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Allowance for Credit Losses
9 Months Ended
Sep. 30, 2012
Allowance for Credit Losses  
Allowance for Credit Losses

NOTE 4. Allowance for Credit Losses

An analysis of the allowance for credit losses is presented in the following tables:
    Beginning Charge-      Ending 
 Three Months Ended September 30, 2012 Balance Offs Recoveries Provision Balance 
    (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 525 $ (84) $ 4 $ 96 $ 541 
  Commercial real estate - other   305   (40)   3   (30)   238 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC   157   (35)   2   (23)   101 
  Other lending subsidiaries   13   (1)   1   1   14 
  Direct retail lending   283   (57)   9   46   281 
  Revolving credit   90   (20)   5   24   99 
  Residential mortgage   309   (35)     25   299 
  Sales finance   25   (5)   2   6   28 
  Other lending subsidiaries   200   (57)   5   85   233 
 Covered    139   (2)       137 
 Unallocated   80         80 
 Allowance for loan and lease losses   2,126   (336)   31   230   2,051 
 Reserve for unfunded lending commitments   31       14   45 
 Allowance for credit losses $ 2,157 $ (336) $ 31 $ 244 $ 2,096 

    Beginning Charge-      Ending 
 Three Months Ended September 30, 2011 Balance Offs Recoveries Provision Balance 
    (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 474 $ (102) $ 9 $ 55 $ 436 
  Commercial real estate - other   462   (64)   6   26   430 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC   382   (61)   9   (2)   328 
  Other lending subsidiaries   13   (2)   1   1   13 
  Direct retail lending   233   (74)   10   51   220 
  Revolving credit   103   (23)   4   21   105 
  Residential mortgage   347   (41)   1   57   364 
  Sales finance   42   (7)   2   2   39 
  Other lending subsidiaries   171   (40)   6   40   177 
 Covered   159   (53)     7   113 
 Unallocated   130         130 
 Allowance for loan and lease losses   2,516   (467)   48   258   2,355 
 Reserve for unfunded lending commitments   59       (8)   51 
 Allowance for credit losses $ 2,575 $ (467) $ 48 $ 250 $ 2,406 

    Beginning Charge-      Ending 
 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2012 Balance Offs Recoveries Provision Balance 
    (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 433 $ (239) $ 12 $ 335 $ 541 
  Commercial real estate - other   334   (164)   9   59   238 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC   286   (163)   33   (55)   101 
  Other lending subsidiaries   11   (7)   2   8   14 
  Direct retail lending   232   (170)   27   192   281 
  Revolving credit   112   (62)   14   35   99 
  Residential mortgage   365   (107)   2   39   299 
  Sales finance   38   (19)   7   2   28 
  Other lending subsidiaries   186   (158)   18   187   233 
 Covered    149   (29)     17   137 
 Unallocated   110       (30)   80 
 Allowance for loan and lease losses   2,256   (1,118)   124   789   2,051 
 Reserve for unfunded lending commitments   29       16   45 
 Allowance for credit losses $ 2,285 $ (1,118) $ 124 $ 805 $ 2,096 

    Beginning Charge-      Ending 
 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2011 Balance Offs Recoveries Provision Balance 
    (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 621 $ (242) $ 22 $ 35 $ 436 
  Commercial real estate - other   446   (213)   15   182   430 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC   469   (210)   20   49   328 
  Other lending subsidiaries   21   (6)   3   (5)   13 
  Direct retail lending   246   (218)   27   165   220 
  Revolving credit   109   (74)   14   56   105 
  Residential mortgage   298   (224)   3   287   364 
  Sales finance   47   (24)   7   9   39 
  Other lending subsidiaries   177   (131)   17   114   177 
 Covered    144   (53)     22   113 
 Unallocated   130         130 
 Allowance for loan and lease losses   2,708   (1,395)   128   914   2,355 
 Reserve for unfunded lending commitments   47       4   51 
 Allowance for credit losses $ 2,755 $ (1,395) $ 128 $ 918 $ 2,406 

The following tables provide a breakdown of the allowance for loan and lease losses and the recorded investment in loans based on the method for determining the allowance:
     Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses 
     Individually Collectively With    
     Evaluated Evaluated Deteriorated    
     for for Credit    
 September 30, 2012 Impairment Impairment Quality Total 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 76 $ 465 $ $ 541 
  Commercial real estate - other   42   196     238 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC   27   74     101 
  Other lending subsidiaries   1   13     14 
  Direct retail lending   31   250     281 
  Revolving credit   25   74     99 
  Residential mortgage   121   178     299 
  Sales finance   1   27     28 
  Other lending subsidiaries   42   191     233 
 Covered      49   88   137 
 Unallocated     80     80 
   Total $ 366 $ 1,597 $ 88 $ 2,051 

