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Retirement and Postemployment Benefits (Tables)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2012
Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs (Credits) [Line Items]  
Schedule Of Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs (Credits)

The following disclosures distinguish between the domestic (U.S.) and WPD (U.K.) pension plans.

    Pension Benefits         
    U.S. U.K. Other Postretirement Benefits
    2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010
Net periodic defined benefit costs                           
Service cost $ 103 $ 95 $ 64 $ 54 $ 44 $ 17 $ 12 $ 12 $ 8
Interest cost   220   217   159   340   282   151   31   33   28
Expected return on plan assets   (259)   (245)   (184)   (458)   (338)   (202)   (23)   (23)   (20)
Amortization of:                           
  Transition (asset) obligation                     2   2   5
  Prior service cost   24   24   21   4   4   4   1      4
  Actuarial (gain) loss    42   30   8   79   57   48   4   6   6
Net periodic defined benefit costs                           
 (credits) prior to settlement                           
 charges and termination benefits   130   121   68   19   49   18   27   30   31
Settlement charges   11                        
Termination benefits (a)            2   50            
Net periodic defined benefit costs                           
 (credits)  $ 141 $ 121 $ 68 $ 21 $ 99 $ 18 $ 27 $ 30 $ 31
Other Changes in Plan Assets                           
 and Benefit Obligations                           
 Recognized in OCI and                           
 Regulatory Assets/Liabilities -                            
Settlements $ (11)                        
Net (gain) loss   372 $ 117 $ 142 $ 1,073 $ 152 $ 17 $ 13 $ (9) $ 20
Prior service cost                           
 (credit)       8               (1)   10   (71)
Amortization of:                           
  Transition asset                     (2)   (2)   (5)
  Prior service cost   (24)   (24)   (21)   (4)   (4)   (4)   (1)      (4)
  Actuarial gain (loss)    (42)   (30)   (7)   (79)   (57)   (48)   (4)   (6)   (6)
Acquisition of regulatory assets/                           
  Transition obligation                           4
  Prior service cost         31                  6
  Actuarial (gain) loss          303                  (2)
Total recognized in OCI and                           
 regulatory assets/liabilities (b)   295   71   448   990   91   (35)   5   (7)   (58)
Total recognized in net periodic                           
 defined benefit costs, OCI and                           
 regulatory assets/liabilities (b) $ 436 $ 192 $ 516 $ 1,011 $ 190 $ (17) $ 32 $ 23 $ (27)

(a)       Related to the WPD Midlands separations in the U.K.

(b)       WPD is not subject to accounting for the effects of certain types of regulation as prescribed by GAAP. As a result, WPD does not record regulatory assets/liabilities.

Schedule of Amounts Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income and Regulatory Assets and Liabilities

For PPL's U.S. pension benefits and for other postretirement benefits, the amounts recognized in OCI and regulatory assets/liabilities for the years ended December 31 were as follows:

   U.S. Pension Benefits  Other Postretirement Benefits
    2012  2011  2010  2012  2011  2010
OCI $ 181 $ 47 $ 84 $ 12 $ (6) $ (40)
Regulatory assets/liabilities   114   24   364   (7)   (1)   (18)
Total recognized in OCI and                  
 regulatory assets/liabilities $ 295 $ 71 $ 448 $ 5 $ (7) $ (58)
Schedule of Amounts to be Amortized from AOCI and Regulatory Assets/Liabilities in Next Fiscal Year

The estimated amounts to be amortized from AOCI and regulatory assets/liabilities into net periodic defined benefit costs in 2013 are as follows:

  Pension Benefits Postretirement
  U.S. U.K. Benefits
Prior service cost $ 22      
Actuarial loss    78 $ 154 $ 6
Total $ 100 $ 154 $ 6
Amortization from Balance Sheet:         
AOCI $ 43 $ 154 $ 3
Regulatory assets/liabilities   57      3
Total $ 100 $ 154 $ 6
Schedule of Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs Included in Income Statement

Net periodic defined benefit costs (credits) charged to operating expense, excluding amounts charged to construction and other non-expense accounts were:

  Pension Benefits         
  U.S. U.K. Other Postretirement Benefits
  2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010(a) 2012 2011 2010
PPL $ 119 $ 98 $ 59 $ 25 $ 82 $ 16 $ 22 $ 24 $ 27
PPL Energy Supply   37   27   24         16   6   7   12
PPL Electric (b)   19   14   12            3   4   8

(a)       As a result of PPL Energy Supply's January 2011 distribution of its membership interest in PPL Global to its parent, PPL Energy Funding, these amounts are included in "Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations (net of income taxes)" on PPL Energy Supply's Statements of Income. See Note 9 for additional information.

(b)       PPL Electric does not directly sponsor any defined benefit plans. PPL Electric was allocated these costs of defined benefit plans sponsored by PPL Services, based on its participation in those plans, which management believes are reasonable.

Defined Benefit Plan Assumptions and Impact of One Point Change on Postretirement Plans

The following weighted-average assumptions were used in the valuation of the benefit obligations at December 31.

   Pension Benefits      
   U.S. U.K. Other Postretirement Benefits
   2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
 Discount rate  4.22%  5.06%  4.27%  5.24%  4.00%  4.80%
 Rate of compensation increase  3.98%  4.02%  4.00%  4.00%  3.97%  4.00%
PPL Energy Supply                  
 Discount rate  4.25%  5.12%        3.77%  4.60%
 Rate of compensation increase  3.95%  4.00%        3.95%  4.00%

The following weighted-average assumptions were used to determine the net periodic defined benefit costs for the year ended December 31.

   Pension Benefits         
   U.S. U.K. Other Postretirement Benefits
   2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010
 Discount rate  5.06%  5.42%  5.96%  5.24%  5.59%  5.59%  4.80%  5.14%  5.47%
 Rate of compensation increase  4.02%  4.88%  4.79%  4.00%  3.75%  4.00%  4.00%  4.90%  4.78%
 Expected return on plan assets (a)  7.07%  7.25%  7.96%  7.17%  7.04%  7.91%  5.99%  6.57%  6.90%
PPL Energy Supply                           
 Discount rate  5.12%  5.47%  6.00%        5.59%  4.60%  4.95%  5.55%
 Rate of compensation increase  4.00%  4.75%  4.75%        4.00%  4.00%  4.75%  4.75%
 Expected return on plan assets (a)  7.00%  7.25%  8.00%        7.91%  N/A  N/A  N/A

(PPL, PPL Energy Supply, LKE and LG&E)


(a)       The expected long-term rates of return for PPL's, PPL Energy Supply's, LKE's and LG&E's U.S. pension and other postretirement benefits have been developed using a best-estimate of expected returns, volatilities and correlations for each asset class. The best estimates are based on historical performance, future expectations and periodic portfolio rebalancing among the diversified asset classes. PPL management corroborates these rates with expected long-term rates of return calculated by its independent actuary, who uses a building block approach that begins with a risk-free rate of return with factors being added such as inflation, duration, credit spreads and equity risk. Each plan's specific asset allocation is also considered in developing a reasonable return assumption.


       The expected long-term rates of return for PPL's U.K. pension plans have been developed by PPL management with assistance from an independent actuary using a best estimate of expected returns, volatilities and correlations for each asset class. The best estimates are based on historical performance, future expectations and periodic portfolio rebalancing among the diversified asset classes.

