497K 1 d147423d497k.htm LVIP BLENDED LARGE CAP GROWTH MANAGED VOLATILITY FUND LVIP Blended Large Cap Growth Managed Volatility Fund
LVIP Blended Large Cap Growth Managed Volatility Fund
(formerly LVIP UBS Large Cap Growth Managed Volatility Fund)
(Standard and Service Class)
Summary Prospectus May 1, 2016
Before you invest, you may want to review the Fund’s Prospectus, which contains more information about the Fund and its risks. You can find the Fund’s Prospectus and other information about the Fund online at www.LincolnFinancial.com/lvip. You can also get this information at no cost by calling 877 ASK LINCOLN (877-275-5462). The Fund’s Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information, both dated May 1, 2016, are incorporated by reference into this Summary Prospectus.
Investment Objective
The investment objective of the LVIP Blended Large Cap Growth Managed Volatility Fund (the “Fund”) is long-term growth of capital in a manner consistent with the preservation of capital.
Fees and Expenses
This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and hold shares. This table does not reflect any variable contract expenses. If variable contract expenses were included, the expenses shown would be higher.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses
(Expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Standard
Management Fee 0.74% 0.74%
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees None 0.25%
Other Expenses1 0.06% 0.06%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses 0.80% 1.05%
Less Fee Waiver2,3 (0.08%) (0.08%)
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses (After Fee Waiver) 0.72% 0.97%
1 Other Expenses were restated to reflect the current fee structure of the fund.    
2 Lincoln Investment Advisors Corporation (the “adviser”) has contractually agreed to waive the following portion of its advisory fee: 0.12% on the first $100 million of the Fund’s average daily net assets and 0.07% of the Fund’s average daily net assets in excess of $100 million. The agreement will continue at least through April 30, 2017 and cannot be terminated before that date without the mutual agreement of the Fund’s board of trustees and the adviser.    
3 The Fee Waiver was restated to reflect the current fee waiver of the Fund.    
This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example illustrates the hypothetical expenses that you would incur over the time periods indicated if you invest $10,000 in the Fund’s shares. The example also assumes that the Fund provides a return of 5% a year and that operating expenses remain the same. This example reflects the net operating expenses with fee waiver for the one-year contractual period and the total operating expenses without fee waiver for the remaining time periods shown below.  Your actual costs may be higher or lower than this example. This example does not reflect any variable contract expenses. If variable contract expenses were included, the expenses shown would be higher. The results apply whether or not you redeem your investment at the end of the given period.
  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Standard Class $74 $247 $436 $ 982
Service Class $99 $326 $572 $1,275
Portfolio Turnover
The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 57% of the average value of its portfolio.
LVIP Blended Large Cap Growth Managed Volatility Fund 1


Principal Investment Strategies
The Fund, under normal circumstances, invests at least 80% of its assets in equity securities of U.S. large capitalization companies. The Fund defines large capitalization companies as those with a market capitalization of at least $2.4 billion at the time of investment. In addition, up to 20% of the Fund’s assets may be invested in foreign equity securities. Investments in equity securities include common stock and preferred stock, as well as American Depository Receipts (“ADRs”).
The Fund may, but is not required to, use derivative instruments for risk management purposes or as part of the Fund’s investment strategies. The principal types of derivatives used by the Fund include options, futures, and forward currency agreements. The Fund may use derivatives to earn income and enhance returns, to manage or adjust the risk profile of the Fund, to replace more traditional direct investments, or to obtain direct exposure to certain markets.
Lincoln Investment Advisors Corporation (“adviser”) serves as the investment adviser to the Fund. The adviser has selected UBS Asset Management (“UBS”) and Wellington Management (“Wellington”) to serve as the Fund’s sub-advisers. Each sub-adviser is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund’s assets that the adviser allocates to such sub-adviser. The adviser may change the allocation at any time, in its sole discretion and the percentage of each sub-adviser’s share of the Fund’s assets may change over time.
In selecting securities, UBS seeks to invest in companies that possess dominant market positions or franchises, a major technological edge, or a unique competitive advantage. UBS considers earnings revision trends, expected earnings growth rates, sales acceleration, price-earnings multiples and positive stock price momentum to identify companies it believes can sustain an above average return on invested capital at a higher level and over a longer period of time than is reflected in current market prices.
