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<SEC-DOCUMENT>0000950103-05-000349.txt : 20050228
<SEC-HEADER>0000950103-05-000349.hdr.sgml : 20050228
ACCESSION NUMBER:		0000950103-05-000349
FILED AS OF DATE:		20050228
DATE AS OF CHANGE:		20050228


		CENTRAL INDEX KEY:			0000912958
		IRS NUMBER:				000000000

		SEC ACT:		1934 Act
		SEC FILE NUMBER:	000-22828
		FILM NUMBER:		05644825

		STATE:			N4
		ZIP:			L8080
		BUSINESS PHONE:		3524571451
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<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3"><b>FORM 6-K</b></font></p>
<div align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3"><b>SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION<br>
  Washington, D.C. 20549</b></font>
<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3"><b>Report of Foreign Issuer</b></font></p>
<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3"><b>Pursuant to Rule 13a-16
      or 15d-16 of<br>
the Securities
      Exchange Act of 1934</b></font></p>
<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3">For February
15, 2005</FONT></p>
<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3">Commission File Number: 000-22828</font></p>

    <div align="center"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><B>MILLICOM INTERNATIONAL</B></font></div>

    <div align="center"><B><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">CELLULAR S.A.</font></B></div>

    <div align="center"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">75 Route de Longwy</font></div>

    <div align="center"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Box 23, L-8080 Bertrange</font></div>

    <div align="center"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><U>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</U></font></div>
        <div align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2">(Address of principal executive offices)</font>
          <p><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Indicate
                    by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports
                under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.</font></p>
<div align=center>
  <table width="60%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
        <tr align="center">
          <td width="30%" align="right" valign="top"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Form
              20-F <u>&nbsp;&nbsp;X&nbsp;&nbsp;</u> </font></td>
          <td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</TD>
          <td width="30%" align="left" valign="top"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Form
              40-F <u>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</u></font></TD>
          <p><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Indicate
                by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted
            by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): ___</font></p>
          <p><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Indicate
          by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted
      by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): ___</font></p>
          <p><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Indicate
          by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained
          in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission
      pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.</font>
<div align=center>
  <table width="60%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
    <tr align="center">
      <td width="25%" align="right" valign="top"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes <u>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</u></font></TD>
      <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</TD>
      <td width="25%" align="left" valign="top"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">No <u>&nbsp;&nbsp;X&nbsp;&nbsp;</u></font></TD>
      <p><font size="3" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If &#147;Yes&#148; is
                  marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant
          in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82- ____________</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><br>
<hr align="center" width="100%" size="1" noshade color="#000000" style="margin-top: -2px">
<hr align="center" width="100%" size="4" noshade color="#000000" style="margin-top: -10px">
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
<!-- MARKER PAGE="sheet: 1; page: 1" -->
<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2">MILLICOM INTERNATIONAL CELLULAR S.A.</font></p>
<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2">INDEX TO EXHIBITS</font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2"><u>Item</u></font></p>
<table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td width="4%" valign="top"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2">1.</font></td>
    <td width="96%"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2">Press
         Release dated February 15, 2005. </font></td>
    <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>


<hr width="100%" size=3 color=GRAY noshade>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
<!-- MARKER PAGE="sheet: 1; page: 1" -->
<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2"><u>SIGNATURES</u></font></p>
<p><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pursuant
    to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant
    has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized.</font></p>
<div align="right">
  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
      <td width="62%"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;</font></td>
      <td colspan="2" align="left"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">MILLICOM
        INTERNATIONAL CELLULAR S.A.</font></td>
      <td width="62%" height="23"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;</font></td>
      <td colspan="2" align="left"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Registrant)</font></td>
      <td width="5%" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
      <td width="33%">&nbsp;</td>
      <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
      <td><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2">Date: February
      28, 2005</font></td>
      <td colspan="2" align="left"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">By:&nbsp;/s/
          Bruno Nieuwland </font></td>
      <td><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;</font></td>
      <td colspan="2" align="center"><hr align="left" width=75% size=1 noshade color="#000000"></td>
      <td><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;</font></td>
      <td align="left"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Name:</font></td>
      <td align="left"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Bruno
      <td><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;</font></td>
      <td><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Title:</font></td>
      <td><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Chief Financial
      <td colspan="2" align="left"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">By:&nbsp;</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">/s/
          Marc Beuls</font></td>
      <td><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;</font></td>
      <td colspan="2" align="center"><hr align="left" width=75% size=1 noshade color="#000000"></td>
      <td><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;</font></td>
      <td align="left"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Name:</font></td>
      <td align="left"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Marc
      <td><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">&nbsp;</font></td>
      <td><font size="2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Title:</font></td>
      <td><font size="2">President and Chief Executive Officer</font></td>

<hr width="100%" size=3 color=GRAY noshade>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
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<table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td><div align="right"><strong><font size="2">Item 1 </font></strong></div></td>


<div align="center"><IMG src="logo.jpg" border=0>
<P align="center">
<div align="right"><B><FONT size=2 face="serif">FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE</FONT></B><BR>
          <B><FONT size=2 face="serif">February 15, 2005</FONT></B></div>
<P align="center">
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Record quarterly total subscriber increase
for Q4 04 of 859,968<SUP>(i)</SUP></font></B>

<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">27% increase in revenues for Q4 04 to $255.7m
(Q4 03: $201.1m)*</FONT></B>

<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">33% increase in EBITDA for
Q4 04 to $123.8m (Q4 03: $92.8m)*</FONT></B>

<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Profit for Q4 04 of $25.9m (Q4 03: loss of $10.2m)</FONT></B>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Earnings per common share for
Q4 04 of $0.28 (Q4 03: loss of $0.16)</FONT></B><br>

