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Loans and ACL
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2013
Allowance for Credit Losses  
Allowance for Credit Losses

NOTE 3. Loans and ACL


During October of 2013, BB&T sold a consumer lending subsidiary with approximately $500 million in loans and $27 million of related ALLL. In addition, approximately $230 million of loans, with $38 million of related ALLL, was transferred from retail other lending subsidiaries to residential mortgage.


During December of 2013, $47 million of unallocated ALLL was allocated to the loan portfolio segments.


During January of 2014, approximately $8.3 billion of home equity loans were transferred from direct retail lending to residential mortgage in response to qualified mortgage regulatory requirements.


Loans that are contractually past due are shown in the tables below. 
          90 Days Or     
       30-89 Days More Past     
 December 31, 2013 Current Past Due Due Nonaccrual Total 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 38,110 $ 35 $ $ 363 $ 38,508 
  CRE - other   11,535   8     129   11,672 
  CRE - residential ADC   901   2     35   938 
  Other lending subsidiaries   4,482   14   5   1   4,502 
  Direct retail lending   15,595   132   33   109   15,869 
  Revolving credit   2,370   23   10     2,403 
  Residential mortgage   22,738   463   69   243   23,513 
  Sales finance   9,316   56   5   5   9,382 
  Other lending subsidiaries   5,703   207     50   5,960 
 Covered   1,643   88   304     2,035 
   Total excluding government and GNMA guaranteed   112,393   1,028   426   935   114,782 
 Residential mortgage loans excluded from above:                
  Government guaranteed   236   88   296     620 
  GNMA guaranteed     4   511     515 
   Total $ 112,629 $ 1,120 $ 1,233 $ 935 $ 115,917 

           90 Days Or     
        30-89 Days More Past     
 December 31, 2012 Current Past Due Due Nonaccrual Total 
      (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 37,706 $ 42 $ 1 $ 546 $ 38,295 
  CRE - other   11,237   12     212   11,461 
  CRE - residential ADC   1,131   2     128   1,261 
  Other lending subsidiaries   4,106   20   9   3   4,138 
  Direct retail lending   15,502   145   38   132   15,817 
  Revolving credit   2,291   23   16     2,330 
  Residential mortgage   22,330   498   92   269   23,189 
  Sales finance   7,663   56   10   7   7,736 
  Other lending subsidiaries   5,645   270   1   83   5,999 
 Covered   2,717   135   442     3,294 
   Total excluding government and GNMA guaranteed   110,328   1,203   609   1,380   113,520 
 Residential mortgage loans excluded from above:                
  Government guaranteed    225   84   252     561 
  GNMA guaranteed     5   517     522 
   Total $ 110,553 $ 1,292 $ 1,378 $ 1,380 $ 114,603 
Unearned income and net deferred loan fees and costs totaled $261 million and $308 million at December 31, 2013 and 2012, respectively.

The following tables present the carrying amount of loans by risk rating. Covered loans are excluded because their related ALLL is determined by loan pool performance.
          CRE -   
     Commercial   Residential Other Lending 
 December 31, 2013 & Industrial CRE - Other ADC Subsidiaries 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Pass $ 36,804 $ 10,883 $ 794 $ 4,464 
  Special mention   219   58   11   8 
  Substandard - performing   1,122   602   98   29 
  Nonperforming   363   129   35   1 
   Total $ 38,508 $ 11,672 $ 938 $ 4,502 

     Direct Retail Revolving Residential Sales Other Lending 
     Lending Credit Mortgage Finance Subsidiaries 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Performing $ 15,760 $ 2,403 $ 24,405 $ 9,377 $ 5,910 
  Nonperforming   109     243   5   50 
   Total $ 15,869 $ 2,403 $ 24,648 $ 9,382 $ 5,960 

          CRE -   
     Commercial   Residential Other Lending 
 December 31, 2012 & Industrial CRE - Other ADC Subsidiaries 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Pass $ 36,044 $ 10,095 $ 859 $ 4,093 
  Special mention   274   120   41   13 
  Substandard - performing   1,431   1,034   233   29 
  Nonperforming   546   212   128   3 
   Total  $ 38,295 $ 11,461 $ 1,261 $ 4,138 

      Direct Retail Revolving Residential Sales Other Lending 
      Lending Credit Mortgage Finance Subsidiaries 
      (Dollars in millions) 
  Performing $ 15,685 $ 2,330 $ 24,003 $ 7,729 $ 5,916 
  Nonperforming   132     269   7   83 
   Total $ 15,817 $ 2,330 $ 24,272 $ 7,736 $ 5,999 

