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Pay vs Performance Disclosure - USD ($)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2022
Dec. 31, 2021
Dec. 31, 2020
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Pay vs Performance [Table Text Block]
Table Total for Bruce K. Lee(1)
Actually Paid to
Bruce K. Lee 1, 2, 3
Table Total
for Non-PEO NEOs(1)
Average Compensation Actually Paid
to Non-PEO
NEOs 1, 2, 3
Value of
Initial Fixed
$100 Investment
based on: (4)
Net Income
($ Millions)
($ Millions)
TSR ($)Peer Group TSR
2022$3,055,878 $2,675,277 $1,042,299 $1,134,119 $100.07 $97.52 $212.2 $295.7 
2021$2,852,290 $3,100,827 $1,041,819 $1,112,786 $106.17 $124.06 $219.9 $265.7 
2020$2,245,882 $2,372,655 $854,562 $866,117 $83.03 $89.68 $137.9 $241.1 
(1) Bruce K. Lee was our PEO for each year presented. The individuals comprising the Non-PEO NEOs for each year are as follows: 2022-Bryan R. McKeag, Jay L. Kim, David A. Prince, and Kevin G. Quinn; 2021-Lynn B. Fuller, Bryan R. McKeag, David A. Prince, and Daniel C. Stevens; 2020-Lynn B. Fuller, Bryan R. McKeag, David A. Prince, and Daniel C. Stevens.
(2) The amounts shown for Compensation Actually Paid have been recalculated in accordance with Item 402(v) of Regulation S-K and do not reflect compensation actually earned, realized or received by the Company’s NEOs. These amounts reflect the Summary Compensation Table Total with certain adjustments as described in footnote 3 below.
(3) Compensation Actually Paid reflects the exclusions and inclusions of certain amounts for the PEO and the Non-PEO NEOs as set forth below. Amounts shown in the Exclusion of Stock Awards and Option Awards columns below are the totals from the Stock Awards and Option Awards columns set forth in the Summary Compensation Table contained in our Proxy Statement for the respective reporting year. Amounts in the Inclusion of Equity Values below are not reported elsewhere and have been calculated in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718.
Named Executive Officers, Footnote [Text Block] (1) Bruce K. Lee was our PEO for each year presented. The individuals comprising the Non-PEO NEOs for each year are as follows: 2022-Bryan R. McKeag, Jay L. Kim, David A. Prince, and Kevin G. Quinn; 2021-Lynn B. Fuller, Bryan R. McKeag, David A. Prince, and Daniel C. Stevens; 2020-Lynn B. Fuller, Bryan R. McKeag, David A. Prince, and Daniel C. Stevens.    
Peer Group Issuers, Footnote [Text Block] (4) The Peer Group TSR set forth in this table utilizes the KBW Bank Index, which we also utilize in the stock performance graph required by Item 201(e) of Regulation S-K included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022. The comparison assumes $100 was invested for the period starting December 31, 2019, through the end of the listed year in the Company and in the KBW Nasdaq Bank Index, respectively. Historical stock performance in not necessarily indicative of future stock performance.    
PEO Total Compensation Amount $ 3,055,878 $ 2,852,290 $ 2,245,882
PEO Actually Paid Compensation Amount $ 2,675,277 3,100,827 2,372,655
Adjustment To PEO Compensation, Footnote [Text Block] (3) Compensation Actually Paid reflects the exclusions and inclusions of certain amounts for the PEO and the Non-PEO NEOs as set forth below. Amounts shown in the Exclusion of Stock Awards and Option Awards columns below are the totals from the Stock Awards and Option Awards columns set forth in the Summary Compensation Table contained in our Proxy Statement for the respective reporting year. Amounts in the Inclusion of Equity Values below are not reported elsewhere and have been calculated in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718.
