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Summary Of Significant Accounting Policies (Policy)
12 Months Ended
Jul. 31, 2012
Nature Of Operations

(1)    Nature of operations: Ferrellgas Partners is a holding entity that conducts no operations and has two subsidiaries, Ferrellgas Partners Finance Corp. and the operating partnership. The operating partnership is the only operating subsidiary of Ferrellgas Partners.


The operating partnership is engaged primarily in the distribution of propane and related equipment and supplies in the United States. The propane distribution market is seasonal because propane is used primarily for heating in residential and commercial buildings. The operating partnership serves approximately one million residential, industrial/commercial, portable tank exchange, agricultural, wholesale and other customers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Accounting Estimates

(2)    Accounting estimates: The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reported period. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Significant estimates impacting the consolidated financial statements include accruals that have been established for contingent liabilities, pending claims and legal actions arising in the normal course of business, useful lives of property, plant and equipment assets, residual values of tanks, capitalization of customer tank installation costs, amortization methods of intangible assets, valuation methods used to value sales returns and allowances, allowance for doubtful accounts, fair value of reporting units, fair values of derivative contracts and stock and unit-based compensation calculations.

Principles Of Consolidation

(3)    Principles of consolidation: The accompanying consolidated financial statements present the consolidated financial position, results of operations and cash flows of Ferrellgas Partners, its wholly-owned subsidiary, Ferrellgas Partners Finance Corp., and the operating partnership, its majority-owned subsidiary, after elimination of all intercompany accounts and transactions. The accounts of Ferrellgas Partners’ majority-owned subsidiary are included based on the determination that Ferrellgas Partners will absorb a majority of the operating partnership’s expected losses, receive a majority of the operating partnership’s expected residual returns and is the operating partnership’s primary beneficiary. The operating partnership includes the accounts of its wholly-owned subsidiaries. The general partner’s approximate 1% general partner interest in the operating partnership is accounted for as a noncontrolling interest. The wholly-owned consolidated subsidiary of the operating partnership, Ferrellgas Receivables, LLC (“Ferrellgas Receivables”), is a special purpose entity that has agreements with the operating partnership to securitize, on an ongoing basis, a portion of its trade accounts receivable.

Supplemental Cash Flow Information

(4)    Supplemental cash flow information: For purposes of the consolidated statements of cash flows, Ferrellgas considers cash equivalents to include all highly liquid debt instruments purchased with an original maturity of three months or less. Certain cash flow and significant non-cash activities are presented below:























For the year ended July 31,




























Income taxes




















Issuance of common units in connection with acquisitions










Liabilities incurred in connection with acquisitions










Property, plant and equipment additions






















Fair value measurements

(5)    Fair value measurements: Ferrellgas measures certain of its assets and liabilities at fair value, which is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants – in either the principal market or the most advantageous market. The principal market is the market with the greatest level of activity and volume for the asset or liability.


The common framework for measuring fair value utilizes a three-level hierarchy to prioritize the inputs used in the valuation techniques to derive fair values. The basis for fair value measurements for each level within the hierarchy is described below with Level 1 having the highest priority and Level 3 having the lowest.

• Level 1: Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

• Level 2: Quoted prices in active markets for similar assets or liabilities; quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are not active; and model-derived valuations in which all significant inputs are observable in active markets.

• Level 3: Valuations derived from valuation techniques in which one or more significant inputs are unobservable.

Accounts Receivable Securitization

(6)    Accounts receivable securitization: Through its wholly-owned and consolidated subsidiary Ferrellgas Receivables, the operating partnership has agreements to securitize, on an ongoing basis, a portion of its trade accounts receivable.


(7)    Inventories: Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market using weighted average cost and actual cost methods.

Property, Plant And Equipment

(8)    Property, plant and equipment: Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Expenditures for maintenance and routine repairs are expensed as incurred. Ferrellgas capitalizes computer software, equipment replacement and betterment expenditures that upgrade, replace or completely rebuild major mechanical components and extend the original useful life of the equipment. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method based on the estimated useful lives of the assets ranging from two to 30 years. Ferrellgas, using its best estimates based on reasonable and supportable assumptions and projections, reviews long-lived assets for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of its assets might not be recoverable. See Note E – Supplemental financial statement information – for further discussion of property, plant and equipment.


(9)    Goodwill: Ferrellgas records goodwill as the excess of the cost of acquisitions over the fair value of the related net assets at the date of acquisition. Based on the guidance in Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 280 – “Segment Reporting” and ASC 350 – “Intangibles – Goodwill and other,” Ferrellgas has determined that it has three reporting units for goodwill impairment testing purposes.  Two of these reporting units contain goodwill that is subject to at least an annual assessment for impairment by applying a fair-value-based test. Under this test, the carrying value of each reporting unit is determined by assigning the assets and liabilities, including the existing goodwill and intangible assets, to those reporting units as of the date of the evaluation on a specific identification basis. To the extent a reporting unit’s carrying value exceeds its fair value, an indication exists that the reporting unit’s goodwill may be impaired and the second step of the impairment test must be performed. In the second step, the implied fair value of the goodwill is determined by allocating the fair value of all of its assets (recognized and unrecognized) and liabilities to its carrying amount. Ferrellgas has completed the impairment test for each of its reporting units and believes that estimated fair values exceed the carrying values of its reporting units as of January 31, 2012.

