6-K 1 enipr1q08_6k.htm CONSOLIDATED RESULTS 1Q08 Provided By MZ Data Products


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Report of Foreign Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of May, 2008

Commission File Number: 001-12440


(Translation of Registrant’s Name into English)

Santa Rosa 76
Santiago, Chile

(Address of principal executive office)

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Table of Contents

First Quarter 2008 - Market Information



[All figures in Chilean Pesos]


The most important topics as of March 2008, as compared with March 2007, may be summarized as follows:

• Net Income recorded 19.2%, reaching Ch$69,748 million.

• Operating Revenues grew by 5.6%, reaching Ch$1,224,601 million, explained by 12.1% higher operating revenues arising from our generation and transmission businesses, and 1.1% arising from our distribution business.

• Operating Income decreased by 11.2%, reaching Ch$339,657 million, due to a decrease in

  Generation and Transmission  4.5% 
  Distribution  18.4% 

• If we compare in homogeneous terms and isolate the appreciation of the Chilean peso effect, which decreased Ch$101.5, from Ch$539.21 as of March 2007 to Ch$437.71 on March 2008, Operating Income would have increased a 1.6% .


• Energy sales continue growing in the countries were we operate:

  Chile  0.4% 
  Argentina  2.5% 
  Brazil  2.8% 
  Colombia  4.9% 
  Peru  8.0% 

• Consolidated physical sales grew a 3.0% . Higher increases were shown by Edelnor, Coelce and Codensa.

• Distribution clients continue growing, this time reaching 406 thousand new clients. Higher increasing were in Coelce, Codensa and Edelnor.

• Energy losses –at the aggregate level- dropped from 11.1% to 10.4% . The largest such drop occurred in Ampla, Coelce and Codensa.

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First Quarter 2008 - Market Information


• On March 11, 2008, the third bid of energy for distribution companies was made. It was done in two blocks, 1,800 GWh/year for years 2011 to 2021 and 1,500 GWh/year for years 2022 and 2023 and adjudged 1.8 TWh/ year at an average price of 65.8 US$/MWh.

• Tariff Revisions;

• Codensa, programmed for 2008.
• Edesur, programmed for 2008.
• Chilectra, programmed for November 2008.
• Coelce, programmed for April 2011.
• Ampla, programmed for March 2009.


• Energy demand in those countries that we operate continued to grow, as follows:

  Chile  0.7% 
  Argentina  3.8% 
  Brazil  3.3% 
  Colombia  1.6% 
  Peru  9.4% 

• Our installed capacity expanded by 3.0%, from 13,726 to 14,182 MW; basically, because of the incorporation of San Isidro II, Palmucho, Canela and the generation of Taltal.

• Physical sales grew in Costanera, Edegel, Emgesa and Fortaleza.

• Chile’s National Energy Commission (CNE) published the node price for the SIC corresponding to the price-fixing of April 2008, which were 118.28 US$/MWh and 52.4 Ch$/kWh monomic price for the Alto Jahuel node 220, representing a 13.7% increase in US dollars and a 2.6% drop in Chilean pesos.

• Chile’s CNE published the node prices for the SING corresponding to the price fixing of April 2008, which were 115.9 US$/MWh and 51.3 Ch$/kWh monomic price for the Crucero 220 node, representing a 0% US dollar price hike and an 8% drop in Chilean pesos.

• On April 1, 2008 was issued the Law 20,257 that stimulates the use of non-conventional renewable energies (ERNC). The main objective of this law is to force generators that at least a 5% of their contracted energy must come from non-conventional renewable sources, between years 2010 and 2014, increasing progressively in annual 0,5% from the 2015 to year 2024, when it reaches a 10%.

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First Quarter 2008 - Market Information



       EQUITY MARKET    7 
       DEBT MARKET    10 
       NET INCOME    14 
       OPERATING INCOME    14 

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First Quarter 2008 - Market Information


       GENERATION    35 
       Costanera    35 
       Chocón    36 
       DISTRIBUTION    37 
       Edesur    37 
BRAZIL    38 
       Endesa Brazil (*)   38 
       GENERATION    38 
       Cachoeira Dourada    38 
       Fortaleza    39 
       TRANSMISSION    39 
       Cien    39 
       DISTRIBUTION    40 
       Ampla    40 
       Coelce    41 
CHILE    42 
       GENERATION    42 
       ENDESA CHILE    42 
       DISTRIBUTION    44 
       Chilectra    44 
       GENERATION    45 
       Emgesa    45 
       DISTRIBUTION    46 
       Codensa    46 
PERU    47 
       GENERATION    47 
       Edegel    47 
       DISTRIBUTION    48 
       Edelnor    48 
       DISCLAIMER    52 

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First Quarter 2008 - Market Information



(Santiago, Chile, April 25, 2008) Enersis S.A. (NYSE: ENI), announced today its consolidated financial results for the first quarter ended on March 31, 2008. All figures are in both US$ and Ch$, under Chilean Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Chilean GAAP), as seen in the standardized form required by Chilean authorities (FECU). Variations refer to the period between March 31, 2007 and March 31, 2008. Figures for 2008 have been adjusted by the accounting convention for CPI variation between both periods, accounting to 8.1% .

Any figures in US$ are merely offered as a convenience translation, using the observado exchange rate of Ch$437.71 = US$1 for March 31, 2008. The Chilean pesos appreciated by 18.8% against the US$ between March 31, 2007 and the comparable date in 2008.

The consolidation includes the following investment vehicles and companies,
a) In Chile: Endesa Chile (NYSE: EOC)*, Chilectra, Synapsis, CAM and Inmobiliaria Manso de Velasco.
b) Outside Chile: Distrilima (Peru), Endesa Brasil (Brazil)**, Edesur (Argentina) and Codensa (Colombia).

In the following pages you will find a detailed analysis of financial statements, a brief explanation for most variations, and comments on main items in the Income and Cash Flow Statements compared to the information as of March 2007.

* Includes its Chilean subsidiaries (Celta, Pangue, Pehuenche, San Isidro, Tunel El Melon) and Costanera, El Chocón, Edegel.
** Includes Endesa Fortaleza, CIEN, Cachoeira Dourada, Ampla and Coelce.

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First Quarter 2008 - Market Information



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First Quarter 2008 - Market Information




New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

During the period, the company’s ADS stock price raised 7.5% . The chart below presents the performance of Enersis’ ADS stock price listing in NYSE (“ENI”) against Dow Jones and the DJ Utilities Index:

Source: Bloomberg

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First Quarter 2008 - Market Information


Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago (BCS)

The chart below presents the performance of the Enersis’ Chilean stock price during the last 12 months compared to Chilean Stock Index:

Source: Bloomberg

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First Quarter 2008 - Market Information


Madrid Stock Exchange (Latibex)

The chart below illustrates the Enersis’ share price at the Madrid Stock Exchange, (Latibex) over the last 12 months compared with the Local Stock Index:

Source: Bloomberg

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First Quarter 2008 - Market Information



The chart below summarizes the ADS´ target price released by analysts.

Table 1

 Publication Date    Company    Main Analyst    Target Price    Recommendation 
01/Oct/07    Penta Inversiones    Jorge Palavecino    22.5    Neutral (3)
11/Oct/07    UBS    Brian Chase    20.2    Neutral (4)
12/Oct/07    Banchile (1)   Sergio Zapata    21.5    Buy 
26/Oct/07    Larrain Vial    Jorge Donoso    24.4    Overweight 
30/Oct/07    Deutsche Bank    Marcus Sequeira    23.0    Buy 
30/Oct/07    Bear Stearns    Rowe Michels    19.0    Peer Perform (5)
10/Dec/07    Alfa Corredores (2)   Lorena Pizarro    23.4    Buy 
06/Feb/08    Merrill Lynch    Frank McGann    22.0    Buy 
26/Feb/08    Raymond James    Ricardo Cavanagh    20.8    Buy 
27/Mar/08    Santander    Diego Celedón    23.5    Buy 
ADR average target price (US$)       22.0     

(1) The analyst used an exchange rate of Ch$535 forecasted by Banchile for the end of year 2008.
(2) We used an exchange rate of Ch$497 as of report´s date
(3) Target price differ between -8% & 8% from real price.
(4) Target price differ between -6% & 6% from real price.
(5) Stock is supposed to perform in line with estimation

Source: Bloomberg and market researches


The following chart shows the pricing of our Yankee Bonds during the last twelve months.

Enersis Yankee Bonds

Source: Bloomberg

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Table of Contents

First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Income Statement



Standard & Poor’s: BBB / Stable
Rationale (July 03, 2007); “Standard & Poor's Ratings Services raised its ratings on Chile -based electricity provider Enersis S.A. by one notch, to 'BBB' from 'BBB'-, and removed them from Credit Watch with positive implications where they were placed on Dec. 15, 2006. The outlook is stable. The upgrade reflects the improvement of the company's financial risk profile mainly due to the very good performance of its Chilean operations, which represent about 50% of its consolidated EBITDA adjusted by ownership, combined with adequate debt service coverage ratios (DSCR) and very good liquidity and financial flexibility.”

Fitch: BBB / Stable
Rationale (July 5, 2007); “Fitch has affirmed both the Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating (FC IDR) and the Local Currency IDR (LC IDR) for Enersis S.A. (Enersis) at 'BBB'. The unsecured debt rating is also 'BBB' and applies to the company's US$600.6 million of Yankee Bonds. The ratings affect approximately US$679 million of debt. All ratings have a Stable Outlook. The ratings reflect continued growth in electricity demand in all the countries where Enersis has a presence. In general, Enersis operates in countries with a stable regulatory framework, resulting in growing tariffs and electricity prices, and a manageable level of government interference.”

Moody’s: Baa3 / Stable
Rationale (December 14, 2006); “Moody’s upgraded its rating for Enersis and for its 60% owned subsidiary, Endesa Chile, from Ba1 to Baa3, both with Stable Outlook. With this rating action, both companies achieved “investment grade” category. Moody’s upgrade was mainly due to the companies’ higher financial flexibility and liquidity, and based also on the fact that the financial performance has raised markedly over the last two years as a result of improvements in the regulatory framework and higher demand for electricity in the countries in which the companies operate; namely, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Argentina. The ratings were placed on Stable Outlook, reflecting the stable scenario in the region, with higher prices for electricity, better economic conditions, strong increase in electricity demand and a lower regulatory uncertainty.”

Feller Rate: Bonds: AA- / Positive - Shares: 1st Class Level 1
Rationale (July 6, 2007); “Feller Rate improved the credit risk classification for the Company’s local bonds and bonds lines to the level “AA-” from “A+”, with stable outlook. These ratings had been under positive outlook since July, 2006. Feller Rate remarked, that it had raised the risk rating category based upon Enersis’ improved financial profile, derived from the better financial situation of the Chilean subsidiary Endesa Chile, as well as to the sustained positive results arising from the distribution business, mainly through the subsidiary Chilectra. At the same time, and due to a healthy financial flexibility, the agency expects that Enersis will continue facing refinancing of its consolidated debt maturity in better terms and conditions, to reduce its total debt.”

Fitch Chile: Bonds: AA- / Stable - Shares: 1st Class Level 1
Rationale (July 20, 2007); “Fitch Ratings raised its domestic credit rating for Enersis S.A. (“Enersis” or “the Company”) to “AA-“ from “A+”, maintaining a “Stable Outlook.” This change affects the local bonds issuance No.264 (Series B1 and B2). The increase in the rating for Enersis reflects the culmination of a credit improvement plan to reduce debt and extend debt maturities, resulting in a stronger cash flow and greater financial flexibility.”

