424B3 1 d372809d424b3.htm LBL LIFE ADVANTAGE LBL Life Advantage


Supplement Dated April 30, 2018

To the following Prospectuses, as supplemented






The following information supplements the prospectus for your variable annuity contract issued by Lincoln Benefit Life Company.






Item 3(c)


Risk Factors


Item 11(a)


Description of Business


Item 11(b)


Description of Property


Item 11(c)


Legal Proceedings


Item 11(e)


Financial Statements and Notes to Financial Statements


Item 11(f)


Selected Financial Data


Item 11(h)


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations


Item 11(i)


Changes in or Disagreements with Accountants


Item 11(j)


Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk


Item 11(k)


Directors and Executive Officers


Item 11(l)


Executive Compensation


Item 11(m)


Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management


Item 11(n)


Transactions with Related Persons, Promoters and Certain Control Persons


Other Information



Item 3(c). Risk Factors


This document contains “forward-looking statements” that anticipate results based on our estimates, assumptions and plans that are subject to uncertainty. These statements are made subject to the safe-harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of new information or future events or developments.

These forward-looking statements do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and may be identified by their use of words like “plans,” “seeks,” “expects,” “will,” “should,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” “intends,” “believes,” “likely,” “targets” and other words with similar meanings. These statements may address, among other things, our strategy for growth, investment results, regulatory approvals, market position, expenses, financial results, litigation and reserves. We believe that these statements are based on reasonable estimates, assumptions and plans. However, if the estimates, assumptions or plans underlying the forward-looking statements prove inaccurate or if other risks or uncertainties arise, actual results could differ materially from those communicated in these forward-looking statements.



In addition to the normal risks of business, we are subject to significant risks and uncertainties, including those listed below, which apply to us as an insurer. These risks constitute our cautionary statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and readers should carefully review such cautionary statements as they identify certain important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements and historical trends. These cautionary statements are not exclusive and are in addition to other factors discussed elsewhere in this document, in our filings with the SEC or in materials incorporated therein by reference.

Changes in actual experience could materially affect the profitability of our business.

Our liability pricing includes long-term assumptions regarding investment returns, mortality, morbidity, persistency and operating costs and expenses of our business. We establish target returns based upon these factors and the average amount of capital that we must hold to support in-force contracts taking into account rating agencies and regulatory requirements. Profitability emerges over a period of years depending on the nature and life of the product and is subject to variability as actual results may differ from pricing assumptions. Additionally, many of our products have fixed or guaranteed terms that limit our ability to increase revenues or reduce benefits, including credited interest, once the product has been issued.

Our profitability depends on the adequacy of investment spreads, the management of market and credit risks associated with investments, the sufficiency of premiums and contract charges to cover mortality and morbidity benefits, the persistency of policies, and the management of operating costs and expenses within anticipated pricing allowances. For example, continued activity in the viatical, stranger-owned, and/or life settlement industry could cause the Company’s level of lapses to differ from its assumptions about persistency and lapses, which could negatively impact the Company’s performance. Assumptions and estimates involve judgment, and by their nature are imprecise and subject to changes and revisions over time. Accordingly, the Company’s results may be affected, positively or negatively, from time to time, by actual results differing from assumptions by changes in estimates, and by changes resulting from implementing new systems and procedures that facilitate the calculation of more precise estimates. Legislation and regulation of the insurance marketplace and products could also affect the profitability of our business.

Changes in reserve estimates may adversely affect our operating results.

We establish and hold reserves to pay future policy benefits and claims. The reserve for life-contingent contract benefits is computed on the basis of long-term actuarial assumptions of future investment yields, mortality, morbidity, persistency and expenses. Our reserves do not represent an exact calculation of liability, but rather are actuarial or statistical estimates based on data and models that include many assumptions and projections, which are inherently uncertain and involve the exercise of significant judgment. We periodically review the adequacy of these reserves and the underlying assumptions. We cannot, however, determine with precision the amounts that we will pay for, or the timing of payment of, actual benefits, claims and expenses or whether the assets supporting our policy liabilities, together with future premiums, will grow to the level assumed prior to the payment of benefits or claims. If actual experience differs significantly from assumptions or estimates, reserves may not be adequate. If we conclude that our reserves, together with future premiums, are insufficient to cover future policy benefits and claims, we would be required to increase our reserves and incur income statement charges for the period in which we make the determination, which could materially and adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition.    

Changes in market interest rates and/or credit spreads may lead to a significant decrease in the profitability of our spread-based products and may adversely impact investment income.

We are subject to the risk that we will incur losses due to adverse changes in interest rates or credit spreads. Adverse changes to these rates and spreads may occur due to changes in fiscal policy and the economic climate, the liquidity of a market or market segment, insolvency or financial distress of key market makers or participants,



or changes in market perceptions of credit worthiness and/or risk tolerance. We are subject to risks associated with potential declines in credit quality related to specific issuers or specific industries and a general weakening in the economy, which are typically reflected through credit spreads. Credit spread is the additional yield on fixed income securities above the risk-free rate (typically referenced as the yield on U.S. Treasury securities) that market participants require to compensate them for assuming credit, liquidity and/or prepayment risks. Credit spreads vary (i.e., increase or decrease) in response to the market’s perception of risk and liquidity in a specific issuer or specific sector and are influenced by the credit ratings, and the reliability of those ratings, published by external rating agencies. A decline in the quality of our investment portfolio as a result of adverse economic conditions or otherwise could cause additional realized and unrealized losses on securities. Similarly, a ratings downgrade affecting a security we hold could indicate the credit quality of that security has deteriorated and could increase the capital we must hold to support that security to maintain our risk-based capital levels. Levels of writedowns and impairments are impacted by intent to sell, or our assessment of the likelihood that we will be required to sell fixed maturity securities. Realized losses or impairments on these securities may have a material adverse effect on our net income in a particular period.

Our ability to manage our fixed annuities and interest-sensitive life products is dependent upon maintaining profitable spreads between investment yields and interest crediting rates. When market interest rates decrease or remain at relatively low levels, cash flows from renewal premium, investments that have matured or have been prepaid or sold may be reinvested at lower yields, reducing investment spread. Lowering interest crediting rates on some products in such an environment can partially offset decreases in investment yield. However, these changes could be limited by market conditions, regulatory minimum rates or contractual minimum rate guarantees on many contracts and may not match the timing or magnitude of changes in investment yields. Decreases in the interest crediting rates offered on products could make those products less attractive, leading to changes in the level of policy loans, surrenders and withdrawals. This process may lead to a flow of cash out of our business. These outflows may require investment assets to be sold at a time when the prices of those assets are lower because of the increase in market interest rates, which may result in realized investment losses. For certain products, principally fixed annuity and interest-sensitive life products, the earned rate on assets could lag behind rising market yields. We may react to market conditions by increasing crediting rates, which could narrow spreads and reduce profitability on our business. Additionally, an increase in market interest rates or credit spreads could have an adverse effect on the value of our investment portfolio by decreasing the fair values of the fixed income securities that comprise a substantial majority of our investment portfolio.

Changes in estimates of profitability on interest-sensitive life, fixed annuities and other investment products may adversely affect our profitability and financial condition through the amortization of Value of Business Acquired (“VOBA”).

VOBA related to interest-sensitive life, fixed annuities and other investment contracts is amortized in proportion to actual historical gross profits and estimated future gross profits (“EGP”) over the estimated lives of the contracts. The principal assumptions for determining the amount of EGP are mortality, persistency, expenses, investment returns, including capital gains and losses on assets supporting contract liabilities, interest crediting rates to contractholders, and the effects of any hedges. Updates to these assumptions (commonly referred to as “VOBA unlocking”) could adversely affect our profitability and financial condition.

Guarantees within certain of our products may decrease our earnings, increase the volatility of our results, result in higher risk management costs and expose us to increased counterparty risk.

Certain of our products include guaranteed benefits. These guarantees are designed to protect contractholders against significant downturns in equity markets and interest rates. Any such periods of significant and sustained downturns in equity markets, increased equity volatility, or reduced interest rates could result in an increase in the valuation of our liabilities associated with those products. An increase in these liabilities would result in a decrease in our net income. We use hedging and risk management strategies to mitigate the liability exposure and the volatility of net income associated with these liabilities. These strategies involve the use of



reinsurance and derivatives, which may not be completely effective. In addition, hedging instruments may not effectively offset the costs of guarantees or may otherwise be insufficient in relation to our obligations. Furthermore, we are subject to the risk that changes in contractholder behavior or mortality, combined with adverse market events, produce economic losses not addressed by the risk management techniques employed. These, individually or collectively, may have a material adverse effect on our results of operations, including net income, financial condition or liquidity.

We may not be able to mitigate the capital impact associated with statutory reinsurance reserving requirements, potentially adversely impacting the profitability of our business.

To support statutory reserves for certain term and universal life insurance products with secondary guarantees, we currently utilize reinsurance and capital markets solutions for financing a portion of our statutory reserve requirements deemed to be non-economic. If we are not able to maintain sufficient financing as a result of market conditions or otherwise, this could potentially adversely impact the profitability of our business.

Changes in tax laws and interpretations may decrease the profitability of our products and could adversely affect the Company.

On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into legislation, which made significant changes to federal income tax laws for life insurance companies. The issuance of further administrative rulings or court decisions could further increase our effective tax rate, make our current contractholders’ products less desirable and lower our net income on both a statutory accounting and GAAP basis. We continue to closely monitor developments related to potential changes in the tax law and assess, when possible, the potential impact to both our earnings and our products in runoff.

Department of Labor (“DOL”) regulation defining fiduciary could cause some changes to the manner in which we deliver products and services, as well as changes in nature and amount of compensation and fees.

On April 8, 2016, the DOL released the DOL “Fiduciary Rule”, which, when effective, will substantially expand the range of activities that would be considered to be fiduciary investment advice under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code. In November 2017, the DOL extended the transition period to July 1, 2019. Industry continues its efforts to overturn the rule in court actions and Congress continues to consider related legislation but the success or failure of the efforts cannot be predicted. However, state regulatory action is also a possibility, which may lead to additional changes to the DOL fiduciary rule and/or further delays to the dates. Assuming the rule is not overturned and the requirements of the exemptions were to be fully implemented, the impact on the financial services industry generally and on the Company and its business is difficult to assess. Under the DOL Fiduciary Rule, the investment-related information and support that our advisors and employees may provide to plan sponsors, participants and IRA holders on a non-fiduciary basis will be limited beyond what is allowed under the current law. As a result, changes to the methods that we use to deliver services may be required. As a closed block of annuity business, without a large concentration of qualified retirement plans, the Fiduciary Rule as currently drafted should not cause material changes to the manner in which we deliver products and services, or pay commissions and fees. Compliance with prohibited transactions exemptions when fully phased in would likely require additional supervision and increase litigation risk, all of which could adversely impact our business, results of operations and/or financial condition.

The Company is dependent on the performance of others.

The Company’s results may be affected by the performance of others because the Company has entered into various arrangements in support of our business operations involving third parties. Certain of these third parties may act on behalf of the Company or represent the Company in various capacities, including but not limited to the administration of our contractholders’ activities or the management of our invested assets on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, the Company’s operations are dependent on various technologies, some of which are



provided and/or maintained by third parties. Any of the third parties that the Company depends upon may default on their services or obligations to the Company due to bankruptcy, insolvency, lack of liquidity, adverse economic conditions, operational failure, fraud, or other reasons. Further, the Company may be held responsible for obligations that arise from the acts or omissions of these third parties. Such defaults could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations.

If our internal controls are ineffective, our operating results could be adversely affected.

Our internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements because of its inherent limitations, including the possibility of human error, the circumvention or overriding of controls or fraud. Even effective internal controls can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements. If we fail to maintain the adequacy of our internal controls, including any failure to implement required new or improved controls, or if we experience difficulties in their implementation, our business and operating results could be harmed and we could fail to meet our financial reporting obligations.

If our estimates or judgments relating to our critical accounting policies prove to be incorrect, our operating results could be adversely affected.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, as provided in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.” The results of these estimates form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets, liabilities and equity, and the amount of revenue and expenses that are not readily apparent from other sources. Our operating results may be adversely affected if our assumptions change or if actual circumstances differ from those in our assumptions, which could cause our operating results to fall below the expectations of investors, regulators and rating agencies.

The sale of LBL HoldCo, Inc., Lincoln Benefit’s indirect parent, may be disruptive to the Company’s operations.

On October 1, 2017, the indirect parents of the registrant (Lincoln Benefit), Resolution Life L.P. and Resolution Life (Parallel) Partnership, entered into an agreement with SNH Acquisition, LLC and Southland National Holdings, Inc. to sell LBL HoldCo, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including Lincoln Benefit, to SNH Acquisition, LLC (the “Transaction”). The Transaction is subject to required regulatory approvals. Subject to the receipt of such regulatory approvals, the Transaction is targeted to close in the second quarter of 2018. The risks and uncertainties related to this transaction include, but are not limited to:


    unanticipated difficulties and expenditures resulting from the Transaction;


    disruption of current plans and operations caused by the closing of the Transaction and the Transition to or integration with new management and service providers over time;


    diversion of management time and focus from operating our business to addressing transaction integration challenges; and


    the response of customers, agents, competitors and regulators to the closing of the Transaction.

While we anticipate the Transaction to close, there is risk of future delays and/or failure to gain regulatory approval. Lincoln Benefit’s failure to address these risks could cause us to incur unanticipated liabilities, impose harmful disruptions to our customer service operations and harm our business generally.

We may be unable to retain our highly qualified employees.

Our business depends on our ability to attract, motivate and retain highly skilled and often highly specialized technical, actuarial, managerial and executive personnel, and there is no assurance that we will be



able to do so. We compete with other financial services companies for employees primarily on the basis of compensation and financial position. Our reputation, operations, and internal controls could be materially adversely affected if we are unsuccessful in retaining highly qualified employees. LBL HoldCo II, Inc.’s inability to recruit or our failure to retain a sufficient number of qualified individuals in the future may impair our efficiency and effectiveness to service contractholders and provide sound operational controls for our overall enterprise, including the accurate and timely preparation of required regulatory filings.

Risks Relating to Investments

The determination of the fair value of our fixed income securities is subjective and could materially impact our operating results and financial condition.

In determining fair values, we principally use the market approach which utilizes market transaction data for the same or similar instruments. The degree of management judgment involved in determining fair values is inversely related to the availability of market observable information. The fair value of assets may differ from the actual amount received upon sale of an asset in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Moreover, the use of different valuation assumptions may have a material effect on the assets’ fair values. The difference between amortized cost or cost and fair value, net of deferred income taxes, certain VOBA, and certain reserves for life-contingent contract benefits, is reflected as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income in shareholder’s equity. Changing market conditions could materially affect the determination of the fair value of securities and unrealized net capital gains and losses could vary significantly.

Concentration of our investment portfolio in any particular segment of the economy may have adverse effects on our operating results and financial condition.

The concentration of our investment portfolio in any particular industry, collateral type, group of related industries, geographic sector or risk type could have an adverse effect on our investment portfolio and consequently on our results of operations and financial condition. Events or developments that have a negative impact on any particular industry, group of related industries or geographic region may have a greater adverse effect on the investment portfolio to the extent that the portfolio is concentrated, rather than diversified.

The determination of the amount of realized capital losses recorded for impairments of our investments is subjective and could materially impact our operating results and financial condition.

The determination of the amount of realized capital losses recorded for impairments varies by investment type and is based on our ongoing evaluation and assessment of known and inherent risks associated with the respective asset class. Such evaluations and assessments are revised as conditions change and new information becomes available. We update our evaluations regularly and reflect changes in other-than-temporary impairments in our results of operations. The assessment of whether other-than-temporary impairments have occurred is based on our case-by-case evaluation of the underlying reasons for the decline in fair value. We define fair value generally as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability. Our conclusions on such assessments are judgmental and include assumptions and projections of future cash flows which may ultimately prove to be incorrect as assumptions, facts and circumstances change. Furthermore, historical trends may not be indicative of future impairments and additional impairments may need to be recorded in the future.

Defaults or deteriorating credit of securities collateralized by residential and commercial mortgage loans, and collateralized corporate loans may lead to write-downs and impact our results of operations and financial condition.

Changes in residential or commercial mortgage delinquencies, loss severities or recovery rates, declining residential or commercial real estate prices, corporate loan delinquencies or recovery rates, changes in credit or bond insurer strength ratings and the quality of service provided by service providers on securities in our portfolio could lead us to determine that write-downs are necessary in the future.



Our investment strategies may be adversely affected by developments in the financial markets.

Our investment management strategies may be adversely affected by unexpected developments in the financial markets. Slowing of global growth, tightening monetary policy in the U.S. and increasing political uncertainty remain key challenges for markets. There may be a limited market for certain investments we hold in our investment portfolio, making them relatively illiquid. These include corporate bonds, privately-placed fixed maturity securities, mortgage loans and policy loans. If we were forced to sell certain of our investments during periods of market volatility or disruption, market prices may be lower than our carrying value in such investments. Even in the absence of a market downturn, we are exposed to substantial risk of loss due to market volatility.

Risks Relating to the Insurance Industry

Difficult conditions in the global economy and capital markets generally could adversely affect our business and operating results.

Our business and results of operations are materially affected by conditions in the global capital markets and the economy generally. Stressed conditions, volatility and disruptions in global capital markets, particular markets, or financial asset classes can have an adverse effect on us, in part because we have a large investment portfolio and certain of our insurance liabilities are sensitive to changing market factors. Market factors, including interest rates, credit spreads, equity prices, real estate markets, consumer spending, business investment, government spending, the volatility and strength of the capital markets, deflation and inflation, all affect the business and economic environment and, ultimately, the amount and profitability of our business. Disruptions in one market or asset class can also spread to other markets or asset classes. Upheavals in the financial markets can also affect our business through their effects on general levels of economic activity, employment and customer behavior. Financial markets have also been affected periodically by concerns over U.S. fiscal policy. These issues could, on their own, or combined with the possible slowing of the global economy generally, have severe repercussions to the U.S. and global credit and financial markets, further exacerbate concerns over sovereign debt of other countries and disrupt economic activity in the U.S. and elsewhere.

General economic conditions could adversely affect us in the form of consumer behavior and pressure investment results. Holders of some of our interest-sensitive life insurance and annuity products may engage in an elevated level of discretionary withdrawals of contractholder funds. Our contractholders may choose to defer paying insurance premium or stop paying insurance premiums altogether. Our investment results could be adversely affected as deteriorating financial and business conditions affect the issuers of the securities in our investment portfolio.

Losses from legal and regulatory actions may be material to our operating results or cash flows and may result in harm to our reputation.

We are involved in various legal actions, some of which involve claims for substantial amounts. We are also subject to various regulatory actions and inquiries, such as information requests, market conduct examinations, books and record examinations, from state and federal regulators and other authorities. A substantial legal liability or significant regulatory action against us, as well as regulatory inquiries or investigations could harm our reputation, result in material fines or penalties, result in significant legal costs and otherwise have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Even if we ultimately prevail in the litigation, regulatory actions or investigation, our ability to retain our current contractholders and recruit and retain employees could be materially and adversely impacted.

We are subject to extensive regulation and potential further restrictive regulation may increase our operating costs.

As an insurance company, we are subject to extensive laws and regulations. In some cases, these laws and regulations are designed to protect or benefit the interests of a specific constituency rather than a range of



constituencies. For example, state insurance laws and regulations are generally intended to protect or benefit purchasers or users of insurance products. In many respects, these laws and regulations can limit our ability to maintain the profitability of our business.

The extent of regulation varies, but generally the Company is governed by state statutes. These statutes delegate regulatory, supervisory and administrative authority to state insurance departments. This system of supervision and regulation covers, among other things, standards of minimum capital requirements and solvency, including risk-based capital measurements, restrictions on certain transactions, licensing status, reserving, payment of policy benefits, etc. State insurance regulators and the NAIC regularly re-examine existing laws and regulations applicable to insurance companies and their products. Changes in these laws and regulations, or in interpretations thereof, sometimes lead to additional expense for the insurer and, thus, could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.

Although we endeavor to maintain all required licenses and approvals, we may not fully comply with the wide variety of applicable laws and regulations or the relevant authority’s interpretation of the laws and regulations, which may change from time to time. Also, regulatory authorities have relatively broad discretion to grant, renew or revoke licenses and approvals. If we do not have the requisite licenses and approvals or do not comply with applicable regulatory requirements, the insurance regulatory authorities could preclude or temporarily suspend us from carrying on some or all of our activities or impose substantial fines. Further, insurance regulatory authorities have relatively broad discretion to issue orders of supervision, which permit such authorities to supervise the business and operations of an insurance company. As of December 31, 2017, no state insurance regulatory authority had imposed on us any material fines or revoked or suspended any licenses to conduct insurance business in any state or issued an order of supervision with respect to the Company, which would have a material adverse effect on our results of operations or financial condition.

As an insurance company with separate accounts that are regulated as investment companies, we are also subject to laws and regulations administered and enforced by a number of different governmental authorities, each of which exercises a degree of interpretive latitude, including state insurance regulators, state securities administrators, state attorneys general, and federal agencies including the SEC, the FINRA and the U.S. Department of Justice. Consequently, we are subject to the risk that compliance with any particular regulator’s or enforcement authority’s interpretation of a legal issue may not result in compliance with another’s interpretation of the same issue, particularly when compliance is judged in hindsight. In addition, there is risk that any particular regulator’s or enforcement authority’s interpretation of a legal issue may change over time to our detriment, or that changes in the overall legal environment may, even absent any particular regulator’s or enforcement authority’s interpretation of a legal issue, impact the profitability of our business.

Regulatory reforms, and the more stringent application of existing regulations, may make it more expensive for us to conduct our business and increase our capital requirements.

The federal government has enacted comprehensive regulatory reforms for financial services entities. As part of a larger effort to strengthen the regulation of the financial services market, certain reforms are applicable to the insurance industry, including the Federal Insurance Office (“FIO”) established within the Treasury Department.

In recent years, the state insurance regulatory framework has come under public scrutiny, members of Congress have discussed proposals to provide for federal chartering of insurance companies, and the FIO and Financial Stability Oversight Council were established. We can make no assurances regarding the potential impact of state or federal measures that may change the nature or scope of insurance and financial regulation. These regulatory reforms and any additional legislative change or regulatory requirements imposed upon us in connection with the federal government’s regulatory reform of the financial services industry, and any more stringent enforcement of existing regulations by federal authorities, may make it more expensive for us to conduct our business, or limit our ability to grow.



The Company is subject to insurance guaranty fund laws, rules and regulations that could adversely affect the Company’s financial condition or results of operations.

Under insurance guaranty fund laws in most states, insurance companies doing business therein can be assessed up to prescribed limits for contractholder losses incurred by insolvent companies. From time to time, companies may be asked to contribute amounts beyond prescribed limits. It is possible that the Company could be assessed with respect to product lines not offered by the Company. In addition, legislation may be introduced in various states with respect to guaranty fund assessment laws related to insurance products, including long term care insurance and other specialty products, that alters future premium tax offsets received in connection with guaranty fund assessments. The Company cannot predict the amount, nature or timing of any future assessments or legislation, any of which could have a material and adverse impact on the Company’s financial condition or results of operations.

Reinsurance may be unavailable at current levels and prices.

Market conditions beyond our control impact the availability and cost of the reinsurance. No assurances can be made that reinsurance will remain continuously available to us to the same extent and on the same terms and rates as is currently available. We review retention limits for continued appropriateness and they may be changed in the future. Prolonged or severe adverse mortality or morbidity experience could result in increased reinsurance costs or, ultimately, reinsurers unwilling to offer coverage. If we were unable to renew or purchase reinsurance protection in amounts that we consider sufficient and at prices that we consider acceptable, we may have to accept an increase in risk exposure, seek other alternatives, or accept reduced profitability.

Reinsurance subjects us to the credit risk of our reinsurers and may not be adequate to protect us against losses arising from ceded insurance, which could have a material effect on our operating results.

The collectability of reinsurance recoverables is subject to uncertainty arising from a number of factors, including changes in market conditions, whether insured losses meet the qualifying conditions of the reinsurance contract and whether reinsurers, or their affiliates, have the financial capacity and willingness to make payments under the terms of a reinsurance treaty or contract. Our inability to collect a material recovery from a reinsurer could have a material effect on our operating results.

Adverse capital and credit market conditions may significantly affect our ability to meet liquidity needs or our ability to obtain credit on acceptable terms.

In periods of extreme volatility and disruption in the capital and credit markets, liquidity and credit capacity may be severely restricted. In such circumstances, our ability to obtain capital to fund operating expenses, financing costs, satisfy statutory capital requirements and meet liquidity needs may be limited. Our access to additional financing will depend on a variety of factors such as market conditions, the general availability of credit, the overall availability of credit to our industry, our credit ratings and credit capacity, as well as lenders’ perception of our long- or short-term financial prospects. Similarly, our access to funds may be impaired if regulatory authorities or rating agencies take negative actions against us. If a combination of these factors were to occur, our internal sources of liquidity may prove to be insufficient, and in such case, we may not be able to successfully obtain additional financing on favorable terms. Our results of operations, financial condition, cash flows and statutory capital position could be materially adversely affected by disruptions in the capital markets.

A downgrade or a potential downgrade in our financial strength or credit rating could result in a loss of business and materially affect our financial condition and results of operations.

Financial strength ratings are published by various Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (“NRSRO”) and similar entities not formally recognized as NRSROs. They indicate the NRSROs’ opinion regarding an insurance company’s ability to meet contractholder obligations, and are important to maintaining public confidence in our products and our competitive position.



In view of the difficulties experienced by many financial institutions as a result of the financial crisis and ensuing global recession, including our competitors in the insurance industry, NRSROs continue to implement changes to their internal models that have the effect of increasing or decreasing the amount of statutory capital we must hold in order to maintain our current ratings. Our ratings could be downgraded at any time and without notice by any NRSRO. In addition, these regulatory reforms may also increase our minimum capital requirements.

Downgrades in our financial strength ratings could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations in many ways, including materially increasing the number or amount of policy surrenders and withdrawals by contractholders and adversely affecting our ability to obtain reinsurance at reasonable prices or at all.

The occurrence of a catastrophe, including a large scale pandemic, the continued threat of terrorism or military actions may have an adverse effect on the level of claim losses we incur, the value of our investment portfolio, our competitive position, liquidity, operating results and attractiveness of product offering.

Any catastrophic event, such as a large scale pandemic, the continued threat of terrorism, within the United States and abroad, or military and other actions, and heightened security measures in response to these types of threats, may cause significant volatility and losses in our investment portfolio from interest rate changes, and result in loss of life, disruptions to commerce and reduced economic activity. Some of the assets in our investment portfolio may be adversely affected by reduced economic activity caused by a large scale pandemic or the continued threat of terrorism. Additionally, a large scale pandemic or terrorist act could have a material effect on renewal premium, profitability, competitiveness, liquidity, operating results and attractiveness of product offering.

Changes in accounting standards issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) or other standard-setting bodies may adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition.

Our financial statements are subject to the application of generally accepted accounting principles, which are periodically revised, interpreted and/or expanded. Accordingly, we are required to adopt new guidance or interpretations, or could be subject to existing guidance as we enter into new transactions, which may have a material effect on our results of operations and financial condition that is either unexpected or has a greater impact than expected.

Specifically, the FASB is working on a project that could result in significant changes to how we account for and report our insurance contracts and VOBA. Depending on the magnitude of the changes ultimately adopted by the FASB, the proposed changes to generally accepted accounting principles may impose special demands on issuers in the areas of employee training, internal controls and disclosure and may affect how we manage our business. The effective dates and transition methods are not known; however, issuers may be required to or may choose to adopt the new standards retrospectively. In this case, the issuer will report results under the new accounting method as of the effective date, as well as for all periods presented.

As an insurance company, we are also subject to statutory accounting principles (“SAP”). Any changes in the method of calculating reserves for our life insurance and annuity products under SAP may result in increased or decreased reserve requirements. The NAIC has announced focused industry inquiries on certain matters that could have an impact on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. Such inquiries concern, for example, examination of statutory accounting disclosures for separate accounts, insurer use of captive reinsurance companies, variable annuity reserves and capital treatment, reinsurance, cybersecurity practices, and risk-based capital calculations. In addition, the NAIC continues to consider various initiatives to change and modernize its financial and solvency requirements and regulations. It has adopted principles-based reserving methodologies for life insurance and annuity reserves, but additional formulas and/or guidance relevant to the



new standard are being developed. The NAIC is also considering changes to accounting regulations, governance practices of insurers, collateral pledged to support FHLB advances, and other items. The Company cannot currently estimate what impact these more focused inquiries or proposed changes, if they occur, will have on reserve and capital requirements, financial condition or results of operations.

For a description of changes in accounting standards that are currently pending and, if known, our estimates of their expected impact, see Note 2 of the financial statements.

The failure in cyber or other information security systems, as well as the occurrence of events unanticipated in our disaster recovery systems, management continuity planning or a support failure from external providers, could result in a loss or disclosure of confidential information, damage to our reputation and impairment of our ability to conduct business effectively.

We depend heavily upon computer systems to perform necessary business functions. We rely on these systems throughout our business for a variety of functions, including processing claims, providing information to customers and distributors, performing actuarial analyses and maintaining financial records. We also retain confidential and proprietary information on our computer systems and we rely on sophisticated technologies and our third party vendors to maintain the security of that information. Our computer systems have been, and will likely continue to be, subject to computer viruses or other malicious codes, unauthorized access, cyber-attacks or other computer-related penetrations. While, to date, we have not experienced a material breach of cybersecurity, administrative and technical controls and other preventive actions we take to reduce the risk of cyber-incidents and protect our information technology may be insufficient to prevent physical and electronic break-ins, cyber-attacks or other security breaches to our computer systems. If one or more of these events occurs, it could potentially jeopardize the confidential, proprietary and other information processed and stored in, and transmitted through, our computer systems and networks, or otherwise cause interruptions or malfunctions in our operations, which could result in damage to our reputation, financial losses, litigation, increased costs, regulatory penalties and/or customer dissatisfaction or loss.

