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Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number: 811-07816

PCM Fund, Inc.

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019

(Address of principal executive offices)

Bradley Todd

Treasurer (Principal Financial & Accounting Officer)

650 Newport Center Drive

Newport Beach, CA 92660

(Name and address of agent for service)

Copies to:

David C. Sullivan

Ropes & Gray LLP

Prudential Tower

800 Boylston Street

Boston, MA 02199

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (844) 337-4626

Date of fiscal year end: June 30

Date of reporting period: December 31, 2019

Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with the Commission not later than 10 days after the transmission to stockholders of any report that is required to be transmitted to stockholders under Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30e-1). The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection, and policymaking roles.

A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-CSR unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507.

Item 1.

Reports to Shareholders.

The following is a copy of the report transmitted to shareholders pursuant to Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (17 CFR 270.30e-1).




Semiannual Report


December 31, 2019


PCM Fund, Inc. | PCM | NYSE


PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund | PGP | NYSE


PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund | PKO | NYSE


PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. | RCS | NYSE


PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund | PCI | NYSE


PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund | PDI | NYSE


Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s annual and semi-annual shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or from your financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank. Instead, the reports will be made available on the Fund’s website, pimco.com/literature, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.


If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by visiting pimco.com/edelivery or by contacting your financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank.


You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you own these shares through a financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank, you may contact your financial intermediary to request that you continue to receive paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can inform the Fund that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports by calling 844.337.4626. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with the Fund or to all funds held in your account if you invest through a financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank.

Table of Contents



Letter from the Chair of the Board & President


Important Information About the Funds


Financial Highlights


Statements of Assets and Liabilities


Consolidated Statements of Assets and Liabilities


Statements of Operations


Consolidated Statements of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Statements of Cash Flows


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


Notes to Financial Statements




Changes to Boards of Trustees

Fund    Fund
     Schedule of

PCM Fund, Inc.

     11        31  

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund

     12        41  

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund

     13        54  

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

     14        68  

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund(1)

     15        80  

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund(1)

     16        97  



Consolidated Schedule of Investments

Letter from the Chair of the Board & President


Dear Shareholder,


Following this letter is the PIMCO Closed-End Funds Semiannual Report, which covers the six-month reporting period ended December 31, 2019. On the subsequent pages, you will find specific details regarding investment results and discussion of the factors that most affected performance during the reporting period.


For the six-month reporting period ended December 31, 2019


The U.S. economy continued to expand during the reporting period. U.S. gross domestic product (“GDP”) grew at an annual pace of 3.1% and 2.0% during the first and second quarters of 2019, respectively. For the third quarter of 2019, GDP growth rose to an annual pace of 2.1%. Finally, the Commerce Department’s initial reading for fourth quarter 2019 GDP, released after the reporting period ended, showed that the U.S. economy grew at a 2.1% annual pace.


After raising rates four times in 2018, the Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) reversed course and had a “dovish pivot.” Following the Fed’s meeting that concluded on July 31, 2019, the Fed lowered the federal funds rate by 0.25% to a range between 2.00% and 2.25%. This represented the Fed’s first rate cut since 2008. At the Fed’s meeting that ended on September 18, 2019, the Fed again reduced the federal funds rate by 0.25% to a range between 1.75% and 2.00%. Finally, at the Fed’s meeting that concluded on October 30, 2019, the Fed lowered the federal funds rate to a range between 1.50% and 1.75%.


Economic activity outside the U.S. continued to expand, but the pace of expansion generally moderated. According to the International Monetary Fund’s (“IMF”) January 2020 World Economic Outlook Update, released after the reporting period ended, global growth is projected to have been 2.9% in 2019, versus 3.6% in 2018. From a regional perspective, the IMF expects the U.S. economy to expand 2.3% in 2019, compared to 2.9% in the prior calendar year. Elsewhere, the IMF anticipates that 2019 GDP growth in the eurozone, U.K. and Japan will be 1.2%, 1.3% and 1.0%, respectively. For comparison purposes, these economies expanded 1.9%, 1.3% and 0.3%, respectively, in 2018.


Against this backdrop, in September 2019, the European Central Bank (the “ECB”) cut its deposit rate from -0.4% to -0.5% — a record low — and restarted bond purchases of 20 billion a month in November 2019. Elsewhere, the Bank of Japan largely maintained its highly accommodative monetary policies. The Bank of England kept rates on hold, although there was speculation that it may reduce rates given the uncertainties related to Brexit. However, in December 2019, Prime Minister Boris Johnson won the general election, likely paving the way for a faster Brexit resolution.


The U.S. Treasury yield curve steepened as two-year Treasury rates declined more than their 10-year counterparts. In our view, falling rates were partially due to signs of moderating global growth, the Fed’s dovish pivot and periods of investor risk aversion. The yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note was 1.92% at the end of the reporting period, versus 2.00% on June 30, 2019. The Bloomberg Barclays Global Treasury Index (USD Hedged), which tracks fixed-rate, local-currency government debt of investment grade countries, including both developed and emerging markets, returned 1.64%. Meanwhile, the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Credit Index (USD Hedged), a widely used index of global investment grade bonds, returned 3.35%. Riskier fixed income asset classes, including high yield corporate bonds and emerging market debt, also generated positive results. The ICE BofAML Developed Markets High Yield Constrained Index (USD Hedged), a widely used index of below investment grade bonds, returned 4.07%, whereas emerging market external debt, as represented by the JPMorgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI) Global (USD Hedged), returned 3.45%. Emerging market local bonds, as represented by the JPMorgan Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets Global Diversified Index (Unhedged), returned 4.37%.


Global equities produced positive results and, despite periods of volatility, U.S. equities rose sharply. We believe the increase in U.S. equities was driven by a number of factors, including corporate profits that often exceeded lowered expectations, a more accommodative Fed, and the “Phase 1” trade agreement between the U.S. and China. All told,



U.S. equities, as represented by the S&P 500 Index, returned 10.92%. Emerging market equities, as measured by the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, returned 7.09%, whereas global equities, as represented by the MSCI World Index, returned 9.14%. Meanwhile, Japanese equities, as represented by the Nikkei 225 Index (in JPY), returned 12.26% and European equities, as represented by the MSCI Europe Index (in EUR), returned 8.43%.


Commodity prices fluctuated and were mixed during the reporting period. When the reporting period began, Brent crude oil was approximately $67 a barrel. While the price gyrated, it ended the period at roughly $66 a barrel. Elsewhere, copper and gold prices moved higher.


Finally, there were periods of volatility in the foreign exchange markets, due in part, in our view, to signs of moderating global growth, trade conflicts, and changing central bank monetary policies, along with a number of geopolitical events. The U.S. dollar strengthened against a number of other major currencies. For example, the U.S. dollar returned 1.41% and 0.70% versus the euro and the Japanese yen, respectively. However, the U.S. dollar fell 4.42% versus the British pound.


Thank you for the assets you have placed with us. We deeply value your trust, and we will continue to work diligently to meet your broad investment needs. For any questions regarding your PIMCO Closed-End Funds investments, please contact your financial adviser, or call the Funds’ shareholder servicing agent at (844) 33-PIMCO. We also invite you to visit our website at pimco.com to learn more about our global viewpoints.




Deborah A. DeCotis   Eric D. Johnson
Chair of the Board of Trustees   President


Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Unless otherwise noted, index returns reflect the reinvestment of income distributions and capital gains, if any, but do not reflect fees, brokerage commissions or other expenses of investing. It is not possible to invest directly in an unmanaged index.



Important Information About the Funds



We believe that bond funds have an important role to play in a well-diversified investment portfolio. It is important to note, however, that in an environment where interest rates may trend upward, rising rates would negatively impact the performance of most bond funds, and fixed-income securities and other instruments held by a Fund are likely to decrease in value. A wide variety of factors can cause interest rates

or yield of U.S. Treasury securities (or yields of other types of bonds) to rise (e.g., central bank monetary policies, inflation rates, general economic conditions). In addition, changes in interest rates can be sudden and unpredictable, and there is no guarantee that Fund management will anticipate such movement accurately. A Fund may lose money as a result of movement in interest rates.


As of the date of this report, interest rates in the U.S. and many parts of the world, including certain European countries, are near historically low levels. Thus, the Funds currently face a heightened level of risk associated with rising interest rates and/or bond yields. This could be driven by a variety of factors, including but not limited to central bank monetary policies, changing inflation or real growth rates, general economic conditions, increasing bond issuances or reduced market demand for low yielding investments. Further, while bond markets have steadily grown over the past three decades, dealer inventories of corporate bonds are near historic lows in relation to market size. As a result, there has been a significant reduction in the ability of dealers to “make markets.”


Bond funds and individual bonds with a longer duration (a measure used to determine the sensitivity of a security’s price to changes in interest rates) tend to be more sensitive to changes in interest rates, usually making them more volatile than securities or funds with shorter durations. In addition, in the current low interest rate environment, the market price of the Funds’ common shares may be particularly sensitive to changes in interest rates or the perception that there will be a change in interest rates. All of the factors mentioned above, individually or collectively, could lead to increased volatility and/or lower liquidity in the fixed income markets or negatively impact a Fund’s performance or cause a Fund to incur losses.


The use of derivatives may subject the Funds to greater volatility than investments in traditional securities. The Funds may use derivative instruments for hedging purposes or as part of an investment strategy. Use of these instruments may involve certain costs and risks such as liquidity risk, interest rate risk, market risk, call risk, credit risk, leverage risk, management risk and the risk that a Fund may not be able to close out a position when it would be most advantageous to do so. Changes in regulation relating to a Fund’s use of derivatives and related instruments could potentially limit or impact a Fund’s ability to invest in derivatives, limit a Fund’s ability to employ certain strategies that use derivatives and/or adversely affect the value or performance of derivatives and the Fund. Certain derivative transactions may have a

leveraging effect on a Fund. For example, a small investment in a derivative instrument may have a significant impact on a Fund’s exposure to interest rates, currency exchange rates or other investments. As a result, a relatively small price movement in an asset, instrument or component of the index underlying a derivative instrument may cause an immediate and substantial loss or gain, which translates into heightened volatility in a Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”). A Fund may engage in such transactions regardless of whether the Fund owns the asset, instrument or components of the index underlying the derivative instrument. A Fund may invest a significant portion of its assets in these types of instruments. If it does, a Fund’s investment exposure could far exceed the value of its portfolio securities and its investment performance could be primarily dependent upon securities it does not own.


PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund’s (“PGP”) monthly distributions are expected to include, among other possible sources, interest income from its debt portfolio and payments and premiums (characterized as capital for financial accounting purposes and as ordinary income for tax purposes) generated by certain types of interest rate derivatives.


Strategies involving interest rate derivatives may attempt to capitalize on differences between short-term and long-term interest rates as part of PGP’s duration and yield curve active management strategies. For instance, in the event that long-term interest rates are higher than short-term interest rates, the Fund may elect to pay a floating short-term interest rate and to receive a long-term fixed interest rate for a stipulated period of time, thereby generating payments as a function of the difference between current short-term interest rates and long-term interest rates, so long as the floating short-term interest rate (which may rise) is lower than the fixed long-term interest rate.


PGP and other Funds may also enter into opposite sides of multiple interest rate swaps or other derivatives with respect to the same underlying reference instrument (e.g., a 10-year U.S. treasury) that have different effective dates with respect to interest accrual time periods for the principal purpose of generating distributable gains (characterized as ordinary income for tax purposes) and that are not part of the Fund’s duration or yield curve management strategies (“paired swap transactions”). In a paired swap transaction, a Fund would generally enter into one or more interest rate swap agreements whereby the Fund agrees to make regular payments starting at the time the Fund enters into the agreements equal to a floating interest rate in return for payments equal to a fixed interest rate (the “initial leg”). The Fund would also enter into one or more interest rate swap agreements on the same underlying instrument, but take the opposite position (i.e., in this example, the Fund would make regular payments equal to a fixed interest rate in return for receiving payments equal to a





floating interest rate) with respect to a contract whereby the payment obligations do not commence until a date following the commencement of the initial leg (the “forward leg”).


A Fund may engage in investment strategies, including the use of derivatives, to, among other things, seek to generate current, distributable income, even if such strategies could potentially result in declines in the Fund’s NAV. A Fund’s income and gain-generating strategies, including certain derivatives strategies, may generate current income and gains taxable as ordinary income sufficient to support monthly distributions even in situations when the Fund has experienced a decline in net assets due to, for example, adverse changes in the broad U.S. or non-U.S. equity markets or the Fund’s debt investments, or arising from its use of derivatives. For instance, a significant portion of PGP’s monthly distributions may be sourced from paired swap transactions utilized to produce current distributable ordinary income for tax purposes on the initial leg, with a substantial possibility that the Fund will later realize a corresponding capital loss and potential decline in its NAV with respect to the forward leg (to the extent there are not corresponding offsetting capital gains being generated from other sources). Because some or all of these transactions may generate capital losses without corresponding offsetting capital gains, portions of a Fund’s distributions recognized as ordinary income for tax purposes (such as from paired swap transactions) may be economically similar to a taxable return of capital when considered together with such capital losses.


PGP’s index option strategy, to the extent utilized, seeks to generate payments and premiums from writing options that may offset some or all of the capital losses incurred as a result of paired swaps transactions. However, the Fund may use paired swap transactions to support monthly distributions where the index option strategy does not produce an equivalent amount of offsetting gains, including without limitation when such strategy is not being used to a significant extent.


In addition, gains (if any) generated from the index option strategy may be offset by the Fund’s realized capital losses, including any available capital loss carryforwards. PGP currently has significant capital loss carryforwards, some of which will expire at particular dates, and to the extent that the Fund’s capital losses exceed capital gains, the Fund cannot use its capital loss carryforwards to offset capital gains.


The notional exposure of a Fund’s interest rate derivatives may represent a multiple of the Fund’s total net assets. There can be no assurance a Fund’s strategies involving interest rate derivatives will work as intended and such strategies are subject to the risks related to the use of derivatives generally, as discussed above (see also Notes 6 and 7 in the Notes to Financial Statements for further discussion on the use of derivative instruments and certain of the risks associated therewith).

A Fund’s use of leverage creates the opportunity for increased income for the Fund’s common shareholders, but also creates special risks. Leverage is a speculative technique that may expose a Fund to greater risk and increased costs. If shorter-term interest rates rise relative to the rate of return on a Fund’s portfolio, the interest and other costs of leverage to the Fund could exceed the rate of return on the debt obligations and other investments held by the Fund, thereby reducing return to the Fund’s common shareholders. In addition, fees and expenses of any form of leverage used by a Fund will be borne entirely by its common shareholders (and not by preferred shareholders, if any) and will reduce the investment return of the Fund’s common shares. Moreover, to make payments of interest and other loan costs, a Fund may be forced to sell portfolio securities when it is not otherwise advantageous to do so. In addition, because the fees received by PIMCO are based on the total managed assets or the daily NAV of a Fund (including any assets attributable to certain types of leverage outstanding), as applicable, PIMCO has a financial incentive for the Funds to use certain forms of leverage, which may create a conflict of interest between PIMCO, on the one hand, and the Funds’ common shareholders, on the other hand.


There can be no assurance that a Fund’s use of leverage will result in a higher yield on its common shares, and it may result in losses. Leverage creates several major types of risks for a Fund’s common shareholders, including (1) the likelihood of greater volatility of NAV and market price of the Fund’s common shares, and of the investment return to the Fund’s common shareholders, than a comparable portfolio without leverage; (2) the possibility either that the Fund’s common share dividends will fall if the interest and other costs of leverage rise, or that dividends paid on the Fund’s common shares will fluctuate because such costs vary over time; and (3) the effects of leverage in a declining market or a rising interest rate environment, as leverage is likely to cause a greater decline in the NAV of the Fund’s common shares than if the Fund were not leveraged and may result in a greater decline in the market value of the Fund’s common shares.


A Fund’s investments in and exposure to foreign securities involve special risks. For example, the value of these investments may decline in response to unfavorable political and legal developments, unreliable or untimely information or economic and financial instability. Foreign securities may experience more rapid and extreme changes in value than investments in securities of U.S. issuers. The securities markets of certain foreign countries are relatively small, with a limited number of companies representing a small number of industries. Issuers of foreign securities are usually not subject to the same degree of regulation as U.S. issuers.


Reporting, accounting, auditing and custody standards of foreign countries differ, in some cases significantly, from U.S. standards. Also, nationalization, expropriation or other confiscation, currency blockage,




Important Information About the Funds (Cont.)


political changes or diplomatic developments could adversely affect a Fund’s investments in foreign securities. In the event of nationalization, expropriation or other confiscation, a Fund could lose its entire investment in foreign securities. Investing in foreign (non-U.S.) securities may entail risk due to foreign (non-U.S.) economic and political developments; this risk may be increased when investing in emerging markets. For example, if a Fund invests in emerging market debt, it may face increased exposure to interest rate, liquidity, volatility, and redemption risk due to the specific economic, political, geographical, or legal background of the foreign (non-U.S.) issuer.


Classifications of the Funds’ portfolio holdings in this report are made according to financial reporting standards. The classification of a particular portfolio holding as shown in the Allocation Breakdown and Schedule of Investments or Consolidated Schedule of Investments, as applicable, sections of this report may differ from the classification used for the Funds’ compliance calculations, including those used in the Funds’ prospectus, investment objectives, regulatory, and other investment limitations and policies, which may be based on different asset class, sector or geographical classifications. Each Fund is separately monitored for compliance with respect to prospectus and regulatory requirements.


The geographical classification of foreign (non-U.S.) securities in this report, if any, are classified by the country of incorporation of a holding. In certain instances, a security’s country of incorporation may be different from its country of economic exposure.


The United States presidential administration’s enforcement of tariffs on goods from other countries, with a focus on China, has contributed to international trade tensions and may impact portfolio securities.


A Fund may have significant exposure to issuers in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union may impact Fund returns. This decision may cause substantial volatility in foreign exchange markets, lead to weakness in the exchange rate of the British pound, result in a sustained period of market uncertainty, and destabilize some or all of the other European Union member countries and/or the Eurozone.


The Funds may invest in certain instruments that rely in some fashion upon the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). LIBOR is an average interest rate, determined by the ICE Benchmark Administration, that banks charge one another for the use of short-term money. The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority, which regulates LIBOR, has announced plans to phase out the use of LIBOR by the end of 2021. The transition may result in a reduction in the value of certain instruments held by a Fund or a reduction in the effectiveness of related Fund transactions such as hedges. There remains uncertainty regarding

future utilization of LIBOR and the nature of any replacement rate (e.g., the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, which is intended to replace U.S. dollar LIBOR and measures the cost of overnight borrowings through repurchase agreement transactions collateralized with U.S. Treasury securities), and any potential effects of the transition away from LIBOR on a Fund or on certain instruments in which a Fund invests are not known and could result in losses to a Fund.


Under the direction of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Federal National Mortgage Association (“FNMA”) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“FHLMC”) have entered into a joint initiative to develop a common securitization platform for the issuance of a uniform mortgage-backed security (the “Single Security Initiative”) that aligns the characteristics of FNMA and FHLMC certificates. The Single Security Initiative was implemented on June 3, 2019, and the effects it may have on the market for mortgage-backed securities are uncertain.


Investments in loans (including whole loans) are generally subject to risks similar to those of investments in other types of debt obligations, including, among others, credit risk, interest rate risk, variable and floating rate securities risk, and, as applicable, risks associated with mortgage-related securities. In addition, in many cases loans are subject to the risks associated with below-investment grade securities. In the case of a loan participation or assignment, a Fund generally has no right to enforce compliance with the terms of the loan agreement with the borrower. As a result, a Fund may be subject to the credit risk of both the borrower and the lender that is selling the loan agreement. In the event of the insolvency of the lender selling a loan participation, a Fund may be treated as a general creditor of the lender and may not benefit from any set-off between the lender and the borrower. A Fund may be subject to heightened or additional risks and potential liabilities and costs by investing in mezzanine and other subordinated loans, including those arising under bankruptcy, fraudulent conveyance, equitable subordination, lender liability, environmental and other laws and regulations, and risks and costs associated with debt servicing and taking foreclosure actions associated with the loans.


Loans, and debt instruments collateralized by loans, acquired by certain Funds may be subprime in quality, or may become subprime in quality. Although there is no specific legal or market definition of “subprime,” subprime loans are generally understood to refer to loans made to borrowers that display poor credit histories and other characteristics that correlate with a higher default risk. Accordingly, subprime loans, and debt instruments secured by such loans, have speculative characteristics and are subject to heightened risks, including the risk of nonpayment of interest or repayment of principal, and the risks associated with investments in high yield securities. In addition, these instruments could be subject to increased regulatory scrutiny.






Certain Funds may invest, either directly or indirectly through its wholly-owned and controlled subsidiaries, in shares, certificates, notes or other securities issued by a special purpose entity (“SPE”) sponsored by an alternative lending platform or its affiliates (the “Sponsor”) that represent the right to receive principal and interest payments due on pools of whole loans or fractions of whole loans, which may (but may not) be issued by the Sponsor, held by the SPE (“Alt Lending ABS”). Any such Alt Lending ABS may be backed by consumer, residential or other loans. When acquiring and/or originating loans, or purchasing Alt Lending ABS, certain Funds are not restricted by any particular borrower credit criteria. Accordingly, certain loans acquired or originated by these Funds or underlying any Alt Lending ABS purchased by the Fund may be subprime in quality, or may become subprime in quality.


Mortgage-related and other asset-backed instruments represent interests in “pools” of mortgages or other assets such as consumer loans or receivables held in trust and often involve risks that are different from or possibly more acute than risks associated with other types of debt instruments. Generally, rising interest rates tend to extend the duration of fixed rate mortgage-related assets, making them more sensitive to changes in interest rates. As a result, in a period of rising interest rates, if a Fund holds mortgage-related securities, it may exhibit additional volatility since individual mortgage holders are less likely to exercise prepayment options, thereby putting additional downward pressure on the value of these securities and potentially causing the Fund to lose money. The Funds’ investments in other asset-backed instruments are subject to risks similar to those associated with mortgage-related assets, as well as additional risks associated with the nature of the assets and the servicing of those assets. Payment of principal and interest on asset-backed securities may be largely dependent upon the cash flows generated by the assets backing the securities, and asset-backed securities may not have the benefit of any security interest in the related assets. Additionally, investments in subordinate mortgage-backed and other asset-backed instruments will be subject to risks arising from delinquencies and foreclosures, thereby exposing a Fund’s investment portfolio to potential losses. Subordinate securities of mortgage-backed and other asset-backed instruments are also subject to greater credit risk than those mortgage-backed or other asset-backed securities that are more highly rated.


A Fund may also invest in the residual or equity tranches of mortgage-related and other asset-backed instruments, which may be referred to as subordinate mortgage-backed or asset-backed instruments and interest-only mortgage-backed or asset-backed instruments. Because an investment in the residual or equity tranche of a mortgage-related or other asset-backed instrument will be the first to bear losses incurred by such instrument, these investments may involve a significantly

greater degree of risk than investments in other tranches of a mortgage-related or other asset-backed instruments.


The risk of investing in collateralized loan obligations (“CLOs”), include prepayment risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk, structural risk, legal risk and interest rate risk. CLOs may carry additional risks, including, but not limited to: (i) the possibility that distributions from collateral securities will not be adequate to make interest or other payments; (ii) the quality of the collateral may decline in value or default; (iii) the possibility that the investments in CLOs are subordinate to other classes or tranches thereof; and (iv) the complex structure of the security may not be fully understood at the time of investment and may produce disputes with the issuer or unexpected investment results.


High-yield bonds (commonly referred to as “junk bonds”) typically have a lower credit rating than other bonds. Lower-rated bonds generally involve a greater risk to principal than higher-rated bonds. Further, markets for lower-rated bonds are typically less liquid than for higher-rated bonds, and public information is usually less abundant in markets for lower-rated bonds. Thus, high yield investments increase the chance that a Fund will lose money. PIMCO does not rely solely on credit ratings, and develops its own analysis of issuer credit quality. A Fund may purchase unrated securities (which are not rated by a rating agency) if PIMCO determines that the security is of comparable quality to a rated security that a Fund may purchase. Unrated securities may be less liquid than comparable rated securities and involve the risk that PIMCO may not accurately evaluate the security’s comparative credit quality, which could result in a Fund’s portfolio having a higher level of credit and/or high yield risk than PIMCO has estimated or desires for the Fund, and could negatively impact the Fund’s performance and/or returns. Certain Funds may invest a substantial portion of their assets in unrated securities and therefore may be particularly subject to the associated risks. To the extent that a Fund invests in high yield and/or unrated securities, the Fund’s success in achieving its investment objectives may depend more heavily on the portfolio manager’s creditworthiness analysis than if the Fund invested exclusively in higher-quality and rated securities. The Funds may hold defaulted securities that may involve special considerations including bankruptcy proceedings, other regulatory and legal restrictions affecting the Funds’ ability to trade, and the availability of prices from independent pricing services or dealer quotations. Defaulted obligations might be repaid only after lengthy workout or bankruptcy proceedings, during which the issuer might not make any interest or other payments. Defaulted securities are often illiquid and may not be actively traded. Sales of securities in bankrupt companies at an acceptable price may be difficult and differences compared to the value of the securities used by the Funds could be material. The credit quality of a particular security or group of securities does not ensure the stability or safety of the overall portfolio.




Important Information About the Funds (Cont.)


Contingent convertible securities (“CoCos”) are a form of hybrid debt security issued primarily by non-U.S. issuers, which have loss absorption mechanisms built into their terms. The risks of investing in CoCos include, without limitation, the risk that interest payments will be cancelled by the issuer or a regulatory authority, the risk of ranking junior to other creditors in the event of a liquidation or other bankruptcy-related event as a result of holding subordinated debt, the risk of the Fund’s investment becoming further subordinated as a result of conversion from debt to equity, the risk that the principal amount due can be written down to a lesser amount, and the general risks applicable to fixed-income investments, including interest rate risk, credit risk, market risk and liquidity risk, any of which could result in losses to the Fund. CoCos may experience a loss absorption mechanism trigger event, which would likely be the result of, or related to, the deterioration of the issuer’s financial condition (e.g., a decrease in the issuer’s capital ratio) and status as a going concern. In such a case, with respect to CoCos that provide for conversion into common stock upon the occurrence of the trigger event, the market price of the issuer’s common stock received by the Fund will have likely declined, perhaps substantially, and may continue to decline, which may adversely affect the Fund’s NAV.


Variable and floating rate securities generally are less sensitive to interest rate changes but may decline in value if their interest rates do not rise as much, or as quickly, as interest rates in general. Conversely, floating rate securities will not generally increase in value if interest rates decline. Inverse floating rate securities may decrease in value if interest rates increase. Inverse floating rate securities may also exhibit greater price volatility than a fixed rate obligation with similar credit quality. When a Fund holds variable or floating rate securities, a decrease (or, in the case of inverse floating rate securities, an increase) in market interest rates will adversely affect the income received from such securities and the NAV of the Funds’ shares.


Certain Funds may make investments in debt instruments and other securities or instruments directly or through one or more direct or indirect fully-owned subsidiaries formed by the Fund (each, a “Subsidiary”). A Subsidiary may invest, for example, in whole loans or in shares, certificates, notes or other securities representing the right to receive principal and interest payments due on fractions of whole loans or pools of whole loans, or any other security or other instrument that the parent Fund may hold directly. References herein to a Fund include references to a Subsidiary in respect of the Fund’s investment exposure. The allocation of a Fund’s portfolio in a Subsidiary will vary over time and might not always include all of the different types of investments described herein. By investing through its Subsidiaries, a Fund is exposed to the risks associated with the Subsidiaries’ investments. The Subsidiaries are not registered as investment companies under the

Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder (the “Act”) and are not subject to all of the investor protections of the Act, although each Subsidiary is managed pursuant to the compliance policies and procedures of the Fund applicable to it. Changes in the laws of the United States and/or the jurisdiction in which a Subsidiary is organized could result in the inability of certain Funds and/or their Subsidiaries to operate as described in this report and could adversely affect the Funds.


Certain Funds may acquire residential mortgage loans and unsecured consumer loans through a Subsidiary. Subsidiaries directly holding a beneficial interest in loans will be formed as domestic common law or statutory trusts with a federally chartered bank serving as trustee. Each such Subsidiary will hold the beneficial interests of loans and the federally chartered bank acting as trustee will hold legal title to the loans for the benefit of the Subsidiary and/or the trust’s beneficial owners (i.e., a Fund or its Subsidiary). State licensing laws typically exempt federally chartered banks from their licensing requirements, and federally chartered banks may also benefit from federal preemption of state laws, including any licensing requirements. The use of common law or statutory trusts with a federally chartered bank serving as trustee is intended to address any state licensing requirements that may be applicable to purchasers or holders of loans, including state licensing requirements related to foreclosure. The Funds believe that such Subsidiaries will not be treated as associations or publicly traded partnerships taxable as corporations for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and that therefore, the Subsidiaries will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax at the subsidiary level. Investments in residential mortgage loans or unsecured consumer loans through entities that are not so treated can potentially be limited by a Fund’s intention to qualify as a regulated investment company, and limit the Fund’s ability to qualify as such.


If a Fund or its Subsidiary is required to be licensed in any particular jurisdiction in order to acquire, hold, dispose or foreclose loans, obtaining the required license may not be viable (because, for example, it is not possible or practical) and the Fund or its Subsidiary may be unable to restructure its holdings to address the licensing requirement. In that case, a Fund or its Subsidiary may be forced to cease activities involving the affected loans, or may be forced to sell such loans. If a state regulator or court were to determine that a Fund or its Subsidiary acquired, held or foreclosed a loan without a required state license, the Fund or its Subsidiary could be subject to penalties or other sanctions, prohibited or restricted in its ability to enforce its rights under the loan, or subject to litigation risk or other losses or damages.


As the use of technology has become more prevalent in the course of business, the Funds have become potentially more susceptible to operational and information security risks resulting from breaches in





cyber security. A breach in cyber security refers to both intentional and unintentional cyber events that may, among other things, cause a Fund to lose proprietary information, suffer data corruption and/or destruction or lose operational capacity, result in the unauthorized release or other misuse of confidential information, or otherwise disrupt normal business operations.


Cyber security failures or breaches may result in financial losses to a Fund and its shareholders. These failures or breaches may also result in disruptions to business operations, potentially resulting in financial losses; interference with a Fund’s ability to calculate its NAV, process shareholder transactions or otherwise transact business with shareholders; impediments to trading; violations of applicable privacy and other laws; regulatory fines; penalties; reputational damage; reimbursement or other compensation costs; additional compliance and cyber security risk management costs and other adverse consequences. In addition, substantial costs may be incurred in an attempt to prevent any cyber incidents in the future.


There is also a risk that cyber security breaches may not be detected. The Funds and their shareholders could be negatively impacted as a result.


The Funds may invest in securities and instruments that are economically tied to Russia. Investments in Russia are subject to various risks such as political, economic, legal, market and currency risks. The risks include uncertain political and economic policies, short-term market volatility, poor accounting standards, corruption and crime, an inadequate regulatory system, and unpredictable taxation. Investments in Russia are particularly subject to the risk that economic sanctions may be imposed by the United States and/or other countries. Such sanctions — which may impact companies in many sectors, including energy, financial services and defense, among others — may negatively impact the Funds’ performance and/or ability to achieve their investment objectives. The Russian securities market, as compared to U.S. markets, has significant price volatility, less liquidity, a smaller market capitalization and a smaller number of traded securities.


The common shares of the Funds trade on the New York Stock Exchange. As with any stock, the price of a Fund’s common shares will fluctuate with market conditions and other factors. If you sell your common shares of a Fund, the price received may be more or less than your original investment.


Shares of closed-end investment management companies, such as the Funds, frequently trade at a discount from their NAV and may trade at a price that is less than the initial offering price and/or the NAV of such shares. Further, if a Fund’s shares trade at a price that is more than the initial offering price and/or the NAV of such shares, including at a

substantial premium and/or for an extended period of time, there is no assurance that any such premium will be sustained for any period of time and will not decrease, or that the shares will not trade at a discount to NAV thereafter.


The Funds may be subject to various risks, including, but not limited to, the following: asset allocation risk, credit risk, stressed securities risk, distressed and defaulted securities risk, corporate bond risk, contingent convertible securities risk, high yield risk, market risk, issuer risk, liquidity risk, equity securities and related market risk, mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities risk, extension risk, prepayment risk, privately issued mortgage-related securities risk, mortgage market, foreign (non-U.S.) investment risk, emerging markets risk, currency risk, redenomination risk, non-diversification risk, management risk, municipal bond risk, inflation-indexed security risk, senior debt risk, loans, participations and assignments risk, subprime risk, subprime loan risk, reinvestment risk, real estate risk, U.S. Government securities risk, foreign (non-U.S.) government securities risk, valuation risk, segregation and cover risk, focused investment risk, credit default swaps risk, event-linked securities risk, counterparty risk, preferred securities risk, confidential information access risk, other investment companies risk, private placements risk, inflation/deflation risk, risk of regulatory changes, regulatory risk — LIBOR, regulatory risk — commodity pool operator, tax risk, recent economic conditions risk, market disruption and geopolitical risk, potential conflicts of interest involving allocation of investment opportunities, repurchase agreements risk, securities lending risk, zero-coupon bond and payment-in-kind securities risk, portfolio turnover risk, smaller company risk, short sale risk, convertible securities risk, mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities risk, synthetic convertible securities risk, market discount risk, interest rate risk, call risk, loan origination risk, foreign loan originations risk, platform risk, leverage risk, derivatives risk, Rule 144A securities risk, subsidiary risk, structured investments risk, collateralized loan obligations risk, operational risk and cyber security risk. A description of certain of these risks is available in the Notes to Financial Statements of this report.


On each Fund Summary page in this Shareholder Report, the Average Annual Total Return table measures performance assuming that all dividend and capital gain distributions were reinvested. Total return is calculated by determining the percentage change in NAV or market price (as applicable) in the specified period. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions. Total return for a period of more than one year represents the average annual total return. Performance at market price will differ from results at NAV. Although market price returns tend to reflect investment results over time, during shorter periods returns at market price can also be influenced by factors such as changing views about a Fund,




Important Information About the Funds (Cont.)


market conditions, supply and demand for the Fund’s shares, or changes in the Fund’s dividends. Performance shown is net of fees and expenses. Historical NAV performance for a Fund may have been positively impacted by fee waivers or expense limitations in place during some or all of the periods shown, if applicable. Future performance (including total return or yield) and distributions may be negatively impacted by the expiration or reduction of any such fee waivers or expense limitations.


The following table discloses the commencement of operations and diversification status of each Fund:


Fund Name         Commencement
of Operations

PCM Fund, Inc.

      09/02/93       Diversified  

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund

      05/31/05       Diversified  

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund

      11/30/07       Diversified  

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

      02/24/94       Diversified  

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund

      01/31/13       Diversified  

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund

      05/30/12       Diversified  


An investment in a Fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. It is possible to lose money on investments in the Funds.


The Trustees/Directors1 are responsible generally for overseeing the management of the Funds. The Trustees authorize the Funds to enter into service agreements with the Manager and other service providers in order to provide, and in some cases authorize service providers to procure through other parties, necessary or desirable services on behalf of the Funds. Shareholders are not parties to or third-party beneficiaries of such service agreements. Neither a Fund’s original or any subsequent prospectus or Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”), any press release or shareholder report, any contracts filed as exhibits to a Fund’s registration statement, nor any other communications, disclosure documents or regulatory filings from or on behalf of a Fund creates a contract between or among any shareholders of a Fund, on the one hand, and the Fund, a service provider to the Fund, and/or the Trustees or officers of the Fund, on the other hand.


The Trustees (or the Funds and their officers, service providers or other delegates acting under authority of the Trustees) may amend its most recent or use a new prospectus or SAI with respect to a Fund, adopt and disclose new or amended policies and other changes in press releases and shareholder reports and/or amend, file and/or issue any other communications, disclosure documents or regulatory filings, and may amend or enter into any contracts to which a Fund is a party, and

interpret the investment objective(s), policies, restrictions and contractual provisions applicable to any Fund, without shareholder input or approval, except in circumstances in which shareholder approval is specifically required by law (such as changes to fundamental investment policies) or where a shareholder approval requirement was specifically disclosed in a Fund’s prospectus, SAI or shareholder report and is otherwise still in effect.


PIMCO has adopted written proxy voting policies and procedures (“Proxy Policy”) as required by Rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The Proxy Policy has been adopted by the Funds as the policies and procedures that PIMCO will use when voting proxies on behalf of the Funds. A description of the policies and procedures that PIMCO uses to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities of each Fund, and information about how each Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities held during the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30, are available without charge, upon request, by calling the Funds at (844) 33-PIMCO, on the Funds’ website at www.pimco.com, and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) website at www.sec.gov.


The Funds file portfolio holdings information with the SEC on Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of each fiscal quarter. The Funds’ complete schedules of securities holdings as of the end of each fiscal quarter will be made available to the public on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov and on PIMCO’s website at www.pimco.com, and will be made available, upon request, by calling PIMCO at (844) 33-PIMCO. Prior to its use of Form N-PORT, each Fund filed its complete schedule of its portfolio holdings with the SEC on Form N-Q, which is available online at www.sec.gov.


The SEC adopted a rule that, beginning in 2021, generally will allow shareholder reports to be delivered to investors by providing access to such reports online free of charge and by mailing a notice that the report is electronically available. Pursuant to the rule, investors may still elect to receive a complete shareholder report in the mail. Instructions for electing to receive paper copies of a Fund’s shareholder reports going forward may be found on the front cover of this report.


The SEC has issued a proposed rule relating to a registered investment company’s use of derivatives and related instruments that, if adopted, could potentially require funds to reduce their use of leverage and/or observe more stringent asset coverage and related requirements than are currently imposed by the Act.





Hereinafter, the terms “Trustee” or “Trustees” used herein shall refer to a Director or Directors of applicable Funds.



PCM Fund, Inc.


  Symbol on NYSE -  PCM


Allocation Breakdown as of December 31, 2019§


Asset-Backed Securities


Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities


Corporate Bonds & Notes


Loan Participations and Assignments


Short-Term Instruments


U.S. Government Agencies


Preferred Securities


Real Estate Investment Trusts


Common Stocks




% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of December 31, 2019)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)



Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended December 31, 2019  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Years     10 Years     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     5.85%       23.51%       12.53%       15.00%       9.28%  
NAV     3.24%       12.51%       9.66%       14.13%       9.29%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.



Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PCM Fund, Inc.’s primary investment objective is to achieve high current income. Capital gains from the disposition of investments are a secondary objective of the Fund.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



Exposure to U.S. non-Agency residential mortgage backed securities contributed to absolute performance as the asset class posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Exposure to high yield credit contributed to absolute performance as the asset class posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Exposure to specific special situations positions contributed to performance as select securities posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Interest rate hedges on the long end of the U.S. yield curve detracted from absolute performance as U.S. interest rates decreased during the reporting period.



PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund


  Symbol on NYSE -  PGP


Allocation Breakdown as of December 31, 2019§


U.S. Government Agencies


Corporate Bonds & Notes


Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities


Asset-Backed Securities


Loan Participations and Assignments


Short-Term Instruments


Preferred Securities


Sovereign Issues


Real Estate Investment Trusts


Municipal Bonds & Notes




% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of December 31, 2019)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)



Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended December 31, 2019  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Years     10 Years     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     0.84%       13.22%       1.55%       7.15%       8.60%  
NAV     6.22%       26.53%       11.64%       16.27%       12.18%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.



Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (ROC) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund’s primary investment objective is to seek total return comprised of current income, current gains and long-term capital appreciation.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



The Fund’s exposure to equity index derivatives linked to the S&P 500 Index and MSCI EAFE Index contributed to absolute returns as the 50/50 mix index returned 9.02%.



Exposure to U.S. non-Agency residential mortgage-backed securities (“MBS”) contributed to absolute performance as the asset class posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Holdings of corporate credit and Agency MBS contributed to returns as the respective sectors posted positive returns.



A defensive options strategy involving written calls and purchased puts on the S&P 500 Index detracted from absolute performance, as the S&P 500 Index returned 10.92% during the period.



Exposure to Argentina debt detracted from returns as Argentine debt posted negative returns during the reporting period.



Holdings of select asset-backed securities detracted from returns as these securities posted negative performance.



PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund


  Symbol on NYSE -  PKO


Allocation Breakdown as of December 31, 2019§


Corporate Bonds & Notes     34.1%  
Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities     18.4%  
Asset-Backed Securities     17.6%  
Loan Participations and Assignments     14.9%  
Preferred Securities     4.1%  
Sovereign Issues     3.4%  
Short-Term Instruments     2.8%  
Real Estate Investment Trusts     1.3%  
U.S. Government Agencies     1.3%  
Other     2.1%  

% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of December 31, 2019)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)



Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended December 31, 2019  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Years     10 Years     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     7.76%       20.35%       13.40%       14.30%       12.69%  
NAV     3.01%       13.01%       9.72%       13.17%       11.91%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.



Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund’s investment objective is to seek current income as a primary focus and also capital appreciation.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



Exposure to corporate credit contributed to absolute performance as investment grade and high yield credit posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Exposure to bank capital contributed to absolute performance as the asset class posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Issuance of additional shares through at-the-money offerings at a premium to net asset value contributed to absolute performance.



Exposure to Argentinian debt detracted from absolute performance as it posted negative returns during the reporting period.



Interest rate hedges on the long end of the U.S. yield curve detracted from absolute performance as U.S. interest rates decreased during the reporting period.



PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.


  Symbol on NYSE -  RCS


Allocation Breakdown as of December 31, 2019§


U.S. Government Agencies


Corporate Bonds & Notes


Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities


Asset-Backed Securities


Loan Participations and Assignments


Short-Term Instruments


Sovereign Issues


Preferred Securities




% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of December 31, 2019)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)



Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended December 31, 2019  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Years     10 Years     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     (2.46)%       2.04%       9.49%       10.11%       8.91%  
NAV     3.12%       12.12%       7.44%       10.56%       8.57%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.



Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


The primary investment objective of PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. is to generate a level of income that is higher than that generated by high quality, intermediate-term U.S. debt securities. The Fund also seeks capital appreciation to the extent consistent with this objective.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



Exposure to U.S. residential mortgage backed securities contributed to absolute performance as the asset class posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Exposure to corporate credit contributed to absolute performance as investment grade and high yield credit posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Exposure to bank capital contributed to absolute performance as the asset class posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Exposure to Argentinian debt detracted from absolute performance as Argentinian debt posted negative returns during the reporting period.



Interest rate exposure in the intermediate portion of the U.S. yield curve detracted from absolute performance as U.S. interest rates broadly increased in the second half of the reporting period.



PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund


  Symbol on NYSE -  PCI


Allocation Breakdown as of December 31, 2019§


Asset-Backed Securities


Corporate Bonds & Notes


Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities


Loan Participations and Assignments


Short-Term Instruments


Sovereign Issues


Preferred Securities


U.S. Government Agencies


Real Estate Investment Trusts


Common Stocks




% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.


Fund Information (as of December 31, 2019)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)



Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended December 31, 2019  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Years     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     12.31%       32.97%       15.87%       11.20%  
NAV     3.51%       13.73%       10.88%       9.90%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.



Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund’s primary investment objective is to seek current income and capital appreciation as a secondary objective.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



Exposure to U.S. non-Agency residential mortgage backed securities contributed to absolute performance as the asset class posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Exposure to corporate credit contributed to absolute performance as investment grade and high yield credit posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Exposure to bank capital contributed to absolute performance as the asset class posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Exposure to Argentinian debt detracted from absolute performance as Argentinian debt posted negative returns during the reporting period.



Interest rate hedges on the long end of the U.S. yield curve detracted from absolute performance as U.S. interest rates decreased during the reporting period.



Currency hedges on the British pound detracted from absolute performance as the British pound strengthened versus the U.S. dollar during the reporting period.



PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund


  Symbol on NYSE -  PDI


Allocation Breakdown as of December 31, 2019§


Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities


Asset-Backed Securities


Corporate Bonds & Notes


Loan Participations and Assignments


Short-Term Instruments


Sovereign Issues


U.S. Government Agencies


Preferred Securities


Common Stocks




% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of December 31, 2019)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)



Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended December 31, 2019  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Years     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     6.72%       22.80%       14.58%       16.96%  
NAV     2.21%       11.25%       10.80%       15.30%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.



Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund’s primary investment objective is to seek current income and capital appreciation as a secondary objective.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



Exposure to U.S. non-Agency residential mortgage backed securities contributed to absolute performance as the asset class posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Exposure to corporate credit contributed to absolute performance as investment grade and high yield credit posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Exposure to bank capital contributed to absolute performance as the asset class posted positive returns during the reporting period.



Interest rate hedges on the long end of the U.S. yield curve detracted from absolute performance as U.S. interest rates decreased during the reporting period.



Exposure to Argentinian debt detracted from absolute performance as Argentinian debt posted negative returns during the reporting period.









Financial Highlights


          Investment Operations     Less Distributions(c)  

Selected Per Share Data for the Year or Period Ended^:


Net Asset
of Year
or  Period(a)



Income (Loss)(b)




Gain (Loss)


From Net




From Net




Tax Basis

Return of



PCM Fund, Inc.


07/01/2019 - 12/31/2019+

  $   10.19     $   0.41     $   (0.08   $   0.33     $   (0.48   $   0.00     $   0.00     $   (0.48


    10.23       0.69       0.23       0.92       (0.96     0.00       0.00       (0.96


    10.15       0.88       0.18       1.06       (0.98     0.00       0.00       (0.98


    9.71       0.98       0.92       1.90       (1.46     0.00       0.00       (1.46


    10.68       1.22       (1.23     (0.01     (0.96     0.00       0.00       (0.96

01/01/2015 - 06/30/2015(f)

    10.72       0.44       0.00       0.44       (0.48     0.00       0.00       (0.48 )(j) 


    11.17       0.94       (0.34     0.60       (1.05     0.00       0.00       (1.05

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund


07/01/2019 - 12/31/2019+

  $ 9.89     $ 0.64     $ (0.07   $ 0.57     $ (0.56   $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ (0.56


    10.50       1.11       (0.34     0.77       (1.20     0.00       (0.18     (1.38


    11.18       1.09       (0.16     0.93       (1.43     0.00       (0.18     (1.61


    9.76       1.15       2.14       3.29       (1.67     0.00       (0.20     (1.87


    12.88       1.15       (2.07     (0.92     (2.02     0.00       (0.18     (2.20

04/01/2015 - 06/30/2015(g)

    12.82       0.34       0.27       0.61       (0.55     0.00       0.00       (0.55 )(j) 


    14.72       1.15       (0.85     0.30       (2.20     0.00       0.00       (2.20

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund


07/01/2019 - 12/31/2019+

  $ 24.83     $ 1.23     $ (0.73   $ 0.50     $ (1.14   $   (0.16   $ 0.00     $ (1.30


    25.06       1.99       0.28       2.27       (2.65     0.00       0.00       (2.65


    25.17       2.18       (0.01     2.17       (2.28     0.00       0.00       (2.28


    22.59       2.28       2.92       5.20       (2.56     0.00       (0.06     (2.62


    25.94       2.33       (2.89     (0.56     (2.28     (0.51     0.00       (2.79

11/01/2014 - 06/30/2015(h)

    28.38       1.54       (0.86     0.68       (2.34     (0.77     (0.01     (3.12 )(j) 


    28.67       2.71       (0.12     2.59       (2.88     0.00       0.00       (2.88

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.


07/01/2019 - 12/31/2019+

  $ 7.12     $ 0.42     $ (0.21   $ 0.21     $ (0.37   $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ (0.37


    7.32       0.60       0.03       0.63       (0.61     0.00       (0.22     (0.83


    7.75       0.77       (0.34     0.43       (0.86     0.00       0.00       (0.86


    7.89       0.70       0.08       0.78       (0.80     0.00       (0.12     (0.92


    8.58       0.76       (0.45     0.31       (1.00     0.00       0.00       (1.00

02/01/2015 - 06/30/2015(i)(k)

    8.57       0.30       0.11       0.41       (0.40     0.00       0.00       (0.40 )(j) 


    9.24       0.90       (0.55     0.35       (1.02     0.00       0.00       (1.02

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund (Consolidated)


07/01/2019 - 12/31/2019+

  $ 23.58     $ 1.14     $ (0.37   $ 0.77     $ (1.49   $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ (1.49


    23.74       1.88       0.28       2.16       (2.32     0.00       0.00       (2.32


    22.91       1.95       0.85       2.80       (1.97     0.00       0.00       (1.97


    20.43       1.62       3.46       5.08       (2.60     0.00       0.00       (2.60


    23.00       2.01       (2.40     (0.39     (2.18     0.00       0.00       (2.18

01/01/2015 - 06/30/2015(f)

    22.83       0.76       0.35       1.11       (0.94     0.00       0.00       (0.94 )(j) 


    24.04       1.79       (0.53     1.26       (2.47     0.00       0.00       (2.47


18   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

            Common Share     Ratios/Supplemental Data  
                                          Ratios to Average Net Assets        
resulting from
Charged to
Paid in Capital
    Net Asset
Value End of
Year or
    Market Price
End of Year
or Period
    Net Assets
Applicable to
End of Year
or Period
    Expenses(e)     Expenses
Expense and
Income (Loss)
$   N/A     $ N/A     $   10.04     $   11.46       5.85   $ 116,538         3.34 %*        3.34 %*        1.47 %*        1.47 %*        8.14 %*        3
  N/A       N/A       10.19       11.32       8.26       118,181       3.35       3.35       1.41       1.41       6.89       8  
  N/A       N/A       10.23       11.45       11.48       118,512       3.06       3.06       1.43       1.43       8.55       9  
  N/A       N/A       10.15       11.23       33.80       117,402       3.05       3.05       1.54       1.54       9.81       13  
  N/A       N/A       9.71       9.72       6.91       112,099       2.69       2.69       1.58       1.58       12.25       12  
  N/A       N/A       10.68       10.05       (1.28     123,235       2.26     2.26     1.54     1.54     8.32     20  
  N/A       N/A       10.72       10.65       0.34       123,633       1.89       1.89       1.40       1.40       8.38       11  
$ N/A     $ N/A     $ 9.90     $ 11.96       0.84   $ 108,157       3.02 %*      3.02 %*      1.69 %*      1.69 %*      13.24 %*      155
  N/A       N/A       9.89       12.47       (7.41     107,562       2.64       2.64       1.53       1.53       11.37       381  
  N/A       N/A       10.50       14.98       (8.96     113,204       2.36       2.36       1.48       1.48       9.84       63  
  N/A       N/A       11.18       18.40       5.06       119,538       3.20       3.20       1.88       1.88       11.09       25  
  N/A       N/A       9.76       19.53       31.38       103,627       2.75       2.75       1.82       1.82       10.56       26  
  N/A       N/A       12.88       16.92       (21.82     135,468       2.34     2.34     1.72     1.72     10.35     3  
  N/A       N/A       12.82       22.27       4.05       134,594       2.30       2.30       1.78       1.78       8.29       92  
$   0.21     $ 0.01     $ 24.25     $ 27.79       7.76   $ 435,636       2.78 %*      2.78 %*      1.57 %*      1.57 %*      10.05 %*      9
  0.15         (0.00     24.83       27.11       10.30       410,077       2.92       2.92       1.55       1.55       8.13       18  
  N/A       N/A       25.06       27.31       11.13       379,378       2.99       2.99       1.64       1.64       8.58       17  
  N/A       N/A       25.17       26.85       30.30       378,706       2.94       2.94       1.72       1.72       9.57       28  
  N/A       N/A       22.59       23.00       7.87       338,292       2.63       2.63       1.73       1.73       9.99       16  
  N/A       N/A       25.94       24.20       0.22       388,353       2.43     2.43     1.79     1.79     8.93     14  
  N/A       N/A       28.38       27.26       4.39       424,632       2.01       2.01       1.65       1.65       9.44       175  
$ N/A     $ N/A     $ 6.96     $ 9.09       (2.46 )%    $ 303,763       2.98 %*      2.98 %*      0.97 %*      0.97 %*      12.05 %*      346
  N/A       N/A       7.12       9.71       9.57       309,287       3.20       3.20       0.97       0.97       8.52       655  
  N/A       N/A       7.32       9.68       4.59       314,540       1.85       1.85       0.97       0.97       10.12       5  
  N/A       N/A       7.75       10.19       17.12       329,673       1.52       1.52       0.97       0.97       8.94       8  
  N/A       N/A       7.89       9.61       24.14       332,051       1.27       1.27       0.96       0.96       9.43       39  
  N/A       N/A       8.58       8.69       (5.81     357,692       1.16     1.16     0.96     0.96     8.58     17  
  N/A       N/A       8.57       9.65       5.92       355,942       1.18       1.18       0.98       0.98       10.01       90  
$ 0.02     $ 0.00     $ 22.88     $ 25.20       12.31   $   3,201,520       4.33 %*      4.33 %*      2.13 %*      2.13 %*      9.84 %*      9
  N/A       N/A       23.58       23.89       12.21       3,244,970       4.63       4.63       2.11       2.11       8.11       13  
  N/A       N/A       23.74       23.57       15.03       3,257,195       4.20       4.20       2.10       2.10       8.30       22  
  N/A       N/A       22.91       22.32       32.10       3,144,154       3.80       3.80       2.09       2.09       7.41       32  
  N/A       N/A       20.43       19.13       6.69       2,804,003       3.20       3.20       2.03       2.03       9.63       26  
  N/A       N/A       23.00       20.18       2.23       3,155,689       2.63     2.63     1.97     1.97     6.71     31  
  N/A       (0.00     22.83       20.65       2.68       3,132,146       2.36       2.36       1.91       1.91       7.29       35  



Financial Highlights (Cont.)


          Investment Operations     Less Distributions(c)  

Selected Per Share Data for the Year or Period Ended^:


Net Asset
of Year
or  Period(a)



Income (Loss)(b)




Gain (Loss)


From Net




From Net




Tax Basis

Return of



PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (Consolidated)


07/01/2019 - 12/31/2019+

  $   28.29     $   1.70     $   (1.20   $   0.50     $   (1.74   $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ (1.74


    28.98       2.73       (0.37     2.36       (3.15     0.00       0.00       (3.15


    28.32       2.95       0.18       3.13       (2.65     0.00       0.00       (2.65


    26.56       2.60       3.18       5.78       (4.10     0.00       0.00       (4.10


    31.38       3.87       (3.45     0.42       (4.25       (0.99       0.00         (5.24

04/01/2015 - 06/30/2015(g)

    30.74       0.80       0.47       1.27       (0.63     0.00       0.00       (0.63 )(j) 


    32.11       3.25       (0.49     2.76       (4.13     0.00       0.00       (4.13



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than $0.01 or 0.01%.






Includes adjustments required by U.S. GAAP and may differ from net asset values and performance reported elsewhere by the Funds.


Per share amounts based on average number of shares outstanding during the year or period.


The tax characterization of distributions is determined in accordance with Federal income tax regulations. The actual tax characterization of distributions paid is determined at the end of the fiscal year. See Note 2, Distributions — Common Shares, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Total investment return is calculated assuming a purchase of a share at the market price on the first day and a sale of a share at the market price on the last day of each year reported. Dividends and distributions, if any, are assumed, for purposes of this calculation, to be reinvested at prices obtained under the Funds’ dividend reinvestment plan. Total investment return does not reflect brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.


Ratio includes interest expense primarily relates to participation in borrowing and financing transactions. See Note 5, Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Fiscal year end changed from December 31st to June 30th.


Fiscal year end changed from March 31st to June 30th.


Fiscal year end changed from October 31st to June 30th.


Fiscal year end changed from January 31st to June 30th.


Total distributions for the period ended June 30, 2015 may be lower than prior fiscal years due to fiscal year end changes resulting in a reduction of the amount of days in the period ended June 30, 2015.


See Note 2, Distributions — Common Shares, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information regarding certain prior year values.


20   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

            Common Share     Ratios/Supplemental Data  
                                          Ratios to Average Net Assets        
resulting from
Charged to
Paid in Capital
    Net Asset
Value End of
Year or
    Market Price
End of Year
or Period
    Net Assets
Applicable to
End of Year
or Period
    Expenses(e)     Expenses
Expense and
Income (Loss)
$   0.08     $ 0.00     $ 27.13     $ 32.44       6.72   $ 1,569,897       3.81 %*      3.81 %*      1.95 %*      1.95 %*      12.32 %*      10
  0.10         (0.00       28.29         32.15       12.03         1,603,368       3.96       3.96       1.89       1.89       9.70       12  
  0.18       (0.00     28.98       31.87       15.54       1,575,523       4.07       4.07       2.01       2.01       10.26       9  
  0.08       0.00       28.32       30.18       27.07       1,372,674       4.08       4.08       2.14       2.14       9.58       20  
  N/A       N/A       26.56       27.57       13.75       1,222,499       3.60       3.60       2.12       2.12       13.67       13  
  N/A       N/A       31.38       29.21       2.87       1,426,891       2.83     2.83     2.01     2.01     10.23     5  
  N/A       N/A       30.74       29.00       9.04       1,397,987       3.12       3.12       2.12       2.12       9.98       10  



Statements of Assets and Liabilities


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


(Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)   PCM Fund,


StocksPLUS® &




Income Fund,



Investments, at value


Investments in securities*

  $   193,785     $   193,471     $   647,115     $ 999,058  

Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    84       577       506       1,680  

Over the counter

    0       6,799       673       322  


    12       223       264       0  

Deposits with counterparty

    1,162       5,132       8,398       10,677  

Foreign currency, at value

    0       526       1,047       2,514  

Receivable for investments sold

    446       1,932       4,209       19,655  

Receivable for TBA investments sold

    0       62,331       0       369,986  

Receivable for Fund shares sold

    0       0       474       0  

Interest and/or dividends receivable

    1,188       1,895       6,804       4,776  

Other assets

    11       1       295       2  

Total Assets

    196,688       272,887       669,785         1,408,670  



Borrowings & Other Financing Transactions


Payable for reverse repurchase agreements

  $ 74,611     $ 50,113     $ 206,968     $ 252,093  

Payable for short sales

    78       0       0       0  

Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    74       1,036       356       1,001  

Over the counter

    350       479       2,837       1,122  

Payable for investments purchased

    1,114       3,477       11,661       5,852  

Payable for unfunded loan commitments

    2,553       80       7,533       311  

Payable for TBA investments purchased

    0       101,420       0       839,056  

Deposits from counterparty

    291       6,949       796       2,431  

Distributions payable to common shareholders

    929       1,027       3,395       2,672  

Overdraft due to custodian

    0       0       0       117  

Accrued management fees

    146       145       562       242  

Other liabilities

    4       4       41       10  

Total Liabilities

    80,150       164,730       234,149       1,104,907  

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders

  $ 116,538     $ 108,157     $ 435,636     $ 303,763  

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders Consist of:


Par value^

  $ 12     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0  

Paid in capital in excess of par

    111,138       135,706       421,550       353,829  

Distributable earnings (accumulated loss)

    5,388       (27,549     14,086       (50,066

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders

  $ 116,538     $ 108,157     $ 435,636     $ 303,763  

Common Shares Outstanding

    11,612       10,929       17,968       43,662  

Net Asset Value Per Common Share(a)

  $ 10.04     $ 9.90     $ 24.25     $ 6.96  

Cost of investments in securities

  $ 184,472     $ 197,343     $ 629,770     $ 995,565  

Cost of foreign currency held

  $ 0     $ 520     $ 1,034     $ 2,506  

Proceeds received on short sales

  $ 78     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0  

Cost or premiums of financial derivative instruments, net

  $ 180     $ (1,239   $ (5,425   $ (2,675

* Includes repurchase agreements of:

  $ 5,091     $ 13,488     $ 14,159     $ 15,994  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


($0.001 per share), ($0.00001 per share), ($0.00001 per share), ($0.00001 per share)


Includes adjustments required by U.S. GAAP and may differ from net asset values and performance reported elsewhere by the Funds.


22   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Consolidated Statements of Assets and Liabilities


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


(Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)   PIMCO
Credit and
Income Fund
Income Fund



Investments, at value


Investments in securities*

  $ 5,775,193     $ 2,604,426  

Investments in Affiliates

    5,707       0  

Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    4,894       2,757  

Over the counter

    4,161       2,685  


    2,542       3,364  

Deposits with counterparty

    52,441       36,341  

Foreign currency, at value

    4,510       5,173  

Receivable for investments sold

    60,336       6,970  

Receivable for Fund shares sold

    807       77  

Interest and/or dividends receivable

    49,280       21,965  

Other assets

    25       328  

Total Assets

    5,959,896       2,684,086  



Borrowings & Other Financing Transactions


Payable for reverse repurchase agreements

  $ 2,606,090     $ 1,029,543  

Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    2,699       1,570  

Over the counter

    15,648       11,533  

Payable for investments purchased

    82,224       42,250  

Payable for investments purchased on a delayed-delivery basis

    0       634  

Payable for unfunded loan commitments

    2,469       1,236  

Deposits from counterparty

    19,226       12,135  

Distributions payable to common shareholders

    24,340       12,706  

Accrued management fees

    5,572       2,524  

Other liabilities

    108       58  

Total Liabilities

    2,758,376       1,114,189  

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders

  $ 3,201,520     $ 1,569,897  

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders Consist of:


Par value^

  $ 1     $ 1  

Paid in capital in excess of par

    3,340,007       1,462,558  

Distributable earnings (accumulated loss)

    (138,488     107,338  

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders

  $ 3,201,520     $ 1,569,897  

Common Shares Outstanding

    139,912       57,871  

Net Asset Value Per Common Share(a)

  $ 22.88     $ 27.13  

Cost of investments in securities

  $   5,639,840     $   2,476,437  

Cost of investments in Affiliates

  $ 7,639     $ 0  

Cost of foreign currency held

  $ 4,418     $ 6,629  

Cost or premiums of financial derivative instruments, net

  $ 15,175     $ (5,018

* Includes repurchase agreements of:

  $ 126,734     $ 80,087  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


($0.00001 per share)


Includes adjustments required by U.S. GAAP and may differ from net asset values and performance reported elsewhere by the Funds.



Statements of Operations


Six Months Ended December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)                        
(Amounts in thousands)   PCM Fund,


StocksPLUS® &




Income Fund,

Investment Income:


Interest, net of foreign taxes*

  $ 6,600     $ 8,282     $ 26,129     $ 22,449  


    179       238       855       272  

Total Income

    6,779       8,520       26,984       22,721  



Management fees

    861       878       3,281       1,444  

Trustee fees and related expenses

    7       7       24       18  

Interest expense

    1,105       698       2,542       3,041  

Miscellaneous expense

    2       2       4       2  

Total Expenses

    1,975       1,585       5,851       4,505  

Net Investment Income (Loss)

    4,804       6,935       21,133       18,216  

Net Realized Gain (Loss):


Investments in securities

    34       401       2,972       2,237  

Exchange-traded or centrally cleared financial derivative instruments

    (906     (2,694     (11,658       (14,828

Over the counter financial derivative instruments

    86       (1,255     1,765       3,123  

Short sales

    1       0       0       (22

Foreign currency

    0       (127     (301     (183

Net Realized Gain (Loss)

    (785     (3,675     (7,222     (9,673

Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation):


Investments in securities

    (616       (4,064       (10,970     (9,985

Exchange-traded or centrally cleared financial derivative instruments

    437       2,530       8,644       12,740  

Over the counter financial derivative instruments

    (60     4,833       (959     (1,648

Foreign currency assets and liabilities

    0       (371     (1,584     (1,138

Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)

    (239     2,928       (4,869     (31

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

  $   3,780     $ 6,188     $ 9,042     $ 8,512  

* Foreign tax withholdings

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 3  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


24   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Consolidated Statements of Operations


Six Months Ended December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)            
(Amounts in thousands)   PIMCO
Credit and
Income Fund
Income Fund

Investment Income:


Interest, net of foreign taxes*

  $ 220,069     $   124,475  


    6,934       2,714  

Total Income

    227,003       127,189  



Management fees

    33,925       15,314  

Trustee fees and related expenses

    195       97  

Interest expense

    35,220       14,671  

Miscellaneous expense

    19       6  

Total Expenses

    69,359       30,088  

Net Investment Income (Loss)

    157,644       97,101  

Net Realized Gain (Loss):


Investments in securities

    32,933       21,087  

Exchange-traded or centrally cleared financial derivative instruments

    (62,980     (56,728

Over the counter financial derivative instruments

    6,331       9,159  

Foreign currency

    (2,658     (710

Net Realized Gain (Loss)

    (26,374     (27,192

Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation):


Investments in securities

    (37,817     (66,702

Investments in Affiliates

    (2,855     0  

Exchange-traded or centrally cleared financial derivative instruments

    40,458       39,078  

Over the counter financial derivative instruments

    (6,556     (5,922

Foreign currency assets and liabilities

    (17,636     (8,760

Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)

    (24,406     (42,306

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

  $   106,864     $ 27,603  

* Foreign tax withholdings

  $ 1     $ 0  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.



Statements of Changes in Net Assets


    PCM Fund, Inc.    


Global StocksPLUS® &

Income Fund

(Amounts in thousands)   Six Months Ended
December 31, 2019
    Year Ended
June 30, 2019
    Six Months Ended
December 31, 2019
    Year Ended
June 30, 2019

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from:




Net investment income (loss)

  $ 4,804     $ 7,998     $ 6,935     $ 12,052  

Net realized gain (loss)

    (785     924       (3,675     (2,142

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

    (239     1,682       2,928       (1,921

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

    3,780       10,604       6,188       7,989  

Distributions to Common Shareholders:


From net investment income and/or net realized capital gains

    (5,571     (11,126     (6,148     (12,972

Tax basis return of capital

    0       0       0       (1,969

Total Distributions to Common Shareholders(a)

    (5,571     (11,126     (6,148     (14,941

Common Share Transactions*:


Net proceeds from at-the-market offering

    0       0       0       0  

At-the-market offering costs

    0       0       0       0  

Issued as reinvestment of distributions

    148       191       555       1,310  

Net increase (decrease) resulting from common share transactions

    148       191       555       1,310  

Total increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to common shareholders

    (1,643     (331     595       (5,642

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders:


Beginning of period

    118,181       118,512       107,562       113,204  

End of period

  $   116,538     $   118,181     $   108,157     $   107,562  

* Common Share Transactions:


Shares sold

    0       0       0       0  

Shares issued as reinvestment of distributions

    14       18       50       100  

Net increase (decrease) in common shares outstanding

    14       18       50       100  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


The tax characterization of distributions is determined in accordance with Federal income tax regulations. The actual tax characterization of distributions paid is determined at the end of the fiscal year. See Note 2, Distributions — Common Shares, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


26   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  



Income Opportunity Fund



Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

Six Months Ended
December 31, 2019
    Year Ended
June 30, 2019
    Six Months Ended
December 31, 2019
    Year Ended
June 30, 2019
$ 21,133     $ 31,333     $ 18,216     $ 26,023  
  (7,222     14,169       (9,673     (18,762
  (4,869     (9,270     (31     19,148  
  9,042       36,232       8,512       26,409  
  (22,461     (41,656     (15,998     (26,420
  0       0       0       (9,531
  (22,461     (41,656     (15,998     (35,951
  37,008       33,003       0       0  
  94       (21     0       0  
  1,876       3,141       1,962       4,289  
  38,978       36,123       1,962       4,289  
  25,559       30,699       (5,524     (5,253
  410,077       379,378       309,287       314,540  
$   435,636     $   410,077     $   303,763     $   309,287  
  1,380       1,250       0       0  
  73       125       218       458  
  1,453       1,375       218       458  



Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets




Dynamic Credit and

Mortgage Income Fund



Dynamic Income Fund

(Amounts in thousands)   Six Months Ended
December 31, 2019
    Year Ended
June 30, 2019
    Six Months Ended
December 31, 2019
    Year Ended
June 30, 2019

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from:




Net investment income (loss)

  $ 157,644     $ 258,622     $ 97,101     $ 153,563  

Net realized gain (loss)

    (26,374     83,423       (27,192     40,430  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

    (24,406     (44,936     (42,306     (62,612

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

    106,864       297,109       27,603       131,381  

Distributions to Common Shareholders:


From net investment income and/or net realized capital gains

    (206,687     (318,577     (99,502     (176,938

Total Distributions to Common Shareholders(a)

    (206,687     (318,577     (99,502     (176,938

Common Share Transactions**:


Net proceeds from at-the-market offering

    35,859       0       25,616       54,997  

At-the-market offering costs

    0       0       29       (39

Issued as reinvestment of distributions

    20,514       9,243       12,783       18,444  

Net increase (decrease) resulting from common share transactions

    56,373       9,243       38,428       73,402  

Total increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to common shareholders

    (43,450     (12,225     (33,471     27,845  

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders:


Beginning of period

    3,244,970       3,257,195       1,603,368       1,575,523  

End of period

  $   3,201,520     $   3,244,970     $   1,569,897     $   1,603,368  

* Common Share Transactions:


Shares sold

    1,427       0       781       1,702  

Shares issued as reinvestment of distributions

    866       398       414       613  

Net increase (decrease) in common shares outstanding

    2,293       398       1,195       2,315  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


The tax characterization of distributions is determined in accordance with Federal income tax regulations. The actual tax characterization of distributions paid is determined at the end of the fiscal year. See Note 2, Distributions — Common Shares, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


28   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Statements of Cash Flows


Six Months Ended December 31, 2019                        
(Amounts in thousands)   PCM Fund, Inc.     PIMCO Global
StocksPLUS® &
Income Fund
    PIMCO Income
Opportunity Fund
    PIMCO Strategic
Income Fund, Inc.

Cash Flows Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities:


Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

  $ 3,780     $ 6,188     $ 9,042     $ 8,512  

Adjustments to Reconcile Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations to Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities:


Purchases of long-term securities

    (22,344     (285,030     (128,700       (3,450,819

Proceeds from sales of long-term securities

    13,688       278,136       74,311       3,480,094  

(Purchases) Proceeds from sales of short-term portfolio investments, net

    6,140       2,888       11,279       (10,918

(Increase) decrease in deposits with counterparty

    35       (173     (2,414     912  

(Increase) decrease in receivable for investments sold

    (431     6,082       (2,042     100,192  

(Increase) decrease in interest and/or dividends receivable

    (153     54       (143     (127

Proceeds from (Payments on) exchange-traded or centrally cleared financial derivative instruments

    (483     183       (3,213     (2,305

Proceeds from (Payments on) over the counter financial derivative instruments

    (8     (1,309     1,278       3,123  

(Increase) decrease in other assets

    0       1       (123     0  

Increase (decrease) in payable for investments purchased

    (829     (3,527     628       (155,243

Increase (decrease) in payable for unfunded loan commitments

    2,035       80       7,533       311  

Increase (decrease) in deposits from counterparty

    226       4,074       (624     (632

Increase (decrease) in accrued management fees

    16       11       75       17  

Proceeds from (Payments on) short sales transactions, net

    79       0       0       (22

Proceeds from (Payments on) foreign currency transactions

    0       (156     (392     (229

Increase (decrease) in other liabilities

    (4     (3     16       (12

Net Realized (Gain) Loss


Investments in securities

    (34     (401     (2,972     (2,237

Exchange-traded or centrally cleared financial derivative instruments

    906       2,694       11,658       14,828  

Over the counter financial derivative instruments

    (86     1,255       (1,765     (3,123

Short sales

    (1     0       0       22  

Foreign currency

    0       127       301       183  

Net Change in Unrealized (Appreciation) Depreciation


Investments in securities

    616       4,064       10,970       9,985  

Exchange-traded or centrally cleared financial derivative instruments

    (437     (2,530     (8,644     (12,740

Over the counter financial derivative instruments

    60       (4,833     959       1,648  

Foreign currency assets and liabilities

    0       371       1,584       1,138  

Net amortization (accretion) on investments

    (229     (249     (2,432     1,213  

Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities

    2,542       7,997       (23,830     (16,229

Cash Flows Received from (Used for) Financing Activities:


Net proceeds from at-the-market offering

    0       0       36,628       0  

Net at-the-market offering costs

    0       0       94       0  

Increase (decrease) in overdraft due to custodian

    0       (513     0       117  

Cash distributions paid to common shareholders*

    (5,422     (5,588     (20,314     (14,023

Proceeds from reverse repurchase agreements

    192,723       162,805       625,148       981,411  

Payments on reverse repurchase agreements

      (189,832       (164,435       (618,675     (951,370

Net Cash Received from (Used for) Financing Activities

    (2,531     (7,731     22,881       16,135  

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Foreign Currency

    11       266       (949     (94

Cash and Foreign Currency:


Beginning of period

    1       483       2,260       2,608  

End of period

  $ 12     $ 749     $ 1,311     $ 2,514  

* Reinvestment of distributions to common shareholders

  $ 148     $ 555     $ 1,876     $ 1,962  

Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:


Interest expense paid during the period

  $ 1,249     $ 746     $ 2,790     $ 3,347  

Non Cash Payment in Kind

  $ 155     $ 92     $ 111     $ 41  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.