<B><FONT size=1 face="serif">44% increase in revenues for the year to
Dec 2004 to $919.3m (2003: $638.6m)*</FONT></B>
<B><FONT size=1 face="serif">43% increase in EBITDA for the year to
Dec 2004 to $455.3m (2003: $317.8m)*</FONT></B>
<B><FONT size=1 face="serif">Profit for the year to
Dec 2004 of $68.2m (2003: $178.8m)</FONT></B>
<B><FONT size=1 face="serif">Earnings per common share for the
year to Dec 2004 of $0.82 (2003: $2.74)</FONT></B></LI>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">New York, Stockholm and Luxembourg &#150; February 15, 2005 &#150; Millicom International Cellular S.A. (Nasdaq Stock Market: MICC, Stockholmsb&ouml;rsen and Luxembourg Stock Exchange: MIC), the global telecommunications
investor, today announces results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2004. </FONT></P>
<P align="center">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Financial summary for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003* </FONT></P>

<TABLE width="95%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD colspan=3 align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="10%" align=right><font size=2 face="serif"><b>Dec 31<br>
     <TD width="2%" align=right></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align="right">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="10%" align=right><p align="right"><b><font size=2 face="serif">Dec 31<br>
2003 </font></b></p></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=right></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align="right">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="10%" align=right><b><font size=2 face="serif">Change</font></b></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD colspan=3 align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="10%" align=left></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left></TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="10%" align=left></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left></TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="10%" align=left></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Worldwide subscribers (unaudited) </FONT></B><B><SUP><FONT size=2 face="serif">(i)</FONT></SUP></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=1% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=40% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">proportional cellular </FONT><SUP><FONT size=2 face="serif">(ii)</FONT></SUP>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">5,332,259</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">4,025,577</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">32</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=1% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=40% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">total cellular</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">7,713,201</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">5,690,542</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">36</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">US$ &#145;000</FONT></U></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Revenues</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">919,253</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">638,649</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">44</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD colspan=3 align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Operating profit before interest, taxes,</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">455,263</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">317,816</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">43</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">depreciation and amortization, EBITDA</FONT></B><B><SUP><FONT size=2 face="serif">(iii)</FONT></SUP></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">EBITDA margin</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">49.5</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">49.8</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD colspan=3>
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Profit for the year</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">68,241</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">178,823</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD colspan=3>
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Basic earnings per common share (US$)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">0.82</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">2.74</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Diluted earnings per common share (US$)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">0.77</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">2.26</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD colspan=3>
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Weighted average number of shares (thousands)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">83,335</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">65,312</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD colspan=3>
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Weighted average number of shares and</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=43% colspan=3 align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">potential dilutive shares (thousands)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">90,312</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">80,500</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD colspan=3>
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
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<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
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<TABLE width="95%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=3% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">(i)</FONT></I>
        <TD width=1%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=96% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">Subscriber figures represent the worldwide total number of
subscribers of cellular systems in which Millicom has an ownership interest.
Subscriber figures exclude divested operations.</font></i>      </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=3% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">(ii)</FONT></I>
        <TD width=1%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=96% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">Proportional subscribers are calculated as the sum of Millicom&#146;s percentage ownership of subscribers in each operation.</FONT></I>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=3% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">(iii)</FONT></I>
        <TD width=1%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=96% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">EBITDA; operating profit before interest, taxation,
depreciation and amortization, is derived by deducting cost of sales, sales and</FONT></I> <i><font size=1 face="serif">marketing
costs, and general and administrative expenses from revenues.</font></i>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=3% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">*</FONT></I>
        <TD width=1%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=96% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">Due to local issues in El Salvador, Millicom discontinued
consolidating its operation in El Salvador on a proportional basis from May 2001
to September 15, 2003. Figures for 2003 exclude divested operations for financial
results down to and including EBITDA and include El</FONT></I> <i><font size=1 face="serif">Salvador
from September 15 to December 31, 2003 only. Figures for 2004 include El Salvador
and exclude divested operations for financial results, down to and including

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<FONT size=2 face="serif">Marc Beuls, Millicom&#146;s President and Chief Executive Officer stated:</FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">&#147;Millicom had a strong year with increasing growth in subscribers quarter on quarter and total growth in revenues for the year of 44%.  Today Millicom has reached a total of 8 million subscribers across its operations.
This excellent momentum has been created by a combination of additional investment in GSM and price elasticity in our main markets. In 2004 Millicom rolled out GSM across Central and South America and we have rebranded our GSM offering under the
Tigo brand. Tigo has enabled Millicom to attract higher spending customers, particularly in Central America, which is our largest region in terms of revenues.  In November we launched a GSM network in Pakistan leading to rapid growth, so that by the
year end we had more than one million customers in this market and Paktel has added in excess of 275,000 new GSM customers to date.  The other key driver to growth in 2004 has been the price elasticity we experienced following tariff reductions for
customers, particularly in Vietnam, which have driven minutes of use for our existing customers, as well as enabling us to penetrate these markets more rapidly as cellular services become more affordable. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">&#147;This strong growth was achieved whilst operating at an annual EBITDA margin of just below 50%. The margin in the fourth quarter of 48% was impacted by the launch of the GSM service by Paktel in Pakistan. It will take
Paktel more than two years to reach the margins it was experiencing prior to the launch of GSM. This will erode Millicom&#146;s overall margin somewhat over that period of time.</FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">&#147;In December 2004 and January 2005 Millicom successfully raised and settled some $400 million, split evenly between equity and convertible debt, and the proceeds of this will be used primarily for funding our
businesses in Vietnam and Pakistan. Negotiations for an extension of our co-operation with VMS in Vietnam are ongoing and a decision on the future of the co-operation is expected in the second quarter. In Pakistan, Millicom extended Paktel&#146;s
license and is waiting to be offered formal terms by the regulator to extend Pakcom&#146;s license.&#148;</FONT></P>
<P align="center">
<B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">FINANCIAL AND OPERATING SUMMARY*</FONT></U></B></P>
<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td width="4%" align="left" valign="top">&#149;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top"><font size=2 face="serif">Subscriber growth:</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="4%" align="left" valign="top"><font face="wingdings">&#216;</font><font size=2 face="serif">&nbsp;</font></td>
          <td><font size=2 face="serif">An annual increase in total cellular
          subscribers of 36% to 7,713,201 as at December 31, 2004.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top"><font face="wingdings">&#216;</font></td>
          <td><font size=2 face="serif">An annual increase in proportional cellular
          subscribers of 32% to 5,332,259 as at December 31, 2004.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top"><font face="wingdings">&#216;</font></td>
          <td><font size=2 face="serif">In the fourth quarter of 2004 Millicom
          added 859,968 net new total cellular subscribers.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top"><font face="wingdings">&#216;</font></td>
          <td><font size=2 face="serif">Proportional prepaid subscribers increased
          to 4,756,113 from 3,550,322 as at December 31, 2003.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&#149;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top"> <font size=2 face="serif">Financial highlights:</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top"><font face="wingdings">&#216;</font></td>
          <td><font size=2 face="serif">Revenues for the fourth quarter of 2004
                    were $255.7 million, an increase of 27% from the fourth quarter
                    of 2003. Compared to the third quarter of 2004, revenues
          increased by 9% from $235.3 million.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top"><font face="wingdings">&#216;</font></td>
          <td><font size=2 face="serif">EBITDA increased by 33% in the fourth
                    quarter of 2004 to $123.8 million, from $92.8 million for
                    the fourth quarter of 2003. Compared to the third quarter
          of 2004, EBITDA increased by 5% from $117.4 million.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top"><font face="wingdings">&#216;</font></td>
          <td><font size=2 face="serif">Total shareholders&#146; equity was $239.0
                    million at December 31, 2004, compared to ($85.2) million
                    as at December 31, 2003, resulting from the profit of the
                    year 2004, the equity offering and the conversion of the
          2% PIK Notes.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top"><font face="wingdings">&#216;</font></td>
          <td><font size=2 face="serif">Profit for the fourth quarter of 2004
                    was $25.9 million, compared to a loss of $10.2 million for
          the fourth quarter of 2003.</font></td>
<P align="right">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">2</FONT></P>

