485APOS 1 apm_485a.htm ASSET PORTFOLIO MANAGER Asset Portfolio Manager

As filed with the Securities and Exchange

Registration No. 333-50278

Commission on October 30, 2003



Washington, D.C. 20549





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Pre-Effective Amendment No.__

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Post-Effective Amendment No. 7

[ X]



[ X]


(Check appropriate box or boxes.)


Security Life Separate Account L1

(Exact Name of Registrant)


Security Life of Denver Insurance Company

(Name of Depositor)


1290 Broadway

Denver, Colorado 80203-5699

(Address of Depositor’s Principal Executive Offices)


(800) 525-9852

Depositor’s Telephone Number, including Area Code

J. Neil McMurdie, Counsel

ING Americas (U.S. Legal Services)

151 Farmington Avenue, TS31, Hartford Connecticut 06156

(Name and Address of Agent for Service)


Kimberly J. Smith, Chief Counsel

ING Americas (U.S. Legal Services)

1475 Dunwoody Drive, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380


Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering: Continuous


It is proposed that this filing will become effective (check appropriate box)


[  ]

immediately upon filing pursuant to paragraph (b) of Rule 485


[  ]

on (date) pursuant to paragraph (b) of Rule 485



60 days after filing pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of Rule 485


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on (date) pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of Rule 485.


If appropriate, check the following box:


[  ]

This post-effective amendment designates a new effective date for a previously filed post-effective amendment.






The Prospectus, dated May 1, 2003, is incorporated into Part A of this Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to Registration Statement on Form N-6 (File No. 333-50278) by reference to Registrant's filings under Rules 485(b), as filed on April 14, 2003 (File No. 333-50278); 497(e), as filed on June 27, 2003 (File No. 333-50278); 485(b), as filed on August 21, 2003; and 497(e), as filed on October 24, 2003 (File No. 333-50278).






issued by

Security Life of Denver Insurance Company

and its

Security Life Separate Account L1


Supplement dated December 29, 2003


This supplement amends certain information contained in the prospectus dated May 1, 2003, as amended on June 27, 2003, August 21, 2003, and October 24, 2003. Please read it carefully and keep it with your prospectus for future reference.



Effective January 19, 2004, the Death Benefit Guarantee available under the policy changed. Accordingly, the prospectus is hereby amended as follows:


The Death Benefit Guarantee section on page 4 is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:

Death Benefit Guarantees

See Death Benefit Guarantees, page 27.

  • Generally, your policy will not lapse as long as your policy value minus any loan account value and accrued loan interest (the "net policy value") is enough to pay the periodic fees and charges when due.
  • However, the policy has two death benefit guarantees which provide that the policy will not lapse even if the net policy value is not enough to pay the periodic fees and charges, when due:


  • For issue ages 25-75, the 20 year death benefit guarantee is an optional benefit that may be available, but only when you apply for the policy. If you select this guarantee, your policy and any adjustable term insurance rider coverage is guaranteed not to lapse for 20 years provided:



  • Your cumulative premium payments, minus any partial withdrawals or loans, are at least equal to the sum of the 20 year death benefit guarantee premium payments to the next monthly processing date; and
  • Your net policy value is allocated to at least five investment options with no more than 35% invested in any one investment option.

There is a separate monthly charge for this guarantee.

  • For issue ages 25-75, the lifetime death benefit guarantee is an optional benefit that may be available, but only when you apply for the policy. If you select this guarantee, your policy and any adjustable term insurance rider coverage is guaranteed not to lapse for the lifetime of the insured person provided:
  • Your cumulative premium payments, minus any partial withdrawals or loans, are at least equal to the sum of the lifetime death benefit guarantee premium payments to the next monthly processing date; and
  • Your net policy value is allocated to at least five investment options with no more than 35% invested in any one investment option.

There is a separate monthly charge for this guarantee.

  • Subject to state approval, policies issued before January 19, 2004, offered a different death benefit guarantee. See the amendments below to the Death Benefit Guarantees section on page 27 for the availability of and greater details about the other death benefit guarantee.
  • The death benefit guarantees may not be available in some states.


