6-K 1 enipr2q04_6k.htm FIRST HALF 2004 - MARKET INFORMATION Provided by MZ Data Products


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Report of Foreign Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
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For the month of August, 2004

Commission File Number: 001-12440


(Translation of Registrant’s Name into English)

Santa Rosa 76
Santiago, Chile

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Highlights for the Period
[All figures in Chilean Pesos]

  • Operating Income increased 12.2%, reaching $330,638 million.

  • Operating Revenues increased 12.9% or $163,259 million.

  • Non Operating Income improved 26.2%, from a loss of $ 218,239 down to a loss of $160,959 million.

  • Net Financial Income (Expenses) improved by $18,515 million, or 10.9% primarily due to lower indebtedness.

  • Physical sales in the generation business increased by 6.4% from 24,638 GWh to 26,223 GWh.

  • Physical sales in the distribution business increased by 5.5% from 24,479 GWh to 25,827 GWh. This trend in sales mainly explained by a higher consumption of electricity related to a recovered economic activity.

  • Our clients base increased in 415,340 new clients, which is equivalent to add a new mid size distribution company in one year.

  • Labor productivity increased by 6.4%, from 1,407 to 1,497 clients per employee.

  • Net Income reached a profit of $13,774 million. This means a reduction of $26,350 million from the same period 2003. It is important to consider that profits as of June 2003 considered profits on the sale of Rio Maipo, Canutillar and Infraestructura 2000. Additionally, this decrease in profits was related to higher Income Tax, higher Minority Interest and lower Negative Goodwill Amortization.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 1

First Half 2004 – Market Information

Table of Contents

Highlights for the Period 1
Table of Contents 2
General Information 4
    Simplified Organizational Structure 5
Market Information 6
    Equity Market 6
    Market Perception 8
    Debt Market 8
Risk Rating Classification 9
    International risk rating classification: 9
    Local risk rating classification: 9
Consolidated Income Statement 10
    Under Chilean GAAP, million Ch$ 10
    Under Chilean GAAP, thousand US$ 11
Consolidated Income Statement Analysis 12
    Net Income 12
    Operating Income 12
    Non Operating Income 13
    Evolution Of Key Financial Ratios 16
Consolidated Balance Sheet 17
    Assets Under Chilean GAAP, Million Ch$ 17
    Assets Under Chilean GAAP, Thousand US$ 18
    Liabilities and Shareholders Equity Under Chilean GAAP, Million Ch$ 19
    Liabilities and Shareholders Equity Under Chilean GAAP, Thousand US$ 20
Consolidated Balance Sheet Analysis 21
    Financial Debt Maturity with Third Parties, Million Ch$ 23
    Financial Debt Maturity with Third Parties, Thousand US$ 23
Consolidated Cash Flow 24
    Under Chilean GAAP, million Ch$ 24
    Under Chilean GAAP, Thousand US$ 26
Consolidated Cash Flow Analysis 28
    Cash Flow Received From Foreign Subsidiaries by Enersis, Chilectra and Endesa Chile. 29
    Capex and Depreciation 30
Generation Business 31
    Net Income 31
    Operating Income 31
    Non Operating Income 32
Distribution Business 34
    Highlights 34
        Chile 34
        Brazil 34
        Colombia 34
        Argentina 34

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 2

First Half 2004 – Market Information

        Peru 34
    Chilectra 35
        Net Income 35
        Non Operating Income 35
        Operating Income 35
        Other 35
        Additional Information 36
    Cerj 37
        Net Income 37
        Non Operating Income 37
        Operating Income 37
        Other 37
        Additional Information 38
    Coelce 39
        Net Income 39
        Non Operating Income 39
        Operating Income 39
        Other 39
        Additional Information 40
    Codensa 41
        Net Income 41
        Operating Income 41
        Non Operating Income 41
        Other 41
        Additional Information 42
    Edelnor 43
        Net Income 43
        Operating Income 43
        Non Operating Income 43
        Other 43
        Additional Information 44
    Edesur 45
        Net Income 45
        Operating Income 45
        Non Operating Income 45
        Other 45
        Additional Information 46
    Parent Company Income Statement 47
        Under Chilean GAAP, Million Ch$ 47
        Under Chilean GAAP, Thousand US$ 48
    Partially Consolidated Income Statement 49
        Under Chilean GAAP, Million Ch$ 49
        Under Chilean GAAP, Thousand US$ 50
    Conference Call Invitation 51
        Contact Information 52
        Disclaimer 52

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 3

First Half 2004 – Market Information

General Information

( Santiago , Chile , July 28, 2004) Enersis (NYSE: ENI), announced today consolidated financial results for the first half, ended June 30, 2004. All figures are in both, US $ and Ch$, and in accordance to Chilean Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as shown in the standardized form required by Chilean authorities (FECU). Variations refer to June 30, 2003, and figures have been adjusted by the CPI variation between both periods, equal to 0.6%.

For the purpose of converting Chilean pesos (Ch$) into US dollars (US$), we have used the exchange rate prevailing as of June 30, 2004, equal to US$ 1 = Ch$ 636.30, which compared to the exchange rate of US$ 1 = Ch$ 699.12, represents a Chilean peso appreciation of 9.0%.

The consolidation includes the following investment vehicles and companies,
a) In Chile : Endesa Chile (NYSE: EOC), Chilectra, Synapsis, CAM Ltd. and Inm. Manso de Velasco.
b) Outside Chile: Distrilima (Peru), Cerj and Investluz (Brazil), Edesur (Argentina), Luz de Bogotá (Colombia) and Enersis Internacional.

In the following pages you will find a detailed analysis of Financial Statements, explanation for most of variations, and comments about the main items of Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement compared to the information booked as of June 30, 2003.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 4

First Half 2004 – Market Information

Simplified Organizational Structure

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 5

First Half 2004 – Market Information

Market Information

Equity Market

The recovery in demand for electricity in the majority of the areas under concession is reflected in a sustained growth in the liquidity of the Enersis shares, both on the local market and on the New York Stock Exchange through the ADRs.

The improved liquidity mentioned above also explains why it is our shares that reflect the greatest sensitivity of the decisions of investors in the face of market uncertainty. Thus, for example, when investors perceive an opportunity that motivate them to increase their regional or local exposure, they demand instruments like our shares that have the attribute of liquidity. It is worth mentioning, that since January 2004, Enersis local stock represents 22.4% of the IPSA Index, being the largest stock in this national index.

On the last 12 months, the stock price has raised over 7.5%, from Ch$69.75 to Ch$74.50.

Source: Bloomberg

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 6

First Half 2004 – Market Information

On the last 12 months, the ADR price has raised over 21%, from US$ 4.94 to US$ 5.83, compared with the 10% variation of the Dow Jones for the same period.

On the last 12 months, the Enersis unit price has raised almost 10%, from € 4.42 to € 4.80.

Source: Bloomberg

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 7

First Half 2004 – Market Information

Market Perception

The latest research published on Enersis shows the following target prices for the ADR.

Table 1

Publication Date Company  Main Analyst  Target Price US$ (*)  Recommendation 

July 20, 2004 Larrain Vial  Jorge Astaburuaga  6.40  Market Weight 
June 28, 2004 Bear Stearns  Rowe Michels  8.30  Peer Perform 
June 01, 2004 Credit Suisse  Emerson Leite  8.00  Outperform 
May 03, 2004 Raymond James  Ricardo Cavanagh  8.00  Buy 
April 30, 2004 UBS  Gustavo Gattass  5.55  Reduce 
April 29, 2004 ING  Ricardo Fernandez  11.50  Strong Buy 
April 29, 2004 Merrill Lynch  Frank McGann  8.80  Buy 
April 29, 2004 BBVA  Mariela Iturriaga  6.71  Hold 


ADR average target price (US$) 7.91

Debt Market

The following chart suggests that the risk perception of the bondholders has improved after the uncertainty produced by the gas crisis abated, returning to levels similar to those observed towards the end of 2003. This reflects the confidence of the holders of this debt in Enersis' capacity to pay, in time and form, the commitments assumed.

Enersis Yankee Bonds

% of Par Value

Source: Bloomberg

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 8

First Half 2004 – Market Information

Risk Rating Classification

International risk rating classification:

Standard & Poor's: BBB- / Stable
Fitch: BBB- / Stable
Moody's: Ba2 / Stable

Local risk rating classification:

Feller Rate: A+ / Stable
Fitch: A / Stable
Humphrey's: BBB / Stable

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 9

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Income Statement

Consolidated Income Statement

Under Chilean GAAP, million Ch$

Table 2

CONS. INCOME STATEMENT - (million Ch$) 6M 04  6M 03  Var 04-03 Chg % 

    Revenues from Generation 536,991  476,350  60,641  12.7%
    Revenues from Distribution 971,017  867,138  103,879  12.0%
    Revenues from Other Businesses 78,464  84,350  (5,886) (7.0%)
    Consolidation Adjustments (158,016) (162,641) 4,625  2.8%

Operating Revenues 1,428,456  1,265,197  163,259  12.9%

    Op. Costs from Generation (325,123) (280,726) (44,397) (15.8%)
    Op. Costs from Distribution (760,770) (683,914) (76,856) (11.2%)
    Op.Costs from Other Businesses (62,114) (64,462) 2,348  3.6%
    Consolidation Adjustments 145,074  148,949  (3,875) (2.6%)

Operating Costs (1,002,933) (880,153) (122,780) (13.9%)

Operating Margin 425,523  385,044  40,479  10.5%

    SG&A from Generation (22,367) (15,390) (6,977) (45.3%)
    SG&A from Distribution (71,507) (73,203) 1,696  2.3%
    SG&A from Other Businesses (15,065) (15,269) 204  1.3%
    Consolidation Adjustments 14,054  13,605  449  3.3%

Selling and Administrative Expenses (94,885) (90,257) (4,628) (5.1%)

Operating Income 330,638  294,787  35,851  12.2%

    Interest Income 35,820  38,648  (2,828) (7.3%)
    Interest Expense (186,940) (208,283) 21,343  10.2%
Net Financial Income (Expenses) (151,120) (169,635) 18,515  10.9%
    Equity Gains from Related Companies 16,097  20,365  (4,268) (21.0%)
    Equity Losses from Related Companies (2) (279) 277  99.3%
Net Income from Related Companies 16,095  20,086  (3,991) (19.9%)
    Other Non Operating Income 50,915  133,989  (83,074) (62.0%)
    Other Non Operating Expenses (63,520) (175,852) 112,332  63.9%
Net other Non Operating Income (Expense) (12,605) (41,864) 29,259  69.9%
    Price Level Restatement 1,749  (8,101) 9,850  121.6%
    Foreign Exchange Effect 11,850  8,359  3,491  41.8%
Net of Monetary Exposure 13,599  258  13,341 
Positive Goodwill Amortization (26,928) (27,084) 156  0.6%

Non Operating Income (160,959) (218,239) 57,280  26.2%

Net Inc b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort. 169,679  76,548  93,131  121.7%

Extraordinary Items
Income Tax (112,164) (57,849) (54,315) (93.9%)
Minority Interest (53,195) (22,727) (30,468) (134.1%)
Negative Goodwill Amortization 9,454  44,152  (34,698) (78.6%)

NET INCOME 13,774  40,124  (26,350) (65.7%)

R.A.I.I.D.A.I.E. 606,763  590,091  16,672  2.8%

RAIIDAIE: Net income before taxes, interest, depreciation, amortization and extraordinary items (as defined by local SEC).

