EX-3.12 5 y94559exv3w12.txt 1ST AMENDMENT TO 5TH A/R AGREEMENT OF LIMITED PART Exhibit 3.12 FIRST AMENDMENT TO FIFTH AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OF LEPERCQ CORPORATE INCOME FUND L.P. This FIRST AMENDMENT TO FIFTH AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OF LEPERCQ CORPORATE INCOME FUND L.P. (this "Amendment") is made and entered into effective as of June 19, 2003 by and among the entities and individuals signatory hereto. A. Lepercq Corporate Income Fund II L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (the "Partnership") is governed by that certain Fifth Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership, dated effective as of December 31, 1996 (the "Agreement"). Unless otherwise defined, all capitalized terms used herein shall have such meaning ascribed such terms in the Agreement. B. Lexington Corporate Properties Trust, a Maryland real estate investment trust ("LXP") is the sole unitholder of each of (i) Lex GP-1 Trust, a Delaware statutory trust ("Lex GP") and (ii) Lex LP-1 Trust, a Delaware statutory trust ("Lex LP"). Lex GP is the general partner of the Partnership, Lepercq Corporate Income Fund II L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, and Net 3 Acquisition L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (collectively, the "Operating Partnerships"). Lex LP is the Initial Limited Partner of each of the Operating Partnerships. C. As of the date hereof, LXP has completed the offer and sale (the "Offering") to the Underwriters (as defined in the Underwriting Agreement, dated as of June 10, 2003, by and among Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc., A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc., Raymond James, Friedman Billings Ramsey, Advest, Inc., BB&T Capital Markets and Ferris, Baker Watts Incorporated, on the one hand, and LXP and the Operating Partnerships, on the other) of 3,160,000 preferred shares of beneficial interest, classified as 8.05% Series B Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, par value $0.0001 per share, of LXP ("Preferred Shares"), pursuant to a prospectus supplement dated June 10, 2003 and the accompanying base prospectus dated April 10, 1998. D. The Preferred Shares carry a cumulative preferred dividend and liquidation preference further described in the Articles Supplementary of LXP, dated as of June 17, 2003. E. Pursuant to Section 4.2 of the Agreement, the Partnership may issue additional partnership interests to LXP and its affiliates in connection with the issuance of shares by LXP provided LXP makes a capital contribution to the Partnership of the proceeds raised in connection with such issuance. F. LXP has agreed to contribute a portion of the proceeds of the Offering to the Partnership in exchange for Series B Preferred Operating Partnership Units ("Preferred OP Units") in the Partnership to be issued to an affiliate of LXP, Lex LP. G. As required by Section 4.2 of the Agreement, the Preferred OP Units have designations, preferences and other rights such that the economic interests are substantially similar to the designations, preferences and other rights of the Preferred Shares, as further described and set forth in the Certificate of Designation for the Preferred OP Units attached hereto as Annex I (the "Certificate of Designation"). H. As of the date hereof, and pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, the parties hereto desire to amend the Agreement to reflect the issuance of 2,105,838 Preferred OP Units to Lex LP as well as all other changes in the ownership of Partnership Units since the date of the Agreement by amending and restating Exhibit A to the Agreement and (ii) the admission of Lex LP as a Limited Partner holding Preferred OP Units (a "Preferred Limited Partner"). NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, being desirous of effectuating the foregoing and amending the Agreement accordingly, hereby enter into this Amendment and amend the Agreement as follows: 1. Certificate of Designation; Preferred Limited Partner. The Agreement is hereby amended to the extent necessary to reflect that the rights, preferences and privileges of the Preferred OP Units and the Preferred Limited Partner, shall be as set forth in the Certificate of Designation which is hereby attached as Annex I to the Agreement and made a part hereof. To the extent there is a conflict between the terms of the Certificate of Designation and the terms of the Agreement, the terms of the Certificate of Designation shall control. 2. Exhibit A. Exhibit A to the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Exhibit A hereto. 3. Miscellaneous. Except as amended hereby, the Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] A-2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment on behalf of the Partnership in accordance with the provisions of Section 14.1 of the Agreement as of the date first written above. GENERAL PARTNER: LEX GP-1 TRUST By: /s/ T. Wilson Eglin ------------------------------- Name: T. Wislon Eglin Title: Vice President EXHIBIT A PARTNERS' CONTRIBUTIONS AND PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL PARTNER Lex GP-1 Trust $ 100 217387 0.87% N/A LIMITED PARTNER Lex LP-1 Trust $ 100 21140878 84.28% N/A PREFERRED LIMITED PARTNER Lex LP 1 Trust $52,645,950 2105838 100% (of N/A Series B) SPECIAL LIMITED PARTNERS 0.43% Douglas S. Altabef -- 6556 N/A The LCP Group, L.P. -- 28057 N/A Ellen C. Monk -- 4066 N/A Terrell R. Peterson Trust dtd. 4/5/90 -- 2608 N/A E. Robert Roskind Family, L.P. -- 41813 N/A Richard J. Rouse -- 16063 N/A Edward C. Whiting -- 9001 N/A
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPERTY LIMITED PARTNERS 1) Barngiant Livingston(1) 0.25% March 1, 2004 Edward G. Gilbert 0.5 3902 John Heubel 0.25 1951 Leone Heubel 0.25 1951 Estate of Jacob M. Kirschner 1 7804 Kirschner Brothers Oil Co. 2.5 19510 Alvin E. Levine 1 7804 Estate of Antony E. Monk 0.001 406 Ellen C. Monk 0.001 406 Robert W. Pomerantz 0.5 3902 F/B/O Jeffrey W. Pomerantz (Harry Pomerantz Trust) 0.5 3902 F/B/O Michele P. Kolz (Harry Pomerantz Trust) 0.5 3902 Alex Silverman TTEE 0.5 3902 S. Swarzman 0.125 976 D. Swarzman 0.125 976 J. Swarzman 0.125 975 L. Swarzman 0.125 975 2) Barnhale Modesto 0.11% February 1, 2006 Roger Brooks 1655
---------- (1) For purposes of Section 5.1, Property Limited Partners that contributed interests in Barngiant Livingston (except for Kirschner Brothers Oil Co.) shall be entitled to cash distributions of $2,200 annually in 1996 through 2003, and $350 in 2004. A-2 PARTNERS' CONTRIBUTIONS AND PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeffrey Caspe 115.5 4967 Richard Caspe 77 3311 Richard Jacobson 3311 Dwight L. Long Trust 1655 Albert J. Mintzer, Trustee Albert J. Mintzer Revocable Trust dtd 3/24/92 38.5 1656 Estate of Thomas S. Nurnberger 1655 Jack Pester 77 3311 Sheldon I. Rips 19.25 1655 Renee G. Rubinow Soskin Trust 1655 William A. Stauffer 19.25 1656 E. Robert Roskind (economic interest only) 20.2 872 Barnes Properties, Inc. (economic interest only) 20.2 871 3) Barnes Rockshire 0.12% March 1, 2005 Daniel R. Baty 1 3672 Charles W. Coker, Jr. 1 3672 Richard M. Durwood 1.5 5508 William Fromm 1 3672 The Residuary Trust U/W Isadore L. Krischner 0.5 1836 Estate of Antony E. Monk 0.001 4 Ellen C. Monk 0.001 4 Albert Silverman 1 3672 Alex Silverman TTEE 1 3672
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R. James Thornton 1 3672 4) Barnvyn Bakersfield 0.07% January 1, 2003 John P. Jennings 6257 Robert Miller 1.47 5485 (William D.) Kimpton Revocable Trust 0.26 978 Jack Brownstein 5181 5) Barnhech Montgomery(2) 0.04% May 1, 2006 Crestar Bank, Co-Ttee u/a dtd 1/31/86 James A. Linen IV Irrevocable Trust 1 1703 Charles R. Perko 1 1703 Rogers Living Trust, dtd 10/7/97 William A. Rogers III & Shirley Rogers 0.5 852 Herbert G. Roskind, Jr. 0.5 852 Gary Smith 1 1703 Hugh B. Wallis Trust 0.5 852 Jacqueline Gay Gaines 1703 6) Barnward Brownsville 0.10% November 2, 2004 Aaron David Bear 1 5424 Robert Bole 1 5424 Barry Pidgeon 1 5424 Gerald J. Riddle 1 5424