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December 2003

The Death Benefit Guarantee Charge portion of the Periodic Fees and Charges table on page 9 is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:



When Deducted

Amount Deducted

Basic Death Benefit Guarantee Charge a
(if selected)

  • On each monthly processing date during the guarantee period.
  • $0.005 per $1,000 of basic insurance coverage during the guarantee period.

20 Year Death Benefit Guarantee Charge a, b
(if selected)

  • On each monthly processing date during the guarantee period.
  • Minimum Rates - $0.005 per $1,000 of guaranteed coverage.
  • Maximum Rates - $0.08 per $1,000 of guaranteed coverage.
  • Rates for a representative insured person - $0.03 per $1,000 of guaranteed coverage. The representative insured person is age 45.

Lifetime Death Benefit Guarantee Charge a, b
(if selected)

  • On each monthly processing date during the guarantee period.
  • Minimum Rates - $0.02 per $1,000 of guaranteed coverage.
  • Maximum Rates - $0.08 per $1,000 of guaranteed coverage.
  • Rates for a representative insured person - $0.07 per $1,000 of guaranteed coverage. The representative insured person is age 45.


The basic death benefit guarantee is only available on policies issued on or before the later of January 18, 2004, or the date the 20 year and lifetime death benefit guarantees are approved in your state. The 20 year and lifetime death benefit guarantees are only available on policies issued on or after the later of January 19, 2004 or the date these guarantees are approved in your state. See the amendments below to the Death Benefit Guarantees section on pages 27 for the availability of and details about each death benefit guarantee.


The rates for these guarantees depend on the insured person's age at issue. The rates for the representative insured person listed above may be more or less than you will pay, and you should contact your agent/registered representative for information about the rates that apply to you.



The Death Benefit Guarantee section on page 27 is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:


Death Benefit Guarantees

The policy has death benefit guarantees which provide that the policy will not lapse even if the net policy value is not enough to pay the periodic fees and charges each month. These are optional benefits that may be selected only when you apply for the policy.

Basic Death Benefit Guarantee. The basic death benefit guarantee provides that your policy's basic insurance coverage will not lapse for the greater of ten policy years or until the insured person reached age 65, provided:

In the policy, the basic death benefit guarantee feature is referred to as the "Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit."

  • Your cumulative premium payments, minus any partial withdrawals, loans and accrued loan interest, are at least equal to the sum of the guarantee period monthly premium payments to the next monthly processing date; and
  • Your net policy value is allocated to at least five investment options with no more than 35% invested in any one investment option.


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December 2003

Consider the following in relation to the basic death benefit guarantee:

  • This guarantee is available on policies issued on or before the later of January 18, 2004, or the date the 20 year and lifetime death benefit guarantees are approved in your state. You may contact your agent/registered representative for information about the availability of this guarantee in your state.
  • If available, you may elect this guarantee only when you apply for the base policy;
  • The guarantee period monthly premium for this guarantee will be set forth in your policy and be based on monthly rates that vary according to the insured person's gender, risk class and age;
  • If your policy benefits change, your guarantee period monthly premium will also change;
  • There is a monthly charge for this guarantee (see Fees and Charges - Periodic Fees and Charges, page 19);
  • This guarantee covers continuation of the base policy only. If your policy is kept in force because of this guarantee, coverage under all riders will terminate; and
  • Even if this guarantee terminates, your policy will not necessarily lapse (see Termination of Coverage - Lapse, page 39).

We will notify you if on any monthly processing date you have not paid enough premium to keep this guarantee in force or your policy is not sufficiently diversified. This notice will show the amount of premium required to maintain this guarantee and, if applicable, explain the diversification requirement. If we do not receive the required premium payment or you do not adequately diversify your policy by the second monthly processing date following the notice, this guarantee will terminate. If this guarantee terminates, it cannot be reinstated.