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First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Income Statement




Table 2

CONS. INCOME STATEMENT - (million Ch$)   03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
           Revenues from Generation & Transmission    485,229    543,854    58,625    12.1% 
           Revenues from Distribution    760,919    769,016    8,097    1.1% 
           Revenues from Engineering and Real Estate    9,892    9,954    62    0.6% 
           Revenues from Other Businesses    42,457    42,215    (242)   (0.6%)
           Consolidation Adjustments    (138,791)   (140,438)   (1,647)   (1.2%)
Operating Revenues    1,159,706    1,224,601    64,895    5.6% 
           Costs from Generation    (267,790)   (338,652)   (70,862)   (26.5%)
           Costs from Distribution    (534,822)   (578,452)   (43,630)   (8.2%)
           Costs from Engineering and Real Estate    (7,729)   (7,753)   (24)   (0.3%)
           Costs from Other Businesses    (36,017)   (34,625)   1,392    3.9% 
           Consolidation Adjustments    131,987    135,053    3,066    2.3% 
Operating Costs    (714,371)   (824,429)   (110,058)   (15.4%)
Operating Margin    445,335    400,172    (45,163)   (10.1%)
           SG&A from Generation    (13,444)   (10,341)   3,103    23.1% 
           SG&A from Distribution    (47,594)   (44,999)   2,595    5.5% 
           SG&A from Engineering and Real Estate    (853)   (1,011)   (158)   (18.5%)
           SG&A from Other Businesses    (9,676)   (11,150)   (1,474)   (15.2%)
           Consolidation Adjustments    8,644    6,986    (1,658)   (19.2%)
Selling and Administrative Expenses    (62,923)   (60,515)   2,408    3.8% 
Operating Income    382,412    339,657    (42,755)   (11.2%)
           Interest Income    29,494    30,074    580    2.0% 
           Interest Expense    (115,519)   (90,309)   25,210    21.8% 
Net Interest (Expense)   (86,025)   (60,235)   (25,790)   30.0% 
           Equity Gains from Related Companies    715    4,202    3,487    487.8% 
           Equity Losses from Related Companies    (2,224)   (419)   1,805    81.2% 
Net Income from Related Companies    (1,509)   3,783    5,292    N/A 
           Other Non Operating Income    57,262    24,724    (32,538)   (56.8%)
           Other Non Operating Expenses    (103,126)   (123,046)   (19,920)   (19.3%)
Net other Non Operating Income (Expense)   (45,864)   (98,322)   (52,458)   (114.4%)
           Price Level Restatement    (144)   (4,592)   (4,448)   N/A 
           Foreign Exchange Effect    200    (1,834)   (2,034)   (1017.0%)
Net of Monetary Exposure    56    (6,426)   (6,482)   N/A 
Positive Goodwill Amortization    (15,127)   (15,062)   65    0.4% 
Non Operating Income    (148,469)   (176,262)   (27,793)   (18.7%)
Net Inc b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort.    233,943    163,395    (70,548)   (30.2%)
           Extraordinary Items         
           Income Tax    (105,556)   (55,936)   49,620    47.0% 
           Minority Interest    (71,080)   (38,721)   32,359    45.5% 
           Negative Goodwill Amortization    1,219    1,010    (209)   17.2% 
NET INCOME    58,526    69,748    11,222    19.2% 
EBITDA    501,615    442,294    (59,321)   (11.8%)

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First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Income Statement



Table 2.1

CONS. INCOME STATEMENT - (thousand US$)   03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
               Revenues from Generation & Transmission    1,108,562    1,242,499    133,937    12.1% 
               Revenues from Distribution    1,738,408    1,756,908    18,500    1.1% 
               Revenues from Engineering and Real Estate    22,599    22,742    143    0.6% 
               Revenues from Other Businesses    96,999    96,445    (554)   (0.6%)
               Consolidation Adjustments    (317,084)   (320,846)   (3,762)   (1.2%)
Operating Revenues    2,649,485    2,797,745    148,260    5.6% 
               Costs from Generation    (611,798)   (773,691)   (161,893)   (26.5%)
               Costs from Distribution    (1,221,864)   (1,321,542)   (99,678)   (8.2%)
               Costs from Engineering and Real Estate    (17,658)   (17,713)   (55)   (0.3%)
               Costs from Other Businesses    (82,284)   (79,104)   3,180    3.9% 
               Consolidation Adjustments    301,539    308,545    7,006    2.3% 
Operating Costs    (1,632,065)   (1,883,505)   (251,440)   (15.4%)
Operating Margin    1,017,420    914,241    (103,179)   (10.1%)
               SG&A from Generation    (30,715)   (23,624)   7,091    23.1% 
               SG&A from Distribution    (108,734)   (102,806)   5,928    5.5% 
               SG&A from Engineering and Real Estate    (1,949)   (2,310)   (361)   (18.5%)
               SG&A from Other Businesses    (22,107)   (25,473)   (3,366)   (15.2%)
               Consolidation Adjustments    19,749    15,960    (3,789)   (19.2%)
Selling and Administrative Expenses    (143,755)   (138,254)   5,501    3.8% 
Operating Income    873,665    775,987    (97,678)   (11.2%)
               Interest Income    67,382    68,707    1,325    2.0% 
               Interest Expense    (263,916)   (206,322)   57,594    21.8% 
Net Interest (Expense)   (196,533)   (137,615)   58,918    30.0% 
               Equity Gains from Related Companies    1,633    9,600    7,967    487.8% 
               Equity Losses from Related Companies    (5,081)   (958)   4,123    81.2% 
Net Income from Related Companies    (3,448)   8,643    12,091    N/A 
               Other Non Operating Income    130,821    56,485    (74,336)   (56.8%)
               Other Non Operating Expenses    (235,604)   (281,113)   (45,509)   (19.3%)
Net other Non Operating Income (Expense)   (104,783)   (224,628)   (119,845)   (114.4%)
               Price Level Restatement    (330)   (10,490)   (10,160)   N/A 
               Foreign Exchange Effect    457    (4,190)   (4,647)   (1017.0%)
Net of Monetary Exposure    127    (14,680)   (14,807)   N/A 
Positive Goodwill Amortization    (34,558)   (34,410)   148    0.4% 
Non Operating Income    (339,196)   (402,691)   (63,495)   (18.7%)
Net Inc b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort.    534,469    373,296    (161,173)   (30.2%)
               Extraordinary Items         
               Income Tax    (241,155)   (127,792)   113,363    47.0% 
               Minority Interest    (162,391)   (88,464)   73,927    45.5% 
               Negative Goodwill Amortization    2,786    2,309    (477)   17.2% 
NET INCOME    133,710    159,349    25,639    19.2% 
EBITDA    1,145,998    1,010,472    (135,526)   (11.8%)

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Table of Contents

First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Income Statement


(Source in Ch$ FECU)


Enersis’ result for the first quarter of the year 2008 was Ch$69,748 million, which is 19.2% higher than that obtained during equal period of the previous year and whose result amounted to Ch$58,526 million.


The operating income as of March 31, 2008 dropped by Ch$42,755 million, from Ch$382,412 million as of March 31, 2007 to Ch$339,657 million in the current period showing a drop of 11.0% . It is important to mention that the comparison of the operating income between both years is heavily impacted by the greater appreciation of the Chilean peso against the US dollar and of the other currencies of those countries where we have investments, added to the steep updating of last year’s figures for comparative purposes; which was 8.1% .

If we compare in homogeneous terms and isolate the appreciation of the Chilean peso effect, which decreased Ch$101.5, from Ch$539.21 as of March 2007 to Ch$437.71 on March 2008, Operating Income would have increased a 1.6%.

Table 4

    03M 07   03M 06
Million Ch$    Operating
  SG & A   Operating
  SG& A   Operating
Endesa Chile    426,372    (231,065)   (10,910)   184,397    480,560    (317,050)   (8,464)   155,046 
Cachoeira (*)   20,617    (8,318)   (812)   11,487    54,192    (9,801)   (583)   43,808 
Fortaleza (**)   27,038    (14,715)   (350)   11,973    40,157    (38,441)   (399)   1,317 
Cien (**)   28,331    (29,354)   (1,469)   (2,492)   1,535    (4,469)   (942)   (3,876)
Chilectra    194,950    (149,914)   (11,272)   33,764    253,656    (215,670)   (10,558)   27,428 
Edesur    84,761    (68,508)   (10,334)   5,919    67,769    (51,874)   (9,048)   6,847 
Distrilima (Edelnor)   60,734    (42,785)   (5,303)   12,646    53,118    (35,844)   (4,516)   12,758 
Ampla    163,002    (105,795)   (6,200)   51,007    151,998    (105,608)   (6,567)   39,823 
Investluz (Coelce)   122,454    (74,138)   (10,407)   37,909    108,654    (80,046)   (9,929)   18,679 
Codensa    135,019    (93,682)   (4,048)   37,289    133,822    (89,410)   (4,362)   40,050 
CAM Ltda.    26,884    (23,295)   (2,656)   933    28,227    (24,709)   (3,226)   292 
Inmobiliaria Manso de Velasco Ltda.    1,967    (1,421)   (576)   (30)   1,767    (1,269)   (717)   (219)
Synapsis Soluciones y Servicios IT Ltda.    14,301    (11,574)   (2,174)   553    12,720    (9,516)   (1,768)   1,436 
Enersis Holding and other investment vehicles    1,272    (1,147)   (4,814)   (4,689)   1,267    (400)   (6,138)   (5,271)
Consolidation Adjustments    (147,996)   141,340    8,402    1,746    (164,841)   159,678    6,702    1,539 
Total Consolidation    1,159,706    (714,371)   (62,923)   382,412    1,224,601    (824,429)   (60,515)   339,657 

Table 4.1

    03M 07    03M 08
Thousand US$    Operating
  SG & A   Operating
  SG& A   Operating
Endesa Chile    974,097    (527,896)   (24,925)   421,276    1,097,895    (724,339)   (19,338)   354,219 
Cachoeira (*)   47,103    (19,004)   (1,856)   26,242    123,809    (22,392)   (1,332)   100,085 
Fortaleza (**)   61,772    (33,618)   (799)   27,355    91,743    (87,824)   (911)   3,008 
Cien (**)   64,726    (67,064)   (3,357)   (5,694)   3,506    (10,209)   (2,151)   (8,854)
Chilectra    445,386    (342,497)   (25,751)   77,138    579,508    (492,723)   (24,122)   62,663 
Edesur    193,645    (156,514)   (23,610)   13,521    154,827    (118,513)   (20,671)   15,644 
Distrilima (Edelnor)   138,755    (97,748)   (12,116)   28,891    121,353    (81,891)   (10,318)   29,145 
Ampla    372,397    (241,701)   (14,164)   116,532    347,258    (241,275)   (15,003)   90,980 
Investluz (Coelce)   279,761    (169,376)   (23,775)   86,609    248,232    (182,875)   (22,684)   42,674 
Codensa    308,467    (214,027)   (9,248)   85,192    305,732    (204,268)   (9,966)   91,498 
CAM Ltda.    61,419    (53,221)   (6,068)   2,131    64,488    (56,451)   (7,371)   665 
Inmobiliaria Manso de Velasco Ltda.    4,495    (3,246)   (1,317)   (68)   4,038    (2,900)   (1,638)   (501)
Synapsis Soluciones y Servicios IT Ltda.    32,671    (26,443)   (4,968)   1,261    29,061    (21,740)   (4,038)   3,283 
Enersis Holding and other investment vehicles    2,906    (2,622)   (10,998)   (10,714)   2,896    (913)   (14,024)   (12,041)
Consolidation Adjustments    (338,114)   322,908    19,195    3,989    (376,598)   364,802    15,311    3,516 
Total Consolidation    2,649,485    (1,632,069)   (143,756)   873,660    2,797,749    (1,883,510)   (138,256)   775,982 

(*) Consolidated by Endesa Chile until September 30th, 2005. Since October 1th is consolidated by Enersis through Endesa Brasil.
(**) Since October 1, 2005, these subsidiaries are consolidated by Enersis through Endesa Brasil.

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First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Income Statement



As of March 31, 2008, Enersis shows a non-operating income loss amounting to Ch$176,262 million, which represents increased losses of Ch$27,793 million, with respect to the non-operating loss obtained as of the same date of 2007, which amounted to Ch$148,469 million.

Net interest expenses decreased 30.0%, or Ch$25,790 million, from a net expense of Ch$86.025 million as of March 2007, to a net expense of Ch$60.235 million in the current period. The decrease is mainly attributable to a lower average interest rate and the impact of foreign exchange rate in the financial expenses of –principally- Endesa Chile, Ampla and Coelce. Likewise, our subsidiary Edesur -during this period- reduced its interest payments by Ch$5,728 million by bringing penalties up to date regarding quality of service.

Net profits from investments in related companies show an increase of Ch$5,292 million, after accounting a net loss of Ch$1,509 million during the first quarter of the year 2007, to a net profit of Ch$3,783 million in March 2008. This benefit is mainly due to the accounting of the profit obtained in Gas Atacama Holding of Ch$2,983 million (a loss of Ch$1,633 million as of March 2007).

Amortization on positive goodwill does not show significant variations and amounted to Ch$15,062 million as of March 31, 2008, a drop of Ch$65 million, equivalent to 0.4% compared with the same period of 2007.