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<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td width="4%" align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="4%" align="left" valign="top"><font face="wingdings">&#216;</font></td>
          <td><font size=2 face="serif">Net debt excluding the 5% mandatory exchangeable notes reduced
               to $327.4 million giving a net debt to
          EBITDA ratio of 0.72.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top"><font face="wingdings">&#216;</font></td>
          <td><font size=2 face="serif">Capital expenditure for the
          year ended December 31, 2004 was $237.0 million.</FONT></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&#149;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top"><font size=2 face="serif">Total cellular minutes increased by 38%
                    for the three months ended December 31, 2004 from the same</font> <font size=2 face="serif">quarter
          in 2003. Prepaid minutes increased by 47% in the same period.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&#149;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top"><font size=2 face="serif">Paktel,
                    one of Millicom&#146;s businesses in Pakistan, saw the launch
                    of its GSM network delayed by four</font> <font size=2 face="serif">months
                    following a dispute with the PTA (Pakistan regulator), which
                    impacted the business in South Asia</font> <font size=2 face="serif">in
                    the fourth quarter. Agreement was reached in October 2004
                    when the PTA agreed that Paktel could</font> <font size=2 face="serif">switch
                    on its GSM network without charge and renew its license for
                    15 years from October 23</font><sup><font size=2 face="serif">rd </font></sup><font size=2 face="serif">2004
                    for a</font> <font size=2 face="serif">fee of $291 million
          payable over 13 years.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&#149;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top"><font size=2 face="serif">On
                    November 8</font><sup><font size=2 face="serif">th </font></sup><font size=2 face="serif">2004,
                    Millicom&#146;s subsidiary Comvik International Vietnam signed
                    a second</font> <font size=2 face="serif">Memorandum of Understanding
                    with Vietnam Mobil Telephone Services Company (VMS-MobiFone)</font> <font size=2 face="serif">expressing
                    the wish of both parties to continue working together in
          the future in the form of a Joint Stock</font> <font size=2
face="serif">Company incorporated under the Law on Enterprises of Vietnam.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&#149;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top"><font size=2 face="serif">In
                    November Millicom won a tender for a ten year license to
                    operate a GSM 900 network in the Republic</font> <font size=2 face="serif">of
          Chad, Central Africa.</font> </td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&#149;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top"><font size=2 face="serif">In
                    December, Millicom extended its cellular licenses in El Salvador
          and Ghana until 2018 and 2019</font> <font size=2 face="serif">respectively.</font></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">&#149;</td>
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top"><font size=2 face="serif">In
                    the fourth quarter Millicom raised some $400 million. Millicom
                    announced a concurrent offering of 8</font> <font size=2 face="serif">million
                    shares in the form of Ordinary Shares or Swedish Depository
                    Receipts (SDRs) and $175 million</font> <font size=2 face="serif">of
                    4% Convertible Bonds due 2010 (the &#147;4% Bonds&#148;)
                    convertible into Ordinary Shares and/or SDRs. An</font> <font size=2 face="serif">additional
                    amount of 1 million Ordinary Shares/SDRs and an additional
                    15% aggregate principal amount</font> <font size=2 face="serif">of
                    the 4% Bonds were issued upon the exercise of options granted
                    to the managers of the transaction,</font> <font size=2 face="serif">making
                    the aggregate Share Offering 9 million Ordinary Shares and
                    the aggregate principal amount of the</font> <font size=2 face="serif">4%
                    Bonds $200 million. The net proceeds of the offering of the
                    $200 million 4% Bonds were paid and</font> <font size=2 face="serif">settled
          on January 7, 2005 in the amount of $195,875,000.</font></td>

<P align="center">
<B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">REVIEW OF OPERATIONS</FONT></U></B></P>
<P align="center">
<B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">SUBSCRIBER GROWTH</FONT></U></B></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">In the fourth quarter of 2004 Millicom&#146;s worldwide operations added a record 859,968 net new total cellular subscribers.  On a proportional basis, Millicom added 594,538 subscribers, bringing the number of proportional
cellular subscribers as at December 31, 2004 to 5.3 million. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">At December 31, 2004, Millicom&#146;s total cellular subscriber base increased by 36% to 7,713,201 cellular subscribers from 5,690,542 as at December 31, 2003.  Particularly significant percentage increases were recorded in
Ghana (135%), Laos (132%), Tanzania (79%) and Vietnam (79%).  Millicom&#146;s proportional subscriber base increased to 5,332,259 as at December 31, 2004 from 4,025,577 as at December 31, 2003, an increase of 32%.</FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Within the 5,332,259 proportional cellular subscribers reported at the end of the fourth quarter, 4,756,113 were prepaid subscribers. Prepaid subscribers currently represent 87% of total and 89% of proportional cellular
subscribers. </FONT></P>
<P align="right">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">3</FONT></P>