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 10

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Income Statement

Under Chilean GAAP, thousand US$

Table 2.1

CONS. INCOME STATEMENT - (thousand US$) 6M 04  6M 03  Var 04-03 Chg % 

    Revenues from Generation 843,927  748,625  95,302  12.7%
    Revenues from Distribution 1,526,036  1,362,782  163,254  12.0%
    Revenues from Other Businesses 123,313  132,563  (9,250) (7.0%)
    Consolidation Adjustments (248,336) (255,604) 7,268  2.8%

Operating Revenues 2,244,941  1,988,366  256,575  12.9%

    Op. Costs from Generation (510,959) (441,185) (69,774) (15.8%)
    Op. Costs from Distribution (1,195,615) (1,074,829) (120,786) (11.2%)
    Op.Costs from Other Businesses (97,617) (101,308) 3,691  3.6%
    Consolidation Adjustments 227,996  234,086  (6,090) (2.6%)

Operating Costs (1,576,195) (1,383,236) (192,959) (13.9%)

Operating Margin 668,746  605,130  63,616  10.5%

    SG&A from Generation (35,152) (24,187) (10,965) (45.3%)
    SG&A from Distribution (112,379) (115,045) 2,666  2.3%
    SG&A from Other Businesses (23,676) (23,997) 321  1.3%
    Consolidation Adjustments 22,087  21,381  706  3.3%

Selling and Administrative Expenses (149,120) (141,847) (7,273) (5.1%)

Operating Income 519,626  463,283  56,343  12.2%

    Interest Income 56,294  60,738  (4,444) (7.3%)
    Interest Expense (293,793) (327,334) 33,541  10.2%
Net Financial Income (Expenses) (237,498) (266,596) 29,098  10.9%
    Equity Gains from Related Companies 25,298  32,005  (6,707) (21.0%)
    Equity Losses from Related Companies (3) (438) 435  99.3%
Net Income from Related Companies 25,295  31,567  (6,272) (19.9%)
    Other Non Operating Income 80,017  210,575  (130,558) (62.0%)
    Other Non Operating Expenses (99,827) (276,367) 176,540  63.9%
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses) (19,810) (65,793) 45,983  69.9%
    Price Level Restatement 2,748  (12,731) 15,479  121.6%
    Foreign Exchange Effect 18,623  13,137  5,486  41.8%
Net of Monetary Exposure 21,372  406  20,966 
Positive Goodwill Amortization (42,320) (42,565) 245  0.6%

Non Operating Income (252,961) (342,981) 90,020  26.2%

Net Inc b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort. 266,665  120,302  146,363  121.7%

    Extraordinary Items
    Income Tax (176,275) (90,915) (85,360) (93.9%)
    Minority Interest (83,600) (35,717) (47,883) (134.1%)
    Negative Goodwill Amortization 14,858  69,388  (54,530) (78.6%)

NET INCOME 21,647  63,058  (41,411) (65.7%)

R.A.I.I.D.A.I.E. 953,580  927,379  26,201  2.8%

RAIIDAIE: Net income before taxes, interest, depreciation, amortization and extraordinary items (as defined by local SEC).

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 11

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Income Statement Analysis

Consolidated Income Statement Analysis
(As seen in the FECU)

Net Income

As of June 30, 2004, the Company registered a Net Income of $13.774 million which, compared to the $40.124 million as of the same date last year, reflects a decrease of $26.350 million. This variation is explained as follows:

Operating Income

Activities of Enersis are developed through subsidiaries in 5 different countries where the Company operates. Core business of the Company are Generation and Distribution of electricity.

Table 3

  6M 04 6M 03

Million Ch$ Operating
SG&Amp;A Operating
SG&Amp;A Operating

Endesa S.A. 547,592  (334,000) (22,889) 190,703  488,341  (290,513) (15,911) 181,917 
Chilectra S.A. 209,163  (147,435) (17,258) 44,470  207,554  (145,569) (14,598) 47,387 
Edesur S.A. 117,056  (99,821) (15,140) 2,095  104,839  (92,796) (15,909) (3,866)
Distrilima (Edelnor) 97,191  (73,218) (8,811) 15,162  104,962  (78,251) (9,553) 17,158 
Cerj 205,220  (169,286) (8,767) 27,167  183,284  (150,607) (5,426) 27,251 
Investluz (Coelce) 143,139  (122,193) (16,891) 4,055  112,345  (81,023) (15,128) 16,194 
Luz de Bogotá (Codensa S.A.) 199,248  (148,816) (4,639) 45,793  154,153  (135,667) (12,584) 5,902 
CAM Ltda. 42,120  (35,353) (2,871) 3,896  43,261  (34,111) (3,394) 5,756 
Inmobiliaria Manso de Velasco Ltda. 2,618  (2,400) (931) (713) 5,011  (5,058) (696) (743)
Synapsis Soluciones y Servicios IT Ltda. 20,938  (14,924) (3,363) 2,651  21,885  (14,936) (3,216) 3,733 
Enersis Holding and other investment vehicles 2,187  (561) (7,379) (5,753) 2,203  (570) (7,446) (5,813)
Consolidation Adjustments (158,016) 145,074  14,054  1,112  (162,641) 148,948  13,604  (89)

Total Consolidation 1,428,456  (1,002,933) (94,885) 330,638  1,265,197  (880,153) (90,257) 294,787 

Table 3.1

  6M 04 6M 03

Thousand US$ Operating
SG&Amp;A Operating
SG&Amp;A Operating

Endesa S.A. 860,588  (524,909) (35,972) 299,707  767,470  (456,567) (25,006) 285,898 
Chilectra S.A. 328,718  (231,708) (27,123) 69,887  326,188  (228,775) (22,943) 74,471 
Edesur S.A. 183,963  (156,877) (23,794) 3,292  164,764  (145,837) (25,003) (6,076)
Distrilima (Edelnor) 152,745  (115,069) (13,847) 23,829  164,956  (122,979) (15,014) 26,964 
Cerj 322,521  (266,047) (13,778) 42,696  288,046  (236,691) (8,528) 42,827 
Investluz (Coelce) 224,955  (192,037) (26,546) 6,372  176,560  (127,335) (23,774) 25,450 
Luz de Bogotá (Codensa S.A.) 313,135  (233,878) (7,291) 71,966  242,265  (213,212) (19,777) 9,277 
CAM Ltda. 66,195  (55,560) (4,512) 6,124  67,989  (53,608) (5,334) 9,047 
Inmobiliaria Manso de Velasco Ltda. 4,115  (3,772) (1,463) (1,120) 7,875  (7,949) (1,093) (1,167)
Synapsis Soluciones y Servicios IT Ltda. 32,906  (23,454) (5,286) 4,167  34,394  (23,473) (5,054) 5,867 
Enersis Holding and other investment vehicles 3,438  (881) (11,597) (9,041) 3,462  (896) (11,702) (9,136)
Consolidation Adjustments (248,335) 227,997  22,087  1,748  (255,604) 234,085  21,380  (139)

Total Consolidation 2,244,942  (1,576,194) (149,122) 519,627  1,988,366  (1,383,235) (141,847) 463,284 

The company's Operating Income for the first half of this year amounted to $330.638 million, an increase of $35.851 million or 12.2% with respect to June, 2003. This increase is due principally to the important rise in the Operating Income of the Distribution and Generating subsidiaries in Colombia and Argentina .

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 12

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Income Statement Analysis

If we segregate the effects of the revaluation of the Chilean Peso against the US Dollar, rising in value by 9.0% between June 30, 2003 and June 30, 2004, from $699.12 to $636.30, respectively, the increase in the Operating Income would be 18.2%.

Non Operating Income

The non-operating result of the company improved by 26.2%, or $57,280 million from a loss of $218,239 million as of June 30, 2003 to a loss of $160,959 million as of June 30 of this year.

Financial expenses net of financial income decreased by 10.9% or $18,515 million, from a net expense of $169,635 million in June 2003 to a net expense of $151,120 million this year. The decrease in expenses is mainly due to a reduction in debt.

The Income from investments in related companies reflect a decrease of 19.9% or $3,991 million from a profit of $20,086 million in the first half of 2003 to a profit of $16,095 million as of June 2004. This was due fundamentally to the lower results registered in the related companies, CIEN and Gasatacama; in CIEN due to the impact of the renegotiation of the contracts with Copel and in Gasatacama, due to the higher costs of utilizing alternative fuels in view of the restrictions on gas from Argentina.

The amortization of positive goodwill remained at the same level and did not have any significant variations. This amounted to $26,928 million, a reduction of 0.6%. The reduced amortization is due to the effect of the exchange rate of the Chilean Peso on the foreign subsidiaries controlled in US Dollars and have a positive goodwill.

Other net non-operating income and expenses rose by $29,259 million from a loss of $41,864 million in June 2003 to a loss of $12,605 million in June 2004. The principal reasons that explain this variation in results are the following:

  • Reduction of $68,832 million in losses caused by the adjustment on the conversion to Chilean norms following the application of Technical Bulletin Nº 64, principally on the subsidiaries in Brazil and Argentina. This was mainly due to the revaluation of the Brazilian Real and the Argentine Peso against the US Dollar during the year 2003 and its impact on the structure of monetary assets and liabilities.

  • Reduction of $22,474 million in provisions on contingencies and lawsuits.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 13

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Income Statement Analysis

  • Reduction of $10,232 million in Pension Plans and UFIR Brazil Taxes.

  • Indemnity for $8,111 million received by Edesur from Alstom-Pirelli on the case involving the Azopardo sub-station.

  • Reduction of $5,089 million in losses from adjustments to PEV (equity income) of investments in related companies.

  • Increase of $2,149 million in net income from recalculation of CDEC-SING power.

The above was partially compensated by the following:

  • Reduction of $74,270 million in profits from sales of investments.

  • Increase of $4,908 million in Heritage Tax in Colombia that corresponds to 1.2% applicable to all companies based in Colombia.

Price-level restatement and exchange differences show an increase of $13,341 million with respect to the first half of the previous year, rising from a profit of $258 million as of June 30, 2003 to a profit of $13,599 million in this semester. This is principally the result of the effects of the nominal devaluation of 7.2% of the Chilean Peso against the US Dollar as of June 30, 2004 as compared to the revaluation of 2.7% of the Chilean Peso as of the same date of the previous year. These effects were compensated to a large degree by exchange insurance maintained by the company.

Income Tax and Deferred Taxes. As of June 30, 2004 the company shows an increase of $54,315 million with respect to the same period of the previous year, rising from $57,849 million ($77,106 million in Income Tax Expenses and $19,257 in profits on deferred taxes) in June, 2003 to an expense of $112,164 million ($65,516 million in Income Tax Expenses and $46,648 million in losses on deferred taxes) in this semester.

Income Tax expense variation

Miliion Ch$ Jun-03  Jun-04  Var 04-03 

Income Tax (77,106) (65,516) 11,59 
Deferred Income Tax 19,25  (46,648) (65,905)

    Total (57,849) (112,164) (54,315)

Income Tax expense variation

Thousand US$ Jun-03  Jun-04  Var 04-03 

Income Tax (121,179)  (102,963)  18,216 
Deferred Income 30,264  (73,312)  (103,576) 

    Total (90.915)  (176.275)  (85.360) 

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 14

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Income Statement Analysis

The $11,590 million of lower income tax are related to the fact that in June 03, Enersis recognized the effect on the sale of Río Maipo, Canutillar and Infraestructura 2000. Taxes derived from that sales amounted to $ 34,324 million. This figure, was partially compensated by an increase in income tax on the improved taxable results of Chilectra by $5,827 million, and the subsidiaries Codensa and Emgesa in Colombia by $11,373 and $3,963 million, respectively.

With regard to deferred taxes, these show a negative variation of $65,905 million, explained mainly by the generating subsidiaries in Argentina ( Central Costanera and Chocón) for $16,516 and $20,983 million, respectively. This is the outcome of the fact that in June, 2003 the company registered for the first time the effects of tax losses (mainly the devaluation of the Argentine Peso) that the company had as of that date ($15,172 and $14,668 million in profits on deferred taxes). However, as a result of the recovery in the rate of exchange and the improved results of the companies, the tax loss has reduced, reflecting as of June 2004, losses on the reversal of deferred taxes of $1,337 and $6,315 million, respectively. Other significant effects were the increase of $11,017 million in expenses from deferred taxes in Enersis and $8,508 million in Endesa Chile.

The amortization on negative goodwill amounted to $9,454 million which, when compared to the first half of 2003, presents a reduction of $34,698 million. The reduced amortization is explained by the acceleration of the greater added value following the investment in CERJ in January 2003, registered as of June 2003.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 15

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Income Statement Analysis

Evolution Of Key Financial Ratios

Table 4

Indicator Unit  6M 04  6M 03  Var 04-03  Chg%

Liquidity Times  1.28 1.20 0.08 6.7%
Acid ratio test * Times  1.18 1.15 0.03 2.6%
Working capital million Ch$  308,978  319,342  (10,364) (3.2%)
Working capital thousands US$  485,585  501,873  (16,288) (3.2%)
Leverage ** Times  0.82 0.99 (0.17) 17.2%
Short-term debt 0.22 0.25 (0.03) (12.0%)
Long-term debt 0.78 0.75 0.03 4.0%
Interest Coverage*** Times  3.24 2.83 0.41 14.5%
EBITDA**** th. US$  850,258  834,670  15,588  1.9%
ROE 0.52% 1.59% (1.07%) (67.3%)
ROA 0.12% 0.31% (0.19%) (61.3%)

* Current assets net of inventories and pre-paid expenses
** Using the ratio = Total debt / (equity + minority interest)
***EBITDAEI/Interest expenses = (Earnings before taxes+Fin exp+Net non operating income+depreciation+Positive Goodwill)/Interest expenses
****EBITDA: Operating Income+Depreciation+Amortization

The liquidity ratio as of June 30, 2004 was 1.28, a 6.7% improvement over the ratio as of the same date in the previous year. This reflects a continuing improvement in the financial situation of the company.

