EX-99.1 2 ppl8kexhibit991.htm EXHIBIT 99.1 Exhibit 99.1
UBS 2007 Natural Gas & Electric
Utilities Conference
Exhibit 99.1
February 28, 2007

PPL Corporation  (NYSE: PPL) is a Fortune 500 company with headquarters in Allentown, Pa.  The Company’s
diversified corporate strategy is to achieve growth in energy supply margins while limiting volatility in both cash
flows and earnings and to achieve stable, long-term growth in regulated delivery businesses through efficient
operations and strong customer and regulatory relations.  The strategy is carried out through four principal
PPL EnergyPlus, which markets energy in key U. S. markets.
PPL Generation, which operates more than 11,000 megawatts of electricity generating capacity in Pennsylvania,
Montana, Maine, Illinois, New York and Connecticut, with an additional 349 megawatts of planned upgrade
PPL Electric Utilities, which delivers electricity to 1.4 million customers in Pennsylvania.
PPL Global, which delivers electricity to 3.7 million customers in the United Kingdom and Latin America.
Security Ratings
                                                         Moody’s              S&P                  Fitch
PPL Corp.
  Corporate Credit Rating                    Baa2                   BBB                   BBB
PPL Capital Funding, Inc.
  Medium Term Notes                          Baa2                   BBB-                  BBB
PPL Electric Utilities Corp.
  First Mortgage Bonds
   Senior Secured Bonds                     A3                        A-                     A-
PPL Energy Supply
   Senior Unsecured Notes                  Baa2                   BBB                   BBB+
WPD Holdings Limited
  Senior Unsecured Debt                     Baa3                   BBB-                 BBB-
WPD Operating Cos.
   Senior Unsecured Debt                    Baa1                  BBB+                   A-
See a complete list of all PPL rated companies in the appendix
Timothy J. Paukovits
Director-Investor Relations
Phone: (610) 774-4124
Fax: (610) 774-5106
Joseph P. Bergstein, Jr.
Financial Specialist
Phone: (610) 774-5609
Fax: (610) 774-5106
PPL Facts

PPL Facts (cont.)
Financial and Operating Information
Note:  See Appendix for the reconciliation of reported earnings per share and earnings from ongoing operations.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents (cont.)

Cautionary Statements And Factors
That May Affect Future Results
Any statements made in this presentation about future operating results or other future events
are forward-looking statements under the Safe
Harbor Provisions of the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Actual results
may differ materially from such forward-looking
statements.  A discussion of factors that could
cause actual results or events to vary is
contained in the Appendix to this presentation
and in the Company’s SEC filings.

Growing Shareowner Value
Continued focus on execution of our current
growth plan
Extract additional value from our energy
marketing operations
Multi-faceted expansion of the generation

Optimize Energy Marketing
   Expand marketing capabilities
   Active participation in energy and commodity
   Manage market, operational and financial

Reserve Margin
Shrinking Reserve Margins Create
Potential Value for PPL

PJM Implementing RPM
Capacity Market This Year
Several regions within PJM are already
  PPL region currently projected to be constrained by
2009-2010 planning period
Capacity prices could be higher than the $70 per MW-day we have assumed 
Higher value for PPL’s unhedged capacity
   expected in 2010 and beyond
$1 per MW-day change in capacity prices
post-POLR ~$3 million per year in gross

Optimize Energy Marketing
   Expand marketing capabilities
Increased use of structured deals
Expanding geographic reach
Purchased long-term supply from coal plant under
development in West Virginia
Evaluating commercial and industrial retail
opportunities in PJM
   Active participation in energy and commodity
Primarily asset-backed marketing
   Tightly manage market, operational and financial 

PPL’s Generation Portfolio
Total Domestic Generation: 11,196 MW
Planned Uprate Projects:          349 MW
East                                        9,907 MW*
Coal                                           3,454*
Nuclear                                      2,120
Oil                                               1,722
Gas                                             1,524
Hydro                                            337
CTs                                               451
QFs                                               299
Nuclear Uprate (2008-2010)        137
Hydro Uprate (2001)                    125
Coal Uprate (2007-2009)               37
Hydro                                            602
West                         1,289 W
West                                        1,289 MW
Coal                                                687
Hydro                                             602
Coal Uprate (2007-2008)               10
Hydro Uprate (2007)                      12
Hydro Uprate (2011)                      28
*Reflects reduction of 300 MW at Martins Creek that PPL has agreed to shut down by September 2007 and the expected 60 MW reduction due to increased plant usage during scrubber operation.