Intangible Assets

(10)    Intangible assets: Intangible assets with finite useful lives, consisting primarily of customer lists, non-compete agreements and patented technology, are stated at cost, net of accumulated amortization calculated using the straight-line method over periods ranging from two to 15 years. Trade names and trademarks have indefinite lives, are not amortized, and are stated at cost. Ferrellgas tests finite-lived intangible assets for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of these assets might not be recoverable. Ferrellgas tests indefinite-lived intangible assets for impairment annually on January 31 or more frequently if circumstances dictate. Ferrellgas has not recognized impairment losses as a result of these tests. When necessary, intangible assets’ useful lives are revised and the impact on amortization reflected on a prospective basis. See Note G – Goodwill and intangible assets, net – for further discussion of intangible assets.

Derivatives And Hedging Activities

(11)    Derivative instruments and hedging activities:


Commodity Price Risk.     Ferrellgas’ overall objective for entering into commodity based derivative contracts, including commodity options and swaps, is to hedge a portion of its exposure to market fluctuations in propane prices.


Ferrellgas’ risk management activities primarily attempt to mitigate price risks related to the purchase, storage, transport and sale of propane generally in the contract and spot markets from major domestic energy companies on a short-term basis. Ferrellgas attempts to mitigate these price risks through the use of financial derivative instruments and forward propane purchase and sales contracts.


Ferrellgas’ risk management strategy involves taking positions in the forward or financial markets that are equal and opposite to Ferrellgas’ positions in the physical products market in order to minimize the risk of financial loss from an adverse price change. This risk management strategy is successful when Ferrellgas’ gains or losses in the physical product markets are offset by its losses or gains in the forward or financial markets. These financial derivatives are designated as cash flow hedges.


Ferrellgas’ risk management activities include the use of financial derivative instruments including, but not limited to, price swaps, options, futures and basis swaps to seek protection from adverse price movements and to minimize potential losses. Ferrellgas enters into these financial derivative instruments directly with third parties in the over-the-counter market and with brokers who are clearing members with the New York Mercantile Exchange. All of Ferrellgas’s derivative instruments are reported on the consolidated balance sheet at fair value.


Ferrellgas also enters into forward propane purchase and sales contracts with counterparties. These forward contracts qualify for the normal purchase normal sales exception within GAAP guidance and are therefore not recorded on Ferrellgas’ financial statements until settled.


On the date that derivative contracts are entered into, other than those designated as normal purchases or normal sales, Ferrellgas makes a determination as to whether the derivative instrument qualifies for designation as a hedge. These financial instruments are formally designated and documented as a hedge of a specific underlying exposure, as well as the risk management objectives and strategies for undertaking the hedge transaction. Because of the high degree of correlation between the hedging instrument and the underlying exposure being hedged, fluctuations in the value of the derivative instrument are generally offset by changes in the anticipated cash flows of the underlying exposure being hedged. Since the fair value of these derivatives fluctuates over their contractual lives, their fair value amounts should not be viewed in isolation, but rather in relation to the anticipated cash flows of the underlying hedged transaction and the overall reduction in Ferrellgas’ risk relating to adverse fluctuations in propane prices. Ferrellgas formally assesses, both at inception and at least quarterly thereafter, whether the financial instruments that are used in hedging transactions are effective at offsetting changes in the anticipated cash flows of the related underlying exposures. Any ineffective portion of a financial instrument’s change in fair value is recognized in “Cost of product sold - propane and other gas liquids sales” in the consolidated statements of earnings. Financial instruments formally designated and documented as a hedge of a specific underlying exposure are recorded gross at fair value as either “Prepaid expenses and other current assets” or “Other current liabilities” on the consolidated balance sheets with changes in fair value reported in other comprehensive income.


Interest Rate Risk.   Ferrellgas’ overall objective for entering into interest rate derivative contracts, including swaps, is to manage its exposure to interest rate risk associated with its fixed rate senior notes and its floating rate borrowings from both the secured credit facility and the accounts receivable securitization facility. Fluctuations in interest rates subject Ferrellgas to interest rate risk. Decreases in interest rates increase the fair value of Ferrellgas’ fixed rate debt, while increases in interest rates subject Ferrellgas to the risk of increased interest expense related to its variable rate borrowings.


Ferrellgas enters into fair value hedges to help reduce its fixed interest rate risk. Interest rate swaps are used to hedge the exposure to changes in the fair value of fixed rate debt due to changes in interest rates. Fixed rate debt that has been designated as being hedged is recorded at fair value while the fair value of interest rate derivatives that are considered fair value hedges are classified as “Prepaid expenses and other current assets”, “Other assets, net”, Other current liabilities” or as “Other liabilities” on the consolidated balance sheet. Changes in the fair value of fixed rate debt and any related fair value hedges are recognized as they occur in “Interest expense” on the consolidated statement of earnings.


Ferrellgas enters into cash flow hedges to help reduce its variable interest rate risk.  Interest rate swaps are used to hedge the risk associated with rising interest rates and their effect on forecasted interest payments related to variable rate borrowings. These interest rate swaps are designated as cash flow hedges. Thus, the effective portions of changes in the fair value of the hedges are recorded in “Prepaid expenses and other current assets”, “Other assets, net”, “Other current liabilities” or as “Other liabilities” with an offsetting entry to “Other Comprehensive Income at interim periods and are subsequently recognized as interest expense in the consolidated statement of earnings when the forecasted transaction impacts earnings. Changes in the fair value of any cash flow hedges that are considered ineffective are recognized as interest expense on the consolidated statement of earnings as they occur.