YearSummary Compensation Table Total for
Bruce K. Lee
Exclusion of Stock Awards
and Option Awards for
 Bruce K. Lee
Inclusion of Equity Values for Bruce K. Lee
Compensation Actually Paid to Bruce K. Lee
2022$3,055,878 $(1,286,285)$905,684 $2,675,277 
2021$2,852,290 $(1,224,086)$1,472,623 $3,100,827 
2020$2,245,882 $(823,760)$950,533 $2,372,655 
The amounts in the Inclusion of Equity Values in the tables above are derived from the amounts set forth in the following tables:
YearYear-End Fair Value of Equity
Awards Granted During Year
that Remain Unvested as of Last
Day of Year for
Bruce K. Lee
Change in Fair Value from Last
Day of Prior Year to Last Day of
Year of Unvested Equity Awards
for Bruce K. Lee
Change in Fair Value from Last
Day of Prior Year to Vesting
Date of Unvested Equity Awards
that Vested During Year for
Bruce K. Lee
Total-Inclusion of Equity Values
for Bruce K. Lee
2022$1,165,725 $(260,018)$(23)$905,684 
2021$1,184,798 $187,350 $100,475 $1,472,623 
2020$990,077 $460 $(40,004)$950,533 
Non-PEO NEO Average Total Compensation Amount $ 1,042,299 1,041,819 854,562
Non-PEO NEO Average Compensation Actually Paid Amount $ 1,134,119 1,112,786 866,117
Adjustment to Non-PEO NEO Compensation Footnote [Text Block] (3) Compensation Actually Paid reflects the exclusions and inclusions of certain amounts for the PEO and the Non-PEO NEOs as set forth below. Amounts shown in the Exclusion of Stock Awards and Option Awards columns below are the totals from the Stock Awards and Option Awards columns set forth in the Summary Compensation Table contained in our Proxy Statement for the respective reporting year. Amounts in the Inclusion of Equity Values below are not reported elsewhere and have been calculated in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718.
YearAverage Summary Compensation Table
Total for Non-PEO NEOs
Average Exclusion of Stock Awards and Option Awards for Non-PEO NEOs
Average Inclusion of Equity Values for Non-PEO NEOs
Average Compensation Actually Paid to Non-PEO NEOs
2022$1,042,299 $(363,444)$455,264 $1,134,119 
2021$1,041,819 $(341,049)$412,016 $1,112,786 
2020$854,562 $(187,636)$199,191 $866,117 
YearAverage Year-End Fair Value of
Equity Awards Granted During
Year That Remained Unvested
as of Last Day of Year
for Non-PEO NEOs
Average Change in Fair Value
from Last Day of Prior Year
to Last Day of Year of
Unvested Equity Awards for
Average Change in Fair Value
from Last Day of Prior Year to
Vesting Date of Unvested Equity
Awards that Vested During Year
for Non-PEO NEOs
Total-Average Inclusion
of Equity Values for
2022$500,718 $(46,425)$971 $455,264 
2021$330,103 $44,002 $37,911 $412,016 
2020$225,519 $(5,286)$(21,042)$199,191 
Compensation Actually Paid vs. Total Shareholder Return [Text Block]
The following chart sets forth the relationship between Compensation Actually Paid to our PEO, the average of Compensation Actually Paid to our non-PEO NEOs, and the Company’s cumulative TSR over the three most recently completed fiscal years.
Compensation Actually Paid vs. Net Income [Text Block]
The following chart sets forth the relationship between Compensation Actually Paid to our PEO, the average of Compensation Actually Paid to our Non-PEO NEOs, and our net income during the three most recently completed fiscal years.
Compensation Actually Paid vs. Company Selected Measure [Text Block] The following chart sets forth the relationship between Compensation Actually Paid to our PEO, the average of the Compensation Actually Paid to our Non-PEO NEOs, and our PPNR during the three most recently completed fiscal years.1099511633174    
Total Shareholder Return Vs Peer Group [Text Block]
The following chart compares our cumulative TSR over the three most recently completed fiscal years to that of the KBW Nasdaq Bank Index over the same period.