8,930 MW  – Existing Generation
   299 MW –  Planned Uprates
Base load expansion capabilities
Pennsylvania Generation Expansion

Growing Constrained Region in PJM
Increases Value of PPL Generation

Expanding Renewable Energy Portfolio
Currently there are not enough renewable
energy credits in the market
Plan to invest $100 million to develop
renewable projects over next five years
Included in current capex program
Contracts in place with renewable energy

Note:  See Appendix for the reconciliation of cash flow measures.
Cash Flow Forecast

Dividend Payout Ratio Greater
than 50% after 2006 
*Annualized rate based on quarterly dividend declared in February 2007.

Global Climate Change
Pre-eminent public policy issue
Efforts should be national in scope and cover all
major industrial and transportation sectors
If mandatory program is adopted, we support
cap-and-trade system
PPL to be fully involved in policy debate
PPL is active in renewable energy as well as
numerous R&D efforts

PPL Electric Utilities Rate Filing
Modest rate increase request to be filed in late
For the 12-months ending September 30, 2006
Rate Base                     $1,926B
Equity                               43.4%
Return on Rate Base        6.97%
Return on Equity               8.10%
New rates to be effective beginning in January

Supply Margins
Key Drivers of Margin Growth


(1) Market prices based on the average of broker quotes as of 12/29/2006.
(2) 24-hour average.
(3) NYMEX forward gas price on 12/29/2006.
(4) Prices at 12/2005 when 2010 forecast of $3.50 was developed.
Market Prices

Current Hedge Positions - Electricity and Fuel

 **  Earnings from ongoing operations - see Appendix for the per share reconciliation of reported
earnings and earnings from ongoing operations.
  *  Midpoint of $2.30 to $2.40 earnings forecast.
Strong Long-Term Earnings Growth

In-Service Dates
Montour 1                              Q1-08
Montour 2                              Q2-08
Brunner Island 3                   Q4-08
Brunner Island 1 & 2             Q2-09
Montour Unit #2 Absorber
Scrubbers Expected to be Completed
on Budget and on Schedule

Generation Uprates

 Proactive Coal Supply Management
Supports Growth in Margins
Projected 2007 Coal Supply
Southwest PA
Central PA
Supply region diversity
Fleet trains (1600 cars)
Average delivered costs
4%-5% annual
increase 2006 to 2010

Key Drivers/Challenges Through 2010
Increased prices for POLR sales
Expiration of supply contracts remarketed at current
forward prices
Power plant uprates
Net benefits from the installation of scrubbers at the
Montour and Brunner Island coal-fired power plants
Increased fuel and O&M costs
Loss of synfuel tax credits and increased replacement
coal costs
Cost of compliance with evolving environmental

Increasing Prices Under the POLR Contract

(Dollars per Share)
Note:  See Appendix for the per share reconciliation of reported earnings and earnings from ongoing operations.
Ongoing Earnings Overview

(Dollars per Share)
Note:  See Appendix for the reconciliation of reported earnings and earnings from ongoing operations.
2006 Ongoing Earnings Contributions

(Dollars per Share)
* Midpoint of forecast
Note:  See Appendix for the reconciliation of reported earnings and earnings from ongoing operations.
2007 Expected Ongoing Earnings Contributions

(millions of dollars)
Reconciliation of Cash from Operations
to Free Cash Flow before Dividends

Reconciliation of GAAP Equity Ratios
to Adjusted Equity Ratios
                                                          Actual             Actual        Forecast      Forecast
                                                    12/31/05         12/31/06      12/31/07      12/31/10
GAAP Equity to
  Total Capitalization Ratio                38%               41%               43%             45%
Adjustments to Debt
  (millions of dollars)
     Less Non-Recourse Debt:
     Transition Bonds                       $  892            $  605            $  305            $   -
     International                                2,166             2,733             2,552          2,760
Adjusted Equity to
  Total Capitalization Ratio                 51%              55%               55%             55%

Capital Expenditures by Segment

(Millions of Dollars)
Reconciliation of Fourth Quarter Reported
Earnings and Earnings from Ongoing Operations

(Dollars Per Share)
Reconciliation of Fourth Quarter Reported
Earnings and Earnings from Ongoing Operations

(Millions of Dollars)
Reconciliation of Reported Earnings
and Earnings from Ongoing Operations

(Dollars Per Share)
Reconciliation of Reported Earnings
and Earnings from Ongoing Operations

Reconciliation of PPL’s Reported Earnings
and Earnings from Ongoing Operations

Credit Ratings

Credit Ratings (cont.)