The occurrence of a disaster such as a natural catastrophe, epidemic, industrial accident, blackout, computer virus, terrorist attack or war, cyber-attack, events unanticipated in our disaster recovery systems, or a support failure from external providers, could have an adverse effect on our ability to conduct business and on our results of operations and financial condition, particularly if those events affect our computer-based data processing, transmission, storage, and retrieval systems or destroy data. If a significant number of our third party service providers were rendered unavailable in the event of a disaster, our ability to effectively conduct our business could be severely compromised. These interruptions also may interfere with our third party service providers’s ability to provide services and our employees’ ability to perform their job responsibilities.

The failure of our computer systems and/or our disaster recovery plans for any reason could cause significant interruptions in our operations and result in a failure to maintain the security, confidentiality or privacy of sensitive data, including personal information relating to our customers. Such a failure could harm our reputation, subject us to regulatory sanctions and legal claims, lead to a loss of customers and revenues and otherwise adversely affect our business and financial results.

Although we conduct due diligence, negotiate contractual provisions and, in most cases, conduct periodic reviews of our vendors, distributors, and other third parties that provide operational or information technology services to us to confirm compliance with the Company’s information security standards, the failure of such third parties’ computer systems and/or their disaster recovery plans for any reason might cause significant interruptions in our operations and result in a failure to maintain the security, confidentiality or privacy of sensitive data, including personal information relating to our customers. Such a failure could harm our reputation, subject us to regulatory sanctions and legal claims, lead to a loss of contractholders and revenues and otherwise adversely affect our business and financial results. While we maintain cyber liability insurance, our insurance may not be sufficient to protect us against all losses.



We are subject to data security and privacy risks that could negatively affect our results, operations or reputation.

Hackers and data thieves are increasingly sophisticated and operate large-scale and complex automated attacks. Despite our efforts to ensure the integrity of our systems, it is possible that we may not be able to anticipate and implement effective preventative or detective measures against security breaches of all types because the techniques used change frequently or are not recognized until launched and because cyber-attacks can originate from a wide variety of sources or parties. Those parties may also attempt to fraudulently induce employees, contractholders or other users of our system to deliberately or inadvertently disclose sensitive information in order to gain access to our data or that of our contractholders. Any breach of our network may result in the loss of valuable business data, misappropriation of our consumers’ or employees’ personal information or a disruption of our business, which could give rise to unwanted media attention, materially damage our customer relationships and reputation and result in lost sales, fines or lawsuits.

In addition, we must comply with increasingly complex and rigorous regulatory standards enacted to protect business and personal data. Cyber threats and related legal and regulatory standards applicable to our business are rapidly evolving and may subject the Company to heightened legal standards, new theories of liability and material claims and penalties that we cannot currently predict or anticipate. As cyber threats and applicable legal standards continue to evolve, the Company may be required to expend significant additional resources to continue to modify or enhance our protective measures and computer systems, and to investigate and remediate any information security vulnerabilities. If the Company experiences security events or other technological failures, it may be subject to regulatory inquiries or proceedings, litigation or reputational damage or be required to pay claims, fines or penalties.

Failure of a vendor to protect personal information of our customers, claimants or employees could affect our operations.

We outsource certain information technology, policy administration, investment management and actuarial functions to third party service providers. In the event that one or more of our vendors fails to protect personal information of our customers, claimants or employees, we may suffer operational impairments and financial losses.

We may not be able to protect our intellectual property and may be subject to infringement claims.

We rely on a combination of contractual rights and copyright, trademark, patent and trade secret laws to establish and protect our intellectual property. Although we use a broad range of measures to protect our intellectual property rights, third parties may infringe or misappropriate our intellectual property. We may have to litigate to enforce and protect our intellectual property and to determine its scope, validity or enforceability, which could divert significant resources and prove unsuccessful. An inability to protect our intellectual property could have a material effect on our business.

We may be subject to claims by third parties for patent, trademark or copyright infringement or breach of usage rights. Any such claims and any resulting litigation could result in significant expense and liability. If our third party providers or we are found to have infringed a third-party intellectual property right, either of us could be enjoined from providing certain products or services or from utilizing and benefiting from certain methods, processes, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or licenses. Alternatively, we could be required to enter into costly licensing arrangements with third parties or implement a costly work around. Any of these scenarios could have a material effect on our business and results of our operations.

Our risk management policies and procedures may leave us exposed to unidentified or unanticipated risk, which could negatively affect our business.

We have devoted significant resources to develop and periodically update our risk management policies and procedures to reflect ongoing review of our risks and expect to continue to do so in the future. Nonetheless, our



policies and procedures may not be comprehensive and may not identify every risk to which we are exposed. Many of our methods for managing risk and exposures are based upon the use of observed historical market behavior or statistics based on historical models. As a result, these methods may not fully predict future exposures, which can be significantly greater than our historical measures indicate. Other risk management methods depend upon the evaluation of information regarding markets, clients, catastrophe occurrence or other matters that is publicly available or otherwise accessible to us. This information may not always be accurate, complete, up-to-date or properly evaluated. In addition, more extensive and perhaps different risk management policies and procedures might have to be implemented under pending regulations.

Our associates may take risks not in accordance with our risk management policies which could negatively affect our financial condition and business.

As an insurance enterprise, we are in the business of accepting certain risks. The associates who conduct our business, including executive officers and other members of management, investment professionals, sales agents, and other associates, do so in part by making decisions and choices that involve exposing us to risk. These include decisions such as pricing, determining what assets to purchase for investment and when to sell them, which business opportunities to pursue, and other decisions. We endeavor, in the design and implementation of our compensation programs and practices, to avoid giving our associates incentives to take excessive risks; however, associates may take such risks regardless of the structure of our compensation programs and practices. Similarly, although we employ controls and procedures designed to monitor associates’ business decisions and prevent us from taking excessive risks, and to prevent employee misconduct, these controls and procedures may not be effective. In such instances, the impact of those risks could harm our reputation and have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and business operations.


Item 11(a). Description of Business

Lincoln Benefit Life Company (referred to in this document as “we,” “Lincoln Benefit,” “our,” “us” or the “Company”) was incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska in 1938. Lincoln Benefit is a wholly-owned subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc. (formerly Resolution Life, Inc.), a Delaware corporation, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of LBL HoldCo, Inc. (“HoldCo Parent”). HoldCo Parent is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Resolution Life L.P. (the “Limited Partnership”), a Bermuda limited partnership, and Resolution Life (Parallel) Partnership, a Bermuda-based partnership.

Prior to July 18, 2013, we sold interest-sensitive, traditional and variable life insurance, and fixed annuities including deferred and immediate through independent master brokerage agencies and the Allstate exclusive agency channel. In July 2013, we ceased soliciting and selling new policies through our independent agent channel. However, we continued to sell new policies provided through the Allstate exclusive agency channel through 2017.

In 2015, the administration of our deferred annuity and life business was outsourced to unaffiliated third-party service providers, SE2, LLC and Alliance–One Services, Inc. Allstate Life Insurance Company (“ALIC”) continues to reinsure and administer business sold through the Allstate exclusive agency channel and certain immediate and payout annuity contracts.

Lincoln Benefit’s variable annuity business is reinsured by ALIC under an existing reinsurance agreement between Lincoln Benefit and ALIC. In 2006, ALIC disposed of substantially all of its variable annuity business through reinsurance agreements with The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a subsidiary of Prudential Financial, Inc. and therefore mitigated this aspect of ALIC’s risk. The Company was not a direct participant of this agreement and its reinsurance agreement with ALIC remains unchanged.

In our reports, we occasionally refer to statutory financial information. All domestic United States insurance companies are required to prepare statutory-basis financial statements. As a result, industry data is available that



enables comparisons between insurance companies, including competitors that are not subject to the requirement to prepare financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We frequently use industry publications containing statutory financial information to assess our competitive position.

Lincoln Benefit is subject to extensive regulation, primarily at the state level. The method, extent and substance of such regulation varies by state but generally has its source in statutes that establish standards and requirements for conducting the business of insurance and that delegate regulatory authority to a state agency. These rules have a substantial effect on our business and relate to a wide variety of matters, including insurer solvency, reserve adequacy, insurance company licensing and examination, agent licensing, policy forms, rate setting, the nature and amount of investments, claims practices, participation in guaranty funds, transactions with affiliates, the payment of dividends, underwriting standards, statutory accounting methods, trade practices and corporate governance.


Item 11(b). Description of Property

Lincoln Benefit occupies leased office space in Lincoln, Nebraska and Rosemont, Illinois.


Item 11(c). Legal Proceedings

Lincoln Benefit is engaged in routine lawsuits, which, in management’s judgment, are not of material importance to its total assets or business prospects.



Item 11(e) Financial Statements and Notes to Financial Statements

Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)


December 31, 2017



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Consolidated Balance Sheets


Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss)


Consolidated Statements of Shareholder’s Equity


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Schedule I – Summary of Investments – Other than Investments in Related Parties


Schedule IV – Reinsurance


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Directors and Shareholder of Lincoln Benefit Life Company:

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Lincoln Benefit Life Company and its subsidiaries (a wholly-owned subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.) as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, and the related consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss), of shareholder’s equity, and of cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2017, including the related notes and schedule of summary of investments – other than investments in related parties as of December 31, 2017 and schedule of reinsurance for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2017 listed in the accompanying index appearing under Item 11(e) (collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2017 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (“PCAOB”) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Chicago, Illinois

April 2, 2018

We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2014.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Consolidated Balance Sheets

December 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016

($ in thousands, except par value data and share amounts)


     December 31,
    December 31,



Fixed maturities, available-for-sale, at estimated fair value (amortized cost $8,161,592 and $8,284,148)

   $ 8,414,961     $ 8,198,125  

Fair value option and trading securities, at estimated fair value

     109,914       14,615  

Common stocks, at estimated fair value

     8,152       5,100  

Commercial mortgage loans

     1,043,187       1,455,156  

Policy loans

     178,437       178,890  

Short-term investments

     190,376       129,660  

Other invested assets

     21,183       19,406  







Total Investments

   $ 9,966,210     $ 10,000,952  

Cash and cash equivalents

     78,801       3,388  

Accrued investment income

     96,354       92,997  

Reinsurance recoverables

     6,501,700       6,280,337  

Valuation of business acquired

     135,031       186,701  

Deposit receivable

     1,111,571       1,199,537  

Other assets

     714,007       682,654  

Current income tax

     197       2,051  

Deferred tax asset, net

     —         3,686  

Separate account assets

     1,460,380       1,342,220  







Total Assets

   $ 20,064,251     $ 19,794,523  









Future policy benefits and other policyholder liabilities

     5,510,050       5,111,791  

Policyholders’ account balances

     10,676,911       10,935,372  

Accrued expenses and other liabilities

     94,543       104,120  

Modified coinsurance payable

     1,111,571       1,199,537  

Other long-term debt - affiliate

     695,000       659,000  

Deferred tax liability, net

     24,585       —    

Separate account liabilities

     1,460,380       1,342,220  







Total Liabilities

   $ 19,573,040     $ 19,352,040  











Common stock, $100 par value, 30,000 shares authorized, 25,000 shares issued and outstanding

     2,500       2,500  

Additional paid-in capital

     593,558       593,558  

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

     72,816       (36,168

Retained earnings (deficit)

     (177,663     (117,407







Total Shareholder’s Equity

   $ 491,211     $ 442,483  







Total Liabilities and Shareholder’s Equity

   $ 20,064,251     $ 19,794,523  







See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss)

For the Years Ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015

($ in thousands)


     2017     2016     2015  



Premiums earned

   $ 3,156     $ 16,592     $ 8,841  

Fee income from policyholders

     346,180       346,027       353,932  

Net investment income

     401,113       397,083       398,931  

Realized investment gains, net

     38,123       73,720       113,538  










Total revenues

   $ 788,572     $ 833,422     $ 875,242  












Policyholders’ benefits

     439,910       449,118       351,744  

Return credited to policyholders’ account balances

     277,077       269,488       301,079  

Operating and acquisition expenses

     77,654       68,716       93,671  










Total expenses

   $ 794,641     $ 787,322     $ 746,494  










Income (loss) before federal income tax

   $ (6,069   $ 46,100     $ 128,748  

Federal income tax expense (benefit)



     6,853       17,121       22,528  


     (22,666     (2,474     23,566  










Total income tax expense (benefit)

     (15,813     14,647       46,094  











   $ 9,744     $ 31,453     $ 82,654  










Other comprehensive (loss) income, before tax


Net unrealized investment gains (losses):


Unrealized investment gains (losses) for the period

   $ 153,920     $ 100,439     $ (290,511

Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses included in net income

     (6,001     (81,920     79,023  










Net unrealized investment gains (losses)

     159,921       182,359       (369,534










Other comprehensive (loss) income, before tax


Less: Income tax (benefit) related to:


Unrealized investment gains (losses) for the period

     48,837       35,156       (101,679

Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses included in net income

     2,100       28,672       (27,658










Net unrealized investment gains (losses)

     50,937       63,828       (129,337










Other comprehensive (loss) income

     108,984       118,531       (240,197










Comprehensive income (loss)

   $ 118,728     $ 149,984     $ (157,543










See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Consolidated Statements of Shareholder’s Equity

For the Years Ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015

($ in thousands, except par value data and share amounts)


     Common Stock      Additional
    Accumulated Other
Other Comprehensive
Income (Loss)

     Shares      Amount                            

Balance, December 31, 2014

     25,000      $ 2,500      $ 593,558      $ (2,514   $ 85,498     $ 679,042  

Dividends to shareholder

     —          —          —          (187,000     —         (187,000

Comprehensive income (loss)


Net income (loss)

     —          —          —          82,654       —         82,654  

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax

     —          —          —          —         (240,197     (240,197




Total comprehensive income (loss)




















Balance, December 31, 2015

     25,000      $ 2,500      $ 593,558      $ (106,860   $ (154,699   $ 334,499  

Dividends to shareholder

     —          —          —          (42,000     —         (42,000

Comprehensive income (loss)


Net income (loss)

     —          —          —          31,453       —         31,453  

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax

     —          —          —          —         118,531       118,531  




Total comprehensive income (loss)




















Balance, December 31, 2016

     25,000      $ 2,500      $ 593,558      $ (117,407   $ (36,168   $ 442,483  

Dividends to shareholder

     —          —          —          (70,000     —         (70,000

Comprehensive income (loss)


Net income (loss)

     —          —          —          9,744       —         9,744  

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax

     —          —          —          —         108,984       108,984  




Total comprehensive income (loss)




















Balance, December 31, 2017

     25,000      $ 2,500      $ 593,558      $ (177,663   $ 72,816     $ 491,211  



















See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

For the Years Ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015

($ in thousands)


     2017     2016     2015  

Cash flows from operating activities:


Net income (loss)

   $ 9,744     $ 31,453     $ 82,654  

Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash:


Policy charges and fee income

     (346,180     (346,027     (353,932

Interest credited

     277,077       269,488       301,079  

Investment gains, net

     (38,123     (73,720     (125,986

Amortization/Accretion of bond premium, net

     69,632       59,337       44,701  

Amortization of VOBA

     29,827       30,054       40,880  

Changes in assets and liabilities:


Change in insurance related liabilities and policy-related balances

     29,190       52,316       (24,884

Change in fair value option and trading securities

     (100,101     (15,937     —    

Deferred income tax expense (benefit)

     (22,666     (2,474     23,566  

Decrease (increase) in accrued investment income

     (3,357     (1,783     5,194  

Decrease (increase) in other assets and liabilities

     7,899       (3,961     (27,417










Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     (87,058     (1,254     (34,145










Cash flows from investing activities:


Fixed maturities, available for sale


Proceeds from sales and maturities

     2,023,946       3,806,768       4,739,792  


     (1,952,554     (3,807,513     (3,703,237

Commercial mortgage loans


Proceeds from sales and paydowns

     422,241       265,414       164,658  

Originations and purchases

     (5,325     (208,580     (559,110

Purchase of common stocks

     (3,052     (5,100     —    

Net purchases, sales, maturities of derivatives

     17,265       2,642       (1,379

Net purchases, sales, maturities of other investments

     (60,263     63,097       184,107  










Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     442,258       116,728       824,831  










Cash flows from financing activities:


Policyholders’ account deposits

     790,230       763,748       356,916  

Policyholders’ account withdrawals

     (979,586     (905,014     (922,215

Dividends paid to shareholder

     (70,000     (42,000     (187,000

Change in overdrafts

     (20,431     22,059       (38,996










Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (279,787     (161,207     (791,295










Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     75,413       (45,733     (609

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period

     3,388       49,121       49,730  










Cash and cash equivalents, end of period

   $ 78,801     $ 3,388     $ 49,121  










Supplemental schedule of cash flow information:


Cash paid during the year:


Income taxes paid

   $ 5,000     $ 17,700     $ 24,000  

Interest paid

   $ 7,835     $ 7,328     $ 6,671  

Noncash activities


Interest income on vehicle note

   $ 26,875     $ 25,069     $ 22,880  

Interest expense on other long-term debt

   $ 26,875     $ 25,069     $ 22,880  

Increase in vehicle note and other long-term debt

   $ 36,000     $ 50,300     $ 57,100  

Change in modified coinsurance payable and deposit receivable

   $ 87,966     $ 50,791     $ 133,060  

Bond exchanges

   $ 10,959     $ 11,199     $ —    

Mortgage loan refinance

   $ 11,368     $ —       $ —    

See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


1. General

Lincoln Benefit Life Company (the “Company” or “Lincoln Benefit”) is a stock insurance company domiciled in the State of Nebraska. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc. (formerly Resolution Life, Inc.) (“HoldCo”), which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of LBL HoldCo, Inc. (formerly Resolution Life Holdings, Inc.). HoldCo was formed on July 2, 2013 under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

Lancaster Re Captive Insurance Company (“Lancaster Re”), a Nebraska domiciled captive insurance company, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lincoln Benefit.

The Company became a wholly owned subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc. on April 1, 2014 after receiving all required regulatory approvals. Prior to this date, it was a wholly owned subsidiary of Allstate Life Insurance Company (“ALIC”).

On October 2, 2017, LBL HoldCo, Inc., the indirect parent of the Company, announced that a definitive agreement had been entered into for the acquisition of LBL HoldCo, Inc. and subsidiaries (including Lincoln Benefit) by an affiliate of Global Bankers Insurance Group. The Transaction is expected to close in 2018, subject to receipt of appropriate regulatory approvals and satisfaction of other customary closing conditions

The Company is authorized to sell life insurance and retirement products in all states except New York, as well as in the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Prior to July 18, 2013, the Company sold interest-sensitive, traditional and variable life insurance products through both exclusive agencies (“Allstate Financial Sales channel”) and independent master brokerage agencies. Effective July 17, 2013, sales through the independent master brokerage agencies ceased, and sales through the Allstate Financial Sales channel continued through 2017. The Company operates as a single segment entity, based on the manner in which we use financial information to evaluate business performance and to determine the allocation of resources.

ALIC reinsures and administers all life insurance business written by Lincoln Benefit through the Allstate Financial Sales channel, all immediate annuities written by Lincoln Benefit prior to April 1, 2014, and certain term life policies written by Lincoln Benefit. Lincoln Benefit’s variable annuity business also remains reinsured by ALIC under an existing reinsurance agreement between Lincoln Benefit and ALIC. The variable annuity business continues to be reinsured and administered by ALIC under an existing reinsurance administrative services agreement between Lincoln Benefit and ALIC.

Basis of Presentation

The Company’s financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (“GAAP”). The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below and in Note 2.


The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Lincoln Benefit and its subsidiary, Lancaster Re. All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated on consolidation.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


2. Significant Accounting Policies

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash includes cash on hand, amounts due from banks, certain money market securities, highly liquid overnight deposits, discount notes and commercial paper held in the ordinary course of business and other debt instruments with maturities of three months or less when purchased.


Fixed maturities include bonds, asset-backed securities (“ABS”) residential mortgage-backed securities (“RMBS”) and commercial mortgage-backed securities (“CMBS”). Certain fixed maturities, which may be sold prior to their contractual maturity, are designated as available-for-sale (“AFS”) and are carried at fair value. The difference between amortized cost and fair value, net of deferred income taxes, is reflected as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income. Cash received from calls, principal payments and make-whole payments and cash received from maturities and pay-downs are reflected as a component of proceeds from sales and maturities within the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.

Fair value option and trading securities are stated at estimated fair value and include investments for which the fair value option has been elected and investments that are actively purchased and sold (“Actively Traded Securities”). Actively traded securities principally include U.S. Treasury securities and U.S. Government authorities’ and agencies’ securities. Changes in estimated fair value of these securities are included in Realized investment gains, net on the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss).

The Company recognizes other-than-temporary impairments (“OTTI”) for securities classified as AFS in accordance with Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”), Investments-Debt and Equity Securities. At least quarterly, management reviews impaired securities for OTTI. The Company considers several factors when determining if a security is OTTI, including but not limited to: its intent and ability to hold the impaired security until an anticipated recovery in value; the issuer’s ability to meet current and future principal and interest obligations for fixed maturity securities; the length and severity of the impairment; the financial condition and near term and long term prospects for the issuer. In making these evaluations, the Company exercises considerable judgment.

If the Company intends to sell or if it is more likely than not that it will be required to sell an impaired security prior to recovery of its cost basis, then the Company recognizes a charge to earnings for the full amount of the impairment (the difference between the amortized cost and fair value of the security). For fixed maturity securities that are considered OTTI and that the Company does not intend to sell and will not be required to sell, the Company separates the impairment into two components: credit loss and noncredit loss. Credit losses are charged to net realized investment losses and noncredit losses are charged to other comprehensive income. The credit loss component is the difference between the security’s amortized cost and the present value of its expected future cash flows discounted at the current effective rate. The remaining difference between the security’s fair value and the present value of its expected future cash flows is the noncredit loss. For corporate bonds, historical default (by rating) data is used as a proxy for the probability of default, and loss given default (by issuer) projections are applied to the par amount of the bond. Potential losses incurred on structured securities are based on expected loss models rather than



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


incurred loss models. Expected cash flows include assumptions about key systematic risks (e.g., unemployment rates, housing prices) and loan-specific information (e.g., delinquency rates, loan-to-value ratios). Estimating future cash flows is a quantitative and qualitative process that incorporates information received from third parties, along with assumptions and judgments about the future performance of the underlying collateral.

Redeemable preferred stock is stated at fair value. Common stock is Federal Home Loan Bank (“FHLB”) of Chicago activity stock, which is purchased or sold based on the level of funding agreements and is also stated at cost, which approximates fair value.

Commercial mortgage loans (“CMLs”) acquired at fair value are carried at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. CMLs held by the Company are diversified by property type and geographic area throughout the U.S. CMLs are considered impaired when it is probable that the Company will not collect amounts due according to the terms of the original loan agreement. The Company assesses the impairment of loans individually for all loans in the portfolio. The Company estimates the fair value of the underlying collateral using internal valuations generally based on discounted cash flow analyses. The Company estimates an allowance for loan and lease losses (“ALLL”) representing potential credit losses embedded in the CML portfolio. The estimate is based on a consistently applied analysis of the loan portfolio and takes into consideration all available information, including industry, geographical, economic and political factors.

Policy loans represent loans the Company issues to policyholders. Policy loans are carried at unpaid principal balances. Interest income on such loans is recognized as earned using the contractually agreed upon interest rate and reflected in Net investment income in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss). Generally, interest is capitalized on the associated policy’s anniversary date.

Short-term investments include securities, certain money market securities and other investments with remaining maturities of one year or less, but greater than three months, at the time of purchase and are stated at estimated fair value or amortized cost, which approximates fair value.


As part of the Company’s overall risk management policy, the Company uses listed equity index options and futures and interest rate swaps to economically hedge its obligation under certain fixed indexed annuity and universal life contracts. Derivatives are carried in the Company’s Consolidated Balance Sheet either as assets within Other invested assets or as liabilities within Accrued expenses and other liabilities at estimated fair value. The Company offsets the fair value amounts recognized for derivatives executed with the same counterparty under the same master netting agreement. Accruals on derivatives are generally recorded in accrued investment income or within other liabilities. However, accruals that are not scheduled to settle within one year are included with the derivatives carrying value in other invested assets or other liabilities. If a derivative is not designated as an accounting hedge or its use in managing risk does not qualify for hedge accounting, changes in the estimated fair value of the derivative are reported in Realized investment gains, net in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss). The notional amounts specified in the contracts are used to calculate contractual payments under the agreements and are generally not representative of the potential for gain or loss on these contracts.

Futures contracts are defined as commitments to buy or sell designated financial instruments based on specified prices, yields or indexes. Equity index futures contracts provide returns at specified or optional dates based upon a specified index or interest rate applied to a notional amount. The Company uses futures to hedge exposures in indexed annuity and life contracts. Daily cash settlement of variation margins is



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


required for futures contracts and is based on the changes in daily prices. The final settlement of futures contracts is in cash.

Index option contracts provide returns at specified or optional dates based on a specified equity index applied to the option’s notional amount. The Company purchases and writes (sells) option contracts primarily to reduce market risk associated with certain annuity and life contracts. When the Company purchases/sells option contracts at specific prices, it is required to pay/receive a premium to/from the counterparties. The amount of premium paid/received is based on the number of contracts purchased/sold, the specified price and the maturity date of the contract. The Company receives/pays cash equal to the premium of written/purchased options when the contract is established. Premiums paid are reported as a derivative asset and premiums received are reported as a derivative liability. If the option is exercised, the Company receives/pays cash equal to the product of the number of contracts and the specified price in the contract in exchange for the equity upon which the option is written/purchased. If the options are not exercised, then no additional cash is exchanged when the contract expires. Index option contracts are cash settled upon exercise and the gain or loss on the settlement is reported in Realized investment gains, net. If the option contract expires without being exercised, the premiums paid or received are reported as Realized investment gains, net and the corresponding asset or liability previously recorded is reversed. The change in the fair value of options contracts are reported in Realized investment gains, net, with an adjustment to a corresponding asset or liability.

The Company employs interest rate swaps to reduce interest rate risk associated with specific investments supporting certain annuity contracts. An interest rate swap is an agreement between two counterparties in which one stream of future interest payments is exchanged for another. Interest rate swaps usually involve the exchange of a fixed interest rate for a floating rate, or vice versa, to reduce or increase exposure to fluctuations in interest rates, or to obtain a marginally lower interest rate. Swaps provide returns at the reset dates based on respective interest rates applied to the notional amount with the net difference in resulting interest payments settled between the counterparties. The change in the fair value of the swap is reported in Realized investment gains, net, with an adjustment to the corresponding asset or liability. Cash flows received/paid at the reset dates are reported in net investment income and consist of any differences in the amounts of contractual interest calculated due to the respective counterparties based on changes in interest rates. Swaps usually terminate upon expiration and the remaining book value is offset to Realized investment gains, net. If terminated through sale, the difference between consideration received or paid and the remaining book value is recorded to Realized investment gains, net.

The Company has derivatives embedded in non-derivative host contracts that are required to be separated from the host contracts and accounted for at fair value. The Company’s embedded derivatives are equity options in life and annuity product contracts, which provide equity returns to contractholders, guaranteed minimum accumulation and withdrawal benefits in variable annuity contracts. The Company has reinsurance agreements to transfer all the risk related to guarantee minimum income, accumulation and withdrawal benefits in variable annuity contracts to third party reinsurers. None of these derivatives are designated as accounting hedging instruments and all are gross liabilities reported in policyholder account balances or future policy benefits and other policyholder liabilities. The Company also has derivatives embedded in certain inverse floater bonds which are held at fair value option. The fair value option is used for valuing these securities given the complexity of bifurcating the economic components associated with the embedded derivatives.

Investment Income and Realized Gains and Losses

Investment income primarily consists of interest and is recognized on an accrual basis using the effective yield method. Interest income for RMBS and CMBS is determined considering estimated pay-downs,



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


including prepayments, obtained from third party data sources and internal estimates. Actual prepayment experience is periodically reviewed and effective yields are recalculated when differences arise between the prepayments originally anticipated and the actual prepayments received. For RMBS and CMBS of high credit quality with fixed interest rates, the effective yield is recalculated on a retrospective basis. For all others, the effective yield is recalculated on a prospective basis. Accrual of income is suspended for other-than-temporarily impaired fixed maturities when the timing and amount of cash flows expected to be received is not reasonably estimable. It is the Company’s policy to cease to carry accrued interest on debt securities that are over 90 days delinquent or where collection of interest is improbable and commercial mortgage loans in default if deemed uncollectible or over 180 days past due. The Company held no investments in non-accrual status as of December 31, 2017. The Company held one commercial mortgage loan that was delinquent in 2016 and accruals suspended.

Realized investment gains and losses, net, include gains and losses on investment sales and write-downs in value due to other-than-temporary declines in fair value. Realized capital gains and losses on investment sales, including principal payments, are determined on a specific identification basis.

Recognition of Premium Revenues and Fees, and Related Policyholders’ Benefits and Interest Credited

Traditional life insurance products consist principally of products with fixed and guaranteed premiums and benefits, primarily term and whole life insurance products. Premiums from these products are recognized as revenue when due from policyholders. Surrenders on traditional life and death benefits are reflected in policyholder benefits.

Immediate annuities with life contingencies provide insurance protection over a period that extends beyond the period during which premiums are collected. Premiums from these products are recognized as revenue when received at the inception of the contract. Benefits and expenses are recognized in relation to premiums.

