EX-99.2 3 f52702exv99w2.htm EX-99.2 exv99w2
Exhibit 99.2

Northern District of California, Oakland Division
In re
  )   Chapter 11 Case No.
     Asyst Technologies, Inc., et al.,
  )   09-43246
          Debtor.   )    
Asyst Technologies, Inc.
Case No: 09-43246




Asyst Technologies, Inc.
Case Number: 09-43246
The Schedules of Assets and Liabilities (collectively, the “Schedules”) and the Statements of Financial Affairs (collectively, the “Statements” and, together with the Schedules, the “Schedules and Statements”) filed by Asyst Technologies, Inc. (“ATI” or the “Debtor”) in the chapter 11 case pending in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California (the “Bankruptcy Court”) were prepared, pursuant to section 521 of chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”) and Rule 1007 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, by management of the Debtor, with the assistance of the Debtor’s court-appointed advisors, and are unaudited. While the Debtor’s management has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the Schedules and Statements are as accurate and complete as possible under the circumstances, based on information that was available to it at the time of preparation, subsequent information or discovery may result in material changes to these Schedules and Statements, and inadvertent errors or omissions may have occurred. Because the Schedules and Statements contain unaudited information, which is subject to further review, verification, and potential adjustment, there can be no assurance that these Schedules and Statements are complete. The Debtor reserves all rights to amend the Schedules and Statements from time to time, in all respects, as may be necessary or appropriate, including, but not limited to, the right to dispute or otherwise assert offsets or defenses to any claim reflected in the Schedules and Statements as to amount, liability, or classification, or to otherwise subsequently designate any claim as “disputed,” “contingent,” or “unliquidated.” Furthermore, nothing contained in the Schedules and Statements shall constitute a waiver of rights with respect to this chapter 11 case, including, but not limited to, issues involving substantive consolidation, equitable subordination and/or causes of action arising under the provisions of chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code and other relevant non-bankruptcy laws to recover assets or avoid transfers.
The Schedules and Statements have been signed by Paula C. LuPriore, Executive VP, COO and CRO of ATI. Accordingly, in reviewing and signing the Schedules and Statements, Paula C. LuPriore necessarily relied upon the efforts, statements, and representations of the Debtor’s other personnel and professionals. Paula C. LuPriore has not (and could not have) personally verified the accuracy of each such statement and representation, including, for example, statements and representations concerning amounts owed to creditors, classification of such amounts, and each address.
These Global Notes and Statement of Limitations, Methodology, and Disclaimer Regarding the Debtor’ Schedules and Statements (the “Global Notes”) are incorporated by reference in, and comprise an integral part of, the Schedules and Statements, and should be referred to and considered in connection with any review of the Schedules and Statements.
Description of the Cases
On April 20, 2009 (the “Petition Date”), the Debtor filed a voluntary petition for relief under the Bankruptcy Code in the Bankruptcy Court under Case No. 09-43246. The Debtor continues to operate its business and manage its properties as Debtor in possession pursuant to sections 1107(a) and 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code.
Basis of Presentation
For financial reporting purposes, prior to the Petition Date, the Debtor, along with certain non-Debtor affiliates and its non-Debtor subsidiaries, prepared consolidated financial statements that were audited annually. Because none of the direct and individual subsidiaries of ATI are debtors in this chapter 11 case , combining the assets and liabilities set forth in the Schedules and Statements of the Debtor would result in amounts that would be substantially different from financial information regarding ATI and its subsidiaries that would be prepared on a consolidated basis under Debtor’s Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”). Therefore, these Schedules and Statements do not purport to represent financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP nor are they intended to fully reconcile to the financial statements prepared by the Debtor. Unlike the consolidated financial statements, these Schedules and Statements reflect the assets and liabilities of only the Debtor. Information contained in the Schedules and Statements has been derived from the Debtor’s books and records and historical financial statements.
Reasonable efforts have been made to prepare and file complete and accurate Schedules and Statements; however, inadvertent errors or omissions may exist. The Debtor reserves all rights to amend and/or supplement the Schedules and Statements from time to time as is necessary and appropriate.
Confidential or Sensitive Information
There may be instances in which certain information in the Schedules and Statements intentionally has been redacted due to the nature of an agreement between a Debtor and a third party, concerns about the confidential or commercially sensitive nature of certain information, or concerns for the privacy of an individual. The alterations will be limited to only what is necessary to protect the Debtor or third party and will provide interested parties with sufficient information to discern the nature of the listing.
Causes of Action
Despite its reasonable efforts to identify all known assets, the Debtor may not have listed all of its causes of action or potential causes of action against third parties as assets in its Schedules and Statements, including, but not limited to, avoidance actions arising under chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code and actions under other relevant non-bankruptcy laws to recover assets. The Debtor reserves all of its rights with respect to any claims, causes of action, or avoidance actions it may have, and neither these Global Notes nor the Schedules and Statements shall be deemed a waiver of any such claims, causes of actions, or avoidance actions or in any way prejudice or impair the assertion of such claims.




Asyst Technologies, Inc.
Case Number: 09-43246
The Debtor has made reasonable efforts to correctly characterize, classify, categorize, and designate the claims, assets, executory contracts, unexpired leases, and other items reported in the Schedules and Statements. However, due to the complexity and size of the Debtor’s business, the Debtor may have improperly characterized, classified, categorized, or designated certain items. The Debtor thus reserves all of its rights to recharacterize, reclassify, recategorize, or redesignate items reported in the Schedules and Statements at a later time as necessary or appropriate as additional information becomes available.
Claim Description
Any failure to designate a claim in the Schedules and Statements as “contingent,” “unliquidated, or “disputed” does not constitute an admission by the Debtor that such claim or amount is not “contingent,” “unliquidated,” or “disputed.” The Debtor reserves all of its rights to dispute, or to assert offsets or defenses to, any claim reflected on its Schedules or Statements on any grounds, including, but not limited to, amount, liability, priority, status, or classification, or to otherwise subsequently designate any claim as “contingent,” “unliquidated, or “disputed.” Moreover, the Debtor reserves all of its rights to amend its Schedules and Statements as necessary and appropriate, including, but not limited to, with respect to claim description and designation.
Unliquidated Claim Amounts
Claim amounts that could not be readily quantified by the Debtor are scheduled as “unliquidated.”
Undetermined Amounts
The description of an amount as “undetermined” is not intended to reflect upon the materiality of such amount.
It would be prohibitively expensive, unduly burdensome, and an inefficient use of estate assets for the Debtor to obtain current market valuations of all of its assets. Accordingly, unless otherwise indicated, net book values as of the Petition Date are reflected on the Schedules and Statements. Exceptions to this include operating cash and certain other assets. Operating cash is presented at bank balances as of the Petition Date. Certain other assets, such as investments in subsidiaries and other intangible assets, are listed at undetermined amounts, as the net book values may differ materially from fair market values. Amounts ultimately realized may vary from net book value (or whatever value was ascribed) and such variance may be material. Accordingly, the Debtor reserves all of its rights to amend or adjust the value of each asset set forth herein. In addition, the amounts shown for total liabilities exclude items identified as “unknown” or “undetermined” and, thus, ultimate liabilities may differ materially from those stated in the Schedules and Statements.
The information provided herein, except as otherwise noted, represents the asset data of the Debtor as of March 31, 2009 and the liability data of the Debtor as of the close of business on the Petition Date.
Specific Notes
These Debtor’s Notes are in addition to the specific notes set forth in the Schedules and Statements of the Debtor. The fact that the Debtor has prepared a Global Note with respect to a particular Schedule or Statement and not as to others does not reflect and should not be interpreted as a decision by the Debtor to exclude the applicability of such Global Note to any or all of the Debtor’s remaining Schedules or Statements, as appropriate. Disclosure of information in one Schedule, one Statement, or an exhibit or attachment to a Schedule or Statement, even if incorrectly placed, shall be deemed to be disclosed in the correct Schedule, Statement, exhibit, or attachment.
The Debtor has sought to allocate liabilities between the prepetition and postpetition periods based on the information and research that was conducted in connection with the preparation of the Schedules and Statements. As additional information becomes available and further research is conducted, the allocation of liabilities between prepetition and postpetition periods may change. The Debtor reserves the right to amend the Schedules and Statements as it deems appropriate in this regard.
Excluded Assets and Liabilities
The Debtor has excluded certain categories of assets, tax accruals, and liabilities from the Schedules and Statements, including goodwill, pension assets, deferred compensation, accrued salaries, employee benefit accruals, accrued accounts payable, and deferred gains. The Debtor also has excluded rejection damage claims of counterparties to executory contracts and unexpired leases that have been or may be rejected, to the extent such damage claims exist. In addition, certain immaterial assets and liabilities may have been excluded.
The Debtor has not included in the Schedules and Statements the future obligations of any capital or operating leases.




Asyst Technologies, Inc.
Case Number: 09-43246
Contingent Assets
The Debtor believes that it may possess certain claims and causes of action against various parties. Additionally, the Debtor may possess contingent claims in the form of various avoidance actions it could commence under the provisions of chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code and other relevant non-bankruptcy laws. The Debtor, despite reasonable efforts, may not have set forth all of its causes of action against third parties as assets in its Schedules and Statements. The Debtor reserves all of its rights with respect to any claims, causes of action, or avoidance actions it may have and nothing contained in these Global Notes or the Schedules and Statements shall be deemed a waiver of any such claims, avoidance actions, or causes of action or in any way prejudice or impair the assertion of such claims.
The Debtor may also possess contingent and unliquidated claims against affiliated entities for various financial accommodations and similar benefits it has extended from time to time, including contingent and unliquidated claims for contribution, reimbursement and/or indemnification arising from, among other things, (i) letters of credit, (ii) notes payable and receivable, (iii) surety bonds, (iv) guaranties, (v) indemnities, and (vi) warranties. Additionally, prior to the relevant Petition Date, the Debtor, as plaintiff, may have commenced various lawsuits in the ordinary course of its business against third parties seeking monetary damages. Refer to each Statement, item 4(a)(i), for lawsuits commenced prior to the relevant Petition Date in which the Debtor was a plaintiff.
Receivables and Payables
For confidentiality reasons the Debtor has not listed individual customer accounts receivable balance information.
Guaranties and Other Secondary Liability Claims
The Debtor has used reasonable efforts to locate and identify guaranties and other secondary liability claims (collectively, “Guaranties”) in each of its executory contracts, unexpired leases, secured financings, debt instruments, and other such agreements. Where such Guaranties have been identified, they have been included in Schedule G. The Debtor, however, believes that certain Guaranties embedded in the Debtor’s executory contracts, unexpired leases, secured financings, debt instruments, and other such agreements may have been inadvertently omitted. Thus, the Debtor reserves all of its rights to amend the Schedules to the extent that additional Guaranties are identified.
Intellectual Property Rights
Exclusion of certain intellectual property shall not be construed to be an admission that such intellectual property rights have been abandoned, have been terminated, or otherwise have expired by its terms, or have been assigned or otherwise transferred pursuant to a sale, acquisition, or other transaction. Conversely, inclusion of certain intellectual property shall not be construed to be an admission that such intellectual property rights have not been abandoned, have not been terminated, or otherwise have not expired by its terms, or have not been assigned or otherwise transferred pursuant to a sale, acquisition, or other transaction. Accordingly, the Debtor reserves all of its rights with respect to the legal status of any and all intellectual property rights.
To prepare and file the Schedules by the required June 4, 2009 filing date, management was required to make certain estimates and assumptions that affected the reported amounts of these assets and liabilities.
Fiscal Year
The Debtor’s fiscal year ends on March 31.
Unless otherwise indicated, all amounts are reflected in U.S. dollars.
Property and Equipment
Unless otherwise indicated, owned property and equipment are stated at net book value. The Debtor may lease furniture, fixtures, and equipment from certain third party lessors. Any such leases are set forth in the Schedules and Statements. Nothing in the Schedules and Statements is or shall be construed as an admission as to the determination as to the legal status of any lease (including whether any lease is a true lease or a financing arrangement), and the Debtor reserves all of its rights with respect to same.
Claims of Third-Party Related Entities
While the Debtor has made every effort to properly classify each claim listed in the Schedules as being either disputed or undisputed, liquidated or unliquidated, and contingent or noncontingent, the Debtor has not been able to fully reconcile all payments made to certain third parties and its related entities on account of the Debtor’s obligations to same.




Asyst Technologies, Inc.
Case Number: 09-43246
Interest in Subsidiaries and Affiliates
ATI indirectly owns all or part of numerous subsidiaries and affiliates that are not Debtor. Interests in subsidiaries arise from stock ownership or from interests in partnerships. The Debtor’s Schedules B-13 and B-14 or Statement 18a contains a listing of the current capital structure of ATI and non-Debtor affiliates and includes ownership interests in the related affiliates and partnerships of each corporate affiliate.
Umbrella Or Master Agreements
Contracts listed in the Schedules and Statements may be umbrella or master agreements that cover relationships with the Debtor.
The Debtor has attempted to include all payments made over the 12 months preceding the Petition Date to any individual or entity deemed an “insider.” For these purposes, “insider” is defined as (1) an individual or entity owning 5% or greater of ATI, (2) an individual appointed by the Members of the Management Committee of ATI, or (3) an entity related to an insider. The listing of a party as an “insider,” however, is not intended to be nor should be construed as a legal characterization of such party as an insider and does not act as an admission of any fact, claim, right, or defense, and all such rights, claims, and defenses are hereby expressly reserved.
The financial affairs and business of the Debtor is complex. Prior to the Petition Date, the Debtor and its non-Debtor affiliates participated in a consolidated cash management system through which certain payments were made by one entity on behalf of another. As a result, certain payments in the Schedules and Statements may have been made prepetition by one entity on behalf of another entity through the operation of the consolidated cash management system.
All totals that are included in the Schedules and Statements represent totals of all the known amounts included in the Schedules and Statements.



Northern District of California, Oakland Division
        Chapter 11
In re:   Asyst Technologies, Inc.       Case Number:    09-43246
     This statement is to be completed by every debtor. Spouses filing a joint petition may file a statement on which the information for both spouses is combined. If the case is filed under chapter 12 or chapter 13, a married debtor must furnish information for both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed. An individual debtor engaged in business as a sole proprietor, partner, family farmer, or self-employed professional, should provide the information requested on this statement concerning all such activities as well as the individual’s personal affairs. To indicate payments, transfers and the like to minor children, state the child’s initials and the name and address of the child’s parent or guardian, such as “A.B., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian.” Do not disclose the child’s name. See, 11 U.S.C. §112 and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(m).
     Questions 1 — 18 are to be completed by all debtors. Debtors that are or have been in business, as defined below, also must complete Questions 19 — 2 5 . If the answer to an applicable question is “None,” mark the box labeled “None.” If additional space is needed for the answer to any question, use and attach a separate sheet properly identified with the case name, case number (if known), and the number of the question.
     “In business.” A debtor is “in business” for the purpose of this form if the debtor is a corporation or partnership. An individual debtor is “in business” for the purpose of this form if the debtor is or has been, within the six years immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case, any of the following: an officer, director, mangaging executive, or owner of 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securities of a corporation; a partner, other than a limited partner, of a partnership; a sole proprietor or self-employed full-time or part-time. An individual debtor also may be “in business” for the purpose of this form if the debtor engages in a trade, business, or other activity, other than as an employee, to supplement income from the debtor’s primary employment.
     “Insider.” The term “insider” includes but is not limited to: relatives of the debtor; general partners of the debtor and their relatives; corporations of which the debtor is an officer, director, or person in control; officers, directors, and any owner of 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securities of a corporate debtor and their relatives; affiliates of the debtor and insiders of such affiliates; and any managing agent of the debtor. 11 U.S.C. § 101.
  1. Income from employment or operation of business
  State the gross amount of income the debtor has received from employment, trade, or profession, or from operation of debtor’s business, including part-time activities either as an employee or in independent trade or business, from the beginning of this calendar year to the date this case was commenced. State also the gross amounts received during the two years immediately preceding this calendar year. (A debtor that maintains, or has maintained, financial records on the basis of a fiscal rather than a calendar year may report fiscal year income. Identify the beginning and ending dates of the debtor’s fiscal year.) If a joint petition is filed, state income for each spouse separately. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must state income of both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed).
            See attachment 1 of the Statement of Financial Affairs
  2. Income other than from employment or operation of business
  State the amount of income received by the debtor other than from employment, trade, profession, or operation of the debtor’s business during the two year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. Give particular If a joint petition is filed, state income for each spouse separately. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must state income of both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed).
            See attachment 2 of the Statement of Financial Affairs



