422 
Power Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2034   1,000    1,082 
248 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Hawaii 0.14%        
Airports System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2051  USD2,445   $2,557 
Dept. of Budget and Fin., Special Purpose Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hawaiian Electric Co., Inc.), Series 2017-B, AMT, 4.00% 3/1/2037   6,775    6,624 
County of Hawaii, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1-2021 (Kaloko Heights Project), Special Tax Rev. Bonds., Series 2023, 7.25% 5/15/20522   6,525    6,485 
Idaho 0.16%          
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kootenai Health Project), Series 2014-A, 4.375% 7/1/2034   2,420    2,436 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kootenai Health Project), Series 2014-A, 4.75% 7/1/2044   7,015    6,860 
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kootenai Health Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2047   1,500    1,529 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Facs. Rev. Bonds (Compass Public Charter School, Inc. Project), Series 2020-A, 4.50% 7/1/20302   540    532 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Facs. Rev. Bonds (Compass Public Charter School, Inc. Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20402   1,665    1,615 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Facs. Rev. Bonds (Compass Public Charter School, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, 6.00% 7/1/20492   1,955    2,027 
Housing and Fin. Assn., Facs. Rev. Bonds (Compass Public Charter School, Inc. Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20542   3,000    2,761 
Illinois 8.43%          
City of Belleville, Tax Increment and Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Carlyle/Green Mount Redev. Project), Series 2021-B, 3.25% 7/1/2029   1,025    1,005 
Village of Bolingbrook, Special Service Area No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 3/1/2033   1,645    1,589 
Village of Bolingbrook, Special Service Area No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.25% 3/1/2041   4,230    3,933 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Capital Improvement Tax Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2034   1,535    1,609 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Capital Improvement Tax Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2023, 5.75% 4/1/2048   2,500    2,747 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2026   2,500    2,589 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2032   4,575    4,815 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033   500    525 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2035   4,000    4,161 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,480    1,527 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2038   5,675    5,776 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2039   2,500    2,535 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2015-C, 5.25% 12/1/2039   6,570    6,583 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2040   4,250    4,283 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/2041   2,525    2,537 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-D, 5.00% 12/1/2046   12,395    12,176 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2016-B, 6.50% 12/1/2046   7,910    8,276 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-A, 7.00% 12/1/20462   27,470    29,623 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2023   5,500    5,516 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 12/1/2024   2,000    2,021 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 249

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)        
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-F, 5.00% 12/1/2024  USD1,000   $1,011 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 12/1/2025   4,000    4,092 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2025   2,750    2,814 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2028   2,250    2,380 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2029   1,000    1,041 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-B, 6.75% 12/1/20302   3,500    3,883 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2012-B, 5.00% 12/1/2034   1,000    1,000 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-G, 5.00% 12/1/2034   4,000    4,076 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2012-B, 4.00% 12/1/2035   5,000    4,742 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2022-B, 4.00% 12/1/2035   2,240    2,124 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2035   3,105    3,180 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-H, 5.00% 12/1/2036   8,000    8,071 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2022-B, 4.00% 12/1/2041   6,500    5,849 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2042   4,125    3,670 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-B, 7.00% 12/1/20422   28,185    30,509 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2043   13,000    11,491 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2017-H, 5.00% 12/1/2046   13,780    13,536 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/1/2047   7,000    5,996 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-A, 0% 12/1/2025   500    453 
City of Chicago, Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-B-1, National insured, 0% 12/1/2028   6,540    5,262 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2031   3,500    3,508 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2032   5,000    5,011 
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2041   10,000    10,001 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 1/1/2033   95    103 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 1/1/2036   2,250    2,222 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20372   258    251 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20382   6,641    6,330 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20382   2,074    1,977 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20442   4,445    4,006 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20492   5,557    4,827 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds (Chicago Works), Series 2023-A, 4.00% 1/1/2035   2,535    2,508 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds (Chicago Works), Series 2023-A, 5.25% 1/1/2038   1,250    1,351 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds (Chicago Works), Series 2023-A, 5.50% 1/1/2039   4,315    4,731 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds (Chicago Works), Series 2023-A, 5.50% 1/1/2040   2,750    3,003 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds (Chicago Works), Series 2023-A, 5.50% 1/1/2041   1,000    1,070 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds (Chicago Works), Series 2023-A, 5.50% 1/1/2043   1,250    1,331 
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2008-C, 0% 1/1/2027   2,250    2,016 
City of Chicago, G.O. Project and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.625% 1/1/2031   7,405    7,887 
City of Chicago, G.O. Project and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2008-C, 0% 1/1/2031   2,420    1,774 
City of Chicago, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 1/1/2027   1,500    1,537 
City of Chicago, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2027   9,600    10,062 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, Customer Fac. Charge Rev. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.75% 1/1/2038   1,000    1,006 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, Customer Fac. Charge Rev. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.75% 1/1/2043   4,250    4,276 
250 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)        
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 4.50% 1/1/2048  USD3,700   $3,663 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-D, 4.50% 1/1/2056   2,500    2,512 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 1/1/2024   2,000    2,013 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2034   3,000    3,037 
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Trips Obligated Group), Series 2018, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2048   6,250    6,258 
City of Chicago, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002, 5.00% 1/1/2032 (preref. 1/1/2025)   145    148 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 12/1/2042   11,405    11,237 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Series 2016-A, 7.00% 12/1/2044   24,300    25,473 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 12/1/2024   2,190    2,072 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-B-1, National insured, 0% 12/1/2025   310    282 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 12/1/2025   4,630    4,206 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-B-1, National insured, 0% 12/1/2029   5,165    3,977 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 12/1/2029   6,920    5,328 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-B-1, National insured, 0% 12/1/2031   9,780    6,881 
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds (Dedicated Tax Rev.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 12/1/2031   8,005    5,632 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2050   1,000    917 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2051   14,000    14,291 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2055   3,000    2,708 
City of Chicago, Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 12/1/2057   7,620    7,919 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 1/1/2024   1,000    1,005 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2037   3,000    3,083 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 1/1/2048   365    397 
City of Chicago, Wastewater Transmission Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998-A, National insured, 0% 1/1/2026   560    511 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, 5.00% 11/1/2023   2,575    2,583 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, 5.00% 11/1/2027   750    783 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2000, 5.00% 11/1/2028   1,000    1,044 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2000, 5.00% 11/1/2029   1,000    1,043 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2000, 5.00% 11/1/2030   700    733 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-1, 5.00% 11/1/2031   1,000    1,045 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/1/2033   6,200    6,303 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 11/1/2048   500    547 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/1/2029   1,605    1,632 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2035   2,290    2,417 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2038   4,000    4,173 
City of Chicago, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 11/1/2044   500    504 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2003-A, FGIC-National insured, 6.00% 7/1/2033   5,300    6,481 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2004-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.75% 6/1/2034   2,000    2,419 
Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, Regional Transportation Auth., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1999, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 6.00% 6/1/2025   1,995    2,043 
County of Cook, Community College Dist. No. 508 (City Colleges of Chicago), Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.25% 12/1/2043   3,000    3,002 
County of Cook, Community College Dist. No. 508 (City Colleges of Chicago), Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2017, BAM insured, 5.00% 12/1/2047   6,100    6,312 
County of Cook, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2031   1,250    1,312 
County of DuPage, Special Service Area No. 31 (Monarch Landing Project), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 5.625% 3/1/2036   3,670    3,637 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 251

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)        
Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Ref. and Improvement Rev. Bonds (Chicago International Charter School Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2037  USD2,030   $2,053 
Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Ref. and Improvement Rev. Bonds (Chicago International Charter School Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2047   3,180    3,121 
Fin. Auth., Graduate and Professional Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Midwestern University Foundation), Series 2021-A, AMT, 2.25% 7/1/2033   225    187 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2041   1,000    1,029 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035 (preref. 1/1/2027)   3,750    3,995 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Friendship Village Schaumburg), Series 2017, 5.125% 2/15/20457   6,775    2,710 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health Corp.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2034   3,600    3,718 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health Corp.), Series 2016, 4.00% 12/1/2035   1,520    1,523 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health Corp.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2040   13,000    13,172 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mercy Health Corp.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2046   15,665    15,742 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northshore University Healthsystem), Series 2020-A, 3.25% 8/15/2049   3,755    2,903 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2015-A, 4.125% 11/15/2037   1,220    1,207 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 5/15/2050   2,500    1,761 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2025   1,135    1,150 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/1/2026   1,030    1,048 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2026   1,000    1,020 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2028   2,240    2,288 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2030   1,500    1,535 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/2031   1,645    1,681 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 5/1/2035   1,385    1,324 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 5/1/2050   2,290    1,866 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 3.75% 2/15/2034   250    252 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 2/15/2034   1,265    1,335 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 2/15/2036   1,250    1,311 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 4.00% 2/15/2041   2,150    2,091 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 4.00% 2/15/2041 (preref. 2/15/2027)   80    82 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presence Health Network), Series 2016-C, 4.00% 2/15/2041 (preref. 2/15/2027)   5    5 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rosalind Franklin University Research Building Project), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 8/1/2046   900    887 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rosalind Franklin University Research Building Project), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 8/1/2049   1,250    1,227 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2032   1,100    1,127 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2038   1,500    1,517 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Swedish Covenant Hospital), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/15/2032 (preref. 8/15/2026)   2,000    2,108 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Swedish Covenant Hospital), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/15/2033 (preref. 8/15/2026)   2,000    2,108 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Swedish Covenant Hospital), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/15/2037 (preref. 8/15/2026)   1,800    1,897 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Carle Foundation), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 8/15/2048   1,350    1,003 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Anne & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2034   1,000    1,058 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Benedictine University), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2026   1,065    1,067 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Benedictine University), Series 2021, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,000    1,009 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Benedictine University), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2030   1,900    1,919 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Benedictine University), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2032   1,050    980 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Benedictine University), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2033   3,000    3,032 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Benedictine University), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2038   315    268 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Benedictine University), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2038   7,805    7,606 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Christian Homes, Inc.), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2031   1,875    1,715 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Christian Homes, Inc.), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2036   1,000    846 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dominican University), Series 2022, 5.00% 3/1/2047   1,100    1,052 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dominican University), Series 2022, 5.00% 3/1/2052   1,080    1,012 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northwestern Memorial Healthcare), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/15/2039   830    831 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northwestern Memorial Healthcare), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/15/2040   5,000    4,259 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 11/15/2035   2,575    2,632 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2018-A, 4.125% 5/15/2047   2,000    1,881 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/15/2035   3,950    4,028 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers), Series 2015-C, 4.125% 8/15/2037   8,710    8,273 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/15/2044   6,400    6,406 
Fin. Auth., Student Housing and Academic Fac. Rev. Bonds (CHF-Chicago, LLC - University of Illinois at Chicago Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2047   2,365    2,222 
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Cook, LLC - Northeastern Illinois University Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2024   815    809 
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Cook, LLC - Northeastern Illinois University Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025   730    719 
252 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)        
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Cook, LLC - Northeastern Illinois University Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030  USD3,965   $3,806 
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Cook, LLC - Northeastern Illinois University Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2035   3,800    3,495 
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Cook, LLC - Northeastern Illinois University Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2047   13,500    11,115 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/1/2023   2,500    2,511 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-D, BAM insured, 5.00% 11/1/2024   5,000    5,087 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2027   3,065    3,210 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20292   9,558    9,629 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20302   7,710    7,748 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 1/1/2030   2,000    2,068 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 3/1/2030   3,000    3,299 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2033   1,000    1,034 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20342   1,609    1,604 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 11/1/2034   1,190    1,205 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20352   1,664    1,646 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 1/1/20352   1,511    1,495 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 4.00% 10/1/2035   1,000    1,008 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 6/1/2036   2,545    2,513 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 5/1/2037   2,500    2,708 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 2/1/2039   5,475    5,491 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 5/1/2039   1,000    1,004 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.00% 11/1/2040   500    487 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 12/1/2040   7,140    5,769 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/1/2041   2,750    2,660 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 12/1/2041   5,000    3,979 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.50% 3/1/2042   2,650    2,920 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.00% 11/1/2042   2,305    2,208 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.00% 11/1/2044   3,235    3,063 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 4.25% 10/1/2045   2,000    1,963 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2023   3,290    3,297 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 4.00% 8/1/2025   405    405 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 2/1/2026   1,000    1,037 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 2/1/2030   60    61 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, AMT, 3.50% 8/1/2046   250    245 
Housing Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 4/1/2051   2,595    2,493 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 4/1/2051   815    785 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, 3.00% 10/1/2051   6,615    6,350 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2025   1,000    1,025 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2026   620    648 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2031   780    843 
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2035   750    808 
Village of Lincolnshire, Special Service Area No. 1 (Sedgebrook Project), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2004, 6.25% 3/1/2034   1,178    1,179 
Village of Matteson, Tax Increment Limited Obligation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 6.50% 12/1/2035   1,205    1,256 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., Dedicated State Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1994, BAM insured, 0% 6/15/2028   3,185    2,656 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., Dedicated State Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2030   2,600    2,000 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., Dedicated State Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2030 (escrowed to maturity)   130    105 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., Dedicated State Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2037   3,000    1,673 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 12/15/2032   6,860    4,790 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 12/15/2033   10,715    7,185 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 253

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)        
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 12/15/2034  USD14,785   $9,464 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 12/15/2035   1,115    676 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2038   5,280    2,774 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 12/15/2039   3,800    1,844 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2012-B, 0% 12/15/2051   30,490    7,825 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2002-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 12/15/2023   125    126 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 6/15/2042   4,525    4,671 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 6/15/2053   2,000    2,019 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 3.00% 6/15/2025   1,085    1,065 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 12/15/2035   3,000    3,076 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 12/15/2040   3,000    3,048 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/15/2042   10,055    9,726 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 12/15/2047   2,560    2,388 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/15/2050   17,690    16,282 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/15/2050   8,600    8,729 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/15/2052   11,570    10,557 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/15/2057   6,500    6,563 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1996-A, National insured, 0% 6/15/2025   2,535    2,355 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-B-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 6/15/2027   3,650    3,161 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, National insured, 0% 12/15/2031   2,700    1,961 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 6/15/2037   1,390    769 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 12/15/2037   2,340    1,254 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 6/15/2039   1,595    788 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 12/15/2039   1,750    845 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 6/15/2040   1,650    772 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 12/15/2040   2,850    1,304 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 12/15/2041   1,900    824 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-B-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 6/15/2043   3,800    1,569 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-B-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 6/15/2044   10,445    4,093 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017-B, 0% 12/15/2054   24,500    5,398 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017-B, BAM insured, 0% 12/15/2054   11,785    2,719 
254 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)        
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 12/15/2056  USD28,200   $5,925 
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2017-A, 0% 12/15/2056   22,000    4,373 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 4.00% 4/1/2035   1,075    1,081 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 4.00% 4/1/2036   2,175    2,164 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 4.00% 4/1/2037   1,650    1,621 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 4.00% 4/1/2038   1,850    1,799 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 4.00% 4/1/2039   2,520    2,438 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 10/1/2039   405    392 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 4.00% 4/1/2040   1,975    1,878 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, BAM insured, 4.00% 4/1/2041   2,350    2,216 
Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 10/1/2041   385    363 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 1/1/2038   2,000    2,002 
Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Sales Tax Securitization Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 1/1/2035   870    967 
Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, Housing and Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 4/1/2025   230    213 
Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, Housing and Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999-A, National insured, 0% 4/1/2029   1,325    1,037 
Southwestern Illinois Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Hospital Sisters Services, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2028   550    582 
Southwestern Illinois Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Memorial Group, Inc.), Series 2013, 7.625% 11/1/2048 (preref. 11/1/2023)   3,000    3,029 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Series 2019, 5.00% 6/15/2028   1,000    1,026 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Series 2019, 5.00% 6/15/2029   2,000    2,055 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Series 2019, BAM insured, 5.00% 6/15/2030   2,250    2,373 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 6/15/2030   6,000    6,067 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 6/15/2031   2,550    2,579 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 6/15/2032   1,405    1,420 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2001, AMBAC insured, 0% 6/15/2025   600    552 
Sports Facs. Auth., Sports Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Tax Supported), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2001, AMBAC insured, 0% 6/15/2026   965    849 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 1/1/2040   3,000    3,087 
Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2044   1,500    1,583 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 4/1/2024   480    485 
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 4/1/2034   2,160    2,120 
Village of Volo, Special Service Area No. 17, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017, 5.50% 3/1/2047   1,210    1,205 
Village of Volo, Special Service Areas Nos. 3 and 6 (Symphony Meadows / Lancaster Falls Projects), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.125% 3/1/2027   1,128    1,123 
Village of Volo, Special Service Areas Nos. 3 and 6 (Symphony Meadows / Lancaster Falls Projects), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2034   4,987    5,101 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 255

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Illinois (continued)        
Village of Volo, Special Service Areas Nos. 3 and 6 (Symphony Meadows / Lancaster Falls Projects), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 3/1/2036  USD1,241   $1,250 
United City of Yorkville, Special Service Area Nos. 2005-108 and 2005-109, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2032   4,310    4,449 
United City of Yorkville, Special Service Area Nos. 2005-108 and 2005-109, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 3/1/2036   7,500    7,555 
Indiana 1.27%          
Fin. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Seven Oaks Classical School Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/1/2041   850    751 
Fin. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Seven Oaks Classical School Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/1/2051   625    521 
Fin. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Seven Oaks Classical School Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/1/2056   550    447 
Fin. Auth., Environmental Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Power & Light Co. Project), Series 2021-A, 1.40% 8/1/2029   2,000    1,744 
Fin. Auth., Environmental Improvement Rev. Bonds (U.S. Steel Corp. Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 6.75% 5/1/2039   7,550    8,545 
Fin. Auth., Environmental Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (U.S. Steel Corp. Project), Series 2021-A, 4.125% 12/1/2026   7,200    7,145 
Fin. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Good Samaritan Hospital Project), Series 2016-A, 5.50% 4/1/2041   2,000    2,039 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Goshen Health), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 11/1/2043   2,000    1,798 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Marion General Hospital), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2050   15,000    13,960 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Hospitals, Inc.), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/15/2026   2,000    2,024 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Hospitals, Inc.), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/15/2028   2,500    2,528 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Hospitals, Inc.), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/15/2029   1,000    1,010 
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Relief Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2012-B, 3.00% 11/1/2030   9,005    8,269 
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Relief Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2012-A, 4.25% 11/1/2030   12,240    12,335 
Fin. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2010-B, 2.50% 11/1/2030   7,820    6,940 
Fin. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2010-A, 3.00% 11/1/2030   3,000    2,755 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2033   2,410    2,361 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2038   2,395    2,284 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2043   4,325    4,012 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.25% 11/15/2046   7,350    6,935 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2048   4,500    4,042 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Greencroft Obligated Group), Series 2013-A, 5.75% 11/15/2028   255    256 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Greencroft Obligated Group), Series 2013-A, 6.50% 11/15/2033   215    216 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Greencroft Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/15/2043   4,955    3,706 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Greencroft Obligated Group), Series 2013-A, 7.00% 11/15/2043   3,710    3,738 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Greencroft Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/15/2051   3,250    2,230 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (BHI Senior Living Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/15/2041   9,700    7,804 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Greencroft Obligated Group), Series 2023-A, 4.00% 11/15/2037   9,605    7,695 
Gary/Chicago International Airport Auth., Airport Dev. Zone Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, AMT, 5.25% 2/1/2034   1,000    1,007 
Gary/Chicago International Airport Auth., Airport Dev. Zone Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, AMT, 5.00% 2/1/2039   2,500    2,507 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A-2, AMT, 3.50% 7/1/2038   215    212 
Housing and Community Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2050   815    784 
Indiana Secondary Market for Education Loans, Inc., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2030   375    398 
Indiana Secondary Market for Education Loans, Inc., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2031   375    400 
Indiana Secondary Market for Education Loans, Inc., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-1A, AMT, 4.50% 6/1/2039   2,065    2,060 
City of Valparaiso, Exempt Facs. Rev. Bonds (Pratt Paper (IN), LLC Project), Series 2013, AMT, 7.00% 1/1/2044   3,080    3,119 
City of Whiting, Environmental Facs. Rev. Bonds (BP Products North America, Inc. Project), Series 2021, AMT, 3.00% 11/1/2051   14,915    10,768 
256 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Iowa 0.84%        
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Area Rev. Ref. Bonds (Iowa Fertilizer Co. Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 12/1/2050 (put 12/1/2032)  USD500   $491 
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Area Rev. Ref. Bonds (Iowa Fertilizer Co. Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 12/1/2050 (put 12/1/2042)   14,000    14,292 
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Area Rev. Ref. Bonds (Iowa Fertilizer Co. Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 12/1/2050   10,960    11,090 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 4.125% 5/15/2038   1,305    977 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/15/2041   3,385    2,699 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2043   8,350    6,538 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/15/2047   9,605    7,224 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2048   6,470    4,823 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 5/15/2053   3,500    2,104 
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2019-A-1, 5.00% 5/15/2055   4,865    3,479 
Fin. Auth., Senior Housing Rev. Bonds (Northcrest, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/1/2028   360    358 
Fin. Auth., Senior Housing Rev. Bonds (Northcrest, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/1/2033   1,000    971 
Fin. Auth., Senior Housing Rev. Bonds (Northcrest, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/1/2038   1,125    1,039 
Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2051   1,440    1,385 
PEFA, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049 (put 9/1/2026)   2,230    2,271 
Student Loan Liquidity Corp., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 3.00% 12/1/2039   445    422 
Student Loan Liquidity Corp., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2044   6,950    5,679 
Tobacco Settlement Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B-2, 0% 6/1/2065   225,970    26,178 
Kansas 0.64%          
City of Lenexa, Health Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Lakeview Village, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2027   750    755 
City of Lenexa, Health Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Lakeview Village, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2029   1,205    1,210 
City of Lenexa, Health Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Lakeview Village, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2031   1,330    1,329 
City of Lenexa, Health Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Lakeview Village, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 5/15/2039   5,660    5,346 
City of Lenexa, Health Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Lakeview Village, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 5/15/2043   4,050    3,734 
City of Manhattan, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Meadowlark Hills), Series 2022-B-1, 2.875% 6/1/2028   750    695 
City of Manhattan, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Meadowlark Hills), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/2028   300    282 
City of Manhattan, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Meadowlark Hills), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/2036   2,800    2,339 
City of Manhattan, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Meadowlark Hills), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/2046   3,360    2,434 
City of Manhattan, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Meadowlark Hills), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/1/2052   6,210    4,278 
City of Overland Park, Special Obligation Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (Bluhawk Star Bond Project), Series 2022-A, 6.00% 11/15/20342   2,420    2,499 
City of Prairie Village, Special Obligation Tax Increment Rev. Ref. Bonds (Meadowbrook TIF Project), Series 2021, 2.875% 4/1/2030   625    559 
Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Special Obligation Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wyandotte Plaza Redev. Project), Series 2016, 4.00% 12/1/2028   185    174 
Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Special Obligation Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wyandotte Plaza Redev. Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2034   2,125    2,016 
Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Special Obligation Rev. Bonds (Vacation Village Project Area 1 and 2A), Series 2015-A, 5.75% 9/1/2032   4,315    3,599 
Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Special Obligation Rev. Bonds (Village East Project Area Nos. 2B, 3 and 5), Series 2022, 5.25% 9/1/20352   25,875    25,157 
Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Special Obligation Rev. Bonds (Village East Project Area Nos. 2B, 3 and 5), Series 2022, 5.75% 9/1/20392   14,500    14,085 
Kentucky 0.89%          
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/1/2028   1,260    1,296 
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/1/2030   1,815    1,866 
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 2/1/2032   500    497 
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 2/1/2036   2,775    2,698 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 257

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Kentucky (continued)        
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/1/2040  USD2,150   $2,167 
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 2/1/2032   910    960 
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2019, 4.00% 2/1/2034   980    973 
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2019, 4.00% 2/1/2036   380    369 
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2019, 4.00% 2/1/2037   750    716 
City of Ashland, Medical Center Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ashland Hospital Corp. - King’s Daughters Medical Center Project), Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 2/1/2040   6,185    4,989 
County of Carroll, Environmental Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 2.00% 2/1/2032   4,000    3,229 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2000-B, National insured, 0% 10/1/2026   4,500    3,980 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2000-B, National insured, 0% 10/1/2027   3,485    2,974 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rosedale Green Project), Series 2015, 5.50% 11/15/2035   600    554 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rosedale Green Project), Series 2015, 5.75% 11/15/2045   6,515    5,589 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rosedale Green Project), Series 2015, 5.75% 11/15/2050   2,650    2,221 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 8/15/2034   2,720    2,864 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 8/15/2041   4,250    4,373 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 8/15/2046   2,500    2,556 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Louisville Arena Project Rev. Ref. Bonds (Louisville Arena Auth., Inc.), Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2045   6,000    6,142 
City of Henderson, Exempt Facs. Rev. Bonds (Pratt Paper, LLC Project), Series 2022-A, AMT, 4.45% 1/1/20422   4,000    3,871 
City of Henderson, Exempt Facs. Rev. Bonds (Pratt Paper, LLC Project), Series 2022-A, AMT, 4.70% 1/1/20522   7,045    6,726 
City of Henderson, Exempt Facs. Rev. Bonds (Pratt Paper, LLC Project), Series 2022-B, AMT, 4.70% 1/1/20522   4,250    4,057 
Higher Education Student Loan Corp., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-1, AMT, 4.00% 6/1/2037   8,215    7,927 
Kentucky State University, Certs. of Part. (Kentucky State University Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 11/1/2041   750    745 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029   2,550    2,651 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Health System Rev. Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 10/1/2043   500    383 
Louisville/Jefferson Metro County Government, Hospital Rev. Bonds (UofL Health Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 5/15/2052   7,065    7,176 
City of Paducah, Electric Plant Board, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2028   500    525 
City of Paducah, Electric Plant Board, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2035   1,500    1,555 
Public Energy Auth., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 4/1/2048 (put 4/1/2024)   6,600    6,596 
Public Transportation Infrastructure Auth., Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/1/20492   840    773 
Public Transportation Infrastructure Auth., Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/1/20532   3,855    3,445 
Louisiana 1.27%          
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Bonds (North Terminal Project), Series 2015-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,785    1,805 
Aviation Board, General Airport Rev. Bonds (North Terminal Project), Series 2015-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2040   5,000    5,018 
Parish of Calcasieu, Memorial Hospital Service Dist., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lake Charles Memorial Hospital Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2029   1,000    978 
Parish of Calcasieu, Memorial Hospital Service Dist., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lake Charles Memorial Hospital Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2034   1,250    1,198 
258 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Louisiana (continued)        
Parish of Calcasieu, Memorial Hospital Service Dist., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lake Charles Memorial Hospital Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2039  USD4,800   $4,269 
Parish of Livingston, Juban Crossing Econ. Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Drainage Projects), Series 2015-B, 7.00% 9/15/20442   3,820    3,835 
Parish of Livingston, Juban Crossing Econ. Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Drainage Projects), Series 2015-C, 7.00% 9/15/20442   17,050    17,118 
Parish of Livingston, Juban Crossing Econ. Dev. Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Road Projects), Series 2015-A, 7.00% 9/15/20442   3,950    3,966 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Entergy Louisiana, LLC Projects), Series 2021-B, 2.50% 4/1/2036   27,745    22,685 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ragin’ Cajun Facs., Inc. Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2039   1,000    1,032 
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westlake Chemical Corp. Projects), Series 2017, 3.50% 11/1/2032   6,000    5,801 
Public Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Flagship Properties, LLC - Louisiana State University Greenhouse Dist. Phase II Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2042   2,000    2,045 
Public Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Flagship Properties, LLC - Louisiana State University Greenhouse Dist. Phase II Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2052   800    809 
Public Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Flagship Properties, LLC - Louisiana State University Greenhouse Dist. Phase III Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2059   10,750    10,875 
Public Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Flagship Properties, LLC - Louisiana State University Nicholson Gateway Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2051   9,460    9,543 
Public Facs. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Flagship Properties, LLC - Louisiana State University Nicholson Gateway Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2056   1,000    1,006 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BBR Schools - Mid City Campus Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/20412   1,335    1,061 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BBR Schools - Mid City Campus Project), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 6/1/20412   885    704 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BBR Schools - Mid City Campus Project), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 6/1/20512   1,745    1,250 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BBR Schools - Mid City Campus Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/4/20512   2,635    1,887 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BBR Schools - Mid City Campus Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/20562   2,205    1,530 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (BBR Schools - Mid City Campus Project), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 6/1/20562   1,165    808 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2032 (preref. 5/15/2026)   10    11 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - HSC Properties, Inc. - LSU Health Foundations, New Orleans Project), Series 2006, 5.10% 1/1/20572   12,500    10,757 
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2033 (preref. 5/15/2026)   15    16 
Parish of St. James, Rev. Bonds (Nustar Logistics, LP Project), Series 2008, 6.10% 6/1/2038 (put 6/1/2030)2   4,160    4,482 
Parish of St. James, Rev. Bonds (Nustar Logistics, LP Project), Series 2010, 6.35% 7/1/20402   8,140    8,788 
Parish of St. James, Rev. Bonds (Nustar Logistics, LP Project), Series 2010-A, 6.35% 10/1/20402   2,000    2,159 
Parish of St. James, Rev. Bonds (Nustar Logistics, LP Project), Series 2011, 5.85% 8/1/2041 (put 6/1/2025)2   4,500    4,605 
Parish of St. John the Baptist, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Marathon Oil Corp. Project), Series 2017-B-1, 2.125% 6/1/2037 (put 7/1/2024)   4,700    4,615 
Parish of St. John the Baptist, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Marathon Oil Corp. Project), Series 2017-B-2, 2.375% 6/1/2037 (put 7/1/2026)   4,800    4,554 
Parish of St. Tammany, Public Trust Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Christwood Project), Series 2014, 5.00% 11/15/2024   265    264 
Maine 0.05%          
Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Project), Series 2005-R-3, AMT, 5.25% 1/1/20252   2,000    2,012 
Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Project), Series 2015-R-2, AMT, 4.375% 8/1/2035 (put 8/1/2025)2   250    249 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2024   85    86 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2025   90    93 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2026   110    114 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2027   120    126 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2028   150    160 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2029   150    163 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 259

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Maine (continued)        
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2030  USD245   $269 
City of Portland, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2034   1,000    1,039 
City of Portland, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2035   1,000    1,038 
Maryland 0.79%          
County of Baltimore, Rev. Bonds (Riderwood Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2020, 4.00% 1/1/2050   4,000    3,462 
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Special Obligation Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, 4.50% 6/1/2033   400    393 
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Special Obligation Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, 4.875% 6/1/2042   875    842 
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Special Obligation Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 6/1/2051   1,600    1,531 
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 9/1/2027   475    469 
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.50% 9/1/2033   3,900    3,849 
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,725    1,731 
Mayor and Council of Brunswick, Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Brunswick Crossing Special Taxing Dist.), Series 2019, 3.00% 7/1/2024   245    243 
Mayor and Council of Brunswick, Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Brunswick Crossing Special Taxing Dist.), Series 2019, 4.00% 7/1/2029   950    931 
Mayor and Council of Brunswick, Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Brunswick Crossing Special Taxing Dist.), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/2036   2,850    2,888 
Community Dev. Administration, Dept. of Housing and Community Dev., Residential Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-B, AMT, 3.25% 9/1/2044   85    85 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2044   500    511 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2049   1,250    1,269 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Transportation Facs. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2029   1,850    1,951 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Transportation Facs. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2032   1,000    1,055 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Special Obligation Bonds (Metro Centre at Owings Mills Project), Series 2017, 4.375% 7/1/2036   3,560    3,419 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Special Obligation Bonds (Metro Centre at Owings Mills Project), Series 2017, 4.50% 7/1/2044   6,850    6,409 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Bowie State University Project), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2040   500    467 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Bowie State University Project), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2050   1,500    1,307 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Morgan State University Project), Series 2022-A, 5.75% 7/1/2053   2,580    2,811 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Frostburg State University Project), Series 2013, 5.00% 10/1/2023   350    350 
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Frostburg State University Project), Series 2013, 5.00% 10/1/2033   1,000    1,000 
County of Frederick, Special Obligation Bonds (Urbana Community Dev. Auth.), Series 2020-C, 4.00% 7/1/20502   1,245    1,097 
County of Frederick, Tax Increment and Special Tax Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Jefferson Technology Park Project), Series 2020-B, 4.625% 7/1/20432   2,300    2,231 
City of Gaithersburg, Econ. Dev. Project Rev. Bonds (Asbury Maryland Obligated Group), Series 2022, 4.50% 1/1/2042   18,500    15,706 
City of Gaithersburg, Econ. Dev. Project Rev. Bonds (Asbury Maryland Obligated Group), Series 2022, 5.125% 1/1/2042   2,500    2,351 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Broadmead Issue), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2048   3,500    3,500 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Frederick Health System), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2045   900    852 
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Frederick Health System), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2050   1,000    923 
County of Howard, Special Obligation Bonds (Downtown Columbia), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 2/15/20282   450    443 
County of Howard, Special Obligation Bonds (Downtown Columbia), Series 2017-A, 4.125% 2/15/20342   750    716 
County of Howard, Special Obligation Bonds (Downtown Columbia), Series 2017-A, 4.375% 2/15/20392   2,000    1,893 
County of Howard, Special Obligation Bonds (Downtown Columbia), Series 2017-A, 4.50% 2/15/20472   10,000    9,119 
County of Prince George, Special Obligation Bonds (Hampton Park Project), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/20312   750    716 
County of Prince George, Special Obligation Bonds (Hampton Park Project), Series 2019-A, 4.25% 7/1/20392   2,150    1,956 
County of Prince George, Special Obligation Bonds (Hampton Park Project), Series 2019-A, 4.375% 7/1/20482   5,430    4,746 
County of Prince George, Special Obligation Bonds (Suitland-Naylor Road Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/20462   2,500    2,507 
County of Prince George, Special Tax Dist. Bonds (Victoria Falls Project), Series 2005, 5.25% 7/1/2035   743    745 
Massachusetts 0.41%          
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Issue), Series 2018, 5.00% 11/15/20282   2,085    2,153 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Issue), Series 2018, 5.00% 11/15/20332   4,000    4,147 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Issue), Series 2018, 5.00% 11/15/20382   4,250    4,318 
260 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Massachusetts (continued)          
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Issue), Series 2018, 5.125% 11/15/20462  USD6,825   $6,898 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Mass General Brigham, Inc.), Series 2019-T-1, 4.58% 7/1/2049 (put 1/29/2026)2,4   845    836 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Milford Regional Medical Center Issue), Series 2020-G, 5.00% 7/15/20462   1,350    1,168 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (UMass Memorial Health Care Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016-I, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,800    1,866 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (UMass Memorial Health Care Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016-I, 5.00% 7/1/2036   2,500    2,565 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Newbridge Charles Issue), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/20472   2,500    2,254 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Salem Community Corp. Issue), Series 2022, 5.125% 1/1/2040   920    842 
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Salem Community Corp. Issue), Series 2022, 5.25% 1/1/2050   2,675    2,316 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-J, AMT, 3.50% 7/1/2033   4,330    4,215 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 3.00% 7/1/2035   230    229 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, AMT, 2.625% 7/1/2036   105    101 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 2.00% 7/1/2037   1,415    1,195 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 3.625% 7/1/2038   3,025    2,778 
Educational Fncg. Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, AMT, 4.25% 7/1/2044   1,840    1,821 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Bonds, Series 2019-B-1, 2.75% 12/1/2034   490    438 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 177, AMT, 4.00% 6/1/2039   460    457 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 188, AMT, 4.00% 6/1/2043   625    618 
Special Obligation Dedicated Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, FGIC National insured, 5.50% 1/1/2034   3,500    4,120 
Michigan 1.34%          
City of Detroit, Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-D, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, (3-month USD CME Term SOFR x 0.67 + 0.60%) 4.307% 7/1/20324   7,185    6,792 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2024   500    502 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2025   1,350    1,367 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2029   250    259 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2030   500    516 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2032   1,000    1,030 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2033   500    515 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2034   1,250    1,286 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2036   1,565    1,596 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2037   500    507 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2038   1,300    1,312 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2039   395    405 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 4/1/2040   365    334 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 4/1/2041   320    290 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 4/1/2042   450    403 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 6.00% 5/1/2043   500    559 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2046   1,000    1,007 
City of Detroit, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2050   3,220    3,225 
Fin. Auth., Distributable State Aid Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Charter County of Wayne), Series 2020, 4.00% 11/1/2045   1,000    976 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 12/1/2040   4,000    3,978 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Henry Ford Health System), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2037   2,500    2,574 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (McLaren Health Care), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 2/15/2047   4,890    4,629 
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (McLaren Health Care), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 2/15/2050   1,500    1,401 
Fin. Auth., Local Government Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept., Sewage Disposal System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Local Project Bonds), Series 2014-C-6, 5.00% 7/1/2033   2,000    2,022 
Fin. Auth., Local Government Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Local Project Bonds), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2032   500    512 
Fin. Auth., Local Government Loan Program Rev. Bonds (Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept., Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Local Project Bonds), Series 2015-C, 5.00% 7/1/2035   1,500    1,531 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 25-A, AMT, 4.00% 11/1/2030   2,365    2,297 
Fin. Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 25-A, AMT, 4.00% 11/1/2031   1,000    968 
City of Flint, Hospital Building Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hurley Medical Center), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2038   250    223 
City of Flint, Hospital Building Auth., Rev. Rental Bonds (Hurley Medical Center), Series 2013-B, 4.75% 7/1/2028   460    446 
City of Flint, Hospital Building Auth., Rev. Rental Bonds (Hurley Medical Center), Series 2013-A, 5.25% 7/1/2028   4,605    4,605 
City of Flint, Hospital Building Auth., Rev. Rental Bonds (Hurley Medical Center), Series 2013-A, 5.25% 7/1/2039   775    775 
City of Grand Rapids Econ. Dev. Corp., Limited Obligation Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beacon Hill at Eastgate Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 11/1/2055   10,240    7,736 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 261

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Michigan (continued)        
City of Grand Rapids Econ. Dev. Corp., Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Methodist Retirement Communities Obligated Group - Porter Hills Presbyterian Village Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2037  USD5,980   $5,693 
City of Grand Rapids Econ. Dev. Corp., Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Methodist Retirement Communities Obligated Group - Porter Hills Presbyterian Village Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2044   10,335    9,228 
City of Grand Rapids Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beacon Hill Estate Project), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 11/1/2027   2,770    2,578 
City of Grand Rapids Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beacon Hill Estate Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/2032   1,055    972 
City of Grand Rapids Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beacon Hill Estate Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/2037   1,200    1,042 
City of Grand Rapids Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beacon Hill Estate Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/2047   5,990    4,705 
City of Grand Rapids Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beacon Hill Estate Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/2052   5,240    4,011 
Great Lakes Water Auth., Water Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2046   5,000    5,117 
Housing Dev. Auth., Rental Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 2.70% 10/1/2056   9,230    5,809 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 3.35% 12/1/2034   1,135    1,083 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 3.50% 6/1/2047   365    360 
Housing Dev. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 6/1/2052   1,680    1,614 
County of Kent, Gerald R. Ford International Airport Auth., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2035   850    952 
County of Kent, Gerald R. Ford International Airport Auth., Limited Tax G.O. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2036   600    663 
City of Kentwood Econ. Dev. Corp., Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Holland Home Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 11/15/2032   1,390    1,367 
City of Kentwood Econ. Dev. Corp., Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Holland Home Obligated Group), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2037   8,625    8,112 
City of Kentwood Econ. Dev. Corp., Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Holland Home Obligated Group), Series 2022, 4.00% 11/15/2043   4,500    3,465 
City of Kentwood Econ. Dev. Corp., Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Holland Home Obligated Group), Series 2021, 4.00% 11/15/2045   1,875    1,410 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Methodist Retirement Communities, Inc. Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 11/15/2034   1,285    1,258 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Green Bonds (Graphic Packaging International, LLC Coated Recycled Board Machine Project), Series 2021, AMT, 4.00% 10/1/2061 (put 10/1/2026)   12,250    12,185 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Holland Home Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 11/15/2029   1,000    996 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Holland Home Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 11/15/2043   1,750    1,571 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Methodist Retirement Communities Obligated Group - Porter Hills Presbyterian Village Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2037   2,000    1,904 
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Methodist Retirement Communities Obligated Group - Porter Hills Presbyterian Village Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 5/15/2044   2,420    2,161 
County of Wayne, Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport), Series 2012-D, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2028   12,000    12,006 
Minnesota 0.21%          
City of Apple Valley, Senior Housing Rev. Bonds (PHS Apple Valley Senior Housing, Inc. - Orchard Path Phase II Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   500    383 
City of Apple Valley, Senior Housing Rev. Bonds (PHS Apple Valley Senior Housing, Inc. - Orchard Path Phase II Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2061   870    632 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, AMT, 4.00% 11/1/2037   430    422 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, AMT, 2.65% 11/1/2038   5,910    5,343 
Higher Education Supplemental Loan Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2023, AMT, 4.00% 11/1/2042   13,275    12,674 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Fin. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Pass-Through Program), Series 2017-I, 2.80% 12/1/2047   812    725 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2013-A, AMT, 3.00% 7/1/2031   35    35 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2014-C, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2045   285    282 
City of St. Paul, Housing and Redev. Auth., Charter School Lease Rev. Bonds (Great River School Project), Series 2017-A, 4.75% 7/1/20292   355    351 
262 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Minnesota (continued)        
City of St. Paul, Housing and Redev. Auth., Charter School Lease Rev. Bonds (Great River School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.25% 7/1/20332  USD140   $142 
City of St. Paul, Housing and Redev. Auth., Charter School Lease Rev. Bonds (Great River School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.50% 7/1/20522   1,600    1,555 
City of Woodbury, Charter School Lease Rev. Bonds (Woodbury Leadership Academy Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2051   1,320    957 
Mississippi 0.20%          
Business Fin. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (System Energy Resources, Inc. Project), Series 2021, 2.375% 6/1/2044   3,200    2,049 
Business Fin. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal, Rev. Bonds (Waste Pro USA, Inc. Project), Series 2017, AMT, 5.00% 2/1/2036 (put 8/2/2027)2   11,000    10,637 
Dev. Bank, Special Obligation Bonds (Magnolia Regional Health Center Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/20362   2,100    1,895 
Dev. Bank, Special Obligation Bonds (Magnolia Regional Health Center Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/20412   1,000    837 
Home Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 6/1/2051   810    779 
Hospital Equipment and Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Baptist Memorial Health Care), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2046   4,000    4,012 
County of Warren, Gulf Opportunity Zone Rev. Ref. Bonds (International Paper Co. Project), Series 2018, 2.90% 9/1/2032 (put 9/1/2023)   1,900    1,898 
Missouri 0.84%          
County of Cape Girardeau, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Southeast Missouri Hospital Assn.), Series 2016-A, 6.00% 3/1/2033   3,515    3,625 
County of Cape Girardeau, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (SoutheastHEALTH), Series 2021, 3.00% 3/1/2046   2,650    1,833 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Bethesda Health Group, Inc.), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/2036   2,160    1,857 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Bethesda Health Group, Inc.), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/1/2040   1,650    1,574 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Bethesda Health Group, Inc.), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/2041   1,770    1,400 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Bethesda Health Group, Inc.), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/1/2045   2,050    1,881 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (St. Anthony’s Medical Center), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 2/1/2045   1,320    1,337 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Christian Horizons Obligated Group), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2036   1,500    1,269 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services Projects), Series 2019-C, 4.00% 2/1/2033   860    791 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2019-C, 4.00% 2/1/2034   1,780    1,613 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 2/1/2034   1,400    1,398 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 2/1/2034   2,600    2,616 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2019-C, 4.00% 2/1/2042   775    647 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2021, 4.00% 2/1/2042   5,305    4,405 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 2/1/2042   5,225    5,042 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 2/1/2046   1,480    1,391 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2019-C, 4.00% 2/1/2048   5,000    3,929 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 2/1/2046   825    775 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (First Place Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2021-C, 3.25% 11/1/2052   1,285    1,244 
Housing Dev. Commission, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2015-B-1, AMT, 4.00% 11/1/2045   710    703 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 263

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Missouri (continued)        
City of Joplin, Industrial Dev. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (32nd Street Place Community Improvement Dist. Project), Series 2021, 3.50% 11/1/2040  USD1,200   $1,093 
City of Lee’s Summit, Special Obligation Tax Increment and Special Dist. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Summit Fair Project), Series 2017, 4.00% 11/1/20272   1,335    1,275 
City of Maryland Heights, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Louis Community Ice Center Project), Series 2018-A, 4.375% 3/15/2030   735    679 
City of Maryland Heights, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Louis Community Ice Center Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/15/2039   4,360    3,915 
City of Maryland Heights, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Louis Community Ice Center Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/15/2049   7,250    6,133 
City of Maryland Heights, Tax Increment and Special Dist. Rev. Bonds (Westport Plaza Redev. Area), Series 2020, 3.625% 11/1/2031   705    640 
Municipal Fin. Corp., Leasehold Rev. Bonds (Convention Center Expansion and Improvement Projects), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2045   2,000    2,099 
Municipal Fin. Corp., Leasehold Rev. Bonds (Convention Center Expansion and Improvement Projects), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2049   1,000    1,037 
City of Rolla, Move Rolla Transportation Dev. Dist., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 3.75% 6/1/2029   70    68 
City of Rolla, Move Rolla Transportation Dev. Dist., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 4.50% 6/1/2036   750    727 
City of Saint Charles, Plaza at Noah’s Ark Community Improvement Dist., Tax Increment and Improvement Dist. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 5/1/2024   400    395 
City of Saint Charles, Plaza at Noah’s Ark Community Improvement Dist., Tax Increment and Improvement Dist. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 5/1/2026   215    206 
City of Saint Charles, Plaza at Noah’s Ark Community Improvement Dist., Tax Increment and Improvement Dist. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 5/1/2030   950    860 
City of Saint Charles, Plaza at Noah’s Ark Community Improvement Dist., Tax Increment and Improvement Dist. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.125% 5/1/2035   500    418 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2005, National insured, 5.50% 7/1/2026   2,500    2,607 
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2005, National insured, 5.50% 7/1/2030   3,255    3,775 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Nazareth Living Center), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/15/2030   1,000    955 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Nazareth Living Center), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/15/2035   1,400    1,278 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Nazareth Living Center), Series 2012, 6.125% 8/15/2042   1,000    987 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Nazareth Living Center), Series 2015-A, 5.125% 8/15/2045   2,000    1,693 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Friendship Village St. Louis Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.125% 9/1/2048   980    838 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Friendship Village St. Louis Obligated Group), Series 2018, 5.125% 9/1/2049   1,335    1,138 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Friendship Village St. Louis Obligated Group), Series 2018, 5.25% 9/1/2053   6,890    5,894 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2025   785    785 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2035   1,410    1,338 
County of St. Louis, Industrial Dev. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors Obligated Group), Series 2015-A, 5.125% 12/1/2045   8,320    7,544 
County of Stoddard, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Southeast Missouri Hospital Assn.), Series 2016-B, 6.00% 3/1/2037   3,600    3,714 
City of Town and Country, Town and Country Crossing Transportation Dev. Dist., Transportation Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.375% 4/1/2037   780    694 
City of Washington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Sales Tax. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Phoenix Center II Community Improvement Dist. Project), Series 2021, 2.50% 11/1/2029   300    276 
264 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Nebraska 0.18%        
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 596 (West Center Village), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2019, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 1/13/20257,8,9,10  USD184   $184 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 596 (West Center Village), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2019, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 3/16/20257,8,9,10   25    25 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 596 (West Center Village), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2019, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 4/13/20257,8,9,10   172    172 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 596 (West Center Village), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 6/8/20257,8,9,10   151    151 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 596 (West Center Village), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 8/14/20257,8,9,10   190    190 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2021, 7.00% PIK 8/4/20268,9,10   516    516 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2021, 7.00% PIK 9/13/20268,9,10   3    3 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 2/23/20278,9,10   372    372 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 4/13/20278,9,10   2    2 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 8/11/20278,9,10   240    240 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 9/19/20278,9,10   201    201 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 12/7/20278,9,10   135    135 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 1/4/20288,9,10   602    602 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 2/21/20288,9,10   93    93 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 3/14/20288,9,10   27    27 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 5/11/20288,9,10   621    621 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 6/21/20288,9,10   628    628 
Investment Fin. Auth., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 4.00% 9/1/2049   1,475    1,452 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 11/19/20257,8,9,10   370    370 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 12/17/20257,8,9,10   876    876 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 1/21/20267,8,9,10   401    401 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 3/18/20267,8,9,10   420    420 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 4/15/20267,8,9,10   232    232 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 5/20/20267,8,9,10   6    6 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 6/22/20267,8,9,10   270    270 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 7/20/20267,8,9,10   120    120 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 8/12/20267,8,9,10   4    4 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 9/7/20267,8,9,10   909    909 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 10/26/20267,8,9,10   64    64 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 11/23/20267,8,9,10   30    30 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 12/14/20267,8,9,10   199    199 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 1/18/20277,8,9,10   363    363 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 265

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Nebraska (continued)          
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 3/15/20277,8,9,10  USD3   $3 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 4/12/20277,8,9,10   611    611 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 6/16/20277,8,9,10   462    462 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 7/21/20277,8,9,10   10    10 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 8/18/20277,8,9,10   5    5 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 9/15/20278,9,10   259    259 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 10/20/20278,9,10   321    321 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 11/17/20278,9,10   12    12 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 12/15/20278,9,10   158    158 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 2/16/20288,9,10   61    61 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 3/16/20288,9,10   355    355 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 12/6/20267,8,9,10   53    53 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 12/29/20267,8,9,10   609    609 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 1/26/20277,8,9,10   106    106 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 6/6/20277,8,9,10   347    347 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 6/27/20277,8,9,10   594    594 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 7/18/20277,8,9,10   2,133    2,133 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 8/18/20277,8,9,10   727    727 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 9/6/20277,8,9,10   13    13 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 10/24/20277,8,9,10   2,296    2,296 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 11/21/20278,9,10   785    785 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 1/30/20288,9,10   31    31 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 4/10/20288,9,10   46    46 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 5/8/20288,9,10   439    439 
Nevada 0.41%          
Dept. of Business and Industry, Charter School Rev. Bonds (Doral Academy of Nevada), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/15/2037   1,000    995 
Dept. of Business and Industry, Charter School Rev. Bonds (Doral Academy of Nevada), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/15/2047   1,600    1,495 
Dept. of Business and Industry, Lease Rev. Bonds (Somerset Academy), Series 2015-A, 4.00% 12/15/2025   800    777 
Dept. of Business and Industry, Lease Rev. Bonds (Somerset Academy), Series 2018-A, 4.50% 12/15/20292   2,210    2,146 
Dept. of Business and Industry, Lease Rev. Bonds (Somerset Academy), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/15/20382   1,000    954 
Dept. of Business and Industry, Lease Rev. Bonds (Somerset Academy), Series 2015-A, 5.125% 12/15/20452   1,000    922 
Dept. of Business and Industry, Lease Rev. Bonds (Somerset Academy), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/15/20482   1,500    1,337 
County of Clark, Airport System Rev. Notes, Series 2021-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2024   1,000    1,009 
266 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Nevada (continued)        
County of Clark, Special Improvement Dist. No. 121 (Southern Highlands Area), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 2.75% 12/1/2023  USD340   $339 
County of Clark, Special Improvement Dist. No. 121 (Southern Highlands Area), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.00% 12/1/2024   360    356 
County of Clark, Special Improvement Dist. No. 121 (Southern Highlands Area), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 3.00% 12/1/2025   360    351 
City of Henderson, Local Improvement Dist. No. T-16 (Falls at Lake Las Vegas), Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2005, 5.125% 3/1/2025   1,395    1,301 
City of Las Vegas, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 6/15/2045   1,225    1,242 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 607 (Providence), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013, 4.25% 6/1/2024   200    201 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 607 (Providence), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 6/1/2024   30    30 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 612 (Skye Hills), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2020, 3.50% 6/1/2035   215    180 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 612 (Skye Hills), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 6/1/2050   990    784 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 812 (Summerlin Village 24), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 4.50% 12/1/2025   595    600 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 812 (Summerlin Village 24), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2026   625    636 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 812 (Summerlin Village 24), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2029   1,475    1,491 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 812 (Summerlin Village 24), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2035   1,450    1,460 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 813 (Summerlin Village 26), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 3.00% 6/1/2024   150    149 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 813 (Summerlin Village 26), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 3.00% 6/1/2025   220    216 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 813 (Summerlin Village 26), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 3.25% 6/1/2026   215    210 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 813 (Summerlin Village 26), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 3.50% 6/1/2027   235    229 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 813 (Summerlin Village 26), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 3.50% 6/1/2028   220    213 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 813 (Summerlin Village 26), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 4.00% 6/1/2033   1,090    1,057 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 813 (Summerlin Village 26), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 4.25% 6/1/2037   940    912 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 813 (Summerlin Village 26), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 4.375% 6/1/2042   1,185    1,136 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 813 (Summerlin Village 26), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, 4.50% 6/1/2047   1,430    1,356 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 814 (Summerlin Village 21 and 24A), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.50% 6/1/2025   190    187 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 814 (Summerlin Village 21 and 24A), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.50% 6/1/2026   190    185 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 814 (Summerlin Village 21 and 24A), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.50% 6/1/2027   190    183 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 814 (Summerlin Village 21 and 24A), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.50% 6/1/2028   145    138 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 814 (Summerlin Village 21 and 24A), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.50% 6/1/2029   335    314 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 814 (Summerlin Village 21 and 24A), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.25% 6/1/2031   300    270 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 814 (Summerlin Village 21 and 24A), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.50% 6/1/2032   405    368 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 814 (Summerlin Village 21 and 24A), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.50% 6/1/2033   450    406 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 814 (Summerlin Village 21 and 24A), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.50% 6/1/2035   985    864 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 814 (Summerlin Village 21 and 24A), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 6/1/2039   490    442 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 267

