N-CSR 1 timothy_annual.htm N-CSR



united states
securities and exchange commission
washington, d.c. 20549

form n-csr

certified shareholder report of registered management
investment companies

Investment Company Act file number 811-08228


The Timothy Plan

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)


1055 Maitland Center Commons, Maitland, FL 32751

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)


Art Ally, The Timothy Plan

1055 Maitland Center Commons, Maitland, FL 32751

(Name and address of agent for service)


Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 800-846-7526


Date of fiscal year end: 9/30


Date of reporting period: 9/30/21


Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with the Commission not later than 10 days after the transmission to stockholders of any report that is required to be transmitted to stockholders under Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30e-1).  The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection and policymaking roles.


A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public.  A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-CSR unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") control number.  Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609.  The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507.


Item 1. Reports to Stockholders.


The Registrant’s audited annual financial reports transmitted to shareholders pursuant to Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 are as follows:




September 30, 2021


Dear Shareholder,


As you review the details of our various funds on the following pages, you may not recall the substantial negative effect the Covid-19 pandemic and resultant economic shutdown had on the capital markets in the middle months of 2020 (i.e., February thru September). I am pleased to report, however, that we recovered nicely during this current fiscal year. Hence, although our performance (10-1-20 thru 9-30-21) varies among our funds, nearly all were strongly up. Among our better performers were our domestic equity funds (i.e. Small-Cap Value, Large/Mid-Cap Value, Aggressive Growth and Large/Mid-Cap Growth) along with our International and Israel Common Values Funds while our weakest performer was Fixed Income. All of that simply underscores the wisdom of asset allocation since different market segments perform differently over differing periods.


The positive returns we experienced in fiscal 2021 are, we believe, in large part the result the momentum created by our country’s prior leadership during this period and the positive pro-business agenda President Trump was pursuing. With the new administration in place, we are maintaining a more cautious outlook for our economy and, therefore the equity markets. Timothy Partners, Ltd, (the “Advisor”) has always attempted to take a conservative approach to the markets as we believe our shareholders prefer a preservation of principal course to that of chasing returns. I do need to reiterate, however, that, in the capital markets in general and our funds in particular, returns can never be guaranteed.


For more complete information about the individual funds, please read each of the sub-advisor’s annual review letters in the pages that follow. They more fully detail the various factors that impacted this fiscal year’s performance along with their economic outlook for the coming year.


Although we cannot guarantee any actual outcome, I remain confident that all our sub-advisors are, in our opinion, among the best in the industry and they each continue to honor our overall policy to manage their respective funds both in accordance with our screening restrictions and with a continued conservative bias.


Finally, I would once again like to thank you for your moral convictions that led you to becoming part of the Timothy Plan Family.


Yours in Christ,


Arthur D. Ally




Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth Fund
Letter from the Manager – September 30, 2021


At this this time last year we wrote that the 12-month period ending 9/30/20 was “unlike any other witnessed in U.S. history” — the onset of COVID (with U.S. deaths peaking at over 23,000 per week), a 31% contraction in GDP in the second quarter, 21.4 million jobs lost in just March/April ’20, the S&P500 down 34% in 5 weeks. It can’t be overstated how much better the subsequent 12 months were. COVID vaccines came to market in record time with effectiveness beyond almost anyone’s expectations; close to 80% of the U.S. population has received at least one dose. This, along with trillions of dollars of monetary and fiscal stimulus has brought about a strong economic and labor-market recovery (real GDP growth over 6%, and the unemployment rate down to 5.2%). And, in response, the stock market – which had already bounced back very nicely last spring & summer, was up another 30% (S&P500) in the year ending this September. This is not to say that everything has been smooth sailing: the transition to a new presidency was marred by the riot at the Capitol, the Delta variant brought about another spike in COVID cases and deaths, supply chain issues have led to shortages in key areas of the economy, and Biden’s proposed budget & tax plan has led to another political stalemate, as of this writing. The supply chain issues, in particular, have created risk for the upcoming earnings season; we will be watching very closely to see which companies are vulnerable and which are navigating the environment the best.


The Fund returned 0.7% in the September 2021 quarter, 12.2% year to date, and 34.2% for Class I over the last 12 months. This compares to the Russell Midcap Growth Index that returned -0.8% in the past quarter, 9.6% year to date, and 30.4% over the last 12 months.


The 530 basis point outperformance over the past 12 months was broad-based, with every major sector outperforming its respective benchmark. The greatest relative outperformance was seen in the healthcare, industrials, and consumer discretionary sectors. The healthcare sector had the strongest performance, as both a modest overweighting as well as superior stock selection generating notable alpha.


The Fund’s top overall contributor on a relative basis over the last 12 months was Rapid7 (3.3% avg. weight), which returned 85%. Rapid7 is a cybersecurity software company whose focused on enterprise’s Vulnerability Management. The continued rise of cybersecurity crime has led to a strong tailwind for the entire industry. Another strong performer within the tech sector was Lam Research (1.7%), which returned 98% over the past 12 months. Lam Research is one of the leading global semiconductor equipment manufacturers that is experiencing tremendous growth as the semiconductor industry is rapidly expanding to meet extraordinarily high demand levels. Lastly, Monolithic Power Systems (3.5%) was another standout performer, returning 74%. Monolithic Power Systems is a semiconductor company that designs and manufacturers power management systems utilized in the telecom, cloud computing, and industrial applications.


In general, we didn’t have too many dramatic underperformers. Our largest relative underperformer was down a modest 9% over the past twelve months. While Fidelity National (0.9%) met all of its revenue and earnings targets, the stock was a lackluster performer as investors rotated away from the merchant payment processors



industries into other industries that are experiencing higher organic growth rates. Another underperformer was Sunrun (0.9%), which was down 43% over the year. Sunrun is a leading national solar panel and energy storage residential system provider. While the company continues to execute well, in hindsight the stock along with the entire solar industry complex was overvalued post the election last year, leading to the underperformance over the past year. We continue to be excited about the long-term potential for Sunrun, and we are retaining our position in the security.


We are cautious in our near-term earnings outlook for the overall market given the many headwinds being seen currently. Whereas earlier this year most managements’ concerns were related to passing on price increases, those concerns are now being replaced by supply chain interruptions. The most recent wave of COVID19 has led to significant interruptions in manufacturing and transport in Southeast Asia, and that is having a significant ripple effect throughout the world. We are all witnessing the downside of a globally interconnected supply chain, which will only further accelerate the nascent trend of onshoring. The most significant interruptions are still being seen in the semiconductor industry, with lead times for nearly all chips doubling over the past few months; that is leading auto manufacturers to forecast a much slower production cadence for 2022. Other supply chain issues are leading to a slowdown in the homebuilding industry. All these factors are leading us to focus the portfolio on sectors that do not face these pressures, sectors such as the pharma/biotech sector and the software sector. We remain focused on generating alpha and producing the strongest investment results over the long run. We thank you for your continuing support and investment.


Chartwell Investment Partners, LLC



The Timothy Plan International Fund
Letter from The Manager - September 30, 2021


Global equity markets had a strong performance during the fiscal year as vaccines and re-opening momentum boosted markets and the Fund participated nicely. The Fund continued its positive outperformance trend and handily beat its benchmark MSCI All Country World ex. US Index this year with a combination of great sector allocation and stock selection. From a sector standpoint, an overweight to outperforming Technology sector and underweights to underperforming Consumer Staples, Communications Services, and Real Estate helped the relative performance. From a stock standpoint, great stock selection in Industrials, Technology, and Health Care led the outperformance. The Fund’s outperformance was driven by companies such as Hong Kong-based power tools manufacturer Techtronic Industries, owner of popular power tools brands Ryobi and Milwaukee. Moreover, notable performers for the Fund included equipment rentals company Ashtead Group that owns the Sunbelt brand, Norwegian energy leader Equinor, and semiconductor technology leader ASML Holding. From a country standpoint, an underweight to China and overweight to Norway and the Netherlands was helpful. Positive country stock selection was led by Hong Kong, Japan, Belgium while stock selection in Germany, Italy and France was more challenging.


2020 was a momentous year not to be forgotten. TIME magazine put it best on its cover: “2020: The Worst Year Ever.” It was a tough period on all fronts as the global pandemic took the lives of hundreds of thousands and triggered a global recession. While 2020 was a bear market for humans, global equities rallied sharply, particularly during the last quarter of 2020 as visions of vaccine stocking stuffers danced in investor’s heads. The positive momentum carried into 2021 and equity markets followed along as corporate earnings were revised upwards throughout the year as re-opening momentum and pricing power led to robust corporate results. The Fund benefitted from being well positioned with structural growth stories and re-opening plays during the fiscal year.


Economic growth across Europe and parts of Asia accelerated in 2021 and remains well supported by strong consumer spending. Growth is likely to remain above trend over the coming quarters. Inflation is the major debate of the day with most central bankers arguing that elevated inflation is transitory while consumers suffer much higher prices and shortages of autos, groceries, furniture, housing, and many other items. Despite the elevated inflation levels, global central banks are likely to keep accommodative policies for longer even though they may begin to taper their bond buying in the coming months.


While volatility in equity markets has increased with higher inflation and shifting central bank policies, earnings results should remain well underpinned by robust re-opening momentum, strong consumer spending, and pricing power. We remain committed to a disciplined and consistent investment approach dedicated to finding long-term investments for shareholders and we thank you for your continued investment in the Fund.


Eagle Global Advisors, LLC



September 30, 2021


Dear Timothy Plan Large/Mid-Cap Growth Fund Shareholder:


In 2019, Timothy Plan added four new Exchange Traded Funds to our diversified product line: Timothy Plan Large/Mid-Cap Core (TPLC), Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock (TPHD), Timothy Plan International Equity Fund (TPIF), and Timothy Plan Small Cap Core (TPSC). Also, in July, 2020 we added two new ETFs that contained a structured partial move to cash in the event of a substantial market decline: Timothy Plan Large-Mid Cap Core Enhanced (TPLE) and Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced (TPHE). These are all smart beta index funds traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Since TPLC and TPLE fit nicely into the into the investment objective of our Large/Mid-Cap Growth Fund, we incorporated these two particular ETFs into the holdings of this fund so that:


Approximately 20% of the fund is now invested in a combination of TPLC and TPLE


And the remainder of the fund continues to be actively managed by our long-time sub-advisor, Chartwell Investment Partners.


In addition to greatly increasing the diversification of the holdings in this fund, we believe this addition should have the positive effect of lowering our expense ratio over both the near and longer term.


For past performance of this fund and future market outlook, please read Chartwell’s Sub-Advisor’s letter.


As you know, no one can guarantee future performance. However, the one thing that I can assure you of is every one of our sub-advisors is doing their very best and our team here at Timothy is working very hard to provide you an investment in which you can feel comfortable.




Arthur D. Ally




Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund
Letter from the Manager – September 30, 2021


At this time last year, we wrote that the 12-month period ending 9/30/20 was “unlike any other witnessed in U.S. history” — the onset of COVID (with U.S. deaths peaking at over 23,000 per week), a 31% contraction in GDP in the second quarter, 21.4 million jobs lost in just March/April ’20, the S&P500 down 34% in 5 weeks. It can’t be overstated how much better the subsequent 12 months were. COVID vaccines came to market in record time with effectiveness beyond almost anyone’s expectations; over two-thirds of the U.S. population has received at least one dose. This, along with trillions of dollars of monetary and fiscal stimulus has brought about a strong economic and labor-market recovery (real GDP growth over 6%, and the unemployment rate down to 5.2%). And, in response, the stock market – which had already bounced back very nicely last spring & summer, was up another 30% (S&P500) in the year ending this September. This is not to say that everything has been smooth sailing: the transition to a new presidency was marred by the riot at the Capitol, the Delta variant brought about another spike in COVID cases and deaths, inflation is running higher than it has in over a decade (at 5%+), supply-chain issues have led to shortages in key areas of the economy, and Biden’s proposed budget & tax plan has led to another political stalemate, as of this writing. The supply -chain issues, in particular, have created risk for the upcoming earnings season; we will be watching very closely to see which companies are vulnerable and which are navigating the environment the best.


In stark contrast to last year, value stocks outperformed growth stocks in the 12- month period: Russell 1000 Value +35.0%; Russell 1000 Growth +27.3%. It was the first half of this period, however, that value led the charge. When the vaccine announcements from Pfizer and Moderna came out in November, the market took it as an “all-clear” signal for economic reopening, and as often occurs coming out of recessions, value took the baton from growth (R1V up 29.3% in the 6-month period, vs. R1G up 12.4%). This helped the Fund’s relative performance, as it is usually challenging when growth leads, as we can’t own many of the largest growth stocks in the benchmark index. Similarly, it is a tailwind for the fund if small stocks outperform large stocks, as also occurred during the past year (Russell 2000 +47.7% vs. S&P500 +30.0%).


The fund’s gross return was 33.6%, ahead of the 27.3% return of the benchmark Russell 1000 Growth Index. All of the outperformance came from stock selection, as sector allocation was a net negative (especially the underweight of Communication Services, which rose 46.2%). Technology was far and away the largest contributor from a stock standpoint, accounting for nearly 700 basis points. In software, Rapid7 (2.7%) gained 84.4%, EPAM Systems (2.6%) was up 76.4%, and Palo Alto Networks (2.2%) rose 95.8%. In semiconductors, Micron Technology (0%) and NXP Semiconductors (1.8%) rose 68.3% and 58.7% respectively. And in hardware, CDW (3.3%) gained 53.7%, and Western Digital (1.7%) was up 54.1%. These results in technology were especially encouraging, as we had to make up for 270 basis points of headwinds for not owning Alphabet (Google) and Microsoft (restricted). After Technology, the next-best selection was sourced from our holdings in Industrials, particularly Capital Goods. The strong economic recovery benefitted the likes of Honeywell (1.2%), up 30.7%, Trane Technologies (1.3%) +44.2%, and Emerson Electric (1.4%) +47.0%. The Fund’s largest shortfall came in the Health Care sector. Not owning some of the high-flyer Biotech stocks like Moderna (up 444%) was part of it, but we also had self-inflicted “misses” in Vertex Pharmaceutical (0.9%), down 33.3%, and Sarepta Therapeutics (0%), which fell 43.4%.


For the portfolio, there has been no change to our time -tested, bottom-up fundamental approach to managing large and mid-cap growth investments. As an overview, the Fund remains well diversified by issuers and sectors, as all areas of the economy are impacted by broad macroeconomic trends. We have made some trades in Technology to reduce higher-valuation exposures. We have added to Consumer Discretionary, an area of underweight, as the recovery and reopening became more certain. Health Care remains an area of overweight, as we like the combination of secular growth and defensiveness. We remain focused on generating alpha and producing the strongest investment results over the long run. We thank you for your continuing support and investment.


Chartwell Investment Partners, LLC



September 30, 2021


Dear Timothy Plan Small-Cap Value Fund Shareholder:


In 2019, Timothy Plan added four new Exchange Traded Funds to our diversified product line: Timothy Plan Large/Mid-Cap Core (TPLC), Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock (TPHD), Timothy Plan International Equity Fund (TPIF), and Timothy Plan Small Cap Core (TPSC). These are all smart beta index funds traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Since TPSC fits nicely into the into the investment objective of our Small-Cap Value Fund, we incorporated this ETF into the holdings of this fund so that:


Approximately 10% of the fund is now invested in TPSC.


And the remainder of the fund continues to be actively managed by our long-time sub-advisor, Westwood Capital Management.


In addition to greatly increasing the diversification of the holdings in this fund, we believe this addition should have the positive effect of lowering our expense ratio over both the near and longer term.


For past performance of this fund and future market outlook, please read Westwood’s Sub-Advisor’s letter.


As you know, no one can guarantee future performance. However, the one thing that I can assure you of is every one of our sub-advisors is doing their very best and our team here at Timothy is working very hard to provide you an investment in which you can feel comfortable.




Arthur D. Ally








September 30, 2021




We are pleased to provide you with our report for the Timothy Plan Small Cap Value Fund for the twelve months ending September 30, 2021 and would like to thank you for entrusting your assets with us.


Looking back, the past twelve months have witnessed an incredible recovery unfold. From the initial announcement, equity markets have embraced the hope that vaccines, and now therapeutics, could see the end of the global pandemic that has ravaged the world. The rally that unfolded in November of 2020 was historic in magnitude with the S&P 500 Index gaining nearly 11% as not one but three prospective vaccine solutions emerged. The logistical challenges of deploying them across the U.S., given the requirements for transport and storage, appeared daunting as 2021 began. With the largest mobilization effort since the great World Wars, vaccinations across the U.S. began to pick up steam through the spring and caseloads began to fall as consumers and corporations were set free to go back into their world. Spending by both resumed in earnest, leading to supply shortages that persist today. Consumer confidence has rebounded and remained resilient as variants have emerged, bolstered by rising wages from a tight labor market and the wealth effect from increasing investments. This resurgence in spending and demand sparked inflation fears as prices for goods, like used cars, components, like semiconductors, and even commodities, like copper, spiked higher. Supply chain issues have expanded beyond the initial shortages and may persist for quite some time. This has led to some moderation of the economic growth projections; however, the backdrop remains optimistic for further recovery in corporate profits.


For the twelve months ending September 30, 2021, the Timothy Plan Small Cap Value Fund produced a net return of 51.33% for Class I while the Russell 2000 Index produced a return of 47.68%. Both stock selection and allocation tailwinds aided relative performance, overcoming continued headwinds from low quality and high beta securities. Many of these firms were facing financial distress prior to the optimism sparked by the vaccine announcements last November. Combined with the unprecedented stimulus efforts from central banks and governments, many firms heavily impacted with higher leverage or impaired business models were able to stave off financial distress and boost their equity prices dramatically from their lows. As has been the case before, these periods of market preference for loss-making stocks can persist over the short -term and early signs have emerged that leadership is returning to companies with strong fundamentals and higher quality attributes. This was notable in Health Care, where an underweight given a lack of exposure to biotechnology stocks, was a significant contributor to relative performance. Other areas saw more modest benefits, including Financials where banks and capital markets far outpaced gains seen elsewhere coupled with being overweight. Industrials and Consumer Staples were headwinds given strong absolute performance but with less favorable selections than some of the more cyclical areas.


Great Western Bancorp moved higher as the company agreed to be acquired at a premium and merge with another regional bank. PDC Energy rallied, as did crude oil prices, with management focused on generating cashflow and returns over higher levels of production given the current environment. Amkor Technology gained as the semiconductor cycle, particular for consumer devices including cellphones, served as a strong tailwind for demand for their products as operating leverage emerged to boost their margin profile. Oxford Industries rose as the company was well-positioned with their lifestyle brands, Tommy Bahama and Lilly Pulitzer, to capitalize on a consumer flush with cash as well as benefitting from a resumption of domestic travel. Sandy Spring Bancorp reported continued strong results, outpacing rivals, as their loan growth came with better net interest margins, not just better credit, which pushed shares higher.


Aveanna HealthCare Holdings posted solid results but investor concerns over nursing shortages and labor costs


Net returns are net of the sub-adviser’s fees, not the mutual fund fees.


Past performance is not indicative of future results. Portfolio returns reflect the reinvestment of dividend and interest income. All information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be, and should not be interpreted as, an offer, solicitation, or recommendation to buy or sell or otherwise invest in any of the securities/sectors/countries that may be mentioned. A description of the methodology used to calculate the attribution analysis or a complete list of each holding’s contribution to overall performance during the measurement period may be obtained by contacting info@westwoodgroup.com. Benchmark Data Source: © 2021 FactSet Research Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. Russell Investment Group is the owner of the trademarks, service marks, and copyrights related to its indexes, which have been licensed for use by Westwood.


3 Investing Where It Counts     | (WESTWOOD LOGO)





sent shares downward. Chuy’s Holdings moved lower despite admirable margin performance as same-store comparisons fell below expectations as varied policies created uneven restaurant hours as they worked back to full capacity. Avanos Medical, a recent purchase, faced challenging gross margin pressures leading to a reduction in forward guidance even as some dynamics should abate later this year. Healthcare Services Group declined as results have been impacted more than expected and their nursing home customers remain challenged by the pandemic. James River Group Holdings fell as the company had to raise equity capital to offset the losses as they worked to run-off the last part of their Uber liability from insuring their drivers in prior years.


The Small Cap Value team is focused on seeking well-run companies with growth prospects that are underappreciated by the marketplace. We look for companies with above average growth and strong balance sheets that generate positive cash flows. Against the current backdrop, we feel our companies are well-positioned for superior relative returns in a post-pandemic world while weathering any volatility that may arise.


We thank you for your continued confidence in the Westwood process and investment teams and we look forward to serving your investment needs through the years ahead.


Westwood Management Corp.


Net returns are net of the sub-adviser’s fees, not the mutual fund fees.


Past performance is not indicative of future results. Portfolio returns reflect the reinvestment of dividend and interest income. All information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be, and should not be interpreted as, an offer, solicitation, or recommendation to buy or sell or otherwise invest in any of the securities/sectors/countries that may be mentioned. A description of the methodology used to calculate the attribution analysis or a complete list of each holding’s contribution to overall performance during the measurement period may be obtained by contacting info@westwoodgroup.com. Benchmark Data Source: © 2021 FactSet Research Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. Russell Investment Group is the owner of the trademarks, service marks, and copyrights related to its indexes, which have been licensed for use by Westwood.


4 Investing Where It Counts     | (WESTWOOD LOGO)



September 30, 2021


Dear Timothy Plan Large/Mid-Cap Value Fund Shareholder:


In 2019, Timothy Plan added four new Exchange Traded Funds to our diversified product line: Timothy Plan Large/Mid-Cap Core (TPLC), Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock (TPHD), Timothy Plan International Equity Fund (TPIF), and Timothy Plan Small Cap Core (TPSC). Also, in July, 2020 we added two new ETFs that contained a structured partial move to cash in the event of a substantial market decline: Timothy Plan Large-Mid Cap Core Enhanced (TPLE) and Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced (TPHE). These are all smart beta index funds traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Since TPLC, TPLE, TPHE and TPHE fit nicely into the investment objective of our Large/Mid-Cap Value Fund we incorporated them into the holdings of this fund so that approximately:


Approximately 10% of the fund is invested in a combination of TPLC and TPLE


Approximately 10% of the fund is invested in a combination of TPHD and TPHE


The remaining 80% of the fund continues to be actively managed by our long-time sub-advisor, Westwood Capital Management.


In addition to greatly increasing the diversification of the holdings in this fund, we believe this addition should have the positive effect of lowering our expense ratio over both the near and longer term.


For past performance of this fund and future market outlook, please read Westwood’s Sub-Advisor’s letter.


As you know, no one can guarantee future performance. However, the one thing that I can assure you of is every one of our sub-advisors is doing their very best and our team here at Timothy is working very hard to provide you an investment in which you can feel comfortable.




Arthur D. Ally








September 30, 2021




We are pleased to provide you with our report for the Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Value Fund for the twelve months ending September 30, 2021 and would like to thank you for entrusting your assets with us.


Looking back, the past twelve months have witnessed an incredible recovery unfold. From the initial announcement, equity markets have embraced the hope that vaccines, and now therapeutics, could see the end of the global pandemic that has ravaged the world. The rally that unfolded in November of 2020 was historic in magnitude with the S&P 500 Index gaining nearly 11% as not one but three prospective vaccine solutions emerged. The logistical challenges of deploying them across the U.S., given the requirements for transport and storage, appeared daunting as 2021 began. With the largest mobilization effort since the great World Wars, vaccinations across the U.S. began to pick up steam through the spring and caseloads began to fall as consumers and corporations were set free to go back into their world. Spending by both resumed in earnest, leading to supply shortages that persist today. Consumer confidence has rebounded and remained resilient as variants have emerged, bolstered by rising wages from a tight labor market and the wealth effect from increasing investments. This resurgence in spending and demand sparked inflation fears as prices for goods, like used cars, components, like semiconductors, and even commodities, like copper, spiked higher. Supply chain issues have expanded beyond the initial shortages and may persist for quite some time. This has led to some moderation of the economic growth projections; however, the backdrop remains optimistic for further recovery in corporate profits.


For the twelve months ending September 30, 2021, the Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Value Fund produced a net return of 30.20% for Class I, while the S&P 500 Index produced a return of 30.00%. Absolute returns are notably positive, bolstered by the recovery that unfolded after the drawdown early in 2020. Relative performance was modestly positive on strong stock selection, led by Information Technology. Exposures to the semiconductor industry, through chip designers and producers, was the largest contributor to relative performance. Financials also experienced strong performance, as banks collectively benefitted from the stimulus efforts to limit potential defaults and delinquencies, in addition to the need for capital to invest in acquisitions and equipment. Communication Services and Utilities both faced challenges from selections, as some of the more pandemic impacted areas saw far stronger recoveries.


Several of the strongest individual performers in the portfolio resided in Information Technology. Shares of NVIDIA remain extremely well positioned to continue to grow given their exposure to semiconductor chips used for gaming to automobiles. Micron Technology similarly remains well situated as the consolidation that has occurred in the memory market has helped reduce the volatility and structurally improved the industry amidst high levels of current demand. Monolithic Power Systems posted strong results on better margins and growth as their power management solutions remain critical to shrinking device sizes and the need for longer battery life. Western Alliance Bancorp, a regional bank, saw stronger loan growth and unlike some peers, strong net interest margins as well, leading to better earnings and favorable outlooks. EOG Resources moved higher, as oil prices rallied over 80 percent over the last twelve months, with strong cash generation leading to further deleveraging.


The Fund’s performance was impacted by the Communication Services sector, where more stable franchises in the cable industry failed to keep pace with the appreciation seen by some higher growth areas like digital advertising and search. Similar headwinds in the Utilities sector were seen as well. McCormick & Company faced difficult comparisons after the surge in eating at home last year, as well as some pressures on their input costs that weighed on their results. Freeport-McMoRan declined in sympathy with falling copper prices, despite their


Net returns are net of the sub-adviser’s fees, not the mutual fund fees.


Past performance is not indicative of future results. Portfolio returns reflect the reinvestment of dividend and interest income. All information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be, and should not be interpreted as, an offer, solicitation, or recommendation to buy or sell or otherwise invest in any of the securities/sectors/countries that may be mentioned. A description of the methodology used to calculate the attribution analysis or a complete list of each holding’s contribution to overall performance during the measurement period may be obtained by contacting info@westwoodgroup.com. Benchmark Data Source: © 2021 FactSet Research Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. Russell Investment Group is the owner of the trademarks, service marks, and copyrights related to its indexes, which have been licensed for use by Westwood.


1 Investing Where It Counts     | (WESTWOOD LOGO)





improving capital profile, given the challenges in China with Evergrande and the potential impact on copper demand in the coming periods. Ross Stores also posted strong results but faced investor concerns over whether near-term headwinds from lean inventories and rising freight costs would disrupt their growth trajectory. Valero Energy saw improvement in their second quarter results but short-term disruptions from weather events and power outages pressured their operations. WEC Energy Group faced investor rotation into more risk-on oriented areas of the markets as results remained solid and execution was good across their utility operations.


The Westwood team remains focused on seeking high-quality companies trading at a discount to intrinsic value. Optimism has surged, leaving valuations elevated even as uncertainty persists. The likely removal of monetary stimulus by the Federal Reserve and the dysfunction in Washington limiting additional fiscal spending could create choppy trends ahead for the economy and businesses alike. Should volatility rise further as a result, the market is likely to maintain a preference for businesses with greater stability and future growth prospects. The team believes those firms with stronger balance sheets and cash generation remain well-positioned to capitalize on opportunities to deploy that capital in the coming periods to augment their growth trajectories, something often overlooked in valuations. Interest rates remaining low should help to finance such ambitions for corporations as well as consumers looking to move or improve their housing situation. Employment remains a bright spot for many, as wages are rising in this tight labor market, but further job gains have slowed highlighting a potential disconnect between current job seekers and open positions. Resolving this and lowering unemployment will be important to maintain consumer confidence and spending. In total, the overall impact to the investing landscape should provide additional opportunities to active managers as dispersion of returns increases and correlations between stocks decrease. We continue to leverage our intensive research -driven process to identify securities with company-specific opportunities and visible earnings growth. As has always been our practice, we look to invest in companies with conservative balance sheets, robust free cash flow generation, and high returns as we believe those characteristics among others help provide attractive risk-adjusted returns for the portfolio. Given the speed and magnitude of the unprecedented market recovery, we remain mindful that markets may continue to experience significant bouts of volatility and are focused on protecting client capital by investing in opportunities which we feel have measurable and limited potential for loss.


We thank you for your continued confidence in the Westwood process and investment teams and we look forward to serving your investment needs through the years ahead.


Westwood Management Corp.


Net returns are net of the sub-adviser’s fees, not the mutual fund fees.


Past performance is not indicative of future results. Portfolio returns reflect the reinvestment of dividend and interest income. All information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be, and should not be interpreted as, an offer, solicitation, or recommendation to buy or sell or otherwise invest in any of the securities/sectors/countries that may be mentioned. A description of the methodology used to calculate the attribution analysis or a complete list of each holding’s contribution to overall performance during the measurement period may be obtained by contacting info@westwoodgroup.com. Benchmark Data Source: © 2021 FactSet Research Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. Russell Investment Group is the owner of the trademarks, service marks, and copyrights related to its indexes, which have been licensed for use by Westwood.


2 Investing Where It Counts     | (WESTWOOD LOGO)





Letter from the Manager


September 30, 2021


Timothy Plan Fixed Income Fund


The fiscal year ending September 30, 2021 saw an increase in U.S. Treasury (UST) yields as the Federal Reserve (Fed) announced they would likely begin tapering their quantitative easing (QE) purchases in November 2021 due to heightened inflation concerns. The Timothy Plan Fixed Income Fund invests in the broad U.S. investment grade bond market benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate index which began the last 12 months with a yield of 1.18% and ended at 1.37%.


The 10-year UST yield rose after starting the fiscal period at 0.69%, peaking at 1.74% at the end of March 2021, and ending September 2021 at 1.49%. By comparison, the 2-year rate more than doubled after starting at 0.13% and ending the last 12 months at 0.28%. The U.S. and global economies saw significant recovery from the pandemic recessions experienced during the last fiscal period. Fiscal and monetary stimulus, the rollout of vaccines and pent-up demand gave way to an expanding economy. These factors also led to potential risks as we neared September 30, 2021. The risk of inflation became evident due to the largest fiscal deficits and money supply growth experienced since World War II. U.S. CPI accelerated at a greater than 5.0% year/year pace in all three of 3Q21’s monthly data releases, more than double the 2021 forecast issued by the Fed at its Dec. 2020 meeting.


Investment Grade (IG) Credit spreads started the last 12 months at 128 basis points (bps), narrowed to 77 by June 2021 and ended at 80 by September 2021. IG Credit bond funds continued to receive net inflows and achieved a calendar year record by September. Strong investor demand offset the impact of year-to-date issuance which reached $1.35T by the end of the fiscal period. The Mortgage- Backed Securities (MBS) sector generated nominal returns ahead of the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Index but suffered negative excess returns. MBS investors will continue to focus on the Fed’s QE-taper plans going forward.


The Timothy Fixed Income Fund A shares returned -2.07% for Class I, over the 12-month period ending September 30, 2021 which was below the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate index at -0.90%. The underweight allocation to Financials detracted from relative performance as the sector generated the second highest nominal return of all other major sectors and the overall index. Security selection in MBS also hurt relative performance. Our GNMA holdings generated returns below the counterparts in the index. Our overweight to Industrials and Utilities added value as these two sectors posted higher nominal and excess returns than the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Index. We remain focused on generating income consistent with a prudent level of risk.


2200 Ross Avenue, 31st Floor   |   Dallas, TX 75201   |   (214) 665-1900





Letter from the Manager


September 30, 2021


Timothy Plan High Yield Fund


During the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021, High Yield (HY) spreads started at 441 basis points (bps), declined to 236bps by June 30th, and finished the year slightly higher at 251bps. The Timothy Plan High Yield Fund invests primarily in BB and B rated HY bonds with a benchmark of the Bloomberg Barclays Ba/B HY* index. The benchmark began the last 12 months with a Yield to Worst (YTW) of 5.01%, fell to 3.43% by June 30th 2021, and ended slightly higher at 3.68%. Over the period, the HY market posted a return of 9.84% which surpassed the return of investment grade credit bonds of 1.45%. Performance of the index was led by lower quality ‘B’ rated credits.


Approaching the end of 2020, investors’ risk appetites increased following the positive vaccine news. HY spreads continued to tighten as unprecedented monetary and fiscal policies were unleashed to stimulate both consumer and business spending. Through September, the HY market posted its 10th consecutive month of positive returns and is now 3.89% higher on a calendar year-to-date basis. HY gross issuance leapt 59% year/year in 2020 with a record-high $418B of deals priced.


The Timothy High Yield Fund A shares generated a total return of 11.71% for Class I, over the 12 months ending September 30, 2021 while the Bloomberg Barclays Ba/B HY* index returned 9.84%. Security selection in Basic Industry and Consumer Cyclicals benefited performance. Within Financials, our Insurance and Finance Companies generated returns ahead of their counterparts in the index, positively contributing to performance. Detracting from performance was our security selection in Energy and an underweight allocation to Banks. The portfolio remains focused on generating a higher level of carry income consistent with a reasonable level of risk.


*Bloomberg Barclays U.S. HY Ba/B 3%


2200 Ross Avenue, 31st Floor   |   Dallas, TX 75201   |   (214) 665-1900



September 30, 2021


Dear Shareholder,


The Defensive Strategies Fund was designed and is managed to do what its name implies, hedge against a possible scenario of hyper-inflation which could result from our Congress’s proven unwillingness to address our core problems of too much spending and too much debt. The Fund was also designed with built-in flexibility that allows it to be adjusted to address a possible risk of extreme deflation, with the ability to convert the inflation sensitive assets to cash and fixed income securities during a deflationary environment, and to be adjusted to a more normal, traditional investment strategy.


The Fund’s portfolio is primarily comprised of several inflation sensitive investment sleeves: commodities (commodity company stocks and ETF’s), real estate (in the form of REITs), precious metals (primarily gold bullion) and silver ETFs, TIPs (Treasury Inflation Protected Bonds), with the balance in cash. Timothy Partners, Ltd. (the “Advisor”) is responsible for setting the percentages of the Fund that will be allocated to each investment sleeve. Different sub-advisors manage the holdings in each sleeve. Even after the negative effects on the economic shutdown produced by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Fund experienced a respectable 14.34% total return for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2021. For a more complete description of the elements that impacted Fund performance and the outlook for the future, please read the various sub-advisors’ reports in the pages that follow.


I would like to point out that, since there does not exist an appropriate benchmark index with which to compare our performance, we have created a blended index comprised of roughly 33% each of U.S. Government TIPs, FTSE NAREIT Equity Index and Bloomberg Commodity Index. We believe the blend offers a fairly accurate reflection and comparison of the composition of the Fund. For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2021, the blended index had a total return of 25.60%. The difference between the fund’s performance and the blended index was due mainly to the drag the gold bullion position had on the fund while it is not reflected in the index.


While no one can predict future events, I remain confident that our sub-advisors (i.e. money management firms that manage the various sleeves of this Fund) are, in our opinion, among the best in the industry, and they each continue to honor our overall policy that they manage their respective Fund sleeve both in accordance with our screening restrictions and with a conservative bias. As I stated in last year’s report, although we will do our very best to be successful, we cannot guarantee results in any of these scenarios.


Finally, I would once again like to thank you for your moral convictions that led you to become part of the Timothy Plan Family.


Yours in Christ,


Arthur D. Ally

Fund Advisor





Letter from the Manager


September 30, 2021


Timothy Plan Defensive Fund – Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)


The unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus, initiated during the pandemic, has resulted in the largest fiscal deficit and money supply growth since World War II. These factors have also heightened fears of accelerating inflation. The Fed’s insistence that inflation will prove transitory faced an ongoing rebuttal from inflation in consumer and durable goods, such as automobiles, where production remained disrupted by supply chain issues. U.S. CPI accelerated at a greater than 5.0% year/year pace in all three of 3Q21’s monthly data releases, more than double the 2021 forecast issued by the Fed at its Dec. 2020 meeting. The Timothy Defensive Fund has an allocation of U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) designed to help protect assets from higher rates of inflation.