  3. Payments to Creditors
  Complete a. or b., as appropriate, and c.
  a. Individual or joint debtor(s) with primarily consumer debts: List all payments on loans, installment purchases of goods or services, and other debts to any creditor made within 90 days immediately preceding the commencement of this case if the aggregate value of all property that constitutes or is affected by such transfer is not less than $600. Indicate with an asterisk (*) any payments that were made to a creditor on account of a domestic support obligation or as part of an alternative repayment schedule under a plan by an approved nonprofit budgeting and creditor counseling agency. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include payments by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
  b. Debtor whose debts are not primarily consumer debts : List each payment or other transfer to any creditor made within 90 days immediately preceding the commencement of the case unless the aggregate value of all property that constitutes or is affected by such transfer is less than $5,475. If the debtor is an individual, indicate with an asterisk (*) any payments that were made to a creditor on account of a domestic support obligation or as part of an alternative repayment schedule under a plan by an approved nonprofit budgeting and credit counseling agency. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include payments and other transfers by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
            See Attachment 3b of the Statement of Financial Affairs.
  c. All debtors : List all payments made within one year immediately preceeding the commencement of this case to or for the benefit of creditors who are or were insiders. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include payments by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
            See Attachment 3c of the Statement of Financial Affairs.
  4. Suits, executions, garnishments, and attachments
  a. List all suits and administrative proceedings to which the debtor is or was a party within one year immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
            See Attachment 4a(ii) & 4a(iii) of the Statement of Financial Affairs.
  b. Describe all property that has been attached, garnished, or seized under any legal or equitable process within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning property of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)



    5. Repossessions, foreclosures, and returns
  List all property that has been repossessed by a creditor, sold at a foreclosure sale, transferred through a deed in lieu of foreclosure or returned to the seller, within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning property of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
    6. Assignments and receiverships
  a. Describe any assignment of property for the benefit of creditors made within 120 days immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include any assignment by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
  b. List all property which has been in the hands of a custodian, receiver, or court-appointed official within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning property of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
    7. Gifts
  List all gifts or charitable contributions made within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case except ordinary and usual gifts to family members aggregating less than $200 in value per individual family member and charitable contributions aggregating less than $100 per recipient. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include gifts or contributions by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
    8. Losses
  List all losses from fire, theft, other casualty or gambling within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case or since the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include losses by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
    9. Payments related to debt counseling or bankruptcy
  List all payments made or property transferred by or on behalf of the debtor to any persons, including attorneys, or consultation concerning debt consolidation, relief under the bankruptcy laws, preparation of a petition in bankruptcy within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case.
              See Attachment 9 of the Statement of Financial Affairs.
    10. Other transfers
  List all other property, other than property transferred in the ordinary course of the business or financial affairs of the Debtor transferred either absolutely or as security within two years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include transfers by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)



  b. List all property transferred by the debtor within two years immediately preceding the commencement of this case to a self-settled trust or similar device of which the debtor is a beneficiary.
  11. Closed financial accounts
  List all financial accounts and instruments held in the name of the debtor or for the benefit of the debtor which were closed, sold, or otherwise transferred within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. Include checking, savings, or other financial accounts, certificates of deposit, or other instruments; shares and share accounts held in banks, credit unions, pension funds, cooperatives associations, brokerage houses and other financial institutions. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning accounts or instruments held by or for either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
            See attachment 11 of the Statement of Financial Affairs
  12. Safe deposit boxes
  List each safe deposit or other box or depository in which the debtor has or had securities, cash, or other valuables within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include boxes or depositories of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
  13. Setoffs
  List all setoffs made by any creditor, including a bank, against debts or deposit of the debtor within 90 days preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.)
  14. Property held for another person
  List all property owned by another person that the debtor holds or controls.
  15. Prior address of debtor
  If the debtor has moved within the three years immediately preceding the commencement of this case, list all premises which the debtor occupied during that period and vacated prior to the commencement of this case. If a joint petition is filed, report also any separate address of either spouse.
None   16. Spouses and Former Spouses
    If the debtor resides or resided in a community property state, commonwealth, or territory (including Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Texas, Washington or Wisconsin) within eight-years immediately preceding the commencement of this case, identify the name of the debtor’s spouse and of any former spouse who resides or resided with the debtor in the community property state.



  17. Environmental Information
  For the purposes of this questions, the following definitions apply:
  “Environmental Law” means any federal, state, of local statute or regulation regulating pollution, contamination, releases of hazardous or toxic substances, wastes or material into the air, land, soil, surface water, groundwater, or other medium, including, but not limited to, statutes or regulations regulating the cleanup of these substances, wastes or material.
  “Site” means any location, facility, or property as defined under any Environmental Law, whether or not presently or formerly owned or operated by the debtor, including, but not limited to, disposal sites.
  “Hazardous Material” means anything defined as a hazardous waste, hazardous substance, toxic substance, hazardous material, pollutant, or contaminant or similar term under an Environmental Law.
  a. List the name and address of every site for which the debtor has received notice in writing by a governmental unit that it may be liable or potentially liable under or in violation of an Environmental Law. Indicate the governmental unit, the date of the notice, and, if known, the Environmental Law.
  b. List the name and address of every site for which the debtor provided notice to a governmental unit of a release of Hazardous Material. Indicate the governmental unit to which the notice was sent and the date of the notice.
  c. List all judicial or administrative proceedings, including settlements or order, under any Environmental Law with respect to which the debtor is or was a party. Indicate the name and address of the governmental unit that is or was a party to the proceeding, and the docket number.
  18. Nature, location, and names of business
  a. If the debtor is an individual, list the names, addresses and taxpayer identification numbers, nature of the businesses, and beginning and ending dates of all businesses in which the debtor was an officer, director, partner, or managing executive of a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or was a self-employed professional within the six-years immediately preceding the commencement of this case, or in which the debtor owned 5 percent or more of the voting of equity securities within the six-years immediately preceding the commencement of this case.
If the debtor is a partnership, list the names, addresses and taxpayer identification numbers, nature of the businesses, and beginning and ending dates of all businesses in which the debtor was a partner or owned 5 percent or more of the voting securities, within the six-years immediately preceding the commencement of this case.
If the debtor is a corporation, list the names, addresses and taxpayer identification numbers, nature of the businesses, and beginning and ending dates of all businesses in which the debtor was a partner or owned 5 percent or more of the voting securities, within the six-years immediately preceding the commencement of this case.
            See Attachment 18a of the Statement of Financial Affairs.
  b. Identify any business listed in response to subdivision a., above, that is “single asset real estate” as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101.
     The following questions are to be completed by every debtor that is a corporation or partnership and by any individual debtor who is or has been, within the six-years immediately preceding the commencement of this case, any of the following: an officer, director, managing executive, or owner of more than 5 percent of the voting or equity securities of a corporation; a partner, other than a limited partner, of a partnership; a sold proprietor or otherwise self-employed in a trade, profession, or other activity, either full- or part-time.
     (An individual or joint debtor should complete this portion of the statement only if the debtor is or has been in business, as defined above, within the six years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. A debtor who has not been in business within those six years should go directly to the signature page.)



  19. Books, records and financial statements
  a. List all bookkeepers and accountants who within the two years immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case kept or supervised the keeping of books of account and records of the debtor.
            See attachment 19a of the Statement of Financial Affairs
  b. List all firms or individuals who within the two years immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case have audited the books of account and records, or prepared a financial statement of the debtor.
            NAME AND ADDRESS
            PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP Ten Almaden Blvd., Suite 1600; San Jose,
          CA 95113
  c. List all firms or individuals who at the time of the commencement of this case were in possession of the books of account and records of the debtor. If any of the books of account and records are not available, explain.
For a list of individuals in possession of the Debtor’s books of account and records, see attachment 19a of the Statement of the Financial Affairs
  d. List all financial institutions, creditors, and other parties, including mercantile and trade agencies, to whom a financial statement was issued within the two years immediately preceding the commencement of this case by the debtor.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Debtor has prepared and filed with the Securities Exchange Commission (“the SEC”) Form 8-K Special Reports, Form 10-Q Quarterly Reports and Form 10-K Annual Reports (collectively, the “SEC Filings”). The SEC Filings contain consolidated financial information relating to the Debtor and its parent companies. Because the SEC Filings are of public record, the Debtor does not maintain records of the parties who requested or obtained copies of any of the SEC Filings from the SEC or the Debtor. In addition to the companies listed on Attachment #19d, the debtor provided financial information to various companies that were performing due diligence in anticipation of a potential sale transaction. Due to the nature of certain confidentiality arrangements, the names of those firms are not listed hereon.
  20. Inventories
  a. List the dates of the last two inventories taken of the debtor’s property, the name of the person who supervised the taking of each inventory, and the dollar amount and basis of each inventory.
            See attachment 20 of the Statement of the Financial Affairs
  b. List the name and address of the person having possession of the records of each of the two inventories reported in a., above.
            See attachment 20 of the Statement of the Financial Affairs



  21. Current Partners, Officers, Directors and Shareholders

  a. If the debtor is a partnership, list the nature and percentage of partnership interest of each member of the partnership.
  b. If the debtor is a corporation, list all officers and directors of the corporation, and each stockholder who directly or indirectly owns, controls, or holds 5 percent of more of the voting or equity securities of the corporation.
            See attachment 21b of the Statement of the Financial Affairs
  22. Former partners, officers, directors, and shareholders.
  a. If the debtor is a partnership, list each member who withdrew from the partnership within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case.
  b. If the debtor is a corporation, list all officers, or directors whose relationships with the corporation terminated within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case.
            See attachment 22b of the Statement of the Financial Affairs
  23. Withdrawals from a partnership or distributions by a corporation
  If the debtor is a partnership or corporation, list all withdrawals or distributions credited or given to an insider, including compensation in any form, bonuses, loans, stock redemptions, options exercised and any other perquisite during one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case.
            See attachment 3c of the Statement of the Financial Affairs
  24. Tax Consolidation Group
  If the debtor is a corporation, list the name and federal taxpayer identification number of the parent corporation of any consolidated group for tax purposes of which the debtor has been a member at any time within the six-years immediately preceding the commencement of this case.
            Asyst Technologies, Inc.    #94-2942251
  25. Pension Funds
  If the debtor is not an individual, list the name and federal taxpayer identification number of any pension fund to which the debtor, as an employer, has been responsible for contributing at any time within six-years immediately preceding the commencement of this case.



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 1
Case Number: 09-43246    
1. Income from employment or operation of business.
Year   Amount
3/31/2007 Annual Gross Revenue   $ 123,806,061  
3/31/2008 Annual Gross Revenue   $ 104,806,135  
3/31/2009 Annual Gross Revenue   $ 50,803,012  
Specific Notes
Income from employment or operation of business is comprised of Third Party Sales and Changes in SAB 101 Deferred Revenue and does not include intercompany sales or adjustments to gross revenue (i.e. cash discounts and sales returns).



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 2
Case Number: 09-43246    
2. Income other than from employment or operation of business.
Type of Income   2007     2008     2009  
Other Income
  $ 5,819,379     $ 4,821,304     $ 1,671,111  
  $ 5,819,379     $ 4,821,304     $ 1,671,111  
Specific Notes
Income other than from employment or operation of business is comprised of the following items: Gains / (Losses) on the Disposal of Assets, Royalty Income, Miscellaneous Income, Interest Income, and Realized Gains / (Losses) on Translation of Foreign Currencies.



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
  14 Progress Ave   NASHUA, NH 03062   2/6/2009   0000228233   $ 1,516          
           TOTAL 1-800-Got-Junk           $ 1,516  
2929 Partners, Ltd.
  17950 Preston Road Suite 250   DALLAS, TX 75252   3/9/2009   0000228420   $ 1,509          
2929 Partners, Ltd.
  17950 Preston Road Suite 250   DALLAS, TX 75252   2/10/2009   0000228262   $ 1,422          
           TOTAL 2929 Partners, Ltd.           $ 2,931  
2Xl, Inc.
  590 Brennan Street Howard Yonet   SAN JOSE, CA 95131   2/13/2009   0000228318   $ 2,573          
2Xl, Inc.
  590 Brennan Street Howard Yonet   SAN JOSE, CA 95131   2/4/2009   0000228222   $ 833          
           TOTAL 2Xl, Inc.           $ 3,406  
Abd Insurance Services
  Dept 33457 P.O.Box 39000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139-0001   2/4/2009   0000228249   $ 13,978          
           TOTAL Abd Insurance Services           $ 13,978  
Abtech Support
  2042 Corte Del Nogal #D Brett Wilson   CARLSBAD, CA 92011-1438   2/19/2009   0000228352   $ 765          
Abtech Support
  2042 Corte Del Nogal #D Brett Wilson   CARLSBAD, CA 92011-1438   1/20/2009   0000228050   $ 765          
Abtech Support
  2042 Corte Del Nogal #D Brett Wilson   CARLSBAD, CA 92011-1438   4/8/2009   0000228549   $ 765          
           TOTAL Abtech Support           $ 2,295  
Abx Engineering
  880 Hinckley Road Jeff Bullis   BURLINGAME, CA 94010-1503   1/21/2009   0000228104   $ 4,095          
Abx Engineering
  880 Hinckley Road Jeff Bullis   BURLINGAME, CA 94010-1503   2/4/2009   0000228235   $ 1,919          
Abx Engineering
  880 Hinckley Road Jeff Bullis   BURLINGAME, CA 94010-1503   2/20/2009   0000228332   $ 6,315          
           TOTAL Abx Engineering           $ 12,329  
  525 Laurelwood Road Randy Watts   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   1/28/2009   0000228146   $ 2,502          
  525 Laurelwood Road Randy Watts   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   1/21/2009   0000228072   $ 2,828          
           TOTAL Acco           $ 5,330  
Accu-Image, Inc.
  193 Commercial Street Darren Oneil   SUNNYVALE, CA 94086   1/22/2009   0000228141   $ 435          
Accu-Image, Inc.
  193 Commercial Street Darren Oneil   SUNNYVALE, CA 94086   2/23/2009   0000228358   $ 3,147          
Accu-Image, Inc.
  193 Commercial Street Darren Oneil   SUNNYVALE, CA 94086   2/5/2009   0000228258   $ 2,147          
           TOTAL Accu-Image, Inc.           $ 5,729  
Acnovate Corporation
  3160 De La Cruz Blvd. Suite 206 Ravi Metrani   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/6/2009   0000227974   $ 2,332          
           TOTAL Acnovate Corporation           $ 2,332  
Act Teleconferencing Svcs
  P.O. Box 1857   ENGLEWOOD, CO 80150   2/2/2009   0000228032   $ 80          
Act Teleconferencing Svcs
  P.O. Box 1857   ENGLEWOOD, CO 80150   1/27/2009   0000228125   $ 645          
           TOTAL Act Teleconferencing Svcs           $ 725  
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   2/19/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,548          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   2/23/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 16          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   1/20/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,685          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   1/26/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 16          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   2/13/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 4,592          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   2/23/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ (2,145 )        
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   1/20/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,033          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   3/30/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 120          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   4/20/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 3,832          