---------- (2) For purposes of Section 5.1, Property Limited Partners that contributed interests in Barnhech Montgomery shall be entitled to cash distributions of $490 annually in 1996 through 2005, and $163 in 2006. A-4 PARTNERS' CONTRIBUTIONS AND PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Robert Roskind (economic interest only) 0.26 1428 Barnes Properties, Inc. (economic interest only) 0.26 1428 RED BUTTE LIMITED PARTNERS 5.0% May 22, 1998 Partners of Barnshore Associates -E. Robert Roskind Family L.P. 4245 -Ellen C. Monk 2122 -Richard J. Rouse 2123 -Edward C. Whiting 2123 -Steven Boughner 2123 -Peter Kinnunen 1061 -Terrell R. Peterson Trust dtd. 4/5/90 1061 Abbott, Mary I. Family Trust 16921 Babush, R.K. 1811 Baer, Verdilla 33842 Barry, Joanne 8461 Becker, Warren J. 16921 Sharon Bracken, Trustee, Sharon Bracken Marital Trust 33842 Calkins, Windsor & Judy 16921 Cherrington, James S. 16921 Dallas, Robert H. (Sr.) 16921 Danzig, Murray (Alan J. Rubens, escrow agent) 33842 Diversi, Henry L. (Jr.) 10861
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dodds, W. Douglas 16921 Dye Investment Properties #1 33842 Ebrahimian (Moosa) Family, L.P. 33842 Falconer Family L.P. 33842 Flake, Rodney J. Trust 16921 The Bud and Mary Lou Flocchini Partnership 16921 The Armando J. and Lena Flocchini Family Partnership 16921 Gilbert, Peter G. 5431 Golia, Dominick T. 37236 Harrington, Thomas J. 20315 Healey, Thomas J. 3734 Irvin, Tinesley H. 10862 Jacobs, Randolph 33842 Jenkins, Edward Max Trust 16921 Jones, Billy Ray 5431 Jones, J. Curtis 2716 Kadish, Rosalyn S. 2716 Kenyon Trust 38594 Kornman, Jacob S. 1810 Kotkins, Henry L. (Jr.) 33842 Kotkins, Henry L. (Sr.) TTEE 33842 Kremers, Joseph A. 33842 Krone, Marilyn R. Living Trust 8147 Legum, Steven F. 5431 Manlowe, Donald & Virginia 33842
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maronick, E. Phil 33842 Martin, Eff W. 3734 Mathews, Glenna C. 16921 Mazo, (Gerald)/Trust 5431 McGonacle, Linda & Jim 16921 Murphy II, Chester M. Trustee 8460 Murphy, Margaret Trustee 8460 Neiman, H.F. 1810 Obernauer, Marne (Jr.) 20315 Obie, Gordon T. 16921 Post, Allen W. (Jr.) 10862 Price, Gerald E. 16921 Rhoad, Estate of Guy C. 37236 Romney, Gloria Lynn & Clark TTEE 20315 Schaefer, Robert A. 5431 Schubach, Robert M. 33842 Schwartz, Richard J. 33842 Sherry, Henry I. 5431 Stephenson, Leroy 33842 Strimatter, Paul L. 8460 Todd, Geils 33842 Weaver, (The) Judith Family LLC 16921 Weaver, Terry M. 16921 Whitmore, George M. (Jr.) 5431 John C. Williams Trustee, Red Butte Creek Trust 2716
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Young, Raymond 5431 The LCP Group, L.P. 104704 Richard J. Rouse 9302 EXPANSION LIMITED PARTNERS 1) Toy Properties Associates II 0.27% January 15, 1999 Brooks, Bonnie Jo 854 Burnett, Pamela A. 569 Carolyn A. Butler 854 Lee C. Butler 854 Robert C. Dickson 1707 Patricia E. Dupree 1707 Robert L. Dupree 1707 Dr. John M. Gallus 1707 W.C. Gilbert 3414 Robert Hecht 1707 Lawrence N. Johnson 1707 Jennifer Kastelic 569 James R. Keller 1707 Oliver W. Lund 1707 David L. Mitchell 1707 Lawrence E. Mulkerin 1707 Wayne H. Nay 853 James E. Rottsolk 1707 Dr. Allen Ruth 1707 Earl L. Sherron, Jr. 1707
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John F. Steiner 1707 Joseph F. Sutter 1707 WAT Enterprises Limited Partnership ("Thielman") 1707 Mary Lou Tillay 1707 L. Suzan Watson 569 Zavrski, C . Realty , LLC 1707 O.K.O.W. Investors (Special LP) (Special LP) 3628 The LCP Group, L.P. 18065 Richard J. Rouse 4696 E. Robert Roskind Family, L.P. 327 Ellen C. Monk 163 Edward C. Whiting 196 Terrell R. Peterson Trust dtd. 4/5/90 131 Peter Kinnunen 131 2) Toy Properties Associates V 0.12% January 15, 1999 Leonard V. Ackermann, DDS 778 George L. and Donna L. Adams 778 9401 Allied L.P. 778 John R. Bedingfield, Jr., MD 778 Stephen P. Boger, DDS 778 James L. Bridge, Jr. 778 John Richard Burg, MD 778 Eva P. Csathy 778 Archie R. and Nancy H. Dykes 778
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George W. Flynn 778 Gordon G. Fowler 778 Burton J. Iverson 778 Douglas A. Jensen 778 James P. Larkin 778 W. Jack Lovern 778 Miles A. Nelson 778 Terry O. Noble 778 Michael D. O'Leary, DDS 778 Ruth P. Ruben 778 Thomas T. Schattenberg 778 Robert and Kathleen Schlangen 778 Thomas E. and Connie J. Taff 778 Luis W. and Pacita Tam 778 The LCP Group, L.P. 9601 Richard J. Rouse 1958 E. Robert Roskind Family, L.P. 238 Ellen C. Monk 119 Edward C. Whiting 146 Terrell R. Peterson Trust dtd. 4/5/90 97 Peter Kinnunen 97 Francois Letaconnoux 51 3) Fort Street Partners 0.75% January 15, 2006 Marilyn Anixter Allen 2262 Robert M. Arnold 6855
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fred R. Backer 6855 Clifford C. Burton 6855 Carole Anixter Cohen 2331 Donald De Pinto, MD 6855 Averell Fisk 2285 Robert Fisk 9140 James Flood 27420 Yvonne Anixter Goddard 2262 John Gosselin 6855 Bruce A. Gregga 6855 David Haley 6855 Guenther P. Koenkow 6855 Leonard and Caroline S. Lorberbaum 13710 Averell H. Mortimer 6855 David Mortimer 6855 Gary W. Rollins 13710 R. Randall Rollins 13710 W. Dieter Tede 6855 C. Joseph Tyree 6855 Stephen P. Glennon 1662 E. Robert Roskind 208 Richard J. Rouse 4023 January 15, 1999 The LCP Group, L.P. 13444 January 15, 1999
A-11 As a result of the merger of the Partnership with Pacific Place Partners Ltd. ("Pacific Place") on March 10, 1997, the General Partner has authorized the issuance of Partnership Units to all former partners of Pacific Place (the "Pacific Place Limited Partners") in the amounts specified on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. For purposes of applying the terms and conditions of the Partnership Agreement, the Pacific Place Limited Partners shall be Partners of the Partnership with the rights and obligations of Additional Limited Partners. For purposes of Section 5.1 of the Partnership Agreement, each Pacific Place Limited Partners shall be entitled to receive distributions with respect to each Partnership Unit equal to the cash dividend payable with respect to each share of LXP common stock, determined at the time of each quarterly distribution. For purposes of Sections 6.1A and 6.1B of the Partnership Agreement, allocations of Net Income and Net Loss by the Partnership generally shall be made after giving effect to all allocations of taxable income to the Pacific Place Limited Partners. Taxable income shall be specially allocated to the Pacific Place Limited Partners in an amount equal to, but not in excess of, the cash distributed to the Pacific Place Limited Partners; provided, however, that the Pacific Place Limited Partners shall be allocated taxable income (i) as otherwise required in Exhibit B and C of the Partnership Agreement, and (ii) resulting from the transaction in which the Replacement Property (as defined below) was acquired. For purposes of Section 6.1C of the Partnership Agreement, Nonrecourse Liabilities of the Partnership shall be allocated to account for any income or gain to be allocated to the Pacific Place Limited Partners pursuant to Sections 2.B and 2.D of Exhibit C, in the same priority as Nonrecourse Liabilities are allocated to the Property Limited Partners, the Red Butte Limited Partners, the Expansion Limited Partners and any subsequent Additional Limited Partners that are admitted to the Partnership. The Partnership covenants to retain sufficient Nonrecourse Liabilities to permit the allocation of such Nonrecourse Liabilities to the Pacific Place Limited Partners in an amount sufficient to avoid recapture of tax liability with respect to the Pacific Place Limited Partners' negative capital accounts. For purposes of Section 8.4 of the Partnership Agreement, on April 15, 1999, and on each January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 thereafter (each a "Notice Date"), each Pacific Place Limited Partner shall have the right (the "Pacific Place Limited Partner Redemption Right") to require the Partnership to redeem on a Specified Redemption Date the Partnership Units held by a Pacific Place Limited Partner for the Redemption Amount to be delivered by the Partnership; provided, however, that a Pacific Place Limited Partner must convert a number of Partnership Units equal to at least the lesser of (i)1,000 Partnership Units, or (ii) all of the Partnership Units held by such Partner. The Pacific Place Limited Partner Redemption Right shall be exercised pursuant to a Notice of Redemption (substantially in the form of Exhibits D-1 through D-4 modified to reflect the Pacific Place Limited Partner) delivered to the General Partner and