A Statement of Cash Flows is presented when a Fund has a significant amount of borrowing during the period, based on the average total borrowing outstanding in relation to total assets or when substantially all of a Fund’s investments are not classified as Level 1 or 2 in the fair value hierarchy.



Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


Six Months Ended December 31, 2019            
(Amounts in thousands)   PIMCO
Credit and
Income Fund
Income Fund

Cash Flows Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities:


Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

  $ 106,864     $ 27,603  

Adjustments to Reconcile Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations to Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities:


Purchases of long-term securities

    (540,163     (304,180

Proceeds from sales of long-term securities

    713,302       362,099  

(Purchases) Proceeds from sales of short-term portfolio investments, net

    6,122       (14,901

(Increase) decrease in deposits with counterparty

    13,281       (7,717

(Increase) decrease in receivable for investments sold

    (48,150     (4,369

(Increase) decrease in interest and/or dividends receivable

    5,342       2,642  

Proceeds from (Payments on) exchange-traded or centrally cleared financial derivative instruments

    (24,926     (18,163

Proceeds from (Payments on) over the counter financial derivative instruments

    5,799       3,789  

(Increase) decrease in other assets

    (16     (123

Increase (decrease) in payable for investments purchased

    6,050       (5,123

Increase (decrease) in payable for unfunded loan commitments

    2,469       1,236  

Increase (decrease) in deposits from counterparty

    8,905       6,558  

Increase (decrease) in accrued management fees

    316       180  

Proceeds from (Payments on) foreign currency transactions

    (3,487     (3,532

Increase (decrease) in other liabilities

    (106     (48

Net Realized (Gain) Loss


Investments in securities

    (32,933     (21,087

Exchange-traded or centrally cleared financial derivative instruments

    62,980       56,728  

Over the counter financial derivative instruments

    (6,331     (9,159

Foreign currency

    2,658       710  

Net Change in Unrealized (Appreciation) Depreciation


Investments in securities

    37,817       66,702  

Investments in Affiliates

    2,855       0  

Exchange-traded or centrally cleared financial derivative instruments

    (40,458     (39,078

Over the counter financial derivative instruments

    6,556       5,922  

Foreign currency assets and liabilities

    17,636       8,760  

Net amortization (accretion) on investments

    (24,516     (12,255

Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities

    277,866       103,194  

Cash Flows Received from (Used for) Financing Activities:


Net proceeds from at-the-market offering

    35,052       25,539  

At-the-market offering costs

    0       29  

Increase (decrease) in overdraft due to custodian

    0       (130

Cash distributions paid to common shareholders*

    (184,411     (86,510

Proceeds from reverse repurchase agreements

    7,831,965       2,663,239  

Payments on reverse repurchase agreements

      (7,957,284       (2,700,321

Net Cash Received from (Used for) Financing Activities

    (274,678     (98,154

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Foreign Currency

    3,188       5,040  

Cash and Foreign Currency:


Beginning of period

    3,864       3,497  

End of period

  $ 7,052     $ 8,537  

* Reinvestment of distributions to common shareholders

  $ 20,514     $ 12,783  

Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:


Interest expense paid during the period

  $ 38,064     $ 14,805  

Non Cash Payment in Kind

  $ 2,684     $ 296  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.

A Statement of Cash Flows is presented when a Fund has a significant amount of borrowing during the period, based on the average total borrowing outstanding in relation to total assets or when substantially all of a Fund’s investments are not classified as Level 1 or 2 in the fair value hierarchy.


30   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Schedule of Investments PIMCO PCM Fund, Inc.


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)






Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.


6.050% (LIBOR03M + 4.250%) due 08/27/2026 ~

  $     100     $     98  

Chesapeake Energy Corp.


TBD% due 06/09/2024

      27         28  

Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc.


5.299% (LIBOR03M + 3.500%) due 08/21/2026 ~

      100         101  

Diamond Resorts Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/02/2023 ~

      661         648  

Emerald TopCo, Inc.


5.299% (LIBOR03M + 3.500%) due 07/24/2026 ~

      6         6  

Encina Private Credit LLC


4.740% (LIBOR03M + 3.000%) due 11/30/2025 «µ~

      2,914         2,914  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 10/10/2025 ~

      2,973         2,547  

Financial & Risk U.S. Holdings, Inc.


5.049% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/01/2025 ~

      220         222  

Forbes Energy Services LLC (5.000% Cash and 11.000% PIK)


16.00% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 04/13/2021 ~(c)

      541         537  

Frontier Communications Corp.


5.550% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/15/2024 ~

      98         98  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


5.691% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 05/01/2026 ~

      725         733  

IRB Holding Corp.


5.195% - 5.216% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 02/05/2025 ~

      168         169  

Jefferies Finance LLC


5.500% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/03/2026 ~

      5         5  

McDermott Technology Americas, Inc.


0.500% - 12.002% (LIBOR03M + 10.000%) due 10/21/2021 ~µ

      697         713  

6.945% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 05/09/2025 ~

      594         349  



5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/13/2024 ~

      20         20  

Nascar Holdings, Inc.


4.495% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 10/19/2026 ~

      13         13  

NCI Building Systems, Inc.


5.486% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 04/12/2025 ~

      110         110  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC


7.713% (LIBOR03M + 6.000%) due 10/25/2023 ~

      2,222           1,830  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC (7.213% Cash and 1.000% PIK)


8.213% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 10/25/2023 ~(c)

      1,638         1,332  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


TBD% due 02/22/2049 ^«(d)

      106         105  

Parexel International Corp.


4.549% - 4.555% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 09/27/2024 ~

      100         98  

PetSmart, Inc.


5.740% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 03/11/2022 ~

      17         16  

Sequa Mezzanine Holdings LLC


10.936% (LIBOR03M + 9.000%) due 04/28/2022 ~

      800         789  

Sotera Health Holdings LLC


6.289% (LIBOR03M + 4.500%) due 12/11/2026 ~

  $     23     $     23  

Starfruit Finco BV


4.960% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/01/2025 ~

      97         97  

Syniverse Holdings, Inc.


6.846% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 03/09/2023 ~

      1,416         1,319  

U.S. Renal Care, Inc.


6.813% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 06/26/2026 ~

      85         84  

Univision Communications, Inc.


4.549% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 03/15/2024 ~

      2,647         2,618  

West Corp.


5.927% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 10/10/2024 ~

      9         8  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC


10.150% (LIBOR03M + 8.250%) due 03/15/2022 «~

      205         207  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC (15.000% PIK)


15.000% due 03/15/2029 (c)

      603         482  

Windstream Services LLC


9.000% (PRIME + 4.250%) due 02/17/2024 ~

      500         475  

9.750% (PRIME + 5.000%) due 03/29/2021 ~

      1,858         1,783  




Total Loan Participations and Assignments (Cost $21,568)








AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc.


5.000% due 04/20/2048

      2         2  

CBL & Associates LP


4.600% due 10/15/2024 (k)

      190         123  

5.950% due 12/15/2026 (k)

      1,621         976  

ESH Hospitality, Inc.


4.625% due 10/01/2027

      22         22  

Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC


5.183% (US0003M + 3.140%) due 01/07/2022 ~(k)

      280         289  

Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors LLC


6.500% due 10/01/2025 (k)

      76         80  

6.750% due 03/15/2022 (k)

      104         109  

Hunt Cos., Inc.


6.250% due 02/15/2026

      6         6  

Kennedy-Wilson, Inc.


5.875% due 04/01/2024

      14         14  

LoanCore Capital Markets LLC


6.875% due 06/01/2020 (k)

      1,200         1,201  

Nationstar Mortgage LLC


6.500% due 07/01/2021 (k)

      121         122  

Navient Corp.


5.625% due 01/25/2025

      51         49  

6.125% due 03/25/2024

      102         111  

7.250% due 09/25/2023

      24         27  

Newmark Group, Inc.


6.125% due 11/15/2023

      20         22  

Oppenheimer Holdings, Inc.


6.750% due 07/01/2022

      7         7  

Piper Jaffray Cos.


4.740% due 10/15/2021 (k)

      200         200  

5.200% due 10/15/2023 (k)

      900         899  

Sabra Health Care LP


4.800% due 06/01/2024

      32         34  

Springleaf Finance Corp.


5.375% due 11/15/2029

      7         7  

5.625% due 03/15/2023

      196         212  

6.125% due 03/15/2024

      24         26  

6.875% due 03/15/2025

      25         29  

Toll Road Investors Partnership LP


0.000% due 02/15/2045 (f)

  $     635     $     166  

Voyager Aviation Holdings LLC


8.500% due 08/15/2021 (k)

      1,842         1,893  








Associated Materials LLC


9.000% due 01/01/2024 (k)

      1,996         1,756  

BCPE Cycle Merger Sub, Inc.


10.625% due 07/15/2027

      14         14  

CCO Holdings LLC


4.750% due 03/01/2030

      36         37  

Centene Corp.


4.250% due 12/15/2027

      21         22  

4.625% due 12/15/2029

      34         36  

4.750% due 01/15/2025

      33         34  

Charter Communications Operating LLC


4.800% due 03/01/2050

      41         43  

Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc.


9.250% due 02/15/2024 (k)

      493         547  

Community Health Systems, Inc.


6.250% due 03/31/2023 (k)

      2,556         2,601  

8.000% due 03/15/2026 (k)

      78         80  

8.625% due 01/15/2024 (k)

      236         251  

Corning, Inc.


5.450% due 11/15/2079

      14         15  

CVS Pass-Through Trust


5.880% due 01/10/2028

      1,042         1,150  

DAE Funding LLC


4.000% due 08/01/2020

      2         2  

4.500% due 08/01/2022

      10         10  

5.000% due 08/01/2024

      22         23  

5.250% due 11/15/2021 (k)

      102         106  

5.750% due 11/15/2023 (k)

      100         105  

Diamond Resorts International, Inc.


7.750% due 09/01/2023

      20         21  

10.750% due 09/01/2024 (k)

      500         525  

DriveTime Automotive Group, Inc.


8.000% due 06/01/2021 (k)

      330         336  

Eagle Holding Co. LLC (7.750% Cash or 8.500% PIK)


7.750% due 05/15/2022 (c)

      5         5  

Eldorado Resorts, Inc.


6.000% due 09/15/2026 (k)

      400         441  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


8.750% due 10/15/2026 (k)

      382         238  

Exela Intermediate LLC


10.000% due 07/15/2023

      23         9  

Fresh Market, Inc.


9.750% due 05/01/2023 (k)

      350         179  

Full House Resorts, Inc.


8.575% due 01/31/2024

      100         99  

9.738% due 02/02/2024

      8         8  

General Electric Co.


5.875% due 01/14/2038

      4         5  

6.150% due 08/07/2037

      2         2  

6.875% due 01/10/2039

      10         13  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


6.375% due 05/01/2026 (k)

      233         253  

8.375% due 05/01/2027 (k)

      357         395  

Kronos Acquisition Holdings, Inc.


9.000% due 08/15/2023 (k)

      200         192  

Mattel, Inc.


5.875% due 12/15/2027

      11         12  

Micron Technology, Inc.


5.327% due 02/06/2029

      30         34  

MSCI, Inc.


4.000% due 11/15/2029

      5         5  

NCL Corp. Ltd.


3.625% due 12/15/2024

      20         20  

Netflix, Inc.


5.375% due 11/15/2029

      12         13  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   31

Schedule of Investments PIMCO PCM Fund, Inc. (Cont.)



Noble Holding International Ltd.


7.875% due 02/01/2026

  $     45     $     33  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.


6.625% due 05/15/2022 (k)

      60         60  

Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.


7.500% due 04/01/2027

      23         23  

PetSmart, Inc.


5.875% due 06/01/2025

      19         19  

Radiate Holdco LLC


6.875% due 02/15/2023

      2         2  

Sealed Air Corp.


4.000% due 12/01/2027

      3         3  

Select Medical Corp.


6.250% due 08/15/2026

      7         8  

Silgan Holdings, Inc.


4.125% due 02/01/2028

      8         8  

Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc.


12.500% due 04/15/2049 ^(d)

      2,081         2,171  

Staples, Inc.


7.500% due 04/15/2026

      3         3  

Tenet Healthcare Corp.


4.625% due 09/01/2024

      3         3  

Topaz Solar Farms LLC


4.875% due 09/30/2039 (k)

      336         349  

5.750% due 09/30/2039 (k)

      2,209         2,443  

TransDigm, Inc.


5.500% due 11/15/2027

      18         18  

Transocean Pontus Ltd.


6.125% due 08/01/2025

      25         26  

Transocean, Inc.


7.250% due 11/01/2025 (k)

      51         50  

Trident TPI Holdings, Inc.


9.250% due 08/01/2024

      4         4  

Triumph Group, Inc.


5.250% due 06/01/2022

      4         4  

6.250% due 09/15/2024

      11         12  

Twitter, Inc.


3.875% due 12/15/2027

      4         4  

UAL Pass-Through Trust


6.636% due 01/02/2024

      421         448  

Univision Communications, Inc.


5.125% due 02/15/2025 (k)

      438         434  

ViaSat, Inc.


5.625% due 09/15/2025

      18         19  

5.625% due 04/15/2027

      4         4  

Wyndham Destinations, Inc.


3.900% due 03/01/2023

      14         14  

4.625% due 03/01/2030

      5         5  

5.750% due 04/01/2027 (k)

      154         168  








Edison International


2.400% due 09/15/2022

      14         14  

2.950% due 03/15/2023

      1         1  

3.125% due 11/15/2022

      14         14  

3.550% due 11/15/2024

      14         14  

5.750% due 06/15/2027

      11         12  

Frontier Communications Corp.


8.000% due 04/01/2027

      24         25  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


2.450% due 08/15/2022 ^(d)(k)

      131         131  

2.950% due 03/01/2026 ^(d)(k)

      211         212  

3.250% due 09/15/2021 ^(d)(k)

      146         147  

3.250% due 06/15/2023 ^(d)(k)

      68         68  

3.300% due 03/15/2027 ^(d)(k)

      132         132  

3.400% due 08/15/2024 ^(d)(k)

      85         86  

3.500% due 10/01/2020 ^(d)(k)

      388         389  

3.500% due 06/15/2025 ^(d)(k)

      151         151  

3.750% due 02/15/2024 ^(d)(k)

      86         88  

3.750% due 08/15/2042 ^(d)

      2         2  

3.850% due 11/15/2023 ^(d)(k)

      14         14  

4.000% due 12/01/2046 ^(d)

      2         2  

4.250% due 05/15/2021 ^(d)

  $     373     $     375  

4.300% due 03/15/2045 ^(d)

      24         25  

4.500% due 12/15/2041 ^(d)

      26         26  

4.600% due 06/15/2043 ^(d)

      9         9  

4.650% due 08/01/2028 ^(d)(k)

      227         235  

4.750% due 02/15/2044 ^(d)(k)

      157         162  

5.125% due 11/15/2043 ^(d)(k)

      244         251  

5.400% due 01/15/2040 ^(d)

      4         4  

5.800% due 03/01/2037 ^(d)(k)

      644         673  

6.050% due 03/01/2034 ^(d)(k)

      323         339  

6.250% due 03/01/2039 ^(d)(k)

      151         160  

6.350% due 02/15/2038 ^(d)(k)

      57         61  

Southern California Edison Co.


3.650% due 03/01/2028

      2         2  

4.125% due 03/01/2048

      16         17  

4.650% due 10/01/2043

      30         34  

4.875% due 03/01/2049

      40         47  

5.750% due 04/01/2035

      2         3  

6.000% due 01/15/2034

      20         25  

6.650% due 04/01/2029

      13         16  

Sprint Corp.


7.125% due 06/15/2024 (k)

      158         171  

7.625% due 02/15/2025 (k)

      394         433  

7.625% due 03/01/2026 (k)

      954         1,054  

7.875% due 09/15/2023

      327         362  

Talen Energy Supply LLC


6.625% due 01/15/2028

      4         4  

Transocean Poseidon Ltd.


6.875% due 02/01/2027

      20         21  







Total Corporate Bonds & Notes (Cost $28,273)









Caesars Entertainment Corp.


5.000% due 10/01/2024

      28         53  




Total Convertible Bonds & Notes (Cost $51)









Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority, West Virginia Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


7.467% due 06/01/2047

      780         811  




Total Municipal Bonds & Notes (Cost $737)







Fannie Mae


5.342% due 07/25/2029 •(k)

      170         180  

7.542% due 07/25/2029 •

      230         273  

Freddie Mac


0.000% due 02/25/2046 - 11/25/2050 (b)(f)(k)

      2,391         1,782  

0.100% due 05/25/2020 - 11/25/2050 (a)

      37,859         86  

0.499% due 01/25/2021 ~(a)

      2,479         9  

0.661% due 10/25/2020 ~(a)

      7,995         17  

1.939% due 11/25/2055 ~(a)

      6,305         504  

2.011% due 11/25/2045 ~(a)

      1,027         138  

3.615% due 06/25/2041 ~(a)

      10,500         435  

4.118% due 04/25/2025 ~(k)

      1,300         1,242  

6.942% due 10/25/2029 •

      250         289  

9.342% due 12/25/2027 •

      447         538  




Total U.S. Government Agencies (Cost $5,076)







Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust


4.124% due 01/25/2036 ^~

      134         127  

Banc of America Alternative Loan Trust


6.011% due 04/25/2037 ^~

      152         153  

Banc of America Funding Trust


3.147% due 12/20/2034 ~

  $     289     $     203  

4.406% due 03/20/2036 ~

      80         77  

5.806% due 03/25/2037 ^~

      80         81  

7.000% due 10/25/2037 ^

      482         394  

Banc of America Mortgage Trust


4.664% due 06/25/2035 ~

      97         95  

5.101% due 06/20/2031 ~

      310         320  

Bancorp Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.490% due 08/15/2032 •(k)

      2,300         2,323  



1.924% due 07/26/2036 ~

      87         76  

Bear Stearns ALT-A Trust


1.962% due 04/25/2037 •

      639         512  

3.673% due 05/25/2036 ~

      39         32  

3.741% due 05/25/2036 ^~

      207         196  

3.774% due 08/25/2036 ^~

      272         272  

3.803% due 07/25/2035 ^~

      135         120  

3.816% due 11/25/2036 ^~

      655         545  

3.962% due 08/25/2036 ^~

      263         186  

4.219% due 01/25/2047 ~

      36         28  

4.343% due 09/25/2034 ~

      94         94  

Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


5.657% due 10/12/2041 ~(k)

      847         877  

5.728% due 04/12/2038 ~

      40         40  

BRAD Resecuritization Trust


2.192% due 03/12/2021 «

      1,634         33  

6.550% due 03/12/2021 «

      306         304  

CBA Commercial Small Balance Commercial Mortgage


5.540% due 01/25/2039 ^þ

      273         225  

CD Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.398% due 12/11/2049 ~

      7         6  

CD Mortgage Trust


5.688% due 10/15/2048 (k)

      1,278         664  

Chase Mortgage Finance Trust


6.000% due 03/25/2037 ^

      225         179  

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.589% due 12/10/2049 ~

      674         432  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust


4.219% due 11/25/2035 ~

      1,713         1,333  

4.260% due 11/25/2036 ^~

      82         81  

4.870% due 08/25/2035 ^~

      51         41  

6.250% due 11/25/2037 ~

      847         619  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc.


3.827% due 10/25/2035 ~

      417         308  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc. Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates


3.847% due 09/25/2035 ^~

      128         111  

CitiMortgage Alternative Loan Trust


5.500% due 04/25/2022 ^

      13         13  

Commercial Mortgage Lease-Backed Certificates


6.250% due 06/20/2031 ~

      1,700         1,728  

Commercial Mortgage Loan Trust


6.052% due 12/10/2049 ~

      752         499  

Commercial Mortgage Trust


6.107% due 07/10/2046 ~(k)

      690         700  

Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust


2.072% due 02/25/2037 •

      210         196  

2.082% due 02/25/2036 ^•

      639         545  

2.342% due 10/25/2037 •

      4,234         1,321  

3.239% due 12/25/2035 •

      1,108         1,015  

5.500% due 03/25/2035

      518         370  

6.000% due 11/25/2035 ^

      174         56  

6.000% due 04/25/2036 ^(k)

      2,804           2,183  

Countrywide Home Loan Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


2.432% due 03/25/2035 •

      136         125  

3.662% due 03/25/2046 ^•(k)

      636         438  

3.711% due 02/20/2036 ^•

      8         7  

3.781% due 09/20/2036 ^~

      106         98  

3.794% due 09/25/2047 ^~

      346         333  

6.000% due 05/25/2037 ^

      265         208  

Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp.


7.000% due 02/25/2033

      53         55  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Certificates


2.323% due 11/30/2037 ~(k)

      2,900         2,641  


32   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Mortgage-Backed Trust


5.896% due 04/25/2036 þ

  $     210     $     155  

6.000% due 07/25/2036

      1,124         925  

6.500% due 05/25/2036 ^

      164         93  

First Horizon Alternative Mortgage Securities Trust


4.043% due 08/25/2035 ^~

      18         3  

GE Commercial Mortgage Corp. Trust


5.606% due 12/10/2049 ~

      201         176  

GS Mortgage Securities Corp. Trust


4.591% due 10/10/2032 ~

      900         883  

GS Mortgage Securities Trust


1.327% due 08/10/2043 ~(a)

      13,080         53  

2.161% due 05/10/2045 ~(a)

      3,665         102  

5.622% due 11/10/2039

      513         402  

GSR Mortgage Loan Trust


3.860% due 03/25/2047 ^~(k)

      997         882  

HarborView Mortgage Loan Trust


2.264% due 01/19/2036 •

      626         499  

IndyMac Mortgage Loan Trust


2.592% due 11/25/2034 •

      102         99  

3.444% due 05/25/2036 ~

      135         97  

4.349% due 06/25/2037 ~

      233         213  

JPMorgan Alternative Loan Trust


6.500% due 03/25/2036 ^(k)

      1,080         895  

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp.


1.752% due 03/12/2039 ~(a)

      172         0  

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


0.485% due 02/15/2046 ~(a)

      56,907         276  

5.411% due 05/15/2047 (k)

      1,545           1,807  

JPMorgan Mortgage Trust


4.657% due 07/25/2035 ~

      45         46  

LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.407% due 11/15/2038 ^(k)

      306         182  

5.562% due 02/15/2040 ^~

      119         73  

Lehman Mortgage Trust


5.000% due 08/25/2021 ^

      74         75  

5.777% due 04/25/2036 ^~

      145         128  

6.000% due 05/25/2037 ^

      284         288  

MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust


4.103% due 11/25/2035 ^~(k)

      358         279  

MASTR Asset Securitization Trust


6.000% due 06/25/2036 ^•

      350         328  

Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust


2.212% due 07/25/2030 •

      54         52  

2.452% due 11/25/2029 •

      80         79  

4.372% due 11/25/2035 •

      104         106  

Morgan Stanley Capital Trust


0.303% due 11/12/2049 ~(a)

      5,436         9  

5.399% due 12/15/2043

      131         92  

Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan Trust


4.042% due 01/25/2035 ^~

      227         189  

6.000% due 08/25/2037 ^

      212         157  

Morgan Stanley Resecuritization Trust


4.540% due 03/26/2037 ~

      4,517         4,351  

Mortgage Equity Conversion Asset Trust


4.000% due 07/25/2060

      171         167  

Motel 6 Trust


8.666% due 08/15/2024 •

      1,222         1,244  

Regal Trust


2.655% due 09/29/2031 •

      16         16  

Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. Trust


4.879% due 01/25/2036 ^~

      307         279  

6.000% due 08/25/2035 ^

      238         238  

6.000% due 06/25/2036 ^

      131         122  

6.500% due 09/25/2037 ^

      220         214  

Residential Asset Securitization Trust


6.000% due 03/25/2037 ^

      207         121  

Residential Funding Mortgage Securities, Inc. Trust


6.000% due 06/25/2036 ^

      199         195  

Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust


4.022% due 04/25/2036 ^~

      284         231  

4.111% due 01/25/2036 ^~

      272         202  

4.479% due 09/25/2036 ^~

      113         105  

Structured Asset Mortgage Investments Trust


2.002% due 08/25/2036 ^•

  $     723     $     698  

TBW Mortgage-Backed Trust


6.000% due 07/25/2036 ^

      137         99  

Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust


0.933% due 10/15/2041 ~(a)

      49         0  

5.720% due 10/15/2048 ~(k)

      1,810         1,777  

WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust


2.282% due 06/25/2044 •

      378         372  

2.627% due 11/25/2046 •

      420         423  

3.804% due 12/25/2036 ^~

      285         286  

Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust


6.500% due 08/25/2036 ^(k)

      1,154         902  

Wells Fargo Alternative Loan Trust


5.500% due 07/25/2022

      7         7  

Wells Fargo-RBS Commercial Mortgage Trust


0.783% due 02/15/2044 ~(a)

      13,702         77  




Total Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $42,490)






Asset-Backed Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust


2.887% due 02/25/2035 •(k)

      3,205         3,221  

3.517% due 12/25/2034 •(k)

      1,504         1,509  

5.035% due 06/21/2029 •

      91         90  

Bayview Financial Acquisition Trust


2.085% due 12/28/2036 •

      52         52  

Bear Stearns Asset-Backed Securities Trust


2.172% due 04/25/2036 •

      2,047         2,737  

4.276% due 07/25/2036 ~

      305         306  

5.500% due 12/25/2035

      37         33  

Bombardier Capital Mortgage Securitization Corp.


7.830% due 06/15/2030 ~

      1,185         403  

Centex Home Equity Loan Trust


2.542% due 01/25/2035 •(k)

      1,643         1,624  

Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust


0.000% due 01/16/2023 «(f)

      1         365  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust


1.952% due 12/25/2036 •

      1,518         1,057  

2.012% due 12/25/2036 •(k)

      830         453  

2.242% due 11/25/2045 •(k)

      2,788         2,780  

2.492% due 11/25/2046 •

      1,900         1,523  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc.


2.052% due 03/25/2037 •(k)

      3,349         3,093  

Conseco Finance Securitizations Corp.


7.960% due 05/01/2031

      347         185  

9.163% due 03/01/2033 ~

      799         733  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates


1.922% due 12/25/2036 ^•

      1,089         1,027  

1.932% due 06/25/2035 •(k)

      2,229         2,029  

1.932% due 06/25/2047 ^•(k)

      2,403         2,205  

1.942% due 04/25/2047 ^•(k)

      760         734  

1.992% due 06/25/2037 ^•(k)

      702         681  

2.032% due 05/25/2036 •(k)

      8,330         6,597  

3.442% due 06/25/2035 •(k)

      4,000         3,951  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates Trust


2.062% due 09/25/2046 •(k)

      4,428         3,511  

3.667% due 10/25/2035 •

      2,157         1,889  

Crecera Americas LLC


5.563% due 08/31/2020 •

      1,900         1,902  

EMC Mortgage Loan Trust


2.842% due 05/25/2040 •

      368         379  

3.092% due 02/25/2041 •

      301         299  

Fremont Home Loan Trust


1.972% due 04/25/2036 •

      699         685  

GE Capital Mortgage Services, Inc. Trust


6.705% due 04/25/2029 ~

      66         57  



3.542% due 12/25/2034 •

      2,190         1,519  

3.592% due 06/25/2035 •(k)

      2,200         2,183  

Harley Marine Financing LLC


7.869% due 05/15/2043 «

      1,000         606  

Home Equity Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Trust


2.032% due 04/25/2037 •(k)

  $     4,389     $     3,248  

HSI Asset Securitization Corp. Trust


1.902% due 04/25/2037 •(k)

      3,589         2,353  

Marlette Funding Trust


0.000% due 07/16/2029 «(f)

      3         719  

MASTR Asset-Backed Securities Trust


1.902% due 08/25/2036 •(k)

      3,112         1,605  

Morgan Stanley ABS Capital, Inc. Trust


2.572% due 12/25/2034 •

      147         141  

Morgan Stanley Home Equity Loan Trust


2.857% due 05/25/2035 •

      1,913         1,407  

National Collegiate Commutation Trust


0.000% due 03/25/2038 •

      3,500         1,250  

People’s Financial Realty Mortgage Securities Trust


1.922% due 09/25/2036 •

      1,484         412  

Renaissance Home Equity Loan Trust


7.238% due 09/25/2037 ^þ(k)

      3,836         2,205  

Residential Asset Securities Corp. Trust


2.482% due 08/25/2035 •(k)

      4,350         4,205  

Securitized Asset-Backed Receivables LLC Trust


2.222% due 01/25/2035 •

      879         836  

2.242% due 10/25/2035 •(k)

      5,500         5,405  

SoFi Consumer Loan Program LLC


0.000% due 11/25/2026 «(f)

      22         1,097  

SoFi Professional Loan Program LLC


0.000% due 03/25/2036 «(f)

      10         78  

0.000% due 01/25/2039 (f)

      1,000         299  

0.000% due 05/25/2040 (f)

      1,000         369  

0.000% due 09/25/2040 (f)

      339         169  

Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust


3.517% due 10/25/2034 •(k)

      1,986         2,000  

6.292% due 10/25/2033 •

      68         70  

UCFC Manufactured Housing Contract


7.900% due 01/15/2028 ^~

      262         258  

UPS Capital Business Credit


7.664% due 04/15/2026 ^«•(d)

      1,856         0  




Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost $72,207)









Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (e)

      108,013         309  

iHeartMedia, Inc.

      83         1  

iHeartMedia, Inc. ‘A’ (e)

      6,080         103  








Caesars Entertainment Corp. (e)

      71,398         971  





Forbes Energy Services Ltd. (e)(i)

      35,625         9  





Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC «(i)

      9,231         139  





TexGen Power LLC «

      9,914         354  




Total Common Stocks (Cost $3,931)









iHeartMedia, Inc.

      39,591         669  





See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   33

Schedule of Investments PIMCO PCM Fund, Inc. (Cont.)


        SHARES         MARKET


Sequa Corp. - Exp. 04/28/2024 «

      118,000     $     256  




Total Warrants (Cost $876)








General Electric Co.


5.000% due 01/21/2021 •(h)

      53,000         52  

Sequa Corp. (12.000% PIK)


12.000% «(c)

      2,745         3,182  




Total Preferred Securities (Cost $2,141)




        SHARES         MARKET




VICI Properties, Inc.

      104,988     $     2,682  




Total Real Estate Investment Trusts
(Cost $1,538)











        SHARES         MARKET


1.662% due 01/16/2020 (f)(g)(n)

      493     $     493  



Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $5,584)




Total Investments in Securities

(Cost $184,472)

Total Investments 166.3%
(Cost $184,472)


  $       193,785  

Financial Derivative
Instruments (l)(m) (0.3)%

(Cost or Premiums, net $180)

Other Assets and Liabilities, net (66.0)%     (76,907



Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders 100.0%


  $     116,538  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Security is in default.


Security valued using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3).


All or a portion of this amount represents unfunded loan commitments. The interest rate for the unfunded portion will be determined at the time of funding. See Note 4, Securities and Other Investments, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information regarding unfunded loan commitments.


Variable or Floating rate security. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread, rather are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date, which may vary by security. These securities may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.

Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. The rate may be based on a fixed rate, a capped rate or a floor rate and may convert to a variable or floating rate in the future. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description.


Coupon represents a rate which changes periodically based on a predetermined schedule or event. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end.


Interest only security.


Principal only security.


Payment in-kind security.


Security is not accruing income as of the date of this report.


Security did not produce income within the last twelve months.


Zero coupon security.


Coupon represents a yield to maturity.


Perpetual maturity; date shown, if applicable, represents next contractual call date.




Issuer Description                Acquisition
    Cost     Market
    Market Value
as Percentage
of Net Assets

Forbes Energy Services Ltd.

         07/29/2014     $ 1,769     $ 9       0.01

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC

         12/08/2014       269       139       0.12  









  $     2,038     $     148       0.13















Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     1.250     12/31/2019       01/02/2020     $ 591     U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities 0.125% due 04/15/2020   $ (604   $ 591     $ 591  
RDR     1.600       12/31/2019       01/02/2020           4,500     U.S. Treasury Notes 3.125% due 11/15/2028     (4,590     4,500       4,500  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (5,194   $     5,091     $     5,091  











34   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)




Counterparty   Borrowing
    Payable for


    2.834     10/15/2019       01/08/2020     $             (7,015   $ (7,058


    2.600       11/12/2019       01/14/2020         (79     (79
    2.836       10/24/2019       01/24/2020         (5,470     (5,500


    2.703       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (153     (154
    2.853       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (2,065     (2,072


    2.903       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (2,147     (2,155
    2.909       12/02/2019       03/04/2020         (161     (161


    2.470       10/22/2019       01/22/2020         (262     (263


    2.642       12/05/2019       03/05/2020         (311     (312


    2.465       12/06/2019       01/06/2020         (2,556     (2,561


    2.803       11/05/2019       01/06/2020         (2,519     (2,530


    2.350       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (198     (199
    2.400       01/03/2020       02/04/2020         (159     (159


    2.905       11/06/2019       01/06/2020         (635     (638


    2.270       11/14/2019       01/14/2020         (2,628     (2,636
    2.328       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (940     (943
    2.334       10/31/2019       01/31/2020         (647     (650
    2.794       11/06/2019       02/04/2020         (2,814     (2,826
    2.794       11/07/2019       02/05/2020         (9,899     (9,942
    2.809       10/31/2019       01/29/2020         (1,746     (1,755


    2.909       11/12/2019       02/10/2020         (3,651     (3,666


    2.360       12/31/2019       02/13/2020         (97     (97


    2.350       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (999     (1,002
    2.360       11/15/2019       02/13/2020         (826     (829
    2.400       10/31/2019       01/31/2020         (317     (318
    2.746       11/14/2019       01/16/2020         (294     (295
    2.934       10/10/2019       01/08/2020         (745     (750
    2.952       10/17/2019       01/17/2020         (2,448     (2,463


    2.250       11/01/2019       TBD (3)        (2,179     (2,187
    2.300       12/13/2019       01/10/2020         (1,681     (1,683
    2.300       12/31/2019       01/10/2020         (355     (355
    2.450       11/05/2019       02/03/2020         (1,660     (1,667
    2.450       11/07/2019       02/05/2020         (69     (69
    2.450       11/08/2019       02/06/2020         (1,572     (1,578
    2.450       11/19/2019       01/07/2020         (380     (381
    2.450       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (859     (861
    2.450       12/31/2019       02/06/2020         (1,294     (1,294
    2.500       11/08/2019       02/06/2020         (1,261     (1,266
    2.500       12/13/2019       01/10/2020         (177     (177
    2.600       11/19/2019       01/07/2020         (107     (107
    2.800       11/13/2019       01/10/2020         (3,315     (3,328
    2.844       11/07/2019       02/05/2020         (1,517     (1,524
    2.850       12/04/2019       03/03/2020         (1,642     (1,646
    3.035       10/03/2019       01/06/2020         (3,063     (3,087
    3.130       10/24/2019       01/17/2020         (1,380     (1,388




Total Reverse Repurchase Agreements


        $     (74,611







Description   Coupon     Maturity
    Proceeds     Payable for
Short Sales(4)

U.S. Treasury Obligations (0.1)%


U.S. Treasury Bonds

    2.875%       05/15/2049     $     71     $     (78   $     (78







Total Short Sales (0.1)%

        $ (78   $ (78








See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   35

Schedule of Investments PIMCO PCM Fund, Inc. (Cont.)




The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of December 31, 2019:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
    Payable for
Short  Sales(4)
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net  Exposure(5)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 0     $ (7,058   $ 0     $ 0     $ (7,058   $ 9,151     $ 2,093  


    0       (5,579     0       0       (5,579     7,816       2,237  


    0       (2,226     0       0       (2,226     2,821       595  


    0       (2,316     0       0       (2,316     3,231       915  


    0       (263     0       0       (263     289       26  


    0       (312     0       0       (312     453       141  


    591       0       0       0       591       (604     (13


    0       (2,561     0       0       (2,561     2,780       219  


    0       (2,530     0       0       (2,530     3,248       718  


    0       (358     0       0       (358     179       (179


    0       (638     0       0       (638     877       239  


    4,500       0       0       0       4,500       (4,590     (90


    0       (18,752     0       0           (18,752         23,975           5,223  


    0       (3,666     0       0       (3,666     4,764       1,098  


    0       (97     0       0       (97     0       (97


    0       (5,657     0       0       (5,657     6,899       1,242  


    0       (22,598     0       0       (22,598     28,361       5,763  

Master Securities Forward Transaction Agreement



    0       0       0       (78      













Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     5,091     $     (74,611   $     0     $     (78      
















Remaining Contractual Maturity of the Agreements


     Overnight and
    Up to 30 days     31-90 days     Greater Than 90 days     Total  

Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Corporate Bonds & Notes

  $ 0     $ (5,802   $ (10,573   $ (2,187   $ (18,562

U.S. Government Agencies

    0       (1,388     (1,006     0       (2,394

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    0       (1,763     (7,202     0       (8,965

Asset-Backed Securities

    0       (28,281     (16,250     0       (44,531
















Total Borrowings

  $     0     $     (37,234   $     (35,031   $     (2,187   $     (74,452
















Payable for reverse repurchase agreements(6)


  $ (74,452






Securities with an aggregate market value of $95,134 have been pledged as collateral under the terms of the above master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



Includes accrued interest.


The average amount of borrowings outstanding during the period ended December 31, 2019 was $(71,442) at a weighted average interest rate of 3.008%. Average borrowings may include reverse repurchase agreements and sale-buyback transactions, if held during the period.


Open maturity reverse repurchase agreement.


Payable for short sales includes $0 of accrued interest.


Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Unsettled reverse repurchase agreements liability of $(159) is outstanding at period end.








Reference Entity   Fixed
Receive Rate
Credit Spread at
December 31, 2019(2)
    Variation Margin  
  Asset     Liability  

Frontier Communications Corp.

    5.000     Quarterly     06/20/2020     195.572   $ 590     $ (33   $ (232   $ (265   $ 0     $ (4

Sprint Communications, Inc.

    5.000       Quarterly     12/20/2021     1.142           300       9       14       23       0       0  















          $     (24   $     (218   $     (242   $     0     $     (4

















36   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)




Floating Rate
  Floating Rate Index   Fixed Rate     Payment
    Variation Margin  
  Asset     Liability  




    2.750     Semi-Annual       12/19/2023     $ 15,300     $ (131   $ 748     $ 617     $ 0     $ (13




    1.750       Semi-Annual       12/21/2023           32,300       606       (558     48       0       (27




    1.750       Semi-Annual       12/21/2026       3,200       77       (89     (12     0       (7




    3.000       Semi-Annual       06/19/2029       7,800       630       130       760       0       (23




    3.000       Semi-Annual       12/19/2038       9,000       30       (1,369         (1,339     67       0  




    2.000       Semi-Annual       01/15/2050       100       (1     3       2       1       0  




    1.625       Semi-Annual       01/16/2050       400       0       45       45       4       0  




    1.750       Semi-Annual       01/22/2050       700       (4     62       58       8       0  




    1.625       Semi-Annual       02/03/2050       400       (1     46       45       4       0  















        $ 1,206     $ (982   $ 224     $ 84     $ (70
















Total Swap Agreements


  $     1,182     $     (1,200   $ (18   $     84     $     (74



















The following is a summary of the market value and variation margin of Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared Financial Derivative Instruments as of December 31, 2019:


    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities  
    Market Value     Variation Margin
                Market Value     Variation Margin
    Futures     Swap
    Total           Written
    Futures     Swap

Total Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared

  $     0     $     0     $     84     $     84       $     0     $     0     $     (74)     $     (74


























Cash of $1,162 has been pledged as collateral for exchange-traded and centrally cleared financial derivative instruments as of December 31, 2019. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.



If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash, securities or other deliverable obligations equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on issues as of period end serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.


The prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the underlying referenced instrument’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


This instrument has a forward starting effective date. See Note 2, Securities Transactions and Investment Income, in the Notes to Financial Statements for further information.








Counterparty   Index/Tranches   Fixed
Receive Rate
    Swap Agreements,
at  Value(3)
  Asset     Liability  

ABX.HE.AA.6-1 Index

    0.320   Monthly     07/25/2045     $     4,083     $ (812   $ 589     $ 0     $ (223


    0.090     Monthly     08/25/2037       978       (190     63       0       (127













Total Swap Agreements

    $     (1,002   $     652     $     0     $     (350














See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   37

Schedule of Investments PIMCO PCM Fund, Inc. (Cont.)




The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of OTC financial derivative instruments and collateral pledged/(received) as of December 31, 2019:


    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities                     
Counterparty   Forward
Over the
Over the
    Net Market
Value of OTC


  $     0      $     0      $     0      $     0       $     0      $     0      $     (350   $     (350   $     (350   $     493      $     143  



























Securities with an aggregate market value of $493 have been pledged as collateral for financial derivative instruments as governed by International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash, securities or other deliverable obligations equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.


The prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the underlying referenced instrument’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from OTC financial derivative instruments can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




The following is a summary of the fair valuation of the Fund’s derivative instruments categorized by risk exposure. See Note 7, Principal Risks, in the Notes to Financial Statements on risks of the Fund.


Fair Values of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as of December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 84     $ 84  



















Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 4     $ 0     $ 0     $ 70     $ 74  



















Over the counter


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 350     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 350  


















  $     0     $     354     $     0     $     0     $     70     $     424  




















The effect of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Statements of Operations for the period ended December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 50     $ 0     $ 0     $ (956   $ (906



















Over the counter


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 86     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 86  


















  $ 0     $ 136     $ 0     $ 0     $     (956   $     (820



















Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ (151   $ 0     $ 0     $ 588     $ 437  



















Over the counter


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ (60   $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ (60


















  $     0     $     (211   $     0     $     0     $ 588     $ 377  




















38   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)




The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of December 31, 2019 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair Value
at 12/31/2019

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 0     $ 17,351     $ 3,226     $ 20,577  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    0       6,626       0       6,626  


    0       15,972       0       15,972  


    0       6,011       0       6,011  

Convertible Bonds & Notes



    0       53       0       53  

Municipal Bonds & Notes


West Virginia

    0       811       0       811  

U.S. Government Agencies

    0       5,493       0       5,493  

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    0       45,050       337       45,387  

Asset-Backed Securities

    0           75,679           2,865           78,544  

Common Stocks


Communication Services

    412       1       0       413  

Consumer Discretionary

    971       0       0       971  


    9       0       0       9  


    0       0       139       139  


    0       0       354       354  



Communication Services

    0       669       0       669  


    0       0       256       256  

Preferred Securities



    0       52       3,182       3,234  

Real Estate Investment Trusts


Real Estate

        2,682       0       0       2,682  
Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair Value
at 12/31/2019

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

  $ 0     $ 5,091     $ 0     $ 5,091  

U.S. Treasury Bills

    0       493       0       493  













Total Investments

  $     4,074     $     179,352     $     10,359     $     193,785  













Short Sales, at Value - Liabilities


U.S. Treasury Obligations

  $ 0     $ (78   $ 0     $ (78













Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

  $ 0     $ 84     $ 0     $ 84  













Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    0       (74     0       (74

Over the counter

    0       (350     0       (350












  $ 0     $ (424   $ 0     $ (424













Total Financial Derivative Instruments

  $ 0     $ (340   $ 0     $ (340














  $ 4,074     $ 178,934     $ 10,359     $ 193,367  














The following is a reconciliation of the fair valuations using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) for the Fund during the period ended December 31, 2019:


Category and Subcategory   Beginning
at 06/30/2019
    Net Change in
    Transfers into
Level 3
    Transfers out
of Level 3
at 12/31/2019
    Net Change in
on Investments
Held at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 2,020     $ 3,181     $ (73   $ (7   $ 0     $ (80   $ 0     $ (1,815   $ 3,226     $ 2  

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    377       0       (23     2       0       (19     0       0       337       (18

Asset-Backed Securities

    3,391       0       0       2       0       (528     0       0       2,865       (528

Common Stocks



    134       0       0       0       0       5       0       0       139       5  


    389       0       0       0       0       (35     0       0       354       (35




    139       0       0       0       0       117       0       0       256       117  

Preferred Securities



    2,763       166       0       0       0       253       0       0       3,182       253  
































  $     9,213     $     3,347     $     (96   $     (3   $     0     $     (286   $     0     $     (1,816   $     10,359     $     (204
































See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   39

Schedule of Investments PIMCO PCM Fund, Inc. (Cont.)


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


The following is a summary of significant unobservable inputs used in the fair valuations of assets and liabilities categorized within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy:


Category and Subcategory


at 12/31/2019





    (% Unless Noted Otherwise)  
  Input Value(s)      Weighted

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 2,914      Other Valuation Techniques(2)     —         —          —    
    312      Third Party Vendor     Broker Quote       99.250-101.000        100.410  

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed  Securities

    337      Proxy Pricing     Base Price       2.000-99.375        89.931  

Asset-Backed Securities

    605      Discounted Cash Flow     Discount Rate       8.740        —    
    2,260      Proxy Pricing     Base Price       0.000-53,000.000        19,877.647  

Common Stocks



    139      Indicative Market Quotation     Broker Quote     $ 15.000        —    


    354      Indicative Market Quotation     Broker Quote     $ 35.750        —    




    256      Other Valuation Techniques(2)     —         —          —    

Preferred Securities



    3,182      Fundamental valuation     Company Equity Value     $ 934,387,328.532        —    





  $     10,359            






Any difference between Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) and Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) on Investments Held at December 31, 2019 may be due to an investment no longer held or categorized as Level 3 at period end.


Includes valuation techniques not defined in the Notes to Financial Statements as securities valued using such techniques are not considered significant to the Fund.


40   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)






Advanz Pharma Corp.


7.447% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 09/06/2024 ~

  $     866     $     811  

Chesapeake Energy Corp.


TBD% due 06/09/2024

      25         26  

Clay Holdco BV


TBD% due 11/06/2026 «

  EUR     1,000         1,065  

Diamond Resorts Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/02/2023 ~

  $     612         599  

Dubai World (2.000% Cash and 1.750% PIK)


3.750% (LIBOR03M + 2.000%) due 09/30/2022 ~(c)

      918         857  

Emerald TopCo, Inc.


5.299% (LIBOR03M + 3.500%) due 07/24/2026 ~

      5         5  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 10/10/2025 ~

      2,525         2,163  

Financial & Risk U.S. Holdings, Inc.


5.049% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/01/2025 ~

      220         222  

Forbes Energy Services LLC (5.000% Cash and 11.000% PIK)


16.000% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 04/13/2021 ~(c)

      83         83  

Frontier Communications Corp.


5.550% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/15/2024 ~

      98         98  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


5.691% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 05/01/2026 ~

      646         653  

IRB Holding Corp.


5.195% - 5.216% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 02/05/2025 ~

      148         149  

Jefferies Finance LLC


5.500% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/03/2026 ~

      4         4  

McDermott Technology Americas, Inc.


0.500% - 12.002% (LIBOR03M + 10.000%) due 10/21/2021 ~µ

      209         214  

6.945% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 05/09/2025 ~

      374         220  



5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/13/2024 ~

      20         20  

Nascar Holdings, Inc.


4.495% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 10/19/2026 ~

      12         12  

NCI Building Systems, Inc.


5.486% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 04/12/2025 ~

      10         10  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC


7.713% (LIBOR03M + 6.000%) due 10/25/2023 ~

      1,678           1,382  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC (7.213% Cash and 1.000% PIK)


8.213% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 10/25/2023 ~(c)

      1,681         1,367  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics S.A.


5.306% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 06/30/2025 ~

      108         107  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


TBD% due 02/22/2049 ^«(d)

      206         204  

PetSmart, Inc.


5.740% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 03/11/2022 ~

      17         16  

PG&E Corp.


4.950% (PRIME + 0.200%) due 04/16/2020 ~

      100         100  

Sequa Mezzanine Holdings LLC


10.936% (LIBOR03M + 9.000%) due 04/28/2022 ~

      420         414  

Sierra Hamilton LLC


15.000% due 09/12/2023 «

  $     5     $     5  

Sotera Health Holdings LLC


6.289% (LIBOR03M + 4.500%) due 12/11/2026 ~

      21         21  

Summer (BC) Holdco B SARL


TBD% due 10/15/2026

      530         506  

Sunshine Luxembourg SARL


6.195% (LIBOR03M + 4.250%) due 10/01/2026 ~

      42         42  

Syniverse Holdings, Inc.


6.846% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 03/09/2023 ~

      1,395         1,300  

U.S. Renal Care, Inc.


6.813% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 06/26/2026 ~

      72         71  

Univision Communications, Inc.


4.549% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 03/15/2024 ~

      715         707  

West Corp.


5.927% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 10/10/2024 ~

      9         8  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC


10.150% (LIBOR03M + 8.250%) due 03/15/2022 «~

      294         297  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC (15.000% PIK)


15.000% due 03/15/2029 (c)

      864         691  

Windstream Services LLC


9.000% (PRIME + 4.250%) due 02/17/2024 ~

      1,400         1,330  

9.750% (PRIME + 5.000%) due 03/29/2021 ~

      850         816  




Total Loan Participations and Assignments
(Cost $17,610)








Ambac Assurance Corp.


5.100% due 06/07/2020

      13         19  



6.945% due 02/12/2023 •(m)

      129         131  

Ardonagh Midco PLC


8.375% due 07/15/2023 (m)

  GBP     1,870         2,480  

AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc.


5.000% due 04/20/2048

  $     2         2  

Banco de Credito del Peru


4.650% due 09/17/2024

  PEN     100         30  

Barclays PLC


7.125% due 06/15/2025 •(i)(j)(m)

  GBP     200         300  

7.875% due 09/15/2022 •(i)(j)(m)

      1,250         1,841  

Brookfield Finance, Inc.


3.900% due 01/25/2028

  $     4         4  

4.700% due 09/20/2047

      12         14  

CBL & Associates LP


4.600% due 10/15/2024 (m)

      165         107  

5.950% due 12/15/2026 (m)

      1,020         614  

Credit Agricole S.A.


7.875% due 01/23/2024 •(i)(j)(m)

      200         228  

Deutsche Bank AG


3.961% due 11/26/2025 •

      150         153  

Emerald Bay S.A.


0.000% due 10/08/2020 (g)

  EUR     6         7  

ESH Hospitality, Inc.


4.625% due 10/01/2027

  $     18         18  

Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors LLC


6.500% due 10/01/2025 (m)

      73         77  



6.330% due 05/23/2023

      1,100         1,160  

HSBC Holdings PLC


6.000% due 09/29/2023 •(i)(j)

  EUR     200         259  

Hunt Cos., Inc.


6.250% due 02/15/2026

  $     6         6  

Kennedy-Wilson, Inc.


5.875% due 04/01/2024

  $     14     $     14  

Lloyds Banking Group PLC


7.625% due 06/27/2023 •(i)(j)(m)

  GBP     1,600         2,383  

LoanCore Capital Markets LLC


6.875% due 06/01/2020 (m)

  $     1,400         1,401  

Nationstar Mortgage LLC


6.500% due 07/01/2021 (m)

      115         116  

Newmark Group, Inc.


6.125% due 11/15/2023

      18         20  

Oppenheimer Holdings, Inc.


6.750% due 07/01/2022

      7         7  

Pinnacol Assurance


8.625% due 06/25/2034 «(k)

      1,100         1,177  

Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC


8.000% due 08/10/2025 •(i)(j)(m)

      300         346  

Sabra Health Care LP


4.800% due 06/01/2024

      29         31  

Santander UK Group Holdings PLC


6.750% due 06/24/2024 •(i)(j)(m)

  GBP     450         658  

7.375% due 06/24/2022 •(i)(j)(m)

      1,100         1,592  

Societe Generale S.A.


7.375% due 10/04/2023 •(i)(j)(m)

  $     200         219  

Springleaf Finance Corp.


5.375% due 11/15/2029

      7         7  

Toll Road Investors Partnership LP


0.000% due 02/15/2045 (g)

      182         48  

UniCredit SpA


7.830% due 12/04/2023 (m)

      730         852  

Unique Pub Finance Co. PLC


5.659% due 06/30/2027

  GBP     492         750  

Voyager Aviation Holdings LLC


8.500% due 08/15/2021 (m)

  $     2,260         2,322  








Altice Financing S.A.


7.500% due 05/15/2026 (m)

      800         862  

Altice France S.A.


7.375% due 05/01/2026 (m)

      1,327         1,427  

Associated Materials LLC


9.000% due 01/01/2024 (m)

      680         598  

Avon International Capital PLC


6.500% due 08/15/2022

      6         6  

B.C. Unlimited Liability Co.


4.375% due 01/15/2028

      13         13  

Bausch Health Cos., Inc.


5.000% due 01/30/2028

      12         12  

5.250% due 01/30/2030

      8         8  

BCPE Cycle Merger Sub, Inc.


10.625% due 07/15/2027

      12         12  

Bombardier, Inc.


6.125% due 01/15/2023 (m)

      170         175  

7.500% due 12/01/2024 (m)

      148         156  

7.500% due 03/15/2025 (m)

      127         131  

7.875% due 04/15/2027 (m)

      450         464  

Camelot Finance S.A.


4.500% due 11/01/2026

      2         2  

CCO Holdings LLC


4.750% due 03/01/2030

      30         31  

Centene Corp.


4.250% due 12/15/2027

      17         18  

4.625% due 12/15/2029

      30         32  

4.750% due 01/15/2025

      29         30  

Charter Communications Operating LLC


4.800% due 03/01/2050

      36         38  

Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc.


9.250% due 02/15/2024

      488         541  

Community Health Systems, Inc.


6.250% due 03/31/2023 (m)

      1,547         1,574  

8.000% due 03/15/2026 (m)

      72         74  

8.625% due 01/15/2024 (m)

      106         113  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   41

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund (Cont.)



Connect Finco SARL


6.750% due 10/01/2026

  $     10     $     11  

Corning, Inc.


5.450% due 11/15/2079

      12         13  

Corp. GEO S.A.B. de C.V.


9.250% due 06/30/2020 ^«(d)

      470         0  

DAE Funding LLC


5.750% due 11/15/2023 (m)

      100         105  

Diamond Resorts International, Inc.


7.750% due 09/01/2023 (m)

      256         264  

DriveTime Automotive Group, Inc.


8.000% due 06/01/2021 (m)

      1,170         1,191  

Eagle Holding Co. LLC (7.750% Cash or 8.500% PIK)


7.750% due 05/15/2022 (c)

      5         5  

EI Group PLC


6.875% due 05/09/2025

  GBP     10         13  

Eldorado Resorts, Inc.


6.000% due 09/15/2026 (m)

  $     400         441  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


8.750% due 10/15/2026 (m)

      382         238  

Exela Intermediate LLC


10.000% due 07/15/2023

      23         9  

Fair Isaac Corp.


4.000% due 06/15/2028

      2         2  

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.


6.500% due 03/01/2024 (m)

      284         285  

6.875% due 03/01/2026 (m)

      312         316  

7.000% due 02/15/2021 (m)

      31         31  

Flex Ltd.


4.875% due 06/15/2029

      15         16  

Fresh Market, Inc.


9.750% due 05/01/2023 (m)

      1,200         612  

Full House Resorts, Inc.


8.575% due 01/31/2024

      100         99  

9.738% due 02/02/2024

      8         8  

General Electric Co.


5.875% due 01/14/2038

      2         2  

6.150% due 08/07/2037

      2         3  

6.875% due 01/10/2039

      32         43  

HCA, Inc.


7.500% due 11/15/2095 (m)

      300         351  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


6.375% due 05/01/2026

      207         225  

8.375% due 05/01/2027 (m)

      319         353  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (6.000% Cash or 6.750% PIK)


6.000% due 05/15/2027 (c)

      71         75  

Intelsat Connect Finance S.A.


9.500% due 02/15/2023

      35         25  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A.


5.500% due 08/01/2023 (m)

      300         258  

8.500% due 10/15/2024

      22         20  

9.750% due 07/15/2025

      23         21  

Intelsat Luxembourg S.A.


7.750% due 06/01/2021 ^(m)

      2,113           1,674  

8.125% due 06/01/2023

      54         32  

Kinder Morgan, Inc.


7.750% due 01/15/2032 (m)

      300         413  

Mallinckrodt International Finance S.A.


5.500% due 04/15/2025 (m)

      134         48  

Mattel, Inc.


5.875% due 12/15/2027

      9         10  

Micron Technology, Inc.


5.327% due 02/06/2029 (m)

      28         32  

MSCI, Inc.


4.000% due 11/15/2029

      4         4  

NCL Corp. Ltd.


3.625% due 12/15/2024

      20         20  

Netflix, Inc.


3.875% due 11/15/2029 (m)

  EUR     116         138  

5.375% due 11/15/2029

  $     10         11  

Noble Holding International Ltd.


7.875% due 02/01/2026

      52         38  

Odebrecht Oil & Gas Finance Ltd.


0.000% due 01/31/2020 (g)(i)

  $     322     $     3  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.


6.625% due 05/15/2022 (m)

      328         327  

Pacific Drilling SA


8.375% due 10/01/2023

      54         49  

Pan American Energy LLC


42.636% (BADLARPP) due 11/20/2020 «~

  ARS     4,980         66  

Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.


7.500% due 04/01/2027

  $     21         21  

Petroleos Mexicanos


5.350% due 02/12/2028

      114         114  

6.490% due 01/23/2027

      10         11  

6.500% due 03/13/2027

      232         247  

6.750% due 09/21/2047

      10         10  

6.840% due 01/23/2030

      40         43  

7.690% due 01/23/2050

      20         22  

PetSmart, Inc.


5.875% due 06/01/2025

      19         19  

Platin 1426 GmbH


6.875% due 06/15/2023 (m)

  EUR     100         115  

QVC, Inc.


5.950% due 03/15/2043

  $     144         135  

Radiate Holdco LLC


6.875% due 02/15/2023

      2         2  

Sands China Ltd.


5.400% due 08/08/2028 (m)

      162         183  

Sealed Air Corp.


4.000% due 12/01/2027

      2         2  

Select Medical Corp.


6.250% due 08/15/2026

      6         7  

Sensata Technologies, Inc.


4.375% due 02/15/2030

      4         4  

Silgan Holdings, Inc.


4.125% due 02/01/2028

      9         9  

Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc.


12.500% due 04/15/2049 ^(d)

      479         500  

Staples, Inc.


7.500% due 04/15/2026

      2         2  

Telesat Canada


4.875% due 06/01/2027

      5         5  

Tenet Healthcare Corp.


4.625% due 09/01/2024

      2         2  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands BV


2.200% due 07/21/2021 (m)

      106         103  

3.250% due 04/15/2022 (m)

  EUR     100         114  

Topaz Solar Farms LLC


4.875% due 09/30/2039 (m)

  $     90         93  

5.750% due 09/30/2039 (m)

      851           941  

TransDigm, Inc.


5.500% due 11/15/2027

      16         16  

Transocean Pontus Ltd.


6.125% due 08/01/2025 (m)

      25         26  

Transocean, Inc.


7.250% due 11/01/2025

      36         35  

7.500% due 01/15/2026

      6         6  

Trident TPI Holdings, Inc.


9.250% due 08/01/2024

      4         4  

Triumph Group, Inc.


5.250% due 06/01/2022

      4         4  

6.250% due 09/15/2024

      11         12  

Twitter, Inc.


3.875% due 12/15/2027

      2         2  

Univision Communications, Inc.


5.125% due 02/15/2025 (m)

      36         36  

Valaris PLC


5.750% due 10/01/2044

      22         10  

7.750% due 02/01/2026

      2         1  

Vale Overseas Ltd.


6.250% due 08/10/2026 (m)

      25         29  

6.875% due 11/21/2036

      38         50  

6.875% due 11/10/2039

      6         8  

ViaSat, Inc.


5.625% due 09/15/2025

  $     18     $     19  

5.625% due 04/15/2027

      3         3  

Wyndham Destinations, Inc.


3.900% due 03/01/2023

      12         12  

4.625% due 03/01/2030

      4         4  

5.750% due 04/01/2027

      133         145  



50.817% (BADLARPP + 4.000%) due 09/24/2020 «~(a)

  ARS     1,430         18  








Edison International


2.400% due 09/15/2022

  $     12         12  

2.950% due 03/15/2023

      1         1  

3.125% due 11/15/2022

      12         12  

3.550% due 11/15/2024

      12         12  

5.750% due 06/15/2027

      8         9  

Odebrecht Drilling Norbe Ltd.


6.350% due 12/01/2021 ^(m)

      127         126  

Odebrecht Drilling Norbe Ltd. (6.350% Cash and 1.000% PIK)


7.350% due 12/01/2026 ^(c)(m)

      447         245  

Odebrecht Offshore Drilling Finance Ltd.


6.720% due 12/01/2022 ^(m)

      1,192         1,174  

Odebrecht Offshore Drilling Finance Ltd. (6.720% Cash and 1.000% PIK)


7.720% due 12/01/2026 ^(c)

      655         164  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


2.450% due 08/15/2022 ^(d)(m)

      108         108  

2.950% due 03/01/2026 ^(d)(m)

      127         128  

3.250% due 09/15/2021 ^(d)

      44         44  

3.250% due 06/15/2023 ^(d)(m)

      173         173  

3.300% due 03/15/2027 ^(d)(m)

      116         116  

3.300% due 12/01/2027 ^(d)

      100         100  

3.400% due 08/15/2024 ^(d)(m)

      64         65  

3.500% due 10/01/2020 ^(d)(m)

      1,304         1,309  

3.500% due 06/15/2025 ^(d)(m)

      120         120  

3.750% due 02/15/2024 ^(d)(m)

      45         46  

3.750% due 08/15/2042 ^(d)

      2         2  

3.850% due 11/15/2023 ^(d)(m)

      10         10  

4.250% due 05/15/2021 ^(d)

      251         252  

4.250% due 08/01/2023 ^(d)(m)

      200         206  

4.300% due 03/15/2045 ^(d)

      18         18  

4.500% due 12/15/2041 ^(d)

      37         37  

4.600% due 06/15/2043 ^(d)

      8         8  

4.650% due 08/01/2028 ^(d)

      100         104  

4.750% due 02/15/2044 ^(d)

      26         27  

5.125% due 11/15/2043 ^(d)

      98         101  

5.400% due 01/15/2040 ^(d)

      4         4  

5.800% due 03/01/2037 ^(d)

      89         93  

6.050% due 03/01/2034 ^(d)

      17         18  

6.250% due 03/01/2039 ^(d)

      15         16  

6.350% due 02/15/2038 ^(d)

      6         6  

Petrobras Global Finance BV


5.093% due 01/15/2030

      137         147  

6.850% due 06/05/2115

      36         41  

Rio Oil Finance Trust


9.250% due 07/06/2024 (m)

      1,327         1,490  

Southern California Edison Co.


5.750% due 04/01/2035

      2         3  

6.650% due 04/01/2029

      12         15  

Sprint Corp.


7.625% due 03/01/2026 (m)

      1,004         1,109  

Talen Energy Supply LLC


6.625% due 01/15/2028

      4         4  

Transocean Poseidon Ltd.


6.875% due 02/01/2027

      20         21  







Total Corporate Bonds & Notes (Cost $43,532)






42   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)






DISH Network Corp.


3.375% due 08/15/2026

  $     600     $     578  





Ensco Jersey Finance Ltd.


3.000% due 01/31/2024

      4         3  




Total Convertible Bonds & Notes (Cost $603)








Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


7.750% due 01/01/2042

      12         13  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, (BABs), Series 2010


6.725% due 04/01/2035

      10         12  

7.350% due 07/01/2035

      5         6  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003


5.100% due 06/01/2033

      35         38  








Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority, West Virginia Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


0.000% due 06/01/2047 (g)

      8,800         385  

7.467% due 06/01/2047

      1,590         1,654  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes (Cost $2,158)






Fannie Mae


4.208% due 11/25/2049 •(a)

      236         52  

4.258% due 03/25/2037 •(a)

      260         41  

4.358% due 11/25/2039 •(a)

      233         37  

4.508% due 01/25/2038 •(a)

      342         51  

4.588% due 03/25/2037 •(a)

      294         53  

4.608% due 12/25/2037 •(a)

      331         39  

4.618% due 06/25/2037 •(a)

      116         12  

4.658% due 04/25/2037 •(a)(m)

      741         140  

4.808% due 11/25/2035 •(a)

      89         10  

5.008% due 11/25/2036 •(a)(m)

      1,442         269  

5.342% due 07/25/2029 •

      170         180  

5.408% due 02/25/2037 •(a)

      259         56  

7.000% due 12/25/2023

      50         53  

7.500% due 06/01/2032

      25         25  

7.542% due 07/25/2029 •

      220         261  

7.800% due 06/25/2026 ~

      2         2  

9.247% due 12/25/2042 ~

      50         57  

11.691% due 08/25/2022 •

      46         51  

Freddie Mac


0.000% due 02/25/2046 (b)(g)

      1,307         1,212  

0.100% due 02/25/2046 (a)

      15,708         10  

0.661% due 10/25/2020 ~(a)

      9,577         20  

1.939% due 11/25/2055 ~(a)

      5,732         458  

4.700% due 03/15/2037 •(a)

      532         94  

4.830% due 09/15/2036 •(a)

      315         53  

4.840% due 09/15/2036 •(a)(m)

      658         126  

6.942% due 10/25/2029 •

      250         289  

7.000% due 08/15/2023

      2         2  

Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security


3.500% due 03/01/2048 - 07/01/2049 (m)

      3,676         3,801  

3.500% due 11/01/2048

      815         838  

Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA


3.500% due 02/01/2050

      30,500         31,354  

4.000% due 03/01/2050

      5,500         5,721  

4.500% due 02/01/2050

      2,000         2,107  




Total U.S. Government Agencies (Cost $47,132)






Banc of America Alternative Loan Trust


12.998% due 09/25/2035 ^•

  $     1,070     $     1,325  

Banc of America Funding Trust


3.147% due 12/20/2034 ~

      289         203  

4.845% due 03/20/2036 ~

      454         447  

5.846% due 01/25/2037 ^~

      165         164  

Banc of America Mortgage Trust


6.000% due 07/25/2046 ^

      1         1  

Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust


4.238% due 07/25/2036 ^~

      183         177  

Bear Stearns ALT-A Trust


3.107% due 04/25/2035 ~

      100         93  

3.874% due 11/25/2035 ^~(m)

      112         98  

4.103% due 09/25/2035 ^~

      103         85  

Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


5.395% due 02/11/2041 ~

      199         199  

5.728% due 04/12/2038 ~

      40         40  

Bear Stearns Structured Products, Inc. Trust


3.649% due 12/26/2046 ^~

      265         229  

4.001% due 01/26/2036 ^~

      535         479  

BRAD Resecuritization Trust


2.192% due 03/12/2021 «

      1,370         27  

6.550% due 03/12/2021 «

      256         255  

CBA Commercial Small Balance Commercial Mortgage


5.540% due 01/25/2039 ^þ

      273         225  

CD Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.398% due 12/11/2049 ~

      6         6  

CD Mortgage Trust


5.688% due 10/15/2048

      1,365         709  

Chevy Chase Funding LLC Mortgage-Backed Certificates


2.092% due 08/25/2035 •

      72         72  

2.472% due 10/25/2034 •

      6         5  

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.589% due 12/10/2049 ~

      910         583  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust


4.219% due 11/25/2035 ~

      1,631           1,270  

4.798% due 03/25/2037 ^~

      265         227  

Commercial Mortgage Loan Trust


6.052% due 12/10/2049 ~(m)

      1,508         1,001  

Commercial Mortgage Trust


0.131% due 10/10/2046 ~(a)(m)

      77,000         403  

6.107% due 07/10/2046 ~(m)

      760         771  

Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust


2.032% due 12/25/2046 ^•

      104         72  

2.142% due 05/25/2036 ^•(m)

      1,510         646  

2.452% due 10/25/2035 •

      615         511  

3.279% due 10/25/2035 ^~

      112         107  

4.242% due 02/25/2037 ^~

      133         131  

5.358% due 07/25/2036 •(a)

      1,035         328  

5.500% due 08/25/2034

      341         348  

5.500% due 02/25/2036 ^

      19         17  

6.250% due 09/25/2034

      52         53  

6.500% due 08/25/2036 ^

      1,224         726  

14.872% due 07/25/2035 •

      751         938  

Countrywide Home Loan Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


2.032% due 03/25/2036 •

      150         147  

2.572% due 02/25/2035 •

      86         83  

3.264% due 03/25/2037 ^~

      287         249  

3.468% due 10/20/2035 ~

      182         164  

3.704% due 10/20/2035 ^~

      103         92  

3.859% due 10/20/2035 ^~

      109         103  

3.878% due 08/25/2034 ~

      79         77  

5.500% due 08/25/2035 ^

      23         20  

Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.869% due 09/15/2040 ~

      391         250  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Mortgage-Backed Trust


6.000% due 11/25/2036

      199         177  

DBUBS Mortgage Trust


4.652% due 11/10/2046

      700         630  

First Horizon Alternative Mortgage Securities Trust


3.900% due 11/25/2036 ^~(m)

      281         237  

First Horizon Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


4.362% due 01/25/2037 ^~

      370         319  

GE Commercial Mortgage Corp. Trust


5.606% due 12/10/2049 ~(m)

  $     201     $     176  

GS Mortgage Securities Trust


5.622% due 11/10/2039

      128         100  

GSR Mortgage Loan Trust


4.370% due 04/25/2035 ~

      177         181  

4.714% due 05/25/2035 ~

      40         38  

5.500% due 06/25/2036 ^

      5         14  

HarborView Mortgage Loan Trust


2.364% due 04/19/2034 •

      15         14  

3.265% due 11/19/2034 ~

      98         90  

4.446% due 08/19/2036 ^~

      9         9  

4.694% due 02/25/2036 ^~

      23         15  

HSI Asset Loan Obligation Trust


4.125% due 01/25/2037 ^~

      245         220  

IndyMac Mortgage Loan Trust


2.062% due 06/25/2037 ^•

      918         904  

2.352% due 03/25/2035 •

      18         18  

3.271% due 06/25/2037 ^~

      454         400  

JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


0.271% due 11/15/2045 ~(a)(m)

      76,047         838  

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


5.411% due 05/15/2047

      393         460  

JPMorgan Mortgage Trust


4.236% due 04/25/2037 ^~

      473         404  

5.500% due 01/25/2036 ^

      44         35  

5.500% due 06/25/2037 ^

      10         10  

MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust


3.924% due 10/25/2034 ~

      130         123  

4.103% due 11/25/2035 ^~

      508         396  

Merrill Lynch Alternative Note Asset Trust


1.862% due 01/25/2037 •

      766         353  

Motel 6 Trust


8.666% due 08/15/2024 •

      1,222         1,244  

Opteum Mortgage Acceptance Corp. Trust


2.062% due 07/25/2036 •

      235         133  

Prime Mortgage Trust


4.758% due 11/25/2036 •(a)

      1,596         75  

Provident Funding Mortgage Loan Trust


4.639% due 10/25/2035 ~

      36         37  

RBSSP Resecuritization Trust


5.000% due 09/26/2036 ~

      1,705         1,586  

Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. Trust


4.284% due 12/26/2034 ^~

      143         121  

4.879% due 01/25/2036 ^~(m)

      632         574  

6.000% due 09/25/2035 ^(m)

      352         219  

6.000% due 08/25/2036 ^

      209         199  

Residential Asset Mortgage Products Trust


7.500% due 12/25/2031

      51         51  

Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust


3.639% due 05/25/2035 ^•(m)

      1,321         1,159  

3.715% due 09/25/2036 ^~

      263         217  

4.022% due 04/25/2036 ^~

      284         231  

4.079% due 09/25/2035 ~

      69         61  

4.111% due 01/25/2036 ^~

      302         224  

Structured Asset Mortgage Investments Trust


2.022% due 02/25/2036 •

      352         326  

2.072% due 02/25/2036 ^•(m)

      254         246  

SunTrust Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust


4.661% due 01/25/2037 ^~

      77         72  

Theatre Hospitals PLC


3.785% due 10/15/2031 •(m)

  GBP     941         1,247  

4.190% due 12/15/2024 «(k)

      20         0  

WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust


3.804% due 12/25/2036 ^~(m)

  $     319         320  

3.995% due 07/25/2037 ^~

      91         86  

Wells Fargo-RBS Commercial Mortgage Trust


0.253% due 12/15/2046 ~(a)(m)

      30,000         327  




Total Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $25,365)






Adagio CLO DAC


0.000% due 04/30/2031 ~

  EUR     250         200  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   43

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund (Cont.)