Interest-sensitive life contracts, such as universal life and single premium life, are insurance contracts whose terms are not fixed and guaranteed. The terms that may be changed include premiums paid by the policyholder, interest credited to the policyholder account balance and contract charges assessed against the policyholder account balance. Premiums from these contracts are reported as policyholder account balances. Fee income from policyholders consist of fees assessed against the policyholder account balance for the cost of insurance (mortality risk), contract administration and surrender of the policy prior to contractually specified dates. These charges are recognized as revenue when assessed against the policyholder account balance. Policyholder benefits include life-contingent benefit payments in excess of the policyholder account balance.

Contracts that do not subject the Company to significant risk arising from mortality or morbidity are referred to as investment contracts. Fixed annuities, including market value adjusted annuities, equity-indexed annuities and immediate annuities without life contingencies, are considered investment contracts. Consideration received for such contracts is reported as policyholder account balance deposits. Policy fees for investment contracts consist of fees assessed against the contractholder account balance for maintenance, administration and surrender of the contract prior to contractually specified dates, and are recognized when assessed against the policyholder account balance.

Returns credited to policyholder funds represents interest accrued or paid on interest-sensitive life and investment contracts. Crediting rates for certain fixed annuities and interest-sensitive life contracts are adjusted periodically by the Company to reflect current market conditions subject to contractually guaranteed minimum rates. Crediting rates for indexed life and annuities are generally based on an equity index, such as the Standard & Poor’s (“S&P”) 500 Index.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Policy charges for variable life and variable annuity products consist of fees assessed against the policyholder account balances for contract maintenance, administration, mortality, expense and surrender of the contract prior to contractually specified dates. Policy benefits incurred for variable life and variable annuity products include guaranteed minimum death, income, withdrawal and accumulation benefits.

The Company incurs costs in connection with renewal insurance business. All acquisition-related costs, including commissions, as well as all indirect costs, are expensed as incurred and reported in Other expenses on the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss) for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015.


Reinsurance accounting is applied for ceded and assumed transactions when the risk transfer provisions of ASC 944-40, Accounting and Reporting for Reinsurance of Short-Duration and Long-Duration Contracts, have been met. To meet risk transfer requirements, a long-duration reinsurance contract must transfer mortality or morbidity risks, and subject the reinsurer to a reasonable possibility of a significant loss. Those contracts that do not meet risk transfer requirements are accounted for using deposit accounting. For short duration contracts, to meet risk transfer requirements the reinsurer must assume significant insurance risk and have a reasonable possibility of experiencing significant loss.

With respect to ceded reinsurance, the Company values reinsurance recoverables on reported claims at the time the underlying claim is recognized in accordance with contract terms. For future policy benefits, the Company estimates the amount of reinsurance recoverables based on the terms of the reinsurance contracts and historical reinsurance recovery information. The reinsurance recoverables are based on what the Company believes are reasonable estimates and the balance is reported as an asset in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. However, the ultimate amount of the reinsurance recoverable is not known until all claims are settled. Reinsurance contracts do not relieve the Company from its obligations to policyholders, and failure of reinsurers to honor their obligations could result in losses to the Company; consequently, allowances are established for amounts deemed uncollectible.

Value of Business Acquired (“VOBA”)

For interest-sensitive life and annuity products, VOBA is amortized over the life of the policies in relation to the emergence of estimated gross profits (“EGPs”) from margins on mortality, interest, expenses, and surrenders, all of which are net of reinsurance and include actual realized gains and losses on investments. For non-interest sensitive life products, such as term life insurance, VOBA is amortized in relation to premium. VOBA is reviewed periodically for loss recognition to ensure that the unamortized balance is recoverable from future earnings from the business. The carrying amount of VOBA is adjusted for the effects of realized and unrealized gains and losses on debt securities classified as AFS.

Separate Accounts

Separate accounts assets are carried at fair value. The assets of the separate accounts are legally segregated and available only to settle separate account contract obligations. Separate accounts liabilities represent the contractholders’ claims to the related assets and are carried at an amount equal to the separate accounts assets. Investment income and realized capital gains and losses of the separate accounts accrue directly to the contractholders and therefore are not included in the Company’s Consolidated Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss). Deposits to and surrenders and withdrawals from the separate accounts are reflected in separate accounts liabilities and are not included in cash flows.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Absent any contract provision wherein the Company provides a guarantee, variable annuity and variable life insurance contractholders bear the investment risk that the separate accounts’ funds may not meet their stated investment objectives.

Future Policy Benefits and Other Policyholder Liabilities

Policy liabilities are established for future policy benefits on certain annuity, life, and long term care policies. Such liabilities are established in amounts adequate to meet the estimated future obligations of policies in-force. Changes in policy and contract claims are recorded in policyholder benefits in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss).

For ASC 944-20 Financial Services — Insurance Activities, products, benefit reserves are computed using the net level premium method for individual life, annuity and long-term care policies, and are based upon estimates as to future investment yield, mortality and lapse that include provisions for adverse deviation that were prevalent at the time the reserve was initially established. Mortality, morbidity and lapse assumptions for all policies are based on the Company’s own experience and industry standards.

Liabilities for outstanding claims and claims adjustment expenses are estimates of payments to be made on life and health insurance contracts for reported claims and claims adjustment expenses. A liability is also held for claims adjustment expenses incurred but not reported as of the balance sheet date. These liabilities are determined using case basis evaluations and statistical analyses and represent estimates of the ultimate cost of all claims incurred but not paid. These estimates are continually reviewed and adjusted as necessary. Such adjustments are reflected in current operations.

Future policy benefit reserves for fixed indexed life and annuity policies with returns linked to the performance of a specified market index are equal to the excess of the sum of the fair value of the embedded derivatives and the host (or guaranteed) component over the policyholder account balance. The change in the fair value of the embedded derivative is linked to the performance of the equity option. The host value is established as of the date of acquisition and is equal to the account value, plus the value of the unexpired options at the date of acquisition, less the embedded derivative, and accreted over the policy’s life at a constant rate of interest.

The Company holds additional liabilities for its no lapse guarantees (associated with universal life) and guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits (associated with fixed indexed annuities). These are accounted for in accordance with ASC 944-20. Additional liabilities for no lapse guarantees on universal life products are calculated based on the application of a benefit ratio (the present value of total expected benefit payments over the life of the contract divided by the present value of total expected assessments over the life of the contract). The level and direction of the change in reserves will vary over time based on the emergence of actual experience and revisions to future assumptions.

Policy liabilities and accruals are based on the various estimates discussed above. Although the adequacy of these amounts cannot be assured, the Company believes that policy liabilities and accruals will be sufficient to meet future obligations of policies in-force. The amount of liabilities and accruals, however, could be revised if the estimates discussed above are revised.

Policyholders’ Account Balances

Policyholders’ account balances represent interest-bearing liabilities arising from the sale of products such as interest-sensitive life insurance and fixed annuities. Policyholders’ account balances primarily comprise cumulative deposits received and interest credited to the contractholder less cumulative contract benefits, surrenders, withdrawals and contract charges for mortality or administrative expenses.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


The Company holds additional liabilities for guaranteed minimum income benefits (“GMIB”) associated with variable annuities, which are accounted for in accordance with ASC 944-20. The reserves for certain living benefit features, including guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits (“GMAB”) and guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits (“GMWB”) are accounted for as embedded derivatives, with fair values calculated as the present value of expected future benefit payments to contractholders less the present value of assessed rider fees attributable to the embedded derivative feature. This methodology could result in either a liability or contra-liability balance, given changing capital market conditions and various actuarial assumptions. The Company’s GMIB, GMAB and GMWB reserves related to variable annuity business are ceded to external reinsurers. For additional information regarding the valuation of these optional living benefit features, see Note 10.

Income Taxes

Income taxes are provided for using the asset and liability method under which deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for temporary differences between the financial statement and income tax bases of assets and liabilities. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date. The realizability of deferred tax assets is assessed at each reporting date and a deferred tax asset valuation allowance is established when realization of such assets is not likely (less than 50% likelihood). Tax positions are assessed under a two-step approach, which requires the assessment of recognition and measurement. If necessary, a liability is established to reflect the expected settlement of uncertain tax positions. The Company reports interest expense related to income tax matters and tax penalties in other operating expenses in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss).

Other Long-Term Debt

Effective April 1, 2014, and with Nebraska Department of Insurance (the “NE DOI” or the “Department of Insurance”) approval, Lancaster Re issued a variable funding Surplus Note (the “Surplus Note”) to its affiliate, Lanis, LLC. for $513.0 million and acquired from Lanis a Vehicle Note (the “Vehicle Note”) for $513.0 million. The Vehicle Note is held to support a portion of Lancaster Re’s reinsurance obligations and has been authorized as an acceptable form of reinsurance collateral pursuant to Nebraska Rev. Stat. §44-8216(8)(c)(i) which allows a special purpose financial captive insurer to establish any method of security that the Department of Insurance deems acceptable. The scheduled maturity date of the Vehicle Note is April 1, 2034, and the scheduled maturity date of the Surplus Note is April 1, 2039, although each may be cancelled earlier or extended under certain conditions. The Surplus Note does not repay principal prior to maturity and principal payment at maturity is subject to the prior approval of the Department of Insurance. With pre-approval, the Surplus Note is increased each quarter with a corresponding increase in the Vehicle Note. With Department of Insurance pre-approval, interest on the Surplus Note for the prior quarter is paid on the first day of each subsequent quarter at a rate consistent with the rate received on the Vehicle Note of 4%. The Surplus Note and Vehicle Note increased by $36.0 million, $50.3 million, and $57.1 million in the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. Interest expense of $26.9 million, $25.1 million, and $22.9 million was recognized for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. The Surplus Note is unsecured and subordinated to all present and future indebtedness, policy claims and other creditor claims of Lancaster Re.

Other Assets and Accrued Expenses and Other Liabilities

Other assets consist primarily of premiums due, intangible assets, the Vehicle Note and receivables resulting from sales of securities that had not yet settled at the balance sheet date. Other liabilities consist primarily of



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


accrued expenses, technical overdrafts, derivatives, and payables resulting from purchases of securities that had not yet been settled at the balance sheet date.


Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform with the current year financial statement presentation.

Adoption of New Accounting Pronouncements

The Company considers the applicability and impact of all Accounting Standards Updates (“ASU”). ASU listed below represent those that have been adopted during the current fiscal year and/or those that have been issued but not yet adopted as of the date of this filing. ASU not listed below were assessed and determined to be either not applicable or not material.

In February 2018, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued new guidance on reporting comprehensive income ASU 2018-02, Income Statement-Reporting Comprehensive Income (Topic 220): Reclassification of Certain Tax Effects from AOCI. The new guidance is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018 and interim periods within those fiscal years and should be applied either in the period of adoption or retrospectively to each period (or periods) in which the effect of the change in the U.S. federal corporate income tax rate or law in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (“U.S. Tax Reform”) is recognized. Early adoption is permitted. Current GAAP guidance requires that the effect of a change in tax laws or rates on deferred tax liabilities or assets to be included in income from continuing operations in the reporting period that includes the enactment date, even if the related income tax effects were originally charged or credited directly to AOCI. The new guidance allows a reclassification of AOCI to retained earnings for stranded tax effects resulting from U.S. Tax Reform. Also, the new guidance requires certain disclosures about stranded tax effects. The Company expects the impact of this new guidance to be a decrease to retained earnings as of January 1, 2018 of approximately $9.6 million with a corresponding increase to AOCI. However due to the Transaction, the Company is currently assessing the reclassification option of this ASU on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

In March 2017, the FASB issued new guidance on premium amortization on purchased callable debt securities (ASU 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20)). The new guidance is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted, including adoption in an interim period. The ASU shortens the amortization period for certain callable debt securities held at a premium and requires the premium to be amortized to the earliest call date. However, the new guidance does not require an accounting change for securities held at a discount whose discount continues to be amortized to maturity. The adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

In August 2016, the FASB issued new guidance on classification of certain cash receipts and cash payments (ASU 2016-15, Statement of Cash Flows (Topic 230). The new guidance is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2017, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted and retrospective transition is required for each period presented in the statement of cash flows. The new guidance addresses eight specific cash flow issues with the objective of reducing the existing diversity in the current presentation. The adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated statement of cash flows.

In June 2016, the FASB issued new guidance for recording credit losses (ASU 2016-13, Financial Instruments—Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments). The new



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


guidance is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Current GAAP requires an “incurred loss” methodology for recognizing credit losses that delays recognition until it is probable a loss has been incurred. The amendments replace the incurred loss impairment methodology with a methodology that reflects expected credit losses and requires consideration of a broader range of reasonable and supportable information. The revisions affect loans, debt securities, reinsurance receivables, and any other financial assets not excluded from the scope that have the contractual right to receive cash. Credit losses on available-for-sale fixed maturities carried at fair value will continue to be measured as other-than-temporary impairments when incurred, however, the losses will be recognized through an allowance and no longer as an adjustment to cost basis. The new guidance will also require purchased financial assets with a more-than-insignificant amount of credit deterioration since original issuance to be recorded based on the contractual amounts due and an initial allowance recorded at the date of purchase. Improvements in expected future cash flows after an impairment will no longer be reflected as a prospective yield adjustment through net investment income, but rather a reversal of the previous impairment and recognized through realized investment gains and losses. The guidance also requires enhanced disclosures. The Company has assessed the asset classes impacted by the new guidance and is currently assessing the accounting and reporting system changes that will be required to comply with the new guidance. The Company believes that the most significant impact upon adoption will be to its commercial mortgage loan investments. The Company is continuing to evaluate the overall impact of the new guidance on its consolidated financial statements.

In February 2016, the FASB issued a new leasing standard (ASU 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842)). The leasing standard will be effective for calendar year-end public companies beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years, and requires a modified retrospective transition approach. Early adoption is permitted. The new guidance requires a lessee to recognize assets and liabilities for leases with lease terms of more than 12 months. Leases would be classified as finance or operating leases and both types of leases will be recognized on the balance sheet. Lessor accounting will remain largely unchanged from current guidance except for certain targeted changes. The new guidance will also require new qualitative and quantitative disclosures. The Company’s implementation efforts are primarily focused on the review of its existing lease contracts as well as identification of other contracts that may fall under the scope of the new guidance. The adoption of this new guidance is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s recognition of lease expense.

In January 2016, the FASB issued new guidance on the recognition and measurement of financial instruments (ASU 2016-01, Financial Instruments – Overall (Subtopic 825-10); Recognition and Measurement of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities). The new guidance is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2017, including interim periods within those fiscal years. The new guidance changes the current accounting guidance related to (i) the classification and measurement of certain equity investments, and (ii) certain disclosures associated with the fair value of financial instruments. The Company has assessed the population of financial instruments that are subject to the new guidance and has determined that the new guidance will not have a material impact to the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

In May 2014, the FASB issued a comprehensive new revenue recognition standard (ASU 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606)) effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2016 and interim periods within those years and should be applied retrospectively. In August 2015, the FASB amended the guidance (ASU 2015-14) to defer the effective date by one year, effective for the fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2017, including interim periods within that reporting period. The new guidance will supersede nearly all existing revenue recognition guidance under GAAP; however, it will not impact the accounting for insurance contracts, leases, financial instruments and guarantees. For those



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


contracts that are impacted by the new guidance, the guidance will require an entity to recognize revenue upon the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled, in exchange for those goods or services. The adoption of this guidance will not have a material impact to the Company’s consolidated financial position, results of operations or financial statement disclosures.


3. Investments

The amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses and fair value for fixed maturities and equity securities as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 were as follows:


December 31, 2017           Gross      Gross         
($ in thousands)    Amortized
     Fair Value  

Fixed maturities, available for sale


U.S. Treasury Securities and Obligations of U.S. Government Authority and Agencies

   $ 416,639      $ 5,322      $ (12,366    $ 409,595  

Obligations of U.S. States and Political Subdivisions

     741,343        37,908        (2,720      776,531  

Foreign government

     24,242        234        (1,685      22,791  

All other corporate securities

     6,169,204        258,440        (37,898      6,389,746  


     478,329        5,289        (3,395      480,223  


     189,596        1,377        (3,148      187,825  


     127,439        6,520        (509      133,450  

Redeemable preferred stock

     14,800        —          —          14,800  













Total fixed maturities, available for sale

   $ 8,161,592      $ 315,090      $ (61,721    $ 8,414,961  

Common stock

     8,152        —          —          8,152  













Total fixed maturities and equity securities

   $ 8,169,744      $ 315,090      $ (61,721    $ 8,423,113  














December 31, 2016           Gross      Gross         
($ in thousands)    Amortized
     Fair Value  

Fixed maturities, available for sale


U.S. Treasury Securities and Obligations of U.S. Government Authority and Agencies

   $ 508,635      $ 7,681      $ (14,979    $ 501,337  

Obligations of U.S. States and Political Subdivisions

     702,415        15,936        (8,614      709,737  

Foreign government

     31,009        303        (3,257      28,055  

All other corporate securities

     5,963,354        74,854        (151,382      5,886,826  


     512,486        5,370        (10,093      507,763  


     385,757        1,283        (5,778      381,262  


     180,492        5,556        (2,903      183,145  













Total fixed maturities, available for sale

   $ 8,284,148      $ 110,983      $ (197,006    $ 8,198,125  

Common stock

     5,100        —          —          5,100  













Total fixed maturities and equity securities

   $ 8,289,248      $ 110,983      $ (197,006    $ 8,203,225  















Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Scheduled Maturities

The scheduled maturities for fixed maturities, available for sale, were as follows as of December 31, 2017:


($ in thousands)    Amortized
     Fair Value  

Due in one year or less

   $ 248,382      $ 249,454  

Due after one year through five years

     887,745        901,528  

Due after five years through ten years

     1,130,051        1,166,334  

Due after ten years

     4,843,874        5,042,200  







Total before asset and mortgage-backed securities

   $ 7,110,052      $ 7,359,516  

Asset and mortgage-backed securities

     1,051,540        1,055,445  







Total fixed maturities

   $ 8,161,592      $ 8,414,961  







Actual maturities may differ from those scheduled as a result of calls and make-whole payments by the issuers. Asset and mortgage-backed securities are shown separately because of the potential for prepayment of principal prior to contractual maturity dates.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Commercial Mortgage Loans

The Company diversifies its commercial mortgage loan portfolio by geographical region to reduce concentration risk. The Company’s commercial mortgage loan portfolio by geographical region was as follows as of December 31, 2017 and 2016:


($ in thousands)    December 31, 2017      December 31, 2016  


   $ 1,056      $ 1,287  


     20,009        20,389  


     173,101        255,023  


     57,293        57,269  


     —          25,317  


     103,869        123,194  


     63,526        65,414  


     5,020        6,099  


     87,957        114,549  


     791        1,033  


     9,200        9,200  


     6,538        7,154  


     —          3,686  


     19,851        20,975  


     53,605        77,772  


     116,923        132,395  


     80,768        84,721  

New Jersey

     34,101        65,908  

New York

     50,691        66,502  

North Carolina

     34,022        55,851  


     12,526        38,611  


     1,007        31,929  

South Carolina

     1,310        1,948  


     —          3,238  


     100,066        133,020  


     7,823        42,641  


     975        1,676  


     77        3,681  


     1,082        4,674  

General allowance for loan loss

     —          —    







Total commercial mortgage loans

   $ 1,043,187      $ 1,455,156  









Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Credit Quality of Commercial Mortgage Loans

The credit quality of commercial mortgage loans held-for-investment was as follows at December 31, 2017 and 2016:


December 31, 2017    Recorded Investment               
     Debt Service Coverage Ratios                             
($ in thousands)    > 1.20x      1.00x - 1.20x      < 1.00x      Total      % of Total     Estimated Fair
     % of Total  

Loan-to-value ratios:


Less than 65%

   $ 731,577      $ 48,895      $ —        $ 780,472        74.8   $ 782,640        74.9

65% to 75%

     222,771        39,944        —          262,715        25.2     261,891        25.1

76% to 80%

     —          —          —          —          0.0     —          0.0

Greater than 80%

     —          —          —          —          0.0     —          0.0























   $ 954,348      $ 88,839      $ —        $ 1,043,187        100.0   $ 1,044,531        100.0























December 31, 2016    Recorded Investment               
     Debt Service Coverage Ratios                             
($ in thousands)    > 1.20x      1.00x - 1.20x      < 1.00x      Total      % of Total     Estimated Fair
     % of Total  

Loan-to-value ratios:


Less than 65%

   $ 785,149      $ 36,743      $ 11,354      $ 833,246        57.3   $ 848,702        57.9

65% to 75%

     581,188        25,317        —          606,505        41.7     601,587        41.1

76% to 80%

     10,493        —          —          10,493        0.7     10,494        0.7

Greater than 80%

     4,912        —          —          4,912        0.3     4,330        0.3























   $ 1,381,742      $ 62,060      $ 11,354      $ 1,455,156        100.0   $ 1,465,113        100.0






















As of December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company had no allowance for credit losses for commercial mortgage loans. As of December 31, 2017, $1,043.2 million of commercial mortgage and other loans were in current status with no commercial mortgage or other loans classified as past due. As of December 31, 2016, $1,450.3 million of commercial mortgage loans were in current status and one commercial mortgage with book value of $4.9 million was 90-179 days past due. The Company defines current in its aging of past due commercial mortgage and other loans as less than 30 days past due.

Impaired loans include those loans for which it is probable that all amounts due will not be collected according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement. During 2017, the Company did not record any impairments related to commercial mortgage loans. For 2016, the fair value of the collateral less costs to sell the past due loan, described above, exceeded book value.

The Company’s commercial mortgages may occasionally be involved in a troubled debt restructuring. As of December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company had no commitments to fund to borrowers that have been involved in a troubled debt restructuring. As of December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company had no new troubled debt restructurings related to commercial mortgages and no payment defaults on commercial mortgages other than as described above.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Other Invested Assets

Other invested assets were as follows as of December 31, 2017 and 2016:


     December 31, 2017      December 31, 2016  

($ in thousands)


Low income housing tax credit properties

   $ 138      $ 457  


     21,045        18,949  






   $ 21,183      $ 19,406  







Net Investment Income

Net investment income for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 was as follows:


     2017      2016      2015  

($ in thousands)


Fixed maturities, available for sale

   $ 345,299      $ 330,253      $ 334,931  

Common Stock

     224        —          —    

Fair value option and trading securities

     3,755        454        —    

Commercial mortgage loans

     56,510        69,360        63,028  

Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments

     1,718        1,007        511  

Other investments

     8,421        8,845        9,543  










Gross investment income

   $ 415,927      $ 409,919      $ 408,013  

Investment expenses

     14,814        12,836        9,082  










Net investment income

   $ 401,113      $ 397,083      $ 398,931  










Realized Investment Gains and Losses

Realized investment gains and losses for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 were as follows:


     2017      2016      2015  

($ in thousands)


Realized investment gains, net


Fixed maturities, available for sale

   $ 11,434      $ 66,560      $ 120,421  

Fair value option and trading securities

     1,486        (733      —    

Commercial mortgage loans

     5,935        4,037        2,325  


     19,360        3,856        (9,208

Other invested assets

     (92      —          —    










Net realized gains

   $ 38,123      $ 73,720      $ 113,538  










There were $4.4 million in other-than-temporary impairment losses recorded in the year ended December 31, 2017. These securities were impaired to fair value as of the impairment date and were considered credit impairments. No other-than-temporary impairment losses were included in accumulated other comprehensive income as of December 31, 2017 or 2016. There were no other-than-temporary impairment losses recorded in the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2015.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Proceeds from sales of fixed maturities and gross realized investment gains and losses for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 were as follows:


     2017      2016      2015  

($ in thousands)


Fixed maturities, available-for-sale


Proceeds from sales

   $ 1,496,242      $ 3,027,998      $ 3,864,356  

Gross investment gains from sales

     29,271        109,282        142,534  

Gross investment losses from sales

     (11,893      (35,136      (16,348

Proceeds from sales excludes non-taxable exchanges of $11.0 million, $11.1 million, and $72.4 million for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.

Unrealized Investment Gains and Losses

The gross unrealized losses and fair value of fixed maturities, available for sale, by the length of time that individual securities have been in a continuous unrealized loss position were as follows as of December 31, 2017 and 2016:


December 31, 2017    Less than 12 months     Greater than 12 months               
($ in thousands)    Fair

U.S. Treasury Securities and Obligations of U.S. Government Authority and Agencies

   $ 215,767      $ (3,499   $ 107,344      $ (8,867   $ 323,111      $ (12,366

Obligations of U.S. States and Political Subdivisions

     38,171        (825     45,877        (1,895     84,048        (2,720

Foreign government

     296        (4     11,098        (1,681     11,394        (1,685

All other corporate securities

     740,795        (6,841     489,367        (31,057     1,230,162        (37,898


     77,050        (689     99,327        (2,706     176,377        (3,395


     72,725        (593     36,540        (2,555     109,265        (3,148


     6,908        (118     21,835        (391     28,743        (509



















Total fixed maturities

   $ 1,151,712      $ (12,569   $ 811,388      $ (49,152   $ 1,963,100      $ (61,721





















Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


December 31, 2016    Less than 12 months     Greater than 12 months               
($ in thousands)    Fair

U.S. Treasury Securities and Obligations of U.S. Government Authority and Agencies

   $ 276,025      $ (14,951   $ 1,059      $ (28   $ 277,084      $ (14,979

Obligations of U.S. States and Political Subdivisions

     206,090        (8,314     5,274        (300     211,364        (8,614

Foreign government

     769        (34     14,632        (3,223     15,401        (3,257

All other corporate securities

     2,385,689        (94,085     512,710        (57,297     2,898,399        (151,382


     204,555        (8,456     39,450        (1,637     244,005        (10,093


     228,303        (5,231     43,903        (547     272,206        (5,778


     61,058        (1,659     40,454        (1,244     101,512        (2,903



















Total fixed maturities

   $ 3,362,489      $ (132,730   $ 657,482      $ (64,276   $ 4,019,971      $ (197,006



















Portfolio Monitoring

The Company has a comprehensive portfolio monitoring process to identify and evaluate each fixed maturity security whose carrying value may be other-than-temporarily impaired.

For each fixed maturity security in an unrealized loss position, the Company assesses whether management with the appropriate authority has made the decision to sell or whether it is more likely than not the Company will be required to sell the security before recovery of the amortized cost basis for reasons such as liquidity, contractual or regulatory purposes. If a security meets either of these criteria, the security’s decline in fair value is considered other than temporary and is recorded in earnings.

If the Company has not made the decision to sell the fixed maturity security and it is not more likely than not the Company will be required to sell the fixed maturity security before recovery of its amortized cost basis, the Company evaluates whether it expects to receive cash flows sufficient to recover the entire amortized cost basis of the security. The Company calculates the estimated recovery value by discounting the best estimate of future cash flows at the security’s original or current effective rate, as appropriate, and compares this to the amortized cost of the security. If the Company does not expect to receive cash flows sufficient to recover the entire amortized cost basis of the fixed maturity security, the credit loss component of the impairment is recorded in earnings, with the remaining amount of the unrealized loss related to other factors recognized in other comprehensive income.

The Company’s portfolio monitoring process includes a quarterly review of all securities to identify instances where the fair value of a security compared to its amortized cost is below established thresholds. The process also includes the monitoring of other impairment indicators such as ratings, ratings downgrades and payment defaults. The securities identified, in addition to other securities for which the Company may have a concern, are evaluated for potential other-than-temporary impairment using all reasonably available information relevant to the collectability or recovery of the security. Inherent in the Company’s evaluation of other-than-temporary impairment for these fixed maturity securities are assumptions and estimates about the financial condition and future earnings potential of the issue or issuer. Some of the factors that may be considered in evaluating whether a decline in fair value is other than temporary are: 1) the financial condition, near-term and long-term prospects of the issue or issuer, including relevant industry specific market conditions and trends, geographic location and implications of rating agency actions and offering

prices; 2) the specific reasons that a security is in an unrealized loss position, including overall market



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


conditions which could affect liquidity; and 3) the length of time and extent to which the fair value has been less than amortized cost.

Net Unrealized Investment Gains and Losses in AOCI

The changes in unrealized gains and losses in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (“AOCI”) were as follows for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015:


($ in thousands)    Net Unrealized
Gain (Losses) on
    VOBA     Future Policy
Benefits and
Account Balances
    Accumulated Other
Income (Loss)
Related to Net
Investment Gains

Balance, December 31, 2014

   $ 159,261     $ (20,287   $ (7,541   $ (45,935   $ 85,498  

Net investment gains and losses on investments arising during the period

     (408,019     —         —         142,807       (265,212

Reclassification adjustment for gains and losses included in net income

     79,023       —         —         (27,658     51,365  

Impact of net unrealized investment gains and losses on VOBA

     —         57,061       —         (19,971     37,090  

Impact of net unrealized investment gains and losses on future policy benefits and policyholders’ account balances

     —         —         60,447       (21,157     39,290  
















Balance, December 31, 2015

   $ (327,781   $ 36,774     $ 52,906     $ 83,402     $ (154,699

Net investment gains and losses on investments arising during the period

     160,311       —         —         (56,111     104,200  

Reclassification adjustment for gains and losses included in net income

     (81,920     —         —         28,672       (53,248

Impact of net unrealized investment gains and losses on VOBA

     —         (30,948     —         10,832       (20,116

Impact of net unrealized investment gains and losses on future policy benefits and policyholders’ account balances

     —         —         (28,924     10,123       (18,801
















Balance, December 31, 2016

   $ (85,550   $ 5,826     $ 23,982     $ 19,574     $ (36,168

Net investment gains and losses on investments arising during the period

     332,918       —         —         (111,486     221,432  

Reclassification adjustment for gains and losses included in net income

     (6,001     —         —         2,100       (3,901

Impact of net unrealized investment gains and losses on VOBA

     —         (21,843     —         7,645       (14,198

Impact of net unrealized investment gains and losses on future policy benefits and policyholders’ account balances

     —         —         (157,156     55,005       (102,151
















Balance, December 31, 2017

   $ 253,369     $ (16,017   $ (133,174   $ (31,362   $ 72,816  


















Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


4. Derivative Financial Instruments

See Note 2 for a description of the Company’s accounting policies for derivatives and Note 5 for information about the fair value hierarchy for derivatives.