LXP on a Notice Date by the Pacific Place Limited Partner who is exercising the redemption right (the "Pacific Place Redeeming Partner"). The Pacific Place Redeeming Partner shall have no right, with respect to any Partnership Units so redeemed, to receive any distributions paid after the Specified Redemption Date. The Partnership covenants to A-12 cause the registration of any LXP Common Stock issued in connection with a redemption in such a manner as is required so that the shares of LXP Common Stock issued in connection with such redemption are freely transferable. The Assignee of any Pacific Place Limited Partner may exercise the redemption rights of such Pacific Place Limited Partner, and such Pacific Place Limited Partner shall be deemed to have assigned such rights to such Assignee and shall be bound by the exercise of such rights by such Assignee. In connection with any exercise of such rights by such Assignee on behalf of such Pacific Place Limited Partner, the Redemption Amount shall be delivered by the Partnership directly to such Assignee and not to such Pacific Place Limited Partner. The Partnership Units held by the Pacific Place Limited Partners shall be subject to redemption by the Partnership if otherwise required by the terms of the Partnership Agreement. The Partnership hereby covenants not to dispose of its interest in those certain properties located at 6 Doughton Rd., New Kingston, Pa., 34 E. Main St., New Kingston, Pa., and 245 Salem Church Rd., Mechanicsburg, Pa., (the "Replacement Property") prior to March 1, 2002 without the prior consent of the holders of fifty one percent (51%) of the Partnership Units held by Pacific Place Limited Partners, except in the event of a foreclosure or in the event the Partnership determines that such a disposition is necessary to ensure its continued qualification as a real estate investment trust. In any event in which the Partnership determines to dispose of the Replacement Property, the Partnership agrees to use its best efforts to structure such a disposition as an exchange that meets the requirements of Code Section 1031. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Partnership does dispose of its interest prior to April 15, 1999, then the General Partner shall provide prompt written notification to the Pacific Place Limited Partners of such disposition and each such Pacific Place Limited Partner may exercise its Pacific Place Limited Partner Redemption Right on the last Business Day of the calendar year in which such disposition occurs or, if later, ten (10) Business Days following the consummation of such transaction. LXP agrees to enter into a Guaranty Agreement with the Partnership on the date the Pacific Place Limited Partners are admitted to the Partnership, on terms reasonably satisfactory to LXP and the Partnership, pursuant to which LXP shall guaranty the obligations of the Partnership to pay the Redemption Amount on the Specified Redemption Date. Each of the Pacific Place Redeeming Partner, LXP, the Partnership and the General Partner shall treat the transaction between LXP and the Pacific Place Redeeming Partner as a sale of the Pacific Place Redeeming Partner's Partnership Units to LXP or the General Partner, as the case may be, for federal income tax purposes. Each Pacific Place Redeeming Partner agrees to execute such documents as the Partnership may reasonably require in connection with the issuance of REIT shares upon exercise of the Pacific Place Limited Partner Redemption Right. A-13 PARTNERS' CONTRIBUTIONS AND PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACIFIC PLACE LIMITED PARTNERS 1.57% April 15, 1999 Dr. Stuart D. Aaron 1543 Dr. Kenneth H. Adler 772 Dr. Norman I. Agin 1543 James J. Akers, Trustee u/a dated 12/28/90 771 Phyllis M. Akers, Trust 772 Douglas J. Backman 1543 C. Peter Beler 1543 William C. Butcher 386 Shoppers Village Associates c/o Steven H. Caller 1543 Steven H. Caller 1188 Chappy Partners 72000 Louis G. Chiodini 772 Harry S. Cohen 1543 Robert S. Cohen 1543 Dr. Robert L. Diaz 3085 Marvin J. Dolinka 772 William D. Evans 1543 Elizabeth A. Fendell 772 Dr. Gerald Finerman 1543 Ronald T. Fredette 2314 David Freishtat and Paul Sandler 1157
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. & Mrs. Mithlesh Govil 1543 Marilyn R. Heller Trust 1543 Joe M. Henson 1543 Gloria Hillman 771 Dr. Phillip L. Horowitz 1543 Investment Capital Associates 1619 ICA Pacific Place, Inc. 3373 John C. Isaacs, III Ranch, Ltd. 1543 Sam S. Isaacs Ranch, Ltd. 1542 Marsha Caller Jaffee 1188 Dr. Bernard J. Judis 771 David A. Katz 772 Jay Latterman and Jack Goldsmith 385 Earl M. Latterman 772 Bernard B. Latterman 772 King Laughlin 1687 Stephen P. Lawrence 89300 Martin C. Leibowitz Revocable Trust 98906 Barry Z. Liber 3085 Ronald U. Lurie 772 John McCallum 1620 Richard G. McCauley 1543 Warren G. Moses 1543 Richard Mrad 5399 Dr. Vijayachandra S. Nair 1543
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Godfrey P. Padberg 1543 Pell Holdings 39100 Irving L. Peterson 1543 John Allen Pierce 1687 Dr. Sonja S. Pinsky 1543 Lawrence Raskin 1296 Ernest E. & Mary B. Renaud 1543 Irving Rosenstein 1188 Arthur R. Salomon 2314 David Sandler & Paul Freishtat 386 Dr. Sylvan Sarasohn 1543 Dr. Michael J. Schou 1543 Antonia Shusta 386 Dr. William R. Sloan 1543 Irving Spivak 772 Jeffrey P. Stern 1543 Dr. William Sternfeld 1543 Dr. Norman A. Stokes 771 Marilyn A. Teague Revocable Trust 1543 James M. Tushman 1543 Thomas E. Tushman 771 Dr. & Mrs. Irving Waldman 771 Mr. & Mrs. Neil Wolfson 1543 Andrew S. Wolfson 1543
A-16 As a result of the contribution of the interests in the Phoenix Hotel Associates Limited Partnership ("Phoenix") on January 29, 1998, the General Partner pursuant to Section 4.2.A and Sections 14.1.B(2) and 14.1.B(3) of this Agreement has authorized the issuance of Partnership Units to those former partners of Phoenix (the "Phoenix Limited Partners") electing to contribute all or a portion of their interests to the Partnership. Each Phoenix Limited Partner shall receive the number of Units specified below. For purposes of applying the terms and conditions of the Partnership Agreement, the Phoenix Limited Partners shall be Partners of the Partnership with the rights and obligations of Additional Limited Partners. For purposes of Section 5.1 of the Partnership Agreement, each Phoenix Limited Partner shall be entitled to receive distributions with respect to each Partnership Unit equal to the cash dividend payable with respect to each share of LXP common stock, determined at the time of each quarterly distribution beginning with the distribution payable to shareholders of record of LXP on January 30, 1998. For purposes of Sections 6.1A and 6.1B of the Partnership Agreement, allocations of Net Income and Net Loss by the Partnership generally shall be made after giving effect to all allocations of taxable income to the Phoenix Limited Partners. Pursuant to the General Partners' authority in Section 14.1.B(3), Partnership taxable income shall be specially allocated to the Phoenix Limited Partners in an amount equal to, but not in excess of, all cash distributions to the Phoenix Limited Partners; provided, however, that the Phoenix Limited Partners shall be allocated taxable income (i) as otherwise required in Exhibit B and C of the Partnership Agreement, and (ii) resulting from the transaction in which the Replacement Property (as defined below) was acquired. For purposes of Section 6.1C of the Partnership Agreement, Nonrecourse Liabilities of the Partnership shall be allocated to account for any income or gain to be allocated to the Phoenix Limited Partners pursuant to Sections 2.B and 2.D of Exhibit C, in the same priority as Nonrecourse Liabilities are allocated to the Property Limited Partners, the Red Butte Limited Partners, the Expansion Limited Partners, the Phoenix Limited Partners, the Savannah Limited Partners and any subsequent Additional Limited Partners that are admitted to the Partnership. The Partnership covenants to retain sufficient Nonrecourse Liabilities to permit the allocation of such Nonrecourse Liabilities to the Phoenix Limited Partners in an amount sufficient to avoid recapture of tax liability with respect to the Phoenix Limited Partners' negative capital accounts. For purposes of Section 8.4 