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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2019
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies


We are one of the nation’s largest bank-based financial services companies, providing deposit, lending, cash management, and investment services to individuals and small and medium-sized businesses through our subsidiary, KeyBank. We also provide a broad range of sophisticated corporate and investment banking products, such as merger and acquisition advice, public and private debt and equity, syndications, and derivatives to middle market companies in selected industries throughout the United States through our subsidiary, KBCM. As of December 31, 2019, KeyBank operated 1,098 full-service retail banking branches and 1,420 ATMs in 15 states, as well as additional offices, online and mobile banking capabilities, and a telephone banking call center. Additional information pertaining to our two major business segments, Consumer Bank and Commercial Bank, is included in Note 25 (“Business Segment Reporting”).

Use of Estimates

Our accounting policies conform to GAAP and prevailing practices within the financial services industry. We must make certain estimates and judgments when determining the amounts presented in our consolidated financial statements and the related notes. If these estimates prove to be inaccurate, actual results could differ from those reported.

Principles of Consolidation and Basis of Presentation

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of KeyCorp and its subsidiaries. All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. Some previously reported amounts have been reclassified to conform to current reporting practices.

The consolidated financial statements also include the accounts of any voting rights entities in which we have a controlling financial interest and certain VIEs. In accordance with the applicable accounting guidance for consolidations, we consolidate a VIE if we have the power to direct activities of the VIE that most significantly impact the entity’s economic performance and the obligation to absorb losses of the entity or the right to receive benefits from the entity that could potentially be significant to the VIE. See Note 13 (“Variable Interest Entities”) for information on our involvement with VIEs.

We use the equity method to account for unconsolidated investments in voting rights entities or VIEs if we have significant influence over the entity’s operating and financing decisions (usually defined as a voting or economic interest of 20% to 50%, but not controlling). Unconsolidated investments in voting rights entities or VIEs in which we have a voting or economic interest of less than 20% generally are carried at fair value or a cost measurement alternative.

We have considered the impact of subsequent events on these consolidated financial statements.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and due from banks are considered “cash and cash equivalents” for financial reporting purposes. We do not consider cash on deposit with the Federal Reserve to be restricted.


Loans held in portfolio, which management has the intent and ability to hold for the foreseeable future or until maturity or payoff, are carried at the principal amount outstanding, net of unearned income, including net deferred loan fees and costs and unamortized premiums and discounts. We defer certain nonrefundable loan origination and commitment fees, and the direct costs of originating or acquiring loans. The net deferred amount is amortized over the estimated lives of the related loans as an adjustment to the yield.

Sales-type leases are carried at the aggregate of the lease receivable, estimated unguaranteed residual values, and deferred initial direct fees and costs if certain criteria are met. Direct financing leases are carried at the aggregate of the lease receivable, estimated unguaranteed residual values, and deferred initial direct fees and
costs, less unearned income. Unearned income on direct financing leases is amortized over the lease terms using a method approximating the interest method that produces a constant rate of return. Deferred initial direct fees and costs for both sales-type and direct financing leases are amortized over the lease terms as an adjustment to the yield.

The residual value component of a lease represents the fair value of the leased asset at the end of the lease term. Residual values are reviewed at least annually to determine if an other-than-temporary decline in value has occurred. In the event of such a decline, the residual value is adjusted to its fair value. Impairment charges are included in the “provision for credit losses” and net gains or losses on sales of lease residuals are included in “other income” on the income statement. Additional information pertaining to the value of lease residuals is provided in Note 10 (“Leases”).

Loans Held for Sale

Loans held for sale generally include certain residential and commercial mortgage loans, other commercial loans, and student loans. Loans are initially classified as held for sale when they are individually identified as being available for immediate sale and a formal plan exists to sell them. Loans held for sale are recorded at either fair value, if elected, or the lower of cost or fair value. Fair value is determined based on available market data for similar assets. When a loan is originated as held-for-sale, origination fees and costs are deferred but not amortized. Upon sale of the loans, deferred origination fees and costs are recognized as part of the calculated gain or loss on sale. Our commercial loans (including commercial mortgage and non-mortgage loans) and student loans, which we originated and intend to sell, are carried at the lower of aggregate cost or fair value. Subsequent declines in fair value for loans held for sale are recognized as a charge to “other income” on the income statement. Consumer real estate - residential mortgages loans have been elected to be carried at fair value. Subsequent increases and decreases in fair value for loans elected to be measured at fair value are recorded to “consumer mortgage income” on the income statement. Additional information regarding fair value measurements associated with our loans held for sale is provided in Note 6 (“Fair Value Measurements”).

We may transfer certain loans to held for sale at the lower of cost or fair value. If a loan is transferred from the loan portfolio to the held-for-sale category, any write-down in the carrying amount of the loan at the date of transfer is recorded as a reduction in the ALLL. When a loan is transferred into the held for sale category, we stop amortizing the related deferred fees and costs. The remaining unamortized fees and costs are recognized as part of the cost basis of the loan at the time it is sold. We may also transfer loans from held for sale to the loan portfolio held for investment. If a loan held for sale for which fair value accounting was elected is transferred to held for investment, it will continue to be accounted for at fair value in the loan portfolio.

Nonperforming Loans

Nonperforming loans are loans for which we do not accrue interest income, and include commercial and consumer loans and leases as well as current year TDRs and nonaccruing TDR loans from prior years. Nonperforming loans do not include loans held for sale or PCI loans.

