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Significant accounting policies
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2018
Disclosure of changes in accounting policies accounting [Abstract]  
Disclosure of changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and errors [text block]
Note 3
Significant accounting policies
Classification of balances as current and non-current
In the attached consolidated statement of financial position, balances are classified in consideration of their recovery (maturity) dates; i.e. those maturing within a period equal to or less than 12 months are classified as current counted from the closing date of the consolidated financial statements and those with maturity dates exceeding the aforementioned period are classified as non-current.
The exception to the foregoing relates to deferred taxes, which are classified as non-current, regardless of the maturity they have.
Functional and presentation currency
The Company’s consolidated financial statements are presented in United States dollars (“U.S. dollars”), which is the Company’s functional and presentation currency and is the currency of the main economic environment in which it operates.
Consequently, the term foreign currency is defined as any currency other than the U.S. dollar.
The consolidated financial statements are presented in thousands of United States dollars without decimals.
Foreign currency translation
Group entities:
The revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities of all entities that have a functional currency other than the presentation currency are converted to the presentation currency as follows:
Assets and liabilities are converted at the closing exchange rate prevailing on the reporting date.
Revenues and expenses of each profit or loss account are converted at monthly average exchange rates.
All resulting foreign currency translation gains and losses are recognized as a separate component in translation reserves.
In consolidation, foreign currency differences arising from the translation of a net investment in foreign entities are recorded in equity (other reserves). At the date of disposal, such foreign currency translation differences are recognized in the statement of income as part of the gain or loss from the sale.
The main exchange rates and the adjustment unit used to translate monetary assets and liabilities, expressed in foreign currency at the end of each period in respect to U.S. dollars, are as follows:
Brazilian real
New Peruvian sol
Argentine peso
Japanese yen
Mexican peso
Australian dollar
Pound Sterling
South African rand
Ecuadorian dollar
Chilean peso
Chinese yuan
Indian rupee
Thai baht
Turkish lira
UF (*)
(*) The Unidad de Fomento (UF) is an indexed monetary unit used in Chile, calculated based on the variation in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). It is represented as dollars to UF.
Transactions and balances
Non-monetary transactions in currencies other than the functional currency (Dollar) are translated to the respective functional currencies of Group entities at the exchange rate on the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the reporting date are retranslated to the functional currency at the exchange rate at that date. All differences are recorded in the statement of income except for all monetary items that provide an effective hedge for a net investment in a foreign operation. These items are recognized in other comprehensive income on the divestment, when they are recognized in the statement of income. Charges and credits attributable to foreign currency translation differences on those hedge monetary items are also recognized in other comprehensive income.
Non-monetary assets and liabilities that are measured at historical cost in a foreign currency are retranslated to the functional currency at the historical exchange rate of the transaction. Non-monetary items that are measured based on fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rate at the date on which the fair value is determined.
SQM S.A. uses the level of control it has in subsidiaries as a basis to determine their share in the consolidated financial statements. This control consists of the Company’s ability to exercise power in the subsidiary, exposure, or right, to variable performance from its share in the investee and the ability to use its power on the investee to have an influence on the amount of the investor’s performance.
The Company prepares the consolidated financial statements using consistent accounting policies for the entire Group. The consolidation of a subsidiary commences when the Company has control over the subsidiary and stops when control ceases.
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Cash equivalents correspond to highly-liquid short-term investments that are easily convertible into known amounts of cash. They are subject to insignificant risk of changes in their value and mature in less than three months from the date of acquisition of the instrument.
For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and cash equivalents as defined above.
The statement of cash flows includes movements in cash performed during the year, determined using the direct method.
Financial assets
As of January 1, 2018, the Company's Management (the "Administration") determines the classification of its financial assets, in accordance with the provisions of IFRS 9, at fair value (either through other comprehensive income, or through profits or losses), and at amortized cost. The classification depends on the business model of the entity to manage the financial assets and the contractual terms of the cash flows.
In the initial recognition, the Company measures its financial assets at fair value more or less, in the case of a financial asset that is not accounted for at fair value through profit or loss, the transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset. In the case of commercial debtors and other accounts receivable, the initial recognition will measure their transaction price in accordance with the provisions of IFRS 15.
