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9 Months Ended
Sep. 30, 2011
Note 8.  Loans
The following table sets forth the classification of loans by class, including unearned fees, deferred costs and excluding the allowance for loan losses as of September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010:
(In thousands)   September 30, 2011     December 31, 2010  
SBA loans
  $ 75,647     $ 86,138  
SBA 504 loans
    55,520       64,276  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    27,998       24,268  
Commercial real estate
    247,122       246,891  
Commercial real estate construction
    8,926       10,046  
Residential mortgage loans
Residential mortgages
    126,470       117,169  
Residential construction     2,240       2,711  
Purchased mortgages
    8,232       8,520  
Consumer loans
Home equity
    49,715       54,273  
Consumer other
    1,763       1,644  
  $ 603,633     $ 615,936  
    Loans are made to individuals as well as commercial entities.  Specific loan terms vary as to interest rate, repayment, and collateral requirements based on the type of loan requested and the credit worthiness of the prospective borrower.  Credit risk, excluding SBA loans, tends to be geographically concentrated in that a majority of the loan customers are located in the markets serviced by the Bank.  As a preferred SBA lender, a portion of the SBA portfolio is to borrowers outside the Company's lending area.  However, during late 2008, the Company withdrew from SBA lending outside of its primary trade area, but continues to offer SBA loan products as an additional credit product within its primary trade area.  A description of the Company's different loan segments follows:
   SBA Loans:  SBA loans, on which the SBA provides guarantees of up to 90 percent of the principal balance, are considered a higher risk loan product for the Company than its other loan products.  The Company's SBA loans are generally sold in the secondary market with the nonguaranteed portion held in the portfolio as a loan held for investment.  SBA loans are for the purpose of providing working capital, financing the purchase of equipment, inventory or commercial real estate and for other business purposes. Loans are guaranteed by the businesses' major owners. SBA loans are made based primarily on the historical and projected cash flow of the business and secondarily on the underlying collateral provided.

   SBA 504 Loans:  The SBA 504 program consists of real estate backed commercial mortgages where the Company has the first mortgage and the SBA has the second mortgage on the property. SBA 504  loans are made based primarily on the historical and projected cash flow of the business and secondarily on the underlying collateral provided.  Generally, the Company has a 50 percent loan to value ratio on SBA 504 program loans. Loan performance may be adversely affected by factors impacting the general economy or conditions specific to the real estate market such as geographic location and/or property type.

   Commercial Loans:  Commercial credit is extended primarily to middle market and small business customers.  Commercial loans are generally made in the Company's market place for the purpose of providing working capital, financing the purchase of equipment, inventory or commercial real estate and for other business purposes. Loans will generally be guaranteed in full or for a meaningful amount by the businesses' major owners. Commercial loans are made based primarily on the historical and projected cash flow of the business and secondarily on the underlying collateral provided. Loan performance may be adversely affected by factors impacting the general economy or conditions specific to the real estate market such as geographic location and/or property type.

   Residential Mortgage and Consumer Loans:  The Company originates mortgage and consumer loans including principally residential real estate and home equity lines and loans.  Each loan type is evaluated on debt to income, type of collateral and loan to collateral value, credit history and Company relationship with the borrower. 
    Inherent in the lending function is credit risk, which is the possibility a borrower may not perform in accordance with the contractual terms of their loan.  A borrower's inability to pay their obligations according to the contractual terms can create the risk of past due loans and, ultimately, credit losses, especially on collateral deficient loans.  The Company minimizes its credit risk by loan diversification and adhering to credit administration policies and procedures.  Due diligence on loans begins when we initiate contact regarding a loan with a borrower.  Documentation, including a borrower's credit history, materials establishing the value and liquidity of potential collateral, the purpose of the loan, the source of funds for repayment of the loan, and other factors, are analyzed before a loan is submitted for approval.  The loan portfolio is then subject to on-going internal reviews for credit quality, as well as independent credit reviews by an outside firm.
    The Company's extension of credit is governed by the Credit Risk Policy which was established to control the quality of the Company's loans.  These policies and procedures are reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on a regular basis.
Credit Ratings:
    For SBA 7(a), SBA 504 and commercial loans, management uses internally assigned risk ratings as the best indicator of credit quality.  A loan's internal risk rating is updated at least annually and more frequently if circumstances warrant a change in risk rating.  The Company uses a 1 through 10 loan grading system that follows regulatory accepted definitions.