The following table provides the assumed health care cost trend rates for the year ended December 31:

     2012 2011 2010
PPL and PPL Energy Supply         
 Health care cost trend rate assumed for next year         
   - obligations  8.0%  8.5%  9.0%
   - cost  8.5%  9.0%  8.0%
 Rate to which the cost trend rate is assumed to decline (the ultimate trend rate)         
   - obligations  5.5%  5.5%  5.5%
   - cost  5.5%  5.5%  5.5%
 Year that the rate reaches the ultimate trend rate         
   - obligations  2019  2019  2019
   - cost  2019  2019  2016

A one percentage point change in the assumed health care costs trend rate assumption would have had the following effects on the other postretirement benefit plans in 2012:

   One Percentage Point
   Increase Decrease
Effect on accumulated postretirement benefit obligation      
 PPL $ 7 $ (6)
 LKE   5   (4)
Schedule of Funded Status of Defined Benefit Plans

The funded status of the PPL plans was as follows:

    Pension Benefits      
    U.S. U.K. Other Postretirement Benefits
    2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Change in Benefit Obligation                  
Benefit Obligation, beginning of period $ 4,381 $ 4,007 $ 6,638 $ 2,841 $ 687 $ 667
  Service cost   103   95   54   44   12   12
  Interest cost   220   217   340   282   31   33
  Participant contributions         15   11   6   5
  Plan amendments      8         (1)   10
  Actuarial loss   546   220   1,081   257   31   6
  Acquisition (a)            3,501      
  Settlements   (25)               
  Termination benefits         2   50      
  Net transfer in (out)         12         
  Actual expenses paid   (3)               
  Gross benefits paid   (176)   (166)   (397)   (309)   (46)   (47)
  Federal subsidy               2   1
  Currency conversion         143   (39)      
Benefit Obligation, end of period   5,046   4,381   7,888   6,638   722   687
Change in Plan Assets                  
Plan assets at fair value, beginning of period   3,471   2,819   6,351   2,524   391   360
  Actual return on plan assets   432   349   476   444   42   38
  Employer contributions   239   470   341   164   27   33
  Participant contributions         15   11   5   5
  Acquisition (a)            3,567      
  Settlements   (25)               
  Actual expenses paid   (2)   (1)            
  Gross benefits paid   (176)   (166)   (397)   (309)   (44)   (45)
  Currency conversion         125   (50)      
Plan assets at fair value, end of period   3,939   3,471   6,911   6,351   421   391
Funded Status, end of period $ (1,107) $ (910) $ (977) $ (287) $ (301) $ (296)
Amounts recognized in the Balance                  
 Sheets consist of:                  
  Noncurrent asset          $ 130      
  Current liability $ (8) $ (29)       $ (1) $ (1)
  Noncurrent liability   (1,099)   (881) $ (977)   (417)   (300)   (295)
Net amount recognized, end of period $ (1,107) $ (910) $ (977) $ (287) $ (301) $ (296)
Amounts recognized in AOCI and                  
 regulatory assets/liabilities (pre-tax)                  
 consist of:                  
Transition obligation                $ 2
Prior service cost (credit) $ 91 $ 115 $ 1 $ 3 $ (7)   (5)
Net actuarial loss   1,241   922   2,184   1,191   106   97
Total (b) $ 1,332 $ 1,037 $ 2,185 $ 1,194 $ 99 $ 94
Total accumulated benefit obligation                  
 for defined benefit pension plans $ 4,569 $ 3,949 $ 7,259 $ 6,144      

(a)       Includes the pension plans of WPD Midlands, which was acquired in 2011. See Note 10 for additional information.

(b)       WPD is not subject to accounting for the effects of certain types of regulation as prescribed by GAAP. As a result, WPD does not record regulatory assets/liabilities.

For PPL's U.S. pension and other postretirement benefit plans, the amounts recognized in AOCI and regulatory assets/liabilities at December 31 were as follows:

   U.S. Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
   2012 2011 2012 2011
AOCI $ 659 $ 481 $ 59 $ 56
Regulatory assets/liabilities   673   556   40   38
Total $ 1,332 $ 1,037 $ 99 $ 94

For the U.K. pension plans of PPL WW, projected and accumulated benefit obligations were in excess of plan assets at December 31 as follows (in billions):

  2012 2011
Projected benefit obligation $ 3.6 $ 3.0
Accumulated benefit obligation   3.3   2.8
Fair value of plan assets   2.8   2.6
Contributions Made to Multiemployer Plans

The table below details total contributions to all multiemployer pension and other postretirement plans, including the plan identified as significant above.

  2012 2011 2010
Pension Plans $31 $36 $26
Other Postretirement Medical Plans  28  31  23
Total Contributions $59 $67 $49
Schedules of Asset Allocation of U.S. Pension Trusts Assets

The asset allocation for the trusts and the target allocation by portfolio, at December 31, are as follows:

PPL Services Corporation Master Trust

         2012 Target Asset Allocation (a)
   Percentage of trust assets  Weighted      
   2012 (a)  2011   Average  PPL Plans  LKE Plans
Growth Portfolio   58%   57%  56%  55%  59%
 Equity securities   31%   31%         
 Debt securities (b)   18%   17%         
 Alternative investments   9%   9%         
Immunizing Portfolio   41%   41%  42%  43%  38%
 Debt securities (b)   40%   40%         
 Derivatives   1%   1%         
Liquidity Portfolio   1%   2%  2%  2%  3%
Total   100%   100%  100%  100%  100%

(a)       Allocations exclude consideration of cash for the WKE Bargaining Employees' Retirement Plan and a guaranteed annuity contract held by the LG&E and KU Retirement Plan.

(b)       Includes commingled debt funds, which PPL treats as debt securities for asset allocation purposes.

LG&E and KU Energy LLC Pension Trusts      
   Percentage Target Asset
    of trust assets Allocation
  2011 2011
Growth Portfolio   54%   59%
 Equity securities   33%   
 Debt securities (a)   21%   
Immunizing Portfolio   34%   38%
 Debt securities (a) (b)   34%   
Liquidity Portfolio (b)   12%   3%
Total   100%   100%

a)       Includes commingled debt funds, which LKE treats as debt securities for asset allocation purposes.

(b)       The asset allocation for this portfolio was not within the established target range due to the transition of assets at the end of 2011 in anticipation of transfer into the PPL Services Corporation Master Trust in January 2012.

Schedule of Fair Value of Financial Assets for U.S. Pension Plan Assets

The fair value of net assets in the U.S. pension plan trusts by asset class and level within the fair value hierarchy was:

     December 31, 2012 December 31, 2011
        Fair Value Measurements Using    Fair Value Measurements Using
     Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
PPL Services Corporation Master Trust                        
Cash and cash equivalents  $ 84 $ 84       $ 78 $ 78      
Equity securities:                        
   Large-cap   558   206 $ 352      371   247 $ 124   
   Small-cap   124   124         112   112      
   Commingled debt   676   56   620      458      458   
  International   557   184   373      299   102   197   
Debt securities:                        
  U.S. Treasury and U.S. government sponsored                        
   agency   704   634   70      515   443   72   
  Residential/commercial backed securities   12      11 $ 1   9      9   
  Corporate   874      847   27   446      439 $ 7
  Other   24      23   1   10      10   
  International   7      7      6      6   
Alternative investments:                        
  Commodities   59      59               
  Real estate   93      93      85      85   
  Private equity   75         75   45         45
  Hedge funds   125      125      92      92   
  Interest rate swaps and swaptions   36      36      20      20   
  Other   2      2      5      5   
Insurance contracts   42         42            
Receivables   55   29   26      50   31   19   
Payables   (66)   (55)   (11)      (48)   (40)   (8)   
Total PPL Services Corporation Master Trust assets   4,041   1,262   2,633   146   2,553   973   1,528   52
401(h) account restricted for other                        
 postretirement benefit obligations   (102)   (32)   (66)   (4)   (26)   (10)   (16)   
Fair value - PPL Services Corporation Master                        
 Trust pension assets   3,939   1,230   2,567   142   2,527   963   1,512   52
(PPL, LKE and LG&E)                        
LG&E and KU Energy LLC Pension Trusts                        
Cash and cash equivalents                122   122      
Equity securities:                        
   Large-cap               220      220   
   Commingled debt               65      65   
  International               106   44   62   
Debt securities:                        
  U.S. Treasury               97   97      
  Corporate               342      342   
  Total return swaps               4      4   
Insurance contracts               46         46
Total LG&E and KU Energy LLC                        
 Pension Trusts assets               1,002   263   693   46
401(h) account restricted for other                        
 postretirement benefit obligations               (58)   (13)   (45)   
Fair value - LG&E and KU Energy LLC                        
 Pension Trusts pension assets               944   250   648   46
Fair value - total U.S. pension plans $ 3,939 $ 1,230 $ 2,567 $ 142 $ 3,471 $ 1,213 $ 2,160 $ 98
Reconciliation of U.S. Pension Trust Assets Classified as Level 3 Included in Earnings

A reconciliation of U.S. pension trust assets classified as Level 3 at December 31, 2012 is as follows:

      backed Corporate Private Insurance Other   
      securities debt equity contracts Debt Total
Balance at beginning of period    $ 7 $ 45 $ 46    $ 98
 Actual return on plan assets                  
   Relating to assets still held                   
    at the reporting date      1   10   3      14
   Relating to assets sold during the period      2            2
 Purchases, sales and settlements $ 1   21   20   (7)      35
 Transfers from level 2 to level 3             $ 1   1
 Transfers from level 3 to level 2      (4)            (4)
Balance at end of period $ 1 $ 27 $ 75 $ 42 $ 1 $ 146

A reconciliation of U.S. pension trust assets classified as Level 3 at December 31, 2011 is as follows:

      backed Corporate Private Insurance     
      securities debt equity contracts Other Total
Balance at beginning of period    $ 6 $ 10 $ 47    $ 63
 Actual return on plan assets                  
   Relating to assets still held                   
    at the reporting date      (4)   8   3      7
 Purchases, sales and settlements      5   27   (4)      28
Balance at end of period    $ 7 $ 45 $ 46    $ 98
Schedules of Target Allocation of U.S. Other Postretirement Benefit Plans VEBA Trust

The asset allocation for the VEBA trusts and the target allocation, by asset class, at December 31 are detailed below.