After initial recognition, the Company measures its financial assets according to the following:
Financial instruments to Fair Value Through Profit and Loss (FVTPL). A financial asset should be measured at fair value through profit or loss unless it is measured at amortized cost or at Fair Value with changes in Other Comprehensive Income
Financial instruments measured at amortized cost. Financial assets that meet the following conditions are included in this category (a) the business model that supports it aims to maintain the financial assets to obtain the contractual cash flows and (b) the Contractual conditions of the financial asset give place, on specified dates, to cash flows that are only payments of the principal and interest on the outstanding principal amount.
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income. Equity securities which are not held for trading, and which the group has irrevocably elected at initial recognition to recognise in this category.
Until December 31, 2017, the Company determined the classification of its financial assets at the time of initial recognition, based on the basis of the business model for the management of financial assets and the characteristics of the contractual cash flows of the financial assets. financial assets. In accordance with IAS 39, financial assets were initially measured at fair value plus the transaction costs incurred that were directly attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset. Subsequently, financial assets were measured at amortized cost or at fair value.
The Company evaluated at the date of each report, whether there was objective evidence that any asset or group of financial assets presented any impairment. An asset or group of financial assets presented a deterioration, if and only if, there was objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset or group of these. In order for impairment to be recognized, the loss event must have an impact on the estimation of future flows of the asset or groups of financial assets.
Financial liabilities
As of January 1, 2018, the Company determines the classification of its financial liabilities, in accordance with the provisions of IFRS 9, at fair value or at amortized cost. The classification depends on the business model of the entity to manage the financial assets and the contractual terms of the cash flows.
In the initial recognition, the Company measures its financial liabilities by their fair value more or less, in the case of a financial liability that is not accounted for at fair value through profit or loss, the transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the financial liability.
After initial recognition, the Company measures its financial liabilities at amortized cost unless the Company, at the initial moment, irrevocably designates the financial liability as measured at fair value through profit or loss.
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost are commercial accounts payable and other accounts payable and other financial liabilities.
Until December 31, 2017, the Company determined the classification of its financial liabilities at the time of initial recognition in accordance with the provisions of IAS 39. Financial liabilities at the time of initial recognition were measured at fair value, minus costs of the transaction in which they were incurred and which are directly attributable to the issuance of the financial liability. Subsequently, they were measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. In the case of financial liabilities that were initially recognized at fair value through profit or loss, they were measured after fair value.
Reclassification of financial instruments
At such time when the Company changes its business model for managing financial assets, it will reclassify those financial assets affected by the new business model.
Financial liabilities could not be reclassified.
Derecognition of financial instruments
In accordance with IFRS 9, the Company derecognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire, or it transfers the rights to receive the contractual cash flows in a transaction in which substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are transferred; and the control of the financial assets has not been retained.
The Company derecognizes a financial liability when its contractual obligations or a part of these are discharged, paid to the creditor or legally extinguished.
Derivative and hedging financial instruments
Derivatives are recognized initially at fair value as of the date on which the derivatives contract is signed and, they are subsequently assessed at fair value. The method for recognizing the resulting gain or loss depends on whether the derivative has been designated as an accounting hedge instrument and, if so, it depends on the type of hedging, which may be as follows:
Fair value hedge of assets and liabilities recognized (fair value hedges);
Hedging of a single risk associated with an asset or liability recognized or a highly probable forecast transaction (cash flow hedge).
At the beginning of the transaction, the Company documents the relationship that exists between hedging instruments and those items hedged, as well as their objectives for risk management purposes and the strategy to conduct different hedging operations.
The Company also documents its evaluation both at the beginning and at the end of each period if the derivatives used in hedging transactions are highly effective to offset changes in the fair value or in cash flows of hedged items.
The fair value of derivative instruments used for hedging purposes is shown in Note 14.3 (hedging assets and liabilities). Changes in the cash flow hedge reserve are classified as a non-current asset or liability if the remaining expiration period of the hedged item is more than 12 months, and as a current asset or liability if the remaining expiration period of the entry is less than 12 months.
Derivatives that are not designated or do not qualify as hedging derivatives are classified as current assets or liabilities, and changes in the fair value are directly recognized through profit or loss.
