XML 40 R18.htm IDEA: XBRL DOCUMENT v3.21.1
3 Months Ended
Mar. 31, 2021
Regulated Operations [Abstract]  
We discuss regulatory matters in Note 4 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the Annual Report and provide updates to those discussions and information about new regulatory matters below.
We show the details of regulatory assets and liabilities in the following table.
(Dollars in millions)
March 31,
December 31,
Fixed-price contracts and other derivatives$(49)$(53)
Deferred income taxes recoverable in rates48 22 
Pension and other postretirement benefit plan obligations52 50 
Removal obligations(2,159)(2,121)
Environmental costs56 56 
Sunrise Powerlink fire mitigation123 121 
Regulatory balancing accounts(1)(2)
Commodity – electric108 72 
Gas transportation35 
Safety and reliability64 67 
Public purpose programs(147)(158)
2019 GRC retroactive impacts42 56 
Other balancing accounts285 233 
Other regulatory assets, net(2)
85 72 
Total SDG&E(1,487)(1,548)
Deferred income taxes refundable in rates(15)(82)
Pension and other postretirement benefit plan obligations430 417 
Employee benefit costs37 37 
Removal obligations(674)(685)
Environmental costs35 36 
Regulatory balancing accounts(1)(2)
Commodity – gas, including transportation(190)(56)
Safety and reliability331 335 
Public purpose programs(222)(253)
2019 GRC retroactive impacts152 202 
Other balancing accounts(162)(58)
Other regulatory assets, net(2)
108 75 
Total SoCalGas(170)(32)
Sempra Mexico:
Deferred income taxes recoverable in rates80 80 
Total Sempra Energy Consolidated$(1,577)$(1,500)
(1)    At March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, the noncurrent portion of regulatory balancing accounts – net undercollected for SDG&E was $202 million and $139 million, respectively, and for SoCalGas was $261 million and $218 million, respectively.
(2)    Includes regulatory assets earning a return.
COVID-19 Pandemic Protections
In March 2020, the CPUC required that all energy companies under its jurisdiction, including the California Utilities, take action to implement several emergency customer protection measures to support California customers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic for up to one year. The customer protection measures were mandatory for all residential and small business customers. In February 2021, the CPUC extended the customer protection measures through June 2021 and may extend them further.
In April 2021, the CPUC expanded suspending service disconnections to medium-large commercial and industrial customers through June 2021, thereby including the entire customer population except SoCalGas’ noncore customers. The measures are retroactively effective to December 30, 2020 and may be extended.
Each of the California Utilities has been authorized to track and request recovery of incremental costs associated with complying with customer protection measures implemented by the CPUC related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including costs associated with suspending service disconnections and uncollectible expenses that arise from customers’ failure to pay. The California Utilities expect to pursue recovery of tracked costs in rates in a future CPUC proceeding, which recovery is not assured.
Disconnection OIR
In June 2020, the CPUC issued a decision to adopt certain customer protections to reduce residential customer disconnections and improve reconnection processes, including, among other things, imposing limitations on service disconnections, elimination of deposit requirements and reconnection fees, establishment of the AMP that provides successfully participating, income-qualified residential customers with relief from outstanding utility bill amounts, and increased outreach and marketing efforts. The decision allows each of the California Utilities to establish a two-way balancing account to record the uncollectible expenses associated with residential customers’ inability to pay their electric or gas bills, including as a result of the relief from outstanding utility bill amounts provided under the AMP.
The CPUC uses GRC proceedings to set rates designed to allow the California Utilities to recover their reasonable operating costs and to provide the opportunity to realize their authorized rates of return on their investments.
In January 2020, the CPUC issued a final decision implementing a four-year GRC cycle for California IOUs and the California Utilities were directed to file a petition for modification to revise their 2019 GRC to add two additional attrition years, resulting in a transitional five-year GRC period (2019-2023). The California Utilities filed the petition in April 2020 which requested authorization of their post-test year ratemaking mechanism for two additional years.
In March 2021, the CPUC issued a proposed decision approving the California Utilities’ request to continue their authorized post-test year mechanisms for 2022 and 2023 using the fourth quarter 2020 Global Insight utility cost forecast. For SDG&E, the proposed decision authorizes revenue requirement increases of $87 million (3.92%) for 2022 and $86 million (3.70%) for 2023 ($91 million and $104 million, respectively, were requested). The proposed decision includes a reduction of $30 million to account for anticipated benefits from SDG&E’s implementation of a new customer information system in the second quarter of 2021. For SoCalGas, the proposed decision authorizes revenue requirement increases of $142 million (4.53%) for 2022 and $130 million (3.97%) for 2023 ($150 million and $131 million, respectively, were requested).