Revenue Recognition

(12)  Revenue recognition: Revenues from the distribution of propane and other gas liquids are recognized by Ferrellgas with payments generally due 30 days after receipt. We offer “even pay” billing programs that can create customer deposits or advances. We recognize revenue from these deposits or advance customers at the time product is delivered. Other revenues, which include revenue from the sale of propane appliances and equipment is recognized at the time of delivery or installation. Ferrellgas recognizes shipping and handling revenues and expenses for sales of propane, appliances and equipment at the time of delivery or installation. Shipping and handling revenues are included in the price of propane charged to customers, and are classified as revenue. Revenues from annually billed, non-refundable tank rentals are recognized in “Revenues: other” on a straight-line basis over one year.

Shipping And Handling Expenses

(13)  Shipping and handling expenses: Shipping and handling expenses related to delivery personnel, vehicle repair and maintenance and general liability expenses are classified within “Operating expense” in the consolidated statements of earnings. Depreciation expenses on delivery vehicles Ferrellgas owns are classified within “Depreciation and amortization expense.” Delivery vehicles and distribution technology leased by Ferrellgas are classified within “Equipment lease expense.” See Note E – Supplemental financial statement information – for the financial statement presentation of shipping and handling expenses.

Cost Of Product Sold

(14)  Cost of product sold: “Cost of product sold – propane and other gas liquids sales” includes all costs to acquire propane and other gas liquids, the costs of storing and transporting inventory prior to delivery to Ferrellgas’ customers, the results from risk management activities to hedge related price risk and the costs of materials related to the refurbishment of Ferrellgas’ portable propane tanks. “Cost of product sold – other” primarily includes costs related to the sale of propane appliances and equipment.

Operating Expenses

(15)  Operating expenses: “Operating expense” primarily includes the personnel, vehicle, delivery, handling, plant, office, selling, marketing, credit and collections and other expenses related to the retail distribution of propane and related equipment and supplies. 

General And Administrative Expenses

(16)    General and administrative expenses: “General and administrative expense” primarily includes personnel and incentive expense related to executives, and employees and other overhead expense related to centralized corporate functions.

Stock-Based And Unit Option Plans

(17)  Stock-based and unit option plans: 


Ferrellgas Unit Option Plan (“UOP”)


The UOP is authorized to issue options covering up to  1.35 million common units to employees of the general partner or its affiliates. The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the general partner administers the UOP, authorizes grants of unit options thereunder and sets the unit option price and vesting terms of unit options in accordance with the terms of the UOP. No single officer or director of the general partner may acquire more than 314,895 common units under the UOP. The options currently outstanding under the UOP vest over one or five-year periods, and expire on the tenth anniversary of the date of the grant. The fair value of each option award is estimated on the date of grant using a binomial option valuation model. Expected volatility is based on the historical volatility of Ferrellgas’ publicly-traded common units. Historical information is used to estimate option exercise and employee termination behavior. Management believes that there are three groups of employees eligible to participate in the UOP. The expected term of options granted is derived from historical exercise patterns and represents the period of time that options are expected to be outstanding. The risk free rate for periods within the contractual life of the option is based on the U.S. Treasury yield curve in effect at the time of grant. During the years ended July 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010, the portion of the total non-cash compensation charge relating to the UOP was $8 thousand,  $13 thousand and $23 thousand, respectively, and related to grants of unit options to acquire 0.3 million common units.


Ferrell Companies, Inc. Incentive Compensation Plan (“ICP”)


The ICP is not a Ferrellgas stock-compensation plan; however, in accordance with Ferrellgas’ partnership agreements, all Ferrellgas employee-related costs incurred by Ferrell Companies are allocated to Ferrellgas. As a result, Ferrellgas incurs a non-cash compensation charge from Ferrell Companies. During the years ended July 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010, the portion of the total non-cash compensation charge relating to the ICP was $8.8 million, $13.5 million and $7.8 million, respectively.


Ferrell Companies is authorized to issue up to 9.25 million stock based awards that are based on shares of Ferrell Companies common stock. The ICP was established by Ferrell Companies to allow upper-middle and senior level managers as well as directors of the general partner to participate in the equity growth of Ferrell Companies. The ICP awards vest ratably over periods ranging from zero to 12 years or 100% upon a change of control of Ferrell Companies, or upon the death, disability or retirement at the age of 65 of the participant. All awards expire 10 or 15 years from the date of issuance. During fiscal 2011, all ICP stock options were exchanged for stock appreciation rights (“SARs”) with terms and conditions nearly identical to the stock options they replaced. The fair value of each award is estimated on each balance sheet date using a binomial valuation model.