In August 2021, Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester admitted the inflation hurdle for a Fed rate hike had already been cleared, but that the second requirement, full employment, was likely to remain unachieved until year-end 2022. The U-3 unemployment rate fell 110bps to 4.8% in 3Q, but the number of businesses struggling to fill vacancies was indicative of a tighter labor market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Job Openings Index (JOLT) registered 10.9mm openings, 47% above the pre-COVID high of Dec. 2018, and larger than the 8.3mm Americans who remained unemployed.


Energy markets lifted costs for producers and consumers and by the end of the fiscal period Brent Crude reached $78.52 per-barrel, its highest level in three years. Natural gas prices also rose, climbing 60% in the U.S. Meanwhile, portions of the U.S. CPI basket lagged the levels implied by market prices. Home prices, as reported by the S&P Case-Shiller home price index, had jumped 20.0% year/year by July. However, the “shelter” component of CPI had only climbed 2.8% year/year due to its survey reporting method’s tie to the rental market.


Over the previous 12-month period, investors’ future inflation expectations climbed dramatically. We measure investors’ inflation expectations as the difference between the U.S. Treasury 10-year and the U.S. TIPS 10-year. This “breakeven rate” of inflation is what would be required to make these two securities have the same yield. The “breakeven rate” of inflation started the fiscal period at 1.64%, reached a 12-month high of 2.57% in May 2021 but subsequently declined to 2.36% by the end of September. TIPS securities generated a 12-month return of 5.19%, as reported by Bloomberg Barclays. The Timothy Plan’s TIPS portfolio, within the Defensive Fund, ended the fiscal year-end period with an underweight to the 1 to 4.99-year maturity segment, overweight to the 5 to 9.99-year, and underweight to 20+ year securities. The primary goal of the TIPS allocation continues to be protection from rising inflation rates.


2200 Ross Avenue, 31st Floor   |   Dallas, TX 75201   |   (214) 665-1900





The Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund


Real Estate Sleeve (the “Portfolio”)


Annual Manager Letter: 12 months ended September 30, 2021


In the 12 months ending September 30, 2021, the US REIT market has surged based on positive headlines on the Pfizer COVID vaccine and the resulting momentum in consumer spending, leading to higher rent collection and rising occupancy and rents, albeit off of a low base. The combination of loose monetary policy and stimulus created a ‘perfect storm’ of rising GDP and low interest rates, which flowed from the consumer to businesses, enabling wages to rise significantly.


We believe Commercial real estate is a beneficiary of inflation, as shown by the +37.2% total return in the one year period ending September 30, 2021, in the MSCI US REIT Index (Bloomberg: RMZ). The rising demand via job growth and consumer spending was matched with low supply growth, at first due to the sheer inability to be on a construction site during a pandemic, then due to the inability to get financing from banks, and finally due to the rising construction costs from inflation. We believe these conditions should persist for a few years as the construction pipelines begin to refill and occupancy and rents catch up.


The top performing property types over the period were Regional Malls, Lodging, and Shopping Centers, while the lowest total returns were in the data center, cell tower, and triple net sectors. Chilton took over management of the portfolio on November 30, 2020, and has produced a total return of +25.5% (gross of fees) through September 30, 2021, which compares to +27.1% for the RMZ over the same period. The top contributors to relative performance were stock selection in the diversified sector, an underweight allocation to the data center sector, and stock selection in the healthcare sector. The top detractors from relative performance over the same period were an overweight allocation to the cell tower sector, and an underweight allocation to the shopping center and regional mall sectors.


Sector performance was particularly impacted by the Pfizer vaccine announcement in November 2020, which began a five month surge in the most downtrodden sectors such as regional malls, shopping centers, and lodging. However, following the 1Q21 earnings season, the market has become more focused on earnings growth and dividend growth, which we believe should continue. While the portfolio remains underweight to regional malls, lodging, and shopping centers as of September 30, 2021, we have been adding exposure to the ‘reopening’ trade by investing in healthcare and diversified REITs, which we believe provide a better risk-adjusted reward given lower valuation multiples.


An investment cannot be made directly in an index. The information contained herein should be considered to be current only as of the date indicated, and we do not undertake any obligation to update the information contained herein in light of later circumstances or events. This publication may contain forward looking statements and projections that are based on the current beliefs and assumptions of Chilton Capital Management and on information currently available that we believe to be reasonable, however, such statements necessarily involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions, and prospective investors may not put undue reliance on any of these statements. This communication is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to buy, hold, or sell an interest in any Chilton investment or any other security. Past performance does not guarantee future results.



The Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund Commodity Sleeve (the “Portfolio”) (CORE COMMODITY LOGO)


Annual Letter from the Manager (September 30, 2021)


We are pleased to provide you with our annual report for the Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund Commodity Sleeve (the “Portfolio”) for the twelve months ending September 30, 2021. The Portfolio rose 69.1% on a gross basis. Commodities broadly posted strong gains during these twelve months with the Bloomberg Commodity Index Total Return (the “BCOM”) gaining 42.3%. The Portfolio generated 26.8% of outperformance versus the BCOM benchmark with positive contributions from energy, agriculture, and industrial metals, though underperformance in precious metals modestly detracted from this overall relative outperformance.




Energy was the best performing sector for the prior year, with the Bloomberg Energy Subindex Total Return rising 78.8%. The Portfolio’s energy holdings were also the best performing sector, gaining 109.3% for the period and generating roughly half of the Portfolio’s overall relative outperformance versus the BCOM. WTI crude oil prices jumped approximately 86.6% during the period as demand rose with pandemic travel restrictions easing, while US crude oil production remained well below pre-COVID levels. Natural gas prices more than doubled over the period rising from $2.53 per MMBTU to nearly $5.90. Upstream E&P companies held in the Portfolio benefited the most from these increasing prices, rising nearly 150% over the period. The Portfolio’s largest energy holdings as of September 30th were EOG Resources (EOG US), ConocoPhillips (COP US), and Inpex Corp (1605 JP).




Over the past year agricultural commodities, as proxied by the Bloomberg Commodity Agriculture and Livestock Subindex Total Return, rose by 39.1%. Over the same period the Portfolio’s agricultural holdings outperformed, rising 51.6% and providing some additional relative outperformance. The Portfolio’s largest agriculture holdings as of September 30th were Nutrien Ltd (NTR US), Deere & Co (DE US), and Coreteva Inc (CTVA US).


Metals & Mining


Industrial metal commodity futures were up strongly for the period with the Bloomberg Industrial Metals Subindex Total Return rising 37.1%. The Portfolio’s industrial metal holdings performed better than their respective commodity futures, rising 78.1% over the same period and contributing greatly to the Portfolio’s overall outperformance. The Portfolio’s exposure to steel – a commodity not included in the BCOM benchmark – was particularly beneficial as holdings in that industry appreciated more than 100% during the period. The Portfolio’s largest industrial metal holdings as of September 30th were Rio Tinto (RIO US), Vale SA (VALE US), and Teck Resources (TECK/B CN).


Precious metal futures were the only sector to finish down over the prior year with the Bloomberg Precious Metals Subindex Total Return falling (7.8%) for the twelve months ended September 30, 2021. Timothy’s precious metal miners underperformed, falling (24.2%) over the same time period as falling prices and rising fuel costs weighed on these miners. The Portfolio’s largest precious metal holdings as of September 30th were Newmont Goldcorp (NEM US), Kirkland Lake Gold (KL CN), and Kinross Gold (KGC US).


Market Outlook


The Timothy Plan Defensive Strategy Fund Commodity Sleeve currently utilizes a diversified portfolio of natural resource equities that is intended to capture commodity price movements. We believe that the supply of many global commodities has not kept pace with the demand increases resulting from the continued re-opening efforts in the wake of the pandemic. Though demand remains below pre-pandemic levels, to the extent this continues to normalize and commodity prices continue to rally, we expect the Portfolio to perform positively.


CoreCommodity Management, LLC     680 Washington Boulevard     Stamford, CT 06901     Tel: 203.708.6500     www.CoreCommodityllc.com





Past performance is not indicative of future results. STANDARD & POOR’S, and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC. “Bloomberg®,” “Bloomberg Commodity IndexSM” and the names of the other indexes and sub-indexes that are part of the Bloomberg Commodity Index family are service marks of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates. Source for all Index data: Bloomberg L.P. Commodity Sectors are represented by the Bloomberg Commodity Sector Sub-Indices. This document does not constitute an offer of any commodities, securities or investment advisory services. Any such offer may be made only by means of a disclosure document or similar materials which contain a description of material terms and risks. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice in reaction to shifting market conditions. Data contained herein from third-party providers is obtained from what are considered reliable sources. However, its accuracy, completeness or reliability cannot be guaranteed. The economic statistics presented herein are subject to revision by the agencies that issue them. This information is accurate only as of the date hereof, or as of historical dates otherwise indicated herein, and we do not undertake any obligation to update this material Any indices and other financial benchmarks shown are provided for illustrative purposes only, are unmanaged, reflect reinvestment of income and do not reflect the impact of advisory fees. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. All investments are subject to risk.


CoreCommodity Management, LLC     680 Washington Boulevard     Stamford, CT 06901 Tel: 203.708.6500     www.CoreCommodityllc.com



September 30, 2021


Dear Timothy Plan Strategic Growth and Conservative Growth Fund Shareholder:


Asset allocation has normally been, and we believe it continues to be, a very prudent approach to investing. As a review, your Timothy Plan investment is a compilation of many of Timothy’s underlying funds (including six of our more recent ETF’s) and, as such, your performance is directly related to the performance of those underlying funds. Although the second and third quarters of 2020 experienced very negative returns as a result of the economic shutdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, fiscal year 2021 (October, 2020 thru September, 2021) was a very different story as we experienced excellent performance in nearly all our underlying funds and we ended the fiscal year with very respectable returns of (17.98%) for Strategic Growth and (12.25%) for Conservative Growth. Having said that, we intend to participate in this strong market while maintaining a more cautious outlook for the economy in the year ahead. As a result, we have adjusted our positions in the underlying funds to the allocations shown below:


     Conservative Growth  Strategic Growth
Large/Mid-Cap Core ETF  8.00 %  9.50%
Large/Mid-Cap Core Enhanced ETF  6.00 %  7.50%
High Dividend Stock ETF  2.00 %  4.50%
High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF  1.50 %  3.00%
Small-Cap Core ETF  7.00 %  9.00%
International ETF  14.00 %    23.00%  
International Fund  6.50 %  10.00%  
High-Yield Bond Fund  5.50 %  5.00%
Defensive Strategies Fund  6.00 %  7.00%
Fixed Income Fund  39.50 %    18.50%  
Cash  4.00 %  3.00%


Even though the Portfolios have been designed to be conservatively allocated, we understand that recent market gyrations may be unsettling for some investors. Please understand that our #1 concern is preservation of principal, and, even though we do want to participate in the markets’ strong upward trend, we will attempt to adjust our allocation above to changing market conditions.


As you know, no one can guarantee future performance. However, the one thing that I can assure you of is every one of our sub-advisors is doing their very best and our team here at Timothy is working very hard to provide you an investment in which you can feel comfortable.




Arthur D. Ally




The Timothy Plan Israel Common Values Fund
Letter from The Manager - September 30, 2021


The Israeli market came roaring back during this fiscal year as news of a Covid-19 vaccine breakthrough sent global markets soaring on hopes of ending global lockdowns. The Fund again handily beat its benchmark TA-125 index with a combination of good sector allocation and stock selection. Sector allocation was aided from an overweight to a strong performing Consumer Discretionary sector as well as underweight to underperforming Health Care, Communications Services, and Utilities sectors. These outweighed poor allocation to Consumer Staples and Real Estate. From a stock selection standpoint, the Fund did very well in the Industrials, Technology, and Materials sectors. Individual companies contributing to the strong relative performance included leading retailer Fox-Wizel (Consumer Discretionary), semiconductor metrology leader Nova Ltd (Technology), textile printing solutions leader Kornit Digital (Industrials), and insurance company Migdal Insurance (Financials). The Israeli market continues to provide the Fund ample investment opportunities.


After multiple lockdowns in Israeli cities related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Israeli economy has come back strong. The country also became a global leader in its drive to vaccinate a major portion of its population. Both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Bank of Israel (BoI) expect Israeli GDP growth to hover around 7% in calendar year 2021 while the BoI expects further growth of over 5% in 2022. This strong growth backdrop should lead to robust consumer demand with strong job creation and lower unemployment levels. While inflation at 2.2% is above recent trend, it remains within the central bank’s target range and well below the elevated levels of many other developed economies. The BoI expects inflation to moderate over the next twelve months signaling tapering of its quantitative easing measures is likely to start in the coming months.


On the political front, after four elections in two years, a new government was finally formed with the ousting of Israel’s longest serving prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A coalition government headed by Naftali Bennett of Yamina party and Yair Lipid of Yesh Atid party was able to get enough votes to move forward with Bennett serving as prime minister. We do not expect significant changes in policy from this new government that would materially affect the capital markets.


The Fund continues to invest alongside the innovate spirit of Israeli companies providing ample attractive investment opportunities. The economic backdrop remains supportive of continued positive earnings momentum over the coming quarters. We remain committed to a consistent investment approach dedicated to finding long-term investments for shareholders and we thank you for your continued investment in the Fund.


Eagle Global Advisors, LLC



September 30, 2021


Dear Timothy Plan Growth and Income Fund Shareholder:


In 2019, Timothy Plan added four new Exchange Traded Funds to our diversified product line: Timothy Plan Large/Mid-Cap Core (TPLC), Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock (TPHD), Timothy Plan International Equity Fund (TPIF), and Timothy Plan Small Cap Core (TPSC). Also, in July, 2020 we added two new ETFs that contained a structured partial move to cash in the event of a substantial market decline: Timothy Plan Large-Mid Cap Core Enhanced (TPLE) and Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced (TPHE). These are all smart beta index funds traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Since TPHD and TPHE fits nicely into the into the investment objective of our Growth and Income Fund, we incorporated these two particular ETFs into the holdings of this fund so that:


Approximately 60% of the fund is now invested in a combination of TPHD and TPHE.


While the remaining fixed income portion of the fund is actively managed by our long-time fixed income sub-advisor, Barrow Hanley.


It is our belief that this dual managed arrangement will result in both better performance and a reduction of this fund’s expense ratio.


For future market outlook for this fund, please read Barrow Hanley’s Sub-Advisor’s letter in this Annual Report.


As you know, no one can guarantee future performance. However, the one thing that I can assure you of is, for every one of our Timothy Plan Funds, all our sub-advisors are doing their very best and our team here at Timothy is working very hard to provide you an investment in which you can feel comfortable.




Arthur D. Ally






Letter from the Manager


September 30, 2021


Timothy Growth and Income Fund – Fixed Income Allocation


The fiscal year ending September 30, 2021 saw an increase in U.S. Treasury (UST) yields as the Federal Reserve (Fed) announced they would likely begin tapering their quantitative easing (QE) purchases in November 2021 due to heightened inflation concerns. The fixed income allocation of the Timothy Plan Growth & Income Fund invests in the broad U.S. investment grade bond market benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate index which began the last 12 months with a yield of 1.18% and ended at 1.37%.


The 10-year UST yield rose after starting the fiscal period at 0.69%, peaking at 1.74% at the end of March 2021, and ending September 2021 at 1.49%. By comparison, the 2-year rate more than doubled after starting at 0.13% and ending the last 12 months at 0.28%. The U.S. and global economies saw significant recovery from the pandemic recessions experienced during the last fiscal period. Fiscal and monetary stimulus, the rollout of vaccines and pent-up demand gave way to an expanding economy. These factors also led to potential risks as we neared September 30, 2021. The risk of inflation became evident due to the largest fiscal deficits and money supply growth experienced since World War II. U.S. CPI accelerated at a greater than 5.0% year/year pace in all three of 3Q21’s monthly data releases, more than double the 2021 forecast issued by the Fed at its Dec. 2020 meeting.


Investment Grade (IG) Credit spreads started the last 12 months at 128 basis points (bps), narrowed to 77 by June 2021 and ended slightly higher at 80 by September 2021. IG Credit bond funds continued to receive net inflows and achieved a calendar year record by September. Strong investor demand offset the impact of year-to-date issuance which reached $1.35T by the end of the fiscal period. The Mortgage- Backed Securities (MBS) sector generated nominal returns ahead of the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Index but suffered negative excess returns. MBS investors will continue to focus on the Fed’s QE-taper plans going forward.


Over the 12 months ended September 30th, security selection in MBS hurt relative performance. Our GNMA holdings generated returns below the counterparts in the index. Our overweight to Industrials and Utilities added value as these two sectors posted higher nominal and excess returns than the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Index. We remain focused on generating income consistent with a prudent level of risk.


2200 Ross Avenue, 31st Floor   |   Dallas, TX 75201   |   (214) 665-1900



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


Aggressive Growth Fund


    5 Year 10 Year  
  1 Year Average Average  
Fund/Index Total Return Annual Return Annual Return  
Timothy Aggressive Growth Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) 26.49% 14.61% 12.84%  
Russell Mid-Cap Growth Index 30.45% 19.27% 17.54%  
Timothy Aggressive Growth Fund - Class C * 31.87% 15.06% 12.62%  
Russell Mid-Cap Growth Index 30.45% 19.27% 17.54%  
Timothy Aggressive Growth Fund - Class I 34.19% 16.20% 10.55% (a)
Russell Mid-Cap Growth Index 30.45% 19.27% 15.09% (a)


(a)For the period August 1, 2013 (commencement of investment in accordance with objective) to September 30, 2021.


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth Fund vs. Russell Mid-Cap Growth Index




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares and the Russell Mid-Cap Growth Index on September 30, 2011 and held through September 30, 2021. The Russell Mid-Cap Growth Index is a widely recognized, unmanaged index of common stock prices. Performance figures include the change in value of the stocks in the index and the reinvestment of dividends. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


International Fund


    5 Year 10 Year  
  1 Year Average Average  
Fund/Index Total Return Annual Return Annual Return  
Timothy International Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) 22.29% 8.41% 7.71%  
MSCI EAFE Index 22.96% 6.04% 5.21%  
MSCI AC World Index ex USA Net (USD) 23.91% 8.94% 7.48%  
Timothy International Fund - Class C * 27.38% 8.82% 7.51%  
MSCI EAFE Index 22.96% 6.04% 5.21%  
MSCI AC World Index ex USA Net (USD) 23.91% 8.94% 7.48%  
Timothy International Fund - Class I 29.68% 9.93% 6.55% (a)
MSCI EAFE Index 22.96% 6.04% 3.36% (a)
MSCI AC World Index ex USA Net (USD) 23.91% 8.94% 6.03% (a)


(a)For the period August 1, 2013 (commencement of investment in accordance with objective) to September 30, 2021.


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Plan International Fund vs. MSCI EAFE Index vs. MSCI AC World Index ex USA Net (USD)




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares, the MSCI EAFE Index and the MSCI AC World Index ex USA Net (USD) on September 30, 2011 and held through September 30, 2021. The MSCI EAFE Index is a widely recognized unmanaged index of equity prices and is representative of equity market performance of developed countries, excluding the U.S. and Canada. The MSCI ACWI ex USA Index captures large and mid cap representation across 22 of 23 Developed Markets (DM) countries (excluding the US) and 26 Emerging Markets (EM) countries. With 2,377 constituents, the index covers approximately 85% of the global equity opportunity set outside the US. Performance figures include the change in value of the stocks in the index and the reinvestment of dividends. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund


    5 Year 10 Year  
  1 Year Average Average  
Fund/Index Total Return Annual Return Annual Return  
Timothy Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) 24.08% 13.20% 13.28%  
Russell 1000 Growth Total Return Index 27.32% 22.84% 19.68%  
Timothy Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund - Class C * 29.32% 13.59% 13.05%  
Russell 1000 Growth Total Return Index 27.32% 22.84% 19.68%  
Timothy Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund - Class I 31.64% 14.74% 11.63% (a)
Russell 1000 Growth Total Return Index 27.32% 22.84% 18.36% (a)


(a)For the period August 1, 2013 (commencement of investment in accordance with objective) to September 30, 2021.


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund vs. Russell 1000 Growth Total Return Index




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares and the Russell 1000 Growth Total Return Index on September 30, 2011 and held through September 30, 2021. The Russell 1000 Growth Index is a widely recognized, unmanaged index of common stock prices. Performance figures include the change in value of the stocks in the index and the reinvestment of dividends. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


Small Cap Value Fund


    5 Year 10 Year  
  1 Year Average Average  
Fund/Index Total Return Annual Return Annual Return  
Timothy Small Cap Value Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) 42.76% 9.50% 13.61%  
Russell 2000 Index 47.68% 13.45% 14.63%  
Timothy Small Cap Value Fund - Class C * 48.84% 9.91% 13.39%  
Russell 2000 Index 47.68% 13.45% 14.63%  
Timothy Small Cap Value Fund - Class I 51.33% 11.02% 9.65% (a)
Russell 2000 Index 47.68% 13.45% 10.86% (a)


(a)For the period August 1, 2013 (commencement of investment in accordance with objective) to September 30, 2021.


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Plan Small Cap Value Fund vs. Russell 2000 Index




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares and the Russell 2000 Index on September 30, 2011 and held through September 30, 2021. The Russell 2000 Index is a widely recognized, unmanaged index of common stock prices. Performance figures include the change in value of the stocks in the index and the reinvestment of dividends. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


Large/Mid Cap Value Fund


    5 Year 10 Year  
  1 Year Average Average  
Fund/Index Total Return Annual Return Annual Return  
Timothy Large/Mid Cap Value Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) 22.78% 10.94% 12.52%  
S&P 500 Index 30.00% 16.90% 16.63%  
Timothy Large/Mid Cap Value Fund - Class C * 27.91% 11.36% 12.31%  
S&P 500 Index 30.00% 16.90% 16.63%  
Timothy Large/Mid Cap Value Fund - Class I 30.20% 12.47% 10.56% (a)
S&P 500 Index 30.00% 16.90% 14.24% (a)


(a)For the period August 1, 2013 (commencement of investment in accordance with objective) to September 30, 2021.


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Value Fund vs. S&P 500 Index




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares and the S&P 500 Index on September 30, 2011 and held through September 30, 2021. The S&P 500 Index is a widely recognized, unmanaged index of common stock prices. Performance figures include the change in value of the stocks in the index and the reinvestment of dividends. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


Fixed Income Fund


    5 Year 10 Year  
  1 Year Average Average  
Fund/Index Total Return Annual Return Annual Return  
Timothy Fixed Income Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) (6.61)% 0.56% 1.07%  
Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (0.90)% 2.94% 3.01%  
Timothy Fixed Income Fund - Class C * (3.95)% 0.72% 0.78%  
Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (0.90)% 2.94% 3.01%  
Timothy Fixed Income Fund - Class I (2.07)% 1.71% 2.18% (a)
Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (0.90)% 2.94% 3.40% (a)


(a)For the period August 1, 2013 (commencement of investment in accordance with objective) to September 30, 2021.


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Plan Fixed Income Fund vs. Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares and the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index on September 30, 2011 and held through September 30, 2021. The Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is a widely recognized, unmanaged index of bond prices. Performance figures include the change in value of the bonds in the index and the reinvestment of interest. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


High Yield Bond Fund


    5 Year 10 Year  
  1 Year Average Average  
Fund/Index Total Return Annual Return Annual Return  
Timothy High Yield Bond Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) 6.37% 4.94% 5.39%  
Bloomberg U.S. High Yield Ba/B 3% Index 9.84% 6.47% 7.24%  
Timothy High Yield Bond Fund - Class C * 9.71% 5.12% 5.08%  
Bloomberg U.S. High Yield Ba/B 3% Index 9.84% 6.47% 7.24%  
Timothy High Yield Bond Fund - Class I 11.71% 6.17% 5.13% (a)
Bloomberg U.S. High Yield Ba/B 3% Index 9.84% 6.47% 6.00% (a)


(a)For the period August 1, 2013 (commencement of investment in accordance with objective) to September 30, 2021.


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Plan High Yield Bond Fund vs. Bloomberg U.S. High Yield Ba/B 3% Index




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares and Bloomberg U.S. High Yield Ba/B 3% Index on September 30, 2011 and held through September 30, 2021. The Bloomberg U.S. High Yield Ba/B 3% Index is an issuer-constrained version of the flagship U.S. Corporate High Yield Index, which measures the USD-denominated, high yield, fixed-rate corporate bond market. Performance figures include the change in value of the bonds in the index and the reinvestment of interest. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


Israel Common Values Fund


    5 Year Average  
  1 Year Average Annual Return  
Fund/Index Total Return Annual Return Since Inception  
Timothy Israel Common Values Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) 41.06% 14.43% 9.95% (a)
TA - 125 Index 46.67% 11.36% 8.04% (a)
Timothy Israel Common Values Fund - Class C * 47.06% 14.84% 9.73% (a)
TA - 125 Index 46.67% 11.36% 8.04% (a)
Timothy Israel Common Values Fund - Class I 49.58% 16.01% 10.57% (b)
TA - 125 Index 46.67% 11.36% 7.95% (b)


(a)For the period October 12, 2011 (commencement of investment in accordance with objective) to September 30, 2021.


(b)For the period August 1, 2013 (commencement of investment in accordance with objective) to September 30, 2021.


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Plan Israel Common Values Fund vs. TA - 125 Index




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares and the TA - 125 Index on October 12, 2011 and held through September 30, 2021. The TA - 125 Index is an unmanaged index of equity prices representing the 125 most highly capitalized companies listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange . Performance figures include the change in value of the stocks in the index and the reinvestment of dividends. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


Defensive Strategies Fund


      10 Year  
  1 Year 5 Year Average  
Fund/Index Total Return Total Return Annual Return  
Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) 8.42% 3.38% 2.75%  
Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund Blended Index 25.59% 4.75% 3.61%  
Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund - Class C * 12.95% 3.76% 2.56%  
Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund Blended Index 25.59% 4.75% 3.61%  
Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund - Class I 15.12% 4.81% 3.68% (a)
Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund Blended Index 25.59% 4.75% 3.14% (a)


(a)For the period August 1, 2013 (commencement of investment in accordance with objective) to September 30, 2021.


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund vs. The Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund Blended Index




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares and the Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund Blended Index on September 30, 2011 and held through September 30, 2021. The Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund Blended Index reflects an unmanaged portfolio of 33% of the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Treasury: 1-3 years Index, 33% of the Bloomberg Commodity Index Total Return and 34% of the MSCI U.S. REIT Gross (USD) Index. Performance figures include the change in value of the asset classes in the index and the reinvestment of dividends. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


Strategic Growth Fund


    5 Year 10 Year
  1 Year Average Average
Fund/Index Total Return Annual Return Annual Return
Timothy Strategic Growth Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) 12.62% 4.94% 6.15%
Dow Jones Moderately Aggressive Portfolio Index 25.50% 11.34% 11.02%
Timothy Strategic Growth Fund - Class C * 17.19% 5.35% 5.96%
Dow Jones Moderately Aggressive Portfolio Index 25.50% 11.34% 11.02%


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Plan Strategic Growth Fund vs. Dow Jones Moderately Aggressive Portfolio Index




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares and the Dow Jones Moderately Aggressive Portfolio Index on September 30, 2011 and held through September 30, 2021. The Dow Jones Moderately Aggressive Portfolio Index is a widely recognized index that measures global stocks, bonds and cash which are in turn represented by multiple sub-indexes. Performance figures include the change in value of the investments in the index and the reinvestment of dividends. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


Conservative Growth Fund


    5 Year 10 Year
  1 Year Average Average
Fund/Index Total Return Annual Return Annual Return
Timothy Conservative Growth Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) 6.41% 3.66% 4.44%
Dow Jones Moderate Portfolio Index 18.18% 8.96% 8.81%
Timothy Conservative Growth Fund - Class C * 10.84% 4.07% 4.25%
Dow Jones Moderate Portfolio Index 18.18% 8.96% 8.81%


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Plan Conservative Growth Fund vs. Dow Jones Moderate Portfolio Index




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares and the Dow Jones Moderate Portfolio Index on September 30, 2011 and held through September 30, 2021. The Dow Jones Moderate Portfolio Index is a widely recognized index that measures global stocks, bonds and cash which are in turn represented by multiple sub-indexes. Performance figures include the change in value of the investments in the index and the reinvestment of dividends. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Fund Performance - (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


Growth & Income Fund


  1 Year 5 Year Annual Return  
Fund/Index Total Return Total Return Since Inception  
Timothy Growth & Income Fund - Class A (With Sales Charge) 10.72% 2.04% 2.24% (a)
Timothy Growth & Income Fund Blended Index 19.71% 8.05% 7.81% (a)
Timothy Growth & Income Fund - Class C * 15.25% 2.44% 2.20% (a)
Timothy Growth & Income Fund Blended Index 19.71% 8.05% 7.81% (a)
Timothy Growth & Income Fund - Class I 17.44% 3.46% 3.20% (a)
Timothy Growth & Income Fund Blended Index 19.71% 8.05% 7.81% (a)


(a)For the period October 1, 2013 (commencement of investment in accordance with objective) to September 30, 2021.


*With Maximum Deferred Sales Charge


Timothy Growth & Income Fund vs. Timothy Growth & Income Fund Blended Index




The chart shows the value of a hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 in the Fund’s Class A shares and the Timothy Growth & Income Fund Blended Index on October 1, 2013 and held through September 30, 2021. The Timothy Growth & Income Fund Blended Index reflects an unmanaged portfolio of 40% of the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index and 60% of the Russell 1000 Value Index. Performance figures include the change in value of the stocks in the index and the reinvestment of dividends. The index return does not reflect expenses, which have been deducted from the Fund’s return. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. THE FUND’S RETURN REPRESENTS PAST PERFORMANCE AND IS NOT PREDICTIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.



Schedule of Investments | Aggressive Growth Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Shares      Fair Value 
     COMMON STOCK - 92.9%     
     ADVERTISING & MARKETING - 0.8%     
 6,092   Trade Desk, Inc. *  $428,268 
     AEROSPACE & DEFENSE - 0.8%     
 639   TransDigm Group, Inc. *   399,100 
 2,579   Deckers Outdoor Corp. *   928,956 
 29,749   Tapestry, Inc.   1,101,308 
     BANKING - 2.7%     
 5,236   Signature Bank   1,425,658 
     BIOTECH & PHARMA - 11.0%     
 1,834   Argenx SE - ADR *   553,868 
 20,294   Horizon Therapeutics PLC *   2,223,005 
 22,500   Maravai LifeSciences Holdings, Inc. *   1,104,300 
 10,549   United Therapeutics Corp. *   1,947,134 
     CHEMICALS - 1.4%     
 3,481   Albemarle Corp.   762,235 
     CONTAINERS & PACKAGING - 2.1%     
 10,961   Crown Holdings, Inc.   1,104,650 
 11,434   Fortive Corp.   806,897 
 4,506   Generac Holdings, Inc. *   1,841,467 
 3,671   Trane Technologies PLC   633,798 
 6,411   Quanta Services, Inc.   729,700 
     FOOD - 1.4%     
 10,181   Darling Ingredients, Inc. *   732,014 
 4,816   Trex Company, Inc. *   490,895 
 6,460   Catalent, Inc. *   859,632 
 4,047   ICON PLC *   1,060,395 
 6,126   United Rentals, Inc. *   2,149,797 
 40,303   Bloomin’ Brands, Inc. *   1,007,575 
     MACHINERY - 3.8%     
 4,991   Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc.   642,791 
 9,435   Oshkosh Corp.   965,861 
 1,376   Parker-Hannifin Corp.   384,757 
 46,042   Avantor, Inc. *   1,883,118 
 1,061   DexCom, Inc. *   580,218 
 1,694   Insulet Corp. *   481,486 
 14,484   Natera, Inc. *   1,614,097 
 2,963   Novocure Ltd. *   344,212 
 3,713   Repligen Corp. *   1,073,020 
 1,774   STERIS PLC   362,392 
 1,375   Teleflex, Inc.   517,756 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | Aggressive Growth Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Fair Value 
     RENEWABLE ENERGY - 1.8%     
 4,359   Enphase Energy, Inc. *  $653,719 
 7,369   Sunrun, Inc. *   324,236 
     RETAIL - DISCRETIONARY - 2.8%     
 5,294   Burlington Stores, Inc. *   1,501,220 
     SEMICONDUCTORS - 11.1%     
 1,932   KLA Corp.   646,273 
 35,907   Marvell Technology Group Ltd.   2,165,551 
 4,239   Monolithic Power System, Inc.   2,054,559 
 3,217   Skyworks Solutions, Inc.   530,097 
 4,539   Teradyne, Inc.   495,523 
     SOFTWARE - 10.6%     
 1,161   ANSYS, Inc. *   395,262 
 498   HubSpot, Inc. *   336,693 
 2,900   Palo Alto Networks, Inc. *   1,389,100 
 17,373   Rapid7, Inc. *   1,963,496 
 3,787   RingCentral, Inc. *   823,672 
 11,082   Varonis Systems, Inc. *   674,340 
     TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - 2.8%     
 17,773   Seagate Technology Holdings PLC   1,466,628 
     TECHNOLOGY SERVICES - 4.9%     
 1,940   EPAM Systems, Inc. *   1,106,731 
 1,678   MSCI, Inc.   1,020,795 
 4,020   TransUnion   451,486 
     TOTAL COMMON STOCK (Cost $33,928,040)   49,139,741 
     REITs - 1.0%     
 6,960   CyrusOne, Inc. (Cost $533,208)   538,774 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 6.2%     
 3,258,766   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (A) (Cost $3,258,766)   3,258,766 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 100.1% (Cost $37,720,014)  $52,937,281 
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%  $52,897,645 


*Non-income producing securities.


ADR - American Depositary Receipt.


PLC - Public Limited Co.


REITs - Real Estate Investment Trusts.


