6-K 1 madeco.htm CONSOLIDATED RESULTS OF MADECO FOR SECOND QUARTER OF 2009 Madeco Consolidated Results for the Second Quarter of 2009




(Santiago, Chile, September 14, 2009) Madeco S.A. (“Madeco”) (NYSE ticker: MADKY; prior NYSE ticker: MAD) announced its consolidated financial results in IFRS from IASB1 for the second quarter which ended June 30, 2009. All figures are expressed in U.S. Dollars2. Historic financial information was calculated using the equivalent currency conversion for each amount on the corresponding date.

Madeco Highlights

1 From 2009 Madeco adopted the IFRS financial reporting standard for its financial statements. Historic data were accounted based on the same reporting standard.
As part of the implementation of IFRS financial reporting standard, the Company defined the U.S Dollar as its “base currency”.

  1. Highlights of the Income Statement (Exhibits 1 and 2)
Net Income 

Net income for 2Q09 of the continuing operations of Madeco reached an increase of US$18,489 thousand (from a loss of US$3,378 to a gain of US$15,110 thousand), driven by the dividend received from Nexans, improved operating income and higher other incomes of the Company (financial, exchange rate effects, etc.). In spite of the reduction in the gains of discontinuing operations (absence of the Wire & Cable unit), consolidated net income for the 2Q09 grew by US$4,659 thousands compared to 2Q08.


Revenues in 2Q09 were US$84,346 thousand, an 18.1% lower than the same quarter of 2008. The reduction in consolidated revenues is mainly explained by lower volumes sales of 20.2% and lower prices of raw materials. The lower volume sales are enlightened by the reductions derived from the Brass Mills and Profiles units.

Gross Margin 

Gross margin in 2Q09 was US$12,237 thousand, 27.3% lower than the US$16,825 thousand reported in 2Q08 as a result of an 18.1% decrease in revenues and a 16.3% decrease in cost of sales. The reduced gross margin was explained by the impairment applied to the inventories of the Profiles unit, offset by the results obtained in the Packing unit and the operational plans adopted by the Company in order to improve or maintain margins despite lower volume sales.

Operating Income3 

Operating income for 2Q09 amounted to US$1,220 thousand, from US$5,187 thousand obtained in the same period the year before. The reduction of the operational income derived from the impairment applied to inventories (costs of sales) of the Profiles unit, counterbalanced by higher gains of Packaging and Brass Mills units (growths of US$1,450 thousand and US$395 thousand, respectively). These effects are explained by plans carried out by the Company towards to reduce operational costs and improve margins, offset by the lower result of Profiles unit.

Other Income (Loss)4 

Considering financial results, exchange differences and other incomes non-related to operations; Madeco obtained a gain of US$6,961 thousand which compares favorably with the loss of US$4,477 thousands as of June 2008. The higher gain derived from a favorable exchange difference of US$4,284 thousands the dividend received from Nexans US$7,360 thousands and a lower balance of financial expenses of US$1,429 thousands (due to lower corporate debt between 2Q08 and 2Q09).

Income Tax 

Income tax in June 2009 totaled a credit of US$9,951 thousand, compared to a payment of US$4,352 thousand in 2008, explained by the reduction of a provision on the valuation of a deferred tax asset, offset by tax provisions recognized by the subsidiaries of the Company.

Minority Interest 

While in 2Q09 the Company’s minority interest charges (reflecting mainly the portion of earnings/losses corresponding to the participation of minority shareholders in the subsidiaries Peruplast, Alusa and Indalum) amounted to US$3,021 thousand, in 2Q08 totalized a loss of US$292 thousand mainly as result of the higher profits obtained in Alusa and Peruplast.

3 Estimated as the sum of: gross margin, R&D expenses, distribution costs, marketing and administrative expenses.
4 Estimated as the sum of: Other income of operations, Equity in earning (losses) of related companies, Other general expenses of operations, Financial expenses, Price-level restatement, and Other Incomes (losses) & Others effects.

  1. Analysis by Business Unit (Exhibits 3 to 6)


Revenues decreased by 11.6%, from US$54,668 thousand in 2Q08 to US$48,337 thousand in 2Q09 as result of lower volumes sold and declined selling prices. Volume sales decreased by 7.1% in 2Q09, due to the lower sales of the Argentinean and Chilean subsidiaries (19.9% and 13.7% respectively) and to a lesser extent to Peru (1.4%).