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Nevada (continued)        
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 814 (Summerlin Village 21 and 24A), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 6/1/2049  USD1,575   $1,300 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 815 (Summerlin Village 25), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2020, 4.75% 12/1/2040   995    961 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 816 (Summerlin Village 22), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 2.75% 6/1/2033   520    423 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 816 (Summerlin Village 22), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 2.75% 6/1/2036   835    638 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 816 (Summerlin Village 22), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 6/1/2041   1,000    731 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 816 (Summerlin Village 22), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 3.125% 6/1/2051   1,425    923 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. Nos. 808 and 810 (Summerlin Village 23B), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 6/1/2026   700    705 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. Nos. 808 and 810 (Summerlin Village 23B), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 6/1/2028   280    282 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. Nos. 808 and 810 (Summerlin Village 23B), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 6/1/2029   495    498 
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. Nos. 808 and 810 (Summerlin Village 23B), Local Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 6/1/2031   110    110 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 64 (Valley Vista), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.50% 6/1/2024   115    114 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 64 (Valley Vista), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.75% 6/1/2025   140    139 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 64 (Valley Vista), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.75% 6/1/2026   185    182 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 64 (Valley Vista), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.75% 6/1/2027   255    248 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 64 (Valley Vista), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 3.875% 6/1/2028   385    372 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 64 (Valley Vista), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 6/1/2029   200    195 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 64 (Valley Vista), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 6/1/2030   330    319 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 64 (Valley Vista), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 4.25% 6/1/2034   595    572 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 64 (Valley Vista), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 4.50% 6/1/2039   755    720 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 64 (Valley Vista), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 4.625% 6/1/2043   640    603 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 64 (Valley Vista), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 4.625% 6/1/2049   1,405    1,293 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 66 (Villages at Tule Springs Village 1), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2022, 5.50% 6/1/20372   750    755 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 66 (Villages at Tule Springs Village 1), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2022, 5.75% 6/1/20422   1,100    1,105 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 66 (Villages at Tule Springs Village 1), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2022, 5.75% 6/1/20472   1,600    1,585 
City of North Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 66 (Villages at Tule Springs Village 1), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2022, 6.00% 6/1/20522   1,800    1,815 
City of Reno, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (ReTRAC - Reno Transportation Rail Access Corridor Project), Series 2018-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.125% 6/1/2058   1,250    1,168 
New Hampshire 1.29%          
Business Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Project), Series 2013, AMT, 2.95% 4/1/2029 (put 10/1/2019)2   1,900    1,711 
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Elliot Hospital Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,250    1,285 
National Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 8/15/2046   1,605    1,202 
National Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 8/15/2051   15,085    10,748 
268 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New Hampshire (continued)        
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2020-1, Class A, 4.125% 1/20/2034  USD28,265   $27,697 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2022-1, Class X, 0.334% 9/20/2036   75,450    1,737 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2022-1, Class A, 4.375% 9/20/2036   21,000    20,762 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2022-2, Class X, 0.674% 10/20/20364,5   63,500    3,168 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2022-2, Class A, 4.00% 10/20/2036   31,057    29,688 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2023-2, Class X, 0.813% 1/20/2038   53,000    3,063 
National Fin. Auth., Municipal Certs., Series 2023-2, Class A, 3.875% 1/20/2038   14,430    13,454 
National Fin. Auth., Resource Recovery Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covanta Project), Series 2018-B, 4.625% 11/1/20422   1,000    867 
National Fin. Auth., Resource Recovery Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covanta Project), Series 2018-C, AMT, 4.875% 11/1/20422   1,750    1,567 
National Fin. Auth., Resource Recovery Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covanta Project), Series 2020-B, AMT, 3.75% 7/1/2045 (put 7/2/2040)2   10,720    8,391 
National Fin. Auth., Resource Recovery Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Covanta Project), Series 2020-A, 3.625% 7/1/2043 (put 7/2/2040)2   10,085    7,759 
National Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Springpoint Senior Living, Inc.), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2041   2,000    1,661 
National Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Springpoint Senior Living, Inc.), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2051   2,100    1,596 
National Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.75%) 4.355% 10/1/2033 (put 7/1/2024)4   3,270    3,210 
National Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A-4, AMT, 2.15% 8/1/2038 (put 7/1/2024)   2,000    1,966 
New Jersey 2.89%          
Atlantic City, Tax Appeal Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2032   1,200    1,277 
County of Camden, Improvement Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Camden Prep High School Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 7/15/20522   2,000    1,959 
County of Camden, Improvement Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Camden Prep High School Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 7/15/20622   4,555    4,381 
County of Camden, Improvement Auth., Health Care Redev. Project, Rev. Bonds (Cooper Health System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2013-A, 5.75% 2/15/2042   1,330    1,332 
County of Camden, Improvement Auth., Health Care Redev. Project, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cooper Health System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2014, 5.00% 2/15/2032   555    558 
Casino Reinvestment Dev. Auth., Luxury Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2026   1,500    1,531 
Casino Reinvestment Dev. Auth., Luxury Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/1/2029   1,180    1,206 
Casino Reinvestment Dev. Auth., Luxury Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 11/1/2039   2,500    2,524 
Casino Reinvestment Dev. Auth., Luxury Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 11/1/2044   1,000    1,007 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Energy Fac. Rev. Bonds (UMM Energy Partners, LLC Project), Series 2012-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/15/2037   7,085    7,086 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Energy Fac. Rev. Bonds (UMM Energy Partners, LLC Project), Series 2012-A, AMT, 5.125% 6/15/2043   750    750 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Motor Vehicle Surcharges Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 7/1/2027   750    798 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Private Activity Bonds (Goethals Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2013, AMT, 5.375% 1/1/2043   7,725    7,743 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Private Activity Bonds (Goethals Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2013, AMT, 5.625% 1/1/2052   3,940    3,952 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Foundation Academy Charter School Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 7/1/2050   1,100    1,064 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Kean Properties, LLC - Kean University Student Housing Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2047   3,500    3,234 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Provident Group - Kean Properties, LLC - Kean University Student Housing Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2050   1,590    1,455 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provident Group - Montclair Properties, LLC - Montclair State University Student Housing Project), Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2037   2,750    2,849 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provident Group - Rowan Properties, LLC - Rowan University Student Housing Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035   3,750    3,648 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provident Group - Rowan Properties, LLC - Rowan University Student Housing Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2048   2,150    1,922 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2015-WW, 5.25% 6/15/2029 (preref. 6/15/2025)   2,500    2,598 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2017-DDD, 5.00% 6/15/2034 (preref. 6/15/2027)   1,500    1,622 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 269

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New Jersey (continued)        
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2021-QQQ, 4.00% 6/15/2035  USD800   $822 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2017-DDD, 5.00% 6/15/2035 (preref. 6/15/2027)   1,275    1,379 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-EEE, 5.00% 6/15/2043   1,850    1,937 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-EEE, 5.00% 6/15/2043 (preref. 12/1/2028)   1,085    1,207 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-XX, 5.00% 6/15/2025   4,250    4,375 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2024-SSS, 5.25% 6/15/2038   1,000    1,084 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Rev. Bonds (Beloved Community Charter School), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 6/15/20292   465    445 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Rev. Bonds (Beloved Community Charter School), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/15/20392   825    790 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Rev. Bonds (Beloved Community Charter School), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/15/20492   930    852 
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Rev. Bonds (Beloved Community Charter School), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/15/20542   725    654 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Continental Airlines, Inc. Project), Series 1999, AMT, 5.125% 9/15/2023   2,610    2,611 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Continental Airlines, Inc. Project), Series 1999, AMT, 5.25% 9/15/2029   28,715    28,778 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Continental Airlines, Inc. Project), Series 2000-B, AMT, 5.625% 11/15/2030   3,545    3,597 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Continental Airlines, Inc. Project), Series 2003, AMT, 5.50% 6/1/2033   3,500    3,538 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Special Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Continental Airlines, Inc. Project), Series 2012, AMT, 5.75% 9/15/2027   3,825    3,835 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Transit Transportation Project Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/1/2037   1,850    1,848 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Transit Transportation Project Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/1/2038   2,500    2,476 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Transit Transportation Project Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/1/2039   4,550    4,477 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Water Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Water Co., Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 2.20% 10/1/2039 (put 12/3/2029)   2,500    2,176 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Higher Education Capital Improvement Fund Issue), Series 2014-A, 4.00% 9/1/2031   5,000    4,996 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinitas Regional Medical Center Obligated Group Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2024 (escrowed to maturity)   1,000    1,015 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinitas Regional Medical Center Obligated Group Issue), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2027 (preref. 7/1/2026)   500    527 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Princeton HealthCare System Issue), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,000    1,049 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Joseph’s Healthcare System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,700    1,741 
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (St. Joseph’s Healthcare System Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 7/1/2035   500    508 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, AMT, 4.00% 12/1/2041   5,575    5,513 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 3.75% 12/1/2031   695    680 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-1-A, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2032   425    415 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 3.25% 12/1/2039   18,075    17,146 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2039   3,700    3,531 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2039   8,085    7,668 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 2.50% 12/1/2040   7,245    6,073 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, AMT, 4.00% 12/1/2044   15,045    14,655 
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-C, AMT, 3.25% 12/1/2051   3,000    2,158 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.75% 10/1/2050   845    853 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Agcy., Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-H, 3.00% 10/1/2052   4,390    4,195 
South Jersey Port Corp., Marine Terminal Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2036   1,000    1,029 
South Jersey Port Corp., Marine Terminal Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2042   1,250    1,266 
South Jersey Port Corp., Marine Terminal Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2048   1,875    1,887 
South Jersey Transportation Auth., Transportation System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.625% 11/1/2047   1,550    1,574 
South Jersey Transportation Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 11/1/2033   1,600    1,616 
South Jersey Transportation Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/1/2045   1,895    1,966 
South Jersey Transportation Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/1/2050   3,000    2,790 
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.25% 6/1/2046   1,210    1,256 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-BB, 4.00% 6/15/2037   600    604 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2020-AA, 4.00% 6/15/2038   6,755    6,751 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2020-AA, 4.00% 6/15/2039   1,500    1,488 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-BB, 4.00% 6/15/2039   1,750    1,736 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2020-AA, 4.00% 6/15/2040   1,500    1,479 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2019-BB, 4.00% 6/15/2044   3,375    3,295 
270 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New Jersey (continued)        
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2019-BB, 5.00% 6/15/2044  USD975   $1,019 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2020-AA, 4.00% 6/15/2045   1,675    1,629 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2019-AA, 5.00% 6/15/2046   2,000    2,090 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2020-AA, 3.00% 6/15/2050   10,210    7,711 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2022-BB, 3.00% 6/15/2050   28,500    21,407 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation Program Bonds, Series 2019-BB, 5.00% 6/15/2050   2,500    2,592 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/15/2024   750    766 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/15/2024   2,000    2,042 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/15/2033   2,500    2,710 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/15/2039   3,500    3,473 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/15/2040   1,035    1,021 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/15/2041   2,000    1,969 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, AMBAC insured, 0% 12/15/2026   1,225    1,087 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-B, 0% 12/15/2027   1,045    896 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, National insured, 0% 12/15/2031   17,880    13,192 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2009-A, 0% 12/15/2032   1,250    882 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 12/15/2033   15,000    10,245 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 12/15/2034   2,800    1,829 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, AMBAC insured, 0% 12/15/2035   3,580    2,206 
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006-C, AMBAC insured, 0% 12/15/2036   10,660    6,189 
County of Union, Improvement Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Green Bonds (Aries Linden, LLC Project), Series 2019, AMT, 6.75% 12/1/20412   14,510    9,492 
New Mexico 0.55%          
Educational Assistance Foundation, Education Loan Bonds, Series 2021-1-A, AMT, 2.05% 9/1/2051   53,245    46,721 
City of Farmington, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Public Service Co. of San Juan and Four Corners Projects), Series 2016-B, 2.15% 4/1/2033   4,765    3,771 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2016-A-2, Class I, AMT, 3.50% 3/1/2046   445    435 
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single Family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2021-D, Class I, 3.00% 7/1/2052   3,770    3,613 
City of Santa Fe, Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (El Castillo Retirement Residences), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 5/15/2034   1,000    948 
City of Santa Fe, Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (El Castillo Retirement Residences), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 5/15/2039   500    445 
City of Santa Fe, Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (El Castillo Retirement Residences), Series 2012, 5.00% 5/15/2042   1,225    1,061 
City of Santa Fe, Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (El Castillo Retirement Residences), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 5/15/2044   1,320    1,128 
City of Santa Fe, Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (El Castillo Retirement Residences), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 5/15/2049   2,405    1,974 
New York 5.45%          
Town of Brookhaven Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Active Retirement Community, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/1/2055   6,815    5,322 
Town of Brookhaven Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Long Island Community Hospital Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2050   2,250    2,326 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/15/2026   2,500    2,571 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/15/2042   49,720    49,766 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2009, 0% 7/15/2044   2,000    682 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (East Harlem Scholars Academy Charter School Project), Series 2022, 5.75% 6/1/20522   1,250    1,265 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (East Harlem Scholars Academy Charter School Project), Series 2022, 5.75% 6/1/20622   1,900    1,913 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 271

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)        
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Friends of Hellenic Classical Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/20412  USD1,065   $945 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Friends of Hellenic Classical Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/20512   1,620    1,354 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Friends of Hellenic Classical Charter Schools, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/20552   1,430    1,169 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (New World Preparatory Charter School Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/15/20312   350    328 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (New World Preparatory Charter School Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/15/20412   610    495 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (New World Preparatory Charter School Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/15/20512   635    466 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (New World Preparatory Charter School Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/15/20562   530    379 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Shefa School Project), Series 2021-A, 2.50% 6/15/20312   500    411 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Shefa School Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/15/20512   2,000    1,714 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Albert Einstein School of Medicine, Inc. Project), Series 2015, 5.50% 9/1/20452   5,000    4,983 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Brooklyn Navy Yard Cogeneration Partners, LP Project), Series 2019, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/20282   11,290    10,744 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Pratt Paper (NY), Inc. Project), Series 2014, AMT, 4.50% 1/1/20252   105    106 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Pratt Paper (NY), Inc. Project), Series 2014, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/20352   4,495    4,554 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2039   4,000    1,939 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2045   8,135    2,838 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2046   3,445    1,139 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 11/15/2048   5,050    1,500 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-A, 0% 11/15/2049   4,020    1,124 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2055   4,265    882 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2056   3,950    778 
Dormitory Auth., Mortgage Hospital Rev. Bonds (Maimonides Medical Center), Series 2020, FHA insured, 3.00% 2/1/2050   10,550    7,908 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Catholic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2037   1,860    1,395 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Catholic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2038   1,650    1,235 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Catholic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2045   4,640    3,315 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Culinary Institute of America), Series 2013, 5.50% 7/1/2033   500    501 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Langone Hospitals Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2050   7,210    6,662 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Montefiore Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2045   900    780 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Montefiore Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2050   2,900    2,459 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New School), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 7/1/2047   1,235    1,134 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Orange Regional Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/20332   1,200    1,204 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Orange Regional Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/20342   1,200    1,204 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Orange Regional Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/20342   1,000    1,005 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Orange Regional Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/20352   1,000    1,001 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 3/15/2041   9,000    7,580 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2021-E, 3.00% 3/15/2051   2,750    2,109 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Project), Series 2017, AMT, 2.875% 12/1/2044 (put 12/3/2029)2   4,750    4,210 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Project), Series 2014-R-2, AMT, 3.125% 12/1/2044 (put 6/1/2026)2   1,500    1,435 
272 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)        
Environmental Facs. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Project), Series 2020-R-1, 2.75% 9/1/2050 (put 9/2/2025)  USD2,125   $2,044 
Genesee County Funding Corp., Rev. Bonds (Rochester Regional Health Project), Series 2022-A, 5.25% 12/1/2052   635    660 
Glen Cove Local Econ. Assistance Corp., Rev. Bonds (Garvies Point Public Improvement Project), Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-C, 0% 1/1/2055 (5.62% on 1/1/2024)1   16,320    13,347 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-I, 1.75% 5/1/2024   560    550 
Town of Huntington Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Gurwin Independent Housing, Inc. / Fountaingate Gardens Project), Series 2021-A, 5.25% 7/1/2056   3,685    2,894 
Jefferson County Civic Fac. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Samaritan Medical Center Project), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 11/1/2042   1,750    1,297 
Jefferson County Civic Fac. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Samaritan Medical Center Project), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 11/1/2047   2,320    1,622 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Bonds (3 World Trade Center Project), Series 2014, Class 2, 5.375% 11/15/20402   1,000    1,002 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 2.875% 11/15/2046   9,880    7,214 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 11/15/2051   14,535    10,643 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 11/15/2051   2,000    1,476 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 11/15/2043   1,670    1,605 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A-2, 5.00% 11/15/2045 (put 5/15/2030)   6,950    7,487 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 5.00% 11/15/2043   1,000    1,050 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 5.00% 11/15/2044   2,000    2,095 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 11/15/2046   3,220    3,037 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-D-2, 4.00% 11/15/2048   1,000    933 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-D-3, 4.00% 11/15/2049   10,430    9,688 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2050   4,000    4,146 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-C-1, 5.25% 11/15/2055   4,215    4,428 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 11/15/2023   1,125    1,128 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-A-2, 5.00% 11/15/2026   2,365    2,469 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-B, 5.00% 11/15/2026   1,315    1,373 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2028   1,890    2,013 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 5.00% 11/15/2032   930    1,025 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-E, 4.00% 11/15/2045   620    588 
Monroe County Industrial Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Rochester Regional Health Project), Series 2020-A, 3.00% 12/1/2040   2,205    1,636 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 233, 3.00% 10/1/2045   4,195    4,036 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 239, 3.25% 10/1/2051   965    931 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2014-D-3, 5.00% 8/1/2038 (put 2/1/2024)   1,000    1,001 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-D-1, 4.00% 3/1/2050   2,500    2,425 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Housing Impact Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 2.80% 2/1/2050   2,500    1,724 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (8 Spruce Street), Series 2014-E, 3.50% 2/15/2048   1,600    1,572 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (8 Spruce Street), Series 2014-F, 4.50% 2/15/2048   4,425    4,347 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-F-1, 2.25% 11/1/2041   2,000    1,412 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 1/1/2046   3,875    2,958 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 3/1/2039   1,500    1,277 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 3/1/2040   4,000    3,364 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 3/1/2045   5,350    5,144 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 3/1/2049   1,810    1,354 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-AA-1, 4.00% 6/15/2051   2,000    1,950 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 4.00% 11/1/2042   1,835    1,816 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 273

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)        
Niagara Area Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Catholic Health System, Inc. Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 7/1/2052  USD6,020   $4,577 
Niagara Area Dev. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covanta Project), Series 2018-B, 3.50% 11/1/20242   2,150    2,115 
Niagara Area Dev. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covanta Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, 4.75% 11/1/20422   15,790    13,915 
Niagara Frontier Transportation Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Buffalo Niagara International Airport), Series 2014-A, AMT, 5.00% 4/1/2029   1,200    1,207 
County of Onondaga, Resource Recovery Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2030   1,490    1,518 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 207, AMT, 5.00% 9/15/2032   4,000    4,235 
County of Rockland, G.O. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2024   300    303 
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 12/1/2040   1,000    965 
Sullivan County Infrastructure Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Adelaar Infrastructure Project), Series 2016-E-1, 4.85% 11/1/20312   3,940    3,743 
Sullivan County Infrastructure Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Adelaar Infrastructure Project), Series 2016-E-2, 5.35% 11/1/20492   16,155    14,681 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 3/15/2050   2,500    2,426 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 3/15/2051   3,000    2,906 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 3/15/2052   2,500    2,394 
Thruway Auth., Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 3/15/2056   3,870    3,680 
Tompkins County Dev. Corp., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Kendal at Ithaca, Inc. Project), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034   500    501 
Tompkins County Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Tompkins Cortland Community College Foundation, Inc. Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 7/1/20217   1,000    400 
Tompkins County Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Tompkins Cortland Community College Foundation, Inc. Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 7/1/20277   1,805    722 
Tompkins County Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Tompkins Cortland Community College Foundation, Inc. Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 7/1/20327   2,345    938 
Tompkins County Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Tompkins Cortland Community College Foundation, Inc. Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 7/1/20387   1,370    548 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Fac. Rev. Bonds (New York State Thruway Service Areas Project), Series 2021, AMT, 4.00% 10/31/2046   2,750    2,416 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Fac. Rev. Bonds (New York State Thruway Service Areas Project), Series 2021, AMT, 4.00% 4/30/2053   4,880    4,148 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Airlines, Inc. John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2021, AMT, 2.25% 8/1/2026   17,960    17,297 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Airlines, Inc. John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2021, AMT, 3.00% 8/1/2031   6,180    5,494 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Airlines, Inc. John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020, AMT, 5.25% 8/1/2031   8,545    8,876 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Airlines, Inc. John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020, AMT, 5.375% 8/1/2036   5,710    5,788 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2026   1,200    1,244 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,000    1,066 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2037   705    738 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 12/1/2038   1,025    1,092 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 4.00% 12/1/2039   1,100    1,059 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2040   1,290    1,347 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2041   1,200    1,249 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 4.00% 12/1/2042   2,800    2,691 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2042   4,350    4,508 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Airlines, Inc. John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2016, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2026   14,170    14,198 
274 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)        
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Airlines, Inc. John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2016, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2031  USD34,155   $34,192 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Bonds (LaGuardia Airport Terminal B Redev. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2032   2,000    1,977 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Bonds (LaGuardia Airport Terminal B Redev. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2033   4,500    4,440 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Bonds (LaGuardia Airport Terminal B Redev. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2046   4,375    3,881 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Bonds (LaGuardia Airport Terminal B Redev. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2046   12,520    12,369 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Bonds (LaGuardia Airport Terminal B Redev. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.25% 1/1/2050   23,925    23,936 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2018, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2029   2,320    2,401 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2018, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2030   3,700    3,832 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2020, AMT, 4.00% 10/1/2030   9,775    9,740 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2018, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2031   13,070    13,543 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2018, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2032   7,000    7,252 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2018, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2033   3,000    3,106 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2018, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2034   3,790    3,920 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2018, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2036   8,365    8,180 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2018, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2036   1,000    1,026 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2020, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2040   6,620    6,808 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2020, AMT, 4.375% 10/1/2045   22,395    21,759 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/15/2054   3,000    2,861 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2039   1,500    1,611 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-C, 3.00% 3/15/2040   2,000    1,707 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-E, 3.00% 3/15/2047   6,445    5,042 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-E, 3.00% 3/15/2050   2,500    1,917 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/15/2040   2,500    2,134 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Purchase Housing Corp. II Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2047   1,020    1,021 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Senior Learning Community, Inc.), Series 2021-D, 2.875% 7/1/20262   5,200    4,964 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Senior Learning Community, Inc.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/20562   3,665    2,873 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Westchester Medical Center Obligated Group Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2046   5,350    5,185 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Bethel Methodist Home - The Knolls Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2040   1,000    828 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Bethel Methodist Home - The Knolls Project), Series 2020-A, 5.125% 7/1/2055   1,100    844 
Yonkers Econ. Dev. Corp., Educational Rev. Bonds (Lamartine/Warburton, LLC - Charter School of Educational Excellence Project), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/15/2029   200    189 
Yonkers Econ. Dev. Corp., Educational Rev. Bonds (Lamartine/Warburton, LLC - Charter School of Educational Excellence Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/2039   420    397 
Yonkers Econ. Dev. Corp., Educational Rev. Bonds (Lamartine/Warburton, LLC - Charter School of Educational Excellence Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/2054   930    820 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 275

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
North Carolina 0.21%        
City of Charlotte, Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 3.00% 7/1/2046  USD3,000   $2,300 
Educational Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, AMT, 3.125% 6/1/2039   260    244 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Services for the Aging), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/1/2041   500    388 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Services for the Aging), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/1/2051   2,500    1,730 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (The Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2045   1,500    1,472 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pennybyrn at Maryfield), Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2030   1,900    1,890 
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Novant Health Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 11/1/2049   2,820    2,736 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Bonds (Pennybyrn at Maryfield), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2045   1,000    885 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Bonds (Pennybyrn at Maryfield), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2050   2,500    2,146 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Plantation Village, Inc.), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 1/1/2041   1,030    826 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Plantation Village, Inc.), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 1/1/2052   4,095    2,941 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Carolina Village Project), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 4/1/2047   5,230    4,377 
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Retirement Ministries Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2049   1,300    1,218 
North Dakota 0.17%          
City of Grand Forks, Health Care System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 12/1/2046   6,680    5,003 
County of Grand Forks, Solid Waste Disposal Fac. Rev. Green Bonds (Red River Biorefinery, LLC Project), Series 2021-A, AMT, 6.625% 12/15/20312,7   2,625    1,312 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 1/1/2052   910    875 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds (Home Mortgage Fin. Program), Series 2023-D, 5.75% 1/1/2054   1,355    1,457 
County of Ward, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Trinity Obligated Group), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2038   1,500    1,337 
County of Ward, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Trinity Obligated Group), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2043   8,500    7,171 
County of Ward, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Trinity Obligated Group), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2053   2,015    1,584 
Ohio 3.31%          
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Duke Energy Corp. Project), Series 2022-B, 4.00% 9/1/2030 (put 6/1/2027)   2,500    2,478 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Duke Energy Corp. Project), Series 2022-B, AMT, 4.25% 11/1/2039 (put 6/1/2027)   10,585    10,499 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2009-C, 1.50% 2/1/2026 (put 11/4/2025)   4,110    3,764 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2009-A, 2.875% 2/1/2026   3,810    3,608 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2009-D, 2.875% 2/1/2026   9,160    8,675 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Electric Co. Project), Series 2014-B, AMT, 2.60% 6/1/2041 (put 10/1/2029)   1,000    877 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Electric Co. Project), Series 2007-B, AMT, 2.50% 11/1/2042 (put 10/1/2029)   2,500    2,181 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2019-A, 3.25% 9/1/2029   9,390    8,863 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Bonds (AMG Vanadium Project), Series 2019, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/20492   31,900    29,297 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Bonds (Pratt Paper (OH), LLC Project), Series 2017, AMT, 4.25% 1/15/20382   1,850    1,837 
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Bonds (Pratt Paper (OH), LLC Project), Series 2017, AMT, 4.50% 1/15/20482   2,500    2,420 
County of Allen, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Bon Secours Mercy Health, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2040   1,200    1,179 
276 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Ohio (continued)        
Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A-2, 4.00% 6/1/2048  USD3,960   $3,650 
Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B-2, 5.00% 6/1/2055   11,260    10,481 
County of Butler, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (UC Health), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2045   1,000    971 
County of Butler, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (UC Health), Series 2017, 4.00% 11/15/2034   2,115    1,963 
County of Butler, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (UC Health), Series 2017, 4.00% 11/15/2035   1,000    913 
City of Centerville, Health Care Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.25% 11/1/2037   4,250    3,994 
City of Centerville, Health Care Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.25% 11/1/2047   7,195    6,270 
City of Centerville, Health Care Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.25% 11/1/2050   2,400    2,062 
Cleveland-Cuyahoga Port Auth., Tax Increment Fncg. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Flats East Bank Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/20552   11,805    10,072 
Cleveland-Cuyahoga Port Auth., Tax Increment Fncg. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Flats East Bank Project), Series 2021-B, 4.50% 12/1/20552   6,895    6,084 
Columbus-Franklin County Fin. Auth., Public Infrastructure Rev. Bonds (Bridge Park D Block Project), Series 2019-A-A, 5.00% 12/1/2051   8,085    7,811 
County of Cuyahoga, Hospital Rev. Bonds (MetroHealth System), Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2052   2,250    2,204 
County of Cuyahoga, Hospital Rev. Bonds (MetroHealth System), Series 2017, 5.00% 2/15/2057   4,690    4,549 
County of Franklin, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Ohio Living Communities), Series 2020-B, 4.00% 7/1/2045   1,000    777 
County of Franklin, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (OPRS Communities), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 7/1/2038   3,000    2,896 
County of Franklin, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Wesley Communities Obligated Group), Series 2020, 5.25% 11/15/2040   2,905    2,693 
County of Franklin, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Wesley Communities Obligated Group), Series 2020, 5.25% 11/15/2055   8,455    7,287 
County of Franklin, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ohio Living Communities), Series 2022, 4.00% 7/1/2040   5,790    4,805 
Port of Greater Cincinnati Dev. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (IPS Cincinnati, LLC - Idea Greater Cincinnati, Inc. Projects), Series 2021, 4.375% 6/15/2056 (put 6/15/2026)   4,680    4,491 
County of Hamilton, Healthcare Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Life Enriching Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2031   4,360    4,361 
County of Hamilton, Healthcare Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Life Enriching Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2046   3,870    3,498 
County of Hamilton, Healthcare Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Life Enriching Communities Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2051   6,145    5,420 
County of Hamilton, Healthcare Rev. Bonds (Life Enriching Communities Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2047   2,560    2,299 
County of Hamilton, Healthcare Rev. Bonds (Life Enriching Communities Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2052   1,125    989 
Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2041   1,465    1,362 
Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/2046   1,000    896 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Ashtabula County Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2022, 5.25% 1/1/2047   2,980    3,079 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Ashtabula County Medical Center Obligated Group), Series 2022, 5.25% 1/1/2052   1,405    1,437 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Judson Obligated Group 2020 Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2042   2,250    2,072 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Judson Obligated Group 2020 Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2045   2,750    2,486 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Healthcare Fac. Rev. Bonds (Judson Obligated Group 2020 Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/2050   6,525    5,772 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Higher Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (John Carroll University Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 10/1/2052   4,225    3,486 
Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Hospital Parking Rev. Bonds (University Circle, Inc. 2020 Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 1/15/2045   3,925    3,938 
City of Hilliard, Hickory Chase Community Auth., Infrastructure Improvement Rev. Bonds (Hickory Chase Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/20402   2,330    2,101 
City of Hilliard, Hickory Chase Community Auth., Infrastructure Improvement Rev. Bonds (Hickory Chase Project), Series 2019-B-1, 6.00% 12/1/20462   2,320    2,094 
Hospital Rev. Bonds (Aultman Health Foundation), Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/20282   6,000    5,994 
Hospital Rev. Bonds (Aultman Health Foundation), Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/20332   13,835    13,780 
Hospital Rev. Bonds (Aultman Health Foundation), Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/20382   6,750    6,305 
Hospital Rev. Bonds (Aultman Health Foundation), Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/20482   17,670    15,804 
County of Lucas, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Promedica Healthcare Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.25% 11/15/2048   44,980    39,257 
County of Montgomery, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Dayton Children’s Hospital), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/2051   3,000    2,816 
County of Muskingum, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Genesis HealthCare System Obligated Group Project), Series 2013, 5.00% 2/15/2048   5,180    4,789 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 277

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Ohio (continued)        
Private Activity Bonds (Portsmouth Bypass Project), Series 2015, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/31/2039  USD120   $120 
Private Activity Bonds (Portsmouth Bypass Project), Series 2015, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/30/2053   12,955    12,659 
Southeastern Ohio Port Auth., Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Memorial Health System Obligated Group Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2035   850    777 
Southern Ohio Port Auth., Exempt Fac. Rev. Bonds (PureCycle Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 7.00% 12/1/20422   26,065    19,497 
The Toledo Hospital 5.325% 11/15/2028   12,383    10,108 
County of Warren, Healthcare Facs., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Otterbein Homes Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2040   1,575    1,597 
County of Washington, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Memorial Health System Obligated Group), Series 2022, 6.625% 12/1/2042   3,500    3,577 
County of Washington, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Memorial Health System Obligated Group), Series 2022, 6.75% 12/1/2052   21,000    21,497 
Oklahoma 0.12%          
County of Comanche, Hospital Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,070    1,071 
Dev. Fin. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (OU Medicine Project), Series 2018-B, 5.25% 8/15/2043   1,500    1,487 
Dev. Fin. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (OU Medicine Project), Series 2018-B, 5.50% 8/15/2052   4,100    4,084 
Dev. Fin. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (OU Medicine Project), Series 2018-B, 5.50% 8/15/2057   2,500    2,462 
Dev. Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Oklahoma Proton Center), Series 2021-A-1, 7.25% 9/1/20512   3,500    3,589 
Dev. Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Provident Education Resources, Inc. - Cross Village Student Housing Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/1/20377   325    11 
Dev. Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Provident Education Resources, Inc. - Cross Village Student Housing Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/1/20477   1,132    1 
Dev. Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Provident Education Resources, Inc. - Cross Village Student Housing Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/1/20527   586    1 
Dev. Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Provident Education Resources, Inc. - Cross Village Student Housing Project), Series 2017-A, 5.25% 8/1/20577   2,054    2 
Trustees of the Tulsa Municipal Airport Trust, Rev. Ref. Bonds (AMR Corp. Guaranteed), Series 2013-B, AMT, 5.50% 12/1/2035   520    521 
Oregon 0.32%          
Business Dev. Commission, Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Red Rock Biofuels, LLC Clean Energy Project), Series 2017-A-248, AMT, 6.50% 4/1/20312,7   100    11 
County of Clackamas, Hospital Facs. Auth., Rev. Senior Living Bonds (Rose Villa, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.125% 11/15/2040   625    594 
County of Clackamas, Hospital Facs. Auth., Rev. Senior Living Bonds (Rose Villa, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.25% 11/15/2050   1,000    921 
County of Clackamas, Hospital Facs. Auth., Rev. Senior Living Bonds (Rose Villa, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.375% 11/15/2055   1,000    925 
Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Samaritan Health Services Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2040   2,250    2,313 
Health and Science University, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 3.00% 7/1/2049   6,570    4,917 
County of Multnomah, Hospital Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Exempt Terwilliger Plaza - Parkview Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2051   2,295    1,549 
County of Multnomah, Hospital Facs. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Exempt Terwilliger Plaza - Parkview Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2056   4,555    2,969 
County of Polk, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Dallas Retirement Village Project), Series 2015-A, 5.125% 7/1/2035   3,580    3,330 
County of Polk, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Dallas Retirement Village Project), Series 2015-A, 5.375% 7/1/2045   1,500    1,310 
County of Polk, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Dallas Retirement Village Project), Series 2015-A, 5.50% 7/1/2050   5,080    4,426 
County of Polk, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Dallas Retirement Village Project), Series 2020-A, 5.125% 7/1/2055   6,700    5,288 
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 29, AMT, 5.50% 7/1/2048   1,000    1,110 
City of Salem, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Capital Manor Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 5/15/2047   1,500    1,157 
City of Salem, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Capital Manor Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 5/15/2057   1,865    1,352 
278 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Oregon (continued)        
City of Salem, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Capital Manor Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2033  USD540   $546 
City of Salem, Hospital Fac. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Capital Manor Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2048   1,250    1,150 
County of Yamhill, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Friendsview Retirement Community), Series 2021-B-3, 1.75% 11/15/2026   1,690    1,586 
Pennsylvania 3.55%          
County of Allegheny, Hospital Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Issue), Series 2007-A-1, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.82%) 4.37% 2/1/20373,4   4,655    4,569 
Allentown City School Dist., Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2018, BAM insured, 5.00% 2/1/2028   2,500    2,679 
City of Allentown, Neighborhood Improvement Zone Dev. Auth., Tax Rev. Bonds (City Center Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/1/20422   1,500    1,500 
City of Allentown, Neighborhood Improvement Zone Dev. Auth., Tax Rev. Bonds (City Center Ref. Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 5/1/20422   2,605    2,608 
City of Allentown, Neighborhood Improvement Zone Dev. Auth., Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 5/1/2042   1,000    1,011 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/1/2027   2,000    1,368 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/1/2035   4,675    3,040 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 4.00% 11/1/2038   210    130 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 4.00% 11/1/2039   300    186 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 3.75% 11/1/2042   1,560    935 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 4.00% 11/1/2047   7,960    4,768 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/1/2047   6,300    4,088 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2017, 4.00% 11/1/2050   13,000    7,785 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (The Highlands at Wyomissing), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 5/15/2032   350    353 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (The Highlands at Wyomissing), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2033 (preref. 5/15/2025)   750    786 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (The Highlands at Wyomissing), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2038 (preref. 5/15/2025)   1,500    1,573 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (The Highlands at Wyomissing), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 5/15/2042   1,000    933 
County of Berks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (The Highlands at Wyomissing), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2043 (preref. 5/15/2025)   170    178 
County of Berks, Municipal Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Reading Hospital and Medical Center Project), Series 2012-A, 4.25% 11/1/2041   235    141 
County of Berks, Municipal Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Reading Hospital and Medical Center Project), Series 2012-A, 4.50% 11/1/2041   100    62 
County of Berks, Municipal Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 2/1/2025   600    428 
County of Berks, Municipal Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tower Health Project), Series 2020-B-2, 5.00% 2/1/2040 (put 2/1/2027)   6,015    4,124 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Grand View Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,200    1,145 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Grand View Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2038   1,725    1,619 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Grand View Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2040   3,000    2,763 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Grand View Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2041   2,130    1,946 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Grand View Hospital), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/1/2046   2,660    1,962 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Grand View Hospital), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/1/2051   8,730    6,140 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Grand View Hospital), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2054   7,470    6,378 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2019, 4.00% 8/15/2050   2,500    2,243 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pennswood Village Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2032   585    589 
County of Bucks, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pennswood Village Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 10/1/2033   415    417 
County of Chester, Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Simpson Senior Services Project), Series 2015-A, 5.25% 12/1/2045   1,960    1,712 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 279

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania (continued)        
County of Chester, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Avon Grove Charter School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/15/2047  USD1,160   $1,132 
County of Chester, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Avon Grove Charter School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 12/15/2051   645    621 
County of Chester, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Woodlands Greystone Project), Series 2018, 4.375% 3/1/20282   258    255 
County of Chester, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Woodlands Greystone Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 3/1/20382   1,462    1,432 
County of Chester, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Woodlands Greystone Project), Series 2018, 5.125% 3/1/20482   3,000    2,812 
County of Crawford, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Meadville Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 6.00% 6/1/2036   1,515    1,566 
County of Crawford, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Meadville Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 6.00% 6/1/2046   7,500    7,634 
County of Crawford, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Meadville Medical Center Project), Series 2016-A, 6.00% 6/1/2051   7,005    7,089 
County of Cumberland, Municipal Auth., Rev. Bonds (Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,000    1,010 
County of Cumberland, Municipal Auth., Rev. Bonds (Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2033   1,610    1,621 
County of Cumberland, Municipal Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Asbury Pennsylvania Obligated Group), Series 2019, 3.375% 1/1/2029   4,545    4,078 
County of Cumberland, Municipal Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Asbury Pennsylvania Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2029   3,165    3,099 
County of Cumberland, Municipal Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Asbury Pennsylvania Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2034   4,415    4,175 
County of Cumberland, Municipal Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Asbury Pennsylvania Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2039   1,345    1,205 
County of Cumberland, Municipal Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Asbury Pennsylvania Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2045   7,650    6,553 
County of Dauphin, General Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Health System Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2034   1,245    1,291 
County of Dauphin, General Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Health System Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2036   500    516 
Delaware Valley Regional Fin. Auth., Local Government Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-C, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.75%) 4.432% 6/1/20373,4   8,980    7,952 
City of Doylestown, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Doylestown Hospital), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2041   7,550    6,789 
City of Doylestown, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Doylestown Hospital), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2045   4,100    3,075 
City of Doylestown, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Doylestown Hospital), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2046   6,690    5,840 
City of Doylestown, Hospital Auth., Rev. Bonds (Doylestown Hospital), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2049   3,250    2,787 
City of Dubois, Hospital Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Penn Highlands Healthcare), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/15/2050   2,000    1,758 
City of Dubois, Hospital Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Penn Highlands Healthcare), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/15/2051   1,500    1,326 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (National Gypsum Co.), Series 2014, AMT, 5.50% 11/1/2044   4,500    4,517 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (PPL Electric Utilities Corp. Project), Series 2008, 0.40% 10/1/2023   3,800    3,771 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Penndot Major Bridges Package One Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.25% 6/30/2053   850    887 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2029   5,000    5,139 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2034   25,705    26,277 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2038   2,500    2,529 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (The Pennsylvania Rapid Bridge Replacement Project), Series 2015, AMT, 5.00% 6/30/2042   1,000    1,005 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Senior Living Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/1/2033   1,250    1,190 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Consol Energy, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A, 9.00% 4/1/2051 (put 4/13/2028)2   9,750    10,889 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, AMT, 0.58% 8/1/2037 (put 8/1/2024)   1,600    1,528 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A, AMT, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.40%) 4.38% 6/1/2041 (put 6/3/2024)4   10,855    10,683 
280 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania (continued)        
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2011, AMT, 2.15% 7/1/2041 (put 7/1/2024)  USD3,500   $3,441 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Green Bonds (Covanta Project), Series 2019, AMT, 3.25% 8/1/20392   7,950    5,869 
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 10/15/2046   1,000    723 
Erie County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2029   300    328 
Erie County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2031   525    576 
Erie County School Dist., Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 4/1/2034   825    904 
County of Franklin, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Menno-Haven, Inc. Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/2043   1,000    825 
County of Franklin, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Menno-Haven, Inc. Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 12/1/2048   1,300    1,027 
County of Franklin, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Menno-Haven, Inc. Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2049   510    400 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2028   550    576 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 2.45% 6/1/2041   2,665    2,251 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 2.625% 6/1/2042   5,065    4,292 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 4.50% 6/1/2043   1,310    1,315 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, AMT, 4.00% 6/1/2044   7,495    7,336 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, AMT, 3.125% 6/1/2048   1,000    760 
Higher Education Assistance Agcy., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2050   1,275    1,277 
Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of the Sciences in Philadelphia), Series 2015-A, 3.00% 11/1/2028   500    466 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Thomas Jefferson University), Series 2015-A, 5.25% 9/1/2050   2,400    2,415 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (University Properties, Inc. Student Housing Project at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   570    572 
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (University Properties, Inc. Student Housing Project at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2031   1,450    1,451 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-128-A, AMT, 4.75% 4/1/2033   1,170    1,168 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-124-A, AMT, 4.00% 10/1/2038   210    209 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-137, 3.00% 10/1/2051   2,515    2,399 
City of Lancaster, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Center Rev. Ref. Bonds (Landis Homes Retirement Community Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/1/2051   555    409 
City of Lancaster, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Center Rev. Ref. Bonds (Landis Homes Retirement Community Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/1/2056   2,850    2,039 
County of Montgomery, Higher Education and Health Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Philadelphia Presbytery Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2032   340    336 
County of Montgomery, Higher Education and Health Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Philadelphia Presbytery Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2037   780    755 
County of Montgomery, Higher Education and Health Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Philadelphia Presbytery Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 12/1/2047   6,055    5,530 
County of Montgomery, Higher Education and Health Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Philadelphia Presbytery Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2017, 4.00% 12/1/2048   3,830    2,851 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Project), Series 2023-C, AMT, 4.45% 10/1/2034 (put 4/3/2028)   7,500    7,636 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Bonds (Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Issue), Series 2015-A, 5.25% 1/15/2030 (preref. 1/15/2025)   5,185    5,333 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Bonds (Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Issue), Series 2015-A, 5.25% 1/15/2036 (preref. 1/15/2025)   1,000    1,029 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Bonds (Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Issue), Series 2015-A, 5.25% 1/15/2045 (preref. 1/15/2025)   3,500    3,600 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Bonds (Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Issue), Series 2015-A, 5.25% 1/15/2046 (preref. 1/15/2025)   1,000    1,029 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Bonds (ACTS Retirement - Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2033   3,360    3,397 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Bonds (ACTS Retirement - Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2036   4,250    4,252 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2020-C, 4.00% 11/15/2043   500    413 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2020-C, 5.00% 11/15/2045   1,240    1,178 
County of Montgomery, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Waverly Heights, Ltd.), Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2044   1,250    1,272 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 281

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Pennsylvania (continued)        
County of Northampton, General Purpose Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (St. Luke’s University Health Network Project), Series 2018-B, (1-month USD-LIBOR x 0.70 + 1.04%) 4.684% 8/15/2048 (put 8/15/2024)3,4  USD600   $600 
County of Northampton, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Morningstar Senior Living, Inc.), Series 2019, 5.00% 11/1/2039   1,500    1,343 
City of Philadelphia, Hospitals and Higher Education Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Temple University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/1/2033   1,000    1,030 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Mast Community Charter School II Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/1/2030   425    436 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Mast Community Charter School II Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/1/2040   620    622 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Mast Community Charter School II Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/1/2050   1,050    1,021 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Mast Community Charter School III Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2030   2,265    2,319 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Mast Community Charter School III Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2040   4,020    4,031 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Mast Community Charter School III Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2050   7,240    7,068 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Mast Community Charter School III Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 8/1/2054   5,245    5,068 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Independence Charter School West), Series 2019, 4.00% 6/15/2029   250    238 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Independence Charter School West), Series 2019, 5.00% 6/15/2039   500    481 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Independence Charter School West), Series 2019, 5.00% 6/15/2050   1,375    1,235 
City of Philadelphia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of the Sciences), Series 2017, 5.00% 11/1/2047   5,925    5,976 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2028   4,100    4,292 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2028   745    805 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2029   4,500    4,705 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2030 (preref. 9/1/2026)   10    11 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2036   1,000    1,024 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2037   1,500    1,533 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-F, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,000    1,021 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,000    1,058 
Philadelphia School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 6/1/2034   3,000    3,455 
Reading School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2027   275    293 
Reading School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2028   275    294 
Reading School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2017, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2038   1,000    1,046 
Scranton School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-E, BAM insured, 5.00% 12/1/2035   750    807 
Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Auth., Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2035   5,685    5,796 
Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Auth., Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2038   7,260    7,281 
Tower Health 4.451% 2/1/2050   26,483    12,315 
Township of West Cornwall, Municipal Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lebanon Valley Brethren Home Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/15/2041   670    542 
Township of West Cornwall, Municipal Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lebanon Valley Brethren Home Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/15/2046   1,050    802 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 6/1/2033   1,000    1,070 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2043   340    333 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2044   425    419 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2044   4,750    5,049 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 12/1/2049   1,425    1,504 
Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2050   1,000    958 
County of Washington, Redev. Auth., Redev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Victory Centre Tax Increment Fncg. Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2028   850    851 
County of Westmoreland, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Excela Health Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2025   900    892 
County of Westmoreland, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Excela Health Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2037   2,800    2,569 
Wilkes-Barre Area School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 5.00% 4/15/2059   2,000    2,057 
282 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Puerto Rico 6.32%        
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20242  USD1,700   $1,716 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20252   4,000    4,065 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20302   5,000    5,177 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/20332   485    496 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 7/1/20332   4,120    4,214 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20352   23,105    23,427 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/20372   1,350    1,360 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 7/1/20372   1,545    1,557 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/20372   13,510    13,625 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/20422   4,545    4,008 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/20422   65,885    58,105 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 7/1/20422   21,540    18,996 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/20472   16,020    13,660 
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20472   2,000    1,981 
Children’s Trust, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2008-A, 0% 5/15/2057   75,000    5,420 
Commonwealth Highways and Transportation Auth., Toll Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2062   15,000    14,775 
Commonwealth Highways and Transportation Auth., Toll Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 7/1/2053 (5.00% on 7/1/2032)1   79,091    49,827 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-ZZ, 5.00% 7/1/20227   250    93 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2005-SS, National insured, 5.00% 7/1/2024   1,420    1,420 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-ZZ, 5.25% 7/1/20247   1,230    461 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-WW, 5.375% 7/1/20247   6,815    2,556 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-XX, 5.00% 7/1/20267   340    128 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-AAA, 5.25% 7/1/20267   165    62 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-CCC, 5.00% 7/1/20277   355    133 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-XX, 5.25% 7/1/20277   320    120 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-WW, 5.50% 7/1/20277   3,000    1,118 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2005-RR, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 7/1/2028   3,100    3,121 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-AAA, 5.25% 7/1/20287   20    8 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-CCC, 5.25% 7/1/20287   1,000    375 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 7/1/20297   125    47 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2005-SS, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2030   185    186 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-AAA, 5.25% 7/1/20307   110    41 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-TT, 5.00% 7/1/20327   18,540    6,953 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-TT, 5.00% 7/1/20327   350    131 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-CCC, 4.50% 7/1/20337   315    117 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-TT, 5.00% 7/1/20337   235    88 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-WW, 5.25% 7/1/20337   1,500    563 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-WW, 5.375% 7/1/20337   235    88 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 7.00% 7/1/20337   300    113 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-XX, 5.25% 7/1/20357   250    94 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-XX, 5.25% 7/1/20357   165    62 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-XXX, 5.75% 7/1/20367   3,150    1,181 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-TT, 5.00% 7/1/20377   4,115    1,543 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-XX, 5.25% 7/1/20407   16,225    6,084 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 7.00% 7/1/20407   4,500    1,688 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 7/1/20427   10,120    3,795 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 7/1/ 20427   150    56 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.05% 7/1/20427   1,885    707 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-DDD, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.65% 7/1/2024   120    119 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-UU, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.52%) 4.227% 7/1/20293,4   16,010    14,938 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-VV, National insured, 5.25% 7/1/2030   475    470 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-NN, National insured, 4.75% 7/1/2033   1,870    1,817 
Electric Power Auth., Power Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-WW, 5.50% 7/1/20387   3,150    1,181 
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 5.375% 7/1/2025   4,790    4,902 
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 5.625% 7/1/2027   4,746    4,993 
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 5.625% 7/1/2029   4,669    4,997 
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 5.75% 7/1/2031   4,535    4,952 
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 7/1/2033   12,045    11,456 
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 7/1/2035   2,704    2,505 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 283

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Puerto Rico (continued)        
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 7/1/2037  USD7,595   $6,825 
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 7/1/2041   26,894    23,161 
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 7/1/2046   52,478    43,854 
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 0% 7/1/2024   700    672 
G.O. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 0% 7/1/2033   5,535    3,380 
G.O. Taxable Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022, 0% 11/1/20434   44,767    22,999 
G.O. Taxable Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022, 0% 11/1/2051   131,530    67,409 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2012, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,700    1,702 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Sacred Heart Project), Series 2012, 4.00% 10/1/2023   960    960 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Sacred Heart Project), Series 2012, 4.00% 10/1/2024   325    325 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Sacred Heart Project), Series 2012, 4.00% 10/1/2026   825    825 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Sacred Heart Project), Series 2012, 4.125% 10/1/2027   995    995 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Sacred Heart Project), Series 2012, 4.375% 10/1/2031   1,525    1,526 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Sacred Heart Project), Series 2012, 5.00% 10/1/2042   1,650    1,654 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2023   1,600    1,604 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2004, National insured, 4.25% 10/1/2024   550    550 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2024   1,700    1,732 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,800    1,868 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2026   1,900    2,007 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,900    2,041 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2028   2,000    2,182 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2004, National insured, 4.50% 10/1/2029   2,230    2,234 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2034   2,200    2,412 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 10/1/2044   2,500    2,654 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hospital Auxilio Mutuo Obligated Group Project), Series 2021, 5.00% 7/1/2031   570    628 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hospital Auxilio Mutuo Obligated Group Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 7/1/2038   550    495 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 4.75% 7/1/2053   5,000    4,747 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2007-A, Class 2, AMBAC insured, 0% 8/1/20474   3,512    1,006 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2007-A, Class 2, AMBAC insured, 0% 8/1/20544   22,487    4,803 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019, Class 2, 0% 8/1/20544   84    18 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2019-A-2, 4.329% 7/1/2040   31,913    30,121 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2019-A-2, 4.329% 7/1/2040   3,000    2,832 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, 0% 7/1/2046   5,000    1,395 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2019-A-2, 4.784% 7/1/2058   6,530    6,164 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 5.00% 7/1/2058   12,400    12,099 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2024   117    113 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2029   498    389 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2031   641    458 
284 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Puerto Rico (continued)        
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2033  USD149   $97 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2046   337,590    96,719 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2051   30,908    6,602 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-Q, 5.00% 6/1/2024   875    870 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-Q, 5.00% 6/1/2025   675    667 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-Q, 5.00% 6/1/2026   520    511 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-Q, 5.00% 6/1/2030   1,269    1,228 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-Q, 5.00% 6/1/2036   5,185    4,953 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-P, 5.00% 6/1/2024   4,660    4,634 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-P, National insured, 5.00% 6/1/2024   50    50 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-P, 5.00% 6/1/2025   470    465 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-P, National insured, 5.00% 6/1/2025   105    105 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-P, 5.00% 6/1/2026   1,450    1,426 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-P, 5.00% 6/1/2030   8,370    8,097 
Rhode Island 0.48%          
Commerce Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 7/1/2030   500    524 
Commerce Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-D, 5.00% 7/1/2041   500    512 
Health and Educational Building Corp., Educational Institution Rev. Bonds (St. George’s School Issue), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2046   270    264 
Health and Educational Building Corp., Educational Institution Rev. Bonds (St. George’s School Issue), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/1/2051   740    703 
Health and Educational Building Corp., Hospital Fncg. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lifespan Obligated Group Issue), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2034   3,150    3,209 
Housing and Mortgage Fin. Corp., Homeownership Opportunity Bonds, Series 68-C, AMT, 3.50% 4/1/2039   350    346 
Student Loan Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2029   330    358 
Student Loan Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 2.25% 12/1/2039   10,280    8,577 
Student Loan Auth., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, AMT, 4.125% 12/1/2042   10,380    10,091 
Student Loan Auth., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2034   3,745    3,628 
Student Loan Auth., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 2.875% 12/1/2035   2,125    2,070 
Tobacco Settlement Fin. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2007-A, 0% 6/1/2052   138,210    22,986 
South Carolina 0.91%          
Connector 2000 Assn., Inc., Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2011-A-1, 0% 1/1/2032   10,417    5,751 
Connector 2000 Assn., Inc., Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2011-A-1, 0% 1/1/2042   75,080    19,011 
Connector 2000 Assn., Inc., Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2011-A-1, 0% 7/22/2051   1,025    127 
Housing Fin. and Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B-2, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2043   700    693 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 4/1/2054   2,500    2,127 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Custodial Receipts), Series 2018, 5.00% 8/15/2041 (preref. 8/15/2026)1,2   12,495    13,261 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Woodlands at Furman), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/15/2042   1,745    1,580 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Woodlands at Furman), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/15/2054   1,155    981 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Green Charter School), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/20362   1,000    837 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Green Charter School), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/20462   1,150    821 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Green Charter School), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/20562   2,955    1,934 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., First Mortgage Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (The Lutheran Homes of South Carolina, Inc.), Series 2017, 5.00% 5/1/2042   1,855    1,521 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wesley Commons), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/20362   2,000    1,857 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wesley Commons), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/20412   6,000    5,353 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Facs. Rev. Bonds (Episcopal Home Still Hopes), Series 2017, 5.00% 4/1/2052   2,530    2,076 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Episcopal Home Still Hopes), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/1/2032   2,135    2,072 
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Episcopal Home Still Hopes), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 4/1/2038   2,400    2,201 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 285