20 Year Death Benefit Guarantee. The 20 year death benefit guarantee provides that your policy and any adjustable term insurance rider coverage will not lapse for 20 years from your policy date, provided:

  • Your cumulative premium payments, minus any partial withdrawals or loans, are at least equal to the sum of the 20 year death benefit guarantee premium payments to the next monthly processing date; and
  • Your net policy value is allocated to at least five investment options with no more than 35% invested in any one investment option.

You should consider the following factors when deciding whether to add the 20 year death benefit guarantee to your policy:

  • This guarantee is available on the later of January 19, 2004, or the date this guarantee is approved in your state. You may contact your agent/registered representative for information about the availability of this guarantee in your state.
  • If available, you may add this guarantee only when you apply for the base policy;
  • The 20 year death benefit guarantee period begins on the policy date;
  • The minimum premium for this guarantee will be set forth in your policy and be based on monthly rates that vary according to the insured person's gender, risk class and age;
  • If your policy benefits change, minimum premium for this guarantee will also change;
  • There is a monthly charge for this guarantee during the death benefit guarantee period. This charge is based on a rate which varies depending on the issue age of the insured person (see Fees and Charges - Periodic Fees and Charges, page 19). Each month the charge for this guarantee will be determined by dividing the amount of guaranteed coverage by 1,000 and multiplying the result by the rate set forth in your policy. The amount of guaranteed coverage equals the amount of your total insurance coverage minus your policy value;
  • Transfers between investment options which are made in response to our notice to you that your policy is not sufficiently diversified will not count as transfers for purposes of any limits or restrictions on transfers which we may impose (see Special Features and Benefits - Transfers, page 35);
  • This guarantee covers only your base policy and adjustable term insurance rider, if any. If your policy and any adjustable term insurance rider are kept in force because of this guarantee, coverage under all other riders will terminate;
  • This guarantee may not be available for certain risk classes;
  • This guarantee cannot be added to a policy with death benefit Option 3 or the lifetime death benefit guarantee; and
  • Even if this guarantee terminates, your policy will not necessarily lapse (see Termination of Coverage - Lapse, page 39).


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December 2003

We will notify you if on any monthly processing date you have not paid enough premium to keep this guarantee in force or your policy is not sufficiently diversified. This notice will show the amount of premium required to maintain this guarantee and, if applicable, explain the diversification requirement. If we do not receive the required premium payment or you do not adequately diversify your policy by the second monthly processing date following the notice, this guarantee will terminate. If this guarantee terminates, it cannot be reinstated.

Lifetime Death Benefit Guarantee. The lifetime death benefit guarantee provides that your policy and any adjustable term insurance rider coverage will not lapse during your lifetime, provided:

  • Your cumulative premium payments, minus any partial withdrawals or loans, are at least equal to the sum of the lifetime death benefit guarantee premium payments to the next monthly processing date; and
  • Your net policy value is allocated to at least five investment options with no more than 35% invested in any one investment option.

You should consider the following factors when deciding whether to add the enhanced lifetime death benefit guarantee to your policy:

  • This guarantee is available on the later of January 19, 2004, or the date this guarantee is approved in your state. You may contact your agent/registered representative for information about the availability of this guarantee in your state.
  • If available, you may add this guarantee only when you apply for the base policy;
  • The lifetime death benefit guarantee period begins on the policy date;
  • The minimum premium for this guarantee will be set forth in your policy and be based on monthly rates that vary according to the insured person's gender, risk class and age;
  • If your policy benefits change, minimum premium for this guarantee will also change;
  • There is a monthly charge for this guarantee. This charge is based on a rate which varies depending on the issue age of the insured person (see Fees and Charges - Periodic Fees and Charges, page 19). Each month the charge for this guarantee will be determined by dividing the amount of guaranteed coverage by 1,000 and multiplying the result by the rate set forth in your policy. The amount of guaranteed coverage equals the amount of your total insurance coverage minus your policy value;
  • Transfers between investment options which are made in response to our notice to you that your policy is not sufficiently diversified will not count as transfers for purposes of any limits or restrictions on transfers which we may impose (see Special Features and Benefits - Transfers, page 35);
  • This guarantee covers only your base policy and adjustable term insurance rider, if any. If your policy and any adjustable term insurance rider are kept in force because of this guarantee, coverage under all other riders will terminate;
  • This guarantee cannot be added to a policy with death benefit Option 3 or the 20 year death benefit guarantee; and
  • Even if the lifetime death benefit guarantee terminates, your policy will not necessarily lapse (see Termination of Coverage - Lapse, page 39).