The 2019 GRC FD clarified that differences between incurred and forecasted income tax expense due to forecasting differences are not subject to tracking in the income tax expense memorandum account beginning in 2019. SDG&E and SoCalGas previously recorded regulatory liabilities, inclusive of interest, associated with the 2016 through 2018 tracked forecasting differences of $86 million and $89 million, respectively. In April 2020, the CPUC confirmed treatment of the two-way income tax expense memorandum account for these 2016 through 2018 balances, at which time the California Utilities released these regulatory liability balances to revenues and regulatory interest.
We provide additional information concerning the 2019 GRC FD in Note 4 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the Annual Report.
FERC Rate Matters and Cost of Capital
SDG&E files separately with the FERC for its authorized ROE on FERC-regulated electric transmission operations and assets.
SDG&E’s TO4 ROE of 10.05% was the basis of SDG&E’s FERC-related revenue recognition until March 2020, when the FERC approved the settlement terms that SDG&E and all settling parties reached in October 2019 on SDG&E’s TO5 filing. The settlement agreement provided for a ROE of 10.60%, consisting of a base ROE of 10.10% plus an additional 50 bps for participation in the California ISO. If the FERC issues an order ruling that California IOUs are no longer eligible for the additional California ISO ROE, SDG&E would refund the additional 50 bps of ROE associated with the California ISO as of the refund effective date (June 1, 2019) in this proceeding. The TO5 term is effective June 1, 2019 and shall remain in effect indefinitely, with parties having the annual right to terminate the agreement beginning in 2022. In the first quarter of 2020, SDG&E recorded retroactive revenues of $12 million related to 2019, and additional FERC revenues of $17 million to conclude a rate base matter, net of certain refunds to be paid to CPUC-jurisdictional customers.
OSCs – Energy Efficiency and Advocacy
In October 2019, the CPUC issued an OSC to determine whether SoCalGas should be sanctioned for violation of certain CPUC code sections and orders. The OSC stemmed from a small amount of transitional energy efficiency (EE) codes and standards advocacy activities undertaken by SoCalGas in 2018, following a CPUC decision disallowing SoCalGas’ future engagement in EE statewide codes and standards advocacy. We expect a CPUC decision on this OSC in the second quarter of 2021.
In December 2019, the CPUC issued a second OSC to determine whether SoCalGas is entitled to the EE program’s shareholder incentives for codes and standards advocacy in 2016 and 2017, whether its shareholders should bear the costs of those advocacy activities, and to address whether any other remedies are appropriate. The scope of this OSC was later expanded to include EE program years 2014 and 2015, and SoCalGas’ engagement with local governments on proposed reach codes. On April 21, 2021, the assigned Administrative Law Judge issued a Presiding Officer’s Decision (POD) on the second OSC. The POD finds no violations and assesses no fines or penalties but finds that SoCalGas spent ratepayer funds on activities that were not aligned with the CPUC’s intent for EE codes and standards advocacy. The POD orders customer refunds that SoCalGas does not expect to be material (subject to a CPUC audit), precludes SoCalGas from seeking cost recovery associated with EE codes and standards advocacy programs until lifted by the CPUC, and orders certain nonfinancial remedies. The POD is subject to appeal or request for review within 30 days of date of issuance.
Intervenors in these OSCs have suggested the CPUC order various financial and non-financial penalties. If the CPUC were to assess fines or penalties on SoCalGas associated with these OSCs, they could be material.
We provide below updates to ongoing matters related to SONGS, a nuclear generating facility near San Clemente, California that permanently ceased operations in June 2013, and in which SDG&E has a 20% ownership interest. We discuss SONGS further in Note 15 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the Annual Report.
As a result of Edison’s decision to permanently retire SONGS Units 2 and 3, Edison began the decommissioning phase of the plant. Major decommissioning work began in 2020. We expect the majority of the decommissioning work to take 10 years. Decommissioning of Unit 1, removed from service in 1992, is largely complete. The remaining work for Unit 1 will be completed once Units 2 and 3 are dismantled and the spent fuel is removed from the site. The spent fuel is currently being stored on-site, until the DOE identifies a spent fuel storage facility and puts in place a program for the fuel’s disposal, as we discuss below. SDG&E is responsible for approximately 20% of the total decommissioning cost.