Apidos CLO


0.000% due 07/22/2026 «~

  $     500     $     0  



0.000% due 07/15/2032 ~

  EUR     1,000         1,011  

Bear Stearns Asset-Backed Securities Trust


6.500% due 08/25/2036 ^(m)

  $     571         348  

17.605% due 03/25/2036 ^•(m)

      1,634         1,651  

Belle Haven ABS CDO Ltd.


2.539% due 07/05/2046 •

      34,966         51  

Bombardier Capital Mortgage Securitization Corp.


7.830% due 06/15/2030 ~

      1,421         483  

California Republic Auto Receivables Trust


0.000% due 04/15/2025 «(g)

      1,400         1,096  

Carlyle Global Market Strategies CLO Ltd.


0.000% due 04/17/2031 ~

      1,700         1,062  

0.000% due 10/15/2031 ~

      600         409  

Carlyle Global Market Strategies Euro CLO DAC


0.000% due 04/15/2027 ~

  EUR     900         706  

0.000% due 01/25/2032 ~

      300         242  

Carrington Mortgage Loan Trust


1.942% due 08/25/2036 •

  $     78         73  

Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust


0.000% due 01/16/2023 «(g)

      1         714  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust


1.952% due 12/25/2036 •(m)

      1,463         1,018  

1.952% due 01/25/2037 •

      171         86  

Conseco Finance Securitizations Corp.


7.960% due 05/01/2031 (m)

      391         208  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates


2.892% due 09/25/2034 •

      69         69  

EMC Mortgage Loan Trust


2.732% due 05/25/2039 •

      45         44  

Flagship Credit Auto Trust


0.000% due 05/15/2025 «(g)

      1         114  

Lehman XS Trust


4.647% due 05/25/2037 ^þ(m)

      92         91  

Marlette Funding Trust


0.000% due 12/15/2028 «(g)

      2         431  

0.000% due 04/16/2029 «(g)

      2         440  

0.000% due 07/16/2029 «(g)

      2         654  

Morgan Stanley ABS Capital, Inc. Trust


1.852% due 05/25/2037 •

      80         73  

Residential Asset Mortgage Products Trust


5.572% due 06/25/2032 ~

      50         51  

SMB Private Education Loan Trust


0.000% due 09/18/2046 «(g)

      1         759  

0.000% due 10/15/2048 «(g)

      2         1,198  

SoFi Consumer Loan Program LLC


0.000% due 05/26/2026 «(g)

      10         373  

0.000% due 11/25/2026 «(g)

      20         998  

Soundview Home Loan Trust


1.852% due 11/25/2036 •

      181         75  

South Coast Funding Ltd.


2.303% due 01/06/2041 •

      429         100  

2.303% due 01/06/2041 •(m)

      12,097         2,806  

Structured Asset Securities Corp. Mortgage Loan Trust


2.092% due 06/25/2035 •

      191         190  

Symphony CLO Ltd.


6.601% due 07/14/2026 •

      400         376  

Washington Mutual Asset-Backed Certificates Trust


1.852% due 10/25/2036 •

      100         52  




Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost $24,865)






Argentina Government International Bond


3.380% due 12/31/2038 þ(m)

  EUR     760         396  

7.820% due 12/31/2033 (m)

      1,267         824  

7.820% due 12/31/2033

      80         51  

15.500% due 10/17/2026

  ARS     8,480         39  

42.836% (BADLARPP + 2.000%) due 04/03/2022 ~

      13,123         116  

45.399% (BADLARPP + 3.250%) due 03/01/2020 ~

      420         5  

56.589% (ARLLMONP) due 06/21/2020 ~(a)

  ARS     43,094     $     390  

59.928% (BADLARPP) due 10/04/2022 ~(a)

      132         2  

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Argentina


44.086% due 03/29/2024 •

      14,395         165  

51.313% (BADLARPP + 5.000%) due 01/23/2022 ~(a)

      1,630         20  

Peru Government International Bond


5.400% due 08/12/2034

  PEN     2         1  

5.940% due 02/12/2029 (m)

      752         256  

5.940% due 02/12/2029

      6         2  

6.150% due 08/12/2032 (m)

      649         223  

6.350% due 08/12/2028 (m)

      1,145         401  

6.900% due 08/12/2037

      1         0  

6.950% due 08/12/2031

      126         46  

8.200% due 08/12/2026

      207         80  

Provincia de Buenos Aires


45.979% due 05/31/2022 •

  ARS     100         1  

52.270% (BADLARPP + 3.750%) due 04/12/2025 ~(a)

      79,631         604  

Republic of Greece Government International Bond


3.000% due 02/24/2023 þ

  EUR     33         41  

3.000% due 02/24/2024 þ

      33         42  

3.000% due 02/24/2025 þ

      33         43  

3.000% due 02/24/2026 þ

      33         44  

3.000% due 02/24/2027 þ

      33         44  

3.000% due 02/24/2028 þ

      33         45  

3.000% due 02/24/2029 þ

      33         45  

3.000% due 02/24/2030 þ

      33         45  

3.000% due 02/24/2031 þ

      33         45  

3.000% due 02/24/2032 þ

      33         46  

3.000% due 02/24/2033 þ

      33         46  

3.000% due 02/24/2034 þ

      33         46  

3.000% due 02/24/2035 þ

      33         46  

3.000% due 02/24/2036 þ

      33         46  

3.000% due 02/24/2037 þ

      33         46  

3.000% due 02/24/2038 þ

      33         46  

3.000% due 02/24/2039 þ

      33         47  

3.000% due 02/24/2040 þ

      33         47  

3.000% due 02/24/2041 þ

      33         47  

3.000% due 02/24/2042 þ

      33         47  

South Africa Government International Bond


4.850% due 09/30/2029 (m)

  $     200         201  

5.750% due 09/30/2049 (m)

      200         195  

Turkey Government International Bond


4.625% due 03/31/2025 (m)

  EUR     300         357  

5.200% due 02/16/2026 (m)

      100         122  

5.600% due 11/14/2024

  $     500         510  

7.625% due 04/26/2029 (m)

      400         443  

Venezuela Government International Bond


6.000% due 12/09/2020 ^(d)

      50         6  

8.250% due 10/13/2024 ^(d)

      4         1  

9.250% due 09/15/2027 ^(d)

      62         7  




Total Sovereign Issues (Cost $9,631)








Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (e)

      97,913         280  

iHeartMedia, Inc.

      73         1  

iHeartMedia, Inc. ‘A’ (e)

      5,415         92  








Caesars Entertainment Corp. (e)

      76,053         1,034  





Dommo Energia S.A. (e)(k)

      68,358         50  

Dommo Energia S.A. «

      173,223         104  
        SHARES         MARKET

Dommo Energia S.A. SP - ADR «(e)

      547     $     4  

Forbes Energy Services Ltd. (e)(k)

      5,475         1  








Sierra Hamilton Holder LLC «(k)

      100,456         19  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC «(k)

      13,224         198  








Eneva S.A. (e)(k)

      7,786         85  




Total Common Stocks (Cost $2,280)








iHeartMedia, Inc.

      35,276         596  





Sequa Corp. - Exp. 04/28/2024 «

    121,000         262  




Total Warrants (Cost $780)








AGFC Capital Trust


3.751% (US0003M + 1.750%) due 01/15/2067 ~(m)

      1,000,000         500  

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A.


6.750% due 02/18/2020 •(i)(j)(m)

      400,000         452  

Nationwide Building Society


10.250% ~

      10,940         2,406  



0.000% due 04/26/2028 (g)

      1,400         1,102  

Stichting AK Rabobank Certificaten


6.500% due 12/29/2049 (i)

      664,000         950  








General Electric Co.


5.000% due 01/21/2021 •(i)

      28,000         27  

Sequa Corp. (12.000% PIK)


12.000% «(c)

      2,807         3,254  







Total Preferred Securities (Cost $7,459)








VICI Properties, Inc.

      121,529         3,105  




Total Real Estate Investment Trusts (Cost $1,780)













41.333% due 04/03/2020 «~

  ARS     980         14  


44   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



43.313% due 06/22/2020 «~

  ARS     5,760     $     85  

47.869% due 02/26/2020 - 08/27/2020 (f)(g)

      7,907         102  








1.590% due 02/20/2020 (g)(h)(p)

  $     361         360  



Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $14,148)



Total Investments in Securities
(Cost $197,343)
Total Investments 178.9%
(Cost $197,343)


  $     193,471  

Financial Derivative
Instruments (n)(o) 5.4%

(Cost or Premiums, net $(1,239))



Other Assets and Liabilities, net (84.3)%     (91,175



Net Assets 100.0%


  $       108,157  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Security is in default.


Security valued using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3).


All or a portion of this amount represents unfunded loan commitments. The interest rate for the unfunded portion will be determined at the time of funding. See Note 4, Securities and Other Investments, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information regarding unfunded loan commitments.


Variable or Floating rate security. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread, rather are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date, which may vary by security. These securities may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.

Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. The rate may be based on a fixed rate, a capped rate or a floor rate and may convert to a variable or floating rate in the future. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description.


Coupon represents a rate which changes periodically based on a predetermined schedule or event. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end.


Interest only security.


Principal only security.


Payment in-kind security.


Security is not accruing income as of the date of this report.


Security did not produce income within the last twelve months.


Coupon represents a weighted average yield to maturity.


Zero coupon security.


Coupon represents a yield to maturity.


Perpetual maturity; date shown, if applicable, represents next contractual call date.


Contingent convertible security.




Issuer Description    Acquisition
    Cost     Market
    Market Value
as Percentage
of Net Assets

Dommo Energia S.A.

     12/26/2017     $ 18     $ 50       0.04

Eneva S.A.

     12/21/2017 - 12/03/2019       36       85       0.08  

Forbes Energy Services Ltd.

     03/11/2014 - 12/03/2014       241       1       0.00  

Pinnacol Assurance 8.625% due 06/25/2034

     06/23/2014       1,100       1,177       1.09  

Sierra Hamilton Holder LLC

     07/31/2017       26       19       0.02  

Theatre Hospitals PLC 4.190% due 12/15/2024

     12/17/2018       1       0       0.00  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC

     12/08/2014 - 08/05/2016       370       198       0.18  









  $     1,792     $     1,530       1.41











See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   45

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund (Cont.)






Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     1.250     12/31/2019       01/02/2020     $ 488     U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities 0.125% due 04/15/2020   $ (499   $ 488     $ 488  
NOM     1.650       12/31/2019       01/02/2020           13,000     U.S. Treasury Bonds 3.125% due 02/15/2043     (13,179     13,000       13,001  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (13,678   $     13,488     $     13,489  













Counterparty   Borrowing


    Payable for


    1.970     11/13/2019       01/14/2020       $       (1,774   $     (1,779
    2.600       11/12/2019       01/14/2020         (1,294     (1,299


    (0.100     10/15/2019       01/23/2020       EUR       (891     (1,000
    2.490       11/08/2019       01/07/2020       $       (445     (447


    2.250       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (360     (361
    2.250       01/03/2020       03/03/2020         (360     (360
    2.763       01/03/2020       04/01/2020         (747     (747
    2.838       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (788     (792


    2.120       12/18/2019       01/17/2020         (401     (401


    2.350       12/12/2019       01/10/2020         (795     (796


    (0.300     10/22/2019       01/22/2020       EUR       (81     (91
    (0.250     10/17/2019       01/16/2020         (83     (93
    (0.250     10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (98     (110
    0.900       10/15/2019       01/14/2020       GBP       (187     (248
    0.950       10/16/2019       01/15/2020         (1,402     (1,860
    0.950       10/17/2019       01/16/2020         (156     (207
    0.950       10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (184     (244
    0.950       10/23/2019       01/23/2020             (1,374     (1,823
    2.200       11/26/2019       01/24/2020       $       (581     (583
    2.200       12/27/2019       01/13/2020         (200     (200
    2.400       10/23/2019       01/17/2020         (1,755     (1,763


    2.780       10/31/2019       01/29/2020         (751     (755
    2.810       11/08/2019       02/07/2020         (801     (804


    2.450       12/02/2019       01/07/2020         (376     (377


    2.350       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (679     (682
    2.400       01/03/2020       02/04/2020         (545     (545


    2.329       11/08/2019       02/07/2020         (1,634     (1,640
    2.963       09/25/2019       03/25/2020         (921     (928
    3.059       09/23/2019       03/23/2020         (980     (988
    3.159       09/23/2019       03/23/2020         (618     (623


    3.194       12/13/2019       03/12/2020         (2,261     (2,265


    2.270       11/08/2019       01/09/2020         (1,309     (1,313
    2.340       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (831     (833
    2.360       11/14/2019       02/12/2020         (537     (539
    2.400       10/28/2019       01/28/2020         (1,102     (1,107


    (0.130     10/08/2019       01/08/2020       EUR       (349     (391
    (0.110     10/08/2019       01/08/2020         (358     (401
    1.350       11/22/2019       02/24/2020       GBP       (2,505     (3,324
    1.605       10/29/2019       01/29/2020         (698     (927
    2.250       11/01/2019       TBD (3)      $       (1,539     (1,545
    2.400       12/13/2019       01/10/2020         (196     (196
    2.450       11/07/2019       02/05/2020         (64     (64
    2.450       11/12/2019       02/10/2020         (3,651     (3,664
    2.450       11/13/2019       02/11/2020         (2,505     (2,513
    2.450       11/14/2019       01/07/2020         (1,018     (1,021
    2.450       11/18/2019       01/07/2020         (84     (84
    2.450       11/27/2019       01/07/2020         (94     (94
    2.450       12/31/2019       02/11/2020         (2,140     (2,140
    2.500       11/07/2019       02/05/2020         (244     (245
    2.500       11/14/2019       01/07/2020         (502     (504
    2.500       11/18/2019       01/07/2020         (536     (538
    2.550       10/03/2019       01/06/2020         (2,011     (2,024
    2.600       10/03/2019       01/06/2020         (96     (97
    2.600       11/18/2019       01/07/2020         (486     (488
    2.800       11/13/2019       01/10/2020         (1,245     (1,250




Total Reverse Repurchase Agreements


      $     (50,113





46   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)




The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of December 31, 2019:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net  Exposure(4)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 0     $ (3,078   $ 0      $ (3,078   $ 3,469     $ 391  


    0       (1,447     0        (1,447     1,742       295  


    0       (2,260     0        (2,260     1,397       (863


    0       (401     0        (401     413       12  


    488       0       0        488       (499     (11


    0       (796     0        (796     852       56  


    0       (7,222     0        (7,222     8,477       1,255  


    0       (1,559     0        (1,559     1,922       363  


    0       (377     0        (377     443       66  


    13,001       (1,227     0        11,774       (12,567     (793


    0       (4,179     0        (4,179     5,146       967  


    0       (2,265     0        (2,265     3,456           1,191  


    0       (3,792     0        (3,792     4,186       394  


    0       (21,510     0            (21,510         25,013       3,503  










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     13,489     $     (50,113   $     0         













Remaining Contractual Maturity of the Agreements


     Overnight and
    Up to 30 days     31-90 days     Greater Than 90 days     Total  

Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Corporate Bonds & Notes

  $ 0     $ (15,785   $ (14,962   $ (1,545   $ (32,292

U.S. Government Agencies

    0       (2,226     0       0       (2,226

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    0       (3,017     (2,540     0       (5,557

Asset-Backed Securities

    0       (2,004     (3,069     0       (5,073

Sovereign Issues

    0       (2,922     0       0       (2,922

Preferred Securities

    0       (391     0       0       (391
















Total Borrowings

  $     0     $     (26,345   $     (20,571   $     (1,545   $     (48,461
















Payable for reverse repurchase agreements(5)


  $ (48,461






Securities with an aggregate market value of $57,068 and cash of $318 have been pledged as collateral under the terms of the above master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



Includes accrued interest.


The average amount of borrowings outstanding during the period ended December 31, 2019 was $(53,017) at a weighted average interest rate of 2.421%. Average borrowings may include reverse repurchase agreements and sale-buyback transactions, if held during the period.


Open maturity reverse repurchase agreement.


Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Unsettled reverse repurchase agreements liability of $(1,652) is outstanding at period end.








Description   Strike
    # of
    Cost     Market

Put - CME S&P 500 January 2020 Futures

  $     3,050.000       01/17/2020       63     $     16     $     142     $     77  







Total Purchased Options


  $ 142     $ 77  








See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   47

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund (Cont.)






Description   Strike
    # of

Call - CME S&P 500 January 2020 Futures

  $     3,210.000       01/17/2020       63     $     16     $     (517   $     (692







Total Written Options


  $ (517   $ (692












Description   Expiration
    # of
    Variation Margin  
  Asset      Liability  

E-mini S&P 500 Index March Futures

    03/2020       334     $     53,959     $     1,099     $     129      $     0  










Total Futures Contracts


  $ 1,099     $ 129      $ 0  















Reference Entity


Receive Rate





Credit Spread at
December 31, 2019(2)






    Variation Margin  
  Asset     Liability  

Frontier Communications Corp.

    5.000   Quarterly     06/20/2020       195.572   $     1,910     $     (76   $     (782   $     (858   $     0     $     (15



















Floating Rate
  Floating Rate Index   Fixed Rate     Payment
    Variation Margin  
  Asset     Liability  



3-Month CAD-Bank Bill

    3.300   Semi-Annual     06/19/2024     CAD     4,900     $ 369     $ (164   $ 205     $ 0     $ (7



3-Month CAD-Bank Bill

    3.500     Semi-Annual     06/20/2044         1,600       (285     (2     (287     28       0  




    3.000     Semi-Annual     06/19/2024     $     13,900       (230     (542     (772     13       0  




    1.750     Semi-Annual     01/15/2030         600       (7     16       9       2       0  




    2.000     Semi-Annual     02/12/2030         4,400       (78     43       (35     14       0  




    2.000     Semi-Annual     03/10/2030         2,200       (2     (15     (17     7       0  




    3.000     Semi-Annual     12/19/2048         5,700       (17     1,153       1,136       0       (67




    0.000     Annual     08/19/2021     EUR     86,100       (170     (475     (645     9       0  




    0.650     Annual     02/26/2029         54,600       55       3,230       3,285       0       (255




    1.250     Annual     08/19/2049         13,200       55           (2,742         (2,687     231       0  




    0.750     Semi-Annual     03/18/2030     GBP     5,762       60       142       202       44       0  




    0.750     Semi-Annual     03/18/2050         1,100       24       115       139       23       0  















    $ (226   $ 759     $ 533     $ 371     $ (329
















Total Swap Agreements

    $     (302   $ (23   $ (325   $     371     $     (344



















The following is a summary of the market value and variation margin of Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared Financial Derivative Instruments as of December 31, 2019:


    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities  
    Market Value     Variation Margin
    Total           Market Value     Variation Margin
    Futures     Swap
    Futures     Swap

Total Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared

  $     77     $     129     $     371     $     577       $     (692   $     0     $     (344   $     (1,036


























Cash of $4,814 has been pledged as collateral for exchange-traded and centrally cleared financial derivative instruments as of December 31, 2019. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.



If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash, securities or other deliverable obligations equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


48   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on issues as of period end serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.


The prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the underlying referenced instrument’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


This instrument has a forward starting effective date. See Note 2, Securities Transactions and Investment Income, in the Notes to Financial Statements for further information.






Counterparty    Settlement
    Currency to
be Delivered
    Currency to
be Received
    Unrealized Appreciation/
  Asset     Liability  


     01/2020     AUD     148     $     101     $ 0     $ (3


     01/2020     EUR     648         716       0       (12
     01/2020     GBP     3,817         4,943       0       (114
     01/2020     $     10     CLP     7,740       0       0  
     01/2020         279     GBP     213       4       0  
     02/2020     PEN     708     $     209       0       (5


     01/2020     $     127     AUD     186       4       0  


     01/2020         63     CLP     49,438       3       0  
     01/2020         1,091     MXN     21,362       36       0  


     01/2020     BRL     94     $     23       0       0  
     01/2020     $     23     BRL     94       1       0  
     02/2020         23         94       0       0  


     01/2020     BRL     12     $     3       0       0  
     01/2020     GBP     139         182       0       (2
     01/2020     $     3     BRL     12       0       0  
     01/2020         2     CLP     1,571       0       0  
     02/2020         1,169     RUB     74,943       33       0  


     01/2020     CAD     43     $     32       0       (1
     01/2020     GBP     166         219       0       (1
     01/2020     $     3     CLP     2,352       0       0  
     01/2020         179     TRY     1,031       0       (6
     02/2020     JPY     22,000     $     203       0       0  


     01/2020     $     320     TRY     1,848       0       (11


     01/2020     EUR     4,092     $     4,525       0       (67


     01/2020     CLP     17,504         23       0       0  
     01/2020     MXN     21,362         1,106       0       (21
     01/2020     $     26     CLP     19,859       0       0  
     05/2020         1,089     MXN     21,362       21       0  


     02/2020         386     JPY     41,800       0       (1


     01/2020         17     CLP     13,354       1       0  


     02/2020     JPY     18,200     $     168       0       0  







Total Forward Foreign Currency Contracts


  $     103     $     (244












Counterparty   Description   Strike
    Cost     Market

Put - OTC Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA 3.500% due 02/01/2050

  $     70.000       02/05/2020       8,000     $ 1     $ 0  

Put - OTC Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA 3.500% due 02/01/2050

    72.500       02/05/2020       5,000       0       0  







Total Purchased Options

    $     1     $     0  








See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   49

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund (Cont.)






Counterparty   Reference Obligation   Fixed
Receive Rate
    Swap Agreements,
at  Value(4)
  Asset     Liability  

Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust 7.654% due 07/25/2033

    6.250%     Monthly     07/25/2033     $         122     $     0     $     25     $     25     $     0  
















Counterparty   Index/Tranches   Fixed
Receive Rate
    Swap Agreements,
at  Value(4)
  Asset     Liability  

ABX.HE.AA.6-1 Index

    0.320   Monthly     07/25/2045     $         1,815     $ (361   $ 262     $ 0     $ (99


    0.090     Monthly     08/25/2037         1,043       (202     66       0       (136












            $     (563   $     328     $     0     $     (235
















Counterparty   Pay/Receive
Floating Rate
  Floating Rate Index   Fixed Rate     Payment
    Swap Agreements,
at Value
  Asset     Liability  




    3.850%     Semi-Annual   07/13/2022   $         75,000     $     0     $     1,766     $     1,766     $     0  
















Counterparty   Pay/Receive(5)   Underlying Reference   # of Units     Financing Rate   Payment
    Swap Agreements,
at Value
  Asset     Liability  







1.656% (3-Month USD-LIBOR less a specified spread)

  Quarterly   05/13/2020   $         1,963     $ 0     $ 61     $ 61     $ 0  







1.685% (3-Month USD-LIBOR less a specified spread)

  Maturity   09/16/2020       24,988       0       2,623       2,623       0  







1.735% (3-Month USD-LIBOR less a specified spread)

  Maturity   09/16/2020       21,205       0       2,221       2,221       0  












                $ 0     $ 4,905     $ 4,905     $ 0  













Total Swap Agreements


  $     (563   $     7,024     $     6,696     $     (235
















The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of OTC financial derivative instruments and collateral pledged/(received) as of December 31, 2019:


    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities                    
Counterparty   Forward
Over the
Over the
    Net Market
Value of OTC


  $ 0      $ 0      $ 25      $ 25       $ (3   $ 0      $ 0     $ (3   $ 22     $ 0     $ 22  


    4        0        0        4         (131     0        0       (131     (127     0       (127


    4        0        0        4         0       0        0       0       4       0       4  


    39        0        0        39         0       0        0       0       39       0       39  


    1        0        0        1         0       0        0       0       1       0       1  


    33        0        0        33         (2     0        0       (2     31       0       31  


    0        0        0        0         0       0        (235     (235     (235     360       125  


    0        0        0        0         (8     0        0       (8     (8     0       (8


    0        0        61        61         (11     0        0       (11     50       0       50  


    0        0        1,766        1,766         0       0        0       0       1,766       (2,006     (240


    0        0        2,623        2,623         (67     0        0       (67         2,556           (2,660         (104


    21        0        0        21         (21     0        0       (21     0       0       0  


    0        0        0        0         (1     0        0       (1     (1     0       (1


    1        0        0        1         0       0        0       0       1       0       1  


    0        0        2,221        2,221         0       0        0       0       2,221       (2,300     (79

























Total Over the Counter

  $     103      $     0      $     6,696      $     6,799       $     (244   $     0      $     (235   $     (479      



























50   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



Securities with an aggregate market value of $360 have been pledged as collateral for financial derivative instruments as governed by International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



Notional Amount represents the number of contracts.


If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash, securities or other deliverable obligations equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.


The prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the underlying referenced instrument’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


Receive represents that the Fund receives payments for any positive net return on the underlying reference. The Fund makes payments for any negative net return on such underlying reference. Pay represents that the Fund receives payments for any negative net return on the underlying reference. The Fund makes payments for any positive net return on such underlying reference.


Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from OTC financial derivative instruments can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




The following is a summary of the fair valuation of the Fund’s derivative instruments categorized by risk exposure. See Note 7, Principal Risks, in the Notes to Financial Statements on risks of the Fund.


Fair Values of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as of December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Purchased Options

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 77     $ 0     $ 0     $ 77  


    0       0       129       0       0       129  

Swap Agreements

    0       0       0       0       371       371  


















  $ 0     $ 0     $ 206     $ 0     $ 371     $ 577  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 103     $ 0     $ 103  

Swap Agreements

    0       25       4,905       0       1,766       6,696  


















  $ 0     $ 25     $     4,905     $ 103     $     1,766     $ 6,799  


















  $ 0     $ 25     $ 5,111     $ 103     $ 2,137     $ 7,376  



















Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Written Options

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 692     $ 0     $ 0     $ 692  

Swap Agreements

    0       15       0       0       329       344  


















  $ 0     $ 15     $ 692     $ 0     $ 329     $ 1,036  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 244     $ 0     $ 244  

Swap Agreements

    0       235       0       0       0       235  


















  $ 0     $ 235     $ 0     $ 244     $ 0     $ 479  


















  $     0     $     250     $ 692     $     244     $ 329     $     1,515  




















The effect of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Statements of Operations for the period ended December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Purchased Options

  $ 0     $ 0     $     (1,256   $ 0     $ 0     $ (1,256

Written Options

    0       0       (2,156     0       0       (2,156


    0       0       4,474       0       0       4,474  

Swap Agreements

    0       58       0       0       (3,814     (3,756


















  $     0     $     58     $ 1,062     $     0     $     (3,814   $     (2,694




















See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   51

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund (Cont.)


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 567     $ 0     $ 567  

Purchased Options

    0       0       0       0       (2     (2

Swap Agreements

    0       48       (2,684     0       816       (1,820


















  $ 0     $ 48     $ (2,684   $ 567     $ 814     $ (1,255


















  $     0     $ 106     $     (1,622   $     567     $     (3,000   $     (3,949



















Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Purchased Options

  $ 0     $ 0     $ (27   $ 0     $ 0     $ (27

Written Options

    0       0       (299     0       0       (299


    0       0       319       0       0       319  

Swap Agreements

    0       (401     0       0       2,938       2,537  


















  $ 0     $     (401   $ (7   $ 0     $ 2,938     $ 2,530  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ (48   $ 0     $ (48

Swap Agreements

    0       (28     5,625       0       (716     4,881  


















  $ 0     $ (28   $ 5,625     $ (48   $ (716   $ 4,833  


















  $ 0     $ (429   $ 5,618     $ (48   $ 2,222     $ 7,363  






















The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of December 31, 2019 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 0     $     15,024     $     1,571     $     16,595  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    0       18,216       1,177       19,393  


    0       17,277       84       17,361  


    0       7,696       0       7,696  

Convertible Bonds & Notes



    0       578       0       578  


    0       3       0       3  

Municipal Bonds & Notes



    0       69       0       69  

West Virginia

    0       2,039       0       2,039  

U.S. Government Agencies

    0       47,474       0       47,474  

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    0       28,790       282       29,072  

Asset-Backed Securities

    0       11,475       6,777       18,252  

Sovereign Issues

    0       6,368       0       6,368  

Common Stocks


Communication Services

    372       1       0       373  

Consumer Discretionary

        1,034       0       0       1,034  


    51       0       108       159  


    0       0       217       217  


    85       0       0       85  



Communication Services

    0       596       0       596  


    0       0       262       262  

Preferred Securities


Banking & Finance

    0       5,410       0       5,410  


    0       27       3,254       3,281  
Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Real Estate Investment Trusts


Real Estate

  $ 3,105     $ 0     $ 0     $ 3,105  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       13,488       0       13,488  

Argentina Treasury Bills

    0       102       99       201  

U.S. Treasury Bills

    0       360       0       360  













Total Investments

  $     4,647     $     174,993     $     13,831     $     193,471  













Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    206       371       0       577  

Over the counter

    0       6,799       0       6,799  












  $ 206     $ 7,170     $ 0     $ 7,376  













Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    (692     (344     0       (1,036

Over the counter

    0       (479     0       (479












  $ (692   $ (823   $ 0     $ (1,515













Total Financial Derivative Instruments

  $ (486   $ 6,347     $ 0     $ 5,861  














  $     4,161     $     181,340     $     13,831     $     199,332  














52   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


The following is a reconciliation of the fair valuations using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) for the Fund during the period ended December 31, 2019:


Category and Subcategory   Beginning
at 06/30/2019
    Net Change in
    Transfers into
Level 3
    Transfers out
of Level 3
at 12/31/2019
    Net Change in
on Investments
Held  at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 2,293     $ 1,513     $ (103   $     (12   $ (1   $ (61   $ 0     $ (2,058   $ 1,571     $ 18  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    1,136       0       0       0       0       41       0       0       1,177       41  


    0       100       0       0       0       (16     0       0       84       (16

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    316       0       (20     1       0       (15     0       0       282       (15

Asset-Backed Securities

    8,335       0       0       4       0       (1,562     0       0       6,777       (1,562

Common Stocks



    187       36       (46     0       (2     (17     0       (50     108       68  


    220       0       0       0       0       (3     0       0       217       (3




    143       0       0       0       0       119       0       0       262       119  

Preferred Securities



    2,827       169       0       0       0       258       0       0       3,254       258  

Short-Term Instruments


Argentina Treasury Bills

    0       90       0       0       0       9       0       0       99       9  
































  $     15,457     $     1,908     $     (169   $ (7   $     (3   $     (1,247   $     0     $     (2,108   $     13,831     $     (1,083
































The following is a summary of significant unobservable inputs used in the fair valuations of assets and liabilities categorized within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy:


Category and Subcategory


at 12/31/2019





  (% Unless Noted Otherwise)  
  Input Value(s)     Weighted

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 5     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —       —         —    
    1,065     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     95.000       —    
    501     Third Party Vendor   Broker Quote     99.250-101.000       100.286  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    1,177     Reference Instrument   Option Adjusted Spread     584.983 bps       —    


    84     Reference Instrument   Broker Quote     100.250-101.520       101.244  

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    282     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     2.000-99.375       89.931  

Asset-Backed Securities

    431     Interest Only Weighted Average Life   Base Price     20,607.870       —    
    6,346     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     0.010-79,892.180       36,028.433  

Common Stocks



    108     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —       —         —    


    198     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote   $ 15.000       —    
    19     Other Valuation Techniques(2)       —         —    




    262     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —       —         —    

Preferred Securities



    3,254     Fundamental Valuation   Company Equity Value   $ 934,387,328.532       —    

Short-Term Instruments


Argentina Treasury Bills

    99     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     100.000       —    





  $     13,831          






Any difference between Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) and Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) on Investments Held at December 31, 2019 may be due to an investment no longer held or categorized as Level 3 at period end.


Includes valuation techniques not defined in the Notes to Financial Statements as securities valued using such techniques are not considered significant to the Fund.


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   53

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)






Advanz Pharma Corp.


7.447% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 09/06/2024 ~

  $     3,164     $     2,965  

Altice France S.A.


5.740% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 08/14/2026 ~

      198         199  

Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.


5.550% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 10/19/2023 ~

      199         197  

Chesapeake Energy Corp.


TBD% due 06/09/2024

      92         95  

Clay Holdco BV


TBD% due 11/30/2025 «

  EUR     3,900         4,100  

TBD% due 11/06/2026 «

      100         106  

Diamond Resorts Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/02/2023 ~

  $     2,913         2,853  

Dubai World (2.000% Cash and 1.750% PIK)


3.750% (LIBOR03M + 2.000%) due 09/30/2022 ~(c)

      7,375         6,887  

Emerald TopCo, Inc.


5.299% (LIBOR03M + 3.500%) due 07/24/2026 ~

      21         21  

Encina Private Credit LLC


4.740% (LIBOR03M + 3.000%) due 11/30/2025 «µ~

      10,103           10,103  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 10/10/2025 ~

      9,673         8,287  

Financial & Risk U.S. Holdings, Inc.


5.049% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/01/2025 ~

      662         669  

Fleet U.S. Bidco, Inc.


5.235% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/07/2026 «~

      10         10  

Forbes Energy Services LLC (5.000% Cash and 11.000% PIK)


16.000% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 04/13/2021 ~(c)

      450         446  

Frontier Communications Corp.


5.550% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/15/2024 ~

      391         394  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


5.691% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 05/01/2026 ~

      2,412           2,438  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A.


5.682% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 11/27/2023 ~

      870         873  

6.432% (LIBOR03M + 4.500%) due 01/02/2024 ~

      34         34  

IRB Holding Corp.


5.195% - 5.216% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 02/05/2025 ~

      553         556  

Jefferies Finance LLC


5.500% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/03/2026 ~

      17         17  

McDermott Technology Americas, Inc.


0.500% - 12.002% (LIBOR03M + 10.000%) due 10/21/2021 ~µ

      896         917  

6.945% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 05/09/2025 ~

      1,457         857  

Messer Industrie GmbH


4.445% (LIBOR03M + 2.500%) due 03/01/2026 ~

      51         52  



5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/13/2024 ~

      68         69  

Nascar Holdings, Inc.


4.495% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 10/19/2026 ~

      46         47  

NCI Building Systems, Inc.


5.486% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 04/12/2025 ~

      250         250  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC


7.713% (LIBOR03M + 6.000%) due 10/25/2023 ~

  $     7,823     $     6,442  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC (7.213% Cash and 1.000% PIK)


8.213% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 10/25/2023 ~(c)

      5,903         4,801  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics S.A.


5.306% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 06/30/2025 ~

      1,492         1,477  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


TBD% due 02/22/2049 ^«(d)

      300         298  

PetSmart, Inc.


5.740% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 03/11/2022 ~

      41         41  

Project OMNI Senior


3.000% (EUR003M + 3.000%) due 09/03/2026 «~(k)

  EUR     10,000         11,206  

Sequa Mezzanine Holdings LLC


6.904% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 11/28/2021 ~

  $     1,128         1,130  

10.936% (LIBOR03M + 9.000%) due 04/28/2022 ~

      4,580         4,517  

Sierra Hamilton LLC


15.000% due 09/12/2023 «

      10         10  

Sotera Health Holdings LLC


6.289% (LIBOR03M + 4.500%) due 12/11/2026 ~

      85         85  

Starfruit Finco BV


4.960% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/01/2025 ~

      183         184  

Summer (BC) Holdco B SARL


TBD% due 10/15/2026

      2,200         2,098  

Sunshine Luxembourg SARL


6.195% (LIBOR03M + 4.250%) due 10/01/2026 ~

      262         265  

Syniverse Holdings, Inc.


6.846% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 03/09/2023 ~

      4,462         4,157  

U.S. Renal Care, Inc.


6.813% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 06/26/2026 ~

      302         300  

Univision Communications, Inc.


4.549% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 03/15/2024 ~

      7,844         7,758  

West Corp.


5.927% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 10/10/2024 ~

      34         29  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC


10.150% (LIBOR03M + 8.250%) due 03/15/2022 «~

      2         2  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC (15.000% PIK)


15.000% due 03/15/2029 (c)

      6         5  

Windstream Services LLC


9.000% (PRIME + 4.250%) due 02/17/2024 ~

      2,800         2,659  

9.750% (PRIME + 5.000%) due 03/29/2021 ~

      5,863         5,626  




Total Loan Participations and Assignments (Cost $97,908)








Ally Financial, Inc.


8.000% due 11/01/2031

      123         171  

8.000% due 11/01/2031 (m)

      468         642  

Ambac Assurance Corp.


5.100% due 06/07/2020

      1         2  



6.945% due 02/12/2023 •(m)

      545         553  

Ardonagh Midco PLC


8.375% due 07/15/2023 (m)

  GBP     7,460         9,894  

8.375% due 07/15/2023

      900         1,194  

AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc.


5.000% due 04/20/2048

  $     6     $     6  

Banco de Credito del Peru


4.650% due 09/17/2024

  PEN     500         152  

Bank of Ireland


7.375% due 06/18/2020 •(i)(j)(m)

  EUR     400         464  

Barclays Bank PLC


7.625% due 11/21/2022 (j)(m)

  $     400         450  

Barclays PLC


3.250% due 01/17/2033

  GBP     100         139  

5.250% due 08/17/2045 (m)

  $     200         246  

7.125% due 06/15/2025 •(i)(j)

  GBP     200         300  

7.250% due 03/15/2023 •(i)(j)(m)

      2,055         2,975  

7.875% due 09/15/2022 •(i)(j)(m)

      1,970         2,901  

8.000% due 06/15/2024 •(i)(j)

  $     250         280  

Brookfield Finance, Inc.


3.900% due 01/25/2028

      16         17  

4.700% due 09/20/2047

      40         46  

CBL & Associates LP


4.600% due 10/15/2024 (m)

      968         627  

5.250% due 12/01/2023

      82         58  

5.950% due 12/15/2026 (m)

      409         246  

Credit Agricole S.A.


7.875% due 01/23/2024 •(i)(j)(m)

      300         343  

Credit Suisse Group AG


7.500% due 07/17/2023 •(i)(j)(m)

      200         219  

Deutsche Bank AG


3.961% due 11/26/2025 •(m)

      750         767  

Emerald Bay S.A.


0.000% due 10/08/2020 (g)

  EUR     18         20  

ESH Hospitality, Inc.


4.625% due 10/01/2027

  $     74         75  

Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors LLC


6.500% due 10/01/2025

      252         267  

6.750% due 03/15/2022 (m)

      320         334  



6.330% due 05/18/2023

      5,500         5,798  

HSBC Holdings PLC


5.875% due 09/28/2026 •(i)(j)(m)

  GBP     200         292  

6.000% due 09/29/2023 •(i)(j)(m)

  EUR     1,000         1,297  

6.500% due 03/23/2028 •(i)(j)

  $     310         341  

Hunt Cos., Inc.


6.250% due 02/15/2026

      16         16  

ING Groep NV


5.750% due 11/16/2026 •(i)(j)

      300         316  

Kennedy-Wilson, Inc.


5.875% due 04/01/2024

      42         43  

Lloyds Banking Group PLC


5.125% due 12/27/2024 •(i)(j)

  GBP     200         275  

7.500% due 06/27/2024 •(i)(j)(m)

  $     200         221  

7.500% due 09/27/2025 •(i)(j)(m)

      1,740         1,953  

7.625% due 06/27/2023 •(i)(j)

  GBP     700         1,042  

7.875% due 06/27/2029 •(i)(j)

      3,284           5,503  

LoanCore Capital Markets LLC


6.875% due 06/01/2020 (m)

  $     1,450         1,451  

Nationstar Mortgage LLC


6.500% due 07/01/2021

      388         390  

Navient Corp.


5.625% due 08/01/2033

      55         47  

6.150% due 03/10/2021 (m)

      200         200  

Newmark Group, Inc.


6.125% due 11/15/2023

      66         73  

Oppenheimer Holdings, Inc.


6.750% due 07/01/2022

      21         22  

Pinnacol Assurance


8.625% due 06/25/2034 «(k)

      2,900         3,104  

Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC


8.000% due 08/10/2025 •(i)(j)(m)

      1,900         2,191  

Sabra Health Care LP


4.800% due 06/01/2024

      112         119  

Santander UK Group Holdings PLC


6.750% due 06/24/2024 •(i)(j)(m)

  GBP     2,203         3,220  

7.375% due 06/24/2022 •(i)(j)(m)

      3,240         4,688  


54   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



Sberbank of Russia Via SB Capital S.A.


6.125% due 02/07/2022 (m)

  $     4,000     $     4,285  

Societe Generale S.A.


6.000% due 01/27/2020 •(i)(j)

      200         201  

6.750% due 04/06/2028 •(i)(j)(m)

      200         221  

7.375% due 10/04/2023 •(i)(j)(m)

      400         437  

Springleaf Finance Corp.


5.375% due 11/15/2029

      29         30  

6.875% due 03/15/2025

      59         67  

Tesco Property Finance PLC


6.052% due 10/13/2039 (m)

  GBP     1,554         2,698  

Toll Road Investors Partnership LP


0.000% due 02/15/2045 (g)

  $     2,644         692  



5.250% due 01/26/2024 (m)

  GBP     1,000         1,457  

UniCredit SpA


7.830% due 12/04/2023 (m)

  $     2,100         2,450  

Unique Pub Finance Co. PLC


5.659% due 06/30/2027

  GBP     993         1,513  

7.395% due 03/28/2024

      800         1,215  

Voyager Aviation Holdings LLC


8.500% due 08/15/2021 (m)

  $     7,719         7,931  








AA Bond Co. Ltd.


2.875% due 07/31/2043 (m)

  GBP     2,200         2,897  

Altice Financing S.A.


7.500% due 05/15/2026 (m)

  $     2,290         2,466  

Altice France S.A.


7.375% due 05/01/2026 (m)

      2,538         2,730  

8.125% due 02/01/2027 (m)

      700         790  

Associated Materials LLC


9.000% due 01/01/2024 (m)

      6,073         5,344  

Avon International Capital PLC


6.500% due 08/15/2022

      22         23  

B.C. Unlimited Liability Co.


4.375% due 01/15/2028

      51         51  

Baffinland Iron Mines Corp.


8.750% due 07/15/2026

      800         807  

Bausch Health Cos., Inc.


5.000% due 01/30/2028

      50         51  

5.250% due 01/30/2030

      40         42  

BCPE Cycle Merger Sub, Inc.


10.625% due 07/15/2027

      50         51  

Bioceanico Sovereign Certificate Ltd.


0.000% due 06/05/2034 (g)

      150         105  

Bombardier, Inc.


5.750% due 03/15/2022 (m)

      710         735  

6.000% due 10/15/2022

      185         185  

6.125% due 01/15/2023 (m)

      1,441         1,481  

7.500% due 12/01/2024 (m)

      1,046         1,101  

7.500% due 03/15/2025 (m)

      1,311         1,355  

7.875% due 04/15/2027

      157         162  

8.750% due 12/01/2021

      38         42  

Camelot Finance S.A.


4.500% due 11/01/2026

      5         5  

CCO Holdings LLC


4.750% due 03/01/2030

      124         127  

Centene Corp.


4.250% due 12/15/2027

      71         73  

4.625% due 12/15/2029

      129         136  

4.750% due 01/15/2025

      119         124  

Charter Communications Operating LLC


4.800% due 03/01/2050

      149         157  

Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc.


9.250% due 02/15/2024 (m)

      1,280         1,420  

Community Health Systems, Inc.


6.250% due 03/31/2023 (m)

      7,530         7,662  

8.000% due 03/15/2026 (m)

      582         601  

8.625% due 01/15/2024 (m)

      720         765  

Connect Finco SARL


6.750% due 10/01/2026

      40         43  

Continental Airlines Pass-Through Trust


7.707% due 10/02/2022

  $     127     $     130  

8.048% due 05/01/2022

      187         191  

Corning, Inc.


5.450% due 11/15/2079

      50         55  

Corp. GEO S.A.B. de C.V.


8.875% due 03/27/2022 ^«(d)

      200         0  

9.250% due 06/30/2020 ^«(d)

      1,800         0  

CVS Pass-Through Trust


7.507% due 01/10/2032

      2,164         2,675  

Diamond Resorts International, Inc.


7.750% due 09/01/2023 (m)

      438         452  

10.750% due 09/01/2024 (m)

      1,600         1,681  



5.875% due 07/15/2022

      4         4  

DriveTime Automotive Group, Inc.


8.000% due 06/01/2021 (m)

      1,600         1,629  

Eagle Holding Co. LLC (7.750% Cash or 8.500% PIK)


7.750% due 05/15/2022 (c)

      13         13  

EI Group PLC


6.875% due 05/09/2025

  GBP     20         27  

Eldorado Resorts, Inc.


6.000% due 09/15/2026 (m)

  $     1,400         1,544  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


8.750% due 10/15/2026 (m)

      1,344         837  

Exela Intermediate LLC


10.000% due 07/15/2023

      74         30  

Fair Isaac Corp.


4.000% due 06/15/2028

      5         5  

Ferroglobe PLC


9.375% due 03/01/2022

      200         125  

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.


6.500% due 03/01/2024 (m)

      924         928  

6.875% due 03/01/2026 (m)

      1,018           1,033  

7.000% due 02/15/2021 (m)

      101         101  

Flex Ltd.


4.875% due 06/15/2029

      75         82  

Fresh Market, Inc.


9.750% due 05/01/2023 (m)

      3,490         1,780  

Frontier Finance PLC


8.000% due 03/23/2022

  GBP     2,900         3,950  

Full House Resorts, Inc.


8.575% due 01/31/2024

  $     195         192  

9.738% due 02/02/2024

      17         17  

General Electric Co.


5.875% due 01/14/2038

      10         12  

6.150% due 08/07/2037 (m)

      109         135  

6.875% due 01/10/2039

      28         37  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


6.375% due 05/01/2026 (m)

      778         845  

8.375% due 05/01/2027 (m)

      1,191         1,318  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (3.625% Cash or 4.375% PIK)


3.625% due 05/15/2025 (c)

  EUR     175         206  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (3.875% Cash or 4.625% PIK)


3.875% due 05/15/2027 (c)

      121         144  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (6.000% Cash or 6.750% PIK)


6.000% due 05/15/2027 (c)(m)

  $     271         288  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (6.375% Cash or 7.125% PIK)


6.375% due 05/15/2029 (c)(m)

      256         276  

Intelsat Connect Finance S.A.


9.500% due 02/15/2023

      125         88  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A.


8.000% due 02/15/2024

      85         87  

8.500% due 10/15/2024 (m)

      952         869  

9.750% due 07/15/2025

      376         349  

Intelsat Luxembourg S.A.


7.750% due 06/01/2021 ^(m)

      6,195         4,908  

8.125% due 06/01/2023

      966         574  

Kronos International, Inc.


3.750% due 09/15/2025 (m)

  EUR     4,394         5,027  

Mallinckrodt International Finance S.A.


5.500% due 04/15/2025

  $     400         143  

Mattel, Inc.


5.875% due 12/15/2027

  $     38     $     40  

Micron Technology, Inc.


5.327% due 02/06/2029

      102         117  

MSCI, Inc.


4.000% due 11/15/2029

      17         17  

NCL Corp. Ltd.


3.625% due 12/15/2024

      76         77  

Netflix, Inc.


3.625% due 06/15/2030

  EUR     119         138  

3.875% due 11/15/2029 (m)

      432         514  

4.625% due 05/15/2029

      200         251  

4.875% due 06/15/2030

  $     100         102  

5.375% due 11/15/2029

      40         43  

Noble Holding International Ltd.


7.875% due 02/01/2026

      210         153  

Odebrecht Oil & Gas Finance Ltd.


0.000% due 01/31/2020 (g)(i)

      1,150         11  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.


6.625% due 05/15/2022 (m)

      3,130         3,118  

Pacific Drilling SA


8.375% due 10/01/2023

      216         198  

Pan American Energy LLC


42.636% (BADLARPP) due 11/20/2020 «~

  ARS     26,030         344  

Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.


7.500% due 04/01/2027

  $     78         78  

Petroleos Mexicanos


2.750% due 04/21/2027 (m)

  EUR     1,600           1,725  

5.350% due 02/12/2028 (m)

  $     452         451  

6.490% due 01/23/2027

      50         53  

6.500% due 03/13/2027 (m)

      833         887  

6.750% due 09/21/2047

      30         30  

6.840% due 01/23/2030

      150         160  

7.690% due 01/23/2050

      80         88  

PetSmart, Inc.


5.875% due 06/01/2025

      59         60  

Platin 1426 GmbH


6.875% due 06/15/2023 (m)

  EUR     300         345  

6.875% due 06/15/2023

      250         288  

Radiate Holdco LLC


6.875% due 02/15/2023

  $     11         11  

Refinitiv U.S. Holdings, Inc.


4.500% due 05/15/2026

  EUR     100         122  

Russian Railways via RZD Capital PLC


7.487% due 03/25/2031

  GBP     100         178  

Sands China Ltd.


4.600% due 08/08/2023 (m)

  $     200         211  

5.125% due 08/08/2025 (m)

      200         220  

5.400% due 08/08/2028 (m)

      1,758         1,987  

Scotts Miracle-Gro Co.


4.500% due 10/15/2029

      4         4  

Sealed Air Corp.


4.000% due 12/01/2027

      13         13  

Select Medical Corp.


6.250% due 08/15/2026

      28         30  

Sensata Technologies, Inc.


4.375% due 02/15/2030

      16         16  

Silgan Holdings, Inc.


4.125% due 02/01/2028

      33         33  

Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc. ^


12.500% due 04/15/2049 (d)

      6,952         7,252  

Staples, Inc.


7.500% due 04/15/2026

      9         9  

Telesat Canada


4.875% due 06/01/2027

      20         20  

6.500% due 10/15/2027

      9         9  

Tenet Healthcare Corp.


4.625% due 09/01/2024

      13         14  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Co. BV


2.950% due 12/18/2022 (m)

      288         276  

3.650% due 11/10/2021

      100         98  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands BV


0.375% due 07/25/2020 (m)

  EUR     545         611  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   55

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund (Cont.)



2.200% due 07/21/2021 (m)

  $     248     $     241  

2.800% due 07/21/2023 (m)

      1,500         1,394  

3.250% due 04/15/2022 (m)

  EUR     200         227  

6.000% due 01/31/2025

      100         119  

7.125% due 01/31/2025

  $     200         206  

Times Square Hotel Trust


8.528% due 08/01/2026

      3,534         4,102  

Topaz Solar Farms LLC


4.875% due 09/30/2039 (m)

      1,189         1,235  

5.750% due 09/30/2039 (m)

      7,921         8,760  

TransDigm, Inc.


5.500% due 11/15/2027

      68         69  

Transocean Pontus Ltd.


6.125% due 08/01/2025

      85         88  

Transocean, Inc.


7.250% due 11/01/2025

      160         157  

7.500% due 01/15/2026

      34         34  

Trident TPI Holdings, Inc.


9.250% due 08/01/2024

      12         12  

Triumph Group, Inc.


5.250% due 06/01/2022

      22         22  

6.250% due 09/15/2024

      32         34  

Trivium Packaging Finance BV


5.500% due 08/15/2026 (m)

      200         211  

Twitter, Inc.


3.875% due 12/15/2027

      12         12  

Unigel Luxembourg S.A.


8.750% due 10/01/2026

      400         408  

United Group BV


4.375% due 07/01/2022

  EUR     100         115  

4.875% due 07/01/2024

      100         117  

Univision Communications, Inc.


5.125% due 02/15/2025 (m)

  $     750         743  

Valaris PLC


5.750% due 10/01/2044

      88         40  

7.750% due 02/01/2026

      10         6  

Vale Overseas Ltd.


6.250% due 08/10/2026

      114         134  

6.875% due 11/21/2036 (m)

      335         437  

6.875% due 11/10/2039

      159         208  

ViaSat, Inc.


5.625% due 09/15/2025

      50         52  

5.625% due 04/15/2027

      10         11  

Wyndham Destinations, Inc.


3.900% due 03/01/2023

      48         49  

4.625% due 03/01/2030

      17         17  

5.400% due 04/01/2024

      2         2  

5.750% due 04/01/2027 (m)

      510         555  

Wynn Macau Ltd.


5.125% due 12/15/2029

      200         205  








CenturyLink, Inc.


5.125% due 12/15/2026

      4         4  

Edison International


2.400% due 09/15/2022

      48         48  

2.950% due 03/15/2023

      3         3  

3.125% due 11/15/2022

      50         51  

3.550% due 11/15/2024

      50         51  

5.750% due 06/15/2027

      44         49  

Frontier Communications Corp.


8.000% due 04/01/2027

      78         82  

Gazprom Neft OAO Via GPN Capital S.A.


4.375% due 09/19/2022

      200         209  

Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital S.A.


5.999% due 01/23/2021

      381         396  

6.510% due 03/07/2022 (m)

      3,400         3,696  

8.625% due 04/28/2034 (m)

      1,081         1,626  

Odebrecht Drilling Norbe Ltd.


6.350% due 12/01/2021 ^

      633         632  

Odebrecht Drilling Norbe Ltd. (6.350% Cash and 1.000% PIK)


7.350% due 12/01/2026 ^(c)(m)

      2,236         1,225  

Odebrecht Offshore Drilling Finance Ltd.


6.720% due 12/01/2022 ^

  $     29     $     29  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


2.450% due 08/15/2022 ^(d)(m)

      441         442  

2.950% due 03/01/2026 ^(d)(m)

      793         797  

3.250% due 09/15/2021 ^(d)

      67         67  

3.250% due 06/15/2023 ^(d)(m)

      621         620  

3.300% due 03/15/2027 ^(d)(m)

      1,326         1,329  

3.300% due 12/01/2027 ^(d)(m)

      1,200         1,203  

3.400% due 08/15/2024 ^(d)

      279         283  

3.500% due 10/01/2020 ^(d)(m)

      695         698  

3.500% due 06/15/2025 ^(d)(m)

      327         328  

3.750% due 02/15/2024 ^(d)(m)

      216         220  

3.750% due 08/15/2042 ^(d)

      16         16  

3.850% due 11/15/2023 ^(d)

      17         17  

4.000% due 12/01/2046 ^(d)

      8         8  

4.250% due 05/15/2021 ^(d)(m)

      1,323         1,330  

4.250% due 08/01/2023 ^(d)(m)

      700         720  

4.300% due 03/15/2045 ^(d)

      18         18  

4.500% due 12/15/2041 ^(d)(m)

      17         17  

4.600% due 06/15/2043 ^(d)

      26         27  

4.650% due 08/01/2028 ^(d)(m)

      631         653  

4.750% due 02/15/2044 ^(d)(m)

      513         528  

5.125% due 11/15/2043 ^(d)(m)

      826         848  

5.400% due 01/15/2040 ^(d)

      10         10  

5.800% due 03/01/2037 ^(d)(m)

      2,194         2,293  

6.050% due 03/01/2034 ^(d)(m)

      1,096         1,150  

6.250% due 03/01/2039 ^(d)(m)

      448         473  

6.350% due 02/15/2038 ^(d)(m)

      206         219  

Petrobras Global Finance BV


5.093% due 01/15/2030 (m)

      1,480         1,588  

6.250% due 12/14/2026 (m)

  GBP     2,484         3,914  

6.625% due 01/16/2034

      200         319  

Rio Oil Finance Trust


9.250% due 07/06/2024 (m)

  $     790         887  

9.250% due 07/06/2024

      490         551  

9.750% due 01/06/2027 (m)

      547         648  

Southern California Edison Co.


3.650% due 03/01/2028

      4         4  

4.875% due 03/01/2049

      11         13  

5.750% due 04/01/2035

      8         10  

6.000% due 01/15/2034

      2         3  

6.650% due 04/01/2029

      48         58  

Sprint Communications, Inc.


6.000% due 11/15/2022 (m)

      362         380  

Sprint Corp.


7.125% due 06/15/2024

      859         928  

7.250% due 09/15/2021 (m)

      1,006         1,066  

7.875% due 09/15/2023 (m)

      3,261         3,605  

Talen Energy Supply LLC


6.625% due 01/15/2028

      16         16  

Transocean Poseidon Ltd.


6.875% due 02/01/2027

      80         85  







Total Corporate Bonds & Notes (Cost $210,464)








Caesars Entertainment Corp.


5.000% due 10/01/2024

      33         63  





Ensco Jersey Finance Ltd.


3.000% due 01/31/2024

      18         13  




Total Convertible Bonds & Notes (Cost $73)








Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


7.375% due 01/01/2033

      52         62  

7.750% due 01/01/2042

      36         41  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


7.045% due 01/01/2029

  $     70     $     77  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, (BABs), Series 2010


6.725% due 04/01/2035

      25         30  

7.350% due 07/01/2035

      15         18  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003


5.100% due 06/01/2033

      165         178  






IOWA 0.0%


Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


6.500% due 06/01/2023

      120         122  





Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority, West Virginia Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


0.000% due 06/01/2047 (g)

      28,100         1,229  

7.467% due 06/01/2047

      2,515         2,615  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes (Cost $4,792)






Fannie Mae


5.342% due 07/25/2029 •(m)

      530         561  

7.542% due 07/25/2029 •

      720         853  

Freddie Mac


0.000% due 02/25/2046 (b)(g)(m)

      4,160         3,858  

0.100% due 05/25/2020 -
02/25/2046 (a)

      76,144         33  

0.661% due 10/25/2020 ~(a)

      25,737         54  

1.939% due 11/25/2055 ~(a)

      23,118         1,846  

6.942% due 10/25/2029 •

      750         868  

Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security


4.000% due 10/01/2040

      22         23  




Total U.S. Government Agencies (Cost $7,840)






American Home Mortgage Investment Trust


2.062% due 03/25/2037 •

      3,625         2,236  

Anthracite Ltd.


5.678% due 06/20/2041

      2,284         288  

Banc of America Alternative Loan Trust


12.998% due 09/25/2035 ^•(m)

      905         1,122  

Banc of America Funding Trust


3.147% due 12/20/2034 ~

      626         440  

4.135% due 03/20/2036 ^~

      548         529  

4.254% due 12/20/2036 ~

      62         63  

7.048% due 10/20/2046 ^~

      474         404  

Banc of America Mortgage Trust


4.122% due 10/20/2046 ^~

      76         52  

Bancorp Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.490% due 08/15/2032 •(m)

      3,800         3,838  

Bayview Commercial Asset Trust


2.012% due 03/25/2037 •

      109         104  



3.672% due 05/26/2037 ~

      2,748         2,481  

Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust


3.834% due 08/25/2047 ^~

      224         203  

4.028% due 06/25/2047 ^~

      184         177  

4.043% due 03/25/2035 ~

      16         16  

4.317% due 09/25/2034 ~

      64         64  

4.606% due 09/25/2034 ~

      19         20  

4.684% due 10/25/2036 ^~

      315         310  

Bear Stearns ALT-A Trust


2.112% due 06/25/2046 ^•(m)

      2,149         2,469  

2.492% due 01/25/2035 •

      105         106  

3.741% due 05/25/2036 ^~

      570         539  

3.774% due 08/25/2036 ^~

      1,087         1,087  

3.803% due 07/25/2035 ^~

      290         258  


56   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



3.937% due 11/25/2036 ^~

  $     395     $     359  

3.941% due 04/25/2035 ~

      229         217  

3.962% due 08/25/2036 ^~

      403         285  

4.130% due 11/25/2035 ~

      50         43  

4.289% due 05/25/2035 ~

      331         321  

4.343% due 09/25/2034 ~

      281         284  

BRAD Resecuritization Trust


2.192% due 03/12/2021 «

      2,226         45  

6.550% due 03/12/2021 «

      416         415  

CBA Commercial Small Balance Commercial Mortgage


5.540% due 01/25/2039 ^þ

      830         685  

CD Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.398% due 12/11/2049 ~

      22         21  

CD Mortgage Trust


5.688% due 10/15/2048 (m)

      4,287         2,226  

Chase Mortgage Finance Trust


5.500% due 11/25/2021 ^

      681         459  

6.000% due 03/25/2037 ^

      730         581  

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.589% due 12/10/2049 ~

      1,617         1,036  

Citigroup Global Markets Mortgage Securities, Inc.


6.500% due 02/25/2029

      188         191  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust


4.798% due 03/25/2037 ^~

      866         742  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc.


5.500% due 11/25/2035 ^

      453         437  

Commercial Mortgage Lease-Backed Certificates


6.250% due 06/20/2031 ~

      6,007         6,106  

Commercial Mortgage Loan Trust


6.052% due 12/10/2049 ~(m)

      2,129         1,413  

Commercial Mortgage Trust


6.107% due 07/10/2046 ~(m)

      2,170         2,202  

Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust


2.042% due 06/25/2037 ^•

      831         690  

2.142% due 05/25/2036 ^•

      1,510         646  

2.142% due 08/25/2036 ^•

      1,174         722  

5.500% due 10/25/2035 ^

      236         222  

5.500% due 12/25/2035 ^

      1,212         993  

5.750% due 05/25/2036 ^

      225         164  

6.000% due 11/25/2035 ^

      348         112  

6.000% due 04/25/2036 ^

      265         212  

6.000% due 04/25/2037 ^

      534         355  

6.500% due 09/25/2032 ^

      322         320  

6.500% due 07/25/2035 ^

      267         219  

6.500% due 06/25/2036 ^

      418         311  

Countrywide Home Loan Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


3.264% due 03/25/2037 ^~

      878         761  

3.609% due 11/25/2035 ^~

      1,376         1,257  

3.662% due 03/25/2046 ^•(m)

      1,919         1,322  

3.758% due 06/20/2035 ~

      119         118  

3.878% due 08/25/2034 ^~

      21         20  

3.958% due 08/20/2035 ^~

      58         58  

4.303% due 09/25/2047 ^~

      621         589  

5.500% due 08/25/2035 ^

      62         54  

Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp.


7.500% due 05/25/2032

      1,071         1,118  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Certificates


2.323% due 11/30/2037 ~(m)

      9,500           8,651  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Mortgage-Backed Trust


2.392% due 07/25/2036 ^•

      473         128  

5.896% due 04/25/2036 þ(m)

      368         271  

6.500% due 05/25/2036 ^

      355         202  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Trust


6.500% due 07/26/2036 ^

      438         200  

Debussy DTC PLC


5.930% due 07/12/2025 (m)

  GBP     6,164         8,164  

Deutsche ALT-A Securities, Inc. Mortgage Loan Trust


1.942% due 02/25/2047 •

  $     487         364  

Deutsche ALT-B Securities, Inc. Mortgage Loan Trust


6.250% due 07/25/2036 ^~

      66         63  

Deutsche Mortgage Securities, Inc. Mortgage Loan Trust


5.500% due 09/25/2033

      92         94  

Downey Savings & Loan Association Mortgage Loan Trust


1.944% due 04/19/2047 ^•

      298         277  

Eurosail PLC


2.379% due 09/13/2045 •

  GBP     1,665     $     2,102  

3.029% due 09/13/2045 •

      1,206         1,525  

4.629% due 09/13/2045 •

      1,033         1,479  

First Horizon Alternative Mortgage Securities Trust


3.646% due 05/25/2036 ^~

  $     947         865  

3.845% due 02/25/2036 ~

      47         39  

3.900% due 11/25/2036 ^~

      844         710  

4.043% due 08/25/2035 ^~

      32         6  

6.250% due 11/25/2036 ^

      79         53  

First Horizon Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


4.052% due 07/25/2037 ^~

      32         26  

4.362% due 01/25/2037 ^~

      415         358  

GE Commercial Mortgage Corp. Trust


5.606% due 12/10/2049 ~

      653         571  

GMAC Mortgage Corp. Loan Trust


4.114% due 07/19/2035 ~

      34         33  

GreenPoint Mortgage Funding Trust


1.972% due 01/25/2037 •

      847         822  

GS Mortgage Securities Corp. Trust


4.591% due 10/10/2032 ~(m)

      2,600         2,558  

4.591% due 10/10/2032 ~

      400         383  

GS Mortgage Securities Trust


1.327% due 08/10/2043 ~(a)

      7,424         30  

GSR Mortgage Loan Trust


2.242% due 07/25/2037 ^•

      325         124  

3.956% due 01/25/2036 ^~

      673         686  

4.185% due 12/25/2034 ~

      21         21  

6.000% due 09/25/2034

      232         240  

HarborView Mortgage Loan Trust


1.954% due 02/19/2046 •

      1,333         1,334  

1.974% due 11/19/2036 •(m)

      2,215           2,048  

2.324% due 06/19/2034 •

      152         151  

2.404% due 01/19/2035 •

      188         182  

4.323% due 08/19/2036 ^~

      155         146  

HomeBanc Mortgage Trust


2.042% due 03/25/2035 •

      189         171  

IM Pastor Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos


0.000% due 03/22/2044 •

  EUR     507         526  

Impac CMB Trust


2.312% due 11/25/2035 ^•

  $     251         235  

IndyMac Mortgage Loan Trust


2.252% due 04/25/2035 •

      124         117  

2.592% due 08/25/2034 •

      153         144  

2.652% due 09/25/2034 •

      323         317  

3.348% due 06/25/2037 ^~

      242         226  

3.700% due 11/25/2036 ^~

      811         808  

3.748% due 05/25/2037 ^~

      2,682         2,569  

3.871% due 12/25/2036 ^~

      816         780  

JPMorgan Alternative Loan Trust


4.107% due 05/25/2036 ^~

      303         228  

5.500% due 11/25/2036 ^~

      8         6  

JPMorgan Mortgage Trust


4.097% due 10/25/2036 ^~

      27         25  

4.280% due 05/25/2036 ^~

      434         433  

4.427% due 07/25/2035 ~

      64         65  

6.000% due 08/25/2037 ^

      491         400  

Landmark Mortgage Securities PLC


0.000% due 06/17/2038 •

  EUR     143         153  

1.014% due 06/17/2038 •

  GBP     376         485  

Lehman Mortgage Trust


5.777% due 04/25/2036 ^~

  $     252         222  

6.000% due 05/25/2037 ^

      992         1,005  

MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust


2.979% due 01/25/2047 ^•(m)

      297         437  

3.924% due 10/25/2034 ~

      417         393  

Morgan Stanley Capital, Inc.


6.340% due 07/15/2030 ~

      4,138         4,308  

Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan Trust


3.985% due 07/25/2035 ^~

      1,068         1,002  

4.042% due 01/25/2035 ^~

      227         189  

5.750% due 12/25/2035 ^

      309         293  

6.000% due 08/25/2037 ^

      212         157  

Mortgage Equity Conversion Asset Trust


4.000% due 07/25/2060

      541         528  

Motel 6 Trust


8.666% due 08/15/2024 •

  $     3,971     $     4,042  

Prime Mortgage Trust


2.142% due 06/25/2036 ^•

      2,912         1,946  

7.000% due 07/25/2034

      145         140  

Regal Trust


2.655% due 09/29/2031 •

      1         1  

Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. Trust


2.002% due 06/25/2037 •

      1,417         1,247  

5.500% due 04/25/2037

      85         78  

6.000% due 08/25/2035 ^

      491         491  

6.000% due 01/25/2037 ^

      399         377  

Residential Asset Securitization Trust


6.000% due 03/25/2037 ^

      415         242  

6.000% due 07/25/2037 ^

      6,763         4,134  

Residential Funding Mortgage Securities, Inc. Trust


5.457% due 07/27/2037 ^~

      164         144  

6.000% due 06/25/2037 ^

      284         279  

Sequoia Mortgage Trust


4.121% due 01/20/2038 ^~

      192         182  

Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust


4.111% due 01/25/2036 ^~

      888         658  

Structured Asset Mortgage Investments Trust


2.002% due 08/25/2036 ^•

      1,807         1,746  

2.252% due 05/25/2045 •

      111         111  

Structured Asset Securities Corp. Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates


4.043% due 01/25/2034 ~

      218         223  

TBW Mortgage-Backed Trust


6.000% due 07/25/2036 ^

      275         197  

Theatre Hospitals PLC


4.535% due 10/15/2031 •

  GBP     233         308  

4.940% due 12/15/2024 «(k)

      5         0  

WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust


2.627% due 07/25/2046 •

  $     1,741         1,688  

3.245% due 11/25/2036 ^~

      229         226  

3.538% due 03/25/2037 ^~

      393         373  

3.697% due 07/25/2037 ^~

      2,004         1,713  

3.736% due 06/25/2037 ^~

      1,149         1,100  

3.800% due 07/25/2037 ^~

      934         876  

4.493% due 03/25/2033 ~

      57         59  

Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust


3.089% due 10/25/2046 ^•

      401         369  

3.725% due 06/25/2033 ~

      67         68  

Wells Fargo Mortgage-Backed Securities Trust


4.556% due 10/25/2036 ^~

      11         11  

4.849% due 09/25/2036 ^~

      9         9  




Total Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $110,453)






Acacia CDO 5 Ltd.


2.567% due 11/08/2039 •

      686         685  

3.037% due 11/08/2039 •

      9,100         4,818  

Access Financial Manufactured Housing Contract Trust


7.650% due 05/15/2021

      200         19  

Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc. Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates


3.517% due 05/25/2034 •

      154         155  

4.642% due 08/25/2032 •

      663         665  

Asset-Backed Funding Certificates Trust


1.942% due 10/25/2036 •(m)

      4,569         4,351  

2.352% due 10/25/2033 •

      167         160  

2.452% due 03/25/2035 •

      4,431         4,395  

Bear Stearns Asset-Backed Securities Trust


1.664% due 09/25/2034 •

      421         411  

4.276% due 07/25/2036 ~

      372         366  

Bombardier Capital Mortgage Securitization Corp.


7.830% due 06/15/2030 ~

      3,549         1,206  

Conseco Finance Corp.


6.220% due 03/01/2030

      37         38  

6.530% due 02/01/2031 ~

      886         857  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   57

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund (Cont.)



Conseco Finance Securitizations Corp.


7.770% due 09/01/2031 þ

  $     637     $     713  

7.960% due 05/01/2031

      1,563         831  

8.060% due 09/01/2029 ~

      2,922         1,213  

9.163% due 03/01/2033 ~

      2,528         2,321  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates


1.932% due 06/25/2035 •(m)

      7,011         6,383  

2.132% due 12/25/2036 ^•

      413         281  

3.067% due 02/25/2035 •

      1,209         1,220  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates Trust


4.693% due 10/25/2035 ~

      1         2  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates Trust, Inc.


2.572% due 11/25/2034 •

      237         233  

Crecera Americas LLC


5.563% due 08/31/2020 •

      6,000         6,006  

Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp.


2.842% due 02/25/2031 •

      1,023         1,031  

Credit-Based Asset Servicing & Securitization CBO Corp.


2.137% due 09/06/2041 •

      7,846         616  

Credit-Based Asset Servicing & Securitization LLC


3.112% due 12/25/2035 •

      1,377         1,387  

Euromax ABS PLC


0.000% due 11/10/2095 •

  EUR     5,000         4,997  

Greenpoint Manufactured Housing


8.300% due 10/15/2026 ~

  $     289         305  

Home Equity Loan Trust


2.132% due 04/25/2037 •(m)

      8,700         7,521  

Home Equity Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Trust


2.032% due 04/25/2037 •(m)

      13,166         9,743  

2.112% due 04/25/2037 •

      4,080         3,682  

JPMorgan Mortgage Acquisition Trust


1.872% due 08/25/2036 •

      7         4  

1.982% due 03/25/2047 •

      1,802         1,772  

KGS-Alpha SBA COOF Trust


1.040% due 04/25/2038 «~(a)

      617         14  

Lehman ABS Mortgage Loan Trust


1.882% due 06/25/2037 •

      5,145         3,737  

Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust


1.982% due 02/25/2036 •(m)

      2,785         2,484  

2.062% due 05/25/2046 •

      3,198         1,443  

2.497% due 11/25/2035 •(m)

      4,019         3,479  

4.267% due 03/25/2032 •

      5         6  

Marlette Funding Trust


0.000% due 09/17/2029 «(g)

      3         1,210  

Morgan Stanley ABS Capital, Inc. Trust


2.827% due 01/25/2035 •

      522         353  

Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Capital, Inc. Trust


3.217% due 02/25/2033 •

      142         144  

National Collegiate Commutation Trust


0.000% due 03/25/2038 •

      10,400           3,715  

NovaStar Mortgage Funding Trust


1.962% due 11/25/2036 •

      1,321         576  

Oakwood Mortgage Investors, Inc.


1.970% due 06/15/2032 •

      11         11  

Option One Mortgage Loan Trust


5.662% due 01/25/2037 ^þ

      6         6  

Origen Manufactured Housing Contract Trust


8.150% due 03/15/2032 þ

      744         760  

Ownit Mortgage Loan Trust


3.131% due 10/25/2035 þ

      1,977         1,354  

Park Place Securities, Inc. Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates


3.667% due 10/25/2034 •(m)

      1,161         1,152  

Putnam Structured Product Funding Ltd.