     Loans and Leases 
     Individually Collectively With    
     Evaluated Evaluated Deteriorated    
     for for Credit    
 September 30, 2012 Impairment Impairment Quality Total 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 667 $ 37,345 $ $ 38,012 
  Commercial real estate - other   366   10,547     10,913 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC   233   1,221     1,454 
  Other lending subsidiaries   4   4,111     4,115 
  Direct retail lending   158   15,551   1   15,710 
  Revolving credit   58   2,233     2,291 
  Residential mortgage   1,004   23,289     24,293 
  Sales finance   11   7,712     7,723 
  Other lending subsidiaries   84   5,857     5,941 
 Covered      2,124   1,564   3,688 
   Total $ 2,585 $ 109,990 $ 1,565 $ 114,140 

     Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses 
     Individually Collectively With    
     Evaluated Evaluated Deteriorated    
     for for Credit    
 December 31, 2011 Impairment Impairment Quality Total 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 77 $ 356 $ $ 433 
  Commercial real estate - other   69   265     334 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC   50   236     286 
  Other lending subsidiaries   1   10     11 
  Direct retail lending   35   197     232 
  Revolving credit   27   85     112 
  Residential mortgage   152   213     365 
  Sales finance   1   37     38 
  Other lending subsidiaries   20   166     186 
 Covered      36   113   149 
 Unallocated     110     110 
   Total $ 432 $ 1,711 $ 113 $ 2,256 

     Loans and Leases 
     Individually Collectively With    
     Evaluated Evaluated Deteriorated    
     for for Credit    
 December 31, 2011 Impairment Impairment Quality Total 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 656 $ 35,759 $ $ 36,415 
  Commercial real estate - other   511   10,178     10,689 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC   420   1,641     2,061 
  Other lending subsidiaries   5   3,621     3,626 
  Direct retail lending   165   14,339   2   14,506 
  Revolving credit   62   2,150     2,212 
  Residential mortgage   931   19,650     20,581 
  Sales finance   10   7,391     7,401 
  Other lending subsidiaries   49   5,062     5,111 
 Covered      2,745   2,122   4,867 
   Total $ 2,809 $ 102,536 $ 2,124 $ 107,469 

BB&T monitors the credit quality of its commercial portfolio segment using internal risk ratings. These risk ratings are based on established regulatory guidance. Loans with a Pass rating represent those not considered as a problem credit. Special mention loans are those that have a potential weakness deserving management's close attention. Substandard loans are those for which a well-defined weakness has been identified that may put full collection of contractual cash flows at risk. Substandard loans are placed in nonaccrual status when BB&T believes it is no longer probable it will collect all contractual cash flows.

BB&T assigns an internal risk rating at loan origination and reviews the relationship again on an annual basis or at any point management becomes aware of information affecting the borrower's ability to fulfill their obligations.

BB&T monitors the credit quality of its retail portfolio segment based primarily on delinquency status, which is the primary factor considered in determining whether a retail loan should be classified as nonaccrual.

The following tables illustrate the credit quality indicators associated with loans and leases held for investment. Covered loans are excluded from this analysis because their related allowance is determined by loan pool performance due to the application of the accretion method.
        Commercial Real Estate - Other 
     Commercial Real Estate - Residential Lending 
 September 30, 2012 & Industrial Other ADC Subsidiaries 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Pass $ 35,603 $ 9,450 $ 945 $ 4,078 
  Special mention   201   101   26   6 
  Substandard - performing   1,611   1,103   279   27 
  Nonperforming   597   259   204   4 
   Total $ 38,012 $ 10,913 $ 1,454 $ 4,115 

     Direct Retail Revolving Residential Sales Other Lending 
     Lending Credit Mortgage Finance Subsidiaries 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Performing $ 15,576 $ 2,291 $ 24,027 $ 7,716 $ 5,872 
  Nonperforming   134     266   7   69 
   Total $ 15,710 $ 2,291 $ 24,293 $ 7,723 $ 5,941 