Pass:  Risk ratings of 1 through 6 are used for loans that are performing, as they meet, and are expected to continue to meet, all of the terms and conditions set forth in the original loan documentation, and are generally current on principal and interest payments.  These performing loans are termed "Pass".
Special Mention:  Criticized loans are assigned a risk rating of 7 and termed "Special Mention", as the borrowers exhibit potential credit weaknesses or downward trends deserving management's close attention.  If not checked or corrected, these trends will weaken the Bank's collateral and position.  While potentially weak, these borrowers are currently marginally acceptable and no loss of interest or principal is anticipated.  As a result, special mention assets do not expose an institution to sufficient risk to warrant adverse classification.  Included in "Special Mention" could be turnaround situations, such as borrowers with deteriorating trends beyond one year, borrowers in start up or deteriorating industries, or borrowers with a poor market share in an average industry.  "Special Mention" loans may include an element of asset quality, financial flexibility, or below average management.  Management and ownership may have limited depth or experience.  Regulatory agencies have agreed on a consistent definition of "Special Mention" as an asset with potential weaknesses which, if left uncorrected, may result in deterioration of the repayment prospects for the asset or in the Bank's credit position at some future date.  This definition is intended to ensure that the "Special Mention" category is not used to identify assets that have as their sole weakness credit data exceptions or collateral documentation exceptions that are not material to the repayment of the asset.
Substandard:  Classified loans are assigned a risk rating of an 8 or 9, depending upon the prospect for collection, and deemed "Substandard".  A risk rating of 8 is used for borrowers with well-defined weaknesses that jeopardize the orderly liquidation of debt.  The loan is inadequately protected by the current sound worth and paying capacity of the obligor or by the collateral pledged, if any.  Normal repayment from the borrower is in jeopardy, although no loss of principal is envisioned.  There is a distinct possibility that a partial loss of interest and/or principal will occur if the deficiencies are not corrected.  Loss potential, while existing in the aggregate amount of substandard assets, does not have to exist in individual assets classified "Substandard".  A risk rating of 9 is used for borrowers that have all the weaknesses inherent in a loan with a risk rating of 8, with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection of debt in full, on the basis of currently existing facts, conditions, and values, highly questionable and improbable.  Serious problems exist to the point where partial loss of principal is likely.  The possibility of loss is extremely high, but because of certain important, reasonably specific pending factors that may work to strengthen the assets, the loans' classification as estimated losses is deferred until a more exact status may be determined.   Pending factors include proposed merger, acquisition, or liquidation procedures; capital injection; perfecting liens on additional collateral; and refinancing plans.  Partial charge-offs are likely.
Loss:  Once a borrower is deemed incapable of repayment of unsecured debt, the risk rating becomes a 10, the loan is termed a "Loss", and charged-off immediately.  Loans to such borrowers are considered uncollectible and of such little value that continuance as active assets of the Bank is not warranted.  This classification does not mean that the loan has absolutely no recovery or salvage value, but rather it is not practical or desirable to defer writing off these basically worthless assets even though partial recovery may be affected in the future.
    For residential mortgage and consumer loans, management uses performing versus nonperforming as the best indicator of credit quality.  Nonperforming loans consist of loans that are not accruing interest (nonaccrual loans) as a result of principal or interest being in default for a period of 90 days or more or when the ability to collect principal and interest according to the contractual terms is in doubt.   These credit quality indicators are updated on an ongoing basis, as a loan is placed on nonaccrual status as soon as management believes there is sufficient doubt as to the ultimate ability to collect interest on a loan.