3.140% due 10/15/2038 •

      1,200         951  

Residential Asset Mortgage Products Trust


2.917% due 08/25/2033 •(m)

      491         487  

Saxon Asset Securities Trust


2.767% due 12/26/2034 •

      629         597  

Securitized Asset-Backed Receivables LLC Trust


2.022% due 02/25/2037 ^•

      290         169  

2.467% due 01/25/2035 •

      16         15  

SLM Student Loan Trust


0.000% due 01/25/2042 «(g)

  $     2     $     1,281  

SMB Private Education Loan Trust


0.000% due 10/15/2048 «(g)

      1         799  

SoFi Professional Loan Program LLC


0.000% due 01/25/2039 (g)

      2,540         760  

0.000% due 09/25/2040 (g)

      1,094         547  

Soloso CDO Ltd.


2.363% due 10/07/2037 •

      1,300         1,069  

South Coast Funding Ltd.


2.303% due 01/06/2041 •

      38,460         8,921  

Specialty Underwriting & Residential Finance Trust


1.942% due 06/25/2037 •

      4,911         3,484  

Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust


2.232% due 01/25/2036 •(m)

      5,232         5,105  

Structured Asset Securities Corp. Mortgage Loan Trust


2.092% due 06/25/2035 •

      191         190  

Talon Funding Ltd.


2.382% due 06/05/2035 •

      725         177  

UCFC Home Equity Loan Trust


7.750% due 04/15/2030 ~

      610         603  




Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost $107,650)






Argentina Government International Bond


2.500% due 07/22/2021 (h)

  ARS     10,078         80  

3.375% due 01/15/2023

  EUR     100         51  

3.380% due 12/31/2038 þ

      3,180         1,657  

4.000% due 03/06/2020 (h)

  ARS     67,906         678  

5.250% due 01/15/2028

  EUR     100         50  

6.250% due 11/09/2047

      100         51  

7.820% due 12/31/2033

      6,784         4,406  

15.500% due 10/17/2026

  ARS     35,520         165  

42.836% (BADLARPP + 2.000%) due 04/03/2022 ~

      39,677         352  

45.399% (BADLARPP + 3.250%) due 03/01/2020 ~

      400         4  

56.589% (ARLLMONP) due 06/21/2020 ~(a)

      95,420         863  

59.928% (BADLARPP) due 10/04/2022 ~(a)

      33         1  

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Argentina


44.086% due 03/29/2024 •

      99,505         1,141  

51.313% (BADLARPP + 5.000%) due 01/23/2022 ~(a)

      6,290         79  

Peru Government International Bond


5.400% due 08/12/2034

  PEN     9         3  

5.940% due 02/12/2029

      2,494         849  

6.150% due 08/12/2032

      1,364         467  

6.350% due 08/12/2028

      3,215         1,127  

6.900% due 08/12/2037

      40         15  

6.950% due 08/12/2031

      744         271  

8.200% due 08/12/2026

      2,074         796  

Provincia de Buenos Aires


52.270% (BADLARPP + 3.750%) due 04/12/2025 ~(a)

  ARS     250,195         1,898  

South Africa Government International Bond


4.850% due 09/30/2029 (m)

  $     800         802  

5.750% due 09/30/2049 (m)

      800         781  

Turkey Government International Bond


3.250% due 06/14/2025

  EUR     100         112  

4.625% due 03/31/2025

      1,100         1,308  

5.200% due 02/16/2026

      400         487  

5.600% due 11/14/2024 (m)

  $     1,900         1,937  

7.625% due 04/26/2029 (m)

      1,500         1,661  

Venezuela Government International Bond


6.000% due 12/09/2020 ^(d)

      165         20  

8.250% due 10/13/2024 ^(d)

      19         2  

9.250% due 09/15/2027 ^(d)

      198         24  




Total Sovereign Issues (Cost $33,854)




        SHARES         MARKET




Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (e)

    363,781     $     1,041  

iHeartMedia, Inc.

      272         4  

iHeartMedia, Inc. ‘A’ (e)

      20,232         342  








Caesars Entertainment Corp. (e)

    219,638         2,987  





Dommo Energia S.A. (e)(k)

      138,679         101  

Dommo Energia S.A. «

      351,593         212  

Dommo Energia S.A. SP - ADR «(e)

    1,108         8  

Forbes Energy Services Ltd. (e)(k)

    29,625         7  








Sierra Hamilton Holder LLC «(k)

    200,912         38  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC «(k)

    90         1  








Eneva S.A. (e)(k)

      15,803         172  

TexGen Power LLC «

      33,708         1,205  







Total Common Stocks (Cost $7,777)








iHeartMedia, Inc.

      131,768         2,227  





Sequa Corp. - Exp. 04/28/2024 «

    279,000         604  




Total Warrants (Cost $2,857)








AGFC Capital Trust


3.751% (US0003M + 1.750%) due 01/15/2067 ~(m)

      2,300,000         1,150  

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A.


8.875% due 04/14/2021 •(i)(j)

      200,000         246  

Nationwide Building Society


10.250% ~

      38,245         8,410  

Stichting AK Rabobank Certificaten


6.500% due 12/29/2049 (i)

      6,394,700         9,146  








General Electric Co.


5.000% due 01/21/2021 •(i)

      174,000         171  

Sequa Corp. (12.000% PIK) (c)


12.000% «

      6,502         7,536  







Total Preferred Securities (Cost $22,878)






58   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


        SHARES         MARKET




VICI Properties, Inc.

      340,104     $     8,690  




Total Real Estate Investment Trusts (Cost $4,976)













30.546% due 04/28/2020 -
08/27/2020 (f)(g)

  ARS     27,064         371  

41.333% due 04/03/2020 «~

      4,040         55  

43.313% due 06/22/2020 «~

      10,020         149  








1.604% due 01/16/2020 -
02/27/2020 (f)(g)(p)

  $     3,165     $     3,161  



Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $18,248)





Total Investments in Securities
(Cost $629,770)


Total Investments 148.5% (Cost $629,770)


  $     647,115  

Financial Derivative
Instruments (n)(o) (0.5)%

(Cost or Premiums, net $(5,425))



Other Assets and Liabilities, net (48.0)%





Net Assets 100.0%


  $       435,636  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Security is in default.


Security valued using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3).


All or a portion of this amount represents unfunded loan commitments. The interest rate for the unfunded portion will be determined at the time of funding. See Note 4, Securities and Other Investments, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information regarding unfunded loan commitments.


Variable or Floating rate security. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread, rather are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date, which may vary by security. These securities may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.

Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. The rate may be based on a fixed rate, a capped rate or a floor rate and may convert to a variable or floating rate in the future. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description.


Coupon represents a rate which changes periodically based on a predetermined schedule or event. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end.


Interest only security.


Principal only security.


Payment in-kind security.


Security is not accruing income as of the date of this report.


Security did not produce income within the last twelve months.


Coupon represents a weighted average yield to maturity.


Zero coupon security.


Principal amount of security is adjusted for inflation.


Perpetual maturity; date shown, if applicable, represents next contractual call date.


Contingent convertible security.




Issuer Description    Acquisition
    Cost     Market
    Market Value
as Percentage
of Net Assets

Dommo Energia S.A.

     12/21/2017 - 12/26/2017     $ 36     $ 101       0.03

Eneva S.A.

     12/21/2017 - 12/03/2019       73       172       0.04  

Forbes Energy Services Ltd.

     03/11/2014 - 07/03/2014       1,470       7       0.00  

Pinnacol Assurance 8.625% due 06/25/2034

     06/23/2014       2,900       3,104       0.71  

Project OMNI Senior 3.000% due 09/03/2026

     09/26/2019       10,910       11,206       2.57  

Sierra Hamilton Holder LLC

     07/31/2017       51       38       0.01  

Theatre Hospitals PLC 4.940% due 12/15/2024

     12/17/2018       0       0       0.00  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC

     03/26/2019       0       1       0.00  









  $     15,440     $     14,629       3.36











See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   59

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund (Cont.)






Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     1.250     12/31/2019       01/02/2020     $ 859     U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities 0.125% due 04/15/2020   $ (878   $ 859     $ 859  
NOM     1.650       12/31/2019       01/02/2020           13,300     U.S. Treasury Bonds 3.125% due 02/15/2043     (13,483     13,300       13,301  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (14,361   $     14,159     $     14,160  













Counterparty   Borrowing
    Payable for


    1.100     11/28/2019       02/28/2020       GBP       (3,148   $     (4,175
    1.200       10/24/2019       01/24/2020         (2,219     (2,945
    2.080       01/02/2020       02/03/2020       $       (1,383     (1,383
    2.120       01/02/2020       02/03/2020         (302     (302
    2.140       12/19/2019       01/02/2020         (1,382     (1,383
    2.400       10/04/2019       01/02/2020         (295     (297
    2.400       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (1,733     (1,738
    2.580       11/22/2019       01/21/2020         (1,634     (1,639
    2.703       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (478     (480
    2.895       11/14/2019       01/10/2020         (5,540     (5,562


    1.850       11/01/2019       TBD (3)        (661     (663
    2.250       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (1,442     (1,447
    2.250       01/03/2020       03/03/2020         (1,444     (1,444
    2.804       12/27/2019       01/27/2020         (2,171     (2,172
    2.904       11/15/2019       02/13/2020         (3,840     (3,855
    3.009       11/14/2019       02/12/2020         (2,593     (2,604


    2.470       10/22/2019       01/22/2020         (105     (106


    (0.150     12/23/2019       01/23/2020       EUR       (1,402     (1,572
    (0.100     12/23/2019       01/23/2020         (519     (582
    (0.050     12/23/2019       01/23/2020         (411     (461
    1.250       12/23/2019       01/23/2020       GBP       (720     (954


    2.350       12/12/2019       01/10/2020       $       (2,286     (2,289


    (1.850     09/30/2019       TBD (3)      EUR       (4,400     (4,912
    (0.300     10/16/2019       01/15/2020         (361     (404
    (0.300     10/17/2019       01/16/2020         (161     (180
    (0.300     10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (190     (213
    (0.250     10/17/2019       01/16/2020         (249     (279
    0.950       10/16/2019       01/14/2020       GBP       (1,712     (2,272
    0.950       10/16/2019       01/15/2020         (3,690     (4,897
    0.950       10/17/2019       01/16/2020         (4,271     (5,669
    0.950       10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (182     (241
    1.250       10/15/2019       01/10/2020         (477     (633
    2.350       11/08/2019       02/06/2020       $       (7,913     (7,941


    2.760       11/04/2019       02/05/2020         (5,223     (5,247
    2.780       11/04/2019       02/05/2020         (2,016     (2,025
    2.850       12/20/2019       01/21/2020         (4,329     (4,333
    2.860       11/04/2019       02/05/2020         (8,714     (8,755
    2.910       11/04/2019       02/05/2020         (999     (1,004
    3.060       12/13/2019       02/05/2020         (1,927     (1,930


    2.450       12/02/2019       01/07/2020         (1,411     (1,414


    3.103       08/19/2019       08/19/2020         (6,323     (6,347


    2.350       12/20/2019       01/17/2020         (1,710     (1,711
    2.400       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (5,425     (5,446
    2.400       11/19/2019       01/21/2020         (3,255     (3,265
    2.400       11/20/2019       01/21/2020         (250     (251
    2.500       11/19/2019       01/21/2020         (362     (363
    2.600       11/19/2019       01/21/2020         (2,145     (2,152
    2.600       12/16/2019       01/21/2020         (1,186     (1,187
    2.800       11/19/2019       01/21/2020         (892     (895


    1.950       12/06/2019       01/06/2020         (131     (131


    2.270       11/14/2019       01/14/2020         (248     (249
    2.329       11/08/2019       02/07/2020         (2,199     (2,207
    2.329       11/27/2019       02/07/2020         (85     (85
    2.452       10/08/2019       01/07/2020         (1,491     (1,500


60   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


Counterparty   Borrowing
    Payable for
    2.504     11/08/2019       02/07/2020       $       (360   $ (361
    2.794       11/06/2019       02/04/2020         (3,762     (3,779
    3.063       09/25/2019       03/25/2020         (1,062     (1,071


    2.734       10/15/2019       01/08/2020         (1,770     (1,781
    2.909       11/12/2019       02/10/2020         (4,608     (4,627


    2.270       11/08/2019       01/09/2020         (621     (623
    2.340       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (4,484     (4,496
    2.350       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (6,883     (6,903
    2.350       12/13/2019       02/18/2020         (1,010     (1,011
    2.360       11/15/2019       02/13/2020         (1,522     (1,527
    2.360       11/18/2019       02/12/2020         (1,070     (1,073
    2.480       10/08/2019       01/08/2020         (1,905     (1,916


    (0.100     11/28/2019       01/24/2020       EUR       (975     (1,094
    1.350       11/22/2019       02/24/2020       GBP       (4,140     (5,493
    1.614       10/15/2019       01/15/2020         (3,829     (5,089
    2.250       11/01/2019       TBD (3)      $       (8,216     (8,248
    2.300       12/06/2019       01/08/2020         (4,687     (4,695
    2.300       12/13/2019       01/10/2020         (3,632     (3,637
    2.400       12/06/2019       01/08/2020         (991     (993
    2.450       11/01/2019       01/30/2020         (3,919     (3,936
    2.450       11/12/2019       02/10/2020         (2,797     (2,807
    2.450       11/13/2019       02/11/2020         (1,961     (1,968
    2.450       11/14/2019       01/07/2020         (1,346     (1,350
    2.450       11/18/2019       01/07/2020         (6,780     (6,803
    2.450       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (2,731     (2,739
    2.450       12/06/2019       01/30/2020         (2,463     (2,468
    2.450       12/31/2019       01/07/2020         (5,735     (5,735
    2.450       12/31/2019       02/19/2020         (1,559     (1,559
    2.500       10/25/2019       01/24/2020         (1,138     (1,143
    2.500       11/14/2019       01/07/2020         (189     (190
    2.550       11/13/2019       02/11/2020             (1,656     (1,662




Total Reverse Repurchase Agreements


          $     (206,968







The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of December 31, 2019:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net  Exposure(4)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 0     $ (19,904   $ 0      $ (19,904   $ 21,260     $ 1,356  


    0       (12,185     0        (12,185     14,862       2,677  


    0       (106     0        (106     117       11  


    0       (3,569     0        (3,569     3,923       354  


    859       0       0        859       (878     (19


    0       (2,289     0        (2,289     2,450       161  


    0       (27,641     0        (27,641     31,714       4,073  


    0       (23,294     0        (23,294     29,802       6,508  


    0       (1,414     0        (1,414     1,661       247  


    0       (6,347     0        (6,347     8,651       2,304  


    13,301       (15,270     0        (1,969     3,400       1,431  


    0       (131     0        (131     135       4  


    0       (9,252     0        (9,252     11,175       1,923  


    0       (6,408     0        (6,408     8,266       1,858  


    0       (17,549     0        (17,549     19,091       1,542  


    0       (61,609     0            (61,609         72,640           11,031  










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     14,160     $     (206,968   $     0         











See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   61

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund (Cont.)




Remaining Contractual Maturity of the Agreements


     Overnight and
    Up to 30 days     31-90 days     Greater Than 90 days     Total  

Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Corporate Bonds & Notes

  $ 0     $ (69,460   $ (46,007   $ (13,823   $ (129,290

U.S. Government Agencies

    0       0       (3,084     0       (3,084

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    0       (11,203     (17,387     (6,347     (34,937

Asset-Backed Securities

    0       (5,562     (14,906     0       (20,468

Sovereign Issues

    0       (2,861     (1,738     0       (4,599

Common Stocks

    0       (10,468     0       0       (10,468

Preferred Securities

    0       (993     0       0       (993
















Total Borrowings

  $     0     $     (100,547   $     (83,122   $     (20,170   $     (203,839
















Payable for reverse repurchase agreements(5)


  $ (203,839






Securities with an aggregate market value of $244,459 and cash of $495 have been pledged as collateral under the terms of the above master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



Includes accrued interest.


The average amount of borrowings outstanding during the period ended December 31, 2019 was $(195,662) at a weighted average interest rate of 2.442%. Average borrowings may include reverse repurchase agreements and sale-buyback transactions, if held during the period.


Open maturity reverse repurchase agreement.


Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Unsettled reverse repurchase agreements liability of $(3,129) is outstanding at period end.








Reference Entity   Fixed
Receive Rate
Credit Spread at
December 31, 2019(2)
    Variation Margin  
  Asset     Liability  

Bombardier, Inc.

    5.000     Quarterly       06/20/2024       3.485   $ 800     $ (1   $ 50     $ 49     $ 0     $ 0  

Bombardier, Inc.

    5.000       Quarterly       12/20/2024       3.682       300       (1     19       18       0       0  

Frontier Communications Corp.

    5.000       Quarterly       06/20/2020       195.572           4,200       (139     (1,749     (1,888     0       (33

Sprint Communications, Inc.

    5.000       Quarterly       12/20/2021       1.142       1,000       22       54       76       0       0  















        $     (119   $     (1,626   $     (1,745   $     0     $     (33



















Floating Rate
  Floating Rate Index   Fixed Rate     Payment
    Variation Margin  
  Asset     Liability  



3-Month CAD-Bank Bill

    3.300   Semi-Annual     06/19/2024       CAD       13,300     $ 618     $ (62   $ 556     $ 0     $ (20



3-Month CAD-Bank Bill

    3.500     Semi-Annual     06/20/2044         4,400       (154     (634     (788     77       0  




    2.860     Semi-Annual     04/26/2023       $       8,700       (24     364       340       0       (5




    2.750     Semi-Annual     12/19/2023         35,800       (332     1,775       1,443       0       (29




    1.500     Semi-Annual     06/21/2027         22,000       (1,596     1,091       (505     0       (48




    2.500     Semi-Annual     12/20/2027         9,100       152       305       457       0       (24




    2.250     Semi-Annual     06/20/2028         52,200       (3,334     4,955       1,621       0       (128




    3.000     Semi-Annual     06/19/2029         21,300       1,691       384       2,075       0       (63




    2.000     Semi-Annual     01/15/2050         1,200       (9     40       31       13       0  




    1.625     Semi-Annual     02/03/2050         2,300       (2     260       258       25       0  




    2.250     Semi-Annual     03/12/2050         2,800       (8     (79     (87     32       0  




    3.500     Semi-Annual     06/17/2025       AUD       5,200       129       321       450       0       (6




    0.150     Annual     03/18/2030       EUR       10,100       185       243       428       55       0  




    0.750     Semi-Annual     03/18/2030       GBP       22,950       239       566       805       177       0  




    0.750     Semi-Annual     03/18/2050         6,000       126       632       758       127       0  















      $ (2,319   $ 10,161     $ 7,842     $ 506     $ (323
















Total Swap Agreements


    $     (2,438   $     8,535     $     6,097     $     506     $     (356

















62   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)




The following is a summary of the market value and variation margin of Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared Financial Derivative Instruments as of December 31, 2019:


    Financial Derivative Assets            Financial Derivative Liabilities  
    Market Value     Variation Margin


          Market Value     Variation Margin


    Futures     Swap
    Futures     Swap

Total Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared

  $     0     $     0     $     506     $     506       $     0     $     0     $     (356)     $     (356)  


























Cash of $7,903 has been pledged as collateral for exchange-traded and centrally cleared financial derivative instruments as of December 31, 2019. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.



If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash, securities or other deliverable obligations equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on corporate or sovereign issues as of period end serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.


The prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the underlying referenced instrument’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


This instrument has a forward starting effective date. See Note 2, Securities Transactions and Investment Income, in the Notes to Financial Statements for further information.






Counterparty    Settlement
    Currency to
be Delivered
    Currency to
be Received
    Unrealized Appreciation/
  Asset     Liability  


     01/2020     EUR     286     $     320     $ 0     $ (1
     01/2020     GBP     35,511         45,985       0       (1,063
     01/2020     $     40     CLP     30,960       1       0  
     01/2020         851     EUR     760       2       0  
     01/2020         1,699     GBP     1,284       8       (6
     02/2020     PEN     1,986     $     585       0       (13


     01/2020     $     219     EUR     196       1       0  


     01/2020     BRL     4,512     $     1,110       0       (12
     01/2020     EUR     2,110         2,343       0       (25
     01/2020     $     1,119     BRL     4,512       2       0  
     01/2020         258     CLP     202,508       11       0  
     01/2020         2,048     EUR     1,845       22       0  
     01/2020         108     TRY     623       0       (3
     02/2020         1,108     BRL     4,512       12       0  


     01/2020     BRL     4,486     $     1,113       0       (2
     01/2020     $     1,062     BRL     4,486       53       0  


     01/2020     BRL     26     $     6       0       0  
     01/2020     GBP     577         757       0       (8
     01/2020     $     6     BRL     26       0       0  
     01/2020         10     CLP     7,853       1       0  
     01/2020         1,958     TRY     11,477       0       (38
     02/2020         3,984     RUB     255,394       111       0  


     01/2020     AUD     178     $     121       0       (4
     01/2020     GBP     571         753       0       (3
     01/2020     $     13     CLP     10,192       1       0  
     01/2020         3,518     GBP     2,725       93       0  


     01/2020         3,713     MXN     72,746       124       0  


     01/2020     EUR     33,375     $     36,903       0       (550
     03/2020     $     2,290     RUB     148,788       88       0  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   63

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund (Cont.)


Counterparty    Settlement
    Currency to
be Delivered
    Currency to
be Received
    Unrealized Appreciation/
  Asset     Liability  


     01/2020     CLP     72,402     $     95     $ 0     $ (1
     01/2020     MXN     72,746         3,765       0       (72
     01/2020     $     108     CLP     82,606       2       0  
     05/2020         3,708     MXN     72,746       70       0  


     01/2020         68     CLP     53,417       3       0  
     01/2020         1,328     GBP     1,021       25       0  







Total Forward Foreign Currency Contracts


  $     630     $     (1,801












Counterparty   Reference Entity   Fixed
Receive Rate
Credit Spread at
December 31, 2019(2)
    Swap Agreements,
at Value
  Asset     Liability  

Russia Government International Bond

    1.000   Quarterly     09/20/2024       0.521   $ 300     $ (25   $ 32     $ 7     $ 0  

Russia Government International Bond

    1.000     Quarterly     09/20/2024       0.521       300       (26     33       7       0  

Russia Government International Bond

    1.000     Quarterly     03/20/2020       0.044       100       (18     18       0       0  

Russia Government International Bond

    1.000     Quarterly     12/20/2024       0.556           1,300       9       19       28       0  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Co. BV

    1.000     Quarterly     06/20/2022       2.310       100       (6     3       0       (3

Russia Government International Bond

    1.000     Quarterly     09/20/2024       0.521       69       (9     10       1       0  












          $     (75   $     115     $     43     $     (3
















Counterparty   Index/Tranches   Fixed
Receive Rate
    Swap Agreements,
at  Value(4)
  Asset     Liability  

ABX.HE.AA.6-1 Index

    0.320   Monthly     07/25/2045     $         11,681     $ (2,325   $ 1,686     $ 0     $ (639


    0.090     Monthly     08/25/2037         3,033       (587     193       0       (394












            $ (2,912   $ 1,879     $ 0     $ (1,033













Total Swap Agreements

    $     (2,987   $     1,994     $     43     $     (1,036
















The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of OTC financial derivative instruments and collateral pledged as of December 31, 2019:


    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities                     
Counterparty   Forward
Over the
Over the
    Net Market
Value of OTC


  $ 11      $ 0      $ 0      $ 11       $ (1,083   $ 0      $ 0     $ (1,083   $     (1,072   $ 555      $     (517


    1        0        7        8         0       0        0       0       8       0        8  


    47        0        7        54         (40     0        0       (40     14       0        14  


    53        0        0        53         (2     0        0       (2     51       0        51  


    112        0        0        112         (46     0        0       (46     66       0        66  


    0        0        28        28         0       0        (1,036     (1,036     (1,008         1,452        444  


    94        0        1        95         (7     0        0       (7     88       0        88  


    124        0        0        124         0       0        0       0       124       0        124  


    88        0        0        88         (550     0        0       (550     (462     270        (192


    72        0        0        72         (73     0        0       (73     (1     0        (1


    28        0        0        28         0       0        0       0       28       0        28  

























Total Over the Counter

  $     630      $     0      $     43      $     673       $     (1,801   $     0      $     (1,036   $     (2,837       



























Securities with an aggregate market value of $2,277 have been pledged as collateral for financial derivative instruments as governed by International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash, securities or other deliverable obligations equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


64   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on corporate or sovereign issues as of period end serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.


The prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the underlying referenced instrument’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from OTC financial derivative instruments can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




The following is a summary of the fair valuation of the Fund’s derivative instruments categorized by risk exposure. See Note 7, Principal Risks, in the Notes to Financial Statements on risks of the Fund.


Fair Values of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as of December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 506     $ 506  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 630     $ 0     $ 630  

Swap Agreements

    0       43       0       0       0       43  


















  $ 0     $ 43     $ 0     $ 630     $ 0     $ 673  


















  $ 0     $ 43     $ 0     $ 630     $ 506     $ 1,179  



















Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 33     $ 0     $ 0     $ 323     $ 356  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 1,801     $ 0     $ 1,801  

Swap Agreements

    0       1,036       0       0       0       1,036  


















  $ 0     $ 1,036     $ 0     $ 1,801     $ 0     $ 2,837  


















  $     0     $     1,069     $     0     $     1,801     $     323     $     3,193  




















The effect of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Statements of Operations for the period ended December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 204     $ 0     $ 0     $ (11,862   $     (11,658



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 1,268     $ 0     $ 1,268  

Swap Agreements

    0       497       0       0       0       497  


















  $ 0     $ 497     $ 0     $ 1,268     $ 0     $ 1,765  


















  $ 0     $ 701     $ 0     $     1,268     $     (11,862   $ (9,893



















Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ (864   $ 0     $ 0     $ 9,508     $ 8,644  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ (628   $ 0     $ (628

Swap Agreements

    0       (331     0       0       0       (331


















  $ 0     $ (331   $ 0     $ (628   $ 0     $ (959


















  $     0     $     (1,195   $     0     $ (628   $ 9,508     $ 7,685  




















See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   65

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund (Cont.)




The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of December 31, 2019 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 0     $ 70,697     $     25,835     $ 96,532  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    0       76,083       3,104       79,187  


    0           104,398       344           104,742  


    0       36,490       0       36,490  

Convertible Bonds & Notes



    0       63       0       63  


    0       13       0       13  

Municipal Bonds & Notes



    0       406       0       406  


    0       122       0       122  

West Virginia

    0       3,844       0       3,844  

U.S. Government Agencies

    0       8,096       0       8,096  

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    0       118,843       460       119,303  

Asset-Backed Securities

    0       110,682       3,304       113,986  

Sovereign Issues

    0       22,138       0       22,138  

Common Stocks


Communication Services

        1,383       4       0       1,387  

Consumer Discretionary

    2,987       0       0       2,987  


    108       0       220       328  


    0       0       39       39  


    172       0       1,205       1,377  



Communication Services

    0       2,227       0       2,227  


    0       0       604       604  

Preferred Securities


Banking & Finance

    0       18,952       0       18,952  


    0       171       7,536       7,707  
Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Real Estate Investment Trusts


Real Estate

  $ 8,690     $ 0     $ 0     $ 8,690  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       14,159       0       14,159  

Argentina Treasury Bills

    0       371       204       575  

U.S. Treasury Bills

    0       3,161       0       3,161  













Total Investments

  $ 13,340     $ 590,920     $ 42,855     $ 647,115  













Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    0       506       0       506  

Over the counter

    0       673       0       673  












  $ 0     $ 1,179     $ 0     $ 1,179  













Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    0       (356     0       (356

Over the counter

    0       (2,837     0       (2,837












  $ 0     $ (3,193   $ 0     $ (3,193













Total Financial Derivative Instruments

  $ 0     $ (2,014   $ 0     $ (2,014














  $     13,340     $     588,906     $     42,855     $     645,101  














The following is a reconciliation of the fair valuations using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) for the Fund during the period ended December 31, 2019:


Category and Subcategory   Beginning
at 06/30/2019
    Net Change in
    Transfers into
Level 3
    Transfers out
of Level 3
at 12/31/2019
    Net Change in
on Investments
Held  at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 4,501     $ 26,112     $ (146   $ 49     $ 2     $ 123     $ 0     $     (4,806   $     25,835     $ 377  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    2,995       0       0       0       0       109       0       0       3,104       109  


    0       413       0       3       0       (72     0       0       344       (72

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    513       0       (32     3       0       (24     0       0       460       (24

Asset-Backed Securities

    2,332       0       0       (4     0       (234         1,210       0       3,304       (234

Common Stocks



    379       72       (94     0       (5     (31     0       (101     220       138  


    58       0       0       0       0       (19     0       0       39       (19


    1,323       0       0       0       0           (118     0       0       1,205       (118




    329       0       0       0       0       275       0       0       604       276  

Preferred Securities



    6,546       393       0       0       0       597       0       0       7,536       598  

Short term


Argentina Treasury Bills

    0       189       0       0       0       15       0       0       204       15  
































  $     18,976     $     27,179     $     (272   $     51     $     (3   $ 621     $ 1,210     $ (4,907   $ 42,855     $     1,046  
































66   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


The following is a summary of significant unobservable inputs used in the fair valuations of assets and liabilities categorized within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy:


Category and Subcategory   Ending
at 12/31/2019
  (% Unless Noted Otherwise)  
  Input Value(s)     Weighted

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 11,206     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote     99.900       —    
    10,113     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —          —         —    
    4,206     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     93.750-95.000       93.782  
    310     Third Party Vendor   Broker Quote     99.250-101.000       99.313  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    3,104     Reference Instrument   Option Adjusted Spread     584.983 bps       —    


    344     Reference Instrument   Broker Quote     101.520       —    

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    460     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     2.000-99.375       89.931  

Asset-Backed Securities

    3,304     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     2.312-79,892.180       58,643.728  

Common Stocks



    220     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —       —         —    


    1     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote   $ 15.000       —    
    38     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —       —         —    


    1,205     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote   $ 35.750       —    




    604     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —       —         —    

Preferred Securities



    7,536     Fundamental Valuation   Company Equity Value   $ 934,387,328.532       —    

Short-Term Instruments


Argentina Treasury Bills

    204     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     100.000       —    





  $     42,855          






Any difference between Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) and Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) on Investments Held at December 31, 2019 may be due to an investment no longer held or categorized as Level 3 at period end.


Includes valuation techniques not defined in the Notes to Financial Statements as securities valued using such techniques are not considered significant to the Fund.


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   67

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)






Advanz Pharma Corp.


7.447% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 09/06/2024 ~

  $     2,487     $     2,330  

Altice France S.A.


5.740% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 08/14/2026 ~

      99         100  

Chesapeake Energy Corp.


TBD% due 06/09/2024

      95         98  

Core & Main LP


4.441% - 4.664% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 08/01/2024 ~

      20         20  

Diamond Resorts Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/02/2023 ~

      822         805  

Dubai World (2.000% Cash and 1.750% PIK)


3.750% (LIBOR03M + 2.000%) due 09/30/2022 ~(c)

      1,868         1,745  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 10/10/2025 ~

      8,933         7,653  

Fleet U.S. Bidco, Inc.


5.235% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/07/2026 «~

      8         8  

Forbes Energy Services LLC (5.000% Cash and 11.000% PIK)


16.000% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 04/13/2021 ~(c)

      68         68  

Frontier Communications Corp.


5.550% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/15/2024 ~

      293         295  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


5.691% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 05/01/2026 ~

      1,916           1,937  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A.


5.682% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 11/27/2023 ~

      10         10  

IRB Holding Corp.


5.195% - 5.216% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 02/05/2025 ~

      434         437  

Jefferies Finance LLC


5.500% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/03/2026 ~

      12         12  

McDermott Technology Americas, Inc.


0.500% - 12.002% (LIBOR03M + 10.000%) due 10/21/2021 ~µ

      808         827  

6.945% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 05/09/2025 ~

      1,089         641  

Messer Industrie GmbH


4.445% (LIBOR03M + 2.500%) due 03/01/2026 ~

      39         39  



5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/13/2024 ~

      59         59  

NCI Building Systems, Inc.


5.486% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 04/12/2025 ~

      20         20  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC


7.713% (LIBOR03M + 6.000%) due 10/25/2023 ~

      4,599         3,788  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC (7.213% Cash and 1.000% PIK)


8.213% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 10/25/2023 ~(c)

      5,013         4,077  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics S.A.


5.306% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 06/30/2025 ~

      323         320  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


TBD% due 02/22/2049 ^«(d)

      416         413  

PetSmart, Inc.


5.740% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 03/11/2022 ~

      166         164  

Sequa Mezzanine Holdings LLC


6.904% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 11/28/2021 ~

  $     166     $     167  

10.936% (LIBOR03M + 9.000%) due 04/28/2022 ~

      7,990         7,880  

Sotera Health Holdings LLC


6.289% (LIBOR03M + 4.500%) due 12/11/2026 ~

      59         59  

SS&C Technologies, Inc.


4.049% (LIBOR03M + 2.250%) due 04/16/2025 ~

      119         119  

Starfruit Finco BV


4.960% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/01/2025 ~

      97         97  

Summer (BC) Holdco B SARL


TBD% due 10/15/2026

      1,530         1,459  

Syniverse Holdings, Inc.


6.846% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 03/09/2023 ~

      3,855         3,591  

U.S. Renal Care, Inc.


6.813% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 06/26/2026 ~

      208         207  

Univision Communications, Inc.


4.549% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 03/15/2024 ~

      2,121         2,098  

West Corp.


5.927% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 10/10/2024 ~

      34         29  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC


10.150% (LIBOR03M + 8.250%) due 03/15/2022 «~

      1         1  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC (15.000% PIK)


15.000% due 03/15/2029 (c)

      5         4  

Windstream Services LLC


9.000% (PRIME + 4.250%) due 02/17/2024 ~

      2,200         2,089  

9.750% (PRIME + 5.000%) due 03/29/2021 ~

      2,100         2,015  




Total Loan Participations and Assignments
(Cost $46,477)








Ally Financial, Inc.


8.000% due 11/01/2031

      3         4  



6.945% due 02/12/2023 •(l)

      294         298  

Ardonagh Midco PLC


8.375% due 07/15/2023 (l)

  GBP     5,810         7,705  

AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc.


5.000% due 04/20/2048

  $     5         5  

Banco de Credito del Peru


4.650% due 09/17/2024

  PEN     400         122  

Barclays Bank PLC


7.625% due 11/21/2022 (i)(l)

  $     800         900  

Barclays PLC


3.250% due 01/17/2033

  GBP     100         139  

5.875% due 09/15/2024 •(h)(i)(l)

      900         1,247  

7.125% due 06/15/2025 •(h)(i)(l)

      1,500         2,250  

7.250% due 03/15/2023 •(h)(i)(l)

      1,000         1,448  

8.000% due 06/15/2024 •(h)(i)(l)

  $     250         280  

BGC Partners, Inc.


3.750% due 10/01/2024 (l)

      400         399  

Brookfield Finance, Inc.


3.900% due 01/25/2028

      14         15  

4.700% due 09/20/2047

      90         103  

Cantor Fitzgerald LP


4.875% due 05/01/2024

      12         13  

CBL & Associates LP


4.600% due 10/15/2024 (l)

      477         309  

5.250% due 12/01/2023 (l)

      82         58  

5.950% due 12/15/2026 (l)

      280         169  

Credit Suisse Group AG


7.500% due 07/17/2023 •(h)(i)(l)

  $     200     $     219  

Deutsche Bank AG


3.961% due 11/26/2025 •

      600         613  

4.250% due 10/14/2021 (l)

      3,200         3,291  

Emerald Bay S.A.


0.000% due 10/08/2020 (g)

  EUR     15         16  

ESH Hospitality, Inc.


4.625% due 10/01/2027

  $     54         55  

Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors LLC


6.500% due 10/01/2025

      100         106  

GE Capital International Funding Co. Unlimited Co.


4.418% due 11/15/2035 (l)

      200         213  

HSBC Holdings PLC


5.875% due 09/28/2026 •(h)(i)

  GBP     200         292  

6.500% due 03/23/2028 •(h)(i)(l)

  $     300         330  

Hudson Pacific Properties LP


3.950% due 11/01/2027

      18         19  

Hunt Cos., Inc.


6.250% due 02/15/2026

      14         14  

ING Groep NV


5.750% due 11/16/2026 •(h)(i)(l)

      200         211  

Kennedy-Wilson, Inc.


5.875% due 04/01/2024 (l)

      36         37  

Lloyds Banking Group PLC


7.500% due 09/27/2025 •(h)(i)(l)

      3,100         3,478  

7.625% due 06/27/2023 •(h)(i)(l)

  GBP     250         372  

7.875% due 06/27/2029 •(h)(i)(l)

      3,390         5,680  

LoanCore Capital Markets LLC


6.875% due 06/01/2020 (l)

  $     1,000         1,001  

Nationstar Mortgage LLC


6.500% due 07/01/2021 (l)

      320         322  

Newmark Group, Inc.


6.125% due 11/15/2023 (l)

      52         57  

Oppenheimer Holdings, Inc.


6.750% due 07/01/2022

      20         21  

Pinnacol Assurance


8.625% due 06/25/2034 «(j)

      2,600         2,783  

Reckson Operating Partnership LP


7.750% due 03/15/2020 (l)

      4,500         4,550  

Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC


8.000% due 08/10/2025 •(h)(i)(l)

      300         346  

Sabra Health Care LP


4.800% due 06/01/2024 (l)

      85         91  

Santander UK Group Holdings PLC


6.750% due 06/24/2024 •(h)(i)(l)

  GBP     2,100         3,069  

Sberbank of Russia Via SB Capital S.A.


6.125% due 02/07/2022 (l)

  $     2,000         2,142  

Societe Generale S.A.


7.375% due 10/04/2023 •(h)(i)(l)

      200         219  

Springleaf Finance Corp.


5.375% due 11/15/2029

      19         20  

6.875% due 03/15/2025 (l)

      54         62  



5.250% due 01/26/2024

  GBP     700         1,020  

5.250% due 05/29/2026

      100         143  

UniCredit SpA


7.830% due 12/04/2023 (l)

  $     2,240         2,614  








AA Bond Co. Ltd.


2.875% due 07/31/2043

  GBP     1,700         2,239  

Altice Financing S.A.


7.500% due 05/15/2026 (l)

  $     1,350         1,454  

Altice France S.A.


8.125% due 02/01/2027 (l)

      600         677  

Associated Materials LLC


9.000% due 01/01/2024 (l)

      2,700         2,376  

Avon International Capital PLC


6.500% due 08/15/2022

      16         17  


68   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



B.C. Unlimited Liability Co.


4.375% due 01/15/2028

  $     36     $     36  

Baffinland Iron Mines Corp.


8.750% due 07/15/2026 (l)

      700         707  

BCPE Cycle Merger Sub, Inc.


10.625% due 07/15/2027

      38         39  

Bombardier, Inc.


6.125% due 01/15/2023 (l)

      400         411  

7.500% due 12/01/2024 (l)

      430         453  

7.500% due 03/15/2025

      6         6  

7.875% due 04/15/2027 (l)

      1,296         1,337  

Camelot Finance S.A.


4.500% due 11/01/2026

      4         4  

CCO Holdings LLC


4.750% due 03/01/2030

      80         82  

Centene Corp.


4.250% due 12/15/2027

      47         48  

4.625% due 12/15/2029

      90         95  

4.750% due 01/15/2025

      83         86  

Charter Communications Operating LLC


4.800% due 03/01/2050

      105         111  

Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc.


9.250% due 02/15/2024 (l)

      942         1,045  

Community Health Systems, Inc.


6.250% due 03/31/2023 (l)

      5,065         5,154  

8.000% due 03/15/2026 (l)

      294         303  

8.625% due 01/15/2024 (l)

      544         578  

Connect Finco SARL


6.750% due 10/01/2026

      28         30  

Corning, Inc.


5.450% due 11/15/2079

      36         39  

CVS Pass-Through Trust


7.507% due 01/10/2032

      721         892  

Diamond Resorts International, Inc.


7.750% due 09/01/2023 (l)

      502         518  



5.875% due 07/15/2022

      2         2  

Eagle Holding Co. LLC (7.750% Cash or 8.500% PIK)


7.750% due 05/15/2022 (c)

      10         10  

EI Group PLC


6.875% due 05/09/2025

  GBP     620         835  

Eldorado Resorts, Inc.


6.000% due 09/15/2026 (l)

  $     1,100         1,213  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


8.750% due 10/15/2026 (l)

      1,059         660  

Exela Intermediate LLC


10.000% due 07/15/2023 (l)

      65         26  

Fair Isaac Corp.


4.000% due 06/15/2028

      4         4  

Ferroglobe PLC


9.375% due 03/01/2022

      650         405  

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.


6.500% due 03/01/2024 (l)

      766         769  

6.875% due 03/01/2026 (l)

      844         856  

7.000% due 02/15/2021 (l)

      316         317  

Flex Ltd.


4.875% due 06/15/2029

      45         49  

Frontier Finance PLC


8.000% due 03/23/2022

  GBP     2,600           3,542  

Full House Resorts, Inc.


8.575% due 01/31/2024

  $     196         193  

9.738% due 02/02/2024

      17         17  

General Electric Co.


5.875% due 01/14/2038

      8         10  

6.150% due 08/07/2037

      7         9  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


6.375% due 05/01/2026 (l)

      617         671  

8.375% due 05/01/2027 (l)

      950         1,052  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (3.625% Cash or 4.375% PIK)


3.625% due 05/15/2025 (c)

  EUR     135         159  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (3.875% Cash or 4.625% PIK)


3.875% due 05/15/2027 (c)

      100         119  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (6.000% Cash or 6.750% PIK)


6.000% due 05/15/2027 (c)(l)

  $     208     $     221  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (6.375% Cash or 7.125% PIK)


6.375% due 05/15/2029 (c)(l)

      200         216  

Intelsat Connect Finance S.A.


9.500% due 02/15/2023 (l)

      105         74  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A.


8.000% due 02/15/2024 (l)

      60         62  

8.500% due 10/15/2024 (l)

      160         146  

9.750% due 07/15/2025 (l)

      403         374  

Intelsat Luxembourg S.A.


7.750% due 06/01/2021 ^(l)

      6,032         4,779  

Kinder Morgan, Inc.


5.300% due 12/01/2034 (l)

      1,500         1,766  

7.750% due 01/15/2032 (l)

      4,500         6,188  

Mattel, Inc.


5.875% due 12/15/2027

      28         30  

Micron Technology, Inc.


5.327% due 02/06/2029 (l)

      82         94  

MSCI, Inc.


4.000% due 11/15/2029

      12         12  

NCL Corp. Ltd.


3.625% due 12/15/2024

      52         53  

Netflix, Inc.


3.625% due 06/15/2030

  EUR     100         116  

3.875% due 11/15/2029

      335         399  

4.625% due 05/15/2029

      100         125  

4.875% due 06/15/2030

  $     100         102  

5.375% due 11/15/2029

      30         32  

Noble Holding International Ltd.


7.875% due 02/01/2026

      277         202  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.


6.625% due 05/15/2022 (l)

      162         161  

Pacific Drilling SA


8.375% due 10/01/2023 (l)

      152         139  

Pan American Energy LLC


42.636% (BADLARPP) due 11/20/2020 «~

  ARS     13,830         183  

Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.


7.500% due 04/01/2027 (l)

  $     62         62  

Petroleos Mexicanos


2.750% due 04/21/2027

  EUR     4,538           4,891  

5.350% due 02/12/2028 (l)

  $     326         325  

6.490% due 01/23/2027

      40         43  

6.500% due 03/13/2027 (l)

      612         651  

6.750% due 09/21/2047

      20         20  

6.840% due 01/23/2030

      110         117  

7.690% due 01/23/2050

      60         66  

Platin 1426 GmbH


6.875% due 06/15/2023

  EUR     200         230  

Radiate Holdco LLC


6.875% due 02/15/2023

  $     11         11  

Sands China Ltd.


4.600% due 08/08/2023 (l)

      200         211  

5.125% due 08/08/2025 (l)

      200         220  

5.400% due 08/08/2028 (l)

      200         226  

Scotts Miracle-Gro Co.


4.500% due 10/15/2029

      3         3  

Sealed Air Corp.


4.000% due 12/01/2027

      8         8  

Select Medical Corp.


6.250% due 08/15/2026

      20         22  

Sensata Technologies, Inc.


4.375% due 02/15/2030

      12         12  

Silgan Holdings, Inc.


4.125% due 02/01/2028

      24         24  

Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc.


12.500% due 04/15/2049 ^(d)

      908         947  

Staples, Inc.


7.500% due 04/15/2026

      9         9  

Tenet Healthcare Corp.


4.625% due 09/01/2024

      10         10  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance BV


3.650% due 11/10/2021 (l)

      64         63  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Co. BV


3.650% due 11/10/2021 (l)

  $     108     $     106  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands BV


0.375% due 07/25/2020

  EUR     61         68  

2.200% due 07/21/2021 (l)

  $     187         181  

3.250% due 04/15/2022

  EUR     200         227  

Topaz Solar Farms LLC


4.875% due 09/30/2039 (l)

  $     913         949  

5.750% due 09/30/2039 (l)

      2,150         2,378  

TransDigm, Inc.


5.500% due 11/15/2027

      48         49  

Transocean Pontus Ltd.


6.125% due 08/01/2025 (l)

      71         73  

Transocean, Inc.


7.250% due 11/01/2025 (l)

      120         118  

Triumph Group, Inc.


5.250% due 06/01/2022

      14         14  

6.250% due 09/15/2024

      12         13  

Twitter, Inc.


3.875% due 12/15/2027

      10         10  

UAL Pass-Through Trust


6.636% due 01/02/2024 (l)

      1,263         1,344  

Unigel Luxembourg S.A.


8.750% due 10/01/2026 (l)

      200         204  

Univision Communications, Inc.


5.125% due 02/15/2025 (l)

      55         55  

Valaris PLC


5.750% due 10/01/2044

      162         73  

7.750% due 02/01/2026

      8         5  

Vale Overseas Ltd.


6.250% due 08/10/2026 (l)

      81         95  

6.875% due 11/21/2036

      26         34  

6.875% due 11/10/2039

      25         33  

Vale S.A.


3.750% due 01/10/2023

  EUR     200         244  

ViaSat, Inc.


5.625% due 09/15/2025

  $     42         43  

5.625% due 04/15/2027

      6         6  

Wyndham Destinations, Inc.


3.900% due 03/01/2023

      36         36  

4.625% due 03/01/2030

      12         12  



50.817% (BADLARPP + 4.000%) due 09/24/2020 «~(a)

  ARS     4,520         58  








CenturyLink, Inc.


5.125% due 12/15/2026

  $     4         4  

Edison International


2.400% due 09/15/2022

      36         36  

2.950% due 03/15/2023

      2         2  

3.125% due 11/15/2022

      36         37  

3.550% due 11/15/2024

      36         37  

5.750% due 06/15/2027

      24         27  

Frontier Communications Corp.


8.000% due 04/01/2027 (l)

      62         65  

Gazprom Neft OAO Via GPN Capital S.A.


6.000% due 11/27/2023 (l)

      5,600         6,261  

Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital S.A.


8.625% due 04/28/2034 (l)

      1,710         2,572  

Odebrecht Offshore Drilling Finance Ltd.


6.720% due 12/01/2022 ^(l)

      1,019         1,003  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


2.450% due 08/15/2022 ^(d)(l)

      342         343  

2.950% due 03/01/2026 ^(d)(l)

      460         462  

3.250% due 09/15/2021 ^(d)(l)

      74         74  

3.250% due 06/15/2023 ^(d)(l)

      482         481  

3.300% due 03/15/2027 ^(d)(l)

      347         348  

3.300% due 12/01/2027 ^(d)(l)

      400         401  

3.400% due 08/15/2024 ^(d)(l)

      163         166  

3.500% due 10/01/2020 ^(d)(l)

      4,297         4,313  

3.500% due 06/15/2025 ^(d)(l)

      388         389  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   69

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (Cont.)



3.750% due 02/15/2024 ^(d)(l)

  $     228     $     232  

3.750% due 08/15/2042 ^(d)

      12         12  

3.850% due 11/15/2023 ^(d)(l)

      52         53  

4.000% due 12/01/2046 ^(d)

      7         7  

4.250% due 05/15/2021 ^(d)(l)

      631         634  

4.250% due 08/01/2023 ^(d)(l)

      500         514  

4.300% due 03/15/2045 ^(d)

      51         52  

4.500% due 12/15/2041 ^(d)(l)

      86         87  

4.600% due 06/15/2043 ^(d)

      20         20  

4.650% due 08/01/2028 ^(d)(l)

      200         207  

4.750% due 02/15/2044 ^(d)

      48         49  

5.125% due 11/15/2043 ^(d)(l)

      274         281  

5.400% due 01/15/2040 ^(d)

      8         8  

5.800% due 03/01/2037 ^(d)(l)

      277         290  

6.050% due 03/01/2034 ^(d)

      34         36  

6.250% due 03/01/2039 ^(d)

      44         47  

6.350% due 02/15/2038 ^(d)

      15         16  

Petrobras Global Finance BV


5.093% due 01/15/2030

      339         364  

Rio Oil Finance Trust


9.250% due 07/06/2024 (l)

      519         583  

9.750% due 01/06/2027 (l)

      727         861  

Southern California Edison Co.


3.650% due 03/01/2028

      3         3  

4.875% due 03/01/2049

      100         118  

5.750% due 04/01/2035

      6         7  

6.000% due 01/15/2034

      2         3  

6.650% due 04/01/2029

      36         43  

Sprint Communications, Inc.


6.000% due 11/15/2022

      35         37  

Sprint Corp.


7.250% due 09/15/2021 (l)

      107         113  

Talen Energy Supply LLC


6.625% due 01/15/2028

      12         12  

Transocean Poseidon Ltd.


6.875% due 02/01/2027 (l)

      60         64  







Total Corporate Bonds & Notes (Cost $122,472)








Ensco Jersey Finance Ltd.


3.000% due 01/31/2024

      12         9  




Total Convertible Bonds & Notes (Cost $8)








Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


7.045% due 01/01/2029

      70         77  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, (BABs), Series 2010


6.725% due 04/01/2035

      15         18  

7.350% due 07/01/2035

      10         12  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003


5.100% due 06/01/2033

      145         156  








Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority, West Virginia Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


0.000% due 06/01/2047 (g)

      25,300         1,107  

7.467% due 06/01/2047

      1,590         1,653  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes (Cost $3,445)






Fannie Mae


1.095% due 12/25/2042 ~(a)

      4,420         175  

2.297% due 08/25/2054 ~(a)(l)

      11,389         720  

2.500% due 12/25/2027 (a)

  $     2,683     $     164  

3.312% due 06/25/2043 •(a)

      100         21  

3.500% due 07/25/2036 (a)(l)

      7,229         891  

3.500% due 07/25/2042 - 12/25/2049 (a)

      854         106  

4.208% due 10/25/2049 •(a)(l)

      14,604         3,063  

4.250% due 11/25/2024 (l)

      295         298  

4.258% due 02/25/2049 •(a)

      467         64  

4.325% due 11/01/2027 •

      11         12  

4.365% due 12/01/2028 •

      16         17  

4.500% due 07/25/2040 (l)

      1,022         1,094  

4.510% due 09/01/2028 •

      3         3  

4.958% due 07/25/2041 •(a)

      1,688         242  

5.000% due 01/25/2038 (l)

      5,350         5,926  

5.000% due 07/25/2038

      153         169  

5.025% due 03/01/2032 •

      67         67  

5.292% due 12/25/2042 ~

      26         28  

5.342% due 07/25/2029 •(l)

      490         519  

5.500% due 07/25/2024

      8         8  

5.500% due 11/25/2032 - 04/25/2035 (l)

      5,439         6,004  

5.638% due 02/25/2042 ~

      421         457  

5.750% due 06/25/2033

      21         24  

5.777% due 10/25/2042 ~

      10         12  

5.807% due 08/25/2043

      1,266         1,394  

6.000% due 09/25/2031 - 01/25/2044

      1,113         1,250  

6.274% due 10/25/2042 ~

      308         350  

6.500% due 06/25/2023 - 11/01/2047

      3,447         3,928  

6.500% due 04/01/2037 (l)

      136         142  

6.850% due 12/18/2027

      9         10  

7.000% due 06/18/2027 - 01/01/2047

      1,279         1,435  

7.000% due 07/01/2036 (l)

      200         210  

7.000% due 09/25/2041 ~

      367         398  

7.500% due 10/25/2022 - 06/25/2044

      983         1,132  

7.500% due 06/19/2041 ~

      85         98  

7.542% due 07/25/2029 •

      660         782  

7.700% due 03/25/2023

      7         7  

7.829% due 06/19/2041 ~

      674         775  

8.000% due 09/25/2021 - 09/01/2024

      18         18  

8.500% due 10/25/2021 - 06/25/2030

      287         321  

9.404% due 05/15/2021

      7         7  

9.476% due 07/15/2027

      3         3  

Freddie Mac


0.000% due 02/25/2046 -
11/25/2050 (b)(g)(l)

      9,296         6,357  

0.100% due 02/25/2046 -
11/25/2050 (a)

      118,859         422  

2.011% due 11/25/2045 ~(a)

      5,336         719  

2.516% due 11/15/2038 •(a)(l)

      21,026         1,458  

2.622% due 08/15/2036 ~(a)

      2,876         194  

2.648% due 05/15/2038 •(a)(l)

      5,541         268  

3.887% due 12/01/2026 •

      3         3  

4.260% due 04/25/2048 - 11/25/2049 •(a)

      55,140           12,434  

4.882% due 04/01/2033 •

      1         1  

5.000% due 02/15/2024

      4         4  

5.416% due 07/25/2032 ~

      96         105  

5.500% due 04/01/2039 -
06/15/2041 (l)

      4,354         4,856  

6.000% due 12/15/2028 -

      571         633  

6.000% due 02/15/2032 (l)

      1,329         1,517  

6.500% due 08/01/2021 -

      3,942         4,464  

6.500% due 06/15/2031 -
09/15/2031 (l)

      1,604         1,836  

6.500% due 09/25/2043 ~

      45         52  

6.900% due 09/15/2023

      116         123  

6.942% due 10/25/2029 •

      650         752  

6.950% due 07/15/2021

      31         31  

7.000% due 08/01/2021 -

      1,137         1,270  

7.000% due 03/15/2029 - 01/01/2036 (l)

      1,779         2,020  

7.500% due 05/15/2024 -

  $     541     $     586  

7.500% due 08/01/2024 -
12/01/2030 (l)

      858         955  

8.000% due 08/15/2022 -

      51         58  

8.000% due 12/01/2026 (l)

      76         82  

9.342% due 12/25/2027 •

      1,589         1,913  

12.542% due 03/25/2025 •

      385         504  

Ginnie Mae


2.035% due 12/20/2048 •(a)(l)

      23,280         1,867  

4.285% due 08/20/2049 -
09/20/2049 •(a)(l)

      124,354         25,294  

4.435% due 06/20/2047 •(a)(l)

      15,321         2,572  

6.000% due 04/15/2029 -

      71         79  

6.000% due 07/15/2037 -
11/15/2038 (l)

      946         1,051  

6.500% due 11/20/2024 -

      51         53  

6.500% due 04/15/2032 -
05/15/2032 (l)

      367         411  

7.000% due 04/15/2024 -

      30         31  

7.500% due 06/15/2023 -

      403         411  

7.500% due 04/15/2027 (l)

      90         97  

8.000% due 11/15/2021 -

      1         1  

8.500% due 05/15/2022 -

      9         9  

Ginnie Mae, TBA


4.000% due 01/01/2050

      20,000         20,902  

Small Business Administration


4.625% due 02/01/2025

      62         65  

5.510% due 11/01/2027

      184         199  

5.780% due 08/01/2027

      16         17  

5.820% due 07/01/2027

      18         20  

Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security


4.000% due 06/01/2047

      31         32  

4.000% due 09/01/2047 -
07/01/2048 (l)

      28,504         29,933  

4.500% due 09/01/2023 -

      54         57  

4.500% due 04/01/2041 -
08/01/2041 (l)

      186         200  

6.000% due 12/01/2032 -
06/01/2040 (l)

      4,225         4,836  

6.000% due 12/01/2032 -

      72         80  

6.500% due 01/01/2028 -

      995         1,119  

6.500% due 10/01/2033 -
07/01/2039 (l)

      583         663  

7.000% due 07/01/2021

      22         22  

7.500% due 05/01/2022

      14         15  

8.000% due 12/01/2022 -

      180         195  

Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA


2.500% due 01/01/2050 -

      260,300         257,145  

3.000% due 02/01/2050

      33,100         33,529  

3.500% due 02/01/2050

      45,000         46,260  

4.000% due 01/01/2050 -

      107,750         112,097  

Vendee Mortgage Trust


6.500% due 03/15/2029

      101         112  

6.750% due 02/15/2026 -

      66         73  

7.500% due 09/15/2030

      1,659         1,934  




Total U.S. Government Agencies (Cost $610,887)






Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust


4.376% due 07/25/2035 ~

      378         370  

4.826% due 08/25/2035 ~

      444         444  


70   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



Banc of America Mortgage Trust


4.459% due 02/25/2035 ~

  $     12     $     12  

Bancorp Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.490% due 08/15/2032 •

      3,300         3,333  

7.031% due 11/15/2033 •

      3,716         3,716  



1.924% due 07/26/2036 ~

      211         183  

Bear Stearns ALT-A Trust


3.962% due 08/25/2036 ^~

      298         211  

Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


5.605% due 12/11/2040 ~(l)

      5,728         5,454  

5.657% due 10/12/2041 ~(l)

      3,007         3,116  

5.728% due 04/12/2038 ~

      120         121  

CD Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.398% due 12/11/2049 ~

      1         1  

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.589% due 12/10/2049 ~

      1,920         1,231  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc.


7.000% due 09/25/2033

      2         2  

Commercial Mortgage Loan Trust


6.052% due 12/10/2049 ~

      4,408         2,925  

Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust


2.002% due 07/25/2046 ^•(l)

      1,609         1,498  

6.500% due 07/25/2035 ^

      267         219  

Countrywide Home Loan Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


2.432% due 03/25/2035 •(l)

      1,421         1,302  

3.532% due 08/25/2034 ~

      374         376  

3.662% due 03/25/2046 ^•

      1,822         1,255  

Countrywide Home Loan Reperforming REMIC Trust


7.500% due 11/25/2034

      630         652  

7.500% due 06/25/2035 ^

      130         140  

Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage-Backed Pass-Through Certificates


7.000% due 02/25/2034

      358         373  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Mortgage-Backed Trust


6.500% due 03/25/2036 ^

      951         461  

Eurosail PLC


2.379% due 09/13/2045 •

  GBP     1,608         2,029  

3.029% due 09/13/2045 •

      1,148         1,453  

4.629% due 09/13/2045 •

      976         1,397  

GC Pastor Hipotecario FTA


0.000% due 06/21/2046 •

  EUR     1,313         1,317  

GE Commercial Mortgage Corp. Trust


5.606% due 12/10/2049 ~

  $     603         527  

GMAC Mortgage Corp. Loan Trust


4.666% due 08/19/2034 ~

      41         39  

GS Mortgage Securities Corp. Trust


4.591% due 10/10/2032 ~(l)

      2,200         2,164  

4.591% due 10/10/2032 ~

      400         383  

GSAA Home Equity Trust


6.000% due 04/01/2034

      761         817  

GSMPS Mortgage Loan Trust


5.341% due 06/19/2027 ~

      26         26  

7.000% due 06/25/2043

      1,894         2,142  

8.000% due 09/19/2027 ~

      426         428  

GSR Mortgage Loan Trust


2.122% due 12/25/2034 •

      234         225  

4.300% due 03/25/2033 •

      2         2  

6.500% due 01/25/2034

      150         159  

IM Pastor Fondo de Titluzacion Hipotecaria


0.000% due 03/22/2043 •

  EUR     435         450  

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


5.411% due 05/15/2047

  $     1,068         1,248  

5.623% due 05/12/2045

      126         90  

JPMorgan Mortgage Trust


4.728% due 10/25/2036 ^~

      1,480           1,449  

5.500% due 08/25/2022 ^

      9         9  

5.500% due 06/25/2037 ^

      239         241  

MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust


3.924% due 10/25/2034 ~

      521         492  

MASTR Alternative Loan Trust


6.250% due 07/25/2036

      331         277  

6.500% due 03/25/2034

      741         769  

7.000% due 04/25/2034

  $     28     $     29  

MASTR Reperforming Loan Trust


7.000% due 05/25/2035

      3,293         3,171  

7.500% due 07/25/2035

      1,678         1,696  

Morgan Stanley Resecuritization Trust


3.336% due 12/26/2046 ~

      7,351         7,097  

Motel 6 Trust


8.666% due 08/15/2024 •

      3,437         3,497  

NAAC Reperforming Loan REMIC Trust


7.000% due 10/25/2034 ^

      862         880  

7.500% due 03/25/2034 ^(l)

      2,268         2,317  

7.500% due 10/25/2034 ^(l)

      2,587         2,843  

Newgate Funding PLC


0.854% due 12/15/2050 •

  EUR     1,822         1,974  

1.104% due 12/15/2050 •

      1,822         1,957  

1.798% due 12/15/2050 •

  GBP     2,509         3,177  

2.048% due 12/15/2050 •

      2,061         2,643  

RBSSP Resecuritization Trust


6.000% due 02/26/2037 ~

  $     3,316         2,702  

6.250% due 12/26/2036 ~

      5,540         3,542  

Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. Trust


6.000% due 08/25/2035 ^

      1,503         1,502  

Residential Asset Mortgage Products Trust


8.500% due 10/25/2031

      361         403  

8.500% due 11/25/2031

      642         613  

Structured Asset Securities Corp. Mortgage Loan Trust


7.500% due 10/25/2036 ^(l)

      2,560         2,155  

WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust


4.368% due 05/25/2035 ~

      140         143  

Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust


7.000% due 03/25/2034

      98         105  

7.500% due 04/25/2033

      227         244  




Total Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $81,185)






Access Financial Manufactured Housing Contract Trust


7.650% due 05/15/2021

      200         19  

Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc. Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates


5.317% due 11/25/2032 ^•

      136         4  

Bear Stearns Asset-Backed Securities Trust


1.664% due 09/25/2034 •

      354         345  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust


1.952% due 12/25/2036 •(l)

      4,499         3,131  

2.012% due 12/25/2036 •

      2,425         1,324  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc.


2.052% due 03/25/2037 •(l)

      5,070         4,683  

Conseco Finance Corp.


6.530% due 02/01/2031 ~

      104         101  

Conseco Finance Securitizations Corp.


7.960% due 05/01/2031

      1,520         808  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates


1.922% due 12/25/2036 ^•(l)

      2,920         2,752  

1.932% due 06/25/2047 ^•(l)

      7,036         6,458  

1.992% due 06/25/2037 ^•(l)

      2,062         1,998  

1.992% due 06/25/2047 ^•(l)

      5,347         4,815  

4.706% due 07/25/2036 ~(l)

      10,279         10,425  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates Trust


3.442% due 11/25/2034 •(l)

      2,297         1,974  

Crecera Americas LLC


5.563% due 08/31/2020 •

      5,200         5,206  

Credit-Based Asset Servicing & Securitization LLC


5.381% due 12/25/2037 þ

      281         285  

Encore Credit Receivables Trust


2.527% due 07/25/2035 •

      576         558  

Flagship Credit Auto Trust


0.000% due 12/15/2025 «(g)

      12         1,491  

Greenpoint Manufactured Housing


8.300% due 10/15/2026 ~

      289         305  

Marlette Funding Trust


0.000% due 12/15/2028 «(g)

      6         1,190  

0.000% due 04/16/2029 «(g)

  $     5     $     1,241  

0.000% due 07/16/2029 «(g)

      7         1,900  

National Collegiate Commutation Trust


0.000% due 03/25/2038 •

      10,400         3,715  

Oakwood Mortgage Investors, Inc.


1.970% due 06/15/2032 •

      11         11  

Residential Asset Mortgage Products Trust


8.500% due 12/25/2031

      14         10  

SMB Private Education Loan Trust


0.000% due 10/15/2048 «(g)

      5         3,593  

SoFi Consumer Loan Program LLC


0.000% due 05/26/2026 «(g)

      31         1,157  

0.000% due 11/25/2026 «(g)

      60         2,993  




Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost $69,536)






Argentina Government International Bond


3.375% due 01/15/2023

  EUR     100         51  

3.380% due 12/31/2038 þ

      1,570         818  

5.250% due 01/15/2028

      100         50  

6.250% due 11/09/2047

      100         51  

7.820% due 12/31/2033

      3,702         2,406  

15.500% due 10/17/2026

  ARS     15,810         73  

42.836% (BADLARPP + 2.000%) due 04/03/2022 ~

      34,137         303  

45.399% (BADLARPP + 3.250%) due 03/01/2020 ~

      21,410         236  

56.589% (ARLLMONP) due 06/21/2020 ~(a)

      180,595         1,633  

59.928% (BADLARPP) due 10/04/2022 ~(a)

      32         1  

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Argentina


44.086% due 03/29/2024 •

      46,535         534  

Peru Government International Bond


5.400% due 08/12/2034

  PEN     7         2  

5.940% due 02/12/2029

      2,071         705  

6.150% due 08/12/2032

      1,172         401  

6.350% due 08/12/2028

      2,191         768  

6.900% due 08/12/2037

      13         5  

6.950% due 08/12/2031

      563         205  

8.200% due 08/12/2026

      1,243         478  

Provincia de Buenos Aires


45.979% due 05/31/2022 •

  ARS     60         0  

52.270% (BADLARPP + 3.750%) due 04/12/2025 ~(a)

      194,090         1,472  

South Africa Government International Bond


4.850% due 09/30/2029 (l)

  $     600         602  

5.750% due 09/30/2049 (l)

      600         586  

Turkey Government International Bond


4.625% due 03/31/2025

  EUR     900         1,070  

5.200% due 02/16/2026

      300         365  

5.600% due 11/14/2024 (l)

  $     1,300         1,325  

7.625% due 04/26/2029 (l)

      1,200         1,329  

Venezuela Government International Bond


6.000% due 12/09/2020 ^(d)

      135         16  

8.250% due 10/13/2024 ^(d)

      13         2  

9.250% due 09/15/2027 ^(d)

      171         21  




Total Sovereign Issues (Cost $25,499)








Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (e)

    291,816         835  

iHeartMedia, Inc.

      216         3  

iHeartMedia, Inc. ‘A’ (e)

      16,075         272  








Caesars Entertainment Corp. (e)

    27,655         376  





See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   71

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (Cont.)


        SHARES         MARKET


Forbes Energy Services Ltd. (e)(j)

    4,500     $     1  





Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC «(j)

    70         1  




Total Common Stocks (Cost $2,273)








iHeartMedia, Inc.

      104,691         1,769  




Total Warrants (Cost $1,972)








Nationwide Building Society


10.250% ~

      36,440         8,013  
        SHARES         MARKET

Stichting AK Rabobank Certificaten


6.500% due 12/29/2049 (h)

      1,676,000     $     2,397  








General Electric Co.


5.000% due 01/21/2021 •(h)

      139,000         136  




Total Preferred Securities (Cost $9,664)








VICI Properties, Inc.

      44,227         1,130  




Total Real Estate Investment Trusts (Cost $668)











        SHARES         MARKET


1.721% due 01/02/2020 -
01/23/2020 (f)(g)(n)(p)

      5,487     $     5,486  



Total Short-Term Instruments (Cost $21,479)





Total Investments in Securities (Cost $995,565)


Total Investments 328.9% (Cost $995,565)


  $     999,058  

Financial Derivative
Instruments (m)(o) (0.0)%

(Cost or Premiums, net $(2,675))



Other Assets and Liabilities, net (228.9)%





Net Assets 100.0%


  $     303,763  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Security is in default.


Security valued using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3).


All or a portion of this amount represents unfunded loan commitments. The interest rate for the unfunded portion will be determined at the time of funding. See Note 4, Securities and Other Investments, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information regarding unfunded loan commitments.


Variable or Floating rate security. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread, rather are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date, which may vary by security. These securities may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.

Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. The rate may be based on a fixed rate, a capped rate or a floor rate and may convert to a variable or floating rate in the future. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description.


Coupon represents a rate which changes periodically based on a predetermined schedule or event. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end.


Interest only security.


Principal only security.


Payment in-kind security.


Security is not accruing income as of the date of this report.


Security did not produce income within the last twelve months.


Coupon represents a weighted average yield to maturity.


Zero coupon security.


Perpetual maturity; date shown, if applicable, represents next contractual call date.


Contingent convertible security.




Issuer Description    Acquisition
  Cost     Market
    Market Value
as Percentage
of Net Assets

Forbes Energy Services Ltd.

   03/11/2014   $ 222     $ 1       0.00

Pinnacol Assurance 8.625% due 06/25/2034

   06/23/2014     2,600       2,783       0.92  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC

   03/26/2019     0       1       0.00  









  $     2,822     $     2,785       0.92











72   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)






Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     1.250     12/31/2019       01/02/2020     $ 2,794     U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities 0.125% due 04/15/2020   $ (2,854   $ 2,794     $ 2,794  
NOM     1.650       12/31/2019       01/02/2020           13,200     U.S. Treasury Bonds 3.125% due 02/15/2043     (13,382     13,200       13,201  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (16,236   $     15,994     $     15,995  













Counterparty   Borrowing
    Payable for


    2.060     12/11/2019       02/07/2020       $       (13,421   $     (13,438
    2.254       12/05/2019       01/08/2020         (8,412     (8,426
    2.383       11/19/2019       01/17/2020         (3,092     (3,101
    2.386       11/20/2019       01/23/2020         (5,125     (5,140


    2.000       12/04/2019       01/06/2020         (1,965     (1,968
    2.120       12/13/2019       01/10/2020         (9,957     (9,968
    2.120       01/06/2020       02/07/2020         (1,972     (1,972
    2.150       11/08/2019       01/07/2020         (2,165     (2,172
    2.150       12/20/2019       01/21/2020         (22,162     (22,179
    2.180       11/18/2019       01/17/2020         (598     (600
    2.200       11/14/2019       01/10/2020         (7,539     (7,562
    2.300       01/03/2020       02/03/2020         (1,237     (1,237
    2.300       01/06/2020       02/07/2020         (3,447     (3,447
    2.330       12/04/2019       01/06/2020         (1,698     (1,701
    2.350       12/13/2019       01/10/2020         (297     (297
    2.365       12/10/2019       01/08/2020         (6,710     (6,720
    2.365       12/11/2019       01/08/2020         (997     (998
    2.370       01/03/2020       02/03/2020         (85     (85
    2.370       01/06/2020       02/07/2020         (3,989     (3,989
    2.400       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (2,280     (2,287
    2.450       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (593     (595
    2.459       10/31/2019       01/31/2020         (10,559     (10,604
    2.470       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (601     (603
    2.480       11/27/2019       01/21/2020         (1,408     (1,411
    2.490       10/24/2019       01/17/2020         (363     (365
    2.500       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (76     (76
    2.500       11/18/2019       01/17/2020         (1,775     (1,780
    2.500       11/22/2019       01/21/2020         (970     (973
    2.530       11/07/2019       01/06/2020         (4,108     (4,124
    2.530       11/08/2019       01/07/2020         (4,362     (4,379
    2.530       11/13/2019       01/13/2020         (7,601     (7,628
    2.530       11/27/2019       01/07/2020         (105     (105
    2.540       10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (152     (153
    2.540       12/10/2019       01/17/2020         (804     (805
    2.550       10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (422     (424
    2.560       10/24/2019       01/17/2020         (410     (412
    2.580       11/13/2019       01/13/2020         (1,965     (1,972
    2.580       11/18/2019       01/17/2020         (905     (908
    2.580       11/22/2019       01/21/2020         (545     (547
    2.650       11/07/2019       01/06/2020         (3,784     (3,799
    2.650       11/08/2019       01/07/2020         (360     (361
    2.660       11/22/2019       01/21/2020         (276     (277
    2.703       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (442     (444
    2.825       12/06/2019       02/04/2020         (2,124     (2,128
    2.838       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (1,421     (1,428
    2.838       11/06/2019       01/06/2020         (2,314     (2,324
    2.895       11/14/2019       01/10/2020         (12,696     (12,745
    2.898       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (3,652     (3,664
    2.900       11/13/2019       01/13/2020         (14,711     (14,770


    0.850       08/29/2019       TBD (3)      GBP       (4,419     (5,870
    2.250       11/04/2019       01/03/2020       $       (1,081     (1,085
    2.250       01/03/2020       03/03/2020         (1,082     (1,082
    2.763       01/03/2020       04/01/2020         (7,596     (7,596
    2.838       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (6,116     (6,144


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   73

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (Cont.)