We will notify you if on any monthly processing date you have not paid enough premium to keep this guarantee in force or your policy is not sufficiently diversified. This notice will show the amount of premium required to maintain this guarantee and, if applicable, explain the diversification requirement. If we do not receive the required premium payment or you do not adequately diversify your policy by the second monthly processing date following the notice, this guarantee will terminate. If this guarantee terminates, it cannot be reinstated.


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December 2003




The Statement of Additional Information, dated May 1, 2003, is incorporated into Part B of this Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to Registration Statement on Form N-6 (File No. 333-50278) by reference to Registrant's filings under Rules 485(b), as filed on April 14, 2003 (File No. 333-50278); 497(e), as filed on June 25, 2003; and 485(b), as filed on August 21, 2003.



Part C



Item 27





Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company ("Security Life of Denver") authorizing the establishment of the Registrant. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)


Not Applicable.



Security Life of Denver Distribution Agreement. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Security Life of Denver Insurance Company Distribution Agreement. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Form S-6 Initial Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on May 10, 2001; File No. 333-72753.)



Amendment to Security Life of Denver Insurance Company Distribution Agreement. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 10 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 23, 1999; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Security Life of Denver Insurance Company Distribution Agreement. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on January 30, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Amendment to Security Life of Denver Insurance Company Distribution Agreement. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 14 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 19, 2001; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Security Life of Denver Insurance Company Distribution Agreement. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



First Amendment to Security Life of Denver Insurance Company Distribution Agreement. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Specimen Broker/Dealer Supervisory and Selling Agreement for Variable Contracts with Compensation Schedule. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 6 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on March 2, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Broker/Dealer Supervisory and Selling Agreement for Variable Contracts with Paine Webber Incorporated. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 4 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 30, 1997; File No. 33-88148.)



Compensation Schedule. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 2 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 10, 2002; File No. 333-50278.)



Commission Schedule for Policies. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on January 30, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Specimen Master Sales and Supervisory Agreement with Compensation Schedule. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 12 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 25, 2000; File No. 33-74190.)



Specimen Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy (Form No. 2511 (VUL)-2/01). (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on January 30, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Adjustable Term Insurance Rider (Form No. R2000-3/96). (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on January 30, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Waiver of Cost of Insurance Rider (Form No. R-1505). (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on January 30, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Waiver of Specified Premium Total Disability Rider (Form No. R-1506). (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on January 30, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Accelerated Death Benefit Rider. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on January 30, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Policy Endorsement, Death Benefit Guarantee



Specimen Variable Life Insurance Application (Form No. Q-2006-9/97). (To be used on or before May 1, 1998.)



Variable Life Application Insert. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on January 30, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Investment Feature Selection Form (Form No. V-166-00 Rev. 5/1/03). (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 5 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 14, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Investment Feature Selection Form (Form No. V-175-01 Rev. 5/1/03). (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 5 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 14, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Specimen Application for Life Insurance Fixed and Variable Products (Form No. 110945). (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendments to Articles of Incorporation through June 12, 1987. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendments to Articles of Incorporation through November 12, 2001. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Security Life of Denver's By-Laws. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Bylaws of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company (Restated with Amendments through September 30, 1997). (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 5 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on October 29, 1997; File No. 33-74190.)


Not Applicable.