Income Taxes

(18)  Income taxes: Ferrellgas Partners is a publicly-traded master limited partnership with one subsidiary that is a taxable corporation. The operating partnership is a limited partnership with four subsidiaries that are taxable corporations. Partnerships are generally not subject to federal income tax, although publicly-traded partnerships are treated as corporations for federal income tax purposes and therefore subject to Federal income tax unless a qualifying income test is satisfied. If this qualifying income test is satisfied, the publicly-traded partnership will be treated as a partnership for Federal income tax purposes. Based on Ferrellgas’ calculations, Ferrellgas Partners satisfies the qualifying income test. As a result, except for the taxable corporations, Ferrellgas Partners’ earnings or losses for Federal income tax purposes are included in the tax returns of the individual partners, Ferrellgas Partners’ unitholders. Accordingly, the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Ferrellgas Partners reflect federal income taxes related to the above mentioned taxable corporations and certain states that allow for income taxation of partnerships. Net earnings for financial statement purposes may differ significantly from taxable income reportable to Ferrellgas Partners unitholders as a result of differences between the tax basis and financial reporting basis of assets and liabilities, the taxable income allocation requirements under Ferrellgas Partners’ partnership agreement and differences between Ferrellgas Partners financial reporting year end and its calendar tax year end.


Income tax expense consisted of the following:























For the year ended July 31,








Current expense










Deferred expense










Income tax expense




















Deferred taxes consisted of the following:




















Deferred tax assets







Deferred tax liabilities







Net deferred tax liability















Sales Taxes

(19)    Sales taxes: Ferrellgas accounts for the collection and remittance of sales tax on a net tax basis. As a result, these amounts are not reflected in the consolidated statements of earnings.

Net Earnings (Loss) Per Common Unitholders' Interest

(20)    Net earnings (loss) per common unitholders’ interest:  Net earnings (loss) per common unitholders’ interest is computed by dividing “Net earnings (loss) attributable to Ferrellgas Partners, L.P.,” after deducting the general partner's 1% interest, by the weighted average number of outstanding common units and the dilutive effect, if any, of outstanding unit options. See Note O – Net earnings (loss) per common unitholders’ interest – for further discussion about these calculations.

Segment Information

(21)    Segment information: Ferrellgas is a single reportable operating segment engaging in the distribution of propane and related equipment and supplies to customers primarily in the United States.

New Accounting Standards

(22)    New accounting standards: 


FASB Accounting Standard Update No. 2010-28

In December 2010, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued FASB Accounting Standard Update No. 2010-28 (ASU 2010-28), which modifies Step 1 of the goodwill impairment test for reporting units with zero or negative carrying amounts. For those reporting units, an entity is required to perform Step 2 of the goodwill impairment test if it is more likely than not that a goodwill impairment exists. This guidance is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those years, beginning after December 15, 2010. Ferrellgas’ adoption of this guidance in fiscal 2012 did not have a significant impact on its financial position, results of operations or cash flows. 


FASB Accounting Standard Update No. 2011-4

In May 2011, the FASB issued ASU 2011-04, “Amendments to Achieve Common Fair Value Measurements and Disclosure Requirements in U.S. GAAP and IFRS.” The amendments result in common fair value measurement and disclosure requirements in GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). The new guidance applies to all reporting entities that are required or permitted to measure or disclose the fair value of an asset, liability or an instrument classified in shareholders’ equity. Among other things, the new guidance requires quantitative information about unobservable inputs, valuation processes and sensitivity analysis associated with fair value measurements categorized within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. The new guidance is effective for interim periods beginning after December 31, 2011 and is required to be applied prospectively. Ferrellgas’ adoption of this guidance in fiscal 2012 did not have a significant impact on its financial position, results of operations or cash flows.



FASB Accounting Standard Update Nos. 2011-05 and 2011-12

In June 2011, the FASB issued ASU 2011-05, which revises the presentation of comprehensive income in the financial statements. The new guidance requires entities to report components of comprehensive income in either a continuous statement of comprehensive income or two separate but consecutive statements. In December 2011, the FASB issued ASU 2011-12, which indefinitely defers certain provisions of ASU 2011-05. This guidance is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those years, beginning after December 15, 2011. Ferrellgas has elected to early adopt ASU 2011-05 in fiscal 2012, which did not have a significant impact on its financial position, results of operations or cash flows. Due to the adoption of this guidance in fiscal 2012, Ferrellgas has added a new financial statement “Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income.”


FASB Accounting Standard Update No. 2011-08

In September 2011, the FASB issued ASU 2011-08, which amends the existing guidance on goodwill impairment testing. Under the new guidance, entities testing goodwill for impairment have the option of performing a qualitative assessment before calculating the fair value of the reporting unit. If an entity determines, on the basis of qualitative factors, that the fair value of the reporting unit is more likely than not less than the carrying amount, the two-step impairment test would be required. This guidance is effective for annual and interim goodwill impairment tests performed for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2011. Ferrellgas does not expect the adoption of this guidance in fiscal 2013 to have a significant impact on its financial position, results of operations or cash flows.


FASB ASC 860 & 810 - Transfers of financial assets and variable interest entities (“VIE”)

In June 2009, the FASB issued two amendments to existing GAAP, one of which eliminates the concept of a qualifying special-purpose-entity (“QSPEs”). The second amends guidance applicable to VIEs. The provisions of these amendments require Ferrellgas to evaluate all VIEs to determine whether they must be consolidated.


As a result of the prospective adoption of these amendments on August 1, 2010, Ferrellgas Receivables is now accounted for as a consolidated subsidiary. Upon adoption, Ferrellgas recognized $107.9 million of “Accounts receivable pledged as collateral, net,” $0.6 million of “Other assets, net” and $47.0 million of ”Collateralized notes payable,” derecognized $44.9 million of “Notes receivable from Ferrellgas Receivables” and $15.3 million of “Retained interest in Ferrellgas Receivables” and recorded a $1.3 million “Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle.”