(A)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | International Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Shares      Fair Value 
     COMMON STOCK - 95.9%     
     AEROSPACE & DEFENSE - 1.7%     
 73,000   Safran SA (ADR)  $2,313,370 
     AUTOMOTIVE - 3.0%     
 55,300   Magna International, Inc. - Class A   4,160,772 
     BANKING - 10.6%     
 41,539   DBS Group Holdings Ltd. (ADR)   3,684,509 
 99,000   DNB ASA (ADR) *   2,271,060 
 30,700   HDFC Bank Ltd. (ADR)   2,243,863 
 104,100   ICICI Bank Ltd. (ADR)   1,964,367 
 263,000   Itau Unibanco Holding SA (ADR)   1,386,010 
 66,100   KBC Group NV (ADR)   2,981,110 
     CHEMICALS - 3.2%     
 31,000   Air Liquide SA (ADR)   996,650 
 13,400   Arkema SA (ADR)   1,747,226 
 82,000   BASF SE (ADR)   1,561,280 
 27,500   Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd. (ADR)   1,610,950 
     ELECTRIC UTILITIES - 1.6%     
 283,000   Enel SpA (ADR)   2,162,120 
 80,400   Schneider Electric SE (ADR)   2,671,250 
 155,000   Vinci SA (ADR)   4,031,550 
     FOOD - 3.0%     
 22,700   Kerry Group PLC (ADR)   3,108,992 
 40,000   Mowi ASA (ADR)   1,012,000 
 11,500   ICON PLC *   3,013,230 
     HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS - 0.6%     
 38,000   Beiersdorf AG (ADR)   826,500 
 8,100   Ashtead Group PLC (ADR)   2,471,148 
 156,500   Deutsche Boerse AG (ADR)   2,532,170 
     INSURANCE - 7.0%     
 49,200   Ageas SA/NV (ADR)   2,453,112 
 62,500   AIA Group Ltd. (ADR)   2,875,625 
 57,400   Muenchener Rueckversicherungs AG (ADR)   1,571,612 
 108,600   Sampo Oyj (ADR)   2,686,221 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | International Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Fair Value 
     INTERNET MEDIA & SERVICES - 4.5%     
 38,700   Naspers Ltd. (ADR)  $1,287,162 
 108,000   Prosus NV (ADR)   1,732,320 
 39,600   Yandex NV *   3,155,724 
     LEISURE PRODUCTS - 1.5%     
 71,000   Shimano, Inc. (ADR)   2,079,590 
     MACHINERY - 7.8%     
 58,500   Atlas Copco AB (ADR)   2,983,500 
 70,000   FANUC Corp. (ADR)   1,543,500 
 60,850   Techtronic Industries Co. (ADR)   6,063,398 
 41,200   Alcon, Inc.   3,315,364 
 26,800   Hoya Corp. (ADR)   4,202,789 
 53,900   Smith & Nephew PLC (ADR)   1,850,926 
     METALS & MINING - 1.2%     
 23,800   Rio Tinto PLC (ADR)   1,590,316 
     OIL & GAS PRODUCERS - 4.6%     
 151,000   Equinor ASA (ADR)   3,850,500 
 438,000   Galp Energia SGPS SA (ADR)   2,452,800 
     RETAIL - CONSUMER STAPLES - 0.7%     
 45,948   Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp. (ADR)   954,800 
     SEMICONDUCTORS - 7.2%     
 5,950   ASML Holding NV (ADR)   4,433,405 
 13,000   NXP Semiconductors NV   2,546,310 
 25,900   Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (ADR)   2,891,735 
     SOFTWARE - 4.9%     
 13,800   Nice Ltd. (ADR) *   3,919,752 
 34,640   Open Text Corp.   1,688,354 
 850   Shopify, Inc. *   1,152,413 
     SPECIALTY FINANCE - 1.8%     
 26,700   ORIX Corp. (ADR)   2,523,684 
     TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - 1.4%     
 21,438   FUJIFILM Holdings Corp. (ADR)   1,846,455 
     TECHNOLOGY SERVICES - 5.9%     
 14,800   Adyen NV (ADR) *   414,992 
 51,000   Amadeus IT Group SA (ADR) *   3,358,350 
 89,000   Infosys Ltd. (ADR)   1,980,250 
 43,700   Pagseguro Digital Ltd. *   2,260,164 
 95,300   Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (ADR)   2,645,528 
 59,300   Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.   3,858,651 
     TOTAL COMMON STOCK (Cost $93,189,127)   130,919,429 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | International Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Fair Value 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 4.0%     
 5,466,035   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (A) (Cost $5,466,035)  $5,466,035 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 99.9% (Cost $98,655,162)  $136,385,464 
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%  $136,513,537 


*Non-income producing securities.


ADR - American Depositary Receipt.


PLC - Public Limited Co.


(A)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


Diversification of Assets    
Country  % of Net Assets 
Japan   11.6%
France   8.6%
Canada   8.0%
Hong Kong   7.7%
Netherlands   6.7%
Norway   5.2%
Germany   4.7%
India   4.5%
Ireland   4.5%
United Kingdom   4.3%
Belgium   4.0%
Israel   2.9%
Singapore   2.7%
Brazil   2.7%
Spain   2.5%
Switzerland   2.4%
Russia   2.3%
Sweden   2.2%
Taiwan   2.1%
Finland   2.0%
Portugal   1.8%
Italy   1.6%
South Africa   0.9%
Total   95.9%
Money Market Fund   4.0%
Other Assets Less Liabilities - Net   0.1%
Grand Total   100.0%


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Shares      Fair Value 
     COMMON STOCK - 76.4%     
     BANKING - 0.9%     
 10,774   Western Alliance Bancorp  $1,172,427 
     BIOTECH & PHARMA - 5.4%     
 18,734   Horizon Therapeutics PLC *   2,052,122 
 6,572   Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. *   630,320 
 5,401   Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. *   979,687 
 18,691   Zoetis, Inc.   3,628,671 
     CABLE & SATELLITE - 1.3%     
 954   Cable One, Inc.   1,729,726 
     CHEMICALS - 2.2%     
 16,730   FMC Corp.   1,531,799 
 4,997   Linde PLC   1,466,020 
 12,695   Owens Corning   1,085,422 
 16,353   Emerson Electric Co.   1,540,453 
 6,258   Honeywell International, Inc.   1,328,448 
     ELECTRIC UTILITIES - 1.2%     
 21,347   NextEra Energy, Inc.   1,676,166 
 26,732   Amphenol Corp. - Class A   1,957,584 
 13,796   Fortive Corp.   973,584 
 8,164   Trane Technologies PLC   1,409,515 
 7,400   IQVIA Holdings, Inc. *   1,772,596 
 14,572   Intercontinental Exchange, Inc.   1,673,157 
     INSURANCE - 2.7%     
 15,754   Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.   2,341,832 
 41,628   Equitable Holdings, Inc.   1,233,854 
 1,160   Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. *   2,108,323 
     MACHINERY - 1.9%     
 5,527   Caterpillar, Inc.   1,061,018 
 14,366   Oshkosh Corp.   1,470,647 
 10,988   Baxter International, Inc.   883,765 
 5,002   Danaher Corp.   1,522,809 
 16,458   Edwards Lifesciences Corp. *   1,863,210 
 5,934   Insulet Corp. *   1,686,621 
 2,364   Intuitive Surgical, Inc. *   2,350,171 
 3,963   Teleflex, Inc.   1,492,268 
     OIL & GAS PRODUCERS - 0.7%     
 13,284   ConocoPhillips   900,257 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Fair Value 
     RETAIL - CONSUMER STAPLES - 3.7%     
 6,208   Costco Wholesale Corp.  $2,789,565 
 10,119   Dollar General Corp.   2,146,645 
     RETAIL - DISCRETIONARY - 6.5%     
 5,781   Burlington Stores, Inc. *   1,639,318 
 36,621   Foot Locker, Inc.   1,672,115 
 9,092   Lowe’s Cos, Inc.   1,844,403 
 3,742   Lululemon Athletica, Inc. *   1,514,387 
 3,364   O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. *   2,055,606 
     SEMICONDUCTORS - 12.9%     
 33,315   Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. *   3,428,113 
 7,318   Analog Devices, Inc.   1,225,619 
 5,155   Broadcom Ltd.   2,499,814 
 1,672   Lam Research Corporation   951,619 
 5,067   Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.   2,455,874 
 22,888   NVIDIA Corp.   4,741,478 
 10,302   NXP Semiconductors NV   2,017,853 
     SOFTWARE - 9.2%     
 2,285   HubSpot, Inc. *   1,544,866 
 5,008   Palo Alto Networks, Inc. *   2,398,832 
 25,788   Rapid7, Inc. *   2,914,560 
 4,306   ServiceNow, Inc. *   2,679,495 
 9,354   Synopsys, Inc. *   2,800,681 
     TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - 2.5%     
 17,643   Seagate Technology Holdings PLC   1,455,900 
 33,942   Western Digital Corp. *   1,915,686 
     TECHNOLOGY SERVICES - 6.0%     
 20,164   CDW Corp.   3,670,251 
 5,066   EPAM Systems, Inc. *   2,890,052 
 12,608   Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.   1,534,141 
 21,625   Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.   1,407,139 
 12,086   PACCAR, Inc.   953,827 
     TOTAL COMMON STOCK (Cost $61,932,189)   102,670,311 
     EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (A) - 18.6%     
 77,000   Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core Enhanced ETF   1,885,976 
 665,000   Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core ETF   23,152,773 
     TOTAL EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (Cost $18,644,500)   25,038,749 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 5.1%     
 6,917,122   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (B) (Cost $6,917,122)   6,917,122 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 100.1% (Cost $87,493,811)  $134,626,182 
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%  $134,442,220 


*Non-income producing securities.


ETF - Exchange Traded Fund.


PLC - Public Limited Co.


(A)Affiliated Fund.


(B)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | Small Cap Value Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Shares      Fair Value 
     COMMON STOCK - 79.9%     
     AEROSPACE/DEFENSE - 1.7%     
 38,745   Moog, Inc.  $2,953,531 
     BANKING - 13.9%     
 80,008   Columbia Banking System, Inc.   3,039,504 
 98,580   Great Western Bancorp, Inc.   3,227,509 
 44,834   Hilltop Holdings, Inc.   1,464,727 
 73,500   Provident Financial Services, Inc.   1,725,045 
 83,635   Renasant Corp.   3,015,042 
 69,196   Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc.   3,170,561 
 109,290   Simmons First National Corp.   3,230,612 
 49,754   Trustmark Corp.   1,603,074 
 78,810   Veritex Holdings, Inc.   3,101,962 
     CHEMICALS - 5.3%     
 64,719   Avient Corp.   2,999,726 
 124,960   Ecovyst, Inc.   1,457,034 
 17,731   Innospec, Inc.   1,493,305 
 27,024   Stepan Co.   3,052,090 
     ELECTRIC UTILITIES - 3.2%     
 73,193   Avista Corp.   2,863,310 
 45,351   NorthWestern Corp.   2,598,612 
 39,744   Comfort Systems USA, Inc.   2,834,542 
     FOOD - 3.5%     
 180,915   Hostess Brands, Inc. *   3,142,494 
 18,681   J & J Snack Foods Corp.   2,854,830 
 39,253   UFP Industries, Inc.   2,668,419 
     GAS & WATER UTILITIES - 0.7%     
 57,055   South Jersey Industries, Inc.   1,212,989 
 139,003   Aveanna Healthcare Holdings, Inc. *   1,114,804 
 51,347   Patterson Companies, Inc.   1,547,599 
     HOME CONSTRUCTION - 4.5%     
 47,990   Century Communities, Inc.   2,948,985 
 70,575   Griffon Corp.   1,736,145 
 27,198   Masonite International Corp. *   2,886,524 
     HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS - 1.8%     
 71,154   Central Garden & Pet Co. *   3,059,622 
 28,208   AZZ, Inc.   1,500,666 
 49,550   Moelis & Co.   3,065,658 
 108,059   Perella Weinberg Partners   1,431,782 
 20,853   Piper Sandler Companies   2,887,306 
     INSURANCE - 3.2%     
 55,251   Argo Group International Holdings Ltd.   2,885,207 
 66,781   James River Group Holdings Ltd.   2,519,647 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | Small Cap Value Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Fair Value 
 59,804   Bloomin’ Brands, Inc. *  $1,495,100 
 48,678   Chuy’s Holdings, Inc. *   1,534,817 
 29,322   Jack in the Box, Inc.   2,853,910 
 12,182   Papa John’s International, Inc.   1,546,992 
     MACHINERY - 5.2%     
 9,604   Alamo Group, Inc.   1,340,046 
 49,782   Altra Industrial Motion Corp.   2,755,434 
 34,776   Columbus McKinnon Corp.   1,681,420 
 76,718   Federal Signal Corp.   2,962,849 
 46,540   Avanos Medical, Inc. *   1,452,048 
 23,431   CONMED Corp.   3,065,478 
 41,581   Merit Medical Systems, Inc. *   2,985,516 
     METALS & MINING - 1.9%     
 19,412   Encore Wire Corp.   1,840,840 
 62,629   Livent Corporation *   1,447,356 
     OIL & GAS PRODUCERS - 3.6%     
 76,736   Brigham Minerals, Inc.   1,470,262 
 66,060   PDC Energy, Inc.   3,130,583 
 26,820   Whiting Petroleum Corporation *   1,566,556 
 173,333   Radius Global Infrastructure, Inc. *   2,830,528 
     RETAIL - DISCRETIONARY - 4.6%     
 39,680   Academy Sports & Outdoors, Inc. *   1,587,994 
 53,145   Monro, Inc.   3,056,369 
 59,649   Sonic Automotive, Inc.   3,133,958 
     SEMICONDUCTORS - 1.6%     
 110,360   Amkor Technology, Inc.   2,753,482 
     TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - 2.7%     
 80,957   ADTRAN, Inc.   1,518,753 
 191,447   Viavi Solutions, Inc. *   3,013,376 
     TECHNOLOGY SERVICES - 1.8%     
 132,726   Repay Holdings Corp. *   3,056,680 
     TOTAL COMMON STOCK (Cost $113,911,202)   135,373,210 
     EXCHANGE TRADED FUND (A) - 11.3%     
 580,000   Timothy Plan US Small Cap Core ETF (Cost $14,834,080)   19,173,988 
     REITs - 7.8%     
 62,475   Community Healthcare Trust Inc   2,823,246 
 52,511   National Storage Affiliates Trust   2,772,056 
 131,547   Plymouth Industrial REIT, Inc.   2,992,694 
 29,571   PotlatchDeltic Corp.   1,525,272 
 171,467   Summit Hotel Properties, Inc. *   1,651,227 
 79,481   Urban Edge Properties   1,455,297 
     TOTAL REITs (Cost $12,140,216)   13,219,792 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | Small Cap Value Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Fair Value 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 0.9%     
 1,489,069   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (B) (Cost $1,489,069)  $1,489,069 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 99.9% (Cost $142,374,567)  $169,256,059 
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%  $169,392,589 


*Non-income producing securities.


ETF - Exchange Traded Fund.


REITs - Real Estate Investment Trusts.


(A)Affiliated Fund.


(B)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | Large/Mid Cap Value Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Shares      Fair Value 
     COMMON STOCK - 66.6%     
     AEROSPACE/DEFENSE - 1.8%     
 23,063   General Dynamics Corp.  $4,521,040 
     ASSET MANAGEMENT - 1.7%     
 61,114   Charles Schwab Corp.   4,451,544 
     BANKING - 3.6%     
 49,718   BOK Financial Corp.   4,452,247 
 42,473   Western Alliance Bancorp   4,621,912 
     CABLE & SATELLITE - 1.7%     
 2,330   Cable One, Inc.   4,224,593 
     CHEMICALS - 1.9%     
 17,211   Sherwin-Williams Co.   4,814,433 
 29,061   Eaton Corp. PLC   4,339,098 
 20,741   Honeywell International, Inc.   4,402,900 
     ELECTRIC UTILITIES - 3.2%     
 66,757   CMS Energy Corp.   3,987,396 
 47,840   WEC Energy Group, Inc.   4,219,488 
 11,559   Hubbell, Inc.   2,088,365 
     FOOD - 2.9%     
 30,466   JM Smucker Co.   3,656,834 
 47,305   McCormick & Co., Inc.   3,833,124 
 37,499   Intercontinental Exchange, Inc.   4,305,635 
     INSURANCE - 1.7%     
 29,413   Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.   4,372,242 
     MACHINERY - 3.4%     
 34,530   Curtiss-Wright Corp.   4,356,995 
 24,437   Middleby Corp. *   4,166,753 
 28,845   PerkinElmer, Inc.   4,998,550 
 21,065   STERIS PLC   4,303,158 
 26,329   Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.   3,853,512 
     METALS & MINING - 1.6%     
 124,975   Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.   4,065,437 
     OIL & GAS PRODUCERS - 2.9%     
 44,205   EOG Resources, Inc.   3,548,335 
 54,685   Valero Energy Corp.   3,859,120 
     RETAIL - CONSUMER STAPLES - 1.8%     
 21,164   Dollar General Corp.   4,489,731 
     RETAIL - DISCRETIONARY - 5.4%     
 7,830   O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. *   4,784,600 
 35,895   Ross Stores, Inc.   3,907,171 
 24,858   Tractor Supply Co.   5,036,479 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | Large/Mid Cap Value Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Fair Value 
     SEMICONDUCTORS - 10.6%     
 6,385   ASML Holding N.V. (ADR)  $4,757,527 
 9,957   Broadcom, Inc.   4,828,448 
 30,061   Microchip Technology, Inc.   4,614,063 
 13,515   Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.   6,550,450 
 29,036   NVIDIA Corp.   6,015,098 
     SOFTWARE - 6.2%     
 34,505   Cadence Design Systems, Inc. *   5,225,437 
 18,155   Synopsys, Inc. *   5,435,789 
 10,793   Tyler Technologies, Inc. *   4,950,209 
     TECHNOLOGY SERVICES - 1.7%     
 16,536   CACI International, Inc. *   4,334,086 
 20,188   Union Pacific Corp.   3,957,050 
 53,361   Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp.   4,600,252 
     TOTAL COMMON STOCK (Cost $120,085,096)   168,929,101 
     EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (A) - 23.3%     
 33,000   Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF   802,943 
 892,500   Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF   26,150,161 
 77,000   Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core Enhanced ETF   1,885,976 
 865,000   Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core ETF   30,116,013 
     TOTAL EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (Cost $46,799,749)   58,955,093 
     REITs - 3.5%     
 22,044   Crown Castle International Corp.   3,820,666 
 16,913   Public Storage   5,024,852 
     TOTAL REITs (Cost $6,729,326)   8,845,518 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 6.7%     
 16,927,368   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (B) (Cost $16,927,368)   16,927,368 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 100.1% (Cost $190,541,539)  $253,657,080 
     OTHER ASSETS IN EXCESS OF LIABILITIES - NET - ( 0.1)%   (159,043)
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%  $253,498,037 


*Non-income producing securities.


ADR - American Depositary Receipt


ETF - Exchange Traded Fund.


PLC - Public Limited Co.


REITs - Real Estate Investment Trusts.


(A)Affiliated Funds.


(B)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | Fixed Income Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Par Value      Coupon Rate (%)   Maturity   Fair Value 
     BONDS & NOTES - 97.5%               
     CORPORATE BONDS - 31.4%               
$1,000,000   ABB Finance USA, Inc.   2.875    5/8/2022   $1,015,746 
 2,205,000   American Electric Power, Inc.   3.200    11/13/2027    2,371,240 
 2,210,000   Aptiv Corp.   4.150    3/15/2024    2,374,008 
 1,000,000   Canadian Pacific Railway Co.   2.900    2/1/2025    1,056,230 
 1,000,000   CBOE Global Markets, Inc.   3.650    1/12/2027    1,101,960 
 1,580,000   Columbia Pipeline Group, Inc.   4.500    6/1/2025    1,754,008 
 2,190,000   CSX Corp.   3.250    6/1/2027    2,387,122 
 1,520,000   Digital Realty Trust LP   3.700    8/15/2027    1,689,865 
 1,575,000   Dollar General Corp.   4.125    5/1/2028    1,788,382 
 750,000   Eaton Corp.   2.750    11/2/2022    769,500 
 1,000,000   Enable Midstream Partners LP   3.900    5/15/2024    1,062,304 
 855,000   European Investment Bank   2.375    6/15/2022    868,564 
 2,200,000   Healthpeak Properties, Inc.   3.500    7/15/2029    2,406,602 
 852,508   John Sevier Combined Cycle Generation LLC   4.626    1/15/2042    1,043,312 
 865,000   Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau   2.125    6/15/2022    877,229 
 1,212,000   LYB International Finance BV   4.000    7/15/2023    1,286,200 
 855,000   National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp.   2.950    2/7/2024    898,982 
 2,185,000   NiSource, Inc.   3.490    5/15/2027    2,394,758 
 1,570,000   Nutrien Ltd.   4.000    12/15/2026    1,752,763 
 2,240,000   Phillips 66 Partners LP   3.605    2/15/2025    2,396,797 
 2,235,000   Province of Ontario Canada   2.500    4/27/2026    2,378,985 
 865,000   Province of Quebec Canada   2.375    1/31/2022    871,094 
 2,235,000   Sunoco Logistics Partners LP   4.250    4/1/2024    2,393,173 
 1,577,000   WEC Energy Group, Inc.   3.550    6/15/2025    1,705,705 
 1,000,000   Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.   3.700    3/19/2023    1,043,652 
     TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS (Cost $38,159,765)  39,688,181 
 1,612,689   FNMA Pool CA8997   3.000    2/1/2051    1,728,918 
 1,089,052   FNMA Pool CB0855   3.000    6/1/2051    1,161,443 
 1,057,546   FNMA Pool CB0867   3.500    6/1/2051    1,130,649 
 1,104,927   FNMA Pool FM4053   2.500    8/1/2050    1,143,135 
 1,663,037   FNMA Pool FM5537   2.000    1/1/2036    1,714,065 
 1,293,989   FNMA Pool MA4258   3.500    2/1/2051    1,377,766 
 1,342,348   FNMA Pool MA4316   2.500    4/1/2036    1,402,166 
 1,398,396   FNMA Pool MA4329   2.000    5/1/2036    1,441,304 
 1,728,459   FNMA Pool MA4333   2.000    5/1/2041    1,755,140 
 856,554   FNMA Pool MA4366   2.500    6/1/2041    886,802 
 150,621   GNMA Pool G2 4520   5.000    8/20/2039    171,955 
 199,303   GNMA Pool G2 4947   5.000    2/20/2041    227,540 
 820,181   GNMA Pool G2 BN2662   3.000    10/20/2049    858,421 
 1,472,568   GNMA Pool G2 CE1974   3.000    8/20/1951    1,555,847 
 382,228   GNMA Pool G2 MA3376   3.500    1/20/2046    407,815 
 247,728   GNMA Pool G2 MA3596   3.000    4/20/2046    260,880 
 674,318   GNMA Pool G2 MA3663   3.500    5/20/2046    716,629 
 245,298   GNMA Pool G2 MA3736   3.500    6/20/2046    260,893 
 416,434   GNMA Pool G2 MA4004   3.500    10/20/2046    443,197 
 271,367   GNMA Pool G2 MA4509   3.000    6/20/2047    287,225 
 344,225   GNMA Pool G2 MA4652   3.500    8/20/2047    365,033 
 434,705   GNMA Pool G2 MA4719   3.500    9/20/2047    460,906 
 442,078   GNMA Pool G2 MA4778   3.500    10/20/2047    470,971 
 360,798   GNMA Pool G2 MA4901   4.000    12/20/2047    386,610 
 318,267   GNMA Pool G2 MA4963   4.000    1/20/2048    341,037 
 338,118   GNMA Pool G2 MA6092   4.500    8/20/2049    360,922 
 380,760   GNMA Pool G2 MA6156   4.500    9/20/2049    405,782 
 338,150   GNMA Pool G2 MA6221   4.500    10/20/2049    361,120 
 621,765   GNMA Pool G2 MA6338   3.000    12/20/2049    650,342 
 348,408   GNMA Pool G2 MA6477   4.500    2/20/2050    372,390 
 525,769   GNMA Pool G2 MA6478   5.000    2/20/2050    571,433 
 562,683   GNMA Pool G2 MA6544   4.500    3/20/2050    598,998 
 397,367   GNMA Pool G2 MA6545   5.000    3/20/2050    430,614 
 494,435   GNMA Pool G2 MA6600   3.500    4/20/2050    520,169 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | Fixed Income Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Par Value       Coupon Rate (%)  Maturity   Fair Value 
$430,706   GNMA Pool G2 MA6601   4.000    4/20/2050   $458,793 
 421,751   GNMA Pool G2 MA6603   5.000    4/20/2050    456,335 
 1,391,177   GNMA Pool G2 MA7255   2.500    3/20/2051    1,436,907 
 737,229   GNMA Pool G2 MA7370   4.000    5/20/2051    786,031 
 932,701   GNMA Pool G2 MA7418   2.500    6/20/2051    963,004 
 1,742,119   GNMA Pool G2 MA7419   3.000    6/20/2051    1,822,658 
 25,736   GNMA Pool GN 723248   5.000    10/15/2039    30,053 
 316,261   GNMA Pool GN 783060   4.000    8/15/2040    345,135 
 119,539   GNMA Pool GN 783403   3.500    9/15/2041    128,417 
     TOTAL GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES (Cost $31,517,797)  31,655,450 
     GOVERNMENT NOTES & BONDS - 41.0%    
 2,165,000   United States Treasury Note   2.250    11/15/2024    2,279,085 
 13,070,000   United States Treasury Note   2.000    8/15/2025    13,685,720 
 8,260,000   United States Treasury Note   1.625    2/15/2026    8,522,319 
 4,250,000   United States Treasury Note   0.625    7/31/2026    4,180,605 
 9,635,000   United States Treasury Note   1.500    2/15/2030    9,689,009 
 3,285,000   United States Treasury Note   1.250    8/15/2031    3,201,592 
 4,540,000   United States Treasury Note   4.500    2/15/2036    6,196,036 
 2,150,000   United States Treasury Note   2.250    5/15/2041    2,231,297 
 1,560,000   United States Treasury Note   3.000    2/15/2049    1,860,605 
     TOTAL GOVERNMENT NOTES & BONDS (Cost $51,425,158)   51,846,268 
     TOTAL U.S. GOVERNMENT & AGENCY OBLIGATIONS (Cost $82,942,955)   83,501,718 
     TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES (Cost $121,102,720)  123,189,899 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 3.3%      
 4,209,551   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (A) (Cost $4,209,551)    4,209,551 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 100.8% (Cost $125,312,271)  $127,399,450 
     OTHER ASSETS IN EXCESS OF LIABILITIES - NET - (0.8)%  (1,055,758)
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%      $126,343,692 


FNMA - Federal National Mortgage Association.


GNMA - Government National Mortgage Association.


LLC - Limited Liability Company.


LP - Limited Partnership.


(A)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | High Yield Bond Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Par Value      Coupon Rate (%)   Maturity   Fair Value 
     CORPORATE BONDS - 91.6%               
$500,000   Adient Global Holdings Ltd. (A)   4.875    8/15/2026    $512,725 
 500,000   AerCap Global Aviation Trust, 3 mo. LIBOR + 4.30% (A)(B)   4.430    6/15/2045    542,785 
 3,000,000   Air Lease Corp. (B)   4.650    6/15/2170    3,146,250 
 1,500,000   Allegheny Technologies, Inc.   5.125    10/1/2031    1,513,672 
 1,000,000   Alliance Data Systems Corp. (A)   7.000    1/15/2026    1,073,185 
 1,125,000   Allied Universal Holdco LLC (A)   4.625    6/1/2028    1,124,662 
 1,391,000   Ardent Health Services, Inc. (A)   5.750    7/15/2029    1,406,697 
 293,000   Ashton Woods Finance Co. (A)   9.875    4/1/2027    328,526 
 500,000   Ashton Woods Finance Co. (A)   6.625    1/15/2028    532,317 
 1,500,000   Ashton Woods Finance Co. (A)   4.625    8/1/2029    1,516,470 
 1,250,000   Ashton Woods Finance Co. (A)   4.625    4/1/2030    1,259,375 
 125,000   Atlas LuxCompany (A)   4.625    6/1/2028    125,000 
 250,000   Bausch Health Cos, Inc. (A)   5.000    1/30/2028    237,554 
 750,000   Bausch Health Cos, Inc. (A)   4.875    6/1/2028    778,125 
 125,000   Bausch Health Cos, Inc. (A)   5.000    2/15/2029    116,596 
 1,000,000   Bausch Health Cos, Inc. (A)   5.250    1/30/2030    934,020 
 50,000   Bausch Health Cos, Inc. (A)   5.250    2/15/2031    46,053 
 250,000   BCPE Empire Holdings, Inc. (A)   7.625    5/1/2027    249,062 
 1,550,000   Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc. (A)   4.125    5/15/2029    1,542,250 
 2,500,000   Burford Capital Global Finance LLC (A)   6.250    4/15/2028    2,652,700 
 500,000   BWX Technologies, Inc. (A)   4.125    6/30/2028    513,750 
 500,000   BWX Technologies, Inc. (A)   4.125    4/15/2029    512,500 
 500,000   Cascades, Inc. (A)   5.125    1/15/2026    532,440 
 500,000   Catalent Pharma Solutions, Inc. (A)   3.125    2/15/2029    491,600 
 250,000   Cemex SAB de CV (A)   3.875    7/11/2031    250,462 
 1,000,000   Central Garden & Pet Co. (A)   4.125    4/30/2031    1,016,776 
 3,000,000   Chemours Co. (A)   4.625    11/15/2029    2,933,400 
 522,000   Clarios Global LP (A)   6.250    5/15/2026    549,103 
 1,000,000   Clarios Global LP (A)   8.500    5/15/2027    1,065,000 
 1,500,000   Colgate Energy Partners III, LLC (A)   5.875    7/1/2029    1,513,155 
 1,000,000   CommScope, Inc. (A)   8.250    3/1/2027    1,046,250 
 750,000   CommScope, Inc. (A)   7.125    7/1/2028    768,000 
 1,000,000   Compass Minerals International, Inc. (A)   6.750    12/1/2027    1,062,875 
 1,072,000   CQP Holdco, LP (A)   5.500    6/15/2031    1,141,466 
 250,000   Crestwood Midstream Finance Corp.   5.750    4/1/2025    255,625 
 1,500,000   Crestwood Midstream Finance Corp. (A)   5.625    5/1/2027    1,545,675 
 1,000,000   Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc.   3.000    2/15/2029    997,900 
 500,000   DCP Midstream, LLC, 3 mo. LIBOR + 3.85% (A)(B)   3.980    5/21/2043    466,217 
 500,000   Diamond BC BV (A)   4.625    10/1/2029    508,132 
 350,000   Diamond Sports Finance Co. (A)   5.375    8/15/2026    231,437 
 1,000,000   Diversified Healthcare Trust   9.750    6/15/2025    1,091,250 
 250,000   DT Midstream, Inc. (A)   4.125    6/15/2029    253,828 
 750,000   DT Midstream, Inc. (A)   4.375    6/15/2031    773,437 
 1,694,000   Dycom Industries, Inc. (A)   4.500    4/15/2029    1,706,197 
 1,500,000   Emergent BioSolutions, Inc. (A)   3.875    8/15/2028    1,464,630 
 1,250,000   First Student Bidco, Inc. / First Transit Parent, Inc. (A)   4.000    7/31/2029    1,234,375 
 115,000   Freedom Mortgage Corp. (A)   8.125    11/15/2024    116,945 
 786,000   Freedom Mortgage Corp. (A)   8.250    4/15/2025    802,919 
 500,000   Freedom Mortgage Corp. (A)   7.625    5/1/2026    510,050 
 1,000,000   Freedom Mortgage Corp. (A)   6.625    1/15/2027    973,750 
 500,000   Genesis Energy LP   7.750    2/1/2028    501,875 
 2,125,000   Geo Group, Inc.   5.125    4/1/2023    2,005,394 
 2,550,000   GFL Environmental, Inc. (A)   4.000    8/1/2028    2,534,062 
 50,000   GFL Environmental, Inc. (A)   4.750    6/15/2029    51,250 
 250,000   GFL Environmental, Inc. (A)   4.375    8/15/2029    252,813 
 1,000,000   Global Partners LP   7.000    8/1/2027    1,045,160 
 1,000,000   Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.   5.625    4/30/2033    1,091,250 
 500,000   Graham Packaging Co., Inc. (A)   7.125    8/15/2028    526,350 
 500,000   Gray Television, Inc. (A)   7.000    5/15/2027    536,875 
 1,750,000   Gray Television, Inc. (A)   4.750    10/15/2030    1,721,947 
 125,000   HealthEquity, Inc. (A)   4.500    10/1/2029    127,362 
 3,749,000   Howard Hughes Corp. (A)   4.375    2/1/2031    3,775,843 
 250,000   Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp.   4.750    9/15/2024    260,313 
 1,000,000   Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp.   6.250    5/15/2026    1,046,250 
 1,000,000   Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp.   4.375    2/1/2029    1,000,000 
 2,955,000   ILFC E-Capital Trust I, 3 mo. LIBOR + 1.55% (A)(B)   3.460    12/21/2065    2,394,230 
 1,500,000   ILFC E-Capital Trust II, 3 mo. LIBOR + 1.80% (A)(B)   3.710    12/21/2065    1,252,500 
 100,000   Ingles Markets, Inc. (A)   4.000    6/15/2031    101,414 
 1,500,000   iStar, Inc.   5.500    2/15/2026    1,569,375 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | High Yield Bond Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Par Value      Coupon Rate (%)   Maturity   Fair Value 
     CORPORATE BONDS - 91.6% (Cont.)               
$1,000,000   ITT Holdings, LLC (A)   6.500    8/1/2029   $1,010,000 
 250,000   Jazz Securities (A)   4.375    1/15/2029    259,388 
 750,000   Kaiser Aluminum Corp. (A)   4.500    6/1/2031    769,688 
 500,000   Ken Garff Automotive LLC (A)   4.875    9/15/2028    514,620 
 1,500,000   Koppers, Inc. (A)   6.000    2/15/2025    1,535,745 
 750,000   Ladder Capital Finance Corp. (A)   4.250    2/1/2027    743,438 
 750,000   Legacy LifePoint Health LLC (A)   4.375    2/15/2027    747,038 
 700,000   LFS Topco, LLC (A)   5.875    10/15/2026    721,921 
 250,000   LifePoint Health, Inc. (A)   5.375    1/15/2029    243,571 
 250,000   Lithia Motors, Inc. (A)   3.875    6/1/2029    259,803 
 1,000,000   Lithia Motors, Inc. (A)   4.375    1/15/2031    1,068,750 
 1,750,000   LPL Holdings, Inc. (A)   4.000    3/15/2029    1,799,613 
 500,000   LPL Holdings, Inc. (A)   4.375    5/15/2031    522,698 
 250,000   Madison IAQ, LLC (A)   4.125    6/30/2028    250,316 
 1,750,000   Mercer International, Inc.   5.125    2/1/2029    1,789,375 
 1,000,000   MGIC Investment Corp.   5.250    8/15/2028    1,068,300 
 2,000,000   Midwest Connector Capital Co. LLC (A)   4.625    4/1/2029    2,152,638 
 500,000   Mozart Debt Merger Sub, Inc. (A)   3.875    4/1/2029    500,000 
 500,000   Mozart Debt Merger Sub, Inc. (A)   5.250    10/1/2029    500,000 
 500,000   MSCI, Inc. (A)   3.625    11/1/2031    520,938 
 250,000   MSCI, Inc. (A)   3.250    8/15/2033    253,178 
 500,000   Nationstar Mortgage Holdings, Inc. (A)   6.000    1/15/2027    522,500 
 750,000   Nationstar Mortgage Holdings, Inc. (A)   5.500    8/15/2028    773,516 
 500,000   Navient Corp.   7.250    9/25/2023    545,885 
 3,000,000   New Residential Investment Corp. (A)   6.250    10/15/2025    3,027,150 
 250,000   NRG Energy, Inc. (A)   3.375    2/15/2029    247,045 
 250,000   NRG Energy, Inc. (A)   3.625    2/15/2031    245,875 
 1,000,000   NuStar Logistics LP   5.625    4/28/2027    1,066,970 
 1,000,000   Olin Corp.   5.625    8/1/2029    1,100,620 
 1,250,000   Pactiv Evergreen Group Issuer, Inc. (A)   4.375    10/15/2028    1,256,250 
 500,000   Papa John’s International, Inc. (A)   3.875    9/15/2029    496,815 
 1,000,000   PBF Holding Co. LLC (A)   9.250    5/15/2025    948,865 
 775,000   PBF Holding Co. LLC   7.250    6/15/2025    522,893 
 500,000   PBF Holding Co. LLC   6.000    2/15/2028    320,000 
 125,000   PHH Mortgage Corp. (A)   7.875    3/15/2026    127,382 
 1,500,000   Plastipak Holdings, Inc. (A)   6.250    10/15/2025    1,528,575 
 2,000,000   Polar US Borrower, LLC (A)   6.750    5/15/2026    2,015,030 
 1,500,000   Rent-A-Center, Inc. (A)   6.375    2/15/2029    1,620,000 
 125,000   Roller Bearing Company of America, Inc. (A)   4.375    10/15/2029    128,281 
 500,000   Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. (A)   4.000    4/1/2031    499,685 
 500,000   Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. (A)   4.375    2/1/2032    504,688 
 1,250,000   Service Properties Trust   7.500    9/15/2025    1,405,328 
 500,000   Service Properties Trust   5.500    12/15/2027    533,021 
 500,000   Sotheby’s/Bidfair Holdings, Inc. (A)   5.875    6/1/2029    515,005 
 500,000   Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. (A)   5.500    1/15/2025    529,375 
 1,000,000   Standard Industries, Inc. (A)   5.000    2/15/2027    1,032,500 
 1,500,000   STL Holding Co. LLC (A)   7.500    2/15/2026    1,586,250 
 1,000,000   Suburban Propane Partners LP   5.875    3/1/2027    1,045,765 
 125,000   Tap Rock Resources, LLC (A)   7.000    10/1/2026    128,594 
 1,250,000   Targa Resources Partners LP   5.500    3/1/2030    1,368,359 
 390,000   Tenet Healthcare Corp. (A)   4.625    9/1/2024    399,263 
 1,000,000   Tenet Healthcare Corp. (A)   6.250    2/1/2027    1,038,750 
 1,759,000   TMS International Holding Corp. (A)   6.250    4/15/2029    1,840,354 
 1,250,000   TriMas Corp. (A)   4.125    4/15/2029    1,280,913 
 500,000   Trinity Industries, Inc.   4.550    10/1/2024    530,695 
 500,000   TTM Technologies, Inc. (A)   4.000    3/1/2029    501,475 
 1,000,000   Twilio, Inc.   3.625    3/15/2029    1,024,250 
 1,500,000   United Natural Foods, Inc. (A)   6.750    10/15/2028    1,625,625 
 500,000   Vista Outdoor, Inc. (A)   4.500    3/15/2029    507,660 
 750,000   Vistra Operations Co. LLC (A)   5.625    2/15/2027    777,232 
 250,000   Vistra Operations Co. LLC (A)   4.375    5/1/2029    250,937 
 1,185,000   Vizient, Inc. (A)   6.250    5/15/2027    1,241,400 
 125,000   Wabash National Corporation (A)   4.500    10/15/2028    125,000 
 2,200,000   Waste Pro USA, Inc. (A)   5.500    2/15/2026    2,225,058 
 500,000   Weekley Finance Corp. (A)   4.875    9/15/2028    520,625 
 500,000   WR Grace Holdings, LLC (A)   5.625    8/15/2029    516,255 
     TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS (Cost $121,432,695)  125,040,163 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | High Yield Bond Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Par Value      Coupon Rate (%)   Maturity   Fair Value 
     CONVERTIBLE BONDS - 4.7%               
     OIL & GAS PRODUCERS - 2.4%               
$3,775,000   Cheniere Energy, Inc.   4.250    3/15/2045    $3,276,498 
     SPECIALTY FINANCE - 2.3%               
 2,275,000   MGIC Investment Corp. (A)   9.000    4/1/2063    3,042,812 
     TOTAL CONVERTIBLE BONDS (Cost $5,680,341)       6,319,310 
     PREFERRED STOCK - 0.4%          
 17,500   WESCO International, Inc., 0.625% (Cost $463,059)  549,150 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 3.2%               
 4,398,611   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (C) (Cost $4,398,611)  4,398,611 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 99.9% (Cost $131,974,706)   $136,307,234 
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%       $136,503,445 


LIBOR - London Interbank Offered Rate. The 3 month U.S. LIBOR rate as of September 30, 2021 is 0.13%


LLC - Limited Liability Company.