Fair value hedge
Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as fair value hedges are recorded in profit or loss, together with any changes in the fair value of the hedged asset or liability that are attributable to the hedged risk. The gain or loss relating to the effective portion of interest rate swaps that hedge fixed rate borrowings is recognized in profit or loss within finance costs, together with changes in the fair value of the hedged fixed rate borrowings attributable to interest rate risk. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognized in profit or loss within other income or other expenses. If the hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, the adjustment to the carrying amount of a hedged item for which the effective interest method is used is amortized to profit or loss over the period to maturity using a recalculated effective interest rate.
Cash flow hedges
Amounts taken to equity are transferred to profit or loss when the hedged transaction affects profit or loss, as when the hedged interest income or expense is recognized when a projected sale occurs. When the hedged entry is the cost of a non-financial asset or liability, amounts taken to other reserves are transferred to the initial carrying value of the non-financial asset or liability.
If the expected firm transaction or commitment is no longer expected to occur, the amounts previously recognized in equity are transferred to profit or loss. If a hedge instrument expires, is sold, finished, or exercised without any replacement, or if a rollover is performed or if its designation as hedging is revoked, the amounts previously recognized in other reserves are maintained in equity until the expected firm transaction or commitment occurs.
Derivative financial instruments
The Company maintains derivative financial instruments to hedge its exposure to foreign currencies. Derivative financial instruments are recognized initially at fair value; attributable transact
ion costs are recognized when incurred. Subsequent to initial recognition, any changes in the fair value of such derivatives are recognized in profit or loss as part of gains and losses.
The Company permanently assesses the existence of embedded derivatives, both in its contracts and financial instruments, As of December 31, 2018, and December 31, 2017, there were no embedded derivatives.
Fair value initial measurements
From the initial recognition, the Company measures its assets and liabilities at fair value plus or minus transaction costs incurred that are directly attributable to the acquisition of a financial asset or issuance of a financial liability
Deferred acquisition costs from insurance contracts
Acquisition costs from insurance contracts are classified as prepayments and correspond to insurance contracts in force, recognized using the straight-line method and on an accrual basis, and are recognized under other non-financial assets
Classification Leases
(a) Lease - Finance lease
Leases are classified as finance leases when the Company substantially owns all the risks and rewards inherent in the ownership of the asset. Finance leases are capitalized at the commencement of the lease term at the lower of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments.
Each finance lease payment is apportioned between the liability and the finance charges so as to obtain the constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. The respective lease obligations, net of finance charges, are included in other non-current liabilities. The interest part of the finance cost is charged to the consolidated financial statements for the lease term so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability for each year.
(b) Lease - Operating lease
Leases where the lessor retains a significant part of the risks and benefits derived from the property are classified as operating leases. Operating lease payments (net of any incentive received by the lessor) should be recognized as an expense in the income statement or capitalized (as appropriate) over the lease term on a straight-line basis.
Inventory measurement
The method used to determine the cost of inventories is the weighted average monthly cost of warehouse storage.
In determining production costs for own products, the company includes the costs of labor, raw materials, materials and supplies used in production, depreciation and maintenance of the goods that participate in the production process, the costs of product movement necessary to maintain stock on location and in the condition in which they are found, and also includes the indirect costs of each task such as laboratories, process and planning areas, and personnel expenses related to production, among others.
For finished and in-process products, the company has four types of provisions, which are reviewed quarterly:
Provision associated with the lower value of stock, which is directly identified with the product that generates it and involves three types: provision of lower realizable value, which corresponds to the difference between the inventory cost of intermediary or finished products, and the sale price minus the necessary costs to bring them to the same conditions and location as the product with which they are compared; provision for future uncertain use that corresponds to the value of those products in process that are likely not going to be used in sales based on the company’s long-term plans; reprocessing costs of products that are unfeasible for sale due to current specifications.
Provision associated with physical differences in inventory: a provision is made for differences that exceed the tolerance considered in the respective inventory process (production units in Chile and the port of Tocopilla carry out at least two inventories a year, the business subsidiaries depend on the last zero ground obtained, but in general it is at least once a year), these differences are recognized immediately.
Potential errors in the determination of stock: The company has an algorithm that is reviewed at least once a year and corresponds to diverse percentages assigned to each inventory based on the product, location, complexity involved in the associated measurement, rotation and control mechanisms.
Provisions undertaken by business subsidiaries: these are historical percentages that are adjusted as zero ground is attained based on normal inventory management.