The notional and fair value positions of derivative financial instruments as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 were as follows:


    December 31, 2017     December 31, 2016  
    Notional     Gross Fair Value     Notional     Gross Fair Value  
    Assets     Liabilities     Assets     Liabilities     Assets     Liabilities     Assets     Liabilities  

($ in thousands)




Equity Options

  $ 237,250     $ 234,375     $ 39,397     $ (18,352   $ 410,500     $ 419,225     $ 34,248     $ (15,158


    —         —         —         —         16,913       —         —         (141



Policyholders account balances


Derivatives embedded in life and annuity contracts


Equity-indexed annuity contracts (2)

  $ —       $ 1,095,253     $ —       $ (57,531   $ —       $ 1,281,993     $ —       $ (55,871

Equity-indexed life contracts

    —         531,800       —         (29,911     —         460,261       —         (23,803

Guaranteed accumulation benefits (1)

    —         53,517       —         (4,557     —         77,212       —         (6,724

Guaranteed withdrawal benefits (1)

    —         9,939       —         (113     —         11,064       —         (111


(1)  These amounts are fully ceded in accordance with the Company’s reinsurance agreements. The corresponding receivables have been excluded from the table above.
(2)  Notional amount represents account value of equity indexed contracts

The standardized ISDA Master Agreement under which the Company’s derivative transactions are executed include provisions for payment netting. In the normal course of business activities, if there is more than one derivative transaction with a single counterparty, the Company will set-off the cash flows of those derivatives into a single amount to be exchanged in settlement of the resulting net payable or receivable with that counterparty. The Company nets the fair value of all derivative financial instruments with counterparties for which an ISDA Master Agreement and related Credit Support Annex (“CSA”) have been executed. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company held $0.3 million and $0.9 million in cash and securities collateral pledged to trade counterparties, retrospectively. This cash collateral is reported in Cash on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


The amount and location of gains (losses) recognized in income, net of reinsurance, for derivatives that were not designated or qualifying as hedging instruments for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 were as follows:


    2017     2016     2015  
Investment Gains
Investment Gains
Investment Gains

($ in thousands)




Equity options

  $ 17,969     $ —       $ 2,472     $ —       $ (7,557   $ —    


    1,391       —         884       —         (1,651     —    

Interest rate swaps

    —         —         500       —         —         —    



Policyholders’ account balances


Equity-indexed annuity contracts

  $ —       $ (1,660   $ —       $ 8,267     $ —       $ (478

Equity-indexed life contracts

    —         (168     —         (121     —         956  


5. Fair Value

Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The hierarchy for inputs used in determining fair value maximizes the use of observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs by requiring that observable inputs be used when available. Assets and liabilities recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheets at fair value are categorized in the fair value hierarchy based on the observability of inputs to the valuation techniques as follows:


Level 1    Assets and liabilities whose values are based on unadjusted quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in an active market that the Company can access.
Level 2    Assets and liabilities whose values are based on the following:

(a)   Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets;


(b)   Quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active; or


(c)   Valuation models whose inputs are observable, directly or indirectly, for substantially the full term of the asset or liability.

Level 3    Assets and liabilities whose values are based on prices or valuation techniques that require inputs that are both unobservable and significant to the overall fair value measurement. Unobservable inputs reflect the Company’s estimates of the assumptions that market participants would use in valuing the assets and liabilities.

The availability of observable inputs varies by instrument. In situations where fair value is based on internally developed pricing models or inputs that are unobservable in the market, the determination of fair value requires more judgment. The degree of judgment exercised by the Company in determining fair value



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


is typically greatest for instruments categorized in Level 3. In many instances, valuation inputs used to measure fair value fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. The category level in the fair value hierarchy is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. The Company uses prices and inputs that are current as of the measurement date, including during periods of market disruption. In periods of market disruption, the ability to observe prices and inputs may be reduced for many instruments.

The Company is responsible for the determination of fair value and the supporting assumptions and methodologies. The Company gains assurance that assets and liabilities are appropriately valued through the execution of various processes and controls designed to ensure the overall reasonableness and consistent application of valuation methodologies, including inputs and assumptions, and compliance with accounting standards. For fair values received from third parties or internally estimated, the Company’s processes and controls are designed to ensure that the valuation methodologies are appropriate and consistently applied, the inputs and assumptions are reasonable and consistent with the objective of determining fair value, and the fair values are accurately recorded. For example, on a continuing basis, the Company assesses the reasonableness of individual fair values that have stale security prices or that exceed certain thresholds as compared to previous fair values received from valuation service providers or brokers or derived from internal models. The Company performs procedures to understand and assess the methodologies, processes and controls of valuation service providers. In addition, the Company may validate the reasonableness of fair values by comparing information obtained from valuation service providers or brokers to other third party valuation sources for selected securities. The Company performs ongoing price validation procedures such as back-testing of actual sales, which corroborate the various inputs used in internal models to market observable data. When fair value determinations are expected to be more variable, the Company validates them through reviews by members of management who have relevant expertise and who are independent of those charged with executing investment transactions.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


There are no assets or liabilities measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis as of December 31, 2017 or 2016. The Company’s assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 were as follows:

December 31, 2017

Description for Each Class of Asset or Liability


     Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  

($ in thousands)


Assets at fair value


Fixed maturities, available for sale


U.S. Treasury Securities and Obligations of U.S. Government Authority and Agencies

   $ 156,959     $ 247,739     $ 4,897     $ 409,595  

Obligations of U.S. States and Political Subdivisions

     —         776,531       —         776,531  

Foreign government

     —         22,791       —         22,791  

All other corporate securities

     —         6,371,395       18,351       6,389,746  


     —         462,290       17,933       480,223  


     —         187,825       —         187,825  


     —         133,450       —         133,450  

Redeemable preferred stock

     —         14,800       —         14,800  

Fair value option and trading securities

     —         109,914       —         109,914  

Common stock

     —         —         8,152       8,152  

Short-term investments

     190,376       —         —         190,376  

Other invested assets


Equity options

     21,045       —         —         21,045  

Separate accounts assets

     1,460,380       —         —         1,460,380  













Total assets at fair value

   $ 1,828,760     $ 8,326,735     $ 49,333     $ 10,204,828  













Liabilities at fair value


Policyholders’ account balances


Equity indexed annuity contracts

   $ —       $ —       $ (57,531   $ (57,531

Equity indexed life contracts

     —         (29,911     —         (29,911

Guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits

     —         —         (4,557     (4,557

Guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits

     —         —         (113     (113

Separate accounts liabilities

     (1,460,380     —         —         (1,460,380













Total liabilities at fair value

   $ (1,460,380   $ (29,911   $ (62,201   $ (1,552,492















Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


December 31, 2016

Description for Each Class of Asset or Liability


     Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  

($ in thousands)


Assets at fair value


Fixed maturities, available for sale


U.S. Treasury Securities and Obligations of U.S. Government Authority and Agencies

   $ 97,836     $ 396,928     $ 6,573     $ 501,337  

Obligations of U.S. States and Political Subdivisions

     —         709,737       —         709,737  

Foreign government

     —         28,055       —         28,055  

All other corporate securities

     —         5,867,475       19,351       5,886,826  


     —         481,628       26,135       507,763  


     —         381,262       —         381,262  


     —         183,145       —         183,145  

Fair value option and trading securities

     —         14,615       —         14,615  

Common stock

     —         —         5,100       5,100  

Short-term investments

     129,660       —         —         129,660  

Other invested assets


Equity options

     19,090       —         —         19,090  


     (141     —         —         (141

Separate accounts assets

     1,342,220       —         —         1,342,220  













Total assets at fair value

   $ 1,588,665     $ 8,062,845     $ 57,159     $ 9,708,669  













Liabilities at fair value


Policyholders’ account balances


Equity indexed annuity contracts

   $ —       $ —       $ (55,871   $ (55,871

Equity indexed life contracts

     —         (23,803     —         (23,803

Guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits

     —         —         (6,724     (6,724

Guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits

     —         —         (111     (111

Separate accounts liabilities

     (1,342,220     —         —         (1,342,220













Total liabilities at fair value

   $ (1,342,220   $ (23,803   $ (62,706   $ (1,428,729













There were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 during 2017 or 2016.

Summary of significant valuation techniques for assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis

Fixed Maturities, Fair Value Option and Trading Securities

The fair values of the Company’s public fixed maturity securities are generally based on prices obtained from independent pricing services. Prices for each security are generally sourced from multiple pricing vendors, and a vendor hierarchy is maintained by asset type based on historical pricing experience and vendor expertise. The Company ultimately uses the price from the pricing service highest in the vendor hierarchy based on the respective asset type. The pricing hierarchy is updated for new financial products and

recent pricing experience with various vendors. Consistent with the fair value hierarchy described above, securities with validated quotes from pricing services are generally reflected within Level 2, as they are



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


primarily based on observable pricing for similar assets and/or other market observable inputs. U.S. Treasury securities are included within Level 1 due to the market activity. Typical inputs used by these pricing services include but are not limited to, reported trades, benchmark yields, issuer spreads, bids, offers, and/or estimated cash flow, prepayment speeds, and default rates. If the pricing information received from third party pricing services is deemed not reflective of market activity or other inputs observable in the market, the Company may challenge the price through a formal process with the pricing service or classify the securities as Level 3. If the pricing service updates the price to be more consistent with the presented market observations, the security remains within Level 2.

Indicative broker quotes are also used to determine fair value in circumstances where vendor pricing is not available, or where the Company ultimately concludes that pricing information received from independent pricing services is not reflective of market activity. If the Company concludes the values from both pricing services and brokers are not reflective of market activity, it may override the information with an internally-developed valuation. Pricing service overrides, internally-developed valuations and indicative broker quotes are generally included in Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.

The fair value of private fixed maturities and redeemable preferred stock, which are comprised of investments in private placement securities, are primarily determined using discounted cash flow models. These models primarily use observable inputs that include Treasury or similar base rates plus estimated credit spreads to value each security. The credit spreads are obtained through a survey of private market intermediaries who are active in both primary and secondary transactions, and consider, among other factors, the credit quality and industry sector of the issuer and the reduced liquidity associated with private placements. Since most private placements are valued using standard market observable inputs and inputs derived from, or corroborated by, market observable data including observed prices and spreads for similar publicly traded or privately traded issues, they have been reflected within Level 2. For certain private fixed maturities, the discounted cash flow model may incorporate significant unobservable inputs, which reflect the Company’s own assumptions about the inputs that market participants would use in pricing the asset. To the extent management determines that such unobservable inputs are significant to the price of a security, a Level 3 classification is made. No private placement securities were classified as Level 3 as of December 31, 2017 or 2016.

Common Stock

The Company’s investment in common stock is not practicable to measure at fair value due to the redemption provisions. Therefore, carrying value approximates fair value.

Short-term Investments

Short-term investments are primarily money market securities valued using unadjusted quoted prices in active markets that are accessible for identical assets and classified as Level 1.

Other Invested Assets

The estimated fair value of derivatives is determined through the use of quoted market prices for exchange-traded derivatives.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Separate Account Assets and Liabilities

Separate account assets and liabilities consist principally of investments in mutual fund shares. The fair values are based on quoted market prices in active markets for identical assets and are classified within Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy.

Policyholders’ Account Balances

The liabilities for guarantees primarily associated with the optional living benefit features of certain variable annuity contracts and equity indexed annuity contracts are calculated as the present value of future expected benefit payments to contractholders less the present value of assessed rider fees attributable to the optional living benefit feature. This methodology could result in either a liability or contra-liability balance, given changing capital market conditions and various actuarial assumptions. Since there is no observable active market for the transfer of these obligations, the valuations are calculated using internally developed models with option pricing techniques. The models are based on a risk neutral valuation framework and incorporate premiums for risks inherent in valuation techniques, inputs, and the general uncertainty around the timing and amount of future cash flows. The determination of these risk premiums requires the use of management judgment.

The significant inputs to the valuation models for these embedded derivatives include capital market assumptions, such as interest rate levels and volatility assumptions, as well as actuarially determined assumptions, including contractholder behavior, such as lapse rates, benefit utilization rates, withdrawal rates, and mortality rates. Since many of these assumptions are unobservable and are considered to be significant inputs to the liability valuation, the liability included in future policy benefits has been reflected within Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.

Actuarial assumptions, including contractholder behavior and mortality, are reviewed at least annually, and updated based upon emerging experience, future expectations and other data, including any observable market data. These assumptions are generally updated annually unless a material change that the Company feels is indicative of a long term trend is observed in an interim period.

The liabilities for guarantees primarily associated with the optional living benefit features of certain equity indexed life contracts are calculated based on the fair value of the underlying hedging instrument for these contracts.

Level 3 Fair Value Measurements

Quantitative information about the significant unobservable inputs used in Level 3 fair value measurements was as follows as of December 31, 2017 and 2016:

December 31, 2017


($ in thousands)    Fair Value    Valuation Technique    Unobservable
   Range    Weighted

Equity indexed annuity contracts

   $(57,531)    Option Pricing
   Projected Option
   1.40% - 1.64%      1.42

December 31, 2016


($ in thousands)    Fair Value     Valuation Technique      Unobservable
   Range    Weighted

Equity indexed annuity contracts

   $ (55,871    
Option Pricing
   Projected Option
   1.40% - 1.84%      1.45

Excluded from the table above at December 31, 2017 and 2016 are approximately $49.3 million and $52.1 million, respectively, Level 3 fair value measurements of investments for which the underlying quantitative inputs are not developed by the Company and are not reasonably available. These investments



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


primarily consist of certain public debt securities with limited trading activity, including asset-backed instruments, and their fair values generally reflect unadjusted prices obtained from independent valuation service providers and indicative, non-binding quotes obtained from third-party broker-dealers recognized as market participants. Significant increases or decreases in the fair value amounts received from these pricing sources may result in the Company’s reporting significantly higher or lower fair value measurements for these Level 3 investments.

The table above also excludes underlying quantitative inputs related to liabilities held for the Company’s guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits and guaranteed withdrawal benefits. These liabilities are not developed by the Company as they are 100% ceded to external reinsurers. The development of these liabilities generally involve actuarially determined models and could result in the Company reporting significantly higher or lower fair value measurements for these Level 3 investments.

The rollforward of Level 3 assets and liabilities held at fair value on a recurring basis for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 was as follows:


($ in thousands)   Balance,
January 1,

    Net income
    OCI     Transfers

Level 3
out of
Level 3
    Purchases     Sales     Issues     Settlements     Balance,
December 31,




Fixed income maturities


U.S Treasury Securities and Obligations of U.S. Government Authority and Agencies, available for sale

  $ 6,573     $ (1,308   $ (368   $ —       $ —       $ —       $ —       $ —       $ —       $ 4,897  

All other corporate securities

    19,351       (8     121       —         —         —         —         —         (1,113     18,351  


    26,135       1,509       873       —         (8,828     16,817       —         —         (18,573     17,933  

Common stock

    5,100       —         —         —         —         3,052       —         —         —         8,152  



Equity indexed annuity contracts

    (55,871     (1,660     —         —         —         —         —         —         —         (57,531

Guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits and guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits (1)

    (6,835     2,165       —         —         —         —         —         —         —         (4,670


($ in thousands)   Balance,
January 1,
    OCI     Transfers
Level 3
out of
Level 3
    Purchases     Sales     Issues     Settlements     Balance,
December 31,



Fixed income maturities


U.S Treasury Securities and Obligations of U.S. Government Authority and Agencies, available for sale

  $ —       $ (491   $ 187     $ —       $ —       $ 6,877     $ —       $ —       $ —       $ 6,573  

All other corporate securities

    11,520       (123     (246     15,370       (4,483     —         (955     —         (1,732     19,351  


    14,260       (53     347       3,093       —         11,165       —         —         (2,677     26,135  

Common stock

    —         —         —         —         —         5,100       —         —         —         5,100  



Equity indexed annuity contracts

    (64,138     8,267       —         —         —         —         —         —         —         (55,871

Guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits and guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits (1)

    (7,814     979       —         —         —         —         —         —         —         (6,835



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


($ in thousands)   Balance,
January 1,
    OCI     Transfers
to Level 3
out of
Level 3
    Purchases     Sales     Issues     Settlements     Balance,
December 31,



Fixed income maturities


All other corporate securities

  $ 7,336     $ (282   $ 30     $ 13,255     $ (2,386   $ —       $ —       $ —       $ (6,433   $ 11,520  


    5,250       134       (2,338     17,191       —         —         (5,000     —         (977     14,260  


    2,693       23,506       314       —         —         —         (20,192     —         (6,321     —    

Short-term investments

    23,713       14       —         —         —         —         —         —         (23,727     —    



Equity indexed annuity contracts

    (63,660     (478     —         —         —         —         —         —         —         (64,138

Guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits and guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits (1)

    (6,733     (1,081     —         —         —         —         —         —         —         (7,814


(1)  These amounts are 100% ceded in accordance with the Company’s reinsurance agreements.

Transfers into Level 3 are generally the result of unobservable inputs utilized within the valuation methodologies and the use of indicative broker quotes for assets that were previously valued using observable inputs. Transfers out of Level 3 are generally due to the use of observable inputs in valuation methodologies as well as the availability of pricing service information for certain assets that the Company is able to validate.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Fair Values of Certain Other Investments

The financial instruments presented below are reported at carrying value on the Company’s Consolidated Balance Sheet. However, in some cases, the carrying amount equals or approximates fair value. The carrying amount and fair value by fair value hierarchy level of certain financial instruments not reported at fair value as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 were as follows:


December 31, 2017                            
     Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  
($ in thousands)                            



Commercial mortgage loans

   $ —        $ —        $ 1,044,531      $ 1,044,531  

Policy loans

     —          —          178,437        178,437  

Cash and cash equivalents

     78,801        —          —          78,801  

Vehicle note

     —          —          736,925        736,925  













Total assets at fair value

   $ 78,801      $ —        $ 1,959,893      $ 2,038,694  













Liabilities at fair value


Policyholders’ account balances — investment contracts

   $ —        $ —        $ 5,439,621      $ 5,439,621  

Other long-term debt

     —          —          736,925        736,925  












   $ —        $ —        $ 6,176,546      $ 6,176,546  












December 31, 2016                            
     Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  
($ in thousands)                            



Commercial mortgage loans

   $ —        $ —        $ 1,465,113      $ 1,465,113  

Policy loans

     —          —          178,890        178,890  

Cash and cash equivalents

     3,388        —          —          3,388  

Vehicle note

     —          —          684,855        684,855  













Total assets at fair value

   $ 3,388      $ —        $ 2,328,858      $ 2,332,246  













Liabilities at fair value


Policyholders’ account balances — investment contracts

   $ —        $ —        $ 5,418,188      $ 5,418,188  

Other long-term debt

     —          —          684,855        684,855  












   $ —        $ —        $ 6,103,043      $ 6,103,043  













The fair values presented above have been determined by using available market information and by applying market valuation methodologies, as described in more detail below.

Commercial Mortgage Loans

The fair value of most commercial mortgage loans is based upon the present value of the expected future cash flows discounted at the appropriate U.S. Treasury rate plus an appropriate credit spread for similar quality loans.

Policy Loans

The fair value of policy loans was determined by discounting expected cash flows at the current loan coupon rate. As a result, the carrying value of the policy loans approximates the fair value.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Cash and Cash Equivalents

The Company believes that due to the short-term nature of certain assets, including sweep account balances, the carrying value approximates fair value.

Vehicle Note and Other Long-Term Debt

The fair value of the Vehicle note and Other long-term debt is based upon the present value of the expected future cash flows discounted at the appropriate U.S. Treasury rate.

Policyholders’ Account Balances - Investment Contracts

Only the portion of policyholders’ account balances related to products that are investment contracts (those without significant mortality or morbidity risk) are reflected in the table above. For fixed deferred annuities fair values are derived using discounted projected cash flows based on interest rates that are representative of the Company’s financial strength ratings, and hence reflect the Company’s own nonperformance risk. For those balances that can be withdrawn by the customer at any time without prior notice or penalty, the fair value is the amount estimated to be payable to the customer as of the reporting date, which is generally the carrying value.


6. Reinsurance

The Company has agreements that provide for reinsurance of certain policy-related risks. Under the agreements, premiums, contract charges, interest credited to policyholder funds, policy benefits and substantially all expenses are reinsured. The Company purchases reinsurance to limit aggregate and single losses on large risks. The Company cedes a portion of the mortality risk on certain life and long-term care policies under coinsurance agreements and yearly renewable term agreements. As of December 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, approximately 99.8% of the Company’s reinsurance recoverables are due from companies rated A- or better by S&P. ALIC represents approximately 73% and 75% of the Company’s reinsurance recoverables as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively, and is supported by comfort trust of approximately $5.9 billion as of December 31, 2017 and 2016.

The Company is party to an experience rated modified coinsurance and monthly renewal term reinsurance arrangement with an external reinsurer under which risk on certain universal life and fixed annuity products is transferred. No portion of the assets constituting the consideration has been transferred to the reinsurer. This agreement was structured to finance reserves on certain universal life and fixed annuity products, in exchange for a fee based on those reserves. The profit to the reinsurer expected on the modified coinsurance and monthly renewable term portions is returned through an experience refund. The Company has determined that this agreement does not fulfill the requirements of risk transfer under generally accepted accounting principles and is accounted for on a deposit method of accounting. As of December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company had a deposit receivable and a modified coinsurance payable of $1.1 billion and $1.2 billion, respectively, related to this agreement.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


The effects of reinsurance on premiums earned and fee income from policyholders for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 were as follows:


     2017     2016     2015  

($ in thousands)



   $ 1,294,462     $ 1,328,917     $ 1,463,472  


     4,768       4,749       5,939  


     (949,894     (971,047     (1,106,638










Premiums and fee income, net of reinsurance

   $ 349,336     $ 362,619     $ 362,773  










The effects of reinsurance on return credited to policyholders’ account balances and policyholder benefits for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 were as follows:


     2017     2016     2015  

($ in thousands)



   $ 1,668,358     $ 1,643,710     $ 1,603,724  


     6,003       6,453       6,743  


     (957,374     (931,557     (957,643










Return credited to policyholders’ account balances and policyholders’ benefits, net of reinsurance

   $ 716,987     $ 718,606     $ 652,824  











7. Income Taxes

The Company is party to a federal income tax allocation agreement (the “Tax Allocation Agreement”) with Lancaster Re. The Company and Lancaster Re file a separate life consolidated federal income tax return under Internal Revenue Code Section 1504 (c)(1).

The Company does not believe it has any uncertain tax positions for its federal income tax return that would be material to its financial condition, results of income, or cash flows. Therefore, the Company did not record a liability for unrecognized tax contingencies/benefits at December 31, 2017 and 2016. As of December 31, 2017, there were no uncertain tax positions for which management believes it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of tax contingencies will significantly increase within 12 months of the reporting date. No amounts have been accrued for interest or penalties.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


The components of the deferred income tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 were as follows:


     December 31, 2017     December 31, 2016  
($ in thousands)             

Deferred tax assets


Policyholder reserves

   $ 1,351,638     $ 2,139,431  

Deferred acquisition costs

     50,739       65,002  

Deferred financing costs

     2,154       6,311  


     —         29,721  

Other assets

     3,800       5,137  







Total deferred tax assets

   $ 1,408,331     $ 2,245,602  







Deferred tax liabilities


Value of business acquired

   $ (28,356   $ (65,345

Amounts recoverable from reinsurers

     (1,347,620     (2,172,500


     (1,092     (1,820


     (54,605     —    

Other liabilities

     (1,243     (2,251







Total deferred tax liabilities

   $ (1,432,916   $ (2,241,916







Net deferred tax asset (liability)

   $ (24,585   $ 3,686  







The Company evaluates the recoverability of deferred tax assets and establishes a valuation allowance if necessary to reduce the deferred tax asset to an amount that is more likely than not expected to be realized. Considerable judgment is required in determining whether a valuation allowance is necessary, and if so, the amount of such valuation allowance. In evaluating the need for a valuation allowance the Company considers many factors, including: (1) the nature of the deferred tax assets and liabilities; (2) whether they are ordinary or capital; (3) in which tax jurisdictions they were generated and the timing of their reversal; (4) taxable income in prior carryback years as well as projected taxable earnings exclusive of reversing temporary differences and carryforwards; (5) the length of time that any tax attribute carryovers can be utilized in the various taxing jurisdictions; (6) any unique tax rules that would impact the utilization of the deferred tax assets; and (7) prudent and feasible tax planning strategies that the Company would employ to avoid a tax benefit from expiring unused. Although realization is not assured, management believes it is more likely than not that the deferred tax assets will be realized. The Company had no valuation allowance as of December 31, 2017 or 2016. Adjustments to the valuation allowance will be made if there is a change in management’s assessment of the amount of deferred tax asset that is realizable.

At December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company had no net operating loss carryforwards, no capital loss carryforwards, or tax credit carryforwards.

A reconciliation of the statutory federal income tax rate to the effective income tax rate on income from operations for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 were as follows:


     2017      2016      2015  
($ in thousands)                     

Expected federal income tax expense (benefit)

   $ (2,124    $ 16,135      $ 45,062  

Dividends received deduction

     (1,960      (1,960      (2,443

Tax reform

     (11,461      —          —    


     (268      472        3,475  










Total income tax expense (benefit)

   $ (15,813    $ 14,647      $ 46,094  












Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


On December 22, 2017, U.S. Tax Reform was enacted, which made significant changes to federal income tax laws, including, but not limited to: (1) reduction in the overall maximum corporate income tax rate from 35% to 21%; (2) changes to the computations for the dividends received deduction, tax reserves, and deferred acquisition costs; and (3) elimination of the net operating loss (“NOL”) carryback and limiting NOL carryforward deductions to 80% of taxable income for life insurance companies.

The SEC staff issued Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 118 (“SAB 118”) to address situations where a company does not have the necessary information available, prepared, or analyzed (including computations) in reasonable detail to complete the accounting under ASC Topic 740 Income Taxes for certain income tax effects of Tax Reform for the reporting period of enactment. SAB 118 allows the Company to provide a provisional estimate of the impacts of Tax Reform during a measurement period similar to the measurement period used when accounting for business combinations. Adjustments to provisional estimates and additional impacts from Tax Reform must be recorded as they are identified during the measurement period as provided for in SAB 118. Because changes in tax laws are accounted for in the period of enactment, and in accordance with SAB 118, the Company provisionally remeasured its deferred tax assets and liabilities based on the 21% tax rate at which they are expected to reverse in the future and has recorded a tax benefit of $11.5 million as a discrete item in the current year provision for income taxes. While we do not anticipate any significant changes to the amounts recorded as of December 31, 2017, the Company continues to analyze the effects of Tax Reform and will record adjustments and additional impacts from Tax Reform as they are identified during the measurement period as provided for in SAB 118.

The discrete tax benefit related to unrealized gains and losses on fixed maturities, VOBA and reserve adjustments will not be amortized out of accumulated other comprehensive income. The Company does not yet know how these federal tax law changes may affect state and local income tax provisioning, but any such impacts are not considered material to the Company’s financial position or operating results.

The dividends received deduction (“DRD”) reduces the amount of dividend income subject to U.S. tax and is the primary component of the non-taxable investment income, and, as such, is a significant component of the difference between the Company’s effective tax rate and the federal statutory tax rate of 35%. Prior to U.S. Tax Reform, the DRD related to variable life insurance and annuity contracts was generally based on a company-specific percentage referred to as the company’s share. U.S. Tax Reform now specifies the calculation to a specific percentage subsequent to 2017. The actual current year DRD can vary from the estimate based on factors such as, but not limited to, changes in the amount of dividends received that are eligible for the DRD, changes in the amount of distributions received from mutual fund investments, changes in the account balances of variable life and annuity contracts, and the Company’s taxable income before the DRD.

The Company is subject to examination by U.S. federal, state, and local income tax authorities. While the Company is not currently under any examinations, tax years 2014 and forward are generally open and available for examination.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


8. Future Policy Benefits and Other Policyholder Liabilities

Life insurance liabilities include reserves for death benefits and other policy benefits. As of December 31, 2017 and 2016, future policy benefits and other policyholder liabilities consisted of the following:


     December 31, 2017      December 31, 2016  
($ in thousands)              

Traditional life insurance

   $ 1,607,149      $ 1,598,071  

Immediate fixed annuities

     466,723        520,380  

Accident and health insurance

     1,809,006        1,693,598  

Equity indexed annuities

     32,601        40,298  


     1,594,571        1,259,444  








   $ 5,510,050      $ 5,111,791  







Future policy benefits are generally equal to the present value of future benefit payments and related expenses, less the present value of future net premiums. Assumptions as to mortality, morbidity and persistency are based on the Company’s experience, industry data, and/or other factors, when the basis of the reserve is established. Interest rates used in the determination of present values range from 2.5% to 6.0% for setting reserves.

Accident and health insurance future policy benefit reserves include gross unpaid claim reserves of $256.7 million and $218.0 million as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively. These amounts are fully reinsured as of December 31, 2017 and 2016.



9. Policyholder Account Balances

As of December 31, 2017 and 2016, policyholders’ account balances consisted of the following:


     December 31, 2017      December 31, 2016  
($ in thousands)              

Interest-sensitive life contracts

   $ 5,499,037      $ 5,370,563  

Individual annuities

     4,761,155        5,298,452  

Funding agreements

     408,165        255,200  


     8,554        11,157  







Total policyholders’ account balances

   $ 10,676,911      $ 10,935,372  







Policyholders’ account balances represent an accumulation of account deposits plus credited interest less withdrawals, expenses and mortality charges, if applicable. These policyholders’ account balances also include provisions for benefits under non-life contingent payout annuities. Interest crediting rates range from 0.4% to 6.0% for interest sensitive contracts. Interest crediting rates for individual annuities range from 0.0% to 6.0%. Interest crediting rates for funding agreements range from 0.5% to 1.0%.