The tables below present activity in the ACL:
   ACL Rollforward 
    Beginning Charge-        Ending 
 Year Ended December 31, 2013 Balance Offs Recoveries Provision Other Balance 
    (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 470 $ (248) $ 47 $ 166 $ 19 $ 454 
  CRE - other   204   (84)   28   16   14   178 
  CRE - residential ADC   100   (48)   23   (32)   4   47 
  Other lending subsidiaries   13   (3)   2   3     15 
  Direct retail lending   300   (148)   38   15   4   209 
  Revolving credit   102   (85)   17   81     115 
  Residential mortgage   328   (81)   3   37   44   331 
  Sales finance   29   (23)   9   30     45 
  Other lending subsidiaries   264   (252)   32   245   (65)   224 
 Covered    128   (19)     5     114 
 Unallocated   80       (33)   (47)   
 ALLL   2,018   (991)   199   533   (27)   1,732 
 RUFC   30       59     89 
 ACL $ 2,048 $ (991) $ 199 $ 592 $ (27) $ 1,821 

   ACL Rollforward 
    Beginning Charge-      Ending 
 Year Ended December 31, 2012 Balance Offs Recoveries Provision Balance 
    (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 433 $ (337) $ 17 $ 357 $ 470 
  CRE - other   334   (205)   13   62   204 
  CRE - residential ADC   286   (190)   41   (37)   100 
  Other lending subsidiaries   11   (8)   2   8   13 
  Direct retail lending   232   (224)   36   256   300 
  Revolving credit   112   (81)   18   53   102 
  Residential mortgage   365   (136)   3   96   328 
  Sales finance   38   (26)   10   7   29 
  Other lending subsidiaries   186   (217)   24   271   264 
 Covered    149   (34)     13   128 
 Unallocated   110       (30)   80 
 ALLL   2,256   (1,458)   164   1,056   2,018 
 RUFC   29       1   30 
 ACL $ 2,285 $ (1,458) $ 164 $ 1,057 $ 2,048 

   ACL Rollforward 
    Beginning Charge-      Ending 
 Year Ended December 31, 2011 Balance Offs Recoveries Provision Balance 
    (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 621 $ (323) $ 28 $ 107 $ 433 
  CRE - other   446   (273)   18   143   334 
  CRE - residential ADC   469   (302)   25   94   286 
  Other lending subsidiaries   21   (9)   3   (4)   11 
  Direct retail lending   246   (276)   37   225   232 
  Revolving credit   109   (95)   19   79   112 
  Residential mortgage   298   (269)   5   331   365 
  Sales finance   47   (32)   9   14   38 
  Other lending subsidiaries   177   (181)   22   168   186 
 Covered    144   (66)     71   149 
 Unallocated   130       (20)   110 
 ALLL   2,708   (1,826)   166   1,208   2,256 
 RUFC   47       (18)   29 
 ACL $ 2,755 $ (1,826) $ 166 $ 1,190 $ 2,285 

The following table provides a summary of loans that are collectively evaluated for impairment.
     December 31, 2013 December 31, 2012 
   Recorded Investment Related ALLL Recorded Investment Related ALLL 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 38,042 $ 382 $ 37,664 $ 397 
  CRE - other   11,441   150   11,149   168 
  CRE - residential ADC   881   38   1,106   79 
  Other lending subsidiaries   4,501   15   4,135   12 
  Direct retail lending   15,648   166   15,582   241 
  Revolving credit   2,355   96   2,274   78 
  Residential mortgage   23,316   167   23,085   198 
  Sales finance   9,363   41   7,714   23 
  Other lending subsidiaries   5,823   196   5,853   203 
 Covered    2,035   114   3,294   128 
 Unallocated         80 
   Total $ 113,405 $ 1,365 $ 111,856 $ 1,607 

The following tables set forth certain information regarding impaired loans, excluding purchased impaired loans and LHFS, that were individually evaluated for reserves.
              Average Interest 
      Recorded   Related Recorded Income 
 As Of / For The Year Ended December 31, 2013 Investment UPB ALLL Investment Recognized 
      (Dollars in millions) 
 With no related ALLL recorded:                
   Commercial and industrial $ 91 $ 165 $ $ 111 $ 
   CRE - other   25   41     53   
   CRE - residential ADC   16   36     31   
   Direct retail lending   23   76     23   1 
   Residential mortgage (1)   144   237     129   4 
   Sales finance   1   2     1   
   Other lending subsidiaries   2   6     4   
 With an ALLL recorded:                
   Commercial and industrial   375   409   72   453   5 
   CRE - other   206   208   28   233   5 
   CRE - residential ADC   41   42   9   76   2 
   Other lending subsidiaries   1   1     2   
   Direct retail lending   198   204   43   204   12 
   Revolving credit   48   48   19   52   2 
   Residential mortgage (1)   812   830   109   763   34 
   Sales finance   18   19   4   20   1 
   Other lending subsidiaries   135   137   28   173   11 
    Total (1) $ 2,136 $ 2,461 $ 312 $ 2,328 $ 77 