The leverage ratio as at June 30, 2004 was 0.82 times, reflecting an improvement of 17.2% with respect to the same period of 2003. This reduction is due principally to the increase in capital during the second preferential option period in December 2003 and to the effect of the exchange rate, given that a large part of the debt is indexed to the dollar.

On the other hand, return on equity was 0.52%. As of the same date in the previous year, this was 1.59%. This reduction in yield is produced by the fall in profits with respect to the previous year and to an increase in equity as of June 2004.

Return on assets rose from 0.31% in June 2003 to 0.12% in June 2004. This is basically due to the results for the period and the reduction in total assets.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 16

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Balance Sheet

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Assets Under Chilean GAAP, Million Ch$

Table 5

ASSETS - (million Ch$) 6M 04 6M 03 Var 04-03 Chg %

Cash 55,062 365,440 (310,378) (84.9%)
Time deposits 319,938 345,742 (25,804) (7.5%)
Marketable securities 13,655 12,898 757 5.9%
Accounts receivable 532,824 525,941 6,883 1.3%
Notes receivable 3,314 5,046 (1,732) (34.3%)
Other accounts receivable 45,451 105,490 (60,039) (56.9%)
Amounts due from related companies 146,342 193,438 (47,096) (24.3%)
Inventories 74,255 58,528 15,727 26.9%
Income taxes to be recovered 92,715 76,735 15,980 20.8%
Prepaid expenses 34,438 20,098 14,340 71.3%
Deferred income taxes 56,970 50,124 6,846 13.7%
Other current assets 25,135 114,448 (89,313) (78.0%)
Net of long-term leasing contracts - - - -
Net of assets for leasing - - - -

Total currrent assets 1,400,099 1,873,927 (473,828) (25.3%)

Property 121,342 127,431 (6,089) (4.8%)
Buildings and infraestructure 10,671,817 11,134,639 (462,822) (4.2%)
Plant and equipment 1,897,252 2,060,865 (163,613) (7.9%)
Other assets 335,745 440,030 (104,285) (23.7%)
Technical re-appraisal 661,961 728,339 (66,378) (9.1%)
    Sub - Total 13,688,119 14,491,304 (803,185) (5.5%)
Accumulated depreciation (5,251,006) (5,200,645) (50,361) (1.0%)

Total property, plant and equipment 8,437,113 9,290,659 (853,546) (9.2%)

Investments in related companies 202,060 207,861 (5,801) (2.8%)
Investments in other companies 142,854 157,765 (14,911) (9.5%)
Positive goodwill 764,017 820,537 (56,520) (6.9%)
Negative goodwill (75,443) (83,724) 8,281 9.9%
Long-term receivables 111,867 154,556 (42,689) (27.6%)
Amounts due from related companies 717 3,061 (2,344) (76.6%)
Deferred income taxes - - - -
Intangibles 86,537 89,484 (2,947) (3.3%)
Accumulated amortization (44,756) (42,312) (2,444) (5.8%)
Others 178,498 272,332 (93,834) (34.5%)
Net of long-term leasing contracts - - - -

Total other assets 1,366,351 1,579,562 (213,211) (13.5%)

TOTAL ASSETS 11,203,563 12,744,148 (1,540,585) (12.1%)

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 17

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Balance Sheet

Assets Under Chilean GAAP, Thousand US $

Table 5.1

ASSETS - (thousand US$) 6M 04 6M 03 Var 04-03 Chg %

Cash 86,535 574,321 (487,786) (84.9%)
Time deposits 502,810 543,362 (40,552) (7.5%)
Marketable securities 21,460 20,270 1,190 0
Accounts receivable 837,378 826,561 10,817 1.3%
Notes receivable 5,209 7,929 (2,720) (34.3%)
Other accounts receivable 71,431 165,786 (94,355) (56.9%)
Amounts due from related companies 229,989 304,005 (74,016) (24.3%)
Inventories 116,698 91,981 24,717 26.9%
Income taxes to be recovered 145,709 120,596 25,113 20.8%
Prepaid expenses 54,123 31,586 22,537 71.3%
Deferred income taxes 89,533 78,775 10,758 13.7%
Other current assets 39,502 179,865 (140,363) (78.0%)
Net of long-term leasing contracts - - - -
Net of assets for leasing - - - -
Total currrent assets 2,200,376 2,945,038 (744,662) (25.3%)

Property 190,700 200,269 (9,569) (4.8%)
Buildings and infraestructure 16,771,675 17,499,040 (727,365) (4.2%)
Plant and equipment 2,981,695 3,238,826 (257,131) (7.9%)
Other assets 527,653 691,545 (163,892) (23.7%)
Technical re-appraisal 1,040,329 1,144,648 (104,319) (9.1%)
    Sub - Total 21,512,052 22,774,326 (1,262,274) (5.5%)
Accumulated depreciation (8,252,406) (8,173,259) (79,147) (1.0%)
Total property, plant and equipment 13,259,646 14,601,067 (1,341,421) (9.2%)
Investments in related companies 317,555 326,672 (9,117) (2.8%)
Investments in other companies 224,507 247,942 (23,435) (9.5%)
Positive goodwill 1,200,718 1,289,543 (88,825) (6.9%)
Negative goodwill (118,565) (131,580) 13,015 9.9%
Long-term receivables 175,809 242,899 (67,090) (27.6%)
Amounts due from related companies 1,127 4,811 (3,684) (76.6%)
Deferred income taxes - - - -
Intangibles 136,000 140,632 (4,632) (3.3%)
Accumulated amortization (70,338) (66,496) (3,842) (5.8%)
Others 280,525 427,993 (147,468) (34.5%)
Net of long-term leasing contracts - - - -
Total other assets 2,147,337 2,482,417 (335,080) (13.5%)

TOTAL ASSETS 17,607,359 20,028,522 (2,421,163) (12.1%)

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 18

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Balance Sheet

Liabilities and Shareholders Equity Under Chilean GAAP, Million Ch$

Table 6

LIABILITIES - (million Ch$) 6M 04 6M 03 Var 04-03 Chg %

Due to banks and financial institutions (short-term) 237,883 327,574 (89,691) 27.4%
Due to banks and fin. institutions (portion of long term) 143,144 160,325 (17,181) 10.7%
Commercial paper equivalent - 6,311 (6,311) 100.0%
Bonds payable (short-term) 90,316 403,793 (313,477) 77.6%
Long-term liabilities maturing before one year 24,431 35,466 (11,035) 31.1%
Dividends payable 22,909 6,212 16,697 -
Accounts payable 217,910 226,953 (9,043) 4.0%
Notes payable 22,419 31,000 (8,581) 27.7%
Miscellaneous payables 43,041 95,395 (52,354) 54.9%
Accounts payable to related companies 91,648 15,327 76,321 -
Provisions 44,443 77,883 (33,440) 42.9%
Withholdings 60,485 69,357 (8,872) 12.8%
Income tax 32,575 41,899 (9,324) 22.3%
Anticipated income 9,369 14,748 (5,379) 36.5%
Deferred taxes - - - -
Reinbursable financial contribution 1,897 2,830 (933) 33.0%
Other current liabilities 48,652 53,972 (5,320) 9.9%

Total current liabilities 1,091,121 1,569,045 (477,924) 30.5%

Due to banks and financial institutions 754,648 2,146,124 (1,391,476) 64.8%
Bonds payable 2,588,826 1,987,133 601,693 (30.3%)
Notes payable 160,161 180,380 (20,219) 11.2%
Miscellaneous payables 25,670 20,646 5,024 (24.3%)
Amounts payable to related companies - 901 (901) 100.0%
Provisions 328,356 326,859 1,497 (0.5%)
Deferred taxes 56,759 29,814 26,945 (90.4%)
Reinbursable financial contribution 7,535 11,722 (4,187) 35.7%
Other long-term liabilities 35,602 74,866 (39,264) 52.4%

Total long-term liabilities 3,957,556 4,778,445 (820,889) 17.2%

Minority interest 3,517,221 3,870,064 (352,843) (9.1%)
Paid-in capital, no par value 2,227,711 2,099,820 127,891 6.1%
Reserve to equity revaluation 17,822 8,313 9,509 114.4%
Additional paid-in capital-share premium 160,027 166,557 (6,530) (3.9%)
Other reserves 29,990 35,603 (5,613) (15.8%)
    Total capital and reserves 2,435,550 2,310,292 125,258 5.4%
Future dividends reserve - - - -
Retained earnings 190,970 177,253 13,717 7.7%
Retained losses - - - -
Net income 13,774 40,124 (26,350) (65.7%)
Interim dividends - - - -
Development subsidaries deficits (2,629) (1,075) (1,554) 144.6%
    Total retained earnings 202,114 216,302 (14,188) (6.6%)

Total shareholder´s equity 2,637,665 2,526,594 111,071 4.4%

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER´S EQUITY 11,203,563 12,744,148 (1,540,585) (12.1%)

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 19

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Balance Sheet

Liabilities and Shareholders Equity Under Chilean GAAP, Thousand US $

Table 6.1

LIABILITIES - (thousand US$) 6M 04 6M 03 Var 04-03 Chg %

Due to banks and financial institutions (short-term) 373,854 514,810 (140,956) 27.4%
Due to banks and fin. institutions (portion of long term) 224,964 251,964 (27,000) 10.7%
Commercial paper equivalent - 9,918 (9,918) 100.0%
Bonds payable (short-term) 141,939 634,595 (492,656) 77.6%
Long-term liabilities maturing before one year 38,396 55,738 (17,342) 31.1%
Dividends payable 36,003 9,763 26,240 -
Accounts payable 342,464 356,676 (14,212) 4.0%
Notes payable 35,233 48,719 (13,486) 27.7%
Miscellaneous payables 67,642 149,921 (82,279) 54.9%
Accounts payable to related companies 144,032 24,088 119,944 -
Provisions 69,845 122,399 (52,554) 42.9%
Withholdings 95,058 109,001 (13,943) 12.8%
Income tax 51,194 65,848 (14,654) 22.3%
Anticipated income 14,724 23,178 (8,454) 36.5%
Deferred taxes - - - -
Reinbursable financial contribution 2,982 4,448 (1,466) 33.0%
Other current liabilities 76,461 84,822 (8,361) 9.9%

Total current liabilities 1,714,790 2,465,888 (751,098) 30.5%

Due to banks and financial institutions 1,185,993 3,372,818 (2,186,825) 64.8%
Bonds payable 4,068,562 3,122,951 945,611 (30.3%)
Notes payable 251,706 283,482 (31,776) 11.2%
Miscellaneous payables 40,343 32,448 7,895 (24.3%)
Amounts payable to related companies - 1,416 (1,416) 100.0%
Provisions 516,040 513,687 2,353 (0.5%)
Deferred taxes 89,201 46,855 42,346 (90.4%)
Reinbursable financial contribution 11,842 18,422 (6,580) 35.7%
Other long-term liabilities 55,951 117,658 (61,707) 52.4%

Total long-term liabilities 6,219,638 7,509,736 (1,290,098) 17.2%

Minority interest 5,527,614 6,082,138 (554,524) (9.1%)
Paid-in capital, no par value 3,501,039 3,300,047 200,992 6.1%
Reserve to equity revaluation 28,008 13,064 14,944 114.4%
Additional paid-in capital-share premium 251,496 261,758 (10,262) (3.9%)
Other reserves 47,132 55,953 (8,821) (15.8%)
    Total capital and reserves 3,827,676 3,630,822 196,854 5.4%
Future dividends reserve - - - -
Retained earnings 300,125 278,568 21,557 7.7%
Retained losses - - - -
Net income 21,647 63,058 (41,411) (65.7%)
Interim dividends - - - -
Development subsidaries deficits (4,132) (1,689) (2,443) 144.6%
    Total retained earnings 317,640 339,937 (22,297) (6.6%)

Total shareholder´s equity 4,145,316 3,970,759 174,557 4.4%

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER´S EQUITY 17,607,359 20,028,522 (2,421,163) (12.1%)

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 20

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Balance Sheet Analysis

Consolidated Balance Sheet Analysis

The Company's total assets reflect a decrease of $1,540,585 million with respect to the same period of the previous year. This is principally due to:

  • A decrease of $853,546 million, or 9.2% in Fixed Assets due principally to depreciation of one year (approximately $420,000 million) and to the effect of the exchange rate on the fixed assets of the foreign subsidiaries as a result of the methodology of carrying non-monetary assets in the subsidiaries established in unstable countries in historic US Dollars as required by Technical Bulletin Nº 64.