Wellington allocates the Fund’s assets across a variety of industries, selecting companies in each industry based on the research of Wellington’s team of global industry analysts. In analyzing a prospective investment, Wellington utilizes a “bottom-up” approach, which is the use of fundamental analysis to identify specific securities for purchase or sale. Fundamental analysis of a company involves the assessment of a variety of factors, including the company’s business environment, management quality, balance sheet, income statement, anticipated earnings, revenues and dividends, and other related measures or indicators of valuation and growth potential.
The adviser intends to allocate approximately 50% of the portion of the Fund’s assets not subject to the overlay to UBS and approximately 50% of the portion of the Fund’s assets not subject to the overlay to Wellington. Such allocations are subject to change at the discretion of the adviser.
Managed Volatility Strategy. The Fund’s adviser has retained SSGA Funds Management, Inc. (“SSGA FM” or “overlay manager”) as sub-adviser to the Fund to implement the managed volatility strategy within the parameters stated below. This managed volatility strategy consists of selling (short) and buying (long) positions in exchange-traded futures contracts to manage overall portfolio volatility and seek to reduce the impact on the Fund’s portfolio of significant market downturns during periods of high volatility. SSGA FM selects individual futures contracts on equity indices of domestic and foreign markets that it believes are highly correlated to the Fund’s equity exposure. Although up to 20% of the Fund’s net assets may be used by SSGA FM to implement the managed volatility strategy, under normal market conditions it is expected that less than 10% of the Fund’s net assets will be used for the strategy. SSGA FM uses a proprietary volatility forecasting model to manage the assets allocated to this strategy. The managed volatility strategy is separate and distinct from any riders or features of your insurance contract.
A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell a financial instrument for a set price on a future date. A “short position” would represent a contractual obligation to sell an equity index at a future date at a particular price. In contrast, a “long position” would represent a contractual obligation to buy an equity index at a future date at a particular price. A short position is generally used to protect against the possible decline in value of financial instruments, and a long position is generally used to increase the economic exposure to particular financial instruments.
SSGA FM will regularly adjust the level of exchange-traded futures contracts to seek to manage the overall net risk level, i.e., volatility. “Volatility” in this context means variance in the Fund's investment returns.
SSGA FM’s investment in exchange-traded futures and their resulting costs could limit the upside participation of the Fund in strong appreciating markets relative to un-hedged funds. In situations of extreme market volatility, the exchange-traded futures could potentially reduce the Fund’s net economic exposure to equity securities to a substantial degree. The amount of exchange-traded futures may fluctuate frequently based upon market conditions.
When market volatility is below the target volatility level, SSGA FM may periodically maintain a long position in futures to increase the overall level of economic exposure to equity and fixed income securities. Such use of exchange traded futures by SSGA FM may increase the Fund's economic exposure to securities up to a maximum of 100% of the Fund's assets. The Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”) and the rules and interpretations under the 1940 Act impose certain limitations on the Fund's ability to use leverage.
2 LVIP Blended Large Cap Growth Managed Volatility Fund


Principal Risks
All mutual funds carry risk.  Accordingly, loss of money is a risk of investing in the Fund. Here are specific principal risks of investing in the Fund:
Market Risk. The value of portfolio investments may decline. As a result, your investment in a fund may decline in value and you could lose money.
Growth Stocks Risk. Growth stocks, due to their relatively high market valuations, typically have been more volatile than value stocks. Growth stocks may not pay dividends, or may pay lower dividends, than value stocks and may be more adversely affected in a down market.
Medium-Cap Companies Risk. Securities issued by medium-sized companies may be subject to more abrupt market movements and may involve greater risks than investments in larger companies. These less developed, lesser-known companies may experience greater risks than those normally associated with larger companies. This is due to, among other things, the greater business risks of smaller size and limited product lines, markets, distribution channels, and financial and managerial resources.