Statements contained in this presentation, including statements with respect to future earnings, energy prices, margins and sales, growth, rates, revenues, expenses, cash flows, cash from operations, dividends, credit profile, financing,
capital additions and expenditures, and generating capacity and availability, are “forward-looking statements” within the
meaning of the federal securities laws. Although PPL Corporation believes that the expectations and assumptions
reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, these statements involve a number of risks and
uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from the results discussed in the statements. The following are
among the important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements: market demand and prices for energy, capacity and fuel; market prices for crude oil and the potential impact on
synthetic fuel operations, synthetic fuel purchases from third parties and the phase-out of synthetic fuel credits;
weather conditions affecting generation production, customer energy usage and operating costs; competition in retail
and wholesale power markets; liquidity of wholesale power markets; the effect of any business or industry
restructuring; the profitability and liquidity, including access to capital markets and credit facilities, of PPL Corporation
and its subsidiaries; new accounting requirements or new interpretations or applications of existing requirements;
operation and availability of existing generation facilities and operating costs; transmission and distribution system
conditions and operating costs; current and future environmental conditions and requirements and the related costs of
compliance, including environmental capital expenditures and emission allowance and other expenses; significant
delays in the planned installation of pollution control equipment at certain coal-fired generating units in Pennsylvania
because of weather conditions, contractor performance or other reasons; market prices of commodity inputs for
ongoing capital expenditures; collective labor bargaining negotiations; development of new projects, markets and
technologies; performance of new ventures; asset acquisitions and dispositions; political, regulatory or economic
conditions in states, regions or countries where PPL Corporation or its subsidiaries conduct business; any impact of
hurricanes or other severe weather on PPL Corporation’s business, including any impact on fuel prices; receipt of
necessary governmental permits, approvals and rate relief; new state, federal or foreign legislation, including new tax
legislation; state, federal and foreign regulatory developments; the impact of any state, federal or foreign investigations
applicable to PPL Corporation and its subsidiaries and the energy industry; capital markets conditions, including
changes in interest rates, and decisions regarding capital structure; stock price performance of PPL Corporation; the
market prices of equity securities and the impact on pension costs and resultant cash funding requirements for
defined benefit pension plans; securities and credit ratings; foreign currency exchange rates; the outcome of litigation
against PPL Corporation and its subsidiaries; potential effects of threatened or actual terrorism or war or other
hostilities; and the commitments and liabilities of PPL Corporation and its subsidiaries. Any such forward-looking
statements should be considered in light of such important factors and in conjunction with PPL Corporation’s Form
10-K and other reports on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Forward-Looking Information Statement

“Earnings from ongoing operations” excludes the impact of unusual items. Earnings from ongoing operations should not be considered as an alternative to reported earnings, or net income, which is an indicator of operating
performance determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). PPL believes that
earnings from ongoing operations, although a non-GAAP measure, is also useful and meaningful to investors
because it provides them with PPL’s underlying earnings performance as another criterion in making their
investment decisions. PPL’s management also uses earnings from ongoing operations in measuring certain
corporate performance goals. Other companies may use different measures to present financial performance.
“Free cash flow before dividends” is derived by deducting capital expenditures and certain other investing activities, as well as the repayment of transition bonds, from cash flow from operations.  (Other investing activities
are adjusted to exclude the purchases and sales of short-term investments and changes in restricted cash.)
Free cash flow before dividends should not be considered as an alternative to cash flow from operations, which
is determined in accordance with GAAP. PPL believes that free cash flow before dividends is an important
measure to both management and investors since it is an indicator of the company’s ability to sustain operations
and growth without additional outside financing beyond the requirement to fund maturing debt obligations. Other
companies may calculate free cash flow before dividends in a different manner.
“Equity to total capitalization ratio” includes as equity minority interest and preferred stock, as well as all of the components of common equity as presented on the balance sheet. Total capitalization is calculated as equity
plus short-term debt plus long-term debt as presented on the balance sheet.
“Adjusted equity to total capitalization ratio” excludes transition bonds issued by PPL Transition Bond Company, LLC, under the Pennsylvania Electricity Generation Customer Choice and Competition Act and excludes debt of
international affiliates, which are non-recourse to PPL. The adjusted equity to total capitalization ratio should not
be considered as an alternative to an equity to total capitalization ratio using debt and equity balances as
reflected on the balance sheet. PPL believes that this adjusted equity ratio is useful to investors because it
provides them with another indicator of credit quality. The adjusted equity to total capitalization ratio focuses
primarily on debt that is recourse to PPL, whether the debt is on or off balance sheet. Other companies may
present adjusted equity ratios in a different manner. 
Definitions of Financial Measures