We generally classify commercial loans as nonperforming and stop accruing interest (i.e., designate the loan “nonaccrual”) when the borrower’s principal or interest payment is 90 days past due unless the loan is well-secured and in the process of collection. Commercial loans are also placed on nonaccrual status when payment is not past due but we have serious doubts about the borrower’s ability to comply with existing repayment terms. Once a loan is designated nonaccrual (and as a result assessed for impairment), the interest accrued but not collected is generally charged against the ALLL, and payments subsequently received are applied to principal. Commercial loans are typically charged off in full or charged down to the fair value of the underlying collateral when the borrower’s payment is 180 days past due.

We classify consumer loans as nonperforming and stop accruing interest when the borrower’s payment is 120 days past due, unless the loan is well-secured and in the process of collection. Any second lien home equity loan with an associated first lien that is 120 days or more past due or in foreclosure, or for which the first mortgage delinquency timeframe is unknown, is reported as a nonperforming loan. Secured loans that are discharged through Chapter 7 bankruptcy and not formally re-affirmed are designated as nonperforming and TDRs. Our charge-off policy for most consumer loans takes effect when payments are 120 days past due. Home equity and residential mortgage loans generally are charged down to net realizable value when payment is 180 days past due. Credit card loans and similar unsecured products continue to accrue interest until the account is charged off at 180 days past due.

Commercial and consumer loans may be returned to accrual status if we are reasonably assured that all contractually due principal and interest are collectible and the borrower has demonstrated a sustained period (generally six months) of repayment performance under the contracted terms of the loan and applicable regulation.

Impaired Loans

A loan is considered to be impaired when, based on current information and events, it is probable that we will be unable to collect all amounts due (both principal and interest) according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement.

All consumer TDRs, regardless of size, and all commercial TDRs and non-accrual commercial loans with an outstanding balance of $2.5 million or greater are individually evaluated for impairment and assigned a specific reserve. Commercial non-accrual loans of less than $2.5 million and all non-accrual consumer loans are aggregated and collectively evaluated for impairment. The amount of the reserve is estimated based on the criteria outlined in the “Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses” section of this note.
Purchased Loans
Purchased performing loans that do not have evidence of deterioration in credit quality at acquisition are recorded at fair value at the acquisition date. Any premium or discount associated with purchased performing loans is recognized as interest income based on the effective yield method of amortization for term loans or the straight-line method of amortization for revolving loans. Subsequent to the purchase date, the methods utilized to estimate the required ALLL for these loans is similar to originated loans; however, we record a provision for loan and lease losses only when the required ALLL exceeds any remaining purchase discount at the product level.
Purchased loans that have evidence of deterioration in credit quality since origination and for which it is probable, at acquisition, that all contractually required payments will not be collected, are deemed PCI. Revolving loans, including lines of credit and credit card loans, leases, and loans where cash flows cannot be reasonably estimated are excluded from PCI accounting. Purchased loans are initially recorded at fair value without recording an allowance for loan losses. Fair value of these loans is determined using market participant assumptions in estimating the amount and timing of both principal and interest cash flows expected to be collected, as adjusted for an estimate of future credit losses and prepayments, and then a market-based discount rate is applied to those cash flows. PCI loans that have similar risk characteristics, primarily credit risk, collateral type and interest rate risk, and are homogeneous in size, are pooled and accounted for as a single asset with a single composite interest rate and an aggregate expectation of cash flows. PCI loans that cannot be aggregated into a pool are accounted for individually.
The excess of cash flows expected to be collected, measured as of the acquisition date, over the estimated fair value is referred to as the “accretable yield” and is recognized in interest income over the remaining life of the loan or pool using the effective yield method. Accordingly, PCI loans are not subject to classification as nonaccrual (and nonperforming) in the same manner as originated loans. Rather, acquired PCI loans are considered to be accruing loans because their interest income relates to the accretable yield recognized on the individual loan or pool and not to the contractual interest payments of the loan. The difference between the contractually required principal and interest payments as of the acquisition date and the cash flows expected to be collected is referred to as the “nonaccretable difference.” The nonaccretable difference, which is not accreted into income, reflects estimated future credit losses and uncollectible contractual payments over the life of the PCI loan.
After we acquire loans determined to be PCI loans, actual cash collections are monitored to determine if they conform to management’s expectations. Revised cash flow expectations are prepared each quarter. A decrease in expected cash flows in subsequent periods may indicate impairment and would require us to establish an ALLL by recording a charge to the provision for loan and lease losses. An increase in expected cash flows in subsequent periods initially reduces any previously established ALLL by the increase in the present value of cash flows expected to be collected, and requires us to recalculate the amount of accretable yield for the PCI loan or pool. The adjustment of accretable yield due to an increase in expected cash flows is accounted for as a change in estimate. The additional cash flows expected to be collected are reclassified from the nonaccretable difference to the accretable yield, and the amount of periodic accretion is adjusted accordingly over the remaining life of the PCI loan or pool.
A PCI loan may be derecognized either through receipt of payment (in full or in part) from the borrower, the sale of the loan to a third party, foreclosure of the collateral, or charge-off. If one of these events occurs, the loan is removed from the loan pool, or derecognized if it is accounted for as an individual loan. PCI loans subject to modification are not removed from a PCI pool even if those loans would otherwise be deemed TDRs since the pool, and not the individual loan, represents the unit of account. Individually accounted for PCI loans that are modified in a TDR are no longer classified as PCI loans and are subject to TDR recognition.

Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses

The ALLL represents our estimate of incurred credit losses inherent in the loan portfolio at the balance sheet date. We establish the amount of this allowance by analyzing the quality of the loan portfolio at least quarterly, and more often if deemed necessary. We segregate our loan portfolio between commercial and consumer loans and develop and document our methodology to determine the ALLL accordingly. We believe these portfolio segments represent the most appropriate level for determining our historical loss experience, as well as the level at which we monitor credit quality and risk characteristics of the portfolios. Commercial loans, which generally have larger individual balances, constitute a significant portion of our total loan portfolio. The consumer portfolio typically includes smaller-balance homogeneous loans.

We estimate the appropriate level of our ALLL by applying expected loss rates to existing loans with similar risk characteristics. Expected loss rates for commercial loans are derived from a statistical analysis of our historical default and loss severity experience. The analysis utilizes probability of default and loss given default to assign loan grades using our internal risk rating system. Our expected loss rates are reviewed quarterly and updated as necessary. As of December 31, 2019, the probability of default ratings was based on our default data and internal estimates for the period from January 2008 through October 2019, which encompasses the last downturn period as well as our more recent positive credit experience. We adjust expected loss rates based on calculated estimates of the average time period from initial loss indication to the initial loss recorded for an individual loan.

Expected loss rates for consumer loans are statistically derived from an analysis of our historical default and loss severity experience, and is sensitive to change in delinquency status. Consumer loans are analyzed quarterly in homogeneous product-type pools that share similar risk attributes, including the application of delinquency roll rate models and credit loss severity estimates. Incurred losses that are not yet individually identifiable are measured as the estimate of the average time period for initial loss indication to initial loss recorded for consumer loans.

The ALLL may be adjusted to reflect our current assessment of many qualitative factors that may not be directly measured in the statistical analysis of expected loss, including:

changes in international, national, regional, and local economic and business conditions;
changes in the experience, ability, and depth of our lending management and staff;
changes in lending policies and procedures, including changes in underwriting standards and collection, charge-off, and recovery practices;
changes in the nature and volume of the loan portfolio, including the existence and effect of any concentrations of credit, and changes in the level of such concentrations;
changes in the volume and/or severity of past due, nonaccrual, and adversely classified or graded loans; and
external factors, such as competition, legal developments, and regulatory requirements.
For all consumer loan TDRs, regardless of size, as well as all commercial TDRs and non-accrual commercial loans with an outstanding balance of $2.5 million or greater, we conduct further analysis to determine the probable loss content and assign a specific allowance to the loan if deemed appropriate. We estimate the extent of the individual impairment for commercial loans and TDRs by comparing the recorded investment of the loan with the estimated present value of its future cash flows, the fair value of its underlying collateral, or the loan’s observable market price. Secured consumer loan TDRs that are discharged through Chapter 7 bankruptcy and not formally re-affirmed are adjusted to reflect the fair value of the underlying collateral, less costs to sell. Other consumer loan TDRs are assigned a specific allocation based on the estimated present value of future cash flows using the effective interest rate. A specific allowance also may be assigned — even when sources of repayment appear sufficient — if we remain uncertain about whether the loan will be repaid in full. On at least a quarterly basis, we evaluate the appropriateness of our loss estimation methods to reduce differences between estimated incurred losses and actual losses.
Liability for Credit Losses on Lending-Related Commitments
The liability for credit losses inherent in lending-related commitments, such as letters of credit and unfunded loan commitments, is included in “accrued expense and other liabilities” on the balance sheet and established through a charge to the provision for loan and lease losses. We determine the amount of this liability by considering both historical trends and current market conditions quarterly, or more often if deemed necessary.
Fair Value Measurements
Fair value is defined as the price to sell an asset or transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants in the principal market. Therefore, fair value represents an exit price at the measurement date. We value our assets and liabilities based on the principal or most advantageous market where each would be sold (in the case of assets) or transferred (in the case of liabilities). In the absence of observable market transactions, we consider liquidity valuation adjustments to reflect the uncertainty in pricing the instruments.
Valuation inputs can be observable or unobservable. Observable inputs are assumptions based on market data obtained from an independent source. Unobservable inputs are assumptions based on our own information or assessment of assumptions used by other market participants in pricing the asset or liability. Our unobservable inputs are based on the best and most current information available on the measurement date.
All inputs, whether observable or unobservable, are ranked in accordance with a prescribed fair value hierarchy that gives the highest ranking to quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1) and the lowest ranking to unobservable inputs (Level 3). Fair values for Level 2 assets and liabilities are based on one or a combination of the following factors: (i) quoted market prices for similar assets or liabilities; (ii) observable inputs, such as interest rates or yield curves; or (iii) inputs derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data. The level in the fair value hierarchy ascribed to a fair value measurement in its entirety is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the measurement. Assets and liabilities may transfer between levels based on the observable and unobservable inputs used at the valuation date.
Assets and liabilities are recorded at fair value on a recurring or nonrecurring basis. Nonrecurring fair value adjustments are typically recorded as a result of the application of lower of cost or fair value accounting; or impairment. At a minimum, we conduct our valuations quarterly.
Additional information regarding fair value measurements and disclosures is provided in Note 6 (“Fair Value Measurements”).
Short-Term Investments
Short-term investments consist of segregated, interest-bearing deposits due from banks, the Federal Reserve, and certain non-U.S. banks as well as reverse repurchase agreements.
Trading Account Assets
Trading account assets are debt and equity securities, as well as commercial loans, that we purchase and hold but intend to sell in the near term. These assets are reported at fair value. Realized and unrealized gains and losses on trading account assets are reported in “other income” on the income statement.
Securities available for sale. Debt securities that we intend to hold for an indefinite period of time but that may be sold in response to changes in interest rates, prepayment risk, liquidity needs, or other factors are classified as available-for-sale and reported at fair value. Realized gains and losses resulting from sales of securities using the specific identification method, are included in “other income” on the income statement. Unrealized gains and losses (net of income taxes) deemed temporary are recorded in equity as a component of AOCI. Other-than-temporary unrealized losses on debt securities are included in “other income” on the income statement when the loss is attributable to credit. Other-than-temporary unrealized losses attributable to factors other than credit are recorded in AOCI. For additional information, refer to Note 7 (“Securities”).
“Other securities” held in the available-for-sale portfolio consist of convertible preferred stock of privately held companies.
Held-to-maturity securities. Debt securities that we have the intent and ability to hold until maturity are classified as held-to-maturity and are carried at cost and adjusted for amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts using the interest method. This method produces a constant rate of return on the adjusted carrying amount. “Other securities” held in the held-to-maturity portfolio consist of foreign bonds and capital securities. If any of the value of a held-to-maturity security is determined to be unrecoverable, impairment will be recorded.
Other Investments
Other investments include equity and mezzanine instruments as well as other types of investments that generally are carried at the alternative cost method. The alternative cost method results in these investments being recorded at cost, less any impairment, plus or minus changes resulting from observable market transactions. Adjustments are included in “other income” on the income statement.
Derivatives and Hedging
All derivatives are recognized on the balance sheet at fair value in “accrued income and other assets” or “accrued expense and other liabilities.” The net increase or decrease in derivatives is included in “other operating activities, net” within the statement of cash flows. Accounting for changes in fair value (i.e., gains or losses) of derivatives differs depending on whether the derivative has been designated and qualifies as part of a hedge relationship, and on the type of hedge relationship. For derivatives that are not in a hedge relationship, any gain or loss, as well as any premium paid or received, is recognized immediately in earnings in “corporate services income” or “other income” on the income statement, depending whether the derivative is for customer accommodation or risk management, respectively. A derivative that is designated and qualifies as a hedging instrument must be designated as a fair value hedge, a cash flow hedge, or a hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation. Changes in the fair value of a hedging instrument are reflected in the same income statement line as the earnings effect of the change in fair value of the hedged item attributable to the hedged risk.
A fair value hedge is used to limit exposure to changes in the fair value of existing assets, liabilities, and commitments caused by changes in interest rates or other economic factors. The change in the fair value of an instrument designated as a fair value hedge is recorded in earnings at the same time as a change in fair value of the hedged item attributable to the hedged risk.
A cash flow hedge is used to minimize the variability of future cash flows that is caused by changes in interest rates or other economic factors. The gain or loss on a cash flow hedge is recorded as a component of AOCI on the balance sheet and reclassified to earnings in the same period in which the hedged transaction affects earnings (e.g., when we incur variable-rate interest on debt, earn variable-rate interest on loans, or sell commercial real estate loans).
A net investment hedge is used to hedge the exposure of changes in the carrying value of investments as a result of changes in the related foreign exchange rates. The gain or loss on a net investment hedge is recorded as a component of AOCI on the balance sheet when the terms of the derivative match the notional and currency risk being hedged. The amount in AOCI is reclassified into income when the hedged transaction affects earnings (e.g., when we dispose or liquidate a foreign subsidiary).
Hedge “effectiveness” is determined by the extent to which changes in the fair value of a derivative instrument offset changes in the fair value, cash flows, or carrying value attributable to the risk being hedged. If the relationship between the change in the fair value of the derivative instrument and the change in the hedged item falls within a range considered to be the industry norm, the hedge is considered “highly effective” and qualifies for hedge accounting. A hedge is “ineffective” if the relationship between the changes falls outside the acceptable range. In that case, hedge accounting is discontinued on a prospective basis. Hedge effectiveness is tested at least quarterly.
We take into account the impact of bilateral collateral and master netting agreements that allow us to settle all derivative contracts held with a single counterparty on a net basis, and to offset the net derivative position with the related cash collateral when recognizing derivative assets and liabilities. As a result, we could have derivative contracts with negative fair values included in derivative assets on the balance sheet and contracts with positive fair
values included in derivative liabilities. Derivative assets and derivative liabilities are recorded within “accrued income and other assets” and “accrued expense and other liabilities,” respectively.
Additional information regarding the accounting for derivatives is provided in Note 8 (“Derivatives and Hedging Activities”).
Loan Sales and Securitizations
We sell and at times may securitize loans and other financial assets. We recognize the sale and securitization of loans or other financial assets when the transferred assets are legally isolated from our creditors and the appropriate accounting criteria are met. When we securitize loans or other financial assets, we may retain a portion of the securities issued, including senior interests, subordinated interests, interest-only strips, servicing rights, and other interests, all of which are considered retained interests in the transferred assets. The interests are initially measured at fair value which is based on independent third party market prices or market prices for similar assets. If market prices are not available, fair value is estimated based on the present value of expected future cash flows using assumptions as to discount rates, interest rates, prepayment speeds, and credit losses. Loans sold or securitized are removed from the balance sheet and a net gain or loss is recognized in “other income” at the time of sale. Gains or losses recognized depend on the fair value of the loans sold and the retained interests at the date of sale.
Servicing Assets
We service commercial real estate and residential mortgage loans. Servicing assets and liabilities purchased or retained are initially measured at fair value and are recorded as a component of “accrued income and other assets” on the balance sheet. When no ready market value (such as quoted market prices, or prices based on sales or purchases of similar assets) is available to determine the fair value of servicing assets, fair value is determined by calculating the present value of future cash flows associated with servicing the loans. This calculation is based on a number of assumptions, including the market cost of servicing, the discount rate, the prepayment rate, and the default rate.
We account for our servicing assets using the amortization method. The amortization of servicing assets is determined in proportion to, and over the period of, the estimated net servicing income and recorded in “mortgage servicing fees” on the income statement.
Servicing assets are evaluated quarterly for possible impairment. This process involves stratifying the assets based upon one or more predominant risk characteristics and determining the fair value of each class. The characteristics may include financial asset type, size, interest rate, date of origination, term and geographic location. If the evaluation indicates that the carrying amount of the servicing assets exceeds their fair value, the carrying amount is reduced by recording a charge to income in the amount of such excess and establishing a valuation reserve allowance. If impairment is determined to be other-than-temporary, a direct write-off of the carrying amount would be recorded. Additional information pertaining to servicing assets is included in Note 9 (“Mortgage Servicing Assets”).
For leases where Key is the lessee that have initial terms greater than one year, right-of-use assets and corresponding lease liabilities are reported on the balance sheet. Leases with an initial term of less than one year are not recorded on the balance sheet. Our leases where Key is the lessee are primarily classified as operating leases. Operating lease expense is recognized in "net occupancy" and "equipment"on a straight-line basis over the lease term. For additional information, see Note 10 (“Leases”).