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<P align="center">

<div align="center"><U><FONT size=2 face="serif"><B>Cellular Operations<sup>(i)</sup></b></FONT></U>


<TABLE width="95%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width="20%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right><FONT size=2 face="serif"><B>Proportional
                         (ii) <br>
Subs as at <br>
Dec 31, 2004</B></FONT></TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right><b><font size=2 face="serif">Proportional (ii)<br>
Subs as at <br>
Dec 31, 2003</font></b></TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="8%" align=right><b><font size=2 face="serif">Annualized<br>
     </font></b><font size=1 face="serif">&nbsp; </font><b><font size=2 face="serif">Increase</font></b></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right><b><font size=2 face="serif">Total <br>
Subs as at<br>
Dec 31, 2004</font></b></TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right><b><font size=2 face="serif">Total<br>
Subs as at <br>
Dec 31, 2003</font></b></TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="8%" align=right><font size=2 face="serif"><b>Annualized<br>
     <TD width="2%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width="20%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="8%" align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="8%" align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=20% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South East Asia</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,125,808</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">680,129</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">66</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,499,307</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,484,867</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">68</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=20% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South Asia</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,246,132</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">998,207</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">25</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,458,846</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,192,282</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">22</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=20% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Central America</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,149,299</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">968,635</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">19</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,697,036</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,412,513</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">20</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=20% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South America</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">916,465</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">915,174</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">0.1</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">937,397</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">939,376</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-0.2</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=20% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Africa</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">894,555</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">463,432</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">93</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,120,615</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">661,504</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">69</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT>
        <TD width="20%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="8%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
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        <TD width="8%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=20% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total Cellular Ops</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5,332,259</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,025,577</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">32</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">7,713,201</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5,690,542</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=8% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">36</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">%</FONT></B>
        <TD width="20%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="8%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="8%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<TABLE width="95%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width=5% align=right valign="top">&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=5% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">(i)</FONT></I>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=92% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">All numbers and comparatives exclude divested operations.</FONT></I>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width=5% align=right valign="top">&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=5% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">(ii)</FONT></I>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=92% align=left valign="top">
<I><FONT size=1 face="serif">Proportional subscribers are calculated as the sum of Millicom&#146;s percentage ownership of subscribers in each operation.</FONT></I>
<P align="center">
<B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004*</FONT></U></B><B><FONT size=2 face="serif"> </FONT></B></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Total revenues for the three months ended December 31, 2004 were $255.7 million, an increase of 27% from the fourth quarter of 2003 and of 9% from the previous quarter, reflecting the increasing trend of growth in
Millicom&#146;s operations. Millicom recorded revenue growth in Africa of 63% to $44.4m in the fourth quarter of 2004 compared with the same period in 2003, with Tanzania producing growth of 85%.  Fourth quarter revenues for South East Asia were
$64.6 million compared to $50.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2003, an increase of 29% and for South Asia, revenues were $24.9 million, a 15% decrease from the fourth quarter of 2003, owing to the delay in launching GSM services and a reduction
in the long distance and international toll charges in Pakistan. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">The Central American market continued to perform strongly, producing a 30% increase in revenues from $67.4 million for the fourth quarter of 2003 to $87.9 million for the fourth quarter of 2004. Comcel, our joint venture in
Guatemala was mentioned in an investigation by the Guatemalan authorities into political donations to the administration of the former President. Such political donations are lawful and common practice in Guatemala and Comcel is confident that these
actions will be confirmed as legitimate political support. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">In South America, revenue growth at 24% has improved significantly and Paraguay and Bolivia produced revenue increases of 27% and 20% respectively.</FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">EBITDA for the three months ended December 31, 2004 was $123.8 million, an increase of 33% from the quarter ended December 31, 2003.  EBITDA for Africa increased by 90% to $21.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2004 from
$11.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2003, due to strong results and a settlement in Millicom&#146;s favour of an interconnect dispute in Mauritius. EBITDA for South East Asia was $40.3 million for the fourth quarter, an increase of 65% from the
same period in 2003 and South Asia saw a decline in EBITDA in the fourth quarter of 2004 to $4.9 million, due to decreased sales for the reasons mentioned above and increased sales and marketing costs during the period leading up to the launch of
the GSM services in Pakistan.  Central America recorded growth in EBITDA of 40% from the fourth quarter of 2003 to $44.7 million and the equivalent increase for South America was 37% giving EBITDA of $12.9 million.  The quarterly EBITDA margin for
South East Asia was 62% and for South Asia it was 20%. Central America recorded an EBITDA margin of 51% and for South America it was 40%. The EBITDA margin for Africa was 49%. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Compared to the third quarter of 2004, Group EBITDA increased by 5%. For Africa the increase was 30% and South East Asia and South America both demonstrated growth of over 10% from the previous quarter. </FONT></P>
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<FONT size=2 face="serif">4</FONT></P>

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<P align="center">
<B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004*</FONT></U></B></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2004 were $919.3 million, an increase of 44% from 2003. Revenues for Africa were $150.0 million, increasing by 77%.  In South East Asia, revenues were $231.8 million, an
increase of 32% from 2003 and revenues for South Asia were $113.2 million, up 7%. Revenues for Central America were $305.0 million, an increase of 84% from 2003, reflecting growth and the reconsolidation of El Salvador since September 2003. For
South America, revenues were $114.0 million , an increase of 15% from 2003.</FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">EBITDA was $455.3 million for the year, an increase of 43% over 2003. Most notably Africa recorded an 85% increase to $65.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2004.  EBITDA for South East Asia was $141.3 million, up
37% from the year to December 2003, and EBITDA for South Asia was $49.2 million, down 11%.  Central America recorded EBITDA of $155.6 million, up 81%, reflecting growth and the reconsolidation of El Salvador. EBITDA for South America increased 19%
year on year to $44.6 million. For the year ended December 31, 2004, the Group EBITDA margin was 49.5%; for South East Asia 61%, for South Asia 43%, for Central America 51%, for South America 39% and for Africa 44%.</FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">The profit for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 was $68.2 million and $178.8 million respectively. The basic earnings per common share for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 was $0.82 and $2.74
respectively. The profit for the years to December 2004 and 2003 included, amongst others, a net gain of $21.6 million and $257.1 million respectively, relating to the valuation movement on investment in securities, the fair value result on
financial instruments and the gain on debt restructuring. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Total cellular minutes increased by 39% for the year to December 2004 compared with 2003. <br>