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   4/20/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 16          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   4/13/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,628          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   4/6/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 32          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   4/3/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 207          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   2/10/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 4,059          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   3/30/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,545          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   2/23/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 2,770          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   3/26/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 80          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   3/20/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 4,884          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   3/16/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,762          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   3/6/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 2,262          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   3/4/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 220          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   3/2/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,532          
  3300 Olcott Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95052   3/2/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 16          
           TOTAL ADP           $ 31,709  
Aei Corporation Ltd
  12 Penjuru Lane Bruce Lee Kh   SINGAPORE, 609192   2/10/2009   0000228219   $ 77          
           TOTAL Aei Corporation Ltd           $ 77  
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   3/2/2009   0000228410   $ 3,875          
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   3/11/2009   0000228429   $ 1,901          
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   3/25/2009   0000228473   $ 3,285          
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   3/30/2009   0000228496   $ 5,104          
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   4/8/2009   0000228534   $ 2,641          
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   2/19/2009   0000228338   $ 6,540          
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   3/16/2009   0000228446   $ 2,949          
Aeronet Worldwide
  42 Corporate Park Suite 150 John Baisey   IRVINE, CA 92606   4/7/2009   0000228529   $ 6,411          
Aeronet Worldwide
  42 Corporate Park Suite 150 John Baisey   IRVINE, CA 92606   3/30/2009   0000228494   $ 6,466          
Aeronet Worldwide
  42 Corporate Park Suite 150 John Baisey   IRVINE, CA 92606   3/25/2009   0000228470   $ 568          
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   2/11/2009   0000228300   $ 674          
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   2/4/2009   0000228248   $ 5,912          
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   1/28/2009   0000228181   $ 11,651          
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   1/20/2009   0000228115   $ 12,015          
Aeronet Worldwide
  42 Corporate Park Suite 150 John Baisey   IRVINE, CA 92606   2/3/2009   0000228240   $ 15,330          
Aeronet Worldwide
  1178 Cherry Avenue Mike Signori   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   2/24/2009   0000228386   $ 7,654          
Aeronet Worldwide
  42 Corporate Park Suite 150 John Baisey   IRVINE, CA 92606   2/19/2009   0000228334   $ 6,522          
Aeronet Worldwide
  42 Corporate Park Suite 150 John Baisey   IRVINE, CA 92606   2/24/2009   0000228381   $ 6,390          
Aeronet Worldwide
  42 Corporate Park Suite 150 John Baisey   IRVINE, CA 92606   3/11/2009   0000228427   $ 12,095          
Aeronet Worldwide
  42 Corporate Park Suite 150 John Baisey   IRVINE, CA 92606   2/11/2009   0000228295   $ 20,136          
           TOTAL AERONET WORLDWIDE           $ 138,120  
Aetna Life Ins.
  Map - Unit 3 151 Farmington Ave.   HARTFORD, CT 06156-1269   3/9/2009   0000228417   $ 4,861          
Aetna Life Ins.
  Map - Unit 3 151 Farmington Ave.   HARTFORD, CT 06156-1269   3/10/2009   0000228395   $ 9,302          
Aetna Life Ins.
  Map - Unit 3 151 Farmington Ave.   HARTFORD, CT 06156-1269   1/20/2009   0000228064   $ 4,439          
           TOTAL Aetna Life Ins.           $ 18,602  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
  Dept La21315   PASADENA, CA 91185-1315   3/9/2009   0000228418   $ 42,689          
  Dept La21315   PASADENA, CA 91185-1315   4/9/2009   0000228552   $ 42,689          
  Dept La21315   PASADENA, CA 91185-1315   2/5/2009   0000228260   $ 42,689          
           TOTAL Afco           $ 128,067  
Aicco Inc.
  three Embarcadero Center   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111   3/16/2009   0000228432   $ 69,306          
Aicco Inc.
  three Embarcadero Center   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111   2/19/2009   0000228325   $ 69,306          
Aicco Inc.
  three Embarcadero Center   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111   1/20/2009   0000228080   $ 69,306          
Aicco Inc.
  three Embarcadero Center   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111   4/1/2009   0000012440   $ 138,612          
      TOTAL Aicco Inc.                   $ 346,530  
Alameda County Water District
  43885 South Grimmer Blvd.   FREMONT, CA 94538-6348   3/13/2009   0000228426   $ 680          
           TOTAL Alameda County Water District           $ 680  
Alcotec Precision Eng. Pte Ltd
  Blk 31, Defu Lane 10, #04-68   SINGAPORE, 539212   2/18/2009   0000012413   $ 2,240          
Alcotec Precision Eng. Pte Ltd
  Blk 31, Defu Lane 10, #04-68   SINGAPORE, 539212   1/28/2009   0000012396   $ 6,364          
Alcotec Precision Eng. Pte Ltd
  Blk 31, Defu Lane 10, #04-68   SINGAPORE, 539212   2/4/2009   0000012403   $ 2,029          
           TOTAL Alcotec Precision Eng. Pte Ltd           $ 10,633  
Alixpartners, LLC
  4 Embarcadero Center Suite 3110 Michael M.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111   4/9/2009   0000012444   $ 325,000          
Alixpartners, LLC
  4 Embarcadero Center Suite 3110 Michael M.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111   3/27/2009   0000012437   $ 75,996          
Alixpartners, LLC
  4 Embarcadero Center Suite 3110 Michael M.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111   2/20/2009   0000012424   $ 75,000          
Alixpartners, LLC
  4 Embarcadero Center Suite 3110 Michael M.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111   4/2/2009   0000012441   $ 155,318          
           TOTAL Alixpartners, LLC           $ 631,314  
Alliance Bearing Ind.
  14745 Arminta St.   VAN NUYS, CA 91402   2/4/2009   0000228220   $ 3,625          
           TOTAL Alliance Bearing Ind.           $ 3,625  
Allied Waste Services #916
  PO Box 78460 Alameda County   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8460   2/3/2009   0000228156   $ 2,123          
Allied Waste Services #916
  PO Box 78460 Alameda County   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8460   4/17/2009   0000228510   $ 3,461          
           TOTAL Allied Waste Services #916           $ 5,583  
Alpha Ems Corporation
  44193 S.Grimmer Blvd. Eric Chang   FREMONT, CA 94538   1/21/2009   0000228092   $ 7,686          
           TOTAL Alpha Ems Corporation           $ 7,686  
American Express
  TRAVEL RELATED SVCS. CO., INC P.O.BOX 360001   FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33336-0001   4/3/2009   0000012442   $ 1,612          
American Express
  TRAVEL RELATED SVCS. CO., INC P.O.BOX 360001   FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33336-0001   1/23/2009   0000228116   $ 43,784          
American Express
  TRAVEL RELATED SVCS. CO., INC P.O.BOX 360001   FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33336-0001   4/3/2009   0000012443   $ 6,162          
American Express
  TRAVEL RELATED SVCS. CO., INC P.O.BOX 360001   FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33336-0001   3/3/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 5          
American Express
  TRAVEL RELATED SVCS. CO., INC P.O.BOX 360001   FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33336-0001   2/3/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 5          
American Express
  TRAVEL RELATED SVCS. CO., INC P.O.BOX 360001   FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33336-0001   4/3/2009   0000228497   $ 58,421          
American Express
  TRAVEL RELATED SVCS. CO., INC P.O.BOX 360001   FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33336-0001   2/23/2009   0000228339   $ 47,198          
American Express
  TRAVEL RELATED SVCS. CO., INC P.O.BOX 360001   FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33336-0001   4/3/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 5          
           TOTAL American Express           $ 157,193  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
American Express - 51004
  World Financial Center 200 Vesey St.   NEW YORK, NY 10285   1/27/2009   0000228195   $ 2,536          
American Express - 51004
  World Financial Center 200 Vesey St.   NEW YORK, NY 10285   2/18/2009   0000228345   $ 20          
American Express - 51004
  World Financial Center 200 Vesey St.   NEW YORK, NY 10285   3/24/2009   0000228479   $ 1,864          
           TOTAL American Express - 51004           $ 4,420  
American Messaging
  P.O. Box 15110   ALBANY, TX 12212-5110   2/11/2009   0000228317   $ 196          
American Messaging
  P.O. Box 15110   ALBANY, TX 12212-5110   3/25/2009   0000228483   $ 477          
           TOTAL American Messaging           $ 672  
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
  2950 Buskirk Avenue Suite 300 Candace H.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94597   3/6/2009   0000012423   $ 33,692          
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
  2950 Buskirk Avenue Suite 300 Candace H.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94597   2/25/2009   0000228226   $ 1,488          
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
  2950 Buskirk Avenue Suite 300 Candace H.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94597   3/13/2009   0000228402   $ 1,492          
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
  2950 Buskirk Avenue Suite 300 Candace H.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94597   3/26/2009   0000228466   $ 45,538          
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
  2950 Buskirk Avenue Suite 300 Candace H.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94597   4/13/2009   0000228517   $ 27,430          
           TOTAL Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.           $ 109,640  
Angelina Obiniana
  29188 Marshbrook Drive   HAYWARD, CA 94545   4/9/2009   0000228509   $ 455          
           TOTAL Angelina Obiniana           $ 455  
Anthony Santelli
  8622 Skyland Dr   NIWOT, CO 80503   4/1/2009   0000228484   $ 758          
Anthony Santelli
  8622 Skyland Dr   NIWOT, CO 80503   2/3/2009   0000227930   $ 20,946          
           TOTAL Anthony Santelli           $ 21,704  
Apple Ridge Funding
  40 Apple Ridge Road Wendelyn E.   DANBURY, CT 06810   2/10/2009   0000228290   $ 23,239          
Apple Ridge Funding
  40 Apple Ridge Road Wendelyn E.   DANBURY, CT 06810   2/4/2009   0000228164   $ 25,467          
Apple Ridge Funding
  40 Apple Ridge Road Wendelyn E.   DANBURY, CT 06810   2/3/2009   0000227990   $ 20,483          
           TOTAL Apple Ridge Funding           $ 69,188  
Applied Ceramics, Inc.
  48630 Milmont Drive Shunsuke Eny   FREMONT, CA 94538   2/5/2009   0000228215   $ 11,040          
Applied Ceramics, Inc.
  48630 Milmont Drive Shunsuke Eny   FREMONT, CA 94538   2/10/2009   0000228277   $ 42,220          
           TOTAL Applied Ceramics, Inc.           $ 53,260  
Applied Precision
  3320 Edward Ave Norm/Alicia   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/2/2009   0000228259   $ 641          
Applied Precision
  3320 Edward Ave Norm/Alicia   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/9/2009   0000228281   $ 1,460          
Applied Precision
  3320 Edward Ave Norm/Alicia   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   1/23/2009   0000228086   $ 90          
Applied Precision
  3320 Edward Ave Norm/Alicia   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   4/6/2009   0000228513   $ 1,445          
           TOTAL Applied Precision           $ 3,636  
Aramark Uniform Services Inc.
  P.O.Box 5034 Hazel   HAYWARD, CA 94540-5034   1/22/2009   0000228107   $ 23          
Aramark Uniform Services Inc.
  P.O.Box 5034 Hazel   HAYWARD, CA 94540-5034   1/28/2009   0000228171   $ 167          
Aramark Uniform Services Inc.
  P.O.Box 5034 Hazel   HAYWARD, CA 94540-5034   2/5/2009   0000228239   $ 70          
Aramark Uniform Services Inc.
  P.O.Box 5034 Hazel   HAYWARD, CA 94540-5034   2/11/2009   0000228293   $ 70          
           TOTAL Aramark Uniform Services Inc.           $ 330  
Arizona Dept. Of Revenue
  P.O. Box 29079   PHOENIX, AZ 85038-9079   1/23/2009   0000228131   $ 144          
           TOTAL Arizona Dept. Of Revenue           $ 144  
Arrk Product Devp Group
  8880 Rehco Rd, Suite A Michael Shay   SAN DIEGO, CA 92121   1/27/2009   0000228193   $ 42,618          
Arrk Product Devp Group
  8880 Rehco Rd, Suite A Michael Shay   SAN DIEGO, CA 92121   2/6/2009   0000228254   $ 10,602          
           TOTAL Arrk Product Devp Group           $ 53,220  
As One Technologies, Inc.
  5572 Smetana Drive   MINNETONKA, MN 55343   1/30/2009   0000228160   $ 26,000          



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
As One Technologies, Inc.
  5572 Smetana Drive   MINNETONKA, MN 55343   1/23/2009   0000227977   $ 73,725          
           TOTAL As One Technologies, Inc.           $ 99,725  
Ascenx Technologies, Inc.
  1905 Tarob Court Tim Bach   MILPITAS, CA 95035   2/10/2009   0000228284   $ 1,950          
           TOTAL Ascenx Technologies, Inc.           $ 1,950  
Asm America, Inc.
  3440 East University Drive Sheryl Moret   TEMPE, AZ 85034   1/29/2009   0000228098   $ 6,365          
           TOTAL Asm America, Inc.           $ 6,365  
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   1/28/2009   0000228148   $ 8,398          
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   2/26/2009   0000228362   $ 4,510          
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   4/14/2009   0000228559   $ 6,049          
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   3/3/2009   0000228363   $ 3,149          
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   3/24/2009   0000228459   $ 3,162          
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   3/25/2009   0000228460   $ 1,253          
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   1/22/2009   0000228077   $ 136          
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   4/1/2009   0000228485   $ 1,330          
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   4/10/2009   0000228558   $ 136          
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   1/22/2009   0000228076   $ 1,311          
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   2/18/2009   0000228323   $ 1,290          
  PO Box 78314   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8314   1/22/2009   0000227943   $ 7,786          
           TOTAL AtandT           $ 38,509  
AtandT - 277019
  P.O.Box 277019   ATLANTA, GA 30384-7019   2/4/2009   0000228255   $ 3,413          
AtandT - 277019
  P.O.Box 277019   ATLANTA, GA 30384-7019   4/13/2009   0000228563   $ 3,413          
AtandT - 277019
  P.O.Box 277019   ATLANTA, GA 30384-7019   3/19/2009   0000228454   $ 3,413          
           TOTAL AtandT - 277019           $ 10,238  
AtandT - 78152
  P.O.Box 78152   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8152   2/10/2009   0000228273   $ 54          
AtandT - 78152
  P.O.Box 78152   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8152   4/13/2009   0000228557   $ 107          
AtandT - 78152
  P.O.Box 78152   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8152   3/19/2009   0000228431   $ 326          
           TOTAL AtandT - 78152           $ 488  
AtandT Wireless
  National Business Services P.O.Box 78405   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8405   1/22/2009   0000228117   $ 23,511          
AtandT Wireless
  National Business Services P.O.Box 78405   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8405   2/17/2009   0000228301   $ 22,943          
AtandT Wireless
  National Business Services P.O.Box 78405   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8405   3/5/2009   0000228411   $ 19,761          
AtandT Wireless
  National Business Services P.O.Box 78405   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8405   4/14/2009   0000228562   $ 19,876          
           TOTAL AtandT Wireless           $ 86,092  
Atr International Inc.
  Dept 33037 P.O. Box 39000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139-3037   3/24/2009   0000228461   $ 9,600          
Atr International Inc.
  Dept 33037 P.O. Box 39000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139-3037   1/21/2009   0000228078   $ 5,400          
Atr International Inc.
  Dept 33037 P.O. Box 39000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139-3037   1/27/2009   0000228149   $ 3,000          
Atr International Inc.
  Dept 33037 P.O. Box 39000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139-3037   2/3/2009   0000228211   $ 3,000          
Atr International Inc.
  Dept 33037 P.O. Box 39000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139-3037   2/10/2009   0000228274   $ 1,440          
Atr International Inc.
  Dept 33037 P.O. Box 39000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139-3037   2/18/2009   0000228324   $ 3,420          
Atr International Inc.
  Dept 33037 P.O. Box 39000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139-3037   2/25/2009   0000228364   $ 3,000          
           TOTAL Atr International Inc.           $ 28,860  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Avaya Inc.
  P.O. Box 10193   VAN NUYS, CA 91410-0193   1/21/2009   0000228082   $ 3,069          
Avaya Inc.
  P.O. Box 10193   VAN NUYS, CA 91410-0193   3/3/2009   0000228367   $ 3,069          
Avaya Inc.
  P.O. Box 10193   VAN NUYS, CA 91410-0193   3/31/2009   0000228486   $ 3,069          
           TOTAL Avaya Inc.           $ 9,206  
Avis Rent A Car Systems, Inc.
  7876 Collections Ctr. Dr.   CHICAGO, IL 60693   1/28/2009   0000228151   $ 171          
           TOTAL Avis Rent A Car Systems, Inc.           $ 171  
Baker and Mckenzie
  Two Embarcadero Center 11th Floor   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-3802   4/9/2009   0000012445   $ 300,000          
Baker and Mckenzie
  Two Embarcadero Center 11th Floor   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-3802   4/6/2009   0000228503   $ 75,000          
Baker and Mckenzie
  Two Embarcadero Center 11th Floor   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-3802   4/3/2009   0000228501   $ 200,000          
Baker and Mckenzie
  Two Embarcadero Center 11th Floor   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-3802   3/4/2009   0000228415   $ 22,014          
Baker and Mckenzie
  Two Embarcadero Center 11th Floor   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-3802   2/19/2009   0000228354   $ 34,838          
Baker and Mckenzie
  Two Embarcadero Center 11th Floor   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-3802   4/20/2009   0000012450   $ 100,000          
           TOTAL Baker and Mckenzie           $ 731,852  
Bay Seal Corporation
  1550 W Winton Ave   HAYWARD, CA 94545   1/21/2009   0000228108   $ 5,121          
           TOTAL Bay Seal Corporation           $ 5,121  
Baymotion, Inc.
  2965 Southwood Drive Pat O’Grady   ALAMEDA, CA 94501   4/15/2009   0000228508   $ 6,600          
Baymotion, Inc.
  2965 Southwood Drive Pat O’Grady   ALAMEDA, CA 94501   2/23/2009   0000228327   $ 2,200          
Baymotion, Inc.
  2965 Southwood Drive Pat O’Grady   ALAMEDA, CA 94501   2/4/2009   0000228221   $ 4,098          
Baymotion, Inc.
  2965 Southwood Drive Pat O’Grady   ALAMEDA, CA 94501   3/20/2009   0000228434   $ 3,960          
           TOTAL Baymotion, Inc.           $ 16,858  
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   4/1/2009   0000228488   $ 47,170          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   3/19/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 37,206          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   2/9/2009   0000228263   $ 2,933          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   3/3/2009   0000228401   $ 47,864          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   3/24/2009   0000228464   $ 47,465          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   4/10/2009   0000228516   $ 975          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   3/2/2009   0000228374   $ 975          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   1/29/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 36,089          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   2/5/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 30,986          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   2/12/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 53,044          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   2/19/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 37,372          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   2/27/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 38,010          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   3/5/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 48,034          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   1/22/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 46,008          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   3/12/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 155,728          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   4/16/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 13,917          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   3/27/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 33,186          
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   4/2/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 23,602          