Premises and Equipment
Premises and equipment, including leasehold improvements, are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and amortization. We determine depreciation of premises and equipment using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the particular assets. Leasehold improvements are amortized using the straight-line method over the shorter of their useful lives or terms of the leases. Premises and equipment are evaluated for impairment whenever events or circumstances indicate that the carrying value of the asset may not be recoverable.
Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
Goodwill represents the amount by which the cost of net assets acquired in a business combination exceeds their fair value. Goodwill is assigned to reporting units as of the acquisition date based on the expected benefit to such reporting unit from the synergies of the business combination. Goodwill is not amortized. Goodwill is tested at the reporting unit level for impairment, at least annually as of October 1, or when indicators of impairment exist.
We may elect to perform a qualitative analysis to determine whether or not it is more-likely-than-not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount. If we elect to bypass this qualitative analysis, or conclude via qualitative analysis that it is more-likely-than-not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying value, a two-step goodwill impairment test is performed. In the first step, the fair value of each reporting unit is compared with its carrying value. If the fair value is greater than the carrying value, then the reporting unit's goodwill is deemed not to be impaired. If the fair value is less than the carrying value, then the second step is performed, which measures the amount of impairment by comparing the carrying amount of goodwill to its implied fair value. If the implied fair value of the goodwill exceeds the carrying amount, there is no impairment. If the carrying amount exceeds the implied fair value of the goodwill, an impairment charge is recorded for the excess.

The amount of capital being allocated to our reporting units as a proxy for the carrying value is based on risk-based regulatory capital requirements. Fair values are estimated using an equal combination of market and income approaches. The market approach incorporates comparable public company multiples along with data related to recent merger and acquisition activity. The income approach consists of discounted cash flow modeling that utilizes internal forecasts and various other inputs and assumptions. A multi-year internal forecast is prepared for each reporting unit and a terminal growth rate is estimated for each one based on market expectations of inflation and economic conditions in the financial services industry. Earnings projections for reporting units are adjusted for after tax cost savings expected to be realized by a market participant. The discount rate applied to our cash flows is derived from the CAPM. The buildup to the discount rate includes a risk-free rate, 5-year adjusted beta based on peer companies, a market equity risk premium, a size premium and a company specific risk premium. The discount rates differ between our reporting units as they have different levels of risk. A sensitivity analysis is typically performed on key assumptions, such as the discount rates and cost savings estimates.
Other intangible assets with finite lives are amortized on either an accelerated or straight-line basis. We monitor for impairment indicators for goodwill and other intangible assets on a quarterly basis. Additional information pertaining to goodwill and other intangible assets is included in Note 12 (“Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets”).
Business Combinations
We account for our business combinations using the acquisition method of accounting. Under this accounting method, the acquired company’s assets and liabilities are recorded at fair value at the date of acquisition, except as provided for by the applicable accounting guidance, and the results of operations of the acquired company are combined with Key’s results from the date of acquisition forward. Acquisition costs are expensed when incurred. The difference between the purchase price and the fair value of the net assets acquired (including identifiable intangible assets) is recorded as goodwill. Our accounting policy for intangible assets is summarized in this note under the heading “Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets.”
Additional information regarding acquisitions is provided in Note 15 (“Acquisitions, Divestiture, and Discontinued Operations”).

Securities Financing Activities

We enter into repurchase agreements to finance overnight customer sweep deposits. We also enter into repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements to settle other securities obligations. We account for these securities financing agreements as collateralized financing transactions. Repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements are recorded on the balance sheet at the amounts that the securities will be subsequently sold or repurchased. Securities borrowed transactions are recorded on the balance sheet at the amounts of cash collateral advanced. While our securities financing agreements incorporate a right of set off, the assets and liabilities are reported on a gross basis. Reverse repurchase agreements and securities borrowed transactions are included in “short-term investments” on the balance sheet; repurchase agreements are included in “federal funds purchased and securities sold under repurchase agreements.” Fees received in connection with these transactions are recorded in interest income; fees paid are recorded in interest expense.