Participation Agreement by and among AIM Variable Insurance Funds, Inc., Life Insurance Company, on Behalf of Itself and its Separate Accounts and Name of Underwriter of Variable Contracts and Policies. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 6 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on March 2, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Sales Agreement by and among The Alger American Fund, Fred Alger Management, Inc., and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Sales Agreement by and among Neuberger & Berman Advisers Management Trust, Neuberger & Berman Management Incorporated, and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Participation Agreement among INVESCO Variable Investment Funds, Inc., INVESCO Funds Group, Inc., and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Participation Agreement between Van Eck Investment Trust and the Trust’s investment adviser, Van Eck Associates Corporation, and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, The GCG Trust and Directed Services, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Participation Agreement among M Fund, Inc., M Financial Advisers, Inc. and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 14 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 19, 2001; File No. 33-74190.)



Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, Pilgrim Variable Products Trust and ING Pilgrim Investments, LLC. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and Southland Life Insurance Company, Putnam Variable Trust and Putnam Retail Management, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 19, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, ING Partners, Inc., ING Life Insurance and Annuity Company, and ING Financial Advisers, LLC. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on February 7, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, ING Variable Portfolios, Inc. and ING Funds Distributor, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on February 7, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust, Pioneer Investment Management, Inc. and Pioneer Funds Distributor, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on February 7, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, ING VP Bond Portfolio and ING Funds Distributor, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on February 7, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



First Amendment to Fund Participation Agreement between Security Life of Denver, Van Eck Investment Trust and Van Eck Associates Corporation. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 6 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on March 2, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Second Amendment to Fund Participation Agreement between Security Life of Denver, Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust and Van Eck Associates Corporation. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 6 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on March 2, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Assignment and Modification Agreement between Neuberger & Berman Advisers Management Trust, Neuberger & Berman Management Incorporated, Neuberger & Berman Advisers Management Trust, Advisers Managers Trust and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 6 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on March 2, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



First Amendment to Participation Agreement by and among The Alger American Fund, Fred Alger Management, Inc., Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



First Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Second Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



First Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Second Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



First Amendment to Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, INVESCO Variable Investment Funds, Inc. and INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Third Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 11 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 29, 1999; File No. 33-74190.)



Third Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 11 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 29, 1999; File No. 33-74190.)



Fourth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Fourth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment No. 2 to Participation Agreement among AIM Variable Insurance Funds, Inc., Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and ING America Equities, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Fourth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, INVESCO Investment Funds, Inc. and INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment No. 3 to Participation Agreement among AIM Variable Insurance Funds, Inc., Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and ING America Equities, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Fifth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Fifth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment No. 4 to Participation Agreement among AIM Variable Insurance Funds, Inc., Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and ING America Equities, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on February 29, 2000; File No. 333-72753.)



Sixth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Sixth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Fifth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, INVESCO Variable Investment Funds, Inc. and INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on February 29, 2000; File No. 333-72753.)



Seventh Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 12 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 25, 2000; File No. 33-74190.)



Seventh Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 13 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on October 13, 2000; File No. 33-74190.)



Eighth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 13 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on October 13, 2000; File No. 33-74190.)



Addendum to Fund Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust, Advisers Managers Trust and Neuberger Berman Management Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 13 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on October 13, 2000; File No. 33-74190.)



Fund Participation Agreement between Janus Aspen Series and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 13 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on October 13, 2000; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Janus Aspen Series Fund Participation Agreement. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on January 30, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Amendment No. 5 to Participation Agreement among AIM Variable Insurance Funds, Inc., Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and ING America Equities, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on January 30, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, The GCG Trust and Directed Services, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on January 30, 2001; File No. 333-50278.)



Sixth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, INVESCO Variable Investment Funds, Inc. and INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Eighth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 14 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 19, 2001; File No. 33-74190.)



Ninth Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 14 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 19, 2001; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among M Fund, Inc., M Financial Advisers, Inc. and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 14 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 19, 2001; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Form S-6 Initial Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on November 15, 2001; File No. 333-73464.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Form S-6 Initial Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on November 15, 2001; File No. 333-73464.)



Form of Amendment to Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, The GCG Trust and Directed Services, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 14 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 19, 2001; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among M Fund, Inc., M Financial Advisers, Inc. and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 14 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 19, 2001; File No. 33-74190.)