Foreign Investments Risk. Foreign investments have additional risks that are not present when investing in U.S. investments. Foreign currency fluctuations or economic or financial instability could cause the value of foreign investments to fluctuate. Additionally, foreign investments include the risk of loss from foreign government or political actions including; for example, the imposition of exchange controls, confiscations and other government restrictions, or from problems in registration, settlement or custody. Investing in foreign investments may involve risks resulting from the reduced availability of public information concerning issuers. Foreign investments may be less liquid and their prices more volatile than comparable investments in U.S. issuers.
Concentration Risk. Investments that are concentrated in particular industries, sectors or types of investments may be subject to greater risks of adverse developments in such areas of focus than investments that are spread among a wider variety of industries, sectors or investments.
Foreign Currency Risk. Foreign currency risk is the risk that the U.S. dollar value of foreign investments may be negatively affected by changes in foreign (non-U.S.) currency rates. Currency exchange rates may fluctuate significantly over short periods of time. In addition, currency management strategies may substantially change the Fund’s exposure to currency exchange rates and could negatively affect the value of the Fund’s foreign investments, if currencies do not perform as expected. Currency management strategies also may reduce the Fund’s ability to benefit from favorable changes in currency exchange rates.
Currency Management Strategy Risk. Currency management strategies, including cross-hedging, may substantially change exposure to currency exchange rates and could result in losses if currencies do not perform as expected. In addition, currency management strategies, to the extent that they reduce exposure to currency risks, also may reduce the ability to benefit from favorable changes in currency exchange rates. Furthermore, there may not be perfect correlation between the amount of exposure to a particular currency and the amount of securities in the portfolio denominated in that currency. Currency rates may also fluctuate significantly, reducing returns.
Risk Management Strategy Risk. The success of the Fund’s risk management strategy depends in part on the overlay manager’s ability to effectively and efficiently implement its risk forecasts and to manage the strategy for the Fund’s benefit. The risk management strategy may depend upon one or more of the overlay manager’s proprietary forecasting models and information and data from one or more third parties to support the proprietary forecasting models. There is no guarantee that the models or the data the models are based on will be accurate or that the Fund can achieve or maintain optimal risk targets. The Fund’s performance may be negatively impacted in certain markets as a result of reliance on these models. The Fund’s performance may also be impacted by the Fund’s use of short futures positions to implement the risk management strategy. Certain markets could negatively impact the success of the risk management strategy, such as rapidly and unpredictably changing markets, “v-shaped” markets (a sharp market sell-off followed by a strong rally retracing such sell-off), or other extreme or disrupted markets.
Leverage Risk. Investment in certain derivatives, including certain futures contracts, may have the economic effect of creating financial leverage by creating additional investment exposure, as well as the potential for greater loss. Losses on derivatives may exceed the amount invested.
Futures Risk. A futures contract is considered a derivative because it derives its value from the price of the underlying security or financial index. The prices of futures contracts can be volatile, and futures contracts may be illiquid. In addition, there may be imperfect or even negative correlation between the price of the futures contracts and the price of the underlying securities. Losses on futures contracts may exceed the amount invested.
Derivatives Risk. Derivatives, such as futures, forwards, options and swaps, involve risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other traditional investments. Derivatives prices can be volatile and may move in unexpected ways, especially in unusual market conditions. Some derivatives are particularly sensitive to changes in interest rates. In addition, there may be imperfect correlation between the price of the derivatives contract and the price of the underlying securities. Other risks include the potential inability to terminate or sell derivative positions. Further, losses could result if the counterparty to a transaction does not perform as promised. Derivative instruments may be “leveraged”, which may magnify or otherwise increase investment losses.
LVIP Blended Large Cap Growth Managed Volatility Fund 3


Hedging Risk. The success of a hedging strategy cannot be guaranteed. Effective hedging requires correctly assessing the degree of correlation between the performance of the instruments used in the hedging strategy and the performance of the investments in the portfolio being hedged, as well as continual recalculation, readjustment, and execution of hedges in an efficient and timely manner. For example, futures contract short positions may not provide an effective hedge because changes in futures contract prices may not track those of the underlying securities or indices they are intended to hedge.