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
South Carolina (continued)        
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Seafields at Kiawah Island Project), Series 2023-B-1, 5.75% 11/15/2029  USD18,500   $17,599 
Patriots Energy Group Fncg. Agcy., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 10/1/2048 (put 2/1/2024)   2,500    2,502 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/1/2035   250    258 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/1/2041   8,850    9,001 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 12/1/2056   45    45 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2029   15    16 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 12/1/2031   2,010    2,088 
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/1/2034   3,250    3,349 
County of Richland, The Village at Sandhill Improvement Dist., Rev. Ref. Assessment Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 11/1/20262   715    662 
County of Richland, The Village at Sandhill Improvement Dist., Rev. Ref. Assessment Bonds, Series 2021, 3.625% 11/1/20312   1,000    850 
County of Richland, The Village at Sandhill Improvement Dist., Rev. Ref. Assessment Bonds, Series 2021, 3.75% 11/1/20362   1,270    1,007 
South Dakota 0.03%          
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2014-A, AMT, 4.00% 11/1/2044   75    75 
Housing Dev. Auth., Homeownership Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 11/1/2051   3,470    3,334 
Tennessee 0.31%          
City of Chattanooga, Health, Educational and Housing Fac. Board, Rev. Bonds (CommonSpirit Health), Series 2019-A-1, 3.25% 8/1/2044   1,200    912 
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Hospital Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Erlanger Health System), Series 2014, 5.00% 10/1/2039   2,815    2,827 
Housing Dev. Agcy., Residential Fin. Program Bonds, Series 2014-2-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2045   185    184 
Metropolitan Dev. and Housing Agcy., Tennessee Tax Increment Rev. Bonds (Fifth & Broadway Dev. Project), Series 2018, 5.125% 6/1/20362   750    762 
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Industrial Dev. Board, Facs. Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. of Tennessee Project), Series 2001, AMT, 0.58% 8/1/2031 (put 8/1/2024)   700    676 
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Industrial Dev. Board, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (South Nashville Central Business Improvement Dist.), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/20512   1,460    1,200 
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Industrial Dev. Board, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (South Nashville Central Business Improvement Dist.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0% 6/1/20432   6,700    2,342 
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.50% 7/1/2042   1,000    1,112 
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Auth., Airport Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2052   1,750    1,822 
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Commodity Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 5/1/2052 (put 11/1/2031)   10,745    11,143 
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-1, 5.00% 5/1/2053 (put 5/1/2028)   11,135    11,475 
Texas 5.65%          
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools - Texas Project), Series 2021-A, 4.125% 2/15/2041   3,325    2,523 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools - Texas Project), Series 2021-A, 4.375% 2/15/2051   7,290    5,158 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools - Texas Project), Series 2021-A, 4.50% 2/15/2056   3,000    2,092 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (KIPP Texas, Inc.), Series 2019, 4.00% 8/15/2035   1,500    1,521 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (KIPP Texas, Inc.), Series 2019, 4.00% 8/15/2036   1,690    1,698 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools - Texas Project), Series 2022-A, 6.50% 2/15/20572   2,000    1,913 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Legacy Traditional Schools - Texas Project), Series 2022-A, 6.75% 2/15/20622   8,000    7,807 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Newman International Academy), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2041   600    536 


286 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Newman International Academy), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 8/15/2051  USD1,150   $970 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (TGP Public Schools - The Gathering Place), Series 2022-A, 5.625% 8/15/2052   4,000    3,622 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (TGP Public Schools - The Gathering Place), Series 2022-A, 5.75% 8/15/2057   3,500    3,173 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (TGP Public Schools - The Gathering Place), Series 2022-A, 5.75% 8/15/2062   1,000    890 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (UME Preparatory Academy), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/15/2038   1,000    945 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (UME Preparatory Academy), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/15/2048   2,685    2,397 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (UME Preparatory Academy), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/15/2053   1,375    1,207 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2016-A, 2.75% 12/1/2026   1,380    1,321 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2036   4,630    4,700 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2046   3,745    3,740 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Uplift Education), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2051   4,100    4,031 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Ref. Bonds (BASIS Texas Charter Schools, Inc.), Series 2021-A, 4.50% 6/15/2056 (put 6/15/2026)   2,500    2,477 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wayside Schools), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2036   1,490    1,297 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wayside Schools), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2041   1,830    1,486 
Arlington Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wayside Schools), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2046   1,885    1,445 
City of Arlington, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2/15/2043   825    861 
City of Baytown, Municipal Dev. Dist., Hotel Rev. Bonds (Baytown Convention Center Hotel), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2050   2,875    2,328 
City of Baytown, Municipal Dev. Dist., Hotel Rev. Bonds (Baytown Convention Center Hotel), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 10/1/20502   4,155    3,459 
Brazoria County Industrial Dev. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Bonds (Aleon Renewable Metals, LLC Project), Series 2022, AMT, 10.00% 6/1/20422,4   23,750    22,702 
Brazoria County Industrial Dev. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Bonds (Aleon Renewable Metals, LLC Project), Series 2023, AMT, 12.00% 6/1/20432   21,500    21,499 
Brazoria County Industrial Dev. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Bonds (Gladieux Metals Recycling, LLC Project), Series 2020, 8.50% 3/1/20392   24,370    22,077 
Brazos Higher Education Auth., Inc., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-1-A, AMT, 2.35% 4/1/2040   85    85 
Brazos Higher Education Auth., Inc., Student Loan Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-1-B, AMT, 3.00% 4/1/2040   2,635    1,995 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 8/15/2028   500    520 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2012, 5.00% 8/15/2032   2,400    2,403 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Idea Public Schools), Series 2013, 6.00% 8/15/2033   1,000    1,002 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Valor Education), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 6/15/20382   900    895 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Valor Education), Series 2023-A, 6.00% 6/15/20482   3,650    3,599 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Valor Education), Series 2023-A, 6.25% 6/15/20532   3,250    3,260 
Clifton Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Vanguard Academy, Inc.), Series 2021, 3.00% 8/15/2046   7,000    5,287 
Conroe Local Government Corp., Hotel Rev. Bonds (Conroe Convention Center Hotel), Series 2021-A, 2.50% 10/1/2031   285    241 
Conroe Local Government Corp., Hotel Rev. Bonds (Conroe Convention Center Hotel), Series 2021-B, 3.50% 10/1/20312   790    674 
Conroe Local Government Corp., Hotel Rev. Bonds (Conroe Convention Center Hotel), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2050   5,425    4,366 
Conroe Local Government Corp., Hotel Rev. Bonds (Conroe Convention Center Hotel), Series 2021-B, 5.00% 10/1/20502   7,400    6,094 
City of Crandall, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Cartwright Ranch Public Improvement Dist. Improvement Area No. 1 Project), Series 2021, 4.50% 9/15/20512   1,000    859 
City of Crandall, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Cartwright Ranch Public Improvement Dist. Major Improvement Area Project), Series 2021, 5.25% 9/15/20512   500    471 
Dripping Springs Independent School Dist., School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 4.00% 2/15/2028 (preref. 2/15/2024)   3,640    3,654 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 287

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
Dripping Springs Independent School Dist., School Building and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 4.00% 2/15/2029 (preref. 2/15/2024)  USD1,895   $1,902 
Fort Bend County Industrial Dev. Corp., Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (NRG Energy, Inc. Project), Series 2012-A, 4.75% 5/1/2038   4,500    4,422 
Fort Bend County Industrial Dev. Corp., Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (NRG Energy, Inc. Project), Series 2012-B, 4.75% 11/1/2042   4,000    3,897 
Gulf Coast Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (CITGO Petroleum Corp. Project), Series 1995, AMT, 4.875% 5/1/2025   10,540    10,512 
County of Harris, Sports Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2053   1,000    1,005 
County of Harris, Sports Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.125% 11/15/2056   5,000    3,695 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Brazos Presbyterian Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2037   2,960    2,622 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Brazos Presbyterian Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 1/1/2043   1,270    1,068 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Brazos Presbyterian Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2048   23,205    18,803 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Texas Children’s Hospital), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 10/1/2051   2,000    1,478 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Young Men’s Christian Assn. of the Greater Houston Area), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 6/1/2033   1,400    1,322 
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Young Men’s Christian Assn. of the Greater Houston Area), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 6/1/2038   3,500    3,075 
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Single Family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2052   3,215    3,079 
Housing Options, Inc., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Brooks Manor - The Oaks Project), Series 2021, 0.50% 8/1/2041 (put 3/1/2025)   835    782 
City of Houston, Airport System Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Airlines, Inc. Terminal Improvement Projects), Series 2015-B-1, AMT, 5.00% 7/15/2035   1,000    1,002 
City of Houston, Airport System Facs. Rev. Bonds (United Airlines, Inc. Terminal Improvement Projects), Series 2021-A, AMT, 4.00% 7/1/2041   18,015    16,096 
City of Houston, Airport System Facs. Rev. Bonds (United Airlines, Inc. Terminal Improvement Projects), Series 2021-B-1, AMT, 4.00% 7/15/2041   32,235    28,796 
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-A, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 7/1/2041   1,000    1,094 
City of Houston, Airport System Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Continental Airlines, Inc. Terminal Improvement Projects), Series 2011, AMT, 6.50% 7/15/2030   12,500    12,539 
City of Houston, Airport System Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Continental Airlines, Inc. Terminal Improvement Projects), Series 2011, AMT, 6.625% 7/15/2038   3,000    3,009 
City of Houston, Airport System Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (United Airlines, Inc. Terminal Improvement Projects), Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/15/2028   12,000    12,196 
City of Houston, Airport System Special Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Airlines, Inc. Terminal E Project), Series 2014, AMT, 4.75% 7/1/2024   6,750    6,762 
City of Houston, Airport System Special Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Airlines, Inc. Terminal E Project), Series 2014, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   13,625    13,664 
City of Houston, Airport System Special Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Airlines, Inc. Terminal Improvement Projects), Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2027   1,500    1,517 
City of Houston, Airport System Special Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Airlines, Inc. Terminal Improvement Projects), Series 2020-B-2, AMT, 5.00% 7/15/2027   3,500    3,540 
City of Houston, Airport System Special Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Airlines, Inc. Terminal Improvement Projects), Series 2020-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/15/2027   8,700    8,798 
City of Houston, Airport System Special Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Airlines, Inc. Terminal Improvement Projects), Series 2015-B-1, AMT, 5.00% 7/15/2030   5,250    5,287 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2032   500    478 
City of Houston, Convention and Entertainment Facs. Dept., Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2033   310    294 
City of Irving, Hospital Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Irving), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/15/2033   1,000    1,033 
City of Irving, Hospital Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Irving), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/15/2044   1,000    1,001 
City of Kerrville Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Peterson Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2024   1,000    1,012 


288 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
City of Kerrville Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Peterson Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2025  USD1,000   $1,020 
City of Kerrville Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Peterson Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2030   3,450    3,539 
Lamar Consolidated Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 2/15/2058   2,500    2,688 
Town of Little Elm, Spiritas Ranch Public Improvement Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.375% 9/1/20512   23,000    22,302 
Love Field Airport Modernization Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2012, AMT, 5.00% 11/1/2028   5,000    5,001 
County of Matagorda, Navigation Dist. No. 1, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Houston Lighting & Power Co. Project), Series 1997, AMT, AMBAC insured, 5.125% 11/1/2028   1,955    2,048 
Mission Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Natgasoline Project), Series 2018, AMT, 4.625% 10/1/20312   2,195    2,142 
County of Montgomery, Toll Road Auth., Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/15/2043   1,695    1,701 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. II, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A, (3-month USD-LIBOR x 0.66 + 0.69%) 4.354% 9/15/20273,4   5,650    5,618 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. II, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-B, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 0.55%) 4.53% 9/15/20274   1,890    1,868 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2026   585    595 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2027   2,730    2,780 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2029   2,570    2,643 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2030   3,500    3,614 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2031   2,210    2,290 
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. III, Gas Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/15/2032   2,355    2,446 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Junilee Academic Center), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/20412   2,080    1,685 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Junilee Academic Center), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/20462   1,610    1,234 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Junilee Academic Center), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/20512   4,245    3,118 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Junilee Academic Center), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/15/20562   3,510    2,498 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Beta Foundation), Series 2019-A, 3.375% 8/15/20292   510    461 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Beta Foundation), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/15/20392   1,020    978 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (Beta Foundation), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/15/20492   2,290    2,065 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Morningside Ministries Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2030   1,000    952 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Morningside Ministries Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035   500    454 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Morningside Ministries Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2037   1,250    983 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Morningside Ministries Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2040   790    689 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Morningside Ministries Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2042   1,825    1,341 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Morningside Ministries Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2055   6,100    4,853 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (MRC Crestview Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2036 (preref. 11/15/2024)   150    156 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (MRC Crestview Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/15/2046 (preref. 11/15/2024)   4,350    4,516 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Wesleyan Homes, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2050   1,180    845 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Wesleyan Homes, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2055   5,500    3,828 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Wesleyan Homes, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/2039   1,000    796 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Wesleyan Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2014, 5.50% 1/1/2035   100    89 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Wesleyan Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2014, 5.50% 1/1/2043   3,700    3,031 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 289

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Wesleyan Homes, Inc. Project), Series 2014, 5.50% 1/1/2049  USD8,430   $6,591 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Westminster Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2031   1,410    1,424 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Westminster Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2040   4,900    4,729 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Wichita Falls Retirement Foundation Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2031   1,680    1,490 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Wichita Falls Retirement Foundation Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2036   1,755    1,439 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Wichita Falls Retirement Foundation Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 1/1/2041   1,750    1,339 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Senior Living. Rev. Bonds (Sanctuary LTC Project), Series 2021, 5.50% 1/1/2057   5,000    3,581 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Collegiate Housing Corpus Christi II, LLC - Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 4/1/2036 (preref. 4/1/2026)   2,030    2,123 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Collegiate Housing Island Campus, LLC - Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Island Campus Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 4/1/2032 (preref. 4/1/2027)   855    913 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Collegiate Housing Island Campus, LLC - Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Island Campus Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 4/1/2037 (preref. 4/1/2027)   2,810    2,999 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Collegiate Housing Island Campus, LLC - Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Island Campus Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 4/1/2042 (preref. 4/1/2027)   4,705    5,022 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Collegiate Housing Stephenville II, LLC - Tarleton State University Project), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 4/1/2039   1,125    1,137 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Collegiate Housing Stephenville III, LLC - Tarleton State University Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 4/1/2035 (preref. 4/1/2025)   1,000    1,028 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (NCCD-Brenham Properties, LLC - Blinn College Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2040   1,300    1,162 
New Hope Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (NCCD-Brenham Properties, LLC - Blinn College Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/2057   4,460    3,652 
Newark Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (TLC Academy), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2041   1,685    1,396 
Newark Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (TLC Academy), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2051   2,300    1,725 
Newark Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (TLC Academy), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2056   2,250    1,639 
Newark Higher Education Fin. Corp., Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Abilene Christian University Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 4/1/2057   2,315    2,039 
North Parkway Municipal Management Dist. No. 1, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Major Improvements Project No. 2), Series 2022, 5.50% 9/15/20322   4,880    4,810 
North Parkway Municipal Management Dist. No. 1, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Major Improvements Project No. 2), Series 2022, 5.625% 9/15/20422   9,985    9,718 
North Parkway Municipal Management Dist. No. 1, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Major Improvements Project No. 2), Series 2022, 5.75% 9/15/20522   17,360    16,540 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/1/2039   8,000    8,394 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   2,000    2,035 
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. First Tier Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.00% 1/1/2038   3,000    2,584 
City of Plano, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Collin Creek West Public Improvement Dist. Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 9/15/20512   5,500    4,399 
City of Plano, Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Collin Creek West Public Improvement Dist. Project), Series 2021, 4.375% 9/15/20512   14,000    11,423 
Red River Education Fin. Corp., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (St. Edward’s University Project), Series 2016, 4.00% 6/1/2036   500    464 
City of Sanger Industrial Dev. Corp., Industrial Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Texas Pellets Project), Series 2012-B, AMT, 8.00% 7/1/20387   3,110    777 
Surface Transportation Corp., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segment 3C Project), Series 2019, AMT, 5.00% 6/30/2058   14,940    15,107 
Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LBJ Infrastructure Group, LLC I-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/31/2037   1,500    1,425 


290 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Texas (continued)        
Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LBJ Infrastructure Group, LLC I-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/31/2038  USD2,375   $2,245 
Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LBJ Infrastructure Group, LLC I-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/30/2039   455    428 
Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LBJ Infrastructure Group, LLC I-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/31/2039   750    703 
Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LBJ Infrastructure Group, LLC I-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/30/2040   335    312 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Air Force Villages Obligated Group), Series 2016, 4.00% 5/15/2027   7,840    7,435 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Air Force Villages Obligated Group), Series 2016, 4.00% 5/15/2031   5,500    4,908 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Air Force Villages Obligated Group), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2037   6,150    5,533 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Air Force Villages Obligated Group), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2045   14,005    11,613 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Barton Creek Senior Living Center, Inc. - Querencia Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2035   200    193 
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Barton Creek Senior Living Center, Inc. - Querencia Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2040   1,655    1,532 
Transportation Commission, Central Texas Turnpike System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/15/2032   5,000    5,062 
Transportation Commission, Central Texas Turnpike System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/15/2037   5,000    5,046 
Transportation Commission, State Highway 249 System First Tier Toll Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-A, 0% 8/1/2041   430    181 
Transportation Commission, State Highway 249 System First Tier Toll Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-A, 0% 8/1/2042   2,370    947 
Turnpike Auth., Central Texas Turnpike System, Rev. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2002-A, AMBAC insured, 0% 8/15/2028   16,300    13,695 
United States 0.35%          
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Certs., Series 2023, 0.897% 6/25/20352,4   140,962    8,576 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Certs., Series 2023, 2.75% 11/25/20352   10,260    8,713 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Certs., Series 2023, 4.14% 1/25/20404   9,235    8,550 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-ML-05, Class AUS, 3.40% 1/25/2036   2,016    1,835 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-ML-06, Class XUS, interest only, 1.133% 6/25/20374,5   59,654    4,857 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-ML-10, Class XUS, 2.057% 1/25/20382,4   27,631    4,321 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Green Bonds, Series 2021-ML-10, Class AUS, 2.032% 1/25/20382   2,599    1,909 
Utah 1.34%          
Charter School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Bridge Elementary Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/15/20412   895    684 
Charter School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Bridge Elementary Project), Series 2021-A, 4.25% 6/15/20512   1,315    946 
Charter School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Ref. Bonds (Early Light Academy), Series 2017, 5.00% 7/15/20462   7,405    6,658 
Hideout Local Dist. No. 1, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017, 6.75% 8/1/20372   24,480    22,193 
Hurricane City, Gateway at Sand Hollow Public Infrastructure Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.50% 3/1/20512,6   15,000    10,535 
MIDA Mountain Village Public Infrastructure Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Mountain Village Assessment Area No. 2), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/20502   36,080    27,326 
MIDA Mountain Village Public Infrastructure Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Mountain Village Assessment Area), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 8/1/20502   13,250    11,191 
MIDA Mountain Village Public Infrastructure Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Mountain Village Assessment Area #2), Series 2021, 4.00% 8/1/20252   1,000    977 
Military Installation Dev. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 6/1/2041   4,170    3,310 
Payson City, Red Bridge Public Infrastructure Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.625% 2/1/20352   600    491 
Payson City, Red Bridge Public Infrastructure Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.125% 2/1/20412   1,000    786 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 291

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Utah (continued)        
Payson City, Red Bridge Public Infrastructure Dist. No. 1, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.375% 2/1/20512  USD2,120   $1,603 
Salt Lake City, Airport Rev. Bonds (Salt Lake City International Airport), Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2046   1,775    1,859 
UIPA Crossroads Public Infrastructure Dist., Tax Differential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.125% 6/1/20412   9,400    8,304 
UIPA Crossroads Public Infrastructure Dist., Tax Differential Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.375% 6/1/20522   57,810    49,958 
Vermont 0.29%          
Econ. Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Wake Robin Corp. Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 5/1/2037   5,155    4,511 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Wake Robin Corp. Project), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 5/1/2045   7,995    6,321 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Wake Robin Corp. Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 5/1/2047   235    215 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Project), Series 2013, AMT, 4.625% 4/1/2036 (put 4/3/2028)2   2,400    2,369 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-A, 2.50% 8/15/2046   1,000    696 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2022-A, 2.85% 2/15/2052   1,000    704 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/15/2025   300    305 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/15/2026   125    129 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/15/2027   300    309 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 3.625% 6/15/2029   350    346 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 4.00% 6/15/2029   965    943 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 3.75% 6/15/2030   285    282 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/15/2030   550    586 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 4.00% 6/15/2031   180    178 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/15/2031   550    589 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 4.00% 6/15/2032   140    139 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 3.00% 6/15/2035   3,455    3,194 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 2.375% 6/15/2039   2,870    2,636 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, AMT, 4.00% 6/15/2041   4,605    4,411 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 4.375% 6/15/2046   1,850    1,592 
Student Assistance Corp., Education Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 4.00% 6/15/2047   2,150    1,762 
Virgin Islands 0.52%          
Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp., Matching Fund Securitization Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,825    1,851 
Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp., Matching Fund Securitization Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2028   9,810    9,917 
Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp., Matching Fund Securitization Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2030   6,400    6,484 
Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp., Matching Fund Securitization Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2039   25,915    25,913 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Virgin Islands Gross Receipts Taxes Loan Note), Series 2014-C, 5.00% 10/1/20302   1,000    919 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Virgin Islands Gross Receipts Taxes Loan Note), Series 2014-C, 5.00% 10/1/20392   6,250    5,119 
West Indian Co., Limited Port Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 6.125% 10/1/20422   1,470    1,408 
West Indian Co., Limited Port Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 6.25% 10/1/20422   2,350    2,296 
West Indian Co., Limited Port Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 6.375% 4/1/20522   2,535    2,426 
West Indian Co., Limited Port Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 6.50% 4/1/20522   1,245    1,201 
Virginia 2.24%          
County of Albemarle, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of the Blue Ridge), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/1/2034   1,310    1,260 
County of Albemarle, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of the Blue Ridge), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/1/2042   1,230    1,085 
City of Alexandria, Industrial Dev. Auth., Demand Rev. Ref. Bonds (Goodwin House), Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2045 (preref. 10/1/2025)   3,000    3,117 
County of Amelia, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2002, AMT, 1.45% 4/1/2027   690    625 


292 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Virginia (continued)        
County of Arlington, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Virginia Hospital Center), Series 2020, 4.00% 7/1/2045  USD1,665   $1,610 
City of Chesapeake, Chesapeake Transportation System Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2012-B, 4.875% 7/15/2040   1,500    1,543 
County of Fairfax, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Goodwin House, Inc.), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2036 (preref. 10/1/2024)   1,000    1,035 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,195    1,232 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2038   3,250    3,253 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2040   3,660    3,615 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2043   3,500    3,398 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2048   4,000    3,789 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2050   13,655    12,854 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2055   18,805    17,485 
Town of Farmville, Industrial Dev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longwood University Student Housing Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2059   21,010    19,318 
City of Hampton, Peninsula Town Center Community Dev. Auth., Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/20452   1,090    1,022 
County of Hanover, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Woods), Series 2022, 4.00% 7/1/2025   1,445    1,413 
County of Hanover, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Woods), Series 2022, 4.00% 7/1/2028   1,630    1,513 
County of Hanover, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Woods), Series 2022, 4.00% 7/1/2031   625    549 
County of Hanover, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Woods), Series 2022, 4.00% 7/1/2040   6,135    4,695 
County of Hanover, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Woods), Series 2022, 4.00% 7/1/2047   6,510    4,573 
County of Hanover, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Woods), Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2048   1,400    1,237 
County of Hanover, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Woods), Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2051   5,100    4,456 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2034   1,000    952 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2039   5,970    5,508 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2044   2,245    2,004 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2049   4,455    3,889 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2052   1,970    1,689 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 12/1/2037   1,445    1,448 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 12/1/2047   19,325    18,587 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of Richmond), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2047   810    824 
County of Henrico, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster-Canterbury of Richmond), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2052   1,095    1,106 
County of James City, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Windsormeade), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/2041   1,265    958 
County of James City, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Windsormeade), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/2047   3,200    2,252 
County of James City, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Williamsburg Landing), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2035   2,030    1,847 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 293

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Virginia (continued)        
County of James City, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Williamsburg Landing), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2040  USD2,965   $2,519 
County of James City, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Williamsburg Landing), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2050   8,390    6,474 
City of Lynchburg, Econ. Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Centra Health Obligated Group), Series 2021, 3.00% 1/1/2051   6,225    4,394 
City of Newport News, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2016, 3.50% 12/1/2029   1,370    1,290 
City of Newport News, Econ. Dev. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2038   11,645    11,632 
City of Newport News, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/20462   9,250    9,312 
City of Newport News, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds (Custodial Receipts), Series 2015, 5.33% 7/1/20452   27,900    28,175 
County of Prince William, Gateway Community Dev. Auth., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 3/1/2030   500    493 
County of Prince William, Heritage Hunt Commercial Community Dev. Auth., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 1999-B, 7.00% 3/1/2029   250    250 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (Transform 66 P3 Project), Series 2017, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2049   2,000    2,022 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Private Activity Rev. Bonds (Transform 66 P3 Project), Series 2017, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2052   6,000    6,059 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2037   4,075    3,979 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2042   3,500    3,332 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2047   4,510    4,184 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Pinnacle Living), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 6/1/2052   8,425    7,705 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2041   100    86 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Residential Care Facs. Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeSpire of Virginia), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2051   3,495    2,785 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,250    1,337 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2032   1,000    1,069 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/2034   1,725    1,840 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 1/1/2045   4,350    3,886 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 3.375% 1/1/2051   1,625    1,188 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (National Senior Campuses, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 1/1/2051   6,005    5,169 
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Covanta Project), Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/2048 (put 7/1/2038)2   2,000    1,845 
Washington 1.94%          
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax and Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Improvement and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2021-S-1, 3.00% 11/1/2036   2,500    2,314 
Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 7/1/2043   1,000    1,023 
Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 7/1/2048   1,000    1,017 
Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/2058   4,000    4,057 
Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2058   2,000    1,370 
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Environmental Facs. Rev. Green Bonds (North Pacific Paper Co. Recycling Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.625% 12/1/20402   9,000    8,790 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2014-C, 5.00% 10/1/2044   2,000    1,979 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Virginia Mason Medical Center), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2032   1,615    1,678 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Virginia Mason Medical Center), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2034   1,950    2,005 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Virginia Mason Medical Center), Series 2017, 5.00% 8/15/2035   1,825    1,867 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Assn.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2036   2,845    3,011 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Assn.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2041   6,920    7,325 
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Assn.), Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2046   6,570    6,954 


294 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Washington (continued)        
Housing Fin. Commission, Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (HopeSource III Portfolio Projects), Series 2022, 1.25% 1/1/2025 (put 1/1/2024)  USD2,420   $2,387 
Housing Fin. Commission, Municipal Certs., Series 2021-1, Class X, interest only, 0.725% 12/20/20355   82,335    3,862 
Housing Fin. Commission, Municipal Certs., Series 2021-1, 3.50% 12/20/2035   27,269    25,211 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20312   1,000    953 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20332   1,185    1,110 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Bonds (Rockwood Retirement Communities), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 1/1/20562   13,670    9,656 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Herons Key Senior Living), Series 2015-A, 6.50% 7/1/2030 (preref. 7/1/2025)2   1,700    1,786 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Herons Key Senior Living), Series 2015-A, 6.75% 7/1/2035 (preref. 7/1/2025)2   1,630    1,720 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20382   2,350    2,051 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20432   3,100    2,561 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Horizon House Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/20482   1,770    1,405 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Judson Park Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/20332   250    230 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Judson Park Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 7/1/20482   1,350    1,089 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rockwood Retirement Project), Series 2014-A, 7.375% 1/1/2044 (preref. 1/1/2024)2   7,000    7,103 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rockwood Retirement Project), Series 2014-A, 7.50% 1/1/2049 (preref. 1/1/2024)2   9,090    9,229 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rockwood Retirement Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 1/1/20552   9,520    6,756 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Housing, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Bayview Manor Senior Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/20512   1,000    763 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Rev. Bonds (Spokane International Academy Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/20502   1,000    928 
Housing Fin. Commission, Nonprofit Rev. Bonds (Spokane International Academy Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/20562   2,260    2,067 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2014-2A-R, AMT, 3.50% 6/1/2044   30    30 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2021-1-N, 3.00% 12/1/2049   1,375    1,323 
Housing Fin. Commission, Single Family Program Bonds, Series 2021-2-N, 3.00% 6/1/2051   1,245    1,192 
Kalispel Tribe of Indians, Priority Distribution Payment Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/20322   1,955    2,010 
Kalispel Tribe of Indians, Priority Distribution Payment Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 1/1/20322   745    766 
Kalispel Tribe of Indians, Priority Distribution Payment Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.25% 1/1/20382   7,245    7,448 
Kalispel Tribe of Indians, Priority Distribution Payment Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.25% 1/1/20382   1,155    1,187 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Green Notes, Series 2021, 4.00% 7/1/2031   17,215    16,613 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/20332   1,170    1,079 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/20342   2,350    2,145 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/20342   860    864 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/20352   3,295    2,954 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/20432   6,065    4,800 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/20482   9,795    7,274 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/2048   6,490    4,781 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/20582   14,155    9,696 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 7/1/2058   7,170    5,069 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 3.00% 7/1/20582   3,730    2,584 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 295

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Washington (continued)        
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 7/1/20582  USD1,465   $1,274 
County of King, Convention Center Public Facs. Dist., Lodging Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2058   2,500    2,554 
Port of Seattle, Industrial Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. Project), Series 2012, AMT, 5.00% 4/1/2030   2,500    2,501 
Port of Seattle, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, AMT, 5.00% 8/1/2042   500    530 
Port of Seattle, Special Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (SEATAC Fuel Facs., LLC), Series 2013, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2030   1,000    1,002 
Port of Seattle, Special Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (SEATAC Fuel Facs., LLC), Series 2013, AMT, 5.00% 6/1/2031   2,000    2,003 
County of Skagit, Public Hospital Dist. No. 1 (Skagit Regional Health), Hospital Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 12/1/2025   500    496 
County of Skagit, Public Hospital Dist. No. 1 (Skagit Regional Health), Hospital Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,000    1,026 
County of Skagit, Public Hospital Dist. No. 1 (Skagit Regional Health), Hospital Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2029   1,000    1,030 
County of Skagit, Public Hospital Dist. No. 1 (Skagit Regional Health), Hospital Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2030   1,500    1,545 
County of Skagit, Public Hospital Dist. No. 1 (Skagit Regional Health), Hospital Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2031   1,500    1,545 
County of Skagit, Public Hospital Dist. No. 1 (Skagit Regional Health), Hospital Rev. Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 12/1/2032   1,500    1,544 
West Virginia 0.45%          
Econ. Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Bonds (Arch Resources Project), Series 2021, AMT, 4.125% 7/1/2045 (put 7/1/2025)   17,765    17,525 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Bonds (Arch Resources Project), Series 2020, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2045 (put 7/1/2025)   22,795    22,834 
Econ. Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kentucky Power Co. - Mitchell Project), Series 2014-A, AMT, 4.70% 4/1/2036 (put 6/17/2026)   4,525    4,535 
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. and Improvement Rev. Bonds (Cabell Huntington Hospital Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 1/1/2043   1,230    1,182 
County of Monongalia, County Commission, Dev. Dist. No. 4, Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University Town Centre), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/1/20332   500    513 
County of Monongalia, County Commission, Dev. Dist. No. 4, Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University Town Centre), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 6/1/20432   800    842 
County of Monongalia, County Commission, Dev. Dist. No. 4, Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds (University Town Centre), Series 2023-A, 6.00% 6/1/20532   1,750    1,866 
Wisconsin 2.95%          
G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/1/2032 (preref. 5/1/2025)   2,000    2,065 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Benevolent Corp. Cedar Community), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2024   1,165    1,166 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Benevolent Corp. Cedar Community), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2025   1,225    1,225 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Benevolent Corp. Cedar Community), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2026   1,285    1,282 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Benevolent Corp. Cedar Community), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2027   1,350    1,338 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Benevolent Corp. Cedar Community), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2029   1,485    1,451 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Benevolent Corp. Cedar Community), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2031   1,640    1,570 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Benevolent Corp. Cedar Community), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2037   1,220    1,112 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clement Manor, Inc.), Series 2019, 5.00% 8/1/2049   3,750    2,582 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hope Christian Schools Obligated Group), Series 2021, 3.00% 12/1/2031   810    683 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hope Christian Schools Obligated Group), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2041   780    600 


296 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Wisconsin (continued)        
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hope Christian Schools Obligated Group), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2051  USD3,395   $2,359 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hope Christian Schools Obligated Group), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2056   1,000    670 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Marshfield Clinic Health System, Inc.), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 2/15/2034   1,800    1,846 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Marshfield Clinic Health System, Inc.), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 2/15/2046   3,205    3,129 
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Thermal Service, Inc.), Series 2018, 5.00% 4/1/2044   1,600    1,673 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Home Ownership Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 3/1/2052   925    889 
Housing and Econ. Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0.40% 5/1/2045 (put 11/1/2023)   315    312 
Public Fin. Auth., Air Cargo Rev. Bonds (AFCO Obligated Group), Series 2023, AMT, 5.50% 7/1/2037   1,200    1,275 
Public Fin. Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Transportation Infrastructure Properties, LLC Obligated Group), Series 2012-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2042   450    450 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (American Preparatory Academy - Las Vegas 2 Project), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/15/20292   570    537 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (American Preparatory Academy - Las Vegas 2 Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/15/20392   1,380    1,291 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (American Preparatory Academy - Las Vegas 2 Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/15/20492   3,360    2,953 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (American Preparatory Academy - Las Vegas 2 Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/15/20542   1,605    1,382 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (American Preparatory Academy - Las Vegas Project), Series 2017-A, 5.125% 7/15/20372   1,000    964 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (American Preparatory Academy - Las Vegas Project), Series 2017-A, 5.375% 7/15/20472   7,375    6,899 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (American Preparatory Academy - Las Vegas Project), Series 2017-B, 5.375% 7/15/20522   2,000    1,837 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Ascend Leadership Academy Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/15/20412   890    749 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Ascend Leadership Academy Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/15/20512   2,000    1,571 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Ascend Leadership Academy Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/15/20562   1,390    1,067 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Coral Academy of Science Reno), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/20362   400    343 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Coral Academy of Science Reno), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/20392   710    657 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Coral Academy of Science Reno), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/20502   1,950    1,678 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Coral Academy of Science Reno), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/20512   1,000    713 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Coral Academy of Science Reno), Series 2022-A, 5.875% 6/1/20522   900    874 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Coral Academy of Science Reno), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/20612   1,250    842 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Coral Academy of Science Reno), Series 2022-A, 6.00% 6/1/20622   1,565    1,528 
Public Fin. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Bonnie Cone Classical Academy), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/15/20402   1,525    1,177 
Public Fin. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Bonnie Cone Classical Academy), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/15/20502   2,990    2,063 
Public Fin. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Bonnie Cone Classical Academy), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/15/20562   2,445    1,612 
Public Fin. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (North Carolina Leadership Academy), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/15/20392   820    769 
Public Fin. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (North Carolina Leadership Academy), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/15/20492   520    461 
Public Fin. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (North Carolina Leadership Academy), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/15/20542   1,365    1,188 
Public Fin. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Shining Rock Classical Academy), Series 2022-A, 6.00% 6/15/2052   1,000    928 
Public Fin. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Signature Preparatory), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/15/20412   2,000    1,776 
Public Fin. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Signature Preparatory), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/15/20512   1,750    1,471 
Public Fin. Auth., Education Rev. Bonds (Signature Preparatory), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 6/15/20562   2,000    1,653 
Public Fin. Auth., Educational Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (New Plan Learning, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A, 3.75% 7/1/2031   1,700    1,473 
Public Fin. Auth., Educational Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (New Plan Learning, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2041   10,000    8,606 
Public Fin. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Charter Day School, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/20352   4,000    3,707 
Public Fin. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Charter Day School, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 12/1/20452   7,900    6,619 
Public Fin. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Queens University of Charlotte), Series 2022-A, 4.75% 3/1/2052   13,000    11,745 
Public Fin. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Celanese Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/20242   2,105    2,113 
Public Fin. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Celanese Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/20252   1,000    1,019 
Public Fin. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (National Gypsum Co.), Series 2016, AMT, 4.00% 8/1/2035   9,200    8,088 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 297

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Wisconsin (continued)        
Public Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Appalachian Regional Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2046  USD5,060   $4,158 
Public Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Appalachian Regional Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2051   11,075    8,756 
Public Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Appalachian Regional Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2056   15,690    12,127 
Public Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Carson Valley Medical Center), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 12/1/2041   1,730    1,486 
Public Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Renown Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 6/1/2045   7,900    5,976 
Public Fin. Auth., Hotel Rev. Bonds (Grand Hyatt San Antonio Hotel Acquisition Project), Series 2022-B, 5.625% 2/1/20462   7,035    7,071 
Public Fin. Auth., Hotel Rev. Bonds (Grand Hyatt San Antonio Hotel Acquisition Project), Series 2022-B, 5.75% 2/1/20522   6,730    6,758 
Public Fin. Auth., Hotel Rev. Bonds (Grand Hyatt San Antonio Hotel Acquisition Project), Series 2022-B, 6.00% 2/1/20622   2,500    2,541 
Public Fin. Auth., Limited Obligation PILOT Rev. Bonds (American Dream at Meadowlands Project), Series 2017, 7.00% 12/1/20502   100    91 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.50% 7/1/2052   3,545    3,916 
Public Fin. Auth., Project Rev. Bonds (CFP3 - Eastern Michigan University Student Housing Project), Series 2022-A-1, BAM insured, 5.625% 7/1/2055   2,620    2,916 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Evergreens Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/15/2044   3,800    3,568 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Evergreens Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/15/2049   1,500    1,379 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/15/2037   1,340    1,184 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/15/2041   2,000    1,932 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Penick Village), Series 2019, 4.00% 9/1/20292   1,015    912 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Penick Village), Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/20392   775    656 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Penick Village), Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/20492   2,655    2,025 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Penick Village), Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/20542   2,725    2,027 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (The United Methodist Retirement Homes), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2041   1,005    815 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (The United Methodist Retirement Homes), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2046   1,000    764 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (The United Methodist Retirement Homes), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2051   6,705    4,878 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. Rev. Bonds (Friends Homes), Series 2019, 4.00% 9/1/20292   1,750    1,636 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. Rev. Bonds (Friends Homes), Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/20392   2,230    2,071 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. Rev. Bonds (Friends Homes), Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/20492   6,000    5,192 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. Rev. Bonds (Friends Homes), Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/20542   2,320    1,972 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. Rev. Bonds (Givens Estates), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2051   3,515    2,966 
Public Fin. Auth., Retirement Facs. Rev. Bonds (Givens Estates), Series 2021, 4.00% 12/1/2056   11,155    9,212 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Bayhealth Medical Center Project), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 7/1/2050   5,000    3,580 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Bayhealth Medical Center Project), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 3.00% 7/1/2050   4,000    2,912 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ocean Academy Charter School), Series 2021, 4.00% 10/15/20312   280    250 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ocean Academy Charter School), Series 2021, 5.00% 10/15/20412   580    517 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ocean Academy Charter School), Series 2021, 5.00% 10/15/20512   1,130    958 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ocean Academy Charter School), Series 2021, 5.00% 10/15/20562   1,630    1,350 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Roseman University of Health Sciences Project), Series 2020, 3.00% 4/1/20252   250    242 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Roseman University of Health Sciences Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 4/1/20302   500    513 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Roseman University of Health Sciences Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 4/1/20402   5,390    5,276 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Roseman University of Health Sciences Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 4/1/2040 (preref. 4/1/2030)2   290    328 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Roseman University of Health Sciences Project), Series 2015, 5.875% 4/1/2045   6,250    6,318 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Roseman University of Health Sciences Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 4/1/20502   1,900    1,770 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Roseman University of Health Sciences Project), Series 2020, 5.00% 4/1/2050 (preref. 4/1/2030)2   100    113 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (The Obligated Group of National Senior Communities, Inc.), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2052   1,020    840 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (WFCS Portfolio Projects), Series 2020-A-1, 5.00% 1/1/20552   8,475    6,641 


298 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Wisconsin (continued)        
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (WFCS Portfolio Projects), Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 1/1/20562  USD7,770   $6,071 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (WFCS Portfolio Projects), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B, 0% 1/1/20612   22,550    1,169 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Wilson Preparatory Academy), Series 2019-A, 4.125% 6/15/20292   405    384 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Wilson Preparatory Academy), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/15/20392   500    478 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Wilson Preparatory Academy), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/15/20492   1,100    988 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Green Bonds (Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management Project), Series 2021, AMT, 4.00% 9/30/2051   1,350    1,115 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Green Bonds (Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management Project), Series 2021, AMT, 4.00% 3/31/2056   10,960    8,844 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Roseman University of Health Sciences Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 4/1/20422   2,900    2,432 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Roseman University of Health Sciences Project), Series 2022, 4.00% 4/1/2042 (preref. 4/1/2032)2   100    110 
Public Fin. Auth., Senio Rev. Bonds (Proton International Arkansas, LLC), Series 2021-A, 6.85% 1/1/20512   5,000    3,753 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Fellowship Senior Living Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2046   11,250    10,461 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Rose Villa Project), Series 2014-A, 5.50% 11/15/2034 (preref. 11/15/2024)2   1,000    1,021 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Rose Villa Project), Series 2014-A, 5.75% 11/15/2044 (preref. 11/15/2024)2   1,000    1,025 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Fellowship Senior Living Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 1/1/2035   9,435    9,290 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Fellowship Senior Living Project), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2046   1,000    792 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Fellowship Senior Living Project), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 1/1/2052   2,000    1,520 
Public Fin. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (The Carmelite System, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020, 5.00% 1/1/2040   1,775    1,730 
Public Fin. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (The Carmelite System, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2020, 5.00% 1/1/2045   2,565    2,442 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Beyond Boone, LLC - Appalachian State University Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/1/2059   2,400    2,133 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Cullowhee, LLC - Western Carolina University Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2030   3,255    3,260 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Cullowhee, LLC - Western Carolina University Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2035   1,000    987 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Cullowhee, LLC - Western Carolina University Project), Series 2015, 5.25% 7/1/2047   2,000    1,908 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (NC A&T Real Estate Foundation, LLC Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2034   3,835    3,934 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (NC A&T Real Estate Foundation, LLC Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2039   2,045    2,047 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (NC A&T Real Estate Foundation, LLC Project), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 6/1/2039   1,595    1,596 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (NC A&T Real Estate Foundation, LLC Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2044   1,350    1,316 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (NC A&T Real Estate Foundation, LLC Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2049   3,625    3,453 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Green Bonds (University of Hawaii Foundation Project), Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 7/1/20412   675    569 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Green Bonds (University of Hawaii Foundation Project), Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 7/1/20512   5,630    4,339 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Green Bonds (University of Hawaii Foundation Project), Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 7/1/20612   5,720    4,189 
Public Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Green Bonds (University of Hawaii Foundation Project), Series 2021-B, 5.25% 7/1/20612   1,000    797 
Total bonds, notes & other debt instruments (cost: $10,547,063,000)        9,741,222 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 299

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Short-term securities 10.53%  Principal amount
Municipals 10.08%        
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Certs., Series 2019-M-055, 4.19% 12/15/20282,4  USD7,900   $7,900 
State of Alaska, City of Valdez, Marine Terminal Rev. Ref. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2001, 4.50% 12/1/20294   32,325    32,325 
State of Arizona, Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2019-B, 4.50% 2/1/20484   5,085    5,085 
State of Arizona, City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mayo Clinic), Series 2014-A, 4.46% 11/15/20524   15,925    15,925 
State of Arizona, City of Phoenix, Industrial Dev. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2013, AMT, 3.50% 12/1/2035 (put 8/1/2023)12   5,000    5,000 
State of California, City of Los Angeles, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/27/2024   40,000    40,652 
State of California, County of Los Angeles, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/28/2024   10,000    10,163 
State of California, Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A-2, AMT, 4.10% 11/1/2042 (put 10/16/2023)2,12   5,310    5,308 
State of California, Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2023, AMT, 4.25% 7/1/2043 (put 2/15/2024)2,12   2,025    2,025 
State of California, County of Riverside, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/28/2024   10,000    10,160 
State of Colorado, Education Loan Program, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 6/28/2024   10,500    10,647 
State of Connecticut, Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Yale University Issue), Series 2017-A, 3.05% 7/1/20424   10,000    10,000 
State of Florida, County of Alachua, Health Facs. Auth., Rev. IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-A, 3.35% 9/12/2023   8,750    8,746 
State of Florida, City of Gainesville, Utilities System Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.53% 10/1/20474   11,100    11,100 
State of Idaho, Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (CHE Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2013-ID, 3.50% 12/1/2048 (put 11/1/2023)12   10,205    10,205 
State of Illinois, Fin. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago Medical Center), Series 2011-A, 4.53% 8/1/20444   2,415    2,415 
State of Illinois, Fin. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago Medical Center), Series 2010-A, 4.57% 8/1/20444   19,710    19,710 
State of Illinois, Joliet Regional Port Dist., Marine Terminal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Exxon Project), Series 1989, 4.50% 10/1/20244   3,500    3,500 
State of Indiana, Fin. Auth., Environmental Rev. Ref. Bonds (Duke Energy Indiana, Inc. Project), Series 2009-A-3, 4.08% 12/1/20394   17,065    17,065 
State of Indiana, Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2008-E-8, 4.06% 11/15/20334   7,600    7,600 
State of Louisiana, Parish of East Baton Rouge, Industrial Dev. Board, Gulf Opportunity Zone Rev. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2010-B, 4.50% 12/1/20404   14,200    14,200 
State of Louisiana, Parish of East Baton Rouge, Industrial Dev. Board, Gulf Opportunity Zone Rev. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2011, 4.50% 12/1/20514   5,720    5,720 
State of Louisiana, Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals Project), Series 2008-A, 4.45% 8/1/20434   18,700    18,700 
State of Louisiana, Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals Project), Series 2008-B, 3.45% 12/1/20434   5,000    5,000 
State of Louisiana, Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals Project), Series 2008-C, 4.60% 12/1/20434   3,725    3,725 
State of Louisiana, Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals Project), Series 2010, 3.45% 8/1/20504   17,500    17,500 
State of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Auth., General Transportation System Bonds, Series 2000-A, 4.02% 3/1/20304   4,500    4,500 
State of Michigan, Fin. Auth., State Aid Rev. Notes, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/21/2023   5,000    5,004 
State of Michigan, Fin. Auth., State Aid Rev. Notes, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 8/20/2024   15,000    15,218 
State of Michigan, Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), Series 2016-E-2, 4.06% 11/15/20474   9,500    9,500 
State of Michigan, Strategic Fund, Demand Limited Obligation Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Project), Series 2007, 4.45% 12/1/20424   17,040    17,040 
State of Michigan, Regents of the University of Michigan, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 4.43% 4/1/20384   22,870    22,870 
State of Michigan, Regents of the University of Michigan, General Rev. IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-B, 3.60% 8/16/2023   16,000    16,000 
State of Minnesota, City of Rochester, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mayo Clinic), Series 2011-B, 4.00% 11/15/20384   8,700    8,700 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2010-E, 3.89% 12/1/20304   6,500    6,500 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2007-A, 4.50% 12/1/20304   1,800    1,800 


300 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Short-term securities (continued)  Principal amount
Municipals (continued)        
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2007-D, 4.50% 12/1/20304  USD18,000   $18,000 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2009-D, 4.50% 12/1/20304   10,000    10,000 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2010-K, 4.48% 11/1/20354   4,330    4,330 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2010-J, 4.50% 11/1/20354   46,660    46,660 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2011-F, 4.50% 11/1/20354   10,275    10,275 
State of Mississippi, Business Fin. Corp., Port Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2023, 4.50% 6/1/20434   13,300    13,300 
State of Missouri, Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Demand Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Washington University), Series 2003-B, 4.45% 2/15/20334   1,600    1,600 
State of Missouri, Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Demand Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Washington University), Series 2000-B, 4.55% 3/1/20404   8,200    8,200 
State of New Hampshire, Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dartmouth College Issue), Series 2007-B, 4.45% 6/1/20414   14,105    14,105 
State of New Hampshire, National Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2020-A-3, AMT, 4.00% 4/1/2024 (put 9/1/2023)12   4,000    4,000 
State of New York, Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Cornell University), Series 2019-B, 4.40% 7/1/20394   4,825    4,825 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2005-E-3, 3.83% 8/1/20344   7,870    7,870 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2006-E-4, 3.83% 8/1/20344   9,055    9,055 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2006-E-2, 4.50% 8/1/20344   3,005    3,005 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2008-L-3, 4.50% 4/1/20364   5,000    5,000 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2013-F-3, 4.50% 3/1/20424   23,600    23,600 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-2, 4.18% 4/1/20424   2,165    2,165 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2021-3, 4.18% 4/1/20424   7,645    7,645 
State of New York, New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2012-G-6, 4.52% 4/1/20424   2,265    2,265 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2000-C, 4.03% 6/15/20334   19,500    19,500 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-BB-2, 4.50% 6/15/20354   13,725    13,725 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-CC-1, 3.76% 6/15/20384   15,895    15,895 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-AA-1, 4.50% 6/15/20484   6,000    6,000 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-BB-1, 4.50% 6/15/20494   10,150    10,150 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-AA-2, 4.65% 6/15/20504   7,220    7,220 
State of New York, New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-CC, 4.48% 6/15/20534   28,200    28,200 
State of New York, New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2016-A-4, 4.50% 8/1/20414   31,600    31,600 
State of New York, New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2019-B-4, 4.65% 8/1/20424   28,100    28,100 
State of New York, New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2015-E-4, 4.50% 2/1/20454   8,300    8,300 
State of New York, New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2015-E-3, 4.55% 2/1/20454   12,175    12,175 
State of New York, New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2016-E-4, 4.55% 2/1/20454   4,715    4,715 
State of New York, Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-B-3, 4.50% 1/1/20354   44,500    44,500 
State of North Carolina, Capital Facs. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (North Carolina Aquarium Society), Series 2004, 3.86% 6/1/20264   3,310    3,310 
State of Ohio, County of Franklin, Rev. Bonds (CHE Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2013, 3.25% 12/1/2046 (put 11/1/2023)12   20,630    20,629 
State of Ohio, Higher Educational Facs. Commission, Rev. IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-B-5, 3.40% 9/19/2023   20,000    19,993 
State of Ohio, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2013-B-3, 4.45% 1/1/20394   13,000    13,000 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 301