Net other non-operating revenues and expenses accounted an increase in losses of Ch$52,458 million compared to a net loss of Ch$45.864 million as of March 2007. Main reasons that explain such variation in the results are:
• Higher net losses of Ch$47,546 million, originating from the conversion adjustment to Chilean accounting rules (Technical Bulletin N°64) mainly of the subsidiaries in Brazil, Colombia and Peru (Ch$6,655 million, net of minority holders).
• A lower profit -on account of the tariff adjustment of previous years in Edesur- amounting to Ch$30.233 million, acknowledged in March 2007.

The foregoing was partially offset by:
• Lower expense on account of Equity Taxes in Colombia, of Ch$12,965 million.
• Profit on account of a capacity re-settlement in Chile, of Ch$6,586 million.
• Lower expenses on account of penalties & fines, of Ch$6,551 million, in CIEN and CGTF.

Price-level restatement shows a negative variation of Ch$4,448 million, which is mostly attributable to the higher inflation effect during the first quarter of the year 2008 which reached 0.8%, as compared with 0.2% during the same period of last year. Such variation impacts non-monetary assets & liabilities and certain monetary ones, mainly UF-denominated bonds, as well as the updating of profit & loss accounts.

Foreign Exchange difference as of March 31, 2008 accounted a negative variation of Ch$2,034 million, from a profit of Ch$200 million during the first quarter of the year 2007 to a loss of Ch$1,834 million in the current period. The foregoing is the result of a mismatched position in US dollars of assets owned by the company during both periods, and also due to variations of the US dollar parity with the Chilean peso. Thus, during the first quarter of the year 2007, the foreign exchange rate increased $6.82 pesos, from $532.39 to $539.21, as opposed to this period in which the foreign exchange rate dropped by $59.18 pesos, from $496.89 to $437.71.

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First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Income Statement


Income tax and Deferred tax during the first quarter of 2008 were Ch$55,936 million; which, when compared to the Ch$105,556 million of 2007’s first quarter, results in a positive variation of Ch$49,620 million.

Income tax, expenses accounted Ch$34,741 million, mainly explained by lower income tax provision in our subsidiaries: Endesa Chile Ch$16,251 million, Coelce Ch$8,443 million, Edesur Ch$8,152 million, Cien Ch$8,014 million and CGTF Ch$3,170, partially offset by increments in Ampla Ch$6,447 million, Pehuenche Ch$3,796 million and Codensa Ch$3,081 million.

Deferred taxes, which do not represent cash flows- show a positive variation of Ch$14,879 million, originating mostly from the acknowledged effect on Enersis Ch$12,108 million, on Ampla Ch$8,249 million, on Chilectra Ch$7,658 million and on Coelce Ch$5,966 million, partially offset by Cien Ch$9,049 million, San Isidro Ch$4,930 million, Endesa Chile Ch$2,296 million and Edegel Ch$2,152 million.

Amortization on negative goodwill amounted to Ch$1,010 million as of March 31, 2008, which does not present any significant variations with respect to the same period of last year, in which it amounted to Ch$1,219 million.

Minority interest decreased by Ch$32,359 million, reaching Ch$38,721 million, as a result of a decrease in some of our subsidiaries’ results. Emgesa decreased by Ch$14,262 million, Codensa Ch$9,915 million, Edegel Ch$8,766 million, Edelnor Ch$5,019 million and Edesur Ch$4,304 million. These negative results were partially offset by increases at Endesa Chile by Ch$9,572 million, Endesa Brazil Ch$9,075 million and Pehuenche by Ch$1,362 million.


Table 5

Indicator    Unit    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
Liquidity    Times    1.26    1.28    0.02    1.6% 
Acid ratio test *    Times    1.18    1.19    0.01    0.8% 
Working capital    million Ch$    428,254    466,313    38,059    8.9% 
Working capital    th. US$    978,396    1,065,346    86,950    8.9% 
Leverage **    Times    0.96    1.01    0.05    5.2% 
Short-term debt      0.27    0.31    0.04    14.8% 
Long-term debt      0.73    0.69    (0.04)   (5.5%)
Interest Coverage***    Times    4.59    5.20    0.61    13.3% 
EBITDA****    th. US$    1,145,998    1,010,472    (135,526)   (11.8%)
ROE      7.36%    9.64%    2.28%    31.0% 
ROA      1.92%    2.60%    0.68%    35.4% 

* Current assets net of inventories and pre-paid expenses
** Using the ratio = Total debt / (equity + minority interest)
***EBITDAEI/Interest expenses = (Earnings before taxes+Fin exp+Net non operating income+depreciation+Positive Goodwill) /Interest expenses
****EBITDA: Operating Income+Depreciation+Amortization

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First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Income Statement


Liquidity ratio as of March 2008 is 1.28x, which represents an increase of 1.6%, compared to the same date of 2007. This reflects a company with solid liquidity position to fulfill its financial obligations, finance its investments with cash surplus, having an adequate maturity schedule of its debt.

Leverage was 1.01 times as of March 31, 2008, increasing its level by 5.2% when compared to the same period of the year 2007

Hedging of financial expenses increased 0.61 times or the equivalent to 13.3%, growing from 4.59x, in March 2007, to 5.20x in the current period. The foregoing is the result of an increase of the results obtained by the Enersis Group in the current period, added to the reduction in financial expenses.

ROE is 9.64%, which is compared positively against previous year figure of 7.36% . This increase is directly related to better results obtained in the period.

ROA went from 1.92% in March 2007, to 2.60% in March 2008, reflecting the best results obtained in the current period and the reduction of those assets that are US dollars denominated.

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First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Balance Sheet




Table 6

ASSETS - (million Ch$) 03M 07  03M 08  Var 07-08  Chg % 
Cash  54,697  40,332  (14,365) (26.3%)
Time deposits  373,216  379,586  6,370  1.7% 
Marketable securities  19,105  5,616  (13,490) (70.6%)
Accounts receivable, net  994,098  889,030  (105,068) (10.6%)
Notes receivable, net  8,736  12,355  3,619  41.4% 
Other accounts receivable, net  116,179  88,236  (27,942) (24.1%)
Amounts due from related companies  25,994  147,285  121,291  466.6% 
Inventories  84,359  92,492  8,134  9.6% 
Income taxes recoverable  79,533  142,720  63,187  79.4% 
Prepaid expenses  55,706  62,965  7,258  13.0% 
Deferred income taxes  60,774  67,896  7,121  11.7% 
Other current assets  173,815  202,278  28,463  16.4% 
Total currrent assets  2,046,212  2,130,790  84,578  4.1% 
Land  145,350  129,769  (15,581) (10.7%)
Buildings and infraestructure and works in progress  12,163,407  10,643,888  (1,519,519) (12.5%)
Machinery and equipment  2,214,289  1,776,714  (437,575) (19.8%)
Other plant and equipment  642,497  543,145  (99,352) (15.5%)
Technical appraisal  34,008  33,878  (130) (0.4%)
     Sub - Total  15,199,552  13,127,394  (2,072,159) (13.6%)
Accumulated depreciation  (6,388,362) (5,710,003) 678,359  10.6% 
Total property, plant and equipment  8,811,190  7,417,391  (1,393,799) (15.8%)
Investments in related companies  126,068  50,028  (76,040) (60.3%)
Investments in other companies  26,394  20,596  (5,798) (22.0%)
Positive goodwill, net  694,622  629,291  (65,331) (9.4%)
Negative goodwill, net  (48,311) (31,941) 16,370  33.9% 
Long-term receivables  157,163  188,794  31,631  20.1% 
Amounts due from related companies  99,110  2,589  (96,521) (97.4%)
Deferred income taxes  11,014  (11,014)
Intangibles  100,598  88,079  (12,519) (12.4%)
Accumulated amortization  (61,797) (56,365) 5,432  8.8% 
Others assets  305,010  255,928  (49,082) (16.1%)
Total other assets  1,409,872  1,146,999  (262,873) (18.6%)
TOTAL ASSETS  12,267,274  10,695,180  (1,572,094) (12.8%)

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First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Balance Sheet



Table 6.1

ASSETS - (thousand US$) 03M 07  03M 08  Var 07-08  Chg % 
Cash  124,961  92,143  (32,818) (26.3%)
Time deposits  852,657  867,209  14,552  1.7% 
Marketable securities  43,648  12,829  (30,819) (70.6%)
Accounts receivable, net  2,271,133  2,031,093  (240,040) (10.6%)
Notes receivable, net  19,959  28,226  8,267  41.4% 
Other accounts receivable, net  265,424  201,586  (63,838) (24.1%)
Amounts due from related companies  59,386  336,490  277,104  466.6% 
Inventories  192,727  211,310  18,583  9.6% 
Income taxes recoverable  181,703  326,062  144,359  79.4% 
Prepaid expenses  127,268  143,850  16,582  13.0% 
Deferred income taxes  138,846  155,116  16,270  11.7% 
Other current assets  397,101  462,127  65,026  16.4% 
Total currrent assets  4,674,812  4,868,040  193,228  4.1% 
Land  332,070  296,472  (35,598) (10.7%)
Buildings and infraestructure and works in progress  27,788,736  24,317,215  (3,471,521) (12.5%)
Machinery and equipment  5,058,803  4,059,112  (999,691) (19.8%)
Other plant and equipment  1,467,861  1,240,878  (226,983) (15.5%)
Technical appraisal  77,696  77,398  (298) (0.4%)
     Sub - Total  34,725,166  29,991,076  (4,734,090) (13.6%)
Accumulated depreciation  (14,594,966) (13,045,173) 1,549,793  10.6% 
Total property, plant and equipment  20,130,200  16,945,903  (3,184,297) (15.8%)
Investments in related companies  288,017  114,295  (173,722) (60.3%)
Investments in other companies  60,300  47,053  (13,247) (22.0%)
Positive goodwill, net  1,586,946  1,437,690  (149,256) (9.4%)
Negative goodwill, net  (110,372) (72,973) 37,399  33.9% 
Long-term receivables  359,057  431,322  72,265  20.1% 
Amounts due from related companies  226,428  5,914  (220,514) (97.4%)
Deferred income taxes  25,163  (25,163)
Intangibles  229,828  201,227  (28,601) (12.4%)
Accumulated amortization  (141,183) (128,772) 12,411  8.8% 
Others assets  696,831  584,697  (112,134) (16.1%)
Total other assets  3,221,016  2,620,454  (600,562) (18.6%)
TOTAL ASSETS  28,026,029  24,434,397  (3,591,632) (12.8%)

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First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Balance Sheet



Table 7

LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER´S EQUITY - (million Ch$) 03M 07  03M 08  Var 07-08  Chg % 
Short-term debt due to banks and financial institutions  150,499  173,041  22,542  15.0% 
Current portion of long-term debt due to banks and financial institutions  154,659  110,883  (43,776) (28.3%)
Current portion of bonds payable  256,141  329,774  73,634  28.7% 
Current portion of long-term notes payable  45,639  31,071  (14,569) (31.9%)
Dividends payable  38,575  115,853  77,278  200.3% 
Accounts payable  419,725  442,989  23,265  5.5% 
Short-term notes payable  12,394  13,471  1,077  8.7% 
Miscellaneous payables  118,816  86,608  (32,207) (27.1%)
Accounts payable to related companies  32,662  31,595  (1,067) (3.3%)
Accrued expenses  77,706  76,260  (1,446) (1.9%)
Withholdings  117,424  90,252  (27,173) (23.1%)
Income taxes payable  105,892  27,298  (78,594) (74.2%)
Anticipated income  3,931  6,354  2,423  61.6% 
Reinbursable financial contribution  945  1,482  537  56.8% 
Other current liabilities  82,950  127,545  44,595  53.8% 
Total current liabilities  1,617,958  1,664,477  46,519  2.9% 
Due to banks and financial institutions  1,086,537  933,298  (153,239) (14.1%)
Bonds payable  2,352,309  1,887,512  (464,797) (19.8%)
Long -term notes payable  121,693  97,363  (24,330) (20.0%)
Accounts payables  164,701  142,772  (21,929) (13.3%)
Amounts payable to related companies  12,317  7,190  (5,128) (41.6%)
Accrued expenses  376,361  307,755  (68,607) (18.2%)
Deferred income taxes  30,700  30,700 
Reinbursable financial contribution  3,251  4,251  1,001  30.8% 
Other long-term liabilities  265,782  304,952  39,170  14.7% 
Total long-term liabilities  4,382,953  3,715,794  (667,159) (15.2%)
Minority interest  3,088,018  2,426,260  (661,758) (21.4%)
Paid-in capital, no par value  2,610,922  2,594,015  (16,907) (0.6%)
Additional paid-in capital  5,222  20,752  15,530  297.4% 
Additional paid-in capital (share premium) 186,438  186,340  (98) (0.1%)
Other reserves  (246,892) (546,510) (299,618) 121.4% 
    Total capital and reserves  2,555,691  2,254,598  (301,093) (11.8%)
Retained earnings  564,325  564,303  (22) (0.0%)
Net income for the period  58,526  69,748  11,221  19.2% 
Interim dividends 
Deficits of subsidaries in development stage  (197) 197  (100.0%)
    Total retained earnings  622,654  634,050  11,396  1.8% 
Total shareholder´s equity  3,178,345  2,888,649  (289,696) (9.1%)
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER´S EQUITY  12,267,274  10,695,180  (1,572,094) (12.8%)

