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Summary of Restricted Stock Activity (Detail) (USD $)
In Thousands, except Per Share data, unless otherwise specified
9 Months Ended
Nov. 01, 2014
Time Based Restricted Stock Units
Nonvested - beginning of period 1,155
Granted 1,521
Vested (647)
Cancelled/Forfeited (457)
Nonvested - End of period 1,572
Weighted-Average Grant Date Fair Value  
Nonvested - beginning of period $ 20.13
Granted $ 14.13
Vested $ 18.10
Canceled/Forfeited $ 16.93
Nonvested - end of period $ 16.09
Performance-Based Restricted Stock Units
Nonvested - beginning of period 2,395
Granted 1,341
Vested (604)
Cancelled/Forfeited (145)
Nonvested - End of period 2,987
Weighted-Average Grant Date Fair Value  
Nonvested - beginning of period $ 16.85
Granted $ 14.22
Vested $ 15.33
Canceled/Forfeited $ 17.30
Nonvested - end of period $ 15.96