of the Partnership Agreement, on January 15, 1999, and on each January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 thereafter (each a "Notice Date"), each Phoenix Limited Partner shall have the right (the "Phoenix Limited Partner Redemption Right") to require the Partnership to redeem on a Specified Redemption Date the Partnership Units held by a Phoenix Limited Partner for the Redemption Amount to be delivered by the Partnership; provided, however, that a Phoenix Limited Partner must convert a number of Partnership Units equal to at least the lesser of (i) 1,000 Partnership Units, or (ii) all of the Partnership Units held by such Partner. The Phoenix Limited Partner Redemption Right shall be exercised pursuant to a Notice of Redemption (substantially in the form of Exhibits D-1 through D-4 modified to reflect the Phoenix Limited Partner) delivered to the General Partner and LXP on a A-17 Notice Date by the Phoenix Limited Partner who is exercising the redemption right (the "Phoenix Redeeming Partner"). The Phoenix Redeeming Partner shall have no right, with respect to any Partnership Units so redeemed, to receive any distributions paid after the Specified Redemption Date. The Partnership covenants to cause the registration of any LXP Common Stock issued in connection with a redemption in such a manner as is required so that the shares of LXP Common Stock issued in connection with such redemption are freely transferable. The Assignee of any Phoenix Limited Partner may exercise the redemption rights of such Phoenix Limited Partner, and such Phoenix Limited Partner shall be deemed to have assigned such rights to such Assignee and shall be bound by the exercise of such rights by such Assignee. In connection with any exercise of such rights by such Assignee on behalf of such Phoenix Limited Partner, the Redemption Amount shall be delivered by the Partnership directly to such Assignee and not to such Phoenix Limited Partner. The Partnership Units held by the Phoenix Limited Partners shall be subject to redemption by the Partnership if otherwise required by the terms of the Partnership Agreement. The Partnership hereby covenants not to permit Phoenix to dispose of its interest in those certain properties acquired by Phoenix in connection with its rights under that certain Exchange Agreement dated December 29, 1997 between Phoenix and Security Trust Company (the property so acquired, the "Replacement Property") prior to January 1, 2003 without the prior consent of the holders of fifty-one percent (51%) of the Partnership Units held by Phoenix Limited Partners, except in the event of a foreclosure or in the event the Partnership determines that such a disposition is necessary to ensure its continued qualification as a real estate investment trust. In any event in which the Partnership determines to cause Phoenix to dispose of the Replacement Property, the Partnership agrees to use its best efforts to cause Phoenix to structure such a disposition as an exchange that meets the requirements of Code Section 1031. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Partnership does dispose of its interest prior to January 15, 1999, then the General Partner shall provide prompt written notification to the Phoenix Limited Partners of such disposition and each such Phoenix Limited Partner may exercise its Phoenix Limited Partner Redemption Right on the last Business Day of the calendar year in which such disposition occurs or, if later, ten (10) Business Days following the consummation of such transaction. In addition, if the Code Section 1031 exchange described in the Exchange Agreement does not take place, or if such exchange does not result in a deferral of all of the gain that would have been recognized upon the sale by Phoenix of the Relinquished Property (as defined in the Exchange Agreement), then the General Partner shall provide prompt written notification to the Phoenix Limited Partners and shall cause LCIF to distribute cash to the Phoenix Limited Partners in redemption of the portion of their LCIF Units corresponding to the portion of the value of the Relinquished Property which is treated as transferred in a taxable transaction. LXP agrees to enter into a Guaranty Agreement with the Partnership on the date the Phoenix Limited Partners are admitted to the Partnership, on terms reasonably satisfactory to LXP and the Partnership, pursuant to which LXP shall guaranty the obligations of the Partnership to pay the Redemption Amount on the A-18 Specified Redemption Date. Each of the Phoenix Redeeming Partner, LXP, the Partnership and the General Partner shall treat the transaction between LXP and the Phoenix Redeeming Partner as a sale of the Phoenix Redeeming Partner's Partnership Units to LXP or the General Partner, as the case may be, for federal income tax purposes. Each Phoenix Redeeming Partner agrees to execute such documents as the Partnership may reasonably require in connection with the issuance of REIT shares upon exercise of the Phoenix Limited Partner Redemption Right. A-19 PARTNERS' CONTRIBUTIONS AND PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHOENIX LIMITED PARTNERS (Class A Units Contributed) 3.56% January 15, 1999 James Berdell 0.25 12272 Kemp Biddulph Revocable Trust dtd. 5/6/83 0.5 24546 Melissa Thaler Brody 1000 Blair E. Clarkson (Merrill Lynch) 250 Thomas B. Clarkson 250 John H. Clarkson 250 Robert W. Clarkson as custodian for John Robert Wittman 250 deWilde Family Trust dtd. 6/21/90 0.25 12273 Richard T. Flaute 0.5 24546 Frederick Frank 0.5 24546 Fremar Company 0.1425 6996 Paul Myron Haas Trust 0.5 24546 Jerome L. Heard, M.D. 0.5 24546 Benjamin Jagendorf, M.D. 1 49093 Edward J. Ledder, Trustee Edward J. Ledder Rev. Trust u/a/d 4/6/90 1 49093 Karl L. Matthies 0.25 12272 Ellen C. Monk 6136 E. Robert Roskind Family, L.P. 0.25 12272 Ann B. Schroeder TTEE 1 49093
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert E. & Ann B. Schroder Marital Trust U/A dtd. 1/7/82 Stephanie Seed 8223 William T. Seed 3000 Benjamin N. Simon 0.5 24546 Terri Simon TTEE 0.5 24546 Ellen B. Soref TTEE 0.5 24546 Ellen Barbara Soref Intervivos Trust Lewis J. Thaler 0.5 22646 (Class B Units Contributed) E. Robert Roskind Family, L.P. 7.5 344663 Terrell R. Peterson Trust dtd. 4/5/90 1.6 73528 Third Lero Corp. 1% G.P. interest 33957
A-21 As a result of the contribution of the interests in the Savannah Waterfront Hotel LLC ("Savannah") on January 29, 1998, the General Partner pursuant to Section 4.2.A and Sections 14.1.B(2) and 14.1.B(3) of this Agreement has authorized the issuance of Partnership Units to those former members of Savannah (the "Savannah Limited Partners") electing to contribute all or a portion of their interests to the Partnership. Each Savannah Limited Partner shall receive the number of Units specified below. For purposes of applying the terms and conditions of the Partnership Agreement, the Savannah Limited Partners shall be Partners of the Partnership with the rights and obligations of Additional Limited Partners. For purposes of Section 5.1 of the Partnership Agreement, each Savannah Limited Partner shall be entitled to receive distributions with respect to each Partnership Unit equal to the cash dividend payable with respect to each share of LXP common stock, determined at the time of each quarterly distribution beginning with the distribution payable to shareholders of record of LXP on January 30, 1998. For purposes of Sections 6.1A and 6.1B of the Partnership Agreement, allocations of Net Income and Net Loss by the Partnership generally shall be made after giving effect to all allocations of taxable income to the Savannah Limited Partners. Pursuant to the General Partners' authority in Section 14.1.B(3), Partnership taxable income shall be specially allocated to the Savannah Limited Partners in an amount equal to, but not in excess of, all cash distributions to the Savannah Limited Partners; provided, however, that the Savannah Limited Partners shall be allocated taxable income (i) as otherwise required in Exhibit B and C of the Partnership Agreement, and (ii) resulting from the transaction in which the Replacement Property (as defined below) was acquired. For purposes of Section 6.1C of the Partnership Agreement, Nonrecourse Liabilities of the Partnership shall be