LP - Limited Partnership.


(A)144A Security - Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. The 144A securities had a fair value of $100,237,200 and represent 73.43% of total net assets. The securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration typically only to qualified institutional buyers. Unless otherwise indicated, these securities are not considered to be illiquid.


(B)Variable rate security; the interest rate shown reflects the effective rate at September 30, 2021


(C)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | Israel Common Values Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Shares      Fair Value 
     COMMON STOCK - 93.5%     
     ADVERTISING & MARKETING - 0.3%     
 17,000   Tremor International Ltd. (ADR) *  $313,990 
     AEROSPACE & DEFENSE - 2.5%     
 18,001   Elbit Systems Ltd.   2,607,265 
 31,000   RADA Electronic Industries Ltd. *   329,840 
 24,063   Delta Galil Industries Ltd.   1,200,856 
 21,392   Fox Wizel Ltd.   2,698,078 
     BANKING - 16.4%     
 108,000   Bank Hapoalim BM (ADR)   4,592,160 
 629,000   Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM   5,359,704 
 58,300   First International Bank Of Israel Ltd.   2,136,001 
 602,000   Israel Discount Bank Ltd. *   3,194,594 
 105,000   Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd.   3,547,572 
     BIOTECH & PHARMA - 0.8%     
 450,000   Enlight Renewable Energy Ltd. *   978,767 
     CHEMICALS - 2.0%     
 319,902   ICL Group Ltd.   2,325,688 
 178,000   Inrom Construction Industries Ltd.   882,786 
 9,900   Global-e Online Ltd. *   710,820 
     ELECTRIC UTILITIES - 1.7%     
 28,700   Ormat Technologies, Inc.   1,911,731 
     FOOD - 1.3%     
 50,500   Strauss Group Ltd.   1,477,831 
 12,769   Danel Adir Yeoshua Ltd.   2,493,520 
 1,575,013   Novolog Ltd.   1,425,550 
     HOME & OFFICE PRODUCTS - 2.4%     
 116,585   Maytronics Ltd.   2,755,846 
 453,685   Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd.   2,414,572 
     INSURANCE - 4.9%     
 184,000   Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd.   1,903,792 
 1,230,000   Migdal Insurance & Financial Holding Ltd. *   1,807,170 
 167,400   Phoenix Holdings Ltd.   1,913,128 
     INTERNET MEDIA & SERVICES - 0.9%     
 5,800   Fiverr International Ltd. *   1,059,544 
 15,800   Fattal Holdings 1998 Ltd. *   1,424,187 
 1,200   Inmode Ltd. *   191,340 
 7,100   Novocure Ltd. *   824,807 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | Israel Common Values Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Fair Value 
     OIL & GAS PRODUCERS - 4.1%     
 62,968   Energean PLC *  $750,542 
 40,000   Energean PLC *   469,414 
 5,600   Israel Corp. Ltd. *   1,742,932 
 2,000,000   Oil Refineries Ltd. *   453,172 
 7,000   Paz Oil Co. Ltd. *   761,589 
 1,175,000   Ratio Oil Exploration 1992 LP *   516,087 
 105,000   Alony Hetz Properties & Investments Ltd.   1,614,308 
 176,000   Amot Investments Ltd.   1,245,472 
 31,000   Azrieli Group Ltd.   2,799,095 
 40,000   Elco Ltd.   2,477,256 
 160,000   Gav-Yam Lands Corp Ltd.   1,628,691 
 125,000   Gazit-Globe Ltd.   885,731 
 16,380   Melisron Ltd. *   1,313,449 
 593,430   Mivne Real Estate KD Ltd.   2,087,761 
     RENEWABLE ENERGY - 1.6%     
 216,360   Energix-Renewable Energies Ltd.   916,770 
 3,600   SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. *   954,792 
     RETAIL - CONSUMER STAPLES - 3.0%     
 16,700   Rami Levy Chain Stores Hashikma Marketing 2006 Ltd.   1,199,901 
 210,000   Shufersal Ltd.   1,705,438 
 27,315   Victory Supermarket Chain Ltd.   568,966 
     SEMICONDUCTORS - 5.4%     
 39,000   Nova Measuring Instruments Ltd. *   3,989,310 
 74,423   Tower Semiconductor Ltd. *   2,225,248 
     SOFTWARE - 14.1%     
 15,000   Cognyte Software Ltd. *   308,250 
 13,100   CyberArk Software Ltd. *   2,067,442 
 33,435   Hilan Ltd.   1,886,202 
 1,200   Monday.com Ltd. *   391,440 
 21,100   Nice Ltd. (ADR) *   5,993,244 
 60,000   One Software Technologies Ltd.   968,771 
 45,300   Sapiens International Corp. NV   1,303,734 
 35,800   Varonis Systems, Inc. *   2,178,430 
 25,500   Verint Systems, Inc. *   1,142,145 
     TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - 2.5%     
 17,800   AudioCodes Ltd.   579,212 
 15,800   Kornit Digital Ltd. *   2,286,892 
     TECHNOLOGY SERVICES - 2.8%     
 86,783   Magic Software Enterprises Ltd.   1,735,660 
 56,210   Matrix IT Ltd.   1,498,573 
 20,300   Tadiran Holdings Ltd.   2,468,481 
     TOTAL COMMON STOCK (Cost $54,830,055)   107,595,539 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | Israel Common Values Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Fair Value 
     REITs - 1.3%     
 259,000   Reit 1 Ltd. * (Cost $1,256,747)  $1,530,967 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 5.6%     
 6,382,650   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (A) (Cost $6,382,650)   6,382,650 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 100.4% (Cost $62,469,452)  $115,509,156 
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%  $115,023,105 


*Non-income producing securities.


ADR - American Depositary Receipt.


LP - Limited Partnership.


PLC - Public Limited Co.


REITs - Real Estate Investment Trusts.


(A)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


Diversification of Assets    
Country  % of Net Assets 
Israel   88.5%
United States   4.5%
United Kingdom   1.1%
Jersey   0.7%
Total   94.8%
Money Market Fund   5.6%
Other Assets Less Liabilities - Net   (0.4)%
Grand Total   100.0%


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | Defensive Strategies Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Shares      Fair Value 
     COMMON STOCK - 22.0%     
     AEROSPACE & DEFENSE - 0.1%     
 1,863   Suez S.A. *  $42,502 
     AUTOMOTIVE - 0.1%     
 2,400   NGK Insulators Ltd.   40,934 
     CHEMICALS - 2.9%     
 4,993   CF Industries Holdings, Inc.   278,709 
 1,297   Chemours Co.   37,691 
 6,651   Corteva, Inc.   279,874 
 1,605   FMC Corp.   146,954 
 3,251   K+S AG *   52,579 
 7,110   Mosaic Co.   253,969 
 5,505   Nutrien Ltd   356,889 
 682   OCI N.V. *   20,171 
 1,463   Sasol Ltd. (ADR) *   27,563 
 4,104   Sociedad Quimica Y Minera de Chile, SA (ADR)   220,467 
 3,200   AGC, Inc.   165,772 
 638   Pentair PLC   46,338 
     ELECTRIC UTILITIES - 0.1%     
 865   Neoen SA *   34,907 
 503   Ormat Technologies, Inc.   33,505 
     FOOD - 1.1%     
 428   Bakkafrost P/F   35,498 
 1,762   Beyond Meat, Inc. *   185,468 
 8,982   BRF SA (ADR) *   45,090 
 545   Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.   19,707 
 948   Darling Ingredients, Inc. *   68,161 
 815   Ingredion, Inc.   72,543 
 1,100   Maple Leaf Foods, Inc.   22,350 
 600   Morinaga Milk Industry Co. Ltd.   37,643 
 4,700   Nippon Suisan Kaisha Ltd.   27,423 
 1,279   Pilgrim’s Pride Corp. *   37,193 
 554   Sanderson Farms, Inc.   104,263 
     FORESTRY, PAPER & WOOD PRODUCTS - 0.0% **     
 600   Canfor Corp. *   13,176 
 900   Sumitomo Forestry Co. Ltd.   17,294 
     GAS & WATER UTILITIES - 0.9%     
 403   American States Water Co.   34,465 
 671   American Water Works Co., Inc.   113,426 
 437   California Water Service Group   25,752 
 5,672   Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo (ADR)   40,158 
 539   Essential Utilities, Inc.   24,837 
 885   Pennon Group PLC   13,520 
 1,154   Severn Trent PLC   40,518 
 1,944   United Utilities Group PLC   25,384 
 6,518   Veolia Environnement SA   199,880 
 48,754   Brookdale Senior Living, Inc. *   307,150 
     INTERNET MEDIA & SERVICES - 0.0% **     
 944   PhosAgro (ADR)   21,032 
     MACHINERY - 1.6%     
 1,110   AGCO Corp.   136,008 
 7,592   CNH Industrial NV   126,103 
 906   Deere & Co.   303,573 
 3,026   Evoqua Water Technologies Corp. *   113,657 
 11,700   Kubota Corp.   250,516 
 700   Kurita Water Industries Ltd.   33,879 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | Defensive Strategies Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Fair Value 
     METALS & MINING - 4.2%     
 1,501   Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd.  $77,827 
 8,525   Alamos Gold, Inc.   61,380 
 2,243   Anglo American PLC   79,314 
 2,708   AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. (ADR)   43,301 
 1,391   Antofagasta PLC   25,545 
 22,898   B2Gold Corp.   78,311 
 1,550   BHP Group Ltd. (ADR)   82,956 
 234   BHP Group PLC (ADR)   11,861 
 2,352   Cameco Corp.   51,109 
 3,247   Cia De Minas Buenaventura (ADR) *   21,950 
 964   Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. *   19,097 
 413   Compass Minerals International, Inc.   26,597 
 3,700   Endeavour Mining PLC   83,267 
 137   First Majestic Silver Corp.   1,548 
 2,600   First Quantum Minerals Ltd.   48,127 
 542   Franco-Nevada Corp.   70,411 
 2,135   Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.   69,452 
 8,858   Gold Fields Ltd. (ADR)   71,927 
 2,400   Hudbay Minerals, Inc.   14,966 
 21,177   Kinross Gold Corp.   113,509 
 2,802   Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd.   116,694 
 1,334   Lithium Americas Corp. *   29,788 
 3,123   Livent Corp. *   72,173 
 300   Lundin Mining Corp.   2,157 
 4,231   MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC (ADR)   126,634 
 2,632   Newmont Corp.   142,918 
 3,416   Pan American Silver Corp.   79,490 
 3,028   Rio Tinto PLC (ADR)   202,331 
 730   Royal Gold, Inc.   69,708 
 1,144   Southern Copper Corp.   64,224 
 5,543   SSR Mining, Inc.   80,651 
 2,300   Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd.   83,796 
 5,243   Teck Resources Ltd.   130,490 
 10,403   Vale SA (ADR)   145,121 
 1,249   Vedanta Ltd. (ADR)   19,085 
 98   Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.   3,683 
 8,737   Yamana Gold, Inc.   34,599 
     OIL & GAS PRODUCERS - 6.7%     
 4,673   APA Corp.   100,142 
 20,300   ARC Resources Ltd   190,205 
 2,009   Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.   73,409 
 14,090   Cenovus Energy, Inc.   142,029 
 561   Cimarex Energy Company   48,919 
 1,701   CNX Resources Corp. *   21,467 
 4,626   ConocoPhillips   313,504 
 4,251   Continental Resources, Inc.   196,184 
 8,106   Coterra Energy, Inc.   176,387 
 475   Devon Energy Corp.   16,867 
 2,248   Diamondback Energy, Inc.   212,818 
 1,026   Ecopetrol SA (ADR)   14,723 
 5,060   EOG Resources, Inc.   406,166 
 127   EQT Corp. *   2,598 
 1,411   Hess Corp.   110,213 
 34,900   Inpex Corp.   274,008 
 2,222   Lukoil PJSC (ADR)   212,912 
 1,380   Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp.   24,550 
 6,109   Marathon Oil Corp.   83,510 
 711   Murphy Oil Corp.   17,754 
 306   Novatek OJSC (GDR)   80,815 
 7,365   Occidental Petroleum Corp.   217,857 
 1,141   Ovintiv, Inc.   37,516 
 2,800   Parex Resources, Inc.   50,923 
 2,370   PDC Energy, Inc.   112,314 
 3,018   Petroleo Brasileiro SA (ADR)   31,206 
 927   Pioneer Natural Resources Co.   154,355 
 2,695   Range Resources Corporation *   60,988 
 8,242   Rosneft Oil Company (GDR)   69,645 
 2,126   SM Energy Co.   56,084 
 9,131   Southwestern Energy Co. *   50,586 
 7,600   Suncor Energy, Inc.   157,537 
 5,400   Tourmaline Oil Corp.   188,617 
 504   YPF SA (ADR) *   2,349 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | Defensive Strategies Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Fair Value 
     OIL & GAS SERVICES & EQUIPMENT - 1.1%     
 4,502   Baker Hughes, Inc.  $111,334 
 2,561   ChampionX Corp. *   57,264 
 6,953   Halliburton Co.   150,324 
 3,172   Helmerich & Payne, Inc.   86,945 
 2,874   NOV, Inc. *   37,678 
 3,391   Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc.   30,519 
 4,683   Schlumberger Ltd.   138,804 
 733   TechnipFMC PLC (France) *   5,566 
 5,132   TechnipFMC PLC *   38,644 
     RENEWABLE ENERGY- 0.8%     
 975   Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure PLC   33,647 
 1,878   Ballard Power Systems, Inc. *   26,386 
 535   Daqo New Energy Corporation *   30,495 
 501   Enphase Energy, Inc. *   75,135 
 438   First Solar, Inc. *   41,811 
 1,733   Green Plains, Inc. *   56,582 
 1,300   GS Yuasa Corp.   29,618 
 2,163   Plug Power, Inc. *   55,243 
 476   Renewable Energy Group, Inc. *   23,895 
 183   SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. *   48,535 
 259   Varta AG   35,060 
     STEEL - 1.0%     
 365   Allegheny Technologies, Inc. *   6,070 
 1,575   ArcelorMittal (ADR)   47,502 
 12,813   Cia Siderurgica Nacional SA (ADR)   67,396 
 15,931   Gerdau SA (ADR)   78,381 
 2,300   Hitachi Metals Ltd. *   44,464 
 3,900   JFE Holdings, Inc.   59,317 
 3,100   Kobe Steel Ltd.   19,032 
 6,400   Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp.   116,671 
 475   Novolipetskiy Metallurgicheskiy Kombinat PAO (ADR)   14,127 
 782   Severstal (ADR)   16,469 
 841   Ternium S.A. (ADR)   35,574 
 2,893   United States Steel Corp.   63,559 
 7,020   Switch, Inc.   178,238 
 1,360   Bunge Ltd.   110,595 
     TOTAL COMMON STOCK (Cost $10,475,075)   12,870,525 
     EXCHANGE TRADED FUND - 2.0%     
 56,000   Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bearish Fund * (Cost - $1,207,768)   1,154,720 
     REITs - 20.0%     
 11,400   Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.   267,216 
 7,500   American Assets Trust, Inc.   280,650 
 4,600   American Campus Communities, Inc.   222,870 
 13,000   American Homes 4 Rent   495,560 
 1,645   American Tower Corp.   436,600 
 15,000   Americold Realty Trust   435,750 
 17,950   Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc.   239,991 
 1,500   AvalonBay Communities, Inc.   332,460 
 3,200   Camden Property Trust   471,904 
 11,000   Cousins Properties, Inc.   410,190 
 4,550   Crown Castle International Corp.   788,606 
 4,400   CTO Realty Growth, Inc.   236,544 
 1,500   Digital Realty Trust, Inc.   216,675 
 1,030   Equinix, Inc.   813,834 
 800   Essex Property Trust, Inc.   255,792 
 14,400   Getty Realty Corp.   422,064 
 7,900   Healthcare Realty Trust, Inc.   235,262 
 13,000   Invitation Homes, Inc.   498,290 
 4,000   Life Storage, Inc.   458,960 
 13,000   Plymouth Industrial REIT, Inc.   295,750 
 2,332   PotlatchDeltic Corp.   120,285 
 7,600   Prologis, Inc.   953,268 
 1,600   Public Storage   475,360 
 690   Rayonier, Inc.   24,619 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | Defensive Strategies Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Shares      Coupon Rate%   Maturity   Fair Value 
     REITs (Continued)- 20.0%               
 16,000   Sabra Health Care REIT, Inc.            $235,520 
 2,030   SBA Communications Corp.             671,057 
 1,500   Sun Communities, Inc.             277,650 
 9,400   Ventas, Inc.             518,974 
 7,000   Welltower, Inc.             576,800 
 1,726   Weyerhaeuser Co.             61,394 
     TOTAL REITS (Cost $9,907,574)             11,729,895 
Principal     Coupon Rate%   Maturity      
$1,140,779   TIPS   0.625    1/15/2024    1,217,349 
 1,013,824   TIPS   2.375    1/15/2025    1,164,161 
 887,191   TIPS   2.000    1/15/2026    1,034,900 
 1,089,769   TIPS   2.375    1/15/2027    1,326,125 
 1,264,046   TIPS   1.750    1/15/2028    1,521,183 
 1,272,786   TIPS   0.500    1/15/2028    1,425,084 
 1,029,964   TIPS   2.500    1/15/2029    1,319,067 
 1,946,142   TIPS   0.875    1/15/2029    2,248,384 
 2,265,278   TIPS   0.125    1/15/2031    2,485,737 
 1,097,043   TIPS   2.125    2/15/2041    1,649,142 
     CLOSED END FUND - 4.8%       
 369,000   Sprott Physical Silver Trust * (Cost $3,475,241)    2,833,920 
     ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS - 18.6%           
 6,143   Gold Bars * (Cost $7,240,876)        10,796,704 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 6.1%         
 3,579,858   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (A) (Cost $3,579,858)  3,579,858 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 99.8% (Cost $50,375,684)   $58,356,754 
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%   $58,479,619 


*Non-income producing securities/investments.


**Less than 0.05%.


ADR - American Depositary Receipt.


GDR - Global Depositary Receipt.


PLC - Public Limited Co.


REITs - Real Estate Investment Trusts.


(A)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | Strategic Growth Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Shares      Fair Value 
     EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (A) - 55.7%     
 49,100   Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF  $1,194,681 
 61,033   Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF   1,788,261 
 322,561   Timothy Plan International ETF   9,157,507 
 122,800   Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core Enhanced ETF   3,007,765 
 108,969   Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core ETF   3,793,886 
 111,831   Timothy Plan US Small Cap Core ETF   3,696,976 
     TOTAL EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (Cost $19,134,687)   22,639,076 
     MUTUAL FUNDS - 41.3% (B)     
 213,323   Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund *   2,884,121 
 745,351   Timothy Plan Fixed Income Fund   7,781,458 
 213,862   Timothy Plan High Yield Bond Fund   2,119,374 
 313,562   Timothy Plan International Fund *   4,026,138 
     TOTAL MUTUAL FUNDS (Cost $15,329,723)   16,811,091 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 3.2%     
 1,320,403   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (C) (Cost $1,320,403)   1,320,403 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 100.2% (Cost $35,784,813)  $40,770,570 
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%  $40,697,587 


*Non-income producing securities.


ETF - Exchange Traded Fund.


(A)Affiliated Funds.


(B)Affiliated Funds - Class A.


(C)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | Conservative Growth Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Shares      Fair Value 
     EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (A) - 37.9%     
 31,200   Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF  $759,146 
 34,612   Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF   1,014,128 
 249,544   Timothy Plan International ETF   7,084,554 
 124,300   Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core Enhanced ETF   3,044,505 
 116,721   Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core ETF   4,063,782 
 110,523   Timothy Plan US Small Cap Core ETF   3,653,736 
     TOTAL EXCHANGE FUNDS (Cost $16,284,708)   19,619,851 
     MUTUAL FUNDS - 59.2% (B)     
 232,427   Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund *   3,142,415 
 2,022,768   Timothy Plan Fixed Income Fund   21,117,696 
 299,003   Timothy Plan High Yield Bond Fund   2,963,127 
 259,063   Timothy Plan International Fund *   3,326,366 
     TOTAL MUTUAL FUNDS (Cost $28,963,410)   30,549,604 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 3.0%     
 1,537,435   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (C) (Cost $1,537,435)   1,537,435 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 100.1% (Cost $46,785,553)  $51,706,890 
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%  $51,647,423 


*Non-income producing securities.


ETF - Exchange Traded Fund.


(A)Affiliated Funds.


(B)Affiliated Funds - Class A.


(C)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments | Growth & Income Fund
As of September 30, 2021


Par Value      Coupon Rate (%)   Maturity   Fair Value 
     BONDS & NOTES - 34.3%               
     CORPORATE BONDS - 13.9%               
$60,000   ABB Finance USA, Inc.   2.875    5/8/2022   $60,937 
 160,000   American Electric Power Company, Inc.   3.200    11/13/2027    171,879 
 160,000   Aptiv Corp.   4.150    3/15/2024    171,820 
 55,000   Canadian Pacific Railway Co.   2.900    2/1/2025    58,065 
 55,000   CBOE Global Markets, Inc.   3.650    1/12/2027    60,573 
 85,000   Columbia Pipeline Group, Inc.   4.500    6/1/2025    94,324 
 160,000   CSX Corp.   3.250    6/1/2027    174,230 
 135,000   Digital Realty Trust LP   3.700    8/15/2027    149,986 
 80,000   Dollar General Corp.   4.125    5/1/2028    90,715 
 120,000   Eaton Corp.   2.750    11/2/2022    123,093 
 45,000   European Investment Bank   2.375    6/15/2022    45,705 
 120,000   Healthpeak Properties, Inc.   3.500    7/15/2029    131,189 
 45,000   Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau   2.125    6/15/2022    45,630 
 114,000   LYB International Finance BV   4.000    7/15/2023    120,925 
 120,000   National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp.   2.950    2/7/2024    126,126 
 110,000   NiSource, Inc.   3.490    5/15/2027    120,484 
 85,000   Nutrien Ltd.   4.000    12/15/2026    94,823 
 160,000   Phillips 66 Partners LP   3.605    2/15/2025    171,099 
 120,000   Province of Ontario Canada   2.500    4/27/2026    127,586 
 45,000   Province of Quebec Canada   2.375    1/31/2022    45,314 
 110,000   Sunoco Logistics Partners Operations LP   4.250    4/1/2024    117,730 
 142,000   WEC Energy Group, Inc.   3.550    6/15/2025    153,434 
 60,000   Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.   3.700    3/19/2023    62,589 
     TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS (Cost $2,390,773)  2,518,256 
 65,824   FNMA FN CA8897   3.000    2/1/2051    70,548 
 53,480   FNMA FN CB0855   3.000    6/1/2051    57,018 
 52,166   FNMA FN CB0867   3.500    6/1/2051    55,756 
 69,293   FNMA FN FM5537   2.000    1/1/2036    71,398 
 12,030   FNMA FN MA4258   3.500    2/1/2051    12,805 
 51,629   FNMA FN MA4316   2.500    4/1/2036    53,913 
 23,945   FNMA FN MA4329   2.000    5/1/2036    24,672 
 73,033   FNMA FN MA4333   2.000    5/1/2041    74,138 
 57,413   GNMA Pool G2 BN2662   3.000    10/20/2049    60,071 
 74,876   GNMA Pool G2 CE1974   3.000    8/20/2051    79,087 
 67,996   GNMA Pool G2 MA3376   3.500    1/20/2046    72,527 
 51,519   GNMA Pool G2 MA3596   3.000    4/20/2046    54,238 
 44,955   GNMA Pool G2 MA3663   3.500    5/20/2046    47,761 
 59,058   GNMA Pool G2 MA3736   3.500    6/20/2046    62,794 
 19,235   GNMA Pool G2 MA4509   3.000    6/20/2047    20,353 
 57,144   GNMA Pool G2 MA4652   3.500    8/20/2047    60,580 
 55,326   GNMA Pool G2 MA4719   3.500    9/20/2047    58,643 
 46,437   GNMA Pool G2 MA6092   4.500    8/20/2049    49,540 
 37,466   GNMA Pool G2 MA6156   4.500    9/20/2049    39,905 
 39,075   GNMA Pool G2 MA6221   4.500    10/20/2049    41,705 
 53,980   GNMA Pool G2 MA6338   3.000    12/20/2049    56,444 
 33,978   GNMA Pool G2 MA6478   5.000    2/20/2050    36,898 
 43,563   GNMA Pool G2 MA6544   4.500    3/20/2050    46,347 
 28,008   GNMA Pool G2 MA6545   5.000    3/20/2050    30,325 
 38,403   GNMA Pool G2 MA6600   3.500    4/20/2050    40,389 
 35,892   GNMA Pool G2 MA6601   4.000    4/20/2050    38,210 
 50,358   GNMA Pool G2 MA6603   5.000    4/20/2050    54,441 
 66,929   GNMA Pool G2 MA7255   2.500    3/20/2051    69,109 
 51,984   GNMA Pool G2 MA7370   4.000    5/20/2051    55,393 
 49,349   GNMA Pool G2 MA7418   2.500    6/20/2051    50,937 
 83,425   GNMA Pool G2 MA7419   3.000    6/20/2051    87,256 
 4,151   GNMA Pool GN 723248   5.000    10/15/2039    4,843 
     TOTAL GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES (Cost $1,624,720)    1,638,044 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 



Schedule of Investments | Growth & Income Fund
As of September 30, 2021 (Continued)


Par Value      Coupon Rate (%)   Maturity   Fair Value 
     GOVERNMENT NOTES, BONDS & AGENCIES - 11.4%               
$325,000   United States Treasury Note   0.125    7/31/2023   $324,289 
 150,000   United States Treasury Note   0.375    8/15/2024    149,438 
 225,000   United States Treasury Note   0.375    12/31/2025    220,386 
 160,000   United States Treasury Note   1.625    2/15/2026    165,031 
 270,000   United States Treasury Note   0.625    7/31/2026    265,570 
 265,000   United States Treasury Note   1.500    2/15/2030    266,418 
 160,000   United States Treasury Note   1.250    8/15/2031    155,925 
 80,000   United States Treasury Note   4.500    2/15/2036    109,156 
 100,000   United States Treasury Note   2.250    5/15/2041    103,750 
 130,000   United States Treasury Note   3.000    2/15/2049    155,010 
 190,000   United States Treasury Note   1.375    8/15/2050    159,867 
     TOTAL GOVERNMENT NOTES, BONDS & AGENCIES (Cost $2,089,589)    2,074,840 
     TOTAL U.S. GOVERNMENT & AGENCY OBLIGATIONS (Cost $3,714,309)   3,712,884 
     TOTAL BONDS & NOTES (Cost $6,105,082)        6,231,140 
     EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (A) - 65.2%          
 100,000   Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF   2,433,160 
 322,000   Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF   9,434,568 
     TOTAL EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (Cost $10,398,701)  11,867,728 
     MONEY MARKET FUND - 0.7%         
 129,532   Fidelity Institutional Money Market Funds - Government Portfolio - Class I, 0.01% (B) (Cost $129,532)  129,532 
     TOTAL INVESTMENTS - 100.2% (Cost $16,633,315) $18,228,400 
     NET ASSETS - 100.0%   $18,199,034 


ETF - Exchange Traded Fund.


FNMA - Federal National Mortgage Association.


GNMA - Government National Mortgage Association.


LP - Limited Partnership.


(A)Affiliated Fund.


(B)Variable rate security; the rate shown represents the yield at September 30, 2021.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Plan Funds
Statements of Assets and Liabilities
September 30, 2021


   Aggressive       Large/Mid Cap       Large/Mid Cap     
   Growth   International   Growth   Small Cap Value   Value   Fixed Income 
   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund 
Investments, at cost  $37,720,014   $98,655,162   $68,849,311   $127,540,487   $143,741,790   $125,312,271 
Investments in affiliates, at cost           18,644,500    14,834,080    46,799,749     
Investments, at value  $52,937,281   $136,385,464   $109,587,433   $150,082,071   $194,701,987   $127,399,450 
Investments in affiliates, at value           25,038,749    19,173,988    58,955,093     
Dividends and interest receivable   19,823    209,381    41,184    104,894    24,040    584,768 
Receivable for fund shares sold   14,191    62,988    114,479    443,982    112,459    400,278 
Receivable for securities sold       114,179        401,846         
Receivable for foreign tax reclaims       219,334                 
Prepaid expenses and other assets   17,093    23,809    16,583    29,780    27,656    10,632 
Total Assets   52,988,388    137,015,155    134,798,428    170,236,561    253,821,235    128,395,128 
Payable for securities purchased       281,749        582,846        1,660,111 
Payable for fund shares redeemed   4,441    38,249    198,886    49,467    22,041    208,395 
Payable to service providers   25,656    36,855    50,562    58,445    93,209    72,026 
Accrued advisory fees   33,946    110,259    63,475    104,134    144,797    43,102 
Accrued 12b-1 fees   10,436    14,760    29,299    27,357    45,621    28,574 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities   16,264    19,746    13,986    21,723    17,530    39,228 
Total Liabilities   90,743    501,618    356,208    843,972    323,198    2,051,436 
Net Assets  $52,897,645   $136,513,537   $134,442,220   $169,392,589   $253,498,037   $126,343,692 
NET ASSETS CONSIST OF:                              
Paid in capital ($0 par value, unlimited shares authorized)  $34,226,759   $98,759,299   $79,239,056   $129,129,411   $179,064,961   $125,478,317 
Accumulated earnings   18,670,886    37,754,238    55,203,164    40,263,178    74,433,076    865,375 
Net Assets  $52,897,645   $136,513,537   $134,442,220   $169,392,589   $253,498,037   $126,343,692 
Class A                              
Net Assets  $37,917,061   $61,220,107   $96,377,721   $105,800,401   $160,559,933   $96,585,790 
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding ($0 par value, unlimited shares authorized)   3,026,347    4,767,081    7,642,432    4,955,212    7,339,571    9,254,309 
Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per share  $12.53   $12.84   $12.61   $21.35   $21.88   $10.44 
Offering Price Per Share (NAV / 0.945) *(NAV / 0.955)  $13.26   $13.59   $13.34   $22.59   $23.15   $10.93 *
Class C                              
Net Assets  $2,876,927   $2,336,927   $10,844,767   $7,292,960   $15,161,817   $11,369,393 
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding ($0 par value, unlimited shares authorized)   293,860    189,187    1,107,409    514,884    929,457    1,132,517 
Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per share  $9.79   $12.35   $9.79   $14.16   $16.31   $10.04 
Minimum Redemption Price Per Share (NAV * 0.99)  $9.69   $12.23   $9.69   $14.02   $16.15   $9.94 
Class I                              
Net Assets  $12,103,657   $72,956,503   $27,219,732   $56,299,228   $77,776,287   $18,388,509 
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding ($0 par value, unlimited shares authorized)   942,496    5,658,220    2,105,264    2,593,278    3,513,323    1,778,092 
Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per share  $12.84   $12.89   $12.93   $21.71   $22.14   $10.34 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Plan Funds
Statements of Assets and Liabilities (Continued)
September 30, 2021


   High Yield   Israel Common   Defensive       Conservative     
   Bond   Values   Strategies   Strategic Growth   Growth   Growth & Income 
   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund 
Investments, at cost  $131,974,706   $62,469,452   $43,134,808   $1,320,403   $1,537,435   $6,234,614 
Investments in affiliates, at cost               34,464,410    45,248,118    10,398,701 
Investments, at value  $136,307,234   $115,509,156   $47,560,050   $1,320,403   $1,537,435   $6,360,672 
Investments in affiliates, at value               39,450,167    50,169,455    11,867,728 
Gold Investments, at fair value (Cost $7,240,876)           10,796,704             
Foreign Cash                              
Canadian Dollar (CAD)(Cost $146)           146             
Euro (EUR)(Cost $83)           82             
Great British Pound (GBP)(Cost $125)           122             
Dividends and interest receivable   1,739,606    8,993    102,883    10    13    32,750 
Receivable for fund shares sold   225,679    332,638    306,135    6,514    42,879    1,873 
Receivable for securities sold   746,250                     
Receivable for foreign tax reclaims           1,321             
Prepaid expenses and other assets   13,312    22,454    25,542    4,879    7,348    11,777 
Total Assets   139,032,081    115,873,241    58,792,985    40,781,973    51,757,130    18,274,800 
Payable for securities purchased   2,127,500    638,793    195,796             
Payable for fund shares redeemed   254,332    34,063    31,083    25,238    36,364    29,996 
Payable to service providers   34,033    28,312    24,461    20,533    25,904    11,634 
Accrued advisory fees   61,228    94,273    26,530    18,770    24,464    7,716 
Accrued 12b-1 fees   15,483    22,184    8,426    1,340    3,120    4,687 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities   36,060    32,511    27,070    18,505    19,855    21,733 
Total Liabilities   2,528,636    850,136    313,366    84,386    109,707    75,766 
Net Assets  $136,503,445   $115,023,105   $58,479,619   $40,697,587   $51,647,423   $18,199,034 
NET ASSETS CONSIST OF:                              
Paid in capital ($0 par value, unlimited shares authorized)  $132,008,624   $65,455,179   $50,694,671   $33,839,490   $44,752,789   $16,547,020 
Accumulated earnings   4,494,821    49,567,926    7,784,948    6,858,097    6,894,634    1,652,014 
Net Assets  $136,503,445   $115,023,105   $58,479,619   $40,697,587   $51,647,423   $18,199,034 
Class A                              
Net Assets  $64,215,901   $57,666,592   $40,341,713   $37,730,597   $46,151,141   $14,190,526 
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding ($0 par value, unlimited shares authorized)   6,479,114    2,334,894    2,983,208    3,456,631    3,959,081    1,208,070 
Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per share  $9.91   $24.70   $13.52   $10.92   $11.66   $11.75 
Offering Price Per Share (NAV / 0.945) *(NAV / 0.955)  $10.38 *  $26.14   $14.31   $11.56   $12.34   $12.43 
Class C                              
Net Assets  $3,137,930   $12,293,235   $3,387,760   $2,966,990   $5,496,282   $1,938,195 
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding ($0 par value, unlimited shares authorized)   311,377    527,748    265,976    312,413    534,251    171,413 
Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per share  $10.08   $23.29   $12.74   $9.50   $10.29   $11.31 
Minimum Redemption Price Per Share (NAV * 0.99)  $9.98   $23.06   $12.61   $9.41   $10.19   $11.20 
Class I                              
Net Assets  $69,149,614   $45,063,278   $14,750,146   $   $   $2,070,313 
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding ($0 par value, unlimited shares authorized)   6,975,434    1,806,266    1,088,837            174,986 
Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per share  $9.91   $24.95   $13.55   $   $   $11.83 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Plan Funds
Statements of Operations
For the Year Ended September 30, 2021