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Blue Cross Of California
  2121 N. California Blvd. 7th Floor Sally G.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94956   4/9/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 48,641          
           TOTAL Blue Cross Of California           $ 749,203  
Bosch Rexroth Pte Ltd
  15D Tuas Road Tracy Lim   SINGAPORE, 638520   1/20/2009   0000012385   $ 681          
Bosch Rexroth Pte Ltd
  15D Tuas Road Tracy Lim   SINGAPORE, 638520   2/18/2009   0000012412   $ 355          
           TOTAL Bosch Rexroth Pte Ltd           $ 1,036  
Brecoflex Co.,L.L.C.
  222 Industrial Way West Gary Faulken   EATONTOWN, NJ 07724   2/5/2009   0000228207   $ 380          
Brecoflex Co.,L.L.C.
  222 Industrial Way West Gary Faulken   EATONTOWN, NJ 07724   2/11/2009   0000228271   $ 62          
           TOTAL Brecoflex Co.,L.L.C.           $ 443  
Businesswire Corporation
  P.O.Box 45348   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94145-0348   2/10/2009   0000228296   $ 225          
Businesswire Corporation
  P.O.Box 45348   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94145-0348   4/7/2009   0000228530   $ 645          
           TOTAL Businesswire Corporation           $ 870  
Cartus Corporation
  2770 Ygnacio Valley Road Suite 210   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598   2/2/2009   0000228196   $ 29,664          
Cartus Corporation
  2770 Ygnacio Valley Road Suite 210   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598   2/10/2009   0000228312   $ 75,089          
Cartus Corporation
  2770 Ygnacio Valley Road Suite 210   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598   2/23/2009   0000228346   $ 11,759          
           TOTAL Cartus Corporation           $ 116,512  
Cdw Computers
  200 N. Milwaukee Avenue Mike Gylnn   VERNON HILLS, IL 60061   2/4/2009   0000228234   $ 60          
Cdw Computers
  200 N. Milwaukee Avenue Mike Gylnn   VERNON HILLS, IL 60061   1/20/2009   0000227997   $ 23,251          
Cdw Computers
  200 N. Milwaukee Avenue Mike Gylnn   VERNON HILLS, IL 60061   1/26/2009   0000228103   $ 18,931          
Cdw Computers
  200 N. Milwaukee Avenue Mike Gylnn   VERNON HILLS, IL 60061   1/29/2009   0000228167   $ 3,252          
           TOTAL Cdw Computers           $ 45,494  
Central Communications
  11830 Pierce Street Suite 100 Amanda Schut   RIVERSIDE, CA 92505   4/13/2009   0000228511   $ 763          
Central Communications
  11830 Pierce Street Suite 100 Amanda Schut   RIVERSIDE, CA 92505   3/2/2009   0000228368   $ 1,526          
           TOTAL Central Communications           $ 2,289  
Chandler Gtwy Plaza, LLC
  15607 E. Sundown Drive   FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268   3/9/2009   0000228421   $ 2,779          
Chandler Gtwy Plaza, LLC
  15607 E. Sundown Drive   FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268   2/9/2009   0000228264   $ 2,718          
Chandler Gtwy Plaza, LLC
  15607 E. Sundown Drive   FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268   4/13/2009   0000228519   $ 2,779          
           TOTAL Chandler Gtwy Plaza, LLC           $ 8,275  
City Of Fremont -Finance Dept
  Finance Department P.O. Box 5006   FREMONT, CA 94537-5006   3/20/2009   0000228444   $ 30          
City Of Fremont -Finance Dept
  Finance Department P.O. Box 5006   FREMONT, CA 94537-5006   3/17/2009   0000228447   $ 10,090          
           TOTAL City Of Fremont -Finance Dept           $ 10,120  
City Of Fremont- Police Dept
  Attn: Alarm Officer P.O. Box 5007   FREMONT, CA 94537-5007   3/18/2009   0000228442   $ 925          
           TOTAL City Of Fremont- Police Dept           $ 925  
Club Sport
  46650 Landing Parkway   FREMONT, CA 94538   1/26/2009   0000228133   $ 1,087          
Club Sport
  46650 Landing Parkway   FREMONT, CA 94538   3/11/2009   0000228391   $ 1,087          
           TOTAL Club Sport           $ 2,174  
Colorado Dept. Of Revenue
  1375 Sherman St.   DENVER, CO 80261   3/30/2009   0000228462   $ 648          
           TOTAL Colorado Dept. Of Revenue           $ 648  
  PO Box 1577   NEWARK, NJ 07101-1577   1/26/2009   0000228089   $ 205          
  PO Box 1577   NEWARK, NJ 07101-1577   3/2/2009   0000228372   $ 103          
           TOTAL Comcast           $ 308  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Commissioner Of Inland Revenue
  Singapore       2/2/2009   0000012397   $ 11,089          
           TOTAL Commissioner Of Inland Revenue           $ 11,089  
Commonwealth Of Massachusetts
  Department Of Revenue PO.Box 7025   BOSTON, MA 02204   3/5/2009   0000228408   $ 581          
           TOTAL Commonwealth Of Massachusetts           $ 581  
Comptroller Of Public Accounts
  111E 17th Street   AUSTIN, TX 78774-0100   1/26/2009   0000228118   $ 3,659          
         TOTAL Comptroller Of Public Accounts                   $ 3,659  
Computershare Shareholder Services, Inc.
  250 ROYALL STREET Jeff Seiders   CANTAN, MA 02021   2/12/2009   0000228302   $ 1,291          
Computershare Shareholder Services, Inc.
  250 ROYALL STREET Jeff Seiders   CANTAN, MA 02021   1/28/2009   0000228184   $ 1,296          
Corporate Express
  P.O. Box 71052 Teri   CHICAGO, IL 60694-1052   3/2/2009   0000228390   $ 314          
Corporate Express
  P.O. Box 71052 Teri   CHICAGO, IL 60694-1052   1/23/2009   0000228132   $ 453          
Corporate Express
  P.O. Box 71052 Teri   CHICAGO, IL 60694-1052   1/30/2009   0000228194   $ 1,602          
Corporate Express
  P.O. Box 71052 Teri   CHICAGO, IL 60694-1052   2/23/2009   0000228344   $ 118          
Corporate Express
  P.O. Box 71052 Teri   CHICAGO, IL 60694-1052   4/8/2009   0000228547   $ 1,732          
Corporate Express
  P.O. Box 71052 Teri   CHICAGO, IL 60694-1052   2/12/2009   0000228309   $ 2,481          
           TOTAL Corporate Express           $ 6,700  
Cort Furniture Rental
  6700 Santa Rita Road Suite C   PLEASANTON, CA 94588   1/22/2009   0000228007   $ 380          
Cort Furniture Rental
  6700 Santa Rita Road Suite C   PLEASANTON, CA 94588   2/23/2009   0000228335   $ 760          
           TOTAL Cort Furniture Rental           $ 1,140  
Cowen And Company, LLC
  1221 Avenue Of the Americas Michael K.   NEW YORK, NY 10020   3/27/2009   0000012438   $ 105,000          
Cowen And Company, LLC
  1221 Avenue Of the Americas Michael K.   NEW YORK, NY 10020   4/20/2009   0000228525   $ 35,000          
           TOTAL Cowen And Company, LLC           $ 140,000  
Cymatix Inc
  1160 Industrial Ave., Ste J Randy Wetz   PETALUMA, CA 94952   1/21/2009   0000227956   $ 4,133          
           TOTAL Cymatix Inc           $ 4,133  
Danaher Motion
  501 West Main Street Donna S.   RADFORD, VA 24141   1/27/2009   0000228190   $ 453          
           TOTAL Danaher Motion           $ 453  
Data Safe
  Post Office Box 7794 O. Moore   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120   1/27/2009   0000228187   $ 3,104          
Data Safe
  Post Office Box 7794 O. Moore   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120   4/8/2009   0000228540   $ 321          
           TOTAL Data Safe           $ 3,425  
Decon Technologies, Inc.
  1132 Walsh Ave. Hugh Eden   SANTA CLARA, CA 95050   1/22/2009   0000228085   $ 900          
           TOTAL Decon Technologies, Inc.           $ 900  
Delectables, Inc.
  1485 Franklin St.,   SANTA CLARA, CA 95050   2/27/2009   0000228396   $ 486          
Delectables, Inc.
  1485 Franklin St.,   SANTA CLARA, CA 95050   1/22/2009   0000228142   $ 1,315          
           TOTAL Delectables, Inc.           $ 1,801  
Deloitte and Touche LLP
  1700 Market St   PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103   1/20/2009   0000228075   $ 38,544          
           TOTAL Deloitte and Touche LLP           $ 38,544  
Department Of Labor and Industri
  PO Box 34022   SEATTLE, WA 98124-1022   4/9/2009   0000228566   $ 1,658          
Department Of Labor and Industri
  PO Box 34022   SEATTLE, WA 98124-1022   2/4/2009   0000228153   $ 3,021          
           TOTAL Department Of Labor and Industri           $ 4,679  
Dept Of Toxic Substance Ctrl
  P.O. Box 806   SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-0806   2/11/2009   0000228279   $ 450          
           TOTAL Dept Of Toxic Substance Ctrl           $ 450  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   1/20/2009   0000228113   $ 1,133          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   2/17/2009   0000228336   $ 230          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   2/10/2009   0000228315   $ 6,158          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   2/11/2009   0000228298   $ 5,186          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   2/2/2009   0000228256   $ 1,222          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   2/6/2009   0000228246   $ 7,676          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   1/27/2009   0000228199   $ 5,155          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   1/20/2009   0000228136   $ 4,981          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   1/20/2009   0000228111   $ 43          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   2/25/2009   0000228384   $ 183          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   1/20/2009   0000228016   $ 32,175          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   3/2/2009   0000228407   $ 5,966          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   1/22/2009   0000228112   $ 468          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   1/28/2009   0000228179   $ 7,959          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   4/8/2009   0000228551   $ 383          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   2/25/2009   0000228393   $ 1,024          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   3/16/2009   0000228445   $ 4,613          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   3/16/2009   0000228455   $ 206          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   3/24/2009   0000228471   $ 1,509          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   3/23/2009   0000228481   $ 869          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   3/30/2009   0000228499   $ 1,171          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   4/8/2009   0000228532   $ 270          
Dhl Express (USA) Inc.
  PO Box 60000-File 30692 Marc S.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160   2/25/2009   0000228385   $ 12,928          
           TOTAL Dhl Express (USA) Inc.           $ 101,505  
Digi Key
  701 Brooks Avenue South   THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN 56701   1/28/2009   0000228176   $ 97          
Digi Key
  701 Brooks Avenue South   THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN 56701   2/27/2009   0000228383   $ 314          
Digi Key
  701 Brooks Avenue South   THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN 56701   1/21/2009   0000228109   $ 659          
           TOTAL Digi Key           $ 1,070  
Dimensional Inspection Labs
  35481 Dumbarton Ct.   NEWARK, CA 94560   2/2/2009   0000228173   $ 130          
Dimensional Inspection Labs
  35481 Dumbarton Ct.   NEWARK, CA 94560   1/22/2009   0000228002   $ 130          
Dimensional Inspection Labs
  35481 Dumbarton Ct.   NEWARK, CA 94560   2/19/2009   0000228294   $ 585          
           TOTAL Dimensional Inspection Labs           $ 845  
Dong Jin Kim
  6581 Creek Run Drive   CENTREVILLE, VA 20121   4/20/2009   0000228527   $ 270          
           TOTAL Dong Jin Kim           $ 270  
Elite Network, Inc.
  444 Castro Street, Suite 920   MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94041   2/4/2009   0000228223   $ 51,500          
           TOTAL Elite Network, Inc.           $ 51,500  
Elliott Lab
  684 West Maude Ave   SUNNYVALE, CA 94086-3518   4/9/2009   0000228538   $ 1,470          
           TOTAL Elliott Lab           $ 1,470  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment     Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number     Amount     Amount Paid  
Eratech Pte Ltd
  Blk 5000 Ang Mo Kio Ave 5 Techplace Ii
#01-06/09 Eddie Koh
  SINGAPORE, 569870   1/26/2009     0000227986     $ 375          
           TOTAL Eratech Pte Ltd           $ 375  
Ernst and Young Llp
  Dept. 6793   LOS ANGELES, CA 90084-6793   2/20/2009     0000228320     $ 5,000          
Ernst and Young Llp
  Dept. 6793   LOS ANGELES, CA 90084-6793   2/5/2009     0000228208     $ 45,000          
Ernst and Young Llp
  Dept. 6793   LOS ANGELES, CA 90084-6793   2/11/2009     0000012406     $ 1,367          
Ernst and Young Llp
  Dept. 6793   LOS ANGELES, CA 90084-6793   1/27/2009     0000227933     $ 14,980          
Ernst and Young Llp
  Dept. 6793   LOS ANGELES, CA 90084-6793   1/27/2009     0000227932     $ 45,000          
           TOTAL Ernst and Young Llp           $ 111,347  
Etla Limited
  1 Changi North Street 2 Johnny Goh   SINGAPORE, 498808   2/18/2009     0000012411     $ 46          
           TOTAL Etla Limited           $ 46  
Excel Cnc Machining, Inc.
  3185 De La Cruz Blvd.   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/11/2009     0000228209     $ 109          
Excel Cnc Machining, Inc.
  3185 De La Cruz Blvd.   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   1/30/2009     0000228147     $ 159          
Excel Cnc Machining, Inc.
  3185 De La Cruz Blvd.   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   1/23/2009     0000228073     $ 122          
           TOTAL Excel Cnc Machining, Inc.           $ 389  
Facilities Maintenance Service
  266 Gifford Avenue   SAN JOSE, CA 95110   1/28/2009     0000228186     $ 11,000          
Facilities Maintenance Service
  266 Gifford Avenue   SAN JOSE, CA 95110   2/11/2009     0000228303     $ 196          
Facilities Maintenance Service
  266 Gifford Avenue   SAN JOSE, CA 95110   4/9/2009     0000228539     $ 24,022          
Facilities Maintenance Service
  266 Gifford Avenue   SAN JOSE, CA 95110   1/20/2009     0000228029     $ 11,648          
           TOTAL Facilities Maintenance Service           $ 46,866  
Fed Pack International
  2240 Paragon Drive Lawrence V.   SAN JOSE, CA 95131   2/5/2009     0000228251     $ 1,494          
           TOTAL Fed Pack International           $ 1,494  
Federal Express — 1140
  P.O. Box 7221   PASADENA, CA 91109-7321   4/10/2009     0000228553     $ 47          
Federal Express — 1140
  P.O. Box 7221   PASADENA, CA 91109-7321   3/25/2009     0000228482     $ 101          
Federal Express — 1140
  P.O. Box 7221   PASADENA, CA 91109-7321   3/2/2009     0000228394     $ 7          
Federal Express — 1140
  P.O. Box 7221   PASADENA, CA 91109-7321   1/22/2009     0000228137     $ 212          
Federal Express — 1140
  P.O. Box 7221   PASADENA, CA 91109-7321   1/29/2009     0000228200     $ 59          
Federal Express — 1140
  P.O. Box 7221   PASADENA, CA 91109-7321   2/19/2009     0000228355     $ 6          
Federal Express — 1140
  P.O. Box 7221   PASADENA, CA 91109-7321   2/11/2009     0000228316     $ 71          
           TOTAL Federal Express - 1140           $ 502  
Flex-Plan Services, Inc.
  PO Box 70366   BELLEVUE, WA 98007   1/29/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 5,163          
Flex-Plan Services, Inc.
  PO Box 70366   BELLEVUE, WA 98007   1/22/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 5,163          
Flex-Plan Services, Inc.
  PO Box 70366   BELLEVUE, WA 98007   3/26/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 4,800          
Flex-Plan Services, Inc.
  PO Box 70366   BELLEVUE, WA 98007   3/19/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,818          
Flex-Plan Services, Inc.
  PO Box 70366   BELLEVUE, WA 98007   3/12/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 5,354          
Flex-Plan Services, Inc.
  PO Box 70366   BELLEVUE, WA 98007   2/26/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 3,286          
Flex-Plan Services, Inc.
  PO Box 70366   BELLEVUE, WA 98007   2/19/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 5,476          
Flex-Plan Services, Inc.
  PO Box 70366   BELLEVUE, WA 98007   2/17/2009     0000228227     $ 488          
Flex-Plan Services, Inc.
  PO Box 70366   BELLEVUE, WA 98007   1/28/2009     0000228091     $ 501          
Flex-Plan Services, Inc.
  PO Box 70366   BELLEVUE, WA 98007   4/9/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 6,061          