allocated to account for any income or gain to be allocated to the Savannah Limited Partners pursuant to Sections 2.B and 2.D of Exhibit C, in the same priority as Nonrecourse Liabilities are allocated to the Property Limited Partners, the Red Butte Limited Partners, the Expansion Limited Partners, the Savannah Limited Partners, the Phoenix Limited Partners and any subsequent Additional Limited Partners that are admitted to the Partnership. The Partnership covenants to retain sufficient Nonrecourse Liabilities to permit the allocation of such Nonrecourse Liabilities to the Savannah Limited Partners in an amount sufficient to avoid recapture of tax liability with respect to the Savannah Limited Partners' negative capital accounts. For purposes of Section 8.4 of the Partnership Agreement, on January 15, 1999, and on each January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 thereafter (each a "Notice Date"), each Savannah Limited Partner shall have the right (the "Savannah Limited Partner Redemption Right") to require the Partnership to redeem on a Specified Redemption Date the Partnership Units held by a Savannah Limited Partner for the Redemption Amount to be delivered by the Partnership; provided, however, that a Savannah Limited Partner must convert a number of Partnership Units equal to at least the lesser of (i) 1,000 Partnership Units, or (ii) all of the Partnership Units held by such Partner. The Savannah Limited Partner Redemption Right shall be exercised pursuant to a Notice of Redemption (substantially in the form of Exhibits D-1 through D-4 modified to reflect the Savannah Limited Partner) delivered to the General Partner and LXP on a A-22 Notice Date by the Savannah Limited Partner who is exercising the redemption right (the "Savannah Redeeming Partner"). The Savannah Redeeming Partner shall have no right, with respect to any Partnership Units so redeemed, to receive any distributions paid after the Specified Redemption Date. The Partnership covenants to cause the registration of any LXP Common Stock issued in connection with a redemption in such a manner as is required so that the shares of LXP Common Stock issued in connection with such redemption are freely transferable. The Assignee of any Savannah Limited Partner may exercise the redemption rights of such Savannah Limited Partner, and such Savannah Limited Partner shall be deemed to have assigned such rights to such Assignee and shall be bound by the exercise of such rights by such Assignee. In connection with any exercise of such rights by such Assignee on behalf of such Savannah Limited Partner, the Redemption Amount shall be delivered by the Partnership directly to such Assignee and not to such Savannah Limited Partner. The Partnership Units held by the Savannah Limited Partners shall be subject to redemption by the Partnership if otherwise required by the terms of the Partnership Agreement. The Partnership hereby covenants not to permit Savannah to dispose of its interest in those certain properties acquired by Savannah in connection with its rights under that certain Exchange Agreement dated December 29, 1997 between Savannah and Security Trust Company (the property so acquired, the "Replacement Property") prior to January 1, 2003 without the prior consent of the holders of fifty-one percent (51%) of the Partnership Units held by Savannah Limited Partners, except in the event of a foreclosure or in the event the Partnership determines that such a disposition is necessary to ensure its continued qualification as a real estate investment trust. In any event in which the Partnership determines to cause Savannah to dispose of the Replacement Property, the Partnership agrees to use its best efforts to cause Savannah to structure such a disposition as an exchange that meets the requirements of Code Section 1031. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Partnership does dispose of its interest prior to January 15, 1999, then the General Partner shall provide prompt written notification to the Savannah Limited Partners of such disposition and each such Savannah Limited Partner may exercise its Savannah Limited Partner Redemption Right on the last Business Day of the calendar year in which such disposition occurs or, if later, ten (10) Business Days following the consummation of such transaction. In addition, if the Code Section 1031 exchange described in the Exchange Agreement does not take place, or if such exchange does not result in a deferral of all of the gain that would have been recognized upon the sale by Savannah of the Relinquished Property (as defined in the Exchange Agreement), then the General Partner shall provide prompt written notification to the Savannah Limited Partners and shall cause LCIF to distribute cash to the Savannah Limited Partners in redemption of the portion of their LCIF Units corresponding to the portion of the value of the Relinquished Property which is treated as transferred in a taxable transaction. LXP agrees to enter into a Guaranty Agreement with the Partnership on the date the Savannah Limited Partners are admitted to the Partnership, on terms reasonably satisfactory to LXP and the Partnership, pursuant to which LXP shall guaranty the obligations of the Partnership to pay the Redemption Amount on the A-23 Specified Redemption Date. Each of the Savannah Redeeming Partner, LXP, the Partnership and the General Partner shall treat the transaction between LXP and the Savannah Redeeming Partner as a sale of the Savannah Redeeming Partner's Partnership Units to LXP or the General Partner, as the case may be, for federal income tax purposes. Each Savannah Redeeming Partner agrees to execute such documents as the Partnership may reasonably require in connection with the issuance of REIT shares upon exercise of the Savannah Limited Partner Redemption Right. A-24 PARTNERS' CONTRIBUTIONS AND PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS
Capital Partnership Percentage Redemption Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Exercise Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Units Contributed) 0.99% SAVANNAH LIMITED PARTNERS January 15, 1999 H. Mitchell Dunn, Jr. 1,100 157447 Elizabeth Dunn Shiftan 125 17891 Eleanor M. Dunn 125 17891 Terrell R. Peterson Trust dtd. 4/5/90 125 17891 David Walsh 275 37361
A-25 As a result of the Partnership having entered into a Contribution Agreement with RBH Ventures, a Washington general partnership on May 8, 1998, pursuant to which the Partnership acquired 51.31% of the net equity value of certain real property located in the city of Anchorage, Alaska, on which is located a commercial building (the "Anchorage Property") from RBH, the General Partner pursuant to Section 4.2.A and Sections 14.1.B(2) and 14.1.B(3) of this Agreement has authorized the issuance of Partnership Units to RBH (the "Anchorage Limited Partner"). The Anchorage Limited Partner shall receive the number of Units specified below. For purposes of applying the terms and conditions of the Partnership Agreement, the Anchorage Limited Partner shall be a Partner of the Partnership with the rights and obligations of Additional Limited Partners. For purposes of Section 5.1 of the Partnership Agreement, the Anchorage Limited Partner shall be entitled to receive distributions with respect to each Partnership Unit equal to the cash dividend payable with respect to each share of LXP common stock, determined at the time of each quarterly distribution beginning with the distribution payable to shareholders of record of LXP on July 30, 1998. For purposes of Sections 6.1A and 6.1B of the Partnership Agreement, allocations of Net Income and Net Loss by the Partnership generally shall be made after giving effect to all allocations of taxable income to the Anchorage Limited Partner. Pursuant to the General Partner's authority in Section 14.1.B(3), Partnership taxable income shall be specially allocated to the Anchorage Limited Partner in an amount equal to, but not in excess of, all cash distributions to the Anchorage Limited Partner; provided, however, that the Anchorage Limited Partner shall be allocated taxable income as otherwise required in Exhibit B and C of the Partnership Agreement. For purposes of Section 6.1C of the Partnership Agreement, Nonrecourse Liabilities of the