     Target Asset
   Percentage of plan assets Allocation
  2012 2011 2012
Asset Class         
U.S. Equity securities   46%   41%  45%
Debt securities (a)   51%   53%  50%
Cash and cash equivalents (b)   3%   6%  5%
 Total   100%   100%   100%

(a)       Includes commingled debt funds and debt securities.

(b)       Includes commingled money market fund.

Schedule of Fair Value of Financial Assets for U.S. Postretirement Benefits

The fair value of assets in the U.S. other postretirement benefit plans by asset class and level within the fair value hierarchy was:

     December 31, 2012 December 31, 2011
        Fair Value Measurement Using    Fair Value Measurement Using
     Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
U.S. Equity securities:                        
  Large-cap $ 145    $ 145    $ 126    $ 126   
  Commingled debt    119      119      121      121   
  Commingled money market funds    13 $ 13         20      20   
  Municipalities    41      41      40      40   
Receivables    1      1               
Total VEBA trust assets   319   13   306      307      307   
401(h) account assets (a)   102   32   66 $ 4   84 $ 23   61   
Fair value - U.S. other postretirement                        
 benefit plans $ 421 $ 45 $ 372 $ 4 $ 391 $ 23 $ 368   

(a)       LKE's other postretirement benefit plan was invested primarily in a 401(h) account as disclosed in the PPL Services Corporation Master trust in 2012 and the LG&E and KU Energy LLC Pension Trusts in 2011.

Schedules of Asset Allocation of U.K. Pension Plan Assets

The asset allocation and target allocation at December 31 of WPD's pension plans are detailed below.

         Target Asset
   Percentage of plan assets Allocation
  2012 2011 2012
Asset Class         
Cash and cash equivalents      5%   
Equity securities         
 U.K.   6%   14%  6%
 European (excluding the U.K.)   14%   5%  4%
 Asian-Pacific      5%  3%
 North American       5%  5%
 Emerging markets   3%   2%  5%
 Currency   2%   1%  1%
 Global Tactical Asset Allocation   18%     18%
Debt securities (a)   51%   56%  52%
Alternative investments   6%   7%  6%
 Total   100%   100%   100%

(a)       Includes commingled debt funds.

Schedule of Fair Value of Financial Assets for U.K. Pension Plan Assets

The fair value of assets in the U.K. pension plans by asset class and level within the fair value hierarchy was:

     December 31, 2012 December 31, 2011
        Fair Value Measurement Using    Fair Value Measurement Using
     Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Cash and cash equivalents $ 14 $ 14       $ 313 $ 313      
Equity securities:                        
  U.K. companies   440   223 $ 217      921    $ 921   
  European companies (excluding the U.K.)   956   720   236      313      313   
  Asian-Pacific companies               312      312   
  North American companies               335      335   
  Emerging markets companies   231      231      116      116   
  Currency   127      127      31      31   
  Global Tactical Asset Allocation   1,220      1,220      25      25   
  Commingled debt:                        
   U.K. corporate bonds   593      593      699      699   
   U.K. gilts   1,664      1,664      2,109      2,109   
   U.K. index-linked gilts   1,243      1,243      744      744   
Alternative investments:                        
  Real estate   423      423      433      433   
Fair value - U.K. pension plans $ 6,911 $ 957 $ 5,954    $ 6,351 $ 313 $ 6,038   
Schedule of Expected Cash Flows - U.S. Defined Benefit Plans - Expected Payments and Related Federal Subsidy

The following benefit payments, which reflect expected future service, as appropriate, are expected to be paid and the following federal subsidy payments are expected to be received by the separate plan trusts.

     Other Postretirement
     Benefit Federal
   Pension Payment Subsidy
2013 $ 196 $ 49 $ 1
2014   206   53   1
2015   219   55   1
2016   232   58   1
2017   249   60   1
2018-2022   1,475   333   3
Schedule of Expected Cash Flows - U.K. Pension Plans - Expected Payments

The following benefit payments, which reflect expected future service, as appropriate, are expected to be paid by the separate plan trusts.

2013 $ 379
2014   385
2015   393
2016   400
2017   406
2018-2022   2,141
Expected Employer Contributions to U.S. Savings Plans

Substantially all employees of PPL's domestic subsidiaries are eligible to participate in deferred savings plans (401(k)s). Employer contributions to the plans were:

  2012 2011 2010
PPL $ 36 $ 31 $ 23
PPL Energy Supply   12   11   10
PPL Electric   5   5   4

     Successor  Predecessor
          Two Months  Ten Months
     Year Ended Year Ended Ended  Ended
     December 31, December 31, December 31,  October 31,
     2012 2011 2010  2010
LKE $12 $11 $2  $9
LG&E  6  5  1   4
KU  6  6  1   4
PPL Energy Supply LLC [Member]
Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs (Credits) [Line Items]  
Schedule Of Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs (Credits)
(PPL Energy Supply)                           
    Pension Benefits         
    U.S. U.K. (a) Other Postretirement Benefits
    2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010
PPL Energy Supply                           
Net periodic defined benefit costs                           
Service cost $ 6 $ 5 $ 4       $ 17 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1
Interest cost   7   7   7         151   1   1   1
Expected return on plan assets   (9)   (9)   (7)         (202)         
Amortization of:                           
  Prior service cost                  4         
  Actuarial (gain) loss    2   2   2         48         
Net periodic defined benefit costs                           
 (credits) prior to settlement charges   6   5   6         18   2   2   2
Net periodic defined benefit costs                           
 (credits)  $ 6 $ 5 $ 6       $ 18 $ 2 $ 2 $ 2
Other Changes in Plan Assets                           
 and Benefit Obligations                           
 Recognized in OCI:                           
Current year net (gain) loss $ 16 $ 7 $ 4       $ 17    $ (2)   
Current year prior service credit                   $ (1)      
Amortization of:                           
  Prior service cost                  (4)         
  Actuarial gain (loss)    (2)   (2)   (2)         (48)         
Total recognized in OCI   14   5   2         (35)   (1)   (2)   
Total recognized in net periodic                           
 defined benefit costs and OCI $ 20 $ 10 $ 8       $ (17) $ 1 $  $ 2

(a)        In January 2011, PPL Energy Supply distributed its membership interest in PPL Global to PPL Energy Supply's parent. See Note 9 for additional information.

Schedule of Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs Included in Income Statement

Net periodic defined benefit costs (credits) charged to operating expense, excluding amounts charged to construction and other non-expense accounts were:

  Pension Benefits         
  U.S. U.K. Other Postretirement Benefits
  2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010(a) 2012 2011 2010
PPL $ 119 $ 98 $ 59 $ 25 $ 82 $ 16 $ 22 $ 24 $ 27
PPL Energy Supply   37   27   24         16   6   7   12
PPL Electric (b)   19   14   12            3   4   8

(a)       As a result of PPL Energy Supply's January 2011 distribution of its membership interest in PPL Global to its parent, PPL Energy Funding, these amounts are included in "Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations (net of income taxes)" on PPL Energy Supply's Statements of Income. See Note 9 for additional information.

(b)       PPL Electric does not directly sponsor any defined benefit plans. PPL Electric was allocated these costs of defined benefit plans sponsored by PPL Services, based on its participation in those plans, which management believes are reasonable.