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Flex-Plan Services, Inc.
  PO Box 70366   BELLEVUE, WA 98007   4/10/2009   0000228518   $ 1,141          
           TOTAL Flex-Plan Services, Inc.           $ 39,249  
Flextronics Manufacturing, SG PTE
  31 Joo Koon Circle Attn: Michael Hartung   SINGAPORE, 629108   1/21/2009   0000012381   $ 560,701          
Flextronics Manufacturing, SG PTE
  31 Joo Koon Circle Attn: Michael Hartung   SINGAPORE, 629108   3/4/2009   0000012426   $ 11,535          
Flextronics Manufacturing, SG PTE
  31 Joo Koon Circle Attn: Michael Hartung   SINGAPORE, 629108   1/27/2009   0000012394   $ 7,147          
Flextronics Manufacturing, SG PTE
  31 Joo Koon Circle Attn: Michael Hartung   SINGAPORE, 629108   2/4/2009   0000012401   $ 710,359          
Flextronics Manufacturing, SG PTE
  31 Joo Koon Circle Attn: Michael Hartung   SINGAPORE, 629108   2/25/2009   0000012417   $ 15,872          
Flextronics Manufacturing, SG PTE
  31 Joo Koon Circle Attn: Michael Hartung   SINGAPORE, 629108   2/18/2009   0000012415   $ 165,031          
Flextronics Manufacturing, SG PTE
  31 Joo Koon Circle Attn: Michael Hartung   SINGAPORE, 629108   3/11/2009   0000012430   $ 82,797          
Flextronics Manufacturing, SG PTE
  31 Joo Koon Circle Attn: Michael Hartung   SINGAPORE, 629108   3/18/2009   0000012431   $ 14,087          
Flextronics Manufacturing, SG PTE
  31 Joo Koon Circle Attn: Michael Hartung   SINGAPORE, 629108   3/25/2009   0000012435   $ 38,150          
Flextronics Manufacturing, SG PTE
  31 Joo Koon Circle Attn: Michael Hartung   SINGAPORE, 629108   2/11/2009   0000012407   $ 3,401          
           TOTAL Flextronics Manufacturing, SG PTE           $ 1,609,079  
Flextronics Mfg Sg Pte Ltd
  No-1 Kallang Place #01-00 Laura Teo   SINGAPORE, 339221   3/11/2009   0000012428   $ 808          
Flextronics Mfg Sg Pte Ltd
  No-1 Kallang Place #01-00 Laura Teo   SINGAPORE, 339221   1/21/2009   0000012380   $ 38,730          
Flextronics Mfg Sg Pte Ltd
  No-1 Kallang Place #01-00 Laura Teo   SINGAPORE, 339221   2/11/2009   0000012405   $ 96          
Flextronics Mfg Sg Pte Ltd
  No-1 Kallang Place #01-00 Laura Teo   SINGAPORE, 339221   2/18/2009   0000012414   $ 13,118          
Flextronics Mfg Sg Pte Ltd
  No-1 Kallang Place #01-00 Laura Teo   SINGAPORE, 339221   3/4/2009   0000012425   $ 242          
           TOTAL Flextronics Mfg Sg Pte Ltd           $ 52,994  
Florida Department Of Revenue
  5050 W. Tennessee Street   TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-0140   3/16/2009   0000228416   $ 300          
Florida Department Of Revenue
  5050 W. Tennessee Street   TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-0140   4/20/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 50          
Florida Department Of Revenue
  5050 W. Tennessee Street   TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-0140   4/20/2009   0000012453   $ 50          
Florida Department Of Revenue
  5050 W. Tennessee Street   TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-0140   4/20/2009   0000012451   $ 50          
Florida Department Of Revenue
  5050 W. Tennessee Street   TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-0140   4/20/2009   0000012452   $ 50          
           TOTAL Florida Department Of Revenue           $ 500  
Foliage Software Systems, Inc.
  168 Middlesex Turnpike Bill Balicki   BURLINGTON, MA 01803   1/20/2009   0000228055   $ 47,940          
           TOTAL Foliage Software Systems, Inc.           $ 47,940  
Foliofn Investments, Inc.
  P.O. Box 1120   VIENNA, VA 22183   1/26/2009   0000228084   $ 9          
           TOTAL Foliofn Investments, Inc.           $ 9  
Franchise Tax Board
  P.O. Box 942857   SACRAMENTO, CA 94257-0531   1/23/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 5,587          
Franchise Tax Board
  P.O. Box 942857   SACRAMENTO, CA 94257-0531   1/22/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 12,591          
Franchise Tax Board
  P.O. Box 942857   SACRAMENTO, CA 94257-0531   4/20/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 3,962          
           TOTAL Franchise Tax Board           $ 22,140  
Francis Gibbs-#7667
          3/17/2009   0000228438   $ 746          
           TOTAL Francis Gibbs-#7667           $ 746  
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/9/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 4,608          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/19/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 2,825          



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009    
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/5/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 2,505          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/10/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 8,157          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/17/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,454          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/15/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 699          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/14/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 2,164          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/13/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 7,791          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/10/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 15,818          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/20/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 2,219          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/9/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 8,033          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/27/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 169          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/8/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,380          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/23/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 3,390          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   1/29/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 571          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/17/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 964          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/13/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 923          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/12/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 4,430          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/11/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 606          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/10/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 8,421          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/9/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 39          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/6/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 214          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/5/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 178          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/18/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 3,874          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/4/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,485          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/3/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 2,562          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/2/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,242          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/4/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 907          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   1/30/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,287          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/6/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,305          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   1/28/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 4,530          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   1/27/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 447          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   1/26/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 162          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   1/23/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 29          



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009    
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   1/22/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 2,572          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   1/21/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 138          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/17/2009   0000228436   $ 3,946          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/27/2009   0000228370   $ 3,588          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/2/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,069          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/11/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 3,207          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/3/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,935          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/26/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 2,024          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/3/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 3,979          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/23/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 4,045          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/12/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 4,520          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/25/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 227          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   2/24/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 10,869          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/13/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 5,688          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/16/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 9,774          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/17/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,079          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/18/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,561          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/19/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 3,280          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/7/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 5,484          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/20/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 10,359          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/24/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 310          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/25/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,333          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/26/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 6,219          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/27/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 40          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/30/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 2,061          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/2/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 4,728          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   4/1/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 4,600          
Gelco Information Network
  10700 Prairie Lakes Drive   EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3886   3/31/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 5,606          
           TOTAL Gelco Information Network           $ 199,634  
Gentec Manufacturing Inc
  2241 Ringwood Ave. Mark J. Diaz   SAN JOSE, CA 95131   1/30/2009   0000228178   $ 794          
Gentec Manufacturing Inc
  2241 Ringwood Ave. Mark J. Diaz   SAN JOSE, CA 95131   1/21/2009   0000228110   $ 223          
Gentec Manufacturing Inc
  2241 Ringwood Ave. Mark J. Diaz   SAN JOSE, CA 95131   1/21/2009   0000228014   $ 445          
           TOTAL Gentec Manufacturing Inc           $ 1,462  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009    
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Georgia Dept Of Revenue
  Processing Center P.O. Box 740397   ATLANTA, GA 30374-0397   2/2/2009   0000228101   $ 12          
           TOTAL Georgia Dept Of Revenue           $ 12  
Get Control, Inc.
  1530 N. Hobson Street Joel Ronning   GILBERT, AZ 85233   2/2/2009   0000227926   $ 90          
           TOTAL Get Control, Inc.           $ 90  
Global Crossing Conferencing
  1499 West 121st Avenue   WESTMINSTER, CO 80234-3429   4/1/2009   0000228493   $ 10,735          
Global Crossing Conferencing
  1499 West 121st Avenue   WESTMINSTER, CO 80234-3429   3/5/2009   0000228406   $ 6,930          
Global Crossing Conferencing
  1499 West 121st Avenue   WESTMINSTER, CO 80234-3429   1/29/2009   0000228168   $ 10,845          
           TOTAL Global Crossing Conferencing           $ 28,510  
Globalstar Travel Mgmt Corp.
  4701 Patrick Henry Dr. Bldg.#9   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/10/2009   0000228314   $ 3,195          
Globalstar Travel Mgmt Corp.
  4701 Patrick Henry Dr. Bldg.#9   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   1/28/2009   0000228197   $ 41          
           TOTAL Globalstar Travel Mgmt Corp.           $ 3,236  
Gnostic Systems I Ltd
  24 Yellow Tail Cove Mike M.   AUSTIN, TX 78745   1/20/2009   0000012386   $ 1,120          
           TOTAL Gnostic Systems I Ltd           $ 1,120  
Google Inc.
  1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy   MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94043   3/2/2009   0000228380   $ 2,153          
           TOTAL Google Inc.           $ 2,153  
Greentree Systems, Inc.
  1686 Dell Avenue Deb Johnson   CAMPBELL, CA 95008-6901   1/20/2009   0000227963   $ 4,240          
           TOTAL Greentree Systems, Inc.           $ 4,240  
Haynes and Boone, Llp
  P.O.Box 841399   DALLAS, TX 75284-1399   4/8/2009   0000228548   $ 2,370          
           TOTAL Haynes and Boone, Llp           $ 2,370  
Hertz Corporation
  PO Box 121124 Nancy Deppe   DALLAS, TX 75312-1124   3/17/2009   0000228440   $ 1,414          
           TOTAL Hertz Corporation           $ 1,414  
Hewlett-Packard Company
  1000 North East Circle Blvd. Mail Stop 323F Linda Benede   CORVALLIS, OR 97330   1/21/2009   0000227951   $ 15,000          
           TOTAL Hewlett-Packard Company           $ 15,000  
Hopkins and Carley
  P.O.Box 1469   SAN JOSE, CA 95109-1469   1/23/2009   0000228047   $ 354          
           TOTAL Hopkins and Carley           $ 354  
Hrxcel, LLC
  3436 Toringdon Way Suite 300   CHARLOTTE, NC 28277   3/4/2009   0000228369   $ 9,859          
Hrxcel, LLC
  3436 Toringdon Way Suite 300   CHARLOTTE, NC 28277   1/28/2009   0000228158   $ 10,006          
           TOTAL Hrxcel, LLC           $ 19,865  
Human Concepts LLC
  3 Harbor Drive Suite 200 Nadia Bilyck   SAUSALITO, CA 94965   2/5/2009   0000228267   $ 4,678          
           TOTAL Human Concepts LLC           $ 4,678  
Hyatt Legal Plans Inc.
  P.O.Box 501003   ST. LOUIS, MO 63150-1003   3/24/2009   0000228458   $ 920          
Hyatt Legal Plans Inc.
  P.O.Box 501003   ST. LOUIS, MO 63150-1003   3/9/2009   0000228399   $ 920          
           TOTAL Hyatt Legal Plans Inc.           $ 1,840  
Ijj Engineering
  6276 San Ignacio Ave Suite A Mark J.   SAN JOSE, CA 95119   2/5/2009   0000228165   $ 1,253          
Ijj Engineering
  6276 San Ignacio Ave Suite A Mark J.   SAN JOSE, CA 95119   1/26/2009   0000227991   $ 931          
Ijj Engineering
  6276 San Ignacio Ave Suite A Mark J.   SAN JOSE, CA 95119   1/26/2009   0000228095   $ 245          
           TOTAL Ijj Engineering           $ 2,428  
Image Threads LLC
  4610 Churchill Street   SHOREVIEW, MN 55126   1/26/2009   0000228062   $ 45          
           TOTAL Image Threads LLC           $ 45  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009    
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Impress Public Relations, Inc.
  5301 E. Claire Drive Martin P.   SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85254   1/20/2009   0000227975   $ 2,600          
           TOTAL Impress Public Relations, Inc.           $ 2,600  
Infostep, Inc.
  2350 Mission College Blvd Suite 290   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/10/2009   0000228282   $ 13,770          
           TOTAL Infostep, Inc.           $ 13,770  
Inner City Express/Bay Area De
  2574 Seaboard Avenue   SAN JOSE, CA 95131   2/10/2009   0000228275   $ 96          
           TOTAL Inner City Express/Bay Area De           $ 96  
Innovated Packaging
  38505 Cherry St. Unit C   NEWARK, CA 94560   2/4/2009   0000228210   $ 3,072          
Innovated Packaging
  38505 Cherry St. Unit C   NEWARK, CA 94560   1/21/2009   0000228074   $ 504          
Innovated Packaging
  38505 Cherry St. Unit C   NEWARK, CA 94560   2/12/2009   0000228272   $ 673          
Innovated Packaging
  38505 Cherry St. Unit C   NEWARK, CA 94560   2/23/2009   0000228321   $ 39          
           TOTAL Innovated Packaging           $ 4,289  
Inrule Technology Inc.
  651 W Washington Suite 201 Jeff Barron   CHICAGO, IL 60661   2/24/2009   0000228359   $ 13,688          
           TOTAL Inrule Technology Inc.           $ 13,688  
Integra Telecom
  3540 East Baseline Road Suite 150 Dunston S.   PHOENIX, AZ 85042   2/11/2009   0000228285   $ 558          
Integra Telecom
  3540 East Baseline Road Suite 150 Dunston S.   PHOENIX, AZ 85042   4/9/2009   0000228520   $ 538          
           TOTAL Integra Telecom           $ 1,096  
  1365 Adams Court Ken Mills   MENLO PARK, CA 94025   1/27/2009   0000228154   $ 1,820          
           TOTAL Intertek           $ 1,820  
Intervision Systems Technologi
  2250 Walsh Ave. Ben Escobar   SANTA CLARA, CA 95050   4/10/2009   0000228537   $ 7,060          
           TOTAL Intervision Systems Technologi           $ 7,060  
Ion Systems, Inc.
  1750 North Loop Rd., Suite 100   ALAMEDA, CA 94502   2/2/2009   0000228198   $ 374          
           TOTAL Ion Systems, Inc.           $ 374  
Jasper Electronics
  1580 North Kellogg Drive   ANAHEIM, CA 92807   1/22/2009   0000227952   $ 1,943          
Jasper Electronics
  1580 North Kellogg Drive   ANAHEIM, CA 92807   1/26/2009   0000228083   $ 1,029          
           TOTAL Jasper Electronics           $ 2,972  
Jjc and Associates
  1386 Bello Mar Drive   ENCINITAS, CA 92024   2/4/2009   0000228245   $ 31          
           TOTAL Jjc and Associates           $ 31  
John Swenson (7086)
          4/20/2009   0000012449   $ 825          
           TOTAL John Swenson (7086)           $ 825  
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
  P.O.BOX 600000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160-3029   3/4/2009   0000228397   $ 50,593          
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
  P.O.BOX 600000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160-3029   4/9/2009   0000228504   $ 51,342          
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
  P.O.BOX 600000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160-3029   1/28/2009   0000228144   $ 52,227          
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
  P.O.BOX 600000   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160-3029   2/27/2009   0000228361   $ 50,272          
           TOTAL Kaiser Foundation Health Plan           $ 204,434  
Key Bank National Association
          4/1/2009   0000012439   $ 7,655          
           TOTAL Key Bank National Association           $ 7,655  
Keyence Corp. Of America
  Dept La 22198 Mariangela   PASADENA, CA 91185   2/11/2009   0000228310   $ 36          
           TOTAL Keyence Corp. Of America           $ 36  
Kim Parker Associates, Inc.
  430 Evans Road Kim Parker   MILPITAS, CA 95035   2/9/2009   0000228224   $ 225          