Second Amendment to Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, INVESCO Variable Investment Funds, Inc. and INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Third Amendment to Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, INVESCO Variable Investment Funds, Inc. and INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment No. 1 to Participation Agreement among AIM Variable Insurance Funds, Inc., Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and ING America Equities, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Sales Agreement by and among The Alger American Fund, Fred Alger Management, Inc., Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Addendum to Alger Sales Agreement. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment No. 6 to Participation Agreement among AIM Variable Insurance Funds, Inc., Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and ING America Equities, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on December 19, 2001; File No. 333-73464.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on December 19, 2001; File No. 333-73464.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on December 19, 2001; File No. 333-73464.)



Seventh Amendment to Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, INVESCO Variable Investment Funds, Inc. and INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on December 19, 2001; File No. 333-73464.)



Amendment to Janus Aspen Series Fund Participation Agreement. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on December 19, 2001; File No. 333-73464.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, Pilgrim Variable Products Trust and ING Pilgrim Securities, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on December 19, 2001; File No. 333-73464.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among M Fund, Inc., M Financial Advisers, Inc. and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among ING Variable Products Trust, ING Funds Distributor, Inc. and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on February 7, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and Southland Life Insurance Company, Putnam Variable Trust and Putnam Retail Management, L.P. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on February 7, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Service Agreement between Fred Alger Management, Inc. and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Expense Allocation Agreement between A I M Advisors, Inc., AIM Distributors, Inc. and Security Life of Denver. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 11 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 29, 1999; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment No. 1 to Expense Allocation Agreement between AIM Advisors, Inc., A I M Distributors, Inc. and Security Life of Denver. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on December 19, 2001; File No. 333-73464.)



Service Agreement between INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 11 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 29, 1999; File No. 33-74190.)



First Amendment to Service Agreement between Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Service Agreement between Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Service Agreement between Neuberger & Berman Management Incorporated and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 11 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 29, 1999; File No. 33-74190.)



Service Agreement between Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company, Inc. and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Side Letter between Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust and Security Life of Denver. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 11 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 29, 1999; File No. 33-74190.)



Distribution and Shareholder Services Agreement between Janus Distributors, Inc. and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 9, 2002; File No. 33-74190.)



Administrative and Shareholder Service Agreement between Directed Services, Inc. and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 14 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 19, 2001; File No. 33-74190.)



Administrative and Shareholder Service Agreement between ING Pilgrim Group, LLC and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on December 19, 2001; File No. 333-73464.)



Amendment to Administrative and Shareholder Services Agreement between Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and ING Funds Services, LLC. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on February 7, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Letter of Agreement between Security Life of Denver and Janus Capital Corporation. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on December 19, 2001; File No. 333-73464.)



Service Agreement with Investment Advisor between ING Life Insurance and Annuity Company and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on February 7, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Administrative Services Agreement between Security Life of Denver and Financial Administrative Services Corporation. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Administrative Services Agreement between Security Life of Denver and Financial Administrative Services Corporation. (Incorporated herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 27, 1998; File No. 33-74190.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among M Fund, Inc., M Financial Advisers, Inc. and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 5 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 14, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 5 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 14, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Form of Amendment to Participation Agreement among Variable Insurance Products Fund II, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 5 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 14, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Participation Agreement among Golden American Life Insurance Company, ReliaStar Life Insurance Company, ReliaStar Life Insurance Company of New York, Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, Southland Life Insurance Company, ING Life Insurance and Annuity Company, ING Insurance Company of America, American Funds Insurance Series and Capital Research and Management Company. (Incorporated by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form N-6, File No. 333-105319, as filed on July 17, 2003.)



Amendment to Participation Agreement among ING Partners, Inc., ING Life Insurance and Annuity Company, and ING Financial Advisers, LLC and Security Life of Denver Insurance Company. (Incorporated herein by reference to the Post-Effective Amendment No. 5 to the Form N-6 Registration Statement of Security Life of Denver Insurance Company and its Security Life Separate Account L1, filed on April 14, 2003; File No. 333-50278.)