In the table above, for PPL Energy Supply, amounts include costs for the specific plans it sponsors and the following allocated costs of defined benefit plans sponsored by PPL Services, based on PPL Energy Supply's participation in those plans, which management believes are reasonable:

    Pension Benefits  Other Postretirement Benefits
     2012  2011  2010  2012  2011  2010
  PPL Energy Supply $ 31 $ 23 $ 19 $ 5 $6 $ 10
Defined Benefit Plan Assumptions and Impact of One Point Change on Postretirement Plans

The following weighted-average assumptions were used in the valuation of the benefit obligations at December 31.

   Pension Benefits      
   U.S. U.K. Other Postretirement Benefits
   2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
 Discount rate  4.22%  5.06%  4.27%  5.24%  4.00%  4.80%
 Rate of compensation increase  3.98%  4.02%  4.00%  4.00%  3.97%  4.00%
PPL Energy Supply                  
 Discount rate  4.25%  5.12%        3.77%  4.60%
 Rate of compensation increase  3.95%  4.00%        3.95%  4.00%

The following weighted-average assumptions were used to determine the net periodic defined benefit costs for the year ended December 31.

   Pension Benefits         
   U.S. U.K. Other Postretirement Benefits
   2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010
 Discount rate  5.06%  5.42%  5.96%  5.24%  5.59%  5.59%  4.80%  5.14%  5.47%
 Rate of compensation increase  4.02%  4.88%  4.79%  4.00%  3.75%  4.00%  4.00%  4.90%  4.78%
 Expected return on plan assets (a)  7.07%  7.25%  7.96%  7.17%  7.04%  7.91%  5.99%  6.57%  6.90%
PPL Energy Supply                           
 Discount rate  5.12%  5.47%  6.00%        5.59%  4.60%  4.95%  5.55%
 Rate of compensation increase  4.00%  4.75%  4.75%        4.00%  4.00%  4.75%  4.75%
 Expected return on plan assets (a)  7.00%  7.25%  8.00%        7.91%  N/A  N/A  N/A

(PPL, PPL Energy Supply, LKE and LG&E)


(a)       The expected long-term rates of return for PPL's, PPL Energy Supply's, LKE's and LG&E's U.S. pension and other postretirement benefits have been developed using a best-estimate of expected returns, volatilities and correlations for each asset class. The best estimates are based on historical performance, future expectations and periodic portfolio rebalancing among the diversified asset classes. PPL management corroborates these rates with expected long-term rates of return calculated by its independent actuary, who uses a building block approach that begins with a risk-free rate of return with factors being added such as inflation, duration, credit spreads and equity risk. Each plan's specific asset allocation is also considered in developing a reasonable return assumption.


       The expected long-term rates of return for PPL's U.K. pension plans have been developed by PPL management with assistance from an independent actuary using a best estimate of expected returns, volatilities and correlations for each asset class. The best estimates are based on historical performance, future expectations and periodic portfolio rebalancing among the diversified asset classes.

The following table provides the assumed health care cost trend rates for the year ended December 31:

     2012 2011 2010
PPL and PPL Energy Supply         
 Health care cost trend rate assumed for next year         
   - obligations  8.0%  8.5%  9.0%
   - cost  8.5%  9.0%  8.0%
 Rate to which the cost trend rate is assumed to decline (the ultimate trend rate)         
   - obligations  5.5%  5.5%  5.5%
   - cost  5.5%  5.5%  5.5%
 Year that the rate reaches the ultimate trend rate         
   - obligations  2019  2019  2019
   - cost  2019  2019  2016
Schedule of Funded Status of Defined Benefit Plans
(PPL Energy Supply)               
The funded status of the PPL Energy Supply plans were as follows:
    Pension Benefits      
    U.S. U.K.  Other Postretirement Benefits
    2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Change in Benefit Obligation                  
Benefit Obligation, beginning of period $ 143 $ 121    $ 2,841 $ 17 $ 18
  Service cost   6   5         1   1
  Interest cost   7   7         1   1
  Plan amendments               (1)   
  Actuarial loss   23   13            (2)
  Distribution to parent (a)            (2,841)      
  Actual expenses paid                  (1)
  Gross benefits paid   (3)   (3)         (1)   
Benefit Obligation, end of period   176   143         17   17
Change in Plan Assets                  
Plan assets at fair value, beginning of                   
 period   132   106      2,524      
  Actual return on plan assets   16   14            
  Employer contributions   4   15            
  Distribution to parent (a)            (2,524)      
  Gross benefits paid   (3)   (3)            
Plan assets at fair value, end of period   149   132            
Funded Status, end of period $ (27) $ (11)    $  $ (17) $ (17)
Amounts recognized in the Balance                  
 Sheets consist of:                  
  Current liability             $ (1) $ (1)
  Noncurrent liability $ (27) $ (11)         (16)   (16)
Net amount recognized, end of period $ (27) $ (11)       $ (17) $ (17)
Amounts recognized in AOCI                   
 (pre-tax) consist of:                  
Prior service cost (credit)    $ 1       $ (1)   
Net actuarial loss $ 52   38         2 $ 2
Total  $ 52 $ 39       $ 1 $ 2
Total accumulated benefit obligation                  
 for defined benefit pension plans $ 176 $ 143            

(a)       As a result of PPL Energy Supply's January 2011 distribution of its membership interest in PPL Global to its parent, PPL Energy Funding, the funded status and AOCI were removed from the balance sheet in January 2011. See Note 9 for additional information.

Allocations to PPL Energy Supply resulted in liabilities at December 31 as follows:

  2012 2011
Funded status of the pension plans $ 268 $ 204
Other postretirement benefits   60   51
Contributions Made to Multiemployer Plans

The table below details total contributions to all multiemployer pension and other postretirement plans, including the plan identified as significant above.

  2012 2011 2010
Pension Plans $31 $36 $26
Other Postretirement Medical Plans  28  31  23
Total Contributions $59 $67 $49
Schedules of Asset Allocation of U.S. Pension Trusts Assets

The asset allocation for the trusts and the target allocation by portfolio, at December 31, are as follows:

PPL Services Corporation Master Trust

         2012 Target Asset Allocation (a)
   Percentage of trust assets  Weighted      
   2012 (a)  2011   Average  PPL Plans  LKE Plans
Growth Portfolio   58%   57%  56%  55%  59%
 Equity securities   31%   31%         
 Debt securities (b)   18%   17%         
 Alternative investments   9%   9%         
Immunizing Portfolio   41%   41%  42%  43%  38%
 Debt securities (b)   40%   40%         
 Derivatives   1%   1%         
Liquidity Portfolio   1%   2%  2%  2%  3%
Total   100%   100%  100%  100%  100%

(b)       Includes commingled debt funds, which PPL treats as debt securities for asset allocation purposes.

Schedule of Fair Value of Financial Assets for U.S. Pension Plan Assets

The fair value of net assets in the U.S. pension plan trusts by asset class and level within the fair value hierarchy was:

     December 31, 2012 December 31, 2011
        Fair Value Measurements Using    Fair Value Measurements Using
     Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
PPL Services Corporation Master Trust                        
Cash and cash equivalents  $ 84 $ 84       $ 78 $ 78      
Equity securities:                        
   Large-cap   558   206 $ 352      371   247 $ 124   
   Small-cap   124   124         112   112      
   Commingled debt   676   56   620      458      458   
  International   557   184   373      299   102   197   
Debt securities:                        
  U.S. Treasury and U.S. government sponsored                        
   agency   704   634   70      515   443   72   
  Residential/commercial backed securities   12      11 $ 1   9      9   
  Corporate   874      847   27   446      439 $ 7
  Other   24      23   1   10      10   
  International   7      7      6      6   
Alternative investments:                        
  Commodities   59      59               
  Real estate   93      93      85      85   
  Private equity   75         75   45         45
  Hedge funds   125      125      92      92   
  Interest rate swaps and swaptions   36      36      20      20   
  Other   2      2      5      5   
Insurance contracts   42         42            
Receivables   55   29   26      50   31   19   
Payables   (66)   (55)   (11)      (48)   (40)   (8)   
Total PPL Services Corporation Master Trust assets   4,041   1,262   2,633   146   2,553   973   1,528   52
401(h) account restricted for other                        
 postretirement benefit obligations   (102)   (32)   (66)   (4)   (26)   (10)   (16)   
Fair value - PPL Services Corporation Master                        
 Trust pension assets   3,939   1,230   2,567   142   2,527   963   1,512   52
(PPL, LKE and LG&E)                        
LG&E and KU Energy LLC Pension Trusts                        
Cash and cash equivalents                122   122      
Equity securities:                        
   Large-cap               220      220   
   Commingled debt               65      65   
  International               106   44   62   
Debt securities:                        
  U.S. Treasury               97   97      
  Corporate               342      342   
  Total return swaps               4      4   
Insurance contracts               46         46
Total LG&E and KU Energy LLC                        
 Pension Trusts assets               1,002   263   693   46
401(h) account restricted for other                        
 postretirement benefit obligations               (58)   (13)   (45)   
Fair value - LG&E and KU Energy LLC                        
 Pension Trusts pension assets               944   250   648   46
Fair value - total U.S. pension plans $ 3,939 $ 1,230 $ 2,567 $ 142 $ 3,471 $ 1,213 $ 2,160 $ 98
Reconciliation of U.S. Pension Trust Assets Classified as Level 3 Included in Earnings