Tabular List [Table Text Block]
*EPS Growth
*Loan Growth
*Noninterest Income
*Return on Average Assets
*Total Stockholder Return
Total Shareholder Return Amount $ 100.07 106.17 83.03
Peer Group Total Shareholder Return Amount 97.52 124.06 89.68
Net Income (Loss) $ 212,200,000 $ 219,900,000 $ 137,900,000
Company Selected Measure Amount 295,700,000 265,700,000 241,100,000
PEO Name Bruce K. Lee    
Additional 402(v) Disclosure [Text Block] (2) The amounts shown for Compensation Actually Paid have been recalculated in accordance with Item 402(v) of Regulation S-K and do not reflect compensation actually earned, realized or received by the Company’s NEOs. These amounts reflect the Summary Compensation Table Total with certain adjustments as described in footnote 3 below.In calculating the Inclusion of Equity Values in the preceding tables, we value performance awards with a market condition using a Monte Carlo simulation model; this methodology differs from the manner in which we calculated the value on the date of grant in the relevant Grants of Plan-Based Awards tables and Summary Compensation Tables.    
Measure [Axis]: 1      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Measure Name EPS Growth    
Measure [Axis]: 2      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Measure Name Loan Growth    
Measure [Axis]: 3      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Measure Name Noninterest Income    
Measure [Axis]: 4      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Measure Name PPNR    
Non-GAAP Measure Description [Text Block] (5) We determined adjusted core pre-provision pre-tax net revenue (“PPNR”) to be the most important financial performance measure used to link Company performance to Compensation Actually Paid to our PEO and Non-PEO NEOs in 2022. See the reconciliation of our comparable GAAP financial measures to PPNR in the table below.
The table below shows how PPNR was calculated, dollars in thousands:
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measure-Adjusted Core Pre-Provision Pre-Tax Net Revenue
For the Year Ended December 31,
Net income (GAAP)$212,280 $219,923 $137,938 
Provision (benefit) for credit losses15,370 (17,575)67,066 
Income taxes55,573 55,335 36,053 
Pre-provision pre-tax revenue283,223 257,683 241,057 
Partnership investment in tax credit projects5,040 6,303 — 
Acquisition costs7,586 — — 
IT project write-offs— 1,743 — 
Adjusted core pre-provision pre-tax net revenue (non-GAAP)$295,849 $265,729 $241,057 
Measure [Axis]: 5      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Measure Name Return on Average Assets    
Measure [Axis]: 6      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Measure Name Total Stockholder Return    
PEO [Member] | Stock and Option Awards Adjustments [Member]      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Adjustment to Compensation Amount $ (1,286,285) $ (1,224,086) $ (823,760)
PEO [Member] | Equity Award Adjustments [Member]      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Adjustment to Compensation Amount 905,684 1,472,623 950,533
PEO [Member] | Equity Awards Granted During the Year, Unvested [Member]      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Adjustment to Compensation Amount, Equity Awards 1,165,725 1,184,798 990,077
PEO [Member] | Equity Awards Granted in Prior Years, Unvested [Member]      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Adjustment to Compensation Amount, Equity Awards (260,018) 187,350 460
PEO [Member] | Equity Awards Granted in Prior Years, Vested [Member]      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Adjustment to Compensation Amount, Equity Awards (23) 100,475 (40,004)
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Stock and Option Awards Adjustments [Member]      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Adjustment to Compensation Amount (363,444) (341,049) (187,636)
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Equity Award Adjustments [Member]      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Adjustment to Compensation Amount 455,264 412,016 199,191
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Equity Awards Granted During the Year, Unvested [Member]      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Adjustment to Compensation Amount, Equity Awards 500,718 330,103 225,519
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Equity Awards Granted in Prior Years, Unvested [Member]      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Adjustment to Compensation Amount, Equity Awards (46,425) 44,002 (5,286)
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Equity Awards Granted in Prior Years, Vested [Member]      
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table]      
Adjustment to Compensation Amount, Equity Awards $ 971 $ 37,911 $ (21,042)