Counterparty   Borrowing
    Payable for
    2.838     12/13/2019       01/03/2020       $       (1,629   $ (1,632
    2.903       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (4,389     (4,405


    2.070       12/12/2019       01/10/2020         (17,022     (17,043


    0.900       10/15/2019       01/14/2020       GBP       (233     (310
    0.900       11/20/2019       TBD (3)        (778     (1,031
    0.950       10/15/2019       01/14/2020         (3,426     (4,547
    0.950       10/16/2019       01/15/2020         (2,797     (3,712
    0.950       10/17/2019       01/16/2020         (759     (1,008
    0.950       10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (1,380     (1,832


    2.400       11/12/2019       01/13/2020       $       (905     (908
    2.450       11/08/2019       01/08/2020         (6,056     (6,078
    2.650       11/19/2019       01/21/2020         (2,883     (2,892


    2.329       11/08/2019       02/07/2020         (1,178     (1,182
    2.452       10/08/2019       01/07/2020         (1,714     (1,724


    2.000       12/10/2019       01/03/2020         (378     (379
    2.250       11/01/2019       TBD (3)        (2,472     (2,481
    2.450       11/14/2019       01/07/2020         (1,749     (1,755
    2.450       11/22/2019       02/20/2020         (190     (191
    2.500       11/14/2019       01/07/2020         (115     (115




Total Reverse Repurchase Agreements


        $     (252,093







The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of December 31, 2019:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net  Exposure(4)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 0     $ (30,105   $ 0      $ (30,105   $ 35,000     $ 4,895  


    0       (146,986     0            (146,986         158,647           11,661  


    0       (27,814     0        (27,814     24,144       (3,670


    2,794       0       0        2,794       (2,854     (60


    0       (17,043     0        (17,043     17,547       504  


    0       (12,440     0        (12,440     14,523       2,083  


    13,201       (9,878     0        3,323       (2,918     405  


    0       (2,906     0        (2,906     3,308       402  


    0       (4,921     0        (4,921     5,934       1013  










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     15,995     $     (252,093   $     0         













Remaining Contractual Maturity of the Agreements


     Overnight and
    Up to 30 days     31-90 days     Greater Than 90 days     Total  

Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Corporate Bonds & Notes

  $ 0     $ (81,225   $ (1,373   $ (9,382   $ (91,980

U.S. Government Agencies

    0       (63,607     (28,891     0       (92,498

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    0       (7,776     (2,128     0       (9,904

Asset-Backed Securities

    0       (31,267     (3,664     0       (34,931

Sovereign Issues

    0       (1,085     (2,287     0       (3,372
















Total Borrowings

  $     0     $     (184,960   $     (38,343   $     (9,382   $     (232,685
















Payable for reverse repurchase agreements(5)


  $ (232,685






Securities with an aggregate market value of $270,831 and cash of $390 have been pledged as collateral under the terms of the above master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



Includes accrued interest.


The average amount of borrowings outstanding during the period ended December 31, 2019 was $(229,382) at a weighted average interest rate of 2.560%. Average borrowings may include reverse repurchase agreements and sale-buyback transactions, if held during the period.


Open maturity reverse repurchase agreement.


74   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Unsettled reverse repurchase agreements liability of $(19,408) is outstanding at period end.








Floating Rate
  Floating Rate Index   Fixed Rate     Payment

Variation Margin

  Asset     Liability  

3-Month CAD-Bank Bill

    3.300   Semi-Annual     06/19/2024       CAD       11,200     $ 624     $ (156   $ 468     $ 0     $ (16

3-Month CAD-Bank Bill

    3.500     Semi-Annual     06/20/2044         3,800       (534     (147     (681     67       0  


    1.500     Semi-Annual     12/18/2021       $       25,000       64       37       101       10       0  


    3.000     Semi-Annual     06/19/2022             208,500       (6,610     (62     (6,672     94       0  


    3.000     Semi-Annual     06/19/2024         32,500       (1,241     (564     (1,805     30       0  


    1.500     Semi-Annual     12/18/2024         14,000       46       112       158       15       0  


    2.000     Semi-Annual     06/20/2025         8,400       399       (509     (110     11       0  


    3.000     Semi-Annual     06/19/2029         65,000       5,159       1,174       6,333       0       (194


    1.500     Semi-Annual     12/18/2029         7,000       (107     (158     (265     0       (22


    2.000     Semi-Annual     01/15/2050         4,400       (32     147       115       49       0  


    1.625     Semi-Annual     01/16/2050         9,600       (18     1,097       1,079       102       0  


    1.750     Semi-Annual     01/22/2050         23,400       (139     2,095       1,956       251       0  


    1.625     Semi-Annual     02/03/2050         12,500       (44     1,448       1,404       133       0  


    1.875     Semi-Annual     02/07/2050         1,400       (6     83       77       15       0  


    0.000     Annual     08/19/2021       EUR       257,400       (406     (1,521     (1,927     26       0  


    0.260     Annual     09/06/2024         34,800       6       (832     (826     66       0  


    0.650     Annual     02/26/2029         164,400       (770     10,661       9,891       0       (769


    1.250     Annual     08/19/2049         34,600       739           (7,782     (7,043     604       0  


    0.750     Semi-Annual     03/18/2030       GBP       1,500       16       37       53       12       0  


    0.750     Semi-Annual     03/18/2050         9,200       184       978       1,162       195       0  
















Total Swap Agreements

      $     (2,670   $ 6,138     $     3,468     $     1,680     $     (1,001



















The following is a summary of the market value and variation margin of Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared Financial Derivative Instruments as of December 31, 2019:


    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities  
    Market Value     Variation Margin


          Market Value     Variation Margin


    Futures     Swap
    Futures     Swap

Total Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared

  $     0     $     0     $     1,680     $     1,680       $     0     $     0     $     (1,001)     $     (1,001)  



























Securities with an aggregate market value of $554 and cash of $10,287 have been pledged as collateral for exchange-traded and centrally cleared financial derivative instruments as of December 31, 2019. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.



This instrument has a forward starting effective date. See Note 2, Securities Transactions and Investment Income, in the Notes to Financial Statements for further information.










Currency to
be Delivered

    Currency to
be Received
    Unrealized Appreciation/
  Asset     Liability  


     01/2020     EUR     2,481     $     2,740     $ 0     $ (44
     01/2020     GBP     23,638         30,610       0       (707
     01/2020     $     29     CLP     22,446       1       0  
     01/2020         227     EUR     204       2       0  
     01/2020         387     GBP     294       3       0  
     02/2020     PEN     1,743     $     514       0       (12


     01/2020     $     2,938     MXN     58,756       158       0  


     01/2020     MXN     58,756     $     3,039       0       (57
     05/2020     $     2,995     MXN     58,756       56       0  


     01/2020         166     CLP     130,284       7       0  
     01/2020         81     TRY     468       0       (2


     01/2020         1,468         8,602       0       (29
     02/2020         3,045     RUB     195,242       85       0  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   75

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (Cont.)






Currency to
be Delivered

    Currency to
be Received
    Unrealized Appreciation/
  Asset     Liability  


     01/2020     CAD     85     $     64     $ 0     $ (2
     01/2020     GBP     530         699       0       (3
     01/2020     $     308     GBP     236       5       0  


     01/2020     EUR     16,088     $     17,789       0       (265


     01/2020     CLP     50,125         66       0       (1
     01/2020     $     66     CLP     50,125       1       0  


     01/2020         48         37,693       2       0  







Total Forward Foreign Currency Contracts


  $     320     $     (1,122












Counterparty   Description   Strike
    Cost     Market

Put - OTC Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA 3.000% due 02/01/2050

  $     71.000       02/05/2020       5,000     $ 0     $ 0  

Put - OTC Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA 3.500% due 02/01/2050

    72.500       02/05/2020       38,000       2       0  

Put - OTC Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA 4.000% due 02/01/2050

    74.000       02/05/2020       106,000       4       0  

Put - OTC Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA 3.000% due 01/01/2050

    67.500       01/07/2020       3,100       0       0  

Put - OTC Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA 3.500% due 02/01/2050

    72.500       02/05/2020       7,000       0       0  

Put - OTC Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA 4.000% due 02/01/2050

    76.000       02/05/2020       1,000       0       0  

Put - OTC Ginnie Mae, TBA 4.000% due 01/01/2050

    74.000       01/07/2020       20,000       1       0  

Put - OTC Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA 2.500% due 01/01/2050

    70.000       01/07/2020       53,100       2       0  

Put - OTC Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA 3.000% due 01/01/2050

    72.000       01/07/2020       25,000       1       0  

Put - OTC Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA 2.500% due 01/01/2050

    65.000       01/07/2020       189,000       8       0  







Total Purchased Options

    $     18     $     0  












Counterparty   Reference Entity   Fixed
Receive Rate
Credit Spread at
December 31, 2019(3)
    Swap Agreements,
at  Value(5)
  Asset     Liability  

Russia Government International Bond

    1.000%     Quarterly     12/20/2020       0.100%     $         200     $ (23   $ 25     $ 2     $ 0  













Total Swap Agreements

    $     (23   $     25     $     2     $     0  
















The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of OTC financial derivative instruments and collateral pledged/(received) as of December 31, 2019:


    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities                    
Counterparty   Forward
Over the
Over the
    Net Market
Value of OTC


  $ 6      $ 0      $ 0      $ 6       $     (763   $     0      $     0      $     (763   $     (757   $     393     $     (364


        158            0            0            158         0       0        0        0       158       0       158  


    56        0        0        56         (57     0        0        (57     (1     0       (1


    7        0        0        7         (2     0        0        (2     5       0       5  


    0        0        0        0         0       0        0        0       0       (30     (30


    85        0        0        85         (29     0        0        (29     56       0       56  


    5        0        0        5         (5     0        0        (5     0       0       0  


    0        0        2        2         0       0        0        0       2       0       2  


    0        0        0        0         (265     0        0        (265     (265     0       (265


    1        0        0        1         (1     0        0        (1     0       0       0  


    2        0        0        2         0       0        0        0       2       0       2  

























Total Over the Counter

  $     320      $     0      $     2      $     322       $     (1,122   $     0      $     0      $     (1,122      


























76   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



Securities with an aggregate market value of $393 have been pledged as collateral for financial derivative instruments as governed by International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



Notional Amount represents the number of contracts.


If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash, securities or other deliverable obligations equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on sovereign issues as of period end serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.


The prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the underlying referenced instrument’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from OTC financial derivative instruments can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




The following is a summary of the fair valuation of the Fund’s derivative instruments categorized by risk exposure. See Note 7, Principal Risks, in the Notes to Financial Statements on risks of the Fund.


Fair Values of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as of December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 1,680     $ 1,680  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 320     $ 0     $ 320  

Swap Agreements

    0       2       0       0       0       2  


















  $ 0     $ 2     $ 0     $ 320     $ 0     $ 322  


















  $ 0     $ 2     $ 0     $ 320     $ 1,680     $ 2,002  



















Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 1,001     $ 1,001  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 1,122     $ 0     $ 1,122  


















  $     0     $     0     $     0     $     1,122     $     1,001     $     2,123  




















The effect of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Statements of Operations for the period ended December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 22     $ 0     $ 0     $ (14,850   $ (14,828



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 1,753     $ 0     $ 1,753  

Purchased Options

    0       0       0       0       (70     (70

Written Options

    0       0       0       0       144       144  

Swap Agreements

    0       2       0       0       1,294       1,296  


















  $ 0     $ 2     $ 0     $ 1,753     $ 1,368     $ 3,123  


















  $     0     $     24     $     0     $     1,753     $     (13,482   $     (11,705




















See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   77

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (Cont.)


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ (20   $ 0     $ 0     $ 12,760     $     12,740  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ (334   $ 0     $ (334

Purchased Options

    0       0       0       0       2       2  

Swap Agreements

    0       (1     0       0       (1,315     (1,316


















  $ 0     $ (1   $ 0     $ (334   $ (1,313   $ (1,648


















  $     0     $     (21   $     0     $     (334   $     11,447     $ 11,092  






















The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of December 31, 2019 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 0     $ 45,259     $ 422     $ 45,681  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    0       46,087       2,783       48,870  


    0       59,487       241       59,728  


    0       21,774       0       21,774  

Convertible Bonds & Notes



    0       9       0       9  

Municipal Bonds & Notes



    0       263       0       263  

West Virginia

    0       2,760       0       2,760  

U.S. Government Agencies

    0           617,342       0           617,342  

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    0       88,218       0       88,218  

Asset-Backed Securities

    0       48,927           13,565       62,492  

Sovereign Issues

    0       15,508       0       15,508  

Common Stocks


Communication Services

        1,107       3       0       1,110  

Consumer Discretionary

    376       0       0       376  


    1       0       0       1  


    0       0       1       1  



Communication Services

    0       1,769       0       1,769  

Preferred Securities


Banking & Finance

    0       10,410       0       10,410  


    0       136       0       136  
Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Real Estate Investment Trusts


Real Estate

  $ 1,130     $ 0     $ 0     $ 1,130  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       15,994       0       15,994  

U.S. Treasury Bills

    0       5,486       0       5,486  













Total Investments

  $ 2,614     $ 979,432     $ 17,012     $ 999,058  













Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    0       1,680       0       1,680  

Over the counter

    0       322       0       322  












  $ 0     $ 2,002     $ 0     $ 2,002  













Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    0       (1,001     0       (1,001

Over the counter

    0       (1,122     0       (1,122












  $ 0     $ (2,123   $ 0     $ (2,123













Total Financial Derivative Instruments

  $ 0     $ (121   $ 0     $ (121














  $     2,614     $     979,311     $     17,012     $     998,937  














The following is a reconciliation of the fair valuations using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) for the Fund during the period ended December 31, 2019:


Category and Subcategory   Beginning
at 06/30/2019
    Net Change in
    Transfers into
Level 3
    Transfers out
of Level 3
at 12/31/2019
    Net Change in
on Investments
Held at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 3,705     $ 1,112     $ (133   $ 52     $ 1     $ (234   $ 0     $ (4,081   $ 422     $ 7  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    2,685       0       0       0       0       98       0       0       2,783       98  


    0       286       0       2       0       (47     0       0       241       (47

Asset-Backed Securities

    18,276       0       0       0       0       (4,711     0       0       13,565       (4,711

Common Stocks



    1       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0  
































  $     24,667     $     1,398     $     (133   $     54     $     1     $     (4,894   $     0     $     (4,081   $     17,012     $     (4,653
































78   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


The following is a summary of significant unobservable inputs used in the fair valuations of assets and liabilities categorized within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy:


Category and Subcategory


at 12/31/2019





  (% Unless Noted Otherwise)  
  Input Value(s)     Weighted

Investments in Securities, at Value



Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 422     Third Party Vendor   Broker Quote     99.250-101.000       99.287  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    2,783     Reference Instrument   Option Adjusted Spread     584.983 bps       —    


    241     Reference Instrument   Broker Quote     100.250-101.520       101.215  

Asset-Backed Securities

    1,190     Interest Only Weighted Average Life   Base Price     20,607.870       —    
    12,375     Proxy Pricing   Base Price         3,731.000-79,892.180           33,129.425  

Common Stocks



    1     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote   $ 15.000       —    





  $     17,012          






Any difference between Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) and Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) on Investments Held at December 31, 2019 may be due to an investment no longer held or categorized as Level 3 at period end.


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   79

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)






Advanz Pharma Corp.


7.447% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 09/06/2024 ~

  $     25,287     $     23,691  

Alphabet Holding Co., Inc.


5.299% (LIBOR03M + 3.500%) due 09/26/2024 ~

      98         94  

Altice France S.A.


5.740% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 08/14/2026 ~

      1,485         1,493  

Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.


5.550% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 10/19/2023 ~

      100         99  

6.050% (LIBOR03M + 4.250%) due 08/27/2026 ~

      199         196  

Chesapeake Energy Corp.


TBD% due 06/09/2024

      715         738  

Clay Holdco BV


TBD% due 11/30/2025 «

  EUR     28,900           30,381  

Diamond Resorts Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/02/2023 ~

  $     9,017         8,831  

DTEK Holdings Ltd.


TBD% due 06/30/2023 «

  EUR     838         839  

DTEK Trading S.A


TBD% due 06/30/2023

  $     6,450         5,805  

Dubai World (2.000% Cash and 1.750% PIK)


3.750% (LIBOR03M + 2.000%) due 09/30/2022 ~(c)

      66,606         62,193  

Emerald TopCo, Inc.


5.299% (LIBOR03M + 3.500%) due 07/24/2026 ~

      589         593  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 10/10/2025 ~

      70,473           60,372  

Financial & Risk U.S. Holdings, Inc.


5.049% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/01/2025 ~

      3,808         3,845  

Fleet U.S. Bidco, Inc.


5.235% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/07/2026 «~

      58         58  

Forbes Energy Services LLC (5.000% Cash and 11.000% PIK)


16.000% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 04/13/2021 ~(c)

      2,317         2,300  

Frontier Communications Corp.


5.550% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/15/2024 ~

      6,060         6,105  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


5.691% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 05/01/2026 ~

      19,768         19,984  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A.


5.682% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 11/27/2023 ~

      750         752  

Jefferies Finance LLC


5.500% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/03/2026 ~

      116         116  

McDermott Technology Americas, Inc.


0.500% - 12.002% (LIBOR03M + 10.000%) due 10/21/2021 ~µ

      6,421         6,573  

6.945% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 05/09/2025 ~

      11,322         6,661  

Messer Industrie GmbH


4.445% (LIBOR03M + 2.500%) due 03/01/2026 ~

      381         384  



5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/13/2024 ~

      596         600  

NCI Building Systems, Inc.


5.486% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 04/12/2025 ~

      198         198  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC


7.713% (LIBOR03M + 6.000%) due 10/25/2023 ~

  $     62,007     $       51,063  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC (7.213% Cash and 1.000% PIK)


8.213% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 10/25/2023 ~(c)

      41,324         33,610  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


TBD% due 02/22/2049 ^«(d)

      250         248  

Parexel International Corp.


4.549% - 4.555% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 09/27/2024 ~

      274         269  

PetSmart, Inc.


5.740% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 03/11/2022 ~

      862         855  

Playtika Holding Corp.


7.799% (LIBOR03M + 6.000%) due 12/10/2024 ~

      22,400         22,680  

Preylock Reitman Santa Cruz Mezz LLC


(0.005)% - 7.210% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 11/09/2022 «~(j)

      31,560         31,697  

Project Anfora Senior


2.325% (EUR003M + 2.750%) due 10/01/2026 «~(j)

  EUR     20,000         22,378  

Sequa Mezzanine Holdings LLC


6.904% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 11/28/2021 ~

  $     1,121         1,123  

10.936% (LIBOR03M + 9.000%) due 04/28/2022 ~

      36,300         35,801  

Sierra Hamilton LLC


15.000% due 09/12/2023 «

      1,564         1,486  

Sigma Bidco BV


3.500% (EUR003M + 3.500%) due 07/02/2025 ~

  EUR     690         777  

Sotera Health Holdings LLC


6.289% (LIBOR03M + 4.500%) due 12/11/2026 ~

  $     723         726  

Starfruit Finco BV


4.960% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%)
due 10/01/2025 ~

      1,193         1,196  

Summer (BC) Holdco B SARL


TBD% due 10/15/2026

      16,320         15,565  

Sunshine Luxembourg SARL


3.750% (EUR003M + 3.750%) due 10/01/2026 ~

  EUR     1,000         1,132  

6.195% (LIBOR03M + 4.250%) due 10/01/2026 ~

  $     1,076         1,088  

Syniverse Holdings, Inc.


6.846% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 03/09/2023 ~

      35,342         32,927  

U.S. Renal Care, Inc.


6.813% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 06/26/2026 ~

      2,077         2,065  

Univision Communications, Inc.


4.549% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 03/15/2024 ~

      17,081         16,895  

West Corp.


5.927% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 10/10/2024 ~

      98         83  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC


10.150% (LIBOR03M + 8.250%) due 03/15/2022 «~

      5,338         5,391  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC (15.000% PIK)


15.000% due 03/15/2029 (c)

      15,706         12,565  

Windstream Services LLC


9.000% (PRIME + 4.250%) due 02/17/2024 ~

      31,235         29,664  

9.750% (PRIME + 5.000%) due 03/29/2021 ~

      11,680         11,208  




Total Loan Participations and Assignments (Cost $603,019)








Ally Financial, Inc.


8.000% due 11/01/2031

  $     16     $     23  



6.945% due 02/12/2023 •(l)

      2,663         2,703  

Ardonagh Midco PLC


8.375% due 07/15/2023 (l)

  GBP     62,007         82,237  

Banco de Credito del Peru


4.650% due 09/17/2024

  PEN     4,000         1,219  

Barclays PLC


3.250% due 01/17/2033 (l)

  GBP     1,000         1,394  

7.125% due 06/15/2025 •(h)(i)(l)

      800         1,200  

7.250% due 03/15/2023 •(h)(i)(l)

      48,751           70,571  

7.750% due 09/15/2023 •(h)(i)(l)

  $     5,200         5,685  

7.875% due 09/15/2022 •(h)(i)(l)

  GBP     3,400         5,007  

8.000% due 06/15/2024 •(h)(i)(l)

  $     2,800         3,135  

CBL & Associates LP


4.600% due 10/15/2024

      13         8  

5.250% due 12/01/2023 (l)

      611         429  

5.950% due 12/15/2026 (l)

      3,196         1,925  

Credit Suisse Group AG


7.250% due 09/12/2025 •(h)(i)(l)

      560         626  

7.500% due 07/17/2023 •(h)(i)(l)

      1,600         1,752  

Deutsche Bank AG


3.961% due 11/26/2025 •(l)

      7,050         7,205  

Emerald Bay S.A.


0.000% due 10/08/2020 (g)(l)

  EUR     1,574         1,728  

ESH Hospitality, Inc.


4.625% due 10/01/2027

  $     534         542  

Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors LLC


6.500% due 10/01/2025 (l)

      2,021         2,139  

GE Capital International Funding Co. Unlimited Co.


4.418% due 11/15/2035 (l)

      510         544  

Growthpoint Properties International Pty. Ltd.


5.872% due 05/02/2023 (l)

      600         645  



6.330% due 05/18/2023

      48,900         51,550  

HSBC Holdings PLC


4.750% due 07/04/2029 •(h)(i)

  EUR     240         304  

5.875% due 09/28/2026 •(h)(i)

  GBP     1,200         1,752  

6.000% due 09/29/2023 •(h)(i)

  EUR     700         908  

6.500% due 03/23/2028 •(h)(i)(l)

  $     2,870         3,160  

Hunt Cos., Inc.


6.250% due 02/15/2026

      136         135  

ING Groep NV


5.750% due 11/16/2026 •(h)(i)(l)

      1,200         1,264  

Legg Mason PT


7.130% due 01/10/2021 «

      8,383         8,398  

Lloyds Banking Group PLC


7.500% due 09/27/2025 •(h)(i)(l)

      2,600         2,917  

7.625% due 06/27/2023 •(h)(i)(l)

  GBP     2,680         3,991  

7.875% due 06/27/2029 •(h)(i)(l)

      32,425         54,333  

LoanCore Capital Markets LLC


6.875% due 06/01/2020 (l)

  $     7,600         7,605  

Nationstar Mortgage LLC


6.500% due 07/01/2021 (l)

      3,316         3,334  

Oppenheimer Holdings, Inc.


6.750% due 07/01/2022 (l)

      1,542         1,596  

Pinnacol Assurance


8.625% due 06/25/2034 «(j)

      23,200         24,830  

Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC


8.000% due 08/10/2025 •(h)(i)(l)

      9,027         10,408  

Santander UK Group Holdings PLC


6.750% due 06/24/2024 •(h)(i)(l)

  GBP     23,460         34,291  

7.375% due 06/24/2022 •(h)(i)(l)

      11,845         17,139  

Societe Generale S.A.


6.750% due 04/06/2028 •(h)(i)(l)

  $     850         939  

7.375% due 10/04/2023 •(h)(i)(l)

      3,100         3,389  

Springleaf Finance Corp.


5.375% due 11/15/2029

      268         280  

6.875% due 03/15/2025 (l)

      565         644  


80   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



Stearns Holdings LLC


5.000% due 11/05/2024

  $     21     $     14  



5.250% due 01/26/2024 (l)

  GBP     12,100         17,626  

Unique Pub Finance Co. PLC


5.659% due 06/30/2027 (l)

      5,754         8,773  

7.395% due 03/28/2024

      6,155         9,348  

Voyager Aviation Holdings LLC


8.500% due 08/15/2021 (l)

  $     64,580         66,351  








AA Bond Co. Ltd.


2.750% due 07/31/2043 (l)

  GBP     4,500         5,716  

Altice Financing S.A.


5.250% due 02/15/2023

  EUR     100         115  

7.500% due 05/15/2026 (l)

  $     8,700         9,369  

Altice France S.A.


5.875% due 02/01/2027 (l)

  EUR     1,200         1,519  

8.125% due 02/01/2027 (l)

  $     10,900         12,296  

Associated Materials LLC


9.000% due 01/01/2024 (l)

      54,965         48,369  

B.C. Unlimited Liability Co.


4.375% due 01/15/2028

      432         434  

Baffinland Iron Mines Corp.


8.750% due 07/15/2026 (l)

      7,500         7,570  

Bausch Health Cos., Inc.


5.000% due 01/30/2028

      448         461  

5.250% due 01/30/2030

      448         466  

BCPE Cycle Merger Sub, Inc.


10.625% due 07/15/2027 (l)

      589         605  

Bioceanico Sovereign Certificate Ltd.


0.000% due 06/05/2034 (g)(l)

      450         314  

Bombardier, Inc.


6.125% due 01/15/2023 (l)

      5,429         5,579  

7.500% due 12/01/2024 (l)

      7,978         8,399  

7.500% due 03/15/2025 (l)

      3,919         4,051  

7.875% due 04/15/2027 (l)

      12,862         13,264  

Camelot Finance S.A.


4.500% due 11/01/2026

      39         40  

CCO Holdings LLC


4.750% due 03/01/2030 (l)

      883         902  

Centene Corp.


4.250% due 12/15/2027 (l)

      622         641  

4.625% due 12/15/2029 (l)

      1,218         1,286  

4.750% due 01/15/2025 (l)

      1,106         1,151  

Charter Communications Operating LLC


4.800% due 03/01/2050 (l)

      1,068         1,124  

Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc.


9.250% due 02/15/2024 (l)

      15,711         17,433  

Community Health Systems, Inc.


6.250% due 03/31/2023 (l)

      60,690         61,752  

8.000% due 03/15/2026 (l)

      2,212         2,283  

8.625% due 01/15/2024 (l)

      1,078         1,145  

Connect Finco SARL


6.750% due 10/01/2026

      310         331  

Constellation Oil Services Holding S.A. (10.000% PIK)


10.000% due 11/09/2024 «(c)

      520         216  

Corning, Inc.


5.450% due 11/15/2079

      482         529  

Diamond Resorts International, Inc.


7.750% due 09/01/2023 (l)

      550         567  

10.750% due 09/01/2024 (l)

      16,800         17,647  



5.875% due 07/15/2022

      54         57  

DriveTime Automotive Group, Inc.


8.000% due 06/01/2021 (l)

      16,047         16,338  

Eagle Holding Co. LLC (7.750% Cash or 8.500% PIK)


7.750% due 05/15/2022 (c)

      96         98  

EI Group PLC


6.875% due 05/09/2025 (l)

  GBP     2,210         2,975  

Eldorado Resorts, Inc.


6.000% due 09/15/2026 (l)

  $     11,145     $     12,294  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


8.750% due 10/15/2026 (l)

      12,973         8,080  

Exela Intermediate LLC


10.000% due 07/15/2023 (l)

      618         249  

Fair Isaac Corp.


4.000% due 06/15/2028

      46         46  

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.


6.500% due 03/01/2024 (l)

      8,692         8,732  

6.875% due 03/01/2026 (l)

      9,630         9,768  

Fresh Market, Inc.


9.750% due 05/01/2023 (l)

      21,546           10,988  

Frontier Finance PLC


8.000% due 03/23/2022 (l)

  GBP     24,200         32,966  

Full House Resorts, Inc.


8.575% due 01/31/2024

  $     1,763         1,737  

9.738% due 02/02/2024

      147         145  

General Electric Co.


5.875% due 01/14/2038

      22         27  

6.150% due 08/07/2037

      26         32  

6.875% due 01/10/2039 (l)

      204         272  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


6.375% due 05/01/2026 (l)

      6,368         6,921  

8.375% due 05/01/2027 (l)

      9,168         10,148  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (3.625% Cash or 4.375% PIK)


3.625% due 05/15/2025 (c)(l)

  EUR     1,100         1,296  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (3.875% Cash or 4.625% PIK)


3.875% due 05/15/2027 (c)(l)

      600         714  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (6.000% Cash or 6.750% PIK)


6.000% due 05/15/2027 (c)(l)

  $     2,456         2,610  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (6.375% Cash or 7.125% PIK)


6.375% due 05/15/2029 (c)(l)

      1,746         1,882  

Intelsat Connect Finance S.A.


9.500% due 02/15/2023 (l)

      1,479         1,039  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A.


8.000% due 02/15/2024 (l)

      1,383         1,422  

8.500% due 10/15/2024 (l)

      13,078         11,939  

9.750% due 07/15/2025 (l)

      2,822         2,616  

Intelsat Luxembourg S.A.


7.750% due 06/01/2021 ^(l)

      47,838         37,900  

8.125% due 06/01/2023 (l)

      1,289         765  

Kronos Acquisition Holdings, Inc.


9.000% due 08/15/2023 (l)

      4,800         4,598  

Mallinckrodt International Finance S.A.


5.500% due 04/15/2025 (l)

      4,352         1,556  

Mattel, Inc.


5.875% due 12/15/2027

      117         124  

Melco Resorts Finance Ltd.


5.375% due 12/04/2029

      570         586  

MSCI, Inc.


4.000% due 11/15/2029

      170         173  

NCL Corp. Ltd.


3.625% due 12/15/2024

      571         580  

NCR Corp.


5.750% due 09/01/2027

      8         9  

Netflix, Inc.


3.625% due 06/15/2030

  EUR     800         925  

3.875% due 11/15/2029 (l)

      4,211         5,013  

4.625% due 05/15/2029

      1,500         1,881  

4.875% due 06/15/2030 (l)

  $     600         611  

5.375% due 11/15/2029

      326         348  

Noble Holding International Ltd.


7.875% due 02/01/2026

      1,313         956  

Odebrecht Oil & Gas Finance Ltd.


0.000% due 01/31/2020 (g)(h)

      4,070         41  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.


6.625% due 05/15/2022 (l)

      6,714         6,689  

Pacific Drilling SA


8.375% due 10/01/2023 (l)

      1,675         1,533  

Pan American Energy LLC


42.636% (BADLARPP) due 11/20/2020 «~

  ARS     273,836         3,620  

Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.


7.500% due 04/01/2027 (l)

  $     650     $     648  

Petroleos Mexicanos


5.350% due 02/12/2028 (l)

      3,481         3,473  

6.490% due 01/23/2027

      390         415  

6.500% due 03/13/2027 (l)

      6,499         6,919  

6.750% due 09/21/2047

      260         261  

6.840% due 01/23/2030 (l)

      1,170         1,250  

7.690% due 01/23/2050

      590         646  

PetSmart, Inc.


5.875% due 06/01/2025 (l)

      414         423  

Platin 1426 GmbH


6.875% due 06/15/2023 (l)

  EUR     2,300         2,648  

6.875% due 06/15/2023

      1,980         2,279  

QGOG Constellation S.A.


9.000% due 11/09/2024 «

  $     452         0  

QVC, Inc.


5.950% due 03/15/2043 (l)

      3,378         3,164  

Radiate Holdco LLC


6.875% due 02/15/2023

      107         109  

Refinitiv U.S. Holdings, Inc.


4.500% due 05/15/2026

  EUR     1,000         1,225  

Russian Railways via RZD Capital PLC


7.487% due 03/25/2031

  GBP     100         178  

Scotts Miracle-Gro Co.


4.500% due 10/15/2029

  $     35         36  

Sealed Air Corp.


4.000% due 12/01/2027

      84         85  

Select Medical Corp.


6.250% due 08/15/2026

      178         193  

Sensata Technologies, Inc.


4.375% due 02/15/2030

      156         159  

Silgan Holdings, Inc.


4.125% due 02/01/2028

      272         273  

Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc. ^



12.500% due 04/15/2049 (d)

      54,910         57,282  

Staples, Inc.


7.500% due 04/15/2026

      99         103  

Telesat Canada


4.875% due 06/01/2027

      169         172  

6.500% due 10/15/2027

      68         71  

Tenet Healthcare Corp.


4.625% due 09/01/2024

      101         105  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance BV


3.650% due 11/10/2021

      204         200  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Co. BV


3.650% due 11/10/2021

      200         196  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands BV


0.375% due 07/25/2020 (l)

  EUR     461         516  

2.200% due 07/21/2021 (l)

  $     1,946         1,888  

3.250% due 04/15/2022 (l)

  EUR     1,700         1,934  

6.000% due 01/31/2025

      600         713  

7.125% due 01/31/2025

  $     200         206  

Topaz Solar Farms LLC


4.875% due 09/30/2039 (l)

      8,910         9,254  

5.750% due 09/30/2039 (l)

      28,124           31,102  

TransDigm, Inc.


5.500% due 11/15/2027

      576         584  

Transocean Pontus Ltd.


6.125% due 08/01/2025 (l)

      733         754  

Transocean, Inc.


7.250% due 11/01/2025

      361         355  

7.500% due 01/15/2026

      285         282  

Trident TPI Holdings, Inc.


9.250% due 08/01/2024

      97         98  

Triumph Group, Inc.


5.250% due 06/01/2022

      136         136  

6.250% due 09/15/2024

      402         423  

Trivium Packaging Finance BV


5.500% due 08/15/2026

      440         464  

8.500% due 08/15/2027

      200         223  

Twitter, Inc.


3.875% due 12/15/2027

      121         121  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   81

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund (Cont.)



Unigel Luxembourg S.A.


8.750% due 10/01/2026 (l)

  $     1,300     $     1,327  

United Group BV


4.375% due 07/01/2022

  EUR     390         447  

4.875% due 07/01/2024 (l)

      230         270  

Univision Communications, Inc.


5.125% due 02/15/2025 (l)

  $     5,076         5,032  

Valaris PLC


5.750% due 10/01/2044

      717         325  

7.750% due 02/01/2026

      94         53  

Vale Overseas Ltd.


6.875% due 11/21/2036 (l)

      307         400  

6.875% due 11/10/2039 (l)

      236         308  

ViaSat, Inc.


5.625% due 04/15/2027

      82         88  

Wyndham Destinations, Inc.


3.900% due 03/01/2023 (l)

      409         414  

4.625% due 03/01/2030

      228         229  

5.400% due 04/01/2024 (l)

      174         185  

Wynn Macau Ltd.


5.125% due 12/15/2029

      500         512  

Yellowstone Energy LP


5.750% due 12/31/2026 «

      3,205         3,415  








CenturyLink, Inc.


5.125% due 12/15/2026

      47         48  

DTEK Finance PLC (10.750% Cash and 0.000% PIK)


10.750% due 12/31/2024 (c)(l)

      5,249         5,387  

Edison International


2.400% due 09/15/2022 (l)

      846         844  

3.125% due 11/15/2022

      478         485  

3.550% due 11/15/2024

      482         494  

5.750% due 06/15/2027

      249         280  

Frontier Communications Corp.


8.000% due 04/01/2027 (l)

      570         597  

Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital S.A.


7.288% due 08/16/2037

      300         421  

Odebrecht Drilling Norbe Ltd.


6.350% due 12/01/2021 ^(l)

      4,285         4,276  

Odebrecht Drilling Norbe Ltd. (6.350% Cash and 1.000% PIK)


7.350% due 12/01/2026 ^(c)(l)

      2,192         1,201  

Odebrecht Offshore Drilling Finance Ltd.


6.720% due 12/01/2022 ^(l)

      29,077         28,641  

Odebrecht Offshore Drilling Finance Ltd. (6.720% Cash and 1.000% PIK)


7.720% due 12/01/2026 ^(c)(l)

      20,928         5,232  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


2.450% due 08/15/2022 ^(d)(l)

      1,086         1,088  

2.950% due 03/01/2026 ^(d)(l)

      4,152         4,172  

3.250% due 09/15/2021 ^(d)(l)

      293         295  

3.250% due 06/15/2023 ^(d)(l)

      5,617         5,605  

3.300% due 03/15/2027 ^(d)(l)

      11,351         11,380  

3.300% due 12/01/2027 ^(d)(l)

      10,890         10,917  

3.400% due 08/15/2024 ^(d)(l)

      1,092         1,109  

3.500% due 10/01/2020 ^(d)(l)

      1,265         1,270  

3.500% due 06/15/2025 ^(d)(l)

      2,321         2,327  

3.750% due 02/15/2024 ^(d)(l)

      1,093         1,113  

3.750% due 08/15/2042 ^(d)

      116         116  

3.850% due 11/15/2023 ^(d)(l)

      501         507  

4.000% due 12/01/2046 ^(d)

      45         45  

4.250% due 05/15/2021 ^(d)(l)

      2,797         2,812  

4.250% due 08/01/2023 ^(d)(l)

      6,487         6,668  

4.300% due 03/15/2045 ^(d)(l)

      664         676  

4.500% due 12/15/2041 ^(d)(l)

      1,251         1,265  

4.600% due 06/15/2043 ^(d)

      88         90  

4.650% due 08/01/2028 ^(d)(l)

      5,289         5,476  

4.750% due 02/15/2044 ^(d)(l)

      5,572         5,740  

5.125% due 11/15/2043 ^(d)(l)

      6,679         6,856  

5.400% due 01/15/2040 ^(d)

      92         96  

5.800% due 03/01/2037 ^(d)(l)

      18,496         19,330  

6.050% due 03/01/2034 ^(d)(l)

      11,464         12,030  

6.250% due 03/01/2039 ^(d)(l)

  $     3,534     $     3,732  

6.350% due 02/15/2038 ^(d)(l)

      4,204         4,463  

Petrobras Global Finance BV


5.375% due 10/01/2029 (l)

  GBP     2,320         3,418  

6.625% due 01/16/2034 (l)

      11,017         17,593  

Rio Oil Finance Trust


9.250% due 07/06/2024 (l)

  $     13,436         15,088  

9.750% due 01/06/2027 (l)

      3,079         3,649  

9.750% due 01/06/2027

      422         500  

Talen Energy Supply LLC


6.625% due 01/15/2028

      160         164  

Transocean Poseidon Ltd.


6.875% due 02/01/2027 (l)

      640         680  

Transocean Sentry Ltd.


5.375% due 05/15/2023 (l)

      400         408  







Total Corporate Bonds & Notes (Cost $1,277,345)








Caesars Entertainment Corp.


5.000% due 10/01/2024 (l)

      2,952         5,686  





Ensco Jersey Finance Ltd.


3.000% due 01/31/2024

      48         35  




Total Convertible Bonds & Notes (Cost $5,542)








Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


7.045% due 01/01/2029

      580         637  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, (BABs), Series 2010


6.725% due 04/01/2035

      145         170  

7.350% due 07/01/2035

      115         140  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003


5.100% due 06/01/2033

      1,360         1,467  






IOWA 0.0%


Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


6.500% due 06/01/2023

      1,090         1,106  





New Jersey Economic Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


6.500% due 09/01/2036 «

      6,130         6,104  



TEXAS 0.0%


Texas Public Finance Authority Revenue Notes, Series 2014


8.250% due 07/01/2024

      100         101  





Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Virginia Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


6.706% due 06/01/2046

      95         92  





Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority, West Virginia Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


0.000% due 06/01/2047 (g)

  $     231,485     $     10,125  

7.467% due 06/01/2047

      13,525         14,065  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes (Cost $36,750)






Fannie Mae


3.000% due 01/25/2042 (a)(l)

      735         36  

3.500% due 08/25/2032 (a)(l)

      1,842         192  

4.208% due 08/25/2038 •(a)

      682         87  

4.358% due 02/25/2043 •(a)

      3,689         424  

4.848% due 12/25/2036 •(a)(l)

      2,522         514  

4.919% due 10/25/2042 •(l)

      2,795         3,011  

5.342% due 07/25/2029 •(l)

      4,480         4,745  

7.542% due 07/25/2029 •

      6,000         7,109  

Freddie Mac


0.000% due 02/25/2046 (b)(g)

      34,903         32,367  

0.000% due 11/25/2050 (b)(g)(l)

      55,633         29,563  

0.100% due 02/25/2046 - 11/25/2050 (a)

      558,455         1,029  

0.100% due 11/25/2050 (a)(l)

      598,998         3,079  

1.939% due 11/25/2055 ~(a)

      169,412         13,529  

2.011% due 11/25/2045 ~(a)(l)

      51,924         6,998  

4.000% due 03/15/2027 (a)

      553         49  

4.118% due 04/25/2025 ~(l)

      5,400         5,160  

4.460% due 09/15/2042 •(a)

      1,244         188  

4.760% due 12/15/2034 •(a)

      873         32  

6.942% due 10/25/2029 •

      5,500         6,364  

10.792% due 03/25/2029 •

      4,780         5,995  

11.447% due 12/25/2045 •(l)

      4,173         4,131  

12.292% due 10/25/2028 •

      991         1,367  

12.542% due 03/25/2025 •

      7,066         9,264  

Ginnie Mae


3.500% due 06/20/2042 (a)(l)

      927         123  

4.355% due 08/20/2042 •(a)(l)

      2,567         490  

4.485% due 12/20/2040 •(a)(l)

      2,330         306  

4.960% due 08/16/2039 •(a)(l)

      1,916         151  




Total U.S. Government Agencies
(Cost $124,518)






Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust


1.942% due 03/25/2037 •

      1,416         1,452  

2.052% due 03/25/2036 •(l)

      4,712         3,331  

4.320% due 03/25/2037 ~(l)

      2,917         2,731  

5.557% due 11/25/2037 ^~

      1,196         1,056  

American Home Mortgage Investment Trust


6.600% due 01/25/2037 þ

      5,018         2,168  

ASG Resecuritization Trust


3.451% due 01/28/2037 ~(l)

      15,900         13,743  

6.000% due 06/28/2037 ~(l)

      34,219           25,099  

Banc of America Alternative Loan Trust


2.152% due 06/25/2037 •

      534         418  

4.848% due 06/25/2037 ^•(a)

      575         117  

6.000% due 04/25/2036

      960         912  

6.000% due 07/25/2046 ^

      1,322         1,283  

6.500% due 02/25/2036 ^

      2,162         2,162  

12.998% due 09/25/2035 ^•

      294         365  

Banc of America Funding Trust


0.000% due 11/26/2036 ~(l)

      30,672         7,782  

2.002% due 04/25/2037 ^•

      1,709         1,455  

3.876% due 09/20/2037 ~

      662         506  

3.982% due 09/20/2047 ^~

      281         252  

4.334% due 04/20/2035 ^~

      2,116         1,974  

4.370% due 09/20/2046 ^~

      2,720         2,656  

5.433% due 08/26/2036 ~

      4,963         4,284  

6.000% due 10/25/2037 ^

      4,756         3,596  

Banc of America Mortgage Trust


5.750% due 10/25/2036 ^

      1,385         1,356  

5.750% due 05/25/2037 ^

      989         885  

6.000% due 10/25/2036 ^

      168         166  


82   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



Bancorp Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.490% due 08/15/2032 •(l)

  $     3,470     $     3,505  

Bayview Commercial Asset Trust


2.012% due 03/25/2037 •

      182         174  

2.022% due 12/25/2036 •

      249         242  

2.222% due 08/25/2034 •

      116         115  



1.875% due 02/26/2037 ~(l)

      16,704         13,989  

1.888% due 05/26/2036 •

      6,728         6,029  

2.208% due 05/26/2035 •

      7,071         5,984  

3.027% due 02/26/2047 •(l)

      20,741         18,136  

4.028% due 03/27/2037 ~

      7,255         6,279  

4.037% due 03/26/2037 ~

      1,514         1,347  

4.044% due 07/26/2036 ~

      3,245         3,179  

4.151% due 07/26/2036 ~

      737         689  

5.500% due 12/26/2035 ~(l)

      10,171         9,338  

5.991% due 06/26/2037 ~

      4,732         4,861  

6.000% due 10/26/2037 ~

      3,907         3,407  

9.830% due 01/26/2036 ~

      15,865         5,653  

Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust


4.065% due 02/25/2036 ^~

      738         727  

Bear Stearns ALT-A Trust


2.132% due 08/25/2036 ^•(l)

      27,081         24,031  

2.292% due 01/25/2036 ^•(l)

      8,056         9,332  

2.917% due 03/25/2035 •

      6,328         6,248  

3.667% due 04/25/2037 ~(l)

      6,183         5,404  

3.684% due 08/25/2046 ^~

      3,867         3,771  

3.960% due 12/25/2046 ^~(l)

      4,733         3,301  

4.019% due 03/25/2036 ~

      1,873         1,335  

4.044% due 07/25/2036 ~(l)

      54,186         32,641  

4.047% due 09/25/2035 ^~(l)

      5,571         3,731  

Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


5.728% due 04/12/2038 ~

      1,120         1,133  

Bear Stearns Mortgage Funding Trust


7.500% due 08/25/2036 þ

      2,908         2,797  

CD Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.398% due 12/11/2049 ~

      110         104  

CD Mortgage Trust


5.688% due 10/15/2048

      17,536         9,106  

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.589% due 12/10/2049 ~

      7,378         4,723  

5.589% due 12/10/2049 ~(l)

      7,637         4,895  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust


0.034% due 07/25/2036 ^~

      3,088         2,378  

3.729% due 03/25/2037 ^~

      3,350         3,011  

3.856% due 04/25/2037 ^~

      569         507  

3.989% due 03/25/2037 ^~

      1,474         1,442  

4.195% due 08/25/2034 ~

      6,115         5,363  

4.369% due 08/25/2037 ~

      3,570         2,627  

5.500% due 12/25/2035

      3,292         2,644  

6.000% due 07/25/2036

      5,141         3,997  

6.500% due 09/25/2036

      1,472         1,143  

Commercial Mortgage Loan Trust


6.052% due 12/10/2049 ~(l)

      16,722         11,097  

Countrywide Alternative Loan Resecuritization Trust


7.000% due 01/25/2037 ^

      5,559         2,368  

Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust


1.955% due 03/20/2047 •

      717         622  

1.972% due 05/25/2036 •(l)

      15,359           13,664  

2.002% due 08/25/2047 ^•

      1,382         1,258  

2.012% due 05/25/2047 •(l)

      10,734         6,585  

2.022% due 03/25/2036 •(l)

      15,053         12,925  

2.052% due 07/25/2036 •(l)

      7,668         6,704  

2.365% due 11/20/2035 •

      183         177  

2.492% due 10/25/2035 ^•

      966         779  

3.549% due 07/20/2035 ^•(l)

      11,240         9,654  

4.274% due 05/25/2036 ~(l)

      6,462         5,998  

5.500% due 11/25/2035

      1,991         1,590  

5.500% due 02/25/2036 ^

      1,400         1,202  

5.500% due 02/25/2036

      1,437         1,298  

5.500% due 05/25/2036 ^

      1,528         1,508  

5.500% due 05/25/2036 (l)

      4,707         4,646  

6.000% due 03/25/2035 ^

      395         299  

6.000% due 04/25/2036

      623         437  

6.000% due 01/25/2037 ^

      1,095         1,103  

6.000% due 02/25/2037 ^

      1,822         1,161  

6.000% due 04/25/2037 ^(l)

      5,324         3,739  

6.250% due 12/25/2036 ^•

  $     680     $     478  

14.872% due 07/25/2035 •

      111         139  

Countrywide Home Loan Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


3.662% due 03/25/2046 ^•(l)

      39,232         27,023  

3.987% due 05/20/2036 ^~

      2,061         1,729  

4.107% due 09/20/2036 ~

      4,267         3,730  

Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp.


5.100% due 08/15/2038 ~(l)

      3,293         3,187  

6.000% due 01/25/2036 ^

      326         289  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Certificates


2.323% due 11/30/2037 ~(l)

      10,750         9,790  

3.420% due 11/27/2037 •

      8,778         5,589  

3.525% due 12/29/2037 ~

      4,785         3,947  

3.563% due 11/25/2037 •(l)

      10,763         8,927  

3.587% due 05/27/2036 ~(l)

      6,102         5,318  

3.693% due 10/26/2036 ~(l)

      17,223         16,666  

3.741% due 05/26/2036 ~(l)

      7,347         6,068  

3.862% due 09/26/2047 ~

      23,834         17,823  

4.247% due 04/28/2037 ~

      4,301         4,391  

5.750% due 05/26/2037

      21,125         18,008  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Mortgage-Backed Trust


6.000% due 07/25/2036

      2,251         1,852  

6.500% due 05/25/2036 ^

      2,986         1,897  

DBUBS Mortgage Trust


4.652% due 11/10/2046 (l)

      19,203         17,288  

Debussy DTC PLC


5.930% due 07/12/2025 (l)

  GBP     48,431           64,146  

8.250% due 07/12/2025

      10,000         13,221  

Deutsche ALT-A Securities, Inc.


2.092% due 04/25/2037 •(l)

  $     6,998         4,486  

Deutsche ALT-A Securities, Inc. Mortgage Loan Trust


5.500% due 12/25/2035 ^(l)

      587         567  

Eurosail PLC


0.000% due 06/13/2045 ~

  GBP     4         5,790  

0.447% due 03/13/2045 •

  EUR     7,067         6,351  

1.079% due 06/13/2045 •

  GBP     1,594         1,882  

1.779% (BP0003M + 1.000%) due 06/13/2045 ~

      14,958         18,660  

2.029% (BP0003M + 1.250%) due 06/13/2045 ~

      15,434         18,643  

2.379% due 09/13/2045 •

      14,142         17,850  

2.529% (BP0003M + 1.750%) due 06/13/2045 ~

      9,500         11,553  

3.029% due 09/13/2045 •

      10,088         12,760  

4.279% (BP0003M + 3.500%) due 06/13/2045 ~

      3,370         4,261  

4.629% due 09/13/2045 •

      8,383         11,999  

First Horizon Alternative Mortgage Securities Trust


0.000% due 05/25/2020 (b)(g)

  $     3         1  

First Horizon Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


4.823% due 05/25/2037 ^~

      4,824         3,747  

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI


0.000% due 06/16/2049 •

  EUR     2,862         3,098  

GC Pastor Hipotecario FTA


0.000% due 06/21/2046 •(l)

      21,818         21,884  

GCCFC Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.619% due 07/10/2038 ~(l)

  $     10,700         9,913  

6.394% due 06/10/2036 ~

      2,850         2,860  

GE Commercial Mortgage Corp. Trust


5.606% due 12/10/2049 ~

      5,350         4,681  

Grifonas Finance PLC


0.000% due 08/28/2039 •

  EUR     8,290         8,605  

GS Mortgage Securities Corp. Trust


4.591% due 10/10/2032 ~(l)

  $     25,157         24,644  

GSC Capital Corp. Mortgage Trust


1.972% due 05/25/2036 ^•(l)

      2,215         2,094  

HarborView Mortgage Loan Trust


2.977% due 06/19/2045 ^•

      1,194         779  

Hipocat FTA


0.000% due 01/15/2050 •

  EUR     411         456  

HomeBanc Mortgage Trust


4.128% due 04/25/2037 ^~(l)

  $     5,155         4,838  

HSI Asset Loan Obligation Trust


6.000% due 06/25/2037 ^

      8,242         7,498  

IM Pastor Fondo de Titluzacion Hipotecaria


0.000% due 03/22/2043 •(l)

  EUR     26,503     $     27,382  

IM Pastor Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos


0.000% due 03/22/2044 •

      852         884  

Impac Secured Assets Trust


1.962% due 01/25/2037 •(l)

  $     7         7  

IndyMac Mortgage Loan Trust


1.918% due 11/25/2036 •

      204         199  

3.673% due 11/25/2035 ^~

      3,745         3,563  

4.086% due 06/25/2036 ~

      969         916  

Jefferies Resecuritization Trust


6.000% due 12/26/2036 ~

      3,902         1,885  

JPMorgan Alternative Loan Trust


2.200% due 06/27/2037 •(l)

      10,476         9,048  

3.584% due 11/25/2036 ^~

      312         314  

4.107% due 05/25/2036 ^~

      744         559  

6.000% due 12/25/2035 ^

      1,010         945  

10.195% due 06/27/2037 ~

      13,796         11,054  

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


2.612% due 06/12/2041 ~(l)

      10,975         11,359  

5.167% due 10/15/2032 •

      4,700         4,522  

JPMorgan Resecuritization Trust


4.396% due 03/21/2037 ~

      3,362         3,021  

6.000% due 09/26/2036

      2,249         2,050  

6.500% due 04/26/2036 ~

      5,563         3,520  

Lansdowne Mortgage Securities PLC


0.000% due 09/16/2048 •

  EUR     9,468         9,718  

Lavender Trust


6.250% due 10/26/2036 (l)

  $     5,096         4,003  

Lehman Mortgage Trust


6.000% due 01/25/2038 ^

      2,534         2,647  

Lehman XS Trust


2.692% due 08/25/2047 ^•

      414         378  

Merrill Lynch Alternative Note Asset Trust


6.000% due 05/25/2037 ^

      3,350         3,234  

Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust


4.227% due 03/25/2036 ^~(l)

      9,959         7,097  

Morgan Stanley Capital Trust


5.399% due 12/15/2043

      1,063         744  

6.186% due 08/12/2041 ~

      3,776         3,848  

Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan Trust


1.962% due 05/25/2036 •

      171         64  

4.215% due 05/25/2036 ^~

      2,253         1,634  

5.962% due 06/25/2036 ^~

      2,107         844  

Morgan Stanley Re-REMIC Trust


3.027% due 02/26/2037 •

      3,839         3,453  

3.162% due 03/26/2037 þ

      2,348         2,183  

Morgan Stanley Resecuritization Trust


4.365% due 06/26/2035 ~(l)

      10,839         8,536  

Mortgage Equity Conversion Asset Trust


4.000% due 07/25/2060 (l)

      4,395         4,288  

Motel 6 Trust


8.666% due 08/15/2024 •

      32,954           33,537  

Natixis Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


4.740% due 11/15/2034 •

      7,294         7,244  

5.740% due 11/15/2034 •

      3,163         3,110  

PHH Alternative Mortgage Trust


0.000% due 02/25/2037 ^(b)(g)

      3         3  

RBSSP Resecuritization Trust


4.507% due 09/26/2035 ~

      6,996         5,447  

6.000% due 06/26/2037 ~

      1,423         1,195  

Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. Trust


1.942% due 02/25/2037 •

      540         495  

6.000% due 12/25/2035 ^(l)

      2,545         2,492  

6.000% due 11/25/2036 ^

      3,020         2,781  

6.250% due 02/25/2037 ^(l)

      3,957         3,667  

6.500% due 09/25/2037 ^

      1,463         1,424  

Residential Asset Mortgage Products Trust


8.000% due 05/25/2032

      706         546  

Residential Asset Securitization Trust


6.000% due 05/25/2036

      855         841  

6.000% due 02/25/2037 ^

      209         148  

6.000% due 03/25/2037 ^(l)

      2,803         1,571  

6.250% due 10/25/2036 ^

      119         119  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   83

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund (Cont.)



RiverView HECM Trust


2.030% due 05/25/2047 •(l)

  $     15,830     $     14,857  

Sequoia Mortgage Trust


2.774% due 02/20/2034 •(l)

      375         366  

3.892% due 09/20/2032 ~

      511         511  

Structured Asset Mortgage Investments Trust


2.002% due 05/25/2036 •

      31         30  

SunTrust Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust


4.499% due 02/25/2037 ^~

      3,933         3,815  

Taberna Preferred Funding Ltd.


2.241% due 02/05/2037 •(l)

      21,055         18,581  

Theatre Hospitals PLC


3.785% due 10/15/2031 •(l)

  GBP     35,905         47,559  

4.190% due 12/15/2024 «(j)

      801         0  

4.535% due 10/15/2031 •

      1,707         2,261  

Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.720% due 10/15/2048 ~

  $     452         444  

WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust


2.627% due 07/25/2046 •(l)

      307         298  

3.880% due 08/25/2036 ^~

      1,985         1,951  

Warwick Finance Residential Mortgages PLC


0.000% due 09/21/2049 ~

  GBP     0         132,124  

0.000% due 12/21/2049 (g)

      0         1,581  

1.600% due 12/21/2049 •

      19,700         26,111  

2.300% due 12/21/2049 •

      2,261         3,002  

2.800% due 12/21/2049 •

      1,130         1,507  

3.300% due 12/21/2049 •

      646         864  

3.800% due 12/21/2049 •

      646         853  

Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust


2.032% due 01/25/2047 ^•

  $     2,035         1,888  

3.209% due 06/25/2046 •(l)

      7,691         5,157  

5.750% due 11/25/2035 ^

      1,466         1,439  

5.967% due 05/25/2036 ^þ(l)

      6,258         5,865  

Wells Fargo Mortgage Loan Trust


3.860% due 03/27/2037 ~(l)

      5,643         4,926  




Total Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $1,239,585)






ACE Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust


1.902% due 12/25/2036 •(l)

      24,505         8,644  

2.412% due 02/25/2036 ^•(l)

      5,331         5,286  

2.887% due 07/25/2035 ^•(l)

      17,938         13,368  

Adagio CLO DAC


0.000% due 04/30/2031 ~

  EUR     1,800         1,442  

Aegis Asset-Backed Securities Trust


2.272% due 06/25/2035 •(l)

  $     12,094         11,151  

American Money Management Corp. CLO Ltd.


8.061% due 04/14/2029 •

      6,100         5,738  

Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc. Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates


2.402% due 09/25/2035 •(l)

      13,750         13,582  

3.742% due 09/25/2032 •

      1,148         1,162  

Argent Securities Trust


1.892% due 06/25/2036 •

      2,016         739  

1.912% due 04/25/2036 •

      1,157         484  

1.942% due 06/25/2036 •

      4,229         1,571  

1.942% due 09/25/2036 •(l)

      8,852         3,872  

1.982% due 03/25/2036 •(l)

      12,337         7,675  

Argent Securities, Inc. Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates


2.112% due 01/25/2036 •(l)

      15,369         14,704  

2.172% due 02/25/2036 •(l)

      30,597         25,520  

2.252% due 11/25/2035 •(l)

      5,851         5,212  

3.067% due 11/25/2034 •(l)

      9,031         8,776  

Asset-Backed Funding Certificates Trust


2.617% due 07/25/2035 •(l)

      7,400         7,194  

2.842% due 03/25/2034 ^•

      821         805  

Asset-Backed Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust


4.340% due 08/15/2033 •

      481         482  

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A.


0.252% due 03/22/2046 •

  EUR     389         296  

Bear Stearns Asset-Backed Securities Trust


1.932% due 12/25/2036 •(l)

  $     15,149     $     16,638  

2.992% due 07/25/2035 •(l)

      39,756         40,077  

3.292% due 10/27/2032 •

      146         149  

3.667% due 12/25/2034 •(l)

      18,650         18,312  

4.296% due 10/25/2036 ~

      361         337  

6.000% due 12/25/2035 ^

      475         413  

California Republic Auto Receivables Trust


0.000% due 04/15/2025 «(g)

      10,100         7,910  

California Street CLO Ltd.


6.901% due 10/15/2025 •(l)

      9,850         9,705  

Carlyle Global Market Strategies CLO Ltd.


0.000% due 04/17/2031 ~

      2,900         1,812  

Carrington Mortgage Loan Trust


1.872% due 03/25/2035 •

      871         696  

2.052% due 02/25/2037 •(l)

      9,100         8,567  

2.212% due 02/25/2037 •(l)

      13,201         11,395  

2.842% due 05/25/2035 •

      4,400         4,409  

Cavendish Square Funding PLC


0.540% due 02/11/2055 •

  EUR     1,500         1,688  

1.450% due 02/11/2055 •

      3,500         3,803  

CIFC Funding Ltd.


0.000% due 04/24/2030 ~

  $     3,390         1,675  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust


1.932% due 01/25/2037 •(l)

      24,863           22,117  

1.942% due 12/25/2036 •(l)

      22,518         12,124  

1.952% due 09/25/2036 •(l)

      16,129         13,056  

1.992% due 05/25/2037 •

      643         473  

2.012% due 12/25/2036 •(l)

      4,535         2,476  

2.492% due 11/25/2046 •(l)

      4,867         3,902  

6.351% due 05/25/2036 ^þ

      2,744         1,512  

Conseco Finance Securitizations Corp.


9.546% due 12/01/2033 ~(l)

      6,480         6,846  

Cork Street CLO Designated Activity Co.


0.000% due 11/27/2028 ~

  EUR     2,667         2,778  

Coronado CDO Ltd.


3.400% due 09/04/2038 •

  $     24,817         15,573  

6.000% due 09/04/2038

      3,982         3,028  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates


1.922% due 12/25/2036 ^•(l)

      27,956         26,355  

1.932% due 06/25/2035 •(l)

      57,055         51,939  

1.932% due 03/25/2037 •(l)

      18,288         16,770  

1.932% due 07/25/2037 ^•(l)

      8,232         7,519  

1.932% due 06/25/2047 ^•(l)

      39,927         36,643  

1.952% due 05/25/2036 •(l)

      5,351         5,189  

1.992% due 06/25/2037 ^•(l)

      17,842         17,291  

2.012% due 05/25/2037 •(l)

      10,900         10,478  

2.012% due 08/25/2037 •(l)

      26,000         23,543  

2.012% due 06/25/2047 ^•(l)

      19,000         16,765  

2.022% due 04/25/2047 •(l)

      35,000         29,230  

2.032% due 03/25/2036 •(l)

      25,448         24,183  

2.032% due 04/25/2036 ^•(l)

      587         553  

2.082% due 10/25/2047 •(l)

      59,229         51,644  

2.182% due 04/25/2036 •(l)

      8,762         7,994  

2.242% due 03/25/2047 ^•

      1,496         1,141  

2.282% due 04/25/2036 •(l)

      15,850         11,469  

2.342% due 05/25/2047 ^•

      2,599         2,184  

4.600% due 10/25/2046 ^~

      334         327  

4.738% due 10/25/2032 ^~(l)

      17,287         16,195  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates Trust


1.942% due 03/25/2047 ^•(l)

      9,498         9,362  

2.312% due 05/25/2036 •(l)

      32,300         26,785  

3.517% due 11/25/2034 •(l)

      13,611         13,664  

Crecera Americas LLC


5.563% due 08/31/2020 •

      49,923         49,977  

Credit-Based Asset Servicing & Securitization CBO Corp.


2.137% due 09/06/2041 •

      65,385         5,133  

Credit-Based Asset Servicing & Securitization LLC


2.422% due 07/25/2035 •

      3,000         2,857  



4.947% due 06/15/2040 (l)

      5,833         5,864  

Encore Credit Receivables Trust


2.482% due 07/25/2035 •

      421         413  

Euromax ABS PLC


0.000% due 11/10/2095 •

  EUR     6,000         5,997  



0.000% due 12/06/2045 ~

  GBP     11,711     $     5,285  

Fieldstone Mortgage Investment Trust


2.048% due 07/25/2036 •

  $     5,538         3,413  

First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust


0.000% due 04/25/2036 (b)(g)(l)

      8,040         7,380  

2.032% due 04/25/2036 •(l)

      6,825         6,423  

2.172% due 02/25/2036 •(l)

      5,500         5,138  

2.737% due 09/25/2035 •(l)

      5,828         4,789  

2.767% due 05/25/2036 •(l)

      13,499           12,138  

Fremont Home Loan Trust


1.942% due 01/25/2037 •

      3,536         2,027  

2.032% due 02/25/2037 •

      1,440         733  

Glacier Funding CDO Ltd.


2.172% due 08/04/2035 •

      23,884         5,748  

Greenpoint Manufactured Housing


9.230% due 12/15/2029 ~(l)

      8,223         6,998  

GSAA Home Equity Trust


5.058% due 05/25/2035 þ(l)

      4,717         4,852  



1.852% due 01/25/2037 •

      3,576         2,391  

1.882% due 01/25/2037 •

      1,067         716  

1.952% due 04/25/2036 •

      617         457  

1.992% due 11/25/2036 •

      4,423         2,747  

2.042% due 12/25/2036 •

      4,788         2,845  

2.062% due 04/25/2036 •(l)

      22,011         16,623  

3.442% due 10/25/2034 •

      305         296  

4.342% due 10/25/2033 •

      171         175  

Halcyon Loan Advisors European Funding BV


0.000% due 04/15/2030 ~

  EUR     1,400         1,022  

Hillcrest CDO Ltd.


2.474% due 12/10/2039 •

  $     42,116         15,827  

Home Equity Asset Trust


2.887% due 05/25/2035 •(l)

      3,800         3,815  

2.992% due 07/25/2035 •(l)

      4,000         3,862  

Home Equity Loan Trust


2.132% due 04/25/2037 •(l)

      13,500         11,671  

Home Equity Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Trust


1.952% due 11/25/2036 •(l)

      5,264         4,338  

2.032% due 04/25/2037 •

      3,581         2,650  

2.232% due 03/25/2036 •

      1,504         1,446  

Hout Bay Corp.


1.954% due 07/05/2041 •

      81,189         19,364  

HSI Asset Securitization Corp. Trust


1.902% due 12/25/2036 •(l)

      23,269         8,994  

1.952% due 10/25/2036 •(l)

      8,438         4,547  

1.962% due 12/25/2036 •(l)

      14,253         5,516  

1.982% due 01/25/2037 •(l)

      40,110         31,763  

2.182% due 11/25/2035 •(l)

      5,321         5,256  

IXIS Real Estate Capital Trust


2.767% due 09/25/2035 ^•

      5,457         5,159  

JPMorgan Mortgage Acquisition Trust


1.942% due 07/25/2036 •

      1,733         971  

1.952% due 07/25/2036 ^•

      1,235         511  

5.462% due 09/25/2029 ^þ

      3,440         2,748  

5.888% due 10/25/2036 ^þ(l)

      11,468         9,157  

Jubilee CLO BV


0.000% due 01/15/2028 ~

  EUR     7,000         3,003  

Lehman XS Trust


4.690% due 05/25/2037 ^~(l)

  $     10,305         9,943  

Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust


1.982% due 02/25/2036 •(l)

      42,966         38,310  

2.442% due 09/25/2034 •

      1,216         1,195  

2.497% due 11/25/2035 •(l)

      37,496         32,453  

Marlette Funding Trust


0.000% due 07/16/2029 «(g)

      16         4,570  

0.000% due 09/17/2029 «(g)

      20         7,796  

MASTR Asset-Backed Securities Trust


1.962% due 06/25/2036 •(l)

      6,383         5,922  

1.972% due 02/25/2036 •(l)

      7,952         4,090  

2.032% due 06/25/2036 •

      3,533         2,077  

2.332% due 12/25/2035 •(l)

      15,448         12,288  

Morgan Stanley ABS Capital, Inc. Trust


1.852% due 09/25/2036 •

      3,862         1,799  

1.862% due 10/25/2036 •

      4         3  


84   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



1.932% due 10/25/2036 •(l)

  $     9,488     $     6,016  

1.942% due 06/25/2036 •(l)

      7,331         5,223  

1.942% due 09/25/2036 •(l)

      7,758         3,695  

1.942% due 11/25/2036 •(l)

      17,818         12,342  

2.012% due 10/25/2036 •

      4,572         2,933  

2.467% due 09/25/2035 •(l)

      18,121         17,342  

2.827% due 01/25/2035 •

      4,262         2,879  

3.742% due 05/25/2034 •

      1,793         1,798  

National Collegiate Commutation Trust


0.000% due 03/25/2038 •

      87,000           31,079  

New Century Home Equity Loan Trust


4.792% (US0001M + 3.000%)
due 01/25/2033 ^~

      410         372  

Nomura Home Equity Loan, Inc. Home Equity Loan Trust


2.122% due 10/25/2036 ^•

      4,766         1,575  

2.212% due 02/25/2036 •(l)

      31,899         29,296  

Ocean Trails CLO


7.005% due 08/13/2025 •(l)

      3,500         3,495  

Option One Mortgage Loan Trust


1.922% due 07/25/2037 •(l)

      16,398         12,246  

1.932% due 01/25/2037 •

      10,649         7,214  

2.012% due 01/25/2037 •

      2,172         1,489  

2.042% due 03/25/2037 •

      665         425  

2.122% due 04/25/2037 •

      2,530         1,664  

Park Place Securities, Inc.


2.422% due 09/25/2035 •(l)

      7,240         6,886  

Park Place Securities, Inc. Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates


2.282% due 08/25/2035 •(l)

      8,350         8,162  

2.617% due 07/25/2035 •(l)

      20,950         20,843  

2.827% due 03/25/2035 ^•(l)

      7,500         7,237  

2.917% due 10/25/2034 •(l)

      10,000         9,890  

3.517% due 02/25/2035 •(l)

      29,447         29,229  

3.817% due 12/25/2034 •(l)

      25,974         23,240  

Popular ABS Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


2.482% due 06/25/2035 •

      626         617  

2.942% due 06/25/2035 •

      1,349         1,349  

RAAC Trust


3.542% due 05/25/2046 •(l)

      17,151         15,439  

Renaissance Home Equity Loan Trust


5.612% due 04/25/2037 þ

      3,154         1,402  

Residential Asset Mortgage Products Trust


2.112% due 01/25/2036 •(l)

      10,521         9,805  

2.172% due 01/25/2036 •(l)

      4,360         4,273  

2.458% due 04/25/2034 •(l)

      3,304         3,289  

2.512% due 02/25/2035 •

      236         237  

2.578% due 04/25/2034 •(l)

      3,461         3,445  

3.283% due 04/25/2034 ^•

      1,192         985  

3.688% due 04/25/2034 ^•

      1,738         1,471  

Residential Asset Securities Corp. Trust


1.922% due 11/25/2036 •(l)

      9,060         8,260  

1.962% due 10/25/2036 •(l)

      9,164         7,084  

2.072% due 04/25/2036 •(l)

      5,270         5,159  

2.122% due 04/25/2036 •

      5,864         4,521  

2.132% due 05/25/2037 •(l)

      9,275         9,102  

2.452% due 12/25/2035 •(l)

      13,269         11,629  

2.917% due 02/25/2035 •(l)

      1,900         1,902  

Securitized Asset-Backed Receivables LLC Trust


1.932% due 07/25/2036 •(l)

      20,286         17,283  

1.952% due 07/25/2036 •

      2,728         1,433  

2.042% due 05/25/2036 •(l)

      17,736         11,252  

2.062% due 03/25/2036 •(l)

      6,665         6,258  

2.242% due 10/25/2035 •(l)

      13,000         12,774  

2.392% due 11/25/2035 •(l)

      10,848         8,898  

2.452% due 08/25/2035 ^•(l)

      2,779         2,108  

SLM Student Loan EDC Repackaging Trust


0.000% due 10/28/2029 «(g)

      25         24,955  

SLM Student Loan Trust


0.000% due 01/25/2042 «(g)

      20         12,813  

SMB Private Education Loan Trust


0.000% due 10/15/2048 «(g)

      5         3,593  

SoFi Professional Loan Program LLC


0.000% due 03/25/2036 «(g)

      200         1,555  

0.000% due 01/25/2039 (g)

      21,280         6,368  

0.000% due 05/25/2040 (g)

      22,175         8,179  

0.000% due 07/25/2040 «(g)

  $     110     $     4,433  

0.000% due 09/25/2040 (g)

      9,122         4,558  

Soloso CDO Ltd.


2.363% due 10/07/2037 •

      11,318         9,309  

Soundview Home Loan Trust


1.942% due 06/25/2037 •

      3,226         2,467  

1.952% due 11/25/2036 •(l)

      4,752         4,695  

1.972% due 02/25/2037 •

      8,126         3,052  

2.052% due 02/25/2037 •(l)

      9,431         3,615  

2.142% due 03/25/2036 •(l)

      7,933         7,792  

2.742% due 10/25/2037 •(l)

      6,172         5,227  

2.892% due 09/25/2037 •

      2,396         2,269  

Specialty Underwriting & Residential Finance Trust


2.142% due 03/25/2037 •

      571         297  

2.767% due 12/25/2035 •(l)

      2,765         2,773  

3.592% due 05/25/2035 •

      1,714         1,684  

3.825% due 02/25/2037 ^þ

      3,188         1,742  

Symphony CLO Ltd.


6.601% due 07/14/2026 •

      10,700         10,069  

Taberna Preferred Funding Ltd.