Subsequent to adoption, expenses associated with these transactions are now recorded in “Interest expense” and are no longer recorded in “Loss on transfer of accounts receivable related to the accounts receivable securitization” or “Service income related to the accounts receivable securitization” in the consolidated statements of earnings. Additionally, borrowings and repayments associated with these transactions are now recorded in “Cash flows from financing activities” and no longer recorded in “Cash flows from operating activities” in the consolidated statements of cash flows. The adoption of these amendments did not have a significant impact on Ferrellgas’ debt covenant agreements.

Ferrellgas, L.P. [Member]
Nature Of Operations

(1)    Nature of operations: Ferrellgas, L.P. is engaged primarily in the distribution of propane and related equipment and supplies in the United States. The propane distribution market is seasonal because propane is used primarily for heating in residential and commercial buildings. Ferrellgas, L.P. serves approximately one million residential, industrial/commercial, portable tank exchange, agricultural, wholesale and other customers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Accounting Estimates

(2)    Accounting estimates: The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reported period. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Significant estimates impacting the consolidated financial statements include accruals that have been established for contingent liabilities, pending claims and legal actions arising in the normal course of business, useful lives of property, plant and equipment assets, residual values of tanks, capitalization of customer tank installation costs, amortization methods of intangible assets, valuation methods used to value sales returns and allowances, allowance for doubtful accounts, fair value of reporting units, fair values of derivative contracts and stock and unit-based compensation calculations.

Principles Of Consolidation

(3)    Principles of consolidation: The accompanying consolidated financial statements present the consolidated financial position, results of operations and cash flows of Ferrellgas, L.P. and its subsidiaries after elimination of all intercompany accounts and transactions. Ferrellgas, L.P. consolidates the following wholly-owned taxable corporations: Blue Rhino Global Sourcing, Inc. and Blue Rhino Canada, Inc. Ferrellgas Receivables, LLC (“Ferrellgas Receivables”), a wholly-owned consolidated subsidiary, is a special purpose entity that has agreements with Ferrellgas, L.P. to securitize, on an ongoing basis, a portion of its trade accounts receivable.

Supplemental Cash Flow Information

(4)    Supplemental cash flow information: For purposes of the consolidated statements of cash flows, Ferrellgas, L.P. considers cash equivalents to include all highly liquid debt instruments purchased with an original maturity of three months or less. Certain cash flow and significant non-cash activities are presented below:























For the year ended July 31,




























Income taxes




















Assets contributed from Ferrellgas Partners in connection with acquisitions










Liabilities incurred in connection with acquisitions










Property, plant and equipment additions





















Fair value measurements

(5)    Fair value measurements: Ferrellgas L.P. measures certain of its assets and liabilities at fair value, which is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants – in either the principal market or the most advantageous market. The principal market is the market with the greatest level of activity and volume for the asset or liability.


The common framework for measuring fair value utilizes a three-level hierarchy to prioritize the inputs used in the valuation techniques to derive fair values. The basis for fair value measurements for each level within the hierarchy is described below with Level 1 having the highest priority and Level 3 having the lowest.

• Level 1: Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

• Level 2: Quoted prices in active markets for similar assets or liabilities; quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are not active; and model-derived valuations in which all significant inputs are observable in active markets.

• Level 3: Valuations derived from valuation techniques in which one or more significant inputs are unobservable.

Accounts Receivable Securitization

(6)    Accounts receivable securitization: Through its wholly-owned and consolidated subsidiary Ferrellgas Receivables, Ferrellgas, L.P. has agreements to securitize, on an ongoing basis, a portion of its trade accounts receivable.


(7)    Inventories: Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market using weighted average cost and actual cost methods.

Property, Plant And Equipment

(8)    Property, plant and equipment:  Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Expenditures for maintenance and routine repairs are expensed as incurred. Ferrellgas, L.P. capitalizes computer software, equipment replacement and betterment expenditures that upgrade, replace or completely rebuild major mechanical components and extend the original useful life of the equipment. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method based on the estimated useful lives of the assets ranging from two to 30 years. Ferrellgas, L.P., using its best estimates based on reasonable and supportable assumptions and projections, reviews long-lived assets for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of its assets might not be recoverable. See Note E – Supplemental financial statement information – for further discussion of property, plant and equipment.


(9)    Goodwill: Ferrellgas, L.P. records goodwill as the excess of the cost of acquisitions over the fair value of the related net assets at the date of acquisition. Based on the guidance in Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 280 – “Segment Reporting” and ASC 350 – “Intangibles – Goodwill and other,” Ferrellgas, L.P. has determined that it has three reporting units for goodwill impairment testing purposes. Two of these reporting units contain goodwill that is subject to at least an annual assessment for impairment by applying a fair-value-based test. Under this test, the carrying value of each reporting unit is determined by assigning the assets and liabilities, including the existing goodwill and intangible assets, to those reporting units as of the date of the evaluation on a specific identification basis. To the extent a reporting unit’s carrying value exceeds its fair value, an indication exists that the reporting unit’s goodwill may be impaired and the second step of the impairment test must be performed. In the second step, the implied fair value of the goodwill is determined by allocating the fair value of all of its assets (recognized and unrecognized) and liabilities to its carrying amount. Ferrellgas, L.P. has completed the impairment test for each of its reporting units and believes that estimated fair values exceed the carrying values of its reporting units as of January 31, 2012.