Compared to 2Q08, cost of sales dropped by 16.4% in 2Q09 from US$45,415 thousand to US$37,980 thousand. Costs as percentage of sales varied from 83.1% to 81.1%.

Gross margin grew by 11.9% from US$9,253 thousand in 2Q08 to US$10,357 thousand in 2Q09, mainly due to the good performance of the Peruvian and Chilean subsidiaries, offset by the results of the Argentinean subsidiary. Additionally, this improvement in margins is explained by the cost reduction plans adopted by the subsidiaries of the Company.

Selling, general and administrative expenses amounted to US$3,384 thousand in 2Q09 a decline of 9.3% in contrast with the US$3,730 thousand of 2Q08. As a percentage of sales, SG&A decreased from 6.8% to 6.2% in 2Q09.

Operating income in 2Q09 was US$6,973 thousand compared to US$5,523 thousand in 2Q08, attributable to the good performance of the Peruvian subsidiary (amounting more than 2/3 of the total business unit’s variation) chased by the Chilean division and counterbalanced by the drop obtained in Argentinean facility.

Brass Mills 

Revenues in 2Q09 reached to US$24,745 thousand, 17.5% lower than the US$29,995 thousand reported in 2Q08. This was due to a drop of volumes sold (reduction of 16.9%) and to lower prices of the copper in the 2Q09.

Cost of sales showed a reduction of 16.3% as a result of lesser volume sales and lower prices of copper. As percentage of sales, costs increased from 83.4% to 87.3%.

Gross margin in June 2009 was US$3,822 thousand 23.3% lower than the margin of 2008. As percentage of sales gross margin in 2009 was 12.7% (in 2008 was 16.6%), explained by lower sales volumes sold, offset by the execution of plans to achieve operational efficiencies (reduction of fixed and variable costs according to sales volumes) and in the case of exports an improved exchange rate.

Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased by 35.5%, from US$4,392 thousand to US$2,833 thousand. As percentage of sales, expenses declined from 14.6% to 9.4% in 2Q09.

Operating income totaled US$989 thousand in 2Q09 compared to the US$594 thousand of 2Q08, due to lower selling, general and administrative expenses and decreased gross margin.


Revenues in 2Q09 reached to US$11,264 thousand, 38.6% lower than the US$18,358 thousand reported in 2Q08. This was due to lower volumes sold (69.3%), reflecting the lower activity of the Chilean construction market.

Cost of sales decreased by 15.5%, from US$15,772 thousand in 2Q08 to US$13,321 thousand in 2Q09 explained by a lower volume sold, partially balanced by the impairment applied by the Company to its aluminum inventories due to a higher accounting cost compared to market value.

Gross margin in June 2009 was a loss of US$2,057 thousands less than the profit of US$2,586 thousands in June 2008, explained by the impairment applied on its aluminum inventories and lower sales.

Selling, general and administrative expenses increased 37.7%, from US$2,668 thousand to US$3,674 thousand in 2Q09, attributable to a reversion of sales provisions.

Operating income for 2Q09 totaled a loss of US$5,731 thousand lower than the loss of US$82 thousand reported in 2Q08, due to the reduced gross margin and higher selling, general and administrative expenses.


This segment was created based on the interpretation of international accounting standards, due to the significance of the Company's investments (i.e. cash, time deposits and shares of Nexans received after the sale of the Wire & Cable unit). Along with other assets that were defined as investments (e.g. assets for lease).

As of June 30, 2009, this unit has no revenues. Selling, general and administrative expenses reflect the Company’s corporate expenses. Despite having a negative operating income, the unit obtained in the second quarter of 2009 the dividend of Nexans and financial incomes totaling approximately US$7,480 thousands (before taxes).

  1. Balance Sheet Analysis (Exhibit 7)


The Company’s assets as of June 30, 2009 amounted to US$691,496 thousand, a reduction of 20.4% from US$869,125 thousand as reported on December 31, 2008.

Current Assets of Continuing Operations

Amounted to US$310,813 thousand 36.0% lower than the US$485,967 thousand as of December 2008, explained by lower cash and cash equivalents (US$134,957 thousand), Inventories (US$24,569 thousand) and accounts receivables from income tax and prepaid expenses (US$16,354 thousand). The reduction in cash and cash equivalent (mainly time deposits) is caused by the payment of dividend in early April 2009 and the payment of the corresponding installments of financial debts. The observed decline in inventories was due to Company’s efforts to reduce its inventories.