Inventories of raw materials, materials and supplies for production are recorded at acquisition cost. Cyclical inventories are performed in warehouses, as well as general inventories every three years. Differences are recognized the moment they are detected. The company has a provision that makes quarterly calculations from percentages associated with each type of material (classification by warehouse and rotation). These percentages use the lower value resulting from deterioration or obsolescence as well as potential losses. This provision is reviewed at least annually, and considers the historical profit and loss obtained in the inventory processes.
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Under IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements investments in joint arrangements are classified as either joint operations or joint ventures. The classification depends on the contractual rights and obligations of each investor, rather than the legal structure of the joint arrangement.
Joint Ventures and Associates
Interests in companies over which joint control is exercised (joint venture) or where an entity has a significant influence (associates) are recognized using the equity method of accounting. Significant influence is presumed to exist when interest greater than 20% is held in the capital of an investee. Under this method, the investment is recognized in the statement of financial position at cost plus changes, subsequent to the acquisition, and considering the proportional share in the equity of the associate. For such purposes, the interest percentage in the ownership of the associate is used. The associated goodwill acquired is included in the carrying amount of the investee and is not amortized. The debit or credit to profit or loss reflects the proportional share in the profit or loss of the associate.
Unrealized gains for transactions with affiliates or associates are eliminated according to the Company’s interest percentage in such entities. Unrealized losses are also eliminated, except if the transaction provides evidence of impairment loss of the transferred asset.
Changes in the equity of associates are recognized on a proportional basis with a charge or credit to “Other reserves” and classified according to their origin. Reporting dates of the associate, the Company and related policies are similar for equivalent transactions and events under similar circumstances. In the event that the significant influence is lost or the investment is sold or is held as available for sale, the equity method is discontinued, suspending the recognition of the proportional share of profit or loss. If the resulting amount according to the equity method is negative, the share of profit or loss is reflected as zero in the consolidated financial statements, unless a commitment exists by the Company to reinstate the Company’s equity position, in which case the related provision for risks and expenses is recorded.
Dividends received by these companies are recorded by reducing the equity value, and the proportional share of profit or loss recognized according to the equity share are included in the consolidated profit or loss accounts in the caption “Equity share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures that are accounted for using the equity method of accounting”.
Joint Operation
Regarding joint operations, the Company recognizes its direct right to the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of joint operations and its share of any jointly held or incurred assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses.
Transactions with non-controlling interests
Non-controlling interests are recorded in the consolidated statement of financial position within equity, but separate from equity attributable to the owners of the Parent.
Related party transactions
Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries are part of the Company’s normal operations within its scope of business activities. Conditions for such transactions are those normally effective for those types of operations with regard to terms and market prices. These transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. The expiration conditions vary according to the originating transaction.
Property, plant and equipment
The assets tangible property, plant and equipment assets are stated at acquisition cost, net of the related accumulated depreciation, amortization and impairment losses that they might have experienced.
In addition to the price paid for the acquisition of tangible property, plant and equipment, the Company has considered the following concepts as part of the acquisition cost, as applicable:
Accrued interest expenses during the construction period that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets, which are those that require a substantial period prior to being ready for use.  The interest rate used is that related to the project’s specific financing or, should this not exist, the average financing rate of the investor company.
The future costs that the Company will have to experience, related to the closure of its facilities at the end of their useful life, are included at the present value of disbursements expected to be required to settle the obligation.
Having initially recognized provisions for closure and refurbishment, the corresponding cost is capitalized as an asset in Property, plant and equipment and amortized in line with the amortization criteria for the associated assets.
Construction-in-progress is transferred to property, plant and equipment in operation once the assets are available for use and the related depreciation and amortization begins on that date.
Extension, modernization or improvement costs that represent an increase in productivity, ability or efficiency or an extension of the useful lives of property, plant and equipment are capitalized as a higher cost of the related assets. All the remaining maintenance, preservation and repair expenses are charged to expense as they are incurred.
The replacement of full assets, which increase the asset’s useful life or its economic capacity, are recorded as a higher value of property, plant and equipment with the related derecognition of replaced or renewed elements.
Gains or losses which are generated from the sale or disposal of property, plant and equipment are recognized as income (or loss) in the period, and calculated as the difference between the asset’s sales value and its net carrying value.
Costs derived from the daily maintenance of property, plant and equipment are recognized when incurred.