        Commercial Real Estate - Other 
     Commercial Real Estate - Residential Lending 
 December 31, 2011 & Industrial Other ADC Subsidiaries 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Pass $ 33,497 $ 8,568 $ 1,085 $ 3,578 
  Special mention   488   234   60   5 
  Substandard - performing   1,848   1,493   540   35 
  Nonperforming   582   394   376   8 
   Total  $ 36,415 $ 10,689 $ 2,061 $ 3,626 

      Direct Retail Revolving Residential Sales Other Lending 
      Lending Credit Mortgage Finance Subsidiaries 
      (Dollars in millions) 
  Performing $ 14,364 $ 2,212 $ 20,273 $ 7,394 $ 5,056 
  Nonperforming   142     308   7   55 
   Total $ 14,506 $ 2,212 $ 20,581 $ 7,401 $ 5,111 

The following tables represent aging analyses of BB&T's past due loans and leases held for investment. Covered loans have been excluded from this aging analysis because they are covered by FDIC loss sharing agreements, and their related allowance is determined by loan pool performance due to the application of the accretion method. 
     Accruing Loans and Leases      
          90 Days Or Nonaccrual Total Loans And 
       30-89 Days More Past Loans And Leases, Excluding 
 September 30, 2012 Current Past Due Due Leases Covered Loans 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 37,373 $ 41 $ 1 $ 597 $ 38,012 
  Commercial real estate - other   10,645   9     259   10,913 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC   1,242   8     204   1,454 
  Other lending subsidiaries   4,082   25   4   4   4,115 
  Direct retail lending   15,399   136   41   134   15,710 
  Revolving credit   2,256   21   14     2,291 
  Residential mortgage (1)   22,627   585   310   266   23,788 
  Sales finance   7,652   53   11   7   7,723 
  Other lending subsidiaries   5,637   234   1   69   5,941 
   Total (1) $ 106,913 $ 1,112 $ 382 $ 1,540 $ 109,947 

      Accruing Loans and Leases      
           90 Days Or Nonaccrual Total Loans And 
        30-89 Days More Past Loans And Leases, Excluding 
 December 31, 2011 Current Past Due Due Leases Covered Loans 
      (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial $ 35,746 $ 85 $ 2 $ 582 $ 36,415 
  Commercial real estate - other   10,273   22     394   10,689 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC   1,671   14     376   2,061 
  Other lending subsidiaries   3,589   25   4   8   3,626 
  Direct retail lending   14,146   162   56   142   14,506 
  Revolving credit   2,173   22   17     2,212 
  Residential mortgage (1)   19,442   524   307   308   20,581 
  Sales finance   7,301   75   18   7   7,401 
  Other lending subsidiaries   4,807   248   1   55   5,111 
   Total (1) $ 99,148 $ 1,177 $ 405 $ 1,872 $ 102,602 
(1)Residential mortgage loans include $84 million and $81 million in government guaranteed loans 30-89 days past due, and $230 million and $203 million in government guaranteed loans 90 days or more past due as of September 30, 2012 and December 31, 2011, respectively. Residential mortgage loans exclude $6 million and $499 million in loans guaranteed by GNMA that BB&T has the option, but not the obligation, to repurchase, which are past due 30-89 days and 90 days or more, respectively, at September 30, 2012.

The following tables set forth certain information regarding BB&T's impaired loans, excluding acquired impaired loans and loans held for sale, that were evaluated for specific reserves.
         Unpaid    Average Interest 
      Recorded Principal Related Recorded Income 
 As Of / For The Nine Months Ended September 30, 2012 Investment Balance Allowance Investment Recognized 
      (Dollars in millions) 
 With No Related Allowance Recorded:                
   Commercial and industrial $ 127 $ 230 $ $ 119 $ 
   Commercial real estate - other   63   110     86   
   Commercial real estate - residential ADC   84   198     113   
   Direct retail lending   19   73     19   1 
   Residential mortgage (1)   93   158     74   1 
   Sales finance   1   2     1   
   Other lending subsidiaries   2   5     3   
 With An Allowance Recorded:                
   Commercial and industrial   540   563   76   539   2 
   Commercial real estate - other   303   309   42   322   4 
   Commercial real estate - residential ADC   149   159   27   196   1 
   Other lending subsidiaries   4   4   1   6   
   Direct retail lending   139   147   31   137   6 
   Revolving credit   58   57   25   60   2 
   Residential mortgage (1)   639   654   100   648   21 
   Sales finance   10   10   1   13   
   Other lending subsidiaries   82   85   42   59   1 
    Total (1) $ 2,313 $ 2,764 $ 345 $ 2,395 $ 39 