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Short-term securities (continued)  Principal amount
Municipals (continued)        
State of Pennsylvania, Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2019-B-1, AMT, 4.10% 4/1/2049 (put 10/16/2023)12  USD6,485   $6,483 
State of South Carolina, Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Prisma Health Obligated Group), Series 2018-B, 4.53% 5/1/20484   26,700    26,700 
State of Tennessee, County of Montgomery, Public Building Auth., Pooled Fncg. Rev. Bonds (Tennessee County Loan Pool), Series 2004, Bank of America LOC, 4.58% 7/1/20344   440    440 
State of Texas, Gulf Coast Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2012, 4.55% 11/1/20414   7,700    7,700 
State of Texas, Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Exxon Project), Series 1989, 4.50% 10/1/20244   7,020    7,020 
State of Texas, Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-C-1, 4.40% 8/1/2023   4,000    4,000 
State of Texas, Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Christus Health), Series 2005-A-4, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.68% 7/1/20314   950    950 
State of Texas, Harris County Industrial Dev. Corp., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Exxon Project), Series 1984-A, 4.50% 3/1/20244   9,700    9,700 
State of Texas, City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 4.01% 5/15/20344   4,500    4,500 
State of Texas, City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 4.01% 5/15/20344   17,500    17,500 
State of Texas, Lower Neches Valley Auth. Industrial Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2011, 4.55% 11/1/20514   2,150    2,150 
State of Texas, Port Arthur Navigation Dist. Industrial Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Air Products Project), Series 2005, 4.45% 5/1/20404   25,000    25,000 
State of Texas, Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Permanent University Fund Bonds, Series 2008-A, 3.95% 7/1/20374   29,400    29,400 
State of Texas, Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-B, 3.80% 8/1/20334   36,530    36,530 
State of Texas, Veterans Bonds, Series 2019, 3.50% 6/1/20504   7,790    7,790 
State of Utah, County of Utah, Hospital Rev. Bonds (IHC Health Services, Inc.), Series 2016-C, 4.05% 5/15/20514   7,500    7,500 
State of Virginia, College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (University of Richmond Project), Series 2006, 4.45% 11/1/20364   7,200    7,200 
State of Virginia, Industrial Dev. Auth. of Loudoun County, Virginia, Multi-Modal Rev. Bonds (Howard Hughes Medical Institute Issue), Series 2003-E, 4.02% 2/15/20384   11,000    11,000 
State of Wisconsin, Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Marshfield Clinic Health System, Inc.), Series 2020-C, 5.27% 2/15/20534   1,600    1,600 
State of Wyoming, County of Sublette, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (ExxonMobil Project), Series 2014, 4.50% 10/1/20444   4,425    4,425 


average yield
at acquisition
U.S. Treasury bills 0.45%            
U.S. Treasury 8/8/2023   4.973%   50,000    49,949 
Total short-term securities (cost: $1,157,960,000)             1,157,957 
Total investment securities 99.16% (cost: $11,705,023,000)             10,899,179 
Other assets less liabilities 0.84%             92,088 
Net assets 100.00%            $10,991,267 


302 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Futures contracts


Contracts  Type  Number of
   Value and
at 7/31/2023
2 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long  4,106  9/29/2023  USD833,646   $(7,395)
5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long  4,759  9/29/2023   508,358    (1,532)
10 Year Ultra U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Short  900  9/20/2023   (105,286)   1,476 
30 Year Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond Futures  Short  79  9/20/2023   (10,445)   181 


Restricted securities10


of net
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 10/24/20277,8,9  11/21/2022  $2,296   $2,296    .02%
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 7/18/20277,8,9  9/7/2022   2,133    2,133    .02 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 11/21/20278,9  12/27/2022   785    785    .01 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 8/18/20277,8,9  11/7/2022   727    727    .01 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 12/29/20267,8,9  3/28/2022   609    609    .01 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 6/27/20277,8,9  8/1/2022   594    594    .01 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 5/8/20288,9  5/25/2023   439    439    .01 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 6/6/20277,8,9  8/1/2022   347    347    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 1/26/20277,8,9  3/28/2022   106    106    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 12/6/20267,8,9  3/28/2022   53    53    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 4/10/20288,9  5/25/2023   46    46    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 1/30/20288,9  5/25/2023   31    31    .0013 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 303

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Restricted securities10 (continued)


of net
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 354 (Sunset Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 6.00% PIK or 6.00% Cash 9/6/20277,8,9  11/7/2022  $13   $13    .00%13 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 9/7/20267,8,9  10/1/2021-12/29/2021   909    909    .01 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 12/17/20257,8,9  1/28/2021   876    876    .01 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 4/12/20277,8,9  5/25/2022   611    611    .01 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 6/16/20277,8,9  7/19/2022   462    462    .01 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 3/18/20267,8,9  6/30/2021   420    420    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 1/21/20267,8,9  6/30/2021   401    401    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 11/19/20257,8,9  1/28/2021   370    370    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 1/18/20277,8,9  5/5/2022   363    363    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 3/16/20288,9  5/2/2023   355    355    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 10/20/20278,9  12/9/2022   321    321    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 6/22/20267,8,9  12/29/2021   270    270    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 9/15/20278,9  12/9/2022   259    259    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 4/15/20267,8,9  6/30/2021   232    232    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 12/14/20267,8,9  5/5/2022   199    199    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 12/15/20278,9  5/2/2023   158    158    .0013 


304 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Restricted securities10 (continued)


of net
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 7/20/20267,8,9  12/29/2021  $120   $120    .00%13 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 10/26/20267,8,9  12/29/2021   64    64    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 2/16/20288,9  5/2/2023   61    61    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 11/23/20267,8,9  12/29/2021   30    30    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 11/17/20278,9  5/2/2023   12    12    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 7/21/20277,8,9  12/9/2022   10    10    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK 5/20/20267,8,9  6/30/2021   6    6    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 8/18/20277,8,9  12/9/2022   5    5    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 8/12/20267,8,9  12/29/2021   4    4    .0013 
County of Sarpy, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 340 (Ashbury Hills), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 3/15/20277,8,9  5/5/2022   3    3    .0013 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 6/21/20288,9  7/25/2023   628    628    .01 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 5/11/20288,9  5/30/2023   621    621    .01 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 1/4/20288,9  1/23/2023   602    602    .01 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2021, 7.00% PIK 8/4/20268,9  12/21/2021   516    516    .01 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 2/23/20278,9  3/1/2022-10/24/2022   372    372    .0013 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 8/11/20278,9  10/24/2022   240    240    .0013 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 305

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


Restricted securities10 (continued)


of net
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 9/19/20278,9  12/27/2022  $201   $201    .00%13 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 12/7/20278,9  12/27/2022   135    135    .0013 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 2/21/20288,9  3/1/2023-5/30/2023   93    93    .0013 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 3/14/20288,9  5/30/2023   27    27    .0013 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2021, 7.00% PIK 9/13/20268,9  12/21/2021   3    3    .0013 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 605 (Bluestem Meadows), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2022, 7.00% PIK 4/13/20278,9  10/24/2022   2    2    .0013 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 596 (West Center Village), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 8/14/20257,8,9  2/25/2021   190    190    .0013 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 596 (West Center Village), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2019, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 1/13/20257,8,9  6/19/2020   184    184    .0013 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 596 (West Center Village), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2019, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 4/13/20257,8,9  6/19/2020   172    172    .0013 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 596 (West Center Village), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2020, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 6/8/20257,8,9  2/25/2021   151    151    .0013 
County of Douglas, Sanitary and Improvement Dist. No. 596 (West Center Village), Construction Fund Warrants, Series 2019, 7.00% PIK or 7.00% Cash 3/16/20257,8,9  6/19/2020   25    25    .0013 
Total     $18,862   $18,862    .17%


306 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


1 Step bond; coupon rate may change at a later date.
2 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A or, for commercial paper, Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. The total value of all such securities was $2,414,971,000, which represented 21.97% of the net assets of the fund.
3 Securities referencing LIBOR are expected to transition to an alternative reference rate by the security’s next scheduled coupon reset date.
4 Coupon rate may change periodically. Reference rate and spread are as of the most recent information available. Some coupon rates are determined by the issuer or agent based on current market conditions; therefore, the reference rate and spread are not available. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.
5 Principal payments may be made periodically. Therefore, the effective maturity date may be earlier than the stated maturity date.
6 Scheduled interest payment was not received. Coupon payments are paid at the election of the issuer and any unpaid amounts are accumulated.
7 Scheduled interest and/or principal payment was not received.
8 Value determined using significant unobservable inputs.
9 Payment in kind; the issuer has the option of paying additional securities in lieu of cash. Payment methods and rates are as of the most recent payment when available.
10 Restricted security, other than Rule 144A securities or commercial paper issued pursuant to Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. The total value of all such restricted securities was $18,862,000, which represented .17% of the net assets of the fund.
11 Amount less than one thousand.
12 For short-term securities, the mandatory put date is considered to be the maturity date.
13 Amount less than .01%.


Key to abbreviations

Agcy. = Agency

AMT = Alternative Minimum Tax

Assn. = Association

Auth. = Authority

Certs. = Certificates

CME = CME Group

Dept. = Department

Dev. = Development

Dist. = District

Econ. = Economic

Fac. = Facility

Facs. = Facilities

Fin. = Finance

Fncg. = Financing

G.O. = General Obligation

IAM = Interest at Maturity

LIBOR = London Interbank Offered Rate

LOC = Letter of credit

Part. = Participation

PIK = Payment In Kind

Preref. = Prerefunded

Redev. = Redevelopment

Ref. = Refunding

Rev. = Revenue

SIFMA = Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association

SOFR = Secured Overnight Financing Rate

USD = U.S. dollars


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 307

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California

Investment portfolio July 31, 2023


Portfolio quality summary* Percent of net assets



* Bond ratings, which typically range from AAA/Aaa (highest) to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch as an indication of an issuer’s creditworthiness. In assigning a credit rating to a security, the fund looks specifically to the ratings assigned to the issuer of the security by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch. If agency ratings differ, the security will be considered to have received the highest of those ratings, consistent with the fund’s investment policies. Securities in the “unrated” category (above) have not been rated by a rating agency; however, the investment adviser performs its own credit analysis and assigns comparable ratings that are used for compliance with the fund’s investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments 86.80%  Principal amount
California 84.48%          
City of Adelanto, Public Utility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Utility System Project), Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/1/2039  USD 2,000   $2,126 
Alameda Corridor Transportation Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-A, 0% 10/1/2049 (5.375% on 10/01/2037)1   2,635    1,333 
Alameda Corridor Transportation Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C-2, 0% 10/1/2050 (5.40% on 10/01/2037)1   9,190    4,660 
Alameda Corridor Transportation Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 10/1/2052 (5.45% on 10/1/2037)1   7,470    3,823 
City of Alameda, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-1 (Alameda Landing Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2042   1,000    1,016 
City of Alameda, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-1 (Alameda Landing Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2046   500    506 
City of Alhambra, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Atherton Baptist Homes Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2029   225    237 
Antelope Valley Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 2016 Election, 0% 8/1/2036   1,000    587 
Antelope Valley Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 2016 Election, 0% 8/1/2037   1,150    633 
Antelope Valley Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 2016 Election, 0% 8/1/2042   4,515    1,823 
Azusa Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2019-C, 5.00% 8/1/2044   1,000    1,068 
City of Azusa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (Rosedale), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2032   455    481 
City of Azusa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (Rosedale), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2035   600    631 
City of Azusa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (Rosedale), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2036   655    684 
City of Azusa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (Rosedale), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2044   2,810    2,992 
City of Azusa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (Rosedale), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2049   1,930    2,052 
Banning Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2035   955    1,027 
Banning Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2031   1,500    1,539 
Banning Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2032   1,000    1,024 
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Eskaton Properties, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2013, 5.00% 11/15/2035   230    223 
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sharp HealthCare), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 8/1/2043   1,000    1,000 


308 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Odd Fellows Home of California), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 4/1/2032  USD 5,000   $5,001 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-S-7, 4.00% 4/1/2034   2,005    2,070 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-B-1, (SIFMA Municipal Swap Index + 1.10%) 5.08% 4/1/2045 (put 4/1/2024)2   5,675    5,679 
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 4/1/2054   9,000    9,943 
Beaumont Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1, Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2045   1,000    879 
Beaumont Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1, Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2050   1,250    1,071 
City of Beaumont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Fairway Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2044   900    917 
City of Beaumont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Fairway Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049   400    404 
City of Beaumont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (Sundance), Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2044   1,000    1,021 
City of Beaumont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (Sundance), Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049   1,000    1,018 
City of Beaumont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 93-1, Improvement Area No. 8C, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2043   1,605    1,634 
City of Beaumont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 93-1, Improvement Area No. 8D, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2043   565    575 
City of Beaumont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 93-1, Improvement Area No. 8D, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2048   1,000    1,011 
City of Burbank, Water and Power Electric Rev. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/1/2053   7,500    8,115 
California County Tobacco Securitization Agcy., Tobacco Settlement Rev. Bonds (Los Angeles County Securitization Corp.), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/1/2027   600    636 
California County Tobacco Securitization Agcy., Tobacco Settlement Rev. Bonds (Los Angeles County Securitization Corp.), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 6/1/2028   500    537 
Trustees of the California State University, Systemwide Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B-2, 0.55% 11/1/2049 (put 11/1/2026)   3,440    3,057 
Trustees of the California State University, Systemwide Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 4.00% 11/1/2051   2,500    2,460 
Trustees of the California State University, Systemwide Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B-3, 5.25% 11/1/2053   2,390    2,703 
Casitas Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2047   1,745    1,722 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-C, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2024   300    301 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-C, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2025   300    303 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-C, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2026   275    280 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-C, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2027   300    308 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-C, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2028   250    259 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-C, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2029   250    261 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-C, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2030   275    289 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2014-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2030   1,050    1,074 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2031   375    391 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-C, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2031   300    313 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2032   525    543 
Cathedral City, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Merged Redev. Project Area), Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2034   1,000    1,027 
Centinela Valley Union High School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2033   2,500    2,555 
Chabot-Las Positas Community College Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 8/1/2042   1,500    1,504 
Chaffey Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 6/1/2043   6,000    6,017 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 309

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Chaffey Joint Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2019-D, 0% 8/1/2027  USD 895   $785 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2022-C, 4.00% 8/1/2055   3,605    3,547 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 8/1/2032   385    281 
Chino Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2022-C, 0% 8/1/2033   430    302 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-3, Improvement Area No. 8, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   2,000    1,817 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-3, Improvement Area No. 8, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,515    1,324 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-3, Improvement Area No. 8, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,740    1,476 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Bickmore 185), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2033   260    259 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Bickmore 185), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2035   280    274 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Bickmore 185), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2036   290    280 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Bickmore 185), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2037   300    285 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Bickmore 185), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2038   315    294 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Bickmore 185), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2039   325    300 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (The Landings), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2023   190    190 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (The Landings), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2024   195    195 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (The Landings), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2025   205    204 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (The Landings), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2026   210    210 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (The Landings), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2027   220    220 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (The Landings), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2028   230    230 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (The Landings), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2035   900    878 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (The Landings), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2040   955    876 
City of Chino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (The Landings), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,145    971 
City of Chino, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,010    1,048 
City of Chino, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2031   500    518 
City of Chula Vista, Community Facs. Dist. No. 16-I (Millenia), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   380    351 
City of Chula Vista, Community Facs. Dist. No. 16-I (Millenia), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   500    446 
City of Chula Vista, Community Facs. Dist. No. 16-I (Millenia), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,020    882 
City of Chula Vista, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2029   890    949 
City of Chula Vista, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2030   920    982 
City of Chula Vista, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2034   1,180    1,254 
City of Clovis, Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2036   1,155    1,239 
City of Clovis, Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2037   1,150    1,225 
City of Clovis, Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2038   515    545 
Clovis Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2006-B, National insured, 0% 8/1/2030   2,300    1,811 
Coachella Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2005 Election, Series 2016-E, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2045   6,555    6,515 
Coast Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2019-F, 3.00% 8/1/2038   2,500    2,228 
Colton Joint Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2016-D, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2031   1,200    1,232 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 2/1/2052 (put 8/1/2031)   22,290    22,173 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 4.00% 5/1/2053 (put 8/1/2028)   9,470    9,449 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-B-1, 5.00% 7/1/2053 (put 8/1/2029)   16,540    17,360 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, 5.00% 12/1/2053 (put 8/1/2029)   3,290    3,435 
Community Choice Fncg. Auth., Clean Energy Project Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-D, 5.50% 5/1/2054 (put 8/1/2028)   7,000    7,388 


310 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Fountains at Emerald Park), Series 2021-A-1, 3.00% 8/1/20563  USD 1,005   $666 
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Glendale Properties), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 8/1/20473   5,600    4,291 
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Glendale Properties), Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 2/1/20563   9,700    8,002 
Community Housing Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Verdant at Green Valley), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 8/1/20493   4,800    4,497 
Compton Community College Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2037 (preref. 8/1/2026)   1,875    2,000 
Compton Community College Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2038 (preref. 8/1/2026)   2,075    2,213 
Compton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2015 Election, Series 2019-B, BAM insured, 3.00% 6/1/2049   4,900    3,794 
Compton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2015 Election, Series 2019-B, BAM insured, 0% 6/1/2035   1,000    617 
Compton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2015 Election, Series 2019-B, BAM insured, 0% 6/1/2038   1,250    638 
Independent Cities Fin. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (City of Compton), Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 6/1/20363   360    367 
Independent Cities Fin. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (City of Compton), Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 6/1/20413   390    394 
Independent Cities Fin. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (City of Compton), Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 6/1/20463   1,790    1,786 
Independent Cities Fin. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds (City of Compton), Series 2021, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 6/1/20513   1,075    1,056 
City of Corona, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1 (Bedford), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2034   800    834 
City of Corona, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1 (Bedford), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 9/1/2040   350    314 
City of Corona, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1 (Bedford), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 9/1/2045   700    611 
City of Corona, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1 (Bedford), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 4.00% 9/1/2050   1,450    1,238 
Corona-Norco Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2019-C, 4.00% 8/1/2049   2,500    2,461 
Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2018-E, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2043   2,000    2,002 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (1818 Platinum Triangle - Anaheim), Series 2021-A-2, 3.25% 4/1/20573   4,610    3,183 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (1818 Platinum Triangle - Anaheim), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 4/1/20573   2,000    1,371 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (City of Orange Portfolio), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 3/1/20573   2,070    1,461 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Escondido Portfolio), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 6/1/20583   875    679 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Millennium South Bay - Hawthorne), Series 2021-A-1, 3.375% 7/1/20433   1,000    799 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Park Crossing Apartments), Series 2021-A, 3.25% 12/1/20583   2,315    1,539 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Pasadena Portfolio), Series 2021-A-2, 3.00% 12/1/20563   2,500    1,660 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Theo - Pasadena), Series 2021-A-2, 3.25% 5/1/20573   2,830    1,861 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Union South Bay), Series 2021-A-1, 3.10% 7/1/20453   500    376 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Union South Bay), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 7/1/20563   8,985    6,610 
CSCDA Community Improvement Auth., Essential Housing Social Rev. Bonds (Westgate Phase 1 - Pasadena), Series 2021-A-2, 3.125% 6/1/20573   5,665    3,665 
Davis Joint Unified School Dist., G.O Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2020, BAM insured, 3.00% 8/1/2034   1,925    1,849 
Del Mar Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 99-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 9/1/2030   225    224 
Del Mar Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 99-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 9/1/2031   265    264 
Del Mar Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 99-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 9/1/2032   275    274 
Del Mar Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 99-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 9/1/2033   265    263 
City of Dixon, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (Homestead), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   2,715    2,303 
City of Dublin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Dublin Crossing), Improvement Area No. 3, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2027   335    335 
City of Dublin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Dublin Crossing), Improvement Area No. 3, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2029   200    201 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 311

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Dublin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Dublin Crossing), Improvement Area No. 3, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2031  USD 130   $130 
City of Dublin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Dublin Crossing), Improvement Area No. 3, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2045   920    820 
City of Dublin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Dublin Crossing), Improvement Area No. 3, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   2,240    1,934 
East Side Union High School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2023   1,000    1,000 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-64 (Atherton and Terracina), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2045   850    866 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-64 (Atherton and Terracina), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2050   1,550    1,335 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-71 (Promontory), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2027   85    85 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-71 (Promontory), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2028   85    85 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-71 (Promontory), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2029   90    91 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-71 (Promontory), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 2.125% 9/1/2037   110    77 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-71 (Promontory), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 2.125% 9/1/2038   120    82 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-71 (Promontory), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 2.25% 9/1/2039   125    85 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-71 (Promontory), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 2.25% 9/1/2040   100    66 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-71 (Promontory), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   525    450 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-74 (Menifee Town Center), Improvement Area A, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2040   1,075    988 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-74 (Menifee Town Center), Improvement Area A, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   770    679 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-74 (Menifee Town Center), Improvement Area A, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,030    882 
Eastern Municipal Water Dist., Fin. Auth., Water and Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2038   1,000    1,020 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Art Center College of Design), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2033   1,515    1,609 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Art Center College of Design), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2034   760    806 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Art Center College of Design), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2035   1,300    1,369 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Art Center College of Design), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2036   1,000    1,044 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Art Center College of Design), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2038   1,140    1,178 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chapman University), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2029   425    473 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Chapman University), Series 2017-B, 4.00% 4/1/2047   7,425    7,112 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Redlands), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2044   1,500    1,515 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Redlands), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2052   4,210    4,179 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chapman University), Series 2015, 5.00% 4/1/2032   2,500    2,578 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Loyola Marymount University), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2001-A, National insured, 0% 10/1/2033   2,000    1,358 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Occidental College), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029 (preref. 10/1/2023)   3,265    3,274 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Pacific), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/1/2030   1,000    1,045 
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Pacific), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/1/2032   1,975    2,058 
El Camino Hospital Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2006, National insured, 0% 8/1/2031   2,000    1,514 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2032   2,500    2,489 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,000    1,046 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   1,000    1,048 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2033   945    978 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,000    1,049 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,000    1,042 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,150    1,184 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   440    427 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   1,000    915 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,280    1,122 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2050   1,000    857 
City of Elk Grove, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,785    1,519 


312 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Emeryville, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2023  USD 1,500   $1,502 
City of Emeryville, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2026   2,000    2,037 
Enterprise Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Academy for Academic Excellence Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20403   500    484 
Enterprise Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Academy for Academic Excellence Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20503   700    644 
Enterprise Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Academy for Academic Excellence Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20553   920    832 
Enterprise Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rocketship Public Schools - Obligated Group No. 2), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/1/20273   1,125    1,076 
Enterprise Dev. Auth., Charter School Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rocketship Public Schools - Obligated Group No. 2), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 6/1/20423   5,165    4,118 
City of Escondido, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2020-2 (The Villages), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2042   1,000    1,021 
Etiwanda School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/1/2045   1,450    1,441 
Etiwanda School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 8/1/2046   2,000    2,095 
Etiwanda School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-A, 0% 8/1/2032   1,315    952 
Etiwanda School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-A, 0% 8/1/2036   2,430    1,449 
Etiwanda School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-A, 0% 8/1/2037   1,575    886 
Fairfield-Suisun Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2018, 4.00% 8/1/2041   5,760    5,779 
City of Folsom, Folsom Ranch Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 21 (White Rock Springs Ranch), Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   465    410 
City of Folsom, Folsom Ranch Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 21 (White Rock Springs Ranch), Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2050   500    431 
City of Folsom, Folsom Ranch Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 23 (Folsom Ranch), Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, 4.25% 9/1/2037   670    654 
City of Folsom, Folsom Ranch Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 23 (Folsom Ranch), Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, 4.50% 9/1/2042   1,305    1,261 
City of Folsom, Folsom Ranch Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 23 (Folsom Ranch), Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2052   2,500    2,493 
Folsom Cordova Unified School Dist., School Facs. Improvement Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2002 Election, Series 2004-B, National insured, 0% 10/1/2026   1,000    902 
Folsom Cordova Unified School Dist., School Facs. Improvement Dist. No. 3, G.O. Bonds, 2007 Election, Series 2019-D, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 10/1/2040   8,715    8,752 
Folsom Cordova Unified School Dist., School Facs. Improvement Dist. No. 4, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2006 Election, Series 2006-A, National insured, 0% 10/1/2031   1,865    1,407 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 22 (Sierra Hills South), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2030   2,080    2,104 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 31 (Citrus Heights North), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,255    1,319 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 86 (Etiwanda Ridge), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2029   130    131 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 86 (Etiwanda Ridge), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2035   100    99 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 86 (Etiwanda Ridge), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2045   700    620 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 87 (El Paseo), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   500    454 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 90 (Summit at Rosena Phase 1), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   1,050    960 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 90 (Summit at Rosena Phase 1), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   450    394 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 90 (Summit at Rosena Phase 1), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   525    447 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 95 (Summit at Rosena Phase 2), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2026   175    180 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 95 (Summit at Rosena Phase 2), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2027   185    193 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 95 (Summit at Rosena Phase 2), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2028   195    205 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 95 (Summit at Rosena Phase 2), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2029   200    213 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 95 (Summit at Rosena Phase 2), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.25% 9/1/2037   1,000    982 
City of Fontana, Community Facs. Dist. No. 95 (Summit at Rosena Phase 2), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.50% 9/1/2042   1,000    969 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 313

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agcy., Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-B-2, 3.50% 1/15/2053  USD 3,120   $2,650 
Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agcy., Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-B-1, 3.95% 1/15/2053   3,500    3,268 
Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agcy., Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 1/15/2035   2,000    1,320 
City of Fremont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Pacific Commons), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2030   2,220    2,276 
City of Fremont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2 (Warm Springs Public Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2044   1,000    1,019 
City of Fremont, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2 (Warm Springs Public Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049   1,550    1,573 
Fresno Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 8/1/2055   2,000    1,494 
Fresno Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2022-B, 4.00% 8/1/2055   6,535    6,430 
Fresno Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 8/1/2034   3,000    3,078 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 3/1/2030   1,000    1,145 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2031   750    798 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.25% 8/1/2032   1,475    1,541 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2032   310    330 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 10/1/2034   5,845    6,994 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2034   310    328 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 10/1/2035   2,255    2,683 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 11/1/2041   500    502 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 12/1/2046   4,085    3,304 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2046   990    1,087 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2023, 4.00% 10/1/2050   2,080    2,077 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2020, 3.00% 11/1/2050   3,850    3,003 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 5.00% 12/1/2030   815    946 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2036   1,790    1,871 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023, 5.00% 10/1/2036   2,005    2,372 
G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 3.00% 11/1/2040   1,000    865 
City of Garden Grove, Successor Agcy. to the Community Dev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 10/1/2029   1,500    1,584 
City of Glendale, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Central Glendale Redev. Project), Series 2016, BAM insured, 4.00% 12/1/2023   500    501 
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 6/1/2032 (preref. 6/1/2025)   3,250    3,373 
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 6/1/2033 (preref. 6/1/2025)   1,950    2,024 
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 0% 6/1/2027 (escrowed to maturity)   2,730    2,451 
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021-B-2, 0% 6/1/2066   15,005    1,617 
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, 5.00% 6/1/2051   2,000    2,084 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1, Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2031   150    159 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1, Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2032   160    170 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1, Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2044   1,125    1,149 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1, Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049   1,430    1,453 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 9/1/2024   125    122 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 3.00% 9/1/2025   130    125 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2026   135    134 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2027   140    139 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2028   145    144 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2029   150    150 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2030   155    153 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2032   170    167 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2046   470    407 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2051   650    545 
Golden Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2056   1,000    824 


314 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Grossmont Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2008, 0% 8/1/2032  USD 7,000   $5,111 
Hartnell Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2017-A, 4.00% 8/1/2047   4,555    4,538 
Hastings Campus Housing Fin. Auth., Campus Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20613   1,500    1,214 
Hayward Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2050   1,000    972 
Hayward Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2019 Election, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2044   8,000    8,546 
Hayward Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2019 Election, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2048   2,000    1,957 
Hayward Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 2019 Election, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2040   1,000    1,076 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/15/2048   8,000    7,903 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Children’s Hospital of Orange County), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/1/2035   1,365    1,418 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Children’s Hospital of Orange County), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 11/1/2035   1,500    1,558 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Children’s Hospital of Orange County), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 11/1/2036   1,150    1,179 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (CommonSpirit Health), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 4/1/2049   2,000    1,849 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (El Camino Hospital), Series 2017, 5.00% 2/1/2025   755    773 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (El Camino Hospital), Series 2017, 5.00% 2/1/2042   2,500    2,585 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Marshall Medical Center), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/1/2040   4,500    4,537 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Marshall Medical Center), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/1/2050   1,000    1,064 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes and Services, Inc.), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2031   400    417 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes and Services, Inc.), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2039   400    413 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 10/1/2034   500    507 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Providence St. Joseph Health), Series 2016-B-3, 2.00% 10/1/2036 (put 10/1/2025)   1,000    963 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Sutter Health), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2035   1,500    1,607 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Sutter Health), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2036   1,000    1,065 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (El Camino Hospital), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 2/1/2030   3,000    3,088 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Stanford Health Care), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/15/2034   2,675    2,906 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sutter Health), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 11/15/2035   1,000    1,061 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (On Lok Senior Health Services), Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2040   1,740    1,802 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (On Lok Senior Health Services), Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2050   1,500    1,523 
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (On Lok Senior Health Services), Series 2020, 5.00% 8/1/2055   1,500    1,518 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. 2005-6, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2024   195    195 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. 2005-6, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2027   240    240 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. 2005-6, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2029   275    277 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. 2005-6, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2031   310    310 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. 2005-6, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2034   375    375 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. 2005-6, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   225    219 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2024   225    228 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2028   1,220    1,249 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2032   540    551 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2033   580    591 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2034   350    357 
Hemet Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2039   1,850    1,870 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2019-A-2, 4.00% 3/20/2033   23,421    22,957 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2019-1, Class X, interest only, 0.29% 1/15/20352,4   13,450    195 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2019-A-1, 4.25% 1/15/2035   1,410    1,412 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-1, Class X, interest only, 0.825% 3/25/20352,4   17,893    909 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-1, Class X, interest only, 0.797% 11/20/20352,4   9,252    472 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-A-1, 3.50% 11/20/2035   21,423    20,073 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2021-A-3, 3.25% 8/20/2036   6,968    6,310 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Municipal Certs., Series 2023-1, Class A, 4.375% 9/20/2036   13,136    13,071 
Imperial Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2048   1,000    1,102 
Imperial Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 8/1/2053   1,500    1,682 
Imperial Irrigation Dist., Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 4.00% 11/1/2036   4,540    4,609 
Imperial Irrigation Dist., Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 4.00% 11/1/2041   5,650    5,677 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 315

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Imperial Irrigation Dist., Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B-2, 5.00% 11/1/2041  USD 1,425   $1,492 
Independent Cities Fin. Auth., Mobile Home Park Rev. Ref. Bonds (San Juan Mobile Estates), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2030   2,000    2,049 
City of Indian Wells, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Consolidated Whitewater Redev. Project Area), Series 2016-A, National insured, 4.00% 9/1/2030   1,250    1,282 
City of Indian Wells, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Consolidated Whitewater Redev. Project Area), Series 2016-A, National insured, 4.00% 9/1/2031   1,250    1,277 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 11/1/2039   300    313 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 11/1/2044   350    361 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2020-B, 4.00% 11/1/2045   850    785 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2019-B, 5.00% 11/1/2049   1,625    1,667 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2020-B, 4.00% 11/1/2050   860    771 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitable School Revolving Fund), Series 2020-B, 4.00% 11/1/2055   915    799 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Bonds (Brightline West Passenger Rail Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 3.65% 1/1/2050 (put 1/31/2024)3   4,305    4,287 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Bonds (Stanford Consortium Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/15/2030   1,080    1,151 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Bonds (Stanford Consortium Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/15/2032   1,140    1,214 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Bonds (Stanford Consortium Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/15/2033   1,105    1,177 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Bonds (The Colburn School), Series 2019, 1.75% 8/1/2055 (put 8/1/2026)   4,500    4,172 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Bonds (WFCS Portfolio Projects), Series 2021-A-1, 5.00% 1/1/20563   1,380    1,095 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Segerstrom Center for the Arts), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2026   2,000    2,090 
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Segerstrom Center for the Arts), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2030   10,145    11,364 
City of Inglewood, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Redev. Project), Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/1/2033   1,250    1,338 
City of Inglewood, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Redev. Project), Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/1/2034   500    535 
City of Inglewood, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Redev. Project), Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/1/2035   415    444 
City of Inglewood, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Redev. Project), Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 5/1/2038   1,000    1,057 
Inglewood Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2018-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2029   230    245 
Inglewood Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2018-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2030   500    534 
Inglewood Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2018-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2033   500    533 
Inglewood Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2018-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2034   685    731 
Inglewood Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2018-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2036   800    847 
Inglewood Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2018-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2038   650    681 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2049   1,000    1,006 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 4, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2031   400    402 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 4, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2033   1,615    1,621 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 4, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2049   1,800    1,598 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 8, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2035   550    578 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 8, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2037   650    677 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 8, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,000    1,038 
City of Irvine, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2013-3 (Great Park), Improvement Area No. 8, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2051   1,250    1,311 
City of Irvine, Facs. Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Irvine Great Park Infrastructure Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032   880    1,041 


316 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Irvine, Facs. Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Irvine Great Park Infrastructure Project), Series 2023-A, BAM insured, 5.25% 9/1/2053  USD 5,000   $5,611 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 12-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 9/2/2024   825    826 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 12-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 9/2/2025   710    711 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 12-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 9/2/2028   1,050    1,052 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 12-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2030   1,700    1,748 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 15-2, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2032   800    822 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 15-2, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/2/2042   1,000    1,012 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 19-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/2/2026   330    346 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 19-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/2/2027   375    400 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 19-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/2/2028   525    569 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 19-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/2/2029   500    549 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 19-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/2/2032   680    741 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 19-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/2/2034   1,155    1,255 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 19-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 9/2/2036   1,840    1,849 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 19-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 4.00% 9/2/2037   1,285    1,272 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 19-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/2/2044   1,000    1,045 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 21-1, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/2/2046   1,350    1,342 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 01-1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2031   2,000    2,071 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2030   370    389 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   250    262 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   430    458 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   245    255 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   250    264 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2036   350    363 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2036   270    283 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2037   565    546 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2037   270    278 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2038   545    520 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2039   630    595 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2039   815    835 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2040   805    823 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2042   995    1,017 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-C, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2042   995    1,017 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2044   2,385    2,384 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2045   1,495    1,522 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-C, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2053   1,240    1,086 
Irvine Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 09-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-D, BAM insured, 5.00% 3/1/2057   1,660    1,677 
City of Jurupa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 52 (Eastvale Area), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2050   500    427 
City of Jurupa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 54 (Eastvale Area), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2041   420    378 
City of Jurupa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 54 (Eastvale Area), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2046   450    393 
City of Jurupa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 54 (Eastvale Area), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2051   875    741 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 317

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Jurupa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 55 (Eastvale Area), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2045  USD 500   $441 
City of Jurupa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 55 (Eastvale Area), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2050   500    429 
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2027   2,000    2,039 
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2042   1,000    1,010 
City of Jurupa, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2029   1,755    1,848 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 11, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 9/1/2043   1,165    1,189 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 11, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-B, 5.00% 9/1/2048   2,265    2,301 
Jurupa Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 17, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2048   1,815    1,844 
County of Kern, RNR School Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 92-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2037   1,500    1,557 
La Mesa-Spring Valley School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2046   965    956 
City of La Quinta, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Redev. Project Area Nos. 1 and 2), Series 2013-A, 5.00% 9/1/2028 (preref. 9/1/2023)   630    631 
City of La Quinta, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Redev. Project Area Nos. 1 and 2), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2029 (preref. 9/1/2024)   1,000    1,021 
City of La Quinta, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Redev. Project Area Nos. 1 and 2), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032 (preref. 9/1/2024)   1,515    1,546 
City of La Quinta, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Redev. Project Area Nos. 1 and 2), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2034 (preref. 9/1/2024)   2,150    2,194 
City of Lake Elsinore, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Summerly), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2042   150    135 
City of Lake Elsinore, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Summerly), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   200    176 
City of Lake Elsinore, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Summerly), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   500    428 
City of Lake Elsinore, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (Westlake), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   350    321 
City of Lake Elsinore, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (Westlake), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   450    393 
City of Lake Elsinore, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (Westlake), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   700    595 
City of Lake Elsinore, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2024   645    653 
City of Lake Elsinore, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2025   1,360    1,395 
City of Lake Elsinore, Public Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,370    1,413 
City of Lake Elsinore, School Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2030   500    543 
Lake Elsinore Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-02, Improvement Area No. B, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   100    111 
Lake Elsinore Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-02, Improvement Area No. B, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2036   170    187 
Lake Elsinore Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-02, Improvement Area No. B, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2037   180    197 
Lake Elsinore Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-02, Improvement Area No. B, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2038   150    163 
Lake Elsinore Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-02, Improvement Area No. B, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2039   120    130 
Lake Elsinore Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-02, Improvement Area No. B, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2047   2,250    2,415 
Lammersville Joint Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2040   80    74 
Lammersville Joint Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2045   175    154 
Lammersville Joint Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2049   425    365 
Lammersville Joint Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (Mountain House School Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2042   1,500    1,360 
City of Lee Lake, Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.25% 9/1/2027   2,000    2,004 
Lodi Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2021, 3.00% 8/1/2046   2,000    1,568 
City of Long Beach, Harbor Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2031   1,210    1,286 
City of Long Beach, Harbor Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2032   1,750    1,859 
City of Long Beach, Harbor Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2033   1,350    1,434 
City of Long Beach, Harbor Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2043   500    521 
City of Long Beach, Marina Rev. Bonds (Alamitos Bay Marina Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 5/15/2034   1,125    1,152 
City of Long Beach, Marina Rev. Bonds (Alamitos Bay Marina Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 5/15/2045   1,225    1,238 


318 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Long Beach Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2019-C, 4.00% 8/1/2045  USD 1,000   $994 
Long Beach Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2017-E, 5.00% 8/1/2040   3,655    3,838 
Long Beach Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2023-C, 4.00% 8/1/2053   14,900    14,568 
City of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 11 (Ponte Vista), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2038   1,000    934 
City of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 11 (Ponte Vista), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,650    1,438 
City of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Playa Vista - Phase 1), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2026   980    1,002 
City of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Playa Vista - Phase 1), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2027   1,965    2,012 
City of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Playa Vista - Phase 1), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 9/1/2028   1,670    1,714 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   1,250    1,343 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2029   1,020    1,112 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2033   2,500    2,809 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2051   3,925    4,091 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2027   1,250    1,281 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   2,175    2,337 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2028   1,500    1,612 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2029   1,560    1,598 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2029   1,450    1,508 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-D, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2029   2,550    2,779 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-D, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2031   4,675    5,067 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2031   2,345    2,542 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2032   1,000    1,053 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2032   3,825    4,084 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2032   3,450    3,655 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2033   500    519 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2033   1,000    1,053 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2033   1,255    1,339 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2033   1,000    1,100 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2034   1,250    1,314 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-H, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2034   1,000    1,116 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2035   1,000    1,048 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2036   1,345    1,419 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2037   1,260    1,308 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2037   3,450    3,618 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, AMT, 3.00% 5/15/2040   3,825    3,168 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 319

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-D, AMT, 3.00% 5/15/2040 (preref. 11/15/2031)  USD 175   $171 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-D, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2043   3,000    3,120 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2045   1,500    1,573 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-H, AMT, 5.50% 5/15/2047   3,750    4,111 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-F, AMT, 3.00% 5/15/2049   5,000    3,729 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2022-G, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2047   3,000    3,161 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 5.00% 5/15/2033   3,145    3,356 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-E, 4.00% 5/15/2037   685    720 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Airports, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-C, AMT, 3.25% 5/15/2049   3,505    2,764 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-B, 5.00% 7/1/2041   6,335    7,042 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2045   2,025    2,203 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2050   6,480    6,984 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 5.00% 7/1/2051   4,150    4,508 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/1/2051   5,900    6,408 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 7/1/2052   3,840    4,202 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-C, 5.00% 7/1/2052   2,100    2,288 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Water System Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2025   150    156 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Water System Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2026   1,000    1,064 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Water System Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2037   1,285    1,516 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Water System Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2038   1,810    2,121 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Water System Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.00% 7/1/2049   6,000    6,665 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Water System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 5.00% 7/1/2052   2,500    2,728 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Water System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-D, 5.00% 7/1/2052   7,000    7,670 
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2047   905    912 
County of Los Angeles, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Valencia Facs.), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2052   1,610    1,610 
County of Los Angeles, Dev. Auth., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (West LA VA - Building 156 & 157 Apartments), Series 2023-C, 3.75% 12/1/2046 (put 12/1/2026)   1,290    1,291 
County of Los Angeles, Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Measure R Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/1/2035   1,385    1,467 
County of Los Angeles, Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Measure R Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/1/2036   1,500    1,578 
County of Los Angeles, Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Measure R Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/1/2037   1,500    1,566 
County of Los Angeles, Redev. Ref. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Bunker Hill Project), Series 2014-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 12/1/2027   1,000    1,029 
Los Angeles County Facs., Inc., Lease Rev. Bonds (Vermont Corridor County Administration Building), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2043   1,000    1,071 
Los Angeles County Facs., Inc., Lease Rev. Bonds (Vermont Corridor County Administration Building), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 12/1/2051   910    964 
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Series 2018-B-1, 2008 Election, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,175    1,287 
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Series 2020-RYQ, 4.00% 7/1/2044   1,000    1,006 
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 3.00% 1/1/2034   1,785    1,707 
Lynwood Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2021-E, BAM Insured, 3.00% 8/1/2048   3,260    2,541 
Lynwood Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-B, BAM Insured, 4.00% 8/1/2049   3,500    3,435 
M-S-R Energy Auth., Gas Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-B, 6.50% 11/1/2039   2,110    2,574 
City of Menifee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2020-1 (McCall Mesa), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 9/1/2029   175    174 
City of Menifee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2020-1 (McCall Mesa), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 9/1/2037   500    471 


320 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Menifee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2020-1 (McCall Mesa), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 9/1/2051  USD 1,435   $1,227 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2024   180    180 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2025   190    189 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2026   170    170 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2027   205    206 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2039   600    558 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2045   1,000    890 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2011-1, Improvement Area No. 3, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 4.00% 9/1/2032   430    428 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2011-1, Improvement Area No. 3, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 4.00% 9/1/2033   470    468 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2011-1, Improvement Area No. 3, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 4.00% 9/1/2034   515    511 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2011-1, Improvement Area No. 5, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   500    484 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2011-1, Improvement Area No. 5, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   800    727 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2011-1, Improvement Area No. 5, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2045   875    776 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2011-1, Improvement Area No. 5, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,850    1,579 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2011-1, Improvement Area No. 6, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   445    434 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2011-1, Improvement Area No. 6, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   660    608 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2011-1, Improvement Area No. 6, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   875    778 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2011-1, Improvement Area No. 6, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2050   2,050    1,785 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   250    244 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   1,000    919 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,590    1,422 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2050   1,050    916 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2044   565    505 
Menifee Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   675    578 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,000    1,039 
Menifee Union School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,100    1,130 
City of Merced, Irrigation Dist., Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2030   2,065    2,162 
City of Merced, Irrigation Dist., Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2031   560    586 
Monrovia Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 1997 Election, Series 2001-B, National insured, 0% 8/1/2032   2,150    1,549 
Montebello Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2022-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2050   3,100    3,304 
Montebello Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/1/2034   1,095    1,163 
Montebello Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/1/2035   1,465    1,554 
Montebello Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/1/2036   1,290    1,361 
Montebello Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 8/1/2033   2,505    2,582 
Monterey Peninsula Community College Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 8/1/2033   3,165    3,239 
Monterey Peninsula Community College Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016, 0% 8/1/2028   1,500    1,272 
Moorpark Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2011-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2036   2,000    1,180 
Moreno Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2045   1,355    1,203 
Moreno Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2044   820    838 
Moreno Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2050   1,500    1,520 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 321

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Moreno Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth. Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2028  USD 1,090   $1,154 
Moreno Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth. Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,480    1,558 
Moreno Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth. Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,720    1,811 
Moreno Valley Unified School Dist., Fin. Auth. Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 9/1/2035   925    972 
City of Moreno Valley, Community Facs. Dist. No. 5, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2026   215    213 
City of Moreno Valley, Community Facs. Dist. No. 5, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2037   750    711 
City of Morgan Hill, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 9/1/2031   3,000    3,004 
Mountain View School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2049   2,800    2,748 
Mt. Diablo Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 4.00% 8/1/2035   2,310    2,475 
Mt. Diablo Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 4.00% 8/1/2036   2,880    3,056 
Mt. Diablo Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-B, 4.00% 6/1/2037   1,310    1,379 
Mt. San Jacinto Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2021-C, 3.00% 8/1/2034   865    849 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Certs. of Part. (Palomar Health), Series 2021, 5.00% 11/1/20273   1,515    1,555 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Charter School Lease Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Santa Rosa Academy Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 7/1/2052   2,040    1,855 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Charter School Lease Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Santa Rosa Academy Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 7/1/2062   5,000    4,399 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2020-6 (County of Placer - PV 400), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2040   1,045    960 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2020-6 (County of Placer - PV 400), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,305    1,157 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2020-6 (County of Placer - PV 400), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,535    1,323 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Educational Rev. Bonds (American Heritage Education Foundation Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2036   500    507 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Educational Rev. Bonds (American Heritage Education Foundation Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/2046   2,745    2,730 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Aldersly Project), Series 2023-B-2, 3.75% 11/15/2028   2,445    2,449 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Aldersly Project), Series 2023-B-1, 4.00% 11/15/2028   250    250 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Biola University), Series 2013, 5.00% 10/1/2042 (preref. 10/1/2023)   1,000    1,003 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/20363   3,500    3,529 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2015-A, 5.375% 11/1/20403   2,335    2,359 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2015-A, 5.50% 11/1/20453   2,800    2,824 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/1/20463   750    729 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Lutheran University), Series 2018, 5.00% 10/1/2027   300    314 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Lutheran University), Series 2018, 5.00% 10/1/2028   150    159 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Lutheran University), Series 2018, 5.00% 10/1/2029   225    238 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Lutheran University), Series 2018, 5.00% 10/1/2030   225    238 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Lutheran University), Series 2018, 5.00% 10/1/2031   425    449 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Lutheran University), Series 2018, 5.00% 10/1/2032   225    237 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Lutheran University), Series 2018, 5.00% 10/1/2033   450    473 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (California Lutheran University), Series 2018, 5.00% 10/1/2034   150    157 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Caritas Mobile Home Park), Series 2014-A, 5.25% 8/15/2049   1,750    1,766 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Caritas Mobile Home Park), Series 2014-B, 5.875% 8/15/2049   490    492 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc.), Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2025   1,295    1,262 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc.), Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2033   1,170    1,053 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc.), Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2035   500    444 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc.), Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2040   2,750    2,221 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc.), Series 2020, 4.00% 3/1/2050   11,635    8,694 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, Inc.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/20463   170    168 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, Inc.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 12/1/20543   170    163 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (HumanGood - California Obligated Group), Series 2021, 3.00% 10/1/2049   4,905    3,489 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Inland Christian Home), Series 2020, 4.00% 12/1/2030   1,015    1,050 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Inland Christian Home), Series 2020, 4.00% 12/1/2039   1,225    1,242 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Inland Christian Home), Series 2020, 4.00% 12/1/2049   1,500    1,482 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (John Adams Academies, Inc.), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/20393   915    878 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (John Adams Academies, Inc.), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/20573   1,890    1,669 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (LINXS APM Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 6/30/2025   1,585    1,613 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (LINXS APM Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2031   2,695    2,851 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (LINXS APM Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2034   1,320    1,387 


322 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (LINXS APM Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2035  USD 2,000   $2,089 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (LINXS APM Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2043   3,340    3,417 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (LINXS APM Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, 4.00% 12/31/2047   3,900    3,509 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (LINXS APM Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/31/2047   9,115    9,259 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pomona College), Series 2017, 4.00% 1/1/2048   1,550    1,643 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of La Verne), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2029   1,000    1,073 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of La Verne), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2031   650    694 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of La Verne), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2032   1,000    1,064 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of La Verne), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2033   1,000    1,064 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of La Verne), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2035   1,000    1,056 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of La Verne), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2036   1,150    1,207 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of La Verne), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2043   4,380    4,516 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of San Diego), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2049   1,600    1,686 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Azusa Pacific University Project), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 4/1/2024   600    600 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Azusa Pacific University Project), Series 2015-B, 5.00% 4/1/2041   2,500    2,354 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Biola University), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2030   1,250    1,303 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Biola University), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2033   500    520 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Biola University), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2034   440    457 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Biola University), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/1/2039   615    627 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Eisenhower Medical Center), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034   2,675    2,794 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Eisenhower Medical Center), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,000    1,035 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Eisenhower Medical Center), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 7/1/2036   600    621 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Eisenhower Medical Center), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2037   1,250    1,286 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Eisenhower Medical Center), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 7/1/2037   600    617 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Eisenhower Medical Center), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2042   1,250    1,274 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Eisenhower Medical Center), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 7/1/2042   1,000    1,020 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Eisenhower Medical Center), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2047   1,000    1,014 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Eisenhower Medical Center), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 7/1/2047   4,010    4,065 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harbor Regional Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/1/2032   1,500    1,574 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harbor Regional Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/1/2039   1,000    1,040 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/2029   500    503 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/2033   1,250    1,254 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/2034   775    778 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/2035   1,185    1,188 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/2036   2,120    2,117 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/2037   2,850    2,800 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/2039   2,750    2,646 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 10/1/2044   300    282 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (HumanGood Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2044   6,500    6,625 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Inland Regional Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 6/15/2032   3,000    3,125 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Inland Regional Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 6/15/2037   4,000    4,134 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Inland Regional Center Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 6/15/2045   4,000    4,110 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Jurupa Unified School Dist. Wineville School Project), Series 2015-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 10/1/2042   4,500    4,619 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2022-B-2, 2.125% 11/15/2026   585    553 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 11/15/2039   425    405 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 11/15/2052   2,125    1,558 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Bonds (Mt. San Antonio Gardens Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 11/15/2056   1,890    1,354 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (HealthRIGHT 360), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/1/20393   1,250    1,243 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Social Rev. Bonds (HealthRIGHT 360), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 11/1/20493   575    536 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2009-A, 1.30% 2/1/2039 (put 2/3/2025)3   1,450    1,396 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2022-A, AMT, 4.125% 10/1/2041 (put 10/1/2025)   6,990    7,024 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2019-A, AMT, 2.40% 10/1/2044 (put 10/1/2029)   6,195    5,592 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A, AMT, 0.70% 12/1/2044 (put 12/1/2023)   3,025    2,982 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 323

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Fin. Agcy. XII, Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Allure Apartments), Series 2022-A-1, 3.25% 2/1/20573  USD 2,255   $1,539 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Fin. Agcy., Essential Housing Rev. Bonds (Latitude 33), Series 2021-A-2, 4.00% 12/1/20453   1,500    1,175 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 3.00% 9/1/2023   110    110 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 9/1/2024   120    119 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 9/1/2025   145    144 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 9/1/2026   165    164 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 9/1/2027   190    189 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 9/1/2028   210    210 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 9/1/2029   240    241 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 9/1/2030   265    266 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2036   535    515 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 9/1/2036   1,920    1,880 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2041   655    596 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 9/1/2041   2,875    2,664 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,095    958 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,475    1,329 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,505    1,285 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,995    1,744 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Bold Program), Series 2022-A, 5.25% 9/1/2052   3,725    3,782 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis I, LLC - West Village Student Housing Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2030   600    639 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis I, LLC - West Village Student Housing Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2038   1,000    1,032 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis I, LLC - West Village Student Housing Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2040   4,610    4,735 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis I, LLC - West Village Student Housing Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2043   5,525    5,643 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 5/15/2041   280    271 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 5/15/2046   1,095    1,026 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 3.00% 5/15/2051   2,565    1,928 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Davis II, LLC - Orchard Park Student Housing Project), Series 2021, BAM insured, 3.00% 5/15/2054   2,570    1,889 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Riverside I, LLC - UCR Student Housing Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2043   2,000    2,043 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Riverside I, LLC - UCR Student Housing Project), Series 2018, 5.00% 5/15/2052   11,500    11,637 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Riverside II, LLC - UCR Student Housing Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 5/15/2049   2,510    2,550 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Riverside II, LLC - UCR Student Housing Project), Series 2019, 5.00% 5/15/2052   3,500    3,549 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-4, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2040   325    328 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-4, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2045   1,175    1,169 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,250    1,340 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2026   400    416 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2027   300    313 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,420    1,481 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,225    1,272 
Murrieta Valley Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   2,790    2,976 
Natomas Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2017, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2032   1,000    1,068 
New Haven Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2020-C, 4.00% 8/1/2044   1,250    1,252 
New Haven Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2017-B, 4.00% 8/1/2047   4,000    3,967 
North Orange County Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 8/1/2044   5,000    4,972 
Northern California Gas Auth. No. 1, Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-B, (3-month USD CME Term SOFR x 0.67 + 0.72%) 4.427% 7/1/20272   3,445    3,422 
Oak Grove School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023-A-2, 5.00% 8/1/2052   5,835    6,409 