10. Certain Nontraditional Long-Duration Contracts

The Company offered traditional variable annuity contracts through its separate accounts for which investment income and investment gains and losses accrue directly to, and investment risk is borne by, the contractholder. The Company also offered variable annuity contracts with general and separate account



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


options where the Company contractually guarantees to the contractholder a return of no less than total deposits made to the contract less any partial withdrawals (“return of net deposits”). In certain of these variable annuity contracts, the Company also contractually guarantees to the contractholder a return of no less than (1) total deposits made to the contract less any partial withdrawals plus a minimum return (“minimum return”); and/or (2) the highest contract value on a specified date adjusted for any withdrawals (“contract value”). These guarantees include benefits that are payable in the event of death, annuitization or at specified dates during the accumulation period and withdrawal and income benefits payable during specified periods. The Company also issued annuity contracts with and without market value adjusted investment options (“MVAs”), which provide for a return of principal plus a fixed rate of return if held to maturity, or, alternatively, a “market adjusted value” if surrendered prior to maturity or if funds are allocated to other investment options. The market value adjustment may result in a gain or loss to the Company, depending on crediting rates or an indexed rate at surrender, as applicable. All of the risks associated with the Company’s variable annuity contracts are reinsured with external reinsurers.

In addition, the Company issued certain variable life, variable universal life and universal life contracts where the Company contractually guarantees to the contractholder a death benefit even when there is insufficient value to cover monthly mortality and expense charges, whereas otherwise the contract would typically lapse (“no lapse guarantee”). Variable life and variable universal life contracts are offered with general and separate account options similar to variable annuities.

The assets supporting the variable portion of both traditional variable annuities and certain variable contracts with guarantees are carried at fair value and reported as “Separate account assets” with an equivalent amount reported as “Separate account liabilities.” Amounts assessed against the contractholders for mortality, administration, and other services are included within revenue in fee income from policyholders and changes in liabilities for minimum guarantees are generally included in policyholder benefits in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss).

For those guarantees of benefits that are payable in the event of death, the net amount at risk is generally defined as the current guaranteed minimum death benefit in excess of the current account balance at the balance sheet date. The Company’s primary risk exposures for these contracts relates to actual deviations from, or changes to, the assumptions used in the original pricing of these products, including fixed income and equity market returns, contract lapses and contractholder mortality.

For guarantees of benefits that are payable at annuitization, the net amount at risk is generally defined as the present value of the minimum guaranteed annuity payments available to the contractholder determined in accordance with the terms of the contract in excess of the current account balance. The Company’s primary risk exposures for these contracts relates to actual deviations from, or changes to, the assumptions used in the original pricing of these products, including fixed income and equity market returns, benefit utilization, timing of annuitization, contract lapses and contractholder mortality.

For guarantees of benefits that are payable at withdrawal, the net amount at risk is generally defined as the present value of the minimum guaranteed withdrawal payments available to the contractholder determined in accordance with the terms of the contract in excess of the current account balance. For guarantees of accumulation balances, the net amount at risk is generally defined as the guaranteed minimum accumulation balance minus the current account balance. The Company’s primary risk exposures for these contracts relates to actual deviations from, or changes to, the assumptions used in the original pricing of these products, including equity market returns, interest rates, market volatility or contractholder behavior used in the original pricing of these products.

The Company’s contracts with guarantees may offer more than one type of guarantee in each contract; therefore, the amounts listed may not be mutually exclusive. The liabilities related to the net amount at risk



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


are reflected within Future policy benefits and other policyholder liabilities or Policyholders’ account balances. As of December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company had the following guarantees associated with these contracts, by product and guarantee type:


    December 31, 2017  
($ in millions)   In the Event of
    For Cumulative
Periodic Withdrawals
at Specified

Variable Annuity Contracts


Separate account value

  $ 543.4     $ 121.8     $ 9.9     $ 52.9  

Net amount at risk

  $ 44.1     $ 10.6     $ 0.1     $ 4.6  

Average attained age of contractholders

    62 years       N/A       N/A       N/A  

Weighted average waiting period until guarantee date

    N/A       None       N/A       5 years  

Variable Life, Variable Universal Life and Universal Life Contracts


No Lapse Guarantees


Separate account value

  $ 396.7        

General account value

  $ 3,687.9        

Net amount at risk

  $ 71,791.0        

Average attained age of contractholders

    50 years        


    December 31, 2016  
($ in millions)   In the Event of
    For Cumulative
Periodic Withdrawals
at Specified

Variable Annuity Contracts


Separate account value

  $ 543.1     $ 116.5     $ 10.9     $ 75.8  

Net amount at risk

  $ 57.5     $ 15.8     $ 0.1     $ 6.2  

Average attained age of contractholders

    61 years       N/A       N/A       N/A  

Weighted average waiting period until guarantee date

    N/A       None       N/A      

Variable Life, Variable Universal Life and Universal Life Contracts


No Lapse Guarantees


Separate account value

  $ 348.0        

General account value

  $ 3,684.1        

Net amount at risk

  $ 77,609.0        

Average attained age of contractholders

    49 years        



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Liabilities for Guarantee Benefits

The liabilities for guaranteed minimum death benefits (“GMDB”) and secondary guarantees on interest-sensitive life and fixed annuities are included in Future policy benefits and other policyholder liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet and the related changes in the liabilities are included in Policyholder benefits in the Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss) for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015. Guaranteed minimum income benefits (“GMIB”), guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits (“GMWB”) and guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits (“GMAB”) features are accounted for as bifurcated embedded derivatives and are recorded at fair value within Policyholders’ account balances on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. The changes in general account liabilities for guarantees on variable contracts were as follows:


    GMDB     GMIB     GMWB/GMAB     Secondary
($ in thousands)   Variable
Sensitive Life
and Fixed

Balance as of December 31, 2014

  $ 8,358     $ 8,240     $ 6,733     $ 625,161     $ 648,492  
















Less: reinsurance recoverable

    8,358       8,240       6,733       83,733       107,064  
















Net balance as of December 31, 2014

    —         —         —         541,428       541,428  

Incurred guarantee benefits

    —         —         —         217,603       217,603  

Paid guarantee benefits

    —         —         —         (118,063     (118,063
















Net change

    —         —         —         99,540       99,540  

Net balance as of December 31, 2015

    —         —         —         640,968       640,968  

Plus reinsurance recoverable

    8,844       5,663       7,814       100,317       122,638  
















Balance as of December 31, 2015

  $ 8,844     $ 5,663     $ 7,814     $ 741,285     $ 763,606  
















Less: reinsurance recoverable

    8,844       5,663       7,814       100,317       122,638  
















Net balance as of December 31, 2015

    —         —         —         640,968       640,968  

Incurred guarantee benefits

    —         —         —         316,344       316,344  

Paid guarantee benefits

    —         —         —         (156,067     (156,067
















Net change

    —         —         —         160,277       160,277  

Net balance as of December 31, 2016

    —         —         —         801,245       801,245  

Plus reinsurance recoverable

    8,626       3,440       6,835       122,608       141,509  
















Balance as of December 31, 2016

  $ 8,626     $ 3,440     $ 6,835     $ 923,853     $ 942,754  
















Less: reinsurance recoverable

    8,626       3,440       6,835       122,608       141,509  
















Net balance as of December 31, 2016

    —         —         —         801,245       801,245  

Incurred guarantee benefits

    —         —         —         309,455       309,455  

Paid guarantee benefits

    —         —         —         (151,946     (151,946
















Net change

    —         —         —         157,509       157,509  

Net balance as of December 31, 2017

    —         —         —         958,754       958,754  

Plus reinsurance recoverable

    7,516       2,248       4,670       149,618       164,052  
















Balance as of December 31, 2017

  $ 7,516     $ 2,248     $ 4,670     $ 1,108,372     $ 1,122,806  


















Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


11. Value of Business Acquired

The following changes to the VOBA asset occurred for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015:


($ in thousands)    2017     2016     2015  

Balance at beginning of period

   $ 186,701     $ 247,702     $ 231,521  

Business acquired

     —         —         —    

Amortized to expense during the year (1)

     (29,827     (30,053     (40,880

Adjustment for unrealized investment losses during the year

     (21,843     (30,948     57,061  










Balance at end of year

   $ 135,031     $ 186,701     $ 247,702  











(1)  Amount is included in Operating and acquisition expenses on the Consolidated Statements of Operations and Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)

The estimated percentages of the VOBA balance to be amortized for the years indicated were as follows:











2022 and thereafter



12. Commitments and Contingencies

Regulation and Compliance

The Company is subject to changing social, economic and regulatory conditions. From time to time, regulatory authorities or legislative bodies seek to impose additional regulations regarding agent and broker compensation, regulate the nature of and amount of investments, and otherwise expand overall regulation of insurance products and the insurance industry. The Company has established procedures and policies to facilitate compliance with laws and regulations, to foster prudent business operations, and to support financial reporting. The Company routinely reviews its practices to validate compliance with laws and regulations and with internal procedures and policies. As a result of these reviews, from time to time the Company may decide to modify some of its procedures and policies. Such modifications, and the reviews that led to them, may be accompanied by payments being made and costs being incurred. The ultimate changes and eventual effects of these actions on the Company’s business, if any, are uncertain.

The Company is currently being examined by certain states for compliance with unclaimed property laws, premium tax and market conduct compliance. It is possible that these examinations may result in additional payments to states and to changes in the Company’s practices and procedures, which could impact benefit payments, operating and acquisition expenses and reserves, among other consequences; however, it is not likely to have a material effect on the financial statements of the Company.

The Company is assessed amounts by the state guaranty funds to cover losses to policyholders of insolvent or rehabilitated insurance companies. Those mandatory assessments may be partially recovered through a reduction in future premium taxes in certain states. At December 31, 2017, the Company accrued $3.3 million for guaranty fund assessments which is expected to be offset by estimated future premium tax deductions of $7.5 million. At December 31, 2016, the Company accrued $3.6 million for guaranty fund assessments.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



The Company is involved from time to time in judicial, regulatory and arbitration proceedings concerning matters arising in connection with the conduct of its business. Management believes, based on currently available information, that the results of such proceedings, in the aggregate, will not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition. Given the inherent difficulty of predicting the outcome of the Company’s litigation and regulatory matters, particularly in cases or proceedings in which substantial or indeterminate damages or fines are sought, the Company cannot estimate losses or ranges of losses for cases or proceedings where there is only a reasonable possibility that a loss may be incurred. However, the Company believes that at the present time there are no pending or threatened lawsuits that are reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial position or results of operations.

In the normal course of its business, the Company has entered into agreements that include indemnities in favor of third parties, such as contracts with advisors and consultants, outsourcing agreements, information technology agreements and service agreements. The Company has also agreed to indemnify its directors, officers and employees in accordance with the Company’s by-laws. The Company believes any potential liability under these agreements is neither probable nor estimable. Therefore, the Company has not recorded any associated liability.

Pledged or Restricted Assets

The Company had the following restricted assets:


    Certain bonds were on deposit with governmental authorities as required by law with market values of $8.6 million and $8.8 million at December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively.


    Derivative cash collateral received was reported as cash equivalents of $0.3 million and $0.9 million at December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively.


    Funds pledged on certain mortgage loans held in the investment portfolio to finance property improvements on underlying real estate totaling $8.5 million and $14.2 million at December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively.


    The Company is a member of the FHLB and is required to pledge collateral to back funding agreements issued to the FHLB. Assets with a market value of approximately $538.7 and $339.9 million were pledged as collateral to the FHLB as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively.


13. Regulatory Capital and Dividends

The Company prepares its statutory-basis financial statements in conformity with accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the State of Nebraska. Prescribed statutory accounting practices include a variety of publications of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (“NAIC”), as well as state laws, regulations and general administrative rules. Permitted statutory accounting practices encompass all accounting practices not so prescribed.

The State of Nebraska requires insurance companies domiciled in its state to prepare statutory-basis financial statements in conformity with the NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual, subject to any deviations prescribed or permitted by the State of Nebraska Insurance Commissioner. Statutory accounting practices differ from GAAP primarily since they require establishing life insurance reserves based on different actuarial assumptions, and valuing certain investments at amortized cost. Statutory accounting practices do not give recognition to purchase accounting adjustments.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Statutory net income was $64 million, $52 million, and $74 million for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. Statutory capital and surplus was $426 million and $560 million as of December 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, respectively.

Dividend Limitations

The ability of the Company to pay dividends is dependent on business conditions, income, cash requirements and other relevant factors. The payment of shareholder dividends by the Company without the prior approval of the Department of Insurance is limited to formula amounts based on net income and capital and surplus, determined in conformity with statutory accounting practices, as well as, the timing and amount of dividends paid in the preceding twelve months. In connection with HoldCo’s acquisition of Lincoln Benefit, prior approval of the Nebraska Director of Insurance is required for the Company for any dividend or distribution for five years subsequent to April 1, 2014. The Company paid dividends of $70.0 million, $42.0 million, and $187.0 million during the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.


Under state insurance laws, insurance companies are required to maintain paid up capital of not less than the minimum capital requirement applicable to the types of insurance they are authorized to write. Insurance companies are also subject to risk-based capital (“RBC”) requirements adopted by state insurance regulators. A company’s “authorized control level RBC” is calculated using various factors applied to certain financial balances and activity. Companies that do not maintain statutory capital and surplus at a level in excess of the company action level RBC, which is two times authorized control level RBC, are required to take specified actions. Company action level RBC is significantly in excess of the minimum capital requirements.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


14. Leases

The Company has a lease agreement to lease office space under a non-cancellable operating lease agreement. For the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, the Company made payments of $0.2 million, $0.2 million and $0.1 million, respectively, pursuant to this operating lease.

The minimum aggregate rental commitments as of December 31, 2017 were as follows:


($ in thousands)       


   $ 208  









All future years





Aggregate total

   $ 1,856  





15. Related Parties

Under the management services agreement with HoldCo, HoldCo and Lincoln Benefit provide services to each other including but not limited to compliance, legal, risk management, accounting and reporting, treasury, tax and other management related services. Services are provided at cost. HoldCo provided $18.9 million, $14.1 million, and $13.9 million in services to Lincoln Benefit for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.

The Company has a Fee Letter (the “Fee Letter”) with Lanis LLC (“Lanis”) pursuant to which the Company will pay Lanis the risk spread due on the Vehicle Note issued by Lanis to Lancaster Re. The total expense related to this risk spread for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 was approximately $7.8 million, 7.3 million, and $6.7 million, respectively.

The Company reported the following receivables/ (payables) to affiliates as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 ($ in thousands):


     December 31, 2017      December 31, 2016  


   $ (4,715    $ (2,795


   $ (2,015    $ (1,898

Intercompany receivable and payable balances are evaluated on an individual company basis. Intercompany balances are generally settled quarterly.

The Company’s stock is pledged as collateral on HoldCo’s term loan agreement with a syndicate of lenders (“Term Loan”). The maturity date of the Term Loan is June 15, 2018.

On April 1, 2014, the Company and HoldCo entered into a Letter Agreement whereby from and after the fifth anniversary of the date of the agreement, if the Company makes any payment pursuant to the Fee Letter, within ten Business Days of such payment by the Company, HoldCo shall reimburse the Company in cash in an amount equal to such payment by the Company.



Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Schedule I Summary of Investments Other Than Investments in Related Parties


December 31, 2017  




    Fair Value     Amount at which
shown in the
Balance Sheet
($ in thousands)                  

Type of Investment


Fixed maturities:


Available for sale


U.S. Treasury Securities and Obligations of U.S. Government Authority and Agencies

  $ 416,639     $ 409,595     $ 409,595  

Obligations of U.S. States and Political Subdivisions

    741,343       776,531       776,531  

Foreign government

    24,242       22,791       22,791  

All other corporate bonds

    6,169,204       6,389,746       6,389,746  


    478,329       480,223       480,223  


    189,596       187,825       187,825  


    127,439       133,450       133,450  

Redeemable preferred stock

    14,800       14,800       14,800  










Total fixed maturities, available for sale

  $ 8,161,592     $ 8,414,961     $ 8,414,961  

Fair value option and trading securities

    110,305       109,914       109,914  










Total fixed maturities

  $ 8,271,897     $ 8,524,875     $ 8,524,875  

Other securities:


Common stock

  $ 8,152     $ 8,152     $ 8,152  

Commercial mortgage loans

    1,043,187       —         1,043,187  


    19,546       21,045       21,045  

Other long-term assets

    138       —         138  

Policy loans

    178,437       —         178,437  

Short-term investments

    190,376       —         190,376  










Total other securities

  $ 1,439,836     $ 29,197     $ 1,441,335  










Total investments

  $ 9,711,733     $ 8,554,072     $ 9,966,210  












Lincoln Benefit Life Company

(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of LBL HoldCo II, Inc.)

Schedule IV – Reinsurance


($ in thousands)   Gross Amount     Ceded to Other

Assumed from

Other Companies

    Net Amount    

Percentage of


Assumed to Net


Year Ended December 31, 2017


Life insurance in force

  $ 343,103,636       338,144,016     $ 4,049,125     $ 9,008,745       44.9













Premiums and contract charges:


Life and annuities

  $ 1,236,410     $ (895,505   $ 4,768     $ 345,673       1.4

Accident and health insurance

    58,052       (54,389     —         3,663       0.0












  $ 1,294,462     $ (949,894   $ 4,768     $ 349,336       1.4













Year Ended December 31, 2016


Life insurance in force

  $ 365,008,309     $ 359,316,014     $ 4,180,222     $ 9,872,516       42.3













Premiums and contract charges:


Life and annuities

  $ 1,270,770     $ (918,414   $ 4,749     $ 357,105       1.3

Accident and health insurance

    58,147       (52,633     —         5,514       0.0












  $ 1,328,917     $ (971,047   $ 4,749     $ 362,619       1.3













Year Ended December 31, 2015


Life insurance in force

  $ 390,226,197     $ 384,704,438     $ 4,601,282     $ 10,123,041       45.5













Premiums and contract charges:


Life and annuities

  $ 1,405,005     $ (1,056,276   $ 5,939     $ 354,668       1.7

Accident and health insurance

    58,467       (50,362     —         8,105       0.0












  $ 1,463,472     $ (1,106,638   $ 5,939     $ 362,773       1.6













No reinsurance or coinsurance income was netted against premiums ceded in the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015.



Item 11(f). Selected Financial Data


    Successor Period*           Predecessor Period*  

($ in millions)

  2017     2016     2015     For the period from
April 1, 2014
December 31, 2014
          For the period from
January 1, 2014
March 31, 2014

Operating results


Net investment income

  $ 401.1     $ 397.1     $ 398.9     $ 288.6         $ 2.4     $ 10.9  

Realized capital gains and (losses)

    38.1       73.7       113.5       46.1           0.3       —    

Total Revenues

    788.6       833.4       875.2       614.2           2.6       10.9  

Net income

    9.7       31.5       82.7       30.7           1.7       7.1  

Financial position



  $ 9,966.2     $ 10,001.0     $ 9,845.1     $ 11,088.5         $ —       $ 346.8  

Total assets

    20,064.3       19,794.5       19,562.7       20,710.5           —         18,844.8  

Future policy benefits, other policyholder liabilities and policyholders’ account balances

    16,187.0       16,047.2       15,878.2       16,293.2           —         16,681.5  

Shareholder’s equity

    491.2       442.5       334.5       679.0           —         343.7  


* On April 1, 2014, all of the capital stock in Lincoln Benefit was acquired by LBL HoldCo II, Inc. (formerly Resolution Life, Inc.) (the “Acquisition”). Due to the Acquisition and the application of push-down accounting, different bases of accounting have been used to prepare the Predecessor and Successor financial statements. A black line separates the Predecessor and Successor financial statements above to highlight the lack of comparability between those two periods.


Item 11(h). Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations


The following discussion highlights significant factors influencing the financial position and results of operations of Lincoln Benefit. It should be read in conjunction with the financial statements and related notes found under Item 11(e) contained herein. We operate as a single segment entity, based on the manner in which we use financial information to evaluate business performance and to determine the allocation of resources.

The most important factors we monitor to evaluate the financial condition and performance of our Company include:


    For operations: premiums, benefits paid, contract charges, amounts ceded to reinsurers and return on investments including exposure to market risk, credit quality/experience, net investment income, cash flows, realized capital gains and losses, unrealized capital gains and losses, stability of long-term returns, and asset/liability duration (“asset duration”).


    For financial condition: risk based capital ratios and stress testing of our overall capital position.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) requires the application of accounting policies that often involve a significant degree of judgment. Management, on an ongoing basis, reviews estimates and assumptions used in the preparation of financial statements. If management determines that modifications in assumptions and estimates are appropriate given current facts and circumstances, the Company’s results of operations and financial position as reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements could change significantly.



Management believes the critical accounting policies relating to the following areas are most dependent on the application of estimates, assumptions and judgments:


    Future policy benefits and other policyholder liabilities


    Value of business acquired (“VOBA”)


    Investments — Impairments and Fair Value Measurements


    Income Taxes


    Reserves for Contingencies

Future Policy Benefits and Other Policyholder Liabilities

Policy liabilities are established for future policy benefits on certain annuity, life, and long term care policies. Such liabilities are established in amounts adequate to meet the estimated future obligations of policies in-force. Changes in policy and contract claims are recorded in policyholder benefits, in the Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss).

For ASC 944-20 products, benefit reserves are computed using the net level premium method for individual life, annuity and long-term care policies, and are based upon estimates as to future investment yield, mortality and lapse that include provisions for adverse deviation that were prevalent at the time the reserve was initially established. Mortality, morbidity and lapse assumptions for all policies are based on the Company’s own experience and industry developments.

Liabilities for outstanding claims and claims adjustment expenses are estimates of payments to be made on life and health insurance contracts for reported claims and claims adjustment expenses. A liability is also held for claims adjustment expenses incurred but not reported as of the balance sheet date. These liabilities are determined using case basis evaluations and statistical analyses and represent estimates of the ultimate cost of all claims incurred but not paid. These estimates are continually reviewed and adjusted as necessary; such adjustments are reflected in current operations.

Future policy benefit reserves for fixed indexed annuity policies with returns linked to the performance of a specified market index are equal to the excess of the sum of the fair value of the embedded derivative and the host (or guaranteed) component over the policyholder account balance. The change in the fair value of the embedded derivative is linked primarily to the performance of the equity option. The host value is established as of the date of acquisition and is equal to the total account value, plus the value of the unexpired options at the date of acquisition, less the embedded derivative, and accreted over the policy’s life at a constant rate of interest.

Future policy benefits reserves for the portion of fixed indexed annuities earning a fixed rate of interest and other deferred annuity products are computed under a retrospective deposit method and represent policyholders’ account balances before applicable surrender charges.

The Company holds additional liabilities for its no lapse guarantees (associated with universal life policies), its guaranteed minimum death benefits (“GMDB”) associated with its variable universal life business, and guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits (“GMWB”) associated with fixed annuities, which are accounted for in accordance with ASC 944-20, Financial Services — Insurance Activities. The Company’s reserves related to guaranteed minimum income benefits (“GMIB”), guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits (“GMAB”), and GMWB associated with variable annuities are ceded to third party reinsurers with a small amount of retained GMWB coverage related to equity indexed annuities.

Policy liabilities and accruals are based on the various estimates discussed above. Although the adequacy of these amounts cannot be assured, the Company believes that policy liabilities and accruals will be sufficient to meet future obligations of policies in-force. The amount of liabilities and accruals, however, could be revised if the estimates discussed above are revised.



Sensitivity for Future Policy Benefit Reserves

The Company’s liability for future policy benefits also includes reserves based on the present value of estimated future payments to or on behalf of contractholders, where the timing and amount of payment depends on policyholder mortality. Expected mortality is generally based on the Company’s experience, industry data, and/or other factors. Interest rate assumptions are based on factors such as market conditions and expected investment returns. After the initial establishment of reserves, premium deficiency and loss recognition tests are performed using best estimate assumptions as of the testing date without provisions for adverse deviation. When the liabilities for future policy benefits plus the present value of expected future gross premiums at an acquisition deal level are insufficient to provide for expected future policy benefits and expenses for that line of business (i.e., reserves net of any VOBA asset), any provisions for adverse deviation (“PAD”), if material, would be released, then VOBA would be written off, and then, if required, a premium deficiency reserve would be established by a charge to earnings.

Value of Business Acquired

In conjunction with the acquisition of a block of insurance policies or investment contracts, a portion of the purchase price is allocated to the right to receive future gross profits from the acquired insurance policies or investment contracts. This intangible asset, called value of business acquired (“VOBA”), represents the estimated present value of future profits from the acquired policies. The estimated present value of future cash flows is based on certain assumptions, including mortality, persistency, expenses, and interest rates that the Company expects to experience in future years. For interest sensitive products, VOBA is amortized over the life of the policies in relation to the emergence of estimated gross profits (“EGP”) from margins on mortality, interest, expenses, and surrenders, all of which are net of reinsurance and include actual realized gains and losses on investments. For non-interest sensitive products, such as term life insurance, VOBA is amortized in relation to premium. VOBA is reviewed periodically for loss recognition to ensure that the unamortized balance is recoverable from future earnings from the business. For certain contracts, this evaluation is performed as part of our premium deficiency testing. The carrying amount of VOBA is adjusted for the effects of realized and unrealized gains and losses on debt securities classified as available-for-sale.

Annual assumptions review and quarterly adjustments

Annually, we perform a comprehensive review of the assumptions used in estimating gross profits for future periods. We perform our annual review of assumptions during the third quarter.

Updates to assumptions may cause significant variability in amortization expense in the future. The impact on our results of operations of changes in lapse experience, mortality and revisions to expected future rates of return on investments can be offsetting and therefore we are unable to predict their movement or offsetting impact over time.

The quarterly adjustments for current period experience reflect the impact of differences between actual gross profits for a given period and the previously estimated EGPs for that period. To the extent each period’s actual experience differs from the previous estimate for that period, the assumed level of total gross profits may change. In these cases, we recognize a cumulative adjustment to all previous periods’ amortization, also referred to as an experience true-up adjustment.

VOBA Sensitivities

For our equity-indexed annuity, variable life, and universal life policies, a significant portion of our gross profits is derived from interest and mortality margins. As a result, our estimates of future gross profits are significantly influenced by our interest and mortality assumptions. Our mortality assumptions are used to estimate future death claims over the life of these policies and may be developed based on Company experience, industry experience



and other factors. Unless a material change in mortality experience that we feel is indicative of a long term trend is observed in an interim period, we generally update our mortality assumptions annually in the third quarter. Updates to our mortality assumptions in future periods could have a significant adverse or favorable effect on our results of operations.

The following table provides a demonstration of the sensitivity of the VOBA balance relative to our future interest and mortality assumptions by quantifying the adjustments that would be required, assuming both an increase and decrease in our future interest and mortality margin by 10%. The information below is for illustrative purposes only and reflects only the direct effect of changes in our interest and mortality margin on the VOBA balance as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, and net income for the years then ended:


     December 31, 2017      December 31, 2016  

($ in millions)


Decrease in future interest and mortality margin by 10%

   $ (6.4    $ (5.2

Increase in future interest and mortality margin by 10%

   $ 5.7      $ 4.6  

In addition to the impacts of interest and mortality experience relative to our assumptions, other factors may also drive variability in amortization expense, particularly when our annual assumption updates are performed. As noted above, however, the impact on our results of operations of changes in these assumptions can be offsetting and we are unable to predict their movement or offsetting impact over time.

Valuation of Investments, Including Derivatives, and the Recognition of Other-than-Temporary Impairments

Our investment portfolio consists of public and private fixed maturity securities, commercial mortgage and other loans, other invested assets and derivative financial instruments. Derivatives are financial instruments whose values are derived from interest rates, financial indices or the values of securities. The derivative financial instruments we generally use are futures and options. Management believes the following accounting policies related to investments, including derivatives, are most dependent on the application of estimates and assumptions. Each of these policies is discussed further within other relevant disclosures related to the investments and derivatives, as referenced below:


    Valuation of investments, including derivatives;


    Recognition of other-than-temporary impairments; and


    Determination of the valuation allowance for losses on commercial mortgage and other loans.

We present at fair value in the statements of financial position our investments classified as available-for-sale, including fixed maturities, derivatives, and embedded derivatives. For additional information regarding the key estimates and assumptions surrounding the determination of fair value of fixed maturity and equity securities, as well as derivative instruments, embedded derivatives and other investments, see Notes 2 and 5 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

For our investments classified as available-for-sale, the impact of changes in fair value is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss in Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net (“AOCI”), a separate component of equity. For a discussion of our policies regarding other-than-temporary declines in investment value and the related methodology for recording other-than-temporary impairments of fixed maturity and equity securities, see Note 2 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Commercial mortgage loans (“CMLs”) are carried at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. CMLs held by the Company are diversified by property type and geographic area throughout the United States. CMLs are considered impaired when it is probable that the Company will not collect amounts due according to the terms of the original loan agreement. The Company assesses the impairment of loans individually for all



loans in the portfolio. The Company estimates the fair value of the underlying collateral using internal valuations generally based on discounted cash flow analyses. The Company estimates an allowance for loan losses (“ALL”) representing potential credit losses embedded in the CML portfolio. The estimate is based on a consistently applied analysis of the loan portfolio and takes into consideration all available information, including industry, geographical, economic and political factors.

Income Taxes

Income taxes represent the net amount of income taxes that the Company expects to pay to or receive from various taxing jurisdictions in connection with its operations. The Company provides for Federal and state income taxes currently payable, as well as those deferred due to temporary differences between the financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the balance sheet date using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years the temporary differences are expected to reverse. The realization of deferred tax assets depends upon the existence of sufficient taxable income within the carryforward periods under the tax law in the applicable jurisdiction. Valuation allowances are established when management determines, based on available information, that it is more likely than not that deferred tax assets will not be realized. Management considers all available evidence including past operating results, the existence of cumulative losses in the most recent years, forecasted earnings, future taxable income and prudent and feasible tax planning strategies. The Company’s accounting for income taxes represents management’s best estimate of the tax consequences of various events and transactions.