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First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Balance Sheet



Table 7.1

LIABILITIES - (thousand US$) 03M 07  03M 08  Var 07-08  Chg % 
Short-term debt due to banks and financial institutions  343,833  395,333  51,500  15.0% 
Current portion of long-term debt due to banks and financial institutions  353,336  253,325  (100,011) (28.3%)
Current portion of bonds payable  585,184  753,408  168,224  28.7% 
Current portion of long-term notes payable  104,268  70,985  (33,283) (31.9%)
Dividends payable  88,129  264,679  176,550  200.3% 
Accounts payable  958,911  1,012,061  53,150  5.5% 
Short-term notes payable  28,317  30,777  2,460  8.7% 
Miscellaneous payables  271,449  197,867  (73,582) (27.1%)
Accounts payable to related companies  74,620  72,183  (2,437) (3.3%)
Accrued expenses  177,528  174,224  (3,304) (1.9%)
Withholdings  268,270  206,191  (62,079) (23.1%)
Income taxes payable  241,923  62,366  (179,557) (74.2%)
Anticipated income  8,981  14,517  5,536  61.6% 
Reinbursable financial contribution  2,159  3,386  1,227  56.8% 
Other current liabilities  189,509  291,392  101,883  53.8% 
Total current liabilities  3,696,416  3,802,694  106,278  2.9% 
Due to banks and financial institutions  2,482,322  2,132,230  (350,092) (14.1%)
Bonds payable  5,374,128  4,312,244  (1,061,884) (19.8%)
Long -term notes payable  278,022  222,438  (55,584) (20.0%)
Accounts payables  376,280  326,180  (50,100) (13.3%)
Amounts payable to related companies  28,141  16,426  (11,715) (41.6%)
Accrued expenses  859,841  703,102  (156,739) (18.2%)
Deferred income taxes  70,138  70,138 
Reinbursable financial contribution  7,426  9,712  2,286  30.8% 
Other long-term liabilities  607,211  696,699  89,488  14.7% 
Total long-term liabilities  10,013,371  8,489,168  (1,524,203) (15.2%)
Minority interest  7,054,940  5,543,077  (1,511,863) (21.4%)
Paid-in capital, no par value  5,964,960  5,926,334  (38,626) (0.6%)
Additional paid-in capital  11,930  47,411  35,481  297.4% 
Additional paid-in capital (share premium) 425,940  425,716  (224) (0.1%)
Other reserves  (564,053) (1,248,566) (684,513) 121.4% 
    Total capital and reserves  5,838,777  5,150,895  (687,882) (11.8%)
Retained earnings  1,289,266  1,289,216  (50) (0.0%)
Net income for the period  133,710  159,347  25,637  19.2% 
Interim dividends 
Deficits of subsidaries in development stage  (450) 450  (100.0%)
    Total retained earnings  1,422,526  1,448,563  26,037  1.8% 
Total shareholder´s equity  7,261,303  6,599,457  (661,846) (9.1%)
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER´S EQUITY  28,026,029  24,434,397  (3,591,632) (12.8%)

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First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Cash Flow Analysis



The company’s Total Assets as of March 2008 dropped by Ch$1,572,094 million respect to the same period of the previous year; this is mostly attributable to:

• A reduction of Fixed assets for Ch$1,393,799 million, equivalent to 15.8% mainly as a result of the impact of the real foreign exchange rate on the fixed assets of foreign companies, pursuant to Technical Bulletin N°64 in those subsidiaries that reside in unstable countries, for approximately Ch$1,608,000 million and for 1-year fixed asset depreciation of nearly Ch$404,250 million and for fixed asset sales for Ch$3.556 million. The foregoing is partially offset by fixed asset additions during the last year of approximately Ch$613,340 million.

• A reduction of Other assets for Ch$262,873 million, caused mainly because of:

• Reduced receivables from related companies for Ch$96,521 million, as a result of transferring Atacama Finance receivables to the short-term.
• Reduced investments in related companies of Ch$76,040 million, mostly attributable to the impairment provision in Gas Atacama Holding Ltda. for Ch$48,890 million, the acknowledged impairment of investments during the last 12 months for Ch$2,540 million and the impact of the foreign exchange rate for nearly Ch$31,000 million
• Reduced Positive Goodwill on investments for Ch$65,331 million, basically brought about by the amortization of the Positive Goodwill on investments registered during the last 12 months.
• Reduction in Other long-term assets for Ch$49,082 million, basically explained by the amortization of deferred expenses for Ch$48,260 million, a reduction of tax credits for Ch$7,853 million and smaller guarantee deposits for Ch$2,583 million, partially offset by a growth in the fair value of derivative instruments for Ch$12,074 million.
• An increase in Long-term debtors for Ch$31,631 million, principally as a consequence of the increases of Codensa for Ch$56,600 million, the Codesa Hogar program, Chocón and Endesa Costanera for Ch$14,048 million, for increments to contributions to the investment FONINVEMEM. The foregoing is partially offset by a reduction of Ampla’s regulatory assets of Ch$27,510 million, as well as Edesur’s of Ch$10,253 million, and for the acknowledgement of the retroactive tariff price adjustment.
• A reduction of the balance on Negative Goodwill on investments of Ch$16,370 million, mostly attributable to the amortization of the last 12 months and the impact of the foreign exchange rate.

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First Quarter 2008 - Consolidated Cash Flow Analysis


Current assets presents an increase of Ch$84,578 million equivalent to 4,1%, which is explained by:

• Increased receivables from related companies for Ch$121,291 million, mostly attributable to the transferring of Atacama Finance Co. receivables by Ch$80.145 million to the short-term, and to increased receivables from GNL Quintero by Ch$45,198 million, partially offset by a reduction of accounts receivable from GNL Chile by Ch$3,675 million.
• Increased recoverable taxes for Ch$63,187 million as a consequence of the increases in Endesa Chile by Ch$41,631 million, in San Isidro by Ch$12,680 million, in Enersis by Ch$ 7,900 million and in Endesa Eco by Ch$5,709 million; partially offset by a reduction in Chilectra by Ch$4,147 million.
• Increases in Other current assets of Ch$28,463 million, explained mostly by increased deposits on account of debt and guarantees on Enersis by Ch$38,378 million, an increase in Coelce by Ch$16,097 million for the Brazilian Government’s environmental project Luz para todos; partially offset by smaller buyback agreements in Chilectra by Ch$17,418 million, and in Cachoeira Dourada by Ch$4,071 million in smaller deposits.
• A reduction in sales debtors by Ch$105,068 million, mainly because of the impact of currency variations and of the previous year updating. The principal reductions occur in Coelce by Ch$38,302 million, in Codensa by Ch$32,380 million, in Ampla by Ch$14,485 million, in Cien by Ch$12,304 million, in Emgesa by Ch$8,731 million, in Edesur by Ch$8,117 million and in Pehuenche by Ch$7,546 million; partially offset by increases in Endesa Chile of Ch$14,846 million and Cachoeira Dourada of Ch$10,822 million.
• A reduction in miscellaneous debtors by Ch$27,942 million mostly explained by smaller debtors on account of capacity settlement in Chile by Ch$7,783 million, a greater collection in Codensa Hogar’s portfolio by Ch$6,829 million, and smaller advance payments to suppliers in San Isidro and Coelce for Ch$6,337 million and Ch$4,957 million, respectively.

The company’s Total Liabilities accounted a reduction of Ch$1,572,094 million with respect to the same period of the previous year.

Long-term liabilities presents a reduction of Ch$667,159 million, equivalent to 15,2% and mostly attributable to:

• A reduction in bonds payable reaching Ch$464,797 million, mostly explained by the transfer to short-term of Ch$329,450 million in Endesa Chile, Edegel Ch$9,490 million, Edelnor Ch$7,188 million and by a sharp reduction of the impact of the constant $/US$ exchange rate en Chile for approximately Ch$400,000 million. The foregoing is partially offset by the placement of new bond issues in Codensa of Ch$96,097 million, in Endesa Chile of Ch$79,290 million, in Edegel of Ch$35,503 million, in Edelnor of Ch$35,081 million, in Edesur of Ch$22,765 million and in Emgesa of Ch$9,612 million.
• A reduction of Long-term Bank Debt for Ch$153,239 million owed to a reduction in Edesur of Ch$42,098 million, in Enersis of Ch$39,154 million, in Coelce of Ch$22,600 million, in El Chocón of Ch$22,177 million, in CGTF of Ch$20,572 million, in Cien of Ch$20,418 million, in Edegel of Ch$16,698 million and in Endesa Costanera of Ch$13,366 million, partially offset by an increase in Ampla of Ch$38,253 million and Endesa Chile of Ch$19,851 million.
• Reduced Provisions for Ch$68,606 million, which are explained mostly by reduced provisions on account of tax & labor contingencies in Ampla, Coelce and CIEN for Ch$ 42,143 million, a lesser benefit obligation to retired employees in Codensa, Emgesa, Ampla and Coelce of Ch$14,239 million, and a smaller provision for contingencies in Endesa Fortaleza of Ch$13,122 million.

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Current Liabilities increased by Ch$46,519 million, equivalent to 2.9%, which are explained by variations in:

• Increased short-term public borrowing amounting to Ch$73,634 million mostly attributable to transfers from the long-term in Endesa Chile, Codensa, Edegel and Edelnor -as previously explained- for Ch$359,434 million; and partially offset by payments in Ampla of Ch$83,348 million, in Endesa Chile of Ch$81,172 million, in Edegel of Ch$32,272 million and in Edelnor of Ch$16,782 million, added to the Chilean peso appreciation effect.
• Increased Dividends Payable of Ch$77,278 million; of which, Ch$52,411 million correspond to dividends payable to third parties, and Ch$25,717 million to Endesa Internacional.
• Increased Other Current Liabilities for Ch$45,132 million as a result of the increment in Edesur of Ch$40,826 million, increased fair values of derivative contracts for Ch$17,458 million, partially offset by reduced liabilities on account of collections on Codensa’s portfolio for Ch$8,191 million.
• Reduced Income Tax Payments reaching Ch$78.594 million; noteworthy among which are: Endesa Chile and its Chilean subsidiaries with Ch$58,689 million, Edelnor with Ch$13,191 million and Codensa with Ch$13,154 million, partially offset by an increase in Edesur‘s income tax payments of Ch$6,730 million.
• Reduced Bank Borrowings of Ch$43,776 million, mainly attributable to distribution in Edesur by Ch$15,967 million, in Emgesa by Ch$15,815 million, in Pehuenche by Ch$14,990 million, in Coelce by Ch$13,576 million and in Cachoeira Dourada by Ch$3,313 million; partly offset by short-term transfers in Ampla of Ch$16,969 million, in El Chocón of Ch$7,531 million and in Costanera of Ch$5,152 million.
• Reduced miscellaneous Debtors amounting to Ch$32,207 million mostly because of the reduction occurring in Emgesa of Ch$12,307 million, the equity tax payment in Edegel of Ch$10,899, and the payment of a leasing and a fuel bill in Ampla of Ch$5,844 million.

Minority interest totaled Ch$2,426,260 million, reflecting a reduction of Ch$661,758 million, equivalent to 21.4% of the total, as a result of shareholders’ equity reductions experienced by the companies because of the dividends paid out and of the impact of the US dollar / Chilean peso exchange rate.

The company’s Equity dropped by Ch$289,696 million, when compared to that of March 2007. This variation is mostly explained by a drop in reserves amounting to Ch$299,618 million, mainly attributable to the impact of the US dollar / Chilean peso exchange rate in hedging foreign investments; all this was partially offset by an increase of this year’s results amounting to Ch$11,221 million.