Non Current Assets

Amounted to US$378,392 thousand, representing a slight decrease of 0.2% compared to the end of 2008. The lower balance derived from the lower value of the investment in Nexans, explained by the lessened market value of Nexans’ share. It should be pointed that, in accordance with the new accounting and financial standards adopted by Madeco, the investment in Nexans as of December 2008 was reduced due to implementation of an impairment.

Other Assets (Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations)

Recorded US$2,291 thousand compared to the US$4,002 thousand of 4Q08, due to the sale of the machinery and equipment held for sale, partially offset by higher balances of other assets.


Total liabilities as of June 30, 2009 amounted to US$165,544 thousand an increase over the US$226,919 thousand as of December 2008, derived from the payment of the Company’s dividend, the payment of the income tax of the fiscal year 2008 and the payment of current financial debt.

Financial & Bank Debt

As of June 30, 2009, the Financial Debt of the Company amounted to US$84,634 thousand, representing a variation of 10.8% in comparison to the end of the previous year, due to the differences between the payment of loans (net from the loans taken) and the fluctuations of loans of the Company in other currencies than the US dollar.

Shareholders’ Equity 

As of June 30, 2009 shareholders’ equity amounted US$525,952 thousand, which represents a decrease of 18.1% compared to end of 2008.

Paid Capital

Amounted US$400,938 thousand by the end of the second quarter of 2009, a slight reduction of US$12 thousand compared to December 2008.

Shares Portfolio

As of June 2009, there was no balance of shares held by the Company. In December 2008 the balance was US$18 thousand.

Other Reserves (Reserves)

Appointed US$51,523 thousand by the end of June 2009, less than the balance of US$64,074 thousand reached at the end of 2008, mainly due to the reduced value of the share of Nexans. Should be noted that the investment in Nexans is counted as a financial asset, so unless a significant impairment is observed either in the exchange rate between the US dollar and Euro and/or the value of the shares of Nexans any difference is recognized as a reserve.

Minority Interest

Amounted to US$39,993 thousand in 2Q09 compared to the balance of US$37,767 thousand in 4Q08, due to the profits obtained in the subsidiaries where the Company has minority shareholders (i.e. Peruplast, Alusa and Indalum).

Retained Earnings / (Accumulated Losses)

Retained earnings for the period totalized US$33,558 thousand lower than the US$139,443 thousand posted in 4Q08. The difference between both balances is explained by the payment of the dividend of the Company from the net income of 2008.

For further information contact:
Jose Luis Valdes
Head of Investor Relations

Tel. : (56 2) 520-1388
Fax : (56 2) 520-1545
E-mail : ir@madeco.cl
Web Site : www.madeco.cl


Exhibit 1: Consolidated Income Statement
(YTD June)
    Thousand of US$ (1)    
    YTD June-08 YTD June-09   % Change
Revenues   221,383 168,550   -23.9%
COGS   (190,566) (140,810)   -26.1%
Gross Margin   30,817 27,740   -10.0%
SG&A   (21,326) (21,245)   -0.4%
Operating Income   9,491 6,495   -31.6%
Other income of operations   1,109 11,175   907.7%
Equity in earning (losses) of related companies   - -   0.0%
Other general expenses of operations   (1,051) (3,004)   185.8%
Financial expenses   (6,668) (3,995)   -40.1%
Price-level restatement   (1,724) 9,292   -639.0%
Other Incomes (losses) & Others effects   31 (1,562)   -5138.7%
Income (Loss) before income taxes   1,188 18,401   1448.9%
Income tax   (661) 7,657   -1258.4%
Income (Loss) form continued operations   527 26,058   4844.6%
Income (Loss) form discontinued operations   29,474 137   -99.5%
Net Income (Loss)   30,001 26,195   -12.7%
Net Income (Loss) attributable to minority interest   2,601 4,603   77.0%
Net Income (Loss) attributable to controller   27,400 21,592   -21.2%
Gross Margin / Revenues   13.9% 16.5%    
SG&A / Revenues   9.6% 12.6%    
Operating Income / Revenues   4.3% 3.9%    
1 Exchange rate on June 30 2009 US$1.00 = 531.76
1 Exchange rate on June 30 2008 US$1.00 = 526.05