   Aggressive       Large/Mid Cap       Large/Mid Cap     
   Growth   International   Growth   Small Cap Value   Value   Fixed Income 
   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund 
Investment Income:                              
Interest income  $211   $471   $328   $213   $452   $1,749,452 
Dividend Income   139,237    2,477,831    772,100    2,432,610    1,999,139     
Dividend income from affiliated investments           178,901    230,391    821,007     
Foreign tax withheld       (375,492)   (5,622)            
Total Investment Income   139,448    2,102,810    945,707    2,663,214    2,820,598    1,749,452 
Operating Expenses:                              
Investment advisory fees   389,531    1,169,259    1,020,225    1,324,981    1,893,455    724,310 
12b-1 Fees:                              
Class A   86,240    141,918    213,917    248,929    376,264    234,520 
Class C   26,777    22,991    98,392    68,273    148,425    99,787 
Administration fees   119,755    236,375    264,700    291,456    438,414    301,170 
Registration fees   36,810    42,700    51,800    55,669    54,321    61,150 
Printing expenses   18,155    44,425    50,760    64,186    82,907    52,300 
Non 12b-1 shareholder service fees   15,650    74,185    44,140    53,049    85,128    106,790 
Audit fees   13,490    13,490    12,980    13,539    13,140    13,490 
Custody fees   10,861    16,600    19,082    24,783    25,580    22,030 
Compliance officer fees   5,270    11,505    12,905    15,186    22,210    14,190 
Trustees’ fees   3,125    2,260    4,150    6,949    6,651    6,790 
Insurance expenses   1,415    4,055    5,280    5,950    10,822    5,675 
Miscellaneous expenses   7,620    995    7,620    7,172    5,454    2,835 
Total Operating Expenses   734,699    1,780,758    1,805,951    2,180,122    3,162,771    1,645,037 
Less: Expenses waived by Advisor   (45,827)   (54,433)   (128,092)   (166,945)   (299,330)   (235,823)
Net Operating Expenses   688,872    1,726,325    1,677,859    2,013,177    2,863,441    1,409,214 
Net Investment Income (Loss)   (549,424)   376,485    (732,152)   650,037    (42,843)   340,238 
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments:                              
Net realized gain on                              
investments   4,965,183    3,800,478    8,888,843    20,016,550    17,145,584    724,416 
foreign currency transactions       90    53             
and affiliated investments           608,796        763,816     
Capital gain dividends from REITs   762            68,869    13,632     
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments   7,354,050    21,845,442    16,956,388    29,606,336    23,947,507    (3,838,709)
affiliated investments           5,148,793    6,843,594    12,463,820     
and foreign currency translations       (37)   (15)            
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments   12,319,995    25,645,973    31,602,858    56,535,349    54,334,359    (3,114,293)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting From Operations  $11,770,571   $26,022,458   $30,870,706   $57,185,386   $54,291,516   $(2,774,055)


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Plan Funds
Statements of Operations (Continued)
For the Year Ended September 30, 2021


   High Yield   Israel Common   Defensive       Conservative     
   Bond   Values   Strategies   Strategic Growth   Growth   Growth & Income 
   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund   Fund 
Investment Income:                              
Interest income  $5,711,453   $239   $600,660   $93   $187   $106,485 
Dividend Income   46,484    1,553,501    481,869             
Dividend income from affiliated investments               541,419    665,669    272,824 
Foreign tax withheld   (37,233)   (383,005)   (19,690)            
Total Investment Income   5,720,704    1,170,735    1,062,839    541,512    665,856    379,309 
Operating Expenses:                              
Investment advisory fees   621,647    940,658    282,666    255,783    330,796    154,947 
12b-1 fees:                              
Class A   134,789    120,379    87,334            35,346 
Class C   27,589    108,478    28,473    21,506    40,744    18,803 
Administration fees   239,500    197,650    122,644    99,330    124,492    73,690 
Non 12b-1 shareholder service fees   98,010    28,053    31,140    8,174    16,169    6,367 
Printing expenses   72,450    51,300    38,052    16,799    21,408    9,715 
Registration fees   68,750    45,771    29,467    24,425    36,088    26,280 
Custody fees   18,710    89,349    46,550    4,308    7,340    5,604 
Audit fees   13,505    13,189    13,140    13,157    13,358    13,554 
Compliance officer fees   12,450    10,162    5,144    5,144    6,334    2,506 
Trustees’ fees   5,825    5,586    1,893    3,612    3,009    1,727 
Miscellaneous expenses   2,875    3,236    2,466    2,224    2,279    5,328 
Insurance expenses   4,800    3,343    1,774    1,583    2,110    592 
Total Operating Expenses   1,320,900    1,617,154    690,743    456,045    604,127    354,459 
Less: Expenses waived by Advisor   (51,804)       (23,556)           (68,011)
Net Operating Expenses   1,269,096    1,617,154    667,187    456,045    604,127    286,448 
Net Investment Income (Loss)   4,451,608    (446,419)   395,652    85,467    61,729    92,861 
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments:                              
Net realized gain (loss) on                              
investments   1,339,672    770,111    1,567,138            76,893 
foreign currency transactions       9,414    (1,760)            
and affiliated investments               1,998,299    2,207,288    590,568 
Capital gain dividends from REITs           38,438             
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments   4,545,311    34,790,495    4,416,771            (232,602)
affiliated investments               4,426,668    3,541,820    2,247,199 
alternative investments           (791,725)            
and foreign currency translations       (206)   (19)            
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain on Investments   5,884,983    35,569,814    5,228,843    6,424,967    5,749,108    2,682,058 
Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting From Operations  $10,336,591   $35,123,395   $5,624,495   $6,510,434   $5,810,837   $2,774,919 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Plan Funds
Statements of Changes in Net Assets


   Aggressive Growth Fund   International Fund   Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund 
   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended 
   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020 
Net investment income (loss)  $(549,424)  $(313,451)  $376,485   $(232,277)  $(732,152)  $(401,853)
Net realized gain from investments and foreign currency transactions   4,965,183    2,881,501    3,800,568    1,477,398    9,497,692    1,895,276 
Capital gain dividends from REITs   762                     
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments, affiliated investments and foreign currency translations   7,354,050    4,488,748    21,845,405    7,128,189    22,105,166    12,093,448 
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations   11,770,571    7,056,798    26,022,458    8,373,310    30,870,706    13,586,871 
Distributions to Shareholders:                              
Return of Capital                              
Class A               (272)        
Class C                        
Class I               (154)        
Total distributions paid                              
Class A   (1,759,027)           (414,996)   (1,333,781)   (2,645,457)
Class C   (179,742)               (201,076)   (411,753)
Class I   (311,960)           (304,044)   (437,156)   (662,464)
Total dividends and distributions to shareholders   (2,250,729)           (719,466)   (1,972,013)   (3,719,674)
Share Transactions of Beneficial Interest:                              
Net proceeds from shares sold                              
Class A   10,261,986    10,263,766    15,219,293    15,515,619    19,629,181    16,068,610 
Class C   822,801    420,318    399,937    674,959    2,201,953    1,333,528 
Class I   11,257,925    2,930,563    43,620,770    19,860,676    15,853,873    18,044,926 
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions                              
Class A   1,710,650            339,337    1,294,897    2,530,212 
Class C   177,642                196,543    392,575 
Class I   292,104            188,255    406,909    626,060 
Cost of shares redeemed                              
Class A   (11,786,611)   (7,336,933)   (16,161,405)   (30,058,546)   (16,164,437)   (19,245,020)
Class C   (891,732)   (1,111,752)   (746,545)   (1,353,244)   (2,014,066)   (2,236,862)
Class I   (4,771,795)   (1,386,692)   (19,797,614)   (14,445,090)   (14,322,410)   (15,036,610)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets from share transactions of beneficial interest   7,072,970    3,779,270    22,534,436    (9,278,034)   7,082,443    2,477,419 
Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets   16,592,812    10,836,068    48,556,894    (1,624,190)   35,981,136    12,344,616 
Net Assets:                              
Beginning of year   36,304,833    25,468,765    87,956,643    89,580,833    98,461,084    86,116,468 
End of year  $52,897,645   $36,304,833   $136,513,537   $87,956,643   $134,442,220   $98,461,084 
Share Activity:                              
Shares Sold                              
Class A   878,326    1,144,605    1,230,383    1,669,718    1,701,127    1,824,223 
Class C   88,276    61,079    33,623    74,198    247,285    196,651 
Class I   932,116    370,655    3,540,045    2,165,480    1,385,905    2,018,098 
Shares Reinvested                              
Class A   159,724            35,127    122,045    282,705 
Class C   21,098                23,708    55,448 
Class I   26,676            19,488    37,469    68,497 
Shares Redeemed                              
Class A   (1,066,906)   (860,806)   (1,361,302)   (3,232,658)   (1,433,860)   (2,231,377)
Class C   (96,564)   (163,949)   (65,127)   (153,554)   (229,790)   (328,373)
Class I   (387,181)   (153,601)   (1,627,542)   (1,574,142)   (1,257,328)   (1,728,840)
Net increase (decrease) in shares of beneficial interest outstanding   555,565    397,983    1,750,080    (996,343)   596,561    157,032 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Plan Funds
Statements of Changes in Net Assets (Continued)


   Small Cap Value Fund   Large/Mid Cap Value Fund   Fixed Income Fund 
   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended 
   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020 
Net investment income (loss)  $650,037   $404,327   $(42,843)  $320,779   $340,238   $1,114,655 
Net realized gain (loss) from investments and foreign currency transactions   20,016,550    (3,126,054)   17,909,400    803,689    724,416    719,937 
Capital gain dividends from REITs   68,869    112,588    13,632    1,535         
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments, affiliated investments and foreign currency translations   36,449,930    (15,946,373)   36,411,327    5,706,882    (3,838,709)   3,514,629 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   57,185,386    (18,555,512)   54,291,516    6,832,885    (2,774,055)   5,349,221 
Distributions to Shareholders:                              
Total distributions paid                              
Class A   (145,591)   (3,484,745)   (4,723,162)   (16,241,793)   (1,095,468)   (1,185,130)
Class C       (444,256)   (629,087)   (2,284,461)   (31,078)   (59,229)
Class I   (235,809)   (1,608,471)   (1,718,701)   (5,910,352)   (272,172)   (163,819)
Total dividends and distributions to shareholders   (381,400)   (5,537,472)   (7,070,950)   (24,436,606)   (1,398,718)   (1,408,178)
Share Transactions of Beneficial Interest:                              
Net proceeds from shares sold                              
Class A   14,073,350    11,772,086    22,929,759    24,478,552    26,437,486    27,874,703 
Class C   1,321,147    1,037,946    2,286,681    2,089,087    4,820,492    3,457,109 
Class I   24,763,371    21,243,639    37,132,392    32,183,968    15,917,543    12,132,019 
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions                              
Class A   139,050    3,340,385    4,496,466    15,085,002    1,002,964    1,074,093 
Class C       428,980    603,732    2,150,333    23,671    46,467 
Class I   189,231    1,504,962    1,579,911    5,493,549    231,009    140,391 
Cost of shares redeemed                              
Class A   (19,125,740)   (23,672,886)   (29,756,516)   (39,660,804)   (19,027,079)   (26,199,346)
Class C   (2,250,567)   (3,087,087)   (4,891,508)   (4,917,130)   (2,466,111)   (3,029,571)
Class I   (21,788,455)   (18,239,807)   (19,841,245)   (34,084,778)   (10,362,221)   (7,470,668)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets from share transactions of beneficial interest   (2,678,613)   (5,671,782)   14,539,672    2,817,779    16,577,754    8,025,197 
Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets   54,125,373    (29,764,766)   61,760,238    (14,785,942)   12,404,981    11,966,240 
Net Assets:                              
Beginning of year   115,267,216    145,031,982    191,737,799    206,523,741    113,938,711    101,972,471 
End of year  $169,392,589   $115,267,216   $253,498,037   $191,737,799   $126,343,692   $113,938,711 
Share Activity:                              
Shares Sold                              
Class A   705,641    785,701    1,118,061    1,455,831    2,484,863    2,610,965 
Class C   99,030    104,450    146,472    166,081    473,801    340,891 
Class I   1,236,880    1,406,282    1,743,744    1,875,536    1,511,851    1,144,700 
Shares Reinvested                              
Class A   8,089    191,647    237,030    859,544    95,205    101,469 
Class C       36,664    42,427    160,592    2,355    4,594 
Class I   10,183    85,026    82,459    310,020    22,100    13,307 
Shares Redeemed                              
Class A   (992,273)   (1,519,667)   (1,492,161)   (2,392,013)   (1,786,331)   (2,465,061)
Class C   (183,375)   (308,384)   (326,823)   (381,304)   (241,630)   (298,562)
Class I   (1,114,591)   (1,150,668)   (998,773)   (1,991,566)   (987,793)   (710,241)
Net increase (decrease) in shares of beneficial interest outstanding   (230,416)   (368,949)   552,436    62,721    1,574,421    742,062 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Plan Funds
Statements of Changes in Net Assets (Continued)


   High Yield Bond Fund   Israel Common Values Fund   Defensive Strategies Fund 
   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended 
   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020 
Net investment income (loss)  $4,451,608   $3,415,148   $(446,419)  $(471,877)  $395,652   $(39,904)
Net realized gain (loss) from investments and foreign currency transactions   1,339,672    233,510    779,525    (1,142,847)   1,565,378    (1,948,581)
Capital gain dividends from REITs                   38,438    33,316 
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments and foreign currency translations   4,545,311    (1,331,098)   34,790,289    (3,276,125)   3,625,027    3,186,489 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   10,336,591    2,317,560    35,123,395    (4,890,849)   5,624,495    1,231,320 
Distributions to Shareholders:                              
Return of Capital                              
Class A               (9,977)       (3,881)
Class C               (2,414)       (365)
Class I               (5,833)       (565)
Total distributions paid                              
Class A   (2,251,965)   (2,035,084)       (440,041)       (919,259)
Class C   (89,077)   (91,711)       (31,435)       (75,547)
Class I   (2,180,847)   (1,241,948)       (306,642)       (130,298)
Total dividends and distributions to shareholders   (4,521,889)   (3,368,743)       (796,342)       (1,129,915)
Share Transactions of Beneficial Interest:                              
Net proceeds from shares sold                              
Class A   26,411,790    28,629,454    12,218,199    14,258,338    13,192,053    4,811,338 
Class C   1,212,283    623,382    1,648,189    2,211,779    1,269,492    447,075 
Class I   50,130,344    24,381,412    17,632,057    15,841,843    12,525,965    3,190,306 
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions                              
Class A   2,008,049    1,768,156        406,728        880,163 
Class C   86,707    86,725        29,270        70,252 
Class I   1,658,971    947,104        286,984        120,968 
Cost of shares redeemed                              
Class A   (13,406,616)   (23,219,760)   (9,390,476)   (24,660,411)   (6,804,176)   (10,161,774)
Class C   (761,780)   (904,620)   (2,519,410)   (2,091,301)   (663,983)   (1,141,669)
Class I   (15,941,614)   (12,770,412)   (9,491,711)   (11,198,744)   (3,917,640)   (1,792,048)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets from share transactions of beneficial interest   51,398,134    19,541,441    10,096,848    (4,915,514)   15,601,711    (3,575,389)
Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets   57,212,836    18,490,258    45,220,243    (10,602,705)   21,226,206    (3,473,984)
Net Assets:                              
Beginning of year   79,290,609    60,800,351    69,802,862    80,405,567    37,253,413    40,727,397 
End of year  $136,503,445   $79,290,609   $115,023,105   $69,802,862   $58,479,619   $37,253,413 
Share Activity:                              
Shares Sold                              
Class A   2,690,563    3,115,231    551,098    864,480    1,001,465    422,649 
Class C   121,685    67,258    77,687    135,571    99,773    41,663 
Class I   5,082,748    2,646,886    799,074    922,156    950,790    277,728 
Shares Reinvested                              
Class A   204,598    199,079        21,973        77,138 
Class C   8,691    9,553        1,654        6,451 
Class I   168,803    106,165        15,421        10,630 
Shares Redeemed                              
Class A   (1,379,460)   (2,586,721)   (439,335)   (1,417,448)   (528,846)   (890,593)
Class C   (77,099)   (98,041)   (126,867)   (134,779)   (54,213)   (106,998)
Class I   (1,616,588)   (1,367,605)   (427,214)   (701,466)   (304,722)   (161,469)
Net increase (decrease) in shares of beneficial interest outstanding   5,203,941    2,091,805    434,443    (292,438)   1,164,247    (322,801)


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Plan Funds
Statements of Changes in Net Assets (Continued)


   Strategic Growth Fund   Conservative Growth Fund   Growth & Income Fund 
   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended 
   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020   September 30, 2021   September 30, 2020 
Net investment income  $85,467   $122,767   $61,729   $156,341   $92,861   $161,784 
Net realized gain (loss) from investments, affiliated investments and foreign currency transactions   1,998,299    1,231,878    2,207,288    1,062,914    667,461    (111,175)
Capital gain distributions from affiliated investments       38,287        42,133         
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments, affiliated investments and foreign currency translations   4,426,668    (652,306)   3,541,820    112,552    2,014,597    (873,565)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   6,510,434    740,626    5,810,837    1,373,940    2,774,919    (822,956)
Distributions to Shareholders:                              
Return of Capital                              
Class A                       (1,185)
Class C                       (193)
Class I                       (242)
Total distributions paid                              
Class A   (1,165,888)   (1,199,081)   (1,105,678)   (1,464,847)   (116,254)   (146,081)
Class C   (98,452)   (137,411)   (119,253)   (221,058)   (2,105)   (8,076)
Class I                   (23,691)   (32,030)
Total dividends and distributions to shareholders   (1,264,340)   (1,336,492)   (1,224,931)   (1,685,905)   (142,050)   (187,807)
Share Transactions of Beneficial Interest:                              
Net proceeds from shares sold                              
Class A   4,181,203    4,394,265    6,236,902    7,217,924    1,972,327    3,255,251 
Class C   625,855    425,625    1,394,069    1,069,767    467,983    225,817 
Class I                   1,060,966    2,174,045 
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions                              
Class A   1,140,481    1,178,596    1,064,304    1,391,939    107,423    135,567 
Class C   98,074    134,395    115,430    211,609    2,043    8,053 
Class I                   21,449    29,055 
Cost of shares redeemed                              
Class A   (4,732,445)   (5,157,240)   (6,830,283)   (7,446,765)   (3,211,912)   (3,965,676)
Class C   (865,233)   (941,279)   (1,177,101)   (1,968,448)   (522,375)   (771,341)
Class I                   (1,448,464)   (3,032,452)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets from share transactions of beneficial interest   447,935    34,362    803,321    476,026    (1,550,560)   (1,941,681)
Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets   5,694,029    (561,504)   5,389,227    164,061    1,082,309    (2,952,444)
Net Assets:                              
Beginning of year   35,003,558    35,565,062    46,258,196    46,094,135    17,116,725    20,069,169 
End of year  $40,697,587   $35,003,558   $51,647,423   $46,258,196    18,199,034   $17,116,725 
Share Activity:                              
Shares Sold                              
Class A   388,876    484,704    542,123    698,747    169,337    316,144 
Class C   66,790    52,144    138,897    119,741    42,191    23,088 
Class I                   91,596    208,374 
Shares Reinvested                              
Class A   112,807    121,757    95,883    131,563    9,139    14,206 
Class C   11,082    15,700    11,719    22,392    181    875 
Class I                   1,813    3,022 
Shares Redeemed                              
Class A   (446,881)   (557,809)   (592,797)   (722,433)   (285,347)   (383,312)
Class C   (94,445)   (117,307)   (116,026)   (216,599)   (47,530)   (81,328)
Class I                   (124,851)   (303,039)
Net increase (decrease) in shares of beneficial interest outstanding   38,229    (811)   79,799    33,411    (143,471)   (201,970)


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Aggressive Growth Fund (Class A Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.92   $7.87   $9.27   $8.10   $6.82 
Net investment loss (A)   (0.14)   (0.09)   (0.07)   (0.09)   (0.08)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   3.39    2.14    (0.81)   1.26    1.36 
Total from investment operations   3.25    2.05    (0.88)   1.17    1.28 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net realized gains on investments   (0.64)       (0.52)        
Return of Capital           (0.00) *        
Total distributions   (0.64)       (0.52)        
Net asset value, end of year  $12.53   $9.92   $7.87   $9.27   $8.10 
Total return (B)(C)   33.89%   26.05%   (8.72)%   14.44%   18.77%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $37,917   $30,316   $21,802   $25,926   $22,549 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.60%   1.71%   1.64%   1.73%   1.69%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.50%   1.61%   1.56%   1.63%   1.59%
Net investment loss, before waiver and reimbursement   (1.30)%   (1.19)%   (0.91)%   (1.16)%   (1.12)%
Net investment loss, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   (1.20)%   (1.09)%   (0.82)%   (1.06)%   (1.02)%
Portfolio turnover rate   56%   96%   77%   85%   151%


*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load. Total return represents aggregate total return based on Net Asset Value.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Aggressive Growth Fund (Class C Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $7.93   $6.34   $7.64   $6.73   $5.71 
Net investment loss (A)   (0.18)   (0.12)   (0.11)   (0.13)   (0.11)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   2.68    1.71    (0.67)   1.04    1.13 
Total from investment operations   2.50    1.59    (0.78)   0.91    1.02 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net realized gains on investments   (0.64)       (0.52)        
Return of Capital           (0.00) *        
Total distributions   (0.64)       (0.52)        
Net asset value, end of year  $9.79   $7.93   $6.34   $7.64   $6.73 
Total return (B)(C)   32.87%   25.08%   (9.33)%   13.52%   17.86%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $2,877   $2,230   $2,433   $4,358   $3,584 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   2.35%   2.46%   2.39%   2.48%   2.44%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   2.25%   2.36%   2.31%   2.38%   2.34%
Net investment loss, before waiver and reimbursement   (2.05)%   (1.92)%   (1.73)%   (1.91)%   (1.88)%
Net investment loss, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   (1.95)%   (1.82)%   (1.64)%   (1.81)%   (1.78)%
Portfolio turnover rate   56%   96%   77%   85%   151%


*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fee. Total return represents aggregate total return based on Net Asset Value.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Aggressive Growth Fund (Class I Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $10.13   $8.02   $9.41   $8.21   $6.89 
Net investment loss (A)   (0.12)   (0.08)   (0.05)   (0.07)   (0.06)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   3.47    2.19    (0.82)   1.27    1.38 
Total from investment operations   3.35    2.11    (0.87)   1.20    1.32 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net realized gains on investments   (0.64)       (0.52)        
Return of Capital           (0.00) *        
Total distributions   (0.64)       (0.52)        
Net asset value, end of year  $12.84   $10.13   $8.02   $9.41   $8.21 
Total return (B)   34.19%   26.31%   (8.48)%   14.62%   19.16%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $12,104   $3,759   $1,233   $1,273   $887 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.35%   1.46%   1.39%   1.48%   1.44%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (C)   1.25%   1.36%   1.31%   1.38%   1.34%
Net investment loss, before waiver and reimbursement   (1.05)%   (1.02)%   (0.67)%   (0.91)%   (0.88)%
Net investment loss, net waiver and reimbursement (C)   (0.95)%   (0.92)%   (0.57)%   (0.81)%   (0.78)%
Portfolio turnover rate   56%   96%   77%   85%   151%


*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(C)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy International Fund (Class A Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.92   $9.09   $9.74   $9.86   $8.53 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   0.02    (0.03)   0.09    0.11    0.04 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on   2.90    0.94    (0.64)   (0.02)   1.38 
investments Total from investment operations   2.92    0.91    (0.55)   0.09    1.42 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income       (0.08)   (0.10)   (0.21)   (0.09)
Return of Capital       0.00 *            
Total distributions       (0.08)   (0.10)   (0.21)   (0.09)
Net asset value, end of year  $12.84   $9.92   $9.09   $9.74   $9.86 
Total return (B)(C)   29.44%   10.00%   (5.55)%   0.91%   16.78%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $61,220   $48,608   $58,397   $70,790   $81,153 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.63%   1.76%   1.71%   1.71%   1.69%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.58%   1.71%   1.67%   1.66%   1.64%
Net investment income (loss) before waiver and reimbursement   0.13%   (0.38)%   0.96%   1.05%   0.35%
Net investment income (loss), net waiver and reimbursement (D)   0.18%   (0.33)%   1.01%   1.10%   0.40%
Portfolio turnover rate   17%   25%   27%   19%   42%


*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load. Total return represents aggregate total return based on Net Asset Value.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy International Fund (Class C Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.62   $8.80   $9.41   $9.55   $8.25 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   (0.07)   (0.10)   0.01    0.03    (0.03)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on   2.80    0.92    (0.61)   (0.01)   1.34 
investments Total from investment operations   2.73    0.82    (0.60)   0.02    1.31 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income           (0.01)   (0.16)   (0.01)
Total distributions           (0.01)   (0.16)   (0.01)
Net asset value, end of year  $12.35   $9.62   $8.80   $9.41   $9.55 
Total return (B)(C)   28.38%   9.32%   (6.31)%   0.12%   15.93%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $2,337   $2,122   $2,641   $4,779   $4,620 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   2.38%   2.51%   2.46%   2.46%   2.44%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   2.33%   2.46%   2.42%   2.41%   2.39%
Net investment income (loss) before waiver and reimbursement   (0.65)%   (1.17)%   0.09%   0.28%   (0.41)%
Net investment income (loss), net waiver and reimbursement (D)   (0.60)%   (1.12)%   0.12%   0.33%   (0.36)%
Portfolio turnover rate   17%   25%   27%   19%   42%


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fee.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy International Fund (Class I Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.94   $9.10   $9.76   $9.89   $8.55 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   0.06    (0.01)   0.11    0.17    0.07 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   2.89    0.96    (0.64)   (0.06)   1.38 
Total from investment operations   2.95    0.95    (0.53)   0.11    1.45 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income       (0.11)   (0.13)   (0.24)   (0.11)
Return of Capital       0.00 *            
Total distributions       (0.11)   (0.13)   (0.24)   (0.11)
Net asset value, end of year  $12.89   $9.94   $9.10   $9.76   $9.89 
Total return (B)   29.68%   10.42%   (5.33)%   1.04%   17.18%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $72,957   $37,226   $28,542   $31,286   $13,083 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.38%   1.51%   1.46%   1.45%   1.43%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (C)   1.33%   1.46%   1.42%   1.41%   1.38%
Net investment income (loss), before waiver and reimbursement   0.45%   (0.16)%   1.24%   1.60%   0.74%
Net investment income (loss), net waiver and reimbursement (C)   0.50%   (0.11)%   1.28%   1.65%   0.79%
Portfolio turnover rate   17%   25%   27%   19%   42%


*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(C)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund (Class A Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.77   $8.70   $9.34   $8.59   $7.46 
Net investment loss (A)   (0.07)   (0.04)   (0.03)   (0.02)   (0.01)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   3.10    1.48    (0.19)   0.99    1.23 
Total from investment operations   3.03    1.44    (0.22)   0.97    1.22 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net realized gains on investments   (0.19)   (0.37)   (0.42)   (0.22)   (0.09)
Total distributions   (0.19)   (0.37)   (0.42)   (0.22)   (0.09)
Net asset value, end of year  $12.61   $9.77   $8.70   $9.34   $8.59 
Total return (B)(C)   31.32%   16.93%   (1.48)%   11.49%   16.53%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $96,378   $70,891   $64,150   $79,897   $68,291 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.50%   1.54%   1.56%   1.52%   1.52%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.39%   1.49%   1.52%   1.47%   1.47%
Net investment loss, before waiver and reimbursement   (0.71)%   (0.48)%   (0.35)%   (0.25)%   (0.19)%
Net investment loss, net waiver and reimbursement (D)(E)   (0.60)%   (0.43)%   (0.31)%   (0.20)%   (0.14)%
Portfolio turnover rate   22%   23%   44%   57%   76%


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(E)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund (Class C Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $7.68   $6.96   $7.63   $7.11   $6.24 
Net investment loss (A)   (0.12)   (0.08)   (0.07)   (0.07)   (0.06)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   2.42    1.17    (0.18)   0.81    1.02 
Total from investment operations   2.30    1.09    (0.25)   0.74    0.96 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net realized gains on investments   (0.19)   (0.37)   (0.42)   (0.22)   (0.09)
Total distributions   (0.19)   (0.37)   (0.42)   (0.22)   (0.09)
Net asset value, end of year  $9.79   $7.68   $6.96   $7.63   $7.11 
Total return (B)(C)   30.32%   16.09%   (2.24)%   10.63%   15.58%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $10,845   $8,192   $7,950   $11,355   $9,909 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   2.25%   2.29%   2.31%   2.27%   2.27%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   2.14%   2.24%   2.27%   2.22%   2.22%
Net investment loss, before waiver and reimbursement   (1.46)%   (1.23)%   (1.10)%   (1.00)%   (0.94)%
Net investment loss, net waiver and reimbursement (D)(E)   (1.35)%   (1.18)%   (1.06)%   (0.95)%   (0.89)%
Portfolio turnover rate   22%   23%   44%   57%   76%


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fee.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(E)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund (Class I Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.99   $8.86   $9.48   $8.70   $7.54 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   (0.04)   (0.02)   (0.01)   0.00 *   0.01 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   3.17    1.52    (0.19)   1.00    1.24 
Total from investment operations   3.13    1.50    (0.20)   1.00    1.25 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net realized gains on investments   (0.19)   (0.37)   (0.42)   (0.22)   (0.09)
Total distributions   (0.19)   (0.37)   (0.42)   (0.22)   (0.09)
Net asset value, end of year  $12.93   $9.99   $8.86   $9.48   $8.70 
Total return (B)   31.64%   17.30%   (1.24)%   11.69%   16.75%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $27,220   $19,378   $14,016   $10,551   $3,936 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.25%   1.29%   1.31%   1.27%   1.26%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (C)   1.14%   1.24%   1.27%   1.22%   1.21%
Net investment income (loss), before waiver and reimbursement   (0.45)%   (0.22)%   (0.09)%   (0.03)%   0.10%
Net investment income (loss), net waiver and reimbursement (C)(D)   (0.34)%   (0.17)%   (0.06)%   0.02%   0.15%
Portfolio turnover rate   22%   23%   44%   57%   76%


*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(C)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(D)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Small Cap Value Fund (Class A Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $14.16   $17.15   $20.67   $20.50   $17.09 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   0.12    0.04    0.06    0.00 *   0.03 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   7.10    (2.39)   (1.28)   1.96    3.63 
Total from investment operations   7.22    (2.35)   (1.22)   1.96    3.66 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.03)   (0.04)       (0.00) *    
From net realized gains on investments       (0.60)   (2.30)   (1.79)   (0.25)
Total distributions   (0.03)   (0.64)   (2.30)   (1.79)   (0.25)
Net asset value, end of year  $21.35   $14.16   $17.15   $20.67   $20.50 
Total return (B)(C)   51.03%   (14.38)%   (3.77)%   10.11%   21.55%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $105,800   $74,130   $99,077   $114,985   $112,953 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.46%   1.57%   1.52%   1.50%   1.46%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.34%   1.47%   1.43%   1.44%   1.41%
Net investment income (loss), before waiver and reimbursement   0.50%   0.19%   0.29%   (0.08)%   0.13%
Net investment income (loss), net waiver and reimbursement (D)(E)   0.62%   0.29%   0.38%   (0.02)%   0.18%
Portfolio turnover rate   61%   73%   63%   58%   57%


*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(E)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Small Cap Value Fund (Class C Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.45   $11.69   $15.09   $15.54   $13.10 
Net investment loss (A)   (0.02)   (0.05)   (0.05)   (0.11)   (0.08)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   4.73    (1.59)   (1.05)   1.45    2.77 
Total from investment operations   4.71    (1.64)   (1.10)   1.34    2.69 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net realized gains on investments       (0.60)   (2.30)   (1.79)   (0.25)
Total distributions       (0.60)   (2.30)   (1.79)   (0.25)
Net asset value, end of year  $14.16   $9.45   $11.69   $15.09   $15.54 
Total return (B)(C)   49.84%   (15.01)%   (4.49)%   9.24%   20.70%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $7,293   $5,663   $8,963   $14,603   $13,210 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   2.21%   2.32%   2.27%   2.25%   2.21%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   2.09%   2.22%   2.18%   2.19%   2.16%
Net investment loss, before waiver and reimbursement   (0.26)%   (0.55)%   (0.50)%   (0.82)%   (0.62)%
Net investment loss, net waiver and reimbursement (D)(E)   (0.14)%   (0.45)%   (0.42)%   (0.76)%   (0.57)%
Portfolio turnover rate   61%   73%   63%   58%   57%


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fee.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(E)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Small Cap Value Fund (Class I Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $14.42   $17.45   $20.93   $20.74   $17.24 
Net investment income (A)   0.17    0.08    0.11    0.06    0.08 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   7.21    (2.42)   (1.29)   1.97    3.67 
Total from investment operations   7.38    (2.34)   (1.18)   2.03    3.75 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.09)   (0.09)       (0.05)    
From net realized gains on investments       (0.60)   (2.30)   (1.79)   (0.25)
Total distributions   (0.09)   (0.69)   (2.30)   (1.84)   (0.25)
Net asset value, end of year  $21.71   $14.42   $17.45   $20.93   $20.74 
Total return (B)   51.33%   (14.14)%   (3.51)%   10.37%   21.89%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $56,299   $35,473   $36,993   $35,140   $19,103 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.21%   1.32%   1.27%   1.25%   1.21%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (C)   1.09%   1.22%   1.18%   1.19%   1.16%
Net investment income, before waiver and reimbursement   0.75%   0.44%   0.56%   0.21%   0.38%
Net investment income, net waiver and reimbursement (C)(D)   0.87%   0.54%   0.64%   0.27%   0.43%
Portfolio turnover rate   61%   73%   63%   58%   57%


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(C)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(D)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Large/Mid Cap Value Fund (Class A Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $17.43   $18.86   $20.38   $19.16   $17.15 
Net investment income (A)   (0.01)   0.03    0.09    0.07    0.05 
Net realized and unrealized gain on investments (B)   5.12    0.72    0.12    2.45    2.18 
Total from investment operations   5.11    0.75    0.21    2.52    2.23 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.03)   (0.08)   (0.06)   (0.03)    
From net realized gains on investments   (0.63)   (2.10)   (1.67)   (1.27)   (0.22)
Total distributions   (0.66)   (2.18)   (1.73)   (1.30)   (0.22)
Net asset value, end of year  $21.88   $17.43   $18.86   $20.38   $19.16 
Total return (C)(D)   29.89%   3.93%   2.54%   13.58%   13.10%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $160,560   $130,296   $142,420   $172,163   $167,056 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.45%   1.51%   1.51%   1.46%   1.49%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (E)   1.30%   1.41%   1.41%   1.35%   1.41%
Net investment income, before waiver and reimbursement   (0.17)%   0.06%   0.42%   0.27%   0.18%
Net investment income, net waiver and reimbursement (E)(F)   (0.02)%   0.16%   0.52%   0.38%   0.26%
Portfolio turnover rate   33%   26%   51%   24%   39%


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Realized and unrealized gains and losses per share in this caption are balancing amounts necessary to reconcile the change in net asset value per share for the period, and may not agree to the aggregate gains and losses in the Statement of Operations due to the fluctuations in share transactions.


