EX-99.77E LEGAL 2 exh77e207.txt LEGAL LITIGATION NAME OF REGISTRANT: Templeton China World Fund File No. 811-07876 EXHIBIT ITEM NO. 77(E): LEGAL PROCEEDINGS As part of various investigations by a number of federal, state, and foreign regulators and governmental entities, including the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), relating to certain practices in the mutual fund industry, including late trading, market timing and marketing support payments to securities dealers who sell fund shares ("marketing support"), Franklin Resources, Inc. and certain of its subsidiaries (collectively, the "Company"), entered into settlements with certain of those regulators and governmental entities. Specifically, the Company entered into settlements with the SEC, among others, concerning market timing and marketing support. On June 23, 2006, the SEC approved the proposed plan of distribution for the marketing support settlement, and disbursement of the settlement monies to the designated funds, in accordance with the terms and conditions of that settlement and plan, was completed in September 2006. The Fund did not participate in that Settlement. The plan of distribution for the market timing settlement is currently under review by the SEC staff. After publication of notice of the plan and a 30-day comment period, the proposed plan of distribution will be submitted to the SEC for approval. Following the SEC's approval of the plan of distribution, with modifications as appropriate, distribution of the settlement monies will begin in accordance with the terms and conditions of the settlement and plan. In addition, the Company, as well as most of the mutual funds within Franklin Templeton Investments and certain current or former officers, Company directors, fund directors, and employees, have been named in private lawsuits (styled as shareholder class actions, or as derivative actions on behalf of either the named funds or Franklin Resources, Inc.). The lawsuits relate to the industry practices referenced above, as well as to allegedly excessive commissions and advisory and distribution fees. The Company and fund management believe that the claims made in each of the private lawsuits referenced above are without merit and intend to defend against them vigorously. The Company cannot predict with certainty the eventual outcome of these lawsuits, nor whether they will have a material negative impact on the Company. If it is determined that the Company bears responsibility for any unlawful or inappropriate conduct that caused losses to the Fund it is committed to making the Fundor its shareholders whole, as appropriate.