  • Current Assets show a fall of $473,828 million due principally to:

  • The reduction of $310,378 million in cash and banks, explained mainly by the fact that as of June 2003, cash had been received in connection with the first period of preferential subscription in the capital increase process.
  • The reduction of $89,313 million in other current assets, explained principally by a reduction of $56,041 million in forward contracts, a reduction of $13,100 million in deferred expenses credits, a reduction of $8,560 million in investments in repurchase/sale agreements and a reduction of $7,414 in deposits on obligations.

  • The reduction of $60,038 million in sundry debtors due principally to the payment from OHL for $38,091 million for the sale of Infraestructura 2000 and $12,285 million less in advances in Codensa.

  • The reduction of $25,803 million in term deposits as a result of the decrease of $213,354 million in deposits in Enersis held in June 2003, partially compensated by increases in deposits of $80,510 and $98,266 million from the generation of cash in the Colombian companies, Emgesa and Luz de Bogotá, respectively.

  • The reduction of $47,096 million in short term accounts receivable from related companies, explained basically by the receipt of payment of the Atacama Finance loan for $22,674 million and by the effect of the exchange rate on the loan in dollars.

  • The increase of $15,980 million in Tax Receivable principally for Elesur for $46,429 million, partially compensated by reductions of $16,223 million in Coelce, $7,529 million in Enersis, $7,561 million in Endesa and $6,803 million in Chilectra.

  • Other Long Term Assets show a decrease of $213,211 million, explained mainly as follows:

  • A reduction of $56,520 million in the positive goodwill that corresponds mainly to the amortization of a whole year of approximately $53,000 million. The difference is the result of the exchange rate in Chile , for that positive goodwill in the subsidiaries controlled in dollars.

  • A reduction of $93,834 million in other long term assets, due to the decrease of $66,710 million in deferred commissions and expenses on loans, reduction of $34,987 million in the effects of the valuation to a Fair Price of the derivatives and a reduction of $10,069 million in post-retirement benefits, compensated in part by an increase of $8,747 million in the expenses and discounts on bonds.

  • A reduction of $42,689 million in long term debtors produced principally by a decrease in Cerj and Coelce as a result of the return of the regulatory asset.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 21

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Balance Sheet Analysis

Total borrowings of the Company reflect a reduction of $1,540,585 million with respect to the same period of the previous year, due principally to:

Current Liabilities show a decrease of $477,924 million or 30.5%. This is explained mainly by the reduction of $313,477 million in obligations with the public (bonds), principally due to the payment of the Euro Bonds for € 400 million, the reduction of $89,691 million in short term obligations with banks as a result of the prepayment of loans for $66,377 million by Edesur and $45,942 million by Luz de Bogotá. There were also decreases of $33,440 million in provisions, $17,180 million in the short term portion of long term obligations with banks after paying off debt and $52,354 million in sundry creditors, partially compensated by an increase of $76,320 million in accounts payable to related companies.

Long Term Liabilities fell by $820,889 million or 17.2% as a result of the decrease of $1,391,476 million in obligations with banks due to the prepayment of credits and the refinancing of debt by means of a bond issue, a decrease of $39,264 million in other long term liabilities and the reduction of $20,219 million in bills payable, partially compensated by the increase of $601,692 million in obligations to the public in order to prepay bank debt.

Minority Interest fell by $352,843 million due to the increase in the participations in Cerj and Central Costanera and, in addition, to the reduction to the investments in the foreign subsidiaries controlled in dollars in accordance with Technical Bulletin Nº 64.

With regard to Equity , we should point out that this increased by $111,071 million with respect to June 30, 2003. This variation is explained principally by the shares underwritten in respect of the capital increase during the second preferential option period in the month of December and by the capitalization of the B1 and B2 bond series.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 22

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Balance Sheet Analysis

Financial Debt Maturity with Third Parties, Million Ch$

Table 7

Million Ch$ 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Balance  
Chile 33,251 75,284 493,087 316,288 357,447 408,822 1,120,117 2,804,298

Enersis 68 141 265,920 75,739 75,825 1,592 406,328 825,612
Chilectra 6,131 - - 21,985 - - - 28,116
Otras 14,640 52,935 113,015 44,118 11,028 1,098 462 237,296
Endesa 12,413 22,208 114,153 174,447 270,595 406,132 713,327 1,713,274

Argentina 38,263 77,834 62,332 24,782 13,355 13,355 25,719 255,640

Edesur 22,605 39,001 29,299 4,136 - - - 95,040
Costanera 15,658 38,834 33,033 20,646 13,355 13,355 25,719 160,599

Perú 30,640 45,050 79,565 48,912 14,661 13,694 20,261 252,782

Edelnor 17,227 - 32,988 10,734 5,498 7,331 14,661 88,439
Edegel 13,413 45,050 46,577 38,178 9,163 6,363 5,599 164,344

Brasil 100,234 40,665 27,127 38,221 30,216 16,692 57,597 310,752

Coelce 37,118 18,285 10,318 11,594 21,525 9,347 44,975 153,163
Cerj 62,514 20,900 14,866 24,079 7,602 7,345 12,622 149,928
Cachoeira 602 1,480 1,942 2,549 1,089 - - 7,661

Colombia 34,868 15,201 53,701 19,406 - 85,572 106,066 314,815

Codensa - - - - - 11,785 106,066 117,852
Emgesa 34,868 1,452 39,952 5,657 - 73,787 - 155,715
Betania - 13,749 13,749 13,749 - - - 41,248

TOTAL 237,257 254,035 715,812 447,610 415,679 538,134 1,329,760 3,938,287

(*) Includes: IIMV, CAM, Endesa, Chile Internacional, Pangue, Pehuenche, San Isidro, Celta and Tunel El Melon

Financial Debt Maturity with Third Parties, Thousand US $

Table 7.1

Thousand US$ 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Balance  
Chile 52,257 118,316 774,929 497,074 561,759 642,499 1,760,359 4,407,195

Enersis 107 222 417,915 119,030 119,165 2,502 638,579 1,297,519
Chilectra 9,636 - - 34,552 - - - 44,187
Other (*) 23,007 83,193 177,613 69,335 17,331 1,726 726 372,931
Endesa 19,507 34,901 179,400 274,158 425,263 638,272 1,121,055 2,692,557

Argentina 60,134 122,324 97,960 38,947 20,988 20,988 40,419 401,760

Edesur 35,526 61,293 46,045 6,500 - - - 149,364
Costanera 24,609 61,030 51,914 32,447 20,988 20,988 40,419 252,396

Perú 48,154 70,800 125,043 76,869 23,041 21,521 31,841 397,269

Edelnor 27,074 - 51,843 16,869 8,641 11,521 23,041 138,989
Edegel 21,080 70,800 73,200 60,000 14,400 10,000 8,800 258,280

Brasil 157,526 63,908 42,632 60,068 47,488 26,233 90,519 488,373

Coelce 58,334 28,737 16,216 18,221 33,829 14,690 70,682 240,708
Cerj 98,246 32,846 23,364 37,842 11,948 11,543 19,837 235,624
Cachoeira 946 2,326 3,052 4,006 1,711 - - 12,040

Colombia 54,798 23,890 84,396 30,499 - 134,484 166,693 494,759

Codensa - - - - - 18,521 166,693 185,214
Emgesa 54,798 2,282 62,788 8,890 - 115,962 - 244,720
Betania - 21,608 21,608 21,608 - - - 64,825

TOTAL 372,869 399,238 1,124,960 703,457 653,275 845,724 2,089,831 6,189,355

(*) Includes: IIMV, CAM, Endesa, Chile Internacional, Pangue, Pehuenche, San Isidro, Celta and Tunel El Melon

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 23

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Cash Flow Analysis

Consolidated Cash Flow

Under Chilean GAAP, million Ch$

Table 8

Million Ch$ 6M 04  6M 03  Var 04-03 Chg % 


Net income (loss) for the year 13,774  40,123  (26,349) (65.7%)

Profit (losses) from sales of assets:
(Profit) loss on sale of fixed assets (245) (82,394) 82,149  99.7%
Charges (credits) which do not represent cash flows:
Depreciation 207,021  231,479  (24,458) (10.6%)
Amortization of intangibles 3,360  4,835  (1,475) (30.5%)
Write-offs and accrued expenses 42,084  18,770  23,314  124.2%
Accrued profit from related companies (less) (16,097) (20,364) 4,267  21.0%
Accrued losses from related companies 279  (277) (99.3%)
Amortization of positive goodwill 26,928  27,084  (156) (0.6%)
Amortization of negative goodwill (less) (9,455) (44,152) 34,697  78.6%
Net, price-level restatement (1,749) 8,101  (9,850) (121.6%)
Net, foreign exchange effect (11,850) (8,359) (3,491) (41.8%)
Other credits which do not represent cash flow (less) (16,698) (11,472) (5,226) (45.6%)
Other charges which do not represent cash flow 34,267  93,859  (59,592) (63.5%)
Assets variations which affect cash flow:
Decrease in receivables accounts 14,618  (121,180) 135,798  112.1%
Decrease (increase) in inventory (5,562) 515  (6,077)
Decrease (increase) in other assets (4,755) (15,380) 10,625  69.1%
Liabilities variations which affect cash flow:
(Decreased) increase in payable accounts related to operating income (28,610) (51,720) 23,110  44.7%
Increase of payable interest 13,198  6,224  6,974  112.0%
Net increase (decrease) of payable income tax 3,258  10,164  (6,906) (67.9%)
Increase (decrease) of other payable accounts related to non-operating income (36,793) 50,024  (86,817) (173.5%)
Net (decrease) of payable value added tax and other taxes (11,924) 62,741  (74,665) (119.0%)
Profit related to minority interest 53,195  22,727  30,468  134.1%


www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 24

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Cash Flow Analysis

Cont. Table 8

Million Ch$ 6M 04  6M 03  Var 04-03 Chg % 


Shares issued and suscribed 468,418  (468,418)
Proceeds from loans hired 500,851  428,944  71,907  16.8%
Proceeds from debt issuance 163,344  32,907  130,437 
Proceeds from loans obtained from related companies
Proceeds from other loans obtained from related companies
Other sources of financing 19,868  7,127  12,741  178.8%
Capital paid (4,047) (10,012) 5,965 
Dividends paid (58,728) (62,573) 3,845  6.1%
Loans, debt amortization (less) (743,176) (465,321) (277,855) (59.7%)
Issuance debt amortization (less) (17,645) (140,096) 122,451  87.4%
Amortization of loans obtained from related companies (4,503) 4,503  100.0%
Amortization of other loans obtained from related companies
Expenses paid related to capital variations (less)
Expenses paid related to debt issuance (less) (1,312) (99) (1,213)
Other disbursements related to financing (less) (7,541) (78,486) 70,945  90.4%

NET (NEGATIVE) CASH FLOW ORIG. FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (148,387) 176,307  (324,694) (184.2%)


Sale of fixed assets 1,275  161,684  (160,409) (99.2%)
Sale of long-term Investments 2,588  120,674  (118,086)
Collection upon other loans to related companies 6,201  7,604  (1,403) (18.5%)
Other income on investments 38,091  50,231  (12,140) (24.2%)
Additions to fixed assets (less) (127,414) (147,747) 20,333  13.8%
Long-term investments (less) (25) 25  100.0%
Investment in financing instruments (236) (236)
Other loans to related companies (less) (208) 208  100.0%
Other investment disbursements (less) (1,672) (7,072) 5,400  76.4%


NET POSITIVE CASH FLOW FOR THE PERIOD 38,418  583,348  (544,930) (93.4%)


NET VARIATION OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT 56,703  529,242  (472,539) (89.3%)

INITIAL BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT 333,822  224,967  108,855  48.4%

FINAL BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT 390,524  754,208  (363,684) (48.2%)

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 25

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Cash Flow Analysis

Under Chilean GAAP, Thousand US $

Table 8.1

Thousand US$ 6M 04  6M 03  Var 04-03 Chg % 


Net income (loss) for the year 21,647  63,057  (41,410) (65.7%)