(C)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load.


(D)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(E)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(F)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Large/Mid Cap Value Fund (Class C Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $13.21   $14.82   $16.49   $15.82   $14.30 
Net investment loss (A)   (0.12)   (0.08)   (0.03)   (0.06)   (0.07)
Net realized and unrealized gain on investments (B)   3.85    0.57    0.03    2.00    1.81 
Total from investment operations   3.73    0.49    0.00    1.94    1.74 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net realized gains on investments   (0.63)   (2.10)   (1.67)   (1.27)   (0.22)
Total distributions   (0.63)   (2.10)   (1.67)   (1.27)   (0.22)
Net asset value, end of year  $16.31   $13.21   $14.82   $16.49   $15.82 
Total return (C)(D)   28.91%   3.14%   1.74%   12.75%   12.27%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $15,162   $14,102   $16,627   $25,852   $23,803 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   2.20%   2.26%   2.26%   2.21%   2.24%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (E)   2.05%   2.16%   2.16%   2.10%   2.16%
Net investment loss, before waiver and reimbursement   (0.92)%   (0.69)%   (0.32)%   (0.48)%   (0.57)%
Net investment loss, net waiver and reimbursement (E)(F)   (0.77)%   (0.59)%   (0.22)%   (0.37)%   (0.49)%
Portfolio turnover rate   33%   26%   51%   24%   39%


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Realized and unrealized gains per share in this caption are balancing amounts necessary to reconcile the change in net asset value per share for the period and may not reconcile with aggregate gains and losses in the Statement of Operations due to the timing of share transactions for the period.


(C)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fee.


(D)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(E)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(F)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Large/Mid Cap Value Fund (Class I Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $17.63   $19.05   $20.58   $19.34   $17.27 
Net investment income (A)   0.04    0.07    0.14    0.13    0.10 
Net realized and unrealized gain on   5.18    0.74    0.11    2.45    2.19 
investments Total from investment operations   5.22    0.81    0.25    2.58    2.29 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.08)   (0.13)   (0.11)   (0.07)    
From net realized gains on investments   (0.63)   (2.10)   (1.67)   (1.27)   (0.22)
Total distributions   (0.71)   (2.23)   (1.78)   (1.34)   (0.22)
Net asset value, end of year  $22.14   $17.63   $19.05   $20.58   $19.34 
Total return (B)   30.20%   4.24%   2.78%   13.83%   13.36%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $77,776   $47,340   $47,477   $35,573   $19,384 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.20%   1.26%   1.26%   1.21%   1.23%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (C)   1.05%   1.16%   1.16%   1.10%   1.14%
Net investment income, before waiver and reimbursement   0.08%   0.31%   0.66%   0.54%   0.46%
Net investment income, net waiver and reimbursement (C)(D)   0.23%   0.41%   0.77%   0.65%   0.55%
Portfolio turnover rate   33%   26%   51%   24%   39%


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(C)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(D)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Fixed Income Fund (Class A Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $10.80   $10.39   $9.81   $10.22   $10.47 
Net investment income (A)   0.03    0.12    0.16    0.16    0.13 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   (0.27)   0.44    0.60    (0.39)   (0.22)
Total from investment operations   (0.24)   0.56    0.76    (0.23)   (0.09)
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.12)   (0.15)   (0.18)   (0.18)   (0.16)
From net realized gains on investments                    
Total distributions   (0.12)   (0.15)   (0.18)   (0.18)   (0.16)
Net asset value, end of year  $10.44   $10.80   $10.39   $9.81   $10.22 
Total return (B)(C)   (2.20)%   5.39%   7.76%   (2.31)%   (0.81)%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $96,586   $91,403   $85,375   $66,119   $75,858 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.34%   1.30%   1.30%   1.30%   1.30%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.14%   1.10%   1.13%   1.10%   1.10%
Net investment income, before waiver and reimbursement   0.11%   0.90%   1.46%   1.40%   1.05%
Net investment income, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   0.31%   1.10%   1.62%   1.60%   1.25%
Portfolio turnover rate   45%   32%   53%   30%   43%


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Fixed Income Fund (Class C Shares)


Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $10.38   $9.99   $9.44   $9.85   $10.09 
Net investment income (loss)(A)   (0.04)   0.04    0.09    0.08    0.05 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   (0.27)   0.42    0.57    (0.39)   (0.20)
Total from investment operations   (0.31)   0.46    0.66    (0.31)   (0.15)
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.03)   (0.07)   (0.11)   (0.10)   (0.09)
From net realized gains on investments                    
Total distributions   (0.03)   (0.07)   (0.11)   (0.10)   (0.09)
Net asset value, end of year  $10.04   $10.38   $9.99   $9.44   $9.85 
Total return (B)(C)   (2.99)%   4.59%   7.06%   (3.15)%   (1.49)%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $11,369   $9,320   $8,502   $9,653   $9,637 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   2.09%   2.05%   2.05%   2.05%   2.06%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.89%   1.85%   1.88%   1.85%   1.86%
Net investment income (loss), before waiver and reimbursement   (0.64)%   0.15%   0.72%   0.65%   0.30%
Net investment income (loss), net waiver and reimbursement (D)   (0.44)%   0.35%   0.89%   0.85%   0.50%
Portfolio turnover rate   45%   32%   53%   30%   43%


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fee.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Fixed Income Fund (Class I Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $10.73   $10.32   $9.74   $10.15   $10.41 
Net investment income (A)   0.06    0.14    0.19    0.18    0.16 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   (0.28)   0.44    0.59    (0.39)   (0.23)
Total from investment operations   (0.22)   0.58    0.78    (0.21)   (0.07)
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.17)   (0.17)   (0.20)   (0.20)   (0.19)
From net realized gains on investments                    
Total distributions   (0.17)   (0.17)   (0.20)   (0.20)   (0.19)
Net asset value, end of year  $10.34   $10.73   $10.32   $9.74   $10.15 
Total return (B)   (2.07)%   5.70%   8.05%   (2.06)%   (0.64)%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $18,389   $13,215   $8,095   $3,208   $2,134 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.09%   1.05%   1.05%   1.05%   1.08%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (C)   0.89%   0.85%   0.88%   0.85%   0.88%
Net investment income, before waiver and reimbursement   0.36%   1.12%   1.68%   1.66%   1.37%
Net investment income, net waiver and reimbursement (C)   0.56%   1.32%   1.86%   1.86%   1.57%
Portfolio turnover rate   45%   32%   53%   30%   43%
(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(C)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy High Yield Bond Fund (Class A Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.26   $9.39   $9.02   $9.40   $9.11 
Net investment income (A)   0.41    0.43    0.39    0.34    0.34 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   0.64    (0.15)   0.36    (0.36)   0.28 
Total from investment operations   1.05    0.28    0.75    (0.02)   0.62 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.40)   (0.41)   (0.38)   (0.36)   (0.33)
Total distributions   (0.40)   (0.41)   (0.38)   (0.36)   (0.33)
Net asset value, end of year  $9.91   $9.26   $9.39   $9.02   $9.40 
Total return (B)(C)   11.42%   3.26%   8.50%   (0.17)%   6.94%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $64,216   $45,940   $39,777   $41,991   $52,950 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.38%   1.34%   1.35%   1.44%   1.32%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.33%   1.29%   1.31%   1.39%   1.27%
Net investment income, before waiver and reimbursement   4.15%   4.61%   4.24%   3.67%   3.66%
Net investment income, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   4.20%   4.66%   4.28%   3.72%   3.71%
Portfolio turnover rate   57%   91%   75%   12%   45%
(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy High Yield Bond Fund (Class C Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.40   $9.52   $9.14   $9.51   $9.22 
Net investment income (A)   0.34    0.36    0.32    0.28    0.28 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   0.66    (0.14)   0.36    (0.36)   0.27 
Total from investment operations   1.00    0.22    0.68    (0.08)   0.55 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.32)   (0.34)   (0.30)   (0.29)   (0.26)
Total distributions   (0.32)   (0.34)   (0.30)   (0.29)   (0.26)
Net asset value, end of year  $10.08   $9.40   $9.52   $9.14   $9.51 
Total return (B)(C)   10.71%   2.45%   7.63%   (0.85)%   6.04%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $3,138   $2,427   $2,660   $3,219   $3,539 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   2.13%   2.09%   2.10%   2.19%   2.07%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   2.08%   2.04%   2.06%   2.14%   2.02%
Net investment income, before waiver and reimbursement   3.40%   3.84%   3.46%   2.92%   2.91%
Net investment income, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   3.45%   3.89%   3.50%   2.97%   2.96%
Portfolio turnover rate   57%   91%   75%   12%   45%
(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fee.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy High Yield Bond Fund (Class I Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.26   $9.39   $9.02   $9.41   $9.12 
Net investment income (A)   0.44    0.45    0.42    0.36    0.37 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   0.63    (0.14)   0.35    (0.36)   0.28 
Total from investment operations   1.07    0.31    0.77    0.00    0.65 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.42)   (0.44)   (0.40)   (0.39)   (0.36)
Total distributions   (0.42)   (0.44)   (0.40)   (0.39)   (0.36)
Net asset value, end of year  $9.91   $9.26   $9.39   $9.02   $9.41 
Total return (B)   11.71%   3.53%   8.78%   0.00%   7.21%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $69,150   $30,924   $18,363   $11,578   $9,717 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.13%   1.09%   1.10%   1.19%   1.06%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (C)   1.08%   1.04%   1.06%   1.14%   1.01%
Net investment income, before waiver and reimbursement   4.40%   4.86%   4.52%   3.92%   3.89%
Net investment income, net waiver and reimbursement (C)   4.45%   4.91%   4.56%   3.97%   3.94%
Portfolio turnover rate   57%   91%   75%   12%   45%
(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(C)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Israel Common Values Fund (Class A Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $16.55   $17.84   $15.74   $14.91   $12.45 
Net investment income (loss)(A)   (0.10)   (0.10)   0.00 *   (0.04)   0.07 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   8.25    (1.01)   2.20    1.07    2.58 
Total from investment operations   8.15    (1.11)   2.20    1.03    2.65 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income       (0.18)       (0.14)   (0.19)
From net realized gains on investments           (0.10)        
Return of Capital       0.00 *       (0.06)    
Total distributions       (0.18)   (0.10)   (0.20)   (0.19)
Net asset value, end of year  $24.70   $16.55   $17.84   $15.74   $14.91 
Total return (B)(C)   49.24%   (6.35)%   14.12%   7.00%   21.62%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $57,667   $36,800   $49,123   $41,137   $34,958 
Ratio of expenses to average net assets   1.72%   1.84%   1.76%   1.84%   1.80%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets   (0.48)%   (0.62)%   0.02%   (0.27)%   0.54%
Portfolio turnover rate   12%   16%   23%   9%   10%
*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Israel Common Values Fund (Class C Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $15.73   $16.97   $15.09   $14.33   $12.01 
Net investment loss (A)   (0.26)   (0.22)   (0.12)   (0.15)   (0.03)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   7.82    (0.96)   2.10    1.03    2.48 
Total from investment operations   7.56    (1.18)   1.98    0.88    2.45 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income       (0.06)       (0.07)   (0.13)
From net realized gains on investments           (0.10)        
Return of Capital       0.00 *       (0.05)    
Total distributions       (0.06)   (0.10)   (0.12)   (0.13)
Net asset value, end of year  $23.29   $15.73   $16.97   $15.09   $14.33 
Total return (B)(C)   48.06%   (7.00)%   13.26%   6.20%   20.60%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $12,293   $9,076   $9,750   $9,220   $7,905 
Ratio of expenses to average net assets   2.47%   2.59%   2.51%   2.59%   2.56%
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets   (1.27)%   (1.37)%   (0.75)%   (1.01)%   (0.21)%
Portfolio turnover rate   12%   16%   23%   9%   10%
*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fee.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Israel Common Values Fund (Class I Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $16.68   $17.97   $15.81   $14.97   $12.50 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   (0.05)   (0.06)   0.06    0.01    0.12 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   8.32    (1.01)   2.20    1.06 (B)   2.57 (B)
Total from investment operations   8.27    (1.07)   2.26    1.07    2.69 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income       (0.22)       (0.04)   (0.22)
From net realized gains on investments           (0.10)        
Return of Capital       0.00 *       (0.19)    
Total distributions       (0.22)   (0.10)   (0.23)   (0.22)
Net asset value, end of year  $24.95   $16.68   $17.97   $15.81   $14.97 
Total return (C)   49.58%   (6.08)%   14.44%   7.22%   21.87%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $45,063   $23,928   $21,533   $10,084   $2,189 
Ratio of expenses to average net assets   1.47%   1.59%   1.51%   1.69%   1.56%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets   (0.22)%   (0.37)%   0.38%   0.05%   0.83%
Portfolio turnover rate   12%   16%   23%   9%   10%
*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Realized and unrealized gains per share in this caption are balancing amounts necessary to reconcile the change in net asset value per share for the period, and may not reconcile with aggregate gains and losses in the Statement of Operations due to the timing of share transactions for the period.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund (Class A Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $11.78   $11.69   $11.44   $11.37   $11.49 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   0.10    (0.01)   0.06    0.10    0.00 *
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   1.64    0.44    0.48    (0.01)   (0.08)
Total from investment operations   1.74    0.43    0.54    0.09    (0.08)
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income       (0.06)   (0.11)   (0.02)   (0.04)
From net realized gains on investments       (0.28)   (0.18)        
Return of capital       0.00 *            
Total distributions       (0.34)   (0.29)   (0.02)   (0.04)
Net asset value, end of year  $13.52   $11.78   $11.69   $11.44   $11.37 
Total return (B)(C)   14.77%   3.75%   4.92%   0.75%   (0.72)%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $40,342   $29,577   $33,926   $40,573   $50,080 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.48%   1.54%   1.45%   1.41%   1.44%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.43%   1.49%   1.41%   1.36%   1.39%
Net investment income (loss), before waiver and reimbursement   0.74%   (0.13)%   0.52%   0.86%   (0.05)%
Net investment income (loss), net waiver and reimbursement (D)   0.79%   (0.08)%   0.56%   0.91%   0.00%
Portfolio turnover rate   34%   49%   34%   35%   51%
*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load. Total return represents aggregate total return based on Net Asset Value.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund (Class C Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $11.18   $11.13   $10.90   $10.90   $11.07 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   0.01    (0.09)   (0.03)   0.02    (0.08)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   1.55    0.42    0.46    (0.02)   (0.09)
Total from investment operations   1.56    0.33    0.43    0.00    (0.17)
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income           (0.02)        
From net realized gains on investments       (0.28)   (0.18)        
From return of capital       0.00 *            
Total distributions       (0.28)   (0.20)        
Net asset value, end of year  $12.74   $11.18   $11.13   $10.90   $10.90 
Total return (B)(C)   13.95%   3.01%   4.06%   0.00%   (1.54)%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $3,388   $2,464   $3,110   $5,432   $6,683 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   2.23%   2.29%   2.20%   2.16%   2.21%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   2.18%   2.24%   2.16%   2.11%   2.16%
Net investment income (loss), before waiver and reimbursement   (0.01)%   (0.89)%   (0.31)%   0.09%   (0.79)%
Net investment income (loss), net waiver and reimbursement (D)   0.04%   (0.84)%   (0.27)%   0.14%   (0.74)%
Portfolio turnover rate   34%   49%   34%   35%   51%
*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fee. Total return represents aggregate total return based on Net Asset Value.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Defensive Strategies Fund (Class I Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $11.77   $11.69   $11.45   $11.38   $11.51 
Net investment income (A)   0.17    0.02    0.09    0.14    0.06 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   1.61    0.43    0.47    (0.02)   (0.12)
Total from investment operations   1.78    0.45    0.56    0.12    (0.06)
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income       (0.09)   (0.14)   (0.05)   (0.07)
From net realized gains on investments       (0.28)   (0.18)        
From return of capital       0.00 *            
Total distributions       (0.37)   (0.32)   (0.05)   (0.07)
Net asset value, end of year  $13.55   $11.77   $11.69   $11.45   $11.38 
Total return (B)(C)   15.12%   3.96%   5.17%   1.04%   (0.54)%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $14,750   $5,212   $3,692   $3,071   $2,661 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.23%   1.29%   1.20%   1.16%   1.14%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.18%   1.24%   1.16%   1.11%   1.09%
Net investment income, before waiver and reimbursement   1.21%   0.16%   0.78%   1.14%   0.44%
Net investment income, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.26%   0.21%   0.82%   1.19%   0.49%
Portfolio turnover rate   34%   49%   34%   35%   51%
*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return represents aggregate total return based on Net Asset Value.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Strategic Growth Fund (Class A Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.48   $9.64   $9.70   $9.48   $8.73 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   0.03    0.04    0.01    0.00 *   (0.04)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   1.75    0.16    (0.04)   0.22    0.79 
Total from investment operations   1.78    0.20    (0.03)   0.22    0.75 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.01)                
From net realized gains on investments   (0.33)   (0.36)   (0.03)        
Total distributions   (0.34)   (0.36)   (0.03)        
Net asset value, end of year  $10.92   $9.48   $9.64   $9.70   $9.48 
Total return (B)(C)   19.15%   2.03%   (0.26)%   2.32%   8.59%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $37,731   $32,260   $32,318   $32,078   $32,767 
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (D)   1.10%   1.15%   1.12%   1.10%   1.07%
Ratio of net investment income (loss), to average net assets (D)(E)   0.27%   0.42%   0.16%   0.00%   (0.45)%
Portfolio turnover rate   22%   47%   50%   8%   36%
*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)These ratios exclude the impact of expenses of the underlying security holdings as represented in the Schedule of Investments.


(E)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Strategic Growth Fund (Class C Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $8.34   $8.58   $8.70   $8.57   $7.95 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   (0.05)   (0.03)   0.03    (0.06)   (0.10)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on   1.54    0.15    (0.12)   0.19    0.72 
investments Total from investment operations   1.49    0.12    (0.09)   0.13    0.62 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net realized gains on investments   (0.33)   (0.36)   (0.03)        
Total distributions   (0.33)   (0.36)   (0.03)        
Net asset value, end of year  $9.50   $8.34   $8.58   $8.70   $8.57 
Total return (B)(C)   18.19%   1.33%   (0.99)%   1.52%   7.80%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $2,967   $2,743   $3,247   $6,313   $6,966 
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (D)   1.85%   1.90%   1.87%   1.85%   1.82%
Ratio of net investment income (loss), to average net assets (D)(E)   (0.48)%   (0.32)%   0.35%   (0.70)%   (1.18)%
Portfolio turnover rate   22%   47%   50%   8%   36%
(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fee.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)These ratios exclude the impact of expenses of the underlying security holdings as represented in the Schedule of Investments.


(E)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Conservative Growth Fund (Class A Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $10.62   $10.66   $10.75   $10.67   $10.06 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   0.02    0.05    0.05    0.02    (0.02)
Net realized and unrealized gain on   1.31    0.30    0.10    0.09    0.63 
investments Total from investment operations   1.33    0.35    0.15    0.11    0.61 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.04)                
From net realized gains on investments   (0.25)   (0.39)   (0.24)   (0.03)    
Total distributions   (0.29)   (0.39)   (0.24)   (0.03)    
Net asset value, end of year  $11.66   $10.62   $10.66   $10.75   $10.67 
Total return (B)(C)   12.63%   3.27%   1.61%   1.06%   6.06%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $46,151   $41,546   $40,590   $42,040   $45,110 
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (D)   1.10%   1.12%   1.08%   1.08%   1.04%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets (D)(E)   0.20%   0.43%   0.44%   0.14%   (0.20)%
Portfolio turnover rate   21%   37%   42%   7%   27%
(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)These ratios exclude the impact of expenses of the underlying security holdings as represented in the Schedule of Investments.


(E)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Conservative Growth Fund (Class C Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.43   $9.59   $9.76   $9.76   $9.27 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   (0.06)   (0.03)   0.01    (0.06)   (0.09)
Net realized and unrealized gain on   1.17    0.26    0.06    0.09 (B)   0.58 (B)
investments Total from investment operations   1.11    0.23    0.07    0.03    0.49 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net realized gains on investments   (0.25)   (0.39)   (0.24)   (0.03)    
Total distributions   (0.25)   (0.39)   (0.24)   (0.03)    
Net asset value, end of year  $10.29   $9.43   $9.59   $9.76   $9.76 
Total return (C)(D)   11.84%   2.36%   0.94%   0.34%   5.29%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $5,496   $4,712   $5,504   $9,218   $9,981 
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (E)   1.85%   1.87%   1.83%   1.83%   1.79%
Ratio of net investment income (loss), to average net assets (E)(F)   (0.56)%   (0.31)%   0.14%   (0.63)%   (0.96)%
Portfolio turnover rate   21%   37%   42%   7%   27%
(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Realized and unrealized gains per share in this caption are balancing amounts necessary to reconcile the change in net asset value per share for the period and may not reconcile with aggregate gains and losses in the Statement of Operations due to the timing of share transactions for the period.


(C)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fees. Total return represents aggregate total return based on Net Asset Value.


(D)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(E)These ratios exclude the impact of expenses of the underlying security holdings as represented in the Schedule of Investments.


(F)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Growth & Income Fund (Class A Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $10.11   $10.60   $10.87   $11.28   $10.76 
Net investment income (A)   0.06    0.09    0.04    0.01    0.01 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on   1.68    (0.47)   (0.07)   (0.14)   0.52 
investments Total from investment operations   1.74    (0.38)   (0.03)   (0.13)   0.53 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.10)   (0.11)   (0.05)   (0.01)   (0.01)
From net realized gains on investments           (0.19)   (0.27)    
Return of Capital       0.00 *   (0.00) *        
Total distributions   (0.10)   (0.11)   (0.24)   (0.28)   (0.01)
Net asset value, end of year  $11.75   $10.11   $10.60   $10.87   $11.28 
Total return (B)(C)   17.18%   (3.48)%   (0.10)%   (1.22)%   4.91%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $14,191   $13,295   $14,500   $27,716   $30,426 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.90%   1.85%   1.69%   1.70%   1.59%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.52%   1.50%   1.65%   1.65%   1.54%
Net investment income, before waiver and reimbursement   0.18%   0.55%   0.37%   0.08%   0.03%
Net investment income, net waiver and reimbursement (D)(E)   0.56%   0.90%   0.42%   0.13%   0.08%
Portfolio turnover rate   43%   39%   167%   56%   118%
*Amount is less than $0.005 per share


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect sales load.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(E)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Growth & Income Fund (Class C Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $9.74   $10.21   $10.51   $10.99   $10.55 
Net investment income (loss) (A)   (0.02)   0.02    (0.03)   (0.07)   (0.07)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on   1.60    (0.45)   (0.07)   (0.14)   0.51 
investments Total from investment operations   1.58    (0.43)   (0.10)   (0.21)   0.44 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.01)   (0.04)   (0.01)        
From net realized gains on investments           (0.19)   (0.27)    
Return of Capital       0.00 *   (0.00) *        
Total distributions   (0.01)   (0.04)   (0.20)   (0.27)    
Net asset value, end of year  $11.31   $9.74   $10.21   $10.51   $10.99 
Total return (B)(C)   16.25%   (4.20)%   (0.82)%   (1.97)%   4.17%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $1,938   $1,719   $2,388   $3,176   $3,006 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   2.65%   2.60%   2.44%   2.45%   2.34%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   2.27%   2.25%   2.40%   2.40%   2.29%
Net investment income (loss), before waiver and reimbursement   (0.57%)   (0.19%)   (0.34%)   (0.67%)   (0.73%)
Net investment income (loss), net waiver and reimbursement (D)(E)   (0.19%)   0.16%   (0.29%)   (0.62%)   (0.68%)
Portfolio turnover rate   43%   39%   167%   56%   118%
*Amount is less than $0.005 per share


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return calculation does not reflect redemption fee.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(E)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Timothy Growth & Income Fund (Class I Shares)

Selected data based on a share outstanding throughout each year


   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year   For the Year 
   ended   ended   ended   ended   ended 
   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value, beginning of year  $10.18   $10.67   $10.94   $11.34   $10.81 
Net investment income (A)   0.09    0.12    0.08    0.04    0.03 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   1.69    (0.47)   (0.09)   (0.15)   0.53 
Total from investment operations   1.78    (0.35)   (0.01)   (0.11)   0.56 
LESS DISTRIBUTIONS:                         
From net investment income   (0.13)   (0.14)   (0.07)   (0.02)   (0.03)
From net realized gains on investments           (0.19)   (0.27)    
Return of Capital       0.00 *   (0.00) *        
Total distributions   (0.13)   (0.14)   (0.26)   (0.29)   (0.03)
Net asset value, end of year  $11.83   $10.18   $10.67   $10.94   $11.34 
Total return (B)(C)   17.44%   (3.20)%   0.11%   (0.96)%   5.19%
RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA:                         
Net assets, end of year (in 000’s)  $2,070   $2,102   $3,182   $3,012   $2,197 
Ratios to average net assets                         
Expenses, before waiver and reimbursement   1.65%   1.60%   1.44%   1.45%   1.34%
Expenses, net waiver and reimbursement (D)   1.27%   1.25%   1.40%   1.40%   1.29%
Net investment income, before waiver and reimbursement   0.43%   0.86%   0.70%   0.33%   0.27%
Net investment income, net waiver and reimbursement (D)(E)   0.81%   1.21%   0.75%   0.38%   0.32%
Portfolio turnover rate   43%   39%   167%   56%   118%
*Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


(A)Per share amounts calculated using average shares method, which more appropriately presents the per share data for the period.


(B)Total return represents aggregate total return based on Net Asset Value.


(C)Total return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund assuming reinvestment of dividends. Total return would have been higher or lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed, waived or recouped.


(D)This expense decrease from the voluntary waiver is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown.


(E)Recognition of net investment income (loss) by the Fund is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


Note 1 | Significant Accounting Policies


The Timothy Plan (the “Trust”) is organized as a series of a Delaware business trust pursuant to a trust agreement dated December 16, 1993. The Trust is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an open-end management investment company. As of September 30, 2021, the Trust consisted of eighteen series. These financial statements include the following twelve series: Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth Fund, Timothy Plan International Fund, Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund, Timothy Plan Small Cap Value Fund, Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Value Fund, Timothy Plan Fixed Income Fund, Timothy Plan High Yield Bond Fund, Timothy Plan Israel Common Values Fund, Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund, Timothy Plan Strategic Growth Fund, Timothy Plan Conservative Growth Fund and Timothy Plan Growth & Income Fund (the “Funds”). The Funds are diversified funds except for the Timothy Plan Defensive Strategy Fund which is a non-diversified fund.


The Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth Fund’s investment objective is long-term growth of capital. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by normally investing at least 80% of the Fund’s total assets in U.S. common stocks without regard to market capitalizations and investing in the securities of a limited number of companies which the Fund’s Advisor believes show a high probability for superior growth.


The Timothy Plan International Fund’s investment objective is long-term growth of capital. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by normally investing at least 80% of the Fund’s total assets in the common stock and similar securities of foreign companies through the purchase of American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”) without regard to market capitalization, investing its assets in the ADRs of companies which the Fund’s Advisor believes show a high probability for superior growth, and allocating investments across countries and regions considering the size of the market in each country and region relative to the size of the international market as a whole. Although the Fund maintains a diversified investment portfolio, the political or economic developments within a particular country or region may have an adverse effect on the ability of domiciled issuers to meet their obligations. Additionally, political or economic developments may have an effect on the liquidity and volatility of portfolio securities and currency holdings.


The Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund’s investment objective is long-term growth of capital. Current income is not a significant investment consideration and any such income realized will be considered incidental to the Fund’s investment objective. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by normally investing at least 80% of the Fund’s total assets in U.S. common stocks with market capitalizations in excess of $2 billion.


The Timothy Plan Small Cap Value Fund’s primary objective is long-term capital growth, with a secondary objective of current income. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by primarily investing at least 80% of the Fund’s total assets in U.S. stocks with market capitalizations that fall within the range of companies included in the Russell 2000 Index.


The Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Value Fund’s investment objective is long-term capital growth, with a secondary objective of current income. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by primarily investing in U.S. common stocks. The Fund will invest at least 80% of its assets in the common stock of companies whose total market capitalization generally exceeds $2 billion.


The Timothy Plan Fixed Income Fund seeks to generate a high level of current income consistent with prudent investment risk. To achieve its investment objective, the Fund normally invests in a diversified portfolio of debt securities. These include corporate bonds, U.S. Government and agency securities, convertible securities and preferred securities.


The Timothy Plan High Yield Bond Fund’s investment objective is to generate a high level of current income. To achieve its investment objective, the Fund normally invests in a diversified portfolio of high yield fixed income securities. These include corporate bonds, U.S. Government and agency securities, convertible securities and preferred securities. The Fund will generally purchase securities that are not investment-grade, meaning securities with a rating of “BBB” or lower as rated by Standard and Poor’s or a comparable rating by another nationally recognized rating agency. Investments in these higher yielding securities are generally accompanied by a greater degree of credit risk than higher rated securities. Additionally, lower rated securities may be more susceptible to adverse economic and competitive industry conditions than investment-grade securities.


The Timothy Plan Israel Common Values Fund seeks to provide long-term growth of capital. This Fund seeks to achieve its investment objectives by normally investing at least 80% of the Fund’s total assets in the common stock of companies domiciled and/or headquartered in Israel through the purchase of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) and direct investments in such companies on foreign stock exchanges, without regard to market capitalizations.


The Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund’s investment objective is the protection of principal through aggressive, proactive reactions to prevailing economic conditions. To achieve its investment objective, the Fund normally invests in Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”), commodities based Exchange-Traded Funds (“ETFs”), Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (“TIPS”), and currently holds gold bullion.


The Timothy Plan Strategic Growth Fund seeks to generate medium to high levels of long-term capital growth. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by normally investing at least 75% of its net assets in the following Funds which are other series of the Trust: approximately 0-10% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Small Cap Value Fund; approximately 0-20% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Value Fund; approximately 0-20% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund; approximately 5-15% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan High Yield Bond Fund; approximately 0-20% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan International Fund; approximately 0-10% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth Fund; approximately 5-30% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund; approximately 0-10% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Israel Common Values Fund; approximately 0-20% of its net assets in the Timothy Fixed Income Fund; approximately 0-40% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan U.S. Large/Mid Cap Core ETF; approximately 0-20% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF; approximately 0-30% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan International ETF; and approximately 0-20% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Small Cap Core ETF.



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


The Timothy Plan Conservative Growth Fund seeks to generate moderate levels of long-term capital growth with a secondary objective of current income. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by normally investing at least 75% of its net assets in the following Funds which are other series of the Trust: approximately 0-10% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Small Cap Value Fund; approximately 0-15% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Value Fund; approximately 0-15% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund; approximately 0-5% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth Fund; approximately 5-15% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan High Yield Bond Fund; approximately 0-20% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan International Fund; approximately 20%-40% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Fixed Income Fund; approximately 5-30% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund; approximately 0-10% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Israel Common Values Fund; approximately 0-30% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan U.S. Large/Mid Cap Core ETF; approximately 0-25% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF; approximately 0-25% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan International ETF; and approximately 0- 15% of its net assets in the Timothy Plan Small Cap Core ETF.


The Timothy Plan Growth & Income Fund’s investment objective is to provide total return through a combination of growth and income and preservation of capital in declining markets. To achieve its goals, the Fund primarily invests in equity securities of foreign and domestic companies that the Advisor believes are undervalued, and in fixed income securities. The Fund will normally hold both equity securities and fixed income securities, with at least 25% of its assets in equity securities and at least 25% of its assets in fixed income securities.


The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Funds in the preparation of their financial statements. The policies are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) for investment companies. The Funds are an investment company and accordingly follows the investment company accounting and reporting guidance of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standard Codification Topic 946 “Financial Services – Investment Companies”.




All investments in securities are recorded at their estimated fair value as described in Note 2.




Security transactions are accounted for on the date the securities are purchased or sold (trade date). The costing method for the Timothy Plan Funds is specific identification. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date. Interest income and expenses are recognized on an accrual basis. The Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth Fund, Large/Mid Cap Value Fund, Israel Common Values Fund, Small Cap Value Fund and Defensive Strategies Fund have made certain investments in REITs. Dividend income from REITs is recognized on the ex-dividend date. It is common for distributions from REITs to exceed taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. The calendar year-end amounts of ordinary income, capital gains, and return of capital included in distributions received from the Funds’ investments in REITS are reported to the Funds after the end of the calendar year; accordingly, the Funds estimate these amounts for accounting purposes until the characterization of REIT distributions is reported to the Funds after the end of the calendar year. Estimates are based on the most recent REIT distribution information available. Withholding taxes on foreign dividends have been provided for in accordance with the Funds’ understanding of the applicable country’s tax rules and rates. Discounts and premiums on securities purchased are amortized over the lives of the respective securities. The ability of issuers of debt securities held by the Funds to meet their obligations may be affected by economic and political developments in a specific country or region.




The Funds may be subject to foreign taxes related to foreign income received (a portion of which may be reclaimable), capital gains on the sale of securities and certain foreign currency transactions. All foreign taxes are recorded in accordance with the applicable regulations and rates that exist in the foreign jurisdictions in which the Funds invest.




Investment securities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollar amounts at the date of valuation. Purchases and sales of investment securities and income and expense items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollar amounts on the respective dates of such transactions. The Funds do not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held. Such fluctuations are included in the net realized and unrealized gain or loss from investments. Reported net realized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from sales of foreign currencies, currency gains or losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest and foreign withholding taxes recorded on the Funds’ books and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses arise from changes in the fair values of assets and liabilities, other than investments in securities at fiscal period end, resulting from changes in exchange rates.




There is a risk that some or all of the Trust’s gold bars held by the custodian or any sub-custodian on behalf of the Trust could be lost, damaged or stolen. Access to the Trust’s gold bars could be restricted by natural events (such as an earthquake) or human actions (such as a terrorist attack). Any of these events may adversely affect the operations of the Trust and, consequently, an investment in the fund shares.



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


Several factors may affect the price of gold, including but not limited to:


Global or regional political, economic or financial events and situations;


Investors’ expectations with respect to the rate of inflation;


Currency exchange rates;


Interest rates; and


Investment and trading activities of hedge funds and commodity funds.




The Net Asset Value (“NAV”) per share of the capital stock of the Funds is determined daily as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange by dividing the value of its net assets by the number of Fund shares outstanding. The NAV is calculated separately for each class of each Fund in the Trust. The net asset value of the classes may differ because of different fees and expenses charged to each class.




Expenses incurred by the Trust that do not relate to a specific Fund of the Trust are allocated to the individual Funds based on each Fund’s relative net assets or another appropriate basis as determined by the Board of Trustees (the “Board”).