324 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2006 Election, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/1/2026  USD 3,125   $3,299 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2015-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2030   1,300    1,352 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/1/2031 (preref. 8/1/2025)   1,500    1,559 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2033   4,365    4,527 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 8/1/2040   3,000    2,549 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/1/2040 (preref. 8/1/2025)   1,650    1,715 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2027   2,000    2,116 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2031   2,145    2,280 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2035   1,000    1,027 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Measure J), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 8/1/2031   2,015    2,172 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Measure J), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 8/1/2035   3,245    3,487 
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Measure J), Series 2017-C, 5.00% 8/1/2036   2,000    2,138 
Port of Oakland, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, AMT, 5.00% 11/1/2023   3,805    3,816 
Port of Oakland, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, AMT, 5.00% 11/1/2023 (escrowed to maturity)   425    427 
Port of Oakland, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-D, AMT, 5.00% 11/1/2028   500    526 
Port of Oakland, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-D, AMT, 5.00% 11/1/2029   250    263 
Port of Oakland, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-H, AMT, 5.00% 11/1/2029   3,050    3,304 
Ohlone Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2010 Election, Series 2016-C, 4.00% 8/1/2033   1,000    1,034 
Ohlone Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2010 Election, Series 2016-C, 4.00% 8/1/2034   1,000    1,029 
Ohlone Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2010 Election, Series 2016-C, 4.00% 8/1/2035   1,000    1,026 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 38 (Park and Turner NE Facs.), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2044   1,000    1,020 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 38 (Park and Turner NE Facs.), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049   2,000    2,031 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 40 (Emerald Park Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2039   275    251 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 40 (Emerald Park Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2050   785    665 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 41 (Canvas Park Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2029   310    309 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 41 (Canvas Park Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2031   335    333 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 41 (Canvas Park Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2037   1,650    1,563 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 41 (Canvas Park Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2047   2,795    2,454 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 46 (Avenue 176 Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2045   300    265 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 46 (Avenue 176 Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   500    428 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 53 (Tevelde Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2023   100    100 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 53 (Tevelde Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2025   225    224 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 53 (Tevelde Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2027   250    250 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 53 (Tevelde Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2028   250    250 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 53 (Tevelde Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   500    486 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 53 (Tevelde Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2042   650    591 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 54 (Esperanza Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.375% 9/1/2043   900    853 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 54 (Esperanza Facs.), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.50% 9/1/2052   825    765 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 55 (Parklane), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2029   170    182 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 55 (Parklane), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2037   500    521 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 55 (Parklane), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2042   600    615 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 55 (Parklane), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2047   800    812 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 55 (Parklane), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2053   845    852 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 57 (Neuhouse), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.25% 9/1/2037   415    401 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 57 (Neuhouse), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.625% 9/1/2042   650    640 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 57 (Neuhouse), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.75% 9/1/2047   840    823 
City of Ontario, Community Facs. Dist. No. 57 (Neuhouse), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.75% 9/1/2052   825    790 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Ladera Ranch), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 8/15/2034   2,100    2,101 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Esencia Village), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/15/2029   980    1,007 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Esencia Village), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/15/2033   1,365    1,402 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-1 (Esencia Village), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.25% 8/15/2045   660    670 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 325

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Esencia Village), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/15/2036  USD 2,000   $2,059 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Esencia Village), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/15/2045   2,200    1,937 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Esencia Village), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/15/2050   1,000    859 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Rienda), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2042   720    738 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Rienda), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2047   970    986 
County of Orange, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Rienda), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/15/2052   320    324 
Orinda Union School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Measure E, Series 2022-B, 4.00% 8/1/2051   1,730    1,707 
Oxnard Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2036   2,000    2,147 
Oxnard Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2045   5,160    5,446 
City of Palm Desert, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (University Park), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2030   195    195 
City of Palm Desert, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (University Park), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2033   220    218 
City of Palm Desert, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (University Park), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2036   235    226 
City of Palm Desert, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (University Park), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2031   415    383 
City of Palm Desert, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (University Park), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   230    210 
City of Palm Desert, Section 29 Assessment Dist. No. 2004-02, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/2/2026   670    668 
City of Palm Desert, Section 29 Assessment Dist. No. 2004-02, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/2/2031   800    797 
City of Palm Desert, Section 29 Assessment Dist. No. 2004-02, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Improvement Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/2/2037   1,200    1,132 
City of Palmdale, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, National insured, 5.00% 9/1/2031   1,000    1,069 
City of Palmdale, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, National insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,000    1,069 
Palmdale Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 90-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2041   2,975    3,138 
Palmdale Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 90-1, Special Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2012-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2032   255    187 
Palmdale Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 90-1, Special Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2012-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2037   1,600    930 
Palmdale Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 90-1, Special Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2038   1,190    652 
Palmdale Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 90-1, Special Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2012-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2038   1,505    824 
Palmdale Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 90-1, Special Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1999, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2039   240    124 
Palmdale Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 90-1, Special Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2012-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2039   840    436 
Palomar Community College Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 5/1/2032   3,000    3,108 
Palomar Health, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 4.00% 8/1/2030   1,000    1,021 
Palomar Health, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/1/2034   970    1,031 
Palomar Health, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2039   500    503 
Palomar Pomerado Health, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2009-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2028   3,000    2,529 
Palomar Pomerado Health, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2009-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2029   6,550    5,329 
Palomar Pomerado Health, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2009-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 8/1/2031   3,000    2,261 
Pasadena Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2016, 4.00% 8/1/2036   675    682 
Paso Robles Joint Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2028   915    940 
City of Patterson, West Patterson Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (West Patterson Business Park), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2043   600    531 


326 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Patterson, West Patterson Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (West Patterson Business Park), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046  USD 745   $646 
City of Patterson, West Patterson Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (West Patterson Business Park), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2049   1,780    1,520 
City of Patterson, West Patterson Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1 (Villages of Patterson), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   250    238 
City of Patterson, West Patterson Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1 (Villages of Patterson), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   375    337 
City of Patterson, West Patterson Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1 (Villages of Patterson), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   555    483 
City of Patterson, West Patterson Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1 (Villages of Patterson), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   765    646 
Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, Farebox Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/1/2049   8,035    8,279 
City of Perris, Joint Powers Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds (CFD No. 2001-1 IA Nos. 4 and 5; CFD No. 2005-1 IA4), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,000    1,042 
City of Perris, Joint Powers Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds (CFD No. 2001-1 IA Nos. 4 and 5; CFD No. 2005-1 IA4), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 9/1/2037   1,325    1,365 
Perris Union High School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2031   1,325    1,351 
Perris Union High School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,490    1,519 
Pleasanton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, 4.00% 8/1/2040   600    606 
Pleasanton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, 4.00% 8/1/2041   1,000    1,006 
Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (San Jose Water Co. Project), Series 2016, AMT, 4.75% 11/1/2046   11,475    11,654 
Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2015-B-2, AMT, 3.125% 11/1/2040 (put 11/3/2025)   2,000    1,968 
City of Poway, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Paguay Redev. Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 12/15/2030   1,590    1,810 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 9/15/2030 (preref. 9/15/2023)   975    977 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,345    1,380 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2030   985    1,031 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,820    1,929 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,600    1,641 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   1,205    1,260 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2034   995    1,020 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2035   995    1,018 
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2036   1,485    1,516 
Poway Unified School Dist., School Facs. Improvement Dist. No. 2007-1, G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2011-B, 0% 8/1/2035   3,500    2,282 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (LaVerne Elementary Preparatory Academy Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/15/20393   1,370    1,286 
Public Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (LaVerne Elementary Preparatory Academy Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/15/20493   1,900    1,693 
Public Fin. Auth., Reassessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/2/2023   1,080    1,081 
Public Fin. Auth., Reassessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/2/2027   1,375    1,442 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/15/2023   200    200 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/15/2037   2,000    2,034 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2017, 5.00% 10/15/2047   4,025    4,035 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital), Series 2021-B, 4.00% 10/15/2051 (put 10/15/2031)   690    676 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 7/15/2046   1,550    1,686 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (O’Conner Woods), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2025   440    444 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (O’Conner Woods), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2030   490    519 
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (O’Conner Woods), Series 2022, 4.00% 1/1/2043   10,155    10,208 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-B-3, 2.125% 11/15/20273   810    789 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-B-2, 2.375% 11/15/20283   750    726 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/20363   375    365 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/20463   395    357 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 327

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/20513  USD 90   $79 
Public Fin. Auth., Senior Living Rev. and Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Enso Village Project), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/20563   355    308 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 4.00% 11/1/2046   10,140    10,055 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-C, 5.00% 11/1/2046   4,680    5,161 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Green Bonds (Dept. of General Services, Sacramento Region New Natural Resources Headquarters), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 11/1/2037   1,750    1,823 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Green Bonds (Dept. of General Services, Sacramento Region New Natural Resources Headquarters), Series 2021-C, 4.00% 11/1/2038   1,500    1,545 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 2/1/2030   1,000    1,144 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2030   1,500    1,732 
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2023-B, 5.00% 12/1/2037   415    482 
City of Rancho Cordova, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Sunridge Anatolia), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 9/1/2037   500    479 
City of Rancho Cordova, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1 (The Grantline 208 Project), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 9/1/2036   440    426 
City of Rancho Cordova, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1 (The Grantline 208 Project), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,150    1,018 
City of Rancho Cordova, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2018-1 (The Grantline 208 Project), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-B, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,220    1,045 
City of Rancho Cucamonga, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rancho Redev. Project Area), Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2025   1,500    1,527 
City of Rancho Cucamonga, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rancho Redev. Project Area), Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2026   1,000    1,019 
City of Rancho Cucamonga, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rancho Redev. Project Area), Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 9/1/2029   4,065    4,149 
City of Rancho Mirage, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4B (Del Webb Project), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   550    473 
City of Redding, Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (SHASTEC Redev. Project), Series 2006, 5.00% 9/1/2036   1,585    1,641 
City of Redding, Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 6/1/2032   620    708 
City of Redding, Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 6/1/2033   465    530 
City of Rialto, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-2 (Foothill/Spruce), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.25% 9/1/2042   770    719 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2034   500    335 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2044   1,000    380 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2045   1,625    586 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2046   1,000    340 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 0% 8/1/2047   1,175    378 
Rialto Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2052   1,720    1,871 
City of Richmond, Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 8/1/2032   1,360    1,533 
City of Richmond, Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 8/1/2034   1,505    1,691 
Rio Elementary School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2013, 5.50% 9/1/2039 (preref. 9/1/2023)   725    726 
Rio Hondo Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2010-C, 0% 8/1/2028   1,000    852 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 9/1/2043   3,035    3,011 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 9/1/2048   6,000    5,826 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 9/1/2052   3,000    3,299 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2040   4,685    4,588 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-1, 4.00% 9/1/2026   380    376 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-1, 4.00% 9/1/2027   430    426 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-1, 4.00% 9/1/2029   250    248 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-1, 4.00% 9/1/2033   590    579 


328 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-1, 4.00% 9/1/2041  USD 750   $669 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-1, 4.00% 9/1/2046   455    388 
River Islands Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-1 (Public Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-1, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,400    1,149 
City of Riverside, Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 8/1/2031   2,500    2,612 
County of Riverside, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Jurupa Valley Redev. Project Area), Series 2015-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2028   2,000    2,082 
County of Riverside, Transportation Commission, Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B-2, 3.00% 6/1/2044   1,894    1,530 
County of Riverside, Transportation Commission, Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B-2, 3.00% 6/1/2048   2,288    1,750 
County of Riverside, Transportation Commission, Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-B-1, BAM insured, 3.00% 6/1/2049   10,500    8,086 
County of Riverside, Transportation Commission, Toll Rev. Ref. Bonds (RCTC 91 Express Lanes), Series 2021-B-1, 4.00% 6/1/2046   1,520    1,458 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,100    1,139 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   2,315    2,396 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,500    1,551 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2035   890    919 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2045   375    333 
Riverside Unified School Dist., Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2050   600    515 
Robla School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2019-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2044   1,720    1,822 
Romoland School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Heritage Lake), Improvement Area No. 4, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2038   550    515 
Romoland School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Heritage Lake), Improvement Area No. 4, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2045   750    666 
Romoland School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Brendle Mills), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2039   990    1,012 
Romoland School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 91-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2027   250    261 
Romoland School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 91-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2028   360    377 
Romoland School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 91-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2031   830    867 
Romoland School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 91-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2034   855    892 
Romoland School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 91-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,140    1,185 
Romoland School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 91-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2037   1,000    1,028 
Romoland School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 91-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2041   1,255    1,275 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Creekview), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2023   85    85 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Creekview), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2024   95    93 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Creekview), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 3.00% 9/1/2025   110    106 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Creekview), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2026   125    125 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Creekview), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2027   145    145 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Creekview), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2028   165    165 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Creekview), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2029   185    186 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Creekview), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2030   205    205 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Creekview), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   1,215    1,116 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Creekview), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,145    1,011 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Creekview), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   2,815    2,415 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (The Fountains), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,650    1,685 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Villages at Sierra Vista), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2037   220    210 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Villages at Sierra Vista), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   305    280 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Villages at Sierra Vista), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,040    917 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Villages at Sierra Vista), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   710    608 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2023   1,000    1,001 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 329

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2024  USD 1,005   $1,017 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2026   500    514 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2027   230    237 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2028   1,000    1,032 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Westpark), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2030   500    513 
City of Roseville, Community Facs. Dist. No. 5 (Fiddyment Ranch), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   750    700 
City of Roseville, Natural Gas Fncg. Auth., Gas Rev. Bonds, Series 2007, 5.00% 2/15/2024   3,300    3,310 
Rowland Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2006 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2009-B, 0% 8/1/2034   4,000    2,736 
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-02 (Natomas Central), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2041   235    238 
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-02 (Natomas Central), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2046   1,750    1,768 
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-04 (McKinley Village Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2040   1,100    1,112 
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2015-04 (McKinley Village Improvements), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2046   2,850    2,841 
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-01 (Delta Shores), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.50% 9/1/2052   260    260 
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-01 (Delta Shores), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.75% 9/1/2052   630    640 
City of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (North Natomas), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-E, 5.00% 9/1/2030   1,250    1,252 
City of Sacramento, Municipal Utility Dist., Electric Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 8/15/2041   2,000    2,001 
County of Sacramento, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   1,455    1,557 
County of Sacramento, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2033   3,000    3,194 
County of Sacramento, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2034   3,000    3,188 
County of Sacramento, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2018-C, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2035   4,000    4,237 
County of Sacramento, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2036   1,000    1,047 
County of Sacramento, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, BAM insured, 4.00% 7/1/2037   2,400    2,483 
County of Sacramento, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 7/1/2041   400    414 
County of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-2 (North Vineyard Station No. 1), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2040   1,090    1,106 
County of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-2 (North Vineyard Station No. 2), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   530    513 
County of Sacramento, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-2 (North Vineyard Station No. 2), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   650    594 
Sacramento Area Flood Control Agcy., Consolidated Capital Assessment Dist. No. 2, Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 10/1/2041   1,000    1,048 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2022-A, BAM insured, 5.50% 8/1/2047   1,940    2,153 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2022-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2036   340    380 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2022-A, BAM insured, 5.50% 8/1/2052   1,925    2,130 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2021 Election, Series 2021-G, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2044   1,315    1,309 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2021 Election, Series 2021-G, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2049   4,190    4,080 
Sacramento Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2002 Election, Series 2007, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 7/1/2028   4,575    3,846 
County of San Bernardino and Cities of Colton, Loma Linda and San Bernardino, Successor Agcy. to the Inland Valley Dev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 9/1/2044   3,750    3,763 
County of San Bernardino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Lytle Creek North), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2040   1,000    1,011 
County of San Bernardino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Lytle Creek North), Improvement Area No. 6, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2043   1,860    1,900 
County of San Bernardino, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Lytle Creek North), Improvement Area No. 6, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2048   1,775    1,803 
San Bernardino Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-D, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2042   2,175    2,181 


330 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of San Clemente, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Marblehead Coastal), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2030  USD 245   $251 
City of San Clemente, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Marblehead Coastal), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2031   480    492 
City of San Clemente, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1 (Marblehead Coastal), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015, 5.00% 9/1/2032   480    492 
City of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Black Mountain Ranch Villages), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2037   970    993 
City of San Diego, Public Facs. Fncg. Auth., Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 8/1/2045   1,000    1,001 
City of San Diego, Public Facs. Fncg. Auth., Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 5.00% 8/1/2038   2,820    2,983 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2032   125    126 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2032   100    101 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2033   100    101 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2034   265    266 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2034   100    100 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2035   125    125 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2036   635    623 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2036   170    167 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2037   175    169 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2038   855    818 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2039   410    388 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2040   475    446 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2040   100    94 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2045   1,000    899 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2045   550    494 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2050   1,100    958 
County of San Diego, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2008-1 (Harmony Grove Village), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2050   1,000    871 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2037   1,000    1,028 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/2044   8,965    9,540 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2026   760    788 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2027   750    790 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2029   1,595    1,729 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,785    1,922 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2033   2,280    2,453 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/2035   1,000    1,075 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2035   2,495    2,600 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2036   750    778 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2037   750    774 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2042   1,500    1,540 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2047   1,000    1,019 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2049   3,375    3,483 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2056   795    749 
County of San Diego, Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 7/1/2035   1,000    1,141 
County of San Diego, Regional Transportation Commission, Limited Sales Tax Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 4/1/2048   3,000    2,978 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 331

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
San Diego Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Series 2016-SR-1, 4.00% 7/1/2031  USD 4,000   $4,128 
San Diego Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Series 2016-SR-1, 4.00% 7/1/2032   1,000    1,029 
San Diego Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, 2008 Election, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2012-E, 0% 7/1/2034   3,000    2,103 
San Diego Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2017-I, 4.00% 7/1/2047   2,000    1,963 
San Diego Unified School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2020-M-2, 3.00% 7/1/2050   5,000    3,875 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A-2, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2029   2,000    2,162 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B-2, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2046   4,000    4,057 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-E-2, 5.00% 5/1/2048   2,380    2,503 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A-2, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2049   4,000    4,125 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-E-2, AMT, 4.00% 5/1/2050   2,000    1,871 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-E-2, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2050   13,630    14,044 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-F-2, 5.00% 5/1/2050   1,990    2,099 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A-2, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2036   6,750    7,343 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020-A-2, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2037   4,000    4,271 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-A-2, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2044   3,000    3,107 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019-E-2, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2045   4,125    4,274 
City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission, San Francisco International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2022-A-2, AMT, 5.00% 5/1/2052   3,000    3,132 
City and County of San Francisco, Certs. of Part. (Moscone Convention Center Expansion Project), Series 2017-B, 4.00% 4/1/2038   2,000    2,002 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1 (Transbay Transit Center), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 9/1/2042   1,000    1,073 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1 (Transbay Transit Center), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 9/1/2047   1,060    1,125 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1 (Transbay Transit Center), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 9/1/2052   640    673 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Treasure Island), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   1,950    1,800 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Treasure Island), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,745    1,549 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Treasure Island), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,035    893 
City and County of San Francisco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Treasure Island), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022-A, 4.00% 9/1/20523   1,500    1,272 
City and County of San Francisco, G.O. Bonds (Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response), Series 2021-E-1, 4.00% 6/15/2043   3,445    3,457 
City and County of San Francisco, Infrastructure and Revitalization Fncg. Dist. No. 1 (Treasure Island), Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 9/1/20323   500    530 
City and County of San Francisco, Infrastructure and Revitalization Fncg. Dist. No. 1 (Treasure Island), Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 9/1/20373   500    508 
City and County of San Francisco, Infrastructure and Revitalization Fncg. Dist. No. 1 (Treasure Island), Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 9/1/20523   2,000    1,912 
City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, San Francisco Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, 5.25% 11/1/2048   2,000    2,276 
City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, San Francisco Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-D, 3.00% 11/1/2050   1,615    1,243 


332 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, San Francisco Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/1/2050  USD 2,000   $1,973 
City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, San Francisco Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-C, 4.00% 11/1/2050   1,000    987 
City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, Wastewater Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2016-A, 4.00% 10/1/2037   6,575    6,584 
City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, Wastewater Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2023-C, 4.00% 10/1/2048 (put 10/1/2029)   8,665    9,154 
City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, Wastewater Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 10/1/2050   5,000    4,935 
City and County of San Francisco, Redev. Fin. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Bonds (Mission Bay South Redev. Project), Series 2016-B, 5.00% 8/1/2031   425    451 
City and County of San Francisco, Redev. Fin. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Bonds (Mission Bay South Redev. Project), Series 2016-C, 5.00% 8/1/2033   1,000    1,055 
City and County of San Francisco, Redev. Fin. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Bonds (Mission Bay South Redev. Project), Series 2016-C, National insured, 5.00% 8/1/2041   2,100    2,174 
City and County of San Francisco, Redev. Fin. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Bonds (Mission Bay South Redev. Project), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 8/1/2043   2,100    2,142 
City and County of San Francisco, Special Tax Dist. No. 2020-1 (Mission Rock Facs. and Services), Dev. Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/20263   130    129 
City and County of San Francisco, Special Tax Dist. No. 2020-1 (Mission Rock Facs. and Services), Dev. Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/20413   585    513 
City and County of San Francisco, Special Tax Dist. No. 2020-1 (Mission Rock Facs. and Services), Dev. Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/20463   2,475    2,084 
City and County of San Francisco, Special Tax Dist. No. 2020-1 (Mission Rock Facs. and Services), Dev. Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/20513   5,675    4,630 
City and County of San Francisco, Special Tax Dist. No. 2020-1 (Mission Rock Facs. and Services), Dev. Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/20513   1,550    1,265 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Community Facs. Dist. No. 6 (Mission Bay South Public Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 8/1/2024   1,510    1,513 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Community Facs. Dist. No. 6 (Mission Bay South Public Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2013-A, 5.00% 8/1/2028   1,400    1,413 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Community Facs. Dist. No. 7 (Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 1 Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 4.00% 8/1/2023   105    105 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Community Facs. Dist. No. 7 (Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 1 Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 8/1/2025   220    222 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Community Facs. Dist. No. 7 (Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 1 Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 8/1/2028   360    365 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Community Facs. Dist. No. 7 (Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 1 Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 8/1/2029   595    603 
City and County of San Francisco, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Community Facs. Dist. No. 7 (Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 1 Improvements), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014, 5.00% 8/1/2030   460    466 
City of San Francisco, Bay Area Rapid Transit Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-C-1, 3.00% 8/1/2037   3,260    2,926 
City of San Francisco, Bay Area Rapid Transit Dist., G.O. Green Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020-C-1, 3.00% 8/1/2050   10,690    8,048 
San Francisco Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 6/15/2045   5,500    5,361 
San Jacinto Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1, Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Infrastructure Projects), Series 2022, 4.00% 9/1/2050   875    743 
San Jacinto Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2028   380    400 
San Jacinto Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2030   200    212 
San Jacinto Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2031   550    581 
San Jacinto Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2033   750    787 
San Jacinto Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2034   765    797 
San Jacinto Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2035   200    208 
City of San Jose, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, BAM insured, 5.00% 3/1/2029   1,030    1,111 
City of San Jose, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, AMT, BAM insured, 5.00% 3/1/2033   1,500    1,646 
City of San Jose, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 3/1/2035   1,000    1,040 
City of San Jose, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 3/1/2037   1,000    1,031 
City of San Jose, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 3/1/2041   1,500    1,540 
City of San Jose, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, AMT, 5.00% 3/1/2047   10,000    10,182 
San Jose Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2018-E, 4.00% 8/1/2042   5,000    5,017 
San Juan Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2020, 4.00% 8/1/2034   1,000    1,042 
San Leandro Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2032   375    416 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 333

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
San Leandro Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-B, BAM insured, 5.00% 8/1/2033  USD 355   $393 
San Leandro Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2020-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2043   1,300    1,302 
City of San Luis Obispo, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (San Luis Ranch), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   730    644 
City of San Luis Obispo, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1 (San Luis Ranch), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   925    792 
City of San Marcos, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/1/2023   900    902 
City of San Marcos, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/1/2024   150    153 
City of San Marcos, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 10/1/2029   2,000    2,082 
San Marcos Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 8/1/2034   2,115    2,297 
San Marcos Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 8/1/2035   1,280    1,384 
San Mateo Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2005 Election, Series 2006-B, National insured, 0% 9/1/2035   2,000    1,344 
San Rafael High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-C, 4.00% 8/1/2043   2,500    2,505 
City of San Ramon, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, BAM insured, 5.00% 2/1/2038   2,000    2,047 
Sanger Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2021-C, BAM insured, 3.00% 8/1/2048   2,465    1,907 
Sanger Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 3.00% 8/1/2051   3,325    2,517 
Sanger Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2055   1,650    1,603 
City of Santa Clarita, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Vista Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/20233   130    130 
City of Santa Clarita, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Vista Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/20243   150    150 
City of Santa Clarita, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Vista Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/20253   175    174 
City of Santa Clarita, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Vista Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/20263   200    200 
City of Santa Clarita, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Vista Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/20283   250    252 
City of Santa Clarita, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Vista Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/20303   110    110 
City of Santa Clarita, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Vista Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/20353   685    673 
City of Santa Clarita, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-1 (Vista Canyon), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/20503   5,820    5,012 
Santa Margarita Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 99-1 (Talega), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 9/1/2026   835    847 
Santa Margarita Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 99-1 (Talega), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2014-B, 5.00% 9/1/2038   460    464 
City of Santa Monica, Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (Earthquake Recovery Redev. Project), Series 2011, 5.00% 7/1/2032   2,000    2,006 
City of Santa Monica, Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (Earthquake Recovery Redev. Project), Series 2011, 5.875% 7/1/2036   1,250    1,254 
City of Santa Monica, Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (Earthquake Recovery Redev. Project), Series 2011, 5.875% 7/1/2042   2,500    2,508 
Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2019-E, 3.00% 8/1/2033   2,000    1,960 
City of Santee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Weston Infrastructure), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2027   195    206 
City of Santee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Weston Infrastructure), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2028   205    219 
City of Santee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Weston Infrastructure), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2034   350    372 
City of Santee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Weston Infrastructure), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 3.00% 9/1/2036   250    218 
City of Santee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Weston Infrastructure), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 3.00% 9/1/2037   185    157 
City of Santee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Weston Infrastructure), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 3.00% 9/1/2038   270    224 
City of Santee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Weston Infrastructure), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 3.125% 9/1/2039   165    138 


334 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
City of Santee, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1 (Weston Infrastructure), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049  USD 1,940   $1,975 
Saugus Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2029   135    137 
Saugus Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2033   215    214 
Saugus Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2034   230    228 
Saugus Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2035   240    236 
Saugus Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2036   275    266 
Saugus Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2037   295    278 
Saugus Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2038   320    296 
Saugus Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2039   345    322 
Saugus Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2019-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020, 4.00% 9/1/2040   295    271 
Saugus Union School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2035   600    623 
Saugus Union School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2039   700    709 
Saugus Union School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2041   275    278 
Saugus Union School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 9/1/2049   1,250    1,234 
Saugus Union School Dist., Saugus/Hart School Facs. Fin. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 9/1/2033   1,240    1,274 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Aspire Public Schools Obligated Group - Issue No. 5), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/1/20513   800    660 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Aspire Public Schools Obligated Group - Issue No. 5), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 8/1/20613   2,275    1,793 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Classical Academies Oceanside Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/20423   1,000    1,006 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Classical Academies Oceanside Project), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/20613   2,025    1,938 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Classical Academies Project), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 10/1/20273   750    745 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Classical Academies Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/20323   2,500    2,599 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Classical Academies Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/20373   1,485    1,508 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Classical Academies Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 10/1/20443   2,805    2,807 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Downtown College Prep Obligated Group), Series 2016, 4.75% 6/1/20363   1,365    1,327 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitas Academy Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/20293   3,115    3,120 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitas Academy Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/20353   500    489 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitas Academy Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/20413   3,000    2,877 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Equitas Academy Obligated Group), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/20483   2,795    2,596 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Fenton Charter Public Schools Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20403   1,350    1,328 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Fenton Charter Public Schools Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20503   750    703 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Fenton Charter Public Schools Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 7/1/20583   1,625    1,506 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Larchmont Charter School Project), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 6/1/20553   1,000    957 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Rocketship Education Obligated Group), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/20343   750    752 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Rocketship Education Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/20363   1,000    986 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Rocketship Education Obligated Group), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/20463   750    691 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Rocketship Public Schools Obligated Group), Series 2017-G, 5.00% 6/1/20303   315    318 
School Fin. Auth., Charter School Rev. Bonds (Rocketship Public Schools Obligated Group), Series 2017-G, 5.00% 6/1/20473   250    229 
School Fin. Auth., Educational Fac. Rev. Bonds (River Springs Charter School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/20303   1,665    1,679 
School Fin. Auth., Educational Fac. Rev. Bonds (River Springs Charter School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/20373   2,105    2,033 
School Fin. Auth., Educational Fac. Rev. Bonds (River Springs Charter School Project), Series 2023-A, 5.75% 7/1/20423   820    828 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 335

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
School Fin. Auth., Educational Fac. Rev. Bonds (River Springs Charter School Project), Series 2015-A, 6.375% 7/1/2046 (preref. 7/1/2025)3  USD 4,610   $4,899 
School Fin. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (River Springs Charter School Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/20473   1,000    904 
School Fin. Auth., School Fac. Rev. Bonds (Granada Hills Charter Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20433   1,750    1,760 
School Fin. Auth., School Fac. Rev. Bonds (Granada Hills Charter Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20493   1,900    1,902 
School Fin. Auth., School Fac. Rev. Bonds (Granada Hills Charter Obligated Group), Series 2019, 5.00% 7/1/20543   5,000    4,984 
School Fin. Auth., School Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP LA Projects), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/20373   860    888 
School Fin. Auth., School Fac. Rev. Bonds (KIPP SoCal Projects), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 7/1/20543   2,150    2,182 
School Fin. Auth., School Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (High Tech High Learning Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/20373   1,455    1,403 
School Fin. Auth., School Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (High Tech High Learning Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 7/1/20493   5,400    4,946 
South Orange County Public Fncg. Auth., Central Utility Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2031   1,250    1,323 
South Orange County Public Fncg. Auth., Central Utility Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2032   1,750    1,851 
South Orange County Public Fncg. Auth., Central Utility Fac. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 4/1/2035   2,000    2,106 
South Placer Wastewater Auth., Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 11/1/2035   500    602 
South San Francisco Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, 4.00% 9/1/2040   1,000    1,020 
South San Francisco Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2022 Election, Series 2023, 4.00% 9/1/2041   1,690    1,710 
Southern California Public Power Auth., Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 1), Series 2007-A, 5.25% 11/1/2025   1,400    1,434 
Southern California Public Power Auth., Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (Milford Wind Corridor Phase II Project), Series 2021-1, 5.00% 7/1/2026   385    409 
Southern California Public Power Auth., Transmission Project Rev. Bonds (Southern Transmission System Renewal Project), Series 2023-1, 5.25% 7/1/2053   4,000    4,521 
Southwestern Community College Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds (2019 Crossover), Series 2016-B, 4.00% 8/1/2035   500    511 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Meadowlands), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   2,780    2,531 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-01 (Meadowlands), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   1,290    1,096 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-02 (Citro), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.25% 9/1/2037   1,250    1,212 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-02 (Citro), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2042   1,965    1,997 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2021-02 (Citro), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 5.00% 9/1/2052   500    499 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Montage Health), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/2040   1,090    1,087 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Montage Health), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 6/1/2041   1,160    1,157 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Edison Co.), Series 2010-A, 1.75% 9/1/2029   7,000    6,061 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Adventist Health System/West), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/1/2035   1,465    1,540 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Adventist Health System/West), Series 2018-A, 4.00% 3/1/2042   1,240    1,138 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (American Baptist Homes of the West), Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2026   75    77 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (American Baptist Homes of the West), Series 2015, 5.00% 10/1/2045   1,700    1,710 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Buck Institute for Research on Aging), Series 2014, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 11/15/2049 (preref. 11/15/2024)   5,250    5,387 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2013-C, 5.625% 12/1/2036   2,000    2,014 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 4/1/2029   405    421 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 4/1/2046   6,690    4,969 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 4/1/2047   1,815    1,849 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2021-A, 2.50% 4/1/2051   2,740    1,731 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 4/1/2051   5,000    3,521 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 4/1/2051   6,450    5,864 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Huntington Memorial Hospital), Series 2014, 5.00% 7/1/2044 (preref. 7/1/2024)   3,225    3,281 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Huntington Memorial Hospital), Series 2018, 4.00% 7/1/2048   500    479 


336 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kaiser Permanente), Series 2004-L, 5.00% 4/1/2038 (put 11/1/2029)  USD 5,000   $5,619 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kaiser Permanente), Series 2004-M, 5.00% 4/1/2038 (put 11/1/2029)   4,000    4,495 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/20343   100    99 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/20393   105    102 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/20513   2,315    2,142 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lancer Plaza Project), Series 2013, 5.625% 11/1/2033   1,350    1,354 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Lancer Plaza Project), Series 2013, 5.875% 11/1/2043   935    936 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loma Linda University Medical Center), Series 2014-A, 5.25% 12/1/2044   2,925    2,921 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loma Linda University Medical Center), Series 2016-A, 5.25% 12/1/20563   1,400    1,401 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loma Linda University Medical Center), Series 2018-A, 5.50% 12/1/20583   1,000    1,001 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Redlands Community Hospital), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2029   625    651 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Redlands Community Hospital), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2031   1,135    1,182 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Redlands Community Hospital), Series 2016, 5.00% 10/1/2032   1,500    1,562 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Redlands Community Hospital), Series 2016, 4.00% 10/1/2041   1,000    963 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/20323   2,025    2,077 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (California Baptist University), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/20413   13,295    13,247 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Enloe Medical Center), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2031 (preref. 2/15/2026)   1,000    1,052 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Enloe Medical Center), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2034 (preref. 2/15/2026)   500    526 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Enloe Medical Center), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/15/2035 (preref. 2/15/2026)   5,050    5,313 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Huntington Memorial Hospital), Series 2014-B, 5.00% 7/1/2030 (preref. 7/1/2024)   500    509 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Huntington Memorial Hospital), Series 2014-B, 5.00% 7/1/2031 (preref. 7/1/2024)   1,750    1,780 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2016-A, 4.00% 6/1/20263   2,010    1,965 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/20363   4,500    4,429 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 6/1/20463   2,250    2,113 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Odd Fellows Home of California Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 4/1/2036   500    549 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Odd Fellows Home of California Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 4/1/2037   350    381 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Odd Fellows Home of California Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 4/1/2038   250    271 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Odd Fellows Home of California Project), Series 2023-A, 4.125% 4/1/2053   700    678 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Statewide Community Infrastructure Program Rev. Bonds (City of Hesperia Ranchero Road Widening Improvements), Series 2022, 5.75% 9/2/2052   8,345    8,107 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Irvine, LLC - University of California, Irvine East Campus Apartments, Phase I Ref. and Phase IV-B), Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 5/15/2038   2,000    2,003 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Irvine, LLC - University of California, Irvine East Campus Apartments, Phase I Ref. and Phase IV-B), Series 2021, BAM insured, 4.00% 5/15/2046   7,465    7,121 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Custodial Receipts), Series 2017, 4.305% 7/1/2032   7,505    6,835 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHF-Irvine, LLC - University of California, Irvine East Campus Apartments), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2029   1,000    1,036 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 337

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHF-Irvine, LLC - University of California, Irvine East Campus Apartments), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2030  USD 1,500   $1,553 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHF-Irvine, LLC - University of California, Irvine East Campus Apartments), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2032   1,000    1,034 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHF-Irvine, LLC - University of California, Irvine East Campus Apartments), Series 2016, 5.00% 5/15/2035   1,250    1,282 
City of Stockton, Public Fncg. Auth., Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds (1998 Wastewater Project and 2003 Wastewater Project), Series 2014, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2024   500    509 
City of Stockton, Public Fncg. Auth., Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds (1998 Wastewater Project and 2003 Wastewater Project), Series 2014, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2028   1,000    1,016 
Stockton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2040   790    804 
Stockton Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2045   9,245    9,242 
Stockton Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2029   1,000    1,051 
Stockton Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2031   7,800    8,205 
Sulphur Springs Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2048   1,000    869 
Sulphur Springs Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1, Special Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021, 0% 9/1/2041   205    84 
Sulphur Springs Union School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-1, Special Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2021, 0% 9/1/2052   8,800    1,870 
City of Sunnyvale, Fin. Auth., Lease Rev. Green Bonds (Civic Center Project), Series 2020, 4.00% 4/1/2040   1,000    1,006 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2006 Election, Series 2018-C, 4.00% 8/1/2043   4,290    4,190 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2022-A-1, 4.50% 8/1/2040   6,020    6,198 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, 2018 Election, Series 2022-A-1, 4.50% 8/1/2041   6,690    6,878 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2006 Election, Series 2022-D-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2034   1,170    756 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2006 Election, Series 2022-D-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2037   1,250    676 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2006 Election, Series 2022-D-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2044   2,000    700 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2006 Election, Series 2022-D-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2045   2,000    660 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Dedicated Unlimited Ad Valorem Property Tax Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2006 Election, Series 2022-D-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2046   2,000    623 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2032   5,000    5,240 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2034   2,075    2,162 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 8/1/2036   1,000    1,037 
Sweetwater Union High School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 4.00% 8/1/2047   4,750    4,583 
Taft City Elementary School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Election 2012, Series 2013-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 6.00% 8/1/2044 (preref. 8/1/2023)   1,200    1,200 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2014-1, Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2050   2,100    2,124 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.25% 9/1/2043   700    650 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 2017-1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2022, 4.375% 9/1/2052   1,600    1,455 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2031   1,500    1,553 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2033   1,000    1,033 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2034   2,065    2,133 
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2015, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2040   1,600    1,631 


338 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2016-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2045  USD 1,400   $1,391 
Temescal Valley Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Terramor), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   930    895 
Temescal Valley Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 4 (Terramor), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,045    912 
City of Thousand Oaks, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1994-1 (Marketplace Public Pedestrian, Traffic Circulation and Parking Facs.), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.375% 9/1/2031   3,265    3,265 
Tobacco Securitization Auth. of Northern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Senior Bonds (Sacramento County Tobacco Securitization Corp), Series 2021-A-1, 4.00% 6/1/2034   670    689 
Tobacco Securitization Auth. of Southern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Bonds (San Diego County Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp.), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2028   1,500    1,625 
Tobacco Securitization Auth. of Southern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Bonds (San Diego County Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp.), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2032   2,400    2,644 
Tobacco Securitization Auth. of Southern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Bonds (San Diego County Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp.), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 6/1/2033   2,000    2,198 
Tobacco Securitization Auth. of Southern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Rev. Ref. Bonds (San Diego County Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp.), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2019-B2-2, 0% 6/1/2054   14,865    2,771 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-01 (NEI Phase II), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2030   535    567 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2006-01 (NEI Phase II), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2034   1,380    1,464 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2030   260    276 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2031   290    308 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2032   300    319 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2033   335    356 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2034   400    425 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2035   440    466 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2036   485    510 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2037   530    552 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2038   575    596 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2044   870    886 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2049   1,750    1,768 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2036   750    736 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2041   1,100    1,021 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2046   1,600    1,439 
City of Tracy, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2016-2 (ECFD), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, 4.00% 9/1/2051   2,100    1,839 
Transbay Joint Powers Auth., Senior Tax Allocation Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2045   1,000    1,028 
Transbay Joint Powers Auth., Senior Tax Allocation Green Bonds, Series 2020-A, 5.00% 10/1/2049   2,135    2,181 
Transbay Joint Powers Auth., Tax Allocation Green Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2029   1,280    1,353 
Transbay Joint Powers Auth., Tax Allocation Green Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2032   500    531 
Transbay Joint Powers Auth., Tax Allocation Green Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2033   300    319 
Transbay Joint Powers Auth., Tax Allocation Green Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2034   300    317 
Transbay Joint Powers Auth., Tax Allocation Green Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2035   300    315 
Transbay Joint Powers Auth., Tax Allocation Green Bonds, Series 2020-B, 5.00% 10/1/2038   820    844 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 339

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Transmission Agcy. of Northern California, Rev. Ref. Bonds (California-Oregon Transmission Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/1/2037  USD 2,000   $2,104 
Transmission Agcy. of Northern California, Rev. Ref. Bonds (California-Oregon Transmission Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/1/2038   1,000    1,049 
Transmission Agcy. of Northern California, Rev. Ref. Bonds (California-Oregon Transmission Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/1/2039   1,000    1,048 
City of Tulare, Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 11/15/2034   2,235    2,274 
City of Tulare, Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 11/15/2035   1,320    1,338 
County of Tulare, Local Health Care Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2039   1,850    1,874 
City of Turlock, Irrigation Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2020, 5.00% 1/1/2031   1,000    1,148 
City of Turlock, Irrigation Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016, 5.00% 1/1/2036   600    641 
City of Tustin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 06-1 (Tustin Legacy / Columbus Villages), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2031   1,000    1,039 
City of Tustin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 06-1 (Tustin Legacy / Columbus Villages), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2033   1,135    1,177 
City of Tustin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 06-1 (Tustin Legacy / Columbus Villages), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 4.00% 9/1/2035   250    247 
City of Tustin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 06-1 (Tustin Legacy / Columbus Villages), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2040   1,850    1,870 
City of Tustin, Community Facs. Dist. No. 06-1 (Tustin Legacy / Columbus Villages), Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, 5.00% 9/1/2045   2,200    2,217 
Tustin Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 97-1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1997-A-1, 5.00% 9/1/2028   3,000    3,103 
Tustin Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 97-1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1997-A-1, 5.00% 9/1/2029   1,000    1,036 
Tustin Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 97-1, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1997-A-1, BAM insured, 5.00% 9/1/2038   2,500    2,569 
Twin Rivers Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2006 Election, Series 2016, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2041   7,000    3,136 
Regents of the University of California, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-BE, 4.00% 5/15/2040   2,570    2,608 
Regents of the University of California, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-BE, 4.00% 5/15/2047   4,855    4,818 
Regents of the University of California, Limited Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-K, 5.00% 5/15/2034   750    798 
Regents of the University of California, Limited Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-Q, 4.00% 5/15/2038   1,215    1,266 
Regents of the University of California, Limited Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-Q, 4.00% 5/15/2040   1,205    1,238 
Regents of the University of California, Medical Center Pooled Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-L, 4.00% 5/15/2038   1,000    1,003 
City of Upland, Community Facs. Dist. No 2016-1 (Harvest at Upland), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2040   260    240 
City of Upland, Community Facs. Dist. No 2016-1 (Harvest at Upland), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2045   165    145 
City of Upland, Community Facs. Dist. No 2016-1 (Harvest at Upland), Improvement Area No. 2, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 9/1/2051   265    226 
Upper Santa Clara Valley Joint Powers Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/1/2046   2,120    2,255 
Vacaville Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2014 Election, Series 2020-D, 4.00% 8/1/2042   1,000    994 
Val Verde Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2016-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2045   1,550    1,543 
Val Verde Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2046   1,885    1,889 
Val Verde Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2020 Election, Series 2021-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2051   3,350    3,304 
City of Vallejo, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 5/1/2046   3,350    3,339 
City of Vallejo, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 5/1/2051   4,500    4,415 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 4/1/2025   1,000    1,016 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 10/1/2025   1,415    1,446 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 4/1/2026   1,000    1,028 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   1,180    1,239 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 4/1/2028   470    497 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2037   1,565    1,675 
City of Vernon, Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 8/1/2040   775    817 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Home Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-B, 3.50% 12/1/2045   1,600    1,585 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Home Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 4.00% 12/1/2049   3,820    3,798 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Home Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 3.00% 12/1/2050   5,735    5,562 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Home Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.50% 12/1/2052   3,400    3,645 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-CR, 4.00% 12/1/2048   8,625    8,574 


340 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
California (continued)          
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Bonds, Series 2019-CS, 4.00% 12/1/2049  USD 9,245   $9,191 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-CT, 3.00% 12/1/2050   5,290    5,139 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-CU, 5.50% 12/1/2052   2,505    2,801 
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-CN, 3.50% 12/1/2045   1,815    1,801 
Victor Valley Union High School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, BAM insured, 4.00% 8/1/2031   1,000    1,030 
Victor Valley Union High School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2035   3,630    3,693 
Victor Valley Union High School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2036   1,665    1,683 
Victor Valley Union High School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2037   3,800    3,827 
West Contra Costa Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, 2012 Election, Series 2020-E, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 8/1/2049   2,000    1,908 
West Contra Costa Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2002 Election, Series 2005-D, National insured, 0% 8/1/2031   7,500    5,674 
West Contra Costa Unified School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2010-D-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 8/1/2036   6,000    3,660 
City of West Sacramento, Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 9/1/2026   290    301 
Western Riverside Water and Wastewater Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 9/1/2042   1,150    1,179 
Western Riverside Water and Wastewater Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2030   600    641 
Western Riverside Water and Wastewater Fncg. Auth., Local Agcy. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 9/1/2032   1,240    1,323 
City of Westminster, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Commercial Redev. Project No. 1, Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 4.00% 11/1/2031   3,105    3,177 
City of Westminster, Successor Agcy. to the Redev. Agcy., Commercial Redev. Project No. 1, Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 4.00% 11/1/2035   2,220    2,251 
Whittier Union High School Dist., G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016, 0% 8/1/2032   2,000    1,416 
William S. Hart Union High School Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2009-A, 0% 8/1/2032   2,000    1,473 
City of Woodland, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Spring Lake), Special Tax Rev. Ref. and Capital Projects Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2033   1,295    1,364 
City of Woodland, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Spring Lake), Special Tax Rev. Ref. and Capital Projects Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,475    1,525 
City of Woodland, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Spring Lake), Special Tax Rev. Ref. and Capital Projects Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2044   1,490    1,520 
City of Woodland, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1 (Spring Lake), Special Tax Rev. Ref. and Capital Projects Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 9/1/2048   1,660    1,686 
Yosemite Community College Dist., G.O. Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, 2004 Election, Series 2010-D, 0% 8/1/2031   1,500    1,148 
Guam 0.66%          
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2023 (escrowed to maturity)   950    952 
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-C, AMT, 6.25% 10/1/2034   605    607 
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, AMT, 5.25% 10/1/2036   685    686 
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-C, AMT, 6.375% 10/1/2043   1,440    1,446 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-D, 5.00% 11/15/2028   4,500    4,576 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 5.00% 1/1/2029   1,500    1,562 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 4.00% 1/1/2042   3,685    3,270 
Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/1/2040   635    641 
Limited Obligation Bonds (Section 30), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2046   3,000    2,912 
Limited Obligation Rev. Bonds (Section 30), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 12/1/2024   1,000    1,011 
Port Auth., Port Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-B, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2037   400    417 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 341

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Puerto Rico 0.89%          
Public Fin. Corp., Commonwealth Appropriation Bonds, Series 2001-E, 6.00% 8/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)  USD 1,830   $1,974 
Public Fin. Corp., Commonwealth Appropriation Bonds, Series 2001-E, 6.00% 8/1/2026 (escrowed to maturity)   170    183 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 4.75% 7/1/2053   2,995    2,844 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2019-A-2, 4.329% 7/1/2040   1,050    991 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 5.00% 7/1/2058   7,840    7,650 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2018-A-1, 0% 7/1/2046   32,723    9,375 
University of Puerto Rico, University System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-P, 5.00% 6/1/2026   1,500    1,475 
United States 0.59%          
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Certs., Series 2023, 2.75% 11/25/20353   7,815    6,637 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2019-ML-05, Class ACA, 3.35% 11/25/2033   8,010    7,305 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2021-ML-10, Class ACA, 2.046% 6/25/20383   976    716 
Freddie Mac, Multi Family Mortgage Certs., Series 2019-M-049, 3.05% 4/15/2034   1,800    1,590 
Virgin Islands 0.18%          
Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp., Matching Fund Securitization Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2027   2,500    2,529 
Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp., Matching Fund Securitization Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2028   1,565    1,582 
Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp., Matching Fund Securitization Bonds, Series 2022-A, 5.00% 10/1/2030   800    811 
Total bonds, notes & other debt instruments (cost: $2,514,820,000)        2,382,137 
Short-term securities 12.08%          
Municipals 12.08%          
Fin. Auth., Recovery Zone Fac. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2010-A, 3.25% 11/1/20352   10,900    10,900 
Fin. Auth., Recovery Zone Fac. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2010-B, 3.25% 11/1/20352   2,300    2,300 
IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-A, 3.06% 8/10/2023   1,000    1,000 
City of Irvine, Reassessment Dist. No. 87-8, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 1999, 3.38% 9/2/20242   1,250    1,250 
Kern Community College Dist., Facs. Improvement Dist. No. 1, G.O. Bond Anticipation Notes, Capital Appreciation Notes, Series 2020, 0% 8/1/2023   1,110    1,110 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Demand Rev. Bonds, Series 2002-A-1, 3.30% 7/1/20352   8,990    8,990 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Demand Rev. Bonds, Series 2002-A-2, 3.30% 7/1/20352   4,500    4,500 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Demand Rev. Bonds, Series 2002-A-6, 3.55% 7/1/20352   2,425    2,425 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Demand Rev. Bonds, Series 2002-A-7, 3.55% 7/1/20352   2,500    2,500 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2001-B-3, 3.35% 7/1/20342   9,400    9,400 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-1, 3.25% 7/1/20502   2,200    2,200 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A-1, 3.35% 7/1/20502   6,000    6,000 
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Water System Bonds, Series 2019-A, 3.34% 7/1/20492   66,150    66,150 
City of Los Angeles, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/27/2024   10,000    10,163 
County of Los Angeles, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/28/2024   10,000    10,163 
Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-C, 4.12% 7/1/2047 (put 5/21/2024)2,5   4,795    4,792 
Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2016-B-2, 3.35% 7/1/20372   7,900    7,900 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2005, 3.25% 6/1/20252   3,700    3,700 
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2021-A, AMT, 4.10% 7/1/2041 (put 10/2/2023)5   3,400    3,399 


342 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Short-term securities (continued)  Principal amount
Municipals (continued)          
Municipal Fin. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), Series 2020, AMT, 4.00% 10/1/2045 (put 9/1/2023)5  USD 8,000   $7,999 
City of Pasadena, Demand Rev. Ref. Certs. of Part., Series 2008-A, 3.10% 2/1/20352   31,480    31,480 
Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Environmental Impact Rev. Bonds (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Project), Series 1997-B, 3.20% 3/1/20422   16,900    16,900 
Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2017-A-2, AMT, 4.10% 11/1/2042 (put 10/16/2023)3,5   1,390    1,390 
Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2010-A, AMT, 3.875% 8/1/20233,5   15,000    15,000 
Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2023, AMT, 4.25% 7/1/2043 (put 2/15/2024)3,5   4,775    4,775 
County of Riverside, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2023, 5.00% 6/28/2024   10,000    10,159 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Project), Series 2002, 3.25% 5/15/20242   1,200    1,200 
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Odd Fellows Home of California Project), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 4/1/2024   315    318 
Regents of the University of California, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-AL-2, 3.40% 5/15/20482   20,175    20,175 
Regents of the University of California, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-AL-1, 3.50% 5/15/20482   12,800    12,800 
Regents of the University of California, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-AL-4, 3.50% 5/15/20482   17,280    17,280 
Regents of the University of California, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-BP, 3.60% 5/15/20482   22,250    22,250 
Regents of the University of California, IAM Commercial Paper, Series 2023-A, 3.35% 8/3/2023   3,750    3,750 
Regents of the University of California, Medical Center Pooled Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-B-2, 3.40% 5/15/20322   4,300    4,300 
Regents of the University of California, Medical Center Pooled Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-O-1, 3.35% 5/15/20452   2,800    2,800 
Total short-term securities (cost: $331,410,000)        331,418 
Total investment securities 98.88% (cost: $2,846,230,000)        2,713,555 
Other assets less liabilities 1.12%        30,658 
Net assets 100.00%       $2,744,213 


Futures contracts


Contracts  Type  Number of
   Value and
at 7/31/2023
2 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long  1,110  9/29/2023  USD225,364    $ (2,714)
5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long  1,530  9/29/2023   163,435    (2,333)
10 Year Ultra U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Short  879  9/20/2023   (102,829)               2,455 
                  $ (2,592)


1 Step bond; coupon rate may change at a later date.
2 Coupon rate may change periodically. Reference rate and spread are as of the most recent information available. Some coupon rates are determined by the issuer or agent based on current market conditions; therefore, the reference rate and spread are not available. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.
3 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A or, for commercial paper, Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. The total value of all such securities was $219,360,000, which represented 7.99% of the net assets of the fund.
4 Principal payments may be made periodically. Therefore, the effective maturity date may be earlier than the stated maturity date.
5 For short-term securities, the mandatory put date is considered to be the maturity date.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 343