A reconciliation of U.S. pension trust assets classified as Level 3 at December 31, 2012 is as follows:

      backed Corporate Private Insurance Other   
      securities debt equity contracts Debt Total
Balance at beginning of period    $ 7 $ 45 $ 46    $ 98
 Actual return on plan assets                  
   Relating to assets still held                   
    at the reporting date      1   10   3      14
   Relating to assets sold during the period      2            2
 Purchases, sales and settlements $ 1   21   20   (7)      35
 Transfers from level 2 to level 3             $ 1   1
 Transfers from level 3 to level 2      (4)            (4)
Balance at end of period $ 1 $ 27 $ 75 $ 42 $ 1 $ 146

A reconciliation of U.S. pension trust assets classified as Level 3 at December 31, 2011 is as follows:

      backed Corporate Private Insurance     
      securities debt equity contracts Other Total
Balance at beginning of period    $ 6 $ 10 $ 47    $ 63
 Actual return on plan assets                  
   Relating to assets still held                   
    at the reporting date      (4)   8   3      7
 Purchases, sales and settlements      5   27   (4)      28
Balance at end of period    $ 7 $ 45 $ 46    $ 98
Schedule of Expected Cash Flows - U.S. Defined Benefit Plans - Expected Payments and Related Federal Subsidy

The following benefit payments, which reflect expected future service, as appropriate, are expected to be paid by the separate plan trusts.

  Pension Postretirement
2013 $ 4 $ 1
2014   5   2
2015   6   2
2016   6   2
2017   7   2
2018-2022   48   12
PPL Electric Utilities Corp [Member]
Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs (Credits) [Line Items]  
Schedule of Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs Included in Income Statement

Net periodic defined benefit costs (credits) charged to operating expense, excluding amounts charged to construction and other non-expense accounts were:

  Pension Benefits         
  U.S. U.K. Other Postretirement Benefits
  2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010(a) 2012 2011 2010
PPL $ 119 $ 98 $ 59 $ 25 $ 82 $ 16 $ 22 $ 24 $ 27
PPL Energy Supply   37   27   24         16   6   7   12
PPL Electric (b)   19   14   12            3   4   8

(b)       PPL Electric does not directly sponsor any defined benefit plans. PPL Electric was allocated these costs of defined benefit plans sponsored by PPL Services, based on its participation in those plans, which management believes are reasonable.

Schedule of Funded Status of Defined Benefit Plans

Allocations to PPL Electric resulted in liabilities at December 31 as follows:

  2012 2011
Funded status of the pension plans $ 237 $ 186
Other postretirement benefits   61   53
LG And E And KU Energy LLC [Member]
Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs (Credits) [Line Items]  
Schedule Of Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs (Credits)

The following table provides the components of net periodic defined benefit costs for LKE's pension and other postretirement benefit plans for the years ended December 31, 2012, and 2011, and November 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, for the Successor and January 1, 2010 through October 31, 2010, for the Predecessor.

    Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
    Successor  Predecessor Successor  Predecessor
    2012 2011 2010  2010 2012 2011 2010  2010
Net periodic defined benefit costs                          
Service cost $ 22 $ 24 $ 4  $ 17 $ 4 $ 4 $ 1  $ 3
Interest cost   64   67   11    54   9   10   1    9
Expected return on plan assets   (70)   (64)   (9)    (45)   (4)   (3)       (2)
Amortization of:                          
  Transition obligation                2   2       1
  Prior service cost   5   5   1    7   3   2       2
  Actuarial (gain) loss    22   24   5    16   (1)          
Net periodic defined benefit costs $ 43 $ 56 $ 12  $ 49 $ 13 $ 15 $ 2  $ 13
Other Changes in Plan Assets                          
 and Benefit Obligations                          
 Recognized in OCI and                          
 Regulatory Assets/Liabilities -                           
Current year net (gain) loss $ 96 $ 29 $ (22)  $ 96 $ (11) $ (3) $ (2)  $ 3
Current year prior service cost      8             11       
Amortization of:                          
  Transition obligation                (2)   (2)       (2)
  Prior service cost   (5)   (5)   (1)    (7)   (3)   (2)       (1)
  Actuarial gain (loss)    (22)   (24)   (5)    (16)   1          
Total recognized in OCI and                          
 regulatory assets/liabilities   69   8   (28)    73   (15)   4   (2)    
Total recognized in net periodic                          
 defined benefit costs, OCI and regulatory                          
 assets/liabilities $ 112 $ 64 $ (16)  $ 122 $ (2) $ 19 $   $ 13
Schedule of Amounts Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income and Regulatory Assets and Liabilities

For LKE's pension and other postretirement benefits, the amounts recognized in OCI and regulatory assets/liabilities are as follows at December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010 for the Successor, and at October 31, 2010 for the Predecessor.

    Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
    Successor  Predecessor Successor  Predecessor
    2012 2011 2010  2010 2012 2011 2010  2010
 OCI $ 34 $ 1 $ (8)  $ 32 $ (1) $ 2 $ (1)  $ (1)
 Regulatory assets/liabilities   35   7   (20)    41   (14)   2   (1)    1
 Total recognized in OCI and                          
  regulatory assets/liabilities $ 69 $ 8 $ (28)  $ 73 $ (15) $ 4 $ (2)  $ 
Schedule of Amounts to be Amortized from AOCI and Regulatory Assets/Liabilities in Next Fiscal Year


The estimated amounts to be amortized from AOCI and regulatory assets/liabilities into net periodic defined benefit costs for LKE in 2013 are as follows.

  Pension Postretirement
  Benefits Benefits
Prior service cost $ 5 $ 3
Actuarial loss    31   (1)
Total $ 36 $ 2
Amortization from Balance Sheet:      
Regulatory assets/liabilities $ 36 $ 2
Total $ 36 $ 2
Schedule of Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs Included in Income Statement

The following table provides net periodic defined benefit costs charged to operating expense for the years ended December 31, 2012, and 2011, and November 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, for the Successor and January 1, 2010 through October 31, 2010, for the Predecessor.

  Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
  Successor  Predecessor  Successor  Predecessor
  2012 2011 2010  2010  2012 2011 2010  2010
LKE $ 31 $ 40 $ 9  $ 37  $ 9 $ 11 $ 2  $ 9
LG&E   13   16   3    12    5   5   1    4
KU (a)   8   10   2    8    3   4   1    3

(a)       KU does not directly sponsor any defined benefit plans. KU was allocated these costs of defined benefit plans sponsored by LKE, based on its participation in those plans, which management believes are reasonable.

Defined Benefit Plan Assumptions and Impact of One Point Change on Postretirement Plans

The following table provides the weighted-average assumptions used in the valuation of the benefit obligations at December 31.

    Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
    2012 2011 2012 2011
 Discount rate   4.24%  5.08%  3.99%  4.78%
 Rate of compensation increase   4.00%  4.00%  4.00%  4.00%
 Discount rate   4.20%  5.00%      
 Rate of compensation increase   N/A  N/A      

The following table provides the weighted-average assumptions used to determine the net periodic defined benefit costs for the years ended December 31, 2012, and 2011, and November 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, for the Successor and January 1, 2010 through October 31, 2010, for the Predecessor.

   Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
   Successor  Predecessor Successor  Predecessor
   2012 2011 2010  2010 2012 2011 2010  2010
 Discount rate  5.09%  5.49%  5.40%   6.11%  4.78%  5.12%  4.94%   5.82%
 Rate of compensation increase  4.00%  5.25%  5.25%   5.25%  4.00%  5.25%  5.25%   5.25%
 Expected return on plan assets (a)  7.25%  7.25%  7.25%   7.75%  7.02%  7.16%  7.04%   7.20%
 Discount rate  5.00%  5.39%  5.28%   6.08%             
 Rate of compensation increase  N/A  N/A  N/A   N/A             
 Expected return on plan assets (a)  7.25%  7.25%  7.25%   7.75%             

(PPL, PPL Energy Supply, LKE and LG&E)


(a)       The expected long-term rates of return for PPL's, PPL Energy Supply's, LKE's and LG&E's U.S. pension and other postretirement benefits have been developed using a best-estimate of expected returns, volatilities and correlations for each asset class. The best estimates are based on historical performance, future expectations and periodic portfolio rebalancing among the diversified asset classes. PPL management corroborates these rates with expected long-term rates of return calculated by its independent actuary, who uses a building block approach that begins with a risk-free rate of return with factors being added such as inflation, duration, credit spreads and equity risk. Each plan's specific asset allocation is also considered in developing a reasonable return assumption.


       The expected long-term rates of return for PPL's U.K. pension plans have been developed by PPL management with assistance from an independent actuary using a best estimate of expected returns, volatilities and correlations for each asset class. The best estimates are based on historical performance, future expectations and periodic portfolio rebalancing among the diversified asset classes.

The following table provides the assumed health care cost trend rates for the years ended December 31, 2012, 2011 and November 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, for the Successor and January 1, 2010 through October 31, 2010, for the Predecessor.

     Successor  Predecessor
     2012 2011 2010  2010
 Health care cost trend rate assumed for next year             
   - obligations  8.0%  8.5%  9.0%   7.8%
   - cost  8.5%  9.0%  9.0%   8.0%
 Rate to which the cost trend rate is assumed to decline (the ultimate trend rate)             
   - obligations  5.5%  5.5%  5.5%   4.5%
   - cost  5.5%  5.5%  5.5%   4.5%
 Year that the rate reaches the ultimate trend rate             
   - obligations  2019  2019  2019   2029
   - cost  2019  2019  2019   2029

A one percentage point change in the assumed health care costs trend rate assumption would have had the following effects on the other postretirement benefit plans in 2012:

   One Percentage Point
   Increase Decrease
Effect on accumulated postretirement benefit obligation      
 PPL $ 7 $ (6)
 LKE   5   (4)
Schedule of Funded Status of Defined Benefit Plans

The funded status of the LKE plans was as follows.

    Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
    2012 2011 2012 2011
Change in Benefit Obligation            
Benefit Obligation, beginning of period $ 1,306 $ 1,229 $ 214 $ 204
  Service cost   22   24   4   4
  Interest cost   63   67   9   10
  Plan amendments      9      10
  Actuarial loss (gain)   144   25   (8)   (3)
  Gross benefits paid   (48)   (48)   (11)   (12)
  Federal subsidy         1   1
Benefit Obligation, end of period   1,487   1,306   209   214
Change in Plan Assets            
Plan assets at fair value, beginning of period   944   778   58   49
  Actual return on plan assets   117   62   8   3
  Employer contributions   57   152   13   18
  Gross benefits paid   (48)   (48)   (11)   (12)
Plan assets at fair value, end of period   1,070   944   68   58
Funded Status, end of period $ (417) $ (362) $ (141) $ (156)
Amounts recognized in the Balance            
 Sheets consist of:            
  Current liability $ (3) $ (3)      
  Noncurrent liability   (414)   (359) $ (141) $ (156)
Net amount recognized, end of period $ (417) $ (362) $ (141) $ (156)
Amounts recognized in AOCI and            
 regulatory assets/liabilities (pre-tax)            
 consist of:            
Transition obligation          $ 2
Prior service cost $ 28 $ 34 $ 11   14
Net actuarial (gain) loss   355   280   (17)   (7)
Total $ 383 $ 314 $ (6) $ 9
Total accumulated benefit obligation            
 for defined benefit pension plans $ 1,319 $ 1,141      

At December 31, the amounts recognized in AOCI and regulatory assets/liabilities are as follows.

   Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
   2012 2011 2012 2011
 AOCI $ 27 $ (7)    $ 1
 Regulatory assets/liabilities   356   321 $ (6)   8
 Total $ 383 $ 314 $ (6) $ 9
Schedules of Asset Allocation of U.S. Pension Trusts Assets

The asset allocation for the trusts and the target allocation by portfolio, at December 31, are as follows:

PPL Services Corporation Master Trust

         2012 Target Asset Allocation (a)
   Percentage of trust assets  Weighted      
   2012 (a)  2011   Average  PPL Plans  LKE Plans
Growth Portfolio   58%   57%  56%  55%  59%
 Equity securities   31%   31%         
 Debt securities (b)   18%   17%         
 Alternative investments   9%   9%         
Immunizing Portfolio   41%   41%  42%  43%  38%
 Debt securities (b)   40%   40%         
 Derivatives   1%   1%         
Liquidity Portfolio   1%   2%  2%  2%  3%
Total   100%   100%  100%  100%  100%

(a)       Allocations exclude consideration of cash for the WKE Bargaining Employees' Retirement Plan and a guaranteed annuity contract held by the LG&E and KU Retirement Plan.

(b)       Includes commingled debt funds, which PPL treats as debt securities for asset allocation purposes.

LG&E and KU Energy LLC Pension Trusts      
   Percentage Target Asset
    of trust assets Allocation
  2011 2011
Growth Portfolio   54%   59%
 Equity securities   33%   
 Debt securities (a)   21%   
Immunizing Portfolio   34%   38%
 Debt securities (a) (b)   34%   
Liquidity Portfolio (b)   12%   3%
Total   100%   100%

(a)       Includes commingled debt funds, which LKE treats as debt securities for asset allocation purposes.

(b)       The asset allocation for this portfolio was not within the established target range due to the transition of assets at the end of 2011 in anticipation of transfer into the PPL Services Corporation Master Trust in January 2012.

Schedule of Fair Value of Financial Assets for U.S. Pension Plan Assets

The fair value of net assets in the U.S. pension plan trusts by asset class and level within the fair value hierarchy was:

     December 31, 2012 December 31, 2011
        Fair Value Measurements Using    Fair Value Measurements Using
     Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
PPL Services Corporation Master Trust                        
Cash and cash equivalents  $ 84 $ 84       $ 78 $ 78      
Equity securities:                        
   Large-cap   558   206 $ 352      371   247 $ 124   
   Small-cap   124   124         112   112      
   Commingled debt   676   56   620      458      458   
  International   557   184   373      299   102   197   
Debt securities:                        
  U.S. Treasury and U.S. government sponsored                        
   agency   704   634   70      515   443   72   
  Residential/commercial backed securities   12      11 $ 1   9      9   
  Corporate   874      847   27   446      439 $ 7
  Other   24      23   1   10      10   
  International   7      7      6      6   
Alternative investments:                        
  Commodities   59      59               
  Real estate   93      93      85      85   
  Private equity   75         75   45         45
  Hedge funds   125      125      92      92   
  Interest rate swaps and swaptions   36      36      20      20   
  Other   2      2      5      5   
Insurance contracts   42         42            
Receivables   55   29   26      50   31   19   
Payables   (66)   (55)   (11)      (48)   (40)   (8)   
Total PPL Services Corporation Master Trust assets   4,041   1,262   2,633   146   2,553   973   1,528   52
401(h) account restricted for other                        
 postretirement benefit obligations   (102)   (32)   (66)   (4)   (26)   (10)   (16)   
Fair value - PPL Services Corporation Master                        
 Trust pension assets   3,939   1,230   2,567   142   2,527   963   1,512   52
(PPL, LKE and LG&E)                        
LG&E and KU Energy LLC Pension Trusts                        
Cash and cash equivalents                122   122      
Equity securities:                        
   Large-cap               220      220   
   Commingled debt               65      65   
  International               106   44   62   
Debt securities:                        
  U.S. Treasury               97   97      
  Corporate               342      342   
  Total return swaps               4      4   
Insurance contracts               46         46
Total LG&E and KU Energy LLC                        
 Pension Trusts assets               1,002   263   693   46
401(h) account restricted for other                        
 postretirement benefit obligations               (58)   (13)   (45)   
Fair value - LG&E and KU Energy LLC                        
 Pension Trusts pension assets               944   250   648   46
Fair value - total U.S. pension plans $ 3,939 $ 1,230 $ 2,567 $ 142 $ 3,471 $ 1,213 $ 2,160 $ 98
Reconciliation of U.S. Pension Trust Assets Classified as Level 3 Included in Earnings