There are three classes of shares currently offered by all Funds in the Trust, except Strategic Growth Fund and Conservative Growth Fund: Class A shares are offered with a front-end sales charge and ongoing service/distribution fees; Class C shares are offered with a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) that ends after the first year and ongoing service and distribution fees; Class I shares, which commenced operations on August 1, 2013, are offered without any sales charges or ongoing service distribution fees.


Class specific expenses are borne by each specific class. Income, expenses, and realized and unrealized gains/losses are allocated to the respective classes on the basis of relative daily net assets.




In the preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP, management makes estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, as well as the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the year ended. Actual results could differ from those estimates.




It is the policy of each Fund to continue to comply with all requirements under subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute substantially all of its taxable income to its shareholders. Each Fund also intends to distribute sufficient net investment income and net capital gains, if any, so that it will not be subject to excise tax on undistributed income or gains. Therefore, no federal income tax or excise provision is required.


As of September 30, 2021, the Funds did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The Funds recognize interest and penalties, if any, related to unrecognized tax benefits as income tax expense in the Statements of Operations. During the year ended September 30, 2021, the Funds did not incur any interest or penalties. The Funds are not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will change materially within the next twelve months.




The Trust indemnifies its officers and trustees for certain liabilities that may arise from the performance of their duties to the Trust. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Funds enter into contracts that contain a variety of representations and warranties and which provide general indemnities. The Funds’ maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Funds that have not yet occurred. However, based on experience, the Funds expect the risk of loss due to these warranties and indemnities to be remote.




Distributions to shareholders, which are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, are recorded on the ex-dividend date. The treatment for financial reporting purposes of distributions made to shareholders during the period from net investment income or net realized capital gains may differ from their ultimate treatment for federal income tax purposes. These differences are caused primarily by differences in the timing of the recognition of certain components of income, expense or realized capital gain for federal income tax purposes. Where such differences are permanent in nature, they are reclassified in the components of net assets based on their ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. Any such reclassifications will have no effect on net assets, results of operations, or Net Asset Values (NAVs) per share of the Funds.


Permanent book and tax differences, primarily attributable to the book/tax treatment of net operating losses, the adjustments for equalization debits, and the reclassification of Fund distributions resulted in reclassifications for the Funds for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2021 as follows:



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


Fund  Paid In Capital   Earnings (Losses) 
Aggressive Growth Fund  $668,260   $(668,260)
International Fund   10,555    (10,555)
Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund   201,147    (201,147)
Small Cap Value Fund   873,410    (873,410)
Large/Mid Cap Value Fund   705,356    (705,356)
Fixed Income Fund        
High Yield Bond Fund   128,597    (128,597)
Israel Common Values Fund   (815,379)   815,379 
Defensive Strategies Fund   4,550    (4,550)
Strategic Growth Fund   158,440    (158,440)
Conservative Growth Fund   190,284    (190,284)
Growth & Income Fund   4,356    (4,356)




Effective May 22, 2015, the Timothy Plan Family of Funds entered into a precious metals storage agreement with Brink’s Global Services U.S.A., Inc. to maintain the custody of the gold held in the Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund.


Note 2 | Security Valuation and Fair Value Measurements


The Funds’ securities are valued at fair value. Fair value is defined as the price that a Fund would receive upon selling an investment in a timely transaction to an independent buyer in the principal or most advantageous market of the investment. GAAP established a three-tier hierarchy to maximize the use of observable market data and minimize the use of unobservable inputs and to establish classification of fair value measurements for disclosure purposes.


Inputs refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability, including assumptions about risk (the risk inherent in a particular valuation technique used to measure fair value including such a pricing model and/or the risk inherent in the inputs to the valuation technique). Inputs may be observable or unobservable. Observable inputs are inputs that reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on the best information available in the circumstances.




A Fund may invest in portfolios of open-end or closed-end investment companies (the “Underlying Funds”). The Underlying Funds value securities in their portfolios for which market quotations are readily available at their market values (generally the last reported sale price) and all other securities and assets at their fair value based upon methods established by the Board of Trustees of the Underlying Funds.


Open-ended funds are valued at their respective net asset values as reported by such investment companies. The shares of many closed-end investment companies, after their initial public offering, frequently trade at a price per share, which is different than the net asset value per share. The difference represents a market premium or market discount of such shares. There can be no assurances that the market discount or market premium on shares of any closed-end investment company purchased by the Fund will not change.




The Funds may invest in exchange traded funds (“ETFs”). ETFs are a type of index fund bought and sold on a securities exchange. An ETF trades like common stock and may be actively traded or represent a fixed portfolio of securities designed to track the performance and dividend yield of a particular domestic or foreign market index. The risks of owning an ETF generally reflect the risks of owning the underlying securities they are designed to track, although the lack of liquidity on an ETF could result in it being more volatile. Each ETF is subject to specific risks, depending on the nature of the ETF. Additionally, ETFs have fees and expenses that reduce their value.


OPTIONS TRANSACTIONS –The Funds are subject to equity price risk in the normal course of pursuing their investment objectives and may purchase or sell options to help hedge against this risk.


Each Fund may write call options only if it (i) owns an offsetting position in the underlying security or (ii) has an absolute or immediate right to acquire that security without additional cash consideration or exchange of other securities held in its portfolio.


When the Funds write a call option, an amount equal to the premium received is included in the statement of assets and liabilities as a liability. The amount of the liability is subsequently marked-to-market to reflect the current market value of the option. If an option expires on its stipulated expiration date or if the Funds enter into a closing purchase transaction, a gain or loss is realized. If a written call option is exercised, a gain or loss is realized for the sale of the underlying security and the proceeds from the sale are increased by the premium originally received. As writer of an option, the Funds have no control over whether the option will be exercised and, as a result, retain the market risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the security underlying the written option.



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


The Funds may purchase put and call options. Call options are purchased to hedge against an increase in the value of securities held in a Funds’ portfolio. If such an increase occurs, the call options will permit the Fund to purchase the securities underlying such options at the exercise price, not at the current market price. Put options are purchased to hedge against a decline in the value of securities held in a Fund’s portfolio. If such a decline occurs, the put options will permit the Fund to sell the securities underlying such options at the exercise price, or to close out the options at a profit. The premium paid for a put or call option plus any transaction costs will reduce the benefit, if any, realized by the Fund upon exercise of the option, and, unless the price of the underlying security rises or declines sufficiently, the option may expire worthless to the Fund. In addition, in the event that the price of the security in connection with which an option was purchased moves in a direction favorable to a Fund, the benefits realized by the Fund as a result of such favorable movement will be reduced by the amount of the premium paid for the option and related transaction costs. Written and purchased options are non-income producing securities. With purchased options, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Funds since these options are exchange traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange traded options, guarantees against a possible default.


There were no options held at September 30, 2021, and there were no options transactions for the year ended September 30, 2021.


The Trust utilizes various methods to measure the fair value of all of its investments on a recurring basis. GAAP establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation methods. The three levels of input are:


Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities that the Fund has the ability to access.


Level 2 – Observable inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument in an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.


Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability, to the extent relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and would be based on the best information available.


The inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, for disclosure purposes, the level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement falls in its entirety is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety.


Each Fund generally determines the total value of each class of its shares by using market prices for the securities comprising its portfolio. Equity securities, including common stock, preferred stock, ADRs, REITs, LPs, LLCs, PLCs, GDRs and NVDRs are generally valued by using market quotations, but may be valued on the basis of prices furnished by a pricing service when the Advisor or Sub-Advisor believes such prices more accurately reflect the fair value of such securities. Securities including ETFs, that are traded on any stock exchange are generally valued by the pricing service at the last quoted sale price. Lacking a last sale price, an exchange traded security is generally valued by the pricing service at its last bid price. Securities traded in the NASDAQ over-the-counter market are generally valued by the pricing service at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price. When using the market quotations or close prices provided by the pricing service and when the market is considered active, the security will be classified as a Level 1 security. Equity securities traded on inactive markets or valued by reference to similar instruments are categorized as a Level 2. When market quotations are not readily available, when the Advisor or Sub-Advisor determines that the market quotation or the price provided by the pricing service does not accurately reflect the current fair value, or when restricted or illiquid securities are being valued, such securities are valued as determined in good faith by the Advisor or Sub-Advisor, in conformity with guidelines adopted by and subject to review by the Board. These securities will generally be categorized as Level 3 securities. Foreign investments are not fair valued using fair value triggers.


Investments in alternative investments, such as gold bars, are valued at the spot rate at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time each business day and are categorized as Level 1 in the hierarchy.


Investments in mutual funds, including money market mutual funds, are generally priced at the ending NAV provided by the service agent of the funds.


These securities will be categorized as Level 1 securities.


Fixed income securities such as corporate bonds, convertible bonds, government mortgage-backed securities, government notes and bonds, U.S. government agency securities and treasury inflation protected securities, when valued using market quotations in an active market, will be categorized as Level 1 securities. However, they may be valued on the basis of prices furnished by a pricing service when the Advisor or Sub-Advisor believes such prices more accurately reflect the fair value of such securities. A pricing service utilizes electronic data processing techniques based on yield spreads relating to securities with similar characteristics to determine prices for normal institutional-size trading units of debt securities without regard to sale or bid prices. These securities will generally be categorized as Level 2 securities. If the Advisor or Sub-Advisor decides that a price provided by the pricing service does not accurately reflect the fair value of the securities, when prices are not readily available from a pricing service, or when restricted or illiquid securities are being valued, securities are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the Advisor or Sub-Advisor, in conformity with guidelines adopted by and subject to review of the Board. These securities will be categorized as Level 3 securities.


Short-term investments in fixed income securities (those with maturities of less than 60 days when acquired, or which subsequently are within 60 days of maturity) may be valued by using the amortized cost method of valuation, which the Board has determined will represent fair value. These securities will be classified as Level 2 securities.


The Board has delegated to the Advisor and/or Sub-Advisors responsibility for determining the value of Fund portfolio securities under certain circumstances. Under such circumstances, the Advisor or Sub-Advisor will use its best efforts to arrive at the fair value of a security held by the Fund under all reasonably ascertainable facts and circumstances. The Advisor must prepare a report for the Board not less than quarterly containing a complete listing of any securities for which fair value pricing was employed and detailing the specific reasons for such fair value pricing. The Board has adopted written policies and procedures to guide the Advisor and Sub-Advisors with respect to the circumstances under which, and the methods to be used, in fair valuing securities.



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


The following is a summary of the inputs used to value each Fund’s investments as of September 30, 2021:


Aggressive Growth Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stock  $49,139,741   $   $   $49,139,741 
REITs   538,774            538,774 
Money Market Fund   3,258,766            3,258,766 
Total  $52,937,281   $   $   $52,937,281 
International Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stock  $130,919,429   $   $   $130,919,429 
Money Market Fund   5,466,035            5,466,035 
Total  $136,385,464   $   $   $136,385,464 
Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stock  $102,670,311   $   $   $102,670,311 
Exchange Traded Funds   25,038,749            25,038,749 
Money Market Fund   6,917,122            6,917,122 
Total  $134,626,182   $   $   $134,626,182 
Small Cap Value Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stock  $135,373,210   $   $   $135,373,210 
Exchange Traded Fund   19,173,988            19,173,988 
REITs   13,219,792            13,219,792 
Money Market Fund   1,489,069            1,489,069 
Total  $169,256,059   $   $   $169,256,059 
Large/Mid Cap Value Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stock  $168,929,101   $   $   $168,929,101 
Exchange Traded Funds   58,955,093            58,955,093 
REITs   8,845,518            8,845,518 
Money Market Fund   16,927,368            16,927,368 
Total  $253,657,080   $   $   $253,657,080 
Fixed Income Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Corporate Bonds  $   $39,688,181   $   $39,688,181 
Government Mortgage-Backed Securities       31,655,450        31,655,450 
Government Notes & Bonds       51,846,268        51,846,268 
Money Market Fund   4,209,551            4,209,551 
Total  $4,209,551   $123,189,899   $   $127,399,450 
High Yield Bond Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Corporate Bonds  $   $125,040,163   $    125,040,163 
Convertible Bonds       6,319,310        6,319,310 
Preferred Stock   549,150            549,150 
Money Market Fund   4,398,611            4,398,611 
Total  $4,947,761   $131,359,473   $   $136,307,234 



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


Israel Common Values Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stock  $107,595,539   $   $   $107,595,539 
REITs   1,530,967            1,530,967 
Money Market Fund   6,382,650            6,382,650 
Total  $115,509,156   $   $   $115,509,156 
Defensive Strategies Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stock  $12,870,525   $   $   $12,870,525 
Exchange Traded Fund   1,154,720            1,154,720 
REITs   11,729,895            11,729,895 
Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)       15,391,132        15,391,132 
Closed End Fund   2,833,920            2,833,920 
Alternative Investments   10,796,704            10,796,704 
Money Market Fund   3,579,858            3,579,858 
Total  $42,965,622   $15,391,132   $   $58,356,754 
Strategic Growth Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Exchange Traded Funds  $22,639,076   $   $   $22,639,076 
Mutual Funds   16,811,091            16,811,091 
Money Market Fund   1,320,403            1,320,403 
Total  $40,770,570   $   $   $40,770,570 
Conservative Growth Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Exchange Traded Funds  $19,619,851   $   $   $19,619,851 
Mutual Funds   30,549,604            30,549,604 
Money Market Fund   1,537,435            1,537,435 
Total  $51,706,890   $   $   $51,706,890 
Growth & Income Fund 
Assets  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Corporate Bonds  $   $2,518,256   $   $2,518,256 
Government Mortgage-Backed Securities       1,638,044        1,638,044 
Government Notes, Bonds & Agencies       2,074,840        2,074,840 
Exchange Traded Funds   11,867,728            11,867,728 
Money Market Fund   129,532            129,532 
Total  $11,997,260   $6,231,140   $   $18,228,400 


Refer to the Schedules of Investments for industry classifications.


The Funds did not hold any Level 3 securities during the year presented.



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


Note 3 | Purchases and Sales of Securities


The following is a summary of the cost of purchases and proceeds from the sale of securities, other than short-term investments, for the year ended September 30, 2021:


   Purchases   Sales 
   U.S. Gov’t       U.S. Gov’t     
Fund  Obligations   Other   Obligations   Other 
Aggressive Growth  $   $27,129,194   $   $24,591,401 
International       37,993,233        18,911,775 
Large/Mid Cap Growth *       25,574,249        25,490,473 
Small Cap Value *       91,794,118        92,193,912 
Large/Mid Cap Value *       70,894,193        78,636,608 
Fixed Income   52,439,654    16,035,230    48,704,020    3,365,101 
High Yield Bond       105,704,701        57,228,441 
Israel Common Values       15,319,146        11,105,899 
Defensive Strategies       28,955,325        14,924,012 
Strategic Growth *       8,299,045        9,258,005 
Conservative Growth *       10,110,685        10,196,050 
Growth & Income *   4,801,346    2,879,102    4,071,602    5,098,708 


*The security transactions are inclusive of purchases and sales of affiliated funds.


Note 4 | Investment Advisory Agreement and Transactions with Service Providers


Timothy Partners, Ltd., (“TPL”) is the investment advisor for the Funds pursuant to an investment advisory agreement (the “Agreement”) that was renewed by the Board on February 25-26, 2021. TPL supervises the investment of the assets of each Fund in accordance with the objectives, policies and restrictions of the Trust. Under the terms of the Agreement, as amended, TPL receives a fee, accrued daily and paid monthly, at an annual rate of 1.00% of the average daily net assets of the Timothy Plan International Fund and Timothy Plan Israel Common Values Fund; 0.85% of the average daily net assets of the Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth, the Timothy Plan Small Cap Value, the Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Growth, the Timothy Plan Growth & Income and the Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Value Funds; 0.60% of the average daily net assets of the Timothy Plan Fixed Income, the Timothy Plan High Yield Bond, and the Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Funds; and 0.65% of the average daily net assets of the Timothy Plan Conservative Growth and the Timothy Plan Strategic Growth Funds. TPL has voluntarily agreed to reduce the fee it receives from the International Fund to 0.95%; from the Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund to 0.80%; from the Small Cap Value Fund, the Aggressive Growth Fund and the Large/Mid Cap Value Fund to 0.75%; from the High Yield Bond Fund and the Defensive Strategies Fund to 0.55%; from the Growth & Income Fund to 0.50%; and from the Fixed Income Fund to 0.40%. From August 1, 2021 through August 31, 2021 TPL voluntarily reduced the fee it receives from the Small Cap Value Fund to 0.60%; from the Large/Mid Cap Value Fund to 0.50% and the Growth & Income Fund to 0.25%. From August 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021 TPL voluntarily reduced the fee it receives from the Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund to 0.55%. Such voluntary fee reductions/reimbursements may be authorized by TPL at any time, but such action shall not obligate TPL to waive any fees in the near future. Such voluntary fee reductions/reimbursements are not subject to future recoupment. An officer and trustees of the Funds is also an officer and owner of the Advisor.


For the year ended September 30, 2021, TPL waived advisory fees for the Funds as follows:


   Year Ended 
Fund  September 30, 2021 
Aggressive Growth Fund  $45,827 
International Fund   54,433 
Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund   128,092 
Small Cap Value Fund   166,945 
Large/Mid Cap Value Fund   299,330 
Fixed Income Fund   235,823 
High Yield Bond Fund   51,804 
Defensive Strategies Fund   23,556 
Growth & Income Fund   68,011 


Gemini Fund Services, LLC (“GFS”) provides administrative, fund accounting, and transfer agency services to the Funds pursuant to agreements with the Trust, for which it receives from each Fund: (i) basis points in decreasing amounts as assets reach certain breakpoints; and (ii) any related out-of-pocket expenses. Fees are billed monthly as follows:


Fund Accounting and Fund Administration Fees:


Fund Complex Base annual fee:

25 basis points (0.25%) on the first $200 million of net assets

15 basis points (0.15%) on the next $200 million of net assets;

8 basis points (0.08%) on the next $600 million of net assets; and

6 basis points (0.06%) on net assets greater than $1 billion.


Transfer agency fees for the Funds are combined with the Fund Accounting and Fund Administration fees under the Trust’s agreement with GFS.


Therefore, there is no separate base annual fee per Fund or share class.


The Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth, Timothy Plan International, Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Growth, Timothy Plan Small Cap Value, Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Value, Timothy Plan Fixed Income, Timothy Plan High Yield Bond, Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies, Timothy Plan Israel Common Values and Timothy Plan Growth & Income Funds have adopted shareholder services plans (the “Plans”) pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. The Plans provide that the Funds will pay TPL or others for expenses that relate to the promotion or distribution of shares. Under the Class A Plan, the Funds will pay TPL a fee at an annual rate of 0.25%, payable monthly, of the average daily net assets attributable



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


to such class of shares. Under the Class C Plan, the Funds will pay TPL a fee at an annual rate of 1.00%, payable monthly, of which, 0.25% may be a service fee and 0.75% may be payable to outside broker/dealers, of the average daily net assets attributable to such class of shares. Class I shares are not subject to the shareholder services plan.


The Timothy Plan Conservative Growth and Timothy Plan Strategic Growth Funds have adopted shareholder services plans (the “Plans”) pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. The Plans provide that the Funds will pay TPL or others for expenses that relate to the promotion or distribution of shares. Class A shares of the Funds do not impose a service fee. Under the Class C Plan, the Funds will pay TPL a fee at an annual rate of 0.75%, payable monthly to outside broker/dealers, of the average daily net assets attributable to such class of shares.


For the year ended September 30, 2021, the Funds paid TPL under the terms of the Plans as follows:


Fund  12b-1 Fees 
   Year Ended 
   September 30, 2021 
Aggressive Growth  $113,017 
International   164,909 
Large/Mid Cap Growth   312,309 
Small Cap Value   317,202 
Large/Mid Cap Value   524,689 
Fixed Income   334,307 
High Yield Bond   162,378 
Israel Common Values   228,857 
Defensive Strategies   115,807 
Strategic Growth   21,506 
Conservative Growth   40,744 
Growth & Income   54,149 


TPL also serves as the principal underwriter of the Funds’ shares. An officer and trustees of the Funds are also officers of the principal underwriter. For the year ended September 30, 2021, TPL received sales charges deducted from the proceeds of sales of Class A capital shares and CDSC fees deducted from the redemption of Class C capital shares as follows:


   Sales Charges   CDSC Fees 
Fund  (Class A)   (Class C) 
Aggressive Growth  $22,827   $942 
International   26,508    172 
Large/Mid Cap Growth   55,088    904 
Small Cap Value   26,209    783 
Large/Mid Cap Value   58,183    2,570 
Fixed Income   41,157    3,998 
High Yield Bond   32,174    1,376 
Israel Common Values   26,517    1,820 
Defensive Strategies   32,097    442 
Strategic Growth   12,338    475 
Conservative Growth   16,748    989 
Growth & Income   6,209    440 


Note 5 | Control Ownership


The beneficial ownership, either directly or indirectly, of more than 25% of the voting securities of a Fund creates the presumption of control of the Fund under Section 2(a) 9 of the Investment Company Act of 1940. At September 30, 2021, there were no shareholders with ownership, either directly or indirectly, of more than 25% of the voting securities of a Fund.


Certain Timothy Plan Funds own shares of other Timothy Plan Funds. U.S. Bank, N.A., custodian of the Timothy Plan Funds, holds these shares in omnibus accounts, some of which are controlled by National Financial Services, Inc. The following shows the percentage of each Timothy Plan Fund that is held by U.S. Bank, N.A., as custodian of the Timothy Plan Funds. These accounts can be considered affiliated to the Timothy Plan.


   % of Fund Owned by Other Timothy
Fund - Class A  Plan Funds
International  16.15%
Fixed Income  38.59%
High Yield Bond  10.42%
Defensive Strategies  19.90%


Note 6 | Underlying Investment in Other Investment Companies


The Conservative Growth Fund currently seeks to achieve its investment objectives by investing a portion of its assets in the Timothy Plan Fixed Income Fund (the “Security”). The Fund may redeem its investments from the Security at any time if the Advisor determines that it is in the best interest of the Fund and its shareholders to do so.



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


The performance of the Fund will be directly affected by the performance of the Security. The annual report of the Security, along with the report of the independent registered public accounting firm is included in the Security’s N-CSRs available at www.sec.gov. As of September 30, 2021, 40.8% of the Conservative Growth Fund’s net assets were invested in the Timothy Plan Fixed Income Fund.


The Growth & Income Fund currently seeks to achieve its investment objectives by investing a portion of its assets in the Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF (the “ETF”). The Fund may redeem its investments from the ETF at any time if the Advisor determines that it is in the best interest of the Fund and its shareholders to do so.


The performance of the Fund will be directly affected by the performance of the ETF. The annual report of the ETF, along with the report of the independent registered public accounting firm is included in the Security’s N-CSRs available at www.sec.gov. As of September 30, 2021, 51.8% of the Growth & Income Fund’s net assets were invested in the Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF.


Note 7 | Investments in Affiliated Companies


The Funds’ transactions with affiliates represent holdings for which the respective Fund and the underlying investee fund have the same investment advisor or where the investee fund’s investment advisor is under common control with the Fund’s investment advisor.


The Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund, Small Cap Value Fund, Large/Mid Cap Value Fund, Strategic Growth Fund, Conservative Growth Fund and Growth & Income Fund had the following transactions during the year ended September 30, 2021, with affiliates:


Large/Mid Cap Growth  Year Ended September 30, 2021 
                       Net Change in     
   Balance               Amount of Gain   Unrealized   Fair Value 
   September 30,           Dividends Credited   (Loss) Realized on   Appreciation   September 30, 
Fund  2020   Purchases   Sales   to Income   Sale of Shares   (Depreciation)   2021 
Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core Enhanced ETF  $   $1,962,975   $   $938   $   $(76,999)  $1,885,976 
Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core ETF   19,306,656        1,988,471    177,963    608,796    5,225,792    23,152,773 
Total  $19,306,656           $178,901   $608,796   $5,148,793   $25,038,749 
Small Cap Value  Year Ended September 30, 2021 
                       Net Change in     
   Balance               Amount of Gain   Unrealized   Fair Value 
   September 30,           Dividends Credited   (Loss) Realized on   Appreciation   September 30, 
Fund  2020   Purchases   Sales   to Income   Sale of Shares   (Depreciation)   2021 
Timothy Plan US Small Cap Core ETF  $12,330,394   $   $   $230,391   $   $6,843,594   $19,173,988 
Large/Mid Cap Value  Year Ended September 30, 2021 
                       Net Change in     
   Balance               Amount of Gain   Unrealized   Fair Value 
   September 30,           Dividends Credited   (Loss) Realized on   Appreciation   September 30, 
Fund  2020   Purchases   Sales   to Income   Sale of Shares   (Depreciation)   2021 
Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF  $   $840,677   $   $1,172   $   $(37,734)  $802,943 
Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF   21,086,308        843,658    590,996    156,571    5,750,940    26,150,161 
Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core Enhanced ETF       1,961,434        953        (75,458)   1,885,976 
Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core ETF   24,669,616        1,986,920    227,886    607,245    6,826,072    30,116,013 
Total  $45,755,924           $821,007   $763,816   $12,463,820   $58,955,093 
Strategic Growth  Year Ended September 30, 2021 
                       Net Change in     
   Balance           Dividends   Amount of Gain   Unrealized   Fair Value 
   September 30,           Credited   (Loss) Realized on   Appreciation   September 30, 
Fund  2020   Purchases   Sales   to Income   Sale of Shares*   (Depreciation)   2021 
International  $2,462,011   $1,281,273   $403,240   $   $106,663   $579,431   $4,026,138 
Fixed Income   6,916,817    1,374,536    252,483    88,152    14,214    (271,626)   7,781,458 
High Yield Bond   1,916,780    250,659    186,106    84,125    15,857    122,184    2,119,374 
Defensive Strategies   2,442,481    144,096    71,406        16,102    352,848    2,884,121 
Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF       1,252,524        1,732        (57,843)   1,194,681 
Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF   3,679,400        2,970,104    82,650    468,446    610,519    1,788,261 
Timothy Plan International ETF   8,078,257    143,988    554,514    191,701    53,820    1,435,956    9,157,507 
Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core Enhanced ETF       3,258,731    129,799    1,502    3,974    (125,141)   3,007,765 
Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core ETF   6,011,047        4,061,756    48,874    1,247,150    597,445    3,793,886 
Timothy Plan US Small Cap Core ETF   2,477,367    593,239    628,598    42,683    72,073    1,182,895    3,696,976 
Total  $33,984,160           $541,419   $1,998,299   $4,426,668   $39,450,167 



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


Conservative Growth  Year Ended September 30, 2021 
                       Net Change in     
   Balance           Dividends   Amount of Gain   Unrealized   Fair Value 
   September 30,           Credited to   (Loss) Realized on   Appreciation   September 30, 
Fund  2020   Purchases   Sales   Income   Sale of Shares*   (Depreciation)   2021 
International  $2,100,853   $1,119,300   $476,707   $   $118,633   $464,287   $3,326,366 
Fixed Income   18,136,503    3,644,575        233,484        (663,382)   21,117,696 
High Yield Bond   2,544,601    249,678    13,091    114,494    2,126    179,813    2,963,127 
Defensive Strategies   2,778,571    43,928    96,395        22,035    394,276    3,142,415 
Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF       795,929        1,100        (36,783)   759,146 
Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF   3,498,998        3,493,690    68,992    512,922    495,898    1,014,128 
Timothy Plan International ETF   6,528,482    172,785    823,281    152,175    95,672    1,110,896    7,084,554 
Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core Enhanced ETF       3,211,110    44,174    1,521    1,394    (123,825)   3,044,505 
Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap Core ETF   6,570,189        4,500,629    52,696    1,353,659    640,563    4,063,782 
Timothy Plan US Small Cap Core ETF   2,347,515    873,380    748,083    41,207    100,847    1,080,077    3,653,736 
Total  $44,505,712           $665,669   $2,207,288   $3,541,820   $50,169,455 
Growth & Income  Year Months Ended September 30, 2021 
                       Net Change in     
   Balance               Amount of Gain   Unrealized   Fair Value 
   September 30,           Dividends Credited   (Loss) Realized on   Appreciation   September 30, 
Fund  2020   Purchases   Sales   to Income   Sale of Shares   (Depreciation)   2021 
Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF  $   $2,531,500   $   $3,899   $   $(98,340)  $2,433,160 
Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF   10,611,914        4,113,453    268,925    590,568    2,345,539    9,434,568 
Total  $10,611,914           $272,824   $590,568   $2,247,199   $11,867,728 


Note 8 | Aggregate Unrealized Appreciation and Depreciation


The identified cost of investments in securities owned by each Fund for federal income tax purposes, and their respective gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation at September 30, 2021, were as follows:


               Net Unrealized 
       Gross Unrealized   Gross Unrealized   Appreciation/ 
Fund  Tax Cost   Appreciation   Depreciation   (Depreciation) 
Aggressive Growth  $37,720,014   $16,066,437   $(849,170)  $15,217,267 
International   99,249,652    39,006,193    (1,870,381)   37,135,812 
Large/Mid Cap Growth   87,609,853    48,635,265    (1,618,936)   47,016,329 
Small Cap Value   143,191,853    30,644,886    (4,580,680)   26,064,206 
Large/Mid Cap Value   190,463,087    65,170,094    (1,976,101)   63,193,993 
Fixed Income   125,451,681    2,630,272    (682,503)   1,947,769 
High Yield Bond   132,213,574    4,844,971    (751,311)   4,093,660 
Israel Common Values   65,040,809    53,532,478    (3,064,131)   50,468,347 
Defensive Strategies   50,757,621    9,395,506    (1,796,373)   7,599,133 
Strategic Growth   35,830,915    5,168,742    (229,087)   4,939,655 
Conservative Growth   46,878,682    5,081,945    (253,737)   4,828,208 
Growth & Income   16,651,390    1,716,052    (139,042)   1,577,010 


Note 9 | Distributions to Shareholders and Tax Components of Capital


The tax character of distributions paid during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2021 and the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020 were as follows:


   Aggressive Growth   International *   Large/Mid Cap Growth   Small Cap Value 
Year ended September 30, 2021 
Ordinary Income  $   $322,810   $   $381,400 
Long-term Capital Gains   2,250,728        1,972,013     
   $2,250,728   $322,810   $1,972,013   $381,400 
Year ended September 30, 2020 
Ordinary Income  $   $719,040   $   $401,399 
Long-term Capital Gains           3,719,674    5,136,073 
Return of Capital       426         
   $   $719,466   $3,719,674   $5,537,472 



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


   Large/Mid Cap Value   Fixed Income   High Yield Bond   Israel Common Values*   Defensive Strategies 
Year ended September 30, 2021 
Ordinary Income  $4,829,716   $1,398,718   $4,521,889   $   $ 
Long-term Capital Gains   2,241,234                 
   $7,070,950   $1,398,718   $4,521,889   $   $ 
Year ended September 30, 2020 
Ordinary Income  $980,213   $1,408,178   $3,368,743   $876,698   $538,485 
Long-term Capital Gains   23,456,393            3,222    586,619 
Return of Capital               18,224    4,811 
   $24,436,606   $1,408,178   $3,368,743   $898,144   $1,129,915 
   Strategic Growth   Conservative Growth   Growth & Income Fund         
Year ended September 30, 2021 
Ordinary Income  $78,822   $173,742   $137,308           
Long-term Capital Gains   1,207,004    1,068,245    4,742           
   $1,285,826   $1,241,987   $142,050           
Year ended September 30, 2020 
Ordinary Income  $   $96,249   $186,187           
Long-term Capital Gains   1,336,492    1,589,656               
Return of Capital           1,620           
   $1,336,492   $1,685,905   $187,807           


*The difference between ordinary distributions paid from book and ordinary distributions paid from tax relates to allowable foreign tax credits of $322,810 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2021 for the International Fund, and $101,802 for fiscal year ended September 30, 2020 for Israel Common Values Fund, which has been passed through to the Funds’ underlying shareholders and are deemed dividends for tax purposes. Strategic Growth Fund had $21,486 of foreign taxes paid and Conservative Growth Fund had $17,056 included with distributions as well.


As of September 30, 2021, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis were as follows:


   Aggressive Growth   International   Large/Mid Cap   Small Cap Value 
   Fund   Fund   Growth Fund   Fund 
Undistributed Ordinary Income  $140,857   $780,414   $   $10,878,081 
Long-Term Capital Gains   3,312,762        8,186,840    3,320,891 
Capital Loss Carry Forward       (161,975)        
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)   15,217,267    37,135,799    47,016,324    26,064,206 
   $18,670,886   $37,754,238   $55,203,164   $40,263,178 
   Large/Mid Cap   Fixed Income   High Yield Bond   Israel Common 
   Value Fund   Fund   Fund   Values Fund 
Undistributed Ordinary Income  $104,458   $14,609   $401,161   $ 
Long-Term Capital Gains   11,134,625             
Capital Loss Carry Forward       (1,097,003)       (900,215)
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)   63,193,993    1,947,769    4,093,660    50,468,141 
   $74,433,076   $865,375   $4,494,821   $49,567,926 
   Defensive   Strategic Growth   Conservative   Growth & Income 
   Strategies Fund   Fund   Growth Fund   Fund 
Undistributed Ordinary Income  $338,983   $90,570   $67,682   $ 
Long-Term Capital Gains       1,827,872    1,998,744    75,004 
Capital Loss Carry Forward   (153,204)            
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)   7,599,169    4,939,655    4,828,208    1,577,010 
   $7,784,948   $6,858,097   $6,894,634   $1,652,014 


The difference between book basis and tax basis unrealized appreciation (depreciation), undistributed net investment income (loss) and accumulated net realized gain (loss) from investments are primarily attributable to the tax deferral of losses on wash sales, mark-to-market on passive foreign investment companies, and adjustments for C-Corporation return of capital distributions and perpetual bonds. The unrealized appreciation (depreciation) in the table above includes unrealized foreign currency gains (losses) of $(13), $36, $(5), $(206) for the International, Defensive Strategies, Large-Mid Cap Growth, and Israel Common Values Funds, respectively.



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


Note 10 | Capital Loss Carryforwards, Post October and Other Losses


At September 30, 2021, the Funds had capital loss carry forwards for federal income tax purposes available to offset future capital gains, and utilized capital loss carryforwards as follows:


   Capital Loss Carry Forward 
Fund  Short-Term   Long-Term   Total   Utilized 
International Fund  $161,975   $   $161,975   $3,794,230 
Small Cap Value Fund               5,073,326 
Fixed Income Fund   1,097,003        1,097,003    138,088 
High Yield Bond Fund               1,097,080 
Israel Common Values Fund   900,215        900,215     
Defensive Strategies Fund       153,204    153,204    1,302,749 
Growth & Income Fund               421,773 


To the extent these loss carryforwards are used to offset future capital gains, it is probable that the amount, which is offset, will not be distributed to shareholders.




In March 2020, FASB issued ASU 2020-04, Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848): Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting (’‘ASU 2020-04’’). The amendments in ASU 2020-04 provide optional temporary financial reporting relief from the effect of certain types of contract modifications due to the planned discontinuation of LIBOR and other interbank-offered based reference rates as of the end of 2021. ASU 2020-04 is effective for certain reference rate-related contract modifications that occur during the period March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. Management is currently evaluating the impact, if any of applying this ASU.




Subsequent events after the date of the Statement of Assets and Liabilities have been evaluated through the date the financial issues were issued.

Management has determined that no events or transactions occurred requiring adjustment or disclosure in the financial statements.


Note 13 | TAX INFORMATION (Unaudited)


The Strategic Growth and Conservative Growth Funds designate the following for federal income tax purposes for the year ended September 30, 2021:


   Foreign Taxes paid   Foreign Source Income 
Strategic Growth Fund  $21,486   $191,414 
Conservative Growth Fund   17,056    151,947 



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


Board Annual Approval/Renewals of Advisory and Sub-Advisory Agreements (Unaudited)


Timothy Partners, Ltd; Investment Advisor to all Funds.