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Table 8

Million Ch$  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  Balance   
Chile  204,778  431,588  46,384  91,136  12,789  1,029,391  1,816,067 
Enersis  1,852  155,053  1,855  1,961  2,074  466,859  629,654 
Chilectra  30  30 
Other (*) 5,721  294  172  6,187 
Endesa Chile (**) 197,175  276,241  44,358  89,175  10,715  562,533  1,180,197 
Argentina  24,925  46,366  40,394  46,439  14,119  7,863  180,106 
Edesur  2,213  9,489  11,932  11,963  4,886  40,483 
Costanera  17,605  26,664  18,248  16,238  9,233  7,863  95,852 
Chocon  5,107  10,213  10,213  18,238  43,771 
Perú  84,690  56,322  25,091  32,617  46,472  104,221  349,413 
Edelnor  30,138  16,626  4,791  10,353  14,346  51,259  127,514 
Edegel  54,552  39,696  20,300  22,263  32,126  52,962  221,899 
Brazil  74,954  84,735  132,818  171,557  169,717  101,534  735,315 
Endesa Brasil  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Coelce  53,343  12,550  18,559  18,559  17,536  43,514  164,061 
Ampla  15,523  65,871  57,586  95,994  95,873  31,191  362,038 
Cien  2,121  2,060  52,110  52,110  51,060  159,460 
Fortaleza  3,967  4,254  4,563  4,894  5,249  26,830  49,756 
Colombia  64,884  88,397  54,012  144,173  81,393  255,067  687,925 
Codensa  50,268  12,014  54,012  48,058  8,103  154,145  326,600 
Emgesa  14,615  76,383  96,116  73,290  100,921  361,325 
TOTAL  454,231  707,408  298,699  485,921  324,491  1,498,076  3,768,826 

(*) Includes: CAM
(**) Includes: Endesa Chile Internacional, Pangue, Pehuenche, San Isidro, Celta and Tunel El Melon.


Table 8.1

Thousand US$  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  Balance   
Chile  467,840  986,014  105,971  208,211  29,218  2,351,766  4,149,020 
Enersis  4,231  354,237  4,237  4,481  4,739  1,066,593  1,438,518 
Chilectra  68  68 
Other (*) 13,070  673  392  14,135 
Endesa Chile (**) 450,470  631,105  101,341  203,730  24,480  1,285,173  2,696,298 
Argentina  56,944  105,929  92,284  106,095  32,256  17,965  411,474 
Edesur  5,056  21,680  27,261  27,330  11,163  92,489 
Costanera  40,222  60,916  41,690  37,098  21,094  17,965  218,985 
Chocon  11,667  23,333  23,333  41,667  100,000 
Peru  193,485  128,673  57,324  74,517  106,171  238,105  798,275 
Edelnor  68,855  37,984  10,946  23,654  32,775  117,108  291,321 
Edegel  124,630  90,690  46,378  50,863  73,396  120,997  506,954 
Brazil  171,241  193,587  303,438  391,941  387,739  231,966  1,679,913 
Endesa Brasil  -  -  -  - 
Coelce  121,869  28,672  42,401  42,401  40,062  99,412  374,816 
Ampla  35,465  150,490  131,562  219,310  219,033  71,259  827,119 
Cien  4,845  4,706  119,051  119,051  116,652  364,304 
Fortaleza  9,062  9,719  10,424  11,181  11,992  61,295  113,673 
Colombia  148,235  201,953  123,397  329,381  185,951  582,729  1,571,647 
Codensa  114,844  27,448  123,397  109,794  18,511  352,163  746,157 
Emgesa  33,391  174,505  219,587  167,440  230,567  825,489 
TOTAL  1,037,743  1,616,157  682,414  1,110,145  741,337  3,422,532  8,610,328 

(*) Includes: CAM
(**) Includes: Endesa Chile Internacional, Pangue, Pehuenche, San Isidro, Celta and Tunel El Melon.

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Table 9

Million Ch$  03M 07  03M 08  Var 07-08  Chg % 
Net income (loss) for the year  58,526  69,748  11,222  19.2% 
Gain (losses) from sales of assets:         
Losses (gain) on sale of property, plant and equipment  16  (492) (508) N/A 
Charges (credits) to income which do not represent cash flows:         
Depreciation  116,856  101,031  (15,825) (13.5%)
Amortization of intangibles  2,347  1,605  (742) (31.6%)
Write-offs and accrued expenses  6,835  9,427  2,592  37.9% 
Equity in income of related companies  (715) (4,202) (3,487)
Equity in losses of related companies  2,224  419  (1,805) (81.2%)
Amortization of positive goodwill  15,127  15,062  (65) (0.4%)
Amortization of negative goodwill  (1,219) (1,009) 210  17.2% 
Price-level restatement, net  144  4,592  4,448  3,088.6% 
Exchange difference, net  (200) 1,834  2,034  N/A 
Other credits to income which do not represent cash flows  (10,694) (6,690) 4,004  37.4% 
Other charges to income which do not represent cash flows  41,407  84,835  43,428  104.9% 
Changes in assets which affect cash flows:         
Decrease (increase) in trade receivables  (84,692) 44,256  128,948  N/A 
Decrease (increase) in inventory  (11,551) (62,689) (51,138) 442.7% 
Decrease (increase) in other assets  (42,283) (75,963) (33,680) (79.7%)
Changes in liabilities which affect cash flow:         
Decreased (increase) in payable accounts associated with operating results  14,303  61,196  46,893  327.9% 
Decreased (increase) of payable interest  (5,464) (19,463) (13,999) (256.2%)
Decreased (increase) in income tax payable  (43,455) 22,942  66,397  N/A 
Decreased (increase) in other accounts payable associated with non-operating results  60,591  10,189  (50,402) (83.2%)
Decreased (increase) in value added tax and other similar taxes payable, net  9,127  (30,469) (39,596) N/A 
Income (loss) attributable to minority interest  71,080  38,721  (32,359) (45.5%)
NET CASH FLOW PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES  198,308  264,878  66,570  33.6% 

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Cont. Table 9

Million Ch$    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
Proceeds from issuance of shares issued to minorities         
Proceeds from debt issuance    389,562    168,501    (221,061)   (56.7%)
Proceeds from bond issuance    114,484    19,426    (95,058)   (83.0%)
Proceeds from loans obtained from related companies         
Proceeds from other loans obtained from related companies         
Other sources of financing    253      (253)  
Capital paid         
Dividends paid    (128,036)   (39,830)   88,206    68.9% 
Payment of debt    (281,772)   (145,209)   136,563    48.5% 
Payment of bonds    (21,244)   (90,429)   (69,185)   325.7% 
Payments of loans obtained from related companies         
Payments of other loans obtained from related companies         
Payments of shares issuance costs         
Payments of bonds issuance costs         
Other disbursements for financing    (567)   (463)   104    18.3% 
NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES    72,680    (88,005)   (160,685)   (221.1%)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment    536    307    (229)   (42.8%)
Sale of investment      7,381    7,381   
Other loans received from related companies         
Other receipts from investments      251    251   
Additions to property, plant and equipment    (131,811)   (146,292)   (14,481)   (11.0%)
Long-term investments    (34,564)     34,564    100.0% 
Investment in financing instruments         
Other loans granted to related companies    (4,479)   (12,675)   (8,196)   183.0% 
Other investment disbursements    (86)   (22,036)   (21,950)   25,523.5% 
NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES    (170,405)   (173,064)   (2,659)   (1.6%)
NET CASH FLOW FOR THE PERIOD    100,583    3,809    (96,774)   96.2% 
NET VARIATION ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT    116,038    (30,419)   (146,457)   N/A 
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR    476,689    581,134    104,445    21.9% 
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT AT THE END OF THE PERIOD    592,727    550,715    (42,012)   (7.1%)

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Table 9.1

Thousand US$    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
Net income (loss) for the year    133,710    159,349    25,639    19.2% 
Gain (losses) from sales of assets:                 
Losses (gain) on sale of property, plant and equipment    36    (1,123)   (1,159)   N/A 
Charges (credits) to income which do not represent cash flows:                 
Depreciation    266,971    230,818    (36,153)   (13.5%)
Amortization of intangibles    5,362    3,667    (1,695)   (31.6%)
Write-offs and accrued expenses    15,615    21,537    5,922    37.9% 
Equity in income of related companies    (1,634)   (9,600)   (7,966)  
Equity in losses of related companies    5,081    958    (4,123)   (81.2%)
Amortization of positive goodwill    34,559    34,410    (149)   (0.4%)
Amortization of negative goodwill    (2,785)   (2,306)   479    17.2% 
Price-level restatement, net    329    10,490    10,161    3,088.6% 
Exchange difference, net    (457)   4,190    4,647    N/A 
Other credits to income which do not represent cash flows    (24,432)   (15,285)   9,147    37.4% 
Other charges to income which do not represent cash flows    94,599    193,816    99,217    104.9% 
Changes in assets which affect cash flows:                 
Decrease (increase) in trade receivables    (193,489)   101,107    294,596    N/A 
Decrease (increase) in inventory    (26,390)   (143,221)   (116,831)   442.7% 
Decrease (increase) in other assets    (96,600)   (173,546)   (76,946)   (79.7%)
Changes in liabilities which affect cash flow:                 
Decreased (increase) in payable accounts associated with operating results    32,677    139,811    107,134    327.9% 
Decreased (increase) of payable interest    (12,483)   (44,466)   (31,983)   (256.2%)
Decreased (increase) in income tax payable    (99,278)   52,413    151,691    N/A 
Decreased (increase) in other accounts payable associated with non-operating results    138,427    23,277    (115,150)   (83.2%)
Decreased (increase) in value added tax and other similar taxes payable, net    20,852    (69,610)   (90,462)   N/A 
Income (loss) attributable to minority interest    162,391    88,464    (73,927)   (45.5%)
NET CASH FLOW PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES    453,062    605,149    152,087    33.6% 

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Cont. Table 9.1

Thousand US$    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
Proceeds from issuance of shares issued to minorities         
Proceeds from debt issuance    890,000    384,959    (505,041)   (56.7%)
Proceeds from bond issuance    261,552    44,380    (217,172)   (83.0%)
Proceeds from loans obtained from related companies         
Proceeds from other loans obtained from related companies         
Other sources of financing    578      (578)  
Capital paid         
Dividends paid    (292,513)   (90,996)   201,517    68.9% 
Payment of debt    (643,741)   (331,747)   311,994    48.5% 
Payment of bonds    (48,534)   (206,595)   (158,061)   325.7% 
Payments of loans obtained from related companies         
Payments of other loans obtained from related companies         
Payments of shares issuance costs         
Payments of bonds issuance costs         
Other disbursements for financing    (1,295)   (1,058)   237    18.3% 
NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES    166,046    (201,057)   (367,103)   (221.1%)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment    1,225    701    (524)   (42.8%)
Sale of investment      16,862    16,862   
Other loans received from related companies         
Other receipts from investments      574    574   
Additions to property, plant and equipment    (301,138)   (334,221)   (33,083)   (11.0%)
Long-term investments    (78,966)     78,966    100.0% 
Investment in financing instruments         
Other loans granted to related companies    (10,233)   (28,957)   (18,724)   183.0% 
Other investment disbursements    (196)   (50,344)   (50,148)   25,523.5% 
NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES    (389,308)   (395,386)   (6,078)   (1.6%)
NET CASH FLOW FOR THE PERIOD    229,794    8,703    (221,091)   96.2% 
NET VARIATION ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT    265,102    (69,496)   (334,598)   N/A 
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR    1,089,052    1,327,668    238,616    21.9% 
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT AT THE END OF THE PERIOD    1,354,155    1,258,172    (95,983)   (7.1%)

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During the period, the company generated a positive cash flow of Ch$3,809 million, which is comprised by the following items:

Table 10

Effective Cash Flow (million Ch$)   03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
                   Operating    198,308    264,878    66,570    33.6% 
                   Financing    72,680    (88,005)   (160,685)   221.1% 
                   Investment    (170,405)   (173,064)   (2,659)   (1.6%)
Net cash flow of the period    100,583    3,809    (96,774)   96.2% 

Table 10.1

Effective Cash Flow (thousand US$)   03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
                   Operating    453,058    605,144    152,086    33.6% 
                   Financing    166,046    (201,057)   (367,103)   221.1% 
                   Investment    (389,310)   (395,386)   (6,076)   (1.6%)
Net cash flow of the period    229,793    8,701    (221,092)   96.2% 

As of March 31, 2008, the company’s Operating activities generated a net positive cash flow of Ch$264,878 million, representing an increase of 33.6% with respect to the same period of last year. This cash flow is comprised mostly of:

The year’s profit of Ch$69,748 million, plus:

  • Charges to results that do not represent a cash flow for Ch$218,805 million, mainly corresponding to the year’s depreciation for Ch$101,031 million, penalties & provisions for Ch$9,427 million, Amortization of Positive Goodwill for Ch$15,062 million, Amortization for Intangibles for Ch$1,605 million, loss of permanent investments for Ch$419 million, and other charges that do not represent cash flow for Ch$84,835 million, among which is the impact on account of negative conversions by the foreign subsidiaries –pursuant to Technical Bulletin N°64- amounting to Ch$82,537 million.
  • Variation of net liabilities that affect the operating cash flow for Ch$44,394 million.

