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12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2011

NOTE 2. Securities

The amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses and approximate fair values of securities available for sale and held to maturity were as follows:
    December 31, 2011 
    Amortized Gross Unrealized Fair 
    Cost Gains Losses Value 
    (Dollars in millions) 
 Securities available for sale:            
  U.S. government-sponsored entities (“GSE”) $ 305 $ 1 $ $ 306 
  Mortgage-backed securities issued by GSE   17,940   199   7   18,132 
  States and political subdivisions   1,977   91   145   1,923 
  Non-agency mortgage-backed securities   423     55   368 
  Other securities   7       7 
  Covered securities   1,240   343   6   1,577 
   Total securities available for sale $ 21,892 $ 634 $ 213 $ 22,313 
    December 31, 2011 
    Amortized Gross Unrealized Fair 
    Cost Gains Losses Value 
    (Dollars in millions) 
 Securities held to maturity:            
  GSE securities$ 500 $ $ $ 500 
  Mortgage-backed securities issued by GSE   13,028   32   23   13,037 
  States and political subdivisions   35     2   33 
  Other securities   531   1   4   528 
   Total securities held to maturity$ 14,094 $ 33 $ 29 $ 14,098 

    December 31, 2010 
    Amortized Gross Unrealized Fair 
    Cost Gains Losses Value 
    (Dollars in millions) 
 Securities available for sale:            
  GSE securities$ 102 $ 1 $ $ 103 
  Mortgage-backed securities issued by GSE   18,663   42   361   18,344 
  States and political subdivisions   2,051   19   161   1,909 
  Non-agency mortgage-backed securities   635     120   515 
  Other securities   734   27   2   759 
  Covered securities   1,234   307   2   1,539 
   Total securities available for sale $ 23,419 $ 396 $ 646 $ 23,169 

During the first quarter of 2011, BB&T reclassified approximately $8.3 billion of securities available for sale to securities held to maturity. Management determined that it had both the positive intent and ability to hold these securities to maturity. The reclassification of these securities was accounted for at fair value. On the date of transfer, the difference between the par value and the fair value of these securities resulted in a premium or discount that is amortized as a yield adjustment to interest income and is amortized over the remaining life of the securities as a yield adjustment to interest income using the interest method. There were no gains or losses recognized as a result of this transfer.

As of December 31, 2011, the fair value of covered securities included $1.3 billion of non-agency mortgage-backed securities and $326 million of municipal securities. As of December 31, 2010, the fair value of covered securities included $1.2 billion of non-agency mortgage-backed securities and $304 million of municipal securities. All covered securities were acquired from Colonial Bank (“Colonial”) and are covered by one of the FDIC loss sharing agreements. BB&T is restricted from selling these securities without prior approval from the FDIC.

At December 31, 2011 and 2010, securities with carrying values of approximately $15.5 billion and $19.3 billion, respectively, were pledged to secure municipal deposits, securities sold under agreements to repurchase, other borrowings, and for other purposes as required or permitted by law.

BB&T had certain investments in marketable debt securities and mortgage-backed securities issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that exceeded ten percent of shareholders' equity at December 31, 2011. The Fannie Mae investments had total amortized cost and fair value of $10.3 billion at December 31, 2011, while Freddie Mac investments had total amortized cost and fair values of $10.2 billion and $10.3 billion, respectively. These securities are carried at amortized cost in the held to maturity portfolio or fair value in the available for sale portfolio.

At December 31, 2011 and 2010, non-agency mortgage-backed securities primarily consisted of residential mortgage-backed securities.


The gross realized gains and losses and other-than-temporary impairments recognized in income during the years ended December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009 are reflected in the following table:
     Years Ended December 31, 
      2011  2010  2009 
     (Dollars in millions) 
 Gross gains $ 175 $ 607 $ 241 
 Gross losses   (1)   (22)   (1) 
  Net realized gains (losses)  174   585   240 
 OTTI recognized on non-agency mortgage-backed securities:         
  OTTI on non-agency mortgage-backed securities  (22)   (117)   (133) 
  Non-credit portion recognized in other comprehensive income (1)  (90)   86   131 
   OTTI on non-agency mortgage-backed securities recognized in net income  (112)   (31)   (2) 
   OTTI on equity and other securities recognized in net income      (39) 
    Total OTTI recognized in net income  (112)   (31)   (41) 
 Net securities gains (losses)$ 62 $ 554 $ 199 
(1)A negative balance is the result of additional credit losses currently recognized in earnings that were previously recognized in other comprehensive income.

The following table reflects activity during the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010 related to credit losses on other-than-temporarily impaired non-agency mortgage-backed securities where a portion of the unrealized loss was recognized in other comprehensive income:
     Years Ended December 31, 
      2011  2010 
     (Dollars in millions) 
 Balance at beginning of period$ 30 $ 2 
  Credit losses on securities not previously considered other-than-temporarily      
   impaired  1   3 
  Credit losses on securities for which OTTI was previously recognized  111   28 
  Reductions for securities sold/settled during the period  (13)   (3) 
 Balance at end of period$ 129 $ 30 

The amortized cost and estimated fair value of the debt securities portfolio at December 31, 2011, by contractual maturity, are shown in the accompanying table. The expected life of mortgage-backed securities will differ from contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to call or prepay the underlying mortgage loans with or without call or prepayment penalties. For purposes of the maturity table, mortgage-backed securities, which are not due at a single maturity date, have been included in maturity groupings based on the contractual maturity.