Partnership shall be allocated to account for any income or gain to be allocated to the Anchorage Limited Partner pursuant to Sections 2.B and 2.D of Exhibit C, in the same priority as Nonrecourse Liabilities are allocated to the Property Limited Partners, the Red Butte Limited Partners, the Expansion Limited Partners, the Savannah Limited Partners, the Phoenix Limited Partners and any subsequent Additional Limited Partners that are admitted to the Partnership. The Partnership covenants to retain sufficient Nonrecourse Liabilities to permit the allocation of such Nonrecourse Liabilities to the Anchorage Limited Partner in an amount sufficient to avoid recapture of tax liability with respect to the Anchorage Limited Partner's negative capital accounts. For purposes of Section 8.4 of the Partnership Agreement, on July 15, 1999, and on each July 15, October 15, January 15 and April 15 thereafter (each a "Notice Date"), the Anchorage Limited Partner shall have the right (the "Anchorage Limited Partner Redemption Right") to require the Partnership to redeem on a Specified Redemption Date the Partnership Units held by the Anchorage Limited Partner for the Redemption Amount to be delivered by the Partnership; provided, however, that the Anchorage Limited Partner must convert a number of Partnership Units equal to at least the lesser of (i) 1,000 Partnership Units, or (ii) all of the Partnership Units held by such Partner. The Anchorage Limited Partner Redemption Right shall be exercised pursuant to a Notice of Redemption (substantially in the form of Exhibits D-1 through D-4 modified A-26 to reflect the Anchorage Limited Partner) delivered to the General Partner and LXP on a Notice Date by the Anchorage Limited Partner who is exercising the redemption right (the "Anchorage Redeeming Partner"). The Anchorage Redeeming Partner shall have no right, with respect to any Partnership Units so redeemed, to receive any distributions paid after the Specified Redemption Date. The Partnership covenants to cause the registration of any LXP Common Stock issued in connection with a redemption in such a manner as is required so that the shares of LXP Common Stock issued in connection with such redemption are freely transferable. The Assignee of the Anchorage Limited Partner may exercise the redemption rights of the Anchorage Limited Partner, and the Anchorage Limited Partner shall be deemed to have assigned such rights to such Assignee and shall be bound by the exercise of such rights by such Assignee. In connection with any exercise of such rights by such Assignee on behalf of the Anchorage Limited Partner, such Redemption Amount shall be delivered by the Partnership directly to such Assignee and not to such Anchorage Limited Partner. The Partnership Units held by the Anchorage Limited Partner shall be subject to redemption by the Partnership if otherwise required by the terms of the Partnership Agreement. LXP agrees to enter into a Guaranty Agreement with the Partnership on the date the Anchorage Limited Partner is admitted to the Partnership, on terms reasonably satisfactory to LXP and the Partnership, pursuant to which LXP shall guaranty the obligations of the Partnership to pay the Redemption Amount on the Specified Redemption Date. Each of the Anchorage Redeeming Partner, LXP, the Partnership and the General Partner shall treat the transaction between LXP and the Anchorage Redeeming Partner as a sale of the Anchorage Redeeming Partner's Partnership Units to LXP or the General Partner, as the case may be, for federal income tax purposes. The Anchorage Redeeming Partner agrees to execute such documents as the Partnership may reasonably require in connection with the issuance of REIT shares upon exercise of the Anchorage Limited Partner Redemption Right. A-27 PARTNERS' CONTRIBUTIONS AND PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS
Redemption Capital Partnership Percentage Exercise Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANCHORAGE LIMITED PARTNER July 15, 1999 Ronald D. Crockett 97816 0.39%
A-28 As a result of the Partnership having entered into a Contribution Agreement with Trademark Lancaster L.P., a Texas limited partnership ("Trademark Lancaster") on June 19, 1998, pursuant to which the Partnership acquired from Trademark Lancaster the right, title and interest as a purchaser in the Contract of Sale and Joint Escrow Instructions dated December 16, 1997 between Michaels Stores, Inc. as seller and Trademark Acquisition and Development, Inc. as purchaser (the "Lancaster Contract"), which has as its subject matter all that certain plot, piece, or parcel of land comprising 36.95 acres, together with the buildings and improvements constructed thereon consisting of a one story distribution facility comprising approximately 432,000 square feet (collectively, the "Lancaster California Property"), the General Partner pursuant to Section 4.2.A and Sections 14.1.B(2) and 14.1.B(3) of this Agreement has authorized the issuance of Partnership Units to Trademark Lancaster (the "Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner"). The Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner shall receive the number of Units specified below. For purposes of applying the terms and conditions of the Partnership Agreement, the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner shall be a Partner of the Partnership with the rights and obligations of Additional Limited Partners. For purposes of Section 5.1 of the Partnership Agreement, the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner shall be entitled to receive distributions with respect to each Partnership Unit equal to the cash dividend payable with respect to each share of LXP common stock, determined at the time of each quarterly distribution beginning with the distribution payable to shareholders of record of LXP on July 30, 1998. For purposes of Sections 6.1A and 6.1B of the Partnership Agreement, allocations of Net Income and Net Loss by the Partnership generally shall be made after giving effect to all allocations of taxable income to the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner. Pursuant to the General Partner's authority in Section 14.1.B(3), Partnership taxable income shall be specially allocated to the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner in an amount equal to, but not in excess of, all cash distributions to the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner; provided, however, that the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner shall be allocated taxable income as otherwise required in Exhibit B and C of the Partnership Agreement. For purposes of Section 6.1C of the Partnership Agreement, Nonrecourse Liabilities of the Partnership shall be allocated to account for any income or gain to be allocated to the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner pursuant to Sections 2.B and 2.D of Exhibit C, in the same priority as Nonrecourse Liabilities are allocated to the Property Limited Partners, the Red Butte Limited Partners, the Expansion Limited Partners, the Savannah Limited Partners, the Phoenix Limited Partners, the Anchorage Limited Partner and any subsequent Additional Limited Partners that are admitted to the Partnership. The Partnership covenants to retain sufficient Nonrecourse Liabilities to permit the allocation of such Nonrecourse Liabilities to the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner in an amount sufficient to avoid recapture of tax liability with respect to the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner's negative capital accounts. For purposes of Section 8.4 of the Partnership Agreement, on March 1, 1999, and on each March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1 thereafter (each a "Notice Date"), the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner shall have the right (the "Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner Redemption Right") to require the Partnership to A-29 redeem on a Specified Redemption Date the Partnership Units held by the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner for the Redemption Amount to be delivered by the Partnership; provided, however, that the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner must convert a number of Partnership Units equal