EX-7 2 may0404_ex-7.txt OFFICE OF BANKS AND REAL ESTATE Bureau of Banks and Trust Companies CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION OF BNY Midwest Trust Company 2 North LaSalle Street Suite 1020 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Including the institution's domestic and foreign subsidiaries completed as of the close of business on December 31, 2003, submitted in response to the call of the Office of Banks and Real Estate of the State of Illinois. ASSETS Thousands of Dollars ------ -------------------- (000) 1. Cash and Due from Depository Institutions...................... 40,626 2. U.S. Treasury Securities....................................... - 0 - 3. Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions............... - 0 - 4. Other Bonds, Notes and Debentures.............................. - 0 - 5. Corporate Stock................................................ - 0 - 6. Trust Company Premises, Furniture, Fixtures and Other Assets Representing Trust Company Premises..................... 741 7. Accounts Receivable............................................ 5,938 8. Goodwill....................................................... 86,813 9. Intangibles ................................................... -0- 10. Other Assets .................................................. 59 (Itemize amounts greater than 15% of Line 10) Deferred Expenses....................................45 Accrued Interest Receivable - Intercompany ..........14 11. TOTAL ASSETS................................................... 134,177 Page 1 of 3
OFFICE OF BANKS AND REAL ESTATE Bureau of Banks and Trust Companies CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION OF BNY Midwest Trust Company 2 North LaSalle Street Suite 1020 Chicago, Illinois 60602 LIABILITIES Thousands of Dollars ----------- -------------------- 12. Accounts Payable............................................... - 0 - 13. Taxes Payable.................................................. 2,810 14. Other Liabilities for Borrowed Money........................... 25,425 15. Other Liabilities.............................................. (Itemize amounts greater than 15% of Line 14) Reserve for Taxes.................................8,770 10,332 16. TOTAL LIABILITIES 38,567 EQUITY CAPITAL 17. Preferred Stock................................................ - 0 - 18. Common Stock................................................... 2,000 19. Surplus........................................................ 67,130 20. Reserve for Operating Expenses................................. - 0 - 21. Retained Earnings (Loss)....................................... 26,480 22. TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL........................................... 95,610 23. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL........................... 134,177
Page 2 of 3 I, Robert L. DePaola, Vice President --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name and Title of Officer Authorized to Sign Report) of BNY Midwest Trust Company certify that the information contained in this statement is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that submission of false information with the intention to deceive the Commissioner or his Administrative officers is a felony. /s/ Robert L. DePaola ------------------------------------------------ (Signature of Officer Authorized to Sign Report) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day of January, 2004. My Commission expires May 15, 2007. /s/ Joseph A. Giacobino, Notary Public ----------------------- (Notary Seal) Person to whom Supervisory Staff should direct questions concerning this report. Emmie Chan Assistant Treasurer ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Name Title (212) 437-5639 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telephone Number (Extension) eychan@bankofny.com ------------------------------------------------------ E-mail Page 3 of 3