   The tables below detail the Company's loan portfolio by class according to their credit quality indicators discussed in the paragraphs above as of September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010:

    September 30, 2011  
SBA, SBA 504 & Commercial Loans - Internal Risk Ratings
(In thousands)
Special Mention
SBA loans
  $ 51,798     $ 9,808     $ 14,041     $ 75,647  
SBA 504 loans
    37,715       5,937       11,868       55,520  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    20,400       5,737       1,861       27,998  
Commercial real estate
    187,816       50,541       8,765       247,122  
Commercial real estate construction
    6,616       1,710       600       8,926  
Total commercial loans
    214,832       57,988       11,226       284,046  
Total SBA, SBA 504 and Commercial loans   $ 304,345     $ 73,733     $ 37,135     $ 415,213  

September 30, 2011
Residential Mortgage & Consumer Loans - Performing/Nonperforming
(In thousands)
Residential mortgage loans
Residential mortgages
  $ 124,440     $ 2,030     $ 126,470  
Residential construction
    2,240       -       2,240  
Purchased residential mortgages
    6,192       2,040       8,232  
Total residential mortgage loans
    132,872       4,070       136,942  
Consumer loans
Home equity
    49,442       273       49,715  
Consumer other
    1,754       9       1,763  
Total consumer loans
  $ 51,196     $ 282     $ 51,478  
Total loans
                  $ 603,633  

December 31, 2010
SBA, SBA 504 & Commercial Loans - Internal Risk Ratings
(In thousands)
Special Mention
SBA loans
  $ 48,500     $ 25,668     $ 11,970     $ 86,138  
SBA 504 loans
    30,235       15,366       18,675       64,276  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    17,402       4,764       2,102       24,268  
Commercial real estate
    169,093       67,305       10,493       246,891  
Commercial real estate construction
    6,197       2,715       1,134       10,046  
Total commercial loans
    192,692       74,784       13,729       281,205  
Total SBA, SBA 504 and Commercial loans   $ 271,427     $ 115,818     $ 44,374     $ 431,619  

December 31, 2010
Residential Mortgage & Consumer Loans - Performing/Nonperforming
(In thousands)
Residential mortgage loans
Residential mortgages
  $ 114,716     $ 2,453     $ 117,169  
Residential construction
    2,711       -       2,711  
Purchased residential mortgages
    5,888       2,632       8,520  
Total residential mortgage loans
    123,315       5,085       128,400  
Consumer loans
Home equity
    54,024       249       54,273  
Consumer other
    1,644       -       1,644  
Total consumer loans
  $ 55,668     $ 249     $ 55,917  
Total loans
                  $ 615,936  
Nonperforming and Past Due Loans:
    Nonperforming loans consist of loans that are not accruing interest (nonaccrual loans) as a result of principal or interest being in default for a period of 90 days or more or when the ability to collect principal and interest according to the contractual terms is in doubt.  When a loan is classified as nonaccrual, interest accruals discontinue and all past due interest previously recognized as income is reversed and charged against current period income.  Generally, until the loan becomes current, any payments received from the borrower are applied to outstanding principal, until such time as management determines that the financial condition of the borrower and other factors merit recognition of a portion of such payments as interest income.  Loans past due 90 days or more and still accruing interest are not included in nonperforming loans and generally represent loans that are well collateralized and in a continuing process expected to result in repayment or restoration to current status.
    The risk of loss is difficult to quantify and is subject to fluctuations in collateral values, general economic conditions and other factors. The current state of the economy and the downturn in the real estate market have resulted in increased loan delinquencies and defaults.  In some cases, these factors have also resulted in significant impairment to the value of loan collateral.  The Company values its collateral through the use of appraisals, broker price opinions, and knowledge of its local market.  In response to the credit risk in its portfolio, the Company has increased staffing in its credit monitoring department and increased efforts in the collection and analysis of borrowers' financial statements and tax returns. 
   The following tables set forth an aging analysis of past due and nonaccrual loans by loan class as of September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010:

September 30, 2011
(In thousands)
30-59 Days
 Past Due
60-89 Days
Past Due
90+ Days and
Still Accruing
Nonaccrual (1)
Total Past Due
Total Loans
SBA loans
  $ 2,438     $ 600     $ 84     $ 6,801     $ 9,923     $ 65,724     $ 75,647  
SBA 504 loans
    1,333       -       -       3,752       5,085       50,435       55,520  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    187       172       806       58       1,223       26,775       27,998  
Commercial real estate
    6,040       -       907       5,035       11,982       235,140       247,122  
Commercial real estate construction
    -       -       -       600       600       8,326       8,926  
Residential mortgage loans
Residential mortgages
    3,477       1,861       394       2,030       7,762       118,708       126,470  
Residential construction
    2,200       40       -       -       2,240       -       2,240  
Purchased residential mortgages
    -       4       -       2,040       2,044       6,188       8,232  
Consumer loans
Home equity
    834       -       -       273       1,107       48,608       49,715  
Consumer other
    13       -       -       9       22       1,741       1,763  
Total loans
  $ 16,522     $ 2,677     $ 2,191     $ 20,598     $ 41,988     $ 561,645     $ 603,633  

(1) At September 30, 2011, nonaccrual loans included $3.8 million of troubled debt restructurings ("TDRs") and $1.3 million of loans guaranteed by the SBA.  The remaining TDRs are in accrual status because they are performing in accordance with their restructured terms.