The Samuel Lawrence Foundation filed a writ petition under the California Coastal Act in LA Superior Court in December 2019 seeking to invalidate the coastal development permit and to obtain injunctive relief to stop decommissioning work. In September 2020, the Samuel Lawrence Foundation filed another writ petition under the California Coastal Act in LA Superior Court seeking to set aside the California Coastal Commission’s July 2020 approval of the inspection and maintenance plan for the SONGS’ canisters and to obtain injunctive relief to stop decommissioning work. Decommissioning work has not been interrupted to date by the writ petitions filed by the Samuel Lawrence Foundation.
In accordance with state and federal requirements and regulations, SDG&E has assets held in the NDT to fund its share of decommissioning costs for SONGS Units 1, 2 and 3. The amounts collected in rates for SONGS’ decommissioning are invested in the NDT, which is comprised of externally managed trust funds. Amounts held by the NDT are invested in accordance with CPUC regulations. SDG&E classifies debt and equity securities held in the NDT as available-for-sale. The NDT assets are presented on the Sempra Energy and SDG&E Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets at fair value with the offsetting credits recorded in noncurrent Regulatory Liabilities.
Except for the use of funds for the planning of decommissioning activities or NDT administrative costs, CPUC approval is required for SDG&E to access the NDT assets to fund SONGS decommissioning costs for Units 2 and 3. In December 2020, SDG&E received authorization from the CPUC to access NDT funds of up to $89 million for forecasted 2021 costs.
The following table shows the fair values and gross unrealized gains and losses for the securities held in the NDT. We provide additional fair value disclosures for the NDT in Note 9.
(Dollars in millions)
At March 31, 2021:    
Debt securities:    
Debt securities issued by the U.S. Treasury and other U.S. government corporations and agencies(1)
$67 $— $— $67 
Municipal bonds(2)
310 15 (1)324 
Other securities(3)
256 10 (1)265 
Total debt securities633 25 (2)656 
Equity securities111 255 (2)364 
Cash and cash equivalents— — 
(Payables) receivables, net(15)— (14)
Total$737 $281 $(4)$1,014 
At December 31, 2020:    
Debt securities:    
Debt securities issued by the U.S. Treasury and other U.S. government corporations and agencies$64 $$— $65 
Municipal bonds308 18 — 326 
Other securities253 17 — 270 
Total debt securities625 36 — 661 
Equity securities112 254 (2)364 
Cash and cash equivalents— — 
Payables, net(9)— — (9)
Total$731 $290 $(2)$1,019 
(1)    Maturity dates are 2022-2051.
(2)    Maturity dates are 2021-2056.
(3)    Maturity dates are 2021-2072.
The following table shows the proceeds from sales of securities in the NDT and gross realized gains and losses on those sales.
(Dollars in millions)
 Three months ended March 31,
Proceeds from sales$288 $552 
Gross realized gains21 92 
Gross realized losses(2)(5)

Net unrealized gains and losses, as well as realized gains and losses that are reinvested in the NDT, are included in noncurrent Regulatory Liabilities on Sempra Energy’s and SDG&E’s Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. We determine the cost of securities in the trusts on the basis of specific identification.
The present value of SDG&E’s ARO related to decommissioning costs for the SONGS units was $566 million at March 31, 2021. That amount includes the cost to decommission Units 2 and 3, and the remaining cost to complete the decommissioning of Unit 1, which is substantially complete. The ARO for all three units is based on a cost study prepared in 2017 that is pending CPUC approval. The ARO for Units 2 and 3 reflects the acceleration of the start of decommissioning of these units as a result of the early closure of the plant. SDG&E’s share of total decommissioning costs in 2021 dollars is approximately $886 million.
SDG&E and the other owners of SONGS have insurance to cover claims from nuclear liability incidents arising at SONGS. Currently, this insurance provides $450 million in coverage limits, the maximum amount available, including coverage for acts of terrorism. In addition, the Price-Anderson Act provides an additional $110 million of coverage. If a nuclear liability loss occurs at SONGS and exceeds the $450 million insurance limit, this additional coverage would be available to provide a total of $560 million in coverage limits per incident.
The SONGS co-owners have nuclear property damage insurance of $130 million, which exceeds the minimum federal requirements of $50 million. This insurance coverage is provided through NEIL. The NEIL policies have specific exclusions and limitations that can result in reduced coverage. Insured members as a group are subject to retrospective premium assessments to cover losses sustained by NEIL under all issued policies. SDG&E could be assessed up to $3.5 million of retrospective premiums based on overall member claims.
The nuclear property insurance program includes an industry aggregate loss limit for non-certified acts of terrorism (as defined by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act) of $3.24 billion. This is the maximum amount that will be paid to insured members who suffer losses or damages from these non-certified terrorist acts.