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


Key to abbreviations

Agcy. = Agency

AMT = Alternative Minimum Tax

Assn. = Association

Auth. = Authority

Certs. = Certificates

CME = CME Group

Dept. = Department

Dev. = Development

Dist. = District

Econ. = Economic

Fac. = Facility

Facs. = Facilities

Fin. = Finance

Fncg. = Financing

G.O. = General Obligation

IAM = Interest at Maturity

Part. = Participation

Preref. = Prerefunded

Redev. = Redevelopment

Ref. = Refunding

Rev. = Revenue

SIFMA = Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association

SOFR = Secured Overnight Financing Rate

USD = U.S. dollars


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


344 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York

Investment portfolio July 31, 2023


Portfolio quality summary* Percent of net assets



* Bond ratings, which typically range from AAA/Aaa (highest) to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch as an indication of an issuer’s creditworthiness. In assigning a credit rating to a security, the fund looks specifically to the ratings assigned to the issuer of the security by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and/or Fitch. If agency ratings differ, the security will be considered to have received the highest of those ratings, consistent with the fund’s investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments 91.60%  Principal amount
New York 88.41%          
City of Albany Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Empire Commons Student Housing, Inc. Ref. Project), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 5/1/2032  USD 400   $412 
Town of Amherst Dev. Corp., Fac. Rev. Bonds (Daemen College Projects), Series 2018, 5.00% 10/1/2023   540    540 
Town of Amherst Dev. Corp., Student Housing Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (UBF Faculty-Student Housing Corp. - Greiner and Hadley Rev. Ref. Projects at SUNY Buffalo), Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2030   500    544 
City of Battery Park Auth., Senior Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 11/1/2035   1,000    1,196 
Town of Brookhaven Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Active Retirement Community, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/1/2055   750    586 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 7/15/2034   240    242 
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev. Corp., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Barclays Center), Series 2016-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 7/15/2042   1,925    1,927 
Broome County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (United Health Services Hospitals, Inc. Project), Series 2020, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 4/1/2050   1,000    949 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Academic Leadership Charter School Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 6/15/2030   200    197 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Academic Leadership Charter School Project), Series 2021, 4.00% 6/15/2036   400    375 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (East Harlem Scholars Academy Charter School Project), Series 2022, 5.75% 6/1/20621   100    101 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public School Facs. - Canal West Project), Series 2022, 5.00% 7/1/2042   1,000    1,017 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (KIPP NYC Public School Facs. - Canal West Project), Series 2022, 5.25% 7/1/2057   1,000    1,013 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Albert Einstein School of Medicine, Inc. Project), Series 2015, 5.50% 9/1/20451   290    289 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Pratt Paper (NY), Inc. Project), Series 2014, AMT, 4.50% 1/1/20251   120    121 
Build NYC Resource Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Pratt Paper (NY), Inc. Project), Series 2014, AMT, 5.00% 1/1/20351   950    962 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2039   2,300    1,115 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-B, BAM insured, 0% 11/15/2048   3,540    1,052 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2030   300    310 
Convention Center Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured), Series 2015, 5.00% 11/15/2035   840    865 
Dobbs Ferry Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Mercy College Project), Series 2014, 5.00% 7/1/2039   1,625    1,643 
Dobbs Ferry Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Mercy College Project), Series 2014, 5.00% 7/1/2044   500    505 
Dormitory Auth., Mortgage Hospital Rev. Bonds (Maimonides Medical Center), Series 2020, FHA insured, 3.00% 2/1/2050   1,000    750 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Catholic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2045   500    357 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 345

American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)        
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Columbia University), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 10/1/2033   USD1,000   $1,226 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Cornell University), Series 2020-A-2, 5.00% 7/1/2030   1,000    1,161 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Culinary Institute of America), Series 2013, 5.50% 7/1/2033   500    501 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2040   250    254 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Iona College), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/2046   250    256 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Langone Hospitals Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2050   1,500    1,386 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Langone Hospitals Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 7/1/2053   1,000    926 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Montefiore Obligated Group), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 9/1/2050   750    636 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New School), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2032   930    956 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New School), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2032 (preref. 7/1/2025)   70    72 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New School), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2035   555    579 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New School), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 7/1/2047   765    702 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (New York University), Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/2046   2,050    1,984 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northwell Health Obligated Group), Series 2019-B-3, 5.00% 5/1/2048 (put 5/1/2026)   1,000    1,030 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (NYU Hospitals Center), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 7/1/2033   400    418 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (NYU Hospitals Center), Series 2014, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,000    1,018 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (School Dist. Rev. Bond Fncg. Program), Series 2011-A, 5.00% 10/1/2024   10    10 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (State University of New York Dormitory Facs.), Series 2019-A, 4.00% 7/1/2049   1,000    945 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Touro College and University System Obligated Group), Series 2017, 5.00% 1/1/2038 (preref. 1/3/2028)   500    544 
Dormitory Auth., School Dist. Rev. Bond Fncg. Program Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 10/1/2035   1,000    1,148 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2028   1,000    1,093 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2018-A, 5.25% 3/15/2037   1,000    1,099 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2017-B, 5.00% 2/15/2041   750    793 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 3/15/2047   1,000    978 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2021-E, 4.00% 3/15/2047   1,280    1,252 
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2021-E, 3.00% 3/15/2051   1,500    1,150 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 3/15/2038   1,000    1,009 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-A, 5.00% 3/15/2039   2,275    2,426 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-E, 5.00% 3/15/2039   800    858 
Dormitory Auth., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-E, 5.00% 3/15/2048   1,500    1,591 
Dutchess County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Nuvance Health Issue), Series 2019-B, 4.00% 7/1/2049   1,000    874 
Energy Research and Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (New York State Electric & Gas Corp. Project), Series 2004-C, 4.00% 4/1/2034   1,110    1,126 
Energy Research and Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Rochester Gas and Electric Corp. Project), Series 1997-A, 3.00% 8/1/2032 (put 7/1/2025)   1,000    990 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Clean Water and Drinking Water Revolving Funds Rev. Bonds (New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth. Projects - Second Resolution Bonds), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 6/15/2051   1,000    1,093 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Rev. Green Bonds (Revolving Funds), Series 2016-B, 4.00% 8/15/2036   1,950    1,992 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Project), Series 2017, AMT, 2.875% 12/1/2044 (put 12/3/2029)1   1,500    1,329 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Project), Series 2014-R-2, AMT, 3.125% 12/1/2044 (put 6/1/2026)1   500    478 
Environmental Facs. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Project), Series 2020-R-1, 2.75% 9/1/2050 (put 9/2/2025)   1,000    962 
Genesee County Funding Corp., Rev. Bonds (Rochester Regional Health Project), Series 2022-A, 5.25% 12/1/2052   800    831 
Glen Cove Local Econ. Assistance Corp., Rev. Bonds (Garvies Point Public Improvement Project), Convertible Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2016-C, 0% 1/1/2055 (5.62% on 1/1/2024)2   500    409 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-M, 3.65% 11/1/2042   750    673 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-D, 3.55% 11/1/2039   1,000    896 
Housing Fin. Agcy., Affordable Housing Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2021-J-2, 1.10% 11/1/2061 (put 5/1/2027)   705    625 
Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2033   2,700    2,872 
Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 2/15/2035   1,000    1,058 
Jefferson County Civic Fac. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Samaritan Medical Center Project), Series 2017-A, 5.00% 11/1/2037   1,000    953 
Jefferson County Civic Fac. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Samaritan Medical Center Project), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 11/1/2042   715    530 
Jefferson County Civic Fac. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Samaritan Medical Center Project), Series 2017-A, 4.00% 11/1/2047   500    350 


346 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)        
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-WTC-1, 4.00% 2/15/2043  USD 1,265   $1,237 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Bonds (3 World Trade Center Project), Series 2014, Class 2, 5.375% 11/15/20401   350    351 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Bonds (3 World Trade Center Project), Series 2014, Class 3, 7.25% 11/15/20441   375    379 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 2.875% 11/15/2046   1,500    1,095 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 11/15/2051   2,000    1,465 
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Green Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2021-A, 3.00% 11/15/2051   1,000    738 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-C, (1-month USD-LIBOR x 0.70 + 0.75%) 4.394% 5/1/2033 (put 10/1/2023)3,4   865    865 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 9/1/2035   1,315    1,356 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2018, 5.00% 9/1/2036   500    546 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-B, 5.00% 9/1/2038   750    769 
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 9/1/2047   2,225    2,339 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Hudson Rail Yards Trust Obligations, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/15/2051   500    500 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Hudson Rail Yards Trust Obligations, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 11/15/2056   750    750 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-D-1, 5.00% 11/15/2039   305    307 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-A-2, 5.00% 11/15/2045 (put 5/15/2030)   1,000    1,077 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2016-A-2, 5.00% 11/15/2026   1,440    1,503 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 11/15/2027   970    1,027 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-C-1, 5.00% 11/15/2039   1,640    1,729 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2020-D-3, 4.00% 11/15/2049   1,000    929 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2019-B, 5.00% 11/15/2052   1,305    1,343 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Green Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.25% 11/15/2057   750    763 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-A-2, 5.00% 11/15/2026   1,000    1,044 
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Green Bonds, Series 2017-C-1, 4.00% 11/15/2034   1,000    999 
Monroe County Industrial Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Highland Hospital of Rochester Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2025   325    333 
Monroe County Industrial Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Highland Hospital of Rochester Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2033   430    441 
Monroe County Industrial Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Highland Hospital of Rochester Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 7/1/2034   380    390 
Monroe County Industrial Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Rochester General Hospital Project), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2046   1,500    1,306 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 52, AMT, 3.50% 10/1/2030   180    178 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 191, AMT, 3.50% 10/1/2034   30    30 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 194, AMT, 3.50% 10/1/2035   65    65 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 206, AMT, 4.00% 10/1/2037   225    222 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 48, 2.625% 4/1/2041   95    95 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 178, 3.50% 10/1/2043   15    15 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 197, 3.50% 10/1/2044   220    217 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 200, 3.50% 10/1/2045   70    69 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 195, 4.00% 10/1/2046   390    388 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 54, 4.00% 4/1/2047   555    552 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 203, 3.50% 10/1/2047   335    330 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 213, 4.25% 10/1/2047   875    872 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 208, 4.00% 10/1/2048   225    223 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 217, 4.00% 10/1/2049   590    585 
Mortgage Agcy., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 242, 3.50% 10/1/2052   1,080    1,054 
County of Nassau, G.O. General Improvement Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 1/15/2030   1,000    1,067 
County of Nassau, G.O. General Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2023-B, 5.00% 4/1/2036   1,000    1,173 
Nassau County Tobacco Settlement Corp., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006-A-3, 5.00% 6/1/2035   600    559 
Nassau County Tobacco Settlement Corp., Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006-A-3, 5.125% 6/1/2046   705    653 
City of New Rochelle, Local Dev. Rev. Bonds (Iona College Project), Series 2015-A, 5.00% 7/1/2045   250    252 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-A, 5.00% 8/1/2026   1,000    1,035 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-C, 5.00% 8/1/2027   1,000    1,079 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2016-C, 5.00% 8/1/2031   1,000    1,042 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 347

American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)        
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2018-C, 5.00% 8/1/2032  USD1,000   $1,088 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-C, 5.00% 8/1/2033   1,000    1,023 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2017-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2034   1,000    1,048 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 5.00% 8/1/2036   1,035    1,197 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 4.00% 10/1/2040   1,000    1,006 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-B-1, 5.25% 10/1/2047   1,170    1,307 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (8 Spruce Street), Series 2014-E, 3.50% 2/15/2048   1,670    1,641 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2020-A-3, 1.125% 5/1/2060 (put 11/1/2024)   750    722 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-C-2, 0.70% 11/1/2060 (put 7/1/2025)   635    594 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Neighborhood Bonds), Series 2017-A-1-A, 3.80% 11/1/2037   885    850 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Bonds (Sustainable Neighborhood Bonds), Series 2015-H, 2.95% 11/1/2045 (put 2/1/2026)   750    736 
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi Family Housing Rev. Green Bonds (Sustainable Dev. Bonds), Series 2021-F-1, 2.40% 11/1/2046   2,405    1,584 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., Airport Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Transportation Infrastructure Properties, LLC Obligated Group), Series 2012-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2028   215    215 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Queens Baseball Stadium Project), Series 2021-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 1/1/2034   750    694 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 3/1/2040   1,000    841 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 3/1/2045   1,000    925 
New York City Industrial Dev. Agcy., PILOT Rev. Ref. Bonds (Yankee Stadium Project), Series 2020-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 3.00% 3/1/2049   750    561 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-DD, 5.00% 6/15/2031   1,100    1,295 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2015-HH, 5.00% 6/15/2039   690    707 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2022-BB-1, 4.00% 6/15/2045   1,000    985 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2018-BB-1, 5.00% 6/15/2046   1,250    1,311 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2023-DD, 4.125% 6/15/2047   2,320    2,310 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2017-DD, 5.00% 6/15/2047   1,055    1,098 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-GG-1, 4.00% 6/15/2050   1,000    977 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-S-3, 5.00% 7/15/2036   1,000    1,084 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2021-D-1, 5.00% 11/1/2034   1,000    1,138 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2019-A-1, 5.00% 8/1/2036   2,380    2,580 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 4.00% 11/1/2040   1,500    1,499 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2017-F-1, 5.00% 5/1/2042   1,000    1,050 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2018-A-3, 4.00% 8/1/2042   2,925    2,895 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2020-B-1, 4.00% 11/1/2042   2,000    1,979 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2023-F-1, 4.00% 2/1/2051   1,430    1,392 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2024-A-1, 5.00% 5/1/2053   1,575    1,702 
New York City Trust for Cultural Resources, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 12/1/2035   1,000    1,046 
Niagara Area Dev. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covanta Project), Series 2018-B, 3.50% 11/1/20241   1,000    983 
Niagara Area Dev. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covanta Project), Series 2018-A, AMT, 4.75% 11/1/20421   1,000    881 
Niagara Frontier Transportation Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Buffalo Niagara International Airport), Series 2014-A, AMT, 5.00% 4/1/2027   600    603 
Niagara Frontier Transportation Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Buffalo Niagara International Airport), Series 2014-A, AMT, 5.00% 4/1/2028   500    503 
Niagara Frontier Transportation Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Buffalo Niagara International Airport), Series 2014-A, AMT, 5.00% 4/1/2029   700    704 


348 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)        
County of Onondaga, Resource Recovery Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2025  USD500   $511 
County of Onondaga, Resource Recovery Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2015-A, AMT, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 5/1/2030   1,750    1,782 
County of Onondaga, Trust for Cultural Resources, Rev. Bonds, Series 2019, 5.00% 12/1/2040   1,000    1,093 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 212, 4.00% 9/1/2038   1,000    1,020 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 223, AMT, 4.00% 7/15/2040   1,310    1,284 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 217, 5.00% 11/1/2044   1,500    1,617 
Port Auth., Consolidated Bonds, Series 205, 5.00% 11/15/2047   1,000    1,051 
Port Auth., Consolidated Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 186, AMT, 5.00% 10/15/2044   500    501 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/15/2055   1,500    1,463 
Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Green Transmission Project), Series 2022-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 11/15/2047   1,000    978 
County of Rockland, G.O. Bonds, Series 2014-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 3/1/2024   1,000    1,010 
Schenectady County Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Union College Project), Series 2022, 5.25% 7/1/2052   1,000    1,099 
Southold Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 12/1/2045   1,500    1,402 
County of Suffolk, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2017-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2/1/2026   540    566 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-N, 4.00% 1/1/2041   1,900    1,885 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-O-1, 4.00% 1/1/2043   1,000    986 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-N, 4.00% 1/1/2047   1,500    1,460 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2020-N, 3.00% 1/1/2049   1,970    1,473 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 1/1/2039   2,835    2,835 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2019-B, 4.00% 1/1/2045   2,465    2,393 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2019-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.00% 1/1/2053   1,015    984 
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Indebtedness Obligations, Series 2016-A, 5.25% 1/1/2056   250    258 
Tompkins County Dev. Corp., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Kendal at Ithaca, Inc. Project), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2034   1,000    1,002 
Tompkins County Dev. Corp., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Kendal at Ithaca, Inc. Project), Series 2022-A, 4.00% 7/1/2042   750    628 
Tompkins County Dev. Corp., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Kendal at Ithaca, Inc. Project), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2044   915    866 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Airlines, Inc. John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2021, AMT, 3.00% 8/1/2031   250    222 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (American Airlines, Inc. John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020, AMT, 5.375% 8/1/2036   1,000    1,014 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2037   600    628 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-A, AMT, 4.00% 12/1/2039   1,050    1,011 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2020-C, 4.00% 12/1/2040   1,000    976 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Fac. Rev. Bonds (Terminal Four John F. Kennedy International Airport Project), Series 2022, AMT, 5.00% 12/1/2042   925    959 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Bonds (LaGuardia Airport Terminal B Redev. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2034   500    503 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Bonds (LaGuardia Airport Terminal B Redev. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.00% 7/1/2046   2,000    1,976 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Bonds (LaGuardia Airport Terminal B Redev. Project), Series 2016-A, AMT, 5.25% 1/1/2050   500    500 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2020, AMT, 4.00% 10/1/2030   1,000    997 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2020, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2035   500    524 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2018, AMT, 4.00% 1/1/2036   500    489 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2020, AMT, 5.00% 10/1/2040   750    771 
Transportation Dev. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (Delta Air Lines, Inc. LaGuardia Airport Terminals C & D Redev. Project), Series 2020, AMT, 4.375% 10/1/2045   2,000    1,943 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2018-A, 5.00% 11/15/2030   650    751 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 349

American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
New York (continued)        
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/15/2051   USD1,500   $1,601 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 11/15/2054   3,000    2,861 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 11/15/2054   1,250    1,327 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., General Rev. Ref. Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2023-A, 5.00% 11/15/2036   500    576 
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth., Payroll Mobility Tax Bonds (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), Series 2022-A, 5.00% 5/15/2057   1,500    1,619 
City of Troy Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Project), Series 2015, 5.00% 8/1/2027   800    826 
City of Troy Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2023   600    601 
City of Troy Capital Resource Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Project), Series 2020-A, 5.00% 9/1/2038   1,500    1,603 
TSASC, Inc., Tobacco Settlement Bonds, Series 2017-A, 5.00% 6/1/2025   750    766 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2016-A, 5.00% 3/15/2026   1,500    1,573 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2014-A, 5.00% 3/15/2027 (preref. 3/15/2024)   750    758 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 3/15/2036   1,500    1,636 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2020-A, 4.00% 3/15/2049   1,415    1,372 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/15/2039   1,500    1,523 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/15/2046   1,890    1,879 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 3/15/2048   1,500    1,484 
Urban Dev. Corp., State Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2019-A, 3.00% 3/15/2049   1,500    1,162 
Utility Debt Securitization Auth., Restructuring Bonds, Series 2022-TE-1, 5.00% 6/15/2034   1,100    1,313 
Utility Debt Securitization Auth., Restructuring Bonds, Series 2017, 5.00% 12/15/2041   1,500    1,613 
Westchester County Health Care Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 6.00% 11/1/2030   120    120 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Purchase Housing Corp. II Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2037   1,000    1,016 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Purchase Housing Corp. II Project), Series 2017, 5.00% 6/1/2047   1,025    1,026 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Senior Learning Community, Inc.), Series 2021-D, 2.875% 7/1/20261   350    334 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Senior Learning Community, Inc.), Series 2021-A, 5.00% 7/1/20561   335    263 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Westchester Medical Center Obligated Group Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2034   1,150    1,152 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Westchester Medical Center Obligated Group Project), Series 2016, 5.00% 11/1/2046   1,500    1,454 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kendal on Hudson Project), Series 2022-B, 5.00% 1/1/2051   1,000    943 
Westchester County Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pace University), Series 2014-A, 5.50% 5/1/2042   450    451 
City of Yonkers, G.O. Bonds, Series 2015-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 8/1/2024   490    498 
Yonkers Econ. Dev. Corp., Educational Rev. Bonds (Lamartine/Warburton, LLC - Charter School of Educational Excellence Project), Series 2019-A, 5.00% 10/15/2049   1,100    986 
Guam 1.42%          
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2013-C, AMT, 6.375% 10/1/2043   240    241 
Business Privilege Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-F, 4.00% 1/1/2042   750    665 
G.O. Bonds, Series 2019, AMT, 5.00% 11/15/2031   725    749 
Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 5.00% 11/1/2035   1,355    1,415 
Waterworks Auth., Water and Wastewater System Rev. Bonds, Series 2013, 5.00% 7/1/2028   250    250 
Waterworks Auth., Water and Wastewater System Rev. Bonds, Series 2014-A, 5.00% 7/1/2029   250    252 


350 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York (continued)


Bonds, notes & other debt instruments (continued)  Principal amount
Puerto Rico 1.77%        
Aqueduct and Sewer Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2021-A, 4.00% 7/1/20421   USD1,000   $882 
Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Higher Education Rev. and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Inter American University of Puerto Rico Project), Series 2012, 5.00% 10/1/2031   750    751 
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Restructured Bonds, Series 2019-A-2, 4.329% 7/1/2040   3,000    2,832 
Total bonds, notes & other debt instruments (cost: $240,686,000)        230,984 
Short-term securities 7.01%          
Municipals 7.01%          
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Cornell University), Series 2019-B, 4.40% 7/1/20394   11,475    11,475 
Dormitory Auth., Rev. Bonds (Fordham University), Series 2008-A-2, 3.80% 7/1/20324   4,000    4,000 
New York City G.O. Bonds, Series 2012-G-6, 4.52% 4/1/20424   700    700 
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Series 2016-AA-1, 4.50% 6/15/20484   1,500    1,500 
Total short-term securities (cost: $17,675,000)        17,675 
Total investment securities 98.61% (cost: $258,361,000)        248,659 
Other assets less liabilities 1.39%        3,513 
Net assets 100.00%       $252,172 


Futures contracts


Contracts  Type  Number of
 Value and
at 7/31/2023
2 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long   29   9/29/2023  USD5,888                $(80)
5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Long   59   9/29/2023   6,302    (84)
10 Year Ultra U.S. Treasury Note Futures  Short   11   9/20/2023   (1,287)   31 


1 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A or, for commercial paper, Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. The total value of all such securities was $7,353,000, which represented 2.92% of the net assets of the fund.
2 Step bond; coupon rate may change at a later date.
3 Securities referencing LIBOR are expected to transition to an alternative reference rate by the security’s next scheduled coupon reset date.
4 Coupon rate may change periodically. Reference rate and spread are as of the most recent information available. Some coupon rates are determined by the issuer or agent based on current market conditions; therefore, the reference rate and spread are not available. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.


Key to abbreviations

Agcy. = Agency

AMT = Alternative Minimum Tax

Auth. = Authority

Dev. = Development

Dist. = District

Econ. = Economic

Fac. = Facility

Facs. = Facilities

Fin. = Finance

Fncg. = Financing

G.O. = General Obligation

LIBOR = London Interbank Offered Rate

Preref. = Prerefunded

Redev. = Redevelopment

Ref. = Refunding

Rev. = Revenue

USD = U.S. dollars


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 351

Financial statements  
Statements of assets and liabilities
at July 31, 2023
(dollars in thousands)


   American Funds
Tax-Exempt Bond Fund
   Limited Term
Tax-Exempt Bond
Fund of America
   The Tax-Exempt
Bond Fund
of America
Investment securities in unaffiliated issuers, at value  $2,226,407   $6,673,140   $22,915,799 
Cash   421    1,273    23,863 
Cash collateral pledged for futures contracts   1,851    6,683    17,198 
Receivables for:               
Sales of investments           31,983 
Sales of fund’s shares   2,114    7,052    59,776 
Interest   20,321    58,369    202,654 
Variation margin on futures contracts   166    610    1,212 
    2,251,280    6,747,127    23,252,485 
Payables for:               
Purchases of investments   34,128    70,911    239,459 
Repurchases of fund’s shares   6,924    12,850    37,047 
Dividends on fund’s shares   52    514    2,593 
Investment advisory services   387    1,078    3,931 
Services provided by related parties   205    881    3,003 
Trustees’ deferred compensation   39    120    822 
Variation margin on futures contracts   82    294    293 
Other   2    4    16 
    41,819    86,652    287,164 
Net assets at July 31, 2023  $2,209,461   $6,660,475   $22,965,321 
Net assets consist of:               
Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest  $2,283,552   $7,017,122   $24,542,360 
Total accumulated loss   (74,091)   (356,647)   (1,577,039)
Net assets at July 31, 2023  $2,209,461   $6,660,475   $22,965,321 
Investment securities in unaffiliated issuers, at cost  $2,277,973   $6,913,397   $24,070,778 


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


352 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds
Financial statements (continued)  
Statements of assets and liabilities
at July 31, 2023 (continued)
(dollars in thousands)


Municipal Bond Fund
   The Tax-Exempt
Fund of
   American Funds
Tax-Exempt Fund
of New York
Investment securities in unaffiliated issuers, at value  $10,899,179   $2,713,555   $248,659 
Cash   7,474    632    156 
Cash collateral pledged for futures contracts   9,404    1,798    129 
Receivables for:               
Sales of investments   19,821        985 
Sales of fund’s shares   19,508    5,304    1,339 
Interest   155,790    32,508    2,459 
Variation margin on futures contracts   554    165    5 
    11,111,730    2,753,962    253,732 
Payables for:               
Purchases of investments   97,089    4,912    1,183 
Repurchases of fund’s shares   17,424    3,102    261 
Dividends on fund’s shares   1,871    568    19 
Investment advisory services   2,366    573    52 
Services provided by related parties   1,458    414    40 
Trustees’ deferred compensation   158    96    4 
Variation margin on futures contracts   89    82    1 
Other   8    2    *
    120,463    9,749    1,560 
Net assets at July 31, 2023  $10,991,267   $2,744,213   $252,172 
Net assets consist of:               
Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest  $11,936,458   $2,913,739   $268,282 
Total accumulated loss   (945,191)   (169,526)   (16,110)
Net assets at July 31, 2023  $10,991,267   $2,744,213   $252,172 
Investment securities in unaffiliated issuers, at cost  $11,705,023   $2,846,230   $258,361 


* Amount less than one thousand.


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 353
Financial statements (continued)  
Statements of assets and liabilities
at July 31, 2023 (continued)
(dollars and shares in thousands, except per-share amounts)


      American Funds
Tax-Exempt Bond Fund
   Limited Term
Tax-Exempt Bond
Fund of America
   The Tax-Exempt
Bond Fund
of America
Shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding (no stated par value) — unlimited shares authorized               
Class A:  Net assets  $1,218,389   $3,431,365   $11,643,687 
   Shares outstanding   124,242    227,532    954,485 
   Net asset value per share  $9.81   $15.08   $12.20 
Class C:  Net assets       $14,738   $218,361 
   Shares outstanding   Not applicable    977    17,900 
   Net asset value per share       $15.08   $12.20 
Class T:  Net assets  $10   $10   $10 
   Shares outstanding   1    1    1 
   Net asset value per share  $9.81   $15.08   $12.20 
Class F-1:  Net assets  $5,128   $38,855   $185,064 
   Shares outstanding   523    2,576    15,171 
   Net asset value per share  $9.81   $15.08   $12.20 
Class F-2:  Net assets  $251,148   $891,372   $5,134,716 
   Shares outstanding   25,610    59,106    420,916 
   Net asset value per share  $9.81   $15.08   $12.20 
Class F-3:  Net assets  $531,074   $1,531,770   $5,108,314 
   Shares outstanding   54,155    101,571    418,751 
   Net asset value per share  $9.81   $15.08   $12.20 
Class R-6:  Net assets  $203,712   $752,365   $675,169 
   Shares outstanding   20,773    49,889    55,347 
   Net asset value per share  $9.81   $15.08   $12.20 


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


354 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds
Financial statements (continued)  
Statements of assets and liabilities
at July 31, 2023 (continued)
(dollars and shares in thousands, except per-share amounts)


Municipal Bond Fund
    The Tax-Exempt
Fund of
    American Funds
Tax-Exempt Fund
of New York
Shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding (no stated par value) — unlimited shares authorized               
Class A:  Net assets  $4,848,671   $1,519,880   $176,208 
   Shares outstanding   330,386    92,834    17,672 
   Net asset value per share  $14.68   $16.37   $9.97 
Class C:  Net assets  $124,315   $28,968   $7,925 
   Shares outstanding   8,471    1,769    795 
   Net asset value per share  $14.68   $16.37   $9.97 
Class T:  Net assets  $9   $9   $9 
   Shares outstanding   1    1    1 
   Net asset value per share  $14.68   $16.37   $9.97 
Class F-1:  Net assets  $96,692   $48,409   $804 
   Shares outstanding   6,588    2,957    81 
   Net asset value per share  $14.68   $16.37   $9.97 
Class F-2:  Net assets  $2,130,260   $557,537   $27,622 
   Shares outstanding   145,155    34,054    2,770 
   Net asset value per share  $14.68   $16.37   $9.97 
Class F-3:  Net assets  $2,654,595   $589,410   $39,604 
   Shares outstanding   180,882    36,001    3,972 
   Net asset value per share  $14.68   $16.37   $9.97 
Class R-6:  Net assets  $1,136,725           
   Shares outstanding   77,456    Not applicable    Not applicable 
   Net asset value per share  $14.68           


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 355
Financial statements (continued)  
Statements of operations
for the year ended July 31, 2023
(dollars in thousands)


   American Funds
Tax-Exempt Bond Fund
   Limited Term
Tax-Exempt Bond
Fund of America
   The Tax-Exempt
Bond Fund
of America
Investment income:               
Interest from unaffiliated issuers  $53,426   $162,799   $726,962 
Refund of federal, state and local taxes            
    53,426    162,799    726,962 
Fees and expenses*:               
Investment advisory services   4,752    14,239    45,596 
Distribution services   2,011    11,379    32,201 
Transfer agent services   749    2,633    10,110 
Administrative services   699    2,092    6,846 
Reports to shareholders   53    144    474 
Registration statement and prospectus   344    583    1,235 
Trustees’ compensation   14    49    187 
Auditing and legal   92    114    222 
Custodian   6    17    53 
Federal, state and local taxes            
Other   15    19    39 
Total fees and expenses before waivers/reimbursements   8,735    31,269    96,963 
Less waivers/reimbursements of fees and expenses:               
Investment advisory services waivers       291     
Miscellaneous fee reimbursements   292         
Total fees and expenses after waivers/reimbursements   8,443    30,978    96,963 
Net investment income   44,983    131,821    629,999 
Net realized loss and unrealized depreciation:               
Net realized (loss) gain on:               
Investments in unaffiliated issuers   (6,060)   (51,666)   (363,928)
Futures contracts   (3,171)   (13,022)   2,695 
    (9,231)   (64,688)   (361,233)
Net unrealized depreciation on:               
Investments in unaffiliated issuers   (22,791)   (49,535)   (250,903)
Futures contracts   (1,364)   (4,575)   (12,032)
    (24,155)   (54,110)   (262,935)
Net realized loss and unrealized depreciation   (33,386)   (118,798)   (624,168)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations  $11,597   $13,023   $5,831 


Refer to the end of the statements of operations for footnotes.


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


356 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds
Financial statements (continued)  
Statements of operations
for the year ended July 31, 2023 (continued)
(dollars in thousands)


Municipal Bond Fund
   The Tax-Exempt
Fund of
   American Funds
Tax-Exempt Fund
of New York
Investment income:               
Interest from unaffiliated issuers  $484,239   $85,363   $8,155 
Refund of federal, state and local taxes       522     
    484,239    85,885    8,155 
Fees and expenses*:               
Investment advisory services   28,118    6,451    631 
Distribution services   15,346    4,292    525 
Transfer agent services   4,879    923    100 
Administrative services   3,141    787    74 
Reports to shareholders   286    41    14 
Registration statement and prospectus   839    112    94 
Trustees’ compensation   58    22    1 
Auditing and legal   116    81    64 
Custodian   26    6    8 
Federal, state and local taxes   3         
Other   142    15    12 
Total fees and expenses before waivers/reimbursements   52,954    12,730    1,523 
Less waivers/reimbursements of fees and expenses:               
Investment advisory services waivers   893        8 
Miscellaneous fee reimbursements           144 
Total fees and expenses after waivers/reimbursements   52,061    12,730    1,371 
Net investment income   432,178    73,155    6,784 
Net realized loss and unrealized depreciation:               
Net realized (loss) gain on:               
Investments in unaffiliated issuers   (146,668)   (21,144)   (4,933)
Futures contracts   2,350    (76)   90 
    (144,318)   (21,220)   (4,843)
Net unrealized depreciation on:               
Investments in unaffiliated issuers   (348,288)   (41,728)   (1,117)
Futures contracts   (2,119)   (2,189)   (93)
    (350,407)   (43,917)   (1,210)
Net realized loss and unrealized depreciation   (494,725)   (65,137)   (6,053)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations  $(62,547)  $8,018   $731 


* Additional information related to class-specific fees and expenses is included in the notes to financial statements.
Amount less than one thousand.


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 357
Financial statements (continued)  
Statements of changes in net assets (dollars in thousands)


   American Funds
Tax-Exempt Bond Fund
   Limited Term
Tax-Exempt Bond
Fund of America
   The Tax-Exempt
Bond Fund
of America
   Year ended July 31,   Year ended July 31,   Year ended July 31, 
   2023   2022   2023   2022   2023   2022 
Net investment income  $44,983   $11,983   $131,821   $72,075   $629,999   $579,336 
Net realized loss   (9,231)   (9,811)   (64,688)   (31,563)   (361,233)   (43,409)
Net unrealized depreciation   (24,155)   (51,399)   (54,110)   (374,102)   (262,935)   (2,659,700)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   11,597    (49,227)   13,023    (333,590)   5,831    (2,123,773)
Distributions paid or accrued to shareholders   (43,899)   (16,201)   (127,659)   (108,894)   (611,310)   (724,558)
Net capital share transactions   36,944    474,656    (169,980)   (177,154)   (1,579,631)   (23,963)
Total increase (decrease) in net assets   4,642    409,228    (284,616)   (619,638)   (2,185,110)   (2,872,294)
Net assets:                              
Beginning of year   2,204,819    1,795,591    6,945,091    7,564,729    25,150,431    28,022,725 
End of year  $2,209,461   $2,204,819   $6,660,475   $6,945,091   $22,965,321   $25,150,431 
Municipal Bond Fund
   The Tax-Exempt
Fund of
   American Funds
Tax-Exempt Fund
of New York
   Year ended July 31,   Year ended July 31,   Year ended July 31, 
   2023   2022   2023   2022   2023   2022 
Net investment income  $432,178   $343,550   $73,155   $65,720   $6,784   $6,038 
Net realized loss   (144,318)   (9,513)   (21,220)   (14,030)   (4,843)   (1,710)
Net unrealized depreciation   (350,407)   (1,252,614)   (43,917)   (294,953)   (1,210)   (29,636)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   (62,547)   (918,577)   8,018    (243,263)   731    (25,308)
Distributions paid or accrued to shareholders   (395,389)   (418,026)   (69,974)   (77,123)   (6,695)   (8,204)
Net capital share transactions   599,465    1,223,844    80,529    (178,535)   (2,201)   1,969 
Total increase (decrease) in net assets   141,529    (112,759)   18,573    (498,921)   (8,165)   (31,543)
Net assets:                              
Beginning of year   10,849,738    10,962,497    2,725,640    3,224,561    260,337    291,880 
End of year  $10,991,267   $10,849,738   $2,744,213   $2,725,640   $252,172   $260,337 


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


358 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Notes to financial statements


1. Organization


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund, The Tax-Exempt Fund of California, which is presently the only series of The American Funds Tax-Exempt Series II, and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York (each a “fund” or collectively, the “funds”), are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as open-end, diversified management investment companies.


Each fund’s investment objectives are as follows:


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund — Seeks to provide current income exempt from regular federal income tax, consistent with the maturity and quality standards described in the prospectus, and to preserve capital.


Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America — Seeks to provide current income exempt from regular federal income tax, consistent with the maturity and quality standards described in the prospectus, and to preserve capital.


The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America — Seeks to provide a high level of current income exempt from federal income tax, consistent with the preservation of capital.


American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund — Seeks to provide a high level of current income exempt from regular federal income tax.


The Tax-Exempt Fund of California — Seeks to provide a high level of current income exempt from regular federal and California state income taxes. Its secondary objective is preservation of capital.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York — Seeks to provide a high level of current income exempt from regular federal, New York state and New York City income taxes. Its secondary objective is preservation of capital.


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund has six share classes consisting of five retail share classes (Classes A and T, as well as three F share classes, F-1, F-2 and F-3) and one share class that is only available to the American Funds Portfolio Series (Class R-6). Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America and American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund each have seven share classes consisting of six retail share classes (Classes A, C and T, as well as three F share classes, F-1, F-2 and F-3) and one share class that is only available to the American Funds Portfolio Series (Class R-6). The Tax-Exempt Fund of California and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York each have six retail share classes (Classes A, C and T, as well as three F share classes, F-1, F-2 and F-3). Some share classes are only available to limited categories of investors. The funds’ share classes are described further in the following table:


Share class   Initial sales charge   Contingent deferred sales
charge upon redemption
  Conversion feature
Class A   Up to 2.50% for American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund and Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America; up to 3.75% for all other funds   None (except 0.75% for certain redemptions within 18 months of purchase without an initial sales charge)   None
Class C*   None   1.00% for redemptions within one year of purchase   Class C converts to Class A after eight years
Class T   Up to 2.50%   None   None
Classes F-1, F-2 and F-3   None   None   None
Class R-6   None   None   None


* Class C shares are not available for purchase in Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America.
Class T shares are not available for purchase.


Holders of all share classes of each fund have equal pro rata rights to the assets, dividends and liquidation proceeds of each fund held. Each share class of each fund has identical voting rights, except for the exclusive right to vote on matters affecting only its class. Share classes have different fees and expenses (“class-specific fees and expenses”), primarily due to different arrangements for distribution, transfer agent and administrative services. Differences in class-specific fees and expenses will result in differences in net investment income and, therefore, the payment of different per-share dividends by each share class of each fund.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 359

2. Significant accounting policies


Each fund is an investment company that applies the accounting and reporting guidance issued in Topic 946 by the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board. Each fund’s financial statements have been prepared to comply with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“U.S. GAAP”). These principles require the funds’ investment adviser to make estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts and disclosures. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Subsequent events, if any, have been evaluated through the date of issuance in the preparation of the financial statements. The funds follow the significant accounting policies described in this section, as well as the valuation policies described in the next section on valuation.


Security transactions and related investment income — Security transactions are recorded by the funds as of the date the trades are executed with brokers. Realized gains and losses from security transactions are determined based on the specific identified cost of the securities. In the event a security is purchased with a delayed payment date, the funds will segregate liquid assets sufficient to meet their payment obligations. Interest income is recognized on an accrual basis. Market discounts, premiums and original issue discounts on fixed-income securities are amortized daily over the expected life of the security.


Class allocations — Income, fees and expenses (other than class-specific fees and expenses) are allocated daily among the various share classes of each fund based on the relative value of their settled shares. Realized gains and losses and unrealized appreciation and depreciation are allocated daily among the various share classes of each fund based on their relative net assets. Class-specific fees and expenses, such as distribution, transfer agent and administrative services, are charged directly to the respective share class of each fund.


Distributions paid or accrued to shareholders — Income dividends are declared daily after the determination of each fund’s net investment income and are paid to shareholders monthly. Capital gain distributions are recorded on each fund’s ex-dividend date.


3. Valuation


Capital Research and Management Company (“CRMC”), the funds’ investment adviser, values each fund’s investments at fair value as defined by U.S. GAAP. The net asset value per share of each share class of each fund is calculated once daily as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange, normally 4 p.m. New York time, each day the New York Stock Exchange is open.


Methods and inputs — The funds’ investment adviser uses the following methods and inputs to establish the fair value of each fund’s assets and liabilities. Use of particular methods and inputs may vary over time based on availability and relevance as market and economic conditions evolve.


Fixed-income securities, including short-term securities, are generally valued at evaluated prices obtained from third-party pricing vendors. Vendors value such securities based on one or more of the following inputs: benchmark yields, transactions, bids, offers, quotations from dealers and trading systems, new issues, spreads and other relationships observed in the markets among comparable securities; and proprietary pricing models such as yield measures calculated using factors such as cash flows, financial or collateral performance and other reference data. For certain distressed securities, valuations may include cash flows or liquidation values using a net present value calculation based on inputs that include, but are not limited to, financial statements and debt contracts.


Exchange-traded futures are generally valued at the official settlement price of the exchange or market on which such instruments are traded, as of the close of business on the day the futures are being valued.


Securities and other assets for which representative market quotations are not readily available or are considered unreliable by the funds’ investment adviser are fair valued as determined in good faith under fair valuation guidelines adopted by each fund’s investment adviser and approved by the board of trustees as further described. The investment adviser follows fair valuation guidelines, consistent with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules and guidance, to consider relevant principles and factors when making fair value determinations. The investment adviser considers relevant indications of value that are reasonably and timely available to it in determining the fair value to be assigned to a particular security, such as the type and cost of the security, contractual or legal restrictions on resale of the security, relevant financial or business developments of the issuer, actively traded similar or related securities, dealer or broker quotes, conversion or exchange rights on the security, related corporate actions, significant events occurring after the close of trading in the security, and changes in overall market conditions. In addition, the closing prices of equity securities that trade in markets outside U.S. time zones may be adjusted to reflect significant events that occur after the close of local trading but before the net asset value of each share class of each fund is determined. Fair valuations of investments that are not actively trading involve judgment and may differ materially from valuations that would have been used had greater market activity occurred.


360 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Processes and structure — Each fund’s board of trustees has designated the funds’ investment adviser to make fair value determinations, subject to board oversight. The investment adviser has established a Joint Fair Valuation Committee (the “Committee”) to administer, implement and oversee the fair valuation process, and to make fair value decisions. The Committee regularly reviews its own fair value decisions, as well as decisions made under its standing instructions to the investment adviser’s valuation team. The Committee reviews changes in fair value measurements from period to period, pricing vendor information and market data, and may, as deemed appropriate, update the fair valuation guidelines to better reflect the results of back testing and address new or evolving issues. Pricing decisions, processes and controls over security valuation are also subject to additional internal reviews facilitated by the investment adviser’s global risk management group. The Committee reports changes to the fair valuation guidelines to the boards of trustees. Each fund’s board and audit committee also regularly review reports that describe fair value determinations and methods.


Classifications — The funds’ investment adviser classifies each fund’s assets and liabilities into three levels based on the inputs used to value the assets or liabilities. Level 1 values are based on quoted prices in active markets for identical securities. Level 2 values are based on significant observable market inputs, such as quoted prices for similar securities and quoted prices in inactive markets. Certain securities trading outside the U.S. may transfer between Level 1 and Level 2 due to valuation adjustments resulting from significant market movements following the close of local trading. Level 3 values are based on significant unobservable inputs that reflect the investment adviser’s determination of assumptions that market participants might reasonably use in valuing the securities. The valuation levels are not necessarily an indication of the risk or liquidity associated with the underlying investment. For example, U.S. government securities are reflected as Level 2 because the inputs used to determine fair value may not always be quoted prices in an active market.


The funds’ valuation levels as of July 31, 2023 are as follows (dollars in thousands):


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund


    Investment securities  
    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Bonds, notes & other debt instruments:                        
Texas   $    $295,984    $    $295,984 
California         205,597          205,597 
New York         169,468          169,468 
Florida         92,547          92,547 
Alabama         78,497          78,497 
Georgia         75,703          75,703 
Illinois         63,742          63,742 
Pennsylvania         59,341          59,341 
Indiana         56,725          56,725 
Maryland         54,092          54,092 
Other         857,616          857,616 
Short-term securities         217,095          217,095 
Total   $    $2,226,407    $    $2,226,407 


    Other investments*  
    Level 1    Level 2    Level 3    Total 
Unrealized appreciation on futures contracts   $2,466    $    $    $2,466 
Unrealized depreciation on futures contracts    (4,361)              (4,361)
Total   $(1,895)   $    $    $(1,895)


Refer to the end of the tables for footnote.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 361

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America


    Investment securities  
    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Bonds, notes & other debt instruments:                        
Texas   $    $818,258    $    $818,258 
New York         504,782          504,782 
California         474,193          474,193 
Illinois         321,303          321,303 
Pennsylvania         283,822          283,822 
Alabama         265,430          265,430 
Florida         244,342          244,342 
Georgia         230,149          230,149 
Colorado         218,149          218,149 
Michigan         188,414          188,414 
Other         2,644,977          2,644,977 
Short-term securities         479,321          479,321 
Total   $    $6,673,140    $    $6,673,140 


    Other investments*  
    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Unrealized appreciation on futures contracts   $8,780    $    $    $8,780 
Unrealized depreciation on futures contracts    (15,318)              (15,318)
Total   $(6,538)   $    $    $(6,538)


The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America


    Investment securities  
    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Bonds, notes & other debt instruments:                        
New York   $    $2,559,451    $    $2,559,451 
Illinois         2,499,726          2,499,726 
Texas         2,143,521          2,143,521 
California         1,354,929          1,354,929 
Florida         982,171     2,123     984,294 
Pennsylvania         905,846          905,846 
Michigan         666,225          666,225 
Georgia         504,579          504,579 
Ohio         427,989          427,989 
Virginia         407,079          407,079 
Other         7,841,329          7,841,329 
Short-term securities         2,620,831          2,620,831 
Total   $    $22,913,676    $2,123    $22,915,799 


    Other investments*  
    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Unrealized appreciation on futures contracts   $7,692    $    $    $7,692 
Unrealized depreciation on futures contracts    (28,456)              (28,456)
Total   $(20,764)   $    $    $(20,764)


Refer to the end of the tables for footnote.


362 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund


    Investment securities  
    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Bonds, notes & other debt instruments:                        
Colorado   $    $1,099,797    $    $1,099,797 
Illinois         926,134          926,134 
Puerto Rico         695,134          695,134 
California         638,301          638,301 
Texas         620,864          620,864 
New York         599,331          599,331 
Florida         459,795     2,152     461,947 
Pennsylvania         390,079          390,079 
Arizona         377,946          377,946 
Ohio         363,518          363,518 
Other         3,549,309     18,862     3,568,171 
Short-term securities         1,157,957          1,157,957 
Total   $    $10,878,165    $21,014    $10,899,179 


    Other investments*  
    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Unrealized appreciation on futures contracts   $1,657    $    $    $1,657 
Unrealized depreciation on futures contracts    (8,927)              (8,927)
Total   $(7,270)   $    $    $(7,270)


The Tax-Exempt Fund of California


    Investment securities  
    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Bonds, notes & other debt instruments:                        
Municipals   $    $2,380,561    $    $2,380,561 
Mortgage-backed obligations         1,576          1,576 
Short-term securities         331,418          331,418 
Total   $    $2,713,555    $    $2,713,555 


    Other investments*  
    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Unrealized appreciation on futures contracts   $2,455    $    $    $2,455 
Unrealized depreciation on futures contracts    (5,047)              (5,047)
Total   $(2,592)   $    $    $(2,592)


Refer to the end of the tables for footnote.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 363

American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York


    Investment securities  
    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Bonds, notes & other debt instruments:                        
Municipals   $    $230,984    $    $230,984 
Short-term securities         17,675          17,675 
Total   $    $248,659    $    $248,659 


    Other investments*  
    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Unrealized appreciation on futures contracts   $31    $    $    $31 
Unrealized depreciation on futures contracts    (164)              (164)
Total   $(133)   $    $    $(133)


* Futures contracts are not included in the fund’s investment portfolio.


4. Risk factors


Investing in each fund may involve certain risks including, but not limited to, those described below.


Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the funds may decline — sometimes rapidly or unpredictably — due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.


Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the funds’ investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.


Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the funds may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.


Investing in municipal securities — Municipal securities are debt obligations that are exempt from federal, state and/or local income taxes. The yield and/or value of the funds’ investments in municipal securities may be adversely affected by events tied to the municipal securities markets, which can be very volatile and significantly impacted by unfavorable legislative or political developments and negative changes in the financial conditions of municipal securities issuers and the economy. To the extent the funds invest in obligations of a municipal issuer, the volatility, credit quality and performance of the funds may be adversely impacted by local political and economic conditions of the issuer. For example, a credit rating downgrade, bond default or bankruptcy involving an issuer within a particular state or territory could affect the market values and marketability of many or all municipal obligations of that state or territory. Income from municipal securities held by the funds could also be declared taxable because of changes in tax laws or interpretations by taxing authorities or as a result of noncompliant conduct of a municipal issuer. Additionally, the relative amount of publicly available information about municipal securities is generally less than that for corporate securities.


364 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the funds may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.


Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities which may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the funds. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the funds having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.


Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the funds invest. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The funds’ investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.


Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.


Credit and liquidity support — Changes in the credit quality of banks and financial institutions providing credit and liquidity support features with respect to securities held by the funds could cause the values of these securities to decline.


Investing in lower rated debt instruments — Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. These risks may be increased with respect to investments in junk bonds.


Investing in similar municipal bonds — Investing significantly in municipal obligations of multiple issuers in the same state or backed by revenues of similar types of projects or industries may make the funds more susceptible to certain economic, political or regulatory occurrences. As a result, the funds have greater risk of volatility, and greater risk of loss, from the investments.


Insured municipal bonds – The funds may invest in municipal bonds that are insured generally as to the timely payment of interest and repayment of principal. Insurance that covers a municipal bond does not guarantee the market value of the bond or the prices of the funds’ shares. Market conditions or changes to ratings criteria could adversely impact the ratings of municipal bond insurers. If the credit rating of the insurer were downgraded or withdrawn by rating agencies, this could have an adverse effect upon the credit rating of the insured bond and, therefore, its market value, despite the quality of the underlying issuer.


Risks of investing in municipal bonds of issuers within the state of California — Because The Tax-Exempt Fund of California invests primarily in securities of issuers within the state of California, the fund is more susceptible to factors adversely affecting issuers of California securities than a comparable municipal bond mutual fund that does not concentrate its investments in a single state. For example, in the past, California voters have passed amendments to the state’s constitution and other measures that limit the taxing and spending authority of California governmental entities, and future voter initiatives may adversely affect California municipal bonds.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 365

Risks of investing in municipal bonds of issuers within the state of New York — Because American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York invests primarily in securities of issuers within the state of New York, the fund is more susceptible to factors adversely affecting issuers of New York securities than a comparable municipal bond mutual fund that does not concentrate its investments in a single state. For example, such factors may include political policy changes, tax base erosion, state constitutional limits on tax increases, budget deficits and other financial or economic difficulties, and changes in the credit ratings assigned to New York’s municipal issuers. New York’s economy and finances may be especially vulnerable to changes in the performance of the financial services sector, which historically has been volatile.


Management — The investment adviser to the funds actively manages the funds’ investments. Consequently, the funds are subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the funds to lose value or their investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.


5. Certain investment techniques


Unfunded commitments — American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund has participated in transactions that involve unfunded commitments, which may obligate the fund to purchase new or additional bonds if certain contingencies are met. As of July 31, 2023, the maximum exposure of unfunded bond commitments for American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund was $11,068,000, which would represent .10% of the net assets of the fund should such commitments become due.


Futures contracts — Each fund has entered into futures contracts, which provide for the future sale by one party and purchase by another party of a specified amount of a specific financial instrument for a specified price, date, time and place designated at the time the contract is made. Futures contracts are used to strategically manage the fund’s interest rate sensitivity by increasing or decreasing the duration of the fund or a portion of the fund’s portfolio.


Upon entering into futures contracts, and to maintain the fund’s open positions in futures contracts, each fund is required to deposit with a futures broker, known as a futures commission merchant (“FCM”), in a segregated account in the name of the FCM an amount of cash, U.S. government securities or other liquid securities, known as initial margin. The margin required for a particular futures contract is set by the exchange on which the contract is traded to serve as collateral, and may be significantly modified from time to time by the exchange during the term of the contract.


On a daily basis, each fund pays or receives variation margin based on the increase or decrease in the value of the futures contracts and records variation margin on futures contracts in the statement of assets and liabilities. Futures contracts may involve a risk of loss in excess of the variation margin shown on each fund’s statement of assets and liabilities. Each fund records realized gains or losses at the time the futures contract is closed or expires. Net realized gains or losses and net unrealized appreciation or depreciation from futures contracts are recorded in each fund’s statement of operations.