<P align="center">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">The net value of licenses increased to $277.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2004.  This increase was primarily due to the acquisition and/or renewal of licenses in Pakistan, Ghana, El Salvador and Chad. The value of the
Paktel license was recorded at the present value of the total cash outflows payable from 2004 to 2017 of a gross amount of $291.0 million, resulting in a license value of $216.5 million. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">The unpaid portion of the licenses is recorded under the captions &#145;other non-current liabilities&#146; and &#145;other current liabilities&#146;. As of December 31, 2004, the Paktel license results in a non-current
liability of $176.0 million and a current liability of $28.3 million. The license in Ghana results in a non-current liability of $11.7 million and a current liability of $4.0 million. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">In the fourth quarter Millicom recorded a $7.1 million asset impairment on AMPS and TDMA network equipment as a result of GSM migration in a number of operations.  In addition Millicom has decided to shorten the
amortization period on AMPS and TDMA network equipment in the relevant markets so that these assets will be fully amortized by the end of 2008. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">For the fourth quarter of 2004, the conversion to US dollars of the 5% mandatory exchangeable Notes in Tele2 shares (the &#147;5% Notes&#148;) resulted in an exchange loss of $31.5 million. This loss was offset by a gain
resulting from the valuation movement on the Tele2 shares of $18.0 million and a gain on the fair value result of the embedded derivative on the 5% Notes of $16.3 million. This resulted in a net gain of $2.8 million for the quarter. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">For the year 2004, the conversion to US dollars of the 5% Notes resulted in an exchange loss of $27.5 million and the valuation movement on the Tele2 shares resulted in a loss of $127.2 million. These losses were offset by
a gain on the fair value result of the embedded derivative on the 5% Notes of $148.7 million resulting in a net loss for the year of $6.0 million. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">The interest expense for the fourth quarter of 2004 comprised prepaid interest and amortization of deferred financing fees on the 5% Notes of $6.4 million, interest and amortization of deferred financing fees on the 10%
Notes of $14.8 million, interest expenses of $2.3 million computed on the Paktel license payable, interest expense of $2.1 million due to the early repayment of debt to a former minority holder of El Salvador which</FONT></P>
<P align="right">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">5</FONT></P>

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<FONT size=2 face="serif">was recorded at the present value of the expected cash outflows, and interest expenses on other debt and financing of $5.6 million. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">&#145;Other operating income&#146; represents a compensation of $3.3 million received from a supplier due to the late delivery of network equipment in Central and South America. The total compensation to which Millicom is
entitled amounts to approximately $9.8 million. The compensation is in the form of vouchers to be used for future purchase of equipment. The recognition as other operating income occurs when the equipment is delivered. Millicom currently has a
contingent asset of approximately $6.5 million representing compensation which is expected to be recognized as other operating income in the first and second quarters of 2005, when the equipment is delivered. <br>
<P align="center">
<B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE FOR THE 2005 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF</FONT></U></B><B><FONT size=2 face="serif"><br>
</FONT></B><B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">SHAREHOLDERS</FONT></U></B><B><FONT size=2 face="serif">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Following the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Millicom held in May 2004, a Nominations Committee was created. The Nominations Committee members are Cristina Stenbeck (Chairman), Vigo Carlund and Daniel
Johannesson. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">The Nominations Committee will submit a proposal for the composition of the Board of Directors that will be presented for approval to the 2005 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders which will be held on Tuesday, May 31,
2005. </FONT></P>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Shareholders who would like to suggest representatives for the Millicom Board of Directors can send a letter to AGM, Millicom International Cellular S.A., 75 Route de Longwy, L-8080 Bertrange, Luxembourg or an e-mail to
</FONT><U><FONT color="#0000ff" size=2 face="serif">agm@millicom.com</FONT></U><FONT size=2 face="serif">. </FONT></P>
<I><FONT size=2 face="serif">Millicom International Cellular S.A. is a global telecommunications investor with cellular operations in Asia, Latin America and Africa. It currently has a total of 17 cellular operations and licenses in 16 countries.
The Group&#146;s cellular operations have a combined population under license of approximately 399 million people. </FONT></I></P>
<I><FONT size=2 face="serif">This press release may contain certain &#147;forward-looking statements&#148; with respect to Millicom&#146;s expectations and plans, strategy, management&#146;s objectives, future performance, costs, revenues, earnings
and other trend information.  It is important to note that Millicom&#146;s actual results in the future could differ materially from those anticipated in forward-looking statements depending on various important factors. Please refer to the
documents that Millicom has filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including Millicom&#146;s most recent annual report on Form 20-F, for a discussion of certain of these
factors. </FONT></I></P>
<I><FONT size=2 face="serif">All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information available to Millicom on the date hereof. All written or oral forward-looking statements attributable to Millicom International Cellular S.A.,
any Millicom International Cellular S.A. members or persons acting on Millicom&#146;s behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the factors referred to above. Millicom does not intend to update these forward-looking statements.
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">CONTACTS: </FONT></B></P>
<TABLE width="59%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=49% align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Marc Beuls</FONT></B>
        <TD width=28% align=right>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Telephone:</FONT></B>
        <TD width=23% align=right>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">+352 27 759 327</FONT></B>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=49% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">President and Chief Executive Officer</FONT>
        <TD width=28% align=left>

        <TD width=23% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=49% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Millicom International Cellular S.A., Luxembourg</FONT>
        <TD width=28% align=left>