December 31, 2010
(In thousands)
30-59 Days
Past Due
60-89 Days
Past Due
90+ Days and
Still Accruing
Nonaccrual (1)
Total Past Due
Total Loans
SBA loans
  $ 1,297     $ 1,181     $ 374     $ 8,162     $ 11,014     $ 75,124     $ 86,138  
SBA 504 loans
    -       1,339       -       2,714       4,053       60,223       64,276  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    693       86       -       179       958       23,310       24,268  
Commercial real estate
    3,051       176       -       4,139       7,366       239,525       246,891  
Commercial real estate construction
    -       -       -       1,134       1,134       8,912       10,046  
Residential mortgage loans
Residential mortgages
    2,123       144       -       2,453       4,720       112,449       117,169  
Residential construction
    -       -       -       -       -       2,711       2,711  
Purchased residential mortgages
    117       -       -       2,632       2,749       5,771       8,520  
Consumer loans
Home equity
    175       325       -       249       749       53,524       54,273  
Consumer other
    5       -       -       -       5       1,639       1,644  
Total loans
  $ 7,461     $ 3,251     $ 374     $ 21,662     $ 32,748     $ 583,188     $ 615,936  
(1) At December 31, 2010, nonaccrual loans included $2.7 million of loans guaranteed by the SBA.  There were no nonaccrual TDRs.
Impaired Loans:
    The Company has defined impaired loans to be all nonperforming loans and troubled debt restructurings.  Management considers a loan impaired when, based on current information and events, it is determined that the company will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the loan contract.  Impairment is evaluated in total for smaller-balance loans of a similar nature, (consumer and residential mortgage loans), and on an individual basis for other loans.  
    The following tables provide detail on the Company's impaired loans with the associated allowance amount, if applicable, as of September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010:
September 30, 2011
(In thousands)
Outstanding Principal Balance
    Related Allowance    
Net Exposure
(balance less specific reserves)
With no related allowance:
SBA loans (1)
  $ 2,074     $ -     $ 2,074  
SBA 504 loans
    5,170       -       5,170  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    985       -       985  
Commercial real estate
    6,869       -       6,869  
    Commercial real estate construction     -       -        -  
Total commercial loans
    7,854       -       7,854  
Total impaired loans with no related allowance
  $ 15,098     $ -     $ 15,098  
With an allowance:
SBA loans(1)
  $ 4,795     $ 1,931     $ 2,864  
SBA 504 loans
    2,972       226       2,746  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
     58        58       -  
Commercial real estate
    8,872       1,914       6,958  
Commercial real estate construction
    600       149       451  
Total commercial loans
    9,530       2,121       7,409  
Total impaired loans with a related allowance
  $ 17,297     $ 4,278     $ 13,019  
Total individually evaluated impaired loans:
SBA loans (1)
  $ 6,869     $ 1,931     $ 4,938  
SBA 504 loans
    8,142       226       7,916  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    1,043       58       985  
Commercial real estate
    15,741       1,914       13,827  
Commercial real estate construction
    600       149       451  
Total commercial loans
    17,384       2,121       15,263  
Total individually evaluated impaired loans
  $ 32,395     $ 4,278     $ 28,117  
Homogeneous collectively evaluated impaired loans:
Residential mortgage loans
Residential mortgages
  $ 2,030     $ -     $ 2,030  
Purchased mortgages
    2,040       -       2,040  
Total residential mortgage loans
    4,070       -       4,070  
Consumer loans
Home equity
    273       -       273  
Consumer other
     9        -       9  
Total consumer loans
     282       -        282  
Total homogeneous collectively evaluated impaired loans
    4,352       -       4,352  
Total impaired loans
  $ 36,747     $ 4,278     $ 32,469  
(1) Balances are reduced by amount guaranteed by the Small Business Administration of $1.3 million at September 30, 2011.