Exhibit 2: Consolidated Income Statement
(Second Quarter)
    Thousand of US$ (1)    
    2Q08 2Q09   % Change
Revenues   103,021 84,346   -28.9%
COGS   (86,197) (72,109)   -34.2%
Gross Margin   16,825 12,237   10.8%
SG&A   (11,637) (11,017)   5.6%
Operating Income   5,187 1,220   22.6%
Other income of operations   144 8,069   221.9%
Equity in earning (losses) of related companies   - -   0.0%
Other general expenses of operations   (846) (1,312)   724.2%
Financial expenses   (3,467) (2,039)   -38.9%
Price-level restatement   (338) 3,946   -485.8%
Other Incomes (losses) & Others effects   31 (1,704)   N/A
Income (Loss) before income taxes   711 8,181   2041.2%
Income tax   (4,352) 9,951   -162.1%
Income (Loss) form continued operations   (3,641) 18,132   90.2%
Income (Loss) form discontinued operations   13,920 119   -99.9%
Net Income (Loss)   10,279 18,251   -59.7%
Net Income (Loss) attributable to minority interest   (292) 3,021   -45.3%
Net Income (Loss) attributable to controller   10,571 15,230   -62.2%
Gross Margin / Revenues   16.3% 14.5%   -
SG&A / Revenues   11.3% 13.1%   -
Operating Income / Revenues   5.0% 1.4%    
1 Exchange rate on June 30 2009 US$1.00 = 531.76
1 Exchange rate on June 30 2008 US$1.00 = 526.05

Exhibit 3: EBITDA by Business Unit
(YTD June)
YTD June-08              
Thousand of US$   Investmens Packaging Brass Mills Profiles   Total
Revenues   0 80,681 104,815 35,887   221,383
COGS   0 (73,030) (88,040) (29,496)   (190,566)
Gross Margin   0 7,651 16,775 6,391   30,817
SG&A   (2,247) (7,657) (6,463) (4,959)   (21,326)
Operating Income   (2,247) (6) 10,312 1,432   9,491
EBITDA   (2,129) 1,875 15,105 2,947   17,798
Gross Margin / Revenues   N/A 9.5% 16.0% 17.8%   13.9%
SG&A / Revenues   N/A 9.5% 6.2% 13.8%   9.6%
EBITDA / Revenues   N/A 2.3% 14.4% 8.2%   8.0%
Segment Contribution              
% Revenues   0.0% 36.4% 47.3% 16.2%   100.0%
% EBITDA   -12.0% 10.5% 84.9% 16.6%   100.0%
YTD June-09              
Thousand of US$   Investmens Packaging Brass Mills Profiles   Total
Revenues   - 47,076 97,506 23,968   168,550
COGS   - (39,009) (77,250) (24,551)   (140,810)
Gross Margin   0 8,067 20,256 (583)   27,740
SG&A   (2,729) (5,640) (6,724) (6,152)   (21,245)
Operating Income   (2,729) 2,427 13,532 (6,735)   6,495
EBITDA   (2,705) 4,048 17,960 (5,041)   14,262
Gross Margin / Revenues   N/A 17.1% 20.8% -2.4%   16.5%
SG&A / Revenues   N/A 12.0% 6.9% 25.7%   12.6%
EBITDA / Revenues   N/A 8.6% 18.4% -21.0%   8.5%
Segment Contribution              
% Revenues   0.0% 27.9% 57.8% 14.2%   100.0%
% EBITDA   -19.0% 28.4% 125.9% -35.3%   100.0%
2009 versus 2008              
% Change   Investmens Packaging Brass Mills Profiles   Total
Revenues   0.0% -41.7% -7.0% -33.2%   -23.9%
COGS   0.0% -46.6% -12.3% -16.8%   -26.1%
Gross Margin   0.0% 5.4% 20.8% -109.1%   -10.0%
SG&A   21.5% -26.3% 4.0% 24.1%   -0.4%
Operating Income   21.5% -40550.0% 31.2% -570.3%   -31.6%
EBITDA   27.1% 115.9% 18.9% -271.1%   -19.9%