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment are depreciated through the straight-line distribution of cost over the estimated technical useful life of the asset, which is the period in which the Company expects to use the asset. When components of one item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, they are recorded as separate assets. Useful lives are reviewed on an annual basis.
Fixed assets associated with the Salar de Atacama consider useful life to be the lesser value between the technical useful life and the years remaining until 2030.
In the case of mobile equipment, depreciation is performed depending on the hours of operation
The useful lives used for the depreciation and amortization of assets included in property, plant and equipment in years are presented below
Classes of property, plant and equipment
Minimum life or
rate (years)
Maximum life or
rate (years)
life or average
rate in years
Mining assets
Energy generating assets
Supplies and accessories
Office equipment
Transport equipment
Network and communication equipment
IT equipment
Machinery, plant and equipment
Other property, plant and equipment
Goodwill acquired represents the excess in acquisition cost on the fair value of the Company's ownership of the net identifiable assets of the subsidiary on the acquisition date. Goodwill acquired related to the acquisition of subsidiaries is included in goodwill, which is subject to impairment tests annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that it might be impaired, and is stated at cost less accumulated impairment losses.  Gains and losses related to the sale of an entity include the carrying value of goodwill related to the entity sold.
This intangible asset is assigned to cash-generating units with the purpose of testing impairment losses. It is allocated based on cash-generating units expected to obtain benefits from the business combination from which the aforementioned goodwill acquired arose.
Intangible assets other than goodwill
Intangible assets other than goodwill mainly relate to water rights, emission rights, commercial brands, costs for rights of way for electricity lines, license costs and the development of computer software and mining property and concession rights, client portfolio and commercial agent.
Water rights
Water rights acquired by the Company relate to water from natural sources and are recorded at acquisition cost. Given that these assets represent legal rights granted in perpetuity to the Company, they are not amortized, but are subject to annual impairment tests.
Rights of way for electric lines
As required for the operation of industrial plants, the Company has paid rights of way in order to install wires for the different electric lines on third party land. These rights are presented under intangible assets. Amounts paid are capitalized at the date of the agreement and charged to the statement of income, according to the life of the right of way.
Computer software
Licenses for IT programs acquired are capitalized based on their acquisition and customization costs. These costs are amortized over their estimated useful lives.
Expenses related to the development or maintenance of IT programs are recognized as an expense as and when incurred. Costs directly related to the production of unique and identifiable IT programs controlled by the Group, and which will probably generate economic benefits that are higher than its costs during more than a year, are recognized as intangible assets. Direct costs include the expenses of employees who develop information technology software and general expenses in accordance with corporate charges received.
The costs of development for IT programs recognized as assets are amortized over their estimated useful lives.
Mining property and concession rights
The Company holds mining property and concession rights from the Chilean and Australian Governments. Property rights are usually obtained at no initial cost (other than the payment of mining patents and minor recording expenses) and once the rights on these concessions have been obtained, they are retained by the Company while annual patents are paid. Such patents, which are paid annually, are recorded as prepaid assets and amortized over the following twelve months. Amounts attributable to mining concessions acquired from third parties that are not from the Chilean Government are recorded at acquisition cost within intangible assets.
Client portfolio
The period for exploiting these portfolios is unlimited so they are considered assets with an indefinite useful life and are therefore not subject to amortization. However, they are subjected to an annual impairment test and the corresponding amounts are recorded in the profit or loss.
Commercial agent
The rights obtained through the acquisition of the commercial agent of Sociedad Agrocom Ltda. corresponded to the fair value of that company’s line of business. The period for exploiting these rights is unlimited so they are considered assets with an indefinite useful life and are therefore not subject to amortization. However, the indefinite useful life is subject to review for every reporting period, to see whether indefinite useful life continues to apply.
Research and development expenses
Research and development expenses are charged to profit or loss in the period in which the expenditure was incurred.
Prospecting expenses
The Company holds mining concessions for exploration and exploitation of ore. The Company gives the following treatment to expenses associated with exploration and assessment of these resources:
Once the rights have been obtained, the Company records the disbursements directly associated with the exploration and assessment of the deposit as an at cost asset.
These disbursements include the following items:
Disbursements for geological surveys, drilling, borehole extraction and sampling, activities related to the technical assessment and commercial viability of the extraction, and in general, any disbursement directly related to specific projects where the objective is to find ore resources.