        <TD width=23% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=49% align=left>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Andrew Best</FONT></B>
        <TD width=28% align=right>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Telephone:</FONT></B>
        <TD width=23% align=right>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">+44 20 7321 5022</FONT></B>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=49% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Investor Relations</FONT>
        <TD width=28% align=left>

        <TD width=23% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=49% align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Shared Value Ltd, London</FONT>
        <TD width=28% align=left>

        <TD width=23% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD colspan="2" align=left>
<FONT size=2 face="serif">Visit our web site at </FONT><B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">http://www.millicom.com</FONT></U></B>
        <TD width=23% align=left>

<P align="right">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">6</FONT></P>

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<P align="center">
<B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">CONFERENCE CALL DETAILS</FONT></U></B></P>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">A conference call to discuss the results will be
held at 17:00 CET / 11:00 ET, on Tuesday, February 15, 2004. The dial-in numbers
are: +44 (0)20 7984 7572 or +1 718 354 1171 and participants should quote Millicom
 International Cellular. A live audio stream of the conference call can also
be accessed at </FONT></B><B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">www.millicom.com</FONT></U></B><B><FONT size=2 face="serif">.
Please dial in / log on 5 minutes prior to the start  of the conference call
to allow time for registration. A recording of the conference call will be available
for 7 days after the conference call, commencing approximately 30 minutes after
the live call has finished, on: +44 (0)20 7984 7578 or +1  718 354 1112, access
code: 4695110#.</FONT></B><FONT size=2 face="serif"> </FONT></P>
<P align="center">
<B><U><FONT size=2 face="serif">APPENDICES</FONT></U></B></P>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Consolidated statements of profit and loss for the three months ended December 31, 2004 and 2003</FONT></B><br>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Consolidated statements of profit and loss for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003</FONT></B><br>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Consolidated balance sheets as at December 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003</FONT></B><br>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Condensed consolidated statements of cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003</FONT></B><br>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Condensed consolidated statements of changes in shareholders&#146; equity for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003</FONT></B><br>
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Quarterly analysis by cluster</FONT></B></LI>
<P align="right">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">7</FONT></P>

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<P align="center">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Millicom International Cellular S.A. <br>
Consolidated statements of profit and loss <br>
for the three months ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 </FONT></B></P>
<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td><hr noshade size=1></td>

<TABLE width="95%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width=68% align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=12% align=right><b><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Quarter ended<br>
Dec 31, 2004<br>
</font></b><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(Unaudited) <br>
US$ &#146;000</font></TD>
     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=12% align=right><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif"><b>Quarter ended<br>
Dec 31, 2003</B><br>
(Unaudited) <br>
US$ &#146;000 </font></TD>
     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width=68% align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=12% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=12% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Revenues</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">255,686</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">201,855</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Operating expenses</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Cost of sales (excluding depreciation and amortization)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(67,697</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(54,320</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Sales and marketing</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(37,291</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(30,289</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">General and administrative expenses</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(30,217</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(24,270</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Other Operating income</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">3,287</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">EBITDA</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">123,768</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">92,976</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Corporate and license acquisition costs</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(5,902</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(8,355</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Write-down of assets, net</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(7,141</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(6,172</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Depreciation and amortization</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(51,796</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(37,918</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Operating profit</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">58,929</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">40,531</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Gain (loss) on exchange and disposal of investments</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(44</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,082</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Valuation movement on investment in securities</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">17,999</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">127,521</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Fair value result on financial instruments</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">16,310</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(58,138</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit from associated companies</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">311</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">163</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit before financing and taxes</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">93,505</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">111,159</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Interest expense</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(31,208</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(43,852</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Interest income</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,790</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Exchange loss, net</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(28,427</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(51,915</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit before taxes</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">36,660</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">15,392</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Taxes</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(8,139</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(23,268</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit / (Loss) after taxes</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">28,521</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(7,876</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Minority interest</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(2,598</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(2,357</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit / (Loss) for the quarter</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">25,923</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(10,233</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Basic earnings per common share (US$)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">0.28</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(0.16</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Weighted average number of shares outstanding
in the quarter (in thousands)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">91,893</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">65,664</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit for the quarter used to determine diluted
earnings per common share</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">25,923</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(10,233</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Diluted earnings per common share (US$)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">0.28</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(0.16</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Weighted average number of shares and potential</FONT></B> <B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif"> dilutive
shares outstanding in the quarter (in thousands)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">92,461</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">65,664</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<P align="right">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">8 </FONT></P>

<hr size=3 color=GRAY noshade>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
<!-- MARKER PAGE="sheet: 1; page: 1" -->
<div align="center"><br>
          <B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Millicom International Cellular S.A. <br>
     Consolidated statements of profit and loss <br>
     for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 </FONT></B>
<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td><hr noshade size=1></td>
<TABLE width="95%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width="68%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right><b><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Year ended <br>
          Dec 31, 2004<br>
</font></b><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(Unaudited) <br>
US$ &#146;000</font></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Y<strong>ear ended <br>
          Dec 31, 2003<br>

US$ &#146;000</font></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width="68%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Revenues</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">921,466</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">647,104</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Operating expenses</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Cost of sales (excluding depreciation and amortization)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(246,402</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(161,891</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Sales and marketing</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(122,705</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(87,575</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">General and administrative expenses</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(99,789</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(76,827</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Other Operating income</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">3,287</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">EBITDA</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">455,857</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">320,811</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Corporate and license acquisition costs</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(26,244</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(25,455</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Write-down of assets, net</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(9,730</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(6,482</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Depreciation and amortization</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(170,993</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(128,572</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Operating profit</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">248,890</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">160,302</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Gain on exchange and disposal of investments</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">193</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,047</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Valuation movement on investment in securities</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(127,158</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">244,926</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Fair value result on financial instruments</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">148,712</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(84,578</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit from associated companies</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">814</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">380</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit before financing and taxes</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">271,451</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">325,077</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Interest expense</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(108,534</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(135,172</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Interest income</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">7,810</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,836</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Gain on debt restructuring</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">96,748</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Exchange loss, net</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(26,796</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(45,602</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit before taxes</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">143,931</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">245,887</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Taxes</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(58,900</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(52,369</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit after taxes</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">85,031</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">193,518</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Minority interest</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(16,790</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(14,695</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit for the year</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">68,241</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">178,823</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Basic earnings per common share (US$)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">0.82</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2.74</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>&nbsp;
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Weighted average number of shares outstanding<br>
in the year (in thousands)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">83,335</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">65,312</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit for the year used to determine diluted earnings
per common share</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">69,458</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">182,299</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Diluted earnings per common share (US$)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">0.77</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2.26</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Weighted average number of shares and potential</FONT></B> <B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif"><br>
shares outstanding in the year (in thousands)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">90,312</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">80,500</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>   </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>     </TD>
<P align="right">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">9</FONT></P>