The foregoing was partially offset by:

  • Credits that do not represent cash flow for Ch$11,902 million and which correspond to other credits for Ch$6,690 million; of which, Ch$5,879 million correspond to the positive conversion effect of the foreign subsidiaries, profits from investments in related companies for Ch$4,202 million, and amortization of goodwill on investments for Ch$1,010 million.
  • Variation of net assets that affect the operating cash flow for Ch$94,397 million.

Financing activities originated a net positive cash flow of Ch$88,005 million, mainly from payments of Ch$145,209 million, dividend payments of Ch$39,830 million, payment bond debt of Ch$90,429 million, and other disbursements amounting to Ch$463 million. The foregoing is partially offset by loans amounting to Ch$168,500 million and the placement of bonds amounting to Ch$19,426 million.

Investment activities generated a net cash flow of Ch$173,064 million, which compared with the same period of last year, represents a reduction of 1.6% or Ch$2,659 million. These disbursements correspond mainly to the incorporation of fixed assets amounting to Ch$146,292 million, other loans to related companies of Ch$12,675 million, and other disbursements reaching Ch$22,036 million; the foregoing was partially offset by collections from the sale of permanent investments for Ch$7,381, collections from the sale of fixed assets for Ch$307 million, and other investment income for Ch$251 million.

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Table 11

Millions Ch$    Interest Received  Dividends Received  Management Fee  Prepayment intercompany Capital Reductions 
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08 
Argentina      78           343       206         
Peru        1,281         -       -         
Brazil          23,644       -       -         
Colombia        20,487    9,423       -       -         
Total    -    78    21,768    33,067       343       206    -    -    -    - 

Millions Ch$    Total Cash Received 
    03M 07    03M 08 
Argentina    343    284 
Peru    1,281   
Brazil      23,644 
Colombia    20,487    9,423 
Total    22,111    33,351 

Table 11.1

Thousand US$    Interest Received  Dividends Received  Management Fee  Prepayment Intercompany  Capital Reductions 
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08 
Argentina         178           784       471         
Peru         -    2,927         -       -         
Brazil         -      54,017       -       -         
Colombia         -    46,804    21,528       -       -         
Total    -       178    49,731    75,545       784       471    -    -    -    - 

Thousand US$    Total Cash Received 
    03M 07    03M 08 
Argentina    784    648 
Peru    2,927   
Brazil      54,017 
Colombia    46,804    21,528 
Total    50,515    76,194 

Source: Internal Financial Report

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Table 12

    Payments for Additions of 
Fixed assets 
Million Ch$    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08 
Endesa    59,117    61,329    51,862    47,560 
Cachoeira (*)   471    15    3,693    2,745 
Fortaleza (**)   77    273    1,383    961 
Cien (**)   23    296    3,604    2,698 
Chilectra S.A.    11,056    10,206    5,050    5,586 
Edesur S.A.    8,875    10,411    11,103    8,404 
Edelnor S.A.    5,283    4,912    4,750    3,219 
Ampla    16,069    23,645    11,072    10,064 
Coelce    22,178    25,527    10,978    8,863 
Codensa S.A.    6,473    6,710    11,776    9,310 
Cam Ltda.    920    734    417    454 
Inmobiliaria Manso de Velasco Ltda.    339    732    83    65 
Synapsis Soluciones y Servicios Ltda.    853    1,423    723    702 
Holding Enersis    77    79    362    400 
Total    131,811    146,292    116,856    101,031 

Table 12.1

    Payments for Additions of 
Fixed assets 
Million Ch$    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08 
Endesa    135,059    140,112    118,484    108,656 
Cachoeira (*)   1,076    35    8,436    6,271 
Fortaleza (*)   176    624    3,160    2,195 
Cien (*)   52    675    8,234    6,164 
Chilectra S.A.    25,258    23,318    11,537    12,763 
Edesur S.A.    20,276    23,786    25,365    19,199 
Edelnor S.A.    12,069    11,222    10,853    7,353 
Ampla    36,712    54,020    25,296    22,992 
Coelce    50,667    58,318    25,080    20,249 
Codensa S.A.    14,789    15,329    26,905    21,269 
Cam Ltda.    2,103    1,677    954    1,038 
Inmobiliaria Manso de Velasco Ltda.    774    1,673    190    149 
Synapsis Soluciones y Servicios Ltda.    1,949    3,251    1,651    1,604 
Holding Enersis    176    181    827    913 
Total    301,136    334,221    266,971    230,815 

(*) Consolidated by Enersis through Endesa Brasil since October 1st, 2005.

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First Quarter 2008 - Risks Hedging



The company has a high percentage of its loans in US Dollars considering that an important part of its sales, in the different markets where it operates, are mainly indexed to that currency. However, the Brazilian, Argentine and Colombian markets are indexed to the US Dollar to a lower extent and, therefore, subsidiaries in those markets have most of their liabilities in local currency. In the case of Argentina, the company has chosen to replace dollar denominated debt with local currency debt, when market financial conditions allow it.

In a high exchange rate risk scenario, the company has continued with its policy of partly covering its liabilities in dollars in order to minimize the effects of the fluctuations in the exchange rate upon results. Considering the important reduction in the accounting mismatch in recent years, the company has modified its policy on Dollar-Peso hedging in order to establish a policy of covering cash flows, together with a maximum permissible accounting mismatch, on which hedging operations will be performed.

As of March 31, 2008, the company has hedged in Chile, through US$/UF Swap operations, an amount of US$ 600 million on a consolidated basis and holds US$ 125 million in forward contracts, allowing for an adequate management of the hedging policy. At the same period of last year, the Company had already engaged US$ 600 million of the total US$/UF swap and the US$ 125 million of US$/UF swap as part of the settlement of the new hedging policy already mentioned. Additionally, the company kept US$1 million short-term forward contracts.

In terms of interest rate risk, the Company had, on a consolidated basis, a proportion of its indebtedness at a fixed / variable ratio of approximately 70.2% fixed / 29.8% variable as of March 31, 2008. The percentage of its indebtedness at a fixed rate has decreased compared with the 69.2% / 30.8% ratio as of the same date in 2007.

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First Quarter 2008 - Risks Hedging



As is the usual practice in bank credits and capital market operations, a portion of Enersis financial debt –as well as that of its affiliate Endesa Chile- is subject to cross-default provisions (incumplimiento cruzado). Should certain defaults on the part of relevant subsidiaries not be resolved, they could result in cross-defaults at the level of Enersis and Endesa Chile, in which case, they may eventually call up certain liabilities in these companies.

Nonpayment –following whatever grace period may be applicable- of debt of these companies or of any of its more relevant subsidiaries, for individual amounts over the equivalent of US$ 30 million, could enforce the payment acceleration provisions of syndicated credits subscribed in 2004. The credits subscribed by Endesa (in January and December 2006) and by Enersis (in December 2006) have a US$ 50 million threshold. Analogously, nonpayment –following whatever grace period may be applicable- of debt of these companies or of any of its more relevant subsidiaries, for individual amounts over the equivalent of US$ 30 million, could enforce the payment acceleration provisions of the Yankee Bonds. Additionally, certain credit contracts include provisions according to which certain events –other than nonpayment- on the part of these companies or any of its more relevant subsidiaries, such as bankruptcy, insolvency, adverse final judicial decisions for amounts over US$ 50 million, or asset expropriation could trigger the application of the acceleration provisions of these credits.

These credits have no clauses by virtue of which eventual changes in the classification of these companies or of their debt by risk classification companies would generate the obligation to prepay such debt. Nevertheless, a change in the risk classification of foreign currency debt according to the risk classification agency, Standard & Poor’s (S&P), could cause a change in the margin applicable to determine the rate of interest on credits syndicated and subscribed between 2004 and 2006. As of March 2008, these obligations & restrictions have been met fully.

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country





Operating Income, increased by Ch$2,575 million, reaching at a first-quarter result of Ch$6,815 million in March 2008, which represents an increase of 60.7%, in turn, resulting from 6.1% better revenues, while operating costs remained roughly similar to those of its homologous preceding quarter. A more efficient management in terms of production and commercial policy has enabled Costanera increase its operating income, considering that its physical sales expanded by 5.1% to 2,575 GWh as of March 2008.

Table 13

    Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
Operating Revenues    100    106    43,835    46,497    6.1% 
Operating Costs    (89)   (89)   (38,976)   (39,088)   (0.3%)
Gross Profit    11    17    4,859    7,410    52.5% 
               Selling and Administrative Expenses    (1)   (1)   (620)   (595)   3.9% 
Operating Income    10    16    4,239    6,815    60.7% 

Figures may differ from those accounted under Argentine GAAP.s

Additional Information

Table 14

Costanera    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
GWh Produced    2,445    2,575    130    5.3% 
GWh Sold    2,450    2,575    126    5.1% 
Market Share    9.6%    9.7%      1.3% 

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country



Operating Income, dropped by 51.2% to Ch$2,537 million during the first quarter of 2008, as a result of 26.5% lower physical sales as compared with the previous year, conditioned by the Limay River water management on the part of Argentina’s Energy Secretariat and the low hydrology of the area. The Chocon’s reservoirs went to the minimum level, ending the first quarter without energy available.

Table 15

    Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
Operating Revenues    31    22    13,706    9,711    (29.2%)
Operating Costs    (19)   (16)   (8,265)   (6,895)   16.6% 
Gross Profit    12    6    5,440    2,815    (48.3%)
     Selling and Administrative Expenses     (1)   (1)   (247)   (279)   (12.9%)
Operating Income    12    6    5,194    2,537    (51.2%)

Figures may differ from those accounted under Argentine GAAP.

Additional Information

Table 16

Chocón    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
GWh Produced    735    466    (269)   (36.7%)
GWh Sold    817    600    (217)   (26.5%)
Market Share    3.2%    2.3%      (29.2%)

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country




Operating Income increased by Ch$928 million during the first quarter of the year 2007 from Ch$ 5,919 million to Ch$6,847 million. The later is principally explained by better buy/sell margins during the period, which is associated to the increased demand, the greater number of clients, an increase of the capacity sold to large corporate clients.

The increase in demand has been strongly boosted by the greater level of economic activity and the higher temperatures, all of which have contributed to an increase of physical sales by 2.4%, reaching 4,083 GWh during the first quarter of 2008. Energy losses increased by 0.1p. p. reaching 9.2% as of March 2008 and the number of clients grew by 35,000, reaching 2.2 million clients.

Table 17

    Million US$    Million Ch$ 
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
               Revenues from Sales             181             142    79,028    62,110    (21.4%)
               Other Operating Revenues    13    13    5,734    5,659    (1.3%)
Operating Revenues             194             155    84,761    67,769    (20.0%)
               Energy Purchases             (99)            (75)   (43,366)   (32,724)   24.5% 
               Other Operating Cost             (57)            (44)   (25,141)   (19,150)   23.8% 
Operating Costs    (157)   (119)   (68,508)   (51,874)   24.3% 
               Selling and Administrative Expenses             (24)            (21)   (10,334)   (9,048)   12.4% 
Operating Income    14    16    5,919    6,847    15.7% 
Figures may differ from those accounted under Argentine GAAP. 