A reconciliation of U.S. pension trust assets classified as Level 3 at December 31, 2012 is as follows:

      backed Corporate Private Insurance Other   
      securities debt equity contracts Debt Total
Balance at beginning of period    $ 7 $ 45 $ 46    $ 98
 Actual return on plan assets                  
   Relating to assets still held                   
    at the reporting date      1   10   3      14
   Relating to assets sold during the period      2            2
 Purchases, sales and settlements $ 1   21   20   (7)      35
 Transfers from level 2 to level 3             $ 1   1
 Transfers from level 3 to level 2      (4)            (4)
Balance at end of period $ 1 $ 27 $ 75 $ 42 $ 1 $ 146

A reconciliation of U.S. pension trust assets classified as Level 3 at December 31, 2011 is as follows:

      backed Corporate Private Insurance     
      securities debt equity contracts Other Total
Balance at beginning of period    $ 6 $ 10 $ 47    $ 63
 Actual return on plan assets                  
   Relating to assets still held                   
    at the reporting date      (4)   8   3      7
 Purchases, sales and settlements      5   27   (4)      28
Balance at end of period    $ 7 $ 45 $ 46    $ 98
Schedules of Target Allocation of U.S. Other Postretirement Benefit Plans VEBA Trust

The asset allocation for the VEBA trusts and the target allocation, by asset class, at December 31 are detailed below.

     Target Asset
   Percentage of plan assets Allocation
  2012 2011 2012
Asset Class         
U.S. Equity securities   46%   41%  45%
Debt securities (a)   51%   53%  50%
Cash and cash equivalents (b)   3%   6%  5%
 Total   100%   100%   100%

(a)       Includes commingled debt funds and debt securities.

(b)       Includes commingled money market fund.

Schedule of Fair Value of Financial Assets for U.S. Postretirement Benefits

The fair value of assets in the U.S. other postretirement benefit plans by asset class and level within the fair value hierarchy was:

     December 31, 2012 December 31, 2011
        Fair Value Measurement Using    Fair Value Measurement Using
     Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
U.S. Equity securities:                        
  Large-cap $ 145    $ 145    $ 126    $ 126   
  Commingled debt    119      119      121      121   
  Commingled money market funds    13 $ 13         20      20   
  Municipalities    41      41      40      40   
Receivables    1      1               
Total VEBA trust assets   319   13   306      307      307   
401(h) account assets (a)   102   32   66 $ 4   84 $ 23   61   
Fair value - U.S. other postretirement                        
 benefit plans $ 421 $ 45 $ 372 $ 4 $ 391 $ 23 $ 368   

(a)       LKE's other postretirement benefit plan was invested primarily in a 401(h) account as disclosed in the PPL Services Corporation Master trust in 2012 and the LG&E and KU Energy LLC Pension Trusts in 2011.

Schedule of Expected Cash Flows - U.S. Defined Benefit Plans - Expected Payments and Related Federal Subsidy

The following benefit payments, which reflect expected future service, as appropriate, are expected to be paid and the following federal subsidy payments are expected to be received by the separate plan trusts.

     Other Postretirement
     Benefit Federal
   Pension Payment Subsidy
2013 $ 55 $ 13 $ 1
2014   55   13   
2015   58   14   1
2016   60   14   
2017   65   14   1
2018 - 2022   399   77   2
Louisville Gas And Electric Co [Member]
Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs (Credits) [Line Items]  
Schedule Of Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs (Credits)

The following table provides the components of net periodic defined benefit costs for LG&E's pension benefit plan for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011, and November 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, for the Successor and January 1, 2010 through October 31, 2010, for the Predecessor.

    Pension Benefits
    Successor   Predecessor
    2012 2011 2010   2010
Net periodic defined benefit costs (credits):              
Service cost $ 2 $ 2      $ 1
Interest cost   14   14 $ 2     12
Expected return on plan assets   (19)   (18)   (3)     (13)
Amortization of:              
  Prior service cost   3   2   1     2
  Actuarial loss    11   11   2     6
Net periodic defined benefit costs $ 11 $ 11 $ 2   $ 8
Other Changes in Plan Assets and Benefit Obligations              
 Recognized in Regulatory Assets - Gross:              
Current year net (gain) loss $ 18 $ 15 $ (5)   $ 18
Current year prior service cost      9        
Amortization of:              
  Prior service cost   (2)   (2)        (2)
  Actuarial (loss)    (11)   (11)   (2)     (6)
Total recognized in regulatory assets   5   11   (7)     10
Total recognized in net periodic defined benefit costs and regulatory assets $ 16 $ 22 $ (5)   $ 18
Schedule of Amounts to be Amortized from AOCI and Regulatory Assets/Liabilities in Next Fiscal Year


The estimated amounts to be amortized from regulatory assets into net periodic defined benefit costs for LG&E in 2013 are as follows.

Prior service cost $ 2
Actuarial loss    13
Total $ 15
Schedule of Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs Included in Income Statement

The following table provides net periodic defined benefit costs charged to operating expense for the years ended December 31, 2012, and 2011, and November 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, for the Successor and January 1, 2010 through October 31, 2010, for the Predecessor.

  Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
  Successor  Predecessor  Successor  Predecessor
  2012 2011 2010  2010  2012 2011 2010  2010
LKE $ 31 $ 40 $ 9  $ 37  $ 9 $ 11 $ 2  $ 9
LG&E   13   16   3    12    5   5   1    4
KU (a)   8   10   2    8    3   4   1    3

In the table above, for LG&E, amounts include costs for the specific plans it sponsors and the following allocated costs of defined benefit plans sponsored by LKE, based on its participation in those plans, which management believes are reasonable.

  Pension Benefits  Other Postretirement Benefits
  Successor  Predecessor  Successor  Predecessor
  2012 2011 2010  2010  2012 2011 2010  2010
LG&E $ 5 $ 7 $ 1  $ 6  $ 2 $ 5 $ 1  $ 4
Defined Benefit Plan Assumptions and Impact of One Point Change on Postretirement Plans

The following table provides the weighted-average assumptions used in the valuation of the benefit obligations at December 31.

    Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
    2012 2011 2012 2011
 Discount rate   4.24%  5.08%  3.99%  4.78%
 Rate of compensation increase   4.00%  4.00%  4.00%  4.00%
 Discount rate   4.20%  5.00%      
 Rate of compensation increase   N/A  N/A      

The following table provides the weighted-average assumptions used to determine the net periodic defined benefit costs for the years ended December 31, 2012, and 2011, and November 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, for the Successor and January 1, 2010 through October 31, 2010, for the Predecessor.

   Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
   Successor  Predecessor Successor  Predecessor
   2012 2011 2010  2010 2012 2011 2010  2010
 Discount rate  5.09%  5.49%  5.40%   6.11%  4.78%  5.12%  4.94%   5.82%
 Rate of compensation increase  4.00%  5.25%  5.25%   5.25%  4.00%  5.25%  5.25%   5.25%
 Expected return on plan assets (a)  7.25%  7.25%  7.25%   7.75%  7.02%  7.16%  7.04%   7.20%
 Discount rate  5.00%  5.39%  5.28%   6.08%             
 Rate of compensation increase  N/A  N/A  N/A   N/A             
 Expected return on plan assets (a)  7.25%  7.25%  7.25%   7.75%             

(PPL, PPL Energy Supply, LKE and LG&E)


(a)       The expected long-term rates of return for PPL's, PPL Energy Supply's, LKE's and LG&E's U.S. pension and other postretirement benefits have been developed using a best-estimate of expected returns, volatilities and correlations for each asset class. The best estimates are based on historical performance, future expectations and periodic portfolio rebalancing among the diversified asset classes. PPL management corroborates these rates with expected long-term rates of return calculated by its independent actuary, who uses a building block approach that begins with a risk-free rate of return with factors being added such as inflation, duration, credit spreads and equity risk. Each plan's specific asset allocation is also considered in developing a reasonable return assumption.