to at least the lesser of (i) 1,000 Partnership Units, or (ii) all of the Partnership Units held by such Partner. The Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner Redemption Right shall be exercised pursuant to a Notice of Redemption (substantially in the form of Exhibits D-1 through D-4 modified to reflect the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner) delivered to the General Partner and LXP on a Notice Date by the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner who is exercising the redemption right (the "Trademark Lancaster Redeeming Partner"). The Trademark Lancaster Redeeming Partner shall have no right, with respect to any Partnership Units so redeemed, to receive any distributions paid after the Specified Redemption Date. The Partnership covenants to cause the registration of any LXP Common Stock issued in connection with a redemption in such a manner as is required so that the shares of LXP Common Stock issued in connection with such redemption are freely transferable. The Assignee of the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner may exercise the redemption rights of the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner, and the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner shall be deemed to have assigned such rights to such Assignee and shall be bound by the exercise of such rights by such Assignee. In connection with any exercise of such rights by such Assignee on behalf of the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner, such Redemption Amount shall be delivered by the Partnership directly to such Assignee and not to such Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner. The Partnership Units held by the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner shall be subject to redemption by the Partnership if otherwise required by the terms of the Partnership Agreement. LXP agrees to enter into a Guaranty Agreement with the Partnership on the date the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner is admitted to the Partnership, on terms reasonably satisfactory to LXP and the Partnership, pursuant to which LXP shall guaranty the obligations of the Partnership to pay the Redemption Amount on the Specified Redemption Date. Each of the Trademark Lancaster Redeeming Partner, LXP, the Partnership and the General Partner shall treat the transaction between LXP and the Trademark Lancaster Redeeming Partner as a sale of the Trademark Lancaster Redeeming Partner's Partnership Units to LXP or the General Partner, as the case may be, for federal income tax purposes. The Trademark Lancaster Redeeming Partner agrees to execute such documents as the Partnership may reasonably require in connection with the issuance of REIT shares upon exercise of the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner Redemption Right. A-30 PARTNERS' CONTRIBUTIONS AND PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS
Redemption Capital Partnership Percentage Exercise Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRADEMARK LANCASTER LIMITED PARTNER March 1, 1999 None 0
A-31 COLUMBIA LIMITED PARTNERS SUPPLEMENT As a result of the Partnership having entered into (i) a Contribution Agreement with Columbia Property Associates, a Maryland limited partnership ("CPA") on December 31, 1998, pursuant to which the Partnership acquired an estate-for-years interest in a parcel of real property located in Columbia, Maryland (the "Columbia Property") from CPA, (ii) a Contribution Agreement with The E. Robert Roskind Irrevocable Trust on December 3, 1998 pursuant to which the Partnership acquired a remainder interest in the Columbia Property, (iii) a Contribution Agreement with The LCP Group, L.P. on December 3, 1998, (iv) a Contribution Agreement with The LCP Group, L.P. on December 3, 1998, and (v) a Contribution Agreement with The LCP Group, L.P., Hadley Page, Inc., Peter J. Kinnunen and Terrell R. Peterson Trust on December 3, 1998, the General Partner pursuant to Section 4.2.A and Sections 14.1.B(2) and 14.1.B(3) of this Agreement has authorized the issuance of Partnership Units to all former partners of CPA, The LCP Group, L.P., Hadley Page, Inc., Peter J. Kinnunen, Terrell R. Peterson Trust and The E. Robert Roskind Irrevocable Trust (the "Columbia Limited Partners"). The Columbia Limited Partners shall receive the number of Units specified below. For purposes of applying the terms and conditions of the Partnership Agreement, the Columbia Limited Partners shall be a Partner of the Partnership with the rights and obligations of Additional Limited Partners. For purposes of Section 5.1 of the Partnership Agreement, each Columbia Limited Partner shall be entitled to receive distributions with respect to each Partnership Unit equal to the cash dividend payable with respect to each share of LXP common stock, determined at the time of each quarterly distribution beginning with the distribution in respect to the first quarter of 1999. For purposes of Sections 6.1A and 6.1B of the Partnership Agreement, allocations of Net Income and Net Loss by the Partnership generally shall be made after giving effect to all allocations of taxable income to the Columbia Limited Partners. Pursuant to the General Partner's authority in Section 14.1.B(3), Partnership taxable income shall be specially allocated to the Columbia Limited Partners in an amount equal to, but not in excess of, all cash distributions to the Columbia Limited Partners; provided, however, that the Columbia Limited Partners shall be allocated taxable income as otherwise required in Exhibit B and C of the Partnership Agreement. For purposes of Section 6.1C of the Partnership Agreement, Nonrecourse Liabilities of the Partnership shall be allocated to account for any income or gain to be allocated to the Columbia Limited Partners pursuant to Sections 2.B and 2.D of Exhibit C, in the same priority as Nonrecourse Liabilities are allocated to the Property Limited Partners, the Red Butte Limited Partners, the Expansion Limited Partners, the Savannah Limited Partners, the Phoenix Limited Partners, the Anchorage Limited Partner, the Trademark Lancaster Limited Partner and any subsequent Additional Limited Partners that are admitted to the Partnership. The Partnership covenants to retain sufficient Nonrecourse Liabilities to permit the allocation of such Nonrecourse Liabilities to the Columbia Limited Partners in an amount sufficient to avoid recapture of tax liability with respect to the Columbia Limited Partners' negative capital accounts. A-32 For purposes of Section 8.4 of the Partnership Agreement, on December 1, 1999, and on each December 1, March 1, June 1 and September 1 thereafter (each a "Notice Date"), each Columbia Limited Partner shall have the right (the "Columbia Limited Partner Redemption Right") to require the Partnership to redeem on a Specified Redemption Date the Partnership Units held by a Columbia Limited Partner for the Redemption Amount to be delivered by the Partnership; provided, however, that a Columbia Limited Partner must convert a number of Partnership Units equal to at least the lesser of (i) 1,000 Partnership Units, or (ii) all of the Partnership Units held by such Partner. The Columbia Limited Partner Redemption Right shall be exercised pursuant to a Notice of Redemption (substantially in the form of Exhibits D-1 through D-4 modified to reflect the Columbia Limited Partner) delivered to the General Partner and LXP on a Notice Date by the Columbia Limited Partner who is exercising the redemption right (the "Columbia Redeeming Partner"). The Columbia Redeeming Partner shall have no right, with respect to any Partnership Units so redeemed, to receive any distributions paid after the Specified Redemption Date. The Partnership covenants to cause the registration of any LXP Common Stock issued in connection with a redemption in such a manner as is required so that the shares of LXP Common Stock issued in connection with such redemption are freely transferable. The Assignee of the Columbia Limited Partner may exercise the redemption rights of the Columbia Limited Partner, and the Columbia Limited Partner shall be deemed to have assigned such rights to such Assignee and shall be bound by the exercise of such rights by such Assignee. In connection with any