Intangible Assets

(10)    Intangible assets: Intangible assets with finite useful lives, consisting primarily of customer lists, non-compete agreements and patented technology, are stated at cost, net of accumulated amortization calculated using the straight-line method over periods ranging from two to 15 years. Trade names and trademarks have indefinite lives, are not amortized, and are stated at cost. Ferrellgas, L.P. tests finite-lived intangible assets for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of these assets might not be recoverable. Ferrellgas, L.P. tests indefinite-lived intangible assets for impairment annually on January 31 or more frequently if circumstances dictate. Ferrellgas, L.P. has not recognized impairment losses as a result of these tests. When necessary, intangible assets’ useful lives are revised and the impact on amortization reflected on a prospective basis. See Note G – Goodwill and intangible assets, net – for further discussion of intangible assets.

Derivatives And Hedging Activities

(11)    Derivatives instruments and hedging activities: 

Commodity Price Risk.   Ferrellgas, L.P.’s overall objective for entering into commodity based derivative contracts, including commodity options and swaps, is to hedge a portion of its exposure to market fluctuations in propane prices.


Ferrellgas L.P.’s risk management activities primarily attempt to mitigate price risks related to the purchase, storage, transport and sale of propane generally in the contract and spot markets from major domestic energy companies on a short-term basis. Ferrellgas L.P. attempts to mitigate these price risks through the use of financial derivative instruments and forward propane purchase and sales contracts.


Ferrellgas L.P.’s risk management strategy involves taking positions in the forward or financial markets that are equal and opposite to Ferrellgas L.P.’s positions in the physical products market in order to minimize the risk of financial loss from an adverse price change. This risk management strategy is successful when Ferrellgas L.P.’s gains or losses in the physical product markets are offset by its losses or gains in the forward or financial markets. These financial derivatives are designated as cash flow hedges.


Ferrellgas L.P.’s risk management activities include the use of financial derivative instruments including, but not limited to, price swaps, options, futures and basis swaps to seek protection from adverse price movements and to minimize potential losses. Ferrellgas L.P. enters into these financial derivative instruments directly with third parties in the over-the-counter market and with brokers who are clearing members with the New York Mercantile Exchange. All of Ferrellgas L.P.’s derivative instruments are reported on the consolidated balance sheet at fair value.


Ferrellgas L.P. also enters into forward propane purchase and sales contracts with counterparties. These forward contracts qualify for the normal purchase normal sales exception within GAAP guidance and are therefore not recorded on Ferrellgas L.P.’s financial statements until settled.


On the date that derivative contracts are entered into, other than those designated as normal purchases or normal sales, Ferrellgas L.P. makes a determination as to whether the derivative instrument qualifies for designation as a hedge. These financial instruments are formally designated and documented as a hedge of a specific underlying exposure, as well as the risk management objectives and strategies for undertaking the hedge transaction. Because of the high degree of correlation between the hedging instrument and the underlying exposure being hedged, fluctuations in the value of the derivative instrument are generally offset by changes in the anticipated cash flows of the underlying exposure being hedged. Since the fair value of these derivatives fluctuates over their contractual lives, their fair value amounts should not be viewed in isolation, but rather in relation to the anticipated cash flows of the underlying hedged transaction and the overall reduction in Ferrellgas, L.P.’s risk relating to adverse fluctuations in propane prices. Ferrellgas, L.P. formally assesses, both at inception and at least quarterly thereafter, whether the financial instruments that are used in hedging transactions are effective at offsetting changes in the anticipated cash flows of the related underlying exposures. Any ineffective portion of a financial instrument’s change in fair value is recognized in “Cost of product sold - propane and other gas liquids sales” in the consolidated statements of earnings. Financial instruments formally designated and documented as a hedge of a specific underlying exposure are recorded gross at fair value as either “Prepaid expenses and other current assets” or “Other current liabilities” on the consolidated balance sheets with changes in fair value reported in other comprehensive income.


Interest Rate Risk.   Ferrellgas L.P.’s overall objective for entering into interest rate derivative contracts, including swaps, is to manage its exposure to interest rate risk associated with its fixed rate senior notes and its floating rate borrowings from both the secured credit facility and the accounts receivable securitization facility. Fluctuations in interest rates subject Ferrellgas L.P. to interest rate risk. Decreases in interest rates increase the fair value of Ferrellgas L.P.’s fixed rate debt, while increases in interest rates subject Ferrellgas L.P. to the risk of increased interest expense related to its variable rate borrowings.


Ferrellgas L.P. enters into fair value hedges to help reduce its fixed interest rate risk. Interest rate swaps are used to hedge the exposure to changes in the fair value of fixed rate debt due to changes in interest rates. Fixed rate debt that has been designated as being hedged is recorded at fair value while the fair value of interest rate derivatives that are considered fair value hedges are classified as “Prepaid expenses and other current assets”, “Other assets, net”, “Other current liabilities” or “Other liabilities” on the consolidated balance sheet. Changes in the fair value of fixed rate debt and any related fair value hedges are recognized as they occur in “Interest expense” on the consolidated statement of earnings.


