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Good morning.
Earlier today, we announced an agreement to be acquired by Infrastructure Investment Fund, IIF for short.
This is an exciting time for SJI, and an extraordinary accomplishment – one that would not be possible without the outstanding work of our
entire team.
So for this, I say thank you to each and every one of you.
I understand that in transactions such as these it’s natural for you to wonder…what does this mean for me?
Let me start by saying we are OneSJI and we will remain OneSJI. There will be no change to our values or our mission. There will be no change to
our purpose. This transaction is about growth. The company’s growth, your personal growth and growth for our customers and communities.
As we’ve gotten to know IIF, it has become clear how much aligned we are – in values, in priorities, in a vision of a clean energy future.
And they understand the value and competitive advantage that stems from the most valuable asset – our employees, and our proven track record of
safety, service and reliability.
So while they are investing in our company, really they are investing in you. And we expect exciting opportunities for you as a result.
As I outlined in my email earlier, IIF has significant expertise developing renewable energy sources and an extensive history of investing in
utility companies.
And, as a long-term investor in infrastructure companies that provide essential services, IIF has a real understanding of and appreciation for
the important role we play in our community. We are pleased to have found a partner that shares our commitment to supporting and improving the quality of life for those we serve.
A large investment from such a proven, experienced partner is a testament to the value they think we can create together.
With IIF, we will continue to grow and innovate our renewable and sustainable energy assets, including green technologies. With their resources,
I’m confident we can enhance our ability to build a clean future and further advance our critical decarbonization efforts.
Our priorities will not change. We will continue to modernize our critical infrastructure, maintain our high standard of customer service at
reasonable rates, and further solidify the safety, reliability, and sustainability of our businesses.
In other words, we believe with IIF’s support we will be ideally positioned to continue to serve our customers and achieve our goals.
As you can tell, I am eager to begin this new chapter for SJI with all of you.
That said, today is just the first step in the process. We expect to complete the transaction in the fourth quarter 2022.
Until that time, we will continue to operate as an independent, publicly traded company.
At close, SJI will become a private company and our stock will no longer trade on the public market, but we will remain locally managed with headquarters in Folsom and strong ties to the communities we serve.
In closing, I want to reiterate how excited I am about this transaction and the benefits it will bring to our customers, our communities and to
each of you.
I know I can count on all of you to help realize our goals as we continue on our journey together.
I look forward to seeing many of you today - and in the coming days - in our offices and out in the field.