exercise of such rights by such Assignee on behalf of such Columbia Limited Partner, such Redemption Amount shall be delivered by the Partnership directly to such Assignee and not to such Columbia Limited Partner. The Partnership Units held by the Columbia Limited Partners shall be subject to redemption by the Partnership if otherwise required by the terms of the Partnership Agreement. The Partnership hereby covenants not to dispose of its interest in the Columbia Property prior to January 1, 2004 except in the event of a foreclosure or in the event the Partnership determines that such a disposition is necessary to ensure its continued qualification as a real estate investment trust. LXP agrees to enter into a Guaranty Agreement with the Partnership on the date the Columbia Limited Partners are admitted to the Partnership, on terms reasonably satisfactory to LXP and the Partnership, pursuant to which LXP shall guaranty the obligations of the Partnership to pay the Redemption Amount on the Specified Redemption Date. Each of the Columbia Redeeming Partner, LXP, the Partnership and the General Partner shall treat the transaction between LXP and the Columbia Redeeming Partner as a sale of the Columbia Redeeming Partner's Partnership Units to LXP or the General Partner, as the case may be, for federal income tax purposes. The Columbia Redeeming Partner agrees to execute such documents as the Partnership may reasonably require in connection with the issuance of REIT shares upon exercise of the Columbia Limited Partner Redemption Right. A-33 PARTNERS' CONTRIBUTIONS AND PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS
Redemption Capital Partnership Percentage Exercise Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Units December 1, Contributed) 0.75% 1999 COLUMBIA LIMITED PARTNERS The LCP Group, L.P. 86014 James F. Dannhauser 393 E. Robert Roskind Irrevocable Trust 19231 Peter J. Kinnunen 7159 Terrell R. Peterson Trust 1349 Frank Bond 0.5 3866 Rudolph V. Cassani Family Trust 1 7731 Elizabeth Dancy 0.5 3866 David M. Dorsen 0.5 3866 David D. Eash 1 7731 Norma Garman 0.5 3866 Richard E. Gilbreath 1 7731 Lawrence M. Goldberg 1 7731 Kenneth Kolb 0.5 3866 Clyde Locker 0.5 3866 Kazuko Price 0.5 3866 Blaine Smith 1 7731 James R. Snyder 0.5 3866 John J. Stirk 0.5 3866
A-34 LPM LIMITED PARTNERS SUPPLEMENT As a result of the contribution of 9,900 Class B non-voting shares of common stock (the "Stock") in Leased Properties Management, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("LPM") on June 23, 2000, the General Partner pursuant to Section 4.2.A and Sections 14.1.B(2) and 14.1.B(3) of this Agreement has authorized the issuance of Partnership Units to the former holders of the Stock (the "LPM Limited Partner"). The LPM Limited Partner shall receive the number of Units specified below. For purposes of applying the terms and conditions of the Partnership Agreement, the LPM Limited Partner shall be a Partner of the Partnership with the rights and obligations of Additional Limited Partners. For purposes of Section 5.1 of the Partnership Agreement, the LPM Limited Partner shall be entitled to receive distributions with respect to each Partnership Unit equal to the cash dividend payable with respect to each share of LXP common stock, determined at the time of each quarterly distribution beginning with the distribution payable to shareholders of LXP in respect of the second quarter of 2000. For purposes of Sections 6.1A and 6.1B of the Partnership Agreement, allocations of Net Income and Net Loss by the Partnership generally shall be made after giving effect to all allocations of taxable income to the LPM Limited Partner. Pursuant to the General Partner's authority in Section 14.1.B(3), Partnership taxable income shall be specially allocated to the LPM Limited Partner in an amount equal to, but not in excess of, all cash distributions to the LPM Limited Partner; provided, however, that the LPM Limited Partner shall be allocated taxable income as otherwise required in Exhibit B and C of the Partnership Agreement. For purposes of Section 6.1C of the Partnership Agreement, Nonrecourse Liabilities of the Partnership shall be allocated to account for any income or gain to be allocated to the LPM Limited Partner pursuant to Sections 2.B and 2.D of Exhibit C, in the same priority as Nonrecourse Liabilities are allocated to the Property Limited Partners, the Red Butte Limited Partners, the Expansion Limited Partners, the Pacific Place Limited Partners, the Phoenix Limited Partners, the Savannah Limited Partners, the Anchorage Limited Partner, the Trademark Limited Partners, the Columbia Limited Partners and any subsequent Additional Limited Partners that are admitted to the Partnership. The Partnership covenants to use its best efforts during the five-year period ending June 22, 2005 to retain sufficient Nonrecourse Liabilities to permit the allocation of such Nonrecourse Liabilities to the LPM Limited Partner in an amount sufficient to avoid recapture of tax liability with respect to the LPM Limited Partner's negative capital accounts. For purposes of Section 8.4 of the Partnership Agreement, on June 23, 2002, and on each June 23, September 23, December 23 and March 23 thereafter (each a "Notice Date"), the LPM Limited Partner shall have the right (the "LPM Limited Partner Redemption Right") to require the Partnership to redeem on a Specified Redemption Date the Partnership Units held by the LPM Limited Partner for the Redemption Amount to be delivered by the Partnership; provided, however, that the LPM Limited Partner must convert a number of Partnership Units equal to at least the lesser of (i) 1,000 Partnership A-35 Units, or (ii) all of the Partnership Units held by such Partner. The LPM Limited Partner Redemption Right shall be exercised pursuant to a Notice of Redemption (substantially in the form of Exhibits D-1 through D-4 modified to reflect the LPM Limited Partner) delivered to the General Partner and LXP on a Notice Date by the LPM Limited Partner who is exercising the redemption right (the "LPM Redeeming Partner"). The LPM Redeeming Partner shall have no right, with respect to any Partnership Units so redeemed, to receive any distributions paid after the Specified Redemption Date. The Partnership covenants to cause the registration of any LXP Common Stock issued in connection with a redemption in such a manner as is required so that the shares of LXP Common Stock issued in connection with such redemption are freely transferable. The Assignee of the LPM Limited Partner may exercise the redemption rights of the LPM Limited Partner, and the LPM Limited Partner shall be deemed to have assigned such rights to such Assignee and shall be bound by the exercise of such rights by such Assignee. In connection with any exercise of such rights by such Assignee on behalf of the LPM Limited Partner, such Redemption Amount shall be delivered by the Partnership directly to such Assignee and not to such LPM Limited Partner. The Partnership Units held by the LPM Limited Partner shall be subject to redemption by the Partnership if otherwise required by the terms of the Partnership Agreement. LXP agrees to enter into a Guaranty Agreement with the Partnership on the date the LPM Limited Partner is admitted to the Partnership, on terms reasonably satisfactory to LXP and the Partnership, pursuant to which LXP shall guaranty the obligations of the Partnership to pay the Redemption Amount on the Specified Redemption Date. Each of the LPM Redeeming Partner, LXP, the Partnership and the General Partner shall treat the transaction between LXP and the LPM Redeeming Partner as a sale of the LPM Redeeming Partner's Partnership Units to LXP or the General Partner, as the case may be, for federal income tax purposes. The LPM Redeeming Partner agrees to execute such documents as the Partnership may reasonably require in connection with the issuance of REIT shares upon exercise of the LPM Limited Partner Redemption Right. A-36 PARTNERS' CONTRIBUTIONS AND PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS
Redemption Capital Partnership Percentage Exercise Name and Address of Partner Contribution Units Interest Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LPM LIMITED PARTNER June 23, 2002 The LCP Group, L.P. 83400 0.33%