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009    
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Kim Parker Associates, Inc.
  430 Evans Road Kim Parker   MILPITAS, CA 95035   1/20/2009   0000227966   $ 225          
           TOTAL Kim Parker Associates, Inc.           $ 450  
Kintetsu World Express-22118
  Dept La 22174   PASADENA, CA 91185   2/19/2009   0000228347   $ 500          
           TOTAL Kintetsu World Express-22118           $ 500  
Kno Systems
  P.O. Box 1403 Kitty Ng   MILLBRAE, CA 94030   2/3/2009   0000228143   $ 1,500          
           TOTAL Kno Systems           $ 1,500  
Lakeview Group Limited
  4205 Mowry Avenue   FREMONT, CA 94538   2/11/2009   0000228291   $ 1,115          
Lakeview Group Limited
  4205 Mowry Avenue   FREMONT, CA 94538   3/4/2009   0000228405   $ 1,115          
           TOTAL Lakeview Group Limited           $ 2,230  
Laschi Realty Trust
  150 Main Street   READING, MA 01867   3/5/2009   0000228423   $ 525          
Laschi Realty Trust
  150 Main Street   READING, MA 01867   2/9/2009   0000228266   $ 525          
           TOTAL Laschi Realty Trust           $ 1,050  
Law Office Of David Lopez
  171 Edge Of Woods Road PO Box 323 David Lopez   SOUTHAMPTON, NY 11969-0323   3/24/2009   0000228456   $ 8,500          
           TOTAL Law Office Of David Lopez           $ 8,500  
Lee Hecht Harrison, Inc.
  Dept Ch#10544   PALATINE, IL 60055-0544   4/8/2009   0000228554   $ 16,000          
           TOTAL Lee Hecht Harrison, Inc.           $ 16,000  
Legacy Partners I Fremont, LLC
  4000 East Third Avenue Suite 600   FOSTER CITY, CA 94404   3/5/2009   0000228419   $ 140,586          
Legacy Partners I Fremont, LLC
  4000 East Third Avenue Suite 600   FOSTER CITY, CA 94404   2/5/2009   0000228261   $ 137,720          
           TOTAL Legacy Partners I Fremont, LLC           $ 278,307  
Lhy Engineering (S) Pte Ltd
  Blk 5000 #01-10 Ang Mo Kio Ave   SINGAPORE, 569870   2/4/2009   0000012404   $ 5,244          
  Techplace Ii Kenny Lim                            
           TOTAL Lhy Engineering (S) Pte Ltd           $ 5,244  
Liberty Mutual
  P.O.Box 0569   CAROL STREAM, IL 60132-0569   2/23/2009   0000228348   $ 53,793          
           TOTAL Liberty Mutual           $ 53,793  
Lin Engineering
  C/O Lorring and Associates 1990 Russell Ave. Vivian   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   1/22/2009   0000228134   $ 991          
           TOTAL Lin Engineering           $ 991  
Lincoln National Life Insur. Co
  8801 Indian Hills Drive John C.   OMAHA, NE 68114   4/2/2009   0000228500   $ 15,470          
           TOTAL Lincoln National Life Insur. Co           $ 15,470  
Lj Eng and Mfg
  440 Aldo Ave   SANTA CLARA, N 95054   2/12/2009   0000228244   $ 5,200          
Lj Eng and Mfg
  440 Aldo Ave   SANTA CLARA, N 95054   1/26/2009   0000228011   $ 5,250          
           TOTAL Lj Eng and Mfg           $ 10,450  
Logix Communications, Lp
  15301 Spectrum Drive Suite 330 Nathan Adair   ADDISON, TX 75001   4/9/2009   0000228512   $ 1,214          
Logix Communications, Lp
  15301 Spectrum Drive Suite 330 Nathan Adair   ADDISON, TX 75001   2/12/2009   0000228280   $ 587          
           TOTAL Logix Communications, Lp           $ 1,802  
Mac Cal Company, Inc.
  1737 Junction Ave. Michael Hall   SAN JOSE, CA 95112   1/21/2009   0000228070   $ 7,106          
           TOTAL Mac Cal Company, Inc.           $ 7,106  
Martine,PenillaandGencarella, Llp
  710 Lakeway Drive Suite 200 Michael G.   SUNNYVALE, CA 94085   1/22/2009   0000227980   $ 199,539          
Martine,PenillaandGencarella, Llp
  710 Lakeway Drive Suite 200 Michael G.   SUNNYVALE, CA 94085   4/13/2009   0000012448   $ 24,858          
Martine,PenillaandGencarella, Llp
  710 Lakeway Drive Suite 200 Michael G.   SUNNYVALE, CA 94085   4/9/2009   0000012446   $ 75,000          
           TOTAL Martine,PenillaandGencarella, Llp           $ 299,397  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009    
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Massachusetts Dept. Of Revenue
  P.O. Box 7039   BOSTON, MA 02204-7039   1/27/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 165          
           TOTAL Massachusetts Dept. Of Revenue           $ 165  
  120 San Gabrial Drive Jennifer And   SUNNYVALE, CA 94086   2/4/2009   0000228269   $ 133          
           TOTAL Maxim           $ 133  
Mcmaster-Carr Supply Co.
  P.O.Box 7690   CHICAGO, IL 60680-7690   1/21/2009   0000228081   $ 66          
Mcmaster-Carr Supply Co.
  P.O.Box 7690   CHICAGO, IL 60680-7690   1/28/2009   0000228152   $ 102          
Mcmaster-Carr Supply Co.
  P.O.Box 7690   CHICAGO, IL 60680-7690   2/4/2009   0000228213   $ 205          
Mcmaster-Carr Supply Co.
  P.O.Box 7690   CHICAGO, IL 60680-7690   2/25/2009   0000228366   $ 49          
           TOTAL Mcmaster-Carr Supply Co.           $ 422  
Mercer HR Consulting
  3 Embarcadero Center Suite 1500 Rob T.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111   2/5/2009   0000228229   $ 14,475          
           TOTAL Mercer HR Consulting           $ 14,475  
Merkle-Korff Industries.
  25 Northwest Point Blvd Suite 900   ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL 60007-1044   4/6/2009   0000228487   $ 150          
           TOTAL Merkle-Korff Industries.           $ 150  
Microsoft Licensing, Gp
  6100 Nell Road Catherine   RENO, NV 89511   2/6/2009   0000228217   $ 53,259          
           TOTAL Microsoft Licensing, Gp           $ 53,259  
Midland Packaging and Crating
  P.O. Box 8332 Ronni   FREMONT, CA 94537   2/3/2009   0000228216   $ 699          
           TOTAL Midland Packaging and Crating           $ 699  
Mimeo.Com, Inc.
  460 Park Avenue South 8th Floor Krupa Patel   NEW YORK, NY 10016-7315   2/5/2009   0000228228   $ 284          
           TOTAL Mimeo.Com, Inc.           $ 284  
Minnesota Dept. Of Revenue
  Mail Station 1260   ST. PAUL, MN 55145-1260   1/23/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 3,319          
Minnesota Dept. Of Revenue
  Mail Station 1260   ST. PAUL, MN 55145-1260   2/20/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 327          
Minnesota Dept. Of Revenue
  Mail Station 1260   ST. PAUL, MN 55145-1260   3/10/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 24          
Minnesota Dept. Of Revenue
  Mail Station 1260   ST. PAUL, MN 55145-1260   4/17/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 22          
Minnesota Dept. Of Revenue
  Mail Station 1260   ST. PAUL, MN 55145-1260   1/23/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 63          
Minnesota Dept. Of Revenue
  Mail Station 1260   ST. PAUL, MN 55145-1260   1/23/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 887          
Minnesota Dept. Of Revenue
  Mail Station 1260   ST. PAUL, MN 55145-1260   1/28/2009   0000228123   $ 120          
Minnesota Dept. Of Revenue
  Mail Station 1260   ST. PAUL, MN 55145-1260   1/23/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 64          
Minnesota Dept. Of Revenue
  Mail Station 1260   ST. PAUL, MN 55145-1260   4/20/2009   0000012456   $ 22          
Minnesota Dept. Of Revenue
  Mail Station 1260   ST. PAUL, MN 55145-1260   3/20/2009   0000228448   $ 300          
           TOTAL Minnesota Dept. Of Revenue           $ 5,148  
Minor Rubber Company Inc.
  49 Ackerman St.   BLOOMFIELD, NJ 07003   1/27/2009   0000228170   $ 702          
Minor Rubber Company Inc.
  49 Ackerman St.   BLOOMFIELD, NJ 07003   2/5/2009   0000228237   $ 108          
           TOTAL Minor Rubber Company Inc.           $ 810  
Moog Components
  1213 North Main Street Steve Black   BLACKSBURG, VA 24060-3127   2/25/2009   0000228378   $ 44,945          
           TOTAL Moog Components           $ 44,945  
Mopheads Cleaning Service
  6414 S. Forest Avenue Roseann H.   TEMPE, AZ 85283   2/10/2009   0000228287   $ 475          
Mopheads Cleaning Service
  6414 S. Forest Avenue Roseann H.   TEMPE, AZ 85283   4/1/2009   0000228489   $ 475          
           TOTAL Mopheads Cleaning Service           $ 950  
Morningside Translations
  450 7th Avenue, Suite 603 Athena P.   NEW YORK, NY 10123   2/26/2009   0000228373   $ 2,197          
Morningside Translations
  450 7th Avenue, Suite 603 Athena P.   NEW YORK, NY 10123   1/21/2009   0000228090   $ 175          
           TOTAL Morningside Translations           $ 2,372  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009    
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Motoki Minamiyama
          2/23/2009   0000012416   $ 8,276          
           TOTAL Motoki Minamiyama           $ 8,276  
Mouser Electronics, Inc.
  11433 Woodside Ave   SANTEE, CA 92071   1/28/2009   0000228174   $ 1,780          
           TOTAL Mouser Electronics, Inc.           $ 1,780  
Nalpeiron Inc.
  2225 E. Bayshore Road Suite 200 Paul Leong   PALO ALTO, CA 94303   3/27/2009   0000228468   $ 1,999          
           TOTAL Nalpeiron Inc.           $ 1,999  
National Grid
  PO Box 4300   WOBURN, MA 01888-4300   3/4/2009   0000228403   $ 117          
National Grid
  PO Box 4300   WOBURN, MA 01888-4300   2/5/2009   0000228231   $ 95          
National Grid
  PO Box 4300   WOBURN, MA 01888-4300   4/1/2009   0000228490   $ 111          
           TOTAL National Grid           $ 323  
New York State Sales Tax
  Nys Sales Tax Processing PO Box 15169   ALBANY, NY 12212-5169   3/27/2009   0000228475   $ 1,247          
           TOTAL New York State Sales Tax           $ 1,247  
Newark Inone
  4801 North Ravenswood Acct#217825   CHICAGO, IL 60640-4496   2/11/2009   0000228306   $ 1,366          
           TOTAL Newark Inone           $ 1,366  
Nippon Express USA., Inc.
  8520 Ne Alderwood Rd.   PORTLAND, OR 97220   2/23/2009   0000228350   $ 225          
           TOTAL Nippon Express USA., Inc.           $ 225  
Norma B. Riley
  9410 Van Ness Way   DURHAM, CA 95938   4/6/2009   0000228480   $ 7,600          
Norma B. Riley
  9410 Van Ness Way   DURHAM, CA 95938   3/10/2009   0000228349   $ 7,600          
           TOTAL Norma B. Riley           $ 15,200  
Northstar Data Systems
  5705 Sinclair Road Jim Maurer   COLUMBUS, OH 43229   4/9/2009   0000228550   $ 365          
Northstar Data Systems
  5705 Sinclair Road Jim Maurer   COLUMBUS, OH 43229   2/26/2009   0000228392   $ 365          
           TOTAL Northstar Data Systems           $ 730  
Off-Site Record Management Inc
  1959 Monterey Road   SAN JOSE, CA 95112-6119   2/6/2009   0000228214   $ 3,267          
Off-Site Record Management Inc
  1959 Monterey Road   SAN JOSE, CA 95112-6119   4/13/2009   0000228507   $ 1,415          
           TOTAL Off-Site Record Management Inc           $ 4,682  
Oracle Corp.
  P.O. Box 44471   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94144-4471   1/21/2009   0000228135   $ 31,004          
           TOTAL Oracle Corp.           $ 31,004  
Oregon Dept Of Revenue
  P.O. Box 14790   SALEM, OR 97309-0470   1/23/2009   0000228119   $ 10          
           TOTAL Oregon Dept Of Revenue           $ 10  
Oxford Global Resources, Inc.
  P.O.Box 7071   BEVERLY, MA 01915   2/23/2009   0000228340   $ 18,000          
           TOTAL Oxford Global Resources, Inc.           $ 18,000  
Pa Dept Of Revenue
  Bureau Of Corporation Taxes PO Box 280420   HARRISBURG, PA 17128-0420   3/24/2009   0000228443   $ 300          
           TOTAL Pa Dept Of Revenue           $ 300  
Pacific Gas and Electric
  P.O. Box 997300   SACRAMENTO, CA 95899-7300   2/12/2009   0000228299   $ 20,730          
Pacific Gas and Electric
  P.O. Box 997300   SACRAMENTO, CA 95899-7300   3/6/2009   0000228409   $ 21,024          
Pacific Gas and Electric
  P.O. Box 997300   SACRAMENTO, CA 95899-7300   4/17/2009   0000228533   $ 18,792          
Pacific Gas and Electric
  P.O. Box 997300   SACRAMENTO, CA 95899-7300   3/16/2009   0000228428   $ 4,899          



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Pacific Gas and Electric
  P.O. Box 997300   SACRAMENTO, CA 95899-7300   2/5/2009   0000228247   $ 17,506          
           TOTAL Pacific Gas and Electric           $ 82,951  
Parlex Corporation
  One Parlex Place Jim Sieber   METHUEN, MA 01844   1/21/2009   0000228124   $ 1,278          
           TOTAL Parlex Corporation           $ 1,278  
Peer Group Inc.
  Suite 400 Kitchener,Ontario 72 Victoria St. South   CANADA, N2G2A9   2/24/2009   0000228356   $ 2,200          
Peer Group Inc.
  Suite 400 Kitchener,Ontario 72 Victoria St. South   CANADA, N2G2A9   1/22/2009   0000228138   $ 3,261          
           TOTAL Peer Group Inc.           $ 5,461  
Pen Associates
  C/O Riverside Interest, Inc. 615 National Avenue, Suite 200   MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94043   2/10/2009   0000228268   $ 53,832          
           TOTAL Pen Associates           $ 53,832  
Pen-Cal Administrators, Inc.
  6210 Stoneridge Mall Suite 300   PLEASANTON, CA 94588   2/3/2009   0000228218   $ 3,375          
           TOTAL Pen-Cal Administrators, Inc.           $ 3,375  
Pentamaster Equp Manufacturing
  Plot 17A, Technoplex, Medan Bayan Lepas,Taman Perindustria, Phase IV Grace Ong   PENANG, MALAYSIA   1/30/2009   0000012399   $ 1,221          
Pentamaster Equp Manufacturing
  Plot 17A, Technoplex, Medan Bayan Lepas,Taman Perindustria, Phase IV Grace Ong   PENANG, MALAYSIA   1/23/2009   0000012393   $ 1,262          
           TOTAL Pentamaster Equp Manufacturing           $ 2,484  
Pitney Bowes
  Purchase Power P.O.Box 856042   LOUISVILLE, KY 40285-6042   4/9/2009   0000228531   $ 67          
Pitney Bowes
  Purchase Power P.O.Box 856042   LOUISVILLE, KY 40285-6042   3/31/2009   0000228495   $ 1,000          
Pitney Bowes
  Purchase Power P.O.Box 856042   LOUISVILLE, KY 40285-6042   2/11/2009   0000228297   $ 57          
           TOTAL PITNEY BOWES           $ 1,124  
Pitney Bowes - 856460
  P.O.Box 856460   LOUISVILLE, KY 40285-6460   2/6/2009   0000228253   $ 124          
           TOTAL Pitney Bowes - 856460           $ 124  
Plastic Depot
  41407 Albrae Street Chao   FREMONT, CA 94538   1/23/2009   0000228088   $ 154          
           TOTAL Plastic Depot           $ 154  
Power Standards Lab, Inc.
  1201 Marina Village Parkway #101 Andreas E.   ALAMEDA, CA 94501   1/23/2009   0000228093   $ 7,350          
           TOTAL Power Standards Lab, Inc.           $ 7,350  
Powermatic Associates
  1057 Serpentine Lane Suite A Chris   PLEASANTON, CA 94566-4759   1/27/2009   0000228175   $ 1,200          
Powermatic Associates
  1057 Serpentine Lane Suite A Chris   PLEASANTON, CA 94566-4759   2/3/2009   0000228243   $ 1,230          
           TOTAL Powermatic Associates           $ 2,429  
Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp
  Ten Almaden Blvd. Suite 1600   SAN JOSE, CA 95113   1/26/2009   0000228169   $ 1,500          
Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp
  Ten Almaden Blvd. Suite 1600   SAN JOSE, CA 95113   2/5/2009   0000228236   $ 10,000          
Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp
  Ten Almaden Blvd. Suite 1600   SAN JOSE, CA 95113   1/20/2009   0000228105   $ 366,000          
           TOTAL Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp           $ 377,500  
Prodelcon Sdn Bhd
  78 Lintang Bayan Lepas 7 Kawasan Perindustrian Bayan Le, Phase IV Ooi Chee Keo   PENANG, 11900   2/10/2009   0000228155   $ 1,794          
           TOTAL Prodelcon Sdn Bhd           $ 1,794  
Pro-Stainless, Inc.
  333 East Brokaw Jim Chesus   SAN JOSE, CA 95112   2/23/2009   0000228342   $ 140          
Pro-Stainless, Inc.
  333 East Brokaw Jim Chesus   SAN JOSE, CA 95112   2/10/2009   0000228304   $ 530          
Pro-Stainless, Inc.
  333 East Brokaw Jim Chesus   SAN JOSE, CA 95112   2/4/2009   0000228252   $ 584          