Additional information regarding securities financing activities is included in Note 16 (“Securities Financing Activities”).
Contingencies and Guarantees
We recognize liabilities for the fair value of our obligations under certain guarantees issued. These liabilities are included in “accrued expense and other liabilities” on the balance sheet. If we receive a fee for a guarantee requiring liability recognition, the amount of the fee represents the initial fair value of the “stand ready” obligation. If there is no fee, the fair value of the stand ready obligation is determined using expected present value measurement techniques, unless observable transactions for comparable guarantees are available. The subsequent accounting for these stand ready obligations depends on the nature of the underlying guarantees. We account for our release from risk under a particular guarantee when the guarantee expires or is settled, or by a systematic and rational amortization method, depending on the risk profile of the guarantee.
Contingent liabilities may result from litigation, claims and assessments, loss or damage to Key. We recognize liabilities from contingencies when a loss is probable and can be reasonably estimated.
Additional information regarding contingencies and guarantees is included in Note 22 (“Commitments, Contingent Liabilities, and Guarantees”).
Revenue Recognition
We recognize revenues as they are earned based on contractual terms, as transactions occur, or as services are provided and collectability is reasonably assured. Our principal source of revenue is interest income from loans and investments. We also earn noninterest income from various banking and financial services offered through both the Commercial and Consumer banks.
Interest Income. The largest source of revenue for us is interest income. Interest income is primarily recognized on an accrual basis according to nondiscretionary formulas in written contracts, such as loan agreements or securities contracts.
Noninterest Income. We earn noninterest income through a variety of financial and transaction services provided to commercial and consumer clients. Revenue is recorded for noninterest income based on the contractual terms for the service or transaction performed. In certain circumstances, noninterest income is reported net of associated expenses.
Trust and Investment Services Income. Trust and investment services revenues include brokerage commissions trust and asset management commissions.
Revenue from trade execution and brokerage services is earned through commissions from trade execution on behalf of clients. Revenue from these transactions is recognized at the trade date. Any ongoing service fees are recognized on a monthly basis as services are performed.
Trust and asset management services include asset custody and investment management services provided to individual and institutional customers. Revenue is recognized monthly based on a minimum annual fee, and the market value of assets in custody. Additional fees are recognized for transactional activity at a point in time.
Investment Banking and Debt Placement Fees. Investment banking and debt placement fees primarily represent revenues earned by KeyBanc Capital Markets for various corporate services including advisory, debt placement and underwriting. Revenues for these services are recorded at a point in time, upon completion of a contractually identified transaction, or when an advisory opinion is provided. Investment banking and debt placement costs are reported on a gross basis within other expense on the income statement.
Service Charges on Deposit Accounts. Revenue from service charges on deposit accounts is earned through cash management, wire transfer, and other deposit-related services as well as overdraft, non-sufficient funds, account management and other deposit-related fees. Revenue is recognized for these services either over time, corresponding with deposit accounts’ monthly cycle, or at a point in time for transactional related services and fees. Certain reward costs are netted within revenues from service charges on deposits.
Corporate Services Income. Corporate services income includes various ancillary service revenue including letter of credit fees, loan fees, and certain capital market fees. Revenue from these fees is recorded in a manner that reflects the timing of when transactions occur, and as services are provided.
Cards and Payments income. Cards and payments income includes interchange fees from consumer credit and debit cards processed through card association networks, merchant services, and other card related services. Interchange rates are generally set by the credit card associations and based on purchase volumes and other factors. Interchange fees are recognized as transactions occur. Certain card network costs and reward costs are netted within interchange revenues. Merchant services income represents account management fees and transaction fees charged to merchants for the processing of card association network transactions. Merchant services revenue is recognized as transactions occur, or as services are performed.
Corporate-Owned Life Insurance Income. Income from corporate-owned life insurance primarily represents changes in the cash surrender value of life insurance policies held on certain key employees. Revenue is recognized in each period based on the change in the cash surrender value during the period.
Stock-Based Compensation
Stock-based compensation is measured using the fair value method of accounting on the grant date. The measured cost is recognized over the period during which the recipient is required to provide service in exchange for the award. We estimate expected forfeitures when stock-based awards are granted and record compensation expense only for awards that are expected to vest. Compensation expense related to awards granted to employees is recorded in “personnel expense” on the Consolidated Statements of Income while compensation expense related to awards granted to directors is recorded in “other expense.”
We recognize compensation expense for stock-based, mandatory deferred incentive compensation awards using the accelerated method of amortization over a period of approximately 5 years (the current year performance period and a four-year vesting period, which generally starts in the first quarter following the performance period).
We estimate the fair value of options granted using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model, as further described in Note 17 (“Stock-Based Compensation”). Employee stock options typically become exercisable at the rate of 25% per year, beginning one year after the grant date. Options expire no later than 10 years after their grant date. We recognize stock-based compensation expense for stock options with graded vesting using an accelerated method of amortization.
We use shares repurchased under our annual capital plan submitted to our regulators (treasury shares) for share issuances under all stock-based compensation programs.

Income Taxes

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are determined based on temporary differences between financial statement asset and liability amounts and their respective tax bases, and are measured using enacted tax laws and rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which the deferred tax assets or liabilities are expected to be realized. Deferred tax assets are also recorded for any tax attributes, such as tax credit and net operating
loss carryforwards. The net balance of deferred tax assets and liabilities is reported in “Accrued income and other assets” or “Accrued expense and other liabilities” in the consolidated balance sheets, as appropriate. Subsequent changes in the tax laws require adjustment to these assets and liabilities with the cumulative effect included in the provision for income taxes for the period in which the change is enacted. A valuation allowance is recognized for a deferred tax asset if, based on the weight of available evidence, it is more-likely-than-not that some portion or all of the deferred tax asset will not be realized.