Ferrellgas enters into cash flow hedges to help reduce its variable interest rate risk. Interest rate swaps are used to hedge the risk associated with rising interest rates and their effect on forecasted interest payments related to variable rate borrowings. These interest rate swaps are designated as cash flow hedges. Thus, the effective portions of changes in the fair value of the hedges are recorded in ”Prepaid expenses and other current assets”, “Other assets, net”, “Other current liabilities” or as “Other liabilities” with an offsetting entry to Other Comprehensive Income at interim periods and are subsequently recognized as interest expense in the consolidated statement of earnings when the forecasted transaction impacts earnings. Changes in the fair value of any cash flow hedges that are considered ineffective are recognized as interest expense on the consolidated statement of earnings as they occur.

Revenue Recognition

(12)   Revenue recognition: Revenues from the distribution of propane and other gas liquids are recognized by Ferrellgas    with payments generally due 30 days after receipt. We offer “even pay” billing programs that can create customer deposits or advances. We recognize revenue from these deposits or advance customers at the time product is delivered. Other revenues, which include revenue from the sale of propane appliances and equipment is recognized at the time of delivery or installation. Ferrellgas, L.P. recognizes shipping and handling revenues and expenses for sales of propane, appliances and equipment at the time of delivery or installation. Shipping and handling revenues are included in the price of propane charged to customers, and are classified as revenue. Revenues from annually billed, non-refundable tank rentals are recognized in “Revenues: other” on a straight-line basis over one year.

Shipping And Handling Expenses

(13)   Shipping and handling expenses: Shipping and handling expenses related to delivery personnel, vehicle repair and maintenance and general liability expenses are classified within “Operating expense” in the consolidated statements of earnings. Depreciation expenses on delivery vehicles Ferrellgas, L.P. owns are classified within “Depreciation and amortization expense.” Delivery vehicles and distribution technology leased by Ferrellgas, L.P. are classified within “Equipment lease expense.” See Note E – Supplemental financial statement information – for the financial statement presentation of shipping and handling expenses.

Cost Of Product Sold

(14)    Cost of product sold: “Cost of product sold – propane and other gas liquids sales” includes all costs to acquire propane and other gas liquids, the costs of storing and transporting inventory prior to delivery to Ferrellgas, L.P.’s customers, the results from risk management activities to hedge related price risk and the costs of materials related to the refurbishment of Ferrellgas, L.P.’s portable propane tanks. “Cost of product sold – other” primarily includes costs related to the sale of propane appliances and equipment.

Operating Expenses

(15)   Operating expenses: “Operating expense” primarily includes the personnel, vehicle, delivery, handling, plant, office, selling, marketing, credit and collections and other expenses related to the retail distribution of propane and related equipment and supplies.    

General And Administrative Expenses

(16) General and administrative expenses: “General and administrative expense” primarily includes personnel and incentive expense related to executives, and employees and other overhead expense related to centralized corporate functions.

Stock-Based And Unit Option Plans

(17)  Stock-based and unit option plans:


Ferrellgas Unit Option Plan (“UOP”)

The UOP is authorized to issue options covering up to 1.35 million common units to employees of the general partner or its affiliates. The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the general partner administers the UOP, authorizes grants of unit options thereunder and sets the unit option price and vesting terms of unit options in accordance with the terms of the UOP. No single officer or director of the general partner may acquire more than 314,895 common units under the UOP. The options currently outstanding under the UOP vest over one or five-year periods, and expire on the tenth anniversary of the date of the grant. The fair value of each option award is estimated on the date of grant using a binomial option valuation model. Expected volatility is based on the historical volatility of Ferrellgas Partners’ publicly-traded common units. Historical information is used to estimate option exercise and employee termination behavior. Management believes that there are three groups of employees eligible to participate in the UOP. The expected term of options granted is derived from historical exercise patterns and represents the period of time that options are expected to be outstanding. The risk free rate for periods within the contractual life of the option is based on the U.S. Treasury yield curve in effect at the time of grant. During the years ended July 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010, the portion of the total non-cash compensation charge relating to the UOP was $8 thousand, $13 thousand and $23 thousand, respectively, and related to grants of unit options to acquire 0.3 million common units.


Ferrell Companies, Inc. Incentive Compensation Plan (“ICP”)

The ICP is not a Ferrellgas, L.P. stock-compensation plan; however, in accordance with Ferrellgas, L.P.’s partnership agreements, all Ferrellgas, L.P. employee-related costs incurred by Ferrell Companies are allocated to Ferrellgas, L.P. As a result, Ferrellgas, L.P. incurs a non-cash compensation charge from Ferrell Companies. During the years ended July 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010, the portion of the total non-cash compensation charge relating to the ICP was $8.8  million, $13.5 million and $7.8 million, respectively.


Ferrell Companies is authorized to issue up to  9.25 million stock based awards that are based on shares of Ferrell Companies common stock. The ICP was established by Ferrell Companies to allow upper-middle and senior level managers as well as directors of the general partner to participate in the equity growth of Ferrell Companies. The ICP awards vest ratably over periods ranging from zero to 12 years or 100% upon a change of control of Ferrell Companies, or upon the death, disability or retirement at the age of 65 of the participant. All awards expire 10 or 15 years from the date of issuance. During fiscal 2011, all ICP stock options were exchanged for stock appreciation rights (“SARs”) with terms and conditions nearly identical to the stock options they replaced. The fair value of each award is estimated on each balance sheet date using a binomial valuation model.