Additional Information

Table 18

Edesur    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
Customers (Th)   2,202    2,237    35    1.6% 
GWh Sold    3,985    4,083    98    2.4% 
Clients/Employee    904    870    (34)   (3.7%)
Energy Losses % (3M)   9.1%    9.2%    0.1    0.8% 

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country




Table 19

    Million US$    Million Ch$    Chg % 
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08     
       Revenues from Sales    684    641       299,578    280,386    (6.4%)
       Other Operating Revenues    19    59    8,445    25,640    203.6% 
Operating Revenues    704    699       308,023    306,026    (0.6%)
       Energy Purchases    (263)   (305)   (115,153)   (133,398)   (15.8%)
       Other Operating Cost    (147)   (124)      (64,532)   (54,457)   15.6% 
Operating Costs    (411)   (429)   (179,685)   (187,855)   (4.5%)
       Selling and Administrative Expenses     (45)    (46)      (19,687)   (20,343)   (3.3%)
Operating Income    248    224       108,651    97,828    (10.0%)
Figures may differ from those accounted under Brazilian GAAP. 
(*) Consolidated by Enersis since October 1st 2005.



Operating Income, in the first quarter of the year 2008 reached Ch$43,808 million, which is significantly higher than the Ch$11,487 million obtained during the same period of the year 2007 which represents an increase of 281.4% . The latter is the consequence of the policy of reducing the sale contracts of energy and of the high prices that prevailed in the energy market during the first months of this year, which was partially offset by a 17.1% reduction in physical sales, to 877 GWh.

Table 20

    Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
Operating Revenues           47    124    20,617    54,192    162.8% 
Operating Costs    (19)   (22)   (8,318)   (9,801)   (17.8%)
Gross Profit           28    101    12,299    44,391    260.9% 
                 Selling and Administrative Expenses           (2)   (1)      (812)      (583)   28.2% 
Operating Income           26    100    11,487    43,808    281.4% 
Figures may differ from those accounted under Brazilian GAAP. 

Additional Information

Table 21

Cachoeira    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
GWh Produced    981    705    (276)   (28.1%)
GWh Sold    1,057    877    (180)   (17.1%)
Market Share    1.2%    0.9%      (25.0%)

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country



Operating Income, amounted to Ch$1,317 million, a reduction of 89.0% in the period, at which time their operating income amounted to Ch$11,973 million. This drop is mainly due to the smaller energy buy/sell margin during the period, resulting in turn from high energy spot prices. Physical sales reached to 669 GWh as of March 2008 (663 GWh in March 2007).

Table 22

    Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
Operating Revenues                 62    92    27,038    40,157    48.5% 
Operating Costs    (34)   (88)   (14,715)   (38,441)   (161.2%)
Gross Profit                 28    4    12,323    1,715    (86.1%)
         Selling and Administrative Expenses                   (1)   (1)   (350)   (399)   (14.0%)
Operating Income                 27    3    11,973    1,317    (89.0%)
Figures may differ from those accounted under Brazilian GAAP. 

Additional Information

Table 23

Fortaleza    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
GWh Produced      81    80   
GWh Sold    663    669      0.9% 
Market Share    0.7%    0.7%     



Operating Income, registered a loss, during this first quarter, of Ch$3,876 million, which when compared with the period of the preceding year reflects a greater loss of Ch$1,384 million. The foregoing is explained because the Government of Brazil has not yet provided ANEEL with the guidelines required to set a retribution price for the services of energy transport which, beginning this year, has become this company’s new business. The company did not have any physical sales in the current period, in line with its new line of business.

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country


Table 24

    Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
Operating Revenues                 65           28,331    1,535    (94.6%)
Operating Costs    (67)   (10)   (29,354)   (4,469)   (115.2%)
Gross Profit    (2)   (7)   (1,022)   (2,934)   (187.0%)
           Selling and Administrative Expenses    (3)   (2)   (1,469)   (942)   35.9% 
Operating Income    (6)   (9)   (2,492)   (3,876)   (55.5%)
Figures may differ from those accounted under Brazilian GAAP.



Operating Income, accounted Ch$39,823 million, which, when compared with the same date of the preceding year, represents a drop of 21.9% or the equivalent to Ch$11,184 million. Such lower result is owed mainly to lower energy buy/sell margins, which dropped mainly because of the increase of average energy buying prices. Physical sales increased by 1.1% to 2,394 GWh during the present period. Energy losses diminished by 1.8 p.p, down to a level of 21.0% (22.8% in the year 2007). The number of Ampla clients increased by 63,000, reaching 2.4 million clients.

Table 26

    Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
               Revenues from Sales             365             338    159,826    147,751    (7.6%)
               Other Operating Revenues      10    3,176    4,248    33.7% 
Operating Revenues             372             347    163,002    151,998    (6.8%)
               Energy Purchases    (178)   (164)   (78,065)   (71,649)   8.2% 
               Other Operating Cost             (63)            (78)   (27,730)   (33,959)   (22.5%)
Operating Costs    (242)   (241)   (105,795)   (105,608)   0.2% 
               Selling and Administrative Expenses             (14)            (15)   (6,200)   (6,567)   (5.9%)
Operating Income             117    91    51,007    39,823    (21.9%)
Figures may differ from those accounted under Brazilan GAAP. 

Additional Information

Table 27

Ampla    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
Customers (Th)   2,342    2,405    64    2.7% 
GWh Sold    2,367    2,394    27    1.1% 
Clients/Employee    1,682    1,755    73    4.3% 
Energy Losses % (3M)   22.8%    21.0%    (1.8)   (8.2%)

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country



Operating Income, dropped by Ch$19,230 million, reaching Ch$18.679 million during the first quarter of the year 2008. Such drop in the operating income is principally attributable to a reduction of this year’s buy/sell margin, as a result of the downturn of tariff prices occurred in April of 2007 and the greater purchase price of energy. The foregoing was partially offset by a 5.0% increase in physical sales to 1,803 GWh during the first quarter of the year 2008. Energy losses dropped by 1.1 p.p, to a level of 11.4% in the current period. The number of clients reached 2.72 million, all of which represents a growth of 154,000 clients when compared to the same date of the year 2007, i.e. a 6.0% increase.

Table 28

    Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
             Revenues from Sales    272    237       119,254    103,578    (13.1%)
             Other Operating Revenues      12    3,199    5,076    58.7% 
Operating Revenues    280    248       122,454    108,654    (11.3%)
             Energy Purchases    (117)   (130)      (51,169)   (57,043)   (11.5%)
             Other Operating Cost    (52)   (53)      (22,969)   (23,003)   (0.1%)
Operating Costs    (169)   (183)      (74,138)   (80,046)   (8.0%)
             Selling and Administrative Expenses    (24)   (23)      (10,407)   (9,929)   4.6% 
Operating Income    87    43    37,909    18,679    (50.7%)

Figures may differ from those accounted under Brazilian GAAP.

Additional Information

Table 29

Coelce    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
Customers (Th)   2,571    2,725    155    6.0% 
GWh Sold    1,717    1,803    86    5.0% 
Clients/Employee    2,034    2,159    125    6.2% 
Energy Losses % (3M)   12.5%    11.4%    (1.1)   (9.4%)

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country





Consolidated Income Statement of Endesa Chile

Table 30

    Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
Operating Revenues    974    1,098    426,372    480,560    12.7% 
Operating Costs    (528)   (724)   (231,065)   (317,050)   (37.2%)
               Selling and Administrative Expenses    (25)   (19)   (10,910)   (8,464)   22.4% 
Operating Income    421    354    184,397    155,046    (15.9%)
               Interest Income    11    10    4,631    4,544    (1.9%)
               Interest Expenses    (111)   (90)   (48,691)   (39,434)   19.0% 
Net Financial Income (Expenses)   (101)   (80)   (44,059)   (34,890)   20.8% 
               Equity Gains from Related Company    19    56    8,117    24,430    201.0% 
               Equity Losses from Related Company    (5)   (1)   (2,190)   (276)   87.4% 
Net Income from Related Companies    14    55    5,926    24,154    307.6% 
               Other Non Operating Income    20    23    8,725    10,009    14.7% 
               Other Non Operating Expenses    (98)   (144)   (42,915)   (62,923)   (46.6%)
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses)   (78)   (121)   (34,189)   (52,914)   (54.8%)
               Price Level Restatement      (2)   18    (708)   (4096.2%)
               Foreign Exchange Effect    (1)   27    (633)   11,804    (1963.5%)
Net of Monetary Exposure    (1)   25    (616)   11,097    (1902.2%)
Positive Goodwill Amortization    (1)   (1)   (240)   (255)   (6.3%)
Non Operating Income    (167)   (121)   (73,178)   (52,809)   27.8% 
Net Income b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort.    254    234    111,220    102,236    (8.1%)
Extraordinary Items             -             -       
Income Tax    (99)   (84)   (43,157)   (36,667)   15.0% 
Minority Interest    (36)   25    (15,541)   11,080    171.3% 
Negative Goodwill Amortization        1,208    1,000    (17.2%)
NET INCOME    123    177    53,730    77,649    44.5% 
*Includes generation subsidiaries in Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Peru. 

Chilean Operations

Operating Income, reached Ch$88,266 million, 19.5% less that the Ch$109,584 million accounted at the end of the first quarter of 2007, even though operating revenue amounted to Ch$297,355 million, which, when compared with Ch$226,752 million in the same period of the previous year, represented an increase of 31.1% .

This price hike, resulting from the first quarter in which the node price of over US$100 per MWh with high energy spot prices, was amply compensated by a greater operating cost which increased by 79%, amounting to Ch$205,145 million; noteworthy among which are Ch$102,348 million from higher fuel & lubricant costs on account of greater thermal generation with petroleum at high prices derived –among other reasons- from a low hydrology.

It is worth mention that this commercial policy has enabled Endesa Chile been a net seller in the spot market, even when its production as accounted at the March 2008 closing meant a 6.9% drop in generation. Physical sales during the first quarter of the year totaled 4,755 GWh.

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country


Additional Information

Table 31

Chilean Companies    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
GWh Produced    5,191    4,830    (360)   (6.9%)
GWh Sold    5,226    4,755    (472)   (9.0%)
Market Share    39.9%    36.0%      (9.8%)

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Operating Income, accounted Ch$27,428 million during the period, which represents a drop of Ch$6,336 million with respect to the same period of last year equivalent to 18.8% . This is due to the increase in energy purchases considering higher prices paid out to generators and greater physical energy purchases in order to satisfy the demand of our clients. The Ch$58,706 million in greater operating revenues were not enough to offset the greater operating costs of Ch$65,755 million. During the period, physical sales amounted to 3,171 GWh, with a slight 0.4% increase when compared to the same period of 2007, impacted by the energy savings plan launched by the Government of Chile. The foregoing was partially offset by lower sales & administration expenses of Ch$714 million or 6%, mainly explained by a reduction of Ch$820 million in operating & maintenance costs.

Table 32

         Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
             Revenues from Sales    412    541    180,366    236,598    31.2% 
             Other Operating Revenues    33    39    14,583    17,058    17.0% 
Operating Revenues    445    580    194,950    253,656    30.1% 
             Energy Purchases    (304)   (451)   (132,845)   (197,450)   (48.6%)
             Other Operating Cost    (39)   (42)   (17,069)   (18,220)   (6.7%)
Operating Costs    (342)   (493)   (149,914)   (215,670)   (43.9%)
             Selling and Administrative Expenses    (26)   (24)   (11,272)   (10,558)   6.3% 
Operating Income    77    63    33,764    27,428    (18.8%)
             Interest Income        1,847    2,814    52.3% 
             Interest Expenses    (16)   (11)   (7,171)   (4,684)   34.7% 
Net Financial Income (Expenses)   (12)   (4)   (5,324)   (1,870)   64.9% 
             Equity Gains from Related Company    27    26    11,981    11,361    (5.2%)
             Equity Losses from Related Company      (3)     (1,521)  
Net Income from Related Companies    27    22    11,981    9,839    (17.9%)
             Other Non Operating Income        2,251    2,762    22.7% 
             Other Non Operating Expenses    (1)   (6)   (240)   (2,800)   1066.8% 
             Conversion Effect (BT 64)            
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses)   5    (0)   2,011    (39)   (101.9%)
             Price Level Restatement    (1)   (3)   (272)   (1,436)   427.9% 
             Foreign Exchange Effect    (2)   18    (726)   8,091    (1214.9%)
Net of Monetary Exposure    (2)   15    (998)   6,655    (767.0%)
Positive Goodwill Amortization    (0)   (0)   (162)   (135)   16.5% 
Non Operating Income    17    33    7,509    14,451    92.4% 
Net Income b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort.    94    96    41,273    41,878    1.5% 
Extraordinary Items             
Income Tax    (16)     (6,988)   542    107.8% 
Minority Interest    (0)   (5)   (139)   (1,971)   1316.8% 
Negative Goodwill Amortization             
NET INCOME    78    92    34,146    40,450    18.5% 

Additional Information

Table 33

Chilectra    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
Customers (Th)   1,445    1,492    48    3.3% 
GWh Sold    3,157    3,171    15    0.4% 
Clients/Employee    2,032    2,047    15    0.8% 
Energy Losses % (3M)   5.1%    5.5%    0.4    9.2% 

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country




On September, 2007 Colombian generation companies Emgesa and Betania completed the merger process, and the resulting company was named Emgesa.