<hr size=3 color=GRAY noshade>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
<!-- MARKER PAGE="sheet: 1; page: 1" -->
<P align="center">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Millicom International Cellular S.A.</FONT></B><I><FONT size=1 face="serif"><br>
</FONT></I><B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Consolidated balance sheets <br>
as at December 31, 2004 and December 31,
<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td><hr noshade size=1></td>
<TABLE width="95%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width=68% align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=12% align=left><P align="right"><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif"><B>Dec
     (Unaudited)     <br>
     US$ &#146;000</FONT>      </TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=12% align=right><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif"><b>Dec 31,<br>
US$ &#146;000 </font></TD>
     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><U><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Assets</FONT></U></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Non-current assets</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Intangible assets</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Goodwill, net</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">37,702</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">49,578</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Licenses, net</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">277,705</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">30,889</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Other intangible assets, net</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,561</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5,148</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Property, plant and equipment, net</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">575,649</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">487,746</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Financial assets</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Investment in Tele2 AB shares</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">351,882</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">479,040</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Investment in other securities</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">13,393</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">25,397</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Investment in associated companies</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,220</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,340</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5% Mandatory Exchangeable Notes &#150; Embedded derivative</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">45,255</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Pledged deposits</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">26,743</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">31,530</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Deferred taxation</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5,806</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5,226</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1></TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total non-current assets</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,338,916</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,115,894</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1></TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Current assets</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Investment in other securities</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">15,327</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">15,291</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Inventories</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">16,304</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">10,941</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Debtors</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=left>

     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Trade receivables, net</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">141,972</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">113,750</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Amounts due from joint ventures</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">11,715</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">13,137</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Amounts due from other related parties</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,265</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,905</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Prepayments and accrued income</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">36,875</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">19,739</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Other current assets</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">62,256</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">49,583</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Time deposits</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">610</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">32,880</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Cash and cash equivalents</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">421,442</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">148,829</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1></TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total current assets</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">708,766</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">407,055</FONT>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1></TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total assets</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,047,682</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,522,949</FONT></B>
     <TD width=2% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2></TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
<P align="right">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">10</FONT></P>

<hr size=3 color=GRAY noshade>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
<!-- MARKER PAGE="sheet: 1; page: 1" -->
<P align="center"><B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Millicom International Cellular S.A. <br>
Consolidated balance sheets <br>
as at December 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003 </FONT></B></P>
<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td><hr noshade size=1></td>
<TABLE width="95%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width="72%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="10%" align=right><FONT size=2 face="serif"><b>Dec 31,<br>

US$ &#146;000 </FONT></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=right></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align="right">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="10%" align=right><FONT size=2 face="serif"><b>Dec 31,<br>

US$ &#146;000</FONT></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width="72%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="10%" align=left></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left></TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="10%" align=left></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
<B><U><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Shareholders&#146; equity and liabilities</FONT></U></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Shareholders&#146; equity</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Share capital and premium</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">513,782</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">239,876</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Treasury stock</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(8,833</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(8,833</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2% PIK Notes &#150; equity component</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">16,006</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Legal reserve</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">13,577</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,256</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Retained losses brought forward</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(276,608</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(446,110</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit for the period</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">68,241</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">178,823</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Currency translation reserve</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(71,116</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(69,198</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="72%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total shareholders&#146; equity</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">239,043</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(85,180</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="72%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Minority interest</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">43,351</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">26,571</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="72%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Liabilities</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Non-current liabilities</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">10% Senior Notes</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">536,629</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">536,036</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2% PIK Notes &#150; Debt component</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">50,923</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5% Mandatory Exchangeable Notes &#150; Debt component</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">365,006</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">327,635</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5% Mandatory Exchangeable Notes &#150; Embedded derivative</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">103,457</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Other debt and financing</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">140,110</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">126,150</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Other non-current liabilities</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">197,627</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Deferred taxation</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">38,832</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">33,944</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="72%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total non-current liabilities</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,278,204</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,178,145</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="72%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Current liabilities</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Other debt and financing</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">72,668</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">132,664</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Trade payables</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">178,639</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">112,764</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Amounts due to related parties</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">3,698</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">608</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Accrued interest and other expenses</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">55,203</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">44,673</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Other current liabilities</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">176,876</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">112,704</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="72%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total current liabilities</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">487,084</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">403,413</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="72%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total liabilities</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,765,288</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,581,558</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="72%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=72% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total shareholders&#146; equity and liabilities</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,047,682</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=10% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,522,949</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="72%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="10%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>

<P align="right">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">11</FONT></P>
<hr size=3 color=GRAY noshade>
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<P align="center">
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Millicom International Cellular S.A. <br>
Condensed consolidated statements of cash flows <br>
for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 </FONT></B></P>
<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td><hr noshade size=1></td>
<TABLE width="95%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width=68% align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=12% align=right><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif"><b>Dec 31, <br>
US$ &#146;000</font></TD>
     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=12% align=right><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif"><b>Dec 31,<br>

US$ &#146;000</font></TD>
     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width=68% align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=12% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=12% align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Net cash provided by operating activities</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">318,009</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">167,928</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Cash flow used by investing activities</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(194,056</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(86,066</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Cash flow provided / (used) by financing activities</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">150,183</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(4,605</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Cash effect of exchange rate changes</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(1,523</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,121</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Net increase in cash and cash equivalents</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">272,613</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">78,378</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Cash and cash equivalents, beginning</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">148,829</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">70,451</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Cash and cash equivalents, ending</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">421,442</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">148,829</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>

