6-K 1 eni20091015_6k.htm MATERIAL INFORMATION Provided by MZ Technologies


Washington, D.C. 20549

Report of Foreign Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of October, 2009

Commission File Number: 001-12440


(Translation of Registrant’s Name into English)

Santa Rosa 76
Santiago, Chile

(Address of principal executive office)

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Enersis S.A.
A Chilean Corporation (Sociedad Anónima Abierta)
Securities Register Nº 175

Santiago, October 15, 2009
Ger. Gen. 197/2009


Mr. Guillermo Larraín R.
Superintendent of Securities and Insurance


Dear Sir:

In accordance with clauses 9 and 10.2 of the Securities Market Law 18,045 and General Rules Nos. 30 and 210 of the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance, and in the use of the powers conferred upon me, I inform the following Material Information:

Today, in a stock-market transaction carried out on the Lima Stock Exchange, Peru, Enersis S.A. acquired 153,255,336 shares representing 24% of the share capital of its Peruvian subsidiary Empresa de Distribución Eléctrica de Lima Norte S.A.A. (“Edelnor”), at a cost of 2,72 soles per share, which results in a total acquisition cost of US$ 145,753,327. The seller of the stock package was Generalima, S.A., a Peruvian company fully owned by Endesa Latinoamérica, S.A., the parent company of Enersis S.A.. After this transaction, the direct and indirect ownership stake of Enersis S.A. in Edelnor increased from 33.53% up to 57.53%. It’s worth mentioning that previous to this operation, Edelnor was already a subsidiary and was controlled by Enersis S.A.

Finally, we informed that considering that Edelnor is already consolidated in the Financial Statements of Enersis S.A., this transaction will not imply important changes over assets, liabilities and results of the Company. Despite the above, a consequence of this operation will be an increase on Profit (Loss) of the Parent company and a decrease in Profit (Loss) of the Minorities Shareholders.


Ignacio Antoñanzas Alvear
Chief Executive Officer

c.c:          Bolsa Comercio de Santiago
                Bolsa Electrónica de Chile
                Bolsa Corredores de Valparaíso
                Comisión Clasificadora de Riesgos
                Banco Santander – Bondholders Representative
                DCV Registros S.A.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

  By: /s/ Ignacio Antoñanzas 
  Title: Chief Executive Officer 

Date: October 16, 2009