         Unpaid    Average Interest 
      Recorded Principal Related Recorded  Income 
 As Of / For The Year Ended December 31, 2011 Investment Balance Allowance Investment Recognized 
      (Dollars in millions) 
 With No Related Allowance Recorded:                
   Commercial and industrial $ 114 $ 196 $ $ 153 $ 
   Commercial real estate - other   102   163     142   
   Commercial real estate - residential ADC   153   289     187   
   Direct retail lending   19   74     23   1 
   Residential mortgage (1)   46   85     31   1 
   Sales finance   1   1     1   
   Other lending subsidiaries   2   4     1   
 With An Allowance Recorded:                
   Commercial and industrial   542   552   77   482   4 
   Commercial real estate - other   409   433   69   466   7 
   Commercial real estate - residential ADC   267   298   50   360   4 
   Other lending subsidiaries   5   5   1   4   
   Direct retail lending   146   153   35   148   9 
   Revolving credit   62   61   27   62   3 
   Residential mortgage (1)   653   674   125   627   28 
   Sales finance   9   10   1   6   
   Other lending subsidiaries   47   50   20   35   2 
    Total (1) $ 2,577 $ 3,048 $ 405 $ 2,728 $ 59 
(1)Residential mortgage loans exclude $272 million and $232 million in government guaranteed loans and related allowance of $21 million and $27 million as of September 30, 2012 and December 31, 2011, respectively. 

The following tables provide a summary of the primary reason loan modifications were classified as restructurings and their estimated impact on the allowance for loan and lease losses:
       Three Months Ended September 30, 
       2012 2011 
       Types of   Types of   
       Modifications (1) Impact To Modifications (1) Impact To 
       Rate (2) Structure Allowance Rate (2) Structure Allowance 
       (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial$ 8 $ 12 $ $ 5 $ 9 $ 1 
  Commercial real estate - other  5   26     9   22   2 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC  3   3     7   14   1 
  Other lending subsidiaries        1   1   
  Direct retail lending  15   6   3   10   1   2 
  Revolving credit  8     1   10     2 
  Residential mortgage  10   18   2   23   2   2 
  Sales finance  1       2     
  Other lending subsidiaries  19     9   8   2   4 

       Nine Months Ended September 30, 
       2012 2011 
       Types of   Types of   
       Modifications (1) Impact To Modifications (1) Impact To 
       Rate (2) Structure Allowance Rate (2) Structure Allowance 
       (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial$ 22 $ 51 $ $ 26 $ 36 $ 3 
  Commercial real estate - other  35   40     35   45   5 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC  25   24   (2)   23   37   8 
  Other lending subsidiaries        1   1   
  Direct retail lending  31   12   6   42   4   7 
  Revolving credit  23     4   31     6 
  Residential mortgage  92   64   11   77   7   10 
  Sales finance  4       4   3   1 
  Other lending subsidiaries  48   2   17   30   5   12 
(1)Includes modifications made to existing restructurings, as well as new modifications that are considered restructurings. Balances represent the recorded investment as of the end of the period in which the modification was made.
(2)Includes restructurings made with a below market interest rate that also includes a modification of loan structure.

Charge-offs recorded at the modification date were $12 million and $6 million for the three months ended September 30, 2012 and September 30, 2011, respectively. The forgiveness of principal or interest for restructurings recorded during the three months ended September 30, 2012 and September 30, 2011 was immaterial.

Charge-offs recorded at the modification date were $21 million and $29 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2012 and September 30, 2011, respectively. The forgiveness of principal or interest for restructurings recorded during the nine months ended September 30, 2012 and September 30, 2011 was immaterial.

The following table summarizes the pre-default balance for modifications that experienced a payment default that had been classified as restructurings during the previous 12 months. BB&T defines payment default as movement of the restructuring to nonaccrual status, foreclosure or charge-off, whichever occurs first.

     Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 
     2012 2011 2012 2011 
     (Dollars in millions) 
  Commercial and industrial$ $ 5 $ 4 $ 38 
  Commercial real estate - other  1   4   6   79 
  Commercial real estate - residential ADC  1   11   13   73 
  Direct retail lending  3   1   7   14 
  Revolving credit  3   3   9   11 
  Residential mortgage   6   5   30   23 
  Sales finance        1 
  Other lending subsidiaries  5   2   8   4