Significant management judgment is required in determining the provision for income taxes and deferred tax assets and liabilities, and in evaluating the Company’s tax positions including evaluating uncertainties under the guidance for Accounting for Uncertainty in Income taxes. Under the guidance, the Company determines whether it is more likely than not that a tax position will be sustained upon examination by the appropriate taxing authorities before any part of the benefit can be recorded in the financial statements. The Company’s liability for income taxes includes the liability for unrecognized tax benefits and interest that relate to tax years still subject to review by the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) or other taxing authorities. We do not anticipate any significant changes within the next 12 months to our total unrecognized tax benefits related to tax years for which the statute of limitations has not expired.

Reserves for Contingencies

A contingency is an existing condition that involves a degree of uncertainty that will ultimately be resolved upon the occurrence of future events. Under GAAP, reserves for contingencies are required to be established when the future event is probable and its impact can be reasonably estimated, such as in connection with an unresolved legal matter. The initial reserve reflects management’s best estimate of the probable cost of ultimate resolution of the matter and is revised accordingly as facts and circumstances change and, ultimately, when the matter is brought to closure.


Overview and strategy. Prior to July 18, 2013, we sold interest-sensitive, traditional and variable life insurance, and fixed annuities including deferred and immediate through independent master brokerage agencies and the Allstate exclusive agency channel. In July 2013, we ceased soliciting and selling new policies through our independent agent channel as a result of the Purchase Agreement, however, we continued to sell new policies provided through the Allstate exclusive agency channel through 2017. On April 1, 2014, all of the capital stock in Lincoln Benefit was acquired by LBL HoldCo II, Inc. (“HoldCo”) from ALIC (the “Acquisition”).

In connection with the Acquisition, HoldCo. and ALIC entered into a Transition Services Agreement (the “TSA”) and an Administration Services Agreement (“ASA”), pursuant to which ALIC provided certain administrative services to the Company. Effective December 31, 2017, the TSA services have been completed. In 2015, the administration of our deferred annuity and life business was outsourced to unaffiliated third-party



service providers, SE2, LLC and Alliance–One Services, Inc. ALIC continues to reinsurance and administer business sold through the Allstate exclusive agency channel and certain payout and immediate annuity contracts, pursuant to the ASA.

In April 2014, Lincoln Benefit and its affiliates entered into two transactions with Hannover Re. Under the first transaction between Lincoln Benefit and Lanis LLC, Hannover Re provides financing for a portion of our statutory reserves associated with our universal life business with no-lapse guarantees and our level premium term life business (the “AXXX/XXX Financing”). The second transaction involved a reinsurance agreement between Lincoln Benefit and Hannover Re, structured on a combined modified coinsurance and monthly renewable term reinsurance basis.

Financial Position

The following table outlines amounts reported in the Company’s Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2017 and 2016:


($ in millions)

   December 31, 2017      December 31, 2016  



Cash and invested assets

   $ 10,045.0      $ 10,004.3  

Reinsurance recoverables

     6,501.7        6,280.3  

Valuation of business acquired (VOBA)

     135.0        186.7  

Deposit receivable

     1,111.6        1,199.5  

Other assets

     810.6        781.5  

Separate account assets

     1,460.4        1,342.2  







Total Assets

   $ 20,064.3      $ 19,794.5  









Future policy benefits

   $ 5,510.1      $ 5,111.8  

Policyholders’ account balances

     10,676.9        10,935.4  

ModCo payable

     1,111.6        1,199.5  

Long-term debt

     695.0        659.0  

Other liabilities

     119.1        104.1  

Separate account liabilities

     1,460.4        1,342.2  







Total Liabilities

   $ 19,573.1      $ 19,352.0  







Shareholder’s Equity


Common stock

   $ 2.5      $ 2.5  

Additional paid-in capital

     593.6        593.6  

Accumulated other comprehensive income

     72.8        (36.2

Retained earnings

     (177.7      (117.4







Total Shareholder’s Equity

   $ 491.2      $ 442.5  







Total Liabilities and Shareholder’s Equity

   $ 20,064.3      $ 19,794.5  







December 31, 2017 vs. December 31, 2016


Total assets increased by $269.8 million, from $19.8 billion at December 31, 2016 to $20.1 billion at December 31, 2017. The increase in total assets is a function of an increase in separate account assets, primarily related to the growth in the equity markets, and an increase in the Company’s reinsurance recoverables. This increase was offset by the continued runoff of our closed block of business, primarily from our annuities and universal life blocks.



Significant variances are as follows:

Cash and invested assets increased by $40.7 million from $10,004.3 million at December 31, 2016 to $10,045.0 million at December 31, 2017. The significant components of this balance and related increase are described below.

The Company’s fixed maturities bond portfolio increased by $0.2 billion from $8.2 billion at December 31, 2016 to $8.4 billion at December 31, 2017. The increase is primarily a function of interest rate movements and the resulting increase in net unrealized gains in the current year. The fixed maturities bond portfolio is comprised of approximately 80% of publicly traded securities and approximately 20% in privately placed issuances.

Mortgage loans decreased by $412.0 million from $1.46 billion at December 31, 2016 to $1.04 billion at December 31, 2017. The decrease is related to maturing mortgage loans and paydowns.

Policy loans decreased by $0.5 million from $178.9 million at December 31, 2016 to $178.4 million at December 31, 2017. These balances are expected to continue to decline over time in conjunction with the runoff of the retained policies.

Other invested assets primarily consist of derivative balances. Derivatives increased by $2.1 million from $18.9 million at December 31, 2016 to $21.0 million at December 31, 2017. These balances are comprised primarily of options and futures that are used to economically hedge the market risk inherent in the Company’s equity-indexed products. These assets are carried at fair value with changes in fair value recognized as realized investment gains for GAAP reporting purposes. The increase in these balances is primarily related to the equity market movement in 2017 and slightly higher option balances.

Cash and short-term investments increased by $136.2 million from $133.0 million at December 31, 2016 to $269.1 million at December 31, 2017. The amount invested in cash and short-term investments fluctuates based on liquidity needs and the timing of investment decisions. Overall, short-term investments and cash range from 1% to 3% of overall invested assets. The increase in cash and short-term investments in 2017 is primarily a function of reinvestment activity timing.

Reinsurance recoverables arise under GAAP because reinsurance contracts do not relieve the ceding company of legal liability to contractholders, and therefore the ceding company is required to report reinsurance recoverables arising from these contracts separately as an asset while the policyholder liabilities ceded under these contracts are reported as future policyholder benefits or policyholder account balances.

Reinsurance recoverables increased by $221.4 million from $6.3 billion at December 31, 2016 to $6.5 billion as of December 31, 2017. This increase is primarily related to growth in long-term care reserves and the increase in reserves in interest-sensitive life business ceded to ALIC.

Additionally, the Company maintains reinsurance to limit aggregate and single losses on large risks. The Company cedes a portion of the mortality risk on certain life and morbidity on long-term care policies under coinsurance and yearly renewable term agreements to non-affiliated reinsurers.

Valuation of Business Acquired (“VOBA”) arises because at the Acquisition date, the assets acquired and liabilities assumed generally are required to be measured at fair value. Fair value for financial reporting purposes is defined in ASC 820 (“Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures”). ASC 820 emphasizes that fair value is a market participant-based exit price measurement, and not an entity-specific measurement.

Once it has been determined that an asset exists, the VOBA as of the Acquisition date is a part of the business combination, and this asset is measured at fair value in accordance with ASC 820 (i.e., the price that would be received to sell the asset in an ordinary transaction between market participants).



The actuarial appraisal method was used to determine the VOBA by lines of business and resulted in a total VOBA of $290.8 million at the Acquisition date. This was determined by projecting the present value of after tax statutory profits, discounted at a risk discount rate (“RDR”) of 12% and adjusted by projected cost of capital. This was compared to a fair deal RDR between 10% and 16% and determined to create a collar of reasonable values around this central value. This statutory value is then converted to VOBA by adjusting for GAAP to statutory accounting differences.

VOBA decreased by $51.7 million from $186.7 million at December 31, 2016 to $135.0 million at December 31, 2017. The decrease is a function of amortization of $29.8 million and the adjustment for net unrealized investment gains of $21.8 million during the year. VOBA balances before the impact of net unrealized gains were $180.9 million and $151.0 million at December 31, 2016 and December 31, 2017, respectively.

Deposit receivable and ModCo Payable decreased by $87.9 million from $1.2 billion at December 31, 2016 to $1.1 billion at December 31, 2017. The deposit receivable and ModCo payable arise from the modified coinsurance/monthly renewable term reinsurance agreement entered into with Hannover Re. For GAAP reporting purposes, a reinsurance transaction must pass significant risk to the reinsurer for a company to record a credit for liabilities ceded. The Company has determined that the reinsurance transaction with Hannover Re does not pass GAAP risk transfer requirements and therefore must account for the transaction under deposit accounting principles. Under deposit accounting, the Company is required to establish a Deposit Receivable asset on the balance sheet that represents the reinsurance recoverable with an offsetting ModCo Liability for the same amount. The decrease in the balance is consistent with the runoff of the reinsured blocks of business. We will continue to see these balances decline as the annuity blocks run off.

Other assets increased by $29.1 million from $781.5 million at December 31, 2016 to $810.6 million at December 31, 2017. The balance is primarily comprised of the intercompany note, or “Vehicle Note” that the Company entered into on April 1, 2014 with its affiliate Lanis LLC (“Lanis”) in the initial amount of $513.0 million. The net deferred tax asset of $3.7 million at December 31, 2016 became a net deferred tax liability of $24.6 million at December 31, 2017, resulting from the decline in gross unrealized losses in 2017 and the impact of the new tax legislation. This decline in the net deferred tax asset was offset by the increase in the Vehicle Note balance. The Vehicle Note balance increased by $36.0 million from $659.0 million at December 31, 2016 to $695.0 million at December 31, 2017. Please see the discussion on the related Surplus Note in the Long Term Debt section below.

Separate Account assets and liabilities increased by $118.2 million from $1.3 billion at December 31, 2016 to $1.5 billion at December 31, 2017. This increase was primarily driven by increased investment income related to equity market appreciation in 2017 partially offset by variable annuity surrenders and benefits paid during the year.

The assets of Separate Accounts are carried at fair value for GAAP. Separate Accounts liabilities represent the contractholders’ claims to the related assets and are carried at the fair value of the assets. In the event the asset values of certain contractholder accounts are projected to be below the value guaranteed by the Company, a liability is established through a charge to earnings.

Lincoln Benefit’s variable annuity business and a portion of the Variable Life business are reinsured to ALIC. As of December 31, 2017 and 2016, all assets of the Separate Accounts that support the variable annuity and variable life business were legally insulated.




Total liabilities increased by $221.1 million, from $19.4 billion at December 31, 2016 to $19.6 billion at December 31, 2017. The increase consists of the following components:

Future policy benefits increased by $398.3 million from $5.1 billion at December 31, 2016 to $5.5 billion at December 31, 2017. Such liabilities are established to meet the estimated future obligations of policies in-force. The increase in these liabilities is primarily related to the increase in reserves established for secondary guarantees on universal life products, long-term care reserves, and for payout annuities due to new annuitizations. Also included here are the amounts ultimately ceded to ALIC and other third party reinsurers.

Policyholders’ Account Balances decreased by $258.5 million, from $10.9 billion at December 31, 2016 to $10.7 billion at December 31, 2017 as a result of policyholder maturities and surrenders offset by funding agreements issued to FHLB. Policyholders’ account balances represent interest-bearing liabilities arising from the sale of products such as interest-sensitive life insurance and fixed annuities, and are comprised of cumulative deposits received and interest credited to the contractholder less cumulative contract benefits, surrenders, withdrawals and contract charges for mortality or administrative expenses.

The Company holds additional liabilities for GMIB associated with variable annuities (and a small amount of GMDB associated with variable life business), which are accounted for in accordance with ASC 944-20, Financial Services — Insurance Activities. The reserves for certain living benefit features, including GMAB and GMWB are accounted for as embedded derivatives, with fair values calculated as the present value of expected future benefit payments to contractholders less the present value of assessed rider fees attributable to the embedded derivative feature. This methodology could result in either a liability or contra-liability balance, given changing capital market conditions and various actuarial assumptions. The Company’s GMIB, GMAB and GMWB reserves are ceded to external reinsurers (with a small amount of retained GMWB coverage related to equity indexed annuities). For additional information regarding the valuation of these optional living benefit features, see Note 10 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Long-Term Debt increased by $36.0 million from $659.0 million at December 31, 2016 to $695.0 million at December 31, 2017. This balance represents a surplus note that was initially issued on April 1, 2014 in the amount of $513.0 million. With the Department of Insurance approval, Lancaster Re issued a variable funding Surplus Note (the “Surplus Note”) to its affiliate, Lanis, for $513.0 million and acquired from Lanis a Vehicle Note (the “Vehicle Note”) for $513.0 million. The Vehicle Note is held to support a portion of Lancaster Re’s reinsurance obligations and has been authorized as an acceptable form of reinsurance collateral pursuant to Nebraska Statutes.

With Department of Insurance pre-approval, (i) the Surplus Note is increased each quarter with a corresponding increase in the Vehicle Note, and (ii) interest on the Surplus Note for the prior quarter is paid on the first day of each subsequent quarter at a rate consistent with the rate received on the Vehicle Note of 4%. The Surplus Note and Vehicle Note increased by $36.0 million in 2017, primarily related to the increase in statutory universal life secondary guarantee reserves and term reserves. The Surplus Note is unsecured and subordinated to all present and future indebtedness, policy claims and other creditor claims of Lancaster Re.

Other liabilities increased by $15.0 million from $104.1 million at December 31, 2016 to $119.1 million at December 31, 2017. This balance consists of various policyholder related liabilities, other liability balances related to general expenses, the net deferred tax liability, unsettled trades, etc. The increase in this balance is comprised of a decrease in policyholder related liabilities of $9.6 million offset by the increase in the net deferred tax liability of $24.6 million, primarily related to the increase in unrealized gains offset by the reduction in tax rates resulting from U.S. Tax Reform.



Results of Operations

The following table outlines amounts reported in Net Income (Loss):


($ in millions)

   2017      2016      2015  

Income (Loss) Before Federal Income Tax

   $ (6.1    $ 46.1      $ 128.7  

Federal Income Tax Expense (Benefit)

     (15.8      14.6        46.1  










Net Income (Loss)

   $ 9.7      $ 31.5      $ 82.6  










Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) (“OCI”)

     109.0        118.5        (240.2










Comprehensive Income (Loss)

   $ 118.7      $ 150.0      $ (157.6










Results of Operations

For the Year Ended December 31, 2017

Net income of $9.7 million was primarily derived from the tax benefit resulting from the enactment of the new tax legislation in 2017. The loss before federal income tax of $6.1 million was derived from product margins offset by net realized capital gains. Product margins include investment margins earned on annuity and life products, mortality margins earned on life products, and minimal surrender and expense margins associated with all products. In 2017, the mortality margin decreased due to changes to future assumptions primarily for mortality based on our annual review of assumptions and net realized capital gains were lower than the prior year.

Other comprehensive income of $109.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2017 was primarily related to the increase in net unrealized gains on fixed maturities of $338.9 resulting from lower interest rates, partially offset by shadow adjustments related to VOBA and SOP 03-01 liabilities of $179.0 million, and tax effect of $50.9 million.

For the Year Ended December 31, 2016

Net income of $31.5 million was primarily derived from net realized capital gains and product margins. Net realized capital gains were lower than 2015 and primarily arose from strategic reinvestment and our continued investment portfolio resegmentation to better align asset and liability cash flows. In 2016, the mortality margin decreased due to higher policyholder benefits, as well as, changes to future assumptions.

Other comprehensive income of $118.5 million for year ended December 31, 2016 was primarily related to the decrease in net unrealized losses on fixed maturities of $242.2 million due to a decrease in spreads particularly for corporates, partially offset by shadow adjustments related to VOBA and SOP 03-01 liabilities of $59.9 million, and tax effect of $63.8 million.

For the Year Ended December 31, 2015

Net income of $82.6 million was primarily derived from net realized capital gains and product margins. Net realized capital gains arose from the strategic reinvestment and investment portfolio resegmentation in 2015 to better align asset and liability cash flows. In 2015, the mortality margin improved over the prior year due to lower policyholder benefits.

Other comprehensive loss of $240.2 million for year ended December 31, 2015 was primarily related to the increase in our net unrealized losses on fixed maturities of $487.0 million due to an increase in spreads on investments, partially offset by shadow adjustments related to VOBA and SOP 03-01 liabilities of $117.0 million and tax effect of $129.8 million.



The significant components of income are summarized below:


($ in millions)

   2017      2016      2015  



Premiums earned

   $ 3.2      $ 16.6      $ 8.8  

Fee income from policyholders

     346.2        346.0        353.9  

Net investment income

     401.1        397.1        398.9  

Realized investment gains, net

     38.1        73.7        113.5  










Total revenues

   $ 788.6      $ 833.4      $ 875.1  



Policyholder benefits

   $ 439.9      $ 449.1      $ 351.7  

Interest credited to policyholders

     277.1        269.5        301.1  

Other operating expenses

     47.9        38.6        52.7  

Amortization of VOBA

     29.8        30.1        40.9  










Total expenses

   $ 794.7      $ 787.3      $ 746.4  










Net Income (Loss) before Federal Income Taxes

   $ (6.1    $ 46.1      $ 128.7  










Premiums Earned and Fee Income

Premiums earned were $3.2 million, $16.6 million and $8.8 million for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. These premiums relate primarily to traditional life and health insurance products and immediate annuities. Premiums from these products are recognized as revenue when received at the inception of the contract. Premiums earned are net of reinsurance premiums paid on the ceded business. Yearly Renewable Term (“YRT”) reinsurance premiums ceded on universal life products are shown here, while Cost of Insurance charges are included in fee income from policyholders. The YRT reinsurance premiums increase each year as our policyholders age and, as a result, our reinsurance premiums more than offset the direct premium from traditional products in 2017. Premium associated with new annuitazions also declined in 2017.

Fee income from policyholders was $346.2 million, $346.0 million and $353.9 million for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. The fee income from policyholders consists of fees assessed against the policyholder account balance for the cost of insurance (mortality risk), contract administration and surrender of the policy prior to contractually specified dates. These charges are recognized as revenue when assessed against the policyholder account balance. Fee income has been consistent on an annual basis. Cost of insurance charges increase as policyholders age, but are offset by lapses, as well as, to expense loads and surrender charges that grade down with policy duration.

Net investment income was $401.1 million, $397.1 million and $398.9 million for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. Net investment income was attributable to the following asset types:


($ in millions)

   2017      2016      2015  

Fixed maturities, available for sale

   $ 345.3      $ 330.2      $ 334.9  

Commercial mortgage loans

     56.5        69.4        63.0  

Cash & short-term investments

     1.7        1.0        0.5  


     12.4        9.3        9.6  










Gross investment income

   $ 415.9      $ 409.9      $ 408.0  

Investment expenses

   $ 14.8      $ 12.8      $ 9.1  










Net investment income

   $ 401.1      $ 397.1      $ 398.9  












Overall, net investment income in 2017 remained consistent with 2016 and 2015, as a result of continued asset liability management initiatives. The investment expense increase is related to a specific investment initiative, with corresponding higher returns.

Realized investment gains were $38.1 million, $73.7 million and $113.5 million for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. The net realized gains in 2017 were primarily derivative related. The net realized gains in 2016 and 2015 were related to asset liability management initiatives to improve yields and better match assets and liabilities.

Policyholder benefits were $439.9 million, $449.1 million and $351.7 million for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015. Policyholder benefits include both incurred claims and the change in liability for future policy benefits. The decrease in 2017 is a result of lower reserve changes in long-term care products offset by higher incurred claims. The increase in 2016 is primarily due to unfavorable mortality experience and annual updates to assumptions (including changes in economic environment, interest and mortality). A significant portion of the increase in reserves in 2016 related to the recognition of realized capital gains of invested assets supporting the universal life secondary guarantee products.

Incurred claims were lower in 2015 resulting from better mortality experience offset by an increase in the change in the liability for future policy benefits related to universal life secondary guarantee products.

Interest credited to policyholders was $277.1 million, $269.5 million and $301.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. This line item represents interest credited to liabilities arising from interest-sensitive life insurance and annuity products. Interest credited in 2017 increased as a result of higher interest credited to the Company’s equity-indexed annuity products resulting from the strong equity market performance and interest credited to the FHLB funding agreements. Interest credited to policyholders decreased in 2016 due to lower account values resulting from runoff of business and lower amounts credited to the Company’s equity-indexed annuity products, resulting from lower equity market performance.

Operating and acquisition expenses were $47.9 million, $38.6 million and $52.7 million for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. These expenses are comprised of general operating expenses, premium taxes, and other fees associated with reinsurance. Operating and acquisition expenses were higher in 2017 as a result of higher reinsurance expense allowances, higher claim litigation expenses and higher compensation costs, resulting from the Transaction. Operating and acquisition expenses for the year ended December 31, 2015 included initial separation and integration costs that were not incurred in 2016 or 2017.

Amortization of VOBA was $29.8 million, $30.1 million and $40.9 million for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. VOBA amortization is expected to decline over time as the unamortized balance is amortized with expected gross profits on specific product lines. The amortization in 2017 and 2016 were in line with expectations for those years, while 2015 amortization was higher than expected due to significant realized capital gains associated with those products lines.

Other Information

The following table presents surrender and withdrawal amounts and rates for major insurance product lines for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015:

Surrenders and withdrawals


     2017     2016     2015  

($ in millions)

   Amounts      Rate     Amounts      Rate     Amounts      Rate  


   $ 561.4        11.7   $ 605.2        11.3   $ 784.3        13.2

Variable and interest-senstive life

   $ 82.1        2.5   $ 88.7        2.7   $ 129.5        3.8

As both annuities and life business have been in runoff since 2014, it is generally expected that the amount of surrenders (in dollars) would decrease, even if the surrender rates were to remain the same. For annuities, most



products exhibit a slight increase in lapse rates in 2017. Surrender rates for annuities decreased in 2016 as a result of lower equity-indexed annuity surrenders. In 2015, higher surrenders were reported in general for products reaching the end of specific guarantee periods (e.g., expiry of market value adjustments). Surrender rates for variable and interest sensitive life declined slightly in 2017.

General Account Investment Portfolio

The General Account Investment Assets (“GAIA”) portfolio consists of a well-diversified portfolio of public and private fixed maturities, commercial mortgages and other loans and other invested assets. The General Account portfolios and investment results primarily support the insurance liabilities of Lincoln Benefit’s business operations. The following table reconciles the balance sheet asset amounts to GAIA:


     December 31, 2017      December 31, 2016  

($ in millions)


Fixed maturities, at estimated fair value

   $ 8,400.2      $ 8,198.1  

Fair value option and trading securities, at estimated fair value

     109.9        14.6  

Redeemable preferred stock

     14.8        —    

Common Stock

     8.2        5.1  

Commercial mortgage loans

     1,043.2        1,455.2  

Policy loans

     178.4        178.9  

Cash and short-term investments

     269.1        133.0  

Other invested assets

     21.2        19.4  







Total Cash and Invested Assets

   $ 10,045.0      $ 10,004.3  







Assets listed in the “Other” category principally consist of derivative assets

Investment Results of General Account Investment Assets

The following table summarizes investment results by asset category for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015:


     2017     2016     2015  

($ in millions)

   Amount      Yield     Amount      Yield     Amount      Yield  

Fixed maturities and Fair value option and trading securities

   $ 349.1        4.16 % (a)    $ 330.7        4.12 % (a)    $ 334.9        3.88

Commercial mortgage loans

     56.5        3.95     69.4        3.50     63.0        3.66

Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments

     1.7        1.10     1.0        0.43     0.5        0.28

Other investment (loss) income

     8.6          8.8          9.6     










Gross investment income

   $ 415.9        $ 409.9        $ 408.0     










Investment Expense

     14.8          12.8          9.1     










Net Investment Income

   $ 401.1        $ 397.1        $ 398.9     











(a)  Includes Fixed maturities, available for sale, fair value option and trading securities

Fixed Maturities

The fixed maturity portfolio consists largely of investment grade corporate debt securities and includes significant amounts of U.S. government and agency obligations. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, GAIA held CMBS with an amortized cost of $189.6 million and $385.8 million, respectively.



Fixed Maturities by Industry

The General Account fixed maturities portfolios include publicly-traded and privately-placed corporate debt securities across an array of industry categories. The following tables set forth these fixed maturities by industry category as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 along with their associated gross unrealized gains and losses:



December 31, 2017

($ in millions)

           Fair Value  

Fixed maturities, available for sale


U.S. Treasury securities and Obligations of U.S. Government Authority and Agencies

   $ 416.6      $ 5.3      $ (12.4   $ 409.5  

Obligations of U.S. States and Political subdivisions

     741.3        37.9        (2.7     776.5  

Foreign Governments

     24.2        0.2        (1.7     22.7  

Corporate securities


Basic materials

     322.4        20.9        (3.0     340.3  


     700.0        25.0        (4.6     720.4  

Consumer, cyclical

     447.0        14.5        (4.6     456.9  

Consumer, non-cyclical

     842.2        32.4        (6.8     867.8  


     1.0        —          —         1.0  


     655.5        28.3        (10.6     673.2  


     1,733.8        76.9        (3.4     1,807.3  


     519.2        15.6        (1.8     533.0  


     332.9        22.1        (0.8     354.2  


     615.3        22.8        (2.3     635.8  


     478.3        5.3        (3.4     480.2  


     189.6        1.4        (3.1     187.9  


     127.4        6.5        (0.5     133.4  

Redeemable preferred stock

     14.8        —          —         14.8  













Total fixed maturities, available for sale

   $ 8,161.5      $ 315.1      $ (61.7   $ 8,414.9  

Common stock

     8.2        —          —         8.2  













Total fixed maturities and equity securities investments

   $ 8,169.7      $ 315.1      $ (61.7   $ 8,423.1  
















December 31, 2016

($ in millions)

           Fair Value  

Fixed maturities, available for sale


U.S. Treasury securities and Obligations of U.S. Government Authority and Agencies

   $ 508.6      $ 7.7      $ (15.0   $ 501.3  

Obligations of U.S. States and Political subdivisions

     702.4        15.9        (8.6     709.7  

Foreign Governments

     31.0        0.3        (3.3     28.0  

Corporate securities


Basic materials

     331.0        10.5        (11.4     330.1  


     564.6        6.0        (17.1     553.5  

Consumer, cyclical

     505.2        7.4        (12.3     500.3  

Consumer, non-cyclical

     888.6        9.0        (29.1     868.5  


     1.6        —          —         1.6  


     651.3        5.8        (23.9     633.2  


     1,579.5        17.7        (24.5     1,572.7  


     522.3        7.7        (10.7     519.3  


     320.2        3.5        (7.6     316.1  


     599.0        7.3        (14.7     591.6  


     512.5        5.4        (10.1     507.8  


     385.8        1.3        (5.8     381.3  


     180.5        5.5        (2.9     183.1  













Total fixed maturities, available for sale

   $ 8,284.1      $ 111.0      $ (197.0   $ 8,198.1  

Common stock

     5.1        —          —         5.1  













Total fixed maturities and equity securities investments

   $ 8,289.2      $ 111.0      $ (197.0   $ 8,203.2  













Gross unrealized losses decreased by $135.3 million from $197.0 million at December 31, 2016 to $61.7 million at December 31, 2017. There was also an increase in gross unrealized gains of $204.1 million, for a total change in net unrealized gain of $339.4 million. The improvement in net unrealized gains was primarily due to a decrease in treasury yields and spreads, particularly for Corporates in 2017. The 10-year treasury yield curve rates at December 31, 2017 and 2016 were 2.41% and 2.45%, respectively. Blended Corporate spreads at December 31, 2017 and 2016 were 200 basis points and 260 basis points, respectively.

Fixed Maturities by Credit Quality

The Securities Valuation Office (“SVO”) of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (“NAIC”) evaluates the investments of insurers for regulatory reporting purposes and assigns fixed maturity securities to one of six categories (“NAIC Designations”). NAIC designations of “1” or “2” include fixed maturities considered investment grade, which include securities rated Baa3 or higher by Moody’s or BBB- or higher by Standard & Poor’s. NAIC Designations of “3” through “6” are referred to as below investment grade, which include securities rated Ba1 or lower by Moody’s and BB+ or lower by Standard & Poor’s. As a result of time lags between the funding of investments, the finalization of legal documents and the completion of the SVO filing process, the fixed maturity portfolio generally includes securities that have not yet been rated by the SVO as of each balance sheet date. Pending receipt of SVO ratings, the categorization of these securities by NAIC designation is based on the expected ratings indicated by internal analysis.