    December 31, 2011 
    Available for Sale Held to Maturity 
    Amortized Fair Amortized Fair 
    Cost Value Cost Value 
    (Dollars in millions) 
 Due in one year or less $ 181 $ 181 $ $ 
 Due after one year through five years   150   152     
 Due after five years through ten years   618   653   500   500 
 Due after ten years   20,937   21,321   13,594   13,598 
  Total debt securities   21,886   22,307   14,094   14,098 
  Total securities with no stated maturity   6   6     
   Total securities $ 21,892 $ 22,313 $ 14,094 $ 14,098 

The following tables reflect the gross unrealized losses and fair values of BB&T’s investments, aggregated by investment category and length of time that individual securities have been in a continuous unrealized loss position, at the dates presented:
     December 31, 2011 
     Less than 12 months 12 months or more Total 
     Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized 
     Value Losses Value Losses Value Losses 
     (Dollars in millions) 
 Securities available for sale:                  
  GSE securities$ 24 $ $ $ $ 24 $ 
  Mortgage-backed securities issued by GSE  3,098   7       3,098   7 
  States and political subdivisions   453   68   265   77   718   145 
  Non-agency mortgage-backed securities      368   55   368   55 
  Covered securities  29   6       29   6 
   Total$ 3,604 $ 81 $ 633 $ 132 $ 4,237 $ 213 
     December 31, 2011 
     Less than 12 months 12 months or more Total 
     Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized 
     Value Losses Value Losses Value Losses 
     (Dollars in millions) 
 Securities held to maturity:                  
  GSE securities$ 250 $ $ $ $ 250 $ 
  Mortgage-backed securities issued by GSE  7,770   23       7,770   23 
  States and political subdivisions   33   2       33   2 
  Other securities   207   4       207   4 
   Total$ 8,260 $ 29 $ $ $ 8,260 $ 29 

     December 31, 2010 
     Less than 12 months 12 months or more Total 
     Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized 
     Value Losses Value Losses Value Losses 
     (Dollars in millions) 
 Securities available for sale:                  
  GSE securities$ 50 $ $ $ $ 50 $ 
  Mortgage-backed securities issued by GSE  15,438   361       15,438   361 
  States and political subdivisions   694   21   735   140   1,429   161 
  Non-agency mortgage-backed securities      506   120   506   120 
  Other securities   535   2   2     537   2 
  Covered securities   79   2       79   2 
   Total$ 16,796 $ 386 $ 1,243 $ 260 $ 18,039 $ 646 

BB&T conducts periodic reviews to identify and evaluate each investment that has an unrealized loss for other-than-temporary impairment. An unrealized loss exists when the current fair value of an individual security is less than its amortized cost basis. Unrealized losses that are determined to be temporary in nature are recorded, net of tax, in accumulated other comprehensive income for available-for-sale securities.

Factors considered in determining whether a loss is temporary include:

  • The financial condition and near-term prospects of the issuer, including any specific events that may influence the operations of the issuer;
  • BB&T's intent to sell and whether it is more likely than not that the Company will be required to sell these debt securities before the anticipated recovery of the amortized cost basis;
  • The length of time and the extent to which the market value has been less than cost;
  • Whether the decline in fair value is attributable to specific conditions, such as conditions in an industry or in a geographic area;
  • Whether a debt security has been downgraded by a rating agency;
  • Whether the financial condition of the issuer has deteriorated;
  • The seniority of the security;
  • Whether dividends have been reduced or eliminated, or scheduled interest payments on debt securities have not been made; and
  • Any other relevant available information.

If an unrealized loss is considered other-than-temporary, the credit component of the unrealized loss is recognized in earnings and the non-credit component is recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income, to the extent that BB&T does not intend to sell the security and it is more likely than not that BB&T will not be required to sell the security prior to recovery.

BB&T evaluates credit impairment related to mortgage-backed securities through the use of cash flow modeling. These models give consideration to long-term macroeconomic factors applied to current security default rates, prepayment rates and recovery rates and security-level performance. During 2011, OTTI recognition was due primarily to trends in the underlying loan delinquencies and related collateral home price indices.

During 2011, BB&T realized principal losses on certain other-than-temporarily impaired securities. These realized losses were a factor in evaluating the level of OTTI necessary to address future projected losses.

At December 31, 2011, BB&T held certain investment securities having continuous unrealized loss positions for more than 12 months. The vast majority of these losses were in non-agency mortgage-backed and municipal securities. At December 31, 2011, all of the available-for-sale debt securities in an unrealized loss position for more than 12 months, excluding those covered by FDIC loss sharing agreements, were investment grade with the exception of two municipal bonds with an amortized cost of $8 million and ten non-agency mortgage-backed securities with an adjusted amortized cost of $423 million.

All of the non-investment grade securities referenced above were initially investment grade and have been downgraded since purchase. Based on its evaluation at December 31, 2011, BB&T determined that certain of the non-investment grade non-agency mortgage-backed securities had credit losses evident and recognized OTTI related to these securities. At December 31, 2011, the total unrealized loss on these non-investment grade securities was $55 million.

The following table presents non-investment grade securities with significant unrealized losses that are not covered by a loss sharing arrangement and the credit loss component of OTTI recognized to date:

     December 31, 2011 
     Amortized Credit Loss Adjusted Fair Unrealized 
 Cost Recognized Amortized Cost Value Loss 
    (Dollars in millions) 
  RMBS 1$ 133 $ (34) $ 99 $ 88 $ (11) 
  RMBS 2  102   (16)   86   73   (13) 

BB&T's evaluation of the other debt securities with continuous unrealized losses indicated that there were no credit losses evident. Furthermore, as of the date of the evaluation, BB&T did not intend to sell, and it was more likely than not that the Company would not be required to sell, these debt securities before the anticipated recovery of the amortized cost basis. In making this determination, BB&T considers its expected liquidity and capital needs, including its asset/liability management needs, forecasts, strategies and other relevant information.