Earnings Per Share

Basic net income per common share is calculated using the two-class method. The two-class method is an earnings allocation formula that determines earnings per share for each share of common stock and participating securities according to dividends declared (distributed earnings) and participation rights in undistributed earnings. Distributed and undistributed earnings are allocated between common and participating security shareholders
based on their respective rights to receive dividends. Nonvested share-based payment awards that contain nonforfeitable rights to dividends or dividend equivalents are considered participating securities (e.g., nonvested service-based restricted stock units). Undistributed net losses are not allocated to nonvested restricted shareholders, as these shareholders do not have a contractual obligation to fund the incurred losses. Net income attributable to common shares is then divided by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the period.

Diluted net income per common share is calculated using the more dilutive of either the treasury method or the two-class method. The dilutive calculation considers the potential dilutive effect of common stock equivalents determined under the treasury stock method. Common stock equivalents include stock options and service- and performance-based restricted stock and stock units granted under our stock plans. Net income attributable to common shares is then divided by the total of weighted-average number of common shares and common stock equivalents outstanding during the period.
Accounting Guidance Adopted in 2020
Date of Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2016-13,
Measurement of
Credit Losses on Financial

ASU 2018-19,
Improvements to Topic 326,
Credit Losses

ASU 2019-04,
Improvements to Topic 326,
Credit Losses

ASU 2019-05,
Credit Losses:
Targeted Transition Relief

ASU 2019-11
, Codification Improvements to Topic 326, Financial Instruments—Credit Losses

ASU 2020-02, Financial Instruments—Credit Losses (Topic 326)— Amendments to SEC Paragraphs
January 1, 2020

The ASUs amend ASC Topic 326, Financial
Instruments-Credit Losses,
and significantly change how entities will measure credit losses for most financial assets and certain other instruments that are not measured at fair value through net income. The standard replaces today’s “incurred loss” approach with an “expected loss” model for instruments such as loans and held-to-maturity securities that are measured at amortized cost. The standard requires credit losses relating to available-for-sale debt securities to be recorded through an allowance rather than a reduction of the carrying amount. It also changes the accounting for purchased credit-impaired debt securities and loans. The ASUs retain many of the current disclosure requirements in current GAAP and expand certain disclosure requirements.

The new guidance also allows optional relief
for certain instruments measured at amortized
cost with an option to irrevocably elect the fair
value option in ASC Topic 825,
On January 1, 2020, we adopted ASC 326, Financial Instruments-Credit Losses, using the modified retrospective method.

This new guidance affects the accounting for our loans, debt securities held to maturity and available for sale, and liabilities for credit losses on unfunded lending related commitments as well as purchased financial assets with a more-than insignificant amount of credit deterioration since origination.

Our cross-functional implementation team, including finance, credit, and modeling, has completed the development and testing of loss forecasting models, including establishment of macroeconomic forecasting methodologies and approaches to meet the requirements of the new guidance.

We completed parallel runs through the third and fourth quarters of 2019. We utilized a two-year reasonable and supportable forecast period for all portfolio segments and reverted to our historical loss experience outside of the forecast period over 1 year, leveraging historical macroeconomic variables.

Based on our expectations of macroeconomic forecasts and our loans and net investment in leases as of January 1, 2020, we expect the allowance for loan and lease losses to increase by approximately 20% to 25% as compared to our current reserve levels as a result of the adoption of this guidance. The estimated allowance for loan and lease losses on longer duration consumer loans and lines of credit is expected to more than triple to cover the full remaining expected life of loans and commitments. The estimated overall increase is offset by an expected decrease in the allowance for loan and lease losses for our shorter duration commercial loans and leases.

We do not expect to record an allowance for credit losses on available-for-sale or held-to-maturity debt securities as a result of the adoption of this guidance.

The allowance for credit losses to be recorded at the January 1, 2020 transition date may differ from our estimate due to finalization of certain accounting, reporting, and governance processes.
ASU 2017-04,
Simplifying the
Test for Goodwill

January 1, 2020

The ASU amends ASC Topic 350, Intangibles -
Goodwill and Other and eliminates the second step of the test for goodwill impairment. Under the new guidance, entities will compare the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying amount. If the carrying amount exceeds the reporting unit’s fair value, the entity is required to recognize an impairment charge for this amount. The new method applies to all reporting units and the performance of a qualitative assessment is still allowable.

The guidance should be implemented using a
prospective approach.
We will monitor for impairment indicators and conduct our annual goodwill test as of October 1, 2020. The adoption of this accounting guidance is not expected to have a material effect on our financial condition or results of operations.

Accounting Guidance Adopted in 2019
Date of Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2016-02,
Leases (Topic

ASU 2018-01,
Leases (Topic
842): Land
Easement Practical Expedient

ASU 2018-10,
Improvements to
Topic 842

ASU 2018-11,
Leases (Topic
842): Targeted

ASU 2018-20,
Leases (Topic
842): Narrow
Scope Improvements for Lessors

ASU 2019-01,
Codification Improvements to
Topic 842
January 1, 2019
The ASUs create and amend ASC Topic 842, Leases,
and supersede Topic 840, Leases. The new guidance
requires that a lessee recognize assets and liabilities
for leases with lease terms of more than 12 months.
For leases with a term of 12 months or less, a lessee is
permitted to make an accounting policy election by
class of underlying asset not to recognize lease assets
and lease liabilities. Leveraged leases that commenced before the effective date of the new guidance are grandfathered. The recognition, measurement, and presentation of expenses and cash flows arising from a lease by a lessee primarily will depend on its classification as a finance or operating lease. However, both types of leases are required to be recognized on the balance sheet. ASC 842 requires enhanced disclosures to better understand the amount, timing, and uncertainty of cash flows arising from leases. Qualitative and quantitative disclosures are required to provide additional information about the amounts recorded in the financial statements. Although substantially unchanged, certain amendments provide
clarifications related to lessor accounting.