Profit (losses) from sales of assets:
(Profit) loss on sale of fixed assets (384) (129,490) 129,106  99.7%
Charges (credits) which do not represent cash flows:
Depreciation 325,351  363,788  (38,437) (10.6%)
Amortization of intangibles 5,281  7,598  (2,317) (30.5%)
Write-offs and accrued expenses 66,139  29,499  36,640  124.2%
Accrued profit from related companies (less) (25,298) (32,004) 6,706  21.0%
Accrued losses from related companies 438  (435) (99.3%)
Amortization of positive goodwill 42,320  42,564  (244) (0.6%)
Amortization of negative goodwill (less) (14,859) (69,389) 54,530  78.6%
Net, price-level restatement (2,748) 12,732  (15,480) (121.6%)
Net, foreign exchange effect (18,623) (13,137) (5,486) (41.8%)
Other credits which do not represent cash flow (less) (26,243) (18,030) (8,213) (45.6%)
Other charges which do not represent cash flow 53,854  147,507  (93,653) (63.5%)
Assets variations which affect cash flow:
Decrease in receivables accounts 22,974  (190,444) 213,418  112.1%
Decrease (increase) in inventory (8,741) 809  (9,550)
Decrease (increase) in other assets (7,473) (24,171) 16,698  69.1%
Liabilities variations which affect cash flow:
(Decreased) increase in payable accounts related to operating income (44,962) (81,283) 36,321  44.7%
Increase of payable interest 20,742  9,782  10,960  112.0%
Net increase (decrease) of payable income tax 5,121  15,973  (10,852) (67.9%)
Increase (decrease) of other payable accounts related to non-operating income (57,823) 78,618  (136,441) (173.5%)
Net (decrease) of payable value added tax and other taxes (18,739) 98,603  (117,342) (119.0%)
Profit related to minority interest 83,601  35,717  47,884  134.1%


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Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 26

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Cash Flow Analysis

Cont. Table 8.1

Thousand US$ 6M 04  6M 03  Var 04-03  Chg % 


Shares issued and suscribed 736,159  (736,159)
Proceeds from loans hired 787,130  674,123  113,007  16.8%
Proceeds from debt issuance 256,709  51,717  204,992 
Proceeds from loans obtained from related companies
Proceeds from other loans obtained from related companies
Other sources of financing 31,224  11,200  20,024  178.8%
Capital paid (6,360) (15,734) 9,374 
Dividends paid (92,296) (98,339) 6,043  6.1%
Loans, debt amortization (less) (1,167,965) (731,292) (436,673) (59.7%)
Issuance debt amortization (less) (27,731) (220,172) 192,441  87.4%
Amortization of loans obtained from related companies (7,077) 7,077  100.0%
Amortization of other loans obtained from related companies
Expenses paid related to capital variations (less)
Expenses paid related to debt issuance (less) (2,062) (155) (1,907)
Other disbursements related to financing (less) (11,851) (123,348) 111,497  90.4%

NET (NEGATIVE) CASH FLOW ORIG. FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (233,202) 277,081  (510,283) (184.2%)


Sale of fixed assets 2,003  254,101  (252,098) (99.2%)
Sale of long-term Investments 4,067  189,649  (185,582)
Collection upon other loans to related companies 9,745  11,951  (2,206) (18.5%)
Other income on investments 59,863  78,942  (19,079) (24.2%)
Additions to fixed assets (less) (200,242) (232,197) 31,955  13.8%
Long-term investments (less) (40) 40  100.0%
Investment in financing instruments (370) (370)
Other loans to related companies (less) (327) 327  100.0%
Other investment disbursements (less) (2,627) (11,115) 8,488  76.4%


NET POSITIVE CASH FLOW FOR THE PERIOD 60,377  916,782  (856,405) (93.4%)


NET VARIATION OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT 89,113  831,748  (742,635) -89.3%

INITIAL BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT 524,629  353,555  171,074  48.4%

FINAL BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT 613,742  1,185,303  (571,561) (48.2%)

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Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 27

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Cash Flow Analysis

Consolidated Cash Flow Analysis

During the period, the company generated a net cash flow of $38,418 million, which is comprised of the following activities:

Table 9

Effective Cash Flow (million Ch$) 6M 04  6M 03  Var 04-03  Chg % 

    Operating 267,971  221,900  46,071  20.8%
    Financing (148,386) 176,307  (324,693) 184.2%
    Investment (81,167) 185,141  (266,308) 143.8%

Net cash flow of the period 38,418  583,348  (544,930) (93.4%)

Table 9.1

Effective Cash Flow (thousand US$) 6M 04  6M 03  Var 04-03  Chg % 

    Operating 421,140  348,734  72,406  20.8%
    Financing (233,201) 277,081  (510,282) 184.2%
    Investment (127,561) 290,965  (418,526) 143.8%

Net cash flow of the period 60,379  916,780  (856,401) (93.4%)

Operating Activities generated a net positive cash flow of $267,971 million, an increase of $46,071 million with respect to that obtained as of the same date of the previous year. As of June 30, 2004, the operating cash flow was mainly comprised of the profit of $13,774 million for the period, plus the net charges of $313,663 million to results that do not represent cash flow and which correspond principally to depreciation of $207,021 million for the period, write-offs and provisions for $42,084 million, amortization of positive goodwill of $26,928 million and other charges for $34,267 million that do not represent cash flow, amongst which is the effect of the conversion to Technical Bulletin 64 for $788 million, increased by the reduction of $4,101 million in assets that affect cash flow. The above was partially compensated by the reduction of $60,869 million in liabilities that affect the operating cash flow and by credits for $55,650 million that do not represent cash flow, of which $12,300 million correspond to the positive effect of the conversion of the foreign subsidiaries.

Financing Activities produced a negative cash flow of $148,386 million due mainly to the payment of loans for a value of $743,176 million, a payment of dividends for $58,728 million, the payment of Bonds for $17,645 million and other investment payments for $7,541 million. These are partially compensated by loans received for $500,851 million, Bonds issued for $163,344 million and other sources of finance for $19,868 million.

Investment Activities generated a net negative cash flow of $81,167 million, explained fundamentally by the incorporation of fixed assets worth $127,413 million, mainly related to the investment being made in the Ralco Plant that for this period amounts to $47,093 million and other disbursements of $1,671 million partially compensated by other income from investments for $38,091 million, recovery of loans to related companies for $6,201 million and by the sale of subsidiaries for $2,588 million.

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Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 28

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Cash Flow Analysis

Cash Flow Received From Foreign Subsidiaries by Enersis, Chilectra and Endesa Chile.

Table 10

Millions Ch$ Interest Received Dividends Received Management Fee Prepayment Intercompany Others

  6M 04  6M 03  6M 04  6M 03  6M 04  6M 03  6M 04  6M 03  6M 04  6M 03 

Argentina 3,706  6,063  1,584  12,726 
Peru 6,562  4,464  2,464  5,509 
Brazil 2,060  2,072  4,837 
Colombia 9,647  11,491  6,852  9,020  7,127 

Total 15,413  19,627  18,250  13,483  1,584  12,726  2,464  12,636 


Millions Ch$ Total Cash Received
  6M 04 6M 03

Argentina 18,016  6,063 
Peru 9,027  9,973 
Brazil 6,896  2,072 
Colombia 16,499  27,637 

Total 50,438  45,746 

Table 10.1

Thousand US$ Interest Received Dividends Received Management Fee Prepayment Intercompany Others

  6M 04  6M 03  6M 04  6M 03  6M 04  6M 03  6M 04  6M 03  6M 04  6M 03 

Argentina 5,825  9,529  2,489  20,000 
Peru 10,313  7,015  3,873  8,658 
Brazil 3,237  3,257  7,601 
Colombia 15,161  18,059  10,768  14,175  11,200 

Total 24,223  30,845  28,682  21,190  2,489  20,000  3,873  19,858 


Thousand US$ Total Cash Received
  6M 04 6M 03

Argentina 28,314  9,529 
Peru 14,186  15,673 
Brazil 10,838  3,257 
Colombia 25,929  43,434 

Total 79,267  71,893 

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Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 29

First Half 2004 – Consolidated Cash Flow Analysis

Capex and Depreciation

Table 11

Payments for Additions of
Fixed assets

Million Ch$ 6M 04 6M 03 6M 04 6M 03

Endesa S.A. 56,063  84,294  89,567  105,679 
Chilectra S.A. 6,744  12,230  6,899  6,278 
Edesur S.A. 14,738  11,907  27,587  31,687 
Edelnor S.A. 5,073  4,995  8,986  9,056 
Cerj 26,191  18,550  24,237  25,018 
Coelce 13,855  10,159  20,246  21,925 
Codensa S.A. 2,293  5,135  27,723  30,038 
Cam Ltda. 867  351  563  620 
Inmobiliaria Manso de Velasco Ltda. 16  142  119 
Synapsis Soluciones y Servicios Ltda. 1,555  128  531  511 
Holding Enersis 18  540  547 

Total 127,413  147,747  207,021  231,479 

Table 11.1

  Payments for Additions of
Fixed assets

Thousand US$ 6M 04  6M 03  6M 04  6M 03 

Endesa S.A. 88,107  132,475  140,762  166,084 
Chilectra S.A. 10,599  19,220  10,843  9,866 
Edesur S.A. 23,162  18,712  43,355  49,799 
Edelnor S.A. 7,973  7,851  14,122  14,232 
Cerj 41,161  29,152  38,090  39,318 
Coelce 21,774  15,965  31,819  34,458 
Codensa S.A. 3,603  8,071  43,568  47,207 
Cam Ltda. 1,363  551  885  975 
Inmobiliaria Manso de Velasco Ltda. 25  224  188 
Synapsis Soluciones y Servicios Ltda. 2,444  202  835  804 
Holding Enersis 28  849  860 

Total 200,238  232,199  325,353  363,788 

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Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 30

First Half 2004 – Generation Business

Generation Business

Table 12

Million US$ Million Ch$  

  6M 04 6M 03 6M 04 6M 03 Chg%

Operating Revenues 861  767  547,592  488,340  12.1%
Operating Costs (525) (457) (334,000) (290,512) (15.0%)
    Selling and Administrative Expenses (36) (25) (22,889) (15,911) (43.9%)

Operating Income 300  286  190,703  181,917  4.8%

    Interest Income 12  13  7,694  8,134  (5.4%)
    Interest Expenses (160) (155) (102,018) (98,573) (3.5%)
Net Financial Income (Expenses) (148) (142) (94,324) (90,439) (4.3%)
    Equity Gains from Related Company 17  32  10,531  20,327  (48.2%)
    Equity Losses from Related Company (0) (0) (43) (278) 84.6%
Net Income from Related Companies 16  32  10,488  20,048  (47.7%)
    Other Non Operating Income 13  27  8,346  17,364  (51.9%)
    Other Non Operating Expenses (31) (70) (19,828) (44,373) 55.3%
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses) (18) (42) (11,482) (27,009) 57.5%
    Price Level Restatement 1,275  2,078  (38.6%)
    Foreign Exchange Effect 3,515  5,062  (30.6%)
Net of Monetary Exposure 11  4,790  7,140  (32.9%)
Positive Goodwill Amortization (1) (1) (821) (898) 8.6%

Non Operating Income (144) (143) (91,348) (91,158) (0.2%)

Net Income b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort. 156  143  99,355  90,759  9.5%
Extraordinary Items
Income Tax (83) (20) (53,036) (12,859)
Minority Interest (35) (61) (22,250) (38,505) 42.2%
Negative Goodwill Amortization 14  14  8,882  8,796  1.0%

NET INCOME 52  76  32,952  48,190  (31.6%)

Net Income

Endesa Chile recorded a Net Income of $32,952 million on the first half 2004, $15,238 million lower than the previous year. This is mainly explained by:

Operating Income

Endesa Chile’s operating income as of June 30, 2004 came to $190,703 million, an increase of 5% over the result as of the same date in 2003. This increase in the operating income in mainly due to the improved results of the operations in Colombia and Argentina, which were partially affected by the decrease in the operating income in Chile. During the first half of 2004, sales amounted to 26,223 GWh, representing an increase of 6.4% with respect to the same period of 2003.