Exhibit 4: EBITDA by Business Unit
(Second Quarter)
Thousand of US$   Investmens Packaging Brass Mills Profiles   Total
Revenues   0 29,995 54,668 18,358   103,021
COGS   0 (25,009) (45,415) (15,772)   (86,196)
Gross Margin   0 4,986 9,253 2,586   16,825
SG&A   (848) (4,392) (3,730) (2,668)   (11,638)
Operating Income   (848) 594 5,523 (82)   5,187
EBITDA   (730) 1,377 8,194 704   9,545
Gross Margin / Revenues   N/A 16.6% 16.9% 14.1%   16.3%
SG&A / Revenues   N/A 14.6% 6.8% 14.5%   11.3%
EBITDA / Revenues   N/A 4.6% 15.0% 3.8%   9.3%
Segment Contribution              
% Revenues   0.0% 29.1% 53.1% 17.8%   100.0%
% EBITDA   -7.6% 14.4% 85.8% 7.4%   100.0%
Thousand of US$   Investmens Packaging Brass Mills Profiles   Total
Revenues   - 24,745 48,337 11,264   84,346
COGS   115 (20,923) (37,980) (13,321)   (72,109)
Gross Margin   115 3,822 10,357 (2,057)   12,237
SG&A   (1,126) (2,833) (3,384) (3,674)   (11,017)
Operating Income   (1,011) 989 6,973 (5,731)   1,220
EBITDA   (998) 1,551 9,241 (4,851)   4,943
Gross Margin / Revenues   N/A 15.4% 21.4% -18.3%   14.5%
SG&A / Revenues   N/A 11.4% 7.0% 32.6%   13.1%
EBITDA / Revenues   N/A 6.3% 19.1% -43.1%   5.9%
Segment Contribution              
% Revenues   0.0% 29.3% 57.3% 13.4%   100.0%
% EBITDA   -20.2% 31.4% 187.0% -98.1%   100.0%
2009 versus 2008              
% Change   Investmens Packaging Brass Mills Profiles   Total
Revenues   0.0% -17.5% -11.6% -38.6%   -18.1%
COGS   0.0% -16.3% -16.4% -15.5%   -16.3%
Gross Margin   0.0% -23.3% 11.9% -179.5%   -27.3%
SG&A   32.8% -35.5% -9.3% 37.7%   -5.3%
Operating Income   19.2% 66.5% 26.3% 6889.0%   -76.5%
EBITDA   36.7% 12.6% 12.8% -789.1%   -48.2%