Business Agreement among Golden American Life Insurance Company, ReliaStar Life Insurance Company, ReliaStar Life Insurance Company of New York, Security Life of Denver Insurance Company, Southland Life Insurance Company, ING Life Insurance and Annuity Company, ING Insurance Company of America, ING America Equities, Inc., Directed Services, Inc., American Funds Distributors, Inc. and Capital Research and Management Company. (Incorporated by reference to the Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form N-6, File No. 333-105319, as filed on July 17, 2003.)


Not Applicable.



Not Applicable.



Opinion and Consent of Counsel. (Incorporated by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 5 on Form N-6, File No. 333-50278, as filed on April 14, 2003.)



Not Applicable.



Not Applicable.




Consent of Independent Auditors. (To be filed by amendment.)



All financial statements are included in the Statement of Additional Information, as indicated therein.



Not Applicable.



Not Applicable.



Powers of Attorney. (Incorporated by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to Registration Statement on Form N-4 (File No. 33-70600), as filed on June 5, 2003 for Separate Account B of Golden American Life Insurance Company.)



Item 28

Directors and Officers of the Depositor

Name and Principal Business Address

Positions and Offices with Depositor

Keith Gubbay, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327

Director, President and Chief Executive Officer

P. Randall Lowery, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327


Thomas J. McInerney, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327


Mark A. Tullis, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327


David Wheat, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327


Cheryl L. Price, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327

Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Accounting Officer

Paul R. Bell, III, 1290 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

Senior Vice President

Boyd G. Combs, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327

Senior Vice President, Tax

Arnold A. Dicke, III, 1290 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

Senior Vice President, ING Re

James R. Gelder, 20 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401.

Senior Vice President

Shaun P. Mathews, 151 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT 06156

Senior Vice President

Donna T. Mosely, 1290 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

Senior Vice President, CFO & Chief Actuary, ING Re

Stephen J. Preston, 1475 Dunwoody Drive, West Chester, PA 19380

Senior Vice President

Jacques de Vaucleroy, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327

Senior Vice President

Paula Cludray-Engelke, 20 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401



Item 29

Persons Controlled by or Under Common Control with the Depositor or the Registrant

Incorporated by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 28 to Registration Statement on Form N-4 (File No. 33-75988), as filed on April 10, 2003 for Variable Annuity Account C of ING Life Insurance and Annuity Company.


Item 30


Under its Bylaws, Sections 1 through 8, Security Life of Denver Insurance Company ("Security Life") indemnifies, to the full extent permitted by the laws of the State of Colorado, any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending, or completed action, suit, or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative (other than an action by or in the right of the corporation), by reason of the fact that he or she is or was a director, member of a committee appointed by the Board of Directors, officer, salaried employee, or fiduciary of Security Life or is or was serving at the request of Security Life (whether or not as a representative of Security Life) as a director, officer, employee, or fiduciary of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other enterprise, against expenses (including attorney fees), judgments, fines, and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by him or her in connection with such action, suit, or proceeding if he or she acted in good faith and in a manner he or she reasonably believed to in the best interest of the corporation and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful.

Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act of 1933 may be permitted to directors, officers and controlling persons of Security Life pursuant to such provisions of the bylaws or statutes or otherwise, Security Life has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities and Exchange Commission, such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in said Act and is, therefore, unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against such liabilities (other than the payment by Security Life of expenses incurred or paid by a director or officer or controlling person of Security Life in the successful defense of any action, suit or proceeding) is asserted by such director, officer or controlling person of Security Life in connection with the securities being registered, Security Life will, unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter has been settled by controlling precedent, submit to a court of appropriate jurisdiction the question of whether or not such indemnification by it is against public policy as expressed in the Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.

A corporation may procure indemnification insurance on behalf of an individual who was a director of the corporation. Consistent with the laws of the State of Colorado, ING Groep N.V. maintains an umbrella insurance policy issued by an international insurer. The policy covers ING Groep N.V. and any company in which ING Groep N.V. has an ownership control of over 50%. This would encompass Security Life, as depositor, as well as ING America Equities, Inc., as the principal underwriter. The policy provides for the following types of coverage: errors and omissions, directors and officers, employment practices, fiduciary and fidelity.