Operating Income, totaled Ch$42,539 million at the closing of the first quarter of 2008, which is Ch$1,542 million higher than the operating income obtained during the same period in 2007. The greater result is explained, principally, by growth in energy sales margin, resulting from higher spot prices that prevailed in the market, higher revenues due to reliability charges and lower thermal generation costs, and the good hydrology during the period. Physical sales increased by 9.1%, amounting to 3,760 GWh as of March 2008.

Table 36

    Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
Operating Revenues    196    184         85,929         80,487    (6.3%)
Operating Costs    (99)   (84)   (43,526)   (36,781)   15.5% 
Operating Margin    97    100         42,403         43,707    3.1% 
               Selling and Administrative Expenses    (3)   (3)        (1,405)        (1,167)   16.9% 
Operating Income    94    97         40,997         42,539    3.8% 

Since September 1, 2007, Betania is merged with Emgesa.
* Please notice that these figures could differ from those accounted under Colombian GAAP.

Additional Information

Table 37

Emgesa    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
GWh Produced    2,745    2,882    137    5.0% 
GWh Sold    3,448    3,760    312    9.1% 
Market Share    19.9%    21.2%      6.6% 

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country




Operating Income, totaled Ch$40,050 million during the first quarter of the year 2008, which represents a growth of Ch$ 2,761 million or 7.4% with respect to the same period of last year.

This increment is mostly owed to the increased energy demand which increased physical sales by 4.9% reaching 2,884 GWh and a 1.6pp reduction in energy losses, which went from 9.2% during the first quarter of the year 2007 to 7.6% in the current period, added to the period’s better buy/sell margin. Clients increased by 73,000, reaching 2.2 million as of March 2008.

Table 38

    Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
             Revenues from Sales    225             223    98,687    97,580    (1.1%)
             Other Operating Revenues    83    83    36,332    36,242    (0.2%)
Operating Revenues    308             306    135,019    133,822    (0.9%)
             Energy Purchases    (142)   (138)   (62,163)   (60,454)   2.7% 
             Other Operating Cost    (72)            (66)   (31,519)   (28,956)   8.1% 
Operating Costs    (214)   (204)   (93,682)   (89,410)   4.6% 
             Selling and Administrative Expenses    (9)            (10)   (4,048)   (4,362)   (7.8%)
Operating Income    85    91    37,289    40,050    7.4% 

* Please noticethat these figures could differ from those accounted under Colombian GAAP.

Additional Information

Table 39

Codensa    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
Customers (Th)   2,157    2,230    73    3.4% 
GWh Sold    2,750    2,884    133    4.9% 
Clients/Employee    2,302    2,370    68    2.9% 
Energy Losses % (3M)   9.2%    7.6%    (1.6)   (17.6%)

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country





Operating Income, accounted Ch$13,171 million, which represents a 42.0% drop with respect to the Ch$22,694 million of the first quarter of 2007. Generation increased by 3.6%, reaching 2,074 GWh. However, operating revenue decreased 20.5%, from Ch$48,226 million to Ch$38,323 million. Operating costs increased by 2.6% to Ch$22,976 million. The decrease in revenues is largely attributable to a 38% drop in average spot prices. Increase costs are mostly attributable to a 15.4% increase in thermal generation, compared to the first quarter of 2007.

Table 40

    Million US$    Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
Operating Revenues    110                 88         48,226         38,323    (20.5%)
Operating Costs    (51)   (52)   (22,399)   (22,976)   (2.6%)
Operating Margin    59                 35         25,828         15,347    (40.6%)
               Selling and Administrative Expenses    (7)                (5)        (3,134)        (2,176)   30.6% 
Operating Income    52                 30         22,694         13,171    (42.0%)

* Please noticethat these figures could differ from those accounted under Peruvian GAAP.

Additional Information

Table 41

Edegel    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
GWh Produced    2,002    2,074    72    3.6% 
GWh Sold    1,951    2,063    112    5.7% 
Market Share    32.9%    31.7%      (3.8%)

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country




Operating Income registered Ch$12,758 million, higher by Ch$112 million to the result obtained during the same period of the previous year, reaching Ch$12,646 million. This is mostly due to the greater energy demand and the better unit margin sales conditions. The increment in demand and greater sales to half-tension Regulated Clients contribute to a better sales margin.

The important increase in demand for energy made physical sales sore by 8.0% amounting to 1,396 GWh during the period. The number of clients increased by 34,000 reaching 995,000 as of March 2008. Energy losses increased by 0.1 p.p to a level of 8.5% in the current period as compared to last year’s 8.4% in the same period.

Operating Income

Table 42

         Million US$           Million Ch$     
    03M 07    03M 08    03M 07    03M 08    Chg % 
             Revenues from Sales             132    114         57,677               50,037    (13.2%)
             Other Operating Revenues        3,056    3,081    0.8% 
Operating Revenues             139    121         60,734               53,118    (12.5%)
             Energy Purchases             (80)   (67)   (34,905)   (29,361)   15.9% 
             Other Operating Cost             (18)   (15)        (7,879)                (6,483)   17.7% 
Operating Costs             (98)   (82)   (42,785)   (35,844)   16.2% 
             Selling and Administrative Expenses             (12)   (10)        (5,303)                (4,516)   14.8% 
Operating Income    29    29         12,646               12,758    0.9% 

* Please noticethat these figures could differ from those accounted under Peruvian GAAP.

Additional Information

Table 43

Edelnor    03M 07    03M 08    Var 07-08    Chg % 
Customers (Th)   961    995    33    3.5% 
GWh Sold    1,292    1,396    105    8.1% 
Clients/Employee    1,773    1,780      0.4% 
Energy Losses % (3M)   8.4%    8.5%    0.1    2.1% 

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country


(Parent Company First Quarter 2008 Earnings Report)


Table 44

(in million Ch$ of 3M08)   3M 07    3M 08    Var % 
Gross Operating Margin    907    868    (4.4%)
S&A Expenses    (4,363)   (4,214)   3.4% 
Operating Income    (3,456)   (3,347)   3.2% 
Endesa    32,228    46,575    44.5% 
Chilectra    21,958    30,334    38.2% 
Edesur    10,175    1,961    (80.7%)
Edelnor    2,691    (2,706)   (200.5%)
Ampla    2,898    7,207    148.7% 
Coelce        N/A 
Codensa    2,818    62    (97.8%)
CAM LTDA    342    125    (63.4%)
Inm Manso de Velasco    628    632    0.7% 
Synapsis    231    1,338    477.8% 
Endesa Brasil    5,607    15,470    175.9% 
CGTF        N/A 
Other        N/A 
Net Income from Related Companies    79,576    100,998    26.9% 
Interest Income    11,197    7,602    (32.1%)
Interest Expense    (14,800)   (13,189)   10.9% 
Net Financial Income (Expenses)   (3,604)   (5,587)   (55.1%)
Other Non Operating Income    1,910    3,904    104.4% 
Other Non Operating Expenses    (319)   (81)   74.5% 
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses)   1,592    3,823    140.2% 
Price Level Restatement    (188)   (1,553)   (724.7%)
Foreign Exchange Effect    1,474    (21,841)   (1581.7%)
Net Monetary Exposure    1,286    (23,394)   (1919.5%)
Positive Goodwill Amortization    (14,723)   (14,670)   0.4% 
Non Operating Income    64,126    61,169    (4.6%)
Net Income before (1), (2) & (3)   60,671    57,823    (4.7%)
Income Tax (1)   (2,155)   11,915    (652.9%)
Negative Goodwill Amortization (2)   11    9    (14.6%)
Minority Interest (3)   -    -    N/A 
NET INCOME    58,526    69,748    19.2% 
EPS (Ch$)   1.79    2.14     
EPADS (US$)   0.20    0.24     
Common Shares Outstanding (Th)   32,651,166    32,651,166     

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country



Table 44.1

(in thousand US$ of 3M08)   3M 07    3M 08    Var % 
Gross Operating Margin    2,073    1,983    (4.4%)
S&A Expenses    (9,968)   (9,628)   3.4% 
Operating Income    (7,895)   (7,646)   3.2% 
Endesa    73,629    106,405    44.5% 
Chilectra    50,165    69,303    38.2% 
Edesur    23,245    4,480    (80.7%)
Edelnor    6,149    (6,182)   (200.5%)
Ampla    6,621    16,465    148.7% 
Coelce        N/A 
Codensa    6,437    142    (97.8%)
CAM LTDA    781    286    (63.4%)
Inm Manso de Velasco    1,435    1,444    0.7% 
Synapsis    529    3,056    477.8% 
Endesa Brasil    12,809    35,342    175.9% 
CGTF        N/A 
Others        N/A 
Net Income from Related Companies    181,800    230,742    26.9% 
Interest Income    25,581    17,367    (32.1%)
Interest Expense    (33,813)   (30,132)   10.9% 
Net Financial Income (Expenses)   (8,233)   (12,765)   (55.1%)
Other Non Operating Income    4,364    8,919    104.4% 
Other Non Operating Expenses    (728)   (185)   74.5% 
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses)   3,636    8,733    140.2% 
Price Level Restatement    (430)   (3,548)   (724.7%)
Foreign Exchange Effect    3,368    (49,898)   (1581.7%)
Net Monetary Exposure    2,937    (53,447)   (1919.5%)
Positive Goodwill Amortization    (33,637)   (33,515)   0.4% 
Non Operating Income    146,504    139,749    (4.6%)
Net Income before (1), (2) & (3)   138,609    132,103    (4.7%)
Income Tax (1)   (4,924)   27,222    (652.9%)
Negative Goodwill Amortization (2)   25    21    (14.6%)
Minority Interest (3)     -    N/A 
NET INCOME    133,710    159,349    19.2% 
EPS (Ch$)   1.79    2.14     
EPADS (US$)   0.20    0.24     
Common Shares Outstanding (Th)   32,651,166    32,651,166     

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country




Enersis is pleased to inform you that it will hold a conference call to review its results for the period, on Monday, April 28, 2008, at 12:00 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) (12:00 pm Chilean time). To participate, please dial +1 (617) 213-4866 or +1 (888) 713-4214 (toll free USA), approximately 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time, Passcode ID: 23968574.

The phone replay will be available between April 28, 2008, and May 05, 2008, dialing +1 (617) 801-6888 or +1 (888) 286-8010 (toll free USA) Passcode ID: 86353109.

To access the call online, or to access the replay, go to: http://www.enersis.com Investor Relations.

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First Quarter 2008 - Breakdown by country



For further information, please contact us:


Susana Rey
Head of Investor Relations
56 (2) 353 4554
Ignacio González  Denisse Labarca  Doris Saba  Carmen Poblete 
Investor Relations  Investor Relations  Investor Relations  Investor Relations 
Representative  Representative  Representative  Representative 
ijgr@e.enersis.cl  dla@e.enersis.cl  dsb@e.enersis.cl  cpt@e.enersis.cl 
56 (2) 353 4552  56 (2) 353 4492  56 (2) 353 4555  56 (2) 353 4447 
María Luz Muñoz
Investor Relations  
56 (2) 353 4682


This Press Release contains statements that could constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements appear in a number of places in this announcement and include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Enersis and its management with respect to, among other things: (1) Enersis’ business plans; (2) Enersis’ cost-reduction plans; (3) trends affecting Enersis’ financial condition or results of operations, including market trends in the electricity sector in Chile or elsewhere; (4) supervision and regulation of the electricity sector in Chile or elsewhere; and (5) the future effect of any changes in the laws and regulations applicable to Enersis’ or its subsidiarys. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. These factors include a decline in the equity capital markets of the United States or Chile, an increase in the market rates of interest in the United States or elsewhere, adverse decisions by government regulators in Chile or elsewhere and other factors described in Enersis’ Annual Report on Form 20-F. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on those forward-looking statements, which state only as of their dates. Enersis undertakes no obligation to release publicly the result of any revisions to these forward-looking statements.

Pg. 52



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

  By: /s/ Ignacio Antoñanzas 
  Title: Chief Executive Officer 

Date: May 5, 2008