Exhibit 5: EBITDA by Business Unit and Country
(YTD June)
        YTD June-08             YTD June-09    
        Thousand of US$               Thousand of US$      
  Chile           Investments   Chile           Investments
Tons (Third parties) 0           0   0           0
Tons (Intercompany) 0           0   0           0
Tons (Total) 0           0   0           0
Revenues (Third parties) 0           0   0           0
Revenues (Intercompany) 0           0   0           0
Total revenues 0           0   0           0
COGS 0           0   0           0
Gross Income 0           0   0           0
SG&A (2,247)           (2,247)   (2,729)           (2,729)
Operating Income (2,247)           (2,247)   (2,729)           (2,729)
EBITDA (2,129)           (2,129)   (2,705)           (2,705)
Gross Margin - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -
EBITDA Margin - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -
  Chile Peru Argentina     Interco. Packaging   Chile Peru Argentina     Interco. Packaging
Tons (Third parties) 4,832 11,693 3,698     (0) 20,223   4,462 11,598 3,419     (0) 19,479
Tons (Intercompany) 635 0 0     (635) 0   1,421 0 0     (1,421) 0
Tons (Total) 5,467 11,693 3,698     (635) 20,223   5,883 11,598 3,419     (1,421) 19,479
Revenues (Third parties) 34,507 48,875 21,433     0 104,815   32,213 44,227 21,066     0 97,506
Revenues (Intercompany) 1,887 0 0     (1,887) 0   421 0 0     (421) 0
Total revenues 36,394 48,875 21,433     (1,887) 104,815   32,634 44,227 21,066     (421) 97,506
COGS (30,923) (40,354) (18,181)     1,418 (88,040)   (26,487) (33,298) (17,686)     221 (77,250)
Gross Income 5,471 8,521 3,252     (469) 16,775   6,147 10,929 3,380     (200) 20,256
SG&A (2,162) (2,755) (1,648)     102 (6,463)   (2,199) (2,862) (1,614)     (49) (6,724)
Operating Income 3,309 5,766 1,604     (367) 10,312   3,948 8,067 1,766     (249) 13,532
EBITDA 5,315 7,798 2,358     (366) 15,105   5,406 10,001 2,700     (147) 17,960
Gross Margin 15.0% 17.4% 15.2% - - - 16.0%   18.8% 24.7% 16.0% - - - 20.8%
EBITDA Margin 14.6% 16.0% 11.0% - - - 14.4%   16.6% 22.6% 12.8% - - - 18.4%
  Chile Coin Blanks Argentina     Interco. Brass Mills   Chile Coin Blanks Argentina     Interco. Brass Mills
Tons (Third parties) 8,475 117 1,059     0 9,651   6,945 38 786     0 7,769
Tons (Intercompany) 1,346 0 0     (1,346) 0   436 0 0     (436) 0
Tons (Total) 9,821 117 1,059     (1,346) 9,651   7,381 38 786     (436) 7,769
Revenues (Third parties) 57,049 7,113 16,519     0 80,681   35,543 5,718 5,815     0 47,076
Revenues (Intercompany) 33,071 0 0     (33,071) 0   2,172 417 0     (2,589) 0
Total revenues 90,120 7,113 16,519     (33,071) 80,681   37,715 6,135 5,815     (2,589) 47,076
COGS (85,289) (6,341) (15,227)     33,827 (73,030)   (33,537) (3,296) (4,774)     2,598 (39,009)
Gross Income 4,831 772 1,292     756 7,651   4,178 2,839 1,041     9 8,067
SG&A (5,684) (481) (1,485)     (7) (7,657)   (3,455) (844) (1,342)     1 (5,640)
Operating Income (853) 291 (193)     749 (6)   723 1,995 (301)     10 2,427
EBITDA 461 561 85     768 1,875   1,870 2,256 (23)     (55) 4,048
Gross Margin 5.4% 10.9% 7.8% - - - 9.5%   11.1% 46.3% 17.9% - - - 17.1%
EBITDA Margin 0.5% 7.9% 0.5% - - - 2.3%   5.0% 36.8% -0.4% - - - 8.6%
  Chile           Profiles   Chile           Profiles
Tons (Third parties) 5,538           5,538   3,070           3,070
Tons (Intercompany) 0           0   0           0
Tons (Total) 5,538           5,538   3,070           3,070
Revenues (Third parties) 35,887           35,887   23,968           23,968
Revenues (Intercompany) 0           0   0           0
Total revenues 35,887           35,887   23,968           23,968
COGS (29,496)           (29,496)   (24,551)           (24,551)
Gross Income 6,391           6,391   (583)           (583)
SG&A (4,959)           (4,959)   (6,152)           (6,152)
Operating Income 1,432           1,432   (6,735)           (6,735)
EBITDA 2,947           2,947   (5,041)           (5,041)
Gross Margin 17.8% - - - - - 17.8%   -2.4% - - - - - -2.4%
EBITDA Margin 8.2% - - - - - 8.2%   -21.0% - - - - - -21.0%