In Chile, operating income in the first semester of 2004 amounted to $66,502 million, a decrease of 17% with respect to the same period of the year 2003. This is as a result of the increase is variable operating costs. Hydroelectric generation, as a percentage of total generation was less than in 2003 when we had the contribution of the Canutillar hydroelectricity plant up to the month of March and a greater availability of water in comparison with the first half of this year. Furthermore, the unit cost of thermal generation was greater than in the same period of 2003 as a consequence of the natural gas restriction from Argentina. We should point out that the readjustment in SIC node prices of 6.2% in Ch$ and 18.8% in US$, applicable as from May of this year, partially compensate the higher costs involved in thermal electricity generation.

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Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 31

First Half 2004 – Generation Business

In Argentina, operating income as of June, 2004 amounted to $19,087 million, a rise of 34% with respect to the figure as of June 2003, when the operating income was $14,291 million. The improved result in Argentina is due to the significant increase by 9.3% in energy demand which has led to improved results in our subsidiaries, El Chocón and Central Costanera. We should mention that, despite the important increase of 43% in sales in Argentina, equivalent to $25,573 million, the operating margin rose by only $4,796 million as a consequence of the increase in costs of thermal generation due to a greater use of fuel oil versus natural gas in view of the natural gas crisis in this market. The capacity of Central Costanera to operate not only with natural gas but also with fuel oil has meant that the first half of this year has been marked by a greater dispatch from our subsidiary Costanera’s thermal plant.

In Brazil, the operating income of Cachoeira Dourada as of June 2004 amounted to $7,781 million, an increase of 7% over the figure as of June 30, 2003. Operating income rose by a significant 32.5% to $29,651 million, as a result of a judicial sentence dictated on June 16, which established that the client, CELG, had to pay for 100% of the energy in accordance with the conditions established in the contractual agreement, and not just 50% as established in the sentence passed previously, in July 2003. Due to this, income for the first half of the year 2004 includes a figure close to $9,000 million from invoices corresponding to the second semester of the year 2003 in addition to a provision of $7,000 million whilst awaiting a definite agreement on the debt pending from this client. Cachoeira Dourada's physical generation increased significantly by 53% with respect to the same period of 2003, as a result of favorable hydrological conditions. The energy generated that was not delivered to the only client, CELG, was sold on the spot market, achieving an amount superior to that of 2003.

In Colombia, the operating result for the first half of 2004 rose by 39%, to $64,617 million, owing to the improved operating results obtained by the two generating subsidiaries, Emgesa and Betania. Income from sales of energy rose by 17% as a result of greater demand on the Colombian market and to greater hydrology, principally in the northeastern region that corresponds to Emgesa, permitting an increase of 20% in the physical generation of electricity, reducing the cost of thermal generation and the costs of purchasing energy in the first half of the year 2004.

In Peru, the operating income as of June 2004 fell by 2% to $32,716 million. The greater income from sales resulting from higher sales prices, compensated by lower physical sales due to lower hydrology, did not manage to compensate for the higher variable costs of generation as a consequence of a greater dispatch of thermal energy and of higher costs of purchasing energy.

Non Operating Income

The non-operating result for the first half of 2004 was a loss of $91,348 million, compared to a loss of $91,158 million the year before. This slight decrease is explained by $9,560 million less net income from related companies, $3,885 million higher net financial expenses, $803 million less price level restatement and $1,547 million less exchange differences, all this which was offset by $15,527 million increased in net other non-operating income and expenses.

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Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 32

First Half 2004 – Generation Business

Table 13

Country Market GWh Sold Var 04-03 Chg % Market Share

    6M 04  6M 03        6M 04  6M 03 

Chile SIC & SING 8,515  9,290  (775) (8.3%) 37.8% 44.2%

  SIC 8,047  8,822  (775) (8.8%) 47.0% 55.5%
  SING 468  468  0.0% 8.7% 9.2%

Argentina SIN 5,891  4,244  1,647  38.8% 14.2% 9.3%

Chocón   1,732  2,434  (702) (28.8%)
Costanera   4,159  1,810  2,349  129.8%

Perú SICN 2,239  2,409  (170) (7.1%) 24.4% 27.8%

Edegel   2,239  2,409  (170) (7.1%)

Colombia SIN 7,743  7,016  727  10.4% 24.2% 21.0%

Betania   1,151  1,197  (46) (3.8%)
Emgesa   6,592  5,819  773  13.3%

Brazil SICN 1,835  1,679  156  9.3% 1.0% 1.1%

Cachoeira   1,835  1,679  156  9.3%

Total   26,223  24,638  1,585  6.4%    

Table 14

Company GWh Produced Var 04-03 Chg %
  6M 04 6M 03     

Chilean Companies 7,787  8,534  (747) (8.8%)
Chocón 1,663  2,113  (450) (21.3%)
Costanera 4,276  1,433  2,843  198.4%
Edegel 2,239  2,444  (205) (8.4%)
Betania 870  697  173  24.8%
Emgesa 5,218  4,380  838  19.1%
Cachoeira 1,575  1,028  547  53.2%

TOTAL 23,628  20,629  2,999  14.5%

Endesa Financial Debt Maturity (with third party)
US$ 2,692 million

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 33

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business

Distribution Business


Table 15

Distribution Business 6M 04 6M 03 Var 04-03 Chg %

Customers (Th) 10,634  10,219  415  4.1%
GWh Sold 25,827  24,479  1,348  5.5%
Clients/Employe 1,497  1,407  90  6.4%
Energy Losses GWh (TTM) 6,935  6,719  216  3.2%
Energy Losses % (TTM) 12.0% 12.1% (0.1%)


Due to the increase in node prices, with retroactive effect from May 1st, distribution tariffs will increase around 10% to residential clients and 15%-20% to industrial clients. The retroactive effect will be charged between July and August. Chilectra will pass-through this increase.


On April 2004, tariffs of Coelce increased 11,1%. Additionally, from July onwards, tariff will increase 0.92% due to a government recalculation, and to be applied retroactively from April 22nd.

As of June 2004, Cerj has reduced debt by US$ 217 million, due to the capitalization of intercompany loans granted by Enersis. This will allow Cerj to have a higher free cash flow.


Physical sales in our concession area increased by 5.4% during 2004, respect same period 2003.

The average spot price in June decreased by 27% in comparison with May, due to the increase in the availability of water


Energy demand has continued growing, showing an increase of 7.9% when compared to the previous year.

The new government resolution 659, applicable since June 18th, allows to reduce exports, of gas to Chile, only when is necessary to meet local demand.


On June, Edelnor issued bonds in local currency , by 80 million Soles.

On the following pages an analysis of Enersis’ distribution subsidiaries is shown. Figures of foreign subsidiaries are accounted for under Chilean Technical Bulletin 64, therefore they could differ from those registered in their respective local GAAP.

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Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 34

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business


Table 16

  Million US$ Million Ch$  

  6M 04 6M 03 6M 04 6M 03 Chg%

    Revenues from Sales 316  316  201,000  200,955  0.0%
    Other Operating Revenues 13  10  8,163  6,599  23.7%
Operating Revenues 329  326  209,163  207,554  0.8%
    Energy Purchases (199) (198) (126,598) (125,846) (0.6%)
    Other Operating Cost (33) (31) (20,838) (19,723) (5.6%)
Operating Costs (232) (229) (147,435) (145,569) (1.3%)
    Selling and Administrative Expenses (27) (23) (17,258) (14,598) (18.2%)

Operating Income 70  74  44,469  47,386  (6.2%)

    Interest Income 1,089  695  56.7%
    Interest Expenses (28) (32) (17,917) (20,387) 12.1%
Net Financial Income (Expenses) (26) (31) (16,828) (19,692) 14.5%
    Equity Gains from Related Company 3,191  2,309  38.2%
    Equity Losses from Related Company (5) (73) (2,972) (46,540) 93.6%
Net Income from Related Companies (70) 219  (44,231) 100.5%
    Other Non Operating Income 22  25  14,184  16,146  (12.2%)
    Other Non Operating Expenses (9) (9) (5,444) (5,933) 8.2%
    Conversion Effect (BT 64)
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses) 14  16  8,740  10,213  (14.4%)
    Price Level Restatement (5) (3,282) 1,364 
    Foreign Exchange Effect
Net of Monetary Exposure (5) (3,282) 1,364 
Positive Goodwill Amortization (0) (0) (176) (184) 4.6%

Non Operating Income (18) (83) (11,327) (52,530) 78.4%

Net Income b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort. 52  (8) 33,142  (5,144)
Extraordinary Items
Income Tax (18) (8) (11,166) (4,925) (126.7%)
Minority Interest 15  1,535  9,469  (83.8%)
Negative Goodwill Amortization 20  13,001  (100.0%)

NET INCOME 37  19  23,512  12,401  89.6%

Net Income

Chilectra registered a Net Income of $23,512 million for the first half of 2004, $11,111 million higher than the previous year. This result is mainly due to:

Non Operating Income

Lower Non-Operating Loss of $41,203 million, mainly due to lower net loss from related companies of $44,450 million, lower net financial expenses of $2,864 million, compensated by lower net other non operating income of $1,473 million. Partially offset by,

Operating Income

Lower Operating Income of $2.917 million compared to the same period, due to $2,660 of higher selling and administrative expenses of $2.660 million, as result of the increase in remunerations, publicity and operating and maintenance expenses.


Regarding negative goodwill amortization, during this period it decreased in $13,001 million compared to the previous year. The minority interest reached $1,535 million compared with the $9,469 million on this period of 2003.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 35

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business

Additional Information

Table 17

Chilectra 6M 04 6M 03 Chg %

Customers (Th) 1,354  1,325  2.2%
GWh Sold 5,539  5,103  8.5%
Clients/Employe 1,974  1,818  8.6%
Energy Losses GWh (TTM) 584  610  4.3%
Energy Losses % (TTM) 5.1% 5.6% 0.5%

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 36

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business


Table 18

  Million US$ Million Ch$  

  6M 04 6M 03 6M 04 6M 03 Chg%

    Revenues from Sales 307  268  195,333  170,456  14.6%
    Other Operating Revenues 16  20  9,887  12,829  (22.9%)
Operating Revenues 323  288  205,220  183,285  12.0%
    Energy Purchases (170) (150) (107,976) (95,496) (13.1%)
    Other Operating Cost (96) (87) (61,309) (55,112) (11.2%)
Operating Costs (266) (237) (169,286) (150,608) (12.4%)
    Selling and Administrative Expenses (14) (9) (8,767) (5,426) (61.6%)

Operating Income 43  43  27,168  27,251  (0.3%)

    Interest Income 10  12  6,162  7,708  (20.1%)
    Interest Expenses (30) (37) (18,792) (23,760) 20.9%
Net Financial Income (Expenses) (20) (25) (12,630) (16,052) 21.3%
    Equity Gains from Related Company
    Equity Losses from Related Company (1) (4) (649) (2,453) 73.5%
Net Income from Related Companies (1) (4) (649) (2,453) 73.5%
    Other Non Operating Income 934  2,769  (66.3%)
    Other Non Operating Expenses (31) (60) (19,469) (38,449) 49.4%
    Conversion Effect (BT 64) 13  (82) 8,460  (52,084) 116.2%
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses) (16) (138) (10,075) (87,764) 88.5%
    Price Level Restatement
    Foreign Exchange Effect
Net of Monetary Exposure
Positive Goodwill Amortization

Non Operating Income (37) (167) (23,354) (106,269) 78.0%

Net Income b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort. (124) 3,813  (79,018) 104.8%
Extraordinary Items
Income Tax (5) (2) (3,361) (1,018)
Minority Interest
Negative Goodwill Amortization

NET INCOME (126) 452  (80,036) 100.6%

Net Income

Cerj registered a Net Income of $452 million for the first half of 2004, $80,488 million higher than the previous year. This result is mainly due to:

Non Operating Income

Lower Non Operating Loss of $82,915 million, mainly explained by lower net other non operating expenses of $77,689 million, mainly explained by a positive conversion effect of $60,544 million as a result of the Brazilian Reais appreciation and the application of the Technical Bulletin N°64 of Chilean Accounting Principles. Also net financial expenses were reduced in $3,422 million and losses from related companies lowered by $1,804 million. Partially compensated by;

Operating Income

Lower Operating Income of $83 million, basically the same amount reached the previous year. This is explained by higher energy sales as result of the increase in tariffs, compensated by 63 GWh lower sales of energy.