The continuance of the Investment Advisory Agreement (the “IA Agreement”) on behalf of each series of the Trust between the Trust and Timothy Partners, Ltd. (“TPL”) was last approved by the Board of Trustees (“the Board”), including a majority of the trustees who are not interested persons of the Trust or any person who is a party to the Agreement, at a meeting held on February 25-26, 2021. A description of the factors considered by the Board in renewing the IA Agreement are set forth below.


The Trustees, including the Independent Trustees, noted with approval the Advisor’s experience and consistency in incorporating and implementing the unique, Biblically-based management style that is a stated objective of all the Funds, as set forth in the Funds’ prospectus.


The Board also received and reviewed a description of TPL’s business and any personnel changes, a description of the compensation received by TPL from the Funds, information relating to the Advisor’s compliance and operational policies and procedures. In addition, the Board requested and received financial statements of TPL for its fiscal year ended December 31, 2020, and noted that updated financial statements were provided at each Board Meeting.


The Board also received a report from TPL relating to the fees charged by TPL, both as an aggregate and in relation to fees charged by other advisors to similar funds. The materials prepared by TPL were provided to the Board in advance of the meeting.


The Board considered the fees charged by TPL in light of the services provided to the Funds by TPL, the unique nature of the Funds and their moral screening requirements, which TPL maintains, and TPL’s role as a manager of managers. After full and careful consideration, the Board, with the independent trustees separately concurring, agreed that the fees charged by TPL were fair and reasonable in light of the services provided to the Funds.


The Board also discussed the nature, extent, and quality of TPL’s services to the Funds. In particular, the Board noted with approval TPL’s commitment to maintaining certain targeted expense ratios for the Funds, its efforts in providing comprehensive and consistent moral screens to the investment managers, its efforts in maintaining appropriate oversight of the investment managers to each Fund, and its efforts to maintain ongoing regulatory compliance for the Funds.


The Board also discussed TPL’s current fee structure and whether such structure would allow the Funds to realize economies of scale as they grow. The Board noted with approval that TPL was voluntarily waiving a portion of its fees for certain Funds in order to lower overall expenses. The Board next considered the investment performance of each Fund and the Advisor’s performance in monitoring the investment managers of the underlying funds. The Board generally approved of each Fund’s performance, noting that the Funds invested in a manner that did not rely exclusively on investment performance.


Further, the Board noted with approval that the investment managers of each Fund did not succumb to “style drift” in their management of each Fund’s assets and that each Fund was committed to maintain its investment mandate, even if that meant underperformance during periods when that style was out of favor. The Board noted with approval the Advisor’s ongoing efforts to maintain such consistent investment discipline. The Board also noted with approval that the Advisor’s business was devoted exclusively to serving the Funds, and that the Advisor did not realize any ancillary benefits or profits deriving from its relationship with the Funds. The Board further noted with approval the Advisor’s past activities on monitoring the performance of the underlying Funds’ various investment managers and the promptness and efficiency with which problems were brought to the Board’s attention and responsible remedies offered and executed. After careful discussion and consideration, the Board, including the separate concurrence of the independent Trustees, unanimously cast an affirmative vote and determined that the renewal of the IA Agreement for another one-year period would be in the best interests of the Funds’ shareholders. In approving the renewal of the IA Agreement for an additional one-year period, the Board did not place specific emphasis on any one factor discussed above, but considered all factors in equal light. Further, the Board had available and availed itself of the assistance of legal counsel at all times during its consideration of the IA Agreement renewal.


Westwood Management Corporation; Sub-Advisor to the Large/Mid Cap Value and the Small Cap Value Funds.


The Sub-Advisory Agreement between the Trust, TPL, and Westwood Management Corporation (“Westwood”), on behalf of the Timothy Plan Small Cap Value and Large/Mid Cap Value Funds, was last renewed by the Board at a meeting held for that purpose, among others, on February 26, 2021. The Board considered the following factors in arriving at its conclusions to renew the Westwood Sub-Advisory Agreement for an additional year. First, the Board considered the fees charged by Westwood in light of the services provided by Westwood. After full and careful consideration, the Board, with the independent trustees separately concurring, agreed that the fees charged by Westwood and paid out of the fees received by TPL were fair and reasonable in light of the services provided by Westwood. Next, the Board discussed the nature, extent, and quality of Westwood’s services to each Fund, including the investment performance of the Funds under Westwood’s investment management. The Board generally approved of Westwood’s performance, noting that the Funds managed by Westwood invested in a manner that did not rely exclusively on investment performance. Further, the Board noted with approval that Westwood did not succumb to “style drift” in its management of each Fund’s assets and that Westwood was committed to maintain its investment mandate, even if that meant underperformance during periods when that style was out of favor. The Board noted with approval Westwood’s ongoing efforts to maintain such consistent investment discipline. Next, the Board considered whether Westwood’s current fee structure would allow the Funds to realize economies of scale as they grow. The Board decided that this particular factor was moot with respect to the Westwood Sub-Advisory Agreement because Westwood was paid out of the fees paid to TPL. After careful discussion and consideration, the Board, including the independent Trustees separately concurring, unanimously determined that the renewal of the Westwood Sub-Advisory Agreement for another one-year period would be in the best interests of the Fund’s shareholders. In approving the renewal of the Westwood Sub- Advisory Agreement for an additional one-year period, the Board did not place specific emphasis on any one factor discussed above but considered all



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


factors in equal light. Further, the Board had available and availed itself of the assistance of legal counsel at all times during its consideration of the Westwood Sub-Advisory Agreement renewal.


Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss; Sub-Advisor for the Fixed Income, High Yield Bond, and Defensive Strategies TIPS sleeve.


The Sub-Advisory Agreement between the Trust, TPL and Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss (“BHM&S”), on behalf of the Timothy Plan Fixed Income, High Yield Bond and Defensive Strategies TIPS sleeve Funds, was last renewed by the Board at a meeting held for that purpose, among others, on February 26, 2021. The Board considered the following factors in arriving at its conclusions to renew the BHM&S Sub-Advisory Agreement for an additional year. First, the Board considered the fees charged by BHM&S in light of the services provided by BHM&S to other similar clients. After full and careful consideration, the Board, with the independent trustees separately concurring, agreed that the fees charged by BHM&S and paid out of the fees received by TPL were fair and reasonable in light of the services provided by BHM&S. In reaching that determination, the Board relied on reports describing the fees paid to BHM&S. Next, the Board discussed the nature, extent, and quality of BHM&S’s services to each Fund, including the investment performance of the Funds under BHM&S’s investment management. The Board generally approved of BHM&S’s performance, noting that the Funds managed by BHM&S invested in a manner that did not rely exclusively on investment performance. Further, the Board noted with approval that BHM&S did not succumb to “style drift” in its management of each Fund’s assets and that BHM&S was committed to maintain its investment mandate, even if that meant underperformance during periods when that style was out of favor. The Board noted with approval BHM&S’s ongoing efforts to maintain such consistent investment discipline. Next, the Board considered whether BHM&S’s current fee structure would allow the Funds to realize economies of scale as they grow. The Board decided that this particular factor was moot with respect to the BHM&S Sub-Advisory Agreement because BHM&S was paid out of the fees paid to TPL. After careful discussion and consideration, the Board, including the independent Trustees separately concurring, unanimously determined that the renewal of the BHM&S Sub-Advisory Agreement for another one-year period would be in the best interests of the Funds’ shareholders. In approving the renewal of the BHM&S Sub-Advisory Agreement for an additional one-year period, the Board did not place specific emphasis on any one factor discussed above but considered all factors in equal light. Further, the Board had available and availed itself of the assistance of legal counsel at all times during its consideration of the BHM&S Sub-Advisory Agreement renewal.


Chartwell Investment Partners; Sub-Advisor to the Aggressive Growth and Large/Mid Cap Growth Funds.


The Sub-Advisory Agreement between the Trust, TPL, and Chartwell Investment Partners (“Chartwell”), on behalf of the Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth and Large/Mid Cap Growth Funds, was last renewed by the Board at a meeting held for that purpose, among others, on February 26, 2021. The Board considered the following factors in arriving at its conclusions to renew the Chartwell Sub-Advisory Agreement for an additional year. First, the Board considered the fees charged by Chartwell in light of the services provided by Chartwell. After full and careful consideration, the Board, with the independent trustees separately concurring, agreed that the fees charged by Chartwell and paid out of the fees received by TPL were fair and reasonable in light of the services provided by Chartwell. Next, the Board discussed the nature, extent, and quality of Chartwell’s services to each Fund, including the investment performance of the Funds under Chartwell’s investment management. The Board generally approved of Chartwell’s performance, noting that the Funds managed by Chartwell invested in a manner that did not rely exclusively on investment performance. Further, the Board noted with approval that Chartwell did not succumb to “style drift” in its management of each Fund’s assets and that Chartwell was committed to maintain its investment mandate, even if that meant underperformance during periods when that style was out of favor. The Board noted with approval Chartwell’s ongoing efforts to maintain such consistent investment discipline. Next, the Board considered whether Chartwell’s current fee structure would allow the Funds to realize economies of scale as they grow. The Board decided that this particular factor was moot with respect to the Chartwell Sub-Advisory Agreement because Chartwell was paid out of the fees paid to TPL. After careful discussion and consideration, the Board, including the independent Trustees separately concurring, unanimously determined that the renewal of the Chartwell Sub-Advisory Agreement for another one-year period would be in the best interests of the Funds’ shareholders. In approving the renewal of the Chartwell Sub-Advisory Agreement for an additional one-year period, the Board did not place specific emphasis on any one factor discussed above but considered all factors in equal light. Further, the Board had available and availed itself of the assistance of legal counsel at all times during its consideration of the Chartwell Sub-Advisory Agreement renewal.


CoreCommodity Management, LLC; Sub-Advisor to the Defensive Strategies Fund commodities sleeve.


The Sub-Advisory Agreement between the Trust, TPL, and CoreCommodity Management, LLC (“Core”), on behalf of the Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund commodity sleeve, was last renewed by the Board at a meeting held for that purpose, among others, on February 26, 2021. The Board considered the following factors in arriving at its conclusions to renew the Core Sub-Advisory Agreement. First, the Board considered the fees charged by Core in light of the services provided by Core. After full and careful consideration, the Board, with the independent trustees separately concurring, agreed that the fees charged by Core and paid out of the fees received by TPL were fair and reasonable in light of the services provided by Core. Next, the Board discussed the nature, extent, and quality of Core’s services to the Fund, including the investment performance of the Fund under Core’s investment management. The Board generally approved of Core’s performance, noting that the Fund managed by Core invested in a manner that did not rely exclusively on investment performance. Further, the Board noted with approval that Core did not succumb to “style drift” in its management of the Fund’s assets and that Core was committed to maintain its investment mandate, even if that meant underperformance during periods when that style was out of favor. The Board noted with approval Core’s ongoing efforts to maintain such consistent investment discipline. Next, the Board considered whether Core’s current fee structure would allow the Fund to realize economies of scale as it grows. The Board decided that this particular factor was moot with respect to the Core Sub-Advisory Agreement because Core was paid out of the fees paid to TPL. After careful discussion and consideration, the Board, including the independent Trustees separately concurring, unanimously determined that the renewal of the Core Sub- Advisory Agreement would be in the best interests of the Fund’s shareholders. In approving the renewal of the Core Sub-Advisory Agreement, the Board did not place specific emphasis on any one factor discussed above but considered all factors in equal light. Further, the Board had available and availed itself of the assistance of legal counsel at all times during its consideration of the Core Sub-Advisory Agreement renewal.



Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2021 (Continued)
Timothy Plan Family of Funds


Eagle Global Advisors; Sub-Advisor to the International Fund and Israel Common Values Fund.


The Sub-Advisory Agreement between the Trust, TPL, and Eagle Global Advisors (“Eagle”), on behalf of the Timothy Plan International Fund and Israel Common Values Fund, was last renewed by the Board at a meeting held for that purpose, among others, on February 26, 2021. The Board considered the following factors in arriving at its conclusions to renew the Eagle Sub-Advisory Agreement for an additional year. First, the Board considered the fees charged by Eagle in light of the services provided by Eagle. After full and careful consideration, the Board, with the independent trustees separately concurring, agreed that the fees charged by Eagle and paid out of the fees received by TPL were fair and reasonable in light of the services provided by Eagle. Next, the Board discussed the nature, extent, and quality of Eagle’s services to the Funds, including the investment performance of the Funds under Eagle’s investment management. The Board generally approved of Eagle’s performance, noting that the Funds managed by Eagle invested in a manner that did not rely exclusively on investment performance. Further, the Board noted with approval that Eagle did not succumb to “style drift” in its management of the Funds’ assets and that Eagle was committed to maintain its investment mandate, even if that meant underperformance during periods when that style was out of favor. The Board noted with approval Eagle’s ongoing efforts to maintain such consistent investment discipline. Next, the Board considered whether Eagle’s current fee structure would allow the Funds to realize economies of scale as they grow. The Board decided that this particular factor was moot with respect to the Eagle Sub-Advisory Agreement because Eagle was paid out of the fees paid to TPL. After careful discussion and consideration, the Board, including the independent Trustees separately concurring, unanimously determined that the renewal of the Eagle Sub-Advisory Agreement for another one-year period would be in the best interests of the Funds’ shareholders. In approving the renewal of the Eagle Sub-Advisory Agreement for an additional one-year period, the Board did not place specific emphasis on any one factor discussed above but considered all factors in equal light. Further, the Board had available and availed itself of the assistance of legal counsel at all times during its consideration of the Eagle Sub-Advisory Agreement renewal.







To the Shareholders and Board of Trustees of

The Timothy Plan


Opinion on the Financial Statements


We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the schedules of investments, of Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth Fund, Timothy Plan International Fund, Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund, Timothy Plan Small Cap Value Fund, Timothy Plan Large/Mid Cap Value Fund, Timothy Plan Fixed Income Fund, Timothy Plan High Yield Bond Fund, Timothy Plan Israel Common Values Fund, Timothy Plan Defensive Strategies Fund, Timothy Plan Strategic Growth Fund, Timothy Plan Conservative Growth Fund, and Timothy Plan Growth & Income Fund (the “Funds”), twelve of the portfolios constituting The Timothy Plan, as of September 30, 2021, the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Funds as of September 30, 2021, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Basis for Opinion


These financial statements are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Funds’ financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (“PCAOB”) and are required to be independent with respect to the Funds in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.


We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement whether due to error or fraud.


Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of September 30, 2021, including observation of precious metals, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies advised by Timothy Partners, Ltd., since 2005.





Cleveland, Ohio

November 24, 2021



800.229.1099 | 866.818.4538 fax | cohencpa.com


Registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board



Expense Examples – (Unaudited)
September 30, 2021


As a shareholder of a Fund, you incur two types of costs: direct costs, such as wire fees and low balance fees; and indirect costs, including management fees, and other Fund operating expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your indirect costs, also referred to as “ongoing costs”, (in dollars) of investing in each Fund, and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.


This example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire six-month period of April 1, 2021, through September 30, 2021.


Actual Expenses


The first line of the following tables provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested at the beginning of the period, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.


Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes


The second line of the tables provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on each Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare ongoing costs of investing in each Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of other funds.


Please note that the expenses shown in the tables are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any direct costs, such as wire fees or low balance fees. Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these direct costs were included, your costs would be higher.




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,089.60  $7.96
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,017.45  $7.69
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,085.40  $11.87
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,013.69  $11.46
Actual - Class I *  $1,000.00  $1,090.00  $6.65
Hypothetical - Class I **  $1,000.00  $1,018.70  $6.43


*Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.52% for Class A, 2.27% for Class C and 1.27% for Class I, which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The Aggressive Growth Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 8.96% for Class A, 8.54% for Class C and 9.00% for Class I for the period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.



Expense Examples – (Unaudited)(Continued)
September 30, 2021




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,034.60  $8.06
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,017.15  $7.99
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,030.90  $11.86
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,013.39  $11.76
Actual - Class I *  $1,000.00  $1,035.30  $6.79
Hypothetical - Class I **  $1,000.00  $1,018.40  $6.73


*Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.58% for Class A, 2.33% for Class C and 1.33% for Class I, which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The International Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 3.46% for Class A, 3.09% for Class C, and 3.53% for Class I for the period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,107.10  $6.92
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,018.50  $6.63
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,102.50  $10.86
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,014.74  $10.40
Actual - Class I *  $1,000.00  $1,108.90  $5.60
Hypothetical - Class I **  $1,000.00  $1,019.75  $5.37


*Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.31% for Class A, 2.06% for Class C and 1.06% for Class I, which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 10.71% for Class A, 10.25% for Class C, and 10.89% for Class I for the period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,023.00  $6.74
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,018.40  $6.73
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,018.70  $10.53
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,014.64  $10.50
Actual - Class I *  $1,000.00  $1,024.30  $5.48
Hypothetical - Class I **  $1,000.00  $1,019.65  $5.47


*Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.33% for Class A, 2.08% for Class C and 1.08% for Class I, which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 2.30% for Class A, 1.87% for Class C, and 2.43% for Class I for the period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.



Expense Examples – (Unaudited)(Continued)
September 30, 2021




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,061.60  $6.82
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,018.45  $6.68
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,057.00  $10.67
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,014.69  $10.45
Actual - Class I *  $1,000.00  $1,062.90  $5.53
Hypothetical - Class I **  $1,000.00  $1,019.70  $5.42


*Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.32% for Class A, 2.07% for Class C, and 1.07% for Class I which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The Large/Mid Cap Value Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 6.16% for Class A, 5.70% for Class C, and 6.29% for Class I for the period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,005.00  $4.67
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,020.41  $4.71
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,000.60  $8.43
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,016.65  $8.49
Actual - Class I *  $1,000.00  $1,005.30  $3.42
Hypothetical - Class I **  $1,000.00  $1,021.66  $3.45


*Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 0.93% for Class A, 1.68% for Class C, and 0.68% for Class I which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The Fixed Income Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 0.50% for Class A, 0.06% for Class C, and 0.53% for Class I for the period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,033.10  $4.89
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,020.26  $4.86
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,029.70  $8.70
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,016.50  $8.64
Actual - Class I *  $1,000.00  $1,034.30  $3.62
Hypothetical - Class I **  $1,000.00  $1,021.51  $3.60


**Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 0.96% for Class A, 1.71% for Class C, and 0.71% for Class I which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The High Yield Bond Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 3.31% for Class A, 2.97% for Class C, and 3.43% for Class I for the period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.



Expense Examples – (Unaudited)(Continued)
September 30, 2021




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,050.50  $6.63
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,018.60  $6.53
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,046.80  $10.47
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,014.84  $10.30
Actual - Class I *  $1,000.00  $1,052.00  $5.35
Hypothetical - Class I **  $1,000.00  $1,019.85  $5.27


*Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.29% for Class A, 2.04% for Class C and 1.04% for Class I, which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The Defensive Strategies Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 5.05% for Class A, 4.68% for Class C and 5.20% for Class I for the period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,027.30  $4.83
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,020.31  $4.81
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,023.70  $8.62
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,016.55  $8.59


*Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 0.95% for Class A and 1.70% for Class C, which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The Strategic Growth Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 2.73% for Class A and 2.37% for Class C for the six-month period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,020.10  $5.17
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,019.95  $5.16
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,016.80  $8.95
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,016.19  $8.95


*Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.02% for Class A and 1.77% for Class C, which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The Conservative Growth Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 2.01% for Class A and 1.68% for Class C for the six-month period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.



Expense Examples – (Unaudited)(Continued)
September 30, 2021




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,158.50  $8.55
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,017.15  $7.99
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,153.50  $12.58
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,013.39  $11.76
Actual - Class I *  $1,000.00  $1,159.90  $7.20
Hypothetical - Class I **  $1,000.00  $1,018.40  $6.73


*Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.58% for Class A, 2.33% for Class C and 1.33% for Class I, which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The Israel Common Values Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 15.85% for Class A, 15.35% for Class C and 15.99% for Class I for the period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.




   Beginning Account  Ending Account  Expenses Paid
   Value  Value  During Period
         4/1/2021 through
   4/1/2021  9/30/2021  9/30/2021
Actual - Class A *  $1,000.00  $1,012.70  $7.32
Hypothetical - Class A **  $1,000.00  $1,017.80  $7.33
Actual - Class C *  $1,000.00  $1,008.40  $11.08
Hypothetical - Class C **  $1,000.00  $1,014.04  $11.11
Actual - Class I ***  $1,000.00  $1,013.00  $6.06
Hypothetical - Class I **  $1,000.00  $1,019.05  $6.07


*Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.45% for Class A, 2.20% for Class C and 1.20% for Class I, which is net of any expenses paid indirectly, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days/365 days (to reflect the partial year period). The Growth & Income Fund’s ending account value on the first line of each share class in the table is based on its actual total return of 1.27% for Class A, 0.84% for Class C and 1.30% for Class I for the period of April 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.


**Assumes a 5% return before expenses.



Officers and Trustees of the Trust (Unaudited)


The Trustees and principal executive officers of the Trust and their principal occupations for the past five years are listed as follows:




Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Arthur D. Ally*
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1942
Trustee, Chairman, President, and Treasurer Indefinite; Trustee and President since 1994 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
President and controlling shareholder of Covenant Funds, Inc. (“CFI”), a holding company. President and general partner of Timothy Partners, Ltd. (“TPL”), the investment Advisor and principal underwriter to each Fund. CFI is also the managing general partner of TPL. None


Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Joseph E. Boatwright**
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1930
Trustee Emeritus and Secretary Indefinite; Trustee and Secretary since 1995, Trustee Emeritus as of 2020 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
Retired Minister. Currently serves as a consultant to the Greater Orlando Baptist Association. Served as Senior Pastor to Aloma Baptist Church from 1970-1996. None


Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Mathew D. Staver**
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1956
Trustee Indefinite; Trustee since 2000 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
Attorney specializing in free speech, appellate practice and religious liberty constitutional law. Founder of Liberty Counsel, a religious civil liberties education and legal defense organization. Host of two radio programs devoted to religious freedom issues. Editor of a monthly newsletter devoted to religious liberty topics. Mr. Staver has argued before the United States Supreme Court and has published numerous legal articles. None


*Mr. Ally is an “interested” Trustee, as that term is defined in the 1940 Act, because of his positions with and financial interests in CFI and TPL.


**Messrs. Boatwright and Staver are “interested” Trustees, as that term is defined in the 1940 Act, because each has a limited partnership interest in TPL.



Officers and Trustees of the Trust (Unaudited)




Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Richard W. Copeland
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1947
Trustee Indefinite; Trustee since 2005 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
Retired. Associate Professor Stetson University for the past 40 years. Retired Principal of Copeland & Covert, Attorneys at Law; specializing in tax and estate planning. B.A. from Mississippi College, JD from University of Florida and LLM Taxation from University of Miami. None


Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Deborah Honeycutt
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1947
Trustee Indefinite; Trustee since 2010 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
Dr. Honeycutt is a licensed physician currently serving as Medical Director of Clayton State University Health Services in Morrow, GA, CEO of Minority Health Services in Atlanta, and as a volunteer at Good Shepherd Clinic. Dr. Honeycutt received her B.A. and M.D. at the University of Illinois. None


Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Bill Johnson
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1946
Trustee Indefinite; Trustee since 2005 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
President (and Founder) of American Decency Association, Freemont, MI since 1999. Previously served as Michigan State Director for American Family Association (1987-1999). Previously a public school teacher for 18 years. B.S. from Michigan State University and a Masters of Religious Education from Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary. None



Officers and Trustees of the Trust (Unaudited)


Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
John C. Mulder
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1950
Trustee Indefinite; Trustee since 2005 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
President of WaterStone (formerly the Christian Community Foundation and National Foundation) since 2001. Prior: 22 years of executive experience for a group of banks and a trust company. B.A. in Economics from Wheaton College and MBA from University of Chicago. None


Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Scott Preissler, Ph.D.
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1960
Trustee Indefinite; Trustee since 2004 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
Scott Preissler, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of The National Center for Stewardship& Generosity. He is a former professor and past President and CEO of The Christian Stewardship Association (CSA) and Southern Baptist state headquarters in Texas and Georgia None


Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Alan M. Ross
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1951

Trustee, Vice


Indefinite; Trustee since 2004 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
Founder and CEO of Corporate Development Institute which he founded in 2000. Previously he served as President and CEO of Fellowship of Companies for Christ and has authored three books: Beyond World Class, Unconditional Excellence, Breaking Through to Prosperity. None


Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Patrice Tsague
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1973
Trustee Indefinite; Trustee since 2011 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
President and Chief Servant Officer of the Nehemiah Project International Ministries Inc. since 1999. None



Officers and Trustees of the Trust (Unaudited)


Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Abraham M. Rivera
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1969
Trustee Indefinite; Trustee since 2020 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
Pastor / President / Director, for La Puerta Life Center, Inc., a Florida corporation. 1


Name, Age and Address Position(s)
Held With Trust
Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Dale A. Bissonette
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1958
Trustee Indefinite; Trustee since 2020 18
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
President, Good Place Holdings, a Christian Centered Business Holding Company. None




Name, Address & Age Position(s)
Held with the
Length of Time
Served and Term of
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Terry Covert
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1947
Executive Officer, Vice President Officer since 2019 Indefinite Term N/A
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee

Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel

for the Advisor, Timothy Partners, Ltd.

Name, Address & Age Position(s)
Held with the
Length of Time
Served and Term of
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
Cheryl Mumbert
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1970
Executive Officer, Vice President Officer since 2019 Indefinite Term N/A
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
Chief Marketing Officer for Advisor, Timothy Partners, Ltd. N/A
Name, Address & Age Position(s)
Held with the Trust
Length of Time
Served and Term of Office
Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee
David D. Jones
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, FL
Born: 1957
Chief Compliance Officer Since 2004, Indefinite Term N/A
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years Other Directorships Held by Trustee
Co-founder and Managing Member, Drake Compliance, LLC (compliance consulting); founder and controlling shareholder, David Jones & Associates (law firm), 1998 to 2015. N/A


The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and is available free of charge, upon request, by calling toll-free at 1-800-846-7526.



Privacy Notice




WHY?   Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some, but not all information sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this Notice carefully to understand what we do.
WHAT?   The types of information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:
    ●    Social Security Number
    ●    Assets
    ●    Retirement Assets
    ●    Transaction History
    ●    Checking Account History
    ●    Purchase History
    ●    Account Balances
    ●    Account Transactions
    ●    Wire Transfer Instructions
    When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this Notice.
HOW?   All financial companies need to share your personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons The Timothy Plan chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.
Reasons we can share your personal information.     Does The Timothy Plan share?       Can you limit this sharing?  

For our everyday business purposes-

Such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus.

  Yes   No

For our marketing purposes-

to offer our products and services to you.

  No   We don’t share
For joint marketing with other financial companies   No   We don’t share

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes-

information about your transactions and experiences.

  Yes   No

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes-

information about your creditworthiness

  No   We don’t share
For non-affiliates to market to you   No   We don’t share
Questions?   Call 800-662-0201



  Page 2            


Who we are    
Who is providing this Notice?  

Timothy Plan Family of Mutual Funds

Timothy Partners, Ltd.


What we do



How does The Timothy Plan protect your

personal information?


To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.


Our service providers are held accountable for adhering to strict policies and procedures to prevent any misuse or your nonpublic personal information.

How does The Timothy Plan collect your          

personal information?

  We collect your personal information, for example, when you

  ●      Open an account

  ●      Provide account information

    ●      Give us your contact information

    ●      Make deposits or withdrawals from your account

    ●      Make a wire transfer

    ●      Tell us where to send the money

    ●      Tell us who receives the money

    ●      Show your government-issued ID

    ●      Show your driver’s license

    We also collect your personal information from other companies.
Why can’t I limit all sharing?   Federal law gives you the right to limit only:
    ●      Sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes-information about your creditworthiness.
    ●      Affiliates from using your information to market to you.
    ●      Sharing for non-affiliates to market to you
    State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing.



Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and non-financial companies.


      Timothy Partners, Ltd. is an affiliate of The Timothy Plan


Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and non-financial companies.


      The Timothy Plan does not share with non-affiliates so they can market to you.

Joint marketing  

A formal agreement between non-affiliated financial companies that together market financial products to you.


      The Timothy Plan does not jointly market.



Customer Identification Program


The Board of Trustees of the Trust has approved procedures designed to prevent and detect attempts to launder money as required under the USA PATRIOT Act. The day-to-day responsibility for monitoring and reporting any such activities has been delegated to the transfer agent, subject to the oversight and supervision of the Board.






Information regarding how the Funds voted proxies relating to Fund securities during the period ended June 30 of well as a description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies is available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-732-0330 or by referring to the Security and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) website at http://www.sec.gov.




The Trust files a complete listing of the Fund’s portfolio holdings with the SEC as of the end of the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q or as an exhibit to its reports on Form N-Q’s successor form, Form N-PORT. The filings are available free of charge, upon request, by calling the Trust toll-free at 1-800-662-0201. Furthermore, you may obtain a copy of these filings on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.



Arthur D. Ally      
Rick Copeland      
Deborah Honeycutt      
Bill Johnson      
John C. Mulder      
Scott Preissler      
Alan Ross      
Mathew D. Staver      
Patrice Tsague      
Abraham M. Rivera      
Dale A. Bissonette      
Arthur D. Ally, President      
Joseph E. Boatwright, Secretary      
Terry Covert, Vice President      
Cheryl Mumbert, Vice President      
David D. Jones, Chief Compliance Officer      
Timothy Partners, Ltd.      
1055 Maitland Center Commons      
Maitland, FL 32751      
Timothy Partners, Ltd.      
1055 Maitland Center Commons      
Maitland, FL 32751      
Ultimus Fund Solutions, LLC      
4221 N. 203rd St, Suite 100      
Elkhorn, NE 68022-3474      
Cohen & Company, Ltd.
1350 Euclid Ave., Suite 800
Cleveland, OH 44115
David D Jones, Esq.
20770 Hwy 281 N., Suite 108-619
San Antonio, TX 78258
For additional information or a prospectus, please call: 1-800-846-7526 Visit the Timothy Plan web site on the internet at: www.timothyplan.com HEADQUARTERS
The Timothy Plan
1055 Maitland Center Commons
Maitland, Florida 32751
(800) 846-7526
This report is submitted for the general information of the shareholders of the Funds. It is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors in the Funds unless preceded or accompanied by an effective Prospectus which includes details regarding the Funds’ objectives, policies, expenses and other information. Distributed by Timothy Partners, Ltd. SHAREHOLDER SERVICES
Ultimus Fund Solutions, LLC
4221 N. 203rd St, Suite 100
Elkhorn, NE 68022-3474
(800) 662-0201








(a) Include a copy of the report transmitted to stockholders pursuant to Rule 30e-1 under the Act (17 CFR 270.30e-1).

(b) Include a copy of each notice transmitted to stockholders in reliance on Rule 30e-3 under the Act (17 CFR 270.30e-3) that contains disclosures specified by paragraph (c)(3) of that rule. Not applicable


Item 2. Code of Ethics.


(a)           As of the end of the period covered by this report, the registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the registrant's principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party.


(b)           For purposes of this item, “code of ethics” means written standards that are reasonably designed to deter wrongdoing and to promote:


  (1) Honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships;
  (2) Full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that a registrant files with, or submits to, the Commission and in other public communications made by the registrant;

(3)           Compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules, and regulations;

  (4) The prompt internal reporting of violations of the code to an appropriate person or persons identified in the code; and

(5)           Accountability for adherence to the code.


(c)           Amendments:  During the period covered by the report, there have not been any amendments to the provisions of the code of ethics.


(d)           Waivers:  During the period covered by the report, the registrant has not granted any express or implicit waivers from the provisions of the code of ethics.


(e)           Posting:  We do not intend to post the Code of Ethics for the Officers or any amendments or waivers on a website.


(f)           Availability:  The Code of Ethics for the Officers can be obtained, free of charge by calling the toll free number for the appropriate Fund.


Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.


(a)           The registrant has an Audit committee currently composed of three independent Trustees, Mr. Alan Ross, Mr. John Mulder and Mr. Richard Copeland.  The registrant’s board of trustees has determined that Mr. Alan Ross is qualified to serve as an Audit Committee Financial Expert, and has designated him as such.


Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.



Audit Fees



The Timothy Plan


FY 2021

FY 2020

FY 2019

FY 2018

FY 2017

$ 158,250

$ 158,250

$ 175,500

$ 175,500

$ 175,500

FY 2016 $ 170,900
FY 2015 $ 168,900
FY 2014 $ 168,400




Audit-Related Fees


The Timothy Plan        Registrant                    Adviser

FY 2021

FY 2020

FY 2019

FY 2018

FY 2017


$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

FY 2016   $ 0 $ 0

FY 2014

  $ 0 $ 0
FY 2015 $ 0 $ 0




Nature of the fees:



Tax Fees




The Timothy Plan

FY 2021

FY 2020

FY 2019

FY 2018

FY 2017

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

FY 2016 $ 0
FY 2015 $ 0
FY 2014   $0


Nature of the fees:

preparation of the 1120 RIC



All Other Fees



The Timothy Plan

FY 2021

FY 2020

FY 2019

FY 2018

FY 2017

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

FY 2016 $ 0
FY 2015 $ 0
FY 2014 $0


(e) (1) Audit Committee’s Pre-Approval Policies


The Audit Committee Charter requires the Audit Committee to be responsible for the selection, retention or termination of auditors and, in connection therewith, to (i) evaluate the proposed fees and other compensation, if any, to be paid to the auditors, (ii) evaluate the independence of the auditors, (iii) pre-approve all audit services and, when appropriate, any non-audit services provided by the independent auditors to the Trust, (iv) pre-approve, when appropriate, any non-audit services provided by the independent auditors to the Trust's investment adviser, or any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser and that provides ongoing services to the Trust if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Trust, and (v) receive the auditors’ specific representations as to their independence;


  (2) Percentages of Services Approved by the Audit Committee





Audit-Related Fees:                       0             %

Tax Fees:                                          0             %

All Other Fees:                                0             %


(f)           During audit of registrant's financial statements for the most recent fiscal year, less than 50 percent of the hours expended on the principal accountant's engagement were attributed to work performed by persons other than the principal accountant's full-time, permanent employees.


(g)           The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant's accountant for services rendered to the registrant, and rendered to the registrant's investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant:


  Registrant Adviser


FY 2021

FY 2020

FY 2019

FY 2018

FY 2017

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0

$ 0






FY 2016 $ 0 $0
FY 2015 $ 0 $0
FY 2014 $ 0 $0


(h)           Not applicable.  The auditor performed no services for the registrant’s investment adviser or any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant.


Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Companies.  Not applicable.


Item 6.  Schedule of Investments.   Not applicable – schedule filed with Item 1.


Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Funds.  Not applicable.


Item 8.  Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.  Not applicable.


Item 9.  Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.  Not applicable.


Item 10.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

The registrant has not adopted procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant’s board of trustees.


Item 11.  Controls and Procedures.


(a)           Based on an evaluation of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures as of November 19, 2010, the disclosure controls and procedures are reasonably designed to ensure that the information required in filings on Forms N-CSR is recorded, processed, summarized, and reported on a timely basis.


(b)           There were no significant changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12. Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies. Not applicable.

Item 13.  Exhibits.


(a)(1)                      Code is filed herewith


(a)(2)                      Certifications  by the  registrant's  principal  executive  officer and principal financial officer, pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes- Oxley Act of 2002 and required by Rule  30a-2 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 are filed herewith.

(a)(3)                    Not Applicable


(b)                      Certification pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is filed herewith.








Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


(Registrant)   The Timothy Plan                                           


By /s/ Arthur D. Ally  

  Arthur D. Ally, President/Principle Executive Officer & Treasurer/Principle Financial Officer
Date 11/30/21  


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.



By /s/ Arthur D. Ally  
  Arthur D. Ally, President/Principle Executive Officer & Treasurer/Principle Financial Officer
Date 11/30/21