Exhibit 6: EBITDA by Business Unit and Country
(Second Quarter)
        2Q08               2Q09      
        Thousand of US$               Thousand of US$      
  Chile           Investments   Chile           Investments
Tons (Third parties) 0           0   0           0
Tons (Intercompany) 0           0   0           0
Tons (Total) 0           0   0           0
Revenues (Third parties) 0           0   0           0
Revenues (Intercompany) 0           0   0           0
Total revenues 0           0   0           0
COGS 0           0   115           115
Gross Income 0           0   115           115
SG&A (848)           (848)   (1,126)           (1,126)
Operating Income (848)           (848)   (1,011)           (1,011)
EBITDA (730)           (730)   (998)           (998)
Gross Margin - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -
EBITDA Margin - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -
  Chile Peru Argentina     Interco. Packaging   Chile Peru Argentina     Interco. Packaging
Tons (Third parties) 1,784 6,670 2,099     (0) 10,553   1,540 6,579 1,682     (0) 9,802
Tons (Intercompany) 606 (40) (169)     (396) 0   1,421 (50) 0     (1,371) 0
Tons (Total) 2,390 6,629 1,930     (396) 10,553   2,961 6,529 1,682     (1,371) 9,802
Revenues (Third parties) 15,710 27,000 11,958     0 54,668   15,937 22,140 10,260     0 48,337
Revenues (Intercompany) 78 0 0     (78) 0   170 0 0     (170) 0
Total revenues 15,788 27,000 11,958     (78) 54,668   16,107 22,140 10,260     (170) 48,337
COGS (13,273) (21,975) (9,744)     (423) (45,415)   (13,096) (16,048) (8,819)     (17) (37,980)
Gross Income 2,515 5,025 2,214     (501) 9,253   3,011 6,092 1,441     (187) 10,357
SG&A (1,006) (1,609) (1,234)     119 (3,730)   (1,210) (1,402) (727)     (45) (3,384)
Operating Income 1,509 3,416 980     (382) 5,523   1,801 4,690 714     (232) 6,973
EBITDA 2,803 4,502 1,284     (395) 8,194   2,535 5,660 1,191     (145) 9,241
Gross Margin 15.9% 18.6% 18.5% - - - 16.9%   18.7% 27.5% 14.0% - - - 21.4%
EBITDA Margin 17.8% 16.7% 10.7% - - - 15.0%   15.7% 25.6% 11.6% - - - 19.1%
  Chile Coin Blanks Argentina     Interco. Brass Mills   Chile Coin Blanks Argentina     Interco. Brass Mills
Tons (Third parties) 4,133 50 512     0 4,695   3,500 28 375     0 3,903
Tons (Intercompany) 540 0 0     (540) 0   110 0 0     (110) 0
Tons (Total) 4,673 50 512     (540) 4,695   3,610 28 375     (110) 3,903
Revenues (Third parties) 18,341 3,820 7,834     0 29,995   19,092 2,846 2,807     0 24,745
Revenues (Intercompany) 25,783 (1,044) 0     (24,739) 0   1,247 32 0     (1,279) 0
Total revenues 44,124 2,776 7,834     (24,739) 29,995   20,339 2,878 2,807     (1,279) 24,745
COGS (41,049) (2,489) (6,859)     25,388 (25,009)   (18,434) (1,375) (2,402)     1,288 (20,923)
Gross Income 3,075 287 975     649 4,986   1,905 1,503 405     9 3,822
SG&A (3,283) (257) (1,094)     242 (4,392)   (1,819) (361) (654)     1 (2,833)
Operating Income (208) 30 (119)     891 594   86 1,142 (249)     10 989
EBITDA 514 165 (212)     910 1,377   663 1,272 (329)     (55) 1,551
Gross Margin 7.0% 10.3% 12.4% - - - 16.6%   9.4% 52.2% 14.4% - - - 15.4%
EBITDA Margin 1.2% 5.9% -2.7% - - - 4.6%   3.3% 44.2% -11.7% - - - 6.3%
  Chile           Profiles   Chile           Profiles
Tons (Third parties) 3,149           3,149   968           968
Tons (Intercompany) 0           0   0           0
Tons (Total) 3,149           3,149   968           968
Revenues (Third parties) 18,358           18,358   11,264           11,264
Revenues (Intercompany) 0           0   0           0
Total revenues 18,358           18,358   11,264           11,264
COGS (15,772)           (15,772)   (13,321)           (13,321)
Gross Income 2,586           2,586   (2,057)           (2,057)
SG&A (2,668)           (2,668)   (3,674)           (3,674)
Operating Income (82)           (82)   (5,731)           (5,731)
EBITDA 704           704   (4,851)           (4,851)
Gross Margin 14.1% - - - - - 14.1%   -18.3% - - - - - -18.3%
EBITDA Margin 3.8% - - - - - 3.8%   -43.1% - - - - - -43.1%