Tax loss increase $2,343 million compared to the previous year.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 37

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business

Additional Information

Table 19

Cerj 6M 04 6M 03 Chg %

Customers (Th) 2,061  1,757  17.3%
GWh Sold 3,791  3,854  (1.6%)
Clients/Employe 1,482  1,167  27.0%
Energy Losses GWh (TTM) 2,218  2,189  (1.3%)
Energy Losses % (TTM) 23.1% 23.1% (0.0%)

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 38

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business


Table 20

  Million US$ Million Ch$  

  6M 04 6M 03 6M 04 6M 03 Chg%

    Revenues from Sales 222  174  141,096  110,461  27.7%
    Other Operating Revenues 2,043  1,884  8.4%
Operating Revenues 225  177  143,139  112,345  27.4%
    Energy Purchases (133) (69) (84,921) (43,660) (94.5%)
    Other Operating Cost (59) (59) (37,272) (37,364) 0.2%
Operating Costs (192) (127) (122,193) (81,023) (50.8%)
    Selling and Administrative Expenses (27) (26) (16,879) (16,526) (2.1%)

Operating Income 23  4,067  14,795  (72.5%)

    Interest Income 16  21  10,323  13,074  (21.0%)
    Interest Expenses (23) (29) (14,445) (18,755) 23.0%
Net Financial Income (Expenses) (6) (9) (4,122) (5,681) 27.4%
    Equity Gains from Related Company
    Equity Losses from Related Company
Net Income from Related Companies
    Other Non Operating Income 165  874  (81.2%)
    Other Non Operating Expenses (2) (4) (1,077) (2,240) 51.9%
    Conversion Effect (BT 64) (2) (29) (1,218) (18,451) 93.4%
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses) (3) (31) (2,130) (19,817) 89.3%
    Price Level Restatement
    Foreign Exchange Effect
Net of Monetary Exposure
Positive Goodwill Amortization

Non Operating Income (10) (40) (6,252) (25,498) 75.5%

Net Income b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort. (3) (17) (2,185) (10,703) 79.6%
Extraordinary Items
Income Tax (1) (4) (601) (2,780) 78.4%
Minority Interest
Negative Goodwill Amortization

NET INCOME (4) (21) (2,786) (13,483) 79.3%

Net Income

Coelce registered a Net Loss of $2,786 million for the first half of 2004, $10,697 million lower loss than the previous year. This result is mainly due to:

Non Operating Income

Lower Non-Operating Loss of $19,246 million, mainly explained by a lower negative conversion effect of $17,233 million as a result of the Brazilian Reais appreciation and the application of the Technical Bulletin N°64 of Chilean Accounting Principles. Compensated by;

Operating Income

Lower Operating Income of $10,728 million, mainly due to higher operating costs of $41,170 million basically related to higher energy purchases, compensated by operating revenues of $30,794 million related by higher revenues from sales.


Tax loss decrease by $2,179 million compared to the previous year.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 39

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business

Additional Information

Table 21

Coelce 6M 04 6M 03 Chg %

Customers (Th) 2,195  2,210  (0.7%)
GWh Sold 2,920  2,802  4.2%
Clients/Employe 1,609  1,600  0.6%
Energy Losses GWh (TTM) 961  860  (11.7%)
Energy Losses % (TTM) 13.8% 12.9% (0.9%)

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 40

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business


Table 22

  Million US$ Million Ch$  

  6M 04 6M 03 6M 04 6M 03 Chg%

    Revenues from Sales 241  205  153,114  130,522  17.3%
    Other Operating Revenues 73  37  46,133  23,631  95.2%
Operating Revenues 313  242  199,248  154,153  29.3%
    Energy Purchases (147) (126) (93,585) (79,998) (17.0%)
    Other Operating Cost (88) (91) (55,931) (57,774) 3.2%
Operating Costs (235) (217) (149,516) (137,772) (8.5%)
    Selling and Administrative Expenses (6) (16) (3,863) (10,371) 62.7%

Operating Income 72  45,868  6,010 

    Interest Income 14  9,189  3,550  158.9%
    Interest Expenses (10) (3) (6,246) (1,981)
Net Financial Income (Expenses) 2,943  1,568  87.7%
    Equity Gains from Related Company
    Equity Losses from Related Company
Net Income from Related Companies
    Other Non Operating Income 2,291  417 
    Other Non Operating Expenses (7) (0) (4,575) (294)
    Conversion Effect (BT 64) (3) 793  (2,224) 135.7%
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses) (2) (3) (1,491) (2,101) 29.0%
    Price Level Restatement
    Foreign Exchange Effect
Net of Monetary Exposure
Positive Goodwill Amortization

Non Operating Income (1) 1,452  (533)

Net Income b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort. 74  47,321  5,478 
Extraordinary Items
Income Tax (32) (11) (20,271) (6,952) (191.6%)
Minority Interest
Negative Goodwill Amortization

NET INCOME 43  (2) 27,049  (1,475)

Net Income

Codensa registered a Net Income of $27,049 million for the first half of 2004, $28,524 million higher than the previous year. This result is mainly due to:

Operating Income

Higher Operating Income of $39,858 million, primarily explained by higher energy sales of $22,592 due to increase in tariff and also higher other operating revenues of $22,502 million related with revenues proceeding from STR (Transmission System) previously accounted in revenues net from cost.

Non Operating Income

Higher Non-Operating Income of $1,985 million, primarily explained by higher net financial income of $1,375 million and lower net other non operating expenses of $610 million, basically related to the positive conversion effect registered as a result of the application of Technical Bulletin N°64 of Chilean Accounting Principles of $3,017 million, compensated by higher other non operating expenses of $4,281 million.


Tax loss increase by $13,319 million compared to the previous year.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 41

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business

Additional Information

Table 23

Codensa 6M 04 6M 03 Chg %

Customers (Th) 1,993  1,940  2.7%
GWh Sold 4,754  4,512  5.4%
Clients/Employe 2,350  2,307  1.9%
Energy Losses GWh (TTM) 1,045  1,047  0.2%
Energy Losses % (TTM) 9.9% 10.3% 0.4%

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 42

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business


Table 24

  Million US$ Million Ch$  

  6M 04 6M 03 6M 04 6M 03 Chg%

    Revenues from Sales 148  160  94,136  101,747  (7.5%)
    Other Operating Revenues 3,056  3,215  (4.9%)
Operating Revenues 153  165  97,191  104,962  (7.4%)
    Energy Purchases (96) (102) (61,272) (65,164) 6.0%
    Other Operating Cost (19) (21) (11,946) (13,087) 8.7%
Operating Costs (115) (123) (73,218) (78,250) 6.4%
    Selling and Administrative Expenses (14) (15) (8,805) (9,553) 7.8%

Operating Income 24  27  15,168  17,159  (11.6%)

    Interest Income 969  1,096  (11.6%)
    Interest Expenses (6) (5) (3,896) (3,352) (16.2%)
Net Financial Income (Expenses) (5) (4) (2,926) (2,256) (29.7%)
    Equity Gains from Related Company
    Equity Losses from Related Company
Net Income from Related Companies
    Other Non Operating Income 1,451  1,965  (26.2%)
    Other Non Operating Expenses (0) (2) (251) (1,150) 78.2%
    Conversion Effect (BT 64) (3) 491  (1,611) 130.5%
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses) (1) 1,691  (796)
    Price Level Restatement
    Foreign Exchange Effect
Net of Monetary Exposure
Positive Goodwill Amortization

Non Operating Income (2) (5) (1,235) (3,051) 59.5%

Net Income b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort. 22  22  13,933  14,107  (1.2%)
Extraordinary Items
Income Tax (17) (8) (11,082) (5,064) (118.8%)
Minority Interest
Negative Goodwill Amortization

NET INCOME 14  2,851  9,043  (68.5%)

Net Income

Edelnor registered a Net Income of $2,851 million for the first half of 2004, $6,192 million lower than the previous year. This result is mainly due to:

Operating Income

Lower Operating Income of $1,991 million, related to lower operating revenues of $7,611 million, compensated by lower energy purchases of $3,892 million, lower other operating cost of $1,141 million and lower selling and administrative expenses of $748 million. Offset by;

Non Operating Income

Lower Non-Operating Loss of $1,816 million, due to lower other non operating expenses of $899 million and the positive BT 64 conversion effect of $491 million compared to the $1,611 million negative BT 64 conversion effect in the same period of 2003.


Higher Tax Loss of $6,018, from $11,082 million to $5,064 registered on the first half of 2003.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 43

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business

Additional Information

Table 25

Edelnor 6M 04 6M 03 Chg %

Customers (Th) 903  886  1.9%
GWh Sold 2,097  1,977  6.1%
Clients/Employe 1,654  1,574  5.1%
Energy Losses GWh (TTM) 373  360  (3.6%)
Energy Losses % (TTM) 8.4% 8.4% 0.0%

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 44

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business


Table 26

  Million US$ Million Ch$  

  6M 04 6M 03 6M 04 6M 03 Chg%

    Revenues from Sales 172  152  109,417  96,958  12.8%
    Other Operating Revenues 12  12  7,639  7,881  (3.1%)
Operating Revenues 184  165  117,056  104,839  11.7%
    Energy Purchases (88) (71) (56,282) (44,890) (25.4%)
    Other Operating Cost (68) (75) (43,539) (47,906) 9.1%
Operating Costs (157) (146) (99,821) (92,796) (7.6%)
    Selling and Administrative Expenses (24) (25) (15,140) (15,909) 4.8%

Operating Income (6) 2,095  (3,866) 154.2%

    Interest Income 1,450  4,656  (68.9%)
    Interest Expenses (14) (12) (9,005) (7,429) (21.2%)
Net Financial Income (Expenses) (12) (4) (7,555) (2,772) (172.5%)
    Equity Gains from Related Company 28  (88.1%)
    Equity Losses from Related Company
Net Income from Related Companies 28  (88.1%)
    Other Non Operating Income 13  8,447  223 
    Other Non Operating Expenses (8) (6) (5,011) (3,803) (31.8%)
    Conversion Effect (BT 64) (1) 1,448  (461)
Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses) (6) 4,884  (4,041)
    Price Level Restatement
    Foreign Exchange Effect
Net of Monetary Exposure
Positive Goodwill Amortization

Non Operating Income (4) (11) (2,667) (6,786) 60.7%

Net Income b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort. (1) (17) (572) (10,652) 94.6%
Extraordinary Items
Income Tax (12) (21) (7,611) (13,323) 42.9%
Minority Interest
Negative Goodwill Amortization

NET INCOME (13) (38) (8,183) (23,975) 65.9%

Net Income

Edesur registered a Net Loss of $8,183 million for the first half of 2004, $15,792 million lower loss than the previous year. This result is mainly due to:

Operating Income

Higher Operating Income of $5,961 million, mainly due to higher operating revenues by $12,217 million related with the improvement in energy demand observed in Argentina. Physical sales rose from 6,231 GWh to 6,726 GWh in the same period of 2004. Compensated by $7,025 million higher operating costs related to higher energy purchases.

Non Operating Income

Lower Non-Operating Losses of $4,119 million, mainly explained by higher other non operating income of $8,925 million and $987 million positive conversion effect registered as a result of the application of Technical Bulletin N°64 of Chilean Accounting Principles, partially compensated by higher net financial expenses of $4,783 million.