The following table presents the average month-end notional amount of futures contracts while held for each fund (dollars in thousands):


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund   $467,660 
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America    1,748,921 
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America    1,690,594 
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund    490,325 
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California    456,737 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York    6,015 


366 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The following tables identify the location of and fair value amounts on each fund’s statement of assets and liabilities and/or the effect on each fund’s statement of operations resulting from the funds’ use of futures contracts as of, or for the year ended, July 31, 2023 (dollars in thousands):


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund


        Assets     Liabilities  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
  Value     Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
Futures   Interest   Unrealized appreciation*   $2,466    Unrealized depreciation*   $4,361 
        Net realized loss     Net unrealized depreciation  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
   Value    Location on statement of
Futures   Interest   Net realized loss on futures contracts   $(3,171)   Net unrealized depreciation on futures contracts   $(1,364)
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America 
        Assets     Liabilities  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
   Value    Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
Futures   Interest   Unrealized appreciation*   $8,780    Unrealized depreciation*   $15,318 
        Net realized loss     Net unrealized depreciation  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
   Value    Location on statement of
Futures   Interest   Net realized loss on futures contracts   $(13,022)   Net unrealized depreciation on futures contracts   $(4,575)
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America 
        Assets     Liabilities  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
   Value    Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
Futures   Interest   Unrealized appreciation*   $7,692    Unrealized depreciation*   $28,456 
        Net realized gain     Net unrealized depreciation  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
   Value    Location on statement of
Futures   Interest   Net realized gain on futures contracts   $2,695    Net unrealized depreciation on futures contracts   $(12,032)



Refer to the end of the tables for footnote.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 367

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund


        Assets     Liabilities  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
  Value     Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
Futures   Interest   Unrealized appreciation*   $1,657    Unrealized depreciation*   $8,927 
        Net realized gain     Net unrealized depreciation  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
  Value    Location on statement of
Futures   Interest   Net realized gain on futures contracts   $2,350    Net unrealized depreciation on futures contracts   $(2,119)
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California 
        Assets     Liabilities  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
  Value    Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
Futures   Interest   Unrealized appreciation*   $2,455    Unrealized depreciation*   $5,047 
        Net realized loss     Net unrealized depreciation  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
  Value    Location on statement of
Futures   Interest   Net realized loss on futures contracts   $(76)   Net unrealized depreciation on futures contracts   $(2,189)
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York 
        Assets     Liabilities  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
  Value    Location on statement of
assets and liabilities
Futures   Interest   Unrealized appreciation*   $31    Unrealized depreciation*   $164 
        Net realized gain     Net unrealized depreciation  
Contracts   Risk type   Location on statement of
  Value    Location on statement of
Futures   Interest   Net realized gain on futures contracts   $90    Net unrealized depreciation on futures contracts   $(93)


* Includes cumulative appreciation/depreciation on futures contracts as reported in the applicable table following each fund’s investment portfolio. Only current day’s variation margin is reported within each fund’s statement of assets and liabilities.


Collateral — Each fund either receives or pledges highly liquid assets, such as cash or U.S. government securities, as collateral due to its use of futures contracts. The purpose of the collateral is to cover potential losses that could occur in the event that either party cannot meet its contractual obligation. Non-cash collateral pledged by each fund, if any, is disclosed in each fund’s investment portfolio, and cash collateral pledged by each fund, if any, is held in a segregated account with each fund’s custodian, which is reflected as pledged cash collateral in each fund’s statement of assets and liabilities.


368 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

6. Taxation and distributions


Federal income taxation — Each fund complies with the requirements under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and intends to distribute substantially all of its net tax-exempt income and net capital gains each year. Generally, income earned by each fund is exempt from federal income taxes; however, each fund may earn taxable income from certain investments. The funds are not subject to income taxes to the extent such taxable income and net capital gains are distributed. To the extent the funds recognize taxable income, the funds may pay tax on such income in lieu of making distributions; amounts paid are included within federal, state and local taxes on the funds’ statements of operations.


As of and during the year ended July 31, 2023, none of the funds had a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. Each fund recognizes interest and penalties, if any, related to unrecognized tax benefits as income tax expense in their respective statements of operations. During the year, none of the funds incurred any significant interest or penalties.


Each fund’s tax returns are generally not subject to examination by federal, state and, if applicable, non-U.S. tax authorities after the expiration of each jurisdiction’s statute of limitations, which is typically three years after the date of filing but can be extended in certain jurisdictions.


Distributions — Distributions determined on a tax basis may differ from net investment income and net realized gains for financial reporting purposes. These differences are due primarily to different treatment for items such as short-term capital gains and losses; capital losses related to sales of certain securities within 30 days of purchase; deferred expenses; cost of investments sold; net capital losses; amortization of premiums and discounts and income on certain investments. The fiscal year in which amounts are distributed may differ from the year in which the net investment income and net realized gains are recorded by the funds for financial reporting purposes. The funds may also designate a portion of the amount paid to redeeming shareholders as a distribution for tax purposes.


Additional tax basis disclosures for each fund as of July 31, 2023, were as follows (dollars in thousands):


Bond Fund
Limited Term
Bond Fund
of America
Bond Fund
of America
Bond Fund
Fund of
Fund of
New York
Undistributed ordinary income  $242   $   $5,260   $533   $687   $ 
Undistributed tax-exempt income   280    1,284    6,262    5,344    967    82 
Capital loss carryforward*   (23,315)   (119,945)   (442,472)   (179,132)   (39,519)   (6,579)
Gross unrealized appreciation on investments   6,849    32,375    109,263    118,481    16,866    1,357 
Gross unrealized depreciation on investments   (58,056)   (269,727)   (1,249,149)   (882,522)   (147,861)   (10,946)
Net unrealized depreciation on investments   (51,207)   (237,352)   (1,139,886)   (764,041)   (130,995)   (9,589)
Cost of investments   2,275,719    6,903,954    24,034,921    11,655,950    2,841,958    258,115 
Reclassification from total accumulated loss to capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest   3,080    12,345    4,226    7,370    939    6 


* Each fund’s capital loss carryforwards will be used to offset any capital gains realized by the fund in future years. For Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund and Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, utilization of capital losses may be limited in current and future years due to IRC Section 382. Funds with a capital loss carryforward will not make distributions from capital gains while a capital loss carryforward remains.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 369

The tax character of distributions paid or accrued to shareholders was as follows (dollars in thousands):


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund


   Year ended July 31, 2023   Year ended July 31, 2022 
Share class  Tax-exempt
capital gains
paid or
capital gains
paid or
Class A  $24,106   $   $   $24,106   $6,976   $2,341   $384   $9,701 
Class T                                
Class F-1   90            90    24    14    2    40 
Class F-2   5,110            5,110    1,990    563    92    2,645 
Class F-3   10,015            10,015    1,354    241    40    1,635 
Class R-6   4,578            4,578    1,644    460    76    2,180 
Total  $43,899   $   $   $43,899   $11,988   $3,619   $594   $16,201 


Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America


   Year ended July 31, 2023   Year ended July 31, 2022 
Share class  Tax-exempt
capital gains
paid or
capital gains
paid or
Class A  $62,376   $   $   $62,376   $35,026   $10,831   $10,215   $56,072 
Class C   168            168    25    49    46    120 
Class T                                
Class F-1   726            726    562    194    183    939 
Class F-2   18,237            18,237    12,327    3,102    2,925    18,354 
Class F-3   30,212            30,212    12,218    2,478    2,337    17,033 
Class R-6   15,940            15,940    11,379    2,572    2,425    16,376 
Total  $127,659   $   $   $127,659   $71,537   $19,226   $18,131   $108,894 


The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America


   Year ended July 31, 2023   Year ended July 31, 2022 
Share class  Tax-exempt
capital gains
paid or
capital gains
paid or
Class A  $301,345   $   $   $301,345   $279,326   $14,661   $61,162   $355,149 
Class C   4,495            4,495    4,178    355    1,481    6,014 
Class T                                
Class F-1   4,925            4,925    4,825    262    1,092    6,179 
Class F-2   132,143            132,143    117,830    5,720    23,860    147,410 
Class F-3   149,439            149,439    153,951    7,053    29,421    190,425 
Class R-6   18,963            18,963    15,734    705    2,942    19,381 
Total  $611,310   $   $   $611,310   $575,844   $28,756   $119,958   $724,558 


Refer to the end of the tables for footnote.


370 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund


   Year ended July 31, 2023   Year ended July 31, 2022 
Share class  Tax-exempt
capital gains
paid or
capital gains
paid or
Class A  $177,343   $   $   $177,343   $164,223   $19,062   $26,175   $209,460 
Class C   3,975            3,975    4,067    646    887    5,600 
Class T                                
Class F-1   3,639            3,639    3,073    367    504    3,944 
Class F-2   71,216            71,216    55,941    5,978    8,208    70,127 
Class F-3   95,459            95,459    67,647    6,582    9,037    83,266 
Class R-6   43,757            43,757    36,786    3,726    5,117    45,629 
Total  $395,389   $   $   $395,389   $331,737   $36,361   $49,928   $418,026 


The Tax-Exempt Fund of California


   Year ended July 31, 2023   Year ended July 31, 2022 
Share class  Tax-exempt
capital gains
paid or
capital gains
paid or
Class A  $39,883   $   $   $39,883   $39,644   $1,997   $5,247   $46,888 
Class C   602            602    627    50    132    809 
Class T                                
Class F-1   1,177            1,177    1,141    60    158    1,359 
Class F-2   14,332            14,332    13,627    646    1,698    15,971 
Class F-3   13,980            13,980    10,416    463    1,217    12,096 
Total  $69,974   $   $   $69,974   $65,455   $3,216   $8,452   $77,123 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York


   Year ended July 31, 2023   Year ended July 31, 2022 
Share class  Tax-exempt
capital gains
paid or
capital gains
paid or
Class A  $4,613   $   $   $4,613   $4,191   $226   $1,341   $5,758 
Class C   177            177    150    12    73    235 
Class T                                
Class F-1   34            34    46    2    16    64 
Class F-2   774            774    689    35    208    932 
Class F-3   1,097            1,097    918    43    254    1,215 
Total  $6,695   $   $   $6,695   $5,994   $318   $1,892   $8,204 


Amount less than one thousand.


7. Fees and transactions with related parties


CRMC, the funds’ investment adviser, is the parent company of American Funds Distributors®, Inc. (“AFD”), the principal underwriter of the funds’ shares, and American Funds Service Company® (“AFS”), the funds’ transfer agent. CRMC, AFD and AFS are considered related parties to each fund.


Investment advisory services — Each fund has an investment advisory and service agreement with CRMC that provides for monthly fees accrued daily. These fees are based on annual rates that generally decrease as net asset levels increase. The agreement for each fund, except American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, also provides for monthly fees accrued daily based on a series of decreasing rates on each fund’s monthly gross income.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 371

The range of rates, net asset levels, gross income levels and annualized rates of average net assets for each fund are as follows:


   Rates   Net asset level
(in billions)
   Rates   Monthly gross income   Annualized
rates for the
year ended
July 31,
rates for the
year ended
July 31,
Fund  Beginning
   Up to   In excess
   Up to   In excess
before waiver
after waiver
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund   .204%   .175%  $15.0   $15.0   Not applicable    .204%   .204%
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America   .143    .120    15.0    15.0    3.00%   2.50%  $3,333,333   $3,333,333    .204    .200 
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America   .300    .105    .06    28.0    3.00    2.00    3,333,333    8,333,333    .200    .200 
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund   .151    .130    15.0    15.0    3.00    2.50    3,333,333    3,333,333    .269    .260 
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California   .157    .130    15.0    15.0    3.00    2.50    3,333,333    3,333,333    .246    .246 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York   .157    .130    15.0    15.0    3.00    2.50    3,333,333    3,333,333    .256    .253 


Investment advisory services waiver — CRMC is waiving a portion of its investment advisory services fees for some of the funds. For the year ended July 31, 2023, total investment advisory services fees waived by CRMC were $1,192,000. CRMC does not intend to recoup these waivers. Investment advisory fees in each fund’s statement of operations are presented gross of any waivers from CRMC.


Class-specific fees and expenses — Expenses that are specific to individual share classes are accrued directly to the respective share class of each fund. The principal class-specific fees and expenses are described below:


Distribution services — Each fund has plans of distribution for all share classes, except Class F-2, F-3 and R-6 shares, if applicable. Under the plans, each fund’s board of trustees approves certain categories of expenses that are used to finance activities primarily intended to sell fund shares and service existing accounts. The plans provide for payments based on an annualized percentage of average daily net assets. In some cases, the boards of trustees have limited the amounts that may be paid to less than the maximum allowed by the plans. All share classes with a plan may use the allotted percentage of average daily net assets to pay service fees, or to compensate AFD for paying service fees, to firms that have entered into agreements with AFD to provide certain shareholder services. The remaining amounts available to be paid under each plan are paid to dealers to compensate them for their sales activities.


   American Funds Short-Term
Tax-Exempt Bond Fund
   Limited Term Tax-Exempt
Bond Fund of America
   The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund
of America
Share class  Currently
approved limits
   Plan limits   Currently
approved limits
   Plan limits   Currently
approved limits
   Plan limits 
Class A   0.15%   0.15%   0.30%   0.30%   0.25%   0.25%
Class C   Not applicable    Not applicable    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00 
Classes T and F-1   0.25    0.50    0.25    0.50    0.25    0.50 


   American High-Income
Municipal Bond Fund
   The Tax-Exempt Fund
of California
   American Funds Tax-Exempt
Fund of New York
Share class  Currently
approved limits
   Plan limits   Currently
approved limits
   Plan limits   Currently
approved limits
   Plan limits 
Class A   0.30%   0.30%   0.25%   0.25%   0.25%   0.30%
Class C   1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00 
Classes T and F-1   0.25    0.50    0.25    0.50    0.25    0.50 


372 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

For Class A shares, distribution-related expenses include the reimbursement of dealer and wholesaler commissions paid by AFD for certain shares sold without a sales charge. This share class of each fund reimburses AFD for amounts billed within the prior 15 months but only to the extent that the overall annual expense limit is not exceeded. As of July 31, 2023, unreimbursed expenses subject to reimbursement for Class A shares of each fund were as follows (dollars in thousands):


Fund  Class A 
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund  $1,161 
Limited-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America   1,765 
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America   5,863 
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund    
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California   970 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York   170 


Transfer agent services — Each fund has a shareholder services agreement with AFS under which each fund compensates AFS for providing transfer agent services to each of the funds’ share classes. These services include recordkeeping, shareholder communications and transaction processing. In addition, each fund reimburses AFS for amounts paid to third parties for performing transfer agent services on behalf of its respective fund shareholders.


Administrative services — Each fund has an administrative services agreement with CRMC under which each fund compensates CRMC for providing administrative services to each of the funds’ share classes. Administrative services are provided by CRMC and its affiliates to help assist third parties providing non-distribution services to fund shareholders. These services include providing in depth information on each fund and market developments that impact each fund’s investments. Administrative services also include, but are not limited to, coordinating, monitoring and overseeing third parties that provide services to each fund’s shareholders. The agreement provides each fund the ability to charge an administrative services fee at the annual rate of 0.05% of the average daily net assets attributable to each share class of each fund. Currently the funds pay an administrative services fee at the annual rate of 0.03% of the average daily net assets attributable to each share class of each fund for CRMC’s provision of administrative services.


For the year ended July 31, 2023, class-specific expenses under the agreements for each fund were as follows (dollars in thousands):


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund       
Share class  Distribution
   Transfer agent
Class A   $1,997    $523   $400 
Class T       *   *
Class F-1   14    7    2 
Class F-2   Not applicable    210    80 
Class F-3   Not applicable    6    148 
Class R-6   Not applicable    3    69 
Total class-specific expenses   $2,011   $749   $699 
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America       
Share class  Distribution
   Transfer agent
Class A  $11,100   $1,529   $1,110 
Class C   170    7    5 
Class T       *   *
Class F-1   109    55    13 
Class F-2   Not applicable    1,014    285 
Class F-3   Not applicable    18    443 
Class R-6   Not applicable    10    236 
Total class-specific expenses  $11,379   $2,633   $2,092 
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America            
Share class  Distribution
   Transfer agent
Class A  $29,245   $4,495   $3,510 
Class C   2,470    96    74 
Class T       *   *
Class F-1   486    235    59 
Class F-2   Not applicable    5,184    1,437 
Class F-3   Not applicable    89    1,567 
Class R-6   Not applicable    11    199 
Total class-specific expenses  $32,201   $10,110   $6,846 
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund       
Share class  Distribution
   Transfer agent
Class A  $13,731   $2,667   $1,466 
Class C   1,367    75    41 
Class T       *   *
Class F-1   248    123    30 
Class F-2   Not applicable    1,966    552 
Class F-3   Not applicable    33    721 
Class R-6   Not applicable    15    331 
Total class-specific expenses  $15,346   $4,879   $3,141 


Refer to the end of the tables for footnote.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 373

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California            
Share class  Distribution
   Transfer agent
Class A  $3,848   $381   $462 
Class C   328    8    10 
Class T           *
Class F-1   116    54    14 
Class F-2   Not applicable    471    155 
Class F-3   Not applicable    9    146 
Total class-specific expenses  $4,292   $923   $787 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York       
Share class  Distribution
   Transfer agent
Class A  $430   $65   $52 
Class C   92    3    3 
Class T           *
Class F-1   3    1    *
Class F-2   Not applicable    30    8 
Class F-3   Not applicable    1    11 
Total class-specific expenses  $525   $100   $74 


* Amount less than one thousand.


Miscellaneous fee reimbursements — CRMC reimbursed a portion of miscellaneous fees and expenses of American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York. Miscellaneous fees and expenses exclude investment advisory services fees and distribution services fees. For the year ended July 31, 2023, total fees and expenses reimbursed by CRMC were $292,000 and $144,000 for American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York, respectively. CRMC does not intend to recoup these reimbursements. These reimbursements may be adjusted or discontinued by CRMC, subject to any restrictions in each fund’s prospectus. Fees and expenses in each fund’s statement of operations are presented gross of any reimbursements from CRMC.


Trustees’ deferred compensation — Trustees who are unaffiliated with CRMC may elect to defer the cash payment of part or all of their compensation. These deferred amounts, which remain as liabilities of each fund, are treated as if invested in shares of the funds or other American Funds. These amounts represent general, unsecured liabilities of each fund and vary according to the total returns of the selected funds. Trustees’ compensation in the funds’ statements of operations reflects the current fees (either paid in cash or deferred) and a net increase in the value of the following deferred amounts (dollars in thousands):


Fund  Current fees   Increase in value of
deferred amounts
   Total trustees’
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund                   $10                             $4                    $14 
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America   36    13    49 
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America   96    91    187 
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund   41    17    58 
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California   11    11    22 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York   1    *   1 


* Amount less than one thousand.


Affiliated officers and trustees — Officers and certain trustees of the funds are or may be considered to be affiliated with CRMC, AFD and AFS. No affiliated officers or trustees received any compensation directly from the funds.


Security transactions with related funds — Each fund may purchase securities from, or sell securities to, other CRMC-managed funds (or funds managed by certain affiliates of CRMC) under procedures adopted by each fund’s board of trustees. The funds involved in such transactions are considered related by virtue of having a common investment adviser (or affiliated investment advisers), common trustees and/or common officers. When such transactions occur, each transaction is executed at the current market price of the security and no brokerage commissions or fees are paid in accordance with Rule 17a-7 of the 1940 Act.


The following table presents purchase and sale transactions between each fund and related funds, and the net realized loss from such sales, if any, as of July 31, 2023 (dollars in thousands):


Fund  Purchases   Sales   Net
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund        $78,979   $22,518      $(212)
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America   63,684    19,060    (742)
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America   36,982    7,211    (15)
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund       2,434    (287)
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California   7,733    82,268    (3,672)


374 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Interfund lending — Pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the SEC, the funds, along with other CRMC-managed funds (or funds managed by certain affiliates of CRMC), may participate in an interfund lending program. The program provides an alternate credit facility that permits the funds to lend or borrow cash for temporary purposes directly to or from one another, subject to the conditions of the exemptive order. None of the funds lent or borrowed cash during the year ended July 31, 2023.


8. Committed line of credit


American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund participates with other funds managed by CRMC (or funds managed by certain affiliates of CRMC) in a $1.5 billion credit facility (the “line of credit”) to be utilized for temporary purposes to support shareholder redemptions. The fund has agreed to pay commitment fees on its pro-rata portion of the line of credit, which are reflected in other expenses in the fund’s statement of operations. As a test of CRMC’s operating processes, the fund borrowed $10,000 on this line of credit during the year ended July 31, 2023. The fund paid less than $1,000 in interest expense for the loan.


9. Indemnifications


Each fund’s organizational documents provide board members and officers with indemnification against certain liabilities or expenses in connection with the performance of their duties to the fund. In the normal course of business, each fund may also enter into contracts that provide general indemnifications. Each fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown since it is dependent on future claims that may be made against the fund. The risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote. Insurance policies are also available to each fund’s board members and officers.


10. Fund mergers


On September 23, 2022, American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (the “acquiring fund”) acquired the net assets of Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund (the “acquired fund”) pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization and Liquidation approved by the fund’s board of trustees on March 9, 2022. The purpose of the transaction was to combine two funds with substantially similar investment objectives. The acquisition was accomplished by a tax-free exchange of shares of the acquired fund for Class F-3 shares of the acquiring fund at the close of business on September 23, 2022. Shares issued by the acquiring fund are disclosed in the capital share transactions table on page 377. Further information about the merger of the funds is as follows (dollars and shares in thousands except per-share amounts):


   Status  Shares
   Net assets   Net asset value
 per share
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Class F-3  Acquiring fund   40,351   $392,655            $9.73 
Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund  Acquired fund   6,869*   66,859    9.73 
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Class F-3  Post merger   47,220    459,514    9.73 


* All shares were exchanged at a ratio of 1 to 1.


The cost, fair value and net unrealized depreciation of the investments of Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund as of the date of the close of business on September 23, 2022, were as follows (dollars in thousands):


Investment securities, at value  $58,147 
Investment securities, at cost   60,673 
Net unrealized depreciation   (2,526)


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 375

The acquired fund’s investment securities were excluded from the acquiring fund’s portfolio turnover rate calculation. Had the acquisition been completed on August 1, 2022, the beginning of the annual reporting period of the acquiring fund, the pro forma results of operations for the year ended July 31, 2023, would have been as follows (dollars in thousands):


Pro forma components of net assets on July 31, 2023    
Net investment income  $45,136 
Net realized loss   (10,158)
Net unrealized depreciation   (22,301)
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations  $12,677 


Since the combined investment portfolios have been managed as a single integrated portfolio since the reorganization was completed, it is not practicable to separate the income, expenses and changes in net assets of the acquired fund that have been included in the acquiring fund’s statement of operations since September 23, 2022.


In addition, on September 23, 2022, Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (the “acquiring fund”) acquired the net assets of Capital Group Core Municipal Fund (the “acquired fund”) pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization and Liquidation approved by the fund’s board of trustees on March 9, 2022. The purpose of the transaction was to combine two funds with substantially similar investment objectives. The acquisition was accomplished by a tax-free exchange of shares of the acquired fund for Class F-3 shares of the acquiring fund at the close of business on September 23, 2022. Shares issued by the acquiring fund are disclosed in the capital share transactions table on page 377. Further information about the merger of the funds is as follows (dollars and shares in thousands except per-share amounts):


   Status  Shares
   Net assets   Net asset value
per share
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, Class F-3  Acquiring fund   80,082   $1,185,993   $14.81 
Capital Group Core Municipal Fund  Acquired fund   38,975*   382,221    9.81 
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, Class F-3  Post merger   105,891    1,568,214    14.81 


* All shares were exchanged at a ratio of 1.51 to 1.


The cost, fair value and net unrealized depreciation of the investments of Capital Group Core Municipal Fund as of the date of the close of business on September 23, 2022, were as follows (dollars in thousands):


Investment securities, at value  $365,563 
Investment securities, at cost   391,954 
Net unrealized depreciation   (26,391)


The acquired fund’s investment securities were excluded from the acquiring fund’s portfolio turnover rate calculation. Had the acquisition been completed on August 1, 2022, the beginning of the annual reporting period of the acquiring fund, the pro forma results of operations for the year ended July 31, 2023, would have been as follows (dollars in thousands):


Pro forma components of net assets on July 31, 2023    
Net investment income  $132,856 
Net realized loss   (69,893)
Net unrealized depreciation   (35,958)
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations  $27,005 


Since the combined investment portfolios have been managed as a single integrated portfolio since the reorganization was completed, it is not practicable to separate the income, expenses and changes in net assets of the acquired fund that have been included in the acquiring fund’s statement of operations since September 23, 2022.


376 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

11. Capital share transactions


Capital share transactions in the funds were as follows (dollars and shares in thousands):


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund


   Sales*   Issued in connection
with the merger of
Capital Group
Municipal Fund
   Reinvestments of
   Repurchases*   Net (decrease)
Share class  Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares 
Year ended July 31, 2023                                         
Class A  $720,300    73,475   $       $23,799    2,424   $(825,866)   (84,092)  $(81,767)   (8,193)
Class T                                        
Class F-1   2,658    270            89    9    (3,214)   (328)   (467)   (49)
Class F-2   113,187    11,527            4,897    499    (155,439)   (15,849)   (37,355)   (3,823)
Class F-3   396,380    40,091    66,859    6,869    10,012    1,020    (270,825)   (27,540)   202,426    20,440 
Class R-6   14,111    1,439            4,575    466    (64,579)   (6,575)   (45,893)   (4,670)
Total net increase (decrease)  $1,246,636    126,802   $66,859    6,869   $43,372    4,418   $(1,319,923)   (134,384)  $36,944    3,705 
Year ended July 31, 2022                                              
Class A  $767,090    76,626             $9,575    949   $(576,880)   (57,506)  $199,785    20,069 
Class T                                          
Class F-1   2,129    214              39    4    (4,828)   (478)   (2,660)   (260)
Class F-2   219,924    21,886              2,538    252    (208,572)   (20,760)   13,890    1,378 
Class F-3   327,750    32,969              1,628    162    (97,658)   (9,758)   231,720    23,373 
Class R-6   85,661    8,583              2,182    216    (55,922)   (5,577)   31,921    3,222 
Total net increase (decrease)  $1,402,554    140,278             $15,962    1,583   $(943,860)   (94,079)  $474,656    47,782 
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America                             
   Sales*   Issued in connection
with the merger of
Capital Group
Core Municipal Fund
Reinvestments of
   Repurchases*   Net (decrease)
Share class  Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares 
Year ended July 31, 2023                                              
Class A  $1,261,604    84,074   $       $60,708    4,035   $(1,798,400)   (119,605)  $(476,088)   (31,496)
Class C   8,633    575            166    11    (10,732)   (712)   (1,933)   (126)
Class T                                        
Class F-1   6,366    423            712    47    (21,450)   (1,429)   (14,372)   (959)
Class F-2   510,251    33,999            16,922    1,125    (644,415)   (42,847)   (117,242)   (7,723)
Class F-3   782,188    50,101    382,221    25,809    30,033    1,996    (679,591)   (45,285)   514,851    32,621 
Class R-6   31,754    2,111            15,942    1,060    (122,892)   (8,186)   (75,196)   (5,015)
Total net increase (decrease)  $2,600,796    171,283   $382,221    25,809   $124,483    8,274   $(3,277,480)   (218,064)  $(169,980)   (12,698)
Year ended July 31, 2022                                              
Class A  $1,206,467    77,660             $54,734    3,478   $(1,324,752)   (85,548)  $(63,551)   (4,410)
Class C   8,655    554              120    8    (9,223)   (593)   (448)   (31)
Class T                                          
Class F-1   16,243    1,023              929    59    (44,994)   (2,871)   (27,822)   (1,789)
Class F-2   670,265    43,030              17,279    1,098    (779,184)   (50,356)   (91,640)   (6,228)
Class F-3   924,201    59,778              16,851    1,073    (872,743)   (56,130)   68,309    4,721 
Class R-6   121,508    7,624              16,372    1,041    (199,882)   (13,014)   (62,002)   (4,349)
Total net increase (decrease)  $2,947,339     189,669             $106,285   6,757   $(3,230,778)   (208,512)  $(177,154)   (12,086)


Refer to the end of the tables for footnote.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 377

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America


   Sales*   Reinvestments of
   Repurchases*   Net (decrease)
Share class  Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares 
Year ended July 31, 2023                                    
Class A  $2,755,375    227,590   $289,595    23,972   $(3,765,301)   (312,412)  $(720,331)   (60,850)
Class C   29,208    2,411    4,395    364    (98,178)   (8,106)   (64,575)   (5,331)
Class T                                
Class F-1   49,087    4,059    4,782    396    (90,657)   (7,525)   (36,788)   (3,070)
Class F-2   3,005,617    248,645    124,381    10,294    (2,917,136)   (243,137)   212,862    15,802 
Class F-3   2,483,550    205,616    145,945    12,089    (3,597,778)   (300,230)   (968,283)   (82,525)
Class R-6   9,727    793    18,963    1,570    (31,206)   (2,628)   (2,516)   (265)
Total net increase (decrease)  $8,332,564    689,114   $588,061    48,685   $(10,500,256)   (874,038)  $(1,579,631)   (136,239)
Year ended July 31, 2022                                    
Class A  $2,235,417    170,898   $342,670    26,109   $(3,039,685)   (238,475)  $(461,598)   (41,468)
Class C   43,791    3,322    5,891    448    (95,046)   (7,357)   (45,364)   (3,587)
Class T                                
Class F-1   62,341    4,798    6,002    458    (84,900)   (6,603)   (16,557)   (1,347)
Class F-2   3,003,560    234,832    140,378    10,699    (3,001,261)   (237,375)   142,677    8,156 
Class F-3   2,840,973    220,898    186,547    14,234    (2,795,902)   (221,548)   231,618    13,584 
Class R-6   111,672    8,271    19,380    1,481    (5,791)   (479)   125,261    9,273 
Total net increase (decrease)  $8,297,754    643,019   $700,868    53,429   $(9,022,585)   (711,837)  $(23,963)   (15,389)
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund                     
   Sales*   Reinvestments of
   Repurchases*   Net (decrease)
Share class  Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares 
Year ended July 31, 2023                                    
Class A  $1,119,948    76,786   $170,199    11,726   $(1,564,525)   (108,101)  $(274,378)   (19,589)
Class C   17,381    1,190    3,880    268    (51,298)   (3,526)   (30,037)   (2,068)
Class T                                
Class F-1   54,697    3,765    3,591    247    (57,729)   (3,972)   559    40 
Class F-2   1,311,367    90,081    64,500    4,440    (953,636)   (65,968)   422,231    28,553 
Class F-3   1,574,944    108,320    93,160    6,413    (1,221,887)   (84,334)   446,217    30,399 
Class R-6   25,906    1,754    43,761    3,014    (34,794)   (2,414)   34,873    2,354 
Total net increase (decrease)  $4,104,243    281,896   $379,091    26,108   $(3,883,869)   (268,315)  $599,465    39,689 
Year ended July 31, 2022                                    
Class A  $1,129,585    69,635   $202,123    12,431   $(1,158,093)   (73,620)  $173,615    8,446 
Class C   30,286    1,830    5,453    334    (60,388)   (3,770)   (24,649)   (1,606)
Class T                                
Class F-1   34,391    2,138    3,893    239    (50,133)   (3,090)   (11,849)   (713)
Class F-2   1,051,452    66,319    64,560    3,975    (887,365)   (56,756)   228,647    13,538 
Class F-3   1,325,890    83,624    80,615    4,984    (769,137)   (49,357)   637,368    39,251 
Class R-6   203,684    12,185    45,623    2,815    (28,595)   (1,894)   220,712    13,106 
Total net increase (decrease)  $3,775,288    235,731   $402,267    24,778   $(2,953,711)   (188,487)  $1,223,844    72,022 


Refer to the end of the tables for footnote.


378 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California


   Sales*   Reinvestments of
   Repurchases*   Net (decrease)
Share class  Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares 
Year ended July 31, 2023                                    
Class A  $362,058    22,194   $36,551    2,253   $(516,830)   (31,943)  $(118,221)   (7,496)
Class C   3,844    234    594    37    (13,459)   (826)   (9,021)   (555)
Class T                                
Class F-1   13,600    836    1,147    71    (15,035)   (930)   (288)   (23)
Class F-2   319,107    19,852    12,783    786    (291,991)   (18,160)   39,899    2,478 
Class F-3   366,886    22,522    13,927    857    (212,653)   (13,194)   168,160    10,185 
Total net increase (decrease)  $1,065,495    65,638   $65,002    4,004   $(1,049,968)   (65,053)  $80,529    4,589 
Year ended July 31, 2022                                    
Class A  $261,751    14,999   $43,315    2,458   $(460,497)   (26,806)  $(155,431)   (9,349)
Class C   4,236    237    795    45    (14,872)   (854)   (9,841)   (572)
Class T                                
Class F-1   8,478    494    1,325    75    (17,750)   (1,031)   (7,947)   (462)
Class F-2   307,998    17,863    14,031    794    (363,387)   (21,281)   (41,358)   (2,624)
Class F-3   269,151    15,897    12,041    685    (245,150)   (14,472)   36,042    2,110 
Total net increase (decrease)  $851,614    49,490   $71,507    4,057   $(1,101,656)   (64,444)  $(178,535)   (10,897)
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York               
   Sales*   Reinvestments of
   Repurchases*   Net (decrease)
Share class  Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares 
Year ended July 31, 2023                                    
Class A  $49,823    5,057   $4,466    453   $(55,830)   (5,686)  $(1,541)   (176)
Class C   920    94    166    17    (3,203)   (323)   (2,117)   (212)
Class T                                
Class F-1   1,491    146    33    4    (2,142)   (211)   (618)   (61)
Class F-2   15,814    1,606    773    78    (15,586)   (1,592)   1,001    92 
Class F-3   13,550    1,370    1,096    111    (13,572)   (1,381)   1,074    100 
Total net increase (decrease)  $81,598    8,273   $6,534    663   $(90,333)   (9,193)  $(2,201)   (257)
Year ended July 31, 2022                                
Class A  $32,675    3,034   $5,540    511   $(40,694)   (3,868)  $(2,479)   (323)
Class C   3,218    293    222    20    (3,135)   (287)   305    26 
Class T                                
Class F-1   2,613    243    53    5    (3,539)   (334)   (873)   (86)
Class F-2   13,617    1,294    932    86    (14,790)   (1,431)   (241)   (51)
Class F-3   21,030    1,997    1,214    112    (16,987)   (1,618)   5,257    491 
Total net increase (decrease)  $73,153    6,861   $7,961    734   $(79,145)   (7,538)  $1,969    57 


* Includes exchanges between share classes of the fund.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 379

12. Investment transactions


Each fund engaged in purchases and sales of investment securities, excluding short-term securities and U.S. government obligations, if any, during the year ended July 31, 2023, as follows (dollars in thousands):


Fund  Purchases   Sales 
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund  $1,132,319*  $1,042,514 
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America   2,452,627*   2,631,409 
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America   4,628,253    5,915,810 
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund   2,874,633    2,421,226 
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California   558,495    533,456 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York   66,814    71,865 


  * The purchases do not include the investment securities acquired from the mergers of American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund with Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund and Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America with Capital Group Core Municipal Fund that occurred on September 23, 2022.


13. Ownership concentration


At July 31, 2023, American Funds Tax-Aware Conservative Growth and Income Portfolio held 10% of the outstanding shares of American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund. CRMC is the investment adviser to both funds.


380 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Financial highlights

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund


       Income (loss) from investment operations1   Dividends and distributions                         
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
value, end
of year
   Total return2,3   Net assets,
end of
(in millions)
   Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
   Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets3
Class A:                                                                 
7/31/2023  $9.95   $.18   $(.14)  $.04   $(.18)  $   $(.18)  $9.81    .40%  $1,218    .45%   .43%   1.86%
7/31/2022   10.33    .06    (.36)   (.30)   (.06)   (.02)   (.08)   9.95    (2.91)   1,318    .53    .53    .58 
7/31/2021   10.37    .07    (.01)   .06    (.07)   (.03)   (.10)   10.33    .56    1,161    .57    .57    .68 
7/31/2020   10.19    .13    .18    .31    (.13)       (.13)   10.37    3.07    938    .58    .58    1.27 
7/31/2019   10.04    .16    .15    .31    (.16)       (.16)   10.19    3.09    767    .59    .59    1.56 
Class T:                                                                 
7/31/2023   9.95    .20    (.14)   .06    (.20)       (.20)   9.81    .584    5    .264    .254    2.044 
7/31/2022   10.33    .07    (.36)   (.29)   (.07)   (.02)   (.09)   9.95    (2.75)4    5    .384    .384    .724 
7/31/2021   10.37    .09    (.01)   .08    (.09)   (.03)   (.12)   10.33    .724    5    .424    .424    .844 
7/31/2020   10.19    .15    .18    .33    (.15)       (.15)   10.37    3.224    5    .434    .424    1.434 
7/31/2019   10.04    .17    .15    .32    (.17)       (.17)   10.19    3.204    5    .474    .474    1.674 
Class F-1:                                                                 
7/31/2023   9.95    .16    (.14)   .02    (.16)       (.16)   9.81    .21    5    .63    .61    1.68 
7/31/2022   10.33    .04    (.36)   (.32)   (.04)   (.02)   (.06)   9.95    (3.09)   6    .73    .73    .36 
7/31/2021   10.37    .05    (.01)   .04    (.05)   (.03)   (.08)   10.33    .37    9    .76    .76    .51 
7/31/2020   10.19    .11    .18    .29    (.11)       (.11)   10.37    2.87    9    .77    .76    1.08 
7/31/2019   10.04    .13    .15    .28    (.13)       (.13)   10.19    2.85    7    .81    .81    1.34 
Class F-2:                                                                 
7/31/2023   9.95    .19    (.14)   .05    (.19)       (.19)   9.81    .51    251    .34    .32    1.96 
7/31/2022   10.33    .07    (.36)   (.29)   (.07)   (.02)   (.09)   9.95    (2.79)   293    .42    .42    .68 
7/31/2021   10.37    .08    (.01)   .07    (.08)   (.03)   (.11)   10.33    .68    290    .45    .45    .80 
7/31/2020   10.19    .14    .18    .32    (.14)       (.14)   10.37    3.19    218    .46    .45    1.40 
7/31/2019   10.04    .17    .15    .32    (.17)       (.17)   10.19    3.17    182    .49    .49    1.67 


Refer to the end of the table for footnotes.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 381

Financial highlights (continued)

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (continued)


       Income (loss) from investment operations1   Dividends and distributions                         
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
value, end
of year
   Total return2,3   Net assets,
end of
(in millions)
   Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
   Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets3
Class F-3:                                                                 
7/31/2023  $9.95   $.20   $(.14)  $.06   $(.20)  $   $(.20)  $9.81    .58%  $531    .26%   .25%   2.07%
7/31/2022   10.33    .08    (.36)   (.28)   (.08)   (.02)   (.10)   9.95    (2.72)   335    .33    .33    .85 
7/31/2021   10.37    .09    (.01)   .08    (.09)   (.03)   (.12)   10.33    .75    107    .39    .38    .86 
7/31/2020   10.19    .15    .18    .33    (.15)       (.15)   10.37    3.25    74    .40    .39    1.44 
7/31/2019   10.04    .17    .15    .32    (.17)       (.17)   10.19    3.23    52    .44    .44    1.71 
Class R-6:                                                                 
7/31/2023   9.95    .20    (.14)   .06    (.20)       (.20)   9.81    .58    204    .26    .25    2.03 
7/31/2022   10.33    .08    (.36)   (.28)   (.08)   (.02)   (.10)   9.95    (2.72)   253    .35    .35    .75 
7/31/2021   10.37    .09    (.01)   .08    (.09)   (.03)   (.12)   10.33    .75    229    .39    .38    .86 
7/31/2020   10.19    .15    .18    .33    (.15)       (.15)   10.37    3.26    162    .39    .39    1.46 
7/31/2019   10.04    .17    .15    .32    (.17)       (.17)   10.19    3.24    132    .43    .43    1.71 


    Year ended July 31,
    2023   2022   2021   2020   2019
Portfolio turnover rate for all share classes   53%6   53%   49%   65%   50%


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Total returns exclude any applicable sales charges, including contingent deferred sales charges.
3 This column reflects the impact, if any, of certain reimbursements from CRMC. During some of the years shown, CRMC reimbursed a portion of miscellaneous fees and expenses.
4 All or a significant portion of assets in this class consisted of seed capital invested by CRMC and/or its affiliates. Fees for distribution services are not charged or accrued on these seed capital assets. If such fees were paid by the fund on seed capital assets, fund expenses would have been higher and net income and total return would have been lower.
5 Amount less than $1 million.
6 The portfolio turnover calculation was adjusted to exclude the value of securities acquired in connection with the fund’s acquisition of the assets of the Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund on September 23, 2022. The portfolio turnover rate would have been 60% without the adjustment.


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


382 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Financial highlights (continued)

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America



       Income (loss) from investment operations1   Dividends and distributions                         
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
value, end
of year
   Total return2,3   Net assets,
end of
(in millions)
   Ratio of
to average net
assets before
   Ratio of
to average net
assets after
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets3
Class A:                                                                 
7/31/2023  $15.29   $.26   $(.21)  $.05   $(.26)  $   $(.26)  $15.08    .31%  $3,431    .59%   .58%   1.75%
7/31/2022   16.22    .13    (.85)   (.72)   (.13)   (.08)   (.21)   15.29    (4.46)   3,959    .57    .57    .85 
7/31/2021   16.23    .16    .08    .24    (.16)   (.09)   (.25)   16.22    1.50    4,273    .58    .58    .98 
7/31/2020   15.93    .25    .36    .61    (.26)   (.05)   (.31)   16.23    3.88    3,539    .60    .60    1.58 
7/31/2019   15.52    .31    .41    .72    (.31)       (.31)   15.93    4.71    3,060    .59    .59    2.00 
Class C:                                                                 
7/31/2023   15.29    .15    (.21)   (.06)   (.15)       (.15)   15.08    (.39)   15    1.29    1.28    1.05 
7/31/2022   16.22    .02    (.85)   (.83)   (.02)   (.08)   (.10)   15.29    (5.13)   17    1.27    1.27    .15 
7/31/2021   16.23    .04    .08    .12    (.04)   (.09)   (.13)   16.22    .78    18    1.28    1.28    .28 
7/31/2020   15.93    .13    .36    .49    (.14)   (.05)   (.19)   16.23    3.16    16    1.30    1.30    .89 
7/31/2019   15.52    .20    .41    .61    (.20)       (.20)   15.93    3.94    18    1.33    1.33    1.27 
Class T:                                                                 
7/31/2023   15.29    .31    (.21)   .10    (.31)       (.31)   15.08    .654    5    .264    .254    2.094 
7/31/2022   16.22    .18    (.85)   (.67)   (.18)   (.08)   (.26)   15.29    (4.18)4    5    .274    .274    1.154 
7/31/2021   16.23    .21    .08    .29    (.21)   (.09)   (.30)   16.22    1.804    5    .284    .284    1.294 
7/31/2020   15.93    .29    .36    .65    (.30)   (.05)   (.35)   16.23    4.184    5    .304    .304    1.894 
7/31/2019   15.52    .35    .41    .76    (.35)       (.35)   15.93    4.994    5    .334    .334    2.274 
Class F-1:                                                                 
7/31/2023   15.29    .25    (.21)   .04    (.25)       (.25)   15.08    .28    39    .62    .62    1.70 
7/31/2022   16.22    .13    (.85)   (.72)   (.13)   (.08)   (.21)   15.29    (4.50)   54    .61    .61    .79 
7/31/2021   16.23    .15    .08    .23    (.15)   (.09)   (.24)   16.22    1.46    86    .61    .61    .97 
7/31/2020   15.93    .24    .36    .60    (.25)   (.05)   (.30)   16.23    3.85    97    .62    .62    1.54 
7/31/2019   15.52    .30    .41    .71    (.30)       (.30)   15.93    4.63    60    .67    .67    1.93 


Refer to the end of the table for footnotes.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 383

Financial highlights (continued)

Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


       Income (loss) from investment operations1   Dividends and distributions                         
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
value, end
of year
   Total return2,3   Net assets,
end of
(in millions)
   Ratio of
to average net
assets before
   Ratio of
to average net
assets after
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets3
Class F-2:                                                                 
7/31/2023  $15.29   $.29   $(.21)  $.08   $(.29)  $   $(.29)  $15.08    .55%  $891    .35%   .35%   1.98%
7/31/2022   16.22    .17    (.85)   (.68)   (.17)   (.08)   (.25)   15.29    (4.24)   1,022    .34    .34    1.08 
7/31/2021   16.23    .20    .08    .28    (.20)   (.09)   (.29)   16.22    1.74    1,185    .34    .34    1.21 
7/31/2020   15.93    .28    .36    .64    (.29)   (.05)   (.34)   16.23    4.12    777    .36    .36    1.81 
7/31/2019   15.52    .34    .41    .75    (.34)       (.34)   15.93    4.91    500    .39    .39    2.20 
Class F-3:                                                                 
7/31/2023   15.29    .31    (.21)   .10    (.31)       (.31)   15.08    .65    1,532    .25    .24    2.11 
7/31/2022   16.22    .19    (.85)   (.66)   (.19)   (.08)   (.27)   15.29    (4.14)   1,054    .23    .23    1.19 
7/31/2021   16.23    .21    .08    .29    (.21)   (.09)   (.30)   16.22    1.84    1,042    .24    .24    1.27 
7/31/2020   15.93    .30    .36    .66    (.31)   (.05)   (.36)   16.23    4.23    422    .26    .26    1.91 
7/31/2019   15.52    .36    .41    .77    (.36)       (.36)   15.93    5.02    308    .30    .30    2.29 
Class R-6:                                                                 
7/31/2023   15.29    .31    (.21)   .10    (.31)       (.31)   15.08    .65    752    .25    .24    2.09 
7/31/2022   16.22    .19    (.85)   (.66)   (.19)   (.08)   (.27)   15.29    (4.14)   839    .23    .23    1.19 
7/31/2021   16.23    .21    .08    .29    (.21)   (.09)   (.30)   16.22    1.84    961    .24    .24    1.31 
7/31/2020   15.93    .30    .36    .66    (.31)   (.05)   (.36)   16.23    4.23    692    .26    .26    1.88 
7/31/2019   15.52    .36    .41    .77    (.36)       (.36)   15.93    5.02    307    .29    .29    2.30 


    Year ended July 31,
    2023   2022   2021   2020   2019
Portfolio turnover rate for all share classes   39%6   47%   43%   56%   42%


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Total returns exclude any applicable sales charges, including contingent deferred sales charges.
3 This column reflects the impact, if any, of certain waivers from CRMC. During one of the years shown, CRMC waived a portion of investment advisory services fees.
4 All or a significant portion of assets in this class consisted of seed capital invested by CRMC and/or its affiliates. Fees for distribution services are not charged or accrued on these seed capital assets. If such fees were paid by the fund on seed capital assets, fund expenses would have been higher and net income and total return would have been lower.
5 Amount less than $1 million.
6 The portfolio turnover calculation was adjusted to exclude the value of securities acquired in connection with the fund’s acquisition of the assets of the Capital Group Core Municipal Fund on September 23, 2022. The portfolio turnover rate would have been 45% without the adjustment.


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


384 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Financial highlights (continued)

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America


       Income (loss) from
investment operations1
   Dividends and distributions                     
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
of year
   Total return2   Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
   Ratio of
expenses to
net assets
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets
Class A:                                                            
7/31/2023  $12.46   $.32   $(.27)  $.05   $(.31)  $   $(.31)  $12.20    .48%  $11,644    .53%   2.66%
7/31/2022   13.78    .26    (1.25)   (.99)   (.26)   (.07)   (.33)   12.46    (7.28)   12,649    .50    2.01 
7/31/2021   13.54    .28    .26    .54    (.28)   (.02)   (.30)   13.78    4.06    14,558    .51    2.07 
7/31/2020   13.29    .33    .25    .58    (.33)       (.33)   13.54    4.40    12,623    .52    2.46 
7/31/2019   12.81    .37    .47    .84    (.36)       (.36)   13.29    6.71    10,868    .52    2.84 
Class C:                                                            
7/31/2023   12.46    .23    (.27)   (.04)   (.22)       (.22)   12.20    (.27)   218    1.28    1.90 
7/31/2022   13.78    .16    (1.25)   (1.09)   (.16)   (.07)   (.23)   12.46    (7.97)   289    1.25    1.25 
7/31/2021   13.54    .18    .26    .44    (.18)   (.02)   (.20)   13.78    3.28    370    1.26    1.33 
7/31/2020   13.29    .23    .25    .48    (.23)       (.23)   13.54    3.64    376    1.26    1.73 
7/31/2019   12.81    .27    .47    .74    (.26)       (.26)   13.29    5.88    407    1.31    2.06 
Class T:                                                            
7/31/2023   12.46    .36    (.27)   .09    (.35)       (.35)   12.20    .763    4    .243    2.953 
7/31/2022   13.78    .29    (1.25)   (.96)   (.29)   (.07)   (.36)   12.46    (7.05)3    4    .253    2.253 
7/31/2021   13.54    .32    .26    .58    (.32)   (.02)   (.34)   13.78    4.323    4    .263    2.313 
7/31/2020   13.29    .36    .25    .61    (.36)       (.36)   13.54    4.653    4    .273    2.703 
7/31/2019   12.81    .40    .47    .87    (.39)       (.39)   13.29    6.933    4    .323    3.053 
Class F-1:                                                            
7/31/2023   12.46    .31    (.27)   .04    (.30)       (.30)   12.20    .40    185    .61    2.58 
7/31/2022   13.78    .25    (1.25)   (1.00)   (.25)   (.07)   (.32)   12.46    (7.35)   227    .59    1.92 
7/31/2021   13.54    .27    .26    .53    (.27)   (.02)   (.29)   13.78    3.97    270    .59    2.00 
7/31/2020   13.29    .32    .25    .57    (.32)       (.32)   13.54    4.31    313    .60    2.39 
7/31/2019   12.81    .36    .47    .83    (.35)       (.35)   13.29    6.58    338    .64    2.72 


Refer to the end of the table for footnotes.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 385

Financial highlights (continued)

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (continued)


       Income (loss) from
investment operations1
   Dividends and distributions                     
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
of year
   Total return2   Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
   Ratio of
expenses to
net assets
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets
Class F-2:                                                            
7/31/2023  $12.46   $.34   $(.27)  $.07   $(.33)  $   $(.33)  $12.20    .66%  $5,135    .35%   2.84%
7/31/2022   13.78    .28    (1.25)   (.97)   (.28)   (.07)   (.35)   12.46    (7.11)   5,047    .33    2.18 
7/31/2021   13.54    .31    .26    .57    (.31)   (.02)   (.33)   13.78    4.24    5,469    .33    2.24 
7/31/2020   13.29    .35    .25    .60    (.35)       (.35)   13.54    4.59    3,814    .34    2.63 
7/31/2019   12.81    .39    .47    .86    (.38)       (.38)   13.29    6.86    2,778    .38    2.98 
Class F-3:                                                            
7/31/2023   12.46    .36    (.27)   .09    (.35)       (.35)   12.20    .76    5,108    .24    2.94 
7/31/2022   13.78    .30    (1.25)   (.95)   (.30)   (.07)   (.37)   12.46    (7.01)   6,245    .22    2.29 
7/31/2021   13.54    .32    .26    .58    (.32)   (.02)   (.34)   13.78    4.35    6,718    .23    2.36 
7/31/2020   13.29    .36    .25    .61    (.36)       (.36)   13.54    4.70    7,950    .24    2.74 
7/31/2019   12.81    .41    .47    .88    (.40)       (.40)   13.29    6.97    6,570    .27    3.09 
Class R-6:                                                            
7/31/2023   12.46    .36    (.27)   .09    (.35)       (.35)   12.20    .76    675    .24    2.95 
7/31/2022   13.78    .30    (1.25)   (.95)   (.30)   (.07)   (.37)   12.46    (7.01)   693    .22    2.30 
7/31/2021   13.54    .32    .26    .58    (.32)   (.02)   (.34)   13.78    4.35    638    .23    2.35 
7/31/2020   13.29    .36    .25    .61    (.36)       (.36)   13.54    4.70    473    .24    2.76 
7/31/2019   12.81    .41    .47    .88    (.40)       (.40)   13.29    6.97    685    .27    3.09 


    Year ended July 31,
    2023   2022   2021   2020   2019
Portfolio turnover rate for all share classes   23%   29%   21%   24%   20%


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Total returns exclude any applicable sales charges, including contingent deferred sales charges.
3 All or a significant portion of assets in this class consisted of seed capital invested by CRMC and/or its affiliates. Fees for distribution services are not charged or accrued on these seed capital assets. If such fees were paid by the fund on seed capital assets, fund expenses would have been higher and net income and total return would have been lower.
4 Amount less than $1 million.