2.231% due 05/05/2038 •

      6,589         6,276  

2.271% due 08/05/2036 ^•

      13,790         12,291  

2.271% due 08/05/2036 •

      3,428         3,055  

Trapeza CDO LLC


3.702% due 01/20/2034 •

      3,933         3,873  

Verde CDO Ltd.


2.273% due 10/05/2045 •

      176,668         61,366  

Wachovia Mortgage Loan Trust


2.482% due 10/25/2035 •(l)

      8,000         7,622  

Wells Fargo Home Equity Asset-Backed Securities Trust


2.122% due 05/25/2036 •(l)

      5,000         4,975  




Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost $1,671,495)






Argentina Government International Bond


3.375% due 01/15/2023

  EUR     800         410  

3.380% due 12/31/2038 þ(l)

      26,572         13,850  

3.875% due 01/15/2022 (l)

      7,800         4,201  

5.250% due 01/15/2028

      400         199  

6.250% due 11/09/2047

      200         102  

7.820% due 12/31/2033 (l)

      52,143         33,888  

7.820% due 12/31/2033

      2,005         1,280  

15.500% due 10/17/2026

  ARS     356,260         1,655  

42.836% (BADLARPP +
2.000%) due 04/03/2022 ~

    423,770         3,758  

45.399% (BADLARPP +
3.250%) due 03/01/2020 ~

    4,700         52  

56.589% (ARLLMONP) due 06/21/2020 ~(a)

      1,036,680         9,375  

59.928% (BADLARPP) due 10/04/2022 ~(a)

      1,302         23  

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Argentina


44.086% due 03/29/2024 •

      1,686,318         19,344  

Autonomous Community of Catalonia


4.900% due 09/15/2021

  EUR     100         121  

4.950% due 02/11/2020

      100         113  

Export-Credit Bank of Turkey


8.250% due 01/24/2024 (l)

  $     800         872  

Provincia de Buenos Aires


45.979% due 05/31/2022 •

  ARS     2,330         18  

52.270% (BADLARPP + 3.750%) due 04/12/2025 ~(a)

    1,466,686         11,128  

South Africa Government International Bond


4.850% due 09/30/2029 (l)

  $     6,400         6,416  

5.750% due 09/30/2049 (l)

      4,200         4,099  

Turkey Government International Bond


3.250% due 06/14/2025

  EUR     600         672  

4.625% due 03/31/2025

      9,200         10,937  

5.200% due 02/16/2026

      3,200         3,897  

5.600% due 11/14/2024 (l)

  $     14,100         14,372  

7.625% due 04/26/2029 (l)

      10,300         11,404  

Venezuela Government International Bond


6.000% due 12/09/2020 ^(d)

    1,330         160  

8.250% due 10/13/2024 ^(d)

    188         23  

9.250% due 09/15/2027 ^(d)

  $     1,654     $     198  




Total Sovereign Issues (Cost $258,184)








Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (e)

      2,994,420         8,564  

iHeartMedia, Inc.

      2,228         34  

iHeartMedia, Inc. ‘A’ (e)

      165,846         2,803  








Caesars Entertainment Corp. (e)

      2,222,152         30,221  





Dommo Energia S.A. (e)(j)

      1,213,488         884  

Dommo Energia S.A. «

      3,076,286         1,853  

Dommo Energia S.A. SP - ADR «(e)

      8,580         63  

Forbes Energy Services Ltd. (e)(j)

      152,625         38  








Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC «(j)

      240,452         3,607  








Eneva S.A. (e)(j)

      138,393         1,503  

TexGen Power LLC «

      285,522         10,207  







Total Common Stocks (Cost $71,201)








iHeartMedia, Inc.

      1,080,118         18,254  





Sequa Corp. - Exp. 04/28/2024 «

      2,530,304         5,483  




Total Warrants (Cost $23,162)








AGFC Capital Trust


3.751% (US0003M + 1.750%) due 01/15/2067 ~(l)

      20,300,000         10,150  

Nationwide Building Society


10.250% ~

      285,475         62,772  



0.000% due 04/26/2028 (g)

      2,600         2,046  








General Electric Co.


5.000% due 01/21/2021 •(h)(l)

      1,461,000         1,433  

Sequa Corp. (12.000% PIK) (c)


12.000% «

      58,977         68,362  







Total Preferred Securities (Cost $121,133)






See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   85

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund (Cont.)


        SHARES         MARKET




VICI Properties, Inc.

      2,572,665     $     65,731  




Total Real Estate Investment Trusts
(Cost $37,244)













19.439% due 04/28/2020 - 08/27/2020 (f)(g)

  ARS     217,892         3,253  

43.313% due 06/22/2020 «~

    138,090         2,047  








1.636% due 01/02/2020 - 03/26/2020 (f)(g)(l)(n)(p)

  $     36,044         36,014  



Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $170,662)



Total Investments in Securities
(Cost $5,639,840)



        SHARES         MARKET






Sierra Hamilton Holder LLC «(j)

      30,136,800     $     5,707  



Total Common Stocks (Cost $7,639)     5,707  



Total Investments in Affiliates
(Cost $7,639)
Total Investments 180.6%
(Cost $5,647,479)


  $     5,780,900  

Financial Derivative
Instruments (m)(o) (0.3)%

(Cost or Premiums, net $15,175)



Other Assets and Liabilities, net (80.3)%       (2,570,088



Net Assets 100.0%


  $     3,201,520  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Security is in default.


Security valued using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3).


All or a portion of this amount represents unfunded loan commitments. The interest rate for the unfunded portion will be determined at the time of funding. See Note 4, Securities and Other Investments, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information regarding unfunded loan commitments.


Variable or Floating rate security. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread, rather are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date, which may vary by security. These securities may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.

Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. The rate may be based on a fixed rate, a capped rate or a floor rate and may convert to a variable or floating rate in the future. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description.


Coupon represents a rate which changes periodically based on a predetermined schedule or event. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end.


Interest only security.


Principal only security.


Payment in-kind security.


Security is not accruing income as of the date of this report.


Security did not produce income within the last twelve months.


Coupon represents a weighted average yield to maturity.


Zero coupon security.


Perpetual maturity; date shown, if applicable, represents next contractual call date.


Contingent convertible security.




Issuer Description    Acquisition
    Cost     Market
    Market Value
as Percentage
of Net Assets

Dommo Energia S.A.

     12/21/2017 - 12/26/2017     $ 316     $ 884       0.03

Eneva S.A.

     12/21/2017 - 12/03/2019       644       1,503       0.05  

Forbes Energy Services Ltd.

     02/27/2013 - 03/11/2014       7,380       38       0.00  

Pinnacol Assurance 8.625% due 06/25/2034

     06/23/2014           23,200           24,830       0.77  

Preylock Reitman Santa Cruz Mezz LLC (0.005)% - 7.210% due 11/09/2022

     04/09/2018       31,560       31,696       0.99  

Project Anfora Senior 2.325% due 10/01/2026

     09/30/2019       21,744       22,378       0.70  


86   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


Issuer Description    Acquisition
    Cost     Market
    Market Value
as Percentage
of Net Assets

Sierra Hamilton Holder LLC

     07/31/2017     $ 7,639     $ 5,707       0.18 %  

Theatre Hospitals PLC 4.190% due 12/15/2024

     12/17/2018       24       0       0.00  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC

     12/08/2014       7,006       3,607       0.11  









  $     99,513     $     90,643       2.83















Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     1.250     12/31/2019       01/02/2020     $ 4,934     U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities 0.125% due 04/15/2020   $ (5,033   $ 4,934     $ 4,934  
JPS     1.650       12/31/2019       01/02/2020           121,800     U.S. Treasury Bonds 3.000% due 11/15/2045     (123,214     121,800       121,811  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (128,247   $     126,734     $     126,745  













Counterparty   Borrowing


    Payable for


    1.900     11/01/2019       TBD (3)      $       (459   $ (460


    2.690       11/14/2019       01/14/2020         (41,346         (41,497
    2.737       12/06/2019       03/05/2020         (53,512     (53,622
    2.740       11/05/2019       02/03/2020         (44,750     (44,948
    2.748       11/22/2019       02/20/2020         (35,485     (35,596
    2.784       10/23/2019       01/22/2020         (41,456     (41,684
    2.836       10/10/2019       01/08/2020         (44,869     (45,166
    2.836       10/11/2019       01/08/2020         (24,643     (24,804


    2.247       12/03/2019       01/07/2020         (1,521     (1,524
    2.400       11/12/2019       01/14/2020         (2,774     (2,783
    2.550       11/12/2019       01/14/2020         (2,643     (2,653
    2.800       11/12/2019       01/14/2020         (20,523     (20,603


    (0.150     10/07/2019       01/07/2020       EUR       (1,425     (1,598
    (0.100     10/15/2019       01/23/2020         (9,816     (11,008
    (0.050     12/04/2019       03/04/2020         (2,978     (3,341
    1.200       10/08/2019       01/08/2020       GBP       (11,082     (14,720
    1.200       11/01/2019       01/08/2020         (2,992     (3,971
    2.250       12/04/2019       01/06/2020       $       (2,217     (2,221
    2.300       01/06/2020       02/07/2020         (3,299     (3,299
    2.330       12/16/2019       01/06/2020         (1,061     (1,062
    2.370       01/06/2020       02/07/2020         (2,171     (2,171
    2.400       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (22,630     (22,698
    2.580       11/08/2019       01/07/2020         (5,167     (5,187
    2.580       11/13/2019       01/13/2020         (6,519     (6,542
    2.580       11/18/2019       01/17/2020         (12,109     (12,148
    2.650       11/07/2019       01/06/2020         (2,060     (2,068
    2.892       03/05/2019       03/05/2020         (22,261     (22,315
    2.892       12/23/2019       03/05/2020         (6,323     (6,328
    2.895       11/14/2019       01/10/2020         (13,412     (13,465
    2.898       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (45,465     (45,619
    2.898       11/22/2019       02/20/2020         (6,936     (6,959
    2.900       11/13/2019       01/13/2020         (21,495     (21,582
    3.154       11/16/2018       TBD (3)        (58,554     (59,373


    1.850       11/01/2019       TBD (3)        (6,379     (6,399
    2.250       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (5,936     (5,958
    2.250       12/03/2019       01/03/2020         (3,678     (3,685
    2.250       01/03/2020       03/03/2020         (9,628     (9,628
    2.500       11/01/2019       TBD (3)        (1,815     (1,823
    2.804       12/27/2019       01/27/2020         (29,067     (29,081
    2.833       11/21/2019       01/21/2020         (2,404     (2,412
    2.884       10/10/2019       01/08/2020         (2,744     (2,762
    2.902       11/01/2019       01/30/2020         (8,868     (8,912
    2.904       11/15/2019       02/13/2020         (39,011     (39,162
    2.934       10/22/2019       01/22/2020         (5,892     (5,927


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   87

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund (Cont.)


Counterparty   Borrowing


    Payable for
    2.936 %       10/23/2019       01/23/2020       $       (2,998   $ (3,015
    2.984       10/11/2019       01/09/2020         (4,725     (4,758


    0.900       12/13/2019       03/12/2020       GBP       (2,149     (2,849


    2.450       12/05/2019       01/06/2020       $       (9,112     (9,129


    2.642       12/05/2019       03/05/2020         (4,251     (4,260
    2.644       11/07/2019       02/07/2020         (26,465     (26,587
    2.677       10/31/2019       01/31/2020         (19,098         (19,187


    0.500       08/13/2019       02/13/2020       EUR       (13,797     (15,506
    2.850       11/13/2019       02/11/2020       $       (6,175     (6,199
    2.852       11/19/2019       02/18/2020         (28,285     (28,384


    2.640       11/20/2019       02/18/2020         (4,969     (4,985


    (0.300     10/16/2019       01/15/2020       EUR       (332     (372
    (0.300     10/18/2019       01/16/2020         (205     (230
    (0.300     10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (973     (1,090
    (0.300     10/22/2019       01/22/2020         (1,293     (1,450
    (0.250     10/17/2019       01/16/2020         (1,910     (2,141
    (0.250     10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (3,573     (4,006
    (0.250     10/28/2019       01/28/2020         (519     (582
    (0.250     12/23/2019       01/06/2020         (1,139     (1,278
    (0.150     10/22/2018       TBD (3)        (1,148     (1,285
    0.394       11/27/2019       02/27/2020         (3,212     (3,605
    0.900       10/15/2019       01/14/2020       GBP       (374     (496
    0.950       10/07/2019       01/07/2020         (9,990     (13,262
    0.950       10/15/2019       01/14/2020         (18,053     (23,961
    0.950       10/16/2019       01/15/2020         (60,375     (80,131
    0.950       10/17/2019       01/16/2020         (24,643     (32,707
    0.950       10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (736     (977
    0.950       10/22/2019       01/22/2020         (201     (267
    0.950       10/23/2019       01/23/2020         (51,171     (67,903
    0.950       10/28/2019       01/28/2020         (5,632     (7,472
    0.950       11/20/2019       01/16/2020         (5,344     (7,086
    1.250       10/15/2019       01/10/2020         (2,031     (2,697
    2.450       10/23/2019       01/17/2020       $       (3,905     (3,924


    3.060       11/22/2019       02/20/2020         (13,897     (13,945


    2.730       11/12/2019       02/12/2020         (11,374     (11,418
    2.750       11/22/2019       02/21/2020         (26,638     (26,721
    2.780       10/31/2019       01/29/2020         (6,272     (6,303
    2.810       11/08/2019       02/07/2020         (8,984     (9,023
    2.830       11/12/2019       02/12/2020         (7,681     (7,712


    0.200       11/26/2019       01/07/2020       EUR       (20,928     (23,480


    2.886       10/23/2019       01/24/2020       $       (49,640     (49,923
    3.142       06/05/2019       06/05/2020         (18,680     (18,729
    3.208       03/20/2019       03/20/2020         (20,257     (20,280
    3.236       04/26/2019       04/27/2020         (20,426     (20,547


    2.803       11/05/2019       01/06/2020         (27,194     (27,317
    2.803       12/13/2019       01/06/2020         (2,563     (2,567
    2.805       11/06/2019       01/06/2020         (16,650     (16,724
    2.836       10/23/2019       01/24/2020         (18,717     (18,822
    2.845       11/08/2019       01/07/2020         (15,987     (16,056
    2.845       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (5,362     (5,380
    2.853       11/05/2019       01/06/2020         (21,713     (21,813


    1.750       11/01/2019       TBD (3)        (877     (880
    2.300       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (7,280     (7,307
    2.300       01/03/2020       02/04/2020         (12,630     (12,630
    2.350       11/01/2019       TBD (3)        (4,195     (4,212
    2.350       11/05/2019       02/03/2020         (1,852     (1,859
    2.350       12/23/2019       01/03/2020         (5,176     (5,179
    2.400       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (4,291     (4,308
    2.400       11/12/2019       01/13/2020         (379     (380
    2.400       11/19/2019       01/21/2020         (18,056     (18,109
    2.450       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (6,914     (6,942
    2.450       11/05/2019       02/03/2020         (1,130     (1,134
    2.450       11/12/2019       01/13/2020         (6,193     (6,215
    2.450       01/03/2020       02/04/2020         (6,315     (6,315
    2.500       11/19/2019       01/21/2020         (11,788     (11,824
    2.500       01/03/2020       02/04/2020         (4,380     (4,380
    2.550       11/12/2019       01/13/2020         (5,092     (5,110
    2.600       11/19/2019       01/21/2020         (4,438     (4,452
    2.600       11/27/2019       01/21/2020         (109     (109
    2.600       12/19/2019       02/03/2020         (1,105     (1,106


88   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


Counterparty   Borrowing


    Payable for
    2.800 %       11/19/2019       01/21/2020       $       (5,702   $ (5,722


    1.737       11/19/2019       01/27/2020       GBP       (1,904     (2,527


    1.950       12/06/2019       01/06/2020       $       (266     (266
    2.150       12/24/2019       01/22/2020         (7,651     (7,655


    2.270       11/14/2019       01/14/2020         (11,576     (11,612
    2.270       11/15/2019       01/14/2020         (2,495     (2,503
    2.270       12/10/2019       01/14/2020         (5,967     (5,976
    2.270       12/23/2019       01/14/2020         (6,622     (6,626
    2.310       12/06/2019       03/05/2020         (978     (980
    2.328       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (7,886     (7,909
    2.329       11/08/2019       02/07/2020         (22,506     (22,586
    2.329       11/27/2019       02/07/2020         (137     (137
    2.333       01/02/2020       04/01/2020         (8,225     (8,225
    2.352       11/01/2019       01/29/2020         (6,246     (6,271
    2.360       10/28/2019       01/24/2020         (15,703     (15,771
    2.364       10/24/2019       01/22/2020         (12,323     (12,380
    2.378       10/22/2019       01/21/2020         (970     (975
    2.452       10/08/2019       01/07/2020         (11,403     (11,470
    2.481       10/04/2019       01/02/2020         (8,337     (8,389
    2.791       11/21/2019       05/19/2020         (8,262     (8,289
    2.794       11/06/2019       02/04/2020         (8,810     (8,849
    2.794       11/07/2019       02/05/2020         (6,202     (6,229
    2.804       11/08/2019       02/07/2020         (7,653     (7,686
    2.839       12/06/2019       01/23/2020         (12,750     (12,819
    2.909       10/31/2019       01/29/2020         (14,592     (14,666
    3.063       09/25/2019       03/25/2020         (8,346     (8,416


    0.500       11/01/2019       TBD (3)        (1,113     (1,114
    1.000       11/01/2019       01/29/2020       GBP       (1,893     (2,511
    2.804       11/15/2019       01/15/2020       $       (3,997     (4,012
    2.836       10/23/2019       01/21/2020         (55,174     (55,483
    2.858       11/05/2019       02/03/2020         (18,866     (18,953
    2.900       11/12/2019       02/10/2020         (34,826     (34,969
    2.906       10/03/2019       01/03/2020         (1,925     (1,939
    2.909       11/12/2019       02/10/2020         (2,786     (2,797
    2.952       11/18/2019       02/14/2020         (8,302     (8,333
    2.954       11/15/2019       01/15/2020         (19,656     (19,733
    2.958       11/05/2019       02/03/2020         (3,900     (3,919
    3.292       12/24/2019       01/22/2020         (23,635     (23,654


    2.350       12/31/2019       02/25/2020         (26,158     (26,158


    2.270       11/08/2019       01/09/2020         (21,636     (21,711
    2.340       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (21,872     (21,932
    2.340       11/22/2019       02/20/2020         (8,423     (8,445
    2.340       12/23/2019       02/19/2020         (2,933     (2,935
    2.350       11/18/2019       02/12/2020         (4,217     (4,229
    2.350       11/26/2019       02/24/2020         (18,654     (18,699
    2.618       12/10/2019       01/10/2020         (22,007     (22,044
    2.746       11/14/2019       01/16/2020         (44,612     (44,779
    2.791       11/05/2019       02/06/2020         (34,346     (34,500
    2.799       11/22/2019       02/14/2020         (10,505     (10,538
    2.836       10/23/2019       01/24/2020         (19,375     (19,483
    2.934       10/10/2019       01/08/2020         (18,931     (19,061


    0.346       11/28/2019       02/28/2020       EUR       (3,583     (4,020
    0.401       11/05/2019       02/05/2020         (14,674     (16,470
    1.220       10/10/2019       02/10/2020       GBP       (7,784     (10,339
    1.605       10/29/2019       01/29/2020         (26,611     (35,350
    1.614       10/15/2019       01/15/2020         (30,084     (39,986
    2.250       11/01/2019       TBD (3)      $       (65,417     (65,670
    2.300       12/06/2019       01/08/2020         (9,439     (9,455
    2.300       12/10/2019       01/08/2020         (16,612     (16,636
    2.300       12/23/2019       01/08/2020         (3,993     (3,996
    2.450       11/01/2019       01/30/2020         (3,717     (3,733
    2.450       11/06/2019       02/04/2020         (23,095     (23,185
    2.450       11/07/2019       02/05/2020         (15,469     (15,528
    2.450       11/08/2019       02/06/2020         (3,749     (3,763
    2.450       11/13/2019       02/11/2020         (32,474     (32,585
    2.450       11/18/2019       01/07/2020         (1,544     (1,549
    2.450       11/22/2019       02/20/2020         (6,592     (6,610
    2.450       11/27/2019       02/05/2020         (1,142     (1,145
    2.450       12/04/2019       03/03/2020         (942     (944
    2.450       12/13/2019       01/07/2020         (926     (927


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   89

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund (Cont.)


Counterparty   Borrowing


    Payable for
    2.450 %       12/19/2019       02/04/2020       $       (475   $ (475
    2.450       12/23/2019       01/07/2020         (15,026     (15,036
    2.450       12/31/2019       02/11/2020         (35,229     (35,229
    2.500       10/22/2019       01/22/2020         (6,800     (6,834
    2.500       10/24/2019       01/23/2020         (2,400     (2,412
    2.500       11/06/2019       02/04/2020         (23,028     (23,119
    2.500       11/07/2019       02/05/2020         (275     (276
    2.500       11/08/2019       02/06/2020         (820     (823
    2.500       11/18/2019       01/07/2020         (14,901     (14,948
    2.500       11/22/2019       02/20/2020         (276     (277
    2.500       12/10/2019       01/08/2020         (2,331     (2,335
    2.550       10/22/2019       01/22/2020         (1,435     (1,442
    2.600       10/22/2019       01/22/2020         (2,812     (2,827
    2.600       10/24/2019       01/23/2020         (2,425     (2,437
    2.800       11/13/2019       01/10/2020         (16,402     (16,466
    2.889       10/24/2019       01/23/2020         (29,293     (29,458
    2.989       10/24/2019       01/23/2020         (12,314     (12,386
    3.090       09/19/2019       01/21/2020         (10,702     (10,798




Total Reverse Repurchase Agreements


        $     (2,606,090







The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of December 31, 2019:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net  Exposure(4)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 0     $ (460   $ 0      $ (460   $ 444     $ (16


    0       (287,317     0            (287,317         364,591           77,274  


    0       (27,563     0        (27,563     32,145       4,582  


    0       (267,675     0        (267,675     329,181       61,506  


    0       (123,522     0        (123,522     150,566       27,044  


    0       (2,849     0        (2,849     3,090       241  


    0       (9,129     0        (9,129     12,366       3,237  


    0       (50,034     0        (50,034     64,887       14,853  


    4,934       0       0        4,934       (5,033     (99


    0       (50,089     0        (50,089     64,707       14,618  


    0       (4,985     0        (4,985     5,864       879  


    0       (256,922     0        (256,922     302,057       45,135  


    121,811       (13,945     0        107,866       (104,632     3,234  


    0       (61,177     0        (61,177     75,647       14,470  


    0       (23,480     0        (23,480     29,713       6,233  


    0       (109,479     0        (109,479     148,148       38,669  


    0       (108,679     0        (108,679     136,630       27,951  


    0       (108,173     0        (108,173     96,438       (11,735


    0       (2,527     0        (2,527     2,975       448  


    0       (7,921     0        (7,921     8,321       400  


    0       (188,764     0        (188,764     219,318       30,554  


    0       (177,417     0        (177,417     230,651       53,234  


    0       (26,158     0        (26,158     0       (26,158


    0       (228,356     0        (228,356     309,737       81,381  


    0       (469,469     0        (469,469     584,804       115,335  










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     126,745     $     (2,606,090   $     0         













Remaining Contractual Maturity of the Agreements


     Overnight and
    Up to 30 days     31-90 days     Greater Than 90 days     Total  

Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Corporate Bonds & Notes

  $     0     $     (579,854   $     (252,137   $     (76,752   $     (908,743

Convertible Bonds & Notes

    0       0       0       (4,212     (4,212

U.S. Government Agencies

    0       (39,384     (3,919     0       (43,303


90   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


     Overnight and
    Up to 30 days     31-90 days     Greater Than 90 days     Total  

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

  $ 0     $ (244,845   $ (137,452   $ (39,276   $ (421,573

Asset-Backed Securities

    0       (530,039     (482,049     (67,662     (1,079,750

Sovereign Issues

    0       (33,123     (26,039     0       (59,162

Common Stocks

    0       (12,978     0       0       (12,978

Preferred Securities

    0       (5,722     (23,119     (880     (29,721
















Total Borrowings

  $     0     $     (1,445,945   $     (924,715   $     (188,782   $     (2,559,442
















Payable for reverse repurchase agreements(5)


  $ (2,559,442






Securities with an aggregate market value of $3,209,267 and cash of $1,910 have been pledged as collateral under the terms of the above master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



Includes accrued interest.


The average amount of borrowings outstanding during the period ended December 31, 2019 was $(2,628,183) at a weighted average interest rate of 2.610%. Average borrowings may include reverse repurchase agreements and sale-buyback transactions, if held during the period.


Open maturity reverse repurchase agreement.


Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Unsettled reverse repurchase agreements liability of $(46,648) is outstanding at period end.








Reference Entity


Receive Rate





Credit Spread at
December 31, 2019(2)




    Variation Margin  
  Asset     Liability  

Bombardier, Inc.

    5.000     Quarterly       06/20/2024       3.485   $ 6,300     $ (13   $ 399     $ 386     $ 0     $ 0  

Bombardier, Inc.

    5.000       Quarterly       12/20/2024       3.682       4,300       (15     265       250       4       0  

Frontier Communications Corp.

    5.000       Quarterly       06/20/2020       195.572       31,430           (1,130         (12,997         (14,127     0       (245

Frontier Communications Corp.

    5.000       Quarterly       06/20/2022       96.944       2,800       (378     (974     (1,352     0       (9

Sprint Communications, Inc.

    5.000       Quarterly       12/20/2021       1.142           13,300       249       766       1,015       0       (2















        $ (1,287   $ (12,541   $ (13,828   $     4     $     (256



















Floating Rate


Floating Rate Index


Fixed Rate











    Variation Margin  
  Asset     Liability  



3-Month CAD-Bank Bill

    3.300   Semi-Annual     06/19/2024       CAD       102,200     $ 4,746     $ (474   $ 4,272     $ 0     $ (150



3-Month CAD-Bank Bill

    3.500     Semi-Annual     06/20/2044         46,900       (1,672     (6,733     (8,405     824       0  




    2.200     Semi-Annual     01/18/2023       $       2,200       (8     54       46       0       (1




    1.750     Semi-Annual     12/21/2023         164,300       3,084       (2,837     247       0       (140




    1.750     Semi-Annual     12/21/2026         464,100       11,168           (12,963     (1,795     0       (939




    1.500     Semi-Annual     06/21/2027         245,900       (17,834     12,186       (5,648     0       (532




    2.500     Semi-Annual     12/20/2027         64,900       1,045       2,214       3,259       0       (169




    3.000     Semi-Annual     06/19/2029         155,300       12,327       2,803       15,130       0       (462




    3.000     Semi-Annual     12/19/2038         171,300       575       (26,068     (25,493     1,265       0  




    3.500     Semi-Annual     06/17/2025       AUD       41,800       1,036       2,579       3,615       0       (50




    0.150     Annual     03/18/2030       EUR       69,700       1,276       1,675       2,951       375       0  




    0.250     Annual     03/18/2050         2,000       111       131       242       31       0  




    0.150     Annual     06/17/2030       $       5,500       (4     68       64       31       0  

Receive (5)



    0.750     Semi-Annual     03/18/2030       GBP       225,275       1,302       6,599       7,901       1,739       0  

Receive (5)



    0.750     Semi-Annual     03/18/2050         29,500       619       3,107       3,726       625       0  















    $ 17,771     $ (17,659   $ 112     $ 4,890     $ (2,443
















Total Swap Agreements


    $     16,484     $     (30,200   $     (13,716   $     4,894     $     (2,699

















See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   91

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund (Cont.)




The following is a summary of the market value and variation margin of Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared Financial Derivative Instruments as of December 31, 2019:


    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities  
    Market Value     Variation Margin


          Market Value     Variation Margin


    Futures     Swap
    Futures     Swap

Total Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared

  $     0     $     0     $     4,894     $     4,894       $     0     $     0     $     (2,699)     $     (2,699)  



























Securities with an aggregate market value of $6,121 and cash of $50,531 have been pledged as collateral for exchange-traded and centrally cleared financial derivative instruments as of December 31, 2019.



If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash, securities or other deliverable obligations equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on issues as of period end serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.


The prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the underlying referenced instrument’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


This instrument has a forward starting effective date. See Note 2, Securities Transactions and Investment Income, in the Notes to Financial Statements for further information.






Counterparty    Settlement
    Currency to
be Delivered
    Currency to
be Received
    Unrealized Appreciation/
  Asset     Liability  


     01/2020     $     1,010     CAD     1,337     $ 20     $ 0  


     01/2020     EUR     11,352     $     12,706       0       (33
     01/2020     GBP     185,402         240,087       0       (5,547
     01/2020     $     299     CLP     231,426       9       0  
     01/2020         4,727     EUR     4,240       31       0  
     01/2020         9,816     GBP     7,411       42       (40
     02/2020     PEN     17,655     $     5,203       0       (119


     01/2020     EUR     2,984         3,312       0       (36
     01/2020     $     1,046     GBP     800       14       0  


     01/2020     BRL     27,111     $     6,668       0       (71
     01/2020     MXN     621,299         32,204       0       (565
     01/2020     $     6,726     BRL     27,111       13       0  
     01/2020         1,924     CLP     1,510,166       85       0  
     02/2020         6,660     BRL     27,111       73       0  
     06/2020         31,514     MXN     621,299       557       0  


     01/2020     BRL     26,889     $     6,671       0       (13
     01/2020     $     6,368     BRL     26,889       317       0  


     01/2020     BRL     222     $     55       0       0  
     01/2020     GBP     4,491         5,889       0       (61
     01/2020     $     54     BRL     222       1       0  
     01/2020         75     CLP     58,894       3       0  
     01/2020         1,935     GBP     1,477       22       0  
     03/2020         47,955     RUB     3,108,598       1,729       0  


     01/2020     GBP     10,457     $     13,662       0       (193
     01/2020     $     93     CLP     72,912       4       0  
     01/2020         1,089     EUR     981       12       0  
     01/2020         2,544     GBP     1,926       20       (12
     02/2020     NZD     65     $     42       0       (2


     01/2020     $     31,713     MXN     621,299       1,056       0  


     01/2020         5,005     GBP     3,866       117       0  


92   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


Counterparty    Settlement
    Currency to
be Delivered
    Currency to
be Received
    Unrealized Appreciation/
  Asset     Liability  


     01/2020     CLP     535,459     $     703     $ 0     $ (9
     01/2020     $     796     CLP     608,455       13       0  


     01/2020     GBP     185,402     $     238,808       0       (6,826


     01/2020     $     504     CLP     395,873       23       0  


     01/2020     EUR     105,062     $     116,043       0       (1,856







Total Forward Foreign Currency Contracts


  $     4,161     $     (15,383












Counterparty   Index/Tranches   Fixed
Receive Rate
    Swap Agreements,
at  Value(3)
  Asset     Liability  

ABX.HE.AAA.6-2 Index

    0.110%     Monthly     05/25/2046     $     5,603     $ (1,309   $ 1,044     $ 0     $ (265













Total Swap Agreements

    $     (1,309   $     1,044     $     0     $     (265
















The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of OTC financial derivative instruments and collateral pledged/(received) as of December 31, 2019:


    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities                    
Counterparty   Forward
Over the
Over the
    Net Market
Value of OTC


  $ 20     $ 0     $ 0     $ 20       $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 20     $ 0     $ 20  


    82       0       0       82         (5,739     0       0       (5,739     (5,657     3,309       (2,348


    14       0       0       14         (36     0       (265     (301     (287     512       225  


    728       0       0       728         (636     0       0       (636     92       (83     9  


    317       0       0       317         (13     0       0       (13     304       (270     34  


    1,755       0       0       1,755         (61     0       0       (61     1,694           (1,750     (56


    36       0       0       36         (207     0       0       (207     (171     0       (171


    1,056       0       0       1,056         0       0       0       0       1,056       (940     116  


    117       0       0       117         0       0       0       0       117       0       117  


    13       0       0       13         (9     0       0       (9     4       0       4  


    0       0       0       0         (6,826     0       0       (6,826         (6,826     4,390       (2,436


    23       0       0       23         0       0       0       0       23       0       23  


    0       0       0       0         (1,856     0       0       (1,856     (1,856     1,679       (177

























Total Over the Counter

  $     4,161     $     0     $     0     $     4,161       $     (15,383   $     0     $     (265   $     (15,648      



























Securities with an aggregate market value of $9,890 have been pledged as collateral for financial derivative instruments as governed by International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash, securities or other deliverable obligations equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.


The prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the underlying referenced instrument’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from OTC derivatives can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   93

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund (Cont.)




The following is a summary of the fair valuation of the Fund’s derivative instruments categorized by risk exposure. See Note 7, Principal Risks, in the Notes to Financial Statements on risks of the Fund.


Fair Values of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Consolidated Statements of Assets and Liabilities as of December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 4     $ 0     $ 0     $ 4,890     $ 4,894  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 4,161     $ 0     $ 4,161  


















  $ 0     $ 4     $ 0     $ 4,161     $ 4,890     $ 9,055  



















Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 256     $ 0     $ 0     $ 2,443     $ 2,699  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 15,383     $ 0     $ 15,383  

Swap Agreements

    0       265       0       0       0       265  


















  $ 0     $ 265     $ 0     $ 15,383     $ 0     $ 15,648  


















  $     0     $     521     $     0     $     15,383     $     2,443     $     18,347  




















The effect of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Consolidated Statements of Operations for the period ended December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 1,577     $ 0     $ 0     $ (64,557   $ (62,980



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 5,715     $ 0     $ 5,715  

Swap Agreements

    0       560       0       0       56       616  


















  $ 0     $ 560     $ 0     $ 5,715     $ 56     $ 6,331  


















  $ 0     $ 2,137     $ 0     $ 5,715     $     (64,501   $     (56,649



















Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ (6,550   $ 0     $ 0     $ 47,008     $ 40,458  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ (6,259   $ 0     $ (6,259

Swap Agreements

    0       (262     0       0       (35     (297


















  $ 0     $ (262   $ 0     $ (6,259   $ (35   $ (6,556


















  $     0     $     (6,812   $     0     $     (6,259   $ 46,973     $ 33,902  






















The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of December 31, 2019 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $     0     $     482,915     $     92,478     $     575,393  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    0       492,768       33,228       525,996  


    0       576,193       7,251       583,444  


    0       198,584       0       198,584  

Convertible Bonds & Notes



    0       5,686       0       5,686  


    0       35       0       35  
Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Municipal Bonds & Notes



  $     0     $ 2,414     $ 0     $ 2,414  


    0       1,106       0       1,106  

New Jersey

    0       0           6,104       6,104  


    0       101       0       101  


    0       92       0       92  

West Virginia

    0       24,190       0       24,190  

U.S. Government Agencies

    0           136,303       0           136,303  


94   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

  $ 0     $ 1,303,796     $ 0     $ 1,303,796  

Asset-Backed Securities

    0       1,729,701       67,625       1,797,326  

Sovereign Issues

    0       152,567       0       152,567  

Common Stocks


Communication Services

    11,367       34       0       11,401  

Consumer Discretionary

    30,221       0       0       30,221  


    922       0       1,916       2,838  


    0       0       3,607       3,607  


    1,503       0       10,207       11,710  



Communication Services

    0       18,254       0       18,254  


    0       0       5,483       5,483  

Preferred Securities


Banking & Finance

    0       74,968       0       74,968  


    0       1,433       68,362       69,795  

Real Estate Investment Trusts


Real Estate

    65,731       0       0       65,731  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       126,734       0       126,734  

Argentina Treasury Bills

    0       3,253       2,047       5,300  

U.S. Treasury Bills

    0       36,014       0       36,014  












  $     109,744     $     5,367,141     $     298,308     $     5,775,193  












Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Affiliates, at Value


Mutual Funds

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 5,707     $ 5,707  













Total Investments

  $ 109,744     $ 5,367,141     $ 304,015     $ 5,780,900  













Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    0       4,894       0       4,894  

Over the counter

    0       4,161       0       4,161  












  $ 0     $ 9,055     $ 0     $ 9,055  













Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    0       (2,699     0       (2,699

Over the counter

    0       (15,648     0       (15,648












  $ 0     $ (18,347   $ 0     $ (18,347













Total Financial Derivative Instruments

  $ 0     $ (9,292   $ 0     $ (9,292














  $     109,744     $     5,357,849     $     304,015     $     5,771,608  














The following is a reconciliation of the fair valuations using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) for the Fund during the period ended December 31, 2019:


Category and Subcategory   Beginning
at 06/30/2019
    Net Change in
    Transfers into
Level 3
    Transfers out
of Level 3
at 12/31/2019
    Net Change in
on Investments
Held at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 85,100     $ 58,552     $ (3,501   $ (159   $ (4   $ (1,335   $ 0     $ (46,175   $ 92,478     $ 1,189  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    32,866       0       (538     (39     (6     945       0       0       33,228       937  


    3,578       4,674       (240     27       0       (788     0       0       7,251       (779

Municipal Bonds & Notes


New Jersey

    6,138       0       (50     (2     0       18       0       0       6,104       18  

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    0       0       (8     0       8       0       0       0       0       0  

Asset-Backed Securities

    65,981       0       0       0       0       (6,152     7,796       0       67,625       (6,152

Common Stocks



    3,307       632       (825     0       (42     (272     0       (884     1,916       1,205  


    3,486       0       0       0       0       121       0       0       3,607       121  


    11,207       0       0       0       0       (1,000     0       0       10,207       (1,000




    2,982       0       0       0       0       2,501       0       0       5,483       2,501  

Preferred Securities



    59,379       3,559       0       0       0       5,424       0       0       68,362       5,424  

Short-Term Instruments


Argentina Treasury Bills

    0       1,848       0       0       0       199       0       0       2,047       199  
































  $ 274,024     $ 69,265     $ (5,162   $ (173   $ (44   $ (339   $ 7,796     $ (47,059   $ 298,308     $ 3,663  































Investments in Affiliates, at Value


Mutual Funds

    8,561       0       0       0       0       (2,854     0       0       5,707           (2,854
































  $     282,585     $     69,265     $     (5,162   $     (173   $     (44   $     (3,193   $     7,796     $     (47,059   $     304,015     $ 809  
































See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   95

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund (Cont.)


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


The following is a summary of significant unobservable inputs used in the fair valuations of assets and liabilities categorized within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy:


Category and Subcategory   Ending
at 12/31/2019
  (% Unless Noted Otherwise)  
  Input Value(s)     Weighted

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 31,697     Discounted Cash Flow   Discount Rate     6.940       —    
    22,378     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote     99.750       —    
    1,486     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —       —         —    
    31,220     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     88.898-93.750       93.620  
    5,697     Third Party Vendor   Broker Quote     99.250-101.000       100.923  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    8,398     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     100.354       —    
    24,830     Reference Instrument   Option Adjusted Spread     584.983 bps       —    


    216     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —       —         —    
    3,415     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     106.410       —    
    3,620     Reference Instrument   Broker Quote     101.520       —    

Municipal Bonds & Notes


New Jersey

    6,104     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     99.755       —    

Asset-Backed Securities

    67,625     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     78.300-100,205.254       60,138.427  

Common Stocks



    1,916     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —       —         —    


    3,607     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote   $ 15.000       —    


    10,207     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote   $ 35.750       —    




    5,483     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —       —         —    

Preferred Securities



    68,362     Fundamental Valuation   Company Equity Value   $ 934,387,328.532       —    

Short-Term Instruments


Argentina Treasury Bills

    2,047     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     100.000       —    





  $     298,308          




Investments in Affiliates, at Value


Common Stocks



    5,707     Other
Valuation Techniques(2)
  —       —         —    





  $     304,015          






Any difference between Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) and Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) on Investments Held at December 31, 2019 may be due to an investment no longer held or categorized as Level 3 at period end.


Includes valuation techniques not defined in the Notes to Financial Statements as securities valued using such techniques are not considered significant to the Fund.


96   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)






Advanz Pharma Corp.


7.447% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 09/06/2024 ~

  $     12,520     $     11,730  

Alphabet Holding Co., Inc.


5.299% (LIBOR03M + 3.500%) due 09/26/2024 ~

      293         283  

Altice France S.A.


5.740% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 08/14/2026 ~

      693         697  

Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.


5.550% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 10/19/2023 ~

      100         99  

6.050% (LIBOR03M + 4.250%) due 08/27/2026 ~

      199         196  

Chesapeake Energy Corp.


TBD% due 06/09/2024

      303         313  

Clay Holdco BV


TBD% due 11/30/2025 «

  EUR     14,300           15,033  

TBD% due 11/06/2026 «

      100         107  

Diamond Resorts Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/02/2023 ~

  $     7,565         7,409  

DTEK Holdings Ltd.


TBD% due 06/30/2023 «

  EUR     3,263         3,268  

Dubai World (2.000% Cash and 1.750% PIK)


3.750% (LIBOR03M + 2.000%) due 09/30/2022 ~(c)

  $     29,249         27,311  

Emerald TopCo, Inc.


5.299% (LIBOR03M + 3.500%) due 07/24/2026 ~

      98         98  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 10/10/2025 ~

      35,102         30,071  

Financial & Risk U.S. Holdings, Inc.


5.049% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/01/2025 ~

      2,852         2,880  

Fleet U.S. Bidco, Inc.


5.235% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/07/2026 «~

      40         40  

Frontier Communications Corp.


5.550% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/15/2024 ~

      2,737         2,757  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


5.691% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 05/01/2026 ~

      9,831         9,938  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A.


5.682% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 11/27/2023 ~

      300         301  

Jefferies Finance LLC


5.500% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 06/03/2026 ~

      62         62  

McDermott Technology Americas, Inc.


0.500% - 12.002% (LIBOR03M + 10.000%) due 10/21/2021 ~µ

      3,214         3,290  

6.945% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 05/09/2025 ~

      5,577         3,281  

Messer Industrie GmbH


4.445% (LIBOR03M + 2.500%) due 03/01/2026 ~

      207         208  



5.549% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 09/13/2024 ~

      264         265  

NCI Building Systems, Inc.


5.486% (LIBOR03M + 3.750%) due 04/12/2025 ~

      119         119  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC


7.713% (LIBOR03M + 6.000%) due 10/25/2023 ~

      30,014         24,716  

Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC (7.213% Cash and 1.000% PIK)


8.213% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 10/25/2023 ~(c)

        20,755           16,880  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics S.A.


5.306% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 06/30/2025 ~

  $     1,383     $     1,370  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


TBD% due 02/22/2049 ^«(d)

      1,882         1,868  

Parexel International Corp.


4.549% - 4.555% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 09/27/2024 ~

      88         87  

PetSmart, Inc.


5.740% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 03/11/2022 ~

      307         304  

Preylock Reitman Santa Cruz Mezz LLC


(0.005)% - 7.210% (LIBOR03M + 5.500%) due 11/09/2022 «~(k)

    5,540         5,564  

Project Anfora Senior


2.325% (EUR003M + 2.750%) due 10/01/2026 «~(k)

  EUR     20,000           22,378  

Sequa Mezzanine Holdings LLC


6.904% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 11/28/2021 ~

  $     13,500         13,525  

10.936% (LIBOR03M + 9.000%) due 04/28/2022 ~

      32,252         31,809  

Sotera Health Holdings LLC


6.289% (LIBOR03M + 4.500%) due 12/11/2026 ~

      309         310  

Starfruit Finco BV


4.960% (LIBOR03M + 3.250%) due 10/01/2025 ~

      643         644  

Summer (BC) Holdco B SARL


TBD% due 10/15/2026

      8,000         7,630  

Sunshine Luxembourg SARL


3.750% (EUR003M + 3.750%) due 10/01/2026 ~

  EUR     1,000         1,132  

6.195% (LIBOR03M + 4.250%) due 10/01/2026 ~

  $     675         682  

Syniverse Holdings, Inc.


6.846% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 03/09/2023 ~

      17,564         16,364  

U.S. Renal Care, Inc.


6.813% (LIBOR03M + 5.000%) due 06/26/2026 ~

      1,115         1,109  

Univision Communications, Inc.


4.549% (LIBOR03M + 2.750%) due 03/15/2024 ~

      8,980         8,882  

West Corp.


5.927% (LIBOR03M + 4.000%) due 10/10/2024 ~

      70         60  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC


10.150% (LIBOR03M + 8.250%) due 03/15/2022 «~

      7         8  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC (15.000% PIK)


15.000% due 03/15/2029 (c)

      23         19  

Windstream Services LLC


9.000% (PRIME + 4.250%) due 02/17/2024 ~

      14,550         13,818  

9.750% (PRIME + 5.000%) due 03/29/2021 ~

      6,500         6,237  




Total Loan Participations and Assignments
(Cost $300,651)








Ally Financial, Inc.


8.000% due 11/01/2031

      10         14  

Ambac Assurance Corp.


5.100% due 06/07/2020

      184         273  



6.945% due 02/12/2023 •(m)

      1,865         1,893  

Ardonagh Midco PLC


8.375% due 07/15/2023 (m)

  GBP     30,410         40,331  

8.625% due 07/15/2023 (m)

  $     400         397  

Banco de Credito del Peru


4.650% due 09/17/2024

  PEN     2,000     $     610  

Barclays Bank PLC


7.625% due 11/21/2022 (j)(m)

  $     10,100         11,357  

Barclays PLC


3.250% due 01/17/2033 (m)

  GBP     400         558  

5.875% due 09/15/2024 •(i)(j)

      400         554  

7.125% due 06/15/2025 •(i)(j)(m)

      4,600         6,900  

7.250% due 03/15/2023 •(i)(j)(m)

      3,200         4,632  

7.875% due 09/15/2022 •(i)(j)(m)

      1,400         2,062  

8.000% due 06/15/2024 •(i)(j)(m)

  $     1,400         1,567  

CBL & Associates LP


4.600% due 10/15/2024

      6         4  

5.250% due 12/01/2023

      313         220  

5.950% due 12/15/2026 (m)

      1,551         934  

Credit Suisse Group AG


7.250% due 09/12/2025 •(i)(j)(m)

      400         447  

7.500% due 07/17/2023 •(i)(j)(m)

      800         876  

Deutsche Bank AG


3.961% due 11/26/2025 •

      3,100         3,168  

Emerald Bay S.A.


0.000% due 10/08/2020 (g)

  EUR     63         69  

ESH Hospitality, Inc.


4.625% due 10/01/2027 (m)

  $     286         290  

Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors LLC


6.500% due 10/01/2025 (m)

      1,013         1,072  

GE Capital International Funding Co. Unlimited Co.


4.418% due 11/15/2035 (m)

      340         363  

Growthpoint Properties International Pty. Ltd.


5.872% due 05/02/2023

      300         323  



6.330% due 05/23/2023

      24,300         25,617  

HSBC Holdings PLC


5.875% due 09/28/2026 •(i)(j)(m)

  GBP     1,000         1,460  

6.000% due 09/29/2023 •(i)(j)

  EUR     200         259  

6.500% due 03/23/2028 •(i)(j)(m)

  $     1,220         1,343  

Hunt Cos., Inc.


6.250% due 02/15/2026

      60         59  

ING Groep NV


5.750% due 11/16/2026 •(i)(j)(m)

      800         843  

Lloyds Banking Group PLC


5.125% due 12/27/2024 •(i)(j)

  GBP     900         1,239  

7.500% due 09/27/2025 •(i)(j)(m)

  $     1,500         1,683  

7.625% due 06/27/2023 •(i)(j)(m)

  GBP     1,700         2,531  

7.875% due 06/27/2029 •(i)(j)(m)

      14,473           24,252  

LoanCore Capital Markets LLC


6.875% due 06/01/2020 (m)

  $     3,800         3,802  

Nationstar Mortgage LLC


6.500% due 07/01/2021 (m)

      1,606         1,615  

Oppenheimer Holdings, Inc.


6.750% due 07/01/2022 (m)

      1,348         1,395  

Pinnacol Assurance


8.625% due 06/25/2034 «(k)

      10,200         10,917  

Preferred Term Securities Ltd.


2.274% (US0003M + 0.380%) due 09/23/2035 ~

      303         294  

Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC


8.000% due 08/10/2025 •(i)(j)(m)

      5,775         6,659  

Santander UK Group Holdings PLC


6.750% due 06/24/2024 •(i)(j)(m)

  GBP     9,200         13,447  

7.375% due 06/24/2022 •(i)(j)(m)

      8,635         12,494  

Societe Generale S.A.


6.750% due 04/06/2028 •(i)(j)(m)

  $     400         442  

7.375% due 10/04/2023 •(i)(j)(m)

      1,600         1,749  

Springleaf Finance Corp.


5.375% due 11/15/2029

      104         109  

6.875% due 03/15/2025

      269         307  

Tesco Property Finance PLC


6.052% due 10/13/2039 (m)

  GBP     3,023         5,250  

Toll Road Investors Partnership LP


0.000% due 02/15/2045 (g)

  $     6,426         1,682  



5.250% due 01/26/2024 (m)

  GBP     6,198         9,029  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   97

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (Cont.)



Unique Pub Finance Co. PLC


5.659% due 06/30/2027

  GBP     1,529     $     2,332  

Voyager Aviation Holdings LLC


8.500% due 08/15/2021 (m)

  $     9,207         9,459  








Altice Financing S.A.


7.500% due 05/15/2026 (m)

      6,360         6,849  

Altice France S.A.


5.875% due 02/01/2027 (m)

  EUR     400         506  

7.375% due 05/01/2026 (m)

  $     300         323  

8.125% due 02/01/2027 (m)

      3,000         3,384  

Associated Materials LLC


9.000% due 01/01/2024 (m)

      16,400         14,432  

B.C. Unlimited Liability Co.


4.375% due 01/15/2028

      200         201  

Baffinland Iron Mines Corp.


8.750% due 07/15/2026 (m)

      3,600         3,634  

Bausch Health Cos., Inc.


5.000% due 01/30/2028

      178         183  

5.250% due 01/30/2030

      150         156  

BCPE Cycle Merger Sub, Inc.


10.625% due 07/15/2027

      196         201  

Bioceanico Sovereign Certificate Ltd.


0.000% due 06/05/2034 (g)

      250         175  

Bombardier, Inc.


6.125% due 01/15/2023 (m)

      2,668         2,742  

7.500% due 12/01/2024 (m)

      3,926         4,133  

7.500% due 03/15/2025 (m)

      1,929         1,994  

7.875% due 04/15/2027 (m)

      6,382         6,582  

Buffalo Thunder Development Authority


0.000% due 11/15/2029 «(k)

      2,483         2  

11.000% due 12/09/2022 ^(d)

      5,598         2,855  

Camelot Finance S.A.


4.500% due 11/01/2026

      17         18  

CCO Holdings LLC


4.750% due 03/01/2030

      438         448  

Centene Corp.


4.250% due 12/15/2027

      259         267  

4.625% due 12/15/2029

      466         492  

4.750% due 01/15/2025

      435         453  

Charter Communications Operating LLC


4.800% due 03/01/2050

      543         572  

Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc.


9.250% due 02/15/2024 (m)

      4,338         4,813  

Community Health Systems, Inc.


6.250% due 03/31/2023 (m)

      23,716         24,131  

8.000% due 03/15/2026 (m)

      1,328         1,370  

8.625% due 01/15/2024 (m)

      2,604         2,767  

Connect Finco SARL


6.750% due 10/01/2026

      144         154  

Corning, Inc.


5.450% due 11/15/2079

      186         204  

Diamond Resorts International, Inc.


7.750% due 09/01/2023 (m)

      466         480  

10.750% due 09/01/2024 (m)

      5,500           5,777  



5.875% due 07/15/2022

      14         15  

Eagle Holding Co. LLC (7.750% Cash or 8.500% PIK)


7.750% due 05/15/2022 (c)

      50         51  

Eldorado Resorts, Inc.


6.000% due 09/15/2026 (m)

      5,500         6,067  

Envision Healthcare Corp.


8.750% due 10/15/2026 (m)

      5,765         3,591  

Exela Intermediate LLC


10.000% due 07/15/2023

      267         107  

Fair Isaac Corp.


4.000% due 06/15/2028

      18         18  

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.


6.500% due 03/01/2024 (m)

      3,902         3,920  

6.875% due 03/01/2026 (m)

      4,282         4,343  

Fresh Market, Inc.


9.750% due 05/01/2023 (m)

  $     8,520     $     4,345  

Frontier Finance PLC


8.000% due 03/23/2022

  GBP     10,500           14,304  

Full House Resorts, Inc.


8.575% due 01/31/2024

  $     784         772  

9.738% due 02/02/2024

      67         66  

General Electric Co.


5.875% due 01/14/2038

      46         56  

6.150% due 08/07/2037 (m)

      235         291  

iHeartCommunications, Inc.


6.375% due 05/01/2026 (m)

      3,168         3,443  

8.375% due 05/01/2027 (m)

      4,604         5,096  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (3.625% Cash or 4.375% PIK)


3.625% due 05/15/2025 (c)

  EUR     690         813  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (3.875% Cash or 4.625% PIK)


3.875% due 05/15/2027 (c)

      300         357  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (6.000% Cash or 6.750% PIK)


6.000% due 05/15/2027 (c)(m)

  $     1,071         1,138  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (6.375% Cash or 7.125% PIK)


6.375% due 05/15/2029 (c)(m)

      944         1,017  

Intelsat Connect Finance S.A.


9.500% due 02/15/2023 (m)

      434         305  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A.


5.500% due 08/01/2023 (m)

      1,500         1,292  

8.000% due 02/15/2024 (m)

      295         303  

8.500% due 10/15/2024 (m)

      3,387         3,092  

9.750% due 07/15/2025 (m)

      1,411         1,308  

Intelsat Luxembourg S.A.


7.750% due 06/01/2021 ^(m)

      20,614           16,331  

8.125% due 06/01/2023 (m)

      8,785         5,216  

Mallinckrodt International Finance S.A.


5.500% due 04/15/2025

      318         114  

Mattel, Inc.


5.875% due 12/15/2027

      143         151  

Melco Resorts Finance Ltd.


5.375% due 12/04/2029

      300         308  

MSCI, Inc.


4.000% due 11/15/2029

      62         63  

NCL Corp. Ltd.


3.625% due 12/15/2024

      274         278  

NCR Corp.


5.750% due 09/01/2027

      4         4  

Netflix, Inc.


3.625% due 06/15/2030

  EUR     427         494  

3.875% due 11/15/2029 (m)

      1,717         2,044  

4.625% due 05/15/2029

      700         878  

4.875% due 06/15/2030 (m)

  $     300         305  

5.375% due 11/15/2029

      150         160  

Noble Holding International Ltd.


7.875% due 02/01/2026 (m)

      769         560  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.


6.625% due 05/15/2022 (m)

      1,147         1,143  

Pacific Drilling SA


8.375% due 10/01/2023 (m)

      813         744  

Pan American Energy LLC


42.636% (BADLARPP) due 11/20/2020 «~

  ARS     132,530         1,752  

Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.


7.500% due 04/01/2027 (m)

  $     316         315  

Petroleos Mexicanos


5.350% due 02/12/2028 (m)

      1,716         1,712  

6.490% due 01/23/2027

      200         213  

6.500% due 03/13/2027 (m)

      3,176         3,381  

6.750% due 09/21/2047 (m)

      120         121  

6.840% due 01/23/2030 (m)

      600         641  

7.690% due 01/23/2050 (m)

      330         361  

PetSmart, Inc.


5.875% due 06/01/2025 (m)

      203         207  

Platin 1426 GmbH


6.875% due 06/15/2023 (m)

  EUR     1,200         1,381  

6.875% due 06/15/2023

      940         1,082  

QVC, Inc.


5.950% due 03/15/2043 (m)

  $     1,511           1,415  

Radiate Holdco LLC


6.875% due 02/15/2023

  $     48     $     49  

Refinitiv U.S. Holdings, Inc.


4.500% due 05/15/2026

  EUR     400         490  

Scotts Miracle-Gro Co.


4.500% due 10/15/2029

  $     17         17  

Sealed Air Corp.


4.000% due 12/01/2027

      44         45  

Select Medical Corp.


6.250% due 08/15/2026

      101         110  

Sensata Technologies, Inc.


4.375% due 02/15/2030

      66         67  

Silgan Holdings, Inc.


4.125% due 02/01/2028

      120         120  

Staples, Inc.


7.500% due 04/15/2026

      38         39  

Telesat Canada


4.875% due 06/01/2027

      75         77  

6.500% due 10/15/2027

      49         51  

Tenet Healthcare Corp.


4.625% due 09/01/2024

      42         44  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance BV


3.650% due 11/10/2021

      170         167  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Co. BV


3.650% due 11/10/2021

      19         19  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands BV


0.375% due 07/25/2020

  EUR     487         545  

2.200% due 07/21/2021 (m)

  $     1,060         1,028  

3.250% due 04/15/2022 (m)

  EUR     800         910  

6.000% due 01/31/2025

      200         238  

7.125% due 01/31/2025

  $     200         206  

Topaz Solar Farms LLC


4.875% due 09/30/2039 (m)

      4,713         4,895  

5.750% due 09/30/2039 (m)

      13,563         14,999  

TransDigm, Inc.


5.500% due 11/15/2027

      250         253  

Transocean Pontus Ltd.


6.125% due 08/01/2025

      358         368  

Transocean, Inc.


7.250% due 11/01/2025

      243         239  

7.500% due 01/15/2026

      70         69  

Trident TPI Holdings, Inc.


9.250% due 08/01/2024

      46         47  

Triumph Group, Inc.


5.250% due 06/01/2022

      84         84  

6.250% due 09/15/2024

      134         141  

Trivium Packaging Finance BV


5.500% due 08/15/2026 (m)

      400         422  

Twitter, Inc.


3.875% due 12/15/2027

      50         50  

Unigel Luxembourg S.A.


8.750% due 10/01/2026 (m)

      500         511  

United Group BV


4.375% due 07/01/2022 (m)

  EUR     200         229  

4.875% due 07/01/2024 (m)

      200         235  

Univision Communications, Inc.


5.125% due 02/15/2025 (m)

  $     1,747         1,732  

Valaris PLC


5.750% due 10/01/2044

      321         146  

7.750% due 02/01/2026

      38         22  

Vale Overseas Ltd.


6.875% due 11/21/2036 (m)

      333         434  

6.875% due 11/10/2039

      110         144  

ViaSat, Inc.


5.625% due 04/15/2027

      34         36  

Wyndham Destinations, Inc.


3.900% due 03/01/2023 (m)

      204         206  

4.625% due 03/01/2030

      62         62  

5.400% due 04/01/2024

      50         53  

Wynn Macau Ltd.


5.125% due 12/15/2029

      200         205  








98   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)




CenturyLink, Inc.


5.125% due 12/15/2026

  $     18     $     18  

Edison International


2.400% due 09/15/2022

      379         378  

3.125% due 11/15/2022

      186         189  

3.550% due 11/15/2024

      186         191  

5.750% due 06/15/2027

      272         306  

Frontier Communications Corp.


8.000% due 04/01/2027 (m)

      316         331  

Odebrecht Drilling Norbe Ltd.


6.350% due 12/01/2021 ^(m)

      1,178         1,176  

Odebrecht Offshore Drilling Finance Ltd.


6.720% due 12/01/2022 ^(m)

      9,254           9,115  

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


2.450% due 08/15/2022 ^(d)(m)

      858         860  

2.950% due 03/01/2026 ^(d)(m)

      996         1,001  

3.250% due 09/15/2021 ^(d)(m)

      293         295  

3.250% due 06/15/2023 ^(d)(m)

      1,093         1,091  

3.300% due 03/15/2027 ^(d)(m)

      1,689         1,693  

3.300% due 12/01/2027 ^(d)(m)

      5,190         5,203  

3.400% due 08/15/2024 ^(d)(m)

      727         738  

3.500% due 10/01/2020 ^(d)(m)

      1,783         1,790  

3.500% due 06/15/2025 ^(d)(m)

      1,278         1,281  

3.750% due 02/15/2024 ^(d)(m)

      615         626  

3.750% due 08/15/2042 ^(d)

      58         58  

3.850% due 11/15/2023 ^(d)(m)

      89         90  

4.000% due 12/01/2046 ^(d)

      4         4  

4.250% due 05/15/2021 ^(d)(m)

      3,340         3,358  

4.250% due 08/01/2023 ^(d)(m)

      3,310         3,402  

4.300% due 03/15/2045 ^(d)

      233         237  

4.500% due 12/15/2041 ^(d)(m)

      534         540  

4.600% due 06/15/2043 ^(d)

      107         109  

4.650% due 08/01/2028 ^(d)(m)

      2,633         2,726  

4.750% due 02/15/2044 ^(d)(m)

      2,890         2,977  

5.125% due 11/15/2043 ^(d)(m)

      3,462         3,554  

5.400% due 01/15/2040 ^(d)

      46         48  

5.800% due 03/01/2037 ^(d)(m)

      8,885         9,286  

6.050% due 03/01/2034 ^(d)(m)

      4,901         5,143  

6.250% due 03/01/2039 ^(d)(m)

      1,776         1,875  

6.350% due 02/15/2038 ^(d)(m)

      734         779  

Petrobras Global Finance BV


6.625% due 01/16/2034 (m)

  GBP     700         1,118  

6.850% due 06/05/2115

  $     137         157  

Rio Oil Finance Trust


8.200% due 04/06/2028 (m)

      330         382  

9.250% due 07/06/2024 (m)

      4,528         5,085  

9.750% due 01/06/2027 (m)

      2,232         2,644  

Sprint Communications, Inc.


6.000% due 11/15/2022

      185         194  

Sprint Corp.


7.250% due 09/15/2021 (m)

      543         575  

7.875% due 09/15/2023 (m)

      3,100         3,427  

Talen Energy Supply LLC


6.625% due 01/15/2028

      62         63  

Transocean Poseidon Ltd.


6.875% due 02/01/2027 (m)

      320         340  

Transocean Sentry Ltd.


5.375% due 05/15/2023

      300         306  







Total Corporate Bonds & Notes (Cost $490,225)








Caesars Entertainment Corp.


5.000% due 10/01/2024 (m)

      4,394         8,465  





Ensco Jersey Finance Ltd.


3.000% due 01/31/2024

      66         47  




Total Convertible Bonds & Notes
(Cost $8,245)








Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


7.375% due 01/01/2033

  $     87     $     104  

7.750% due 01/01/2042

      129         146  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, (BABs), Series 2010


6.725% due 04/01/2035

      70         82  

7.350% due 07/01/2035

      50         61  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003


5.100% due 06/01/2033

      580         626  






TEXAS 0.0%


Texas Public Finance Authority Revenue Notes, Series 2014


8.250% due 07/01/2024

      100         101  





Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority, West Virginia Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


0.000% due 06/01/2047 (g)

      95,900         4,195  




Total Municipal Bonds & Notes (Cost $7,468)






Fannie Mae


4.128% due 07/25/2041 •(a)

      3,655         571  

4.278% due 10/25/2040 •(a)(m)

      5,428         664  

4.558% due 12/25/2037 •(a)

      200         29  

4.728% due 09/25/2037 •(a)(m)

      680         118  

4.858% due 11/25/2036 •(a)

      106         14  

4.928% due 06/25/2037 •(a)

      407         54  

5.188% due 03/25/2038 •(a)

      1,529         290  

5.208% due 02/25/2038 •(a)(m)

      969         200  

5.308% due 06/25/2023 •(a)(m)

      832         58  

5.342% due 07/25/2029 •(m)

      1,830         1,938  

7.542% due 07/25/2029 •

      2,460         2,914  

8.343% due 01/25/2041 •(m)

      5,985         7,697  

Freddie Mac


0.000% due 02/25/2046 -
11/25/2050 (b)(g)

      40,392         27,609  

0.100% due 02/25/2046 -
11/25/2050 (a)

      248,663         459  

0.100% due 11/25/2050 (a)(m)

      267,785         1,377  

1.939% due 11/25/2055 ~(a)

      83,109         6,637  

2.011% due 11/25/2045 ~(a)(m)

      23,213         3,128  

4.118% due 04/25/2025 ~(m)

      2,680         2,561  

4.670% due 05/15/2037 •(a)

      147         18  

4.730% due 07/15/2036 •(a)

      1,941         339  

4.840% due 09/15/2036 •(a)(m)

      679         130  

4.960% due 04/15/2036 •(a)

      781         96  

6.040% due 09/15/2036 •(a)(m)

      1,169         259  

6.942% due 10/25/2029 •

      2,350         2,719  

9.477% due 09/15/2041 •

      602         827  

10.792% due 03/25/2029 •

      2,091         2,623  

12.292% due 10/25/2028 •

      496         683  

12.526% due 09/15/2034 •

      60         65  

12.542% due 03/25/2025 •

      3,172         4,159  




Total U.S. Government Agencies
(Cost $63,319)






Alba PLC


1.058% due 12/15/2038 •(m)

  GBP     7,501         9,063  

Alkali Europe SARL


3.000% due 05/15/2021 «•

  EUR     15,000         16,809  

American Home Mortgage Assets Trust


2.082% due 08/25/2037 ^•(m)

  $     10,944         10,239  

2.332% due 11/25/2035 •

      1,188         1,172  

American Home Mortgage Investment Trust


2.392% due 09/25/2045 •

      4,843         4,572  

2.692% due 02/25/2044 •(m)

      9,706         8,838  

Banc of America Alternative Loan Trust


6.000% due 06/25/2037

  $     208     $     204  

6.000% due 06/25/2046

      89         88  

Banc of America Funding Trust


0.000% due 06/26/2035 ~

      5,128         5,144  

1.918% due 08/25/2047 ^~

      3,942         3,627  

1.975% due 04/20/2047 ^•(m)

      9,039         8,289  

2.215% due 02/20/2035 •(m)

      4,612         4,632  

3.876% due 01/20/2047 ^~

      164         160  

4.029% due 01/25/2035 ~

      272         273  

4.135% due 03/20/2036 ^~

      1,125         1,085  

6.119% due 07/26/2036 ~

      11,496         5,668  

Banc of America Mortgage Trust


4.122% due 10/20/2046 ^~

      175         119  

4.259% due 01/25/2036 ~

      532         517  

Bancaja Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos


0.000% due 10/25/2037 •(m)

  EUR     1,530         1,706  

Bayview Commercial Asset Trust


2.222% due 08/25/2034 •

  $     95         94  



3.713% due 04/26/2037 ~

      10,360           8,996  

3.912% due 11/26/2035 ~(m)

      4,916         4,746  

3.917% due 02/26/2036 ~

      5,174         4,006  

4.011% due 07/26/2035 ~

      1,186         1,187  

4.347% due 07/26/2045 ~(m)

      6,894         6,589  

4.735% due 06/26/2036 ~

      4,029         3,696  

5.500% due 12/26/2035 ~(m)

      5,251         4,287  

6.000% due 08/26/2037 ~

      2,838         2,518  

Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust


4.028% due 06/25/2047 ^~(m)

      2,805         2,706  

Bear Stearns ALT-A Trust


1.992% due 02/25/2034 •(m)

      4,582         4,283  

3.811% due 11/25/2035 ^~(m)

      14,834           11,800  

4.047% due 09/25/2035 ^~(m)

      7,572         5,071  

BRAD Resecuritization Trust


2.192% due 03/12/2021 «

      18,431         369  

6.550% due 03/12/2021 «

      3,446         3,433  

CD Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.398% due 12/11/2049 ~

      13         13  

CD Mortgage Trust


5.688% due 10/15/2048 (m)

      7,892         4,098  

Chase Mortgage Finance Trust


3.782% due 03/25/2037 ^~

      1,940         1,932  

3.835% due 01/25/2036 ^~

      7,463         6,931  

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust


5.589% due 12/10/2049 ~

      404         259  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust


3.859% due 10/25/2035 ^~

      2,158         2,188  

3.979% due 02/25/2036 ~

      8,780         8,365  

4.140% due 03/25/2036 ^•

      257         260  

4.169% due 09/25/2037 ^~

      5,069         4,969  

Commercial Mortgage Loan Trust


6.052% due 12/10/2049 ~(m)

      7,756         5,147  

Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust


0.799% due 12/25/2035 ~(a)

      11,714         364  

1.687% due 12/25/2035 ~(a)

      6,284         337  

1.982% due 09/25/2046 ^•(m)

      10,221         9,583  

2.042% due 06/25/2037 •(m)

      12,315         9,923  

2.522% due 11/25/2035 •(m)

      13,181           13,530  

3.773% due 06/25/2037 ^~

      155         133  

5.358% due 07/25/2036 •(a)

      9,591         3,040  

5.500% due 02/25/2020

      31         31  

5.500% due 07/25/2035 ^

      1,376         1,148  

5.500% due 11/25/2035 ^

      583         514  

5.500% due 01/25/2036 ^(m)

      113         114  

5.500% due 04/25/2037 ^(m)

      2,295         1,848  

5.750% due 01/25/2036

      202         160  

5.750% due 01/25/2037 ^(m)

      7,015         5,858  

5.750% due 04/25/2037 ^

      1,900         1,874  

6.000% due 08/25/2036 ^

      342         285  

6.000% due 11/25/2036 ^(m)

      326         287  

6.000% due 12/25/2036

      181         120  

6.000% due 01/25/2037 ^

      1,392         1,267  

6.000% due 02/25/2037 ^

      1,014         619  

6.000% due 03/25/2037 ^

      12,548         7,721  

6.000% due 04/25/2037 ^

      5,837         3,879  

6.000% due 07/25/2037 ^

      175         175  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   99

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (Cont.)