If the technical studies determine that the ore grade is not economically viable, the asset is directly charged to profit and loss. If determined otherwise, the asset described above is associated with the extractable ore tonnage which is amortized as it is used. These assets are presented in the other non-current assets category, reclassifying the portion related to the area to by extracted that year as stock.
Expenses related to metal exploration are charged to profit or loss in the period in which they are registered.
Salar de Atacama exploration expenses are presented in non-current assets in the property, plant and equipment category and correspond mainly to wells that can also be used in the extraction of the deposit and/or monitoring.
These are amortized over 10 years.
Mt Holland exploration expenses primarily consider exploration boreholes and complementary studies for the lithium ore study of the area. These expenses will begin to be amortized in the development stage.
Impairment of non-financial assets
Assets subject to depreciation and amortization are also subject to impairment testing, provided that an event or change in the circumstances indicates that the amounts in the accounting records may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the excess of the book value of the asset over its recoverable amount.
The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher between the fair value of an asset or cash generating unit (“CGU”) less costs of sales and its value in use, and is determined for an individual asset unless the asset does not generate any cash inflows that are clearly independent from other assets or groups of assets.
When the carrying value of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is considered an impaired asset and is reduced to its net recoverable amount.
In evaluating value in use, estimated future cash flows are discounted using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessment, the value of money over time and the specific asset risks.
To determine the fair value less costs to sell, an appropriate valuation model is used.
Impairment losses from continuing operations are recognized with a debit to profit or loss in the categories of expenses associated with the impaired asset function, except for properties reevaluated previously where the revaluation was taken to equity.
For assets other than acquired goodwill, an annual evaluation is carried out to determine whether any previously recognized impairment losses have already decreased or ceased to exist. If this should be the case, the recoverable amount is estimated. A previously recognized impairment loss is only reversed if there have been changes in the estimates used to determine the asset’s recoverable amount since the last time an impairment loss was recognized. If this is the case, the carrying value of the asset is increased to its recoverable amount. This increased amount cannot exceed the carrying value that would have been determined, net of depreciation, if an asset impairment loss had not been recognized in prior years. This reversal is recognized with a credit to profit or loss.
Minimum dividend
As required by Chilean law and regulations, our dividend policy is decided upon from time to time by our Board of Directors and is announced at the Annual Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, which is generally held in April of each year. Shareholder approval of the dividend policy is not required. However, each year the Board must submit the declaration of the final dividend or dividends in respect of the preceding year, consistent with the then-established dividend policy, to the Annual Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for approval. As required by the Chilean Companies Act, unless otherwise decided by unanimous vote of the holders of issued shares, we must distribute a cash dividend in an amount equal to at least 30% of our consolidated net income for that year (determined in accordance with CMF regulations), unless and to the extent the Company has a deficit in retained earnings.
Earnings per share
The basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing the profit for the year attributable to the ordinary owners of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.
The Company has not conducted any type of operation of potential dilutive effect that would entail the disclosure of diluted earnings per share.
Trade and other payables
Trade and other payables are measured at fair value plus all costs associated with the transaction. Subsequently, these are carried out at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method.
Interest-bearing borrowings
At initial recognition, interest-bearing borrowings are measured at fair value net of transaction costs incurred. Subsequently, they are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. Amortized cost is calculated considering any premium or discount from the acquisition and includes costs of transactions which are an integral part of the effective interest rate.
These are recorded as non-current when their expiration period exceeds twelve months and as current when the term is lower than such term. Interest expense is calculated in the year in which it is accrued following a financial criterion.
Other provisions
Provisions are recognized when:
The Company has a present obligation or constructive obligation as the result of a past event.
It is more likely than not that certain resources must be used, including benefits, to settle the obligation.
A reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.
In the event that the provision or a portion of it is reimbursed, the reimbursement is recognized as a separate asset solely if there is certainty of income.
In the consolidated statement of income, the expense for any provision is presented net of any reimbursement.
Should the effect of the value of money over time be significant, provisions are discounted using a discount rate before tax that reflects the liability’s specific risks. When a discount rate is used, the increase in the provision over time is recognized as a finance cost
The Company’s policy is to maintain provisions to cover risks and expenses based on a better estimate to deal with possible or certain and quantifiable responsibilities from current litigation, compensations or obligations, pending expenses for which the amount has not yet been determined, collaterals and other similar guarantees for which the Company is responsible. These are recorded at the time the responsibility or the obligation that determines the compensation or payment is generated.