<P align="center">
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Millicom International Cellular S.A. <br>
Condensed consolidated statements of changes in shareholders&#146; equity <br>
for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 </FONT></B></P>

<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td><hr noshade size=1></td>
<TABLE width="95%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width="68%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right><B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Dec 31,<br>
2004 </FONT></B>
          <FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(Unaudited)<br>
US$ &#146;000 </FONT></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right><b><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Dec 31, 2003 </font></b>
          <FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">US$ &#146;000 </font></TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width="68%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%">&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="12%" align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width="2%" align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Shareholders&#146; equity as at January 1</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(85,180</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(295,259</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Disposal / Cancellation of treasury stock</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,394</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Profit for the year</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">68,241</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">178,823</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Net proceeds of equity offering</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">203,616</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Shares issued via the exercise of stock options</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,867</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,181</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Effect of consolidation of El Salvador</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(3,248</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Issuance / Conversion of 2% PIK Notes</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">51,417</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">16,006</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Movement in currency translation reserve</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(1,918</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">14,923</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=68% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Shareholders&#146; equity</FONT>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">239,043</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=12% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(85,180</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="68%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="12%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
          <HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="12%">
<HR noshade size=2>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=2>
<P align="right">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">12</FONT></P>

<hr size=3 color=GRAY noshade>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
<!-- MARKER PAGE="sheet: 1; page: 1" -->

<P align="center">
<B><FONT size=2 face="serif">Millicom International Cellular S.A. <br>
Quarterly analysis by cluster </FONT></B></P>
<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td><hr noshade size=1></td>
<TABLE width="95%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD width=27% align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=2%>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD width=11% align=center><b><font size=2 face="serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;04 Q4</font></b></TD>
     <TD width=2% align=center><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></TD>
     <TD width=2% align="center"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></TD>
     <TD width=11% align=center><b><font size=2 face="serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;04 Q3</font></b></TD>
     <TD width=2% align="center"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></TD>
     <TD width=11% align=center><b><font size=2 face="serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;04
     <TD width=2% align=center><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></TD>
     <TD width=2% align="center"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></TD>
     <TD width=11% align=center><b><font size=2 face="serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;04 Q1</font></b></TD>
     <TD width=2% align=center><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></TD>
     <TD width=2% align="center"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></TD>
     <TD width=11% align=center><b><font size=2 face="serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;03 Q4</font></b></TD>
     <TD width=2% align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total cellular subs</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South East Asia</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,499,307</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">2,180,800</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,939,790</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,706,073</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,484,867</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South Asia</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,458,846</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,300,977</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,271,138</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,246,692</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,192,282</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Central America</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,697,036</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,537,904</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,523,790</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,443,815</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,412,513</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South America</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">937,397</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">843,384</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">774,304</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">739,530</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">939,376</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Africa</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,120,615</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">990,168</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">863,345</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">761,261</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">661,504</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Sub-total</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">7,713,201</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">6,853,233</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">6,372,367</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5,897,371</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5,690,542</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Divested</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">7,713,201</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">6,853,233</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">6,372,367</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5,897,371</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5,690,542</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Prop cellular subs</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South East Asia</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,125,808</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">990,144</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">883,229</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">779,517</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">680,129</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South Asia</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,246,132</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,083,736</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,063,081</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,044,513</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">998,207</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Central America</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,149,299</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,049,491</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,037,755</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">987,115</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">968,635</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South America</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">916,465</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">823,360</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">754,900</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">721,602</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">915,174</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Africa</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">894,555</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">790,990</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">682,220</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">595,283</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">463,432</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Sub-total</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5,332,259</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,737,721</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,421,185</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,128,030</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,025,577</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Divested</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">5,332,259</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,737,721</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,421,185</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,128,030</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,025,577</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Revenues (US$ &#146;000)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South East Asia</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">64,632</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">59,624</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">51,803</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">55,743</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">50,195</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South Asia</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">24,889</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">28,006</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">29,746</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">30,608</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">29,140</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Central America</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">87,899</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">77,660</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">70,691</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">68,784</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">67,414</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South America</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">32,302</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">30,116</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">26,573</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">25,014</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">26,023</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Africa</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">44,355</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">38,759</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">35,193</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">31,672</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">27,213</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Other</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,609</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,122</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,209</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,244</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">1,136</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Sub-total</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">255,686</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">235,287</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">215,215</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">213,065</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">201,121</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Divested</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">585</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">834</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">794</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">734</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">255,686</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">235,872</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">216,049</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">213,859</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">201,855</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">EBITDA (US$ &#146;000)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=left>

        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
     <TD align=left>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
     <TD align=right>&nbsp;</TD>
     <TD align=left></TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South East Asia</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">40,298</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">35,429</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">32,420</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">33,108</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">24,453</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South Asia</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">4,908</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">12,421</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">14,983</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">16,908</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">15,734</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Central America</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">44,695</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">40,987</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">36,134</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">33,750</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">32,009</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">South America</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">12,894</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">11,722</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">10,230</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">9,743</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">9,409</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Africa</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">21,760</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">16,748</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">13,981</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">13,319</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">11,456</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Other</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(787</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">101</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(227</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(262</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">(221</FONT>
        <TD width=2% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">)</FONT>
        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Sub-total</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">123,768</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">117,408</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">107,521</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">106,566</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">92,840</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Divested</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">-</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">186</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">184</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">224</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">136</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
<TR valign="bottom">
        <TD width=27% align=left>
<FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">Total</FONT>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">123,768</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">117,594</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">107,705</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">106,790</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width=2%>&nbsp;
        <TD width=11% align=right>
<B><FONT SIZE=2 face="serif">92,976</FONT></B>
        <TD width=2% align=left>

        <TD width="27%">
        <TD width="2%">
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%"><HR noshade size=1>
        <TD width="11%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>
        <TD width="2%">
<HR noshade size=1>     </TD>

<P align="right">
<FONT size=2 face="serif">13</FONT></P>

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