6.000% due 09/25/2037

  $     9,153     $     5,552  

28.248% due 05/25/2037 ^•

      918         1,748  

Countrywide Home Loan Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


2.132% due 03/25/2036 •

      1,288         535  

2.392% due 03/25/2035 •

      220         198  

3.429% due 11/20/2035 ~

      11,065         10,199  

3.662% due 03/25/2046 ^•(m)

      6,938         4,779  

4.365% due 06/25/2047 ^~(m)

      3,691         3,582  

5.000% due 11/25/2035 ^

      40         32  

5.500% due 12/25/2034

      112         112  

5.500% due 11/25/2035 ^

      49         44  

6.000% due 07/25/2037 ^

      223         182  

6.000% due 08/25/2037 (m)

      4,781         3,802  

6.000% due 08/25/2037 ^

      2         2  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Certificates


2.772% due 02/27/2047 ~(m)

      44,617           26,911  

3.942% due 04/26/2035 ~

      12,430         12,267  

3.995% due 07/26/2037 ~(m)

      10,787         10,196  

4.270% due 06/25/2036 ~(m)

      7,399         7,290  

7.000% due 08/26/2036

      14,458         5,339  

7.000% due 08/27/2036

      3,536         2,014  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Mortgage-Backed Trust


5.896% due 04/25/2036 þ

      6,383         4,710  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Trust


6.500% due 07/26/2036 ^(m)

      11,479         5,236  

Debussy DTC PLC


5.930% due 07/12/2025

  GBP     18,712         24,783  

8.250% due 07/12/2025

      5,000         6,610  

Deutsche ALT-A Securities, Inc. Mortgage Loan Trust


6.000% due 10/25/2021 ^

  $     197         168  



3.000% due 10/15/2024 «•

  EUR     15,000         16,825  

Eurosail PLC


0.000% due 06/13/2045 ~

  GBP     2         2,395  

1.779% (BP0003M + 1.000%) due 06/13/2045 ~(m)

      6,163         7,688  

2.029% (BP0003M + 1.250%) due 06/13/2045 ~

      6,399         7,729  

2.529% (BP0003M + 1.750%) due 06/13/2045 ~

      3,946         4,798  

4.279% (BP0003M + 3.500%) due 06/13/2045 ~

      1,411         1,785  

First Horizon Alternative Mortgage Securities Trust


4.043% due 08/25/2035 ^~

  $     863         162  

5.308% due 11/25/2036 •(a)

      1,048         411  

First Horizon Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


5.500% due 08/25/2037 ^

      403         309  

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI


0.000% due 06/16/2049 •(m)

  EUR     1,255           1,359  

GC Pastor Hipotecario FTA


0.000% due 06/21/2046 •

      4,962         4,977  

GreenPoint Mortgage Funding Trust


1.992% due 12/25/2046 ^•(m)

  $     4,546         4,375  

Grifonas Finance PLC


0.000% due 08/28/2039 •

  EUR     9,044         9,388  

GS Mortgage Securities Corp. Trust


4.591% due 10/10/2032 ~(m)

  $     9,500         9,345  

4.591% due 10/10/2032 ~

      1,700         1,630  

GSR Mortgage Loan Trust


4.198% due 11/25/2035 ~

      169         131  

6.500% due 08/25/2036 ^•(m)

      817         493  

HarborView Mortgage Loan Trust


2.004% due 03/19/2036 ^•(m)

      11,819         11,375  

2.264% due 01/19/2036 •

      6,824         5,441  

2.415% due 06/20/2035 •(m)

      7,871         7,871  

2.665% due 06/20/2035 •

      1,816         1,735  

Hipocat FTA


0.000% due 10/24/2039 •(m)

  EUR     4,439         4,941  

0.000% due 01/15/2050 •

      5,240         5,563  

IM Pastor Fondo de Titluzacion Hipotecaria


0.000% due 03/22/2043 •

      1,683         1,739  

Impac CMB Trust


2.512% due 10/25/2034 •

  $     213         214  

Impac Secured Assets Trust


1.902% due 05/25/2037 ^•

      7         6  

IndyMac Mortgage Loan Trust


1.992% due 11/25/2046 •(m)

  $     5,756     $     5,506  

2.042% due 02/25/2037 •

      3,606         2,658  

2.092% due 07/25/2036 •

      510         421  

3.282% due 03/25/2037 ~

      29         28  

3.630% due 06/25/2037 ^~

      3,949         3,351  

3.716% due 02/25/2035 ~

      315         305  

JPMorgan Alternative Loan Trust


1.992% due 06/25/2037 •

      29,889         15,685  

3.584% due 11/25/2036 ^~(m)

      628         605  

5.960% due 12/25/2036 ^þ

      7,601         7,532  

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


1.478% due 06/15/2045 ~(a)(m)

      40,477         880  

JPMorgan Mortgage Trust


3.989% due 10/25/2036 ~

      736         656  

4.107% due 06/25/2037 ^~(m)

      3,576         3,336  

Lavender Trust


6.000% due 11/26/2036

      11,719         11,945  

LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust


0.163% due 02/15/2040 ~(a)

      4,945         0  

Lehman Mortgage Trust


6.000% due 08/25/2036 ^(m)

      973         933  

6.000% due 09/25/2036 ^

      579         498  

6.500% due 09/25/2037 ^

      3,708         2,114  

7.250% due 09/25/2037 ^

      31,331         12,248  

Lehman XS Trust


2.072% due 07/25/2037 •(m)

      23,303         18,025  

2.292% due 07/25/2047 •(m)

      3,494         3,094  

MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust


1.992% due 05/25/2047 •(m)

      15,695         17,581  

2.472% due 05/25/2047 ^•

      4,243         4,679  

MASTR Alternative Loan Trust


2.142% due 03/25/2036 •

      20,176         3,035  

2.192% due 03/25/2036 ^•

      26,667         4,093  

Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust


4.506% due 05/25/2036 ~

      4,281         4,175  

Morgan Stanley Re-REMIC Trust


4.427% due 07/26/2035 ~(m)

      19,893         19,939  

4.609% due 09/26/2035 ~

      2,623         2,701  

6.000% due 04/26/2036 (m)

      7,969         8,933  

Mortgage Equity Conversion Asset Trust


4.000% due 07/25/2060

      1,935         1,888  

Motel 6 Trust


8.666% due 08/15/2024 •

      14,663         14,923  

Natixis Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust


4.740% due 11/15/2034 •

      1,280         1,272  

5.740% due 11/15/2034 •

      555         546  

Newgate Funding PLC


0.854% due 12/15/2050 •(m)

  EUR     1,643         1,780  

0.998% due 12/15/2050 •(m)

  GBP     1,444         1,698  

1.104% due 12/15/2050 •(m)

  EUR     3,136         3,369  

2.048% due 12/15/2050 •

  GBP     2,479         3,179  

Nomura Resecuritization Trust


7.213% due 09/26/2035 ~

  $     3,968         3,796  

NovaStar Mortgage Funding Trust


1.516% due 09/25/2046 •

      421         405  

RBSSP Resecuritization Trust


4.269% due 07/26/2045 ~(m)

      20,150           20,272  

4.314% due 05/26/2037 ~(m)

      5,148         4,529  

6.000% due 03/26/2036 ^

      5,655         4,479  

Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. Trust


1.972% due 07/25/2036 ^•

      9,554         5,829  

1.982% due 05/25/2037 •(m)

      12,896         12,360  

3.239% due 01/25/2046 ^•

      4,852         4,622  

5.732% due 01/25/2036 ~

      466         412  

6.000% due 08/25/2035 ^

      744         744  

6.000% due 06/25/2036

      284         270  

6.000% due 09/25/2036 ^

      4,555         3,234  

7.000% due 10/25/2037

      8,427         7,489  

Residential Asset Securitization Trust


5.500% due 07/25/2035

      758         668  

6.250% due 08/25/2037 ^

      4,141         1,638  

Residential Funding Mortgage Securities, Inc. Trust


5.433% due 08/25/2036 ^~

      1,263         1,098  

5.850% due 11/25/2035 ^

      127         122  

6.000% due 04/25/2037 ^

      1,053         1,021  

Rite Aid Pass-Through Certificates


6.781% due 01/02/2021 ~

  $     7,625     $     7,796  

RiverView HECM Trust


2.030% due 05/25/2047 •(m)

      6,664         6,255  

Sequoia Mortgage Trust


2.135% due 07/20/2036 •

      1,616         917  

2.965% due 10/20/2027 •

      871         854  

Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust


3.965% due 08/25/2036 ~

      3,006         1,226  

4.015% due 02/25/2037 ^~

      10,535         9,270  

4.403% due 04/25/2047 ~

      1,694         1,230  

Structured Asset Mortgage Investments Trust


1.982% due 07/25/2046 ^•(m)

      13,928         11,765  

2.132% due 03/25/2037 ^•

      683         418  

4.111% due 02/25/2036 ~

      4,366         4,134  

SunTrust Alternative Loan Trust


5.358% due 04/25/2036 ^•(a)

      4,567         1,438  

TBW Mortgage-Backed Trust


6.500% due 07/25/2036 (m)

      19,451         9,124  

Theatre Hospitals PLC


3.785% due 10/15/2031 •

  GBP     5,456         7,227  

3.785% due 10/15/2031 •(m)

      11,059         14,649  

4.190% due 12/15/2024 «(k)

      370         0  

4.535% due 10/15/2031 •

      776         1,028  

WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust


2.212% due 06/25/2044 •

  $     188         183  

2.377% due 07/25/2047 ^•(m)

      673         571  

2.989% due 06/25/2047 ^•

      2,890         932  

3.049% due 07/25/2047 •(m)

      18,086         16,432  

3.119% due 10/25/2046 ^•(m)

      368         354  

3.871% due 03/25/2037 ^~

      3,128         3,043  

4.000% due 02/25/2037 ^~

      370         355  

Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust


2.032% due 01/25/2047 ^•

      10,109           9,382  

2.392% due 07/25/2036 ^•

      5,696         3,811  

6.000% due 04/25/2037 ^

      3,075         2,994  

Wells Fargo Alternative Loan Trust


4.870% due 07/25/2037 ^~

      2,829         2,629  

5.750% due 07/25/2037 ^

      326         318  

Wells Fargo Mortgage Loan Trust


5.220% due 04/27/2036 ~(m)

      10,110         9,775  

Wells Fargo Mortgage-Backed Securities Trust


6.000% due 06/25/2037 ^

      167         167  




Total Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $745,336)






ACE Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust


2.752% due 08/25/2035 •

      5,213         2,924  

Aegis Asset-Backed Securities Trust Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates


3.892% due 09/25/2034 •

      740         737  

Asset-Backed Funding Certificates Trust


2.842% due 03/25/2034 ^•

      918         901  

Bear Stearns Asset-Backed Securities Trust


2.342% due 06/25/2036 •(m)

      8,846         8,838  

3.338% due 10/25/2036 ~

      3,604         2,464  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust


1.952% due 12/25/2036 •(m)

      16,506         11,488  

2.012% due 12/25/2036 •(m)

      9,538         5,207  

2.492% due 11/25/2046 •(m)

      2,100         1,684  

4.865% due 03/25/2036 ^þ

      1,927         1,335  

5.852% due 05/25/2036 ^þ

      472         260  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc.


2.052% due 03/25/2037 •(m)

      20,329           18,775  

Conseco Finance Corp.


7.060% due 02/01/2031 ~

      3,855         3,799  

7.500% due 03/01/2030 ~(m)

      7,584         4,891  

Conseco Finance Securitizations Corp.


9.163% due 03/01/2033 ~

      8,020         7,362  

Cork Street CLO Designated Activity Co.


0.000% due 11/27/2028 ~

  EUR     2,667         2,778  


100   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)



Coronado CDO Ltd.


3.400% due 09/04/2038 •

  $     10,834     $     6,799  

6.000% due 09/04/2038

      1,667         1,268  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates


1.922% due 12/25/2036 ^•(m)

      12,636         11,912  

1.962% due 06/25/2047 •(m)

      1,510         1,508  

1.992% due 06/25/2037 ^•(m)

      8,248         7,993  

1.992% due 06/25/2047 ^•(m)

      21,360           19,232  

2.052% due 01/25/2046 ^•(m)

      34,748         27,418  

2.212% due 06/25/2036 ^•(m)

      8,000         7,661  

4.414% due 02/25/2036 ~

      40         41  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates Trust


2.032% due 03/25/2047 ^•(m)

      7,655         7,023  

2.522% due 04/25/2036 ^•(m)

      21,300         21,337  

3.142% due 11/25/2035 •

      3,108         542  

5.859% due 10/25/2046 ^~

      2,251         2,135  

Countrywide Home Equity Loan Trust


5.657% due 03/25/2034 ~

      46         46  

Crecera Americas LLC


5.563% due 08/31/2020 •

      22,300         22,324  

Credit-Based Asset Servicing & Securitization CBO Corp.


2.137% due 09/06/2041 •

      27,723         2,176  

Credit-Based Asset Servicing & Securitization LLC


6.250% due 10/25/2036 þ(m)

      7,993         8,174  

CSAB Mortgage-Backed Trust


5.500% due 05/25/2037 ^

      3,137         2,882  



4.947% due 06/15/2040 (m)

      2,369         2,382  

EMC Mortgage Loan Trust


2.732% due 04/25/2042 •(m)

      1,595         1,591  

5.167% due 04/25/2042 •

      2,813         2,543  

First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust


2.262% due 11/25/2036 •(m)

      5,000         4,571  

2.292% due 12/25/2035 •(m)

      23,487           22,372  

Glacier Funding CDO Ltd.


2.172% due 08/04/2035 •

      10,274         2,473  

GMAC Mortgage Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust


6.749% due 12/25/2037 þ

      2,388         2,443  



3.667% due 06/25/2034 •(m)

      1,253         1,230  

Hout Bay Corp.


1.954% due 07/05/2041 •

      34,268         8,173  

Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust


1.000% due 12/15/2022 «

      7,500         5,746  

IndyMac Home Equity Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Trust


6.192% due 12/25/2031 ^þ

      569         223  

JPMorgan Mortgage Acquisition Corp.


2.412% due 12/25/2035 •(m)

      16,459         16,193  

KGS-Alpha SBA COOF Trust


1.040% due 04/25/2038 «~(a)

      1,551         36  

Lehman XS Trust


6.170% due 06/24/2046 þ

      1,608         1,620  

Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust


1.982% due 02/25/2036 •(m)

      10,028         8,941  

2.312% due 08/25/2045 •(m)

      13,608         13,384  

2.497% due 11/25/2035 •(m)

      16,062         13,902  

2.842% due 02/25/2034 •

      118         118  

2.842% due 06/25/2035 •(m)

      7,300         7,309  

Marlette Funding Trust


0.000% due 09/17/2029 «(g)

      12         4,722  

MASTR Asset-Backed Securities Trust


1.942% due 03/25/2036 •(m)

      7,735         5,723  

2.362% due 01/25/2036 •(m)

      400         395  

Mid-State Capital Corp. Trust


6.742% due 10/15/2040

      4,983         5,680  

Morgan Stanley ABS Capital, Inc. Trust


1.892% due 11/25/2036 •

      1,635         1,125  

2.122% due 02/25/2037 •(m)

      5,759         3,571  

2.827% due 01/25/2035 •

      1,777         1,200  

Morgan Stanley Home Equity Loan Trust


2.022% due 04/25/2037 •(m)

      29,265         19,468  

National Collegiate Commutation Trust


0.000% due 03/25/2038 •

  $     37,800     $     13,504  

Oakwood Mortgage Investors, Inc.


7.840% due 11/15/2029 ~

      2,603         2,770  

8.490% due 10/15/2030 ^(m)

      1,185         1,039  

Ocean Trails CLO


7.005% due 08/13/2025 •(m)

      1,500         1,498  

Option One Mortgage Loan Trust


2.152% due 01/25/2036 •(m)

      20,000         18,600  

Palisades CDO Ltd.


2.903% due 07/22/2039 •

      4,900         2,538  

Popular ABS Mortgage Pass-Through Trust


3.042% due 08/25/2035 •(m)

      3,663         3,766  

Residential Asset Mortgage Products Trust


2.767% due 04/25/2034 •

      3,704         3,647  

Residential Asset Securities Corp. Trust


2.032% due 08/25/2036 •(m)

      10,998         8,631  

Saxon Asset Securities Trust


2.242% due 11/25/2037 •(m)

      13,000         12,716  

SLM Student Loan EDC Repackaging Trust


0.000% due 10/28/2029 «(g)

      11         10,917  

SLM Student Loan Trust


0.000% due 01/25/2042 «(g)

      9         5,766  

SMB Private Education Loan Trust


0.000% due 10/15/2048 «(g)

      3         1,996  

SoFi Professional Loan Program LLC


0.000% due 03/25/2036 «(g)

      80         622  

0.000% due 01/25/2039 (g)

      9,180         2,747  

0.000% due 05/25/2040 (g)

      9,300         3,430  

0.000% due 07/25/2040 «(g)

      47         1,878  

0.000% due 09/25/2040 (g)

      4,003         2,000  

Soloso CDO Ltd.


2.363% due 10/07/2037 •

      4,800         3,948  

Soundview Home Loan Trust


2.072% due 06/25/2037 •(m)

      7,972         6,186  

2.292% due 03/25/2036 •(m)

      16,905         16,508  

South Coast Funding Ltd.


2.303% due 01/06/2041 •

      145,851         33,832  

Structured Asset Securities Corp.


7.792% due 05/25/2032 ^•

      7,065         6,249  

Symphony CLO Ltd.


6.601% due 07/14/2026 •(m)

      4,400         4,141  

Tropic CDO Ltd.


2.321% due 07/15/2036 •

      4,378         3,990  

Verde CDO Ltd.


2.273% due 10/05/2045 •

      86,920         30,192  




Total Asset-Backed Securities
(Cost $561,692)






Argentina Government International Bond


2.500% due 07/22/2021 (h)

  ARS     37,645         299  

3.375% due 01/15/2023

  EUR     400         205  

3.380% due 12/31/2038 þ(m)

      13,491         7,032  

3.875% due 01/15/2022 (m)

      3,000         1,616  

4.000% due 03/06/2020 (h)

  ARS     211,717           2,113  

5.250% due 01/15/2028

  EUR     300         150  

6.250% due 11/09/2047

      100         51  

7.820% due 12/31/2033 (m)

      17,345         11,273  

7.820% due 12/31/2033

      405         258  

15.500% due 10/17/2026

  ARS     163,630         760  

42.836% (BADLARPP + 2.000%) due 04/03/2022 ~

      147,204         1,306  

45.399% (BADLARPP + 3.250%) due 03/01/2020 ~

      2,300         25  

56.589% (ARLLMONP) due 06/21/2020 ~(a)

      267,776         2,422  

59.928% (BADLARPP) due 10/04/2022 ~(a)

      138         2  

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Argentina


44.086% due 03/29/2024 •

      866,312         9,948  

51.313% (BADLARPP + 5.000%) due 01/23/2022 ~(a)

      50,490         632  

Autonomous Community of Catalonia


4.900% due 09/15/2021

  EUR     50     $     60  

4.950% due 02/11/2020

      50         56  

Export-Credit Bank of Turkey


8.250% due 01/24/2024 (m)

  $     600         654  

Provincia de Buenos Aires


45.979% due 05/31/2022 •

  ARS     16,910         133  

52.270% (BADLARPP + 3.750%) due 04/12/2025 ~(a)

      717,986         5,447  

South Africa Government International Bond


4.850% due 09/30/2029 (m)

  $     3,200         3,208  

5.750% due 09/30/2049 (m)

      2,200         2,147  

Turkey Government International Bond


3.250% due 06/14/2025

  EUR     300         336  

4.625% due 03/31/2025 (m)

      4,900         5,825  

5.200% due 02/16/2026 (m)

      1,500         1,827  

5.600% due 11/14/2024 (m)

  $     7,300         7,441  

7.625% due 04/26/2029 (m)

      6,400         7,086  

Venezuela Government International Bond


6.000% due 12/09/2020 ^(d)

      590         71  

8.250% due 10/13/2024 ^(d)

      136         16  

9.250% due 09/15/2027 ^(d)

      734         88  




Total Sovereign Issues (Cost $115,110)








Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (e)

      1,495,047         4,276  

iHeartMedia, Inc.

      1,108         17  

iHeartMedia, Inc. ‘A’ (e)

      82,474         1,393  








Caesars Entertainment Corp. (e)

      1,283,486         17,455  

Desarrolladora Homex S.A.B. de C.V. (e)

      719,113         4  

Urbi Desarrollos Urbanos S.A.B. de C.V. (e)

      95,515         5  








Dommo Energia S.A. (e)(k)

      331,036         241  

Dommo Energia S.A. «

      838,824         506  

Dommo Energia S.A. SP - ADR «(e)

      2,627         19  








Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC «(k)

      358         5  





Eneva S.A. (e)(k)

      37,702         410  

TexGen Power LLC «

      130,864         4,678  







Total Common Stocks (Cost $38,307)








iHeartMedia, Inc.

      537,144         9,078  




Total Warrants (Cost $9,849)






See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   101

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (Cont.)


        SHARES         MARKET




AGFC Capital Trust


3.751% (US0003M + 1.750%) due 01/15/2067 ~(m)

      12,900,000     $     6,450  

Nationwide Building Society


10.250% ~(m)

      124,916         27,467  

Stichting AK Rabobank Certificaten


6.500% due 12/29/2049 (i)

      440,000         629  








General Electric Co.


5.000% due 01/21/2021 •(i)(m)

      737,000         723  




Total Preferred Securities (Cost $33,822)




        SHARES         MARKET




VICI Properties, Inc.

      594,589     $     15,192  




Total Real Estate Investment Trusts (Cost $7,461)













41.333% due 04/03/2020 «~

  ARS     14,500         198  

43.313% due 06/22/2020 «~

      13,080         194  

87.792% due 02/26/2020 -
08/27/2020 (f)(g)

        125,893         1,789  








1.598% due 01/16/2020 -
02/27/2020 (f)(g)(m)(p)

  $     11,428     $     11,412  



Total Short-Term Instruments (Cost $94,952)     93,680  



Total Investments in Securities (Cost $2,476,437)     2,604,426  
Total Investments 165.9% (Cost $2,476,437)


  $     2,604,426  

Financial Derivative
Instruments (n)(o) (0.5)%

(Cost or Premiums, net $(5,018))

Other Assets and Liabilities, net (65.4)%       (1,026,868



Net Assets 100.0%


  $       1,569,897  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Security is in default.


Security valued using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3).


All or a portion of this amount represents unfunded loan commitments. The interest rate for the unfunded portion will be determined at the time of funding. See Note 4, Securities and Other Investments, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information regarding unfunded loan commitments.


Variable or Floating rate security. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread, rather are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date, which may vary by security. These securities may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.

Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end. The rate may be based on a fixed rate, a capped rate or a floor rate and may convert to a variable or floating rate in the future. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description.


Coupon represents a rate which changes periodically based on a predetermined schedule or event. Rate shown is the rate in effect as of period end.


Interest only security.


Principal only security.


Payment in-kind security.


Security is not accruing income as of the date of this report.


Security did not produce income within the last twelve months.


Coupon represents a weighted average yield to maturity.


Zero coupon security.


Principal amount of security is adjusted for inflation.


Perpetual maturity; date shown, if applicable, represents next contractual call date.


Contingent convertible security.




Issuer Description              Acquisition
    Cost     Market
    Market Value
as Percentage
of Net Assets

Buffalo Thunder Development Authority 0.000% due 11/15/2029

    12/08/2014     $ 1     $ 2       0.00

Dommo Energia S.A.

         12/21/2017 - 12/26/2017       86       241       0.01  

Eneva S.A.

         12/21/2017 - 12/03/2019       175       410       0.03  

Pinnacol Assurance 8.625% due 06/25/2034

         06/23/2014       10,200       10,917       0.70  

Preylock Reitman Santa Cruz Mezz LLC (0.005)% - 7.210% due 11/09/2022

    04/09/2018       5,540       5,564       0.35  

Project Anfora Senior 2.325% due 10/01/2026

         09/30/2019       21,745       22,378       1.43  

Theatre Hospitals PLC 4.190% due 12/15/2024

         12/17/2018       11       0       0.00  

Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC

         03/26/2019       1       5       0.00  









  $     37,759     $     39,517       2.52











102   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)






Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     1.250     12/31/2019       01/02/2020     $ 3,087     U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities 0.125% due 04/15/2020   $ (3,151   $ 3,087     $ 3,087  
JPS     1.650       12/31/2019       01/02/2020           77,000     U.S. Treasury Bonds 3.000% due 11/15/2045     (77,894     77,000       77,007  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (81,045   $     80,087     $     80,094  













Counterparty   Borrowing
    Payable for


    1.900     11/01/2019       TBD (3)      $       (88   $ (88


    2.740       11/05/2019       02/03/2020         (30,790         (30,926
    2.744       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (19,285     (19,347
    2.758       11/05/2019       02/03/2020         (7,332     (7,365
    2.769       11/27/2019       02/25/2020         (9,521     (9,547
    2.893       10/04/2019       01/06/2020         (15,946     (16,061


    2.247       12/03/2019       01/07/2020         (622     (623
    2.545       11/15/2019       01/15/2020         (1,482     (1,487
    2.641       11/14/2019       01/14/2020         (7,275     (7,301
    2.695       11/15/2019       01/15/2020         (9,415     (9,449


    (0.100     10/15/2019       01/23/2020       EUR       (369     (414
    (0.050     11/12/2019       02/12/2020         (7,397     (8,297
    (0.050     12/04/2019       03/04/2020         (1,082     (1,214
    1.200       10/08/2019       01/08/2020       GBP       (2,752     (3,656
    1.300       11/28/2019       02/28/2020         (1,768     (2,345
    1.360       10/04/2019       02/04/2020         (12,229     (16,252
    2.350       12/13/2019       01/10/2020       $       (1,208     (1,210
    2.370       01/06/2020       02/07/2020         (1,399     (1,399
    2.400       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (12,729     (12,767
    2.500       11/14/2019       01/10/2020         (6,394     (6,416
    2.550       10/24/2019       01/22/2020         (10,459     (10,511
    2.550       12/19/2019       01/22/2020         (428     (428
    2.580       11/27/2019       01/21/2020         (2,500     (2,506
    2.650       10/24/2019       01/22/2020         (3,343     (3,360
    2.650       11/07/2019       01/06/2020         (1,332     (1,337
    2.703       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (1,652     (1,658
    2.853       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (11,838     (11,880
    2.892       03/05/2019       03/05/2020         (42,398     (42,501
    2.892       10/07/2019       03/05/2020         (5,782     (5,796
    2.898       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (16,454     (16,510
    2.900       11/13/2019       01/13/2020         (2,096     (2,104
    3.127       10/07/2019       03/05/2020         (16,286     (16,409
    3.144       12/14/2018       TBD (3)        (24,480     (24,962


    (0.500     12/18/2019       TBD (3)      GBP       (605     (801
    1.850       11/01/2019       TBD (3)      $       (2,835     (2,844
    2.250       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (2,968     (2,979
    2.250       11/27/2019       01/03/2020         (1,926     (1,930
    2.250       01/03/2020       03/03/2020         (4,901     (4,901
    2.804       12/27/2019       01/27/2020         (23,332     (23,343
    2.884       10/10/2019       01/08/2020         (1,176     (1,184
    2.934       10/22/2019       01/22/2020         (4,035     (4,059
    2.935       10/25/2019       01/23/2020         (9,696     (9,751
    3.117       12/13/2019       01/24/2020         (7,041     (7,053


    2.677       10/31/2019       01/31/2020         (35,933     (36,101


    (0.230     10/07/2019       01/07/2020       EUR       (4,292     (4,812
    2.640       11/20/2019       02/18/2020       $       (2,019     (2,025


    (0.300     10/18/2019       01/17/2020       EUR       (666     (747
    (0.250     10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (1,457     (1,633
    (0.200     10/23/2019       01/23/2020         (997     (1,117
    (0.116     10/17/2019       01/17/2020         (5,527     (6,198
    (0.066     10/17/2019       01/17/2020         (1,023     (1,147
    0.200       10/15/2019       01/10/2020         (5,333     (5,985
    0.900       10/15/2019       01/14/2020       GBP       (1,588     (2,107


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   103

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (Cont.)


Counterparty   Borrowing
    Payable for
    0.950     10/15/2019       01/14/2020       GBP       (14,798   $ (19,640
    0.950       10/16/2019       01/15/2020         (14,783     (19,621
    0.950       10/17/2019       01/16/2020         (13,598     (18,047
    0.950       10/18/2019       01/14/2020         (3,310     (4,393
    0.950       10/18/2019       01/15/2020         (1,278     (1,696
    0.950       10/18/2019       01/17/2020         (5,141     (6,823
    0.950       10/22/2019       01/22/2020         (622     (825
    0.950       10/23/2019       01/23/2020         (14,214     (18,862
    0.950       11/20/2019       01/16/2020         (943     (1,250


    2.710       11/08/2019       02/07/2020       $       (4,099     (4,116
    2.760       11/04/2019       02/05/2020         (11,352     (11,403
    2.780       11/04/2019       02/05/2020         (20,429         (20,522
    2.810       11/08/2019       02/07/2020         (2,798     (2,810
    3.010       11/04/2019       02/05/2020         (3,611     (3,629


    3.209       05/01/2019       05/01/2020         (17,470     (17,577


    2.453       11/05/2019       01/06/2020         (2,571     (2,581
    2.853       11/05/2019       01/06/2020         (5,283     (5,307
    3.003       11/05/2019       01/06/2020         (1,935     (1,944


    2.300       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (1,796     (1,803
    2.300       01/03/2020       02/04/2020         (2,696     (2,696
    2.350       11/05/2019       02/03/2020         (1,365     (1,370
    2.400       11/04/2019       01/03/2020         (956     (960
    2.400       11/07/2019       01/07/2020         (2,609     (2,619
    2.400       11/12/2019       01/13/2020         (1,196     (1,200
    2.400       11/19/2019       01/21/2020         (8,127     (8,151
    2.400       12/04/2019       01/21/2020         (2,966     (2,972
    2.450       11/05/2019       02/03/2020         (606     (608
    2.450       11/12/2019       01/13/2020         (10,237     (10,273
    2.450       11/12/2019       02/03/2020         (188     (189
    2.600       11/05/2019       02/03/2020         (700     (703
    2.600       12/18/2019       02/03/2020         (401     (401
    2.800       11/19/2019       01/21/2020         (4,371     (4,386


    2.500       11/19/2019       02/14/2020         (6,784     (6,805


    1.950       12/06/2019       01/06/2020         (590     (591


    2.270       11/15/2019       01/14/2020         (986     (989
    2.328       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (2,003     (2,009
    2.329       11/08/2019       02/07/2020         (7,918     (7,946
    2.364       10/25/2019       01/23/2020         (11,703     (11,756
    2.364       11/27/2019       01/23/2020         (311     (312
    2.378       10/21/2019       01/21/2020         (2,781     (2,794
    2.452       10/08/2019       01/07/2020         (4,443     (4,469
    2.452       12/23/2019       01/07/2020         (1,335     (1,336
    2.504       11/08/2019       02/07/2020         (341     (342
    2.791       11/21/2019       05/19/2020         (10,807     (10,842
    2.794       11/07/2019       02/05/2020         (18,117     (18,196
    2.803       11/18/2019       02/18/2020         (31,437     (31,547
    2.988       08/28/2019       02/24/2020         (35,451     (35,825
    3.059       09/23/2019       03/23/2020         (19,304     (19,470
    3.063       09/25/2019       03/25/2020         (3,871     (3,904


    0.500       11/01/2019       TBD (3)        (7,584     (7,590
    2.839       10/24/2019       01/24/2020         (1,445     (1,453
    2.854       11/14/2019       02/12/2020         (14,434     (14,490
    3.186       10/11/2019       01/09/2020         (2,803     (2,824


    2.270       11/08/2019       01/09/2020         (5,441     (5,460
    2.350       11/26/2019       02/24/2020         (12,634     (12,664
    2.360       11/14/2019       02/12/2020         (1,030     (1,033
    2.746       11/14/2019       01/16/2020         (31,033     (31,149
    2.799       11/20/2019       02/19/2020         (7,678     (7,704
    2.809       11/13/2019       02/11/2020         (8,358     (8,391
    2.952       10/17/2019       01/17/2020         (1,909     (1,921


    0.120       11/22/2019       02/24/2020       EUR       (687     (771
    0.150       11/20/2019       02/20/2020         (354     (397
    0.150       12/16/2019       02/20/2020         (382     (429
    1.605       10/29/2019       01/29/2020       GBP       (8,197     (10,888
    2.250       11/01/2019       TBD (3)      $       (32,446     (32,572
    2.300       12/06/2019       01/08/2020         (2,174     (2,178
    2.400       12/13/2019       01/10/2020         (4,510     (4,516
    2.450       10/28/2019       01/27/2020         (3,614     (3,630
    2.450       11/01/2019       01/30/2020         (1,622     (1,629
    2.450       11/06/2019       02/04/2020         (2,724     (2,735


104   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


Counterparty   Borrowing
    Payable for
    2.450     11/07/2019       02/05/2020     $         (7,942   $ (7,972
    2.450       11/12/2019       02/10/2020         (24,128     (24,212
    2.450       11/14/2019       01/07/2020         (6,679     (6,701
    2.450       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (11,746     (11,780
    2.450       11/29/2019       01/07/2020         (4,474     (4,484
    2.450       12/10/2019       01/07/2020         (2,994     (2,999
    2.450       12/16/2019       01/30/2020         (707     (708
    2.450       12/19/2019       01/07/2020         (2,033     (2,035
    2.450       12/23/2019       01/07/2020         (2,118     (2,119
    2.450       12/31/2019       01/07/2020         (1,764     (1,764
    2.450       12/31/2019       02/19/2020         (7,005     (7,005
    2.500       10/21/2019       01/22/2020         (3,272     (3,289
    2.500       10/25/2019       01/24/2020         (1,797     (1,806
    2.500       11/06/2019       02/04/2020         (8,954     (8,989
    2.500       11/07/2019       02/05/2020         (1,749     (1,756
    2.500       11/14/2019       01/07/2020         (3,065     (3,075
    2.500       11/21/2019       02/19/2020         (5,742     (5,759
    2.500       11/27/2019       01/24/2020         (568     (569
    2.600       10/25/2019       01/24/2020         (1,453     (1,460
    2.889       10/25/2019       01/24/2020         (1,277     (1,284




Total Reverse Repurchase Agreements


      $     (1,029,543







The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of December 31, 2019:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net  Exposure(4)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 0     $ (88   $ 0      $ (88   $ 85     $ (3


    0       (83,246     0        (83,246         104,082       20,836  


    0       (18,860     0        (18,860     23,845       4,985  


    0       (193,932     0            (193,932     233,636       39,704  


    0       (58,845     0        (58,845     73,179       14,334  


    0       (36,101     0        (36,101     50,217       14,116  


    3,087       0       0        3,087       (3,151     (64


    0       (6,837     0        (6,837     7,530       693  


    0       (110,091     0        (110,091     128,259       18,168  


    77,007       0       0        77,007       (77,894     (887


    0       (42,480     0        (42,480     53,824       11,344  


    0       (17,577     0        (17,577     23,371       5,794  


    0       (9,832     0        (9,832     12,848       3,016  


    0       (38,331     0        (38,331     38,969       638  


    0       (6,805     0        (6,805     8,360       1,555  


    0       (591     0        (591     611       20  


    0       (151,737     0        (151,737     193,106           41,369  


    0       (26,357     0        (26,357     31,553       5,196  


    0       (68,322     0        (68,322     91,032       22,710  


    0       (159,511     0        (159,511     185,728       26,217  










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     80,094     $     (1,029,543   $     0         













Remaining Contractual Maturity of the Agreements


     Overnight and
    Up to 30 days     31-90 days     Greater Than 90 days     Total  

Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Corporate Bonds & Notes

  $     0     $     (220,268   $ (86,875   $ (43,896   $ (351,039

Convertible Bonds & Notes

    0       (2,972     0       0       (2,972

U.S. Government Agencies

    0       (6,212     (8,462     0       (14,674

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    0       (118,854         (265,162         (28,419         (412,435

Asset-Backed Securities

    0       (28,857     (124,779     (24,962     (178,598

Sovereign Issues

    0       (11,308     (22,278     0       (33,586


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   105

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (Cont.)


     Overnight and
    Up to 30 days     31-90 days     Greater Than 90 days     Total  

Common Stocks

  $ 0     $ (747   $ (9,485   $ 0     $ (10,232

Preferred Securities

    0       (5,231     (11,780     0       (17,011
















Total Borrowings

  $     0     $     (394,449   $     (528,821   $     (97,277   $     (1,020,547
















Payable for reverse repurchase agreements(5)


  $ (1,020,547






Securities with an aggregate market value of $1,261,465 and cash of $9,580 have been pledged as collateral under the terms of the above master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



Includes accrued interest.


The average amount of borrowings outstanding during the period ended December 31, 2019 was $(1,065,254) at a weighted average interest rate of 2.662%. Average borrowings may include reverse repurchase agreements and sale-buyback transactions, if held during the period.


Open maturity reverse repurchase agreement.


Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Unsettled reverse repurchase agreements liability of $(8,996) is outstanding at period end.








Reference Entity   Fixed
Receive Rate
Credit Spread at
December 31, 2019(2)
    Variation Margin  
  Asset     Liability  

Bombardier, Inc.

    5.000     Quarterly       06/20/2024       3.485   $     3,000     $     (6   $     190     $     184     $     0     $     0  

Bombardier, Inc.

    5.000       Quarterly       12/20/2024       3.682       2,100       (8     130       122       2       0  

Frontier Communications Corp.

    5.000       Quarterly       06/20/2020       195.572           14,700       (505     (6,102     (6,607     0       (114

Frontier Communications Corp.

    5.000       Quarterly       06/20/2022       96.944       1,200       (162     (418     (580     0       (4















          $     (681   $     (6,200   $     (6,881   $ 2     $     (118



















Floating Rate
  Floating Rate Index   Fixed Rate     Payment
    Variation Margin  
  Asset     Liability  




    1.750%     Semi-Annual     12/21/2026     $     303,000     $ 7,433     $ (8,605   $ (1,172   $ 0     $ (613




    2.500     Semi-Annual     12/20/2027         91,250       1,072       3,436       4,508       0       (212




    3.000     Semi-Annual     06/19/2029         210,500       10,144       10,364       20,508       0       (627




    2.500     Semi-Annual     06/15/2036         19,800       (1,952     668       (1,284     119       0  




    2.750     Semi-Annual     03/20/2043         34,100       (114     (4,311     (4,425     301       0  




    2.750     Semi-Annual     12/16/2045         3,800       (52     (458     (510     38       0  




    2.500     Semi-Annual     06/20/2048         3,100       287       (553     (266     34       0  




    2.250     Semi-Annual     12/11/2049         54,200       (89     (1,624     (1,713     618       0  




    2.250     Semi-Annual     03/12/2050         42,000       (126     (1,178     (1,304     482       0  




    0.150     Annual     03/18/2030     EUR     20,400       373       491       864       110       0  




    0.250     Annual     03/18/2050         2,500       139       164       303       38       0  




    0.150     Annual     06/17/2030     $     1,200       (1     15       14       7       0  




    0.750     Semi-Annual     03/18/2030     GBP     89,870       935       2,217       3,152       694       0  




    0.750     Semi-Annual     03/18/2050         14,800       320       1,549       1,869       314       0  















      $ 18,369     $ 2,175     $ 20,544     $ 2,755     $ (1,452
















Total Swap Agreements

    $     17,688     $     (4,025   $     13,663     $     2,757     $     (1,570



















The following is a summary of the market value and variation margin of Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared Financial Derivative Instruments as of December 31, 2019:


    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities  
    Market Value     Variation Margin
    Total           Market Value     Variation Margin
    Futures     Swap
    Futures     Swap

Total Exchange-Traded or Centrally Cleared

  $     0     $     0     $     2,757     $     2,757       $     0     $     0     $     (1,570)     $     (1,570)  


























106   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


Cash of $26,761 has been pledged as collateral for exchange-traded and centrally cleared financial derivative instruments as of December 31, 2019.



If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash, securities or other deliverable obligations equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on issues as of period end serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.


The prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the underlying referenced instrument’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


This instrument has a forward starting effective date. See Note 2, Securities Transactions and Investment Income, in the Notes to Financial Statements for further information.










Currency to
be Delivered


Currency to
be Received

    Unrealized Appreciation/
  Asset     Liability  


     01/2020     EUR     1,342     $     1,501     $ 0     $ (5
     01/2020     GBP     103,736         134,333       0       (3,104
     01/2020     $     146     CLP     113,004       4       0  
     01/2020         2,084     EUR     1,861       4       0  
     01/2020         3,921     GBP     2,982       41       (12
     02/2020     PEN     7,855     $     2,315       0       (53


     01/2020     EUR     1,232         1,368       0       (15
     01/2020     MXN     155,729         8,090       0       (124
     06/2020     $     7,917     MXN     155,729       121       0  


     01/2020     BRL     20,672     $     5,085       0       (54
     01/2020     $     5,129     BRL     20,672       10       0  
     01/2020         944     CLP     740,957       42       0  
     01/2020         15,689     MXN     307,220       515       0  
     02/2020         5,079     BRL     20,672       56       0  


     01/2020     BRL     20,611     $     5,114       0       (10
     01/2020     $     4,878     BRL     20,611       245       0  


     01/2020     BRL     60     $     15       0       0  
     01/2020     $     15     BRL     60       0       0  
     01/2020         37     CLP     29,054       2       0  
     02/2020         4,204     RUB     269,510       118       0  


     01/2020     GBP     1,794     $     2,367       0       (10
     01/2020     MXN     151,491         7,840       0       (150
     01/2020     $     46     CLP     36,064       2       0  
     01/2020         1,585     GBP     1,228       42       0  
     01/2020         12,546     RUB     829,268       791       0  
     05/2020         7,722     MXN     151,491       147       0  


     01/2020     EUR     89,702     $     99,184       0       (1,478
     03/2020     $     13,696     RUB     889,983       528       0  


     01/2020     CLP     263,354     $     346       0       (4
     01/2020     $     392     CLP     299,459       6       0  


     01/2020         247         194,018       11       0  


     01/2020     GBP     2,678     $     3,512       0       (36







Total Forward Foreign Currency Contracts


  $     2,685     $     (5,055
















Receive Rate









    Swap Agreements,
at  Value(3)
  Asset     Liability  

ABX.HE.AA.6-2 Index

    0.170%     Monthly     05/25/2046     $          25,547     $ (22,706   $ 16,228     $ 0     $ (6,478













Total Swap Agreements

    $     (22,706   $     16,228     $     0     $     (6,478














See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   107

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (Cont.)




The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of OTC financial derivative instruments and collateral pledged/(received) as of December 31, 2019:



  Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities    

Net Market
Value of OTC





Over the
Over the


  $ 49     $ 0     $ 0      $ 49       $ (3,174   $ 0     $ 0     $ (3,174   $     (3,125   $     1,580     $     (1,545


    121       0       0        121         (139     0       0       (139     (18     0       (18


    623       0       0        623         (54     0       0       (54     569       (540     29  


    245       0       0        245         (10     0       0       (10     235       (190     45  


    0       0       0        0         0       0       (6,478     (6,478     (6,478     6,660       182  


    120       0       0        120         0       0       0       0       120       (260     (140


    982       0       0        982         (160     0       0       (160     822       (620     202  


    528       0       0        528         (1,478     0       0       (1,478     (950     845       (105


    6       0       0        6         (4     0       0       (4     2       0       2  


    11       0       0        11         0       0       0       0       11       0       11  


    0       0       0        0         (36     0       0       (36     (36     0       (36

























Total Over the Counter

  $     2,685     $     0     $     0      $     2,685       $     (5,055   $     0     $     (6,478   $     (11,533      



























Securities with an aggregate market value of $9,085 have been pledged as collateral for financial derivative instruments as governed by International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. master agreements as of December 31, 2019.



If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash, securities or other deliverable obligations equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.


The prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the underlying referenced instrument’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from OTC derivatives can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 8, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




The following is a summary of the fair valuation of the Fund’s derivative instruments categorized by risk exposure. See Note 7, Principal Risks, in the Notes to Financial Statements on risks of the Fund.


Fair Values of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Consolidated Statements of Assets and Liabilities as of December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 2     $ 0     $ 0     $ 2,755     $ 2,757  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 2,685     $ 0     $ 2,685  


















  $ 0     $ 2     $ 0     $ 2,685     $ 2,755     $ 5,442  



















Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 118     $ 0     $ 0     $ 1,452     $ 1,570  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 5,055     $ 0     $ 5,055  

Swap Agreements

    0       6,478       0       0       0       6,478  


















  $ 0     $ 6,478     $ 0     $ 5,055     $ 0     $ 11,533  


















  $     0     $     6,596     $     0     $     5,055     $     1,452     $     13,103  




















108   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


The effect of Financial Derivative Instruments on the Consolidated Statements of Operations for the period ended December 31, 2019:


    Derivatives not accounted for as hedging instruments  
Rate Contracts

Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ 674     $ 0     $ 0     $     (57,402   $     (56,728



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 3,921     $ 0     $ 3,921  

Swap Agreements

    0       5,238       0       0       0       5,238  


















  $ 0     $ 5,238     $ 0     $ 3,921     $ 0     $ 9,159  


















  $ 0     $ 5,912     $ 0     $ 3,921     $ (57,402   $ (47,569



















Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Financial Derivative Instruments


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared


Swap Agreements

  $ 0     $ (3,013   $ 0     $ 0     $ 42,091     $ 39,078  



















Over the counter


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ (1,330   $ 0     $ (1,330

Swap Agreements

    0       (4,592     0       0       0       (4,592


















  $ 0     $ (4,592   $ 0     $ (1,330   $ 0     $ (5,922


















  $     0     $     (7,605   $     0     $     (1,330   $     42,091     $     33,156  






















The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of December 31, 2019 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 0     $ 246,886     $ 48,266     $ 295,152  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    0       208,265       10,917       219,182  


    0       215,832       1,754       217,586  


    0       74,759       0       74,759  

Convertible Bonds & Notes



    0       8,465       0       8,465  


    0       47       0       47  

Municipal Bonds & Notes



    0       1,019       0       1,019  


    0       101       0       101  

West Virginia

    0       4,195       0       4,195  

U.S. Government Agencies

    0       68,236       0       68,236  

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    0           839,374           37,436           876,810  

Asset-Backed Securities

    0       552,476       31,683       584,159  

Sovereign Issues

    0       72,487       0       72,487  

Common Stocks


Communication Services

    5,669       17       0       5,686  

Consumer Discretionary

        17,464       0       0       17,464  


    241       0       525       766  


    0       0       5       5  


    410       0       4,678       5,088  



Communication Services

    0       9,078       0       9,078  

Preferred Securities


Banking & Finance

    0       34,546       0       34,546  


    0       723       0       723  
Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Real Estate Investment Trusts


Real Estate

  $     15,192     $     0     $     0     $     15,192  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       80,087       0       80,087  

Argentina Treasury Bills

    0       1,789       392       2,181  

U.S. Treasury Bills

    0       11,412       0       11,412  













Total Investments

  $     38,976     $     2,429,794     $     135,656     $     2,604,426  













Financial Derivative Instruments - Assets


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    0       2,757       0       2,757  

Over the counter

    0       2,685       0       2,685  












  $ 0     $ 5,442     $ 0     $ 5,442  













Financial Derivative Instruments - Liabilities


Exchange-traded or centrally cleared

    0       (1,570     0       (1,570

Over the counter

    0       (11,533     0       (11,533












  $ 0     $ (13,103   $ 0     $ (13,103













Total Financial Derivative Instruments

  $ 0     $ (7,661   $ 0     $ (7,661














  $ 38,976     $ 2,422,133     $ 135,656     $ 2,596,765  














See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   DECEMBER 31, 2019   109

Consolidated Schedule of Investments PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (Cont.)


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


The following is a reconciliation of the fair valuations using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) for the Fund during the period ended December 31, 2019:


Category and Subcategory   Beginning
at 06/30/2019
    Net Change in
    Transfers into
Level 3
    Transfers out
of Level 3
at 12/31/2019
    Net Change in
on Investments
Held at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 24,384     $ 41,742     $     (820   $     198     $     5     $ (344   $ 0     $ (16,899   $ 48,266     $ 870  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    10,534       0       0       0       0       383       0       0       10,917       383  


    2       2,104       0       13       0       (365     0       0       1,754       (365

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    4,250           32,727       (263     21       4       697       0       0       37,436       699  

Asset-Backed Securities

        28,489       0       0       (10     0           (1,518     4,722       0           31,683           (1,518

Common Stocks



    904       172       (225     0           (12     (73     0       (241     525       328  


    5       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       5       0  


    5,136       0       0       0       0       (458     0       0       4,678       (458

Short Term


Argentina Treasury Bills

    0       372       0       0       0       20       0       0       392       20  
































  $ 73,704     $ 77,117     $     (1,308   $ 222     $ (3   $ (1,658   $     4,722     $     (17,140   $     135,656     $ (41
































The following is a summary of significant unobservable inputs used in the fair valuations of assets and liabilities categorized within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy:


Category and Subcategory   Ending
at 12/31/2019
  (% Unless Noted Otherwise)  
  Input Value(s)     Weighted

Investments in Securities, at Value


Loan Participations and Assignments

  $ 5,564     Discounted Cash Flow   Discount Rate     6.940       —    
    22,378     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote     99.750       —    
    18,408     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     88.898-95.000       92.896  
    1,916     Third Party Vendor   Broker Quote     99.250-101.000       99.291  

Corporate Bonds & Notes


Banking & Finance

    10,917     Reference Instrument   Option Adjusted Spread     584.983 bps       —    


    2     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     0.083       —    
    1,752     Reference Instrument   Broker Quote     101.520       —    

Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities

    33,634     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote     99.900-100.000       99.950  
    3,802     Proxy Pricing   Base Price     2.000-99.375       89.931  

Asset-Backed Securities

    31,683     Proxy Pricing   Base Price         2.312-100,205.254       57,400.888  

Common Stocks



    525     Other Valuation Techniques(2)   —       —         —    


    5     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote   $     15.000       —    


    4,678     Indicative Market Quotation   Broker Quote   $     35.750       —    

Short Term


Argentina Treasury Bills






  $     135,656          






Any difference between Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) and Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) on Investments Held at December 31, 2019 may be due to an investment no longer held or categorized as Level 3 at period end.


Includes valuation techniques not defined in the Notes to Financial Statements as securities valued using such techniques are not considered significant to the Fund.


110   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Notes to Financial Statements


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)




PCM Fund, Inc., PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund, PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund, PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc., PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund and PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (each a “Fund” and collectively the “Funds”) are organized as closed-end management investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder (the “Act”). PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund, PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund, PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund and PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund were organized as Massachusetts business trusts on the dates shown in the table below. PCM Fund, Inc. and PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. were organized as Maryland corporations on the dates shown in the table below. Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (“PIMCO” or the “Manager”) serves as the Funds’ investment manager.


Fund Name         Formation Date  

PCM Fund, Inc.

      June 23, 1993  

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund

      February 16, 2005  

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund

      September 12, 2007  

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

      December 9, 1993  

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund

      September 27, 2012  

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund

      January 19, 2011  


Hereinafter, the terms “Trustee” or “Trustees” shall refer to a Director or Directors of applicable Funds.




The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by each Fund in the preparation of its financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). Each Fund is treated as an investment company under the reporting requirements of U.S. GAAP. The functional and reporting currency for the Funds is the U.S. dollar. The preparation of financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


(a) Securities Transactions and Investment Income  Securities transactions are recorded as of the trade date for financial reporting purposes. Securities purchased or sold on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis may be settled beyond a standard settlement period for the security after the trade date. Realized gains (losses) from securities sold are recorded on the identified cost basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date, except certain dividends from foreign securities where the ex-dividend date may have passed, which are

recorded as soon as a Fund is informed of the ex-dividend date. Interest income, adjusted for the accretion of discounts and amortization of premiums, is recorded on the accrual basis from settlement date, with the exception of securities with a forward starting effective date, where interest income is recorded on the accrual basis from effective date. For convertible securities, premiums attributable to the conversion feature are not amortized. Estimated tax liabilities on certain foreign securities are recorded on an accrual basis and are reflected as components of interest income or net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments on the Statements of Operations, as appropriate. Tax liabilities realized as a result of such security sales are reflected as a component of net realized gain (loss) on investments on the Statements of Operations. Paydown gains (losses) on mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities, if any, are recorded as components of interest income on the Statements of Operations. Income or short-term capital gain distributions received from registered investment companies, if any, are recorded as dividend income. Long-term capital gain distributions received from registered investment companies, if any, are recorded as realized gains.


Debt obligations may be placed on non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by ceasing current accruals and writing off interest receivable when the collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful based on consistently applied procedures. A debt obligation is removed from non-accrual status when the issuer resumes interest payments or when collectability of interest is probable.


(b) Foreign Currency Translation  The market values of foreign securities, currency holdings and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars based on the current exchange rates each business day. Purchases and sales of securities and income and expense items denominated in foreign currencies, if any, are translated into U.S. dollars at the exchange rate in effect on the transaction date. The Funds do not separately report the effects of changes in foreign exchange rates from changes in market prices on securities held. Such changes are included in net realized gain (loss) and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) from investments on the Statements of Operations. The Funds may invest in foreign currency-denominated securities and may engage in foreign currency transactions either on a spot (cash) basis at the rate prevailing in the currency exchange market at the time or through a forward foreign currency contract. Realized foreign exchange gains (losses) arising from sales of spot foreign currencies, currency gains (losses) realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions and the difference between the recorded amounts of dividends, interest, and foreign withholding taxes and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually received or paid are included in net realized gain (loss) on foreign currency transactions on




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


the Statements of Operations. Net unrealized foreign exchange gains (losses) arising from changes in foreign exchange rates on foreign denominated assets and liabilities other than investments in securities held at the end of the reporting period are included in net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on foreign currency assets and liabilities on the Statements of Operations.


(c) Distributions — Common Shares  The following table shows the anticipated frequency of distributions from net investment income to common shareholders.


          Distribution Frequency  
Fund Name         Declared     Distributed  

PCM Fund, Inc.

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund

      Monthly       Monthly  


Each Fund other than the PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund and PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. generally distributes each year all of its net investment income and net short-term capital gains. The PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund and PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. intend to distribute all or substantially all of their net investment income and net short-term capital gains over time. In addition, at least annually, each Fund generally distributes net realized long-term capital gains not previously distributed, if any.


A Fund may engage in investment strategies, including the use of derivatives, to, among other things, seek to generate current, distributable income without regard to possible declines in the Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”). A Fund’s income and gain generating strategies, including certain derivatives strategies, may generate current, distributable income, even if such strategies could potentially result in declines in the Fund’s NAV. A Fund’s income and gain generating strategies, including certain derivatives strategies, may generate current income and gains taxable as ordinary income sufficient to support monthly distributions even in situations when the Fund has experienced a decline in net assets due to, for example, adverse changes in the broad U.S. or non-U.S. equity markets or the Fund’s debt investments, or arising from its use of derivatives. A Fund may enter into opposite sides of interest rate swap and other derivatives for the principal purpose of generating distributable gains on the one side (characterized as ordinary income for tax purposes) that are not part of the Fund’s duration or yield curve management strategies (“paired swap transactions”), and with a substantial possibility that the Fund will experience a corresponding capital loss and decline in NAV with respect to the opposite side transaction (to the extent it does not have corresponding offsetting capital gains). Consequently, common shareholders may receive distributions and owe

tax on amounts that are effectively a taxable return of the shareholder’s investment in the Fund at a time when their investment in a Fund has declined in value, which may be taxed at ordinary income rates. The tax treatment of certain derivatives in which a Fund invests may be unclear and thus subject to recharacterization. Any recharacterization of payments made or received by a Fund pursuant to derivatives potentially could affect the amount, timing or character of Fund distributions. In addition, the tax treatment of such investment strategies may be changed by regulation or otherwise.


For tax years ending before July 1, 2018, PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (“RCS”) accounted for mortgage dollar rolls as financing transactions. On July 18, 2019, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) granted RCS’ application for a change in accounting method for mortgage dollar rolls. Accordingly, for tax years ending after June 30, 2018, RCS accounts for mortgage dollar rolls as sales or exchanges. Please see “Federal Income Tax Matters” in the Notes to Financial Statements for information regarding RCS’ treatment of mortgage dollar rolls and its impact on the Fund’s distributions and related consequences.


Income distributions and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations which may differ from U.S. GAAP. Differences between tax regulations and U.S. GAAP may cause timing differences between income and capital gain recognition. Further, the character of investment income and capital gains may be different for certain transactions under the two methods of accounting. As a result, income distributions and capital gain distributions declared during a fiscal period may differ significantly from the net investment income (loss) and realized gains (losses) reported on each Fund’s annual financial statements presented under U.S. GAAP.


If a Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. For these purposes, a Fund estimates the source or sources from which a distribution is paid, to the close of the period as of which it is paid, in reference to its internal accounting records and related accounting practices. If, based on such accounting records and practices, it is estimated that a particular distribution does not include capital gains or paid-in surplus or other capital sources, a Section 19 Notice generally would not be issued. It is important to note that differences exist between a Fund’s daily internal accounting records and practices, a Fund’s financial statements presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP, and recordkeeping practices under income tax regulations. For instance, a Fund’s internal accounting records and practices may take into account, among other factors, tax-related characteristics of certain sources of distributions that differ from





December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


treatment under U.S. GAAP. Examples of such differences may include, among others, the treatment of paydowns on mortgage-backed securities purchased at a discount and periodic payments under interest rate swap contracts. Accordingly, among other consequences, it is possible that a Fund may not issue a Section 19 Notice in situations where the Fund’s financial statements prepared later and in accordance with U.S. GAAP and/or the final tax character of those distributions might later report that the sources of those distributions included capital gains and/or a return of capital. Please visit www.pimco.com for the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be reported on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders for the calendar year.


Distributions classified as a tax basis return of capital at a Fund’s fiscal year end, if any, are reflected on the Statements of Changes in Net Assets and have been recorded to paid in capital on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. In addition, other amounts have been reclassified between distributable earnings (accumulated loss) and paid in capital on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities to more appropriately conform U.S. GAAP to tax characterizations of distributions.


(d) New Accounting Pronouncements  In August 2018, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued an Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”), ASU 2018-13, which modifies certain disclosure requirements for fair value measurements in Accounting Standards Codification 820. The ASU is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those annual periods. At this time, management has elected to early adopt the ASU and the changes are incorporated in the financial statements.




(a) Investment Valuation Policies  The NAV of a Fund, or each of its share classes as applicable, is determined by dividing the total value of portfolio investments and other assets attributable to that Fund or class less any liabilities by the total number of shares outstanding of that Fund or class.


On each day that the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) is open, Fund shares are ordinarily valued as of the close of regular trading (normally 4:00 p.m., Eastern time) (“NYSE Close”). Information that becomes known to the Funds or their agents after the time as of which NAV has been calculated on a particular day will not generally be used to retroactively adjust the price of a security or the NAV determined earlier that day. Each Fund reserves the right to change the time as of which its respective NAV is calculated if the Fund closes earlier, or as permitted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).

For purposes of calculating a NAV, portfolio securities and other assets for which market quotes are readily available are valued at market value. Market value is generally determined on the basis of official closing prices or the last reported sales prices, or if no sales are reported, based on quotes obtained from established market makers or prices (including evaluated prices) supplied by the Funds’ approved pricing services, quotation reporting systems and other third-party sources (together, “Pricing Services”). The Funds will normally use pricing data for domestic equity securities received shortly after the NYSE Close and do not normally take into account trading, clearances or settlements that take place after the NYSE Close. If market value pricing is used, a foreign (non-U.S.) equity security traded on a foreign exchange or on more than one exchange is typically valued using pricing information from the exchange considered by PIMCO to be the primary exchange. A foreign (non-U.S.) equity security will be valued as of the close of trading on the foreign exchange, or the NYSE Close, if the NYSE Close occurs before the end of trading on the foreign exchange. Domestic and foreign (non-U.S.) fixed income securities, non-exchange traded derivatives, and equity options are normally valued on the basis of quotes obtained from brokers and dealers or Pricing Services using data reflecting the earlier closing of the principal markets for those securities. Prices obtained from Pricing Services may be based on, among other things, information provided by market makers or estimates of market values obtained from yield data relating to investments or securities with similar characteristics. Certain fixed income securities purchased on a delayed-delivery basis are marked to market daily until settlement at the forward settlement date. Exchange-traded options, except equity options, futures and options on futures are valued at the settlement price determined by the relevant exchange. Swap agreements are valued on the basis of bid quotes obtained from brokers and dealers or market-based prices supplied by Pricing Services. A Fund’s investments in open-end management investment companies, other than exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”), are valued at the NAVs of such investments.


If a foreign (non-U.S.) equity security’s value has materially changed after the close of the security’s primary exchange or principal market but before the NYSE Close, the security may be valued at fair value based on procedures established and approved by the Board of Trustees (the “Board”). Foreign (non-U.S.) equity securities that do not trade when the NYSE is open are also valued at fair value. With respect to foreign (non-U.S.) equity securities, a Fund may determine the fair value of investments based on information provided by Pricing Services and other third-party vendors, which may recommend fair value or adjustments with reference to other securities, indices or assets. In considering whether fair valuation is required and in determining fair values, a Fund may, among other things, consider significant events (which may be considered to include changes in the value of U.S.




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


securities or securities indices) that occur after the close of the relevant market and before the NYSE Close. A Fund may utilize modeling tools provided by third-party vendors to determine fair values of non-U.S. securities. For these purposes, any movement in the applicable reference index or instrument (“zero trigger”) relating to the non-U.S security being fair valued between the earlier close of the applicable foreign market and the NYSE Close may be deemed to be a significant event, prompting the application of the pricing model (effectively resulting in daily fair valuations). Foreign exchanges may permit trading in foreign (non-U.S.) equity securities on days when a Fund is not open for business, which may result in a Fund’s portfolio investments being affected when shareholders are unable to buy or sell shares.


Senior secured floating rate loans for which an active secondary market exists to a reliable degree are valued at the mean of the last available bid/ask prices in the market for such loans, as provided by a Pricing Service. Senior secured floating rate loans for which an active secondary market does not exist to a reliable degree are valued at fair value, which is intended to approximate market value. In valuing a senior secured floating rate loan at fair value, the factors considered may include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) the creditworthiness of the borrower and any intermediate participants, (b) the terms of the loan, (c) recent prices in the market for similar loans, if any, and (d) recent prices in the market for instruments of similar quality, rate, period until next interest rate reset and maturity.


Investments valued in currencies other than the U.S. dollar are converted to the U.S. dollar using exchange rates obtained from Pricing Services. As a result, the value of such investments and, in turn, the NAV of a Fund’s shares may be affected by changes in the value of currencies in relation to the U.S. dollar. The value of investments traded in markets outside the United States or denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar may be affected significantly on a day that a Fund is not open for business. As a result, to the extent that a Fund holds foreign (non-U.S.) investments, the value of those investments may change at times when shareholders are unable to buy or sell shares and the value of such investments will be reflected in the Fund’s next calculated NAV.


Investments for which market quotes or market based valuations are not readily available are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the Board or persons acting at their direction. The Board has adopted methods for valuing securities and other assets in circumstances where market quotes are not readily available, and has delegated to PIMCO the responsibility for applying the fair valuation methods. In the event that market quotes or market based valuations are not readily available, and the security or asset cannot be valued pursuant to a Board approved valuation method, the value of the security or asset will be determined in good faith by the Board. Market

quotes are considered not readily available in circumstances where there is an absence of current or reliable market-based data (e.g., trade information, bid/ask information, indicative market quotations (“Broker Quotes”), Pricing Services’ prices), including where events occur after the close of the relevant market, but prior to the NYSE Close, that materially affect the values of a Fund’s securities or assets. In addition, market quotes are considered not readily available when, due to extraordinary circumstances, the exchanges or markets on which the securities trade do not open for trading for the entire day and no other market prices are available. The Board has delegated, to the Manager, the responsibility for monitoring significant events that may materially affect the values of a Fund’s securities or assets and for determining whether the value of the applicable securities or assets should be reevaluated in light of such significant events.


When a Fund uses fair valuation to determine the value of a portfolio security or other asset for purposes of calculating its NAV, such investments will not be priced on the basis of quotes from the primary market in which they are traded, but rather may be priced by another method that the Board or persons acting at their direction believe reflects fair value. Fair valuation may require subjective determinations about the value of a security. While the Funds’ policy is intended to result in a calculation of a Fund’s NAV that fairly reflects security values as of the time of pricing, a Fund cannot ensure that fair values determined by the Board or persons acting at their direction would accurately reflect the price that a Fund could obtain for a security if it were to dispose of that security as of the time of pricing (for instance, in a forced or distressed sale). The prices used by a Fund may differ from the value that would be realized if the securities were sold.


(b) Fair Value Hierarchy  U.S. GAAP describes fair value as the price that a Fund would receive to sell an asset or pay to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. It establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation methods and requires disclosure of the fair value hierarchy, separately for each major category of assets and liabilities, that segregates fair value measurements into levels (Level 1, 2, or 3). The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risks associated with investing in those securities. Levels 1, 2, and 3 of the fair value hierarchy are defined as follows:



Level 1 — Quoted prices in active markets or exchanges for identical assets and liabilities.



Level 2 — Significant other observable inputs, which may include, but are not limited to, quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest





December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


    rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks and default rates) or other market corroborated inputs.



Level 3 — Significant unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available, which may include assumptions made by the Board or persons acting at their direction that are used in determining the fair value of investments.


Transfers from Level 1 to Level 3 are a result of a change from the use of an exchange traded price or a trade price on the initial purchase date (Level 1) to the use of a valuation technique which utilizes significant unobservable inputs due to an absence of current or reliable market based data (Level 3). Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 or 3 as of period end have been transferred between Levels 2 and 3 since the prior period due to changes in the method utilized in valuing the investments. Transfers from Level 2 to Level 3 are a result of a change, in the normal course of business, from the use of methods used by Pricing Services (Level 2) to the use of a Broker Quote or valuation technique which utilizes significant unobservable inputs due to an absence of current or reliable market-based data (Level 3). Transfers from Level 3 to Level 2 are a result of the availability of current and reliable market-based data provided by Pricing Services or other valuation techniques which utilize significant observable inputs. In accordance with the requirements of U.S. GAAP, the amounts of transfers into and out of Level 3, if material, are disclosed in the Notes to Schedule of Investments for each respective Fund.


For fair valuations using significant unobservable inputs, U.S. GAAP requires a reconciliation of the beginning to ending balances for reported fair values that presents changes attributable to realized gain (loss), unrealized appreciation (depreciation), purchases and sales, accrued discounts (premiums), and transfers into and out of the Level 3 category during the period. The end of period value is used for the transfers between Levels of a Fund’s assets and liabilities. Additionally, U.S. GAAP requires quantitative information regarding the significant unobservable inputs used in the determination of fair value of assets or liabilities categorized as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy. In accordance with the requirements of U.S. GAAP, a fair value hierarchy, and if material, a Level 3 reconciliation and details of significant unobservable inputs, have been included in the Notes to Schedule of Investments for each respective Fund.


(c) Valuation Techniques and the Fair Value Hierarchy

Level 1 and Level 2 trading assets and trading liabilities, at fair value  The valuation methods (or “techniques”) and significant inputs used in determining the fair values of portfolio securities or other assets and liabilities categorized as Level 1 and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy are as follows:

Fixed income securities including corporate, convertible and municipal bonds and notes, U.S. government agencies, U.S. treasury obligations, sovereign issues, bank loans, convertible preferred securities and non-U.S. bonds are normally valued on the basis of quotes obtained from brokers and dealers or Pricing Services that use broker-dealer quotations, reported trades or valuation estimates from their internal pricing models. The Pricing Services’ internal models use inputs that are observable such as issuer details, interest rates, yield curves, prepayment speeds, credit risks/spreads, default rates and quoted prices for similar assets. Securities that use similar valuation techniques and inputs as described above are categorized as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.


Fixed income securities purchased on a delayed-delivery basis or as a repurchase commitment in a sale-buyback transaction are marked to market daily until settlement at the forward settlement date and are categorized as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.


Mortgage-related and asset-backed securities are usually issued as separate tranches, or classes, of securities within each deal. These securities are also normally valued by Pricing Services that use broker-dealer quotations, reported trades or valuation estimates from their internal pricing models. The pricing models for these securities usually consider tranche-level attributes, current market data, estimated cash flows and market-based yield spreads for each tranche, and incorporate deal collateral performance, as available. Mortgage-related and asset-backed securities that use similar valuation techniques and inputs as described above are categorized as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.


Common stocks, ETFs, exchange-traded notes and financial derivative instruments, such as futures contracts, rights and warrants, or options on futures that are traded on a national securities exchange, are stated at the last reported sale or settlement price on the day of valuation. To the extent these securities are actively traded and valuation adjustments are not applied, they are categorized as Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.


Valuation adjustments may be applied to certain securities that are solely traded on a foreign exchange to account for the market movement between the close of the foreign market and the NYSE Close. These securities are valued using Pricing Services that consider the correlation of the trading patterns of the foreign security to the intraday trading in the U.S. markets for investments. Securities using these valuation adjustments are categorized as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. Preferred securities and other equities traded on inactive markets or valued by reference to similar instruments are also categorized as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


Equity exchange-traded options and over the counter financial derivative instruments, such as forward foreign currency contracts and options contracts derive their value from underlying asset prices, indices, reference rates, and other inputs or a combination of these factors. These contracts are normally valued on the basis of quotes obtained from a quotation reporting system, established market makers or Pricing Services (normally determined as of the NYSE Close). Depending on the product and the terms of the transaction, financial derivative instruments can be valued by Pricing Services using a series of techniques, including simulation pricing models. The pricing models use inputs that are observed from actively quoted markets such as quoted prices, issuer details, indices, bid/ask spreads, interest rates, implied volatilities, yield curves, dividends and exchange rates. Financial derivative instruments that use similar valuation techniques and inputs as described above are categorized as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.


Centrally cleared swaps and over the counter swaps derive their value from underlying asset prices, indices, reference rates, and other inputs or a combination of these factors. They are valued using a broker-dealer bid quotation or on market-based prices provided by Pricing Services (normally determined as of the NYSE Close). Centrally cleared swaps and over the counter swaps can be valued by Pricing Services using a series of techniques, including simulation pricing models. The pricing models may use inputs that are observed from actively quoted markets such as the overnight index swap rate, London Interbank Offered Rate forward rate, interest rates, yield curves and credit spreads. These securities are categorized as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.


Level 3 trading assets and trading liabilities, at fair value  When a fair valuation method is applied by PIMCO that uses significant unobservable inputs, investments will be priced by a method that the Board or persons acting at their direction believe reflects fair value and are categorized as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. The valuation techniques and significant inputs used in determining the fair values of portfolio assets and liabilities categorized as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy are as follows:


Proxy pricing procedures set the base price of a fixed income security and subsequently adjust the price proportionally to market value changes of a pre-determined security deemed to be comparable in duration, generally a U.S. Treasury or sovereign note based on country of issuance. The base price may be a broker-dealer quote, transaction price, or an internal value as derived by analysis of market data. The base price of the security may be reset on a periodic basis based on the availability of market data and procedures approved by the Valuation Oversight Committee. Significant changes in the unobservable inputs of the proxy pricing process (the base price) would result in direct and

proportional changes in the fair value of the security. These securities are categorized as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.


If third-party evaluated vendor pricing is not available or not deemed to be indicative of fair value, the Manager may elect to obtain Broker Quotes directly from the broker-dealer or passed through from a third-party vendor. In the event that fair value is based upon a single sourced Broker Quote, these securities are categorized as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. Broker Quotes are typically received from established market participants. Although independently received, the Manager does not have the transparency to view the underlying inputs which support the market quotation. Significant changes in the Broker Quote would have direct and proportional changes in the fair value of the security.


Interest only (“IO”) weighted average life model begins amortization with the base price with the ending price being zero over the weighted average life of the IO on a straight-line basis. The base price may be a broker-dealer quote, transaction price, or an internal value as derived from the analysis of market data. The base price of the security may be reset on a periodic basis based on the availability of market data and procedures approved by the Valuation Oversight Committee. Significant changes in the unobservable inputs used to set base price would result in direct and proportional changes in the fair value of the security. These securities are categorized as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.


Discounted cash flow valuation uses an internal analysis based on the Adviser’s expectation of future income and expenses, capital structure, exit multiples of a security, and other unobservable inputs which may include contractual and factual loan factors, estimated future payments and credit rating. Significant changes in the unobservable inputs of the models would result in direct and proportional changes in the fair value of the security. These securities are categorized as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.


Reference instrument valuation estimates fair value by utilizing the correlation of the security to one or more broad-based securities, market indices, and/or other financial instruments, whose pricing information is readily available. Unobservable inputs may include those used in algorithms based on percentage change in the reference instruments and/or weights of each reference instrument. Significant changes in the unobservable inputs would result in direct and proportional changes in the fair value of the security. These securities are categorized as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.


Fundamental analysis valuation estimates fair value by using an internal model that utilizes financial statements of the non-public underlying company. Significant changes in the unobservable inputs would result in direct and proportional changes in the fair value of the security. These securities are categorized as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.





December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


Short-term debt instruments (such as commercial paper) having a remaining maturity of 60 days or less may be valued at amortized cost, so long as the amortized cost value of such short-term debt instruments is approximately the same as the fair value of the instrument as

determined without the use of amortized cost valuation. These securities are categorized as Level 2 or Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy depending on the source of the base price.





(a) Investments in Affiliates

An affiliate includes any company in which a Fund owns 5% or more of the company’s outstanding voting shares. The table below represents transactions in and earnings from these affiliated issuers at December 31, 2019 (amounts in thousands, except number of shares).


PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund


Security Name         Shares Held
at 06/30/2019
    Shares Held
at 12/31/2019

Change in


    Market Value

Sierra Hamilton Holder LLC

      30,136,800       0       0       30,136,800     $     0     $     (2,855   $     5,707     $     0  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


(b) Investments in Securities

The Funds may utilize the investments and strategies described below to the extent permitted by each Fund’s respective investment policies.


Delayed-Delivery Transactions  involve a commitment by a Fund to purchase or sell securities for a predetermined price or yield, with payment and delivery taking place beyond the customary settlement period. When delayed-delivery transactions are outstanding, a Fund will designate or receive as collateral liquid assets in an amount sufficient to meet the purchase price or respective obligations. When purchasing a security on a delayed-delivery basis, a Fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership of the security, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations, and takes such fluctuations into account when determining its NAV. A Fund may dispose of or renegotiate a delayed-delivery transaction after it is entered into, which may result in a realized gain (loss). When a Fund has sold a security on a delayed- delivery basis, the Fund does not participate in future gains (losses) with respect to the security.


Inflation-Indexed Bonds  are fixed income securities whose principal value is periodically adjusted by the rate of inflation. The interest rate on these bonds is generally fixed at issuance at a rate lower than typical bonds. Over the life of an inflation-indexed bond, however, interest will be paid based on a principal value which is adjusted for inflation. Any increase or decrease in the principal amount of an inflation-indexed bond will be included as interest income on the Statements of Operations, even though investors do not receive their principal until maturity. Repayment of the original bond principal upon maturity (as adjusted for inflation) is guaranteed in the case of U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities. For bonds that do not provide a similar guarantee, the adjusted principal value of the bond repaid at maturity may be less than the original principal.