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


386 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Financial highlights (continued)

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund


       (Loss) income from investment operations1   Dividends and distributions                         
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
value, end
of year
   Total return2,3   Net assets,
end of
(in millions)
   Ratio of
to average net
assets before
   Ratio of
to average net
assets after
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets3
Class A:                                                                 
7/31/2023  $15.30   $.58   $(.67)  $(.09)  $(.53)  $   $(.53)  $14.68    (.49)%  $4,849    .65%   .64%   3.98%
7/31/2022   17.20    .48    (1.79)   (1.31)   (.46)   (.13)   (.59)   15.30    (7.78)   5,354    .63    .63    2.95 
7/31/2021   16.20    .48    1.04    1.52    (.49)   (.03)   (.52)   17.20    9.52    5,875    .65    .65    2.91 
7/31/2020   16.33    .59    (.17)   .42    (.54)   (.01)   (.55)   16.20    2.68    4,871    .68    .68    3.63 
7/31/2019   15.78    .58    .54    1.12    (.57)       (.57)   16.33    7.28    4,637    .68    .68    3.67 
Class C:                                                                 
7/31/2023   15.30    .48    (.67)   (.19)   (.43)       (.43)   14.68    (1.21)   124    1.37    1.36    3.26 
7/31/2022   17.20    .36    (1.78)   (1.42)   (.35)   (.13)   (.48)   15.30    (8.43)   161    1.33    1.33    2.23 
7/31/2021   16.20    .36    1.04    1.40    (.37)   (.03)   (.40)   17.20    8.76    209    1.35    1.35    2.22 
7/31/2020   16.33    .48    (.17)   .31    (.43)   (.01)   (.44)   16.20    1.97    203    1.38    1.38    2.93 
7/31/2019   15.78    .47    .54    1.01    (.46)       (.46)   16.33    6.49    238    1.41    1.41    2.94 
Class T:                                                                 
7/31/2023   15.30    .62    (.67)   (.05)   (.57)       (.57)   14.68    (.21)4    5    .374    .364    4.264 
7/31/2022   17.20    .53    (1.79)   (1.26)   (.51)   (.13)   (.64)   15.30    (7.51)4    5    .334    .334    3.254 
7/31/2021   16.20    .53    1.04    1.57    (.54)   (.03)   (.57)   17.20    9.844    5    .354    .354    3.214 
7/31/2020   16.33    .64    (.17)   .47    (.59)   (.01)   (.60)   16.20    2.994    5    .384    .384    3.924 
7/31/2019   15.78    .62    .54    1.16    (.61)       (.61)   16.33    7.554    5    .424    .424    3.934 
Class F-1:                                                                 
7/31/2023   15.30    .58    (.67)   (.09)   (.53)       (.53)   14.68    (.52)   97    .68    .67    3.95 
7/31/2022   17.20    .47    (1.78)   (1.31)   (.46)   (.13)   (.59)   15.30    (7.81)   100    .66    .66    2.91 
7/31/2021   16.20    .48    1.04    1.52    (.49)   (.03)   (.52)   17.20    9.50    125    .68    .68    2.90 
7/31/2020   16.33    .59    (.17)   .42    (.54)   (.01)   (.55)   16.20    2.66    146    .70    .70    3.60 
7/31/2019   15.78    .57    .54    1.11    (.56)       (.56)   16.33    7.21    180    .74    .74    3.61 


Refer to the end of the table for footnotes.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 387

Financial highlights (continued)

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (continued)


       (Loss) income from investment operations1   Dividends and distributions                         
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
value, end
of year
   Total return2,3   Net assets,
end of
(in millions)
   Ratio of
to average net
assets before
   Ratio of
to average net
assets after
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets3
Class F-2:                                                                 
7/31/2023  $15.30   $.61   $(.67)  $(.06)  $(.56)  $   $(.56)  $14.68    (.26)%  $2,130    .42%   .41%   4.22%
7/31/2022   17.20    .52    (1.79)   (1.27)   (.50)   (.13)   (.63)   15.30    (7.57)   1,784    .39    .39    3.20 
7/31/2021   16.20    .52    1.04    1.56    (.53)   (.03)   (.56)   17.20    9.78    1,773    .41    .41    3.13 
7/31/2020   16.33    .63    (.17)   .46    (.58)   (.01)   (.59)   16.20    2.93    1,186    .44    .44    3.86 
7/31/2019   15.78    .61    .54    1.15    (.60)       (.60)   16.33    7.49    1,114    .47    .47    3.87 
Class F-3:                                                                 
7/31/2023   15.30    .63    (.67)   (.04)   (.58)       (.58)   14.68    (.15)   2,654    .31    .30    4.32 
7/31/2022   17.20    .54    (1.79)   (1.25)   (.52)   (.13)   (.65)   15.30    (7.47)   2,302    .29    .29    3.32 
7/31/2021   16.20    .54    1.04    1.58    (.55)   (.03)   (.58)   17.20    9.89    1,914    .31    .31    3.22 
7/31/2020   16.33    .65    (.17)   .48    (.60)   (.01)   (.61)   16.20    3.04    1,085    .33    .33    3.97 
7/31/2019   15.78    .63    .54    1.17    (.62)       (.62)   16.33    7.60    897    .37    .37    3.97 
Class R-6:                                                                 
7/31/2023   15.30    .63    (.67)   (.04)   (.58)       (.58)   14.68    (.15)   1,137    .31    .31    4.32 
7/31/2022   17.20    .53    (1.78)   (1.25)   (.52)   (.13)   (.65)   15.30    (7.47)   1,149    .29    .29    3.31 
7/31/2021   16.20    .54    1.04    1.58    (.55)   (.03)   (.58)   17.20    9.89    1,066    .31    .31    3.25 
7/31/2020   16.33    .65    (.17)   .48    (.60)   (.01)   (.61)   16.20    3.04    794    .33    .33    3.98 
7/31/2019   15.78    .63    .54    1.17    (.62)       (.62)   16.33    7.61    686    .37    .37    3.98 


    Year ended July 31,
    2023   2022   2021   2020   2019
Portfolio turnover rate for all share classes   26%   35%   24%   35%   20%


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Total returns exclude any applicable sales charges, including contingent deferred sales charges.
3 This column reflects the impact, if any, of certain waivers from CRMC. During one of the years shown, CRMC waived a portion of investment advisory services fees.
4 All or a significant portion of assets in this class consisted of seed capital invested by CRMC and/or its affiliates. Fees for distribution services are not charged or accrued on these seed capital assets. If such fees were paid by the fund on seed capital assets, fund expenses would have been higher and net income and total return would have been lower.
5 Amount less than $1 million.


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


388 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Financial highlights (continued)

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California


       Income (loss) from
investment operations1
   Dividends and distributions                     
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
of year
   Total return2   Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
   Ratio of
expenses to
net assets
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets
Class A:                                                            
7/31/2023  $16.72   $.44   $(.37)  $.07   $(.42)  $   $(.42)  $16.37    .49%  $1,520    .56%   2.71%
7/31/2022   18.54    .37    (1.75)   (1.38)   (.37)   (.07)   (.44)   16.72    (7.57)   1,677    .57    2.10 
7/31/2021   18.29    .38    .32    .70    (.38)   (.07)   (.45)   18.54    3.92    2,033    .58    2.10 
7/31/2020   18.08    .43    .30    .73    (.43)   (.09)   (.52)   18.29    4.14    1,941    .61    2.40 
7/31/2019   17.43    .50    .65    1.15    (.50)       (.50)   18.08    6.73    1,784    .59    2.88 
Class C:                                                            
7/31/2023   16.72    .32    (.37)   (.05)   (.30)       (.30)   16.37    (.27)   29    1.31    1.96 
7/31/2022   18.54    .24    (1.75)   (1.51)   (.24)   (.07)   (.31)   16.72    (8.26)   39    1.32    1.34 
7/31/2021   18.29    .25    .32    .57    (.25)   (.07)   (.32)   18.54    3.14    54    1.33    1.35 
7/31/2020   18.08    .30    .30    .60    (.30)   (.09)   (.39)   18.29    3.36    60    1.36    1.65 
7/31/2019   17.43    .36    .65    1.01    (.36)       (.36)   18.08    5.90    69    1.38    2.10 
Class T:                                                            
7/31/2023   16.72    .49    (.37)   .12    (.47)       (.47)   16.37    .763    4    .293    2.993 
7/31/2022   18.54    .41    (1.75)   (1.34)   (.41)   (.07)   (.48)   16.72    (7.35)3    4    .323    2.343 
7/31/2021   18.29    .43    .32    .75    (.43)   (.07)   (.50)   18.54    4.173    4    .343    2.333 
7/31/2020   18.08    .48    .30    .78    (.48)   (.09)   (.57)   18.29    4.383    4    .373    2.623 
7/31/2019   17.43    .54    .65    1.19    (.54)       (.54)   18.08    6.953    4    .393    3.093 
Class F-1:                                                            
7/31/2023   16.72    .43    (.37)   .06    (.41)       (.41)   16.37    .40    48    .65    2.63 
7/31/2022   18.54    .35    (1.75)   (1.40)   (.35)   (.07)   (.42)   16.72    (7.66)   50    .66    2.00 
7/31/2021   18.29    .37    .32    .69    (.37)   (.07)   (.44)   18.54    3.82    64    .67    2.01 
7/31/2020   18.08    .42    .30    .72    (.42)   (.09)   (.51)   18.29    4.05    71    .70    2.31 
7/31/2019   17.43    .48    .65    1.13    (.48)       (.48)   18.08    6.59    72    .72    2.76 


Refer to the end of the table for footnotes.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 389

Financial highlights (continued)

The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (continued)


       Income (loss) from
investment operations1
   Dividends and distributions                     
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
of year
   Total return2   Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
   Ratio of
expenses to
net assets
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets
Class F-2:                                                            
7/31/2023  $16.72   $.47   $(.37)  $.10   $(.45)  $   $(.45)  $16.37    .67%  $558    .38%   2.90%
7/31/2022   18.54    .40    (1.75)   (1.35)   (.40)   (.07)   (.47)   16.72    (7.41)   528    .39    2.27 
7/31/2021   18.29    .42    .32    .74    (.42)   (.07)   (.49)   18.54    4.10    634    .40    2.27 
7/31/2020   18.08    .47    .30    .77    (.47)   (.09)   (.56)   18.29    4.33    547    .42    2.58 
7/31/2019   17.43    .53    .65    1.18    (.53)       (.53)   18.08    6.88    411    .45    3.02 
Class F-3:                                                            
7/31/2023   16.72    .49    (.37)   .12    (.47)       (.47)   16.37    .76    589    .29    2.99 
7/31/2022   18.54    .42    (1.75)   (1.33)   (.42)   (.07)   (.49)   16.72    (7.32)   432    .30    2.37 
7/31/2021   18.29    .43    .32    .75    (.43)   (.07)   (.50)   18.54    4.20    440    .31    2.36 
7/31/2020   18.08    .48    .30    .78    (.48)   (.09)   (.57)   18.29    4.42    320    .33    2.67 
7/31/2019   17.43    .55    .64    1.19    (.54)       (.54)   18.08    6.98    241    .36    3.11 


    Year ended July 31,
    2023   2022   2021   2020   2019
Portfolio turnover rate for all share classes   23%   27%   17%   26%   27%


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Total returns exclude any applicable sales charges, including contingent deferred sales charges.
3 All or a significant portion of assets in this class consisted of seed capital invested by CRMC and/or its affiliates. Fees for distribution services are not charged or accrued on these seed capital assets. If such fees were paid by the fund on seed capital assets, fund expenses would have been higher and net income and total return would have been lower.
4 Amount less than $1 million.


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


390 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Financial highlights (continued)

American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York


       Income (loss) from investment operations1   Dividends and distributions               Ratio of    Ratio of     
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
value, end
of year
   Total return2,3   Net assets,
end of
(in millions)
   expenses to
average net
assets before
   expenses to
average net
assets after
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets3
Class A:                                                                 
7/31/2023  $10.19   $.27   $(.22)  $.05   $(.27)  $   $(.27)  $9.97    .51%  $176    .65%   .59%   2.72%
7/31/2022   11.45    .23    (1.18)   (.95)   (.23)   (.08)   (.31)   10.19    (8.42)   182    .65    .61    2.12 
7/31/2021   11.10    .24    .35    .59    (.24)   4    (.24)   11.45    5.46    208    .67    .62    2.19 
7/31/2020   11.02    .27    .07    .34    (.26)       (.26)   11.10    3.18    220    .67    .62    2.43 
7/31/2019   10.61    .28    .41    .69    (.28)       (.28)   11.02    6.57    200    .67    .67    2.60 
Class C:                                                                 
7/31/2023   10.19    .19    (.22)   (.03)   (.19)       (.19)   9.97    (.25)   8    1.41    1.34    1.96 
7/31/2022   11.45    .15    (1.18)   (1.03)   (.15)   (.08)   (.23)   10.19    (9.11)   10    1.40    1.36    1.37 
7/31/2021   11.10    .16    .35    .51    (.16)   4    (.16)   11.45    4.67    11    1.42    1.37    1.43 
7/31/2020   11.02    .19    .07    .26    (.18)       (.18)   11.10    2.41    10    1.42    1.37    1.68 
7/31/2019   10.61    .19    .41    .60    (.19)       (.19)   11.02    5.74    12    1.46    1.45    1.81 
Class T:                                                                 
7/31/2023   10.19    .29    (.22)   .07    (.29)       (.29)   9.97    .805    6    .375    .305    3.015 
7/31/2022   11.45    .25    (1.18)   (.93)   (.25)   (.08)   (.33)   10.19    (8.20)5    6    .405    .365    2.375 
7/31/2021   11.10    .27    .35    .62    (.27)   4    (.27)   11.45    5.725    6    .425    .375   2.435 
7/31/2020   11.02    .30    .07    .37    (.29)       (.29)   11.10    3.425    6    .425    .385    2.665 
7/31/2019   10.61    .30    .41    .71    (.30)       (.30)   11.02    6.785    6    .475    .465    2.795 
Class F-1:                                                                 
7/31/2023   10.19    .26    (.22)   .04    (.26)       (.26)   9.97    .45    1    .71    .64    2.66 
7/31/2022   11.45    .23    (1.18)   (.95)   (.23)   (.08)   (.31)   10.19    (8.43)   1    .66    .62    2.10 
7/31/2021   11.10    .24    .35    .59    (.24)   4    (.24)   11.45    5.445    3    .695    .635    2.165 
7/31/2020   11.02    .27    .07    .34    (.26)       (.26)   11.10    3.165    2    .685    .645    2.415 
7/31/2019   10.61    .27    .41    .68    (.27)       (.27)   11.02    6.525    2    .725    .715    2.555 


Refer to the end of the table for footnotes.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 391

Financial highlights (continued)

American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York (continued)


       Income (loss) from investment operations1   Dividends and distributions               Ratio of    Ratio of     
Year ended  Net asset
of year
   Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
   Total from
(from net
(from capital
   Net asset
value, end
of year
   Total return2,3   Net assets,
end of
(in millions)
   expenses to
average net
assets before
   expenses to
average net
assets after
   Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets3
Class F-2:                                                                 
7/31/2023  $10.19   $.28   $(.22)  $.06   $(.28)  $   $(.28)  $9.97    .69%  $28    .47%   .41%   2.90%
7/31/2022   11.45    .25    (1.18)   (.93)   (.25)   (.08)   (.33)   10.19    (8.26)   27    .48    .43    2.30 
7/31/2021   11.10    .26    .35    .61    (.26)   4    (.26)   11.45    5.65    31    .49    .44    2.36 
7/31/2020   11.02    .29    .07    .36    (.28)       (.28)   11.10    3.36    27    .49    .45    2.60 
7/31/2019   10.61    .29    .41    .70    (.29)       (.29)   11.02    6.74    29    .51    .51    2.75 
Class F-3:                                                                 
7/31/2023   10.19    .29    (.22)   .07    (.29)       (.29)   9.97    .79    39    .36    .31    3.01 
7/31/2022   11.45    .26    (1.18)   (.92)   (.26)   (.08)   (.34)   10.19    (8.16)   40    .37    .33    2.41 
7/31/2021   11.10    .28    .35    .63    (.28)   4    (.28)   11.45    5.76    39    .39    .34    2.46 
7/31/2020   11.02    .31    .07    .38    (.30)       (.30)   11.10    3.46    33    .39    .35    2.71 
7/31/2019   10.61    .30    .41    .71    (.30)       (.30)   11.02    6.83    32    .42    .42    2.84 


    Year ended July 31,
    2023   2022   2021   2020   2019
Portfolio turnover rate for all share classes   29%   22%   24%   27%   16%


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Total returns exclude any applicable sales charges, including contingent deferred sales charges.
3 This column reflects the impact, if any, of certain waivers/reimbursements from CRMC. During one of the years shown, CRMC waived a portion of investment advisory services fees and during the years shown reimbursed a portion of miscellaneous fees and expenses.
4 Amount less than $.01.
5 All or a significant portion of assets in this class consisted of seed capital invested by CRMC and/or its affiliates. Fees for distribution services are not charged or accrued on these seed capital assets. If such fees were paid by the fund on seed capital assets, fund expenses would have been higher and net income and total return would have been lower.
6 Amount less than $1 million.


Refer to the notes to financial statements.


392 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York and to the Board of Trustees of The American Funds Tax-Exempt Series II and Shareholders of The Tax-Exempt Fund of California


Opinions on the Financial Statements


We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the investment portfolios, of American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund, American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York, and The Tax-Exempt Fund of California (the sole fund constituting The American Funds Tax-Exempt Series II) (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Funds”) as of July 31, 2023, the related statements of operations for the year ended July 31, 2023, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended July 31, 2023, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended July 31, 2023 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Funds as of July 31, 2023, the results of each of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in each of their net assets for each of the two years in the period ended July 31, 2023 and each of the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended July 31, 2023 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Basis for Opinions


These financial statements are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Funds’ financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Funds in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.


We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.


Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of July 31, 2023 by correspondence with the custodians and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.


/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP


Los Angeles, California
September 12, 2023


We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in The Capital Group Companies Investment Company Complex since 1934.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 393
Expense example unaudited


As a fund shareholder, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as initial sales charges on purchase payments and contingent deferred sales charges on redemptions (loads), and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees, distribution and service (12b-1) fees, and other expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the fund so you can compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire six-month period (February 1, 2023, through July 31, 2023).


Actual expenses:

The first line of each share class in the tables on the following pages provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading titled “Expenses paid during period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.


Hypothetical example for comparison purposes:

The second line of each share class in the tables on the following pages provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the actual expense ratio for the share class and an assumed rate of return of 5.00% per year before expenses, which is not the actual return of the share class. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5.00% hypothetical example with the 5.00% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.



Class F-1, F-2 and F-3 shareholders may be subject to fees charged by financial intermediaries, typically ranging from 0.75% to 1.50% of assets annually depending on services offered. You can estimate the impact of these fees by adding the amount of the fees to the total estimated expenses you paid on your account during the period as calculated above. In addition, your ending account value would be lower by the amount of these fees.


Note that the expenses shown in the tables on the following pages are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads). Therefore, the second line of each share class in the tables is useful in comparing ongoing costs only and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


394 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Expense example (continued)


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund


account value
account value
   Expenses paid
during period*
expense ratio
Class A – actual return  $1,000.00   $996.80   $2.18    .44%
Class A – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,022.61    2.21    .44 
Class T – actual return   1,000.00    997.78    1.24    .25 
Class T – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.55    1.25    .25 
Class F-1 – actual return   1,000.00    995.90    3.12    .63 
Class F-1 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,021.67    3.16    .63 
Class F-2 – actual return   1,000.00    997.36    1.63    .33 
Class F-2 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.16    1.66    .33 
Class F-3 – actual return   1,000.00    997.78    1.24    .25 
Class F-3 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.55    1.25    .25 
Class R-6 – actual return   1,000.00    997.75    1.24    .25 
Class R-6 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.55    1.25    .25 


Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America


account value
account value
   Expenses paid
during period*
expense ratio
Class A – actual return  $1,000.00   $994.78   $2.87    .58%
Class A – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,021.92    2.91    .58 
Class C – actual return   1,000.00    991.34    6.32    1.28 
Class C – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,018.45    6.41    1.28 
Class T – actual return   1,000.00    996.49    1.19    .24 
Class T – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.60    1.20    .24 
Class F-1 – actual return   1,000.00    994.65    3.02    .61 
Class F-1 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,021.77    3.06    .61 
Class F-2 – actual return   1,000.00    995.94    1.73    .35 
Class F-2 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.06    1.76    .35 
Class F-3 – actual return   1,000.00    996.47    1.19    .24 
Class F-3 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.60    1.20    .24 
Class R-6 – actual return   1,000.00    996.47    1.19    .24 
Class R-6 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.60    1.20    .24 


The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America


account value
account value
   Expenses paid
during period*
expense ratio
Class A – actual return  $1,000.00   $999.29   $2.63    .53%
Class A – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,022.17    2.66    .53 
Class C – actual return   1,000.00    995.58    6.33    1.28 
Class C – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,018.45    6.41    1.28 
Class T – actual return   1,000.00    1,000.77    1.14    .23 
Class T – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.65    1.15    .23 
Class F-1 – actual return   1,000.00    998.91    3.02    .61 
Class F-1 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,021.77    3.06    .61 
Class F-2 – actual return   1,000.00    1,000.19    1.74    .35 
Class F-2 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.06    1.76    .35 
Class F-3 – actual return   1,000.00    1,000.73    1.19    .24 
Class F-3 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.60    1.20    .24 
Class R-6 – actual return   1,000.00    1,000.73    1.19    .24 
Class R-6 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.60    1.20    .24 


Refer to the end of the tables for footnote.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 395

Expense example (continued)


American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund


account value
account value
   Expenses paid
during period*
expense ratio
Class A – actual return  $1,000.00   $1,002.26   $3.08    .62%
Class A – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,021.72    3.11    .62 
Class C – actual return   1,000.00    998.62    6.69    1.35 
Class C – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,018.10    6.76    1.35 
Class T – actual return   1,000.00    1,003.58    1.74    .35 
Class T – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.06    1.76    .35 
Class F-1 – actual return   1,000.00    1,002.01    3.28    .66 
Class F-1 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,021.52    3.31    .66 
Class F-2 – actual return   1,000.00    1,003.35    1.99    .40 
Class F-2 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,022.81    2.01    .40 
Class F-3 – actual return   1,000.00    1,003.85    1.44    .29 
Class F-3 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.36    1.45    .29 
Class R-6 – actual return   1,000.00    1,003.85    1.44    .29 
Class R-6 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.36    1.45    .29 


The Tax-Exempt Fund of California


account value
account value
   Expenses paid
during period*
expense ratio
Class A – actual return  $1,000.00   $996.05   $2.77    .56%
Class A – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,022.02    2.81    .56 
Class C – actual return   1,000.00    992.33    6.47    1.31 
Class C – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,018.30    6.56    1.31 
Class T – actual return   1,000.00    997.47    1.29    .26 
Class T – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.51    1.30    .26 
Class F-1 – actual return   1,000.00    995.67    3.17    .64 
Class F-1 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,021.62    3.21    .64 
Class F-2 – actual return   1,000.00    996.97    1.88    .38 
Class F-2 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,022.91    1.91    .38 
Class F-3 – actual return   1,000.00    997.39    1.44    .29 
Class F-3 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.36    1.45    .29 


American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York


account value
account value
   Expenses paid
during period*
expense ratio
Class A – actual return  $1,000.00   $1,002.67   $2.93    .59%
Class A – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,021.87    2.96    .59 
Class C – actual return   1,000.00    998.93    6.64    1.34 
Class C – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,018.15    6.71    1.34 
Class T – actual return   1,000.00    1,004.18    1.44    .29 
Class T – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.36    1.45    .29 
Class F-1 – actual return   1,000.00    1,002.36    3.18    .64 
Class F-1 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,021.62    3.21    .64 
Class F-2 – actual return   1,000.00    1,003.54    2.09    .42 
Class F-2 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,022.71    2.11    .42 
Class F-3 – actual return   1,000.00    1,004.08    1.54    .31 
Class F-3 – assumed 5% return   1,000.00    1,023.26    1.56    .31 


* The “expenses paid during period” are equal to the “annualized expense ratio,” multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the period, and divided by 365 (to reflect the one-half year period).


396 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds
Tax information unaudited


We are required to advise you of the federal tax status of certain distributions received by shareholders during the fiscal year. The funds hereby designate the following amounts for the funds’ fiscal year ended July 31, 2023 (dollars in thousands):


Fund  Long-term capital
gain distributions
   Exempt interest
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund  $   $43,899 
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America       127,659 
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America       611,310 
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund       395,389 
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California       69,974 
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York       6,695 


Individual shareholders should refer to their Form 1099 or other tax information, which will be mailed in January 2024, to determine the calendar year amounts to be included on their 2023 tax returns. Shareholders should consult their tax advisors.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 397

Approval of Investment Advisory and Service Agreement


American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund, The Tax-Exempt Fund of California, American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York


The boards of American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund, The Tax-Exempt Fund of California and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York (the “board”) have approved the continuation of each fund’s Investment Advisory and Service Agreement (the “agreement”) with Capital Research and Management Company (“CRMC”) for an additional one-year term through April 30, 2024. The board approved the agreement following the recommendation of each fund’s Contracts Committee (the “committee”), which is composed of each fund’s independent board members. The board and the committee determined in the exercise of their business judgment that each fund’s advisory fee structure was fair and reasonable in relation to the services provided, and that approving the agreement was in the best interests of each fund and its shareholders.


In reaching this decision, the board and the committee took into account their interactions with CRMC as well as information furnished to them throughout the year and otherwise provided to them, as well as information prepared specifically in connection with their review of the agreement, and were advised by their independent counsel with respect to the matters considered. They considered the following factors, among others, but did not identify any single issue or particular piece of information that, in isolation, was the controlling factor, and each board and committee member did not necessarily attribute the same weight to each factor.


1. Nature, extent and quality of services


The board and the committee considered the depth and quality of CRMC’s investment management process, including its global research capabilities; the experience, capability and integrity of its senior management and other personnel; the low turnover rates of its key personnel; the overall financial strength and stability of CRMC and the Capital Group organization; the resources and systems CRMC devotes to investment management (the manner in which each fund’s assets are managed, including liquidity management), financial, investment operations, compliance, trading, proxy voting, shareholder communications, and other services; and the ongoing evolution of CRMC’s organizational structure designed to maintain and strengthen these qualities. The board and the committee also considered the nature, extent and quality of administrative and shareholder services provided by CRMC to each fund under the agreement and other agreements, as well as the benefits to fund shareholders from investing in a fund that is part of a large family of funds. The board and the committee considered the risks assumed by CRMC in providing services to each fund, including operational, business, financial, reputational, regulatory and litigation risks. The board and the committee concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by CRMC have benefited and should continue to benefit each fund and its shareholders.


398 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

2. Investment results


The board and the committee considered the investment results of each fund in light of its objective. They compared each fund’s investment results with those of other funds (including funds that currently form the basis of the Lipper index for the category in which each fund is included) and data such as relevant market and fund indexes over various periods (including each fund’s lifetime) through September 30, 2022. They generally placed greater emphasis on investment results over longer term periods. On the basis of this evaluation and the board’s and the committee’s ongoing review of investment results, and considering the relative market conditions during certain reporting periods, the board and the committee concluded that each fund’s investment results have been satisfactory for renewal of the agreement, and that CRMC’s record in managing each fund indicated that its continued management should benefit each fund and its shareholders.


3. Advisory fees and total expenses


The board and the committee compared the advisory fees and total expense levels of each fund to those of other relevant funds. They observed that each fund’s advisory fees and expenses generally compared favorably to those of other similar funds included in the comparable Lipper category. The board and the committee also considered the breakpoint discounts in each fund’s advisory fee structure that reduce the level of fees charged by CRMC to each fund as fund assets increase. In addition, they reviewed information regarding the effective advisory fees charged to non-mutual fund clients by CRMC and its affiliates. They noted that, to the extent there were differences between the advisory fees paid by each fund and the advisory fees paid by those clients, the differences appropriately reflected the investment, operational, regulatory and market differences between advising each fund and the other clients. The board and the committee concluded that each fund’s cost structure was fair and reasonable in relation to the services provided, as well as in relation to the risks assumed by the adviser in sponsoring and managing each fund, and that each fund’s shareholders receive reasonable value in return for the advisory fees and other amounts paid to CRMC by each fund.


4. Ancillary benefits


The board and the committee considered a variety of other benefits that CRMC and its affiliates receive as a result of CRMC’s relationship with each fund and other American Funds, including fees for administrative services provided to certain share classes; fees paid to CRMC’s affiliated transfer agent; sales charges and distribution fees received and retained by each fund’s principal underwriter, an affiliate of CRMC; and possible ancillary benefits to CRMC and its institutional management affiliates in managing other investment vehicles. The board and the committee reviewed CRMC’s portfolio trading practices, noting that CRMC bears the cost of third-party research. The board and committee also noted that CRMC benefited from the use of commissions from portfolio transactions made on behalf of each fund to facilitate payment to certain broker-dealers for research to comply with regulatory requirements applicable to these firms, with all such amounts reimbursed by CRMC. The board and the committee took these ancillary benefits into account in evaluating the reasonableness of the advisory fees and other amounts paid to CRMC by each fund.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 399

5. Adviser financial information


The board and the committee reviewed information regarding CRMC’s costs of providing services to the American Funds, including personnel, systems and resources of investment, compliance, trading, accounting and other administrative operations. They considered CRMC’s costs and related cost allocation methodology as well as its track record of investing in technology, infrastructure and staff to maintain and expand services and capabilities, respond to industry and regulatory developments, and attract and retain qualified personnel. They noted information regarding the compensation structure for CRMC’s investment professionals. They reviewed information on the profitability of the investment adviser and its affiliates. The board and the committee also compared CRMC’s profitability and compensation data to the reported results and data of a number of large, publicly held investment management companies. The board and the committee noted the competitiveness and cyclicality of both the mutual fund industry and the capital markets, and the importance in that environment of CRMC’s long-term profitability for maintaining its independence, company culture and management continuity. They further considered the breakpoint discounts in each fund’s advisory fee structure and CRMC’s sharing of potential economies of scale, or efficiencies, through breakpoints and other fee reductions and costs voluntarily absorbed. The board and the committee concluded that each fund’s advisory fee structure reflected a reasonable sharing of benefits between CRMC and each fund’s shareholders.


400 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

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402 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

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American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 403

Boards of trustees and other officers


Independent trustees1


Name and year of birth   Year first
a trustee
of the fund2
  Principal occupation(s) during past five years   Number of
portfolios in fund
complex overseen
by trustee
  Other directorships3
held by trustee
Francisco G. Cigarroa, MD,1957   STEX   2021   Professor of Surgery, University of Texas Health San Antonio; Trustee, Ford Foundation; Clayton Research Scholar, Clayton Foundation for Biomedical Research   88   None
  LTEX   2021          
  TEBF   2021          
  AHIM   2021          
  TEFCA   2021          
  TEFNY   2021          
Nariman Farvardin, 1956   STEX   2018   President, Stevens Institute of Technology   93   None
    LTEX   2018            
    TEBF   2018            
    AHIM   2018            
    TEFCA   2018            
    TEFNY   2018            
Jennifer C. Feikin, 1968   STEX   2022   Business Advisor; previously held positions at Google, AOL, 20th Century Fox and McKinsey & Company; Trustee, The Nature Conservancy of Utah; former Trustee, The Nature Conservancy of California   102   Hertz Global Holdings, Inc.
    LTEX   2022        
    TEBF   2022        
    AHIM   2022        
    TEFCA   2022        
    TEFNY   2022        
Leslie Stone Heisz, 1961   STEX   2022   Former Managing Director, Lazard (retired, 2010); Director, Kaiser Permanente (California public benefit corporation); former Lecturer, UCLA Anderson School of Management   102   Edwards Lifesciences; Public Storage, Inc.
    LTEX   2022        
    TEBF   2022        
    AHIM   2022        
    TEFCA   2022        
    TEFNY   2022        
Mary Davis Holt, 1950   STEX       Principal, Mary Davis Holt Enterprises, LLC (leadership development consulting); former Partner, Flynn Heath Holt Leadership, LLC (leadership consulting); former COO, Time Life Inc. (1993–2003)   89   None
    2015–2016; 2017          
    2015–2016; 2017          
    2015–2016; 2017          
    2015–2016; 2017          
    2015–2016; 2017          
    2015–2016; 2017          
Merit E. Janow, 1958   STEX   2010   Dean Emerita and Professor of Practice, International Economic Law & International Affairs, Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs   99   Aptiv (autonomous and green vehicle technology); Mastercard Incorporated
    LTEX   2010        
    TEBF   2010        
    AHIM   2010        
    TEFCA   2010        
    TEFNY   2010        
Margaret Spellings, 1957
Chair of the Board (Independent and Non-Executive)
  STEX   2009   President and CEO, Texas 2036; former President, Margaret Spellings & Company (public policy and strategic consulting); former President, The University of North Carolina   93   None
  LTEX   2010          
  TEBF   2010          
  AHIM   2010          
  TEFCA   2010          
  TEFNY   2010          


Refer to page 407 for footnotes.


404 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Independent trustees1 (continued)


Name and year of birth   Year first
a trustee
of the fund2
  Principal occupation(s) during past five years   Number of
portfolios in fund
complex overseen
by trustee
  Other directorships3
held by trustee
Alexandra Trower, 1964   STEX   2019   Former Executive Vice President, Global Communications and Corporate Officer, The Estée Lauder Companies   88   None
    LTEX   2019          
    TEBF   2019          
    AHIM   2018          
    TEFCA   2019          
    TEFNY   2018          
Paul S. Williams, 1959   STEX   2020   Former Partner/Managing Director, Major, Lindsey & Africa (executive recruiting firm)   88   Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (aircraft leasing and air cargo transportation); Public Storage, Inc.
    LTEX   2020        
    TEBF   2020        
    AHIM   2020        
    TEFCA   2020        
    TEFNY   2020        


Interested trustees4,5


Name, year of birth and
position with fund
  Year first
elected a trustee
or officer
of the fund2
  Principal occupation(s) during past five years
and positions held with affiliated entities or the
principal underwriter of the fund
  Number of
portfolios in fund
complex overseen
by trustee
  Other directorships3
held by trustee
Karl J. Zeile, 1966   STEX   2011   Partner — Capital Fixed Income Investors, Capital Research and Management Company   23   None
President and Trustee: TEBF,   LTEX   2004          
TEFCA   TEBF   2009          
Senior Vice President and   AHIM   2008          
Trustee: TEFNY   TEFCA   2009          
Trustee: AHIM, LTEX, STEX   TEFNY   2010          
Michael C. Gitlin, 1970   STEX   2015   Partner — Capital Fixed Income Investors, Capital Research and Management Company; Vice Chairman and Director, Capital Research and Management Company; Director, The Capital Group Companies, Inc.6   88   None
Trustee   LTEX   2015          
    TEBF   2015          
    AHIM   2015          
    TEFCA   2015          
    TEFNY   2015          


The funds’ statement of additional information includes further details about fund trustees and is available without charge upon request by calling American Funds Service Company at (800) 421-4225 or by referring to the Capital Group website at capitalgroup.com. The address for all trustees and officers of the funds is 333 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071,Attention: Secretary.


STEX American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund
LTEX Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America
TEBF The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America
AHIM American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund
TEFCA The Tax-Exempt Fund of California
TEFNY American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 405


Other officers5


Name, year of birth and
position with fund
  Year first
elected an officer
of the fund2
  Principal occupation(s) during past five years and positions held with affiliated entities
or the principal underwriter of the fund
Mark Marinella, 1958   STEX   2019   Partner — Capital Fixed Income Investors, Capital Research and Management Company
President: STEX and LTEX   LTEX   2019  
Senior Vice President: TEFCA   TEFCA   2019  
Chad M. Rach, 1972   AHIM   2015   Partner — Capital Fixed Income Investors, Capital Research and Management Company
President: AHIM   TEBF   2016  
Senior Vice President: TEBF          
Jerome Solomon, 1963   TEFNY   2011   Partner — Capital Fixed Income Investors, Capital Research and Management Company
President: TEFNY   AHIM   2017  
Senior Vice President: AHIM          
Kristine M. Nishiyama, 1970   STEX   2003   Senior Vice President and Senior Counsel — Fund Business Management Group, Capital Research and Management Company; Chair, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Director, Capital Bank and Trust Company6
Principal Executive Officer   LTEX   2003  
    TEBF   2003  
    AHIM   2003  
    TEFCA   2003  
    TEFNY   2010  
Michael W. Stockton, 1967   STEX   2021   Senior Vice President — Fund Business Management Group, Capital Research and Management Company
Executive Vice President   LTEX   2021  
    TEBF   2021  
    AHIM   2021  
    TEFCA   2021  
    TEFNY   2021  
Courtney K. Wolf, 1982   TEBF   2020   Partner — Capital Fixed Income Investors, Capital Research and Management Company; Director, The Capital Group Companies, Inc.6
Senior Vice President   AHIM   2021  
Vikas Malhotra, 1983   STEX   2022   Vice President — Capital Fixed Income Investors, Capital Research and Management Company
Vice President   LTEX   2022  
Courtney R. Taylor, 1975   STEX       Assistant Vice President — Fund Business Management Group, Capital Research and Management Company
Secretary   2009–2014; 2023  
    2006–2014; 2023  
    2006–2014; 2023  
    2006–2014; 2023  
    2006–2014; 2023  
    2010–2014; 2023  
Brian C. Janssen, 1972   STEX   2015   Senior Vice President — Investment Operations, Capital Research and Management Company
Treasurer   LTEX   2015  
    TEBF   2012  
    AHIM   2015  
    TEFCA   2012  
    TEFNY   2012  


406 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Name, year of birth and
position with fund
  Year first
elected an officer
of the fund2
  Principal occupation(s) during past five years and positions held with affiliated entities
or the principal underwriter of the fund
Jane Y. Chung, 1974   STEX   2014   Associate — Fund Business Management Group, Capital Research and Management Company
Assistant Secretary   LTEX   2014  
    TEBF   2014  
    AHIM   2014  
    TEFCA   2014  
    TEFNY   2014  
Sandra Chuon, 1972   STEX   2019   Vice President — Investment Operations, Capital Research and Management Company
Assistant Treasurer   LTEX   2019  
    TEBF   2019  
    AHIM   2019  
    TEFCA   2019  
    TEFNY   2019  
Becky L. Park, 1979   STEX   2021   Vice President — Investment Operations, Capital Research and Management Company
Assistant Treasurer   LTEX   2021  
    TEBF   2021  
    AHIM   2021  
    TEFCA   2021  
    TEFNY   2021  


1 The term independent trustee refers to a trustee who is not an “interested person” of the funds within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940.
2 Includes service as a director/trustee or officer of the fund’s predecessor, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, Inc. or American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund, Inc., each a Maryland corporation, or Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America or The Tax-Exempt Fund of California, each a Massachusetts business trust. Trustees and officers of the funds serve until their resignation, removal or retirement.
3 This includes all directorships/trusteeships (other than those in the American Funds or other funds managed by Capital Research and Management Company or its affiliates) that are held by each trustee as a trustee or director of a public company or a registered investment company.
4 The term interested trustee refers to a trustee who is an “interested person” within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, on the basis of their current or former affiliation with the funds’ investment adviser, Capital Research and Management Company, or affiliated entities (including the funds’ principal underwriter).
5 All of the trustees and/or officers listed are officers and/or directors/trustees of one or more of the other funds for which Capital Research and Management Company serves as investment adviser.
6 Company affiliated with Capital Research and Management Company.


American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds 407

Offices of the funds
333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071-1406


6455 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA 92618-4518


Investment adviser
Capital Research and Management Company
333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071-1406


Transfer agent for shareholder accounts
American Funds Service Company
(Write to the address nearest you.)


P.O. Box 6007
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6007


P.O. Box 2280
Norfolk, VA 23501-2280


Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
One Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110-1726


Custodians of assets
JPMorgan Chase Bank
270 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017-2070


State Street Bank and Trust Company
One Lincoln Street
Boston, MA 02111-2900


Independent registered public accounting firm
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
601 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017-3874


Principal underwriter
American Funds Distributors, Inc.
333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071-1406


408 American Funds Tax-Exempt Funds

Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the funds’ prospectus and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained from your financial professional and should be read carefully before investing. You may also call American Funds Service Company (AFS) at (800) 421-4225 or refer to the Capital Group website at capitalgroup.com.


“American Funds Proxy Voting Procedures and Principles” — which describes how we vote proxies relating to portfolio securities — is available on our website or upon request by calling AFS. Each fund files its proxy voting record with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the 12 months ended June 30 by August 31. The proxy voting record is available free of charge on the SEC website at sec.gov and on our website.


Each fund files a complete list of its portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form NPORT-P. The list of portfolio holdings is available free of charge on the SEC website and on our website.


This report is for the information of shareholders of American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund, The Tax-Exempt Fund of California and American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York, but it also may be used as sales literature when preceded or accompanied by the current prospectus or summary prospectus, which gives details about charges, expenses, investment objectives and operating policies of the funds. If used as sales material after September 30, 2023, this report must be accompanied by an American Funds statistical update for the most recently completed calendar quarter.


BLOOMBERG® is a trademark and service mark of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates (collectively “Bloomberg”). Bloomberg or Bloomberg’s licensors own all proprietary rights in the Bloomberg Indices. Neither Bloomberg nor Bloomberg’s licensors approves or endorses this material, or guarantees the accuracy or completeness of any information herein, or makes any warranty, express or implied, as to the results to be obtained therefrom and, to the maximum extent allowed by law, neither shall have any liability or responsibility for injury or damages arising in connection therewith.


American Funds Distributors, Inc.


The Capital Advantage®


Since 1931, Capital Group, home of American Funds, has helped investors pursue long-term investment success. Our consistent approach — in combination with The Capital SystemTM — has resulted in superior outcomes.


Aligned with investor success

We base our decisions on a long-term perspective, which we believe aligns our goals with the interests of our clients. Our portfolio managers average 28 years of investment industry experience, including 22 years at our company, reflecting a career commitment to our long-term approach.1


The Capital System

The Capital System combines individual accountability with teamwork. Funds using The Capital System are divided into portions that are managed independently by investment professionals with diverse backgrounds, ages and investment approaches. An extensive global research effort is the backbone of our system.


American Funds’ superior outcomes

Equity-focused funds have beaten their Lipper peer indexes in 90% of 10-year periods and 99% of 20-year periods.2 Relative to their peers, our fixed income funds have helped investors achieve better diversification through attention to correlation between bonds and equities.3 Fund management fees have been among the lowest in the industry.4


  1 Investment industry experience as of December 31, 2022.
  2 Based on Class F-2 share results for rolling monthly 10- and 20-year periods starting with the first 10- or 20-year period after each mutual fund’s inception through December 31, 2022. Periods covered are the shorter of the fund’s lifetime or since the comparable Lipper index inception date (except Capital Income Builder and SMALLCAP World Fund, for which the Lipper average was used). Expenses differ for each share class, so results will vary. Past results are not predictive of results in future periods.
  3 Based on Class F-2 share results as of December 31, 2022. Sixteen of the 18 fixed income American Funds that have been in existence for the three-year period showed a three-year correlation lower than their respective Morningstar peer group averages. S&P 500 Index was used as an equity market proxy. Correlation based on monthly total returns. Correlation is a statistical measure of how two securities move in relation to each other. A correlation ranges from –1 to 1. A positive correlation close to 1 implies that as one security moves, either up or down, the other security will move in “lockstep,” in the same direction. A negative correlation close to –1 indicates that the securities have moved in the opposite direction.
  4 On average, our mutual fund management fees were in the lowest quintile 62% of the time, based on the 20-year period ended December 31, 2022, versus comparable Lipper categories, excluding funds of funds.


Class F-2 shares were first offered on August 1, 2008. Class F-2 share results prior to the date of first sale are hypothetical based on the results of the original share class of the fund without a sales charge, adjusted for typical estimated expenses. Results for certain funds with an inception date after August 1, 2008, also include hypothetical returns because those funds’ Class F-2 shares sold after the funds’ date of first offering. Refer to capitalgroup.com for more information on specific expense adjustments and the actual dates of first sale.


All Capital Group trademarks mentioned are owned by The Capital Group Companies, Inc., an affiliated company or fund. All other company and product names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.





ITEM 2 – Code of Ethics


The Registrant has adopted a Code of Ethics that applies to its Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer. The Registrant undertakes to provide to any person without charge, upon request, a copy of the Code of Ethics. Such request can be made by calling 800/421-4225 or to the Secretary of the Registrant, 333 South Hope Street, 55th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90071.


ITEM 3 – Audit Committee Financial Expert


The Registrant’s board has determined that Paul S. Williams, a member of the Registrant’s audit committee, is an “audit committee financial expert” and "independent," as such terms are defined in this Item. This designation will not increase the designee’s duties, obligations or liability as compared to his or her duties, obligations and liability as a member of the audit committee and of the board, nor will it reduce the responsibility of the other audit committee members. There may be other individuals who, through education or experience, would qualify as "audit committee financial experts" if the board had designated them as such. Most importantly, the board believes each member of the audit committee contributes significantly to the effective oversight of the Registrant’s financial statements and condition.


ITEM 4 – Principal Accountant Fees and Services


a)  Audit Fees:    
Audit 2022             76,000
  2023             81,000
b)  Audit-Related Fees:    
  2022  None
  2023  None
c)  Tax Fees:    
  2022             11,000
  2023                9,000
  The tax fees consist of professional services relating to the preparation of the Registrant’s tax returns.  
d)  All Other Fees:    
  2022  None
  2023  None
  Adviser and affiliates (includes only fees for non-audit services billed to the adviser and affiliates for engagements that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant and were subject to the pre-approval policies described below):  
a)  Audit Fees:    
  Not Applicable  
b)  Audit-Related Fees:    
  2022  None
  2023  None
  The audit-related fees consist of assurance and related services relating to the examination of the Registrant’s transfer agent, principal underwriter and investment adviser conducted in accordance with Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements Number 18 issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.  
c)  Tax Fees:    
  2022  None
  2023  None

  The tax fees consist of consulting services relating to the Registrant’s investments.  
d)  All Other Fees:    
  2022  None
  2023  None
  The other fees consist of subscription services related to an accounting research tool.  
  All audit and permissible non-audit services that the Registrant’s audit committee considers compatible with maintaining the independent registered public accounting firm’s independence are required to be pre-approved by the committee.  The pre-approval requirement will extend to all non-audit services provided to the Registrant, the investment adviser, and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the Registrant, if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant. The committee will not delegate its responsibility to pre-approve these services to the investment adviser. The committee may delegate to one or more committee members the authority to review and pre-approve audit and permissible non-audit services.  Actions taken under any such delegation will be reported to the full committee at its next meeting. The pre-approval requirement is waived with respect to non-audit services if certain conditions are met. The pre-approval requirement was not waived for any of the non-audit services listed above provided to the Registrant, adviser and affiliates.  
  Aggregate non-audit fees paid to the Registrant’s auditors, including fees for all services billed to the Registrant, adviser and affiliates that provide ongoing services to the Registrant, were $11,000 for fiscal year 2022 and $9,000 for fiscal year 2023. The non-audit services represented by these amounts were brought to the attention of the committee and considered to be compatible with maintaining the auditors’ independence.  




ITEM 5 – Audit Committee of Listed Registrants


Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a listed issuer as defined in Rule 10A-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.


ITEM 6 – Schedule of Investments


Not applicable, insofar as the schedule is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form.


ITEM 7 – Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies


Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.


ITEM 8 – Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies


Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.


ITEM 9 – Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers


Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.


ITEM 10 – Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the Registrant’s board of trustees since the Registrant last submitted a proxy statement to its shareholders. The procedures are as follows. The Registrant has a nominating and governance committee comprised solely of persons who are not considered ‘‘interested persons’’ of the Registrant within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. The committee periodically reviews such issues as the board’s composition, responsibilities, committees, compensation and other relevant issues, and recommends any appropriate changes to the full board of trustees. While the committee normally is able to identify from its own resources an ample number of qualified candidates, it will consider shareholder suggestions of persons to be considered as nominees to fill future vacancies on the board. Such suggestions must be sent in writing to the nominating and governance committee of the Registrant, c/o the Registrant’s Secretary, and must be accompanied by complete biographical and occupational data on the prospective nominee, along with a written consent of the prospective nominee for consideration of his or her name by the nominating and governance committee.


ITEM 11 – Controls and Procedures


(a) The Registrant’s Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer have concluded, based on their evaluation of the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is defined in Rule 30a-3 under the Investment Company Act of 1940), that such controls and procedures are adequate and reasonably designed to achieve the purposes described in paragraph (c) of such rule.

There were no changes in the Registrant’s internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) that occurred during the Registrant’s semi-annual period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.



ITEM 12 – Exhibits


(a)(1) The Code of Ethics that is the subject of the disclosure required by Item 2 is attached as an exhibit hereto.

(a)(2) The certifications required by Rule 30a-2 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and Sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached as exhibits hereto.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


  By __/s/ Kristine M. Nishiyama________________

Kristine M. Nishiyama,

Principal Executive Officer

  Date: September 29, 2023


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.




By _ /s/ Kristine M. Nishiyama_____________

Kristine M. Nishiyama,

Principal Executive Officer

Date: September 29, 2023




By ___/s/ Brian C. Janssen__________________

Brian C. Janssen, Treasurer and

Principal Financial Officer

Date: September 29, 2023


EX-99.CODE ETH 2 ahim_coe.htm COE

Code of Ethics


The following Code of Ethics is in effect for the Registrant:


  The Fund has adopted the following standards in accordance with the requirements of Form N-CSR adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 for the purpose of deterring wrongdoing and promoting: 1) honest and ethical conduct, including handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships; 2) full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that a fund files with or submits to the Commission and in other public communications made by the fund; 3) compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations; 4) the prompt internal reporting of violations of the Code to an appropriate person or persons identified in the Code; and 5) accountability for adherence to the Code.  These provisions shall apply to the principal executive officer or chief executive officer and treasurer (“Covered Officers”) of the Fund.
  (1) It is the responsibility of Covered Officers to foster, by their words and actions, a corporate culture that encourages honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical resolution of, and appropriate disclosure of conflicts of interest.  Covered Officers should work to assure a working environment that is characterized by respect for law and compliance with applicable rules and regulations.
  (2) Each Covered Officer must act in an honest and ethical manner while conducting the affairs of the Fund, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships.  Duties of Covered Officers include:
    Acting with integrity;
    Adhering to a high standard of business ethics; and
    Not using personal influence or personal relationships to improperly influence investment decisions or financial reporting whereby the Covered Officer would benefit personally to the detriment of the Fund;
  (3) Each Covered Officer should act to promote full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that the Fund files with or submits to, the Securities and Exchange Commission and in other public communications made by the Fund.
    Covered Officers should familiarize themselves with disclosure requirements applicable to the Fund and disclosure controls and procedures in place to meet these requirements; and
    Covered Officers must not knowingly misrepresent, or cause others to misrepresent facts about the Fund to others, including the Fund’s auditors, independent trustees, governmental regulators and self-regulatory organizations.
  (4) Any existing or potential violations of this Code of Ethics should be reported to The Capital Group Companies’ Personal Investing Committee.  The Personal Investing Committee is authorized to investigate any such violations and report their findings to the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Fund.  The Chairman of the Audit Committee may report violations of the Code of Ethics to the Board or other appropriate entity including the Audit Committee, if he or she believes such a reporting is appropriate.  The Personal Investing Committee may also determine the appropriate sanction for any violations of this Code of Ethics, including removal from office, provided that removal from office shall only be carried out with the approval of the Board.
  (5) Application of this Code of Ethics is the responsibility of the Personal Investing Committee, which shall report periodically to the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Fund.
  (6) Material amendments to these provisions must be ratified by a majority vote of the Board.  As required by applicable rules, substantive amendments to the Code of Ethics must be filed or appropriately disclosed.


EX-99.CERT 3 ahim_cert302.htm CERT302






American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund

333 South Hope Street, 55th Floor

Los Angeles, California 90071

(949) 975-5000


I, Kristine M. Nishiyama, certify that:


1. I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund;
2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
4. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:
  a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
  b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
  c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 180 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and
  d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s semi-annual period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and
5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's Board of Trustees (or persons performing the equivalent functions):
  a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and
  b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.


Date: September 29, 2023


_/s/ Kristine M. Nishiyama___________________

Kristine M. Nishiyama,

Principal Executive Officer

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund









American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund

333 South Hope Street, 55th Floor

Los Angeles, California 90071

(949) 975-5000


I, Brian C. Janssen, certify that:


1. I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund;
2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
4. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:
  a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
  b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
  c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 180 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and
  d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s semi-annual period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and
5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's Board of Trustees (or persons performing the equivalent functions):
  a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and
  b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.


Date: September 29, 2023


___/s/ Brian C. Janssen_______

Brian C. Janssen, Treasurer and

Principal Financial Officer

American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund


EX-99.906 CERT 4 ahim_cert906.htm CERT906






American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund

333 South Hope Street, 55th Floor

Los Angeles, California 90071

(949) 975-5000







KRISTINE M. NISHIYAMA, Principal Executive Officer, and BRIAN C. JANSSEN, Treasurer and Principal Financial Officer of American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund (the "Registrant"), each certify to the best of her or his knowledge that:


1) The Registrant's periodic report on Form N-CSR for the period ended July 31, 2023 (the "Form N-CSR") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; and
2) The information contained in the Form N-CSR fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Registrant.


Principal Executive Officer Principal Financial Officer
_/s/ Kristine M. Nishiyama_____________________ __/s/ Brian C. Janssen_________________
Kristine M. Nishiyama, Principal Executive Officer Brian C. Janssen, Treasurer
Date: September 29, 2023 Date: September 29, 2023


A signed original of this written statement required by Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has been provided to AMERICAN HIGH-INCOME MUNICIPAL BOND FUND and will be retained by AMERICAN HIGH-INCOME MUNICIPAL BOND FUND and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") or its staff upon request.


This certification is being furnished to the Commission solely pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350 and is not being filed as part of the Form N-CSR filed with the Commission.



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