              Average Interest 
      Recorded   Related Recorded  Income 
 As Of / For The Year Ended December 31, 2012 Investment UPB ALLL Investment Recognized 
      (Dollars in millions) 
 With no related ALLL recorded:                
   Commercial and industrial $ 116 $ 232 $ $ 117 $ 
   CRE - other   60   108     81   
   CRE - residential ADC   44   115     103   
   Direct retail lending   19   73     19   1 
   Residential mortgage (1)   120   201     80   2 
   Sales finance   1   3     1   
   Other lending subsidiaries   2   6     3   
 With an ALLL recorded:                
   Commercial and industrial   515   551   73   522   3 
   CRE - other   252   255   36   319   5 
   CRE - residential ADC   111   116   21   180   1 
   Other lending subsidiaries   3   3   1   4   
   Direct retail lending   216   226   59   140   9 
   Revolving credit   56   56   24   59   2 
   Residential mortgage (1)   754   770   104   649   28 
   Sales finance   21   21   6   13   
   Other lending subsidiaries   144   146   61   66   2 
    Total (1) $ 2,434 $ 2,882 $ 385 $ 2,356 $ 53 
(1)Residential mortgage loans exclude $376 million and $313 million in government guaranteed loans and related ALLL of $55 million and $26 million as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012, respectively. 

The following table provides a summary of TDRs, all of which are considered impaired.
    December 31, 
    2013 2012 
    (Dollars in millions) 
 Performing TDRs:      
   Commercial and industrial$ 77 $ 77 
   CRE - other  70   67 
   CRE - residential ADC  19   21 
  Direct retail lending  187   197 
  Sales finance  17   19 
  Revolving credit  48   56 
  Residential mortgage  785   769 
  Other lending subsidiaries  126   121 
   Total performing TDRs  1,329   1,327 
 Nonperforming TDRs (also included in NPL disclosures)  193   240 
   Total TDRs$ 1,522 $ 1,567 
 ALLL attributable to TDRs, excluding government guaranteed$ 228 $ 281 
 Government guaranteed residential mortgage TDRs excluded from above table:      
  Held for investment$ 376 $ 313 
  Held for sale  3   2 

The following table summarizes the primary reason loan modification were classified as TDRs and includes newly designated TDRs as well as modifications made to existing TDRs. Balances represent the recorded investment at the end of the quarter in which the modification was made. Rate modifications include TDRs made with below market interest rates that also include modifications of loan structures.

       Years Ended December 31, 
       2013 2012 2011 
       Type of   Type of   Type of   
       Modification ALLL ModificationALLL ModificationALLL 
       Rate Structure Impact Rate Structure Impact Rate Structure Impact 
       (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial$ 99 $ 27 $ 3 $ 51 $ 63 $ $ 29 $ 68 $ 5 
  CRE - other  62   54   1   67   45     56   58   8 
  CRE - residential ADC  22   10   (2)   44   34   (1)   29   47   10 
  Other lending subsidiaries              1   1   
  Direct retail lending  45   9   7   120   17   35   51   5   9 
  Revolving credit  26     4   30     5   40     8 
  Residential mortgage  103   68   11   241   88   22   142   35   17 
  Sales finance  4   7   3   16     4   5   5   1 
  Other lending subsidiaries  167     34   123   2   35   37   7   15 

During 2012, a national bank regulatory agency issued guidance that requires certain loans that had been discharged in bankruptcy and not reaffirmed by the borrower to be accounted for as TDRs and possibly as nonperforming, regardless of their actual payment history and expected performance. BB&T has included these loans in the “Rate” column in the above table. BB&T also concluded there is a reasonable expectation of collection of principal and interest and has classified these loans as performing unless already classified as nonperforming.


The following table summarizes the pre-default balance for modifications that experienced a payment default that had been classified as TDRs during the previous 12 months. Payment default is defined as movement of the TDR to nonaccrual status, foreclosure or charge-off, whichever occurs first.

     Years Ended December 31, 
     2013 2012 2011 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial$ 5 $ 8 $ 39 
  CRE - other  11   6   92 
  CRE - residential ADC  4   14   80 
  Direct retail lending  4   8   16 
  Revolving credit  10   12   15 
  Residential mortgage   17   36   31 
  Sales finance  1     2 
  Other lending subsidiaries  26   12   5 
If a TDR subsequently defaults, BB&T evaluates the TDR for possible impairment. As a result, the related ALLL may be increased or charge-offs may be taken to reduce the carrying value of the loan.

Changes in the carrying value and accretable yield of covered loans are presented in the following table.
   Year Ended December 31, 2013 Year Ended December 31, 2012
   Purchased Impaired Purchased Nonimpaired Purchased Impaired Purchased Nonimpaired
   Accretable Carrying Accretable Carrying Accretable Carrying Accretable Carrying
   Yield Value Yield Value Yield Value Yield Value
   (Dollars in millions)
Balance at beginning of period $ 264 $ 1,400 $ 617 $ 1,894 $ 520 $ 2,123 $ 1,193 $ 2,744
 Accretion   (149)   149   (301)   301   (219)   219   (541)   541
 Payments received, net     (686)     (1,023)     (942)     (1,391)
 Other, net   72     35     (37)     (35)  
Balance at end of period $ 187 $ 863 $ 351 $ 1,172 $ 264 $ 1,400 $ 617 $ 1,894
Outstanding UPB at end of period   $ 1,266    $ 1,516    $ 2,047    $ 2,489