       The expected long-term rates of return for PPL's U.K. pension plans have been developed by PPL management with assistance from an independent actuary using a best estimate of expected returns, volatilities and correlations for each asset class. The best estimates are based on historical performance, future expectations and periodic portfolio rebalancing among the diversified asset classes.

Schedule of Funded Status of Defined Benefit Plans

The funded status of the LG&E plan was as follows.

        Pension Benefits
        2012 2011
Change in Benefit Obligation          
Benefit Obligation, beginning of period     $ 298 $ 274
  Service cost       1   2
  Interest cost       14   14
  Plan amendments          9
  Actuarial loss       32   14
  Gross benefits paid       (14)   (15)
Benefit Obligation, end of period       331   298
Change in Plan Assets          
Plan assets at fair value, beginning of period       256   217
  Actual return on plan assets       32   16
  Employer contributions       13   38
  Gross benefits paid       (14)   (15)
Plan assets at fair value, end of period       287   256
Funded Status, end of period     $ (44) $ (42)
Amounts recognized in the Balance Sheets consist of:          
  Noncurrent liability     $ (44) $ (42)
Net amount recognized, end of period     $ (44) $ (42)
Amounts recognized in regulatory assets (pre-tax)          
 consist of:           
Prior service cost     $ 17 $ 20
Net actuarial loss       123   115
Total     $ 140 $ 135
Total accumulated benefit obligation for defined benefit pension plan     $ 328 $ 292

Allocations to LG&E resulted in liabilities at December 31 as follows.

  2012 2011
Funded status of the pension plans $ 58 $ 53
Other postretirement benefits   81   87
Schedules of Asset Allocation of U.S. Pension Trusts Assets

The asset allocation for the trusts and the target allocation by portfolio, at December 31, are as follows:

PPL Services Corporation Master Trust

         2012 Target Asset Allocation (a)
   Percentage of trust assets  Weighted      
   2012 (a)  2011   Average  PPL Plans  LKE Plans
Growth Portfolio   58%   57%  56%  55%  59%
 Equity securities   31%   31%         
 Debt securities (b)   18%   17%         
 Alternative investments   9%   9%         
Immunizing Portfolio   41%   41%  42%  43%  38%
 Debt securities (b)   40%   40%         
 Derivatives   1%   1%         
Liquidity Portfolio   1%   2%  2%  2%  3%
Total   100%   100%  100%  100%  100%

(a)       Allocations exclude consideration of cash for the WKE Bargaining Employees' Retirement Plan and a guaranteed annuity contract held by the LG&E and KU Retirement Plan.

(b)       Includes commingled debt funds, which PPL treats as debt securities for asset allocation purposes.

LG&E and KU Energy LLC Pension Trusts      
   Percentage Target Asset
    of trust assets Allocation
  2011 2011
Growth Portfolio   54%   59%
 Equity securities   33%   
 Debt securities (a)   21%   
Immunizing Portfolio   34%   38%
 Debt securities (a) (b)   34%   
Liquidity Portfolio (b)   12%   3%
Total   100%   100%

(a)       Includes commingled debt funds, which LKE treats as debt securities for asset allocation purposes.

(b)       The asset allocation for this portfolio was not within the established target range due to the transition of assets at the end of 2011 in anticipation of transfer into the PPL Services Corporation Master Trust in January 2012.

Schedule of Fair Value of Financial Assets for U.S. Pension Plan Assets

The fair value of net assets in the U.S. pension plan trusts by asset class and level within the fair value hierarchy was:

     December 31, 2012 December 31, 2011
        Fair Value Measurements Using    Fair Value Measurements Using
     Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
PPL Services Corporation Master Trust                        
Cash and cash equivalents  $ 84 $ 84       $ 78 $ 78      
Equity securities:                        
   Large-cap   558   206 $ 352      371   247 $ 124   
   Small-cap   124   124         112   112      
   Commingled debt   676   56   620      458      458   
  International   557   184   373      299   102   197   
Debt securities:                        
  U.S. Treasury and U.S. government sponsored                        
   agency   704   634   70      515   443   72   
  Residential/commercial backed securities   12      11 $ 1   9      9   
  Corporate   874      847   27   446      439 $ 7
  Other   24      23   1   10      10   
  International   7      7      6      6   
Alternative investments:                        
  Commodities   59      59               
  Real estate   93      93      85      85   
  Private equity   75         75   45         45
  Hedge funds   125      125      92      92   
  Interest rate swaps and swaptions   36      36      20      20   
  Other   2      2      5      5   
Insurance contracts   42         42            
Receivables   55   29   26      50   31   19   
Payables   (66)   (55)   (11)      (48)   (40)   (8)   
Total PPL Services Corporation Master Trust assets   4,041   1,262   2,633   146   2,553   973   1,528   52
401(h) account restricted for other                        
 postretirement benefit obligations   (102)   (32)   (66)   (4)   (26)   (10)   (16)   
Fair value - PPL Services Corporation Master                        
 Trust pension assets   3,939   1,230   2,567   142   2,527   963   1,512   52
(PPL, LKE and LG&E)                        
LG&E and KU Energy LLC Pension Trusts                        
Cash and cash equivalents                122   122      
Equity securities:                        
   Large-cap               220      220   
   Commingled debt               65      65   
  International               106   44   62   
Debt securities:                        
  U.S. Treasury               97   97      
  Corporate               342      342   
  Total return swaps               4      4   
Insurance contracts               46         46
Total LG&E and KU Energy LLC                        
 Pension Trusts assets               1,002   263   693   46
401(h) account restricted for other                        
 postretirement benefit obligations               (58)   (13)   (45)   
Fair value - LG&E and KU Energy LLC                        
 Pension Trusts pension assets               944   250   648   46
Fair value - total U.S. pension plans $ 3,939 $ 1,230 $ 2,567 $ 142 $ 3,471 $ 1,213 $ 2,160 $ 98
Reconciliation of U.S. Pension Trust Assets Classified as Level 3 Included in Earnings

A reconciliation of U.S. pension trust assets classified as Level 3 at December 31, 2012 is as follows:

      backed Corporate Private Insurance Other   
      securities debt equity contracts Debt Total
Balance at beginning of period    $ 7 $ 45 $ 46    $ 98
 Actual return on plan assets                  
   Relating to assets still held                   
    at the reporting date      1   10   3      14
   Relating to assets sold during the period      2            2
 Purchases, sales and settlements $ 1   21   20   (7)      35
 Transfers from level 2 to level 3             $ 1   1
 Transfers from level 3 to level 2      (4)            (4)
Balance at end of period $ 1 $ 27 $ 75 $ 42 $ 1 $ 146

A reconciliation of U.S. pension trust assets classified as Level 3 at December 31, 2011 is as follows:

      backed Corporate Private Insurance     
      securities debt equity contracts Other Total
Balance at beginning of period    $ 6 $ 10 $ 47    $ 63
 Actual return on plan assets                  
   Relating to assets still held                   
    at the reporting date      (4)   8   3      7
 Purchases, sales and settlements      5   27   (4)      28
Balance at end of period    $ 7 $ 45 $ 46    $ 98
Schedule of Expected Cash Flows - U.S. Defined Benefit Plans - Expected Payments and Related Federal Subsidy

The following benefit payments, which reflect expected future service, as appropriate, are expected to be paid by the separate plan trust.

2013 $ 15
2014   15
2015   15
2016   16
2017   16
2018 - 2022   95
Kentucky Utilities Co [Member]
Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs (Credits) [Line Items]  
Schedule of Net Periodic Defined Benefit Costs Included in Income Statement

The following table provides net periodic defined benefit costs charged to operating expense for the years ended December 31, 2012, and 2011, and November 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, for the Successor and January 1, 2010 through October 31, 2010, for the Predecessor.

  Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits
  Successor  Predecessor  Successor  Predecessor
  2012 2011 2010  2010  2012 2011 2010  2010
LKE $ 31 $ 40 $ 9  $ 37  $ 9 $ 11 $ 2  $ 9
LG&E   13   16   3    12    5   5   1    4
KU (a)   8   10   2    8    3   4   1    3

(a)       KU does not directly sponsor any defined benefit plans. KU was allocated these costs of defined benefit plans sponsored by LKE, based on its participation in those plans, which management believes are reasonable.

Schedule of Funded Status of Defined Benefit Plans

Allocations to KU resulted in liabilities at December 31 as follows.

  2012 2011
Funded status of the pension plans $ 104 $ 83
Other postretirement benefits   53   62