Obligations related to employee termination benefits and pension commitments
Obligations towards the Company’s employees comply with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreements in force, which are formalized through collective employment agreements and individual employment contracts, except for the United States, which is regulated in accordance with employment plans in force up to 2002. (See more details in Note 17.4).
These obligations are valued using actuarial calculations, according to the projected unit credit method which considers such assumptions as the mortality rate, employee turnover, interest rates, retirement dates, effects related to increases in employees’ salaries, as well as the effects on variations in services derived from variations in the inflation rate.
The criteria in force contained in the revised IAS 19 are also taken into account.
Actuarial gains and losses that may be generated by variations in defined, pre-established obligations are directly recorded in other comprehensive income.
Actuarial losses and gains have their origin in departures between the estimate and the actual behavior of actuarial assumptions or in the reformulation of established actuarial assumptions.
The discount rate used by the Company for calculating the obligation was 4.642% and 5.114% for the periods ended December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, respectively.
The Company’s subsidiary SQM North America has established pension plans for its retired employees that are calculated by measuring the projected obligation using a net salary progressive rate net of adjustments for inflation, mortality and turnover assumptions, deducting the resulting amounts at present value using a 3.75% interest rate for 2018 and 4.50% for 2017. The net balance of this obligation is presented under the non-current provisions for employee benefits (refer to Note 17.4).
Compensation plans
Compensation plans implemented through benefits provided in share-based payments settled in cash are recognized in the financial statements at their fair value, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards No. 2 "Share-based Payments.” Changes in the fair value of options granted are recognized with a charge to payroll on a straight-line basis during the period between the date on which these options are granted and the payment date (see Note 18.6).
Revenue recognition
Revenue includes the fair value of the consideration received or to be received for the sale of goods and services in the ordinary course of the Company's activities. Revenue is presented net of value added tax, returns, rebates and discounts and after eliminating sales made between subsidiaries.
Revenue is recognized when the amount of the income can be reliably valued, it is probable that the future economic benefits will flow to the entity and the specific conditions for each of the types of income from activities will be met, as described below:
Sale of goods
The sale of goods is recognized when the Company has delivered products to the customer, and there is no obligation pending compliance that could affect the acceptance of products by the customer. The delivery does not occur until products have been shipped to the customer or confirmed as received by the customer, and the related risks of obsolescence and loss have been transferred to the customer and the customer has accepted the products in accordance with the conditions established in the sale, when the acceptance period has ended, or when there is objective evidence that those criteria required for acceptance have been met.
Sales are recognized in consideration of the price set in the sales agreement, net of volume discounts and estimated returns at the date of the sale. Volume discounts are evaluated in consideration of annual foreseen purchases and in accordance with the criteria defined in agreements.
Sale of services
Revenue associated with the rendering of services is recognized considering the degree of completion of the service as of the date of presentation of the consolidated classified statement of financial position, provided that the result from the transaction can be estimated reliably.
Interest income
Interest income is recognized when interest is accrued in consideration of the principal pending payment using the effective interest rate method.
Income from dividends
Income from dividends is recognized when the right to receive the payment is established.
Finance income and finance costs
Finance income is mainly composed of interest income in financial instruments such as term deposits and mutual fund deposits. Interest income is recognized in profit or loss at amortized cost, using the effective
interest rate method.
Finance costs are mainly composed of interest on bank borrowing expenses, interest on bonds issued and
interest capitalized for borrowing costs for the acquisition, construction or production or qualifying assets.
Borrowing costs and bonds issued are recognized in profit or loss using the effective interest rate method.
For finance costs accrued during the construction period that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets, the effective interest rate related to the project’s specific financing is used. If none exists, the average financing rate of the subsidiary making the investment is utilized.
Borrowing and financing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of an asset are capitalized as part of that asset’s cost.
Income tax and deferred taxes
Corporate income tax for the year is determined as the sum of current taxes from the different consolidated companies.
Current taxes are based on the application of the various types of taxes attributable to taxable income for the year.
Differences between the book value of assets and liabilities and their tax basis generate the balance of deferred tax assets or liabilities, which are calculated using the tax rates expected to be applicable when the assets and liabilities are realized.