December 31, 2010
(In thousands)
Outstanding Principal Balance
Related Allowance
Net Exposure
(balance less specific reserves)
With no related allowance:
SBA loans (1)
  $ 2,362     $ -     $ 2,362  
SBA 504 loans
    8,145       -       8,145  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    179       -       179  
Commercial real estate
    7,891       -       7,891  
Total commercial loans
    8,070       -       8,070  
Total impaired loans with no related allowance
  $ 18,577     $ -     $ 18,577  
With an allowance:
SBA loans(1)
  $ 4,526     $ 1,761     $ 2,765  
SBA 504 loans
    2,477       87       2,390  
Commercial loans
Commercial real estate
    990       226       764  
Commercial real estate construction
    1,134       383       751  
Total commercial loans
    2,124       609       1,515  
Total impaired loans with a related allowance
  $ 9,127     $ 2,457     $ 6,670  
Total individually evaluated impaired loans:
SBA loans (1)
  $ 6,888     $ 1,761     $ 5,127  
SBA 504 loans
    10,622       87       10,535  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    179       -       179  
Commercial real estate
    8,881       226       8,655  
Commercial real estate construction
    1,134       383       751  
Total commercial loans
    10,194       609       9,585  
Total individually evaluated impaired loans
  $ 27,704     $ 2,457     $ 25,247  
Homogeneous collectively evaluated impaired loans:
Residential mortgage loans
Residential mortgages
  $ 2,453     $ -     $ 2,453  
Purchased mortgages
    2,632       -       2,632  
Total residential mortgage loans
    5,085       -       5,085  
Consumer loans
Home equity
    249       -       249  
Total homogeneous collectively evaluated for impaired loans
    5,334       -       5,334  
Total impaired loans
  $ 33,038     $ 2,457     $ 30,581  
(1) Balances are reduced by amount guaranteed by the Small Business Administration of $2.7 million at September 30, 2010.
 The following tables present the average recorded investments in impaired loans and the related amount of interest recognized during the time period in which the loans were impaired for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2011 and 2010.  The average balances are calculated based on the month-end balances of impaired loans.  When the ultimate collectability of the total principal of an impaired loan is in doubt and the loan is on nonaccrual status, all payments are applied to principal under the cost recovery method, therefore no interest income is recognized.  Any interest income recognized on a cash basis during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2011 and 2010 was immaterial.  The interest recognized on impaired loans noted below represents accruing troubled debt restructurings only.
For the three months ended
    September 30, 2011     September 30, 2010  
(In thousands)
Average Recorded Investment
Interest Income Recognized on Impaired Loans
Average Recorded Investment
Interest Income Recognized on Impaired Loans
SBA loans (1)
  $ 6,768     $ 57     $ 5,070     $ 29  
SBA 504 loans
    8,284       67       6,638       53  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    1,388       8       342       -  
Commercial real estate
    16,366       120       11,731       31  
Commercial real estate construction
    600       -       708       -  
Residential mortgage loans
Residential mortgages
    2,202       -       4,514       -  
Purchased mortgages
    2,251       -       2,080       -  
Consumer loans
Home equity
    269       -       362       -  
Consumer other
     9       -        -        -  
  $ 38,137     $ 252     $ 31,445     $ 113  
(1) Balances are reduced by the average amount guaranteed by the Small Business Administration of $1.7 million for the three months ended September 30, 2011 and 2010.
For the nine months ended
    September 30, 2011     September 30, 2010  
(In thousands)
Average Recorded Investment
Interest Income Recognized on Impaired Loans
Average Recorded Investment
Interest Income Recognized on Impaired Loans
SBA loans (1)
  $ 6,631     $ 174     $ 4,944     $ 88  
SBA 504 loans
    9,223       172       5,518       114  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    1,118       17       481       -  
Commercial real estate
    14,206       277       11,522       94  
Commercial real estate construction
    813       -       647       -  
Residential mortgage loans
Residential mortgages
    2,166       -       5,029       -  
Purchased mortgages
    2,165       -       1,649       -  
Consumer loans
Home equity
    282       -       382       -  
Consumer other
    4       -        -        -  
  $ 36,608     $ 640     $ 30,172     $ 296  
(1) Balances are reduced by the average amount guaranteed by the Small Business Administration of $2.4 million and $1.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively.