Tax loss decrease by $5,712 million compared to the previous year.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 45

First Half 2004 – Distribution Business

Additional Information

Table 27

Edesur 6M 04 6M 03 Chg %

Customers (Th) 2,128  2,101  1.3%
GWh Sold 6,726  6,231  7.9%
Clients/Employe 939  935  0.4%
Energy Losses GWh (TTM) 1,754  1,653  (6.1%)
Energy Losses % (TTM) 11.8% 11.8% 0.0%

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 46

First Half 2004 – Parent Company Income Statement

Parent Company Income Statement

Under Chilean GAAP, Million Ch$

Table 28

Million Ch$ 6M 04 6M 03 Var 04-03 Chg %

Operating Revenues 2,183  2,203  (20) (0.9%)
Operating Costs (561) (570) 1.6%

Operating Margin 1,622  1,633  (11) (0.7%)

    Selling and Administrative Expenses (7,322) (7,442) 120  1.6%

Operating Income (5,700) (5,809) 109  1.9%

    Interest Income 18,821  20,385  (1,564) (7.7%)
    Interest Expense (40,704) (62,238) 21,534  34.6%
Net Financial Income (Expenses) (21,883) (41,853) 19,970  47.7%
    Equity Gains from Related Companies 75,070  47,240  27,830  58.9%
    Equity Losses from Related Companies (2,741) (32,251) 29,510  91.5%
Net Income from Related Companies 72,329  14,988  57,341 
    Other Non Operating Income 4,404  96,198  (91,794) (95.4%)
    Other Non Operating Expenses (8,155) (14,517) 6,362  43.8%
Net other Non Operating Income (Expense) (3,751) 81,681  (85,432) (104.6%)
    Price Level Restatement (40) (9,358) 9,318  99.6%
    Foreign Exchange Effect 161  12,227  (12,066) (98.7%)
Net of Monetary Exposure 120  2,869  (2,749) (95.8%)
Positive Goodwill Amortization (25,138) (25,124) (14) (0.1%)

Non Operating Income 21,677  32,561  (10,884) (33.4%)

Net Inc b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort 15,978  26,752  (10,774) (40.3%)

Income Tax (2,225) (8,375) 6,150  73.4%
Negative Goodwill Amortization 22  21,747  (21,725) (99.9%)

NET INCOME 13,774  40,124  (26,350) (65.7%)

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 47

First Half 2004 – Parent Company Income Statement

Under Chilean GAAP, Thousand US$

Table 28.1

Th. US$ 6M 04 6M 03 Var 04-03 Chg %

Operating Revenues 3,430  3,462  (32) (0.9%)
Operating Costs (881) (896) 15  1.6%

Operating Margin 2,549  2,566  (17) (0.7%)

    Selling and Administrative Expenses (11,507) (11,696) 189  1.6%

Operating Income (8,958) (9,130) 172  1.9%

    Interest Income 29,578  32,038  (2,460) (7.7%)
    Interest Expense (63,969) (97,813) 33,844  34.6%
Net Financial Income (Expenses) (34,391) (65,775) 31,384  47.7%
    Equity Gains from Related Companies 117,979  74,241  43,738  58.9%
    Equity Losses from Related Companies (4,308) (50,686) 46,378  91.5%
Net Income from Related Companies 113,671  23,555  90,116 
    Other Non Operating Income 6,922  151,184  (144,262) (95.4%)
    Other Non Operating Expenses (12,817) (22,815) 9,998  43.8%
Net other Non Operating Income (Expense) (5,895) 128,369  (134,264) (104.6%)
    Price Level Restatement (63) (14,706) 14,643  99.6%
    Foreign Exchange Effect 252  19,215  (18,963) (98.7%)
Net of Monetary Exposure 189  4,509  (4,320) (95.8%)
Positive Goodwill Amortization (39,506) (39,485) (21) (0.1%)

Non Operating Income 34,068  51,173  (17,105) (33.4%)

Net Inc b. Taxes, Min Int and Neg Goodwill Amort 25,110  42,043  (16,933) (40.3%)

    Income Tax (3,497) (13,162) 9,665  73.4%
    Negative Goodwill Amortization 34  34,177  (34,143) (99.9%)

NET INCOME 21,647  63,058  (41,411) (65.7%)

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 48

First Half 2004 – Partially Consolidated Income Statement

Partially Consolidated Income Statement

Parent Company Consolidated with Enersis Internacional First Half 2004 Earnings Report

Under Chilean GAAP, Million Ch$

Table 29

2Q 04  2Q 03  Var %  (in million Ch$ of 1H04) 1H 04  1H 03  Var % 

808  819  (1.3%) Gross Operating Margin 1,622  1,633  (0.7%)
(3,790) (3,919) 3.3% S&A Expenses (7,322) (7,442) 1.6%

(2,981) (3,100) 3.8% Operating Income (5,700) (5,809) 1.9%

14,884  14,333  3.8% Endesa 19,765  28,905  (31.6%)
10,495  43,605  (75.9%) Chilectra 22,882  55,635  (58.9%)
(2,824) (100.0%) Río Maipo NA 
(3,608) (5,522) 34.7% Edesur (5,303) (15,525) 65.8%
831  2,479  (66.5%) Edelnor 1,443  4,088  (64.7%)
4,164  (40,289) 110.3% Cerj 363  (57,409) 100.6%
(210) 121  (272.6%) Coelce (460) (1,739) 73.5%
2,053  (835) 345.8% Codensa 4,985  (1,868) 366.9%
1,080  1,274  (15.3%) CAM LTDA 1,619  2,410  (32.8%)
(31) 278  (111.0%) Inm Manso de Velasco 1,534  416  269.2%
871  1,307  (33.4%) Synapsis 1,925  2,365  (18.6%)
3,086  NA  CGTF 5,563  NA 
(209) (105) (100.4%) Other (209) (121) (73.5%)

33,406  13,822  141.7% Net Income from Related Companies 54,106  17,157  215.4%

11,935  14,286  (16.5%) Interest Income 25,384  29,587  (14.2%)
(19,062) (30,257) 37.0% Interest Expense (40,704) (62,267) 34.6%
(7,127) (15,970) 55.4% Net Financial Income (Expenses) (15,319) (32,681) 53.1%
2,230  93,955  (97.6%) Other Non Operating Income 4,412  96,207  (95.4%)
(7,120) (11,015) 35.4% Other Non Operating Expenses (8,971) (14,519) 38.2%
(4,890) 82,940  (105.9%) Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses) (4,559) 81,688  (105.6%)
(605) (12,430) 95.1% Price Level Restatement (10,218) 100.0%
2,768  3,306  (16.3%) Foreign Exchange Effect 12,257  1,739  604.7%
2,163  (9,124) 123.7% Net Monetary Exposure 12,261  (8,479) 244.6%
(12,571) (12,400) (1.4%) Positive Goodwill Amortization (25,138) (25,124) (0.1%)

10,980  59,267  (81.5%) Non Operating Income 21,351  32,561  (34.4%)

7,999  56,167  (85.8%) Net Income before (1), (2) & (3) 15,651  26,752  (41.5%)
(4,226) (11,194) 62.3% Income Tax (1) (2,225) (8,375) 73.4%
257  21,735  (98.8%) Negative Goodwill Amortization (2) 348  21,747  (98.4%)
NA  Minority Interest (3) NA 

4,031  66,707  (94.0%) NET INCOME 13,774  40,124  (65.7%)

0.12  2.19     EPS (Ch$) 0.42  1.32    
0.01  0.17     EPADS (US$) 0.03  0.10    
32,651,166  30,404,284     Common Shares Outstanding (Th) 32,651,166  30,404,284    

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 49

First Half 2004 – Partially Consolidated Income Statement

Under Chilean GAAP, Thousand US$

Table 29.1

2Q 04  2Q 03  Var %  (in thousand US$ of 1H04) 1H 04  1H 03  Var % 

1,270  1,287  (1.3%) Gross Operating Margin 2,549  2,566  (0.7%)
(5,956) (6,160) 3.3% S&A Expenses (11,507) (11,696) 1.6%

(4,686) (4,872) 3.8% Operating Income (8,958) (9,130) 1.9%

23,391  22,526  3.8% Endesa 31,062  45,427  (31.6%)
16,494  68,529  (75.9%) Chilectra 35,961  87,435  (58.9%)
(4,439) (100.0%) Río Maipo NA 
(5,670) (8,679) 34.7% Edesur (8,334) (24,398) 65.8%
1,307  3,895  (66.5%) Edelnor 2,268  6,425  (64.7%)
6,544  (63,318) 110.3% Cerj 571  (90,223) 100.6%
(329) 191  (272.6%) Coelce (723) (2,734) 73.5%
3,226  (1,312) 345.8% Codensa 7,834  (2,936) 366.9%
1,697  2,002  (15.3%) CAM LTDA 2,544  3,787  (32.8%)
(48) 436  (111.0%) Inm Manso de Velasco 2,411  653  269.2%
1,369  2,055  (33.4%) Synapsis 3,025  3,716  (18.6%)
4,849  NA  CGTF 8,742  NA 
(329) (164) (100.4%) Others (329) (190) (73.5%)

52,500  21,722  141.7% Net Income from Related Companies 85,032  26,964  215.4%

18,756  22,452  (16.5%) Interest Income 39,893  46,498  (14.2%)
(29,958) (47,551) 37.0% Interest Expense (63,969) (97,859) 34.6%
(11,201) (25,099) 55.4% Net Financial Income (Expenses) (24,076) (51,361) 53.1%
3,504  147,659  (97.6%) Other Non Operating Income 6,933  151,197  (95.4%)
(11,190) (17,311) 35.4% Other Non Operating Expenses (14,098) (22,818) 38.2%
(7,686) 130,347  (105.9%) Net other Non Operating Income (Expenses) (7,165) 128,380  (105.6%)
(951) (19,535) 95.1% Price Level Restatement (16,059) 100.0%
4,351  5,195  (16.3%) Foreign Exchange Effect 19,263  2,733  604.7%
3,400  (14,339) 123.7% Net Monetary Exposure 19,269  (13,325) 244.6%
(19,756) (19,488) (1.4%) Positive Goodwill Amortization (39,506) (39,485) (0.1%)

17,256  93,143  (81.5%) Non Operating Income 33,554  51,173  (34.4%)

12,571  88,271  (85.8%) Net Income before (1), (2) & (3) 24,597  42,042  (41.5%)
(6,641) (17,592) 62.3% Income Tax (1) (3,497) (13,162) 73.4%
405  34,158  (98.8%) Negative Goodwill Amortization (2) 547  34,177  (98.4%)
NA  Minority Interest (3) NA 

6,335  104,836  (94.0%) NET INCOME 21,647  63,058  (65.7%)

0.12  2.19     EPS (Ch$) 0.42  1.32    
0.01  0.17     EPADS (US$) 0.03  0.10    
32,651,166  30,404,284     Common Shares Outstanding (Th) 32,651,166  30,404,284    

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 50

First Half 2004 – Ownership of the Company

Ownership of the Company as of June 30, 2004


Conference Call Invitation

Enersis is pleased to inform you that it will hold a conference call to review its results for the period, on Thursday, July 29, 2004, at 1:00 PM (New York time). To participate, please dial +1 (617) 614-2711 or +1 (800) 659-1966 (toll free USA), approximately 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time, Passcode ID: 43767066.

The phone replay will be available since July 29, until August 5, dialing +1 (617) 801-6888 or 1+ (888) 286-8010 (toll free USA) Passcode ID: 31907647.

To access the call online, or to access the replay, go to: http://www.enersis.com Investor Relations (please note that this is a listen only mode).

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 51

First Half 2004 – Contact Information

Contact Information

For further information, please contact Enersis:

Susana Rey
Head of Investor Relations
56 (2) 353 4554

Pablo Lanyi-Grunfeldt
Investor Relations
56 (2) 353 4552
Francisco Luco
Investor Relations
56 (2) 353 4555
Cristián Palacios
Investor Relations
56 (2) 353 4492
Carmen Poblete
Investor Relations
56 (2) 353 4447

Mariluz Muñoz
Investor Relations
56 (2) 353 4682


This Press Release contains statements that could constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements appear in a number of places in this announcement and include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Enersis and its management with respect to, among other things: (1) Enersis’ business plans; (2) Enersis’ cost-reduction plans; (3) trends affecting Enersis’ financial condition or results of operations, including market trends in the electricity sector in Chile or elsewhere; (4) supervision and regulation of the electricity sector in Chile or elsewhere; and (5) the future effect of any changes in the laws and regulations applicable to Enersis’ or its affiliates. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. These factors include a decline in the equity capital markets of the United States or Chile, an increase in the market rates of interest in the United States or elsewhere, adverse decisions by government regulators in Chile or elsewhere and other factors described in Enersis’ Annual Report on Form 20-F. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on those forward-looking statements, which state only as of their dates. Enersis undertakes no obligation to release publicly the result of any revisions to these forward-looking statements.

www.enersis.cl Santa Rosa 76, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 56 (2) 353 4682
Pg. 52


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

    ENERSIS S.A.    
Date: August 3, 2004   By:    /s/ Mario Valcarce  
      Name:    Mario Valcarce  
      Title:      Chief Executive Officer  


This Press Release contains statements that could constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements appear in a number of places in this announcement and include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Enersis and its management with respect to, among other things: (1) Enersis’ business plans; (2) Enersis’ cost-reduction plans; (3) trends affecting Enersis’ financial condition or results of operations, including market trends in the electricity sector in Chile or elsewhere; (4) supervision and regulation of the electricity sector in Chile or elsewhere; and (5) the future effect of any changes in the laws and regulations applicable to Enersis’ or its affiliates. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. These factors include a decline in the equity capital markets of the United States or Chile, an increase in the market rates of interest in the United States or elsewhere, adverse decisions by government regulators in Chile or elsewhere and other factors described in Enersis’ Annual Report on Form 20-F. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on those forward-looking statements, which state only as of their dates. Enersis undertakes no obligation to release publicly the result of any revisions to these forward-looking statements.