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Pro-Stainless, Inc.
  333 East Brokaw Jim Chesus   SAN JOSE, CA 95112   1/29/2009   0000228188   $ 61          
Pro-Stainless, Inc.
  333 East Brokaw Jim Chesus   SAN JOSE, CA 95112   1/26/2009   0000228126   $ 69          
Pro-Stainless, Inc.
  333 East Brokaw Jim Chesus   SAN JOSE, CA 95112   4/8/2009   0000228542   $ 524          
           TOTAL Pro-Stainless, Inc.           $ 1,907  
Protection One
  PO Box 5714   CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-5714   1/22/2009   0000228139   $ 725          
Protection One
  PO Box 5714   CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-5714   4/13/2009   0000228555   $ 725          
Protection One
  PO Box 5714   CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-5714   2/24/2009   0000228357   $ 725          
           TOTAL Protection One           $ 2,174  
Prudential Ins. Co Of America
  30 Scranton Office Park   SCRANTON, PA 18507-1789   3/16/2009   0000228424   $ 2,167          
           TOTAL Prudential Ins. Co Of America           $ 2,167  
Quick Precision Design
  1805 Silverwings Court Daryl O’Grad   MORGAN HILL, CA 95037   4/6/2009   0000228505   $ 5,300          
           TOTAL Quick Precision Design           $ 5,300  
Quintegra Solutions Limited
  888 Saratoga Ave., Suite 201 Sunita Kumur   SAN JOSE, CA 95129   1/21/2009   0000228120   $ 752          
           TOTAL Quintegra Solutions Limited           $ 752  
  PO Box 29040   PHOENIX, AZ 85038-9040   1/27/2009   0000228161   $ 106          
  PO Box 29040   PHOENIX, AZ 85038-9040   2/25/2009   0000228376   $ 106          
  PO Box 29040   PHOENIX, AZ 85038-9040   3/24/2009   0000228467   $ 106          
           TOTAL Qwest           $ 317  
R.D. Fabricators
  845 North Elm Street Linda Beckly   ORANGE, CA 92867   1/27/2009   0000228177   $ 2,975          
           TOTAL R.D. Fabricators           $ 2,975  
Rathbun Associates Inc.
  1220-C Pear Avenue   MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94043   2/19/2009   0000228322   $ 349          
           TOTAL Rathbun Associates Inc.           $ 349  
Raymond Handling Concept
  41400 Boyce Road Vasilios   FREMONT, CA 94538   2/11/2009   0000228270   $ 395          
           TOTAL Raymond Handling Concept           $ 395  
Reading Municipal Light Dept.
  230 Ash Street PO Box 150   READING, MA 01867-0250   2/9/2009   0000228232   $ 42          
Reading Municipal Light Dept.
  230 Ash Street PO Box 150   READING, MA 01867-0250   3/9/2009   0000228404   $ 40          
Reading Municipal Light Dept.
  230 Ash Street PO Box 150   READING, MA 01867-0250   4/6/2009   0000228491   $ 42          
           TOTAL Reading Municipal Light Dept.           $ 124  
Robert Mcnamara
  Lvi Services 80 Broad Street, 3Rd Floor   NEW YORK, NY 10004   1/29/2009   0000228059   $ 14,000          
           TOTAL Robert Mcnamara           $ 14,000  
Safetymax Corp.
  2256 Palou Ave Carol G.   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124   4/8/2009   0000228506   $ 50          
           TOTAL Safetymax Corp.           $ 50  
Sage Software, Inc.
  2325 Dulles Corner Blvd. Suite 800 Erica Dohne   HERNDON, VA 20171   1/23/2009   0000228087   $ 1,331          
           TOTAL Sage Software, Inc.           $ 1,331  
Saguaro Technologies, Inc.
  30188 Morning View Drive Doian   MALIBU, CA 90265   2/13/2009   0000012409   $ 142,600          
           TOTAL Saguaro Technologies, Inc.           $ 142,600  
Satyam Computer Services Limit
  One Gatehall Drive Suite 301 Gagan   PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054   1/29/2009   0000228145   $ 19,000          
           TOTAL Satyam Computer Services Limit           $ 19,000  
Schaeffler Group USA Inc.
  308 Springhill Farm Road David M.   FORT MILL, SC 29715   3/31/2009   0000228437   $ 284          
           TOTAL Schaeffler Group USA Inc.           $ 284  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Scouler and Company, LLC
  1800 Century Park East Suite 600 Gillian   LOS ANGELES, CA 90067   3/2/2009   0000012421   $ 114,684          
           TOTAL Scouler and Company, LLC           $ 114,684  
  12 Clock Tower Place Suite 300 Adam Weingar   MAYNARD, MA 01754   2/12/2009   0000228278   $ 1,035          
           TOTAL Shareholder.Com           $ 1,035  
Shinei USA Inc.
  Automation Systems Division 48761 Kato Road   FREMONT, CA 94538   3/25/2009   0000012436   $ 44,451          
Shinei USA Inc.
  Automation Systems Division 48761 Kato Road   FREMONT, CA 94538   3/11/2009   0000012429   $ 13,223          
Shinei USA Inc.
  Automation Systems Division 48761 Kato Road   FREMONT, CA 94538   3/4/2009   0000012427   $ 72,033          
Shinei USA Inc.
  Automation Systems Division 48761 Kato Road   FREMONT, CA 94538   2/25/2009   0000012420   $ 37,860          
Shinei USA Inc.
  Automation Systems Division 48761 Kato Road   FREMONT, CA 94538   2/18/2009   0000012410   $ 45          
Shinei USA Inc.
  Automation Systems Division 48761 Kato Road   FREMONT, CA 94538   2/11/2009   0000012408   $ 27,198          
Shinei USA Inc.
  Automation Systems Division 48761 Kato Road   FREMONT, CA 94538   2/4/2009   0000012402   $ 87,729          
Shinei USA Inc.
  Automation Systems Division 48761 Kato Road   FREMONT, CA 94538   1/27/2009   0000012395   $ 177,358          
Shinei USA Inc.
  Automation Systems Division 48761 Kato Road   FREMONT, CA 94538   1/21/2009   0000012379   $ 148,814          
Shinei USA Inc.
  Automation Systems Division 48761 Kato Road   FREMONT, CA 94538   3/18/2009   0000012432   $ 34,562          
           TOTAL Shinei USA Inc.           $ 643,274  
  1538 Gladding Court   MILPITAS, CA 95035   1/29/2009   0000228122   $ 120          
  1538 Gladding Court   MILPITAS, CA 95035   2/6/2009   0000228025   $ 92          
  1538 Gladding Court   MILPITAS, CA 95035   2/6/2009   0000228183   $ 92          
  1538 Gladding Court   MILPITAS, CA 95035   3/12/2009   0000228387   $ 224          
           TOTAL Shred-It           $ 528  
Sierra Spring Water Company
  P.O. Box 40424   HOUSTON, TX 77240-0424   1/20/2009   0000228039   $ 1,826          
Sierra Spring Water Company
  P.O. Box 40424   HOUSTON, TX 77240-0424   1/26/2009   0000228129   $ 295          
           TOTAL Sierra Spring Water Company           $ 2,121  
Silicon Valley Leadership
  224 Airport Parkway #620   SAN JOSE, CA 95110   2/20/2009   0000228329   $ 3,800          
           TOTAL Silicon Valley Leadership           $ 3,800  
Simco Electronics
  1178 Bordeaux Drive Nancy   SUNNYVALE, CA 94089   2/11/2009   0000228308   $ 372          
Simco Electronics
  1178 Bordeaux Drive Nancy   SUNNYVALE, CA 94089   1/23/2009   0000228130   $ 156          
           TOTAL Simco Electronics           $ 528  
Snappy Popcorn Co., Inc.
  610 Main Street   BREDA, IA 51436   2/25/2009   0000228330   $ 138          
           TOTAL Snappy Popcorn Co., Inc.           $ 138  
Spectrum Digital, Inc.
  12502 Exchange Drive Mike Strain   STAFFORD, TX 77477   1/21/2009   0000228128   $ 9,734          
           TOTAL Spectrum Digital, Inc.           $ 9,734  
Speqs Manufacturing Pte Ltd
  10A Joo Koon Circle C Q Lim   SINGAPORE, 629115   2/10/2009   0000228096   $ 5,339          
Speqs Manufacturing Pte Ltd
  10A Joo Koon Circle C Q Lim   SINGAPORE, 629115   1/27/2009   0000227992   $ 6,101          
           TOTAL Speqs Manufacturing Pte Ltd           $ 11,440  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Spinneret Inc.
  5151 Lafayette Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   4/8/2009   0000228528   $ 470          
Spinneret Inc.
  5151 Lafayette Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/24/2009   0000228333   $ 2,986          
Spinneret Inc.
  5151 Lafayette Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   3/17/2009   0000228441   $ 196          
Spinneret Inc.
  5151 Lafayette Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   1/26/2009   0000228106   $ 55          
Spinneret Inc.
  5151 Lafayette Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/13/2009   0000228292   $ 992          
Spinneret Inc.
  5151 Lafayette Street   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/11/2009   0000228238   $ 91          
           TOTAL Spinneret Inc.           $ 4,790  
Sprig Electric
  1860 S. 10th Street Tim D.   SAN JOSE, CA 95112   2/11/2009   0000228283   $ 1,154          
           TOTAL Sprig Electric           $ 1,154  
  P.O.Box 4181   CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-4181   1/20/2009   0000228046   $ 603          
  P.O.Box 4181   CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-4181   2/12/2009   0000228313   $ 599          
  P.O.Box 4181   CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-4181   3/20/2009   0000228453   $ 598          
           TOTAL Sprint           $ 1,799  
  PO Box 2950   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-2950   3/12/2009   0000228425   $ 83          
  PO Box 2950   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-2950   2/11/2009   0000228288   $ 133          
  PO Box 2950   PHOENIX, AZ 85062-2950   4/13/2009   0000228523   $ 87          
           TOTAL Srp           $ 303  
Standard Insurance Company
  1600 Riviera Ave., Suite 385 Vicky T.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596   3/11/2009   0000228375   $ 23,278          
Standard Insurance Company
  1600 Riviera Ave., Suite 385 Vicky T.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596   3/25/2009   0000228465   $ 23,159          
Standard Insurance Company
  1600 Riviera Ave., Suite 385 Vicky T.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596   4/13/2009   0000228560   $ 22,104          
Standard Insurance Company
  1600 Riviera Ave., Suite 385 Vicky T.   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596   2/6/2009   0000228225   $ 23,479          
           TOTAL Standard Insurance Company           $ 92,020  
Standard Register
  P.O. Box 840655   DALLAS, TX 75284-0655   2/5/2009   0000228242   $ 425          
           TOTAL Standard Register           $ 425  
Stanley J. Grubel
  17 Park Road   IRVINGTON, NY 10533-2008   3/26/2009   0000228474   $ 969          
Stanley J. Grubel
  17 Park Road   IRVINGTON, NY 10533-2008   1/21/2009   0000228030   $ 22,109          
           TOTAL Stanley J. Grubel           $ 23,077  
State Board Of Equalization
  P.O. Box 942879   SACRAMENTO, CA 94279-0001   3/10/2009   0000228337   $ 2,037          
State Board Of Equalization
  P.O. Box 942879   SACRAMENTO, CA 94279-0001   4/20/2009   0000012455   $ 3,962          
           TOTAL State Board Of Equalization           $ 5,999  
Stg Inc.
  481 Gianni St. Jim   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/24/2009   0000228360   $ 3,700          
Stg Inc.
  481 Gianni St. Jim   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/20/2009   0000228319   $ 212          
Stg Inc.
  481 Gianni St. Jim   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   2/6/2009   0000228204   $ 837          
Stg Inc.
  481 Gianni St. Jim   SANTA CLARA, CA 95054   1/21/2009   0000228071   $ 4,544          
           TOTAL Stg Inc.           $ 9,294  
Strategic Security Services Inc
  3180 University Avenue Suite 110   SAN DIEGO, CA 92104   4/8/2009   0000228521   $ 2,940          
Strategic Security Services Inc
  3180 University Avenue Suite 110   SAN DIEGO, CA 92104   2/10/2009   0000228286   $ 851          
Strategic Security Services Inc
  3180 University Avenue Suite 110   SAN DIEGO, CA 92104   2/23/2009   0000228331   $ 2,370          
Strategic Security Services Inc
  3180 University Avenue Suite 110   SAN DIEGO, CA 92104   2/27/2009   0000228379   $ 532          
Strategic Security Servicesinc
  3180 University Avenue Suite 110   SAN DIEGO, CA 92104   1/27/2009   0000228163   $ 369          
           TOTAL Strategic Security Services Inc           $ 7,062  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Stuft Pizza
  1426 Dempsey Road Susan   MILPITAS, CA 95035   2/6/2009   0000228079   $ 92          
Stuft Pizza
  1426 Dempsey Road Susan   MILPITAS, CA 95035   2/6/2009   0000228212   $ 117          
           TOTAL Stuft Pizza           $ 209  
Summit Training Source, Inc.
  4170 Embassy Drive Se   GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49546   2/2/2009   0000228157   $ 1,845          
           TOTAL Summit Training Source, Inc.           $ 1,845  
  1114 Hawthorne Avenue Scott Langpa   MODESTO, CA 95350   2/26/2009   0000228371   $ 349          
           TOTAL Symcom           $ 349  
Technical Equipment Sales, Inc
  44242 Fremont Blvd.   FREMONT, CA 94538   2/2/2009   0000228203   $ 1,110          
Technical Equipment Sales, Inc
  44242 Fremont Blvd.   FREMONT, CA 94538   1/27/2009   0000228202   $ 1,110          
           TOTAL Technical Equipment Sales, Inc           $ 2,220  
Telemanagement Technologies
  2700 Ygnacio Valley Road Suite 250 Mike William   WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598-3463   4/13/2009   0000228535   $ 2,257          
           TOTAL Telemanagement Technologies           $ 2,257  
  PO Box 3576 Les Oldham   ABILENE, TX 79604-3576   1/27/2009   0000228182   $ 400          
  PO Box 3576 Les Oldham   ABILENE, TX 79604-3576   1/23/2009   0000228121   $ 544          
           TOTAL Tel-Is           $ 944  
Tension Measurement
  11011 Wolff Way Cara Rahm   WESMINSTER, CO 80031   2/17/2009   0000228206   $ 262          
Tension Measurement
  11011 Wolff Way Cara Rahm   WESMINSTER, CO 80031   1/26/2009   0000227927   $ 131          
           TOTAL Tension Measurement           $ 393  
Texas Comptroller
  Of Public Accounts 111 E. 17th Street   AUSTIN, TX 78774-0100   4/20/2009   0000012454   $ 2,179          
           TOTAL Texas Comptroller           $ 2,179  
The Depository Trust Company
  Treasurers Department 55 Water Street - 49th Floor   NEW YORK, NY 10041   3/19/2009   0000012433   $ 1,950          
The Depository Trust Company
  Treasurers Department 55 Water Street - 49th Floor   NEW YORK, NY 10041   3/19/2009   ACH DEBIT   $ 1,950          
           TOTAL The Depository Trust Company           $ 3,900  
The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC
  Lockbox 20200 PO Box 8500   PHILADELPHIA, PA 19178-0200   1/26/2009   0000228150   $ 45,000          
           TOTAL The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC           $ 45,000  
Thomson Financial Investor Rel
  195 Broadway, 11th Floor   NEW YORK, NY 10007   1/27/2009   0000228192   $ 1,449          
           TOTAL Thomson Financial Investor Rel           $ 1,449  
Thomson Tax and Accounting
  PO Box 71687 Steve Sim   CHICAGO, IL 60694-1687   1/28/2009   0000228162   $ 1,060          
Thomson Tax and Accounting
  PO Box 71687 Steve Sim   CHICAGO, IL 60694-1687   2/4/2009   0000228230   $ 2,247          
Thomson Tax and Accounting
  PO Box 71687 Steve Sim   CHICAGO, IL 60694-1687   2/25/2009   0000228377   $ 2,581          
           TOTAL Thomson Tax and Accounting           $ 5,888  
Thyssenkrupp Elevator Corp.
  2140 Zanker Road Tara F.   SAN JOSE, CA 95131   4/8/2009   0000228524   $ 1,351          
Thyssenkrupp Elevator Corp.
  2140 Zanker Road Tara F.   SAN JOSE, CA 95131   3/18/2009   0000228439   $ 301          
           TOTAL Thyssenkrupp Elevator Corp.           $ 1,652  
Trade Beam, Inc.
  Two Waters Park Drive Lynette   SAN MATEO, CA 94403-1148   2/26/2009   0000228326   $ 900          
           TOTAL Trade Beam, Inc.           $ 900  
Transtar Sedan and Limousine
  114 Skycrest Center   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   2/26/2009   0000228365   $ 156          
Transtar Sedan and Limousine
  114 Skycrest Center   SAN BRUNO, CA 94066   2/10/2009   0000228276   $ 651          
           TOTAL Transtar Sedan and Limousine           $ 807  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
Uline, Inc.
  950 Albrecht Drive   LAKE BLUFF, IL 60044   1/29/2009   0000228185   $ 65          
           TOTAL Uline, Inc.           $ 65  
Unique Security, Inc.
  4302 E. Sahuaro Drive Corey B.   PHOENIX, AZ 85028   1/23/2009   0000228094   $ 222          
           TOTAL Unique Security, Inc.           $ 222  
United Parcel Service
  P.O. Box 894820   LOS ANGELES, CA 90189-4820   3/4/2009   0000228414   $ 25,726          
United Parcel Service
  P.O. Box 894820   LOS ANGELES, CA 90189-4820   2/26/2009   0000228389   $ 224          
United Parcel Service
  P.O. Box 894820   LOS ANGELES, CA 90189-4820   2/11/2009   0000228307   $ 1,154          
United Parcel Service
  P.O. Box 894820   LOS ANGELES, CA 90189-4820   1/28/2009   0000228191   $ 620          
United Parcel Service
  P.O. Box 894820   LOS ANGELES, CA 90189-4820   1/22/2009   0000228127   $ 47          
           TOTAL United Parcel Service           $ 27,771  
UPS Supply Chain Solutions,Inc
  28013 Network Place   CHICAGO, IL 60673-1280   4/9/2009   0000228545   $ 604          
UPS Supply Chain Solutions,Inc
  28013 Network Place   CHICAGO, IL 60673-1280   3/26/2009   0000228477   $ 1,767          
UPS Supply Chain Solutions,Inc
  28013 Network Place   CHICAGO, IL 60673-1280   3/19/2009   0000228452   $ 7,910          
UPS Supply Chain Solutions,Inc
  28013 Network Place   CHICAGO, IL 60673-1280   3/5/2009   0000228413   $ 1,235          
UPS Supply Chain Solutions,Inc
  28013 Network Place   CHICAGO, IL 60673-1280   2/26/2009   0000228388   $ 457          
UPS Supply Chain Solutions,Inc
  28013 Network Place   CHICAGO, IL 60673-1280   2/23/2009   0000228343   $ 410          
UPS Supply Chain Solutions,Inc
  28013 Network Place   CHICAGO, IL 60673-1280   2/11/2009   0000228305   $ 1,055          
UPS Supply Chain Solutions,Inc
  28013 Network Place   CHICAGO, IL 60673-1280   3/31/2009   0000228498   $ 555          
           TOTAL UPS Supply Chain Solutions,Inc           $ 13,993  
Utah State Tax Commission
  210 North 1950 West   SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84134-0300   1/23/2009   0000228100   $ 100          
           TOTAL Utah State Tax Commission           $ 100  
Valley — North American
  4020 Nelson Avenue Suite 200 Rod Carter   CONCORD, CA 94520   2/25/2009   0000228382   $ 368          
           TOTAL Valley — North American           $ 368  
Valley Design Corporation
  Two Shaker-Road Building E-001   SHIRLEY, MA 01464   1/21/2009   0000228099   $ 2,642          
           TOTAL Valley Design Corporation           $ 2,642  
Valley Plastics
  968-C Piner Road Art Frengel   SANTA ROSA, CA 95403   1/30/2009   0000227938   $ 369          
           TOTAL Valley Plastics           $ 369  
Valley Vending
  Greg Ryman 27 Cheltenham Way Greg   SAN JOSE, CA 95139-1261   3/10/2009   0000228430   $ 944          
Valley Vending
  Greg Ryman 27 Cheltenham Way Greg   SAN JOSE, CA 95139-1261   2/3/2009   0000228250   $ 1,597          
Valley Vending
  Greg Ryman 27 Cheltenham Way Greg   SAN JOSE, CA 95139-1261   4/7/2009   0000228541   $ 1,293          
           TOTAL Valley Vending           $ 3,835  
Valmark Industries, Inc.
  7900 National Drive   LIVERMORE, CA 94550   1/26/2009   0000228140   $ 204          
           TOTAL Valmark Industries, Inc.           $ 204  
  PO Box 70928   CHICAGO, IL 60673-0928   3/5/2009   0000228398   $ 11,935          
  PO Box 70928   CHICAGO, IL 60673-0928   3/31/2009   0000228492   $ 200          
  PO Box 70928   CHICAGO, IL 60673-0928   3/25/2009   0000228469   $ 4,599          
  PO Box 70928   CHICAGO, IL 60673-0928   3/26/2009   0000228463   $ 3,286          
  PO Box 70928   CHICAGO, IL 60673-0928   1/22/2009   0000228102   $ 4,631          