Fund Performance
The following bar chart and table provide some indication of the risks of choosing to invest in the Fund. The information shows: (a) how the Fund's Standard Class investment results have varied from year to year; and (b) how the average annual total returns of the Fund's Standard and Service Classes for various periods compare with those of a broad measure of market performance. The bar chart shows performance of the Fund's Standard Class shares, but does not reflect the impact of variable contract expenses. If it did, returns would be lower than those shown. Performance in the average annual returns table does not reflect the impact of variable contract expenses. The Fund's past performance is not necessarily an indication of how the Fund will perform in the future.
During the periods shown in the above chart, the Fund’s highest return for a quarter occurred in the first quarter of 2012 at: 16.26%.
The Fund’s lowest return for a quarter occurred in the fourth quarter of 2008 at: (22.84%).
The Fund’s performance prior to September 21, 2012 does not reflect the impact of the managed volatility strategy which was implemented on September 21, 2012 and that is currently used by the Fund.
  Average Annual Total Returns
For periods ended 12/31/15
  1 year 5 years 10 years
LVIP Blended Large Cap Growth Managed Volatility Fund – Standard Class 1.34% 8.02% 5.89%
LVIP Blended Large Cap Growth Managed Volatility Fund – Service Class 1.09% 7.75% 5.63%
Russell 1000® Growth Index (reflects no deductions for fees, expenses or taxes) 5.67% 13.53% 8.53%
Investment Adviser and Sub-Advisers
Investment Adviser:    Lincoln Investment Advisors Corporation (“LIA”)
Investment Sub-Adviser:    UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS”)
Investment Sub-Adviser:    Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”)
Investment Sub-Adviser:    SSGA Funds Management, Inc. (“SSGA FM”)
Portfolio Managers
Portfolio Managers
  Company Title   Experience with Fund
Kevin J. Adamson   Chief Operating Officer   Since September 2012
Patrick McAllister   Vice President   Since August 2015
Jay Shearon   Assistant Vice President   Since May 2016
Amritansh Tewary   Assistant Vice President   Since May 2016
Portfolio Manager
  Company Title   Experience with Fund
Peter J. Bye   Managing Director   Since December 2012
4 LVIP Blended Large Cap Growth Managed Volatility Fund


Wellington Management
Portfolio Managers
  Company Title   Experience with Fund
Cheryl M. Duckworth   Senior Managing Director and Associate Director of Global Industry Research   Since February 2016
Mark D. Mandel   Senior Managing Director and Director of Global Industry Research   Since February 2016
Portfolio Managers
  Company Title   Experience with Fund
Timothy Furbush   Vice President   Since May 2016
Lorne Johnson   Vice President   Since May 2016
Marin Lolic   Principal   Since May 2016
Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
Fund shares are available as underlying investment options for variable life insurance and variable annuity products issued by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company (“Lincoln Life”), Lincoln Life & Annuity Company of New York (“LNY”), and unaffiliated insurance companies. These insurance companies are the record owners of the separate accounts holding the Fund’s shares. You do not buy, sell or exchange Fund shares directly – you choose investment options through your variable annuity contract or variable life insurance policy. The insurance companies then cause the separate accounts to purchase and redeem Fund shares according to the investment options you choose. Fund shares also may be available for investment by certain funds of the Lincoln Variable Insurance Products Trust.
Tax Information
Because Fund shares are only sold through variable annuity contract or variable life insurance contracts (“variable contracts”) and are owned directly or indirectly by Lincoln Life, LNY and unaffiliated insurance companies, this prospectus does not discuss the income tax consequences at the contract owner level. The income tax consequences for the purchase of a variable contract are discussed in the prospectus of the variable contract.
Payments to Broker-Dealers and other Financial Intermediaries
Shares of the Fund are available only through the purchase of variable contracts issued by certain life insurance companies. Parties related to the Fund (such as the Fund's principal underwriter or investment adviser) may pay such insurance companies (or their related companies) for the sale of Fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest and may influence the insurance company to include the Fund as an investment option in its variable contracts. Such insurance companies (or their related companies) may pay broker-dealers or other financial intermediaries (such as banks) for the sale and retention of variable contracts that offer Fund shares. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealers or other financial intermediaries to recommend variable contracts that offer Fund shares. The prospectus or other disclosure documents for the variable contracts may contain additional information about these payments, if any. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary's website for more information.
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