Exhibit 7: Consolidated Balance Sheet
    Thousand of US$ (1)
    Dec-08 Jun-09
Cash & cash equivalents   242,769 107,812
Financial assets at fair value with changes reflected on results   - -
Accounts receivable short term   92,354 93,236
Accounts receivable from related companies short term   395 233
Inventories   85,000 60,404
Hedging Assets, current   1,375 284
Prepaid expenses and others   1,470 2,355
Accounts receivable from current taxes   20,909 4,555
Other current assets   41,695 41,934
Current Assets from Continuing Operations   485,967 310,813
Non-current assets and groups in disappropriation held for sale   4,002 2,291
Total Current Assets   489,969 313,104
Financial assets for sale, non-current   151,830 136,512
Property, plant and equipment   191,254 189,143
Investments in associates accounted by the Method of Participation   - -
Other investments held by the Method of Participation   - -
Trade debtors and other receivables, net, non-current   278 205
Accounts receivable from related companies, non-current   - -
Intangible Assets, Net   1,807 1,795
Investment Properties   5,842 5,433
Deferred tax assets   17,554 30,285
Hedging assets, non-current   - 12
Others   10,591 15,007
Total Non-Current Assets   379,156 378,392
ASSETS   869,125 691,496
Interest-bearing loans, current   46,220 42,311
Other financial liabilities, current   3,487 3,803
Trade accounts payable and other accounts payable, current   34,785 32,631
Accounts payable to related companies, current   694 11
Provisions, current   11,800 13,483
Payable accounts of current Tax   37,663 2,186
Other liabilities, current   16,745 482
Deferred revenue, current   955 721
Post employment benefit obligation, current   834 482
Hedging Liabilities, current   32 831
Total current liabilities from continuing operations   153,215 96,941
Included liabilities in groups in disappropriation held for sale   3 2
Total Current Liabilities   153,218 96,943
Interest-bearing loans, non-current   31,754 24,175
Other financial liabilities, non current   13,465 14,345
Trade accounts payable and other accounts payable, not current   - -
Accounts payable to related companies, non-current   - -
Provisions, Non-current   795 790
Deferred tax liabilities   23,067 23,171
Post employment benefit obligation, non-current   3,406 4,882
Hedging liabilities, non-current   1,051 1,078
Other   163 160
Total Non-Current Liabilities   73,701 68,601
Issued Capital   400,950 400,938
Shares Portfolio   (18) -
Other Reserves   64,074 51,523
Accumulate results (losses)   139,433 33,558
Equity Attributable to Controller   604,439 486,019
Minority Interest   37,767 39,933
Total Shareholders' Equity   642,206 525,952
1 Exchange rate on June 30 2009 US$1.00 = 531.76
1 Exchange rate on June 30 2008 US$1.00 = 526.05

Exhibit 8: Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow
    Thousand of US$ (1)
    YTD June-08 YTD June-09
Amounts Collected from Customers   849,176 202,546
Payments to Suppliers   (777,572) (147,457)
Compensation Paid   (46,499) (20,023)
Payments received and transmitted by Value Added Tax   (3,533) (471)
Other receipts (payments)   3,961 3,066
Total cash flow by (Used in) Operations   25,533 37,661
Amounts received as dividends, Classifieds as Operation   - 5,264
Amounts received as interest, Classifieds as Operation   2,292 3,564
Interest payments Classified as Operations   (9,507) (4,142)
Amounts Received by Income Tax Returned   - 770
Payments for Income Tax   (12,657) (23,638)
Other inputs (outputs) from Other Operating Activities   8,218 5,904
Total cash flow by (Used in) Operating Activities   (11,654) (12,278)
Net Cash Flows from (Used in) Operating Activities   13,879 25,383
Amounts received by disappropriation Property, Plant and Equipment   55 14
Amounts received by Interest received classified as Investment   - 454
Incorporation of property, plant and equipment   (24,774) (6,016)
Payments to Acquire Investment Property   (1,944) -
Payments to Acquire Intangible Assets   (358) (3)
Other Disbursements   (2,936) -
Net Cash Flows from (Used in) Investing Activities   (29,957) (5,551)
Loans Borrowed   303,756 4,858
Loan payments   (197,590) (20,196)
Interest payments as Financial Classifieds   - -
Dividend payments to minority interests   (2,806) (3,287)
Dividend payments by the entity that informs   (34,359) (142,873)
Other Cash Flows from (Used in) Financing Activities   - (275)
Other   - -
Net Cash Flows from (Used in) Financing Activities   69,001 (161,773)
Increase (Decrease) Net cash and cash equivalents   52,923 (141,941)
Effects of Changes in Exchange Rates on Cash and Cash Equiv. to Cash   1,693 6,919
Net change in cash and cash equivalents   54,616 (135,022)
Cash and cash equivalents, cash flow statement, initial balance*   22,538 242,851
Cash and cash equivalents, cash flow statement, Final Balance   77,154 107,829
Cash and cash equivalents, cash flow statement, Final Balance (Contuining Operations)   11,592 107,812
Cash and cash equivalents, cash flow statement, Final Balance (Discontinued Operations) 65,562 17
Cash and cash equivalents, cash flow statement, Final Balance   77,154 107,829
*Initial cash includes US$82 thousands from Discontinued Operations      
1 Exchange rate on June 30 2009 US$1.00 = 531.76
1 Exchange rate on June 30 2008 US$1.00 = 526.05