In conformity with current Chilean tax regulations, the provision for corporate income tax and taxes on mining activity is recognized on an accrual basis, presenting the net balances of accumulated monthly tax provisional payments for the fiscal period and associated credits. The balances of these accounts are presented in current income taxes recoverable or current taxes payable, as applicable.
Tax on companies and variations in deferred tax assets or liabilities that are not the result of business combinations are recorded in the statement of income accounts or equity accounts in the consolidated statement of financial position, considering the origin of the gains or losses which have generated them.
At each reporting period, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets has been reviewed and reduced to the extent where there will not be sufficient taxable income to allow the recovery of all or a portion of the deferred tax assets.  Likewise, as of the date of the consolidated financial statements, deferred tax assets that are not recognized were evaluated and not recognized as it was more likely than not that future taxable income will allow for recovery of the deferred tax asset.
With respect to deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associated companies and interest in joint ventures, deferred tax assets are recognized solely provided that it is more likely than not that the temporary differences will be reversed in the near future and that there will be taxable income with which they may be used.
The deferred income tax related to entries directly recognized in equity is recognized with an effect on equity and not with an effect on profit or loss.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if there is a legally receivable right of offsetting tax assets against tax liabilities and the deferred tax is related to the same tax entity and authority.
Segment reporting
IFRS 8 requires that companies adopt a “management approach” to disclose information on the operations generated by its operating segments. In general, this is the information that management uses internally for the evaluation of segment performance and making the decision on how to allocate resources for this purpose.
An operating segment is a group of assets and operations responsible for providing products or services subject to risks and performance that are different from those of other business segments. A geographical segment is responsible for providing products or services in a given economic environment subject to risks and performance that are different from those of other segments operating in other economic environments.
For assets and liabilities, the allocation to each segment is not possible given that these are associated with more than one segment, except for depreciation, amortization and impairment of assets, which are directly allocated to the applicable segments, in accordance with the criteria established in the costing process for product inventories.
The following operating segments have been identified by the Company:
Specialty plant nutrients
Industrial chemicals
Iodine and derivatives
Lithium and derivatives
Other products and services
Responsibility for Information and Estimates Made
The Management of Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and its subsidiaries is responsible for the information contained in these consolidated financial statements, which expressly indicate that all the principles and criteria included in IFRS, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), have been applied in full.
In preparing the consolidated financial statements of Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and its subsidiaries, Management has made judgments and estimates to quantify certain assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and commitments included therein. Basically, these estimates refer to:
Estimated useful lives are determined based on current facts and past experience, and take into consideration the anticipated physical life of the asset, the potential for technological obsolescence, and regulations. See Notes 3.22, 14 and 15.
Impairment losses of certain assets - Assets, including property, plant and equipment, exploration assets, goodwill and intangible assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts exceed their recoverable amounts. If an impairment assessment is required, the assessment of fair value often requires estimates and assumptions such as discount rates, exchange rates, commodity prices, future capital requirements and future operating performance. Changes in such estimates could impact the recoverable values of these assets. Estimates are reviewed regularly by management. See Notes 14 and 15.
Assumptions used in calculating the actuarial amount of pension-related and severance indemnity payment benefit commitments. See Note 17.
Contingencies – The amount recognized as a provision, including legal, contractual, constructive and other exposures or obligations, is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the related liability, including any related interest charges, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation. In addition, contingencies will only be resolved when one or more future events occur or fail to occur. Therefore, the assessment of contingencies inherently involves the exercise of significant judgment and estimates of the outcome of future events. The Company assesses its liabilities and contingencies based upon the best information available, relevant tax laws and other appropriate requirements. See Notes 18 and 21.
Provisions on the basis of technical studies that cover the different variables affecting products in stock (density and moisture, among others), and related allowance.
Obsolescence to ensure that the carrying value of inventory is not in excess of the net realizable Inventory valuation requires judgment to determine obsolescence and estimates of provisions for value. See Note 11.
Despite the fact that these estimates have been made on the basis of the best information available on the date of preparation of these consolidated financial statements, certain events may occur in the future and oblige their amendment (upwards or downwards) over the next few years, which would be made prospectively, recognizing the effects of the change in estimates in the related future consolidated financial statements.
In general, the Company follows the criteria of considering amounts used in environmental protection and improvement as environmental expenses. However, the cost of facilities, machinery and equipment used for the same purpose are considered property, plant and equipment, as the case may be.