Loans and Other Indebtedness, Loan Participations and Assignments  are direct debt instruments which are interests in amounts owed to lenders or lending syndicates by corporate, governmental, or other borrowers. A Fund’s investments in loans may be in the form of direct investments, participations in loans or assignments of all or a portion of loans from third parties or exposure to investments in loans through investments in a mutual fund or other pooled investment vehicle. A loan is often administered by a bank or other financial institution (the “agent”) that acts as agent for all holders. The agent administers the terms of the loan, as specified in the loan agreement. A Fund may invest in multiple series or tranches of a loan, which may have varying terms and carry different associated risks. A Fund generally has no right to enforce compliance with the terms of the loan agreement with the borrower. As a result, a Fund may be subject to the credit risk of both the borrower and the agent that is selling the loan agreement.


In the event of the insolvency of the agent selling a participation, a Fund may be treated as a general creditor of the agent and may not benefit from any set-off between the agent and the borrower. When a Fund purchases assignments from agents it acquires direct rights against the borrowers of the loans. These loans may include participations in bridge loans, which are loans taken out by borrowers for a short period (typically less than one year) pending arrangement of more permanent financing through, for example, the issuance of bonds, frequently high yield bonds issued for the purpose of acquisitions.


Investments in loans are generally subject to risks similar to those of investments in other types of debt obligations, including, among others, credit risk, interest rate risk, variable and floating rate securities risk, and risks associated with mortgage-related securities. In addition,




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


in many cases loans are subject to the risks associated with below-investment grade securities. The Funds may be subject to heightened or additional risks and potential liabilities and costs by investing in mezzanine and other subordinated loans, including those arising under bankruptcy, fraudulent conveyance, equitable subordination, environmental and other laws and regulations, and risks and costs associated with debt servicing and taking foreclosure actions associated with the loans.


Additionally, because loans are not ordinarily registered with the SEC or any state securities commission or listed on any securities exchange, there is usually less publicly available information about such instruments. In addition, loans may not be considered “securities” for purposes of the anti-fraud provisions under the federal securities laws and, as a result, as a purchaser of these instruments, a Fund may not be entitled to the anti-fraud protections of the federal securities laws. In the course of investing in such instruments, a Fund may come into possession of material nonpublic information and, because of prohibitions on trading in securities of issuers while in possession of such information, the Fund may be unable to enter into a transaction in a publicly-traded security of that issuer when it would otherwise be advantageous for the Fund to do so. Alternatively, a Fund may choose not to receive material nonpublic information about an issuer of such loans, with the result that the Fund may have less information about such issuers than other investors who transact in such assets.


The types of loans and related investments in which the Funds may invest include, among others, senior loans, subordinated loans (including second lien loans, B-Notes and mezzanine loans), whole loans, commercial real estate and other commercial loans and structured loans. The Funds may acquire direct interests in loans through primary loan distributions and/or in private transactions. In the case of subordinated loans, there may be significant indebtedness ranking ahead of the borrower’s obligation to the holder of such a loan, including in the event of the borrower’s insolvency. Mezzanine loans are typically secured by a pledge of an equity interest in the mortgage borrower that owns the real estate rather than an interest in a mortgage.


Investments in loans may include unfunded loan commitments, which are contractual obligations for future funding. Unfunded loan commitments may include revolving credit facilities, which may obligate a Fund to supply additional cash to the borrower on demand. Unfunded loan commitments represent a future obligation in full, even though a percentage of the committed amount may not be utilized by the borrower. When investing in a loan participation, a Fund has the right to receive payments of principal, interest and any fees to which it is entitled only from the agent selling the loan agreement and only upon receipt of payments by the agent from the borrower. Because

investing in unfunded loan commitments creates a future obligation for a Fund to provide funding to a borrower upon demand in exchange for a fee, the Fund will segregate or earmark liquid assets with the Fund’s custodian in amounts sufficient to satisfy any such future obligations. A Fund may receive a commitment fee based on the undrawn portion of the underlying line of credit portion of a loan. In certain circumstances, a Fund may receive a penalty fee upon the prepayment of a loan by a borrower. Fees earned or paid are recorded as a component of interest income or interest expense, respectively, on the Statements of Operations. Unfunded loan commitments, if any, are reflected as a liability on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.


Mortgage-Related and Other Asset-Backed Securities  directly or indirectly represent a participation in, or are secured by and payable from, loans on real property. Mortgage-related securities are created from pools of residential or commercial mortgage loans, including mortgage loans made by savings and loan institutions, mortgage bankers, commercial banks and others. These securities typically provide a monthly payment which consists of both principal and interest. Interest may be determined by fixed or adjustable rates. In times of declining interest rates, there is a greater likelihood that a Fund’s higher yielding securities will be pre-paid with the Fund being unable to reinvest the proceeds in an investment with as great a yield. The rate of prepayments on underlying mortgages will affect the price and volatility of a mortgage-related security, and may have the effect of shortening or extending the effective duration of the security relative to what was anticipated at the time of purchase. Interest-only and principal-only securities are especially sensitive to interest rate changes, which can affect not only their prices but can also change the income flows and repayment assumptions about those investments. The timely payment of principal and interest of certain mortgage-related securities is guaranteed with the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Pools created and guaranteed by non-governmental issuers, including government-sponsored corporations, may be supported by various forms of insurance or guarantees, but there can be no assurance that private insurers or guarantors can meet their obligations under the insurance policies or guarantee arrangements. Many of the risks of investing in mortgage-related securities secured by commercial mortgage loans reflect the effects of local and other economic conditions on real estate markets, the ability of tenants to make lease payments, and the ability of a property to attract and retain tenants. These securities may be less liquid and may exhibit greater price volatility than other types of mortgage-related or other asset-backed securities. Other asset-backed securities are created from many types of assets, including, but not limited to, auto loans, accounts receivable such as credit card receivables and hospital account receivables, home equity loans, student loans, boat loans, mobile home loans, recreational vehicle loans, manufactured housing loans, aircraft leases,





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computer leases and syndicated bank loans. The Funds may invest in any level of the capital structure of an issuer of mortgage-backed or asset-backed securities, including the equity or “first loss” tranche.


Collateralized Debt Obligations  (“CDOs”) include Collateralized Bond Obligations (“CBOs”), Collateralized Loan Obligations (“CLOs”) and other similarly structured securities. CBOs and CLOs are types of asset-backed securities. A CBO is a trust which is typically backed by a diversified pool of high risk, below investment grade fixed income securities. A CLO is a trust typically collateralized by a pool of loans, which may include, among others, domestic and foreign senior secured loans, senior unsecured loans, and subordinate corporate loans, including loans that may be rated below investment grade or equivalent unrated loans. For both CBOs and CLOs, the cash flows from the trust are split into two or more portions, called tranches, varying in risk and yield. The riskiest portion is the “equity” tranche which bears the bulk of defaults from the bonds or loans in the trust and serves to protect the other, more senior tranches from default in all but the most severe circumstances. Since it is partially protected from defaults, a senior tranche from a CBO trust or CLO trust typically has higher ratings and lower yields than the underlying securities, and can be rated investment grade. Despite the protection from the equity tranche, CBO or CLO tranches can experience substantial losses due to actual defaults, increased sensitivity to defaults due to collateral default and disappearance of protecting tranches, market anticipation of defaults and aversion to CBO or CLO securities as a class. The risks of an investment in a CDO depend largely on the type of the collateral securities and the class of the CDO in which a Fund invests. CDOs carry additional risks including, but not limited to, (i) the possibility that distributions from collateral securities will not be adequate to make interest or other payments, (ii) the collateral may decline in value or default, (iii) the risk that a Fund may invest in CDOs that are subordinate to other classes, and (iv) the complex structure of the security may not be fully understood at the time of investment and may produce disputes with the issuer or unexpected investment results.


Collateralized Mortgage Obligations  (“CMOs”) are debt obligations of a legal entity that are collateralized by whole mortgage loans or private mortgage bonds and divided into classes. CMOs are structured into multiple classes, often referred to as “tranches”, with each class bearing a different stated maturity and entitled to a different schedule for payments of principal and interest, including prepayments. CMOs may be less liquid and may exhibit greater price volatility than other types of mortgage-related or asset-backed securities.


As CMOs have evolved, some classes of CMO bonds have become more common. For example, a Fund may invest in parallel-pay and planned amortization class (“PAC”) CMOs and multi-class pass-through certificates. Parallel-pay CMOs and multi-class pass-through

certificates are structured to provide payments of principal on each payment date to more than one class. These simultaneous payments are taken into account in calculating the stated maturity date or final distribution date of each class, which, as with other CMO and multi-class pass-through structures, must be retired by its stated maturity date or final distribution date but may be retired earlier. PACs generally require payments of a specified amount of principal on each payment date. PACs are parallel-pay CMOs with the required principal amount on such securities having the highest priority after interest has been paid to all classes. Any CMO or multi-class pass-through structure that includes PAC securities must also have support tranches — known as support bonds, companion bonds or non-PAC bonds — which lend or absorb principal cash flows to allow the PAC securities to maintain their stated maturities and final distribution dates within a range of actual prepayment experience. These support tranches are subject to a higher level of maturity risk compared to other mortgage-related securities, and usually provide a higher yield to compensate investors. If principal cash flows are received in amounts outside a pre-determined range such that the support bonds cannot lend or absorb sufficient cash flows to the PAC securities as intended, the PAC securities are subject to heightened maturity risk. A Fund may invest in various tranches of CMO bonds, including support bonds and equity or “first loss” tranches (see “Collateralized Debt Obligations” above).


Stripped Mortgage-Backed Securities  (“SMBS”) are derivative multi-class mortgage securities. SMBS are usually structured with two classes that receive different proportions of the interest and principal distributions on a pool of mortgage assets. An SMBS will have one class that will receive all of the interest (the interest-only or “IO” class), while the other class will receive the entire principal (the principal-only or “PO” class). IOs and POs can be extremely volatile in response to changes in interest rates. As interest rates rise and fall, the value of IOs tends to move in the same direction as interest rates. POs perform best when prepayments on the underlying mortgages rise since this increases the rate at which the principal is returned and the yield to maturity on the PO. When payments on mortgages underlying a PO are slower than anticipated, the life of the PO is lengthened and the yield to maturity is reduced. The yield to maturity on an IO class is extremely sensitive to the rate of principal payments (including prepayments) on the related underlying mortgage assets, and a rapid rate of principal payments may have a material adverse effect on a Fund’s yield to maturity from these securities. If the underlying mortgage assets experience greater than anticipated prepayments of principal, the Funds may fail to recoup some or all of its initial investment in these securities even if the security is in one of the highest rating categories.


Payments received for IOs are included in interest income on the Statements of Operations. Because no principal will be received at the maturity of an IO, adjustments are made to the cost of the security on a




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


monthly basis until maturity. These adjustments are included in interest income on the Statements of Operations. Payments received for POs are treated as reductions to the cost and par value of the securities.


Payment In-Kind Securities  may give the issuer the option at each interest payment date of making interest payments in either cash and/or additional debt securities. Those additional debt securities usually have the same terms, including maturity dates and interest rates, and associated risks as the original bonds. The daily market quotations of the original bonds may include the accrued interest (referred to as a dirty price) and require a pro rata adjustment from the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments to interest receivable on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.


Perpetual Bonds  are fixed income securities with no maturity date but pay a coupon in perpetuity (with no specified ending or maturity date). Unlike typical fixed income securities, there is no obligation for perpetual bonds to repay principal. The coupon payments, however, are mandatory. While perpetual bonds have no maturity date, they may have a callable date in which the perpetuity is eliminated and the issuer may return the principal received on the specified call date. Additionally, a perpetual bond may have additional features, such as interest rate increases at periodic dates or an increase as of a predetermined point in the future.


Real Estate Investment Trusts  (“REITs”) are pooled investment vehicles that own, and typically operate, income-producing real estate. If a REIT meets certain requirements, including distributing to shareholders substantially all of its taxable income (other than net capital gains), then it is not taxed on the income distributed to shareholders. Distributions received from REITs may be characterized as income, capital gain or a return of capital. A return of capital is recorded by a Fund as a reduction to the cost basis of its investment in the REIT. REITs are subject to management fees and other expenses, and so the Funds that invest in REITs will bear their proportionate share of the costs of the REITs’ operations.


Restricted Investments  are subject to legal or contractual restrictions on resale and may generally be sold privately, but may be required to be registered or exempted from such registration before being sold to the public. Private placement securities are generally considered to be restricted except for those securities traded between qualified institutional investors under the provisions of Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Disposal of restricted investments may involve time-consuming negotiations and expenses, and prompt sale at an acceptable price may be difficult to achieve. Restricted investments held by the Funds at December 31, 2019, as applicable, are disclosed in the Notes to Schedules of Investments.

Securities Issued by U.S. Government Agencies or Government-Sponsored Enterprises  are obligations of and, in certain cases, guaranteed by, the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities. Some U.S. Government securities, such as Treasury bills, notes and bonds, and securities guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association, are supported by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government; others, such as those of the Federal Home Loan Banks, are supported by the right of the issuer to borrow from the U.S. Department of the Treasury (the “U.S. Treasury”); and others, such as those of the Federal National Mortgage Association (“FNMA” or “Fannie Mae”), are supported by the discretionary authority of the U.S. Government to purchase the agency’s obligations. U.S. Government securities may include zero coupon securities which do not distribute interest on a current basis and tend to be subject to a greater risk than interest-paying securities of similar maturities.


Government-related guarantors (i.e., not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government) include FNMA and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“FHLMC” or “Freddie Mac”). FNMA is a government-sponsored corporation. FNMA purchases conventional (i.e., not insured or guaranteed by any government agency) residential mortgages from a list of approved seller/servicers which include state and federally chartered savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, commercial banks and credit unions and mortgage bankers. Pass-through securities issued by FNMA are guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and interest by FNMA, but are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. FHLMC issues Participation Certificates (“PCs”), which are pass-through securities, each representing an undivided interest in a pool of residential mortgages. FHLMC guarantees the timely payment of interest and ultimate collection of principal, but PCs are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Instead, they are supported only by the discretionary authority of the U.S. Government to purchase the agency’s obligations.


In June 2019, under the Single Security Initiative, FNMA and FHLMC started issuing Uniform Mortgage-Backed Securities in place of their current offerings of TBA-eligible securities. The Single Security Initiative seeks to support the overall liquidity of the TBA market and aligns the characteristics of FNMA and FHLMC certificates. The effects that the Single Security Initiative may have on the market for TBA and other mortgage-backed securities are uncertain.


Roll-timing strategies can be used where a Fund seeks to extend the expiration or maturity of a position, such as a TBA security on an underlying asset, by closing out the position before expiration and opening a new position with respect to substantially the same underlying asset with a later expiration date. TBA securities purchased or sold are reflected on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as an asset or liability, respectively. Recently finalized FINRA rules include





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mandatory margin requirements for the TBA market that require the Funds to post collateral in connection with their TBA transactions. There is no similar requirement applicable to the Funds’ TBA counterparties. The required collateralization of TBA trades could increase the cost of TBA transactions to the Funds and impose added operational complexity.


Warrants  are securities that are usually issued together with a debt security or preferred security and that give the holder the right to buy a proportionate amount of common stock at a specified price. Warrants are freely transferable and are often traded on major exchanges. Warrants normally have a life that is measured in years and entitle the holder to buy common stock of a company at a price that is usually higher than the market price at the time the warrant is issued. Warrants may entail greater risks than certain other types of investments. Generally, warrants do not carry the right to receive dividends or exercise voting rights with respect to the underlying securities, and they do not represent any rights in the assets of the issuer. In addition, their value does not necessarily change with the value of the underlying securities, and they cease to have value if they are not exercised on or before their expiration date. If the market price of the underlying stock does not exceed the exercise price during the life of the warrant, the warrant will expire worthless. Warrants may increase the potential profit or loss to be realized from the investment as compared with investing the same amount in the underlying securities. Similarly, the percentage increase or decrease in the value of an equity security warrant may be greater than the percentage increase or decrease in the value of the underlying common stock. Warrants may relate to the purchase of equity or debt securities. Debt obligations with warrants attached to purchase equity securities have many characteristics of convertible securities and their prices may, to some degree, reflect the performance of the underlying stock. Debt obligations also may be issued with warrants attached to purchase additional debt securities at the same coupon rate. A decline in interest rates would permit a Fund to sell such warrants at a profit. If interest rates rise, these warrants would generally expire with no value.




The Funds may enter into the borrowings and other financing transactions described below to the extent permitted by each Fund’s respective investment policies.


The following disclosures contain information on a Fund’s ability to lend or borrow cash or securities to the extent permitted under the Act, which may be viewed as borrowing or financing transactions by a Fund. The location of these instruments in each Fund’s financial statements is described below. For a detailed description of credit and counterparty

risks that can be associated with borrowings and other financing transactions; please see Note 7, Principal Risks.


(a) Repurchase Agreements  Under the terms of a typical repurchase agreement, a Fund purchases an underlying debt obligation (collateral) subject to an obligation of the seller to repurchase, and a Fund to resell, the obligation at an agreed-upon price and time. In an open maturity repurchase agreement, there is no pre-determined repurchase date and the agreement can be terminated by the Fund or counterparty at any time. The underlying securities for all repurchase agreements are held by a Fund’s custodian or designated subcustodians under tri-party repurchase agreements and in certain instances will remain in custody with the counterparty. The market value of the collateral must be equal to or exceed the total amount of the repurchase obligations, including interest. Repurchase agreements, if any, including accrued interest, are included on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Interest earned is recorded as a component of interest income on the Statements of Operations. In periods of increased demand for collateral, a Fund may pay a fee for the receipt of collateral, which may result in interest expense to the Fund.


(b) Reverse Repurchase Agreements  In a reverse repurchase agreement, a Fund delivers a security in exchange for cash to a financial institution, the counterparty, with a simultaneous agreement to repurchase the same or substantially the same security at an agreed upon price and date. In an open maturity reverse repurchase agreement, there is no pre-determined repurchase date and the agreement can be terminated by the Fund or counterparty at any time. A Fund is entitled to receive principal and interest payments, if any, made on the security delivered to the counterparty during the term of the agreement. Cash received in exchange for securities delivered plus accrued interest payments to be made by a Fund to counterparties are reflected as a liability on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Interest payments made by a Fund to counterparties are recorded as a component of interest expense on the Statements of Operations. In periods of increased demand for the security, a Fund may receive a fee for use of the security by the counterparty, which may result in interest income to the Fund. In the event the buyer of securities under a reverse repurchase agreement files for bankruptcy or becomes insolvent, a Fund’s use of the proceeds of the agreement may be restricted pending a determination by the other party, or its trustee or receiver, whether to enforce a Fund’s obligation to repurchase the securities. Reverse repurchase agreements involve leverage risk and also the risk that the market value of the securities to be repurchased may decline below the repurchase price; please see Note 7, Principal Risks.


(c) Short Sales  Short sales are transactions in which a Fund sells a security that it may not own. A Fund may make short sales of securities to (i) offset potential declines in long positions in similar securities,




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


(ii) to increase the flexibility of the Fund, (iii) for investment return, (iv) as part of a risk arbitrage strategy, and (v) as part of its overall portfolio management strategies involving the use of derivative instruments. When a Fund engages in a short sale, it may borrow the security sold short and deliver it to the counterparty. A Fund will ordinarily have to pay a fee or premium to borrow a security and be obligated to repay the lender of the security any dividend or interest that accrues on the security during the period of the loan. Securities sold in short sale transactions and the dividend or interest payable on such securities, if any, are reflected as payable for short sales on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Short sales expose a Fund to the risk that it will be required to cover its short position at a time when the security or other asset has appreciated in value, thus resulting in losses to a Fund. A short sale is “against the box” if a Fund holds in its portfolio or has the right to acquire the security sold short, or securities identical to the security sold short, at no additional cost. A Fund will be subject to additional risks to the extent that it engages in short sales that are not “against the box.” A Fund’s loss on a short sale could theoretically be unlimited in cases where a Fund is unable, for whatever reason, to close out its short position.




The Funds may enter into the financial derivative instruments described below to the extent permitted by each Fund’s respective investment policies.


The following disclosures contain information on how and why the Funds use financial derivative instruments, and how financial derivative instruments affect the Funds’ financial position, results of operations and cash flows. The location and fair value amounts of these instruments on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities and the net realized gain (loss) and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the Statements of Operations, each categorized by type of financial derivative contract and related risk exposure, are included in a table in the Notes to Schedules of Investments. The financial derivative instruments outstanding as of period end and the amounts of net realized gain (loss) and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on financial derivative instruments during the period, as disclosed in the Notes to Schedules of Investments, serve as indicators of the volume of financial derivative activity for the Funds.


PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund is subject to regulation as a commodity pool under the Commodity Exchange Act pursuant to recent rule changes by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “CFTC”). The Manager has registered with the CFTC as a Commodity Pool Operator and a Commodity Trading Adviser with respect to the Fund, and is a member of the National Futures Association. As a result, additional CFTC-mandated disclosure,

reporting and recordkeeping obligations apply to PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund.


(a) Forward Foreign Currency Contracts  may be engaged, in connection with settling planned purchases or sales of securities, to hedge the currency exposure associated with some or all of a Fund’s securities or as part of an investment strategy. A forward foreign currency contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a currency at a set price on a future date. The market value of a forward foreign currency contract fluctuates with changes in foreign currency exchange rates. Forward foreign currency contracts are marked to market daily, and the change in value is recorded by a Fund as an unrealized gain (loss). Realized gains (losses) are equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed and are recorded upon delivery or receipt of the currency. The contractual obligations of a buyer or seller of a forward foreign currency contract may generally be satisfied by taking or making physical delivery of the underlying currency, establishing an opposite position in the contract and recognizing the profit or loss on both positions simultaneously on the delivery date or, in some instances, paying a cash settlement before the designated date of delivery. These contracts may involve market risk in excess of the unrealized gain (loss) reflected on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Although forwards may be intended to minimize the risk of loss due to a decline in the value of the hedged currencies, at the same time, they tend to limit any potential gain which might result should the value of such currencies increase. In addition, a Fund could be exposed to risk if the counterparties are unable to meet the terms of the contracts or if the value of the currency changes unfavorably to the U.S. dollar. To mitigate such risk, cash or securities may be exchanged as collateral pursuant to the terms of the underlying contracts.


(b) Futures Contracts  are agreements to buy or sell a security or other asset for a set price on a future date and are traded on an exchange. A Fund may use futures contracts to manage its exposure to the securities markets or to movements in interest rates and currency values or for other investment purposes. Generally, a futures contract provides for the future sale by one party and purchase by another party of a specified quantity of the security or other financial instrument at a specified price and time. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are the imperfect correlation between the change in market value of the securities held by a Fund and the prices of futures contracts and the possibility of an illiquid market. Futures contracts are valued based upon their quoted daily settlement prices. Upon entering into a futures contract, a Fund is required to deposit with its futures broker an amount of cash, U.S. Government and Agency Obligations, or select sovereign debt, in accordance with the initial margin requirements of the broker or exchange. Futures contracts are marked to market daily and based on changes in the price of the contracts, a





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Fund pays or receives cash or other eligible assets equal to the daily change in the value of the contract (“variation margin”). Futures Variation Margins, if any, are disclosed within centrally cleared financial derivative instruments on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Gains (losses) are recognized but not considered realized until the contracts expire or close. Futures contracts involve, to varying degrees, risk of loss in excess of the variation margin included within exchange traded or centrally cleared financial derivative instruments on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.


(c) Options Contracts  An option on an instrument (or an index) is a contract that gives the holder of the option, in return for a premium, the right to buy from (in the case of a call) or sell to (in the case of a put) the writer of the option the instrument underlying the option (or the cash value of the index) at a specified exercise price at any time during the term of the option. Writing put options tends to increase a Fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument. Writing call options tends to decrease a Fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument. When a Fund writes a call or put, an amount equal to the premium received is recorded and subsequently marked to market to reflect the current value of the option written. These amounts are included on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Premiums received from writing options which expire are treated as realized gains. Premiums received from writing options which are exercised or closed are added to the proceeds or offset against amounts paid on the underlying futures, swap, security or currency transaction to determine the realized gain (loss). Certain options may be written with premiums to be determined on a future date. The premiums for these options are based upon implied volatility parameters at specified terms. A Fund as a writer of an option has no control over whether the underlying instrument may be sold (“call”) or purchased (“put”) and as a result bears the market risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the instrument underlying the written option. There is the risk a Fund may not be able to enter into a closing transaction because of an illiquid market.


Purchasing call options tends to increase a Fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument. Purchasing put options tends to decrease a Fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument. A Fund pays a premium which is included as an asset on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities and subsequently marked to market to reflect the current value of the option. Premiums paid for purchasing options which expire are treated as realized losses. Certain options may be purchased with premiums to be determined on a future date. The premiums for these options are based upon implied volatility parameters at specified terms. The risk associated with purchasing put and call options is limited to the premium paid. Premiums paid for purchasing options which are exercised or closed are added to the amounts paid or offset against the proceeds on the underlying investment transaction to determine the realized gain (loss) when the underlying transaction is executed.

Options on Exchange-Traded Futures Contracts  (“Futures Option”) may be written or purchased to hedge an existing position or future investment, for speculative purposes or to manage exposure to market movements. A Futures Option is an option contract in which the underlying instrument is a single futures contract.


Options on Securities  may be written or purchased to enhance returns or to hedge an existing position or future investment. An option on a security uses a specified security as the underlying instrument for the option contract.


(d) Swap Agreements  are bilaterally negotiated agreements between a Fund and a counterparty to exchange or swap investment cash flows, assets, foreign currencies or market-linked returns at specified, future intervals. Swap agreements may be privately negotiated in the over the counter market (“OTC swaps”) or may be cleared through a third party, known as a central counterparty or derivatives clearing organization (“Centrally Cleared Swaps”). A Fund may enter into asset, credit default, cross-currency, interest rate, total return, variance and other forms of swap agreements to manage its exposure to credit, currency, interest rate, commodity, equity and inflation risk. In connection with these agreements, securities or cash may be identified as collateral or margin in accordance with the terms of the respective swap agreements to provide assets of value and recourse in the event of default or bankruptcy/insolvency.


Centrally Cleared Swaps are marked to market daily based upon valuations as determined from the underlying contract or in accordance with the requirements of the central counterparty or derivatives clearing organization. Changes in market value, if any, are reflected as a component of net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the Statements of Operations. Daily changes in valuation of centrally cleared swaps, if any, are recorded as variation margin on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Centrally Cleared and OTC swap payments received or paid at the beginning of the measurement period are included on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities and represent premiums paid or received upon entering into the swap agreement to compensate for differences between the stated terms of the swap agreement and prevailing market conditions (credit spreads, currency exchange rates, interest rates, and other relevant factors). Upfront premiums received (paid) are initially recorded as liabilities (assets) and subsequently marked to market to reflect the current value of the swap. These upfront premiums are recorded as realized gain (loss) on the Statements of Operations upon termination or maturity of the swap. A liquidation payment received or made at the termination of the swap is recorded as realized gain (loss) on the Statements of Operations. Net periodic payments received or paid by a Fund are included as part of realized gain (loss) on the Statements of Operations.




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


For purposes of a Fund’s investment policy adopted pursuant to Rule 35d-1 under the Act (if any), the Fund will account for derivative instruments at market value. For purposes of applying a Fund’s other investment policies and restrictions, swap agreements, like other derivative instruments, may be valued by a Fund at market value, notional value or full exposure value (i.e., the sum of the notional amount for the contract plus the market value) or any combination of the foregoing (e.g., notional value for purposes of calculating the numerator and market value for purposes of calculating the denominator for compliance with a particular policy or restriction). See Note 6 — Asset Segregation below. In the case of a credit default swap, in applying certain of a Fund’s investment policies and restrictions, the Funds will value the credit default swap at its notional value or its full exposure value (i.e., the sum of the notional amount for the contract plus the market value), but may value the credit default swap at market value for purposes of applying certain of a Fund’s other investment policies and restrictions. For example, a Fund may value credit default swaps at full exposure value for purposes of a Fund’s credit quality guidelines (if any) because such value in general better reflects a Fund’s actual economic exposure during the term of the credit default swap agreement. As a result, a Fund may, at times, have notional exposure to an asset class (before netting) that is greater or lesser than the stated limit or restriction noted in a Fund’s prospectus. In this context, both the notional amount and the market value may be positive or negative depending on whether a Fund is selling or buying protection through the credit default swap. The manner in which certain securities or other instruments are valued by a Fund for purposes of applying investment policies and restrictions may differ from the manner in which those investments are valued by other types of investors.


Entering into swap agreements involves, to varying degrees, elements of interest, credit, market and documentation risk in excess of the amounts recognized on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Such risks involve the possibility that there will be no liquid market for these agreements, that the counterparty to the agreements may default on its obligation to perform or disagree as to the meaning of contractual terms in the agreements and that there may be unfavorable changes in interest rates or the values of the asset upon which the swap is based.


A Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk is the discounted net value of the cash flows to be received from the counterparty over the contract’s remaining life, to the extent that amount is positive. The risk may be mitigated by having a master netting arrangement between a Fund and the counterparty and by the posting of collateral to a Fund to cover a Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.


To the extent a Fund has a policy to limit the net amount owed to or to be received from a single counterparty under existing swap

agreements, such limitation only applies to counterparties to OTC swaps and does not apply to centrally cleared swaps where the counterparty is a central counterparty or derivatives clearing organization.


Credit Default Swap Agreements  on corporate, loan, sovereign, U.S. municipal or U.S. Treasury issues are entered into to provide a measure of protection against defaults of the issuers (i.e., to reduce risk where a Fund owns or has exposure to the referenced obligation) or to take an active long or short position with respect to the likelihood of a particular issuer’s default. Credit default swap agreements involve one party making a stream of payments (referred to as the buyer of protection) to another party (the seller of protection) in exchange for the right to receive a specified return in the event that the referenced entity, obligation or index, as specified in the swap agreement, undergoes a certain credit event. As a seller of protection on credit default swap agreements, a Fund will generally receive from the buyer of protection a fixed rate of income throughout the term of the swap provided that there is no credit event. As the seller, a Fund would effectively add leverage to its portfolio because, in addition to its total net assets, a Fund would be subject to investment exposure on the notional amount of the swap.


If a Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, a Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation, other deliverable obligations or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index. If a Fund is a buyer of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, a Fund will either (i) receive from the seller of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and deliver the referenced obligation, other deliverable obligations or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) receive a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index. Recovery values are estimated by market makers considering either industry standard recovery rates or entity specific factors and considerations until a credit event occurs. If a credit event has occurred, the recovery value is determined by a facilitated auction whereby a minimum number of allowable broker bids, together with a specified valuation method, are used to calculate the settlement value. The ability to deliver other obligations may result in a cheapest-to-deliver option (the buyer of protection’s right to choose the deliverable obligation with the lowest value following a credit event).





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Credit default swap agreements on corporate or sovereign issues involve one party making a stream of payments to another party in exchange for the right to receive a specified return in the event of a default or other credit event. If a credit event occurs and cash settlement is not elected, a variety of other deliverable obligations may be delivered in lieu of the specific referenced obligation. The ability to deliver other obligations may result in a cheapest-to-deliver option (the buyer of protection’s right to choose the deliverable obligation with the lowest value following a credit event).


Credit default swap agreements on asset-backed securities involve one party making a stream of payments to another party in exchange for the right to receive a specified return in the event that the referenced entity, obligation or index, as specified in the agreement, undergoes a certain credit event. Unlike credit default swaps on corporate, loan, sovereign, U.S. municipal or U.S. Treasury issues, deliverable obligations in most instances would be limited to the specific referenced obligation, or in some cases, specific tranches of the specified reference obligation, as performance for asset-backed securities can vary across deals. Prepayments, principal paydowns, and other writedown or loss events on the underlying mortgage loans will reduce the outstanding principal balance of the referenced obligation. These reductions may be temporary or permanent as defined under the terms of the swap agreement and the notional amount for the swap agreement will be adjusted by corresponding amounts. A Fund may use credit default swaps on asset-backed securities to provide a measure of protection against defaults of the referenced obligation or to take an active long or short position with respect to the likelihood of a particular referenced obligation’s default.


Credit default swap agreements on credit indices involve one party making a stream of payments to another party in exchange for the right to receive a specified return in the event of a write-down, principal shortfall, interest shortfall or default of all or part of the referenced entities comprising the credit index. A credit index is a basket of credit instruments or exposures designed to be representative of some part of the credit market as a whole. These indices are made up of reference credits that are judged by a poll of dealers to be the most liquid entities in the credit default swap market based on the sector of the index. Components of the indices may include, but are not limited to, investment grade securities, high yield securities, asset-backed securities, emerging markets, and/or various credit ratings within each sector. Credit indices are traded using credit default swaps with standardized terms including a fixed spread and standard maturity dates. An index credit default swap references all the names in the index, and if there is a default, the credit event is settled based on that name’s weight in the index. The composition of the indices changes periodically, usually every six months, and for most indices, each name

has an equal weight in the index. Credit default swaps on credit indices may be used to hedge a portfolio of credit default swaps or bonds, which is less expensive than it would be to buy many credit default swaps to achieve a similar effect or to take an active long or short position with respect to the likelihood of a particular referenced obligation’s default. Credit default swaps on indices are instruments often used to attempt to protect investors owning bonds against default, but may also be used for speculative purposes.


Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on corporate, loan, sovereign, U.S. municipal or U.S. Treasury issues as of period end, if any, are disclosed in the Notes to Schedules of Investments. They serve as an indicator of the current status of payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for the reference entity. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement. For credit default swap agreements on asset-backed securities and credit indices, the quoted market prices and resulting values serve as the indicator of the current status of the payment/performance risk. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


The maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) that a Fund as a seller of protection could be required to make under a credit default swap agreement equals the notional amount of the agreement. Notional amounts of each individual credit default swap agreement outstanding as of period end for which a Fund is the seller of protection are disclosed in the Notes to Schedules of Investments. These potential amounts would be partially offset by any recovery values of the respective referenced obligations, upfront payments received upon entering into the agreement, or net amounts received from the settlement of buy protection credit default swap agreements entered into by a Fund for the same referenced entity or entities.


Interest Rate Swap Agreements  may be entered into to help hedge against interest rate risk exposure and to maintain a Fund’s ability to generate income at prevailing market rates. The value of the fixed rate bonds that the Funds hold may decrease if interest rates rise. To help hedge against this risk and to maintain its ability to generate income at prevailing market rates, a Fund may enter into interest rate swap agreements. Interest rate swap agreements involve the exchange




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


by a Fund with another party for their respective commitment to pay or receive interest on the notional amount of principal. Certain forms of interest rate swap agreements may include: (i) interest rate caps, under which, in return for a premium, one party agrees to make payments to the other to the extent that interest rates exceed a specified rate, or “cap”, (ii) interest rate floors, under which, in return for a premium, one party agrees to make payments to the other to the extent that interest rates fall below a specified rate, or “floor”, (iii) interest rate collars, under which a party sells a cap and purchases a floor or vice versa in an attempt to protect itself against interest rate movements exceeding given minimum or maximum levels, (iv) callable interest rate swaps, under which the buyer pays an upfront fee in consideration for the right to early terminate the swap transaction in whole, at zero cost and at a predetermined date and time prior to the maturity date, (v) spreadlocks, which allow the interest rate swap users to lock in the forward differential (or spread) between the interest rate swap rate and a specified benchmark, or (vi) basis swaps, under which two parties can exchange variable interest rates based on different segments of money markets.


Total Return Swap Agreements  are entered into to gain or mitigate exposure to the underlying reference asset. Total return swap agreements involve commitments where single or multiple cash flows are exchanged based on the price of an underlying reference asset and on a fixed or variable interest rate. Total return swap agreements may involve commitments to pay interest in exchange for a market-linked return. One counterparty pays out the total return of a specific underlying reference asset, which may include a single security, a basket of securities, or an index, and in return receives a fixed or variable rate. At the maturity date, a net cash flow is exchanged where the total return is equivalent to the return of the underlying reference asset less a financing rate, if any. As a receiver, a Fund would receive payments based on any net positive total return and would owe payments in the event of a net negative total return. As the payer, a Fund would owe payments on any net positive total return, and would receive payments in the event of a net negative total return. A Fund’s use of a total return swap exposes the Fund to credit loss in the event of nonperformance by the swap counterparty. Risk may also arise from the unanticipated movements in value of exchange rates, interest rates, securities, or the index.


Asset Segregation  Certain transactions described above can be viewed as constituting a form of borrowing or financing transaction by a Fund. In such event, a Fund will cover its obligation under such transactions by segregating or “earmarking” assets in accordance with procedures adopted by the Board, in which case such transactions will not be considered “senior securities” by a Fund. With respect to forwards, futures contracts, options and swaps that are contractually

required to cash settle (i.e., where physical delivery of the underlying reference asset is not permitted), a Fund (other than PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund and PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund) is permitted to segregate or earmark liquid assets equal to a Fund’s daily marked-to-market net obligation under the derivative instrument, if any, rather than the derivative’s full notional value. For PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund and PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund, with respect to forwards and futures contracts and interest rate swaps that are contractually required to cash settle (i.e., where physical delivery of the underlying reference asset is not permitted), the Fund is permitted to segregate or earmark liquid assets equal to the Fund’s daily marked-to-market net obligation under the derivative instrument, if any, rather than the derivative’s full notional value, but may segregate full notional value, as applicable, with respect to certain other derivative instruments (including written credit default swaps and written options) that contractually require or permit physical delivery of securities or other underlying assets. By segregating or earmarking liquid assets equal to only its net marked-to-market obligation under certain derivatives that are required to cash settle, a Fund will have the ability to employ leverage to a greater extent than if a Fund were to segregate or earmark liquid assets equal to the full notional value of the derivative.




In the normal course of business, the Funds trade financial instruments and enter into financial transactions where risk of potential loss exists due to such things as changes in the market (market risk) or failure or inability of the other party to a transaction to perform (credit and counterparty risk). See below for a detailed description of select principal risks. For a more comprehensive list of potential risks the Funds may be subject to, please see the Important Information About the Funds.


Market Risks  A Fund’s investments in financial derivative instruments and other financial instruments expose the Fund to various risks such as, but not limited to, interest rate, foreign (non-U.S.) currency, equity and commodity risks.


Interest rate risk is the risk that fixed income securities and other instruments held by a Fund will decline in value because of changes in interest rates. As nominal interest rates rise, the value of certain fixed income securities held by a Fund is likely to decrease. A nominal interest rate can be described as the sum of a real interest rate and an expected inflation rate. Interest rate changes can be sudden and unpredictable, and a Fund may lose money if these changes are not anticipated by the Fund’s management. Variable rate securities may decline in value if their interest rates do not rise as much, or as quickly, as interest rates in general. A Fund may not be able to hedge against





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changes in interest rates or may choose not to do so for cost or other reasons. In addition, any hedges may not work as intended.


Fixed income securities with longer durations tend to be more sensitive to changes in interest rates, usually making them more volatile than securities with shorter durations. Duration is a measure used to determine the sensitivity of a security’s price to changes in interest rates that incorporates a security’s yield, coupon, final maturity and call features, among other characteristics. Duration is useful primarily as a measure of the sensitivity of a fixed income security’s market price to interest rate (i.e. yield) movements. All other things remaining equal, for each one percentage point increase in interest rates, the value of a portfolio of fixed income investments would generally be expected to decline by one percent for every year of the portfolio’s average duration above zero. For example, the value of a portfolio of fixed income securities with an average duration of three years would generally be expected to decline by approximately 3% if interest rates rose by one percentage point. Convexity is an additional measure used to understand a security’s interest rate sensitivity. Convexity measures the rate of change of duration in response to changes in interest rates and may be positive or negative. Securities with negative convexity may experience greater losses during periods of rising interest rates, and accordingly Funds holding such securities may be subject to a greater risk of losses in periods of rising interest rates.


A wide variety of factors can cause interest rates or yields of U.S. Treasury securities (or yields of other types of bonds) to rise (e.g., central bank monetary policies, inflation rates, general economic conditions, etc.). This is especially true under current conditions because interest rates and bond yields are near historically low levels. Thus, the Funds currently face a heightened level of risk associated with rising interest rates and/or bond yields. This could be driven by a variety of factors, including but not limited to central bank monetary policies, changing inflation or real growth rates, general economic conditions, increasing bond issuances or reduced market demand for low yielding investments. During periods of very low or negative interest rates, a Fund may be unable to maintain positive returns. Changing interest rates, including rates that fall below zero, may have unpredictable effects on markets, may result in heightened market volatility and may detract from Fund performance to the extent a Fund is exposed to such interest rates. Rising interest rates may result in a decline in value of a Fund’s fixed-income investments and in periods of volatility. Further, while U.S. bond markets have steadily grown over the past three decades, dealer “market making” ability has remained relatively stagnant. As a result, dealer inventories of certain types of bonds and similar instruments, which provide a core indication of the ability of financial intermediaries to “make markets,” are at or near historic lows in relation to market size. Because market makers provide

stability to a market through their intermediary services, the significant reduction in dealer inventories could potentially lead to decreased liquidity and increased volatility in the fixed income markets. Such issues may be exacerbated during periods of economic uncertainty. All of these factors, collectively and/or individually, could cause a Fund to lose value.


Foreign (non-U.S.) securities in this report are classified by the country of incorporation of a holding. In certain instances, a security’s country of incorporation may be different from its country of economic exposure. If a Fund invests directly in foreign (non-U.S.) currencies or in securities that trade in, and receive revenues in, foreign (non-U.S.) currencies, or in financial derivatives that provide exposure to foreign (non-U.S.) currencies, it will be subject to the risk that those currencies will decline in value relative to the base currency of the Fund, or, in the case of hedging positions, that the Fund’s base currency will decline in value relative to the currency being hedged. Currency rates in foreign countries may fluctuate significantly over short periods of time for a number of reasons, including changes in interest rates, intervention (or the failure to intervene) by U.S. or foreign governments, central banks or supranational entities such as the International Monetary Fund, or by the imposition of currency controls or other political developments in the United States or abroad. As a result, a Fund’s investments in foreign currency denominated securities may reduce the Fund’s returns.


The market values of a Fund’s investments may decline due to general market conditions which are not specifically related to a particular company or issuer, such as real or perceived adverse economic conditions, changes in the general outlook for corporate earnings, changes in interest or currency rates or adverse investor sentiment. They may also decline due to factors which affect a particular industry or industries, such as labor shortages or increased production costs and competitive conditions within an industry. Equity securities and equity related investments generally have greater market price volatility than fixed income securities, although under certain market conditions fixed income securities may have comparable or greater price volatility. Credit ratings downgrades may also negatively affect securities held by a Fund. Even when markets perform well, there is no assurance that the investments held by a Fund will increase in value along with the broader market. In addition, market risk includes the risk that geopolitical events will disrupt the economy on a national or global level.


A Fund’s investments in commodity-linked financial derivative instruments may subject the Fund to greater market price volatility than investments in traditional securities. The value of commodity-linked financial derivative instruments may be affected by changes in overall market movements, commodity index volatility, changes in interest rates, or factors affecting a particular industry or commodity, such as




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs and international economic, political and regulatory developments.


Credit and Counterparty Risks  A Fund will be exposed to credit risk to parties with whom it trades and will also bear the risk of settlement default. A Fund seeks to minimize concentrations of credit risk by undertaking transactions with a large number of counterparties on recognized and reputable exchanges, where applicable. Over the counter (“OTC”) derivative transactions are subject to the risk that a counterparty to the transaction will not fulfill its contractual obligations to the other party, as many of the protections afforded to centrally cleared derivative transactions might not be available for OTC derivative transactions. For derivatives traded on an exchange or through a central counterparty, credit risk resides with a Fund’s clearing broker, or the clearinghouse itself, rather than with a counterparty in an OTC derivative transaction. A Fund could lose money if the issuer or guarantor of a fixed income security, or the counterparty to a financial derivatives contract, repurchase agreement or a loan of portfolio securities, is unable or unwilling to make timely principal and/or interest payments, or to otherwise honor its obligations. Securities are subject to varying degrees of credit risk, which are often reflected in credit ratings.


Similar to credit risk, a Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk, or the risk that an institution or other entity with which the Fund has unsettled or open transactions will default. PIMCO, as the Manager, seeks to minimize counterparty risks to the Funds through a number of ways. Prior to entering into transactions with a new counterparty, the PIMCO Counterparty Risk Committee conducts an extensive credit review of such counterparty and must approve the use of such counterparty. Furthermore, pursuant to the terms of the underlying contract, to the extent that unpaid amounts owed to a Fund exceed a predetermined threshold, such counterparty is required to advance collateral to the Fund in the form of cash or securities equal in value to the unpaid amount owed to the Fund. A Fund may invest such collateral in securities or other instruments and will typically pay interest to the counterparty on the collateral received. If the unpaid amount owed to a Fund subsequently decreases, the Fund would be required to return to the counterparty all or a portion of the collateral previously advanced. PIMCO’s attempts to minimize counterparty risk may, however, be unsuccessful.


All transactions in listed securities are settled/paid for upon delivery using approved counterparties. The risk of default is considered minimal, as delivery of securities sold is only made once a Fund has received payment. Payment is made on a purchase once the securities have been delivered by the counterparty. The trade will fail if either party fails to meet its obligation.



A Fund may be subject to various netting arrangements (“Master Agreements”) with select counterparties. Master Agreements govern the terms of certain transactions, and are intended to reduce the counterparty risk associated with relevant transactions by specifying credit protection mechanisms and providing standardization that is intended to improve legal certainty. Each type of Master Agreement governs certain types of transactions. Different types of transactions may be traded out of different legal entities or affiliates of a particular organization, resulting in the need for multiple agreements with a single counterparty. As the Master Agreements are specific to unique operations of different asset types, they allow a Fund to close out and net its total exposure to a counterparty in the event of a default with respect to all the transactions governed under a single Master Agreement with a counterparty. For financial reporting purposes the Statements of Assets and Liabilities generally present derivative assets and liabilities on a gross basis, which reflects the full risks and exposures prior to netting.


Master Agreements can also help limit counterparty risk by specifying collateral posting arrangements at pre-arranged exposure levels. Under most Master Agreements, collateral is routinely transferred if the total net exposure to certain transactions (net of existing collateral already in place) governed under the relevant Master Agreement with a counterparty in a given account exceeds a specified threshold, which typically ranges from zero to $250,000 depending on the counterparty and the type of Master Agreement. United States Treasury Bills and U.S. dollar cash are generally the preferred forms of collateral, although other securities may be used depending on the terms outlined in the applicable Master Agreement. Securities and cash pledged as collateral are reflected as assets on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as either a component of Investments at value (securities) or Deposits with counterparty. Cash collateral received is not typically held in a segregated account and as such is reflected as a liability on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as Deposits from counterparty. The market value of any securities received as collateral is not reflected as a component of NAV. A Fund’s overall exposure to counterparty risk can change substantially within a short period, as it is affected by each transaction subject to the relevant Master Agreement.


Master Repurchase Agreements and Global Master Repurchase Agreements (individually and collectively “Master Repo Agreements”) govern repurchase, reverse repurchase, and certain sale-buyback transactions between a Fund and select counterparties. Master Repo Agreements maintain provisions for, among other things, initiation, income payments, events of default, and maintenance of collateral. The market value of transactions under the Master Repo Agreement, collateral pledged or received, and the net exposure by counterparty as of period end are disclosed in the Notes to Schedules of Investments.





December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


Master Securities Forward Transaction Agreements (“Master Forward Agreements”) govern certain forward settling transactions, such as TBA securities, delayed-delivery or certain sale-buyback transactions by and between a Fund and select counterparties. The Master Forward Agreements maintain provisions for, among other things, transaction initiation and confirmation, payment and transfer, events of default, termination, and maintenance of collateral. The market value of forward settling transactions, collateral pledged or received, and the net exposure by counterparty as of period end is disclosed in the Notes to Schedules of Investments.


Customer Account Agreements and related addenda govern cleared derivatives transactions such as futures, options on futures, and cleared OTC derivatives. Such transactions require posting of initial margin as determined by each relevant clearing agency which is segregated in an account at a futures commission merchant (“FCM”) registered with the CFTC. In the United States, counterparty risk may be reduced as creditors of an FCM cannot have a claim to Fund assets in the segregated account. Portability of exposure reduces risk to the Funds. Variation margin, or changes in market value, are generally exchanged daily, but may not be netted between futures and cleared OTC derivatives unless the parties have agreed to a separate arrangement in respect of portfolio margining. The market value or accumulated unrealized appreciation (depreciation), initial margin posted, and any unsettled variation margin as of period end are disclosed in the Notes to Schedules of Investments.


Prime Broker Arrangements may be entered into to facilitate execution and/or clearing of listed equity option transactions or short sales of equity securities between a Fund and selected counterparties. The arrangements provide guidelines surrounding the rights, obligations, and other events, including, but not limited to, margin, execution, and settlement. These agreements maintain provisions for, among other things, payments, maintenance of collateral, events of default, and termination. Margin and other assets delivered as collateral are typically in the possession of the prime broker and would offset any obligations due to the prime broker. The market values of listed options and securities sold short and related collateral are disclosed in the Notes to Schedules of Investments.


International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreements and Credit Support Annexes (“ISDA Master Agreements”) govern bilateral OTC derivative transactions entered into by a Fund with select counterparties. ISDA Master Agreements maintain provisions for general obligations, representations, agreements, collateral posting and events of default or termination. Events of termination include conditions that may entitle counterparties to elect to terminate early and cause settlement of all outstanding transactions under the applicable ISDA Master Agreement. Any election to

terminate early could be material to the financial statements. In limited circumstances, the ISDA Master Agreement may contain additional provisions that add counterparty protection beyond coverage of existing daily exposure if the counterparty has a decline in credit quality below a predefined level. These amounts, if any, may be segregated with a third-party custodian. The market value of OTC financial derivative instruments, collateral received or pledged, and net exposure by counterparty as of period end are disclosed in the Notes to Schedules of Investments.




(a) Management Fee  Pursuant to the Investment Management Agreement with PIMCO (the “Agreement”), and subject to the supervision of the Board, PIMCO is responsible for providing to each Fund investment guidance and policy direction in connection with the management of the Fund, including oral and written research, analysis, advice, and statistical and economic data and information. In addition, pursuant to the Agreement and subject to the general supervision of the Board, PIMCO, at its expense, provides or causes to be furnished most other supervisory and administrative services the Funds require, including but not limited to, expenses of most third-party service providers (e.g., audit, custodial, legal, transfer agency, printing) and other expenses, such as those associated with insurance, proxy solicitations and mailings for shareholder meetings, NYSE listing and related fees, tax services, valuation services and other services the Funds require for their daily operations. Pursuant to the Agreement, PIMCO receives an annual fee, payable monthly, at the annual rates shown in the table below:


Fund Name         Annual

PCM Fund, Inc.

      0.900% (1) 

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund

      1.105% (2) 

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund

      1.055% (1) 

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

      0.955% (3) 

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund

      1.150% (4) 

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund

      1.150% (4) 



Management fees calculated based on the Fund’s average daily “total managed assets”. Total managed assets refer to the total assets of each Fund (including assets attributable to any reverse repurchase agreements, borrowings and preferred shares that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing reverse repurchase agreements and borrowings).


Management fees calculated based on the Fund’s average daily “total managed assets”. Total managed assets refer to the total assets of each Fund (including assets attributable to any preferred shares and borrowings that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing borrowings).


Management fees calculated based on the Fund’s average daily net asset value (including daily net assets attributable to any preferred shares of the Fund that may be outstanding).


Management fees calculated based on the Fund’s average daily “total managed assets”. Total managed assets includes total assets of the Fund (including assets attributable to any reverse repurchase agreements, dollar rolls, borrowings and preferred shares that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing reverse repurchase agreements, dollar rolls and borrowings).




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


(b) Fund Expenses  Each Fund bears other expenses, which may vary and affect the total level of expenses paid by shareholders, such as (i) salaries and other compensation or expenses, including travel expenses of any of the Fund’s executive officers and employees, if any, who are not officers, directors, shareholders, members, partners or employees of PIMCO or its subsidiaries or affiliates; (ii) taxes and governmental fees, if any, levied against the Fund; (iii) brokerage fees and commissions and other portfolio transaction expenses incurred by or for the Fund (including, without limitation, fees and expenses of outside legal counsel or third-party consultants retained in connection with reviewing, negotiating and structuring specialized loan and other investments made by the Fund, subject to specific or general authorization by the Fund’s Board (for example, so-called “broken-deal costs” (e.g., fees, costs, expenses and liabilities, including, for example, due diligence-related fees, costs, expenses and liabilities, with respect to unconsummated investments))); (iv) expenses of the Fund’s securities lending (if any), including any securities lending agent fees, as governed by a separate securities lending agreement; (v) costs, including interest expense, of borrowing money or engaging in other types of leverage financing, including, without limitation, through the use by the Fund of reverse repurchase agreements, tender option bonds, bank borrowings and credit facilities; (vi) costs, including dividend and/or interest expenses and other costs (including, without limitation, offering and related legal costs, fees to brokers, fees to auction agents, fees to transfer agents, fees to ratings agencies and fees to auditors associated with satisfying ratings agency requirements for preferred shares or other securities issued by the Fund and other related requirements in the Fund’s organizational documents) associated with the Fund’s issuance, offering, redemption and maintenance of preferred shares, commercial paper or other senior securities for the purpose of incurring leverage; (vii) fees and expenses of any underlying funds or other pooled vehicles in which the Fund invests; (viii) dividend and interest expenses on short positions taken by the Fund; (ix) fees and expenses, including travel expenses, and fees and expenses of legal counsel retained for their benefit, of Trustees who are not officers, employees, partners, shareholders or members of PIMCO or its subsidiaries or affiliates; (x) extraordinary expenses, including extraordinary legal expenses, that may arise, including expenses incurred in connection with litigation, proceedings, other claims, and the legal obligations of the Fund to indemnify its Trustees, officers, employees, shareholders, distributors, and agents with respect thereto; (xi) organizational and offering expenses of the Fund, including with respect to share offerings, such as rights offerings and shelf offerings, following the Fund’s initial offering, and expenses associated with tender offers and other share repurchases and redemptions; and (xii) expenses of the Fund which are capitalized in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

Each of the Trustees of the Funds who is not an interested person under Section 2(a)(19) of the Act, (the “Independent Trustees”), also serves as a trustee of a number of other closed-end funds for which PIMCO serves as investment manager (together with the Funds, the “PIMCO Closed-End Funds”), as well as PIMCO Flexible Credit Income Fund and PIMCO Flexible Municipal Income Fund, each a closed end management investment company managed by PIMCO that is operated as an “interval fund” (the ”PIMCO Interval Funds”), and PIMCO Managed Accounts Trust, an open-end management investment company with multiple series for which PIMCO serves as investment adviser and administrator (“PMAT” and, together with the PIMCO Closed-End Funds and the PIMCO Interval Funds, the “PIMCO Managed Funds”). In addition, each of the Independent Trustees, also serves as a trustee of certain investment companies (together, the “Allianz-Managed Funds”), for which Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC (“AllianzGI U.S.”), an affiliate of PIMCO, serves as investment manager. The Funds pay no compensation directly to any Trustee or any other officer who is affiliated with the Manager, all of whom receive remuneration for their services to the Funds from the Manager or its affiliates.




The Manager is a related party. Fees payable to this party are disclosed in Note 9, Fees and Expenses, and the accrued related party fee amounts are disclosed on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.


Certain Funds are permitted to purchase or sell securities from or to certain related affiliated funds under specified conditions outlined in procedures adopted by the Board. The procedures have been designed to ensure that any purchase or sale of securities by the Funds from or to another fund or portfolio that are, or could be, considered an affiliate, or an affiliate of an affiliate, by virtue of having a common investment adviser (or affiliated investment advisers), common Trustees and/or common officers complies with Rule 17a-7 under the Act. Further, as defined under the procedures, each transaction is effected at the current market price. Purchases and sales of securities pursuant to Rule 17a-7 under the Act for the period ended December 31, 2019, were as follows (amounts in thousands):


Fund Name         Purchases     Sales  

PCM Fund, Inc.

    $ 278     $ 2,456  

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund

      186       4,608  

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund

      1,707       14,816  

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

      716       11,548  

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund

          7,344           243,906  

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund

      4,077       143,328  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.




Under the organizational documents of PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund, PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund, PIMCO Dynamic Credit





December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


and Mortgage Income Fund and PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund, each Trustee and officer is indemnified, to the extent permitted by the Act, against certain liabilities that may arise out of performance of their duties to the Funds. Under the organizational documents of PCM Fund, Inc., and PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc., each Director and officer is indemnified to the fullest extent permitted by Maryland law and the Act. For PCM Fund, Inc., employees and agents of the Fund are indemnified to the maximum extent permitted by Maryland Law and the Act. For PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc., employees and agents of the Fund may be indemnified to the extent determined by the Board and subject to the limitations of the Act. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Funds enter into contracts that contain a variety of indemnification clauses. The Funds’ maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Funds that have not yet occurred. However, the Funds have not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts.



The length of time a Fund has held a particular security is not generally a consideration in investment decisions. A change in the securities held by a Fund is known as “portfolio turnover.” Each Fund may engage in frequent and active trading of portfolio securities to achieve its investment objective, particularly during periods of volatile market movements. High portfolio turnover may involve correspondingly greater transaction costs, including brokerage commissions or dealer mark-ups and other transaction costs on the sale of securities and reinvestments in other securities, which are borne by the Fund. Such sales may also result in realization of taxable capital gains, including short-term capital gains (which are generally taxed at ordinary income tax rates when distributed to shareholders). The transaction costs associated with portfolio turnover may adversely affect a Fund’s performance. The portfolio turnover rates are reported in the Financial Highlights.



Purchases and sales of securities (excluding short-term investments) for the period ended December 31, 2019, were as follows (amounts in thousands):


      U.S. Government/Agency     All Other  
Fund Name     Purchases     Sales     Purchases     Sales  

PCM Fund, Inc.

    $ 506     $ 0     $ 19,368     $ 6,051  

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund

      268,282       266,665       16,602       7,090  

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund

      1,856       0       119,281       56,132  

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

        3,364,375         3,417,073       86,095       37,314  

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund

      13,603       0         520,955         531,964  

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund

      6,673       0       295,513       257,516  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.




PCM Fund, Inc. has the authority to issue 300 million shares of $0.001 par value common stock. PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. has the authority to issue 500 million shares of $0.00001 par value common stock. PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund, PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund, PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund and PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund have authorized an unlimited number of Common Shares at a par value of $0.00001 per share.


On March 23, 2017, the SEC declared effective a registration statement filed using the “shelf” registration process for PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (the “Original PDI Shelf Registration”). Pursuant to the Original PDI Shelf Registration, PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund was permitted to offer and sell, from time to time, in one or more offerings, up to 9,500,000 of its Common Shares, par value $0.00001 per share. The aggregate sale proceeds for the sales of the PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund Common Shares were subject to an aggregate cap of $275,685,250. As of September 30, 2019, the Fund had sold an aggregate of 8,903,586 Common Shares pursuant to the Original PDI Shelf Registration, representing net proceeds to the Fund of $272,643,809 after payment of commissions. On November 6, 2019,

the SEC declared effective a new registration statement filed using the “shelf” registration process for PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (the “New Shelf PDI Registration”). Pursuant to the New PDI Shelf Registration, PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund may offer and sell, from time to time, in one or more offerings, up to $560,000,000 of its Common Shares, par value $0.00001 per share. The Fund may not sell any Common Shares at a price below the NAV of such Common Shares, exclusive of any distributing commission or discount. Sales of the Common Shares, if any, may be made in negotiated transactions or transactions that are deemed to be “at the market”, including sales made directly on the NYSE or sales made to or through a market maker other than on an exchange, at prices related to the prevailing market prices or at negotiated prices. During the period ended December 31, 2019, the Fund sold 781,311 Common Shares pursuant to the Original PDI Shelf Registration and the New PDI Shelf Registration. Proceeds from the offerings during the period ended December 31, 2019 (net of commissions and fees) were $25,616,330.


On July 6, 2018, the SEC declared effective a registration statement filed using the “shelf” registration process for PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund. Pursuant to the shelf registration, PIMCO Income




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


Opportunity Fund may offer and sell, from time to time, in one or more offerings, up to 3,000,000 of its Common Shares, par value $0.00001 per share. The aggregate sale proceeds for the sales of the PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund Common Shares are subject to an aggregate cap of $85,000,000. The Fund may not sell any Common Shares at a price below the NAV of such Common Shares, exclusive of any distributing commission or discount. Sales of the Common Shares, if any, may be made in negotiated transactions or transactions that are deemed to be “at the market”, including sales made directly on the NYSE or sales made to or through a market maker other than on an exchange, at prices related to the prevailing market prices or at negotiated prices. During the period ended December 31, 2019, the Fund sold 1,379,957 Common Shares. Proceeds from the offerings during the period ended December 31, 2019 (net of commissions and fees) were $37,007,838.


On December 4, 2019, the SEC declared effective a registration statement filed using the “shelf” registration process for PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund. Pursuant to the shelf registration, PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund may offer and sell, from time to time, in one or more offerings, up to $1,000,000,000 of its Common Shares, par value $0.00001 per share. The Fund may not sell any Common Shares at a price below the NAV of such Common Shares, exclusive of any distributing commission or discount. Sales of the Common Shares, if any, may be made in negotiated transactions or transactions that are deemed to be “at the market”, including sales made directly on the NYSE or sales made to or through a market maker other than on an exchange, at prices related to the prevailing market prices or at negotiated prices. During the period ended December 31, 2019, the Fund sold 1,426,593 Common Shares. Proceeds from the offerings during the period ended December 31, 2019 (net of commissions and fees) were $35,858,939.




PCILS I LLC and PDILS I LLC (each a “Subsidiary” and, collectively, the “Subsidiaries”), both Delaware LLC exempted companies, were formed as wholly owned subsidiaries acting as investment vehicles for PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund and PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (for purposes of this section, each a “Fund” and, collectively, the “Funds”), respectively, in order to effect certain investments consistent with each Fund’s objectives and policies in effect from time to time. PCILS I LLC and PDILS I LLC were formed on March 7, 2013 and March 12, 2013, respectively. PIMCO Dynamic Income Credit and Mortgage Fund’s and PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund’s investment portfolios have been consolidated and include the portfolio holdings of each Fund’s respective Subsidiary. Accordingly, the consolidated financial statements for each Fund include the accounts of each Fund’s respective subsidiary. All inter-company transactions and

balances have been eliminated. This structure was established so that certain loans could be held by a separate legal entity from the Funds. The net assets of PCILS I LLC and PDILS I LLC as of period end represented 1.0% and 0.4%, respectively, of each respective Fund’s consolidated net assets.




The Funds are not named as defendants in any material litigation or arbitration proceedings and are not aware of any material litigation or claim pending or threatened against them.


The foregoing speaks only as of the date of this report.




Each Fund intends to qualify as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) and distribute all of its taxable income and net realized gains, if applicable, to shareholders. Accordingly, no provision for Federal income taxes has been made.


A Fund may be subject to local withholding taxes, including those imposed on realized capital gains. Any applicable foreign capital gains tax is accrued daily based upon net unrealized gains, and may be payable following the sale of any applicable investments.


In accordance with U.S. GAAP, the Manager has reviewed the Funds’ tax positions for all open tax years. As of December 31, 2019, the Funds have recorded no liability for net unrecognized tax benefits relating to uncertain income tax positions they have taken or expect to take in future tax returns.


The Funds file U.S. federal, state, and local tax returns as required. The Funds’ tax returns are subject to examination by relevant tax authorities until expiration of the applicable statute of limitations, which is generally three years after the filing of the tax return but which can be extended to six years in certain circumstances. Tax returns for open years have incorporated no uncertain tax positions that require a provision for income taxes.


Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010, a fund is permitted to carry forward any new capital losses for an unlimited period. Additionally, such capital losses that are carried forward will retain their character as either short-term or long-term capital losses rather than being considered all short-term under previous law.





December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


As of their last fiscal year ended June 30, 2019, the Funds had the following post-effective capital losses with no expiration (amounts in thousands):


          Short-Term     Long-Term  

PCM Fund, Inc.

    $ 0     $ 1,558  

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund

      23,425       727  

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund

      0       0  

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

      9,168       37,048  

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund

        99,603         62,671  

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund

      0       0  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


As of December 31, 2019, the aggregate cost and the net unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of investments for Federal income tax purposes are as follows (amounts in thousands):


Tax Cost
     Net Unrealized

PCM Fund, Inc.

     $ 182,527      $ 22,945      $ (14,181    $ 8,764  

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund

       196,341        25,699        (22,090      3,609  

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund

       618,329        71,057        (45,440      25,617  

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

       994,501        50,622        (43,397      7,225  

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund

         5,663,733          582,203          (490,239      91,964  

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund

       2,471,420        336,601        (198,780        137,821  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Primary differences, if any, between book and tax net unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) are attributable to wash sale loss deferrals for Federal income tax purposes.


For tax years ending before July 1, 2018, RCS accounted for mortgage dollar rolls as financing transactions, such that the Fund treated the difference between the selling price and future purchase price on a mortgage dollar roll as interest income for U.S. federal income tax purposes. On July 18, 2019, the IRS granted RCS’ application for a change in accounting method for mortgage dollar rolls. Accordingly, for tax years ending after June 30, 2018, RCS accounts for mortgage dollar rolls as sales or exchanges for U.S. federal income tax purposes.


The Fund’s treatment of mortgage dollar rolls for U.S. federal income tax purposes determines the character and source of the Fund’s distributions relating to income earned thereon. Treatment of mortgage dollar rolls as financing transactions may increase the amount of distributions received by Fund shareholders, or may increase the portion thereof that is taxed as ordinary income, and cause shareholders to be taxed on distributions that effectively represent a return of the shareholder’s investment therein. As a result of the change in accounting method granted by the IRS, for tax years ending after June 30, 2018, the Fund expects that any gain or loss it recognizes on mortgage dollar rolls will generally be treated as short-term capital gain or loss, as applicable. Any such short-term capital gains for a taxable year will be offset by the Fund’s capital losses for such year, and any available capital loss carryforwards. The application of sale or exchange treatment to mortgage dollar rolls may therefore increase the portion of the Fund’s distributions to shareholders that are

treated as returns of capital for U.S. federal income tax purposes, or lead the Fund to decrease its distributions to reduce or avoid returns of capital.


The U.S. federal income tax rules governing the treatment of mortgage dollar roll transactions are complex, and the proper treatment of such transactions is uncertain. If the IRS were to challenge or recharacterize RCS’s treatment of mortgage dollar rolls successfully, it would affect the amount, timing and character of distributions received by the Fund’s shareholders. A taxpayer requesting a voluntary accounting method change generally receives audit protection for all taxable years prior to the year of change with respect to the item that is being changed. Because the IRS has approved the Fund’s requested change in accounting method for mortgage dollar rolls, the IRS will not, subject to certain exceptions that the Fund does not expect to apply, challenge or recharacterize the Fund’s treatment of mortgage dollar rolls as financing transactions for taxable years ending before July 1, 2018.




In preparing these financial statements, the Funds’ management has evaluated events and transactions for potential recognition or disclosure through the date the financial statements were issued.




Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


December 31, 2019 (Unaudited)


On January 02, 2020, the following distributions were declared to common shareholders payable February 03, 2020 to shareholders of record on January 13, 2020:


PCM Fund, Inc.

    $   0.080000 per common share  

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund

    $ 0.093940 per common share  

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund

    $ 0.190000 per common share  

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

    $ 0.061200 per common share  

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund

    $ 0.174000 per common share  

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund

    $ 0.220500 per common share  


On February 03, 2020, the following distributions were declared to common shareholders payable March 02, 2020 to shareholders of record on February 13, 2020:


PCM Fund, Inc.

    $ 0.080000 per common share  

PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund

    $ 0.093940 per common share  

PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund

    $ 0.190000 per common share  

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

    $ 0.061200 per common share  

PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund

    $ 0.174000 per common share  

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund

    $   0.220500 per common share  


There were no other subsequent events identified that require recognition or disclosure.




Glossary: (abbreviations that may be used in the preceding statements)




Counterparty Abbreviations:


Barclays Capital, Inc.


Fixed Income Clearing Corporation


Royal Bank of Canada


Bank of New York Mellon


Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC


Royal Bank of Canada Europe Limited    


Bank of America N.A.


Goldman Sachs Bank USA


Royal Bank of Canada


BofA Securities, Inc.


Goldman Sachs International


RBC Capital Markets LLC


BNP Paribas S.A.




RBC (Barbados) Trading Bank Corp.


Barclays Bank PLC


Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank S.A.


NatWest Markets Plc


Banco Santander S.A. - New York Branch


JP Morgan Securities Plc


Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.


Citibank N.A.


JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.


Citigroup Global Markets Ltd.


Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce


J.P. Morgan Securities LLC


Standard Chartered Bank, London


Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Ltd.


HSBC Bank Plc


Societe Generale, NY


CIBC World Markets Corp.


Merrill Lynch International


Societe Generale Paris


Credit Suisse AG Cayman


Morgan Stanley Bank, N.A


State Street Bank and Trust Co.


Deutsche Bank AG London


Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC


The Toronto-Dominion Bank


Deutsche Bank AG


Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC


UBS AG Stamford


Wells Fargo Bank National Association


Mizuho Securities USA


UBS Securities LLC


Credit Suisse International


Nomura Securities International Inc.


Currency Abbreviations:


Argentine Peso




Peruvian New Sol


Australian Dollar


British Pound


Russian Ruble


Brazilian Real


Japanese Yen


Turkish New Lira


Canadian Dollar


Mexican Peso

  USD (or $)  

United States Dollar


Chilean Peso


New Zealand Dollar


Exchange Abbreviations:


Chicago Mercantile Exchange


Over the Counter


Index/Spread Abbreviations:


Asset-Backed Securities Index - Home Equity


3 Month EUR Swap Rate

  S&P 500  

Standard & Poor’s 500 Index


Argentina Blended Policy Rate




1 Month USD Swap Rate


Argentina Badlar Floating Rate Notes




3 Month USD Swap Rate




Daily US Prime Rate


Other Abbreviations:


Asset-Backed Security


Collateralized Debt Obligation


Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit


Alternate Loan Trust


Collateralized Loan Obligation

  SP - ADR  

Sponsored American Depositary Receipt


Build America Bonds


Designated Activity Company




Bank Bill Rate


Euro Interbank Offered Rate




Bank Bill Swap Reference Rate


London Interbank Offered Rate


Interest rate to be determined when loan settles or at the time of funding


Collateralized Bond Obligation






Changes to Boards of Trustees




Effective December 31, 2019, Bradford K. Gallagher resigned from his position as Trustee or Director, as applicable, of each of the Funds.



General Information


Investment Manager

Pacific Investment Management Company LLC

650 Newport Center Drive,

Newport Beach, CA, 92660



State Street Bank and Trust Company

801 Pennsylvania Avenue

Kansas City, MO 64105


Transfer Agent, Dividend Paying Agent and Registrar

American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC

6201 15th Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11219


Legal Counsel

Ropes & Gray LLP

Prudential Tower

800 Boylston Street

Boston, MA 02199


Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

1100 Walnut Street, Suite 1300

Kansas City, MO 64106


This report is submitted for the general information of the shareholders of the Funds listed on the Report cover.





Item 2.

Code of Ethics.

The information required by this Item 2 is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.


Item 3.

Audit Committee Financial Expert.

The information required by this Item 3 is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.


Item 4.

Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

The information required by this Item 4 is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.


Item 5.

Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

The information required by this Item 5 is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.


Item 6.

Schedule of Investments.

The information required by this Item 6 is included as part of the semiannual reports to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.


Item 7.

Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

The information required by this Item 7 is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.


Item 8.

Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable.


Item 9.

Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.



Item 10.

Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the Fund’s Board of Trustees since the Fund last provided disclosure in response to this item.


Item 11.

Controls and Procedures.



The principal executive officer and principal financial & accounting officer have concluded as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report, based on their evaluation of the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the 1940 Act), that the design of such procedures is effective to provide reasonable assurance that material information required to be disclosed by the Registrant on Form N-CSR is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Commission’s rules and forms.



There were no changes in the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(d))) that occurred during the last fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12.

Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

The information required by this Item 12 is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.

Item 13.




Exhibit 99.CODE—Code of Ethics is not applicable for semiannual reports.



Exhibit 99.CERT—Certifications pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.






There was no change in the registrant’s independent public accountant for the period covered by the report.



Exhibit 99.906CERT—Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


PCM Fund, Inc.
By:    /s/     Eric D. Johnson


  Eric D. Johnson
  President (Principal Executive Officer)
Date:   February 28, 2020

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By:    /s/     Eric D. Johnson


  Eric D. Johnson
  President (Principal Executive Officer)
Date:   February 28, 2020


By:    /s/     Bradley Todd


  Bradley Todd
  Treasurer (Principal Financial & Accounting Officer)
Date:   February 28, 2020