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
  PO Box 70928   CHICAGO, IL 60673-0928   3/4/2009   0000228400   $ 200          
  PO Box 70928   CHICAGO, IL 60673-0928   2/9/2009   0000228205   $ 12,132          
  PO Box 70928   CHICAGO, IL 60673-0928   1/29/2009   0000228166   $ 184          
  PO Box 70928   CHICAGO, IL 60673-0928   3/26/2009   0000228457   $ 11,600          
           TOTAL Verizon           $ 48,767  
Verizon Japan Ltd.
  Odakyu Southern Tower 2-2-1 Yoyogi, Shibuya-Ku   TOKYO, 151-8583 JAPAN   1/30/2009   0000012398   $ 3,668          
Verizon Japan Ltd.
  Odakyu Southern Tower 2-2-1 Yoyogi, Shibuya-Ku   TOKYO, 151-8583 JAPAN   1/30/2009   0000012419   $ 3,668          
Verizon Japan Ltd.
  Odakyu Southern Tower 2-2-1 Yoyogi, Shibuya-Ku   TOKYO, 151-8583 JAPAN   3/20/2009   0000012434   $ 1,347          
           TOTAL Verizon Japan Ltd.           $ 8,683  
Vignani Technologies, Pvt.Ltd.
  93/A,4th B Cross,5th Block Koramangala Industrial Area Myron Pugh   BANGALORE, 560 095 INDIA   2/25/2009   0000012418   $ 3,550          
           TOTAL Vignani Technologies, Pvt.Ltd.           $ 3,550  
Vinson and Elkins L.L.P.
  2300 First City Tower 1001 Fannin   HOUSTON, TX 77002-6760   2/9/2009   0000228265   $ 11,960          
Vinson and Elkins L.L.P.
  2300 First City Tower 1001 Fannin   HOUSTON, TX 77002-6760   3/6/2009   0000228422   $ 11,960          
           TOTAL Vinson and Elkins L.L.P.           $ 23,920  
  1390 Willow Pass Road Suite 190   CONCORD, CA 94520   3/16/2009   0000228435   $ 18,140          
           TOTAL Visawolf           $ 18,140  
Visibility Corporation
  200 Minuteman Drive Suite 202 Mike Danjou   ANDOVER, MA 01810   2/2/2009   0000228172   $ 924          
           TOTAL Visibility Corporation           $ 924  
Vision Service Plan
  P.O. Box 45210   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94145-5210   1/29/2009   0000228189   $ 19,118          
Vision Service Plan
  P.O. Box 45210   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94145-5210   4/15/2009   0000228544   $ 6,203          
Vision Service Plan
  P.O. Box 45210   SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94145-5210   3/9/2009   0000228412   $ 6,271          
           TOTAL Vision Service Plan           $ 31,592  
Vulcan Spring and Mfg.Co.
  501 School House Road   TELFORD, PA 18969   1/27/2009   0000228201   $ 558          
           TOTAL Vulcan Spring and Mfg.Co.           $ 558  
W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc.
  402 Vieve'S Way PO Box 160 Shanon A.   ELKTON, MD 21922-0160   4/8/2009   0000228543   $ 819          
           TOTAL W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc.           $ 819  
Wagner Instruments
  Post Office Box 1217 William W.   GREENWICH, CT 06836-1217   2/25/2009   0000228351   $ 95          
           TOTAL Wagner Instruments           $ 95  
Walt Wilson
  11471 Buena Vista Drive Rich Yonker   LOS ALTOS, CA 94022   1/22/2009   0000228114   $ 21,900          
           TOTAL Walt Wilson           $ 21,900  
Washington State Dept Of Reven
  P.O. Box 34052   SEATTLE, WA 98124-1052   2/6/2009   0000228257   $ 47          
           TOTAL Washington State Dept Of Reven           $ 47  
  777 N First Street Suite 250 Julie A.   SAN JOSE, CA 95112   1/30/2009   0000228159   $ 383          
  777 N First Street Suite 250 Julie A.   SAN JOSE, CA 95112   4/15/2009   0000228514   $ 510          
  777 N First Street Suite 250 Julie A.   SAN JOSE, CA 95112   1/23/2009   0000227971   $ 3,166          
           TOTAL Webenertia           $ 4,059  
Whitlock Alliances LLC
  9697 North Peach Court   CEDAR HILLS, UT 84062-7721   1/23/2009   0000228097   $ 351          
           TOTAL Whitlock Alliances LLC           $ 351  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3b(i)
Case Number: 09-43246    
3b(i). Payments made to creditors (excluding brokers) within the period January 20, 2009 through April 20, 2009
            Clear   Payment   Payment     Total  
Payee   Address   City, State & Zip   Date   Number   Amount     Amount Paid  
William Simon
  1414 Donhill Drive   BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210   1/26/2009   0000227958   $ 17,867          
William Simon
  1414 Donhill Drive   BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210   4/2/2009   0000228433   $ 659          
           TOTAL William Simon           $ 18,526  
Xerox Corporation
  800 Long Ridge Rd   STAMFORD, CT 06902-1288   2/6/2009   0000228241   $ 9,516          
           TOTAL Xerox Corporation           $ 9,516  
Yusen Air and Sea Service (USA)I
  405-T Victory Avenue   SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080   4/10/2009   0000228556   $ 3,016          
           TOTAL Yusen Air and Sea Service (USA)I           $ 3,016  
            TOTAL                   $ 9,573,009  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 3c
Case Number: 09-43246    
3c. Payments made to insiders within the period of April 21, 2008 through April 20, 2009
Name   Wages     Bonus     Expenses     Car Allowance     Other     Note(s)   Total  
  $ 262,750     $ 200,000     $ 7,334     $ 0     $ 0         $ 470,084  
  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 76,635     BOARD OF DIRECTOR FEES   $ 76,635  
  $ 133,185     $ 105,509     $ 5,412     $ 0     $ 0         $ 244,106  
  $ 309,875     $ 102,160     $ 7,914     $ 0     $ 0         $ 419,949  
  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 55,000     BOARD OF DIRECTOR FEES   $ 55,000  
  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 85,233     BOARD OF DIRECTOR FEES   $ 85,233  
  $ 253,124     $ 104,672     $ 4,658     $ 0     $ 0         $ 363,954  
  $ 404,135     $ 224,483     $ 28,781     $ 0     $ 0         $ 673,134  
  $ 274,038     $ 92,639     $ 807     $ 0     $ 0         $ 367,484  
  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 18,859     BOARD OF DIRECTOR FEES   $ 18,859  
  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 79,671     BOARD OF DIRECTOR FEES   $ 79,671  
  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 65,776     BOARD OF DIRECTOR FEES   $ 65,776  
  $ 1,637,107     $ 829,463     $ 54,906     $ 0     $ 381,173         $ 2,919,884  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 4a
Case Number: 09-43246    
4a. Suits and Administrative Proceedings — Debtor as Plaintiff
Nature of Case   Case Number   Court Name and Location of Proceeding



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 4a(ii)
Case Number: 09-43246    
4a(ii). Suits and Administrative Proceedings — Debtor as Defendant
Case Name   Case Number   Court Name and Location



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 9
Case Number: 09-43246    
9. Payments related to debt counseling or bankruptcy
Firm   Address           Amount  
          $ 631,314  
  FRANCISCO, CA 94111                
          $ 600,000  
  CA 94111-3802                
          $ 75,000  
  CA 94105                
          $ 280,000  
  YORK, NY 10020                
          $ 125,000  
  SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94104                
          $ 114,684  
  ANGELES, CA 90067                
      TOTAL:   $ 1,825,998  



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 11
Case Number: 09-43246    
11. Closed Financial Accounts
Bank   Bank Address   City, State Zip   Number   Description   Close Date
  200 N. COLLEGE STREET, 3RD FLOOR   CHARLOTTE, NC 28255   223-50181-1-2    INVESTMENT ACCOUNT   4/25/2008
  SAN JOSE, CA 95110   1892561034    PAYROLL ACCOUNT   8/26/2008
  SAN JOSE, CA 95110   1892019488    MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT   8/26/2008
  SAN JOSE, CA 95110   1892561042    FLEX BENEFITS ACCOUNT   8/26/2008
  SAN JOSE, CA 95110   1892561026    ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCOUNT   8/26/2008
  LOS ANGELES, CA, 90071   1260016772    INVESTMENT ACCOUNT   8/26/2008


Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 18a
Case Number: 09-43246    
18a. Nature, location, and names of business
    Taxpayer ID No           Date of
Name   (ITIN) / Complete   Address   City, State ZIP and Country   Incorporation
  JAPAN - 00012327   SHINAGAWA TOKYO BLDG. 5F 1-6-31 KONAN   MINATO-KU TOKYO, 108-0075 JAPAN   10/1/2000
  KOREA - 1348121253   113 IMAE I-DONG, BUNDANG-GU   SUNGNAM-SI, KYUNGGI-DO, KOREA 463-060   6/10/1994
  CHINA - 3101115734582476   NO 18, XINGHUA RD., XIQING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA   TIANJIAN, PRC 300385   12/12/2000
  TAIWAN - 16080514   2F,NO.118, SECTION 1, TUNG-TA ROAD   HSIN-CHU, TAIWAN   4/22/1997
  SINGAPORE - 199502047C   NO.84 GENTING LANE, #07-08/09/10 CITYNEON DESIGN CENTER   349584 SINGAPORE   3/25/1995
  GERMANY (VAT#) - 811891163   KARL-MARX-STRABE 23   01109, DRESDEN, GERMANY   5/05/1995


Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 19a
Case Number: 09-43246    
19a. Accountants and Bookkeepers Supervising Books, Records, and Financial Statements
Supervisor   Title   Address   City, State & Zip   Time Period
  SENIOR VP, CFO   46897 BAYSIDE PARKWAY   FREMONT, CA 94538   1/25/2007 - 8/15/2008
  VP, CORPORATE CONTROLLER   46897 BAYSIDE PARKWAY   FREMONT, CA 94538   10/1/2008 - 4/20/2009
  SENIOR VP, CFO   46897 BAYSIDE PARKWAY   FREMONT, CA 94538   9/25/2006 - 3/31/2008


Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 20
Case Number: 09-43246    
20. Inventories
    Inventory   Inventory    
Supervisor Name/Title   Basis   Date   Amount        
  COST   March 15, 2008   $ 10,181,000  
  COST   March 17, 2007   $ 13,810,000  


Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 21b
Case Number: 09-43246    
21b. Current Officers, Directors and Stockholders holding 5% or more of the voting or equity securities
Name and Address   Title   Nature and % of Stock Ownership



Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Attachment 22b
Case Number: 09-43246    
22b. Former Officers and Directors
Name   Title   Address


Asyst Technologies, Inc.   Case Number: 09-43246
I, authorized signatory of this debtor entity, declare under penalty of perjury that I have read the answers contained in the foregoing Statement of Financial Affairs and any attachments thereto and that they are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Date: 6/4/2009   By:   /s/ Paula C. LuPriore    
    Paula C. LuPriore, Executive VP, COO and CRO 
Penalty for making a false statement: Fine of up to $500,000, or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. § 152 and 3571.