Income Taxes

(18)    Income taxes:  Ferrellgas, L.P. is a limited partnership and owns four subsidiaries that are taxable corporations. As a result, except for the taxable corporations, Ferrellgas, L.P.’s earnings or losses for federal income tax purposes are included in the tax returns of the individual partners. Accordingly, the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Ferrellgas, L.P. reflect federal income taxes related to the above mentioned taxable corporations and certain states that allow for income taxation of partnerships. Net earnings for financial statement purposes may differ significantly from taxable income reportable to partners as a result of differences between the tax basis and financial reporting basis of assets and liabilities, the taxable income allocation requirements under Ferrellgas, L.P.’s partnership agreement and differences between Ferrellgas, L.P.’s financial reporting year end and limited partners tax year end.


Income tax expense consisted of the following:























For the year ended July 31,











Current expense










Deferred expense










Income tax expense




















Deferred taxes consisted of the following:




















Deferred tax assets







Deferred tax liabilities







Net deferred tax liability















Sales Taxes

(19)   Sales taxes: Ferrellgas, L.P. accounts for the collection and remittance of sales tax on a net tax basis. As a result, these amounts are not reflected in the consolidated statements of earnings.

Segment Information

(20)  Segment information: Ferrellgas, L.P. is a single reportable operating segment engaging in the distribution of propane and related equipment and supplies to customers primarily in the United States.

New Accounting Standards

(21)  New accounting standards: 


FASB Accounting Standard Update No. 2010-28

In December 2010, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued FASB Accounting Standard Update No. 2010-28 (ASU 2010-28), which modifies Step 1 of the goodwill impairment test for reporting units with zero or negative carrying amounts. For those reporting units, an entity is required to perform Step 2 of the goodwill impairment test if it is more likely than not that a goodwill impairment exists. This guidance is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those years, beginning after December 15, 2010. Ferrellgas, L.P.’s adoption of this guidance in fiscal 2012 did not have a significant impact on its financial position, results of operations or cash flows.


FASB Accounting Standard Update No. 2011-4

In May 2011, the FASB issued ASU 2011-04, “Amendments to Achieve Common Fair Value Measurements and Disclosure Requirements in U.S. GAAP and IFRS.” The amendments result in common fair value measurement and disclosure requirements in GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). The new guidance applies to all reporting entities that are required or permitted to measure or disclose the fair value of an asset, liability or an instrument classified in shareholders’ equity. Among other things, the new guidance requires quantitative information about unobservable inputs, valuation processes and sensitivity analysis associated with fair value measurements categorized within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. The new guidance is effective for interim periods beginning after December 31, 2011 and is required to be applied prospectively. Ferrellgas, L.P.’s adoption of this guidance in fiscal 2012 did not have a significant impact on its financial position, results of operations or cash flows.


FASB Accounting Standard Update Nos. 2011-05 and 2011-12

In June 2011, the FASB issued ASU 2011-05, which revises the presentation of comprehensive income in the financial statements. The new guidance requires entities to report components of comprehensive income in either a continuous statement of comprehensive income or two separate but consecutive statements. In December 2011, the FASB issued ASU 2011-12, which indefinitely defers certain provisions of ASU 2011-05. This guidance is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those years, beginning after December 15, 2011. Ferrellgas, L.P. has elected to early adopt ASU 2011-05 in fiscal 2012, which did not have a significant impact on its financial position, results of operations or cash flows. Due to the adoption of this guidance in fiscal 2012, Ferrellgas has added a new financial statement “Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income.”


FASB Accounting Standard Update No. 2011-08

In September 2011, the FASB issued ASU 2011-08, which amends the existing guidance on goodwill impairment testing. Under the new guidance, entities testing goodwill for impairment have the option of performing a qualitative assessment before calculating the fair value of the reporting unit. If an entity determines, on the basis of qualitative factors, that the fair value of the reporting unit is more likely than not less than the carrying amount, the two-step impairment test would be required. This guidance is effective for annual and interim goodwill impairment tests performed for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2011. Ferrellgas, L.P. does not expect the adoption of this guidance in fiscal 2013 to have a significant impact on its financial position, results of operations or cash flows.


FASB ASC 860 & ASC 810 - Transfers of financial assets and variable interest entities (“VIE”)

In June 2009, the FASB issued two amendments to existing GAAP, one of which eliminates the concept of a qualifying special-purpose-entity (“QSPEs”). The second amends guidance applicable to VIEs. The provisions of these amendments require Ferrellgas, L.P. to evaluate all VIEs to determine whether they must be consolidated.


As a result of the prospective adoption of these amendments on August 1, 2010, Ferrellgas Receivables is now accounted for as a consolidated subsidiary. Upon adoption, Ferrellgas, L.P. recognized $107.9 million of “Accounts receivable pledged as collateral, net,” $0.6 million of “Other assets, net” and $47.0 million of ”Collateralized notes payable,” derecognized $44.9 million of “Notes receivable from Ferrellgas Receivables” and $15.3 million of “Retained interest in Ferrellgas Receivables” and recorded a $1.3 million “Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle.”


Subsequent to adoption, expenses associated with these transactions are now recorded in “Interest expense” and are no longer recorded in “Loss on transfer of accounts receivable related to the accounts receivable securitization” or “Service income related to the accounts receivable securitization” in the consolidated statements of earnings. Additionally, borrowings and repayments associated with these transactions are now recorded in “Cash flows from financing activities” and no longer recorded in “Cash flows from operating activities” in the consolidated statements of cash flows. The adoption of these amendments did not have a significant impact on Ferrellgas’ debt covenant agreements.