The guidance should be implemented using a modified
retrospective approach. However, entities may choose
to measure and present the changes at the beginning
of the earliest period presented or to reflect the
changes as of the adoption date.
Key adopted this guidance on January 1, 2019, using the
package of practical expedients, which allowed Key to maintain
historic lease identification and classification, and permitted Key
not to reassess initial direct costs under the new guidance. Key
also elected the practical expedient on not separating lease
components from nonlease components for all of its leases.

Adoption resulted in an increase in right-of-use assets and
associated lease liabilities arising from operating leases in which
Key is the lessee of approximately $710 million on our
Consolidated Balance Sheets at January 1, 2019. Right of use
assets, lease liabilities, and other changes as a result of adoption are not reflected in comparable periods presented prior to that date. The adoption of this guidance did not have a material impact on the recognition of operating lease expense in our Consolidated Statements of Income. The amount of the right-of-use assets and associated lease liabilities recorded at adoption was based on the present value of unpaid future minimum lease payments. These payments were discounted using Key’s incremental borrowing rate, consistent with what Key would pay to borrow on a collateralized basis over a term similar to each lease.

For more information, please see Note 10 (“Leases”).

ASU 2017-08,
Amortization on
Callable Debt

January 1, 2019
The ASU amends ASC Topic 310-20, Receivables
- Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs, and shortens
the amortization period to the earliest call date for
certain callable debt securities held at a premium.
Securities held at a discount will continue to be
amortized to maturity.

The guidance should be implemented on a modified
retrospective basis using a cumulative-effect
The adoption of this guidance did not have a material effect on
our financial condition or results of operations.
ASU 2018-07,
Compensation -
Improvements to
January 1, 2019

The ASU amends ASC Topic 718, Stock Compensation, and simplifies the accounting for share based payments granted to nonemployees for goods and services.

The guidance should be implemented on a modified retrospective basis using a cumulative-effect
The adoption of this guidance did not affect our financial condition or results of operations.
ASU 2018-13,
Fair Value

September 30,
2018 (removed
disclosures only);

January 1, 2019,

An entity is
permitted to early
adopt any
removed or
disclosures upon
issuance of this
ASU and delay
adoption of the
disclosures until
their effective
The ASU amends disclosure requirements related to
fair value measurements. Specifically, entities are no
longer required to disclose transfers between Level 1
and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy, or qualitatively
disclose the valuation process for Level 3 fair value
measurements. The updated guidance requires
disclosure of the changes in unrealized gains and
losses for the period included in Other Comprehensive
Income for recurring Level 3 fair value measurements.
Entities also will be required to disclose the range and
weighted average used to develop significant
unobservable inputs for Level 3 fair value

The additional provisions of the guidance should be
adopted prospectively, while the eliminated
requirements should be adopted retrospectively.
Key removed the disclosures no longer required by the guidance as of September 30, 2018, and early adopted the additional provisions of the standard in the first quarter of 2019. The adoption of this standard did not result in significant changes to Key’s disclosures, and there was no effect to our financial condition or results of operations.
ASU 2018-14,
Changes to the
for Defined
Benefit Plans

December 31, 2019

Early adoption
The ASU amends the disclosure requirements for sponsors of defined benefit plans. Entities are required to provide new disclosures, including the weighted-average interest crediting rate for cash balance plans and explanations for the significant gains and losses related to changes in the benefit obligation for the period. Certain existing disclosure requirements are eliminated.

The guidance should be adopted using a retrospective approach.
The adoption of this accounting guidance did not result in significant changes to our disclosures, and there was no effect on our financial condition or results of operations.

Please see Note 18 (“Employee Benefits”) for updated disclosures.

Date of Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2018-15,
Accounting for
Costs Incurred in
a Cloud
That is a Service

January 1, 2019

Early adoption

The ASU amends ASC Topic 350-40 to align the accounting for costs incurred in a cloud computing
arrangement with the guidance on developing internal
use software. Specifically, if a cloud computing arrangement is deemed to be a service contract,
certain implementation costs are eligible for capitalization. The new guidance prescribes the
balance sheet and income statement presentation and
cash flow classification for the capitalized costs and
related amortization expense. It also requires additional quantitative and qualitative disclosures.

The guidance may be adopted prospectively or retrospectively.
Key early adopted this guidance effective January 1, 2019, on a
prospective basis. The adoption of this guidance did not have a
material effect on our financial condition or results of operations.

ASU 2019-04,
Improvements to
Topic 815,
Derivatives and
Hedging (ASU
Topic #3), and
Topic 825,
(ASU Topic #4)

May 1, 2019

Early adoption
upon issuance

The ASU provides technical corrections to previously
adopted ASUs 2016-01 and 2017-12 and clarifies
issues related to partial-term fair value hedges, fair
value hedge basis adjustments, and how to measure
changes in fair value of a hedged item. It also clarifies
certain issues related to equity securities and the
measurement alternative.

Amendments related to ASU 2016-01 should be
adopted using a modified retrospective approach,
except for those related to equity securities without
readily determinable fair values for which the
measurement alternative is elected, which should be
applied prospectively. We elected to apply amendments related to ASU 2017-12 on a prospective basis.
Key early adopted this guidance effective May 1, 2019. The
adoption of this accounting guidance did not effect our financial
condition or results of operations.