The following table sets forth the General Accounts’ fixed maturities by NAIC rating at the dates indicated:


December 31, 2017

($ in millions)

    Fair Value  

NAIC Rating




Aaa, Aa, A

  $ 3,657.9     $ 147.3     $ (14.6   $ 3,790.6  




    3,213.4       143.3       (20.4     3,336.3  













Investment grade

  $ 6,871.3     $ 290.6     $ (35.0   $ 7,126.9  




    209.5       6.7       (6.6     209.6  


   B     29.3       —         (6.2     23.1  



C and lower

    —         —         —         —    



In or near default

    —         —         —         —    













Below investment grade

  $ 238.8     $ 6.7     $ (12.8   $ 232.7  













Total before asset and mortgage-backed securities

  $ 7,110.1     $ 297.3     $ (47.8   $ 7,359.6  

Asset and mortgage-backed securities

    1,051.5       17.8       (13.9     1,055.4  













Total fixed maturities

  $ 8,161.6     $ 315.1     $ (61.7   $ 8,415.0  













December 31, 2016

($ in millions)

    Fair Value  

NAIC Rating




Aaa, Aa, A

  $ 3,495.5     $ 40.6     $ (76.8   $ 3,459.3  




    3,043.7       47.9       (69.7     3,021.9  













Investment grade

  $ 6,539.2     $ 88.5     $ (146.5   $ 6,481.2  




    234.0       2.8       (16.5     220.3  


   B     29.4       0.2       (6.0     23.6  



C and lower

    2.2       —         (0.7     1.5  



In or near default

    —         —         —         —    













Below investment grade

  $ 265.6     $ 3.0     $ (23.2   $ 245.4  













Total before asset and mortgage-backed securities

  $ 6,804.8     $ 91.5     $ (169.7   $ 6,726.6  

Asset and mortgage-backed securities

    1,479.3       19.5       (27.3     1,471.5  













Total fixed maturities

  $ 8,284.1     $ 111.0     $ (197.0   $ 8,198.1  













Below investment grade fixed maturities represented 2.7% and 3.0% of total fair value at December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively.

Equity Securities

The equity securities of $8.2 million and $5.1 million as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively, are entirely related to the ownership of FHLB stock.

Commercial Mortgage Loans

At December 31, 2017 and 2016, approximately 10.4% and 14.6% of GAIA were in commercial mortgage loans, respectively. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, the carrying value of commercial mortgage loans was $1,043.2 million and $1,455.2 million, respectively.



The investment strategy for the mortgage loan portfolio emphasizes diversification by property type and geographic location with a primary focus on asset quality. The table below shows the breakdown of the amortized cost of the General Account’s investments in mortgage loans by geographic region as of December 31, 2017 and 2016:


     December 31, 2017      December 31, 2016  

($ in millions)



   $ 1.1      $ 1.3  


     20.0        20.4  


     173.1        255.1  


     57.3        57.3  


     —          25.3  


     103.9        123.2  


     63.5        65.4  


     5.0        6.1  


     88.0        114.5  


     0.8        1.0  


     9.2        9.2  


     6.5        7.2  


     —          3.7  


     19.8        21.0  


     53.6        77.8  


     116.9        132.4  


     80.8        84.7  

New Jersey

     34.1        65.9  

New York

     50.7        66.5  

North Carolina

     34.0        55.9  


     12.5        38.6  


     1.0        31.9  

South Carolina

     1.3        1.9  


     —          3.2  


     100.1        133.0  


     7.8        42.6  


     1.0        1.7  


     0.1        3.7  


     1.1        4.7  

General allowance for loan loss

     —          —    







Total commercial mortgage loans

   $ 1,043.2      $ 1,455.2  









Commercial Mortgage Loan by Credit Quality

The values used in these ratio calculations were developed as part of the periodic review of the commercial mortgage loan portfolio, which includes an evaluation of the underlying collateral value as of December 31, 2017 and 2016.


     Recorded Investment               
     Debt Service Coverage Ratios                             
December 31, 2017                                                

($ in millions)

   > 1.20x      1.00x-1.20x      < 1.00x      Total      % of Total     Estimated Fair Value      % of Total  

Loan-to-value ratios:


Less than 65%

   $ 731.6      $ 48.9      $ —        $ 780.5        74.8   $ 782.6        74.9

65% to 75%

     222.8        39.9        —          262.7        25.2     261.9        25.1

76% to 80%

     —          —          —          —          0.0     —          0.0

Greater than 80%

     —          —          —          —          0.0     —          0.0























   $ 954.4      $ 88.8      $ —        $ 1,043.2        100.0   $ 1,044.5        100.0





















     Recorded Investment               
     Debt Service Coverage Ratios                             
December 31, 2016                    

($ in millions)

   > 1.20x      1.00x-1.20x      < 1.00x      Total      % of Total     Estimated Fair Value      % of Total  

Loan-to-value ratios:


Less than 65%

   $ 785.1      $ 36.8      $ 11.4      $ 833.3        57.3   $ 848.7        57.9

65% to 75%

     581.2        25.3        —          606.5        41.7     601.6        41.1

76% to 80%

     10.5        —          —          10.5        0.7     10.5        0.7

Greater than 80%

     4.9        —          —          4.9        0.3     4.3        0.3























   $ 1,381.7      $ 62.1      $ 11.4      $ 1,455.2        100.0   $ 1,465.1        100.0






















All of our mortgage loans that have a debt service coverage ratio of less than 1.0 are performing under the original contractual loan terms at December 31, 2017. The loan-to-value ratios for our commercial mortgage portfolio improved primarily from updated appraisals and certain mortgage maturities and sales in 2017. At December 31, 2017, there were no mortgage loans that were not current.


Market risk is the risk that we will incur losses due to adverse changes in interest rates or credit spreads. We also have certain exposures to changes in equity prices in our equity-indexed annuities and separate accounts liabilities.

Overview. In formulating and implementing guidelines for investing funds, we seek to earn returns that contribute to stable profits while also meeting the future cash flow requirements of our liabilities.

We use quantitative and qualitative market-based approaches to measure, monitor and manage market risk. We evaluate our exposure to market risk through the use of multiple measures including but not limited to duration, earnings- and capital-at-risk, scenario analysis and sensitivity analysis. Duration measures the price sensitivity of assets or liabilities to changes in interest rates. For example, if interest rates increase 100 basis points, the fair value of an asset with a duration of 5 is expected to decrease in value by 5%. Earnings- and capital-at-risk are estimates of the change in earnings or capital that might be expected to emerge over a given time horizon in various defined stress tests. Scenario analysis estimates the potential changes in the value of various financial parameters that could occur under different hypothetical market conditions defined by changes to the market risk factors of interest rates and credit spreads. Sensitivity analysis estimates the potential changes in the value of various financial parameters that could occur under different hypothetical shocks to a market risk factor. In general, we establish investment portfolio asset allocation and market risk limits based upon a combination of duration, earnings- and capital-at-risk, scenario analysis and sensitivity analysis as well as a



consideration of liquidity needs and prudent diversification. Our asset allocation limits place restrictions on the total funds that may be invested within an asset class. Comprehensive day-to-day management of market risk within defined tolerance ranges occurs as our investment advisors buy and sell within their respective markets based upon the acceptable boundaries established by our investment and other risk policies, which are overseen by our board of directors, and our investment and asset-liability management team.

Interest rate risk is the risk that we will incur a loss due to adverse changes in interest rates. This risk arises when our investments are not fully matched to our liabilities, or when characteristics of the assets or liabilities change. Interest rate risk includes risks related to changes in U.S. Treasury yields and other key risk- free reference yields.

One of the measures used to quantify interest rate exposure is duration. To estimate asset durations, we project asset cash flows and calculate their net present value using a risk-free market interest rate adjusted for credit quality, sector attributes, liquidity and other specific risks. Duration is calculated by revaluing these cash flows at alternative interest rates and determining the percentage change in aggregate value. The asset projections include assumptions (based upon historical market experience and our experience) that are intended to reflect the effect of changing interest rates on the prepayment, leverage and/or option features of instruments, where applicable. The preceding assumptions relate primarily to mortgage-backed securities, and municipal and corporate obligations. Our asset duration was 8.2 years and 7.4 years as of December 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, respectively. The increase in asset duration year over year was due to a concerted extension effort to continue to decrease the duration gap, improve cash flow matching, and reduce our exposure to interest rate risk. However, given the duration of our assets remains shorter than the duration of our liabilities, lower interest rates will result in lower investment income on assets purchased in the future.

Based upon the information and assumptions used in the duration calculation, and interest rates in effect as of December 31, 2017, we estimate that a 100 basis point immediate, parallel fall in interest rates (“rate shock”) would increase the net fair value of the assets by $810 million, compared to $740 million as of December 31, 2016. The increase in the change in net fair value was due to a concerted extension effort throughout 2017 to decrease the duration gap and reduce our exposure to interest rate risk. The increase in the fair value of assets would be partially offset by the increase in the fair value of the underlying liabilities. The selection of a 100 basis point immediate, parallel change in interest rates should not be construed as our prediction of future market events, but only as an illustration of the potential effect of such an event.

To the extent that conditions differ from the assumptions we used in these calculations, duration and rate shock measures could be significantly impacted. Additionally, our calculations assume that the current relationship between short-term and long-term interest rates (the term structure of interest rates) will remain constant over time. As a result, these calculations may not fully capture the effect of non-parallel changes in the term structure of interest rates and/or large changes in interest rates.

Credit spread risk is the risk that we will incur a loss due to adverse changes in credit spreads (“spreads”). This risk arises from our investment in spread-sensitive fixed income assets.

We manage the spread risk in our assets by monitoring our spread duration. Spread duration measures the price sensitivity of the assets to changes in spreads. For example, if spreads increase 100 basis points, the fair value of an asset exhibiting a spread duration of 5 is expected to decrease in value by 5%. We manage this risk through a disciplined Asset-Liability Management process that endeavors to align expected liability cashflows with assets of a similar profile. Losses due to credit spread duration result only if there is a requirement to sell assets (for example, to pay claims) prior to maturity at a time when the fair market value of assets is low due to higher credit spreads.

Spread duration is calculated similarly to interest rate duration. For our portfolio, spread duration is close to the asset duration, and thus has a similar sensitivity. As of December 31, 2017, the spread duration of assets was



8.8 years, compared to 7.6 years as of December 31, 2016. Based upon the information and assumptions we use in this spread duration calculation, and spreads in effect as of December 31, 2017, we estimate that a 100 basis point immediate, parallel increase in spreads across all asset classes, industry sectors and credit ratings (“spread shock”) would decrease the net fair value of the assets by $870 million as of December 31, 2017 compared to $760 million as of December 31, 2016. While this is an increase in the interest sensitivity, this is expected due to our strategic duration extension effort to continue to reduce the duration gap in 2017. The increase in the fair value offsets would be partially offset by the increase in the fair value of the underlying liabilities.

The selection of a 100 basis point immediate parallel change in spreads should not be construed as our prediction of future market events, but only as an illustration of the potential effect of such an event.

Credit default risk is the risk that we will incur a loss due to non-payment of principal or interest by a borrower on a specific financial instrument we own. This risk arises primarily from our investments in fixed income securities (for example, corporate bonds) and commercial mortgage loans.

We manage credit default risk through monitoring of the creditworthiness of the underlying borrowers of the securities and loans we are invested in. We use diversification to reduce credit default risk by spreading the risk across different borrowers, different industries, and different geographical locations. Furthermore, we constrain credit default risk through limits on the amount of securities and loans we own with specific credit ratings. Credit defaults may be recognized by the Company in income prior to an actual default by the underlying borrower.

A credit default loss of 100 basis points on the portfolio would result in a loss of $96 million as of December 31, 2017, compared to $100 million as of December 31, 2016. The decrease is due to generally declining invested asset balances year-over-year. The selection of 100 basis points should not be construed as our prediction of future market events, but as an illustration of the potential effect of such an event.

Equity price risk is the risk that we will incur losses due to adverse changes in the general levels of the equity markets. Equity risk exists for contract charges based on account balances as well as for guarantees for living, death and/or income benefits provided by our variable and equity indexed products.

Our variable life products are partially reinsured to ALIC. For the products that are retained, there is equity exposure to contract charges and fees that are based on separate account values, but there is only small exposure to guarantees. The present value of a 20% decrease in equity values would result in a decline in the present value of future contract charges and fees of approximately $7 million as of December 31, 2017, compared to a decline of $6 million as of December 31, 2016. The selection of 20% should not be construed as our prediction of future market events, but as an illustration of the potential effect of such an event.

All variable annuity contract charges and fees, liabilities and benefits, including guarantees for death and/or income benefits, are ceded to ALIC in accordance with the reinsurance agreements, thereby limiting our equity risk exposure. In 2006, ALIC disposed of substantially all of its variable annuity business through reinsurance agreements with The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a subsidiary of Prudential Financial, Inc. and therefore mitigated this aspect of ALIC’s risk. The Company was not a direct participant of this agreement and its reinsurance agreements with ALIC remain unchanged. As of December 31, 2017 and 2016, we had Separate Accounts assets related to variable annuity and variable life contracts totaling $1.4 billion and $1.3 billion, respectively.

As of December 31, 2017 and 2016, we had $1.2 billion and $1.3 billion in equity-indexed life and annuity liabilities that were not reinsured that provide customers with interest crediting rates based on the performance of the S&P 500, respectively. We maintain a hedging program that aims to offset the impact of equity market performance on the value of these guarantees. As of December 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, we had $21.0 million and $18.9 million in market value of S&P 500 options and futures under the hedging program, respectively.



Counterparty credit risk relates to the Company’s potential loss if a counterparty fails to perform under the terms of a contract. The Company manages its exposure to counterparty credit risk by utilizing highly rated counterparties, establishing risk control limits, executing legally enforceable master agreements and obtaining collateral where appropriate.

Lincoln Benefit’s counterparty risk consists of the following two types of exposures: (1) Derivative counterparty risk: The Company only holds future contracts and option contracts which are traded on organized exchanges, which require margin deposits and guarantee the execution of trades, thereby mitigating potential credit risk. Exchanges serve as a marketplace for the buyer and the seller. The associated clearing house sits between the two sides of the trade. The Company did not incur any losses on derivative financial instruments due to counterparty nonperformance in 2017 or 2016; and (2) Reinsurance counterparty risk. The reinsurance counterparty risk is the risk of the reinsurance counterparty failing to pay reinsurance recoveries in full to Lincoln Benefit in a timely manner (i.e., unwillingness to pay, not paying them in full or inability to pay.) We attempt to mitigate this risk by diversifying the risk with multiple reinsurers and monitoring their credit ratings.


Capital resources consist of shareholder’s equity. The following table summarizes our capital resources as of December 31, 2017 and 2016:


($ in millions)

   2017      2016  

Common stock, retained earnings and additional paid-in capital

   $ 418.4      $ 478.7  

Accumulated other comprehensive income

     72.8        (36.2






   $ 491.2      $ 442.5  







Shareholder’s equity increased in 2017 and 2016 primarily due to a decrease in unrealized capital losses due to lower interest rates and net income generated during the year, offset by the payments of dividends to our parent.

Financial strength ratings. Our financial strength ratings as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, were A- from A.M. Best Company, Inc. (“AM Best”) and BBB+ from Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services (“S&P”), both with negative outlook reflecting uncertainty regarding Lincoln Benefit’s ability to grow the business through closed block transactions. With the announcement of the Transaction, S&P issued a press release indicating a “CreditWatch Developing” status and AM Best issued a press release indicating “Under Review with Developing Implications” indicating that more information will be required to determine whether the rating will affirmed, upgraded or downgraded post-close of the Transaction. These ratings reflect the rating agencies’ opinions of our relative financial strength and are not a recommendation to buy or hold any investment. Ratings may be revised or revoked at any time at the sole discretion of the issuing rating agency.

The NAIC has developed a set of financial relationships or tests known as the Insurance Regulatory Information System to assist state regulators in monitoring the financial condition of insurance companies and identifying companies that require special attention or actions by insurance regulatory authorities. The NAIC analyzes financial data provided by insurance companies using prescribed ratios, each with defined “usual ranges”. Generally, regulators will begin to monitor an insurance company if its ratios fall outside the usual ranges for four or more of the ratios. If we have insufficient capital, our regulator may act to reduce the amount of or deny the payment of, dividends. Our ratios are within these ranges.

Liquidity sources and uses. Our potential sources of funds principally include the following:


    Receipt of insurance premiums


    Contractholder fund deposits



    Reinsurance recoveries


    Receipts of principal and interest on investments


    Maturity or sales of investments

Our potential uses of funds principally include the following.


    Payment of contract benefits, surrenders and withdrawals


    Reinsurance cessions and payments


    Operating costs and expenses


    Purchase of investments


    Repayment of intercompany balances


    Dividends to parent


    Tax payments/settlements

Cash flows. As reflected in our Statements of Cash Flows, net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities was $(87) million, $(1) million, and $(34) million for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. Fluctuations in net cash provided by operating activities primarily occur as a result of changes in net investment income, differences in the timing of reinsurance payments and other operating activities (e.g., tax payments, expenses, etc.)

Notwithstanding any reinsurance arrangements, we continue to have primary liability as a direct insurer for risks reinsured. Our ability to meet liquidity demands is dependent on reinsurers’ ability to meet those obligations under the reinsurance programs.

Our ability to pay dividends is dependent on business conditions, income, cash requirements and other relevant factors. The payment of shareholder dividends without the prior approval of the state insurance regulator is limited by Nebraska law to formula amounts based on net income and capital and surplus, determined in conformity with statutory accounting practices, as well as the timing and amount of dividends paid in the preceding twelve months. Prior approval of the Nebraska Director of Insurance is required for the Company for any dividend or distribution paid for five years subsequent to April 1, 2014. After receiving approval from the Department of Insurance, the Company paid dividends of $70.0 million, $42.0 million and $187.0 million in the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.

Contractual obligations. Due to the reinsurance agreements that we have in place, certain contractual obligations are ceded to ALIC, Hannover and other non-affiliated reinsurers.


We are subject to extensive regulation and we are involved in various legal and regulatory actions, all of which have an effect on specific aspects of our business. For a detailed discussion of the legal and regulatory actions in which we are involved, see Note 12 of the financial statements.


There are pending accounting standards that we have not implemented because the implementation date has not yet occurred. For a discussion of these pending standards, see Note 2 in the consolidated financial statements. The effect of implementing certain accounting standards on our financial results and financial condition is often based in part on market conditions at the time of implementation of the standard and other factors we are unable



to determine prior to implementation. For this reason, we are sometimes unable to estimate the effect of certain pending accounting standards until the relevant authoritative body finalizes these standards or until we implement them.


Item 11(i). Changes in or Disagreements with Accountants



Item 11(j). Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

Information required for Item 11(j) is incorporated by reference to the material under the caption “Market Risk” in Item 11(h) of this report.


Item 11(k). Directors and Executive Officers

The biographies of each of the directors and executive officers as of April 1, 2018 are included below.

Clive Cowdery, 54, has been a director since April 2014. Mr. Cowdery is also a director of both LBL HoldCo, Inc. and LBL HoldCo II, Inc. Mr. Cowdery was a director and President of Resolution Life GP Ltd. from December 2013 to September 2016, and a director of Resolution Life (Parallel) GP Ltd. from May 2014 to September 2016. Mr. Cowdery is the Founder and Chairman of The Resolution Group. Before founding Resolution in 2003, Mr. Cowdery served as Chairman and Chief Executive of GE Insurance Holdings. Mr. Cowdery currently serves as a director of Prospect Publishing Limited, and he is the Founder and Chairman of the Resolution Foundation, a charitable organization dedicated to improving living standards for the 15 million people in Britain on low and middle incomes.

Jon Hack, 50, has been a director since April 2014. Mr. Hack is also a director of LBL HoldCo, Inc. and a director of LBL HoldCo II, Inc. He currently serves as the Managing Partner for The Resolution Group. Prior to joining Resolution in 2009, Mr. Hack was a Managing Director and Head of European Financial Institutions Group for Lazard. Mr. Hack qualified as a chartered accountant in 1992 and is a member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.

Ann Frohman, 54, has been a director since April 2014. Ms. Frohman is also a director of LBL HoldCo, Inc. and a director of LBL HoldCo II, Inc. Ms. Frohman is currently self-employed at Frohman Law Office LLC, a law and government relations firm. From December 2010 to March 2012, Ms. Frohman served as Senior Vice President, Government and Industry for Physicians Mutual and Physicians Life Insurance Companies. Prior to that, Ms. Frohman held a number of leadership positions with the Nebraska Department of Insurance, including Director. Ms. Frohman currently serves on the board of directors of Farmers Mutual of Nebraska. Ms. Frohman is a licensed attorney with the Nebraska State Bar Association. Ms. Frohman has advised the Company and LBL HoldCo on issues of Nebraska law from time to time and expects to do so in the future.

Robert Stein, 69, has been a director since April 2014. Mr. Stein is also a director of LBL HoldCo, Inc. and a director of LBL HoldCo II, Inc. From November 1976 to September 2011, Mr. Stein held various positions at Ernst & Young, including Partner. He currently serves on the board of directors of Assurant, Inc. From January 2013 to May 2017, Mr. Stein served on the board of directors of Aviva plc. Mr. Stein is an actuary and a Certified Public Accountant. He is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants.

Grace Vandecruze, 54, has been a director since April 2014. Ms. Vandecruze is also a director of LBL HoldCo, Inc. and LBL HoldCo II, Inc. Since 2006, Ms. Vandecruze has been employed with Grace Global Capital LLC, where she currently serves as Managing Director. Prior to that, she served as Managing Director at Fox-Pitt, Kelton and Vice President at Head & Company LLC. Ms. Vandecruze is a Certified Public Accountant and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.



Richard Carbone, 70, has been a director since April 2014. Mr. Carbone is also a director of LBL HoldCo, Inc. and a director of LBL HoldCo II, Inc. Prior to joining Lincoln Benefit, Mr. Carbone served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Prudential Financial, Inc. and The Prudential Insurance Company of America. He also served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Prudential Financial, Inc. from November 2001 to January 2008 and Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of The Prudential Insurance Company of America from July 1997 to January 2008. Prior to that, Mr. Carbone held various leadership roles at Salomon, Inc., Bankers Trust New York Corporation and Bankers Trust Company. Mr. Carbone is a member of the board of directors for E*Trade Financial Corporation and is an advisor to Hudson Structured Capital Management. Mr. Carbone is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive).

Stephen Campbell, 51, has been a director since October 2015, and prior to that Mr. Campbell had been a director from May 2014 through May 2015. Mr. Campbell is also a director of LBL HoldCo, Inc. and a director of LBL HoldCo II, Inc. From June 2015 through September 2015, Mr. Campbell was a counselor in the domestic finance office of the U.S. Department of Treasury. Since July 2013, except while he was at the U.S. Department of Treasury, Mr. Campbell has been self-employed as a consultant and investor. Prior to that, he was an Investment Banker with Lazard Freres & Co. from 2002 to July 2013. Mr. Campbell currently serves as a member of the board of directors for Hardscuffle, Inc. and American Life & Accident Insurance Company of Kentucky.

W. Weldon Wilson, 57, has been a director and Chief Executive Officer since April 2014, and was appointed President effective October 1, 2017. Mr. Wilson also serves as a director, Chief Executive Officer and President for LBL HoldCo, Inc. and LBL HoldCo II, Inc. From 2010 to 2013, he was self-employed as a consultant. From July 1991 to December 2009, Mr. Wilson held various positions at Swiss Reinsurance Company, including Chief Executive Officer, President and Director of Swiss Re Life & Health America Inc. He is a licensed attorney with the State Bar of Texas.

Robyn Wyatt, 53, has been Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer since April 2014. Ms. Wyatt also serves as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of both LBL HoldCo, Inc. and LBL HoldCo II, Inc. From March 2002 to September 2013, Ms. Wyatt held positions with various affiliates of Swiss Reinsurance Company, including Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer of Swiss Re Life & Health America Inc. Prior to that, she served as Vice President and Chief Accountant of Manulife Financial Corporation. Ms. Wyatt is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.



Item 11(l). Executive Compensation


Executive officers of Lincoln Benefit also serve as officers of HoldCo Parent and other subsidiaries of HoldCo Parent. These executive officers received no compensation directly from Lincoln Benefit. They were employees of HoldCo Parent or a subsidiary. Allocations of compensation were made for each named executive based on the amount of the named executive’s time allocated to Lincoln Benefit under the Services Agreement by and between HoldCo and Lincoln Benefit, effective as of April 1, 2014 (the “Services Agreement”). Those allocations are reflected in the Summary Compensation Table set forth below and in this Compensation Discussion and Analysis disclosure. The named executive officers may have received additional compensation for services rendered to HoldCo Parent or other HoldCo Parent subsidiaries, including HoldCo, and those amounts are not reported.

Named Executives

This portion of the Compensation Discussion and Analysis describes HoldCo Parent’s executive compensation program and specifically describes, for the following named executive officers (“NEOs”) of Lincoln Benefit below, the total 2017 compensation attributable to services rendered to Lincoln Benefit:

W. Weldon Wilson — Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”)

Robyn Wyatt — Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”), Executive Vice President and Treasurer

Keith Gubbay — President and Chief Actuary(1)

Simon Packer — Chief Transformation Officer(2)

Karl Chappell — Managing Director, Investments and Mergers and Acquisitions(3)

Leigh McKegney – Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary(4)


  (1) Mr. Gubbay’s employment with HoldCo Parent terminated on September 30, 2017, in accordance with the Separation and Release Agreement dated August 25, 2017 (Mr. Gubbay’s “Separation Agreement”).
  (2) Mr. Packer’s employment with HoldCo Parent terminated on December 31, 2017, in accordance with the Separation and Release Agreement dated August 25, 2017 (Mr. Packer’s “Separation Agreement”).
  (3) Mr. Chappell’s employment with HoldCo Parent terminated on September 30, 2017, in accordance with the Separation and Release Agreement dated August 25, 2017 (Mr. Chappell’s “Separation Agreement”).
  (4) Ms. McKegney’s employment with HoldCo terminated on March 31, 2018, in accordance with the Retention and Separation Agreement dated August 25, 2017, as amended in March 2018 (such agreement, as amended, Ms. McKegney’s “Retention Agreement”).

2017 Compensation Philosophy

The objectives of HoldCo Parent’s executive compensation program for 2017 were to (i) create a link between pay and performance, (ii) attract, motivate and retain talented employees, (iii) align the interests of executives and other employees with the interests of HoldCo Parent’s shareholders and (iv) foster compliance and support sensible, but not excessive, risk taking. HoldCo Parent has designed the elements of its executive compensation program in order to meet these objectives.

Elements of the Compensation Program Design

All compensation and benefits paid to our officers is determined and paid or provided by HoldCo Parent. HoldCo Parent pays its executives, including the NEOs, base salary and bonus as set forth in each executive’s



employment agreement, as applicable, and at the direction of the HoldCo compensation committee. In addition, the executives, including NEOs, receive employee benefits on the same terms as other similarly situated executives of HoldCo Parent and its subsidiaries. The elements of compensation for the NEOs are determined pursuant to the terms of their individual employment agreements with HoldCo Parent, if applicable. HoldCo has a compensation committee of its board of directors to oversee executive compensation matters, including advising on compensation policies and reviewing and approving the determination of annual bonus payments earned by the executives. Annually, HoldCo Parent reviews data metrics from third party vendors, the Hay Group and DW Simpson, in order to benchmark, using the Hay Group, its employees’ compensation against a broad range of industries, and using DW Simpson, its actuaries’ compensation against other life insurance companies. Mr. Wilson assists the compensation committee in setting compensation for the other HoldCo Parent executives.

Employment Agreements

Each of Messrs. Wilson, Gubbay, Packer and Chappell and Ms. Wyatt is party to an employment agreement with HoldCo Parent. HoldCo Parent negotiated each employment agreement at the time the officer became employed by HoldCo Parent in 2013 or 2014, prior to its acquisition of Lincoln Benefit. The terms of each agreement, including salary and target bonus opportunities, were determined based on an evaluation of appropriate compensation levels in the insurance industry and the level of compensation, benefits and other entitlements that HoldCo Parent considered necessary to attract and retain the executives. The employment agreements set each executive’s base salary and provide for an annual bonus opportunity expressed as a percentage of base salary, and employee benefits on the same terms as similarly situated executives of HoldCo Parent. Mr. Wilson’s, Mr. Gubbay’s and Ms. Wyatt’s target annual bonus opportunity is 60%; and Mr. Chappell’s and Mr. Packer’s target annual bonus opportunity is 50%. The employment agreements of Messrs. Chappell and Packer also provided for reimbursement of certain relocation expenses incurred in 2014 or 2015. Mr. Gubbay’s and Ms. Wyatt’s employment agreement each provided for deferred sign-on bonuses payable in three equal amounts on the first through third anniversaries of the effective date of such employment agreement and such payments were completed during 2016. Ms. McKegney joined HoldCo in 2014 and is considered an employee at will, receiving a base salary and an annual bonus opportunity equal to 40% of her base salary. The amount of each of these elements of compensation that is attributable to Lincoln Benefit is as set forth in the Summary Compensation Table.

Due to the announcement of the sale of HoldCo Parent on October 2, 2017 to an affiliate of Global Bankers Insurance Group, HoldCo Parent was deemed to have initiated a “qualifying termination” as defined in the NEOs’ employment agreements.

HoldCo Parent and each of Messrs. Gubbay, Chappell and Packer entered into a Separation and Release Agreement in August 2017 and each left the employment of HoldCo Parent on September 30, 2017, September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2017, respectively. HoldCo Parent did not replace these named executives and Mr. Wilson and Ms. Wyatt assumed the relevant responsibilities previously conducted by Messrs. Gubbay, Chappell and Packer. Messrs. Gubbay, Chappell and Packer each received severance benefits in accordance with their employment agreements and the amount that is attributed to Lincoln Benefit is as set forth in the Summary Compensation Table.

HoldCo Parent and each of Mr. Wilson and Ms. Wyatt entered into a Retention, Separation and Release Agreement (referred to as, Mr. Wilson’s “Retention Agreement” and Ms. Wyatt’s “Retention Agreement”, respectively). The Retention Agreements commenced August 2017 and were set to expire March 31, 2018, however in March 2018 HoldCo Parent amended the Retention Agreements (such agreements, as amended, Mr. Wilson’s “Amended Retention Agreement” and Ms. Wyatt’s “Amended Retention Agreement”, respectively) to extend the expiration to the earlier of December 31, 2018 or such earlier date as decided by the Company (the “Separation Date”). Mr. Wilson and Ms. Wyatt are entitled to receive the agreed additional compensation if they remain with HoldCo Parent until the Separation Date. HoldCo and Ms. McKegney entered into a Retention and Separation Agreement in August 2017 (as amended in March 2018), and Ms. McKegney left



the employment of HoldCo on March 31, 2018. Additional information regarding Mr. Wilson’s and Ms. Wyatt’s Amended Retention Agreements and Ms. McKegney’s Retention Agreement is set forth below in the “Estimate of Potential Payments upon Termination of Employment or Change of Control” section.