Additionally, Section 13 of the Security Life Distribution Agreement with ING America Equities, Inc. (INGAE) generally provides that each party will indemnify and hold harmless the officers, directors and employees of the other party (and the variable account with respect to indemnity by INGAE) against any expenses (including legal expenses), losses, claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of or based on certain claims or circumstances in connection with the offer or sale of the policies. Under this agreement neither party is entitled to indemnity if the expenses (including legal expenses), losses, claims, damages, or liabilities resulted from their own willful misfeasance, bad faith, negligence, misconduct or wrongful act.



Item 31

Principal Underwriters


Other Activity. ING America Equities, Inc., the principal underwriter for the policies, is also the principal underwriter for policies issued by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company of New York, ReliaStar Life Insurance Company and Southland Life Insurance Company.


Management of ING America Equities, Inc.

Name and Principal Business Address

Positions and Offices with Underwriter

David P. Wilken, 20 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401

Director, President and Chief Executive Officer

Daniel P. Mulheran, 20 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401


Mark A. Smith, 2001 21st Avenue, N.W. Minot, ND 58703

Director, Vice President

Anita F. Woods, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, Atlanta, GA 80203

Chief Financial Officer

Beth G. Shanker, 1290 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

Chief Compliance Officer

Pamela S. Anson, 2001 21st Avenue, N.W. Minot, ND 58703

Vice President

Nathan E. Eshelman, 1290 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

Vice President

Frederick C. Litow, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, Atlanta, GA 80203

Vice President and Assistant Treasurer

Renee E. McKenzie, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, Atlanta, GA 80203

Vice President, Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary

David S. Pendergrass, 5780 Powers Ferry Road, Atlanta, GA 80203

Vice President and Treasurer

Deborah C. Hancock, 1290 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

Assistant Vice President

Paula Cludray-Engelke, 20 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401


Eric G. Banta, 1290 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

Assistant Secretary


Compensation From the Registrant.






Name of Principal Underwriter

2002 Net Underwriting Discounts and Commissions

Compensation on Events Occasioning the Deduction of a Deferred Sales Load

Brokerage Commissions

Other Compensation*

ING America Equities, Inc.


$     0




Compensation shown in column 5 includes: marketing allowances.




Item 32

Location of Accounts and Records

Accounts and records are maintained by Security Life of Denver Insurance Company at 1290 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203-5699 and by ING Americas Finance Shared Services, an affiliate, at 5780 Powers Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327.

Item 33

Management Services


Item 34

Fee Representations

Security Life of Denver Insurance Company represents that the fees and charges deducted under the variable life insurance policy described in this registration statement, in the aggregate, are reasonable in relation to the services rendered, expenses expected to be incurred, and the risks assumed by Security Life of Denver Insurance Company under the policies. Security Life of Denver Insurance Company bases this representation on its assessment of such factors as the nature and extent of the such services, expenses and risks, the need for the Security Life of Denver Insurance Company to earn a profit and the range of such fees and charges within the insurance industry.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act, the Registrant, Security Life Separate Account L1, has duly caused this Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to this Registration Statement on Form N-6 (File No. 333-50278) to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, duly authorized, in the City of Hartford, and State of Connecticut on the 30th day of October, 2003.











Keith Gubbay*




(principal executive officer)


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, this Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 has been signed below by the following persons in the capacities indicated and on the date indicated.





Keith Gubbay*

Director and President


Keith Gubbay

(principal executive officer)


Thomas J. McInerney*



Thomas J. McInerney


Randy Lowery*



P. Randall Lowery


Mark A. Tullis*



Mark A. Tullis


David Wheat*

Director, Chief Financial Officer


David Wheat

(principal financial officer)


Cheryl Price*

Chief Accounting Officer


Cheryl Price

(principal accounting officer)





/s/ J. Neil McMurdie


J. Neil McMurdie




October 30, 2003






Exhibit No.



Policy Endorsement, Death Benefit Guarantee


Consent of Independent Auditors. (To be filed by amendment)