Troubled Debt Restructurings:
    The Company's loan portfolio also includes certain loans that have been modified in a troubled debt restructuring ("TDR").  TDRs occur when a creditor, for economic or legal reasons related to a debtor's financial condition, grants a concession to the debtor that it would not otherwise consider, unless it results in a delay in payment that is insignificant.  These concessions typically include reductions in interest rate, extending the maturity of a loan, or a combination of both.  When the Company modifies a loan, management evaluates for any possible impairment using either the discounted cash flows method, where the value of the modified loan is based on the present value of expected cash flows, discounted at the contractual interest rate of the original loan agreement, or by using the fair value of the collateral less selling costs.  If management determines that the value of the modified loan is less than the recorded investment in the loan, impairment is recognized by segment or class of loan, as applicable, through an allowance estimate or charge-off to the allowance.  This process is used, regardless of loan type, as well as for loans modified as TDRs that subsequently default on their modified terms.  Effective September 30, 2011, the Company adopted the amendments in Accounting Standards Update ("ASU") No. 2011-02, Receivables (Topic 310): A Creditor's Determination of Whether a Restructuring Is a Troubled Debt Restructuring, and did not identify any additional TDRs as a result of this adoption. 
    TDRs of $21.3 million are included in the impaired loan numbers listed above, of which $3.8 million are in nonaccrual status.  The remaining TDRs are in accrual status since they continue to perform in accordance with their restructured terms.  There are no commitments to lend additional funds on these loans. 
    The following table details loans modified during the three months ended September 30, 2011, including the number of modifications, the recorded investment at the time of the modification and the quarter-to-date impact to interest income as a result of the modification.  There were no loans modified as TDRs within the previous 12 months where a concession was made and the loan subsequently defaulted at some point during the three months ended September 30, 2011.  In this case, subsequent default is defined as being transferred to nonaccrual status. 
    For the three months ended
    September 30, 2011
(In thousands, except number of contracts)  
Number of Contracts
Recorded Investment at Time of Modification
Impact of Interest Rate Change on Income
Commercial loans
Commercial real estate
    2     $ 1,082     $ -  
    2     $ 1,082     $ -  
    The following table details loans modified during the nine months ended September 30, 2011, including the number of modifications, the recorded investment at the time of the modification and the year-to-date impact to interest income as a result of the modification. 
    For the nine months ended
    September 30, 2011
(In thousands, except number of contracts)  
Number of Contracts
Recorded Investment at Time of Modification
Impact of Interest Rate Change on Income
SBA loans
    1     $ 46     $ -  
SBA 504 loans
    1       1,339       12  
Commercial loans
Commercial other
    1       985       4  
Commercial real estate
    6       7,720       6  
    9     $ 10,090     $ 22  
    The following table presents the recorded investment and number of modifications for loans modified as TDRs within the previous 12 months where a concession was made and the loan subsequently defaulted at some point during the nine months ended September 30, 2011.  In this case, subsequent default is defined as being transferred to nonaccrual status. 
For the nine months ended
     September 30, 2011  
(In thousands, except number of contracts)  
Number of Contracts
Recorded Investment
SBA loans
    1     $ 52  
Commercial loans
Commercial real estate
    2       729  
    3     $ 781  
   During the three months ended September 30, 2011, our TDRs consisted of interest rate reductions and interest only periods with interest rate reductions.  There was no principal forgiveness.  The following table shows the types of modifications done during the three months ended September 30, 2011, with the respective loan balances as of September 30, 2011:
(In thousands)
Commercial real estate
Type of Modification:
Reduced interest rate
  $ 590  
Interest only with reduced interest rate     492  
Total TDRs
  $ 1,082  
    During the nine months ended September 30, 2011, our TDRs consisted of interest rate reductions, interest only periods and combinations of both.  There was no principal forgiveness.  The following table shows the types of modifications done during the nine months ended September 30, 2011, with the respective loan balances as of September 30, 2011:
(In thousands)
  SBA       SBA 504    
Commercial other
Commercial real estate
Type of Modification:
Interest only
  $ -     $  -     $ -     $ 1,617     $ 1,617  
Reduced interest rate
    -       -       -       590       590  
Interest only with reduced interest rate     -       -       985       5,512       6,497  
Interest only with nominal principal     44       -       -       -       44  
Previously modified back to original terms     -       1,333       -       -       1,333  
Total TDRs
  $ 44     1,333     $ 985     $ 7,719     $ 10,081