Base Salary

For 2017, each NEO received the base salary set forth in his or her individual employment agreement, or in the case of Ms. McKegney, as agreed with Ms. McKegney pursuant to her employment at will arrangement, in each case as adjusted by prior compensation committee approvals. The amount of each such NEO’s base salary for 2017 that is attributable to Lincoln Benefit is as set forth in the Summary Compensation Table. No changes were made in 2017 to the salaries of each NEO.

Annual Bonus Payments

Variable cash compensation in the form of annual bonuses is provided to reward executives for results based on the past performance year. Each NEO’s employment agreement provides for an annual performance-based bonus opportunity, with the target annual bonus amount expressed as a percentage of such NEO’s base salary. The compensation committee of the board of directors of HoldCo approved a revised annual bonus plan formula in 2017 for all employees, including NEOs, comprised of two parts: a financial corporate performance factor and an individual performance factor. The corporate performance factor is based on the financial performance of Lincoln Benefit compared to an annual financial and capital plan approved by the board of directors. The financial performance targets are the risk-based capital ratio at year end and the amount of dividends paid by Lincoln Benefit during the fiscal year. The individual performance factor is based on the achievement of individual performance objectives. Each of Messrs. Wilson, Gubbay, Packer and Chappell and Ms. Wyatt’s annual bonus based on a ratio of 75% from the corporate performance factor and 25% from individual performance, and Ms. McKegney’s annual bonus is based on a ratio of 60% from the corporate performance factor and 40% from individual performance. As a result of the announced sale of HoldCo Parent, the compensation committee of the board of directors determined that for 2017, the corporate performance factor for all employees, including the NEOs, would be set at 100%, irrespective of the calculated factor. For 2017, the compensation committee determined that (i) Mssrs. Gubbay, Chappell and Packer were entitled to receive a pro-rata portion of their target 2017 bonus as defined by their respective employment agreements, based on the period of service rendered during 2017, (ii) Mr. Wilson should receive his target bonus for 2017, (iii) Ms. Wyatt should receive 125% of her target bonus for 2017 and (iv) Ms. McKegney should receive an individual performance factor of 150%. The amount of each such NEO’s annual bonus that is attributable to Lincoln Benefit is as set forth in the Summary Compensation Table.

Long-Term Incentive Compensation

Each of the NEOs participate in Resolution’s long-term incentive compensation program, but have not received any long-term or equity-based compensation for their services to Lincoln Benefit. Grants under Resolution’s long-term incentive compensation program were made to Messrs. Wilson, Gubbay, Packer and Chappell and Ms. Wyatt prior to the acquisition of Lincoln Benefit, and to Ms. McKegney after she joined HoldCo Parent, and are subject to satisfaction of vesting criteria based on continued service to HoldCo Parent. As a result of the decision to end the investoment period at Resolution and the announced sale of HoldCo Parent, it is assumed that no additional partners will be added to the long-term incentive compensation program and awards will be paid out at the current percentages. As such equity was awarded prior to the acquisition of Lincoln Benefit and no expense related to such equity is allocated to Lincoln Benefit under the Services Agreement, such compensation is not included in the Summary Compensation Tables or other tables below.

Other Benefits

The NEOs participate in the benefit programs available to other employees of HoldCo. These benefits include health and welfare coverage and participation in a HoldCo 401(k) plan. HoldCo matches employee contributions up to 6% of eligible compensation.



Summary Compensation Table

The following table summarizes the compensation of our named executive officers for all services rendered to Lincoln Benefit for the last three fiscal years, in a manner consistent with the allocation of compensation under the Services Agreement or the Service and Expense Agreement, as applicable.


Name and Principal


  Year     Salary
Incentive Plan
    Change in
Pension  Value
    All Other
Compensation (4)

W. Weldon Wilson

    2015       650,000       351,000       —         —         —         —         18,296       1,019,296  

Chairman of the Board,

    2016       429,000       217,632       —         —         —         —         11,380       658,012  

President and

    2017       893,750       536,250       —         —         —         —         22,937       1,452,937  

Chief Executive Officer


Robyn Wyatt

    2015       420,000       486,600       —         —         —         —         21,576       928,176  

Executive Vice President,

    2016       420,000       472,866       —         —         —         —         15,544       908,410  

Chief Financial Officer and

    2017       586,250       439,688               22,459       1,048,397  



Keith Gubbay

    2015       175,000       227,750       —         —         —         —         7,593       410,343  

President and Chief

    2016       140,000       177,622       —         —         —         —         8,291       325,913  


    2017       107,554       63,000               221,463       392,017  

Simon Packer

    2015       396,000       198,000       —         —         —         —         55,451 (5)      649,451  

Chief Transformation

    2016       352,000       148,808       —         —         —         —         26,078       526,886  


    2017       409,221       200,750               325,595       935,566  

Karl Chappell

    2015       320,000       160,000       —         —         —         —         11,680       491,680  

Managing Director,

    2016       320,000       135,280       —         —         —         —         25,434       480,714  

Investments and Mergers

    2017       248,299       120,000               267,131       635,430  

and Acquisitions


Leigh McKegney

    2017       216,563       105,000               29,193       350,755  

Vice President,
Chief Legal Officer
and Secretary(2)



(1)  Disclosure is provided in 2017 for two executive officers employed at year end 2017 (Mr. Packer and Ms. McKegney), other than the CEO and CFO. The Company had no additional executive officers at year end 2017.
(2)  Ms. McKegney was not a named executive officer in 2015 and 2016.
(3)  Amounts in this column for each of Ms. Wyatt, Ms. McKegney and Messrs. Wilson, Gubbay, Packer and Chappell represent the portion of the NEO’s annual performance-based bonus that is attributable to services rendered to Lincoln Benefit, plus, in the case of Ms. Wyatt and Mr. Gubbay for 2016 and 2015, the portion of the 2016 and 2015 payment of the deferred sign-on bonus attributable to services rendered to Lincoln Benefit.
(4)  Includes severance benefits for Messrs. Gubbay, Packer and Chappell, whose employment with HoldCo Parent terminated in 2017, in accordance with their respective Separation and Release Agreements of $214,660, $301,125 and $240,000.
(5)  Includes $29,315 in relocation benefits and $18,270 in 401(k) matching contributions.



Other Compensation Information

Potential Payments as a Result of Termination or Change in Control (“CIC”)

Each of Messrs. Wilson, Gubbay, Packer and Chappell and Ms. Wyatt is party to an employment agreement with HoldCo Parent that provides for severance and/or other payments on certain terminations of employment. As a result of the announced sale of HoldCo Parent to an affiliate of Global Bankers Insurance Group, each NEO is determined to be entitled to receive the stated severance benefits upon termination. If Messrs. Gubbay’s, Packer’s or Chappell’s or Ms. Wyatt’s employment is terminated (i) by mutual agreement between HoldCo Parent and the NEO, (ii) by HoldCo Parent without “cause” or (iii) by the NEO with “good reason” (such terminations, “qualifying terminations”), the NEO is entitled to: the severance benefit described in the paragraph below; a pro-rated bonus for the year of termination, based on actual HoldCo Parent performance; and continued medical coverage at the same premium rate paid by active employees for the period during which the NEO receives the severance benefit. If Mr. Wilson’s employment is terminated in a qualifying termination, he is entitled to a pro-rated bonus for the year of termination and continued medical coverage for twelve months at the same premium rate paid by active employees. Mr. Wilson’s employment agreement does not provide for other severance payments.

On a qualifying termination of Ms. Wyatt’s or Mr. Gubbay’s employment, the NEO’s severance benefit is equal to one year of base salary plus target bonus. On a qualifying termination of Mr. Chappell’s or Mr. Packer’s employment, he is entitled to an amount equal to one-half of the sum of his annual base salary plus target bonus.

For these purposes, “cause” means (i) fraudulent statements or acts of the NEO with respect to the performance of his or her duties under the employment agreement, (ii) the NEO’s conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any crime that constitutes a felony or any crime that constitutes a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, deceit, dishonesty or fraud and that results in material harm to HoldCo Parent, (iii) willful misconduct by the NEO with respect to HoldCo Parent or any of its subsidiaries, or (iv) a material breach by the NEO of his or her employment agreement. “Good reason” for these purposes means (a) a reduction in the NEO’s base salary, annual bonus percentage, long-term incentive compensation percentage, or HoldCo Parent’s refusal to pay the NEO any compensation or benefits due, (b) a material diminution in the NEO’s position, authority, duties or responsibilities, excluding any isolated, insubstantial and inadvertent action, (c) any willful breach by HoldCo Parent of a material term of the NEO’s employment agreement, (d) HoldCo Parent requiring the NEO to engage in any unlawful or criminal act or (e) the bankruptcy of HoldCo Parent. For Mr. Gubbay, “good reason” also includes a termination of employment by Mr. Gubbay if (X) HoldCo Parent requests that he relocate his residence from the Boston, Massachusetts area after the second anniversary of the effective date of his agreement, (Y) he declines such request to relocate and (Z) he continues to perform his duties from the Boston, Massachusetts area for six months following his decline of the request to relocate (or such shorter period as agreed by HoldCo Parent). In order to terminate his or her employment for “good reason,” an NEO must give HoldCo Parent written notice and HoldCo Parent shall have 30 days to cure.

Each of Messrs. Wilson, Gubbay, Packer and Chappell and Ms. Wyatt’s severance payments are subject to such NEO signing a general release of claims. In addition, each of Messrs. Wilson, Gubbay, Packer and Chappell and Ms. Wyatt are subject to covenants not to compete and not to solicit for one year following the date of termination (two years for Mr. Wilson), a non-disparagement covenant for three years following the date of termination, and an indefinite non-disclosure covenant. Ms. McKegney’s severance payment is subject to her signing a general release of claims. In addition, Ms. McKegney is subject to a covenant not to solicit for one year following the date of termination, as well an indefinite non-disparagement covenant and a standard, indefinite non-disclosure covenant to which all HoldCo employees are subject.

Upon termination of each of Mssrs. Gubbay, Chappell and Packer, effective September 30, 2017, September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2017, respectively, each individual received the payments set forth in the Summary Compensation Table above. Upon termination of Ms. McKegney, effective March 31, 2018, pursuant



to her Retention Agreement, she is entitled to receive a retention benefit equal to 16 months of base salary, plus separation pay equal to the equivalent of (i) two weeks of her base salary for each year of completed continuous service (standard for HoldCo employees) and (ii) her 2018 pro rata annual plan bonus payment for the period from January 1, 2018 until March 31, 2018. Such payments are expected to be made in April 2018.

Under Mr. Wilson’s Amended Retention Agreement, he is entitled to receive a retention benefit equal to one year of base salary, in addition to the severance benefits contained in his employment agreement, for remaining with HoldCo Parent until March 31, 2018, and the equivalent of his 2018 pro rata annual incentive plan bonus payment for the period from April 1, 2018 through the Separation Date for remaining with HoldCo Parent until the Separation Date. Under Ms. Wyatt’s Amended Retention Agreement, she is entitled to receive (i) a retention benefit equal to six months of base salary, in addition to the severance benefits contained in her employment agreement for remaining with HoldCo Parent until March 31, 2018, and (ii) an additional retention benefit equal to the equivalent of her actual salary earned from April 1, 2018 through the Separation Date, plus the equivalent of her 2018 pro rata annual incentive plan bonus payment for the period from April 1, 2018 through the Separation Date, for remaining with HoldCo Parent until the Separation Date.

Estimate of Potential Payments upon Termination of Employment or Change of Control

The following table summarizes estimated payments and benefits that would be provided to our NEOs pursuant to their employment agreements in connection with a termination of employment under various scenarios or a change in control and that are attributable to service to Lincoln Benefit and reimbursable under the Services Agreement, assuming such event occurred on December 31, 2018.





   Base Salary and
     Health &
Welfare ($)
     Total Payments

W. Weldon Wilson

   Qualifying Termination      1,706,250        15,447        1,721,697  
   Death or Disability      0        0        0  
   Resignation      0        0        0  
   Change in Control      0        0        0  

Robyn Wyatt

   Qualifying Termination      1,674,750        9,555        1,684,305  
   Death or Disability      0        0        0  
   Resignation      0        0        0  
   Change in Control      0        0        0  

Leigh McKegney

   Qualifying Termination      259,856        23,170        283,026  


(1) For Mr. Wilson and Ms. Wyatt, a “qualifying termination” is a termination by mutual agreement between HoldCo Parent and the executive, by the executive with “good reason” or by HoldCo Parent without “cause.” The amount includes the terms of Mr. Wilson’s and Ms. Wyatt’s respective Amended Retention Agreements and all amounts are calculated based on the percentage of the executive’s time that would be allocated to Lincoln Benefit under the Services Agreement based on a qualifying termination on December 31, 2017. For Ms. McKegney, a “qualifying termination” is a termination by mututal agreement between HoldCo and the executive pursuant to Ms. McKegney’s Retention Agreement.
(2) Because the termination of employment for Mr. Wilson and Ms. Wyatt is deemed to occur on December 31, 2018, the pro-rated portion of any 2018 bonus payable as a result of termination would be 100%. Ms. McKegney was terminated as of March 31, 2018, so the information is provided for such termination date and is expected to be paid in April 2018.

Risk Management and Compensation

HoldCo Parent has performed a review of compensation policies and practices for all of its employees who provide services to Lincoln Benefit and has concluded that its compensation policies and practices are not reasonably likely to have a material adverse impact on Lincoln Benefit.



Director Compensation

Our independent directors receive an annual cash retainer fee for their services on the boards of directors of HoldCo Parent and its subsidiaries, including Lincoln Benefit, a portion of which is allocated to Lincoln Benefit pursuant to the Services Agreement. The portion of the annual retainer allocated to Lincoln Benefit for 2017 is set forth in the table below. A non-employee director may also elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of his or her annual retainer fee into a notional percentage equity interest in Resolution Life L.P. and Resolution Life (Parallel) Partnership (together, the “Partnerships”). The elected percentage of the Board retainer for a calendar year of service is converted into a notional percentage interest in the Partnerships when the year-end valuation of the Partnerships for the immediately prior year is available. The notional interest will be unvested until December 31st of the relevant year of service, and, as a general rule, if the director’s Board service ends before December 31st, the unvested portion of the notional interest will be forfeited except that, in the case of a qualifying termination, a pro rata portion of the director’s unvested portion of the notional interest will vest. If a director is terminated as a result of the closing of the announced sale of HoldCo to an affiliate of Global Bankers Insurance Group, this will be considered a qualifying termination and such director’s notional interest will vest. If the Partnerships pay a distribution to their partners, the electing director will be paid, on a current basis, a distribution in cash based on notional interest (both vested and unvested) held by such director as of the record date of the distribution. Vested portions of notional interests will be settled in cash on the first to occur of (1) a liquidity event of the Partnerships and (2) termination of the director’s board service, in which case settlement would occur in the year following the year in which the director’s board service ends.

The following table summarizes the allocation of compensation of each of Lincoln Benefit’s independent directors during 2017 for his or her services as a member of the Board of Directors of Lincoln Benefit and its committees in a manner consistent with the allocation of compensation under the Services Agreement. Directors who are officers or employees of HoldCo Parent and its subsidiaries and other non-independent directors do not receive any additional compensation for their services as a director of Lincoln Benefit.


Name of Non-Employee Director

   Fees Earned
or Paid in Cash(1)
     All Other

Stephen Campbell

   $ 137,813        —        $ 137,813  

Richard Carbone

   $ 137,813      $ —        $ 137,813  

Ann Frohman

   $ 137,813      $ —        $ 137,813  

Robert Stein

   $ 137,813      $ —        $ 137,813  

Grace Vandecruze

   $ 137,813      $ —        $ 137,813  


(1) Includes the portion of the cash retainer paid in the form of a deferred notional interest in the Partnerships at the election of the director. The following table sets forth, by grant date, the allocation of the number of HoldCo Parent deferred notional interest of the Partnerships credited to each director, the grant date fair value of each award and the percentage of such notional interest held at December 31, 2017 with respect to service as a Lincoln Benefit director in 2017 in a manner consistent with the allocation of compensation under the Services Agreement. All deferred notional interests vested on December 31, 2017.



   Percentage of
Interest on
each grant
    Grant Date
Fair Value
on each of
January 1, 2017,
April 1, and

July 1, 2017 and
October 1,
     Percentage of
Notional Interest
Held at
December 31,

Richard Carbone

   January 1,

April 1, and July 1, 2017

October 1, 2017










Robert Stein

   January 1, 2017

April 1 and July 1, 2017

October 1, 2017













Grace Vandecruze

   January 1,

April 1 and July 1, 2017

October 1, 2017










Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

In February 2015, the Board of Directors of HoldCo Parent established a compensation committee, whose primary function is to assist the Board with its oversight role with respect to the compensation of HoldCo Parent’s and its subsidiaries’ executive officers and other employees, and in February 2017, the HoldCo Parent compensation committee was re-established at HoldCo, the entity with which the majority of the employees are employed. No executive officer of Lincoln Benefit serves as a member of the compensation committee of another entity for which any executive officer served as a director for Lincoln Benefit.



Item 11(m). Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management Security

Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners

The following table shows the number of Lincoln Benefit shares owned by any beneficial owner who owns more than five percent of any class of Lincoln Benefit’s voting securities.


Title of Class (a)


Name and Address of

Beneficial Owner



Amount and Nature of

Beneficial Ownership



Percent of

Capital Stock


LBL HoldCo II, Inc.

One Station Place

Metro Center, 7th Fl.

Stamford, CT 06902





LBL HoldCo, Inc.

One Station Place

Metro Center, 7th Fl.

Stamford, CT 06902

   Indirect voting and investment power of shares owned by LBL HoldCo II, Inc.   




Resolution Life L.P.

Canon’s Court

22 Victoria Street

Hamilton, HM 12


   Indirect voting and investment power of shares owned by LBL HoldCo II, Inc.   




Resolution Life GP, Ltd.

Canon’s Court

22 Victoria Street

Hamilton, HM 12


   Indirect voting and investment power of shares owned by LBL HoldCo II, Inc.   




Resolution Capital Limited

2 Queen Anne’s Gate



United Kingdom

   Indirect voting and investment power of shares owned by LBL HoldCo II, Inc.   




Clive Cowdery

2 Queen Anne’s Gate



United Kingdom

   Indirect voting and investment power of shares owned by LBL HoldCo II, Inc.   




Security Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers

The following table shows the number of shares of stock in Lincoln Benefit or its parents beneficially owned by each director and named executive officer of Lincoln Benefit individually, and by all executive officers and directors of Lincoln Benefit as a group. Shares reported as beneficially owned include certain shares held indirectly, as well as shares subject to stock options exercisable on or prior to March 31, 2018 and restricted stock units for which restrictions expire on or prior to March 31, 2018. The following share amounts are as of March 31, 2018.



  Title of Class of Equity
  Number of

Statement Concerning Beneficial

Lincoln Benefit, LBL HoldCo II, Inc., LBL HoldCo, Inc., Resolution Life L.P., Resolution Life GP Ltd., Resolution Life (Parallel) Partnership, Resolution Life (Parallel) GP Ltd.   n/a   n/a   Lincoln Benefit is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of (i) Resolution Life L.P., which is controlled by its general partner Resolution Life GP Ltd. and (ii) Resolution Life (Parallel) Partnership, which is controlled by its managing partners, which includes Resolution Life (Parallel) GP Ltd. Resolution Life (Parallel) GP Ltd. is wholly-owned by Resolution Life GP Ltd. Resolution Life GP Ltd. is wholly- owned by Resolution Capital Limited, which is wholly-owned by Clive Cowdery.
Resolution Life L.P.   n/a   n/a   Clive Cowdery has indirectly invested $8.997 million in Resolution Life L.P., which currently accounts for 1.768% of the current total $509 million of aggregate investment in Resolution Life L.P. and Resolution Life (Parallel) Partnership.

Changes in Control

On December 31, 2013, LBL HoldCo, Inc. and LBL HoldCo II, Inc. entered into a Credit Agreement with Royal Bank of Canada (“RBC”), The Royal Bank of Scotland, PLC, RBC Capital Markets, RBS Securities Inc. and Lloyds Securities Inc. (the “Credit Agreement”). On April 1, 2014, LBL HoldCo, Inc. and LBL HoldCo II, Inc. entered into a Guarantee and Collateral Agreement with Royal Bank of Canada (the “Guarantee and Collateral Agreement”). Pursuant to the Guarantee and Collateral Agreement, LBL HoldCo, Inc. pledged the securities of LBL HoldCo II, Inc. to the Secured Parties (as defined in the Guarantee and Collateral Agreement) in order to secure a term loan to LBL HoldCo II, Inc. for the acquisition of Lincoln Benefit. Pursuant to the Credit Agreement and the Guarantee and Collateral Agreement, LBL HoldCo II, Inc. also pledged the securities of Lincoln Benefit to the Secured Parties (as defined in the Guarantee and Collateral Agreement).

If LBL HoldCo II, Inc. defaults on its obligations under the Credit Agreement, RBC (as collateral agent), will have the option to receive all of the LBL HoldCo II, Inc. and Lincoln Benefit stock pledged under the Credit Agreement and Guarantee and Collateral Agreement, including all voting and corporate rights to such stock.

On October 1, 2017, the indirect parents of the registrant (Lincoln Benefit), Resolution Life L.P. and Resolution Life (Parallel) Partnership, entered into an agreement with SNH Acquisition, LLC and Southland National Holdings, Inc. to sell LBL HoldCo, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including Lincoln Benefit, to SNH Acquisition, LLC (the “Transaction”). The Transaction is subject to required regulatory approvals. Subject to the receipt of such regulatory approvals, the Transaction is targeted to close in the second quarter of 2018.



Item 11(n). Transactions with Related Persons, Promoters and Certain Control Persons

Transactions with Related Persons

Lincoln Benefit is a party to certain intercompany agreements involving amounts greater than $120,000 between Lincoln Benefit and the following companies:


    LBL HoldCo II, Inc. (“HoldCo”), the direct parent of Lincoln Benefit.


    LBL HoldCo, Inc. (“HoldCo Parent”), an indirect parent of Lincoln Benefit.


    Lancaster Re Captive Insurance Company (“Lancaster Re”), a direct subsidiary of Lincoln Benefit


    Lanis LLC, an affiliate of Lincoln Benefit


Transaction Description

   Approximate dollar
value of the amount
involved in the
transaction,  per
fiscal year
    Approximate dollar value of the amount
involved in the
transaction, per
fiscal year
            ($)     HoldCo
     HoldCo      Lanis LLC  

Services Agreement between LBL HoldCo II, Inc. and Lincoln Benefit effective April 1, 2014





































1 Total expense amount reimbursed / (paid) under the transaction

The agreements listed in the table immediately below relate to a transaction that LBL HoldCo II, Inc., LBL HoldCo, Inc., Lancaster Re Captive Insurance Company, Lanis LLC and Lincoln Benefit have entered into with Hannover Life Reassurance Company of America, an unrelated party, in order to finance a portion of the insurance reserves held by Lincoln Benefit with respect to universal life insurance policies with secondary guarantees written by Lincoln Benefit.


Transaction Description

   Approximate dollar
value of the amount
involved in the
transaction, per
fiscal year
    Approximate dollar value of the amount
involved in the
transaction, per
fiscal year
            ($)     HoldCo
     HoldCo      Lanis LLC  

Surplus Note Purchase Agreement between Lancaster Re Captive Insurance Company and Lanis LLC effective April 1, 2014




































Vehicle Note Purchase Agreement between Lancaster Re Captive Insurance Company and Lanis LLC effective April 1, 2014




































Fee Letter between Lincoln Benefit Life Company and Lanis LLC effective April 1, 2014





































2  Surplus/Vehicle Note Interest received (paid)
3  Payment of risk spread fee

Review and Approval of Related Person Transactions

All intercompany agreements to which Lincoln Benefit is a party are approved by Lincoln Benefit’s Board of Directors as well as by the board of any other affiliate of Lincoln Benefit that is a party to the agreement.



When required, intercompany agreements are submitted for approval to the Nebraska Department of Insurance, Lincoln Benefit’s domestic regulator, and any additional states in which Lincoln Benefit might be commercially domiciled pursuant to the applicable state’s insurance holding company systems act. This process is documented in an internal procedure that captures the review and approval process of all intercompany agreements. All approvals are maintained in Lincoln Benefit’s corporate records.

While there is no formal process for the review and approval of related person transactions between unaffiliated entities specific to Lincoln Benefit, all directors, officers and employees of Lincoln Benefit are subject to LBL HoldCo, Inc.’s Code of Conduct and its Conflict of Interest Guideline. LBL HoldCo’s Code of Conduct includes a written conflict of interest policy that was adopted by the Board of Directors of LBL HoldCo, Inc., the indirect parent company of Lincoln Benefit, and applies to all subsidiaries, including Lincoln Benefit. Any potential relationship or activity that could impair independent thinking and judgment, including holding a financial interest in a business venture that is similar to Lincoln Benefit and/or LBL HoldCo, Inc., or in a business that has a relationship with either entity, is required to be disclosed to Human Resources and Compliance. Human Resources works with representatives from the Law Department, including Compliance, and the Audit Committee, if necessary, to determine whether an actual conflict of interest existed. All directors, officers and employees are required to sign a Code of Conduct certification and complete a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire annually.

Independence Standards for Directors

Although not subject to the independence standards of the New York Stock Exchange, for purposes of this registration statement, Lincoln Benefit has applied the independence standards required for listed companies of the New York Stock Exchange to the Board of Directors. Applying these standards, Lincoln Benefit has determined that five of its directors are independent: Stephen Campbell, Richard Carbone, Ann Frohman, Robert Stein and Grace Vandecruze.


A section entitled “Experts” is added to your prospectus as follows:


The financial statements of Lincoln Benefit Life Company as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2017 included in this Prospectus have been so included in reliance on the report of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, given on the authority of said firm as experts in auditing and accounting.

The following change is made to the prospectuses for the LBL Advantage, Consultant II and Premier Planner:

Under the “More Information” section, the subsection entitled “Legal Matters” is deleted and replaced with the following:


Matters of Nebraska law pertaining to the Contract, including the validity of the Contract and our right to issue the Contract under Nebraska law, have been passed upon by Lamson Dugan & Murray LLP, Omaha, Nebraska.


Allstate Distributors, L.L.C. (“ADLLC”) serves as distributor of the securities registered herein. The securities offered herein are sold on a continuous basis, and there is no specific end date for the offering. ADLLC



is a registered broker dealer under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. ADLLC is not required to sell any specific number or dollar amount of securities, but will use its best efforts to sell the securities offered.


We have primary responsibility for all administration of the Contracts and the Variable Account. We entered into an administrative services agreement with Allstate Life. Allstate Life entered into an administrative services agreement with The Prudential Insurance Company of America (“PICA”) pursuant to which PICA or an affiliate provides administrative services to the Variable Account and the Contracts on our behalf. In addition, PICA entered into a master services agreement with SE2, LLC, of 5801 SW 6th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66636, whereby SE2, LLC provides certain business process outsourcing services with respect to the Contracts. SE2, LLC may engage other service providers to provide certain administrative functions. These service providers may change over time, and as of December 31, 2017, consisted of the following: NTT DATA, Inc. (administrative services) located at 100 City Square, Boston, MA 02129; Donnelley Financial Solutions, Inc. (compliance printing and mailing) located at 35 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601; Stacks LLC (f/k/a Jayhawk File Express, LLC) (file storage and document destruction) located at 601 E. 5th Street, Topeka, KS 66601-2596; TierPoint, LLC (f/k/a Co-Sentry.net, LLC) (back-up printing and disaster recovery) located at 9394 West Dodge Rd, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68114; SOVOS Compliance (f/k/a Convey Compliance Systems, Inc.) (withholding calculations and tax statement mailing) located at 3650 Annapolis Lane, Suite 190, Plymouth, MN 55447; Veritas Document Solutions, LLC (compliance mailings) located at 913 Commerce Ct, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089; Records Center of Topeka, a division of Underground Vaults & Storage, Inc. (back-up tapes storage) located at 1540 NW Gage Blvd. #6, Topeka, KS 66618; Venio LLC, d/b/a Keane (lost shareholder search) located at PO Box 1508, Southeastern, PA 19399-1508; DST Systems, Inc. (FAN mail, positions, prices) located at 333 West 11 Street, 5th Floor, Kansas City, MO 64105.

In administering the Contracts, the following services are provided, among others:


    maintenance of Contract Owner records;


    Contract Owner services;


    calculation of unit values;


    maintenance of the Variable Account; and


    preparation of Contract Owner reports.

We will send you Contract statements at least annually. We will also send you transaction confirmations. You should notify us promptly in writing of any address change. You should read your statements and confirmations carefully and verify their accuracy. You should contact us promptly if you have a question about a periodic statement or a confirmation. We will investigate all complaints and make any necessary adjustments retroactively, but you must notify us of a potential error within a reasonable time after the date of the questioned statement. If you wait too long, we will make the adjustment as of the date that we receive notice of the potential error. Correspondence you send by regular mail to our service center should be sent to P.O. Box 758566, Topeka, KS 66675-8566. Your correspondence will be picked up at this address and then delivered to our service center. Your correspondence is not considered received by us until it is received at our service center. Where this prospectus refers to the day when we receive a purchase payment, request, election, notice, transfer or any other transaction request from you, we mean the day on which that item (or the last requirement needed for us to process that item) arrives in complete and proper form at our service center or via the appropriate telephone or fax number if the item is a type we accept by those means. There are two main exceptions: if the item arrives at our service center (1) on a day that is not a business day, or (2) after the close of a business day, then, in each case, we are deemed to have received that item on the next business day.

We will also provide you with additional periodic and other reports, information and prospectuses as may be required by federal securities laws.